A+ Teaching Tips

Tons of awesome ideas and great freebies for your classroom! Pinners: Please remember to follow the rules you agreed to: Pin only blog posts and freebies (no paid products) and do not pin more than three times a day to the board.
42,581 Pins
How to Use Digital Interactive Notebooks in Google Slides
If you need assistance on how to edit and/or utilize Digital Interactive Notebooks in Google Slides for your classroom, you have come to the right place! In these videos, I will be referencing the Editable Digital Interactive Notebook Templates in this post. This digital Google Slides resource provides editable Interactive Notebook Templates that you can create for your students. It is designed to be used for ALL grade levels and subjects.
The Best Books For Literature Circles
Are you looking to start Literature Circles or Book Clubs with your upper elementary students, but don’t know which books to use? I have a short list of titles - some new and some classic - to get you started. You’ll find a range of reading levels and genres included including a graphic novel or two, which are perfect for reluctant readers.
Jennifer Martinez | everything just so
Jennifer Martinez | everything just so
Elements of Writing: What is the difference between narrative, opinion, and informative writing?
Searching for tips on teaching writing? I'm breaking down three writing styles in this educational blog post. Narrative, Opinion, and Informative Writing. All three of these styles have their places and purposes in the world of literature and if writers use the wrong style, their whole message could come out totally twisted and wrong! So, what is the difference between Narrative, Opinion, and Informative writing? Click to read and find out more now!
Rockin Resources® | Elementary ELA Teaching Tips + Free Resources
Rockin Resources® | Elementary ELA Teaching Tips + Free Resources
Getting Your Class Back On Track After a Break - Around the Kampfire
Classroom management tips and teaching ideas to help students transition and get settled back in to their routine after a school break. Smart and easy ideas for both students and teachers for reviewing rules and procedures, setting new learning goals and more. Includes FREE writing activity pages and journal prompts for after Fall, Spring, and Winter/Christmas break. Ideal for primary kids in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade.
Linda Kamp-Around The Kampfire
Linda Kamp-Around The Kampfire
Three Ways To Use Lunch Bunch With Students
Lunch Bunch can be one of the easiest behavior management strategies that also builds a positive classroom community. Here are six tips to get one up and running tomorrow.
Jennifer Martinez | everything just so
Jennifer Martinez | everything just so
Medieval Times Free Resource Digital Google Slides
Medieval Times Digital Interactive Notebook Activities Freebie Sampler This resource contains printables from Medieval Times Interactive Notebooks Try these interactive notebook resources with your students for FREE! This product contains printables from Early Byzantine, Islamic World, West Africa, Medieval Japan, Middle Ages, and the Renaissance
Managing and organizing classroom volunteers
As an elementary teacher, I can’t live without my parent volunteers! They appreciate the opportunity to be a part of their child’s education while helping the teacher and the classroom run smoothly. Read this post to learn how to organize volunteers, things you can have your volunteers do, classroom management tips, and how to use volunteer times to boost parent engagement AND save you precious time!
Linda Kamp-Around The Kampfire
Linda Kamp-Around The Kampfire
There are so many different genres to choose from, which means there is something out there for everyone. No matter if you prefer aliens over humans, short readings over long, or the imagined over reality, there’s a genre for it. Literary genres are defined as categories of works that share similarities in form, style, content matter, and themes! Check out these 15 TYPES OF GENRES WITH TEACHING ACTIVITIES for future reading inspiration.
Rockin Resources® | Elementary ELA Teaching Tips + Free Resources
Rockin Resources® | Elementary ELA Teaching Tips + Free Resources
3 Reasons Why You Should Teach Academic Vocabulary
Vocabulary instruction is something that many teachers struggle to include in their busy schedules. Best practices require many repetitions and exposures to new words for students to actually acquire them as part of their knowledge. As teachers strive to find time for high-frequency and content-specific words, academic vocabulary may get pushed to the side. Is it necessary to teach academic vocabulary? We think so, keep reading to find out three reasons why!
Rockin Resources® | Elementary ELA Teaching Tips + Free Resources
Rockin Resources® | Elementary ELA Teaching Tips + Free Resources
Ancient Civilizations Map and Timeline Activities
Ancient Civilizations Timeline and Mapping Activities
Ancient Civilizations Timeline and Mapping Activities
This post contains fun and interactive timeline and mapping activities for upper elementary or middle school students who are learning about Ancient Civilizations and Ancient History! These teaching resources are great for homeschool, distance learning, and/or in the classroom! Most of the activities in this post contain both DIGITAL (Google Slides ~ assigned in Google
24 Helpful Resources For Teacher Self Care
This school year, let’s make a commitment to change. Let’s commit to self care and creating a better work life balance. Here are 24 self care teacher resources including tips to getting started, strategies for the classroom, and mindfulness books for teachers.
Jennifer Martinez | everything just so
Jennifer Martinez | everything just so