Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Volition"
El significado de "Volition" en varias frases y oraciones
¿Qué significa It shows the volition of changing the society?
are you trying to say: “it shows the intention of changing the society?” Volition isn’t natural in this context.
¿Qué significa of my volition ?
my own choice
Ejemplos de oración usando "Volition"
Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con volition.
"She decided to quit smoking on her own volition."
"He wasn't drumming on the table by his own volition, he was just nervous."
"A microwave turns itself off by its own volition once the programmed cooking time has passed."
"He wasn't drumming on the table by his own volition, he was just nervous."
"A microwave turns itself off by its own volition once the programmed cooking time has passed."
Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con volition .
Volition is used in very few cases in everyday speech. An example use case is saying "of his or her own volition", usually to emphasise that the action taken was the person's own decision.
David went to the park of his own volition
David chose to do his homework of his own volition
David went to the park of his own volition
David chose to do his homework of his own volition
Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con "volition" show me simple and affective example .
Action with intention, is action by volition. We choose to do this. Not by accident.
Palabras similares a "Volition" y sus diferencias
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre He quitted on his own volition. y He quitted of his own accord. ?
It should be "quit" not "quitted"
I think it should be "of his own volition". That's the same as "of his own accord".
You can just say "He quit". You don't need to specify that he did it of his own accord/volition. It's assumed.
I think it should be "of his own volition". That's the same as "of his own accord".
You can just say "He quit". You don't need to specify that he did it of his own accord/volition. It's assumed.
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre will y volition ?
Unless misused, the term free will communicates a sense of absolute, autonomous, 'libertarian' or unbounded freedom, whereas volition simply implies power of choice.
Unless misused, the term free will communicates a sense of absolute, autonomous, 'libertarian' or unbounded freedom, whereas volition simply implies power of choice.
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre volition y intention ?
Volition - a choice made by a person’s judgement.
He left the team on his own volition.
Intention - is an idea you wanted to carry out.
He revealed his intention on becoming the greatest player in the world.
He left the team on his own volition.
Intention - is an idea you wanted to carry out.
He revealed his intention on becoming the greatest player in the world.
Otras preguntas sobre "Volition"
of my own volition
of my own accord
which one is more informal, and more commonly said?
of my own accord
which one is more informal, and more commonly said?
Both are very formal. Of my own accord might be a little less formal. "Of my own will" might be the most common way of saying it.
¿Esto suena natural? I've been loosing my volition to learn English.
I've been loosing interest in learning English
Significados y uso de palabras y frases similares
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