Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Retirement"

Otras preguntas sobre "Retirement"

Q: ¿Esto suena natural? I think mandatory retirement system should be kept as a criterion for judgement of retirement and instead we should add a reemployment system like many companies set it up recently. I have two reasons for this opinion.
First, if we abolish a mandatory retirement system, it’s difficult to fire a employee who doesn’t have a enough capabilities and talent for their jobs. Instead we should reemploy a person who have a enough capabilities and talent even though their ages.
Second, we Japanese tend to obey the older people’s opinion. For example, you know the politician “NIkai” he is eighty two years old. Many politicians obey his opinion. If the older employees keep to own their power in their company, those companies will lose their vitality.
Q: Can you check and correct my English?

"Agree or disagree: Compulsory retirement should be abolished?
I agree to stopping the compulsory retirement for the following three reasons: development of economy, saving time, and elderly people’s long lives.
First, nowadays the number of young people – in particular, children – is decreasing, so less and less people can work in the future. From this point, unless even old people over 60 years old don’t work for the country, economy won’t be better than now.
Second, if the company recruits only new workers and fire old people, they must train them and teach things about the company, jobs, and so on to them. It takes much time and time efficiency is not good. The elderly has know-how and works well.
Third, if people retire the job, they will spend a day for favorite things. It is a lot of fun, but they may not get up earlier than ever. This causes them not to do things in time or the rhythm of living goes to disorder. Working from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. is healthier for old people and they live longer.
In conclusion, now a lot of people want to work even after they become 60 years old. We should consider their willingness to be active in the society."

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