Caso Codigo 2558 - Asme V

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CASES OF ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE CASE 2558 Approval Data: December 30, 2008, Code Cases will remain available for use until snnutod by ine wppicable Standards Comvmitiee, Case 2558 Use of Manual Phased Array E-Scan Ultrasonic Exan nation Per Article 4 Section V Inquiry: Under what conditions and limitations may manual phased array ultrasonic examination be utilized pet Section V, Article 4 when utilizing Fascans! with raster scanning? Reply: Wis the opinion of the Committee that weld ‘examinations may be performed using manual phased array E-scan ultrasonic (PA-UT) techniques utilizing a fixed tangle electronic raster with manual scanning, provided that all of the following additional requirements are met: (4) Amplitude Control Linearity checks shall be per: formed on each pulser-receiver circuit in the ultrasonic unit. (b) Bewm Calibration. All individusll heams used in the ‘exumination shall be calibrated 0 provice measurement ‘of distance and amplitude correction over the sound path employed in the examination, This shatl include applicable compensation for wedge sound path vatiations and wedge zttenuation effeets “An Esceh Is sso wormed a slctronisraner seaming, The se focal Yew i mulipenedscros grmp of astve elmer sou a [ero a's coustt angles loms te pd tay probe length ‘Bacar are eyuvaien 1 « cceveaioul Usetomie probe pero (€) Calibration may also be performed on other reflec tors besides side drilled holes, ¢ notches, when permitted, by the referencing code. (cd) The foal law” 19 be used during examination shall bo used for calibration fe) In audition to the essential variables listed in ‘Table ‘TA21 and the data required to be recorded per T-492, the following parameters shall be considered essential variables and recorded! (/) element pitch and gap dimensions" (2) focus tidentify plane, depth or sound path as applicable) (3) virtwal aperture size, Le. number of elemeuts and ‘element width (4) element numbers used for focal laws (5 inspection angle(s) used, and (6) sean patterns used* (This Case number shall be shown on the Manufacturer's data report 7 Fixal lab doin a « ps aay uperovona ls that defiaes (he serch ait elses amu cir une dels for both the tania) ‘hd receiver factions * Noma ines aeay wont be wed tor manual Ecan. though camer types tare permed * ithe phan ary inciment cn Usplay multiple scans sma onal onthe seen a rulipi Econ the These Scans eae et Sneaeeny 142558)

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