Programa Mexilazos2014

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Curso: Robert Oeckl


Plenaria: Alberto Escalante

Plenaria: Daniel Colosi

12:00-13:00 Plenaria: Alberto Molgado

Plenaria: Hugo Morales







16:30-17:20 Charlas




18:00-18:20 Charlas


18:20-19:00 Discusin




Jasel Berra

Guillermo Chacn


Bogar Daz

ngel Alejandro
Garca Chung


Diego Ulloa

Max Dohse


Ricardo Rosas

Juan Manuel


Juan Daniel Reyes

Saeed Rastgoo


Iras Rubalcava

Mona Arjang


Jose Eduardo
Rosales Quintero


Fundamentos cunticos para la gravitacin cuntica

Robert Oeckl (CCM-UNAM)



"Elementos bsicos de la mecnica cuntica polimrica

Hugo Morales Tcotl (UAM-I)

Resumen. A partir de su propuesta como modelo de cuantizacin por lazos en sistemas

mecnicos como el oscilador armnico, la mecnica cuntica polimrica se ha seguido
explorando en otros sistemas sencillos incluyendo una partcula libre o en una caja o una
partcula relativista. Asimismo su aplicacin a cada uno de los modos de un campo lleva a un
propagador que sugiere un comportamiento distintivo a muy altas energas. Despus de
revisar algunos de estos elementos de la mecnica cuntica polimrica, en esta pltica
comentaremos sobre sus posibles alcances y limitaciones.

"Aplicaciones de la formulacin de fronteras generales de la teora cuntica

Daniele Colosi (ENES-UNAM-Morelia)

Estructuras de Poisson covariantes y modelos cosmolgicos

Alberto Molgado (FC-UASLP)

El Formalismo de Faddeev Jackiw, aplicado a Relatividad general

Alberto Escalante (IFUAP)



Some aspects of multisymplectic field theory

Jasel Berra (FC-UASLP)

We review some features of the multisymplectic formalism, which is a covariant generalization

of Hamilton's formulation of mechanics, through the de Donder-Weyl theory. Then we
expound that the associated Poisson structure is given by the Peierls-DeWitt bracket of
classical field theory. Finally, we present a couple of examples and give some insights toward
its generalization by means of the Lepage theories.


Lagrangian approach to the physical degree of freedom count

Bogar Daz (FCFM-BUAP) (Trabajo en colaboracin con Daniel Higuita y Merced

In this work we present a Lagrangian method that allows the physical degree of freedom
count for any Lagrangian system without having to perform neither Dirac nor covariant
canonical analyses. The essence of our method is to establish a map between the relevant
Lagrangian parameters of the current approach and the Hamiltonian parameters that enter in
the formula for the counting of the physical degrees of freedom as is given in Dirac's method.
Once the map is obtained, the usual Hamiltonian formula for the counting can be expressed
in terms of Lagrangian parameters only and therefore we can remain in the Lagrangian side
without having to go to the Hamiltonian one. Using the map it is also possible to count the
number of first and second-class constraints within the Lagrangian formalism only. For the
sake of completeness, the geometric structure underlying the current approach--developed
for systems with a finite number of degrees of freedom--is uncovered with the help of the
covariant canonical formalism.


Conteo de grados de libertad fsicos de la partcula libre relativista, comparacin entre

el enfoque Hamiltoniano y Lagrangiano.
Diego Ulloa (UDLAP)

Se tom una accin que describe la dinmica de la partcula libre relativista y se hizo el
anlisis para la obtencin de sus grados de libertad mediante el mtodo Hamiltoniano (Dirac)
y el nuevo enfoque Lagrangiano para el conteo de grados de libertad propuesto por Diaz B.,
Higuita D. y Montesinos M. a fin de comparar ambos mtodos. Por completes para el
enfoque Hamiltoniano, no solo se obtuvieron los parmetros necesarios para llevar a cabo el
conteo, si no que se desarrollo toda la teora hasta encontrar el Hamiltoniano extendido y su
principio de accin. Como contribucin adicional se investigo lo que suceda (respecto del
conteo) para sistemas con dependencia explicita del tiempo.


Constriccin Hamiltoniana de Gravedad con Funcin Cosmolgica: el

caso ADM.
Ricardo Rosas Rodrguez (Instituto de Fsica y Matemticas -UTM)

Hace poco propusimos una funcin cosmolgica como un anzatz que resuelve la constriccin
Hamiltoniana de gravedad en el contexto de variables de Ashtekar. Este ansatz nos fue
sugerido por las teoras de gravedad modificadas de Krasnov. El resultado es un modelo en
el cual la dinmica se pierde, muy parecido al modelo de Husain-Kuchar. En esta pltica
trataremos el caso de un ansatz similar en el contexto de variables ADM, todo esto fue
motivado por tratar de hallar una interpretacin de la funcin cosmolgica que resulta para el
caso de variables de Ashtekar.


Holst action, surface terms, and Poincare charges in real Ashtekar variables
Juan Daniel Reyes (CCM-UNAM-Morelia)

We revisit the formulation in real Ashtekar variables of Poincare charges and generators for
asymptotically flat space-times. We further discuss their connection to a well-defined
variational principle starting from the Holst action.

Some remarks on energy in first order 2+1 gravity

Iras Rubalcava Garca

We propose a three dimensional manifestly Lorentz invariant well posed Palatini action under
asymptotically flat boundary conditions. We find the falloff conditions of the first order
variables, we prove this action is well posed under this boundary conditions and then we find
the energy through two different decompositions. Then we compare our results with the ones
given by the second order metric formulation.

Supersymmetric extension for a CDJ-Action

Jose Eduardo Rosales Quintero (IFUG-UGTO)


Polymer quantum effects on compact stars models

Guillermo Chacn Acosta (UAM-C)

In this work we study a completely degenerated fermion gas at zero temperature within a
semiclassical approximation for the Hamiltonian arising in polymer quantum mechanics.
Polymer quantum systems are quantum mechanical models quantized in a similar way as in
loop quantum gravity that allow the study of the discreteness of space and other features of
the loop quantization in a simplified way. We obtain the polymer modified thermodynamical
properties noticing that the corresponding Fermi energy is exactly the same as if one directly
polymerizes the momentum p_F. We also obtain the corresponding expansion of
thermodynamical variables for small values of the polymer length scale. With this results we
study a simple model of a compact object where the gravitational collapse is supported by
electron degeneracy pressure. We find polymer corrections to the mass of the star


Comentarios sobre la Teora de Campos Polimrica: Reporte.

ngel Alejandro Garca Chung (UAM-I)

En esta pltica expondremos los aspectos principales de la Teora Polimrica del campo
escalar real dada por Viqar. Lo haremos desde la perspectiva del lgebra de Weyl y de la
estructura compleja. Prestaremos especial atencin a su relacin con el grupo de


Unique S-matrix for scalar QFT on AdS background from General Boundary
Max Dohse (CCM-UNAM, Morelia)(In collaboration with Robert OECKL, CM-UNAM, Morelia)

It is well known that for QFT on Anti de Sitter (AdS) spacetimes the standard S-matrix cannot
be constructed because there are no asymptotically free states for large times. The General
Boundary Formulation (GBF) is a reformulation of Quantum Theory which generalizes it, while

reproducing the standard results. The GBF allows us to consider states on the timelike
boundary of AdS, which solves the problem of the S-matrix for QFT on AdS background. In
this talk we sketch how to construct this S-matrix using a complex structure on the solution
space of the classical theory. Our S-matrix becomes unique by requiring it to be invariant
uder isometry actions, requiring its flat limit to reproduce the S-matrix on Minkowski
background, and by letting our radial amplitudes coincide with the amplitudes of the usual
states on equal-time surfaces.


Entropic force in Loop Quantum Gravity

Juan Manuel Garcia-Islas (IIMAS-UNAM)

We will present a mathematical method in loop quantum gravity which is able to reproduce an
entropic force. It combines the quantum space network interacting with a particle, giving rise
to a random motion in a graph. The random motion converges, in some special cases, to an
increase of the entropy, producing in this way an entropic force.


Towards the resolution of the singularity of the CGHS black hole in loop quantum
Saeed Rastgoo (UAM-I)

We show how to extend the method of singularity resolution of Gambini and Pullin for the
spherically symmetric model to the famous CGHS model. We perform a canonical analysis,
casting the theory in a suitable Hamiltonian form for quantization. Then we introduce the
states and their Hilbert space and represent the phase space variables on this space. Finally
we perform some analysis in the quantum theory and show that there are some very strong
indications that the physical Hilbert space does not include any state containing a singularity.
We also show that the observables that Gambini and Pullin found are also present here and
they are actually generic to any 2D model with diffeomorphism invariance.

New Formalism for helicity amplitudes in Born-Infeld Theory

Mona Arjang (IFM-UMSNH)

Born-Infeld theory is a highly nonlinear quantum field theory which is of exceptional interest
for field theory, since it displays a number of symmetries, both hidden and visible ones, and
also for string and D-brane theory.
We present a new and highly efficient formalism for the calculation of helicity-decomposed
amplitudes in Born-Infeld theory based on (off-shell) self-duality and (on-shell) helicity. We
confirm the 6-point tree-level compu- tation of Boels et al and perform the first 8-point
calculation in this theory. We propose to use this formalism in gravitational Born-Infeld theory.


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