Estado Nutricional: de Adolescentes Embarazadas de Un Centro Asistencial de Maracaibo, Estado Zulia, Venezuela
Estado Nutricional: de Adolescentes Embarazadas de Un Centro Asistencial de Maracaibo, Estado Zulia, Venezuela
Estado Nutricional: de Adolescentes Embarazadas de Un Centro Asistencial de Maracaibo, Estado Zulia, Venezuela
Lissette Bohrquez1b, Mara Eugenia Vargas2c, Ealys Lpez1c, Aida Souki2c, Eduardo Barrios2d, Mervin Chvez2d, Susana Mata2a, Noraima Chirinos2a, Sandra Martinez2d.
Laboratorio de Investigacin y Desarrollo en Nutricin, Escuela de Nutricin y Diettica, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad del Zulia, Maracaibo, Venezuela.
Centro de Investigaciones Endocrino-Metablicas Dr. Flix Gmez, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad del Zulia, Maracaibo, Venezuela.
Licenciada / b Especialista / c Magister / d Doctor
Aceptado: 23/03/2012
The purpose of this research was to determine the nutritional status of pregnant adolescents attending the
gynecological checkup at La Victoria Outpatient Clinical
Center. It was studied 48 pregnant adolescents between
15 and 19 years old, and it was obtained Anthropometric,
biochemical, dietary and socioeconomic data. The results
show that 52% (n = 25) were eutrophic, 41.6% (n = 20)
were malnourished, 4.1% (n = 2) were overweight and
only 2.1% (n = 1) presented obesity. The average value of
basal glucose (82.17 3,45 mg / dl) was within the normal range, total cholesterol (192,79 5,56 mg/dl) and triglycerides (143.90 8,90 mg/dl) were superior to the reference values. Hemoglobin (11.0 1.11 g/dl) was found
in the lower limit; and the average value of hematocrit
(34.89 1,76%) was low. Referring to the % adequacy
requirement, calories and fat were within normal values,
while protein, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals
all were low. Almost 70% of adolescents were located in
strata IV (lower class) and strata V (underclass). It was
concluded that evaluated pregnant adolescents showed
risk nutritional status, as a significant percentage were
malnourished, showed poor eating habits and inadequate
intake of macro and micronutrients. This result determines
the need of an appropriate timely and efficient nutritional
care to correct both, the amount of ingested nutrients and
eating habits; in order to ensure optimal nutritional status,
this will impact positively on the baby.
Keywords: Nutritional status, adolescent, pregnancy.
El embarazo en la adolescencia constituye una problemtica social tanto en pases industrializados como en aquellos en vas de desarrollo, con una prevalencia del 12,8 al
45% a nivel mundial, dependiendo de la regin y el nivel
de desarrollo. En Venezuela oscila entre 23% y 24%.1-3
Durante la adolescencia se experimenta un aumento acelerado de la masa muscular, del volumen sanguneo, del
tejido esqueltico y rpidas divisiones celulares debido al
crecimiento, lo que genera un incremento en los requerimientos para todos los nutrientes.4 En las adolescentes
Sndrome Cardiometablico
Recibido: 20/01/2012