Kirakos Gandzakets - Historia de Los Armenios

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Kirakos Gandzakets'i's

History of the Armenians

by Kirakos Gandzakets'i, Robert Bedrosian translator.

Kirakos Gandzakets'i's

Kirakos Gandzakets'i de

History of the Armenians

Historia de los Armenios

Translated from Classical


Traducido del armenio


by Robert Bedrosian

por Robert Bedrosian

For my mother Isabel

Torigian Bedrosian

Para mi madre Isabel

Torigian Bedrosian

Sources of the Armenian

Tradition (New York, 1986)

Fuentes de la tradicin
armenia (Nueva York, 1986)

This translation is in the

public domain. It may be
copied and distributed

Esta traduccin es de
dominio pblico. Puede ser
copiado y distribuido

Translator's Preface

Prlogo del traductor

A Note on Pagination

Una nota sobre paginacin

Table of Contents

Tabla de contenidos

1. Brief history of the period

from Saint Gregory to the
present, written by Kirakos
of the renowned

1. Breve historia de la
poca de San Gregorio
hasta el presente, escrito
por Kirakos del reconocido

congregation of Getik.

congregacin de Getik.

Brief history of Saint

Gregory and a list of the
names of his successors on
the \kat'oghikosal]

Breve historia de San

Gregorio y una lista de los
nombres de sus sucesores
en el \ kat'oghikosal]



2. [Continuation of the list

of kat'oghikoi].

2. [Continuacin de la lista
de kat'oghikoi].

3. Regarding the Kingship of 3. En cuanto a la Realeza de

Lewon in the West.
Lewon en Occidente.

4. Concerning the princes in 4. En cuanto a los prncipes

eastern Armenia, Zak'are
en el este de Armenia,
and his brother Iwane.
Zak'are y su hermano
5. The meeting which
Zak'aria called to discuss
certain matters.

6. The coming of the

5. La reunin que Zak'aria

llam para discutir ciertos

kat'oghikos of
[Caucasian Albania] to the
great princes, because of
harassment from foreigners.

6. La llegada de los
kat'oghikos de Aghbania /
Aghuania [Albania
caucsica] para los grandes
prncipes, a causa de
acoso por parte de los

7. Concerning the venerable

vardapets in Vaspurakan.

8. The death of general


9. King Lewon and his


7. En cuanto a los
vardapets venerables en

8. La muerte del general


9. Rey Lewon y su muerte.

10. A brief section on the
history of
Aghbania/Aghuania is
presented below.

11. Concerning the coming

of the T'at'ar army and the
putting to flight of the king
of the Georgians.

10. Una breve seccin sobre

la historia de Aghbania /
Aghuania se presenta a

11. En cuanto a la venida

del ejrcito T'at'ar y la
puesta en fuga del rey de
los georgianos.

12. The defeat of the troops

in the borders of Gandzak.
12. La derrota de las tropas

13. Vardapet Mxit'ar, where

he was from and what sort
of man he was.

14. Concerning the building

of Nor (New) Getik.

15. Concerning those of

[Mxit'ar'sl students who
were prominent.

16. The death of the great

vardapet called Gosh.

17. Concerning who held

the directorship of the
monastery after him.

18. Concerning Sultan Jalal

al-Din and the destruction
of the Georgian army in 674
A.E. \ 12251.

19. Concerning the

destruction of Sultan Jalal
al-Din, and his removal from
the world.

20. How the T'at'ars arose

en las fronteras de

13. Vardapet Mxit'ar, de

dnde era y qu clase de
hombre que era.

14. En cuanto a la
construccin de Nor
(Nuevo) Getik.

15. En cuanto a los de [los

estudiantes Mxit'ar'sl que
eran prominentes.

16. La muerte del gran

Vardapet llama Gosh.

17. En cuanto a quien

ocup el cargo de director
del monasterio despus de

18. En cuanto a Sultn Jalal

al-Din y la destruccin del
ejrcito georgiano en 674
AE \ 12251.

19. En cuanto a la
destruccin de Sultn Jalal

to pollute the entire world.

21. Concerning the

destruction of the city of

22. Concerning the

destruction of the lands of
Armenia and Georgia by
that same army.

23. The capture of the city

of Shamk'or.

24. Concerning the capture

of vardapet Vanakan and
those with him.

25. Concerning the

destruction of the city of

26. How prince Awag fell

into their hands.

27. How the Lord betrayed

the city of Ani into the
hands of the T'at'ars.

al-Din, y su retirada del


20. Cmo los T'at'ars

surgi a contaminar el
mundo entero.

21. En cuanto a la
destruccin de la ciudad de

22. En cuanto a la
destruccin de las tierras de
Armenia y Georgia por el
mismo ejrcito.

23. La toma de la ciudad de


24. En cuanto a la captura

de Vardapet Vanakan y los
que con l.

25. En cuanto a la
destruccin de la ciudad de

26. Cmo prncipe Awag

cayeron en sus manos.

28. Concerning the

destruction of Kars.

29. Concerning the sending

of prince Awag to the Khan
in the East.

30. Concerning the

destruction which occurred
in the Xach'en area, and
about the pious prince Jalal.

31. Concerning the church

fHassan Jalal] built.

32. A brief description of

the T'at'ars' appearance.

33. Concerning Rhaban of


34. The destruction of

T'eodupolis [Karin/Erzeruml.

35. Concerning the war

which took place between
the sultan and the T'at'ars.

27. Cmo el Seor

traicionado la ciudad de Ani
en manos de los T'at'ars.

28. En cuanto a la
destruccin de Kars.

29. En relacin con el envo

de prncipe Awag al Khan en
el Este.

30. En cuanto a la
destruccin que se produjo
en la zona Xach'en, y sobre
el prncipe piadoso Jalal.

31. En cuanto a la iglesia

fHassan Jalal] construido.

32. Una breve descripcin

de la apariencia de los
T'at'ars '.

33. En cuanto a Rhaban de


34. La destruccin de
T'eodupolis [Karin /


36. Concerning the

Armenian king Het'um and
what he did.

37. Concerning the prince

of Lambron, Kostand, and
what he did in the land of

35. En cuanto a la guerra

que tuvo lugar entre el
sultn y el T'at'ars.

36. En relacin con el rey

armenio Het'um y lo que

38. The reign of Dawit'.

39. Regarding the

summoning of lord Nerses,
kat'oghikos of the
sian Albanians,

37. En relacin con el

prncipe de Lambron,
Kostand, y lo que hizo en la
tierra de Cilicia.

to the Great Court.

38. El reinado de Dawit '.

40. Concerning their raiding

in the Vaspurakan area and
in many other districts.

39. En cuanto a la
convocatoria de seor
Nerses, kat'oghikos de los
Aghbanians / Aghuans /
caucsicos albaneses,

41-42. Concerning the

canonical orders of the
kat'oghikos of the
Armenians, Kostandin.

a la Gran Corte.

43. Canons of Kostandin,

40. En cuanto a su incursin

en la zona Vaspurakan y en
muchos otros distritos.

kat'oghikos of the

44. Regarding the tax

collectors who came from
the Khan.

45. Regarding the Georgian

kings' journey to the Khan.

46. Concerning the journey

to the Khan undertaken by
Smbat, general of Armenia,
and the son of Sultan
Ghiyath al-Din.

47. Concerning the

destruction wrought by the
T'at'ars in Georgia.

48. Concerning Dawit' the


49. Concerning the demon

in the form of a woman
which copulated with a
certain man.

50-52. Regarding the

problem which arose among

41-42. En cuanto a las

rdenes cannicos de los
kat'oghikos de los armenios,

43. Cnones de Kostandin,

kat'oghikos de los armenios.

44. En cuanto a los

recaudadores de impuestos
que vinieron del Khan.

45. En cuanto a el viaje de

los reyes de Georgia al

46. En relacin con el viaje

al Khan emprendida por
Smbat, general de Armenia,
y el hijo del sultn
Ghiyath al-Din.

47. En cuanto a la
destruccin causada por los
T'at'ars en Georgia.

48. En cuanto a Dawit 'el


Christians concerning the

Holy Spirit of God, whether
should be said to originate
solely from the Father, or
from the Father and the

49. En relacin con el

demonio en forma de una
mujer que copul con un

53. Concerning the death of

the blessed vardapet

50-52. En cuanto al
problema que surgi entre
los cristianos en relacin
con el Espritu Santo de
Dios, ya sea

54. Concerning Yovhannes


hay que decir que se

originan nicamente del
Padre, o del Padre y del

55. Regarding Sartakh

(Sart'ax), son of Batu.

56. Concerning the locusts

which devoured the land.

57. The census undertaken

at the order of MongkeKhan.

58. Concerning the trip of

the pious king of the
Armenians, Het'um, to Batu
and Mongke-Khan.

53. En cuanto a la muerte

de los bienaventurados
Vardapet Vanakan.

54. En cuanto a Yovhannes


55. En cuanto a Sartakh

(Sart'ax), hijo de Batu.

56. En cuanto a las

langostas que devoraron la

59. The destruction of the

land of the Romans fRum].

60. The destruction of


61. The destruction of the

city of Martyropolis.

62. Concerning what was

done in Mesopotamia and
Lower Syria.

57. El censo llevado a cabo

en el orden de MongkeKhan.

58. En relacin con el viaje

del rey piadoso de los
armenios, Het'um, a Batu y

59. La destruccin de la
tierra de los romanos Frum].

60. La destruccin de

63. The death of pious

prince Jalal.

64. The death of prince

Shahnshah and his son

65. Concerning the great

war which occurred
between Hulegu and Berke.

61. La destruccin de la
ciudad de Martyropolis.

62. En cuanto a lo que se

hizo en la Mesopotamia y el
Bajo Siria.

63. La muerte del prncipe

piadoso Jalal.

64. La muerte del prncipe

Shahnshah y su hijo

Kirakos Gandzakets'i's


History of the Armenians

65. En cuanto a la gran
guerra que se produjo entre
Hulegu y Berke.
Translator's Preface

Kirakos Gandzakets'i de
Historia de los Armenios
Kirakos Gandzaketsi's
History of the Armenians is
a primary source for the
study of the Armenian
in the 13th century. This
lengthy work, which has
survived in 65 chapters, is
divided thematically into
sections. Part one is a
summary of Armenian
church and political history
from the 4th through the
centuries. This section,
which describes the lives
and times of the heads of
the Armenian Church
{kat'oghikoi), is based on
earlier Armenian sources,
many of which have

Prlogo del traductor

Historia de los Armenios de

Kirakos Gandzaketsi es una
fuente primaria para el
estudio de las tierras altas
de Armenia
en el siglo 13. Este largo
trabajo, que ha sobrevivido
en 65 captulos, se divide
temticamente en varias
secciones. La primera parte
es un resumen de la iglesia

survived. The second

describes political and
military events in the 12th
century both in Eastern (or
Caucasian) Armenia and in
Armenian kingdom of Cilicia
on the Mediterranean. The
next section (chapter 10),
resembling the first,
contains a biographical list
of the kat'oghikoi of
(modern Azerbaijan). In

armenia y la historia poltica

de la cuarta a travs de la
siglos. Esta seccin, que
describe la vida y los
tiempos de los jefes de la
Iglesia Armenia
{kat'oghikoi), se basa en
fuentes armenias
anteriores, muchos de los
cuales han sobrevivido. La
segunda seccin
describe los
acontecimientos polticos y
militares en el siglo 12,
tanto en el este (o Europeo)
Armenia y en la

chapter 1 1 and subsequent

chapters, Kirakos described Reino armenio de Cilicia en
the events of his own day:
el Mediterrneo. La
the period of the Zak'arids, siguiente seccin (captulo
10), parecida a la primera,
the Mongol invasions and
domination, and their
contiene una lista biogrfica
impact on the Armenians
del kat'oghikoi de raza
and other peoples of the
caucsica Aghbania /
Aghuania (Azerbaiyn
moderno). En
East. As the author himself
was aware, this was by far
captulos 1 1 y siguientes
the most important part of
captulos, Kirakos describen
his History, and he devoted los acontecimientos de su
poca: el perodo de la
much of the work to it.
Biographical information
about Kirakos Gandzakets'i
is not plentiful. In chapter

las invasiones y la
dominacin de los
mongoles, y su impacto
sobre los armenios y otros

33 of his work, after a

pueblos del Oriente

description of the activities

of the influential Syrian
cleric Raban, the author
wrote: "This episode was

Medio. Como el propio autor

era consciente, y es de lejos
la parte ms importante de
su historia, y se dedicaron

down in the year [ii] 1241

(690 of the Armenian Era)...
when I was more or less
forty years old."

gran parte del trabajo a la


Informacin biogrfica
sobre Kirakos Gandzakets'i
Consequently the historian
was born in the early part of no es abundante. En el
captulo 33 de su obra,
the 13th century, probably
despus de un
between 1200 and 1210.

Kirakos received his early

education at the monastery
of Getik, at that time under
the direction of Martiros, a

Descripcin de las
actividades de la influyente
Raban clrigo sirio, el autor
escribi: "Este episodio fue

en el ao [ii] 1241 (690 de

student of the great teacher la era armenia) ... cuando
and writer Mxit'ar Gosh (d.
tena ms o menos
1213). However, it was with cuarenta aos de edad. "
another of Mxit'ar's
En consecuencia, el
students, the historian
historiador, naci en la
Yovhannes Vanakan (d.
primera parte del siglo 13,
1251), that Kirakos studied probablemente entre 1200
for a prolonged period. This y 1210.
education commenced at
Xoranashat monastery near
Tawush fortress, northwest
of Gandzak. When the

Kirakos recibi su primera

educacin en el monasterio
de Getik, en ese momento
Khwarazmian sultan Jalal al- bajo la direccin de
Din ravaged Xoranashat in
Martiros, un
1225, Vanakan fled with his

students to a nearby
cave, near the village of
Lorut, south of Tawush. He
continued teaching there
until 1236 when a Mongol
army under Molar-noyin
occupied Tawush. Both
Vanakan and Kirakos were
taken captive by the
and kept as secretaries for
several months. Eventually,
Vanakan was ransomed by
the Christians of Gag for
eighty dahekans, and
Kirakos escaped secretly
the same night, fleeing to

Almost nothing is known

about the remaining years
of the historian's life. That
he participated in a

alumno del gran maestro y

escritor Mxit'ar Gosh (m.
1213). Sin embargo, fue con
otro de Mxit'ar de
estudiantes, el historiador
Yovhannes Vanakan (m.
1251), que Kirakos
estudiaron durante un
perodo prolongado. Esta
la educacin comenz en el
monasterio Xoranashat
cerca de fortaleza Tawush,
al noroeste de Gandzak.
Cuando el
Khwarazmian Sultn Jalal alDin asol Xoranashat en
1225, Vanakan huy con
sus alumnos a una cercana
cueva, cerca del pueblo de
Lorut, al sur de Tawush.
Continu enseando all
hasta 1236, cuando un

ejrcito bajo Molar-noyin

ocupada Tawush. Tanto
Vanakan y Kirakos fueron
to crush a rebellion in the
Church in 1251 is clear from llevados cautivos por los
chapter 48 of his work.
Around 1255 he interviewed y se mantiene como
the Cilician Armenian king
Het'um I (1224-68) at the
village of Vardenis near Mt.
Aragats upon the latter's
return from a visit to BatuKhan.

secretarios de varios
meses. Finalmente,
Vanakan fue rescatado por
los cristianos de la mordaza
ochenta dahekans y Kirakos

[iii] Kirakos' name is

mentioned in 1265 by his
classmate and fellowhistorian, Vardan Arewelts'i,
from whom
the author requested and
received a commentary on
the Song of Songs.
According to another late
century historian, Grigor
Aknerts'i, Kirakos died in

Kirakos was eminently

qualified to write about
13th century Armenia. An
intelligent man trained by

intellectual of Vanakan's
caliber, the author was
familiar with Church
organization and problems,
prominent contemporary
churchmen and their
historical writings. He was
acquainted with important

escaparon en secreto la
misma noche, huyendo a

Casi nada se sabe acerca

de los aos que le quedan
de vida del historiador. Que
particip en un movimiento
para aplastar una rebelin
en la Iglesia en 1251 se
desprende del captulo 48
de su obra. Alrededor de
1255 se entrevist
el rey de Cilicia armenia
Het'um I (desde 1224 hasta
1268) en el pueblo de
Vardenis cerca del Monte
Aragats sobre los ltimos de
regresar de una visita a

[iii] Nombre Kirakos 'es

mencionado en 1265 por su
compaero y compatriota
historiador, Vardan
Arewelts'i, de quien
el autor solicit y recibi un
comentario sobre el Cantar
de los Cantares. De acuerdo
con otro 13 finales
historiador del siglo, Grigor
Aknerts'i, Kirakos muri en

Armenian naxarars (lords)

such as prince Prhosh
Xaghbakean, who
participated in the Mongol
conquest of
Baghdad in 1258/59 and
narrated to Kirakos what he
had seen and heard, and
prince Grigor Mamikonean,

Kirakos era eminentemente

calificado para escribir
sobre siglo 13 Armenia. Un
hombre inteligente
entrenado por un

who informed Kirakos what

he had heard from a Mongol
intelectual del calibre de
noble about Chingiz-Khan.
Vanakan, el autor estaba
His detailed information
familiarizado con la
about members of the
organizacin de la Iglesia y
Zak'arid family derives in
de los problemas, con
part from Prhosh, himself a
Zak'arid relation. As
prominentes y sus escritos
above, King Het'um I served histricos. l conoca
as one informant.
Furthermore, during his
Naxarars armenios
months of captivity by the
(seores) como prncipe
Prhosh Xaghbakean, que
Kirakos served as a
particip en la conquista de
secretary writing and
los mongoles
reading letters, and he
Bagdad en 1258-59 y narr
learned Mongolian. In
a Kirakos lo que haba visto
chapter 32 of his
y odo, y el prncipe Grigor
History Kirakos Gandzakets'i Mamikonean,
has left us a priceless
treasure, a lexicon of some quien inform Kirakos lo
que haba escuchado de un
55 Mongolian terms with
mongol noble Chingiz-Khan.
Su informacin detallada
Armenian equivalents, one
sobre los miembros de la
of the earliest monuments

of the Mongolian language.

Consequently, such an
individual knew well not
only the workings of his
own society, but clearly
understood aspects of the
of Armenia's conquerors
and new masters.

[iv] It is not known when

Kirakos began his work.
Father Oskean, citing the
aforementioned statement
chapter 33, "This was
written down in the year
690 A.E...." thinks the year
1240 a likely time. The

familia Zak'arid deriva en

parte de Prhosh, l mismo
una relacin Zak'arid. Como
se mencion
anterior, el rey Het'um me
sirvi como un informante.
Adems, durante sus meses
de cautiverio por los
Kirakos desempe como
secretario de redaccin y
lectura de cartas, y
aprendi de Mongolia. En el
captulo 32 de su
Historia Kirakos
Gandzakets'i nos ha dejado
un tesoro de valor
incalculable, un lxico de
unos 55 trminos mongoles
con su

Equivalentes armenios, uno

de los primeros
ends abruptly with an
monumentos del idioma
unfinished description of
the war between the Khans mongol. En consecuencia,
Abaqa and Berke (1266/67). tal
individuo conoca bien no
cause of this sudden
termination is unknown.

slo el funcionamiento de
su propia sociedad, pero
entiende claramente
aspectos de la sociedad

The critical edition of

Gandzakets'i's History of
the Armenians was
published by the late K.A.

de los conquistadores de
Armenia y los nuevos amos.

[iv] No se sabe cuando

Ohanjanyan in 1961. That

text was based on more
than thirty manuscripts
housed at the Matenadaran
Erevan, Armenia, collated
with three earlier editions.
Translations have been
made into French by M.
(St. Petersburg, 1870);
Russian by A. Khanlarian
(Moscow, 1976); and
modern Armenian by V.

Kirakos comenz su trabajo.

Padre Oskean, citando la
declaracin mencionada en
captulo 33, "Esto fue
escrito en el ao 690 AE ..."
piensa que el ao 1240 un
tiempo probable. La historia
termina abruptamente con
una descripcin incompleta
de la guerra entre el Khan
Abaqa y Berke (1266-1267).
causa de esta extincin
sbita es desconocido.

The present English

translation, which was
completed in 1975, was
made from the Melik'Ohanjanyan

La edicin crtica de la
historia de los armenios de
Gandzakets'i fue publicado
por el fallecido KA Melik'-

edition, but omits several

lengthy sections which are
of doctrinal or theological,
rather than historical,

Ohanjanyan en 1961. Ese

texto se bas en ms de
treinta manuscritos alojados
en el Matenadaran en

importance. For a detailed

study of the Turco-Mongol
invasions see volume five of
the Cambridge History of

Erevan, Armenia, cotejada

con tres ediciones
anteriores. Las traducciones
se han hecho al francs por
Iran (Cambridge, 1968 ); for M. Brosset
Armenia in particular, see R. (San Petersburgo, 1870);
Bedrosian, The TurcoRusia por A. Khanlarian
Mongol Invasions and the
(Mosc, 1976); y armenio
Lords of Armenia in the 1314th Centuries (New York,
1979). Additional

moderno por V. Arhak'elyan.

La presente traduccin al
Ingls, que se complet en

bibliography is available in

1975, se hizo desde el


Toumanoff s article, "

Armenia and Georgia ,"
[Chapter XIV in The
Cambridge Medieval
History, vol. IV, The

edicin, pero omite varias

secciones largas que son de
doctrinal o teolgica, ms
que histrico,

translation is a modification
of the Library of Congress

Irn (Cambridge, 1968);

para Armenia, en particular,
vase R. Bedrosian, El
turco-mongol Invasiones y

importancia. Para un
Byzantine Empire, part I,
estudio detallado de las
(Cambridge, 1966), pp. 593- invasiones turco-mongoles
637]. The transliteration
ver el volumen cinco de la
system employed in this
historia de Cambridge

Robert Bedrosian
New York, 1986

A Note on Pagination

The printed editions of

these online texts show the
page number at the top of

Seores de Armenia en los

siglos 13-14 (Nueva York,
1979). Bibliografa adicional
est disponible en C.
Artculo Toumanoff s ",
Armenia y Georgia,"
[Captulo XIV en The
Cambridge Medieval
Historia, vol. IV, The
Imperio Bizantino, parte I,
(Cambridge, 1966), pp. 593637]. El sistema de
transliteracin empleado en
la traduccin es una
modificacin de la
Biblioteca del Congreso

the page. In the right

margin the
pagination of the Classical
Armenian (grabar) text also
is provided. We have made
the following alterations
for the online texts: the
page number of the printed
English editions {Sources of
the Armenian Tradition
series) appears in square
brackets, in the text. For
example [101] this text
would be located on page
101, and
[102] this text would be on
page 102. The grabar
pagination is as follows.
This sentence corresponds
to the
information found on page
91 of the Classical
Armenian text [g91] and
what follows is on page 92.
In other
words, the Classical
Armenian text delimiters
[gnn] indicate bottom of

Robert Bedrosian
Nueva York, 1.986

Una nota sobre paginacin

Las ediciones impresas de

estos textos en lnea
muestran el nmero de
pgina en la parte superior
de la pgina. En el margen
derecho de la
la paginacin del texto
clsico armenio (grabar)
tambin se proporciona.
Hemos hecho las siguientes
para los textos en lnea: el
nmero de pgina de las
ediciones en ingls
impresos {Fuentes de la
tradicin armenia
serie) aparece entre
corchetes en el texto. Por

Kirakos Gandzakets'i's
History of the Armenians

ejemplo [101] este texto se

encuentra en la pgina 101,
[102] este texto sera en la
pgina 102. La paginacin
grabar es el siguiente. Esta
frase corresponde a la

1. Brief history of the period

from Saint Gregory to the
present, written by Kirakos
the renowned congregation
of Getik.

[1] The desire to want to

learn about things which
have transpired or about
events which will take
place, is
implanted in the nature of
man by the care of the

informacin que se
encuentra en la pgina 91
del texto armenio clsico
[G91] y lo que sigue es en
la pgina 92. En otra
Es decir, los clsicos
delimitadores de texto
armenios [GNN] indican
parte inferior de la pgina.

Kirakos Gandzakets'i de
Historia de los Armenios

It is not possible to know

about and become
competent in such
endeavors without much
work and lengthy

1. Breve historia de la
poca de San Gregorio
hasta el presente, escrito
por Kirakos de


el reconocido congregacin
de Getik.

It is necessary to become
fatigued and exhausted
through labor and many
pains that perchance
useful be discovered which
may satisfy the desires of
the inquisitive. [g3]

One must read Christian

and secular histories with
diligence, not negligence.

To make the ignorant wise,

and the irrational rational,
the power of the Holy Spirit
must also be considered.
One must believe in Him
with unwavering and
unblemished faith.

[1] El deseo de querer

aprender sobre las cosas
que han ocurrido o sobre
eventos que tendrn lugar,
implantado en la naturaleza
del hombre por el cuidado
del Creador.

No es posible conocer y ser

competentes en este tipo
de esfuerzos sin mucho
trabajo y prolongado

Es necesario llegar a ser

cansado y agotado por
dolores de parto, y muchas
que por ventura algo

[2] For everything is created

til por descubrir que puede
and directed according to
His will, both the visible and satisfacer los deseos de los
curiosos. [G3]
the invisible.

With a pure holy heart and

without bias must one hear
the celestial and inner
divine words, and read the
writings, which can give to

Hay que leer historias

cristianas y seculares con
diligencia, no negligencia.

the seeker what he seeks.

[Translator's note: The first
letter of each first word of
the preceding paragraphs
form an acrostic which
reads K-I-R-A-K-O-S in the

For these are divine

precepts: "Fathers must
teach their sons so that the
next generation learns
[Psalms 78.
5,6]" as the prophet David
enjoins, and as the great
prophet Moses advised the
sons of Israel: "Meditate on

Para los ignorantes sabios,

y lo irracional racional, el
poder del Espritu Santo
tambin debe ser
Uno debe creer en l con fe
inquebrantable y sin

[2] Para que todo est

creado y dirigido de
acuerdo a su voluntad,
tanto lo visible y lo invisible.

Con un corazn santo puro

y sin prejuicios debe uno or
las palabras divinas
celestes e interior, y leer el

this by day and by night,

sitting at home, travelling
along the way, sleeping and escritos, que pueden dar a
la demandante de lo que
arising [Joshua I. 8; II
busca. [Nota del traductor:
Deuteronomy 6, 7; 11, 19]." La primera letra de cada
Among those who have
palabra de la primera
helped in this education
los prrafos anteriores
have been many men of
forman un acrstico que
dice Kirakos en armenio.]
who left behind a living
monument their writings
for all generations
Para estos son preceptos
succeeding them. Such a
divinos: "Los padres deben
person was
ensear a sus hijos para

[g4] the great Eusebius who que la prxima generacin

aprende [Salmos 78.
left two books. One is the
Chronicle which begins with 5,6] "como el profeta David

the ancestor Adam, in

which Eusebius compared
the barbarous names of the
Patriarchs found in pagan
histories to the names in
Christian histories,
continuing [3] until the
Coming of Christ and
beyond, and including the
names of chiefs
and kings of many peoples
of this region. The other
book is the History of the
Church which begins with

manda, y como el gran

profeta Moiss aconsej a
los hijos de Israel:" Medita
esta de da y de noche,
sentado en su casa,
viajando a lo largo del
camino, dormir y que surja
[Joshua I. 8; II
Deuteronomio 6, 7; 11, 19].
"Entre los que han ayudado
en esta educacin han sido
muchos hombres de Dios

que dej detrs de un

monumento vivo - sus
escritos para todas las
birth of the Sun of
generaciones venideras
Righteousness and contains ellos. Esa persona era
accounts of the kings and
the missionary activities of
[g4] el gran Eusebio que
the holy
dej dos libros. Una de ellas
es la crnica que se inicia
Apostles, describing who of con el antepasado Adn,
them did what and where
each went and how he was que Eusebio compar los
martyred. It describes the
nombres brbaros de los
patriarcas se encuentran en
holy bishops and the work
historias paganas a los
and bravery of
nombres de
distinguished men, down to
the days of the pious
Historias cristianas,
continuando [3] hasta que
la venida de Cristo y ms
where the book ends. The
all, y que incluye los
book of the learned
nombres de los jefes
Socrates Scholasticus,
written with forceful
y los reyes de muchos
expression, begins
pueblos de esta regin. El
otro libro es la historia de la

with Saint Sylvester, the

bishop of Rome, describes
Constantine the Great, and
proceeds until the days of

Iglesia, que se inicia con la

nacimiento del Sol de
Justicia y contiene cuentas
de los reyes y las
actividades misioneras de la

Theodosius the Younger,

narrating the deeds and
accomplishments of each of
Apstoles, describiendo que
the kings and bishops, the
de ellos hicieron lo que y
virtuous and the wicked, the donde cada uno fue y cmo
acts of many councils, good fue martirizado. Describe el
and bad, in a lengthy and
obispos santos y el trabajo
extensive work [end of
y la valenta de los hombres
grabar (Classical Armenian
distinguidos, hasta el da de
text) page 5; henceforth
los piadosos Constantino,
shown as, for example,
en el que el libro termina. El
libro de los sabios Scrates
Escolstico, escrito con
expresin contundente,
con San Silvestre, el obispo
de Roma, describe
Many Armenian historians
[also] have produced works. Constantino el Grande, y
procede hasta los das de
Among them are the
venerable and brilliant
Teodosio el Joven, que narra
Agat'angeghos (which
translates "glad tidings")
who, at the order of the
mighty, brave king Trdat,
put down
the details of events which
transpired among the
Armenians at the hands of
Saint Gregory the Parthian,

las hazaas y logros de

cada uno de los reyes y
obispos, el
virtuosos y los malos, los
actos de muchos consejos,
buenos y malos, en una
obra larga y extensa [fin de
grabar (texto armenio
clsico) pgina 5; de ahora
en adelante como se

confessor of Christ; deeds,

miracles and [4] wonders,
and the circumstances of
the illumination of the land
Armenia, all in a beautiful
and clear narration. After
Agat'angeghos was Movses
Xorenats'i, richer in
knowledge and wisdom
than many holy men of
God, who composed the
history of the Armenians

muestra, por ejemplo, [g5].

Muchos historiadores
armenios [tambin] han
producido obras. Entre ellos
se encuentran el venerable
y brillante

Agat'angeghos (que se
traduce "buenas nuevas")
que, en el orden del
poderoso, valiente rey
and carefully beginning with Trdat, dej
the first man and including
the affairs, works and deeds los detalles de los eventos
que ocurrieron entre los
of many peoples from
armenios a manos de San
the days of Trdat and Saint
Gregorio el Parto, la
Gregory to the death of
confesor de Cristo; obras,
Saint Sahak, patriarch of
milagros y [4] se pregunta,
the Armenians. He
y las circunstancias de la
iluminacin de la tierra de
with a lament pronounced
Armenia, todo en una
over the land of Armenia.
hermosa y clara narracin.
After Xorenats'i was the
Despus Agat'angeghos era
blessed Eghishe who
Movses Xorenats'i, ms rica
the brave deeds of Vardan,
Saint Sahak's grandson, and el conocimiento y la
his companions who (in the sabidura que muchos
santos hombres de Dios,
hope of Christ) gave
que componan la historia
themselves up [g6] to death de los armenios concisa
and were crowned by
y comenzando con cuidado
Christ. He wrote about the

courageous deaths of the

blessed Yovsep'eants', how
the Armenian naxarars
(lords) willingly surrendered
to the royal fetters for their
conviction for Christ,
voluntarily; and about the
patient martyrdom of the
saints Xoren and Abraham,

con el primer hombre e

incluyendo los asuntos, las
obras y los hechos de
muchos pueblos de
los das de Trdat y San
Gregorio a la muerte de San
Sahak, patriarca de los
armenios. Concluye

con un lamento
pronunciado sobre la tierra
de Armenia. Despus
this wonderful man set forth Xorenats'i fue el Eghishe
precisely. And then there is bendito quien narr
the rhetorician, Ghazar
P'arbets'i, who begins with
las hazaas de Vardan,
nieto de San Sahak, y sus
the days of Saint Sahak and compaeros, que (con la
narrates events in the same esperanza de Cristo) dio
style. And following him
P'awstos Biwzand, who
ventaja a [g6] a muerte y
fueron coronados por Cristo.
relates what transpired in
Escribi sobre las muertes
Armenia between the
valientes del
Iranians and us. And the
history of Heraclius was
benditos Yovsep'eants ',
written by
cmo los naxarars
armenios (seores) de
bishop Sebeos. And the
buena gana se rindieron a
history of the wonderful
las cadenas reales para su
Koriwn. And Xosrov. And the
history [5] of the priest
condena por Cristo, de
manera voluntaria; y sobre
Ghewond which is about
el martirio de los santos
what Mahmet and his
paciente Xoren y Abraham,
successors did all over the
world and especially among
este hombre maravilloso
establece con precisin. Y
Armenian people. And the
luego est el retrico,
vardapet T'ovma, historian
Ghazar P'arbets'i, que

of the house of Artsrunik'.

And Shapuh Bagratuni. And
lord Yovhannes, kat'oghikos
of the Armenians. And
Movses Kaghankatuats'i,
historian of [Caucasian]
Aghbania/Aghuania. And
Uxtanes, bishop of Urha
(Edessa), who wrote about
the [doctrinal] separation of
Georgians from the
Armenians by Kiwrion. And
the vardapet Step'annos,
surnamed Asoghik. And the
vardapet Aristakes called
Lastivertts'i. And Samuel,
the priest from the [g7]
cathedral of Ani. And the

comienza con
los das de San Sahak y
narra los acontecimientos
en el mismo estilo. Y
siguindole P'awstos
Biwzand, que
relata lo que sucedi en
Armenia entre los iranes y
nosotros. Y la historia de
Heraclio fue escrito por
obispo Sebeos. Y la historia
de la maravillosa Koriwn. Y
Xosrov. Y la historia [5] del
Ghewond que es sobre lo
que Mahmet y sus
sucesores hicieron en todo
el mundo y especialmente
entre los

Pueblo armenio. Y el
and brilliant vardapet called Vardapet T'ovma,
historiador de la casa de
Artsrunik '. Y Shapuh
Bagratuni. Y
It was the concern of each
of these blessed men to
leave behind a good written
memorial for the future, for

seor Yovhannes,
kat'oghikos de los armenios.
Y Movses Kaghankatuats'i,
historiador de la [Europeo]

the benefit of the listeners

and as a recompense for
these same saints, an
undying memorial to
endure until the

Aghbania / Aghuania. Y
Uxtanes, obispo de Urha
(Edesa), que escribi acerca
de la separacin [doctrinal]

coming of Christ.

Georgianos de los armenios

Now as for our undertaking,

let no one consider it bold.
But rather, it is a work of
goodly emulation. For our
mind has compelled us not
be be silent about such
calamitous disasters which
we heard about with our
ears and saw with our own
eyes. These times brought
to mind all the prophecies
previously prophesized
the difficulties which would
[6] come later on; and this
came to pass in our own
time. As our Savior and
Lord Jesus Christ, said:
"Nations shall rise up
against nations, and
kingdoms against
kingdoms," "and this is
but the beginning of the
sufferings [Matthew 24.7-8;
Mark 13.8.]." The
appearance of the son of
whom we fear, may happen
in our own day. For
everything done today
points to this. Love has
dried up,

por Kiwrion. Y el Vardapet

Step'annos, de apellido
Asoghik. Y el
Vardapet Aristakes llama
Lastivertts'i. Y Samuel, el
sacerdote de la [g7]
catedral de Ani. Y los sabios
y brillante Vardapet llama

Fue la preocupacin de
cada uno de estos hombres
benditos de dejar atrs un
buen memorial escrito para
el futuro, para
el beneficio de los oyentes
y como recompensa por
estos mismos santos, un
monumento imperecedero
para perdurar hasta que el
venida de Cristo.

Ahora en cuanto a nuestra

empresa, que nadie
considera negrita. Pero ms
bien, es una obra de la
emulacin robusta. Para
mente ha obligado no nos
callemos acerca de tales
desastres calamitosos que
hemos escuchado acerca de
nuestra propia

cruelty reigns, worship has

declined [g8], and irreligion
has increased. Altars and
masses are silent and

odos y vimos con nuestros

propios ojos. Estos tiempos
trajeron a la mente todas
las profecas previamente
profetizadas acerca

have fallen to the sword

without mercy. Women and
children are taken into
slavery and men suffer

las dificultades que [6]

venido ms tarde; y esto
sucedi en nuestro propio
tiempo. Como nuestro
Salvador y Dios,

deaths. For what saint

Nerses, that man of God,
prophesied about the
Nation of the Archers and
about the

Seor Jesucristo, dijo: "Las

naciones se levantan contra
las naciones y reinos contra
reinos", "y esto es

destruction of the land of

the Armenians has now
been fulfilled by the people
called T'at'ars. For they

sino el comienzo de los

sufrimientos [Mateo 24,7-8;
Marcos 13.8.]. "La aparicin
del hijo de perdicin

quien nos tememos, que

puede suceder en nuestros
wiped out many nations and das. Por todo lo hecho hoy
tribes, as we shall relate in
apunta a esto. El amor se
the proper place, if the Lord ha secado,
reina la crueldad, el culto
ha disminuido [g8], y la
irreligin ha aumentado.
Each of the former scholars Altares y masas son
working before us found a
silenciosos y sacerdotes
certain place, [his work]
being sponsored either by a han cado a espada sin
piedad. Las mujeres y los
distinguished king or by
nios son llevados como
nahapets of distinguished
esclavos y hombres sufren
families. Yet now we are
deprived of any such
muertes. Por qu santo
Nerses, que el hombre de

since the Arsacid and

Bagratid kingdoms have
long since vanished and
nowhere are there princes
of the line
of Hayk remaining except
for those who are crouched
and hiding in foreign lands.
The one hope we have we
place on the grace and the
might of the mystery of this
day. For today, the day on
which we began this work,

Dios, profetiz acerca de la

Nacin de los arqueros y de
la destruccin de la tierra
de los armenios ya se ha
cumplido por las personas
llamadas T'at'ars. Porque
ellos tienen
acabado con muchas
naciones y tribus, como se
relacionan en el lugar
adecuado, si el Seor lo

is the feast of the coming of

the most Holy Spirit to the
Cada uno de los ex becarios
Upperchamber among the
que trabajan delante de
ranks of the [g9] Apostles,
nosotros encontr un lugar
when Christ sent them
determinado, [su trabajo]
throughout the world,
siendo patrocinado ya sea
fortified with fiery tongues, por un
to summon all to Life
distinguido rey o nahapets
de familias distinguidas. Sin
with the net of the Gospel.
embargo, ahora se nos
priva de cualquier tipo de
We, confident of the same
Spirit, have plunged
ourselves into a task which
is above our abilities.

desde los reinos arscidas y

Bagratid hace tiempo que
han desaparecido y en
ninguna parte hay prncipes
de la lnea
de Hayk restante a
excepcin de aquellos que
se agach y escondindose
en tierras extranjeras. La
nica esperanza que

we beseech those coming

after us, not to denigrate
our work, not to scoff at or
disdain it as unlettered, but
accept it with brotherly
condescension and let it be
for your remembrance, for
posterity. For among the
disciples of Christ all must
be accomplished through
conciliation as we learn in
the Scriptures. But let us
attack the task which we
have started and present
first, concisely, the names
of the occupants of the
[kat'oghikosal] throne of
Saint Gregory, beginning
with the latter and
extending to our own times.
Let it be for
us a cemetary monument,
not like the pillar of
Absolom [II Kings 18.18],
but a living memorial on
which the

tenemos que
colocar en la gracia y el
poder del misterio de este
da. Para hoy, el da en que
comenz este trabajo,
es la fiesta de la venida del
Espritu Santo de los santos
a la Upperchamber entre las
filas de los [G9] Apstoles,
cuando Cristo los envi por
todo el mundo, fortificado
con lenguas de fuego, para
convocar a todos a la vida
con la red del Evangelio.

Nosotros, confa en el
mismo Espritu, hemos
cado nosotros mismos en
una tarea que est por
encima de nuestras
posibilidades. Por

name of Kirakos will be

remembered. [8]

Brief history of Saint

Gregory and a list of the

os rogamos que vienen

despus de nosotros, no
para denigrar a nuestro
trabajo, no se burlan de o
desdear como iletrado,

names of his successors on

[kat'oghikosal] throne.

aceptarla con
condescendencia fraternal y
que sea para su
conmemoracin, para la
posteridad. Porque entre el

Our spiritual father, Saint

Gregory, born in Christ
[glO], is worthy of all praise
and exalted by a good

discpulos de Cristo todos

deben llevarse a cabo a
travs de la conciliacin
como aprendemos en las
Escrituras. Pero nosotros

After he had enlightened

the land of Armenia with
the knowledge of God, with
orthodox regulations and

atacar la tarea que hemos

iniciado y presentar en
primer lugar, de manera
concisa, los nombres de los
ocupantes de la

canons, and after ordaining

more than 430 bishops, he
went with the great King
Trdat to Rome to see the
relics of Saints Peter and
Paul, and the great King
Constantine and the holy
patriarch Sylvester to make
a vow
and an alliance with them.
Blessed Constantine and
the great patriarch received
the blessed Gregory at
with great honors, exalting
him as a confessor and a
witness of Christ,
possessing the gifts of an
Apostle. They
gave him the dignity of
patriarch, like a vicar of

[kat'oghikosal] trono de San

Gregorio, a partir de este
ltimo y que se extiende
hasta nuestros das. Que
sea para
somos un monumento
conmemorativo, no como el
pilar de Absolom [II Reyes
18,18], pero un monumento
viviente en el que el
nombre del Kirakos ser
recordado. [8]

Breve historia de San

Gregorio y una lista de los
nombres de sus sucesores

Peter. And they gave him a

part of the relics of the
the left hand of the Apostle
Andrew, and many other

In Jerusalem [There seems

to be a lacuna in the
Armenian text after the
word Jerusalem.] they
Golgotha, the place of
Christ's crucifixion, [the
church] of Saint James, and
a place for saying mass in
the rear
of [the church] of the Holy
Resurrection. [9] They say
that Saint Gregory placed a
lamp over the tomb of

en la
[kat'oghikosal] trono.

Nuestro padre espiritual,

San Gregorio, nacido en
Cristo [glO], es digno de
toda alabanza y exaltado
por un buen recuerdo.
Despus de que l haba
iluminado la tierra de
Armenia con el
conocimiento de Dios, con
las normas ortodoxas y
cnones, y despus de
ordenar a ms de 430
obispos, se fue con el gran
Rey Trdat a Roma para ver
reliquias de los santos
Pedro y Pablo, y el gran rey
Constantino y el santo
patriarca Sylvester para
hacer un voto

Christ and beseeched God

with his prayers that on the
feast of Easter, the place be
y una alianza con ellos.
lit with an immaterial light,
something which occurs
Constantino y el gran
down to our own day.
patriarca recibieron el
Likewise they honored the
bienaventurado Gregorio en
great Trdat in a manner
la corte
con grandes honores, le
his valor, making an
exalta como confesor y
alliance by the blood of
testigo de Cristo, que posee
Christ and with faith in Him los dones de un apstol.
to maintain inviolable love

the two peoples, in times
after themselves [gl 1].

Constantine asked Saint

Gregory, "How great is the
joy of the angels at the
discovery of so many sheep

le dio la dignidad de
patriarca, como un vicario
de Pedro. Y ellos le
presentaron parte de las
reliquias de los apstoles:
la mano izquierda del
apstol Andrs, y muchos
otros regalos.

have strayed?" He replied:

"Very great indeed. But let
us, the sons of Adam, not
be considered as sheep by

En Jerusaln [Parece que

hay una laguna en el texto
de Armenia despus de la
palabra Jerusaln.]

the Heavenly Host." And the

emperor said: "Let us, the
saved, never stop
associating with them
during your

Glgota, el lugar de la
crucifixin de Cristo, [la
iglesia] de Santiago, y un
lugar para decir misa en la
parte trasera


de [la iglesia] de la Santa

Resurreccin. [9] Se dice
que San Gregorio coloca
And he ordered all the cities una lmpara sobre la tumba
to celebrate with the
sacrificing of sheep. The
Cristo y suplic a Dios con
Jews and pagans who had
sus oraciones para que en
remained unconverted were la fiesta de Pascua, el lugar
washing with the blessed
se enciende con una luz
salt, for Saint Gregory and
Sylvester had blessed salt.
algo que ocurre hasta
And Saint Gregory said to
nuestros das. Del mismo
the Jews: "You perform
modo, cumplieron con el
circumcision on the
gran Trdat de una forma
uncircumcised, contrary to
the laws.

Animals offered in sacrifice

to God as a dedication to
the saints, or in memory of
the dead without the
blessing of salt, are like the
sacrifices of pagans."

[10] He then came to our

land with great rejoicing
and spiritual gladness, and
our lands were greatly
with all the Christian laws.
During his life he ordained
his blessed son Aristakes
head bishop of the
Armenians, Georgians, and
Aghbanians/Aghuans. He
himself then pursued a
solitary life, so that
he be crowned with every
sort of crown Apostle's
[gl2], martyr's, patriarch's,
cenobite's which more

su valor, por lo que una

alianza por la sangre de
Cristo y con la fe en l para
mantener el amor inviolable
los dos pueblos, en tiempos
de s mismos [gl 1].

Constantino pidi a San

Gregorio, "Qu grande es
la alegra de los ngeles en
el descubrimiento de tantas
ovejas que
? se han extraviado "l
respondi:" Muy buena por
cierto. Pero nosotros, los
hijos de Adn dej, no sern
considerados como ovejas
. las Huestes Celestiales "Y
el emperador dijo:"
Hagamos, los salvos, nunca
dejar de asociar con ellos
durante su

accustoms man to speaking

with God tranquilly. When
Aristakes returned from the Y orden a todas las
ciudades para celebrar con
Council of Nicea, Saint
el sacrificio de ovejas. Los
Gregory thereafter
Judios y paganos que tenan
appeared to no one. After a
long life, he passed away in permanecido sin convertir
Christ, having occupied the lavaban con la sal bendita,
de San Gregorio y Sylvester
patriarchate for 30 years.

Shepherds, discovering him haba bendecido sal.

dead, piled a heap of stones
Y San Gregorio dijo a los
over his body.
Judios: "Usted realiza la
circuncisin en los
incircuncisos, contrario a las
Later, under the influence
of the Spirit, a certain
hermit and saint named
Animales ofrecidos en
Garhnik found him and took sacrificio a Dios como una
him to
dedicacin a los santos, o
en la memoria de los
muertos sin el

T'ordan village. In the days

of the Emperor Zeno [47491], they took some of his
remains and those of the
holy Hrhip'simeans to
Constantinople, and,
fashioning a coffin of silver,
they put the relics of the
saints in it.

bendicin de sal, son como

los sacrificios de los
paganos ".

[10] A continuacin, lleg a

nuestra tierra con gran
regocijo y alegra espiritual
y nuestras tierras eran
enormemente adornado
con todas las leyes
cristianas. Durante su vida
l orden a su hijo bendito
Aristakes cabeza obispo de

Writing upon it the names

of each [saint], they placed
[the reliquary] in a marble
sepulcher and sealed it with Armenios, georgianos y
a ring. It remained obscure [Europeo] Aghbanians /
Aghuans. l mismo luego
for a long time, no one
sigui una vida solitaria, de
knowing whose remains it
modo que
contained, only that it was
some saint [gl3].

que ser coronado con cada

especie de corona - [gl2]
del apstol, mrtir de,
patriarca de, cenobita de -

[11] Now in the days of the

Emperor Basil [I, 867-86]
and of Ashot Bagratuni,
king of the Armenians, it

los cuales ms

have come to torture me;

and you, Gayane, are
torturing me." He was
shouting this for a long

Ms tarde, bajo la influencia

del Espritu, un cierto
ermitao y santo llamado
Garhnik lo encontraron y lo
llevaron a

acostumbra al hombre a
hablar con Dios
tranquilamente. Cuando
Aristakes devuelve desde el
to light in the following way. Concilio de Nicea, San
A youth was seized by an
Gregory a partir de
evil spirit while praying in
that very church where the entonces apareci a nadie.
Despus de una larga vida,
relics of the saints were.
que falleci en Cristo,
The child was lifted up by
despus de haber ocupado
the dew (demon) and
thrown upon the tomb of
patriarcado durante 30
the saints,
aos. Pastores, descubrirlo
crying and saying: "Saint
muertos, apilados en un
Grigorios, illuminator of the montn de piedras sobre su
Armenians, don't torture
me. And you, lady

When the multitude heard

these words, they notified
the king who ordered the
coffin opened. As soon as
opened it, a strong light
gleamed forth from the
relics of the saints. And the
emperor ordered that the

Pueblo T'ordan. En los das

del emperador Zenn [474
a 91], se llevaron algunos
de sus restos y los de la
Hrhip'simeans santos a
Constantinopla, y, para la
configuracin de un atad

coffin be overlaid with gold

and that the names of the
saints be written on it, so
that everyone would know
whose tomb it was. An
imperial eunuch came and
related all this to King
Ashot, and when he heard
it, he
glorified God and instituted
a feast of Saint Gregory on
that day, Saturday in the
sixth week of Lent. This
feast is observed to this

de plata, que ponen las

reliquias de los santos en el
Escribir sobre ella los
nombres de cada uno
[santo], colocaron [el
relicario] en un sepulcro de
mrmol y selladas con
un anillo. Permaneci
oscura durante mucho
tiempo, nadie sabiendo
cuyos restos que contena,
slo que era de
algn santo [GL3].

[11] Ahora bien, en los das

Now the blessed Aristakes
del emperador Basilio [I,
cared well for the flock
867-86] y de Ashot
which was entrusted to him, Bagratuni, rey de los
and reprimanded without
armenios, vino
exception those [12] not
reforming. It happened that
a certain Ark'eghayos who
[gl4] had been made
supervisor of so-called
Fourth Armenia, had been
reprimanded by Aristakes
because of his evil deeds.

a la luz de la siguiente
manera. Un joven fue
detenido por un espritu
maligno, mientras rezaba
en esa misma iglesia donde
reliquias de los santos eran.
El nio fue levantado por el
roco (demonio) y arrojado a
la tumba de los santos,

Meeting [Aristakes] in the

district of Tsop'k',
Ark'eghayos killed him and llorando y diciendo: ". San
went as a fugitive to Cilician Grigorios, iluminador de los
armenios, no me tortura y
usted, seora Hrhip'sime,
out of fear of King Trdat.

Aristakes held the

episcopacy for seven years
and was translated to Christ
with a
martyr's death.

han venido a torturarme; y

t, Gayane, me estn
torturando. "l estaba
gritando esto durante
mucho tiempo.

In place [of Aristakes] King

Trdat put on the patriarchal
throne the great Wanes,
senior son of Saint

Cuando la multitud escuch

estas palabras, se
notificaron al rey que
orden el atad abierto. Tan
pronto como se

Gregory, the brother of the

blessed Aristakes. He
himself [Trdat] liked the
solitary life as had Saint

abri, una fuerte luz brillaba

adelante de las reliquias de
los santos. Y el emperador
orden que el mrmol

Thenceforth from time to

time he did not appear
among his forces, instead
fasting and praying for forty
at a time. Going to him, his
forces beseeched him to
occupy the throne. But he
did not agree to this, calling
them traitors, superficially
practising their piety. They
swore vows and sealed
decrees to practise
with sanctity and to serve
[the king) without
prevarication. And Trdat
acceded to their wishes,
occupied his

atad se cubri de oro y

que los nombres de los
santos pueden escribir en
l, por lo que todo el mundo
cuya tumba fue. Un eunuco
imperial lleg y se relaciona
todo esto con el rey Ashot,
y cuando lo oy, se
glorificado a Dios e instituy
una fiesta de San Gregorio
en ese da, el sbado en la
sexta semana de Cuaresma.
fiesta se observa en la

Ahora los Aristakes benditos

cuidados bien para el

throne, and became an

example of all kinds of
virtues [gl5].

But becoming weary of his

piety, they planned to kill
him treacherously. Taking
him to the hunt, they

rebao que le fue confiado,

y reprendi sin
excepto los [12] no
reformar. Sucedi que cierto
Ark'eghayos que [GL4] se
haba hecho
el supervisor de la llamada
Cuarta Armenia, haba sido
reprendido por Aristakes
causa de sus malas obras.

attacked him [13] with bow

and arrow, as if by accident.
Seeing that he did not die
Reunin [Aristakes] en el
from that, they gave him
distrito de Tsop'k ',
Ark'eghayos lo mat y se
poison. And thus they
fue como un fugitivo de
murdered him. They snuffed Cilicia Tarso,
out the life of this man, an
individual whose enemies
por miedo del rey Trdat.
Aristakes celebr el
episcopado durante siete
been unable to hurt him
aos y fue traducido a
due to his titan-like bravery, Cristo con un
because he triumphed in
every battle. What was
la muerte de mrtir.

considered impossible to
accomplish by force since
En lugar [de Aristakes] Rey
the reputation of [Trdat's]
Trdat puso en el trono
bravery had spread
patriarcal la gran Wanes,
throughout the entire world hijo mayor del Santo
they accomplished with
Gregory, el hermano de los
treachery and so
Aristakes benditos. l
extinguished the glowing
mismo [Trdat] gustado la
torch of their
vida solitaria que tena San
own lives. The pious and
God-loving Trdatios thus
died, having reigned for 56 A partir de entonces de vez
en cuando l no apareci
entre sus fuerzas, en lugar

Now the great Vrt'anes

went to Emperor
Constantine to have Xosrov,
son of the brave and
virtuous Trdat

de ayunar, orar por

cuarenta das
a la vez. El ir a l, sus
fuerzas le suplicaron a
ocupar el trono. Pero l no
estaba de acuerdo con esto,

made king. This was done

and Xosrov was given much traidores, practicando
support to oppose the
superficialmente su piedad.
Iranian king Shapuh in war. Juraron los votos y decretos
sellados para practicar el
But Sanatruk who had
been set up as overseer of
the Aghbanian/Aghuanian
areas by Trdat as soon as
learned of the king's death,
murdered the blessed
Gregoris, son of Vrt'anes
and [gl6] brother of Yusik,
tying him to the tail of a
wild horse in the Vatnean
[Mughan] plain. Then
Sanatruk himself went [14]
Shapuh, king of Iran, and
adopted the appearance of
sovereignty, separating his
land from Xosrov.

Xosrov, considering his

remaining land sufficient,
did not care to make war

con la santidad y servir [el

rey) y sin evasivas. Y Trdat
accedi a sus deseos,
ocup su
trono, y se convirti en un
ejemplo de todo tipo de
virtudes [GL5].

Pero convertirse cansado de

su piedad, que planeaban
matarlo a traicin. Se lo
lleva a la caza, que
l [13] atacado con el arco
y la flecha, como por
accidente. Al ver que no
muri de eso, le dieron
veneno. Y as lo asesinaron.
Ellos apagaron la vida de
este hombre, un individuo
cuya enemigos tenido
sido incapaz de hacerle
dao debido a su valenta-

but spent his life peacefully, titn como, porque triunf

en todas las batallas. Lo
obedient to the counsel of
que era
great Vrt'anes. He
transferred [the capital]
considerado imposible de
from the city of Artashat to lograr por la fuerza - ya que
Dwin and
la reputacin de valenta
[de Trdat] se haba

planted oak forests for a

place of recreation. Having
reigned for nine years, he
died in piety. His son Tiran
339-50] ruled in his stead.

Now Saint Wanes spent his

life doing good deeds.
Although the naxarars
wanted to kill him many
God did not allow this to
occur. Instead, Wanes died
peacefully and passed to
Christ, the hope of all. King
Tiran replaced him with his
son, the blessed Yusik,
brother of Gregoris,
kat'oghikos of

However, Tiran did not rule

en todo el mundo - que

lograron con la traicin y lo
apagaron la antorcha
resplandeciente de su
propias vidas. As, el
piadoso y amante de Dios
Trdatios muri, despus de
haber reinado durante 56

Ahora la gran Vrt'anes fue a

emperador Constantino
tener Xosrov, hijo del
valiente y virtuosa Trdat
hecho rey. As se hizo y
Xosrov se le dio mucho
apoyo para oponerse al rey
iran Shapuh en la guerra.

Pero Sanatruk - que haba

sido establecido como
supervisor de los Aghbanian
/ reas Aghuanian por Trdat
- tan pronto como l
enterado de la muerte del
rey, asesinado el bendito

the kingdom according to

the rules of God, but with
evil deeds which the
Yusik vigorously
reprimanded [gl7]. Tiran
despised Yusik and later
murdered him for the
following reason.

Gregoris, hijo de Vrt'anes y

[GL6] hermano del Yusik,
atndolo a la cola de un
caballo salvaje en la llanura
Vatnean [Mughan].
Entonces Sanatruk mismo
fue [14] para

Shapuh, rey de Irn, y

After the death of the son of adopt el aspecto de la
the great Constantine,
soberana, la separacin de
Emperor Constantius, Julian su tierra desde Xosrov.
the Apostate ruled over the
Romans [361-63]. He sent a
tablet on which was painted Xosrov, teniendo en cuenta
su tierra restante suficiente,
the picture of satan and
no le importaba para hacer
next to [15] him that of
la guerra, pero pas su vida
Julian, in order that it be
en paz,
placed in the Armenian
church. Tiran, out of fear of obedientes a los consejos
de grandes Vrt'anes. Fue
Julian, did as he was
transferido [la capital] de la
ciudad de Artashat para
However, the blessed Yusik Dwin y
was opposed to this and did
not allow the painting to
enter the church. Instead he
grabbed it from [Tiran's]
hands, threw it on the
bosques de robles
ground and trampelled it
with his feet, shattering it to plantados en un lugar de
recreacin. Despus de
bits. The
haber reinado durante
angered Tiran ordered Yusik nueve aos, muri en la
to be beaten to death with
piedad. Su hijo Tiran [c.
clubs. [Yusik] occupied the
339-50] gobern en su

episcopal throne for six



Then Tiran called the great

suffragan bishop Daniel, an
Assyrian, whom Saint
Gregory had placed as

Ahora San Wanes pas su

vida haciendo buenas
obras. Aunque los naxarars
queran matarlo muchas
Dios no permiti que esto
ocurra. En cambio, Wanes
muri pacficamente y se
pasa a Cristo, la esperanza
de todos. Rey

over [certain] districts. He

was a saint and a miracleworker. And when he
arrived, Daniel reprimanded
Tiran lo reemplaz con su
hijo, el bendito Yusik,
king with severe oaths on
hermano del Gregoris,
account of the murder of
kat'oghikos de Aghbania /
the holy chief priest Yusik.
Tiran became angry and
ordered him strangled. Thus
the blessed man died a
martyr's death. Tiran then
placed on the patriarchal

Sin embargo, Tirn no

descart el reino de
acuerdo con las reglas de
Dios, pero con malas
acciones que los
a certain P'arhnerseh, not of bienaventurados
the line of Saint Gregory,
but from the village of
Yusik reprendi
Ashtishat in Taron. He
enrgicamente [GL7]. Tiran
despreciaba Yusik y luego lo
asesin por la siguiente
for five years [gl8].
The king of Iran, Shapuh,
treacherously called Tiran
before him, and en route
had his eyes blinded with

Despus de la muerte del

hijo del gran Constantino, el
emperador Constancio,
Juliano el Apstata gobern
sobre la

This was revenge granted
by God for Tiran's unjust
murder of Yusik and Daniel.
Later his own son, Arshak,
strangled him. [Tiran] ruled
[16] for thirty years.

By the order of Shapuh,

Arshak occupied the throne
of his kingdom [350-67].
And all his naxarars and all
bishops of the land of
Armenia came to him
requesting a patriarch from
the worthy clan of Saint
They found a youth of fine
stature, pleasing to the
sight of the Lord, whose
name was Nerses, son of
son, At'anagines. Yusik had
two sons, one named Pap
and the other At'anagines.
While Yusik was alive he
did not ordain either of
them for any work in the
church because they were
unworthy. But after Yusik's
death, they were forcibly
ordained deacons. But they
abandoned the work of the

Romanos [361-63]. Envi

una tablilla en la que se
pint el cuadro de satans y
al lado de [15] lo que de
Julian, con el fin de que se
colocar en la iglesia
armenia. Tiran, por miedo a
Julian, hizo lo que le orden.
Sin embargo, los
bienaventurados Yusik se
opone a esto y no permiti
que la pintura para entrar
en la iglesia. En su lugar,
agarr de las manos [de
Tirn], lo tir al suelo y
trampelled con sus pies,
rompiendo en pedazos. los
Tiran enfurecido orden
Yusik a ser asesinado a
golpes con palos. [Yusik]
ocupado el trono episcopal
para seis

Entonces Tiran llama el

gran obispo sufragneo
Daniel, un asirio, a quien
San Gregorio haba puesto
como supervisor
ms de [ciertas] distritos. l
era un santo y un
trabajador de milagros. Y
cuando lleg, Daniel
reprendi al

church, occupying
themselves with eating and
drinking. Instead of psalms
and spiritual songs, they
contented themselves with
gusans [minstrels], singing
women and whores.

One day when they were

sitting in the church eating
[gl9] and drinking with
women and servants, a fire
from heaven and consumed
both of them, disgracing
them with an unheard-of
death. And they remained
inside the church for many
days, since no one dared
enter and remove the

Nerses the marvellous was

worthy of the epithet by
which [17] he was called,
for he was a rightous and

rey con juramentos graves

a causa de la muerte del
sacerdote principal santa
Yusik. Tiran se enoj y
orden lo estrangul. As, el
hombre bendecido muri
como un mrtir. Tiran luego
se coloca en el trono
un cierto P'arhnerseh, no de
la lnea de San Gregorio,
sino del pueblo de Ashtishat
en Taron. Rein
durante cinco aos [gl8].

El rey de Irn, Shapuh,

traicioneramente llama
Tiran delante de l, y en el
camino se haba cegado sus
ojos con brasas.
Esta fue la venganza
otorgado por Dios para el
asesinato injusto de Tirn
de Yusik y Daniel. Ms
tarde, su propio hijo,

lo estrangul. [Tiran]
gobernados [16] durante
blessed man. He had been
a soldier of King Arshak who treinta aos.
raised his steel sword in
service to the king and
Por el orden de Shapuh,
considered himself
Arshak ocup el trono de su
unworthy of such honor. But reino [350-67]. Y todos sus
King Arshak ordered the old

bishop P'ostos to ordain him naxarars y toda la

deacon. And gathering
together a great force, the
king sent him to Caesarea
to be ordained patriarch.
Returning from Caesarea,
Nerses enlightened the land
of Armenia with diverse
laws, he built monasteries
poor-houses, and he
gathered together the
lepers and afflicted ones
and arranged for their
maintenance and
stipulated stipends.

obispos de la tierra de
Armenia se le acercaron
solicitando un patriarca del
clan de digno de San
Encontraron a un joven de
estatura fino, agradable a
los ojos de Jehov, que se
llamaba Nerses, hijo de
Yusik de
hijo, At'anagines. Yusik tuvo
dos hijos, uno llamado
Papanicolaou y los otros
At'anagines. Mientras Yusik
estaba vivo que

no ordenar a cualquiera de
ellos para cualquier trabajo
en la iglesia porque eran
But Arshak did not rule the
indignos. Pero despus de
kingdom according to the
law of God, for he slayed his Yusik
brother's son, Gnel, and
muerte, que fueron
took Gnel's wife,
P'arandzem, for his own
wife. The blessed man of
God, Nerses, then cursed
him; while

ordenados diconos por la

fuerza. Pero ellos
abandonaron el trabajo de
la iglesia, ocupando

a s mismos con el comer y

el beber. En lugar de los
Shapuh, king of the
salmos y cnticos
Iranians, and Valens
emperor of the Greeks (who espirituales, se contentaron
ruled piously after Jovian)
became his
gusans [juglares], cantoras
y putas.

Un da, cuando estaban

sentados en la iglesia de
comer [GL9] y bebiendo con
enemies. Arshak beseeched mujeres y sirvientes, un
fuego cay
Nerses to go to Emperor
Valens [364-78] in an
del cielo y consumido los
embassy [g20].
dos, deshonrar con una
Saint Nerses went to make
peace between the two
kings. However, Valens was
then persecuting the

inaudita de la muerte. Y se
dentro de la iglesia durante
muchos das, ya que nadie
se atrevi a entrar y retirar
los cadveres.

orthodox, since he was

fermenting in the sects of
Arios and Makedon. As soon Nerses la maravillosa era
as he saw Saint Nerses and digno del epteto por el cual
[17] que se llamaba, porque
heard that the man was a
l era un rightous y
miracle -worker, he said to
him: "Heal my son, for he is
sick unto death." And the
saint said: "If you turn from
[18] your ill-advised sect, I
will cure him." And [the
emperor] agreed. The holy
man prayed and the child
came out of his illness. But
Valens then returned to the
same heresy as before and
the child died immediately.

hombre bendecido. l haba

sido un soldado del rey
Arshak que levant su
espada de acero en el
servicio al rey y
se consideraba indigno de
tal honor. Pero el rey Arshak
orden a los viejos P'ostos
obispo le ordenamos
dicono. Y convocados una
gran fuerza, el rey le envi
a Cesarea ser patriarca

Valens ordered that the

Al regresar de Cesarea,
blessed man be exiled to an Nerses ilumin la tierra de
uninhabited island where
Armenia con diversas leyes,

there would be no green

but only sand. At the saint's
prayers, a fountain with
delicious water flowed forth
and the sea threw fish onto
the shore and wood which
burst into flame of its own
accord. They dined this way
for nine months.

When Arshak learned that

Saint Nerses had been
exiled, he began to work
great evil. He built a city
gathered all the criminals
there and said that there
would be no trial against
anyone who commited
crimes and
then went there. The city
filled up with injustice. It
was named Arshakawan

construy monasterios y
pobres casas, y l se
reunieron los leprosos y los
afligidos y dispuestas para
su mantenimiento y
estipendios establecidos.

Pero Arshak no descart el

reino de acuerdo a la ley de
Dios, porque l asesin al
hijo de su hermano, Gnel, y
tom la esposa de Gnel,
P'arandzem, por su propia
esposa. El hombre bendito
de Dios, Nerses, a
continuacin, lo maldijo;
Shapuh, rey de los iranes, y
Valens emperador de los
griegos (que gobern
piadosamente despus de
Jpiter) se convirti en su

Valens the emperor was

killed barbarously, giving an
example to this world of the
future eternal Gehenna. He

enemigos. Arshak suplic

Nerses ir al emperador
Valente [364-78] en una
embajada [g20].

was burned to death.

T'eodos [Theodosius I, 37995] the Great took the
crown at the order of

San Nerses fue a hacer la

paz entre los dos reyes. Sin

Gratianos. And
he released Saint Nerses
from exile and kept him
near himself with great [19]
honor until the gathering of
Council of One Hundred
Fifty in Constantinople, at
which were assembled
Gregory the Theologian and
Gregory of Nisa, brother of
Saint Basil and many other
fathers, because of the
heresy of Macedonius.

Now Nerses was sent to his

[patriarchal] throne. He saw
the unjust deeds of Arshak
and cursed Arshakawan.
Its population wickedly
perished and the populous
city became deserted.
Shapuh called Arshak to
him and
had him put in prison.
Arshak killed himself with
his own hands. He reigned
for thirty years.

Saint Nerses beseeched the

great Theodosius and he
enthroned Pap, Arshak's
son, over the Armenians

embargo, Valens fue

entonces perseguidor de la
ortodoxa, desde que fue
fermentando en las sectas
de Arios y Makedon. Tan
pronto como vio a San
Nerses y
se enter de que el hombre
era un -worker milagro, l le
dijo: "Sanar a mi hijo, que
est enfermo hasta la
muerte." Y el
santo dijo: "Si se activa a
partir de [18] su secta
desacertada, voy a curarlo."
Y [el emperador] estuvo de
acuerdo. El Santo
hombre or y el nio sali
de su enfermedad. Pero
Valens luego regres a la
misma hereja como antes y
el nio muri

Valens orden que el

hombre bienaventurado ser
desterrado a una isla
desierta, donde no habra
plantas verdes,
pero slo arena. En las
oraciones de los santos, una
fuente con agua deliciosa
fluy y el mar arroj a los

[367-74]. Because Pap was

a dissolute man, Saint
Nerses went to reprimand
him. Pap gave him poison
caused that upright man to
die. As he was dying,
[Nerses] called his flock to
him and blessed it, and
prophesied much about the
Nation of the Archers [the
Mongols] and the
destruction of Armenia,
about the

la costa y la madera que

estall en llamas de su
propio acuerdo. Cenaron
esta manera durante nueve

Cuando se enter de que

Arshak San Nerses haba
sido exiliado, comenz a
trabajar gran mal. l
construy una ciudad y

convocados todos los

criminales all y dijo que no
habra juicio contra
antichrist and the troubles
cualquier persona que
he would spread throughout compromete crmenes y
the entire world. Then the
saint died a martyr's death, luego pas all. La ciudad se
llen de injusticia. Fue
leaving his weeping flock
nombrado Arshakawan
[g22]. He held the
patriarchate for thirty-four
years. A certain Shahak
Valens del emperador fue
him on the [patriarchal]
throne. Shahak was not of
the same [Gregorid] line,
but [20] rather was a son of

asesinado brbaramente,
dando un ejemplo para el
mundo del futuro eterno
Gehena. l

Albianos, from Manazkert in

Hark'. He ruled for four

fue quemado hasta la

muerte. T'eodos [Teodosio I,
379-95] Magno tom la
corona en el orden de
Gratianos. Y

When pious Theodosius saw lanz San Nerses del exilio

the evil deeds which Pap
y lo mantuvo cerca de l
was doing, he ruined him in con gran [19] el honor

accordance with his

hasta la reunin de la

wicked actions. [Pap] ruled

for seven years. Then
Theodosius the Great
enthroned as king of
Armenia a

Consejo de Ciento
Cincuenta en
Constantinopla, a la que se
haba reunido Gregorio el
Telogo y

certain Varazdat of the

Arshakuni line, a powerful,
strong man. After Shahak,
his brother Zawen held the

Gregorio de Nisa, hermano

de San Basilio y muchos
otros padres, a causa de la
hereja de Macedonio.

kat'oghikosatc for four


Varazdat planned to rebell

against Theodosius and to
ally with the Iranians.
Manuel Mamikonean,
brother of

Ahora Nerses fue enviada a

su trono [patriarcal]. Vio las
acciones injustas de Arshak
y maldijo Arshakawan.
Su poblacin
perversamente pereci y la
populosa ciudad se
convirti en desierto.
Shapuh llama Arshak a l y

the brave sparapet of the

Armenians, Mushegh, whom
Varazdat treacherously
le haba metido en la crcel.
killed, chased the king
Arshak mat con sus
propias manos. Rein
durante treinta aos.
Varazdat went to Greece
[Byzantium] where he died,
after ruling four years.
San Nerses suplic la gran
Teodosio y entronizado
Papanicolaou, el hijo de
After Zawen, the brother of Arshak, sobre los armenios
Shahak and Zawen,
Aspurakes, ruled the
[367-74]. Debido
kat'oghikosatc for five
Papanicolaou era un
years. Manuel
hombre disoluto, San
Nerses fue a reprenderlo.
seated on the throne Pap's

two sons, Arshak and

Vagharshak, and made
them his sons-in-law. They
ruled for
four years [g23].

Then [in 387] the Byzantine

and Iranian kings divided
the land of Armenia into
two parts. In the Byzantine
sector Arshak ruled at the
command of Arcadius and
Honorius, sons of
Theodosius the Great. Now
enthroned as king in [21]
his sector a certain Xosrov
of the same Arsacid line.
And there was a battle

Pap le dio veneno y

caus que el hombre en
posicin vertical para morir.
Como se estaba muriendo,
[Nerses] llam a su rebao
a l y lo bendijo, y
profetizado mucho de la
Nacin de los arqueros [los
mongoles] y la destruccin
de Armenia, acerca de la
anticristo y los problemas
que le esparcidas por el
mundo entero. Entonces el
santo muri como un
dejando su rebao llorando
[G22]. Sostuvo el
patriarcado durante treinta
y cuatro aos. Un cierto
Shahak tuvo xito
l en el trono [patriarcal].
Shahak no era de la misma
[Gregorid] lnea, pero [20] y
no era un hijo de

Arshak and Xosrov, since

the princes who were under
Arshak made off with his
treasury and went over to

Xosrov, after the death of

Aspurakes, seated the
blessed Sahak, son of

Albianos, desde Manazkert

en Hark '. l gobern
durante cuatro aos.

Cuando piadosa Teodosio

vio las malas acciones que
Pap estaba haciendo, le
arruin de conformidad con
acciones perversas. [Pap]

Nerses the Great, on the

throne. In these days the
patriarch of Constantinople
was that wonderful blazing
torch of the Church, Saint
John Chrysostom who
enlightened the universal
Church of Christ with
doctrine of the Word of Life.
He was
at first ridiculed by some
people for not being able to
speak Greek well, because
on his father's side he was
Syrian. After he was
baptised he did not drink
wine, he did not laugh or
swear or make people take
oaths, and
he did not anathematize
anyone. When they took
him into exile, he stretched
forth his hand to the

gobern durante siete aos.

Entonces Teodosio el
Grande entronizado como
rey de Armenia un
cierta Varazdat de la lnea
Arshakuni, un poderoso
hombre, fuerte. Despus
Shahak, su hermano Zawen
celebr la
kat'oghikosatc durante
cuatro aos.

Varazdat planeaba rebell

contra Teodosio y aliarse
con los iranes. Manuel
Mamikonean, hermano del
los valientes sparapet de
los armenios, Mushegh,
quien Varazdat
alevosamente asesinados,
persigui al rey de
Varazdat fue a Grecia
[Bizancio] donde muri,
despus de gobernar cuatro

saying: "Be well, holy

Church, abode of the glories
of the Lord, and do not
forget my work; for of the
Despus Zawen, el
hermano de Shahak y
which I received [g24] from Zawen, Aspurakes, gobern
el kat'oghikosatc durante
God the most valuable are
cinco aos. Manuel
the eight hundred books
and twelve thousand

sentados en los dos hijos de

la Papanicolaou trono,

homilies." He was patriarch

for five years, was in exile
for three years, and died in
[the city of] Comana at

Arshak y Vagharshak, y les

hizo sus hijos-en-ley. Ellos
gobernaron durante
cuatro aos [G23].

fifty years of age.

Entonces [en 387] los reyes
When Xosrov had ruled for
bizantinos e iranes
five years, the Iranian king
dividieron la tierra de
deposed him and enthroned Armenia en dos partes. En
Vrhamshapuh. More than
el bizantino
anyone [22] Saint Sahak
made the Church of Christ
resplendent with various
virtuous laws and with

In this period, a great light

of learning dawned in
Armenia since the
venerable Mesrop went to
Saint Sahak to

sector Arshak gobernaba

por mandato de Arcadio y
Honorio, hijos de Teodosio
el Grande. Ahora Shapuh
entronizado como rey en
[21] su sector cierto Xosrov
de la misma lnea de
Arsacid. Y hubo una batalla

inquire whether it would be

possible to create letters for Arshak y Xosrov, ya los
prncipes que estaban bajo
the Armenian language.
Arshak hicieron con su
[Mesrop] found [Sahak]
tesoro y se acerc a
more than desirous of such
a thing, because until that
time they did not have
Armenian letters but used
Xosrov, tras la muerte de
Aspurakes, sentado el
or Syriac characters. They
bendito Sahak, hijo de
acquainted King
Nerses el Grande, en la

Vrhamshapuh with the plan. patriarcal

And the king said: "While I
trono. En estos das el
was in
patriarca de Constantinopla
the Syrian areas, a certain
era esa maravillosa
Syrian bishop named Daniel antorcha encendida de la
told me that he had
Iglesia, San
characters for the Armenian
Juan Crisstomo, que
language. I neglected this
ilumin la Iglesia universal
matter at the time." And
de Cristo con la doctrina de
they sent a certain naxarar la Palabra de Vida. El estaba
named Vaxrich (Vahrich) to
en un primer momento
Daniel to request the
ridiculizado por algunas
alphabet from him. He sent personas para no poder
it [to them] by [g25] the
hablar bien griego, porque
priest Habel. As soon as
en el lado de su padre que
they saw
it, they rejoiced and began
to translate into Armenian
all the books of the Bible.
But looking at [the

Sirio. Despus de que l fue

bautizado no beba vino, no
se ri o jurar o hacer que la
gente tome los juramentos,

they realized that it was not

sufficient for correctly
producing all the syllables,
conjunctive particles, and

l no anatematiza a nadie.
Cuando lo llevaron al exilio,
l extendi su mano a la

words, and again they

became concerned. When
they had exhausted all
human possibilities, they
took refuge

diciendo: "S bueno, santa

Iglesia, morada de las
glorias del Seor, y no te
olvides de mi trabajo,
porque de los dones

with Him for whom all is

possible, petitioning the
Lord with prayers and
undertaking rigorous fasting

que recib [G24] de Dios lo

ms valioso son los
ochocientos libros y doce

prayers. He who fulfills the

desires of His pious
followers and listens [23] to
their prayers did not
neglect their
goodly requests. A mighty
writing on stone appeared
to Mesrob and it made
manifest all the particulars.
Arising, Mesrob created the

Thereafter they gathered

many children and
instructed the entire land.
They divided the young
children the

homilas. "l era patriarca

durante cinco aos, se
encontraba en el exilio
durante tres aos, y muri
en [la ciudad de] Comana
cincuenta aos de edad.

Cuando Xosrov haba

gobernado durante cinco
aos, el rey iran lo depuso
y entronizado
Vrhamshapuh. Mas que
cualquier persona [22] San
Sahak hizo la Iglesia de
Cristo resplandece con
varias leyes virtuosas y con

learned, the soft-voiced and

patient into two groups, and legislacin.
founded Syrian and Greek
schools. Those youths,
after studying all sorts of
Christian and secular
disciplines, became
veracious translators. They
translated all

En este perodo, una gran

luz del aprendizaje
amaneci en Armenia
desde el venerable Mesrop
fue a San Sahak a

the books of the Old and

New Testament, beginning
with the Proverbs of [g26]
Solomon. They did them all.

preguntar si sera posible

crear letras para el idioma
armenio. [Mesrop] encontr

They were not only

translators, but doctors and
teachers and prophets
speaking of the future.

ms que deseosos de tal

cosa, porque hasta ese
momento no tenan letras
armenias pero utilizan

They were filled with the
Holy Spirit, speakers of the
languages of nations,
translators from generation
generation, they
transformed the obscure
into the evident; they
explained deep words,
making them clear.

o caracteres siracos. Ellos

conocen Rey Vrhamshapuh
con el plan. Y el rey dijo:
"Mientras estaba en
las zonas de Siria, un cierto
obispo sirio llamado Daniel
me dijo que tena
caracteres para el armenio
idioma. Descuid este
asunto en el momento. "Y
me mandaron a un cierto
naxarar llamado Vaxrich
(Vahrich) para

They were pillars of the

Church and the wellfastened gates for Her sons. Daniel para solicitar el
They were light-giving
alfabeto de l. Lo envi [a
towers and
ellos] por [G25] el
sacerdote Habel. Tan pronto
blazing torches, generally
como vieron
spreading their rays to the
extremities of the universe. ella, se regocijaron y
comenz a traducir al
armenio todos los libros de
la Biblia. Pero al mirar a [el
They were theologians of
the Word of Life, givers of
[24] drink to the thirsty,
coolers of the fiery heat of
devil and bringers of
warmth to those cooling in
the faith.

se dieron cuenta de que no

era suficiente para producir
correctamente todas las
slabas, partculas
conjuntivas, y

Es decir, una y otra vez que

comenzaron a preocuparse.
Cuando haban agotado
They were singing swallows, todas las posibilidades
sweet voiced and prudent
humanas, se refugiaron
doves, lovers of holiness,

and dishononers of

con l para quien todo es

posible, pidiendo al Seor
con oraciones y la
realizacin de ayuno
riguroso y

They were teachers of the

children and good examples oraciones. El que cumple
for the youth, ornaments of los deseos de sus
virgins, laws of the
seguidores piadosos y
escucha [23] a sus
married, comforters of the
old, counselors of the weak, oraciones no descuidar su
callers to those sinking, who peticiones hermosos. Una
turned sinners from their
escritura poderosa en
piedra pareca Mesrob e
hizo que se manifiestan
todos los detalles.

ways. They [g27] served as

goads to awaken the lazy,
encouraging the
enthusiastic. They were
lovers of study
and reprimanders of the

Their vardapets and

teachers were saints Sahak
and Mesrop and their
principal students, the
blessed Yovsep',
Yovhan, Ghewond the Priest
(erets'), Sahak, Movses
K'ert'oghahayr, and
Mambre Veratsanogh, his

Con origen, Mesrob cre el


A partir de entonces se
reunieron muchos nios e
instruyeron a toda la tierra.
Dividieron los nios
pequeos los
aprendido, las escuelas
sirias y griegas de voz
suave y paciente en dos
grupos, y fundadas. Esos
despus de estudiar todo
tipo de cristiano y
disciplinas seculares, se
convirti traductores
veraces. Ellos traducen todo
los libros del Antiguo y

Eznak, Koriwn, the blessed

Eghishe, the philosopher
Dawit', Yovhannes, lord
Abraham, Ardzan, Mushe,
Ardzan, Xosrov, Ghazar, and
then Step'annos bishop of
Siwnik' and Hrhap'anos
Samostats'i who fashioned

Nuevo Testamento,
comenzando con los
Proverbios de [G26]
Salomn. Ellos todos ellos
No eran slo los
traductores, pero los
mdicos y los maestros y
profetas de hablar del

beautiful characters, and

many others, some of
whom had reached the rank
Ellos fueron llenos del
[25] of bishop, and others
Espritu Santo, los
hablantes de las lenguas de
were set up as leaders over las naciones, los
the people. Some
traductores de generacin
composed their own books, en
beyond the translations,
generacin, transformaron
such as the
lo oscuro en el evidente;
History of the Armenians of explicaron palabras
the marvellous Movses at
profundas, lo que las claras.
the request of Sahak
Bagratuni and his History of
Eran pilares de la Iglesia y
Holy Mother of God and Her
Picture at the request of the
Artsrunid princes and PetK
at the request of a
certain T'eodos, and the
Eulogy of the Blessed
Hrhip'simeans, and On the
Transfiguration (Vardavarh)
other sermons and
philosophical homilies.

las puertas bien

abrochados-para Sus hijos.
Se les da luz y torres
ardiente antorchas, en
general, extendiendo sus
rayos a las extremidades
del universo.

Fueron los telogos de la

Palabra de Vida, dadores de
[24] beber al sediento,

Koriwn wrote the History of

Saint Mesrop and of other
Eghishe's History of the
Holy Vardaneans [g28], the
Book of Canons and
exegeses of sacred writings
and the

enfriadores de el calor
ardiente del
diablo y portadores de
calidez a los de
refrigeracin en la fe.

passion of our Savior. And

Ghazar's book. Eznak too
left many discourses for the
benefit of posterity. Dawit'

Los aficionados golondrinas,

dulces palomas sonoros y
prudentes, los amantes de
la santidad, y dishononers
de impureza.

the Philosopher's Book of

Limits and Being, the
Interpretation of Aristotle,
the Introduction of Porphry

Eran maestros de los nios

y los buenos ejemplos para
los jvenes, adornos de
vrgenes, las leyes de la

other questions and

answers, the Eulogy on the
Holy Cross, and On the Birth
of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Similarly, Mambre
Vertsanogh wrote a eulugy
on Palm Sunday, on the
coming of Christ to
Jerusalem riding
on a donkey. Then the great
bishop Step'annos of
Siwnik' left many
interpretations of sacred
writings, a
summary of the Gospels,
and of the books of Job,
Daniel, and Ezekiel and the
answers to the letter of the

casadas, edredones de la
edad, los consejeros de los
dbiles, las personas que
llaman a los que se hunde,
que convirtieron a los
pecadores de su

formas. Ellos [G27] sirvieron

como incita a despertar el
perezoso, el fomento de la
entusiasta. Eran amantes
de estudio
y reprimanders de los

patriarch of Constantinople,

[26] They also wrote

sharakans (hymns) of a
sweet and lovely quality
and with great imagination
on the birth

Sus vardapets y maestros

eran santos Sahak y Mesrop
y de sus principales
alumnos, los
bienaventurados Yovsep ',

Yovhan, Ghewond el
Sacerdote (erets '), Sahak,
Movses K'ert'oghahayr y
of Christ and the forty days Mambr Veratsanogh, su
of His coming to the temple, hermano
on His baptism and His
arrival in Bethany and
Eznak, Koriwn, los
bienaventurados Eghishe, el
Jerusalem on the great
filsofo Dawit ', Yovhannes,
week of His Passion and
seor Abraham, Ardzan,
Resurrection, His
Ascenscion and the coming
of the Spirit on
Ardzan, Xosrov, Ghazar, y
luego Step'annos obispo de
the Cross, and the Church
Siwnik 'y Hrhap'anos
and on other feasts [g29] of Samostats'i quien form el
the Lord and on all the
saints, on repentance and
hermosos personajes, y
on all
muchos otros, algunos de
los cuales haban alcanzado
the reposed, varied, diverse el rango [25] del obispo, y
and countless, [hymns]
otros que
which to this day are used
in the churches of Armenia. se establecieron como
lderes sobre el pueblo.
Algunos compuesto sus
propios libros, ms all de
Now the holy vardapet
las traducciones, como la
Mesrop, as soon as he
elevated Armenia through
learning and translations,
his works to kat'oghikos
Sahak and went to

Historia de los armenios de

la maravillosa Movses a
peticin de Sahak Bagratuni
y su Historia de la

Aghbania/Aghuania where
he created an alphabet for
them, too.
Leaving vardapets there for
them, he went to Georgia
and created an alphabet for
them in accordance with

Santa Madre de Dios y Su

imagen, a peticin de los
prncipes Artsrunid y PetK a
peticin de un

cierta T'eodos, y el Elogio

de la Santsima
Hrhip'simeans, y en la
Transfiguracin (Vardavarh)
the grace given him from on y
High. And thus gladdening
all the lands with boundless otros sermones y homilas
joy he left them
filosficas. Koriwn escribi
la Historia de San Mesrop y
vardapets from among his
de otros tiempos.
students and he himself
returned to Armenia and
Historia de Eghishe del
found the great Sahak
Santo Vardaneans [G28], el
Libro de los Cnones y
exgesis de los escritos
with translating.
sagrados y la
la pasin de nuestro
Salvador. Y el libro de
Now King Vrhamshapuh,
having ruled the country for Ghazar. Eznak tambin dej
muchos discursos para el
twenty-one years, died in
beneficio de la posteridad.
peace. Then his brother
Dawit '
Xosrov ruled again for one
libro del filsofo de Lmites
year and then Artashes (or
y el Ser, la interpretacin de
Artashir) ruled after him.
Aristteles, la Introduccin
de Porphry y
[27] During that time the
pious Theodosius the Lesser
[II, 408-450], son of
Arcadius, ruled the

otras preguntas y
respuestas, el Elogio de la
Santa Cruz, y por el
nacimiento de Nuestro
Seor Jesucristo.

And Saint Sahak [g30] sent

the vardapet Mesrop and

Del mismo modo, Mambr

Vertsanogh escribi una

his own grandson, Vardan

[Mamikonean], with a letter
to Emperor Theodosius so
that he give an order to
those under his sway to
study the Armenian
alphabet for

eulugy el Domingo de
Ramos, en la venida de
Cristo a Jerusaln montado
sobre un burro. Entonces el
gran obispo Step'annos de
Siwnik 'dej muchas
interpretaciones de los
escritos sagrados, un

[the emperor's] overseers

had not given permission to Resumen de los Evangelios
do this, out of their jealousy. y de los libros de Job, Daniel
Then the mild Theodosius
y Ezequiel y las respuestas
a la carta de la
accused [Mesrop], saying:
"Why did you search for an patriarca de Constantinopla,
alphabet from the Syrians
and not from the Greek
scholars who are in our
city?" And Mesrop replied
that the completion of the
alphabet took place
because of

[26] Tambin escribi

sharakans (himnos) de una
calidad dulce y encantadora
y con gran imaginacin en
el nacimiento

the grace of the Spirit. Then

the pious king thanked God de Cristo y de los cuarenta
and ordered that Mesrop be das de su venida al templo,
en Su bautismo y Su
honored as a true and
llegada a Betania y
wise vardapet. He and the
Jerusaln en la gran
patriarch Attikos, together
semana de la Pasin y
with all the faithful of the
Resurreccin, Su Ascenscion
Church and the king
y la venida del Espritu
Mesrop among the foremost
doctors of the Church, with la Cruz y la Iglesia y en
otras fiestas [G29] del
At'anasius and the two
Seor y de todos los santos,
Gregories, Basil and John
sobre el arrepentimiento y
sobre todo

The pious Theodosius made

Vardan stratelat. They also
wrote letters to the great
Sahak giving him exalted
honor. [The emperor] gave
the order throughout his
kingdom to assemble [g31]
intelligent young men to
the alphabet, while
maintenance and expenses
were seen to by the court.
He gave an order to build a
city in

the Karin district of Armenia

and named [28] the city
(T'eodopolis), which
presently is called

el reposado, variada,
diversa y incontables,
[himnos] que hasta hoy se
utilizan en las iglesias de

Ahora el santo Vardapet

Mesrop, en cuanto se eleva
Armenia a travs del
aprendizaje y traducciones,
sus obras a kat'oghikos
Sahak y fueron a Aghbania /
Aghuania donde cre un
alfabeto para ellos,
Dejando vardapets all para
ellos, fue a Georgia y cre
un alfabeto para ellos, de
acuerdo con
la gracia que le haba dado
de lo alto. Y alegrando as
todas las tierras de alegra
desbordante dejndolos

Karin city. When Mesrop

arrived [in Armenia] he also
instructed that half [of the
Armenian] people under

vardapets de entre sus

alumnos y l mismo regres
a Armenia y encontr la
gran Sahak ocupada

Theodosius' rule.

con la traduccin.

Now the king of Armenia,

the youth Artashir, was
lewd and wanton, worked

Ahora el rey Vrhamshapuh,

despus de haber
gobernado el pas durante
veintin aos, muri en

unworthy deeds not only at

paz. Entonces su hermano

night, but during the day,

and did not heed the advice
of Saint Sahak. Therefore,
all the naxarars became

Xosrov gobern de nuevo

por un ao y luego Artashes
(o Artashir) gobern
despus de l.

disgusted and went to Saint

Sahak so that together with
him they might denounce
Artashir to the Iranian king
and overthrow him. But
Saint Sahak refused to toss
a lamb to the wolves. [The
naxarars] went to the
king Vahram [(Vrham) Gur,
421-438/39], removed
Artashir from the throne
and also removed the
Sahak from his throne for
he had not agreed with
them. Thus the kingdom of
the Arsacids was ended

[27] Durante ese tiempo los

piadosos Teodosio el Menor
[II, 408-450], hijo de
Arcadio, gobern los
Y San Sahak [G30] enviaron
el Vardapet Mesrop y su
propio nieto, Vardan
[Mamikonean], con una
al emperador Teodosio para
que d una orden para
aquellos bajo su dominio
para estudiar el alfabeto
armenio de

supervisores [del
emperador] no haban dado
following Artashir, who
permiso para ello, de sus
reigned for six years. The
celos. A continuacin, el
Arsacid kingdom in Armenia leve Teodosio
lasted 568 years. The
acusado [Mesrop], diciendo:
pontificate ended in the
"Por qu la bsqueda de
worthy clan of Saint
un alfabeto de los sirios, y
Gregory [g32], although the no del griego
blessed Sahak lived sixteen
estudiosos que estn en
nuestra ciudad? "Y Mesrop
after this event and made
respondieron que la
the land resplendent with
finalizacin del alfabeto se

his luminous doctrine. This

was during the time of
unworthy overseers and
Iranian marzpans such as
Vehmihrshapuh in place of
King Artashir and the
Surmak instead of Saint
Sahak. [Surmak] [29] lived
one year. After Surmak
came the Syrian Brkisho,
was worse than his
predecessor. He ruled for
three years. And then
Shmuel ruled for five
useless years.

Now Saint Sahak was

occupied with prayers and
doctrine. Then all the
naxarars of Armenia threw
themselves before him
confessing their sins,
requesting a pardon from
him, and begging him to
return to his

llev a cabo debido a la

la gracia del Espritu.
Entonces el rey piadoso dio
gracias a Dios y orden que
Mesrop ser honrada como
verdadera y
Vardapet sabio. l y el
patriarca Attikos, junto con
todos los fieles de la Iglesia
y el rey inscrito
Mesrop entre los mdicos
ms importantes de la
Iglesia, con At'anasius y los
dos Gregorios, Basilio y Juan

El piadoso Teodosio hizo

Vardan stratelat. Tambin
escribieron cartas a la gran
Sahak dando lo exalt
honor. [El emperador] dio la
orden en todo su reino de
montar [G31] hombres
jvenes inteligentes para

el alfabeto, mientras que el

mantenimiento y los gastos
throne, but he did not
fueron vistos por el rgano
consent. And when they
jurisdiccional. l dio una
had pressed him a great
deal, he related to them the orden para construir una
ciudad en
which he saw, [namely] that
it was because of the Lord

that the line of Saint

Gregory ceased to occupy
patriarchate and the
Arsacid house had ceased
to occupy the throne. And
that close to the
appearance of the
antichrist, God would again
restore the kingdom of the
Arsacids and the [g33]
patriarchate in the line of
Gregory. The naxarars gave
him leave to do as he
wished. The Iranian king
made Vardan marzpan of
Armenia and placed the
country in his hands.

After occupying the

patriarchate for fifty-one
years, Saint Sahak passed
in peaceful death to the
ranks of the
angels, giving his throne to
Saint Mesrop, who also
passed from this life during
the same year, leaving a
testimony of himself to the
future. He died at the
beginning of the first year
of [the reign of] Varham II's

el distrito Karin de Armenia

y el nombre [28] la ciudad
Teodosipolis (T'eodopolis),
que actualmente se llama
Ciudad Karin. Cuando lleg
Mesrop [en Armenia] que
tambin instruy que la
mitad [de los armenios]
personas menores
Regla de Teodosio.

Ahora el rey de Armenia, la

Artashir juventud, era
obscena y lasciva, trabaj
actos indignos no slo en
noche, pero durante el da,
y no hizo caso de los
consejos de San Sahak. Por
lo tanto, todos los naxarars
se convirtieron
disgustados y se fueron a
San Sahak para que juntos
con l podran denunciar
Artashir al rey iran
y derrocarlo. Pero San
Sahak neg a tirar un
cordero a los lobos. [Los
naxarars] fueron a la iran
rey Vahram [(Vrham) Gur,
cuatrocientos veintin hasta
cuatrocientos treinta y ocho

Yazkert [II, 439-457], the
king of Iran. [30] Their
blessed student, Yovsep',
occupied the patriarchal

/ 39], elimina Artashir del

trono y tambin elimina los
Sahak de su trono para l
no haba estado de acuerdo
con ellos. As se puso fin al
reino del Arscidas

siguiente Artashir, que rein

King Yazkert forced all
durante seis aos. El reino
Christians to apostasize and Arsacid en Armenia dur
to turn to the Mazdean
568 aos. los
faith, a thing which the
pontificado termin en el
digno del clan de San
troops did not accept. They Gregorio [G32], aunque los
turned against the order
bienaventurados Sahak
and killed the mogs and
vivi diecisis aos
mogpets who had come to
despus de este evento e
destroy the churches and
hizo la tierra
extinguish the faith. As
resplandeciente con su
soon as Yazkert heard all
doctrina luminosa. Esto fue
about that, he sent many
durante la poca de
troops to
obispos indignos y
war with the Armenian
marzpans iranes como
forces (whose leaders were Vehmihrshapuh en lugar del
the holy Vardan and his
rey Artashir y la vengativa
comrades). The Iranians
Surmak lugar de San Sahak.
devastated the country and [Surmak] [29] vivi un ao.
at the advice of the
Despus vino el Brkisho
apostate Vasak took into
Surmak sirio, que
slavery the remaining
naxarars and
era peor que su predecesor.
Gobern durante tres aos.
the blessed Yovsep', Sahak, Y luego Shmuel gobern
Ghewond, and their
durante cinco aos intiles.
comrades [g34], taking
them to the [Iranian] court

shackles. Subsequently
they killed the blessed
Yovsep' and his
companions, keeping the
naxarars in prison
until the days of King Peroz
[459-84] when, by the
grace of God, they were
freed from their bonds and,

Ahora San Sahak fue

ocupada con oraciones y
doctrina. Entonces todos los
naxarars de Armenia tiraron
ante l confesando sus
pecados, pidiendo el perdn
de l, y le rogaba que
regresar a su
trono, pero l no consinti.
Y cuando le haban
presionado mucho, les
cont la visin

having inherited the name

of confessors, they returned
to the land of Armenia.
que vio, [a saber] que era
porque del Seor que la
lnea de San Gregorio dej
de ocupar el
After the death of pious
Emperor Theodosius,
Marcian [450-57] took over
the kingdom. He convened

patriarcado y la casa
Arsacid haban dejado de
ocupar el trono. Y que cerca
de la aparicin de la

council of 636 bishops at

Chalcedon, to wreck the
orthodox faith. Their
blasphemy spreads
throughout the

anticristo, Dios de nuevo

restaurar el reino de la
Arscidas y el [G33]
patriarcado en la lnea de

world until the present.

Gregory. Los naxarars le

dieron permiso para hacer
lo que quisiera. El rey de
fabricacin iran Vardan
marzpan de

Kirakos GandzaketsTs

Armenia y coloca al pas en

sus manos.

History of the Armenians

Despus de ocupar el

Patriarcado de cincuenta y
un aos, San Sahak pas en
la muerte pacfica a las filas
de la
[31] After the blessed
Yovsep', lord Giwt occupied
the kat'oghikosate for
fifteen years. He requested

ngeles, dando su trono a

San Mesrop, quien tambin
pas de esta vida durante
el mismo ao, dejando una

Dawit' the Philosopher [the

work] Bardzrats'uts'ek '.
The next kat'oghikos was
Yovhan Mandakuni, who

testimonio de s mismo para

el futuro. Muri en el
comienzo del primer ao de
[el reinado de] el hijo de
Varham II

reigned for twelve years. He

introduced many
regulations in the Church,
including the preachings for

Yazkert [II, 439 a 457], el

rey de Irn. [30] Su
estudiante bendita, Yovsep
', ocuparon el trono

and the prayers to be said

at the third, sixth, and ninth
hours of that feast, prayers Rey Yazkert oblig a todos
to be said at the
los cristianos a apostatar y
convertir a la fe mazdea,
establishment of churches,
cosa que el armenio
in case of misfortune, over
the chalice and plate,
books, at baptisms, when

las tropas no aceptaron. Se

volvieron contra el orden y
mataron a los mogs y
the Cross, and at marriages. mogpets que haban venido
He introduced all of these
[regulations]. Furthermore,
destruir las iglesias y
he dared to confess Christ
extinguir la fe. Tan pronto
como Yazkert oy todo eso,
before King Peroz, not
envi a muchos soldados a
fearing [g35] the king's
threats to entice him to
guerra con las fuerzas
deny Christ and communion

with the
Byzantines. Perfect in all
virtues, Yovhan passed to

armenias (cuyos lderes

eran el santo Vardan y sus
compaeros). Los iranes

devastado el pas y en el
asesoramiento de la
apstata Vasak tom como
After Marcian, the Byzantine esclavos los naxarars
restantes y
Leo [I, 457-74] the Great
ruled, and the Iranian king
el Yovsep bendita ', Sahak,
Peroz made Mangnos
Ghewond, y sus
marzpan of Armenia, for
twenty years. In these days,
Movses K'ert'ogahayr came
upon the scene. At the
same time, the holy father
T'at'ul illuminated the land
with marvelous ascetic
conduct, with his brother
and his pupil T'uma. After
Yovhan Mandakuni, lord
Babgen occupied the
kat'oghikosate for five [32]

compaeros [G34], llevarlos

a la corte [iran] en
grilletes. Posteriormente
mataron al Yovsep bendito
'y sus compaeros,
manteniendo los naxarars
de prisin
hasta los das del rey Peroz
[459-84], cuando, por la
gracia de Dios, ellos fueron
liberados de sus
obligaciones y,

in the days of Emperor

Zeno [474-91].

habiendo heredado el
nombre de los confesores,
regresaron a la tierra de

Zeno anathematized the

Council of Chalcedon and
instituted twelve books of
anathemas against it. They

Despus de la muerte del

piadoso emperador
Teodosio, Marciano [450-57]
se hizo cargo del reino. Se
convoc a la

that he frequently ate meat

and that one day, from

consejo de 636 obispos de

Calcedonia, para destruir la

eating so much, the food in

his stomach became sour.

fe ortodoxa. Su blasfemia
se extiende a lo largo del
mundo hasta el presente.

of it, he made a law [to the

effect that] cheese and not
meat be eaten for a two
week holiday, which is
Panruta to this day. It is said Kirakos GandzaketsTs
that Julian, having come to
Historia de los Armenios
Constantinople, ordered
that all the foods sold be
mixed with the blood of
sacrificial animals. The
blessed T'eodoros informed
the Christians, and they
said: "It
is not lawful for us to eat
meat these two [g36]
weeks, but we must eat
cheese instead." Thus
remained the same. In
these days the venerable
Garhnik found the remains
of Saint Gregory in Maneay
and they buried him in

[31] Despus de la Yovsep

bendita ', seor Giwt
ocuparon la kat'oghikosate
durante quince aos. Pidi a
Dawit 'Filosofal [el trabajo]
Bardzrats'uts'ek'. La
prxima kat'oghikos era
Yovhan Mandakuni, que
rein durante doce aos.
Introdujo muchas normas
de la Iglesia, incluyendo las
predicaciones de Cuaresma

y las oraciones que se dijo

en la tercera, sexta, y
novena hora de esa fiesta,
After Babgen, lord Samuel
las oraciones que se dijo en
occupied the kat'oghikosate la
for five years. In this period
establecimiento de iglesias,
there shined forth blessed

Simeon the Stylite of

Alexandria and Timothy the
priest, a scholar of orthodox
faith who wrote very

en caso de infortunio, sobre

el cliz y la placa, los libros,
en los bautismos, cuando

ferocious nature, for which

he [33] was slain by the
Hepthalites. Then his
brother Valash [(Vagharsh)

ante el rey Peroz, no

temiendo [G35] las
amenazas del rey le tientan
a negar a Cristo y la
comunin con la

ruled. He made Vahan

Mamikonean, Hmayeak's
son, the marzpan. This
Vahan garlanded the
Church with

Bizantinos. Perfecto en
todas las virtudes, Yovhan
pas a Cristo.

rights and he checked [the

advance of] the Alans. In his
day lived the rhetorician
and historian Ghazar

Despus de Marciano, el
Leo bizantina [I, 457-74] la
Gran gobern, y el rey iran
Peroz hizo Mangnos

P'arbets'i. After Samuel,

lord Mushegh occupied the
kat'oghikosate for eight

marzpan de Armenia,
durante veinte aos. En
estos das, Movses
K'ert'ogahayr vino sobre la
escena. En el

la Cruz, y en los
books, collecting all the
matrimonios. Introdujo
sayings of holy men against todos estos [reglamentos].
the heretics. But the Iranian Adems, se atrevi a
king Peroz had a very
confesar a Cristo

After Emperor Zeno,

Anastasius [(Anastas) 491518] ruled the kingdom.
Together with Zeno
was considered orthodox,

mismo tiempo, el santo

padre T'at'ul ilumina la
tierra con la conducta
asctica maravillosa, con su
hermano Varos
y su alumno T'uma.
Despus Yovhan

since he wanted to
assemble a council against
the illegal Council of
Chalcedon, to
strengthen orthodoxy. But
he was poisoned to death.
Following him Justin
[(Yustinos) 518-27) ruled,
ignorant and godless man
who filled the country with
the blood of the orthodox;
for he rekindled Chalcedon

Mandakuni, seor Babgen

ocup la kat'oghikosate por
cinco [32] aos,
en los das del emperador
Zenn [474-91].

Zeno anatematizado el
Concilio de Calcedonia e
instituy doce libros de
anatemas contra. Dicen

que con frecuencia coma

carne y que un da, de tanto
and [g37] he destroyed with comer, la comida en su
estmago se hizo amargo.
persecution those who
professed that the
Corporeal Word had one
de ella, hizo una ley [en el
sentido de que] el queso y
After the Iranian king
Valash, Kawad wore the
crown [488-97], then
Zhamasp, and again Kawad

After Mushe, lord Sahak

occupied the kat'oghikosate
for five years, then lord
K'ristop'or for five years;

la carne no pueden comer

durante dos semanas de
vacaciones, que se llama
Panruta hasta nuestros das.
Se dice que Julin, despus
de haber llegado a
Constantinopla, orden que
todos los alimentos que
venden sea
mezclado con la sangre de
los animales para el
sacrificio. El bendito
T'eodoros inform a los
cristianos, y dijo: "Es
No te es lcito que comamos
carne de estos dos [G36]
semanas, pero hay que

him, lord Ghewond for two

years. In these times the
sun [34] completely
dimmed, and there was a
famine. Then lord Nerses
ruled for nine years. In this
period lived Ezras
Angeghats'i, a student of
Movses of Bagrewand, who
increased the ranks of the
rhetoricians. Movses'
brother, Mampre, also
to Armenia. They say that
he was the third to write
philosophy [in Armenian].

After Justin, his sister's son,

Justinian [(Yustinianos) 52765], wore the crown. His
wife was the orthodox
Theodora. She beseeched
her husband to establish
orthodoxy. Although he
wanted to, he did not dare
out of
fear of the diophysites who
threatened [him with]

comer queso en su lugar.

"Por lo tanto panrutek '
permaneci igual. En estos
das el venerable Garhnik
encontr los restos de San
Gregorio, en Maneay cueva,
y lo sepultaron en T'ordan.

Despus Babgen, seor

Samuel ocup la
kat'oghikosate durante
cinco aos. En este perodo
no resplandeci bendita
Simen el Estilita de
Alejandra y Timoteo el
sacerdote, un erudito de la
fe ortodoxa que escribi
muy tcnico
libros, la recopilacin de
todos los dichos de los
santos hombres contra los
herejes. Pero el rey iran
Peroz tena una muy
naturaleza feroz, por la que
[33] fue asesinado por el
Hepthalites. Entonces su
hermano Valash [(Vagharsh)
gobernados. Hizo Vahan
Mamikonean, el hijo de
Hmayeak, el marzpan. Este
Vahan guirnaldas a la
Iglesia con
derechos y comprob [el

A malevolent Jew came to

Justinian, saying:
"Candlemas-day ought to
be celebrated on Christmas,
as the

avance de] los alanos. En su

da vivi el retrico e
historiador Ghazar
P'arbets'i. Despus Samuel,
seor Mushegh ocup la
kat'oghikosate durante
ocho aos.

Greeks do and not on

Epiphany (the sixth of
January)," for until that time
all Christians held to the
Despus emperador Zenn,
system, celebrating [g38] it Anastasio [(Anastas) desde
491 hasta 518] gobern el
on the fourteenth of
reino. Junto con Zeno
February. The emperor
accepted the impious man's [Anastasio]
and sent [an order] to
Jerusalem that it be so
done. But the Jerusalemites
did not agree to change the
traditions of the holy
Fathers, which until then
had been observed.

Then the emperor ordered

his general to forcibly make
them switch and to kill
anyone resisting. For the
of [35] Truth, everyone
turned to death; yet
compassionate God did not
disappoint those who
believed in
Him. Instead, He terrified

fue considerado ortodoxo,

ya que quera montar un
consejo contra el Consejo
ilegal de Calcedonia, a
fortalecer la ortodoxia. Pero
fue envenenado a muerte.
Siguindole Justin
[(Yustinos) 518-27)
dictamin, un
hombre ignorante y sin Dios
que llen el pas con la
sangre de los ortodoxos;
porque reaviv Calcedonia
y [G37] destruy con la
persecucin a los que
profesa que el corpreo
Palabra tena una sola

Despus de que el rey iran

Valash, Kawad llev la

the brazen ones with

awesome wonders: the
divine Right Hand appeared
in the
holy chapel and a bloody,
awesome, luminous sign
appeared in the sky.
Frightened by this, they
ceased their
demanding. However, the
next year the same
agitation was stirred up, for
[the emperor] ordered that
be severely crushed. But
people chose death to life
with guilty consciences.
When benevolent God saw
faith of mankind, He visited
His flock. The most blessed
Mother of God appeared on
a purple column holding

corona [488-97], entonces

Zhamasp, y de nuevo
Kawad [499 a 531].

Despus Mushe, seor

Sahak ocup la
kat'oghikosate durante
cinco aos, entonces seor
K'ristop'or durante cinco
aos; despus

l, seor Ghewond durante

dos aos. En estos tiempos
el sol [34] completamente
atenuado, y haba una

hambruna. Entonces seor

Nerses gobern durante
nueve aos. En este perodo
vivido Ezras Angeghats'i, un
in Her arms the infant Jesus. estudiante de obispo
Water gushed forth from
Movses de Bagrewand, que
that column and all who
washed with it were healed aument las filas de los
retricos. Hermano Movses
', Mampre, tambin regres
their pains. And thus they
stopped their futile demand a Armenia. Dicen que l era
el tercero de escribir
filosofa [en armenio].
In the time of Justinian, the
sun darkened for eighteen

Despus de Justin, el hijo de

months, providing light for

three hours a day and then
nothing either day or night.
In that year fruit did not
ripen and it was as though
the entire country was

su hermana, Justiniano
[(Yustinianos) 527-65], llev
la corona. Su esposa era la

Teodora. Ella suplic a su

marido para establecer la
ortodoxia. Aunque quisiera,
suffering from a long illness. no se atrevi a salir de
There was an untimely
pestilence, the likes of
miedo a los diophysites que
which had never occurred
amenazaron [l con] la
previously. First it began in
Constantinople. On the first
day, 5,000 people died; on
Un Judio malvola vino a
the second day, 10,000;
Justiniano, diciendo: "la
on the third day, 15,000; on Candelaria-da debe ser
the fourth day, 18,000; and celebrado en Navidad,
so on until 300,000 were
como el
dying in one day.
Griegos hacer y no en la
Carbuncles would appear
Epifana (el seis de enero),
on the hands of the
"porque hasta ese
stricken, and they would die momento todos los
[36] forthwith. A man would cristianos en poder a la
a house and see everyone
dead. The pestilence spread
throughout the entire
country and many cities

sistema, celebrando [G38]

en el catorce de febrero. El
emperador acept las
palabras del hombre impo

uninhabited as a result.
Only Hems survived, for its
residents had taken refuge
in the power of the head of

y envi [una orden] a

Jerusaln que se hace as.
Pero los habitantes de
Jerusaln no estaban de
acuerdo para cambiar la

John the Baptist which was

located there. Justinian and

tradiciones de los Santos

Padres, que hasta entonces

Xosrov, king of Iran,

haban sido observados.
became reconciled with one
another and the covenant
of all Christians flourished
throughout the world.

Now Vahan Mamikonean

passed in peace. After him
his brother, Vard, ruled for
three years and after him
were Iranian marzpans for
three years. Then Mezhezh
Gnuni [518-548] ruled for
thirty-four years [g40].

After Nerses, lord

Yovhannes occupied the
kat'oghikosate for fifteen
years. In this period the
plague became
severe, starting in the west.
And in the capital of
Armenia (yostanin Hayots')
a miraculous sign was seen,
for a
blazing fire burned the
home of the Iranian
hamakar who was the
overseer of the land. Once
they were
unable to quench it, they
took refuge in the cross of
Christ and beseeched the
deacons to quickly take the

Entonces el emperador
orden a su general para
que la fuerza de ellos
cambian y matar a nadie
resiste. En aras
de [35] La verdad, todo el
mundo volvi a la muerte;
sin embargo, Dios
compasivo no decepcion a
los que crean en
l. En cambio, l aterroriz
los descarados con
impresionantes maravillas:
la aparicin de la divina
mano derecha en el
capilla santa y una, signo
luminoso impresionante
sangrienta aparecieron en
el cielo. Asustado por esto,
ellos dejaron de
exigente. Sin embargo, el
prximo ao la misma
agitacin se despert, por
[el emperador] orden que
los resistentes
ser severamente aplastado.
Pero la gente eligi la
muerte a la vida con mala
conciencia. Cuando Dios
benevolente vio la
la fe de la humanidad, l
visit su rebao. La Madre

cross there. As soon as the

redeeming symbol was
taken near, the flame at
once was extinguished.
Seen by
[37] everyone, they
glorified the savior Christ
and praised the Christian
faith, in which the
venerable Maxozh
believed, a man who
underwent martyrdom for

After Yovhannes, lord

Movses occupied the
kat'oghikosate In his first
year, the blessed Manachir,
who was
named Grigor, a Syrian
(razhik), underwent
martyrdom. And in his third
year, the 553rd anniversary
of the

santsima de Dios se le
apareci en una explotacin
columna prpura
en sus brazos al nio Jess.
El agua brot de esa
columna y todos los que se
lava con l fueron sanados
sus dolores. Y as se
detuvieron su demanda
intil [G39].

En la poca de Justiniano, el
sol se oscureci durante
dieciocho meses, que
proporciona la luz durante
tres horas al da y despus
nada ya sea de da o de
noche. En ese ao la fruta
no madura y era como si
todo el pas era

padecer una larga

enfermedad. Haba una
pestilencia prematura, de la
birth of Christ occurred, and talla de los cuales nunca
the two hundred canons
haba ocurrido
(which the learned Andreas,
anteriormente. Primero
brother of bishop Mangnos
comenz en Constantinopla.
arranged at the order of
En el primer da, 5.000
Emperor Constantine) were personas murieron; en el
compiled, to complete the
segundo da, 10.000;
feast [g41] of Easter and
en la tercera da, 15.000; en
el cuarto da, 18 000; y as
feasts. For after two
sucesivamente hasta

hundred years, Easter fell

on March 25th, while
originally it was on April
4th. They

300.000 estaban muriendo

en un da.
Carbuncos apareceran en
las manos de la afectada, y
que iban a morir [36]
inmediatamente. Un
hombre entrara

una casa y ver a todos

muertos. La peste se
could not go back to the
beginning [in this method of extendi por todo el pas y
se convirti en muchas
computing] for after March
25th was April 13th, and
there were nine discrepant
days among them. For that
reason, the feast days of
the different calendars
to be confused.

Patriarch Movses convened

the wise men of that period
(among them At'anas from
the monastery of Saint
Karapet (the Precursor)),
and they established the
Armenian Era, by which
they corrected the days for
of our Lord, [38] as well as
other feasts. However, they
were unable to correctly
arrange the ninth year. Now
in the tenth year a certain

deshabitado como
resultado. Slo Hems
sobrevivi, para sus
residentes se haban
refugiado en el poder del
jefe de
Juan el Bautista, que estaba
ubicado all. Justiniano y
Xosrov, rey de Irn, se
reconciliaron con un solo
otro y el pacto de todos los
cristianos florecieron en
todo el mundo.

Ahora Vahan Mamikonean

pas en paz. Despus de l,
su hermano, Vard, gobern
durante tres aos y despus
de l
eran marzpans iranes
durante tres aos. Entonces
Mezhezh Gnuni [518 a 548]

Eas the Alexandrian, a

strong and learned man,
spoke out about the

gobern durante treinta y

cuatro aos [G40].

which existed in all the

churches. He called to
himself the wise men from
all peoples: Adde from

Despus Nerses, seor

Yovhannes ocup la
kat'oghikosate durante
quince aos. En este
perodo la plaga se convirti

Gigan from Syria, Elogs

from Greece, Phineas from
Judea, John from Arabia,
and thirty-six other men like

severa, comenzando en el
oeste. Y en la capital de
Armenia (yostanin Hayots ')
una seal milagrosa fue
visto, por un

himself and a multitude

besides. Continuing [g42]
the work of Andreas, they
made it the same 532-year
calendar. And they
established an example
beyond doubt, which was
called Five Hundred,
brilliant and
faultless. They put at the
beginning April 4th, so that
as soon as the year 532
ended, the new cycle would
the same. Then they began
to correct all the feasts and
miracle-days of the

But they did not invite a

certain Ironius, the court

ardiente fuego quem la

casa del hamakar iran que
era el capataz de la tierra.
Una vez que estuvieron
no puede apagarlo, se
refugiaron en la cruz de
Cristo y suplicaron a los
diconos a tomar
rpidamente el
cruzar all. Tan pronto como
el smbolo redentor fue
tomada cerca de la llama a
la vez fue extinguido. Visto
[37] todos, glorificaban el
salvador Cristo y alab la fe
cristiana, en la que el
venerable Maxozh
credo, un hombre que
sufri el martirio por Cristo.

-priest of Justinian, and as a

result, contempt for the
consumed him. As soon as
the scholar Elogs took a
copy of the calendar to the
king, Ironius began to

Despus Yovhannes, seor

Movses ocup la
kat'oghikosate En su primer
ao, los bienaventurados
Manachir, que era
llamado Grigor, un sirio
(razhik), sufri el martirio. Y
en su tercer ao, el 553o
aniversario de la

the fifth and sixth parts

which had never been,
since of the fifth and sixth
parts, one was solar and the nacimiento de Cristo se
produjo, y los doscientos
caones (que el Andreas
lunar. But Ironius made it
aprendidas, hermano del
the opposite, so that April
obispo Mangnos
17th became the 16th, the
dispuestos en el orden del
6th became the 7th. That
emperador Constantino)
fueron compilados, para
did not bring anything ill,
completar la fiesta [G41] de
[39] but the 6th being 95,
Pascua y otra
Sunday reached us (?)
fiestas. Para despus de
While their 5th day,
doscientos aos, Pascua
cay el 25 de marzo,
according to the workings of mientras que originalmente
Ironius taking Easter after
era el 4 de abril. Ellos
the Jewish calendar, and at
the holy Council of Nicea
they anathematized those
who decreed not to
celebrate Easter after the
crucifixion [g43].

Now we [Armenians]
commemorate it on the

no poda ir de nuevo al
principio [en este mtodo
de la informtica] para
despus del 25 de marzo
fue de 13 de abril, y

next Sunday, and so we

were not corrupted by the
since the Armenians being
under the rule of the
Iranians at the time, did not
accept the erroneous
version or
the Council of Chalcedon.
For after eight years, the
corruption of the deed
became manifest.

haba nueve das

discrepantes entre ellos. Por
esa razn, las fiestas de los
diferentes calendarios
estar confundido.

Patriarca Movses convoc a

los sabios de la poca
(entre ellos At'anas del
monasterio de San

Karapet (Precursor)), y
establecieron la era
After Mezhezh, Iranian
armenia, por el cual se
marzpam ruled Armenia, for corrigen los das de Pascua
thirty-six years. During
de nuestro Seor, [38], as
those years, the bishop of
como otras fiestas. Sin
embargo, no fueron
Georgians died; coming to
capaces de organizar
lord Movses, they asked
correctamente el noveno
him to give them a bishop.
ao. Ahora
So he ordained a certain
en el dcimo ao de cierta
warden of his church named Eas el alejandrino, un fuerte
Kiwrion and gave him to
y aprendi el hombre, se
them, trusting him to keep
pronunci acerca de la
love and unity with the
throne of Saint Gregory
for to that time, the
Georgians received
ordination from the

After the death of Movses,

this Kiwrion separated from

que existi en todas las

iglesias. l llam a s mismo
los sabios de todos los
pueblos: Adde de
Gigan de Siria, Elogs de
Grecia, Phineas de Judea,
John de Arabia, y treinta y

the orthodox Church of

Jesus and confessed the
Chalcedonian doctrine,
which heresy he had
fermented in [40] from
childhood, being on Greek
land. He kept
this evil in secret, the way
fire is hidden under straw,
but he did not dare reveal it
during the lifetime of

After occupying the

patriarchate for thirty years,
lord Movses died, entrusting
stewardship of the throne to
Vrt'anes K'ertogh. As soon
as Movses, bishop of
Ts'urtaw, saw Kiwrion's
depravity, he informed
Wanes, so

seis otros hombres como

s mismo y una multitud
aparte. Continuando [G42]
la obra de Andreas, lo
hicieron el mismo 532 aos
calendario. Y establecieron
un ejemplo fuera de toda
duda, que fue llamado
Quinientos, brillante y
impecable. Pusieron al inicio
04 de abril, por lo que tan
pronto como el ao 532
termin, el nuevo ciclo sera
lo mismo. Entonces
comenzaron a corregir
todas las fiestas y de
milagros das del

Pero no invitan a un cierto

Ironius, el -priest corte de
Justiniano, y como
resultado, el desprecio de la

that he might somehow

help the deviant Kiwrion. He
wrote many times,
lo consumido. Tan pronto
beseechingly, to stay clear
como el erudito Elogs tom
of that
una copia del calendario
para el rey, Ironius comenz
ill-advised heresy. But
a examinar
Kiwrion not only did not
accept what was written to las partes quinta y sexta,
him, but even persecuted
que nunca haba estado, ya
que una de las partes
quinta y sexta, uno era
Movses. As soon as lord
solar y la otra,
Abraham succeeded to the

throne of the kat'oghikosate lunar. Pero Ironius hizo todo

of the Armenians, after
lo contrario, por lo que 17
de abril se convirti en el
Movses, he also wrote
16, el sexto se convirti en
letters reminding him of the el sptimo. Ese 16
error, two and three times.
Kiwrion pretended that he
no trajo nada mal, [39] pero
el sexto siendo 95, domingo
thought the same way they nos lleg (?) Aunque su
did, and claimed that
quinto da, Sbado
Movses was slandering him.
Yet as soon as it was
de acuerdo con el
funcionamiento de Ironius
toman Pascua despus de
to hold a meeting to
que el calendario judo, y en
examine and investigate
el santo Concilio de Nicea
this matter, Kiwrion openly
confessed the Chalcedonian que anatematizaron los que
no lo decret para celebrar
la Pascua despus de la
crucifixin [G43].
Then, when Abraham saw
that nothing helped
matters, but that Kiwrion
had become even more
shameless, he

Ahora nosotros [los

armenios] conmemoramos
en el prximo domingo, por
lo que no fueron
corrompidos por el

wrote a circulating letter to

his diocese that they not
commune with [g45] the
Georgians, either in Church, ya que los armenios estar
bajo el dominio de los
oath or marriage or in any
iranes en el momento, no
[41] other spiritual matters, acept la versin errnea o
except in trade, as if they
were pagans and so that
el Concilio de Calcedonia.
Para despus de ocho aos,
spiritual harm not befall
la corrupcin de la escritura
[the Armenians] through
se hizo manifiesto.
physical acquaintance.
From that time forth,

ordination which had been
from the Armenians ended,
since they started to follow
the Greeks.

Despus Mezhezh,
marzpam iran gobern
Armenia, durante treinta y
seis aos. Durante esos
aos, el obispo de la
Georgianos murieron;
llegando a seor Movses, le
pidieron que darles un
obispo. As que orden un

Bishop Uxtanes has

accurately disclosed this to
you, for he wrote about it in
full including the letters

alcaide de su Iglesia
nombrado Kiwrion y le dio a
ellos, confiando en l para
mantener el amor y la
unidad con la

replies and the bold words

of bishop Petros who was a
messenger from lord
Abraham to Kiwrion, whom

trono de San Gregorio - de

ese momento, los
georgianos recibi la
ordenacin de los armenios.

Georgians called Gayl (Wolf)

on account of his boldness. Tras la muerte de Movses,
este Kiwrion separado de la
Iglesia ortodoxa de Jess y
confes el
After Emperor Justinian,
another Justin [II, 565-78]
Doctrina de Calcedonia, que
ruled, an evil, obscene man la hereja que haba
responsible for killing many fermentado en [40] desde
la infancia, siendo en tierra
of the orthodox. He and the griega. El mantuvo
patriarch John were
possessed and so strayed,
este mal en secreto, el
and thus were killed. Then
camino del fuego se oculta
bajo la paja, pero no se
atrevi a revelarlo en vida
ruled [II, 578-82], and after de
him Maurice [582-602].

Some say that the latter
was from the village of
Oshakan in Armenia; others
say that he was from Taron.
Because of poverty, he
went to Constantinople,
where, through a lucky
accident, he became king.
This is
what happened [g46].

Despus de ocupar el
patriarcado durante treinta
aos, seor Movses muri,
confiando la administracin
del trono a
Vrt'anes K'ertogh. Tan
pronto como Movses,
obispo de Ts'urtaw, vio la
depravacin de Kiwrion,
inform Wanes, por lo

When Emperor Tiberius

died, the nobles fought with
one another, and would not
be pacified. There was great

que podra ayudar de

alguna manera el Kiwrion
desviada. l escribi
muchas veces, suplicante, a
mantenerse alejados de ese

[42] warfare amongst them,

[since they thought that]
the victor would be
emperor. Now the patriarch

hereja mal aconsejado.

Pero Kiwrion no slo no
acept lo que estaba escrito
de l, pero incluso
perseguido obispo

among them and convinced

them to cast lots. Whoever
won would have the
kingdom and rule over the

Movses. Tan pronto como

seor Abraham le sucedi
en el trono del
kat'oghikosate de los
armenios, despus

others. They [agreed to

this] with oaths and written
pledges. [The agreement
was] that at daybreak they
would open the great gate
of the city, and the man
who happened to appear
(even if he was very

Movses, tambin escribi

cartas recordndole el error,
dos y tres veces. Kiwrion
fingi que
pensaba de la misma
manera que lo hicieron, y
afirm que Movses le

they would take to the royal

palace. Then the princes
would sit together and
whomever he crowned

estaba difamando. Sin

embargo, tan pronto como
se propuso

have the kingdom. All

agreed to this, and the
agitation ended.

para celebrar una reunin

para examinar e investigar
este asunto, Kiwrion
confes abiertamente la
hereja de Calcedonia.

When the appointed hour

arrived, they opened the
gate of the city and saw
Maurice at the door, holding

Entonces, cuando Abraham

vio que nada ayud a las
cosas, pero eso Kiwrion
haba vuelto an ms
desvergonzada, l

sort of straw to sell, to

satisfy his needs. The army
seized him and took him to
the bath, where they

escribi una carta que

circula a su dicesis que no
comulgan con [G45] los
georgianos, ya sea en la

and dressed him in noble

attire, and took him to the
court. As soon as [g47] they
told him why he was called,

juramento o matrimonio o
en cualquier [41] otros
asuntos espirituales,
excepto en el comercio,
como si fueran paganos y
por lo que

he demanded of them
papers and oaths that those
who had lost [in the contest dao espiritual no
for] the crown, not slay him. acontezca [los armenios] a
travs de conocimiento
And they swore vehemently fsico. A partir de ese
to him that he should
momento en adelante,
remain unconcerned about
ordenacin que haba sido
de los armenios termin,
They all sat there filled with desde que empezaron a
vain hopes, and each said

to himself: "It might be me." seguir a los griegos.

There was the throne with
the crown [suspended]
above it, and there were the
[43] [imperial red] shoes
nearby. Then Maurice came
among them and took the
crown in his hands, and
began to circulate among
those seated. As soon as he
to the first he rejoiced, but
the second one was
saddened as soon as he
walked past him, while his
rejoiced. Thus did Maurice
circulate among them two
or three times, delighting
then depressing them.
Suddenly, Maurice went and
sat on the throne and
placed the crown on his
own head. When everyone
this they were astonished.
But since they had sworn to
obey anyone on whose
head he placed the crown,

Obispo Uxtanes ha dado a

conocer con precisin esto
a usted, porque l escribi
sobre l en su totalidad incluyendo las letras y
respuestas y las palabras
en negrita del obispo Petros
que era un mensajero del
Seor a Abraham que
Kiwrion, a quien el
Georgianos llamaron Gayl
(Wolf) a causa de su

Despus el emperador
Justiniano, otro Justin [II,
565-78] gobernaron, un
mal, el hombre obsceno
responsable de matar a
de los ortodoxos. l y el
patriarca John estuviera
posedo y lo desvi, y as
murieron. Luego Tiberio

let it be. The patriarch came gobernado [II, 578-82], y

despus de l Maurice [582
forward and put the shoes
a 602].
on his feet and prostrated
himself, as did all the

nobles, and they exclaimed: Algunos dicen que esta

"Long live Emperor
ltima era del pueblo de
Maurice" [g48].
Oshakan en Armenia; otros
dicen que era de Taron.
He convened a council of
inquiry regarding the
Chalcedonian heresy, and
summoned the vardapets of
Armenia. Wanes and Grigor
and other vardapets went,
but in no way did they aid
[align with] the
Byzantines, and they
returned anathematizing
them. Armenian naxarars,
escaping from the rule of

Debido a la pobreza, se fue

a Constantinopla, donde, a
travs de un accidente
afortunado, se convirti en
rey. Este es
lo que pas [G46].

Cuando el emperador
Tiberio muri, los nobles
lucharon entre s, y no
seran pacificados. Hubo
[42] la guerra entre ellos,
[ya que pensaban que] el
vencedor sera emperador.
Ahora el patriarca fue

Iranians, came to Maurice

seeking refuge. But
Maurice, revealing his
inhuman disposition, did not
entre ellos y les convenci
give them
para echar suertes. Quien
any largess. Instead he
gan tendra el reino y
abolished the stipends
gobernar sobre la
which had been established
for them by previous kings. otros. Ellos [acordaron esto]
con juramentos y promesas
por escrito. [El acuerdo era]
que al amanecer se
[44] It is said that he sent
for his father to come to
abrira la puerta grande de
him and to enjoy his royal
la ciudad, y el hombre que
glory with him, or, if [he
sucedi a aparecer (aunque
l era muy humilde)
not [come], to send him
advice by which he would

tomaran al palacio real.

Entonces los prncipes se

be able to rule the kingdom. sentaban juntos y quien

coron hara
tener el reino. Todos
When the messengers went estuvieron de acuerdo con
to the father they found him esto, y la agitacin termin.
tending his garden and told
him the king's command.
He replied: "I am not fit to
be a king's father." And he
began to uproot the largest
cabbage heads in the
garden, tearing the heads
and covering them with
earth; yet he nursed and
cultivated the small ones.
the men saw this they
assumed that he was daft
and left him. But the men
did not understand what he
done. When they went to
the emperor, they told him
everything and described
the foolishness that had
transpired in the garden.

Cuando lleg la hora

sealada, abrieron la puerta
de la ciudad y vieron
Maurice en la puerta, la
celebracin de algunos
especie de paja para
vender, para satisfacer sus
necesidades. El ejrcito se
apoder de l y lo llev al
bao, donde se lavaban
y l vestido con traje de
noble, y lo llev a la corte.
Tan pronto como [G47] le
dijeron por qu se llamaba,
exigi de ellos papeles y
juramentos que los que
haban perdido [en el
concurso para] la corona,
no matarlo.
Y juraron vehementemente
a l que l debe
permanecer indiferente al

As soon as Maurice heard it,

Todos se sentaron all llenos
he laughed and said
de esperanzas vanas, y
nothing [g49]; but
cada uno dijo a s mismo:
gathering those nobles he
"Podra ser yo." All estaba

believed were

el trono con

plotting against his rule, he

killed them all, so there
would be no conspiracies
against him, and he put

la corona [Suspendido] por

encima de ella, y no fueron
los [43] [rojo imperial]
zapatos cercanas. Luego
vino Maurice

men in their positions.

Calling those men he had
sent to his father, he said to
them: "This is my father's

entre ellos y se llev la

corona en sus manos, y
comenz a circular entre los
que estaban sentados. Tan
pronto como lleg

which he gave in the

garden and which you did
not understand."

al primero se alegr, pero el

segundo se entristeci tan
pronto como l pas junto a
l, mientras su compaero

Some say that he was from

the village of Arabisos
(Arp'sus) in Cappadocia,
which general Tiberius later
into a city.

regocijado. As fue Maurice

circule entre ellos dos o tres
veces, deleitando a
continuacin, presionando
De repente, Maurice fue a
sentarse en el trono y se
coloca la corona sobre su
cabeza. Cuando todos

[45] Maurice, together with

his family and sons, died a
miserable death, because of esto se admiraban. Pero
desde que haban jurado
the severity of his ways.
obedecer cualquier persona
His troops, led by Phocas
sobre cuya cabeza se
(which translates "fire") fell coloc la corona, que
on him and killed him.
deja que sea. El patriarca se
Phocas ruled in his stead
adelant y puso los zapatos
en sus pies y se postr, al
igual que toda la

After Ormizd, king of Iran,

Xosrov ruled with the aid of
Maurice. During this period,
Smbat Bagratuni
organized many battles,
displaying extreme bravery
against Xosrov's foes, for
which Xosrov honored him
gave him the marzpanatc of
Hyrcania. Smbat went and
discovered there in
Sagastan people [g50] who
been taken captive from
Armenia who had forgotten
their [native] language and
literature, which Smbat
restored. He had the
kat'oghikos ordain a certain
Habel as bishop and he
founded a diocese of the
throne of
Saint Gregory there.

In the tenth year of lord

Abraham and the thirtyseventh year of the
Armenian Era [588], Syrians
came to

nobles, y exclamaron:
"Viva el emperador
Mauricio" [G48].

Se convoc un consejo de
investigacin en relacin
con la hereja de
Calcedonia, y convoc a los
vardapets de
Armenia. Wanes y Grigor y
otros vardapets fueron,
pero de ninguna manera
tenan que ayudan
[alinearse con] la
Bizantinos, y regresaron
anatematizar ellos.
Naxarars armenios, que
escapan de la regla del
Iranes, llegaron a Maurice
en busca de refugio. Pero
Maurice, revelando su
carcter inhumano, no les
ninguna generosidad. En su
lugar, aboli los estipendios
que se haban establecido
para ellos por los reyes

[44] Se dice que mand

Armenia, eloquent men,
llamar a su padre para venir
who sought to implant the
a l y disfrutar de su gloria
Nestorian heresy. They were real con l, o, si [poda]
anathematized and
no [venir], que le enviara el

persecuted, but some

people accepted [their
creed]. They translated
their false books: Gortosak,

asesoramiento por el cual l

sera capaz de gobernar el

the Vision of Paul, the

Repentence of Adam,
Diat'ek, the Infancy of the
Lord, Sebios, the Grapes of

Cuando los mensajeros

fueron al padre lo
encontraron cuidando su
jardn y le dijeron que la
orden del rey.

Blessing, the Unconcealable

l respondi: "Yo no soy
Writings, and Mani's
Interpretation of the Gospel. digno de ser el padre de un
[46] Whoever believes them rey." Y comenz a arrancar
de raz las mayores cabezas
is anathematized by the
de repollo en el
jardn, arrancando las
cabezas y los cubre con
tierra; sin embargo, l cuid
After lord Abraham, the
y cultiv las pequeas.
kat'oghikosate was
occupied by lord Yovhannes
from Bagaran village in
los hombres vieron este
Kogovit, for
asumieron que era tonto y
lo dej. Pero los hombres no
twenty-six years. Some
entendan lo que tena
historians say that both
Abraham and Yovhannes
hecho. Cuando fueron al
died on the same day, while emperador, le dijeron todo
y describen la locura que
deny it [g5 1 ] .
ocurrido en el jardn.
Now when the Iranian king
Xosrov learned of Maurice's
death [d. 602], he sought to
avenge him, for they
were allies. He ruined many

Tan pronto como Maurice lo

Byzantine districts. He sent

his general Xorhian to
Palestine to besiege the

oy, se ri y no dijo nada

[G49]; pero la recopilacin
de esos nobles que crea

city of Jerusalem. He
captured it and killed its
inhabitants, and also
captured the Cross of
Christ, taking it to

conspirar contra su
gobierno, que los mat a
todos, por lo que no habra
conspiraciones contra l, y
se puso en menor

Iran. He went against

Emperor Heraclius with
many troops and placed the
royal city of Constantinople

los hombres en sus

posiciones. Llamar a esos
hombres que haba enviado
a su padre, l les dijo: "Este
es el consejo de mi padre,

great straits.

que dio en el jardn y que

no entenda ".

But Emperor Heraclius, with

the assistance of the Khazar Algunos dicen que era de la
king, the Xak'an, went to
aldea de Arabisos (Arp'sus)
Iran, killed Xosrov, and
en Capadocia, que en
general Tiberio hizo ms
returned the holy Cross to
en una ciudad.
The residents of Tiflis
ridiculed this Xak'an by
taking a pumpkin and
drawing a picture of the
Xak'an on it as
if blind, since their eyes are
narrow and small. They
then [47] placed the
pumpkin on a wall facing
him and

[45] Maurice, junto con su

familia e hijos, muri una
muerte miserable, debido a
la gravedad de sus
Sus tropas, dirigidas por
Focas (que se traduce
"fuego") cayeron sobre l y
lo mataron. Focas gobern

began shooting arrows at it. en su lugar

When the Xak'an saw this
he grew extremely angry
but since it was wintertime
Despus Ormizd, rey de
was unable to retaliate.
Irn, Xosrov gobern con la
However, upon the arrival
ayuda de Maurice. Durante
of spring, he came and
este perodo, Smbat
besieged Tiflis, captured it, Bagratuni
muchas batallas
ordered that men, women,
organizadas, mostrando
and children be killed. Then valenta extrema contra los
he wasted it, took the
enemigos de Xosrov, para
inhabitants' belongings, and lo cual Xosrov lo honr y
went to his own city [g52].

Now after the slaying of the

marzpans Chihr Burzen,
Chihr Vshnasp Suhen, Chihr
Vghon Mihran and others
by the people from
Tachkastan [the Arabs],
Dawit' Saharhuni was the
marzpan for thirty years. In
his day, in
the year 62 A.E. [613], the
cathedral of Mren was

After lord Yovhannes, lord

Komitas held the
kat'oghikosate for eight
years. Komitas built the
beautiful and

le dio la marzpanatc de
Hircania. Smbat fue y
descubri que en las
personas Sagastan [G50]
que tenan
sido tomado cautivo de
Armenia que haba olvidado
su lengua y la literatura
[nativos], que Smbat
restaurada. Tena los
kat'oghikos ordenan cierta
Habel como obispo y fund
una dicesis del trono de
San Gregorio all.

En el dcimo ao del seor

Abraham y el trigsimo
sptimo ao de la era
armenia [588], sirios
llegaron a

marvellous martyrium of
the blessed lady Hrip'sime,
for the prior structure was
cramped. In [the old

he found relics of the saints'

bones, sealed with the rings
of saints Gregory and
Sahak. He did not dare
open it,
but instead sealed it with
his own ring and buried it
there. He wrote a sharakan
[hymn] to the saints, each

Armenia, los hombres

elocuentes, que trat de
implantar la hereja
nestoriana. Fueron
anatematizaron y
perseguidos, pero algunas
personas aceptadas [su
credo]. Ellos tradujeron sus
falsos libros: Gortosak,
la visin de Pablo, el
Arrepentimiento de Adn,
Diat'ek, la infancia del
Seor, Sebios, las uvas de
Bendicin, los Escritos
inocultable, e interpretacin
de Mani del Evangelio. [46]
El que ellos cree

in the order of the Armenian est anatematizado por los

alphabet, which begins:
"People devoted to the love
of Christ" [g53].
Despus seor Abraham, el
kat'oghikosate fue ocupado
por el seor Yovhannes de
[48] After King Xosrov of
Iran, Kawad [II, Sheroe, 628] pueblo Bagaran en Kogovit,
held the kingship. Kawad
released from captivity the
kat'oghikos of
Aghbania/Aghuania, Viro,
whom his father Xosrov had
placed in prison. After
Kawad, Artashir

veintisis aos. Algunos

historiadores dicen que
murieron tanto Abraham
como Yovhannes en el
mismo da, mientras que

ruled, then Xorheam, at

negarlo [g5 1].

Heraclius' command. Then

Born and Zarmanduxt
they were all short-lived
Yazkert [III, 632-36/52].

After lord Komitas, lord

Kristap'or occupied the
kat'oghikosate for two
years, followed by Ezr for
ten years.

Now Emperor Heraclius

came to the city of Karin
and held a council to which
he summoned Ezr, the
kat'oghikos of Armenia.
However, Ezr did not take
along very learned men
(such as vardapet Yovhan
Mayravanets'i who was
extremely well-versed in
Scripture). Ezr went and
accepted the doctrine of
Chalcedon. And the
emperor gave him as a gift,
a third of [the district] of
Koghb, and all its salt
[mines]. Then

Ahora, cuando el rey iran

Xosrov enter de la muerte
de Maurice [d. 602], trat
de vengarse de l, porque
eran aliados. Arruin
muchos distritos bizantinos.
l envi a su Xorhian
generales a Palestina para
sitiar el santo
ciudad de Jerusaln. l la
tom y mat a sus
habitantes, y tambin
captur la Cruz de Cristo,
llevndolo a
Corr. Se fue contra el
emperador Heraclio con
muchas tropas y coloc la
ciudad real de
Constantinopla en
grandes apuros.

Pero el emperador Heraclio,

con la asistencia del Khazar
rey, el Xak'an, fue a Irn,
mat Xosrov, y
devuelto la Cruz santa a

Ezr returned to Armenia and

changed all the orthodox
Los residentes de Tiflis
arrangements of the
ridiculizaron esta Xak'an
Church, and instead of
tomando una calabaza y un

from James and Cyril, he

instituted readings from
Artemon. The blessed
vardapet Yovhan upbraided
saying: "Why did you
ignorantly accept it, and
alter the good
arrangements of Saint
Gregory which had been
preserved among the
Armenian people until
today?" But Ezr, rather than
regretting what he had
done [g54]

dibujo del Xak'an en l

si ciego, ya que sus ojos son
estrechas y pequeas. A
continuacin, [47] colocan
la calabaza en una pared
frente a l y
comenz a disparar flechas
a l. Cuando el Xak'an vio
esto creci muy enojado
pero como era invierno se

fue incapaz de tomar

represalias. Sin embargo, a
la llegada de la primavera,
l vino y siti a Tiflis, la
[49] persecuted the blessed captur, y
man with insults, labelling
orden que los hombres,
him Mayragomets'i.
mujeres y nios asesinados.
Luego se desperdici, tom
las pertenencias de los
Now one of Yovhan' s pupils habitantes, y
named Sargis, brought forth
a heresy, and Ezr aired it
fue a su ciudad [G52].
about that Yovhan was a
heretic and had made
[heretical] writings. Ezr
anathematized him along
with the other heretics,
attributing to
him the deeds of his
student. Let no one dare to
slander this holy man.

Yovhan went and selected

for his dwelling a quiet

Ahora, despus de la
matanza de los marzpans
Chihr Burzen, Chihr
Vshnasp suhen, Chihr
Vghon Mihran y otros
por el pueblo de Tachkastan
[los rabes], Dawit
'Saharhuni fue el marzpan
durante treinta aos. En su
el ao 62 AE [613], se

place in the area around

Getabak fortress; and he

construy la catedral de

there, ever communing with

Despus seor Yovhannes,
seor Komitas celebr el
kat'oghikosate durante
ocho aos. Komitas
God produced a great
construy el hermoso y
miracle as a testimony of
his holiness. For Yovhannes maravillosa Martyrium de la
had a donkey which served bendita seora Hrip'sime,
para la estructura antes era
agobiante. En [la antigua
needs. A bear encountered estructura]
the donkey and ate it. As
soon as they informed
Yovhannes of the event, he
and said to the bear:
"Because you killed our
servant, you should serve
us in his place." And the
bear went

que encontr restos de

huesos de los santos,
sellado con los anillos de los
santos Gregorio y Sahak. No
and served in all obedience, se atrevi a abrirla,
hauling things and doing all pero en cambio lo sell con
else for many years.
su anillo y enterrado all.
Afterwards hunters chanced Escribi un Sharakan
upon and slew the bear,
thinking it wild [g55]. As
soon as the brothers of the
monastery saw what had
happened, they threw the
bear's body into a hollow.

[himno] a los santos, cada

en el orden del alfabeto
armenio, que comienza as:
"Las personas dedicadas al
amor de Cristo" [G53].

[50] To this day, residents of [48] Despus de Rey Xosrov

various places go and take

de Irn, Kawad [II, Sheroe,
soil from the spot where the 628] celebr el reinado.
bear was buried.
Kawad liberado de su
cautiverio el
Through the prayers of
Yovhannes, this soil is
kat'oghikos de Aghbania /
medicine for all pains
Aghuania, Viro, a quien su
inflicted by animals.
padre Xosrov haba puesto
Similarly the tomb
en prisin. Despus Kawad,
of the saint is a curative for
all pains, and works against gobernado, entonces
dangers, for those who take Xorheam, por orden de
refuge in the saint with
Heraclio. Entonces naci y
Zarmanduxt - eran todos
faithful prayers.
vivan corto - a
After Dawit' Saharhuni,
T'eodoros Rshtuni was the
marzpan of Armenia for
twenty-five years. Following

Yazkert [III, 632-36 / 52].

Emperor Heraclius, his son

Constantine [III, 613-41]

Despus seor Komitas,

seor Kristap'or ocup la
kat'oghikosate durante dos
aos, seguido de Esd
durante diez aos.

Now upon the completion of

the year 618, reckoned
from the birth of Christ, or
67 of the Armenian Era, a

Ahora emperador Heraclio

lleg a la ciudad de Karin y
celebr un consejo al que
convoc Esd, la

certain false prophet of the

pagans appeared, corrupted
by the heresy of Kerint'os
and by the Arians. His

kat'oghikos de Armenia. Sin

embargo, Esd no tom a lo
largo de hombres muy
doctos (como Vardapet

name was Mahmet, an

Ishmaelite, one of the sons
of Hagar. When Mahmet

Mayravanets'i que estaba

extremadamente bien

went to Egypt to conduct

versado en las Escrituras).

Esd fue y se acept la
doctrina de

business, he met in the

Sinai desert a hermit named
Sergis Bxiray, an Arian
Calcedonia. Y el emperador
heretic. This Sergis taught
le dio como un regalo, un
tercio de [el barrio de] de
Mahmet a false knowledge
Koghb, y todo su sal
of God, praising before him [minas]. entonces
the old laws given by
Moses, and saying: "If you
Esd regres a Armenia y
cambi todos los arreglos
ortodoxos de la Iglesia, y en
my words [g56], you will
vez de lecturas
become leader and
legislator of your people."
James y Cyril, instituy
lecturas de Artemon. El
bendito Vardapet Yovhan
reproch Esd,
Mahmet was going on his
way when suddenly an
impure spirit entered him
and he fell down frothing at
mouth [51]. Seeing this, his
companions stood by him
until he came to his senses
somewhat, and then they

raised him up. Asked the

reason for such frenzy,
Mahmet replied: "It was
delirium caused by a holy
and they dispatched him as

diciendo: "Por qu
ignorantemente lo acepta, y
alterar los buenos arreglos
de San Gregorio que haban
conservado en el pueblo
armenio hasta hoy? "Pero
Esd, en lugar de lamentar lo
que haba hecho [G54]
[49] persiguieron al hombre
bendecido con insultos,

Ahora, uno de los alumnos

Yovhan 's nombre Sargis,
dio a luz una hereja, y Esd
ventil que en eso Yovhan

a messenger to his people.

Going to his native city he
began to preach whatever
the false Christian had
taught him.

era un
[herticas] escritos
herticos y haban hecho.
Esd le anatematizado junto
con los otros herejes,

l las obras de su alumno.

[Muhammad] had uncles
Que nadie se atrevi a
who were chiefs. They
calumniar a este hombre
persecuted him,
threatening him to the point
of death if they
heard any more such words
from him. Mahmet went to
his house and sat there in
sadness. Then Ali, his
uncle's son and Mahmet's
own brother-in-law entered
and inquired as to the
causes of Mahmet's
sadness. And

Yovhan fue y seleccionado

por su vivienda un lugar
tranquilo en el rea
alrededor de la fortaleza
Getabak; y permaneci
all, siempre en comunin
con Dios.

he answered: "Because I
preached to them about
God they threatened me
unto death." Ali said:
"Come, let us

Dios produjo un gran

milagro como testimonio de
su santidad. Para
Yovhannes tenido un burro,
que sirvi a su

go and preach again. If they

turn against us, let us put
them to the sword." For Ali
was a military man and he

necesita. Un oso se
encontr con el burro y se
la comi. Tan pronto como
se inform Yovhannes del
evento, se fue

had military men with him.

As soon as they began to
preach, there was great
agitation and war. Mahmet's

y dijo al oso: "Porque

mataste nuestro servidor,
debe servirnos en su lugar."
Y el oso se fue

[g57] was defeated.

Fleeing, they went to lesser
Madiam where 12,000 Jews
were assembled, [people]
had been persecuted by
Emperor Constantine.
Taking them, Mahmet went
against those who had

y sirvi en toda obediencia,

transportar cosas y
haciendo todas las cosas
durante muchos aos.
Despus cazadores
sobre y mat al oso,
pensando que salvaje
[G55]. Tan pronto como los
hermanos del monasterio
vio lo que haba

him and he destroyed them.

Once the Jews saw this
sucedido, tiraron el cuerpo
successful deed, they set
del oso en un hueco.
Mahmet up as their leader.
Other Madinites joined
them and they became a
large army. [52] They went
against Palestine and beat
Byzantine army which had
been stealing items from
the commodities they

As soon as they
experienced victory, they
went against the Iranian
lordship and killed the
Iranian king
Yazkert. Thus ended the
kingdom of the Iranian
Sasanians. In this period,
half the sun darkened from
the fall

[50] Para el da de hoy, los

residentes de varios lugares
van y toman del suelo del
lugar donde fue enterrado
el oso.
A travs de las oraciones de
Yovhannes, este suelo es la
medicina para todos los
dolores causados por los
animales. Del mismo modo
la tumba
del santo es un curativo
para todos los dolores, y
trabaja contra los peligros,
para aquellos que se
refugian en el santo con
fieles oraciones.

Despus de Dawit
'Saharhuni, T'eodoros

month of Areg [the eighth

month of the moveable
Armenian calendar] to the
summer month of K'aghots'

Rshtuni fue el marzpan de

Armenia durante veinticinco
aos. Siguiendo

a certain Yaz and an advisor

Yovel (who destroyed
70,000 Byzantines). The
emir Uthman (Ot'man) and

ao 618, a contar desde el

nacimiento de Cristo, o 67
de la era armenia, una

sparapet of Armenia with

his brigades, and they ruled
the entire territory of
Armenia, Iran and Syria,

ismaelita, uno de los hijos

de Agar. Cuando Mahmet
fue a Egipto para llevar a

Emperador Heraclio, su hijo

Constantino [III, 613 a 41]
fifth month of the calendar]. dictamin.
Then [the Muslims] released
armies in three directions:
one to Byzantium, under
Ahora a la finalizacin del

cierto falso profeta de los

paganos apareci,
corrompido por la hereja de
general Mu'awiya (Mawie)
were sent toward Iran. They Kerint'os y por los arrianos.
defeated [g58] Mihrdat's
20,000 and Mushegh, the
Se llamaba Mahmet,

Media and Parthia. They

began to propagate their
faith, but were not

Now the people of Medina

and their coreligionists
requested laws from
Mahmet and he gave them
disgraceful ones. He said

negocio, se reuni en el
desierto del Sina un
ermitao llamado Sergis
Bxiray, un hereje arriano.
Este Sergis enseado
Mahmet un falso
conocimiento de Dios,
alabando ante l las viejas
leyes dadas por Moiss, y
dijo: "Si usted presta
mis palabras [G56], que se
convertir en el lder y

that the Kingdom above the legislador de su pueblo ".

earth is corporeal, with food
for the belly and marriage
after resurrection and
constant copulation with
women who remained
virgins. Mahmet taught laws
contrary to
the legislation of the Old
and New [53] Testaments,
to know the unworthy and
to speak to the deviant.
special derision, he
disgraced the covenant of
God which Abraham had
taken. For it is written:
all of your male children on
the eighth day." Now
Mahmet decreed that
people might circumcise
whenever it
suited them, irrespective of
age, and not just men, but
even women. And instead
of a luminous baptism,
our Lord Jesus Christ
prescribed: "If someone is
not born of water and fire,
he will not enter the
kingdom of
God." Mahmet now said:
"Work evil constantly and

Mahmet iba en camino

cuando de repente un
espritu impuro l entr y
cay espuma en la
boca [51]. Al ver esto, sus
compaeros se pusieron
junto a l hasta que volvi
en s un poco, y luego

lo levant. Pregunt el
motivo de tal frenes,
Mahmet respondi: "Fue el
delirio causado por un santo
y le enviaron un mensajero
a su pueblo. El ir a su
ciudad natal, comenz a
predicar lo que sea
el falso cristiano le haba

[Muhammad] tena tos que

eran jefes. Lo persiguieron,
le amenaza con la muerte si
odo alguna ms tales
palabras de l. Mahmet fue
a su casa y se sent all en

merely rinse with water,

and dry." Mahmet, who was
prophet-legislator for seven
years, said many other
worthless, fanatical,
heretical and ridiculous
things, [59],
and they destroyed
Bznunik', Aghiovit, and
Taron [translator's note:
some mss. lack "and they

Mahmet prohibited the use

of the sword, and instead
subjected the greater part
of the world through words

la tristeza. Entonces Ali, su

hijo del to y hermano-enley de Mahmet entraron y
preguntaron sobre las
causas de la tristeza de
Mahmet. Y
l respondi: "Porque os he
predicado acerca de Dios
me amenazaron de
muerte." Ali dijo: "Ven,
ir a predicar de nuevo. Si se
vuelven contra nosotros,
hacernos los ponemos a la
espada. "Para Ali fue un
militar y l

tenido los militares con l.

Tan pronto como
comenzaron a predicar, no
haba gran agitacin y la
counsel. And with an
guerra. El equipo de
unbreakable oath, he sealed Mahmet
a written contract with
Armenia that the land enjoy [G57] fue derrotado.
Huyendo, fueron a menor
Christianity fearlessly; and
Madin, donde se reunieron
he sold them their faith,
12.000 Judios, [la gente]
from each house taking four que
dram and three mot' xorbal,
haba sido perseguido por el
which is wheat, a
emperador Constantino.
saddlebag, a hair rope and
Tomando ellos, Mahmet iba
pair of gloves. Now from the en contra de los que haban
priests, azats, and cavalry
he did
l y l los destruy. Una vez
not order the tax collected. que los Judios vio esta
Those [54] governing the
exitosa obra, se pusieron

lands were called

amirmumnik'. After the
twentieth year
of Mahmet, Abu Bakr
(Abubakr), Uthman
(Ot'man), and Amr held the
kingdom of the Ishmaelites
thirty-eight years.

After Ezr, lord Nerses

occupied the kat'oghikosatc
for twenty years. He built
the martyrium of Saint
which is in Dwin. During the
destruction of 20,000
people in the city of Dwin
by the Ishmaelites, the holy
altar and basin were
covered with the blood of
those cut down, while [g60]
more than 35,000 others

Mahmet como su lder.

Otros Madinites ellos se
unieron y se convirtieron en
un gran ejrcito. [52] Ellos
se fueron contra Palestina y
vencieron a los
Ejrcito bizantino que haba
estado robando artculos de
los productos que

Tan pronto como ellos

experimentaron la victoria,
se dirigieron contra el
seoro de Irn y mataron al
rey iran
Yazkert. As termin el reino
de los sasnidas iranes. En
este perodo, el sol se
oscureci medio de la cada
mes de Areg [el octavo mes
del calendario armenio
mvil] para los meses de
verano de K'aghots '[la

taken into slavery. The

patriarch gathered the
bones of the slain into the
same chapel. He
constructed the

quinto mes del calendario].

Entonces [los musulmanes]
Publicado ejrcitos en tres
direcciones: uno a Bizancio,

place of Saint Gregory ['s

imprisonment], Virap, and
likewise built [the church of]
Saint Gregory, which

un cierto Yaz y asesor Yovel

(que destruy 70.000
bizantinos). El emir Uthman
(Ot'man) y el

astonished those who saw

en general Muawiya

it. This place was later

ruined by the Tachiks.

Orthodox Syrians came to

kat'oghikos Nerses
requesting a bishop
[ordained] by him. He
demanded of them in
writing a confession of the
faith and the Syrians gave
him [the following
confession]: "We believe in
Father and the Son and the
Holy Spirit. In the Father,
Whose paternity is
unreachable, in the Son
Whose birth
is indivisable and in the
Holy Spirit, Which is of the
Father and through the
Father and the Son It is

(Mawie) fueron enviados

hacia Irn. Derrotaron [G58]
de 20.000 Mihrdat y
Mushegh, la
sparapet de Armenia con
sus brigadas y gobernaron
la totalidad del territorio de
Armenia, Irn y Siria,
Medios y Partia. Ellos
comenzaron a propagar su
fe, pero no fueron

Ahora la gente de Medina y

sus correligionarios
solicitaron leyes de Mahmet
y l les dio leyes,
los vergonzosos. l dijo que
el Reino sobre la tierra es
corporal, con comida para
el vientre y el matrimonio

despus de la resurreccin
y de la cpula constante
con las mujeres que
worshipped and glorified" permanecieron vrgenes.
Mahmet ense leyes
a confession which is
contrarias a
recited to this day in the
service of the Armenian
la legislacin del Antiguo y
Nuevo [53] Testamento,
on the day of the Revelation
of the Lord (Chragaluts'i).
[55] Nerses ordained
Abdisoy bishop [for them].

para conocer los indignos y

comunicar a la desviada.
burla especial, l deshonr

el pacto de Dios que

Abraham haba tomado.
He chanced to be in Baguan Porque est escrito:
with the multitude
assembled for the feast of
the Transfiguration
todos sus hijos varones en
el octavo da. "Ahora
Mahmet decret que la
The sharakans had so
gente podra circuncidar
multiplied in the churches
siempre que
of Armenia, until what was
sung in one district was not les adecuados,
independientemente de su
known in another. [In one
edad, y no slo a los
district] they sang
hombres, sino que incluso
sharakans about the
las mujeres. Y en lugar de
Transfiguration while
un bautismo luminosa, que
another group of
nuestro Seor Jesucristo,
clerics could not adapt
prescribe: "Si alguien no
them. They substituted
nace del agua y el fuego,
many sharakans, but these que no entrar en el reino
too were not known [g61].
Therefore, the patriarch
Nerses, with the approval of
all the attendees, selected
the appropriate and useful
from the sharakans, so that
in every church of Armenia
on every day, the service
would be synchronized.

. Dios "Mahmet ahora dijo:"

el mal trabajo constante y
simplemente enjuagar con
agua y secar "Mahmet, que

profeta colegislador durante

siete aos, dijo que muchos
otros sin valor, cosas
They selected learned men fantico, hertica y ridculo,
to circulate throughout all of [59],
Armenia and establish this
y destruyeron Bznunik ',
same order which is
Aghiovit y Taron [Nota del
observed until today.

traductor: algunos mss.

falta "y destruyeron ..."].

After T'eodoros the

marzpan of Armenia was
Hamazasp, for seven years.
After Nerses, lord Anastas

Mahmet prohibido el uso de

la espada, y en vez
sometida la mayor parte del
occupied the kat'oghikosate mundo a travs de las
for six years [661-67].
palabras de
Anastas summoned to
consejo. Y con un juramento
himself the great vardapet
inquebrantable, sell un
contrato escrito con
from the district of Shirak (a Armenia que la tierra
learned and brilliant man,
and very knowledgeable in
all the calendrical systems) Cristianismo sin miedo; y
los vendi su fe, de cada
to establish an immovable
casa de tomar de cuatro
Armenian calendar, as other dram y tres 'xorbal mot,
peoples had. Anania worked
que es el trigo, una alforja,
on this with great effort,
una cuerda de pelo y un par
until they were ready to
de guantes. Ahora desde el
adopt it through an
sacerdotes, azats, y la
assembly. But just then, the caballera que hizo
holy Anastas died. Those
No pidas el impuesto
recaudado. Aquellos [54]
him [56] as kat'oghikos
que rigen las tierras fueron
neglected the matter and
llamados amirmumnik '.
so they continued according Despus de que el ao
to the former systems. In
de Mahmet, Abu Bakr (Abu
fifth year of Anastas, a
Bakr), Uthman (Ot'man), y
cathedral was built in the
Amr celebrada el reino de
awan of Aruch. It was
los ismaelitas por
constructed by Grigor Patrik
treinta y ocho aos.
[Patrician], and was the
church in which Dawit', the
martyr of Christ, was
Despus Esd, seor Nerses
baptised. Dawit', of Iranian
ocup la kat'oghikosatc


durante veinte aos.

Construy el Martyrium de
San Sargis

who was previously called

Surhan, was hanged in Dwin
for attesting Christ [g62].
que est en Dwin. Durante
la destruccin de 20.000
personas en la ciudad de
Dwin por los ismaelitas, el
After Hamazasp, the
marzpan of Armenia was
Grigor Mamikonean, for ten
years. He was slain by the
Khazars. Then Nerseh
Shirakats'i was prince for
three years.

After Anastas, lord Israyel

was kat'oghikos for six
years then lord Sahak
[Dzorop'orets'i] for twentysix years
[677-703]. Sahak went as
an emissary to the
Ishmaelite general Mahmet
[ibn Okba] who was coming
destroy the Armenian
people because of their
rebellion from the Arabs.
Sahak reached Harran
where he fell sick and died.
But even before Mahmet
came to Harran, Sahak had
written a letter of entreaty,
saying: "I have come before

altar y lavabo estaban

cubiertos con la sangre de
los cortados, mientras que
[G60] a ms de 35.000 eran
tenido en esclavitud. El
patriarca reuni a los
huesos de los muertos en la
misma capilla. Se construy
lugar de San Gregorio ['s de
prisin], Virap, y del mismo
modo construido [la iglesia
de] San Gregorio, que
asombrado los que lo
vieron. Este lugar fue
posteriormente destruida
por los Tachiks.

Sirios ortodoxos llegaron a

kat'oghikos Nerses
solicitando un obispo
[ordenado] por l. Exigi de
ellos en

you to beseech you on

behalf of my people,
however it has not come to
pass that

escribir una confesin de la

fe y los sirios le [la
siguiente confesin] dio:
"Creemos en la

I will see you, for the

Supreme Master of all life
has summoned me. Now I
swear to you, vowing by
God, by

Padre y del Hijo y del

Espritu Santo. En el Padre,
cuya paternidad es
inalcanzable, en el Hijo
cuyo nacimiento

Abraham and your father

Ishmael, that you must do
no evil to my people;
rather, let [57] them pay
taxes to

es indivisible y en el Espritu
Santo, que es del Padre y
por el Padre y el Hijo es

you. If you heed my

supplication, my blessings
shall be upon you. But if
you do not listen [g63] you
will be
cursed, and may God so
turn the hearts of your
soldiers that they not obey
you. Choose one of these

Now when Mahmet came to

Harran they told him
everything and gave him
the letter. When he had
read it, he
inquired "Where is his
grave?" And they showed
him the place [where Sahak
lay], for he had just died

adoracin y gloria "- una

confesin que se recita el
da de hoy al servicio de la
Iglesia Armenia
en el da de la Revelacin
del Seor (Chragaluts'i).
[55] Nerses ordenado
Abdisoy obispo [para ellos].

l casualidad en Baguan
con la multitud reunida para
la fiesta de la
Transfiguracin (Vartavarh).
Los sharakans haban modo
multiplicado en las iglesias
de Armenia, hasta que lo
que se cant en un distrito
no era
conocido en otro. [En un
distrito] cantaron sharakans
acerca de la
Transfiguracin, mientras


que otro grupo de

was not yet buried. Going

there quickly, in accordance
with their religion,
[Mahmet] saluted the dead
man as

clrigos no podan
adaptarlas. Ellos
sustituyeron muchos
sharakans, pero estos
tambin no se conocan

though he were alive. And

they say that the dead body Por lo tanto, el patriarca
replied, receiving his
Nerses, con la aprobacin
greeting like a living man.
de todos los asistentes,
selecciona la apropiada y
Mahmet said: "From your
writing I recognized you, oh
man of God. I shall do all
de las sharakans, para que
that you command." At
en todas las iglesias de
Armenia sobre todos los
das, el servicio se
the hostility passed, and
Mahmet sent ostikans to
Armenia to lay taxes on
Seleccionaron aprendieron
them, while he himself
los hombres a circular a
returned to
travs de toda Armenia y
establecer este mismo
his own land. After Sahak,
orden que es
lord Eghia [703-717]
occupied the
observado hasta hoy.

Now after Heraclius, his son

Constantine wore the
crown. In his day the
Ishmaelites attacked all
lands. After
Constantine, his
homonymous son ruled. As
for the principality of
Ishmael, Mu'awiya took it

Despus T'eodoros la
marzpan de Armenia fue
Hamazasp, durante siete
aos. Despus Nerses,
seor Anastas
ocupado la kat'oghikosate
durante seis aos [661-67].
Anastas llam a s mismo el
gran Vardapet Anania
desde el barrio de Shirak

after Abubak'r
and Ot'man and Amr [g64].

(un hombre culto y

brillante, y muy bien en
todos los sistemas

[58] Now after Nerseh,

Ashot (who was slain by the
Arabs) held the office of
marzpan for three years.

para establecer un
calendario de Armenia
inmuebles, como otros
pueblos tenan. Anania
trabaj en esto con gran
hasta que estuvieran
dispuestos a adoptar a
travs de una asamblea.
Pero justo en ese momento,
el santo Anastas muri. Los

Nerseh Kamsarakan, for

three years; after him
Smbat Bagratuni Biwratean, l [56] como kat'oghikos
for twenty years. He warred descuidan el asunto y por lo
que continuaron de acuerdo
the armies of the foreigners con los antiguos sistemas.
en el
in the Vardanakert awan
and courageously defeated quinto ao de Anastas, una
them in the district of
catedral fue construida en
Bagrewand. In the
thirteenth year of Mu'awiya,
Mahmet released the
waters of the Gegham sea
and then took
Sewan. In the sixteenth
year of Mu'awiya's reign,
Kasim amir destroyed the
princes of Vaspurakan.

After Emperor Constantine,

Justinian [II, Rhinotmetus,

el awan de Aruj. Fue

construido por Grigor Patrik
[Patricio], y fue la iglesia en
la que Dawit ', el mrtir de
Cristo, fue bautizado. Dawit
', de origen iran,
que antes se llamaba
Surhan, fue ahorcado en
Dwin de certificacin de
Cristo [G62].

685-95] ruled. His lords

pounced upon him and cut

Despus Hamazasp, el
marzpan de Armenia fue
Grigor Mamikonean,
off his nose. The emperor
durante diez aos. l fue
fled to the Khazars. Taking a asesinado por el
wife from there, and also
many troops, he returned
Jzaros. Entonces Nerseh
Shirakats'i era prncipe
and became emperor again. durante tres aos.
Then Leontius (Lewon, 69598), then [Tiberius III]
Apsimar (Ap'simeros,
Despus de Anastas, seor
698-705), then Justinian
Israyel era kat'oghikos
wore the crown for a second durante seis aos luego
time [705-71 1], followed by seor Sahak [Dzorop'orets'i]
Philippicus Bardanes
para veintisis aos
[P'ilikos Vardan, 711-13],
Theodosius [III (T'eodoros)
715-17], and Leo [III, the
Isaurian (Lewon), 717-41].

[677-703]. Sahak fue como

emisario al general Mahmet
ismaelita [Ibn Okba] que
vena a
destruir el pueblo armenio a
causa de su rebelin de los
rabes. Sahak alcanz
Harran (Xarhan),

After Mu'awiya, rule over

the Ishmaelites was held by
Yazid (Izid), then by Marwan
(Plrvan) and then by
donde cay enfermo y
muri. Pero incluso antes de
Abd al-Malik (Abdlmelik'). It Mahmet vino a Harran,
was this Abd al-Malik who
Sahak haba escrito una
immolated the [59]
carta de splica,
Armenian princes inside the
diciendo: "He venido ante
churches of Naxchawan.
ustedes para os rogamos en
Then his son Walid (Vlif),
nombre de mi pueblo, sin
and then Sulaiman
embargo, no ha llegado a
(Suleman) ruled. The latter pasar que
Te ver por la Maestra
Darband and ordered that
Suprema de toda la vida me
the Gate there be pulled

down. While they were

pulling it down, they
discovered a

ha llamado. Ahora te lo juro,

jurando por Dios, por

last days this will be pulled

down by the sons of
Ishmael, and will be rebuilt
at their expense." And when

t. Si usted presta atencin

a mi splica, mis
bendiciones estarn sobre
ti. Pero si usted no escucha
[G63] que ser

saw this stone, they

stopped their demolition
and started to rebuild.

maldijo, y que Dios lo volver

los corazones de sus
soldados que no le
obedecen. Elija uno de
estos dos ".

Abraham y su padre Ismael,

stone on which was written: que debe hacer ningn mal
"I Emperor Mankwon built
a mi pueblo; ms bien,
this city's [g65] towers from vamos [57] ellos pagan
my own treasury. In the
impuestos a

After Sulaiman, 'Umar

(Omarh) held the lordship. It
was 'Umar who wrote to the Ahora, cuando Mahmet vino
emperor Leo to get
a Harran le contaron todo y
le dieron la carta. Cuando l
information about Christian lo haba ledo, que
doctrine. The emperor
wrote an extremely learned pregunt "Dnde est su
reply, ridiculing 'Umar's
tumba?" Y le mostr el
lugar [donde Sahak yaca],
porque l acababa de morir
As soon as 'Umar read this, y
he was greatly embarassed,
and began to remove some an no fue enterrado. Ir all
of the loathsome things in
rpidamente, de acuerdo
con su religin, [Mahmet]
their religion. Although he
salud al hombre muerto
did not make bold to annul
all the iniquities,
nonetheless he righted
si estuviera vivo. Y dicen
many things in
que el cadver respondi,

their disorder, and

thereafter was welldisposed toward all
Christians and especially
toward the Armenian
people. ['Umar] ordered
that those who had been
taken into captivity be
repatriated to Armenia. At
this time,
lord Vahan of Goght'n was
returned from captivity. He
was martyred in the days of
Sham Hisham (Hesham);
after Umar, Yazid (Izit) took
power, then Sham, then
Walid (Vlif), followed by
Marwan [II, 744-50] [g66].

recibiendo el saludo como

un hombre vivo.
Mahmet dijo: "A partir de su
escritura te reconoc, oh
hombre de Dios, voy a
hacer todo lo que te
mando.". En seguida
la hostilidad pas, y
Mahmet envi ostikans a
Armenia para establecer
impuestos sobre ellos,
mientras que l mismo
volvi a
su tierra. Despus Sahak,
seor Eghia [703 a 717]
ocup el kat'oghikosate.

Ahora, despus de Heraclio,

su hijo Constantino llev la
corona. En su da los
ismaelitas atacaron todas
las tierras. Despus

[60] Lord Yovhannes

Odznets'i occupied the
kat'oghikosatc after lord
Eghia. Lord Yovhannes [717Constantino, su hijo
28] was a
homnimo gobern. En
learned and holy man,
cuanto al principado de
attractive physically and
Ismael, Muawiya tom
even more so spiritually.
despus Abubak'r
[The Caliph] Hisham [724y Ot'man y Amr [G64].

summoned him to court,

and honored him greatly for [58] Ahora, despus de
the comliness of his
Nerseh, Ashot (que fue
appearance. Now
muerto por los rabes)
[Yovhannes] had
ocup el cargo de marzpan

sprinkled gold dust in his

beard [before] he went into
[the Caliph's presence].
Seeing Yovhannes, Hisham
amazed at his
handsomeness and mildly
said to him: "They say
about your Christ that he
was very meek and
humble and greatly loved
poverty. The Christian order
professes that those who
are their leaders honor
poverty and plainess more
than luxury and riches.
Then why are you so
bedecked?" The blessed
one replied:

durante tres aos. entonces

Nerseh Kamsarakan, por

tres aos; despus de l
Smbat Bagratuni Biwratean,
durante veinte aos. l
pele con
los ejrcitos de los
extranjeros en el
Vardanakert Awan y
valientemente los
derrotaron en el distrito de
Bagrewand. En el ao trece
de Muawiya, Mahmet libera
las aguas del mar Gegham
y luego tom

"You possess nothing more

Sewan. En el decimosexto
than your servant except a
crown and royal dress, yet it ao del reinado de
Muawiya, Kasim amir
is for these things that
destruy los prncipes de
people fear and honor you. Vaspurakan.
Our first Fathers were
miracle -workers and
undertook wondrous
Despus el emperador
Constantino, Justiniano [II,
disciplines. For that reason, Rhinotmetus, 685-95]
gobernados. Sus seores se
people who fell into their
abalanzaron sobre l y corte
hands feared them and
obeyed their commands
de su nariz. El emperador
huy a los jzaros. Teniendo
una esposa de all, y
trepidation. But we are not
tambin muchas tropas,
like them. Therefore we

adorn ourselves in clothes

and fashion, so that they


y se convirti en emperador
de nuevo. Entonces Leoncio
not ignore our [g67]
(Lewon, 695-98), a
commands. Then, baring his continuacin, [Tiberio III]
breast, [Yovhannes] showed Apsimar (Ap'simeros,
[Hisham] a hairshirt which
698 a 705), a continuacin,
Justiniano llev la corona
worn underneath his
por segunda vez [705-71 1],
clothing. And he said: "This seguido por Filpico
is my dress."
[P'ilikos Vardan, 711-13],
Teodosio [III (T'eodoros)
715-17], y Leo [III, el
Isaurian (Lewon), 717-41].
Kirakos Gandzakets'i's
Despus de Muawiya,
dominio sobre los ismaelitas
se celebr por Yazid (Izid),
luego por Marwan (Plrvan) y
luego por
History of the Armenians

Abd al-Malik (Abdlmelik ').

Fue este Abd al-Malik, que
inmol los [59] prncipes
armenios dentro de la

iglesias de Naxchawan.
Entonces su hijo Walid
[61] The king marvelled and (VLIF), y luego Sulaiman
praised the beliefs of the
(Suleman) gobern. Este
Christians. He said to the
ltimo tom
blessed one: "Ask of me
Darband y orden que la
puerta no ser derribado.
you will and I will grant it to Mientras ellos estaban
you." The patriarch
tirando hacia abajo,
responded: "I ask three

things which are easy for

you to
grant. Do not force
Christians to abandon their
faith, but leave each to his
wishes. Second, do not
make the

descubrieron un
piedra en la que estaba
escrito: "Yo emperador
Mankwon construido [G65]
torres de esta ciudad de mi
propia tesorera En el.

ltimos das esto va a ser

liberty of the Church subject derribado por los hijos de
to you through taxation,
Ismael, y se reconstruir a
take nothing from the
su costa. "Y cuando ellos
priests or deacons. Third,
vio esta piedra, que dejaron
wherever there are
su demolicin y
Christians in your realm, let comenzaron a reconstruir.
them perform their rites
fearlessly. Give this to us in
Despus Sulaimn, 'Umar
and my entire people will
serve you."

At once [Hisham] ordered

that a document be written
as requested, stamped it
with his own ring, and gave
Yovhannes many gifts. He
mustered many troops to
accompany him, and sent
him to Armenia with great

(Omarh) celebr el seoro.

Fue 'Umar quien escribi al
emperador Leo llegar
informacin acerca de la
doctrina cristiana. El
emperador escribi una
respuesta muy aprendido,
ridiculizando 'fe de Umar.
Tan pronto como Umar leer
esto, l era avergonzados
en gran manera, y comenz
a eliminar algunas de las
cosas repugnantes en

honor. When Yovhannes

arrived [home] he
su religin. A pesar de que
persecuted all the Greeks in no hizo audaces para anular
Armenia, both overseers
todas las iniquidades, sin
embargo, l se enderez
muchas cosas en
soldiers. The Greeks fled so
quickly that they did not
su trastorno, y

have time to take their

treasures with them. So
buried them in the ground,
wrote a description of the
hiding place, and took the
information with them

The blessed patriarch,

placing our country under
Ishmaelite rule, then
convened a meeting in
Manazkert to
which he summoned [62]
At'anas, the patriarch of
Syria. [The latter] sent six
bishops and anathematized
Julianites and those who
said things that denied
Christ, Barshapuh and
Gabriel, the slanderers of

posteriormente fue bien

dispuesto hacia todos los
cristianos y especialmente
hacia el armenio
gente. [Omar] orden que
los que haban sido
tomados en cautiverio
sern repatriados a
Armenia. En este momento,
seor Vahan de Goght'n se
volvi de cautiverio. Fue
martirizado en los das de
Sham Hisham (Hesham);
despus de Umar, Yazid
(Izit) tom el poder, a
continuacin, Sham, a
continuacin, Walid (VLIF),
seguido por Marwan [II,
744-50] [G66].

[60] Seor Yovhannes

Odznets'i ocup la
kat'oghikosatc a Seor
Eghia. Seor Yovhannes
[717-28] fue un

Armenians and Syrians; and

he brightened the Church
aprendido y santo hombre,
with canonical legislation,
atractivo fsicamente y ms
rejecting the Chalcedonian
an espiritualmente. [El
Califa] Hisham [724-43]
heresy which had spread
disorder in Armenia in the
lo convoc a la corte, y lo
days of Emperor Heraclius
honr en gran medida para
and the kat'oghikos Ezr.
la comliness de su aspecto.
Ahora [Yovhannes] tenido
[Yovhannes] established
readings for the feasts of
salpicado de polvo de oro

the saints James and Cyril

and for all the celebrations
as Saint Gregory had done.
They celebrated the feasts
of the prophet David and
the Apostle James on the
twenty-fifth of December
a day on which others
celebrate Christmas. The
Harts' sharakan ("We sin in
everything and do not keep
Your commands, now we
confess to You") was sung
then, as it still is today in
service of the churches of
Armenia, from 175 of the
Armenian Era [726], to 690
A.E. [1241] which is our

en su barba [antes] entr

en [la presencia del califa].
Al ver Yovhannes, Hisham
sorprendido por su
hermosura y algo le dijo:
"Ellos dicen acerca de su
Cristo que era muy manso y
la pobreza humilde y muy
amado. El orden cristiano
profesa que quienes son sus
lderes honran
pobreza y plainess ms de
lujo y riquezas. ? Entonces
por qu ests tan
engalanada "El bendito

"Usted posee nada ms que

tu siervo, excepto una
corona y vestido real, sin
embargo, es por estas
day. Thus providing the land cosas que
with all virtuousness, he
occupied himself with
gente teme y te honran.
doctrine and prayers.
Nuestros primeros padres
fueron -trabajadores
[Yovhannes] also
milagrosas y se
constructed [g69] a large
church in his village of
maravillosa [espiritual]
Odzun (which is close to the
city Lorhi)
disciplinas. Por esa razn,
las personas que cayeron
and he himself settled in a
en sus manos les teman y
spot he had chosen for his
obedecieron sus rdenes
residence, a short distance
from the village.
inquietud. Pero nosotros no
somos como ellos. Por lo

One day, when the blessed

one was at prayer, two
frightful [63] dragons fell
upon the residence of this

tanto, adornar a nosotros

mismos en la ropa y la
moda, por lo que lo harn

No ignore nuestras [G67]

virtuous one. When lord
comandos. Luego, dejando
Yovhannes' deacon saw
al descubierto su pecho,
this, he was terrified, and
[Yovhannes] mostr
clamored for the holy man's [Hisham] un cilicio que era
usado por debajo de su
Lord Yovhannes made the
ropa. Y l dijo: "Este es mi
sign of the Cross before
them and the two dragons
instantly turned into stone.
They exist today. Water
spurts from the belly of the
dragons, and it is an
antidote for all snake -biten
folk who
turn to the saint with
prayers. After being
patriarch for eleven years,
and having lived a virtuous
life, lord

Kirakos Gandzakets'i de

Historia de los Armenios

Yovhannes reposed in

After [Yovhannes] lord

Dawit' occupied the
kat'oghikosatc for thirteen
years [728-41]. He was

[61] El rey se maravill y

elogi a las creencias de los
cristianos. Le dijo al
Bendito: "Pdeme lo que

Aramunik' in the district of

Kotayk. It was lord Dawit'
who moved the

usted y yo le conceda a
usted "El patriarca
respondi:". Yo pido tres
cosas que son fciles para

kat'oghikosal see from Dwin que usted

conceder. No obligue a los
Aramonk'. There he built a
cristianos a abandonar su
church and a residence for
fe, pero deja a cada uno de
the patriarch, for he had
sus deseos. En segundo
been troubled by the
lugar, no cometa el
la libertad de la Iglesia
nation of Mahmet. After
estar sujeto a travs de los
Dawit', lord Trdat occupied
impuestos, tomar nada de
the kat'oghikosate for
los sacerdotes o diconos.
twenty-three years. He was Tercera,
donde hay cristianos en su
Ot'mus village, a modest,
reino, que ellos realizan sus
blessed man, radiant in all
ritos sin miedo. Dale esto a
virtue. In the days of Trdat,
nosotros por escrito,
the maurauding of [g70] the
y mi pueblo entero le
Ishmaelites ceased. After
servirn ".
Trdat, another lord Trdat
became kat'oghikos for
three years, then lord Sion
A la vez [Hisham] orden
que escribir un documento
eight years. Lord Trdat was
from Drasnawor, Buoyn and
lord Sion was from
Bagawan. Lord Sion caused
dry spring at the foot of Mt.
Sim to flow again through
[64] his prayers.

After Emperor Leo, his son

Constantine [V, 740-75]
ruled. He was known as
Kawalinos [Copronymus],

conforme a lo solicitado,
sellado con su propio anillo,
y le dio
Yovhannes muchos regalos.
l reuni a muchos
soldados que lo
acompaara, y lo envi a
Armenia con un gran
honor. Cuando Yovhannes
lleg [a casa] persigui a
todos los griegos en
Armenia, ambos
supervisores y
soldados. Los griegos


is "gatherer of soil." For

when the Tachik army was
encamped on the bank of
the Halys river, Constantine
ordered soil gathered and
thrown into the river. When
the Tachiks saw this they
became terrified, thinking
that the emperor's army
numberless; and they fled
from him. It is related that
on one day he killed five
one after the other. He took
the city of Karin. Two years
later the amir Yazid rebuilt

After Marwan, the chief of

the Ishmaelites was Abdla
and then another Abdla, a
foul and money-loving man,

huyeron tan rpido que no

tuvieron tiempo de tomar
sus tesoros con ellos.
Entonces ellos
ellos enterrados en el suelo,
escribi una descripcin del
escondite, y tom la
informacin con ellos [G68].

El patriarca bendito,
colocando a nuestro pas
bajo el gobierno ismaelita,
entonces convoc a una
reunin en Manazkert a
que convoc [62] At'anas,
el patriarca de Siria. [Este
ltimo] envi seis obispos y
anatematizados la
Julianites y los que dijo
cosas que neg a Cristo,
Barshapuh y Gabriel, los
calumniadores del
Armenios y sirios; y l se
anim a la Iglesia con la
legislacin cannica,
rechazando la Calcedonia
hereja que se haba
extendido el trastorno en
Armenia en los das del
emperador Heraclio y la
kat'oghikos Esd.

whom his people called

Abdldang, that is, "father
(or servant) of a penny,"
which is what that means in
[] Yovhannes lecturas
establecidas para las fiestas
Hagarenes' language. For
de los santos James y Cirilo

he loved a penny more than y para todas las fiestas solo

he loved God. It was
como San Gregorio haba
Abdldang who built
hecho. Celebraron las
Baghdad. He
fiestas del profeta David y
visited many ills on Armenia el Apstol Santiago en la
by [g71] tax demands and
through ravaging; he placed veinticinco de diciembre un da en que otros
the country into such
celebran la Navidad.
straits that taxes were
Sharakan los Hart "("
demanded from the living
Pecamos en
for the dead. The mining of
todo y no mantenga su
silver was stopped in
comandos, ahora
confesamos to You ") fue
The cities K'aghian, Mren,
cantado entonces, como lo
and T'alan were destroyed, sigue siendo hoy en el
700 people were killed and
servicio de las iglesias de
1200 were taken captive.
Armenia, de 175 de la era
Mushegh Mamikonean [65] armenia [726], a 690 AE
and Samuel, with others of
[1.241], que es nuestro
the Armenian azats were
da. De este modo
killed by the Ishmaelites
proporcionando la tierra con
during the days of Easter.
toda la virtud, se ocup con
la doctrina y oraciones.
At this time, in the year 222
A.E. [773], Step'annos, the
court-priest, who was
recognized as an eloquent
attained mastery of all
scholarly and grammatical
knowledge, with spiritual
virtue. In Armenia there
select, enlightening

[Yovhannes] Tambin
construy [G69] una gran
iglesia en su pueblo de
Odzun (que est cerca de la
ciudad Lorhi)
y l mismo instal en un
lugar que haba elegido
para su residencia, a poca
distancia de la aldea.

Un da, cuando el bendito

vardapets then, [among

them] lords Ep'rem,
Anastas, Xach'ik, and Dawit'

estaba en oracin, dos

temibles [63] dragones
cayeron sobre la residencia
de este

and the great scholar

Step'annos Siwnets'i, a
pupil of Movses, whom we
recalled above. Step'annos
was a

virtuoso. Cuando dicono

seor Yovhannes 'vio esto,
estaba aterrorizada, y
clamaba por ayuda del
hombre santo.

translator from the Greek to

the Armenian language
who, beyond his
translations, wrote spiritual
songs of

Seor Yovhannes hizo la

seal de la cruz delante de
ellos y los dos dragones al
instante se convirti en

sweet melody, sharakam,

kts'urds (anthems), and
other songs. He also wrote
brief commentaries on the

Existen hoy en da. El agua

brota de las entraas de los
dragones, y es un antdoto
para todos serpiente
popular -biten que

Gospels, on grammar, on
the Book of Job and [the
hymn] "Lord, that the edge
of night..." (Ter et'e
gisheroy) [g72].

convertir al santo con

oraciones. Despus de ser
patriarca durante once
aos, y de haber vivido una
vida virtuosa, seor
Yovhannes depositada en

It is said that from

childhood, the blessed
Step'annos was versed in
the writings of holy men.
Aspet Smbat, a
Diophysite, was
antagonistic toward
Step'annos. So Step'annos
left him in disagreement

Despus [Yovhannes] seor

Dawit 'ocup el
kat'oghikosatc durante
trece aos [728-41]. Era de
Aramunik 'en el distrito de
Kotayk. Era seor Dawit
'que se traslad la

and went to Rome

where he found a certain
orthodox hermit with whom
he stayed and from whom
he learned. Now when
heard about this, he wrote
to the Byzantine emperor
[informing him] that
Step'annos was a heretic

kat'oghikosal ver desde

Dwin a
Aramonk '. All se construy
una iglesia y una residencia
para el patriarca, porque
haba sido perturbado por el
nacin de Mahmet. Despus
de Dawit ', seor Trdat
ocup la kat'oghikosate
durante veintitrs aos. Era

anathematized the
emperor's confession, and
Pueblo Ot'mus, un hombre
that he was [66] staying
bendecido modesta,
with a certain hermit named radiante en toda virtud. En
los das de Trdat, el
such-and-such. The
maurauding de [G70] la
emperor became furious
and ordered Step'annos to
Ismaelitas ces. Despus
court. But the hermit first
Trdat, otro seor Trdat
advised him
convirti kat'oghikos
durante tres aos, entonces
to say about himself: "I am
seor de Sion
a beggar and a wanderer."
When the emperor heard
ocho aos. Seor Trdat era
this, his angry rage
de Drasnawor, Buoyn y
seor Sion era de Bagawan.
Seor Sion caus una
Becoming bold, Step'annos
entreated the emperor to
primavera seca, a los pies
open the trunks of sacred
del Monte Sim a fluir de
writings for him. Finding
nuevo a travs de [64] sus
a book with golden letters
containing an account of
the faith, he showed it to
the emperor. [The latter]

Despus emperador Len,

su hijo Constantino [V, 74075] gobern. Era conocido

reading it, sent Step'annos

to the city of Rome to bring
thence three similar books
about the true faith, so that

como Kawalinos
[Coprnimo], que

the country be converted to

that religion [g73].
es "recolector de tierra."
Para cuando el ejrcito
Now Step'annos, heedless
of the emperor's order, took Tachik estaba acampado en
la orilla del ro Halys,
the books from Rome and
went to the city of Dwin in
order to enlighten his
country with them. And lord
Dawit' ordained Step'annos
as bishop of Siwnik', at the

reuni suelo ordenado y

arrojado al ro. Cuando el
Tachiks vio esto se
convirtieron aterrorizado,

request of K'urd and

Babgen, princes of Siwnik'.
After occupying the
episcopacy for only a year,

ese ejrcito innumerable

del emperador; y huyeron
de l. Se cuenta que un da
mat a cinco leones,

was slain by a whore from

Moz district. His body was
taken to a chamber in
Arkaz; from there they laid
it to

uno despus del otro. l

tom la ciudad de Karin.
Dos aos ms tarde, el emir
Yazid reconstruy.

rest in the monastery of


Despus de Marwan, el jefe

de los ismaelitas fue Abdla
y luego otro Abdla, una falta
y el hombre del dinero

The venerable Step'annos

brought the writings to the
bishopric of Siwnik'; three
ranks for the bishops of

a quien su pueblo llamaban

Abdldang, es decir, "el
padre (o servidor) de un
centavo", que es lo que eso

Armenia were established.

[67] Now a certain cenobite

named Noah (Noy), saw a
vision in which Step'annos'
breast was covered with
blood as he stood before
the Savior, saying: "Behold
this, Lord, for Your
judgements are righteous."

significa en el
Idioma agarenos. Para que
amaba un centavo ms de
lo que amaba a Dios. Fue
Abdldang que construy
Bagdad. l
visitado muchos males en
Armenia por [G71]
demandas fiscales ya travs
de saqueo; coloc al pas en

the cenobites in the district

about the coming wrath, he
admonished them to pray.

estrechos que los

impuestos se exigen a los
vivos de los muertos. La
minera de la plata fue
detenido en Armenia.

Then behold, from On High

an impenetrable darkness
enveloped the borders of
Moz, and the place shook

Las ciudades K'aghian,

mren y T'alan fueron
destruidas, 700 personas
murieron y 1.200 fueron
llevados cautivos.

forty days. Ten thousand

people were buried [in the
earthquake], for which
reason the place was called

Mushegh Mamikonean [65]

y Samuel, con otros de los
azats armenios fueron
asesinados por los

Vayots' Dzor [Valley of

Sighs], as it still is today. For durante los das de Pascua.
those in pain, and those
who are ill [g74], there is
En este momento, en el ao
222 AE [773], Step'annos,
healing in Step'annos'
el tribunal sacerdote, quien
relics, for those who seek
fue reconocido como un
the blessed man's
hombre elocuente,
intercession. In this world
God glorifies
dominio alcanzado de todo

el conocimiento acadmico
y gramatical, con la virtud
espiritual. En Armenia haba
seleccionar, vardapets
those who glorify Him, while esclarecedoras a
continuacin, [entre ellos]
in the next world, He gives
seores Ep'rem, Anastas,
them the good things He
Xach'ik y Dawit
has prepared, [things]
"which eye has not seen,
y el gran erudito Step'annos
which ear has not heard,
Siwnets'i, discpulo de
and which the heart of
Movses, a quien hemos
mankind has not
recordado anteriormente.
experienced [I
Step'annos era una
Corinthians 2, 9]."
Traductor del griego al
idioma armenio que, ms
all de sus traducciones,
Then by the grace of God
escribi canciones
lord Esay from the village of espirituales de
Eghapatrush was called to
tend to the needs of his
dulce meloda, sharakam,
kts'urds (himnos), y otras
people, [first] in the orders
canciones. Tambin escribi
of priest and bishop and
breves comentarios sobre la
[later], worthily, as
patriarch for thirteen years. Evangelios, en la gramtica,
After his
en el libro de Job, y [el
himno] "Seor, que el borde
death Ibn Dukl (Ipndokl)
de la noche ..." (Ter et'e
robbed the Church; and lord shrt'ants'n
Step'annos ruled for one
year, by means of
gisheroy) [G72].
bribes. He was [68] from
Ostan of the Curopalate
[Dwin]. After him, lord
Soghomon, a very old man

Se dice que desde la

infancia, los
Step'annos estaba versado

Makenots'ats' monastery,
ruled for one year. After
him, lord Georg reigned for
three years. He was from
Aragatsotn and was called
Xoyl Orbuk. After him lord
Yovsep' ruled for eleven
years. He was from

en los escritos de los

hombres santos. Aspet
Smbat, un
Diophysite, era antagnica
hacia Step'annos. As
Step'annos lo dej en
desacuerdo y fue a Roma

Aragatsotn, from the

dwelling of Saint Gregory

donde se encontr con un

cierto ermitao ortodoxa
con el que se qued y de
quien aprendi. Ahora,
cuando Smbat

Leo [IV, the Khazar, 775-80]

wore the crown after
Emperor Constantine, and
following Leo were

odo hablar de esto, l

escribi al emperador
bizantino [informndole]
que Step'annos era un
hereje que

Constantine [VI, 780-97]

and his mother Irene
[(Erhine), regent 780-90,
792-97]. In these days there
came a

anatematizado confesin
del emperador, y que fue
[66] Quedarse con un cierto
ermitao llamado

halt to the use of images in


[At Rome] they observed a

large marble coffin, were
astonished by it, and
ordered that it be opened.

tal y tal. El emperador se

puso furioso y orden
Step'annos a los tribunales.
Pero el ermitao primero le
que decir de s mismo: "Yo
soy un mendigo y un
vagabundo". Cuando el
emperador oy esto, su
rabia furiosa remiti.

found written in [the coffin]:

Convertirse en negrita,
"What use it is to conceal
Step'annos suplic al
me, for in the days of
Constantine and his mother emperador para abrir los
troncos de los escritos

Irene, I will see the sun

again." After a joint reign of
ten years, Constantine
deposed his mother and
alone for seven years. But
then the mother seized the
son, gouged his eyes out
and herself reigned for five
years. After her, Nicephorus
[I (Nikip'or) 802-81 1]
reigned. In his time two
Ishmaelite brothers, Sahak

sagrados para l. Encontrar

un libro con letras de oro
que contienen una cuenta
de la fe, se lo mostr al
emperador. [Este ltimo]
leerlo, enviado Step'annos a
la ciudad de Roma para
llevar all tres libros
similares acerca de la
verdadera fe, para que
el pas se convirti a la
religin [G73].

Yovsep' underwent
martyrdom in Christ in the
city of Karin, on the
Ahora Step'annos, haciendo
fifteenth of [the sixth month caso omiso de la orden del
of the
emperador, tom los libros
de Roma y fue a la ciudad
Armenian calendar] Arats'.
After Nicephorus, Michael [I de Dwin en
(Mik'ayel), Rhangabe 81113] ruled; [69] and in his
days a severe general
famine occurred. On one
day, 3,000 people were
found dead in the city of
Karin. Leo

para iluminar a su pas con

ellos. Y seor Dawit
'ordenado Step'annos como
obispo de Siwnik', en el
peticin de K'urd y Babgen,
prncipes de Siwnik '.
Despus de ocupar el
episcopado por slo un ao,

[V, the Armenian, 813-30]

ruled after Michael. He
threw down the images and fue asesinado por una puta
built Biwzu and Arkadupolis. del barrio de Moz. Su
cuerpo fue llevado a una
cmara en Arkaz; desde all
Now fifty-four years after
se pusieron a

the immolation of the

Armenian [g76] princes in
Naxchawan, Ashot

descansar en el monasterio
de T'anahat.

became the marzpan of

Armenia, ruling for
seventeen years, He was
succeeded by Smbat for

Los venerables Step'annos

trajeron los escritos al
obispado de Siwnik '; tres
filas de los obispos de
Armenia se establecieron.

years, Ashot Msaker, twenty

years, and Ashot's son
[67] Ahora un cierto
Smbat, who was called
cenobita llamado No
Ablabas, for thirty-five
(Noy), tuvo una visin en la
years. The
que mama Step'annos
latter built the lavishly
'estaba cubierto de
ornamented blessed chapel
sangre mientras
(k'awaran) at Erazgawors,
permaneca de pie ante el
which is presently called
Salvador, diciendo: "He aqu
esto, Seor, porque tus
juicios son justos."
Now after Abdlay, the
kingdom of the Ishmaelites los cenobitas en el distrito
acerca de la ira venidera,
was led by Mahadi, Muse,
les amonesta a orar.
Aharon, Sahamad; then by
Mahmun, Abusahak
Mahmet, and Aharon.

After Yovsep', lord Dawit'

from the village of Kakagh
in Mazaz, was kat'oghikos
for twenty-five years; after
him, lord Yovhannes from
the village of Ovayk in

Entonces he aqu, desde El

Alto una oscuridad
impenetrable envuelve las
fronteras de Moz, y el lugar
sacudi para
cuarenta das. Diez mil
personas fueron enterradas
[en el terremoto], por lo que

Kotayk', for twenty-two

years. In the seventh year
of his

se llamaba el lugar

Vayots 'Dzor [Valle de los

Suspiros], como lo sigue
reign, some slanderers from siendo hoy. Para aquellos en
his House began to utter
el dolor, y los que estn
accursed things [70] about
enfermos [G74], hay mucho
the blessed man. These
curacin en reliquias
blabbers were tortured to
Step'annos ', para aquellos
death just like those who
que buscan la intercesin
were with the bishop of
del hombre bendecido. En
Jerusalem, Narcissus
este mundo que Dios
After Yovhannes, lord
Zak'aria from Dzag village
in Kotayk ruled [854-76], on
one and the same day
entrusted with everything:
the deaconhood, the
priesthood and the
kat'oghikosatc [g77]. This
holy and
virtuous man was
kat'oghikos for twenty-two

In these days a certain

criminal and God-hating
man named Ja'far (Jap'r)
rose to the head of the
He was very envious of
Christ and charmed many
into apostasy, while

aquellos que lo glorifican,

mientras que en el otro
mundo, les da a las cosas
buenas que ha preparado,
"que ojo no ha visto, que el
odo no ha odo hablar y
que el corazn de la
humanidad no ha
experimentado [I
Corintios 2, 9]. "

Entonces por la gracia de

Dios seor Esay del pueblo
de Eghapatrush fue llamado
para atender a las
necesidades de su

torturing to death those

who did not
accept. He wrought much
evil in the lands under his
rule, and especially in
Armenia, through killings
enslavements. For he had
sent an ostikan named
Apuset' who had come and
captured the prince of
Bagarat, and many other
people. Now when the
inhabitants of the Xut'
mountains, called Sasun,
heard about
this affair, they came and
killed Apuset'. When Ja'far
was informed of this, he
became furious, and sent to

gente, [primero] en las

rdenes del sacerdote y
obispo y [despus],
dignamente, como patriarca
durante trece aos.
Despus de su
la muerte de Ibn Dukl
(Ipndokl) robaron la Iglesia;
y seor Step'annos gobern
durante un ao, a travs de
sobornos. l era [68] a
partir de Ostan del
Curopalate [Dwin]. Despus
de l, seor Soghomon, un
hombre muy viejo de
Monasterio Makenots'ats ',
gobernado por un ao.
Despus de l, seor Georg
rein durante tres aos. Era

Aragatsotn y fue llamado

Armenia a commander
Xoyl Orbuk. Despus de l,
named Bugha, a Turk, a wily seor Yovsep 'gobern
and criminal man. Bugha
durante once aos. Era de
came and ravaged Armenia
Aragatsotn, desde la
through treachery and wars vivienda de San Gregorio
and led away many people
to Samara in captivity,
taking Smbat asparapet of
Armenia to Ja'far. Now Ja'far
[71] put Smbat into jail so
that he renounce Christ; but
instead of accepting the

Leo [IV, el Khazar, 775-80]

llevaba la corona despus
emperador Constantino, y
siguiendo Leo eran
Constantino [VI, 780-97] y

su madre Irene [(Erhine),

regente 780 a 90, 792-97].
En estos das lleg un
impious command, Smbat
detener el uso de imgenes
boldly confessed Christ, and en Roma.
was kept in that prison until
he died. Smbat inherited
the name "the Confessor."
Many others were martyred
for Christ, dying wickedly

A certain Syrian deacon

named Nana was taken
before Ja'far because of the
renown of his preaching.
boldly confessed Christ
before him. They tortured
him and imprisoned him for
a long time, but later he
released through the
attention of God; and he
wrote a commentary on the
Gospel of John, with radiant
Similarly, Step'annos,
(called Kon), one of the
Armenian princes,
underwent martyrdom for
Christ; and many
denied the true God out of
fear of death. [Ja'far]
occasioned many other

[En Roma] observaron un

gran sarcfago de mrmol,
se asombraron por l, y
ordenaron que se abra.
hall inscrito en [el atad]:
"Lo que usarlo es para m
ocultar, porque en los das
de Constantino y su madre
Irene, voy a ver el sol de
nuevo. "Despus de un
reinado conjunto de los diez
aos, Constantino d eposed
su madre y gobern
solo durante siete aos.
Pero entonces la madre se
apoder del hijo, le sacaron
los ojos y ella rein durante
aos. Despus de ella,
Nicforo [I (Nikip'or) 802-81
1] reinaron. En su tiempo
dos hermanos ismaelitas,
Sahak y
Yovsep 'sufri el martirio en
Cristo en la ciudad de Karin,
el quince de [el sexto mes

evils throughout the world,

information about which
you will find in the writings
of T'uma and Shapuh and
other authors.

Calendario armenio] ARATS

'. Despus de Nicforo,
Michael [I (Mik'ayel),
Rhangabe 811-13]
gobernado; [69] y en su

da se produjo una
hambruna severa en
general. En un da, 3.000
In the year 194 A.E. [745],
personas fueron
which is 1073 of the
Syrians, Ja'far built Baghdad encontradas muertas en la
on the Tigris river, four days ciudad de Karin. Len
[V, el Armenio, 813-30]
journey from Babylon. [In
gobern despus de que
this time] a woman was
Michael. Arroj las
born, and lived for thirty
years not eating anything at imgenes y construy
Biwzu y Arkadupolis.

After the death of Smbat

the Confessor, his son Ashot
[I, 885-890] ruled the
kingdom. He was viewed as
greater than all of his
predecessors, since after
holding the sparapetut'iwn,
he was prince of princes
and then
[g79] received crowns from
two kings, Ishmaelite and
Byzantine. After Ja'far,
Mahmet wore the crown,
Ahmat, Abdla, and Mahmet.
The latter designated Ashot
the prince of princes and

Ahora cincuenta y cuatro

aos despus de la
inmolacin de los armenios
[G76] prncipes en
Naxchawan, Ashot
se convirti en el marzpan
de Armenia, gobernando
durante diecisiete aos, lo
tuvo xito Smbat de
ao, Ashot Msaker, veinte
aos, y el hijo de Ashot
Smbat, que se llamaba
Ablabas, durante treinta y
cinco aos. los
Este ltimo construy el
ricamente ornamentada

then gave him a crown.

capilla bendecida
(k'awaran) en Erazgawors,
que actualmente se llama

Michael wore the crown

after Emperor Leo; then
followed Theophilos,
Michael and Basil [I (Vasil),


whom they say was from

T'il village in Taron. He built
the holy church of Zoravar
[the General]. Basil again
sent a crown to Ashot, in
addition to the one the
Ishmaelites had sent.
Photius, the patriarch of
Constantinople sent a letter
to Ashot together with a
piece of the Cross of the
Lord. At Ashot's order, the
vardapet Sahak wrote a
reply to Photius, beautiful
and wise.

From the fall of the Arsacid

kingdom until the
[establishment of the]
Bagratid kingdom, 434
years had

In 334 A.E. [885], Ashot

reigned, a God-fearing,

Ahora, despus de Abdlay,

el reino de los ismaelitas
fue dirigido por Mahadi,
Muse, Aharon, Sahamad;
entonces por
Mahmun, Abusahak
Mahmet y Aharon.

Despus Yovsep ', seor

Dawit' desde el pueblo de
Kakagh en Mazaz, era
kat'oghikos de veinticinco
aos; despus
l, seor Yovhannes del
pueblo de Ovayk en Kotayk
', durante veintids aos.
En el sptimo ao de su
reinado, algunos
calumniadores de su casa
comenz a pronunciar
anatema [70] sobre el
hombre bendecido. Estas
blabbers fueron torturados
hasta la muerte al igual que
los que estaban con el
obispo de Jerusaln, Narciso
Despus Yovhannes, seor

benevolent man, an
adorner of the Church, and
a lover of
the services of God. He
embellished the churches of
Armenia with great
ornaments and brightness

Zak'aria de pueblo Dzag en

Kotayk dictamin [854-76],
en uno y el mismo da de
encargada de todo: el
deaconhood, el sacerdocio
y la kat'oghikosatc [G77].
Este santo y

thirty-two years [73] as

prince of princes, and five
years as king of Armenia.
[g80] Then he passed to

hombre virtuoso era

kat'oghikos durante
veintids aos.

dying peacefully,
possessing the correct
doctrine. Afterwards his son
Smbat ruled for twenty-four
years [d.

En estos das un hombre

criminal y Dios odia llamado
Jafar (Jap'r) subi a la
cabeza de los ismaelitas.

l era muy envidioso de

Cristo y encantado a
914]. The latter underwent
martyrdom in Christ at Dwin muchos a la apostasa,
mientras torturar hasta la
hanged from a tree by
muerte a los que no lo
Yusup', Apuset's son.
aceptar. l obr mucha
Lord Georg from the town of maldad en las tierras bajo
Garhni occupied the
su gobierno, y
kat'oghikosate after
especialmente en Armenia,
Zak'aria. He had been taken a travs de asesinatos y
esclavitudes. Porque l
by the Ishmaelites, and the haba enviado un ostikan
princes of [Caucasian]
llamado Apuset 'que haba
Aghbania/Aghuania went
venido y capturado el
and freed him. After him
prncipe de Taron,
Bagarat, y muchas otras
Mashtots' was kat'oghikos
personas. Ahora, cuando los

for one year. He was a

blessed and virtuous man,
filled with brilliance and

habitantes de las montaas

del Xut ', llamados Sasun,
odo hablar
este asunto, que lleg y
mat Apuset '. Cuando Yafar
fue informado de esto, se
puso furioso, y se enva a

and he dwelled on the

island in lake Sewan
practising great asceticism
wearing a single garment
Armenia un comandante
and walking
nombrado Bugh, un turco,
barefoot for forty years
un hombre astuto y
he ate no bread and drank
criminal. Bugh lleg y
no water. It was lord
arras Armenia
Mashtots' who established
a travs de la traicin y las
the book
guerras y llevaron a muchas
(which is called Mashtots'
personas a Samara en
after him), gathering
cautiverio, teniendo Smbat
together all the ordered
asparapet de
prayers and readings,
Armenia a Yafar. Ahora Yafar
arranged with
[71] poner Smbat a la
an appendix which itself has crcel para que renunciara
all the orders of Christian
a Cristo; pero en lugar de
faith. Reaching a ripe age,
aceptar la
he gloriously reposed in
Christ. His body was placed
in the cemetary in Garhni
close to the marvellous
grave of Trdat. They built a
beautiful church over him.
Lord Yovhannes succeeded
Mashtots' on the patriarchal
throne [897/98]. He was

comando impa, Smbat

audazmente confes a
Cristo, y se mantuvo en esa
prisin hasta que muri.
Smbat hered

lord Mashtots' pupil and

relative, and he reigned for
twenty-eight years. He was
a wise [g81] [74] logical

el nombre de "el Confesor".

Muchos otros fueron
martirizados por Cristo,

from the town of Garhni,
where the blessed patriarch
Georg was from. He wrote a
well-arranged history
detailing the great evils
wrought by the lawless
people of Hagar throughout
the world.

At this point I would like to

repeat some things about
the disintegration of unity
among the wicked
people. For our Savior and
God, Lord Jesus Christ said:
"A kingdom divided against
itself will be destroyed
[Matthew 12.25; Luke
11,17]," just as theirs was,
for it was split into many
lordships. Thus Sop'ar ruled

muriendo maldad [G78].

Un cierto dicono sirio

llamado Nana fue tomada
antes de Yafar debido a la
fama de su predicacin.
audazmente confesado a
Cristo delante de l. Lo
torturaron y lo encarcelaron
por un largo tiempo, pero
ms tarde fue
lanzado a travs de la
atencin de Dios; y l
escribi un comentario
sobre el Evangelio de Juan,
con las palabras radiantes.
Del mismo modo,
Step'annos, (llamada Kon),
uno de los prncipes
armenios, sufri el martirio
por Cristo; Y muchos

negado al Dios verdadero

por temor a la muerte.
[Yafar] ocasionado muchos
land of Khurasan, while in
otros males de todo el
Basra city Awalik Aput'orosp mundo,
ruled, Yise's son Shaxa
ruled in Palestine, the son of informacin sobre la cual se
encuentra en los escritos de
Apltulip in the land of
T'uma y Shapuh y otros
Daylam [Delm] and various autores.
others in different places
stirred up agitation, trying
to rule
En el ao 194 AE [745], que
over their regions by force. es 1073 de los sirios, Yafar

Therefore it was difficult to

find the names of the
impious [rulers]; but those

construy Bagdad en el ro
Tigris, cuatro das

ruled unleashed upon our

land wicked and inhuman
ostikam, such as the beastlike Bugha and the more

Tras la muerte de Smbat el

Confesor, su hijo Ashot [I,
885-890] gobern el reino.
l fue visto como [72]

wanton Ap'shin, son of the

criminal Apuset' who had
come [to Armenia] before,
and the yet more wicked

mayor que todos sus

predecesores, ya que
despus de la celebracin
de la sparapetut'iwn, l era
prncipe de prncipes y

corrupter [g82] Ap'shin,

who killed King Smbat in
Dwin. Yusup' set up as king
a certain Gagik, son of
Derenik, from the Artsrunid
House, a good God-loving
man, son of the sister of
King Smbat Bagratuni. He

viaje desde Babilonia. [En

este momento] naci de
una mujer, y vivi durante
treinta aos no comer nada
en absoluto.

[G79] recibido coronas de

dos reyes, ismaelita y
bizantino. Despus de Yafar,
Mahmet llev la corona, a

Ahmat, Abdla y Mahmet.

built a royal city and church Este ltimo designado
Ashot el prncipe de
of astonishing, radiant
prncipes y luego le dio una
construction on the island
of Aght'amar in the Bznunik' corona.
Sea [Lake Van].

[75] All of these wicked

overseers came to our
country to loot and destroy

Michael llevaba la corona

despus emperador Len;
luego sigui Tefilo, Michael
y Basilio [I (Vasil), 867-86]
quien dicen era de la aldea

until the kingship of the

t'il en Taron. l construy la

iglesia santa de Zoravar [el
amirmunik' ended, and they general]. Albahaca nuevo
were replaced by the
Scythians [(Skiwt'ats'ik'),
envi una corona de Ashot,
i.e., the Saljuqs]. They were adems de la que los
ismaelitas haban enviado.
Focio, patriarca de
civilized folk, but barbarians
who had defeated and
Constantinopla envi una
subjugated many people
carta a Ashot junto con un
and ruled themselves.
trozo de la Cruz del Seor. A
fin de Ashot, el
those subdued were the
Tachiks [Arabs]. But since
we have not found their
names recorded anywhere,

Vardapet Sahak escribi

una respuesta a Focio, bella
y sabia.

cannot register them here.

Count them not among
those in the Book of Life,
but rather as monuments of

Desde la cada del reino

Arsacid hasta que el
[establecimiento de] reino
Bagratid, 434 aos tenan

impiety. So let us forsake

them and their generals as
hopeless men who have
been expelled from the


of God.

En 334 AE [885], Ashot

rein, un hombre temeroso
de Dios benevolente, un
adorner de la Iglesia, y
amante de

At the beginning of the rule

by the Turks, fifty men of
Armenian nationality, put
into straits by them

los servicios de Dios. l

adorn las iglesias de
Armenia con grandes
ornamentos y brillo

went armed into the desert

and came to Marash. They

treinta y dos aos [73]

como el prncipe de los

found a courageous man

prncipes, y cinco aos
named Philaretus (P'ilartos), como rey de Armenia. [G80]
Luego pas a Cristo,
an Armenian, and they set
him up as leader. Entering
morir en paz, que posee la
Cilicia they took the whole
doctrina correcta.
country where the
Posteriormente su hijo
Smbat gobern durante
Rhubineans of the royal
veinticuatro aos [d.
house ruled [g83]. The wise
vardapet called Sarkawag
914]. El martirio ltimo se
wrote about the reasons for someti en Cristo en Dwin colgado de un rbol por
[the Saljuqs'] rule up to the Yusup ', el hijo de Apuset.
time of Sultan Melik'shah,
and Samuel the priest
repeated him. He wrote
Seor Jorge de la ciudad de
Garhni ocup la
[Malik-Shah's] father and
kat'oghikosate despus
grandfather, named Tughril Zak'aria. l haba sido
bek, Mahmut and Salchuk.
tomado cautivo
por los ismaelitas, y los
prncipes de [Europeo]
But we shall return to where Aghbania / Aghuania fue y
we left off, saying with [76] lo liber. Despus de l,
our spirits raised: "They
were rejected by You; we
Mashtots 'era kat'oghikos
are Your people and the
por un ao. l era un
sheep of Your flock."
hombre bendecido y
virtuoso, lleno de brillantez
y sabidura
After the death of Smbat
y l habitaba en la isla en el
Bagratuni, the Armenians
were ruled by his son Ashot lago Sewan practicar gran
ascetismo - lleva una sola
[II, Erkat', 915/22-929] at
prenda y caminar
order of Emperor Romanus
for eight years. This was

descalzo - durante cuarenta

aos no comi pan ni bebi

seven years after the

murder of his father. After

agua. Era seor Mashtots

'que estableci el libro

Emperor Basil, Leo ruled,

then Alexander. After him
was Romanus [I, Lecapenus,
919-44]. He persecuted all

(que se llama Mashtots

'despus de l), reuniendo a
todas las oraciones y
lecturas ordenadas,
arreglado con

the Armenian clerics and

priests on Byzantine
territory because they did
not accept the doctrine of
Chalcedon. [These clerics]
came to Armenia in the
days of Abas, son of Smbat,
and founded the

un apndice que s tiene

todos los rdenes de la fe
cristiana. Llegar a una edad
madura, que gloriosamente
depositada en
Cristo. Su cuerpo fue
colocado en el cementerio
en Garhni cerca de la
maravillosa tumba de Trdat.
Construyeron un

of Kamrjadzor and
Kaputk'ar in the Arsharunik'
district and the famous
hermosa iglesia sobre l.
monastery called Horhomos Seor Yovhannes logr
Mashtots 'en el trono
patriarcal [897/98]. El
Dprevank' in the Shirak
district. In the monastery
called Sanahin [g84] they
pupila seor Mashtots 'y
built a church in the name
relativa, y rein durante
of the
veintiocho aos. Era un
[G81] [74] el hombre sabio
most holy Mother of God in lgica
the boundaries of the city of
Lorhe. Because the priests
de la ciudad de Garhni,
were called
donde el patriarca bendito
Georg era. l escribi una
"Horhomots"' priests, they
historia bien organizada
named a monastery in
Shirak Horhomots'
detallando los grandes
monastery; and to this day
males provocados por el
it is called
pueblo sin ley de Agar en

Horhomets'i monastery.

todo el mundo.

After Romanus,
Constantine, the son of Leo
ruled and then Romanus [II,
959-63] and after him

En este punto me gustara

repetir algunas cosas
acerca de la desintegracin
de la unidad entre el
Hagarene malvados

and after him Kirhzhan

[John I, Tzimisces, 969-76].

gente. Para nuestro

Salvador y Dios, el Seor
Jesucristo dijo: "Un reino
dividido contra s mismo
ser destruido

[77] Now after Yovhannes,

lord Step'annos occupied
the kat'oghikosate for one
year. Then lord T'eodoros
eleven years, then lord
Eghise for seven years,
then lord Anania of Mokk'
[Anania I Mokats'i, 946-68]
twenty-two years.

In his day, there was a

bishop from the Siwnik'
area named Yakob who
started to introduce new
customs of

[Mateo 12,25; Lucas 11,17]

", al igual que el suyo era,
por ello se dividi en
muchos seoros. As Sop'ar
gobern el
tierra de Jorasn, mientras
que en la ciudad de Basora
Awalik Aput'orosp
dictamin, el hijo de Yise
Shaxa gobern en Palestina,
el hijo de
Apltulip en la tierra de
Daylam [Delm] y varios
otros en diferentes lugares
suscit agitacin, tratando
de gobernar

sobre sus regiones por la

speech and ritual, and there fuerza. Por lo tanto, era
was another bishop, Xosrov difcil encontrar los nombres
by name, who stated: "It is
de los impos
not right to call the Lord's
[gobernantes]; pero los que
day kiwrake but [it should

be] kiwrhiake, for it is

Greek." He likewise said to
let children's hair grow, not
cut it until it became long
and formed a wall (pat),
because they are so styled
youths (patani). Then he

gobernados desatado sobre

nuestra tierra ostikam impo
e inhumano, como el bestial
Bugh y ms
lasciva Ap'shin, hijo del
Apuset penal 'que haba
venido [a Armenia] antes, y
el an ms perverso

ordered [that the hair]

should be cut (ktrel) since
[young men] are called
braves (ktrich). And he said: corruptor [G82] Ap'shin,
"It is
quien mat al rey Smbat en
Dwin. Yusup 'estableci
not necessary for a bishop
como rey cierta Gagik, hijo
to give gifts to the head
bishop, that is, to the
kat'oghikos, for the latter
has no
more holiness than the
former, only a different
title." Thus he filled the
country with such foolish
words; and,

Derenik, desde la Casa

Artsrunid, un hombre
amante de Dios bueno, hijo
de la hermana del rey
Smbat Bagratuni. l

construido una ciudad real y

la iglesia de sorprendente,
because of these new ways, construccin radiante en la
isla de Aght'amar en el
agitation was stirred up
Bznunik '
everywhere [g85].
Mar [lago Van].

Lord Anania wrote advisory

letters [to Yakob], urging
him to stand clear of illadvised and vain things.

[75] Todos estos obispos

malvados llegaron a nuestro
pas para saquear y destruir
hasta el reinado del
amirmunik 'termin, y que
fueron reemplazados por el

he, instead of regretting

what he had done, became
yet more brazen, thinking
himself a learned man and
others ignorant. It was
necessary to write to him
two and three times. Other
wise vardapets [78] wrote
to him

escitas [(Skiwt'ats'ik'), es
decir, la Selyuces]. Ellos no
gente civilizada, sino
brbaros que haban
derrotado y subyugados a
muchas personas y
gobernado a s mismos. En
medio de

esos tenue fueron el Tachiks

reminding him of the details [rabes]. Pero ya que no
of the ritual according to
hemos encontrado sus
Scripture. But he continued nombres grabados en
in the same sacreligious
cualquier lugar, que
ways, denouncing
everyone. Then he, Yakob,
rebelled from the
kat'oghikos, and holed up in
the fortress of
Siwnik'. The kat'oghikos
excommunicated him and
wrote to the lady (tikin) of
Siwnik' to hand him over,

no puede registrar aqu.

Contarlos no entre los del
libro de la vida, sino ms
bien como monumentos de
impiedad. As que vamos a
abandonarlos y sus
generales como los
hombres sin esperanza que
han sido expulsados de las

him to counsel so that he

might come to repentance.
But they did not hand him
over and he

de Dios.

When the princes of Siwnik'

Encontraron un hombre

Al principio de la regla por

los turcos, cincuenta
hombres de nacionalidad
them. [Yakob] held the
same beliefs until his death. armenia, ponen en aprietos
por ellos [Selyuces]
Then lord Anania went to
Siwnik' to quell the
Fuimos armado en el
desierto y lleg a Marash.

heard of the patriarch's

coming, they went before
him confessing their sins.
gave him a written oath
that they would no longer
rebell against the throne of
Saint Gregory, from
to generation. Then
[Anania] ordained a certain
archbishop from their line,
who previously [g86]
occupied the

valiente llamado Philaretus

un armenio, y lo configuran
como lder. Entrando Cilicia
tomaron todo el pas en el
que el
Rhubineans de la casa real
gobern [G83]. El Vardapet
sabio llamado Sarkawag
escribi acerca de las
razones de
[el Selyuces '] descarta
hasta el momento de Sultan
Melik'shah, y Samuel el
sacerdote le repiti. Escribi

bishop's throne in Siwnik'.

He did this in honor of the
princes of Siwnik', ordering
that a cross be borne before [Malik-Shah de] padre y su
abuelo, llamado bek Tugril,
the archbishop of Siwnik'
Mahmut y Salchuk.
wherever he went.

After the death of lord

Anania, his throne was
occupied for one year by
Vahan from Baghk'. He

Pero vamos a volver a

donde lo dejamos, diciendo
a [76] nuestros espritus
plante: "Ellos fueron
rechazadas por usted,

unity of faith with the

Georgians. For this action,
many bishops and devout
monks who recognized and

son tu pueblo y ovejas de

su rebao ".

confirmed the heretical

bent of his beliefs, gathered
in the fortress of Ani in the
kingdom of Ashot, son of

Tras la muerte de Smbat

Bagratuni, los armenios
fueron gobernados por su
hijo Ashot [II, Erkat ', 915 /

Abas. He wanted to bring

back the images, to restore
the Chalcedonian heresy.
Confirming him [79] a
they persecuted him.
United, they seated on the
throne of Saint Gregory the
Illuminator Step'anos, a
relation of that holy man of
God, Mashtots', from the
island of Sewan. He
followed [Mashtots']
conduct, and
held the patriarchate for
two years. But since
Vahanik was still alive in
Vaspurakan, some simpleminded

22-929] en el
orden del emperador
Romano durante ocho aos.
Este fue siete aos despus
del asesinato de su padre.
Emperador Basilio, Leo
fall, entonces Alexander.
Despus de l fue Romanus
[I, Lecapeno, 919-44]. l
persigui a todos
los clrigos y sacerdotes
armenios en territorio
bizantino porque no
aceptan la doctrina de
Calcedonia. [Estos clrigos]
llegaron a Armenia en los
das de Abas, hijo de
Smbat, y fundaron los

creatures were convinced

that it was wrong to
consider him schismatic.
Therefore anathemas arose
in the

de Kamrjadzor y Kaputk'ar
en el Arsharunik 'distrito y
el famoso monasterio
llamado Horhomos y

midst of Armenia. But at the

command of God, both of
them died in the same year;
and for one year the

Dprevank 'en el distrito

Shirak. En el monasterio
llamado Sanahin [G84] se
construy una iglesia en el
nombre de la

throne of the patriarchate

Santsima Madre de Dios,
was left unoccupied. Then,
en los lmites de la ciudad
at the command of King
Ashot (called "the Merciful") de Lorhe. Debido a que los
sacerdotes fueron llamados
select men and holy
"Horhomots" 'sacerdotes,
bishops assembled and

seated on the patriarchal

throne the venerable man
of God lord
Xach'ik, a relative of the
great patriarch lord Anania.
A lover of the saints and of
Christ, he bridled the

nombraron un monasterio
en Shirak Horhomots'
monasterio; y hasta la
fecha se le llama
Monasterio Horhomets'i.

tongues of schismatics with

the words of doctrine. He
occupied the throne for nine
years and ten months. He

Despus Romano,
Constantino, el hijo de Leo
fall y luego Romanus [II,
959-63] y despus de l

was followed by lord Sargis

[Sargis I Sewants'i, 9921019] who ruled for twentyfour years [g87].

y despus de l Kirhzhan
[Juan I, Tzimisces, 969-76].

After Ashot, his son Smbat

(called Shahnshah) ruled.
During his reign the walls of
Ani were topped with lofty

[77] Ahora, despus de

Yovhannes, seor
Step'annos ocuparon la
kat'oghikosate por un ao.
Entonces seor T'eodoros

towers and with wide

places, from the Axurean
river to the place known as
Tsaghkots'adzor. He laid the
foundation for a glorious
cathedral in the same city,
though he was unable to
complete it, since death
overtook him. He ruled for
thirteen years.

[80] In these days the

Christ-loving prince Vahram

ao once, entonces seor

Eghise durante siete aos,
entonces seor Anania de
Mokk '[Anania me Mokats'i,
946-68] para
veintidos aos.

En su da, hubo un obispo

de rea Siwnik 'llamado
Yakob que empez a
introducir nuevas
costumbres de

began construction of the

renowned monastery called

After [Smbat] his brother

Gagik ruled for twenty-nine
years. He built the beautiful
church of Saint Gregory
above Tsaghkats'or, taking
as a model the charming
church of Saint Gregory
which patriarch Nerses
built. It

el habla y el ritual, y no
haba otro obispo, Xosrov
por su nombre, quien
declar: "No es justo que
llamar al Seor
kiwrake da, pero [debe ser]
kiwrhiake, porque es griego.
"l dijo lo mismo que hizo
crecer el pelo de los nios,
no para
cortarla hasta que se hizo
largo y form una pared
(pat), porque son jvenes
por lo que estilo (Patani).
Luego l

was completed in the

ordenado [que el pelo] se
1000th year of the
debe cortar (ktrel), ya que
corporealization [g88] of
our Lord Jesus Christ, and in [los jvenes] estn
llamados bravos (ktrich). Y
the year 447
l dijo: "Es
of the Armenian Era [998].
no es necesario para un
His wife, Queen Katramite,
obispo para dar regalos al
finished the holy cathedral
obispo la cabeza, es decir, a
which King Smbat was
las kat'oghikos, para este
unable to complete, and
ltimo no tiene
Smbat Magistros built the
desirable monastery called . ms santidad que el
anterior, solamente un
ttulo diferente "As que
llen el pas con tales
palabras necias, y,
After Emperor Kirhzhan,
Basil [II, Bulgaroctonus,
debido a estas nuevas
976-1025] wore the crown
formas, la agitacin se agit
for fifty years, He was a
por todas partes [G85].
man, especially toward the

Armenian people; for he

abandoned the
Chalcedonian heresy and
followed our
true path. He came to
Cilicia and was baptized by
Armenians in a monastery
called Paghakdziak. He
gave to
the monastery villages,
fields, and many other

Seor Anania escribi

cartas de asesoramiento [a
Yakob], instndolo a
permanecer clara de las
cosas imprudentes y vanas.
l, en lugar de lamentar lo
que haba hecho, se
convirti en an ms
descarada, pensando a s
mismo un hombre y los

After lord Sargis, lord Petros

[Petros I, Getadardz, 1019otros ignorantes. Era
1058] occupied the
necesario escribir en l dos
Armenian kat'oghikosate for y tres veces. Otros
vardapets sabios [78] le
thirty-nine years, After
Gagik Shahnshah, his son
Yovhannes ruled for twenty recordndole los detalles
del ritual de acuerdo a las
Escrituras. Pero l continu
en la misma sacrlego
[81] In his day the very
distinguished Vest Sargis,
after building many
fortresses and churches,
built the

maneras, denunciando
todos. Luego, Yakob, se
rebel de las kat'oghikos, y
encerrado en la fortaleza de
Siwnik '. Los kat'oghikos lo
excomulg y escribi a la
seora (tikin) de Siwnik 'a
entregarlo, por

glorious monastery of
Xts'konk' and a church in

l a un abogado para que

pudiera venir al
arrepentimiento. Pero ellos

the name of Saint Sargis;

and making Tsarak'ar
monastery a
fortress, he built stronger
walls and glorious churches
in it.

But King Yovhannes, filled

with resentment for
patriarch Petros, put him in
jail. Then [g89] he brought
ordained as kat'oghikos in
place of Petros a certain
Deoskoros, head of the
monastery called Sanahin.

Then the kat'oghikos of

Yovsep', arrived, reconciled
the king and the patriarch,
removed the kat'oghikos
from prison.

no le entregan y
ellos. [Yakob] celebrado las
mismas creencias hasta su
muerte. Entonces seor
Anania fue a Siwnik 'para
sofocar la rebelin.
Cuando los prncipes de
Siwnik 'escucharon del
patriarca de venir, se fueron
antes que l confesando
sus pecados. Ellos
le dio un juramento escrito
que ya no seran rebell
contra el trono de San
Gregorio, de generacin
en generacin. Entonces
[Anania] ordenado cierta
arzobispo de su lnea, que
previamente [G86] ocup el
trono de obispo en Siwnik '.
Lo hizo en honor de los
prncipes de Siwnik ',
ordenando que una cruz
que tener antes
el arzobispo de Siwnik
'dondequiera que iba.

As soon as the common

people of the city of Ani saw
that the kat'oghikos had
Despus de la muerte del
been released from prison,
seor Anania, su trono fue
ocupado por un ao por
Vahan de Baghk '. Negoci
boldly pounced upon
Deoskoros and tore the veil
from his face on the day of

unidad de la fe con los

georgianos. Para esta

the Revelation of the Lord,

while he was blessing the
waters; for the kat'oghikoi
in those times wore veils.
The people expelled him

accin, muchos obispos y

monjes devotos que
reconocen y
confirm la inclinacin
hertica de sus creencias,
se reunieron en la fortaleza
de Ani en el reino de Ashot,
hijo de

the city with insults and

placed Petros on his
patriarchal throne. Sadly,
Abas. Quera traer de vuelta
Deoskoros went to his home las imgenes, para
restaurar la hereja de
Calcedonia. Lo que confirma
Sanahin. His life ended
[79] un hereje,
there and he was buried
close to the church.
ellos lo persiguieron.
Unidas, se sent en el trono
de San Gregorio el
Iluminador Step'anos, un
[82] In the days of the
anlisis de sangre
princeship of Zak'aria and
of the leadership of Sanahin relacin de ese hombre
by the venerable vardapet
santo de Dios, Mashtots ',
de la isla de Sewan. Sigui
Grigor Tuteordi, the
inhabitants of the city of Ani [Mashtots '] conducta y
sent to a stone-cutter in the
same city of Sanahin
[requesting] that he take a
part of the relics of
Deoskoros and send them
to Ani, openly or secretly,
"For it
was because of him that
this [g90] ruin befell us
from foreigners. Perhaps he
will forgive the city for the
brazen behavior our fathers

celebrada el patriarcado
durante dos aos. Pero
desde Vahanik todava
estaba vivo en Vaspurakan,
algunos simples de mente
criaturas estaban
convencidos de que era un
error considerar lo
cismtico. Por lo tanto
anatemas surgi en el
medio de Armenia. Pero al
mandato de Dios, tanto de
ellos murieron en el mismo

displayed toward him."

The stone-cutter went in

the night and tried to open
the grave and take some
relics from it, but he was

ao; y por un ao el
trono del patriarcado qued
desocupado. Luego, por
orden del rey Ashot
(llamado "el

seleccione hombres y
santos obispos montado y
with great trepidation and
sentados en el trono
was unable to do it. So he
patriarcal del hombre
went to vardapet Grigor and venerable de Dios seor
told him what had
Xach'ik, un pariente del
happened, saying: "I do not gran patriarca seor
dare do this deed until an
Anania. Un amante de los
assembly of the multitude
santos y de Cristo, no se
of Ani's residents come here molest el
and together we seek
permission from his relics."
But this proposal was
delayed, for no one
concerned himself

lenguas de los cismticos

con las palabras de la
doctrina. l ocup el trono
durante nueve aos y diez
meses. l

with the matter.

fue seguido por Sargis

seor [Sargis me Sewants'i,
992-1019] que gobern
durante veinticuatro aos

After Yovhannes, Gagik, son

of Ashot ruled the kingdom
for two years. Now after the
death of Yovhannes
also called Smbat, the
princes, army, and more so
the patriarch Petros met at
the court of the glorious
kat'oghikosate in Ani and
placed as king over
themselves Gagik,

Despus de Ashot, su hijo

Smbat (llamado Shahnshah)
gobern. Durante su
reinado las murallas de Ani
estaban cubiertas con
torres y con lugares

Yovhannes' brother's [83]

son, sealing oaths

amplios, desde el ro
Axurean al lugar conocido
como Tsaghkots'adzor. Dej

vowing to serve him with

unanimity. But Gagik had no
interest in military affairs,
bases para una catedral
with which the world is
gloriosa en la misma
ciudad, aunque no pudo
conducted, even though in
completarlo, desde la
that period it was necessary muerte
to be bold, since the rule of
the Ishmaelites was in
le super. Gobern durante
trece aos.
confusion because the
Scythians [the Saljuqs] had
attacked them, as we
[80] En estos das el
explained earlier. Similarly
prncipe Cristo amante
Vahram comenz la
Byzantines were in agitation construccin del famoso
[g91]. But as [Gagik] was
monasterio llamado
trained from childhood in
literature, he diverted
himself with that. When the
Byzantines learned about
this, they called him to
them with tricks [at the
of] the princes who had
betrayed the oath they had
made [to Gagik] to keep his
sovereignty over

Despus [Smbat] su
hermano Gagik gobern
durante veintinueve aos.
l construy la hermosa
iglesia de San Gregorio
anterior Tsaghkats'or,
tomando como modelo la
encantadora iglesia de San
Gregorio, que el patriarca
Nerses construido. Ello

and not to break the oath.

And the deed that was done se complet en el ao 1.000
brought ruin to people and
de la corporeizacin [G88]
to the land, for the Greeks
de nuestro Seor Jesucristo,
put the journeyor into exile y en el ao 447

on an island and appointed

overseers to occupy his
place, for one year.

Now the inhabitants of our

land rose up against one
another with unseemly
insolence and in deception,
and thinking up plots with
which to betray each other
to the emperor, accusing
each other of giving aid to
Hagarenes, accusing the
princes, the patriarch, and
vice versa, and forcibly
removing each other from
abodes. Those remaining
were as though lordless.
The Byzantines ruled for
twenty-one years.

de la era armenia [998]. Su

esposa, la reina Katramite,
termin la santa catedral
que era rey Smbat
no puede completar y
Smbat Magistros construido
el monasterio deseable
llamada Bagnayr.

Despus emperador
Kirhzhan, Basilio [II,
Bulgarctonos, 976-1025]
llev la corona durante
cincuenta aos, l era una
hombre, especialmente
hacia el pueblo armenio;
porque l abandon la
hereja de Calcedonia y
sigui a nuestra
verdadero camino. Lleg a
Cilicia y fue bautizado por
los armenios en un
monasterio llamado
Paghakdziak. Dio a

[84] After this a stormy

wind moved from the south
and brought a mandevouring beast which
annihilated our

los pueblos del monasterio,

campos, y muchas otras

country with fire, and

especially the city of Ani for
it was besieged for twentyseven days; then finally

Despus seor Sargis, seor

Petros [Petros I, Getadardz,
1019-1058] ocupado la
kat'oghikosate armenia

they took it they destroyed

the inhabitants of the city of
Ani. The bloody beast called
Alp Arslan [(Alpaslan),
1063-1073] did not spare a
single one [g92].

Then the royal wand fell

from our hands. For though
there were lordships in
some areas, such as that of

treinta y nueve aos,

Despus de Gagik
Shahnshah, su hijo
Yovhannes gobernaron
durante veinte aos.

[81] En su da el muy
distinguido Chaleco Sargis,
despus de construir
muchas fortalezas e
iglesias, construyeron el

Kiwrike of the Bagratids in

the city of Lorhe and the
area around it, or that of
the other Gagik, king of
Vanand and Kars who went
to the Byzantines,
nonetheless, the chief
[kingdom] ended in the
days of Gagik;

gloriosa monasterio de
Xts'konk 'y una iglesia en el
nombre de Saint Sargis; y
haciendo Tsarak'ar
monasterio un
fortaleza, construy muros
ms fuertes e iglesias
gloriosas en el mismo.

others surrendered
themselves to the dragon,
while others fled to the
emperor of the Byzantines.
And they

Pero el rey Yovhannes, lleno

de resentimiento por el
patriarca Petros, lo puso en
la crcel. Entonces [G89]
trajo y

ruined the entire country. To

those who emmigrated, the
Byzantines gave lands and
cities in the areas of

ordenado como kat'oghikos

en lugar de Petros cierto
Deoskoros, jefe del
monasterio llamado

Caesarea and Sebastia,

which was given to the two
king Gagiks.

Now the emperor honored

kat'oghikos Petros greatly
and seated him on a throne
of gold. As soon as [Petros]
arose from the chair and
wanted to go out, a bishop
named Eghishe started to
take the gold chair which


Entonces los kat'oghikos de

Aghbania / Aghuania,
Yovsep ', llegaron,
reconcilian el rey y el
patriarca, y
eliminado los kat'oghikos de

Tan pronto como la gente

comn de la ciudad de Ani,
kat'oghikos had been sitting viendo que los kat'oghikos
haban sido liberados de
on. However, the court
servitors did not [85] let
him proceed. And the
audazmente abalanz sobre
Deoskoros y rasg el velo
asked the bishop: "Why did
you do that?" [Eghishe]
replied: "It is our law that
only the [g93] kat'oghikos
sit on his chair. No one else
has the right to do so." The
emperor was surprised at
the honor which the bishop

de su rostro en el da de la
Revelacin del Seor,
mientras bendeca las
aguas; para el kat'oghikoi
en aquellos tiempos
llevaban velos. La gente lo
expulsaron de

la ciudad con insultos y

colocado Petros en su trono
patriarcal. Tristemente,
displayed toward the
kat'oghikos and he ordered Deoskoros fue a su casa a
the servitors to allow him to las
take it. And he said [to
Sanahin. Su vida termin
Eghishe]: "That chair is
worth 7000 dahekans. Take
it and keep it to honor your

all y fue enterrado cerca de

la iglesia.


On the day of the

Revelation of the Lord, all
the Christians and many
other people assembled in
the city of

[82] En los das de la

princeship de Zak'aria y de
la direccin del Sanahin por
el venerable Vardapet

Grigor Tuteordi, los

habitantes de la ciudad de
Ani enva a un cantero en la
Trabizond for the Blessing of misma ciudad de Sanahin
the Water, as is Christian
custom. Because of the
[solicita] que tome una
great envy which the
parte de las reliquias de
Deoskoros y enviarlos a Ani,
abierta o secretamente,
had toward the Armenians, "Porque
they positioned patriarch
Petros and his people
Fue gracias a l que esta
upstream, and themselves
[G90] ruina que nos han
sobrevenido desde
extranjeros. Tal vez va a
the river. They did this with perdonar la ciudad para el
the thought that since the
blessing of the Armenians
comportamiento descarado
was considered defective by nuestros padres muestra
hacia l ".
them and since they were
downstream, [the Greeks]
would bless again that
which had been blessed by El cantero fue en la noche y
trat de abrir la tumba y
tomar algunas reliquias de
Armenians. They had
ella, pero fue capturado
trained a white dove to
con gran inquietud y no
come, dip into the water
pudo hacerlo. As que fue a
and then rise from it; thus
Vardapet Grigor y le dijo lo
did they
que tena
trick those unaccustomed
pas, diciendo: "No me
to such things [into
thinking] that the Holy Spirit atrevo a hacer esta accin
hasta que una asamblea de

had descended in the

likeness of a

la multitud de habitantes de
Ani vienen aqu


y juntos buscamos el
permiso de sus reliquias.
"Pero esta propuesta se
atras, porque nadie se

When patriarch Petros

prayed, the water began to
run upstream, and an
intense light arose, which
dimmed the
rays [86] of the sun. Then
when their dove came to
dip into the water as was
the custom, suddenly an

con el asunto.

Despus Yovhannes, Gagik,

hijo de Ashot gobern el
reino durante dos aos.
Ahora, despus de la
muerte de Yovhannes

swooped down [g94],

tambin llamado Smbat, los
snatched the dove, and flew prncipes, ejrcito, y ms
off. All the Greeks were
an el patriarca Petros se
greatly ashamed and
reuni en el patio de la
praised the
faith of the Armenians,
despite themselves.

The emperor ordered the

kat'oghikos to place his
throne in Sebastia and to
direct his flock from there.

The patriarch remained

there until his death. They
buried him there in
Sebastia, after a rule as
kat'oghikos of

kat'oghikosate en Ani y
colocado como rey sobre s
Gagik, [83] hijo, juramentos
de sellado de Yovhannes
prometiendo que le sirvan
de unanimidad. Pero Gagik
no tena ningn inters en
los asuntos militares, con la
que el mundo es
llev a cabo, a pesar de que
en ese perodo era
necesario ser atrevido, ya
que el gobierno de los
ismaelitas estaba en

thirty-nine years. After him

lord Xach'ik ruled briefly.

Then gathering together in

one place, the Armenians
placed lord Vahram (whom
they called Grigoris) on the
patriarchal throne. He was
from the city of Bjni, son of
Grigor Magistros, grandson
of Vasak the martyr, and
was a learned and virtuous

confusin porque los escitas

[la Selyuces] los haba
atacado, como hemos
explicado anteriormente.
Del mismo modo la
Bizantinos estaban en
agitacin [G91]. Pero a
medida que [Gagik] fue
entrenada desde la infancia
en la literatura, se desva
a s mismo con eso. Cuando
los bizantinos aprendieron
acerca de esto, le llamaban
a ellos con trucos [en

de] los prncipes que haban

He beseeched his father to
traicionado el juramento
expound grammar, since he que haban hecho [a Gagik]
was a scholar, and [Grigor
para mantener su soberana
Magistros] did this
sobre s mismos
eloquently. This wonderful
patriarch translated from
Greek and Syrian many
homilies about the martyrs
God and homilies of praise.

y no romper el juramento. Y
el hecho de que se hizo la
ruina trado a la gente ya la
tierra, para los griegos
poner la journeyor al exilio
en una isla y supervisores
designados para ocupar su
lugar, por un ao.

After some time he decided

to travel to the city of Rome
to revere the holy relics of
Ahora los habitantes de
the Apostles Peter and
nuestra tierra se levantaron
contra unos a otros con
Paul; [87] sharing in this
insolencia indecoroso y en
plan was a certain vardapet el engao, la mentira
Georg. Calling his flock

together, bishops and

elders and

y pensando en las parcelas

con las que traicionan entre
s para el emperador,
princes, [Grigoris] told them acusndose mutuamente
about his plan. [The
de dar la ayuda a la
audience] burst into [g95]
bitter tears and pleaded
Agarenos, acusando a los
with him
prncipes, el patriarca, y
viceversa, y la eliminacin
not to leave them orphans
de la fuerza unos a otros de
without a pastor. But he
said to them: "I have made
a vow, and it is impossible
moradas. Los restantes
eran como si sin seor. Los
bizantinos gobernaron
me to break it. Find
durante veintin aos.
yourselves someone and I
will ordain him to serve in
my stead." That vardapet
[84] Despus de este viento
tempestuoso traslad desde
about whom we spoke
el sur y trajo una bestia
above, was the messenger. hombre devorando cual
When he saw that the
aniquil nuestra
people did not accept this
pas con el fuego, y sobre
todo la ciudad de Ani por
and kept persisting in their
ello fue sitiada durante
supplications and found no
veintisiete das; a
one to replace Grigoris,
continuacin, finalmente,
Georg said to the people:
"Why do you beseech him
so? He has taken an oath to
leave and I am familiar with
his plan, which cannot be
changed now. Here, let him
ordain me as his

lo tomaron destruyeron los

habitantes de la ciudad de
Ani. La sangrienta bestia
llamada Alp Arslan
1063-1073] no perdon a
uno solo [G92].

As soon as the kat'oghikos

heard this he was
astonished and filled with
wrath, for Georg had sworn

A continuacin, la varita
real cay de las manos.
Porque aunque haba
seoros en algunas reas,
como la de

accompany him. But

against his will he ordained
him and set off on his way.
And Georg occupied his

Kiwrike de los Bagratids en

la ciudad de Lorhe y el rea
alrededor de ella, o la de la
otra Gagik, rey de

When the blessed patriarch

went to Rome, the Frank
people honored him greatly.
Upon fulfilling his vow,
Grigoris took a boat to
Constantinople, for
translation-related work.
But a windstorm arose at
sea and it took
the boat by a different [88]
route, landing them in
Egypt. Those servants he
had with him were fearful,
because it was a custom of
the country's inhabitants to
plunder storm-tossed boats
and to kill survivors [g96].

The blessed patriarch

Grigoris prayed and hard

Vanand y Kars que fue a los

bizantinos, sin embargo, el
jefe [reino] terminaron en
los das de Gagik;

otros se entregaron al
dragn, mientras que otros
huyeron al emperador de
los bizantinos. Y ellos
arruinado todo el pas. Para
aquellos que emigr, los
bizantinos dio tierras y
ciudades en las reas de
Cesrea y Sebastia, que fue
dado a los dos Gagiks rey.

Ahora el emperador honr

kat'oghikos Petros mucho y
lo sent en un trono de oro.
Tan pronto como [Petros]
se levant de la silla y

rains fell in Egypt,

something which had never

quera salir, un obispo

llamado Eghishe comenz a
tomar la silla de oro, que la

before. As soon as the

inhabitants of the land saw
this they were terrified, but
the Hagarene who ruled

kat'oghikos haba estado

sentado. Sin embargo, los
servidores judiciales no [85]
lo dej continuar. Y el

them was a wise man. He

called his troops and said to
them: "You yourselves know
that in Egypt, from the

-pregunt el obispo: "Por

qu hiciste eso?" [Eghishe]
respondi: "Es nuestro
derecho que slo los [G93]
kat'oghikos puede

beginning until now, [such]

rain has not fallen; there
was hail only in the time of
Moses and rain, once, when
Jesus came. Therefore, this
is the portent of the arrival
of a wonder-worker. Go,
see, ask him who he is."

Searching throughout the

country the troops found
Grigoris with his servants,
praying by the shore of the
They took them to the
sultan. The sultan asked:
"Was it on your account
that these rains came?" And
replied: "Yes." And the
sultan said: "What was it
that you were praying for?"

sentarse en su silla. Nadie

ms tiene el derecho de
hacerlo. "El emperador
estaba sorprendido por el
honor que el obispo
muestra hacia los
kat'oghikos y orden a los
servidores para permitir
que l tome. Y dijo [a
Eghishe]: "Esa silla vale
7000 dahekans Toma, y
mantenerlo para honrar sus

En el da de la Revelacin
del Seor, todos los
cristianos y muchas otras
personas se reunieron en la
ciudad de
Trabizond para la bendicin
del agua, como es

And they answered: "We


costumbre cristiana. Debido

a la gran envidia que los

the custom of the country

to kill those who are tossed tena hacia los armenios,
onto the shore, shipwrecked que colocado patriarca
from the sea." And they
Petros y su pueblo contra la
corriente, y ellos mismos
told everything correctly. At hacia abajo
this the sultan was amazed,
lauded their faith and said
el rio. Lo hicieron con la
to the patriarch: "Go sit
idea de que, puesto que la
bendicin de los armenios
on the patriarchal throne of fue considerado defectuoso
Markos in Alexandria, and
[89] let all Christians under
my sway obey you." And
ellos y desde que eran
aguas abajo, [los griegos]
he gave [g97] him many
bendecira una vez ms que
presents and entertained
el que haba sido bendecido
him like his father. And from por el
that time on, the See of
Armenios. Haban formado
Alexandria obeyed the See
una paloma blanca por
of Saint Gregory [the
venir, la inmersin en el
Illuminator]. [Grigoris] lived agua y luego levantarse de
and died there with praise,
ella; As stos
blessed in the glory of God.

King Kiwrike of the

Bagratids was the son of
Dawit', son of Derenik, who
built the famous
monasteries of
Haghbat and Sanahin.
When Kiwrike saw that lord
Grigoris had left his throne
and gone to Rome, he
called to

engaar a quienes no estn

acostumbrados a este tipo
de cosas [en] el
pensamiento de que el
Espritu Santo haba
descendido en la semejanza
de un

Cuando el patriarca Petros

or, el agua comenz a

him lord Yovsep',

kat'oghikos of
Aghbania/Aghuania, and
had him ordain lord Barsegh
kat'oghikos of
Armenia. They ordained as
bishop of Haghbat a certain
of Kiwrike's court-priests,
named Sargis. And

correr contra la corriente, y

una luz intensa surgi, que
atena la
rayos [86] del sol. Luego,
cuando su paloma volvi a
sumergirse en el agua como
era la costumbre, de
repente un guila
abalanz [G94], le arrebat
la paloma y vol. Todos los
griegos estaban muy
afrentados y elogiaron la

thenceforth, [Haghbat]
became the throne of a
bishop. After Sargis, the
bishop was Georg, and after
fe de los armenios, a pesar
de s mismos.
Barsegh. Barsegh was a
handsome man. When
Queen T'amar of Georgia
El emperador orden a los
saw him, she greatly
kat'oghikos colocar su trono
honored him
en Sebastia y dirigir su
because of his good looks
and because his brothers
were officials in the royal

rebao desde all.

lived in our own time.


El patriarca permaneci all

hasta su muerte. Lo
enterraron all en Sebastia,
After Barsegh [the bishop of despus de una regla como
kat'oghikos de
Haghbat] was the blessed
Grigoris, a relative of
treinta y nueve aos.
princes Zakare and Iwane.
Despus de l, seor
Xach'ik gobern

Entonces reunir en un solo

After him [the bishop] was
lugar, los armenios
Yovhannes, a modest and
virtuous man, related to the colocaron seor Vahram (a

princes of Xach'en. He tore

[90] down the small portico
at the door of the cathedral
of Haghbat, reconstructing
it large and beautiful,
bewildering the viewer with
delight [g98].

After him another

Yovhannes, the sister's son
of princes Zak'are and
Iwane, and the previous
brother's son [was bishop of
Haghbat]. This Yovhannes
built a fortress with sturdy
walls between Haghbat
and Sanahin. On account of
this fortress, discord arose
between the two great
monasteries, to the effect
that it

quien llamaban Grigoris) en

trono patriarcal. l era de la
ciudad de Bjni, hijo de
Grigor Magistros, nieto de
Vasak mrtir, y
era un hombre erudito y

l suplic a su padre para

exponer la gramtica, ya
que l era un erudito, y
[Grigor Magistros] hizo esto
elocuente. Este maravilloso
patriarca traducido del
griego y sirio muchas
homilas sobre los mrtires
Dios y homilas de

was on land belonging to

Sanahin. Prince Shahnshah,
Zak'are's son, avenged
Sanahin since his father

Despus de algn tiempo se

decidi a viajar a la ciudad
de Roma para venerar las
reliquias de los apstoles
Pedro y

buried there and he

considered it their property
(sep'hakan), for Haghbat
was under the Georgian

Pablo; [87] compartidos en

este plan era cierto
Vardapet Georg. Llamar a
su rebao juntos, obispos y

control at that time. As soon prncipes, [Grigoris] les

dijeron acerca de su plan.
as bishop Yovhannes died,

they pulled down the walls

of the fortress on orders
from the T'at'ars.

After the death of bishop

Yovhannes, Yovhannes (son
of Aghsart'an from
Matsnaberd) from the
family occupied his position
for two years. He was not
ordained bishop due to the
confusion reigning at the
time; but later he was
ordained by the kat'oghikos
Nerses of
Aghbania/Aghuania, for the
Matsnaberd area.

Kirakos Gandzakets'i's

[El pblico] irrumpi en

[G95] amargas lgrimas y le
no dejarlos hurfanos sin
pastor. Pero l les dijo: "He
hecho una promesa, y es
me rompo. Encontrarn a
alguien y he dispuesto que
l sirviera en mi lugar ". Eso
Vardapet Georg,
sobre los que hablamos
anteriormente, era el
mensajero. Cuando vio que
la gente no aceptaron esta
y sigui persistiendo en sus
splicas y no encontr a
nadie para reemplazar
Grigoris, Georg dijo al
"Por qu lo suplico eso? l
ha tomado un juramento
para salir y estoy
familiarizado con su plan,
que no puede ser
cambiado ahora. Aqu, que
me ordena en su reemplazo

History of the Armenians

Tan pronto como los
kat'oghikos oyeron esto
estaba asombrado y lleno
de ira, de Georg haba

After [Yovhannes] the
bishop was Hamazasp from
the city of Ani. He built a
wondrous church and a
place to

acompaarlo. Pero en
contra de su voluntad que
lo orden y parti en su
camino. Y Georg ocup su

hang the bell, and [g99]

[91] a great and marvellous

But let us turn from these

matters and return to where
we were. The
kat'oghikosate of Armenia
was divided

Cuando el patriarca bendito

fue a Roma, el pueblo Frank
lo honraron mucho. Una vez
cumplida su promesa,

Grigoris tom un barco a

into many parts. There were Constantinopla, por el
the lords Grigoris Vahram in trabajo de traduccin
relacionados. Pero una
Egypt, and Georg in the
tormenta de viento se
west and another one on
levant en el mar y que
the island of Aght'amar in
Vaspurakan, and lord
el barco por una ruta
Barsegh in Armenia. It was
diferente [88], aterrizando
divided into many parts.
en Egipto. Esos funcionarios
que tuvo con l estaban
Gagik, king of Kars went to
see the Byzantine emperor, porque era una costumbre
since he was under his
de los habitantes del pas
authority. Returning home,
para saquear barcos
tempestuosas y matar
sobrevivientes [G96].
went to Caesarea. He had
heard that a certain Markos,
the metropolitan of
Caesarea, had a dog which El patriarca bendito Grigoris
or y fuertes lluvias cayeron

given the name Armen, on

account of the hatred which
the Greeks have toward the
Armenians. And he called
him by this name since all
peoples call the Armenians
Armen on account of the
bravery of Hayk's

King Gagik went and took

lodging with the
metropolitan, who received
him gladly.

When they were in their

cups, the king spoke: "I
have heard that you have a
fine dog. Show me, let me

en Egipto, algo que nunca

haba sucedido
antes de. Tan pronto como
los habitantes de la tierra
vieron esto se asustaron,
pero el Hagarene que
ellos era un hombre sabio.
Llam a sus tropas y les
dijo: "Vosotros sabis que
en Egipto, desde el
empezando hasta ahora,
[como] la lluvia no ha cado;
hubo granizo slo en la
poca de Moiss y la lluvia,
una vez, cuando
Jess vino. Por lo tanto, este
es el presagio de la llegada
de un hacedor de milagros.
Ir, ver, pregntale quin es.

Busca en todo el pas las

tropas encontraron Grigoris
con sus siervos, orando por
la orilla del mar.

The metropolitan said:

"There he is, by the door
across [92] [glOO] from us." Los llevaron al sultn. El
sultn le pregunt: "Fue en
su cuenta que estas lluvias
vinieron?" Y ellos
And the king said: "Call him
so he will come here." The
respondi: "S." Y el sultn
metropolitan then called the dijo: "Qu fue lo que
dog, but by another
estabas orando?" Y ellos
respondieron: "Tememos
name, not its real one.

However, the dog did not

jump up, and did not come
in. The king said: "Now call

la costumbre del pas para

matar a aquellos que se
arroj a la orilla, nufragos
del mar. "Y ellos

by his real name." And as

soon as the metropolitan
uttered "Armen, Armen" the
dog immediately bounded

dicho todo correctamente.

Ante esto, el sultn estaba
asombrado, alabado su fe y
le dijo al patriarca: "Ve a

and came. The king asked:

"Why do you call him by
that name?" The
metropolitan answered:
"Because he is

en el trono patriarcal de
Markos en Alejandra, y [89]
Que todos los cristianos
bajo mi dominio que
obedecen. "Y

small." Then the king

ordered his servants: "Bring
a large sack and throw the
dog in it." They were barely

dio [G97] l muchos regalos

y entretenido como su
padre. Y a partir de ese
momento, la sede de

to do this. The bishop

thought that Gagik wanted
to take the dog away with
him, and so he got angry at

Alejandra obedeci la Sede

de San Gregorio [el
Iluminador]. [Grigoris] vivi
y muri all con elogios,
bendecido en la gloria de

king's servants. Then the

king said: "Throw the bishop
in there too, so I may see if Rey Kiwrike del Bagratids
the dog is as small as he
era el hijo de Dawit ', hijo
says." Now the bishop wept de Derenik, que construy
los famosos monasterios de
and pleaded with the king
to forgive his crime. But the
king angrily declaimed:

Haghbat y Sanahin. Cuando

Kiwrike vio que el seor
"Strike that dog with a goad Grigoris haba dejado su
trono y se ha ido a Roma,
so they will eat each other
llam a
up." And they struck the

dog. The animal, smarting

por seor Yovsep ',

kat'oghikos de Aghbania /
from the pain, mauled the
Aghuania, y tena ordenarlo
metropolitan, tearing him to kat'oghikos seor Barsegh
bits with its teeth and paws de
until he died. Then the king
Armenia. Ellos ordenaron
said: "Now you know
obispo de Haghbat cierto de
whether Armen is small or
la corte-sacerdotes de
Kiwrike, nombrados Sargis.
[93] Then [Gagik] sacked
the bishopric and saw the
emperor no more [glOl].

One day (when the other

Gagik had become king),
Gagik went off to hunt and
became drunk. At a sultry
hour, he dismounted to rest
under the shade of the
trees, having no one with
him except one small lad,
all the others were
scattered about, hunting.
Greeks came upon them,
recognized Gagik, seized
him and took
him to a fortress. When the
king came to his senses
from the wine, he opened
his eyes and exclaimed:
am I?" And the Romans

a partir de entonces,
[Haghbat] se convirti en el
trono de un obispo.
Despus de Sargis, el
obispo era Georg, y
despus de l
Barsegh. Barsegh era un
hombre guapo. Cuando la
reina T'amar de Georgia lo
vio, lo honr grandemente
debido a su buena
apariencia y porque sus
hermanos eran funcionarios
de la casa real.

Despus Barsegh [el obispo

de Haghbat] era el bendito
Grigoris, pariente de
prncipes Zakare y Iwane. l
vivido en nuestro tiempo.

Despus de l [el obispo]

era Yovhannes, un hombre
modesto y virtuoso, en

replied: "Where is our

metropolitan Markos?" And
they hurled him from the
wall of

relacin con los prncipes de

Xach'en. Arranc

[90] por el pequeo prtico

en la puerta de la catedral
the fortress with insults. He de Haghbat,
crashed to the ground and
reconstruyndolo grande y
died. As for the lad who was hermosa,
with him, an Armenian
desconcertante al
merchant purchased him
espectador con deleite
and made him his son-in[G98].

Subsequently, when the lad

became a man, he went
hunting for partridge with
another man, near the
of Cilicia. A fortress which
they call Bardzrberd stood
there. A Byzantine (Roman)
bishop resided in this

fortress. An acquaintance
was struck up between the
man and the bishop, and
they became dear to each
other. They ate and drank
together for many days. Yet
the man had not put out of
his mind what [94] the

Despus de l otra
Yovhannes, el hijo de la
hermana de los prncipes
Zak'are y Iwane y el
Yovhannes anterior
del hermano hijo [era
obispo de Haghbat]. Este
Yovhannes construyeron
una fortaleza con muros
robustos entre Haghbat
y Sanahin. A causa de esta
fortaleza, la discordia surgi
entre los dos grandes
monasterios, en el sentido
de que
fue en tierras
pertenecientes a Sanahin.
Prncipe Shahnshah, el hijo
de Zak'are, veng Sanahin
ya que su padre era
enterrados all y lo
consideraba su propiedad
(sep'hakan), por Haghbat

Byzantines had done to his

relative, King Gagik [gl02].

One day, when all the

bishop's deacons had gone
out of the fortress to see to
some needed work, the

estaba bajo los reyes

georgianos '
el control en ese momento.
Tan pronto como obispo
Yovhannes muri, se
derribaron las murallas de
la fortaleza en los pedidos
a partir de los T'at'ars.

was left alone there with a

youth. The hunter came
close to the fortress to hunt Despus de la muerte del
partridge; seeing the bishop obispo Yovhannes,
Yovhannes (hijo de
Aghsart'an de Matsnaberd)
the walls, he called to him
del Bagratid
to come out so that they
familia ocup su cargo
might eat together. The
durante dos aos. l no fue
bishop invited the man to
ordenado obispo debido a la
confusin reinante en el
into the fortress, but he did
hora; pero ms tarde fue
not consent. So the bishop
came down to him, without ordenado por el kat'oghikos
Nerses de Aghbania /
his deacon.
Aghuania, para el rea
When the man saw that the
bishop was coming alone,
he realized that there was
no one else in the fortress
and he said to the man with Kirakos Gandzakets'i de
him: "Today is a good
opportunity to avenge with
blood the murder of our
which the Byzantines were
responsible for. Take heed!

Perhaps the bishop will send Historia de los Armenios

you into the fortress. If
so, try to take it, and inform
me by some hand signal
that you have, and I will kill
the bishop.

Despus [Yovhannes] el
obispo era Hamazasp de la
ciudad de Ani. l construy
As soon as the bishop
una iglesia maravillosa y un
arrived, they began to eat.
Once the wine gave out, the lugar para
bishop said to the
colgar la campana, y [G99]
[91] una gran y maravillosa
"Go to the fortress over
there and bring us wine so
we may rejoice together."

[95] The man went and

gave the bishop's order to
his servant. As soon as the
servant kneeled over the
to fetch some wine, the
man seized him by his feet,
turned him upside down
and drowned him in the
Going up to the walls, he
notified his lord that he had
taken the fortress [gl03].

Down below the walls the

hunter strangled the
bishop. Then entering the


Pero volvamos a partir de

estos asuntos y volvemos a
donde estbamos. El
kat'oghikosate de Armenia
fue dividida
en muchas partes. All
estaban los seores Grigoris
Vahram en Egipto, y Georg
en el oeste y otro en
la isla de Aght'amar en
Vaspurakan, y seor
Barsegh en Armenia. Estaba
dividido en muchas partes.

Gagik, rey de Kars fue a ver

al emperador bizantino,
desde que tena bajo su
autoridad. Volviendo a casa,
fue a Cesarea. Haba odo

fortress, he seized what was decir que un determinado

Markos, el metropolitano de
Cesarea, tena un perro que
and increased his own
property both by force and
deceit, until he, his sons,
dado el nombre Armen, a
and grandsons ruled Cilicia, causa del odio que los
griegos tienen hacia los
armenios. Y llam
and district. This man was
the forbear of King Lewon,
l por este nombre ya que
who enlarged the
todos los pueblos llamar al
boundaries by his bravery,
Armenios Armen a cuenta
as we
de la valenta de
descendiente de Hayk
shall relate in its proper

After Emperor Basil,

Constantine ruled, and after
him Romanus the Old [III,
Argyrus, 1028-34], followed
Michael, then Kiwrhzi, then
Monomachus [1042-55].
They say that during his
reign Gagik journeyed to
Byzantium. After
Monomachus, [the rulers
were] Kyr T'odorh
[Theodora, 1055-56], then
Dukits [Constantine

Rey Gagik fue y tom

hospedaje con la
metropolitana, que lo
recibi con mucho gusto.

Cuando estaban en sus

copas, el rey habl: "He
odo que usted tiene un
buen perro Mustrame,
djame ver.

El metropolitana dijo: "Ah

X, Ducas, 1059-67], then
est, por la puerta del otro
Diuzhen [Romanus IV,
lado [92] [Gloo] de
Diogenes, 1068-71]. In the
first year of Diogenes' reign,
Gagik Shahnshah, king of

Vanand, died. In the eighth Y el rey dijo: "Llmalo lo

year of his reign, Diogenes
que vendr aqu." El
arose with a great army and metropolitana luego llam
al perro, pero por otro
went to Iran to war. He
came to Manazkert and
nombre, no su verdad. . Sin
took it. Once the tyrant [96] embargo, el perro no salt,
Alp-Arslan heard the news
y no vino en el rey dijo:
"Ahora le llame
the taking of Manazkert, he
came forward and there
was a fierce battle.
Diogenes was defeated and

por su verdadero nombre.

"Y tan pronto como la
pronunciada metropolitana"
Armen, Armen "el perro de
inmediato salt hasta

by Alp-Arslan, a fine was

levied on him, and then he
was released. However, his
people [gl04] would not

y vino. El rey le pregunt:

"Por qu le llamas por ese
nombre?" El metropolitana
respondi: "Porque l es

obey him. Instead they

enthroned Michael [VII,
1071-78], Ducas' son. Again
taking up arms, Michael

. pequeo "Entonces el rey

orden a sus siervos:" Traed
un gran saco y tirarlo al
perro en ella "Eran apenas

against Diogenes. The

troops put Diogenes into
haircloth and sent him to
Emperor Michael. On the
way, they

hacer esto. El obispo pens

que Gagik quera llevar al
perro con l, y por eso se
enoj en el

siervos del rey. Entonces el

gouged his eyes out at the
rey dijo: "Tira el obispo en
command of the emperor.
all tambin, as que puede
He died in the year 521 A.E. ver si el perro es tan
pequeo como l

In the same year the

judgements of the far-

dice "Ahora el obispo llor y

suplic al rey que perdonar
su crimen, pero el rey con

sighted, righteous God

came down upon the
arrogant and
untameable beast AlpArslan. For while he ruled
the world, growling with
rage and ready to spill his
bile on

ira declam..:
"Strike ese perro con un
acicate para que se comen
unos a otros." Y a los
perros. El animal, escozor

Del dolor, mutilado la

metropolitana, le desgarro
en pedazos con sus dientes
those not yet conquered, he y garras hasta que muri.
was unexpectedly stabbed
Entonces el rey
to death. Thus the impious
dijo: "Ahora ya sabes si
one was removed from the
Armen es pequea o no."
world. And he did not
witness the glory of God.

After Alp-Arslan, his

fortunate son, called MalikShah, ruled. He did not
imitate the wicked ways of
father, but rather, thinking
about good things, he did
good things for all his
subjects, especially for the
Armenians. Since he was
intelligent, he denounced
the conceptions of [97] his
father as inimical to the
of living people,
[considering his father a
man] crazed with blood and
despoliation. But the son
put everything

[93] Entonces [Gagik]

saquearon el obispado y vio
que el emperador no ms

Un da (el rey cuando el otro

Gagik haba convertido),
Gagik se fue a cazar y se
embriag. En una sensual
horas, desmont a
descansar bajo la sombra
de los rboles, no tener a
nadie con l, excepto un
pequeo muchacho, ya
todos los dems estaban
esparcidos alrededor, la
caza. Griegos vino sobre
ellos, reconocieron Gagik, le
echaron mano y tom
l a una fortaleza. Cuando

into order with a wise and

benign policy. He did such
things and was more
prudent than many kings,

el rey entr en razn del

vino, abri los ojos y
exclam: "Dnde
soy yo "Y los romanos
respondieron:" ? Dnde
est nuestro metropolitana
Markos "Y ellos le lanzaron
desde la pared de

about everyone, [caring]

that people deal with each
other justly, that no one
worry about being ravished,
la fortaleza con insultos. l
cay al suelo y muri. En
that no one boast proudly.
cuanto al muchacho que
He was liberal and broadestaba con l, un armenio
minded, and physically he
was worthy of the kingdom. comerciante lo compr y lo
hizo su hijo-en-ley.
a short time he subdued the
entire world not by war or
Posteriormente, cuando el
tyranny, but by peace and
muchacho se hizo hombre,
love. Thus with a good
se fue a la caza de la perdiz
con otro hombre, cerca de
reputation he ruled for
twenty years, dying through la frontera
his wife's poison [gl05].

Then followed four years of

unnarratable disturbances
since [Malik-Shah's] brother
Tutush (Dtush) and his

de Cilicia. Una fortaleza que

llaman Bardzrberd qued
all. Un bizantina (Roman)
obispo resida en este

fortaleza. Un conocido se
entabl entre el hombre y el
obispo, y se convirtieron
querido para cada

son Bakiarukh (Bek'iaruk)

tore the good land apart
during these years with
warfare. Since none of them otra. Comieron y bebieron

ruled, soon afterwards

streams of blood flowed in
the land as if it were a
torrent, not solely from the
soldiers, but generally
throughout the awans and
districts. Thus the period
following the death of the
[Malik-Shah] passed, one
devoid of good things.
Finally when Bakiarukh
ruled, he murdered Tutush.
Kizil (Xzl) ruled, his name
meaning "Red." The latter
took the city of Lorhe and
its holy monasteries of
Sanahin and Haghbat.

[98] Following Emperor

Michael, Alexius [I,
Comnenus, 1081-1 1 18]
wore the crown. In his
regnal year, the Byzantines
went through T'irak in the
area of Asia, seeking
revenge for the destruction
of the
Christians by the Scythians,
Iranians and Tachiks. Many
people experienced grief

juntos durante muchos das.

Sin embargo, el hombre no
haba puesto fuera de su
mente lo que [94] la
Bizantinos haban hecho a
su pariente, el rey Gagik

Un da, cuando todos los

diconos del obispo haban
salido de la fortaleza para
ver a algn trabajo
necesario, el obispo
se qued solo all con un
joven. El cazador estuvo
cerca de la fortaleza de
cazar la perdiz; viendo el
obispo de
las paredes, l lo llam a
salir para que pudieran
comer juntos. El obispo
invit al hombre a venir
en la fortaleza, pero l no
consinti. As que el obispo
descendi a l, sin su

Cuando el hombre vio que

el obispo vena solo, se dio
cuenta de que no haba
nadie ms en la fortaleza
y le dijo al hombre con l:
"Hoy en da es una buena
oportunidad para vengar la

because of [gl06] this son

of Belial called Alexius, who
was the emperor in
Constantinople and worked
treachery in open and in
For this lawless man
ordered that fatal poison be
mixed with food and drink,
and those it had been given
died. On the seas he
deceived those who trusted
him as their coreligionist.
He deceitfully aided the
for which may the Lord
repay him. He was not even
a Christian, nor was his
mother; for many of the
died. The survivors returned
empty-handed to Antioch
and took the city and
Jerusalem. Two kinglets
there, Raymond (Maymon)
and Tancred (Tanghril) and
seven counts. Godfrey
(Kontop'ri) ruled in
and then Baldwin
(Paghtoyn) for seventeen
years and then Amari for
nineteen years. This was in

sangre del asesinato de

nuestro rey,
que los bizantinos eran
responsables. Mirad! Tal vez
el obispo le enviar a la
fortaleza. Si
as, trato de tomarlo, y me
informo por alguna seal de
mano que usted tiene, y
voy a matar al obispo.

Tan pronto como el obispo

lleg, comenzaron a comer.
Una vez que el vino hizo
entrega, el obispo dijo a la
"Ir a la fortaleza por all y
nos traen el vino para que
podamos alegrarnos

[95] El hombre se fue y le

dio la orden del obispo a su
criado. Tan pronto como el
siervo se arrodill sobre el
en busca de un poco de
vino, el hombre lo agarr
por los pies, l al revs y lo
ahog en el vino.
Subiendo a las paredes, se
notific a su seor que
haba tomado la fortaleza

546 of the


Armenian Era [1097].

The Scythian tyrant Kizil

died during the taking of
the city of Dwin by the
Iranian troops. Then their
was fragmented into many
pieces. One tyrannized in
Khurasan, one in Syria,
another one in the areas of
Cappadocia and Armenia,
one in Egypt, and others in
other localities, although
their names are unknown to

Abajo los muros del cazador

estrangul el obispo. Luego
de entrar en la fortaleza, se
apoder de lo que estaba
y el aumento de su
propiedad, tanto por la
fuerza y el engao, hasta
que l, sus hijos y nietos
gobernaba Cilicia, ciudad
y el distrito. Este hombre
era el antepasado del rey
Lewon, que ampla los
lmites de su valenta, ya


se referir en su lugar

[99] In 562 of the Armenian

Era [1113] lord Barsegh
died after having been
patriarch for thirty-three

Despus el emperador
Basilio, Constantino
gobern, y despus de l
Romano Antiguo [III Argiro,
1028-1034], seguido por

He was succeeded on the

throne with grand solemnity
by lord Grigoris, brother of
Nerses. They were of the

Michael, entonces Kiwrhzi,

entonces Monmaco [1042
hasta 1055]. Dicen que
durante su reinado Gagik
viaj a

family of Saint Gregory.

Therefore, as soon as he sat Bizancio. Despus
on the throne of the holy
Monmaco, [los
Illuminator, this marvellous gobernantes eran] Kyr
T'odorh [Teodora, 1055-56],

patriarch Grigoris made the

blessed Church sparkle with
various regulations and
canonical laws, in
trying to deport himself
after the example of his
ancestor Saint Gregory and
his son. He moved the
throne to the fortress called
Hrhomklay, since once the
Byzantines took to
themselves King Gagik and
Petros, there no longer was
a patriarchal throne in the
east, but it was under the
domination of the
sometimes in Sebastia,
sometimes in a place called
Tsovk', then later
transferred to Hrhomklay.
The reason
for these moves was the
troubles occasioned by the
Scythians and Tachiks,
which tossed them hither
thither. [During this time
the kat'oghikos] , having
taken the Church's sacred
things and vessels, gave
them for

luego Dukits [Constantino

X, Ducas, 1059-67],
entonces Diuzhen [Romano
IV Digenes, 1068-71]. En
el primer ao del reinado de
Gagik Shahnshah, rey de
Vanand, muri. En el octavo
ao de su reinado,
Digenes se levant con un
gran ejrcito y
fue a Irn a la guerra. Lleg
a Manazkert y lo tom. Una
vez que el tirano [96] AlpArslan enter de la noticia
la toma de Manazkert, l se
adelant y hubo una batalla
feroz. Digenes fue
derrotado y capturado
por Alp-Arslan, una multa se
aplica sobre l, y luego fue
puesto en libertad. Sin
embargo, su pueblo [gl04]
no lo hara
obedecerle. En su lugar,
entronizados Michael [VII,
1071-78], hijo Ducas '. Una
vez ms tomar las armas,
Michael golpe
contra Digenes. Las tropas
pusieron Digenes en cilicio
y lo enviaron al emperador
Miguel. En el camino,

safe-keeping to a
beneficent woman of Frank
nationality, [who lived in]
the [gl08] secure fortress.

le sacaron los ojos a cabo

por orden del emperador.
Muri en el ao 521 AE

these days the prince who

was lord of the fortress
died, leaving his wife a
widow. The blessed

En el mismo ao las
sentencias de la visin de
futuro, Dios justo vinieron
abajo sobre el arrogante y

beseeched the pious

woman to give the fortress
to the patriarch, so that it
become the seat of the

bestia indomable AlpArslan. Porque mientras

gobernaba el mundo,
gruendo de rabia y
dispuesto a derramar su
bilis en

kat'oghikosatc; and the

aquellos que an no
woman gave it gladly. The
blessed [100] patriarch sent conquistada, fue apualado
the woman to Cilicia, to the hasta la muerte inesperada.
As, el impo fue retirado de
great prince of princes of
Armenia, T'oros, and he
mundo. Y l no presenci la
gave her villages, fields,
and other property. Making gloria de Dios.
very happy, he sent her to
her own land.

Despus de Alp-Arslan, su
hijo afortunado, llamado
Malik-Shah, gobernado. No
imitar a los malos caminos
de su

This prince T'oros and his

brother Step'ane were sons
padre, sino ms bien,
of prince Lewon, son of
Kostand, son of Ruben; they pensando en cosas buenas,
que hizo cosas buenas para
were of the sons and
todos sus sbditos,
descendants of Gagik
especialmente para el
Artsruni. They enlarged
Armenios. Puesto que l era

their boundaries bravely,

ruling over

inteligente, denunci las

concepciones de [97] a su
padre como enemiga de la

many districts and cities of

Cilicia and Syria and many
other places. They captured de las personas que viven,
the famous cities of the
[teniendo en cuenta su
padre un hombre] loco de
land: Tarsus, Sis, Adana,
sangre y despojo. Pero el
Seleucia, and the districts
hijo puso todo
and cities surrounding
en orden con una poltica
sabia y benigna. Lo hizo
tales cosas y era ms
prudente que muchos
Now when the emperor of
reyes, el cuidado
the Byzantines (who was
called Alexius) [gl09] heard
about this matter, he sent
Andronikos against the
princes Step'ane and T'oros
with many troops.
Andronikos treacherously

casi todo el mundo,

[cuidado] de que las
personas a lidiar con los
dems con justicia, que
nadie se preocupe por ser
violada, y

que nadie presumir con

orgullo. l era liberal y de
Step'ane and had him
mente abierta, y
killed. Then T'oros took his
brother's sons, Rhuben and fsicamente era digno del
Lewon, put them in a secure reino. En
fortress, then worked out
the blood feud against the
Greeks who lived there, for
what they had done to his
brother. For he destroyed
the people by force and
made them refugees from
the country; and he ruled all

poco tiempo se someti a

todo el mundo no por la
guerra o la tirana, sino por
la paz y el amor. Por lo
tanto con un buen
reputacin que gobern
durante veinte aos,
muriendo a travs de
envenenamiento de su
esposa [GL05].

districts with great strength. Luego siguieron cuatro aos

de disturbios unnarratable
desde [de Malik-Shah]
hermano Tutush (Dtush) y
Now in the year 562 A.E.
[1113], when kat'oghikos
Barsegh died, the great and
renowned vardapet Georg,

hijo Bakiarukh (Bek'iaruk)

rompi la buena tierra
separados durante estos
aos con la guerra. Dado
que ninguno de ellos

who was called [101]

Meghrik (Honey) for the
sweetness of his ways, also
passed to Christ. He put the gobernaron, poco despus
ros de sangre fluyeron en
famous convent called
la tierra como si fuera un
Drazark into order, being
torrente, no solamente de
ceaseless in conducting
services day and night, and la armada
perpetually keeping fasts.
No one there possessed
anything as private
property, instead, all was
held in

soldados, pero por lo

general a travs de los
awans y distritos. As, el
perodo que sigui a la
muerte del rey

common. In the same year

the brave Roman, Tancred,
the ruler of the city of
Antioch, died poisoned by

[Malik-Shah] pas, uno

desprovisto de cosas
buenas. Finalmente cuando
Bakiarukh gobern, asesin
Tutush. entonces

patriarch. And after lord

Barsegh, Grigoris occupied
the Armenian
kat'oghikosate for fifty-three
years [gl 10].

Kizil (XZL) dictamin, su

nombre significa "rojo". Este
ltimo tom la ciudad de
Lorhe y sus santos
monasterios de

Sanahin y Haghbat.
The remarkable patriarch
Grigoris [II, Vkayaser, 10651 105] undertook to build a
marvellous domed church

[98] Siguiendo emperador

Miguel, Alejo [I, Comnenus,
desde 1081 hasta 1 1 18]
llevaban la corona. En su

in the same fortress. He

also began making
translations into Armenian
of sacred writings and many ao de reinado, los
bizantinos pasaron por
T'irak en el rea de Asia,
works; some he did himself, buscando venganza por la
others, he asked other
destruccin de la
people to do.
Cristianos por los escitas,
iranes y Tachiks. Muchas
personas experimentan el
In these days there lived
dolor a causa de [Gl06] este
the noted and learned
vardapets Nerses the
marvellous (the relative of
de Belial llama Alejo, quien
era el emperador de
Constantinopla y trabaj
kat'oghikos) and the other
traicin en abierto y en
Nerses, bishop of Lambron, secreto.
brother of Het'um, who
translated the
Para este hombre sin ley
orden que el veneno
mortal mezclarse con los
of the Revelation of John,
alimentos y bebidas, y los
the History of Pope Gregory que se haba dado a
of Rome and the Orders of
the blessed Benedict. He
muri. En los mares haba
engaado a los que
also wrote his own
confiaba en l como su
interpretations of the
correligionario. El engao
Psalms of David and the
ayud a los brbaros,
Proverbs of Solomon, as
well as the holy
para los que el Seor le
pague. Ni siquiera era un
missal and the prayers of

[102] of the Evangelist John

which begin "He was with
his brothers." He built a
wondrous church in the
monastery called Skewrha,
close to the impregnable
fortress of Lambron; and he

cristiano, ni era su madre;

para muchos de los Francos
muri. Los sobrevivientes
regresaron con las manos
vacas a Antioqua y
tomaron la ciudad y
Jerusaln. Dos reyezuelos

arranged the services of the

monastery according to the all, Raymond (Maymon) y
example of other peoples,
Tancredo (Tanghril) y siete
with deacons and scribes
cargos. Godfrey (Kontop'ri)
gobern en Jerusaln
and uncovered heads, for
which he was greatly
y luego Baldwin (Paghtoyn)
criticized by the Armenians. durante diecisiete aos y
luego Amari durante
diecinueve aos. Esto fue
en 546 de la
There was another bishop,
named Ignatios, whom the
kat'oghikos ordered to
make an interpretation of

Era armenio [1097].

were seen rejoicing in a

luminous house decorated
with every charm. He too
wanted to enter, but they

fue fragmentado en muchos

pedazos. Uno tiranizado en
Jorasn, uno en Siria, otro
en las reas de

prevented him, saying:

"Since you did not labor to
interpret the Gospel, you
shall not set foot in here."

Capadocia y Armenia, uno

en Egipto, y otros en otras
localidades, aunque sus
nombres son desconocidos
para nosotros

El tirano escita Kizil muri

Gospel of Luke [gl 1 1]. But durante la toma de la
he did not consent until he
ciudad de Dwin por las
had a dream in which all the tropas iranes. Luego de su
vardapets of the Church

when he awoke he began to

interpret the Gospel of Luke

with sagacious words.

Another marvellous
vardapet named Sargis in
the monastery called
K'arashit'aw in Syrian,
made an
interpretation of the seven
catholic letters, a large
work with prefaces and full
of homilies. There was yet


[99] En 562 de la era

armenia [1113] seor
Barsegh muri despus de
haber sido patriarca
durante treinta y tres aos.
Le sucedi en el trono con
gran solemnidad por lord
Grigoris, hermano del
Nerses. Eran de la

familia de San Gregorio. Por

another bishop active in the lo tanto, tan pronto como se
Antioch area, the venerable sent en el trono del santo
bishop Yovsep'.
Iluminador, este maravilloso

Now in the East, there were

noted men and scholars,
illuminators of the Church.
One such was Anania the
vardapet at Sanahin [who
lived] in the days of
Deoskoros [103] [abbot of
Sanahin, 1037], an
brilliant man,
knowledgeable in the
science of constructing
calendrical systems, and an
interpreter of
Scripture. They say that he
assembled in one volume
for interpretation the words
of Ep'rem, of the Apostles,

patriarca Grigoris hizo el

brillo Iglesia bendecida con
varias regulaciones y leyes
cannicas, en todo lo
tratando de deportar a s
mismo despus de que el
ejemplo de su antepasado
San Gregorio y su hijo. Se
traslad la patriarcal
trono a la fortaleza llamada
Hrhomklay, ya que una vez
que los bizantinos tomaron
para s mismos rey Gagik y
Petros, ya no haba un trono
patriarcal en el este, pero
estaba bajo el dominio de
los bizantinos,
a veces en Sebastia, a

of John Chrysostom, Cyril,

and other saints in
summary form for the
reader's convenience [gl
12]. He also
made a serious, intelligent
survey and comparison of
the Gospels with examples.
In addition he wrote a clear
commentary on the
Trisageion which is recited
in the churches of the
Orthodox with [the
expression] "Who

veces en un lugar llamado

Tsovk ', y ms tarde
trasladado a Hrhomklay. La
de estos movimientos fue
los problemas ocasionados
por los escitas y Tachiks,
que los arroj de aqu para
all. [Durante este tiempo
los kat'oghikos], habiendo
tomado las cosas y los
vasos sagrados de la
Iglesia, las dieron para el

Was Crucified"; and he

wrote the eulogy

custodia a una mujer

benfica de Frank
nacionalidad, [que vivi en]
la [gl08] fortaleza segura.

Like Anania, in Haghbat the

brilliant Yovhannes called
Sargawag [was active], a
man more learned than

estos das el prncipe que

era el seor de la fortaleza
murieron, dejando a su
mujer viuda. El patriarca

many, a genius. Yovhannes

studied many writings and
left behind a fine memorial
to himself. He achieved
what many desired but
were not competent to do:
he established a fixed
rather than a movable
calendar and

suplicado a la mujer
piadosa de dar la fortaleza
al patriarca, para que se
convierta en la sede de la
kat'oghikosatc; y la mujer le
dio mucho gusto. El [100]
patriarca bendito envi a la
mujer a Cilicia, a la

made correspondence
gran prncipe de los
between the calendars of all prncipes de Armenia,
peoples and the Armenians. T'oros, y l le dieron

For he was extremely wise

and a man adorned with
divine graces, his words
[written] in the most
learned style rather than
colloquial, just

pueblos, campos, y otros

bienes. Hacerla
muy feliz, l le envi a su
propia tierra.

as those of Gregory the

Theologian. He wrote
homilies in praise of the
mighty Armenian king,
Trdat, the

Este prncipe T'oros y su

hermano Step'ane eran
hijos de prncipe Lewon, hijo
de Kostand, hijo de Rubn;

blessed patriarch Nerses,

and the marvellous Sahak
and Mesrop. He [104] also
composed a sharakan on

eran de los hijos y

descendientes de Gagik
Artsruni. Ellos ampliaron sus
fronteras con valenta,
gobernando sobre

Ghewondians with a sweet

melody and appropriate
words, which begins "The
holy churches are gleaming

muchos distritos y ciudades

de Cilicia y Siria y muchos
otros lugares. Capturaron a
las famosas ciudades de la

today." In addition he wrote

elegiac homilies for them
and accurate paradigms of
prayerbooks and other

tierra: Tarso, Sis, Adana,

Seleucia, y de los barrios y
ciudades que las rodean.

books [gl 13].

Ahora, cuando el
emperador de los bizantinos
(quien fue llamado Alejo)
[GL09] se enter de este
asunto, envi

King David of Georgia

(father of Demetre,
grandfather of David and
Giorg) liked Yovhannes
Sargawag so

Andrnico contra los

prncipes Step'ane y T'oros
con muchas tropas.
Andrnico traicioneramente

much that on hearing of his

arrival, he took himself
before him to request his
blessings. Placing his hand

Step'ane y lo haba matado.

Entonces T'oros tuvo hijos
de su hermano, Rhuben y
Lewon, los ponen en un
lugar seguro

King David's head,

Yovhannes recited this
psalm: "I have found my
servant David and with my
holy oil I

fortaleza, luego trabaj a

cabo la venganza de sangre
contra los griegos que
vivan all, por lo que haban
hecho a su

anoint him. Let my hand

surround him and my arm
strengthen him, Let him not
be harmed by enemies and

hermano. Porque l
destruy el pueblo por la
fuerza y los refugiados del
pas hecho; y gobern toda

the son of iniquity not

torment him [Psalms 88,
21-23]." And because of
Yovhannes, King David
loved the
Armenian people.

An event occurred one day

because of the decision to
remove from the solemn
mass for debauched
a certain individual named
Zomzoma. This Zomzoma,
instead of feeling remorse
and repenting, planned to
slay the wonderful
Yovhannes. One day he
encountered him as he was

distritos con gran fuerza.

Ahora, en el ao 562 AE
[1113], cuando kat'oghikos
Barsegh muri, el gran y
reconocido Vardapet Georg,
quien fue llamado [101]
Meghrik (Miel) por la
dulzura de sus formas,
tambin pasaron a Cristo.
Puso el
famoso convento llamado
Drazark en orden, siendo
incesante en la realizacin
de los servicios de da y

emerging from a cave

under the
monastery. As [Yovhannes]
stood looking at the river,
the shameful one seized
him, threw him to the [105]
ground and pounced on
him. Now since the blessed
Yovhannes was a wise man,
he said to Zomzoma:
"Step'anos my son, do not
kill me." And the bold one
replied: "Until today I was
Zomzoma, but now instead
one 'n' there are many 'n's,
Step'annos." For his last
name was Zomzoma.
[Yovhannes] said: "Why do

noche, y
mantener perpetuamente
ayunos. Nadie haba
posedo nada como
propiedad privada, en
cambio, todo se llev a
cabo en
comn. En el mismo ao, el
valiente romano, Tancredo,
el gobernante de la ciudad
de Antioqua, muri
envenenado por su
Patriarca. Y a Seor
Barsegh, Grigoris ocup la
kat'oghikosate armenio
durante cincuenta y tres
aos [gl 10].

La notable patriarca
Grigoris [II, Vkayaser, 1065
want to kill me because you a 1 105] se comprometi a
were removed [gl 14] from
construir una iglesia con
the Church? I will reinstate
cpula maravillosa
you in the Church." And
en la misma fortaleza. l
[Zomzoma] let Yovhannes
tambin comenz a hacer
go. Going to the monastery traducciones al armenio de
[Yovhannes] said to the
los escritos sagrados y
brothers: "What the brother muchos otros
said about this matter I
think is false. Lo, I enter
Zomzoma in the Church."
He ordered the sacrist to
Zomzoma as senior priest.

trabajos; algunos lo hizo a

s mismo, los dems, le
pidi a otras personas a

En estos das se vivi el

This caused much

grumbling, and people said
that it was cheap and that

conocido y aprendido
vardapets Nerses el
maravilloso (el pariente del

[Yovhannes] had taken

bribes and so reinstated
him in the Church.

kat'oghikos) y el otro
Nerses, obispo de Lambron,
hermano del Het'um, que
tradujo la Interpretacin

As soon as the hour for the

solemn mass arrived, the
wretched [Zomzoma]
walked onto the bema to
the service. The vardapet
came amidst the assembly
into the portico across from
the holy table; he
his head and began to pray.
Instantly some evil spirit
came and entered the
impious [Zomzoma], threw
from the bema to the floor
of the church and began to
torment him greatly. They
took him out of the church,
like Ozia, and great
trepidation came over the

[106] Living with such fine

behavior in this world, the
scholar [Yovhannes] passed
to Christ in Haghbat. They

del Apocalipsis de Juan, la

historia de Papa Gregorio de
Roma y las rdenes de San
Benito. l
Tambin escribi sus
propias interpretaciones de
los Salmos de David y Los
proverbios de Salomn, as
como el santo
misal y las oraciones de
[102] del evangelista Juan
que comienzan "l estaba
con sus hermanos."
Construy una
iglesia maravillosa en el
monasterio llamado
Skewrha, cerca de la
fortaleza inexpugnable de
Lambron; y el
dispuestos los servicios del
monasterio de acuerdo con
el ejemplo de otros pueblos,
con los diconos y los
y descubierta cabezas, por
lo que fue criticado en gran
medida por los armenios.

buried him on the east side

of the great church by the
door of the smaller church.
This [smaller church] was
later torn down by bishop
Hamazasp. In its place a
marvellous structure was
built adapted in style to the
church, where the bell was
hung. The blessed
[Yovhannes] died in 578
A.E.[1 129] [gl 15].

After one year the holy

illuminating vardapet
Dawit', son of Alawik, died.
He wrote the Penetential, a
beautiful and useful work,
at the request of a priest
named Ark'ayut'iwn from
the city of Gandzak [For an
English translation see C. J.
F. Dowsett, trans, and ed.,
The Penitential of Dawit' of
Ganjak (Louvain, 1961).]
There was yet another
marvellous vardapet called
T'ok'aker's son, Grigor by
name. Both of these men
from Gandzak, where I too
am from.

Hubo otro obispo, llamado

Ignatios, a quien los
kat'oghikos ordenaron hacer
una interpretacin de la
Evangelio de Lucas [gl 1 1].
Pero no consentir hasta que
tuvo un sueo en el que
todos los vardapets de la
fueron vistos regocijndose
en una casa luminosa
decorada con cada encanto.
l tambin quera entrar,
pero ellos
le impidi, diciendo: "Puesto
que no lo hizo el trabajo de
interpretar el Evangelio, no
debe poner un pie aqu." Y
cuando despert, comenz
a interpretar el Evangelio
de Lucas con palabras

Otra Vardapet maravilloso

llamado Sargis en el
monasterio llamado
K'arashit'aw en Siria, hizo
interpretacin de las siete
cartas catlicas, un gran
trabajo con los prefacios y
lleno de homilas. Hubo

It happened one day that

otro obispo activo en el
the three marvellous men
rea de Antioqua, el
were seated together. A
venerable obispo Yovsep '.
peasant (shinakan) came up
said to them: "If only I knew
which of you is more
learned." He said this in
ridicule. T'ok'aker's son

Ahora en el Este, se
anotaron los hombres y
acadmicos, iluminadores
de la Iglesia. Uno de ellos
fue el Anania

saying: "While we were in

our land, I was a chopper
and tailor, and Sargawag
only knew how to sew. But

Vardapet en Sanahin [que

vivi] en los das de
Deoskoros [103] [abad de
Sanahin, 1037], un

now he chops and sews and

does many drawings
besides." In his wisdom, he
had spoken allegorically.
man was so interested in
learning [107] that one day
he went to a cave where
books were housed. There
other people with him. He
concealed himself inside,
first leading the others to
think that he had departed.
When the others left, they
shut the doors. After some
days, they returned to the
cave for something. They
him inside and were
astonished, asking:

hombre brillante, con

conocimientos en la ciencia
de la construccin de los
sistemas calendricos, y un
intrprete de
Escritura. Dicen que reuni
en un volumen para la
interpretacin de las
palabras de Ep'rem, de los
de Juan Crisstomo, Cirilo, y
otros santos en forma
resumida para conveniencia
del lector [gl 12]. l
hecho una encuesta
inteligente seria y
comparacin de los
Evangelios con ejemplos.
Adems escribi una clara

"However did you live

without food and drink?"
And he showed them
the books he had been
reading and said: "This has
been my food and drink
during these days " [gl 16].

In 588 A.E. [1 139], there

was a severe earthquake
which destroyed the city of
Gandzak. The city's

comentario de la Trisageion
que se recita en las iglesias
de los ortodoxos con [la
expresin] "Quin
Fue crucificado ", y escribi
el elogio Shoghakat '.

Como Anania, en Haghbat

los brillantes Yovhannes
llama Sargawag [estaba
activo], un hombre ms
sabio que

collapsed upon their

inhabitants. King Demetre
of Georgia, father of David
and Giorgi came and took

muchos, un genio.
Yovhannes estudiaron
muchos escritos y dejaron
atrs una multa
monumento a s mismo. l

city's doors to his land.

Because of this earthquake,
the Mt. Alharak crumbled
and blocked the valley

lo que muchos deseaban,

pero no eran competentes
para hacerlo: l estableci
un fijo en lugar de un
calendario mvil y

led through to it. And thus a hecho correspondencia

small lake was created
entre los calendarios de
there which exists to this
todos los pueblos y los
day. It has excellent fish.
armenios. Para l era muy

The marvellous patriarch

Grigoris daily increased his
good works for the

y un hombre adornado con

las gracias divinas, sus
palabras [escritas] en el
estilo ms erudito y no
coloquiales, justo
como los de Gregorio el

glorification of the Church.

He was

Telogo. Escribi homilas

en alabanza del rey
armenio poderoso, Trdat, la

loved by all people. It

happened that he went to
bendita patriarca Nerses, y
the holy city of Jerusalem to el maravilloso Sahak y
revere the sites of the
Mesrop. l [104] Tambin
compuso una Sharakan en
Incarnation of [108] the
Lord. As soon as he reached
the city of Antioch, the
Ghewondians con una dulce
entire population came out meloda y las palabras
adecuadas, que comienza
before him bearing torches "Las iglesias santas brillan
and lamps. With great
honor they took him and
hoy ". Adems, escribi
seated him on the throne of homilas elegacos para
ellos y paradigmas precisos
de libros de oraciones y
Apostle Peter. As soon as he otros
reached Jerusalem, the
Frank people (who were
libros [gl 13].
ruling the city) and their
patriarch more deeply
established love between
our peoples [gl 17], on
account of Grigoris. For he
pleasing in appearance and
adorned with knowledge of
the holy Scriptures.
According to tradition, the
agreement of Trdat and
Saint Gregory, of Emperor
Constantine and the
patriarch Sylvester, was

Rey David de Georgia

(padre de Demetre, el
abuelo de David y Giorg) le
gusta Yovhannes Sargawag
tanto que al enterarse de su
llegada, tuvo ante l para
pedir sus bendiciones.
Colocando su mano sobre
La cabeza del rey David,
Yovhannes recit este
salmo: "He encontrado mi

Having lived with such

decorum, he passed to
Christ with perfect virtue, in
ripe old age. His brother
replaced him on the
[kat'oghikosal] throne for
seven years.

Nerses was more learned

than many of his day; not
only more than the
Armenian vardapets, but
more than
the Greek and Syrian
[clerics], so much so that
his reputation spread
throughout all the lands; to
the point that
when a certain
Constantinopolitan scholar
named T'eora heard of his
reputation he packed his
belongings on
donkeys and came to
evaluate Nerses and to
listen to his wisdom. He
came and spoke with
Nerses for many
days, finding him
knowledgeable about
everything and also filled
with the Holy Spirit. When
[T'eora] returned

siervo David y con mi aceite

santo I
ungirlo. Deje que mi mano
le rodean y mi brazo lo
fortalezca, Que no se vea
perjudicada por los
enemigos y dejar
el hijo de la iniquidad no le
[Salmos 88, 21 a 23]
tormento. "Y debido a
Yovhannes, el Rey David
amaba la
Pueblo armenio.

Un evento ocurri un da
debido a la decisin de
eliminar de la misa solemne
por el comportamiento
un cierto individuo llamado
Zomzoma. Este Zomzoma,
en lugar de sentir
remordimiento y
arrepentimiento, planeaba
matar a los Yovhannes
maravillosas. Un da se lo
encontr cuando estaba
saliendo de una cueva bajo
monasterio. Como
[Yovhannes] qued mirando
el ro, la vergenza se
apoder de l, lo tir al

[109] to the city of

Constantinople, people
questioned him, asking:
"What is he like? Is his
reputation as they

suelo y se abalanz sobre

l. Ahora bien, como los
Yovhannes benditos era un
hombre sabio, le dijo a

say, or not?" [T'eora]

replied: "What we heard
was what we saw, for he is
a new Gregory the

"Step'anos mi hijo, no me
mates". Y el audaz
respondi: "Hasta hoy
estaba Zomzoma, pero
ahora en lugar de

Everyone marvelled at him.

One 'n' hay muchos 'n,

Step'annos "Por su apellido
fue Zomzoma [Yovhannes]
dijo:".. Por qu tienes

Since he was a brilliant

man, he introduced many
sharakans into the
churches, [hymns] in a
xosrovean style,
melodies, canticles, and
verses. He was responsible
for [the hymns] the blessing
of Resurrection, the Third

quieren matarme porque

fuera expulsado [gl 14] de
la Iglesia? Yo te restablecer
en la Iglesia ". Y
[Zomzoma] dej Yovhannes
ir. El ir al monasterio
[Yovhannes] dijo a los
hermanos: "Lo que el

koghm, on the two days of

the Assumption of the
dicho sobre este asunto que
Mother of God, the blessing creo que es falsa. He aqu
of Peter and Paul, Mankunk', que yo entro Zomzoma en
la Iglesia. "Orden el
Hambardzin which begins:
sacristn a aceptar
"Rejoice today, Church of
God, with the memory of
the blessed Apostles." [He
also wrote] the blessing of
the Sons of Thunder [which
begins]: "He who exists
always is the son of God."

Zomzoma como sacerdote

mayor. Esto provoc
muchas quejas, y la gente
deca que era barato y que
[Yovhannes] haban
aceptado sobornos y as lo

also wrote] one sharakan

reintegrado en la Iglesia.
for [the feast of] Anton, two
for T'eodos, one on the forty
martyrs of Sebastia, one
Tan pronto como la hora de
la misa solemne lleg, los
on the Apostles, the
miserables [Zomzoma]
blessing of three days of
caminaron sobre la bema
Easter week (Monday,
para realizar
Tuesday and Wednesday),
sharakans on the feast of
the Resurrection, on the
Ninevites, the Archangels,
about the holy Vardanants',
well as many other

With the same sublimity as

the sharakans, he also
wrote [110] sermons on the
holy mass, as well as two

el servicio. El Vardapet lleg

en medio de la
congregacin en el prtico
frente a la sagrada mesa;
la cabeza y empez a rezar.
Instantneamente algn
espritu maligno sali y
entr en la impa
[Zomzoma], lo arroj
Del bema en el suelo de la
iglesia y comenz a
atormentarlo en gran
medida. Lo sacaron de la

gandz which bear his name,

Vardavarh and the
como Ozia, y un gran temor
Translation of the Mother of se apoder de los
God, as Grigor Narekats'i
the Coming of the Spirit, the
Church [gl 19], and the Holy [106] de estar con este tipo
de comportamiento bien en
Cross with profound and
este mundo, el erudito
deep words, and the
[Yovhannes] pas a Cristo
Prayerbook, the Eulogy on
en Haghbat. Ellos
Jacob of Nisibis and the
Apostles. [Nerses Shnorhali] lo sepultaron en el lado este
de la gran iglesia por la
similarly compiled an
puerta de la iglesia ms

abbreviated version of the

Gospel of Matthew full of
radiant and rich ideas,
which reached as far as the
passage where the Lord
said: "Do not believe that I
came to overturn the laws
and the prophets [Matthew
5.17]." At that point, I do
not know why, the work
halts. He wrote homilies on
the archangels according to
the style of Dionysius the
Areopagate. He also
translated many homilies
about the martyrs of God.
accomplished such fine
deeds, he passed to Christ
the hope of all with a
desirable, venerable death.

pequea. Esto [la iglesia

ms pequea] era
posteriormente derribado
por el obispo Hamazasp. En
su lugar una maravillosa
estructura fue construida en
estilo adaptado a la
iglesia, donde se colg la
campana. El bendito
[Yovhannes] muri en 578
AE [1 129] [gl 15].

Despus de un ao el
Vardapet santa iluminando
Dawit ', hijo de Alawik,
muri. l escribi el
Penetential, un
trabajo bello y til, a
peticin de un sacerdote
llamado Ark'ayut'iwn de la
ciudad de Gandzak [Para

wish of this blessed man

was that if possible people
should abstain from
speaking crassly, and
instead occupy

Traduccin Ingls ver CJF

Dowsett, trans, y ed., El
Penitencial de Dawit 'de
Ganjak (Lovaina, 1961).]

themselves with learning,

not in wine bibbing or any
other pleasure. Therefore
he created songs and

Hubo otra maravillosa

Vardapet llamado hijo de
T'ok'aker, Grigor por su
nombre. Ambos hombres

the men who held the

fortresses that instead of
their vain noises they

desde Gandzak, donde yo

tambin soy de.

should utter the beginning

lines of the

Sucedi un da que los tres

psalm of David: "In the
hombres maravillosos
night I recalled Your Name,
estaban sentados juntos.
Lord," and solemnly in order Un campesino (shinakan) se
"Arise my Glory" which is
acerc y
now recited at evening
worship in church [gl20].

[Ill] Occasionally [Nerses]

was summoned by the
great Alexius, who was the
son-in-law of the king of the
Byzantines, Emperor
Manuel. [Nerses] went to
the city of Mamestia in
Cilicia and [Alexius] asked
him deep
and difficult questions from
books. He found him
perfected in everything and
greatly exalted him. Once
wrote to [Nerses]
requesting that he be given
in writing a description of
the confession of faith of
Armenians, the solemn
festivals, primary fasts, and
the mystery of One Nature
(we say that there is unity
[the natures of] Jesus

les dije: "Si yo supiera quin

de vosotros es ms
aprende." Lo dijo en el
ridculo. El hijo de T'ok'aker
diciendo: "Mientras
estbamos en nuestra
tierra, que era un
helicptero y sastre, y
Sargawag Slo saba cmo
coser Pero.
ahora chuletas y cose y
hace muchos dibujos,
adems de ". En su
sabidura, haba hablado
alegricamente. Este
el hombre estaba tan
interesado en el aprendizaje
[107] que un da fue a una
cueva donde fueron
alojados los libros. Haba
otras personas con l. l se
escondi dentro, primero
llevando a los otros a
pensar que se haba
Cuando los otros se fueron,
cerraron las puertas.
Despus de algunos das,

Christ), and about other

laws of [our] Church which
are not the same as other
Nerses wrote what had
been requested, concisely
and clearly, and gave it to
him. In the orthodox Church

Armenia this confession is

repeated as follows: [We
omit the translation of pp.
120-46 (much of section 2.)
which deals with doctrinal


When all the Byzantine wise

men had read this, they
praised the faith of the
Armenians. Since [Nerses]

regresaron a la cueva para

algo. Ellos vieron
l dentro y se maravillaban,
preguntando: "Pero qu
vivir sin comida y bebida" Y
l les mostr
los libros que estaba
leyendo y le dijeron: "Este
ha sido mi comida y bebida
durante estos das" [gl 16].

En 588 AE [1 139], hubo un

fuerte terremoto que
destruy la ciudad de
Gandzak. Edificios de la
derrumbado sobre sus
habitantes. Rey Demetre de
Georgia, el padre de David
y Giorgi vino y tom el
puertas ciudad a su tierra. A
causa de este terremoto, el
monte Alharak derrumb y
bloque el valle que
conducido a travs a la
misma. Y as un pequeo
lago fue creado all que
existe en la actualidad.
Cuenta con excelentes

such a brilliant man, he also

created allegorical proverbs
La maravillosa patriarca
based on the themes of
Scripture as well as riddles, Grigoris aumenta
diariamente sus buenas
so that [1 12] people would obras para la glorificacin
repeat them in place of the de la Iglesia. El estaba
pagan legends when
amado por todas las
drinking and at weddings.
personas. Sucedi que l
fue a la ciudad santa de
himself was a worthy man
Jerusaln para venerar a los
of God, mild and modest in sitios de la
Encarnacin del [108]
Seor. Tan pronto como
lleg a la ciudad de
After him, Grigor succeeded Antioqua, a toda la
as patriarch and ruled for
poblacin sali
twenty years. He built the
embellished church at Klayn ante l llevando antorchas y
lmparas. Con gran honor
[Hrhomkla] and lavishly
se lo llevaron y lo sentaron
adorned it. Then Grigoris,
en el trono de la
called Tgha (the sister's son
of them [i.e., of Grigor and
Apstol Pedro. Tan pronto
como lleg a Jerusaln, la
Grigoris]) ruled, for one
gente Frank (que
year [The text is corrupted
gobernaban la ciudad) y su
here, or Kirakos was
confused. The correct order patriarca ms
profundamente establecida
amor entre nuestros
kat'oghikoi is Gregory IV
pueblos [gl 17], a causa de
Tgha (1 173-93), Gregory V Grigoris. Para l era
(whom Kirakos calls Tgha, 1
193-94), followed by
agradable en apariencia y
adornado con conocimiento
Gregory VI Apirat (1 194de las Sagradas Escrituras.
1203).]. He was a man of
Segn la tradicin, el viejo
fine stature and handsome
appearance, but because
acuerdo del Trdat y San

were many bishops jealous
of [gl47] him, people who
spread slanders about him
and deceitfully betrayed
to King Lewon, Lewon
ordered that [the
kat'oghikos] be held in a
fortress until an
examination take place on

Gregorio, del emperador

Constantino y el patriarca
Sylvester, fue restaurado.
Despus de haber vivido
con tanto decoro, pas a
Cristo con la virtud
perfecta, en la edad
madura. Su hermano
lo reemplaz en el trono
[kat'oghikosal] durante
siete aos.

the accuracy [of the

charges], and he himself
wrote a letter to the East
[i.e., to Greater Armenia], to Nerses fue ms sabio que
muchos de su poca; no
slo ms de los vardapets
vardapets and bishops of
armenios, pero ms que
Armenia inquiring what
their will was regarding the el griego y sirio [clrigos],
man. But before their reply tanto es as que su
reputacin se extendi por
arrived, the kat'oghikos
todas las tierras; hasta el
died in the following
punto que
manner. One day his body
cuando un cierto erudito
was discovered with linen
constantinopolitano llamado
T'eora odo hablar de su
around the waist, fallen at
reputacin empac sus
the walls of the fortress.
Some say that it was
because of their rancor that burros y llegaron a evaluar
Nerses y escuchar su
sabidura. l vino y habl
bishops threw him over the con Nerses para muchos
wall, bishops who [113] had
their eyes on inheriting the da, encontrndolo
conocedor de todo y
[kat'oghikosal] throne.
tambin lleno del Espritu

One of these, they say, was

Yovhannes, who occupied
the throne after him.
[Another suspect] was also
Anania who was a counterpatriarch in
Sewast/Sebastia, under the
domination of the Sultan of
Rum, as well
as six other bishops from
there. Others claim that
[Gregory] wanted to flee
the fortress at night, and
was able

Santo. Cuando [T'eora]

[109] a la ciudad de
Constantinopla, la gente lo
cuestionaron, preguntando:
"Qu es lo me gusta es su
reputacin como ellos?
? decir, o no "[T'eora]
respondi:" Lo que
escuchamos fue lo que
vimos, porque l es un
nuevo Gregorio el Telogo ".
Todo el mundo se maravill
de l.

to lower himself from the

wall with linen, but the cloth
tore and he fell to his death. Desde que era un hombre
We do not know what the
brillante, introdujo muchos
sharakans en las iglesias,
truth in this matter is. It is
[himnos] en un estilo
known only by righteous
God, to whom all the
secrets of mankind are

melodas, cnticos y versos.

Fue el responsable de [los
himnos] la bendicin de la
Resurreccin, la Tercera

Then lord Grigor Apirat

ruled for seven years.
Thereafter bickering arose
among those jealous of
Grigoris, as

koghm, en los dos das de la

Asuncin de la Madre de
Dios, la bendicin de Pedro
y Pablo, Mankunk ',

[gl48] to who should sit on

the patriarchal throne.
Yovhannes, since he was an
intimate of King Lewon,

Hambardzin que comienza:

". Algrate hoy, la Iglesia de
Dios, con el recuerdo de los
bienaventurados Apstoles"

forced his way and occupied

Tambin escribi] la

the throne. As soon as the

other bishop, Anania, saw
this, he went to the Sultan
of Rum, bribed him, and sat
as kat'oghikos in
Sewast/Sebastia, for he
claimed that he was of the
line of the

bendicin de los hijos del

trueno [que comienza]: "El
que existe siempre es el
hijo de Dios." [l
Tambin escribi] se
Sharakan para [la fiesta de]
Anton, dos para T'eodos,
uno de los cuarenta
mrtires de Sebastia, uno

kat'oghikos Petros who was

buried there. And so the
sobre los Apstoles, la
throne of Saint Gregory was bendicin de los tres das
divided into three parts: one de la semana de Pascua
(Lunes, martes y mircoles),
(the real one) which
Yovhannes occupied in
Hrhomkla; one occupied by sharakans en la fiesta de la
Anania (who had rebelled),
Resurreccin, en los
ninivitas, los Arcngeles,
sobre el santo Vardanants ',
Sewast/Sebastia; and yet
one more on the island of
Aght'amar [114] [occupied] as como muchos otros
by Dawit'.

After Emperor Alexius,

Kalozhan ruled, followed by
Manuel. Now in 598 A.E. [1
149], the Byzantines held a
military review with their
myriad upon myriad of
troops, and turned to this
side of the Ocean first
through Thrace, as we
noted under the year 546
A.E. [1097]. They had

Con la misma sublimidad

como los sharakans,
tambin escribi [110]
sermones sobre la santa
misa, as como dos
Gandz que llevan su
nombre, Vardavarh y la
traduccin de la Madre de
Dios, como escribi Grigor
la Venida del Espritu, la
Iglesia [gl 19], y la Santa

forgotten the impossible


Cruz con palabras

profundas y profundas, y la

caused by that son of Belial,

Alexius. Those who did not
know the false treachery of
this man, viewed him as

Libro de oraciones, el Elogio

de Jacob de Nisibis y los
Apstoles. [Nerses
Shnorhali] compilado
igualmente una

a co-religionist and a
servant of Christ. Those
people here, who did not
remember those disastrous

versin abreviada del

Evangelio de Mateo lleno de
ideas radiantes y ricos, que
alcanz hasta el

were even more tricked and

cheated by [Alexius']
grandson, whose name (like
that of the Antichrist) was

pasaje en el que el Seor

dijo: "No creo que llegu a
revocar las leyes y los
profetas [Mateo

pseudo-Christos). He was a
man named Manuel who
like Emmanuel was
rancorous and contrary in

5.17]. "En ese momento, yo

no s por qu, el trabajo se
detiene. Escribi homilas
sobre los arcngeles segn

everything actions and

relgion and who betrayed
the Byzantines with fatal
food and drink [gl49].

el estilo de Dionisio el
Areopagate. Tambin
tradujo muchas homilas
sobre los mrtires de Dios.

In the days of his

grandfather Alexius, a
certain count came to
Antioch from Jerusalem. As
soon as he entered
the temple of Saint Peter
the Apostle, and
participated in the service,
the blessed Saint Peter
appeared to him

consumados tales hechos

finas, que pasaron a Cristo la esperanza de todos - con
una muerte venerable
deseable. los
deseo de este hombre
bendito era que si las
posibles personas deben
abstenerse de hablar
groseramente, y en lugar

and said: "The lance with

which they pierced our
Savior is buried in the
window of this church. Take
it to

de ocupar
a s mismos con el
aprendizaje, no en bibbing
vino o cualquier otro placer.
Por lo tanto se cre
canciones y dio

los hombres que ocupaban

las fortalezas que en lugar
de sus ruidos vanos deben
your country." Thus [115]
the man took it with joy and pronunciar las lneas
iniciales de la
went to Constantinople.
When Emperor Alexius
Salmo de David: "En la
noche me record Tu
about this matter, he
greatly honored the count
and gave him many
treasures, requesting the
lance from him.
The count left the lance
with him and went on his

Nombre, Seor", y
solemnemente en orden
"Levntate mi Gloria", que
ahora recitado en la
adoracin por la noche en
la iglesia [GL20].

[III] De vez en cuando

[Nerses] fue convocado por
Now in 636 A.E. [1 187] a
el gran Alejo, que era el
certain tyrant of Kurdish
nationality whose name was yerno de rey de la
Saladin [Salahadin, Salah
Bizantinos, emperador
al-Din] and who came from
[the area of] Maseats'otn
arose. He was the vassal of
the sultan of Mertin and

Manuel. [Nerses] fue a la

ciudad de Mamestia en
Cilicia y [Alejo] pregunt lo

Aleppo. Gathering together

an enormous army he went
against the city of

y las preguntas difciles de

los libros. Lo encontr
perfeccionado en todo y lo

Jerusalem. The king of

Jerusalem, a

exalt grandemente. Una

vez que l

Frank, went against him

with numerous troops. But
his sailors betrayed him; for
the lord of Tripoli was a

escribi a [Nerses]
solicitando que se le diera
por escrito una descripcin
de la confesin de fe de la

friend of the enemy of the

Frank king, and betrayed
the king to his enemies in
the following manner.

Armenios, los festivales

solemnes, ayunos
primarias, y el misterio de
una naturaleza (que dicen
que hay unidad en

The season was very hot,

and the place was
waterless. The count, being
an advisor to the king,
urged him
[gl50] to take a waterless
area for their base, while
the enemy held the shores
of the Jordan River. At noon
they were in battle
formation. Since the horses
of the Christian soldiers
were parched with thirst, as
soon as
they spotted the water,
they raced for it, dragging
their riders along and
plunging them into the
midst of the
enemy, who put their
swords to work [116] and
mercilessly cut them down.
Now since the king of

[la naturaleza de]

Jesucristo), y cerca de otras
leyes de [nuestra] Iglesia
que no son lo mismo que
los dems pueblos ".
Nerses escribi lo que se
haba solicitado, de forma
concisa y clara, y se lo dio a
l. En la Iglesia ortodoxa de

Armenia esta confesin se

repite el siguiente:.
[Omitimos la traduccin de
pp 120-46 (gran parte de la
seccin 2.)
que se ocupa de asuntos

was a brave man, he slew
many of the enemy with his
own hands. But when he
realized that it would be
impossible for him to get
free (since they had killed
his horse), he wanted to
surrender to the enemy.


Cuando todos los sabios

bizantinos haban ledo
esto, alabaron a la fe de los
armenios. Desde [Nerses]

made him swear that he

would never again unsheath
his sword against them, and un hombre tan brillante, l
tambin cre proverbios
let him go free. He went to
alegricas sobre la base de
Byzantium. Saladin's forces los temas de las Escrituras,
went against Jerusalem,
as como acertijos,
took it and the surrounding
de manera que [1 12] La
cities, killing everyone.
gente repetirlos en lugar de
las leyendas paganas
the sun dimmed for many
cuando beben y que en las
hours. The Saladinites ruled bodas. Nerses
Palestine, Egypt,
l era un hombre digno de
Mesopotamia and a large
Dios, leve y moderado en
part of
Armenia, they and their
grandsons who are called
Ayyubids (Edleank'); among
Despus de l, Grigor
them were Melik' K'eml,
sucedi como patriarca y
gobern durante veinte
Melik' Ashrap' and other
aos. l construy la iglesia
sultans who ruled many
adornada en Klayn

Kiwrike Bagratuni, who was

in the city of Lorhe spent his

[Hrhomkla] y ricamente
adornada ella. Entonces
Grigoris, llamado Tgha (hijo

entire life fighting against

the Georgians to

de la hermana de ellos [es

decir, de Grigor y

preserve the stability of his

patrimony. After his death,
his sons Dawit' and Abas,
deceived by the Georgians,

Grigoris]) dictamin, por un

ao [El texto est daado
aqu, o Kirakos estaba
confundido. El orden
correcto de

left the home [gl5 1] of their

ancestors and went over to kat'oghikoi es Gregorio IV
the Iranians. They received Tgha (1 173-93), Gregorio V
from the Iranians as
(a quien llama Tgha Kirakos,
1 193 a 94), seguido de
hereditary property [the
cities of] Tawush,
Gregorio VI Apirat (1 194 a
Matsnaberd and other
1.203).]. l era un hombre
places. Subsequently the
de bien estatura y aspecto
Iranians took
hermoso, sino porque hay
Tawush from them and they
resided in Matsnaberd.
Then Dawit' and Abas
passed away. Kiwrike
his father Dawit'. He was a
mild man, accomplished in
virtuous deeds; more so
than his father. Passing
this world [1 17] in
goodness, he left as heir his
small son Abas, who was
twelve years old. He took as
a wife
Nana, the daughter of the
pious prince Sargis son of
Zak'aria, son of Vahram,
sister of the great princes

Haba muchos obispos

celosos de [gl47] l,
personas que difunden
calumnias sobre l y
engaosamente le
al rey Lewon, Lewon orden
que [el kat'oghikos] tendr
lugar en una fortaleza hasta
que tienen lugar en el
la exactitud [de los cargos],
y l mismo escribi una
carta al Este [es decir, a la
Gran Armenia], a la
vardapets y obispos de
Armenia preguntando cul
es su voluntad fue con
respecto al hombre. Pero

Zak'are and Iwane. Their

deeds were many, as we
shall note in the proper
places. After living with his
for two years, Abas died at
the age of nineteen. He had
no son from this wife.

As soon as his sister Balrina

saw that their line was
extinct she fell into
inconsolable mourning.
They told her:
"There is one woman who
has a suckling baby from
your brother." Balrina was
delighted. She took the lad,
nourished him, and named
him [gl52] Aghsart'an. He
became the heir of
Matsnaberd, and was a
pious man
who loved the priests.
Aghsart'an was living in our
time, though in old age his
feet pained him. Dawit', the
prince of Norberd, dealt
with him deceitfully, for he
too was of the Bagratid
family, father of prince
who built the marvellous
church in the monastery

antes de su respuesta
llegado, los kat'oghikos
murieron de la manera
siguiente. Un da su cuerpo
fue descubierto con ropa
alrededor de la cintura,
cado en las paredes de la
fortaleza. Algunos dicen
que fue a causa de su
rencor que cierta
obispos lo arrojaron por
encima del muro, obispos
que [113] tenan sus ojos
puestos en heredar el
[kat'oghikosal] trono.
Uno de ellos, dicen, era
Yovhannes, que ocup el
trono despus de l. [Otro
sospechoso] fue tambin
Anania que era un contrapatriarca en Sewast /
Sebastia, bajo el dominio
del sultn de Rum, as
como otros seis obispos de
all. Otros afirman que
[Gregory] quera huir de la
fortaleza en la noche, y fue
capaz de
para bajar a s mismo de la
pared con ropa de cama,
pero la tela rompi y cay a
su muerte. No sabemos lo
que el

called Anapat, close to

Norberd with the direction
cooperation of Yovhannes
Tuets'i. He was the
archbishop of the areas of
Shamk'or, Gardman,
Terunakan, Tawush and
other regions under the
sway of prince Vahram. The
church was completed,
and consecrated in the
name of the holy Mother of
God in 689 A.E. [1240].
Bishop Yovhannes [118]
was a
blessed, virtuous,
benevolent man who often
fasted for forty days at a

la verdad en este asunto es.

Es conocido solamente por
Dios justo, a quien todos los
secretos de la humanidad
se revelan.

Entonces seor Grigor

Apirat gobern durante
siete aos. A partir de
entonces discutiendo surgi
entre los celos de Grigoris,
[gl48] a quin debe
sentarse en el trono
patriarcal. Yovhannes,
desde que era un ntimo del
rey Lewon,
se abri paso y ocup el
trono. Tan pronto como el
otro obispo, Anania, al ver
esto, se dirigi al sultn
de ron, le sobornados, y se
sent como kat'oghikos en
Sewast / Sebastia, pues
afirm que l era de la lnea
de la

However the prince of

Norberd, Dawit', deceived
the lad Aghsart'an; he
married his daughter to him kat'oghikos Petros que fue
and ruled
enterrado all. Y as el trono
de San Gregorio se dividi
Matsnaberd himself. Then
en tres partes: una
he retrieved his daughter
from Aghsart'an. But
(el real), que ocup en
Aghsart'an won over the
Hrhomkla Yovhannes;
ocupado por Anania (quien
se haba rebelado), en
of the fortress. Suddenly

and unexpectedly they

seized Dawit' [gl53] with his
entire family and expelled

Sewast / Sebastia; y sin

embargo, una ms en la isla
de Aght'amar [114]
[ocupados] por Dawit '.

from the fortress which they

gave to Aghsart'an. The
latter, toward the end of his Despus emperador Alejo,
Kalozhan gobern, seguido
life, gave authority to his
de Manuel. Ahora en 598 AE
son Kiwrike, and became a
[1 149], los bizantinos
cleric in the monastery of
celebr una
revisin militar, con su gran
variedad en multitud de
tropas, y se volvi hacia
Kiwrike had [several] sons:
este lado de la primera
one was named P'ahlawan, aprobacin del ocano
the second, T'aghiadin, and
the third Aghsart'an.
a travs de Tracia, como
sealamos en el marco del
ao 546 AE [1097]. Se
haban olvidado las
dificultades imposibles
causada por ese hijo de
3. Regarding the Kingship of Belial, Alejo. Los que no
Lewon in the West
conocen la falsa traicin de
este hombre, lo vean como
un correligionario y siervo
de Cristo. Esas personas
aqu, que no recuerdan esos
eventos desastrosos,

Whatever was narrated up

to this point was culled from fueron an ms engaados
y estafados por [Alejo ']
works that were written
nieto, cuyo nombre (como
previously. But the history
la del Anticristo) fue
before us now concerns
matters about which I heard pseudo-Christos). l era un
hombre llamado Manuel
with my own ears and to

which I was an eyewitness.

que les gusta Emmanuel

era rencoroso y en contra

[119] When the great prince

T'oros, son of Lewon, son of
Constantine, son of King
Rhuben of Cilicia died,

todo - las acciones y relgion

- y que traicionaron los
bizantinos con la comida y
la bebida fatal [gl49].

his brother's son named

Rhuben took authority.
Rhuben was the son of
Step'ane who was
treacherously killed
by the Greek general
Andronikos. After a short
while, he too died and
Lewon, a brave and warlike
man, took authority. As
soon as Lewon took power,
he enlarged the borders of
his lordship. For he made
against the surrounding
peoples and conquered
them, in accordance with
the bravery of his name,
like a lion;
for Lewon [Leo] means lion.

When the tyrants among

the Turks and Tachiks (who
were called sultans)
observed Lewon's
successes, the

En los das de su abuelo

Alejo, un cierto conde lleg
a Antioqua desde
Jerusaln. Tan pronto como
el templo de San Pedro
Apstol, y particip en el
servicio, el bienaventurado
San Pedro se le apareci
y dijo: "La lanza con la que
atravesaron nuestro
Salvador est enterrado en
la ventana de esta iglesia
Llvelo a.

su pas ". Por lo tanto [115]

el hombre la tom con
alegra y fue a
Constantinopla. Cuando el
emperador Alejo odo
sobre este asunto, l honr
grandemente el conde y le
dio muchos tesoros,

sultan who ruled Aleppo

solicitando la lanza de l.
and Damascus mustered his
men and came against him, El conteo sali la lanza con
l y sigui su camino.
with countless troops and
weapons. When Lewon, the
prince of princes, heard that Ahora en 636 AE [1 187] un
the foreigners were coming cierto tirano de
against him, he hurried
nacionalidad kurda cuyo
and gathered his troops and nombre era Saladino
quickly came against them, [Salahadin, Salah
like an eagle swooping
down on a flock of hens,
he struck them many great
blows. The sultan fled,
escaping by a hairbreadth,
this sultan who had come
against Lewon boasting.
Lewon levied a tax on him
and made him his vassal.
When the surrounding
saw this feat of bravery,
they feared him and paid
him taxes. And this is the
way that Lewon ruled over

al-Din] y que vinieron de [el

rea de] Maseats'otn surgi.
l era el vasallo del sultn
de Mertin y
Alepo. Reuniendo un
enorme ejrcito que iba en
contra de la ciudad de
Jerusaln. El rey de
Jerusaln, un
Frank, iba en contra de l
con numerosas tropas. Pero
sus marineros lo
traicionaron; para el seor
de Trpoli fue un

with force.

amigo del enemigo del rey

Frank, y traicion al rey a
sus enemigos de la
siguiente manera.

[120] When Lewon saw that

he had succeeded in
forming a lordship greater
in size than his forbears', he

La temporada fue muy

caliente, y el lugar estaba
sin agua. El conde, siendo
asesor del rey, le inst

consulted among [gl55] his

[GL50] para tomar una zona

princes and grandees to

become king. He sent [a
messenger] to the worldrenowned city of the
Romans, to the autocrat
emperor and the Pope
[requesting] that they give
him the order

sin agua para su base,

mientras que el enemigo a
cabo a orillas del ro Jordn.
Al medioda
que estaban en formacin
de batalla. Dado que los
caballos de los soldados
cristianos se sec de sed,
tan pronto como sea

and a royal crown; for he

did not want to be vassal to divisaron el agua, corran
any but to the Frank people. por l, arrastrando a sus
At the same time, his pride pilotos a lo largo y
sumergindolos en medio
was excited by the [tombs
de la
of the] holy Apostles Peter
and Paul which were in the
enemigo, que puso sus
city, as though he were
espadas para trabajar [116]
y despiadadamente cortado
receiving the crown of
hacia abajo. Ahora bien,
blessing from them.
como el rey de Jerusaln
The emperor and Pope of
Rome sent him a worthy
crown of earlier kings and a
dignitary, that is, an
archbishop to place the
crown on his head and to
demand three things from
him: to celebrate the feasts
of the
Lord and of all the saints on
whatever days they
occurred; to utter prayers in
the church during the day
evening, something the

era un hombre valiente,

mat a muchos de los
enemigos con sus propias
manos. Pero cuando se dio
cuenta de que sera
imposible para que l
consiga gratis (ya que
haban matado a su
caballo), que quera
rendirse ante el enemigo.
le hizo jurar que no volvera
a desenvainar su espada
contra ellos, y lo dej en
libertad. El fue a
Bizancio. Fuerzas de

Armenians had not done for

some time because of
Ishmaelite attacks, instead

Saladino fueron contra

Jerusaln, la tomaron y las
ciudades vecinas, matando
a todos. entonces

prayers] only at the time of

the administration of the
sacrament during the holy
mass; and not to break the

el sol atenuado durante

muchas horas. Los
Saladinites gobernaron
Palestina, Egipto,
Mesopotamia y una gran
parte de

fasts on the eves of

Christmas and Easter,
except with [gl56] fish and

Kirakos Gandzakets'i's

History of the Armenians

Armenia, ellos y sus nietos

que son llamados Ayyubids
(Edleank '); entre ellos
estaban Melik 'K'eml,
Melik 'Ashrap' y otros
sultanes que gobernaron
muchas tierras.

Kiwrike Bagratuni, que

estaba en la ciudad de
Lorhe pas toda su vida
luchando contra los
georgianos a
preservar la estabilidad de
su patrimonio. Despus de
su muerte, sus hijos Dawit
"y Abas, engaados por los

[The archbishop said]:

"When you have done these
[121] things, you need not
concern yourself with taxes
and presents for the
Emperor and the Pope for
the crown they gave you.

salido de la casa [GL5 1] de

sus antepasados y se
acerc a los iranes. Ellos
recibieron de los iranes
bienes hereditarios [las

But if you do not accept

changes, I have an order to
take from you countless
treasures of gold, silver,
and precious stones."

Lewon called the

kat'oghikos and bishops and
asked what reply he should
give to the messenger of
Romans. They did not
approve of accepting [the
terms]. Then Lewon said to
them: "Do not worry about
it. I
will mollify them this time
by deception."

And Lewon replied to the

bishop of Rome, saying:
"We shall promptly do all
that the autocrat Emperor
the great Pope have
ordered." [Lewon] required
an oath of those twelve
bishops, and convinced
them to
swear to it. Among the
bishops who swore the oath
were the bishop of Tarsus,
Nerses Lambronets'i, whom

ciudades de] Tawush,

Matsnaberd y otros lugares.
Posteriormente los iranes
Tawush de ellos y ellos
residan en Matsnaberd.
Entonces Dawit "y Abas
falleci. Kiwrike tuvo xito
su padre Dawit '. l era un
hombre suave, realizado en
obras virtuosas; ms que su
padre. Pasando de
este mundo [1 17] en la
bondad, dej como
heredero a su hijo pequeo
Abas, que tena doce aos.
Tom como esposa
Nana, hija del prncipe
piadoso Sargis hijo de
Zak'aria, hijo de Vahram,
hermana de los grandes
Zak'are y Iwane. Sus obras
eran muchos, como se nota
en los lugares adecuados.
Despus de vivir con su
durante dos aos, Abas
muri a la edad de
diecinueve aos. l no tena
ningn hijo de esta mujer.

Tan pronto como su

hermana Balrina vio que su

mentioned above, Yovsep'
from the area around
Antioch, the head of the
monks called Jesuits
Yovhannes, who became
kat'oghikos, and Anania
who was [gl57] antikat'oghikos in
Sewast/Sebastia, and
others with them.

A great multitude of people

assembled then:
commanders and troops of
all peoples, the patriarch of
Greeks who sat in Tarsus,
and the Syrian kat'oghikos
who sat in the monastery
[122] of the blessed

lnea se haba extinguido

cay en llanto inconsolable.
Ellos le dijeron:
"Hay una mujer que tiene
un beb mamando de su
hermano." Balrina estaba
encantado. Ella tom el
le nutrido, y lo nombr
[GL52] Aghsart'an. Se
convirti en el heredero de
Matsnaberd, y era un
hombre piadoso
que amaba a los
sacerdotes. Aghsart'an viva
en nuestro tiempo, aunque
en la vejez sus pies le
dolan. Dawit ", el
prncipe de Norberd, trat
con l con engao, porque
l tambin era de la familia
Bagratid, padre del prncipe

que construy la iglesia

maravillosa en el
by the borders of Melitene,
as well as the kat'oghikos of monasterio llamado Anapat,
cerca de Norberd con la
the Armenians with all the
direccin y
bishops. They enthroned
Lewon as king, and the
surrounding peoples
brought gifts to the restored

cooperacin de Yovhannes
Tuets'i. l era el arzobispo
de las reas de Shamk'or,
Gardman, Ergevank ',

When the emperor of the

Terunakan, Tawush y otras

regiones bajo el dominio del
prncipe Vahram. Se

Greeks heard that the

Franks had given Lewon a
crown, he too sent gifts and
beautiful crown adorned
with gold and precious
stones, and [a message]
saying: "Don't put the
crown of the

complet la iglesia, ungi

y consagrado en el nombre
de la santa Madre de Dios
en 689 AE [1240]. Obispo
Yovhannes [118] era un
bendita virtuoso hombre,
benevolente que a menudo
ayun durante cuarenta
das a la vez.

Romans on your head,

instead put on our crown
because you are closer to
us than to Rome." But King

Sin embargo, el prncipe de

Norberd, Dawit ', enga al
muchacho Aghsart'an; se
was a wise man and he did cas con su hija para l y
not decline either of the two gobern
kings' offers, either, Roman Matsnaberd s mismo.
or Constantinopolitan.
Luego se recuper a su hija
Instead, he replied as he
pleased and gladly
accepted both, giving great
tribute to the bearers of the
Thus Lewon was crowned
by both kings [gl58].

[Lewon] had a good nature,

merciful to the poor and
needy, a lover of the
churches and the servants
of God.
He established monasteries
in all parts of his lordship
and increased their

de Aghsart'an. Pero
Aghsart'an gan a los
de la fortaleza. De repente
e inesperadamente se
apoderaron Dawit '[GL53]
con su familia entera y los
de la fortaleza de la que
dieron a Aghsart'an. Este
ltimo, hacia el final de su
vida, le dio autoridad a su
hijo Kiwrike, y se convirti
en un clrigo en el
monasterio de Getakits'k '.

provisions so that [the

clerics] lack
for nothing bodily, and
occupy themselves only
with worship and prayers.
One of the monasteries he
established is the famous
monastery called Akner,
which to the present
conducts [123] itself
according to the

Kiwrike tena [varios] hijos,

uno fue nombrado
P'ahlawan, el segundo,
T'aghiadin, y el tercero

3. En cuanto a la Realeza de
Lewon en Occidente

provisions he established.
Every day of the week [the
brothers at Akner] keep
fasts, breaking them only
Saturday and Sunday, with
fish or milk products.

Thus did the pious Lewon

strengthen his kingdom
with improvements. In all
matters he was most

Lo que fue narrado hasta

este punto fue entresacado
de las obras que se han
escrito previamente. Pero la
ante nosotros se refiere a
asuntos sobre los que he
escuchado con mis propios
odos ya la que yo era un
testigo presencial.

except in one he was a

gallant. He left his first wife
(to whom he had been
married as prince), and took [119] Cuando el gran
prncipe T'oros, hijo de
Lewon, hijo de Constantino,
hijo del rey Rhuben de
marriage the daughter of
Cilicia muri,
the king of the island of
Cyprus, a woman of
Frankish nationality, so that el hijo de su hermano
llamado Rhuben tom
this king
autoridad. Rhuben era el

be his support and aid.

It happened that Lewon

sailed to Cyprus to see his
[gl59] father-in-law. When
his enemies heard about
they (who had been unable
to do anything to him while
he was on dry land)
prepared many ships to
him on the seas.

When King Lewon heard

about this, he turned back
to Cyprus, since it was
enroute. He took his
warships and

came to the ambuscade

which many ships had
readied for him. Since he
was a wise man, he
recognized which
of the ships was the
principal one, and rammed
it with a fast-moving vessel,
so that all aboard drowned.

hijo de Step'ane que fue

asesinado a traicin
por el general griego
Andrnico. Despus de un
rato, l tambin muri y
Lewon, un valiente y
guerrera [GL54]
hombre, tom la autoridad.
Tan pronto como Lewon
tom el poder, ampli las
fronteras de su seora.
Porque l hizo la guerra
en contra de los pueblos de
los alrededores y los
conquist, de acuerdo con
la valenta de su nombre,
como un len;
para Lewon [Leo] significa

Cuando los tiranos entre los

turcos y Tachiks (que fueron
llamados sultanes)
observaron los xitos de
Lewon, la
sultn que gobern Alepo y
Damasco reuni a sus
hombres y fue contra l,
con innumerables tropas y
armas. Cuando Lewon, el
prncipe de los prncipes, se
enter de que los
extranjeros venan contra
l, se apresur

remaining ships fled. Dread

of Lewon came upon
everyone both near and far.

y reuni a sus tropas y

rpidamente lleg en contra
de ellos, como un guila
que cae hacia abajo en una
bandada de gallinas, y

[124] Once, during

Eastertime, the sultan who
ruled the area around
Aleppo assembled troops
against Lewon,

los hiri muchos grandes

golpes. El sultn huy,
escapando por un pelo, el
sultn que haba venido

and sent this message to

King Lewon: "If you do not
submit and become
tributary to me in service,
then with
the multitude of my troops I
will put to the sword all the
inhabitants of your land,
both mother and child. And
I will turn the holiday which
you Christians are
celebrating, revering the
fact that it is the
resurrection of your
Christ, into a day of
mourning. I will see to it
that the food you prepared
for your holidays you will
eat on
horseback" [gl60].

contra Lewon jactancia.

Lewon estableci un
impuesto sobre l y lo hizo
su vasallo. Cuando los
Tachiks circundantes
vio esta hazaa de valenta,
porque le tenan miedo y le
pagaban impuestos. Y esta
es la forma en que Lewon
gobern sobre todo,
con la fuerza.

[120] Cuando Lewon vio

que haba conseguido
formar un seoro mayor en
tamao que sus
antepasados ', que
consultado entre [GL55] sus
prncipes y magnates de
convertirse en rey. Envi
[mensajero] para el mundo-

conocida ciudad de los

Having sent this, the sultan, romanos, al emperador
taking along the multitude
autcrata y el Papa
of his soldiers went and
[solicita] que le den la
pitched camp on his



awaiting the return of the

messenger. As soon as the
wise King Lewon heard the
message and found out

y una corona real; porque l

no quera ser vasallo de
ningn pero a la gente
Frank. Al mismo tiempo, su

the massing of foreign

troops, he ordered the
envoy to be led to another
area, as though the king
were there.

fue excitado por las tumbas

de los [] santos apstoles
Pedro y Pablo, que estaban
en la ciudad, como si fuera

Meanwhile Lewon hastened

to muster his forces and
come upon them from
another direction. At an
unexpected moment he fell
upon them and dealt them
many a hard blow and the
sultan fled, escaping by a
hairbreadth. King Lewon
then took the booty from
the camp of the foreigners,
their tents and [125] all the
captives. He came and
pitched camp in his own
country by the shore of a
river, ordering his men to
set up the
altars of the foreigners and
each to erect his banners
by the door of his altar; and
then he ordered [the
sultan's] envoys

recibir la corona de la
bendicin de ellos.

El emperador y el Papa de
Roma le enviaron una digna
corona de reyes anteriores
y un dignatario, es decir, un
arzobispo de colocar la
corona en la cabeza y exigir
tres cosas de l: para
celebrar las fiestas de la
Seor y de todos los santos
en cualquier da se
produjeron; a pronunciar
oraciones en la iglesia
durante el da y
noche, algo que los
armenios no lo haba hecho
por algn tiempo debido a
los ataques ismaelitas, en
lugar [recitando
oraciones] slo en el
momento de la
administracin del

As soon as they came and

saw the tents and altars of
their own troops and the
banners of each division,
wondered greatly, for they
did not know what had
happened. When they
learned what had
happened, they
threw themselves at the
king's feet, imploring him
for their lives [gl61]. The
king was compassionate

sacramento durante la
santa misa; y no romper la
ayunos en las vsperas de
Navidad y Pascua, excepto
con [GL56] pescado y

Kirakos Gandzakets'i de

them, granted them their

Historia de los Armenios
lives and sent them to their
lord. As for the tax which
the sultan had demanded of
King Lewon, Lewon levied
on him that same tax and
more, and made the
foreigners serve him. His
was in 646 of the Armenian
Era [1 197].

[El arzobispo dijo]: "Cuando

usted ha hecho estas [121]
las cosas, no es necesario
preocupe por impuestos
y presenta para el
Emperador y el Papa por la
corona que te dieron. Pero
si usted no acepta estos

cambios, tengo una orden

para tomar de incontables
4. Concerning the princes in tesoros de oro, plata y
eastern Armenia, Zak'are
piedras preciosas ".
and his brother Iwane.

During the reign of Lewon,

king of the Armenians, in
the East there were two
brothers, sons of the pious

Lewon llam a los

kat'oghikos y obispos y le
pregunt qu respuesta que
debe dar al mensajero del

prince Sargis, son of

Vahram, son of Zak'aria,
who had separated from the
Kurds of the Babirakan xel.

Romanos. Ellos no aprueban

la aceptacin de los
trminos []. Entonces
Lewon les dijo: "No te
preocupes por eso me.

name of the first [126] son

se les aplacar esta vez por
was Zak'are and the second el engao ".
was Iwane brave men,
rich in authority, honored
Y Lewon respondi al obispo
de Roma, diciendo: "Vamos
the queen of Georgia
named T'amar who was the a hacer de inmediato todo
lo que el autcrata
daughter of Georg the
Emperador y
brave, son of Demetre.
Zak'are was

el gran Papa haber

general of the Georgian and ordenado. "[Lewon]
requiere un juramento de
Armenian forces that were
los doce obispos, y les
under the [gl62] Georgian
convenci para
king. Iwane held the
at'abekut'iwn. They
displayed bravery in many
battles, since they took for
themselves from the
Iranians and

jurarlo. Entre los obispos

que juraron el juramento
fueron el obispo de Tarso,
Nerses Lambronets'i, a

Tachiks much of Armenia

which they had held,
namely, the districts around
the Sea of Geghark'unik',

se mencion anteriormente,
Yovsep 'del rea alrededor
de Antioqua, el jefe de los
monjes jesuitas llama
Yovhannes, que se

Ayrarat, the city of Bjni, and

Dwin, Anberd, the city of
Ani, Kars, Vayots' Dzor, the
land of Siwnik' and the

convirtieron en kat'oghikos
y Anania que era [gl57]
anti-kat'oghikos en Sewast /
Sebasti y

fortresses, cities and

districts surrounding it.
They also made tributary
the sultan of the city of
Karin. They

otros con ellos.

named Zak'are did likewise,

as did his brother Sargis
and the other Sargis, father
of Shalue and Iwane,

kat'oghikos sirios que

estaban sentados en el
monasterio [122] de los
bienaventurados Barsuma

relatives of the great

princes; and with their aid
they too took from the
Iranians many districts and

por las fronteras de

Melitene, as como los
kat'oghikos de los armenios
con todos los obispos. Ellos

fortresses: Gardman,
Karherdz, Ergevank',
Tawush, Katsaret',
Terunakan and Gag and
they placed in difficult

Lewon como rey, y los

pueblos de alrededor
llevaron regalos al rey

straits the city of Shamk'or,

which his son later took.
This son was named
Vahram, father of

Cuando el emperador de los

griegos se enter de que los
francos haba dado Lewon
una corona, l tambin
envi regalos y un

grandfather of Vahram,
Zak'are and Iwane.

hermosa corona adornada

con oro y piedras preciosas,

Una gran multitud de

personas se reunieron a
looted many districts of Iran continuacin: comandantes
y tropas de todos los
and Atrpatakan, and
pueblos, el patriarca de la
extended their borders in
every direction. The other
Griegos que estaban
sentados en Tarso y los

y [un mensaje] diciendo:

"No ponga la corona de la

[127] Thus they were aided

in their conquests from On
Romanos en la cabeza, en
High [gl63], so much so that lugar de poner nuestra
their reputation for
corona porque ests ms
cerca de nosotros de lo que
bravery spread throughout
a Roma. "Pero el rey Lewon
many districts and many
peoples were tributary to
era un hombre sabio y l no
them, both by reason of
disminuy cualquiera de las
ofertas de los dos reyes, o
bien, romano o

friendship and out of fear.

They restored many
monasteries which for a
long time since the
invasions of the
Ishmaelites had been in
ruins. They restored the
churches once again and
the clerical orders shone
They also built new
churches and monasteries,
which from antiquity had
not been monasteries,
among which

En cambio, l respondi a
su antojo y con mucho
gusto acept tanto, dando
un gran homenaje a los
portadores de las coronas.
As Lewon fue coronada por
ambos reyes [gl58].

[Lewon] tena una buena

naturaleza, misericordioso
con los pobres y
necesitados, un amante de
las iglesias y de los siervos
de Dios.

l estableci monasterios
en todas las partes de su
seora y el aumento de sus
the famous monastery
called Getik in the district of disposiciones a fin de que
[los clrigos] falta
Kayean, which was
constructed by the blessed por nada del cuerpo, y
ocuparse nicamente con el
Mxit'ar called Gosh. They

culto y la oracin. Uno de

built a wondrous church

with a heavenly dome; and
they consecrated the
and anointed it in the name
of the blessed Mother of
God, a temple of the Lord's
glory, and an abode of the

los monasterios que

establecido es el famoso
monasterio llamado Akner,
que a las actuales
conductas [123] en s de
acuerdo con la

rational flock of Christ.

disposiciones que
establecen. Cada da de la
semana [los hermanos en
Akner] mantienen ayunos,
romperlos slo en

As soon as their authority

was so furthered, they
attacked the sultan called
Shahi Armen.

Sbado y domingo, con

pescado o productos

They wanted to take the

charming city of Bznunik',
Xlat', [from the Shah
Armen]. Assembling their
they besieged it and were
close to taking it. Prince
Iwane, brother of the
general, rode to examine
the city's
wall, to divert himself.
Wandering aimlessly, his
horse's leg [128] stumbled
into a hidden pit and threw
him to
the ground [gl64]. Seeing
this the men of the city
pounced upon him and,
binding him, took him

As surgi la piadosa Lewon

fortalecer su reino con
mejoras. En todo lo que era
ms excelente
excepto en uno - l era un
galn. Dej a su primera
esposa (a quien se haba
casado como prncipe), y
tom en
el matrimonio con la hija
del rey de la isla de Chipre,
una mujer de nacionalidad
franco, por lo que este rey
ser su apoyo y ayuda.

Sucedi que Lewon naveg

a Chipre para ver a su
[gl59] suegro. Cuando sus

inside. And
there was great merriment
in the city. They
immediately informed the
sultan about his capture, at
which the
sultan rejoiced exceedingly,
and ordered Iwane brought
before him.

When general Zak'aria

heard about this he sent
threatening words to the
citizens, saying: "Release
my brother
from your city, or I shall
destroy it, I will take your
soil to Georgia, and destroy
your population."

enemigos se enteraron de
ellos (los que no haba
podido hacer nada para l
mientras estaba en tierra
firme) prepararon muchas
naves para destruir
l en los mares.

Cuando el rey Lewon se

enter de esto, se volvi de
nuevo a Chipre, ya que
estaba en ruta. Tom sus
buques de guerra y

lleg a la emboscada que

muchos barcos haban
preparado para l. Desde
que era un hombre sabio, l
reconoci que

by him, they did not have

Iwane sent to the sultans in
Damascus and Egypt,
named Kuz and Melik' K'eml
de las naves era la
principal, y choc con una
Ashrap' (from the line of
embarcacin en
Saladin, who took
movimiento rpido, de
modo que todos a bordo se
ahogaron. los
Making peace among
themselves, [the residents
of Xlat'] requested the
daughter of Iwane in
marriage. And it

naves restantes huyeron.

Dread de Lewon vino sobre
todo cerca y lejos.

came to pass as they

requested. They took
hostages and released
Iwane. When he went to his
home, he sent

[124] Una vez, durante la

Pascua, el sultn que
gobern el rea alrededor
de Aleppo reunieron tropas
contra Lewon,

his daughter to them. She

became the wife of Kuz and
after him, of Ashrap'.

y envi este mensaje al rey

Lewon: "Si usted no
presenta y se convierte en
afluente a m en servicio, y
despus con

The coming of this woman

into the house of the
sultans brought about much
good, for the lot of the

la multitud de mis tropas

pondr a cuchillo a todos
los habitantes de tu tierra,
la madre y el nio. Y

under their domination

improved, especially in
Taron since the monasteries
which were there and had
under taxation, had [129]
the rate of their taxes
lowered, and half of them
had [gl65] the whole tax

Pasar el da de fiesta que

ustedes los cristianos
celebran, reverenciar el
hecho de que es la
resurreccin de su
Cristo, en un da de luto. Me
encargar de que la comida
que prepar para sus
vacaciones que usted va a
comer en

discontinued. [The Muslims] caballo "[gl60].

ordered those under their
domination not to despoil or
trouble travellers going to
Despus de haber enviado
Jerusalem for pilgrimage.
este, el sultn, teniendo a lo
The Georgians especially
largo de la multitud de sus
expanded [their influence], soldados fue y acamp en
for Iwane was misled to the sus fronteras,
doctrine of Chalcedon
(through which the
Georgians were lost); for he

esperando el regreso del

mensajero. Tan pronto como
el sabio rey Lewon escuch

loved the glory of man more el mensaje y se enter

than the
la concentracin de tropas
glory of God. He became
extranjeras, orden el
charmed by the queen
enviado para ser llevado a
named T'amar, daughter of otra rea, como si el rey
Georg, while Zak'are
estuviera all.
Mientras tanto Lewon
true to the orthodox
apresur a reunir sus
confession of the
fuerzas y sobre ellos desde
Armenians. Therefore they
otra direccin. Un
honored the Georgians even bronceado
more, for they
momento inesperado cay
were not taxed in all their
sobre ellos y los trat ms
cities, and in Jerusalem as
de un duro golpe y el sultn
well. [Iwane' s daughter]
huy, escapando por una
was named T'amt'a.
hairbreadth. Rey Lewon
luego tom el botn del
campamento de los
Thus was friendship and
extranjeros, sus tiendas y
unity achieved between the [125] todo el
Georgian kingdom and the
sultans' lordship.
cautivos. l vino y acamp
en su propio pas por la
orilla de un ro, ordenando a
sus hombres para
configurar la
5. The meeting which
Zak'aria called to discuss
certain matters.

After these events, once

[the Zak'arids] had secured
the land under their sway
from any invasion, after the

altares de los extranjeros y

de cada uno para erigir sus
banderas por la puerta de
su altar; y luego orden a
] enviados del sultn

Tan pronto como llegaron y

monasteries had multiplied

and the worship of the
Church shone forth brightly,
Zak'are thought to do
something else. For he saw
[130] that among the
Georgian soldiers under his
king, each [general] had
with him, and they
performed mass
everywhere, while he had
no portable church (for such
was not the
custom of the Armenians
for a long time, from after
the removal of the grandee
princes of Armenia [gl66],
because of the tyranny of
the Iranians and
Ishmaelites). The Georgians
censured the Armenians for

vieron las tiendas de

campaa y altares de sus
propias tropas y las
banderas de cada divisin,
se preguntaban en gran
medida, porque ellos no
saban lo que haba pasado.
Cuando se enteraron de lo
que haba sucedido, se
se arrojaron a los pies del
rey, implorndole por sus
vidas [gl61]. El rey era
compasivo hacia
ellos, que les concedan sus
vidas y los enviaron a su
seor. En cuanto a la fiscal
que el sultn haba exigido
Rey Lewon, Lewon aplica
sobre l que mismo
impuesto y ms, e hizo que
los extranjeros le sirven. Su

having a portable church for

not taking communion [on
estaba en 646 de la era
the march], and for not
armenia [1 197].
celebrating each of the
of the martyrs of God on
the day of its occurrence.
Therefore, Zak'are was
deeply unhappy.

4. En cuanto a los prncipes

en el este de Armenia,
Zak'are y su hermano

Zak'are asked the great

vardapet Mxit'ar called
Gosh (builder of the
monastery of Getik, who
was his father-

Durante el reinado de
Lewon, rey de los armenios,
en el Este haba dos
hermanos, hijos de los

confessor): "Was there ever

among any of our kings or
princes, a church suitable
for the road a place for

Sargis prncipe, hijo de

Vahram, hijo de Zak'aria,
que se haba separado de
los kurdos del xel
Babirakan. los

worship and the mass?" He

also asked other vardapets, nombre de la primera [126]
and they told him that there hijo era Zak'are y el
had been a tent and table
segundo fue Iwane hombres valientes, rica en
which circulated in the royal autoridad, honrado por
army of the mighty King
Trdat, and that the blessed
la reina de Georgia llamado
Vardaneans had received
T'amar que era la hija de
Georg valiente, hijo de
baptism and communion in Demetre. Zak'are era
the army. [They cited] the
information which the
general de las fuerzas de
blessed martyrs Hiperik'os
Georgia y Armenia que
estaban bajo el [gl62] rey
georgiano. Iwane celebr la
P'ilot'eos wrote to Yakobos
the priest: "Take with you
at'abekut'iwn. Ellos
the chalice of the mass, and muestran su valenta en
the horn of anointment,
muchas batallas, ya que
daban por s mismos de los
and come to us." And they
iranes y
informed him of other
similar instances [gl67].
Tachiks tanto de Armenia
Then the great general said que haban celebrado, a
saber, los distritos de todo
el Mar de Geghark'unik ',
them: "Give me the
command [131] to take

along priests and a tent for

mass in my travels." The
vardapet said to him: "We
cannot do that without an
order from the kat'oghikos
of the Armenians, and from
King Lewon."

So he wrote a letter and

sent ambassadors to the
kat'oghikos of the
Armenians, Yovhannes, who
during that
time was in rebellion
against King Lewon in
Hrhomkla for various
reasons. He also wrote to
King Lewon and

Ayrarat, la ciudad de Bjni y

Dwin, Anberd, la ciudad de
Ani, Kars, Vayots 'Dzor, la
tierra de Siwnik "y el
fortalezas, ciudades y
distritos que lo rodean.
Tambin hicieron afluente el
sultn de la ciudad de
Karin. Ellos
saqueado muchos distritos
de Irn y Atrpatakan, y
extendi sus fronteras en
todas las direcciones. El
otro prncipe
llamado Zak'are hizo lo
mismo, al igual que su
hermano Sargis y el otro
Sargis, padre de Shalue y

familiares de los grandes

prncipes; y con su ayuda
acquainted him with his
request. Lewon had seated ellos tambin tomaron de
lord Dawit' as kat'oghikos in los iranes muchos distritos
y seguro
place of Yovhannes who

fortalezas: Gardman,
in rebellion against Cilicia in Karherdz, Ergevank ',
Tawush, Katsaret',
the monastery called
Terunakan y Gag y pusieron
en dificultades
estrechos de la ciudad de
Then Lewon assembled the Shamk'or, que su hijo tom
vardapets and bishops
ms adelante. Este hijo fue
under his sway and inquired nombrado Vahram, padre
about Zak'are's request.
de Aghbugha,
abuelo de Vahram, Zak'are

agreed with it, so that

[Zak'are] would not pass
from orthodox faith as had
his brother, and they wrote
following letter to the East:

"The sparapet and

shahnshah of the eastern
regions, Zak'aria, has
inquired about the question
of the
deformation and corruption
of the laws of the Christians
which occurred because of
slavery to foreigners.

y Iwane.

[127] As fueron ayudados

en sus conquistas desde Lo
Alto [gl63], tanto es as que
su reputacin de
valenta extendi por
muchos distritos y muchos
pueblos eran tributarios de
ellos, tanto en razn de

amistad y por miedo. Se

restauraron muchos
monasterios que desde
hace mucho tiempo - desde
las invasiones de la

Vardapets, bishops, [132]

fathers and elders [of the
Church] held a meeting,
examined [gl68] his request
Ismaelitas - haba estado en
ruinas. Se restauraron las
found it in accord with
iglesias una vez ms y las
Scripture. [Zak'are] then
rdenes clericales brillaron.
sent to the Christ-crowned
Tambin construyeron
king of the Armenians,
nuevas iglesias y
Lewon, in
monasterios, que desde la
Cilicia in the west. And he,
antigedad no haban
convening a meeting in the estado m onasteries, entre
capital of Sis, with
los que
kat'oghikos Dawit' and the
el famoso monasterio
vardapets, bishops and
llamado Getik en el distrito
monks, found [Zak'are's]
de Kayean, que fue
request in accord with the
construido por el Vardapet
apostolic conventions, not

contrary to them.


Therefore they sealed and

sent [to eastern Armenia]
the following eight canons:

Mxit'ar llama Gosh. Ellos

construyeron una iglesia
maravillosa con una cpula
celestial; y consagraron la

First: the mass should be

performed with blessed
clerks and deacons, as the
law is.

y ungidos en el nombre de
la Madre bendita de Dios,
un templo de la gloria del
Seor, y una morada de la
rebao racional de Cristo.

Second: the feast of the

Annunciation to the Mother
of God should be celebrated Tan pronto como su
on April sixth, on whatever
autoridad se lo promovi,
atacaron el sultn llamado
day it falls. The feast of the Shahi Armen.
Assumption should be held
on the fifteenth of August,
on whatever day it occurs,
Queran tomar la
and the feast of the Holy
encantadora ciudad de
Cross on the fourteenth of
Bznunik ', XLAT', [del Shah
September, on whatever
Armen]. Montaje de sus
day it occurs. Similarly,
sitiaron y estaban cerca de
feasts of the martyrs should tomarlo. Prncipe Iwane,
be celebrated on the actual hermano del general,
days they occurred on
cabalg para examinar la
according to the traditional ciudad
commentary [gl69].

Third: the fasts of the

blessed Revelation of Christ
and of Easter should be

pared, para desviar a s

mismo. Vagando sin rumbo,
la pierna de su caballo
[128] tropez en un pozo
oculto y lo tir al
el suelo [gl64]. Al ver esto

kept until evening, and not

with anything except fish
and olives.

[133] Fourth: the icons of

the Savior and all the saints
should be accepted, and
not despised as though

los hombres de la ciudad se

abalanzaron sobre l y,
atndolo, lo llevaron
adentro. Y
hubo una gran alegra en la
ciudad. Inmediatamente
informaron al sultn de su
captura, en la que el
sultn se regocij en
extremo, y orden Iwane
llevado ante l.

were pagan images.

Fifth: mass should also be

performed for the living.
Sixth: Clerics must not eat

Seventh: One should be

ordained as a clerk and,
only after many days [i.e.,
after the passage of some
time] as

Cuando generales Zak'aria

se enter de esto mand
decir a los ciudadanos que
amenaza, diciendo: "Suelta
mi hermano
desde su ciudad, o voy a
destruirlo, tomar su suelo
a Georgia, y destruir su
poblacin. "Asustado

por l, no tenan Iwane

enviado a los sultanes en
Damasco y Egipto,
nombrados Kuz y Melik
a deacon, and as a priest, in 'K'eml y
full maturity.
Ashrap '(desde la lnea de
Saladino, quien tom
Eighth: Cenobites should
reside in the monasteries.
No one [in the monasteries]
should receive things
Hacer la paz entre ellos, [los
residentes de XLAT '] pidi a
separately [i.e., as private
la hija de Iwane en el
matrimonio. Y es

vino a pasar como

solicitaron. Tomaron
rehenes y liberados Iwane.
Cuando fue a su casa, envi
These and similar canons
they wrote during the
meeting in the West, and
sent them to Zak'aria in the

su hija a ellos. Ella se

convirti en la esposa de
Kuz y despus de l, de
Ashrap '.

La llegada de esta mujer en

Now kat'oghikos Yovhannes, la casa de los sultanes
provocaron mucho bien, por
who was in Hromkla, in
la suerte de los cristianos
order to gain the favor of
the princes of the East sent bajo su dominio mejorado,
especialmente en Taron
domed tent in the shape of
a church, as well as people
to set it up and decorate it,
a marble altar and other

desde los monasterios que

estaban all y haban sido

say mass. Those who [gl70]

arrived visited the amir
spasalar in the city of Lorhe
and [134] presented him

estn bajo su dominacin

no despojar o viajeros de
problemas va a

en virtud de la fiscalidad,
tena [129] la tasa de sus
vessels of the service, and a impuestos bajada, y la
mitad de ellos tenan [GL65]
bishop named Minas, and
todo el impuesto
deacons and clerks and
priest with beautiful voices
descontinuado. [Los
musulmanes] orden que

with the commands of the

kat'oghikos and his letters
and presents. Similarly,
ambassadors and envoys
King Lewon and kat'oghikos

Jerusaln para la
peregrinacin. Los
georgianos especialmente
ampli [su influencia], por
Iwane fue engaado a la
doctrina de Calcedonia (a
travs de los cuales se

Dawit' came.

perdieron los georgianos);

porque amaba la gloria del
hombre ms que el

Zak'aria, rejoicing at all this,

ordered a meeting to be
convened in the city of
Lorhe. Included were their

gloria de Dios. Lleg a ser

encantado por la reina
llamada T'amar, hija de
Jorge, mientras que se
relative Grigores, the bishop mantuvo Zak'are
of Haghbat and the bishop
fiel a la confesin ortodoxa
of Ani, the bishop of Bjni,
de los armenios. Por lo
Dwin, Kars and others who
tanto, cumplieron con los
happened to be there. Also
included were the
vardapets and directors of
the monasteries, with
priests and the
lay multitude. [Zak'are]
wanted to raise the tent
and have mass said.

In that period there

flourished [among the
Armenians] venerable
vardapets such as Mxit'ar,
called Gosh, the
builder of the monastery of
Getik, a learned, modest
man, renowned for his
doctrinal knowledge;
Vardan, Dawit' K'obayrets'i
of Haghbat, Hovhannes,
prior of Sanahin (who was
prior) following the death of

georgianos an ms,
porque ellos
no fueron gravados en
todas sus ciudades, y en
Jerusaln tambin. [Hija
Iwane 's] fue nombrado

As era la amistad y la
unidad lograda entre el
reino de Georgia y el
seoro de los sultanes.

5. La reunin que Zak'aria

llam para discutir ciertos

Despus de estos
acontecimientos, una vez

vardapet Grigor, who was

called Tuteordi. He was the
tutor (dastiarak) of those
[Zak'arid] princes. [Other

que [el Zak'arids] haba

asegurado la tierra bajo su
dominio desde cualquier
invasin, despus de la

prominent vardapets were]

Grigor called Mononik, in
Kech'arhuk'; T'urk'ik in
T'eghenik', who organized

monasterios haban
multiplicado y la adoracin
de la Iglesia brillado
brillantemente, Zak'are
pensaba hacer

monastery [with the rule]

that all things be held in
common and that [gl71] no
one receive anything

algo mas. Para que vio

[130] que entre los
soldados georgianos bajo su
rey, cada uno [general]
tenan sacerdotes

separately; Eghia of
Hawuts' T'arh, the one who
finely arranged the service
of his monastery [135] so
everyone sang in unison,
whether high or low notes,
and so that one did not
drown out the other when
There were Grigor Dunats'i
and Sargis the ascetic from
Sewan. These were
venerable men, but there

con l, y se realiz la masa

de todo el mundo, mientras
que l no tena ninguna
iglesia porttil (por ejemplo
no era
costumbre de los armenios
durante mucho tiempo,
desde despus de la
eliminacin de los prncipes
Grande de Armenia [gl66],
debido a la tirana de los
iranes y los ismaelitas). Los
georgianos censurados los
armenios por no

also many others, such as

Grigores, bishop of
Haghbat, Vert'anes of Bjni
and Dwin, Sargis the
occupant of the

tener una iglesia porttil

por no tomar la comunin
[en marcha], y por no
celebrar cada una de las

[episcopal] throne of Ani,

Hovhannes of Kars and

de los mrtires de Dios en

el da de su ocurrencia. Por

many others from this area

and that, with venerable

lo tanto, Zak'are era

profundamente infeliz.

of the monasteries, cities

and villages.

Now when the people heard

and learned about the
orders of the kat'oghikos
and King Lewon, some
them, but others did not.
Being thus disunited, they
separated from each other.
One group secretly
departed at

Zak'are pregunt al gran

Vardapet Mxit'ar llama Gosh
(constructor del monasterio
de Getik, que era su padreconfesor): "Hubo alguna
vez entre cualquiera de
nuestros reyes o prncipes,
una iglesia adecuada para
el camino - un lugar para

el culto y la masa?
night and forcibly prevented "Tambin pidi a otros
vardapets, y le dijeron que
the others from entering
haba habido una carpa y
until mass had been said.
Being disunited, they
continued blaming each

que circul en el ejrcito

real del poderoso rey Trdat,
y que los Vardaneans
benditos haban recibido

Prince Zak'are sent to the

monasteries under his
domination, and had them
forcibly celebrate the feats
of the

el bautismo y la comunin
en el ejrcito. [Citaron] la
informacin que los beatos
mrtires Hiperik'os y

P'ilot'eos escribi a Yakobos

Assumption of the Mother of el sacerdote: "Lleve con
God and the Exaltation of
usted el cliz de la masa, y
the Holy Cross, not on
el cuerno de la uncin,
Sunday as the monks were
y vienen a nosotros. "Y ellos
accustomed to do [gl72],
le han informado de otros

but on whichever days they

actually fell on. There was
much disunity and fighting

casos similares [GL67].

Entonces, el gran general

in the Church; instead of joy

there was sorrow; instead of
love for one another, hatred
to the point [136] that

ellos: "Dame el comando

[131] para tomar a lo largo
de sacerdotes y una tienda
de campaa para la masa
en mis viajes." El Grande

they even dared to brandish

swords against each other.
Vardapet le dijo: "No
podemos hacer eso sin una
orden de los kat'oghikos de
los armenios, y desde
Zak'are then sent bishop
Minas (who had come from
the kat'oghikos) to Haghbat
with his deacons, so that

Rey Lewon ".

they [effect] the same

[changes] there. When
Minas came close to the
monastery, bishop Grigores
of Haghbat

As que escribi una carta y

envi embajadores a los
kat'oghikos de los armenios,
Yovhannes, que durante ese

sent men who came and

harshly beat him and his
deacons with bastinados.
Inflicting severe wounds on
clerics, the men left them
there, half-dead. The mules
which had borne his
bundles were driven over a

vez fue en la rebelin

contra el rey Lewon en
Hrhomkla por varias
razones. Tambin escribi al
rey Lewon y
le familiarizarse con su
peticin. Lewon haba
sentado seor Dawit "como
kat'oghikos en lugar de
Yovhannes quin era

en rebelin contra Cilicia en

and killed. The [injured]
el monasterio llamado
bishop was taken to Zak'are Ark'akaghin.
in a litter. Seeing Minas,
Zak'are became furious at
Grigores and ordered that

Entonces Lewon reuni a los

he be seized, and even

vardapets y obispos bajo su
threatening him with death. dominio y pregunt acerca
[Grigores] fled to the land of de la peticin de Zak'are.
Kayean, to Getik monastery
and to the great vardapet
acordado con l, de modo
Mxit'ar to seek protection,
que [Zak'are] no pasara de
for he knew that [Mxit'ar]
la fe ortodoxa al igual que
su hermano, y que escribi
had great influence with
Zak'are. Although [Grigores]
had slipped out of his hands siguiente carta al Este:
that time, he subsequently
was seized at Kech'arhuk
and put [gl73] in prison;
and Yovhannes was made
bishop of Haghbat in his

"El sparapet y shahnshah

de las regiones del este,
Zak'aria, ha preguntado por
la cuestin de la

This is the man who

previously had left his
throne and had gone to
Xach'en. Yovhannes was a
virtuous man

deformacin y corrupcin
de las leyes de los
cristianos que se produjo a
causa de la esclavitud a los

who did many memorable

deeds at Haghbat, among
which was the building of a
renowned vestibule there, a

Vardapets, obispos, [132]

los padres y los ancianos
[de la Iglesia] sostuvieron
una reunin, examinaron
[gl68] su solicitud y

structure which inspires the

viewer with awe.

Thus there was confusion in

the churches of the East,
since [137] for a long time
they did not have the

encontrado de acuerdo con

la Escritura. [Zak'are] y
luego enviado al rey Cristo
coronado de los armenios,
Lewon, en
Cilicia, en el oeste. Y l, la
convocatoria de una
reunin en la capital de Sis,
con kat'oghikos Dawit "y el

of doing as he requested:
not holding the feasts on
the day each one occurred,
so that they would not
fasts. Nor did they conduct
mass with deacons and
clerks; rather, the priests
attended each other. I think
they had adopted this
custom because of the
tyranny of the Tachiks
[Arabs] who did not allow
the Christians
to practise their religion
freely. Therefore the priests
did not dare to open the
doors of the church at the
of the supreme mystery, so
that none of the foreigners
would commit any crime or
do anything else they

vardapets, obispos y
monjes, encontrado
solicitud [de Zak'are] de
acuerdo con los convenios
apostlicos, no
contrariamente a ellos.

Por lo tanto, sellados y

enviados [hasta el este de
Armenia] los siguientes
ocho cnones:
Primero: la masa debe
realizarse con empleados
benditos y diconos, ya que
la ley es.

Segundo: la fiesta de la
Anunciacin a la Madre de
Dios se celebra el sexto de
abril, de lo que sea
da cae. La fiesta de la
Asuncin se celebrara el da
quince del mes de agosto,
en cualquier da que se

desired .

y la fiesta de la Santa Cruz

en el catorce de
septiembre, en cualquier
da que ocurra. Del mismo
modo, otro

Again Zak'are ordered an

assembly convened in the
district of Shirak, in the
capital city of Ani. The

fiestas de los mrtires

deben celebrarse en los
das reales que ocurrieron
en el acuerdo con el



mentioned bishops and

vardapets and many others
gathered. Zak'are wrote to
vardapet Mxit'ar so that he

Comentario [gl69].

come to the meeting. But

Mxit'ar excused himself
because of illness and
inability and wrote a reply
follows: "I am in agreement
with whatever [the other
attendees] do and wish;
and I beseech you [gl74]
not to
implore me further,
because I cannot come."

Tercero: los ayunos de la

revelacin bendita de Cristo
y de la Pascua debe
mantenerse hasta la noche,
y no se rompen
con nada ms que pescado
y aceitunas.

[133] En cuarto lugar: los

iconos del Salvador y de
todos los santos debe ser
aceptado y no despreciaba
como si
eran imgenes paganas.

Now Zak'are convened the

meeting and requested a
pledge from them to do as
he requested. They replied:
is impossible for us to do
this without the great
vardapet." For they called
Mxit'ar this out of respect.

Quinto: la masa tambin se

debe realizar por los vivos.
Sexto: Los clrigos no
deben comer carne.

Zak'are [138] showed them

the letter and said: "Here
he is, for this is his writing.
The letter is Mxit'ar and

Sptimo: Uno debe ser

ordenado como empleado
y, slo despus de muchos
das [es decir, despus del
paso de algn tiempo]

Mxit'ar is the letter." But he

did not show them the

un dicono, y como
sacerdote, en plena

letter or what Mxit'ar had

written to him. The


requested his pardon until

they themselves sent to
Mxit'ar to invite him to the

Octavo: cenobitas debe

residir en los monasterios.
Nadie [en los monasterios]
debera recibir cosas
separado [es decir, como
propiedad privada].

They sent to vardapet

Mxit'ar and beseeched him
to attend the meeting so
that they could make a
reply to the general. They
wrote: "Do not excuse
yourselves on account of
physical weakness, for if
you die
on the way to us we shall
rank your memory with the
first holy vardapets of the
Church." As soon as Mxit'ar
read the council's letter, he
immediately arose and
went to his hosts.

It was wintertime, close to

the celebration of the birth
and Revelation of Jesus
Christ. Once the general

Estos y otros cnones,

escribieron durante la
reunin en el Oeste, y los
enviaron a Zak'aria en el

Ahora kat'oghikos
Yovhannes, que estaba en
Hromkla, con el fin de ganar
el favor de los prncipes de
Oriente envi una
tienda de campaa en
forma de cpula en forma
de una iglesia, as como las
personas a configurarlo y
decoran, un altar de
mrmol y otra

vasos del servicio, y un

obispo llamado Minas y
that [Mxit'ar] was coming,
diconos y empleados y
he sent a prince outside the sacerdote con hermosas
city walls so that as soon as

Mxit'ar came, he would be

voces a

brought directly to him and

not to the meeting. Prior to
the arrival of [gl75] Mxit'ar,
some bishops under

decir misa. Los que [gl70]

lleg visitaron el spasalar
emir en la ciudad de Lorhe
y [134] le present

Zak'are's domination
agreed with the request so
that they would not be
dethroned. But others did
not accept

con los comandos de los

kat'oghikos y sus cartas y
regalos. Del mismo modo,
los embajadores y enviados


Rey Lewon y kat'oghikos

Dawit 'vino.

As soon as the vardapet

arrived, the prince [who had Zak'aria, regocijndose en
been sent to guide Mxit'ar]
todo esto, orden a una
took the bridle of his horse
reunin que se celebrar en
la ciudad de Lorhe. Se
and [139] conducted him to incluyeron su
the general. When the
assembly learned that they relativa Grigores, el obispo
were not allowing Mxit'ar to de Haghbat y el obispo de
Ani, el obispo de Bjni, Dwin,
come to them, they sent
Kars y otros que
vardapet Nerses, a virtuous
and sensible man who
pas a estar all. Tambin se
subsequently became the
incluyeron los vardapets y
directores de los
monasterios, con los
of Kech'arhuk' after the
sacerdotes y el
death of vardapet Grigoris
called Mononik, to go and
sentar multitud. [Zak'are]
say to him to come to the
quera elevar la tienda de
campaa y han dicho en
meeting first so that they
might consult together over
what had to be done
since they were under
En ese perodo hubo

observation and the general florecido [entre los

was close to sending them
armenios] vardapets
into exile.
venerables como Mxit'ar,
llamados Gosh, el
[Nerses] went and met
[Mxit'ar] just as he was
about to enter the general's
dwelling. From outside

constructor del monasterio

de Getik, un hombre
modesto aprendido,
reconocido por su
conocimiento doctrinal;

shouted to him and

delivered the assembly's
message. But the prince
forcibly took him inside.
General Zak'are

K'obayrets'i de Haghbat,
Hovhannes, Vardan, Dawit
'antes de Sanahin (que era
antes) despus de la
muerte de

came before Mxit'ar and

greeted him, saying: "Since
you are here, [the other
clerics] are of no concern to

Vardapet Grigor, que se

llamaba Tuteordi. l era el
tutor (dastiarak) de esos
[Zak'arid] prncipes. [Otros


vardapets prominentes
eran] Grigor llama Mononik,
en Kech'arhuk '; T'urk'ik en
T'eghenik ', que organiz la

The assembly's members

were jealous when they
heard this. Protesting, they monasterio [de la norma]
said: "In everything that the que todas las cosas se
celebrar en comn y que
general [Zak'are] does,
[gl71] nadie recibe nada
Mxit'ar is his advisor. We
are like beasts in his eyes." por separado; Eghia de
T'arh Hawuts ', el que
And they slandered him
finalmente organiz el
servicio de su monasterio
[135] para que

Now when [Mxit'ar] learned

todos cantaron al unsono,

si las notas altas o bajas, y
por lo que uno no se ahog

what had gone on at the

meeting, he reproached the
general with the fact that it

por el otro al cantar.

Haba Grigor Dunats'i y
Sargis el asceta de Sewan.
Estos eran hombres
venerables, pero haba

was not proper to do such

things forcibly. And he sent
to the [140] assembly,
saying: "Concern yourselves tambin muchos otros,
como Grigores, obispo de
with the nation, so that the Haghbat, Vert'anes de Bjni y
people do not mix with the
Dwin, Sargis el ocupante de
Georgians by any custom
and I shall worry about the
[Episcopal] trono de Ani,
general, so that he not be
Hovhannes de Kars y
Georgian [in religion] like
muchos otros de esta zona
his brother who serves the
y que, con venerables
Georgians. Because this is
de los monasterios,
way matters stand, why do ciudades y pueblos.
you reproach me
especially since he has a
rescript from the
Ahora, cuando la gente
kat'oghikos and
escuch y aprendi acerca
from King Lewon to do this.
We, whether we like it or
not, cannot prevent him
from doing what he wants.

Each of you now return to

your dwelling and we shall
beseech the general not to
remove you from your
churches and places. And

de las rdenes de los

kat'oghikos y Rey Lewon,
algunos aceptaron
ellos, pero otros no. Siendo
as desunidos, se separaron
el uno del otro. Un grupo
parti en secreto en
noche e impidi por la
fuerza de los otros entren
hasta que la masa se haba
dicho. Al estar desunidos,
continu culpando unos a

we shall continue to
worship in the same
manner that we have up till

Now unbeknownst to the

vardapet, amirspasalar
Zak'are secretly gave the
order to have them exiled.


Prncipe Zak'are envi a los

monasterios bajo su
dominacin, y los hizo
celebrar la fuerza a las
hazaas de la

Asuncin de la Madre de
Dios y de la Exaltacin de la
Santa Cruz, no el domingo
the vardapet heard about it, como los monjes eran
he saved many of them
habituados a hacer [gl72],
from exile so that they
returned to their dwellings. pero y sobre cualquiera das
que en realidad cayeron
sobre. Hubo mucha
a few days, Iwane, the
desunin y lucha
general's brother, gave the
en la iglesia; en lugar de la
order that the others could
alegra haba dolor; en lugar
also return to their places.
de amor por el otro, el odio
al punto [136] que
Throughout his lifetime,
Zak'are did as he pleased;
but all the churches
observed the traditional

incluso se atrevieron a
blandir espadas contra


Zak'are envi entonces

obispo de Minas (que haba
venido de los kat'oghikos)
para Haghbat con sus
diconos, para que

All the activities, words and

works of this assembly were
written about by the
ellos [efecto] los mismos
sagacious and brilliant
[los cambios] all. Cuando
Minas llegaron cerca del
vardapet [141] Vanakan, in monasterio, Grigores obispo
his history. Vanakan was an

eyewitness to the events

which transpired and he
heard these things with his
own ears, being at the time
a student of the great
vardapet [Mxit'ar]. This and
many other things are
found in his writings, which
may be studied by those
who will.

6. The coming of the

kat'oghikos of
an Albania to the great

de Haghbat
hombres enviados que
llegaron y con dureza a l
ya sus diconos con
bastinados golpearon.
Infligir heridas graves en el
clrigos, los hombres los
dejaron all, medio muerto.
Las mulas que haban
llevado sus paquetes fueron
impulsados por un
y asesinados. El
[lesionados] obispo fue
llevado a Zak'are en una
litera. Al ver Minas, Zak'are
se enfureci al

Grigores y orden que se le

incaut, e incluso se le
princes, because of
amenazaba de muerte.
harassment from foreigners. [Grigores] huy a la tierra
Of the many sorrows and
troubles which the entire
world bore in general from
the southern peoples, the

Kayean, al monasterio Getik

ya la gran Vardapet Mxit'ar
a buscar proteccin, pues
saba que [Mxit'ar]

tena gran influencia con

Zak'are. Aunque [Grigores]
of Ishmael, the lands of
haba resbalado y se le
Armenia and
escapa que el tiempo, que,
Aghbania/Aghuania suffered posteriormente,
even more, for [the native]
kings and
fue capturado en
Kech'arhuk y poner [gl73]
princes were exterminated. en la crcel; y Yovhannes
The Aghbanian kat'oghikoi
fue hecho obispo de

moved hither and thither

because there was no

Haghbat en su lugar.

Este es el hombre que

previamente haba dejado
see. It happened that they
su trono y se haba ido a
came and stopped in a cave Xach'en. Yovhannes era un
by the boundary of a
hombre virtuoso
fortress called Ch'arek, and
que hizo muchas hazaas
ministered to their flock
memorables en Haghbat,
from there. One of their
entre las que estaba la
kat'oghikoi [gl78] named
construccin de un portal
Bezhgen left his order, took conocido all, un
estructura que inspira al
wife, and fathered children. espectador con asombro.
He was rejected and they
ordained lord Step'annos in
his place.
Por lo tanto no haba
[Step'annos] had a
suffragan bishop named
Sarkawag. One day it
happened that the latter
went to the city of
Gandzak [142] to collect
revenues from the priests
and Christians living there.
As Sarkawag was entering,
emir of the city (whose
name was Gurji Badradin)
saw him and asked: "Whose
man are you?" And as soon
he answered: "The
kat'oghikos' " the emir said

confusin en las iglesias de

Oriente, ya que [137]
durante mucho tiempo que
no tenan la costumbre

de hacer lo que le peda: no

celebrar las fiestas en el da
en que ocurri cada uno,
para que no se romperan
ayunos. Tampoco se
realizan misa con diconos
y empleados; ms bien, los
sacerdotes asistieron a la
otra. creo que
haban adoptado esta

to him: "I have heard that

the Christians have a great

costumbre debido a la
tirana de los Tachiks
[rabes] que no permita
celebration when they bless que los cristianos
the waters. Now your
holiday is near. Call your
a practicar su religin
kat'oghikos with his
libremente. Por lo tanto los
deacons as is
sacerdotes no se atrevieron
a abrir las puertas de la
your custom, and bless the iglesia a la hora
waters of our city, that we
too make merry with you."
del misterio supremo, para
que ninguno de los
extranjeros sera cometer
cualquier crimen o hacer
The suffragan bishop went
cualquier otra cosa que
and related the emir's
commard to the
kat'oghikos. And the
kat'oghikos rejoiced


exceedingly because none

of the kat'oghikoi or
prominent clerics had dared
to openly enter the city or

Una vez ms Zak'are

orden una asamblea
convocada en el distrito de
Shirak, en la ciudad capital
de Ani. Lo anterior-

circulate around in it
because it was held by the
Iranians who thirsted after
Christian blood. [This was
the Iranians] had born much
affliction from the
inhabitants of Xach'en who
spent their lives in
brigandage and
had killed many Iranians,
robbing the Christians
under their sway. Similarly
the Georgian king and his

obispos y vardapets
mencionados y muchos
otros se reunieron. Zak'are
escribi a Vardapet Mxit'ar
para que
venir a la reunin. Pero
Mxit'ar excus debido a la
enfermedad y la
incapacidad y escribi una
respuesta como
siguiente: "Estoy de
acuerdo con lo que [los
otros asistentes] hacen y


deseo, y os ruego [gl74] no

were also hostile to the

me implorar an ms,
Iranians, and for this
porque yo no puedo ir ".
reasons, they were enemies
of all Christians [gl79].

Now the kat'oghikos

assembled the bishops and
vardapets of his diocese
and went with them to
answer the
emir's call. When the emir
saw him, he rejoiced
exceedingly and ordered
[143] that they go with
great wealth
and solemnity, with hooded
crosses and bell-ringers,
worshipping loudly, to bless
the waters. The emir
mounted on a steed and
went with many of his
troops to see it, for
diversion. The whole city
with its pagan

Ahora Zak'are convoc la

reunin y pidi un
compromiso de ellos para
hacer lo que le pidi. Ellos
respondieron: "Es
es imposible para nosotros
hacer esto sin la gran
Vardapet. "Para ellos
llamaban Mxit'ar esto por
respeto. A continuacin,
Zak'are [138] les mostr la
carta y dijo:. "Aqu est,
porque esta es su escritura
La carta es Mxit'ar y
Mxit'ar es la letra. "Pero l
no les mostr la carta o lo
Mxit'ar le haba escrito. La
pidi perdn hasta que ellos
mismos enviados a Mxit'ar
para invitarlo a la reunin.

population was stirred by

the event, and they too
went to view it. As soon as
the holy oil was sprinkled
on the

Enviaron a Vardapet Mxit'ar

y le suplicaron a asistir a la
reunin para que pudieran
hacer un unnime

water, the Iranians said:

"Aha, the emir would make
all of us Christians, for what

responder a la general.
Ellos escribieron: "No
excusarse a s mismos a

more do Christians do than

baptize and anoint? We all
drink from that water, and
we bathe in it. Hereafter we
shall become faithless
apostates because of this.
Now come, let's devise

causa de la debilidad fsica,

ya que si se muere
en el camino que nos
vamos a clasificar su
memoria con los primeros
vardapets santos de la
Iglesia. "Tan pronto como
leer la carta del Consejo, de
inmediato se levant y fue
a sus anfitriones.

Gathering a large mob, they

seized the kat'oghikos and
placed him in prison. They
chased after the emir and

threw him into prison as

well. They then wrote to the
atabeg who resided in
Isfahan (Aspahan) saying:

Era invierno, cerca de la

celebracin del nacimiento
y la Revelacin de
Jesucristo. Una vez que el
general saba
que [Mxit'ar] vena, envi
un prncipe fuera de las
murallas de la ciudad por lo
que tan pronto como lleg
Mxit'ar, sera
trado directamente a l y
no a la reunin. Antes de la
llegada de [gl75] Mxit'ar,
algunos obispos bajo

emir has removed us all

from our faith, because he
allowed the head [gl80] of
the Christians to dump pig

La dominacin de Zak'are
estuvo de acuerdo con el
pedido, por lo que no iban a
ser destronados. Pero otros
no aceptaron

into our water. Now both of

them, the kat'oghikos and
the emir, are in prison.
Whatever you order will be


done to them." The atabeg

ordered that the emir be
removed from his authority
and sent to him. As for the
kat'oghikos, after taking
much treasure of gold and
[144] silver from him, they
let him go wherever he
wanted. Delivered from
danger, the kat'oghikos
went to Xach'en, and
thereafter no longer dared
to enter the
borders of Gandzak.

Once the monks in the

region around the city and
the priests of the districts
saw that lord Step'annos
did not
dare come to them, and
since they did not dare go
to him, they took that
dethroned Bezhgen and
him], giving him the
authority and order of the
priesthood. When lord
Step'annos learned of this,
excommunicated Bezhgen
along with those who had
done these things, while he
himself moved about, here

Tan pronto como el

Vardapet lleg, el prncipe
[que haba sido enviado
para guiar Mxit'ar] tom las
riendas de su caballo
y [139] lo llev a cabo a lo
general. Cuando el conjunto
se enter de que no
estaban permitiendo a
venga a ellos, enviaron
Vardapet Nerses, un
hombre virtuoso y sensible
que posteriormente se
convirti en el director
de Kech'arhuk 'despus de
la muerte de Vardapet
Grigoris llamada Mononik, ir
y decirle que venga a la
reunirse primero para que
pudieran ponerse de
acuerdo sobre lo que haba
que hacer - ya que estaban
la observacin y el general
estaba cerca de
envindolos al exilio.

[Nerses] sali y se reuni

[Mxit'ar] justo cuando
estaba a punto de entrar en
la vivienda del general.
Desde fuera [Nerses]
grit a l y le entreg el

and there, until he died, in

Herg district.

mensaje de la asamblea.
Pero el prncipe se lo llev
por la fuerza interior.
General Zak'are

When the vardapets and

bishops of
Aghbania/Aghuania saw
that the kat'oghikosatc had
ceased its existence

vino antes Mxit'ar y lo

salud, diciendo: "Puesto
que usted est aqu, [los
otros clrigos] no son de
inters para

and that there was no one

left of the kat'oghikosaX
line, neither bishop nor
priest but only a young


they took the latter to

bishop Wanes in Bjni and
had him ordained priest.

They brought him to

Gandzak, to the city's ruler,
whose name was emir
Omar; and they beseeched
him to
command that the lad be
ordained kat'oghikos. But
the emir said: "He is
extremely young. Why don't
who are already mature
become kat'oghikosl [gl81]"
And they told him:
"Because this young man is
of the
kat'oghikosaX line, the
throne belongs to him."

Los miembros de la
asamblea estaban celosos
cuando oyeron esto.
Protestando, dijeron: "En
todo lo que el
general [Zak'are] hace,
Mxit'ar es su asesor. Somos
como bestias en sus ojos. "Y
le calumniados mucho

Ahora, cuando [Mxit'ar]

aprendido lo que haba
pasado en la reunin, que
reproch al general con el
hecho de que
no era apropiado para hacer
este tipo de cosas por la
fuerza. Y envi a la [140]
asamblea, diciendo:
"ustedes Preocupacin
con la nacin, para que el

[145] So the emir ordered

that he be ordained. There
were a few bishops there
who ordained him. As soon

pueblo no se mezclan con

los georgianos por ninguna
costumbre y yo se preocupe
por el

en general, para que no sea

de Georgia [en la religin]
al igual que su hermano,
this happened, the emir had que sirve a los georgianos.
the kat'oghikos Yovhannes
Debido a que este es el
mounted on a mule, placed
a robe of honor on him,
asuntos forma de pie, por
qu me reprochas - sobre
and he ordered that the
todo porque l tiene un
kat'oghikos be led through
rescripto de los kat'oghikos
the streets of the city, with
trumpeteers before and
del rey Lewon para hacer
esto. Nosotros, nos guste o
no, podemos no le impidi
hacer lo que quiere.
Lord Yovhannes occupied
the throne of the Aghbanian
kat'oghikosaX.^ for many
years. He established his
residence within the
borders of Ch'arek', in a
cave which we spoke about
earlier. However, he was
by the foreigners and
applied to the grandee
princes Zak'are and his
brother Iwane to [let him]
come to

Cada uno de ustedes ahora

regresan a su vivienda y se
suplicar al general no le
quite de su
Iglesias y lugares. Y vamos
a seguir para adorar de la
misma manera que
tenemos hasta ahora ".

Armenia. They received him

with great honor. Iwane
Ahora sin el conocimiento
settled him in the Miap'or
del Vardapet, amirspasalar
district, in a monastery
Zak'are dio en secreto el fin


de tenerlos exiliados.

Xamshi. He began to build a

large, wonderful church, but el Vardapet odo hablar de
before it was completed,
l, salv a muchos de ellos
[the construction] was
desde el exilio para que
regresaron a sus viviendas.
halted for the sultan of
Khurasan, called Jalaladin,
came and struck at the
a los pocos das, Iwane,
kingdom of Georgia and
hermano del general, dieron
la orden de que los otros
tambin podran regresar a
to bring one after another
sus lugares.
army of foreigners to
destroy the lands of
A lo largo de su vida,
Aghbania/Aghuania, and
Zak'are hizo lo que quiso;
Georgia [gl82].
pero todas las iglesias
observan las costumbres
7. Concerning the venerable Todas las actividades, las
vardapets in Vaspurakan.
palabras y las obras de esta
asamblea se escribieron
sobre el sagaz y brillante
[146] In these days there
Vardapet [141] Vanakan, en
were virtuous and radiant
su historia. Vanakan fue
vardapets, like luminaries,
testigo ocular de los
who made the land glow.
acontecimientos que
Among them were
ocurrieron y l
Step'annos, the son of
Yusik, a wonder-worker and odo hablar de estas cosas
a blessed man whose grave con sus propios odos,
siendo en ese entonces un
(after his
estudiante de la gran
death) became a cure for all

the sick; Gorg Karnets'i, a

wise and learned man; the
[cleric] called Tirats'u who
attained the rank of bishop;
Astuatsatur (called the son
of Aghbayrik) from the city
of Archesh. Those who

Vardapet [Mxit'ar]. Esto y

muchas otras cosas se
encuentran en sus escritos,
que pueden ser estudiados
por los que lo harn.

saw this man relate much

about his virtues.
6. La llegada de los
He was the son of a wealthy kat'oghikos de Aghbania /
Aghuania / caucsico
man, and was extremely
Albania a la gran
pious and a lover of the
poor. When informed that
prncipes, a causa de acoso
por parte de los extranjeros.
mother had died, he
thanked God and went to
her burial. He took gold and
silver and placed it in his
hands and then called the
poor to take the money
from his mother's hands as
if she herself was giving it.
When his father died he
took all his possessions and
distributed them to the

He had many stores which

De los muchos dolores y

angustias que el mundo
entero llevaban en general,
de los pueblos del sur, a los
de Ismael, las tierras de
Armenia y Aghbania /
Aghuania sufrieron an
ms, porque [los nativos]
reyes y
prncipes fueron
exterminados. El kat'oghikoi
Aghbanian mova de aqu
para all, porque no haba
ver. Sucedi que vinieron y
se detuvo en una cueva por

he rented; each month,

taking the money [gl 83],
he bought sheepskins and
with it. With his own hands
he sewed them into clothes
and gave them to the poor.

[147] Seeing his good

deeds, many of the Tachiks
came to him and were
baptized as Christians by

When the unbelievers saw

that Astuatsatur was the
cause of this, they wanted
to kill him. But they did not
dare do it because of the
multitude of people. They
therefore planned to
ensnare him secretly. They
took one

la frontera de una fortaleza

llamada Ch'arek, y
ministrado a su rebao a
partir de ah. Uno de sus
kat'oghikoi [gl78] llamado
Bezhgen dej su orden,
tom una
esposa, e hijos
engendrados. Fue
rechazado y ordenado
seor Step'annos en su

[Step'annos] tena un
obispo sufragneo llamado
Sarkawag. Un da sucedi
que este ltimo fue a la
ciudad de
Gandzak [142] para recoger
los ingresos de los
sacerdotes y cristianos que
viven all. Como Sarkawag
estaba entrando, la

of their servants, strangled

him and threw his corpse at
the doors of the monastery
during nighttime. First

emir de la ciudad (que se

llamaba Gurji Badradin) lo
vio y le pregunt: "De
quin es el hombre eres t"
Y tan pronto como

thing in the morning they

came and besieged the
monastery to kill everyone,
as though the one inside

l contest: el emir "Los

kat'oghikos '" le dijo: "He
odo que los cristianos
tienen una gran

committed the murder.

When the Christians heard

celebracin cuando
bendicen las aguas. Ahora

about this, they assembled

in countless multitudes to

sus vacaciones est cerca.

Llame a sus kat'oghikos con
sus diconos como es

and to give assistance.

su costumbre, y bendice las

aguas de nuestra ciudad,
que tambin nosotros
hagamos fiesta con ustedes

But the holy man of God

saw the secret trap of the
enemy, how they wanted to
slaughter many people on
account, since Iranians
ruled in the city. He said to
them: "Allow us one night
and tomorrow do as you

El obispo sufragneo fue y

se relaciona commard del
emir de los kat'oghikos. Y
los kat'oghikos regocijaron

excesivamente porque
ninguno de los kat'oghikoi o
prominentes clrigos se
Give us the deceased man." haba atrevido a entrar
And they gave him the
abiertamente a la ciudad o
body. The vardapet then
ordered that a night service circular por en ella, ya que
estaba en manos de los
iranes que sed de sangre
performed, and that God be cristiana. [Esto era porque
beseeched to deliever them
from calumny. Astuatsatur
los iranes] haban nacido
isolated himself [gl 84]
de gran tribulacin de los
habitantes de Xach'en que
and sighing heavily, he
pasaron sus vidas en el
beseeched God for a
bandolerismo y
visitation. In the morning he
opened the doors of the
haba matado a muchos
iranes, robando a los
cristianos bajo su dominio.
and called all inside
Del mismo modo el rey de
believers and unbelievers
Georgia y sus tropas
alike. Making the sign [148]
of the Cross, he said loudly, tambin eran hostiles a los
iranes, y por estas razones,

inform everyone: "I say to

you, man, come, arise in
the name of Jesus Christ
Who created being out of

que eran enemigos de

todos los cristianos [gl79].

nothingness, and say before

everyone who murdered
you." The deceased
immediately arose and
regarded the

Ahora los kat'oghikos

reunidos los obispos y
vardapets de su dicesis y
se fueron con ellos para
responder a la

crowd. He saw his slayer

and said: "That man killed
me." Then that holy man of
God [Astuatsatur] said to

la llamada del emir. Cuando

el emir le vio, se alegr
sobremanera y mand
[143] que van con gran

him: "Lay down your head

once more and repose until
the general Resurrection."
Instantly, the man died
again. Thus were they
delivered from death, and
the name of Christ was

8. The death of general


y solemnidad, con cruces

con capucha y campaneros,
adorando en voz alta, para
bendecir las aguas. El emir
montado en un corcel y se
fue con muchos de sus
tropas para verlo, para el
desvo. Toda la ciudad con
su pagana
poblacin se agit por el
evento, y que tambin fue a
verlo. Tan pronto como el
aceite santo era rociada
sobre el
agua, los iranes dijeron:
"Aj, el emir hara todos
nosotros los cristianos, para
qu ms hacer los
cristianos de

After many feats of bravery

and triumphs accomplished bautizar y ungir? Todos
by the great princes Zak'are

and Iwane, they went to

the city of Marand, took it,
and destroyed the districts
around it. Then they went
on to Ardabil (Artawil) and
similarly took it.

Many of the inhabitants

together with their prayercallers (who are called
mughri) took refuge in their
houses. Zak'are ordered
that grass and stalks be
brought. He had [149] oil
and naptha poured on this
until [the mosques] [gl 85]
were blazing with flames;
and he burned [the
Muslims] to death saying:
"Here are
princes and laymen in
return for the Armenian
princes whom the Tachiks
immolated in the churches
Naxchawan, Koran-readers
(kurhayk'n) in return for the
priests of Baguan who were
slaughtered and whose
blood was splattered on the
gates of the church a
place which is darkened to

bebemos de que el agua, y

nos baamos en el mismo.
All llegaremos a ser infiel
apstatas debido a esto.
Ahora vienen, vamos a
idear algo ".

Recopilacin de una gran

multitud, se apoderaron de
los kat'oghikos y lo
colocaron en la crcel.
Persiguieron despus de
que el emir y

le ech en la crcel
tambin. Luego escribieron
al atabeg que resida en
Isfahan (Aspahan) diciendo:
emir nos ha eliminado de
nuestra fe, porque permiti
que la cabeza [GL80] de los
cristianos para volcar la
grasa de cerdo
en nuestra agua. Ahora los
dos, los kat'oghikos y el
emir, estn en prisin. Lo
que usted pide ser

this day."

hecho a ellos ". El atabeg

orden que el emir ser
removido de su autoridad y
And Zak'are went to his own envi a l. En cuanto a la
land. On the way he
kat'oghikos, despus de
became ill, for incurable
tomar mucho tesoro de oro
sores appeared on his
y [144] de plata de l, lo
limbs. As
dejaron ir dondequiera que
soon as one would heal,
another would flare up. He
died after a few days of
such torments. All the

deseado. Entregado del
peligro, los kat'oghikos
fueron a Xach'en, ya partir
de entonces ya no se
atrevieron a entrar en el

mourned. They took his

body and buried it at
fronteras de Gandzak.
Sanahin, in the great church
beneath the altar on the
right side.
Una vez que los monjes de
Great mourning was
la regin alrededor de la
undertaken by the king of
ciudad y los sacerdotes de
Georgia, Georgi nicknamed los distritos vio que el seor
Lasha (son of Soslan and
Step'annos no lo hizo
atreven llegado a ellos, y
grandson of Georgi the
puesto que no se atrevieron
great king) and by
ir con l, tomaron que
[Zak'are's] brother Iwane
destron Bezhgen y
with all the Georgian troops. [reinstal
Zak'are left
l], dndole la autoridad y
a young son named
el orden del sacerdocio. Al
Shahnshah, whom Iwane
seor Step'annos se enter
raised along with his own
de esto,
son Sargis (called Awag),
excomulgados Bezhgen
until he
junto con los que haban
reached maturity and ruled hecho estas cosas, mientras
his patrimonial principality
que l mismo se mova,


y all, hasta su muerte, en
el distrito de Herg.

[Page 150]

9. King Lewon and his


Cuando los vardapets y

obispos de Aghbania /
Aghuania vieron que el
kat'oghikosatc haba cesado
su existencia
y que no haba nadie a la
izquierda de la lnea
kat'oghikosaX, ni obispo ni
sacerdote, pero slo un
joven dicono,
tomaron el ltimo a obispo
Wanes en Bjni y le haban
ordenado sacerdote.

The pious and victorious

king of the Armenians,
Lewon, in addition to the
many deeds of bravery that
accomplished, also
subjugated the neighboring
peoples. The rebel
kat'oghikos of the
Armenians, Yovhannes
(who was at Hrhomkla),
came to him and they were
reconciled with each other,
once lord Dawit' died at

Ellos lo llevaron a Gandzak,

al gobernador de la ciudad,
cuyo nombre era emir
Omar; y le suplicaron a
di que el muchacho sea
ordenado kat'oghikos. Pero
el emir dijo:. "l es muy
joven Por qu no
que ya estn maduros
convertirse kat'oghikosl
[gl81] "Y ellos le dijo:"
Debido a que este joven es
lnea kat'oghikosaX, el trono

que le pertenece ".

But King Lewon took ill and
died. He had summoned
kat'oghikos Yovhannes and
all the commanders with
their troops; and, since he
did not have a son, but only
a daughter, he entrusted
her to the kat'oghikos and
the princes so that they
enthrone her in his place,
obey her, and marry her to
a man of corresponding
He entrusted her to the
kat'oghikos and to two
grandee princes his
relative Kostandin and sir
Atan (who was
of Roman confession)
and then he died peacefully
in the year 668 A.E. [1219],
having ruled the kingdom
for twenty-four years
bravely and with a good
reputation [gl87].

His entire dominion

mourned him greatly as did
all the troops, for the philoChristian king was very
dear to
everyone. After appropriate

[145] Por lo tanto el emir

orden que fuera ordenado.
Haba unos pocos obispos
all quin lo orden. Tan
pronto como
esto sucedi, el emir tena
los kat'oghikos Yovhannes
montado en una mula,
colocado un manto de
honor en l,
y orden que los
kat'oghikos ser conducidos
por las calles de la ciudad,
con trumpeteers delante y
por detrs.

Seor Yovhannes ocuparon

el trono del Aghbanian
kat'oghikosaX. ^ Durante
muchos aos. Estableci su
residencia en el territorio de
Ch'arek ', en una cueva de
la que hablbamos antes.
Sin embargo, fue acosado
por los extranjeros y se
aplica a la grande prncipes
Zak'are y su hermano Iwane
a [dejarlo] llegado a
Armenia. Ellos lo recibieron
con gran honor. Iwane le
instal en el distrito Miap'or,

mourning, they prepared his en un monasterio llamado

body for burial.
Xamshi. Empez a construir
una maravillosa iglesia
grande, pero antes de que
se complet, [la
construccin] era
Kirakos Gandzakets'i's

History of the Armenians

detenido por el sultn de

Jorasn, llamado Jalaladin,
vino y golpe en el reino de
Georgia y amenazado
para traer uno tras otro
ejrcito de extranjeros para
destruir las tierras de
Armenia, Aghbania /
Aghuania, y
Georgia [gl82].

[151] However, a conflict

arose since some said that
[Lewon] should be buried in
the royal city of Sis, while

7. En cuanto a los
other said [the burial should vardapets venerables en
be] at the monastery called Vaspurakan.
Akner, since the king
greatly loved that
[146] En estos das hubo
vardapets virtuosos y
because of the goodness of radiantes, como luminarias,
its discipline and its
que hicieron el resplandor
marvellous prayers. Now
de la tierra.
some did not think that
monastery a
Entre ellos se encontraban
Step'annos, hijo de Yusik,
proper site for it was
una maravilla de trabajo y
located near the border and un hombre bendecido cuya
there were many enemies

around it. "Perhaps," they

"they will come, remove his
body and burn it with fire
because of the many
grudges they have against
Finally, they all united. They
took [Lewon's] body and
buried it in the city of Sis,
while his heart and
intestines were taken to the
monastery called Akner.

Thus did the valiant, evertriumphant King Lewon

repose in piety.

The kat'oghikos and the

princes brought the son of
the lord of Antioch, named
prince {brindz) and gave
in marriage the daughter of
King Lewon, thus making
him their king. The youth's
name was Phillip and the
queen's name was Zabel.
When [gl 88] [Phillip] had
ruled the kingdom for four
years, his father deceived
and took from him the

tumba (despus de su
muerte) se convirti en una
cura para todos los
enfermos; Gorg Karnets'i,
un hombre sabio y
aprendido; el [clrigo] llama
Tirats'u que
alcanzado el rango de
obispo; Astuatsatur
(llamado el hijo de
Aghbayrik) de la ciudad de
Archesh. Aquellos que
vio a este hombre se
relaciona mucho acerca de
sus virtudes.

l era el hijo de un hombre

rico, y era extremadamente
piadoso y un amante de los
pobres. Cuando se le
inform de que su
madre haba muerto, dio
gracias a Dios y se fue a su
entierro. l se llev el oro y
la plata y lo puso en su
manos y luego llamaron a
los pobres a tomar el dinero
de manos de su madre
como si ella misma estaba
Cuando muri su padre
tom todas sus posesiones
y los distribuy a los

crown of King Lewon and

the [152] royal paghat (?
tent) which they erected on


special occasions, and other

treasures of gold and silver.
As soon as the princes saw
Tena muchas tiendas que
that the man was not
alquilaba; cada mes,
loyal to the kingdom, they
tomando el dinero [gl 83],
arrested and held him until compr pieles de oveja y
he return the crown and
treasures. But his father
con ello. Con sus propias
manos, los cosa en la ropa
neither the one nor the
y los dio a los pobres.
other, and did not aid his
son in any way. And they
left him there [in prison]
[147] Al ver sus buenas
until he
obras, muchas de las
Tachiks vinieron a l y
fueron bautizados como
cristianos por l.
The great prince Kostandin
convinced the kat'oghikos
and some of the other
grandees to enthrone his
son, Het'um, a physically
robust and handsome lad.
But the queen did not
consent to being the wife of
a child.

Cuando los incrdulos

vieron que Astuatsatur fue
la causa de esto, que
queran matarlo. Pero no lo
atrevera hacerlo debido a
la multitud de personas. Por
lo tanto, planeaban
atraparlo en secreto.
Tomaron un solo

She defied him and went to

Seleucia, to the Franks
there; for her mother was of de sus siervos, lo
estrangul y arroj su
Frankish nationality, and
cadver a las puertas del

from the island of Cyprus.

Kostandin took all the

troops and besieged the
city until they unwillingly
surrendered the queen.
took her and married her to
his son, to whom she bore
children. The woman was
extremely pious and

monasterio durante la
noche. primero
hora de la maana que vino
y siti el monasterio de
matar a todos, como si el
uno en el interior tena
cometido el asesinato.
Cuando los cristianos se
enter de esto, se reunieron
en incontables multitudes a

y para dar ayuda.

sensible a lover of all
God-fearing and poor folk
who constantly fasted and
Pero el hombre santo de
prayed [gl89].
Dios vio la trampa secreta
del enemigo, cmo queran
matar a mucha gente en su
Once his son Het'um had
taken the rule of the
cuenta, ya que los iranes
kingdom, the great prince
gobern en la ciudad. l les
Kostandin himself assumed dijo: "nosotros Deje una
all the
noche y maana hacer lo
que se quiere.
concerns of the kingdom,
arranging everything wisely. Danos el hombre fallecido.
Some he made obedient
"Y le dio el cuerpo. El
with affection, while the
Vardapet orden entonces
que un servicio nocturno
disobedient were
eliminated, making some
into fugitives, killing others. realiz, y que Dios se
He made friendship [153]
suplic al deliever desde la
and union
calumnia. Astuatsatur aisl
[gl 84]
with the sultan of Rum,
whose name was Ala al-Din y suspirando
(Aladin), who had many
profundamente, l suplic a
lands under his control.
Dios por la visita. Por la

Kostandin did the same with maana, abri las puertas

all the neighboring peoples, del monasterio
and pacified the lands
y llam a todos dentro everywhere.
creyentes y no creyentes
por igual. Hacer el signo
[148] de la Cruz, dijo en voz
He established his eldest
alta, a
son, Smbat, as general and
made the other son prince
informar a todos: "Yo digo,
of the kingdom. And all the hombre, venga, surgir en el
nombre de Jesucristo, Quien
monks in the country were
cre estar fuera de
unconcerned about their
physical necessities, for he
la nada, y dicen antes de
himself gave them
todos los que le asesinaron.
"El fallecido
inmediatamente se levant
they needed, so that they
y mir al
might occupy themselves
with prayers and worship.
multitud. Vio a su asesino y
dijo: "Ese hombre me
mat." Luego de que el
hombre santo de Dios
The country became filled
[Astuatsatur] dijo
with skilled and unskilled
men who assembled from
all sides fleeing the
wrought by the T'at'ars who
had come from the
northeast and overthrown
the entire world.

After this, kat'oghikos

Yovhannnes also died,
having occupied the throne
for eighteen years. The
great prince

l: "Acustate su cabeza
una vez ms y el reposo
hasta la resurreccin
general." Al instante, el
hombre muri
de nuevo. As fueron
librados de la muerte, y el
nombre de Cristo fue

with the king seated lord

Kostandin on the throne of
Saint Gregory. He was a
virtuous mild man of

8. La muerte del general


behavior, who conducted

[gl90] himself with
goodness and regulated the Despus de muchas
hazaas de valenta y
order of the Church with
triunfos logrados por los
orthodoxy. Kostandin was
grandes prncipes Zak'are y
revered by all peoples, not
Iwane, fueron a
only by Christians, but also
la ciudad de Marand, tom
by Tachiks.
y destruy los distritos
alrededor. Luego pasaron a
Ardabil (Artawil) y
igualmente se lo llev.
[154] Once it happened that
the three sultans went to
Muchos de los habitantes
the borders of the city
junto con sus interlocutores
called Hrhomkla on the
Prayer- (que son llamados
mughri) se refugiaron en su
Euphrates River where the
throne of the kat'oghikosate oracin
was located. The
kat'oghikos went out to see

casas. Zak'are orden que

ser llevados hierba y tallos.
l tena [149] de petrleo y
nafta derramada en esta

As soon as the sultans

learned of his coming, they
themselves hastened
hasta que [las mezquitas]
before him and brought him [gl 85] estaban ardiendo
to the
con llamas; y quem [los
army with great honor. They musulmanes] a muerte
erected a fine altar for him, diciendo: "Aqu estn
in the midst of their altars.
On one side was the altar

prncipes y laicos, a cambio

of Melik' K'eml who ruled

Egypt, on another side was
the altar of Melik' Ashrap'
who ruled most of Armenia
and Mesopotamia, as well
as the altar of their
brother's son who ruled
Damascus. Thus honoring
him greatly

de los prncipes armenios

quienes los Tachiks
inmolados en las iglesias de
Naxchawan, Corn-readers
(kurhayk'n) a cambio de los
sacerdotes de Baguan que
fueron sacrificados y cuyo
sangre fue salpicada en las
puertas de la iglesia - un
lugar que se oscureci
hasta nuestros das ".

for many days, they

released him with many
presents [including] villages
and dastakerts, for God
Y Zak'are fue a su propia
those who glorify Him, both tierra. En el camino se
enferm, por incurables
in this world and in the
llagas aparecieron en sus
extremidades. Como

pronto como se podra

Het'um's reign began in 673 curar, otra sera estallar.
AE. [1224/25] [gl91].
Muri a los pocos das de
tales tormentos. Todos los

10. A brief section on the

history of
Aghbania/Aghuania is
presented below.

At the beginning of the first

[section of this] history we
placed [accounts of] the
holy Illuminator of the

llorado. Se llevaron su
cuerpo y lo enterraron en
Sanahin, en la gran iglesia
bajo el altar en el lado
Gran duelo se llev a cabo
por el rey de Georgia,
Georgi apodado Lasha (hijo
de Soslan y T'amar,
nieto de Georgi gran rey) y
por el hermano [de Zak'are]
Iwane con todas las tropas

Armenians, blessed
Gregory, coadjutor of the
apostle, martyr, and thriceblessed [155] apostles

georgianas. Zak'are dej

un hijo pequeo llamado
Shahnshah, quien Iwane
levant junto con su propio
hijo Sargis (llamado Awag),
hasta que

Bartholemew, and JamesJudas, and through

[Gregory's] prayers we have alcanzado la madurez y
reached this far. Now for the gobern su principado
patrimonial [gl86].
second section [we begin
with] a chapter on the
illuminators of the
Aghbanian areas, since they
are our
relatives and coreligionists,
and especially since many
of their leaders were
Armenian-speaking, their
obedient to the kings of the
Armenians and under their
control, their bishops
ordained by Saint Gregory
his successors, and their
people remained with us in
orthodoxy. For these
reasons it is fitting to recall
the two
peoples together. Therefore
we will begin by concisely
describing their leaders up
to the point where we left

[Pgina 150]

9. Rey Lewon y su muerte.

El rey piadoso y victoriosa

de los armenios, Lewon,
adems de los muchos
actos de valenta que l
logrado, tambin sometido
a los pueblos vecinos. Los
kat'oghikos rebeldes de los
armenios, Yovhannes
(quien estaba en

They say that the initial

cause of the illumination of
the eastern areas was the
blessed Eghishe (pupil of
great Thaddeus the Apostle)
who, after the death of the
holy Apostle went to
Jerusalem to James, the
of the Lord, received [gl92]
ordination as bishop from
him, and then went to the
land of Iran eventually
reaching the land of the
Aghbanians/Aghuans. He
came to a place called Gis
and built a church there,
and he

Hrhomkla), vinieron a l y
se reconciliaron entre s,
una vez seor Dawit 'muri

Pero el rey Lewon se

enferm y muri. Haba
convocado kat'oghikos
Yovhannes y todos los
comandantes con
sus tropas; y, ya que l no
tena un hijo, pero slo una
hija, l la confiada a los
kat'oghikos y todo
los prncipes para que su
entronizan en su lugar,
obedeced a ella, y casarla
con un hombre de la
dignidad que corresponde.

himself was martyred there,

l le confi a los kat'oghikos
though it is not known by
whom. His body was thrown y dos prncipes grandee - su
pariente Kostandin y seor
into a well with other
Atan (que era
corpses and it remained
there until the time of pious de la confesin romana) - y
luego muri pacficamente
King Vach'agan the last.
en el ao 668 AE [1219],
despus de haber
gobernado el reino
[156] Here are the kings of
the Aghbanians/Aghuans
de veinticuatro aos con
from the line of Hayk,
valor y con una buena
descendants of Arhan
reputacin [gl87].
whom the
Parthian Vagharshak set up

as overseer and prince of

those areas. First
Vach'agan, Vach'e, Urhnayr.
The latter
came to the great king of
the Armenians, Trdat, and
to Saint Gregory and was
baptized by him; and Saint

Toda su dominio lo llor

mucho al igual que todas
las tropas, para el rey filocristiana era muy querido
cada uno. Despus de luto
apropiado, prepararon su
cuerpo para la sepultura.

Gregory gave to King

Urhnayr a man from among
his deacons who had come
with him from Rome, and
whom [Gregory] had
Kirakos Gandzakets'i de
ordained as bishop.
Vach'agan, Marhawan, Sato,
Asa, Esvaghen. In the days
of the latter
king, the venerable Mesrop
made alphabets for the
Armenians, Georgians, and

Historia de los Armenios

Vach'e [ruled]. Yazdigert,

king of Iran, who destroyed
the holy Vardaneans forcibly [151] Sin embargo, un
made [Vach'e] a mage,
conflicto surgi desde
algunos dijeron que [Lewon]
but subsequently he left
magianism and his kingdom debe ser enterrado en la
ciudad real de Sis, mientras
with it, became an ascetic
adhering to a severe
and reconciled himself with
God against Whom he had
sinned. Then the pious
Vach'agan ruled, whom we

otro dijo [el entierro debe

ser] en el monasterio
llamado Akner, ya que el
rey amaba enormemente
ese monasterio
debido a la bondad de su

recalled above. He heard

that they had thrown
blessed Eghishe['s body]
into a well and he ordered
that all the
bones found [in the well] be
removed. They removed
them and piled them into
heaps. The pious king
to God that the bones of
Saint Eghishe be [gl93]
revealed. A fierce wind
arose and scattered across
the face
of the plain all the bones
except for those of Saint
Eghishe. Thanking God, the
king gathered them up and
distributed [the relics]
throughout his realm.

[157] Then holy

Shup'haghishoy became
bishop. However we are
confused about his
placement, for the man

disciplina y sus maravillosas

oraciones. Ahora algunos no
piensan que un monasterio
sitio adecuado para ello se
encuentra cerca de la
frontera y haba muchos
enemigos alrededor. "Tal
vez", dijeron,
"ellos vendrn, retirar su
cuerpo y quemar con el
fuego debido a los muchos
rencores que tienen contra
Por ltimo, todos ellos
unidos. Tomaron el cuerpo
[de Lewon] y lo enterraron
en la ciudad de Sis,
mientras que su corazn y
intestinos fueron llevados al
monasterio llamado Akner.

As lo hizo el valiente
siempre triunfante reposo,
el rey Lewon en la piedad.

Los kat'oghikos y los

who wrote the history of the prncipes trajeron el hijo del
seor de Antioqua, llamado
Aghbanians [translator's
note: See the History of the prncipe {brindz) y le dieron
Caucasian Albanians by
en el matrimonio de la hija
Movses Dasxuranci, C.J.F.
Dowsett trans. (London
1961). A more recent

del rey Lewon, con lo que

de l su rey. El nombre de la
juventud fue Phillip y al

English translation is
available on

el nombre de la reina era

Zabel. Cuando [gl 88]
[Phillip] haba gobernado el
reino por cuatro aos, su
padre lo enga
y tom de l la corona de
rey Lewon y la [152] paghat
real (? carpa), que se erigi

another page of this

website: Movses
Dasxurants'i's History of the
Aghuans .] places his name ocasiones especiales, y
otros tesoros de oro y plata.
in the time of
Tan pronto como los
the pious Vach'agan, proof
prncipes vieron que el
of which being the canons
hombre no era
which Vach'agan
leales al reino, arrestaron y
established with all the
lo retuvieron hasta que
bishops of the
devuelva la corona y
Aghbanians, writing: "I
tesoros. Pero su padre le dio
Vach'agan, king of the
ni lo uno ni lo otro, y no
Aghbanians, and
Shup'haghishoy, archbishop ayudar a su hijo de
cualquier manera. Y lo
of Partaw."
dejaron all [en la crcel]
Elsewhere this name is not
hasta que
found again among the
ranks of the bishops. But as muri.
we have found it, so we
El gran prncipe Kostandin
written it.
convenci a los kat'oghikos
y algunos de los otros
magnates de entronizar su
Then lord Matt'e, lord Sahak propia
five [years], lord Movses six
hijo, Het'um, un muchacho
[years], lord Pant seven
fsicamente robusto y
[years] lord Ghazar eight
guapo. Pero la reina no dio
[years]. Then the blessed
su consentimiento para ser

youth Grigoris, son of great

Vrt'anes brother of Yusik,
grandson of Saint Gregory
whom the great king of the
Armenians Trdat sent and
who was killed on the plain
of Vatean as a martyr of
God, [was patriarch]. His
body was brought and
buried at Amaras. Later,
during the time of
Vach'agan, relics
were discovered among
which were those of the
blessed Zak'aria, father of
John the Baptist and of
Pantalemon the great
martyr for Christ who was
slain in the city of
Nicomedia in the time of
[and whose relics] Saint
Gregory had taken with

[158] Then lord Zak'aria

[ruled], ten years, [followed
by] lord Dawit' for eleven
years, and lord Yovhannes
(who also was bishop of the
Huns), twelve years, lord
Eremia, thirteen years. In
Eremia's time the venerable
Mesrop created the

la esposa de un nio.
Ella lo desafi y se fue a
Seleucia, a los francos all;
para su madre era de
franco nacionalidad, y
de la isla de Chipre.

Kostandin tom todas las

tropas y siti la ciudad
hasta que
involuntariamente se
rindieron a la reina.
la tom y se cas con ella a
su hijo, a quien dio a luz
hijos. La mujer era muy
piadoso y
sensata - un amante de
todos temerosos de Dios y
gente pobre - que
constantemente ayun y
or [gl89].

Una vez que su hijo Het'um

haba tomado el gobierno
del reino, el gran prncipe
Kostandin mismo asume
toda la
preocupaciones del reino,
disponindolo todo con
prudencia. Algunos se hizo
obediente con afecto,
mientras que el

alphabet with great effort.
Lord Abas [ruled] for
fourteen years.
The Council of Dwin wrote
to Abas that he should
recite the formula "Holy
God, immortal, Who Was

desobedientes fueron
eliminados, lo que hace un
poco en fugitivos, matando
a otros. Hizo amistad [153]
y la unin
con el sultn de Rum, cuyo
nombre era Ala al-Din
(Aladin), que tena muchas
tierras bajo su control.

crucified" and "of one

nature, divine and human." Kostandin hizo lo mismo
Lord Viroy for thirty-three
con todos los pueblos
years. He was a prisoner for vecinos, y pacific las
tierras en todas partes.
many years at the court of
Xosrov, the Iranian king, but
after Xosrov's death he was
Estableci su hijo mayor,
freed and came to his
Smbat, tan general e hizo
own country. He freed the
otro prncipe hijo del reino.
Armenian, Georgian and
Y todo el
Aghbanian prisoners from
the Xazar Shat' (son of Jebu monjes del pas estaban sin
preocuparse por sus
Xak'an who had enslaved
necesidades fsicas, porque
the land). He built six cities l mismo les dio todo
named after Shat': Shat'arh,
que necesitaban, para que
Shamk'or, Shak'i, Shirvan,
puedan ocuparse de las
Shamaxi, and Shaporan.
oraciones y la adoracin.
Lord Zak'aria [who ruled
for] fifteen years, saved the
great city of Partaw from
El pas se llen de hombres
slavery by his prayers. Lord
Yovhan [ruled for] twentyfive years. Lord Uxtanes,
twelve years [gl95]. [It was

calificados y no calificados
que se reunieron desde
todos los lados huyendo de
la destruccin

Uxtanes] who cursed the

Aghbanian naxarars for

causada por los T'at'ars que

haban venido desde el
noreste y derrocado el

their foul mixed marriages,

and all of them died. Then

mundo entero.

Eghiazar [ruled for] six

years. Lord Nerses [ruled
for] seventeen years. While
[Nerses] was bishop of

Despus de esto,
kat'oghikos Yovhannnes
tambin muri, despus de
haber ocupado el trono
durante dieciocho aos. El
gran prncipe

Gardman, he convinced a
certain woman named
Spram, the wife of an
Aghbanian prince, that if
she had him
ordained kat'oghikos of the
Aghbanians, he would do
whatever she wanted. The
woman was steeped in the
Chalcedonian heresy. [159]
She entreated the bishops
to ordain Nerses Bakur as
kat'oghikos of the

After some time had

passed, the heresy which
she had conceived within
her became apparent. As
soon as she
was reprimanded by the
bishops and priests, she
began persecuting many of
them. The spiritual leaders
of the
Aghbanians/ Aghuans
assembled and

con el rey sentado seor

Kostandin en el trono de
San Gregorio. l era un
hombre suave virtuoso de
comportamiento, que llev
a cabo [GL90] a s mismo
con bondad y regula el
orden de la Iglesia con
ortodoxia. Kostandin fue
venerado por todos los
pueblos, no slo por los
cristianos, sino tambin por

[154] Una vez sucedi que

los tres sultanes fueron a
las fronteras de la ciudad
que se llama Hrhomkla en
Ro Eufrates, donde se
encuentra el trono del
kat'oghikosate. Los

anathematized her and

wrote to the kat'oghikos of
the Armenians, Eghia,
to aid them.

Eghia wrote [a message] to

the head of the Tachiks,
Abdlmelik', to the effect
that "The [religious] leader
the Aghbanians and a
woman here want to place
their land in rebellion
against you, for they are
assisting the
Greeks." Abdlmelik'
commanded Eghia to go to
Aghbania and dethrone him
and to send him and the

kat'oghikos salieron a
Tan pronto como los
sultanes aprendieron de su
venida, ellos mismos se
apresuraron ante l y lo
llevaron a la
ejrcito con gran honor. Se
erigieron un altar muy bien
para l, en medio de sus
altares. A un lado estaba el
de Melik 'K'eml que gobern
Egipto, en el otro lado
estaba el altar de Melik'
Ashrap 'que gobern la
mayor parte de Armenia
y Mesopotamia, as como el
altar del hijo de su
hermano, quien gobern
Damasco. As que lo honra

to court with their feet

bound and thrown onto
durante muchos das, lo
camels like freight, so that
liberaron con muchos
they would be the objects of regalos [incluyendo] los
pueblos y dastakerts, por
derision for all the troops.
glorifica a Dios

los que le glorifica, tanto en

Eghia and the king's eunuch este mundo y en el
went to the city of Partaw
and executed the royal
order. While they mocked
El reinado de Het'um
thus with dishonor, Nerses
died bitterly from

comenz en 673 AE. [1224

a 1225] [gl91].

exasperation, eight days

later [gl96]. All the
naxarars and all the bishops
gave [160] pledges before
the eunuch with the royal
command and seal that
would not ordain an
Aghbanian kat'oghikos
without the order of the
Armenian kat'oghikos.

Then Eghia ordained for the

Aghbanian [patriarchal]
throne lord Simeon, who
removed the disturbance
caused by Nerses. [Simeon]
reigned for one and a half
years and established
canons with seven

Lord Mik'ayel [reigned for]

thirty-five years. He
summoned the prior of
Mak'enots'ats' [monastery],

10. Una breve seccin sobre

la historia de Aghbania /
Aghuania se presenta a

Al comienzo de la primera
[seccin de este] historia
colocamos [cuentas de] la
santa iluminador del
Armenios, Gregory
bendecido, coadjutor del
apstol, mrtir, y tres veces
bendito-[155] apstoles
Bartolom y James- Judas, y
por medio de oraciones [de
Gregorio] hemos llegado
hasta aqu. Ahora, para el
segunda seccin
[comenzamos con] un
captulo sobre los
iluminadores de las reas
Aghbanian, ya que son

Soghomon, and cursed

those who had married their parientes y correligionarios,
relatives in the third degree. y sobre todo porque
muchos de sus lderes eran
These were generally
de habla armenia, sus reyes
obediente a los reyes de los
armenios y bajo su control,

sus obispos ordenados por

San Gregorio y
eliminated. They also
anathematized the
Georgian [spiritual] leader
T'alile, for he had
authorized the illegal
marriages. Then lord Anania
[ruled for] four years. Lord
Yovsep' [ruled for]
seventeen years. In the fifth
of his reign the two
hundredth year of the
Armenian Era was
completed [751/52]. Lord
Dawit' [ruled for] four

sus sucesores y sus pueblos

se quedaron con nosotros
en la ortodoxia. Por estas
razones, es oportuno
recordar los dos
pueblos juntos. Por lo tanto
vamos a comenzar por
describir de manera concisa
sus lderes hasta el punto
donde lo dejamos

Dicen que la causa inicial

de la iluminacin de las
zonas orientales fue la
years. [Dawit'] freed Church Eghishe bendita (alumno
lands and ornaments. He
died of poisioning.
gran Tadeo Apstol) que,
[Another] lord Dawit' [then
despus de la muerte del
Santo Apstol fue a
for] nine years. He sold
Jerusaln a Santiago, el
Dastakert and
Sahmanaxach' to the
del Seor, recibi [gl92]
infidels. Lord Matt'eos
ordenacin como obispo de
[ruled for] one and a half
l, y luego fue a la tierra de
years; he too was given
Irn con el tiempo
poison to drink and died
llegar a la tierra de los
from it. Lord Movses, one
and a half years; lord [gl97] Aghbanians / Aghuans.
Lleg a un lugar llamado
Aharon two years; lord
Gis y construy una iglesia
Soghomon, half a year
all, y l
[Editor K. Melik'-Ohanjanyan
l fue martirizado all,

has inserted this patriarch

the list Kirakos was using,
i.e., the list in Book III of
Movses Dasxurants'i's
History of the Caucasian
Aghbanians]; lord T'eodoros
[161] four years; lord
Soghomon, eleven years;
lord Yovhannes, twenty-five
years. [Yovhannes] moved
the kat'oghikosate to
Bardak which was their
summer residence when it

aunque no se sabe por

quin. Su cuerpo fue
arrojado a un pozo con otra
cadveres y permanecieron
all hasta el momento de la
piadoso rey Vach'agan la

[156] stos son los reyes de

los Aghbanians / Aghuans
desde la lnea de Hayk,
descendientes de Arhan
quien el

removed fromPartaw. Lord

Movses [ruled for] one half
year; lord Dawit', for
twenty-eight years. It was

Parto Vagharshak
configurado como
supervisor y el prncipe de
esas reas. Primero
Vach'agan, Vach'e, Urhnayr.
El ltimo

[Dawit'] who blessed the

impious marrage of the lord
of Shak'i. Now the prince's
lay brother asked [Dawit']:

lleg al gran rey de los

armenios, Trdat, y San
Gregorio y fue bautizado
por l; y San

"Whence do you come,

lord?" And [Dawit'] replied:
"From your brother's
house." Then the prince
said to

Gregory dio al rey Urhnayr

un hombre de entre sus
diconos que haban venido
con l desde Roma, y

Dawit': "May your tongue,

which blessed this not
speak, and may your eye
dry up." And this very thing

quien [Gregory] haba

ordenado como obispo.
Vach'agan, Marhawan, Sato,
Asa, Esvaghen. En los das
de la ltima

happened immediately, nor

was [Dawit'] cured until his

rey, el venerable Mesrop

hizo alfabetos para los


armenios, georgianos y
Aghbanians / Aghuans.

Then lord Yovsep' [ruled for] Vach'e [gobernado].

twenty-five years. In his
Yazdigert, rey de Irn, que
third year, the three
destruy la santa
hundredth year of the
Vardaneans hizo por la
fuerza [Vach'e] un mago,
Era was completed

Lord Samuel [ruled for]

seventeen years. He
assumed the dignity [of
kat'oghikos] by himself, but
was later
dethroned by Georg,
kat'oghikos of the
Armenians, and forced to
undergo a second
ordination in Dwin.

pero posteriormente
abandon magismo y su
reino con l, se convirti en
un asceta adherirse a una
severa disciplina,
y reconciliado con Dios
contra quien haba pecado.
Entonces los piadosos
Vach'agan dictamin, a
ha recordado ms arriba.
Oy que haban arrojado
bendita ['s cuerpo] Eghishe
en un pozo y orden que
todo el

Lord Yovhan [ruled for]

eight and a half years. He
was court -bishop of the
Armenians. While Georg
was in

pueden quitar huesos

encontrados [en el pozo].
Se los quitaron y los
apilaban en montones. El
rey piadoso or

captivity, [162] Yovhan

went to the land of the
Aghbanians and was
ordained there without the
permission of

a Dios que los huesos de

San Eghishe ser [gl93]
revel. Un fuerte viento
levant y se dispersa a
travs de la cara

lord Georg. But when the

Aghbanian princes

de los llanos todos los

huesos a excepcin de las

ransomed back lord Georg,

he removed Yovhan from
the dignity

de San Eghishe.
Agradeciendo a Dios, el rey
les recogi y

[of the kat'oghikosdlo]. The distribuido [las reliquias]

Aghbanian princes
todo su reino.
beseeched Georg as a favor
to accept Yovnan, and so he
ordained him again.

Lord Simeon [ruled for]

twenty-one years; lord
Dawit', five years; lord
Sahak, eighteen years; lord
fourteen years. In [Gagik's]
fourth year, the four
hundredth year of the
Armenian Era was
completed [951/52]

[157] Luego santa

Shup'haghishoy convirti en
obispo. Sin embargo
estamos confundidos
acerca de su colocacin,
para el hombre
que escribi la historia de
los Aghbanians [nota del
traductor: Ver la Historia de
los albaneses del Cucaso
Movses Dasxuranci, CJF
Dowsett trans. (Londres
1961). Una traduccin ms
reciente est disponible en

Lord Dawit' from the

episcopate of Kapaghak
[ruled for] seven years
[Translator's note: this
sentence was

otra pgina de este sitio

added from the list
web:. Historia de los
appearing at the end of
Aghuans de Movses
Book III in Movses
Dasxurants'i] coloca su
Dasxurants'i's History of the nombre en el momento de
Aghbanians, .].

los piadosos Vach'agan,

prueba de ello es que los

Lord Dawit' [ruled for] six

years. He was ordained by
the Armenian kat'oghikos

Lord Petros [ruled for]

sixteen years. Lord Movses
(who had been director of
Parhisos monastery) [ruled

cnones Vach'agan
establecido con todos los
obispos de la
Aghbanians, escribiendo:
"Yo Vach'agan, rey de los
Aghbanians y
Shup'haghishoy, arzobispo
de Partaw".
En otro lugar de este
nombre no se encuentra de
nuevo entre las filas de los
obispos. Pero, como hemos
encontrado, por lo que

six years. Then lord Markos,

a man of God, [ruled,
followed by Yovsep',
another Markos, followed by
Step'annos. Then lord [163]
Yovhannes [ruled for] fifty
years, followed by lord
Step'annos for one and a
years. He died in his youth.
In 588 A.E.[1 139] during
the reign of lord Grigoris,
the great kat'oghikos of the
Armenians, there had been
no leader of the Aghbanian
patriarchal house for
twenty-five years.

Entonces seor Matt'e,

seor Sahak cinco [aos],
seor Movses seis [ao],
seor de las bragas de siete
[aos] seor Ghazar de
[aos]. Entonces el joven
bendita Grigoris, hijo del
gran hermano Vrt'anes de
Yusik, nieto de San Gregorio
quien el gran rey de los
armenios Trdat envi y
quien fue asesinado en la
llanura de Vatean como un
mrtir de

There remained one lad

Dios, [era patriarca]. Su
from the kat'oghikosaX line cuerpo fue llevado y
named Gagik (son of Georg, enterrado en Amaras. Ms
grandson of Karapet) whom

they nourished and

educated. When he reached
maturity, vardapet Grigor
T'ok'aker's son, Dawit'
son, and others from the
land of the Aghbanians
wrote a letter of entreaty to
Grigoris, the great patriarch
the Armenians who at that
time was in the West. And
they sent a man with the
letter so that he be
[gl99] bishop and so that
Grigoris send them one of
his own bishops and give
the command to ordain the
young Gagik for the
patriarchal throne of the
Aghbanians, so that the
leaderless country not be

The patriarch ordained the

man sent to him. He also
ordered the bishop of Karin
to go to the land of the

tarde, durante el tiempo de

Vach'agan, reliquias
fueron descubiertos entre
los que estaban los de los
bienaventurados Zak'aria,
padre de Juan el Bautista y
Pantalemon el gran mrtir
de Cristo, que fue inmolado
en la ciudad de Nicomedia
en el momento de
[y cuyas reliquias] San
Gregorio haba llevado con

[158] Entonces seor

Zak'aria [dictaminado], diez
aos, [seguido por] seor
Dawit 'durante once aos, y
el seor Yovhannes
(quien tambin fue obispo
de los hunos), doce aos,
seor Eremia, trece aos.
En el tiempo de Eremia el
Mesrop cre el alfabeto
Aghbanian / Aghuanian con
gran esfuerzo. Seor Abas
[gobernado] durante
catorce aos.
El Consejo de Dwin escribi
a Abas que debe recitar la
frmula "Santo Dios,
inmortal, que era

Aghbanians and to ordain

the Aghbanian kat'oghikos.

The bishop of Karin, Sahak,

and the other bishop
ordained an additional
twelve bishops, according
to the
dictates of [164] Scripture,
and then they ordained
Gagik as kat'oghikos,
naming him Grigores after
kat'oghikos of the

During those days, fog and

locusts unexpectedly filled
all the mountains and
plains, and a great

crucificado "y" de una

naturaleza, divina y
humana. "Seor Viroy
durante treinta y tres aos.
l era un prisionero de
muchos aos en la corte de
Xosrov, el rey de Irn, pero
despus de la muerte de
Xosrov que fue liberado y
lleg a su
propio pas. l liber a los
prisioneros armenios,
georgianos y Aghbanian del
Xzr Shat '(hijo de Jebu
Xak'an que haban
esclavizado a la tierra).
Construy seis ciudades con
nombres de Shat ':
Shat'arh, Shamk'or, Shak'i,
Shamaxi, y Shaporan. Seor
Zak'aria [que gobern
durante] quince aos, salv
a la gran ciudad de Partaw

occurred which destroyed

the capital city of Gandzak.
By the grace of God, the
newly-elected kat'oghikos

esclavo por sus oraciones.

Seor Yovhan [gobernado
durante] veinticinco aos.
Seor Uxtanes, doce aos
[GL95]. [Fue

was saved, but the great

vardapet Grigor died along
with a countless multitude
of men, women and

Uxtanes] que maldijo a los

naxarars Aghbanian por sus
falta matrimonios mixtos, y
todos ellos murieron.
Entonces seor

who were killed under the

buildings which collapsed
on them.

Eghiazar [] gobern durante

seis aos. Seor Nerses
[gobernado durante]
diecisiete aos. Mientras
[Nerses] era obispo de

Demetre, the king of

Georgia, came and took to
his country everything he
found [at Gandzak], as

Gardman, convenci a una

mujer llamada Spram, la
esposa de un prncipe
Aghbanian, que si ella lo

including the city gates.

kat'oghikos ordenados de
los Aghbanians, l hara lo
que quisiera. La mujer
estaba impregnada en el

Alharak Mountain also

crumbled and the small
valley which ran along it
was blocked so that a lake
formed, which exists to this
day [g200].

Hereja de Calcedonia.
[159] Ella or los obispos de
ordenar Nerses Bakur como
kat'oghikos del

After eight years, a

luminous comet appeared
which was a symbol of the
famine, destruction by the

Despus de algn tiempo

haba pasado, la hereja que
haba concebido en su
interior se hizo evidente.
Tan pronto como ella

and captivity which befell

the country.

fue reprendido por los

obispos y sacerdotes, ella
comenz a perseguir a
muchos de ellos. Los lderes
espirituales de la

When kat'oghikos Gagik had

attained perfection in
spiritual [165] knowledge,
he passed from the world,

Aghbanians / Aghuans
ensambladas y su
anatematizaron y
escribieron a los kat'oghikos
del armenios, Eghia,

once more darkness settled

in those parts.

Then lord Bezhgen [ruled. It

was he] who left his order
and took a wife. He was
followed by lord Step'annos,
for twenty years; after him
lord Yovhannes [ruled] for
twenty years. He
constructed a magnificent
church in
the Miap'or district at the
monastery called Xamshi,
and was alive in our own
time. Then [the patriarchal
throne was occupied by]
lord Nerses, [Yovhannes']
brother, a man with a meek
and good character who

para ayudarlos.

Eghia escribi [un mensaje]

a la cabeza de la Tachiks,
Abdlmelik ', en el sentido de
que "El lder [religiosa] de
los Aghbanians y una mujer
aqu quieren poner su tierra
en rebelin en contra de
usted, porque ellos estn
ayudando al
Griegos. "Abdlmelik 'mand
Eghia ir a Aghbania y
destronarlo y para l y la
mujer enviar
a la corte con los pies
atados y arrojados a los
camellos como de
mercancas, por lo que iban
a ser objeto de
la burla de todas las tropas.

ordained in 684 AE. [1235].

11. Concerning the coming

of the T'at'ar army and the
putting to flight of the king
of the

Eghia y eunuco del rey

fueron a la ciudad de
Partaw y ejecutaron la
orden real. Mientras ellos se
burlaban de l
as con el deshonor, Nerses
muri amargamente de
exasperacin, ocho das
ms tarde [gl96]. Todos los
naxarars y todos los obispos

In 669 A.E. [1220], while the dieron [160] promesas

Georgians were feeling
antes de que el eunuco con
proud of their conquests el orden real y sellan que
for they had triumphed over
no ordenar a un kat'oghikos
the Tachiks and wrested
Aghbanian sin la orden de
from them many districts of los kat'oghikos armenios.
Armenia suddenly,
unexpectedly, many
Entonces Eghia ordenado
of well organized soldiers
burst through the Darband
Gate, came to the land of
the Aghbanians, and then

para el Aghbanian
[patriarcal] trono seor
Simen, que elimina la

passed to the lands of the

Armenians and the
Georgians. Whatever they
found on their way they put
to the

causado por Nerses.

[Simen] rein durante un
ao y medio y estableci
cnones con siete

sword man [g201], [166]

beast, even down to the
dogs. They were not at all
concerned with taking
expensive clothing or
anything else, except
horses. They quickly came
to the city of Tiflis (Tp'xis),
once more
descended into the land of
the Aghbanians to the
borders of the city of
Shamk'or. False information
concerning [the Mongols],
to the effect that they were
mages and/or of the

Seor Mik'ayel [reinado

durante] treinta y cinco
aos. Llam a la previa de
Mak'enots'ats '[monasterio],
Soghomon, y maldijo a los
que se haba casado con
sus familiares en el tercer
grado. Estos fueron

eliminado. Tambin
anatematizaron georgiano

Christian faith, wonderworkers,

and that they had come to
avenge the Christians from
the tyranny of the Tachiks.
And it was said that they
had with them a portable
tent-church, as well as a
miracle-working cross, and
that they would bring an
of barley and put it before
this cross and all the troops
would take from it and give
it to their horses, yet the
supply would not be
exhausted, for when all of
them had finished taking,
the original amount
remained. The

lder [espiritual] T'alile,

pues haba autorizado la
matrimonios. Entonces
seor Anania [] gobern
durante cuatro aos. Seor
Yovsep '[gobernado
durante] diecisiete aos. En
el quinto ao
de su reinado los dos
centsimo ao de la era
armenia se complet
[751/52]. Seor Dawit
'[gobern durante] de
aos. [Dawit '] liberado
tierras de la Iglesia y
adornos. l muri de
intoxicacin. [Otro] seor
Dawit '[entonces gobernaba

same was true for their own

food. Such were the false
rumors that filled the land.
Therefore the inhabitants of

para] nueve aos. Vendi

Dastakert y Sahmanaxach
'a los infieles. Seor
Matt'eos [gobernado
durante] uno y medio

the land did not fortify

themselves in, to the point
that one lay priest took his
people and even went

aos; l tambin se le dio a

beber veneno y muri de la
misma. Seor Movses, uno
aos y medio; seor [gl97]

them with hooded crosses.

The enemy put them to the
sword, one and all. Thus
finding many people

Aharon dos aos; seor

Soghomon, medio ao
[Editor K. Melik'-Ohanjanyan
ha insertado este patriarca

unconcerned, [the Mongols]

la lista Kirakos estaba

destroyed and ruined

usando, es decir, la lista en
numerous places. Then they el Libro III de la Movses
secured their bags and
Dasxurants'i Historia del
baggage in the marshy,
muddy place which lies
Aghbanians]; seor
between the cities of Partaw T'eodoros [161] cuatro
and Belukan, a very safe
aos; seor Soghomon,
once aos; seor
Yovhannes, veinticinco
aos. [Yovhannes] movido
el kat'oghikosate a Bardak
que era su residencia de
verano cuando era

which they call Beghamej;

eliminado fromPartaw.
and they destroyed many
districts with brazen attacks Seor Movses [gobernado
durante] Un ao medio;
seor Dawit ', durante
veintiocho aos. fue
[167] Then Lasha, king of
the Georgians, and the
great hazarapet Iwane
mustered troops to go to
war against

[Dawit '] que bendijo el

marrage impa del seor de
Shak'i. Ahora hermano lego
del prncipe pregunt
[Dawit ']:

[the Mongols]. They

descended to the plain
called Xunan, for the enemy
force was located there;
and they

"De dnde vienes, seor?"

Y [Dawit '] respondi: "De la
casa de tu hermano."
Entonces el prncipe dijo:

fought one another, the

former putting the enemy
to flight. However, because
the enemy had made an
ambush, they fell upon the
Georgian troops from
behind and began to

Dawit ': "Que tu lengua, que

bendijo este no habla, y
puede el ojo secarse." Y
esto mismo
sucedido de inmediato, ni
era [Dawit '] curado hasta
su muerte.

destroy them. Those

[Mongols] who

Entonces seor Yovsep

were fleeing likewise turned '[gobernado durante]
on them, and trapping them veinticinco aos. En su
in the middle, they dealt
tercer ao, los tres aos
great blows to the Christian centsima parte de la
troops. The king and all the
princes fled. The enemy
Se termin la era [851/52].
gathered booty from the
troops and took it to their
Seor Samuel [gobernado
Once again the king of the
Georgians mustered his
troops, this time more than
before, and wanted to

durante] diecisiete aos.

Asumi la dignidad [de
kat'oghikos] por s mismo,
pero era tarde
destronado por Georg,
kat'oghikos de los armenios,
y obligados a someterse a
una segunda ordenacin en

with the enemy. But [the

Mongols] collected their
wives, children, and all their
bags and baggage, and
Seor Yovhan [gobernado
durante] de ocho aos y
to pass through the
medio. Fue -Obispo corte de
Darband Gate to their own
los armenios. Mientras
land. But the Tachik troops
estaba en Georg
who were in Darband did
allow them to enter. So [the
Mongols] crossed the
Caucasus mountains
(Kawkas) at an impassable
spot, filling
the abyss with wood,
stones, their goods, horses,

cautiverio, [162] Yovhan fue

a la tierra de los
Aghbanians y fue ordenado
all sin el permiso de
seor Georg. Pero cuando
los prncipes Aghbanian
rescatados volver seor
Georg, se quit Yovhan de
la dignidad

and military [g203]

equipment, and thus
crossed over and
went to their own land.

[del kat'oghikosdlo]. Los

prncipes Aghbanian
suplicaron Georg como un
favor a aceptar Yovnan, y
por eso
le orden de nuevo.

The name of their leader

was Sabada Bahatur.

12. The defeat of the troops

in the borders of Gandzak.

Subsequently, after some

time had passed, another
force of Huns, called
Qipchaqs (Xbch'ax) came

Seor Simen [] gobern

durante veintin aos;
seor Dawit ', cinco aos;
seor Sahak, dieciocho
aos; seor Gagik,
catorce aos. En cuarto ao
[de Gagik], fue completado
los cuatro aos centsima
parte de la era armenia

the land of the Georgians to

Seor Dawit "del
King Lasha and to the
episcopado de Kapaghak
hazarapet Iwane. [The
Qipchaqs wanted Lasha and [gobern por] siete aos
[Nota del traductor: esta
Iwane] to give them a place frase era
to live and [in return] they
would serve [the Georgians] agregado de la lista que
aparece al final del libro III
loyally. However, [the
en Historia del Europeo de
Georgians] did not agree to Movses Dasxurants'i
accept them.
So [the Qipchaqs] arose and
went to the residents of the Seor Dawit '[gobernado
city of Gandzak where they durante] seis aos. Fue

were received joyfully,

since the people there had
been placed into great
straits by the Georgian
army which ruined their
lands and

ordenado por los

kat'oghikos armenios

Seor Petros [gobernado

durante] diecisis aos.
enslaved man and beast.
Seor Movses (quien haba
[The people of Gandzak]
sido director del monasterio
gave [the Qipchaqs] a place Parhisos) [gobernado
to dwell within the confines durante]
seis aos. Entonces seor
the city and aided them
Markos, un hombre de Dios,
with food and drink so that
[gobernado, seguido por
with their help they might
Yovsep ', otro Markos,
resist the kingdom of the
seguido por el seor
Georgians. The Hun troops
halted there and settled in.

Then Iwane mustered

troops and arrogantly went
against them. He greatly
boasted that he would
them and [g204] the city as
well, placing his trust in the
multitude of his troops and
not in God Who gives the

Step'annos. Entonces seor

[163] Yovhannes
[gobernado durante]
cincuenta aos, seguido por
el seor Step'annos de un
ao y medio
aos. Muri en su juventud.
En 588 AE [1 139] durante
el reinado del seor
Grigoris, los grandes
kat'oghikos del

victory to whomever He

Armenios, haba habido

ningn lder de la casa
patriarcal Aghbanian
durante veinticinco aos.

[169] When the two groups

clashed, the barbarians
calmly emerged from their

Quedaba un solo chico de la

lnea kat'oghikosaX llamado
Gagik (hijo de Georg, nieto

lairs and put to the sword


de Karapet) quien

que nutren y educada.

wearied and [God-]
Cuando lleg a la madurez,
forsaken Georgian army.
el hijo de Vardapet Grigor
They arrested many and put T'ok'aker, Dawit 'Alawka de
the remainder to flight.
hijo, y otros de la tierra de
There was a
los Aghbanians escribieron
great destruction of the
una carta de splica a
Christian troops on that day. Grigoris, el gran patriarca
So many were abandoned
by the protection of God
los armenios que en ese
momento estaba en el
one bad man [i.e., a poor
Oeste. Y enviaron a un
fighter] was able to capture hombre con la letra para
many brave and
que sea ordenado
experienced warriors like a
[gl99] obispo y para que
Grigoris enviarlos a uno de
leading his flock before him. sus propios obispos y dar el
For God had removed His
comando de ordenar la
aid from their swords and
joven Gagik por el trono
did not assist them in
patriarcal de los
Aghbanians, por lo que el
[The Qipchaqs] brought the pas sin lderes no se pierda.
honorable men [of the
captives] and sold them for
some clothing or food.
bought them and tormented
them with unbearable
tortures, demanding such
quantities of gold and silver
it was impossible to pay.
And many of them died in

El patriarca ordenado al
hombre que le envi.
Tambin orden al obispo
de Karin para ir a la tierra
de los


[The Qipchaqs] seized,

among others, Grigor (son
of Haghbak, brother of
brave Vasak) and his
brother's son
Papak'; for Vasak had three
sons: Papak', Mkdem, and
Hasan (called Prhosh),
brave and distinguished
who had caused all the
Tachik troops to quake with
fear. They killed Papak' in
battle. As for Grigor, they

Aghbanians y ordenar a los

kat'oghikos Aghbanian.

El obispo de Karin, Sahak, y

el otro obispo ordenado un
adicional de doce obispos,
segn el
dictados de [164] la
Escritura, y luego
ordenados Gagik como
kat'oghikos, nombrando l
Grigores despus de la
kat'oghikos de los armenios.

Durante esos das, la niebla

y las langostas llenos
inesperadamente todas las
montaas y llanuras, y un
gran terremoto

arrested him and tormented

him with numerous tortures ocurrido que destruy la
to make him deny Christ,
capital de Gandzak. Por la
but he did not do so. On the gracia de Dios, los
kat'oghikos recin elegidos
contrary, he insulted their
deceiving law-giver Mahmet se salv, pero la gran
and their [170] loathsome
Vardapet Grigor muri junto
faith even more. [Grigor's
con una innumerable
multitud de hombres,
captors] grew angry and
mujeres y nios
dragged him naked over the
earth and lacerated his
que murieron bajo los
entire body with thorns and edificios que se
derrumbaron sobre ellos.

tortured him that he gave

up the ghost because of the
beatings, receiving a
martyr's crown from Christ.

Demetre, el rey de Georgia,

vino y se llev a su pas
todo lo que encontr [at
Gandzak], como botn,
incluyendo las puertas de la

men were from Xach'en

district of a prominent
family, Christians, orthodox,
and of Armenian nationality. Alharak Mountain tambin
se derrumb y el pequeo
valle que corra a lo largo
The impious Iranians
que fue bloqueado por lo
oppressed many other
que un lago era
captives with various
formada, que existe hasta
tortures, keeping them
nuestros das [G200].
hungry, thirsty, and
naked. Now the Christians
in the city of Gandzak
displayed much
benevolence toward the
captives, buying

Despus de ocho aos, un

cometa luminoso apareci
que era un smbolo de la
hambruna, la destruccin
por la espada

back some and freeing

them, feeding and clothing
y el cautiverio que cay
some, burying the dead and sobre el pas.
performing similar good

Cuando kat'oghikos Gagik

haba alcanzado la
But after some days had
perfeccin en lo espiritual
passed, the great hazarapet [165] conocimiento, al
Iwane once again mustered pasar del mundo, y
troops and went to wreak
una vez ms, la oscuridad
vengeance on those who
se asent en esas partes.
had destroyed his troops.
He attacked them at an
unexpected moment and
Entonces seor Bezhgen
put the

barbarians to the sword. He

captured their booty and
enslaved their children,
taking both to his land.

13. Vardapet Mxit'ar, where

he was from and what sort
of man he was.

This renowned and very

learned man was from the
city of [171] Gandzak, the
son of Christian parents
had given him an education
in Scripture. When he
reached puberty, he was
ordained a celibate priest.

[gobern. Fue l] que dej

su orden y tom una
esposa. Fue seguido por
seor Step'annos,
durante veinte aos;
despus de l seor
Yovhannes [gobern]
durante veinte aos. l
construy una magnfica
iglesia en
el distrito Miap'or en el
monasterio llamado
Xamshi, y estaba vivo en
nuestro propio tiempo.
Entonces [el patriarcal
trono fue ocupado por]
seor Nerses, [Yovhannes ']
hermano, un hombre con un
manso y buen carcter que
ordenado en 684 AE.

served many years as a

priest, he wished to become
learned in the deeper
meaning of Scripture and
11. En cuanto a la venida
del ejrcito T'at'ar y la
profound proverbs
puesta en fuga del rey de la
contained therein. Mxit'ar
met vardapet Yovhannes
(called Tawushets'i) who at
that time
was renowned for his
learning. At first for a while

En 669 AE [1220], mientras

que los georgianos se

he lived a lay life, then,

separating from his wife, he
pursued a religious calling,
and being very
knowledgeable in Scripture,
he earned the title of
vardapet. Mxit'ar
stayed [with Yovhannes] for
many years, studying

Vardapet Yovhannes was

peripatetic, travelling from
place to place preaching
the Word of God and
exhorting good conduct for
mankind. He regularized
many features in the ritual
and religion of the
for even at that time in
various places, people were
breaking fast on Saturdays
and Sundays of the holy
Days of Lent. Yovhannes
ruled that the fast should
be held as on the other
days of the week but that
celebrate on Saturday the
martyrs of God and on
Sunday the mystery of the
Resurrection of Christ and

sentan orgullosos de sus

conquistas - porque haban
triunfado sobre
los Tachiks y arrebatado de
ellos muchos distritos de
Armenia - de repente,
inesperadamente, muchos
de soldados bien
organizados irrumpieron por
la puerta Darband, llegaron
a la tierra de los
Aghbanians y, a
pas a las tierras de los
armenios y los georgianos.
Digan lo que encontraron
en su camino que ponen a
espada - hombre [G201],
[166] bestia, incluso a los
perros. No estaban en
absoluto que ver con la
toma de
ropa cara o cualquier otra
cosa, salvo los caballos.
Rpidamente llegaron a la
ciudad de Tiflis (Tp'xis), una
vez ms
descendi a la tierra de los
Aghbanians a las fronteras
de la ciudad de Shamk'or.
La informacin falsa lleg
relativo a [los mongoles],
en el sentido de que eran

mass. In this way every
place established the fifty
day fast, whereas before
some maintained it while
did not.

magos y / o de la fe
cristiana, maravilla de
y que haban llegado para
vengar a los cristianos de la
tirana de la Tachiks. Y se
dijo que

tenido con ellos una tienda

de campaa en la iglesia
Mxit'ar, after remaining and porttil, as como una cruz
studying with this man and milagrosa de trabajo, y que
[172] others had earned the iban a traer un efa
title of vardapet. But still
de la cebada y la puso
not satisfied, he went to a
place in the West [in Cilicia]
called Seaw (Black)
mountain to the vardapets

delante de esta cruz y todas

las tropas sera tomar de
ella y darle a sus caballos,
sin embargo, la

from their knowledge. He

then went to the city of
Karin. There he met the
pious Christian prince

mismo puede decirse de

sus propios alimentos. Tales
eran los falsos rumores que
llenaron la tierra. Por lo
tanto los habitantes de

K'urd, who was estranged

from the king of the
Georgians. He became
acquainted with him and
loved by him

la tierra no fortalecerse en,

al punto de que un
sacerdote laico tom su
pueblo e incluso iba delante

la oferta no se agotara,
were teachers there. He did pues cuando todos haban
not disclose to them that he terminado de tomar, la
cantidad original se
too was a vardapet, but
instead profited a great deal mantuvo. los

like a father. After this

Mxit'ar returned to his own
land [g208].

con cruces encapuchados.

El enemigo los puso a la
espada, todos y cada uno.
Por lo tanto encontrar
muchas personas

The renown of his learning

spread throughout all the
lands and many pupils
studied doctrine with him.
Harassed by the Tachiks (at
the instigation of
Step'annos, kat'oghikos of
the Aghbanians), Mxit'ar
went to the

despreocupado, [los
mongoles] destruido y
arruinado numerosos
lugares. Luego se
aseguraron sus maletas y
equipaje en el lugar fangoso
pantanosa que se
encuentra entre las
ciudades de Partaw y
Belukan, un lugar muy

land of Xach'en to Vaxt'ank,

the prince of Hat'erk' and
his brothers who greatly
honored him. He stayed
a few years.

Then prince K'urd returned

to his patrimony, coming to
the land of Kayean and
Mahkanaberd. The queen of
the Georgians named
T'amar gave him many
honors, returning to him his
patrimonial holdings, and
others besides. [K'urd] was
the father of Sadun and
Dawit', grandfather of
Sherbarak', Sadun's son.

[173] Now upon learning

that the prince had returned

que llaman Beghamej; y

destruyeron muchos
distritos con ataques
descarados [G202].

[167] A continuacin,
Lasha, rey de los
georgianos, y el gran
hazarapet Iwane pas
revista tropas para ir a la
guerra contra
[la mongoles]. Bajaron a la
llanura llamada Xunan, por
la fuerza enemiga se
encuentra all; y ellos
luchado entre s, el ex
poner al enemigo en fuga.
Sin embargo, debido a que
el enemigo haba hecho una

to his patrimony, Mxit'ar

went to him on account of

earlier unity and friendship

they had toward one
another. And Mxit'ar
dwelled in the monastery
called Getik
in the Kayean district,
situated on the right bank
of the great river named

The director of the

monastery was a vardapet
named Sarkawag, his own
pupil, who received
[Mxit'ar] with
joy and attended him
himself. [Mxit'ar] remained
there a long while [g209].

emboscada, que cay sobre

las tropas georgianas por
detrs y comenz a
destruirlos. Aquellos
[mongoles] que
fueron huyendo del mismo
modo encendido, y
atrapndolos en el medio,
que tratan grandes golpes a
la cristiana
tropas. El rey y todos los
prncipes huyeron. El
enemigo se reunieron botn
de las tropas y la llev a su

Una vez ms el rey de los

georgianos reuni a sus
tropas, esta vez ms que
antes, y quera batalla
con el enemigo. Pero [la
mongoles] recogi sus
esposas, hijos y todos sus
bolsos y equipaje, y quera
para pasar a travs de la
Puerta de Darband a su
propia tierra. Pero las tropas
Tachik que estaban en
Darband no lo hicieron

Then a severe earthquake

occurred which ruined many
places, overturning the tall
les permiten entrar. As que
structures. Among the
[los mongoles] cruzaron las
montaas del Cucaso
casualties was the church of (Kawkas) en un lugar
Getik, which was so
intransitable, llenando
devastated that it was

impossible to restore it. The

were in a quandry about
what to do and wanted to
disperse, not only because
of the collapse of the

el abismo con madera,

piedras, sus bienes,
caballos y equipos militares
[G203], y as cruz una y
fue a su propia tierra.

but because they were

being harassed by their
neighbors. For a certain
prince named Sargis had

El nombre de su lder era

Sabada Bahatur.

his village from its [original]

location and built another
village near the monastery.
Thereafter there were

12. La derrota de las tropas

en las fronteras de

numerous disagreements
between the two groups
and constant accusations.

But the blessed vardapet

prevented the group
[members] from thinking
about separating from each
Instead he wanted the
congregation to remain
together, and to request a
[174] new abode. So they
united to the great prince
Iwane, brother of Zak'are,
general of the Georgians,
sons of the sister of pious


Posteriormente, despus de
algn tiempo haba pasado,
otra fuerza de hunos,
llamado Qipchaqs (Xbch'ax)
lleg a travs de
la tierra de los georgianos
al rey Lasha ya la hazarapet
Iwane. [El Qipchaqs quera
Lasha y
Iwane] para darles un lugar
para vivir y [a cambio] que
servira [los georgianos]
lealmente. Sin embargo, el
Georgianos] no estaban de
acuerdo para aceptarlos.

As que [la Qipchaqs] se

prince K'urd, who at that

time ruled the fortress of
Kayean and the district.
They acquainted him with
problem so that he give
them a place where they
could transfer their
monastery. Iwane
commanded them to
see where a suitable site
existed; and, travelling
about, they found a
charming spot, a hollow by
the foot of
two mountains which
stands at its head. They
named the place Tandzut
valley. In this valley there
[g210] was

levant y fue a los

residentes de la ciudad de
Gandzak donde fueron
recibidos con alegra,
ya que la gente de all
haban sido colocados en
grandes aprietos por el
ejrcito georgiano que
arruin sus tierras y
hombres y animales
esclavizados. [La gente de
Gandzak] dieron [la
Qipchaqs] un lugar para
habitar en los confines de
la ciudad y les ayud con la
comida y la bebida para
que con su ayuda podran
resistir el reino de la
Georgianos. Las tropas Hun
detuvieron all y se
establecieron en.

a village with a small brook

crossing through it [a brook]
which flowed more
copiously on the right side
Entonces Iwane reuni
in a
tropas y arrogantemente
wooded glen, with plenty of iba en contra de ellos. Se
jactaba mucho que iba a
water. They decided that
this spot was suitable.

ellos y [G204] la ciudad, as,

poniendo su confianza en la
multitud de sus tropas y no
en Dios que da la
14. Concerning the building
of Nor (New) Getik.

victoria a quien l quiere.

The marvellous vardapet

and his monks then began
work on the construction of
a monastery and church in
the above-mentioned
Tandzut valley, by order of
the great prince Iwane.
They built a beautiful
church which was
consecrated in the name of
saint Gregory.

Present at the consecration

of the church was the
blessed [175] vardapet
Xach'atur Taronats'i,
director of the
holy congregation of
Haghartsin, a holy, virtuous
man renowned for his
learning, especially for his
knowledge. He made the
holy congregation which he
directed sparkle though
prior to his coming it was
desolate and withered. The
king of the Georgians,
Giorgi, T'amar's father,

[169] Cuando los dos

grupos se enfrentaron, los
brbaros con calma salieron
de sus guaridas y pasados a
cuchillo la
cansado y [por Dios]
abandonado ejrcito
georgiano. Arrestaron a
muchos y poner el resto en
fuga. Hubo un
gran destruccin de las
tropas cristianas en ese da.
Muchos fueron
abandonados por la
proteccin de Dios que
un mal hombre [es decir, un
luchador pobres] fue capaz
de capturar muchos
guerreros valientes y
experimentados como un
que conduce a su rebao
antes que l. Porque Dios
haba quitado la ayuda de
sus espadas y no ayudar en
la batalla.
[El Qipchaqs] trajo a los
hombres honorables [de los
cautivos] y las vendi por
alguna ropa o comida.
los compr y los
atormentados con torturas
insoportables, exigiendo
tales cantidades de oro y
plata que

especially esteemed
Xach'atur. And
he gave to the church,
under his own signature,
two villages, Abasadzor and
Tandzut, and a vineyard in
Mijnashen. And by all the
saints he [g21 1] placed a
curse on anyone who dared
to shear these properties
the monastery. [Xach'atur]
brought to the East the xaz
[musical notation system]
which was not yet spread

era imposible pagar. Y

muchos de ellos murieron
en la crcel.

[El Qipchaqs] tom, entre

otros, Grigor (hijo de
Haghbak, hermano del
valeroso Vasak) y su
hermano de hijo
Papak '; para Vasak tenido
tres hijos: Papak ', Mkdem y
Hasan (llamado Prhosh),
hombres valientes y

que haba causado a todas

throughout the lands, and
las tropas Tachik a temblar
he thereby gave form to the de miedo. Mataron Papak
formless melodies, making
'en la batalla. En cuanto a
them rational. He came and Grigor, se
wrote and instructed many,
then took rest from difficult
labors. [Xach'atur] passed
to Christ and is buried on
the western side of the

At Nor Getik, at the head of

the monastery, they also
built a smaller church in the
name of Saint John the
Baptist, the ordainer of
Christ, the greatest fruit of
womankind. Then they
began on the foundation of

lo arrestaron y lo
atormentado con
numerosas torturas para
que se niegue a Cristo, pero
l no lo hizo. En el
contrario, insult a su
engaoso legislador
Mahmet y su [170] fe
repugnante an ms.
[Grigor de
captores] creci enojado y

glorious church built with
dressed stones and
[crowned] with a heavenly
dome, a marvel to the

lo arrastraron desnudo
sobre la tierra y lacerados
todo su cuerpo con espinas
y as

lo torturaron que l entreg

el espritu a causa de las
palizas, recibir la corona del
[Construction] was begun in martirio de Cristo. Estas
640 A.E. [1191], four years
after Salahadin took
hombres eran del distrito
Jerusalem, and it was
Xach'en de una familia
prominente, cristianos,
completed in five years,
ortodoxos, y de
during the disturbance of
nacionalidad armenia.
Greek Easter.

[176] Now regarding Easter

there was much dispute and
argument with the
Armenians among all

Los iranes impas oprimidos

muchos otros cautivos con
diversas torturas,
mantenindolos hambre,
sed, y
desnudo. Ahora los
cristianos de la ciudad de
Gandzak muestran mucho
benevolencia hacia los
cautivos, la compra de

especially the Georgians,

for they brazenly said that
the false [date] was the
correct one. The accursed
had corrupted [the date] at
the court of the impious
Justinian because he was
not invited to the council
held in

volver unos y liberndolos,

la alimentacin y la ropa
alguna, enterrar a los
muertos y realizando
buenas acciones similares.

Pero despus de algunos

das haban pasado, el gran
hazarapet Iwane reuni una
vez ms tropas y fue a

Alexandria regarding the

designation of [the date of
the celebration of] Easter
and other feasts. Following

venganza sobre aquellos

que haban destruido sus
tropas. l los atac en un
momento inesperado y
puso el

completion of the two

hundred year [calendar] of
Andreas, [the celebration
of] all feasts was confused
for a

brbaros a la espada.
Captur su botn y esclaviz
a sus hijos, teniendo tanto a
su tierra.

period of nine years

because they were [g212]
unable to correctly maintain
his [calendrical] system.
13. Vardapet Mxit'ar, de
dnde era y qu clase de
a certain wise man named
hombre que era.
Eas protested and called to
himself learned men from
all peoples: Phineas the
Este hombre de renombre y
muy sabio era de la ciudad
de [171] Gandzak, hijo de
Gigan the Syrian, Adde the
padres cristianos que
Cappadocian, Elogs the
Greek, and many others.
le haba dado una
They began counting the
educacin en la Escritura. Al
llegar a la pubertad, fue
from the bottom up. Finding ordenado sacerdote clibe.
a stable system, they
created a five hundred year
cycle which was perpetually servido muchos aos como
sacerdote, l deseaba ser
aprendido en el significado
accurate. They took this to
ms profundo de la
emperor Justinian who
ordered Iron [to examine it]. Escritura y la
Iron was jealous of the skill
profundos proverbios que
figuran en l. Mxit'ar reuni
Vardapet Yovhannes
the talented people

involved [in creating] the

calendrical system and
because he was not invited,
and so he
wanted to spoil things
somehow. He changed April
fifteenth to the sixteenth,
and the sixth to the fifth,
deceitfully claiming that
everything was right except
for that. The sixteenth was
not incorrect, but as for the
fifth, for ninety-five [177]
years continuously it
caused them to err, taking
Easter along with the Jews

(llamado Tawushets'i) que

en ese momento
fue reconocido por su
aprendizaje. En un primer
momento por un tiempo
vivi una vida laica, a
continuacin, la separacin
de su esposa,
seguido una vocacin
religiosa, y estar muy bien
informado en las Escrituras,
se gan el ttulo de
Vardapet. Mxit'ar
alojado [con Yovhannes]
durante muchos aos,
estudiando [G207].

than was correct, since for

Vardapet Yovhannes era
them [Easter] was the fifth
[Sunday], while for us it was itinerante, viajando de un
lugar a otro predicando la
the sixth, as happened [on
Palabra de Dios y
this occasion].
exhortando a la buena
conducta para la
humanidad. Se regulariz
Now because of this
muchas caractersticas en
argument between
el ritual y la religin de los
Armenians and Georgians,
Queen T'amar and sparapet
Zak'are sent
incluso en ese tiempo en
varios lugares, las personas
some one of the great
estaban rompiendo ayunar
Georgian princes and
los sbados y domingos de
likewise one of the
la santa cuarenta
Armenians to Jerusalem
prior to Easter, to
Das de Cuaresma.
Yovhannes dictamin que el
learn the truth. The verdict

was to be given by the

radiant lamp on the Holy
Sepulcher of Christ which,
say, at the request of
Gregory Illuminator of the
Armenians (with no assist
from human hands or
fire), is lit up by the
command of God each
Easter. It happens to this
day [g213].

ayuno debe mantenerse

como en los otros das de la
semana, pero que
celebrar el sbado a los
mrtires de Dios y el
domingo el misterio de la
resurreccin de Cristo y la
masa. De esta manera cada
lugar estableci el
quincuagsimo da de
ayuno, mientras que antes
de que algunos lo mantuvo,
mientras que otros

no lo hizo.
However, the overseers of
the city, who were Tachiks,
asked the Christians: "When
Mxit'ar, despus de
is your Easter?" Those
permanecer y estudiar con
who were Greek and other
este hombre y [172] otros
denominations replied:
haban ganado el ttulo de
"This Sunday." But the
Vardapet. Pero an
Armenians said: "Not this
No satisfecho, se fue a un
lugar en el Oeste [en Cilicia]
next Sunday." Now the
llamado Seaw (Negro) de
Tachik overseer was a wise montaa a las que
man and so ordered all the
lights in that temple
eran maestros all. l no dio
extinguished, the doors
a conocer a los que l
closed and sealed with his
tambin era un Vardapet,
ring, and he forbade anyone pero en cambio se benefici
to enter, in order to
de sus conocimientos.
which group was right.
Luego fue a la ciudad de
Karin. All conoci al

[178] Now when the day

arrived and had passed into
evening, they awaited the
illumination of the lamp.

prncipe cristiano piadoso

K'urd, quien fue separado
de el rey de los georgianos.
l conoci a l y amado por

When it did not light up, the

prince ordered all except
como un padre. Despus de
the Armenians to be
esto Mxit'ar regres a su
insultingly removed and
tierra [G208].
beaten as ignorant and
false people. When a week
passed and the next
Sunday (which the
Armenians had said

La fama de su aprendizaje
extendido por todas las
tierras y muchos alumnos
estudi la doctrina con l.

was Easter) arrived, while

they were praying at the
tenth hour, [divine]
inspiration came upon them
and at

Acosado por el Tachiks (a

instancias del Step'annos,
kat'oghikos de los
Aghbanians), Mxit'ar fueron
a la

once the lamp lit up without

human hands touching it.
The Armenians were
jubilant. Once more the

tierra de Xach'en a
Vaxt'ank, el prncipe de
Hat'erk 'y sus hermanos
que lo honr grandemente.
Se qued all

beat the others, and

everyone praised the
wisdom and faith of the
Armenians while they
derided and jeered at

unos aos.

the Greeks in all the cities

under Tachik rule. The men
who had been sent by the
Georgian monarch and by

Entonces prncipe K'urd

regres a su patrimonio, de
venir a la tierra de Kayean y
Mahkanaberd. La reina de
los georgianos nombrados
T'amar le dio muchos
honores, volviendo a l sus

the general observed this

[g214], returned and
related what they had seen.
The great general Zak'are
as did all the Armenians in
the [Georgian] army. And
the true faith of the
Armenians was

In this year the renowned

and joyous church of Getik
was completed. It was built
by vardapet Mxit'ar with

patrimoniales, y muchos
otros adems. [K'urd] era el
padre de Sadun y Dawit ',
abuelo de Sherbarak', el
hijo de Sadun.

[173] Ahora al enterarse de

que el prncipe haba vuelto
a su patrimonio, Mxit'ar fue
a l a causa de la

his religious community

with the aid of Vaxt'ang
Xach'enats'i, lord of Hat'erk
and his brothers Grigor,

la unidad anterior y la
amistad que tenan uno
hacia el otro. Y Mxit'ar
moraba en el monasterio
llamado Getik

Grigoris, Xoydan, and Vasak

and other pious princes,
Dawit' and Sadun (the sons
of K'urd) as well as their

en el distrito Kayean,
situado en la margen
derecha del gran ro
llamado Aghstev.

sister named Arzu xat'un

[179] (Vaxt'ang
Hat'erk'ets'i's wife).

El director del monasterio

era un Vardapet llamado
Sarkawag, su discpulo, que
recibi [Mxit'ar] con

This woman did much to

help. She and her daughters alegra y l asisti a s
made a beautiful curtain of mismo. [Mxit'ar]
the softest goats' hair as a
permaneci all mucho
tiempo [G209].
covering for the holy altar,

a marvel to behold. It was

dyed with variegated colors
like a piece of carving with
pictures accurately drawn
on it showing the
Incarnation of the Savior
and other saints. It
astonished those

A continuacin, un fuerte
terremoto ocurri que
arruin muchos lugares,
volcando las estructuras
altas. Entre el

vctimas era la iglesia de

Getik, que fue tan
who saw it. Beholders would devastada que era
bless God for giving women imposible para restaurarlo.
the knowledge of tapestryLos residentes
making and the genius of
estaban en una quandry
embroidery, as is said in
acerca de qu hacer y
Job, for it was no less than
quera a dispersarse, no
the altar ornaments [g215] slo por el colapso de la
Beseliel and Eghiab
sino porque estaban siendo
[Exodus 36.1]. Nor is it bold acosados por sus vecinos.
to make this statement, for Por cierto prncipe llamado
the same spirit moved them Sargis haba transferido
both. Not only did the
su aldea desde su ubicacin
woman make a curtain for
[Original] y construy otra
this church at Getik, but for aldea cerca del monasterio.
other churches as well
A partir de entonces haba
Haghbat, Makaravank', and
numerosos desacuerdos
Dadivank'; for she was a
entre los dos grupos y
great lover of the Church,
acusaciones constantes.
and very pious.
Pero el Vardapet bendita
impidi que el grupo
[miembros] de pensar en
separar el uno del otro.
The pre-consecration
festival at Getik was

En su lugar, quera que la

congregacin de

conducted with great

permanecer juntos, y para
throngs of people attending. solicitar una [174] nueva
Among those
morada. As que se fueron
present was Yovhannes, the
bishop of Haghbat, a
virtuous and blessed man
as well as a multitude of

unido a la gran prncipe

Iwane, hermano del
Zak'are, general de los
georgianos, hijos de la
hermana de piadosa

and servitors. And they

consecrated the church in
the name of the blessed
Mother of God.

prncipe K'urd, que en ese

momento gobernaba la
fortaleza de Kayean y el
distrito. Lo conocen su

problema para que se les

d un lugar donde podan
[180] They also constructed transferir su monasterio.
a beautiful parvis of dressed Iwane les orden
stones for the church. The
great general Zak'are and
ver donde exista un lugar
adecuado; y, viajando
his brother Iwane provided
alrededor, encontraron un
much support, for they held lugar encantador, un hueco
the princeship of the district por el pie de
and they so loved the
dos montaas que se sita
holy vardapet (for in
a la cabeza. Lo llamaron el
confession, Zak'are was his lugar Tandzut valle. En este
spiritual son). They gave
valle hay [G210] era
the church [extensive] land
un pueblo con un pequeo
bounded by streams
cruce de arroyo a travs de
[extending] from mountain
l [arroyo] que flua ms
to mountain, as well as a
copiosamente en el lado
mine in Abasadzor, and
derecho en una
Zoradzor in
arbolada caada, con
the district of Bjni, and
abundante agua. Decidieron
Ashawan above the
que este lugar era

They themselves also built

a village close to a small
lake of immense depth,
naming the village after the
Tzrkatsov (for in it swam
many marsh-loving, mudloving reptiles) [g216], as
well as another smaller
below the monastery which
they named Urhelanj. They
also built many other
chapels in the name of
Apostles and the holy

Because Mxit'ar loved

deserts and uninhabited
places, he made his home
distant from the monastery.

14. En cuanto a la
construccin de Nor
(Nuevo) Getik.

La maravillosa Vardapet y
sus monjes a continuacin,
comenzaron a trabajar en la
construccin de un
monasterio y la iglesia en
el valle Tandzut antes
mencionado, por orden del
gran prncipe Iwane.
Construyeron una hermosa
iglesia que fue consagrada
en el nombre de San

he built a small wooden

church in the name of the
Holy Spirit. In his old age he Estuvieron presentes en la
consagracin de la iglesia
built a church as a
fue el bendito [175]
Vardapet Xach'atur
Taronats'i, director de la
for himself above the
monastery on the right. It
congregacin santa de
was made with dressed
stones and lime and named Haghartsin, un hombre
virtuoso santo reconocido
for the
por su aprendizaje,
especialmente para su
Resurrection of Christ.

conocimiento. l hizo la
santa congregacin que
dirigi chispa, aunque antes
de su venida era
Kirakos Gandzakets'i's
History of the Armenians

15. Concerning those of

[Mxit'ar's] students who
were prominent.

desolada y seca. El rey de

los georgianos, Giorgi, el
padre de T'amar,
especialmente apreciado
Xach'atur. Y
que dio a la iglesia, bajo su
propia firma, dos pueblos,
Abasadzor y Tandzut, y un
viedo en

Mijnashen. Y por todos los

santos que l [g21 1] puso
una maldicin sobre
cualquiera que se atreviera
[181] There were many
a trasquilar estos inmuebles
people who studied doctrine de
with him since the renown
of his learning had reached el monasterio. [Xach'atur]
trado al Este del XAZ
everywhere. They came to
[sistema de notacin
him from all areas since,
musical] que an no se
true to his name [Mxit'ar
(Mxit'arich, "comforter")],
por todas las tierras, y con
ello dio forma a las
comforted everyone. He
melodas sin forma, por lo
was a consoler resembling
que racional. l vino y
Barnabus and noted among
the people like Anton. His
escribi y dio instrucciones
a muchos, luego tom resto
words, full of grace were
de trabajos difciles.
efficacious and everyone
[Xach'atur] pas a Cristo y
wanted to see and hear
est enterrado en
him. For this reason, many
el lado occidental de la

held the title of vardapet

concealed their identities
[g217] and came as
students and received the
again. Many of Mxit'ar's
students attained the title
of vardapet. But two of
them were more learned
than the
others and able to assist
others in turn. First was
T'oros, from Armenian
Melitene, whose father was

En Tampoco Getik, al frente

del monasterio, tambin
construyeron una pequea
iglesia en el nombre de San
Bautista, el Ordenador de
Cristo, el mayor fruto de las
mujeres. Entonces
comenzaron en la fundacin
de la
gloriosa iglesia construida
con piedras visti y
[coronado] con una cpula
celestial, una maravilla para
el espectador.

and whose mother was

Syrian. He was a meek and
humble man, virtutous, very [Construccin] se inici en
640 AE [1191], cuatro aos
fond of the poor, a host to
despus de Salahadin tom
strangers, and generous
Jerusaln, y fue
with gifts. Having lived such
completado en cinco aos,
a benevolent life, he was
durante los disturbios de
gathered to his fathers in
Pascua griega.

old age. He is buried above

the renowned monastery of [176] Ahora con respecto
Haghbat, in the cemetary of Pascua hubo mucha
bishops and vardapets.
controversia y discusin con
May his memory be blessed los armenios entre todos los
and his prayers, a buttress
for the faithful.

The second [noteworthy

student] was named

Vanakan. He [182] was a

especialmente los
holy, modest man, foremost georgianos, porque ellos
in all
descaradamente dijo que el
falso [fecha] era la correcta.
good works, rational and
La maldita Hierro
sensitive to all and more
competent in doctrine than haba corrompido [fecha] en
all the others of his time. He la corte de los impos
Justiniano porque no fue
was an excellent, creative
invitado al consejo
thinker who could speak
celebrado en
appropriately. For these
reasons many people came Alejandra en cuanto a la
designacin de [la fecha de
la celebracin de] Pascua y
him, not only to study
otras fiestas. Siguiendo el
doctrine, but indeed his
entire life and activity were finalizacin del 200 ao
unwritten laws for the
[calendario] de Andreas, [la
observers. I
celebracin] todas las
fiestas estaba confundido
say this not merely as
por un
someone who heard it from
others, but as an
perodo de nueve aos
eyewitness, for we spent
porque estaban [G212]
much time with
incapaz de mantener
correctamente su sistema
him getting an education in [calendrico]. sin embargo
the borders of Tawush
fortress [g218] in the
un hombre sabio llamado
retreat where he had his
Eas protest y llam a s
abode. Like
mismo los sabios de todos
los pueblos: Phineas el
a fountain [of wisdom] he
gave us the words of
doctrine to drink.
Gigan el sirio, Adde la
Capadocia, Elogs el griego,
y muchos otros. Ellos
comenzaron a contar los
de abajo hacia arriba.

16. The death of the great

vardapet called Gosh.

Encontrar un sistema
estable, crearon un ciclo de
500 aos que fue

This venerable man of

whom we spoke above,
reached great old age,
having kept his faith. But
when he saw

preciso. Tomaron esta al

emperador Justiniano quien
orden Hierro [examinarlo].
Hierro estaba celoso de la
habilidad de

that his bodily strength was

failing and that he was
close to joining his fathers,
he called the residents of

las personas con talento

que participan [en la
creacin de] el sistema
calendrico y porque no fue
invitado, y por eso

congregation of Nor Getik

who had shared with him in
all the labors of the church
and monastery, and he

quera echar a perder las

cosas de alguna manera.
Cambi decimoquinto abril
a los siglos XVI, y la sexta a
la quinta,

blessed them and his

students in the name of the engaosamente alegando
Lord. Selecting one of them, que todo estaba bien,
named Martiros, who had
excepto por eso. El XVI no
era incorrecto, pero en
studied with him and was
cuanto al
his intimate, Mxit'ar
appointed him as their
director. Martiros was a
youth [183] but

quinto, por noventa y cinco

[177] aos continuos que
los hizo errar, teniendo
perfected in learning, a man Pascua junto con los Judios
mellifluous in the songs of
worship, a great reader, and que estaba en lo cierto, ya
a speedy writer. Mxit'ar
que para ellos [Pascua] fue
commanded him to direct
them. And he wrote a will to
the great hazarapet Iwane,
Zak'are's brother, and

el quinto [Domingo],
mientras que para nosotros
fue el sexto, como sucedi

entrusted to him the

monastery and its director.
Then he himself, whitehaired [g219] and ripe in
passed from this world to

The director of the

monastery, Martiros,
together with the
congregation handsomely
saw to the proper

esta ocasin].

Ahora debido a esta

discusin entre armenios y
georgianos, Reina T'amar y
sparapet Zak'are enviado
alguna uno de los grandes
prncipes georgianos y
asimismo uno de los
armenios a Jerusaln antes
de la Pascua, para

requirements for the

spiritual and physical burial
of Mxit'ar. They laid him to
rest before the door of the

conocer la verdad. El
veredicto fue que debe
darse por la lmpara
radiante en el Santo
Sepulcro de Cristo, que,

smaller church which stands

above the monastery on the
west side. And to this day
Mxit'ar's grave aids those

por ejemplo, a peticin de

Gregorio Iluminador de los
armenios (sin ayuda de las
manos humanas o tangible

in pain who take refuge in

his prayers, in faith; and
people always take soil
from that place to cure sick

fuego), se ilumina con el

mandato de Dios cada
Pascua. Le pasa a este da

and animals, for God

glorifies those that glorify
Him, in life and in death.

Sin embargo, los

supervisores de la ciudad,
que eran Tachiks, pidi a los
cristianos: "Cundo es tu
Pascua?" Aquellas
que eran griegos y otras
denominaciones respondi:
"Este domingo". Pero los

Once it happened that his

servitors came up bringing
wine on asses, for the
monastery's needs. A
Georgian named Basila
came and wanted to take
some of that wine from
them, for he was Iwane's
official in

armenios dijo: "No es este

el prximo domingo. "Ahora
el supervisor Tachik era un
hombre sabio y as orden a
todas las luces de ese
extinguido, las puertas
cerradas y selladas con su
anillo, y prohibieron que
nadie entre, con el fin de

charge of the grove which

guarded his lodging. But the qu grupo tena razn.
attendants said to him: "Do
not bother us for we are
Gosh's people" (that is the
nickname they gave him
since he had little hair). But
this wretched man [184]

[178] Ahora bien, cuando el

da lleg y haba pasado a
la noche, que esperaban la
iluminacin de la lmpara.

insulted them and Gosh

with curses. Now as soon as
he ridiculed Gosh's name,
he immediately became

Cuando no se enciende, el
prncipe orden a todos,
excepto a los armenios que
ser insultantemente
eliminado y gravemente

his tongue froze, his lips

became twisted, and thus
he remained for many days
until, sighing, he requested

golpeado como gente

ignorante y falso. Cuando
una semana pas y el
prximo domingo (que los
armenios haban dicho

forgiveness [g220]. And

everyone who saw the man
praised [Gosh] the servant
of God.

As a memorial [Gosh] left

era Pascua) lleg, mientras

oraban en la dcima hora,
[divina] inspiracin vino
sobre ellos y al
una vez que la lmpara se
ilumin y sin la mano del

[his writings,] books filled

with profound words,
beneficial for students: an

hombre tocarlo. Los

armenios estaban jubilosos.
Una vez ms la Tachiks

abbreviated version of the

prophecy of Jeremiah,
beautifully executed, and a
few canons concerning

vencer a los otros, y todo el

mundo elogi la sabidura y
la fe de los armenios
mientras burlaban y se
burlaban de

attendance on the Body and

Blood of the Lord what is los griegos en todas las
proper, and in what order.
ciudades bajo dominio
He also left a book
Tachik. Los hombres que
haban sido enviados por el
Lamentations on Nature,
monarca de Georgia y por
opposing Adam to his sons
and Eve to her daughters;
al general observ este
and another book,
[G214], regres y cont lo
que haban visto. La gran
Declaration of the Orthodox Zak'are generales regocij
Faith against All Heretics, at
the request of the great
al igual que todos los
general Zak'are and his
armenios en el [Georgia]
ejrcito. Y la verdadera fe
brother, and other letters
de los armenios se
giving counsel. [Gosh's]
death occurred in 662 A.E.
an ms.

17. Concerning who held

the directorship of the
monastery after him.

The monastery became

glorified and renowned

En este ao se complet el
reconocido y alegre iglesia
de Getik. Fue construido por
Vardapet Mxit'ar con
su comunidad religiosa con
la ayuda de Vaxt'ang
Xach'enats'i, seor de
Hat'erk y sus hermanos
Grigoris, Xoydan y Vasak y

through the name and

wisdom of the holy
vardapet Martiros

otros prncipes piadosos,

Dawit "y Sadun (los hijos de
K'urd), as como su

the director, for he was a

hermana llamada [179] (la
builder. He built yet another esposa de Vaxt'ang
parsonage -house of
Hat'erk'ets'i) Arz xat'un.
undressed stones joined
with lime,
with well-secured walls
[185] and a wooden garret.
This garret subsequently
collapsed [g221]. He also
built a

Esta mujer hizo mucho para

ayudar. Ella y sus hijas hizo
una hermosa cortina de
pelo de cabra ms suaves

lovely storied library

artistically inspired by
Mxit'ar, who had aided the
church and the monastery
in many

cubriendo el altar sagrado,

una maravilla para la vista.
Se tie con colores
abigarrados como una pieza
de talla con


imgenes dibujadas con

precisin en l mostrando la
Encarnacin del Salvador y
de otros santos. Se asombr
a los

Many monks assembled

there because of the
renown of the place and it
que lo vieron. Beholders
became for many a place of seran bendecir a Dios por
dar a las mujeres el
nourishment and learning.
conocimiento de la tapicera
In fact, we ourselves were
de decisiones y el genio de
nourished and educated in
this very monastery.
bordado, como se dice en
Job, porque era no menos
que los ornamentos del
They also started to build a altar [G215] Beseliel y
Eghiab formado
church with five altars of
polished, dressed stones, a
beautiful design with a

[xodo 36.1]. Tampoco es

audaz para hacer esta

But when the church was

half completed, a delay
occurred which lasted a
long while, since the sultan
Khurasan, Jalal al-Din [the
Khwarazmshah], came and
struck the forces of the
Armenians and Georgians,
ruined numerous districts.
For this and many other
reasons, the church
remained unfinished. Later
a man
named Grigor Kapalets'i,
who previously had been
instrumental in building the
church, once again took the
matter in hand and
completed it in 690 A.E.

declaracin, por el mismo

espritu a los dos se movi.
No slo la
Mujer hacer una cortina
para esta iglesia en Getik,
pero para otras iglesias
tambin - Haghbat,
Makaravank ', y
Dadivank '; pues era un
gran amante de la Iglesia, y
muy piadoso.

El festival pre-consagracin
en Getik se llev a cabo con
grandes multitudes de
personas que asisten. Entre
estuvo presente el
Yovhannes, el obispo de
Haghbat, un hombre
virtuoso y bendita, as como
una multitud de sacerdotes

Iwane, Zak'are's brother,

also died [that year] and
was buried at Pghndzahank' y servidores. Y se consagr
near the church which he
la iglesia en el nombre de la
Madre bendita de Dios.
himself had built, taking it
from the Armenians and
making it into a Georgian
monastery. Before dying,
entrusted his son and home
to [186] a certain prince

[180] Tambin construyeron

un hermoso atrio de piedras
vestidas para la iglesia. La
gran Zak'are general y

Grigor whom he had

nourished and elevated,
and who
was called Tgha [g222].

This Grigor requested from

Iwane's son Awag the
monastery of Getik for his
grave site; and because [A
greatly loved him, he gave
it to him. [Grigor] also
purchased from him a
village named Vashxe close
by the
Aghstev river and gave it to
the monastery along with
much wealth, books,
crosses, and animals. He
also built
a wondrous church, an
amazing structure, with
three altars close to the
portico of the church, and
named the
church in honor of Saint
Gregory. There were many
other structures within it.
The number of priests,

su hermano Iwane
proporcion mucho apoyo,
porque ellos tenan la
princeship del distrito y que
tanto am al
Vardapet santa (en la
confesin, Zak'are era su
hijo espiritual). Dieron la
iglesia [extensa] tierra
delimitada por las
corrientes [extienden] de
montaa a montaa, as
como una mina en
Abasadzor y Zoradzor en
el distrito de Bjni y Ashawan
encima del monasterio.

Ellos mismos tambin

construyeron un pueblo
cerca de un pequeo lago
de gran profundidad,
nombrando a la aldea
despus del lago
Tzrkatsov (porque en l
nad muchos pantanos
amante, reptiles barro
amante) [G216], as como
otra aldea ms pequea

por debajo del monasterio

al que llamaron Urhelanj.
attendants and young
Tambin construyeron
students increased. Martiros muchas otras capillas en el
held the directorship for
nombre del bendito
twenty years, resigning
Apstoles y el santo
voluntarily. After him, [the

directorship was held by] a

certain Mxit'ar, by Yovasap',
Debido Mxit'ar amaba
and others who ruled
desiertos y lugares
briefly, and by vardapet
deshabitados, l hizo su
Abraham. [They were
hogar lejos del monasterio.
followed by] lord Yovhannes Ya est
Armanets'i who was
se construy una pequea
simultaneously director of
iglesia de madera en el
Haghartsin and had been
nombre del Espritu Santo.
ordained bishop in 705 A.E. En su vejez se construy
[1256]. At Haghartsin
una iglesia como un

[Yovhannes] built a
noteworthy refectory of
brightly polished stone, and
then went to the great
throne at
Haghbat. In 703 A.E. [1254]
vardapet Xach'atur and his
brother Barsegh built a
domed church with three
altars opposite the
monastery, in honor of
Saint Georg [g223].

18. Concerning Sultan Jalal

al-Din and the destruction
of the Georgian army in 674

por s mismo sobre el

monasterio de la derecha.
Fue hecho con piedras
labradas y la cal y el
nombre de la
Resurreccin de Cristo.

Kirakos Gandzakets'i de
Historia de los Armenios

15. En cuanto a las de los

estudiantes [de Mxit'ar] que
eran prominentes.



[187] Previously we spoke

of the people from the
northeast called T'at'ars.
These T'at'ars harassed the
of Khurasan, Jalal al-Din,
striking his army and
destroying his lands. They
caused him to flee through
the land
of Aghbania and he came
and captured the city of
Gandzak. He then
assembled his countless
troops from

[181] Haba muchas

personas que estudiaron
con l desde la doctrina
haba llegado la fama de su
en todas partes. Ellos
vinieron a l desde todos
los mbitos, ya que, fiel a
su nombre [Mxit'ar
(Mxit'arich, "consolador")],
todos consolado. Era un
consuelo parecido Bernab
y seal entre las personas
como Anton. Su
palabras, llenas de gracia
fueron eficaces y todo el
mundo quera verlo y orlo.
Por esta razn, muchos de
los que

among the Iranians, Tachiks

and Turks, and came to

ostentaba el ttulo de
Vardapet ocult su
identidad [G217] y vino
como estudiantes y recibi
el comando

When Iwane learned of this

circumstance, he informed
the king of Georgia and
massed troops to resist the

de nuevo. Muchos de los

estudiantes de Mxit'ar
alcanzado el ttulo de
Vardapet. Pero dos de ellos
fueron ms aprendieron que

sultan. Pride fully he

boasted most arrogantly
and the king and Iwane
made an agreement that if

los dems y capaz de

ayudar a otros a su vez.
Primero fue T'oros, desde
Armenia Melitene, cuyo
padre era armenio

defeated Jalal al-Din, all the

Armenians under their sway
would convert to the
Georgians' faith, while they

y cuya madre era sirio. l

era un hombre manso y
humilde, virtutous, muy
aficionado a los pobres, una
gran cantidad de

would kill those resisting.

This scheme, and the vow
extraos y generoso con los
they made, took no account regalos. Despus de haber
of God nor of His concern,
vivido una vida tan
benevolente, fue a reunirse
nor did they ask the Lord
con sus padres en madura
Who grants victory to
whomever He pleases.
viejo. Est enterrado por
encima del famoso
monasterio de Haghbat, en
Now the sultan had come to el cementerio de los
obispos y vardapets.
the Kotayk' district. Iwane
[g224] went with the
Georgian army and came
opposite them but on
higher ground. Seeing
them, [Iwane] was
frightened and encamped
there. But the sultan
moved his troops forward,
coming [188] against them.
Now as soon as this was
observed by one of the
Georgian princes, Shalue,
and by his brother Iwane,
men brave and renowned
and triumphant in battle,
said to the other troops:
"You stay here and wait
while we go and engage

Que su memoria sea

bendecida y sus oraciones,
un contrafuerte para los

El segundo [estudiante
notable] fue nombrado
Vanakan. l [182] era un
hombre santo, modesto,
sobre todo en todo
buenas obras, racionales y
sensibles a todo y ms
competentes en la doctrina
de que todos los dems de
su tiempo. l
fue un excelente pensador
creativo que poda hablar
apropiadamente. Por estas
razones muchas personas
vinieron a

them. If we put some of

them to
flight in our pursuit, the
victory is ours. [If that
happens] come forth. But if
they defeat us, then flee
and save
your lives."

As soon as they engaged

them, they began to
destroy the sultan's army.
But the Georgian soldiers
paid no
attention and instead fled
the place, such that a man
did not recognize his
comrade in flight. And all of
out of fright, left without
anyone pursuing them.
They pressed down into the
valley above the town of
and filled it up. When the
sultan's forces observed
this, they pursued them,
killed many, and hurled
over the cliffs.

The sultan came to the

head of the valley and

l, no slo para el estudio

de la doctrina, pero de
hecho toda su vida y la
actividad eran leyes no
escritas de los
observadores. yo
Decir esto no slo como
alguien que escuch de los
dems, sino como testigo
ocular, ya que pas mucho
tiempo con
l conseguir una educacin
en las fronteras de la
fortaleza Tawush [G218] en
el refugio donde tena su
residencia. Como
una fuente [de la sabidura]
nos dio las palabras de la
doctrina para beber.

16. La muerte del gran

Vardapet llama Gosh.

Este venerable hombre del

que hablamos
anteriormente, alcanz gran
vejez, despus de haber
mantenido su fe. Pero
cuando vio
que su fuerza fsica estaba
fallando y que l estaba

witnessed a pitiful
spectacle. For a multitude
of men and horses

cerca de unirse a sus

padres, llam a los
residentes de la

lay there piled up like a

heap of rocks. He shook his
head and said: "This is not
the work of man, but of God

congregacin de Nor Getik

que haba compartido con
l en todas las labores de la
iglesia y el monasterio, y l

for Whom all is possible."

He then turned to rob the
corpses of the fallen [g225],
and, having devastated

ellos y sus alumnos

bendecido en el nombre del
Seor. Al seleccionar uno de
ellos, llamado Martiros, que

many places, went off to

the city of Tiflis. The
Iranians residing there
aided him and he captured
[189] the
city killing many people and
forcing many others to
abandon Christianity and
accept the deceptive and
fanatical teaching of the
Tachiks. Many, terrified by
the fear of death,
exchanged Truth for
falsehood; but
others bravely preferred
death to a life of guilt, and
so inherited the title of
martyr, departing the world
with a
good name.

estudi con l y era su

ntimo, Mxit'ar lo nombr
como su director. Martiros
era un joven [183], pero
perfeccionado en el
aprendizaje, un hombre
meliflua en las canciones de
culto, un gran lector y un
escritor rpido. Mxit'ar
le haba mandado para
dirigirlos. Y escribi un
testamento a la gran
hazarapet Iwane, el
hermano de Zak'are y
confiadas a l el monasterio
y su director. Entonces l
mismo, de pelo blanco
[G219] y maduro en aos,
pas de este mundo al

Then [Jalal al-Din]

commanded that those who El director del monasterio,

consented and those who

did not be forcibly
without inquiry. Thus two
men would brutally seize
someone there in the
square while another man
take a sword and cut the
foreskin off his male
member. They commingled
with the women in
obscenity. Wherever they
found a cross or a church,
they pulled it down and
destroyed it. This occurred
only in Tiflis, but in
Gandzak, Naxichewan, and

Now there was a certain

nobleman named Orghan
whose wife was the sultan's
mother. He oppressed the
residents of the city of
Gandzak with manifold
torments not merely the
Christians, but the Iranians
too by

Martiros, junto con la

generosamente vio al
requisitos para el entierro
espiritual y fsica de Mxit'ar.
Ellos lo pusieron a
descansar antes de la
puerta de la
pequea iglesia que est
por encima del monasterio
en el lado oeste. Y hasta el
da de la tumba de Mxit'ar
ayuda a los
en el dolor que se refugian
en sus oraciones, en la fe; y
la gente siempre tienen
suelo de ese lugar para
curar a los enfermos

y los animales, pues Dios

glorifica los que le glorifica,
en la vida y en la muerte.

Una vez sucedi que sus

servidores se acercaron
trayendo vino en asnos,
para las necesidades del
monasterio. Un cierto
Georgiana nombrado Basila
vino y quera tomar un poco

demanding numerous
[g226] taxes. This man was
killed in Gandzak by the
Mulhed [Assassins], whose
it is to kill people
treacherously. While he was
going about the city streets,
some people approached
feigning that they had been
wronged by someone and
[190] that they were
approaching him to set
right. They showed
[Orghan] a piece of paper
which they had in hand,
saying beseechingly: "Trial,
trial!" As
soon as he stopped and
wanted to inquire about
who had molested them,
from one side and the
other, they
pounced on him and with a
sword they had concealed
on their persons, they
stabbed and slew him. And
the wicked one was
wickedly done away with.
They were hardly able to
slay [Orghan's] murderers

de ese vino en ellos, porque

l era oficial de Iwane en
cargo de la arboleda que
protega su alojamiento.
Pero los asistentes le
dijeron: "No nos import
porque somos
El pueblo de Gosh "(es el
apodo que le dio desde que
tena poco pelo). Pero este
hombre miserable [184]
ellos y Gosh insultado con
maldiciones. Ahora en
cuanto se ridiculiz el
nombre de Gosh, de
inmediato se convirti en
su lengua se congel, sus
labios quedaron retorcidos,
y as permaneci durante
muchos das hasta que,
suspirando, solicit
perdn [G220]. Y todo el
que vio al hombre elogi
[Gosh] el siervo de Dios.

Como un memorial [Gosh]

izquierda [sus escritos,]
libros llenos de profundas
palabras, beneficiosa para
los estudiantes: un
versin abreviada de la
profeca de Jeremas, muy
bien ejecutado, y algunos


cannigos relativa

arrows, for [the Assassins]

killed many people and fled
through the city. Such is the
custom of this group

la asistencia en el Cuerpo y
la Sangre del Seor - lo que
es propio, y en qu orden.
Tambin dej un libro

which had seized the secure

places called T'un and
T'anjak [in northern Iran] as
well as the forests of

Lamentaciones en la
naturaleza, se oponen a
Adn a sus hijos y Eva a sus
hijas; y otro libro,

Lebanon, taking the price of

their blood from the prince
whom they worshipped
instead of God, and giving

Declaracin de la Fe
Ortodoxa contra todos los
herejes, a peticin de la
gran Zak'are general y su

[the money] to their sons

and women. They went
wherever their prince sent
them where they would

hermano, y otras cartas

dando consejo. La muerte
[de Gosh] se produjo en 662
AE [1213].

masquerade in various
garbs until they found the
appropriate moment to
strike, then they would kill
whomever they pleased.
Therefore all the princes
and kings feared them and
paid taxes to them. And

17. En cuanto a quien

ocup el cargo de director
del monasterio despus de

were extremely faithful in

carrying out the commands El monasterio se convirti
of their prince [g227], doing glorificado y reconocido a
travs del nombre y la
whatever he said, even to
sabidura de la santa
the point of killing
Vardapet Martiros
themselves. Thus they
el director, porque era un
killed many grandees who
did not pay them taxes, just constructor. Construy otro

as they killed
this impious man.

house casa parroquial de

piedras sin labrar unidas
con cal,
con paredes bien
garantizados-[185] y una
buhardilla de madera. Esta
buhardilla posteriormente
se derrumb [G221].
Tambin construy una

19. Concerning the

destruction of Sultan Jalal
al-Din, and his removal from encantadora biblioteca
the world.
pisos artsticamente
inspirado en Mxit'ar, que
haba asistido a la iglesia y
[191] After [Jalal al-Din] had el monasterio en muchas
done these evil deeds, he
went to the city of Xlat'
which is in the land of
Bznunik'. This area was
under the authority of
Sultan Ashraf who fought
with him, but [Jalal al-Din]

Muchos monjes se
reunieron por la fama del
lugar y se convirti para
muchos un lugar de

triumphed. Residing there

was the wife of the sultan,
the daughter of Iwane,
named T'amt'a whom we

nutricin y aprendizaje. De
hecho, nosotros mismos nos
alimentamos y educados en
este mismo monasterio.

mentioned above. Jalal alDin took her as his wife and

went on to ruin many
districts under the sway of
Sultan of Rum, named 'Ala
al-Din. Then Sultan Ashraf
and his brother Kamal who
ruled Egypt and Ala
al-Din called to their aid the

Tambin comenzaron a
construir una iglesia con
cinco altares de piedras
labradas, pulidos, un diseo
hermoso con una cpula.
Pero cuando estaba medio
terminada la iglesia, un
retraso ocurri que dur
mucho tiempo, ya que el

Armenian forces from the

land of Cilicia as well as the
coastal Franks, and they
came and did battle with
the Khwarazmian Jalal alDin. As soon as the two
sides [g228] neared each
they became frightened
and did not dare to fight.
But, calling upon God, the
Armenian and Frankish
Christians attacked them.
They were few in number,
less than a thousand. But
with the power of Christ,
struck the enemy and put
them to flight. When the
Tachiks saw that, they too
attacked and destroyed
until sunset. Then the
sultans commanded their
men not to pursue the
fugitives, since they were
and they ceased the
pursuit. Now the sultans,
because they were pious
men, were not ungrateful
[192] toward

sultn de
Jorasn, Jalal al-Din [la
Khwarazmshah], vino y
golpe las fuerzas de los
armenios y georgianos, y
arruinadas numerosos
distritos. Por esta y muchas
otras razones, la iglesia
qued sin terminar. Ms
tarde un hombre
llamado Grigor Kapalets'i,
que previamente haban
sido fundamentales en la
construccin de la iglesia,
una vez ms tom la
materia en la mano y
terminado en 690 AE

Iwane, el hermano de
Zak'are, tambin muri [ese
ao] y fue enterrado en
Pghndzahank 'cerca de la
iglesia que l
mismo haba construido,
tomndolo de los armenios
y convertirlo en un
monasterio georgiano.
Antes de morir, Iwane

confiado a su hijo y el hogar

de [186] un cierto prncipe
the Christian soldiers, since Grigor quien haba nutrido y
they knew that the Lord had elevado, y que
caused their triumph
fue llamado Tgha [G222].

through them.

Then they returned to their

lands in great joy and as
they passed through cities
and districts, [people] came
before them, receiving
them with praise, dancing
and clashing cymbals.

Now when Ala al-Din

reached Caesarea of
Cappadocia, the entire
multitude of the city,
including the
Christians with their priests
with crosses and bellringers, came a good day's
[g229] journey out on the
before him. When the
sultan approached, the
Tachik multitude did not
allow the Christians to go
near to
mingle in their adoration of
him. Instead, they shoved
them to the rear. But the
Christians went up onto a
opposite the army. When
the sultan asked who those
people were, and learned
that they were Christians,

Este Grigor solicit del hijo

de Iwane Awag el
monasterio de Getik por su
tumba; y porque [Un
lo amaba mucho, se lo dio a
l. [Grigor], tambin han
comprado de l un pueblo
llamado Vashxe cerca de la
Aghstev ro y se lo dio al
monasterio junto con gran
riqueza, libros, cruces, y los
animales. Tambin
una iglesia maravillosa, una
estructura impresionante,
con tres altares cerca del
prtico de la iglesia, y el
nombre del
iglesia en honor de San
Gregorio. Haba muchas
otras estructuras dentro de
ella. El nmero de
asistentes y jvenes
estudiantes aumentaron.
Martiros ocup el cargo de
director durante veinte
aos, renunciando
voluntariamente. Despus
de l, [el cargo de director
estaba en manos de] un
cierto Mxit'ar, por Yovasap ',
y otros que gobern


brevemente y por Vardapet

Abraham. [Ellos fueron
himself left his troops and
seguidos por] seor
went up among them alone, Yovhannes Armanets'i que
ordering them to worship
aloud sounding their bells.
al mismo tiempo director de
And thus he entered the
Haghartsin y haba sido
city with them, gave them
ordenado obispo en 705 AE
gifts, and dispatched each
[1256]. En Haghartsin
to his place.

Now Sultan Jalal al-Din

returned to the land of
Aghbania, to the fruitful and
[Yovhannes] construido un
fertile Mughan plain, in
refectorio notable de piedra
brillante pulido, y luego fue
disgrace. He encamped
a la gran trono a
there and wanted to
Haghbat. En 703 AE [1254]
assemble an army.
Vardapet Xach'atur y su
However, the T'at'ars who
hermano Barsegh
had expelled him
construyeron una iglesia
from his country as a
con cpula, con tres
fugitive [193] pursued him
altares frente al monasterio,
and chased him as far as
en honor a San Jorge
Amida where they
struck his forces. The
impious prince died in that
very battle. But some say
he went on foot as a
fugitive and

18. En cuanto a Sultn Jalal

al-Din y la destruccin del
ejrcito georgiano en 674

that a man chanced upon

him and recognized him as
the one who had earlier
slain one of his relations
and so
killed him to avenge his
relative's blood. Thus the
wicked one died wickedly

20. How the T'at'ars arose

to pollute the entire world.


[187] Anteriormente
hablamos de la gente del
noreste denominada
T'at'ars. Estos T'at'ars
acosados sultn
de Jorasn, Jalal al-Din,
golpeando su ejrcito y
destruyendo sus tierras.
Ellos le hicieron huir a
travs de la tierra
de Aghbania y l llegaron y
capturaron la ciudad de
Gandzak. Luego reuni a
sus innumerables tropas de
entre los iranes, Tachiks y
turcos, y lleg a Armenia.

Our entire history and

introductory section to this
point leads up to [a
description of] this people

Cuando Iwane enter de

esta circunstancia, inform
al rey de Georgia y
congregaron tropas para
resistir la

Mongols], about whom we

shall now relate. It seems to sultn. Orgullo totalmente
me that even if many other se jact ms arrogancia y el
[authors] narrate the same rey y Iwane hizo un acuerdo
que si Iwane
events, they will
derrotado Jalal al-Din, todos
nonetheless all be found
los armenios bajo su
lacking, for the evils which
dominio sera convertir a la
afflicted all lands are more
fe a los georgianos ",
than can be
mientras que
related. For this is the end

of time; and precursors

have spoken about the
Antichrist and the arrival of
the sons
of destruction. We too are
frightened by the
revelations of blessed men
borne up by God, aided by
the Holy
Spirit in predicting the
future, and especially the
true command of our Savior
and God which states: "I

matara a los que resisten.

Este esquema, y el voto que
hizo, no tomaron en cuenta
a Dios ni de su
ni tampoco le piden al
Seor que otorga la victoria
a quien l quiere.

Ahora el sultn haba

llegado al distrito de la
Kotayk '. Iwane [g224] fue
con el ejrcito georgiano y

lift up nation against nation

frente a ellos, pero en
and kingdom against
kingdom and this will be the terrenos ms altos. Al
beginning of their sufferings verlos, [Iwane] se asust y
acamparon all. Pero el
[Matthew 24, 7, 8]."
Moreover, [194] our
movido sus tropas hacia
patriarch, Saint Nerses
adelante, viniendo [188]
prophetically spoke about
contra ellos. Ahora, tan
the destruction of
pronto como esto fue
Armenia by the Nation of
observado por uno de los
Archers, destruction and
ruin encompassing all
Prncipes georgianos,
lands, which we have
Shalue, y por su hermano
Iwane, hombres valientes y
with our own eyes. The
renombrados y triunfantes
circumstances of their rise
en la batalla,
are as follows:
dijo a los otros soldados:
"Qudate aqu y esperar
mientras vamos y
In a distant land to the
comprometerlos Si
northeast [g231] (called in
ponemos algunos de ellos.

their barbarous language

Qara-Qorum (Gharaghrum)
by the
borders of Qara-Khitai
(Ghatiay, ?Cathay) there
dwelled a barbarian
multitude, an ignorant,
countless horde
called T'at'ars, who had for
their king someone named
Chingiz-Khan (Ch'angez

It happened before his

death, while he was dying
that [Chingiz-Khan]
summoned all his troops
and the three
sons he had and said to the
soldiers: "Behold, I am
dying. Choose whichever
one of my sons here that
please and elect him as
your king in my stead. They
replied: "Whomever you
select we shall take as our

vuelo en nuestra bsqueda,

la victoria es nuestra. [Si
eso ocurre] saldrn. Pero si
nos derrotan, y luego huir y
sus vidas ".

Tan pronto como se les

dedican, comenzaron a
destruir el ejrcito del
sultn. Pero los soldados
georgianos no prestaron
atencin y en su lugar
huyeron del lugar, de tal
manera que un hombre no
reconoci a su camarada en
vuelo. Y todos ellos,
fuera del susto, la izquierda
sin que nadie los persiga.
Ellos presionan hacia el
valle por encima de la
ciudad de Garhni,
y llena para arriba. Cuando
los del sultn para oficinas
observan esto, que los
persiguieron, mataron a
muchos, y lanzaron otros
sobre los acantilados.

and serve loyally."

Thereupon [Chingiz-Khan]
said: "I shall tell you about
El sultn lleg a la cabecera
the virtues and deeds of my del valle y fue testigo de un
espectculo lamentable.
Para una multitud de
sons. My first-born son is
hombres y caballos

Chaghatai (Ch'aghata). He
is a martial man who loves
war. But he is proud by
nature, more than he
should be. Now my second
son is also triumphant in
battle, but stingy. As for my

sentar all amontonados

como un montn de
piedras. l neg con la
cabeza y dijo: "Esto no es
obra del hombre, sino de

para quien todo es posible

". Luego se volvi a robar
youngest son, he has been
los cadveres de los [G225]
gracious from his childhood, cado, y, despus de haber
full of virtue, generous in
gift-giving and, from the
muchos lugares, se fueron a
time of his birth, my glory
la ciudad de Tiflis. Los
and greatness has
iranes que residen all le
increased daily. Behold, I
ayud y l capturado [189]
have told [195] you the
entire truth.
ciudad matando a muchas
Prostrate yourselves in front personas y obligando a
of whichever of the three
muchos otros a abandonar
you choose" [g232].
el cristianismo y aceptar la
engaosa y
They approached the
youngest, whose name was
Ogedei-Khan (Hok'ta) and
bowed to the ground before
His father placed the crown
on his head and then died.

Now as soon as Ogedei

assumed the royal
authority, he mustered a
force as countless as the
sands of the sea,

enseanza fantica de los

Tachiks. Muchos,
aterrorizado por el miedo a
la muerte, intercambiaron
la Verdad de la mentira;
otros prefieren la muerte
con valenta a una vida de
culpa, y as hered el ttulo
de mrtir, saliendo al
mundo con una
buen nombre.

comprised of his own

people called Mughal
T'at'ars, Khazars, Huns,
Ghatiats'ik' (?Qara-Khitai),
Ankitans and
many other barbarian
peoples with their goods
and armies, women, sons,
and tents. He divided them
three detachments: one
group he sent to the south,
appointing as its chief
director one of those men

Entonces [Jalal al-Din]

orden que los que accedi
y los que no ser
circuncidado por la fuerza,
sin consulta. As, dos
hombres brutalmente
apoderarse alguien all en la
plaza, mientras que otro
hombre lo hara
tomar una espada y cortar
el prepucio de su miembro
masculino. Se mezclan con
las mujeres en repugnante

obscenidad. Dondequiera
que encontraron una cruz o
and loyal to him; another
una iglesia, tiraron hacia
detachment he sent to the
abajo y lo destruyeron. Esto
west and north, his son with no ocurri
them; while the third front
slo en Tiflis, pero en
was sent to the northeast
Gandzak, Naxichewan, y en
under the leadership of a
otros lugares.
nobleman named
(Ch'armaghun), a wise and
Ahora haba un hombre
learned man, successful in
warfare. Ogedei
commanded them to ruin
and devastate all the lands
and kingdoms
in the world, and not to
return to him until they had
encompassed all lands and
subdued them under his
dominion. As for Ogedei, he
stayed there in that land

noble llamado Orghan cuya

esposa era la madre del
sultn. l oprimi el
los residentes de la ciudad
de Gandzak con mltiples
tormentos - no slo los
cristianos, pero los iranes
tambin - por

eating and drinking and

disporting himself with
diversions and building
without a care [g233].

[196] His forces went to

various parts of the world,
destroying lands and
districts, terminating the
rule of

exigiendo numerosas
[G226] impuestos. Este
hombre fue asesinado en
Gandzak por el Mulhed
[Assassins], cuyo encargo
es matar a la gente a
traicin. Mientras iba por
las calles de la ciudad,
algunas personas se
acercaron a l,

fingiendo que haban sido

tratados injustamente por
nations, taking the goods
alguien y [190] que se le
and properties and
enslaving the young women acercaban para ajustar
and children. There were
derecho. Mostraron
[captives] they sent far
away, to their own land to
their king, the Khan, and
there were those they
seized to
serve the needs of their
own families.

[Orghan] un pedazo de
papel que tenan en la
mano, diciendo suplicante:
"Juicio, el juicio" Como
pronto se detuvo y quera
preguntar acerca de que los
haba molestado, de un lado
y otro,
se abalanz sobre l y con
una espada que haban
ocultado en sus personas,
apualaron y le mataron. Y

As for the army sent via the

east (whose chief was
el malo fue perversamente
Chormaghun-nqym), it went eliminado. Eran apenas
against Sultan Jalal al-Din
capaz de matar a asesinos
who ruled Khurasan and the [de Orghan] con
districts around it, and
flechas, por [el Assassins]
expelled him and his forces, mataron a muchas

making him a fugitive as we personas y huyeron a

travs de la ciudad. Tal es la
explained earlier. Then, in
costumbre de este grupo
succession, they ravaged all
the lands of Iran,
que se haba apoderado de
Atrpatakan and Dilm
los lugares seguros
denominados T'un y T'anjak
[en el norte de Irn], as
totally pillaging one after
como los bosques de
the other so that nothing
would remain as an
Lbano, tomando el precio
obstacle for them. They also de su sangre del prncipe a
quien adoraban en lugar de
Dios, y dando
large and beautiful cities
such as Ray (Re) and
[el dinero] a sus hijos y
Isfahan (Aspahan) which
mujeres. Se fueron donde
were filled with good things, su prncipe les envi donde
lo haran
rebuilt them in their name.
Thus they took all the lands
through which they passed.

mascarada en diversos
atuendos hasta encontrar el
momento adecuado para
atacar, entonces iban a

And then, with the whole

mass of their families and
goods, they arrived in the
land of Aghbania/Aghuania,

quien quisieran. Por lo tanto

todos los prncipes y reyes
les teman y se pagan
impuestos a ellos. Y ellos

the fruitful and fertile plain

called Mughan, a place full
of all kinds of [g234]
important things: water,
fruit and prey. Pitching their
tents, they encamped
there, remaining the entire
winter. [197] In springtime

eran extremadamente fieles

en el cumplimiento de las
rdenes de su prncipe
[G227], haciendo todo lo
que dijo, ni siquiera para
el punto de quitarse la vida.
As mataron a muchos
magnates que no les
pagaban impuestos, tal
como lo mataron

spread out in various

directions, looting and
destroying, and again
returned [to Mughan] and

este hombre impo.

19. En cuanto a la
destruccin de Sultn Jalal
al-Din, y su retirada del
21. Concerning the
destruction of the city of

This city was densely

populated with Iranians and
a small number of
Christians. It was extremely
inimical to
Christ and His worship,
insulting and cursing the
Cross and the Church,
scorning and deriding the
priests and

[191] Despus de [Jalal alDin] haba hecho estas

malas acciones, se fue a la
ciudad de XLAT 'que est en
la tierra de
Bznunik '. Esta zona estaba
bajo la autoridad del Sultn
de Ashraf que luch con l,
pero [Jalal al-Din]
triunfado. Que residen en l
era la esposa del sultn, la
hija de Iwane, llamado
T'amt'a quien

attendants. Therefore, when

mencionado anteriormente.
their limit of sin had filled
up, the protest against their Jalal al-Din la tom como su
esposa y se fue a la ruina
wickedness rose to the
muchos distritos bajo el
Lord. Earlier a sign of their
dominio de la
[impending] destruction
Sultn de Rum, llamado 'Ala
appeared, just as had
happened above Jerusalem, al-Din. Entonces Sultn de
Ashraf y su hermano Kamal
que gobern Egipto y Ala
its destruction. For suddenly
al-Din llam en su ayuda a
the ground tore asunder

and black water gushed

forth. An extremely large

las fuerzas armenias de la

tierra de Cilicia, as como
los francos costera, y

tree (which they call

chandari) which was close
to the city was observed to
turn around. At this

vino y se hizo batalla con el

Khwarazmian Jalal al-Din.
Tan pronto como los dos
lados [G228] acercaban
unos a otros,

[g235] the entire city

trembled. But then they
saw that the tree was
positioned as before. This
happened two

que se asustaron y no se
atrevieron a luchar. Pero,
mientras l invocaba el
franco armenio y

or three times; thereafter

the tree fell over and stood
no more. Then the wise
men [of Gandzak]
examining the sign to learn
what it meant. And when
they learned that it was a
foreshadowing of the city's
destruction, they stopped
abusing the crosses [198]
which they had placed
under the threshold of the
gates. They had put them
there for abuse so that all
passersby would step on

Suddenly the T'at'ar army

arrived and besieged

Cristianos los atacaron.

Eran pocos en nmero,
menos de mil. Pero con el
poder de Cristo,
golpeado al enemigo y los
puso en fuga. Cuando los
Tachiks vieron que, ellos
tambin atacaron y
destruyeron muchos
hasta el atardecer. Entonces
los sultanes orden a sus
hombres no perseguir a los
fugitivos, ya que eran
y cesaron la bsqueda.
Ahora los sultanes, porque
eran hombres piadosos, no
eran ingratos [192] hacia
los soldados cristianos, ya
que saban que el Seor
haba hecho que su triunfo
a travs de ellos.

Gandzak on all sides,

battling it with numerous
war machines.
They struck the orchard
which surrounded the city.
They then demolished the
city wall, using catapults on

Luego regresaron a sus

tierras en gran alegra y al
pasar por las ciudades y los
distritos, [la gente] vinieron
delante de ellos, recibiendo
con alabanza, bailando y

sides. However, none of the

Ahora, cuando Ala al-Din
enemy entered the city.
They simply remained there lleg a Cesarea de
Capadocia, toda la multitud
fully armed for a week,
de la ciudad, incluyendo el
guarding it.
Cristianos con sus
sacerdotes con cruces y
campaneros, vinieron
Now once the inhabitants
[g229], camino de un buen
saw that the enemy had
da de trabajo en la
taken the city, some went
inside their homes and
Antes que l. Cuando el
sultn se acerc, la multitud
the structures above them, Tachik no permiti a los
so that nothing would fall
cristianos a ir cerca de
into the enemies' hands.
Others burned everything
se mezclan en su adoracin
de l. En su lugar, los
empujaron a la parte
fire could burn, but
trasera. Pero los cristianos
excepted themselves. When subieron a una colina
the enemy observed this
they became furious and
frente al ejrcito. Cuando el
sultn le pregunt quines
eran esas personas, y se
everyone to the sword:
enter de que eran
man, woman, and child.
And no one escaped them
but for a small armed and
l dej a sus tropas y subi
entre ellos solos,

prepared [g236] brigade

which broke through one
part of the wall at night and
fled. Some few dregs were
spared and tortured to
reveal where the treasures
were kept. Then they killed
some of them and took the

ordenndoles a adorar voz

alta sonar sus campanas.
Y as entr en la ciudad con
ellos, les dio regalos, y
envi a cada uno a su lugar.

Ahora Sultn Jalal al-Din

regres a la tierra de
Aghbania, a la llanura
Mughan fecunda y frtil, en

captive. They then dug

through the charred homes
and removed whatever they desgracia. l acamp all y
found concealed there.
quera reunir un ejrcito. Sin
embargo, los T'at'ars que lo
haban expulsado
were occupied with this for
many days. Then they

[199] Next the T'at'ars

circulated through all the
districts around the city to
dig up and hunt for goods

de su pas como un fugitivo

[193] lo persigui y lo
persigui hasta donde
Amida donde ferozmente
golpeado a sus fuerzas. El
prncipe impo muri en esa
misma batalla. Pero algunos
dicen que se fue a pie como
un fugitivo y

wares. They discovered

many articles made of gold,
silver, copper and iron, as
well as various garments
had been hidden in cellars
and subterranean

Thus the city [of Gandzak]

que un hombre se top con

l y lo reconoci como el
que antes haba matado a
uno de sus parientes, etc.
lo mat para vengar la

remained desolate for four

years. [The Mongols] then
commanded that it be

sangre de su pariente. As,

el maligno muri maldad

rebuilt, and a few people

slowly assembled there and
rebuilt it, except for the
20. Cmo los T'at'ars
surgi a contaminar el
mundo entero.
22. Concerning the
destruction of the lands of
Armenia and Georgia by
that same army.

Toda nuestra historia y la

seccin introductoria a este
punto conduce hasta [una
A few years after the
destruction of Gandzak, this descripcin de] este pueblo
fanatical and wily army
divided up by lot all the
Mongoles], del que ahora
lands of
vamos a relatar. A m me
Armenia, Georgia, and
Aghbania/Aghuania, each
chief according to his
[g237] importance receiving
districts, lands and
fortresses in order to take,
demolish, and ruin them.
Each [chief] went to his
allotted area
with his wives, sons and
military equipment where
they remained without a

parece que, aunque muchos

otros [los autores] narran la
eventos, ellos, sin embargo,
pueden encontrar que
carecen, por los males que
afligan a todas las tierras
son ms que puede ser
relacionada. Pues este es el
fin de los tiempos; y
precursores han hablado
sobre el Anticristo y la
llegada de los hijos

care, polluting and eating

all the
vegetation with their
camels and livestock.

de la destruccin. Nosotros
tambin estamos asustados
por las revelaciones de los
hombres benditos
transmitidas por Dios, con
la ayuda de la Santa

[200] At this time the

Georgian kingdom was
greatly weakened, for it was
in the hands of a woman

Espritu para predecir el

futuro, y sobre todo el
verdadero mandato de
nuestro Salvador y Dios que
dice: "lo har

Rusudan, daughter of
T'amar, sister of Lasha,
grandchild of Giorg, a lewd
and lascivious woman, like

levantar nacin contra

nacin y reino contra reino,
y este ser el comienzo de
sus sufrimientos

Shamiram, headstrong
toward all the men sent to
her, sleeping with many but
remaining barren. Rusudan

[Mateo 24, 7, 8]. "Por otra

parte, [194] nuestro
patriarca, San Nerses
profticamente habl de la
destruccin de

excercised authority
through the commanders
Iwane and his son Awag,
Shahnshah (son of Zak'are),
and others. Because Iwane
had died shortly before,
they took and buried him in
Pghndzahank' (which he
made into a Georgian
monastery, taking it from
the Armenians). Iwane's son
excercised his father's
And since they were unable

Armenia por la Nacin de

arqueros, la destruccin y la
ruina que abarca todas las
tierras, que hemos sido
con nuestros propios ojos.
Las circunstancias de su
ascenso son los siguientes:

En una tierra lejana al

noreste [G231] (llamado en
su lengua brbara QaraQorum (Gharaghrum) por el
fronteras de Qara-Khitai

to withstand that great

blizzard [of Mongols] which
had come, they all betook
themselves to fortresses,
wherever they were able

(Ghatiay,? Cathay) all

habitaba una multitud
brbaro, un ignorante, un
sinnmero horda
llamados T'at'ars, que
tenan por su alguien rey
llamado Chingiz-Khan
(Ch'angez Ghan).

[The Mongols] spread

throughout the plains,
mountains and valleys like a Ocurri antes de su muerte,
multitude of locusts or like
mientras se estaba
muriendo de que [Chingiztorrential rains pouring
Khan] convoc a todas sus
down on the land. The land tropas y los tres
presented the picture of the
most pitiful disasters and of hijos que tena y dijo a los
soldados: ". He aqu, yo
mourning worthy of
estoy muriendo Elige el que
lamentation. For the land
sea uno de mis hijos aqu
did not conceal those who
que usted
tried to hide, nor did the
rocks or
agradar y elegirlo como su
rey en mi lugar. Ellos
forests conceal those who
respondieron: "Quienquiera
sought refuge in them, nor
que elija tomaremos como
the most sturdily
nuestro rey
constructed fortresses, nor
the ravines
. y servir lealmente
"Entonces [Chingiz-Khan]
of the valleys. Instead, all
dijo:" Yo te dir acerca de
who were hiding were
las virtudes y los hechos de
ferreted out. Men's bravery mi hijo de tres
deserted them, and the
hijos. Mi hijo primognito es
Chaghatai (Ch'aghata). l
[201] hands of the bowmen es un hombre de guerra
weakened. They hid their
que ama la guerra. Pero l
weapons, those who had
se siente orgulloso por
them, so that the enemy

not see them and
mercilessly kill them. The
voices of the enemy
paralyzed them and the
rustle of their quivers
filled everyone with terror.
Each man saw the hour of
his death come before him
and their hearts died within
them. Children fled to their
parents from fear of the
sword, and their parents
with them fell from fright
falling to the enemy.

One could see swords

mercilessly cutting down
men and women, youths
and children, old men and
women, bishops, priests,
deacons, and clerks.
Suckling children were
hurled against the rocks,
virgins were raped and

It was frightful to behold

their appearance and their
cruel lack of compassion;

naturaleza, ms de lo que
debera ser. Ahora mi
segundo hijo tambin
triunfante en la batalla,
pero tacao. En cuanto a mi
hijo menor, que ha sido
amable de su infancia, llena
de virtud, generoso en la
entrega de regalos y, a
partir de la
momento de su nacimiento,
mi gloria y la grandeza se
ha incrementado a diario.
He aqu, yo he dicho [195]
que toda la verdad.
Postraos frente a cualquiera
de los tres que usted elija

Se acercaron a la ms
joven, que se llamaba
Ogedei-Khan (Hok'ta) y se
postraron delante de l.
Su padre puso la corona en
la cabeza y muri.

Ahora lo antes Ogedei

asumi la autoridad real, se
reuni una fuerza tan
incontables como las arenas
del mar,
compuesta por su propia
gente llama Mughal
T'at'ars, jzaros, hunos,

[the Mongols] pitied not a

single mother's [g239] tears
nor a single grey head, but
went on punishing and
killing as if enjoying
at a wedding or a drinkingbout.

The whole country filled up

with the corpses of the
dead yet there was no one
to bury them. Tears
in the eyes of lovers but no
one dared to weep, out of
fear of the impious ones.

The country was draped in

mourning and its
magnificent [202] beauty
was destroyed. Its worship
was blocked
and mass ceased to be
offered at its altars, the
singing of songs was no
longer heard. The whole
land was
plunged into darkness and
people preferred the night
to the day. The country was
drained of its inhabitants
and foreigners moved about

Ghatiats'ik '(? Qara-Khitai),

Ankitans y
muchos otros pueblos
brbaros con sus
mercancas y ejrcitos,
mujeres, hijos, y tiendas de
campaa. Se los dividi en
tres destacamentos: un
grupo que enviaron al sur,
nombrando como su
director jefe de uno de esos
hombres fieles
y leales a l; otro
destacamento envi al
oeste y al norte, su hijo con
ellos; mientras que el tercer
fue enviado al noreste bajo
el liderazgo de un noble
llamado Chormaghun
(Ch'armaghun), un sabio y
hombre culto, exitoso en la
guerra. Ogedei les mand a
la ruina y devastar a todas
las tierras y reinos
en el mundo, y no volver a
l hasta que haban
abarcado todas las tierras y
sometido bajo su
dominio. En cuanto a
Ogedei, se qued all en
que el comer tierra y
bebiendo y retozando a s
mismo con

in it.

Goods and property were

ravished, though their
greedy nature could never
be satisfied. Houses and
were searched and there
was nothing left that they
did not take. They moved
about here and there like
mountain goats and
wrecked and tore things
apart like wolves. Their
horses did not tire at the
pace, nor did
[the Mongols] tire of
amassing booty.

Thus severity was visited

upon many peoples and
tongues for the cup of the
Lord's wrath poured down
the country in vengeance
for our wicked deeds and
for sinning before Him; and
His just rage was kindled.

desvos y la construccin
sin la atencin [G233].

[196] Sus fuerzas fueron a

diferentes partes del
mundo, destruyendo tierras
y distritos, que termina el
imperio de la
naciones, tomando los
bienes y propiedades y
esclavizar a las mujeres
jvenes y los nios. Hubo
[cautivas] enviaron lejos, a
su propia tierra a su rey, el
Khan, y hubo quienes se
apoderaron de
atender las necesidades de
sus propias familias.

En cuanto al ejrcito
enviado a travs del este
(cuyo jefe era Chormaghunnqym), iba en contra de
Sultn Jalal al-Din
que gobern Jorasn y los
distritos alrededor de ella, y
l y sus fuerzas expulsado,
haciendo de l un fugitivo,
ya que

Therefore the entrance [of

the Mongols] into [g240]
every land was made easy.
As soon as they had

se explic anteriormente.
Luego, en la serie, que
devastaron todas las tierras
de Irn, Atrpatakan y DILM

all lands, they gathered up

all the animals (those which
had fled and those which
had not), the goods and

saqueo totalmente uno tras

otro de modo que nada
permanecera como un
obstculo para ellos.
Tambin capturaron

property and multitude of

slaves, which were out in
open areas.

ciudades grandes y
hermosas como Ray (Re) y
Isfahn (Aspahan) que
estaban llenos de cosas
Thereafter they battled with buenas, entonces
all the fortresses and with
reconstruida en su nombre.
[203] many cities, erecting
As que tomaron todas las
diverse types of [siege]
tierras por donde pasaban.
machinery, for they were
very clever and capable.
They took and tore down
many fortresses and keeps.
was summertime and
extremely hot, and
provisions had not been
gathered in, for [the
Mongols] came upon
them unexpectedly.
Therefore men and beasts
suffered from thirst and,
willingly or unwillingly, fell
into the
hands of the enemy
because of the danger

Y entonces, con toda la

masa de sus familias y sus
bienes, que llegaron a la
tierra de Aghbania /
Aghuania, en
la llanura fecunda y frtil
llamada Mughan, un lugar
lleno de todo tipo de [g234]
cosas importantes: agua,
frutas y presas. Lanzando
sus tiendas, acamparon all,
permaneciendo todo el
invierno. [197] En la
primavera se

facing them. And there

were those they killed, and
those they kept
as slaves for their needs.
They treated similarly the
densely populated cities,
encamping about them and

extendido en varias
direcciones, el saqueo y la
destruccin, y de nuevo
regresar [a Mughan] y se

besieging them.
21. En cuanto a la
destruccin de la ciudad de
23. The capture of the city
of Shamk'or.

One of the nobles, named

Mohx-noyin, whose lot had
fallen over those regions
(while they moved from
abode in the Mughan plain)
sent a small force of about
a hundred [g241] men who
came and encamped by

Esta ciudad estaba

densamente poblada con
los iranes y un pequeo
nmero de cristianos. Fue
extremadamente hostil a
Cristo y su culto, insultando
y maldiciendo a la Cruz y de
la Iglesia, despreciando y
ridiculizando a los
sacerdotes y

asistentes. Por lo tanto,

cuando el lmite del pecado
se haba llenado, la protesta
the gates of the city of
contra la maldad de ellos se
Shamk'or and blocked
entrance to and exit from it. levant a la

Now at the time, this city

was under the authority of
Vahram and his son
Aghbugha, who had

Seor. A principios de una

seal de su [inminente]
destruccin apareci, tal
como haba sucedido
anteriormente Jerusaln,
antes de

taken it [204] from the

Iranians. The residents of
Shamk'or sent to Vahram
and his son for them to
come and

su destruccin. Por de
pronto el suelo rompi en
pedazos y agua negro
brot. Un extremadamente
grande de lamo

aid them, saying: "They are

few." But Vahram did not
aid them nor did he let his
son go who wanted to,

Se observ rbol (que ellos

llaman chandari), que
estaba cerca de la ciudad
para dar la vuelta. En esta

telling the emissaries:

"They are numerous."
Moreover, he ordered the
citizens not to fight them.

[G235] la ciudad entera

tembl. Pero entonces
vieron que el rbol se
posicion como antes. Esto
ocurri en dos

The foreigners' army

increased daily until their
commander, Molar, arrived
and fought against the city.

o tres veces; a partir de

entonces el rbol cay y se
qued sin ms. Entonces los
sabios [de Gandzak]

filled the trench which

surrounded the city walls
with wood and stalks so
that they might easily climb
onto the

examinar el signo de
aprender lo que significaba.
Y cuando se enteraron de
que era un presagio de la

walls. But the people hurled

down fire at night and
burned the filler. Now in the
morning when Mohx-noyin

destruccin, dejaron de
abusar de los cruces [198]
que haban puesto bajo el
umbral de la ciudad

saw that, he ordered each

of his soldiers to bring a
load of soil and to throw it
into the trench. When this

puertas. Los haban puesto

all como abuso para que
todos los transentes se

done, the area became

level with the wall.

Then each soldier applied

himself to that part of the
city directly in front of him.
And they took it, killed all

De pronto, el ejrcito T'at'ar

lleg y siti Gandzak en
todos los lados, la luchan
con numerosas mquinas
de guerra.

Golpearon la huerta que

rodeaba la ciudad. Luego
the inhabitants, burned the derribaron la muralla de la
buildings and took whatever ciudad, usando catapultas
sobre todo
they [g242] found there.
They then fell upon other
lados. Sin embargo,
fortresses under Vahram's
sway: Terunakan, Ergevank',
Matsnaberd (which
belonged [205] to Kiwrike
Bagratuni, Aghsart'an's
son), Gardman, and other
regions, Ch'arenk'; while
another chief, named
Ghataghannoyin, went to Getabak.
Now Vahram who was then
in Gardman secretly fled at
night to wherever he was
able. Meanwhile the army of
foreigners battled with the
fortresses. Those inside
unwillingly provided the
Mongols with horses,
livestock, and whatever
else they demanded. [The
Mongols] placed taxes over

ninguno de los enemigos

entr en la ciudad. Ellos
simplemente se quedaron
all con todas sus armas por
una semana,

Ahora una vez que los

habitantes vio que el
enemigo haba tomado la
ciudad, algunos se fueron
dentro de sus casas y
las estructuras por encima
de ellos, para que nada se
caiga en manos de los
enemigos. Otros quemaron
todo lo que

fuego podra arder, pero

exceptuados s mismos.
Cuando el enemigo observ
esto ellos se enfurecieron y
and left them in their name. puestos

But those who took

Shamk'or had come with all
their bags and baggage to
Tawush, Katsaret', Norberd,
and the surrounding areas.
Placing these regions in
great straits, they besieged

24. Concerning the capture

of vardapet Vanakan and
those with him.

At that time the great

vardapet called Vanakan
was dwelling in a cave he
himself had hollowed out,
near the

todos a la espada: hombre,

mujer y nio. Y nadie les
escap, pero para una
pequea armada y
preparado brigada [g236]
que se rompi a travs de
una parte de la pared en la
noche y huy. Algunas
pocas heces eran tambin
escatimado y torturado
para revelar donde se
guardaban los tesoros.
Luego mataron a algunos
de ellos y se llevaron el
cautivo. Entonces cavaron a
travs de las casas
carbonizadas y eliminados
lo hallaron escondidos all.
fueron ocupados con esto
durante muchos das. Luego
se fueron.

top of a very high rock

which stood opposite the
[199] A continuacin, el
village called Lorut, south of T'at'ars circular a travs de
Tawush fortress. He had
todos los barrios alrededor
built a
de la ciudad para
desenterrar y la caza de los
[g243] small church in that bienes y
grotto and stayed there
secretly once his first
mercancas. Ellos
monastery (opposite
descubrieron muchos
artculos hechos de oro,
plata, cobre y hierro, as

como diversas prendas de

vestir que
se haba escondido en los
stanos y cmaras

fortress) had been ruined

by the raiding of Sultan Jalal
al-Din. Here he [206] had
gathered many books, for
As, la ciudad [de Gandzak]
permaneci desolada
durante cuatro aos. [Los
was an extremely studious
mongoles] y luego orden
man and especially Godque sea
loving. Many people came
to him and studied doctrine reconstruidas, y unas pocas
personas lentamente
with him. When the people
reunidos all y
multiplied, he was obliged
reconstruyeron, a excepcin
to descend from the cave,
de la pared.
and he built a church and
rooms at the base of the
rock, remaining there.

As soon as the land was

destroyed by the T'at'ars
and Molar-noyin had come
to their borders, the

22. En cuanto a la
destruccin de las tierras de
Armenia y Georgia por el
mismo ejrcito.

of that village applied to

Pocos aos despus de la
Vanakan's cave. It became
filled with men, women, and destruccin de Gandzak,
este ejrcito fantico y
children. Then the T'at'ars
astuto dividido por lote
came and besieged them in todas las tierras de
the cave, while those folk
Armenia, Georgia y
inside had neither
provisions nor water. It was Aghbania / Aghuania, cada
jefe segn sus [g237]

summertime and extremely

hot and they were scorched
by the sun, as if in a prison.
The children were

ciudades importancia que


distritos, tierras y fortalezas

con el fin de tomar,
parched with thirst and
demoler, y arruinarlos.
close to death. From outside Cada [jefe] fue a su rea
the enemies shouted. "Why asignada
do you want to die?" Come
con sus esposas, hijos y
out to us, we shall give you equipo militar donde
overseers and leave you in
permanecieron sin un
your places." They repeated cuidado, contaminando y
this a second and third
comer todo el
time with pledges. Those
la vegetacin con sus
who were in the cave fell
camellos y ganado.
before the [g244] vardapefs
feet, entreating: "Go and
save all of our lives descend
to them and make friends
with them." Now [Vanakan]
replied: "For your sakes I
will not preserve my own
life if there is any possibility
of [your] salvation. For
Christ gave Himself up to

[200] En este momento el

reino de Georgia se debilit
considerablemente, ya que
estaba en manos de una
mujer llamada
Rusudan, hija de T'amar,
hermana de Lasha, nieto de
Giorg, un lascivo y mujer
lasciva, como

death for us to save us from

satan's [207] tyranny. Thus Shamiram, testarudo para
we are obliged to show the con todos los hombres
enviados a ella, durmiendo
same concern for our
con muchos, pero que
quedan estriles. Rusudan

So vardapet Vanakan
selected two priests from
among them, one named
Markos and the other

autoridad ejercidas a travs

de los comandantes Iwane
y su hijo Awag, Shahnshah
(hijo de Zak'are), Vahram
y otros. Debido Iwane haba

Sost'enes, who

muerto poco antes, se

llevaron y lo sepultaron en
Pghndzahank '(que tena

later were ordained

vardapets by him. We too
were present there studying convertido en un
Scripture in those days.
monasterio georgiano,
tomndolo de los
armenios). El hijo de Iwane
descended to them. Molarexcercised autoridad de su
noyin stood across from the padre.
cave on a hill, with a
parasol over his head
Y puesto que no fueron
because of
capaces de soportar la gran
tormenta de nieve [de los
the heat. They had blocked mongoles] que haba
us off during the feast of
llegado, todos betook
the Transfiguration. As soon
as they came near the
s a fortalezas, donde quiera
que pudieron [G238].
commander, those leading
them commanded them to
bow to the ground three
[Los mongoles] repartidos
times (like camels when
por las llanuras, montaas y
valles como una multitud de
sit), for such is their
langostas o como
custom. When they came
las lluvias torrenciales que
before him, he ordered
them to bow to the east, to vierte abajo en la tierra. El
terreno presenta la imagen
their Khan,
de los desastres ms
their king. Molar-noyin then lamentables y de
upbraided Vanakan, saying;
"I have heard that you are a duelo digno de
lamentacin. Porque la
learned and venerable
tierra no ocult los que
man, and your appearance trat de ocultar, ni las rocas
reveals you as such," for he o
was a fine-looking
bosques ocultan los que
composed man with a
buscaron refugio en ellas, ni
las fortalezas ms

beard and white hair.

"When you heard the news
of our coming to your
borders, why did you [g245]
come before us in peaceful
friendship, so that I could
command that all that is
yours be left unharmed,
and small?"

[208] The vardapet replied:

"We knew not of your good
intentions, but out of dread
of you we were seized
with fear and trepidation.
We did not know your
languages, and no one
came from you to summon
us. Now
when you called, we came
before you. We are neither
soldiers nor lords of goods,
but exiles and foreigners

slidamente construido, ni
los barrancos
de los valles. En cambio,
todos los que estaban
escondidos se descubran.
La valenta de los hombres
los abandon, y la fuerte
[201] manos de los
arqueros se debilitaron. Se
escondieron sus armas,
aquellos que los tenan,
para que el enemigo hara
no verlos y sin piedad a
matarlos. Las voces del
enemigo paralizados ellos y
el susurro de sus aljabas
todos llenos de terror. Cada
hombre vio a la hora de su
muerte vino antes que l y
su corazn muri dentro de
ellos. Los nios huyeron a
sus padres por temor a la
espada, y sus padres con
ellos cayeron por susto

cayendo al enemigo.
assembled from many lands
for studying our religion.
Behold we stand now before
Uno poda ver espadas sin
you. Do with us what you
piedad la tala de los
will, granting either life or
hombres y mujeres, jvenes
y nios, ancianos y edad
las mujeres, los obispos,
sacerdotes, diconos y
The prince then said to hirn: empleados. Nios lactantes

"Fear not". And he

commanded them to sit
before him. [Molar-noyin]
asked him

fueron lanzados contra las

rocas, hermosa
vrgenes fueron violadas y

numerous questions about

fortresses and about prince
Vahram where he was,
Fue terrible para
for he thought that Vanakan contemplar su apariencia y
su cruel falta de compasin;
was a worldly prince ruling
[los mongoles] no
the country. Once the
perdonaste una
vardapet had told what he
knew and that he was not a
worldly prince, [Molarnoyin] ordered him to bring
down the people of the
fortress fearlessly and he

[g239] lgrimas ni una sola

cabeza de color gris, de
madre soltera, pero fue en
castigar y matar como si se
en una boda o un beberpelea.

that each would be left in

his place with his overseers,
and that he would build
Todo el pas se llen de los
villages and fields in his
cadveres de los muertos
pero no haba nadie para
enterrarlos. Las lgrimas
a los ojos de los amantes,
Then the priests who had
pero nadie se atrevi a
gone with the vardapet
called to us: "Come down at llorar, por miedo a los
once, and bring what you
with you." [209] We
descended, quaking, like
lambs among the wolves,
frightened, terrified,
thinking we

El pas estaba cubierto de

luto y su magnfica [202]
belleza fue destruido. Su
culto fue bloqueado

were about to die, each

person in his mind
repeating the confession of
faith in the Holy Trinity;
prior to
leaving the cave we had
communed in the revered
Body and Blood of the Son
of God.

The T'at'ars took us to a

small fountain in the
monastery and gave us
water to drink, for we were
very thirsty
for three days. They then
put us in some place of
confinement and put the
laymen in the portico of the
church. They themselves
stayed about guarding us
during the night, for it was
evening. The next morning

y la masa dej de ser

ofrecido en sus altares, el
canto de canciones ya no se
escuch. Toda la tierra era
sumidos en la oscuridad y
las personas prefieren la
noche para el da. El pas se
vaci de sus habitantes
y los extranjeros se movan
en ella.

Los bienes y la propiedad

fueron violadas, aunque su
naturaleza codicioso nunca
podra ser satisfecho. Casas
y habitaciones
Se realizaron bsquedas y
no haba nada que no
tomaron. Se movan de aqu
para all como rpida
cabras de montaa y
destrozaron y destruyeron
cosas aparte como lobos.
Sus caballos no se
cansaban al ritmo, ni

removed us to the head of

the monastery, to an
elevated spot, and searched [los mongoles] neumticos
de amasar botn.
to see who had anything
needed. As for what was in
the cave, the vessels and
vestments in the church,
the furniture, silver crosses

Por lo tanto la severidad fue

visitado de muchos pueblos
y lenguas para la copa de la
ira del Seor derram abajo

el pas en venganza por

nuestros actos malvados y
por pecar delante de l; y
su justa ira se encendi.
two gospels worked in
silver, these things they
gave to the vardapet, but
later took from us. Then
selected [g247] from
among us men who could
go about with them. The
rest they ordered taken to
monastery and to the
village and left their
overseers there so that no
one else would search
them. They

Por lo tanto la entrada [de

los mongoles] en [G240]
toda la tierra se hizo fcil.
Tan pronto como lo haban
todas las tierras, se
reunieron todos los
animales (aquellos que
haban huido y los que no lo
haban hecho), los bienes y

ordered the vardapet to

remain in the monastery.

propiedad y multitud de
esclavos, que eran en reas

[Vanakan's] brother's son,

the priest Poghos, was
ordered to come along with
us, following Molar-noyin.

A partir de entonces se
enfrentaron con todas las
fortalezas y con [203]
muchas ciudades, erigiendo
diversos tipos de asedio []

the blessed vardapet saved

his nephew for he was a
youth and he himself [210]
came after [Molar-noyin]

maquinaria, pues eran muy

inteligente y capaz.
Tomaron y derribaron
muchas fortalezas y
mantiene. Ello

hoping that it might be

possible to free us as well.
And [Molar-nqym] made us

Era verano y muy caliente,

y disposiciones no se

travel around with him for

many days, harassed and
harried, on foot and even
barefoot. The men
appointed to guard us were
thirsty for Christian blood.
They made our lives yet
more difficult by all sorts of
torments along the way,

haban reunido en, por [los

mongoles] vino sobre
ellos de forma inesperada.
Por lo tanto, los hombres y
las bestias sufrieron de sed
y, voluntaria o
involuntariamente, cayeron
en el
manos del enemigo, debido
al peligro que enfrentan. Y
no fueron los que mataron,
y aquellos que mantienen

forcing us along so
stringently, like horses on a
raid. And if it happened that como esclavos para sus
someone out of bodily
necesidades. Ellos tratan de
forma similar a las ciudades
densamente pobladas,
or lameness paused a little, acampando sobre ellos y
they would mercilessly
strike his skull and beat his sitiando ellos.
body with sticks, so much
that we could not remove
thorns from our feet or
someone would attack. Nor
could anyone drink water
because of those forcing us

Upon encamping, they took

and crammed us into
narrow houses while they
surrounded them and
not letting anyone outside
to perform his bodily

23. La toma de la ciudad de


Uno de los nobles, llamado

Mohx-noyin, cuya suerte
haba cado sobre esas
regiones (mientras se
movan de su
se qued en la llanura
Mughan) envi una
pequea fuerza de unos

functions [g248]. Instead,

[the captives] relieved

cien [G241] los hombres

que vinieron y acamparon

in the houses, staying

inside for many days.
Therefore I cannot record all
the discomforts which they

las puertas de la ciudad de

Shamk'or y entrada
bloqueada y salida de la

us to endure. Nor did they

let the vardapet stay with
us, but entrusted him to
others to guard carefully,

Kirakos Gandzakets'i's

History of the Armenians

Then they took me from my

companions to serve their
secretarial needs, writing
and reading letters. During

Ahora en el momento, esta

ciudad estaba bajo la
autoridad de Vahram y su
hijo Aghbugha, que
previamente haba
tomado [204] de los iranes.
Los residentes de Shamk'or
enviados a Vahram y su hijo
para que vengan y se
ayudar a ellos, diciendo:
"Son pocos." Pero Vahram
no ayudar a ellos ni
tampoco deje que su hijo
vaya que quera,
diciendo a los emisarios:
"Ellos son numerosos."
Adems, orden a los
ciudadanos a no luchar
contra ellos.

Ejrcito de los extranjeros

aument a diario hasta su
comandante, Molar, lleg y
luch contra la ciudad. l
llena la zanja que rodeaba
las murallas de la ciudad

the [211] day they made

me travel with them and in
the evening they would
bring us to the vardapet,
with a

con la madera y los tallos

para que puedan subir
fcilmente sobre el

and autumn came and [the

Mongols] were close to
departing from our familiar

hecho, el rea se convirti

en la altura de la pared.

into distant foreign ones,

everybody risked their lives
and gradually began to flee
by night to wherever they

Luego, cada soldado se

dedic a esa parte de la
ciudad, justo en frente de
l. Y tomndola, mat a

paredes. Pero la gente

arrojados fuego en la noche
pledge. Again they would
y quemaron el relleno.
come and take me either on Ahora en la maana cuando
foot or on an unsaddled,
untrained pack animal; and
vio que, orden a cada uno
they did this for many days. de sus soldados para llevar
una carga de suelo y tirarlo
en la zanja. Cuando se
trataba de
When summer had passed

could. In this way by

Christ's grace, everyone
was able to escape except
for two priests who
attempted to flee
during the day and were
unable to free themselves.
The T'at'ars captured them
and led them to the army

los habitantes, quemaron

los edificios y se llevaron
todo lo que [g242]
encontraron all. Luego
cayeron sobre otra
fortalezas bajo el dominio
de Vahram: Terunakan,
Ergevank ', Matsnaberd
(que perteneca [205] para

slew them before us to

frighten and terrify us, for
Bagratuni, el hijo de
this is how they deal with all Aghsart'an), Gardman, y
otras regiones, Ch'arenk ';

Then one day the

marvellous vardapet said to
me: "Kirakos" [g249]. And I
said: "What do you
vardapet?" He said: "My
son, it is written 'Whenever
you fall into adversity,
forbear [Romans 12.12].' It
necessary for us to reflect
the advice of Scripture in
our own lives for we are no
better than the saints of
Daniel, Anania and Ezekiel,
who were pious in their
captivities until God visited
them and glorified them in
their slavery. Let [212] us
also live by God's protection
until He visits us, if He so
desires." I replied: "Let us
do as you order, holy
father" .

It happened one day that

the very prince who had
captured us came to where
we were being kept. Seeing
he turned aside to us, and
we went before him. He

mientras que otro jefe,

llamado Ghataghannoyin, fue a Getabak. Ahora
Vahram que estaba
entonces en Gardman huy
secretamente durante la
noche a donde l estaba
poder. Mientras tanto, el
ejrcito de los extranjeros
luch con las fortalezas. Los
que estn dentro siempre
de mala gana la
Mongoles con caballos,
ganado y cualquier otra
cosa que demandaban. []
Los mongoles coloc
impuestos sobre ellos
y los dej en su nombre.

Pero los que tomaron

Shamk'or haban venido con
todas sus maletas y
equipaje a Tawush, Katsaret
', Norberd, Gag
y las reas circundantes. La
colocacin de estas
regiones en grandes
apuros, ellos los sitiados.

24. En cuanto a la captura

said: "What do you need?

Perhaps you are hungry? I
give you horsemeat for
food." For they
indiscriminately ate all sorts
of unclean animals
including mice and all
types of creeping things.
The vardapet replied: "We
do not eat horsemeat or
your other foods. But if you
to do good by us, let us go
free to our home as you
promised. For I am an old
and sick man and I can

de Vardapet Vanakan y los

que con l.

En ese momento el gran

Vardapet llamada Vanakan
habitaba en una cueva l
mismo haba ahuecado,
cerca de la
parte superior de una roca
alta que se situ frente al
pueblo llamado Lorut, al sur
de la fortaleza Tawush. Se
haba construido una
[G243] pequea iglesia en
esa gruta y alojado all en
secreto una vez que su
primer monasterio (frente
Ergevank '

you neither as a soldier nor

as a pastor nor in any other
way." The commander said
to him: "When
Ch'uch'u-Khan [g250]
comes I shall think about
this." Ch'uch'u-Khan was
the overseer of his house
and he

fortaleza) haba sido

arruinado por el
allanamiento de Sultn Jalal
al-Din. Aqu l [206] se
haban reunido muchos
had gone off looting with his libros, porque l
troops. So we came before
era un hombre muy
the commander two and
estudioso y sobre todo Dios
three times, and his reply
amoroso. Mucha gente vino
was always the same.
a l y estudiaron la doctrina
Finally the man returned

con l. Cuando el pueblo se

multiplic, se vio obligado a

from his travels and they

summoned us to the
prince's court. [Ch'uch'uKhan] was
sent to us with a translator
and said: "Is it not as you
[Christians] claim that to
give things to the dead
the deceased [213]
person's soul? Well now, if
giving helps the dead, why
will it not save the living?
Give us
what you have and
purchase your souls and
then go, sit in your home."
The vardapet replied: "What
we had

descender de la cueva, y se
construy una iglesia y
habitaciones en la base de
la roca, permaneciendo all.

Tan pronto como la tierra

fue destruida por los
T'at'ars y Molar-noyin haba
llegado a sus fronteras, los
de esa aldea se aplica a la
cueva de Vanakan. Se se
llen de hombres, mujeres y
nios. Entonces los T'at'ars
vino y los sitiados en la
cueva, mientras que esa
gente en el interior tenan
ni provisiones ni agua. fue

were those things you

already took the crosses
and the Gospels. Beyond
that we have nothing." The

verano y extremadamente
caliente y se quem por el
sol, como si estuviera en
una prisin. Los nios

then said: "If you have

nothing, then you cannot
depart." The vardapet
answered: "I tell you
honestly that we

reseca de sed y cerca de la

muerte. Desde fuera de los
enemigos gritaron. "Por
qu quieres morir?" Ven

a nosotros, vamos a darle

have nothing, not even the capataces y te dejan en sus
price for a day's meal. But if lugares. "Repitieron este
you will, send us to one of
una segunda y tercera
the fortresses surrounding
tiempo con promesas. Los
us and the Christians there que estaban en la cueva
will buy us."
cay antes de la [G244]

vardapefs pies, suplicando:

"Ve y

They placed a heavy price

on him, then reduced it, and . salvar a todos de nuestras
sent him to the fortress
vidas descender a ellas y
known as Gag. [Vanakan]
hacer amistad con ellos
"Ahora [Vanakan]
requested that our price
respondi:" Por causa de
also be paid with his, but
vosotros me
[the Mongols] did not
permit this, saying: "We
no preservar mi propia
need him to
vida si hay alguna
posibilidad de que [su] la
read and write letters. No
salvacin. Por el mismo
matter what sum you offer, Cristo entreg a la
we will not give him up."
And we parted from each
la muerte por nosotros para
salvarnos de [207] la tirana
other in tears. The vardapet de Satans. Por lo tanto,
said to me: "My son, I shall
estamos obligados a
go and throw myself before mostrar la misma
the Holy Cross calling
preocupacin por nuestro
upon the name of Saint
Sargis [g25 1] beseeching
the Lord through him for
you and for the other
brothers held

hermanos ".

As Vardapet Vanakan
seleccion dos sacerdotes
by the impious [Mongols] so de entre ellos, uno llamado
that perhaps God in His
Markos y el otro Sost'enes,
compassion will free you."
For there was at Gag a
posteriormente fueron
ordenados vardapets por l.
wonder-working Cross
Nosotros tambin
which helped all those in
estuvimos presentes all
difficulties, especially
estudiando las Escrituras en
captives. The holy martyr
aquellos das. [Vanakan]
descendido a ellos. Molarnoyin estaba al otro lado de

la cueva en una colina, con

una sombrilla en la cabeza
a causa de
himself would appear to
those who took refuge in it
with all their hearts, and he
would open prison doors,
loosening the fetters and
irons and physically lead
them to their places. The
fame of its miracles had

el calor. Nos haban

bloqueado durante la fiesta
de la Transfiguracin. Tan
pronto como llegaron cerca
de la
comandante, las que
conducen ellos les mand a
inclinarse al suelo tres
veces (como camellos

throughout all peoples.

They say that the Cross was sentarse), porque tal es su
erected by our vardapet,
costumbre. Cuando llegaron
Saint Mesrop.
ante l, les orden a
inclinarse hacia el este, a su
It transpired as the
su rey. Molar-noyin luego
vardapet had said. They
reprendi Vanakan,
bought him for eighty
diciendo; "He odo que eres
dahekans. As soon as they
un aprendiste y venerable
had taken him,
that same day, Molar said
to us: "Do not be saddened
at the departure of the
great priest. We did not let

hombre, y su aspecto que

revela como tal ", porque l
era un hombre compuesto
de buen aspecto con una

go with him because we

need you. I shall honor you
as one of my grandees. If
you have a wife, I shall

barba y pelo blanco.

"Cuando se enter de la
noticia de nuestra llegada a
sus fronteras, por qu lo
hiciste [G245] no

her to you. If not, I shall

give you one of our
women." And he

llegado antes que nosotros

en la amistad pacfica, para
que yo pudiera ordenar que

immediately gave us a tent

and two lads to wait

todo lo que es tuyo quedar

ileso, grande

on us, saying: "Tomorrow I

shall give you a horse and
make you happy. Stay
loyal." And he left.

y pequea?"

[208] El Vardapet
respondi: "Nosotros no de
sus buenas intenciones
sabamos, sino por temor a
que nos apoderamos

By the grace of God, it

happened that we secretly
fled and escaped that same
night. We came to the place con miedo y temor. No
sabamos sus lenguas, y
nadie vino a partir de que
our birth, to the monastery nos convocar. Ahora
called Getik; it had been
cuando llamaste, venimos
ruined by them, the
ante ti. No somos ni los
buildings in it, burned. And
soldados ni los seores de
los bienes, pero los
stopped there [g252].
exiliados y extranjeros

25. Concerning the

destruction of the city of

montado a partir de muchas

tierras para el estudio de
nuestra religin. He aqu
estamos ahora ante
ustedes. Hacer con nosotros
lo que
ser, otorgando la vida o la
muerte ".

[215] Chaghatai, the

commander of all the
detachments of the pagans,
heard about the fortification
of the city

El prncipe dijo a Hirn: "No

temas". Y mand que se
sentaran delante de l.
[Molar-noyin] le pregunt

of Lorhe and about the

abundance of treasures in

numerosas preguntas
acerca de las fortalezas y

it, for located there were

the home of prince
Shahnshah and

unos prncipe Vahram donde estaba, pues pens

que Vanakan

his treasury. [Chaghatai]

took with him select
weapons and many siege
machines, and in full
readiness he

era un prncipe terrenal

gobierna el pas. Una vez
que el Vardapet haba dicho
lo que saba y que l no era

went and settled in around

[Lorhe], besieging the city.

prncipe mundano, [Molarnoyin] le orden derribar el

pueblo de la fortaleza sin
miedo y prometi

Prince Shahnshah took his

wife and children, secretly
went into the valley there
and secured them in a cave.

que cada quedara en su

lugar con sus supervisores,
y que iba a construir aldeas
y campos en su nombre

He gave superintendence of [g246].

the city to his father-inlaw['s sons] but because
they were weaklings, they
Entonces los sacerdotes
que haban ido con la
their time eating and
Vardapet llamado a
drinking and getting drunk, nosotros: "Ven hacia abajo a
trusting in the strength of
la vez, y traer lo que tiene
the city walls, and not in
con ustedes. "[209]
descendimos, temblando,
como corderos en medio de
los lobos, asustado,
The enemy arrived. They
aterrorizado, pensando que
dug at the base of the walls
and made them collapse,
estaban a punto de morir,
then settled around them
cada persona en su mente
repetir la confesin de la fe
en la Santsima Trinidad;
kept watch so that no one
antes de
would flee. Now once the
inhabitants of the city saw
salir de la cueva que

that [the Mongols] had

the city, they began to
crowd with fear and filled
up the valley. When the
enemy saw that, they
started to
enter the city and
indiscriminately [216] cut
down men, women, and
children, taking their goods
belongings as booty. They
discovered the treasures of
prince Shahnshah which he
had extorted and robbed

habamos comulgado en el
Cuerpo venerado y la
Sangre del Hijo de Dios.

Los T'at'ars nos llev a una

pequea fuente en el
monasterio y nos dio a
beber agua, porque eran
muy sediento
por tres das. Luego nos
pusieron en un lugar de
reclusin y pusieron los
laicos en el prtico de la

iglesia. Ellos mismos se

quedaron cuidando de
nosotros durante la noche,
from those he had subdued. ya que era tarde. A la
[He had] constructed there maana siguiente
a sturdy treasury which no
nos eliminado a la cabeza
one could see, since the
del monasterio, a un lugar
mouth of the pit was so
elevado y buscado para ver
narrow that treasures could quin tena nada que
be cast in, but nothing
necesario. En cuanto a lo
could be removed [g253].
que haba en la cueva, los
vasos y ornamentos de la
killed Shahnshah's father-in- iglesia, los muebles, cruces
law['s sons] and they did
de plata y
reconnaissance around all
the fortresses in the district,
taking many both by threats
and by treachery. For the
Lord gave them into their
dos evangelios trabajaron
en plata, estas cosas se
dieron a la Vardapet, pero

They did the same to other

cities, to Dumanis, to
Shamshoylte, to the capital
Tiflis, taking everything as
booty, destroying or
enslaving, spreading their
raiding expeditions
everywhere with merciless

ms tarde se llevaron de
nosotros. Luego se
seleccionado [G247] de en
medio de nosotros, los
hombres que podan ir
sobre ellos. El resto
Ordenaron llevados a la
monasterio y al pueblo y
dejaron sus supervisores all
para que nadie ms podra
buscarlos. Ellos

ravishments and
destruction. There was no
one to resist them or offer
war against them. Therefore orden la Vardapet a
permanecer en el
fear was
everywhere. The queen of
the Georgians, Rusudan
[1223-45], had fled to
Hijo del hermano [de
wherever she was able. So
Vanakan], el sacerdote
all the
Poghos, recibi la orden de
princes surrendered [to the venir con nosotros,
siguiendo Molar-noyin. Pero

el Vardapet bendita salv su

sobrino porque l era un
joven y l mismo [210] se
produjo despus de [Molarnoyin]
26. How prince Awag fell
into their hands.

When the great prince

Awag, Iwane's son, saw the
great [217] multitude of the
enemy which had filled the

la esperanza de que podra

ser posible que nos libre
tambin. Y [Molar-nqym]
nos hizo viajar por ah con
l por

muchos das, hostigados y

acosados, a pie e incluso
descalzo. Los hombres
entire land, he holed up in a designados para custodiar

strong fortress named

Kayean. All the inhabitants
of the district came and
fortified themselves around
the fortress. As soon as the
army of the foreigners
learned that prince Awag

nosotros eran iranes,

sedientos de sangre
cristiana. Hicieron nuestra
vida an ms difcil por todo
tipo de tormentos en el
obligndonos a lo largo de
lo estrictamente, como
caballos en una redada. Y si
sucedi que alguien fuera
de debilidad corporal

o la cojera se detuvo un
poco, ellos sin piedad
fortified there, one of their
golpear su crneo y se
principals (named Itulata)
took many troops and came golpeaba el cuerpo con
palos, tanto es as
and [g254] besieged the
area around the fortress;
the land filled with the
troops of foreigners
generally, since many
people had fled [to
Kayean] from all sides
because of the fortification
of the area.

que no podamos quitar

espinas de nuestros pies o
alguien atacara. Nadie
tampoco poda beber agua
porque de los que nos
obliga el.

Al encamping, tomaron y
nos hacinados en casas
estrechas, mientras que los
They settled around all
sides of the wall at the base rodearon y custodiados,
of the fortress and sent
no dejar a nadie fuera de
messages to Awag to come ejercer sus funciones
out to
corporales [G248]. En su
them in obedient service
and not to be afraid. Many
times they sent to him,
saying the same thing. Now

lugar, [los prisioneros]

hacan sus necesidades
en las casas,
permaneciendo en el

[Awag], desirous of winning

their favor, gave his
daughter and many goods
[to the Mongols], so that
they would loosen the
siege. But they took his
gifts and demanded his
presence even more
insistently. Those
around the fortress and
those in it began to be
troubled by thirst. So they
gave over to the T'at'ars
their horses
and all their livestock so
that they allow some of
them to go and bring water
for their animals.

interior durante muchos

das. Por lo tanto no puedo
grabar todas las molestias
que se ven obligados
nos mantenemos firmes.
Tampoco se permiten el
Vardapet quedarse con
nosotros, pero l confiadas
a otros a guardar
cuidadosamente, lejos

Kirakos Gandzakets'i de

their plan in a body of many

men, they went to the [218]
Historia de los Armenios
water source there. The
T'at'ars blocked their path
the water. They killed no
one but told them to lower
down their families and to
live among them.
and in grief they brought
down their families. They
were given water to drink
and were kept among the
T'at'ars. The T'at'ars took

Despus me llevaron de mis

compaeros para servir a
sus necesidades de
secretara, la escritura y la
lectura de las cartas.
el [211] das me hicieron
viajar con ellos y por la

the women they wanted

and killed their men,
leaving others with their

noche nos gustara traer a

la Vardapet, con un
promesa. Una vez ms iban
a venir y llevarme ya sea a
pie o en un desensill,
animal de carga sin
entrenamiento; y

As soon as Awag saw that

the T'at'ars did not let off
besieging or destroying
them, he wanted to
surrender to

que hicieron esto durante

muchos das.

Xach'en azats, the overseer

of his house) in advance of
himself to go, meet and
flatter their leader,

a los extranjeros lejanos,

todo el mundo se arriesg
su vida y poco a poco
comenz a huir de noche a
dondequiera que

Cuando el verano haba

them so that perhaps things pasado y lleg el otoo y
would be lighter for the
[los mongoles] estaban
people. So he sent Grigor
cerca de salir de nuestra
called Tghay (one of the
tierra familiarizado

Chormaghun, who had

pitched his tent by the
shores of Lake
Geghark'unik' (Sewan).
When the great noyin
Chormaghun heard this he
was delighted and
immediately sent to Itulata
who was besieging Kayean
quickly come to him and to
stop harrying the
inhabitants of the fortress
and district. Itulata took
Awag and

podra. De esta manera, por

la gracia de Cristo, todo el
mundo fue capaz de
escapar a excepcin de dos
sacerdotes que intent huir
durante el da y fueron
incapaces de liberarse. Los
T'at'ars ellos capturaron y
los llevaron al ejrcito y
los mataron delante de
nosotros para asustar y
aterrorizar a nosotros,
porque esta es la forma en
que se ocupan de todos los

quickly came to
Chormaghun. When
Chormaghun saw the prince
he asked him: "Are you
Entonces, un da
Awag?" The prince
maravilloso Vardapet me
replied: "I am he." The great dijo: "Kirakos" [G249]. Y yo
le dije: "Qu es lo que
commander then asked:
"Why did you not come
quickly to me when I
the borders of your land?"
The prince responded:
"While you [219] were far
away and my father was

? Vardapet "l dijo:" Hijo

mo, est escrito "Cada vez
que se cae en la
adversidad, abstenerse
[Romanos 12,12]. ' es

necesaria para que

reflexionemos el consejo de
las Escrituras en nuestras
he served you with many
propias vidas para que no
gifts. As soon as my father
died, I served you according somos mejores que los
santos de la antigedad,
to my capability. And now
that you have come to my
land, lo, I have come before
you. Do with me what you
will." The commander said

Daniel, Anania y Ezequiel,

que eran piadosos en sus
cautiverios hasta que Dios
los visit y les glorificado en

to Awag: "There is a
proverb, 'I came to the
window/sky light, you did
not come. I came to the
door, behold,

su esclavitud. Que [212]

nosotros tambin vivimos
por la proteccin de Dios
hasta que l nos visita, si
as lo desea ", le contest:".

you have come.'" And

[Chormaghun] ordered that hacer lo que te pide, santo
[Awag] sit lower than all the padre ".
grandees who sat before
Sucedi un da que el
and he ordered a great
prncipe que nos haba
meal served in his honor
capturado lleg a donde


They brought large

quantities of meat both
from clean and from
unclean animals, cut apart,
ground, and

estbamos siendo
mantenido. Al vernos,
se apart del camino para
nosotros, y nos fuimos
antes que l. l dijo: "Qu
necesitas Quiz tienes
hambre lo har?

cooked and also kumiss

(xmuz) made from mare's
milk, according to their
custom. They brought this
food in

le dan carne de caballo para

la comida. "Porque ellos
coman todo tipo de
animales impuros,
incluyendo ratones y todo

many bags, threw them

before the guests, and they
began to eat and drink. But
Awag and those with him

tipos de reptiles. El
Vardapet respondi:. "No
comemos carne de caballo
o de sus otros alimentos,
pero si lo desea

not eat or drink. The

commander asked him:
"Why don't your eat and
drink?" Awag replied:
"Christians are

para hacer el bien por

nosotros, vamos suelta a
nuestra casa como lo
prometiste. Porque yo soy
un hombre viejo y enfermo
y puedo servir

not accustomed to eat this

food and to drink this
beverage, rather, they eat
meat from clean animals
which we
have sacrificed, and they
take wine to drink." So
[Chormaghun] ordered that
such be given to those who
requested it. The next day
[Chormaghun] seated
[Awag] above many of the

que ni como soldado ni

como un pastor, ni de
ninguna otra manera. "El
comandante le dijo:"
Ch'uch'u-Khan [G250] viene
voy a pensar en esto.
"Ch'uch'u-Khan era el
mayordomo de su casa y l
haba ido saqueo con sus
tropas. Entonces se nos

grandees and in this way,

day by
day, he honored the prince
[220] yet more until he was
even seated in the rank of
the truly great lords.

ocurri antes de que el

comandante de dos y tres
veces, y su respuesta
era siempre el mismo.

[Chormaghun] further
ordered all of his troops not
to fight with the fortresses
and cities under [Awag's]

Finalmente el hombre volvi

de sus viajes y nos convoc
a la corte del prncipe.
[Ch'uch'u-Khan] era

domination. And great ease

came about in his land, and
many captives were freed
because of him.

envi a nosotros con un

traductor y dijo: "No es
como vosotros [los
cristianos] afirmacin de
que dar cosas a los
beneficios muertos

[Chormaghun] gave him

back all of his lands and
more besides, and
established indestructible
friendship with
him. Taking [Awag] and all
his troops, [Chormaghun]
marched against the city of
Ani [g257].

27. How the Lord betrayed

the city of Ani into the
hands of the T'at'ars.

difunto alma [213] de la

persona? Ahora bien, si se
entrega ayuda a los
muertos, por qu no salvar
a los vivos? Danos
lo que tiene y compra sus
almas y luego ir, sentarse
en su casa "La Vardapet
respondi:". Lo que
eran esas cosas que ya
tomaste - las cruces y los
Evangelios. Ms all de que
no tenemos nada. "El
luego dijo: "Si no tienes
nada, entonces no se puede
salir." El Vardapet
respondi: "Te digo

honestamente que nos

This city, Ani, was filled with
a multitutde of people and
animals and surrounded by
very strong walls. It had
in it so many churches that
among the oaths spoken
one was: "By the thousand
and one churches of Ani." It

was a city rich in all goods

and because of this,
arrogance resulting from
satiety struck it; and that
led to destruction, as has
been the case from the
beginning until the present.
Chormaghun sent
ambassadors to

no tienen nada, ni siquiera

el precio de la comida de un
da. Pero si se quiere,
nosotros enviar a una de las
fortalezas que rodean
nosotros y los cristianos all
nos vamos a comprar ".

Colocaron un alto precio en

l, a continuacin, lo
redujeron y lo enviaron a la
fortaleza conocida como la
mordaza. [Vanakan]
solicit que nuestro precio
tambin se pagar con la
suya, pero [los mongoles]
no permita esto, diciendo:
"Nosotros lo necesitamos
leer y escribir cartas. No
importa lo que suma que
usted ofrece, no lo vamos a
renunciar. "Y nos
separamos unos de

the inhabitants for them to

obediently come out to him. otra llorando. El Vardapet
Those who were the heads
me dijo: "Hijo mo, voy a ir a
of the city did not dare
tirarme antes de la llamada
de la Santa Cruz
respond to the message
without asking prince
Shahnshah, since the city
was under his authority.

[221] But the city mob and

en el nombre de San Sargis

[g25 1] suplicando al Seor
a travs de l para ti y para
los dems hermanos en
por los impos [mongoles]

the commoners (rhamikk')

killed [Chormaghun's]
delegation. When the

de modo que tal vez Dios

en Su compasin le
liberar. "Porque no estaba
en la mordaza de un [214]

troops learned of this, in

rage they besieged Ani on
all sides. They erected
many catapults and,

milagroso Cruz, que ayud

a todos los que estn en
dificultades, especialmente
los cautivos. El santo mrtir

battling against the city,

they took it [in 1236]. Some
of the princes of the city
surrendered to the enemy,
thereby saving their lives.
Many were called out of the
city and promised that
nothing evil would be done

But as soon as these

princes had emerged from
the city and gone [to the
Mongols] in all their
multitude, the
enemy divided them
amongst themselves and
put them to the sword,
mercilessly cutting down
one and all and

l aparecera a los que se

refugi en ella con todo su
corazn, y l abrira puertas
de la crcel,
aflojar los grilletes y
plancha y fsicamente los
llevan a sus lugares. La
fama de sus milagros se
haba extendido
a travs de todos los
pueblos. Dicen que la Cruz
fue erigida por nuestra
Vardapet, San Mesrop.

Se supo que el Vardapet

haba dicho. Ellos le
compraron por ochenta
dahekans. Tan pronto como
se lo haban llevado,

sparing only a few women

and children and some
artisans whom they led into ese mismo da, Molar nos
captivity. Then they entered dijo: "No se entristeci por

the city, took all the goods

and possessions, looted all
the churches, ruined and
destroyed the entire city
corrupted the glory of its
beauty [g258].

It was a pitiful sight there.

Dead parents and their
children were heaped on
top of one another, like a
pile of
rough stones, priests and
deacons and officials of the
church, old, young, children,
adolescents, and many
virgins dealt with as it says
in the holy Gospel: "You
shall be betrayed to hunger
and slavery." The same
prescription fell upon the
inhabitants of Ani, for [their
corpses were] scattered
here [222] and there, fallen

la partida del gran

sacerdote No los dejamos.
ir con l porque te
necesitamos. Yo te honra
como uno de mis Grandes.
Si usted tiene una esposa,
ella para ti. Si no, te dar
una de nuestras mujeres. "Y
l inmediatamente nos dio
una tienda de campaa y
dos muchachos que esperar
en nosotros, diciendo:
"Maana te dar un caballo
y hacerte feliz Mantngase
fiel.". Y se fue.

Por la gracia de Dios,

sucedi que en secreto
huy y escap aquella
misma noche. Llegamos al
lugar de
nuestro nacimiento, al
monasterio llamado Getik;
que haba sido arruinado
por ellos, los edificios en
que, quemados. Y nosotros

across the face of the

plains; the land drank in the
blood and fat of the
detenido all [G252].
wounded. Tender bodies,
once washed
with soap, lay blackened
and swollen. Those who had
not gone out of the city
were led away barefoot into 25. En cuanto a la

captivity; and those who

had communed in the holy
blood and body of the Son
of God now ate unclean,

destruccin de la ciudad de

sickening meat and drank

foul mare's milk. Modest
and prudent women were
deflowered by wanton, lewd

[215] Chaghatai, el
comandante de todos los
destacamentos de los
paganos, se enter de la
fortificacin de la ciudad

men; blessed virgins who

had vowed to God to keep
their bodies and souls pure
were fouled by various
prostitutions and corrupted
with indignities. This was
the end of the affair [g259].

28. Concerning the

destruction of Kars.

This city, when it saw what

the T'at'ars had done with
the inhabitants of Ani,
hastened to give the keys of
city to the enemy, with the
hope that perhaps they
might be spared. But [the
Mongols], because they

de Lorhe y sobre la
abundancia de tesoros en
ella, porque haba situado la
casa del prncipe y
su tesoro. [Chaghatai] llev
consigo seleccione armas y
muchas mquinas de
asedio, y en plena
disposicin que
se fue y se estableci en
torno a [Lorhe], sitiando la

Prncipe Shahnshah tom su

mujer y sus hijos, en
secreto entr en el valle all
y les asegur en una cueva.
Dio superintendencia de la
ciudad de [hijos 's] su
padre-en-ley, sino porque
eran dbiles, que pas
su tiempo para comer y
beber y emborracharse,
confiando en la fuerza de
las murallas de la ciudad, y

anxious for booty and
feared no one, did to them
the same as they had done
to Ani, namely, they
ravished the
goods, cut down the
inhabitants, ruled the city,
stripped it of its ornaments,
and took its residents into

no en Dios.

El enemigo lleg. Cavaron

en la base de las paredes y
los hicieron colapsar, a
continuacin, se asentaron
alrededor de ellos y
reloj guardado para que
nadie huira. Ahora una vez
que los habitantes de la
ciudad vieron que [los
mongoles] haban tomado

captivity. They left a few

dregs [in Kars] and [223]
then departed. But later the
troops of the sultan of Rum la ciudad, comenzaron a
multitud con miedo y llen
arrived and mercilessly, at
el valle. Cuando el enemigo
sword point, led into slavery vio que, empezaron a
those who had escaped the
entrar en la ciudad e
T'at'ars, as is wrtten in
indiscriminadamente [216]
Scripture: "Fear, a pit, and
talados hombres, mujeres y
lightning upon you,
nios, teniendo sus bienes y
inhabitants of the land; for
those who flee from fear fall pertenencias como botn.
Ellos descubrieron los
tesoros de prncipe
the pit, and those who
Shahnshah que haba
emerge from the pit are
extorsionado y robado
struck by lightning," and
de los que haba sometido.
those who survive that are
[Tena] construido all un
bitten by a
tesoro robusto que nadie
snake [Isaiah 24, 17-18].
poda ver, ya que el
This is how the residents of
la boca del pozo era tan
Kars were overthrown.
estrecho que tesoros
podran ser lanzados, pero
nada podra ser eliminado
The same army also took
[G253]. Ellos
the city of the blessed Mari

(Surb Mari), which

Shahnshah and Awag had
from the Tachiks several
years before. While [the
residents] were still
mending their wounds,
suddenly a

matado al padre-en-ley ['s

hijos] de Shahnshah y lo
hicieron de reconocimiento
alrededor de todas las
fortalezas en el distrito,
teniendo muchos tanto por
amenazas y por la traicin.
Porque el Seor les dio en
sus manos.

certain one of the nobles

named Ghara Bahatur came
upon them with many
troops and quickly took the Hicieron lo mismo con otras
ciudades, a Dumanis, a
Shamshoylte, a la capital
ravishing all that he found
Tiflis, tomando todo como
in it [g260].
botn, destruir o esclavizar,
la difusin de sus
expediciones de saqueo por
When [the Mongols] had
todas partes con los
worked such deeds
ataques despiadados,
throughout the entire land,
a command was given to
ravishments y destruccin.
No haba nadie para
resistirlos u ofrecer la
survivors who had outlived
guerra contra ellos. Por lo
the sword and captivity for
tanto miedo era
each to go to his own place,
whether village or city
en todas partes. La reina de
los georgianos, Rusudan
and to build it in their name [1223-45], haba huido a
and to serve them. And the dondequiera que ella fue
land began to be rebuilt
capaz. As que todo el
prncipes rindieron [a los

However, it is the custom of

God to recall mercy in His
26. Cmo prncipe Awag
anger, and He did so here,
cayeron en sus manos.
since "He dealt with us not
according [224] to our sins,
and repaid us not according
to our impiety [Psalms 102,
10]." It was summertime
when they raided us, and
the harvest had not yet
been reaped or gathered
into the granaries. They
came with
camels and livestock and
ate and trampled
everything. Close to winter
when [the Mongols] had left
for the
plain called Mughan in
Aghbania/Aghuania (they
spent the winter season
there and in springtime
throughout the land) the
people there who had
survived the sword were
naked and without food and
they fell
upon the husks and ground
them to fill their needs. Yet
winter was not severely
cold, as at other times
but as mild as one would
wish. Since they had no

Cuando el gran prncipe

Awag, el hijo de Iwane, vio
la gran [217] multitud de
los enemigos que haban
llenado el
la tierra entera, que
encerrado en una fortaleza
fuerte llamado Kayean.
Todos los habitantes del
barrio vinieron y
fortificado alrededor de la
fortaleza. Tan pronto como
el ejrcito de los extranjeros
se enter de que era
prncipe Awag

fortificada all, uno de sus

directores (llamado Itulata)
tomaron muchas tropas y
vino y [G254] sitiaron la
rea alrededor de la
fortaleza; la tierra llena de
las tropas de los extranjeros
en general, ya que muchas
personas haban huido [a
Kayean] por todos lados

oxen to work the land and

no seed to sow, when
came, at the command of
God the land blossomed
forth of its own accord and
was sufficient to fill the
people's needs. Moreover,
everywhere there was a
plentitude of bread by
which the refugees lived.
Furthermore, the merciless
Georgian people displayed
much kindness and concern
for the exiles reaching

debido a la fortificacin de
la zona.

Se instalaron alrededor de
todos los lados de la pared
en la base de la fortaleza y
se envan mensajes a Awag
a salir a
en servicio obediente y no
tener miedo. Muchas veces
se envan a l, diciendo lo
mismo. Ahora

[Awag], deseosos de ganar

su favor, le dio a su hija y
muchos bienes [a los
them. In this way, merciful
mongoles], por lo que tal
God consoled the bereaved. vez

29. Concerning the sending

of prince Awag to the Khan
in the East.

After a short time had

passed, [the Mongols] sent
Awag [225] on a distant
journey to the northeast, to
king called the Khan. For
they did the same to all the
grandees whom they

ellos aflojar el cerco. Luego

tomaron sus dones y
exigieron su presencia an
ms insistentemente.
alrededor de la fortaleza y
aquellos en los que
comenz a ser molestado
por la sed. As que se dieron
a los T'at'ars sus caballos
y todo su ganado para que
permitan a algunos de ellos
para ir y llevar agua para
sus animales. Compromiso
su plan en un cuerpo de
muchos hombres, se fue a
la fuente [218] agua all.

wished to honor. They sent

him to

Los T'at'ars bloquearon su

camino hacia

the king and, taking the

ruler's order, implemented
it, for they were extremely
obedient to their king. The

el agua. Mataron a nadie

ms que les dijeron a
rebajar sus familias y vivir
entre ellos. De mala gana

prince himself was happy to y en el dolor que derribaron

go, so that perhaps his
sus familias. Se les dio agua
situation and that of the
para beber y se
country be eased
mantuvieron entre los
somewhat. All
T'at'ars. Los T'at'ars
offered prayers to God on
tomaron a las mujeres que
his account [g262] so that
queran y mataron a sus
He return [Awag] in peace,
hombres, dejando a los
for he was of a good nature, dems con sus maridos
and they also hoped that
with his return they might
profit a little.


Tan pronto como Awag vio

que los T'at'ars no permiti
Now [Awag] went before the que fuera asediando o
great king, showed him
destruirlos, quera
letters from his own
entregarse a
commanders, and recalled
de modo que tal vez las
cosas seran ms claro para
reason for his coming, that
el pueblo. As que envi
he had come to him in
Grigor llama Tghay (uno de
service. Once the great king los
heard that, he received
Azats Xach'en, el
mayordomo de su casa) por
with affection, gave him a
adelantado de s mismo
T'at'ar bride and sent him
para ir, se encuentran y se
to his own land. He also
halagan su lder,
wrote to his commanders to
Ch ormaghun, que haba
plantado su tienda por las

[Awag] his own lands and

with his help to subdue all
the rebels, as happened.

When he came to his land

and the commanders
implemented the orders of
their king, the following
men came
[to the Mongols] in service:
Shahnshah, son of Zak'are,
prince Vahram and his son
Aghbugha, Hasan called
Jalal, prince of the Xach'en
area, and many others. [The
Mongols] gave to each one
control over [226] his
lands, and, for the time
being, a pardon.

Then by taxation, coming

and going, and military
activities [the Mongols]
began to place them in
straits; but
despite all this and more
besides, though they
harassed them,
nevertheless they killed no
one. After a few
years had passed, prince
Awag was harassed [by the
Mongols] and he was
unable to [g263] satisfy all

orillas del lago Geghark'unik

'(Sewan). Cuando el gran
Chormaghun oy esto, se
mostr encantado y de
inmediato envi a Itulata
que estaba sitiando a
llegar rpidamente a l y
dejar de acosar a los
habitantes de la fortaleza y
el distrito. Itulata tom
Awag y
rpidamente lleg a
Chormaghun. Cuando
Chormaghun vio el prncipe
le pregunt: "Ests Awag?"
El prncipe
respond: "Yo soy." El gran
comandante le pregunt:
"Por qu no vienes pronto
a m cuando entr
? de las fronteras de su
tierra "El prncipe
respondi:" Mientras [219]
estaba lejos, y mi padre
l te sirve con muchos
regalos. Tan pronto como mi
padre muri, te serv de
acuerdo a mi capacidad. Y
que ha llegado a mi tierra,
he aqu yo he venido antes.
Haz conmigo lo que quieras.


", Dijo el comandante

them. Not only were [the

Mongols] not satiated by
eating and drinking, but
they also demanded horses

a Awag:. "Hay un
proverbio:" Llegu a la luz
de la ventana / el cielo, no
viniste llegu a la puerta,
he aqu,

expensive clothing, for they

were very fond of horses.
Therefore they took all the
horses from the land. No

usted ha venido. '"Y

[Chormaghun] orden que
[Awag] se sientan inferiores
a todos los grandes que se
sentaron delante de l,

one dared to keep horses or

donkeys openly, but did so
y orden una gran comida
in secret for the war tax,
servida en su honor [G256].
because wherever [the
Mongols] discovered horses
they ravished them.
Moreover, wherever they
found their brand (for all
their own
animals and all the ones
they took were stamped
with the brand of each
commander, on any limb),
even if the
horses had been purchased
[from the Mongols],
whenever one of them
discovered [such a branded
they took it and punished
the people as thieves. Not
only did the grandees do
this, but the lesser soldiers

Ellos trajeron grandes

cantidades de carne tanto
de limpia y de los animales
inmundos, corte aparte,
suelo, y
cocido y tambin kumiss
(xmuz) elaborado con leche
de yegua, segn su
costumbre. Trajeron este
alimento en
muchas bolsas, los echaron
antes de los invitados, y
comenzaron a comer y
beber. Pero Awag y los que
con l hacan
No coma ni beba. El
comandante le pregunt:
"Por qu no la comen y
beben?" Awag respondi:
"Los cristianos son

This was done even more

when the commander
Chaghatai died. For the
Mulhedk' [Assassins] killed
him at
night. As a result, there was
a severe destruction of
captives in the army. This
[Chaghatai] was a friend of
Awag. As soon as he died,
many enemies arose
against the prince.

[227] One day in Awag's

home, one of the not very
noble [Mongols] came to
the tent where Awag was

no estn acostumbrados a
comer este alimento y
beber esta bebida, ms
bien, que comen carne de
animales limpios que
han sacrificado, y tomar
vino para beber. "As que
[Chormaghun] orden que
tal haya de atribuirse a los
solicitado. Al da siguiente
[Chormaghun] sentado
[Awag] por encima de
muchos de los grandes y de
esta manera, por da
da, honr el prncipe [220]
an ms hasta que fue
incluso sentado en el rango
de los verdaderamente
grandes seores.

seated. Because Awag did

not immediately arise
before him, [the Mongol]
beat him on the head with a [Chormaghun] orden
adems a todos los de sus
tropas no luchar con las
fortalezas y ciudades
menores [de Awag]

of horsehair which was in

his hand [g264]. When the
prince's servants saw this
they were angered at the
indignity suffered by their
lord, the prince, and rose to
strike the man. But the
prince forbade them, even

dominacin. Y gran facilidad

se produjo en su tierra, y
muchos cautivos fueron
liberados gracias a l.
[Chormaghun] le devolvi
todas sus tierras y ms
adems, y estableci
amistad indestructible con
l. Tomando [Awag] y todas

though he was angered.

sus tropas, [Chormaghun]
That man (whose name was march contra la ciudad de
Joj-Bugha) departed. Taking Ani [G257].
along other comrades, he
wanted to kill the prince at
night. When [Awag] learned
about this, he escaped by a
hairsbreadth and fled to
the Georgian queen who
was still in rebellion, having
migrated to a fortified
region of Georgia.

Such disorders increased

because the great general
who was the head of all of
them, Chormaghun, had
become deaf from a devil
and wounds. However, the
authority had not been
removed from his house,

27. Cmo el Seor

traicionado la ciudad de Ani
en manos de los T'at'ars.

Esta ciudad, Ani, se llen de

una multitutde de personas
y animales y rodeado de
paredes muy fuertes. Tena
en tantas iglesias que entre
los juramentos que se
hablan uno era: "Por las mil
y una iglesias de Ani." Ello

his wife and children,

together with the officials of
his house, held the
authority. This is because
the Khan had
so ordered, [and that]
should he die his bones
were to circulate around
with the troops, for he was
a most

era una ciudad rica en

todos los bienes y debido a
esto, la arrogancia que
resulta de la saciedad la
golpe; y que la arrogancia

successful and favored


llevado a la destruccin,
como ha sido el caso desde

When Awag fled, the

grandees were saddened,
blamed that man [JojBugha] and sent
ambassadors after the
prince telling [228] him not
to rebell against them, and
swearing that nothing evil
would be done to him. [The
Mongols] gave his land to
his brother Shahnshah, and
they did this for greater
faithfulness [g265]. Now

el principio hasta el
presente. Chormaghun
envi embajadores a
los habitantes para que
vengan, obediente a l. Los
que eran los jefes de la
ciudad no se atrevieron
responder al mensaje sin
pedir prncipe Shahnshah,
ya que la ciudad estaba
bajo su autoridad.

[221] Pero la mafia de la

ciudad y los plebeyos
(rhamikk ') matado
wrote a letter and sent it to delegacin [de
the Khan saying: "I have not Chormaghun]. Cuando los
come out of your service,
but have fled from murder.
las tropas se enteraron de
I obey your command."
esto, de rabia sitiaron Ani
en todos los lados. Ellos
levantaron muchas
catapultas y, con habilidad
While Awag delayed going
and waited for the reply
from the great king, [the
Mongols] removed and
examined all of his
treasures which were
hidden in the fortress. Once
again, one after the other,
they sent
messages to Awag telling
him to come to them, for
they feared their king.

luchando contra la ciudad,

la tomaron [en 1236].
Algunos de los principales
de la ciudad se rindi al
el consiguiente ahorro de
sus vidas. Muchos fueron
llamados fuera de la ciudad
y prometieron que nada
malo se puede hacer para

As soon as Awag came to

the army, immediately the
command arrived from the
Khan to his troops, saying:

Pero tan pronto como estos

prncipes haban salido de
la ciudad y se ha ido [a los
mongoles] en toda su
multitud, la

"Let no one dare do any evil

to Awag"; and he also sent
enemigo los divide entre
gifts and a letter to Awag,
ellos y los puso a la espada,
telling him to go freely and sin piedad la tala de todos y
cada uno y
not to fear. [The Mongols]
honored him. They removed ahorradores slo unas
from the troops those men
pocas mujeres y nios y
who had wanted to murder algunos artesanos quienes
llevaron al cautiverio. Luego
him. And they sent Awag
and a certain commander
named Tonghus-agAa (who la ciudad, tomaron todos los
had come at the Khan's
bienes y posesiones,
saquearon todas las
iglesias, arruinado y
to demand taxes from
destruido toda la ciudad y
everyone) to the queen of
the Georgians, Rusudan
corrompido la gloria de su
[telling her] to obediently
belleza [g258].
submit to
the Great King.

Fue un espectculo
lamentable all. Padres
muertos y sus hijos fueron
Those who went to her
amontonados uno encima
encouraged her to submit
del otro, como un montn
to the Great King and not to de
fear. Taking troops from her,
piedras en bruto,
they [229] returned to the
sacerdotes y diconos y los
emissaries with [a treaty
funcionarios de la iglesia,
containing] conditions
viejos, jvenes, nios,
[g266] of peace and
adolescentes, y muchos
friendship, that

the queen would submit

with her son (the young
Dawit', the newly-enthroned
king). And they did not

vrgenes tratadas como se

dice en el Santo Evangelio:
"Ustedes sern traicionados
al hambre y la esclavitud."
Lo mismo

the oath.

prescripcin cay sobre los

habitantes de Ani, por [sus
cadveres fueron]
esparcidos aqu [222] y all,

30. Concerning the

destruction which occurred
in the Xach'en area, and
about the pious
prince Jalal.

We have set out briefly

what the crazed troops
called T'at'ars did
throughout the country.
Now we shall speak

en la cara de los llanos; la

tierra bebi en la sangre y
la grasa de los heridos.
Cuerpos blandos, una vez
con jabn, yaca
ennegrecida e hinchada.
Los que no haban salido de
la ciudad se llevaron
descalzo en
cautiverio; y los que haban
comulgado en la sangre y el
cuerpo santo del Hijo de
Dios ahora comi impuro,

about the destruction of

Xach'en and what [the
carne enfermiza y bebi
Mongols] did there. For they leche falta de yegua.
had spread their raiding
Mujeres modestos y
prudentes fueron desflorada
expeditions throughout all
por lasciva, lascivo
parts, even dividing the
land up by lots. Now some
los hombres; vrgenes
of the chiefs reached
benditas que haba
prometido a Dios para
with a massive army and
arms and all the army
baggage. They enslaved

mantener sus cuerpos y

almas puras se ensucian
por diversos

and killed many who were

out in
open places. They also
battled with fugitives and
people in fortified places;
some they lowered down by

prostituciones y corrompido
con indignidades. Este fue
el final del asunto [G259].

treachery, others, by force.

There were those they killed 28. En cuanto a la
and those they enslaved.
destruccin de Kars.
But there were many who
had fortified themselves
into secure places, which
were called "perches"
because of their
Those finding refuge in
them felt safe.

Esta ciudad, cuando vio lo

que los T'at'ars haban
hecho con los habitantes de
Ani, se apresur a darle las
llaves del

[230] However, because

destruction comes from the
Lord, [the Mongols] at an
unexpected hour secretly

ciudad al enemigo, con la

esperanza de que tal vez
podran estar a salvo. Pero
[los mongoles], porque eran

arose and entered the

fortifications. They put a
multitude of people to the
sword, while others they
hurled off

ansiosos de botn y teman

a nadie, lo hizo para ellos
los mismos que le haban
hecho a Ani, a saber,
Violaron la

the cliffs. From the

multitude fallen covering
the earth a small river of
blood flowed and coursed
like water,

productos, reducir los

habitantes, gobernado la
ciudad, despojado de sus
adornos, y tom sus
residentes en
cautiverio. Dejaron unos
posos [en Kars] y [223] y

luego parti. Pero ms tarde

las tropas del sultn de ron
and no one was spared.
Even after a long time the
bones of the slain could be
seen piled up like heaps of
stones [g267].

[The Mongols] also came

against the pious prince
Hasan whom they call Jalal.
He was the sister's son of
grandee princes Zak'are
and Iwane, a pious and
God-loving man, mild and
meek, merciful, and a lover
of the

llegado y sin piedad, a

punta de espada, llevado
como esclavo a los que
haban escapado de las
T'at'ars, como se wrtten en
Escritura: "El miedo, un
pozo, y relmpagos sobre
vosotros, habitantes de la
tierra; para los que huyen
del miedo caen en
el pozo, y los que emergen
de la boca son golpeados
por un rayo ", y los que
sobreviven que se mordido
por una

serpiente [Isaas 24, 17-18].

As es como fueron
derrocados los habitantes
poor, striving in prayers and de Kars.
entreaties like one who
lived in the desert. He
performed matins and
El mismo ejrcito tambin
tom la ciudad de Mari
unhindered, no matter
where he might be, like a
monk; and in memory of
the Resurrection of our
Savior, he
spent Sunday without
sleeping, in a standing vigil.
He was very fond of the
priests, a lover of
knowledge, and

bendita (Surb Mari), que

Shahnshah y Awag haban
Del Tachiks varios aos
antes. Mientras [los
vecinos] seguan arreglando
sus heridas, de repente un
Y uno de los nobles
nombrados Ghara Bahatur
vino sobre ellos con muchos

a reader of the divine


He also had a pious mother

who, after the death of her
husband Vaxt'ank (called
Tankik), provided for her

soldados y rpidamente
tom la ciudad,
deslumbrante todo lo que
encontr en ella [G260].

Cuando [los mongoles]

haban trabajado tales
three sons Jalal, Zak'are and hechos a travs de toda la
Iwane, and then went to the tierra, un comando se le dio
holy city of Jerusalem
a la
remaining there for many
sobrevivientes que haban
years practising great [231] sobrevivido a la espada y el
asceticism. She astonished cautiverio de cada uno para
all who saw or heard about ir a su lugar, ya sea pueblo
her. For she had spent all
o ciudad
her possessions for the poor
and needy (like Abgar's
wife, Heghine) and she fed
herself by her own
embroidery work. She died
there, and since God
glorifies those who glorify
Him, an arc-shaped light

y construir en su nombre y
para servirles. Y la tierra
comenz a ser reconstruida

over her grave to

encourage others to do
similar benevolent deeds

Sin embargo, es la
costumbre de Dios para
recordar la misericordia en
su ira, y l lo hizo aqu, ya
que "l se ocup de
nosotros no

This wise prince [Hasan

Jalal], as soon as he saw the
attack of the infidels,
secured the inhabitants of
his land

de acuerdo [224] para

nuestros pecados, y nos
pag no segn nuestra
impiedad [Salmos 102, 10].
"Era verano

in the fortress which is

called Xoxanaberd in
Persian. When [the
Mongols] arrived to besiege
the fortress they
saw that it was not possible
to take it. So they called
him to them amicably; and
he wisely satisfied them.
Later he himself went to
them with many gifts. [The
Mongols] honored him and
gave him back his land and
other lands besides and
ordered him to come to
them each year for military
service, and to serve them
Now he prudently arranged
his land. Whatever it was
possible for him to take for
the needs of the [Mongol]
travelers [baskaqs] who
came to him he took,
whether food or something
else. He kept this himself,
accumulated it and gave it
to them when they came to
him. [The Mongols] did not
harry the land [by
demanding provisions];
instead, they came to him.
But in other lands, [the
Mongols] did not do this;

cuando nos atacaron, y la

cosecha an no se haban
cosechado o recogida en los
graneros. Llegaron con
camellos y ganado y
comieron y pisotearon todo.
Cerca de invierno, cuando
los mongoles [] haban
dejado para el
llano llama Mughan en
Aghbania / Aghuania (que
pasaron el invierno all y en
la propagacin de la
por todo el pas) la gente de
all que haban sobrevivido
a la espada estaban
desnudos y sin comida y
sobre las cscaras y tierra a
llenar sus necesidades. Sin
embargo, el invierno no era
muy fro, como las otras
veces [G261]
pero tan suave como uno
deseara. Como no tenan
bueyes para trabajar la
tierra y ninguna semilla
para sembrar, cuando la
vino, en el mandato de Dios
de la tierra floreci adelante
por su propia cuenta y fue
suficiente para llenar el
necesidades de la gente.

rather, wherever they went

they harassed the

31. Concerning the church

[Hassan Jalal] built.

To the glory of God, Jalal

constructed a beautifully
adorned church with a
heavenly dome where
were constantly being
offered by this lamb of God,
so that the sins of the land
be removed. The church
built in the monastery
called Gandzasar, opposite
Xoxanaberd [g269], in the
place of their cemetary.
years of work went into its

Once it was completed a

solemn preliminary

Por otra parte, en todas

partes haba una plenitud
de pan por el cual los
refugiados vivan.
Por otra parte, el pueblo
georgiano despiadados
muestran mucha
amabilidad y preocupacin
por los exiliados llegar
ellos. De esta manera, Dios
misericordioso consol a los

29. En relacin con el envo

de prncipe Awag al Khan en
el Este.

Despus haba pasado poco

tiempo, [los mongoles]
envi Awag [225] en un
viaje lejano hacia el
noreste, a su
rey llamado Khan. Porque
ellos hicieron lo mismo a
todos los grandes de los
que deseaban honrar. Lo
enviaron a
el rey y, tomando la orden
del gobernante, la
implement, pues eran muy

ceremony was held to

[begin to] consecrate it.
Present were the
kat'oghikos of
Aghbania/Aghuania, lord
Nerses with many bishops,
the great vardapet Vanakan
with many
teachers, the holy
vardapets of Xach'en,
Grigoris and lord Eghia,
relatives, both glorifiers of
God (They

obedientes a su rey. los

propio prncipe estaba feliz
de ir, as que tal vez su
situacin y la del pas
puede aliviar un poco. Todas
ofrecido oraciones a Dios en
su cuenta [G262] para que
El regreso [Awag] en paz,
pues era de una naturaleza
y tambin la esperanza de
que con su regreso podran
beneficiarse un poco.

passed to Christ and are

buried in the cemetary of
the glorious church at Xada. Ahora [Awag] se fue antes
Grigoris died in 687 A.E.
de que el gran rey, le
[1238] and Eghia in 698 AE. mostr las cartas de sus
propios comandantes, y
[1249]). They blessed the
record la
church with many priests
and it is said that the
number of priests present
reached seven hundred.

When the church was

anointed, a great dinner
was prepared and [Jalal]
himself served the
multitude with his
own hands. [233] He gave
abundant gifts to each
according to his rank and
sent the crowd on its way.

razn de su venida, que

haba venido a l en el
servicio. Una vez que el
gran rey oy esto, l recibi
con cario, le dio una novia
T'at'ar y lo envi a su propia
tierra. Tambin escribi a
sus comandantes para dar
[Awag] sus propias tierras y
con su ayuda para someter
a todos los rebeldes, como

occurred in 689 AE. [1240]

on the day of the great
Feast of the Transfiguration.

Cuando lleg a su tierra y

los comandantes en
prctica las rdenes de su
rey, los siguientes hombres

[Jalal's] wife Mamk'an built

a marvellous portico in front
of the church. She herself
was given over to a life of

[a la mongoles] en el
servicio: Shahnshah, hijo de
Zak'are, prncipe Vahram y
su hijo Aghbugha, Hasan

virtue; she practised

asceticism, fasting and
praying and reading with
enthusiasm, adhering to the
precepts of
the Lord day and night,
according to Scripture

32. A brief description of

the T'at'ars' appearance.

[Translator's note: for a

scholarly commentary on
this chapter see J.A. Boyle,
"Kirakos of Ganjak on the
Mongols," Central Asiatic
Journal 8(1968) pp. 199214.]

Jalal, prncipe de la zona

Xach'en, y muchos otros.
[Los mongoles] dio a cada
uno el control sobre [226]
tierras, y, por el momento,
un perdn.

Luego a travs de
impuestos, que van y
vienen, y las actividades
militares [los mongoles]
empez a colocarlos en una
situacin; pero
a pesar de todo esto y ms,
adems, a pesar de que
ellos hostigaron, sin
embargo, ellos mataron a
nadie. Despus de unos
aos haban pasado,
prncipe Awag fue acosado
[por los mongoles] y l no
pudo [G263] satisfacer

We gladly leave a
testament for the
generations to come for we
have hope of salvation from
the difficulties of

ellos. No slo fueron [los

mongoles] no saciado por
comer y beber, pero
tambin exigieron caballos

this world, which surround

us. Therefore we shall
briefly set forth for the
inquisitive [an account of]
what [the

ropa cara, porque eran muy

aficionados a los caballos.
Por lo tanto, se llevaron
todos los caballos de la
tierra. Sin

Mongols] looked like, and

what their language was

se atrevi a mantener
abiertamente caballos o
burros, pero lo hicieron en
secreto por el impuesto de
guerra, porque dondequiera
que [la

They had a hellish and

frightening appearance.
They had no beards,
although some of them had
a few hairs
above their lips or on their
chins. They had narrow and
quick-seeing eyes, high,
shrill voices; they were
and long-lived.

[234] Whenever possible

they ate and drank
insatiably, but when it was
not possible, they were

Mongoles] caballos
descubiertos les violadas.
Por otra parte, dondequiera
que encontraron su marca
(a pesar de su propia
animales y todos los que
tomaron fueron sellados
con la marca de cada
comandante, en cualquier
extremidad), incluso si la
caballos haban sido
adquiridos [de los
mongoles], siempre que
uno de ellos descubri [a
caballo como marca]

se lo llevaron y castigados
el pueblo como ladrones.
They ate all sorts of animals No slo los grandes hacen

both clean and unclean, and esto, pero los soldados

especially cherished
menores tambin.
horsemeat. This they would
Esto se hizo an ms
cuando el comandante
into pieces and cook or else Chaghatai muri. Para el
roast it without salt; then
Mulhedk '[Assassins] lo
they would cut it up into
mataron en
small pieces and sop it in
noche. Como resultado,
hubo una severa
water and eat it that way.
destruccin de los cautivos
Some eat on their knees,
en el ejrcito. Este
like camels, and some eat
[Chaghatai] era un amigo
sitting. When eating, lords
Awag. Tan pronto como
servants share equally. To
muri, muchos enemigos se
drink kumiss or wine, one of levantaron contra el
them first takes a great
bowl in his hand and, taking
from it with a small cup,
sprinkles the liquid to the
sky, then to the east, west,
[g271] north and south.

[227] Un da en la casa de
Awag, una de las no muy
nobles mongoles [] lleg a
la carpa donde estaba Awag

the sprinkler himself drinks

some of it and offers it to
the nobles. If someone
brings them food or drink,

sentado. Debido Awag no

surgi inmediatamente
antes de l, [el Mongol] lo
golpearon en la cabeza con
un interruptor

they make the bearer eat

and drink of it, and then
they themselves [will
accept it] lest they be
betrayed by
some poison.

de pelo de caballo que

estaba en su mano [G264].
Cuando los siervos del

They take as many women

as they want but they do
not let prostitutes live
among their women.
wherever they chance upon
foreign women, they
copulate with them
indiscriminately. [The
Mongols] loathe

prncipe vieron esto, se

enfurecieron al
indignidad sufrida por su
seor, el prncipe, y se
levant para golpear al
hombre. Pero el prncipe les
prohibi, incluso
aunque l se enoj. Ese
hombre (cuyo nombre era
Joj-Bugh) parti. Tomar a lo
largo de otros compaeros,

theft so much that they

torture to death anyone
caught at it.

querido matar al prncipe en

la noche. Cuando [Awag]
aprendido acerca de esto, l
se escap por un pelo y
huy a

There is no religion or
worship among them, but
they [235] frequently call
on the name of God in all

la reina de Georgia que

todava estaba en la
rebelin, despus de haber
migrado a una regin
fortificada de Georgia.

We do not know (nor do

they) if this is to thank the
God of Being or some other
thing that they call god.
However, usually they say
that their king is a relative
of God. God took heaven as
his portion and gave earth
to the Khan, for they say
that Chingiz-Khan, the
father of the [present] Khan
was not born from the seed
man but that a light came

Dichos trastornos
aumentado porque el gran
general que era el jefe de
todos ellos, Chormaghun,
vuelto sordo de un diablo y
heridas. Sin embargo, la
autoridad no haba sido
retirado de su casa, ya que
su esposa e hijos, junto con
los funcionarios de su casa,
celebr la autoridad. Esto

from the unseen, entered

through a skylight in the
home, and announced to

es porque el Khan tena

ejectese, [y que] debe que
mueren sus huesos estaban
circulando por ah con las
tropas, porque era ms

mother: "Conceive and you

will bear a son who will be
ruler of the world." And they hombre de xito y
say that [Chingiz-Khan]
was born from that.

This was related to us by

prince Grigor, son of
Marzpan [g272], brother of
Aslanbek, Sargis and Amira
of the

Cuando Awag huy, los

grandes se entristecieron,
culp de que el hombre [JojBugh] y envi
embajadores despus de la

prncipe narracin [228] l

no rebell contra ellos, y
Mamikonean family. [Grigor] jurando que nada malo se
himself heard it from one of puede hacer con l. [Los
their great nobles named
Mongoles] dio su tierra a su
Ghut'un-nqym one day
hermano Shahnshah, y lo
while he was instructing
hizo de una mayor fidelidad
small children.
[G265]. Ahora Awag

When one of them dies or

they kill him, they do as
follows: some they take
around with them for many
since [they believe that] a
devil entered the body and
would say frivolous things;
and there were those that
they burned. Others they
buried in the ground in

escribi una carta y la envi

a la Khan diciendo: "No he
salido de su servicio, sino
que han huido de asesinato.
Obedezco sus rdenes ".

Mientras Awag retras ir y

esper la respuesta del
gran rey, [los mongoles]
retirados y
examinado todos sus

deep ditches, placing with

the deceased his weapons

tesoros que se esconden en

la fortaleza. Una vez ms,
uno tras otro, enviaron

clothing, gold and [236]

silver, whatever was his
share. And if the deceased
was one of the great ones,

mensajes a Awag dicindole

que vienen a ellos, porque
tenan miedo de su rey.

place some of his servants

and maids in the grave with
him so that, they say, they
will serve him. They also

Tan pronto como Awag lleg

al ejrcito, de inmediato la
orden lleg desde el Khan
para sus tropas, diciendo:

put the horse in since, they

say, warfare there is fierce.
If they want to remember
the dead [with a memorial],

"Que nadie se atreve a

hacer ningn mal a Awag";
y l tambin envi regalos y
una carta a Awag,
dicindole que ir libremente

they cut open the belly of a

horse and pull out all the
flesh without the bones.
Then they burn the
and bones and sew up the
skin of the horse as though
its body were whole.
Sharpening a great piece of
they pierce the horse's
abdomen and draw it out of
the mouth, and so erect it
on a tree or in some

no temer. [] Los mongoles

le honra. Se eliminan de las
tropas de aquellos hombres
que haban querido asesinar
l. Y enviaron Awag y un
cierto comandante
nombrados Tonghus-AGAA
(que haba llegado a la
orden del Khan
para exigir impuestos de
todo el mundo) a la reina de
los georgianos, Rusudan
[dicindole] para someterse
obedientemente a
el Gran Rey.

Their women are witches

and divine everything.
Without a command from
the witches and sorcerers,
they go
on no journey; only if [the
sorcerers] permit it. [The
Mongolian] language is
barbarous and [was]
unknown to

Los que se acerc a ella la

anim a presentar al Gran
Rey y no temer. Tomando
tropas de ella,
ellos [229] volvieron a los
emisarios con [un tratado
que contenga] condiciones
[G266] de paz y amistad,
la reina presentara con su
hijo (a los jvenes Dawit ',
el rey recin entronizado). Y
no le quebraron

us. They call God t'angri;

el juramento.
man, ere, haran; woman,
erne, ap'ji; father, ech'ka;
mother, ak'a; brother, agha;
sister, ak'achi; head, t'iron;
eyes, nitun; ears, ch'ik'in;
beard, saxal; face, yiwz,
niur; mouth, aman; tooth,

30. En cuanto a la
destruccin que se produjo
en la zona Xach'en, y
sxur, sidun; bread, ot'mak;
ox, ok'ar; cow, unen; sheep, alrededor de los piadosos
ghoyna; lamb, ghurghan;
prncipe Jalal.
goat, iman; horse, mori;
donkey, losa; camel,
t'aman; dog, noxay; wolf,
ch'ina; [237] bear, aytk'u;
fox, honk'an; rabbit,
t'ulay; chicken, t'axea;
dove, k'ok'uch'in; eagle,
burk'ui-ghush; water, usun;
wine, tarasun; sea, naurtangez;

Hemos expuesto
brevemente lo que los
soldados enloquecidos
llamados T'at'ars hizo en
todo el pas. Ahora
la destruccin de Xach'en y
lo que [los mongoles]
hicieron all. Porque se

river, moran-ulansu [g274];

sword, ioltu; bow, nemu;
arrow, semu; king, melik';
patron, nuin [noyinj; great
patron, ek'a nuin; earth, el,
irkan; sky, gogay; sun,
naran; moon, sara; stars,
sargha, hutut; light, otur;

haba extendido su
expediciones a lo largo de
todas las partes, incluso
repartir la tierra por lotes.
Ahora, algunos de los jefes
llegaron [Xach'en]

con un ejrcito y brazos

enormes y todo el bagaje
soyni; secretary bit'ik'ch'i;
del ejrcito. Ellos
satan, barhahur, elep, and
esclavizaron y mataron a
so on with similar barbarous muchos que estaban en
names which were
lugares abiertos. Tambin
unfamiliar to us for many
se enfrentaron con los
years, but now, unwillingly, fugitivos y personas en
are known to us. The
lugares fortificados; algunos
venerable, foremost leaders bajaron por
la traicin, otros, por la
the Mongols] are as follows: fuerza. Hubo aquellos que
first there is the great head murieron y los esclavizaron.
and commander of all the
Pero haba muchos que
forces, Chormaghun-nqym,
haban fortificado en
a judicious and just man.
lugares seguros, que fueron
His colleagues are Israrllamados "perchas" debido
noyin, Ghut'un-noyin,
a su inaccesibilidad.
Tut'un-noym, and Chaghatai
Aquellos refugio encontrar
who was
en ellos senta seguro.
a general of the army killed
by the Mulhedk' [Assassins].
They had many other
[230] Sin embargo, debido
leaders and countless
a la destruccin viene del
Seor, [los mongoles] a una

hora inesperada en secreto

levant y entr en las
fortificaciones. Pusieron una

multitud de gente a la
espada, mientras otros
lanzaban fuera
33. Concerning Rhaban of

Providential God Who wills

life to all (through His love
for mankind) made
manifest among them [the
Mongols], [238] a pious,
God-loving man of Syrian
nationality named Simeon
or Rhaban-a^'a. He was
as the father of the Khan,
since in Syriac rhaban
means vardapet [doctor of
the Church], while in T'at'ar
[Mongolian], at'a means
father. As soon as he heard
about the merciless killing
of Christians occasioned by
the T'at'ar troops, he
approached the Khan and
beseeched him for a letter
to give to his troops,
them not to kill innocent
men the way they were
doing men who had not

los acantilados. De la
multitud cado que cubre la
tierra un pequeo ro de
sangre flua y flua como el

y nadie se salv. Incluso

despus de un largo tiempo
de los huesos de los
muertos podan verse
apilados como montones de
piedras [G267].

[Los mongoles] tambin fue

contra el prncipe piadoso
Hasan quien llaman Jalal. l
era el hijo de la hermana de
prncipes grandee Zak'are y
Iwane, un hombre piadoso y
amante de Dios, suave y
manso, misericordioso y
amante de la
pobres, luchando en las
oraciones y splicas, como
aquel que viva en el
desierto. Actu maitines y

warred against them but

to let them alone so that
they might serve the king.
With great pomp, the king
sent Rhaban himself to his
commanders with a written
order that all obey his

sin obstculos, no importa
de dnde puede estar,
como un monje; y en
memoria de la resurreccin
de nuestro Salvador,
pasado domingo sin dormir,
en una vigilia permanente.
Era muy aficionado a los
sacerdotes, un amante del
conocimiento, y

When Rhaban arrived,

un lector de los Evangelios
many things became
propitious for the Christians,
and the killings and
Tambin tuvo una madre
ceased. Likewise he built
piadosa que, despus de la
churches in Tach'ik cities,
muerte de su marido
where previously no one
Vaxt'ank (llamado Tankik),
dared utter the name of
siempre para ella
Christ even in Tabriz and
Naxchawan which were yet
more inimical to the
Christians, so much so that
Christians did not dare
appear or walk about
[g276] openly, to say
nothing of constructing a
church or
erecting a cross.

Yet [Rhaban] erected cross

and church, and the [239]
sounding-board was heard

tres hijos Jalal, Zak'are y

Iwane, y luego fue a la
ciudad santa de Jerusaln,
donde permaneci por
aos practicando gran [231]
ascetismo. Ella asombr a
todos los que vio o escuch
sobre ella. Para ella haba
gastado todo
sus posesiones a los pobres
y necesitados (como la
esposa de Abgar, Heghine)
y se alimentan a s misma
por su propia

day and night. Christians

openly took their dead for
burial with hooded crosses,
Gospels and worship, as is
the Christian custom, while
those opposing them were
put to death. No one dared
come out against
[Rhaban's] order. On the
contrary the
T'at'ar army revered him
like their king and without
him they neither planned
nor did anything.

His merchants, [people]

who had his tamgha, that is
to say his insignia and
letter, boldly circulated

trabajo de bordado. Ella

muri all, y puesto que
Dios glorifica a los que le
glorifica, una luz en forma
de arco apareci
por encima de su tumba
para animar a otros a hacer
obras de beneficencia
similares [g268].

Este sabio prncipe [Hasan

Jalal], tan pronto como vio
el ataque de los infieles,
asegur a los habitantes de
su tierra
en la fortaleza que se llama
Xoxanaberd en persa.
Cuando [la mongoles] lleg
a sitiar la fortaleza que

vio que no era posible

tomarla. As le llamaban a
the lands and no one dared ellos de forma amistosa; y
approach those [merchants] l sabiamente los satisfizo.
who mentioned Rhaban's
name. Instead all the T'at'ar Ms tarde l mismo fue a
ellos con muchos regalos. []
commanders gave him gifts Los mongoles le honr y le
from their booty.
dio la espalda a su tierra y
otras tierras aparte y le
ordenaron que venir a ellos
[Rhaban) was a man of
pious conduct, also modest cada ao para el servicio
in eating and drinking. Once militar, y para servirles con
a day, during the evening,
Ahora l prudentemente
ate a small amount of food.

organiz su tierra. Fuera lo

Thus God visited His people

in exile with the care of this
kind of man. He

que fuera posible para que

l tome para las
necesidades de la [Mongol]

baptised many of the

T'at'ars; and on account of
his marvellous behavior and
great honor, everyone was

[] baskaqs viajeros que

acudan a l le tomaron, si
los alimentos o alguna otra
cosa. Mantuvo este mismo,

terrified by him [g277].

acumulada y se lo dio a
ellos cuando llegaron a l.
[El mongoles] no harry la
tierra [por

The events described

happened here [in Greater
Armenia] in 690 A.E. [1241].
At the same time, the

disposiciones exigentes]; en
cambio, llegaron a l. Pero
en otras tierras, [los
mongoles] no lo hizo; [232]

of [240] the Armenians in

ms bien, dondequiera que
Cilicia was under the rule of fueran ellos hostigaron a los
pious King Het'um. This was habitantes.
during the generalship of

his brother, the brave

Smbat; during the reign of
his father Kostandin as
prince of princes; in the
kat'oghikosate of the old
and virtuous Kostandin,
occupant of the throne of
Saint Gregory in Hrhomkla;
in the
pontificate as archbishop of
lord Barsegh, brother of

31. En cuanto a la iglesia

[Hassan Jalal] construidos.

Para la gloria de Dios, Jalal

construy una iglesia
bellamente adornado con
una cpula celestial donde
los servicios

King Het'um, whom they

held as substitute on the
throne of the
kat'oghikosate; in the
kat'oghikosate of the
Aghbanians/Aghuans of the
meek and humanitarian
lord Nerses, who at this
time resided in the
monastery called Xamshi in
the Miap'or district; in the
as archbishop of his
brother's son who had been
ordained recently; during
the tyrany of the T'at'ars
everyone; and when I was
forty years old, more or

Kirakos Gandzakets'i's

History of the Armenians

constantemente estaban
siendo ofrecido por este
cordero de Dios, de modo
que pueden quitar los
pecados de la tierra. La
iglesia era
construida en el monasterio
llamado Gandzasar, frente
Xoxanaberd [G269], en el
lugar de su cementerio.
aos de trabajo entraron en
su edificio,

Una vez que se termin una

ceremonia preliminar
solemne se celebr en
[comenzar a] consagrarlo.
Estuvieron presentes el
kat'oghikos de Aghbania /
Aghuania, seor Nerses con
muchos obispos, el gran
Vardapet Vanakan con
los maestros, los santos
vardapets de Xach'en,
Grigoris y seor Eghia,
parientes, ambos
glorificadores de Dios (Ellos
pas a Cristo y estn
enterrados en el cementerio
de la iglesia gloriosa en
Xada. Grigoris muri en 687

34. The destruction of


[1,238] y Eghia en 698 AE.

[1249]). Ellos bendijeron la
iglesia con muchos
sacerdotes y se dice que la
nmero de sacerdotes
presentes alcanz

Now at the beginning of 691

A.E. [1242/43], an edict
arrived from the Khan to his Cuando fue ungido la
soldiers and commander in iglesia, una gran cena fue
preparada y [Jalal] a s
the East [g278] ordering
mismo sirvi a la multitud
them to set up as a
con su
replacement for
Chormaghun (who had gone propias manos. [233] l dio
deaf) a certain
abundantes dones a cada
commander Bach'u-ghurch'i uno segn su rango y
enviados a la multitud en su
[Baiju] to whom the
leadership had fallen by lot, camino. Esta
since they do [241]
by means of sorcery.

As soon as [Baiju] assumed

authority, he immediately
mustered troops from all
the peoples under his

ocurrido en 689 AE. [1240]

en el da de la gran fiesta
de la Transfiguracin.

[De Jalal] esposa Mamk'an

construido un maravilloso
prtico delante de la iglesia.
Ella misma se dedic a una
vida de

domination and went to

[that part of] the land of the la virtud; practicaba el
Armenians which was under ascetismo, el ayuno y la
the domination of the sultan oracin y la lectura con el
entusiasmo, la adhesin a
of Rum. Having reached the los preceptos de
Karin district he besieged
Seor da y noche, de
T'eodupolis which is now
acuerdo a la Escritura

called Karin city, and settled [G270].

in around it. He sent
ambassadors to the
inhabitants, telling them to
come out in obedience. But
residents] did not want to
[surrender] and instead
sent the emissaries back
with insults. Then they got
up onto

32. Una breve descripcin

de la apariencia de los
T'at'ars '.

their walls and further

insulted [the Mongols].

As soon as [the Mongols]

saw that the people did not
welcome peace, the chiefs
divided the city wall on all
sides in order to demolish
it. Working swiftly, they
erected many catapults,
destroyed the wall, entered
city, and mercilessly put
everyone to the sword.
They ravished goods and
property and set the city on
fire. At
that time the city was very
densely populated, being
filled not only with
Christians and Tachiks, but
from the entire district had

[Nota del traductor: un

comentario erudito sobre
este captulo ver JA Boyle,
"Kirakos de Ganjak en el
Mongoles, "central asitica
Diario 8 (1968) pp. 199214.]

Estaremos encantados de
dejar un testimonio para las
generaciones por venir
porque tenemos la
esperanza de la salvacin
de las dificultades de
este mundo que nos rodea.
Por lo tanto vamos a
establecer una breve vuelta
por el inquisitivo [una
cuenta de] lo que [el
Mongoles] pareca, y lo que

assembled there.

su lengua era como.

In the city were countless

holy Gospels [belonging to]
the [242] high and lowly.
The foreigners took the

Tenan un aspecto infernal y

aterrador. No tenan barbas,
aunque algunos de ellos
tenan algunos pelos

expensive ones [g279] and

sold them cheaply to the
Christians in their army.
[The Christian soldiers]

por encima de sus labios o

en la barbilla. Tenan
estrechos y viendo rpidos
ojos, voces altas, agudas;
eran resistentes

took them and distributed

them throughout their own
districts, dividing them up
among the churches and

y largo vivido.

Grigor Xach'enets'i (Dop'i's

son) who was a pious man.
For these princes and their
troops bought out of

animales, tanto puros e

impuros, y especialmente
apreciada carne de caballo.
Esto se cortara

captivity as many men,

women, children, bishops,
priests and deacons as was
possible. Freeing all of

en trozos y cocinar o bien

asado sin sal; entonces
sera cortarlo en trozos
pequeos y Sop en sal

[234] Siempre que sea

posible comieron y bebieron
monasteries. May Christ
reward the Christian princes insaciablemente, pero
cuando no era posible, que
Awag, Shahnshah,
eran templado.
Aghbugha (Vahram's son),
Comieron todo tipo de

they were allowed to go

wherever they chose.

[The Mongols] not only

agua y comer de esa

manera. Algunos comen en
sus rodillas, como los
camellos, y algunos comen
sentados. Al comer, seores

destroyed the city of Karin, siervos comparten por

but many other districts
igual. Para beber kumiss o
under the domination of the vino, uno de ellos toma
primero un gran cuenco en
sultan of Rum. Yet the
la mano y, teniendo
sultan was unable to do
anything since, trembling
de ella con una pequea
with fear of them, he had
copa, roca el lquido hacia
el cielo, y luego al, oeste,
[g271] norte y sureste.
himself; some even said
that he had died. Now once
the T'at'ar army had done
el propio rociador bebe un
this deed, in glee and with
poco de ella y se la ofrece a
los nobles. Si alguien les
much booty, it returned to
trae comida o bebida,
Aghbania/Aghuania, to their primero
wintering place, to that
fertile and fruitful plain
hacen que el portador de
comer y beber de ella, y
luego ellos mismos [lo
Mughan. And they spent the aceptarn] para no ser
winter there [243] [g280].
traicionados por
algn veneno.

35. Concerning the war

which took place between
the sultan and the T'at'ars.

Ellos toman tantas mujeres

como quieran, pero no
dejan que las prostitutas
viven entre sus mujeres. Sin

donde quiera que chance

While the T'at'ar army was
sobre mujeres extranjeras,
securely settled throughout que copulan con ellos de
all the plains of Armenia
forma indiscriminada. [El
and Aghbania, ambassadors mongoles] detestan
arrived from the sultan [of
Rum], Ghiyath al-Din [Kai

robo tanto que torturan a

nadie la muerte atrapado

Khusrau II, 1236-45

(Ghiat'adin)] bearing
boastful and

en ella.

threatening words, as is the

Tachik custom: "You
consider that by destroying
one city you have
conquered me

No hay religin o culto entre

ellos, pero ellos [235] con
frecuencia invocan el
nombre de Dios en todos
los asuntos.
No sabemos (y tampoco) si
se trata de dar las gracias
al Dios de Ser o alguna otra
cosa que ellos llaman dios.

and my power. Well, my

cities are without limit and
my troops are innumerable.
So stay where you are and I

Sin embargo, por lo general

dicen que su rey es pariente
de Dios. Dios tom el cielo
como su porcin y dio la

shall come to battle against

you." Greatly puffed up,
[the ambassadors] said
many similar things,

al Khan, porque dicen que

Chingiz-Khan, el padre de la
[presente] Khan no naci de
la semilla de

[the information that] "Next

winter the sultan shall come
to the Mughan plain with his
women and soldiers to

hombre, sino que se

encendi una luz de lo
invisible, entr a travs de
una claraboya en el hogar,
y anunci a su

winter here."

madre: "Concebir y te dar

a luz un hijo que ser
gobernante del mundo." Y
dicen que [Chingiz-Khan]

When [the Mongols] heard

this, in no way did they
naci de eso.
become aroused or boast
[to the ambassadors]. Baijunoyin, their head, merely
replied: "You speak grandly;

Esto se relaciona con

nosotros por el prncipe

however, the victory will go

to whomever God grants

Thus one after another

ambassador arrived to
make [the Mongols] hasten
to war, though they did not
hurry in
any way; rather, they
peacefully gathered their
troops and those under
[g281] their domination,
and came to a
lush place in the land of
Armenia with all their bags
and baggage in order to
fatten their horses. Then
tranquilly approached the
camp of the sultan. The
latter had left his
accustomed place and had
come to that
part of Armenia which was
under his domination, [244]
[to an area near Erzinjan],
close to a village named
Ch'man-katuk [Kose Dagh].
He came with a countless
multitude, with women and
concubines, gold and silver
and all the valuable
possessions he had. For

Grigor, hijo de Marzpan

[G272], hermano del
Aslanbek, Sargis y Amira
Familia Mamikonean.
[Grigor] hacerse or desde
una de sus grandes nobles
nombrado Ghut'un-nqym un
mientras l estaba
instruyendo a los nios

Cuando uno de ellos muere

o lo matan, lo hacen de la
siguiente manera: algunos
se toman con ellos durante
muchos das
ya que [creen que] un
diablo entr en el cuerpo y
deca cosas frvolas; y
estaban aquellos que
quemaron. Otros
enterraban en el suelo en
zanjas profundas, colocando
con los fallecidos y sus
ropa, oro y [236] de plata,
lo que fuera su parte. Y si el
fallecido era uno de los
grandes, que
colocar algunos de sus
criados y criadas en la
tumba con l para que,

diversion, he also brought

along wild animals and
many other
creeping things, even mice
and cats, for he wanted to
show himself as fearless to
the troops.

General Baiju, consistent

with his deep [military]
knowledge, divided his
soldiers into many groups,
them under the foremost
brave commanders, while
the foreign troops,
comprising various
nationalities, were

dicen, van a servirle. Ellos

poner el caballo, ya que,
dicen, la guerra no es feroz.
Si quieren recordar a los
muertos [con un memorial],
cortaron abrir el vientre de
un caballo y tirar toda la
carne sin los huesos.
Entonces se queman los
y los huesos y coser la piel
del caballo, como si su
cuerpo fuera todo. Afilado
de una gran pieza de

perforan el abdomen del

caballo y sacarla de la boca,
y as se erigen en un rbol o
divided up among [the loyal en algn elevada
troops] so that they not
work any treachery. Then
selecting the valiant and
from all of them, he made a
vanguard which went and
battled with the sultan's
troops and put them to
The sultan himself fled,
escaping [g282] by a
hairsbreadth and leaving
his throne and belongings
there. [The
Mongols] pursued the

Sus mujeres son brujas y

todo lo divino. Sin una
orden de las brujas y
hechiceros, van
en ningn viaje; slo si [los
magos] permiten. [El
mongol] Idioma es brbara
y [era] desconocida

fugitive troops and

mercilessly cut them down,
putting them to the sword;
then they
turned to loot the fallen.

nosotros. Llaman t'angri

Dios; hombre, ere, haran;
mujer, Erne, ap'ji; padre,
ech'ka; madre, ak'a;
hermano, Agha;

hermana, ak'achi; cabeza,

t'iron; ojos, Nitun; orejas,
As soon as the main body of ch'ik'in; barba, saxal; cara,
yiwz, niur; boca, aman;
the army arrived and saw
that the sultan had fled and diente,
his army was beaten, they
sxur, Sidun; pan, ot'mak;
spread throughout the area
raiding and looting. They
pulled apart [245] many
districts and gathered gold

buey, ok'ar; vaca, Unen;

ovejas, ghoyna; cordero,
ghurghan; cabra, iman;
caballo, mori;

besieged the city of

Caesarea in Cappadocia.
Because the inhabitants did
not surrender, they took it

k'ok'uch'in; guila, burk'uiGhush; agua, Usun; vino,

tarasun; mar, naur-tangez;

burro, losa; camello,

t'aman; perro, noxay; lobo,
silver and expensive
ch'ina; [237] oso, aytk'u;
garments, as well as
zorro, honk'an; conejo,
camels, horses, donkeys
and countless animals. They t'ablghay,
came and
t'ulay; pollo, t'axea; paloma,

and put the population to

the sword, ravishing
whatever was in the city
and leaving it deserted.
Then they

ro, moran-ulansu [g274];

espada, ioltu; arco, nemu;
flecha, semu; rey, melik ';
patrn, nuin [noyinj;

patrn, nuin ek'a; tierra, el,

irkan; cielo, gogay; dom,
came to Sebastia, and since Naran; luna, sara; estrellas,
sargha, hutut; luz, otur;
the inhabitants of the city
had surrendered in advance noche,
(coming out to them with
soyni; bit'ik'ch'i secretaria;

gifts and presents) the

people were not punished,
although part of the city
was looted. Conquering the
city in

satans, barhahur, elep, y

as sucesivamente con
nombres brbaros similares
que eran

many blows to the T'at'ar

army. Then [the Mongols]
started to treacherously call
the people out of the city on

comandante de todas las

fuerzas, Chormaghunnqym,

desconocido para nosotros

their own name, they set up durante muchos aos, pero
overseers and left.
ahora, de mala gana, se
sabe que nosotros. Los
venerables, los lderes ms
destacados [de
They came and besieged
Eznka (Erzinjan) and fought los mongoles] son los
numerous battles for it. The siguientes: en primer lugar
inhabitants of the city dealt est la gran cabeza y

the pretext [g283] of

frienship; and since the
inhabitants had no aid from
any quarter, they agreed to
[The Mongols] fell upon
them and cut them down,
man and woman, sparing
only a few lads and girls

un hombre sensato y justo.

Sus colegas son Israr-noyin,
Ghut'un-noyin, Tut'un-noym
y Chaghatai que era
un general del ejrcito
muerto por el Mulhedk
'[Assassins]. Tenan muchos
otros lderes e innumerables

they took into captivity and


Thus after destroying and

33. En cuanto a Rhaban de
enslaving many districts
and lands, they came to the
city called Divrigi

(Tiwrike/Tephrike). Once the

inhabitants knew that it was
impossible to resist them
[246] militarily they
Providencial Dios que quiere
la vida a todos (a travs de
wished to surrender. [The
su amor por la humanidad)
Mongols] took many goods
from them, but left the city se manifiesta entre ellos [el
unharmed, while they

Mongoles], [238] un hombre

piadoso, Dios amante de la
themselves returned with
nacionalidad siria llamado
much booty and in high
spirits to their winter camps Simen o Rhaban-a ^ 'a.
Era conocido
in Armenia and
Aghbania/Aghuania, since
the wrecking and
destruction of all peoples
had come from the Lord.

como el padre de la Khan,

ya que en siraco rhaban
significa Vardapet [doctor
de la Iglesia], mientras que
en T'at'ar

Christians among their

troops freed many people
from captivity, both openly
and in secret, priests and

[Mongolia], at'a significa

padre. Tan pronto como se
enter de la matanza sin
piedad de los cristianos
ocasionado por

This was especially true of

the grandee princes Awag,
Shahnshah, Vahram and his
son Aghbugha, the

las tropas T'at'ar, se

acercaron al Khan y le
suplicaron una carta para
dar a sus tropas, al mando

Xach'ents'is Hasan Jalal and

his forces and relatives
Grigor, Jalal's mother's
sister's son, Dop'i, and

ellos no matan a hombres

inocentes de la manera que
estaban haciendo hombres que no haban
guerreado contra ellos pero en su lugar

princes and their troops

[who freed as many] as
they were able. This

para dejarlos solos para que

puedan servir al rey. Con
gran pompa, el rey envi

occurred in 692 AE. [1243].

Rhaban de lleno a su
comandantes con una
orden escrita que todos
obedecen sus rdenes.

36. Concerning the

Armenian king Het'um and
what he did.

Once this [battle] had

occurred, when Het'um
(king of Cilicia and other
states) saw [g284] that the
sultan had

Cuando Rhaban lleg,

muchas cosas se hicieron
propicio para los cristianos
y los asesinatos y el
cesado. Del mismo modo
que construy iglesias en
las ciudades Tach'ik, donde
antes nadie se atreva
pronunciar el nombre de
Cristo - incluso en Tabriz y
Naxchawan que eran an
ms hostiles a los
cristianos, tanto es as que

been defeated by [the

Mongols] he sent
ambassadors and valuable
Los cristianos no se
gifts to them to make peace atrevieron aparece o
and to place
caminar sobre [G276]
abiertamente, por no hablar
himself in submission.
de la construccin de una
Through the intercession of iglesia o
prince Jalal, those who
came to the great court
erigir una cruz.
presented to Baiju-noym, to
Elt'ina khatun
(Chormaghun's wife) and to
the other grandee nobles.
When [the

Sin embargo, [Rhaban] cruz

y la iglesia erigida, y [239]
sonar a bordo se escuch
da y noche. Cristianos

Mongols] heard the king's

message and saw the gifts

abiertamente tom a sus

muertos para enterrarlos

[247] they asked him to

hand over to them the
wife and daughter of the
sultan, who had fled to him
for refuge.

When King Het'um heard

this, he was deeply
saddened and said: "It
would have been better for
me had they
asked for my own son
Lewon than for those
others." However, since he
was afraid [of the Mongols]
and so
that a refusal would not
occasion any great harm,
he reluctantly handed them
over with many presents

con cruces con capucha,

Evangelios y la adoracin,
como es la costumbre
cristiana, mientras que
quienes se oponen a ellos
fueron condenados a
muerte. Nadie se atreva a
salir contra el orden [de
Rhaban]. Por el contrario la
Ejrcito T'at'ar le venera
como su rey y sin l ni se
plane ni hizo nada.

Sus comerciantes, [la

gente] que tuvieron su
tamgha, es decir su insignia
y la carta, con audacia
circularon a lo largo
las tierras y nadie se atrevi
a acercarse a esos [los
comerciantes] que
mencionaron el nombre de
Rhaban. En lugar todo el

besides to those who had

come to take them. [The
sultan's relatives] were
taken and exhibited to Baiju comandantes le dieron
and to
regalos de su botn.
the other chiefs. As soon as
[the Mongols] saw them,
they were happy and
greatly honored the
of the king, establishing
stipends and horses for
them during the winter, so

[Rhaban) era un hombre de

conducta piadosa, tambin
moderado en el comer y
beber. Una vez al da,
durante la noche,
comi una pequea
cantidad de comida. As,

that when spring came they Dios visit a su pueblo en el

exilio con el cuidado de este
tipo de hombre. l
return to their own land.
Thus friendship was
bautizados muchos de los
established with the king.
T'at'ars; ya causa de su
They gave him a written
maravillosa y un gran
honor, todo el mundo
according to their religion
which they call el-tamgha
aterrorizado por l [G277].

And so [the Mongols]

waited until springtime
when, once more, they
went against the sultan and
his land.

Los hechos descritos

ocurrieron aqu [en la Gran
Armenia] en 690 AE [1241].
Al mismo tiempo, el reino
de [240] los armenios de
Cilicia fue bajo el gobierno
del piadoso rey Het'um.
Esto fue durante el
generalato de

37. Concerning the prince

of Lambron, Kostand, and
what he did in the land of

During King Lewon's

lifetime there was an
extremely impregnable
fortress in his land, called
Lambron. The
prince [248] who ruled that
fortress, named Het'um,
rebelled against [the king].

su hermano, el valiente
Smbat; durante el reinado
de su padre Kostandin como
prncipe de prncipes; en el
kat'oghikosate de lo viejo y
virtuosa Kostandin,
ocupante del trono de San
Gregorio en Hrhomkla; en el
pontificado como arzobispo

Although [Lewon] tried


de seor Barsegh, hermano

del rey Het'um, quienes
llevaron a cabo como
suplente en el santo

times to subdue the rebel

he could not. So, after some
treachery he tricked
trono del kat'oghikosate; en
[Het'um] into a marriage
el kat'oghikosate de los
Aghbanians / Aghuans de
los mansos y humanitaria
whereby [Lewon] gave his
brother's daughter in
seor Nerses, que en este
marriage to [Het'um's] son
momento resida en el
Oshin. [Lewon] seized him
monasterio llamado Xamshi
and his
en el distrito Miap'or; en el
sons and tortured them
until they gave the fortress como arzobispo del hijo de
to him. Having taken
su hermano, que haba sido
[Lambron] he established
ordenado recientemente;
his mother
durante la tirana de los
T'at'ars sobre
the queen of queens there
and wrote edicts saying:
cada uno; y cuando tena
"Hereafter this fortress shall cuarenta aos, ms o
not be given to any prince,
but shall remain royal
property, since its lords
have always been rebellious
because of its fastness."
Kirakos Gandzakets'i de
When Lewon died and his
daughter Zapel was ruling,
the prince of princes
Kostandin, having united
kat'oghikos Yovhannes
[g286] and other princes,
enthroned his own son

Historia de los Armenios

Het'um, a youth, and sent

him as a
husband to Zapel in place
of the son of the prince who 34. La destruccin de
had been seized and put in T'eodupolis.
jail. [Kostandin] likewise
wished to have as an ally
his father-in-law Het'um's
son (named Kostandin like
himself). He gave him

Ahora a principios del 691

AE [1242-1243], un edicto
lleg del Khan a sus
soldados y comandante en

Lambron as private
property and made him his
son's coronant. But after a
while this man rebelled
against his

Oriente [G278]
ordenndoles de configurar
como un reemplazo para
Chormaghun (que haba
quedado sordo) un cierto

sister's son, King Het'um, as

was their ancestral custom.
Although Kostandin, the
king's father, as well as the

comandante Bach'ughurch'i [Baiju] a quien el

liderazgo haba cado por
sorteo, ya que lo hacen
[241] todo

king himself greatly strove

to bring the rebel to accept
submission [249] he would
not, for he had received
help from the sultan of
Rum, and so remained in

por medio de la brujera.

Tan pronto como [Baiju]

autoridad asumi, de
inmediato se reuni tropas
de todos los pueblos bajo su

dominacin y fue a [esa

As soon as the sultan of
parte de] la tierra de los
Rum had fled the T'at'ars,
armenios que estaba bajo el
the king took all the villages dominio del sultn
and fields of Lambron under
de ron. Despus de haber
his control with the
alcanzado el distrito Karin
exception of the rebel
siti T'eodupolis que ahora
fortress. Then Kostandin

sent ambassadors to the

king to request

se llama la ciudad de Karin,

y se establecieron

reconciliation and to place

his sons in the king's
service while he himself
stayed in the fortress. But
the king

en torno a ella. Envi

embajadores a los
habitantes, dicindoles a
salir en la obediencia. Pero

did not agree to this.

[Kostandin] sent envoys two
or three times but neither
the king nor his father

residentes] no queran
[entrega] y en su lugar
enviaron los emisarios de
vuelta con insultos.
Entonces se levantaron en


sus paredes y insultaron

ms [los mongoles].

So Kostandin went to Konya

(Konn) to the sultan of Rum
who was then an enemy of
the Cilician king since
the latter had given the
sultan's mother to the
T'at'ars. He took [g287] the
sultan's troops and came to

unexpectedly while the

king's soldiers were
dispersed to their own
dwellings. He entered the
land, destroyed
many awans and fields by

Tan pronto como [los

mongoles] vieron que la
gente no lo hicieron la paz
de bienvenida, los jefes
dividieron la muralla de la
ciudad en todos los
lados con el fin de
demolerlo. Trabajar con
rapidez, erigieron muchas
catapultas, destruyeron la
pared, entraron en el
ciudad, y sin piedad puso a
todos a filo de espada.
Violaron a bienes y
propiedades y establecer la
ciudad en llamas. A
esa poca la ciudad era
muy densamente poblada,
que se est

fire, murder, and

enslavement. He killed and
plundered many Christians,
occasioning such evil in the
land because of a grudge.

Now when the king saw

these evils, he assembled
his soldiers and valiantly
came against the enemy

completado nicamente
con los cristianos y Tachiks,
pero todo el mundo
de todo el distrito se haban
reunido all.

En la ciudad eran
innumerables santos
Evangelios [pertenecientes
a] la [242] alta y humilde.
Los extranjeros tomaron la

multitude, putting all of

them to the sword. Only the
rebel prince and [250] a few ms caros [g279] y los
men with him were able to
vendan a bajo precio a los
cristianos en su ejrcito.
flee. In this way Kostandin
[Los soldados cristianos]
was beaten by the king
seven times, after which he
entered his fortress and did los llevaron y los distribuy
a travs de sus propios
distritos, dividindolos por
dare emerge.
entre las iglesias y

38. The reign of Dawif.

The resourceful and wily

Nation of Archers had sent
to Rusudan, queen of the
Georgians, many times
her to come to them or to

monasterios. Que Cristo

recompensar el cristiano
prncipes Awag, Shahnshah,
Aghbugha (hijo de Vahram),
Grigor Xach'enets'i (hijo de
Dop'i) que era un hombre
piadoso. Para estos
prncipes y sus tropas han
comprado fuera de
cautiverio tantos hombres,
mujeres, nios, obispos,
sacerdotes y diconos como

give her young son, Dawif,

to them with troops. But
she did not do so, and

era posible. La liberacin de

todos ellos,
se les permiti ir a donde

sent a few soldiers to them

with Iwane's son, Awag,
who was in the T'at'ar army, [El mongoles] no slo
saying: "Until the
destruy la ciudad de Karin,
ambassador whom I sent to pero muchos otros distritos
the Khan your king returns, bajo el dominio de la
I cannot come to you."

When [the Mongols] had

defeated [Rusudan's] sonin-law the sultan of Rum,
and had taken many of his

sultn de Rum. Sin

embargo, el sultn no pudo
hacer nada, ya que,
temblando de miedo de
ellos, que haba escondido

l mismo; algunos incluso

dijeron que haba muerto.
cities, they sent prince
Ahora, una vez que el
Vahram as an envoy to him, ejrcito T'at'ar haba
bidding him to submit
cometido esta accin, de
[g288]. When he came, he
alegra y con
gran botn, volvi a
with him [Dawif], the son of Aghbania / Aghuania, a su
[the former] king of the
lugar de invernada, a la
Georgians, Giorgi Lasha
llanura frtil y fructfera
(Rusudan's brother), whom llamada
Mughan. Y ellos pasaron el
had treacherously sent to
invierno all [243] [G280].
the sultan of Rum with her
daughter to destroy him so
that he would not bring
to her realm. He had been
imprisoned by the sultan.

35. En cuanto a la guerra

que tuvo lugar entre el

sultn y el T'at'ars.
[251] Vahram brought
[Dawif] and made the
situation known to the
T'at'ar forces, saying: "the
son of our
king was exiled and
deprived of his kingdom."
So [the Mongols] enthroned
him in opposition to his
aunt and
ordered him anointed
according to Christian
custom. They ordered all of
his father's princes to obey
him and

Mientras el ejrcito T'at'ar

fue colocada de forma
segura a travs de todos los
campos de Armenia y
Aghbania, embajadores
llegado del sultn [de ron],
Ghiyath al-Din [Kai Khusrau
II, 1236-1245 (Ghiat'adin)]
teniendo jactanciosa y
palabras amenazante, como
es la costumbre Tachik:
"Ustedes consideran que al
destruir una ciudad que me
ha conquistado

[ordered] him to reside in

the city of Tiflis. Then the
grandee princes who were
obedient to the T'afars,
namely Awag who was a
general, Shahnshah, son of
Zak'aria, Vahram and his
son Aghbugha, took him to
Mtsxifa, summoned the
kat'oghikos of the
Georgians, and anointed
him king. His name was

Now when [Dawif s] aunt

Rusudan heard about this
she fled to Abkhazia
(Ap'xazef ) and Suanef with

y mi poder. Bueno, mis

ciudades son sin lmite y
mis tropas son
innumerables. As que
quedarse donde est y yo
vendr a la batalla en
contra de usted.
"enormemente hinchado,
[los embajadores] dijeron
muchas cosas similares,
[la informacin que] "El
prximo invierno el sultn
de venir a la llanura

her son
(the other Dawif) and sent
ambassadors to the other
T'at'ar commander Bafu [of
the Golden Horde], a

Mughan con sus mujeres y

soldados a
invierno aqu ".

relative of the Khan, who

controlled the troops in
Russia (Rhuzk'), Ossetia
(Osefk), and Darband, since

Cuando [los mongoles]

oyendo esto, de ninguna
manera hizo que se excitan
o cuentan con [a los
embajadores]. Baiju-

stood [g289] after the Khan.

She offered him her
submission. [Bafu] ordered
her to reside in Tiflis, and

noyin, su cabeza, se limit a

responder: "Usted habla con
grandilocuencia, sin
embargo, la victoria pasar
a quien Dios concede

others did not oppose this

since the [Great] Khan had
died meanwhile.



39. Regarding the

summoning of lord Nerses,
kat'oghikos of the

/Caucasian Albanians, to
the Great Court.

As, uno tras otro

embajador lleg a hacer
[los mongoles] apresuro a la
guerra, a pesar de que no
se daba prisa en
de cualquier manera; ms
bien, se reunieron
pacficamente sus tropas y
los menores de [g281] su
dominacin, y llegaron a un
exuberante lugar en la
tierra de Armenia con todas
sus maletas y equipaje con
el fin de engordar sus
caballos. Luego se
tranquilamente se acerc al
campamento del sultn.

While the T'at'ar army was

encamped in winter
quarters in the plains of
Armenia and Aghbania,
Rhaban the

Este ltimo haba salido de

su lugar habitual y se haba
llegado a esa
parte de Armenia que
estaba bajo su dominio,
[244] [a una zona cercana a
Erzinjan], cerca de un
pueblo llamado

Syrian, whom we recalled

above, heard about the
kat'oghikos of Aghbania and Ch'man-katuk [Kose Dagh].
informed Elf ina khatun wife l vena con una
innumerable multitud, con
of Chormaghun (who held
las mujeres y concubinas,
authority after
oro y plata
[Chormaghun's] deafness)
that "the head of the
y todas las posesiones de
Christians in these
valor que tenan. Para
desvo trajo tambin a lo
parts officiates in secret and largo de los animales
does not come to see us."
salvajes y muchos otros
They sent to [Nerses]
saying: "Why is it that you
reptiles, incluso ratones y
gatos, porque queran
mostrar a s mismo como
miedo a las tropas.

do not come to see us?

Come at once, and should
you not do so voluntarily,
then we shall have you
before us against your will,

Now [Nerses] since he sat in

Baiju general, en
consonancia con su
profundo conocimiento
[militar], dividi a sus
soldados en muchos
grupos, poniendo
bajo los ms destacados
comandantes valientes,
mientras que las tropas
extranjeras, que comprende
diversas nacionalidades,

the Miap'or district, in the

monastery named Xamshi
(which was under the
authority of Awag) did not
dare to go without asking
[Awag], so that his
departure not be taken ill.
hid from [the Mongols] and
told the church officials to
explain that he was not at
home, but had gone to
Awag. And [the Mongols]
sent to him two and three
times with threats [ordering
him] to come to them.

dividido entre [las tropas
leales] para que no trabajan
ninguna traicin. Luego de
seleccionar el valeroso y
de todos ellos, hizo una
vanguardia que fue y
combati con las tropas del
sultn y los puso en fuga.
El sultn mismo huy,
escapando [G282] por un
pelo y dejando su trono y
pertenencias all. [Los
Mongoles] persiguieron a
los soldados fugitivos y sin
piedad les cortaban,
ponindolos a la espada;

Then [Nerses] received a

command from Awag and
went to them in the Mughan volvi a saquear los cados.
plain, bearing gifts
to his means. [253]
However, he did not
encounter Rhaban there, for
the latter had gone to Tabriz

Tan pronto como el cuerpo

principal del ejrcito lleg y
vio que el sultn haba
huido y su ejrcito fue
derrotado, ellos

Therefore [Nerses] went

[g290] to the Great Court
and stood before Elt'ina
khatun. She received him

se extendi por toda la zona

de las incursiones y
saqueos. Sacaron de
diferencia [245] muchos
distritos y se reunieron oro

and honored him with great

respect, seating him above

plata y costosas prendas de

vestir, as como los

all the grandees who had

assembled by her because

camellos, caballos, burros y

un sinnmero de animales.
Fueron, pues,

the wedding of her son

Bora-noyin. For she had
taken the daughter of a
certain notable named

sitiada la ciudad de Cesarea

de Capadocia. Debido a que
los habitantes no se
rendan, se lo llevaron por
la fuerza

as a wife for her son; and

she had given her own
daughter as wife to another
noble named Usuf-noyin.

y poner a la poblacin a la
espada, encantador lo que
fuera en la ciudad y
dejndola abandonada.
Luego se

Therefore she said to the

kat'oghikos: "You have
come on a felicitous day."
And [Nerses] wisely

lleg a Sebastia, y puesto

que los habitantes de la
ciudad se haban rendido de
antemano (que viene a
ellos con

"I chose this day of your joy,

and then came."
regalos y presentes) las
personas no fueron
castigados, aunque parte
de la ciudad fue saqueada.
Now [Elt'ina khatun]
La conquista de la ciudad
entrusted him and his
officials to her brothers
Sadeghagha and Gorgogh,
who were
Christians, newly-arrived
from their land, while she
might concern herself with
the marriage that joyous

su propio nombre, se
estableci por obispos y se

Vinieron y sitiaron Eznka

(Erzinjan) y luch
numerosas batallas por ello.
[The brothers] took [Nerses] Los habitantes de la ciudad
and greatly honored him.
muchos golpes en el

When they were somewhat

lightened of [other]
concerns, they gave
[Nerses] gifts and an
eltamgha so that no
one would harass him, and
they gave him a Moghal
T'at'ar guide who took him
throughout his dioceses in
land of the
[g291]. Because, for a long
while neither [Nerses] nor
his predecessors [254]
had dared to circulate
through their dioceses due
to the bloodthirsty and
bestial nation of Tachiks.
[Nerses] passed throughout
his diocese returning
peacefully to his residence
in Xamshi monastery.

40. Concerning their raiding

in the Vaspurakan area and
in many other districts.

At the beginning of the

second year after the flight

ejrcito T'at'ar. Entonces

[los mongoles] comenzaron
a llamar a traicin a la
gente fuera de la ciudad en
el pretexto [g283] de
frienship; y puesto que los
habitantes no tenan la
ayuda de ninguna parte,
que accedi a venir.
[Los mongoles] cay sobre
ellos y cortarlos, hombre y
mujer, evitando slo unos
chicos y chicas a quien
que tuvieron en cautiverio y
la esclavitud.

As, despus de destruir y

esclavizar a muchos
distritos y tierras, llegaron a
la ciudad llamada Divrigi
(Tiwrike / Tephrike). Una vez
que los habitantes saban
que era imposible resistirse
a ellos [246] militarmente
querido rendirse. [El
mongoles] tom muchos
bienes de ellos, pero
abandon la ciudad ileso,
mientras que
ellos regresaron con mucho
botn y de muy buen humor
a sus campamentos de
invierno en Armenia y

of Sultan Ghiyath al-Din,

they went through the
area to the city of Xlat'.
They took it and gave it to
T'amt'a (Awag's sister) who
previously was ruler of the
city, when she was married
to Ashrap' Melik'. She
subsequently had been
captured by the
sultan Jalal al-Din, then
captured again by [the
Mongols] and sent to the
Khan, where she stayed for

Rusudan, queen of the

Georgians, sent prince
Hamadola as an envoy to
the Khan, and when he [was
to] return Hamadola
requested T'amt'a from the
Khan. He brought her with
him with orders from the
that whatever had been
hers while wife of Melik'
Ashrap' be given back to

Aghbania / Aghuania, ya
que la demolicin y
destruccin de todos los
pueblos haba venido del
Seor. los
Cristianos entre sus tropas
liberaron a muchas
personas de su cautiverio,
tanto abiertamente y en
secreto, sacerdotes y
Esto era especialmente
cierto de los prncipes
grandee Awag, Shahnshah,
Vahram y su hijo Aghbugha,
Xach'ents'is Hasan Jalal y
sus fuerzas y parientes
Grigor, hijo de la hermana
de la madre de Jalal, Dop'i,
y otra
prncipes y sus tropas [que
liberaron a la mayor
cantidad], ya que eran
capaces. Esto ocurri en
692 AE. [1.243 mil].

36. En relacin con el rey

armenio Het'um y lo que

[255] They obeyed the

commands of their king and
Una vez que se haba
gave to her Xlat' and the
producido este [batalla],
districts surrounding it.
cuando Het'um (rey de
Cilicia y otros estados) vio
themselves spread out
[G284] que el sultn tena
raiding the areas of Syrian
sido derrotado por [los
Mesopotamia, Amida,
Edessa, Nisibis (Mtsbin) and mongoles] envi
embajadores y valiosos
regalos a ellos para hacer la
Shambi country and [g292] paz y colocar
many districts besides in
a s mismo en la sumisin. A
vain, for although no one
opposed them with warfare, travs de la intercesin del
prncipe Jalal, los que
nonetheless, because of the llegaron a la gran atrio eran
summer heat, many of
them were sun-struck. Men presentado a Baiju-noym, a
Elt'ina Khatun (esposa de
and horses died.
Chormaghun) y para los
otros nobles grandee.
Cuando el
They went to their lodging
places and passed the
Mongoles] escuch el
winter. And they gave an
mensaje del rey y vio los
order concerning the
dones [247] le pidieron que
se entreguen a ellos la
[re] construction of the city madre,
of Karin, T'eodupolis. The
dispersed and hidden
la esposa y la hija del
[population] and those who sultn, que haba huido a l
en busca de refugio.
avoided captivity
assembled, and the bishop
of the city, lord Sargis,
whom Zak'are's son prince

Cuando el rey Het'um oy

esto, se entristeci
profundamente y dijo:
"Hubiera sido mejor para m

brought, [also] went [there]. tena que

And they commenced to
pregunt por mi propio hijo
rebuild the ruined and
Lewon que para los dems
devastated city.
". Sin embargo, desde que
tena miedo [de los
mongoles] y as

41. Concerning the

canonical orders of the
kat'oghikos of the
Armenians, Kostandin.

When Kostandin, the

virtuous kat'oghikos of the
Armenians, saw the ruin of
Armenia and the sufferings
which [the people] were
bearing from taxation and
from the T'at'ar army, he
pondered [the problem] and
realised that sin was the
cause of it all; [256] for
each person carefully
meditated on evil [means]
of achieving
his will. For the order of
marriage of the blessed law
had ended and, like
heathens, blood relations
intermarried, and whoever

que la negativa no
ocasionara ningn gran
dao, de mala gana los
entreg con muchos regalos
adems de los que haban
venido a ellos. [Parientes
del sultn] fueron tomadas
y exhibieron a Baiju y
los otros jefes. Tan pronto
como [los mongoles] los
vio, eran felices y honrados
en gran medida a los
del rey, estableciendo
estipendios y caballos para
ellos durante el invierno,
por lo que cuando lleg la
primavera que pudieron
regresar a su propia tierra.
De este modo se estableci
amistad con el rey. Le
dieron una ordenanza
de acuerdo con su religin
que ellos llaman el-tamgha

Y as [los mongoles]

so desired separated [from

esperaron hasta la
their spouse], and they took primavera, cuando, una vez
whomever they wanted.
ms, se fueron contra el
sultn y su tierra.
Nor was there concern for
the propriety of fasts. They
mingled with the heathens
[g293] indiscriminately.
Furthermore, what was the
greatest wickedness of all,
bishops were ordained for
[payment of] silver, the
of God were sold to the
unworthy. Minors and
ignorant people, who could
not speak coherently in the
presence of men, were set
up as intercessors between
God and man; and
unworthy priests (who kept

37. En relacin con el

prncipe de Lambron,
Kostand, y lo que hizo en la
tierra de Cilicia.

Durante la vida del rey

Lewon hubo una fortaleza
muy inexpugnable en su
tierra, llamado Lambron. los
prncipe [248] que gobern
esa fortaleza, llamada
Het'um, se rebel contra [el
rey]. Aunque [Lewon]
intent muchas

prostitutes and patent

whores) sat doing the work
of priests. And there were
many other evils committed veces para someter a los
rebeldes que no poda. As,
despus de alguna traicin
the great down to the small enga [Het'um] en una
according to this
alianza matrimonial
[quotation], that "Priests
mediante el cual [Lewon]
and people alike have
dio la hija de su hermano en
become crazed
matrimonio al hijo [de
and there is no one to
Het'um] Oshin. [Lewon] l y
reprimand them."
lo agarr
For these reasons,

hijos y les torturaron hasta

que dieron la fortaleza para

[kat'oghikos Kostandin]
l. Habiendo tomado
hastened to write encyclical [Lambron] estableci su
letters and universal
canons. He sent
la reina de reinas all y
with the letter the learned
escribi edictos diciendo:
and brilliant vardapet
"En adelante, esta fortaleza
Vardan, who, for reasons of no ser dado a cualquier
prayer had gone to
Jerusalem to
pero seguirn siendo
worship the sites of the
propiedad real, ya que sus
Holy Land. After visiting the seores siempre han sido
holy places, he came to
rebeldes debido a su solidez
Cilicia to the Christ-crowned ".
King Het'um and his
brothers. He went to the
kat'oghikos who rejoiced
exceedingly at his [257]
sight. The
kat'oghikos kept [Vardan
Arewelts'i] with him a long
time, binding the latter to
himself with affection, for
never wanted him to

To accomplish his aims [of

reform, the kat'oghikos]
sent [Vardan] and his
attendants and wrote to all
cities, venerable
monasteries and glorious
princes [of Greater

Cuando Lewon muri y su

hija Zape l estaba
gobernando, el prncipe de
los prncipes Kostandin,
despus de haber unido a
kat'oghikos Yovhannes
[g286] y otros prncipes,
entronizados su propio hijo
Het'um, un joven, y le
enviaron como
marido para Zapel en lugar
del hijo del prncipe que
haba sido capturado y
puesto en la crcel.
[Kostandin] Asimismo,
deseaba tener como aliado
a su suegro, yerno de
Het'um (llamado Kostandin
como l). l le dio
Lambron como propiedad

Armenia] that they not

ignore the prescribed
rules which were for the
salvation of their souls; and
that because [the
kat'oghikos] was an old
man, they
should accept the vardapet
in his stead. This is what he
wrote. [We omit the
encyclical, which deals with
doctrinal matters, and
resume the translation in
chapter 43.]

privada y le coronant de su
hijo hizo. Pero despus de
un tiempo este hombre se
rebel contra su
hijo de la hermana, el rey
Het'um, como era su
costumbre ancestral.
Aunque Kostandin, padre
del rey, as como la
rey mismo se esforz
mucho para que el rebelde
a aceptar la sumisin [249]
que no lo hara, porque l
haba recibido
ayuda del sultn de Rum, y
as se mantuvo en rebelin.

43. Canons of Kostandin,

kat'oghikos of the

...Vardan vardapet and

those sent by the
kat'oghikos with him came
to the East and circulated
through the
districts of Armenia giving
the canonical orders to all
the bishops, monks and
princes, and they

Tan pronto como el sultn

de Ron haba huido los
T'at'ars, el rey tom todas
las aldeas y campos de
Lambron bajo
su control con la excepcin
de la fortaleza rebelde.
Entonces Kostandin envi
embajadores al rey para
la reconciliacin y para
colocar a sus hijos en el
servicio del rey, mientras
que l se qued en la
fortaleza. Pero el rey
no estar de acuerdo con
esto. [Kostandin] emisarios

demanded of
all written approval of the
prescribed rules. Because
everyone had strayed from
the Truth and was

enviados dos o tres veces,

pero ni el rey ni su padre lo

by the disease of greed and

the love of silver, the order
seemed hard. However, no
one dared to scorn it. On

As Kostandin fue a Konya

(Konn) al sultn de ron que
era entonces un enemigo
del rey de Cilicia desde

[258] the outside they

honored it and gave a
written document with
oaths and anathemas to
accept the order.

este ltimo haba dado la

madre del sultn a los
T'at'ars. Tom [G287] las
tropas del sultn y lleg a

[Accepting were]: the

bishop of the city of Karin,
Sargis; the other Sargis,
bishop of Ani; the bishop of
Yakob; the bishops of Bjni,
Vanakan and Grigor; the
bishop of Anberd, Mkrtich;
the bishop of Haghbat,
Hamazasp; and other
bishops in various regions
as well as the principal
monasteries: Sanahin and
Getik, and
Haghartsin, Kech'arhu,
Hawuts' T'arh, Ayrivank',
Saghmosavank', Horhomosi
vank and

inesperadamente mientras
los soldados del rey se
dispersaron a sus propias
viviendas. Entr en la tierra,
muchos awans y campos de
fuego, el asesinato y la
esclavitud. l mat y
saque muchos cristianos,
ocasionando tanta maldad
en la tierra a causa de un

Ahora, cuando el rey vio

estos males, reuni a sus

those around them.

Likewise [accepting] were
lord Nerses, kat'oghikos of
the Aghbanians, bishop
Yovhannes, called Tuets'i,
the great and renowned
vardapet Vanakan, the
prince of princes Awag, and
princes [g310].

The wise vardapet Vardan

took this document of
approval and sent it to
kat'oghikos Kostandin in

soldados y valientemente
vino contra el enemigo
multitud, poniendo a todos
a filo de espada. Slo el
prncipe rebelde y [250]
unos hombres con l
huir. De esta manera
Kostandin fue golpeado por
el rey siete veces, despus
de lo cual entr en su
fortaleza, y no lo hizo
atrevera emerger.

Then he himself came to his

place of solitude in the
38. El reinado de Dawif.
Kayean valley. This place
was named St. Andrew
La Nacin ingenioso y
astuto de los arqueros
haba enviado a Rusudan,
reina de los georgianos,
muchas veces diciendo
and stood opposite the
unassailable fortress of
Kayean. He stopped there
and instructed many who
studied his

que venga a ellos o para

dar a su pequeo hijo,
Dawif, a ellos con tropas.
Pero ella no lo hizo, y en su


enviado unos cuantos

soldados a ellos con el hijo
de Iwane, Awag, que estaba
en el ejrcito T'at'ar,

At the coming of the second

year, 696 A.E. [1247], the

virtuous kat'oghikos
Kostandin sent presents to
churches in the East, by
means of his attendant
T'eodos. [He sent] silken
cloth of variegated colors,
cowls for the [259] honored
monks for use in the
blessed service. [Kostandin
also sent] an encyclical so
[the church at] the tomb of
the Apostle Thaddeus and
the surrounding districts
and cities be given to him
as a
diocese, and [he sent]
much gold for the building
of a portico which vardapet
Yovsep' constructed after
devastation caused by the
Turks and the Georgian
raids, because for a long
time the place was
and barren.

Yovsep' went to a T'at'ar

commander named
Anagurak-nqym whose

diciendo: "Hasta que el

embajador que he enviado
a la Khan sus declaraciones
de rey, no puede venir a
usted ".

Cuando [la mongoles] haba

derrotado hijo-en-ley [de
Rusudan] el sultn de Rum,
y haba tomado muchos de
ciudades, enviaron prncipe
Vahram como enviado a l,
pidindole que le presente
[g288]. Cuando lleg, trajo
con l [Dawif], hijo de [la
ex] rey de los georgianos,
Giorgi Lasha (hermano de
Rusudan), a quien ella
haba enviado a traicin al
sultn de Ron con su hija
para destruirlo por lo que
no iba a hacer dao
a su reino. l haba sido
encarcelado por el sultn.

[251] Vahram trajo [Dawif]

e hizo la situacin en
conocimiento de las fuerzas
T'at'ar, diciendo: "el hijo de
rey fue exiliado y privado
de su reino. "As que [los

summer quarters were

close by the tomb

mongoles] l entronizado
en oposicin a su ta y

of the blessed Apostle

Thaddeus. By [Anaguraknqym's] command,
[Yovsep'] cleaned the
church and held

orden lo ungi segn la

costumbre cristiana.
Ordenaron a todos los
prncipes de su padre a
obedecerle y

the opening ceremony, built

a monastery, and
assembled many clerics in
it [g31 1].

[orden] que l reside en la

ciudad de Tiflis. Entonces
los prncipes grandee que
eran obedientes a los

The T'at'ar man enlarged

the roads on all sides [so
that] all pilgrims come
amongst his troops without
fear, He
strictly commanded that no
one wishing to come be
harassed, and he humbled
himself to them with love.
many of them came and
baptized their sons and
daughters, and many who
were possessed by devils
and were
sick became healed, and
the name of our Lord Jesus
Christ was glorified.
Furthermore the entire
T'at'ar army
was not inimical to [260]
the Cross and the Church.

a saber Awag que era un

general, Shahnshah, hijo de
Zak'aria, Vahram y su hijo
Aghbugha, lo llevaron a
Mtsxifa, convoc a los
kat'oghikos de los
georgianos, y lo ungi rey.
Su nombre era Dawif.

Ahora, cuando [Dawif s] ta

Rusudan enter de esto,
ella huy a Abjasia
(Ap'xazef) y Suanef con su
(el otro Dawif) y los
embajadores enviados a
otro comandante T'at'ar
Bafu [de la Horda de Oro],
relativo del Khan, quien
control las tropas en Rusia
(Rhuzk '), Osetia (Osefk) y

Instead, they greatly

revered them and offered
gifts; there
was no hostility among

Darband, desde que

resistido [g289] despus del
Khan. Ella le ofreci su
sumisin. [Bafu] le orden a
residir en Tiflis, y el
otros no se oponen a esto,
ya la [Gran] Khan haba
muerto por su parte.

44. Regarding the tax

collectors who came from
the Khan.

As soon as Guyuk-Khan
[1246-48] took control of
the great kingdom of the
T'at'ar army in their own
land, he
forthwith sent out tax
collectors to his troops in
the various regions and
lands which they had
subdued, to take
one tenth of all the property
of the troops as well as
taxes from the districts and
kingdoms conquered by
from the Iranians, Tachiks,
Turks, Armenians,
Aghbanians/Aghuans and
from all peoples under


39. En cuanto a la
convocatoria de seor
Nerses, kat'oghikos de los
Aghbanians / Aghuans

/ Caucsicos albaneses, a la
Gran Corte.

Mientras que el ejrcito

estaba acampado T'at'ar en
cuarteles de invierno en las
llanuras de Armenia y
Aghbania, Rhaban la
Siria, a quien hemos
recordado anteriormente,
escuchamos acerca de los
kat'oghikos de Aghbania e
informados Elf ina Khatun

them. The chiefs of the tax

collectors were severe and
rapacious men. One was
named Arghun and was the


de Chormaghun (que tena

la autoridad despus de la
sordera [de Chormaghun])
leader of all the rest [g312], que "el jefe de los cristianos
while the other [chief] was
en estos
Bugha who was yet more
partes oficia en secreto y no
wicked than that [other]
viene a vernos "Enviaron a
Bugha who came against
[Nerses] diciendo:". Por
Armenia in the days of Jap'r qu es que slo t
the Ishmaelite and who
ruined many lands.
this [Mongol] Bugha came
to the T'at'ar troops,
entered the homes of the
nobles, and pitilessly took
pleased him. Yet no one
dared say anything to him,
for he had assembled
brigands from among the

no vengas a vernos? Ven a

la vez, y en caso de que no
hacerlo voluntariamente,
entonces habremos trado
ante nosotros en contra de
su voluntad, cado en
desgracia ".

and Tachiks who mercilessly

performed deeds of cruelty Ahora [Nerses] desde que
se sent en el distrito
and were [261] especially
Miap'or, en el monasterio
inimical toward the
llamado Xamshi (que
estaba bajo la

Therefore they provoked

him against the pious
prince Hasan, called Jalal.
[Bugha] seized him in the

autoridad del Awag) no se

atrevi a ir sin pedir [Awag],
por lo que su salida no se
enferm. [Nerses]
escondi de [la mongoles] y
le dijo a los funcionarios de

court before all the nobles

and subjected him to
numerous punishments. He
demolished [Hasan's]
fortresses: the one called
Xoyaxana in Persian, Ded,
Tsiranak'ar and his other
fortresses. And they so
them that not even a trace
appeared that anything had
ever been built there.
Taking much gold and silver
from [Hasan] they barely
spared his life. The grandee
nobility could do nothing to
help him, so terrified were
all the spectators.

la iglesia para explicar que

l no estaba en casa, pero
haba ido a
Awag. Y [los mongoles]
enviado para dos y tres
veces con amenazas
[ordenndole] para llegar a

Entonces [Nerses] recibido

una orden de Awag y se
dirigi a ellos en la llanura
Mughan, llevando regalos
a sus medios. [253] Sin
embargo, l no encontr
Rhaban all, porque este
ltimo haba ido a Tabriz

Por lo tanto [Nerses] fue

[G290] a la Gran Corte y se
[Bugha] similarly wanted to puso delante Elt'ina Khatun.
seize Awag, the prince of
Ella lo recibi con mucho
princes and [to subject him] gusto
to tortures and flogging.
y lo honr con gran respeto,
But the grandee nobility
sentndolo encima de todos
notified him [saying]: "Fear los grandes que se haban
not; but [g3 13] assemble
reunido por ella a causa de
all of your forces and go
thus to
la boda de su hijo Boranoyin. Para ella haba
see [Bugha]. Should he try
tomado la hija de un
to seize you, then you seize hombre notable llamado
him." Acting on this advice, Ghutun-nqym
[Awag] went to him with
como una esposa para su

many soldiers.

When Bugha saw this, he

became frightened and said
to him: "What is that
multitude of soldiers for?
Could it

hijo; y ella haba dado a su

propia hija como esposa a
otro llamado Usuf-noyin
Por lo tanto, dijo a los
kat'oghikos: "Ustedes han
venido en un da feliz." Y
[Nerses] sabiamente
"Eleg este da de vuestra
alegra, y luego vine."

be that you are rebelling

from the Khan and have
come to kill us?" Awag
replied: "Why have you

Ahora [Elt'ina Khatun] l y

sus funcionarios a cargo de
sus hermanos Sadeghagha
y Gorgogh, que eran

a multitude of [262] evildoing Iranians to come to

treacherously seize us?" As
soon as Bugha realized that

Cristianos, llegados
recientemente de sus
tierras, mientras que ella
podra referirse a s misma
con el matrimonio que da

treachery was manifest [to

Awag], he spoke to him of
peace, but in his mind he
was ever planning evil
him and awaited an
appropriate moment to
execute his wicked
intention. While [Bugha]
thus plotted evil the

[] Los hermanos tomaron

[Nerses] y en gran medida
lo honraron.

Cuando estaban un poco

aligerado de [otros]
preocupaciones, dieron
[Nerses] regalos y un
eltamgha para que nadie

righteous judgement of God nadie le habra acosar, y le

overtook him. Suddenly
dio una gua Moghal T'at'ar
wounds appeared on his
que lo llev a lo largo de su

throat and the wicked one

dicesis en el

suffocated, dying wickedly.

This is how the impious
man died. And may he not
see the glory of God.

tierra de los Aghbanians /

Aghuans [G291]. Porque,
por un largo tiempo ni
[Nerses] ni sus
predecesores [254]

45. Regarding the Georgian

kings' journey to the Khan.

The kingdom of Georgia,

which a short time before
had been wealthy, was at
this time weakened. It had
entered into the yoke of
servitude to the T'at'ar
army in the East whose
leader, after the death of
Chormaghun, was Baijunoyin [g314].

In this period the monarch

of the Georgians was a
woman named Rusudan
who had concealed and
herself in the impregnable
areas of Suanet'ia. Envoys
came to her from the two
sides of the T'at'ar

se haba atrevido a circular

a travs de sus dicesis,
debido a la nacin
sanguinario y bestial de
Tachiks. Ahora
[Nerses] pasado toda su
dicesis que regresan
tranquilamente a su
residencia en el monasterio

40. En cuanto a su incursin

en la zona Vaspurakan y en
muchos otros distritos.

Al comienzo del segundo

ao despus de la huida de
Sultan Ghiyath al-Din, y
pasaron por Bznunik '
rea de la ciudad de XLAT '.
Se lo llevaron y le dieron a
T'amt'a (hermana de Awag)
que anteriormente fue
gobernador de la

military from the great

general [of the Golden
Horde] named Bat'u who
was in the [263] northern
regions, a

ciudad, cuando estaba

casada con Ashrap 'Melik'.
Posteriormente, haba sido
capturado por el

close relative of the Khan,

[a man] who ruled over
everyone such that not
even the Khan sat on his

Sultn Jalal al-Din, y luego

capturado de nuevo por [los
mongoles] y se enva al
Khan, donde permaneci
por muchos

without [Bat'u's] order; and

[emissaries] from the other
general named Baiju who
was in the Armenian areas.


[Both emissaries told

Rusudan] to come to them
in peace and friendship and
to rule her lordship by their

But since [Rusudan] was a

beautiful woman, she did
not dare go to either one of
them for fear of being
violated. Instead,
enthroning her little son
Dawit', she sent him to
general Bat'u.

Now when the chiefs who

were with Baiju-noyin in the
Eastern regions (who had
seized all the lands of the

Rusudan, reina de los

georgianos, enviado
prncipe Hamadola como
enviado al Khan, y cuando
[estaba a punto
a] volver Hamadola solicit
T'amt'a del Khan. l la llev
con l a las rdenes del
que todo lo que haba sido
la suya mientras que la
esposa de Melik 'Ashrap'
dar la espalda.

[255] Ellos obedecieron las

rdenes de su rey y le dio a
su XLAT 'y los distritos que
lo rodean. Ellos
s extendan asaltar las
reas de Siria Mesopotamia,
Amida, Edesa, Nisibis

Armenians) and the princes

of the Georgian realm with
them saw that the queen
had not come to them but

(Mtsbin) y el

Rusudan [previously] had

sent [to Rum] with her
daughter, [g3 15] the wife
of Sultan Ghiyath al-Din.

Se fueron a sus lugares de

alojamiento y se pasan el
invierno. Y dieron una orden
relativa a la

[Ghiyath al-Din] had placed

Rusudan's nephew into
confinement, so that there
[264] would be no plot

[re] construccin de la
ciudad de Karin,
T'eodupolis. El [poblacin]
dispersa y oculta y los que

his mother-in-law over the


cautiverio evitado montado,

y el obispo de la ciudad,
seor Sargis, a quien el hijo
prncipe Shahnshah de

Pas Shambi y [G292]

muchos distritos, adems
de en vano, pues aunque
instead had sent her son to nadie les opone con la
Bat'u, they were displeased. guerra,
They sent to the sultan of
sin embargo, debido al calor
Rum, Ghiyath al-Din, and
del verano, muchos de ellos
had brought thence
fueron golpeados-sol.
Rusudan's brother's son,
Hombres y caballos
son of the [former] king of
the Georgians, Lasha Giorg,

They retrieved him and

gave him his father's realm
and sent him to their king,
the Khan, to confirm him in
rule. Then they themselves
urgently sent envoys one
after the other to queen
Rusudan [telling her] to

trado, [tambin] fue [all]. Y

ellos comenzaron a
reconstruir la ciudad
arruinada y devastada.

come to
them willingly or unwillingly.
Similarly Bat'u sent her
[other] son to the Khan and
himself summoned Rusudan

41. En cuanto a las rdenes

cannicos de los
kat'oghikos de los armenios,

to go to him.

[Rusudan] thus harassed on

two sides took poison by
her own will and departed
this life. She wrote a will
addressed to Awag and
entrusted to him her son,
should he return from the

And [the two Davids] went

to Guyuk-Khan who
received them with love. He
legislated that they should
the kingdom by turns
first Dawit' son of Lasha
Giorg, the elder of the two;
then, following his death,
father's sister's son, the
other Dawit', son of
Rusudan, should he still be
alive. The treasury of the
was divided into three
parts. [The Mongols

Cuando Kostandin, los

kat'oghikos virtuosos de los
armenios, vio la ruina de
Armenia y los sufrimientos
que [la gente] estaban
dando de impuestos y del
ejrcito T'at'ar, reflexionaba
sobre [el problema] y
se dio cuenta de que el
pecado fue la causa de todo
esto; [256] por cada
persona cuidadosamente
meditado sobre el mal
[medios] de lograr
su voluntad. Para el fin del
matrimonio de la ley
bendita haba terminado y,
como paganos, relaciones
de sangre
se casaron, y el que lo
deseaba separados [de su
cnyuge], y tomaron quien
Tampoco hubo
preocupacin por la

received] the venerable and conveniencia de ayunos. Se

priceless throne and the
mezclaron con los paganos
crown (the likes of which no
other kings possessed and
Por otra parte, cul fue el
which, they say, belonged
mayor maldad de todo, los
to Xosrov, father of Trdat
obispos fueron ordenados
para [de pago] de plata, los
the Great, king of the
Armenians). [This crown]
had remained there secretly de Dios fueron vendidos a
due to the fortification of
los indignos. Los menores
de edad y las personas
ignorantes, que no poda
place, had [265]
hablar coherentemente en
[subsequently] fallen to the el
kings of the Georgians and
remained there until recent presencia de los hombres,
se establecieron como
intercesores entre Dios y el
This [crown] and [g3 16]
hombre; y los sacerdotes
other valuable goods from
indignos (que mantienen
the treasury were sent to
the Khan, while the
prostitutas y prostitutas de
patentes) se sent haciendo
el trabajo de los sacerdotes.
was divided between
Y haba muchos otros males
themselves. When [the two] cometidos por
returned [to Georgia] this is
what they did, with the
la gran a la pequea de
acuerdo con este [cita], que
"Los sacerdotes y las
personas por igual se han
vuelto locos
mediation of Awag, Iwane's

y no hay nadie para

reprender a ellos ".

Por estas razones,

And Dawit', son of Lasha,

reigned in the city of Tiflis
while the other Dawit' sat in

46. Concerning the journey

to the Khan undertaken by
Smbat, general of Armenia,
the son of Sultan Ghiyath

Het'um, king of the

Armenians, who reigned in
Cilicia, sent his brother
general Smbat to the Khan

[kat'oghikos Kostandin] se
apresur a escribir cartas
encclicas y cnones
universales. l envi
con la letra de la Vardapet
aprendido y brillante
Vardan, que, por motivos de
oracin haban ido a
Jerusaln para
adorar a los sitios de la
Tierra Santa. Despus de
visitar los lugares santos,
lleg a Cilicia para coronado
Rey Het'um y sus
hermanos. Fue a las
kat'oghikos que se
regocijaron en extremo a su
[257] a la vista. los
kat'oghikos mantuvo
[Vardan Arewelts'i] con l
mucho tiempo, la unin del
ltimo a s mismo con
afecto, porque

noteworthy gifts. [Smbat]

peacefully traversed the
length of the journey and
was greatly honored by [the Nunca quiso que salen.
Khan]. [Smbat] returned
with great glory and faithful
written commands giving
him numerous districts and
many fortresses which
previously had belonged to
King Lewon but after his
death had been [266] taken

Para lograr sus objetivos

[de reforma, el kat'oghikos]
envi a [Vardan] y sus
asistentes y escribi a todos
ciudades, venerables
monasterios y prncipes
gloriosos [de Gran Armenia]

them by the Sultan of Rum,

Ala al-Din.

Sultan Ghiyath al-Din died

and left two young sons.
Because there was strife
between them, one went to

que no ignoran la prescrita

reglas que eran para la
salvacin de sus almas; y
que debido a que [los
kat'oghikos] era un hombre
viejo, que

debe aceptar la Vardapet en

su lugar. Esto es lo que
escribi. [Omitimos la
Khan and received from him encclica, que se ocupa de
his father's authority. [This
son] returned with Smbat,
asuntos doctrinales, y
the general of the
reanudar la traduccin en el
captulo 43.]
Armenians [g317]. They
came to Baiju-noym and the
other nobles who confirmed
the order of their king, and
provided troops to
accompany them to the
country of their rule.

As soon as they reached the

city called Erznka, they
heard that the brother of
Sultan Ghiyath al-Din had
formed marriage ties with
[the family of] Lascaris
(Leshkare), emperor of the
Byzantines who ruled at
Ephesus and, with the
latter's aid, had become
sultan in Konya (Konn).
Meanwhile his own young
brother sat

43. Cnones de Kostandin,

kat'oghikos de los armenios.

... Vardan Vardapet y los

enviados por los kat'oghikos
con l llegaron al Este y
distribuidas a travs de la
distritos de Armenia da las
rdenes cannicos a todos
los obispos, monjes y
prncipes, y exigi de
toda la aprobacin de las
normas prescritas por

on the traditional throne in

Alaya. Therefore he feared
to go there. Instead, he
halted at Erznka to see
would happen.

And general Smbat entered

his country [and went] to
his brother, King Het'um.

47. Concerning the

destruction wrought by the
T'at'ars in Georgia.

[267] While the land was

recovering a little from the
raids and plunderings
stirred up by the earthconsuming
fire, [then] people took
refuge in this
[circumstance], more so
than in God. The princes
deprived and robbed

escrito. Porque todo el

mundo se haba alejado de
la Verdad y fue poseda
por la enfermedad de la
codicia y el amor de la
plata, el orden pareca
difcil. Sin embargo, nadie
se atrevi a burlarse ella.
[258] el exterior,
cumplieron con l y le
dieron un documento
escrito con juramentos y
anatemas a aceptar la
[Aceptando eran]: el obispo
de la ciudad de Karin,
Sargis; Por otro Sargis,
obispo de Ani; el obispo de
Yakob; los obispos de Bjni,
Vanakan y Grigor; el obispo
de Anberd, Mkrtich; el
obispo de Haghbat,
Hamazasp; y otros obispos
en diferentes regiones, as
como los principales
monasterios: Sanahin y
Getik, y

Haghartsin, Kech'arhu,
Hawuts 'T'arh, Ayrivank',
the poor, and from this
Yovhannavank ',
extortion they bought
expensive clothing and they Saghmosavank', Horhomosi
Vank y
dressed, ate, drank, and
los que les rodean. Del

greatly, as is [g3 1 8] the

arrogant custom of the
Georgians. God made them
fall from their lofty
elevation and
recognize the measure of
their weakness, those who
were not taught by the
past. Satan aroused them,
satan in

mismo modo [aceptando]

fueron seor Nerses,
kat'oghikos de los
Aghbanians, obispo
Yovhannes, llamado Tuets'i,
el gran y reconocido
Vardapet Vanakan, el
prncipe de los prncipes
Awag, y otra
prncipes [G310].

whom they had placed their

hopes. Suddenly all the
nobility of the T'at'ar army
El Vardapet sabia Vardan
held a council, armed, and
tom este documento de
aprobacin y lo envi a
wanted to universally
kat'oghikos Kostandin en
ravage the lands of the
Armenians and the
Georgians, lands obedient
to them. For the
king of the Georgians with
all the princes wanted to
rebel. [They] were
recruiting to come and
destroy, since
it was apparent that all the
princes were going for a
levee to the king of the
Georgians, Dawit', in Tiflis.

Entonces l mismo fue a su

lugar de soledad en el valle
Kayean. Este lugar fue
nombrado San Andrs

y se par frente a la
fortaleza inexpugnable de
Kayean. Se detuvo all y dio
instrucciones a muchos de
los que estudi su

While [the princes] were

drinking wine, their spirits
rose and foolish men among doctrina.
them said: "Having such a
multitude of troops, why do

A la llegada del segundo

we serve [the Mongols]?

Come, let us fall upon them
suddenly, destroy and

ao, 696 AE [1247], el

kat'oghikos virtuosos
Kostandin envi regalos a la

exterminate them, and we

shall have our own lands."

iglesias en el este, a travs

de su asistente T'eodos.
[Envi] tela de seda de
colores abigarrados, caro

[268] The great prince

Awag intercepted this plot.
The T'at'ar army happening
to be in the place was

capuchas para los [259]

monjes de honor para su
uso en el servicio bendita.
[Kostandin tambin envi]
una encclica para que

about it and the army

notified its chiefs.

[la iglesia] la tumba del

Apstol Tadeo y los distritos
circundantes y ciudades se
dar a l como un

When the princes' troops

dicesis, y [envi] mucho
had returned to their own
oro para la construccin de
places, [the Mongols]
wanted to destroy everyone un prtico que Vardapet
Yovsep 'construida despus
de la

la devastacin causada por

los turcos y los ataques
georgianos, porque durante
generally, They arrested the mucho tiempo el lugar
princes who happened to be estaba deshabitado
with them, and sent
y estril.
summonses to those who
not there for them to come

Now merciful God did not

let the matter go to the

Yovsep 'fue a un
comandante T'at'ar llamado
Anagurak-nqym cuyos
cuartos verano eran cerca
de la tumba
del bienaventurado Apstol

end. This is how He stopped Tadeo. Por [Anagurak-nqym

it [g3 19].
de] mando, [Yovsep ']
limpiar la iglesia y se
One of the senior leaders,
general of the entire army
named Chaghatai, who was
Awag's friend, came amidst
the armed troops and said
to them: "We have no order
from the Khan to kill those
who are obedient to us,

la ceremonia de apertura,
construy un monasterio, y
reuni muchos clrigos en
ella [g31 1].

El hombre T'at'ar ampli las

carreteras por todas partes
[de manera que] todos los
peregrinos vienen entre sus
tropas sin miedo, l

stand in service to us, and

pay taxes to the Khan.
Furthermore, the details of
their rebellion is not certain. estrictamente orden que
nadie que desee venir
siendo hostigados, y se
if we destroy them without
humill a s mismo a ellos
cause, you will be
con amor. Y
responsible to the Khan."
Hearing this, they ceased
muchos de ellos vinieron y
bautiz a sus hijos e hijas, y
muchos que estaban
the matter.
posedos por demonios y
The mother of Awag, named
Xoshak', went to them to
assure them of her son's
loyalty and that he would
soon be [269] arriving
which in fact happened,
since prince Awag quickly
came up and demonstrated
loyalty to them with many

enfermo convirti sanado, y

el nombre de nuestro Seor
Jesucristo fue glorificado.
Adems todo el ejrcito
no era hostil a [260] la Cruz
y de la Iglesia. En su lugar,
ellos reverenciaban y
ofrecieron regalos en gran
medida; Ya est


King Dawit' and the other

princes arrived. [The
Mongols] bound all of them
tightly hand and foot with
cords, according to their
custom. They left them
bound thus for three days,
ridiculing and insulting
them for
their arrogance and
rebellious plans. Then
taking all [the rebels']
horses and ransoms, they
let them go. [The
Mongols] then attacked the
Georgian areas falling upon
many districts, those which
[g320] had rebelled and
those which had not. They
killed many people and took
even more captive. A
countless multitude of men,
women and children they
drowned in the river. This
occurred in 698 of the
Armenian Era [1249].

After this the prince of

princes Awag died and was
buried in the mausoleum of
his father Iwane, at

no era la hostilidad entre


44. En cuanto a los

recaudadores de impuestos
que vinieron del Khan.

Tan pronto como GuyukKhan [1246 a 1248] tom el

control del gran reino del
ejrcito T'at'ar en su propia
inmediatamente enviado
recaudadores de impuestos
a sus tropas en las distintas
regiones y las tierras que
haban sometido, para
una dcima parte de todos
los bienes de las tropas, as
como los impuestos de los
distritos y los reinos
conquistados por ellos:
a partir de los iranes,
Tachiks, turcos, armenios,
georgianos, Aghbanians /
Aghuans y desde todos los
pueblos bajo
ellos. Los jefes de los
recaudadores de impuestos
eran hombres graves y

Pghndzahank'. They gave

rapaces. Uno se llamaba
his authority to Zak'are, son Arghun y fue el
of Shahnshah, his father's
brother's son, for Awag had lder de todos los dems
[G312], mientras que el
no [legitimate] sons, but
otro [jefe] era Bugh que
only a baby daughter and a era an ms perverso que
son from some illicit liason, la [otra]
about whom (after his
Bugh que vino contra
Armenia en los das de Jap'r
they said that [the child]
ismaelita y que arruin
was from him... [The text is muchas tierras. Del mismo
damaged here.] which his
sister took and raised.
este [Mongol] Bugh lleg a
Subsequently, [270] [the
las tropas T'at'ar, entr en
authority] was taken from
las casas de los nobles, y
Zak'are and given to Awag's sin piedad se lo
wife who was named
le agrad. Sin embargo,
nadie se atrevi a decir
nada a l, porque l haba
reunido bandidos entre los

Kirakos Gandzakets'i's

y Tachiks quien sin piedad a

cabo actos de crueldad y
fueron [261] especialmente
hostil hacia el
Los cristianos.

History of the Armenians

Por lo tanto ellos se

rebelaron contra el prncipe
piadoso Hasan, llamado
Jalal. [Bugh] lo incautado
en la gran
la corte antes de que todos
los nobles y lo somete a

48. Concerning Dawit' the


The end of the world is

nigh, and therefore the
precursors of the Antichrist
have multiplied, as the
Bible first
said: "Close to the end of
the world, false christs and
false prophets will arise,
displaying great signs and
wonders, so as to lead
astray, if possible, even the
elect" [Matthew 23, 24].

numerosos castigos. l
demoli inaccesibles [de
fortalezas: el llamado
Xoyaxana en persa, Ded,
Tsiranak'ar y sus otras
fortalezas. Y as lo
los que ni siquiera un rastro
pareca que algo le haba
construido all. Tomando
mucho oro y plata
de [Hasan] apenas salvaron
su vida. La nobleza grandee
no poda hacer nada para
ayudarlo, lo aterrorizaba

Now in 699 A.E. [1250] this todos los espectadores.

is what happened. It was
noised about that within the
borders of [the district of]
[Bugh] igualmente querido
apoderarse Awag, el
Xach'en hail had fallen, and prncipe de los prncipes y
mixed with the hail many
[someterlo] para torturas y
fish the size of figs fell to
the ground. We did not see
Pero la nobleza grandee
this [g321] with our own
notific l [diciendo]: "No
eyes, but there were many
temas, pero [g3 13] reunir
to confirm that they were
todas sus fuerzas e ir as a
eyewitnesses. Yet another
ver [Bugh]. Debera tratar
de apoderarse de usted,
event they relate resembles entonces usted prenderlo.
a fable. [They say that] on
"Actuando en este consejo,
the shores of the Gegham
[Awag] fue a l con
Sea [Lake Sewan] there is

an awan named Kot'. In its

muchos soldados.
borders, in a village close to
the mountain they found a
gigantic man, dead and
Cuando Bugh vio esto, se
asust y le dijo: "Qu es
half-buried, wearing new
clothes and new shoes; and esa multitud de soldados
para Podra
by his head was a hole, as
though he had been [271]
punctured by a spike. On
[the wound] was a small
amount of cotton. When
they removed the cotton,
gushed from him and when
they replaced the cotton,
the blood stopped. Even if
they put on a new cotton,
his own, the blood would
flow until they replaced the
old cotton. Many people
were gossiping about this,
whether it is true or false,
we do not know.

But this [next event]

definitely took place. That
same year [1250] a certain
deceiver arose named
motivated by the demonic
spirit, like the deceivers
Judas and Theudas.

sea que usted est

rebelando del Khan y han
venido a matarnos "Awag
respondi:" Por qu has
una multitud de [262]
maldad iranes para venir a
nosotros aprovechar
traicin? "Tan pronto como
Bugh cuenta de que su
la traicin se manifiesta [a
Awag], l le habl de la paz,
pero en su mente estaba
siempre pensando mal
l y esperaba el momento
adecuado para ejecutar su
intencin malvada. Si bien
el mal [Bugh] por lo tanto
el trazado
justo juicio de Dios se
apoder de l. De repente
heridas aparecieron en la

garganta y el malo
There is a village named
Tsar by the Sea of
Geghark'unik' [Lake Sewan]
in the Xach'en area, close

sofocado, muriendo con

malicia. As es como el
hombre impo muri. Y
puede que no vers la
gloria de Dios.

Handaberd fortress where

Jermuk is. In Tsar was this
man of the poor and
indigent, who worked their
watermill and fed himself,
his wife and children in this

45. En cuanto a el viaje de

los reyes de Georgia al

One night, Satan appeared

to him in the form of light
[g322] and dared to say: "I
am Christ and I have come

El reino de Georgia, que

poco tiempo antes haba
sido rico, era en este
momento debilitado. Tena

to take you to preach my

message. I shall send to you
people who will come from
all over in need of healing.

entr en el yugo de
servidumbre al ejrcito
T'at'ar en Oriente cuyo
lder, despus de la muerte

Boldly put your hand upon

them. Take the beam from
the olive-press in your
village, make a cross of it

Chormaghun, era Baijunoyin [G314].

erect it at the doors of the

church." [272] And [Satan]
taught him all kinds of other
wily tricks.

En este perodo, el monarca

de los georgianos era una
mujer llamada Rusudan que
haba ocultado y fortificada

So [Dawit'] began to

a s misma en las zonas

inexpugnables de Suanet'ia.
Los enviados llegaron a ella

sermonize, saying: "Christ

appeared to me and said
'Turn world, and perform

desde los dos lados de la

militares - desde el gran
general [de la Horda de
Oro] llamado Bat'u que se
encontraba en las [263] las
regiones del norte, un

Others went to him and

started to sing his praises
and to call him Dawit'
Miaynakeats' (the Cenobite)
pariente cercano del Khan,
[un hombre] que gobernaba
Sk'anch'elagorts (the
todo el mundo de tal
Wonder- Worker). By force
manera que ni siquiera el
they took the beam from
Khan se sent en su trono
the oil-press of his house,
sin orden [de Bat'u]; y
fashioned a lofty cross from [emisarios] de otro general
it and erected the cross at
llamado Baiju quien se
the door of the church. They encontraba en las zonas de
sacrificed bulls to it, and
to all the pilgrims who came
from all parts they gave
portions of the bulls' meat
and bones and they also
shavings of the cross and
"holy wafers" made of
grains of millet which were
in the watermill. For the
Satan who encouraged
[Dawit'], stirred all the
districts to go to the
celebrity there men,
women, little
children, as well as even
priests, azats and all the
sick and afflicted.

[Ambos emisarios dijeron

Rusudan] para llegar a ellos
en paz y amistad y para
descartar su seora por su

Pero desde [Rusudan] era

una mujer hermosa, ella no
se atrevi a ir a cualquiera
de ellos por temor a ser
violados. En cambio,
entronizar su pequeo hijo
Dawit ', ella le envi al
general Bat'u.

Ahora, cuando los jefes que

estaban con Baiju-noyin en

las regiones orientales (que
At first, faking, [Dawit'] took haban tomado todas las
nothing from them. Like
tierras de la
unto the Antichrist, this is
how he preached: "Who am Armenios) y los prncipes
del reino de Georgia con
I but a poor and sinful man? ellos vieron que la reina no
Yet Christ had commanded
haba venido a ellos, pero
me to preach. Fast on
Monday, do not swear, and en cambio haba enviado a
su hijo a Bat'u, estaban
come, kiss me and your sins disgustados. Enviaron al
shall be forgiven as shall
sultn de Rum, Ghiyath althe sins of your people till
Din, y
the seventh generation"
haba llevado all el hijo del
hermano de Rusudan, hijo
del [ex] rey de los
georgianos, Lasha Giorg, a

[273] When someone

possessed by a devil came
to him, [Dawif] seized a
thick club and struck
he trampled on [the
afflicted person's] throat
and cried: "Out, dog, out,
dog! Dawif Miaynakeats'

Rusudan [previamente]
haba enviado [al ron] con
su hija, [g3 15] la esposa
del sultn Ghiyath al-Din.
[Ghiyath al-Din] haba
colocado el sobrino de
Rusudan en confinamiento,
de modo que no [264]
habra ningn complot
su madre-en-ley sobre el

you!" And he would say to

the afflicted one: "Behold,
fear no more. You are
healed." Then the demoniac Ellos lo recuperaron y le
dieron el reino de su padre
would depart, having the
y lo enviaron a su rey, el

same evil in him, only

Khan, que le confirme en su
multiplied. Yet wherever the
gobernar. Entonces ellos
afflicted person would go
mismos enviaron con
urgencia los enviados, uno
people would inquire [about tras otro a la reina Rusudan
Dawif], he dared not say "I
[dicindole] para llegar a
was not healed," for [Dawif]
ellos voluntaria o
had enjoined that if
involuntariamente. Del
they said this, they would
mismo modo Bat'u envi a
be possessed by the dew
su [otro] hijo al Khan y l
immediately. Although the
mismo convoc Rusudan
man dared not say "I was
para ir a l.
healed," from his very
deeds it was clear that he
was continually posssssed.
Those who previously had

[Rusudan] por tanto,

acosado por dos lados tom
veneno por su propia
voluntad y partieron de esta
vida. Ella escribi un

suffered pain for periods of

months and weeks, after
going [to Dawif] were
tormented every day. To the dirigida a Awag y que se le
consumed and wasted who confa a su hijo, si regresa
went to him, he said: "Come del Khan.
before me and dance!" And
they did so with joy,
since these kinds of dews
like to play and dance.
Dawif said: "Come, kiss me
and my wife. Depart and
fear no
more." To lepers he said:
"By the command of God
there is no cure for this
illness. But I forgive you
your sins

Y [los dos Davids] fue a

Guyuk-Khan, que los recibi
con amor. Se legisl que
deberan gobernar
el reino por turnos - primer
hijo Dawit 'de Lasha Giorg,
el mayor de los dos; a
continuacin, despus de
su muerte, su
El hijo de la hermana del

since you came to me." As

for the bent and hunched,
he ordered four men to hold
them, two at the head and

padre, el otro Dawit ', hijo

de Rusudan, debe todava
estar vivo. El tesoro del

two at the feet. And then

[Dawif] would say: "Stretch
and twist them." Then the
men stretched them [274]

se dividi en tres partes.

[Los mongoles recibieron] el
trono venerable y no tiene
precio y el maravilloso

violently and all the joints in corona (los gustos de los

their bodies cracked. And
cuales no hay otros reyes
the man they held would
posean y que, dicen,
scream "Vay!" from the
perteneci a Xosrov, padre
de Trdat
severity of the pain. Then
Dawif would trample on his el Grande, rey de los
shoulders and muscles and armenios). [Esta corona]
the afflicted one would
haba permanecido all en
secreto debido a la
cease breathing, like a dead fortificacin de la
man, or would in fact die.
[Dawif] would say about
lugar, tena [265]
those who [g324] died: "His [posteriormente] cado a los
reyes de los georgianos y
hour had come. It was not
permanecieron all hasta
possible for him to live. It is tiempos recientes.
a blessing that he died, for
he will suffer no more."
Este [Corona] y [g3 16]
otros bienes valiosos de la
And of those who survived, tesorera fueron enviados al
half-dead, but were not
Khan, mientras que el resto
healed he said: "They did
not have complete faith in
se dividi entre s. Cuando
[los dos] regresaron [a
Georgia] esto es lo que
therefore they were not
hicieron, con el
cured." Regarding the
demoniacs on whose
throats he trampled and
who died, he

would say: "This person

died long ago and I have
just now removed the dew
which caused him to move
about." To the blind he said:
"Would you rather that I
open your eyes or forgive
your sins? For I know that
your time is short and that
you will die soon." Then
[the blind person] would
say: "If that's how it is, it's

mediacin del Awag, el hijo

de Iwane.

Y Dawit ', hijo de Lasha,

rein en la ciudad de Tiflis,
mientras que la otra Dawit'
se sent en Suanet'ia.

for me if you forgive my

sins." And [Dawif] would say 46. En relacin con el viaje
to him: "I forgive your sins." al Khan emprendida por
Smbat, general de Armenia,
In this way he captivated
everyone's minds until
there was such a multitude
gathered by him that the
could not accomodate the
people. Now since it was
summertime, the [275]
multitude went into the
and onto the mountains
where they slept and
worked all sorts of
wickedness. For women
who never would
have dared to commit
adultery and prostitution in

el hijo del sultn Ghiyath alDin.

Het'um, rey de los

armenios, que rein en
Cilicia, envi a su hermano
en general Smbat al Khan
regalos dignos de mencin.
[Smbat] pacficamente
atravesado la duracin del
viaje y fue honrado en gran
medida por el [
Khan]. [Smbat] regresado
con gran gloria y comandos
escritos fieles dndole

their own homes because of numerosos distritos y

their husbands, parents,
muchas fortalezas que
previamente haban sido
children, now, going on
del rey Lewon pero despus
pilgrimage, copulated
de su muerte haban sido
openly with whomever they [266] tomado de
wished. The men too
ellos por el sultn de Rum,
worked this
Ala al-Din.
same evil with whomever
they desired. The people
went [g325] with many
Sultan Ghiyath al-Din muri
gifts: gold, silver, bulls and
y dej dos hijos pequeos.
Porque hubo contienda
Those [pilgrims] who went
and came back treated with
scorn those who had not
gone and drew back from
them as if from sinners and
people worthless in their

entre ellos, se fue a la

Khan y recibi de l la
autoridad de su padre. [Este
hijo] regres con Smbat, el
general de la
Armenios [G317]. Llegaron
a Baiju-noym y los otros
nobles que confirmaron el
orden de su rey, y

Furthermore, by reason of
proporcionadas tropas a
the goods and their own
acompaarlos al pas de su
greed, even priests came
and adhered to him, waiting gobierno.
attendance on him, washing
his feet and sprinkling the
water on themselves and on
the assembled multitude.

Tan pronto como llegaron a

la ciudad que se llama
Erznka, se enteraron de que
el hermano del sultn
Ghiyath al-Din tena

As for the Deceiver, he

hypocritically took nothing
from anyone although he

lazos matrimoniales
formadas con [la familia de]
Lascaris (Leshkare),

did take from the hands of


emperador de los bizantinos

que gobernaron en

priests and his servants.

The lord of the village, who
was an Iranian, took a
portion of the goods for

feso y, con la ayuda de

este ltimo, se haba
convertido sultn en Konya
(Konn). Mientras tanto, su
propio hermano joven se

because an exceedingly
large number of pilgrims
brought things and gave
them gladly. Should any
or priest prevent or impede
their going [to Dawif], the
people cursed and
slandered them, implying
that they
were [276] jealous and
malicious men and saying:
"They cannot perform his
deeds and do not wish for

en el trono tradicional de
Alaya. Por lo tanto, tuvo
miedo de ir all. En su lugar,
se detuvo en Erznka para
ver qu
podra pasar.

Y en general Smbat entr

en su pas [y se fue] a su
hermano, el rey Het'um.

benevolence of that saint."

Then the great vardapet

Vanakan who was living in
the monastery of
Xoranashat (opposite
fortress) wrote a document
of scolding and rebuke,
saying: "Why do you
consider the appearance of
the devil

47. En cuanto a la
destruccin causada por los
T'at'ars en Georgia.

[267] Mientras que la tierra

se estaba recuperando un
poco de las incursiones y
saqueos agitados por la
tierra que consume
fuego, [entonces] personas
se refugiaron en este

to be Christ, oh Christians?
For Satan is accustomed to
take the form of a luminous
angel." And [Vanakan]

[circunstancias], ms que
en Dios. Los prncipes
privados y robados

los pobres, y de esta

excommunicated those who extorsin que compr ropa
had eaten of that [g326]
cara y vestidos, comieron,
abominable meat or who
bebieron, y se jact
had kept the wood shavings
en gran medida, como es
[g3 1 8] la costumbre
millet. He placed on them
arrogante de los
as penance observation of a georgianos. Dios hizo caer
forty-day fast and five
de su elevada altitud y
hundred genuflexions, after
reconocer la medida de su
which they would become
debilidad, los que no fueron
worthy of the blessed
enseadas por el pasado.
Mystery. We too wrote
Satans los despert, satan
rebukes and anathemas
and sent
a quien haban puesto sus
them to many places. Lord
esperanzas. De repente,
Hamazasp, the bishop of
toda la nobleza del ejrcito
Haghbat, did likewise.
T'at'ar celebr un consejo,
armado, y
Lord Grigores, the bishop of
Dadi monastery
[Dadevank'] and vardapet
Vardan, called the Joyous
Son, came

quera devastar
universalmente las tierras
de los armenios y los
georgianos, tierras sujeto a
ellos. Para el
rey de los georgianos con
todos los prncipes quera
rebelarse. [Ellos] estaban
reclutando a venir y
destruir, ya que

to that village with many

priests, crosses, and
gospels since [the village]

era evidente que todos los

prncipes iban de un dique
al rey de los georgianos,

was in their diocese. And

they held
an evening service, setting
in their midst that
duplicitous man [Dawif] so
that perchance the impure
would quit him. When they
asked: "What do you see?"
He replied: "When I fall on
my face upon [277] the
ground, the dew appears
from the earth and speaks
with me."

Then the bishop and priests

wanted to destroy the cross
which the heretic had
erected. But the entire mob
Dawit's followers] arose
with swords and clubs and
wanted to kill [the clerics].
They escaped the mob and

Dawit ', en Tiflis.

Mientras [los prncipes]

estaban bebiendo vino, sus
espritus se levantaron y los
hombres insensatos entre
ellos dijeron: "Tener tal
multitud de tropas, por
qu servimos los mongoles
[]? Ven, vamos a caer sobre
ellos de repente, destruir y
exterminarlos, y tendremos
nuestras propias tierras ".

[268] El gran prncipe Awag

interceptado esta parcela.
El ejrcito T'at'ar pasando a
estar en el lugar se inform
al respecto y el ejrcito
notific a sus jefes.

Cuando las tropas de los

prncipes haban regresado
cursed the brazen ones with a sus propios lugares, [los
severe oaths. But then
mongoles] queran destruir
some of them repented and todo el mundo
went beseeching the bishop
and priests to free them
from the bonds of the
curses. And people handed
over the man to them.
Generalmente, Arrestaron a
los prncipes que se

Now while they were taking

[Dawif], the group chanced
upon people from Garhni
who were coming from the
great court. [Dawif]
beseeched them to request
him from the bishop since,
he said, he was their
relation and
from Garhni. For he had
[g327] previously told the
people: "I am from the
Arsacid line and it is
necessary that

encontraban con ellos, y

enviaron citaciones a los
que estaban
no hay para ellos venir

Ahora Dios misericordioso

no dej que el asunto vaya
hasta el final. As es como
l lo detuvo [g3 19].

Uno de los lderes de alto

nivel, en general de todo el
one of my sons be king and ejrcito nombrado
the other kat'oghikos, and it Chaghatai, que era amigo
is fitting that the vision of
de Awag, lleg en medio
Saint Sahak be fulfilled on
las tropas armadas y les
them." So the bishop gave
dijo: "No tenemos ninguna
him over to them,
orden desde el Khan para
demanding an oath that he matar a los que son
would no more lead people obedientes a nosotros,
estar en servicio a nosotros,
Thus, finally, the
y pagar impuestos al Khan.
wickedness disappeared.
Adems, los detalles de su
rebelin no es cierto. Pero

49. Concerning the dew in

the form of a woman which
copulated with a certain

si los destruimos sin causa,

usted ser responsable ante
el Khan. "Al or esto,
dejaron pursuring
el asunto.

La madre de Awag, llamado

This was related to us by

vardapet Yovsep' (who built
the monastery at the tomb
of the blessed Apostle
Thaddeus in Artaz district,
after it was ruined and
abandoned). [He said]: "I
had gone to see to some
in the district of Goght'n.
[The people there] told me
that in a village here there
is a man who has a dew for

Xoshak ', fue a ellos para

asegurarles de la lealtad de
su hijo y que lo hara
pronto [269] llegando - que
de hecho sucedi, ya que el
prncipe Awag rpidamente
se acerc y demostr su
lealtad a ellos con muchos

Rey Dawit 'y los otros

prncipes llegaron. [Los
mongoles] obligados todos
ellos fuertemente de pies y
manos con fina

wife. Not believing them,

we went to the man's house cables, segn su
costumbre. Se fueron
and did not see the dew.
When we asked the man he presos por tanto, durante
tres das, ridiculizar e
verified the matter, saying: insultar a ellos por
"I had a wife and she died,
su arrogancia y planes
leaving me little children.
rebeldes. Luego de tomar
And I sat weeping
todos [los rebeldes]
[wondering] who would
caballos y rescates, los
nourish them for me. And
dejaron ir. [Los
suddenly there appeared to
Mongoles] luego atacaron
me a woman who said:
las zonas georgianas cada
de muchos distritos, los que
not, for I shall be your wife
[G320] haban rebelado y
and nourish your children'
los que no lo tena. Mataron
[g328]. Thereafter she was
a mucha gente y tomaron
ever in my house, making
an ms cautivo. Un
our food and filling all of our incontable multitud de
needs. And I am strongly

struck with love for her, and mujeres y nios que se

she always sleeps with
ahogaron en el ro. Esto
ocurri en 698 de la era
me. Every Saturday she
armenia [1249].
does not work, and on
Thursday she consumes
three liters of yoghurt (?
Despus de esto el prncipe
de prncipes Awag muri y
When I asked: "Where is
fue enterrado en el
she now?" He pointed with
mausoleo de su padre
his finger and said: "There
Iwane, al
she is. She appears to me
Pghndzahank '. Ellos dieron
su autoridad para Zak'are,
to my children but to no one hijo de Shahnshah, hijo del
else. It has been a long time hermano de su padre, pues
that we have lived
tena Awag
no [legtimos] hijos, pero
slo una hija y un hijo de
algn liason ilcita, de quien
And I arose, praying and
(despus de su muerte)
reading the Gospel, that
perchance the sin-loving
decan que [el nio] era de
and impure spirit would be
l ... [El texto est daado
aqu.], que su hermana
tom y se cri.
out. But, [279] as the man
related, she ignored this
Posteriormente, [270] [la
and sat laughing. Not
autoridad] fue tomado de
seeing her, we arose and
Zak'are y dado a la esposa
de Awag que fue nombrado

50. Regarding the problem

which arose among
Christians concerning the

Kirakos Gandzakets'i de

Holy Spirit of
God, whether it should be
said to originate solely from
the Father, or from the

Historia de los Armenios

and the Son.

This problem was raised

among Christians by the
Latins, for the Pope of Rome 48. En cuanto a Dawit 'el
wrote to the great
of Armenia lord Kostand
(who at that time sat in
Hrhomkla since the throne
of Saint Gregory was there
the time of Grigor and
Nerses, two blessed
brothers of the Arsacid line,
learned men and avengers
of the laws
of God). [The Pope asked]
[g329]: "How do you
confess the most Holy Spirit
of God? Does it spring from
appear only from the Father
or from the Father and the
Son, for this is how the
Latins confess it, from the
Father and the Son." They
also wrote to the king of
Armenia, Het'um, and

El fin del mundo est cerca,

por lo que los precursores
del Anticristo se han
multiplicado, como la Biblia
dijo: "Cerca del fin del
mundo, los falsos Cristos, y
falsos profetas se
levantarn, mostrando
grandes seales y
maravillas, con el fin de
engaar, si fuera posible,
aun a los escogidos "[Mateo
23, 24].

Ahora en 699 AE [1250]

esto es lo que pas. Se oy
acerca de que en el
territorio de [el barrio de]
Xach'en granizo haba

demanded a reply.

They assembled all the

learned men of their
country in the city of Sis in
Cilicia: Armenian, Greek,
Syrian and
other [280] Christian
peoples located there. The
Greeks said "only from the
Father" and some of the
said it otherwise. Now the
Armenian assembly wrote
to the East, to Greater
Armenia to the learned
Vanakan, since at the time
he was venerable, and to
vardapet Vardan, to Yovsep'
and others to see what they

cado, y mezclado con el

granizo muchos peces del
tamao de los higos cay al
suelo. No vimos
este [G321] con nuestros
propios ojos, pero haba
muchos que confirmar que
fueron testigos oculares. Sin
embargo, otro tal
evento que se relacionan
parece una fbula. [Dicen
que] en las orillas del Mar
Gegham [Lago Sewan]
un awan nombrado Kot '. En
sus fronteras, en un pueblo
cerca de la montaa se
encontraron con un hombre
gigantesco, muerto y
semienterrado, vestido con
ropa nueva y zapatos
nuevos; y por su cabeza era
un agujero, como si hubiera
sido [271]

perforado por un pico. En

would say and then to make [la herida] era una pequea
a reply to the Latins.
cantidad de algodn.
Cuando le quitaron el
algodn, la sangre
They examined the Bible,
brot de l y cuando lo
the writings of the Apostles reemplazaron el algodn, la
and the prophets and holy
sangre se detuvo. Incluso si
doctors of the Church who
ponen en un nuevo
had cleansed the Church of
heretics. They followed

algodn, no
la suya, la sangre fluira

[using] the expression of

two [natures], as the Latin
confession. All the books of
the Bible are full of such
expressions. [There follow
several lengthy sections on
doctrine, which we omit.
This includes chapter 51.
(Confession of the Faith)
and chapter 52. (Vanakan
Vardapet's Advice on
Dogma), as well as the
remainder of chapter 50.]

hasta que sustituy a la

antigua algodn. Muchas
personas estaban
chismorreando sobre esto,
si es verdadero o falso, no
lo sabemos.

Pero esto [prximo evento]

definitivamente tuvo lugar.
Ese mismo ao [1250] un
cierto engaador surgi
nombrado Dawit ',
motivado por el espritu
demonaco, como los
engaadores Judas y

53. Concerning the death of

the blessed vardapet

Hay un pueblo llamado zar

por el Mar de Geghark'unik
'[Lago Sewan] en el rea
Xach'en, cerca

Fortaleza Handaberd donde

Jermuk es. En el zar era
este hombre de los pobres
The great vardapet Vanakan e indigentes, que trabaj su
who was pleasing to God,
passed to the Lord after
molino de agua y se
reaching old age, in
alimenta a s mismo, su
esposa y sus hijos de esta
with white hair and full of
years, like the patriarch
Abraham. He completed his
Una noche, Satans se le
life holding to the
apareci en forma de luz

of orthodoxy [g344] in the

Holy Trinity and the
dispensation of Christ. From
his boyhood he occupied
with holy service and
displayed [281] much labor
and effort in doctrine,
directing many sons to
glory. He
occupied himself with
manifold asceticisms and,
killing his corporeal limbs,
according to the advice of

[G322] y se atrevi a decir:

"Yo soy el Cristo y he venido
para llevarlo a predicar mi
mensaje. Yo os enviar de
personas que vendrn de
todas partes en necesidad
de curacin.
Valenta poner su mano
sobre ellos. Tome el haz de
la almazara en su pueblo,
hacer una cruz de l y
erigirlo en las puertas de la
iglesia. "[272] Y [Satans] le
ense todo tipo de trucos

Apostle, he crucified his

body with need and longing.
For this man of God was like As que [Dawit '] empez a
a bee with fine wings,
sermonear, diciendo:
"Cristo se apareci y me
flying over many different
dijo:' Turn mundo, y realizar
flower gardens, collecting
la curacin".
from them the useful and
beneficial for his needs and
food and for the healing of
kings and commoners.
Similarly he undertook to
collect the lives and virtues
of all
the saints, making this
honeycomb for his own and
others' needs. For he had
received the justice of Abel,
beauty of Seth, the hope of
Enovs, the faith of Enoch,

Otros fueron a l y
comenzaron a cantar sus
alabanzas y llamarlo Dawit
'Miaynakeats' (el Cenobite)
Sk'anch'elagorts (el
trabajador Wunderhood).
Por la fuerza tomaron la
viga de la prensa de aceite
de su casa,
formado una cruz elevada
de ella y erigi la cruz en la
puerta de la iglesia. Ellos

the perfection of Noah, the

faith and work of

sacrificaron toros a la
misma, y

Abraham, the obedience of

Isaac, Israel's ability to see
God, the sound judgement
of Joseph, the patience of

a todos los peregrinos que

vinieron de todas partes
dieron porciones de carne
de los toros y de los huesos
y tambin dieron

Job, the meekness of Moses,

the zeal of Phineas, the holy virutas de la cruz y
chastity of Jese, the [g345]
"hostias" hechos de granos
clear-minded innocence
de mijo que estaban en el
molino de agua. Por lo
of Samuel, the humility of
soul of David, the wisdom of
Solomon, the bravery of
Satans quien anim [Dawit
Jeremiah the avenging
'], agita todos los distritos
para ir a la celebridad all nature of Elijah and the
los hombres, mujeres,
compassion of Jeremiah.
Like Daniel and Ezekiel, he
went into slavery among
los nios, as como a los
sacerdotes, incluso azats y
todos los enfermos y
people of God, like
Zorababel and Joshua he
was a renovator of the
temple of God, like Ptolemy
Al principio, fingiendo,
he collected
[Dawit '] tom nada de
many writings from
ellos. Semejante al
different peoples and
Anticristo, as es como l
languages. Like John [the
predic: "Quin soy
Baptist] he lived in the
I, pero un hombre pobre y
desert and
pecador? Sin embargo,
preached repentance by the Cristo me haba mandado a
Lord's command,
predicar. Rpido el lunes, no
possessing knowledge of
jurar, y
the Old and New
vienen, me besan y sus
Testaments. Like
pecados sern perdonados

Peter he professed the Lord, como volvern los pecados

son of God and was the
de su pueblo hasta la
head of the Church. Among sptima generacin "
[282] the Sons of Thunder
he wrote and thundered
forth the spiritual. With Paul
he disseminated to the
whole world the Word of
and confirmed it in writing.
He appeared among the
vardapets of the Church
and chased away the
wolves. He

[273] Cuando alguien

posedo por un demonio
vino a l, [Dawif] incautaron
un club de espesor y golpe
sin piedad;

gave milk to the small; and

to adults, substantial food.

que pisote la garganta [de

la persona afectada] y grit:
"Fuera, perro, cabo, perro
comandos Dawif
Miaynakeats '!

Now he, who had his

personality endowed with
all these good things, who
took others and instructed
them in
the same doctrine, passed
to the Lord, paying the debt
of nature. And his death
happened as follows.

In the monastery (which he

himself had built) named
Xoranashat because of the
numerous churches there
(which is located opposite
Ergevank' fortress and by
the side of Gardman) he

! que "Y l le dira a los

afligidos una:" He aqu, el
miedo no ms. Usted est
curado. "Entonces el
se apartara, con el mismo
mal en l, slo multiplica.
Sin embargo, siempre que
la persona afectada se ira
la gente se pregunte [sobre
Dawif], l se atrevi a no
dice "yo no fui sanado,"
para [Dawif] haba
ordenado que si
dijeron esto, estaran

made a venerable structure, posedos por el roco

inmediatamente. Aunque el
creating a portico out
hombre no se atreva a
[g346] of polished stone at
decir "yo no estaba
the door of the very church
he himself had built. And he sanado, "de sus propios
actos, estaba claro que l
taught doctrine to those
estaba posssssed
who gathered by him from
continuamente. Los que
all districts.
antes tena
During the days of Lent he
became ill, with an illness
which in fact caused his
death. Before his holy soul

sufrido dolor durante

perodos de meses y
semanas, despus de ir [a
Dawif] fueron atormentados
cada da. Al
consume y desperdicia que
fue a l, dijo: "Venid ante m
y bailar!" Y lo hicieron con

consigned to the hand of

God, he called the brothers
and consoled them with
sweet and agreeable words. ya que este tipo de roco
gustara jugar y bailar.
Dawif dijo: "Ven, mi esposa
implored them to remain
y yo bese Salida y el miedo
firm in order, in orthodox
faith and pious. And then
with a sweet breath his
soul was freed from the
fetters [283] of the body on
the tenth of the month of
Areg, according to the new

[calendrical] system on

. ms "Para los leprosos,

dijo:" Por mandato de Dios
no hay cura para esta
enfermedad. Pero te
perdono tus pecados
desde que llegaste a m.
"En cuanto a la inclinacin y
encorvado, orden a cuatro
hombres para mantenerlos,
dos en la cabeza y
dos en los pies. Y luego
[Dawif] diran: "Estirar y

March 18th, according to

the Roman [calendar] two
days before the beginning

torcer ellos." Entonces los

hombres les estiran [274]

con violencia y todas las

articulaciones en sus
spring, on Saturday, the day cuerpos agrietados. Y el
of the remembrance for the hombre que llev a cabo
venerable Cyril, patriarch of sera gritar "Vay!" desde el
Jerusalem (who
severidad del dolor.
arranged the passages
Entonces Dawif sera
which are read [in Church], pisotear sus hombros y los
who wrote the book entitled msculos y el afectado lo
The Call and the martyrdom hara
of saint Orend and his six
dejar de respirar, como un
brothers, who were
muerto, o que de hecho
martyred by the impious
morir. [Dawif] que decir
Maximian). [Vanakan] was a sobre los que murieron
[G324]: "Su
of their ways and thus he
was worthy of [dying on the
day of their] remembrance.

A countless multitude
assembled at his burial, and
with great sorrow and grief
they lamented exceedingly,
they were deprived of the
venerable one's luminous
doctrine and salutary
[g347] words. They took
and buried
him at the head of the
monastery on the eastern
side, close to the smaller

hora haba llegado. No fue

posible para l vivir. Es una
bendicin que l muri,
porque l va a sufrir ms ".
Y de los que sobrevivieron,
medio muerto, pero no
fueron sanados, dijo: "Ellos
no tienen fe en nosotros,
por lo tanto no se curaron.
"En cuanto a los
endemoniados en cuyas
gargantas pisote y que
murieron, l
dira: "Esta persona muri
hace mucho tiempo y que
ahora han eliminado el
roco que le hizo mover

church where the graves of

the poor
were located, for [Vanakan]
himself had so ordered.

Lord Sargis, bishop of the

district, was there with
many vardapets and
priests. Also lord Nerses,
of Aghbania/Aghuania went
and the bishop lord
Yovhannes, one day after
the burial. [There was]

. Acerca de "para los ciegos,

dijo:" Preferiras que me
abra los ojos o perdonar sus
pecados? Porque yo s que
su tiempo es corto y que va
a morir pronto "Entonces [el
ciego] dira:". Si eso es as,
es mejor
para m si perdones mis
pecados "Y [Dawif] le
deca:".. Yo perdono tus
pecados "

De este modo, cautiv la

mente de todos hasta que
no haba tal multitud
and heavy weeping over his reunida por lo que el rea
grave and [there was]
comforting of the monks
no podra acomodar a la
there, [after which] each
gente. Ahora ya que era
verano, el [275] multitud
entr en los prados
returned to his place.
y en las montaas donde
dorman y trabajaban toda
clase de maldad. Para las
The directorship of the
mujeres que nunca lo hara
monastery was taken by
[Vanakan's] brother's son,
the priest Poghos, while
teaching was taken over by
vardapet Grigoris,
Vanakan's student and

se han atrevido a cometer

adulterio y la prostitucin
en sus propios hogares
debido a sus maridos,
padres, y
hijos, ahora, ir en
peregrinacin, copularon
abiertamente con quien
quisieran. Los hombres

And this occurred in the

year 700 A. E. [1251].
Through his prayers may
God grant peace to the
whole world
and to us a part in his
resurrection and crowning.

54. Concerning Yovhannes


There was a virtuous man

by the name of Yovhannes
from the town of Garhni
(where the edifice built on a
high terrace by Trdat
stands) belonging to the
blessed congregation of
Ayrivank'. [Yovhannes] was
a man of
wondrous behavior, a
worker of the commands of
God, obedient since
childhood, made worthy of
the honor
of the priesthood; he was a
celibate priest [g348]. From
childhood he scorned all of
this world, left his family

tambin trabajaron este

mismo mal con quien ellos
deseaban. Las personas
fueron [G325] con muchos
regalos: oro, plata, toros y
Esos [peregrinos] que se
fueron y volvieron tratados
con desprecio los que no
haban ido y se apart de
como si de los pecadores y
la gente sin valor delante
de sus ojos.

Por otra parte, en razn de

los bienes y de su propia
codicia, incluso sacerdotes
vinieron y se adhirieron a l,
esperando en
asistencia en l, lavando
sus pies y rociar el agua en
s mismos y en la multitud

En cuanto al Engaador,
que hipcritamente se llev
nada de nadie a pesar de
que tom de las manos de

sacerdotes y sus siervos. El

seor de la villa, que era un
iran, tom una parte de los
and home, lived in a desert, bienes para s mismo,

liked to be alone and to

converse with God
undisturbed, giving himself
up to

porque un muy gran

nmero de peregrinos trajo
cosas y les dio mucho
gusto. Si cualquier Vardapet

manifold asceticisms, [285]

fasting, praying, sleeping on
the floor and with a tireless
spirit, traveling from

o sacerdote evitar o impedir

su ir [a Dawif], el pueblo
maldijeron y les
calumniaron, lo que implica

place to place illuminating

those he chanced upon.

The power of healing was

given to him, for by putting
on his hand and by praying
he cured many illnesses.

eran [276] hombres y

diciendo celosos y
maliciosos: "Ellos no
pueden realizar sus obras y
no desear la
benevolencia de ese santo

They further requested from

him a written protection for
their persons [i.e., a charm] Entonces el gran Vardapet
and he always gave this
Vanakan que viva en el
monasterio de Xoranashat
to all who sought it. Not
(frente Erdevank '
only did the Christians do
this, but many of the nonfortaleza) escribi un
believers as well. Thus he
documento de regaos y
reproche, diciendo: "Por
qu considera la aparicin
the name of the Holy Trinity del diablo
and profound words of
prayer and then gave it to
ser Cristo, oh cristianos?
them; and they took it in
Para Satans est
acostumbrado a tomar la
forma de un ngel
and attached it to their
luminoso. "Y [Vanakan]
excomulgados los que
haban comido de ese
[G326] carne abominable o
Regarding [Yovhannes]

many people have much to

say, but especially our
brother the wonderful

que haban mantenido las

virutas de madera o

Holy Land, and I stayed

there some days, lodging in
[the monastery of] Saint
James [g349].

del monasterio Dadi

[Dadevank '] y Vardapet
Vardan, llamado Hijo feliz,

mijo. Puso en ellos como la

observacin penitencia de
Vardan, whose words are
un ayuno de cuarenta das y
worthy of belief, since they quinientos genuflexiones,
were bound to each other in despus
friendship. For we did not
que iban a ser dignos del
see him in person because
misterio bendita. Nosotros
of the distance, yet
tambin escribimos
[Vardan] in consolation
reproches y anatemas y
related to us things from his envi
a muchos lugares. Seor
especially saying that
Hamazasp, el obispo de
[Yovhannes] himself had
Haghbat, hizo lo mismo.
said: "I went to the holy city
of Jerusalem to worship in
Seor Grigores, el obispo

"One evening before the

ringing of the bell which
summons everyone to
prayer, while I was praying
in the
blessed Church, [286] the
vardapet who was the
director of St. James called
me and said, 'Come and
hear the
marvellous events which

a ese pueblo con muchos

sacerdotes, cruces y
evangelios desde [el
pueblo] era en su dicesis.
Y se llevaron a cabo
un servicio de la tarde, el
establecimiento en medio
de ellos que el hombre
hipcrita [Dawif] de modo

my youngest priest relates.'

When I went to him he
called the priest who had

que tal vez el espritu


se le deje de hacerlo.
Cuando le preguntaron:
the wondrous vision and
"Qu ves?" l respondi:
said: "Now say what you
"Cuando me caigo en mi
related to me earlier so that cara al [277] la
he too may hear it.' And the
suelo, el roco aparece de la
priest began to speak,
tierra y habla conmigo ".
saying: 'Before your coming
to the church, I was praying
in the gallery of the holy
A continuacin, el obispo y
los sacerdotes queran
destruir la cruz que el
hereje haba erigido. Pero
toda la multitud [de
church and suddenly the
picture of the archangel
Gabriel (which is drawn
opposite the picture of the

Los seguidores de Dawit]

surgieron con espadas y
palos, y queran matar a
[los clrigos]. Escaparon la
mafia y

blessed Mother of God)

began to speak and said,
'Rejoice and be glad, for the
Lord is with you. Blessed art

malditos los descarados con

juramentos graves. Pero a
continuacin, algunos de
ellos se arrepintieron y
fueron suplicando el obispo

thou among women and

blessed is the fruit of thy
womb.' Then all the pictures
of the saints began to utter

y sacerdotes para liberarlos

de las ataduras de las
maldiciones. Y las personas
entregadas al hombre a

same [phrase] for a long

while: 'Rejoice and be glad,
for the Lord is with you.'

Ahora bien, mientras que

estaban tomando [Dawif], el
grupo se top con gente de

Garhni que venan desde el

"Astonished, I glorified God
and examined the calendar,
for that day was the 30th
day of the month of Areg,

gran atrio. [Dawif] les

suplic que le solicitar al
obispo ya que, dijo, era su
relacin y

the seventh of April, and

the 15th of Nisan. That
vision and the marvellous
demonstrations testify to

desde Garhni. Porque l

[G327] dijo anteriormente a
la gente: "Yo soy de la lnea
Arsacid y es necesario que

correctness [of the date] of

the Armenian [observance
of the] feast. We say that
the blessed Virgin received
the glad tidings on the 30th
of Areg, April 7th, and the
15th of Nisan, not as other
peoples (especially the
Greeks) thoughtlessly say,
on the 25th of March"

uno de mis hijos sea rey y

los dems kat'oghikos, y es
apropiado que la visin de
San Sahak cumplirse en
ellos ". As que el obispo le
dio a ellos, exigiendo un
juramento que lo hara la
gente no ms de plomo por
mal camino.
Por lo tanto, por ltimo, la
maldad desapareci.

The honest man related this

in the firmness of orthodox
49. En cuanto el roco en
forma de una mujer que
copul con un cierto
[287] That holy man
Yovhannes related
something else of a similar
nature: "I was," he said, "in Esto se relaciona con
the area of
nosotros por Vardapet
the Jordan River, praying
where the Lord and St. John

Yovsep '(que construy el

monasterio en la tumba del

the Baptist had been. Three

men, Tachiks by
background, approached
me and besought the seal
of holy baptism. I
postponed giving it until
another day, so

bienaventurado apstol
Thaddeus en el distrito
Artaz, despus de que fue
arruinado y abandonado).
[l dijo]: "Yo haba ido a ver
a algn negocio

en el distrito de Goght'n.
that they would be baptized [La gente de all] me dijeron
by others, for I saw that
que en un pueblo de aqu
they were rough men, and I hay un hombre que tiene un
judged them to be
roco para una
esposa. No creer en ellas,
nos fuimos a la casa del
hombre y no ver el roco.
"The eldest of them said to Cuando le preguntamos al
me: 'We are from the
hombre que l
Iranian city of Zangi and
Muslim by faith. We built a
verificado el asunto,
diciendo: "Yo tena una
esposa y ella muri,
and beautiful minaret and
dejndome nios pequeos
readied whatever was
y me sent llorando.
necessary for the opening
celebration. I ascended to
[preguntndose] quien
the top
nutrirlos para m. Y de
repente se me apareci una
of the dome in order to give mujer que dijo: "Llorad
the worthless cry according
to Tachik belief. And lo, I
No, porque yo ser tu mujer
saw to the east that the
y alimentar a sus hijos
"[g328]. A partir de
earth was torn asunder and entonces ella estaba
one spot was filled with
siempre en mi casa, por lo
unbounded light and a king, que
awesome and wondrous sat
nuestra comida y llenar
on a throne of glory and
todas nuestras
about him a luminous
necesidades. Y estoy muy
multitude who blessed him impresionado con el amor

with inexpressible sounds.


para ella, y ella siempre

duerme con

to worship him were all the

Christian peoples, each with
the leaders of its faith,
adorned in venerable glory;

yo. Todos los sbados que

no funciona, y el jueves se
consume tres litros de
yogur (? Manates) ".

and as they worshipped

him, he accepted their
greetings. At last, another
people came with much

Cuando le pregunt:
"Dnde est ahora?"
Seal con el dedo y dijo: ".
Ah est ella parece a m y

a mis hijos, pero a nadie

glory than those preceding, ms. Ha sido un largo
and their leaders were quite tiempo que hemos vivido
remarkable. When they
juntos ".
approached and [288]
worshipped the king, he
arose from his throne
before them and kissed
them together with their
leaders and
honored them more than all
the other peoples [g35 1].

And while I was standing

there awestruck,
dumbfounded and amazed,
my elder son here ascended
minaret] to me and said:
'Why do you delay? All the
people are waiting.' He too
looked to the east and saw
the same vision and was
stunned. Now as we had

Y me levant, orando y
leyendo el Evangelio, para
que quizs estara
impulsado el espritu ama el
pecado y lo impuro
a cabo. Pero, [279] como el
hombre relacionado, ella
ignor esto y se sent
riendo. No verla, se levant
y se fue.

50. En cuanto al problema

que surgi entre los
cristianos en relacin con el
Espritu Santo de

delayed a very long while,

the crowd became annoyed

Dios, si hay que decir que

se originan nicamente del
Padre, o del Padre

my younger son here came

and reproached us for our
delay. But since the vision
had vanished at his arrival

y el Hijo.

preach from that height

Christ as the true God and
[to announce] ourselves as
Christians. He stopped us,

de Armenia seor Kostand

(que en ese momento
estaba sentado en
Hrhomkla desde el trono de
San Gregorio estaba all

Este problema se suscit

we related to him the cause entre los cristianos por los
latinos, por el Papa de
of our delay and the
substance of the vision, and Roma escribi a los grandes
immediately we wished to

saying: 'Since this is the

way things are, let us act
wisely. If we now confess
Christ, the mob of Tachiks

el momento de Grigor y
Nerses, dos hermanos
benditos de la lnea Arsacid,
aprendi hombres y
vengadores de las leyes

kill us and will say that as a

result of our wrongful deeds
de Dios). [El Papa pidi]
we were killed by them,
[g329]: "Cmo se
who knows? Instead, let us
confiesan el Espritu Santo
go and give them the food
de los santos de Dios lo
which we have prepared,
hace surgir de y
and then let us go to the
aparecer solamente del
holy city of Jerusalem and
Padre o del Padre y del Hijo,
porque as es como los
become complete
latinos confesar que, desde
Christians, and be baptized el
especially by those [g352]
Padre y el Hijo. "Tambin
Christians whom you say
escribi al rey de Armenia,
that the
Het'um, y exigieron una

king received with great joy

and pointed out to you in
the vision. They are the
Armenian people who were
lot of Thaddeus,
Bartholemew and Saint


Se reunieron todos los

sabios de su pas en la
ciudad de Sis en Cilicia:
armenia, griega, siria y

[289] 'We listened to his

words and descended to the
people, not relating
anything to anyone. We left
all our

otros [280] pueblos

cristianos encuentran all.
Los griegos decan "slo del
Padre" y algunos de los

property moveable and

immoveable and came to
Jerusalem. And we
beseeched God to let us
encounter that

dicho de otra manera.

Ahora el conjunto armenio
escribi hacia el Este, a la
Gran Armenia a la Vardapet

people who were glorified in

the vision. God showed us
you and we saw the same
sign above you. Now we

Vanakan, ya que en el
momento en que fue
venerado, y para Vardapet
Vardan, a Yovsep 'y otros
para ver lo que

implore you, give us the

seal of Christ and make us
complete servants of your

"And when I saw their joy

and that the call had come
from the Lord, I baptized
them in the holy Jordan
in the name of the Father

dira y luego hacer una

respuesta a los latinos.

Examinaron la Biblia, los

escritos de los apstoles y
de los profetas y los
doctores santos de la Iglesia
haba limpiado la Iglesia de

and of the Son and of the

Holy Spirit and I gave them
communion in the honored
Body and Blood of the Son
of God. Greeting us, they
arose from the city and
went to the great city of

los herejes. Siguieron

[mediante] la expresin de
dos naturalezas [], como el
confesin. Todos los libros
de la Biblia estn llenos de
tales expresiones. [Siguen
varias secciones largas en

to see the tombs of the holy doctrina, que omitimos.

Apostles Peter and Paul, to
Esto incluye el captulo 51.
the glory of Christ."
(Confesin de la Fe) y en el
captulo 52. (Vanakan
Consejos de Vardapet en el
dogma), as como el resto
del captulo 50.]
This same wonderful
Yovhannes said that "There
were forty men of Armenian
nationality who went to the
Sinai desert to the
mountain where God
appeared to Moses and
gave him the stone tablets
on which were

53. En cuanto a la muerte

de los bienaventurados
Vardapet Vanakan.

written the Ten

Commandments, to worship
God and to see the holy
La gran Vardapet Vanakan
places [g353].
que era agradable a Dios,
pas al Seor despus de
llegar a la vejez, en la
"At the base of the
mountain there was a Latin bondad,
monastery maintaining a
rigorous discipline, and it
was there

con el pelo blanco y lleno

de aos, al igual que el
patriarca Abraham.

that they [290] lodged.

Although they wanted to
ascend the mountain, the
residents of the monastery

Complet su vida que

sostiene a la confesin

descended the mountain

with glorious and wondrous

los santos, haciendo de este

nido de abeja para su
propio y necesidades de los
dems. Porque l haba

de la ortodoxia [g344] en la
Santsima Trinidad y la
dispensacin de Cristo.
them, saying: 'Do not spend Desde su niez se ocup
the night up there, for those
con servicio santo y se
who have done so have
muestra [281] mucho
seen frightful horrors, and
trabajo y esfuerzo en la
destruction has
doctrina, dirigiendo muchos
encompassed many of
hijos a la gloria. l
se ocup con ascetismos
mltiples y, matando a sus
miembros corporales, de
"But [the Armenians]
acuerdo con el
ascended boldly, taking no
asesoramiento de la
food with them, and they
stayed several days. The
Apstol, l crucificado su
cuerpo de deseo y anhelo.
Para este hombre de Dios
of the monastery were
era como una abeja con
amazed, wondering what
alas finas,
had happened since there
was no other way up [than
volando sobre diversos
the one
jardines de flores,
recogiendo de ellos lo til y
traversed] and they
beneficioso para sus
assumed that the
necesidades y
Armenians had died there
from the terrors.
alimentos y para la sanidad
de los reyes y plebeyos. Del
mismo modo que l se
"But [the Armenians], after comprometi a recoger la
vida y virtudes de todos
completing their worship

visages. And there were

forty two of them. The

astonished residents of the

monastery went before
them with
torches and lanterns and
gave them refreshment
with great honor. And they
wondered greatly, since
when the
party had ascended the
mountain there were forty
men, and yet when they
descended there were forty
and they knew that no one
else had gone up except for
the forty.

"When they set the table

the two additional glorious
men [291] arose and cared
for those at the table and
would not permit any of the
men from the monastery to
serve them, saying: 'It is
our custom to care for our

recibido la justicia de Abel,

belleza de Seth, la
esperanza de Enovs, la fe
de Enoc, la perfeccin de
No, la fe y el trabajo de
Abraham, la obediencia de
Isaac, la capacidad de Israel
para ver a Dios, el buen
juicio de Jos, la paciencia
Trabajo, la mansedumbre
de Moiss, el celo de
Phineas, la santa castidad
de Jese, el [g345] inocencia
mente clara
de Samuel, la humildad del
alma de David, la sabidura
de Salomn, la valenta de
Jeremas el vengador
naturaleza de Elas y la
compasin de Jeremas.
Como Daniel y Ezequiel, se
fue a la esclavitud entre los
pueblo de Dios, como
Zorababel y Josu que fue
un renovador del templo de
Dios, como Tolomeo

"And as soon as they had

eaten what was seemly, the muchos escritos de
diferentes pueblos y
two saluted the forty and
lenguas. Al igual que Juan
disappeared. They were
[el Bautista] vivi en el
Moses and Elias. Seized
desierto y
with great awe the

residents of the monastery

[g354] honored the forty
like angels
and set them on their way
with great honor."

The saint- loving Yovhannes

narrated this speaking in
the third person out of
humility, so that no one
that he himself was with

After this he traversed

many districts and visited
many cities and reached
the city of Colonia. And
many Turks and Tachiks
came to him and were
baptized because of his
wonderful conduct and the
he performed.

predic el arrepentimiento
por mandato del Seor, que
posee conocimiento del
Antiguo y Nuevo
Testamento. Como
Pedro profesaba al Seor,
hijo de Dios y era el jefe de
la Iglesia. Entre [282] los
hijos del trueno
escribi y tron lo espiritual.
Con Pablo se difundi a
todo el mundo la Palabra de
y confirmada por escrito.
Apareci entre los
vardapets de la Iglesia y
ahuyent a los lobos. l
dio leche a la pequea; y
para los adultos, comida

Ahora l, que tena su

personalidad dotada de
todas estas cosas buenas,
que tomaron otros y
instruidos en

la misma doctrina, pas al

Seor, el pago de la deuda
But the Iranians were
de la naturaleza. Y su
jealous of him and the
muerte ocurri de la
prince of Colonia seized him siguiente manera.
and a priest, gathered dry
placed them in the midst of

En el monasterio (que l
mismo haba construido)

it and set the wood afire.

The priest with him wept,
and Yovhannes exhorted
to be brave, saying: "Fear
not, God may rescue us
from the fire, as He rescued
the [292] Three Infants."

And while the flames rose

higher, a young prince fell
from the wall, yet arose
unharmed. When they
"How is it that you are
alive?" He replied: "That
man whom you have
thrown into the fire lifted
me up in his
arms and did not allow me
to hit the ground." At once
the prince sent and ordered
that they be removed from
the fire and permitted to go
wherever they pleased.

llamado Xoranashat debido

a las numerosas iglesias all
(que se encuentra frente a
la fortaleza Ergevank 'y por
el lado de Gardman) hizo
una estructura venerable,
la creacin de un prtico a
cabo [g346] de piedra
pulida en la puerta de la
misma iglesia que l mismo
haba construido. Y el
ense la doctrina de los
que se reunieron por l de
todos los distritos.

Durante los das de

Cuaresma se enferm, con
una enfermedad que de
hecho le caus la muerte.
Antes de su santa alma era
consignado a la mano de
Dios, llam a los hermanos
y les consol con palabras
dulces y agradables. l

les implor a permanecer

firmes en el orden, en la fe
ortodoxa y piadoso. Y luego,
[Yovhannes] passed through con un dulce aliento su
many districts and went to
the great kat'oghikos of the
Armenians, lord
el alma se liber de las
cadenas [283] del cuerpo
Kostandin, at Hrhomkla. The en el dcimo del mes de
latter received [Yovhannes] Areg, de acuerdo con el
joyfully with great honor
and did not let him depart.

[Yovhannes] remained there

until he passed to Christ,
and he was buried there.
Having completed his life
holding to his faith, he
achieved the garland which
never fades, and life
everlasting. May his prayers
us and forgive our sins and
may his memory be among
all the saints in Jesus Christ
our Lord, to Whom glory
forever [g355].

55. Regarding Sartakh

(Sart'ax), son of Batu.

sistema [calendrico] el 18
de marzo, de acuerdo con
el Romano [calendario] dos
das antes del inicio de
primavera, el sbado, el da
de la conmemoracin para
el venerable Cirilo, patriarca
de Jerusaln (que
dispuestos los pasajes que
se leen [en la Iglesia], que
escribi el libro titulado The
Call y el martirio
del santo Orend y sus seis
hermanos, que fueron
martirizados por los impos
Maximiano). [Vanakan] era
un seguidor
de sus formas y por lo tanto
l era digno de [muriendo
en el da de su] recuerdo.

The great general Batu who

was in the northern regions
had taken his habitation by
the shores of the Caspian
Sea and [293] the great At'l
[Volga] River which has no
equal on earth, since it
courses like a sea due to

Un incontable multitud se
reuni en su entierro, y con
gran tristeza y dolor que se
lamentaba en extremo,
fueron privados de la
doctrina luminosa
venerable de un solo y
saludables [G347] palabras.

flatness of the land. [Batu]

situated himself in the great
and wide plain of the
Qipchaqs with countless
under him. [The Mongols]
dwelled in tents and when
not living in tents, they
went about in carts yoked
up to

Tomaron y enterrados
l en la cabeza del
monasterio en el lado este,
cerca de la iglesia ms
pequea, donde las tumbas
de los pobres
fueron localizados, por
[Vanakan] a s mismo por lo
que haba ordenado.

many oxen and horses.

He became extremely
strong and grew more
powerful than all, made the
world obedient to him and
placed all
lands in tribute.
Furthermore his relations
held him to be greater than
anyone else, and their king,
whom they
call Khan, sat on his throne
by [Batu's] command. For
Guyuk-Khan had died and
his clan debated as to who

Seor Sargis, obispo del

barrio, estaba all con
muchos vardapets y
sacerdotes. Tambin seor
Nerses, kat'oghikos
de Aghbania / Aghuania fue
y el seor obispo
Yovhannes, un da despus
del entierro. [Hubo]
y pesado llorar sobre su
tumba y [haba]
reconfortante de los monjes
all, [despus de que] cada
regres a su lugar.

among them should be

enthroned. They all deemed
him worthy of sitting on the La direccin del monasterio
throne or of chosing who
fue tomada por el hijo del
hermano [de Vanakan], el
should be king.
sacerdote Poghos, mientras
They summoned him from

enseanza fue asumida por

the north to come to their

land and rule over all.
[Batu] went to firm up the
kingdom, and left as the
head of the troops his son,
named Sartakh. He himself
did not take the throne but
seated there one of his
relations named Mongke
(Mangu). Then he returned
to his troops [g356].

Now some of the relatives

were dissatisfied with the
affair since they had in
mind either that they
be enthroned or else to
have enthroned GuyukKhan's son, whose name
was [294] Xocha-Khan.
They dared

Vardapet Grigoris,
estudiante y relativa de

Y esto ocurri en el ao 700

AE [1251]. A travs de sus
oraciones pueden Dios
conceda paz a todo el
y para nosotros una parte
en su resurreccin y la

54. En cuanto a Yovhannes


Haba un hombre virtuoso

con el nombre de
Yovhannes de la ciudad de
not revel their
Garhni (donde el edificio
dissatisfaction at the time,
but when Batu had returned construido sobre una
to his troops, they began to
terraza alta por Trdat
destaca), perteneciente a la
congregacin bendito de
rebellious toward Mongke
Ayrivank '. [Yovhannes] era
-Khan and to agitate.
un hombre de
When Batu heard of this he
ordered many relations
killed including grandees
among whom a certain

comportamiento admirable,
un trabajador de los
mandamientos de Dios,
obedientes desde la

chief named Elch'i-Gada.
The latter previously had
been ordered by GuyukKhan to be general of the

infancia, hizo digno de

del sacerdocio; l era un
sacerdote clibe [G348].
Desde la infancia
despreciaba todo de este
mundo, dej a su familia

army in the east and the

land of Armenia in place of
y el hogar, vivi en un
Baiju. But while he was on
desierto, le gustaba estar
the road in Iran, he received solo y de conversar con
Dios sin ser molestados,
news of the death of Guyuk- dndose a s mismo hasta
Khan. And he stayed where
he was to see who would
colector ascetismos, [285]
take the throne of the
el ayuno, la oracin,
durmiendo en el suelo y con
un espritu incansable,
viajando de
The chiefs of the army in
the East rebelled [from
Elch'i-Gada] and came to
Batu since they did not
want the

un lugar a otro iluminando

aquellos a los que se top.

El poder de la curacin fue

dado a l, porque al poner
former to rule over them, as en su mano y rezando cur
he was a conceited man.
muchas enfermedades.
They said: "This man also
has rebelled from Mongke - Solicitaron ms lejos de l
una proteccin por escrito
Khan." And [Batu] ordered
de su persona [es decir, un
that [Elch'i-Gada] be sent to encanto] y l siempre dio
him. He was seized and
taken in fetters and
a todos los que la buscaba.
No slo los cristianos hacen
killed [g357].
esto, pero muchos de los no
creyentes tambin. As

Then [many people] started

coming [to Batu]: kings and
royal offspring, princes and
merchants, and all who
were distressed, who had
been deprived of their
patrimonies. And [Batu]
through just decisions gave
to each
who came to him his
districts, patrimonies and
principalities as well as
written [295] documents.
And no one

el nombre de la Santsima
Trinidad y profundas
palabras de la oracin y
luego se dieron a ellos; y se
lo llevaron en la fe
y unido a sus personas.

En cuanto a [Yovhannes]
mucha gente tiene mucho
que decir, pero en especial
a nuestro hermano el
maravilloso Vardapet

dared to oppose what he

had commanded.

Vardan, cuyas palabras son

dignas de fe, ya que
estaban atados el uno al
otro en la amistad. Para
nosotros no lo hicimos

[Batu] had a son named

Sartakh whom we
mentioned above. He was
nourished by Christian
tutors (dayeaks)

verlo en persona debido a

la distancia, sin embargo,
[Vardan] en consuelo
relacionadas con nosotros
cosas de su vida

and when he reached

maturity, he believed in
Christ and was baptized by
the Syrians who had
nourished him.

especialmente diciendo que

[Yovhannes] mismo haba
dicho: "Yo fui a la ciudad
santa de Jerusaln para
adorar en el

He granted many liberties

to the Church and to
Christians and with the
acquiescence of his father
he wrote a

Tierra Santa, y yo
estuvimos all algunos das,
alojamiento en [el
monasterio de] Santiago

decree of freedom for the

priests and the Church and

"Una noche, antes de que el

sent it everywhere
threatening death to
collecting taxes either from
the Church or its servitors,
no matter what their
nationality; [this also
applied to]
the Tachik mosques and
their attendants.

Hence, taking courage,

vardapets, bishops, and
priests went to him and
[Sartakh] received them all
affection and fulfilled their
requests. He himself lived
piously and religiously,
taking a tent-church about

sonido de la campana que

convoca a todos a la
oracin, mientras oraba en
bendita Iglesia, [286] la
Vardapet que era el director
de Santiago me llam y
dijo: 'Ven y oyen la
eventos maravillosos que
mi sacerdote ms joven se
relaciona '. Cuando me
acerqu a l que l llamaba
el sacerdote que haba visto
la visin maravillosa y dijo:
"Ahora di lo que me cont
antes, as que l tambin
puede or '. Y el
sacerdote comenz a
hablar, diciendo: 'Antes de
tu llegada a la iglesia, yo
estaba orando en la galera
de la santa

his travels and always

performing the divine

Among those who went to

him was Hasan, the great
prince of Xach'en and the
Artsakh region, whom they

iglesia y de repente la
imagen del arcngel Gabriel
(que se dibuja frente a la
imagen de los ms
bendita Madre de Dios)
empez a hablar y dijo:
Alegraos y regocijaos,
porque el Seor est

endearingly called Jalal, a

pious religious man and a
modest Armenian by
nationality. [Sartakh]
[Hasan] with affection and
honor as well [g358] as
those accompanying him:
prince Grigor (customarily

contigo. Bendita
t entre las mujeres y
bendito el fruto de tu
vientre ". Entonces todas
las imgenes de los santos
comenzaron a pronunciar la
misma [la frase] durante
mucho tiempo: 'Alegraos y
regocijaos, porque el Seor
est contigo. "

called Tghay) who was then

an old man, prince Desum a
modest lad, [296] vardapet
Markos and bishop
"Asombrado, yo glorificado
Dios y examin el
calendario, para ese da fue
el da 30 del mes de Areg,
[Sartakh] took [Hasan] to
his father [Batu] who
honored him greatly and
returned to him his

el sptimo del mes de abril,

y el 15 de Nisan. Esa visin
y las maravillosas
manifestaciones dan
testimonio de la

Ch'araberd, Akanay, and

Karkarhn, which the Turks
and Georgians previously
had stripped from him. He

correccin [la fecha] del

armenio [cumplimiento de
la] banquete. Decimos que
la Virgen bendita recibido

received a document
guaranteeing freedom for
lord Nerses, kat'oghikos of
the Aghbanians/Aghuans,
for all

las buenas noticias sobre el

30 de Areg, 07 de abril y el
15 de Nisan, no como otros
pueblos (especialmente el
Griegos) irreflexivamente
decir, en el 25 de marzo

his properties and goods,

that he be free and untaxed
and freely travel
everywhere in the diocese
El hombre honesto

of his
authority and that no one
disobey what he said.

Jalal returned to his home

joyously, but after some
days being harassed by tax
collectors and by Arghun,
went to Mongke-Khan.

And Mongke-Khan ruled in

the year 700 A.E. [1251].

56. Concerning the locusts

which devoured the land.

In 701 A.E. [1252] a severe

plague of locusts came, so
severe that in flight they
created a shadow and the
light of the sun was
reduced. Coming from Iran,
they devoured the land of
the Armenians, not only the
plants, but the very [297]
earth; and they even

relaciona esto en la firmeza

de la fe ortodoxa.

[287] Ese hombre santo

Yovhannes relaciona algo
ms de una naturaleza
similar: "Yo era", dijo, "en el
rea de
el ro Jordn, donde haban
estado orando al Seor y
San Juan Bautista. Tres
hombres, Tachiks por
fondo, se me acerc y
suplic el sello del santo
bautismo. Pospuse dndole
hasta que otro da, por lo
que iban a ser bautizados
por los dems, porque vi
que eran hombres rudos, y
yo los juzgados para ser

"El mayor de ellos me dijo:

'Somos de la ciudad iran de
Zangi y musulmn por la fe
Construimos un grande.
y hermoso minarete y
preparado todo lo necesario
para la celebracin de
apertura. Me sub a la cima
de la cpula con el fin de
dar el grito intil de acuerdo
con Tachik creencia. Y he

consumed dung. They

entered homes from
windows and
doors, should they happen
to be open [g359]. The land
was thrown into terror and
bread became dear. When
wintertime came and snow
fell on the ground, the
locusts died, and the
ground putrified from the
smell. But
on the arrival of spring in
702 A.E. [1253] the land
blossomed forth with the
offspring of the locusts in
density that the ground and
rocks of the country were
covered, and at evening
they piled one atop the

aqu, vi al este que el

tierra estaba desgarrado y
un lugar se llen de luz sin
lmites y un rey,
impresionante y maravilloso
en un trono de gloria y
sobre l una multitud
luminosa quien lo bendijo
con sonidos inefables.
para adorar a l estaban
todos los pueblos cristianos,
cada uno con los lderes de
su fe, adornado en el
venerable gloria;
y como le adoraron, acept
sus saludos. Por fin, otro
pueblo vinieron con mucho

la gloria que los anteriores,

y sus lderes eran bastante
mound-like and commenced notable. Cuando se
eating plants and soil.
acercaron, y [288]

People thought about

leaving their abodes and
going to foreign lands
wherever they might find
food. But
since all the surrounding
districts from Spain to Asia
to Iran to Mesopotamia had
already been eaten

adorado rey, se levant de

su trono ante ellos y les
bes junto con sus lderes y
honrados ellos ms que
todos los otros pueblos [g35

Y mientras yo estaba
parado all asombrado,
atnito y sorprendido, mi


hijo mayor aqu ascendi [la

people were in a quandary

as to what to do. They then
started to take refuge in the
hand and powerful arm of

minarete] y me dijo: 'Por

qu te detienes? Todas las
personas estn esperando
". l tambin mir hacia el
este y vio

the Almighty, which created

life from nothing, and which se sorprendi la misma
always cares for them with
visin y. Ahora, como nos
His pity, for Whom the
habamos demorado mucho
tiempo, la multitud se
impossible is possible. With volvi molesto y
tears and vows they looked
to Him to end the scourge
mi hijo menor aqu vino y
in the land.
nos reprocha nuestra
demora. Pero ya que la
visin haba desaparecido a
su llegada
Now merciful God quickly
gave ointment to a bad
wound and "the same one
who was stricken, him He
healed." For there came
multitudes of small spotted
birds, usually called tarm
(flock) because of their
numbers. Ranging
themselves on the edges,
[298] they ate the whole
multitude of locusts, to the
point that not
one could be found. Then
one could see all mouths
uttering praises of God and
all minds were astonished.
this following tale about the
birds is worthy of awe

relacionamos con l la
causa de nuestro retraso y
la sustancia de la visin, e
inmediatamente nos
arrepentimos de
predicar desde esa altura a
Cristo como el verdadero
Dios, y [para anunciar] a
nosotros mismos como
cristianos. l nos dej,
diciendo: "Como se trata de
cmo son las cosas, vamos
a actuar con prudencia. Si
ahora nos confesamos a
Cristo, la turba de Tachiks
matarnos y dirn que como
resultado de nuestros actos
ilcitos que fueron


They say that in the Iranian

area, in a land called
K'irman, there is a certain
water. Those who go there
put it
into glass bottles and take
it, without looking back.
And they do not put the
water on the earth, but
instead tie
the bottles to poles and
shake them; and the birds
perch there. As many birds
as are desired come after
water, and so the birds
came after the locusts.
However, we believe the
whole affair was due to the
of God, that on account of
the sins of the land He
allowed the scourge to
come and then out of His
healed [the land] as He saw
fit and gave [this water] as
medicine and ointment for
the scourge of locusts

asesinados por ellos, quin

sabe? En su lugar, vamos a
vamos y les damos la
comida que hemos
preparado, y luego vamos a
ir a la ciudad santa de
Jerusaln y all
se convierte en cristianos
completos, y ser bautizado
en especial por aquellos
[G352] cristianos que
vosotros decs que el
rey recibi con gran alegra
y seal que en la visin.
Son el pueblo armenio que
fueron los
gran cantidad de Tadeo,
Bartolom y San Gregorio.

[289] 'Hemos escuchado

sus palabras y descendi a
la gente, no en relacin
nada a nadie. Dejamos todo
bienes muebles e
inmuebles, y vinieron a
Jerusaln. Y suplic a Dios
que nos encontramos con

personas que fueron

glorificados en la visin.
[which caused] the gobbling Dios nos mostr usted y
up of the multitude of their vimos el mismo signo por
encima de ti. Ahora

os rogamos, nos dan el sello
de Cristo y hacernos siervos
completos de tu Dios. '
57. The census undertaken
at the order of MongkeKhan.

"Y cuando vi su alegra y

que la llamada haba venido
de parte del Seor, les
bautizado en el ro Jordn

en el nombre del Padre y

In 703 A.E. [1254] Mongke- del Hijo y del Espritu Santo
Khan and the great general y les di la comunin en la
Batu sent an ostikan named honrada
Arghun, who [earlier]
Cuerpo y la Sangre del Hijo
had been [g361] ordered by de Dios. Saludndonos, que
Guyuk-Khan to oversee the surgieron de la ciudad y
court taxes levied from
fueron a la gran ciudad de
[299] subjugated countries. Roma
There also was another
chief from Batu's house
named Tora-agha, who was
sent out with many others

para ver las tumbas de los

santos apstoles Pedro y
Pablo, para la gloria de
Cristo ".

their sway to make a

census of all peoples
subject to them.
Este mismo maravillosas
Yovhannes dijo que "Hubo
They took this command
and went throughout all the cuarenta hombres de
lands to complete the work. nacionalidad armenia que
They also reached the lands fue a la
of the Armenians,

Desierto del Sina a la

Aghbanians/Aghuans and
the districts surrounding
them. They began recording

montaa donde Dios se

apareci a Moiss y le dio
las tablas de piedra en que

everyone from age eleven

up excepting the women.
And they demanded the
most severe taxes, more
than a

escrito los Diez

Mandamientos, para adorar
a Dios y ver los lugares
santos [G353].

man could bear; and people

became impoverished. They "En la base de la montaa
haba un monasterio
harassed the people with
Amrica manteniendo una
unbelievable beatings,
disciplina rigurosa, y fue all
torments and tortures.
que ellos [290] presentaron.
Those who hid were seized
and killed. Those who were A pesar de que queran
subir a la montaa, los
unable to pay the rate had
residentes del monasterio
children taken to pay their
ellos, diciendo: "No pasar la
debt, for they circulated
noche all, para aquellos
about with Iranian Muslim
que han hecho horrores
espantosos por lo que han
visto, y
Furthermore the princes,
lords of the districts,
became their coworkers in
harassing and demanding
taxes for
their own profit. Nor were
they content with just this.
Instead, all the artisans
(aruestagets) whether in
cities or the villages were

destruccin ha abarcado
muchos de ellos '.

"Pero [los armenios] subi

audazmente, sin tomar
alimentos con ellos, y ellos
se quedaron varios das. Los
del monasterio estaban
preguntndose qu haba

taxed. Furthermore
fishermen of the seas and
lakes, miners and
blacksmiths and
painters/plasterers [were
taxed] [g362]. Is it
necessary to explain in
detail the level of profit
which [300] they
extracted from people? And
they alone profited. They
took all the salt mines, in
Koghb and other areas.

They similarly profited

greatly from the merchants
and heaped up vast
quantities of gold, silver,
and precious
stones. Thus everything
became expensive and the
lands became filled with
lamentation and
complaints. Then
they left in charge of the
lands wicked ostikam who
demanded the same
amount every year by list
and in

pasado ya que no haba

otro camino [que el
atravesados] y ellos
asumieron que los armenios
haban muerto all desde los

"Pero [los armenios],

despus de completar su
adoracin descendido la
montaa con gloriosa y
rostros. Y haba cuarenta y
dos de ellos. Los residentes
asombrados del monasterio
iba delante de ellos con
antorchas y linternas y les
dio refresco con gran honor.
Y se preguntaban en gran
medida, ya que cuando el
partido haba ascendido la
montaa haba cuarenta
hombres, y sin embargo,
cuando descendi haba
cuarenta y dos,
y saban que nadie ms
haba subido a excepcin de
los cuarenta.


But one wealthy mnerchant

was respected by them. He
was Umek whom they

"Cuando ellos ponen la

mesa los dos hombres
gloriosos adicionales [291]
surgieron y cuidados para

called Asil, a benevolent

whom we sometimes
recalled [above], who lived
through the T'at'ars'
destruction of the city of
Karin together

aquellos en la mesa y
no permitira ninguno de los
hombres del monasterio
para servir a ellos, diciendo:
"Es nuestra costumbre de
cuidar de nuestra
hermanos '.

with his sons Yovhannes,

Step'anos, and his brothers.
At this time he was dwelling "Y tan pronto como haban
in the city of Tiflis and was
comido lo que era correcto,
called "father" of the king of los dos se saludaron los
cuarenta y desapareci.
the Georgians, Dawit'. He
was honored by the Khan in Eran
writing and by all the

Moiss y Elas. Incautados

con gran asombro de los
[Mongol] nobility. He gave
residentes del monasterio
generous gifts to Arghun
and those with him and was [G354] honrados los
cuarenta como ngeles
much esteemed by them.
y los puso en su camino con
gran honor ".
However, [the tax
collectors] took nothing
from the clergy as they had
no order from the Khan to
do so. The
sons of Sarawan, named
Shnorhawor and Mkrtich,
were also prosperous and
wealthy [g363].

El Saint-amorosa Yovhannes
narr esta hablando en
tercera persona de la
humildad, de modo que
nadie saba
que l mismo estaba con

Despus de esto atraves

muchos distritos y visit
numerosas ciudades y lleg

Kirakos Gandzakets'i's
History of the Armenians

a la ciudad de Colonia. Y
muchos turcos y Tachiks
vinieron a l y fueron
bautizados por su
maravillosa conducta y las

58. Concerning the trip of

the pious king of the
Armenians, Het'um, to Batu

[Translator's note: For a

scholarly commentary on
this chapter see J. A.Boyle,
"The Journey of Het'um I,
of Little Armenia, to the
Court of the Great Khan
Mongke," Central Asiatic
Journal 9(1964) pp. 175-89.]

[301] The devout, Christloving king of the

Armenians in the Cilicia
area had his seat in the city
of Sis.
Previously he had sent his
brother Smbat, who was his
general, to Guyuk-Khan
with presents and gifts and
[Smbat] returned thence

l realiz.

Pero los iranes estaban

celosos de l y el prncipe
de Colonia l y un sacerdote
se apoderaron, reunidos
madera seca,
los puso en medio de ella y
fijar la madera en llamas. El
sacerdote con l llor, y lo
exhort Yovhannes
ser valiente, diciendo: "No
temas, Dios puede
rescatarnos de fuego, como
l rescat a los [292] Tres

Y mientras las llamas se

elevaron ms alto, un joven
prncipe cay de la pared,
pero se levant ileso.
Cuando le preguntaron:
"Cmo es que ests vivo?"
l respondi: "Ese hombre
que t has echado en el
fuego me levant en su

with honor and edicts of

acceptance. Now when
Mongke-Khan ruled, Batu
the great
"king's father" and general
sent to King Het'um so that
he would come to see him
and Mongke-Khan. [Batu]

brazos y no me permiten
tocar el suelo.
"Inmediatamente el
prncipe mand y orden
que fueran retirados de
el fuego y se le permiti ir a
donde quisieran.

dwelled in the northern

regions with an incalculable
multitude [of troops] under
him by the shore of the

[Yovhannes] pasa a travs

de muchos distritos y se fue
a los grandes kat'oghikos
de los armenios, seor

fathomless river Et'il [Volga]

which runs into the Caspian
Sea. [Het'um] who feared
the sultan of Rum whose

Kostandin, en Hrhomkla.
Este ltimo recibi
[Yovhannes] gozosamente
con gran honor y no lo dej

name was 'Izz al-Din

[Kaykaus II (Azadin), 124659] travelled [through Rum]
secretly and in disguise

[Yovhannes] permaneci all

hasta su muerte a Cristo, y
fue enterrado all. Despus
de haber completado su

he feared the Turks who

were his neighbors. Now
[the Turks] had an
inveterate hatred [for
Het'um] for

sosteniendo a su fe, logr la

corona que no se marchita,
y la vida eterna. Que su
apoyo oraciones

allying with the T'at'ars.

[Het'um] speedily traversed
['Izz al-Din's] territory in
twelve days and arrived at

nosotros y perdonarnos los

pecados y Que su memoria
sea entre todos los santos
en Cristo Jess nuestro
Seor, a quien la gloria

city of Kars. He visited

Baiju-nqym, the
commander of the T'at'ar

siempre [G355].

army in the East, as well as

other grandees,
and he was honored by
them. Then he stayed in the 55. En cuanto a Sartakh
(Sart'ax), hijo de Batu.
village of Vardenis at the
foot of mount Aragats,
[g364] [302] Aray
mountain, in the home of a
prince of Armenian
nationality named Kurd.
[This prince] was

La gran Batu general que

estaba en las regiones del
norte haba llevado a su
a Christian [and lived in the habitacin por las orillas del
village with] his sons Vach'e Caspio
and Hasan, and his wife
Xorishah. [Xorishah] was of Mar y [293] el gran At'l
[Volga] ro que no tiene
igual en la tierra, ya que
the Mamikonean line, a
cursos como un mar debido
daughter of Marzban, and
a la
sister to Aslan-bek and
Grigor. [Het'um] stayed
planitud de la tierra. [Batu]
there until
situado a s mismo en la
gran y amplia llanura del
goods from his house,
Qipchaqs con innumerables
useful presents and gifts
were brought to him from
his father, the prince of
debajo de l. [Los
mongoles] habit en
tiendas de campaa y
Kostand. At this time
cuando no viven en tiendas
[Kostand] was old and had
de campaa, se movan
left his sons, Lewon and
T'oros, as his substitute. His alrededor en carros yugo
pious queen [Zapel] already muchos bueyes y caballos.
had passed to Christ. Zapel
translates Elisabeth, the
"seventh day of God," and
l se hizo muy fuerte y se

her name suited her, for

she was at rest in the will of
God: benevolent, merciful
and a lover of the poor.
[Zapel] was the daughter of
the great King Lewon, the
first to wear the crown [in
Cilician Armenia].

hizo ms poderoso que

todo, hizo el mundo
obediente a l y coloc todo
tierras en homenaje.
Adems sus relaciones le
tenan que ser mayor que
cualquier otra persona, y su
rey, a quien

llamar Khan, se sent en su

trono por orden [de Batu].
As soon as the great
Para Guyuk-Khan haba
kat'oghikos Kostand learned muerto y su clan de debate
that [Het'um] had travelled en cuanto a quin
safely and now had stopped
entre ellos debe ser
entronizado. Todos ellos
Greater Armenia, he sent to consideran digno de
him the great vardapet
sentarse en el trono o
Yakob, a wise and learned
seleccionando que
man. [The kat'oghikos]
debera ser rey.
previously had sent this
same man to the Byzantine
emperor John (who was
Ellos lo llamaron desde el
ruling in Asia and who had
norte para llegar a sus
tierras y gobernar sobre
strong) and to their
todos. [Batu] fue a
patriarch to achieve
concretar la
friendship and unity. [Yakob]
reino, y se fue a la cabeza
went there armed with the
de las tropas de su hijo, de
nombre Sartakh. l mismo
words of Scripture and, in
no tom el trono, pero
the Greek council of inquiry,
sentado all uno de sus
repudiated the Byzantines
parientes nombrados
who accused us of being
Mongke (Mangu). Luego
Eutychians for saying [303] regres a sus tropas [g356].
that there is one nature in

Christ. [Yakob] [g365]

rationally demonstrated
Scripture that the two
[natures] are united in
Christ, completely divine
and completely human, two
in ineffable unity, not losing
divinity, not confusing the
humanity, glorified in one
nature working divinely and
humanly. Similarly
concerning [the hymn] Holy
God (Surb Astuats) there
are words which we say
about the
Son, according to the
witness of the evangelist
John. [Yakob] refuted
theologically and on the
testimony of
Scripture other similar
slanders which [the Greeks]
had regarding our doctrine.
He turned their minds
friendship and unity with
our people, and departed
from them in honor. Lord
Step'anos the bishop came
Het'um]; vardapet Mxit'ar
who was at Skewrha where
he had travelled from the

Ahora, algunos de los

familiares no estaban
satisfechos con el asunto,
ya que tenan en mente, ya
sea que ellos mismos
ser entronizado o bien tener
el hijo del trono GuyukKhan, cuyo nombre era
[294] Xocha-Khan. Se
No se deleitan su
insatisfaccin en el
momento, pero cuando
Batu haba regresado a sus
tropas, comenzaron a ser
rebelde hacia Mongke -Khan
y agitar.

Cuando Batu odo hablar de

esto, orden muchas
relaciones muertos
incluyendo Grandes entre
los cuales un cierto gran
jefe nombrado Elch'i-Gada.
Este ltimo haba sido
previamente ordenado por
Guyuk-Khan para ser
general de la T'at'ar
ejrcito en el este y la tierra
de Armenia en lugar de
Baiju. Pero mientras l
estaba en el camino en
Irn, recibi

Eastern areas came as did

the priest Barsegh who was
an emissary to Batu. With
him came the celibate
priest T'oros as well as
who was the king's court
priest, a man of mild and
scholarly manner; and
many princes also came.

The king took all these men

with him to the land of the
Aghbanians/Aghuans and
through the Darband gate
(which is the Chora pass)
[g366] to Batu and his son
Sartakh who was a
Christian. [Het'um] was
honored by
them with many privileges.
Then they sent him to
Mongke-Khan on a long
journey on the other side of
[304] Caspian Sea.

noticia de la muerte de
Guyuk-Khan. Y l se qued
donde estaba para ver
quin tomara el trono del

Los jefes del ejrcito en el

este se rebelaron [de Elch'iGada] y llegaron a Batu ya
que no quieren que el
ex gobernar sobre ellos, ya
que era un hombre
vanidoso. Ellos dijeron:
"Este hombre tambin ha
rebelado desde Mongke Khan. "Y [Batu] orden que
[Elch'i-Gada] ser enviado a
l. l fue capturado y
llevado en cadenas y
matado [g357].

Entonces [muchos]
empezaron a venir [a Batu]:
reyes y descendencia real,
prncipes y comerciantes, y
todos los que

estaban en dificultades, que

haban sido privados de sus
patrimonios. Y [Batu] a
travs de decisiones justas
Those who departed [from
Batu] left on the sixth of the dio a cada uno
month of Marer, and on the que vinieron a l sus

thirteenth of May
crossed the Ayex [Ural]
river and came to Or which
is midway between Batu
and Mongke-Khan. Then
crossing the Ert'ich [Irtysh]
river they entered the
Nayiman [Naiman] country.
They came to Xaraxeta
[Khara-Khita] and crossed
into T'at'arstan on the
fourth of the month of
Horhi, the thirteenth of
September on
the celebration of the feast
of the Cross, and they saw
Mongke-Khan seated in
venerable glory. [Het'um]
the Khan gifts and was
honored by him according
to his dignity. He remained
at the urdo for fifty days
[Mongke-Khan] gave him a
noteworthy edict that no
one dare harass him or his
country. He also gave him a
document proclaiming
freedom for the Church

distritos, patrimonios y
principados, as como
escritos [295] documentos.
Y nadie
atrevido a oponerse a lo
que l haba mandado.

[Batu] tuvo un hijo llamado

Sartakh quien
anteriormente. Fue
alimentado por profesores
cristianos (dayeaks)
y cuando lleg a la
madurez, l crea en Cristo
y fue bautizado por los
sirios que lo haba
Concedi muchas libertades
a la Iglesia ya los cristianos
y con la aquiescencia de su
padre escribi una
decreto de libertad de los
sacerdotes y de la Iglesia y
se enva a todas partes
amenazando de muerte a
la recaudacin de
impuestos, ya sea de la
Iglesia o sus servidores,
independientemente de su
nacionalidad; [esto se
aplica tambin a]

[Het'um] left [Mongke-Khan] las mezquitas Tachik y sus

on the fiftieth day, on the

twenty-third of the month of asistentes.

Sahmi, on November
first. In thirty days [the
party] reached Ghumsghur.
And they came to Perpalex
and Peshpalex and to the

Por lo tanto, teniendo valor,

vardapets, obispos y
sacerdotes fueron a l y
[Sartakh] todos ellos
sandy country where [g367] recibieron con
there are naked wild men
afecto y cumpli sus
with hair on their heads
only. The women there have peticiones. l mismo vivi
piadosamente y
very large and long breasts religiosamente, tomando
and the people are mute. In una iglesia-carpa sobre el
that land are found wild
sus viajes y siempre llevar a
horses of black and yellow
cabo el servicio divino.
colors, and mules of white
and black colors, larger
than horses or [305] asses, Entre los que se acerc a l
as well as wild camels with
fue Hasan, el gran prncipe
de Xach'en y la regin de

From there they came to

Arhlex, to K'ulluk and
Enkax, to Chanpalex,
Xut'ap'ay and Ankipalex.

They then entered

T'urk'astan. Thence to
Ekop'ruk, Dinkapalex and
P'ulat. They crossed Sutk'oln and
K'atntsov (Milk Sea) and
came to Alualex and

Artsaj, a quien

cariosamente llamado
Jalal, un hombre religioso
piadoso y un modesto
armenio por nacionalidad.
[Sartakh] recibida
[Hasan] con afecto y honrar
as [g358] como sus
acompaantes: prncipe
Grigor (habitualmente
llamada Tghay) que era

Ilanpalex. Then they

crossed the Ilansu river and
over a branch
of the Taurus mountains to
Dalas and came to Hulegu,
who was Mongke -Khan's
brother, and who had taken

entonces un hombre viejo,

prncipe Desum un
muchacho modesto, [296]
Vardapet Markos y obispo

the Eastern regions as his


[Sartakh] tom [Hasan] a su

padre [Batu] que lo honr
en gran medida y se le
devuelva su patrimonio,

[The party] then turned

from a westerly direction
northward and reached
Xut'uxch'i, Perk'ant',

Ch'araberd, Akanay y
Karkarhn, que los turcos y
georgianos previamente
haban despojado de l. l

Urosoghan [g368],
K'ayik'ant', Xuzax
(K'amots'), to Xndaxoyr and
to Sghnax (Xarchux
mountain) where the

recibido un documento que

garantiza la libertad de
seor Nerses, kat'oghikos
de los Aghbanians /
Aghuans, para todos

Saljuqs (Salch'uk'ik') are

from; [Xarch'ux] begins at
the Taurus mountain and
goes as far as P'arch'in
where it

sus propiedades y bienes,

que sean libres y no sujetos
a impuestos y viajar
libremente por todas partes
en la dicesis de su


autoridad y que nadie

desobedecer lo que dijo.

They travelled from there to

Sartakh, the son of Batu,
who was travelling to
Mongke-Khan. Then [they
to Sghnax and Sawran

Jalal regres a su casa con

alegra, pero despus de
algunos das de ser acosado
por los cobradores de
impuestos y por Arghun, l

(which is extremely large)

to Xarach'ux, Ason, Sawri,
Ot'rar, Zurhnux, and Dizak
then after thirty days
[came] to Samarqand,
Sarhip'ul, K'rman and
Bukhara. Then they crossed
the great

fue a Mongke-Khan.

Y Mongke-Khan gobern en
el ao 700 AE [1251].

Jehun river [Amu-Darya;

Oxus], and [306] arrived at
Mrmen, Saraxs, and Tus
which is opposite Khurasan

56. En cuanto a las

langostas que devoraron la

(which is called
Rhoghastan). They entered
Mazandaran and [travelled]
thence to Pstan, then to the
land of

En 701 AE [1252] una plaga

grave de langostas vino,
tan grave que en vuelo se
cre una sombra y la

Iraq which is in the borders

of the Assassins (mulhed).
Then [they travelled] to
Tamgha and the great city
Ray (Rhe) and to Qazvin
(Xzuin) to Awahr, to
Zangian, to Miana, thence
to Tabriz after twelve days.
twenty-six days they
crossed the Erasx river to
Sisian to the chief of the
[g369] T'at'ar army, Baijunoyin.
Now [Baiju] sent [Het'um]
to Xocha-noyin, a man he

se redujo la luz del sol.

Viniendo de Irn, que
devoraron la tierra de los
armenios, no slo el verde
plantas, pero el [297] la
tierra; e incluso consumen
estircol. Entraron en las
casas de las ventanas y
puertas, en caso de que
resultan ser abierta [g359].
La tierra fue lanzado en el
terror y el pan se convirti
en cario. Cuando
invierno vino y la nieve
cay en el suelo, las
langostas murieron, y el
suelo putrefacto del olor.

had left as his substitute as

head of the forces.


coming to the East.

densidad que el suelo y las

rocas del pas estaban
cubiertos, y por la tarde se
apilan uno encima del otro

en la llegada de la
Meanwhile he himself took
primavera en 702 AE [1253]
the chiefs of the army and
la tierra floreci adelante
went before Mongke -Khan's con la descendencia de las
brother Hulegu, who was
langostas de tal

The pious King Het'um

came to the home of prince
Kurd in Vardenis village
where he had left his goods
baggage, and awaited the
return of the priest Barsegh
whom he had sent to Batu
once more to show him the
documents and orders of
Mongke-Khan so that [Batu]
also would write orders of
the same sort.

Then there came to Het'um

his vardapets: Yakob whom
he had left [in Greater
Armenia] for church work,
and Mxit'ar (who had
returned from Batu before
[the latter] travelled to
Mongke-Khan); and other
and vardapets and priests
and Christian princes.

montculo similar y
comenz comiendo plantas
y el suelo.

La gente pensaba en
abandonar sus moradas e ir
a tierras extranjeras
dondequiera que encontrar
comida. Pero
ya que todos los distritos
circundantes desde Espaa
a Asia a Irn a Mesopotamia
ya se haba comido a
la gente estaba en un
dilema en cuanto a qu
hacer. Entonces
comenzaron a refugiarse en
el brazo de la mano y de
gran alcance de
el Todopoderoso, el que
cre la vida de la nada, y
que siempre se preocupa
por ellos con su clemencia,

[Het'um] received them all

with affection for he was an

para quien el

agreeable man, wise and

literate. He gave gifts [307]
as he could and sent them
all off happy. He gave

Ahora Dios misericordioso

dio rpidamente la pomada
a un mal herida y "el mismo
que fue azotado, le l

garments to adorn the

Church, for [Het'um] greatly
loved mass and the Church.
He received all the Christian

sanado. "Porque no vinieron

multitudes de pequeos
pjaros manchados,
generalmente llamado Tarm
(rebao) debido a su

peoples and [g370]

beseeched them to deal
with one another
affectionately as brothers
and members of

nmeros. Que van a s

mismos en los bordes, [298]
se comi toda la multitud
de langostas, hasta el punto
que no

Christ, as the Lord

commanded: "By this you
shall be recognized as my
pupils, that you love one

se puede conocer. Entonces

uno poda ver todas las
bocas proferir alabanzas de
Dios y todas las mentes se
asombraron. Pero

[John 13, 35]."

este siguiente relato sobre

las aves es digno de
admiracin [G360].

lo imposible es posible. Con

lgrimas y votos miraron a
l para poner fin al flagelo
de la tierra.

[King Het'um] told us many

marvellous and unknown
things about the barbarian
Dicen que en la zona de
peoples, things he had seen Irn, en una tierra llamada
K'irman, hay una cierta
and heard about. He said:
agua. Los que van all lo
"There is a land beyond

Ghatayik' [Cathay, China]

where women have the
forms of
natural women, while the
men have the forms of
dogs. They are mute, large,
and hairy. The dogs let no

en botellas de vidrio y
llevarlo, sin mirar atrs. Y
no ponen el agua en la
tierra, sino que atan
las botellas a los postes y
les tiemblan; y las aves se
posan all. Como muchas
aves como se desean venir
en pos de este

enter their land and the

dogs hunt from which prey
they and the women eat.
From the comingling of dogs agua, y por lo que las aves
se produjeron despus de
las langostas. Sin embargo,
women, the males are born creemos que todo el asunto
in the shape of dogs, the
se debi a la preocupacin
females in the shape of
de Dios, que a causa de los
pecados de la tierra que l
permiti que el flagelo de
venir y luego por Su
"There is, too, a sandy
island where a type of bone
(which is prized) grows like
sanado [la tierra] a su
a tree. It is called Dzknatam antojo y se entreg a [esta
agua] como medicina y
(Fish Tooth) and when one is ungento para la plaga de
cut, another grows in its
place, like horns.
[que caus] la engullendo a
la multitud de sus cras.
"There is, too, a land of
many idol-worshippers who
[308] worship extremely
large clay idols named
Shakmonia [Shakiamuni]
and say that he is god for
3040 years. Then another
thirty-five duman years

57. El censo llevado a cabo

en el orden de Mongke-

(one duman being 10,000)
after which [g371]
[Shakiamuni] is removed
from godship. Then there is


one named Madri [Matreya]

of whom they also made a
clay image of unbelievable
size in a beautiful temple.

En 703 AE [1254] MongkeKhan y la gran Batu

generales enviaron un
ostikan llamado Arghun,
que [anterior]

"An entire people, women

and children included, are
priests. They are called
Toyink', and have their

haba sido [G361] ordenada

por Guyuk-Khan para
supervisar los impuestos
que gravan los tribunales
de [299] los pases

and beards shaven. They

wear cloaks like Christian
[priests] but [fastened] at
the breast, not at the

Tambin haba otro jefe de

la casa de Batu llamado
Tora-Agha, que fue enviado
a cabo con muchos otros

They are moderate in

eating and marriage. [Men]
marry at twenty years of
age and until age thirty

su influencia para hacer un

censo de todos los pueblos
sometidos a ellos.

their wives three times a

week. From age thirty to
age forty they approach
them three times a month;
forty to fifty, three times a
year; and after fifty, not at

Tomaron esta orden y se

fueron por todas las tierras
para completar el trabajo.
Tambin llegaron a las
de los armenios,
georgianos, Aghbanians /
Aghuans y los distritos que
les rodea. Comenzaron a

The wise king related much
else about the barbarian
peoples which we omit, lest
it seem extraneous to

todos, desde los once aos

a excepcin de las mujeres.
Y exigieron los impuestos
ms severos, ms de un


hombre poda soportar; y la

gente se empobrece. Ellos
acosaron las personas con
golpes increbles,

Eight months after leaving

Mongke-Khan, Het'um
reached Armenia. This was
in 704 A.E. [1255].

59. The destruction of the

land of the Romans [Rum].

Now at the beginning of the

year 705 of the Armenian
Era [1256], Batu, the
commander of the north,
while [g372] his son
Sartakh was enroute to
Mongke-Khan. [Sartakh] did
not return home to bury his
but instead continued on
his journey. Mongke-Khan
was exceedingly happy at
this and came before
honoring him with very

tormentos y torturas. Los

que se escondi fueron
capturados y asesinados.
Los que no pudieron pagar
la tasa tenan su
los nios toman para pagar
su deuda, ya que circularon
acerca con los asistentes
musulmanes iranes.

Adems de los prncipes,

seores de los distritos, se
convirtieron en sus
compaeros de trabajo en
acosar y exigente para los
su propio beneficio.
Tampoco se contenta con
slo eso. En cambio, todos
los artesanos (aruestagets)
ya sea en el
ciudades o las aldeas
fueron gravadas. Por otra
parte los pescadores de los
mares y lagos, los mineros

great gifts and giving him

his father's authority, to
rule over all the troops as
well as
over all the subjects of his
realm. [Mongke-Khan gave
Sartakh the right] to be
called his second, and [the
right] to issue orders
absolutely. Then he sent
him home.

With [Sartakh] was the

pious prince of Xach'en,
Jalal, who had gone to
reveal to his supreme lord
disasters he had endured
from ostikan Arghun, from
whom he had barely
escaped death because of
provocation of the Tachiks,
He gave him a document
[entitling him] to rule his
principality independently

y herreros y
pintores / yeseros [se
gravaban] [g362]. Es
necesario explicar en
detalle el nivel de beneficio
que [300] se
extrado de las personas? Y
slo ellos se beneficiaron.
Se llevaron todas las minas
de sal, en Koghb y otras

Ellos igualmente se
beneficiaron enormemente
de los mercaderes y
amontonan grandes
cantidades de oro, plata, y
piedras. As todo se volvi
caro y las tierras se llen de
lamentos y quejas.
dejaron a cargo de la tierras
ostikam malvados que
exigi la misma cantidad
cada ao por lista y en

to fear no one. For Sartakh

liked [Jalal] on account of
his Christianity, since he too Pero una mnerchant ricos
was a Christian.
era respetado por ellos. Fue
Umek quien llamaban Asil,
un hombre benevolente
Sartakh arrived in his
los que a veces recordamos
principality with venerable

glory. But his Muslim

relatives, Barak'a and
gave [310] [Sartakh] poison
and killed him. Then there
was great sorrow among all
the Christians. Even

Mongke-Khan mourned as
did his brother Hulegu who
ruled over all parts of the

However, before these

events had occurred, the
great general, the khan-like
Hulegu, gave an order to all

[anterior], que vivi a

travs de la destruccin de
los T'at'ars 'de la ciudad de
Karin juntos
con sus hijos Yovhannes,
Step'anos y sus hermanos.
En este tiempo l moraba
en la ciudad de Tiflis y fue
llamado "padre" del rey de
los georgianos, Dawit '. Fue
honrado por el Khan por
escrito y por todo el
[Mongol] nobleza. l dio
generosos regalos a Arghun
y los que con l y fue muy
estimado por ellos.

Sin embargo, [los

recaudadores de
impuestos] tom nada de
los clrigos ya que no
tenan orden del Khan para
hacerlo. los

T'at'ar troops in the East

whose chief was Baiju-noyin
hijos de Sarawan,
that [g373] they leave the
nombrados Shnorhawor y
land of their residence and
Mkrtich, tambin eran
dominion, Mughan, and the prsperos y ricos [g363].
lands of the
Armenians, and Georgians
and go with all their
bags and baggage to the
land of the Romans [Rum]
Kirakos Gandzakets'i de
so that he [Hulegu] occupy
their place in the good land. Historia de los Armenios

[Hulegu] had come with

such a vast multitude that it
was said one month was
scarcely sufficient time for
troops to ford the great
Jehun river [Amu-Darya].
Now some of his relatives
from the area of Batu and
Sartakh had crossed
through the Darband Gate
to this side with many,
countless troops, great
men, chiefs with
authority, whose names
were Balaxa, Tuthar, and
Ghuli whom we even saw,
grandsons of Chingiz-Khan
whom they call the sons of
God. They levelled and
made easy [for travel] all
the passes on the route
travelled, for they were
coming by cart.

They brought many

misfortunes to all lands
through tax-collecting [311]
and plundering, eating and

58. En relacin con el viaje

del rey piadoso de los
armenios, Het'um, a Batu y

[Nota del traductor: Para un

comentario erudito sobre
este captulo ver JABoyle,
"El viaje de Het'um I, rey
de la Pequea Armenia, a la
corte del Gran Khan
Mongke, "central asitica
Diario 9 (1964) pp. 175-89.]

[301] La devota, amante de

Cristo rey de los armenios
en el rea de Cilicia tena su
asiento en la ciudad de Sis.
Anteriormente, haba
enviado a su hermano
Smbat, que era su general,
a Guyuk-Khan con regalos y
regalos y
[Smbat] regresado all con
honor y edictos aceptacin.
Ahora, cuando MongkeKhan gobern, Batu la gran

insatiably and bringing

everyone to death's door. In
"El padre de rey" y en
addition to the numerous
general enviados al rey

[taxes], the mal and

{xap'ch'ur) [Translators's
note: mal is believed to
have been a tax on large
animals with horns; qubchur
was a
tax on sheep.] which
Arghun had levied, Hulegu
commanded that the tax
called t'aghar be collected

Het'um lo que vendra a

verlo y Mongke-Khan.
morado en las regiones
septentrionales con una
multitud incalculable [de
tropas] en l por la orilla de
los grandes,
ro insondable Et'il [Volga]
que desemboca en el mar
Caspio. [Het'um] que tema
el sultn de ron cuya

each individual listed in the

royal register. From such
they demanded one
hundred litrs of grain, fifty
litrs of

Se llamaba 'Izz al-Din

[Kaykaus II (Azadin), 1246
hasta 1259] viaj [a travs
de ron] en secreto y
disfrazado desde

wine, two litrs of rice and

husks three sacks one
spitak [silver coin], one
arrow [g374], to say
nothing of the

tema a los turcos, que eran

sus vecinos. Ahora [los
turcos] tenan un odio
inveterado [para Het'um]

bribes; and of twenty

animals they demanded
one, plus twenty spitaks.
From those who could not
pay they

aliarse con los T'at'ars.

[Het'um] rpidamente
atravesado territorio ['de Izz
al-Din] en doce das y lleg
a la

took their sons and

daughters [as payment].
And thus they harassed and
overturned the entire

ciudad de Kars. Visit Baijunqym, el comandante del

ejrcito T'at'ar en el Este, al
igual que otros magnates,

Now the T'at'ar army,

y fue honrado por ellos.

Luego se qued en el
pueblo de Vardenis al pie de

though it was angry at

having to leave the land of
its dominion, nevertheless
did depart,

Aragats, frente

[G364] [302] Aray montaa,

en la casa de un prncipe de
la nacionalidad armenia
reluctantly, out of dread [of llamada kurdo. [Este
Hulegu], for they feared him prncipe] era
exceedingly, as though he
un cristiano [y vivi en el
were Khan. So they went
pueblo con] sus hijos Vach'e
to the land of the Romans.
y Hasan, y su esposa
The sultan of Rum offered
Xorishah. [Xorishah] era de
war against them, but was
unable to resist. Instead he la lnea Mamikonean, una
hija de Marzban, y hermana
fled to the island of Alayia.
de Aslan-bek y Grigor.
[The Mongols] put to the
[Het'um] permanecido all
sword districts of the
sultan's realm to [312] the
los bienes de su casa, los
presentes y los regalos
and Pontus, killing and
tiles fueron trados a l, de
ravishing. They destroyed
su padre, el prncipe de los
the cities of Karin
[Erzerum], Eznka [Erzinjan]
Kostand. En este momento
[Kostand] era viejo y haba
[Sebastia], Caesarea and
dejado a sus hijos, Lewon y
Konya and the surrounding
T'oros, como su sustituto.
districts. Then, sending
Su propia
their goods back to their
reina piadosos [Zapel] ya
haban pasado a Cristo.
at Hulegu's order, they
Zapel traduce Elisabeth, el
spread out, raiding in
"sptimo da de Dios", y
various directions.
su nombre le convena,
porque ella estaba en
reposo en la voluntad de
The king of the Armenians,
Dios: benevolente,
Het'um, went along with
misericordioso y amante de
them. He had come from

Mongke-Khan, Batu, Sartakh los pobres.

and Hulegu and was with
Baiju-noyin who sent
[Het'um] with many soldiers
to his country, Cilicia, to the
of Sis. [Het'um] had [g375]
attended Baiju-noyin and
the troops with him with
numerous gifts and
military service, so much so
that a letter expressing
satisfaction and praising
him was written to Hulegu.
the great Hulegu, since he
was a military man,
assembled the entire
multitude of troops and
went to the

[Zapel] era la hija del gran

Rey Lewon, el primero en
llevar la corona [en Cilicia

Tan pronto como los

grandes kat'oghikos
Kostand enter de que
[Het'um] haban viajado con
seguridad y ahora se haba
detenido en
Gran Armenia, envi a l el
gran Vardapet Yakob, un
sabio y aprendi el hombre.
[El kat'oghikos]
previamente haba enviado
este mismo hombre al
emperador bizantino Juan
(que gobernaba en Asia y
que haba crecido

country of the Assassins

(Mulheds), Alamut, and
seized it. For royal troops
had besieged it for many

fuerte) y su patriarca, para

lograr la amistad y la
unidad. [Yakob] fuimos all
armados con la prudente

since the sons of Ala-al-Din

[(Aladin) of Alamut] had
slain their father and gone
over to Hulegu. [Hulegu]

palabras de la Escritura y,
en el concejo griega de
investigacin, repudiaron
los bizantinos que nos
acusa de ser

commanded that all the

secure fortresses in Alamut
be pulled down. Then he
ordered all his soldiers and

Eutiquianos para decir [303]

que no hay una sola
naturaleza en Cristo.
[Yakob] [g365] demostrado

everyone subject to them to racionalmente a travs

assemble against the great
Escritura de que las dos
city of the Tachik realm
naturalezas [] estn unidos
called Baghdad, which is
en Cristo, completamente
located between Iran and
divino y completamente
Syria. For they had not yet
humano, dos naturalezas []
taken it.
en unidad inefable, no
perder la divinidad, no
confundir a la humanidad,
[313] The caliph who sat in glorificado en una sola
Baghdad was of the line of
naturaleza divina y de
Mahmet (for caliph means
descendant), and all the
humanamente. Del mismo
Muslim sultans obeyed him, modo en relacin con [el
be they Turks, Kurds,
himno] Santo Dios (Surb
Iranians, Elamites or other
Astuats) hay palabras que
nationalities. [The caliph]
decimos acerca de la
Son, segn el testimonio del
the chief commander of
evangelista Juan. [Yakob]
their dominions, and they
refutado teolgica y en el
submited to him by treaty
testimonio de
and honored him as a
Escritura otras calumnias
similares que [los griegos]
and relative of their
tenan con respecto a
lawgiver, their first
nuestra doctrina. Se volvi
deceiver. To this fortress
hacia sus mentes
[g376] (ghalan) went the
very greatest
la amistad y la unidad con
nuestro pueblo, y apartado
chiefs of Batu's [northern]
de ellos en honor. Seor
region: Qui (Ghul), Balagha, Step'anos el obispo lleg [a
Tuthar, Ghataghan, for
everyone honored Hulegu
Het'um]; Vardapet Mxit'ar
que estaba en Skewrha
donde haba viajado desde
a khan; they obeyed him
las zonas orientales vinieron
and they feared him.

al igual que

60. The destruction of


In the year 707 of the

Armenian Era [1258],
Mongke-Khan, the great
king of the kings of the
conqueror of the world,
mustered a countless host
and went to a distant land
in the southeast against a
called the Nayngas. For this
people had rebelled from
him and did not pay him
taxes like the other lands.
Nayngas were warlike men,
fortified by their land; and
they were idol-worshippers.
Furthermore they
devoured their old men and
women. The whole clan of
sons, grandsons and great
grandsons would assemble
[314] and would skin their

el sacerdote Barsegh que

era un emisario a Batu. Con
l lleg el sacerdote clibe
T'oros as como Karapet
quien era sacerdote la corte
del rey, un hombre de
modales suaves y
acadmica; y muchos
prncipes tambin vinieron.

El rey tom todos estos

hombres con l a la tierra
de los Aghbanians /
Aghuans ya travs de la
puerta Darband
(que es el pase Chora)
[g366] para Batu y su hijo
Sartakh que era cristiano.
[Het'um] fue honrado por
con muchos privilegios.
Luego lo enviaron a
Mongke-Khan en un largo
viaje por el otro lado de la
[304] mar Caspio.

Los que sali [de Batu] a la

izquierda en el sexto del
mes de Marer, y el trece de

aged parents through the

mouth. They would remove
the flesh and bones,

cruzado la [Ural] ro Ayex y

lleg a O que est a medio
camino entre Batu y
Mongke-Khan. entonces

and eating them, leaving no

leftovers. Out of the skin
they make a bag which they
fill with wine and from

cruzando el ro Ert'ich
[Irtysh] entraron en la
[Naiman] pas Nayiman.
Llegaron a Xaraxeta

which all of them drink

using the [deceased's] male
member. However, only
relatives do this, and none

[Khara-Khita] y cruz a
T'at'arstan en el cuarto del
mes de Horhi, el trece de
septiembre de

they encase in gold and

drink from it for an entire

los dones Khan y fue

honrado por l de acuerdo
con su dignidad.
Permaneci en el Urdo
durante cincuenta das, y

Mongke-Khan went against

them in battle, crushed and
forcibly subjugated them.
But on the way home,

[Mongke-Khan] le dio un
edicto de destacar que
nadie l o su pas se atreve
a acosar. Tambin le dio un

death pangs gripped him

and he died. His brother
Arigh Boke (Arik' Bugha)
seized the throne.

documento que proclama la

libertad de la Iglesia en
todas partes.

la celebracin de la fiesta
since they alone were sired de la Cruz, y vieron
[g377] by the deceased and Mongke-Khan sentado en el
it is theirs alone to eat and
venerable gloria. [Het'um]
drink of him. The skull

Now Hulegu (who was his

brother and had been
appointed head of the
troops in the East by him)

[Het'um] izquierda
[Mongke-Khan] en el
quincuagsimo da, en la
vigsimo tercera del mes de


Sahmi, en noviembre

all those subject to him to

go against the Tachik
capital, Baghdad, which was
the seat of the Tachik

primero. En treinta das [el

partido] alcanz
Ghumsghur. Y vinieron a
Perpalex y Peshpalex ya la

The king who sat in

Baghdad was not called
sultan or melik as the
Turkish, Iranian or Kurdish

pas de arena donde [g367]

hay hombres salvajes
desnudos con pelo en slo
sus cabezas. Las mujeres
no tienen
muy grandes y largos
pechos y la gente es muda.
En esa tierra se encuentran
los caballos salvajes de
negro y amarillo

customarily are, but caliph,

that is, a descendant of
Mahmet. The great Hulegu
went against the caliph with colores y mulas de colores
blanco y negro, ms
grandes que los caballos o
countless multitude
asnos [305], as como los
[composed] of all the
camellos salvajes, con dos
peoples subject to him. This
[315] was done in the
autumn and
winter seasons because of
the severe heat of that
country [in the summer].
Prior to his departure [g378]
ordered Baiju-noyin and the
troops with him in the land
of [the sultan of] Rum to go
and surround the great
Tigris River on which the
city of Baghdad was built,
so that no one flee by boat

A partir de ah llegaron a
Arhlex, a K'ulluk y Enkax, a
Chanpalex, Xut'ap'ay y

A continuacin, entraron
T'urk'astan. Desde all a
Ekop'ruk, Dinkapalex y
P'ulat. Cruzaron Sut-k'oln y
K'atntsov (Milk Sea) y lleg
a Alualex y Ilanpalex. Luego

from the city to Ctesiphon


cruzaron el ro Ilansu y ms
de una rama

to the more secure Basra.

They immediately obeyed
the command, tying
pontoon bridges across the

de las montaas de Tauro a

Dalas y lleg a Hulegu, que
era el hermano de Mongke
-Khan, y que haba tomado

river and sinking between

[the surface of the] river
and its bed sturdy fences
with iron hooks and pipes
so that
no one depart the city
swimming without them
knowing about it.

Now Caliph Must'asar

[translator's note: in fact,
the last caliph was alMusta'sim], who resided in
the city
proudly and
presumptuously sent many
troops against those
guarding the river. [The
caliph's men] were under
the command of a chief
named Dawdar [davat-dar,
"vice-chancellor"], ostikan
of his house. Dawdar went
and first triumphed, killing
some three thousand
T'at'ars. When evening fell
he sat eating and drinking

las regiones orientales

como su porcin.

[La Parte] se volvi de

direccin oeste hacia el
norte y lleg a Xut'uxch'i,
Perk'ant ', Sughulghan,
Urosoghan [g368],
K'ayik'ant ', Xuzax
(K'amots'), para Xndaxoyr y
Sghnax (Xarchux montaa)
donde el
Selyuces (Salch'uk'ik ') son
de; [Xarch'ux] comienza en
el monte Tauro y se va tan
lejos como P'arch'in donde

Viajaron desde all a

Sartakh, hijo de Batu, que
viajaba a Mongke-Khan.
Entonces [fueron]
a Sghnax y Sawran (que es
muy grande) para
Xarach'ux, Ason, Sawri,
Ot'rar, Zurhnux y Dizak y

a care. And he sent
messengers to Caliph
Must'asar saying: "I
defeated all of them, and
tomorrow I will do
away with the few

Now the crafty and

ingenious T'at'ar army
spent the entire [g379]
night arming and
organizing. They

a continuacin, despus de
treinta das [lleg] a
Samarcanda, Sarhip'ul,
K'rman y Bujara. Luego de
cruzar el gran
Ro Jehun [Amu-Darya;
Oxus] y [306] llegaron a
Mrmen, Saraxs y Tus, que
es opuesta Jorasn
(que se llama Rhoghastan).
Entraron Mazandaran y
[viajaron] all a Pstan, a
continuacin, a la tierra de

Irak, que se encuentra en

las fronteras de los Asesinos
surrounded the Tachik army. (mulhed). Entonces
[viajaron] para Tamgha y la
[316] Among the T'at'ars
gran ciudad de
was prince Zak'are, son of
Shahnshah. At daybreak
Ray (Rhe) y Qazvin (Xzuin)
they put their swords to
work, destroying the entire
group and throwing them
into the river. Only a few

para Awahr, a Zangian, a

Miana, de all a Tabriz
despus de doce das.


veintisis das cruzaron el

ro Erasx a Sisian para el
jefe de la [g369] T'at'ar
ejrcito, Baiju-noyin.

That same morning the

great Hulegu surrounded
the city of Baghdad,
stationing everyone an
arm's length

Ahora [Baiju] enviado

[Het'um] para Xocha-noyin,
un hombre que haba
dejado como su sustituto al
frente de las fuerzas.

from the wall [and telling

them] to demolish it and
guard well that none

Mientras tanto l mismo

llev a los jefes del ejrcito
y se fue antes de Mongke

escape. He sent the valiant


-Khan hermano Hulegu, que


[Xaghbakean] and others as viniendo hacia el Este.

emissaries to the caliph, so
that he would come out
obediently and pay taxes to El piadoso rey Het'um lleg
the Khan. [The caliph] gave a la casa del prncipe kurdo
en el pueblo Vardenis donde
a stern reply full of insults,
haba dejado sus bienes y
claiming to be lord of sea
and land, and boasting
about the [magical] banner
of Mahmet, saying: "It is
here and, if I touch it, you
and the entire world will be

equipaje y esperado el
regreso del sacerdote
Barsegh a quien haba
enviado a Batu, una vez
ms para l el mostrar

destroyed. You are a dog, a

Turk. Why should I pay
taxes to you or obey you?"

documentos y rdenes de
Mongke-Khan para que
[Batu] tambin escribiran
rdenes del mismo tipo.

However, Hulegu did not

become aggrevated
because of the insults nor
did he write any boasts. He

Entonces lleg a Het'um sus

vardapets: Yakob que haba
dejado [en Gran Armenia]
para el trabajo de la iglesia,

said: "God knows what He

does." Then he ordered the
wall demolished; and they
demolished it. He said to

y Mxit'ar (que haba

regresado de Batu antes de
que [ste] viaj a MongkeKhan); y otros obispos

rebuild it again and guard it

carefully. And they did so

y vardapets y sacerdotes y
prncipes cristianos.
[Het'um] todos ellos
recibieron con afecto por l
era un

[317] The city was full of

soldiers and people. For

seven days they stood on

the walls but no one shot
hombre agradable,
inteligente y sabe leer y
escribir. l dio dones [307]
como pudo y se los envi
fuera feliz. Dio sacerdotal
at them nor were swords
used, either by the citizens
or by the T'at'ar soldiers.
But after seven days the

prendas para adornar la

Iglesia, para la masa
[Het'um] grandemente
amado y la Iglesia. Recibi
todo el cristiano

began to request peace and pueblos y [G370] les

to come [to Hulegu] with
suplicaron que lidiar con
affection and submission.
otros cariosamente como
hermanos y miembros de
And Hulegu ordered that
this be done [that peace be
made]. Then countless
multitudes came through
the city

Cristo, como el Seor

mand: "En esto se
reconocer como mis
alumnos, que os amis los
unos a los otros

gates, climbing over each

other to see who would
reach him first. [Hulegu]
divided up among the

[Juan 13, 35]. "

those who came out and

ordered [the soldiers] to
take them far from the city
and to kill them secretly so
the others would not know.
They killed all of them.

[Rey Het'um] nos dijo

muchas cosas maravillosas
y desconocidas de los
pueblos brbaros, cosas
que haban visto
y odo hablar. l dijo: "Hay
una tierra ms all Ghatayik
'[Cathay, China] donde las
mujeres tienen las formas

Four days later Caliph

Must'asar [i.e., alMusta'sim] also emerged
with his two sons, with all
the grandees and
much gold, silver, and
precious stones as fitting
gifts for Hulegu and his
nobles. At first [Hulegu]
honored him,

las mujeres naturales,

mientras que los hombres
tienen las formas de perros.
Ellos son mudos, grande y
peludo. Los perros dejaron a
entrar en su tierra y los
perros cazan presas de las
que ellos y las mujeres
comen. Desde el comingling
de los perros y

las mujeres, los hombres

reproaching him for dallying nacen en forma de perros,
and not coming to him
las hembras en la forma de
quickly. But then he asked
la mujer.
the caliph: "What are you,
God or man?" And the
caliph responded: "I am a
man, and the servant of
God." Hulegu asked: "Well,
did God

"Hay, tambin, una isla de

arena donde un tipo de
hueso (que es muy
apreciado) crece como un
rbol. Se llama Dzknatam

tell you to insult me and to

call me a dog and not to
(Fish Tooth) y cuando uno
give food and drink to God's se corta, otro crece en su
dog? Now in hunger the dog lugar, como cuernos.
of God shall devour you."
And he [3 1 8] killed him
with his own hands. "That,"
he said, "is an honor for
because I killed you myself
and did not give you to
another for killing." He
ordered his own son [g381]
to slay

"Hay, tambin, una tierra

de muchos adoradores de
dolos que nombraron [308]
adoracin extremadamente
grandes dolos de barro
Shakmonia [Shakiamuni] y
decir que l es Dios por
3040 aos. Luego otro
treinta y cinco aos Duman

one of the caliph's sons

while he gave the other son
as a sacrifice to the Tigris
River, saying: "It did not
us but was our collaborator
in killing the senseless
ones." And he said: "This
man caused much blood to

(uno duman siendo 10.000)
despus de lo cual [G371]
se elimina [Shakiamuni] de
la divinidad. Luego hay otro
uno llamado Madri
[Matreya] de los cuales
tambin hicieron una
imagen de arcilla de
tamao increble en un
hermoso templo.

through pride. Let him go

and answer to God and may
we be innocent." He also
killed other grandees.
"Todo un pueblo, mujeres y
nios incluidos, son
sacerdotes. Se llaman
[Hulegu] then ordered the
Toyink ', y tienen sus
troops guarding the walls to cabezas
descend and kill the
inhabitants of the city, great y barbas afeitadas. Llevan
capas como cristianos
[sacerdotes], pero [sujetan]
small. [The Mongols]
en el pecho, no en el
organized as though
harvesting a field, and cut
Ellos son moderados en el
down countless,
comer y el matrimonio.
innumerable multitudes
[Hombres] casarse a los
of men, women, and
veinte aos de edad y hasta
children. For forty days they la edad de treinta y enfoque
did not stop. Then they
sus esposas, tres veces a la
grew weary and stopped
semana. A partir de los
treinta aos de edad de
Their hands grew tired; they cuarenta aos se les
took the others for sale.
acercan tres veces al mes;
They destroyed mercilessly. de
cuarenta a cincuenta, tres

However, Hulegu's wife, the veces al ao; y despus de

senior Khatun, named
los cincuenta, en absoluto ".
Doquz Khatun (To$mz
xat'un) was a Christian. She
spared the Christians of
Baghdad, Nestorians and
other denominations and
beseeched her husband not
to kill

El rey sabio relacionado

mucho ms acerca de los
pueblos brbaros que
omitimos, no sea que
parezca extrao a

them. And he spared them

with their goods and


[319] [Hulegu] ordered all

his soldiers to take the
goods and property of the
city. They all loaded up with
[g382], silver, precious
stones, pearls, and costly
garments, for it was an
extremely rich city,
unequalled on

[Hulegu] himself took as his

share the caliph's treasures
three thousand camel
loads; and there was no
counting the horses, mules
and asses. Other houses,
full of treasure, he sealed
with his ring and left

Ocho meses despus de

dejar Mongke-Khan, Het'um
lleg a Armenia. Esto fue en
AE 704 [1255].

59. La destruccin de la
tierra de los romanos [ron].

Ahora, al comienzo del ao

705 de la era armenia
[1256], Batu, el
comandante del norte,
mientras que [g372] su hijo
Sartakh estaba en ruta a
Mongke-Khan. [Sartakh] no
regres a casa para
enterrar a su padre
pero en cambio contina en
su viaje. M ongke-Khan fue
muy feliz en esto y se

For he was unable to take

everything, since there was
so much. Five hundred
fifteen years had elapsed
that city was built by the
Ishmaelite Jap'r in 194 A.E.
[A.D. 745] on the Tigris
River above Ctesiphon
(Katisbon), about five day's
journey above Babylon, and
it had taken everything into
its kingdom like an
insatiable blood-sucker,
swallowing up the entire
world. It was destroyed in
707 A.E. [1258] paying the
price for the blood it had
caused to flow and for the
evil it had wrought. When
its measure of sin was filled
before Omniscient God, He
repaid it justly, strictly, and
truthfully. And the [g383]
arrogant and fanatical

present ante [Sartakh]

honrndolo con muy
grandes regalos y darle la
autoridad de su padre, para
gobernar sobre todas las
tropas, as como
sobre todos los temas de su
reino. [Mongke-Khan dio
Sartakh la derecha] para
llamar a su segundo, y [la
derecha] para emitir
rdenes absolutamente.
Entonces l lo envi a casa.

Con [Sartakh] era el

prncipe piadoso de
Xach'en, Jalal, que haba ido
a revelar a su seor
supremo del
los desastres que haba
soportado desde ostikan
Arghun, de quien apenas se
haba escapado de la
muerte a causa de la

provocacin de los Tachiks,

le dio un documento [que le
faculta] para descartar su
kingdom of the Tachiks
ended after a duration of six principado independiente y
hundred and forty seven
que temer a nadie. Para
years. Baghdad was taken
Sartakh gustado [Jalal] a
causa de su cristianismo, ya
the first day of Lent, on
Monday of the month of
Nawasard, the twentieth of

que l tambin era un


the month by the moveable

[calendrical system].

Sartakh lleg a su
principado con venerable
gloria. Pero sus parientes
musulmanes, Barak'a y
[320] All this was narrated
to us by prince Hasan called Barkach'ay,
Prosh, son of the pious
dio [310] [Sartakh] veneno
Vasak, son of Haghbak,
y lo mat. Luego hubo gran
brother of Papak and
Mkdem, father of Mkdem,
Papak, Hasan and Vasak
who was an eyewitness to
events and also heard
about events with his own
ears, [a man] enjoying
great honor in the Khan's

61. The destruction of the

city of Martyropolis.

Upon the arrival of spring in

the same year that
Baghdad was destroyed,
the great Hulegu mustered

pesar entre todos los

cristianos. Incluso

Mongke-Khan lament al
igual que su hermano
Hulegu que gobern sobre
todas las partes del Oriente.

Sin embargo, antes de que

se haban producido estos
acontecimientos, el gran
general, el khan-como
Hulegu, dio una orden a
todos los
T'at'ar tropas en Oriente
cuyo jefe era Baiju-noyin
que [g373] dejan la tierra
de su residencia y
dominio, Mughan, y las
tierras de los Aghbanians /
Aghuans, armenios,
georgianos y e ir con todo

and entrusted them to his

younger son named
Jiasmut' and he sent the
great overseer of his house,

bolsas y equipaje a la tierra
de los romanos [ron] para
que [Hulegu] ocupan su
lugar en la buena tierra.

noyin, along with him to the

[Hulegu] haba venido con
area around the Euphrates
una gran multitud de tal
River for diversion, to loot,
manera que se dijo un mes
and to subjugate those
fue el tiempo apenas
regions [g384]. While they
suficiente para su
were passing the city of
tropas a vadear el ro
Martyropolis, called
Mufarghin, they summoned grande Jehun [Amu-Darya].
Ahora, algunos de sus
familiares de la zona de
people to submission, to
Batu y
provide troops, pay taxes
and live free from care. But Sartakh haba cruzado por
la Puerta Darband a este
the sultan in the city who
lado con muchos,
innumerables tropas,
of the line of the Edleants'
grandes hombres, jefes con
[note: the Ayyubids] did not
autoridad, cuyos nombres
accept this. Instead he
eran Balaxa, Tuthar y Ghuli
assembled soldiers,
quien incluso vimos, nietos
de Gengis-Khan
them, killed some of them,
a quien llaman los hijos de
returned to the city and
fortified himself against the Dios. Ellos empataron y
sencilla [para viajar] todos
T'at'ar army. [Jiasmut' and
los pasos en la ruta que
Iligia-nqym] left troops
viajado, porque ellos venan
around the city and [321]
por la compra.
went as far as the great
Euphrates River and to the
area of
Trajeron muchas desgracias
Mesopotamia, took
a todas las tierras a travs
whatever they found as
de recaudacin de

booty and returned again to impuestos [311] y el

the troops besieging
saqueo, comer y beber
trayendo insaciablemente y
Then they went to Hulegu
todo el mundo a las puertas
and told him what they had de la muerte. Adems de
done and about the city's
las numerosas [impuestos],
el mal y qubchur
{xap'ch'ur) [de Traductores
nota: se cree mal para
[Hulegu] sent many soldiers haber sido un impuesto
against the city, appointing sobre las grandes animales
as their head a certain
con cuernos; qubchur era
Chaghatai, a general from
impuesto sobre las ovejas.]
T'at'ar army, and from the
que Arghun haba
Christians, prince Prhosh
recaudado, Hulegu orden
called Hasan, brave and
que el impuesto llamado
distinguished men. They
t'aghar ser recogido de
cada persona que aparece
and besieged the city on all en el registro real. De tal
sides preventing entrance
exigieron cien litrs de
or exit.
grano, cincuenta litrs de
[Chaghatai and Prhosh]
went and battled forcefully,
installing ballistas and
catapults. They also cut off
water which entered the
city. The citizens likewise
fought them forcefully,
killing many T'at'ars and
many of
the Christians with them.

vino, dos litrs de arroz y

cascabillo de tres capturas
se Spitak [moneda de
plata], uno de flecha
[g374], por no hablar de la
sobornos; y de veinte
animales exigieron una,
adems de veinte spitaks.
De los que no podan pagar
tom a sus hijos e hijas
[como] el pago. Y as
acosados y volc todo el

Thus the city withstood the
siege for more than two
Ahora el ejrcito T'at'ar, a
years while hunger grew
more acute within. They ate pesar de que estaba
enfadado por tener que
clean and unclean animals
dejar la tierra de su
and then started to eat
dominio, sin embargo, se
people [g385] when there
was no more food. The
a regaadientes, de temor
strong ate
[de Hulegu], porque le
the weak. When the [supply tenan miedo en extremo,
of] poor people was
como si fuera Khan. As que
exhausted they turned
se fueron
against one another.
a la tierra de los romanos.
Fathers ate sons,
El sultn de Ron ofreci la
and women ate their
guerra en contra de ellos,
daughters; and they [322]
pero no pudo resistir. En su
did not spare the fruit of
their wombs. Lovers
huy a la isla de Alayia. [Los
renounced their
mongoles] poner a los
loved ones and friends,
distritos de la espada del
their acquaintances. And
reino del sultn al [312] el
the food supply had so
diminished that one litr of
y Ponto, matar y
deslumbrante. Destruyeron
flesh sold for seventy
las ciudades de Karin
dahekans. Men and food
[Erzerum], Eznka [Erzinjan]
were entirely exhausted,
and not just there [in the
[Sebastia], Cesarea y Konya
city], but
y los distritos circundantes.
danger threatened many
Entonces, el envo de sus
other districts for those who mercancas de nuevo a sus
were besieging the city
harassed the land already
a fin de Hulegu, se

subjugated by the T'at'ars

with tax collecting and with
conveying food and drink
for them. Many people died

extendieron, atacando en
varias direcciones.

El rey de los armenios,

from the extreme cold of
the snow which covered the Het'um, fue junto con ellos.
Haba venido de Mongkemountains in wintertime.
Khan, Batu, Sartakh
Then the secure land of
Sasun came out in service
to the T'at'ars, placing their
hopes on prince Sadun, son
Sherbarok' and grandson of
a Christian who was greatly
esteemed by

y Hulegu y estaba con

Baiju-noyin que envi
[Het'um] con muchos
soldados de su pas, Cilicia,
a la ciudad
de Sis. [Het'um] tenido
[G375] asisti Baiju-noyin y
las tropas con l con
numerosos regalos y realiz

servicio militar, tanto es as

que una carta expresando
Hulegu. For he was a
la satisfaccin y alabando a
personable man and a
l se escribi para Hulegu.
valiant fighter whom Hulegu Ahora
appointed among the
el gran Hulegu, desde que
era un militar, reuni a toda
champions. The district of
la multitud de tropas y se
Sasun was given to him, but dirigi al
later they broke the oath
pas de los Asesinos
and killed many of them.
(Mulheds), Alamut, y se
apoder de ella. Para las
tropas reales haban
Now when the city was
asediado durante muchos
emptied of people because meses,
of [g386] severe hunger,
[the Mongols] took it and
ya que los hijos de Ala-alkilled
Din [(Aladin) de Alamut]
haba matado a su padre y
those survivors they found,

faint from hunger. However

they sent to Hulegu the
sultan and his brother.
[Hulegu] [323] ordered
them killed by the sword as
beings undeserving of life
and guilty of the bloodshed
the entire multitude killed
on their account.

But they did not pull down

the churches or [disturb]
the countless relics of the
saints which Saint Marut'a

se haba ido a Hulegu.

orden que todas las
fortalezas seguras en
Alamut ser derribadas.
Luego orden a todos sus
soldados y
todos sujetos a ellos para
montar en contra de la gran
ciudad del reino Tachik
llamado Bagdad, que es
situado entre Irn y Siria.
Porque an no haban

[313] El califa que se

gathered from all peoples
sentaba en Bagdad era de
and deposited there. For the la lnea de Mahmet (por
Christians in the army told
califa significa
the T'at'ars about their
descendiente), y todo el
venerability. And they
themselves even related
many visions of saints,
bright light rising over the
walls, and
luminous men appearing.

The city was taken in 709

A.E. [1260] during the great
forty day feast of Lent.

Sultanes musulmanes le
obedecieron, ya sean
turcos, kurdos, iranes,
elamitas u otras
nacionalidades. [El califa]
el comandante en jefe de
sus dominios, y Inscrito a l
por tratado y lo honraron
como descendiente
y relativa de su legislador,
su primer engaador. Para
esta fortaleza [G376]
(ghalan) fue el mayor

62. Concerning what was

done in Mesopotamia and
Lower Syria.

jefes de la regin de Batu

[norte]: Qui (Ghul), Balagha,
Tuthar, Ghataghan, para
todos honrados Hulegu
un khan; ellos le
obedecieron y porque le
tenan miedo.

Once again the great

Hulegu assembled the
multitude of his forces and
went to Syria, to Aleppo,
and Harran, to Edessa,
Amida and other districts,
raiding in various directions.
He himself besieged
Aleppo, to

60. La destruccin de

fight with the city. The

sultan in Aleppo, Yusuf (who
was of the line of Saladin,
who destroyed Jerusalem)

En el ao 707 de la era
armenia [1258], MongkeKhan, el gran rey de los
reyes de la tierra,

resisted [Hulegu] [324] and

did not submit; rather he
closed the city's gates
[g387] against him and

conquistador del mundo,

reunido una innumerable
serie y se fue a un pas
lejano en el sureste contra
un pueblo

forcefully. The great Hulegu

besieged the city on all
sides, captured it after
many days, and then

llamado los Nayngas. Para

este pueblo se haba
rebelado de l y no le
pagan impuestos como el
resto de las tierras. los

destroying it.

Nayngas eran hombres

belicosos, enriquecidos por

Then the sultan and his

grandees who had secured
themselves in the fortress
began to plead with him
come out in submission.
[Hulegu] accepted this and
ordered the destruction of
the city halted, that they
submit to him and pay

He went also to Damascus

where [the citizens] came
before him with many gifts
and great sums of money.
received them
affectionately and then
captured in his name Hems,
Hama, and many other
cities. He sent
many troops against the
secure city of Mardin which
they were barely able to
capture after many days.

su tierra; y eran adoradores

de dolos. Adems se
devorado sus viejos
hombres y mujeres. Todo el
clan de los hijos, nietos y
bisnietos reunira
[314] y que la carcasa de
sus padres ancianos a
travs de la boca. Ellos
quitar la carne y los huesos,
la cocina
y comerlos, sin dejar
sobras. Fuera de la piel que
hacen una bolsa que se
llenan con el vino y desde
que todos ellos beber con
los botones [del difunto]
miembro masculino. Sin
embargo, slo los familiares
hacen esto, y no otro,
ya que solo fueron
engendrados [G377] por el
difunto y es slo de ellos a
comer y beber de l. El
se encierran en oro y beben
de ella durante todo un ao.

also killed many brigands,

who were a danger to all
peoples and travelers.
[Such were the brigands]

Mongke-Khan fue contra

ellos en guerra, aplastado y
los subyugados por la
fuerza. Pero en el camino a

Ghacharik' [who were] of

dolores de la muerte se

Turkish nationality [and

lived] fortified in dense
forests and in fastnesses
of access. They were a
countless multitude, not
subject to anyone, an
assemblage gathered from
all regions,
rascals and corrupters
especially of Christians. He
killed many of them and
enslaved even more, [325]
leaving some twenty
thousand soldiers as
guards, [Hulegu] returned
to the plain of Hemian to

apoder de l, y muri. Su
hermano Arigh Boke (Arik
'Bugh) se apoder del

Ahora Hulegu (que era su

hermano y haba sido
nombrado jefe de las tropas
en el este por l) orden
todos los sujetos a que se
vaya en contra de la capital
Tachik, Bagdad, que fue la
sede del dominio Tachik.

El rey que estaba sentado

en Bagdad no fue llamado
sultn o melik como los
autcratas turcos, iranes o

Now the sultan of Egypt

gathered many troops and
came against the guards of
the T'at'ar army whose

habitualmente son, pero

califa, es decir, un
descendiente de Mahmet.
La gran Hulegu iba en
contra del califa con un

was a man named KetBugha (K'it'bugha), a

Christian and a Naiman by
nationality [g388], a man of

multitud incontable
[compuesta] de todos los
pueblos sometidos a l.
Esta [315] se hizo en el
otoo y el

respect who warred

valiantly against the sultan.
But he was killed with his
entire army because the

temporadas de invierno,
debido a la severa calor de
ese pas [en el verano].
Antes de su partida [g378] l
orden Baiju-noyin y las

were very numerous. They

tropas con l en la tierra de
battled in the plain of Mt.
[el sultn de] ron para ir y
T'aborakan. Among Ketrodean la gran
Bugha's warriors were many
Ro Tigris en la que se
Armenians and Georgians
construy la ciudad de
who were killed with him.
Bagdad, para que nadie
This took place in 709 A.E.
huye en barco desde la
ciudad de Ctesifonte o

63. The death of pious

prince Jalal.

Now the king of the

Georgians, Dawit' son of
Lasha, who was subject to
the T'at'ars was placed into
and [326] he had
mortgaged cities and
districts but was still unable
to satiate the evil, leech-like
appetite [of
the Mongols]. So fraught,
[Dawit'] fled, but was
unable to take along his
wife, Queen Gonts'a
[KaxiberidzeAwagean] and [g389] his
newborn son, Demetre. He
took along only his firstborn

a la ms segura Basora. De
inmediato obedecieron la
orden, empatando puentes
de pontones a travs del
los ros y se hunden entre
[la superficie de la] ro y su
cama vallas resistentes con
ganchos de hierro y tubos
de manera que
nadie salir de la piscina de
la ciudad sin que lo sepa.

Ahora califa Must'asar [Nota

del traductor: de hecho, el
ltimo califa era alMusta'sim], que resida en
la ciudad
con orgullo y soberbia
enviado muchas tropas en
contra de aquellos que
guarda el ro. [Los hombres
del califa] estaban bajo
el mando de un jefe
llamado Dawdar [Davat-dar,
"rector"], ostikan de su

son, Giorgi.

Now the great ostikan

Arghun mustered numerous
troops and went after the
fugitive King Dawit', to
him. Unable to reach him,
[Arghun] destroyed and
enslaved many Georgian
districts. Furthermore, he
destroyed and demolished
the mausoleums of the
Georgian kings at Gelat'i.
Similarly, he pitilessly
the kat'oghikosate at

But suddenly a detachment

of Georgian cavalry
appeared and exhibited
great valor, for they killed
many of
Arghun's soldiers like fire
burning through reeds
and then departed safe and
sound. There were about
hundred of them.

casa. Dawdar fue

y primero triunfado,
matando a unos tres mil
T'at'ars. Cuando cay la
noche se sentaba comiendo
y bebiendo sin
un cuidado. Y envi
mensajeros a Califa
Must'asar diciendo: "Yo
derrot a todos ellos, y
maana lo har
acabar con los pocos
supervivientes ".

Ahora el ejrcito astuto e

ingenioso T'at'ar pas la
totalidad [g379] armar
noche y organizador. Ellos
rodeado el ejrcito Tachik.
[316] Entre los T'at'ars era
prncipe Zak'are, hijo de
Shahnshah. Al amanecer
pusieron sus espadas al
trabajo, la destruccin de
todo el grupo y tirarlos al
ro. Slo unos pocos

Esa misma maana la gran

Hulegu rodeado la ciudad
de Bagdad, el
estacionamiento de

Arghun became frightened

and did not dare to enter
and search places so
brazenly. He returned to
planning wickedness in his
heart. He seized the
Georgian queen Gonts'a,
her daughter Xoshak', the
prince Shahnshah, [327]
Hasan Jalal, the lord of
Xachen, and many others
because of debts and taxes
[These people] gave much
treasure and barely saved
their lives.

But the pious and virtuous

prince Jalal was harassed by
impossible tortures, as they
demanded more taxes
from him than he could pay
[g390]. They put wood on
his neck and irons on his
feet. They dealt with him in

this manner because of his

strong Christianity, for all
the Muslims were inimical

longitud cada uno un brazo

de la pared [y dicindoles]
para demolerlo y proteger
as que ninguno escape.
Envi el valiente Prhosh
[Xaghbakean] y otros como
emisarios al califa, por lo
que iba a venir a cabo
obedientemente y pagar
impuestos para
Khan. [El califa] dio una
respuesta popa llena de
insultos, que dice ser el
seor de mar y tierra, y la
sobre la bandera [mgica]
de Mahmet, diciendo: "Es
aqu, y si lo toco, t y todo
el mundo va a ser
destruido. Eres un perro, un
turco. Por qu debo pagar
impuestos a usted o usted
obedecer? "

Sin embargo, no lleg a ser

Hulegu aggrevated debido a
los insultos ni escribi
ningn alardes. Se limit a
dijo: "Dios sabe lo que
hace." Luego orden el
muro demolido; y
demolieron ella. l dice que
reconstruirla de nuevo y
gurdela cuidadosamente.

to him and urged Arghun to

Y lo hicieron [G380].

kill him, saying: "He more

[than others] is hostile to
[317] La ciudad estaba
our religion and laws." For
Arghun also was Muslim. He llena de soldados y
personas. Durante siete
took [Jalal] to Qazvin.
das se encontraban en las
Meanwhile [Jalal] bore
paredes, pero nadie
everything contentedly, for dispararon flechas
he was extremely well
versed in
Scripture, fasting and
praying, modest in food and
drink, and desirous of a
en ellas, ni se utilizan
martyr's death.
espadas, ya sea por los
ciudadanos o por los
soldados T'at'ar. Pero
Now Jalal's daughter
despus de siete das de los
Rhuzuk'an, wife of Boraciudadanos
noyin (Charmaghun's son,
foremost leader of the
T'at'ars) went
to Hulegu's wife Doquz
Khatun (Toghuz xat'un) to
free her father from
Arghun's clutches. When
the impious
ostikan leared this he
immediately sent
executioners and had the
blessed and just man killed
during the night.
The impious executioners
went and tore [Jalal's] body
into pieces like the blessed
martyr Yakovk in whose

comenz a solicitar la paz y

por venir [a Hulegu] con
afecto y sumisin.

Y Hulegu orden que esto

se haga [que se haga la
paz]. Entonces incontables
multitudes vinieron a travs
de la ciudad
puertas, subir unos sobre
otros para ver quin sera
llegar a l primero. [Hulegu]
dividido entre los soldados
los que sali y orden [los
soldados] para llevarlos

torments [Jalal] shared. May

he [328] achieve his crown
in Christ, our God. So
perished the unblemished
pious man, ending his life,
keeping the [g391] faith, in
710 A.E. [1261]. His son,
At'abek, sent trusted men
go and steal his father's
remains for they had been
thrown into a dry well. The
Iranian in whose home
had been fettered had
observed divine signs over
him, since as soon as they
killed [Jalal] a dazzling light
descended protecting his
remains (which were thrown
into the well), so that
afterwards he be buried in
The Iranian showed the
body to those searching for
it, and related to them the
wondrous apparition.

They joyously gathered the

relics and took [Jalal] to his
home, burying him in his
ancestral cemetary at
Gandzasar monastery.

lejos de la ciudad y matar

en secreto para que
los otros no lo sabran.
Mataron a todos ellos.

Cuatro das ms tarde el

califa Must'asar [es decir,
al-Musta'sim] tambin
surgi con sus dos hijos,
con todos los grandes y
mucho oro, plata y piedras
preciosas como ajuste
regalos para Hulegu y sus
nobles. Al principio [Hulegu]
lo honr,
reprochndole coquetear y
no venir a l rpidamente.
Pero luego le pregunt al
Califa: "Qu eres,
? Dios o el hombre "Y el
califa respondi:" Yo soy un
hombre, y el siervo de Dios
"Hulegu preguntaron:".
Bueno, lo hizo Dios
decirle a insultarme y
llamarme un perro y no dar
comida y bebida para el
perro de Dios? Ahora en el
hambre que el perro
de Dios os consumir. "Y l
[3 1 8] lo mat con sus
propias manos." Eso ", dijo,"
es un honor para ti,
porque yo te mat yo

Furthermore, those bringing mismo y no te doy a otro

the relics back also saw that para matar. "Orden a su
same luminous vision above propio hijo [G381] para
the relics as they travelled.
uno de los hijos del califa
mientras l dio otro hijo
como un sacrificio al ro
[Jalal's] son, At'abek,
Tigris, diciendo: "No daa
occupied his father's
principality on the order of
Hulegu and Arghun.
[At'abek] was a

. nosotros, pero fue nuestro

colaborador en matar a los
insensatos "Y l dijo:" Este
hombre caus mucha
sangre fluya

man raised in piety,

modest, prudent, and
prayerful, like a holy hermit, por orgullo. Vaya, y
for his parents had brought responder a Dios y puede
him up that
que sea inocente. "l
tambin mat a otros
way. Hulegu killed prince
Zak'are (son of Shahnshah), magnates.
falsely accusing him.

[329] In this year [1261],

lord Nerses the meek
kat'oghikos of
Aghbania/Aghuania passed
to Christ, having
occupied the kat'oghikosatc
for twenty-seven years. He
was succeeded by lord
Step'anos, a youth [g392].

[Hulegu] luego orden a las

tropas que custodiaban las
paredes a descender y
matar a los habitantes de la
ciudad, grande y
pequea. [Los mongoles]
organizados como si la
cosecha de un campo y
reducir incontables,
innumerables multitudes
de los hombres, mujeres y
nios. Durante cuarenta
das no se detuvieron.
Entonces ellos se cansaron
y dejaron de matar.

64. The death of prince

Shahnshah and his son


The great prince

Shahnshah, son of Zak'are,
gave his
authority/principality to his
senior son, Zak'are, for he
had many sons: Zak'are,
Awag, Sargis, Artashir and
Iwane. He himself looked
after his home. Zak'are
went to
war among the T'at'ar
troops and displayed such
brave manliness that he
was honored by the great
and by ostikan Arghun.

Now it happened that

Zak'are was with Arghun
and his many troops in
Georgia. Unbeknownst to
Arghun and
the other soldiers, Zak'are
went to see his wife, who
was with her father, Sargis,
prince of Uxtik', one of the
rebels with the Georgian
king, Dawit'. When Arghun
learned about this he
notified Hulegu who himself

Sus manos se cansaron; se

llevaron a los otros para la
venta. Destruyeron sin

Sin embargo, la esposa de

Hulegu, la alta Khatun,
llamado Doquz Khatun
(Para xat'un $ mz) era
cristiano. Ella
escatimado los cristianos de
Bagdad, nestorianos y otras
denominaciones y suplic a
su marido de no matar
ellos. Y l los salv con sus
bienes y propiedades.

[319] [Hulegu] orden a

todos sus soldados para
tomar los bienes y
propiedades de la ciudad.
Todos ellos cargados con
[G382], plata, piedras
preciosas, perlas y prendas
costosas, porque era una
ciudad muy rica, inigualable

[Hulegu] mismo tom como

su cuota de tesoros del
califa - tres mil camellos

ordered that [Zak'are] be

taken shackled. He heaped
other false accusations
upon him, ordered [330]
killed, dismembered and
thrown to the dogs.

When [Zak'are's] father,

Shahnshah, heard the bad
news in the village of
Odzun, he became heartbroken and
died of sorrow. They took
him and buried him in
K'obayr, which his wife had
bought from the Armenians

65. Concerning the great

war which occurred
between Hulegu and Berke.

cargados; y no haba
contando los caballos,
mulas y asnos. Otras casas,
llenas de tesoros, que sell
con su anillo y guardias de
Para l era incapaz de
tomar todo, ya que no era
mucho. Haban transcurrido
cinco aos desde que ciento
que la ciudad fue construida
por el ismaelita Jap'r en 194
AE [AD 745] en el ro Tigris
arriba Ctesifonte
(Katisbon), el viaje
alrededor de cinco da por
encima de Babilonia, y
haban tomado todo en su
reino como un
insaciable chupasangre,
tragndose todo el mundo.
Fue destruido en 707 AE
[1258] el pago de la sangre
precio de la sangre que
haba causado a fluir y para
el mal que haba hecho.
Cuando su medida del
pecado se llen

antes Omnisciente Dios, l

pag con justicia, en
The conquerors and great
sentido estricto, y con la
generals in the East and the verdad. Y el [G383]
North were relations of
arrogante y fantica
Mongke-Khan, who had died

after the Nengrana war. His

two brothers contested with
each other concerning the
kingdom; they were

reino de los Tachiks termin

despus de una duracin de
seiscientos cuarenta y siete
aos. Bagdad fue tomada el

named Ar'igh Boke (Arik'

Bugha) and Qubilai
(Ghopila). Qubilai
triumphed, killing and
threatening the forces

el primer da de la
Cuaresma, el lunes del mes
de Nawasard, los veinte del
mes por el mvil
[sistema calendrico].

of Ar'igh Boke, and causing

him to flee the land, while
he himself ruled.

[320] Todo esto fue narrado

a nosotros por el prncipe
Hasan llama Prosh, hijo de
Hulegu, who was their
los piadosos Vasak, hijo de
brother and Mongke -Khan's Haghbak,
brother, aided Qubilai, while
hermano del Papak y
Berke, who was in the
Mkdem, padre de Mkdem,
Papak, Hasan y Vasak que
aided Ar'igh Boke. There
fue testigo ocular de la
was yet another relation, a
eventos y tambin
commander named Alghu,
escucharon acerca de los
who was the son of
eventos con sus propios
Chaghatai-Khan (eldest son odos, [un hombre] que
of [331] Chingiz-Khan).
disfrutan de gran honor en
Alghu fought with Berke, for los ojos del Khan.
at their urging,
Mongke-Khan had killed his
family. [Alghu] sent to
Hulegu saying that he
would aid him on this side
of the
Darband Gates. Now great
Hulegu arose, taking the
grandee and most glorious

61. La destruccin de la
ciudad de Martyropolis.

princes like himself who

with him fromBatu's and
Berke's area: Qui (Ghul),
Balaghai (Balaxa), Tutar
[g394] (Tut'ar), Meghan, the
of Ghul, Chaghatai
(Ghataghan) and many
others with their troops, and
mercilessly cut them down,
old and
young and eliminated them
with the sword, since they
were with him and meddled
in the authority with one

A la llegada de la primavera
en el mismo ao en que
Bagdad fue destruido, el
gran Hulegu reuni tropas
y les ha confiado a su hijo
menor llamado Jiasmut 'y
envi el gran mayordomo
de su casa, Iligianoyin, junto con l a la zona
que rodea el ro Eufrates
para el desvo, a saquear, y
para subyugar a los

regiones [g384]. Mientras

que estaban pasando la
another. A few of them
ciudad de Martyropolis,
escaped by a hairsbreadth
llamado Mufarghin,
(without their women,
children or goods) and went convocaron el
la gente a la sumisin, para
fugitives to Berke and other

proporcionar tropas, pagan

impuestos y vivan libres de
cuidado. Pero el sultn en la
ciudad que era

When Berke heard about

this, he assembled
countless troops and came
to exact blood-vengeance

de la lnea de la Edleants
'[nota: la Ayyubids] no
acept esto. En vez reuni a
los soldados, perseguido

Hulegu for his relations.

Now the great Hulegu
similarly assembled a
powerful army, dividing it
into three

ellos, mataron a algunos de

ellos, volvieron a la ciudad y
se fortific contra el ejrcito
T'at'ar. [Jiasmut 'y
Iligia-nqym] dejado tropas
alrededor de la ciudad y

fronts. One was entrusted

to the son of Abaqa-Khan.
He gathered with him
ostikan Arghun and sent
through Khurasan to help
Alghu from that direction.
He assembled one
detachment at the Alan
Gate [Darial

[321] fue tan lejos como el

gran ro Eufrates y para el
rea de
Mesopotamia, tom todo lo
que encontraron como botn
y regresaron de nuevo a las
tropas que sitiaban

Luego fueron a Hulegu y le

contaron lo que haban
Pass], and he took the other hecho y sobre la rebelda de
with him and entered south la ciudad.
of the Darband Gate; for
these are the two
entrances the Alan and
the Darband Gates. He
destroyed part of Berke's
area, reaching as far as
[332] the

[Hulegu] enviado muchos

soldados contra la ciudad,
nombrando como su cabeza
de cierta Chaghatai, un
general de la

great and fathomless river

called T'erk'n Et'il [Volga
River], a reservoir of many
rivers which courses like a

T'at'ar ejrcito y de los

cristianos, prncipe Prhosh
llama Hasan, valientes y
hombres distinguidos. ellos

sea and enters the Caspian


Berke came against him

with a mighty force and
they joined battle by the
great river. Many fell on
both sides
but more on Hulegu's side,
since they chilled from the
coldness of the snow, and

y siti la ciudad en todos los

lados que impiden la
entrada o salida.

[Chaghatai y Prhosh] fueron

y lucharon con fuerza, la
instalacin de ballestas y
catapultas. Tambin
cortaron la
agua que entr en la
ciudad. Asimismo, los

froze to death. Many fell

the river [g395].

ciudadanos que lucharon

con fuerza, matando a
muchos T'at'ars y muchos
los cristianos con ellos.

Then Hulegu departed,

passing through the
Darband Gate. One of
Hulegu's commanders, a
brave and warlike

As, la ciudad resisti el

asedio durante ms de dos
aos, mientras que el
hambre se hizo ms agudo
man named Siraman (son of dentro. Ellos comieron
Chormaghun, the first
T'at'ar general) remained
animales puros e impuros y
after the retreat with his
luego comenzaron a comer
a la gente [G385] cuando
no haba ms comida. La
and battled Berke's forces.
fuerte comieron
The fugitives took refuge
with him and survived.
el dbil. Cuando se agot el
Resisting mildly, [Siraman]
[suministro de] los pobres
se volvieron unos contra
otros. Padres comieron
went out through the
Darband Gate. They left
guards at Darband and
y las mujeres comieron a
went to their winter
sus hijas; y ellos [322] no
quarters in the
perdon el fruto de sus
vientres. Amantes
Mughan plain.
renunciaron a su
Thus they warred against
each other for five years,
from 710-715 of the
Armenian Era [1261-1266],

seres queridos y amigos,

sus conocidos. Y el
suministro de alimentos por
lo que haba disminuido de
que uno de Litr humana

mustering troops each year carne vendida durante

and clashing, but only in the setenta dahekans. Los
wintertime, since they were hombres y los alimentos

unable to fight in the

summer due to the [333]
heat and the flooding of the

In these days the great

Hulegu commenced
building an extensive and
populous city in the Darhni
plain. And

estaban completamente
agotados, y no slo all [en
la ciudad], pero
peligro amenazaba muchos
otros distritos de los que
estaban sitiando la ciudad
acosada la tierra ya
subyugado por los T'at'ars
con la recaudacin de
impuestos y con el
transporte de alimentos y
bebidas para ellos. Mucha
gente muri

he levied taxes on all his

subjects to bring wood from
all parts for building the
desde el fro extremo de la
homes and mansions of this nieve que cubra las
montaas en invierno.
city, which he constructed
in a cool place as his
summer residence.
Entonces la tierra segura de
Sasun sali en el servicio a
la T'at'ars, poniendo sus
Men and animals were
esperanzas en prncipe
oppressed by the severe
and harsh [g396] overseers, Sadun, hijo de
who were harsher yet than
Sherbarok 'y nieto de Sadun
Pharaoh over the sons of
Israel. For they would yoke
one hundred oxen on all
sides of a log and still were
unable to move it because
of its size and thickness.
Men and animals died from
being mercilessly forced
long and difficult roads,
over rivers and mountains.

[Artsruni / Mahkanaberdeli],
un cristiano que fue muy
estimado por
Hulegu. Para l era un
hombre agradable y un
luchador valiente quien
Hulegu nombrado entre los
campeones. El distrito de
Sasun le fue dada, pero
ms tarde se rompi el

juramento y mat a muchos

de ellos.

He also built huge homes

for the idols, assembling
there all craftsmen of stone,
Ahora, cuando la ciudad
wood, and pictures. For
estaba vaca de gente
debido a [G386] hambre
is a people called toyink'
severa, [los mongoles] la
who are sorcerers and
tom y mat
witches who, by magical
los supervivientes que
means, make horses,
encontraron, dbil por el
camels, the
hambre. Sin embargo,
dead and felt pictures
enviaron a Hulegu el sultn
speak. They are all priests
y su hermano.
with shaven heads and
[Hulegu] [323] orden los
beards and wear yellow
mataron a espada como
cloaks on the
seres indignos de la vida y
breast. They worship
culpables de la matanza de
everything, especially
toda la multitud mat en su
Shakmonia and Madri.

Pero ellos no tiran abajo las

iglesias o [] molestar las
innumerables reliquias de
They deceived [Hulegu] and los santos que San Marut'a
said that they would make
[334] him immortal; and he
lived, moved, and
obtenida de todos los
pueblos y depositado all.
mounted [his horse]
Para los cristianos en el
according to their words
ejrcito dijo a los T'at'ars
and thoroughly gave
sobre su
himself over to their will.
Many times
venerabilidad. Y ellos
mismos incluso relacionan
during the day he bowed to muchas visiones de santos,
the ground to their leader,
la luz brillante que se

and ate from the dedicatory levanta sobre las paredes, y

altar in the house of idols
los hombres luminosos que
and esteemed it more than aparecen.
any of them. Therefore he
especially adorned their
temple of idols [g397].
La ciudad fue tomada en
Now [Hulegu's] senior wife,
Doquz Khatun, was a
Christian and although she
frequently reproached him,

709 AE [1260] durante la

gran fiesta de cuarenta das
de la Cuaresma.

was unable to free him from

the sorcerers. However, she 62. En cuanto a lo que se
herself lived piously, aiding hizo en la Mesopotamia y el
Bajo Siria.
and supporting the

In 714 A.E. [1265] a great

sign appeared in the sky, a
star moving from the north
to the east and south. Long
column-like rays of light
appeared in front of it, but
the star was dim and
moved rapidly. It appeared
for one
full month, and then no
more, like a comet which
appears from time to time
moving west to north. But
star had very long rays

Una vez ms el gran Hulegu

reuni la multitud de sus
fuerzas y se fue a Siria,
Aleppo, Damasco
y Harran, a Edesa, Amida y
otros distritos, atacando en
varias direcciones. l mismo
siti Alepo, a
luchar con la ciudad. El
sultn en Aleppo, Yusuf
(que era de la lnea de
Saladino, quien destruy

which grew daily until the

star was lost.

In the same year Hulegu

and his wife, Doquz Khatun,
died. [Hulegu's] son AbaqaKhan took his place in 714
A.E. [1265] and married the
daughter of the Byzantine
emperor [Michael
Palaeologus] [g398]. Her
name was

resistido [Hulegu] [324] y

no presenten; en lugar de
cerrar las puertas de la
ciudad [G387] contra l y
enrgicamente. La gran
Hulegu siti la ciudad en
todos los lados, capturado
despus de muchos das, y
luego comenz

Despoina (Tespina) Khatun,

and she [335] went [to
Abaqa] in venerable
magnificence; the patriarch

Entonces el sultn y sus

grandes que haban
asegurado a s mismos en
la fortaleza comenz a
suplicarle y

Antioch and other bishops

travelled with her. The
bishop of Erznka, lord
Sargis, and vardapet Bener

salido en la sumisin.
[Hulegu] aceptado esto y
orden la destruccin de la
ciudad se detuvo, que

[the groups]. Having

baptised Abaqa-Khan, they
gave the girl to him as a

[Abaqa] mustered an
extremely large force and
went to fight the army of
Berke which had crossed
the Darband Gate and
encamped by the shore of

someterse a l y pagar

Se dirigi tambin a
Damasco, donde [los
ciudadanos] vinieron antes
que l con muchos regalos
y grandes sumas de dinero.
recibieron los capturaron
cariosamente y luego en
su nombre Hems, Hama, y
muchas otras ciudades. l

the Kur River. They were

positioned on one bank and
others were on the other
bank, fortifying the shore of
the river with barricades
and very deep ditches

muchas tropas contra la
ciudad segura de Mardin,
que apenas eran capaces
de capturar despus de
muchos das. l

Tambin matado a muchos

bandidos, que eran un
peligro para todos los
pueblos y los viajeros.
[Gandzakets'i's History ends [Tales eran los bandidos]
here. The reason for the
abrupt termination is not
Ghacharik '[que eran] de
nacionalidad turca [y vivi]
fortificada en bosques
densos y fortalezas difciles
de acceso. Eran una
multitud incontable, no est
sujeto a nadie, una
asamblea reunida de todas
las regiones,
sinvergenzas y corruptores
especialmente de los
cristianos. Mat a muchos
de ellos y esclavizado an
ms, [325] y,
dejando unos veinte mil
soldados, guardias,
[Hulegu] regresado a la
llanura de Hemian al

Ahora, el sultn de Egipto

reuni a muchas tropas y

fue contra los guardias del

ejrcito T'at'ar cuyo jefe
era un hombre llamado KetBugh (K'it'bugha), un
cristiano y un Naiman por
nacionalidad [g388], un
hombre de gran
el respeto que luch
valientemente contra el
sultn. Pero l fue
asesinado con todo su
ejrcito, porque los egipcios
eran muy numerosos. Ellos
lucharon en la llanura del
Monte T'aborakan. Entre los
guerreros de Ket-Bugh
eran muchos
Armenios y georgianos que
fueron asesinados con l.
Esto tuvo lugar en 709 AE

63. La muerte del prncipe

piadoso Jalal.

Ahora el rey de los

georgianos, hijo Dawit 'de
Lasha, que estaba sujeto a
las T'at'ars se coloc en una

y [326] que haban

hipotecado ciudades y
distritos, pero an no ha
podido saciar el mal,
sanguijuela como el apetito
los mongoles]. As cargado,
[Dawit '] huy, pero fue
incapaz de tomar a lo largo
de su esposa, la reina
Gonts'a [KaxiberidzeAwagean] y [g389] a su hijo
recin nacido, Demetre.
Tom slo a lo largo de su
hijo primognito, Giorgi.

Ahora la gran ostikan

Arghun reuni numerosas
tropas y fue tras el fugitivo
rey Dawit ', para atrapar
l. Incapaz de llegar a l,
[Arghun] destruido y
esclavizado a muchos
distritos de Georgia.
Adems, fieramente
destruido y derribado los
mausoleos de los reyes
georgianos en Gelat'i. Del
mismo modo, se destruy
sin piedad
el kat'oghikosate en

Pero, de repente, un

destacamento de caballera
georgiana apareci y
mostr gran valor, ya que
mat a muchos de
Los soldados de Arghun como el fuego quema a
travs de las caas - y
luego parti sano y salvo.
Haba alrededor de cuatro
cientos de ellos.

Arghun se asust y no se
atrevi a entrar y buscar
lugares tan
descaradamente. Regres a
la planificacin de la
maldad en su corazn.
Agarr la reina Gonts'a
georgiana, su hija Xoshak ',
la gran
prncipe Shahnshah, [327]
Hasan Jalal, el seor de
Xachen, y muchos otros a
causa de las deudas y los
impuestos [deban].
[Estas personas] dieron
mucho tesoro y apenas
salvaron sus vidas.

Pero el prncipe piadoso y

virtuoso Jalal fue acosado
por torturas imposibles, ya
que exigieron ms

de l de lo que poda pagar
[g390]. Ponen la madera en
el cuello y los hierros en los
pies. Ellos tratan con l en

de esta manera debido a su

fuerte cristianismo, para
todos los musulmanes eran
hostiles a l e inst a
matarlo, diciendo: "El ms
[que otros] es hostil a
nuestra religin y las leyes."
Para Arghun tambin era
musulmn. l
tom [Jalal] a Qazvin.
Mientras tanto [Jalal]
soport todo contento,
porque estaba muy versado
Escrituras, el ayuno y la
oracin, modesto en comida
y bebida, y deseoso de la
muerte de un mrtir.

Ahora la hija de Jalal

Rhuzuk'an, esposa de Boranoyin (hijo de Charmaghun,
todo lder de los T'at'ars)

a la esposa de Hulegu
Doquz Khatun (Toghuz
xat'un) para liberar a su
padre de las garras de
Arghun. Cuando los impos
ostikan leared esto l
verdugos inmediatamente
enviados y tena el hombre
bendecido y justo muerto
durante la noche.
Los verdugos impas fueron
y arrancaron el cuerpo [de
Jalal] en pedazos como el
bienaventurado mrtir
Yakovk en cuyo
tormentos [Jalal]
compartida. Que l [328]
lograr su corona en Cristo,
nuestro Dios. As pereci el
intachable y
hombre piadoso, poniendo
fin a su vida, manteniendo
el [g391] fe, en 710 AE
[1,261 mil]. Su hijo, At'abek,
envi hombres de confianza
ir y robar los restos de su
padre ya que haban sido
arrojados a un pozo seco. El
iran en cuya casa [Jalal]
haba sido encadenado
haban observado signos
divinos ms de l, ya que
tan pronto como se

mataron [Jalal] una luz

descendido proteccin de
sus restos (que fueron
arrojados al pozo), para que
despus se le enterr en
El iran mostr el cuerpo
para los que buscan, y
relacionada con ellos la
aparicin maravillosa.

Ellos se reunieron con

alegra las reliquias y
tomaron [Jalal] a su casa,
enterrndolo en su
cementerio ancestral en
Monasterio de Gandzasar.
Por otra parte, aquellos que
traen las reliquias de vuelta
tambin vio esa misma
visin luminosa por encima
las reliquias mientras

Hijo [de Jalal], At'abek,

ocup principado de su
padre en el orden de
Hulegu y Arghun. [At'abek]
era un
hombre criado en la piedad,
modesta, prudente, y de
oracin, como un santo

ermitao, para sus padres

le haba trado hasta que
camino. Hulegu mat
prncipe Zak'are (hijo de
Shahnshah), acusndolo

[329] En este ao [1261],

seor Nerses los kat'oghikos
mansos de Aghbania /
Aghuania pasaron a Cristo,
ocupado la kat'oghikosatc
durante veintisiete aos.
Fue sucedido por Lord
Step'anos, un joven [G392].

64. La muerte del prncipe

Shahnshah y su hijo

El gran prncipe Shahnshah,

hijo de Zak'are, dieron su
autoridad / principado a su
hijo mayor, Zak'are, porque
tena muchos hijos: Zak'are,
Awag, Sargis, Artashir y
Iwane. l mismo se ocupaba
de su casa. Zak'are fue a

la guerra entre las tropas

T'at'ar y se muestra como
la hombra valiente que fue
honrado por el gran Hulegu
y por ostikan Arghun.

Y sucedi que Zak'are

estaba con Arghun y sus
muchas tropas en Georgia.
Sin el conocimiento de
Arghun y
los otros soldados, Zak'are
fueron a ver a su esposa,
que estaba con su padre,
Sargis, prncipe de Uxtik ',
uno de los
rebeldes con el rey de
Georgia, Dawit '. Cuando
Arghun enter de esto,
notific Hulegu que l
ordenado que [Zak'are]
tomarse con grilletes. l
acumul otras acusaciones
falsas sobre l, orden
[330] l
asesinado, descuartizado y
arrojado a los perros.

Cuando el padre [de

Zak'are], Shahnshah,
escuch las malas noticias
en el pueblo de Odzun, se
convirti en el corazn roto

muri de tristeza. Se lo
llevaron y lo enterraron l
en K'obayr, que su esposa
haba comprado a los

65. En cuanto a la gran

guerra que se produjo entre
Hulegu y Berke.

Los conquistadores y
grandes generales en el
Este y el Norte eran
relaciones de Mongke-Khan,
que haba muerto
despus de la guerra
Nengrana. Sus dos
hermanos disputaron entre
s por parte del reino; Ellos
llamado Ar'igh Boke (Arik
'Bugh) y Qubilai (Ghopila).
Qubilai triunf, matando y
amenazando a las fuerzas
de Ar'igh Boke, y lo que le

hace huir de la tierra,

mientras que l mismo

Hulegu, que era su

hermano y el hermano de
Mongke -Khan, ayudada
Qubilai, mientras Berke,
quien se encontraba en el
ayudada Ar'igh Boke. Sin
embargo, hubo otra
relacin, un comandante
nombrado Alghu, que era el
hijo de
Chaghatai-Khan (hijo mayor
de [331] Chingiz-Khan).
Alghu luch con Berke, para
a su insistencia,
Mongke-Khan haba matado
a su familia. [Alghu]
enviado a Hulegu diciendo
que l le ayudara en este
lado de la
Darband Gates. Ahora gran
Hulegu surgi, tomando las
grandee y ms gloriosos
prncipes como l, que eran
con l de fromBatu y el rea
de Berke: Qui (Ghul),
Balaghai (Balaxa), Tutar
[g394] (Tut'ar), Meghan, hijo
de Ghul, Chaghatai
(Ghataghan) y muchos

otros con sus tropas, y sin

piedad talarlos, viejo y
jvenes y los elimin con la
espada, ya que estaban con
l y entrometido en la
autoridad con una sola
otra. Algunos de ellos
escapado por un pelo (sin
sus mujeres, nios o bienes)
y fuimos como
fugitivos a Berke y otros

Cuando Berke se enter de

esto, reuni a un sinnmero
de soldados y lleg a exacta
de sangre de la venganza
Hulegu por sus relaciones.
Ahora la gran Hulegu
similar reuni a un
poderoso ejrcito,
dividindolo en tres
frentes. Uno fue confiada al
hijo de Abaqa-Khan. Reuni
con l ostikan Arghun y los
a travs de Khurasan para
ayudar a Alghu de esa
direccin. Reuni un
destacamento en la Puerta
de Alan [Darial
Pase], y l tom el otro con
l y entr al sur de la Puerta
de Darband; porque estos

son los dos

accesos - el Alan y el
Darband Gates. l destruy
parte del rea de Berke,
llegando hasta [332] la
gran e insondable ro
llamado T'erk'n Et'il [ro
Volga], un depsito de
muchos ros que cursos
como un
mar y entra en el Mar

Berke lleg contra l con

una fuerza poderosa y se
uni a la batalla por el gran
ro. Muchos cayeron en
ambos lados
pero ms en el lado de
Hulegu, ya que enfran
desde la frialdad de la
nieve, y murieron
congelados. Muchos
cayeron en
el ro [g395].

Entonces Hulegu parti,

pasando por la Puerta
Darband. Uno de los
comandantes de Hulegu, un
valiente y guerrera
hombre llamado Siraman
(hijo de Chormaghun, el

primer general T'at'ar) se

mantuvo despus de la
retirada de sus tropas
y luchado contra las fuerzas
de Berke. Los fugitivos se
refugiaron con l y
sobrevivieron. Resistiendo
suavemente, [Siraman]
sali por la Puerta Darband.
Se fueron guardias en
Darband y se fueron a sus
cuarteles de invierno en el
Llanura Mughan.

As pelearon entre s por

cinco aos, 710 a 715 de la
era armenia [desde 1261
hasta 1266],
reunir las tropas de cada
ao y se enfrentaron, pero
slo en el invierno, ya que
no fueron capaces de luchar
en la
verano debido a la [333]
calor y las crecidas del ro.

En estos das la gran

Hulegu comenz la
construccin de una
extensa y populosa ciudad
en la llanura Darhni. Y
que recauda los impuestos

sobre todos sus sbditos

para que la madera de
todas las partes para la
construccin de las casas y
mansiones de esta
ciudad, que l construy en
un lugar fresco como su
residencia de verano.

Los hombres y los animales

fueron oprimidos por los
[g396] capataces severas y
duras, que eran ms dura
an que
Faran sobre los hijos de
Israel. Para ellos el yugo de
un centenar de bueyes en
todos los lados de un
registro y todava estaban
incapaz de moverse debido
a su tamao y grosor.
Hombres y animales
murieron de ser
despiadadamente obligado
a ms
largas y difciles caminos,
sobre ros y montaas.

Tambin construy enormes

casas para los dolos,
montaje no todos los
artesanos de piedra,
madera y fotografas. Para

Es un pueblo llamado toyink

'que son brujos y brujas
que, por medios mgicos,
hacen de caballos,
camellos, la
imgenes muertas y
sentidas hablan. Son todos
los sacerdotes con las
cabezas y barbas afeitadas
y el desgaste capas
amarillas en el
de mama. Adoran a todo,
especialmente Shakmonia y

Ellos engaaron [Hulegu] y

dijeron que iban a hacer
[334] inmortal; y l viva, se
mova, y
montado [caballo] de
acuerdo a sus palabras ya
fondo se entreg a su
voluntad. Muchas veces
durante el da se inclin al
suelo para su lder, y comi
del altar dedicatoria en la
casa de dolos
y estimado que ms de
alguno de ellos. Por lo tanto
l especialmente adornado
su templo de los dolos


Ahora esposa principal [de

Hulegu], Doquz Khatun, era
cristiano y aunque con
frecuencia le reproch, ella
fue incapaz de liberarlo de
los hechiceros. Sin
embargo, ella misma vivi
piadosamente, ayudando y
apoyando la
Los cristianos.

En 714 AE [1265] una gran

seal apareci en el cielo,
una estrella en movimiento
desde el norte hacia el este
y el sur. Largo
rayos-columna como de luz
apareci delante de l, pero
la estrella era tenue y se
movieron rpidamente. Al
parecer, por una
mes completo, y luego no
ms, como un cometa que
aparece de vez en cuando
se mueve al oeste a norte.
Pero esta
estrella tena rayos muy
largas que crecen todos los
das hasta que se perdi la

En el mismo ao Hulegu y
su esposa, Doquz Khatun,
muri. Hijo [de Hulegu]
Abaqa-Khan tom su lugar
en el 714
AE [1265] y se cas con la
hija del emperador
bizantino [Miguel Palelogo]
[G398]. Su nombre era
Despoina (Tespina) Khatun,
y ella [335] fueron [a
Abaqa] en el venerable
magnificencia; el patriarca
Antioqua y otros obispos
viajaron con ella. El obispo
de Erznka, seor Sargis y
Vardapet Bener trado
[los grupos]. Tener
bautizados Abaqa-Khan, le
dieron a la nia a l como
una esposa.

[Abaqa] pas revista una

fuerza muy grande y se fue
a luchar contra el ejrcito
de Berke, que haba
cruzado a travs
la Puerta Darband y
acamparon a la orilla del ro
Kur. Ellos fueron colocados
en un banco y el
otros estaban en la otra

orilla, la fortificacin de la
orilla del ro con barricadas
y zanjas muy profundas

[Historia de Gandzakets'i
termina aqu. La razn de la
terminacin abrupta no se

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