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World Link 3 Workbook Answer Unit 1, Lesson A: 1. Vocabulary Workout A. 1 reorganize 2. work well 3. home improvement 4. combine 5. rearrangement 6. neutral 7. do repairs 8. option 8. overwhelming Ble 2d 3h 4a Sf 6c 7b Bg 2. Conversation Workout A. Conversation 1: 3,5,1,6,2,4 Conversation 2: 3, 5, 7,2,8,4,1,6/3,7,5,3,8,6,1.4 B. Answers will vary, 3, Language Workout A. lcracked 2.flooded 3.stained 4.jammed 5.bent 6. burned 7. clogged 8. bored B. | froze / frozen 2. surprised / surprised 3. forbade / forbidden 4.written 5. excite / excited 6, spoken 7. confused / confused 8. forgotten Unit 1, Lesson B: 1, Vocabulary and Language Workout Alc 2f 3a 49 5h 6b 72d Be B. Lprivate citizen 2. general public 3.right 4, private conversation 5.public 6. privacy . Answers wil vary 2. Reading and Writing A.calm 2planters 3.ilegal 4.pedestrians 5, crosswalks 6, bike lanes 7. speed bumps 8. contact B.1.badidea 2 goad idea 3.badidea 4. good idea 5. good idea ©. biggest 2.like S.much 4.safer S.Another 6.some 7.nothing 8. build D. Answers wil vary. Unit 2, Lesson A: 1. Vocabulary Workout ALf 2a 3d 4h Se 69 7c 8b 8. People: adults, teens, kids, @Grown-up_ Parts of Life: youth childhood, adolescence Actions start family . Answers wil vary. 2. Conversation Workout A. 1, What are you doing? 2. I'm buying a plane ticket on the Internet. / 'm on the Internet buying a plan ticket, 3. Where are planning to go? 4.1'm going to visit my friends in Spain. 5, What will ou do there? 6. We're thinking about renting a car together. 3. Answers will vary 3. Language Workout Alf 2b 3c 4d 5a Ge 7b ad 9. Ine & Larrives 2 willtake 3.willarive 4. are taking S.ambringing 6.is going to be 7. wll see . Answers wil vay. Unit 2, Lesson B: 1. Vocabulary and Language Workout Ald 2f 5b 4a Se 6c 8. Answers may vary. Childhood: craduste from elementary schoo Adolescence: graduate from high schoo, fallin love, get your first ob, start college, get @ driver's license; Adulthoot: get married, move out from your parents’ house, get divorced, have a baby C. Answers will vary 2. Reading and Writing ‘A. No response require. B. Mexico, Quinceanera, a girl's fifteenth birthday, fifteen-year-old-girls, go to church, big party with music and dancing United States, retirement party ast day of work, people who ar retin, dinner, entertainment, presents span, Coming-of-Age Day, second Suncay i January twenty-yeer-olds, dress up, go to City Hal, hear & speech, get presents Germany, Schulanfang, first day of school, six-year-old chiidren. get @ Zuckertuete, take pictures, party for presents ©. Lisgetting 2.will be 3.willhave 4.are going tolook 5.are going 6. ae planning 7.will be &.is going to be D. Answers will vary WORLD LINK 3 WORKBOOK ANSWER KEY 171WORDT eM ol gstelold@ EE! Unit 3, Lesson A: 1. Vocabulary Workout Down:'. give 3. argument 4. ciscuss Across: 2, share 5.gossip 6.carry Z.send 8. chat 9, strike 2. Conversation Workout A. 1 Sorry to bother you. 2. May interrupt fora second? 3.1m sorry to interrupt you. 4. beg your pardon. 5. Sorry to bother you. Mr, Jones. 813412 22431 33,142 C. Answers will vary. 3. Language Workout A. 1, Do you know who the actor is? He’s the guy with the long hair. 2. Can you tell me who the photographer is? She's the woman carrying the camera bag. 3. D0 you know the news anchor? He's the one inthe biue suit. 4. Who isthe sports reporter? He's the men typing on his laptop. B. Answers wil vary Unit 3, Lesson B: 1, Vocabulary and Language Workout A. Lnetworks 2.juicy 3.local 4.International 5. entertainment 6. source 7. media 8. mouth B, Anwers will vary C. started, have finished 2. have eaten, went 3. has lived, lived 4.was, has been 5, has not been, went 6. have known, were 7.came, have met 2, Reading and Writing ‘81. They Couldn't Communicate 2, A Dangerous Dinner 3. Silent Beauties 4. A Very Busy Thiet Big 2b 3a 4f 5c Gn Za Be . C. has taught 2 worked 3.hashad 4. graduated 5. started 6.became 7.was 8.went 9.studied 10. has been Tas written 12. have bought D. Answers wil vary Unit 4, Lesson A: 1. Vocabulary Workout Ale 2h 3c 4f 5a 6d 79 89 B, Ltooth 2.face 3.manicure 4,nails 5.colors 6.hair 7 skirt 8. teeth C. Answers will vary 2. Conversation Workout ‘A.1.l'm not sure that’s such a good idea. 2.1 don't know, 3.I'mnot sure lagree. 4, | agree up to @ point. 5.1 see what you're saying, 6, But what about the cost? B86,2,4,5,17,3 CC. Answers will vary. 3, Language Workout [A Answers may vary. She hasn't had the dentist appointment yet. 2. She has already bought her Moms birthday present 5. She hasnt finished writing the report yet, 4. She hast called Francisco yet. 5. She has already gone to the bank 6. She has just had lunch with Caria and Yuki 7. She has areedy called her mother. 8, She hasr't answered her e-mail yet B. lalready 2.still 3. already 4. yet 5.still 6 already, still 7. yet 8. already C. Answers wil vary. Unit 4, Lesson B: 1, Vocabulary and Language Workout A break 2.cheat pretend 4,ask 5.90 &.get 7Z.run &.tum 8.1. Bob ran into Rta last Friday, 2. Bob sskec her out. 3, Did she call im back? 4, Did she hang up on him? 5. Did she go out with him? . Answers willvay T172 — woRLD LINK 3 WORKBOOK ANSWER KEYCBOE ae (Lotte ag 2, Reading and Writing 'k| No response required Bb 2d 30 4b C. 1. realexed = relaxed, dateing = dating, sersenatlity = personality, opinion = opinion, efiee = office, tegehter = together . Answers wil vary Unit 5, Lesson A: 1. Vocabulary Workout ‘A. Linconsiderate 2, polite 3.disrespectful 4, inappropriate 5. dishonest 6.unkind 7. irresponsible 8. unpleasant B. Answers will vary. 2. Conversation Workout ‘A. You should call and ask the family. Well, normally people sit on the floor. Actually, it's best to try a little bit of everything, Sure. No problem. We use forks, too. B. Possible answers: 1. A wedding in Saudi Arabia Mary: Is it OK if | wear pants to the wedding? No, you should really wear a dress. Is it appropriate for me to dance at the party? Sure. Go right ahead. Mary: Is it all ight for me to shake hands with the bride? Fatima: Absolutely. Mary: sit all right for me to bring my boyfriend to the wedding? Fatima: Only people who receive an invita:ion come to a wedding. 2. Answers will vary. 3. Language Workout 1k Answers wil vary B. Answers wil vary C. Possible answers: its dangerous to crve very fast in bad weather. / Driving very fest n bad weather is dangerous. 2 It's important to learn new words every doy. / Learning new words every day is important. 3. I's expensive to eatin a restaurant ‘every night. / Eating in a restaurant every night is expensive. 4. It's not easy to study in a foreign country. / Studying in a foreign country is not easy Unit 5, Lesson B: 4. Vocabulary and Language Workout Ale 29 3a 4h Sc 6d 7b Bf 1.1.2: Shell give the product presentation before shell attend the company dinner. Shell attend the company dinner after she ives the product presentation; 2.1.2, As Soon 2s she arrives in Toronto shel take a tax tothe meeting Shel eke a tal tothe meeting as soon as she arrives in Toronto: 3.1.2, Shell have lunch with Mr. Carter before she writes her report. Shell write her report after she has lunch with Mr. Carter 44.5.5, As soon as she has fre time, shell go shopping. Shel go shopping as soon as she has free time 2, Reading and Writing A2.15.34 BLeuture shock stage 2.honeymoon stage mental isolation stage 4. integration stage_5. inital adjustment stage C.1Before 2.Assoonas 3.After 4,While 5.Ass00n as 6, While D. Answers will vary. Unit 6, Lesson A: 1. Vocabulary Workout Down:1.investor 2.manager 3. producer 4.developer 6.investment 7.employer 9.consumer 10. ship Across: 5. advertisement 8. purchase .make 12. reise 2. Conversation Workout 1A, 1.The key pointis that 2. lke to emshasize that 3. The bottom ines that 4, Never forget that B7.4,155,6,82 . Answers wil vary WORLD LINK 3 WORKBOOK ANSWER KEY T173letra Ue ig 3. Language Workout A Lstarted2.buit 3,taught 4,made S.found 6.written 7,vsited 8. done 9.sent 10.cooked Tread 12.eaten B. 1, Two hundred people are employed by the Smith Corporation. 2, Baseballl is played by teams in many countries, 3. The letters were typed by Frenk, 4. Chinese is spoken by over one billion people. 5. That book was written by two women. 6, Excellent coffee is grown by farmers in Mexico. C. Lisspoken 2 visit 3.ischecked 4 calebrate 5. is learned G.isused 7.provides &.is celebrated 9, are sold To.hate Threads. 2. are found Unit 6, Lesson B: 1. Vocabulary and Language Workout ‘A Leramatic 2 recover Z slump 4.sincere 5 negative 6.increese Z-decline 8, positive B Lsincere 2.shump 3 positive 4.dramatic S.increase 6. recover 7.negative 8. dectine . Answers may vary, 1 Because the car crashed into if, the tre was destroyed, 2, The woman was angry so she shouted! at Pete. 3. The woman was angry because the tree was destroyed. 4. although Pete sai, “'m really sorry’ the woman yelled louder. §. Pete was unhappy because his car was damaged. 6, Although the car was damaged, Pete could stil ive it 2, Reading and Writing 1A, No response required, 8. spread 2 significance 3. supporters 4. pressured 5, consumerism C. Answers may vary 1. Buy Nothing Day 2.Not buy anything 3, Canada, Japan, Australia, the US, the UK. 4, Canada 5. Its the first day ofthe Christmas shopping season. 6, They fee pressured to buy alot. 7. They want people to shop less ancl live more D.1.s0 2 because 3. Although 4, because E. Answers wil vay. Unit 7, Lesson A: 1. Vocabulary Workout A Lexhausted 2.cough Sdrowsy 4.shiver 5.chew 6.swellow 7. blink @.cizzy 9, weakness 10. sense B. Noun: sense, weakness; Verb: swallow, chew, cough, shiver, blink; Adjective: drowsy, dizzy, exhausted C. Answers will vary. 2. Conversation Workout ‘A. 1. | always advise people to rest. 2.'ll give ita try, 3, That doesn't make sense tome. 4, | could never do that, 5. IF | were you, fd rest. 6. In my opinion. you should go home. B. Conversation 1: 2,4,1,5,3 Conversation 2.4,2,1,5,3 3. Language Workout A. |.adjective 2noun 3.noun 4. verb 5.noun 6.adjective 7. verb 8. verb 9.noun 10, verb B. high blood pressure 2.arash 3.cold 4,nauseous S.exhausted 6.scratching 7.sneezing 8. shivering 9. car 10, eyes Unit 7, Lesson B: 1. Vocabulary and Language Workout Ale 2h 3a 4c 59 6d 7b af B. 1 My teacher asked me to learn five new words every day. 2. The doctor told Carlos to eat more fruts and vegetables. 5. Our boss told Jenny to fnish the repot by Friday. 4. My mother asked me to call more often. 5. The policeman told Dave not to drive so fast. . Answers wil vary. 2. Reading and Writing ‘A. No response required BL- 2x 3+ 4- 5X 6+ 72- 8+ 9x 10+ Cid 2e 31 4a Sc 6b D.tsleep 2stop Z.get 4.Reduce S.nave 6.90 7.do 8.wake 9. feel E, Answers will wry. T174 wor LINK 3 WORKBOOK ANSWER KEYWorld Link 3 Workbook Answer Key Unit 8, Lesson A: 1. Vocabulary Workout A.1. Most teens enjoy physical activity. 2. Many students are involved in sports teams. 3. Rhys Davies is a professional athlete. 4, Sports clubs have a wide range of activities. 5. Older people should stay active. 6. | have several leisure time activities 7. Youneed to do an outdoor activity. 8. Luis is a serious athlete. B. L.active 2.activities 3.active 4.action 5.activity 6.activities 7. action 8. active 2. Conversation Workout A3,5,1,2,4,6 B. Answers will vary. 3. Language Workout 'A.1. How long has Alan been studying in Japan? He's been studying there since April. 2. How long has your brother been talking ‘on the phone? He's been talking for more than two hours. 3. How long has Sandra been working at the hospital? She's been working there since 2001.4. How long has that dog been making noise? He's been making noise since lastnight. 8, Answers wil vary. C. l-work = working, 2.has=have, 3.sinee Unit 8, Lesson B: 1. Vocabulary and Language Workout ALup 20f 3.for 4.in S.with 6.t0 Zout 6. about BLrunon 2stey with 3askfor 4,pay for 5. stayin C. have seen 2.has enjoyed %.have been studying 4,has been raining 5. have read_ 6, has been writing "has taken 8 have been working 2. Reading and Writing 'A No response required BLP 27 3F 47 SF EF 2T 8 CLtaking 2.traveled 3.visied 4.tke S.gotten 6 haven't put D. Answers wil vay. Unit 9, Lesson A: 1. Vocabulary Workout Down: 1. vow 2. enthusiastically 3.candidate 4 reelect S.term 7.tax & clear ‘Across: 3, corporation 6. citizen 9. launch 2. Conversation Workout Alc 2e 3b 4a 5d B.5,4,1,3,6,2 C. Answers will vary. 3. Language Workout A.t.enough 2.toomuch 3.toomeny 4.enough 5.too 6, enough B, 1.1 don't lke taking the bus. There aren't enough buses in our city, 2. | dont like my math class. There is too much homework every day, 3. I don't lke this department store. They don't have enough clothes in my size. 4. I don't ike the beach on weekends, There are too many people there, 5 | don't ike my apartment. There aren't enough windows. 6. Answers will ary. . Possible answers: 1, There are too many potatoes. 2. There are not enough carrots. 3.There are too rany onions. 4 There is too much salt. 5, Thereiis not enough water. 6, It doesn't cook long enough, Unit 9, Lesson B: 1. Vocabulary and Language Workcut Ale 29 3a 4f 5h 6c 7b 8d B. Positive: improving ar qualty, providing free education, protecting the environment Negative: westing tax money, destroying open spaces, spreading pollution C. Answers wil vary for, 4, taken = taking WORLD LINK 3 WORKBOOK ANSWER KEY T175Seren 2, Reading and Writing ‘A, Answers may vary. 1. Where are they located? 2, How bad are conditions in these sweatshops? 3. Can we stop sweatshops with new lows? 4. What should we do? 5. Ars the prices much higher? 6, Where can we get information about companies? B. 1.must 2.rich and poor 3.many 4alitle more. 5. buy from good companies €.Litoo much 2 toomany Zenough 4,100 ttle §, Too many 6. too few 7. too few D. Answers will vary Unit 10, Lesson A: 1. Vocabulary Workout A. Lafford 2 short 3.put away 4.insert 5.way 6.back 7. broke 8 select Bid 2f 3a 4c Se 6b C. Answers wil vary 2. Conversation Workout Alb 2e 3f 4c 5a 6d B314,5,2 C. Answers will vary. 3, Language Workout ‘A Liwish hada lot of money. 2.| wish | could swim. 3.1 wish didnt have 2 headache, 4.1 wish | were good at math, 5. Bill wishes he had a giririend. 6.1 wish | didn't have homework everynight. 7. Lisa wishes she could find a good job. 8 Mrs. Kim wishes she were young. 9.| wish | were atthe beach now. 10 wish my children would call me, 8, Possible answers: She wishes she cou lose weight, 2. She wishes she were president ofthe company. 3 She wishes she were on vacation, 4, She wishes she had anew car . Arwwers Will Vay Unit 10, Lesson B: : 1. Vocabulary and Language Workout ALS 2S 3.0 4.0 50 6S 7S 3S B. Leasy 2accept 3.claim 4.squander 5.donate 6.setaside 7.pour 8.prize . Answers will vary. 2. Reading and Writing {A No response required B. Things Mary would check: 2, 4, 6 .1.volunteering 2 marina 3.fraction 4. mortgage §.maintaning 6. considering . When I was a university student, I bought my fist car. It wasn't very expensive because it was really old It was itl red car. | worked in restaurant during summer vacation and in the fall finally had enough money. Iaought the car from my fienes father, | took all my friends driving around every weekend and we had so much fun, A year later, | had an accident. | wasn't hurt, but the car was destroyed stil miss my fst car. Answers wil vay. Unit 11, Lesson A: 1. Vocabulary Workout ‘A. 1.against the law 2.ahalftruth 3.honest 4. punish 5. the truth 6. obvious 7.honesty 8. an exception B. Answers will vary 2. Conversation Workout Ald 2e 3c 42 5b B. Conversation 1:3,1,2,5,4 Conversation 2:1,4,3,5,2 . Answers will vary 3. Language Workout A weren't 2.spoke 3. would tell 4.Fad 5. would fee! 6. could B. Answers wil vary. C.1.wes= were 2give = gave S.wit'= would 4. bought uy 5. wit = would T176 — woRLD LINK 3 WORKBOOK ANSWER KEYUTC LS SE KA Unit 11, Lesson B: 1, Vocabulary and Language Workout ALT. have confidence in my court's banks. 2 | always keep my word, 3, am always truthful with my fiends. 4. dont trust imy brother with my car. B. 1. Rosa said she worked in a big office. 2. Mohammed said he didn’t like watching sports very much, 3. Cathy said she was studying computer science atthe univers. 4. The president sad he had many ideas for our country. .1. She said she couldn't tak about the story. 2, She said we would go to Mexico after the movie was finished, 3. She said she did't know what she would do there, 4,She seid she was learning to speak Spanish, 2. Reading and Writing AA No response required. B.LAkko 2.Kevin 3.Carie 4. Melssa_5.Ron C.Lwere 2wouldtel 3.is 4.dant say 5,could 6,were 7, would you feel D. Answers wil vay. Unit 12, Lesson A; 1. Vocabulary Workout A. Down: 2. awareness 3. install 5. dense 6. extinct 7. misty 10, set up: Across: |. mascot 4. endangered &.illegal_9.remaining 1. suffer 2. Conversation Workout A. 1. That's true, but the mountains are so relaxing, 2. Yes, but on the other hand, it’s crowded. 3. Even so, it’s a lot of fun, 4, But then again, it’s really expensive. B, Answers will vary, 3. Language Workout A.l'dlike 2.do you ike 3.lhke 4.lkes 5.“dlike 6.does he look ike /is he ike 7. Would you like 8 isnt ike 9.if youd like 10. What's she lke 8. Possiole questions: 1. What does she look ike? 2. What would you like to do this summer? 3. Whats he like? 4, What isa volcano? 5. What does he look like? 6, What kinds of animals do you like? 7, What would you like? Cc. Answers wil vary. Unit 12, Lesson B: 1. Vocabulary and Language Workout ALV 2N 3V 4N SN GN ZN BV 8N IONorv BL propose 2 withstand 3.tubes 4, construction 5. accommodations 6.consider 7. goods 8.route 9, obstacle 10. transport C. 1. That health book was written by two doctors. 2. We will be helped by our teacher. 3. The class party has been planned by the students. 4. The reporter's questions weren't answered by the president. 5. Several dangerous criminals have been arrested by the city police. 6. Music will be played by the school orchestra. 7, | wasn't surprised by the bad news. 2. Reading and Writing 1A. No response required. Place kyoto Station Louvre Museum Millennium Dome city Kyoto, Japan| Paris London Date 1997 1989 2000 Architect Hiroshi Hara LM. Pei Richard Rogers Purpose bigger railroad station more space for visitors to celebrate the new millennium Special element of a very large, modern building a visitor entrance and a gigantic dome design shopping arcade Positive comments It brings new life nto the city Some said it was a Itis an important symbol of center, striking building. modem life. Negative negative It is too moder, Some found it ugly. It was too expensive, C.Lhas 2aremade 3.weredesigned 4.used 5.were finished 6.were 7.has 8.is 9.lIke 10, show D. Answers will vary WORLD LINK 3 WORKBOOK ANSWER KEY T177to Using the A Quick Start Guide to Using the World Link Videos The World Link Videos The World Link video program provides stimulating and exciting video material, offering both audio and visual input as well as opportunities for follow-up conversation practice. Each World Link video unit features three video segments: “Good Morning World," “City Living,” and “Global Viewpoints.” + The “Good Morning World” segments are a morning show program featuring interviews, discussions, and demonstrations in the style of talk shows. The hosts, Jay Jones and Kim Kimal, welcome many guests and discuss various topics associated with the themes and language presented in the World Link student books. + The “City Living” segments are original dramatic episodes, filmed in an engaging sitcom-like style. They focus on the lives of six young people from a variety of international backgrounds living in New York City. Each episode reinforces and expands upon the language presented in the corresponding unit of the student books. + The “Global Viewpoints” searrents consist of real-life interviews in which a wide range of students and professional people from around the world present their personal views on issues related to unit topics, The World Link Video Worksheets Each World Link Lesson Planner contains 36 photocopiable video worksheets that correspond to the video units. The worksheets are designed to facilitate effective use of the World Link videos in the classroom. There are three worksheets per unit, one for each video segment. The first worksheet focuses on the “Good Morning World” video segment, the second on the “City Living” video segment, and the last on the “Global Viewpoints” segment. The worksheet activities integrate previewing, viewing, and postviewing activities into complete video-based lessons. Using the “Good Morning World” Segments The “Good Morning World” worksheet includes two viewing activities and one communicative activity. + Viewing activities (14/1B) focus on video comprehension by asking students to watch and listen for specific information. Activity formats vary from unit to unit but typically take the form of true/false, multiple choice, circling, checking, or sentence-completion exercises. + Communicative activities (IC) encourage students to apply in the classroom what they learned in the video. These activities are intended to motivate students to think about the practical applications of the topics and the language presented in the video. Using the “City Living” Segments The “City Living” worksheet contans three activity types: previewing, viewing, and postviewing. * Previewing activities (2A) usually take the form of a schema-generating discussion question (“Are you nervous at job interviews? Why or why not? Tell a partner."), or a brainstorming activity ("Why do T178 A QUICK START GUIDE TO USING THE WORLD LINK VIDEOS
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