Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Sanction"
El significado de "Sanction" en varias frases y oraciones
¿Qué significa sanction?
To use legal authority to allow or prohibit something
¿Qué significa sanction ?
Sanction is used generally with a negative connotation and usually it refers when someone is braking a/the law and a punishment for it is issued.
example: he was late on most days at work that month so, the boss sanctioned him by reducing his wage for that month.
Sanction is used generally with a negative connotation and usually it refers when someone is braking a/the law and a punishment for it is issued.
example: he was late on most days at work that month so, the boss sanctioned him by reducing his wage for that month.
¿Qué significa sanction
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¿Qué significa sanction?
It means penalty....something you have to do...because you violate / break some rule / agreement
Ejemplos de oración usando "Sanction"
Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con sanction.
A sanction has been imposed on the State to prohibit the export of certain goods. (requirement to comply with some law/regulation)
The board of directors have sanctioned the appointment of a new senior manager for the Sales Division. (approved/permitted)
The board of directors have sanctioned the appointment of a new senior manager for the Sales Division. (approved/permitted)
Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con sanction.
there was a sanction on helping the people.
she sanctioned giving fruit to the monkeys.
sanctions were seen as annoying.
she sanctioned giving fruit to the monkeys.
sanctions were seen as annoying.
Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con sanction .
A sanction is what someone gets when you break rules or laws.
For example, talking with your mouth full and someone giving you a nasty look, or stealing a car and then being sent to jail.
On a day to day use, the word sanction isn't a word used.
We give positive (kudos) and negative sanctions all the time.
Does that make sense?
For example, talking with your mouth full and someone giving you a nasty look, or stealing a car and then being sent to jail.
On a day to day use, the word sanction isn't a word used.
We give positive (kudos) and negative sanctions all the time.
Does that make sense?
Palabras similares a "Sanction" y sus diferencias
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre We hit sanction to him. y We imposed sanction to him. ?
It's suppose to be :
"He was hit with sanctions." or "He was hit with sanctions by us."
and "We imposed sanctions on him." or "Sanctions were imposed on him by us."
Example sentences :
"He was hit by sanctions from the USA."
subject = He
"The USA hit him with sanctions."
subject = the USA
"The USA imposed sanctions on him."
subject = The USA
"Sanctions were imposed on him."
subject = Sanctions
"He was hit with sanctions." or "He was hit with sanctions by us."
and "We imposed sanctions on him." or "Sanctions were imposed on him by us."
Example sentences :
"He was hit by sanctions from the USA."
subject = He
"The USA hit him with sanctions."
subject = the USA
"The USA imposed sanctions on him."
subject = The USA
"Sanctions were imposed on him."
subject = Sanctions
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre sanction y penalty ?
penalty and sanction are different as you can see below:
Penalty is usually a punishment for breaking a law, rule or contract but it can also refer to a disadvantage, suffering or inconvenience caused by an action or a circumstance.
For example:
1. The maximum penalty for this crime is 10 years' imprisonment.
2. One of the penalties of fame is loss of privacy.
Sanction can have the meaning of one of the following:
a) permission or approval for an action, a change, etc.
e.g. The government gave its sanction to what the Minister had done.
b) reason that stops people from disobeying laws, rules, etc.
e.g. Is death penalty the best sanction against murder?
c) measure taken to force a country to poverty international law
e.g. Economic sanctions were applied to a repressive regime.
Penalty is usually a punishment for breaking a law, rule or contract but it can also refer to a disadvantage, suffering or inconvenience caused by an action or a circumstance.
For example:
1. The maximum penalty for this crime is 10 years' imprisonment.
2. One of the penalties of fame is loss of privacy.
Sanction can have the meaning of one of the following:
a) permission or approval for an action, a change, etc.
e.g. The government gave its sanction to what the Minister had done.
b) reason that stops people from disobeying laws, rules, etc.
e.g. Is death penalty the best sanction against murder?
c) measure taken to force a country to poverty international law
e.g. Economic sanctions were applied to a repressive regime.
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre sanction China over ~~ y sanction China about y 'over' implies negative meaning in it? When do i should use 'over' ?
I don't think "over" has a negative connotation. In fact I think "sanction about" sound a bit awkward, so I would just always use "over."
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre sanction y punishment ?
“The parent punished the child for his misbehaviour.”
“The U.S has sanctioned North Korea in response to its violations of international law.”
‘Sanction’ is a word that is usually used to describe what institutions/nations/governments do...while ‘punish’ can be used in a wider range of contexts.
“The U.S has sanctioned North Korea in response to its violations of international law.”
‘Sanction’ is a word that is usually used to describe what institutions/nations/governments do...while ‘punish’ can be used in a wider range of contexts.
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre I did not sanction it. y I did not approve it. y I did not permit it. ?
To sanction is more official, it can be used in reference to approval by law. To sanction something can also mean to impose a sanction or penalty on something.
To approve is to believe that someone or something is good or acceptable
To approve is to believe that someone or something is good or acceptable
Traducciones de "Sanction"
¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (US)? sanction
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¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (UK)? sanction may please by accorded to purchase the under mentioned quantity of liquor for shop daily issue to public.
please translate into Hindi.
please translate into Hindi.
¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (US)? sanction
Otras preguntas sobre "Sanction"
¿Esto suena natural? ①Economic sanctions are effective by minimizing the suffering of average citizens and maximizing the pressure on the leadership.
②Economic sanctions can be effective if average citizens feel nearly no load and the leader feels significant pressure.
②Economic sanctions can be effective if average citizens feel nearly no load and the leader feels significant pressure.
they both sound natural. But for the first, given that desirable scenario, is not always the case, I would make it conditional:
Economic sanctions are effective if they minimise the suffering of average citizens and maximise the pressure on the leadership.
Economic sanctions are effective if they minimise the suffering of average citizens and maximise the pressure on the leadership.
As sanctions on Russia bite, traders predict, Europe will run short of diesel.
Q. "bite" means to bother?
Q. "bite" means to bother?
This is a kind of metaphor.
"Sanctions on Russia" are "biting."
It means the "sanctions" are harming something.
If you can imagine, getting bit would hurt!
"Sanctions on Russia" are "biting."
It means the "sanctions" are harming something.
If you can imagine, getting bit would hurt!
Por favor, muéstrame cómo pronunciar sanction .
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I am confused about "seem like straight-forward sanctions".
What does "sanctions" mean in this context?
I think the article should say "seem like reasons for the straight-forward sanctions"???
Williams was given three code violations during the loss at Flushing Meadows in Queens, New York, on Saturday. She was fined $17,000, according to the Associated Press, because she received coaching, which Williams denied. She smashed her racket, costing her a point, and she called the umpire Carlos Ramos a "thief," which cost her a game.
Smashing a racket and verbally abusing an umpire may seem like straight-forward sanctions, but the term "coaching" has caused some confusion.
What does "sanctions" mean in this context?
I think the article should say "seem like reasons for the straight-forward sanctions"???
Williams was given three code violations during the loss at Flushing Meadows in Queens, New York, on Saturday. She was fined $17,000, according to the Associated Press, because she received coaching, which Williams denied. She smashed her racket, costing her a point, and she called the umpire Carlos Ramos a "thief," which cost her a game.
Smashing a racket and verbally abusing an umpire may seem like straight-forward sanctions, but the term "coaching" has caused some confusion.
I'm outstanding. Busy, but that's because I like it that way.
No, you are absolutely right and the article is saying the same thing. Straight forward sanctions. If you do action "A" you are sanctioned by "B". So you not crazy, that was a bad display of professionalism.
What I don't understand about this article is that, she is a top tier professional athlete. She is always in the top finals or winning an event. What kind of "coaching" does she need? I think she should already know better. Maybe I am crazy..
No, you are absolutely right and the article is saying the same thing. Straight forward sanctions. If you do action "A" you are sanctioned by "B". So you not crazy, that was a bad display of professionalism.
What I don't understand about this article is that, she is a top tier professional athlete. She is always in the top finals or winning an event. What kind of "coaching" does she need? I think she should already know better. Maybe I am crazy..
What does "tit-for-tat sanction" mean? Feel free to provide examples.
Tit-for-tat refers to when you retaliate/respond to an action with another action of equal severity. It's like 'An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth'. Sanction is a punishment for disobeying the law.
As a very crude example, the death penalty for murder would be a tit-for-tat sanction.
As a very crude example, the death penalty for murder would be a tit-for-tat sanction.
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