Bibliografía de Proclo
Bibliografía de Proclo
Bibliografía de Proclo
Taylor, T.(transl.) / Harris, R.B., Proclus: The Platonic theology, Books I-III (Great works of philosophy series 1), Texas: Selene Books El Paso, 1988 [Reprint of the first edition of 1816]. Book 1-3 of Taylor's English Translation with a new foreword by Harris Turolla, E. (transl.), Procli: La teologia platonica (Filosofi antichi e medievali), Bari: Laterza, 1957. Italian translation with notes Abbate, M. (transl.), Proclo, Teologia Platonica, Milano: Bompiani, 2005. Italian translation with introduction and notes Casaglia, M. / Linguiti, A. (transl.), Teologia Platonica, Torino: UTET, 2007. Italian translation with introduction and notes
Boese, H., Die mittelalterliche bersetzung der Stoicheiosis phusike des Proclus (Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Institut fr griechisch-rmische Altertumskunde, Verffentlichungen 6), Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1958. Edition of the Greek and Latin text, index Gerby, Gy. (transl.), Two books on the elements of physics (or on movement) by Proclus of Lycia, the Platonic Successor [in Hungarian], Magyar Filozfiai Szemle, 41 (1997), 281-336. Hungarian translation Faraggiana di Sarzana, C. (transl.), I manuali, Elementi di fisica, Elementi di teologia; I testi magico-teurgici; Marino di Neapoli, Vita di Proclo; traduzione, prefazione, note e indici (I classici del pensiero. Sezione 1: Filosofia classica e tardo antica), 2nd edition, Milano: Rusconi, 1999 [First edition 1985]. Italian translation with notes New translation and commentary in preparation by J. Opsomer and C. Helmig.
Steel, C. (ed.), Proclus: commentaire sur le Parmnide de Platon, Traduction de Guillaume de Moerbeke (KUL, Ancient and medieval philosophy, De Wulf-Mansion centre, Series 1, vol. 3-4), Leuven: Leuven University press, 1982 / 1985. Edition of the Latin text, with a Greek-Latin / Latin-Greek glossary to understand Moerbeke's method of translation Steel, C. / Rumbach, F., "The final section of Proclus' commentary on the Parmenides. A Greek retroversion of the Latin translation", with an English translation by D.G. MacIsaac, Documenti e studi sulla tradizione filosofica medievale 7 (1997), 211267. Retroversion into Greek of the final part of Proclus' commentary which is only preserved in Moerbeke's Latin translation Chaignet, A.Ed. (transl.), Commentaire sur le Parmnide suivi du commentaire anonyme sur les VII dernires hypothses , 3 vol., Paris, 1900-1903 [reprint Frankfurt am Main: Minerva, 1962]. First French translation Morrow, G.R. / Dillon, J.M. (transl.), Proclus' commentary on Plato's Parmenides, with introduction and notes by J.M. Dillon, Princeton (New Jersey): Princeton Universty Press, 1987. English translation, introduction, and summaries of the contents of the single books Bartholomai, R., Proklos: Kommentar zu Platons Parmenides 141E-142A, eingeleitet, bersetz und erlutet (Texte zur Philosophie 8), Sankt Augustin: Academia, 2001 [first edition 1990]. German translation of the final part of Proclus' commentary only preserved in Latin Zekl, H.G. (transl.), Proklos Diadochos: Kommentar zum platonischen Parmenides, bersetzt, mit einer Einleitung und Anmerkungen versehen von H.G. Zekl, Wrzburg: Knigshausen & Neumann, 2010. German translation with introduction and notes
and its Creation, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008. Baltzly, D. (transl.), Proclus. Commentary on Platos Timaeus. Vol. IV, Book 3, Part II: Proclus on the World Soul, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. First English translation of Proclus Commentary on the Timaeus after Thomas Taylors version (1816), with comprehensive introductions and notes. Edition of book II in preparation by J. Opsomer and G. Van Riel.
Taylor, T. (transl.), Proclus the Neoplatonic Philosopher: Ten Doubts Concerning Providence and a Solution of those Doubts and On the Subsistence of Evil, translated into English from their Latin Version by William of Moerbeke, Chicago: Ares Publishers, 1980 [= Reprint; First edition 1833]. English translation Feldbusch, K. (transl.), Proklos Diadochos: Zehn Aporien ber die Vorsehung, Frage 1-5 ( 1-31), bersetzt und erklrt, Inaugural-Dissertation Kln (1971), 1972. German translation with notes Bhme, I. (transl.), Proklos Diadochos. Zehn Aporien ber die Vorsehung. Frage 6-10 ( 32-66), bersetzt und erklrt, Inaugural-Dissertation Kln, 1975. German translation with notes Opsomer, J. / Steel, C. (transl.), Proclus: Ten Problems Concerning Providence (Ancient Commentators on Aristotle), London: Bristol Classical Press, 2012. English translation with comprehensive introduction and notes
Opsomer, J. / Steel, C. (transl.), Proclus: On the Existence of Evils (Ancient Commentators on Aristotle), London: Duckworth / Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2003. English translation with comprehensive introduction and notes
Jahn, A. (ed.), Eclogae e Proclo de philosophia chaldaica sive de doctrina oraculorum chaldaicorum, accedit hymnus in deum Platonicus, vulgo S. Gregorio Nazianzeno adscriptus, nunc Proclo Platonico vindicatus , Halis Saxonum, 1891 [Reprint Bruxelles: Culture et civilisation, 1969]. Edition of the Greek text of Proclus' Commenrary on the Oracles, with introduction and notes des Places, . (ed. / transl.), Oracles chaldaques, Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1971. Edition of the Greek text of the Oracles and of Proclus' Commentary, French translation, and notes Neuville, S. / Johnson, T.M. / Godwin, J. (transl.), The exhortation to philosophy, including the letters of Iamblichus and Proclus' commentary on the Chaldean Oracles, Grand Rapids (Mich.): Phanes, 1988. English translation of the Commentary Majercik, R. (transl.), The Chaldean Oracles: Text, Translation and Commentary (Studies in Greek and Roman Religion 5), Leiden: Brill, 1989. English translation of the Oracles, with Greek text (des Places' edition), notes, and commentary Garca Bazn, F. (transl.), Orculos Caldeos. Con una seleccin de testimonios de Proclo, Pselo y M. Itlico / Numenio de Apamea. Fragmentos y testimonios, introducciones, traducciones y notas (Biblioteca Clsica Gredos 153), Madrid: Editorial Gredos, 1991. Spanish translation of the Oracles Tonelli, A. (transl.), Oracoli Caldaici (Bur Classici Greci e Latini), Milano: Biblioteca Universale Rizzoli, 1995 [Reprint 2002]. Greek text, Italian translation, and notes
a04 Fragmenta
Taylor, T. (transl.), Fragments of the lost writings of Proclus (Great works of philosophy series 5), Lawrence Kansas: Selene Books, 1987. English translation