~Liber KKK~
por Peter J. Carroll
Liber KKK es el primer, programa de entrenamiento mgico completo, sistemtico para
algunos siglos. Es un reemplazo definitivo para la magia sagrada de
Abramelin el Mage, que el sistema tiene obsoleto convertida debido a l es
el transcendentalism y el monotheist es dependencia en formas represivas de
el gnosis inhibitorio ahora consideraba inadecuado .
Liber KKK se presenta como serie de tcnicas mgicas generales que
el mago debe convertirse en usar realizable del programa cualesquiera smbolos,
instrumentos y formas de gnosis que abrogan a l. Sera
inadecuado para que un texto mgico del caos prescriba cualquier creencia particular o
los dogmas, excepto esa magia trabajan si se siguen ciertos principios generales. l
sea inadecuado para que cualquier mago del caos slavishly adhiera a
multe el detalle de cualquier sistema. Puede ser aprendido mucho de Liber KKK en el
de adaptar procedimientos generales al gusto y a los objetivos personales. Liber KKK
puede ser procurado por cualquier adulto. La palabra "mago" se aplica igualmente a
cualquier sexo y el uso de los pronombre personals masculinos en el texto es simplemente a
convencin literaria en ausencia de formas neutrales en ingls.
Liber KKK es una serie de veinticinco operaciones o "conjurations mgicos".
cinco conjurations clsicos de Evocation, Divination, Enchantment, invocacin
y la iluminacin cada uno se realiza en los cinco niveles de la brujera, Shamanic
Magia, magia ritual, magia astral y alta magia. As el trabajo del conjunto
reasume sistemticamente la tradicin entera de la tcnica mgica, el conducir
mago de prcticas simples y de la fabricacin de herramientas hacia
maestra de experimentos ms complejos en el nivel psquico.
Es altamente deseable que el mago tiene cierta forma de templo privado para
sus conjurations. Con todo es esencial que el mago sigue siendo activo en
mundo para el perodo del trabajo en su totalidad . El trabajo no exige cualesquiera
forme de retratamiento del mundo, pero algo de rodear del mundo
utilizan al mago como la tierra que prueba para la magia. As el negocio y
los asuntos sociales del mago son el foco primero para su magia. En
realizando esa magia l define gradualmente su estilo o spirituality. Para ella est
senseless para definir spirituality como con excepcin de la manera una vive. Si la manera
La magia es tener un componente espiritual que puede ser descubierto solamente con
Est la modificacin deliberada del uno mismo por magia y puede incluir deletrea de
Molde de Enchantment en se para reparar debilidades o para aumentar fuerzas, y
Divination y la invocacin se realizaron para la inspiracin y la direccin.
As todas las operaciones mgicas se basan en el uso de la voluntad, opinin y
imaginacin, que es decir que ella es todas las especies de Enchantment o
Divination. La imaginacin es la que ocurre cuando y opinin
Los cinco niveles de la actividad mgica, de Socercery, de Shamanic, del ritual, de astrales
La alta magia est para los propsitos de esta operacin definida como sigue:BRUJERA:
Es la magia simple que depende de las conexiones ocultas que existen
entre los fenmenos fsicos. La brujera es un arte mecnico que no lo hace
requiera la teora que la conexin exista entre la mente del operador
y la blanco. Cualquier efecto que se presenta de tal conexin puede, sin embargo, estar
mirado como prima agregada. Workng en el nivel de la brujera el mago
crea artefactos, las herramientas y los instrumentos que obran recprocamente mgico con
mundo fsico y que se puede utilizar otra vez en maneras ms sutiles en
otros niveles. El trabajo del nivel de la brujera se debe realizar a fondo, para
como es las prcticas simples se parecen ellas son la fundacin en la cual el ms alto
restos llanos del trabajo.
Trabajos sobre el nivel del trance, de la visin, de la imaginacin y del sueo. Abre
mago subconsciente negando al censor psquico con vario
tcnicas. El mago hace frente a peligro considerable en este nivel y puede
tenga recurso frecuente a las tcnicas de la brujera o ritual el banishing si l
amenaza obsesionarlo o abrumar.
Combina las capacidades desarrolladas en los niveles de la brujera y de Shamanic.
el mago rene el uso de herramientas del nivel de la brujera con
las energas subconscientes liberadas en el Shamanic nivelan y combinan su
uso en una manera disciplinada y controlada.
Es realizado por la visualizacin y los estados alterados del sentido o del gnosis,
solamente . El paraphernalia fsico no se utiliza aunque las herramientas y los instrumentos
The magician prepares a simple model of the universe for use as a
divinatory tool. A set of Rune Sticks or Rune Stones is most excellent for this
purpose. Occidental geomancy sticks provide a somewhat simpler model
whilst the systems of Tarot or I Ching can prove too complex for later work
on the Shamanic levels unless abbreviated in some way. The magician should
perform divination both for general trends and for answer to specific
questions. The element of the divinatory tool should be treated as having a
fairly direct relationship to the parts of reality they represent and the
procedures of sortiledge should be regarded as a mirror of the process by
which reality takes its decisions. Divinatory activity should be pitched at a
frequency and complexity which allows answers to be remembered. It is
preferable to divine for phenomena which are likely to confirm or negate the
divination within a relatively short time period.
Conjuration Three - Sorcery Enchantment
For the work of the third conjuration the magician may need to prepare or
acquire a variety of instruments, but chief amongst these should be a single
special tool or magical weapon, for enchantment. A small pointed wand or a
knife are especially convenient. This special instrument or weapon can also
be usefully employed to trace the pentagrams in the Gnostic Banishing
Ritual. A fist sized piece of modelling clay or other plastic material may be
the only other instrument required. To perform Sorcery Enchantment the
magician makes physical representations of his will and desire. Where
possible the magical weapon should be used to help make or manipulate
these representations. The magician should perform one or several
conjurations of this type per week. As always he should aim to influence
events before nature has made her mind up, and he should not put too great
a strain on nature by conjuring for highly improbable events.
Conjuration Four - Sorcery Invocation
The aim of the fourth conjuration is to create radical changes in behaviour
by temporarily altering the environment. There is no limit to the variation of
experience the magician may wish to arrange for himself. He might, for
example, after some careful background research, depart in disguise to some
strange place and play out a completely new social role. Alternatively, he
may wish to equip his temple and himself in such a way that he experiences
being an ancient Egyptian god for a time. In Sorcery Evocation the magician
tests to the limit his ability to create arbitrary change by modifying his
environment and his behaviour.
Conjuration Five - Sorcery Illumination
In works of Illumination the magician aims for self improvement in some
precisely defined and specific way. Grandiose plans for spiritual
enlightenment should be abandoned in favour of identifying and overcoming
the more obvious weaknesses and increasing existing strengths. For the work
of Illumination the magician makes or acquires some object to represent his
quest as a whole. This objects is technically known as a "lamp" although it
may take the form of anything from a ring to a mandala. The "lamp" is used
as a basis over which to proclaim various oaths and resolutions. Such oaths
and resolutions may also be marked onto the design of the lamp. The
magician may need to perform various supplementary acts of invocation,
enchantment, divination and even evocation to make progress with the work
of illumination. It is not unusual for the magician to destroy and rebuild the
lamp during the work of illumination.
Conjurations Six to Ten - Shamanic Level Magic
Shamanic Magic depends on the use of altered states of consciousness in
which active visualistation and passive vision seeking can most easily occur.
The altered states which are easiest and safest to access are those of halfsleep, dream and light trances brought on by quiet meditation. However, any
method of Gnosis can be used according to taste, but in initial exercises it is
wise to avoid certain dangerous and ecstatic practices which can lead to a
loss of control. In general it is preferable to try and deepen the trance by
concentrating on visualisation and vision than to deepen it by extreme
Gnosis beforehand. In Shamanic Magic the magician is seeking to discover
and establish connections between his mental imagery and phenomena in
the world. Visions frequently occur in symbolic language, thus for example,
diseases take on the appearance of insects or loathsome animals, and fears or
desires may appear as spirits. The magician or shaman should deal with such
things as the images in which they present themselves, banishing or
invoking such forms by force of visualisation and interpreting their physical
meaning where necessary. Shamanic magic tends to become a very
idiosyncratic and free form exercise in which the magician also explores his
symbol synthesising faculties.
Conjuration Six - Shamanic Evocation
In this work the magician strives to establish a vision of an entity which he
projects to do his bidding. It is often useful to work with the visualised
forms of the entities used for the sorcery evocation although other forms can
be chosen. In general, entities are used to encourage desired events to
materialise, or to seek out information, in situations which are too complex
for simple spells or divinations to be formulated. Entities act as semi-
with all acts of illumination the changes attempted should be specific rather
than vague and general. The magician may find it useful to prepare a more
elaborate "lamp" perhaps in the form of a mandala representing his self or
soul for this conjuration. One effect of ritual illumination is often to force the
magician to choose between Atman and Anatta. If he works within the
paradigm of Anatta, the hypothesis of no-soul, then illumination is a matter
of the addition or the deletion of certain patterns of thought and behaviour.
If the magician works within the paradigm of Atman, the doctrine of
personal soul, or Holy Guardian Angel, then he faces a more complex,
dangerous and confusing situation. If a personal soul is presumed to exist
but without a true will then the atman magician can proceed as if he were an
Anattaist. If a true will is presumed to exist then the conjuration must be
directed towards its discovery and implementation. The author has avoided
treading too far along this path but has observed the process go
spectacularly wrong in numerous cases. Those who wish to attempt it are
counselled to avoid accepting as true will, anything which conflicts radically
with ordinary commonsense or "lower will", as it is disparity called in this
Conjurations Sixteen to Twenty - Astral Magic
Astral Magic is Ritual Magic performed entirely on the plane of visualisation
and imagination. Unlike Shamanic Magic where a fairly free form use of
images and visions is explored, this magic requires the precise and accurate
visualisation of an internal landscape. In this landscape the magician carries
out processes designed to bring him knowledge of the ordinary world or to
change the world or himself. Astral Magic has to be approached with at least
as much preparation and effort as it put into ritual magic or else it can tend
to become a brief series of excursions around the imagination to little
magical effect. Properly performed, it can be a source of extraordinary
power and it has the advantage of requiring no physical equipment. Astral
Magic is usually begun in some quiet secluded place whilst the magician is
comfortably seated or couched with closed eyes. There may be few outward
signs that anything is happening apart from perhaps a variation in breathing
rates or posture or facial expressions as the magician enters gnosis.
To prepare for Astral Magic a temple or series of temples needs to be
erected on the plane of visualised imagination. Such temples can take any
convenient form although some magicians prefer to work with an exact
simulacrum of their physical temple. The astral temple is visualised in fine
detail and should contain all the equipment required for ritual or at least
cupboards where any required instruments can be found. Any objects
visualised into the temple shold always remain there for subsequent
inspection unless specifically dissolved or removed. The most important
object in the temple is the magician's image of himself working in it. At first
it may seem that he is merely manipulating a puppet of himself in the
temple but with persistence this should give way to a feeling of actually
being there.
Before beginning Astral Magic proper, the required temple and instruments
together with an image of the magician moving about in it should be built up
by a repeated series of visualisations until all the details are perfect. Only
when this is complete should the magician begin to use the temple. Each
conjuration that is performed should be planned in advance with the same
attention to detail as in Ritual Magic. The various acts of astral evocation,
divination, enchantment, invocation and illumination take on a similar
general form to the acts of Ritual Magic which the magician adapts for astral
Conjurations Twenty One to Twenty Five - High Magic
All the techniques of magic are really just so many ways of tricking some
indefinable parts of ourselves into performing magic. The universe is
basically a magical structure and we are all capable of magic. The really
useful theories of magic are those which explain why magic tends to work so
erratically and why we have such enormous inhibitions about believing in it,
making it work, and recognising that it has worked. It is as if the universe
has cast a spell upon us to convince us we are not magicians. However, this
spell is rather a playful cosmic joke. The universe challenges us to shatter
the illusion by leaving a few cracks in it.
No details are presented for the five conjurations of High Magic, nor can they
be given, the reader is referred back to the remarks made on them in the
introduction. The magician must rely on the momentum of his work in
sorcery, shamanism, ritual and astral magics to carry him into the domain of
high magic where he evolves his own tricks and empty handed techniques
for spontaneously liberating the chaotic creativity within.