Ingles Basico Entretenido Efectivo 27757 Completo
Ingles Basico Entretenido Efectivo 27757 Completo
Ingles Basico Entretenido Efectivo 27757 Completo
Afirmativo: I am Marta. /ai am marta/ Yo soy Marta. You are Tom. /iu ar tom/ T eres Tom.
He is James. /ji is sheims/ l es James. She is Jessica. /shi is shesica/ Ella es Jessica. It is a dog. /it is a dog/ .Es un perro. We are Tom and Marta. /wi ar tom and marta/ Somos Tom y Marta. You are John and Marie /iu ar shon and mari/ Ustedes son John y Marie. En este caso se refiere a un plural. They are Paul and Jacob. /dei ar pol and sheicob/ Ellos son Paul and Jacob.
Fcil no? Acordate que: *Para I (yo) USAMOS SIEMPRE MAYSCULA. *He para hombre ,she para mujer y it para animal u objeto. *They para personas y objetos en plural.
Completa con am,is o are: I ___ Brenda. She __ Carol. He __ Marcelo. We__ students. You__Sheila and Joe. I__ Joanna.
Cul es el error? I are Joe. We is Marcelo. They am Jess and Joe. I am John and Paula. It is Ken. He is Anna. Thei are Paulo and Peter. She are Laura.
Numbers (nmeros)
0_zero/sirou/ 1_one /uan/ 2_two /tchu/ 3_three /tchri/ 4_four /for/ 5_five /faiv/ 6_six /six/ 7_seven /seven/ 8_eight /eit/
Quers ms prctica y vocabulario? No te olvides de mandar un mail a: (con el asunto ingls y el nombre del captulo). Si tens dudas tambin me podes consultar en el mismo mail. Vas a recibir contenidos de prctica sper fciles y divertidos!. Mtodos de correccin. Opcin 1: Copi y pega el captulo en un mail,y te lo corrijo y mando.(junto a la prctica extra) Opcin 2:Pedime las respuestas junto con la prctica extra. Cada 3 captulos se tomar una evaluacin integradora (mismo mtodo de correccin) Si tens dudas tambin me podes consultar en el mismo mail.Vas a recibir contenidos de prctica sper fciles y divertidos! *ACLARACIN: Te podr responder pesonalmente los das martes, jueves y/o domingo; as como enviarte el material extra de ejercitacin. NOTA: Las consultas sobre este curso, ofrecidas por el autor, son privadas entre el usuario y el autor. Por tanto, mailxmail no es responsable, en este caso, de ningn tipo de prueba, evaluacin, certificado o material extra.
Es lo contrario del afirmattive,se forma agregando n o t despus del verbo ser (to be)
I am not Josie.
You are not Josie. She/He/It is not Josie/a dog We/they/you are not Joe and Peter.
She/he is not Julia. They is /are not Sarah and Allie! It i s / a m not a spider. W e / I are not Vicky and Mark!
Haz oraciones:
I/ be-not/ Julia= I am not Julia. She/be not/Molly. We/be not/ Mary and Michael. They/be not/Sarah and Zoe. It/be not/ an elephant it/be/ a dog!
Am I John? (Soy yo John) Are you Richie? (Sos vos Richie?) Are we students? (Somos nosotros estudiantes) Are they new? (Son ellos nuevos?) Is he/she/it John/Julie/a dog? (Es l/ella/eso Josie/un perro?)
Pon en orden las palabras para hacer preguntas.(Put the words in order to make questions) I/Ken/am/? are/Gastn and joe/they? He/is/new? are/we/Richard and Brian/?
Numbers; 10-100. 11_eleven /ileven/ 12_twelve /tuelf/ 13_thirteen /fdertin/ 14_fourteen /fortin/ 15_fifteen /fiftin/ 16_sixteen /sixtin/ 17_seventeen /seventin/ 18_eighteen /eitin/ 19_nineteen /naintin/ 20_ twenty /tuenti/ 30_thirty /fderti/ 40_forty /forti/
Para decir 21,22,35,58,99,etc,decimos TWENTY ONE,THIRTY TWO,ETC. Para decir 125,por ejemplo,decimos ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FIVE.
sixty six ___ forty one ____ fifteen____ one hundred and twenty three_____
Ms prctica? Mand un mail a con asunto ingles y el nombre del capitulo. Te har llegar (para este captulo y todos los dems) lecturas, prcticas y contenido entretenido. Si tenes dudas, tambien podes consultarme.
NOTA: Las consultas sobre este curso, ofrecidas por el autor, son privadas entre el usuario y el autor. Por tanto, mailxmail no es responsable, en este caso, de ningn tipo de prueba, evaluacin, certificado o material extra.
China= China /chaina/ Japn=Japan/shapn/ Alemania=Germany/shermani/ Italia=Italy/tali/ Estados Unidos= United States /iunaitid esteits/ Rusia=Russia/rasha/ Argentina=Argentina/arshentina/ Mexico/ m e x i co Londres=London/landon/ Francia=France/frans/
China=Chinese /chainis/
OJO! Las nacionalidades siempre se escriben con mayscula (al igual que los pases,pero ese es otro tema :) jaja)
Integracin de contenidos
/I in room 13? (yo en el cuarto 13?) Am I in room 13? Yes,I am /it German? /they from Italy? /we in room 2? /she Chinese? /you Argentinian? No, Yes, No, Yes, No,
3-I am American.(French)
1- I are German. 2-I am Frenchese. 3-She is Russiaan. 4-We is from China . 5-I are Simona and Frances. 6-She is Argentinian. 7-We are Chinese.
DAYNOM _____________ TURDAYSA _____________ DYARFI __________ DYSANU __________ YADUTES ___________
Saludos: Hello /jeolu/ hola Good morning /gud mornin/ Buenos das. Good afternoon /gud afternun/ Buenas tardes Good night /gud nait/ Buenas noches. Bye /bai/ Adis Goodbye /gudbai/ Adis. (en este caso ms formal) See you. /si iu/ Nos vemos See you on Saturday /si iu on saturdei/ Nos vemos el sbado. See you tomorrow /si iu tomorrou/ Nos vemos maana.
Practice. Completa los dilogos. 1. A- Hi,Karen.. is James. B-Hello,James to you. 2. A-Hi,Im Paco..s your? B-Isabella. 3.A-Hi,Kenjiare you? B-Im fine,thanks.And..? A-Very well,thank you. Completa la primer columna con las palabras dadas.Luego escribe las contractions. She-are-they-is-I-are-is-are Full form I am Contractions Im
Its name is San Paulos School. Our students are young. Their names are David and Joanna.
His: de un hombre,Her: de una mujer,Its:de una cosa. Their:de hombres,mujeres o cosas. Los possessive adjectives no cambian con plurales: Our students NO Ours students
OJO!!! Cuidado con its y its Its = it is Its a school. Its name is
Its = possessive
Objects /obshets/ Objetos comunes. A book /a buk/ Un libro Cigarettes /cigarrets/ Cigarrillos. A credit card /a credit card/ Una tarjeta de credito. A dictionary /a dicshionari/ Un diccionario. Glasses /glasis/ Anteojos. Keys /kis/ Llaves. A lighter /a laiter/ Un encendedor. A mobile phone /a mobail foun/ Un celular. A wallet /a ualit/ Una billetera.
PONEMOS A /AN (artculo indefinido) cuando A delante de objetos que comienzan con CONSONANTE A bag,a magazine,a book. AN delante de objetos que comienzan con VOCAL. An umbrella,an ice-cream.
Para preguntar pertenencia decimos: WHOS THIS? /jus dis?/ De quin es esto? Its mine /its main/ Es mio. Para preguntar qu es decimos Whats this? /uats dis?/ Qu es esto? Its an umbrella /its an ambrela/ Es un paraguas. Fcil?? Bien,ahora que sabemos estos dos temas,practiquemos: Completa las oraciones con un adjetivo posesivo: 1-Maria,please turn off phone. 2-The students are new, names are Tito and Angela. 3-Shes French,but mother is English. 4-Were in class 5, teacher is Marcos. 6- name is Paul. Hes from China. Completa con A o AN. A bag 1- girl /guerl/ (una chica) 2-. Credit card. 3-.. watch. 4-.. umbrella. 5- e-mail.
Cook /cuk/ Cocinar Do /du/ Hacer Drink /drink/ Beber. Drive /draiv/ Conducir. Eat /it/ Comer Go /gou/ Ir Have /jav/ Tener Like /laik/ Gustar. Listen /lisen/ Escuchar Play /plei/ Jugar Read /rid/ Leer. Smoke /esmouk/ Fumar Speak /espik/ Hablar. Study/estadi/ Estudiar. Work /uork/ Trabajar.
S que parecen muchos,pero con el tiempo y la prctica se aprenden J Ahora s,veamos la tabla para conjugar los verbos: *Presente simple afirmativo (PRESENT SIMPLE AFFIRMATIVE). I drink.
Reglas para he/she/it I work,play,eat. She works,plays,eats. I go,do. I study He goes,does. He studies. AADIMOS -S AADIMOS ES DESPUS DE CH,SH,S, CONSONANTE + Y = IES
*Presente simple negativo (PRESENT SIMPLE NEGATIVE) I do not play / I dont play You dont play. He/she/it doesnt play. We/you/they dont play /shi dasentp l e i / /ai dontp l e i /
Reglas para negative: Usamos dont/doesnt + verbo infinitivo. He doesnt work NO He doesns works.
1-I listen to the radio. He listens to the radio 2-He drinks champagne. We 3-They eat pizza. She. 4-I do my homework. She. 5-I go to school. .He.
1- My father .. dogs.He likes cats. 2-He .a car. 3-I . Football. 4- They . Geography. 5-We English and Spanish. 6- My mother .. exercises in the morning,not at night.
Vocabulario :
Dear Paul. My names Jessie and I have a house in London.Im 28 and I work for a magazine.I like music,good food and the cinema.
Dear Jessie. Thanks for your e-mail.I live in France.Im 30 and I work with computers.Do you like burgers? We can go to a good burger restaurant that I know.
Hi Paul. Sorry,I dont like burgers,but I love Japanese food.Lets meet on Friday afternoon at 1.00 p.min Kiku,a Japanese restaurant.
P:Hi.Are you Jessie? J:Yes.Nice to meet you. P:Sorry Im late. J:No problem.Would you like a coke? P:No ,thanks.I dont drink coke.
J:Do you live alone? P:No,I dont . J:Do you live with your mother? P:Yes,I do. J:Does she work? P:Yes,in a supermarket.
Do I work? Yes,I do No,I dont Do you work? Yes,you do. No,You dont Doesshe/he/it work? Yes,he/she/it does. No,he/she/it doesnt Do we work? Yes,we do. No,we dont
1-you have a car? 2-she drink coke? 3-they speak French? 4-.I play the piano? 5-.your mother smoke? 6-.we like animals?
1- drink you coffee do? Do you drink coffee? 2-your does brother cook ? 3- you do work? 4-do read a newspaper you? 5- they do go the to cinema?
Vocabulario, preguntas.
How many? Cuntas..? Where? Dnde? /uear/ What.? Qu? /uat/ How.? Cmo.? /jau/
/jau meni/
Do you like your job? How many hours do you work? Where do you work? What dont you like about your job? What do you do?
My job. 1 - What do you do? Im an artist.I draw and paint pictures for magazines,book,etc.
2- I work at home.
JOBS (Trabajos)
Actor /actor/ Doctor /doctor/ Footballer /futboler/ Journalist /sharnalist/ Futbolista Periodista
1-I work in a team,called Manchester United. 2-I cure people when they feel bad. 3-I play the guitar. 4-I drive a plane.
24 are
b.are you you
b.his c.your
4-...........drink coffee.You will feel sick. a.dont drink b.dont work c.doesnt drink
Forma preguntas,y respondelas. 1-she/work? Does she work? 2-we/drink coke? 3-he/drive a car? 4-they/listen to the radio? 5-I/go to the cinema?
1-Do you smoke? 2-Do you like coke? 3-Do you drive a car? 4-Do you eat sushi? 5-Do you work for a magazine? 6-Do you read the newspaper? (diario) 7-Do you cook cakes? (pasteles) 8-Do you play basketball? 9-Do you have a dog or a cat? 10-Do you study English?
Name:Ken Surname:Edwards Age:31 years old Adress:Birmingham325 E-mail Student? :No Job:Actor.
1-name? Whats your name? Ken 2-surname? 3-Age? 4-Adress? 5-e-mail adress? 6-do/study?
1-I have a key. The key is 2-She has a French mother. mother is French. 3-Dont it that coffee! Is (she) 4-My father has a dog. The dog is .. 5-Dont touch that wallet! It is (we)
1- I are German. 2-I am Frenchese. 3-She is Russiaan. 4-We is from China. 5-I are Simona and Frances. 6-She is Argentinian. 7-We are Chinese. Fin del curso. NOTA: El autor del curso te ofrece, de manera personal e independiente a mailxmail, realizar un examen para cada captulo, y/o un examen final de todo el curso. Si te interesa, contacta con el autor a