Bibliografía de Proclo

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001 In Platonis rem publicam commentarii

Kroll, W. (ed.), Procli Diadochi in Platonis rem publicam commentarii, 2 vol. (Bibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana), Leipzig: Teubner, 1899 - 1901 [Reprint Amsterdam: Hakkert, 1965]. Standard edition of the Greek text Festugire, A.-J. (transl.), Proclus: Commentaire sur la rpublique, 3 vol., (Bibliothque des textes philosophiques), Paris: Vrin, 1970. French translation, notes, detailed overviews, and index Abbate, M. (transl.), Proclo: Commento alla Repubblica, Dissertazioni I, III, IV, V.Traduzione, introduzione, commento e appendici, Padua: Dipartimento di Filosofia dell'Universit di Pavia, 1995. Italian translation with notes Abbate, M. (transl.), Proclo: Commento alla Repubblica, Dissertazioni VII, VIII, IX, X.Traduzione, introduzione, commento e appendici, Padua: Dipartimento di Filosofia dell'Universit di Pavia, 1998. Italian translation with notes Abbate, M. (transl.), Proclo: Commento alla Repubblica di Platone. Testo greco a fronte (Il pensiero occidentale), Milano: Bompiani, 2004. Buzasi, G., "Proclus' Commentary on Plato's Analogy of the Sun (In Rempublicam, Essay XI), with an adapted translation of Plato's Analogy (Republic VI 504c9 - 509d4)" [in Hungarian], in: Lautner, P. (ed.) Pogny teolgia 1 [Pagan Theology 1], Budapest: Kairosz, 2004, 65-121. Hungarian translation with comments of the Essay XI (In Remp. I, 269.1-287.17)

002 Hypotyposis astronomicarum positionum

Manitius, C. (ed. / transl.), Procli Diadochi hypotyposis astronomicarum positionum (Bibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana), Leipzig: Teubner, 1909 [Reprint Stuttgart: Teubner 1974]. Standard edition of the Greek text, German translation, notes, index graecitatis and an edition of the scholia antiqua

003 Epigramma funerarium Procli

Anthologia Graeca VII, 341, in: Beckby, H. (ed.), Anthologia Graeca, 4 vol., 2nd edition, Mnchen: Heimeran, 1965-1968.

004 Theologia Platonica

Portus, A. (ed.), Procli Successoris Platonici in Platonis Theologiam Libri Sex, accessit Marini Neapolitani libellus de Vita Procli, item Conclusiones LV secundum Proclum, Hamburgi 1618 [Reprint Frankfurt am Main: Minerva, 1960]. First, and until the publication of the edition by Saffrey and Westerink1968 only edition of the Theologia Platonica, with Latin Translation Saffrey, H.D. / Westerink, L.G. (edd. / transl.), Proclus: Thologie platonicienne, 6 vol. (Collection des universits de France), Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1968-1997. Standard edition of the Greek text, French translation, comprehensive introductions, and notes; general index in book six Taylor, T. (transl.), Proclus: Platonic theology (Great works of philosophy series), Kew Gardens (N.Y.): Selene Books, 1995 [Reprint of the first edition of 1816]. Available online: English translation with Taylor's attempt to reconstruct the lost 7th book

Taylor, T.(transl.) / Harris, R.B., Proclus: The Platonic theology, Books I-III (Great works of philosophy series 1), Texas: Selene Books El Paso, 1988 [Reprint of the first edition of 1816]. Book 1-3 of Taylor's English Translation with a new foreword by Harris Turolla, E. (transl.), Procli: La teologia platonica (Filosofi antichi e medievali), Bari: Laterza, 1957. Italian translation with notes Abbate, M. (transl.), Proclo, Teologia Platonica, Milano: Bompiani, 2005. Italian translation with introduction and notes Casaglia, M. / Linguiti, A. (transl.), Teologia Platonica, Torino: UTET, 2007. Italian translation with introduction and notes

005 Institutio theologica

Dodds, E.R. (ed. / transl.), The Elements of Theology, 2nd edition, Oxford: Clarendon, 1963 [First edition 1933]. Standard edition of the Greek text, English translation, introduction, and comprehensive commentary Vansteenkiste, C. (ed.), "Procli Elementatio Theologica translata a Guilelmo de Moerbeke (textus ineditus)", in: Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 13 (1951), 263-302 and 491-531. First edition of Moerbeke's Latin translation without apparatus criticus Boese, H. (ed.), Proclus: Elementatio theologica, translata a Guillelmo de Morbecca (KUL, Ancient and medieval philosophy, De Wulf-Mansion centre, Series 1, vol. 5), Leuven: Leuven University Press, 1987. Standard edition of Moerbeke's Latin translation Trouillard, J. (transl.), Proclus: Elments de thologie (Bibliothque philosophique), Paris: Aubier, 1965. French translation, introduction, and notes Sakkales, I. (transl.) / Dodds, E.R. (ed.), Proklou Stoicheiosis Theologike: eisagoge, scholia, metaphrase (Philosophos Logos), Athinai: Polytypo, 1982. Translation in Modern Greek facing the text of Dodd's edition Di Stefano, E. (transl.), Proclo: Elementi di teologia, introd., trad. e commento di E. Di Stefano (Symbolon 12), Firenze: La Nuova Italia Editrice, 1994. Italian translation with introduction and commentary Faraggiana di Sarzana, C. (transl.), I manuali, Elementi di fisica, Elementi di teologia; I testi magico-teurgici; Marino di Neapoli, Vita di Proclo; traduzione, prefazione, note e indici (I classici del pensiero. Sezione 1: Filosofia classica e tardo antica), 2nd edition, Milano: Rusconi, 1999 [First edition 1985]. Italian translation with notes Sawa, R. - Dzielska, M. (transl.), Prokli Elementi Teologii, Warsowa: Akme, 2002. Polish translation Sonderegger, E. (transl.), Proklos. Grundkurs ber Einheit. Grundzge der neuplatonischen Welt. Text, bersetzung, Einleitung und Kommentar (Studies in Ancient Philosophy 5), Sankt Augustin: Academia, 2004. German translation Zurbrgg, I. (transl.), Proklos: Elemente der Theologie (Philosophie im Kontext. Interdisziplinre Studien 10), Remscheid: Gardez, 2004. German translation New French translation in preparation by a team of French-speaking scholars directed by L. Brisson, G. Aubry and L. Lavaud.

006 Institutio physica

Ritzenfeld, A. (ed. / transl.), Procli Diadochi Lycii institutio physica (Bibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana), Leipzig: Teubner, 1912. Edition of the Greek text, German translation and notes

Boese, H., Die mittelalterliche bersetzung der Stoicheiosis phusike des Proclus (Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Institut fr griechisch-rmische Altertumskunde, Verffentlichungen 6), Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1958. Edition of the Greek and Latin text, index Gerby, Gy. (transl.), Two books on the elements of physics (or on movement) by Proclus of Lycia, the Platonic Successor [in Hungarian], Magyar Filozfiai Szemle, 41 (1997), 281-336. Hungarian translation Faraggiana di Sarzana, C. (transl.), I manuali, Elementi di fisica, Elementi di teologia; I testi magico-teurgici; Marino di Neapoli, Vita di Proclo; traduzione, prefazione, note e indici (I classici del pensiero. Sezione 1: Filosofia classica e tardo antica), 2nd edition, Milano: Rusconi, 1999 [First edition 1985]. Italian translation with notes New translation and commentary in preparation by J. Opsomer and C. Helmig.

007 In Platonis Alcibiadem I

Cousin, V. (ed.), Procli philosophi Platonici opera inedita, 2nd edition, Paris, 1864 [First edition 1820-1827] [Reprinted as a single volume, Frankfurt am Main: Minerva, 1962], 268-602. First edition of the Greek text with a Latin translation Segonds, A.-P. (ed. / transl.), Proclus: Sur le premier Alcibiade de Platon, 2 vol. (Collection des universits de France), Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1985-1986. Standard edition of the Greek text, French translation, introduction and notes Westerink, L.G. (ed.), Proclus Diadochus. Commentary on the first Alcibiades of Plato, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1954, 1-158. Edition of the Greek text O'Neill, W. (transl.), Proclus: Alcibiades I, 2nd edition, The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1971 [First edition 1964]. English translation with commentary Westerink, L.G. (ed.) / ONeill, W. (transl.), Proclus Commentary on the First Alcibiades (Platonic Texts and Translations Series), Westbury: The Prometheus Trust, 2011. Reprint of the Westerink edition together with the English translation by ONeill.

008 In Platonis Parmenidem

Cousin, V. (ed.), Procli philosophi Platonici opera inedita, 2nd edition, Paris, 1864 [First edition 1820-1827] [Reprint of the Commentary on Plato'sParmenides, Hildesheim: Olms 1961 and 2002; Reprint of the whole work, Frankfurt am Main: Minerva 1962], 617-1244. Steel, C. (ed.), Procli in Platonis Parmenidem commentaria, Tomus I libros I-III continens, recognoverunt brevique adnotatione critica instruxerunt C. Steel, C. Mac, P. dHoine (Oxford Classical Texts), Oxford: Clarendon, 2007. Tomus II libros IV -V continens, recognoverunt brevique adnotatione critica instruxerunt C. Steel, A. Gribomont, P. dHoine (Oxford Classical Texts ), Oxford: Clarendon, 2009. Tomus III libros VI-VII et indices continens, textum graecum recognoverunt brevique adnotatione critica instruxerunt L. Van Campe et C. Steel, ultimam partem ex latino in graecum vertit C. Steel (Oxford Classical Texts), Oxford: Clarendon, 2009. New standard edition of the Greek text Luna, C. / Segonds, A.-P. (edd. / transl.), Proclus: Commentaire sur le Parmnide de Platon, 3 vol. (Collection des Universits de France), Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2007-2011. New edition of the Greek text with introduction, translation and notes Klibansky, R. / Labowsky, C. (edd.), Parmenides usque ad finem primae hypothesis nec non Procli Commentarium in Parmenidem, pars ultima adhuc inedita interprete G. de Moerbeka (Corpus philosophorum Medii Aevi, Corpus Platonicum Medii Aevi, Plato Latinus 3), London: Warburg Institute, 1953 [Reprint Nendelm / Liechtenstein: Kraus Reprint, 1962]. Edition of the Latin text of the final part of Proclus' commentary which is not preserved in Greek, cf. also Steel's edition of William of Moerbeke's translation and his retroversion of Moerbeke's Latin

Steel, C. (ed.), Proclus: commentaire sur le Parmnide de Platon, Traduction de Guillaume de Moerbeke (KUL, Ancient and medieval philosophy, De Wulf-Mansion centre, Series 1, vol. 3-4), Leuven: Leuven University press, 1982 / 1985. Edition of the Latin text, with a Greek-Latin / Latin-Greek glossary to understand Moerbeke's method of translation Steel, C. / Rumbach, F., "The final section of Proclus' commentary on the Parmenides. A Greek retroversion of the Latin translation", with an English translation by D.G. MacIsaac, Documenti e studi sulla tradizione filosofica medievale 7 (1997), 211267. Retroversion into Greek of the final part of Proclus' commentary which is only preserved in Moerbeke's Latin translation Chaignet, A.Ed. (transl.), Commentaire sur le Parmnide suivi du commentaire anonyme sur les VII dernires hypothses , 3 vol., Paris, 1900-1903 [reprint Frankfurt am Main: Minerva, 1962]. First French translation Morrow, G.R. / Dillon, J.M. (transl.), Proclus' commentary on Plato's Parmenides, with introduction and notes by J.M. Dillon, Princeton (New Jersey): Princeton Universty Press, 1987. English translation, introduction, and summaries of the contents of the single books Bartholomai, R., Proklos: Kommentar zu Platons Parmenides 141E-142A, eingeleitet, bersetz und erlutet (Texte zur Philosophie 8), Sankt Augustin: Academia, 2001 [first edition 1990]. German translation of the final part of Proclus' commentary only preserved in Latin Zekl, H.G. (transl.), Proklos Diadochos: Kommentar zum platonischen Parmenides, bersetzt, mit einer Einleitung und Anmerkungen versehen von H.G. Zekl, Wrzburg: Knigshausen & Neumann, 2010. German translation with introduction and notes

009 In Platonis Cratylum commentaria

Pasquali, G. (ed.), Proclus Diadochus in Platonis Cratylum commentaria (Bibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana), Leipzig: Teubner, 1908 [Reprint Stuttgart: Teubner, 1994]. Standard edition of the Greek text Romano, F. (transl.), Lezioni sul Cratilo di Platone, introduzione, traduzione e commento (Symbolon 7), Roma: Bretschneider, 1989. Reprint of the Greek text edited by G. Pasquali and Italian translation Alvarez Hoz, J.M. / Gabilondo Pujol, A. / Garca Ruiz, J.M. (transl.), Proclo: Lecturas del 'Cratilo' de Platn (Akal/Clsica 60), Tres Cantos (Madrid): Akal, 1999. Spanish translation with notes Duvick, B. (transl.), Proclus: On Plato Cratylus (Ancient Commentators on Aristotle), London: Duckworth / Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2007. English translation with notes

010 In Platonis Timaeum commentaria

Diehl, E. (ed.), Procli Diadochi In Platonis Timaeum commentaria (Bibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana), Leipzig: Teubner, 1903-1906 [Reprint Amsterdam: Hakkert, 1965]. Standard edition of the Greek text Taylor, T. (transl.), Proclus: Proclus' Commentary on the Timaeus of Plato (The Thomas Taylor series 15-16), Frome: Prometheus trust, 1998 [First edition 1816]. English translation Festugire, A.-J. (transl.), Commentaire sur le Time, 5 vol. (Bibliothque des textes philosophiques), Paris: Vrin, 1966-1968. French translation, notes, detailed overviews, and index Tarrant, H. (transl.), Proclus. Commentary on Platos Timaeus. Vol. I, Book 1: Proclus on the Socratic State and Atlantis, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007. Baltzly, D. (transl.), Proclus. Commentary on Platos Timaeus. Vol. III, Book 3, Part I: Proclus on the Worlds Body, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007. Runia, D.T. / Share, M. (transl.), Proclus. Commentary on Platos Timaeus. Vol. II, Book 2: Proclus on the Causes of the Cosmos

and its Creation, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008. Baltzly, D. (transl.), Proclus. Commentary on Platos Timaeus. Vol. IV, Book 3, Part II: Proclus on the World Soul, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. First English translation of Proclus Commentary on the Timaeus after Thomas Taylors version (1816), with comprehensive introductions and notes. Edition of book II in preparation by J. Opsomer and G. Van Riel.

011 In primum Euclidis elementorum librum commentarii

Friedlein, G. (ed.), Procli Diadochi in primum Euclidis elementorum librum commentarii (Bibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana), Leipzig: Teubner, 1873 [Reprint Hildesheim: Olms, 1967). Standard edition of the Greek text Schnberger, P.L. / Steck, M. (transl.), Proklus Diadochus: Kommentar zum ersten Buch von Euklids 'Elementen', s. n. Halle (Saale), 1945. German translation by Schnberger with introduction, commentary, and notes by Steck Ver Eecke, P. (transl.), Proclus de Lycie: Les commentaires sur le premier livre des lments d'Euclide, avec une introduction et des notes (Collection de travaux de l'Acadmie internationale d'histoire des sciences 1), Bruges: Descle De Brouwer, 1948. First French translation Morrow, G.R. (transl.), A Commentary on the First Book of Euclid's Elements , translated with introduction and notes, Princeton (N.J.): Princeton University Press, 1970 [Reprinted 1992, with a new foreword by I. Mueller]. English translation with introduction and notes Timpanaro Cardini, M. (transl.), Proclo: Commento al i libro degli elementi di Euclide, introduzione, traduzione e note, Pisa: Giardini, 1978. Italian translation with notes Chitchaline, I.A., Procli Diadochi in Primum Euclidis Elementorum Librum Commentaria Prologus, (Prokl. Kommentarij k pervoj knige Nacal Evklida Vvedenie), Moskva: Greko-latinskij kabinet, 1994. Greek text of the prologue edited by Friedlein (with some emendations), introduction, translation, and notes in Russian New edition with French translation in preparation by A. Lernould, C. Steel and G. Van Riel.

012-014 Tria opuscula

Cousin, V. (ed.), Procli philosophi Platonici opera inedita, 2nd edition, Paris, 1864 [First edition 1820-1827] [Reprint of the Commentary on Plato'sParmenides, Hildesheim: Olms 1961 and 2002; Reprint of the whole work, Frankfurt am Main: Minerva 1962], 617-1244. Boese, H. (ed.), Procli Diadochi tria opuscula (De providentia, libertate, malo) Latine Guilelmo de Moerbeka vertente et graece ex Isaacii Sebastocratoris aliorumque scriptis collecta (Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte der Philosophie 1), Berlin: de Gruyter, 1960. Standard edition of the Latin text and reconstruction of major parts of the lost Greek original, and index Latino-Graecus Montoneri, L. (transl.), La provvidenza e la libert dell' uomo (Universale Laterza 689), Bari: Laterza e Figli, 1986. Italian Translation Paparella, F.D. (transl.), Proclo. Provvidenza, libert, male (Il pensiero occidentale), Milano: Bompiani, 2004. Italian Translation, with Greek and Latin texts from the edition of D. Isaac

012 De decem dubitationibus circa providentiam

Isaac, D. (ed. / transl.), Proclus: Trois tudes sur la providence, I. Dix problmes concernant la providence (Collection des universits de France), Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1977. Greek text, French translation, introduction, and notes

Taylor, T. (transl.), Proclus the Neoplatonic Philosopher: Ten Doubts Concerning Providence and a Solution of those Doubts and On the Subsistence of Evil, translated into English from their Latin Version by William of Moerbeke, Chicago: Ares Publishers, 1980 [= Reprint; First edition 1833]. English translation Feldbusch, K. (transl.), Proklos Diadochos: Zehn Aporien ber die Vorsehung, Frage 1-5 ( 1-31), bersetzt und erklrt, Inaugural-Dissertation Kln (1971), 1972. German translation with notes Bhme, I. (transl.), Proklos Diadochos. Zehn Aporien ber die Vorsehung. Frage 6-10 ( 32-66), bersetzt und erklrt, Inaugural-Dissertation Kln, 1975. German translation with notes Opsomer, J. / Steel, C. (transl.), Proclus: Ten Problems Concerning Providence (Ancient Commentators on Aristotle), London: Bristol Classical Press, 2012. English translation with comprehensive introduction and notes

013 De providentia et fato et eo quod in nobis ad Theodorum mechanicum

Isaac, D. (ed. / transl.), Proclus: Trois tudes sur la providence, II. Providence, fatalit, libert (Collection des universits de France), Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1979. Greek text, French translation, introduction, and notes Borger, Th. (transl.), Proklos Diadochos: ber die Vorsehung, das Schicksal und den freien Willen an Theodoros, den Ingenieur (Mechaniker), 1-32, bersetzt und erklrt, Inaugural-Dissertation Kln, 1971. German translation with notes Erler, M. / Borger, Th. (transl.), Proklos Diadochos: ber die Vorsehung, das Schicksal und den freien Willen an Theodoros, den Ingenieur (Mechaniker), (Beitrge zur klassischen Philologie 121), Meisenheim am Glan: Hain, 1978. German translation, introduction, and commentary Steel, C. (transl.), Proclus: On Providence (Ancient Commentators on Aristotle), London: Duckworth / Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2007. English translation with comprehensive introduction and notes

014 De malorum subsistentia

Pera, C. (ed.), S. Thomae Aquinatis in librum beati Dionysii De divinis nominibus expositio, Torino / Roma, 1950, Appendix: 378398. Cousin's edition of the Latin text, without notes, but with indication of the places where Proclus and Ps.-Dionysius agree Elorduy E. (transl.), Ammonio Sakkas I: La doctrina de la creacin y del mal en Proclo y el Ps. Areopagita, Burgos: Sociedad internacional Francisco Suarez, 1959, 50-203. Spanish translation facing the Latin text (Pera's edition), synopsis, and indices Isaac, D. (ed.) / Steel C., Proclus: Trois tudes sur la providence, III. De l'existence du mal, avec une note additionnelle par C. Steel (Collection des universits de France), Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1982. Greek text, French translation, introduction, and notes - with a note by Steel about some fragments of this work in pseudoMaximus the Confessor's florilegium (Loci communes) Taylor, T. (transl.), Proclus the Neoplatonic Philosopher: Ten Doubts Concerning Providence and a Solution of those Doubts and On the Subsistence of Evil, translated into English from their Latin Version by William of Moerbeke, Chicago: Ares Publishers, 1980 [= Reprint; First edition 1833]. English translation Erler, M. (transl.), ber die Existenz des Bsen (Beitrge zur klassischen Philologie 102), Meisenheim am Glan: Hain, 1978. German translation, introduction, and commentary

Opsomer, J. / Steel, C. (transl.), Proclus: On the Existence of Evils (Ancient Commentators on Aristotle), London: Duckworth / Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2003. English translation with comprehensive introduction and notes

015-017 Hymni, Hymnorum fragmenta and Epigrammata

Vogt, E. (ed.), Procli hymni accedunt hymnorum fragmenta; epigrammata, scholia, fontium et locorum similium apparatus, indices, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1957. Standard edition of the Hymns (and fragments) and of the Epigrammata Giordano, D. (transl.), Proclo: Inni, Firenze 1957. Greek text (Vogt's edition) with Italian translation Meunier, M. (transl.), Hymnes philosophiques (Aristote; Clanthe; Proclus), Paris: Artisan du livre, 1935. French translation with notes Guthrie, K.S. (transl.), The Life of Proclus or Concerning Happiness. Being the Biographical Account of an Ancient Greek Philosopher Who Was Innately Loved by the Gods, by Marinus of Samaria. Including Five Hymns of Proclus, transl. by Th. Taylor, edited with notes by D.R. Fideler, with an Introduction by J. Michell, Grand Rapids (Mich.): Phanes, 1986. English translation with notes Saffrey, H.D. (transl.), Hymnes et prires, Paris: Arfuyen, 1994. French translation with notes Lebiez, M. (transl.), Eloge d'un philosophe rest paen (L'ouverture philosophique), Paris / Montral: L'Harmattan, 1998, 65-76 and 153-167.. French translation, introduction and commentary Van Den Berg, R.M. (transl.), Proclus' Hymns: Essays, Translations, Commentary, Leiden/ Boston/ Kln: Brill, 2001. Comprehensive monograph on Proclus' Hymns with detailed introduction, English translation facing the Greek text Alvarez Hoz, J.M. / Garca Ruiz, J.M. (transl.), Proclo: Himnos y epigramas, traduccin, introduccin y notas (La cizaa baja al gora 18), Donostia: Iralka, 2003. Spanish translation with notes

018 De sacrificio et magia

Bidez, J. (ed.), Catalogue des manuscrits alchimiques grecs, vol. 6, Bruxelles: Lamertin, 1928, 148-151. Bidez, J. (ed.), "Proclus: Peri tes hieratikes teknes", Annuaire de l'Institut de philologie et d'histoire orientales et slaves 4 (1936), 85-100. Festugire, A.-J. (transl.), La Rvlation d'Herms Trismgiste, I: L'astrologie et les sciences occultes, Paris: Librairie Lecoffre, 1944, 134-136 [Reprint Paris: Les Belles Lettes, 1989] French translation with notes Faraggiana di Sarzana, C. (transl.), I manuali, Elementi di fisica, Elementi di teologia; I testi magico-teurgici; Marino di Neapoli, Vita di Proclo; traduzione, prefazione, note e indici (I classici del pensiero. Sezione 1: Filosofia classica e tardo antica), 2nd edition, Milano: Rusconi, 1999 [First edition 1985]. Italian translation with notes Cousin, V. (ed.), Procli philosophi Platonici opera inedita, Paris, 2nd edition, 1864 [First edition 1820-1827] [Reprint of the Commentary on Plato'sParmenides, Hildesheim: Olms 1961 and 2002; Reprint of the whole work, Frankfurt am Main: Minerva 1962], 1243-1258.

021 Eclogae de philosophia Chaldaica / Oracula chaldaica

Since a large part of the text of the Chaldaean Oracles comes from quotations in Proclus' works, we are also giving a list of editions and translations of the Oracles

Jahn, A. (ed.), Eclogae e Proclo de philosophia chaldaica sive de doctrina oraculorum chaldaicorum, accedit hymnus in deum Platonicus, vulgo S. Gregorio Nazianzeno adscriptus, nunc Proclo Platonico vindicatus , Halis Saxonum, 1891 [Reprint Bruxelles: Culture et civilisation, 1969]. Edition of the Greek text of Proclus' Commenrary on the Oracles, with introduction and notes des Places, . (ed. / transl.), Oracles chaldaques, Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1971. Edition of the Greek text of the Oracles and of Proclus' Commentary, French translation, and notes Neuville, S. / Johnson, T.M. / Godwin, J. (transl.), The exhortation to philosophy, including the letters of Iamblichus and Proclus' commentary on the Chaldean Oracles, Grand Rapids (Mich.): Phanes, 1988. English translation of the Commentary Majercik, R. (transl.), The Chaldean Oracles: Text, Translation and Commentary (Studies in Greek and Roman Religion 5), Leiden: Brill, 1989. English translation of the Oracles, with Greek text (des Places' edition), notes, and commentary Garca Bazn, F. (transl.), Orculos Caldeos. Con una seleccin de testimonios de Proclo, Pselo y M. Itlico / Numenio de Apamea. Fragmentos y testimonios, introducciones, traducciones y notas (Biblioteca Clsica Gredos 153), Madrid: Editorial Gredos, 1991. Spanish translation of the Oracles Tonelli, A. (transl.), Oracoli Caldaici (Bur Classici Greci e Latini), Milano: Biblioteca Universale Rizzoli, 1995 [Reprint 2002]. Greek text, Italian translation, and notes

022 Paraphrasis Ptolemaei Tetrabiblou [Dub.]

Allatius, L. (ed.), Procli diadochi Paraphrasis in Ptolemaei libros IV sive De siderum affectionibus , Leiden, 1635. Ashmand, J.M. (transl.), Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos or Quadripartite: Being Four Books on the Influence of the Stars , newly translated from the GreekParaphrase of Proclus, with a Preface, Explanatory Notes, and an Appendix, London, 1822 [Reprinted as a Supplement to "Coming events", Glasgow, 1896]. English translation

023 Chrestomathia [Dub.] (epitome)

Severyns, A. (ed.), Recherches sur la Chrestomathie de Proclus, vol. 4, Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1963. Edition ofProclus' Vita Homeri: p. 67-74; and Cyclicorum ennarationes: p. 77-85 and 87-97 Allen, T.W. (ed.), Homeri opera, vol. 5, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1912, 99-102 [Reprints 1969 etc.]. Edition of Proclus' Vita Homeri

024 Sphaera [Spur.]

Brainbridge, J. (ed.), Procli sphaera. Ptolemaei de hypothesibus planetarum liber singularis , London, 1621. Todd, R.B., The manuscripts of the Pseudo-Proclan Sphaera, RHT 23, 1993, 57-71.

x01 Prolegomena et scholia in Hesiodi Opera et dies

Gainsford, T. (ed.), Poetae minores Graeci, vol. 2: Scholia ad Hesiodum, Leipzig: Khn, 1823. Pertusi, A. (ed.), Scholia vetera in Hesiodi Opera et dies, Milano: Vita e Pensiero, 1955. Marzillo, P. (ed. / transl.), Der Kommentar des Proklos zu Hesiods Werken und Tagen, Edition, bersetzung und Erluterung der Fragmente (Classica Monacensia 33), Tbingen: Narr, 2010. New edition of the remaining fragments with German translation and comprehensive commentary

x02 Characteres epistolici [Dub.]

Foerster, R. (ed.), Libanii Opera, vol. IX: Libanii qui feruntur characteres epistolici, Prolegomena ad epistulas, imprimendum curavit E. Richtsteig, Stuttgart: Teubner, 1927 [Reprint Hildesheim: Olms, 1963], 1-47.

x03 Epigramma demonstrativum

Anthologiae Graecae Appendix III,166, in: Cougny E. (ed.), Epigrammatum anthologia Palatina cum Planudeis et appendice nova, vol. 3, Paris: Didot, 1890.

a01 In Aureos versus Pythagorae

Linley, N., IBN AT-TAYYIB: Proclus' Commentary on the Pythagorean Golden Verses , Arabic Text and translation (Arethusa Monographs 10), Buffalo (New York): Department of Classics State University of New York at Buffalo, 1984.

a02 De tribus Platonis argumentis de immortalitate

Westerink, L.G., "Proclus on Plato's three Proofs of Immortality", in: Zetesis. Album amicorum door vrienden en collega's aangeboden aan Prof. dr. E. de Strycker, Antwerpen / Utrecht: De Nederlandsche Boekhandel, 1973, 296-306.

a03 De aeternitate mundi

Rabe, H. (ed.), Ioannes Philoponus: De aeternitate mundi contra Proclum, Leipzig: Teubner, 1899 [Reprint Hildesheim: Olms, 1963]. Edition of the Greek text that preserves argument 2-18 of Proclus' On the Eternity of the world against the Christians; argument 1 is only preserved in an Arabic translation Baltes, M. (transl.), Die Weltenstehung des platonischen Timaios nach den antiken Interpreten, Teil II: Proklos (Philosophia Antiqua, 35) Leiden: Brill, 1978, 134-164. German translation of the 18 arguments - argument 1 is translated by P. Heine - quoted in Philoponus' De aeternitate mundi, short notes and several emendations of Rabe's edition Lang, H.S. / Macro, A.D. / McGinnis, J., Proclus: On the Eternity of the world (de Aeternitate mundi), Greek text with introduction, translation and commententary by H.S. Lang and A.D. Macro, argument I translated from the Arabic by J. McGinnis, Berkeley / Los Angeles / London : University of California Press, 2001. English translation of the fragments from Philoponus' De aeternitate mundi, with commentary Share, M. (transl.), Philoponus: Against Proclus On the Eternity of the World 1-5 (Ancient Commentators on Aristotle), London: Duckworth / Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2005. Share, M. (transl.), Philoponus: Against Proclus On the Eternity of the World 6-8 (Ancient Commentators on Aristotle), London: Duckworth / Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2005. Wilberding, J. (transl.), Philoponus: Against Proclus On the Eternity of the World 12-18 (Ancient Commentators on Aristotle), London: Duckworth / Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2006. Share, M. (transl.), Philoponus: Against Proclus On the Eternity of the World 9-11 (Ancient Commentators on Aristotle), London: Duckworth / Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2010. English translation of the text of Philoponus that preserves Proclus 18 arguments (argument 1 is translated by P. Adamson).

a04 Fragmenta
Taylor, T. (transl.), Fragments of the lost writings of Proclus (Great works of philosophy series 5), Lawrence Kansas: Selene Books, 1987. English translation

Marini Proclus sive De felicitate

Masullo, R. (ed. / transl.), Marino di Neapoli. Vita di Proclo. Testo critico, introduzione, traduzione e commenario (Speculum, contributi di Filologia Classica, collana diretta da A. Garzya), Napoli: D'Auria Editore, 1985. Edition of the Greek text and Italian translation Saffrey, H.D. / Segonds, A.-P. (edd. / transl.), Proclus ou Sur le bonheur, avec la collaboration de Concetta Luna (Collection des universits de France), Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2001. Standard edition of the Greek text, French translation, comprehensive introduction, and notes No, A.R. (transl.), Die Proklosbiographie des Marinos, Diss. Heidelberg 1938. German translation Orth, E. (transl.), Proklos, Liber de causis. Marinos, Leben des Proklos (Humanistische Philosophie 2), Rom 1938, 109-151. German translation Rosn, L.J. (transl.), The Philosophy of Proclus: The final phase of Ancient Thought, Diss., New York, 1949, 11-35. English translation Oikonomides, Al.N. (transl.), Marinos of Neapolis: the extant works or the Life of Proclus and the commentary on the Dedomena of Euclid, Greek text with facing (English or French) translation, Testimonia de vita Marini, an introduction and bibliography, Chicago: Ares Publishers, 1977. Greek text with English or French translation Faraggiana di Sarzana, C. (transl.), I manuali, Elementi di fisica, Elementi di teologia; I testi magico-teurgici; Marino di Neapoli, Vita di Proclo; traduzione, prefazione, note e indici (I classici del pensiero. Sezione 1: Filosofia classica e tardo antica), 2nd edition, Milano: Rusconi, 1999 [First edition 1985]. Italian translation with notes Guthrie, K.S. (transl.), The Life of Proclus or Concerning Happiness. Being the Biographical Account of an Ancient Greek Philosopher Who Was Innately Loved by the Gods, by Marinus of Samaria. Including Five Hymns of Proclus, transl. by Th. Taylor, edited with notes by D.R. Fideler, with an Introduction by J. Michell Grand Rapids (Mich.): Phanes, 1986. English translation with notes Lebiez, M. (transl.), Eloge d'un philosophe rest paen (L'ouverture philosophique), Paris Montral: L'Harmattan, 1998, 27-62 and 79-152. French translation, introduction and commentary lvarez Hoz, J.M. / Garca Ruiz, J.M. (transl.), Marino de Nepolis: Proclo o De la felicidad, traduccin, introduccin y notas (La cizaa baja al gora 12), Irn: Iralka, 1999. Spanish translation with notes Edwards, M. (transl.), Neoplatonic Saints. The Lives of Plotinus and Proclus by their Students, Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2000, 58-115. English translation with notes

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