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Motor Drive
De TB Wood WFC1000/2000/4000 Fabricante: Nmero de modelo: Archivo PDF : Doc_000071_Cover.pdf Cubiertas: Doc_000072_Covers.mdb
Serie WFC1000 - 1 HP Serie WFC2000 - FHP a 25 HP Serie WFC4000 - 1 a 75 HP Instalacin, Operacin y Instrucciones de mantenimiento para la marca CE Version TB MADERA DE INCORPORATED Chambersburg , Pennsylvania Formulario 1226D
Calidad Hecho en la U.S.A.
WFCHT AC Inverter
Resumen Cdigo del Programa (Nivel 1-2) 01 Modelo Modelo 0-65000 Nota 1 --- 1 25 02 RVLVL Revisin del software 0-640 Nota 1 --- 2 25 Corriente 03 IRAT nominal 2-200 Nota 1 A 2 25 05 Serno Nmero de serie 0-65000 ------ 2 25 06 REP Reparacin Fecha de 0 a 65.000 ------ 2 25 07 FLT3 ltima Falla --------- 1 25 08 FLT2 segundo Fault --------- 2 25 09 FLT1 primera Fallo --------- 2 25 12 Frecuencia de salida FOUT 0-400 Hz --- 1 25 13 Voltaje VOUT salida 0-100 % --- 1 25 14 IOUT Corriente de salida 0-650 --- A 1 26 15 CARGA Drive carga 0-200 % --- 1 26 Par 16 PAR de carga 0-200 % --- 1 26
26 17 TEMP Inverter Temperatura 2-105 --- C 1 26 18 TIME1 Tiempo de Ejecucin Total 0-65000 --- h 2 26 19 TIME2 Power On Horas 0-65000 --- h 2 26 1B flujo magnetizacin actual 0-100 ---% 2 26 Modo de entrada 21 MODO 0-36 0 --- 1 26 y 27 24 FSEL Seleccin de referencia 0-19 0 --- 2 27 27 TLSEL lmite de par Seleccionar 0-6 0 --- 2 28 31 FMIN Min . Frecuencia 0,00 a 400 0 Hz 1 28 32 FMAX Max . Frecuencia 20,00 a 400 Hz 60 1 28 33 F2 Preset Speed # 2 - Jog 0,00 a 400 Hz 5 1 28 34 F3 Preset Speed # 3 0,00 a 400 Hz 20 2 28 35 F4 Preset Speed # 4 0,00 a 400 Hz 40 2 28 36 F5 Preset Speed # 5 ( Nota 2 ) 0,00 a 400 Hz 60 2 28 37 F6 Preset Speed # 6 ( Nota 2 ) 0,00 a 400 0 Hz 2 28 38 F7 Preset Speed # 7 ( Nota 2 ) 0,00 a 400 0 Hz 2 28 39 FTL Min . Frecuencia en el lmite de par 0,00 a 400 Hz 10 2 29 41 RSEL Rampa Selector 0-7 0 --- 2 29 42 ACC1 tiempo de aceleracin # 1 0,10 a 600 s 3 1 29 43 DEC1 Tiempo de deceleracin # 1 0,10 a 600 s 3 1 29 44 ACC2 tiempo de aceleracin # 2 0,10 a 600 s 1 2 29 45 DEC2 Tiempo de deceleracin # 2 0,10 a 600 s 1 2 29 46 DECTL Torq. Tiempo de Respuesta Lmite 0,10-30 1 s 2 29 47 DCBRK freno CC Tiempo 0-5 0,2 s 2 29 48 DCVLT DC Tensin de freno 0-15 Nota 1 % 2 30 51 VSEL V / Hz Selector Tpico 0-6 0 --- 2 30 52 BOOST Refuerzo de par 0-25 Nota 1 % 1 30 53 frodilla V / Hz rodilla Frecuencia 26-640 Hz 60 2 31 Nombre Descripcin de datos alcance fbrica ajuste Unidades de Acceso nivel ver pgina cliente # Configuracin 54 SKBND Int. frec . Banda de histresis 0,20-20 1 Hz 2 31 55 SK1 Frecuencia de salto # 1 0,00 a 400 0 Hz 2 31 56 SK2 Frecuencia de salto # 2 0,00 a 400 0 Hz 2 31 57 SK3 Frecuencia de salto # 3 0,00 a 400 0 Hz 2 31 58 SK4 Frecuencia de salto # 4 0,00 a 400 0 Hz 2 31 59 MVOLT Calificacin del motor Tensin 185-480 V Nota 1 2 31 5B IMAG nominal Corriente de magnetizacin 15-85 Note 1% 2 31 61 LTLF Carga lmite de par delantero 5-150 150 % 2 31 62 LTLR Load Torque Limit Reverse 5-150 150 % 2 31 63 RTLF Regenerativa Torq. Lmite FWD 5-110 80 % 2 31 64 RTLR Regenerativa Torq. Lmite de revoluciones 5-110 80 % 2 31 Compensacin de deslizamiento 65 SLIP 0-10 0 % 1 32 66 STAB Estabilidad actual 0-4 2 --- 2 32 67 TOL temporizada de sobrecarga Punto de Disparo 0-100 0 % 1 32 68 NRST Nmero Reiniciar 0-8 0 --- 2 33 69 DRST Restart Delay 0-60 0 s 2 33 6A TOLC temporizada de sobrecarga caracterstico 0-7 0 --- 2 33 70 MCAL calibracin del 0-255 Ajuste a 10 VCC --- 1 33 71 Medidor analgico medidor de salida 0-7 1 --- 1 33
72 ST1 Salida auxiliar # 1 0-11 6 --- 2 34 73 ST2 Salida auxiliar # 2 0-11 3 --- 2 34 74 ST3 Salida auxiliar # 3 0-11 7 --- 2 34 75 STR rel auxiliar (Fallo) 0-11 2 --- 1 34 77 MOL sobrecarga del motor de entrada 0-1 0 --- 2 34 81 PRGNO Nmero de Programa Especial 0-65000 0 --- 2 34-39 82 START Inverter Opciones de inicio 0-7 0 --- 2 39 Selector de frecuencia portadora PWM 83 0-8 1 --- 2 40 84 Opcin DISP Pantalla completa Ajuste 0-65000 0 --- 2 42 RPM_1 85 UNIDADES Unidades de Display ALPHA --- 2 42 86 LANG idioma de la pantalla 0-3 0 --- 2 43 Cdigo 87 ACODE Seguridad de acceso 0-999 0 --- 2 43 88 Frecuencia FRO Referencia de salida 0-1 0 --- 2 43 Relacin de velocidad Esclavo Maestro A2 RATIO (Nota 2 ) 0-200 100 % 2 43 Opcin OPTNO B1 Nmero del tablero 0-6 0 --- 2 43 Cx CNTLx Control de Eventos (1-9 ) BINARY ( 8 ) 0 --- 2 34-39 Ex ECNTx Evento Counts (1-9 ) 0-65535 0 --- 2 34-39 Nombre Descripcin de datos alcance fbrica ajuste Unidades de Acceso nivel ver pgina cliente # Configuracin Notas: 1 . El valor por defecto depende del modelo . 2 . Unidad mientras ajustable parmetro est en el modo de ejecucin. Consulte la Seccin 5 para los parmetros accesibles en el Nivel 3 (control SIO ) . Consulte los nmeros de pgina . Resumen cdigo de programa (Con. 't . ) TABLA DE CONTENIDO pgina Seccin 1 - Informacin General 1.1 1 1.2 1 1.3 Control de identificacin 1 1.4 Control de Especificaciones 2 Valoraciones 1.5 Entrada / Salida 5
6.2 Opciones y accesorios 52 6.3 Consejos de aplicacin 53 Seccin 7 - Resolucin de problemas 7.1 Falla 54 7.2 Solucin de problemas 55 7.3 Mantenimiento e Inspeccin 56 7.4 Sustitucin 57 Seccin 8 - Apndice A 8.1 Publicaciones adicionales 59 8.2 molestia libera la garanta 59 Seccin 9 - Apndice B - Supresin RFI y filtros WLF Lnea Seccin 1 60 Seccin 2 61 Seccin 3 62 Seccin 4 65 Seccin 5 66 Seccin 10 - Apndice C Declaracin CE de 68 1 SECCIN 1 INFORMACIN GENERAL 1.1 Prefacio Este manual contiene las especificaciones , instrucciones de instalacin , descripcin del funcionamiento y solucin de problemas procedimiento para la Serie WFCHT AC Inversores . Antes de instalar la unidad , lea atentamente este manual para asegurarse de correcta instalacin y el mximo rendimiento. La informacin aqu contenida se considera actual con el lanzamiento de la versin 4.2 (02- RVLVL ) del software de la unidad . 1.2 Inspeccin A. Una vez recibido el producto , desempaque el inversor de CA y cuidadosamente inspeccione por cualquier dao causado en trnsito (depresin en el recinto , el dao a las piezas , partes faltantes ) . Si el dao es evidente, el transporte de mercancas o agente expreso debe ser notificado dentro de los 15 das desde la recepcin del producto, y se hizo una peticin que l hacer una inspeccin de la mercanca , y luego una reclamacin debe ser presentada contra el transportista . Para UPS de envo daos , guarde la caja y el material de embalaje y notificar Incorporated de TB Wood inmediatamente. B. A continuacin retire la tapa del inversor de CA, si se suministra , e inspeccionar a los tornillos flojos , nueces, o conectores. C. Lea la placa de datos tcnicos y verificar el tamao caballos de fuerza correcta para la aplicacin y tenga en cuenta la entrada voltaje y la corriente necesaria para el inversor. D. Si el inversor se va a almacenar por un perodo largo de tiempo , vuelva a embalar el inversor y almacenar en un lugar limpio y seco , libre de la luz solar directa o vapores corrosivos , y en un lugar donde la temperatura ambiente no ser 1.6 AC Inverter Fundamentos 6 1.7 Descripcin del funcionamiento 6 Seccin 2 - Instrucciones para la instalacin 2.1 Reglas para 7 2.2 Dimensional 8 2.3 Requerimientos de entrada de lnea de CA 12 2.4 Watt Inverter Prdida 13 2.5 Lnea de fusibles o el interruptor 13 2.6 Prcticas de cableado 13 2.7 La reduccin actual 14 2.8 Funcin y Uso de Terminales 15 2.9 Consideraciones Medio ambiente 17 Seccin 3 - Configuracin / Introduccin 3.1 Informacin General 18 3.2 Teclado Digital 18 3.3 Modo de funcionamiento 19 3.4 Modo de Programacin 20 3.5 Estado (LED ) Indicadores 20 3.6 Descripcin de los 21 3.7 operacin 23 3.8 Inicio Rpido - Ejecutar el 23 3.9 High Torque Procedimiento de configuracin 24 Seccin 4 - Level 1 2 parmetros 4.1 25 4.2 Parmetro 25 Seccin 5 - Nivel 3 Parmetros 5.1 Resumen Cdigo del Programa 44 5.2 44 5.3 Parmetro 45 Seccin 6 - Aplicaciones 6.1 Conexin 50
1.6 AC Inverter Fundamentals ............................................................................................................ 6 1.7 Description of Operation ............................................................................................................... 6 Section 2 Installation Instructions 2.1 Rules for Installation...................................................................................................................... 7 2.2 Dimensional Data.......................................................................................................................... 8 2.3 Input AC Line Requirements ......................................................................................................... 12 2.4 Inverter Watt Loss ......................................................................................................................... 13 2.5 Line Fuse or Circuit Breaker Sizing............................................................................................... 13 2.6 Wiring Practices ............................................................................................................................ 13 2.7 Reducing Current Surges.............................................................................................................. 14 2.8 Function and Use of Terminals ..................................................................................................... 15 2.9 Environment Considerations ......................................................................................................... 17 Section 3 Setup/Getting Started 3.1 General Information ...................................................................................................................... 18 3.2 Digital Keypad ............................................................................................................................... 18 3.3 Operation Mode ............................................................................................................................ 19 3.4 Program Mode .............................................................................................................................. 20 3.5 Status (LED) Indicators ................................................................................................................. 20 3.6 Description of Displays.................................................................................................................. 21 3.7 Operating Tips............................................................................................................................... 23 3.8 Quick-Start Running the Motor................................................................................................... 23 3.9 High Torque Setup Procedure ...................................................................................................... 24 Section 4 Level 1/Level 2 Parameters 4.1 Programming................................................................................................................................. 25 4.2 Parameter Descriptions................................................................................................................. 25 Section 5 Level 3 Parameters 5.1 Program Code Summary .............................................................................................................. 44 5.2 Programming................................................................................................................................. 44 5.3 Parameter Descriptions................................................................................................................. 45 Section 6 Applications 6.1 Connection Diagrams.................................................................................................................... 50 6.2 Options and Accessories .............................................................................................................. 52 6.3 Application Hints ........................................................................................................................... 53 Section 7 Troubleshooting 7.1 Fault Codes................................................................................................................................... 54 7.2 Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................................ 55 7.3 Maintenance and Inspection ......................................................................................................... 56 7.4 Replacement Parts........................................................................................................................ 57 Section 8 Appendix A 8.1 Additional Publications .................................................................................................................. 59 8.2 Hassle Free Warranty ................................................................................................................... 59 Section 9 Appendix B RFI Suppression and WLF Line FIlters Section 1 ....................................................................................................................................... 60 Section 2 ....................................................................................................................................... 61 Section 3 ....................................................................................................................................... 62 Section 4 ....................................................................................................................................... 65 Section 5 ....................................................................................................................................... 66 Section 10 Appendix C CE Declaration of Conformity........................................................................................................ 68 1 SECTION 1 GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1 Preface This manual contains the specifications, installation instructions, description of operation, and troubleshooting procedure for the WFCHT Series AC Inverters. Before installing the drive, read this manual carefully to ensure correct installation and maximum performance. The information contained herein is considered current with the release of version 4.2 (02-RVLVL) of the drive software. 1.2 Inspection A. Upon receipt of the product, unpack the AC inverter and carefully inspect for any damage sustained in transit (depression in the enclosure, damage to parts, missing parts). If damage is apparent, the freight or express agent should be notified within 15 days of receipt of the product and a request be made that he make an inspection of the merchandise; then a claim should be filed against the carrier. For UPS shipment damage, save the box and packing material and notify TB Woods Incorporated immediately. B. Next remove the AC inverter cover, if supplied, and inspect for any loose screws, nuts, or connectors. C. Read the technical data plate and verify the correct horsepower size for the application and note the input voltage and current required for the inverter. D. If the inverter is to be stored for a long period of time, repack the inverter and store in a clean, dry place, free from direct sunlight or corrosive fumes, and in a location where the ambient temperature will not be less than -20 C (-4 F) nor more than 60 C (140 F). 1.3 Control Identification Number A systematic numbering system is used to define all WFCHT models by torque output, input voltage rating, horsepower rating, and enclosure type. This model number appears both on the shipping carton label and the technical data label on the enclosure. A model number code is also accessible in the Level 1 programming mode. (Refer to Section 4.2.) This control number describes a constant torque, WFCHT adjustable frequency control in a chassis configuration, rated 7.5 HP, with input voltage of 230 VAC. The different horsepower ratings available and code for each rating are as follows: TABLE 1.3 *Input voltage, output voltage is 230 VAC 3 phase. WF C 2 007-5 A HT WFCHT Adjustable Frequency ______________________ Torque-C = Constant _____________________________ Input Volts 1 = 115 VAC ____________________________________ 2 = 230 VAC _______ 4 = 460 VAC _______ Horsepower 007-5 = 7-1/2 HP (See Table 1.3 below.)_____________________________ Housing A = Chassis__________________________________________________ B = NEMA 1 _______ C = NEMA 4 _______ HT = High Torque_______________________ CODE HP 115V* 230V 460V 000-7 3/4 X 001-0 1 X X X 002-0 2 X X 003-0 3 X X 005-0 5 X X 007-5 7-1/2 X X 010-0 10 X X 015-0 15 X X 020-0 20 X X 025-0 25 X X 030-0 30 X 040-0 40 X 050-0 50 X 060-0 60 X 075-0 75 X 2 1.4 WFCHT Series Control Specifications Model Series WFC1000 WFC2000 WFC4000 Horsepower (HP) CT/VT 1 0.75-25 1-75/1-100 5 Kilowatt (kW) 0.75 0.55-19 0.75-56 Capacity (kVA) 1.6 1.2-30 1.5-196 5 Continuous Amps 4.0 3-75 2-121 5 Output Voltage 3.5-230 VAC 3 3.5-230 VAC 3 7.0-460 VAC 3 (Source limited) Frequency Range Programmable 0.1-400 Hz 28, 39 Overload Capacity @ 150% for 60 Seconds 40 C Ambient 120% for 90 Seconds 32, 33 Running Torque 150% at 2Hz 30 Efficiency @ Rated Output Greater than 95% Input Voltage 115 VAC 1 200-230 VAC 1 5, 12 (3 inputs all 3-wire) (FHP-2 HP) 380-460 VAC 200-230 VAC 3 3 (3-25 HP) Voltage Tolerance 10% -10%; +15% 12 Input Current @ Maximum 9.7 4.8-95 2.2-152.8 5 Rated Output (AC amperes) KVA @ 50/60 Hz 1.2 1.1-38.1 1.8-122 5 Input Frequency 50/60 Hz 10% Phase Imbalance 2% maximum 12 Control System Sensorless Vector Pulse Width Modulation with Application Specific Integrated Circuit Frequency Range 4000:1, 0.1-400 Hz (Programmable) 28, 31 Frequency Command 0-10 VDC or 0-2 VDC (100 k ) Selections 4-20 mA (237 ) 0-1 kHz or 0-10 kHz pulse train 15, 27 Digital Keypad RS485 Serial Communication Link Frequency Resolution 0.01 Hz Frequency Stability Analog +0.2% 0-1 kHz pulse train +0.4% 0-10 kHz pulse train +0.1% Keypad +0.1% RS485 Port +0.1% V/Hz Ratio Programmable using FKNEE function (0.01 Hz resolution) 230 VAC output models 0.36 to 8.84 31 460 VAC output models 0.72 to 17.69 Acceleration/Deceleration Programmable 0.1 to 600 seconds to maximum Ramps frequency (primary and alternate available) 29 Minimum Frequency Programmable 0.5 to 400 Hz (0.01 Hz increments) 28 Maximum Frequency Programmable 20 to 400 Hz (0.01 Hz increments) 28 Torque Limit Four Quadrant Programmable 5 to 150% torque (motoring mode); 5 to 110% torque (regenerative mode) Individual program settings for 28, 31 FWD run, FWD regen, REV run, & REV regen. See Page Applicable Motor Output Inverter Output Ratings @ 110% Motor Ratings Inverter Input Ratings Control Specifications TABLE 1.4 3 Model Series WFC1000 WFC2000 WFC4000 Torque Limit Deceleration Programmable 0.1 to 30 Seconds 29 Rate Minimum Frequency in Programmable 0.5 to 400 Hz 29 Torque Limit Torque Boost Programmable to suit requirements plus Autoboost 30 Dynamic Braking 30-200% of drive rating (10 sec. max.) standard Consult factory for model specific data. Additional capacity available by adding external DB kits. Adjustments Over 100 parameters can be monitored with over 80 user adjustments PWM Frequencies Two settings available 39 Agency Listing UL and cUL Listed; CE Marked Charge Indicator Indicates the presence of potentially lethal bus voltage 15 Ground Fault All models fully protected Output Short Circuit All models fully protected (Line-to-Line) Electronic Motor Overload Programmable Inverse Time Overload Trip 32, 33 Overvoltage Trip Level 407 VDC 815 VDC (on DC bus) Undervoltage Trip Level 180 VDC 400 VDC (on DC bus) Torque Limit 4 Quadrant Independently Programmable 28, 31 Program Lockout User definable security access code 42 Line Start Lockout Prevents automatic startup when line power 39 is applied (defeatable by programming) Overtemperature Drive will shut down if heat sink temperature exceeds rating DB Failure Drive will sense circuit failure and shut down Error/Fault Messages 19 fault codes 53 6 warning displays Fault Storage Last three (3) faults stored. Most recent displayed. 25 Line Transient Limit 2 KV. Maximum (less than 40 microsecond duration) External MOL Contact Compatible with NC fault contact 17 Operating Controls 1. Keypad: Forward, Reverse, Jog, Stop, Program, 18 Shift, Enter, Local/Remote and Up/Down Arrows. 2. Terminal strip: See typical connection 16 diagrams or consult factory. 3. RS485 Serial Input/Output (SIO) Link. 43 LED Indicators Forward, Reverse, Jog, Stop, Bus Charged 20 and CPU Active Display 2 lines of 16 characters, Back-Lit alphanumeric for all modes of operation. Programmable to display in English, French, 21, 40 Spanish or German. Any engineering units such as RPM, FPM, & GPM are supported. Auxiliary Relay Programmed as Fault Relay. Can be 17, 34 programmed to signal one of eleven conditions See Page Control Specifications (continued) Protection Features Operating Features TABLE 1.4 (Cont.) 4 Model Series WFC1000 WFC2000 WFC4000 Programming Levels Level 1 Operator Level 2 Engineer 25, 43 Level 3 Engineer with SIO Parameter Block 00 Model #, software revision, rated current, heat Drive Data sink temp. trip point, mfg. serial #, repair date code, & fault log. Parameter Block 10 Output frequency, voltage, motor current, motor load, Status torque, drive temperature, elapsed time since power applied, & total hours of operation. Parameter Block 20 Definition of the LOCal/REMote keypad button in Control reference to the keypad, terminal strip, & the SIO link. Also, various speed and torque references are contained within this block. Parameter Block 30 Various speed setpoints of the inverter. Frequencies Parameter Block 40 Ramp time selections (the time from start Ramps to maximum frequency FMAX or from FMAX to stop) Parameter Block 50 V/Hz curves, boost, minimum frequency at Voltage/Frequency full voltage, & skip frequencies. Characteristics Parameter Block 60 Torque limit setpoints, slip compensation, overload Torque Limit trip point, & auto-restart parameters. Parameter Block 70 METer output, open collector output, & I/O Definition fault relay definitions. Parameter Block 80 Storage & Retrieval of standard or custom programs, Program Options complete reset to factory settings, auto-restart, line start lockout, PWM selection, display of engineering units, alternate display languages, & customer access code storage. Parameter Block 90 BAUD or communication rate, slave address, watch- RS485 Serial Link Options dog timer, & retrieval of SIO generated fault codes. Parameter Block A0 Speed Ratio & various parameters relative to the Option Parameters calibration of WPC option cards Parameter Block B0 Option Board Identification and various parameters Option Parameters relative to the calibration of WPC option cards Parameter Block C0 Used with program sequencer to 35 Event Control Bytes control drive operation Parameter Block E0 Used with program sequencer to 35 Event Count Bytes control drive operation Chassis, NEMA 1, NEMA 4 NEMA 4 standard thru 50/60 HP Chassis/NEMA 1 In separate enclosure protected from dust, 7 moisture and corrosive fumes. NEMA 1 Indoor protected from dust, moisture and corrosive fumes 7, 17 NEMA 4 Indoor protected from direct sunlight 7, 17 Operating Temperature Chassis 0 C to 50 C NEMA 1/4 0 C to 40 C Storage Temperature -20 C to +60 C Humidity 90% RH or less, noncondensing (chassis controls) Vibration 0.6 G Maximum Elevation Less than 3,300 feet without derating See Page Programming Construction Mounting Location Ambient Conditions TABLE 1.4 (Cont.) 5 1.5 WFCHT INPUT/OUTPUT RATINGS NOTES: (1) Required data for sizing input wiring. (2) CT Amps = Value stored in parameter 03-IRAT. Each model is capable of continuous operation at VT amps rating. Required data for sizing motor wiring. (3) For chassis models, ratings are for 1 minute @ +50C. (40C external ambient when enclosed.) (4) Control rated for 110% of motor rating (continuous). (5) For single phase applications greater than 5 HP, consult factory. (6) Motor thermal overload relay rating 1.1 x continuous motor nameplate amps. (Necessary only in multimotor applications.) (7) If the KVA rating of the power source exceeds ten times this value, the use of an isolation transformer or a line inductor is recommended. WFCHT RATINGS BY MODEL NUMBERS INPUT RATINGS MAXIMUM MOTOR RATINGS CONTINUOUS KVA (7) AMP (1) KVA CT. AMPS (2) VT. AMPS (2) KVA AMPS Control Model Number WFCHT HP CT/VT
(5) CONTINUOUS 1 MIN @ 40 C (3) TABLE 1.5 1001-0 1/1 1 1.6 13.9 1.4 3.6 4.0 2.1 5.4 2000-7 0.75/0.75 1 1.4 6.1 1.1 2.8 3.1 1.7 4.2 2001-0 1/1 1 1.6 7.1 1.4 3.6 4.0 2.1 5.4 2002-0 2/2 1 3.3 14.4 2.7 6.8 7.5 4.1 10.2 2003-0 3/3 3 4.2 10.4 3.8 9.6 10.6 5.7 14.4 2005-0 5/5 3 7.0 17.6 6.1 15.2 16.7 9.1 22.8 2007-5 7.5/7.5 3 10.7 26.9 8.8 22.0 24.2 13.2 33.0 2010-0 10/10 3 13.6 34.2 11.2 28.0 30.8 16.8 42.0 2015-0 15/15 3 21.6 54.3 16.7 42.0 46.2 25.0 63.0 2020-0 20/20 3 27.2 68.2 21.5 54.0 59.4 32.3 81.0 2025-0 25/25 3 34.7 86.9 27.1 68.0 74.8 40.6 102.0 4001-0 1/1 3 1.8 2.2 1.6 2.0 2.2 2.4 3.0 4002-0 2/2 3 3.4 4.3 2.9 3.7 4.1 4.4 5.6 4003-0 3/3 3 4.9 6.2 4.4 5.5 6.1 6.6 8.3 4005-0 5/5 3 8.6 10.8 7.2 9.0 9.9 10.8 13.5 4007-5 7.5/10 3 12.8 16.0 10.4 13.0 14.3 15.5 19.5 4010-0 10/15 3 17.7 22.2 14.3 18.0 19.8 21.5 27.0 4015-0 15/20 3 24.7 31.0 19.1 24.0 26.4 28.7 36.0 4020-0 20/25 3 30.2 37.9 23.9 30.0 33.0 35.9 45.0 4025-0 25/30 3 39.7 49.8 31.1 39.0 42.9 46.6 58.5 4030-0 30/40 3 45.3 56.8 35.9 45.0 49.5 53.8 67.5 4040-0 40/50 3 61.4 77.1 48.6 61.0 67.1 72.9 91.5 4050-0 50/60 3 75.5 94.7 59.8 75.0 82.5 89.6 112.5 4060-0 60/75 3 90.0 112.0 71.0 90.0 98.0 106.4 133.5 4075-0 75/100 3 111.0 134.0 88.0 110.0 121.0 131.5 165.0 6 1.6 AC Inverter Fundamentals The principle of operation of the WFCHT, or any AC inverter, is to provide both an adjustable voltage and an adjustable frequency to the AC motor. The WFCHT automatically maintains the required volts/hertz ratio, allowing the AC motor to run at its optimum efficiency and providing rated torque capability throughout the motors speed range. The basic formula that relates the output frequency to motor speed is: Ns = 120 x f Ns = Synchronous Speed (RPM) P f = Frequency (Hertz) P = Number of Poles in Motor For Induction Motors: Motor RPM = Synchronous Speed Motor Slip (RPM) The number of poles of a particular motor, and the amount of slip for a given load torque, are set by the motors design and manufacturer. 1.7 Description of Operation The primary functional blocks of the inverter are outlined in Figure 1.7. The ultimate goal of any inverter is to accept fixed voltage and frequency from a power source and convert this power into variable voltage and frequency to control a three phase AC induction motor. The WFCHT does this and much more. It allows the user to interface into the very powerful electronics necessary to provide variable speed control of the motor, in a very friendly fashion. Signals can be introduced to the terminal strip for full or partial control of the inverter. The powerful serial input output (SIO) link is available for total communication and programming. The keypad provides total control of programming and drive operation. FIGURE 1.7 7 SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND ENCLOSURE DIMENSIONS 2.1 General Rules for Installation Improper installation of the inverter will greatly affect its life. Be sure to observe the following points when selecting a mounting location. A. Do not install the inverter in a place subjected to high temperature, high humidity, or excessive vibration. (Consult Table 1.4 for temperature, humidity and maximum vibration limits.) B. Mount the unit vertically and do not restrict the airflow to the heat sink fins on the back of the control. The fan and fins allow cooling of internal components. Any air restriction could greatly reduce the life of the inverter, as well as resulting in nuisance over temperature trips. C. The WFCHT generates heat. Allow sufficient space around the unit, as shown in the illustration. If mounted in an enclosure with other equipment, be sure to allow at least five (5) inches of space on each side for adequate ventilation. D. For totally-enclosed chassis models (fins inside the enclosure), consult TB Woods Incorporated for enclosure sizing and mounting instructions. E. Do not mount the WFCHT near heat generating equipment or in direct sunlight. F. Explosion proof Applications Part of the criteria for an explosion proof rating is that the motor is designed and tested to ensure that its outer surface temperature does not exceed prescribed levels. These limits can be easily exceeded if the motor is operated from an AC inverter. A few manufacturers of explosion proof motors have received UL certification for their products when used on AC inverters. These motors have very strict operating speed limits and other disclaimers to protect the companies in case an accident occurs involving their product. Explosion proof motors that are not rated for inverter use lose their certification when used for variable speed. Due to the many areas of liability that may be encountered when dealing with these applications, the following statement of Company Policy applies: TB Woods Incorporated AC Inverter products are sold for suitability with explosion proof AC motors rated for use with PWM inverters. These motors must be UL listed for use with either TB Woods AC inverters or with PWM inverters and used within the specified speed ranges and carrier frequencies. TB Woods accepts no responsibility for any direct, incidental or consequential loss, cost or damage associated with the misapplication of our AC products in these applications. In any misapplication, the purchaser expressly agrees to assume all risk of loss, cost or damage that may arise. TB Woods Incorporated will not knowingly approve the application of their AC inverters with motors not rated for such applications. G. Line Starting WFCHT is designed to provide controlled starting and stopping of AC motors by use of the keypad or external contacts connected to the control terminal strip. WFCHT may also be started by applying AC power to terminals L1, L2, and L3. The inverter has line-start-lockout as a standard feature, to prevent automatic starting when line power is applied. This provision can be defeated by appropriate programming. The inverter may be started once every two minutes in this mode. H. Chassis Model Installation -- The Chassis style WFCHT series is shipped with the keypad attached to the inverter, but it can be removed and attached to an enclosure front cover or remote station (See Section 6.2). Note: CE specifications require that any system component housed within an enclosure, cannot have an attached operator control. Therefore, the keypad must be removed from the inverter and attached to an enclosure panel to maintain CE compliance in these cases. FIGURE 2.1 MORE THAN 5 IN. MORE THAN 5 IN. MORE THAN 5 IN. MORE THAN 5 IN. W F C HT AC INVERTER 8 2.2 Dimensional Data The following pages show the dimensional data for the NEMA 4 and chassis style WFCHT Inverters. Use this data and the General Rules for Installation to select a suitable mounting location. FHP-5 HP NEMA 4 & CHASSIS MODELS FIGURE 2.2 9 7.5-10 HP 230 VAC 7.5-20 HP 460 VAC NEMA 4 & CHASSIS MODELS FIGURE 2.3 8.33 10 15-20 HP 230 VAC 25-30 HP 460 VAC NEMA 4 & CHASSIS MODELS FIGURE 2.4 11 25 HP 230 VAC 40-75 HP 460 VAC (NEMA 1/NEMA 4 MODELS) 40-75 HP 460 VAC (CHASSIS MODELS) FIGURE 2.5 2.3 Input AC Line Requirements The allowable AC line voltage fluctuation is -10% to +15% of nominal line voltage. A supply voltage above or below these limits could cause the inverter to trip out with either an overvoltage or an undervoltage fault. NOTE: Caution must be exercised when applying WFCHT Inverters on low line c o n d i t i o n s . For example, a WFC2000 Series Inverter will operate properly on a 208 VAC line. However, the maximum output voltage will be limited to 208 VAC. If the motor is rated for 230 VAC line voltage, higher motor currents and increased heating will result. Ensure that the voltage rating of the motor matches the applied line voltage. If other than 60 Hz output can be tolerated, proper volts/hertz can be programmed into the inverter by the 53- FKNEE and 32-FMAX parameters. If you are unsure about this feature, consult Section 4.2 or the factory. Phase voltage imbalance of the input AC source can cause unbalanced currents and excessive heat in the input rectifier diodes and in the DC bus capacitors of the WFCHT. Phase imbalance is calculated by the following method: Assume: The voltage from L1 to L2 = La The voltage from L2 to L3 = Lb The voltage from L1 to L3 = Lc The average line voltage = Lavg Determine the absolute value of the difference between each of the line voltages (La, Lb, & Lc) and Lavg. (Subtract the two values and disregard the sign of the result.) Consider the results of this calculation to be Laa, Lba, & Lca. Phase Imbalance (%) = Laa + Lba + Lca x 100% 2 (Lavg) Example: Measured phase voltages of 230, 235, & 240 would result in a calculated phase imbalance of 2.1%. If the resulting phase imbalance exceeds 2%, consult your local power company or plant maintenance personnel and ask them to investigate this problem and recommend methods of correcting this condition. Phase imbalance can be damaging to motors running Across-the-Line also. A 2% imbalance requires a 5% derating factor on the motor, 3% imbalance requires a 10% derating, 4% requires an 18% derating. CAUTION: NEVER USE POWER-FACTOR IMPROVEMENT CAPACITORS ON THE WFCHT MOTOR TERMINALS, M1, M2, AND M3, OR DAMAGE TO THE INVERTERS SEMICONDUCTORS WILL RESULT. A. Single Phase Operation Certain models of WFCHT series AC inverters are designed for single phase input. The output is still 230 VAC, three phase; therefore, do not connect single-phase motors to the inverters output terminals as damage may occur. Models WFC1001-0 (115 VAC), WFC2000-7 (230 VAC), WFC2001-0, and WFC2002-0 are designed specifically for single phase input. For other requirements, please contact the factory. B. Line Starting WFCHT is designed to provide controlled starting and stopping of AC motors by use of the keypad or external contacts connected to the control terminal strip. WFCHT may also be started by applying AC power to terminals L1, L2, and L3. The inverter has line-start-lockout as a standard feature, to prevent automatic starting when line power is applied. This provision can be defeated by appropriate programming. The inverter may be started once every two minutes in this mode. 12 WARNING DISCONNECT POWER BEFORE SERVICING THIS CONTROL. HAZARDOUS VOLTAGES EXIST UNTIL CHARGE LIGHT GOES OUT. AVERTISSEMENT COUPER LALIMENTATION AVANT DENRERENORE LE DEPANNAGE DU SYSTEME ELECTRIQUE. VOLTAGE DANGEUREUX EXISTE TANT QUE LA LUMIERE INDICATRICE RESTE ALLUM. Input Power Transformer Rating Lavg = La + Lb + Lc 3 Rated HP FHP 1 2 3 5 7-1/2 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 75 Minimum 2 2 4 5 9 13 18 25 31 40 46 62 76 90 112 KVA Rating 2.4 Inverter Watt Loss The operation of the inverter generates heat due to inefficiencies within the system. This heat must be accounted for when mounting the inverter within another enclosure. The following table shows the watts generated by the inverter when at full current and at various switching frequencies. For specific switching frequencies, use worst case scenarios or consult the factory. 2.5 Line Fuse or Circuit Breaker Sizing The user must provide either a circuit breaker or a fused disconnect switch in accordance with the National Electric Code or Canadian Electrical Code and all local codes. The following rules should be used to select the correct size of the input line fuses or circuit breaker. A. Sizing/Fuse Type The WFCHT Inverter is able to withstand a 150% overload for 60 seconds. For maximum protection of the inverter, use the fuses listed in Table 2.5. Recommended suppliers are Bussman for 230 VAC, and for 460 VAC installations. Equivalent values from other manufacturers may be substituted. 2.6 Wiring Practices A. Applicable Codes Care should be taken to insure that field wiring is installed in accordance with the National Electric Code (NEC) or Canadian Electrical Code (CEC) as a minimum standard. Where local codes exceed these requirements, they must be followed. All WFCHT models are Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) and Canadian Underwriters Laboratories (cUL) listed, and therefore comply with the requirements of NEC or CEC. Installations intended to meet UL requirements must follow the instructions provided herein. Refer to the WFCHT technical data plate and the motor nameplate for electrical data. WFC20007xHT 3.1 16kHz 58 131 WFC20010xHT 4 16kHz 72 163 WFC20020xHT 7.5 16kHz 121 273 WFC20030xHT 10.6 8kHz 161 238 WFC20050xHT 16.7 8kHz 216 320 WFC20075xHT 24.2 16kHz 299 671 WFC20100xHT 30.8 16kHz 402 902 WFC20150xHT 48.2 16kHz 603 1353 WFC20200xHT 59.4 16kHz 712 1598 WFC20250xHT 74.8 16kHz 1005 2256 WFC40010xHT 2.2 16kHz 62 140 WFC40020xHT 4.1 16kHz 99 222 WFC40030xHT 6.1 16kHz 114 256 WFC40050xHT 9.9 8kHz 181 267 WFC40075xHT 14.3 16kHz 255 573 WFC40100xHT 19.8 16kHz 350 785 WFC40150xHT 26.4 16kHz 468 1051 WFC40200xHT 33 8kHz 608 900 WFC40250xHT 42.9 16kHz 752 1688 WFC40300xHT 49.5 16kHz 864 1940 WFC40400xHT 67.1 4kHz 1152 1253 WFC40500xHT 82.5 4kHz 1439 1566 WFC40600xHT 98 4kHz 1727 1879 WFC40750xHT 121 2.5kHz 2223 2223 Max. Switching Watt Loss Watt Loss Model Amp Frequency at Default at Highest Number Rating at Max. Amp Switching Switching 13 Model Fuse Model Fuse WFC4001-0 KTK-4 or KTK-R-4 WFC4002-0 KTK-7 or KTK-R-7 WFC4003-0 KTK-10 or KTK-R-10 WFC4005-0 KTK-15 or KTK-R-15 WFC4007-5 KTK-25 or KTK-R-25 WFC4010-0 KTK-35 WFC4015-0 KTK-50 WFC4020-0 JKS-60 WFC4025-0 JKS-100 WFC4030-0 JKS-100 WFC4040-0 JKS-125 WFC4050-0 JKS-175 WFC4060-0 JKS-200 WFC4075-0 JKS-200 TABLE 2.5 WFC1001-0 KTK-10 or KTK-R-10 WFC2000-7 KTK-5 or KTK-R-5 WFC2001-0 KTK-7 or KTK-R-7 WFC2002-0 KTK-15 or KTK-R-15 WFC2003-0 KTK-25 or KTK-R-25 WFC2005-0 KTK-30 or KTK-R-30 WFC2007-5 KTK-50 WFC2010-0 KTK-50 WFC2015-0 JKS-75 WFC2020-0 JKS-100 WFC2025-0 JKS-125 B. Power Wiring Power wiring is those wires which are connected during installation to the power circuit terminals, L1, L2, L3, M1, M2, and M3. Power wiring must be selected as follows: 1. Use only UL recognized wire. 2. Wire voltage rating must be a minimum of 300 V for 230 VAC systems, and 600 V for 460 VAC systems. 3. Wire gauge to be selected based on continuous input and output currents. See Table 1.5 for current information. 4. Grounding must be in accordance with NEC and CEC. NOTE: Power delivered from variable frequency controls contains high frequencies which may cause interference with other equipment. Control wiring and line wiring should not be run in the same conduit or raceway with inverter-to-motor wiring. Where power wiring is longer than 50 feet, increase the wire size to the next larger gauge size to reduce the voltage drop in the wire. C. Control Wiring Control wiring is wiring connected during installation to the control terminal strip (30 terminals). Control wiring must be selected as follows: 1. Shielded, twisted wire is recommended to prevent electrical noise interference from causing improper operation or nuisance tripping. Recommended wires are Belden types; equivalents may be substituted: 8761 (300V 60C UL-2-wire) 8771 (300V 60C UL-3-wire) 8719 (600V 60C UL-2-wire) 2. Use only UL recognized wire. 3. Wire voltage rating must be a minimum of 300 V for 230 VAC systems, and 600 V for 460 VAC systems. This is Class 1 wire. 4. Never run the control wiring in the same conduit or raceway with power wiring. See NOTE above. 5. Connect shield to inverter COM terminal only. 2.7 Reducing Current Surges and Voltage Transients Inrush currents to the coils of magnetic contactors, relays and solenoids associated with, or in close proximity to, the inverter can induce high current spikes in the power and control wiring, causing faulty inverter operation. If this condition occurs, a snubber network, consisting of a series resistor and capacitor for AC loads, or a freewheeling or flyback diode for DC loads, should be placed across the relay coil to prevent the occurrence. The following component values should be used for 115 VAC or 230 VAC relays or solenoids. For Main Circuit Contractors and Solenoids For Auxiliary Control Circuit Relays C = 0.2 MFD, 500 VDC R = 500 5 Watts C = 0.1 MFD, 500 VDC R = 200, 2 Watts Connection Diagram for AC and DC Relay Coils and Solenoids 14 FIGURE 2.7 For magnetic contactors, relays and solenoids which are energized from a DC source, a free- wheeling diode should be used. The diode should be a high-speed, fast recovery type. Connect the diode across the coil as shown above. The diode current and voltage should be selected by the following formulae: Diode Current Rating (A) Coil Capacity (VA) Rated Voltage of Coil (V) Diode Voltage Rating Rated Voltage of Coil (V) x 2 15 2.8 Function and Use of Terminals A. Power Circuit Terminals The power terminals are located on the WFCHT Power Board and are labeled L1, L2, and L3 for incoming three phase AC line power, (L1 and L3 for single phase models), and M1, M2, and M3 for the motor connections. Two other terminals B+ and B- provide access to the DC bus plus and minus rails for the addition of external dynamic braking kits, or extra bus capacitors for custom applications. GND is located in the lower left-hand internal corner of the control casting. It is a green screw with brass cup washer and must be connected to earth ground in accordance with the NEC and CEC. B. Control Terminals The control terminals are located on the bottom edge of the inverters control board. (See Figure 2.8.) These terminals are available for use with external control devices if remote operation is desired. NOTE: All control terminals are isolated from earth ground. Do not exceed 50 VAC potential between any terminal and GND. 1. Control terminal impedance: a. VIN Terminal 100 k b. CIN Terminal 237 c. All Logic Terminals 4.5 k 2. Logic input levels: a. ACTIVE 10 to 30 VDC b. INACTIVE 0 to 5 VDC The input logic will accommodate either 12 or 24 VDC logic signals. C. Input Terminal Usage All WFCHT Series units are shipped from the factory programmed for Keypad only control. BEFORE USING THE INPUT TERMINALS FOR CONTROL, PARAMETERS 21-MODE AND 24-FSEL SHOULD BE READ AND UNDERSTOOD. See Section 6 Applications for typical connections. FIGURE 2.8 ___________ ___ _____________ ____ ________ __ _____ __ _______ ___ ____ _____ _ _ _ __ __ __ __ __ ___ _ ___ ___ __ ___ __ _ __ ___ __ __ __ ___ ___ __ __ _!_ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ __ ___ ___ DESCRIPTION OF TERMINALS See Page MET 33, 48 COM CIN 27, 48 VIN 27, 48 REF 27, 48 LIM 28, 48 FWD 48, 49 REV 48, 49 +24 48, 49 R/J 48, 49 PS1 28, 48 PS2 PS3 49 ART 26, 29 16 This analog output varies from 0 to full scale and is referenced to COM terminal. It may be programmed via parameter 71-METER to read output frequency, output voltage, output current, output load in percent of inverter capacity and output motor torque. The maximum full scale adjustment is calibrated by parameter 70-MCAL and can be adjusted while the inverter is running. Maximum full scale adjustment is from approximately 0-16.5 VDC. The output is rated at 5 mA. If proper wiring practices are followed, no noise should be detectable on meter output. However, in some applications noise can be observed. In this case, a 10F capacitor can be inserted at the terminal strip between MET and COM to minimize this effect. Circuit common, isolated. Speed Reference input, 4 to 20 mA, 237 load referenced to COM. The current input signal is calibrated by parameters 31-FMIN and 32-FMAX. FMIN sets the frequency 4 mA should generate, and FMAX sets the frequency 20 mA should produce. Operation can be inverted, 20 mA = min. frequency, and 0 mA = max. frequency. (See 24-FSEL.) Speed Reference input, 0 to 10 VDC or 0 to 2 VDC, selectable by jumper (J11). It will also accept pulse train inputs: 0 to 1 kHz or 0 to 10 kHz, (6-10 V peak min.) and the 6FS output from another control. Operation can be inverted, 10 VDC = min. frequency, and 0 V = max. frequency. (See 24-FSEL.) This terminal is a +10 VDC power supply with 10 mA capacity and may be used as the Torque Limit Reference supply or the reference for VIN, in which case the drive can be programmed to shut down if the common line to the remote speed potentiometer opens. (See 24-FSEL.) Torque Limit input terminal. It will accept 0 to 10 VDC. 10 VDC equals 150% output torque. Defaults to +10 VDC with no input connected. Forward Direction Selection terminal. May be connected for two-wire maintained or three-wire momentary operation. Reverse Direction Selection terminal. May be connected for two-wire maintained or three-wire momentary operation. Reference Voltage for Digital inputs FWD, REV, R/J (Run/Jog), PS1, PS2, PS3, MOL and ART, rated 200 mA. Overloading this terminal will result in fault F04. May be used to power relays tied to open collector outputs ST1, ST2, and ST3. Run/Jog Selector. When this terminal is connected to +24, momentarily connecting either FWD or REV to +24 results in a latched run mode (3-wire operation). Preset Speed #1 input Preset Speed #2 input Preset Speed #3 input Eight preset speeds are attainable; one from the main speed setter, six programmed speeds, and FMAX. Preset speeds can be programmed from 0 to 400 Hz, but FMAX sets the actual operating range. (1 is closed to +24, 0 is open.) All may be obtained from the following switching matrix: TABLE 2.8 Analog Terminals Digital Input Terminals PS1 PS2 PS3 Effective speed reference 0 0 0 Basic speed setpoint 24-FSEL (Default) 1 0 0 33-F2 (5 Hz) 0 1 0 34-F3 (20 Hz) 1 1 0 35-F4 (40 Hz) 0 0 1 36-F5 (60 Hz) 1 0 1 37-F6 (0 Hz) 0 1 1 38-F7 (0 Hz) 1 1 1 32-FMAX (60 Hz) Alternate Ramp Time Selector. Separate acceleration and deceleration ramps can be selected by connecting this terminal to +24. These ramps are programmed by parameters 41, 44 and 45. See parameter 21-MODE for more information on when this function is active. DESCRIPTION OF TERMINALS See Page MOL 5, 48, 49 CTS 29, 49 RST 48 ST1 34, 49 ST2 ST3 6FS 48 COM 42, 48 SIO+ SIO- 34 Motor Overload input terminal. Requires N.C. contact for operation, referenced to +24. Connected to +24 by a jumper wire at the factory. Coast to Stop. Connecting this terminal to +24 turns the drive output OFF, allowing the motor to coast to a stop. The inverters output is cut off, not ramped to a stop. When the terminal is set to 0 V (open), the drive output is reinstated and the output will ramp to the programmed frequency. This function may be used when electro-mechanical brakes are required. This feature can also be accessed in programming by the 41-RSEL parameter to automatically coast to a stop on a stop command. External Fault Reset input terminal. After a fault, connecting this terminal to +24 will reset any fault. Open collector NPN transistor output connections. Each output can be individually programmed to respond to any one of eleven conditions. (See parameters 72-ST1, 73-ST2 and 74-ST3.) Each output can sink up to 50 mA from a 24 VDC source. This terminal provides a 24 VDC pulse train output which is 6X or 48X the output frequency of the inverter. Selected by parameter 88-FRO. Control circuit common, electrical isolated from the AC line terminals. Positive connection for the Serial Input/Output Operation communication link. Responds to RS485 protocol. (See Section 5.) Negative connection for the Serial Input/Output Operation communication link. Responds to RS485 protocol. (See Section 5.) Normally Open contact for the Auxiliary Relay. Will close when the relay is activated. Rating is 115 VAC at 1 Amp or 250 VAC at 0.5 Amp. Auxiliary Relay Common terminal. This relay is factory programmed to act as a Fault Relay but may be reprogrammed to any one of eleven conditions. (See parameter 75-STR.) Normally Closed contact for the Auxiliary Relay. Will open when the relay is activated. Rating is 115 VAC at 1 Amp or 250 VAC at 0.5 Amp. TABLE 2.8 (Cont.) 2.9 Environmental Considerations The WFCHT Series Inverter is rated NEMA 4 (through 50 HP), indoor use. This is a sealed unit providing a degree of protection against falling, splashing and hose-directed water. If your inverter will be subjected to high-pressure wash-down or atmospheric contaminants such as acid or caustic vapors, or carbon, metallic, or corrosive dust, contact TB Woods Application Engineering Department for specific instructions. In order to maintain the NEMA 4 integrity of the WFCHT Inverter enclosure, some care must be exercised when the cover is installed. With the smaller chassis configurations (WFC1000 series, WFC2000 series thru 10 HP and WFC4000 series thru 20 HP), the following cover installation procedure shall be employed: 1. Snug each of the four (4) cover screws into place. 2. Sequentially tighten each screw until the gasket is compressed evenly. Tighten first one corner then the opposing corner to minimize the chance of pinching the gasket. 3. Tighten these screws to 18-inch pounds of torque. With the larger chassis configurations, the cover should be installed according to the following procedure: 1. Swing the hinged door closed making sure that the gasket is not pinched. 2. Sequentially tighten each screw until the gasket begins to compress. Alternate sides of the enclosure when tightening to assure even compression. 3a.If drive serial number is 98279999 or lower, tighten these screws to 10-inch pounds of torque 3b.If drive serial number is 98280000 or higher, tighten these screws to 18-inch pounds of torque. If the conduit entries are not used, utilize the hole plugs (supplied with the NEMA 4 models and the WCK01 thru WCK04 Chassis Mounting Kits) to close the unused holes. This will assure the enclosures environmental integrity. Digital Input Terminals Serial Communication Port Terminals Auxiliary Relay Terminals (RLY) Digital Output Terminals 18 SECTION 3 GETTING STARTED 3.1 General Information All WFCHT Series Inverters come with a digital keypad as standard equipment. Your WFCHT AC Inverter is preprogrammed to run a standard AC induction motor; in many cases no additional programming is required. WFCHTs advanced digital keypad controls all operations of the inverter. The ten input keys allow Press and Run operation of the motor and straightforward programming of the parameters. To simplify the programming further, the parameters are separated into programming levels: LEVEL 1 Easily accessed by pressing the PROG key at anytime. Limits access to the most commonly used parameters for operator convenience. LEVEL 2 This is used when the more advanced features of WFCHT are needed. It is accessed by pressing the SHIFT and PROG keys simultaneously. All parameters can be either viewed or programmed except those associated with the SIO Serial Communications Link. LEVEL 3 This level is automatically added to Level 2 when the SIO Serial Input/Output link is selected. 3.2 Digital Keypad The digital keypad controls the WFCHT in both the operating and programming modes. A detailed description of all the keys and displays follows: FIGURE 3.2 PROG FWD REV JOG STOP SHIFT ENTER LOC REM 19 3.3 Operation Mode (STOP and RUN modes) Initiates forward run when pressed momentarily. If the drive is running in reverse when FWD is pressed, it will decelerate to zero speed, change direction and accelerate to the set speed. Initiates reverse run when pressed momentarily. If the drive is running in forward when REV is pressed, it will decelerate to zero speed, change direction and accelerate to the set speed. May be disabled by the setting of 21-MODE (factory setting). Note: If both keys are pressed and held at the same time, the drive follows the first key pressed. Press to enter the JOG mode when stopped. When in the JOG mode, the drive will ramp in the forward direction to a programmable JOG speed (33-F2) while the FWD key is held. The drive will ramp to a stop when the FWD key is released. Pressing the REV key causes a similar operation. The ramp will be at a rate set for normal acceleration and deceleration. To leave the JOG mode, press STOP or the JOG key a second time. Causes a Ramp-To-Stop when pressed. This function can be programmed to cause a Coast- To-Stop when pressed (41-RSEL). If the drive has stopped due to a Fault condition, pressing the STOP key will reset the fault. Also functions as an emergency stop when the drive is remotely controlled. In the Stop mode, pressing this key increases the desired running speed of the drive. That is, the speed to which the drive will accelerate when a Run is initiated. In the Run mode, pressing this key dynamically adjusts the running speed of the drive. Setting resolution is 0.01 Hz. If the key is pressed and held for five (5) seconds, the setting frequency will scroll automatically at an increased rate. Also see SHIFT description below. In the Stop mode, pressing this key decreases the desired running speed of the drive. That is, the speed to which the drive will accelerate when a Run is initiated. In the Run mode, pressing this key dynamically adjusts the running speed of the drive. Setting resolution is 0.01 Hz. If the key is pressed and held for five (5) seconds, the setting frequency will scroll automatically at an increased rate. Also see SHIFT description below. In the Stop or Run modes, pressing this key will Lock-in the frequency selected by the UP and DOWN arrow keys so that if power is removed and reapplied, that frequency will be the initial default speed setting. The display will show **STORED** for 1 second when the command is completed. Shifts drive control between the LOCal and REMote control modes as selected by the 21- MODE parameter. Can be programmed to shift: 1) The Run/Stop command (either FWD or REV) or 2) The speed reference signal or 3) Both or 4) Disabled (factory setting). Will operate either in the Stop mode or while the drive is running. If power is removed and reapplied, the memory will retain the last selected function. In the Run mode, pressing this key will access the parameters at Level 1 for viewing only. Pressing the SHIFT and PROG keys simultaneously will access Level 2 for viewing only. The UP and DOWN arrow keys will work as described in the Programming section of this document. Operation of the motor will not be affected while viewing the information in these parameters, and parameter changes cannot be made. Pressing SHIFT momentarily while holding either the UP or DOWN arrows will initiate the fast scroll without waiting for the five second delay. Pressing it a second time will start the fastest scroll rate. KEY FUNCTION REV J OG STOP ENTER LOC REM PROG SHIFT FWD 20 3.4 Program Mode When in the STOP mode, pressing this key will enter the PROGRAM mode at Level 1. Pressing this key at any time while in the PROGRAM mode will return the unit to the OPERATION mode. Pressing the SHIFT and PROG keys simultaneously will enter Level 2. If an Access Code has been entered, re-entry is required to change program data. In the PROGRAM mode, pressing this key will move forward through the successive Parameter Addresses. When changing Data in a Parameter, this key will increment the data value. The ENTER key must be pressed to store the new value. In the PROGRAM mode, pressing this key will move backward through the successive Parameter Addresses. When changing Data in a Parameter, this key will decrement the data value. The ENTER key must be pressed to store the new value. NOTE: At all parameters except 85-UNITS, momentarily pressing both the UP-arrow and DOWN-arrow keys simultaneously will return the parameter setting to factory defaults. Pressing this key while a Parameter is displayed will allow that Parameter to have its data changed by use of the UP and DOWN arrow keys. Pressing this key after data has been changed in a Parameter will store that information in nonvolatile memory. KEY FUNCTION 3.5 Status (LED) Indicators The red Stop LED, located in the STOP key, illuminates whenever a stop command has been given. If the inverter has stopped due to a fault, this LED will flash to call attention to the digital display. The green Forward LED, located in the FWD key, illuminates whenever a forward command has been given. When both the Forward and Reverse LEDs are on, the DC braking function is active. The green Reverse LED, located in the REV key, illuminates whenever a reverse command has been given. When both the Forward and Reverse LEDs are on, the DC braking function is active. The green Jog LED, located in the JOG key, illuminates to signify the inverter is in the JOG mode of operation. LED INDICATION/LOCATION PROG SHIFT ENTER REV J OG STOP FWD 3.6 Description of Displays The WFCHT Series Inverter has been designed to provide the greatest level of information possible to the operator through an easily readable 2x16 character Back Lit LCD alpha-numeric display, including data on drive and motor status, fault information and parameter values. This section will give a brief description of the various display formats that may be seen during startup, operation and programming. The restart display is present whenever power is applied to the inverter or a fault condition is reset. It will be displayed for about one second during which time the computer is checking various functions within the inverter. During normal operation, the operating display will provide important information about the inverter and load. CONTROL The first three characters of the top line denote the source of control for the inverter: LOC Local control via the Keypad REM Remote control from the terminal strip SIO Remote control via the RS485 Serial SIO Link SEQx Control via the Program Sequencer ADJ Auto-tune mode for Parameter 5B-IMAG STATUS Twelve characters are dedicated to the current status of the inverter output. This includes normal operating conditions and warning messages: STOP The inverter is in the STOP mode. ACCELERATE The motor is increasing in speed. DECELERATE The motor is decreasing in speed. AT SPEED Motor speed is at the desired set point. ZERO SPEED The inverter is in the RUN mode, but the motor is not turning. JOG Motor runs only while the FWD or REV keys are pressed. (Displayed only while JOGGING). TORQ LIMIT The output torque of the inverter has reached its programmed limit level. DYN BRAKE The Dynamic Braking circuit is helping to decelerate the motor and load. HI TEMP The temperature of the drive is near the maximum limit point. HI CURRENT The output current is near the overcurrent cutoff point. HI VOLTAGE The voltage on the DC bus is near the high voltage cutoff point. LO VOLTAGE The voltage on the DC bus is near the low voltage cutoff point. SPD SEARCH Autostart has been programmed to 82-START, and the inverter is attempting to synchronize its output with the motor speed. IDLE#xx SIO mode of operation only. The drive is programmed to SIO address (92-SIOA) = xx. It is awaiting either a program or run command. LS LOCKOUT Line Start Lockout. A run command was detected when power was applied. MODE The first three characters on the second line denote the present operating mode of the inverter: FWD A Forward run command has been given. REV A Reverse run command has been given. SET The inverter is waiting to have, or is having, the running frequency set. FREQUENCY The standard display shows the inverter operating frequency in Hertz. This can be custom tailored to any engineering or machine units by the setting of parameters 84-DISP and 85-UNITS. LOAD The last four characters in line 2 display the percentage of maximum continuous inverter output current that is being delivered. If a custom display is programmed on this line, this information is not displayed but is still viewable at parameter 15-LOAD. 21 RESTART POWER-UP AND FAULT RESET MODES LOC STOP SET 0.00 Hz 0% OPERATING DISPLAY Status Mode Frequency Load Control 22 When the programming mode is accessed by pressing the PROG key for LEVEL 1 or SHIFT and PROG keys for LEVEL 2 or 3, the display to the right will appear for one second. RIGHTS This section explains the operators access rights after the program mode has been entered: PROGRAM This indicates that while in the programming mode parameter data can be changed. VIEW If the inverter is in the run mode (forward or reverse) when the PROG key was pressed, parameters may be viewed but not changed. ACCESS This denotes the access level that is being entered. It may show Level 1 or Level 2 (Section 4) or Level 3 (Section 5). Once the program mode has been accessed, the display shown to the right will provide information on each parameter: DESCRIPTION The top line will give a full 16 character description of the parameter that is being accessed. RIGHTS The first four characters of the second line will indicate if the particular parameter can be changed (PROG) or only examined (VIEW). If an attempt is made to change data while in the VIEW mode, the message **NO ACCESS** will be displayed for one second. PARAMETER This is the actual parameter number being displayed. When data is being changed, this number will blink on and off. See inside the front cover for a listing of all Level 1 and Level 2 parameters. DATA Up to eight characters are used to display the information stored in the parameter. Some parameters have a unit designator such as: s Seconds h Hours C Degrees centigrade Hz Hertz % Percent A Amperes When the inverter stops due to a fault trip, a unique error message will be displayed along with a flashing STOP LED indicator. Two pages of information are available concerning the actual fault and drive status. Page one is shown at right. CODE The top line signifies that a fault has occurred and displays one of 19 fault codes. See Section 7 Troubleshooting for a complete list of all codes and explanations of each. NEXT PAGE The ^ symbol indicates that pressing the Up Arrow will shift the display to Page 2. DESCRIPTION The second line provides a full 16 character description of the cause of the fault. Page 2 of the fault display will show the operating conditions of the inverter at the time of the fault. All other operating parameters are frozen until the drive is reset. PARAMETERS PROGRAM LEVEL 1 PROGRAMMING ACCESS Rights Access MIN FREQUENCY PROG 31: 0.0 Hz PROGRAMMING DISPLAYS Rights Parameter Data Description FAULT F07 ^ MOL CONTACT OPEN FAULT DISPLAY PAGE 1 Description Next Page Code AT SPEED FWD 49.60 Hz 80% FAULT DISPLAY PAGE 2 23 3.7 OPERATING TIPS Parameter Access When the PROG (or SHIFT-PROG) key is pressed after application of power, 21-MODE will always be the first parameter displayed. If a different parameter is accessed and the Program mode is exited, that parameter will be the point of entry the next time the programming mode is accessed. The WFCHT will remember different last parameters for Levels 1, 2, and 3. If no key is pressed for 10 minutes while in the programming mode, the WFCHT will automatically revert back to the operating mode. Display Scroll Rate Three scroll rates are used to speed entry of information into the WFCHT. If either the UP or DOWN arrow is pressed and held for five seconds, the rate of change of the display will increase. If the SHIFT key is momentarily pressed while holding one of the arrow keys, the five second delay will be bypassed. If the SHIFT key is pressed a second time while holding an arrow key, the display will scroll at the fastest rate. This is useful for entering very large numbers as in parameter 84-DISP. Restoring Factory Settings Whenever a parameters data is being changed (noted by the Parameter number blinking), the original factory setting for that parameter can be restored by pressing both the UP and DOWN arrows simultaneously and pressing the ENTER key. To restore ALL parameters to their factory settings, see parameter 81-PRGNO. Help For Application Assistance, call TB Woods Incorporated Electrical Engineering at 800-789-6637 to talk to an Electrical Application Engineer. 3.8 Quick-Start Running the Motor This section is for operators who would like to get up and running quickly and with a minimum amount of research through the manual. Be sure to read sections 3.1 through 3.7 before proceeding. In many cases your WFCHT will perform perfectly without making any changes to the factory settings. A. Perform all procedures for installation as specified in Section 2 Installation Instructions. REVERIFY THAT THE PROPER VOLTAGE IS AVAILABLE FOR THE INVERTER BEFORE APPLYING POWER. FAILURE TO DO THIS CAN RESULT IN EQUIPMENT FAILURE AND PERSONAL INJURY! B. Apply AC power to the input terminals. For about one second, all the LED indicators will illuminate and the display will show: After one second, only the STOP LED will stay on and the display will change to: C. The factory settings for the WFCHT Series are for keypad only operation in the forward direction. This means that the REV key and the LOC/REM key are disabled. Press the FWD key; the display will change to: D. Press the UP arrow to increase the desired running frequency. When the motor starts to turn, note the direction of rotation. If the motor is turning in the wrong direction, STOP THE DRIVE, REMOVE AC POWER AND WAIT FOR THE BUS CHARGE INDICATOR TO GO OUT. After the Charge indicator is extinguished, reverse any two of the motor leads at M1, M2 or M3. E. The length of time that the UP arrow is depressed determines the scroll rate of the display. After it is held for five seconds, the rate of change will increase. The five second time can be circumvented by momentarily pressing the SHIFT key while holding the UP (or DOWN) arrow. F. The inverter is preset to run a typical NEMA B induction motor to a maximum speed of 60.00 Hz with both Acceleration and Deceleration times set to 3.0 seconds. The Jog frequency is set for 5.0 Hz. G. Use the Arrow keys to set the proper running speed of the motor and the FWD and STOP keys to control its operation. RESTART LOC STOP SET 0.00 Hz 0% LOC ZERO SPEED SET 0.00 Hz 0% 24 3.9 High Torque Set Up Procedure The following procedure allows the WFCHT series AC inverter to be set up for low speed, high torque operation. 1. Program Parameter 51-VSEL to Data Code 6 (see page 30). 2. Program Parameter 65-SLIP per the formula on page 32. 3. Run the drive at 15 Hz setpoint and minimal loading (free shaft operation if possible). Enter Level 2 programming and scroll to parameter 5B-IMAG. ADJ should appear in the lower left corner of display. Press the ENTER key on keypad to have the drive Auto-tune the 5B-IMAG value. The drive will measure the magnetizing currents and place a value into parameter 5B-IMAG. Although not required, repeating the process to verify consistent results is recommended. Check the system for performance. For most applications, the above procedure is sufficient for ideal drivemotor performance. For additional fine-tune adjustments, see the following steps. 1. Run the motor in the 2-6 Hz range. If the drive appears to draw excessive currents at low speeds with no load, decrease the setting of 5B-IMAG. Too much 5B-IMAG can result in unstable motor operation. 2. Run the motor in the 2-6 Hz range under full load conditions. If the drive draws greater than motor nameplate current, reduce the value of 52-BOOST. If it appears the motor is not developing sufficient torque, increase the value to 52-BOOST. Note: For proper performance at frequencies below 6 Hz, inverter duty motors are recommended. 52-BOOST is set at a value predetermined for premium efficiency motors. When using inverter and vector duty motors, the value of 52-BOOST may need to be adjusted. If additional problems arise, contact TB Woods Electronics Applications Engineering at 888-829- 6637 for assistance. 25 SECTION 4 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS AND PROGRAMMING Level 1 - accesses only basic operator parameters. Level 2 - accesses all parameters in Level 1 and Level 2 Level 3 - accesses all parameters in Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3. For more information consult Section 5 and Form 997 - SIO SERIAL LINK PROTOCOL. 4.1 Programming To change the default programming for a given parameter: A. Press the STOP key, if the inverter is running. Some parameters (see the individual parameter description) can be changed while the inverter is operating. B. To enter Level 1 programming, press the PROGram key. To enter Level 2, hold the SHIFT key and press the PROGram key. C. Use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to select the program parameter for change. D. Press the SHIFT key. The program number will blink indicating that the data value may be changed. E. Use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to select the new data code. F. Press the ENTER key. The display will indicate **STORED** for one second, then revert to the normal parameter display. G. Press the PROGram key to exit the programming mode or the UP/DOWN arrow keys to select a new parameter for change. 4.2 Parameter Descriptions This section provides a functional description of all WFCHT Series programming parameters at Level 1 and Level 2. Those with a level indication including an asterisk (*) cannot be programmed, but can be viewed while the drive is functioning. Parameter Units Level 01-MODEL - Inverter Model Number L1* This display is a code that conveys the input voltage rating and horsepower rating of the control. For example, a code of 10010 would equate to an WFCHT with a 115 VAC input and 1.0 HP rating. A code of 20020 would equate to a 230 VAC input and 2.0 HP rating, 40075 would indicate 460 VAC and 7.5 HP ratings. 02-RVLVL - Software Revision L2* This display indicates the software revision installed in your inverter. 03-IRAT - Inverter Rated Current L2* This display indicates the 100% rating of output current for the inverter. It is used by the inverter as the basis for all current measurements and output indications. Your WFCHT inverter can provide 110% of this rating continuously without damage or tripping. 05-SERNO - Manufacturing Serial Number L2* This is the unique serial number assigned to the inverter. 06-REP - Repair Date Code L2* If the control has been repaired in a Wood's facility, a specific code will be installed in this location. 07-FLT3 - Last Fault L1* 08-FLT2 - Second Fault L2* 09-FLT1 - First Fault L2* These displays indicate a code that represents both the cause of the last three (3) inverter faults and the elapsed time (in 0.1 Hr. increments) between the fault occurrence and the resetting of it. Parameter 07-FLT3 contains the most recent occurrence, 08-FLT2, the one prior to that, and 09-FLT1, the first fault on record. The elapsed time since the last restart (power up or fault reset) is the last digit and indicates up to 0.9 Hr. The remainder of the code represents the reason for the trip. Consult Section 7, Troubleshooting, for a list of fault codes and their potential causes. 12-FOUT - Inverter Output Frequency Hz L1* This display indicates the output frequency at which the inverter is operating. 13-VOUT - Motor Output Voltage % L1* This display indicates the percent of input voltage that is being delivered by the inverter to the motor. It is useful when operating motors with non-standard Volts/Hertz (V/Hz) ratios by means of 53-FKNEE and 32-FMAX. INPUT MODE PROG 21: 0 26 Parameter Units Level 14-IOUT - Motor Output Current A L1* This display indicates computed output current in amperes. The accuracy of this display is 10% of inverter rating (03-IRAT). 15-LOAD - Drive Load % L1* This display indicates the real part of the motor current by multiplying the computed output current by motor power factor and comparing it to the inverter's capacity. This indication is positive in the motoring mode, negative in the regenerative mode of operation. The accuracy is 10% of full scale. 16-TORQ - Load Torque % L1* This display shows the torque reduction experienced when operating in the constant power or field weakened condition, when operating above 53-FKNEE. The accuracy is 10% of full scale. 17-TEMP - Inverter Temperature C L1* This display indicates the inverter's operating temperature in C. The accuracy is 2C. 18-TIME1 - Total Run Time h L2* This display is an indication of the total time the inverter is in the run mode of operation. It has a range of 0- 65000 hr. and is not resettable. Note: Frequent line starting operation of the inverter may result in the recording of erroneous times in this parameter. 19-TIME2 - Total Operating Time h L2* This display indicates the total time that power has been applied to the inverter, up to 65,000 hrs. It does not reset when power is removed and re-applied. 1A-FOUT2 - Motor Stator Frequency Hz L2 In order for the inverter to provide the motor performance desired in many applications, it is necessary for the inverter to make changes to the motor frequency independent of the speed setpoint. For instance, when slip compensation is active, the motor frequency is increased when the motors load increases. Parameter 1A allows actual motor frequency to be monitored during operation. 1B-FLUX - Magnetizing Current % L2 This display indicates the amount of magnetizing current that is present to the motor. The displayed percentage is a calculated factor based on a pre-determined motor model. When using Volts/Hertz mode, the percentage is based on bus current measurements and torque boost settings. In Vector mode, the percentage is the inverters regulated magnetizing current levels. Parameter 1B can be monitored while the inverter is in operation. 21-MODE - Input Mode L1 21-MODE defines the operating functions that are active from the Keypad, the Terminal Strip, and the SIO Serial Link in both the LOCal and REMote operating modes. Also the mode transfer mechanism is defined by your selection at this parameter. Proper setting of this parameter is the first step in customizing the inverter to your application. The following table defines all the combinations available. Other selections for 21-MODE are discussed in Section 5 and in option manuals where their use is fully documented. Notes: 1. Under LOCal operation, when control is specified as keypad, the active torque limit reference is the preset values at parameters 61 thru 64 as if parameter 27-TLSEL were set to a code "3". In all other cases, the drive obeys the setting of parameter 27 directly. 2. Enables or disables the REV key on the keypad. 3. When "Terminals" specified as a speed reference, the programming of parameter 24-FSEL actually controls the active speed reference. 4. In REM operation, terminals PS1, PS2, PS3 and ART are active. All will (except PS3 in modes greater than 20) perform their previously defined function (see Section 2.8). 5. Entering the JOG mode from the keypad will override any active presets. If any questions arise, please don't hesitate to contact an Electrical Applications Engineer at the factory for clarification before proceeding. See Section 6 for terminal strip connection details. DATA CODE LOCal (1) REMote LOC/REM See FWD only FWD/REV Speed (3) Start/Stop Speed (3) Start/Stop Transfer via: Note (2) (2) Keypad Control Only 0/20 10/30 Keypad Disabled N/A Terminal Strip Control Only 4/24 14/34 Disabled Terminals N/A 4 Combination Keypad / Terminal Strip Control 1 11 Keypad Terminals Keypad LOC/REM key 4,5 2 12 Keypad Keypad Terminals LOC/REM key 4 3 13 Keypad Terminals LOC/REM key 4 21 31 Keypad Terminals Keypad PS3 4,5 22 32 Keypad Keypad Terminals PS3 4 23 33 Keypad Terminals PS3 4 27 Parameter Units Level 24-FSEL - Speed Reference Selector L2 Note: Reference 21-MODE and parameter 32-FMAX thru 38-F7 for a thorough understanding of this parameter setting. This parameter is used to define the frequency command signal source when operating from other than the inverter's keypad. That generally means the definition of signal types applied to either the VIN or CIN terminals. This parameter can also be used to re-define terminal strip speed control (referenced in 21- MODE) as keypad operation. The proper usage of this parameter is dependent on the selection made at 21-MODE. Typically, no changes are necessary at this parameter. 0 VIN/CIN Terminal input, speed pot or external 0-2, 0-10 VDC or 4-20 mA 1 1 -VIN/CIN Terminal input, inverse speed control 2 VIN Same as Code 0, but external speed pot current monitored. If any of the three connections are broken, the drive will stop. Not for use with any externally supplied voltage or current references. 3 VIN Terminal input, follows the 6FS (6X) output of another WFC series inverter. 1, 3 4 FPT1 Pulse train input at VIN, 0-1 kHz (6-10 VDC peak minimum) 1 5 FPT2 Pulse train input at VIN, 0-10 kHz (6-10 VDC peak minimum) 6 FKPAD Keypad Speed Reference 2 7 FEXT2 External speed reference 2 programmed via 26-FEXT2 (default = 0 Hz) 8 FEXT1 External speed reference 1 programmed via 25-FEXT1 (default = 0 Hz) 9 F2 Programmable via 33-F2 (default = 5 Hz) 10 F3 Programmable via 34-F3 (default = 20 Hz) 11 F4 Programmable via 35-F4 (default = 40 Hz) 12 F5 Programmable via 36-F5 (default = 60 Hz) 13 F6 Programmable via 37-F6 (default = 0 Hz) 14 F7 Programmable via 38-F7 (default = 0 Hz) 15 FMAX Programmable via 32-FMAX (default = 60 Hz) 19 VIN Terminal input, follows the 6FS (48X) output of another WFC series inverter. 1, 3 Notes: 1. Data codes 0 thru 5 define the type and response characteristic of input speed signal connected to the terminal strip of the inverter. 2. If speed control is programmed from the keypad at parameter 21-MODE, the selection at parameter 24 is ignored. 3. Frequency of input signal determined by parameter 88-FRO. If parameter 24-FSEL is set data code 19, adjust the J2 jumper (see page 15, figure 2.8) to the 0-2V position for better resolution. The table that follows notes the maximum operating frequency when using this data code and parameter 83- PWM. Consult the factory with any questions. The maximum running frequency available when using data code 19 (48x pulse train from another WFCHT series inverter) is limited by the operating carrier frequency. When selecting the carrier frequency at parameter 83-PWM and parameter 24-FSEL is set to data code 19, the maximum operating frequency will be limited by the following values. For all models except the WFC4075-0: For the WFC4075-0 only: 83-PWM data code 1 (3kHz) ---- 62 Hz max. 83-PWM data code 1 (2.3 kHz) ---- 48 Hz max. 83-PWM data code 2 (4kHz) ---- 83 Hz max. 83-PWM data code 2 (2.5 kHz) ---- 52 Hz max. 83-PWM data code 3 (6kHz) ---- 125 Hz max. 83-PWM data code 3 (4.6 kHz) ---- 95 Hz max. 83-PWM data code 4 (8kHz) ---- 166 Hz max. 83-PWM data code 4 (5 kHz) ---- 104 Hz max. 83-PWM data code 5 (12kHz) ---- 250 Hz max. 83-PWM data code 5 (9.2 kHz) ---- 191 Hz max. 83-PWM data code 6 (16kHz) ---- 332 Hz max. 83-PWM data code 6 (10 kHz) ---- 208 Hz max. DATA REFERENCE DESCRIPTION See CODE Note 28 Parameter Units Level 27-TLSEL - Torque Limit Reference Selector L2 TLSEL selects one of seven combinations of six torque limit setpoints to be effective during driving and regenerative operation. Torque limit may be different for forward and reverse operation. Parameter 21- MODE can override this selection when it dictates that the drive operates under keypad control. The proper usage of this parameter is dependent on the selection made at 21-MODE. Typically no changes are necessary at this parameter. 31-FMIN - Minimum Frequency Hz L1 31-FMIN defines the minimum frequency that the inverter will deliver to the motor in the run mode. It is adjustable in 0.01 Hz increments from 0 to 400 Hz. The factory setting is 0 Hz. 32-FMAX - Maximum Frequency Hz L1 32-FMAX defines the maximum frequency that the inverter will deliver to the motor in the run mode. It is adjustable in 0.01 Hz increments from 20 to 400 Hz. The factory setting is 60 Hz. FOR OPERATION ABOVE 60 Hz, ENSURE THAT THE MOTOR IS CAPABLE OF EXTENDED SPEED OPERATION. SEE THE INSTRUCTIONS FOR PARAMETER 53-FKNEE FOR MORE INFORMATION. PARAMETER 83-PWM WILL ADDITIONALLY INFLUENCE THE ACTUAL MAXIMUM FREQUENCY CAPABILITY OF THE DRIVE. 33-F2 - Preset Frequency #2 (Jog) Hz L1 34-F3 - Preset Frequency #3 Hz L2 35-F4 - Preset Frequency #4 Hz L2 36-F5 - Preset Frequency #5 Hz L2 37-F6 - Preset Frequency #6 Hz L2 38-F7 - Preset Frequency #7 Hz L2 Parameter 33-F2 is preset speed #2 and is used to set the JOG speed reference when in the keypad operating mode. All preset values are programmed and operate in conjunction with 24-FSEL. Each is adjustable in 0.01 Hz increments from 0 to 400 Hz. Parameters 36, 37, and 38 are adjustable on- the-fly. Refer to Table 2.8 and Section 6 for proper selection of preset frequencies. DATA CODE REVERSE FORWARD REGENERATIVE MOTORING REGENERATIVE MOTORING 0 LIMit input LIMit input LIMit input LIMit input 1 64-RTLR LIMit input 63-RTLF LIMit input 2 64-RTLR 62-LTLR 63-RTLF LIMit input 3 64-RTLR 62-LTLR 63-RTLF 61-LTLF 4 28-TLEXT 28-TLEXT 28-TLEXT 28-TLEXT 5 64-RTLR 28-TLEXT 63-RTLF 28-TLEXT 6 64-RTLR 62-LTLR 63-RTLF 28-TLEXT See Section 5 for more information on parameter 28-TLEXT. 29 Parameter Units Level 39-FTL - Minimum Frequency in Torque Limit Hz L2 When the drive's output current exceeds the limits defined by 27-TLSEL, the motor will be decelerated at a rate determined by 46-DECTL to the frequency programmed at this parameter. If this parameter is set to a value greater than parameter 32-FMAX, TORQUE LIMITING WILL BE DISABLED. 41-RSEL - Ramp Selector L2 This parameter defines the acceleration and deceleration characteristics of the drive. The following table outlines the possibilities: 42-ACC1 - Acceleration Ramp #1 s L1 Parameter 42-ACC1 defines the primary inverter response to an increase in speed command. It is adjustable in 0.01 second increments from 0.1 to 600 sec. from zero to maximum frequency. The factory setting is three (3) seconds. 43-DEC1 - Deceleration Ramp #1 s L1 Parameter 43-DEC1 defines the primary inverter response to a decrease in speed command. It is adjustable in 0.01 second increments from 0.1 to 600 sec. from maximum to zero frequency. The factory setting is three (3) seconds. 44-ACC2 - Acceleration Ramp #2 s L2 Parameter 44-ACC2 defines the secondary inverter response to an increase in speed command. It is adjustable in 0.01 second increments from 0.1 to 600 sec. from zero to maximum frequency. The factory setting is one (1) second. 45-DEC2 - Deceleration Ramp #2 s L2 Parameter 45-DEC2 defines the secondary inverter response to a decrease in speed command. It is adjustable in 0.01 second increments from 0.1 to 600 sec. from maximum to zero frequency. The factory setting is one (1) second. 46-DECTL - Torque Limit Response Time s L2 When the drive senses that the torque limit threshold has been exceeded, it takes immediate action. If operating in the motoring mode, it begins to decelerate toward the value of 39-FTL. If operating in the regenerative mode, it begins to accelerate toward the rotational speed to which it is being driven. In either case, 46-DECTL governs the drive's response time. 47-DCBRK - DC Brake Time s L2 In the keypad or terminal input mode, after issuing a STOP command, the inverter ramps down to zero speed and provides a holding DC current in the motor windings for the period set by 47-DCBRK. This function is not available with zero (0) seconds set at 47-DCBRK or if the stopping performance is set for coast. If DCBRK set to 5.0 seconds and both the FWD and REV terminals activated simultaneously or if a zero speed command is issued, DC current will be applied to the motor at zero speed until one, or both terminals are de-activated. DATA CODE DESCRIPTION 0 42-ACC1 and 43-DEC1 control drive acceleration and deceleration for both forward and reverse operation. 44-ACC2 and 45-DEC2 are selected by input terminal ART. To use ART, 21-MODE must be set for terminal strip start/stop control. 1 First set of ramps in the forward direction, second set of ramps in the reverse direction. Terminal ART is inactive. 2 Dual slope linear ramp. Primary set of ramps control acceleration / deceleration when 12-FOUT less than the value programmed at 37-F6. Secondary set of ramps control when 12-FOUT greater than 37-F6. Terminal ART is inactive. 3 "S" curve acceleration and deceleration. Terminal ART is inactive. 4 Performance same as code "0" except Coast-to-stop when STOP is commanded. 5 Performance same as code "1" except Coast-to-stop when STOP is commanded. 6 Performance same as code "2" except Coast-to-stop when STOP is commanded. 7 Performance same as code "3" except Coast-to-stop when STOP is commanded. 30 Parameter Units Level 48-DCVLT - DC Brake Voltage % L2 The parameter controls the amount of DC voltage applied to the motor windings by 47-DCBRK. Factory setting is 2/3 of 52-BOOST. It is adjustable between 0 and 15% of full voltage. CAUTION: If DC braking is used as a holding brake, excessive motor heating may result. 51-VSEL - Volts/Hertz Characteristic Selector L2 This parameter selects between the HT mode (Vector Control) and Volts/Hertz operation. By selecting Data Code 6, the WFCHT activates the Vector Control scheme. When selecting Data Codes 0 through 5, the Volts/Hertz mode is initiated and one of the three Volts/Hertz characteristics and one of two Torque Boost modes are enabled. The following table defines these selections. Their actions are shown graphically below. 52-BOOST - Torque Boost % L1 52-BOOST may be programmed to provide additional starting torque to the motor, if required. it is adjustable in 0.01% increments from 0 to 25%. Factory set BOOST values are model dependent. Care must be exercised with this adjustment. Too much boost may cause excessive motor currents and motor heating. Use only as much boost as is necessary to start the motor. AUTOBOOST may be selected at parameter 51-VSEL to provide the optimum value of boost to suit the load automatically. Some 2-pole (3600 RPM synchronous speed) have proven to require less than the default value of 52-BOOST. DATA CODE CHARACTERISTIC DATA CODE CHARACTERISTIC 0 Linear Autoboost 4 Quadratic Autoboost 1 Linear Fixed Boost 5 Quadratic Fixed Boost 2 Semi-Quadratic Autoboost 6 Vector Control 3 Semi-Quadratic Fixed Boost Note: When selecting the HT mode (Vector Control) parameters 5B-IMAG and 65-SLIP must be activated for high torque, low speed operation. Fine-tune adjustments can be made for optimum performance. Refer to Section 3.9 for proper setup for HT operation. ________ ___ __ ___ __ __ _______ ____ ________ _____ ______ _____ _____ _____ _____ ___ ___ ___ __________ ____ _____ __ ____ _____ __ ____ _____ __ ____ _____ __ ____ _____ __ ____ _____ __ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ___ ___ ___ __ _______ 31 Parameter Units Level 53-FKNEE - Volts/Hertz Knee Frequency Hz L2 This parameter is used to set the frequency at which full voltage is delivered to the motor. Thereby, the output volts/hertz ratio of the inverter is adjusted. It is adjustable in 0.01 Hz increments from 26 to 640 Hz. It is factory set to the base frequency of U.S. made induction motors, 60 Hz. 53-FKNEE sets the point at which the motor goes from constant torque to constant power operation. 32- FMAX determines the maximum operating frequency of the drive. Almost any V/Hz profile can be generated using the WFCHT inverter. Consult the factory with your special requirements. 54-SKBND - Skip Frequency Hysteresis Band Hz L2 This parameter sets the range of frequencies (above and below) associated with each of the skip frequencies. Skip bands are used to avoid mechanical resonances in a drive system. The deviation is adjustable in 0.01 Hz increments from 0.20 to 20.00 Hz. The factory setting is 1.00 Hz equating to an overall 2 Hz band. 55-SK1 - Skip Frequency #1 Hz L2 56-SK2 - Skip Frequency #2 Hz L2 57-SK3 - Skip Frequency #3 Hz L2 58-SK4 - Skip Frequency #4 Hz L2 These four (4) parameters set the center frequency of the skip bands over which normal operation will not be allowed. The inverter will ramp through these frequencies, but not settle on them. Each is adjustable in 0.01 Hz. increments from 0.00 to 400.00 Hz. 59-MVOLT - Rated Motor Voltage V L2 59-MVOLT is a parameter active in the 7.5 thru 75 HP models that allows the user to precisely calibrate the inverter to the motor being operated by it. This parameter sets the voltage that the inverter delivers to the motor terminals at the setting of 53- FKNEE. Therefore, it is possible to power the WFCHT from 230 VAC and deliver 208 VAC to the motor at 60 Hz, precisely matching the motor's design limits. WFC2000 series drives are calibrated from the factory for 230, with valid settings in the range of 185 to 240. WFC4000 series drives are set for 460, with valid settings between 370 and 480. 5B-IMAG - Magnetizing Current Level This parameter tunes the Vector Control scheme to match motor design. By adjusting this parameter, the inverter-motor combination can be optimized for ideal performance. This parameter becomes active when parameter 51-VSEL is set to a Data Code of 6. The WFCHT has an Auto-tune function that will measure the no-load currents and automatically set 5B-IMAG. This occurs after 51-VSEL is set to a Data Code of 6. See Section 3.9 for Auto-tune procedure. Although normally not required, fine-tune adjustments can be made to the parameter after the Auto- tune procedure is completed. The value of 5B-IMAG is adjustable in a range of 15-85% with a model dependent factory setting. Adjustments to the setting can be made using the following formula: 5B-IMAG = measured no load current X 100 IRAT 61-LTLF - Preset Load Torque Limit Forward % L2 62-LTLR - Preset Load Torque Limit Reverse % L2 These parameters work in conjunction with 27-TLSEL to set the level at which the inverter goes into torque limit in the forward and reverse motoring modes. When these limits are exceeded, the motor is decelerated at a rate determined by 46-DECTL settling in at the value programmed at 39-FTL. Each is adjustable in 1% increments from 5 to 150% of drive rating. If 39-FTL is set to a value greater than 32-FMAX, torque limiting will be disabled. 63-RTLF - Preset Regenerative Torque Limit Forward % L2 64-RTLR - Preset Regenerative Torque Limit Reverse % L2 These parameters work in conjunction with 27-TLSEL to set the level at which the inverter goes into torque limit in the forward and reverse regenerative modes. When these limits are exceeded, the motor is accelerated at a rate determined by 46-DECTL toward 32-FMAX. Each is adjustable in 1% increments from 5 to 110% of drive rating. If 39-FTL is set to a value greater than 32-FMAX, torque limiting will be disabled. 32 Parameter Units Level 65-SLIP - Slip Compensation Slip compensation is used to provide a more constant output speed as motor loading changes. This parameter is used in both the Volts/Hertz and High Torque modes of operation. Too much slip compensation may result in unstable motor operation. It is not intended for use with a synchronous motor. In Volts/Hertz mode, the inverters output frequency is increased as the motor loading increases. In HT mode (Vector Control), the setting of 65-SLIP is the nominal full load speed compensation for the motor. This setting is required for optimum performance at low speeds. 65-SLIP is programmable in 0.01% increments from 0.00 to 10.00%. See the following formula and example to determine the proper setting of parameter 65-SLIP: Example: Assume the use of a 1740 RPM motor with a nameplate current (Im) rating of 9.6 amperes. From Section 1.5 or parameter 03-IRAT, we determine that the drive is rated at 15.2 amperes. From Section 1.6, we can determine that the synchronous (unloaded) speed of the motor to be 1800 RPM. Using the formula, we find: 65-SLIP = _R_P_M__s_ -_ R_P__M_1 x _IR_A__T x 100(%) = _1_8_0_0_ -_ 1_7_4_0_ x 1__5_.2_ x 100% = 5.27% RPMs Im 1800 9.6 66-STAB - Current Stability Adjustment L2 Lightly loaded motors may tend to oscillate and become unstable due to electro-mechanical relationships in the motor. This may be more prevalent when the inverter capacity is larger than the motor. This adjustment will stabilize the motor current in these conditions. The range of adjustment is 0 through 4, with the default being 2. Some 2-pole (3600 RPM synchronous speed) motors have proven to require alteration of this parameter to assure stable operation. 67-TOL - Timed Overload Trip Point % L1 67-TOL is the timed overload trip point. This parameter defines the load point beyond which a timed electronic trip can occur. The trip time depends on the amount of overload and is 1 minute for 150% of the setting, longer for lesser degrees of overload. A 10% overload will not cause the drive to trip. Parameter 67-TOL is adjustable in 1% increments from 5 to 100% of drive capacity. The factory setting is 0, inactive. The action of 67-TOL is presented graphically in the Trip Time chart to the right. See also parameter 6ATOLC for information on setting timed overload appropriately for your motor. The proper setting of parameter 67- TOL is calculated using the value stored at 03-IRAT and the motor nameplate current (Im) according to the following formula: 67-TOL =_ _Im__ x 100% IRAT WARNING WHEN USING MULTIPLE MOTORS ON A SINGLE INVERTER, USE SEPARATE EXTERNAL PROTECTION ON EACH MOTOR AND SET 67-TOL TO 0 (DISABLED). AVERTISSEMENT AVEC LUTILISATION DE PLUSIEURS MOTEURS SUR UN SEUL INVERSEUR, UTILISEZ UNE PROTECTION EXTRENE SPARE SUR CHAQUE MOTEURS ET PROGRAMMEZ 67-TOL 0. 33 69-DRST - Trip Restart Time Delay s L2 If 68-NRST is greater than 0, the inverter will wait the programmed time value after a fault before re- starting. Restart performance will be governed by parameter 82-START. DRST is programmable in 0.01 sec. increments from 0.00 to 60.00 seconds. 6A-TOLC - Timed Overload Characteristic L2 6A-TOLC works in conjunction with 67-TOL to customize the overload characteristics of the inverter to the driven motor. Refer to the graph presented with parameter 67 for a more in-depth understanding of this parameter. 70-MCAL - Analog Meter Output Calibration L2 This parameter adjusts the meter output value at terminal MET. The full scale output is programmable from 0 to 255 which corresponds to approximately 0 to 16.5 VDC. Factory default is for 10 VDC at terminal MET at nominal full scale output. 70-MCAL can be programmed while the inverter is running. 71-METER - Analog Meter Output Selector L1 71-METER defines what the analog meter output (terminal MET) will indicate. The data is defined as: Data Code Description 0 Output inactive. 1 Output proportional to output frequency (12-FOUT) with full scale at 32-FMAX. 2 Output proportional to output voltage (13-VOUT) with full scale at 100%. 3 Output proportional to output current (14-IOUT) with full scale at 200% of drive rating. 4 Output proportional to drive load (15-LOAD) with full scale at 200%. 5 Output proportional to load torque (16-TORQ) with full scale at 200% torque. 6 Output proportional to stator frequency (1A-FOUT2) with full scale at 32-FMAX. 7 Output proportional to feedback encoder frequency (A7-OPTA7) with full scale at 32-FMAX. (Used with WPC04, see section 6.2 and Form 1032) WARNING INSURE THAT AUTOMATIC RESTARTING WILL NOT CAUSE DAMAGE TO EQUIPMENT OR INJURY TO PERSONNEL. AVERTISSEMENT ASSUREZ VOUS QUUN DEPART AUTOMATIQUE NENDOMMAGERA PAS LEQUIEMENT OU DE BLESSURE AU PERSONNEL. Parameter Units Level 68-NRST - Trip Restart Number L2 Providing the inverter is operated from a maintained run command, this parameter will allow the drive to be automatically restarted, after a fault, up to a programmed number of attempts. This limit is from zero (0) up to a maximum of eight (8) tries within a 10 minute time frame. In each case, the drive will wait for the delay programmed at 69-DRST. Only fault codes F11 thru F20 are effected by this process. Once the programmed value of 68-NRST has been exceeded, the drive will display a F10 fault and wait for a manual reset. When 68-NRST is active, the function of parameters 72-ST1, 73-ST2, 74-ST3 and 75-STR is altered. Data Code (2) for each parameter will not activate the respective output for every fault, only for fault codes 1-10. To maintain a similar, yet inverse function with 68-NRST active, use data code 1. The full scale calibration is adjustable by programming of parameter 70-MCAL. Data Tripping Characteristic Trip Time Scale Motor Code (Seconds)* Type 0 Normal Reduced threshold below 40 Hz 60 C Standard Induction 1 Medium Reduced threshold below 40 Hz 30 B Standard Induction 2 Fast Reduced threshold below 40 Hz 10 A Standard Induction 3 Shear Pin Reduced threshold below 40 Hz 0** Standard Induction 4 Normal Constant torque 60 C Inverter Duty 5 Medium Constant torque 30 B Inverter Duty 6 Fast Constant torque 10 A Inverter Duty 7 Shear Pin Constant torque 0** Inverter Duty *Trip time is at 150% of 67-TOL setting **Trip time is at 110% of 67-TOL setting 34 77-MOL - Motor Overload Input Sets Motor Overload Input Polarity. 81-PRGNO - Special Program Number L2 This parameter allows the storage, retrieval and exchange of customer defined program setups, as well as a means of returning all parameters to factory defaults. Numerous special programs are also included at this parameter. Standard data codes are outlined in the following table: Data Code Description See Note 0 Standard Factory Program 1 1 Reset all parameters to factory settings 1, 2 2 Store customer parameter settings 1, 3 3 Recall customer parameter settings 1, 3 4 Exchange current with stored customer parameter settings 1, 3 5 Recalibration of a WFC2005-0x for use with a 3 HP motor from a single phase source 1, 4 10 Makes option parameters inaccessible 1 11 Makes option parameters accessible for viewing and change 1 30-31 EMOP and 5-speed operation (Crane & Hoist Industry, See Form 1041) 5 32-33 EMOP2 / EMOP3 Electronic Motorized Potentiometer speed control 5, 6 60-62 Program Sequencer (See the following discussion) 200-201 Reference Signal Reversing (See Form 1042) 5, 7 Parameter Units Level 72-ST1 - Auxiliary Output #1 (Open Collector) L2 73-ST2 - Auxiliary Output #2 (Open Collector) L2 74-ST3 - Auxiliary Output #3 (Open Collector) L2 75-STR - Auxiliary Relay Output L1 Each of these parameters work similarly with the open collector outputs at the terminal strip (designated ST1, ST2 and ST3) and the auxiliary relay. The data code programmed at these parameters defines the condition that activates that particular output (either open collector or relay). Each may be programmed as follows to indicate: Data Code Description 0 Output inactive. 1 No fault (becomes active when the inverter is ready). 2 Fault (refer to parameter 68-NRST for further information). 3 Motor running FWD or REV. 4 Motor running REV. 5 Motor running FWD. 6 Motor speed = 0 Hz. 7 Motor at speed. 8 Motor speed greater than value programmed at parameter 36-F5. 9 Drive operating in torque limit. 10 Drive operating near overtemperature limit. 11 Drive operating in LOCal Mode. Data Code Description 0 Removal of high input (+24 VDC) from MOL causes an F07 Fault (N.C. operation) 1 High input on MOL will cause an F07 Fault (N.O. operation) 35 Event Control Parameters The Event Control Parameters (C1-CNTL1...C9-CNTL9) define the direction, speed, acceleration/ deceleration time and duration of each program step. Each is programmed as a string of 8 characters or bits. Figure 4.1 defines the bit coding: Event Count Parameters The Event Count Parameters (E1-ECNT1...E9-ECNT9) define the duration of each program step. Each Event Count Parameter is associated with a corresponding Event Control Parameter (That is parameter E1- ECNT1 determines the duration of C1-CNTL1; E2-ECNT2 determines the duration of C2-CNTL2, etc.). The data entered can represent time, pulse counts, digital comparison or an analog voltage level as defined in Table 4.1. The range of data that can be entered in each Event Count Parameter is 0 to 65,000. 000 Basic Setpoint (21-MODE/24-FSEL) 001 33-F2 (5 Hz) 010 34-F3 (20 Hz) 011 35-F4 (40 Hz) 100 36-F5 (60 Hz) 101 37-F6 (0 Hz) 110 38-F7 (0 Hz) 111 32-FMAX (60 Hz) 00 Time Base 01 Pulse Input (WPC04) 10 Voltage Input (WPC04/05) 11 Digital Comparison 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Inverter Stopped 01 Forward Command 10 Reverse Command 11 Zero Speed 0 Primary (ACC1/DEC1) 1 Alternate (ACC2/DEC2) Event Duration (Opt. Equip.) Direction Select Ramp Select Speed Selection (Default) BIT NUMBER PROGRAM DATA NOTES: 1. When data codes 1-29 are invoked, 81-PRGNO will revert to "0" upon exiting the program mode. When data codes greater than 29 are used, 81-PRGNO will retain the data setting. 2. Data code 1 allows all program parameters to be returned to factory defaults. When the program mode is exited, the display will indicate "INIT PARAMETERS" then "RESTART". 3. Data code 2 allows storage of the current set of program parameters. Data code 3 allows a previously stored set of program parameters to be retrieved. Data code 4 allows the current and stored set of program parameters to be exchanged. 4. Data code 5 allows the WFC2005-0x to be recalibrated for use on a 3 HP motor when powered from a single phase source. Use data code 1 to return to the 5 HP calibration. 5. Parameter 21-MODE must be set to a code that permits MODE 2 (REMote) operation. Also, the drive must be operated in REMote mode. 6. Data codes 32 and 33 select the WFCHT's EMOP control programs. With code 32 selected, commanded output frequency returns to 31-FMIN when the drive is stopped. With code 33 selected, commanded output frequency remains at the previous setpoint. See the table above for proper usage. 7. These codes permits both speed and direction control from an analog speed input. Order Form 1042 for more details. Off 0 0 X X Speed = 0 1 1 X X FWD Decrease Speed 1 0 1 X FWD Hold Speed 1 0 0 0 FWD Increase Speed 1 0 0 1 REV Decrease Speed 0 1 1 X REV Hold Speed 0 1 0 0 REV Increase Speed 0 1 0 1 Functional Description EMOP2/EMOP3 Data Code 32/33 Terminals FWD REV PS1 PS2 0 = Inactive 1 = Active X = Ignored Program Sequencer The Program Sequencer function can be thought of as a simple programmable logic controller (PLC). It permits the drive to execute up to nine (9) sequential program steps. Each program step can be an independent combination of direction, speed and ramp. The duration of any one program step can be controlled by: time, digital comparison, pulse (event) count or an analog voltage level. Use of the pulse count and voltage level comparisons requires the use of either the WPC04 Encoder Interface Board or WPC05 Process Control Interface Board (see Table 4.2 for details). An Event Control parameter (C1- CNTL1...C9- CNTL9) and an Event Count parameter (E1-ECNT1...E9-ECNT9) serve to define each program step independently. FIGURE 4.1 36 Bits 5 & 4 define the event duration for each program step. Note that the controlling factor for the duration may be different for each step. Optional Equipment Required? 81-PRGNO Time Base Increments Maximum Sequence Time Description of Event Count Parameter Units Bit # 5 4 Time Base The operating condition outlined in the Event Control parameter will be executed for a time interval of up to 18 hours (dependent on the setting of 81-PRGNO). The next event will then be executed, up through Event #9. Pulse Count The operating condition outlined in the Event Control parameter will be executed until the set number of pulses have been counted. The pulse count is provided by either an encoder or proximity sensor mounted on the driven machine. Analog Input The operating condition outlined in the Event Control parameter will be executed until a voltage is greater or less than a programmed value. The limits of the analog level are 0-10.00 VDC. Lower Limit The Event Control parameter will be executed until a voltage equal to or LESS than the programmed value is sensed. Upper Limit The Event Control parameter will be executed until a voltage equal to or GREATER than the programmed value is sensed. Digital Comparison The operating condition outlined in the Event Control parameter will be executed until a set digital combination of terminals PS1, PS2 and PS3 is sensed by the inverter. The limits of this configuration are 0 thru 7, signifying the binary combinations of PS1, PS2 and PS3. Ex-ECNTx Range (DC voltage) Ex-ECNTx Code No, but compatible with WPC02 & WPC06 Yes WPC04 or WPC05 Yes WPC04 0 0 No 0 1 1 0 1 1 Description All inputs inactive PS1 Active PS2 Active PS1 & PS2 Active PS3 Active PS1 & PS3 Active PS2 & PS3 Active PS1, PS2 & PS3 Active 00000-01000 (0-10 VDC) 10000-11000 (0-10 VDC) Control Terminals Description 60 1 second 18.2 hour 61 0.1 second 1.8 hour 62 0.0082 second 8.9 minutes PS1 PS2 PS3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Activating the Program Sequencer function requires that a selection of 81-PRGNO = 60, 61 or 62 be made. This must be done regardless of the type of event count used for the individual sequence steps. After 81-PRGNO is set to 60, 61, or 62, exit the program mode by pressing the PROG key. The Event Control and Event Count parameters will be visible upon re-entering Level 2 programming. Programming the Event Control Parameter Determine the coding of the control byte for each program step using Figure 4.1. Enter the first code into parameter C1-CNTL1. When you access parameter C1, the display will resemble the following: To program this parameter: 1. Press SHIFT to open the parameter. The parameter number will flash and bit number 7, or the left-most character will be underlined, indicating that this character may be changed. 2. Use the up arrow to increment the character. Use the down arrow to decrement the character. 3. Press SHIFT again to move on to the next character, bit number 6, and repeat step 2. 4. Once all the characters or bit numbers have been changed, press ENTER to store the result. EVENT CONTROL PROG C1: 00000000 TABLE 4.1 37 First, since two of the sequential steps are time based, the proper 81-PRGNO setting must be determined. Determine the resolution and the maximum time required, in this case one (1) hour. If a resolution of one second is sufficient, set 81-PRGNO = 60. If a greater setting resolution is necessary, 81- PRGNO can be set to 61 (0.1 second Programming Example A machine is required to run in the forward direction at 50 Hz for one hour, then quickly decelerate to a stop. After two (2) minutes, the machine must accelerate in the reverse direction to 5 Hz until a limit switch is activated causing the drive to decelerate to a stop. The following three (3) sequential steps can be programmed using only the basic inverter and no optional equipment. SEQ1 SEQ2 SEQ3 Direction Selection Forward Stop Reverse Event Definition 1 Hour 2 Minutes Until PS1 Active Ramp Selection Primary Alternate Primary Speed Selection F6 (50 Hz) N/A F2 (5 Hz) PARAMETER DATA CODE EXPLANATION 81-PRGNO 60 1 Second Time Increments C1-CNTL1 01000101 FWD/Timed/Primary Ramp/Preset Speed F6 C2-CNTL2 00001000 STOP/Timed/Alt. Ramp/Speed Setting Ignored C3-CNTL3 10110001 REV/Digital Comparison/Primary Ramp/Preset Speed F2 E1-ENCT1 3600 1 Hour = 3600 Seconds E2-ENCT2 120 2 Minutes = 120 Seconds E3-ENCT3 1 Terminal PS1 Active Graphically the results of this programming could be represented as shown to the right: If E4-ENCT4 thru E9-ENCT9 are set to zero, they will be ignored by the sequencer function. If the inverters forward terminal were still active, the sequence would repeat; if not, the sequence would be executed one (1) time only. The controls stop key continues to function as an emergency stop to abort the cycle at any time. TABLE 4.2 TABLE 4.3 FIGURE 4.2 WFCHT Operation Under Program Sequencer Control The WFCHT can be operated under control of the Program Sequencer from either the keypad or from the terminal strip. See Parameter 21-MODE (Section 4.2 and Table 4.4). When operating from the keypad, pressing the FWD key will command the drive to cycle through the programmed steps of the Program Sequencer one time only. Pressing the SHIFT and FWD keys simultaneously will cause the programmed sequence to repeat until the stop key is pressed. When operating from the terminal strip using remote operators, the same possibilities exist. If operating under three wire control, with the R/J terminal active, momentarily activating the FWD terminal will force the programmed sequence to be executed once. If the FWD terminal is activated continuously, the programmed sequence will be repeated. When a stop command is issued to the drive, it will reset the Program Sequencer to the beginning and await the next start command. If the CTS terminal is activated, the Program Sequencer pauses at the Current Step. The Program Sequencer cannot be run under SIO control. The individual program parameters may be downloaded to the control via SIO communication. The program sequence can be single-stepped through by repeatedly pressing the LOCal/REMote key. If, for example, long time delays were programmed at several steps of the Program Sequencer, it would be possible to disregard these long-time intervals to verify program functions. Other Software Features During program sequence operation the first four (4) characters of the keypad display will show the sequence step being executed (SEQ1, SEQ2 SEQ9). See Section 3.6 description of displays. Parameter A8-OPTA8 is available for viewing during the execution of the programmed sequence steps. This parameter allows the viewing of elapsed time during the sequence, if using the time base option. If using the event count option, this will be a real time events counter. Parameter A8 can allow the user to monitor where the drive is operating relative to the entire sequence and when you can expect the next step to begin. Parameter A9-OPTA9 can be used in conjunction with A8 since it displays the actual step number of the sequence (0-9). Parameter B7-NENC is used as a prescaler for the Event Count parameter when operating in the Pulse Count mode (using the WPC04 Encoder Interface Board). For example, if B7 is set to 10, the inverter will receive 10 pulses before considering one (1) event complete. This is useful when very high pulse counts are needed. The maximum frequency of the input pulses is 60 Hz. Event Sequencer Worksheet Refer to the previous discussion and fill in the appropriate codes for Cx-CNTLx and Ex-ECNTx in Table 4.5. To skip all remaining events, ensure that the respective Cx and Ex values are set to zero. 38 Event # Param/Bit # C1-CNTL1 E1-ECNT1 C2-CNTL2 E2-ECNT2 C3-CNTL3 E3-ECNT3 C4-CNTL4 E4-ECNT4 C5-CNTL5 E5-ECNT5 C6-CNTL6 E6-ECNT6 C7-CNTL7 E7-ECNT7 C8-CNTL8 E8-ECNT8 C9-CNTL9 E9-ECNT9 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Note 1: Terminal PS3 is not available under these selections of 21-MODE for digital comparison. TABLE 4.4 TABLE 4.5 21-MODE Setting LOCal REMote Transfer by 0/10 Sequencer operation N/A N/A from keypad 1/11 Normal keypad Sequencer operation LOC/REM operation from keypad key 2/12 Normal keypad Sequencer operation LOC/REM 3/13 operation from terminal strip key 4/14 N/A Sequencer operation N/A 24/34 from terminal strip 21/31 Normal keypad Sequencer operation PS3 operation from keypad (Note 1) 22/32 Normal keypad Sequencer operation PS3 23/33 operation from terminal strip (Note 1) 39 Parameter Units Level 82-START - Inverter Start Options L2 This parameter selects options such as line start lockout, line starting or starting a rotating motor. 82-START also allows the keypad STOP key to function as an emergency stop when operating the inverter from the terminal strip. Various options for 82-START include: Note: When data codes 2, 3, 6 or 7 are selected, the display will indicate SPD SEARCH upon the initiation of a run command. 0 1 2 3 4...7 DATA CODE DESCRIPTION Line start lockout. When the inverter is configured for terminal strip operation with a maintained run command present, it will not start upon the application of line power. The direction command must be removed and re-established to start the drive. The keypad STOP functions as an EMERGENCY STOP when controlling the inverter from the terminal strip. Recovery from an EMERGENCY STOP will require that the STOP key be pressed a second time and then the direction command re-established. Line start (Autostart). With this setting, the drive will turn on when power is applied and a direction command is present. The STOP key is configured as an EMERGENCY STOP when operating from the terminal strip. This setting allows the drive to successfully start a rotating motor. Line Start Lockout is active. The STOP key functions as an EMERGENCY STOP when operating from the terminal strip. Start into a rotating motor with Autostart. STOP key enabled. Same start functions as 0 thru 3, but STOP key totally disabled in terminals mode. WARNING INSURE THAT AUTOMATIC RESTARTING WILL NOT CAUSE DAMAGE TO EQUIPMENT OR INJURY TO PERSONNEL. ADVERTISSEMENT ASSUREZ VOUS QUUN DEPART AUTOMATIQUE NENDOMMAGERA PAS LEQUIEMENT OU DE BLESSURE AU PERSONNEL. 40 Parameter Units Level 83-PWM - PWM Carrier Frequency Selector L2 This parameter sets the carrier frequency of the Pulse-Width-Modulation waveform supplied to the motor. Low carrier frequencies provide better low end torque but produce audible noise from the motor. Higher carrier frequencies produce less audible noise, but cause more heating in the inverter. The WFCHT is rated to produce continuous full load current at rated ambient temperatures when parameter 83-PWM is set to carrier frequencies 3, 4, 6 or 8 kHz. At higher carrier frequencies (12 and 16 kHz), the inverter will automatically switch to a lower carrier frequency when load conditions exceed the derating levels. When the load is reduced, the carrier frequency will return to its previous setting. Data Code 0 (Autoselect) automatically selects the highest carrier frequency permitted without overheating the inverter. Note: Autoselect will also adjust the carrier frequency to 8 kHz at 75 C and to 4 kHz at 90 C. When using Data Codes 5 & 6, the carrier frequency will shift to 1/2 of the selected carrier frequency when the output voltage is less than 6% of nominal rating. When using Data Codes 7 and 8, the carrier frequency will shift to 1/2 of the selected carrier frequency when the output voltage is less than 12% of nominal rating and to 1/4 of the selected carrier at 6% of nominal output voltage. For low speed high torque applications, the best performance can be achieved by selecting Data Codes 1, 2, 7 or 8. Adjustments are as follows: DATA MAXIMUM MOTOR CARRIER CARRIER FREQUENCY CARRIER FREQUENCY CODE FREQUENCY (Hz) FREQUENCY (kHz) (kHz) @ 12% Vout (kHz) @ 6% Vout 0 400 Autoselect Autoselect Autoselect 1* 260 3 3 3 2 350 4 4 4 3 400 6 6 6 4 400 8 8 8 5 400 12 12 6 6 400 16 16 8 7 400 12 6 3 8 400 16 8 4 *Factory Setting 41 Drive Derating at high carrier frequencies The chart below shows the derating of the WFCHT Series AC inverters at the designated carrier frequencies. Note that the derating at certain carrier frequencies is identical to an adjacent frequency. Therefore, there are three derating values over the six carrier frequency selections. MODEL WFC1001-0 WFC2000-7 WFC2001-0 WFC2002-0 WFC2003-0 WFC2005-0 WFC2007-5 WFC2010-0 WFC2015-0 WFC2020-0 WFC2025-0 WFC4001-0 WFC4002-0 WFC4003-0 WFC4005-0 WFC4007-5 WFC4010-0 WFC4015-0 WFC4020-0 WFC4025-0 WFC4030-0 WFC4040-0 WFC4050-0 WFC4060-0 WFC4075-0 CONTINUOUS LOAD RATING @ 3 & 4 KHZ 110% 110% 110% 110% 110% 110% 110% 110% 110% 110% 110% 110% 110% 110% 110% 110% 110% 110% 110% 110% 110% 110% 110% 110% 110% See Note CONTINUOUS LOAD RATING @ 6 & 8 KHZ 110% 110% 110% 110% 110% 110% 110% 110% 110% 110% 110% 110% 110% 110% 110% 110% 110% 110% 110% 110% 110% 95% 78% 79% 83% See Note CONTINUOUS LOAD RATING @ 12 &16 KHZ 110% 110% 110% 110% 82% 64% 110% 100% 110% 96% 86% 110% 110% 110% 90% 110% 110% 110% 69% 110% 110% 62% 51% 65% 57% See Note Note: Due to the internal temperature rise of the WFC4075-0, 75 HP models, the adjustability of parameter 83-PWM will be limited. The chart below shows the selections available for the WFC4075-0 models only. All other models will program according to the chart on the preceding page. DATA MAXIMUM MOTOR CARRIER CARRIER FREQUENCY CARRIER FREQUENCY CODE FREQUENCY (Hz) FREQUENCY (kHz) (kHz) @ 12% Vout (kHz) @ 6% Vout 0 400 Autoselect Autoselect Autoselect 1 260 2.3 2.3 2.3 2 350 2.5 2.5 2.5 3 400 4.6 4.6 4.6 4 400 5 5 5 5 400 9.2 4.6 4.6 6 400 10 5 5 7 400 9.2 4.6 2.3 8 400 10 5 2.5 De-rating table for WFC4075-0 models only 42 Parameter Units Level 84-DISP - Display Option Full Setting L2 Parameter 84-DISP, along with parameter 85-UNITS, allows the bottom line of the keypad display to be programmed in engineering units such as RPM, Bottles per hour - BPH or any desired unit up to five characters long. With factory default setting of "0", the display will present the commanded output frequency being delivered to the motor. As long as the speed command does not change, the display will not change. With data code "1" selected, the operating display will change as the inverter makes changes in the output frequency to maintain commanded performance (stator frequency). For example, slip compensation and regenerative current limit make changes in the stator frequency (See parameter 1A-FOUT2, an option parameter). For more information on option parameters, see parameter 81-PRGNO. The basic question that must be answered is, "What numeric indication do we want the display to indicate at if we're operating at maximum frequency (parameter 32-FMAX)?" This value may be modified to compensate for the number of decimal places programmed at parameter 85-UNITS. For example, to indicate 1800.0 RPM on the display at FMAX = 60 Hz, enter 18000 at parameter 84-DISP. Entries must be within the range of 10-65000. 85-UNITS - Display Units Setting L2 The programming for 85-UNITS is different from most parameters, in that the keypad keys operate differently. The UNITS identifier has up to a six-character format with each of the first five characters having the ability to display characters from the following list: blank, #, %, +, -, ., /, 0 thru 9, :, <, =, > and A thru Z The last character is a number between 0 and 9. If this value is set between 0 and 5, it will assign the position of the decimal place in the engineering units display. The factory setting is "R P M _ _ 1" which will display the value programmed at 84-DISP with one decimal place. If the last character is selected to be "9", the retention time function is invoked. This is, rather than a frequency / speed proportional output, a reciprocal function. The maximum display is 655.34 (dependent on the value programmed at 84-DISP); at output frequencies less than that, or less than 3.2 Hz, the display will indicate "_ _ _._ _". Two decimal places are maintained in this mode of operation and cannot be changed. Retention Time Example - Assume the following program settings: The display versus output frequency would be: 32-FMAX = 60 Hz Motor Frequency Display 31-FMIN = 10 Hz 60 10.00 MIN 84-DISP = 1000 40 15.00 MIN 85-UNITS = MIN__9 30 20.00 MIN 20 30.00 MIN 10 60.00 MIN To program 85-UNITS: 1. Press the STOP key if the inverter is running. 2. Hold the SHIFT key while pressing the PROGram key to enter Level 2. 3. Press the SHIFT key. The cursor will appear under the leftmost character in the data field. 4. Use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to scroll through the available choices. 5. Press the SHIFT key to move the cursor one place to the right. 6. Repeat steps 4 & 5 to complete the character selections. 7. The sixth position requires a number from 0-9 and either determines the number of decimal places in the display or whether the retention time function is activated. 8. Press the ENTER key to store the engineering units display in memory or the SHIFT key to move the cursor back to the first position. After 84-DISP and 85-UNITS have been set, the inverter output will be set and displayed in the engineering units format. DISPLAY UNITS PROG 85: RPM_ _ 1 43 Parameter Units Level 86-LANG - Display Language L2 This parameter sets the language for the display readout. The factory can supply a complete listing of displays in all languages. The options include: 87-ACODE - Security Access Code L2 This parameter allows the user to control access to the programmable functions of the inverter. The initial value of 87-ACODE is 000, that results in no access code being necessary. Any number between 001 and 999 may be used for an access code, but is not necessary. To enter an access code, simply re-program parameter 87 as though you would any other parameter. After you have stored this new value, you will have ten minutes of free access. If you remove power and reestablish it, you will need to enter the access code to change any program parameter. If you enter an incorrect access code, the inverter will display **WRONG CODE** and allow only VIEWing rights to the various parameters. Once the correct code is entered you again have 10 minutes of free access unless power is removed and re-applied. To disable the access code requirement, set 87-ACODE back to 000. 88-FRO - Frequency Reference Output This parameter determines the frequency pulse-train output from the 6FS terminal. Each of the frequency outputs can be used as a speed reference input to another WFCHT series inverter. See parameter 24-FSEL for additional information. Note that the pulse train from the 6FS terminal is rated at approximately a 30% duty cycle. DATA CODE LANGUAGE 0 English 1 Spanish 2 French 3 German A2-RATIO - Master / Slave Speed Ratio L2 A2-RATIO allows the 6FS output of one WFCHT series inverter (master) to be used to control the speed of up to eight (8) other (slave) inverters. The output of each slave unit can be individually programmed, or trimmed "ON-THE-FLY" with A2-RATIO. The range of adjustment is 0-200% of the master. See Section 6.3 - Application Hints for further information. B1-OPTNO - Option Board Number L2* This parameter serves as an excellent diagnostic tool. It indicates which, if any, of the WPC style option cards have been installed in the WFCHT inverter. For instance, if the WPC01 Isolated Analog and Digital Output Card has been installed in the drive, B1 would indicate "1". If no card is in the drive or if the card is not recognized by the drive, B1 would indicate "0". DATA CODE DESCRIPTION 0 6 times operating frequency 1 48 times operating frequency 04 TMAX Maximum Heatsink Temperature 60-100 85 C 3 45 0A CFLT Current Fault --- --- --- 3 45 11 STAT Inverter Status Byte BINARY (8) --- --- 3 45 22 FNCT Inverter Operating Function 0-4 --- --- 3 46 23 CNTL Control Information Byte BINARY (8) --- --- 3 47 25 FEXT1 External Speed #1 0.00-400 0 Hz 3 47 26 FEXT2 External Speed #2 0.00-400 0 Hz 3 47 28 TLEXT External Torque Limit Reference 0-150 0 % 3 47 29 COUT Control Output Status BINARY (8) --- --- 3 47 7A CIN Control Board Terminal Status BINARY (8) --- --- 3 48 7B CIN2 Option Board Terminal Status BINARY (8) --- --- 3 48 7C FIN Control Board Analog Input Status 0-32768 0 --- 3 48 7D FAUX Option Board Analog Input Status 0-32768 0 --- 3 48 7E LIM Analog Torque Limit Input Status 0-15000 15000 --- 3 48 91 SIOC SIO Communication BAUD Rate 0-7 0 --- 3 48 92 SIOA SIO Slave Address 1-94 1 --- 3 48 93 SIOT SIO Watchdog Timer 0.00-60.00 0.00 s 3 48 94 SIOF SIO Fault Byte BINARY (8) --- --- 3 49 95 SIOP SIO Protocol 0-3 0 --- 3 49 44 SECTION 5 LEVEL 3 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS AND PROGRAMMING The following is a summary of the parameters associated with SIO communication. Consult Form 997 - SIO Serial Link Protocol or the factory for more information on the use of WFCHT Series inverters in serial communication applications. 5.1 Program Code Summary (Level 3) # Name Description Data Factory Units Access See Customer Range Setting Level Page Setting 5.2 Programming To change the default programming for a given parameter from the keypad: A. Press the STOP key, if the inverter is running. Some parameters (see the individual parameter description) can be changed while the inverter is operating. B. To enter Level 1 programming, press the PROGram key. To enter Level 3, hold the SHIFT key and press the PROGram key. C. Use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to select the program parameter for change. D. Press the SHIFT key. The program number will blink indicating that the data value may be changed. E. Use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to select the new data code. F. Press the ENTER key. The display will indicate **STORED** for one second, then revert to the normal parameter display. G. Press the PROGram key to exit the programming mode or the UP/DOWN arrow keys to select a new parameter for change. SIO SLAVE ADDR PROG 92: 1 45 5.3 Parameter Descriptions This section provides a functional description of all WFCHT programming parameters at Level 3. Those with a level indication including an asterisk (*) cannot be programmed, but can be viewed while the drive is operating. Parameter Units Level 04-TMAX - Maximum Heatsink Temperature C L3* This parameter is factory set to the maximum heat sink temperature that the processor will allow continuous operation of the drive. The inverter's display will indicate HI TEMP at TMAX minus 8C. The data type for 04-TMAX is a real number. 0A-CFLT - Current Fault L3 This parameter is accessible serially in the event of a fault to determine the cause of a fault. It is stored as an integer value with fault code (See Section 7) and elapsed time available to the host computer. Refer to Section 4 for a more thorough discussion of fault codes (07-FLT3, 08-FLT2 and 09-FLT1). 11-STAT - Inverter Status Byte L3 This parameter is accessible to determine the present conditions in which the inverter is operating. The data is stored as an integer, but represents a binary word. Bit #7, the most significant bit, when active indicates that the drive is operating within the 8C limit of 04-TMAX. Bit #6, when active, indicates that the drive is operating in torque limit. When bit #5 is active, the drive is operating at an output frequency in excess of that programmed at parameter 36-F5. Bit #4 being active indicates that the drive is "AT SPEED". The remaining bits (3 thru 0) combine to indicate multiple conditions as outlined in the following table: 0 0 0 0 Power applied to the inverter and it is in IDLE, awaiting either an operation or programming instruction. 0 0 0 1 The inverter has faulted. 0 0 1 0 The inverter is in the STOP condition. 0 1 0 0 The FORWARD direction has been selected. 1 0 0 0 The REVERSE direction has been selected. 1 1 1 0 DC voltage is presently applied to the motor. 1 1 1 1 Writing this value into 11-STAT can be used to reset all faults. BIT NUMBER 3 2 1 0 DESCRIPTION 46 Parameter Units Level 21-MODE - Input Mode L1/L3 21-MODE defines the operating functions that are active from the Keypad, the Terminal Strip, and the SIO Serial Link in both the LOCal and REMote operating modes. Also the mode transfer mechanism is defined by your selection at this parameter. Proper setting of this parameter is the first step in customizing the inverter to your application. The following table defines the combinations available to the SIO user. DATA CODE LOCal (1) REMote SIO Control Only 7 17 Disabled 24-FSEL 23-CNTL N/A Combination Keypad/SIO Control 6 16 Keypad 24-FSEL 23-CNTL LOC/REM key 26 36 Keypad 24-FSEL 23-CNTL PS3 Combination Terminal Strip/SIO Control 8 18 24-FSEL 23-CNTL Terminals PS3 Combination Keypad/Terminal Strip/SIO Control 5 15 Keypad 25-FEXT1 Terminals LOC/REM key 4 25 35 Keypad 25-FEXT1 Terminals PS3 4 Notes: 1. Under LOCal operation, when control is specified as keypad, the active torque limit reference is the preset values at parameters 61 thru 64 as if parameter 27-TLSEL were set to a code "3". In all other cases, the drive obeys the setting of parameter 27 directly. 2. Enables or disables the REV key on the keypad. 3. When "Terminals" specified as a speed reference, the programming of parameter 24-FSEL actually controls the active speed reference. 4. In REM operation, terminals PS1, PS2, PS3 and ART are active. All will (except PS3 in modes greater than 20) perform their previously defined function (see Section 2.8). 22-FNCT - Inverter Operating Function L3 This RAM parameter, represented by the integer values 0 thru 4, defines whether the inverter is expecting to receive a programming change or an operational command. The host computer either sets 22- FCNT to code "4" to enable a program parameter change, or code "3" to enable an operational command. LOC/REM Transfer via: See FWD only FWD/REV Speed Start/Stop Speed Start/Stop Note (2) (2) (3) (3) 47 25-FEXT1 - External Speed #1 Hz L3 26-FEXT2 - External Speed #2 Both 25-FEXT1 and 26-FEXT2 are RAM parameters that allow the host computer to write real values for output frequency in storage registers. Parameter 24-FSEL then can be used to have the inverter to look at these values as the active speed reference. The range is 0.00 to 400 Hz. 28-TLEXT - External Torque Limit Reference L3 Like 25-FEXT1 and 26-FEXT2, 28-TLEXT is a RAM parameter that works as a storage register. Real number values between 0 and 150% or drive rating can be stored here. Based on the value of 27- TLSEL, 28-TLEXT can become the active torque limit reference. 29-COUT - Control Output Status L3 The binary word that is represented by this integer value can be used to deduce the status of the drive's digital outputs. Bits 5 thru 7 are not used and will always be "0". If bits 4 thru 0 are active, the representation is as follows: Parameter Units Level 23-CNTL - Control Information Byte L3 This RAM parameter is the mechanism thru which actual SIO control of the inverter is achieved. It is represented by a binary word. The activation of each binary bit is read by the inverter as if the respective terminal were activated at the terminal strip. The breakdown is as follows: BIT # FUNCTIONAL RESPONSE 7 A reverse command is initiated as though the REV terminal is activated from the terminal strip. 6 A forward command is initiated as though the FWD terminal is activated from the terminal strip. 5 Once this command is initiated, either directional command will be maintained until the inverter is commanded to stop or change direction, just as if the R/J terminal were activated. 4 Activating this bit will put the inverter in a coast to stop mode. 3 Activating this bit is functionally the same as engaging the ART terminal. 2 Activating this bit is functionally the same as engaging terminal PS3. 1 Activating this bit is functionally the same as engaging terminal PS2. 0 Activating this bit is functionally the same as engaging terminal PS1. BIT # FUNCTIONAL INDICATION 4 Will indicate the activity of ST5, used only on option boards. 3 Will indicate the activity of STR, the auxiliary relay mounted on the control board. 2 Will indicate the activity of ST3, one of the open collector outputs on the control board, or the option card mounted relay following its active state. 1 Will indicate the activity of ST2, one of the open collector outputs on the control board, or the option card mounted relay following its active state. 0 Will indicate the activity of ST1, one of the open collector outputs on the control board, or the option card mounted relay following its active state. 7C-FIN - Control Board Analog Input Status L3 7D-FAUX - Option Board Analog Input Status The integer value found at this parameter represents the real world value of the analog speed input at the control board (7C-FIN) or from the option board input (7D-FAUX). It translates to a number in the range of 0-32,767 for 0 to maximum input. 7E-LIM - Analog Torque Limit Input Status L3 The integer value found at this parameter represents the real world value of the analog torque limit input at the control board. It translates to a number in the range of 0-15,000 for 0 to 150% of rated torque. 91-SIOC - SIO Communication BAUD Rate L3 The integer value stored at this parameter determines the communication BAUD rate used between the inverter and the host computer. Also, communication rights may be selected as either read/write or readonly. Data codes "0" thru "3" provide both read and write capability. Codes 4 through 7 are read-only. The BAUD rates available are: 48 Parameter Units Level 7A-CIN - Control Board Terminal Status L3 7B-CIN2 - Option Board Terminal Status The binary word represented by this integer value can be used to determine the status of the input terminal function. Parameter 7A-CIN relates to the control board inputs, parameter 7B relates to the option board inputs. The functions detected by this parameter are represented as active bits according to the following: BIT # FUNCTIONAL INDICATION 7 Will indicate that Reverse is active. 6 Will indicate that Forward is active. 5 Will indicate that R/J is active. 4 Will indicate that CTS function is active. 3 Will indicate that the ART input is active. 2 Will indicate that terminal PS3 is active. 1 Will indicate that terminal PS2 is active. 0 Will indicate that terminal PS1 is active. DATA CODE BAUD Rate 0/4 9600 1/5 4800 2/6 2400 3/7 1200 92-SIOA - SIO Slave Address L3 This parameter allows an individual slave address to be assigned to each slave inverter in a multi- drive application. Integer values between 1 and 94 are available. 93-SIOT - SIO Watchdog Timer L3 This parameter is the storage location for a real number of seconds. With 93-SIOT set to a value greater than zero, SIO activity must be logged at least once in that timeframe. It is used to monitor communication integrity primarily. 49 95-SIOP - SIO Protocol L3 The integer value stored at this parameter defines the communication protocol, selecting various ISO1745 and OPTO22TM options. The selections are outlined as follows: OPTO22TM is a trademark of OPTO 22, Huntingdon Beach, CA. Parameter Units Level 94-SIOF - SIO Fault Byte L3 The integer value stored at this location may be decoded to a binary word to detect faults associated with SIO communication. When various bits become active, they represent various faults that are SIO communication related. The significant bits and their indication are as follows: BIT # FUNCTIONAL INDICATION 7 The value written in the last communication was outside the range of acceptable values. 6 The last communication was to a write protected parameter. 5 The last communication was to an unknown parameter. 1 The value in seconds programmed at 93-SIOT has been exceeded without a valid SIO communication. 0 The restart procedure of drive re-initialization is in process. DATA CODE DESCRIPTION 0 ISO1745 protocol with even parity and seven data bits. 1 ISO1745 protocol with no parity and seven data bits. 2/3 OPTOTM protocol with no parity and seven data bits 6.1 Connecting Diagrams The following diagram shows typical connections for external speed and torque control as well as external starting and stopping of the inverter. Requirements for a jog feature and reversing are also included. SECTION 6 APPLICATIONS The following sections show various typical wiring connections of external controls to the WFCHT Series Inverter. Section 6.1 contains wiring diagrams for various speed control, torque control, start/stop and direction control, as well as options available from the inverters terminal strip. Refer to Section 2.7 Function and Use of Terminals. 50 WARNING TWIST WIRES TOGETHER BEFORE INSERTING IN TERMINAL. ADVERTISSIMENT ENROULEZ LE FILS ENSEMBLE AVANT DE LES INTRODUIRE DANS LA BORNE. SPEED POT LIMIT POT CW CW FORWARD REVERSE STOP ALTERNATE RAMP TIME R A M P T I M E SELECTOR SELECTIONS PRESET SPEED P R E S E T S P E E D COAST TO STOP T O S T O P SELECTOR REMOTE DIGITAL FREQUENCY METER AUXILIARY RELAY OUTPUTS O U T P U T S SIO SERIAL INPUT / OUTPUT I N P U T / O U T P U T LINK RS485 RUN JOG RESET PUSHBUTTON MOTOR THERMAL OVERLOAD GROUND MET CUSTOMER DISPLAY D I S P L A Y METER 4-20mA 4 - 2 0 m A PROCESS SOURCE MOTOR GND L1 L2 L3 B+ B- M1 M2 M3 FUSES DISCONNECT WDBxxx AUXILIARY DB PACKAGE D B P A C K A G E TORQUE (NOTE 4) ( N O T E 4 ) (NOTE 1) ( N O T E 1 ) (NOTE 2) ( N O T E 2 ) SINGLE OR S I N G L E O R THREE PHASE T H R E E P H A S E AC POWER A C P O W E R (NOTE 5) ( N O T E 5 ) COMCIN COMVIN REF LIM COMFWD REV +24 R/J PS1 PS2 PS3 ART +24 MOLCTS RST ST1 ST2 ST3 6FS COMSIO+ S I O + SIONOTES: 1. THE TOTAL RESISTANCE CONNECTED BETWEEN TERMINALS REF AND COM SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 1000 OHMS. 2. DO NOT CONNECT A POTENTIOMETER IF INPUTS SUCH AS 4-20mA OR 0-10VDC ARE USED. 3. ALL CONTROL BOARD CONNECTIONS SHOULD USE TWISTED AND SHIELDED WIRE WITH THE SHIELD CONNECTED TO TERMINAL COM. 4. THE FACTORY SETTING FOR THE CUSTOMER METER IS 10VDC FULL SCALE, INDICATING OUTPUT FREQUENCY. THE FULL SCALE OUTPUT MAY BE ADJUSTED USING PARAMETER 70-MCAL. SEE SECTION 4.11 5. THE USE OF SINGLE OR THREE PHASE POWER IS MODEL DEPENDENT. SEE SECTION 1.5 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. (NOTE 6) ( N O T E 6 ) 6. EXTERNAL OVERLOADS ARE OPTIONAL WHEN USING SINGLE MOTORS (SEE PARAMETER 67). FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. 51 The following diagram shows a two wire starting control along with the implementation of preset speeds and open collector outputs. In addition, it shows the connection of various customer supplied speed command signals. RELAY CONTROL SELECTIONS PRESET SPEED AUXILIARY RELAY OUTPUTS MOTOR THERMAL OVERLOAD GROUND MET MOTOR GND L1 L2 L3 B+ B- M1 M2 M3 FUSES DISCONNECT WDBxxx AUXILIARY DB PACKAGE COMCIN COM VIN REF LIM COMFWD REV +24 R/J PS1 PS2 PS3 ART +24 MOL CTS RST ST1 ST2 ST3 6FS COMSIO+ SIOSECTION 1.5 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. 6. THE USE OF SINGLE OR THREE PHASE POWER IS MODEL DEPENDENT. SEE (NOTE 5) CR6 CR5 CR4 CR3 CR2 MASTER CR1 (SEE NOTE 3) 52 6.2 WFCHT Series Options WPC Plug-In Option Boards WPC Plug-In Option Boards are specifically designed to work with WFCHT Series AC Inverters. They install inside any WFC model inverter above the control board in the J7 option connector. WPC01 Isolated Output Board The WPC01 Isolated Output Board has two functions. One section is used to convert the three open collector transistor outputs (ST1, ST2 & ST3) to Form C contacts rated 115 VAC @ 1 Amp for customer use. Each relay can be individually programmed to indicate one of eleven (11) inverter states. The other section provides two isolated, 4-20 mA output signals for customer use. One output varies proportionally to output load, and the other is programmable to follow either frequency, volts, current, load or torque. WPC02 115 Volt Input Interface Board This option card is used to allow the inverter to be controlled by 115 VAC signals instead of the normal +24 VDC logic. It provides isolated control of FWD, REV, R/J, PS1, PS2, PS3, ART, MOL, CTS and RST. Additionally, two relays are provided with one Form C contact each rated 115 VAC @ 1 Amp. These are controlled by the settings of ST1 and ST3. A Triac output is also supplied which is controlled by the setting of ST2. WPC03 Relay/Line Transfer Board This option board provides three relays to convert the three open collector transistor outputs (ST1, ST2, & ST3) to Form C contacts rated at 115 VAC @ 1 Amp for customer use. It also allows for synchronous transfer of a motor from inverter power to AC line power and back when used with external contractors (not supplied). WPC04 Encoder Interface Board The WPC04 option allows the user to interface the WFCHT or WFC Series Inverter to a shaft mounted encoder or magnetic pickup. It permits such advanced control functions as: Closed loop speed control, Master/Follower operation, and Event counting. WPC05 Process Control Board The WPC05 board adds two additional functions to the WFCHT or WFC Series Inverters: a bi-polar speed reference input with trim and an interface with process signals for speed regulation. The bi-polar speed reference allows a 10 VDC signal or potentiometer to be used to control both the speed and direction of the motor. The process control function permits set-point with proportional and integral gain adjustment, of pumps, fans, winders, etc., using standard analog feedback signals. WPC06 Logic Interface Board This option board has similar features and functions as WPC02 115 VOLT Input Interface Board but is scaled for use with 24 volts AC or DC control signals. It also permits the WFCHT to be controlled by open collector pull-down transistor circuits if required. The Triac output used on the WPC02 is not provided. WKM01 Keypad Mounting Kit The WKM01 option is intended for use when the standard WFCHT is mounted inside another enclosure and it is desired to have the standard keypad remotely mounted on that enclosure. It allows the keypad to be remotely mounted from the control. The kit includes a mounting bezel, instructions, a 10 foot cable for installation, and a terminal fan-out strip. When used with WBP01 (see below), the keypad can be mounted more than 100 feet from the control. If property installed, the keypad will retain its NEMA 4 rating. WKM02 Keypad Remote Control Kit The WKM02 option is intended for use when it is desired to have the standard keypad remotely mounted from the NEMA 4 WFCHT unit. It allows the keypad to be mounted in its own enclosure up to 100 feet from the control. The kit includes the mounting enclosure (5.35" x 6.78" x 2.5" HxWxD), keypad connector fan-out board, WBP01 Keypad Blank Plate Option and instructions for installation. When properly installed, the keypad and unit will retain their NEMA 4 ratings. WBP01 Keypad Blank Plate Option This option is used to replace the digital keypad in NEMA 4 models when the keypad has been remotely mounted. When properly installed, the WFCHT will retain its NEMA 4 rating. WDB211/WDB411 External Dynamic Brake Assembly The WDBxxx assemblies are designed to increase the capacity of the WFCHT to absorb the regenerated energy from a motor during rapid deceleration or overhauling loads. The WDB211 is designed to connect to any 230 Volt WFCHT Inverter and provide 10 horsepower of braking capacity at a 10% duty cycle. Similarly, the WDB411 is intended for use on 460 volt models. For capacities greater than 10 horsepower, units can be connected in parallel. 53 WCK-01/02/03/04 Chassis Mounting Kits This option allows the WFCHT Series Inverter to be mounted with the heat sink fins protruding through the back of another enclosure. This mounting scheme allows the cabinet size to be minimized since most of the energy dissipated by the inverter will be channeled through the fins to the outside of the cabinet. Gasketing is supplied to allow the package to maintain its environmental integrity. The WCK01 Chassis Mounting Kit fits all models through 5 HP; the WCK02 fits 460 VAC models from 7.5 through 20 HP and 230 VAC models 7-1/2 and 10 HP. WCK03 is used for the 20 HP 230 VAC and 25-30 HP 460 VAC models. WCK04 is used for the 25 HP 230 VAC and 40-75 HP 460 VAC models. SIOC01 Serial Interface Converter This is a stand-alone converter module which will translate the RS232 communications protocol used in many personal computers to the industrial RS485 protocol used in the WFCHT Series Inverter. 6.3 Application Hints A number of typical applications have proven to require further explanation. Several typical applications are summarized in the following paragraphs. Use of Motor Starters with the WFCHT A frequent application of inverters is in previously fixed speed, uni-directional applications where the motors are controlled by electromagnetic starters. The WFCHT Series is compatible with this kind of operation, providing the start/stop cycle time does not exceed 30 times per hour (1 start/2 minutes). Connect the contactor on the line side of the inverter. Set parameter 21-MODE for terminal run/stop control and install a wire jumper or maintained contact between Terminals FWD & +24. Finally, set parameter 82-START to a data code that defeats the standard line start lockout feature. If the contactor must be installed on the inverters output to conform with local electrical codes or some other compelling reason, it must be interlocked to the WFCHT to shut it down when the starter opens for any reason. This can be accomplished by connecting a normally closed auxiliary of the motor starter to Terminals CTS & +24 on the WFCHT. When the contactor opens, the auxiliary will close forcing the inverter to turn off without a deceleration ramp. NOTE: IF TRIPS OCCUR, A SPECIAL SNUBBER NETWORK MAY NEED TO BE INSTALLED ACROSS THE CONTACTS; CONSULT THE FACTORY. Defeating the Keypad The inverters standard keypad is designed to give full functional control for most applications. This may be prohibitive in some cases. If a remote station is to have exclusive control of speed and direction commands, set 21-MODE to code 4 or 14. The keypad stop key will remain active as both an EMERGENCY STOP button and a fault RESET mechanism. To defeat the E-STOP function, set parameter 82-START to a value greater than 3, being careful to observe the other ramifications of the selection (ability to start a rotating motor & line start lockout). An access code may be assigned to prohibit unauthorized program revision. See parameter 87- ACODE for more information. Finally, if absolutely necessary, the entire keypad may be removed for total isolation of the control. Install a WBP01 in place of the keypad on enclosed models to maintain the NEMA 4 integrity. Master/Slave Control of Multiple Inverters with Ratio Adjust A series of master and slave controls is quite common in industrial processes. Most are uni- directional applications. Frequently, it is necessary that they not all run at exactly the same speed. With the WFCHT Series, this kind of control is possible even while maintaining the use of one standard keypad for system control. This scheme requires control reprogramming to reset the speed ratio of the followers, however. To accomplish full system control from the masters keypad, the following program changes must be made: Master 75-STR = 5 88-FRO = 0 Slave(s) 21-MODE = 4 24-FSEL = 3 75-STR = 1 Parameter A2-RATIO on each drive will be used to set the speed ratio of each follower to the masters speed. To get the speed to follow each other in a ratio sequence, connect Terminal 6FS on the master to each of the followers VIN terminals and Terminal COM on all the drives together. To achieve common direction command, connect the FWD terminals on all slaves together with the normally open auxiliary relay on the master and connect the common connection of the masters auxiliary relay to its Terminal +24. To achieve fault interlocking for all the drives, connect the normally closed auxiliary relay contacts on all the follower drives in series back to Terminals +24 and MOL on the master. This will cause the fault on any slave to shut down the master and the entire system. Conclusion Refer to the individual programming parameters listed throughout the manual to define the impact of each program change. An Electrical Applications Engineer is available to discuss these applications or your particular needs daily. See the contact information on the back of the manual. 54 SECTION 7 TROUBLESHOOTING 7.1 Fault Codes WARNING DISCONNECT POWER BEFORE SERVICING THIS CONTROL. HAZARDOUS VOLTAGES EXIST UNTIL CHARGE LIGHT GOES OUT. AVERTISSEMENT COUPER LALIMENTATION AVANT DENRERENORE LE DEPANNAGE DU SYSTEME ELECTRIQUE. VOLTAGE DANGEUREUX EXISTE TANT QUE LA LUMIERE INDICATRICE RESTE ALLUM. NUMBER MESSAGE EXPLANATION F01 COMPUTER ERROR CPU Malfunction F02 MEMORY ERROR EEPROM Data Destroyed F03 CURR SENSE ERROR Wrong Bus Current Measurement F04 PWR SUPPLY ERROR Power Supply Voltage Low F05 NO DC BUS VOLTS Low DC Bus Voltage Detected F06 OUTPUT SHORT CKT Short Sensed During Power-up F07 MOL CONTACT OPEN Motor Overload Terminal Fault F08 OPTION BD FAULT Error in an Option Card F10 RESTART LOCKOUT Auto Restart Number Exceeded F11 GROUND FAULT Ground Fault Detected F12 EXT INTERFERENCE External Interference F13 OVERVOLTAGE DC Bus Voltage Too High F14 UNDERVOLTAGE DC Bus Voltage Too Low F15 DYN BRAKE OVLD DB Duty Cycle above Limits F16 ACCEL OVERCURR Overcurrent During Acceleration F17 DECEL OVERCURR Overcurrent During Deceleration F18 RUN OVERCURRENT Overcurrent While at Speed F19 OVERTEMP TRIP Heat sink Temperature Too High F20 TIMED OVERLOAD Electronic Overload Exceeded TABLE 7.1 NOTES: 1. Faults F01-F08 are checked during the power-up sequence. F02 is also checked during the programming. F04 is also checked in the run and stop modes. 2. Faults F11-F20 will be reset and the inverter restarted if the Auto-Restart function is selected. F01 Noise on Power Line F02 Excessive Ambient Electrical Noise or an Invalid 59-MVOLT Setting F03 Excessive DC Bus Current F04 Logic Power Supply Overload F05 No DC Bus Voltage F06 Output Short Circuit or Ground Fault F07 External Fault Mechanism (i.e. Motor Overload Relay [MOL] Tripped) F08 Option Board Fault F10 Auto-Restart (68-NRST) Number Exceeded F11 Ground Fault F12 External Interference F13 Overvoltage on DC Bus F14 Undervoltage on DC Bus F15 DB Overload F16 Acceleration Overcurrent F17 Deceleration Overcurrent 55 7.2 Troubleshooting FAULT NUMBER CAUSE REMEDY 1. Reset the drive using the stop key or remote reset. 2. Remove power, wait for the BUS CHG indicator to extinguish and re-establish power. 3. If the problem persists, install a line noise filter. 1. Verify the proper use of shielded wire for remote signal connections. 2. Remove power, wait for the BUS CHG indicator to extinguish and re-establish power. 3. Verify the setting of 59-MVOLT and reset to a valid number. 1. Verify the proper sizing of the inverter for the driven load. 2. Determine the reason for the overload. 1. Check for/reduce excessive load on the +24 VDC supply. 2. Remove power 10-15 min.; then reapply. 1. Check for proper source voltage. 2. Check for DB component or output transistor failure. 3. Check for shorted DC bus. 4. Remove power 10-15 min.; then reapply. 1. Check motor wiring. 4. Increase 53-FKNEE value. 2. Extend the acceleration time. 5. Isolate line and load wires. 3. Reduce 52-BOOST value. 6. Consult factory. 1. Check connections on MOL terminal. 2. Verify the sizing of MOL. 3. Check motor temperature. 1. Verify the proper connection and usage of applicable option board. 1. Check the fault log (07-FLT3, 08-FLT2, and 09-FLT1). 2. Institute corrective action for those faults. 1. Check motor wiring. 2. Extend the acceleration time. 3. Check for and remove any capacitive load. 4. Reduce 52-BOOST value. 5. Increase 53-FKNEE. 6. Isolate line and load wires. 7. Check for output contactor. (See Section 6.3.) 1. Verify line voltage. 2. Look for electrical noise sources in proximity to the drive. (See Section 2.6.) 3. Install line reactor or isolation transformer. 4. Consult factory. 1. Motor is decelerating too quickly. 2. Check input line voltage. 3. Increase deceleration time or add optional external DB package. 1. Verify applied line voltage. 2. Check for possible DB failure. 1. Reduce the braking duty cycle. 2. Verify line voltage. 3. Install optional external DB package. 1. Increase acceleration ramp time. 2. Check motor wiring for short circuit. 1. Increase deceleration ramp time. 2. Install optional external DB package. TABLE 7.2 (continued on next page) PROBLEM CHECK POINT CORRECTIVE ACTION Incorrect wiring External frequency command (if used) Programming selections Fault Motor stall Loose terminal connection Frequency control pot erratic Frequency profile Frequency control signal Motor nameplate specifications Keypad connections intermittent Logic supply overload 56 7.3 Maintenance and Inspection The WFCHT AC Inverter is essentially maintenance-free and should provide years of trouble-free operation if proper installation and operation procedures are observed. Chassis type controls are designed to be operated in relatively clean and low humidity areas. If dust accumulates on the internal printed circuit boards and components, remove power and clean with low pressure air or vacuum. Remove any dust or lint that accumulates on the outside of the enclosure, the fan, the fan grille, and the heat sink fins to maintain the excellent cooling properties of your WFCHT Inverter. NEMA 4 models are by design compatible with being washed down by water. After this has been done, it is suggested that the drive be operated for several minutes to expel any water trapped within the fan motor. 1. Check all power and control wiring. 1. Verify that the external frequency control signal is properly connected. 2. Verify the integrity of the frequency control potentiometer (if used). 1. Verify that the proper programming selections have been made for the application. 1. Verify that the inverter has not shut down due to a fault condition. 2. Consult Table 8.2. 1. Release any overload on the motor. 2. Verify that adequate torque boost is available. 1. Stop the inverter, turn off power, and tighten all terminal screws. 2. Check for tightness of all connections within the drive. 1. Replace frequency control potentiometer. 1. Verify that the setting of 53-FKNEE and 32-FMAX are correct for the motor specification and application. 1. Verify the input signal level. 1. Verify that the motor selection is proper for the application. 1. Verify keypad connections to control board. 1. Check for excessive load on terminal +24. 2. Remove power for 10-15 minutes; then reapply. Motor is not running Motor Speed Fluctuation Motor Speed Too High or Too Low Display Blank TABLE 7.3 F18 Running Overcurrent F19 Heat Sink Overtemperature F20 Timed Overload 7.2 Troubleshooting (continued) FAULT NUMBER CAUSE REMEDY 1. Locate the cause of a mechanical overload on the motor. 1. Check for excessive load on the motor. 2. Verify the proper sizing of the WFCHT for the application. 3. Locate the WFCHT in a cooler location, out of direct sunlight. 1. Check for WFCHT sizing for the application. 2. Reduce the loading on the motor. 3. Check for DB component or output transistor failure. 4. Check for shorted DC bus. 5. Check setting of 67-TOL. 57 7.4 Replacement Parts The tables on the following pages reflect those replacement parts compatible with WFCHT Series AC Inverters. WFCHT1000 & WFCHT2000 Series Replacement Parts Description Part Number 1001-0 2000-7 2001-0 2002-0 2003-0 2005-0 2007-5 2010-0 2015-0 2020-0 2025-0 Control Board PC505 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Keypad PC233 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Power Card PC387 1 PC388 1 PC389 1 PC390 1 PC391 1 PC392 1 PC394 1 1 PC395 1 PC396 1 PC397 1 Power Int. PC448 1 Board PC449 1 Aux. Power Card PC450 1 1 1 Snubber Card PC464 1 1 1 Fan Kit FANKIT5HP 1 1 1 INTFANKIT20HP 1 1 EXTFANKIT20HP 2 2 INTFANKIT50HP 1 1 1 EXTFANKIT50HP 3 3 3 DB Kit DB2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 DB2010 1 1 Cover Kit COVERKIT5HPHT 1 1 1 1 1 1 COVERKIT20HPHT 1 1 Cur. Sense Asmbly. U6200R 1 1 1 MOV Board PC165 1 1 PC187 1 1 1 Capacitor Board PC154 1 PC155 1 Output Module U8578CR 3 U8579CR 3 U8586CR 3 U8587CR 3 U8588CR 3 Relay U6519R 1 1 U6516R 1 1 1 Rectifier Module E56205R 1 E56206R 1 E56208R 3 3 E56209R 3 Power Supply PSMOD07 1 1 1 1 1 1 Modules PSMOD08 1 1 1 PSMOD09 1 1 1 1 1 Description Part Number 4001-0 4002-0 4003-0 4005-0 4007-5 4010-0 4015-0 4020-0 4025-0 4030-0 4040-0 4050- 0 4060-0 4075-0 Control Board PC505 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Keypad PC233 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Power Card PC398 1 PC399 1 PC400 1 PC401 1 PC402 1 PC403 1 PC404 1 PC406 1 PC407 1 PC408 1 PC409 1 PC410 1 PC412 1 PC413 1 Aux. Power Card PC415 1 1 1 1 1 1 Snubber Card PC464 1 1 1 1 PC261 1 1 Fan Kit FANKIT5HP 1 1 INTFANKIT20HP 1 1 1 1 EXTFANKIT20HP 2 2 2 2 INTFANKIT50HP 1 1 1 1 1 1 EXTFANKIT50HP 3 3 3 3 EXTFANKIT75HP 1 1 DB Kit DB4005 1 1 1 1 DB4020 1 1 1 1 Cover Kit COVERKIT5HP 1 1 1 1 COVERKIT20HP 1 1 1 1 MOV Board PC166 1 1 1 1 PC188 1 1 1 1 Cur. Sense Asmbly. U6200R 1 1 1 1 U6199R 1 1 Capacitor Board PC156 1 1 PC157 1 1 PC158 1 PC164 1 Output Module U8591CR 3 3 U8577CR 3 U8583CR 3 3 U8584CR 3 U8585CR 3 U8589CR 3 3 U8593CR 3 Relay U6513R 1 1 U6519R 1 1 U6516R 1 1 1 1 U6528R 1 1 Rectifier Module E56204R 1 1 1 E56207R 1 E56210R 3 E56211R 3 3 E56212R 3 3 3 Voltage Share Bd. PC219 1 1 1 1 1 1 Power Intfc. Bd. PC436 1 PC437 1 PC438 1 PC439 1 Power Supply Mod. PSMOD04 1 1 1 1 PSMOD05 1 1 PSMOD06 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PSMOD08 1 1 1 1 1 1 ES Board PC260 1 1 WFCHT4000 Series Replacement Parts SECTION 8 APPENDIX A 8.1 Additional Publications Form HSC-7, Fundamentals of AC Inverters, may be purchased from TB Woods Incorporated at a nominal charge. This publication is a home study course which not only covers the fundamentals of AC inverters and AC motors, but also can be used as an application guide in sizing the correct AC inverter and AC motor for typical applications. Form 997 SIO Serial Link Protocol is available free of charge. This publication elaborates on the software and hardware requirements necessary to communicate with the inverter via the SIO link. Form 1041, EMOP and 5-speed operation manual for use in the crane and hoist industry. Form 1042, Reference Signal Reversing, describes the features and programming for Bi-directional inverter operation with a uni-polar reference signal. (Parameter 81-PRGNO = 200 or 201) 8.2 Hassle Free Warranty The driving force at TB Woods is customer service, including dealing with unforeseen problems without creating new ones! TB Woods takes the extra step to ensure that ANY problem that occurs to its electronic products is dealt with swiftly and with no hassles to you. The Hassle Free Warranty removes the burden of guilt and promises to quickly replace any failed product. TB Woods Incorporated warrants its electronic controls to be free of defects in parts or workmanship for a period of two (2) years from the date of manufacture. If a TB Woods product fails for any reason, excluding physical abuse or repeated failure, within the warranty period, TB Woods will promptly replace the product. TB Woods Incorporated shall not in any event be liable for any incidental or consequential damages, secondary charges, expenses for installing or disconnecting, or losses to persons or property resulting from any failure of the product. 59 60 APPENDIX B Use of TB Woods WLF Series Line Filters SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION This Appendix documents the specifications for TB Woods WLF Series line filters. The Appendix also contains installation and usage information relative to these products. Proper installation of these filters with the correct model of E-trAC WFCHT Series inverter or XFC Series micro-inverter will aid in complying with CE (Conformite Europeen) EMC directives. These filters will limit emissions, per EMC Directive 89/336 EEC, to meet the following specifications: EMA (Electromagnetic emission) EN 50081-1 Basic specification, Emitted Interference EN 55011 Emitted Interference - Industrial, Scientific and Medical Installations EN 55014 Emitted Interference - Residential Installations EMB (Electromagnetic interference) EN 50082-2 Basic specification, Interference Immunity EN 50140 Electromagnetic Fields EN 60801 Static Discharge ENV 50142 Surge IEC 801-4 Burst on mains lead/data line To assure compliance with the EMC directive, the following procedures must be observed: Installation of a line filter with properly matched WFCHT inverter. To meet the B Emission Curve for EMC (Commercial) Compliance, an output reactor may also be required. No output filter or reactor is required to meet the A Emission Curve for EMC (Industrial) Compliance (reduces leakage current to a level below 3.5 mA). Installing shielded motor cable and correctly grounding the shield. Observe general RFI suppression measures (refer to Section 5 Interference suppression measures/EMC [Electromagnetic Compatibility]). Note that the WLF series of line filters does not bear the CE mark. Although the filters have been tested with the inverters for compliance, installation practices and other wiring concerns make CE compliance with EMC directives the responsibility of the installer of the equipment. In addition, motor output wiring considerations required to meet the CE directives are also presented. Similarly, the WLF series of line filters is not UL listed or recognized. If local codes permit, the filters may be used in the United States as a solution for EMI and RFI problems either caused by or effecting the operation of an E-trAC series inverter. 61 WFCHT Series Inverter Compatibility Chart Inverter Input WLF Model Number Stacked Model1 Phase IP20 IP54 Voltage Amps HP kW Leakage Mounting2 WFC20007x 1 Consult Factory Consult Factory 0.75 0.5 5 mA Y WFC20010x 1 Consult Factory Consult Factory 0.75 0.5 5 mA Y WFC20020x 1 Consult Factory Consult Factory 1.5 1.1 5 mA Y WFC20030x 1 Consult Factory Consult Factory 3.0 2.2 5 mA Y 3 WLF40050H WLF40050D 460 12 5.0 3.7 5 mA Y WFC20050x 1 Consult Factory Consult Factory 3.0 2.2 5 mA Y 3 WLF40200H WLF40200D 460 38 20 15 5 mA N WFC20075x 3 WLF40200H WLF40200D 460 38 20 15 5 mA Y WFC20100x 3 WLF40200H WLF40200D 460 38 20 15 5 mA Y WFC20150x 3 WLF40300H 460 60 30 22 5 mA N WFC20200x 3 WLF40300H 460 60 30 22 5 mA N WFC20250x 3 WLF40400H 460 80 40 30 5 mA N WFC40010x 3 WLF40050H WLF40050D 460 3 1.0 0.7 5 mA Y WFC40020x 3 WLF40050H WLF40050D 460 5 2.0 1.5 5 mA Y WFC40030x 3 WLF40050H WLF40050D 460 12 5.0 3.7 5 mA Y WFC40050x 3 WLF40050H WLF40050D 460 12 5.0 3.7 5 mA Y WFC40075x 3 WLF40200H WLF40200D 460 38 20 15 5 mA Y WFC40100x 3 WLF40200H WLF40200D 460 38 20 15 5 mA Y WFC40150x 3 WLF40200H WLF40200D 460 38 20 15 5 mA Y WFC40200x 3 WLF40200H WLF40200D 460 38 20 15 5 mA Y WFC40250x 3 WLF40300H 460 60 30 22 5 mA N WFC40300x 3 WLF40300H 460 60 30 22 5 mA N WFC40400x 3 WLF40400H 460 80 40 30 5 mA N WFC40500x 3 WLF40500H 460 100 50 37 5 mA N WFC40600x 3 WLF40600H 460 120 60 45 5 mA N WFC40750x 3 WLF40750H 460 150 75 55 5 mA N Notes: 1. x Denotes enclosure type: A = Chassis, B = NEMA 1, C = NEMA 4 2. Y = Can be mounted between the inverter and panel (See Section 3). N = Must be mounted inside an enclosure. SECTION 2 SPECIFICATIONS TB Woods WLF line filters are provided in both IP20 and IP54 type enclosures. They can operate over a temperature range of -10 to +50C (-23 to +122F). The mounting options for the filters can be parallel or perpendicular to the control panel. For some filter / inverter combinations, it is possible to mount the inverter on top of the filter enclosure. Details of the WFC inverter line compatibility can be found in the table below: 62 SECTION 3 INSTALLATION Upon receipt of the filter, unpack it and carefully inspect for any damage sustained in transit. If damage is apparent, the freight or express agent should be notified within 15 days of receipt of the product and a request be made that he make inspection of the merchandise; then a claim should be filed against the carrier. For UPS shipment damage, save the box and packing material and contact TB Woods Incorporated immediately. TB Woods WLF Series line filters are designed to mount directly to a flat surface such as an enclosure panel. Metal hardware should be used to assure that the case of the filter is at earth ground potential. The filters can be mounted parallel to the panel or perpendicular to the panel. The filter should be installed as close as possible to the inverter. When mounting the filters parallel to the panel, the inverter can be mounted to the top of the filter module with the hardware provided (see figure 1). Dimensions (IP20 versions to 20HP) Case Dimensions Case Mounting Drive Mounting Terminals Model L W H X Y Size DL DW Size Lines GND WLF40050H 14.17/360 8.74/222 1.97/50 13.46/342 6.30/160 M6 11.02/280 7.87/200 M6 AWG 6 M5 WLF40200H 19.69/498 9.13/232 1.97/50 18.82/487 7.09/180 M6 16.50/419 7.87/200 M6 AWG 6 M5 Notes: 1. Dimensions in inches/millimeters 2. Terminal Labeled GND is at earth potential (PE) Figure 1 Figure 2 63 IP20 versions - 25 to 75HP IP20 versions - 25 to 75HP Notes: 1. Dimensions in inches/millimeters 2. On the WLF40300H filter, the power conductor terminations are of a terminal block type rather than a stud type. For this filter, AWG 6 wire should be used. The wire must be rated for 90C operation. Case Dimensions Case Mounting Terminals Model L W H X Y Size Lines GND WLF40300H 5.51/140 10.63/270 3.54/90 4.17/106 10.16/258 M6 AWG 6 M5 (90C)2 WLF40400H 7.09/180 13.78/350 3.54/90 5.75/146 13.31/338 M6 M10 M10 WLF40500H 7.09/180 13.78/350 3.54/90 5.75/146 13.31/338 M6 M10 M10 WLF40600H 7.87/200 16.54/420 5.12/130 6.54/166 16.06/408 M6 M10 M10 WLF40750H 7.87/200 16.54/420 5.12/130 6.54/166 16.06/408 M6 M10 M10 Figure 3 64 Case Dimensions Case Mounting Drive Mounting Terminals Model L W H A B Size X Y Size Lines GND WLF40050D 14.17/360 9.17/233 4.09/104 13.54/ 7.09/ Key-slot (top): 11.02/ 7.87/ M6 AWG 6 M8 344 180 0.71/18/high 280 200 0.51/13/large diam. 0.26/6.5/small diam. Slot (bottom): 1.04/26.5/depth 0.26/6.5/width 0.43/11/diam. of curve WLF40200D 19.45/494 9.17/233 4.09/104 18.82/ 7.09/ Key-slot (top): 16.54/ 7.87/ M6 AWG 6 M8 478 180 0.71/18/high 420 200 0.51/13/large diam. 0.26/6.5/small diam. Slot (bottom): 1.04/26.5/depth 0.26/6.5/width 0.43/11/diam. of curve IP54 versions - up to 20HP Notes: 1. Dimensions - inches / millimeters 2. The IP54 filters have a terminal block for line termination. Use the indicated wire size. The filter is connected to the inverter via the captive filter output cable. Connect the leads to the inverters L1, L2, and L3 terminals. Connect the ground lead to the inverter ground. Figure 4 65 SECTION 4 CONNECTIONS Wire Sizing Requirements Model Line Conductor Ground Conductor Ground Conductor Single Conductor 2 Parallel Conductors WLF40050H 14 AWG, 600 V 6 AWG, 600 V 14 AWG, 600 V WLF40050D WLF40200H 6 AWG, 600 V 6 AWG, 600 V N/A WLF40200D WLF40300H 6 AWG, 600 V 6 AWG, 600 V N/A (90C wire) (90C wire) WLF40400H 2 AWG, 600 V 2 AWG, 600 V N/A WLF40500H 1/0 AWG, 600 V 1/0 AWG, 600 V N/A WLF40600H 2/0 AWG, 600 V 2/0 AWG, 600 V N/A WLF40750H 3/0 AWG, 600 V 3/0 AWG, 600 V N/A Figure 5 Additional requirements may be necessary, dependent on CEC, CE, VDE, or local codes. Figure 5 shows the connections required for compliance to the CE EMC directive. Due to the leakage current associated with these filters (>3.5 mA), one of the following measures must be taken to be in compliance with specification EN 50178: The filter must be connected by a cable which is electrically parallel with the earth ground conductor. This conductor must meet the requirements of IEC 364-5-543 on its own. The ground conductor must have a cross section of at least 10 mm2 (#6 AWG), or two parallel ground conductors must be used of the same size as the line conductors. The ground conductor must be monitored by a fault detection device that isolates the inverter from the power source in the event of a fault. The inverter must always be connected permanently (EN 50178) when using a WLF Series line filter, due to the leakage currents involved. 66 SECTION 5 INTERFERENCE SUPPRESSION MEASURES (ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY) Electrical/electronic devices are capable of influencing or disturbing each other through connecting cables or other metallic connections. Electromagnetic Compatibility consists of two parts, interference resistance and interference emission. Correct installation of the inverter in conjunction with any possible local interference suppression measures has a crucial effect on minimizing or suppressing mutual interference. The following notes refer to a power source that is not contaminated by high frequency interference. Other measures may be necessary to reduce or suppress interference if the power source is contaminated. No general valid recommendations can be given in such cases. Please consult TB Woods Electronics Application Engineering if all recommended interference suppression measures should not produce the desired result. When dealing with RFI (radio frequency interference), the surface area of the conductors is a more critical parameter than the cross-sectional area. Since high frequency interference does not flow through the entire cross section of the conductor, but tends to stay toward its outer surface (skin effect), braided copper tapes of equal cross section should be used. The inverter and all components used for interference suppression, particularly the shield of the motor cable, should be connected over as large a surface area as possible when passing over metallic surfaces. Remove the paint from contact surfaces to assure a good electrical connection. See Figure 6 for recommended connection technique. Paint/varnish removed Large contact area with shield Shielded motor cable Figure 6 A central grounding point should be used for interference suppression. The ground cables are routed radially from this point. Loops in these lines are undesirable, and may lead to interference. The shield cross section must not be damaged when the shield is connected to the continuing lines. This would raise the RF resistance of the shield and as such, radiate rather than discharge the RF energy traveling on the shield. Shields, particularly those on control cables, must not be routed through pin contacts (plug connectors). When shielded cables must pass through a plug connection, the metallic hand guard of the plug is used for the continuation of the shield. It is strongly recommended that the shield be uninterrupted whenever possible. Use a shielded motor cable which is grounded over a large surface area at both ends. The shield on this cable should be uninterrupted. If a shielded motor cable can not be used, the unshielded motor line should be laid in a metal conduit or duct which is uninterrupted and grounded at both ends. When selecting shielded cable for use as motor leads, it is important to select a cable which is designed for operation at the frequencies and power levels involved. Improper selection of motor cable can cause high potential to exist on the shield. This could cause damage to the inverter or other equipment, as well as being a potential safety hazard. Cables such as OLFlex1 Series 150CY, 110CY, 110CS, 100CY, 100CS, and 540CP will work for this purpose. Siemens2 Cordaflex (SM) also are acceptable. Some of these cables are VDE approved only; others carry VDE, UL, CSA, and combinations of these ratings. Be sure to confirm that the cable you are using meets the certification of the agency required. If the installation requires the use of an output reactor, the reactor, like the line filter, should be placed as close as possible to the inverter. Control wires longer than 3 feet must be run in shielded cable, and the shield must be terminated at common (COM) in the inverter. (Note that connection to COM, the circuit common, rather than earth ground, is allowed because E-trAC inverters have isolated control inputs. If the inputs were not electrically isolated, the shield would have to be connected to earth ground). If the signal run exceeds 30 feet, a 0-20 mA or 4-20 mA signal should be used, as it will have better noise immunity than a low level voltage. 1. OLFlex Wire & Cable, 30 Plymouth Street, Fairfield, NJ 07004 (800) 774-3539 2. Siemens Energy and Automation, Inc., Power Cables, 3333 State Bridge Road, Atlanta, GA 30202 (800) 777-3539 67 Other loads connected to the power source may produce voltage transients (spikes) that may interfere with or damage the inverter. Line reactors or filters can be used on the input power to protect the inverter from such transients. If the inverter is operated from switchgear devices or is in close proximity to switchgear devices (in a common cabinet), the following procedures are recommended as a precaution to prevent these devices from interfering with the inverters operation: Wire the coils of DC devices with freewheeling diodes. The diodes should be placed as close as possible to the physical coil of the device. Wire the coils of AC devices with RC type snubber networks. Place the snubbers as close as possible to the physical coil of the device. Use shielded cables on all control and monitoring signals. Route distribution cables (e.g., power and contactor circuits) separately and as far away from control and monitoring signal cables as possible. 68 APPENDIX C EU DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY - 00 WE: TB Woods Incorporated 440 North Fifth Avenue Chambersburg, PA 17201 USA hereby declare that the products: Product Name: WFCHT Series Model Number: WFC1001-0, WFC2000-7, WFC2001-0, WFC2002-0, WFC2003-0, WFC2005-0, WFC2007-5, WFC2010-0, WFC2015-0, WFC2020-0, WFC2025-0, WFC4001-0, WFC4002-0, WFC4003-0, WFC4005-0, WFC4007-5, WFC4010-0, WFC4015-0, WFC4020-0, WFC4025-0, WFC4030-0, WFC4040-0, WFC4050-0, WFC4060-0, WFC4075-0 have been designed and manufactured in accordance with standards: Low Voltage Directive: EN50178 Electromagnetic Compatibility: EN50081-1 - Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems Part 3: EMC product standard including specific test methods The products referenced above are for use of control of the speed of AC motors. For Application information, consult the following document from TB Woods Incorporated -- Form 1226. Via internal mechanisms and Quality Control, it is verified that these products conform to the requirements of the Directive and applicable standards Chambersburg, PA, USA -- 1 December 2000 Rick Kirkpatrick Director of Marketing Electronics Division
69 Owner Warranty Registration Please be sure to send in this sheet to register your purchase. Just fold the form with the Woods address on the outside, secure with tape and mail. No postage is necessary. ________________________________________________________ _________ Your Name ________________________________________________ Title_____________________________ Company Name ______________________________________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________________________ _____ City ______________________________________________ State___________ Zip______________________ ________________________________________________________ _________ WFCHT Model WFC Serial No.___________________ Purchase Date______________________ Distributor Name___________________________________________ Quantity Purchase to Date________________________ ________________________________________________________ _________ Application (Please check the appropriate box) Compressor Mixer Conveyor Printing Press Fan/Blower Pump Drill Press Punch Press Feeder Saw Grinder Winder/Unwinder Knitting Machines Other ____________________________________ Machining ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Comments _______________________________________________________________________________ ___ _______________________________________________________________________________ ____________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ____________ TB Woods Incorporated 70
FORM 1226D Printed in U.S.A.
Other Wood's Locations Mt. Pleasant, MI San Marcos, TX Trenton, TN ATLANTA 700 Distribution Drive Atlanta, Georgia 30336 Telephone: 800-789-6637 FAX: 717-264-6420 CHICAGO 1900 Touhy Avenue Elk Grove Village, Illinois 60007 Telephone: 847-439-3788 FAX: 847-439-0478 DALLAS 1151 Empire Central Dallas, Texas 75247 Telephone: 214-637-0850 FAX: 214-637-0867 EDMONTON 9779-45th Avenue Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6E 5V8 Telephone: 403-439-7979 FAX: 403-439-7661 RENO 4970 Joule Street Reno, Nevada 89502 Telephone: 775-857-1800 FAX: 775-857-1822 MONTREAL 1073 Begin Street Ville St. Laurent Montreal, Quebec, Canada H4R 1V8 Telephone: 514-332-4812 FAX: 514-332-6842 TB Woods Incorporated 440 North Fifth Avenue Chambersburg, Pennsylvania 17201-1778 Telephone: 888-TBWOODS or 717-264-7161 Direct Dial (Sales) 717-267-2900 FAX: 717-264-6420 T. B. Woods Canada Ltd. 750 Douro Street Stratford, Ontario, Canada N5A 6V6 Telephone: 519-271-5380 FAX: 519-271-3094 TB Woods (Mxico) S.A. de C.V. Oriente 237 No. 171 Colonia Agrcola Oriental 08500 Mxico, D.F. Mxico Telephone: 5-558-16-20 FAX: 5-756-06-74 Plant Engineering Consultants (Wholly owned subsidiary) 521 Airport Road Chattanooga, Tennessee 37421 Telephone: 800-437-3311 or 423-892-7654 FAX: 423-894-0495 Distribution Centers
El proceso de fundición, permite dar forma a diferentes objetos que se han convertido en pieza fundamental en la vida del ser humano, obteniéndose productos y piezas que complementen maquinarias, productos funcionales en la cotidianidad o incluso objetos que embellecen ambientes. Se denomina fundición (también esmelter) al proceso de fabricación de piezas, comúnmente metálicas pero también de plástico La fundición es el procedimiento más antiguo para dar forma a los metales. Fundamentalmente radica en fundir y colar metal líquido en un molde de la forma y tamaño deseado para que allí solidifique. Generalmente este molde se hace en arena, consolidado por un apisonado manual o mecánico alrededor de un modelo, el cual se extrae antes de recibir el metal fundido. No hay limitaciones en el tamaño de las piezas que puedan colarse, variando desde pequeñas piezas de prótesis dental, con peso en gramos, hasta los grandes bastidores de máquinas de varias toneladas. Este método, es el más adapta
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