Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Revolution"
El significado de "Revolution" en varias frases y oraciones
¿Qué significa Would there have to be a revolution in Japan after the order of the French Revolution or the Russian Revolution before international peace was possible??
The first option asks if a revolution in japan will happen after the french revolution. They’re asking if the french revolution might induce a japanese revolution.
The second option asks if the russian revolution will happen before the international peace treaty happens. They’re asking if they can prevent the russian revolution using the international peace treaty.
The second option asks if the russian revolution will happen before the international peace treaty happens. They’re asking if they can prevent the russian revolution using the international peace treaty.
¿Qué significa the French Revolution?
A period of time in France in the 1790’s where the common people who were angry at their king for how they were being treated. Basically they fought to gain more personal liberty. It happened right after France helped America during the American Revolution and, in general, for similar reasons.
¿Qué significa During the American Revolution, the colonies were desperate.?
Maybe the colonies were 絶望的?
What about the sentence don't you understand?
What about the sentence don't you understand?
Palabras similares a "Revolution" y sus diferencias
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre Why We Need A Revolution In Energy Storage y Why Do We Need A Revolution In Energy Storage ?
The difference is the type of information the view can expect.
- Why We Need... = problem > solution
- Why Do We Need... = problem > arguments for and against > solution
- Why We Need... = problem > solution
- Why Do We Need... = problem > arguments for and against > solution
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre Revolution y Reformation (Reform) y Renovation ?
Revolution = thay doi che do
Reformation = thay doi cach lam mot dieu gi do
Renovation = sua chua cho moi lai huac khac lai (chu nay thuong chi noi ve nha cua thoi)
Reformation = thay doi cach lam mot dieu gi do
Renovation = sua chua cho moi lai huac khac lai (chu nay thuong chi noi ve nha cua thoi)
Traducciones de "Revolution"
¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (US)? Revolution
hello nice too meet you
¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (US)? Revolution
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Otras preguntas sobre "Revolution"
¿Esto suena natural? In the early 1870's, the industrial Revolution began in Japan, lagging behind European countries. Japan learned a lot form Germany and adopted its ideas, systems, and technology. Since the end of the Secomd World, it has followed the US. Where will it go after Donald Trump takes office next year?
The sentence mostly sounds natural, but there are a few adjustments:
"In the early 1870s, the Industrial Revolution began in Japan, trailing behind European countries. Japan learned a lot from Germany, adopting its ideas, systems, and technology. Since the end of the Second World War, it has followed the US. Where might it turn after Donald Trump takes office next year?"
"In the early 1870s, the Industrial Revolution began in Japan, trailing behind European countries. Japan learned a lot from Germany, adopting its ideas, systems, and technology. Since the end of the Second World War, it has followed the US. Where might it turn after Donald Trump takes office next year?"
¿Esto suena natural? A: Do you know The French Revolution?
B: You said French what?
A: Revolution.
B: Ah!
B: You said French what?
A: Revolution.
B: Ah!
× A: Do you know The French Revolution?
✓ A: Do you know what The French Revolution is?
× B: You said French what?
✓ B: You said the French what?
Just a few missing words to make the conversation make a little more sense, but other than that great job!
✓ A: Do you know what The French Revolution is?
× B: You said French what?
✓ B: You said the French what?
Just a few missing words to make the conversation make a little more sense, but other than that great job!
¿Esto suena natural? The great French Revolution of 1789 struck fear into the hearts of every European ruler.
thats really good! great job
Por favor, muéstrame cómo pronunciar The French Revolution in 1789, not the year 1800, marked the beginning of a new historical era .
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Por favor, muéstrame cómo pronunciar The French Revolution in 1789, not the year 1800, marked the beginning of a new historical era. .
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