1 Conditional Clauses

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Conditional clauses
Autor: Eleane Chanduvi Henrquez

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Presentacin del curso

El ingls es un idioma imprescindible para desenvolverse con xito en el mundo
actual. Aunque la gramtica del ingls no es difcil, algunas estructuras revisten una
mayor complejidad, por ejemplo las proposiciones condicionales. Te traemos este
curso para que tengas un apoyo ms en tu aprendizaje. Encontrars explicaciones
claras, tablas y ejercicios.

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1. Conditional
The Conditional Clauses estan compuestos generalmente por dos oraciones que
se unen entre si para asi hacer posible una oracin de causa - efecto,esto quiere
decir que se divide en lo que es If Clause y Result Clause. Como su mismo
nombre lo dice, expresa una condicin para que se efecte otra accin.
Se hace uso necesario del I f para dar origen a la condicin a referirse.
El If Clause, lleva la condicin, mientras que el Result Clause se refiere al efecto.
If Clause

Result Clause

I f you call me tonight , I will go to your home.

I f its raining

, the planes dont take off.

I f I were president

, I would set up a better security system.

Conditionals estan clasificados en tres grados ,empezando desde el 0 C.C hasta el 3

C.C , los cuales varan su estructura de acuerdo al grado a referirse. como tambien
veremos el uso de modals y imperatives en algunos casos. Los grados en que se
divide y cuales veremos en los prximos captulos detalladamente son:

0 C.C = Present Factual Conditional

1 C.C = Future Factual Conditional

2 C.C = Present Unreal Conditional

3 C.C = Past Unreal Conditional

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2. Present Factual Conditional (1)

Es utilizado el Present Factual Conditional sentence para referirnos sobre
hechos reales asi como de leyes cientficas. El If Clause expresa la condicin
mientras que el Result Clause especifica que sucede si la condicin ocurre.El verbo
en ambas oraciones se muestra en simple present tense.
If Clause

I f i t s noon in Lima

I f air expands

Result Clause

i ts 6:00pm in Rome.

it becomes lighter.

Tambien se puede utilizar el Present Factual Conditional para referirse a
habitos , y recurrentes eventos( que suceden continuamente).Utiliza el present
progressive or present tense en el If Clause.Mientras que en el Result Clause ,utiliza
solo simple present tense.

I f Im traveling so far , I always carry extra money.

I f Jim flies , He orders vegetarian food.


Puede usarse Modals en el Result Clause. Tales como: can, should, might, may.


If you practice your French , you can improve quickly.

If you buy a new appliance , you should ask for a receipt.

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3. Present factual conditional (2)

Utiliza Imperatives en el Result Clause para dar instrucciones, mandatos e
invitaciones que dependen de una condicin segura o cierta.

If you are interested in visiting Street Night Market , take a walk to Shanghai.

If its sunny, use solar protector.

Nota: Podemos utilizar Then para enfatizar el Result Clause en Factual Conditional
sentences con Imperatives o Modals.

If your are driving , then buckle your seat belt.

Puedes iniciar las oraciones condicionales con el If Clause o el Result Clause. El
significado es el mismo .Usa la coma entre las 2 oraciones siempre y cuando el If
Clause sea escrito al inicio.

I f the seat belt light goes on , buckle your seat seat belt. Or

Buckle your seat belt i f the seat belt light goes on.


Puedes hacer uso de la forma negativa en ambas oraciones condicionales


If Im working late, I eat snacks.

If Im not working late , I d o n t eat snacks.

If Im working late , I d o n t eat snacks.

If Im not working late , I eat snacks.

7. Puedes hacer uso de las palabras When o Whenever en lugar del If. Es utilizado
especialmente cuando hablamos sobre hechos reales, habitos y recurrentes eventos.

When its noon in Lima , its 6:00 pm in Rome.

When(ever) I travel by bus , I sit next to the window.

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Combine the two sentences to make factual conditional sentence. Keep the same
order and decide which clause begins with If. Make necessary changes in
capitalization and punctuation.

A flight has an empty seat. I ride for free.

I hand out with friends. I have nothing to do.

Its raining. I might take my umbrella.

I have some money. I go at the movie.

I lose my luggage in the airport. I should report it.

If I commute every day. I need to buy a new car.

A flight is completely booked. You cant get on it.

You board on a plane. Show your plane ticket at the gate.

I cant sleep. I drink a cup of hot milk.

The car is out of gasoline. You should go to the gas station.

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4. Future factual conditional

El Future Factual Conditional se utiliza al referirse sobre que pasara o que
accin ocurrira si se diera bajo cierta condicin. El If Clause representa la condicin.
El Result Clause representa el probable o certero resultado. Expresa posibilidad de
que una accin ocurra. Utiliza el simple present en el If Clause, y el future con Will o
Be going to en el Result Clause.

If the education system improves , we will have an educated work force.

If I get a visa, I m going to go to the US.


Modals son utilizados en el Result Clause.


If you want to vote , you must register first.

Nota: A pesar de que el If Clause se refiere a una accion proyectada hacia el futuro,
debes usar el simple present tense.

If you dont call him back , he wont talk to you anymore.

NOT : If you wont call.......

Puedes comenzar las oraciones condicionales ya sea con If Clause o con el
Result Clause. El significado se mantiene. Pero agrega la coma entre las dos
oraciones si es que inicias con el If Clause.

If you touch blue , your dream will come true.

If your palm itches , you are going to find some money soon.


Es posible hacer uso de la forma negativa en una o ambas oraciones.

If he becomes a popular actor, he will play in Hollywood.

If doesnt become a popular actor , he wont play in Hollywood.

If y Unless pueden ser utilizados en oraciones condicionales pero su significado
varia, ya que Unless se refiere sobre negative conditions.

If baker wins , The Democrats will remain in control.

Unless Baker wins , The Republicans will gain control.

Esto quiere decir que Unless tiene el significado de If...not.

Unless I take a hot bath , I cant Sleep at night.

If I dont take a hot bath , I cant sleep at night.

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Match the conditional with the result.
-If I sign up to this course,

I will learn too much more.

-If crime decrease, our

city will be safer again.

-If companies invest here, we

are going to have more jobs.

-If we work together on our problems, we

are going to solve them.

-Unless you join us, everybody

is going to feel so sad.

-If you accept Ripleys offer, it

will be the best step move of your life.

-Unless my neighbors come out home,

I wont make a party.

-If Julia wins this elections , She

is going to reduce taxes.

-Unless you leave right away, I

wont get here in time.

-If you cross you fingers


will have good luck.

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5. Present unreal conditional

Es utilizado el Present Unreal Conditional al referirse acerca de irreales,
imaginaria o imposible condiciones y sus resultados. Ambos- If Clause y Result
Clause, presentan el unreal result de la condicin.

If I lived in palace , I would give parties all the time.

( But I dont live in a palace, so I dont give parties.)

If I had a car , I would drive everywhere.

El verbo en el If Clause se muestra en simple past tense. En el Result Clause es
utiltizado el auxiliary Would + base form of the verb.

I f Luisa went to Cusco , she would spend a great time


El If Clause usa el simple past tense, pero el significado no se refiere al pasado.

I f I had money now , I would supply many things to myself.

No emplees el uso del auxiliar Would en el If Clause en present unreal
conditional sentences.

If I bought some flowers to Mary , she would be happy.

NOT: If I would buy .......

Emplea el Were para todas las personas cuando el verbo en el If Clause esta en
forma bsica ( be).

If I were a king , I would contribute in many charity associations in all the world.

En el habla informal americana, algunas veces escucharas decir Was en el If Clause.

Sin embargo en el habla formal es incorrecto.

Si el Result Clause no es muy cierto, entonces utiliza Might o Could en el
Result Clause para expresar posibilidad. Tambien puedes emplear Could en el
Result Clause al expresar habilidad.

If I had enough time , I could take dancing classes.

(Its possible I would take dancing classes).


If you spoke German , You could translate this letter for me.
Recuerda que puedes variar la posicin de las oraciones ya que esto no altera

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la idea. Toma en cuenta el uso de la coma.

I f I won the lottery , I would travel around the whole world.

I would travel around the whole world i f I won the lottery.


Es posible convertir una oracin o ambas en forma negativa.

If I caught a fish, I would share it with my partner.

If I didnt catch a fish , I wouldnt share it with my partner.

If I caught a fish , I wouldnt eat it alone.

If I d i d n t catch a fsih , I would be happy.

Las oraciones que comienzan con If I were you, ... , a menudo son empleadas
para brindar un consejo.

If I were you , I would wear that wonderful dress.


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6. Present unreal conditional (2)

Utiliza el Wish sequido del verbo en simple past tense al mencionar cosas que
desearas que fueran realidad ahora, pero que no lo son.

I wish I lived in a beach house.

( I dont live in a beach house, but I want to live in one)

I wish I visited a sightseeing place this summer.

a. Despus del Wish ,Were es empleado en lugar de Was. El uso del That despus
del Wish es opcional.

I wish (that) I were younger again.

NOT: I wish I was ......

b. Usa Could o Would despues del Wish. Excepto: Can o Will.

I wish I could cook so well.

NOT: I wish I can.....

I wish he would hand in the report tomorrow.

NOT: I wish he will.....


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7. Past unreal conditional (1)

Hablamos de Past Unreal Condictional cuando nos referimos sobre hipotticas
acciones que hubiramos realizado en el pasado. Siendo asi a condicin y el
resultado irreales. Estas oraciones son usadas al describir situaciones que nunca

I f he had died young , he wouldnt have had children

(But he didnt die young, so he had children).

I f I hadnt eaten too much, I wouldnt have had a stomachache.

Como hemos visto en el present unreal conditional, the If Clause presenta el

unreal conditional, mientras que el Result Clause presenta el unreal result de la
Emplea el past perfect en el If Clause. Usa Would Have + Past Participle en el
Result Clause.

I f I had gotten a major in Medicine , I would have worked in a successful


I f Luisa had gone with us , she would have spent a great time.

Si en caso el resultado no es muy certero que ocurra , entonces utiliza Might
have o Could have en el result clause expresando asi posibilidad.
Could have es tambien usado para expresar habilidad.

I f The company hadnt laid him off , he wouldnt have gotten a better

I f it had been sunny , we would have gone at the beach.

No tomes en cuenta la posicin en que se encuentran las oraciones ya que el
significado es el mismo. Recuerda usar la coma cuando el If Clause comienza el

I f he hadnt been tired , he would have taken for a drive. Or,

He would have taken for a drive i f he hadnt been tired.


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8. Past unreal conditional (2)

Recuerda que puedes crear oraciones negativas ya sea en una o en ambas

If it had rained ,I would have stayed.

If h a d n t rained , I wouldve left.

If it had rained , I wouldnt have left.

If it h a d n t rained , I wouldnt have stayed.

Past Unreal Conditionals son a menudo utilizados para expresar
lamentaciones acerca de lo que realmente sucedi en el pasado.

I f I had known the answer , I would have gotten an A.

I f I had applied for that job , I would have traveled to Asia.

Es posible el uso de Wish sequido del verbo en past perfect cuando queremos
expresar lamentaciones o tristeza sobre cosas en el pasado que queras que
sucedieran, pero no fue posible hacerlo realidad.

Harry whishes he had become a pilot.

( He didnt become a pilot and now he thinks that was a mistake)


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9. Exercises
Complete these thoughts about the past. Use the correct form of the word in

I didnt go into business with my friend charles.If I ______to join with

( have)

him, I ______a better economical situation right now.


I couldnt get a free seat in the cinema. If I ______early , I ______Julia

(arrive) (see)
Roberts perform.
Claire was almost to have an accident while she was driving her car. She
______hospitalized if she ______her seat belt. (be)
(not buckle)

These shoes cost me too much money. If I ______in another store , I (look

______one in reasonable price.

- Life here really______different if I ______.
(not live)


I lost a wallet with too much money on it. I ______ depressed if I

( not feel)
______my money.
( find)
Read this regrets. Then write their wishes.

I didnt have much self-confidence as a child.

I broke my grandmothers pitcher while I was playing soccer.

I burned the turkey down in Thanksgiving Day.

I didnt accept to be in charge of the last project.

I didnt prepare my essay perfectly.

I wasnt able to trick Jim out of his business.

We didnt know George s troubles earlier.


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We didnt know George s troubles earlier.

I didnt pick up my cousins toys from the store.

I forget to call my girlfriend up in her birthday.

I left my drivers license in the library.


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