Verbo TO BE
Verbo TO BE
Verbo TO BE
El verbo TO BE, que en castellano se traduce como SER o ESTAR, en el idioma ingls goza de una particular importancia. Su significado depende del sentido de la oracin. Por ejemplo: I am a doctor. Soy un doctor. (Se aplica como verbo ser) I am in my house. Estoy en mi casa. (Se aplica como verbo estar) En el siguiente cuadro se puede observar su declinacin en el modo indicativo del Presente Simple:
Tanto en el modo afirmativo como en la forma negativa pueden utilizarse las siguientes contracciones:
Ahora veremos la conjugacin del verbo TO BE en el Pasado Simple, tiempo verbal que corresponde al equivalente en castellano del Pretrito Imperfecto y Pretrito Indefinido:
Aqu tambin se pueden utilizar las formas contradas nicamente en la forma negativa:
Un detalle a tener en cuenta, es que las contracciones generalmente se usan durante una conversacin y no as en la escritura, salvo que se trate de un texto informal o que transcriba un dilogo. Cabe destacar que el verbo TO BE tambin se utiliza en algunos casos especiales que difieren de idioma espaol, como por ejemplo:
Sirve para expresar la edad y tambin sensaciones, en cuyo caso se traduce como tener:
John is 15 years old. John tiene 15 aos. Peter is hungry. Pedro tiene hambre.
Otro caso particular es cuando se habla del clima y entonces se traducir como hacer:
It is hot. Hace calor. Existen otros casos donde el verbo TO BE se emplea como auxiliar para conjugar tiempos verbales y tambin para dar rdenes de manera impersonal que desarrollaremos en una prxima entrega. Ahora te proponemos que intentes realizar oraciones simples utilizando distintos pronombres y las formas explicadas de este verbo.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Verbo TO HAVE Tener o Haber Verbo TO DO Hacer Presente Continuo o Progresivo Question Tags Futuro Simple (Simple Future) Oraciones Condicionales: Segundo Tipo
have-verbo tener padecer haber tomar poseer llevar permitir tolerar echarse parir dar a luz pegar have, keep, bear, own, hold, possess suffer, have, suffer from, endure, undergo, bear Have take, have, drink, catch, take up, take on possess, own, have carry, take, bring, lead, wear, bear allow, enable, permit, let, give, empower tolerate, stand, endure, countenance, abide, permit lie, lie down, throw, lay down, stretch out, throw oneself give birth, calve, bear, bring forth, foal, have give birth, give birth to, bring forth, bear, have paste, stick, glue, hit, strike, beat
Possessive Adjectives
1. 2. The written lesson is below. Links to quizzes, tests, etc. are to the left.
Three possessive adjectives (mi, tu, su) have only two forms, singular and plural.
mi mis tu tus su sus
Possessive adjectives agree with the nouns they modify. That is, they agree with the thing possessed, not the possessor.
mi libro my book mis libros my books tu pluma your pen
Mi, tu and su do not have masculine and feminine forms. They stay the same, regardless of the gender of the nouns they modify.
mi amigo mi amiga tus hermanos tus hermanas su libro sus plumas
Su, like tu, can mean "your." The difference between your (tu) and your (su) lies in the degree of formality the speaker wishes to convey.
Mi casa es tu casa. (speaking to someone you would address as "t") Mi casa es su casa. (speaking to someone you would address as "usted")
Note: The two words "tu" and "t" are pronounced the same. T (with the written accent) is the subject pronoun meaning "you" (informal). Tu (without the written accent) is the possessive adjective meaning "your" (informal).
If the meaning of su is not clear from the context of the sentence, a prepositional phrase is used in place of su.
Mara busca a la hermana de l. Mara looks for his sister. El hombre busca las llaves de ella. The man looks for her keys. Mara busca el cuaderno de Juan. Mara looks for Juan's notebook. El hombre busca las llaves de Samanta. The man looks for Samanta's keys.
Vuestro means "your" (familiar, plural). Like vosotros, vuestro is primarily used in Spain.
vuestro libro your book vuestra pluma your pen vuestros libros your books vuestras plumas your pens
su(s) his, her, your (formal), their nuestro(-a, -os, -as) our vuestro(-a, -os, -as) your (fam. pl.)
Note that these possessive adjectives are not used with articles of clothing or body parts. Rather, the definite article is used.
Me gusta el vestido nuevo. I like my new dress Me duele el brazo. My arm hurts.
The possessive adjectives in English are "My, your, his, her, our, their". They show to whom things belong or, in other words, possession. They are adjectives which modify a noun (or nouns).
In Spanish, all adjectives must agree in number and usually gender. So the possessive adjectives also must agree with the items being owned. For example,
if I have one book, it is my book: mi libro but if I have two books, they are my books: mis libros.
The possessive adjectives match only the items being possessed (owned.) They do not reflect how many owners there are or the gender of the owner/s.
Here is a chart of the possessive adjectives:
Yo form : My
mi (singular): mi cuaderno mi mochila
mis (plural):
mis cuadernos
mis mochilas
T form: Your
tu (singular) tus (plural): tu cuaderno tus cuadernos tu mochila tus mochilas
Nosotros form: Our Since the Nosotros possessive form ends in o, it has four (4) forms like any other adjective ending in o. It must agree in gender as well as number.
We can answer, "It is her book." Es su libro. If we want to answer, "It is Susana's book", we cannot say *Es Susana's libro. We must say, Es el libro de Susana.
Los pronombres en ingls pueden clasificarse en: personales (o nominales), acusativos, indefinidos, posesivos, relativos y recprocos. Los pronombres son palabras que sealan o sustituyen a otras que normalmente ya se han nombrado. Pronombres PersonalesI, you, he, she, it, we, you, theyPronombres Acusativosme, you, him, her, it, us, you, themAdjetivos Posesivosmy, your, his her, its, our, your, theirPronombres Posesivosmine, yours, his, hers, ours, yours, theirsPronombres Reflexivosmyself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, Pronombres Indefinidosanyone, someone, nobody, everybody, anybody, Pronombres Relativosthat, who, whose, which, whomPronombres Recprocoseach other, one another
Vistos en perspectiva
Pronombres Personales I you he she it Pronombres Acusativos me you him her it us Adjetivos Posesivos my your his her its our Pronombres Posesivos mine yours his hers -ours Pronombres Reflexivos myself yourself himself herself itself ourselves
you they
you them
your their
yours theirs
yourselves themselves
Pronombres Indefinidos everybody everyone everything nobody no one nothing somebody someone something anybody anyone anything
Necesitas ms ayuda?
En la anterior entrada vimos la forma de conjugar el Presente Simple del verbo to Be en afirmativo. Hacer la negacin del verbo to be es muy simple , solo tenemos que aadir despus del verbo la partcula not, como mostramos a continuacin: I am not -> Yo no soy/estoy You are not -> T no eres/ests He is not -> l no es/est She is not -> Ella no es/est It is not -> Ello no es/est We are not -> Nosotros(-as) no somos/estamos You are not -> Vosotros(-as) no sois/estis They are not -> Ellos(-as) no son/estn
1. El sujeto con el verbo, como vimos el la leccin del presente del verbo to be. 2. El verbo con la partcula de negacin not. Veamos en una tabla estas formas:
Forma no contrada
I am not
you are not he is not she is not it is not we are not you are not they are not
you arent he isnt she isnt it isnt we arent you arent they arent
youre not hes not shes not its not were not youre not theyre not
En ingls no existe una contraccin para am + not Las contracciones sobre todo se utilizan en ingls hablado y en algunos casos en ingls escrito, sobre todo en dilogos, cartas y escritos informales. Si bien, ambos tipos de contracciones son correctas, la ms comn es cuando contraemos el pronombre personal con el verbo TO BE (Im not, Youre not, Hes not, etc)
Im not Peter Yo no soy Pedro Im not in Sweden Yo no estoy en Suecia Youre not ugly T no eres feo Youre not in Paris T no ests en Pars Hes not in the street l no est en la calle Shes not beautiful Ella no es hermosa It isnt wonderful No es una maravilla We arent happy Nosotros no somos felices
Exercises on Prepositions Prepositions are short words (on, in, to) that usually stand in front of nouns (sometimes also in front of gerund verbs). Even advanced learners of English find prepositions difficult, as a 1:1 translation is usually not possible. One preposition in your native language might have several translations depending on the situation. There are hardly any rules as to when to use which preposition. The only way to learn prepositions is looking them up in adictionary, reading a lot in English (literature) and learning useful phrases off by heart (study tips). The following table contains rules for some of the most frequently used prepositions in English:
Prepositions Time
on in at since for ago before to past days of the week months / seasons time of day year after a certain period of time (when?) for night for weekend a certain point of time (when?) from a certain point of time (past till now) over a certain period of time (past till now) a certain time in the past earlier than a certain point of time telling the time telling the time
on Monday in August / in winter in the morning in 2006 in an hour at night at the weekend at half past nine since 1980 for 2 years 2 years ago before 2004 ten to six (5:50) ten past six (6:10)
to / till / until till / until by
marking the beginning and end of a period of time
from Monday to/till Friday
in the sense of how long something is going to last in the sense of at the latest up to a certain time
He is on holiday until Friday. I will be back by 6 oclock. By 11 o'clock, I had read five pages.
room, building, street, town, country book, paper etc. car, taxi picture, world meaning next to, by an object for table for events
in the kitchen, in London in the book in the car, in a taxi in the picture, in the world at the door, at the station at the table at a concert, at the party at the cinema, at school, at work
place where you are to do something typical (watch a film, study, work) attached for a place with a river being on a surface for a certain side (left, right) for a floor in a house for public transport for television, radio left or right of somebody or something
the picture on the wall London lies on the Thames. on the table on the left on the first floor on the bus, on a plane on TV, on the radio
on the ground, lower than (or covered by) something else lower than something else but above ground covered by something else
the bag is under the table the fish are below the surface put a jacket over your shirt
above across through to into towards meaning more than
over 16 years of age walk over the bridge climb over the wall a path above the lake walk across the bridge swim across the lake drive through the tunnel go to the cinema go to London / Ireland go to bed go into the kitchen / the house go 5 steps towards the house
getting to the other side (also across) overcoming an obstacle higher than something else, but not directly over it getting to the other side (also over) getting to the other side something with limits on top, bottom and the sides movement to person or building movement to a place or country for bed enter a room / a building
movement in the direction of something (but not directly to it) movement to the top of something in the sense of where from
onto from
a present from Jane a page of the book the picture of a palace a book by Mark Twain on foot, on horseback get on the bus get in the car get off the train
out of by at leaving a car / Taxi
get out of the taxi
rise or fall of something travelling (other than walking or horseriding) for age for topics, meaning what about
prices have risen by 10 percent by car, by bus she learned Russian at 45 we were talking about you
Exercises on Prepositions
Exercise on Prepositions Place 1 Exercise on Prepositions Place 2 Exercise on Prepositions Place 3 Exercise on Prepositions Place 4 Exercise on Prepositions Place 5 Exercise on Prepositions Time 1 Exercise on Prepositions Time 2 Exercise on Prepositions since and for See also: Date and Time Exercise on Prepositions Buses Exercise on Prepositions A picture Exercise on Prepositions A photograph Exercise on Prepositions The Wampanoag Exercise on Prepositions George Washington Exercise on Prepositions Henry Ford Exercise on Prepositions McDonalds Exercise on Prepositions Uluru
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Expresar sentimientos
I am ten years old tengo diez aos - To be es uno de los verbos auxiliares en ingls junto con to do, to have y will. 'To be' cuando realiza el papel de verbo auxiliar carece de significado. to be se usa de auxiliar en los siguientes tiempos verbales:
Presente continuo (present continuous) Pasado continuo (past continuous) Pluscuamperfecto continuo (past perfect continuous) Futuro continuo (futur continuous)
El verbo to be es el nico verbo copulativo pleno en ingls, lo que significa que utilizaadjetivos en lugar de adverbios para completar el significado del verbo: My boss is good Mi jefe es bueno
La mayora de verbos usa el verbo to do como auxiliar ('do/does'). Pero el verbo to be en present simple forma la negacin y la interrogacin de manera distinta al resto al resto de verbos. am/are/is actan como auxiliar: Oraciones interrogativas: Are you a student? Eres un estudiante? Oraciones negativas: He is not your teacher l no es tu profesor
NOTA: La interrogacin y la negacin del verbo to be no se forma con el auxiliar did en el "past simple" como el resto de verbos sino que was/were hace las veces de auxiliar:
Oracin interrogativa: Where were you last night? Dnde estabas anoche? Oracin negativa: You weren't in love with me T no estabas enamorada de mi
El verbo to be es el nico verbo en ingls que tiene subjuntivo. La estructura es: SUJETO + were
Conjugacin I were you were he were she were it were we were you were they were Significado yo fuera t fueras l fuera ella fuera ello fuera nosotros furamos vosotros fuerais ellos fueran
Imperativo ( imperative)
Conjugacin be do not be Significado se/seis
no seas / no seis
Conjugacin been
Como se puede observar para todas las persona menos para la primera del singular existen 2 posibilidades de contraccin. Por ejemplo: you are not se contrae en you're not si se quiere destacar el not o en you aren't si se quiere destacar you. Existe la posibilidad aunque se usa muy poco de utilizar una doble contraccin: you are not se contrae en you'ren't