La Deliciosa Música Del Arpa

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Haba una vez hace mucho tiempo un rey que adoraba tanto la
msica que busc por todo el mundo el mejor instrumento que
hubiera, hasta que un mago le entreg un arpa.
La llev a palacio, pero cuando toc el msico real, estaba
desafinada; muchos otros msicos probaron y coincidieron en que no
serva para nada y haba sido un engao, as que se deshicieron del
arpa tirndolo a la basura.
Una nia muy pobre encontr el arpa, y aunque no saba tocar,
decidi intentarlo. Tocaba y tocaba durante todo el da, durante
meses y aos, siempre desafinando, pero hacindolo mejor cada vez.
Hasta que un da, de repente, el arpa comenz a entonar las
melodas ms maravillosas, pues era un arpa mgica que slo estaba
dispuesta a tocar para quien de verdad pusiera inters y esfuerzo.
El rey lleg a escuchar la msica, y mand llamar a la nia; cuando
vio el arpa, se llen de alegra, y en aquel momento nombr a la nia
como su msico particular, llenando de riquezas a ella y a su familia.


There was a long time ago a king who loved music so much that
looked for all the world the best instrument that had , until a magician
gave him a harp.
The palace was , but when he touched the real musician , was out of
tune , and many other musicians tested and agreed that was
worthless and had been a hoax, so I got rid of in the household trash
harp .
A very poor girl found the harp , and though he could not play ,
decided to try. He played and played all day , for months and years,
always out of tune , but doing it better every time .
Until one day, suddenly , the harp began to sing the most beautiful
melodies , as it was a magical harp was only prepared to play for
those who really put interest and effort.
The king came to hear the music, and he sent for the girl , when he
saw the harp , was filled with joy , and at the time named the girl as
his musician particular riches filling her and her family.

El pato

El pato entre las flores

se comi las mejores
El pato en la cocina
desapareci la harina
El pato en la vereda
volvi loca a la manguera
El pato va por la casa
comedor, patio, terraza...

The duck
The duck among the flowers
ate the best
The duck in the kitchen
disappeared flour
The duck on the sidewalk
hose went crazy
The duck is on the house
Dining room, patio, terrace

Considero de vital importancia la educacin, es un derecho, todas las personas

tenemos derecho a recibir educacin. Tener la posibilidad de trasmitirles a nuestras
familias, a nuestros amigos el conocimiento que hemos adquirido es sin duda, algo
Si una persona aprende, puede aplicar ese aprendizaje para diversas situaciones de
la vida cotidiana, desde la cocina, sabiendo que alimentos son ms nutritivos, hasta
saber si el vuelto que le han dado luego de una compra es correcto.
Pensar es hermoso, descubrir en los libros, en los profesores, en los compaeros,
nuevas ideas. Otros caminos, otros modos. Es vital que el aprendizaje sea
acompaado de apoyo psicosocial. Qu sera esto? Saber como est el alumno,
conocerlo, saber cual es su realidad, sus dificultades, incentivarlo para que contine
sus estudios, brindarle la posibilidad de pensar por si mismo, brindarle las
herramientas para un futuro de trabajo digno. Por sobre todas las cosas escucharlo,
conocerlo, saber que no todos vivimos las mismas realidades, capacitarlo tambin
desde la humanidad de uno, y aprender de l; la escuela es nuestro segundo hogar,

habitualmente se aprende all lo que se ha volcado en un papel, pero tambin se

aprende de las vivencias.
I consider vitally important education is a right, we all have a right to education .
Being able to convey to our families , our friends the knowledge we have acquired is
definitely something wonderful .
If a person learns , that learning can be applied to various situations of daily life ,
from the kitchen , knowing that food is more nutritious , to know whether they have
given back after a purchase is correct.
Thinking is beautiful, discover books, on teachers , on colleagues , new ideas. Other
ways, other ways. It is vital that learning is accompanied by psychosocial support.
What would that be? Knowing how is the student , know , know what is their reality ,
their difficulties , encourage him to continue his studies , provide the ability to think
for themselves , provide the tools for a future worth working . Above all things hear ,
know , know that not all live the same realities , train them well from one's
humanity , and learn from it , the school is our second home , usually you learn
there what has turned into a paper but also learn from the experiences .
In my life I have had many different obstacles , family health , economic , however ,
never lower your arms , beyond the knowledge that houses my mind , I have the
commitment to each other , I know that I can encourage , seek other forms ,
schedule workshops. In social psychology career I learned to coordinate groups ,
discovering the best way for the task to be fruitful , drawn obstacles , but never
dodging . My commitment is real , I want to make education equal for all, I am
willing to learn new techniques , listen to ideas, to work in a group to intensify our
efforts .
The impact that I can generate is the same that generate thousands of teachers
every day, with a student who has learned , we ensure that your future has changed

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