0.-The-Bridge To Freedom Journal-1953
0.-The-Bridge To Freedom Journal-1953
0.-The-Bridge To Freedom Journal-1953
INTRODUCCIN Cuando Thomas Printz y Geraldine Innocente crearon un Movimiento de difusin de la Enseanza Maestra Ascendida, Thomas Printz se convirti en el Manager Editor y bajo su Gerencia se administraron las publicaciones, esta obra llamada The Journals 1953 corresponde a la 2da publicacin de Revistas publicadas despus de la fundacin de El Puente a la Libertad. Es importante que se sepa que El Puente a la Libertad fue fundado por Maestros Ascendidos en el plano de la forma, La familia Innocente eran ya Divinamente Libres (Estado llamado en ingles God-free, es el estado de Conciencia previa a la Ascensin total), Hoy todos sirven en la Gran Hermandad Blanca. Mary Lehane Innocente era realmente D.T Marches, es decir, La Maestra Ascendida Lady Alba (o Amanecer) y era la Madre fsica de Geraldine Innocente y El Bendito Gus Innocente conocido por los Estudiantes de El Puente como Papa- es el complemento Divino de la Maestra Ascendida Lady Amarilis. Thomas Printz es El Bendito Maestro Ascendido El Morya Khan, tambin cabe la mencin de Miss Alice Schutz (el Complemento Divino de El Maestro Ascendido Dwual Khul). Todos estos Maestros Ascendidos trabajan bajo la Amorosa Gua de su Maestro El Gran y Bello Mah ChohnAs fue como se inici el 1er periodo de El Puente a la Libertad, iniciado en abril de 1952 hasta junio de 1961.Es importante que se sepa que Geraldine Innocente ya para 1952 haba Ganado su Ascensin. Ella obtuvo su Ascensin total en 1961 y es conocida como La Maestra Ascendida Lady Miriam. Despus de 1961 Se inicia el 2do periodo de El Puente a la Libertad que termin en 1989 bajo la responsabilidad de Lucy Littlejohn. The Journals 1952 forma parte del Proyecto de crear una Biblioteca con la Herencia Espiritual dada bajo los esfuerzos de los Grandes Seres para que los Estudiantes de los Maestros Ascendidos puedan tener un acceso al material original en ingls. Bajo los acuerdos dados con las autoridades fundacionales del The Bridge to Freedom Foundation entregamos esta compilacin para el Beneficio del todo. Se hace en cumplimiento a las sugerencias dadas y acorde al plan presentado de la Gran Hermandad Blanca. Fundacin Lady Nada.
April 1953
January 1953
A Monthly Journal Devoted to Individual Unfoldment, Contact With the Great White Brotherhood and Cooperative World Service
January 1953
As the old year closes, the sins, mistakes and failures 0f that year are bathed in the Flame 0f Mercy and Forgiveness and cut from each soul by the Lords 0f Karma, in order that the soul may enter the new year free 0f the fetters created by its own error and in such a manner have a greater opportunity for progress, unfoldment and spiritual illumination. If the outer consciousness cooperates with this spiritual freedom and offers it's lifestream to the Ascended Host, there can be a greater forward step in the transmutation 0f it's nature. BUT, if the outer consciousness insists upon holding to the memories 0f the past, such memories are drawn over the threshold 0f the old year into the new and form a pattern 0f the new year's experience again. This is the choice each individual makes. The New Year represents another opportunity for each soul and spirit to ride upon the cosmic tide, higher into the heart 0f heaven, placing the years that have gone before, into the cosmic incinerator 0f forgiveness and forgetfulness. IF, this New Year, you could seize upon the purification that has affected your entire inner nature and try to live in the New Year as if there had never been an old, the limitations and evils would drop away, because they are not eternal, and only the good from the past year would endure and become a mantle 0f fragrance around you. Maha Chohan January 1 953 THE BRIDGE THE LEGEND OF GLASTONBURY 11 7
Matthew 26:26-"And as they were eating, Jesus took bread and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, 'Take, eat. This is my body.'''
26:27, 28-"And he took THE CUP and gave thanks and gave it to them, saying, "'Drink ye all 0f it, for this is my blood 0f the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission 0f sins.'''
And it came to pass that after the Master had so spoken, he, with his disciples, went out into the Mount 0f Olives, leaving the cup 0f communion on the table. And then it was that Joseph 0f Arimathea, together with Mary, the mother 0f Jesus, came unto the room wherein the Feast 0f the Passover was celebrated, and together they took the cup, and wrapped it in Mary's mantle, and carried it thither, to keep in a safe place, under the direction 0f the Lord God. And after the days 0f the crucifixion and the resurrection and the ascension were accomplished, it came to pass that Joseph 0f Arimathea prepared to journey into the Mendipp Hills, in the British Islands, to oversee his rich tin deposits, and the Lord spoke unto him saying, 'Joseph, take with thee, the beloved mother 0f Jesus, and these others whom I shall appoint, and carry the Holy Grail westward to the land which shall sanctify it further in the days that are yet to come.'" And Joseph gathered together those appointed by the Lord, and together they went forth, coming at long last to the English seacoast, and there they disembarked with the precious cup. The long and arduous pilgrimage left them weary, but they did not rest until they had found the place the Lord was to designate for the repository of the Holy Grail. And Joseph, with the holy mother, Mary, and Martha, and St. Simon Zelotes, and Aristobulus and others came unto Glastonbury and they reverently secreted the cup in the bottom of a well until that future time when some brave sons 0f men might choose to seek IT out for the blessings 0f their generation. Through several centuries the cup lay thus, concealed beneath the waters of the well, until the good King Arthur gathered round him the Knights of the Round Table, endeavoring to establish and sustain a spiritual center through which the purpose and pattern of our Lord might again be incorporated into the temporal lives 0f men. Among these knights was come again good Joseph of Arimathea, whom they called Sir Galahad. And in God's good time, he, together with Sir Percival and Sir Boers, succeeded in 118 THE BRIDGE January 1953
remembering the location of the Holy Grail and looked upon it for an instant and the light of the grail shed forth its benediction upon the earth and all its peoples for a time. After the dissolving of the Order of the Round Table and the death of King Arthur, century after century good monks abode in the vicinity of Glastonbury, and tended the grail in spirit and in good works, and the spiritual ethers grew and waxed strong. Because of the continued worship in this holy place, it was thought wise and good by the powers of light to establish an etheric city over the Abbey of Glastonbury, peopled with those who had loved the Christ in life, and who had served him with their love.
Into this city passed many of the knights at the close of their earthly pilgrimage, and many of the humble monks who served in the various abbeys through the centuries. It is said that often the presence of the Master Jesus and his holy Mother Mary join this Brotherhood at Glastonbury Abbey in their meditations and with them pour out the blessings of the risen Christ to all peoples everywhere. And even to the present day, the discerning pilgrims who make the journey to the ruins of the Glastonbury Abbey and who visit the holy well at the foot of Chalice Hill FEEL the presence of sanctity in the pulsating ethers, which are alive with the essence and the nature of the Christ and the holy men whose memory is hallowed here. NEW YEAR GREETING A blessed and holy year be yours, filled with illumination, progress and spiritual development of the qualities and nature of your own Higher Self, which is one with the self of all Perfected Beings. Maha Chohan A VISIT TO GLASTONBURY
Excerpts from the diary of a student-pilgrim to Glastonbury Abbey, England, during the month of May, 1948
These lines are penned as we sit by the side of the holy well, in which the holy grail was placed by Joseph Arimathea when he visited England after the crucifixion of Jesus. This well is situated in a secluded comer of an old English garden at the foot of what is called "Chalice Hill." We stopped here on our way down the steep hillside and were glad to rest after climbing the high January 1953 THE BRIDGE 119
eminence of Tor Hill, in order to look at the stone edifice on its summit. This edifice commemorates the martyrdom of the last abbot of the abbey, at the time it was pillaged and destroyed by order of the Crown, many centuries ago. The house and garden are now used as a boys' school and one must enter the house in order to visit the garden, for which they charge the small sum of one shilling. The well is situated in a secluded comer and has a bronze covering, which is held in place by a stout lock and key. The custodian undid the lock and raised the cover, so that we might look inside. He told us that the well is said to be built two hundred years B.C. and is of the same architecture as the pyramids, with the difference that this well is built below the surface of the earth. He also said that no matter how dry the surrounding country gets, this spring gushes forth at the rate of 25,000 gallons of water per day. Besides the well, it feeds a large swimming pool for the boys and then meanders off down the hill, blessing man and beast and nature as it flows. '
He showed us a bronze plaque, outlining the legend of the Holy Grail, telling of Joseph's visit and how he placed the cup in the well for safekeeping, until he would come again and claim it himself, or send a trusted messenger. It is said that this Holy Grail, or cup, cannot be seen by the eyes of the profane. The garden and well are not the property of the abbey custodians today, as they are about a mile from the ruins, but in days long past, all of the country hereabouts was owned by the monks. The ruins of the abbey are surrounded by a high stone fence and only the walls of the different buildings are standing. These are all covered with English ivy; the grass all around is a vivid green and to see the place bathed in the sunlight of a glorious May day was a never-to-be-forgotten treat for the tired senses. Part of the legend of the place is that Saint Patrick was abbot here once and we visited the little stone chapel (still in use) where he used to reside at divine worship. It is said that a company of Druid priests lived at that time on the summit of Tor Mount and that Saint Patrick learned many of their secrets, which helped him in the conversion of pagan Ireland somewhat later. It is part of the story that when his mission to Ireland was finished, he returned to Glastonbury, where he spent his declining years and is buried in one of the vaults of the abbey. Legend also says that King Arthur established his court here and the open grave in which he and Guinevere were said to be buried may be seen on the grounds. It is said that when the grave 120 THE BRIDGE January 1953
was opened their bodies were in a fair state of preservation and that Guinevere's long golden hair had grown down over their forms, but when the air touched them, they crumbled into dust. At least, that is the story they tell. We also looked at what is said to be the exact spot where Sir Bedivere (one of Arthur's knights) cast the sword "Excalibur" into the lake at the dying King's request. The lake has long since dried up and the site is now a green cow pasture. In the abbey grounds may be seen, also, the pink hawthorn tree which grew from Joseph of Arimathea's staff, which he struck into the ground and forgot. The tree blooms at Christmas time and again in the Spring. Joseph, himself, is supposed to have died and been buried here, and, the sarcophagus which held his remains is reverently preserved in a prominent place in Saint John's Chapel, in the town proper. These are only a few of the many interesting things in and about this hallowed spot. The Masters Of Wisdom Speak THE ASCENSION
MAHA CHOHAN The journey of the spiritual self, through the world of form, represents a long and variegated series of experiences which, in time, allow the consciousness to absorb enough wisdom and become master over the qualification of enough energy to meet the Cosmic Law's demand. Such an one is then graduated from the evolutionary chain and allowed to function in a more perfect sphere of expression, according to the voluntary choice of the individual. The graduation of the lifestream from the necessity for reembodiment is the ultimate achievement toward which all students upon the spiritual path aspire. At the solemn hour of the ascension, the lifestream faces a great decision as to what its future service to life will be. The few who choose to renounce the full happiness and freedom of the cosmic heights, to remain as the guardian brothers of the race, from whence they have ascended, enter the ranks of the Great White Brotherhood, and assume the responsibilities of some great intelligence, who has volunteered to perform a specific service until some member of the race might develop suffi- ciently to take over such an activity. The Brotherhood is constantly looking for such material and when even one such individual is found the guidance, training and preparations for the January 1953 THE BRIDGE 121
development of the lifestream to a point where it may be vested with morethan-ordinary powers, is indescribable to the human mind. MORYA EL During the course of centuries of time, each Iifestream who " has embodied on the planet, Earth, has developed certain definite talents and powers of accomplishment, through the voluntary investment of life energy to specific interests. This is known as a "momentum" of healing, teaching, musical or artistic genius, as the case may be. It is an integral part of the lifestream's harvest, woven out of the energies of the heartbeat, and is the only heritage of human endeavor which is allowed entrance into the Higher Spheres and which ascends with the consciousness at the moment when the earth-pull is released from the soul at the close of the final incarnation. When the Lords of Karma examine the individual for the last time, preceding the ascension, the fully-gathered momentum of the lifestream's service to life is presented for consideration before the Karmic Board. If the lifestream is found ready to be freed from the wheel of birth and re-birth, the disposition to which the individual puts his gathered momentum of service must be made, before the actual ritual of the ascension takes place. KUTHUMI LAL SINGH When the Christ Self of the individual signifies to the Cosmic Law that the individual is ready to be released from the chain of birth and rebirth, the sponsor secures a hearing before the Karmic Board, whose duty and responsibility it has been to weigh the strengths and weaknesses of the soul through all the centuries that preceded this development. The individual's
"book of life" is examined, the lifestream, itself, has audience before the Karmic Board, and the assent of this board is requisite to the freedom of the soul from further re-embodiment. Because of the exercise of free will, the individual may, however, refuse to accept its freedom, preferring to re-incarnate to further some particular cause to which it has devoted its energies through many centuries. If such an one does refuse to accept the ascension, it is always with the clear understanding that such forfeiture makes the lifestream personally responsible for the creation of any future karma that might enchain the soul again, and thus not allow the opportunity for full freedom when, and if, the soul should change its mind in the future. 122 VENETIAN Individuals who have been offered the ascension because they had expiated their individual karmic debts and had gained mastery over energy and have renounced that freedom to better serve mankind, are among the holiest sons of heaven. They wear upon their foreheads a spiritual identification in the form of an open lotus, that is easily discernible to all whose inner eye is developed. No other group of beings, human or divine, have this particular spiritual mark, and wherever they are encountered, the Supreme Intelligence of the universe bows in acknowledgment of their presence, their sacrifice, their love. When these individuals do finally accept their ascension, this lotus is amplified and even in heaven's highest spheres, it is a permanent identification of their love and service to life that all who run, may read. SERAPIS BEY After the individual has appeared before the Lords of Karma, and they have accepted his readiness to graduate from the earth's sphere, he must signify, after deep and sincere meditation, as to whether his Christ Self chooses to avail itself of this opportunity, or whether there is more to be done in the world of men. Those who remain after their karma is expiated, like the Master Jesus, belong to the sainted Order of the Lotus Flame. Those others stand at a forked pathway, where again the individual free will must make the decision as to whether the Iifestream taking the ascension will pass on into the comparative peace and happiness of the Higher Spheres, or remain as an active worker in the Great White Brotherhood, in actual contact with the lesser-evolved sons and daughters of earth. Those who choose the "bliss of Nirvana" turn over the energies within their momentums of healing, musical accomplishment, or whatever the case may be, to devas who incorporate those energies in the beautiful fire temples, whose radiation and power serve the earth and its peoples, and they really "will" their heritage to mankind, but take their own conscious selves into realms that no longer have any connection with the struggling lives on the earth plane. THE BRIDGE January 1953
HILARION After countless centuries of bondage, you can well image the joy that is experienced when the fetters of earth, the limitations January 1953 THE BRIDGE 123
of the flesh, and the veil of forgetfulness are once and for all removed from the lifestream. To attempt to describe those first instants of eternal freedom, is as futile as to attempt to put into finite words a suitable description of the personage of the Godhead. Suffice it to say, that, at the very instant such freedom is experienced, the Iifestream is immediately faced with a free will decision as to whether it shall soar upward into the cosmic heights of peace and happiness, or-with the glow of freedom still fresh in the heart-turn again to voluntary bondage and centuries of endeavor with the limited consciousness of mankind through some office in the Great White Brotherhood. It is no wonder that few choose this sacrificial road, and that the many leave their momentum of good for the race, but choose individually to be free of any more of its personal karma. JESUS When the soul is passed by the Karmic Board, and the karmic debt is balanced to life, if the individual chooses to accept further incarnations, he does so at his own "peril" because he must submit, as do the volunteers from other planets and systems, to the same natural laws that bind every incarnate spirit. From within an embodied form there is always the possibility of misusing energy or creating new karma in a successive life, which would become a fetter not to be waved aside by the Karmic Council, but which must be mitigated by the self-conscious endeavors of its creator. Thus, ofttimes, an individual who has been offered the ascension and renounced it for service, has not been able to qualify for that ascension for as many as twelve embodiments thereafter. It is not an easy decision to make. If, however, the lifestream does take incarnation "without sin," as I was privileged to do, and succeeds in passing through an entire earth life without succumbing to any temptation to mis-use energy, such an one may accept the ascension at any moment during that earth life. This was what made my cosmic example possible, for, through the great mercy of life, and the assistance of the Lord Maitreya and others of the Celestial Host, I was enabled to keep my Iifestream ready for the instant when the cosmic call of the Presence could be made, and I-self-consciously-answered it through the public manifestation of the ascension. 124 SAINT GERMAIN THE BRIDGE January 1953
If the individual chooses to accept the ascension when offered it by the Cosmic Board, it is then up to the Presence of such a one, together with the particular sponsors of the lifestream, to; work out the details preparatory to that beautiful ceremony of drawing the purified consciousness into the Christ-estate. Many factors are considered, and every natural assistance is provided in the preparation of the place, at which it is to be accomplished. In my own case, it was several months after I had passed the final testing before the Karmic Board, until I was enabled to finish up my affairs and retire to the home of a beloved friend in the heart of the Transylvania Mountains and prepare for this ultimate experience of earthly victory. Here, I was joined by my spiritual teacher and at a given instant, at the call of the Presence, I left the arms of my dear friend, and -with the help of my teacher-entered the realms of perfection, from whence I shall ever strive to assist my brothers and sisters who yet remain on earth, until they, too, experience the happiness and peace of this victorious accomplishment. THE REQUIREMENT OF THE HOUR By Thomas Printz All great world movements, religions and activities, ancient and modern, have been inspired by some member of the Great White Brotherhood, in cooperation with a spiritually-sensitive individual in physical embodiment at the time of its inception. The evolution of the individual God-ego from infancy to spiritual maturity, is the underlying purpose of all life - experience. The Great White Brotherhood is the spiritual representative of the God-will for the planet, Earth, and, through its members, provides the stimulus toward Goddevelopment for the planet and its people, through the release of tremendous cosmic forces consciously directed and sustained in the lower atmosphere, where embodied man functions. With the evolution of the race, the type of spiritual force requires changes, just as in the growth of nature, the seasons provide the natural conditions most beneficial to its prolific expression. You might consider the release of these great cosmic outpourings like the playing of a universal symphony, each religion or activity, with its constituents representing one chord or passage in the great whole. To provide channels for the release of these rhythmic pulsaJanuary 1953 THE BRIDGE 125
tions, the Masters have inspired the founding of the various religions and types of worship from the beginning of time, always designing the ceremonials and beliefs around the spiritual requirements of the age.
The Master chooses those lifestreams who are, by nature and Inclination, best suited to conduct the spiritual forces of that particular world hour, and these people, together with their spiritual leader, become a radiating center, through which the cosmic forces designed to bless the race, flow. This force is absorbed by the souls of men and when that element is sufficiently provided, a new center of vital forces is prepared, a new religion instituted, and a different type of lifestream given an opportunity to become the conductor of world blessing. Thus, each religion and faith is a rhythmic part of the great symphony, but it is regrettable that, although the Masters work in perfect harmony, the dispensers and recipients of their life force are oftimes unable to recognize the unity of purpose behind the main chords of the universal song. Were the notes and themes in our musical compositions as unwilling to relinquish their place to the following chords, we would experience the same discords in musical expression that man has experienced through religious bigotry, intolerance, and misunderstanding. The master musicians, playing through all the chords on the scene of modern spiritual endeavor, constantly work toward the blending of the various scores into a harmonious whole and the people of earth, who are but a part of the great universal song, would do well to emulate them in their individual lives. In modern times, the Masters Kuthumi and Morya El were the pioneers, from the higher octaves, who succeeded in piercing the veil of human ignorance and convincing a certain number of mankind as to the actual existence of these elder brothers of the race, using the late Madame Blavatsky as their mouthpiece. However, it is not enough that people become aware of the living presence of these Masters, but they must realize that these emancipated ones have dedicated themselves to the redemption of mankind through an awakening of the individual consciousness, which will bring liberation from every kind of human limitation, including disease, poverty, wars, and, yes, ultimately, even death itself. As, in all educational activities, it is logical to assume that there must be cooperation between student and Master. The old saying that "God helps him who helps himself" holds true in this instance and when man is privileged to be shown God's divine 126 THE BRIDGE January 1953
plan for the earth and its humanity, it would be the part of wisdom for him to enroll under the banner of these great benefactors and thus help to promote the speedy evolution of not only himself, but the planet and its inhabitants. The Master Jesus told his disciples nearly two thousand years ago, "I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now." (John 16:12). The Masters of Wisdom apparently consider (as per their revelations) that the man of today is mature enough to "bear" enough of
cosmic truth, as will enable him to open his mind to the more advanced doctrine of the New Day, thus enabling him to step boldly through the door of knowledge and enlightenment, into the glory and freedom of the prophesied Golden Age, the dawn of which is even now illumining the horizon of this too-dark world. The time has arrived, therefore, when it is not sufficient in itself to accept the existence of the Masters of Wisdom; it is not sufficient to gratify the feeling nature in reading and re-reading their words; it is not sufficient to invoke the light to dispel the darkness of human ignorance-THE NEED OF THE HOUR is to apply what has been taught not only in recent years, but during the past centuries. THE NEED OF THE HOUR is to develop man's latent powers, in order to establish a direct and conscious contact with these divine teachers. THE NEED OF THE HOUR is for man to acquaint himself with the present activities of the Great White Brotherhood. THE NEED OF THE HOUR is for each man to turn within, consciously contact and connect his outer consciousness with his own Christ Self, thus becoming, not only a " receiving but a radiating center, to all the life he contacts in his daily living. To satisfy this requirement is the service that THE BRIDGE has come to render. WINGS OF LIGHT By. V. F. Angelday "The best things in life are free." So ran the words of an old song and if you think this over for just a moment, you KNOW it is TRUE! Now, since the majority of mankind are always looking for and hoping to get "something for nothing," would you not think they would be willing, at least once in awhile, to think upon, acknowledge, accept and be grateful for those free gifts of life, which make up their very existence here and which are constantly flowing to and through all? January 1 953 THE BRIDGE 121
Take , for instance, your heartbeat-can you BUY one? Can anyone else GIVE you another one, or even their own? Then that must be a free gift to you, ALONE! That rhythmic heartbeat BRINGS YOU LIFE and without it, you do not even have existence here. For what purpose does your heart beat to bring you life-to hold that life within itself? NO! It beats only to flood that life into every cell and atom of your body and then that life radiates out from you, to all the life you contact, charged with the particular quality of thought and feeling which you determine shall influence the world around you. You can live without many parts of the physical body, but NO ONE lives without a heart. That is the "cup of life" within you. In reality, it is the "Holy Grail" of your world, since it is the anchorage of the holiest thing in the universe-GOD'S LIFE, within your own physical form. That blessed heart beats for just one thing-to give its gift of life without reservation, patiently and continuously. It asks nothing for itself and holds nothing to itself. Every drop of blood it receives, it blesses, and sends out again to purify and heal
and renew the body it serves. It lives but to give, and when it gives no longer, it ceases to be and so does the form which it has served. And so each form which carries a beating heart is meant to be a "Holy Grail" of all life's gifts, of comfort, joy and happiness to the rest of life around t, and no one can truthfully say they have nothing to give. No one is so poor he cannot give a smile to everyone he meets, regardless of whether that smile is returned or not, whether it is deserved or not. No one is so poor he cannot live and let live and be willing to help all to have at least as much good as he has. No one is so poor he cannot deliberately practice patience, courtesy, tolerance and kindness to every living thing he meets. All these are the virtues of the happy life and no life can be permanently happy without them. Through these, the substance of the "cup of life" flows free to bless all life it contacts, as each one was meant to do. Every beating heart is a silent announcement to the rest of life that "Here is another HOLY GRAIL of God's great light and love to bless life, to make the way easier for the rest of life and bring comfort, joy and peace, where the shadows seem to be. This is another beginning this month-the birth of a brand new year. Let it be the beginning of a deeper understanding of our own life, the most precious gift in all the universe to each one, and let us find out what we are meant to do with that life, as God intends. Think on this just a little bit and ask the "Holy Grail" within you, to pour its essence of love and light into your 128 THE BRIDGE January 1953
outer consciousness, teach you all about itself and make you all it wants you to be. Only then, will you be master of your world and the life, the substance and energy that flows into it. Daily Work Sheet, Jan. 15 - Feb. 14 ELEVATION OF CONSCIOUSNESS Out of the twenty-four-hour period, "I AM" going to ask you to devote five minutes, preferably at the same hour, three times a day, morning, noon and evening, to turning your attention to the active presence of God that beats your heart, FEELING DEEPLY the light from the Presence filling your body, mind, world and affairs. During this time, the following meditation may be used: "Beloved Maha Chohan, Oh thou infinite holy presence of God! The Divine Source of all! Hallowed be thy sacred name! We bow before thee in gratitude, praise and thanksgiving, for thy supreme presence in the universe. Because thou art, "I AM!" We return to thee, almighty one, all the power and dominion which we have ever vested in any imperfect manifestation, visible or invisible, for thou art the all-power of the universal, and there is no other power that can act. Let thy will be done in us now. Let thy
kingdom be manifest across the face of this earth, through the hearts of all who are so blessed as to live upon it. Oh, Supreme Beloved One! As we lift our hearts, our vision, our consciousness toward thee, release the substance of thy self to each of us, according to our requirements, that as we move forward in thy name and upon thy service, we shall not be found wanting. We ask forgiveness for all the transgressions of thy law of love and harmony, for ourselves and all mankind, for the forces of the elemental kingdom and the kingdom of nature. Endow us now with thy power and desire to so forgive all who have ever caused us distress, back unto the very beginning of time. Because Thou art with us and in us, we fear no evil, for there is no power apart from Thee which can hurt, destroy, or despoil life's beauty of expression. Thou art the strength and the power by which we move ever in the path of righteousness, and now-Oh, Father of light-show us the full glory we had with Thee in the beginning, before the world was. So be it.
January 1953
"Is that YOU, Master?" cried my heart From out its shroud of doubt and fear. "We have lived so long apart, Can I believe that THOU art here?" I feel a dam burst in my heart And all my foolish, childish pains Rush in torrents from my soul. I find myself at peace again. To one as filled with sin as I, Among a millions sons of men. My hope exceeds good reason's guard, Let me not be deceived again.
Oh God, don't let credulity Deceive me in this hopeful hour. Reveal to me without delay, What PRESENCE brings this blessing power? Are these your words of counsel, Lord, That contain no sting of cruel blame, But rather fill my emptiness With a renewing, hopeful flame? Is that your PRESENCE, Master dear, That stands in friendship by my side? With thee, I could move forward now In God-victorious-whate'er betide. Have I been so long with thee And ye not know my Presence yet? 'Tis not by form but ESSENCE, child, The measure of the Christ is set. The fruit falls not far from the parent tree, Nor the Master's works from the Father's throne, Where comfort, hope and peace abide, The Father's will is being done. The Father's sons are love divine, Their garments hemmed with Mercy's thread. Whosoever touches the fringe of the robe In paths of truth are gently lead.
130 THE BRIDGE February 1953
A Monthly Journal Devoted to Individual Unfoldment, Contact With the Great White Brotherhood and Cooperative World Service
Considering the Godhead as a Sun, there are, surrounding and enfolding this central focus of intelligence, seven mighty spheres of consciousness, each one separated from the other by its own periphery line, which forms the natural boundary of that particular sphere. These seven spheres might be called the aura of God, each one inhabited by great Godintelligences, all intent on doing the Father's will, expanding his kingdom and his consciousness. The development and unfoldment of His kingdom is accomplished by the rhythmic release of pulsating waves of His own divine consciousness, within which are the spiritual germs of all form and manifestation, from the smallest blade of grass, to the most brilliant star, with its cosmic tone. As these God-ideas pass from sphere to sphere, in ever-widening circles, they are absorbed by the beings and intelligences within each one, their shining glory modified by the vibratory action of the natural elements within that sphere. They then pass outward on their course to the next sphere and the next, ever journeying onward toward manifestation in the world of form - their glory dimmed to a point where the beings of the next sphere can best absorb their blessings. A constant modification of the God light, a constant clothing of the God-consciousness, is achieved in each sphere, so that God's ideas become embodied in the atomic substance of each sphere in orderly sequence, and eventually reach the Seventh Sphere or etheric realm, where they await precipitation into the physical world of form.
The First Sphere represents the heart of Creation, itself. The Great Beings, who form the directive intelligence of this sphere,
February 1953
are known as the Manus of the human race. The Master who activates their will in the world of man is called the Chohan of the First Ray, Morya El. It is his service to life to carry the God-ideas and directives from the Godhead, into the minds 0f those beings in the Second Sphere, who clothe them in actual workable form. In this First Sphere also abide the seven mighty Archangels who have volunteered to guard and protect the evolving human race. Here is born every idea, design, plan and blessing which will one day manifest in the physical world. Its inhabitants are beings whose service t0 life is to embody these God-ideas and carry them on their outward course to the periphery of the First Sphere, and here entrust them to the waiting messengers of the Second Sphere. What finite mind could conceive of the beauty, the perfection, the joy and happiness of these ideas! Here live the cherubic and seraphic hosts, messengers of the Most High, bathing in the fire of Creation, embodying its essence in their very selves and then begins the great cosmic ritual of cosmic precipitation of the blessings of heaven from realm to realm, which will take them, in time, to the furthest borders of the kingdom and the periphery of the Seventh Sphere. Containing the purest essence of divinity within their shining selves, they swing outward in their cosmic course, carrying the light of heaven into the consciousness of the beings in the Second Sphere.
The celestial inhabitants of the Second Sphere most lovingly receive the cosmic messengers and the ideas from God's heart, assimilate them, clothe them in the substance of their own great light and the universal light substance, which forms the atmosphere of this sphere, and they, in turn, pass them onward to the receptive consciousness and atmosphere of the Third Realm. In this Second Sphere, the God-ideas and patterns of future greatness are moulded into form, through the use of the creative powers of the Higher Mind force - thus, the seeds of the Father fall on fertile ground (intelligent individual consciousness) and begin to take definite form in the world of divine thought. The God-intelligence who governs this Second Sphere is the Lord Buddha, who, together with his great brother, Lord Maitreya, interpret the God-ideas from the First Sphere through the formulation of world religions and faiths. Their representative, the Chohan of the Second Ray, Kuthumi Lal Singh, further consolidates their cosmic service through the educational channels both of the inner spheres and the physical appearance world as well. 132 THE BRIDGE February 1953
So great is the wealth of the Father's outpouring, that this essence must , keep rushing onward, clothed in intelligent thought patterns, ever desiring to give of itself in rhythmic blessings. Thus, the Third Sphere is alerted to receive of the divine outpouring..
In the third Sphere, the glory and radiance of the Second Sphere has already clothed the Divine Immanence in thought patterns, s0 that it is better assimilated by the vibrating consciousness of his realm. These Godideas are ensouled with life ,and become living, pulsating foci of "things to come." This is the realm 0f the Holy Spirit under the direction of that great cosmic representative of the Third Person of the Trinity, whom we know by the title of Maha Chohan. In this Third Sphere, life essence is imparted to the thought-forms descending from the First and Second Spheres. Until thought is clothed with the life through the feeling nature, it does not become a living, vital force so far as expression in the physical world is concerned. Thus, the Third Sphere vitalizes all manifestations which will ever externalize on the planet, Earth. The activity of the Third Sphere, like the prism, divides the spiritual rays through which flows the life, which makes thoughts become things, actualized. The radiation and gifts of the third ray proceed through the five sub-divisions of this great ray, into the physical world of form. The great Chohans of these five rays, therefore, work under the supervision of their over-lord - Maha Chohan. The first sub-division of the Third Ray is under the direction of the Chohan known as Paul, the Venetian. His cosmic service to life is to receive the blueprints, or divine thoughtforms, which contain within themselves world movements, as well as simple individual blessings for the human race, and, dividing them as to their subject matter and potential service to life, he gives them to the Chohan in charge of the dispensation of those specific activities. These Chohans, in turn, project them from their spheres of activity into the world of form through conscious or unconscious human intelligences, who are open to their cosmic impressions and influence. Thus, the Venetian becomes the outpost of the Maha Chohan, and the step-down transformer of his energies so far as channeling the blessings of God through the proper facets in the world of form. February 1953 THE BRIDGE 133
A group of beings from the Third Sphere joins the cherubic and seraphic hosts, as they prepare to pass outward with the living, embodied thoughtforms, into the Fourth Sphere of conscious life. Again, a great diffusion of spiritual effulgence takes place, a richer radiation pours through the atmosphere of the Sphere of Visitation. The divine ideas pulsate through the electronic substance and are absorbed by any receptive consciousness within the Fourth Sphere. The great Chohan of the Fourth Sphere is known as the Master Serapis Bey. The developed thoughtforms of the First and Second Spheres, endowed with life of the Holy Spirit in the Third Sphere, finds its first point of contact with the individual consciousness of unascended beings in this realm. The far greater majority of divine archetype (presences) dwell within this Fourth
Realm. Here, the God-ideas, patterns, designs are received by these Christ egos, and developed, by them, through centuries of endeavor, and projected by them into the world of men through their own physical personalities or through advanced pupils functioning in lines of endeavor similar to those being developed and perfected with this realm. Those ideas not ensouled by conscious intelligences in the Fourth Realm, pass onward, carried by the seraphic and cherubic hosts and the escort of honor from the Fourth Realm, into the consciousness of the waiting beings of the Fifth Realm.
Within the Fifth Realm, the seed of the Father, particularly in connection with scientific discoveries, inventions and medical research, is scattered and received by the receptive consciousness of those engaged in this endeavor in the Temples of Science that are active within this sphere, and from these temples they are directed into the minds and hearts of those selfless men and women who are working in these avenues on earth. The great Chohan of the Fifth Realm is known as the Master Hilarion, who was Saint Paul of Biblical days. As the Fifth Sphere pulsates with the essence of Godliness, we see that the blessings are no whit lessened, and that even as we watch, the glorious energies await transmission into the Sixth Sphere to widen their circle of manifest expression. 134 THE BRIDGE February 1953
Within the Sixth Sphere, we find the causative centers of the Christian Religion, wherein devotional and emotional worship are the particular fount through which the spiritual energies are being released to bless the human race. Here dwell the great celestial choirs, the highest heaven of orthodox thought, and from this beautiful sphere flows the inspiration of those men and women who have responded to the "high calling" of religious leaders and who are "leading their sheep" to the best of their ability. The great Chohan of the Sixth Sphere is the Master Jesus, and through the temples' services, both he and Mary, his mother, bathe the Christian world, the devas who guard and protect the churches erected in his name, and all who have accepted the Christ, in the spiritual essence of their divine Christhood. As the cherubic and seraphic hosts make ready to bring the blessings of the Father into the Seventh Realm, we realize that this is, by natural destiny, the periphery of the kingdom and that the Third-dimensional world of today has sunk below this boundary line of safety.
It is to the Seventh Realm, and its great Chohan, known as the Master Saint Germain, that we must look for the contact between the outer
consciousness and the divine patterns of the will of God and his messengers. The Seventh Sphere holds, within itself the etheric pattern of every manifestation of the God-plan which has been lowered rhythmically through the six preceding spheres and which awaits expression in physical form. It is the First Sphere above the human octave of limitation and imperfection into which the soul ascends on its journey back to the heart of God. It is, therefore, the office and responsibility of the Chohan of the Seventh Ray to provide a way and means by which mankind may again unite its consciousness with the inner spheres, and become individual conductors of the divine perfection from these spheres through the consciousness of the outer self. This realm is literally "bursting" with all the good things that have been handed down from one sphere to another. Because of the resistance and refusal of the outer consciousness of man to accept the divine plan of God, the etheric realm has not been able to pass on the blessings and glories that have
February 1953
descended from the Higher Spheres, and thus complete the outgoing rhythm of creative endeavor. Any member of the human family may offer his consciousness to the Chohan of the Seventh Ray and ask that his individual self may be an outlet for the blessings and perfection contained within it. Every man, woman and child that lives on the earth today, or who will come here in the future, has a divine Presence, a God-pattern, an archetype, that dwells in one of the foregoing seven spheres. Each such incarnate Iifestream is meant to be a radiating center of the spiritual force from the inner sphere where his Presence dwells. He must understand that his own Higher Self is actually living and serving life in one of these spheres, developing certain God-designs picked up by its higher consciousness, which designs await the receptivity of the outer mind in order to find expression in the world of form. The present characteristics of the individual, no matter how poorly developed, are indicative of the ray and sphere to which he rightfully belongs, and as the individual purifies his own world, he will raise the vibratory action of his being to its most powerful and perfect expression through his personal self, and also become a radiating' center of the spiritual force from the sphere in which his Presence dwells and which has a beneficent effect upon all life around him. THE RAYS AND THEIR GOD-QUALITIES
Service on Planet
1 2 3 4 5 6
Wisdom, Perception, Discrimination Love, Tolerance Purity, Artistic Development Scientific Development
The Chohans and their Rays: (starting with Ray 1) El Morya, Kuthumi, Paul, Serapis Bey, Hilarion, Jesus, Saint Germain (Note: In 1956, Kuthumi and Jesus became World Teachers. Lanto assumed the office of Kuthumi and Nada assumed the office 0f Jesus.
February 1953
THE KARMIC LAW By D. T. Marches It is unfortunate, for the sake of man's more speedy evolution on this planet, that the mission of the Master Jesus has not been more clearly understood by humanity - people for the most part living under the impression that his advent on the earth was for the purpose of being offered up to the One Universal Father of live and Love as a sacrifice for the sins of humanity, thereby relieving them of all responsibility for their individual use of the life forces by which they exist. In other words, that the time and effort expanded by life on their creation and subsistence are without reason or purpose. Witness, for example, the acceptance by so many people of the statement, "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved." Jesus had already expiated his own karma (which condition the Karmic Law demands from an aspirant for this exalted mission),and he was granted a dispensation, whereby the sufferings incumbent on his mission could be applied to a partial expiation of the karmic debts of mankind. This still did not mean that humanity could go on indulging in unbridled license 0f their passions and eventually ride into the kingdom of heaven 0n the merit of the
Master Jesus, without any conscious effort towards attaining that perfection necessary for its achievement. His last appearance on earth, therefore, fulfilled four major accomplishments, the achievement of which is necessary before any soul can attain his ascension or liberation: 1. He exemplified the Law of Cause and Effect. 2. He manifested the perfection of the Christ or God-self, through his physical form. 3. His public death and resurrection proved the supremacy of spirit, or mind, over the world of form. 4. His ascension, during the course of which he became invisible to human sight, proved that in the very atmosphere of earth, there is an invisible realm where persons who have increased their vibrations to reach the Christ Consciousness may enter, when they have fulfilled their divine plan. The occupants of this octave, which is called the Fourth Dimensional Realm, live in an atmosphere resembling White Fire, which vibrates at a tremendously high rate, far beyond the human range of vision. Because these Liberated Beings cannot be seen with the physical eye and because mankind is not aware of the laws governing their evolution, they deny the existence of their emancipated brothers, and thus, through ignorance and unFebruary 1953 THE BRIDGE 137
belief, deny themselves the comfort and help they would receive e through the radiation and love of their Presence. Furthermore, it goes, without saying, that by denying the existence of these Liberated Beings, man nullifies the effects of his own spiritual efforts, as well as the ultimate freedom attained through such endeavors. Due to the fall of man and his slow upward climb to the consciousness he enjoyed before his descent, and because of the balance each one owes to life by reason of the misuse of energy, the Karmic Law allows him an allotted span of time at certain intervals, called "earthly embodiments," during which time he is expected to attend to his soul's mission. When this short period of time has expired, the ego is withdrawn, to make room for another incoming and hopeful soul. This "coming in" and "going out" of the ego are called by the names of "birth" and "death." The "going out" should not hold any more terror than the "coming in," because so-called death is but the transferring of the tired ego to a place of rest and peace, where it may renew its energies and receive valuable instruction before the next embodiment. Oftimes it is, happily, the open door to eternal freedom, for some triumphant soul who has successfully fulfilled his divine plan.
Daily Work Sheet HOW TO DEVELOP PERFECT VISION From February 15 to March 14, 1953
That thou seest, man That, too, become thou must. God, if thou seest God. Dust, if thou seest dust.
The Psalmist sings, "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help" (Psalm 121:1). Man has been endowed with the power of vision, by which he invites and compels the object visualized, into his consciousness. What man entertains in his consciousness, outpictures in his world. Through the track of the vision, each individual has the power to draw into his experience whatsoever he chooses to contemplate. The Master Saint Germain has said, "It is more difficult for man to endeavor to visualize a glory which his outer consciousness has not yet experienced, than it is for the Presence or the Master to project into the beam of his vision the perfect vision as the Masters sees it, with his more hiqhly-developed faculties." 138 THE BRIDGE February 1953
It would be more difficult for a blind man to visualize green grass or the blue sea, than the man who has looked upon it. Therefore, as you accept the magnetic power of your unfolding visual sense, ask the Presence and the Masters to "glorify you with the glory which you had with him, before the world was." (John 17.5). Then, quietly await the Presence, so that you may incorporate its perfection into the very substance of the flesh. Contemplate daily: Steadfastly facing THEE, there is no evil on my pathway. Steadfastly facing THEE, there is no limitation with its sorrows. Steadfastly facing THEE, there is no loss, no lack, no absence, no deprivation. Steadfastly facing THEE, there is nothing to fear, for there is no power to hurt. Steadfastly facing THEE, there is neither sin, nor sickness, nor death. Steadfastly facing THEE, I AM become ALL THOU ART. YOUR COOPERATION, PLEASE
The following are the present applications before .the Karmic Council, to which you may add the strength of your individual petition if you find the cause worthy: 1. The Higher Mental Body taking possession of the physical form at the age of six, instead of twelve, as is now the LAW. 2. The visible, tangible presence of the Ascended Masters to prepared students. 3. The complete financial freedom for all who desire to serve the Brotherhood and the cause for good. 4. The bodies enduring, absolutely non-recordant to disease, for those who wish to serve the cause for good. NOTICE
Our first issue of April 1952 has been exhausted, although we printed ten thousand copies. As the demand for that issue is so great, we have reprinted another 10,000 copies.
March 1953
A Monthly Journal Devoted to Individual Unfoldment, Contact With the Great White Brotherhood and Cooperative World Service
MARCH 1953
at inner levels, when you were bathed in the substance of the love which flowed through the exquisite presence of Lord Maitreya, I shall, with his permission, endeavor to describe the outpouring which took place in the Kashmir Hills, recently. The light from the moon flooded the hillside with a silvery radiance, which made the entire proceedings easily discernible to even the physical sight, of those privileged and blessed enough to be present within the garments of the flesh. The valley was filled with the members of the human race who, in their finer bodies, responded to the magnetic power 0f Lord Maitreya's love, that was drawn and focused within and through this whole activity. Shortly after the midnight hour, the divine presence 0f Lord Maitreya ascended a small, grassy elevation and he began an address on love, with an accompanying demonstration 0f his feeling 0f love, which varied according to the different activities 0f love, included in his discourse and which became the very substance of the listeners-human and divine. 140 THE BRIDGE March 1953
A TREATISE ON LOVE This treatise on love, by the Maha Chohan ,deals with the following subjects among others, 1) Real feeling and hypnosis, 2) How to re-energize the spiritual feeling, 3) The mastery of love is the basis of stillness; 4) You are the custodian of the feeling of love and peace, 5) You have the power to expand the Flame of Love; 6) You can invoke the power of your Christ Self, 7) The living power of love, which has been conferred on you, is only as valuable as you use it. I This is a gift of the Holy Spirit, which imbues the Master and the Master's elected representative, wherein the word-picture is accompanied by the actual feeling of the activity described, and which does more to illumine the consciousness than is possible when thoughts alone are transmitted and the intellect is fed through the medium of worded expression. The gift of the genius through the spoken word, in song, in prose or on canvas, is measured by the depth of feeling which he can convey to his audience. The feelings, which are stirred by the agitator, or the emotional zealot, or the over-aggressive salesman, are momentary, and represent to a great extent a hypnosis, or a transfer of the vibrations of the sender, with the effect that when that pressure is removed, there is a "let down" or a coldness in those who have, for one reason or another, permitted themselves to be temporarily stirred. But the sustained feeling of spiritual satisfaction, which follows a spiritual experience, means that the Master Flame of the Holy Spirit, through whatever instrument it functions, has connected with the vibrations of the audience and set into motion a pulsation, within the feeling world of
the receivers, of a permanent vibration, of a superior nature, to that ordinarily experienced and which can be recalled at will. II One of the unfortunate characteristics of the spiritual student is that he does not know that the power lies within himself to re-energize that spiritual feeling at will and he is inclined to believe that he has lost its ecstasy once its first warmth and delight have passed. The wise individual, in the active enjoyment of a spiritual benediction, seizes it, and, through a conscious call to his Christ Self which may be as follows-"Beloved Christ Self, accept this, the feeling of Lord Maitreya's love (or whoever the officiating Master might be), sustain it for me and allow me to feel it again, at will." March 1953 THE BRIDGE 141
Then, when a crisis or an experience of life requires the presence of a love beyond human capacity, such an individual may call again for that feeling, which has been held in store for him by his Presence, and he can experience, again, that same spiritual communion and exaltation . So I say to you, who stood within the radiation of Lord Maitreya's outpouring, and who felt, for a moment, the potential powers of love divine, demand by the power of your own Presence at that meeting, that you feel again the love of the Cosmic Christ, and then, embody within that feeling, the conviction of its mastery in every sphere and through every form. III As the great Master of Love stood against a background of gently sloping hills, with the silvery moon shining upon his luminous body, there flowed from his Presence a feeling of the most glorious peace - a stillness that was even reflected in nature, so that the very bodies of the assembled guests did not choose to move, because the comfort of that peace was more precious than the will of any part. Into that stillness we entered, deeper, deeper and deeper. Not a blade of grass moved, nor a leaf of a tree, nor a bird on a branch, nor the surface of the lake, and even the breeze that is ever-present within the natural channels of the hills and valleys, was still, reminding me of the coming of the great Kumaras. The enjoyment of that stillness was an active, individual experience, each one with his being pressed against the body of the Silence, until all the quivering nerves and vibrating minds were stilled. This is the feeling that the Masters experience when they enter the Great Silence between their activities, but for Lord Maitreya to have brought that feeling of stillness into the lower atmosphere of earth and to have consciously conveyed it to the bodies of unascended beings was, again, the manifestation of complete mastery of love over every vibration which is less than itself -because every individual that was present brought a vibration representative of some different aspect of limiting experience, and yet that Master Presence of Love (without a word being spoken) gave to every man the promise of what a planet and a people will one day be, when the
capacity to create discord is no longer counted among the powers of the evolving ego.
March 1953
We, who were among the Ascended Host present, joyously opened our feelings to the inflow of that Cosmic Christ gift, claiming within our own permanent record, that we might re-animate that aura at will, so that it would become for us, each one, not only a gift received, but a gift to be given - and I now revivify it for you. You are now the custodians of that feeling of love and peace divine, and we shall see how often you will revivify it at will, for yourself, and others! In the coming days and years, how many circumstances will you find yourself in, where the radiation of Lord Maitreya's love can be, on the instant, expanded from the center of your being to blanket a condition, a Iifestream or an environment, and you will find yourself not being unduly concerned with the generation of a cosmic power beyond the capacity of your selfhood, because this is a gift endowed upon you by the Master. You, who find it so difficult to generate a feeling of love in the midst of a circumstance in which, perhaps, your own human nature may be involved, will find that there is, within yourself, the power to invoke the revivification of that feeling of the love of the Cosmic Christ, which you personally experienced in the great outpouring by Lord Maitreya in the Kashmir Hills and which I have doubled in its activity by invoking it through the substance of your physical bodies as you read this and let your thoughts dwell on me. V In the blue waters of the Kashmir Lake, the silvery light of the moon was reflected and even those lilies that only open their petals in the morning, were in full bloom. Lord Maitreya stood alone in perfect repose upon the small elevation, his head inclined a little, in order to focus the radiation of his love upon the assembled throng. Above him, in the inner atmosphere, was the presence of Lord Buddha and the Twin Flames from the heart of the Sun, itself, so Lord Maitreya became the conductor of not only his own love, but the most concentrated directive outpouring of the Cosmic Christ (supplemented by that of those other mighty beings), that the earth has unto this day received. To create an aura so comfortable that mankind does not need to be entertained through any avenue of the senses, and to hold that for over an hour, is a major achievement, when you are dealing with hundreds of thousands of differently-constituted and evolved beings. March 1953 THE BRIDGE 143
It is a different matter, entirely, for a Master and a group of selective and trained lifestreams to enter the heart of their own solitude - but, to become the Master Presence of the energy of the masses, without phenomena or word-pictures or action of any kind, is a forerunner of the powers of the Cosmic Christ, which must be embodied in the lifestreams of those who are to be the leaders of the people, as well as their guardians, in the planetary changes ahead. The reason that individuals who are going to serve life in a cosmic capacity have always been required to enter the presence of the Lord Maitreya, is that they might experience, in full, the nature of the Cosmic Christ love themselves and receive that seed in the feeling world, which could be fanned into a flame when circumstances present themselves for its use, such as quieting an audience in time of panic, or inspiring them in times of peace. It was for this specific reason that Lord Maitreya performed this service for mankind, in masse, at this spiritual initiation. Up to this time, the service was only performed for one initiate at a time, but this time he rendered the same services for every person present and everyone in that vast assembly who experienced the feeling of the love of the Cosmic Christ, is a potential focus for the expansion of that flame when it is required in any crisis, individual or collective. VI All of the initiations and great experiences through which the Iifestream passes on the Earth, are permanently recorded in the etheric body. Any height of spiritual exaltation, any joyous association with divinity, is permanently stored within the Akashic Memory, in the feeling world, and endures, from embodiment to embodiment, as a heritage of the Iifestream. Today, of course, the unpleasant experiences are, thank God, not of a permanent nature, owing to the knowledge and use of the Sacred Fire. The soul, therefore, on entering into the feeling body at the time of birth, is heir to every spiritual benediction which it has been privileged, through the use of free will, to draw into being in all past lives, but it is the unfortunate experience of the human race, that these divine feelings are not revitalized, consciously, and utilized in the present-day living of the ego-self. It is something to be deplored, that they just lie dormant, until the Iifestream comes into the conscious use of its divine memory and begins to use that heritage, but this latter achievement is quite an advanced development of the ego. 144 THE BRIDGE March 1953
Many of you have witnessed the miracles of the Master Jesus and felt, through the sweet privilege of divine friendship, the love of the Cosmic Christ, embodied in his selfhood. This is a living and permanent part of your own emotional world, which can be drawn forth by your invocation and revitalized as a treatment for yourself and others, and, to go back to the very beginning of the beginning, you can invoke the power of your own Christ Self to let you feel the glory that you had with HIM in the beginning before the world was.
You sat at the feet of the Father and the Mother when the spirits sparks were first drawn forth and within your feeling world is the experience of their feeling of love for you, as one of t heir children, which was because you witnessed and felt it to become a living part of you. You looked objectively upon those experiences then, even as a child today does not recognize the wealth of parental solicitude, but in some far-distant time, when the experience of daily living becomes more difficult, the memory of that experience is stirred and the mature individual then feels a little of what the parent experienced during those earlier days. The student body, by reason of the tremendous release through cosmic messengers, has been lifted, time and again, into that height of cosmic love and sense of mastery and power, but they do not seem to remember that they might have this exaltation revivified through their conscious call. VII Now, as I bring you Lord Maitreya's love, I want it to be more than just "a memory" stored away within your respective consciousnesses. I want it to be a living power that you can and will re-animate and pour forth freely to others. A gift, spiritually conferred, and a power vested in your lifestream, is only as valuable as the use to which it is put. You have felt, for a moment, the master power of love. I have purposely conveyed it to you through radiation, showing that the transmittal of a feeling is possible and is more lasting than the transmittal of a thought. I have conveyed to you the power of revivifying feeling and a conscious knowledge that the Master's feeling can be for you an authority and master presence, until you are fully developed enough to create and sustain your own. If you will accept this assistance and act accordingly, I feel that I will have done much for my children. Maha Chohan
March 1953
WITHOUT VISION, THE PEOPLE PERISH By V. F. Angelday "Without vision, the people perish!" Why? Because life itself, in its essence, is unformed light substance and since it is constantly flowing, it must have a "vision," a thoughtform, a receptacle or cup, some definite pattern which will receive it and enable it to express the divine design for which it was created. The "vision"-the mind-picture which your intelligence holds before it, is the pattern into which that life essence will flow. Without that picture, that pattern, that design, the essence is without direction and wastes away. Therefore, without a definite pattern, without a "vision" of
higher things, of something better than the present manifestation, without the aspiration of the "upward look," the energy (life) keeps getting denser and denser as its vibration lowers, and eventually disintegrates, or "perishes. " All mankind's difficulties come from looking down. To look down is to see disorder, dirt, human selfishness and general unhappiness. To look up is to see, first of all LIGHT, divine order, beauty, perfection, hope and all of good. There is nothing ever misplaced or disappointing or out of order in the "up look." The sun and stars are always in their appointed place at all hours of the day and night and never fail to appear. They are as dependable as God, himself, and give one a sense of security. "God's in his heaven, all's well with the world," sang the poet. So, if we would have the same peace as the heavens, we must look up and pattern our lives and worlds after them. Each of the heavenly bodies and all upon them, HAVE NO CONCERN about each other, or anybody, or anything, but fulfilling their own divine plan of existence. The same thing holds true in nature-two trees can be growing side by side, for instance an oak and a pine, and each one, a few feet apart, living on the same soil and water and sunshine, produce two entirely different forms of life and beauty, but they do not interfere in any way with each other. Carrots, tomatoes and celery can be growing in the same garden patch, and each produces after its kind, without any interference or discord with each other. Why cannot mankind do the same thing? They can, IF THEY WANT TO. If each one will get and HOLD the VISION of what he or she really WANTS TO BE and is divinely designed to be, and then bends every effort, every day, into the producing of that perfection, there would be no wars, chaos or heartbreak in this dear world of ours. It is because mankind have lost the vision and do
March 1953
not lift even the physical sight away from the petty things of this world and our desire to hold and possess them, that forget there IS a vision to which we should aspire, for which we were created and which, if we do not express it, remains unexpressed until we do, for no one can express the divine design for another. Each one, individually, came forth from the heart of the Father, bearing a certain pattern which he, himself, created of the perfection he desired to express in this physical world. He was at that moment endowed with all, and more than he could possibly use, of the substance of the universe, with which to fulfill that divine plan. In the forgetfulness of that divine plan, lies the secret of the confusion and disorder of the outer world today. Many are seeking the. possession and holding of "things." In themselves, "things" can never bring happiness-they are only a means to an end, to bring ease and comfort and joy to us along the pathway of life. This is proven by the fact that you cannot take them with you - the things of this world STAY in this world. What begins here, ends here, for, at best, this planet is but a
temporary abode for us all. It is the schoolroom of the universe to which we come, periodically, to learn how to use divine love to create and expand perfection. In quoting the Law to his disciples, beloved Jesus once said, "Be ye therefore PERFECT, even as your Father in heaven is perfect!" People often say, "Well, there's nothing perfect in this world." Oh, Yes there is! The flame of life within your physical heart, without which you cannot exist here, which keeps the body warm and moving, IS THE PERFECTION OF GOD - his reality within each outer form, and so PERFECTION IS WITHIN EACH BEATING HEART. Since most of mankind are constantly saying, "What is it all about? Why am I here?" would it not be rather sensible for us, ever so often, perhaps just before entering sleep at night, for just a moment, to ask of the flame within yourself (it must be intelligent, since it does for you what you cannot do for yourself - sustains your heartbeat which makes life in your body possible -"What am I here for? Tell me what YOU WANT ME TO DO WITH MY LIFE." Then go off to sleep and forget it and gently, but surely, as you make the call, there will come softly into your consciousness NEW IDEAS, happy ideas, ideas that will give you the joy of living and the hope, and later absolute assurance of accomplishment - the reason for your being in this universe! Everyone has a reason for being. Find out what it is - GET YOUR VISION, the picture of what you are supposed to be and to do - your EXCUSE for existence and using the things of this world. March 1953 THE BRIDGE 147
Start today, in every spare moment, enjoying that picture of what you would like to be, what you would love to be doing, and it must come to pass as surely as you do it. I call limitless legions of the Angels of Cosmic Christ Accomplishment to assist you in this end. The Masters Of Wisdom Speak THE DEGREE OF VISION ATTAINED BY DIFFERENT MESSENGERS MAHA CHOHAN "Without vision, the people perish." This is a strong statement, which embodies a cosmic truth. The vision always precedes the accomplishment, and it is to the men and women of vision that the race owes the impetus for its every forward step on the evolutionary ladder. The power of vision is a God-developed faculty, which is not synonymous with sight. Even the animal shares the capacity to see with mankind, but only the consciousness destined for immortality in a God-estate, may develop and utilize the mystic power of vision. For the few that have the vision of God's design, there are the many who are dependent on their report, fashioning their lives, their religions, their politics, on the inspiration of the visionaries of the age.
MORYA EL As man purifies the energies of his individual consciousness, he is enabled to perceive the design of the universe more clearly. He is privileged to gaze upon the pattern and form of "things to come." He is invited to see the workings of the universal mind of God. In such a man, the spiritual faculty of vision is awakened. Once he has been raised in consciousness into, the realms of creative cause, he is imbued with enthusiasm and the positive, joyous delight in "the glories that the Father hath prepared for those that love him." Such individuals bring the report of these visions to the consciousness of their lesser-developed brothers and sisters, and are "wayshowers" of the masses, inspiring them by their confidence, instructing them by their knowledge of what is "to be," and protecting them from blunders by the constant upward-look at the pattern, which only their unscaled eyes can see, shining in the celestial mind of God. 148 KUTHUMI The development of any faculty is relative. The report of any one of the senses is only as accurate as the sensitivity of the instrument. A master musician is able to detect tones and shadings of which the average man would be blissfully unaware. So, also, when the mystical power of vision exalts the consciousness of the neophyte, his description of the celestial sights he has witnessed is a partial truth. The reports of the visionaries of the centuries, vary according to the development of the consciousness utilizing the faculty. The wailing of the prophets, the soothing vibrations of the psalms, the wrath of Jehovah, the love of the Father - all result from the reports of the "uplifted vision" of individuals whose varying degrees of awareness have resulted in the confusion of the masses and the constant cry of "Lo here and lo there!" Man must not be discouraged from exercising his power of vision no, nor from enjoying and respecting the reports of the visionary! However, he must be warned that, like the guide on the Mount of Attainment, each new vantage point will yield a new panorama and all the guides are not at one point at one time. The particular guide whom a number of lifestreams are following in consciousness, will perceive that portion of the path directly concerned with the progress and safety of his charges, and his vision will be sufficient for that group, but there are other groups and other guides so far above them that they look like little specks on the shining apex of the mountain. THE VENETIAN "Order is heaven's first law." In the realm of divine mind, everything is perfectly designed, planned and executed. Truth is! The lifestreams chosen for their developed spiritual vision, to transmit to the people a portion of THE BRIDGE March 1953
"things as they are" in divine mind, are destined to be the guides of certain members of the human race. Under the direction of members of the Great White Brotherhood, they develop the faculty of spiritual vision to a point where they are able to pierce through the blinding light of Gods realm and see though, perhaps dimly, a fragment of the plan, which can be incorporated into fact, through the cooperation of t hose lifestreams which they have been delegated to guide. Grasping this "blueprint," they interpret it to their fellow travelers and, bound together by the invisible bond of common
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interest and complementary vibrations, they set forth on the mystical journey toward individual attainment and cooperative service in the same cause while attaining. SERAPIS BEY "Be ours the fair vision, the fairer fulfillment." When an individual is privileged to utilize the faculty of vision and witness any portion of the Goddesign, by accepting it into his consciousness, he is obligated by Cosmic Law to fulfill or externalize that vision in the sphere in which his awakened consciousness dwells. His usual method is to convey his mystic experience to sympathetic Iifestreams, whom he endeavors to interest, to the extent of their cooperating with him in the working out of the manifest expression of his vision. The clarity of this inner picture, his remembrance of its details and the magnetic power of his own lifestream, will be the predominant factors, in the success of his venture - whether it be the founding of a religion or a government, designing a temple or a city, building a boat or a bicycle. Upon the fulfillment of this vision depends his further opportunity to look upon the design for the kingdom. HILARION When a lifestream achieves the spiritual vision necessary to look upon the very heart of God, such a one becomes imbued with a cosmic desire to externalize the perfection of the Father's will, and is dedicated to a cause which will engage the energies of such an one for, perhaps, centuries. Thus, when Saint Germain saw the vision of a planet inhabited by Godfree beings and accepted that vision into his consciousness, he became responsible, through all succeeding lives, to convey that vision to his fellowmen and imbue them with a like enthusiasm until, one day, the vision would be fulfilled.
During each incarnation a portion of the "blueprint" was recorded in the minds of men, up until the present day, when spiritual freedom is an adopted accomplishment in the consciousness of thousands, and it is only unfortunate that the ways and means of achieving it are still blurred by human prejudice .
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We, who have seen the glories that are prepared for the unfolding consciousness of mankind, rejoice that the vision we endeavored to convey to our followers, will before long, reveal the truth that all guides upon the Mount of Attainment have reported truly, according to their place on the path. Because some of us had already proceeded to a point where access to the fullness of God was more readily attainable, does not change the comforting truth that all roads to aspiration lead to the heart of the Eternal. Blessed be every bold and eager son of man, who has dared to stand on tip-toe and, through the mist of his own evolving consciousness, to look for truth and in the looking, perceives it even dimly. Then, with abiding faith in his vision, he imparts it to his fellow-men and has the courage to set out boldly on the path. SAINT GERMAIN Whose is the greater vision? Only he who has passed through the veil of human incarnation can see and know God face to face! Therefore, the Ascended Masters, who have climbed the Mount of Attainment and ascended to God's presence from its blazing crest, can best convey the vision of all truth to men. The long and arduous climb from the base of the mount has been accomplished through the kind and generous assistance of lesser guides who, themselves, perceived but dimly through the mists of their own consciousness. What appears as the fullness of the cosmic panorama of truth from the five-hundred-foot level, is but an infinitesimal portion of the whole as seen from the vantage point of, say, a thousand feet further on the path. However, without the guide in the "swamps" at the base of the mount, the soul would never stand on the firm ground where the elevation first begins. Some Iifestreams are content, through centuries of evolution, with the same guide, who is evolving just a little ahead of his charges and who, his vision growing clearer, is their day star. This is good! Other travelers change guides when their own vision exceeds that of their former preceptor, loving and blessing his light, but attaching themselves to a guide who can see more clearly, the path ahead.
Finally, the individuals come to a point where their own vision is developed enough to see through the eyes of the Masters' and such travelers become the "chelas" of the Liberated Host, sharing their vision and accepting the responsibility of making
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that vision fact, through the cooperation of their own life essence, coupled with that of whatsoever members of their race they can imbue with their Master's vision, enthusiasm, and light. To those who choose to perceive truth unveiled, the Masters come, and, through the cosmic lens of their own untrammeled vision, the aspirant may share the divine image of God's plan, stepped down by their mercy, to a point where it may be grasped and incorporated into the finite consciousness of the chela. Thus, they have the opportunity of knowing God's will, of working in cooperation with the Brotherhood and sharing in the vision of the Gods, before their own power of vision is sufficiently exalted to render this service for themselves and others. THE BRIDGE is one way by which we share our vision with our chelas and they share their life energies with us, in cooperative service to the fulfillment of God's divine plan. LORD MAITREYA'S ADDRESS TO THE MULTITUDE You are here to become masters of love. There is no Iifestream, in all the great universe of God, who is not, in some manner, a dispenser of the love element. Love is the dual force of expansion and contraction - cohesion and radiation. It is a centripetal and centrifugal force. The lifestream must be anchored in the exact center of his world and the two forces equally controlled according to the requirement of the moment. This is Mastery. Love must be able to give of itself in the release of radiation and hold an object in its own orbit so that it neither comes too close, nor goes too far from the governing intelligence, according to the God-design. This is the most difficult aspect in the achievement of Mastery-to control the in-drawing vibration of the love force and keep the balance between blessing and absorption . Witness: If the attraction of the sun draws a planet an infinitesimal proportion too close to the center-it ceases to be. So it is with man in his relation to every living and breathing thing and every inanimate object and every force and power with which he is endowed. Time will not allow me to go into the ramifications of this subject, but, even spiritually, the man who draws knowledge and power from life and does not give a balance in service-is off center.
We have, in my retreat, a golden bar, about eighteen inches long, which stands on a pyramid whose apex is a hair's breadth in 152 THE BRIDGE March 1953
size. This bar never moves, no matter what the planetary changes or earth upheavals may be. It is the manifestation of love, in perfect balance. Man, in his present-day experiments with the Law and power of love, uses either too much of the outgoing force, which repels the presence of people and things, or, through the mis-use of the cohesive power, accumulates more than he can balance in service. The great lesson the soul must learn is balanced activity. The activities of love, generated by human beings, pass through three stages: The first is the parent-child association-the adoration and solicitude of the parent for the infant and the child's affection ,and deification of the parent, whose model and example it chooses to deify. (The majority of the human race lives within this phase of development.) Second: Friendship, which consists of the interchange of consciousness the enjoyment of association and the conveyance of more-or-Iess loyalty and affection, according to the development of the Iifestream, each one pursuing his individual path and allowing the strength of his love to go forth only in time of crisis. Third: The individuals who choose to utilize their love, their association, their talents and their consciousness in progressive service to the race. Here you have a very small percentage of the race. TO OUR READERS The Great White Brotherhood and your editor wish to publicly express our gratitude to our beloved manager, Mr. F. C. Pita, for his herculean accomplishments in handling the layouts, proofreading, distribution, general correspondence, bookkeeping, and all clerical and stenographic services connected with the publication and distribution of "The Bridge," since its inception. This entire service was given to the Masters of Wisdom as a gift of love, and the time devoted to it taken from those few hours normally devoted to relaxation, after the performance of his daily service in the business world. The rapid growth of "The Bridge," with its increasing demands for service, have been most gratifying to us ,but they have worked increasing hardship on our willing and loyal one-man staff in Cuba. We have, therefore, accepted Mr. Pita's recommendation that the management, printing and distribution of "The Bridge'' be transferred to the United States. Mr. Pita, will, how-
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ever, continue as general manager of "The Press," and has offered his valued services in helping to prepare the great volume of unpublished instruction of the Masters for printing and distribution, as quickly as possible. We are confident that the above changes will facilitate more rapid distribution of "The Bridge," accommodate our gentle readers, and increase the efficacy of the members of our staff, in their endeavors to serve the Brotherhood, and-through that Brotherhood-all mankind. Thomas Printz VISUALIZATION Visualize the heart and mind of God as a blazing sun, with a light ray directed out from its center, into the heart of every member of the human race. Feel that universal light as the life and intelligence of every man. Remain still until that consciousness of universal brotherhood permeates your feelings. Then visualize that light rise from the heart into the head, making the entire head area a miniature sun. See every man with an expanding aureole of light around the head area, a rapidly-moving succession of electrons connecting the human mind with the divine. Looking again into the mind of God, see the directive impulses arise within that mind and travel along the rays into the intellectual consciousness of man, each according to his specific requirements. THE DARJEELING RETREAT The radiation of the Darjeeling Retreat, directed by our beloved Master Morya El, will take place between April 15th and May 14th, and will be amplified by "The Bridge" transmitting stations in Asia, Oceania, America, Europe and Africa. It will help you to tune into this radiation if you read the words of our beloved Master Morya El, appearing in this is issue, and in former issues of "The Bridge," in the section, "The Masters of Wisdom Speak." It would help you ,also if you meditate on them during this thirtyday period between April 15th and May 14th. You will thus become a coworker of the Great White Brotherhood. l 154 THE BRIDGE April 1953
A Monthly Journal Devoted to Individual Unfoldment, Contact
APRIL 1953
the kingdom of heaven, may have the opportunity of acquainting themselves, firsthand, with his consciousness, his flame and his y ray. As we drive out of the city of Darjeeling, the road winds slowly upward into the foothills of the ageless mountains that stretch, like unbroken waves of an endless sea, toward the far horizon. Turning off the main highway, we enter a gracious tree-lined drive, reminiscent of the spacious English countryside, and come, suddenly, upon the exquisite white palace, which is the home of El Morya in India. It is built on the oriental style of the Taj Mahal, and at either end are rounded minarets, that rise a full story above the main building. Through the glass walls of one of these minarets, we are
privileged to see the instruments which denote the Master's keen interest in astronomy, the great telescope, and other machinery dedicated to the study of the stars and planets of the system. The other minaret seems to be an exquisite sanctuary, in which the furnishings are done in royal blue and pure, unrelieved white. As we stand at the foot of the long column of marble steps, leading to the massive golden doors, on each of which is a crest of a great MR, held within a chalice, unseen hands draw the white velvet curtains around the tower rooms and they seem to blend with the white stone of the building, itself. " Our guide pulls the long chain hanging beside the great doors, and a melodious bell sounds, reverberating through the stillness of the countryside. The doors open silently, and the splendor of the magnificent entrance hall is revealed. The gracefully-carved double stairway arches over a most exquisite life-size tapestry of King Arthur, sitting with his knights, at the Round Table. Into it have been woven the glorious colors that only the Kashmiri weavers could have drawn forth. looking upward, a great prism in the vaulted ceiling has caught the natural rays of the sun and pours them in a veritable rainbow of color into the hall below. The door on the right is closed, and again we note the crest of the Master woven into its elaborate design. A golden plate signifies, in Sanskrit, that it is the council room of the Brotherhood. Raising our eyes to the balcony formed by the meeting staircases, we can see the full-length portraits of many of our Master friends and this gallery stretches beyond our line of vision in either direction, leading no doubt to the guest rooms and the sleeping quarters of the palace. In the exact center of the entrance hall is a beautiful replica of the Taj Mahal, its tallest minarets about five feet high, com156 THE BRIDGE April 1953
plete in every detail, and the lily pool in front of it is filled with sparkling, effervescent water and fragrant lotus blossoms of every size and color. The door on the left hand side of the hall is open, and we can see an exquisite drawing room, with a fire burning on the grate, and a large vase of roses on the carved rosewood piano, the music still open upon the rack, as if someone had just been playing there. A fine china tea service is set before the fire and, although the whole atmosphere is the personification of splendor and elegance, there is an atmosphere of homeliness and warmth, that enters deeply into the heart. Suddenly, framed in the open door, stands the beautiful figure of our host, smiling gently, his soft brown hair falling in waves on his shoulders. He is wearing the snow white, tapered trousers, and soft-soled, seamless shoes of the East, with the over tunic which reaches to the knees. Around his waist, is the royal blue girdle, tied on the right side, each end embroidered
with the same unique design that we noted on the doors, the MR within the grail. Coming forward with outstretched hands to greet us, we enter the warm embrace of his loving presence and are happily drawn into the room which we observed from the hall. We note the beautiful oil paintings, a lovely English Manor House hanging over the mantel piece, and woven tapestries containing phrases from those songs which our Master wrote, not so long ago, are grouped along the walls. "The heart that has truly loved never forgets. " A hand-carved desk stands at the far end of the room, framed in a bay window leading out into formal gardens, the soft colors of the English garden flowers blending with the more -flagrant shades of the eastern blooms. On the desk is a portrait of the brother, Kuthumi. We are drawn, by our host, to the fireside and a silent brother serves us refreshment, while our host weaves for us the magic carpet on which we rise mentally and spiritually into the world of his stories and are completely caught up in his consciousness and feeling. While seemingly entertaining our outer consciousness, we find that the substance within our brain, which has blurred the vision of our divine plan and the world plan, is being drawn off, and we can see, clearly, the pattern of our own lives unfolding before us, as well as the clear design of the God-plan for our earth and all its evolving life. The clouds of uncertainty and confusion drop away and we know our purpose and our reason for being, and our place in the eternal scheme of things. Thank you,
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oh beloved Morya, Master of love, for so kindly and gently revealing to us God's will. May we embody your strength now and go forward to fulfill it, happily, joyously, and in full God-accomplishment, through the light which is the essence of our very heartbeat! "I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE" By D. T. Marches Many people, serving in the orthodox circles of Christianity today, are abandoning the theory of the "vicarious atonement" in the sacrifice of the Master Jesus, as being not logical in its meaning. They are beginning to perceive the fact that his mission lay in the interpretation of the Cosmic Law as being that of love and the attainment of the kingdom of heaven through its observance. Nicodemus, one of the great teachers of the Jewish Law, hearing Jesus preach to the people in the temple, came to him at night, under cover of the darkness, and requested him to interpret the Law to him. He addressed
Jesus as "Rabbi," which means "Master" and further acknowledged his superiority by saying, "We know thou art a teacher come from God." Jesus then proceeded to explain the Law. He said, "Except a man be born again, he cannot see (understand) the kingdom of God." Nicodemus (who represents the intellectual consciousness) did not comprehend his meaning, and Jesus explained that it is difficult for the human consciousness to understand the higher spiritual truths. Then he told them further, "Except a man be born of water and the spirit, he cannot enter (experience) the kingdom of God--(because) that which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of spirit is spirit." He meant, by this, that the human parents' contribution to this offspring is the flesh body, in which dwells the human consciousness, including all the inherent characteristics of family, nation and race. But the life that animates the body is contributed by the Father-God and contains, within itself, both the nature and attributes of the Holy Spirit. This life principle is the "permanent atom." Its form is that of a tiny flame, or spark, hidden within the heart. It is the immortal part of man and endures from generation to generation, through countless incarnate lives, as the personality takes role after role in its long evolutionary journey through the universe. Witness the statement, "Before Abraham (man) was, I AM (life is) .
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The keynote of all of Jesus' teachings is that man is fundamentally a spiritual being, an integral part of God's life, who volunteered, long ages ago, to enter the world of form, in order to individually experience the Law governing existence and so become co-creator with his Father-God. The episode known as "the fall of man" was occasioned by these sons of God throwing off the guiding hand of authority and deciding to experiment with creation on their own. This was the first violation of the Law of the One (because there is only one life and one intelligence), and when these God-beings decided to set up a counter-intelligence, that moment was the lower or human nature born and, man's troubles began. To turn the people back to their divine origin, great beings like the Master Jesus and others volunteered to come, periodically, to take on the semblance of this lower nature in order that they might reach the human mind. Almost invariably, however, the ignorant and arrogant human element, not only rejected the teaching of the Avatar, but imposed violent deaths on their benefactors. John, the precursor of Jesus, taught the Law of Purification through baptism by water, and all through the Christian Era, people have been baptized, by which ceremony people believe that their "original sin" of disobedience has been eradicated from the soul. However, the transmutation and purification of the lower self has been a slow process and was accomplished, in most cases, at the cost of tremendous personal effort.
Therefore, the attainment of man's liberation from the wheel of birth and death has been a long, drawn out affair, and the ascensions to the higher spheres have been few and far between. The gospel of the new day is one of tremendous joy and anticipation, because under the Dispensation of the Seventh Ray, the Cosmic Law has seen fit to bestow upon mankind the highest gift that heaven could bestow, that is, the knowledge of the " Sacred Love of the Sacred Fire, through the application of which man may balance his karmic debt to life, and may raise and illumine his outer consciousness, so that it may blend with that of his Higher Self. He may, by contemplation of the perfect mind of God, refuse all acceptance of imperfection, thereby ceasing to create painful conditions for himself and others and, through the creative power of the Sacred Love of the Sacred Fire, he may create a "heaven" for himself on this planet. Thus, through the gift of the knowledge of the Sacred Love of the Sacred Fire may man experience the fulfillment of Jesus words, "Fear not, little flock, it is the Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom."
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The beauty and hope of the resurrection is pressed upon us all every springtime, as the life and color and fragrance of the early flowers and blossoms transform the drab and uncompromising bleakness of the winter landscape. And so too, will come our individual resurrection from the weary, colorless existence of the limited human being, into the fuller life that Jesus spoke of, when he said, "I AM come that ye might have life, and have it more ABUNDANTLY." What is this gift that brings a more abundant, a richer, fuller life? We have all examined the small brown seed or bulb or acorn and marveled at the unseen pattern and force that could manifest as the glory of the flower, the shrub, the tree. We accept this recurrent "miracle" because already we have seen its workings, its manifestation, in previous springs, and although we cannot answer "how" or "why" we know it can be done. We accept this miracle. All about us are the feeble life shoots of unhappy and bewildered men and women, beset by worry, ill health, confusion and decay, not unlike the withered and seemingly lifeless seed we hold in the palm of our hand. Can we not hope for and anticipate a "miracle" of resurrection for the souls of men, into the full flower of more abundant life? Jesus experienced the resurrection. He said we were to share his glory. "The things that I have done, ye shall do also," represents a promise to the race. I am sure it is not for one flower to bloom alone in the garden of God's life, when nature's lesson shows the resurrection and the joyous life of the manifold expressions of its kingdom. I rejoice in the resurrection of the world of nature, in the young birds and all the little helpless things that have no words, for in them is my hope. I
invite the Resurrection Flame, which pulsates through nature in an ordered rhythm and feel it pulsate through the souls of men. I feel it, alive within me, bursting forth through every pore, loosing the "wax" of the tomb of matter, until I am radiant, luminous, vibrant, transfigured. The new shoots of the Christ virtues are nourished and press through the "soil" of my own impurities, which fall from me as the broken earth falls from the vibrant color of the flower. These Christ qualities gain strength and vigor and permanence in the Sun of right-use-ness. Already they are visible and giving the fragrance and beauty and hope of their being to the world around me, and I stand revealed a Christ-man, like unto the Master who trod the path before me and who is among the first fruits in the garden of those who sleepeth, still. 160 THE BRIDGE THE MASTERS OF WISDOM SPEAK THE RESURRECTION FLAME MAHA CHOHAN In the kingdom of heaven, where there is eternal life, ever- increasing opulence of express ion, and neither disintegration nor decay are known, the activity of the Sacred Fire, known as the Resurrection Flame is not required. However, for the evolution presently developing upon the planet Earth, the mercy of life has provided such a restorative power for those wise enough to invite it and humble enough to use its vitalizing power. EL MORYA The word "resurrection" means to "bring back or restore to a normal condition." The activity, therefore, is taken out of the category of the "miraculous" and becomes a workable law, by which man is restored to normal! Witnessing the action of the Resurrection Flame through the body of the Master Jesus, we see death give way to life-and know that life, not death, is the normal condition for every man. A natural law, or a so-called "super-natural law," is equally practicable for every part of life who wishes to utilize it. When man awakens to the fact that the power of resurrection is his, if he chooses to invoke it, he can quickly revivify his flesh, his mind, his affairs, and stand free in its revivifying, life-giving essence. KUTHUMI When the mankind of earth abided within the Law of Harmony, neither disease, decay nor disintegration was known to the planet or its evolving life. When mankind first departed from the harmonious qualification of the God-life, the slow process of disintegration began, and man's vehicles, rather than loosing the soul from the earth plane in the dignity of perfect manhood or womanhood, slowly rotted, until the soul could no longer use the vehicles and, in agony and despair, left the earth. It was then decreed by the Father of light that one of his sons might bring a flame, by which man could again restore his mind, body and world to its rightful estate, and he called this restorative power "the Resurrection Flame."
PAUL, THE VENETIAN "Before they have called, I have answered, and while they are yet speaking, I have heard." The great Eternal Father, looking
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upon the earth and its children, felt within HIMSELF the need for the restorative power, by which those desiring to resume their God-estate, could do so. And into His aura, He projected the Flame of Resurrection. Here it lived, until one of his sons, contemplating the nature of the Father, pierced through the blazing light of his aura, and perceived this flame of hope and life! And before the throne of the Father, the son asked that he might embody that flame and bring it to earth, for the acceptance of those " who chose to know, again, eternal youth and beauty and life eternal! He was granted this honor, and through the flame in his heart was anchored the quality and nature of the Resurrection Flame. SERAPIS BEY Countless centuries ago, before the coming of Sanat Kumara, the mankind of earth had wandered away from the principle of the Law of Harmonious Qualification of God-energy, an then was the first KRISHNA (Christ) vested with the authority and right to bring to the knowledge of those who chose to accept his gift, the Resurrection Flame. It is the activity of the Sacred Fire, which may be drawn through the physical heart of any lifestream, which acts as a restorative power of the normal, natural God-estate. The focus for this Resurrection Flame was located in the land now known as " the Arabian Desert, and here-century after century-God-beings tended, guarded and fed the physical focus of this flame. From its essence, the IIIuminati of all ages received, into the immortal spark of divinity within their hearts, the stimulus by which they, in turn, could generate and expand that flame. And through its use, life was maintained in the body for centuries of time, and countless numbers of the man kind of earth manifested victory over disease, disintegration and even death, itself. HILARION Within the Immortal Flame of Life, in the heart of every lifestream, is the potential power and nature of God. However, it is so deeply buried in the accumulation of the ages (the sealed tomb) that it requires God-assistance to direct the outer consciousness to its presence, its power, and its activity. For this reason, great physical foci of these God-qualities and powers were established at certain points on the earth's surface, which act in exactly the same manner as the burning fire which stimulates the dry tinder. The tinder (with potential fire within it), would remain ever lifeless without the stimulation 162 THE BRIDGE April 1953
of the LIVING FLAME. From the heart center, where these spiritual Godqualities are focused, members of the human race-like living torches-carry the flame to those who choose to expose their consciousness to its vitalizing life. Like all torchbearers, they suffer often the "incendiary's doom!' JESUS Having great interest in life eternal, my mother, Mary, and I applied to the Father for the privilege and honor of accepting the responsibility of guarding the Resurrection Flame, in the retreat in Arabia. In order to qualify, a chela must consciously draw and focus, through his own body, the FULL POWER OF THAT FLAME. It is the initiation by which death is swallowed up in life. 1 willingly offered to qualify for that initiation. The story of the resurrection is well known to all my friends of the centuries. I would like to state, however, that the Resurrection Flame lives for ALL MEN, and that it will surge in a great restoring, revivifying, sweeping action of life eternal, WHENEVER AND WHEREVER IT IS CALLED INTO ACTION. To sustain this f1ame in the vibratory action which may be assimilated by all the children of earth, my mother and I have remained the guardian powers of the resurrection, and 1 earnestly hope at this Easter Season that ALL will invoke it through themselves, and all the mankind of earth, and will see and know and feel its restorative action. SAINT GERMAIN Oh, that man might recognize the latent powers within the Immortal Flame of Life that beats his heart! On the cosmic tide of springtime, when our Lord Maha Chohan resuscitates the kingdom of nature by tuning into the Resurrection Flame, may every lifestream utilize the magnetic power within his own heart flame to draw as much of the Resurrection Flame as he requires to set him worlds in order, to resto re his body and mind to perfect health, and revivify the perfect, divine memory of his natural God-estate! This is my Easter decree for my beloved ones, each and every one! THE RETREAT OF THE MASTERS JESUS & MARY The radiation of the Near-Eastern Retreat of the Masters Jesus and Mary will be intensified between May 15th and June 14th, 1953, and will be amplified by "The Bridge" receiving and transmitting stations in Asia, Oceania, America, Europe and
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Africa. It will help you to tune into this radiation if you will read the words of our beloved Master Jesus, appearing in this issue and in former issues, in the section, "The Masters of Wisdom Speak." The May issue of "The Bridge" will contain a detailed description of this retreat and its current service to life. WINGS OF LIGHT
By V. F. Angelday Are you happy? I KNOW you WANT to be, because that is the natural, innate desire within ALL life! You CAN BE, you know, and THIS IS THE SEASON for it! Nature all around us is such a lesson to us all. Everything beneath and about us is joyously coming into a new expression of its being and just as fast as the life within it will allow, is "springing up" toward more light. The plant life, released, at last, from the binding hold of the dark earth around it, exerts the pressure of the energy of its being, FROM WITHIN ITSELF, and with all its might, breaks through the substance that surrounds it and finds the REASON FOR ITS BEING in THE LIGHT. Then, with onepointed earnestness and relentless determination, it turns all the power of its nature into bringing into outer manifestation that reason for its being! Now, when I say "happy," I mean a constant feeling of quiet, content, deep within the heart, a feeling of SECURITY AND CERTAINTY, a feeling of masterful control over your world and affairs that NOTHING CAN DISTURB. I do not mean those flashing moments that, fortunately, in the great mercy of life, come to us all, when there is a temporary surcease from pain and distress, or a momentary relaxation from the strain and struggle for existence. But for those merciful "moments," life could not even be sustained in a physical body. The Western world today has become a constant "drive" to obtain the mere necessities of lifeshelter, clothing and food. Most daily lives have become a "wild" scramble to obtain that which simply enables us to exist and stay in a physical body long enough to fill the span of time allotted us for an embodiment. Everyone is seeking happiness in one way or another, through persons, places, conditions and things, as is evidenced by the tremendous financial resources of the amusement world, beauty shops, pleasure cards, etc., and the RUSH with which everyone seems to be going somewhere. People "tear" to their work and "tear" home again, rushing to make their trains and other means of transportation. There may be another train along in just a few
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minutes, but THEY HAVE TO MAKE THE FIRST ONE for no special reason or definite plan as to what they will do with those EXTRA FEW MINUTES, when they do arrive at their destination. Now, life is a stream of constantly-flowing energy and each one who uses it is responsible for its use, every atom of it, and NO ONE and NO ATOM ever escapes! Did you ever watch a busy highway, with the ceaseless flow of cars upon it-many, many of them going just as fast as the law will allow (sometimes faster, until they are caught), winding in and out of traffic, with but one desire-to "get ahead" of everybody else up front. Stop any one of those cars, if you can, and ask the man behind the wheel WHERE he is going. Very often you will get the reply, "Oh, nowhere in particular, just out for a drive!" Now, as a matter of fact, that one is speaking more truly than he knows, for, in reality, HE IS NOT DOING THE DRIVING! It is the restlessness of the energy around his own body that is doing the driving. He
is simply trying to get AWAY FROM HIMSELF and the uncomfortable pressure of discordantly-qualified energy, so qualified by his own thought and feeling. Now, how do we remedy this? There is always a way provided by the Law of Life, God's great goodness and forgiving love, to correct every unsatisfactory and imperfect condition. That way lies right within one's physical self. "BE STILL AND know THAT I AM GOD!" No one and no thing can ever be permanently happy until they do know this, until they know TRUTH, particularly the TRUTH of their own existence-why they are, why they are here, from whence they came, and where they are going. Only the knowledge of THAT TRUTH brings peace and that sense of inner security of which we have spoken, that can never be disturbed by the constant, shifting scenes and condition of our daily experience. That which is here today may be gone tomorrow and who, in the outer consciousness, can guarantee you protection against that change? There is only ONE PLACE to which you can go which will NEVER CHANGE. That is "The Secret Place of the Most High" within every beating heart-the presence and the anchorage of life (God) within your physical form, ever-present, always ready to acknowledge attention toward it instantly, to hear and answer every call, no matter how silently or feebly it may be made. Legions of angels of God's holy truth attend each gentle reader, illumine him, protect him, supply him with ALL GOOD and give him instant and eternal PEACE! So be it! 1953 THE BRIDGE THE HEALING PRESENCE OF GOD Oh, beloved child of God, long have I listened to thy heart cries of longing, yearning, hoping, praying. Long have I beheld thy earnest strivings and been a witness to thy suffering, thy dis-illusionment, thy disappointments and thy despair. Long have I, thy indwelling spirit, sustained thee, binding thy wounds with the healing essence of my love. Come unto me now, and accept the comfort of my ever-abiding presence within thy heart. Let the heavenly music of my heartbeat replace the noisy din of thy worldly consciousness. Permit now, the boundless love within my presence to heal thy wounds once more, and this time, forever. Yield now, thy tired body and its ills, to me, thy divine physician. Surrender now, thy mortal self and permit me, the Master Builder, to set the capstone upon my divine creation. I am thy eternal Presence, thy Everlasting Self, thy pulsing life-essence coursing through thy mortal form. I am thy breath, thy life, thy very consciousness. I am here, within. Thou has thought to fashion, for thyself, a world apart from me. This could not be, for I am the Master Builder and I must abide within all creation. Again and again, thinking that thou were alone, heart-sick, afraid, despairing, thou has longed for me, called for me, watched and waited for my return. Yet, never have I left thee, for, indeed, thou couldst not even have searched for me without my presence in thy heart. Tis I who knelt beside thee at thy prayers. 'Tis I who dried thy tears. 'Tis I who gave thee 165
courage, pointing ever to the better day, yet ever whispering softly as I comforted thee, "I AM HERE, I AM HERE, I AM HERE." Turn now within and behold me, thy heavenly Comforter. I am the ever-glowing presence of God within thy being. Come away now from the ever-shifting, ever-changing tide of mortal thought and feeling and desire. Come unto me now and claim the freedom which the love of my heart contains. Accept now, at long last, the healing presence of my peace and know it for thine own. Let my breath be thy breath. Let my love be thy love. Let my all-knowing mind be thy directing intelligence. Come! Let me be thee! The God-presence, I Am, within me, is my instant and ever-ready help, and there is no other power that can act! "I AM" the presence of the Sacred Fire within my heart, blazing, surging, expanding, purifying, harmonizing, healing, and freeing me forever from the shadows of human creation! "I AM" the expanding God-consciousness of perfection within my heart, my mind, my feeling world and within every organ and all the cellular structure of my body. 166 THE BRIDGE April 1953
THE HEALING PRESENCE OF GOD IN ACTION FOR YOU The beloved Master Saint Germain has indicated that one of the greatest needs of mankind today is healing of the mind, the emotions and the body. At the New Year's council, over half the petitions presented to the Karmic Board by unascended beings, were requests for healing or for "bodies enduring" for the light-bearers. Since beloved Kwan Yin and the Great Divine Director are both eager to prepare members of the human race, particularly conscious chelas, to be vessels and recipients for the more-than ordinary concentration of the Healing Flame of God, required to purify the human body, melt away appearances, and transmute the flesh into bodies that are non-recordant to disease, age or exhaustion, it becomes imperative to provide a center from which the cooperative prayers, invocations and visualizations of chelas may amplify the personal application of each one who has a need or problem. At the suggestion of beloved Saint Germain and with the approval of the Karmic Board, such a center has been provided, and you are invited to write to us and let your name be placed within the Healing Cup. The Healing Presence of God, whom we acknowledge as the only healing power in the universe, will be called forth on your behalf. Your testimonials concerning the assistance and healings you have experienced will be joyously received and will be an inspiration to those who endeavor to serve on your behalf. Address your letter to Thomas Printz, P.O. Box 297, Halesite, New York. DAILY CONTEMPLATION AND DECREE
"Of mine own self I can do nothing, but the Father who
I CONSCIOUSLY enter the heart of God and rejoice in his everpresence! From within this pulsating, omnipresent sea of light, I direct the universal, obedient light substance into my world, and I accept it as the health of my body, the illumination of my mind, the supply fulfilling my every need, and the very path of righteousness, upon which I shall proceed about my Father's business." IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS In view of the widespread enthusiasm, prevalent everywhere, to carry into effect the teachings and instruction given through "The Bridge" and its subsidiary publications, we are now in a position to offer the services of a consultant, who will be very glad to help you organize group activities. This will enable you to join in the worldwide services, which are taking place under the direction, supervision and radiation of THE GREAT WHITE BROTHERHOOD and in conscious cooperation with their cosmic endeavors, on behalf of the forward progress of mankind. We shall also be glad to advise you of group activities in your locality, if you are desirous of joining other individuals already happily engaged in this tremendous service to life. All expenses necessary to the establishing and sustaining of these group activities are to be met by the free-will love offerings of those participating in them. 168 THE BRIDGE May 1953
A Monthly Journal Devoted to Individual Unfoldment, Contact
MAY 1953
THE RESURRECTION TEMPLE OF JESUS AND MARY From May 15th Through June 14th, 1953
In the Near East, shining in the pulsating ethers over the Holy Land, stands the Temple of the Resurrection, whose immortal Flame of Restoration and Resuscitation are guarded and protected by the beautiful Ascended Masters Jesus and his mother, Mary. The Flame of Resurrection is the hope of redemption of the entire human race, by which the diseased, distorted and disintegrated substance, that has been generated by human thought and feeling and imposed upon the pure God-energy, may be purified, transmuted and restored to its natural, perfect God-nature. The action of the Resurrection Flame is the quickening of the vibratory action of the light of life within the cells of the body, enabling the inner light to throw off the appearance of limitation and stand revealed in "the glory it had with the Father, before the world was." The substance of the Resurrection Flame flows through the inner bodies of those who invite it, as well as through the actual flesh structure. The vibratory action of the Resurrection Flame is controlled by those brothers and sisters who abide within the Resurrection Temple and direct that flame through the physical, mental, etheric and emotional bodies of the neophytes, in answer to their individual invocations for its tremendous power to be loosed through them and others, at their call. The Temple of the Resurrection is circular in design. The courts, like great cylindrical corridors, circle around the central flame room, where the heart of the Sacred Fire of the Resurrection is focused.
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The degree of mastery and light achieved by each brother and sister belonging to this temple, determine how near they may draw to the central sanctuary, the Holy of Holies, because the power of this flame is such that only Ascended Beings can stand in its presence. However, many chelas and neophytes occupy the outer chambers, and gradually, through proximity and through individual application, prepare themselves to approach closer and closer to the heart center, where the focused flame abides.
The Resurrection Flame was first drawn into the atmosphere of the planet Earth by the great Krishna, who, seeing the shadow of human thought and feeling taking form in the consciousness of man, knew that the fruit of that seed would be disease, disintegration and decay, and knew, further, that some means of restoration of these fallen sons of God would have to be provided for, if they desired to return to their natural God-estate. When a great being applies to the heart of creation for the privilege and honor of ensouling some God quality with his individual life intelligence, he must vow to remain the guardian presence of that flame, renouncing his freedom and joyous release into the higher realms, until some volunteer spirit from the race he serves chooses to relieve him of his trust and become that guardian presence in his place and stead. Thus, it is not lightly that great beings apply for voluntary exile from the peace of celestial glory, to guard and sustain a focus of light and power which can be drawn upon by mankind in their hour of need, especially when, for countless centuries of time, not one applicant from the race even applies for the beneficent radiation of that flame or shows a passing interest in its presence and in the gift which it brings to free life. However, through the centuries, the great Maha Chohans of each age have availed themselves of the tremendous power of the Resurrection Flame, in bringing the kingdom of nature to new life each springtime, and the builders of form have utilized the powers of the Resurrection Flame in creating new temples or bodies, for the evolving souls of mankind. In rare instances, those who had renounced the heritage of death and decay as the "natural estate" of humankind, were drawn into the vicinity of the Resurrection Temple and were taught how to draw that flame through their inner bodies and their flesh structure as well, and these elect became the Brothers and Sisters of the Resurrection. Many of these devotees went forth and established foci of the Resurrection Flame in remote, inaccessible places. The few seekers of the race, with sufficient desire for redemption in their 170 THE BRIDGE May 1953
hearts, were drawn to these sanctified locations and, when they persevered in the use of this flame, found their bodies restored, their minds illumined and their consciousness prepared to be lightbearers, themselves. These people were able to maintain life in the physical body for centuries and the records of their achievements are found in many of the archives of great civilizations of the past. The beloved Master Jesus and his mother, Mary, applied to the great Father of Light for the privilege and opportunity of relieving the previous guardian spirit of the Resurrection Flame, offering to take his place and to remain as its guardians, until some other sons and daughters of earth might find it within their own heart's light to assume this wondrous service. In order to be vested with the power and authority of guarding a cosmic flame, the presence of which is essential to the redemption and
freedom of an evolution, the spiritual being making the application must draw that flame, in its fullness, through his own bodies. The Master Jesus offered to render this service at the close of his mission in Judea. With the help of the present Maha Chohan, whose cosmic service and momentum are builded into the full power of the Resurrection Flame, through the kingdoms of nature, Jesus was enabled to demonstrate the power within that flame in restoring the body to life and the spirit to immortality. He was then vested, by Cosmic Law, with the power and authority, together with the beloved Mary, his mother, to guard and sustain the Resurrection Flame from within this temple, where they render this service to the present day. From the heart of the temple, where the White Fire of the Resurrection Flame pulsates like a great white lily, the angel devas and cherubic and seraphic hosts of the resurrection are constantly absorbing its substance into themselves and then sweeping outward, at the direction of the Masters who are in charge of the direction of the light rays. Each of the circular corridors receives of the radiation of the flame, mercifully dimmed so that its light and essence may be absorbed and digested by the beings who serve within that sphere of activity. In each such corridor a Master of Wisdom instructs a group of chelas, who are engaged in the service of learning how to draw this flame, and to project it toward a given objective, holding the beam of their attention as the channel and guide along which the light flows into churches, shrines, hospitals, homes and human hearts. One of the corridors is devoted entirely to directing the
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Resurrection Flame into the etheric realm and through the etheric bodies of those who have applied, through their own heart flame, for purification of their own etheric records. The brothers and sisters who direct the flame, in its etheric vibration, are instantly responsive to those calls made by conscious chelas for the , dissolving and purifying of etheric records in nations, continents, old castles and places where great evils and injustices have been done to life. In another circular room, with the willing cooperation of the angelic host, the brothers and sisters direct the flame (with the assistance of the Master who guides them), into the astral and psychic realms, rendering tremendous assistance in dissolving the mass accumulations of discord, which manifest as diseases of mind and body. From this room, also, are directed the rays in answer to the calls and prayers for the so-called "dead" and the purifying power of these rays does much in assisting "earth-bound" spirits to rise into the octaves of light and to enter schoolrooms of spiritual endeavors, which will enable them to return in bodies of greater purity and
light and thus move forward more quickly in the fulfillment of their Godplan. From another one of these great circular rooms, the brothers and sisters direct the flame through the vast sea of the emotional realm and through the desire worlds of those who wish to rise above the passions of the senses, sublimating the lusts of the outer self and replacing them by "hunger and thirst after righteousness." From still another room, the directors of the light rays pour the flame into the vibratory action of the mental bodies of the race and through the tremendous accumulation of thoughtforms which fill the atmosphere, impinging themselves in the mental bodies of the people, thus blocking the God-directions of the individual Higher Self. In the outermost court of the temple are the brothers and sisters who direct the flame through the physical structure of those who desire bodies that are absolutely non-recordant to disease. From this court, also, the nature devas and the elemental builders of form, under the direction of the Maha Chohan, supervise the direction of the rhythmic currents of the Resurrection Flame, that provide the seasons of growth and harvest. As the Great White Brotherhood freely partake of the gifts and blessings of the Resurrection Temple, as well as share in their distribution and as the mankind of earth are invited to become the guests of the beloved Masters who guard and sustain the flame, there is a tremendous opportunity to those who choose to 172 THE BRIDGE May 1953
avail themselves of its restorative powers by the opening of their inner bodies, as well as their physical bodies, to the transmuting, quickening, raising power, which is provided by the God of love for who choose to accept its blessings and incorporate its power into their individual lives and worlds. THE MASTER AND THE CHELA By D. T. Marches Many students on the path feel that the ultimate spiritual achievement for them would be to "contact" the Master through their personal ego. Perhaps it does not occur to them that the moment a person puts his foot upon the path, he is immediately placed under the care and protection of a Master of Love and Wisdom, and the beautiful association with the Master begins, although outwardly the student is not always aware of this fact. The first thing a Master does, when a student is presented to him for care and instruction, is to look down the lifestream of the aspirant and make careful note of his evolutionary endeavors. He makes himself aware of his strengths and weaknesses, as well as his potential reactions under the pressure of circumstances. In fact, he comes to know much more about the student than the aspiring one knows about himself. He is aware of all his
hopes and aspirations, and is, in consequence, more eager to reach the conscious mind of the pupil through the awakening power of love, than the sense-bound mind of the individual is to reach him. The tendency of the personal ego is to lean on a stronger or more outstanding individual, especially on a teacher. Even the apostles leaned on the Master Jesus and he told them, "It is expedient for you that I go, because if I do not go, the Comforter will not come." Therefore, it is "expedient" that the Master "keep out of sight" while the student is learning his first steps on the path to self-mastery. The embryonic god must not be allowed to become an automaton, which could happen, very easily, if the Master were to solve all the pupil's problems and make all his personal decisions for him. The Masters, themselves, work under a strict code of Cosmic Law, and if they were not fortified by wisdom, one might say that they actually suffer when they see a loved pupil laboring under the limitation of human conditions which they could disperse by a mere gesture. However, it takes a great and wise love to withhold a gift from a loved, one that would ease a present need, but which would later be a detriment in the achievement of mastery.
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The wise mother encourages her infant in his first attempts to walk, although she knows he will, perhaps, fall and hurt himself many times before he takes his first step unaided. Later on, when the child goes to school, his attempts at reading and writing may be a painful effort, but the wise teacher does not perform these tasks for him, knowing that he will eventually master the art through perseverance and practice. The Masters of Wisdom use the same wise methods in dealing with the student on the path. They realize that a person awakening out of the limited human consciousness is as much a child in cosmic knowledge and self mastery, as is the little one starting out on his first day at school. It is only by experience that the student on the path learns that he is expected to proceed Godward on his own power and is not "carried" by the teacher. He learns wisdom by his mistakes and also learns that he must make his own decisions and must abide by the results of his choice. He very often experiences a sense of disappointment when he learns that he is apparently neither "praised nor blamed" for his actions, but if he has the patience to persevere, he will realize that this is all part of his spiritual education and that he is actually abiding "under the wings of love," all through this probationary period. It is wise for the sincere student to take stock of his intellectual and spiritual assets; he should take particular note of his "liabilities," which include all human tendencies and weaknesses " and these he should try to eradicate from his consciousness, one by one, because, if they are not removed, they will prove to be the greatest stumbling blocks to his progress later on. Jesus said, "He that overcometh is greater than he who taketh a city."
In every decision he is called upon to make, if he will listen to the "still small voice within," he will surely hear the Master speaking to his consciousness, advising him as to the wise and proper procedure to take. As the traveler grows "older and wiser" , he will sense the nearness of this beloved, invisible mentor, and although he may not be able to discern him with fleshly eyes, he will unquestionably feel the radiation and comfort of that loving Presence, who is so selflessly interested in his welfare. He will find that the Master whom he has been searching for on the "outside," actually abides within his heart and is, in fact, "nearer than hands and feet and closer than breathing." Study and contemplation of the Twenty-third Psalm which was given to David at a time of stress by the Holy Comforter, himself, will help the student to realize the "contact" with the Master that he has been longing to experience and which cannot be taken away from him. 174 THE BRIDGE May 1953
ASCENSION DAY-May 14, 1953 And when the days of thy pilgrimage are accomplished and the record of thy energies is finally written into the substance of Akasha, and the Guardian Spirit of justice takes the scroll from the Christ Self, who has endowed thee with the precious and priceless gift of life; when the elemental kingdom has spoken and recorded all the substance and energy invested in sustaining thy bodies through the centuries, as the garments of thy soul; when there have been called before the throne all those lives -human, elemental, animal, vegetable and mineral, that thou has blessed and benefited, only then sounds the note of thy victorious achievement and, through the great halls of the Lords 0f Karma will pass thy soul, triumphant, to its just reward. Ah! how many countless rounds of incarnation hast thou passed through in the endeavor to achieve the fullness of thy purpose, unto the hour when thy Christ Self bids thee arise and, with the hand of mercy, cuts the last ties and bonds of earthly attachments and desires, and thy soul, unweighted by the shadows of the long centuries, surges upward into the embrace of thy divinity and the two become ONE in the ascension into the Light. On the anniversary of the ascension of the beloved Master, Jesus, who has been the way-shower for mankind for the past two thousand years, we ask the Father of all life and the great beings who represent the spiritual sons and daughters of heaven, to bless him for the strength of his lifestream, suffering all the limitations that are the heritage of physical incarnation, and yet not qualifying one electron with the imperfection which would have been a blemish on his spotless soul, at the hour when the call for his great public ascension came. Knowing full well that not only a life of purity, selflessness and love were the pre-requisites to the fulfillment of this example, but also the control of the personal love he felt for his mother, his disciples and his friends, which would bid him stay to guard and protect them, rather than accept his own freedom and let them go, he once again humbly bowed his
head to the fiat of the Cosmic Law, and trustfully placing his own life and that of those he loved in the loving hands of the One Eternal Father, he ascended joyously and triumphantly into his universal freedom and cosmic service in God's kingdom. Beloved Jesus! For this renunciation, for this divine wisdom and trust, for the ascension, for your blessed self, we thank thee and we thank the Father of all life for what thy presence in the universe has meant, and still means, to this planet and to the evolving life upon it. May 1953 THE BRIDGE 175
LORD BUDDHA AND THE WESAK FESTIVAL Full Moon, May 28th, 1953 On the night of the full moon, in the mystic month of May, pilgrims from all over Asia, particularly, and some few spiritual seekers from other parts of the world, gather together to receive the blessings and benedictions of the beloved Lord Gautama Buddha, whose annual visitation has brought much of the spiritual substance and subtle God-ethers from the higher realms into the atmosphere of earth, where it can be assimilated by the consciousness of the evolving human race. At the completion of his great mission, Lord Buddha received permission from the Cosmic Law to return once in every twelvemonth cycle and bless the people of earth. The members of the Great White Brotherhood and the Illuminati of Earth, responding to the magnetic power of his love, with only the light in their own hearts as the compass, start out on a pilgrimage toward the plateau, where the visitation is to take place. There is no map, no guide, no assurance of ultimate success in reaching the goal. Each man depends entirely upon the promptings of his own heart flame and follows it across the trackless wastes of the Tibetan Mountains, through the endless burning sands of the deserts across the jungles and morasses of India, and each one, according to his ability to listen to and follow the promptings of his own heart, finds success or failure in his journey. For the one pilgrim fortunate enough to come into the presence of the Masters, thousands return to their homes in disappointment, but the very fact that they have made the pilgrimage has blessed their lifestreams, accordingly, and has builded the momentum which will one day be great enough to warrant them an audience with the Holy Ones. For twenty-four hours before the night of the full moon, the tents of the nomads begin to rise on the plateau and the vast groups of blessed ones begin to gather and meditate and prepare themselves for the visitation. This year, however, the presence of the Lord Buddha will be felt and seen in his own glorious Ascended Master Body, rather than the large, luminous light presence which he has projected in previous years. The reason for the tremendous blessing that will be accorded the people of earth is, that when the Goddess of Mercy opened the Temple of Mercy at Peking
to the Great White Brotherhood on February 15th, 1953, and the unascended members of the human race consciously and willingly offered their own life and breath to carry the Mercy Flame around the world, such a magnetic pull rose from the earth toward the Great
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Silence, that all the beings who had entered Nirvana and the heart 0f the Cosmic Christ, were stirred, and responded to that call. Among these exalted ones was the Lord Buddha who, with Ananda, following the ray 0f the mercy call rising from the children 0f earth, entered the Temple of Mercy in their own Ascended Master Bodies, on the night of February 21st, 1953, and then followed the current and Flame 0f Mercy around the world. The Lord Buddha said, that as long as the children of earth, in themselves, desired mercy for all life, he would remain in the atmosphere of earth, continuously, for the next twenty-year period, which forms the spiritual crisis through which our planet must pass, successfully, in order to qualify for its ascension into the light. This year, when Lord Maitreya, carrying the Rod of Power from Shamballa, appears at the mystic plateau, and the beams of the full moon light up the altar of lotus and lily and reflect on the white garments of the Brotherhood and the chelas gathered in their physical bodies or their inner bodies (as the case may be), the Lord Buddha will appear, together with Ananda, and bless all the august company there assembled with his visible, tangible Ascended Master Presence, and his feeling of the love of God and the nature of God, incarnate, in his blessed self. MOTHER'S DAY- May 10, 1953 On the anniversary of the day when the human race gives recognition to the service that the mothers have rendered the evolution of the souls 0f men, let us think of the marvelous opportunity that has been afforded each and every Iifestream' presently incarnated upon the planet, by the individual who became the open door through which the soul might receive physical incarnation and the necessary garments of flesh, in order to pursue its individual journey toward self-mastery and perfection. Of the approximate ten billion souls that belong to the evolution awaiting the opportunity to evolve upon the planet Earth, only about four billion are allowed to take earth bodies at one time. This means that for every soul who is accorded the privilege of entering into physical incarnation, two souls are denied that opportunity and must await a future moment when an incarnate soul volunteers to accept the responsibility and individual discomfort of providing the physical garment for such a one. The law of the great universe requires that mankind must complete their evolution upon the planet where they have misused
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the life energies in the past-if it were not for the mothers of the race, none of the waiting egos might have the freedom of the ascension, which can come, alone, through learning to control and ~master the use of energy in and through a physical body. Let us individually ask the blessings of life upon the mothers, who have given us the opportunity to be in embodiment today, and all the mothers who have given us embodiment from the beginning of time. And let us ask that the great mothers of the spiritual Lords of the earth, the Lady Masters, Vesta, Mary, Kwan Yin, and all concerned with the purification of the feminine aspect of life, be blessed for their service, by the Christ Selves of every member of the human race whom they have served! And may all the pain, the impurity, the suffering and unhappiness that has entered into the mass karma of the women of the race, be dissipated by mercy and through love! WINGS OF LIGHT By V. F. Angelday Mothers' Day! Surely there is not a living being in the earth, on the earth, or in its atmosphere who cannot and should not observe this occasion with a feeling of deep gratitude and reverence. All that has form in this physical appearance world has required the assistance of some other part of life which preceded its presence here, to be the channel through which it might have a form and recognition in this octave of expression. The feminine aspect of the Deity (the mother expression of the Godhead) has had very little recognition by the general orthodox world, but the truth of the matter is, that the women of the Western world and so-called "Christian" nations owe their greater freedom of expression and place in society to the teachings and example of the beloved Jesus, who on every occasion possible, raised and reverenced the feminine form and nature. In the Ascended Masters' Octave, the Lady Masters, who are beautiful as a dream, exquisite beyond description, are loved and revered by all the hosts of heaven, in a most magnificent way. It is the mark of the true "gentleman" (which word, by the way, was coined by our own beloved Saint Germain) to respect, protect and stand ready, at all times, to serve the femininity of the race, and it is to be regretted, indeed, that s0 many of the masculine expressions of life have such a scorn for their feminine counterparts, expressed in so many slighting terms. Such masculine forms 178 THE BRIDGE May 1953
may yet have to incarnate in feminine bodies and live under the pressure of their own condemnation. One of America's "great" men was one day walking with a friend on the street of a rather small town, where nearly everyone knew everyone else.
They suddenly met and passed a woman of quite questionable moral reputation. The "great" man knew her by name, spoke and tipped his hat to her as he would to any fine lady. His companion did not do so and asked the gentleman why he so acknowledged this degraded one. Said the "great" man, "I doffed my hat in respect to the beauty of the femininity within hernot to the use she had made of it!" And so should we all always love and reverence the beauty of life in each other, for who among all the unascended of earth, has made perfect use of that gift? Did you ever stop, for just a moment, to think about this blessed planet turning day in and day out on its bent axis, bent, mind you, by the overwhelming load of physical pain, agony, distress, fear, jealousy, and all kinds of ugliness and distorted form? Do you realize that the women of the world are the pain bearers for humanity and, because they represent the feeling nature (about 90% of the energy of the aura), suffer much more keenly, as a rule, from the "hurts" of life than do their brothers? Do you know how much pain is suffered, how many tears are shed, to bring just one human being through a physical birth into this world? Then multiply that by the millions coming into embodiment every day, all over this world, and add to that all the pain of animal birth, and you have a release of energy qualified with that which was never intended to be. Thank God for the great wisdom of life, that always brings a perfect balance in due time, and so compels all life to experience both masculine and feminine existence in the course of the fulfillment of the divine plan. And so, thank God for Mothers' Day, which brings to our outer mind the remembrance of what we owe some other part of life, who was willing to sacrifice so much of personal comfort and peace and sometimes life itself, that we might have a body in this physical world and another opportunity to balance our accounts with life and right the wrongs of past mistakes. There is, of course, a "smother" "love" which seeks possession and holding of the loved one to do their will, but better even such a release of love, than none at all. It has been said that mother love, and the intense desire for the welfare of her children, is the closest to the love of God for all his creations.
May 1953
So-as true followers of the Christ, as sincere lightbearers to the rest of mankind, let us all, masculine and feminine alike, try to feel more kindly toward the feminine aspect of our race and honor the beauty of the feminine wherever we find it, regardless of the use to which it has been put. So live the angels, in loving, adoring reverence to all life, and thus is their happiness and joy of life sustained and expanded in heaven. One day they must come on earth and dwell among us-this is the preparation for that day.
THE HEALING CHALICE INTRODUCTION: The Healing Chalice is offered to you, that you may find comfort in your hours of trial and share in the blessings called forth through prayer, meditation and decrees, by those dedicated to this selfless service in your behalf and in behalf of all mankind and the planet, itself. Offerings from those who wish to share (in their gratitude) for blessings received, are used to maintain, sustain and expand this worldwide service. We believe that God, the indwelling Presence in all life, does bless, heal and supply each, according to the need and according to the acceptance of each heart. It is the purpose and endeavor of "The Bridge" to offer assistance and guidance to those who believe, with us, in the never-failing God Presence, as the source 0f all supply, healing, and intelligent activity. All correspondence is strictly confidential. No problem is too great or too small to take to God in prayer and meditation. In writing for assistance, please give your full name and address. Send your letter or telegram to Thomas Printz, Box 297, Halesite, N.Y. I AM rejoiced! At long, long last, thou has heard my silent voice and thy gentle spirit listens gladly to my soundless music, echoing through the silent chambers of thy sweet heart. Thy whirling senses are stilled, even as the wild winds cease their rushing, as the angry impetus of the storm is spent and the stillness born of God's mercy, settles over all. So now, does the stillness and peace of my heart rest upon thy burdened spirit. I AM the indwelling Presence of God, and there is no other power apart from me. Good and evil are but the motives of thy soul, imposed upon the pure essence of my energies. Thou art born of thy Father-Mother God, in the divine image and likeness of myself. Thou art my daughter-son, imbued with the breath of my eternal life and beauty and the perfection of divinity. I AM! and thus, thou, too, art become that I AM, for it is thy divine inheritance. Thou art truly the image and likeness of thy Creator, for I AM that I ,A.M. 180 THE BRIDGE May 1953
Long, long ago, I sent thee forth to dwell in the world of form, that thou might grow in beauty and expand thy perfection, with which thou wast endowed. Surrounded by the infinite variety of form in my creation, thou didst come to make of form, a God apart from me, forgetting that the very form, itself, was but a divine concentration of the essence of myself, the infinite I AM. Wherever thou art, wheresoever life is, there I AM. Within my heart's flame, the seed of creation abides in peace, in wholeness and in perfection. Thou has accepted my creations and made of them false gods, forgetting thy progenitor. Dost thou not see, my child, that thy ills and thy tribulations are but the effects of thy forgetfulness? Unmindful that I AM that I AM, thou hast clasped thine own creations, born of thine own passions and desires, to thy heart and made of thine own errant self, a God. I AM the Eternal God of Life. 'Tis I, thy Father-Mother God, I AM, who dost release the abundance of all the treasures of my kingdom into thy constant use. 'Tis I who gives thee glowing, vital health and well,-
being wherever thou may be. Thy self-created gods are but the rulers of thy sickness, thy hatreds, thy greed and al! thy limitations. The fierce storms that have oppressed thy valiant spirit are but the breathings of thy false gods, which thou hast nurtured through thy ministrations and by thy homage, through the course of thy many lives, in form, upon this lovely earth .. The hour of cosmic resurrection is at hand, and I call thee home. Come now unto me, oh thou precious mortal flame of my divinity! Let my radiance shine upon thy countenance. Let thy voice become the echoing of my song of joy. Let the gift of my breath lift thee unto immortality. Come unto me, thy Father-Mother God. Accept now the life abundant, which is even now flowing through all creation! Weep no longer within the prison thou has fashioned for thyself, from the substance of thy false concepts and accretions! Thy every heart-beat contains, within it, this moment, all the perfection, all the healing, the abundant release of all that thou canst require or even desire, to meet thy every need. Harken unto me-thy God! Accept from me, now, thy seamless robes of liberation and cast aside thy veil of tears and lamentations. Clothed in thy new raiment, prepare thou for thy journey home, into my eternal kingdom of heaven, from whence there need be no return. Delay thou not, child of my heart. Behold me now! Hear thou my call! I AM thy GOD. I AM come to heal thy wounds, I AM come to illumine thy spirit. I AM come this day to set thee free!
May 1953
And when the disciples were gathered together, in the upper room (raised consciousness), the Holy Comforter came upon them, and they were lifted up, each one, and spoke with diverse tongues, and were possessed with the power to remit sins, to heal the sick, and to bring the true understanding of life to many of the sons and daughters of earth. And this same Holy Comforter comes now to each blessed lifestream who desires to be lifted above the mass consciousness of the human race, and who desires, within himself, to become a comforting presence to life. At this season, when the world of Christian thought is turned toward the Holy Spirit, let us all think of the beloved friend who has given to us so much of his love, his consciousness, his understanding, and who stands by our sides now, in our endeavor to learn about the truth which shall make us, each and every one, free, in our individual endeavors to serve life.
"Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father, which is in heaven, is perfect." --Matthew 5:48 To study and understand the laws of life and to meditate upon them is desirable indeed, but the active practice of the God-presence,
in action, brings the definite manifestation of the good upon which you meditate. Take time, each day, to draw the power of the Presence into action in your world, and for those who look to you for guidance and assistance, as well as for those with whom you are associated. Use the affirmations which follow, to control and direct your consciousness in the channels for good and perfect understanding of the God-presence within I AM thy Father-Mother God Presence indwelling within thy mortal form! God, the immortal healing presence, is pulsating through my mortal self with every breath and heartbeat, the perfection of divinity. I accept God's divine gift of life, and no thought, feeling, desire, or human appearance shall interfere with the manifestations of its beauty and perfection. Beloved Maha Chohan, thou art the comforting presence that stands by the side of each incarnating ego, who breathes the first breath into the nostrils of the infant form! Thou dost stand at the death bed of each child of Earth, to receive into yourself the last breath from the body, and into your arms the weary soul! Thou dost embody all the comfort that has entered any of our lives, through the light of the sun, the crystal purity of water, the fertility of the earth, the generous contributions of the animal kingdom, the kindness of friendship, the love of parents, and husbands and wives and children! Thou hast lifted up the spiritual aspirations from the weight of iniquity, in our souls, that we may desire truth. Thou art the embodied feeling nature of God, himself! On this, the anniversary of thy visitation blessed be thy holy name thy service to life, thy seven sons, the beloved Pallas Athena, heart flame of thy spirit! May the fullness of your great heart desires be manifest through each one who has been blessed by sharing thy consciousness and life and word! So be it!
June 1953
A Monthly Journal Devoted to Individual Unfoldment, Contact With the Great White Brotherhood and Cooperative World Service
JUNE 1953
ies and blessings existed in the mind of God and were easily perceived by those who had earned the right to live in his presence-these gifts did not become the property of the race, until one of their number grasped the idea and drew it through the energies of his own world. Even Jesus had to take on a physical body to translate the word of God to man! It is to secure the cooperation and interest of the constructive students of life, who attend these half-yearly councils, that the members of the Brotherhood present their various petitions and plans. Upon the amount of interest shown by the embodied Iifestreams who, in the greater freedom of their inner bodies, are privileged to participate in these councils, depends the extent of the grants and dispensations handed down to the Brothers by the Karmic Board. For several days before the great audience chamber is opened, the Brothers gather and present to the Keeper of the Records the particular plans and designs which their individual retreats are sponsoring. These plans are fastened on a gigantic bulletin board, and each retreat is assigned a conference room, where one of the Brothers is always in attendance upon any lifestream who has read, with interest, the proposed plan and who
signifies a willingness to contribute the voluntary energies of his own waking consciousness to forward such a plan. Thus, before the general presentation of the plans and designs, the Brothers have a comprehensive idea of how many sponsors, from among the human race, will be willing to stand up when the spokesman for the Karmic Board asks, "And who-among the songs of men-will offer you their energies and their consciousness to forward your plan, despite any personal discomfort or inconvenience which such selfless service may entail? After all the plans and designs are heard, and the sponsors from among the human race duly noted, the grants are handed down, and those Masters who have secured the greatest response from the hearts of the assembled embodied mankind receive the most energy from the cosmic storehouse, which balances the pledged" energy of the students. The glorious being, who has become known to many as the Goddess of Liberty, is the spokesman of the Karmic Council. The Goddess of Justice, Pallas Athena (Goddess of Truth), Kwan Yin (Goddess of Mercy), the Divine Director, the Great All-Seeing Eye of God (Vista) and the Goddess of Love are the present members of this body. It is suggested that the alert members of the human race, who deeply desire to further the cause of world good, fashion, from 184 THE BRIDGE June 1953
within their own consciousness, suitable petitions, which will be courteously heard and which bear great weight in the decisions of the Karmic Board, as they always favor initiative and selflessness when expressed through the consciousness of individuals who are yet a part of the mass karma of the race. Such petitions should be written down and, after the night of June 30th, consigned to the flames, as their work will then have been completed. May every member of the human race, embodied and disembodied, attend this great council and offer their energies to the beautiful sons and daughters of freedom, that the planet may quickly outpicture the perfection that is intended for her and her peoples! THE LORDS OF KARMA By D. T. Marches Every soul that has ever taken embodiment on this planet has passed, between embodiments, through the Halls of Karma, which are presided over by a group of highly-evolved beings known as the Lords of Karma. Karma is the effect of causes set up by individuals on their journey through the universe, from the time they first elected to enter the evolution of this planet, in their desire to become co-creators with God. This karma may be happy or the reverse, according to the causes set into action. Before the "fall of man," when souls lived in their etheric bodies and had not surrendered their creative centers (thought and feeling) into the use
of the outer personal self, there was no need for the services of a Karmic Board, so far as this planet was concerned. Man fulfilled his divine plan in love and wisdom and joy and so passed into the bosom of the Father, without blemish. It was only when man, through willfulness, chose to experiment with the life forces and through the lowering of his vision, created forms less than the perfection of his heavenly Father, that the Cosmic Law, which governs all life expression, found it necessary to set up a Karmic Board, under whose direction the evolving Iifestream experiences the effects of the causes set up by itself. This service will continue as long as man elects to live in the lower consciousness, which is termed the "human," and it is out of this pit of self-created misery that the Masters of Light are endeavoring to lead mankind, through instruction of the higher Law governing evolution and creation.
June 1953
The soul of man is fundamentally pure. It is a projection, or extension, of the Christ Self, into the world of form, for a specific purpose, that is, to evolve, through the experience of cause and effect, into co-creators with the Father. The soul is the garment that the evolving spirit wears. Be it known that this journey through the world of form was a purely voluntary one on the part of the individual. There are countless millions of beings, who never desired this experience, living today in the heart of the Universal Father, in the state of innocence and bliss, which human beings enjoyed in the Garden of Eden before the "fall." These happy beings are also serving life in various capacities, according to their several natures and tendencies, in various parts of God's kingdom. The majority of people, not being acquainted with the Law of Reincarnation, are inclined to put the blame for their banishment from the "Garden of Eden" on their legendary parents "Adam and Eve." It must be remembered, however, that every individual is responsible for his own "fall." The first initial act of self-will, or disobedience, on the part of the lifestream in the far distant past, started each one on the downward path, Each man was his own "Adam" and every woman her own "Eve." The first "sin" was that of disobedience to the Law of the One, instead of the sin of lust, as is popularly believed, the "first parents" blaming each other for the loss of their innocence and the children blaming the "parents" for depriving them of the happiness of living "forever" in the "Garden of Eden." In the light of the new day, each man, woman and child in embodiment must take full responsibility for his or her own "fall." The soul is responsible, before the Cosmic Law, for the sins committed by the outer self, or personality, because by the first act of disobedience against the Law of Life, a strange entity was born, which had no place in God's kingdom. This was the human personality, which grew stronger with each act of self-will, until it finally threw off the authority of its creator (the
soul) and as time passed, it became a law unto itself, claiming, for itself, existence and rights it was not entitled to possess under God's Laws. However, all this does not excuse the "soul" because the original sin was committed by the soul and it is the obligation of the soul to again assume its rightful place as representative of the Christ Self in the world of form. This, also, is the reason why the office of the Karmic Board was established-so that man might learn the salutary effects, contained in the Law of Cause and Effect, through the return of the consequences of his own 186 THE BRIDGE June 1953
acts upon himself. The admonition of the Master Jesus, "Do unto others that which you would wish others to do unto you," is another proof of the existence of this Cosmic Law, governing mans evolution on this planet. At the end of each embodiment, each soul appears before the Karmic Board and the summary of that span is written into the records. At the beginning of the next embodiment, the soul is again summoned before the Lords of Karma and a certain percentage of the good and bad karma is allotted to the individual, it being the office of these merciful dispensers to see that no one is overburdened with sorrow due to their past misdeeds, bearing out the truth in the old statement, "The Lord fits the back for the burden." It is unfortunate that the "Law of Reincarnation" is not more widely known, as it would explain all the seeming injustices, as well as the "troubles and trials" that beset the human race and would set them to remedy them. Can the soul, as it stands before these impartial judges at the close of each embodiment, plead ignorance of the acts of the personality? Nobecause within each individual is a spiritual mentor, or Christ Self, and before any untoward act is committed, there is invariably a silent conversation carried on between the outer self and this "silent watcher," which in outer world parlance is called "the voice of conscience." The soul is the mediator between this preceptor and the outer self, and if it does not hold back the personality from the act, the fault is the soul's. Therefore, both the soul and the outer self suffer together, the consequences of the "sin." When a person places his foot upon the path, a partnership, so-tospeak, is effected between the soul and the personality, the outer man deferring to the larger wisdom of the soul, and the soul, in turn, listening and obeying the voice of the indwelling Christ, until, finally, the personality is absorbed into the soul. In this way, only, can the lifestream hope to fulfill its divine plan and complete its evolution through the world of form. The Master Jesus states that "every jot and title of the Law must be fulfilled" and it is safe to say that, without the knowledge and dispensations of the new day, it would take eternity for each man to fulfill his destiny, because, while in each embodiment there is a certain amount of debt to life paid off in karma, the individual rarely finishes an embodiment without
creating more. Therefore, life on this planet would become almost an endless chain, for most lifestreams. However, through the knowledge and use of the sacred Fire in its cleansing and purifying activity, brought to mankind by the June 1953 THE BRIDGE 187
dispensation granted to our great benefactor, Saint Germain, it is possible, even in one embodiment, to wipe out the karmic debt of the Iifestream and establish a harmonious relationship between the soul, and the indwelling Christ of each one. There is but one door leading to eternal life, and that is through the Christ self in each one's heart. The Cosmic Christ said through the Master Jesus, "I AM the open door-no man cometh to the Father but through me." THERE IS NO OTHER WAY! When all mankind have returned to God's way of life and live according to the Law of Love, the great Lords of Karma will be set free from the painful office which they now fill so lovingly and so mercifully. DAILY CONTEMPLATION "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him, male and female, created he them." Genesis 1 :27 "And the Lord formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul." -Genesis 2:7. 1. The divine image of God, which is man, has been clothed in a form of material substance suitable for sojourning in the material world. It is this flesh garment which is subject to disease and pain and dissolution, not man himself. The garments that clothe his bodies in the outer world are also subjected to soil and wear and he frequently cleanses and renews them, but it does not alter the flesh garment, even though the garments are worn and scanty. The God-image of man's true reality is not altered by the vicissitudes of mortal life, except to be enriched thereby. Take comfort, beloved of the light. It is but the flesh that suffers and not thee. To bring comfort and peace and beauty and healing is God's great desire. It shall be done unto thee, each one, according to thy faith and acceptance and desire. Take now my love and may it make thee whole. ***
I AM inbreathing the pure essence of God's healing breath, absorbing it into every particle of my flesh form. The God-breath within me is expanding throughout my entire body, mind and feeling world and through every avenue of expression in and about me, and I AM made whole.
The God-image of perfection, which is my divine ego everpresent within my heart, now takes its complete dominion and expresses its perfection in my being and world and in all my activities, now and forever.
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THE MASTERS OF WISDOM SPEAK DEVELOPING THE GOD-NATURE IN MAN MAHA CHOHAN It has not been without great thought and prayer and contemplation that I chose to gather, within my own arms, the"' Cosmic Dove, and endeavor to blend her gentle presence into the tumultuous energies of the Western Hemisphere, hoping that within those energies might be formed a canopy of life, by which protection and sustenance of my teaching might endure unto the day, when, from the hearts of many men and women, would rise replicas of that dove, signifying the purified souls awaiting the cosmic baptism of the hour. It is in these days we stand. EL MORYA The Cosmic Law allows only that much of the God-plan to manifest in any evolution, as can be drawn through the consciousness of some members of that evolving body. To gain the attention, interest, comprehension and loyalty of unascended beings is the first step. Here, we are required to secure the acquiescence of the Karmic Board before we can employ any extraordinary means to connect our consciousness with the chelas. The more "spectacular" and "concrete" a manifestation is required, to even catch the "passing interest" of mankind, the less is the board likely to grant the request of the Master, because the tremendous expenditures of energy involved in such an endeavor . rarely are balanced by the good done. " When a chela can be found, who will respond wholeheartedly, without requiring that we literally do "handsprings" upon the theater of his own choosing, there is a "possibility" of securing a single opportunity to reach through the veil, in a tentative offer of friendship and cooperative service. KUTHUMI At inner levels, there are great angelic beings, who are called the "Watchers," for the expanding light within the souls of men. These great brooding spirits are constantly looking at the evolving consciousness of the human race, and whenever the slightest flicker of expanding light, which signifies a desire for understanding and God truth, is seen, the Watcher sends an angelic being into the aura of that individual and this angel brings back
June 1953
the report as to the nature of assistance which the individual requires. All of this protection of the "sleeping masses" comes under the Second Ray. Then, when the individual signifies his desire to set foot on the spiritual path, and he is separated from his sleeping brothers by the expansion of his individual God-spark, he must be placed in an environment which will enable him to expand that flame most rapidly. With the cooperation of the Higher Mental Body, a particular guardian of his spiritual progress, through his outer consciousness, is assigned by myself to assist him. THE VENETIAN Mankind little understand how much they owe to the sensitive lifestreams who open their consciousness to the inspiration and beauty of the higher octaves and then, through the dedication of their own energies, incorporate into the substance and form of the third-dimensional plane that beauty-whether it be a song, a statue, a painting, a gift of prose or poetic eloquence. 'We, who enjoy the fullness of realms of beauty, are eager to share these realities with mankind, but the expenditure of our energies " is not allowed by Cosmic Law, unless we can secure the voluntary cooperation of an incarnate soul who "steps down" the gift we offer and through his own consciousness, presents it to the race! SERAPIS BEY When the thought and feeling consciousness of man created an outer ego apart from the Higher Mental Body, the soul as a separate entity was born. This soul is the accumulated consciousness resulting from the experience life, both during the time of incarnation, as well as between embodiments. While embodied, the soul dwells in the physical garment, and at inner levels usually functions in the etheric body. Within the soul dwells the Immortal Flame of Life and one day the soul and this flame will again become one and the transmuted soul consciousness will be no more a "separate being apart from the Christ Self." The God presence, through the heart, flame ever seeks to draw the soul and the personality together and raise both to the highest possible manifestation in each earth life. HILARION Each intelligent being qualifies to live in a sphere of activity similar to the natural vibratory action of his individual consciousness. Thus, every man makes for himself, through the cre190 THE BRIDGE June 1953
ative centers of thought and feeling, a personal environment-a heaven or a hell. When the individual has learned to master the energy that flows so
freely through his own vehicles, he qualifies to enter a sphere of perfect harmony and is qualified to ascend out of the world of form. If the individual does make this conscious ascension, he no longer can participate in the evolution of those in the realms below him, except through the consciousness of chelas and pupils, who volunteer to allow the Emancipated Being the use of their energies toward the evolution of some particular cause. When no such individuals are found, the Master must await incarnation of some pupil to continue his endeavors. JESUS I long so to convey that peace that comes from perfect trust in Him to the children of earth, to their parents, I long to have an atmosphere of loving confidence in the power of God-God as the natural atmosphere of every home and school and every in situation where the little ones have no fathers and mothers to guard them. If the Iifestreams could live in that surety-that se- curity-that acceptance of the Father of good, until they were seven years of age, no appearance could ever completely control their energies again, This is the dispensation my mother and Kuthumi ask of life, and I place before the Karmic Lords my energies as sponsor to fulfill it. SAINT GERMAIN . , ,.lj;
In the cosmic order dedicated to developing the God-nature of men and planets and systems of worlds, we are allowed full freedom to turn the attention of our individual beings toward whatsoever sun or star in which we choose to invest our life energies and attention. I have chosen the sweet earth, turning on its bended axis, hopefully raising its face in each daily cycle-for a time-toward the sun! Some day the cry of pain and the petition for comfort will become the song of freedom, and every lifestream will wear the robes of freedom and move forward the God-being, which is their individual and pre-ordained destiny.
June 1953
"Oh God! GIVE ME PEACE!" Do you know, dear friend, what those few words represent? They represent the prayer most often prayed by the humanity of this earth in every clime, by every race, ;in every language. So very often these words are not even spoken aloud, but go up as the silent heart cry of the individual in the midst of his distress. Does it not seem strange that a quality and condition of life MUCH desired should seem to be so difficult to obtain and ,sustain by the individual and the masses, too? Why is this? Perhaps because we are not
looking in the right place for it. In our everyday experiences of life, when we need or want something, whenever possible we go to where we KNOW, or, at least, THINK it may be found, someone has said, "If the outlook is bad, try the UPLOOK," and this gives us a guide to the place where we may find peace. Why is it, when pain and distress become almost too much to bear, the suffering individual invariably looks UP? Because the heart instinctively knows that above us there is peace-Divine Law and Order and singleness of purpose, to do the divine will and to bless all life with peace, " Regardless of the thought, feeling or religious belief of anyone on earth, who is there who can think of PEACE and not simultaneously identify it with the beloved Jesus who, in actual daily living, outpictured that quality to the point where he became the very embodiment of it and is called the "Prince of Peace." He attained that perfection, right here in a physical body in the physical appearance world and he said, "The things that I have done shall ye do also." Therefore, if beloved Jesus attained that state of consciousness here on earth, so can anyone and everyone else who desires to do so, How? By doing as he did. Remember the words of the old hymn, "He the great example is, and pattern for me," A pattern correctly followed will give everyone who uses it the same result and so what better pattern could we follow than that of one who has become the quality itself, of that which we desire? Our blessed Master gave constant recognition to the Father first, before he attempted anything else and spent definite time during the day in which he placed his undivided ATTENTION on 'the "Father," as he called his own God-self. That word "attention" is the secret of it all, for what can you have or KNOW in your life without your ATTENTION upon it? Your ATTENTION is your consciousness-that stream of energy flowing in and 192 THE BRIDGE June 1953
through your body, mind and world, which animates your physical form, enables you to live, think, feel and in general have your BEING. In short, IT IS YOU. Whatever your ATTENTION connects with-that instant begins to flow into your world and outpictures there, and with sufficient concentration, even stamps itself upon the actual flesh of your body. Perhaps this is a crude illustration, but your attention is like a hose, which, connected to a water outlet, will carry the new life within the water to a parched and drying lawn, some distance away, revivifying it by the gift of its own life. Without the connection of the water and the lawn by the hose, no good could be accomplished. So it is with the attention-by giving definite time each day to the contemplation of the Prince of Peace, it connects us definitely and at once with his consciousness, WHICH IS PEACE, and so it flows in, through and around us and gives us peace, also. Very few people will have the TIME for this because the world in which we live today will not LET you have it. YOU; MUST TAKE TIME to do this-"Take time to be holy" and as you establish the ha bit in your feelings, you will not want to discontinue it, for it will be the happiest time of your day. When you have drawn ENOUGH of HIS FEELING OF PEACE into yourself, it will do for you exactly what it did for him, RAISE YOU out of EVERYTHING human into ALL THAT IS DIVINE-into all the mastery you were intended to
express from the beginning. There are legions of angels of Cosmic Christ Peace and these I earnestly call to surround you RIGHT NOW and abide with you, holding and expanding your peace all ways. THE HEALING CHALICE God, the mighty I AM Presence in you, is the divine creative, principle manifesting in all form, and I AM that I AM. In the eternal beginning, the magnetic forces of my being generated from within the Christ Mind, individualized ideas into which was breathed my breath of life, each being endowed with my God-will and all the beauty and perfection which is the essence of my being and world. The ceaseless gift of my life pulsates ever through all divine creations, endeavoring to bring into complete manifestation, the faultless pattern of the divine ideal, inherent within each one. Cycle after cycle has left the accomplishments of evolution impregnated within all substance, as it was constantly condensed into material form. As the cosmic wheel revolves, that divine life which went forth, is now due to
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return to the Father's mansions. The children of my breath and heartbeat are returning "home." The dense, material forms which they have drawn about themselves, in their physical activities in this world of form, are now being transformed into the more ethereal loveliness of perfection's realm. Sickness, disease and all distress is but the manifestation, in substance, of the imperfection and limitations of material concepts and senseconsciousness and mortal desires. All imperfections are but indications of transgressions against my Law of Love. In order that this substance become pure and redeemed into its natural purity and perfection, as it was in my God heart at the moment of creation, it must pass through the Fire of Transmutation. Thus is thy suffering, thy grief, thy pain, a divine opportunity, not only to atone for sins and errors, but to reclaim the essence of my life, that thou dost hold imprisoned by reason of thy transgressions. The divine life breath that should flow so joyously and freely through thy form, releasing my perfection through all thy ways, instead, has continuously been subjected to the misqualifications of thy mortal mind. Thou hast thought thyself individualized apart from me and yet the very power which gave to thee the thought, was my life, by which I sustain thee. I say unto thee, child of my breath, all that which was not born of my divine thought and design, shall not attain my immortality, for my breath is required to sustain creation through mortality, into immortality. Come now, within the Secret Place of thy Most High God Self, and wear the light garments prepared for thy homecoming. Come unto the everflowing fountain of my heart, bearing thy CHALICE of God desiring. Let thy cup be filled to overflowing with the fullness of my love. Accept now, the flaming, sparkling, rejuvenating, restoring essence of my love breath and
drink deeply, gladly abundantly. Let the God-essence of my self become all of thy self and naught else remain. Permit the magnetic love of thy FatherMother God to draw thee up into the kingdom of thine own heart's sincere desiring, from whence there need be no returning. My breath, my love, my life, pulsing within you through each heartbeat and each flame breath, is laden with the glorious, perfect abundance of all that thou canst ever dream of, or desire. Pause now, beloved child of my heart, and BREATHE deep into thyself, the flaming breath of God, thy Father-Mother God, the Immortal "I AM" which I am to thee. Absorb the essence of my flame breath into the substance of thy mortal form. Draw it 194 THE BRIDGE June 1953
unto thyself and make of it the essence of thyself in me. Breathe it deep into the depths and breadth of thy being, that there I may abide. Let thy mind become saturated with the eternal reality of my being. Let thy mortal self absorb the abundant life, the perfection, the health, the happiness, the beauty and the peace that I AM, and which is innate within every child of my creation. Let the single eye of thy God Presence within and about thee, everywhere, reveal the wonders and the blessings and the beauties of my creations. Allow the light, which I AM, to transform thy misconceptions and miscreations into the divine accomplishment of my immortal heart's desiring. The Healing Chalice is offered to you that you may find comfort in your hours of trial and share in the blessings called forth through prayer, meditation and decrees, by those dedicated to this selfless service in your behalf and in behalf of all mankind and the planet. itself. Offerings from those who wish to share (in their gratitude) for blessings received, are used to maintain, sustain and expand this worldwide service. We believe that God, the Indwelling Presence in all life, does bless, heal and supply each, according to the need and according to the acceptance of each heart. It is the purpose and endeavor of The Bridge" to offer assistance and guidance to those who believe, with us, in the never-failing God Presence as the source of all supply, healing and intelligent activity. All correspondence is strictly confidential. No problem is too great or too small to take to God in prayer and meditation. In writing for assistance, please give your full name and address, Send your letter or telegram to The Healing Chalice, Box 297, Halesite, N.Y. Isn't it strange that princes and kings And clowns that cape in sawdust rings-And common folk, like you and me Are builders for eternity? Each is given a bag of tools
A shapeless mass, and a book of rules; And each must fashion, ere life has flown, A stumbling block, or a stepping stone! --Anonymous
June 1953
While coming downstairs at my place of business, I was so unfortunate as to fall, severely injuring my arm. X-rays showed that the wrist was fractured in three places. After the bones were set, I was permitted to leave the hospital and I returned to my home, where I sat down to try to turn my attention to my God Presence and control the excruciating pain that almost overcame me. My daughter carried the news of the accident to the Healing Center , for the blessed "Bridge." Those in charge took up my case at once, and ,as I sat meditating at home, I suddenly felt the exact activities of the light that were being focused upon me and I was permitted to see in detail, the beautiful light rays. The pain ceased altogether and I slept comfortably. The following day I requested the doctor to take another X-ray. It showed so perfect a condition, that he felt obliged to remove the cast that I was to have worn for eight weeks. He placed a protecting bandage in its place and a few days later upon studying additional X-ray pictures, it was decided that complete healing had taken place and even the protecting bandage was removed. There is no disfiguring bone condition, and I have the full use of my wrist as before, with no discomfort and no ill effects. I do bless the healing service and those who assisted in the miraculous manifestation which took place for me. What seemed like misfortune was a wonderful opportunity to prove the power of God's healing presence, and I am grateful for the entire experience. I shall send a tangible gift of gratitude as soon as possible. God bless you all. C. K. New York City NOTICE
As the great Spiritual Hierarchy has had the opportunity of blessing the American people through the united consciousness and gathering of the attention of the peoples at the inauguration of President Dwight Eisenhower, the second great opportunity comes within the same year, through the coronation of Elizabeth II. In answer to her simple request to all peoples everywhere: "You will be keeping this day as a holiday, but I want to ask you all, whatever your religion may be, to pray for me on that day, to pray
that God may give me wisdom and strength to carry out the solemn promises I shall be making, and that I may faithfully serve him and you, all the days of my life." May we ask our gentle readers to join in a prayer for world peac, world unity and divine guidance for those who carry the tremendous responsibility of guiding and protecting great numbers of people in these troubled times. T. Printz
196 THE BRIDGE July 1953
A Monthly Journal Devoted to Individual Unfoldment, Contact With the Great White Brotherhood and Cooperative World Service
JULY 1953
the doors of wisdom, and be invited within the sacred portals of this house of wisdom and freedom. It was within this baronial home, that Marco Polo received the impetus to seek the trade routes to bridge the vast expanse of unknown territory between the European continent and the Far East. Here Galileo learned the truth about his "stars." And here, century after century, came one whose heart was the July 1953 THE BRIDGE 197
compass, guiding him ever toward truth, and which-even in the heavy bonds of forgetfulness that bound his inner vision round-told him that freedom lay within the moss-grown walls of that old castle. He came to warm his heart and renew his spirit in the presence of freedom, and then walk again among the sons and daughters of men, his garments radiating the strength of purpose and will renewed within its presence. Here, in great privation, year after year, came Roger Bacon on earnest pilgrimage, and at its doors knocked Columbus, long before his life-plan carried him westward in his service. And here came the disillusioned and embittered Francis Bacon, stripped of his right to rule Britannia, who then requested to surrender his honor and his name, itself, in behalf of a king who had lost the fortune of a crown. Century after century, this beautiful sanctuary of freedom, this home of faith and hope, had passed from father to son, carrying always the name of Rakoczy, and welcoming, always, the seekers after truth-unveiled. And when the end of earthly pilgrimage of the great son of freedom drew nigh, and the voice of the presence of God summoned him home, he set his worldly affairs in order, and returned into the heart of Transylvania, and in the presence of his loved ones, and in the arms of his great friend, he relinquished his spirit into the heart of eternal life-to return no more in the limiting bonds of flesh, but only in the free robes of immortality-Saint Germain! Son of freedom! Shakespeare describes this friendship and passing in the play "Hamlet." Because of his association with this sacred home, and because of the love of his great benefactor, this home has remained a focus for the Freedom Flame unto this present day. In later years, particularly during the eighteenth century, when Saint Germain again came before the eyes of the public, he used this home as a meeting place for his friends and students, and here, Catherine of Russia, Lafayette, Von Steuben, Napoleon, and others in whom he had great hope to further the cause which is his life embodied, often visited. Note: A description of this retreat containing additional information Is in the July, 1952 "Bridge to Freedom Journal," to which the gentle reader is referred.
July 1953
OPENING THE BOOK OF LIFE By Serapis Bey Beloved hearts of very great light, it is my joy to address you in preparation for the half-yearly council, which means so much to me as your sponsor, when I must stand by your side, individually, as your book of life is read and the report of your opportunity and your service is measured, in order that the great Karmic Board, itself, may best judge what dispensations can be given for the balance of the year to other members of the human race. When the fiat was released that we had a short twenty-year period during which to expand the consciousness of love and light throughout the entire race, it was my joy, privilege and honor to bring word of that decision to the Christ Selves of this evolution, who are presently walking homeward on the Earth. I remember, well, addressing you and I remember how the Christ Self of each one asked for the opportunity to take over the outer personality and through it, fulfill the divine plan, as well as to assist in expanding the understanding of life through the consciousness of all peoples, in all nations. However, it was not thought wise at that time to give a grant to the entire evolution, because there were not prepared, among the incarnate sons and; daughters of God, enough lifestreams to hold a balance against the tides of energy that would rush from the masses, once the pressure of their own Christhood awakened within them that unquenchable hunger and thirst after righteousness. I was then given the opportunity to select those lifestreams who had made certain preparation in the Causal Body and who had, embodiment after embodiment and century after century, drawn in, through and around them, a certain momentum in the action of the Sacred Fire and to allow this group precedence in this experiment. You have been told how two thousand were first given the opportunity and that the response from among them was great enough for the Cosmic Law to increase the grant, in July, to the two hundred thousand. However, from this point one, we have not met with the success and enthusiasm within the consciousness of the stated number receiving the grant and here we are scarcely three weeks before the day when I must stand before the Cosmic Board with less than three thousand souls stirring in their sleep! I am grateful to each one of you, for your Iifestreams did respond and your names are already written in the book of life as servers in the cause of the great King, but for the remaining numbers, I ask that you now incorporate your energies in daily calls, July 1953 THE BRIDGE 199 that we may not be found wanting.
Already the great Rocky Mountain Retreat is preparing to become the host to the peoples of earth-the magnetic currents have been set up and will go into motion on the very instant that the vibrations from Jesus' and Mary's retreat cease to become the predominant inner action of the Law on the earth. I am told that the spokesman for the Karmic Board at the coming council will be the Goddess of Mercy, which gives me a great feeling of comfort, as we face this impersonal tribunal. From the Great Central Sun, itself, is coming a messenger who will sit with the Karmic Board and assist them in their decisions, as well as in the granting of those dispensations which they feel will benefit individuals, groups, nations and the planet, itself. It is to help-at least the two hundred thousand-to come to an understanding that they may not weave into their own consciousness the human veil that surrounds them, that I come and plead that you no longer contribute (consciously or unconsciously) to this veil; that you insulate yourself against the forces of the outer world and its affairs, which cause the downfall, not only of the innocents, but of the guardian presences who volunteered to save and preserve them, in God's service. Then, when I stand before the Lords of Karma and when the great Maha Chohan hands me the book of your individual life and I open it and read from those pages, that which you have written, which is the record of the use of your life energies, I can offer it proudly and receive from them those added dispensations which are your freedom-because the freedom that comes through the connection with your own God-divinity is the happiest joy of your life. With my own hands, at this council on June 30th, I shall go over the bodies and inner consciousnesses of every one of you dedicated spirits and dissolve, by the pressure of my love, the creations of the centuries, but individual self-conscious effort must be made from within your own heart flame, that you do not either accept, or spin again, a new veil in your daily living. Once you are out and you stand in the light of the Sun and look your God-self in the face, I think the stimulus to your soul and spirit will be sufficient to hold you free from the suggestions that would make you prisoner again. I ask, as you go forward, that you have no sense of tension in your accomplishment, but that you might understand that I stand sponsor of your life. I have given the good of my Causal Body the momentum of my centuries of life-in the hope that you 200 THE BRIDGE July 1953
might prove worthy of this gift of love from the Karmic Board, and it is not only you, but I, who must stand before them and render an accounting for that life. Let us, then, proceed in happiness, in joy, in mastery and in peace!
There have been written countless books regarding truth. In our library at Luxor, alone, there are volumes that contain all of the approaches required to achieve the ascension, but the endeavor in which our energies are presently engaged is to acquaint the consciousness of some unascended beings with what we are doing-while we are doing it. It is a lovely thing to know that the Masters are working for a planet and a nation, and it is beautiful to accept our presence in the universe, but to be a part in the activity currently engaging the energies of the Masters while that activity is in progress, is to become like ten thousand men in your efficacy and service to the light. This is the main purpose and design in bridging the consciousness of the Ascended Host and that of individuals like yourselves, and if we can accomplish a union among a few of you, and through you prove that comradeship, fellowship, brotherhood and cooperative endeavor can be carried on in two separate spheres at the same time, for the common good, we have accomplished much. To this end, a few of us are presently engaged in sending forth the word acquainting mankind with our activity, and, wherever possible, convincing them that association with the Ascended Masters is not a mediumistic or fantastic action, but the most natural service of life. It is natural for you to sit with each other to exchange consciousness of faith and hope, born of common interests and, in the warm glow of friendship, unfold your inner natures. Is it not, then, also natural for those of us who love you much more than you could love each other, to draw close, and talk with you as we would talk with each other, n0t necessarily to give you great sermons, but to convince you of our reality, our practicability, our accessibility and our service, which becomes the stimulus to the interest of your life energies and the investment of your lifestreams' present activity in the forwarding of God's divine plan? I bless you and I shall anticipate opening your book of life in the presence of the Lords of Karma and reading the words that you have written therein-in the knowledge that you have written well.
July 1953
" I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth and in Jesus Christ, his only son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Ghost and born of the Virgin Mary." The opening lines of the orthodox Christian credo is a sweeping acknowledgment of the only one Creator and of Christ, his only son, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born through Mary. The founders of the Christian Church promulgated the idea that Jesus, the individual, and not the Christ nature, was the only begotten son of the
Father, which left the rest of humanity looking up to a perfection that they could never hope to attain by virtue of Jesus' unique position as the ONLY SON of the Father God. Jesus, however, did not confirm this claim of the church, for he said, "Call not me good and, again, "It is not I, but the Father within, that doeth the works." He never claimed to be different from the companions and disciples with whom he associated, except in the control of his thinking and feeling faculties. The teachings of the Master Jesus pointed man, again and again, toward the "Father God" and the unification of the individual consciousness with the will of the Father. "Not my will, but thine be done." He endeavored to charge the feelings of the people with confidence and faith in the Godpower by which he, himself, performed all the seeming miracles of healing and conversion. "According to your faith, be it unto you/ " he said on many occasions. Jesus taught that man is a thinking and feeling being and therein lies his likeness to the Heavenly Father, who by thought and feeling created a universe, peopled it, and sustains it, to this day. Man lived, for aeons of time, in the heart of God (in the heavenly realm) where his spirit was brought to full maturity, guarded and guided and instructed by intelligent God-beings, who had reached their maturity earlier. When it came time for these embryonic God-beings to go forth and learnthrough individual experience-the Law governing creation, beautiful light bodies were prepared for them and thus they took up their abode on the various planets, prepared beforehand, for their reception. Some of them came to the planet Earth and for ages lived happily, fulfilling their divine plan in peace and happiness, returning home after their lesson had been learned.
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Everyone knows the story of the "fall" and how these sons of God lost their rights to the Father's kingdom. Down through the ages, since that unhappy occurrence, the Father has sent many emissaries who, by virtue of their understanding of life, have been recognized as "Christ-men" or sons of God. The one that is best remembered in the Eastern Hemisphere is known as the Lord Buddha, and in the Western Hemisphere as Jesus, the Christ. Yet, these men never claimed that they were unique in themselves, as being "the only begotten sons of God." They both taught universal brotherhood and sonship with God. They healed the sick and raised the dead and both said, "What I am, all men shall be." They have had many followers down through the centuries, but, while the majority have spent whole lifetimes studying their words, very few have imitated their works. It is now the activity of a body of men called the Great White Brotherhood (a group of emancipated beings from the earth and other planets, who are striving to reach mans consciousness through the veil), to explain again to the humanity of earth the power that lies within his own
faculties to create, sustain and expand the divine plan which was ordained for him from the "beginning," by a loving Father and that all the unhappy experiences that make life unbearable are actually the result of the misuse of his own creative faculties (thought and" feeling) and that by learning to control the energy in these centers, he may change the pattern of his life, making it one of health and joy and happiness instead of one of toil and worry and travail. 'The Master Jesus, (who is an active member of the Great White Brotherhood), said, during his ministry in Judea, that every jot and tittle of discordantly-qualified energy drawn forth by the individual must be balanced before one could "enter the Kingdom." This means that every unkind word and deed and thought by which one has hurt any part of life (in whichever of the four lower kingdoms it may be evolving) must be balanced by good. Under the Law of Compensation, this would take aeons of time and energy and in mans present state of ignorance, it would be an almost impossible task. However, under a Dispensation of the New Age, which is upon us, the knowledge of the Sacred Fire has been conferred upon man. This is an externalization of the Law of Mercy and Forgiveness. Through the application of this flame of love, which man may invoke, his being and his world may be swept clean of all indebtedness to life due to his past misuse of energy. He may invoke this cleansing and purifying flame for himself,
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his loved ones, his home, his nation and the world in general. It also has illuminating power, which clears the understanding and awakens the spiritual faculties. It is the greatest gift that a loving Father could bestow on his erring children, because it is the power of love divine and it brings peace and health and prosperity and harmony and happiness in its wake. Through lack of understanding, man has been slow to accept the spiritual gifts heId out by the Father, through his emissaries. This is the gift of grace from the Holy Spirit. Take it and use it, and be free. When man awakens from the dream of ignorance in which he has been so long submerged, he will find the words of the Credo refer to him, as well as to the Master Jesus, that he, too, is a son of God, conceived by the love of the Holy Spirit and born through the Immaculate Conception of the FatherMother, exemplified by the Virgin Mary. Jesus said, "It is the spirit that quickeneth-the flesh profiteth nothing." THE MASTERS OF WISDOM SPEAK MAHA CHOHAN For every benefit and spiritual grace received over and above the natural impersonal daily release from the powers of light, there must be a balance paid, and the individual vague, secret thought and prayer force of the planet seldom reaches out of the lower atmosphere, to accomplish that
whereunto it is sent. It is, therefore, a rare privilege for a voluntary intercessor to avail himself of the opportunity of unifying prayer force and to place that concentrated heart cry at the foot of the Throne of Grace, holding it up by the very strength of his own compassionate heart, until the "laws that be" must answer him by granting a dispensation for the blessing of lesser men. EL MORYA If men made as little effort to secure his daily bread as he does to acquire spiritual knowledge, the highways of the world would be strewn with the corpses of those who died of Starvation and privation. The effort by which man secures the satisfaction of his body's wants is so commendable and the effort he uses to apply for spiritual salvation is so pitiful! No man can be denied grace before the throne of God, if he chooses to condense, direct and project his aspiration toward any being in the celestial realms, but it is sad to say that the average 204 THE BRIDGE July 1953
spiritual prayer rises no higher than the topknot of hair that rises above the scalp of the applicant. KUTHUMI When the Cosmic Law issued the final fiat that there is but a twenty-year period allowed, during which the mankind of earth must emit enough light to sustain the place of this planet in the solar system, the inhabitants of each one of the seven mighty spheres began to devise ways and means by which they, the Cosmic Lords, the angelic host, as well as the seven Chohans with their chelas and pupils, might best cooperate in this endeavor. Lord Maitreya, through whom the outpouring of the Cosmic Christ is destined to reach its ultimate glory through the Christ Selves of every man belonging to this evolution was, therefore, required to hasten the "Second Coming" by several hundreds of years. The spiritual perfection that was attained in the initiation of the Master Jesus, by which he was consciously joined to his divinity, the Lord Maitreya must now accomplish for the entire race. PAUL THE VENETIAN It is my particular joy and service to fill the individual cups of consciousness, that are held up by the children of earth toward the fount of God-inspiration. In the great, moving sea of God's mind, are glorious ideas, that await fulfillment through some intelligence functioning in the realm or sphere which will be most benefited by the development of those ideas. The clarity of each one's raised consciousness determines the receptivity of the inspiration which I am so eager to give, as well as the purity or distortion of its interpretation and development.
I look, always, for those lifestreams who have guarded the entrance to their consciousness down through the centuries and have not permitted their beautiful "grails" to become encrusted by the impurities and degradations of human effluvia, which clouds its surface, making impossible a clear grasp of the vision that I would impart-whether it be a lovely musical composition, a beautiful picture, a piece of sculpture, a useful invention for the benefit of the race, or whatever the lifestream, through its own momentum, has made itself a magnet for from the realm of causes above.
Every Ascended Master radiates an individual keynote, which is woven into a beautiful symphony of sound and as they move through interstellar space, the mingling of their cosmic tones is an inspiration to all who are privileged to have access to the developed faculties of the inner ear. These natural songs of the Sun, the planets, the angelic host and the Ascended Masters are, like the perfume of the flowers, the radiation of those beings, which contributes to the music of the spheres, without the selfconscious cooperation of the faculties of the lifestream-because each one may concentrate and focus the gift of song through his own vocal chords or the gift of music through the particular talents evolved by his self-conscious intelligence. When the Masters, the devas, the angelic host choose to concentrate the music of the spheres through cosmic concerts, then, truly, do the highest heavens ring with harmonious sound. HILARION It is one of my particular services to life to receive and assist those children of earth who pass from the body with no belief in, or faith in, an "after" life-the agnostics, the cynics, the embittered. As I, myself, once, long ago, as Paul, the apostle, denied the Christ, and, through his mercy, had his presence revealed unto me, so did I vow, when I received my freedom, to stand by the side of every soul who is also so benighted, that, through the pressure of my own experience, as well as a desire to render a balance to that Christ for his kindness to me, I may render a like service to them. I would appreciate any calls that unascended beings may desire to make on behalf of those great masses of souls who enter the "gates beyond" alone, afraid, and without the blessing of a prayer to accompany them on their journey. Your calls would do so much to assist us in our care of these unhappy ones. JESUS The contemplation of the Healing Presence and the acceptance of the all-power of this Presence must precede all application. Do you know that I
often spent hours in adoration of that ever-present healing power, before I left the comparative privacy of my sleeping quarters in order to so fortify my consciousness
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against the appearance world, that no matter what life might bring to my attention, I knew with certainty, it had no power before the Healing Flame of the Father that was, then, and now, is; alive within me, awaiting the call to release itself as the master control of the appearance. If I did not so fortify myself, my outer consciousness would be no different than that of other men, and some of the frightful appearances that men had woven into the brain substance, their flesh, or the more ephemeral substance of their mental and emotional bodies, would have caused a temporary vibration within me which would, in a measure, have neutralized my power to bid it be gone. It is not the matter of a moment to so convince the outer consciousness of the all-power of God: it is not the matter of a moment to sustain that positive assurance that there is absolutely no other power that can act. All through life, every man and woman who walks in a flesh body must keep up the application to saturate the outer consciousness with a realization of this all-power. No avatar, no saint, no messenger is an exception to this rule. SAINT GERMAIN As the pure, unformed electronic light flows forth from the Presence, it is the consciousness of the individual which becomes the "pen," and on the book of life is written the story of the use of that priceless energy. Many such volumes are written by the soul-closed as the last breath leaves the body-and then given into the hands of the Angel of Records to be read in the halls of Karma. Then, when the soul is assigned to a realm in which its light may best be expanded, it must endeavor to re-write every page whereon the shadows of human thought and feeling cast their gloom over the. promptings of the Higher Self. And again, when the soul comes, to new birth, is the book given-every page fresh-and once more it writes, but, lifetime after lifetime and century after century is the same "novel" written with but few changes. Finally -when the soul awakens-is the book of victory written, clasped shut, and delivered to the Higher Mental Body or Christ Self who receives it with a prayer of thanksgiving and joy that the long journey is over-and, as the White Fire Presence announces the glad tidings, "IT IS FINISHED," the triumphant soul enters the portals of the 'Father's home to come out no more.
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"Let us get more LIGHT on this." How many times have you said that yourself, or heard another say it, when there was a question or indecision concerning some course to be followed. "With all thy getting, get understanding" says the Good Book and "understanding" is LIGHT, at least it is one of its attributes. The first fiat that went forth from the great Creator of all the Universe was "Let there be Light" and immediately, Light appeared. Light ALWAYS appears when called for. That seems somewhat difficult to believe, sometimes, because of the denseness of the substance of earth with which we work and in which we live. Because we do not SEE the manifestation for which we call, the outer mind has the tendency to think that nothing happened. However, "The call COMPELS the answer" and it is just as impossible for a sincere call to go unanswered, as it would be to plant an oak and have a maple come up as a result. Exact causes produce exact results. When Light is called for, LIGHT must appear! In the first place, it is the substance out of which all the universe is made. Without light, nothing is ever created or accomplished, for it is the universal substance of creation. When an individual makes the call, "0h God! give me light! Give me whatever intensity of light is required to solve this problem for me," that instant a ray of light, containing the call, goes out from the one in need and arises to the listening ear of mighty beings whose joy it is, through their great love, to answer the heart calls of those on earth. At once, on the same ray that carried the call, there returns, to the caller, the illumination, the love, the comfort, the hope and all that is required to adjust the appearances of imperfection and bring and hold all into perfect, divine order, through divine love. After such a call for help is made, it would be well for the one in need to consciously get quite still, and consciously WAIT and expect to receive, the FEELING of peace and release from the discomfort, tension and distress. It will come, and when it does, we should quickly GRASP it and call to the mighty God within us to hold, protect, expand and permanently anchor it within our feeling worlds for all eternity, so that at least that particular problem does not come up again. Only in this way can we make PERMANENT progress. To just keep solving the same problems over and over again, which is what we have been doing for millions of years, in one embodiment after another, surely is not gathering much illumination, which can be expanded lo the point where it illumines with actual physical light not only 208 THE BRIDGE July 1953
the mind of the individual, but the actual flesh substance of his body, as well, visible and tangible to the physical sight of all, as did Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration. He said, "The things that I have done shall ye do also" and he meant ALL he did. We, who have read and heard that statement s0 many times, seem to think it means only the GOOD things he experienced- doing the miracles, receiving the approbation of God when the dove descended at his baptism, but there is more to it than that. As we have said before, He is the great example, and PATTERN. A pattern gives the same form to everyone who uses it, no matter who or what they are, or what substance they use to make it.
The Master Jesus spent CENTURIES gathering light-illumination-which served him s0 well in that final embodiment of his earth life, that embodiment which gave him the ascension. He offers that fully-gathered momentum NOW, to each and every one who will sincerely call for it. "Call unto me, and I WILL ANSWER YOU!" He answers us by and with HIS LIGHT, the actual substance of his own life and if we will consciously accept it, that substance enters into and becomes an actual part of our world. Its nature is to expand and expand, until it has made us all that he has become. Let us make it a point, in all experiences we contact, to say AT ONCE, before the feelings get too much disturbed about them, "Dear God, right in my own heart-GIVE ME YOUR LIGHT on this and show me your way! Then see that I walk within it all ways." Angels of light attend you at all times, dear reader, and help you to remember this, which bring you His peace. REQUEST BY ARCHANGEL MICHAEL FOR THE DEPARTED March, 1953 I chose to forego the natural activity of the Archangels and to enter into that which you now know as the psychic or astral realm, and here I have spent the full and greater part of my life, century after century, age after age, in an endeavor to disentangle lifestreams, after so-called death, and prepare them to enter the halls of the Karmic Lords and receive from the God of life a new opportunity, to learn how to control the facets of consciousness which are constantly adding to the veil between the human and the divine . We are constantly consuming, cutting away, dissolving and removing the effluvia of mankind's own creation, and more unhappily still, the effluvia of the conscious student body who-
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knowing at least, intellectually, the power of creation that lies within consciousness-yet continues to weave the cocoon which closes them in and shuts out our words from their ears, our presence from their sight, our fragrance from their nostrils, our peace ; from their hearts. Until we can reach, and in some manner, incorporate the assistance of incarnate lifestreams, at least those who are the guardian beings who chose voluntarily to bring the light to the consciousness of men, our task seems endless indeed, as well as thankless. In the silence of your room, three times a day if possible, make the call that in every twenty-four-hour period during which s0 many lifestreams pass through the change called "death," no one may enter into that terrific hell of thought and feeling without the prayer and love of an incarnate brother or sister. Nine-tenths of the people who are passing from the body never receive a prayer and do not, themselves, know what to do, here or hereafter. If even one lifestream made this call, it would assist us tremendously. Thank you.
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL SUGGESTED PRAYER FOR THE DEPARTED In the name and by the power of the presence of God, I AM, and in the name of the Ascended Jesus Christ! I call to you, beloved Archangel Michael, on behalf of the souls of all the men, women and children who are being released from the body during this twenty-four hour period. Cut them free, instantly, from the magnetic pull of earth, the things of earth, and al! the passions, lusts, and appetites that might hold them earthbound. Send thy angels of light to enfold them and carry them quickly through the effluvia of the earth's atmosphere, to the realms of light and peace. Here, prepare them, through the merciful fires of purification, to stand before the Lords of Karma, with their robes as white as snow. Accept the good of my own Causal Body as an offering before this great council of judgment, that these souls may be taken, at once, to the schoolrooms where they may best learn the law and re-embody, if necessary, in harmony, to win their individual victory in the light. Thank you, oh Prince of the Heavenly Host, for your guardian presence among us, for your constant and watchful care of us, not only at the time of so-called death, but through all our days! 210 THE BRIDGE "INDEPENDENCE DAY" Again the great nation, conceived in the mind of God, and born out of the energies of men and women who preferred freedom to life in bondage, celebrates her national Day of Independence. It is well for all free-thinking sons and daughters of God to ponder on the word INDEPENDENCE, for until each one comes to such a place, and rests assured in the ever-presence of his own God within, such an one cannot honestly classify himself as an in dependent being! It was the tremendous faith of the forefathers of the American nation in the power of God indwelling, that enabled them to leave the comparative safety and security of their homes, cross uncharted seas, and carve for themselves, out of a wilderness, a new life, where they might pursue, not only happiness, but the development of the faculty of looking inward for the strength, courage, faith and power to proceed upon their chosen life path. It was such independence that made the early patriots draw forth the fortitude and the courage required to establish the new nation, to perceive the vision of a land of the free, and further to externalize that vision accurately, through the incorporation of their own energies toward this end. To the beloved United States of America, and all the independent spirits presently engaged in serving her destiny, and who have served her July 1953
cause through the centuries, we bow in homage to your light, your promise, and your hope to a world that requires guidance through your peoples in this particular world hour. Thomas Printz THE HEALING CHALICE Beloved children of the one God, thy feet are upon the pathway of liberation. As, in centuries past, thou hast sought personal freedom from the oppressions of an unjust monarchy, so now thy souls seek liberation from the oppressions of the passions and desires of thy mortal nature, which art as bars against thy immortal FREEDOM. Thy soul, hearing the call from the inner heart of thy beings, is fired with nostalgic longing to return to its home in the heavenly kingdom of my love. Long has it been since thou hast tried thy wings, in flight into the realms of
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Christ Consciousness. Scarce wilt thine unused pinions support thy earthly weight in this celestial journey. The dross of thy iniquities and the sins of thy omissions, cling heavily about thee and drag thee down, ere thou canst rise into the cloudless heaven of my realm. Yet, I AM thy Father-Mother Godthyself-thy life-thy very ALL. Come, children of my heartbeat, come, and claim thy birthright. Breathe into thy very selves, my life-giving, liferestoring, resurrecting, flaming essence of divine love and be renewed. Permit thy tired senses to exult in the glorious adventures awaiting thee on thy homeward journeys, where passing pains and pleasures give way to my eternal ecstasies. Thy mortal world is but the manifestation of personal strivings, disillusionments, sorrows and wasted energies. Turn now thy faces steadfastly unto me and follow now the day star of my glowing torch within thy hearts. In its shadowless illumination thy feet shall surely find the heavenly way, nor shalt thou dash thy feet against a stone, for I AM ever at thy side to support and sustain thee. DAILY CONTEMPLATION FOR HEALTH & HEALING I AM free, this hour, from pain, disease, limitation and distress, for I AM the perfection of God's eternal love, now manifesting in my mind, my body, my being, my world, and my affairs. All the God-desires of my heart are now being drawn, by the magnetic power of God's love, into instantaneous and eternally sustained manifestation in my being and world and I am now prepared to render my perfect service to life and freedom of all. I AM the joyous expression of God's opulence, God's love, Gods health, and happiness, and God-illumination forever sustained and increasing in limitless supply to all.
I AM the healing heart of the Christ Presence, now active within me and all who seek thy light, restoring, renewing, illumining, and resurrecting the perfection of my divine Self. I AM the divine image of God, now manifesting that perfection in my being and world and for all the children of God, every one, everywhere, in His supreme name, forever.