Rene Descartes Biografia

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Primeros aos y educacin:

Nacido en Indre-et-Loire, Francia en 1596 a un parlamentario, Descartes se gradu en el

Colegio de los Jesuitas Royal Henry-Le-Grand. Ms tarde obtuvo su grado en leyes de la
Universidad de Poitiers en 1616.
Fue reclutado en el ejrcito de Mauricio de Nassau, en la Repblica de Holanda, donde se
las arregl para hacer un poco de tiempo para estudiar las matemticas, la fsica y la
filosofa, no obstante.

Contribuciones y Logros:
Descartes fue una de las personas ms influyentes en la revolucin cientfica. l
prcticamente condensa la amplitud y variedad en el mundo por su conocida
frase; "Materia en movimiento". Escribi varios libros y artculos sobre la ptica, y examin
los arco iris. Declar que no haba vaco, sino que apoya la conservacin del
momento. Descartes tambin ide el principio de inercia. Un partidario de la teora
ondulatoria de la luz y de la teora del vrtice de planetas, pens en el universo y el cuerpo
humano como una mquina gigante. Tambin es descrito como el padre de la geometra
Su posicin filosfica ms importante estaba relacionado con la dicotoma mentecuerpo. Descartes explic que la mente era externa al cuerpo fsico en el que se introduce
a travs de la glndula pineal. Pens que la ciencia es una actividad de la mente que
observa (res cogitans) a percibir una realidad objetiva observada (extensa ref). Utilizando
una frase concisa, "cogito ergo sum" (pienso, luego existo), cambi todo el sentido de la
filosofa occidental. Descartes se acredita como el primer pensador que ofrecer un marco
filosfico para las ciencias naturales. Sus creencias teolgicas se convirti en polmica en
su momento y enfrentaron la oposicin directa del Papa.
Las teoras y los tratados de Descartes influyeron enormemente innumerables aspectos
del mundo fsico y cientfico.

Una vida y la muerte:

Ren Descartes muri de neumona el 11 de febrero 1650 en Estocolmo, Suecia, donde
fue invitado all para ensear a la reina Cristina.



Been born in Indre-ET-Loire, France in 1596 to a parliamentarian, Descartes
one graduated in the School of the Jesuits Royal Henry-Him. Later it received
its rank in laws of the University of Poitiers in 1616. It was recruited in the army
of Mauricio de Nassau, in the Republic of Holland, where one fixed them to do a
little of time to study the mathematics, the physics and the philosophy, despite.
Descartes was one of the most influential people in the scientific revolution. It
practically condenses the amplitude and variety in the world by his well-known
phrase; Matter in movement. It wrote several books and articles on the optics,
and examined the rainbow. It declared that there was no emptiness, but that
supports the conservation of the moment. Descartes also devised the inertia
principle. A partisan of the undulatory theory of the light and the theory of the
planet vortex, thought about the universe and the human body like a giant
machine. Also it is described like the father of analytical geometry. Its more
important philosophical position was related to the dichotomy mind-body.
Descartes explained that the mind was external to the physical body in which is
introduced through the pineal gland. It thought that science is an activity of the
mind that it observes (head of cattle cogitans) to perceive a observed objective
reality (extensive ref). Using a concise phrase, cogito ergo sum (I think, soon I
exist), changed all the sense of the western philosophy. Descartes is credited
like the first thinker who to offer a philosophical frame for natural sciences. Their
theological beliefs became controversy at their moment and faced the direct
opposition of the Pope. The theories and the treaties of Descartes enormously
influenced innumerable aspects of the physical and scientific world.
Ren Descartes died of pneumona the 11 of February 1650 in Stockholm,
Sweden, where she was invited to teach to queen Cristina there.

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