José Luis García López

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Jos Luis Garca Lpez

DC Special Series (Kid Flash) #11; (Legin de Superhroes) #21; (Batman vs. The Incredible Hulk)
#27 ( formato tabloide) (197881)

Jos Luis Garca Lpez, tambin transcrito como Jos

Luis Garca-Lpez, es un dibujante de cmic de origen
espaol (Pontevedra, 26 de marzo de 1948), que trabaja
para el mercado estadounidense, sobre todo para DC Comics. Sus obras ms destacadas son Atari Force, Cinder
and Ashe, Road to Perdition, Deadman o New Teen Titans.

DC Universe: Legacies, serie limitada, #3-4 (2010)

Deadman, miniserie, #1-4 (1986)
Deadman, miniseries, #5-6 (2002)
Detective Comics (Batman): #454, 458-459;
(Hawkman): #452, 454-455 (197576); (Elongated
Man): #500 (1981)


Su trabajo en comic books, tanto pginas interiores como

portadas, incluye:


Dr. Strangefate, one-shot (Amalgam Comics)

Green Lantern, vol. 2, Annual #3 (1987)


Hawkman, vol. 4, #18 (2003)

Action Comics #448, #451, #469-471, #475, #480482, #484, #487-488, #494-495, (Phantom Stranger) #623, 641 (198889)

Hercules Unbound #1-6 (197576)

Heroes Against Hunger (2 paginas, junto a otros artistas) (1986)

Adventure Comics (Vigilante): #442; (Deadman):

#462-463, 465-466 (197579)

House of Secrets (Abel) #154 (1978)

All-New Collectors Edition (Superman vs. Wonder

Woman) #C-54 (1978)

JLA: Classied #16-21 (2006)

Joker #4 (1975)

All-Star Western, vol. 3, #10 (2012)

Jonah Hex #1-4, 10, 32, 73 (197783)

Atari Force, vol. 2, #1-3, 7-8, 9-12 (1984)

Just Imagine Stan Lee creating Green Lantern (historia de apoyo) (2001)

Batman #272 (1976), 336-337, 353 (198182)

Legion of Super-Heroes, vol. 2, #55 (junto a otros

artistas) (1988)

Batman Condential #26-28 (2009)

Batman Family (Robin & Batgirl team-up) #3

Many Worlds of Tesla Strong, one-shot (junto a otros

artistas) (2003)

Batman: Gotham Knights (Batman: Black & White)

#10 (2000)

New Teen Titans, vol. 2, #7-11 (1985)

Batman: Reign of Terror, novela grca (1999)

On the Road to Perdition, miniserie, #1-3 (2003)

Brave and the Bold #164, 171 (198081)

Realworlds: Superman, one-shot (2000)

Cinder and Ashe, miniserie, #1-4 (1988)

Secret Origins (Phantom Stranger) #10 (1987)

Showcase '94 (New Gods) #1 (1994)

DC Comics Presents #1-4, 17, 20, 24, 31, 41 (1978


The Spirit, vol. 2, #17 (2011)

DC Graphic Novel (Star Raiders) #1 (1983)

Superman (Superman): #301-302, 307-310, 347;

(Mr. Mxyzptlk): #351 (197680)

DC Special: The Return of Donna Troy, miniserie,

#1-4 (2005)

Superman, vol. 2, #104-105 (1995)


Superman, Inc (Elseworlds) (1999)
Superman: Kal (Elseworlds) (1995)
Tarzan #250-255 (1976)
Twilight, miniserie, #1-3 (1990)
Wednesday Comics (Metal Men) #1-12 (2009)
Weird War Tales #41, 44, 108 (197582)
Weird Western Tales (Jonah Hex) #32-33, 38 (1976
Wonder Woman, vol. 2, Annual #1 (junto a otros
artistas) (1988)
Worlds Finest Comics (Superman and Batman)
#244, 255, 258 (197779)


Otros editores

Boris Karlo Tales of Mystery #64-65 (Gold Key,

Career Girl Romances #71 (Charlton, 1972)
Ghostly Tales #77, 79, 146 (Charlton, 196970,
Grimms Ghost Stories #24-25 (Gold Key, 1975)
Just Married #68-69, 71-74 (Charlton, 196970)

1992: Nominado al Mejor artista Premio Eisner,
por Twilight.[1]
1997: Nominado al Mejor dibujante/entintador o
equipo dibujante/entintador Premio Eisner, con
Kevin Nowlan, por Doctor Strangefate[2]


[1] 1992 Will Eisner Comic Industry Award Nominees and

[2] 1997 Will Eisner Comic Industry Award Nominees and


Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses



Jos Luis Garca Lpez Fuente:

79625694 Colaboradores: BOT-Superzerocool, Manu Lop, JackieBot, KLBot2 y Incolam




Content license

Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

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