Cidoc Sondeos 1-89 Completo
Cidoc Sondeos 1-89 Completo
Cidoc Sondeos 1-89 Completo
CIDOC SONDEOS es una publicacin por la cual CIDOC estudia los fenmenos
religiosos en Amrica Latina, y la influencia de los creyentes en la sociedad. El material
reunido y publicado tiene por fin ulteriores investigaciones. Este material comprende las
bibliografas especializadas, los estudios crticos de movimientos religiosos y literarios
contemporneos, los documentos esenciales a la comprensin de los fenmenos
religiosos de los ltimos 120 aos. SONDEOS tendr un tiraje limitado a 150
ejemplares. (Explicacin en CIDOC Cuadernos 10)
Objetivo de la Coleccin SONDEOS: analizar los aspectos tpicos del fenmeno
religioso en Amrica Latina, describir el comportamiento del hombre latinoamericano
en su vida religiosa, esclarecer la posicin tomada por las iglesias y grupos religiosos
frente a las realidades latinoamericanas. (En CIDOC Sondeos 1)
Catecismos Peruanos en el Siglo XVI. Castillo Arroyo, Javier, Cuernavaca 1966
(=CIDOC Sondeos 1)
Este texto analiza los catecismos peruanos del siglo XVI sin olvidar la situacin
general de la Iglesia en Amrica Latina actual
Dos momentos similares: la Iglesia hoy y el tiempo de la conquista en trminos
de enfrentamiento de dos culturas y de dos pueblos
Desde el tercer Concilio de Lima se decidi la publicacin de un catecismo en
tres lenguas: espaol, quechua y aimara. Castillo busca analizar la teologa que
hay en el fondo de estos trabajos catequsticos
Revela la psicologa de quienes traducen como de quienes reciben la traduccin:
la comunicacin al transmitir el mensaje incorpora el sujeto que lo lleva, el
sujeto que lo recibe y el idioma de enlace
Two Studies of Puerto Rico. Religion data, the Background of Consensual Union.
Dohen, Dorothy, Cuernavaca 1966 (=CIDOC Sondeos 3)
This texts consists on two works: a statistical study of the religious practices in
Puerto Rico in 1958, which reflects the important facts of the religious
phenomenon on the island; the second work is a thesis of Miss Dohen about the
sociological aspects of consensual unions in Puerto Rico
Camilo Torres. Por el Padre Camilo Torres Restrepo (1956 1966), Cuernavaca
1966 (=CIDOC Sondeos 5)
Esta compilacin busca ayudar al conocimiento ms autntico y ms profundo
del Padre Camilo Torres como sacerdote, capelln, socilogo, delegado,
consultor o miembro de los organismos ms vinculados al desarrollo de
Colombia, amigo de larga data de todos los colombianos, religiosos, polticos,
profesionales, estudiantes, lderes obreros y campesinos deseosos de lograr un
nivel de vida ms humano para la mayora de sus compatriotas
Estos trabajos estn organizados en orden cronolgico
The cuches of the dominican Republic in the light of history. A study of the roat
cuases of current problem. Wipfler, William, Cuernacava 1966 (=CIDOC Sondeos
Diocese de Ponta Grossa Parana. Deelen, Godofredo, Cuernavaca 1968 (=CIDOC
Sondeos 12 13)
Este texto comienza con la tercera parte del estudio: Estructuras y Funciones
Religiosas de la Dicesis de Ponta Grossa
Cuarta Parte: Levantamiento Socio-Econmico y Socio-Religioso de la Ciudad
de Ponta Grossa
Historia de los Congresos Catlicos Argentinos 1884 1921. Auza, Nstor Toms,
Cuernavaca 1968 (=CIDOC Sondeos 14)
En SONDEOS 6-7, Auza describe y analiza los efectos de la influencia liberal
en el pensamiento argentino, fuera y dentro de la Iglesia a fines del siglo XIX
En este SONDEOS 14, Auza recoge y comenta la historia de los Congresos de
catlicos durante el primer cuarto del presente siglo, destinados, en su mayor
parte, a contrarrestar los efectos de la intensa cruzada liberal
Estos estudios son de gran valor para trazar la poltica eclesistica que ha
contribuido a crear el presente statu quo de la Iglesia en Amrica Latina
God especially, but also in the light of modern Latin American History and
This study in contemporary evangelistic programs brings to its readers a
description and discussion about the conservative evangelical type of activity
which constitutes the larger part of Protestant mission works in Latin
America. In this sense, this volume studies a typical phenomenon and
orientation of Protestantism
This study also shows the awareness of the scandal of division among
Protestant Churches, the fact that this mainly US-directed mission work has
its headquarters not in the United States, but in Latin America, and that it
tries to do something to show a visible unity among Christians
In addition to Rosales work, this SONDEOS presents a collection of articles
which appeared in the International review of Missions (Geneva 1964-1965)
written by well-known figures of the Ecumenical World
certain aspects of the Revolution when they were only peripherally concerned
with religious affairs
This book has a contemporary usefulness as a warning of the consequences of
having important power block in the United States with passionate concerns in
foreign affairs, not directly connected with the welfare of their own country but
for matters into which American interests do not directly enter: such blocks try
to force our government to expend its money, energies and prestige other than to
its own advantage
Puerto Rico para Cristo. A History of the Progress of the Evangelical Missions on
the Island of Puerto Rico. Moore, Ronald T., Cuernavaca 1969 (=CIDOC Sondeos
One of the purposes of this work is to write a comprehensive history of the
major evangelical denominations represented on the island of Puerto Rico; an
attempt is made to include both historical and Pentecostal denominations in a
single study
The objective is to trace the development and expansion of evangelism as it
occupied the various territories and populated areas of the island; it is concerned
with both the occupation of territory by the evangelicals and the advance of the
new churches toward indigeneity which involves three primary factors: the
progress of insular self-support, the development of Puerto Rican leadership,
and the achievement of local autonomy
Una Imagen del Hombre Argentino. Presentacin de Jos Mguez Bonino. Clausen,
Arne, Cuernavaca 1969 (=CIDOC Sondeos 50)
Esta tesis resume un problema muy debatido en Argentina: la cuestin de una
personalidad bsica, la cual tambin es cuestionada, particularmente por
socilogos, que la consideran como una especulacin sin base cientfica
El autor trata de hallar una serie de coordenadas teolgicas que le permitan
interpretar las reflexiones sobre el carcter argentino utilizando la dialctica
luterana de ley-evangelio
This study is a compilation of historical facts and statements within the Roman
Catholic Church of Latin America, which demonstrate that important changes
have come about in Latin American Catholicism
Roman Catholic lay delegates and ecclesiastical moderators from twenty Latin
American Republics made a careful study of the state of Latin American
Catholicism in 1953 and deliberated what to do in the future. The influence of
the Second Vatican Council has been also important for Latin America. This
study reflects these changes which are significant for Roman Catholicism and
for the Catholic-Protestant relationship in Latin America
Sicuani, 1968: Estudio Socio Religioso. Negre Rigor, Pedro y Bustillos Glvez,
Franklin, Cuernavaca 1970 (=CIDOC Sondeos 60)
Este estudio tiene como objeto conocer mejor la realidad del medio de los
Padres Carmelitas americanos y su trabajo pastoral en Sicuani
Este trabajo tena como teln de fondo el choque cultural as como la falta de
comprensin del pueblo de las reformas litrgicas y pastorales de la poca postconciliar
El presente estudio busca un conocimiento sistemtico de las determinantes
sociales que moldean la personalidad del pueblo y la confrontacin entre las
actitudes de los pastores y de los fieles; y se basa en aspectos religiosos y
econmicos de la comunidad
The Catholic Church and Elections. A Study of the Catholic Thought on the Moral
Obligation of Voting. Aleixo, Jos Carlos, Cuernavaca 1969 (=CIDOC Sondeos 62)
This study is particularly concerned with Papal and Episcopal documents and
the accepted studies of Catholic Political Scientists, Philosophers (scholastic and
Thomist) and Theologians, regarding the moral obligation of voting
This dissertation deals with the criteria which should help the voter answer how
can I promote with my ballot the common good of my body politic, in the best
possible way?; and it also stresses the right and duty of members of the clergy
to have and manifest, as private citizens, their views about political problems
El episcopado hispanoamericano. Institucin misioneraen defensa del indio, 15041620. Apndice documental, Tomo II. Dussel, Enrique D., Cuernavca 1971
(=CIDOC Sondeos 72)
Spiritual Care of Puerto Rican Migrants. Report on the First Conference, held in
San Juan, Puerto Rico, April 11th to 16th 1955. Ferree, William, Illich, Ivan,
Fitzpatrick, Joseph P. (Editors), Cuernavaca 1970 (=CIDOC Sondeos 74)
This volume is born out of the desire of integrating Puerto Rican immigrants in
the United States to the mainlands culture
This report of the Conference has been divided into four sections: (1) A
summary which consists of material suggested by the papers which were read,
by the discussions which followed, by the reports given from the dioceses
represented, and by the reports on selected questions which were taken up at the
final session; (2) Papers, which were read at the sessions and formed the basis
for the discussion which followed, containing material helpful for an
understanding of the challenge from the viewpoint of priests on the Island and
on the Mainland; (3) Review of the Diocesan Activity, which comprises the
sharing of information about the situation in the dioceses represented, and the
activities in progress; (4) and the Appendix which appeared to be a need for
some supplementary material which would be helpful to priests using this report
Pioneer protestant missionaries in Honduras. A.E. Bishop and J.G. Cassel and the
establishment of central American mission in western Honduras, 1896-1901. Winn,
Wilkins B., Cuernavaca 1973 (=CIDOC Sondeos 88)