Materia Médica Completa A
Materia Médica Completa A
Materia Médica Completa A
*1- Miedo a los animales: insectos, moscas, araas, escorpiones, vboras. Miedos nocturnos y
obsesin de ser atacado por animales venenosos.
2- Peor: de noche.
*5- Escotoma: manchas delante de los ojos que impiden la visin. Dolor desgarrante en el ojo como
producido por un clavo.
*7- Cara plida; amarillenta, con prurito. Temblor o parlisis de los labios y la mandbula. Trismo.
*8- Excesiva salivacin, con sensacin de sequedad en la boca. Saliva espesa, pegajosa. Dificultad
para hablar.
*12- Temblor, paresia o parlisis en las extremidades, con edema. Edema en manos y piernas.
13- Somnolencia.
*14- De Legarreta recomienda una dosis diaria de 15 gotas de la 3X como proteccin contra las
picaduras de mosquitos.
(Abeto del Canad o Pino Spruce)
3- Gran postracin, quiere estar siempre acostado, con las piernas flexionadas.
6- Boca seca.
8- Ruidos en el vientre despus de comer. Sensacin de hgado chico y duro. Ardor rectal con
9- Dolorimiento en el tero mejor por la presin. Siente su tero blando y dbil, y piensa que
puede abortar. Desplazamientos uterinos.
* 11- Dolor detrs del omplato derecho. Sensacin de debilidad sacra. Sensacin de agua
fra entre los hombros. Escalofros que corren hacia abajo por la espalda. Manos fras.
Abeto del Canad. Pino Sprue. Pinus canadensis. Hemlock Spruce. Canad Pitch. O.N.
Coniferae. Tintura de corteza fresca y brotes jvenes.
Relaciones.- Comparar : Abies nig., Sabina, Thuja, y otras conferas, Nux vom.
Abies canadensis (Boericke)
(Abeto del Canad-Hemlock Spruce)
Las mucosas son afectadas por Abies can. y los sntomas gstricos son los ms marcados;
se produce un estado catarral del estmago
Hay un deseo peculiar y sensacin de escalofro que son muy caractersticos,
especialmente para mujeres con desviaciones uterinas, probablemente debido a nutricin
defectuosa con debilidad
Actividad cardaca y respiracin con dificultad
Quiere estar acostado todo el tiempo; piel fra y viscosa, manos fras; muy desmayado
El hgado y el pulmn derecho se sienten pequeos y duros
Gota gonorreica.
La siente ligera, vacilante
Hambre canina con hgado torpe
Sensacin de desmayo, hambre, roente en el epigastrio
Gran apetito, deseo de carne, pepinos, rbanos, nabos, alcachofas, comida ordinaria
Tendencia a comer ms all de su capacidad de digestin
Ardor y distensin del estmago y abdomen con palpitacin.
La flatulencia altera la accin del corazn
Dolor en la escpula derecha y constipacin, con ardor en el recto.
Desviaciones uterinas
Sensacin de adolorido en el fondo del tero, mejorado por la presin
Postracin; desea acostarse todo el tiempo
Piensa que el tero est blando y dbil.
Estremecimientos de fro, como si la sangre fuera agua helada. [Acon.]
Los escalofros corren hacia abajo por la espalda
Sensacin de agua fra entre los hombros. [Ammon. mur.] Piel viscosa y pegajosa
Sudores nocturnos. [China.]
Potencias de la primera a la tercera.
Mind quiet, careless, but easily fretted.
A tipsy feeling, a swimming of the head; he feels lightheaded. (Hale's New Remedies, 3d
A feeling like that produced by a stye in the outer canthus of left eye.
Dryness of the mouth.
A tendency to eat far beyond the capacity for digestion (Gatchell, in Hale's New
Great appetite, with rumbling in stomach and bowels after eating.
Great craving for meat, pickles, and other coarse food, with hungry gnawing at the
epigastrium [10]
Some thirst.
Stomach swelled, burning.
Distension of the epigastrium, with increased action of the heart. 5 gatchel, in Hale's New
Weak at the epigastrium.
Gnawing, hungry faint feeling at the epigastrium. (Gatchell in Hale's New Remedies)
Feeling as if the right lung and liver were small and hard; as if bile was deficient.
Irritable feeling in the splenic region.
Sick feeling in the bowels.
Urinary organs
Urinates frequently day and night.
Urine straw-colored.
Sexual organs
Thinks womb soft and feeble (thinks would cause abortion)
Sore feeling at the fundus of the uterus; relived by pressing.
Respiratory apparatus
Breathing labored.
Upper extremities
Pain behind the right shoulder-blade
Hands cold, shrunken.
Lower extremities
Lies with the knees drawn up.
Twitching of muscles.
Wants to lie down all the time.
Excessively weak.
Very faint, as if the top of the head were congested; drunken feeling.
Skin clammy.
Cold, shivering all over, as if the blood turned to ice-water.
Chills down the back.
* 2- Terrible malestar en la cabeza con cara algo roja. Cabeza caliente con mejillas rojas, en
las dispepsias.
** 3- Hambre de noche. Falta total de apetito a la maana, con gran deseo de comer a
medioda y a la noche. Eructos cidos, vmitos alimenticios. Dispepsias en viejos o por
abuso de t o caf.
9- Tabaquismo.
No puede menos que mencionar un sntoma de este medicamento, sntoma que ha sido
confirmado con frecuencia; me refiero a la aplicacin de esta droga en la dispepsia,
cuando el enfermo se queja de una sensacin de como si hubiera ingerido alguna
substancia indigesta que se hubiera adherido al cardias. Este es el sntoma principal y
caracterstico del medicamento. Tambin estn presentes el abatimiento del espritu, la
hipocondriasis y la constipacin originada por la dispepsia.
Relaciones.- Comparar : Abies can., Cupressus, Thuja, Sabina (todos tienen indigestin
dolorosa), y otras conferas; Nux v., Bry., Puls., Kali c., Nat. mur.: (efectos del t)
Causa.- T. Tabaco.
Un remedio de accin prolongada y poderosa, en varias formas de enfermedades, siempre
que los sntomas del estmago caractersticos estn presentes
La mayor parte de los sntomas estn asociados con trastornos gstricos
En trastornos disppticos de los ancianos, con sntomas funcionales del corazn; tambin
despus del t o tabaco
Dolor en el meato externo.
Caliente, con mejillas enrojecidas
Atontado durante el da y despierto por la noche
Incapaz de pensar.
Dolor de estmago que siempre aparece despus de comer
Sensacin de una bola que molesta, como si un huevo duro se alojara en el fondo cardaco
del estmago; constriccin continua, molesta, justo por encima de la boca del estmago,
como si todo se hiciera bola
Prdida total del apetito por la maana, pero gran deseo de comida a medioda y por la
Aliento ofensivo
Sensacin dolorosa, como si algo estuviera alojado en el pecho y tiene que toser; los
pulmones se sienten comprimidos
No puede expandirlos completamente
Peor tosiendo; agruras que siguen a la tos
Sensacin de ahogo en la garganta
Disnea; peor acostado
Dolor agudo, cortante en el corazn; la accin del corazn es pesada y lenta; taquicardia,
Dolores reumticos y dolorimiento en los huesos.
Despierto e inquieto por la noche, con hambre
Alterna calor y fro; fiebre crnica intermitente, con dolor en el estmago.
Peor despus de comer.
Comparar: (Bola en el estmago- China, Bryon., Pulsat.) tambin otras conferas- Thuja,
Sabina, Cupressus (indigestin dolorosa), tambin Nux vom., Kali carb.
Potencias de la primera a la trigsima.
Despus de haber comido.
Hambre a medio da y durante la noche, nunca por la maana.
Dolor gstrico que se presenta inmediatamente despus de comer.
Sensacin de constriccin con eructaciones.
ALOJADO EN EL ESTOMAGO y que no puede ser digerido.
La misma sensacin es experimentada en el pecho a nivel del borde derecho del esternn.
El enfermo no puede respirar profundamente. Tos con disnea.
Dolores vivos en la regin precordial con lentitud de los batimientos cardacos.
Dispepsia de la senectud, ocasionada por el abuso del tabaco y del t.
Bryonia (pesantez gstrica). Lycopodium, Psorinum (hambre por la noche). Thuja
6a y 30a .
Abies nigra (Allen)
- * Very low-spirited, [_a2].
- * Very melancholy, [_a3].
- Nervousness, [_a3].
- Inability to think or study, [_a3].
- Dizziness, [_a3].
- Bad feeling in the head, [_a2].
- Slight headache, [_a2].
- Dull headache, [_a1].
- Headache began an hour after taking five drops, and increased with the doses; [_a2].
- Severe headache, [_a3].
- Head hot with flushed cheeks, [_a3].
- Cheeks flushed, with hot head, [_a3].
- Choking sensation in throat, [_a2].
- Hungry and wakeful at night, [_a2].
- Exceedingly hungry, [_a2].
- * Total loss of appetite in the morning, but great craving for food at noon and at night,
- Chewing the gum after meals cured the habitual eructations of gas, and increased the
appetite; .
- * Pain after a hearty meal, [_a2].
- The habitual pain in the stomach after eating was cured, , [_a1].
- The tincture relieved the usual severe pain in the stomach after eating, the acid
eructations, and the frequent vomiting of food, .
- Severe pain in stomach extending to the left side, [_a2].
- Distressing pain in the stomach (lasted long after the proving), [_a3].
- Chewing the gum frequently produces the sensation of an undigested hard-boiled egg in
the stomach. (Dr. St. Clair Smith.)
- * Constipation (during and after the proving), [_a3].
- Menstruation did not appear till the third month after the proving (very unusual); [_a3].
- Easily gets out of breath, [_a2].
- Pain in the small of the back, [_a2].
- Pain in the bones, [_a2].
- Rheumatic pains and aching in the bones, [_a3].
- Fatigue, [_a3].
- Dulness during the day, but wakeful at night, [_a2].
- Did not sleep as well as usual, [_a2].
- Very bad dreams, [_a2].
- Sleepy during the day, and restless at night, [_a3].
- Alternate heat and cold.
Abies nigra (Hering)
Black Spruce. Coniferae.
The Pinus nigra or black spruce of this country.
Proved by Dr. Leaman; Ohio Medical and Surgical Reporter.
- Inability to think or study.
- | Very low-spirited; melancholy.
- Dizziness; bad feeling in head.
Inner head
- || Headache.
- Terrible distress in head; generally with some flushing of face. Dyspepsia.
Outer head
- Head hot; with flushed cheeks.
- { Scurvy.
- Choking sensation in throat.
- Exceedingly hungry and wakeful at night.
- || Total loss of appetite in morning; craving for food noon and night.
- Pain after a hearty meal.
- | Abstinence from particular food does not amel. Dyspepsia.
- Pain in small of back.
- Nervousness.
- Fatigue.
- Dull and sleepy during day; restless and wakeful at night.
- Wakeful at night with hunger.
- Bad dreams.
- Morning : total loss of appetite.
- Noon : craving for food.
- Night : hungry; wakeful and restless.
- Day : dull and sleepy.
- Alternate heat and cold.
- { Malarial fevers.*
- Chronic intermittent fever, accompanied by stomachache.
- As if choking; of an undigested hard-boiled egg in stomach; as if everything was knotted
up in stomach.
- Pain : in stomach after eating; in small of back.
- Aching : in bones.
- Rheumatic pain : in bones.
- Constriction : above pit of stomach.
- Rheumatic pains and aching in bones.
- Used in preparation of spruce beer.
- Similar to : Nux vom. (pressure as from a stone after a meal); Bismuth; Calc. carb. (like a
load after a moderate supper); Bryon. (like a stone, worse moving); Kali carb.; Arsen.;
Zincum (as if food lodged in oesophagus); Ignat.
- (food feels as if lying above cardiac orifice); Sepia (nightly pressure as from a stone, also
after food); Agar.
- (burning after food, followed by pressure as from a foreign body); Phosphor.; Pulsat. (like
a stone, early, on awaking); Sulphur; Cinchon. (accompanied by bloating); Natr. mur.
(sensation of a foreign body sticking in cardiac orifice)
JEQUIRITY (Vijnovsky)
(Abrus precatorius - Regaliz silvestre)
1- Cefaleas.
Epitelioma, lupus, lceras, prpados granulosos.
Conjuntivitis purulenta; la inflamacin se extiende a la cara y cuello
Oftalma granular
Comparar: Jequiritol (en casos de tracoma y pannus que se implantan en una inflamacin
nueva purulenta
La protena venenosa contenida en las semillas de Jequirity es casi idntica en sus
propiedades txicas y fisiolgicas con los principios similares encontrados en el veneno de
Tintura madre diluida local y 3x internamente.
2- Debilidad cerebral; no puede trabajar mucho. Necesita estar acostado con los ojos
5- Sordera.
* 6- Lengua seca y limpia. Boca seca. Gran sed de agua fra, especialmente despus de
* 11- Tos peor por el aire fro, al anochecer y de noche. Necesita sostenerse el trax al toser.
(Olat Kambal)
Pertenece al orden natural de las "Sterculiaceae", fu experimentado en primer lugar por el
Dr. D.N. Ray. Tambin llamado Olat Kambal, Olak Tambol o Devil's Cotton en otros
Clnicamente verificado en albuminuria; insomnio; amenorrea; carbunco; diabetes mellitus
e inspida; debilidad; dismenorrea; debilidad del cerebro.
Irritable; humor excitable; malhumor; olvidadizo; abstrado; depresin; moroso; ansioso;
Sensacin de vaco; balanceo de la cabeza y vrtigo; pesadez y malestar, mucho vrtigo.
Debilidad de la visin; prpados hinchados; pesadez; los ojos se cansan fcilmente;
inclinacin a tener los ojos cerrados; dolor y humedad de los ojos; la conjuntiva se vuelve
Disminucin de la audicin; ruidos en los odos; secrecin de los odos.
Estornuda muchas veces; acuosa; sequedad de la nariz con deseo de frotrsela.
Plida, amarilla, arrugada, apariencia de viejo; erupciones pruriginosas en la cara con
sensacin de ardor; furnculos de la cara.
Seca; sensacin de ardor; dolorosa; dificultad para tragar slidos pero el beber mejora
temporalmente los sntomas de la garganta.
Casi siempre sequedad de la boca; bebe grandes cantidades de agua fra de una vez, y an
as la sequedad persiste; lengua seca y limpia; lenguaje confuso; labios secos y azules.
Apetito no natural, puede comer corto tiempo despus de comer bien.
Sensacin de hambre con sensacin de desmayo; deseo de toda clase de alimentos;
sensacin de vaco en el estmago.
Flatulencia con distensin del abdomen.
Estreimiento, duras, nudosas, negras, marrones; heces nudosas con mucho esfuerzo.
Sntomas urinarios
Miccin abundante da y noche; micciones frecuentes; sequedad de la boca y mucha sed;
deseo de beber despus de orinar que mejora la sed; orinar lo lleva al agotamiento; olor a
pescado de la orina; poco sedimento; diabetes mellitus; enuresis nocturna; ardor en uretra;
lceras blancas en el borde del prepucio causadas por el excesivo paso de azcar en la
orina; incapacidad de retener la orina.
Debilidad del corazn; palpitaciones peor por el movimiento; sensacin de desmayo.
Respiratorio, sntomas
Tos con expectoracin purulenta; dolor en el pecho; esputo con masas de color blanco o
amarillento, peor al aire fro, se agrava al anochecer y por la noche; cuando tose el paciente
se aprieta el pecho.
Piel seca, se rasca; ardor; pequeos furnculos en verano, carbuncos, etc.
Somnolencia; insomnio; postracin y aversin a hacer cualquier trabajo; sueo no
reparador, duerme mejor en la parte temprana de la maana.
Calor seco en todo el cuerpo; mucha sed.
Tintura madre, 2x, 3x.
De la familia de las "Sterculiaceae, experimentado primero por el Dr.D. N. Ray
Tambin es llamado Olat Kambal Mulor o Devil's cotton
Se dice que tiene una especial afinidad por los trastornos femeninos.
Los sntomas mentales y otros, concuerdan con los sntomas de Abroma-augusta.
2- Ansiedad. Tristeza.
** 5- Come mucho, tiene un apetito voraz, pero igualmente adelgaza o an llega al marasmo.
** 12- Vientre distendido, abultado. Exudacin del ombligo, hmeda y sanguinolenta, sobre
todo en recin nacidos.
* 16- Dolor en el trax peor por el movimiento, reumtico; del lado derecho; precordial. En
pleuresas, cuando despus queda una sensacin de presin en el lado afectado, que
impide respirar libremente.
*** 18- Miembros inferiores y piernas muy adelgazados. Reumatismo, cuando hay mucho
dolor y an no hay hinchazn, por diarrea suprimida o al desaparecer las hemorroides;
metstasis cardiaca. Reumatismo sobre todo en los miembros superiores, muecas y
20- Piel flccida, que cuelga en pliegues. Fornculos (despus de Hepar Sulphur).
Se prepara con hojas frescas recogidas durante el verano (julio y agosto en Europa), y por
maceracin en alcohol a 90, una tintura madre a partir de la cual obtenemos, por
diluciones hahnemannianas sucesivas, las diferentes dinamizaciones del remedio.
A) Agravacin
B) Mejora
a) Por el calor.
Sntomas mentales
Depresin mental y ansiedad; dificultad para pensar. Como efectos secundarios tenemos:
locuacidad, excitacin, mal humor. Nios gruones, irritables.
Cara arrugada, como aspecto de viejo; ojos hundidos con ojeras azuladas. Barritos en la cara,
en sujetos demacrados.
Aparato digestivo
Hay un apetito tremendo; deseo de pan mojado en leche; HAMBRE VORAZ Y SIN
EMBARGO ENFLAQUECE. Sensacin como si el estmago colgara, flotara; dolores
agudos, ardientes, picantes, o sensacin de fro; agravacin a la noche.
Aparato respiratorio
Pleuresa, al persistir del lado enfermo una sensacin de compresin que impide respirar
libremente (despus DE ACONIT. Y BRYONIA).
rganos genitales
Aparato circulatorio
Dolores lancinantes y graves en la regin cardaca; metstasis de reuma cardaco. Pulso dbil
y corto.
Espalda y extremidades
Marchita, arrugada, flcida, barritos. Acta bien despus de HEPAR SULF. CALC. en las
forunculosis. Sabaones con gran comezn.
Este remedio muy valioso, debera ser usado con mayor frecuencia. Est indicado en tales
enfermedades antes curadas por Bryonia y Rhus tox., pero sus sntomas sealan ser
casos de individualidad propia. Dolencias reumticas con irritacin cardiaca; epistaxis;
orina sanguinolenta; ansiedad y temblor, cuando ha habido una historia de diarrea. Una
diarrea detenida sbitamente ser seguida por los sntomas mencionados arriba en un
caso que requera Abrot. Un reumatismo bruscamente suprimido de alguna articulacin
seguido de malestares cardacos violentos, es muy semejante a Ledum, Aurum y
En el marasmo de los nios es un remedio muy til e indicado con no poca frecuencia. El
enflaquecimiento comienza en los miembros inferiores y se extiende gradualmente
hacia arriba, de tal manera que la cara es la ltima afectada; eso es lo opuesto de
Lycopodium, Natrum mur. y Psorinum.
Ha curado pleuresa, despus que fall Bryonia, que pareca lo indicado. Rodeada por
amigos en la hora de su muerte, una mujer yaca en el lecho con disnea, ansiedad, sudor
fro y dolor en el corazn. Se saba que haba sufrido durante muchos meses de
reumatismo en una rodilla, que haba usado muletas para deambular por la casa y que
se haba curado (?) rpidamente con un linimento fuerte solamente pocos das antes de
este ataque. Abrot. le devolvi la salud prontamente.
El paciente de Abrot es sensible al aire fro y al tiempo fro y hmedo. Sufre mucho del
dolor de espalda, y estos sntomas son peores durante la noche.
Hay, otra diarrea o constipacin; con el ltimo es reumtico, con el anterior se siente mejor,
como cuando se suprime la diarrea aumenta el sufrimiento. La diarrea es su gran alivio,
semejante a Natrum sulph. y Zincum
Artemisa de los jardines. Abrotano. Artemisia abrotanum. Lady`s Love. Southerwood. (Sur
de Europa). O.N. Compositae. Tintura de hojas frescas y tallo.
Relaciones.- Comparar: Absinth., Cham., Cina, Gnaphal., y otras Compositae; Nux y Agar.
(sabaones); Bry., Bar. c. Sigue bien a: Acon. y Bry. (Pleuresa); Hepar (sabaones).
Abrtano compuestas
Constipacin alternada con diarrea; lienteria.
Marasmo de los nios con marcado enflaquecimiento sobre todo en las piernas (Iod., Sanic.,
Tub.), la piel est flcida y cuelga en pliegues (del cuello, Nat. m y Sanic.)
Debilidad de la cabeza a consecuencia del marasmo, no puede levantarla (Aeth.): marasmo
de las extremidades inferiores solamente.
Hambre canina; se enflaquece a pesar de comer bien (Iod., Sanic., Tub., Nat. m.).
Contracciones dolorosas de los miembros con calambres o despus de clico.
Reumatismo: para el dolor excesivo antes de que comience la inflamacin; por la diarrea
repentinamente suprimida as como otras secreciones; alternando con hemorroides, con
Gota: articulaciones tiesas, hinchadas, con sensacin de punzadas; las articulaciones de los
puos y de los maleolos estn dolorosas e inflamadas.
Muy estropeado y dolorido todo el cuerpo.
Sabaones que dan comezn (Agar.).
Gran debilidad y postracin, una especie de fiebre hctica en los nios; incapaces de estar en
El nio est de mal carcter, irritable, malhumorado y decado; violento, inhumano, muestra
deseos de hacer algo cruel.
Cara de viejo, plida, arrugada (Op.).
- Despus de Hepar, para el furnculo; despus de Aconitum y Bryonia para la pleuresa,
cuando en el lado derecho afectado queda una sensacin presiva que impide el respirar.
Abrotanum (Vannier MM)
Por la noche y en el aire fro.
Por el movimiento.
GRAN DEBILIDAD CON EMACIACION MARCADA. El nio tiene un aspecto de viejo,
la cara arrugada, con ojeras y mirada triste, se encuentra incapacitado para sostener la cabeza
derecha o descansar de pie.
Deprimido, ansioso, sin inteligencia, mal carcter, testarudo y desalentado, violento y cruel.
Adelgazamiento considerable, SOBRE TODO DE LAS PIERNAS, la piel est flccida y
cuelga en arrugas. Hambre voraz, enflaquecimiento a pesar de comer bien (Abr., Iod., Nat.
m., Sil.).
Sensacin como si el estmago estuviera sumergido en el agua. Abdomen distendido con
ndulos duros. Alternancia de constipacin y diarrea. Lientera.
Dolores agudos en las articulaciones que estn rgidas e hinchadas. Contraccin dolorosa de
los miembros. El enfermo se moviliza con dificultad y se siente todo adolorido.
Trastornos cardacos despus de la desaparicin brusca de un reumatismo (Aur. Kal. Led.).
Sabaones con prurito. Supuracin umbilical en los recin nacidos. Hemorragia umbilical.
Atrepsia. Endocarditis reumatismal. Peritonitis tuberculosa. Reumatismo alternando con
diarrea. Tabes mesentrica. "Remedio de las metstasis".
Bryonia, Cina, Iodum, Silicea.
Complementarios: Natrum muriaticum. Psorinum. Marmoreck.
6a y 30a.
Abrotanum (Allen)
[_a3]: A. M. Cushing, M.D. , Trans. Mass. Hom. Med. Soc., 1866-70, vol. iii, p. 19, took 6
drops at 10.30 P.M.
[_a3]: (first day);8 drops at 10.35 P.M. (second day);15 drops at 10.30 P.M. (third day);15
drops at 10.30 P.M. (fourth day);20 drops at 11 P.M. (fifth day);25 drops at 9 P.M. (sixth
day); 40 drops at 10 P.M. (seventh day);25 drops at 12 P.M. (eleventh day);50 drops at
10.30 P.M. (twelfth day); 100 drops at 9 P.M. (thirteenth day);500 drops 1st dil. at 10 P.M.
(sixteenth day); 1000 drops at 10 P.M. (seventeenth day).
- Very nervous(eighteenth day), [_a2].
- In five minutes head felt as if squeezed on temporal regions(first day), [_a3].
- Pain and fulness of the head(seventh day), [_a3].
- Awoke in the morning with severe pain in the left temporal region, which continued all
the forenoon(fourteenth day), [_a3].
- Headache(sixteenth day), [_a3].
- Eyes smart in the evening;pain in left eye, could not open it for several seconds(fifteenth
day), [_a3].
- Soon after dose, heard a noise like the humming of a bee;walked around the room to find
it. When in bed it sounded like persons talking in the distance;on listening intently it
disappeared, but would return as he turned his mind from it(eleventh day), [_a3].
- Wind rushes out of right ear(seventeenth day), [_a3].
- Watery discharge from nose(seventeenth day), [_a3].
- Mouth hot and dry, morning, on waking(fourteenth day), [_a3].
- Sore tongue and mouth all day(seventeenth day), [_a3].
- Mouth dry and sore(twentieth and twenty-first days), [_a3].
- Mouth quite sore, confined mostly to gums near left upper molars(twenty-second day),
- Sore mouth, with increased saliva, more in the night(twenty-second day), [_a3].
- Soreness of mouth increased(twenty-third day), [_a3].
- Mouth better(twenty-fourth day), [_a3].
- Poor appetite(fifteenth, nineteenth, and twenty-second days), [_a3].
- Raises wind tasting of the plants(eighteenth day), [_a3].
- Evening, belching of large quantities of wind tasting of salt mackerel, through none has
been eaten for months;cannot eat it(twenty-sixth day), [_a3].
- Nausea(thirteenth day), [_a3].
- Slight nausea, with eructation of large quantities of flatus, tasting strongly of the
- Felt sick all the forenoon, better in the open air(fourteenth day), [_a3].
- Nausea and sour eructations(seventeenth day), [_a3].
- Nausea, burning, and soreness of the stomach, evening(seventeenth day), [_a3].
- Stomach very sour(eighteenth day), [_a3].
- Heat in stomach(eighteenth day), [_a3].
- Heat and pain at epigastrium, at night(twenty-second day), [_a3].
- Pain in region of liver and kidneys, of a sick, sore, faint, inexpressible nature, very
peculiar, almost amounting to fainting. Unable to walk on the street(eighteenth day), [_a3].
- Pain in left hypochondriac region, with eructation of large quantities of
- At midnight got out of bed and walked around the room;bowels bloated so much it was
difficult to walk or bend, and seeming as if the bowels could be kept from passing out at the
anus only by keeping the legs close together(seventeenth day), [_a3].
- Bowels bloated and painful, at 10 P.M. (eighteenth day), [_a3].
- Pain in the bowels all night, with several stools(twenty-sixth day), [_a3].
- Pain and heat in the bowels(fifteen minutes after a dose, seventeenth day), [_a3].
- Bowels costive for the third time in his life, when well(sixth day), [_a3].
- Urgent desire for stool;loose stool;another at 7 A. M. twelfth day, [_a3].
- Bowels seemed costive, with loose stool(fourteenth day), [_a3].
- Bowels more, costive than for years(sixteenth day), [_a3].
- Natural stool, at 9.30. P.M. (sixteenth day), [_a3].
- Three loose stools in the forenoon, one in the evening(eighteenth day), [_a3].
- 7 A. M., soft stool;9 A. M., stool, with much straining;sensation as if it was large and
indurated, though quite the reverse(twentieth day), [_a3].
- Urgent call and loose stool, at 6.30 A. M.(twenty-first day), [_a3].
Urinary organs
- At 2 P.M. , hurried desire to urinate after stool(fourth day), [_a3].
- Desire to urinate(seventeenth day), [_a3].
- Urine profuse(twenty-fifth day), [_a3].
Sexual organs
- Pain in testicles and back(seventeenth day), [_a3].
Respiratory organs
- A sensation as of breathing hot air continued for two days(fifteenth day), [_a3].
- Difficult breathing(twenty-second day), [_a3].
- Pain in left lung(thirteenth day), [_a3].
- Sore feeling in lower portion of left lung, morning, on waking(fourteenth day), [_a3].
- Pain in the base of both lungs through the day, with darting pain in limbs and ankles
(sixteenth day), [_a3].
- Severe and sore pain in both lungs(twenty-fifth day), [_a3].
- Pricking pain in right side of chest(thirteenth day), [_a3].
- Burning through right side of chest(twenty-second day), [_a3].
- Pain just below the heart, followed by a crawling sensation and eructations(seventeenth
day), [_a3].
- Pulse quick(seventeenth day), [_a3].
Neck and back
- On waking, very lame, worse in back;muscular soreness on motion, with severe pains in
the back of the neck, shoulders, right side of the chest, and limbs;the right his was so lame
as to cause limping for some time(fourteenth day), [_a3].
- Severe pain all day in the side and back of the neck and shoulders, limbs, back, and hips;
arms and hands feel numb(fifteenth day), [_a3].
- Strange pulling sensation of the muscles of the right side of the neck beneath the angle of
the jaw(half an hour after a dose, sixteenth day), [_a3].
- Back quite lame(eighteenth day), [_a3].
- Back lame and painful(twenty-first day), [_a3].
- Heavy pain in lumbar region, extending to both testicles, 5 P.M. (twenty-third day), [_a3].
- Pain in back and testicles(twenty-fourth day), [_a3].
- Pain in back, hips, and knees, afternoon(twenty-sixth day), [_a3].
- Limbs very weak(twenty-second day), [_a3].
- Weak, numb feeling of arms and limbs(thirteenth day), [_a3].
- Sore feeling in all the limbs, mostly in the joints, morning, on waking(fourteenth day),
- Pain all day in shoulders, arms, and hips(eighteenth day), [_a3].
- On waking, both arms, legs, and feet were very lame and painful, but relieved after
motion. In half an hour right hand so lame as to be useless(twenty-third day), [_a3].Joints
all sore and lame(twenty-seventh day), [_a3].
Superior extremities
- Feel as if both arms were tied to the body(twenty-sixth day), [_a3].
- Right arm lame and weak(twenty-second day), [_a3].
- Severe aching pain in both axillae, as if a sore were forming (tenth and eleventh days),
- Pain in shoulders(eighteenth day), [_a3].
- On waking early, sharp pain in left shoulder(twenty-fifth day), [_a3].
- Both shoulders lame and sore, on waking, in the morning(twenty-sixth day), [_a3].
- Seized when riding with lameness and aching of left arm above the elbow, on outer and
under side;arm lame all day(twelfth day), [_a3].
- 1 A. M., while riding, severe pain in the left arm above the elbow(fourteenth day), [_a3].
- Pain above right elbow, afternoon(twenty-second day), [_a3].
- Severe sore pain just above the left elbow, at 11 P.M. (twenty-second day), [_a3].
- The pain is all in arms just above the elbow(twenty-sixth day), [_a3].
- Pain in right elbow all the forenoon(twenty-fifth day), [_a3].
- Pain in left elbow and right hand(twenty-fifth day), [_a3].
- Right hand lame, so as scarcely to be used(nineteenth day), [_a3].
- Left hand so lame he could not sit still, 10 A. M.(twenty-third day), [_a3].
- Hands painful and sore all day;handles everything with difficulty(twenty-fourth day),
Inferior extremities
- Pain in both hips, severe in right hip and thigh(sixteenth day), [_a3].
- Aching pain all day across the hips(seventeenth day), [_a3].
- Both hips and legs so lame that it is difficult to walk (twenty-second day), [_a3].
- Both legs lame and painful, from hips to knees;they feel very sore, but are not sore to the
touch(twenty-second day), [_a3].
- Lame, aching pain on the inside of the right knee, then on the outside of the left
knee(sixth day), [_a3].
- Right knee and ankle very weak(eighteenth day), [_a3].
- Right knee lame and painful in the morning(twentieth day), [_a3].
- Sore pain in knees, first the right then the left, in the evening(twenty-second day), [_a3].
- Both knees lame, 11 A. M.(twenty-third day), [_a3].
- Pain in both knees(twenty-fourth day), [_a3].
- In the evening, sore lameness of head of left fibula, so severe as to cause lameness when
walking, at three different times(twenty-first day), [_a3].
- Legs and feet lame and painful(seventeenth day), [_a3].
- Very sudden pain in legs(eighteenth day), [_a3].
- Evening, both legs weak, both hands painful, and so lame as hardly to be used(twenty-
third day), [_a3].
- Ankles and legs so painful he could not sit still while examining a patient, 11.30 A. M.
(twenty-third day), [_a3].
- Soon after taking dose pain in the left, then the right leg, at the middle of the tibia(seventh
day), [_a3].
- Aching pain in the ankles and feet, worse on the outside of the left ankle(seventh day),
- Pain in ankles and knees;the feet are lame and painful(eighth to eleventh day), [_a3].
- During proving lay very straight in bed(usually lie with feet drawn up), [_a3].
- Trembling all over(five minutes after dose, seventeenth day), [_a3].
- While proving remedy, often unconsciously dropped reins when driving(nineteenth day),
- Weak and lame in the forenoon(eighteenth day), [_a3].
- In the afternoon severe pains;obliged to lie down;very sleepy, could not sleep;not able to
attend to patients(fourteenth day), [_a3].
- Itching, then darting pains in different parts of the body, most in lower lobes of both
lungs, and in the legs below the knees(eleventh day), [_a3].
- Darting pains in various parts of the body, most severe in right arm, above and near
elbow-joint, in the forenoon (twenty-second day) [_a3]
- Darting pain in various parts of the body and limbs(twenty-fifth day), [_a3].
- The old eruption feels sore, with violent pricking itching, extending to the head and
arms(seventh day), [_a3].
- A small scratch made a very large sore. After proving the old eruption returned, but was
not so severe as before, and was easily cured by Rhus tox. 200th, and has not returned,
- Slight itching of the limbs, but no eruption(twenty-second day), [_a3].
- Intolerable itching of a corn on the second toe of the left foot(sixteenth day), [_a3].
- Very severe itching of corn on left foot(seventeenth day), [_a3].
- Yawning and eructation all day(twenty-second day), [_a3].
- Sleepy all day(eighteenth day), [_a3].
- Restless sleep, with springing up, and constant jumping and thrashing of the arms
(seventeenth day), [_a3].
- Restless sleep(twentieth day), [_a3].
- Very restless night, with heat and pain at epigastrium(twenty-first night), [_a3].
- Unrefreshing sleep(twenty-second night), [_a3].
- Had frightful dreams;awoke frightened and trembling(fifth day), [_a3].
- Frightful dreams of mad dogs, etc.(fourteenth day), [_a3].
- Chilly in a very warm room(twenty-third day), [_a3].
- Feels too warm in a cool room (seventeenth day) [_a3]
Abrotanum (Hering)
Southernwood. Compositae.
Artimisia abrotanum, or southernwood, growing on sunny hills in Southern Europe, and
cultivated in gardens.
Celebrated as an old popular medicine.
Introduced into our practice by Deventer.
Proved by Gatchell on two women.
- Feebleness and dulness of mind.
- No capacity for thinking, as if all bodily and mental power were gone.
- Thinks her brain is softening.
- Excited, loquacious, feels like shouting.
- Taciturnity.
- Indolence, aversion to physical exercise.
- Good humored, happy.
- Gloomy, desponding.
- Great anxiety and depression. Gastralgia.
- The child is cross and depressed. Marasmus.
- Ill-natured, irritable, violent.
- Exceedingly peevish, feels as if she would like to do something cruel; no humanity.
- Easily fatigued by conversation or mental effort.
Inner head
- The left brain seemed especially weak; easily fatigued by conversation or mental effort.
- Sensation as of creeping chills along convolutions of brain, accompanied by prickling.
Outer head
- Head weak, could not hold it up.
- Scalp sore, especially side.
- Itching of scalp.
- Blue rings around dull looking eyes. Chlorosis.
- Inflamed eyes.
- Dryness of inner nose.
- Nosebleed with boys.
- Face wrinkled, old, pale. Marasmus.
- Comedones with emaciation.
- Face feels cold.
- Drawing pains in upper maxilla.
- Drawing and tearing pains in carious teeth.
- Slimy taste. Gastralgia.
- Acid taste.
- Scraping in throat.
- Gnawing hunger; craves bread boiled in milk.
- Appetite great; ravenous while emaciating; marasmus.
- Loss of appetite. Gastralgia.
- Weak, sinking feeling in bowels.
- Frequent colicky pain. Marasmus.
- Distended abdomen. Chlorosis; marasmus; colic.
- | Hard lumps in different parts of abdomen.
Urinary organs
- Bladder full, urging to urinate.
- Urine scanty.
- Impeded breathing.
- Troublesome cough. Rheumatism.
Inner chest
- Raw feeling in respiratory tract from cold air.
- In pleurisy (after Acon. and Bryon.), when a pressing sensation remains in affected side,
impeding free breathing.
Outer chest
- Drawing pains in chest-muscles, especially from motion.
- Weak back, with ovarian pains.
- Pains in sacrum. Hemorrhoidal colic.
Upper limbs
- Fugitive pains in shoulders all night, preventing sleep.
- Aching from shoulder joints to elbow.
- Arms very weak.
- Numb sensation in fingers.
- Dull aching in first finger of right hand, followed by similar pain in other fingers of right
and left hand.
- Pricking and coldness of finger tips.
Lower limbs
- Emaciation, mostly of legs. Marasmus.
- Drawing sensation in ankle joint.
- Deadness and coldness of feet.
- Sticking, tearing and itching sensations in old foot-sores.
Limbs in general
- Inability to move arms; legs only with difficulty. Rheumatism.
- Frost-bitten limbs.
- Position. Motion. Lies prone; cannot hold head up.
- Motion : pains in muscles of chest; averse to exercise; rheumatic pains agg.
- Inability to move arms; legs with difficulty.
- Remains very much relaxed and incapacitated.
- Disposed to lie prone.
- A weak, sickly feeling continued many days, with internal trembling when excited.
- Very lame and sore all over. Rheumatism.
- Great weakness and prostration, and a kind of hectic fever with children, after
- Head so weak, cannot hold it up.
- Hysteria.
- Sleepless and restless. Hemorrhoidal colic.
- Night : cutting, gnawing, stinging in stomach agg; fugitive pains in shoulders.
- High fever. Rheumatism.
- Hectic fever, very weakening. Marasmus.
- Suddenly : hoarseness.
- Piles agg as rheumatism gets amel.
- Alternating : diarrhoea and constipation.
Locality and direction
- Left : brain seems weak; scalp sore; darting in ovary; sharp pains in region of heart.
- Right to left : dull aching in fingers.
- Right and left : twitching in ovarian region; aching in fingers.
- As of creeping chills along convolutions of brain, with prickling; as if stomach was
hanging or swimming in water; weak with internal trembling.
- Aching : in shoulder joints and first finger of right hand.
- Pain : across chest, sharp in region of heart; in sacrum.
- Darting : in left ovary.
- Cutting : in stomach.
- Sticking : in foot-sores.
- Stinging : in stomach.
- Pricking : in brain; in stiff joints; finger tips.
- Tearing : in teeth; in foot-sores.
- Burning : in stomach and hemorrhoids.
- Soreness : of scalp all over.
- Aching : from shoulder joints to elbow; in fingers.
- Contracting : in stomach.
- Gouty pains : in wrists and ankle joints.
- Fugitive pains : in shoulders.
- Gnawing : in stomach.
- Drawing : in upper maxilla, carious teeth, chest muscles; ankle joint.
- Pressing : in pleurisy.
- Scraping : in throat.
- Rawness : in respiratory tract.
- Twitching : in ovaries.
- Numbness : in fingers.
- Deadness : of feet.
- Coldness : in face, stomach, finger tips; feet.
- Weak sinking feeling : in bowels.
- Dryness : of inner nose.
- Itching : of scalp, foot-sores, chilblains.
- Gout : painful and inflamed wrists and ankle joints.
- Joints stiff, with pricking sensation.
- Painful, inflammatory rheumatism before swelling.
- | Chlorosis.
- { In phagedenic diseases.
- Rheumatism from suddenly checked diarrhoea, cannot move her head, arms or limbs,
and suffers much pain, no swelling.
- After suppressed gout. Gastralgia.
- Marasmus of children.
- Contractions of limbs from cramps or following colic.
- Furuncles, if Hepar sulph. is insufficient.
- The skin is flabby and hangs loose. Marasmus.
- Itching chilblains.
- After Acon. and Bryon., in pleurisy; after Hepar sulph., in furuncle.
- Itching chilblains; compare Nux vom. and Amonita
ABSINTHIUM (Vijnovsky)
* 2- Insano, brutal, cruel; alterna estupor con violencia peligrosa. Miedo de matar.
** 4- Cleptomana.
** 9- Vrtigo al levantarse, con tendencia a caer hacia atrs. Quiere estar acostado con la
cabeza baja.
* 12- Saca la lengua, que tiembla, y la siente como paralizada, hinchada y muy grande; se la
muerde en el ataque epilptico. Sensacin de escaldadura en la garganta.
* 13- Sin apetito, asco. Siente el estmago fro. Eructos. Vientre hinchado, gran flatulencia,
* 14- Constante deseo de orinar. Orina de color naranja fuerte, con olor a orina de caballo.
ABSINTHIUM (Farrington)
Absinthium, otra planta del gnero Artemisia, familia de las Compuestas, nos interesa
no solo como medicamento, sino tambin porque encontramos casos de intoxicacin en las
personas que abusan de ella como bedida. Los primeros efectos mentales del ajenjo son el
buen humor, que pronto es seguido de resultados nocivos, entre los que se encuentra el
delirio horrible, durante el cual el enfermo se ve obligado a pasearse contnuamente. Este
sntoma se observa en todos los medicamentos del orden de las Compuestas, Chamomilla
y Cina tienen mejora por el movimiento y en Artemisia hay deseo de estar movindose;
bajo la accin de Absinthium el enfermo se pasea con angustia, viendo visiones de toda
especie. Podemos hacer uso de Absinthium en el insomnio de la fiebre tifoidea cuando hay
congestin cerebral de la base.
Relaciones.- Comparar : Artem. vulg., Abrot., Cicut., Hyosc., Bell., Stram., Orina olor
fuerte: Benz. ac., Nit. ac.
Absinthium (Boericke)
Visiones espantosas
Prdida de la memoria
Olvida lo que pas recientemente
No desea hacer nada con nadie
Vrtigo, con tendencia a caer hacia atrs
Confusin general
Quiere tener la cabeza baja
Pupilas dilatadas asimtricamente.
Cara azul
Sacudidas faciales espasmdicas
Cefalea occipital sorda. [Gels., Picric ac.]
Mandbulas fijas
Se muerde la lengua; temblores; la siente hinchada y muy grande; protusin.
Sensacin de escaldada; como de una bola.
Nusea, arcada, eructos
Distendido alrededor de la cintura y abdomen
Clico flatulento.
Deseo constante
Olor muy fuerte; color amarillo oscuro. [Kali phos.]
Dolores como dardos en el ovario derecho
Espermatorrea, con rganos relajados, debilitados.
Menopausia prematura.
Sensacin de peso en el trax
Accin del corazn irregular, tumultuosa, se puede or en la espalda.
Dolor en extremidades
Sntomas paralticos.
Comparar: Alcohol, Artemisia, Hydrocy
acid., Cina, Cicuta.
Potencias de la primera a la sexta.
Absinthium (Allen)
[_a1]: Dr. Th Ch. Challand, Etude exper. et clin. sur L'Absinthisine et L'Alcoolisine, Paris,
[_a2]: general statement;
[_a3]: to 13 detailed cases.
- Delirium, with trembling of the hands and feet, [a9].
- After drinking Absinthe began to scream, called out, with frothing from the
mouth;convulsions, with tetanic spasms like electric shocks, [a7].
- Terrifying hallucinations, [a11].
- Hallucinations, [a9].
- Terrifying hallucinations of persons pursuing him, [a6].
- Terrifying hallucinations, he sees all kinds of animals, cats and rats of all colors,
grotesque animals, fancies that he is pursued by soldiers, etc., [a4].
- Hallucinations of vision and of hearing, that he is pursued by imaginary enemies;
hallucinations of various kinds, of naked women, etc., [a5].
- Visions of animals, [a10].
- Fear of assassination, [a10].
- Loquacity, [a9].
- Irritability, [_a3].
- General mental incoherence, [a6].
- Memory feeble, [a11].
- Unconsciousness in convulsions, [_a3].
- Coma, followed by death, [a8].
(The autopsy demonstrated subpericranial ecchymosis, very recent meningeal
haemorrhages, blood black, liquid, very abundant false membranes on the inner surface of
the dura mater, superficial inflammation of the left hemisphere of the brain, pulmonary
emphysema, heart fatty, flabby, etc.)
- Frequent vertigo, [a8].
- Eyes brilliant, [_a3].
- Dilated pupils, [a8].
- Pupils unequally dilated, [_a3].
- Pallor of the face, [_a3].
- Trembling of the tongue, [a5].
- Fibrillar twitching of the tongue, [a6].
- Incoherent speech, [a8].
- Loss of appetite, [_a3].
- Symptoms of indigestion, with at times vomiting, [_a3].
- Oppression of the epigastrium and chest, [a13].
- Liver enlarged, [a8].
- Constipation, [_a3].
Urinary organs
- Urine red, albuminous, [_a3].
Respiratory organs
- Cough, with some expectoration and crepitant rles (due very likely to some oedema of
the lungs dependent, on the albuminuria), [_a3].
- Voice feeble, speech hesitating, [_a3].
- Trembling of the hands, [a5];especially in the morning, [_a3].
- Pain along the sciatic nerve, [a8].
- Attacks resembling hysteria, [a13].
- Hysterical spasms;general rigidity of the limbs, followed by irregular convulsions,
accompanied by acute sensation of oppression, obliging the patient to put the hand to the
chest, as though there was a heavy weight there;at the same time he tossed about, cried out,
and wished to die; the convulsive spasm was generally succeeded by a momentary calm,
and so on in alternations for more than an hour, [a12].
- Epileptiform spasms, followed by delirium, [a6].
- The effects observed from intoxication by Absinthe are dependent upon disturbance of
motility. These are convulsive phenomena. The epilepsy develops itself in a relatively short
time, the reverse of which is true of the effects of Alcohol. The epilepsy of Absinthe differs
again from the epilepsy of Alcohol in its character. While the epilepsy of Alcohol becomes
analogous to true epilepsy only at a very advanced stage of the disease, that of Absinthe
assumes at once and completely all the characteristics of that disease. The person becomes
pale, loses consciousness, falls, sometimes utters cries, the face is convulsed;this is
followed by tonic convulsions, with tetanic rigidity of the limbs and of the trunk, which is
raised up, followed by clonic convulsions of the limbs;the face becomes violet and
cyanotic, respiration rapid, irregular, stertorous, froth from the lips, sometimes bloody, the
individual bites the tongue, at last falls into a comatose state, with stertorous respiration,
which lasts a longer or shorter time. After the person recovers consciousness he seems
stupid, dazed, and recollects nothing of what has passed. Sensibility is very obtuse, and
during the attack anaesthesia is complete. Sometimes the epilepsy of Absinthe is not
characterized by a complete attack, but has only vertigo or loss of consciousness;symptoms
which are found in true epilepsy. The third characteristic of the epilepsy of Absinthe is its
short duration. The violent attacks cease completely as long as the patient remains sober,
but when he begins to drink again he has new premonitions of an attack, which is not slow
in coming on. There may by one attack or several during the day or following days, but
usually there are three or four. Is this epilepsy of Absinthe the effect of acute or chronic
intoxication?We believe that it is an acute symptom manifested during the course of chronic
intoxication, found more often in those who drink to excess habitually;its appearance is
never delayed after the person has begun to drink Absinthe to excess. After drinking for six
months or a year, some day the person drinks to excess and the spasms come on. Acute
alcoholic mania or delirium tremens is equally an acute symptom during chronic
alcoholism, and the epileptiform spasms of alcoholism show themselves at a very advanced
period. Persons who are attacked by the epilepsy of Absinthe, drink generally eight, twelve,
or even twenty glasses of Absinthe a day. Others drink three or four, and are awaiting the
attacks. A circumstance of great importance is the predisposition. We find a large number of
drinkers who have never had spasms, or only slight symptoms. There are others, on the
contrary, who are attacked on their first excess. A large number of person habitually sober,
who drink occasionally a glass of Absinthe, become affected by a kind of intoxication, with
pains in the head and sensation of constriction in the temples, and they therefore rarely
drink Absinthe. Such persons tolerate, without the least trouble, a large quantity of Alcohol,
and experience no symptoms from it. This is a very common occurrence, but difficult to
explain, unless we admit the presence of a special agent in Absinthe. Dr. Voisin, in Nouv
Dict. de Med. et de Chir. Prat., art. Epilepsie, 1870, p. 604 et 628, says that the epilepsy
produced by wine, alcohol, etc., is usually characterized by long intervals between the
attacks, the epilepsy of Absinthe by the very large number of attacks in a very short space
of time. I have reported a case of epilepsy of Absinthe in which there were from on hundred
and fifty to two hundred attacks in twenty-four hours. Drs. Mace and Magnan have
observed the same effects, [_a2].
- Epileptic spasms, with cyanosis, frothing from the mouth, etc, [a10].
- Epileptic attacks, lasting twenty or thirty minutes, after which the hallucinations continue,
- Epileptic spasms repeatedly, [a5].
- Was suddenly seized with a convulsion, during which he lost consciousness;there were
convulsive movements of the limbs face distorted, frothing from the mouth, biting the
tongue, [_a3].
- Convulsions and violent color of the face, frothing from the mouth, etc., [a8].
- Irregular intermittent spasms, without absolute loss of consciousness, [a13].
- Very great agitation, [a6].
- Trembling, [a4].
- General trembling, [a10].
- Trembling of the lips, hands and tongue, [a6].
- Trembling of the limbs, lips, tongue, [_a3].
- Symptoms of general paralysis, [a9].
- Very marked anaesthesia, [a13].
- General exaltation of sensibility, [_a3].
- General anaesthesia, [a8].
- Eruption of furuncles over the whole body, [a9].
- Feverish, [a4].
- Profuse sweat, [a9].
Absinthium (Hering)
Wormwood. Compositae.
A bitter herb, a native of Europe, and cultivated in gardens, much used in France for a
liqueur, the effects of which are very injurious.
Most symptoms toxicological from French authorities.
The only provings, Gybtchell, in Medical Investigator.
- After recovering from epileptic spasms no recollection of taking the poison, nor the cause
of his doing so.
- Brutality, mental dulness, insanity.
- The mania from the liqueur is worse than that from alcohol.
- Soothed, as if going into a beautiful dream.
- Great terror; terrifying hallucinations.
- Stupefaction, alternately with dangerous violence.
- Drunkenness.
- Vertigo, dizzy on rising.
- Insensibility (with convulsions).
Inner head
- Causes congestion of head, medulla and spine.
- Headache.
Outer head
- Wants to lie with the head low.
- | Baldness and chronic tinea.
- Otorrhoea. Especially after hemicrania.
- Foolish look.
- Makes facial grimaces. Epileptiform convulsions.
- Ebullitions of blood in face.
- Bites his tongue. Epileptiform convulsions.
- Tongue thick, protruding, can scarcely talk.
- Trembling of tongue.
- Complains that tongue is paralyzed.
Inner mouth
- Foams at mouth. Epileptiform convulsions.
- Scalded feeling in throat.
- Throat inflamed.
- Food lies heavy; stomach feels cold and oppressed; thinks it would not absorb much.
- || Liver feels swollen. Autumnal fever.
- { Liver and stomach diseases.
- || Pain in spleen; it feels swollen. Autumnal fever.
- Bloated : around waist and in abdomen, as after ague; with flatus.
Urinary organs
- Constant desire to urinate.
- Urine deep orange, having a strong, horse-like smell.
- Cough with liver complaint.
- Tremor of heart, felt toward back.
- Heart thumps; can be heard in scapular region.
- Pain in sacrum.
Upper limbs
- Pain in shoulders.
- Trembling of hands.
Lower limbs
- Horses kick with hind legs toward belly. Ascarides.
Limbs in general
- Throws about limbs. Epileptiform convulsions.
- Pains in limbs.
- Limbs swell.
- Trembling precedes epileptic attack.
- Epileptiform convulsions : loses consciousness, falls, bites his tongue, foams at mouth,
features distorted; throws his limbs about; weak afterwards.
- Excited, opisthotonos, grinding teeth; followed by stupor.
- Restless at night, with disturbing dreams.
- Morning : nausea and vomiting.
- Night : restlessness, with disturbing dreams.
- Chill, heat, then sweat; thirst in all stages; sleeps during heat.
- || Obstinate autumnal fevers, with swollen liver and spleen.
- Attacks antepone.
- Alternate : stupefaction and violence.
- Right : darting pain in ovary.
- Nausea apparently in region of gall-bladder; tremor of heart.
- Pain : in eyes; in spleen; in uterus; in sacrum; in shoulders; in limbs.
- Darting : in right ovary.
- Scalded feeling : in throat.
- Swollen feeling : in liver; in spleen.
- Heaviness : of lids.
- Oppression : in stomach.
- Itching : of eyes.
- Cold feeling : in stomach.
- Causes hyperaemia of brain, medulla and spine, more intense when combined with
- Occasionally stomach, more frequently endocardium and pericardium show small
- || Paralysis of inner organs.
- Bruises and consequent inflammation.
- Jaundiced skin.
Stages of life
- Especially younger patients. Chlorosis.
- Collateral relations : Art. vulg., Abrot.
- Similar to : Alcohol, Bellad. Chamom., Hyosc., Stramon.
- Is said to cure poisoning by mushrooms.
- Secondary effects of absinthe are much worse than those from abuse of alcohol, opium or
* 1- Adelgazamiento progresivo.
*** 6- Tos seca, dura, ms violenta de noche, seguida de hemoptisis, de sangre roja a la
maana y con cogulos oscuros a la tarde o al anochecer. Matidez del trax a la
percusin; dolores constantes y severos. Tuberculosis incipiente.
7- Ictericia. Prurito.
Ortiga del mar. Ortiga india. Cupameni. Indian nettle. Indian acalypha (Este de la India).
O.N. Euphorbiaceae. Tintura de la planta fresca.
Un medicamento que tiene una accin marcada en el tubo digestivo y rganos respiratorios
Est indicado en tisis incipiente, con tos dura, seca, expectoracin sanguinolenta,
hemorragia arterial, pero sin trastornos febriles
Muy dbil por la maana, gana fuerzas durante el da
Emaciacin progresiva
Todas las hemorragias patolgicas tienen notablemente una agravacin por la maana.
Tos seca, dura, seguida por hemoptisis; peor por la maana y por la noche
Dolor en el trax constante y severo
Sangre roja brillante y no profusa por la maana; oscura y coagulada por la tarde
Pulso blando y compresible
Ardor en la faringe, esfago y estmago.
Ardor en los intestinos
Diarrea que salpica con expulsin violenta de flatos ruidosos, dolores de expulsin y
Distensin con ruidos, y dolores clicos en el abdomen
Hemorragia rectal; peor por la maana.
Prurito e hinchazones circunscritas como furnculos.
Peor por la maana.
Comparar: Millefol., Phosphor., Acetic acid, Kali nit.
Potencias de la tercera a la sexta.
Acalypha indica(Allen)
Euforbi ceas.
Habita: En la India.
Hemorragias pulmonares e intestinales con adelgazamiento.
Por la maana.
Adelgazamiento con debilidad ms marcada por la maana.
Tos seca, violenta, peor por la noche, sobreviene en accesos seguida de hemoptisis de
sangre roja, agravada por la maana. Hemoptisis de sangre negra, coagulada, despus de
medio da. Dolores en el pecho. Percusin torcica dolorosa.
Distensin abdominal. Diarrea salpicante con expulsin de gases ruidosos y borborigmos,
hemorragia rectal, peor por la maana.
Hemoptisis. Hemorragia intestinal. Tuberculosis en su principio.
Aconitum. Millefolium, Phosphorus.
6a y 30a.
- Gloomy and despairing, but very unwilling to die. Haemoptysis.
- Cough, with bloody expectoration. Tuberculosis.
- Violent dry cough, followed by bloody expectoration.
- Haemoptysis.
- Haemoptysis : expectorates pure blood in morning, dark lumps (clotted) in evening.
Cough most violent at night. Tubercular deposits in apex of lung.
Inner chest
- Dulness in chest on percussion. Haemoptysis.
- Constant and severe pain in chest. Haemoptysis.
- Pulse small and depressed.
- Pulse from 100 to 120. Haemoptysis.
- Night : cough most violent.
- Morning : expectorates pure blood.
- Evening : expectorates dark clotted blood.
- Slow fever.
- Progressive emaciation. Haemoptysis.
Other drugs
- Collaterally related to all Euphorbiaceae; especially to Mercurialis annua and Mancin
3- No reconoce a sus parientes ni a sus hijos. Olvida hechos recientes o palabras habituales.
*** 5- Piel plida, crea, edematosa, sobre todo en la cara. Edemas, anasarca.
*** 6- Sed inextinguible, insaciable, ardiente, salvo cuando tiene fiebre. Prdida de apetito.
** 8- Anemia profunda.
10- Otras caractersticas: Desmayos. Hemorragias de cada orificio del cuerpo. Marasmo en
12- Cefalea por abuso de tabaco, caf, alcohol, opio. Arterias temporales distendidas.
** 14- La mejilla izquierda se pone roja de golpe, la otra plida (sobre todo durante la
fiebre); o las dos enrojecen. Ojos hundidos, con ojeras. Epitelioma de labio.
* 15- Mucosa bucal blanca, o con placas blancas. Lengua plida y flccida. Sialorrea. Encas
sangrantes y dolorosas. Aliento ftido. Difteria.
**16- No tolera presin en el epigastrio. Siente como una piedra en el estmago si toma
lquidos fros o algo helado o verduras, pan y manteca. Violentos dolores y eructos
ardientes, nuseas, vmitos cidos, hematemesis. Gastralgias quemantes seguidas de piel
fra y sudores fros en la frente. Toda esta sintomatologa mejora acostado sobre el
vientre. Induraciones en el estmago; escirro de ploro. Cncer gstrico. Piensa que tiene
* 18- Diarrea copiosa, acuosa, a veces sanguinolenta, agotadora, con gran sed y sudores
nocturnos; en anasarca, tifoidea, tuberculosis. Diarrea crnica en nios con gran
adelgazamiento. Melenas. Ascaridiasis.
** 19- Orina copiosa y plida, clara como el agua. Poliuria con adelgazamiento. Diabetes con
gran sed y debilidad.
* 20- Emisiones nocturnas muy debilitantes. Sale el semen al defecar. Prepucio fisurado,
pica, no puede ser retrado.
* 21- Menstruaciones profusas. Metrorragias despus del parto. Nuseas y vmitos del
embarazo. Senos dolorosos, hinchados, llenos de leche, que es pobre, azul, transparente,
* 22- Ronquera con tos crupal, peor en la inspiracin. Disnea intensa, mejor acostado sobre
el vientre. hemoptisis, tuberculosis pulmonar. Angina de pecho. Hidrotrax.
** 25- Fiebre con piel seca y caliente, mancha roja en la mejilla izquierda, sin sed, con
profusos sudores nocturnos. Llamaradas de calor con sudores.
Aceticum Acidum o cido actico, es un lquido incoloro de olor vivo y penetrante pero
agradable, sabor clido y picante, voltil, inflamable, y sumamente vido de agua,
alcohol, ter y glicerina.
Muchos sntomas derivados de una PICADURA DE INSECTO o de una mordedura han sido
curados por acet. acid. (Kent).
Recordemos, en fin, que el VINAGRE es un antiguo remedio para combatir LOS MALOS
Humor grun; se queja sin cesar. Confusin mental. La enferma no reconoce sus propios
hijos; olvida lo que acaba de ocurrir, experimenta crisis de angustia, cree estar aburrida,
fastidiada y molestada constantemente, que va a ocurrir alguna desgracia (Kent).
Plida, serosa, demacrada; a veces una mejilla roja y la otra plida. A veces las mejillas estn
calientes y vivamente coloreadas por el flujo sanguneo, cara rojo vivo, hmeda. Los ojos
hundidos con ojeras negras.
Aparato digestivo
2) FARINGE: El nio tiene sed pero no puede tragar ni una cucharadita de agua. Falsas
membranas blancas en la garganta.
3) ESTOMAGO: SED INTENSA INSACIABLE. El nio grita por beber agua fra de
noche: sed intensa, devoradora, de grandes cantidades de agua por vez, en la hidropesa,
la diabetes, la diarrea crnica, pero NO TIENE SED CUANDO TIENE FIEBRE.
Vomita despus de ingerir cualquier clase de alimento. Rechazo seguro con vmitos.
Vmitos del embarazo, pirosis y salivacin profusa da y noche (LACT. ACID.) donde la
salivacin es peor de noche; (MERC. SOLUB.) (Clarke). Vmitos de sangre y de todo
alimento ingerido. Dolor ardiente de estmago, como de lcera (Cncer de estmago).
Diarrea copiosa, agotadora, acompaada por gran sed, bebe copiosamente sin que ello
parezca daarle aparentemente; en la hidropesa, tifus, tisis, la sed va acompaada a
veces de abundantes sudores nocturnos; diarrea con edema en piernas y pies, en los
tuberculosos; diarrea con clicos y dolor de abdomen.
Aparato urinario
Orina en cantidades aumentadas, plida, a menudo fosfatada. ACET. AC. ha curado diabetes
con o sin glicosurea, cuando hay sed violenta, insaciable, inextinguible, gran debilidad y
marcado enflaquecimiento. (Kent)
rganos genitales
Debilidad sexual con prdidas seminales, espermatorrea que acompaa las deposiciones;
relajamiento de los rganos genitales.
Menstruacin abundante, o flujo menstrual acuoso. En los casos de clorosis, donde ACETIC.
AC. es indicado por los otros sntomas, el flujo menstrual puede ser poco abundante.
Hemorragia uterina con gran sed.
Aparato respiratorio
EPISTAXIS: Especialmente despus de una cada o golpe. Ronquera con irritacin larngea.
Las paredes larngeas y de la trquea se cubren de una exudacin fibrinosa como en el
verdadero crup o la verdadera difteria; respiracin sibilante con estertores en la garganta;
tos crupal agravada a cada inspiracin (Clarke).
Tos seca, crnica, cortante, en sujetos enfermizos, plidos, como los que "han heredado
tisis", con edema en las extremidades, diarrea y disnea, sudores nocturnos. Sensacin de
quemadura en el estmago y pecho; estertores en el pecho;bronquitis crnica (Kent).
Broncorrea profusa (Boericke). Hemorragias pulmonares; hemoptisis.
Espalda y extremidades
Piel plida, color cera, edematosa. Piel caliente, ardiente, seca, o recubierta de abundante
transpiracin. Disminucin de la sensibilidad cutnea en la superficie del cuerpo.
Hinchazones varicosas.
Fiebre hctica con abundante transpiracin nocturna, placa roja sobre la mejilla izquierda. No
tiene sed durante la fiebre.
Antdota los vapores de los anestsicos (AMYIL), del xido de carbono y del gas;
igualmente OPIO y STRAMONIUM. El vinagre de vino antdota a CARBOLIC. ACID.
Este medicamento es til en gente aquejada de palidez y enfermiza. Pacientes que han sido
dbiles durante muchos aos, que han heredado tisis.
El aspecto demacrado, debilidad, anemia, prdida de apetito, sed abasadora y orina plida
copiosa es una combinacin que reclama el cido actico. Han sido curados por este
medicamento la sensacin de calor con pulsaciones que van y vienen, semejantes a
orgasmos; clorosis en chicas jvenes; enfermedades hidrpicas en general; efectos
nocivos de picaduras y mordidas, han sido curados con este medicamento. El vinagre es
un antiguo remedio para los malos efectos del cloroformo. Es til en constipacin
hemorrgica. Prdida de sangre de varias mucosas, nariz, recto, pulmones y de lceras.
Sensibilidad al fro.
Confusin mental; no conoce a sus propios hijos; olvida lo ocurrido recientemente; ataques
de angustia; constantemente encuentra inconvenientes gratuitos; piensa que algunas
cosas han de suceder; malhumorado y quejoso.
Orina acuosa copiosa. Ha curado diabetes, inspida o millitus, donde hay mucha sed,
debilidad, palidez y prdida de peso.
Hemorragia uterina; reglas copiosas, o flujo menstrual acuoso. Escasos menstruos con
Es un remedio constitucional de accin profunda, y cuando sea bien estudiado ser muy
til. Todas las sustancias de las que se abusa como alimentos llegan a ser grandes
remedios, tales como vinagre, caf, sal comn, etc. Deberamos tenerlos ms en cuenta
de lo que lo hacemos para los casos crnicos rebeldes.
Acido actico glacial. Glacial Acetic Acid. HC2 H2 O2. (Se usa agua destilada en su
atenuacin 1x y 1; alcohol muy diluido para la 3x y hasta 4; alcohol rectificado para la
5 y ms alta.)
Caractersticas.- Los aspectos principales del cido actico son el excesivo agotamiento y
debilidad; anemia con palidez cerosa de la cara; sed intensa; ardor en la garganta;
nusea; arqueo, y sube algo cido como se encuentra en casos de cncer y debilidad.
Hay dolores roentes, ulcerativos en el estmago; dolor y ardor en el abdomen. Diarrea
profusa, agotante. Se ha usado en diabetes. Corresponde a las fiebres ptridas y hcticas
con sudores nocturnos; hemorragias, vrices hinchadas y edemas. Como un tipo de
efectos del vinagre, debe mencionarse lo siguiente: Una mujer joven y obesa toma un
vaso pequeo de vinagre para reducir el peso. Pronto pierde peso y color. Al mes,
aparece tos con flema mezclada, fiebre, disnea, sudores nocturnos, anorexia, edemas,
diarrea, muerte. Los pulmones despus de la muerte, se encontraron llenos de
tubrculos no supurativos. Una joven alemana, despus de trabajar doce meses en una
fbrica de vinagre, fue obligada a dejarla, por indigestin, disnea y fatiga. Se adapta a
nios y a personas de edad; a personas delgadas, plidas, laxas. (Partes iguales de
vinagre y agua caliente, hacen un bao refrescante de esponja en muchos estados de
fiebre, con o sin sudoracin.)
Relaciones.- Comparar : Apis., Ars. (pero el cido actico tiene sntomas gstricos ms
preponderantes que ellos); Carbol. ac., Lac. defl., Lact. ac., Uran. nit. Grandes dosis de
Acetic ac. son mejor antidotados por Magnesia o Calcarea, ya sea como magnesia
lquida o agua de cal. Para antidotar potencias son: Para la depresin, sensacin
agonizante, Tabac., Acon.; para sntomas febriles, gstricos, pulmonares, Nat. mur., y
despus Sep. Antidota a : Anestsicos, Acon., Asar., Coffea, Euphorb., Ignat., Opium,
Plumb. (Clico), Sep., Stram., Tabac. Contraataca, intoxicacin por salsas. Agrava, los
efectos de Bell., Merc., Arn., Lach., No es compatible cuando se da despus de Borax,
Caust., Nux v., Ran. b., Sars.; Scilla, Colch. y Sang. tienen ms efecto en la curacin de
algunas enfermedades cuando se preparan con cido actico, que con alcohol.
-Antidotiza los vapores anestsicos (Amyl.); el humo del carbn y gas; (Opium, Stram.).
Sigue bien a Cinchona, para las hemorragias; a Digitalis para la hidropesa.
Agrava los sntomas de Arnica, Bell., Lach., Merc., sobre todo el dolor de cabeza propio de
Este medicamento produce un estado profundo de anemia, con algunos sntomas de
edemas, gran debilidad, desmayos frecuentes, disnea, corazn dbil, vmito, miccin y
sudor abundante
Hemorragia por cualquier parte
Especialmente indicado en personas plidas, delgadas, con msculos laxos, flojos
Agotamiento y debilidad
El cido actico tiene el poder de licuar los depsitos fibrinosos y albuminosos
Cncer epitelial, interna y externamente (W. Owens)
Sycosis con ndulos y formaciones en las articulaciones
Chancro duro
La solucin 1x ablandar y causar la formacin de pus.
Irritable, se preocupa por asuntos de negocios.
Cefalea nerviosa, por abuso de narcticos
La sangre se agolpa en la cabeza con delirio
Vasos temporales distendidos.
Dolor a travs de la raz de la lengua.
Plida, crea, emaciada
Ojos hundidos, rodeados de ojeras oscuras
Roja brillante
Epitelioma del labio
Mejillas calientes y enrojecidas
Dolor en un punto del maxilar izquierdo.
Fermentacin en el estmago
Sed ardiente intensa
Las bebidas fras le molestan
Vmito despus de cualquier clase de alimento
Sensibilidad en el epigastrio
Dolor ardoroso como de una lcera
Cncer del estmago
Eructos cidos y vmito
Agruras quemantes y salivacin profusa
Hiperclorhidria y gastralgia
Dolor ardoroso violento en el estmago y trax, seguido por enfriamiento de la piel y sudor
fro en la frente
Siente el estmago como si hubiera tomado mucho vinagre.
Siente como si el abdomen se hundiera
Frecuentes heces acuosas, peor por la maana
Hemorragia de los intestinos.
Grandes cantidades de orina plida
Diabetes, con mucha sed y debilidad. []
Menstruacin excesiva
Hemorragia despus del parto
Nusea del embarazo
Senos grandes dolorosos, distendidos con leche
Leche empobrecida, azulada, transparente, cida
Anemia de madres que amamantan
Respiracin ronca, silbante; respiracin difcil; tos al inspirar
Crup membranoso
Irritacin de la trquea y bronquios
Falsa membrana en la garganta
Broncorrea profusa
Garganta adolorida ptrida (gargarismos).
Dolor en la espalda, mejorado solamente acostndose sobre el abdomen.
Edema de pies y piernas.
Plida, crea, edematosa
Piel caliente, seca, ardorosa, o baada en sudor profuso
Disminucin de la sensibilidad de la superficie del cuerpo
Util despus de picaduras, mordeduras, etc
Hinchazones varicosas
Escorbuto; anasarca
Contusiones, torceduras.
Hctica, con sudores nocturnos que empapan
Mancha roja sobre la mejilla izquierda
Sin sed durante la fiebre
Sudor profuso, fro.
Acetic acid antdota todos los vapores anestsicos
Antdota la intoxicacin por salsas.
Ammon. acet. (Orina profusa con azcar, el paciente se baa en sudor.) Benzoin
oderiferum- Spice wood (sudores nocturnos.) Ars., China, Digitalis, Liatris (Anasarca
general en enfermedades del corazn y rin, edemas, y diarrea crnica.)
Potencias de la tercera a la trigsima.
No debe repetirse demasiado frecuentemente, excepto en el crup (difteria).
Acido actico.
Debilidad intensa y adelgazamiento progresivo que se acompaa de edema de las piernas y
de los pies, palidez profunda de la cara con trastornos respiratorios y digestivos graves.
Estando acostado sobre la espalda.
MEJORA: Acostndose sobre el abdomen.
Nervioso, susceptible, ansioso, irritable, olvida los hechos recientes y las palabras ms
Cara EXTREMADAMENTE PALIDA, cerosa, con rasgos tirantes y emaciados. Pupilas
Cefalea despus del abuso de narcticos, con distensin de las venas temporales y brusco
enrojecimiento de la mejilla izquierda (Sang.).
SED INEXTINGUIBLE, salvo durante la fiebre, jams calmada a pesar de la ingestin de
grandes cantidades de agua fra.
Manchas blancas sobre la lengua y la cara interna de las mejillas, lengua plida y blanda.
Encas esponjosas, sangrantes y dolorosas. Hipersalivacin.
Dolores gstricos restirantes y quemantes. No puede soportar los alimentos fros o salados.
Eructaciones ardorosas, nuseas, vmitos cidos, hematemesis. Siempre mejora por estar
acostado sobre el abdomen (Pod.).
Abdomen distendido (timpanismo o ascitis), clicos y diarrea con sed inextinguible.
Evacuaciones acuosas, muy abundantes, frecuentemente sanguinolentas
Afona con tos crupal agravada en la inspiracin y por la tarde. Disnea intensa; no puede
descansar acostado sobre la espalda, mejora estando acostado sobre el abdomen (Medor.).
Epistaxis y hemoptisis. Orina abundante y plida. Poliuria con adelgazamiento.
Hemorragias despus del alumbramiento con atona uterina (China).
Dolor en la regin dorsolumbar que siempre mejora estando acostado sobre el abdomen
(edema de las piernas y los pies, blanco e indoloro).
Fiebre elevada con grandes oscilaciones, supresin de la sed habitual (Apis) y sudores
nocturnos muy abundantes.
Anemia. Cncer del estmago. Diabetes. Tuberculosis pulmonar evolutiva. Indicado en la
agalactia despus del parto; el nio de pecho no prospera, la madre y el hijo estn plidos y
emaciados. Con Acetic. acid. se consigue que la leche mejore y desaparezcan los trastornos
digestivos del nio de pecho.
Abrotanum (atrepsia). Apis (fiebre sin sed). Arsenicum album (diarrea crnica y
adelgazamiento). Carbolic acid. (angina seudomembranosa). China (hemorragias).
Syzigium, Uranium nitr. (diabetes).
6a, 30a y 200a.
Aceticum acidum(Allen)
Pure Glacial Acetic acid, C[_a2]H[a4]O[_a2]. (Density 1. O64 above 60 F.; below that
degree crystalline.)
[_a1]: Melion, Roth's Mat. Med. Med., 3, 15;
[_a2]: Orfila (toxicologie) ibid.;
[_a3]: Cattell, B.J. , 11, 338;
[a4]: Waring's Therapeutics, Peter's Elements;
[a5]: Berridge, M. H. Rev., 15, 297.
- Hydrophobia, [_a3].
- Slight and transient delirium, [_a2].
- Irritability of temper, [_a2].
- Nervous and excitable mood, [_a2].
- Very great anxiety, [_a1].
- Confusion of ideas, [_a2].
- Diminished intellectual power, [_a2].
- Disinclination to exert the mind, [_a2].
- She is hardly able to express herself, [_a1].
- She is unconscious of all around her, [_a3].
- Giddiness, [_a3].
- Heaviness in head, with sense of intoxication, [_a2].
- Indications of vascular excitement in brain, [_a2].
- Dull pains in forehead and vertex, [_a2].
- Confused dull aching over frontal regions (nervous cephalalgia), [_a3].
- Dull aching in right forehead, at a spot near the ossific centre, externally, and afterwards
slightly on the left side, [_a3].
- Shooting pains through the temples, [_a2].
- Distension of temporal blood vessels, with increased heat of head, [_a2].
- Eyes sunken and surrounded by a dark circle, [a4].
- Great flow of tears, [_a3].
- Pupils dilated, [_a3].
- Wildness of countenance, [_a3].
- Face pale and waxen, [a4].
- Bright red flush on both cheeks and spots of perspiration on the forehead (from drinking
vinegar), [a5].
- Bright flush and heat on both cheeks, especially on the left (from drinking vinegar), [a5].
- Tongue pale and flabby, [a4].
- Epithelium of the mouth quite white (chemical action)[_a3].
- Diminished appetite, [a4].
- Adipsia, [a4].
- * Intense thirst, [_a3].
- (Eructations fetid, and hiccough), [_a3].
- Nausea, [_a3].
- Retching, [_a3].
- Vomiting soon after eating, [a4].
- * Frequent vomiting, [_a1].
- * Violent pain and sensation of burning in the region of the chest and stomach[_a1].
- Severe burning pain in stomach and in abdomen, [_a3].
- Heat in the stomach, with slight colicky uneasiness in small intestines, as of approaching
diarrhoea, [_a3].
- Heat in the stomach, with slight hot eructations, [_a3].
- * She complains of her stomach, [_a1].
- Chronic derangements of the gastro-intestinal canal, [_a3].
- Sensation as if the contents of the stomach were in a state of ferment, with horrible
tormenting agony, [_a3].
- Pain, as of ulcerative gnawing at a spot in the stomach, following after depression and
agony, [_a3].
- He fancies there is an ulcer in his stomach, which seems sore in one preventing his falling
asleep, or remaining long in the same position; towards midnight he feels very sick, and
vomits some thick, gruelly substance, which relieves him, and he then falls asleep; in the
morning the ejected substance is seen to be yellow, thick matter, like yeast, without froth or
bubbles, and in quantity about three tablespoonfuls unfortunately, it was not more minutely
examined; the depressing, agonizing feeling still continues throughout the second day, and
is removed by tobacco, [_a3].
- (Scirrhus of the pylorus), [_a3].
- Great pain at the scrobiculus cordis, [_a2].
- * Abdomen distended, [_a3].
- Tympanitis, with difficulty of breathing (from large doses); rumbling in abdomen, [a4].
- Severe burning pain in abdomen and stomach, [_a3].
- Griping pain in bowels, [a4].
- Chronic derangements of gastro-intestinal canal, [_a3].
- Slight colicky uneasiness in small intestines, as of approaching liquid diarrhoea; with heat
in stomach, [_a3].
Urinary organs
- Urine increased, [_a3].
- Urine increased in quantity and of a lighter color, [a4].
- The secretions smell of the drug, [_a3].
- (Urine cloudy), [_a3].
Respiratory apparatus
- Irritation of windpipe and chest, [a4].
- (Hoarseness from irritable larynx), [_a3].
- * Croup; hissing respiration, with rattling in the throat; lining membrane of
- windpipe is found covered with fibrinous membrane exactly as in true
- croup, [_a3].
- He can scarcely speak, [_a3].
- Dry cough, attended with increased respiration, succeeded by a moist cough, with fever,
increased difficulty of breathing, emaciation, night-sweats, oedema of feet and legs,
diarrhoea and death, [a4].
- Respiration feeble, difficult, [_a3].
- Respiration hurried, laborious, [_a3].
- (Bronchial hemorrhage), [_a3].
- * Violent pain and burning sensation in regions of chest and stomach, [_a1].
- All the lobes of the lungs filled with tubercles somewhat like a bunch of grapes, [a4].
- Chronic inflammation of the lungs, [_a3].
Upper extremities
- Diminished muscular power of arms and hands, [_a2].
- Paralytic sensation in wrists and hands, [_a2].
- Coldness and prickling in hands, [_a2].
- Skin of hands dry, [_a3].
Lower extremities
- Lassitude of the limbs, [_a3].
- Impaired muscular power of legs, [a4].
- Swelling of the feet and legs, with diarrhoea, [_a3].
- Oedematous swelling of feet and legs, [a4].
- Diminished sensibility of the feet, [a4].
- Coldness of the feet, [a4].
- * He jumps out of bed like a madman, and crawls on the ground, howling with pain
(immediately), [_a1].
- He rolls about in agony, [_a3].
- * Strong convulsions, [_a2].
- Convulsions and insensibility, [_a3].
- Violent fatal convulsions, with pain in stomach, [a4].
- Spasms with great debility, [_a3].
- Trembling from head to foot, [_a3].
- Paralysis, [_a3].
- Prostration of strength, [_a3].
- Fainting-fits, [_a3].
- Sense of oppression and heaviness, [_a3].
- Leanness, [a5].
- * Her body wastes, [_a3].
- Atrophy, [_a3].
- Hemorrhage, [_a3].
- General anasarca, [_a2].
- Diminished sensibility of the surface of the body, [_a2].
- She appears as if intoxicated, [_a2].
- Skin pale and waxen, [_a2].
- The cuticle peels off, [_a3].
- Redness and burning sensation, [_a3].
- Temperature of skin below natural standard, [_a2].
- Flushes of heat in the external parts, with increased perspiration, [_a3].
- * Slow fever, with night-sweats, [_a3].
- Hectic fever, with emaciation, cough, night-sweats, diarrhoea, dyspnoea, and troublesome
swelling of the feet and legs, [a24].
- Typhus fever, with violent delirium, diarrhoea, pain in the abdomen, rumbling in the
gastric region; also typhus with stupor, tympanitic abdomen, and obstinate constipation,
- Cold perspiration, [_a3].
- Profuse perspiration, [_a3].
- * He was bathed in perspiration, [_a1].
- Profuse night-sweats, [_a3].
Aceticum acidum (Hering)
- Intellect clouded, can hardly express herself.
- || Confusion of ideas. Headache.
- Fancies he has an ulcer in his stomach.
- Does not recollect what has happened; knows no one, not even her own children.
- Horrible attacks of anxiety with difficult breathing. Liver complaint.
- Anxiety; grieves about his sickness and his children.
- Apparently alarmed at everybody and everything about her (poisoning).
- Irritable, with abdominal complaints.
- Greatest irritability. Headache. Liver complaint.
- || Worse from any nervous excitement. Headache.
- Dull and low-spirited.
- Delirium : with distended belly and obstinate constipation, or with rumbling in bowels,
bellyache and diarrhoea; alternately with stupor. Typhus.
- || Vertigo, with feebleness and fainting.
- Giddy, dull aching in forehead and top of head.
- || Giddiness, symptoms of cerebral congestion. Headache.
- Blood rushes to head, with delirium.
- Appears as if drunk, with heavy head.
- Stupor only interrupted by delirious talking. Typhus.
- Falls to ground insensible; foaming at mouth.
- Faints.
Inner head
- Dull pains in forehead and vertex; giddiness.
- Heaviness of head, with sense of drunkenness.
- || Confused dull aching over frontal region. Nervous cephalalgia.
- Shooting through temples.
- Nervous headache, caused by abuse of narcotic stimulants or by chronic gastric irritation.
- Headache from abuse of tobacco, opium, coffee or alcohol.
Outer head
- Dull aching on frontal protuberance; later on left.
- Distension of temporal blood-vessels, increased heat of head.
- Blood-vessels on temples distended.
- Red patches on scalp, crusts between hair.
- Hair bristles.
- Child does not want its head touched. Inflammation of bowels in dentition.
- Nosebleed, especially from a fall or blow.
- Liable to frequent catarrhal attacks.
- Expression wild, pupils dilated.
- Face pale, waxen, emaciated. Dropsy.
- One cheek red, the other pale. Inflammation of bowels in dentition.
- Eyes sunken and surrounded by dark rings.
- || Left cheek bright red with fever. Croup.
- Sweat on forehead in spots.
Inner mouth
- Foul breath.
- Buccal membrane whitish, like apthae.
- || Salivation.
- || White gums.
- || Children thirsty, but swallow with some difficulty, even a teaspoonful of water. Croup.
- Has to eat very slowly, difficult swallowing.
- Throat inflamed, ulcerated.
- || A white film low down in fauces. Croup.
- False membranes in throat.
Appetite, thirst
- Desires, Aversions. Loss of appetite.
- Greatest burning thirst, insatiable even by taking large quantities.
- Intense thirst. Diabetes. Dropsy. Chronic diarrhoea.
- Thirsty with dry lips, which peel off in flakes. Inflammation of bowels in dentition.
- || No thirst with fever. Croup.
- Disgust for salted things and cold victuals.
- Violent local pains. Liver complaint.
- Pain in abdomen and rumbling in gastric region.
- || Bellyache, rumbling, diarrhoea, delirium. Typhus.
- Severe burning in intestines;
- plethora abdominalis.
- Abdomen distended and sensitive to touch. Inflammation of bowels in dentition.
- Abdomen distended, with costiveness. Typhus.
- Tympany, with difficult breathing.
- Ascites, with violent orthopnoea. Compare dropsy, 44.
- || Incarcerated hernia (clysmata).
- Abdomen sore to touch.
- Abdomen feels as if sunken in when lying on back.
Urinary organs
- Urine : increased and light-colored; acid, with increased sweat; cloudy, with phosphatic
- Diabetes.
- Breathing : difficult from laryngeal obstruction; hissing in croup;
- || hurried and laborious; loses breath on going up stairs; labored when lying on back.
- || Difficult breathing, with attacks of anxiety. Liver complaint.
- Must often take a deep breath, which relieves.
- Heaviness, with sense of oppression.
- Cough : croupy; a hollow sound with inhalation; dry, with oppression, later moist with
fever, greater dyspnoea, emaciation, diarrhoea, night sweats, oedema of feet and legs;
titillating, with much purulent sputum; hectic fever; attacks in evening with coldness; at
night, heat, dry skin and delirium.
- || Haemoptysis; coughs blood.
Upper limbs
- Sensation of lameness in wrists and hands.
- Coldness and pricking of hands.
- Skin on hands dry. Inflammation of bowels in dentition.
- Restlessness of hands in sleep. Inflammation of bowels in dentition.
Lower limbs
- Weak and weary.
- Lessened sensibility.
- Oedematous swelling, with diarrhoea.
- Great prostration after injuries; shock.
- Great debility. Chronic diarrhoea, diabetes, etc.
- Prostration and lameness.
- Paralyzed and giddy.
- Trembling from head to foot (poisoning).
- Apparent death.
- Spasms : with insensibility; with great debility; hysterical.
- Springs out of bed, crawls on ground howling with pain.
- { Hydrophobia.
- Cannot sleep lying on his back; feels as if abdomen was sinking in, causing labored
breathing; rests amel lying on belly.
- Sleep broken without known cause.
- Cannot fall asleep because of distress and agony.
- Sleepless, with other sufferings.
- Sleeplessness. Liver complaint.
- Night : heat, dry skin, delirium; emissions; sweating.
- Day and night : stomach symptoms during pregnancy.
- Morning : diarrhoea.
- Evening : cough.
- Toward midnight : vomiting.
- Skin cold; bodily warmth decreased.
- Flushes of heat more in outer parts, increasing sweat.
- Febrile heat, with a dry, hot skin : in bilious,
- putrid and typhoid fevers; inflammation of bowels in dentition.
- Profuse sweating;
- night-sweats.
- Typhus with delirium.
- Hectic fevers, with cough, dyspnoea, diarrhoea, night- sweats, oedema and
- Inflammatory fever.
- Slow fever, with night-sweats.
- Severe paroxysmal headache.
- || Lethargic paroxysms.
- Hysteric paroxysms.
- Frequent catarrhal attacks.
- As if drunk with heavy head; like a load in stomach after cold drinks; as if contents of
stomach were in a ferment; abdomen feels as if sunken in.
- Shooting : through temples.
- Pricking : of hands.
- Burning : of tongue; with thirst; in stomach; in chest; in inner and outer parts; of skin.
- Gnawing : in stomach.
- Aching : in forehead and top of head; in upper part of joint of left jaw.
- Pain : across root of tongue : in scrobiculum; in liver; in abdomen; with liquid stools; in
- Lameness : in wrists and hands.
- Heat : in stomach.
- Coldness : of skin; of hands.
- Ebullitions.
- Hemorrhages from nose, lungs, stomach, bowels, uterus; also passive hemorrhages.
- Blood coagulated in veins.
- Blood-vessels contracted.
- || Varicose swellings.
- Chlorosis; anaemia; wasting away; great emaciation.
- Prevents corpulency, but may superinduce fatal marasmus.
- Dissolves cancer cells.
- Separates sequestrum from new bone.
- Scurvy.
- Dropsy of abdomen and legs; anasarca; great thirst; pale, waxen skin.
- Changes gangrenous ulcers; hospital gangrene; prevents decomposition of animal matter.
Touch, passive motion, injuries
- Touch : soreness of glands on lower jaw; soreness of abdomen; head sensitive.
- Pressure : aching in jaw agg ; pain in scrobiculum agg.
- Diminished sensibility over whole surface of body.
- Burns and scalds.
- Sting of wasps or other insects.
- After bite of a mad cat, lacerated wound, upper and lower leg swollen (externally and
- || Sugillations.
- Bruises or sprains, if dry heat follows.
- Fall or blow : nosebleed.
- Burning dry skin. Inflammation of bowels in dentition.
- || Tetter-like eruptions.
- Diseased cuticle separates in flakes.
- Skin pale and waxen.
- Broad, flat condylomata, dry or moist.
- Naevi, warts, corns.
- Dropsy after scarlet fever.
- { Scarlet fever and smallpox.
- Morbus maculosus Werlhofii.
- Antidotes to Acet. ac.; large doses are best counteracted by Magnesia or Calcarea,
according to bodily peculiarities of sick; fluid magnesia or lime- water, a teaspoonful in a
cup of water taken in sips.
- Higher preparations : for depressing, agonizing feeling : Tabac., if insufficient, Acon.; for
gastric, pulmonary and febrile symptoms : Natr. mur., may be followed by Sepia.
- Acet. ac. is an antidote to all anaesthetic vapors; a finger dipped in vinegar, rubbed within
the lips, antidotes fumes of charcoal; further, to Acon., Asar., Coffea, Euphorb., Hepar,
- || Ignat.,
- Opium, Plumbum (colic), Sepia,
- Stramon., Tabac., Tongo and Alcohol.
- May be given in cases of sausage poisoning.
- It follows well after
- || Cinchon., in hemorrhages.
- The sick have an aversion to it in poisonings with Agar. emet.
- Unpleasant symptoms of Bellad. are aggravated by it; headache from Bellad. became
- It aggravates symptoms of Arnic., Laches. and Mercur.
- Disagrees when given after Borax, Caustic., Nux vom., Ran.
- bulb, and Sarsap.
- Scilla, Colchic. and Sanguin. have had more effect in curing some diseases when
prepared in Acet. ac. than with alcohol.
- What had disappeared after Borax returned after its use.
- Has been used after Digit. in dropsy
1- Depravacin moral.
* 4- Sensacin como si la cabeza fuera tan grande que llena toda la habitacin.
5- Palidez de los discos pticos; campo visual estrechado; vasos retinianos contrados.
Acetanilidum (Boericke)
(Acetanilida; Antifebrinum)
Deprime el corazn, respiracin y presin sangunea, baja la temperatura
Cianosis y colapso
Aumenta la susceptibilidad al fro
Destruye los eritrocitos; palidez.
Sensacin de ensanchamiento.
Depravacin moral.
Palidez de los discos pticos, contraccin del campo visual y vasos sanguneos contrados;
Dbil, irregular, con mucosas azules, albuminuria, edema de pies y tobillos.
Comparar: Antipyrin
Usado como un sedante y antipirtico para varias formas de cefalea y neuralgia en dosis de
uno a tres granos
Para las indicaciones homeopticas usar la tercera potencia.
ACETONA (Vijnovsky)
*1- Deseo de estar solo, en un estado de calma; contesta con monoslabos; o bien lo molesta
la luz, necesita la luz, pero no quiere estar solo, aunque no le hablen. Apata e
indiferencia al medio que lo rodea.
*2- Deprimido, con malestar, remordimientos y preocupacin religiosa. Quiere tener una
conciencia recta, suplica por el perdn, y tiende a autodisculpar sus errores. Tiene miedo
a sufrir.
*3- Torpor, con brusco sobresalto al salir del sueo, con brusco retorno al estupor. Cansancio
por esfuerzos mentales.
4- Nios con pesadillas y que se despiertan atacados de pnico.
5- Peor: por el movimiento; por el fro; por la humedad. Mejor: en reposo y en calma; por la
presin fuerte. Sensible a los cambios de presin atmosfrica. Lateralidad izquierda.
*8- Intensa cefalea frontal congestiva; peor al tocarlo, mejor comprimiendo la cabeza o
ponindose una almohada pesada sobre la cabeza. Latidos fuertes en las arterias
temporales. Ruidos raros en la cabeza.
*9- Ojos brillantes, con fotofobia. Ojos muy inyectados, con sensacin de tener arena, ardor
y lagrimeo; secrecin amarillenta y pegajosa; ojos muy doloridos, mejor presionndolos
con los dedos. Prpados calientes, pesados, cados
10- Prurito, calor y sequedad en el conducto auditivo. Oreja roja, brillante y tensa. No tolera
*11- Nariz seca, obstruida y dolorosa. Secrecin nasal negruzca. Epstaxis del lado izquierdo
al sonarse.
12- Cara roja e hinchada, como si hubiera estado expuesta mucho tiempo al sol.
*13- Boca caliente y seca; con sed de agua fra, que parece tener mal gusto. Lengua seca y
ardiente. Aftas. Boca abierta por dolores en los msculos maseteros y zigomticos.
*14- Garganta seca y ardiente; necesita tragar seguido para humedecerla. Picoteo en la
garganta despus de una bebida fra.
15- Sensacin de plenitud gstrica, con indiferencia a la comida. Dolores epigstricos por
*17- Polaquiuria con micciones escasas de orina clara y caliente que, al reposar, toma un
tinte rojizo. Tenesmo vesical con ardor uretral.
*18- Pene caliente y flccido. Escroto congestionado, con venas salientes. Ausencia de
deseos sexuales, peor por el fro; erecciones incompletas, con raras eyaculaciones. Ardor
uretral despus de la eyaculacin.
*20- Ronquera con dificultad para hablar, en tiempo fro. Opresin en el pecho, con
necesidad de respirar profunda y repetidamente. Disnea, con respiracin corta, ruidosa y
rpida. Tos catarral. Dolores torcicos preesternales. Dolor en los msculos pectorales e
intercostales. Senos sensibles al tacto.
21- Dolor precordial. Latidos cardacos regulares y lentos, con pulso lento, lleno y fuerte.
22- Dolor agudo en la espalda y nuca. Sudores fros en la espalda. Sensacin de dolorimiento
y pesadez en la espalda y lumbar.
***24- Estados congestivos febriles agudos de tipo Aconitum, "pero con menos agitacin,
ms postracin y ms dolores musculares" (Voisin), con torpor e indiferencia hacia su
medio. Fiebre entre 38 y 40; despus de bruscos cambios de la temperatura exterior; la
sensacin de calor se incrementa en reposo, pero an as necesita estar bien cubierto,
aunque se sofoca con el intenso calor. Fiebre tifoidea y paratifoideas. Escarlatina.
Sarampin. Rubola. Septicemias.
*25- Piel seca y ardiente, con sensacin de carne de gallina al moverse. Ardor y
enrojecimiento de la piel.
1- Diarrea con heces acuosas, incoloras o amarillentas, gran sed y vmitos acuosos o
mucosos, ardor en todo el cuerpo, vrtigo. Clera.
Pertenece al orden natural de las "Amaranthaceae", fu experimentado primero por el Dr.
S.K. Ghos
En otros lenguajes de la India, tambin se llama Apang, Latjira, Aghada, Kutn, Na-yurivt,
Adems de ser un astringente poderoso se le proclama por su efecto terapetico en diarrea;
diurtico; disentera; menorragia; malos efectos por mordedura de perro y de serpiente.
Sntomas abdominales
Diarrea aguda y clera: heces acuosas; amarillentas y mezcladas con pedacitos blancos de
mucosidad, profusa en cantidad; sed excesiva; dolor en el estmago; nusea y vmito.
Furnculos, carbuncos; hinchazn ftida, lceras infectadas, etc.; manchas rojas en la piel,
dolor ardoroso en todo el cuerpo.
Pulso filiforme.
Tintura madre, 3x, 3, 6.
ACONITUM (Vijnovsky)
(Aconitum Napellus)
(Capucha de monje)
*** 1- Sus pensamientos giran alrededor de la muerte, de "su muerte"; la presiente, predice el
momento en que va a suceder; hay verdadero terror a morir, especialmente durante el
embarazo y el parto. Su expresin es ansiosa, asustada, y la vida se le torna miserable por el
miedo (Allen).
*** 3- Intensa inquietud, con gran ansiedad; constantemente da vueltas en la cama o salta de
ella; todo lo sobresalta.
** 6- Tiene miedo a la oscuridad (quiere la luz), a las multitudes, a sofocarse, ahogarse; antes
de la menstruacin. Miedo de cruzar la calle; al futuro.
** 7- Es irritable, violento, con gran excitacin nerviosa. Trastornos provocados por ira, con
ansiedad y con susto. Delirio violento.
** 8- Los dolores se le hacen intolerables, le producen gran ansiedad y desesperacin; la
enloquecen (piensa que se va a volver loca) y la hacen gritar, peor de noche, con gran
* 9- Durante los escalofros que preceden a la fiebre, est ansioso, excitado, triste. Durante la
fiebre, hay ansiedad, desesperacin, tristeza, llanto y hasta inconsciencia.
10- Otros mentales: Indiferente a todo y a los seres queridos. Cobarda. Trastornos por
excesiva alegra. Impaciente. No recuerda lo que acaba de hacer. Se queja. Terco.
Sonmbulo. Suspicaz. Reprocha a otros. Profetiza. Aversin a leer. No es perseverante.
Inconsciente despus de una emocin.
*** 11- Trastornos agudos que aparecen por haberse expuesto al fro seco, ya como vientos,
corrientes de aire o cambios bruscos de temperatura, especialmente estando transpirado
(malos efectos de sudores suprimidos). Efectos de tiempo muy caluroso.
*** 14- Los trastornos de Aconitum aparecen especialmente de noche, sobre todo alrededor
de medianoche.
** 15- Peor por fro, siente el fro en los vasos sanguneos. Gran tendencia a resfriarse.
Mejor al aire libre; peor en habitacin calurosa.
** 16- El pulso es lleno, duro, acelerado y pequeo; a menudo irregular y casi imperceptible.
** 18- Desmayos por susto, o despus de orinar o al sentarse desde la posicin de acostado.
** 19- Al erguirse o sentarse de estar acostado, se siente mal o peor: se marea, palidece y
llega a desmayarse. Debilidad brusca e intensa.
21- Convulsiones: por susto; en nios, con fiebre alta, piel seca y caliente, el nio se muerde
los puos; durante la denticin.
* 24- Sensacin de que hierve en la cabeza. Calor en la cabeza con fro en el cuerpo.
Plenitud ceflica, sobre todo occipital. Hipertensin endocraneana (Boericke); apopleja.
Cefalea con coriza, mejor por miccin profusa. Cefalea occipital por el calor solar; presiva
frontal hacia afuera.
* 25- Inflamacin de los ojos por exponerse al aire fro, al cual son muy sensibles; o por
cuerpos extraos. Ojos rojos despus de golpes. Fotofobia y sequedad, con puntadas al
mover los ojos.
** 26- Cara roja, alternando con palidez, o de un lado plida y del otro roja, o una mejilla
est roja y caliente y la otra plida y fra. La cara se pone plida al erguirse. Cara hinchada,
abotagada; tiene la sensacin de tener la cara grande. Neuralgia facial izquierda pulstil por
viento fro y seco, con inquietud, adormecimiento y cosquilleo. Dolor en la raz de la nariz,
con coriza seco y obstruccin nasal, con escasa o nula secrecin.
* 27- Boca y lengua secas. Cosquilleo en la punta de la lengua, que est blanca. Encas
calientes e inflamadas;
dolores en los dientes sanos, sensibles al fro, al viento seco y fro. Movimiento constante de
masticacin de la mandbula. Gusto amargo.
* 28- Garganta y vula rojos y secos, con dolor, ardor y puntadas al tragar. La garganta
29- Gastritis y dolor de estmago despus de tomar bebidas fras. Pulsaciones en epigastrio y
abdomen. Vmitos con miedo, calor, sudores profusos y poliuria. Sed intensa. Hematemesis.
* 30- Dolor en abdomen, extendido al trax, cuando defeca. Vientre sensible al tacto.
Clicos. Apendicitis. Peritonitis.
* 31- Heces pequeas y frecuentes, con tenesmo; verdes como espinaca machacada. Diarrea
acuosa en nios, que lloran y se quejan mucho, con insomnio e inquietud. Hemorroides que
** 32- Retencin de orina en los recin nacidos. Deseo urgente de orinar, con ansiedad
sobre todo al comenzar; es doloroso. Deseo ineficaz de orinar en el nio, que se agarra los
genitales y grita. Miccin involuntaria con sed y miedo. Disuria. Dolor presivo en la vejiga.
Orina escasa, roja, caliente, dolorosa, o suprimida, sanguinolenta. Ardor uretral. Dolor renal.
* 33- Amenorrea en nias pletricas, debe darse Aconitum despus de un susto para evitar la
supresin de la menstruacin (Allen). Aborto por susto. Vagina seca, caliente, sensible.
Entuertos con miedo e inquietud. Menstruaciones profusas, con epistaxis, muy prolongadas.
*** 34- Falso crup despus de exponerse al aire fro y seco. Irritacin larngea por aire fro,
con dolor al toser, se agarra la laringe cuando tose. Dolor en carne viva por aire fro, peor al
inspirar. Dolorimiento de la laringe al tocarla, con ronquera.
** 37- Manos calientes y pies fros. Eminencias hipotenares rojas en ambas manos
(Boericke). Sensacin como si cayeran gotas de agua por los muslos. Hormigueos y
adormecimiento en miembros superiores; en las cardiopatas; en las piernas mientras est
sentado. Cosquilleo en manos y dedos; en los pies, extendindose hacia arriba. Reumatismo
articular, con hinchazn rojo-brillante, muy sensible, peor de noche. Crujidos articulares
indoloros. Laxitud de ligamentos articulares, tendencia a torcer los tobillos.
* 38- Sueos ansiosos. Insomnio con inquietud, da vueltas en la cama (usar la 30a.
[Boericke]). Insomnio en los viejos. Se sobresalta en sueos.
*** 40- Fiebre alta, seca, con piel roja y caliente, peor de noche o al anochecer; con sed
ardiente de grandes cantidades de agua fra; con ansiedad, inquietud y miedo; calor interno
con escalofros externos; y con una mejilla roja y caliente y la otra plida y fra; con intensa
inquietud nerviosa, dando vueltas desesperado en la cama. Segn von Lippe, es "el febrfugo
ms valioso" de toda la Materia Mdica. Oleadas de fro que pasan a travs de l. Sarampin.
41- Suda en las partes cubiertas; sudores calientes; despus de mover el vientre; en las partes
* 42- Piel roja, caliente, hinchada, seca, quemante. Prpura miliar. Ictericia en recin
nacidos. Rashes de color rojo intenso o escarlata. Piel de gallina. Ulceras inflamadas.
(Vannier: Remedios de estados agudos)
1) La fiebre
La fiebre aparece generalmente de tarde. Est caracterizada por escalofros, un estadio de
calor y un estadio de sudores.
Otros dos remedios tienen el mismo sntoma: Nux vomica, cuyos calofros son provocados
por el menor movimiento; y Silcea, que est siempre helado; el enfermo sabe que no tiene
necesidad de cubrirse, ya que nada puede calentarlo, al contrario de Psorinum que se cubre
mucho (es el individuo de 4 calzoncillos y 6 camisetas). Nux vomica tiene escalofros al
menor movimiento, aun fuera de la fiebre, despus de la comida. Silcea lo tiene en el da a
cada instante, puesto que est constantemente refrigerado.
Aconitum se escalofra cuando tiene fiebre, cuando est descubierto y al menor movimiento.
Al principio de la fiebre tiene una sensacin de fro, y al mismo tiempo presenta un "extremo
rubor de la cara". Est muy congestionado. Generalmente este rubor se manifiesta al
principio sobre una mejilla, despus sobre la otra, hasta tal punto que, al principio de las
manifestaciones, Aconitum puede confundirse con Chamomilla, cuya cara caliente tiene lo
que es su caracterstica - una mejilla roja y la otra plida. Pero mientras que en este enfermo
el fenmeno es permanente, aun sin fiebre, en el enfermo de Aconitum es transitorio, dura
una o dos horas. La cara est muy roja y caliente, con una sensacin de fro constante y
escalofros al menor movimiento.
Otro sntoma: el enfermo tiene las "pupilas contradas". Esto no tiene inters en s, sino
cuando se trata de hacer un diagnstico diferencial entre los remedios, particularmente entre
Aconitum y Belladona. Esta ltima tiene las pupilas fuertemente dilatadas; al contrario de
Aconitum que tiene pupilas contradas.
Calor. Aparece luego el estadio de calor. Caractersticas: "sequedad de la piel", que est
"roja", "caliente" y "quemante". El enfermo de Aconitum no transpira; durante el estadio de
calor tiene la piel seca. Este calor no se irradia, mientras que el de Belladona es irradiante. El
enfermo de Aconitum tiene, pues, la piel seca, quemante y la cara roja; pero la cara est roja
"solamente cuando est acostado", porque si para auscultarlo, por ejemplo, se le hace sentar,
inmediatamente su cara se pone plida; lo mismo sucede al levantarse. En fin, durante el
perodo de calor el enfermo experimenta una "gran sed" por pequeas cantidades de agua fra
frecuentemente repetidas; desea estar bebiendo siempre, pero agua solamente; toda otra
bebida como tisanas, caldos, leche, etc., las rechaza, porque tienen un "gusto amargo". Este
pequeo signo: todo con gusto amargo, salvo el agua, es caracterstico de Aconitum, mientras
que en la materia mdica existe otro remedio: China, en el cual todo alimento, incluso el
agua, tiene gusto amargo.
Otro pequeo signo: el enfermo "tose durante el estadio de calor" y al instante tiene opresin
al pecho.
Diris que es ridculo estudiar sntomas tan pequeos. Notaris que estos sntomas no son
importantes tomados en s mismos, pero que lo sern cuando permitan distinguir claramente
los remedios homeopticos que deben ser utilizados en un caso agudo. No es conveniente
privarse de los elementos que son la base de un diagnstico diferencial rpido, puesto que
todos estos pequeos sntomas se suman y que, por un juego intelectual instantneo, llegaris
casi automticamente a conocer estas caractersticas que se encuentran repetidas de manera
constante en el estudio de la materia mdica.
Aconitum tiene siempre opresin, aunque no presente ningn ataque pulmonar. El calor seco
dura largo tiempo, 24 y a veces 48 horas, si no habis dado el remedio.
Sudores. Despus del perodo de calor aparecen los sudores; son mucho "ms abundantes
sobre las partes cubiertas". Tan pronto como el enfermo comienza a transpirar, "busca
cubrirse". Los sudores son calientes y abundantes; inmediatamente el enfermo se torna
menos nervioso, menos excitable. Ya no presenta la ansiedad ni el temor caractersticos del
Con las transpiraciones desaparece el estadio de calor con sus tres caractersticas: la fiebre
seca, los dolores y la agitacin. Es decir, que la indicacin de Aconitum desaparece. Por
consiguiente no hay posibilidad de engao: si un enfermo se presenta con fiebre seca,
agitacin y dolores, es Aconitum, por el contrario, si presenta fiebre hmeda (piel mojada),
abatimiento, es Belladona. Estos dos remedios no sern nunca alternados puesto que
presentan indicaciones diametralmente opuestas. No olvidis que la indicacin de Aconitum
desaparece desde que los sudores se manifiestan.
2) Los dolores
Estudiamos ahora los dolores de Aconitum. Durante el estadio febril el enfermo puede sufrir
de dolores, pero puede tambin presentar dolores sin tener fiebre. Debemos, pues, considerar
los dolores en s mismos. Tienen un slo carcter, pero sobre el cual es necesario insistir: son
"intolerables", producen gran agitacin y un estado de ansiedad inaudito; hay temor de todo,
sobre todo de morir. La intolerancia al dolor es tan grande que el enfermo piensa que no
puede soportarlo.
Coffea presenta dolores intolerables, pero no tienen las caractersticas de los de Chamomilla.
No tienen el temor de morir, de Aconitum; no est desesperado al punto de desear la muerte;
es solamente un hiperestsico y un desesperado.
Cules son las caractersticas de los dolores de Aconitum? Se traducen por manifestaciones
"agudas", "desgarrantes" acompaadas de "hormigueo" y de "adormecimiento", como en el
enfermo de Chamomilla, pero estos sntomas en Aconitum no alternan con el dolor, y sobre
todo que son tan vivos e intolerables que arrancan crisis al enfermo que est extremadamente
agitado y temeroso de todo, especialmente "temor a la muerte".
a) Los dolores congestivos. Hay una sola forma de dolores congestivos en Aconitum, la
cefalea, "cefalea frontal". La cabeza est pesada, el enfermo experimenta una sensacin de
calor intenso y presenta latidos visibles en los vasos temporales.
Veratrum viride presenta la misma cefalea congestiva, pero sta se acompaa de una
sensacin de estallido: el enfermo tiene las pupilas dilatadas, el pulso es lento, blando, dbil e
b) Los dolores inflamatorios. Se encuentran, ya a nivel del odo externo (otalgia) ya a nivel
de las conjuntivas (conjuntivitis sin supuracin) acompandose de lagrimeo, ya a nivel de
las articulaciones (dolores articulares y reumatismales) provocados por la exposicin al
viento fro y seco.
No olvidis que este remedio tiene una gran extensin y que podis encontrar su indicacin
tanto en un romadizo como en un dolor de cabeza o en una artralgia, siempre que la causa sea
la exposicin al viento fro y seco y que las manifestaciones caractersticas funcionales y
dolorosas del remedio estn igualmente presentes. La sensacin de calor es predominante en
los dolores inflamatorios de Aconitum.
c) Los dolores neurlgicos. Existen sobre todo en la "cara" y ms marcados del "lado
izquierdo", se acompaan siempre de "hormigueo", pudiendo coincidir con una paresia de la
cara. Aconitum es el remedio por excelencia de la parlisis facial reciente que se produce
despus de algunas horas, mientras que otro remedio conviene a la parlisis facial ya antigua:
Causticum. Ambos son tiles en las parlisis faciales a frigori. Pensemos en Aconitum en las
neuralgias que sobrevienen a nivel del odo (otitis y otalgias), las neuralgias dentarias, las
neuralgias de los miembros con sensacin de fro y de adormecimiento.
Pequeo sntoma que es necesario conocer bien: el enfermo tiene la sensacin de que
"insectos corren sobre su piel". Cuando esta impresin se manifiesta al principio de ciertas
neuritis a frigori, Aconitum es con seguridad el remedio indicado.
3) La agitacin
Agitacin fsica. El enfermo tiene necesidad de tirarse de un lado al otro. Busca acomodarse
en un buen sitio, busca reposo, tranquilidad y no puede encontrarlos. Ninguna mejora se
produce. Est impaciente. Si es un febricitante, se arroja de un lado al otro. Si sufre puntada
de costado, el enfermo, a pesar de su dolor, est obligado a cambiar de posicin; no puede
permanecer en un mismo sitio.
Pequeo fenmeno curioso: desde que la reaccin de defensa del organismo se produce y el
lquido aparece en la pleura, el enfermo busca permanecer inmvil del lado atacado: se
justifica entonces el uso de Bryonia; el estadio de Aconitum ha pasado.
La agitacin fsica podra hacer pensar en Rhus tox. En este caso el enfermo est muy
agitado porque cuando se mueve sufre menos; mientras que Aconitum est agitado porque
tiene temor y tambin porque trata de buscar un buen sitio de acomodo que no puede
encontrar, y un reposo que no puede alcanzar.
El espritu del enfermo de Aconitum trabaja, en efecto, sin descanso, sin poder coordinar las
imgenes que se suceden continuamente. No puede dormir, tiene un sueo agitado, ansioso,
lleno de pesadillas. Presenta gran excitabilidad nerviosa. Esta se explica en razn de su
angustia y de su terror.
En la vida habitual, el temor de Aconitum se manifiesta de otra manera: el sujeto tiene temor
de caerse, temor, por ejemplo, de atravesar una calle; tiene "agorafobia". El temor es
constante e indefinible; se presenta bruscamente como una angustia y cuando esta angustia lo
acecha, cree que va a caer y morir; sin embargo, jams tiene sncope ni cada. Experimenta
simplemente una impresin brusca de un gran malestar.
Hemos estudiado los tres dominantes de Aconitum: la fiebre, los dolores, la agitacin con
Cules son las razones que pueden transformar a un enfermo a tal punto de presentar estas
tres grandes caractersticas?. Dos causas principales: el "fro" y el "pavor".
El fro. Viento fro y seco, al pasar bruscamente del calor al fro, por ejemplo, entrar en una
cava o en una nevera. Enfriamiento que puede sobrevenir despus de un paseo, un ejercicio
deportivo: por ejemplo, despus de una marcha de dos horas, dejar abierto el parabrisa del
carro, experimenta inmediatamente una sensacin de fro y por la tarde tiene fiebre.
La segunda causa de los malestares de Aconitum es el pavor. Puede ser reciente o antiguo. El
pavor es susceptible de provocar vrtigos, temblores, detencin de las reglas (amenorrea) con
trastornos a veces bastante considerables; amenaza de aborto, si se trata de una embarazada.
Opium es tambin un remedio de pavor, si ste es reciente: el enfermo presenta una cara
caliente, hinchada, con sudores calientes. Recordaris que Aconitum es totalmente seco.
Opium tiene tambin heces involuntarias, negras, y no puede orinar. En un enfermo muy
atacado por el pavor que ha experimentado; sus extremidades inferiores estn fras; respira
mal; est afectado en su sensibilidad. Pero existe otro remedio de los temores al crepsculo:
Causticum. Es el caso del nio que no quiere ir a dormir por tener que atravesar un corredor
en la oscuridad o porque sabe que va a estar sin luz en su cuarto. Causticum est relacionado
con Aconitum en el tratamiento de las paresias provocadas por el fro: comienzo de la paresia
(Aconitum), paresia instalada (Causticum).
Hemos dicho que la aparicin de los fenmenos de Aconitum era causada por el fro y por el
pavor. Pero un carcter nico, dominante es la "extrema brusquedad". El sujeto es atacado de
un minuto a otro, no hay estado premonitorio, ni malestares anteriores. Es bruscamente,
despus de una exposicin al fro o de un pavor, cuando los sntomas se desarrollan con gran
rapidez, sobre todo cuando se trata de manifestaciones febriles.
A) El enfermo digestivo
Consideremos los sntomas que pueden aparecer desde la boca hasta el ano.
En primer lugar la "angina", que aparece bruscamente. Cundo?, por la "noche". El sntoma
agudo de Aconitum aparece siempre de noche, nunca en el da. El enfermo se despierta
bruscamente con una angina a medianoche, no pudiendo ni tragar ni respirar.
Cules son los caracteres que presenta esta angina? La boca est "seca", la garganta est
"seca", inflamada, dolorosa. El dolor es particularmente intenso al tragar; dolor "quemante"
que se acompaa de una "gran sed". Al examen constatamos un "rubor" de toda la faringe, las
amgdalas grandes y rojas. Al mismo tiempo existen manifestaciones febriles con agitacin,
ansiedad y aceleracin del pulso.
Veris que el estudio clnico del enfermo es bastante simple, ahora que conocis las
dominantes caractersticas de Aconitum.
Estudiemos ahora el empacho gstrico. All aparece un sntoma premonitorio: todo lo que
bebe y come el enfermo tiene un "gusto amargo, salvo el agua" y como los animales
enfermos- no quiere comer nada ni beber otra cosa que agua. Aparecen entonces los dolores,
que son vivos, lancinantes, agudos, quemantes, siempre provocados por el fro. Hay "clicos"
producidos por el fro, que obligan al sujeto a inclinarse hacia adelante. Este gesto os har
pensar en otro remedio: Colocynthis: dolores bruscos, agudos, que obligan al enfermo a
inclinarse hacia adelante. La diferencia entre Colocynthis y Aconitum es fcil de establecer.
Mientras que este ltimo no se calma del todo al inclinarse hacia adelante, Colocynthis es
mejorado inmediatamente al inclinarse y apoyar las manos sobre el vientre. Ninguna posicin
calma a Acnito.
Al examen: "gran sensibilidad del abdomen": es difcil palpar al enfermo. El vientre est
"balonado", "doloroso", sobre todo en la parte inferior del lado izquierdo. En suma, el
enfermo presenta siempre colitis que se acompaa de diarrea. Las heces son lquidas,
acuosas, repetidas frecuentemente, aparecen sobre todo por la noche y ms particularmente
"hacia medianoche". Presentan un carcter interesante: son "verduscas"; se les compara a
"espinacas molidas". Se observan sobre todo en los nios, en los perodos de calor, cuando,
estando suficientemente abrigados, se resfran cuando se les desviste bruscamente hacia la
medianoche. Presentan entonces fiebre y enteritis, en algunos casos, con heces disentricas
Las heces como "espinacas molidas" pertenecen tambin a otros tres remedios: Chamomilla,
Mercurius y Argentum nitricum.
Las heces de Chamomilla no son siempre como "espinacas molidas"; pueden ser espumosas
y amarillentas como "huevos revueltos". Es una diarrea que aparece, sobre todo, durante la
denticin: el nio tiene clicos flatulentos con mucho gas. Adems, como signo objetivo,
presenta una mejilla roja y la otra plida. En fin, transpira abundantemente y tiene sudores
Por otra parte, Chamomilla no ser nunca un remedio tan agudo como Aconitum, porque si la
enteritis de este ltimo aparece bruscamente despus de un golpe de fro, la de Chamomilla
est estrechamente ligada a accidentes de denticin y persiste durante todo su proceso.
Las heces de Mercurius son verduscas, pero no del todo como "espinacas molidas"; son
sanguinolentas y seguidas siempre de tenesmo: el enfermo tiene la impresin de no terminar
nunca Tiene escalofros, malestar, sudores semejantes a los de Chamomilla, pero no lo
mejoran absolutamente nada. La lengua es peculiar: espesa, amarillenta, "guarda la impresin
de los dientes". Existe un olor ftido de la boca que hace difcil el aproximarse al enfermo de
Las heces de Argentum nitricum son verduscas, salpicantes, con gas ruidoso y ftidas. Se
observan en los bebs dbiles y en los viejos, as como en los emotivos, al momento de
presentar un examen o hacerse presente en una reunin.
B) El enfermo respiratorio
El enfermo se resfra y de ello resulta una inflamacin. Observaris coriza o cualquier otra
inflamacin aguda.
Existe otro remedio de coriza aguda: Camphora; la coriza aparece despus de un brusco
cambio de tiempo, pero no es influida por la exposicin al fro seco o a una corriente de aire
fro. Por ejemplo, el tiempo fro pasado el calor o la lluvia, o viceversa.
Camphora tiene nariz tapada, en tanto que Aconitum, a pesar de tener la nariz seca, puede
respirar. Pequeo sntoma curioso de Camphora: el aire inspirado por el enfermo es, o semeja
ser siempre mucho ms fro que lo que realmente puede ser; el sujeto experimenta una
impresin de fro en las fosas nasales. Adems, siente fro en todas partes, est
constantemente helado y no puede llegar a recalentarse. No ha tenido un golpe de fro , pero
est invadido por una sensacin de fro intenso. No hay estornudos ni escurrimiento. Pues, es
fcil hacer el diagnstico entre Aconitum y Camphora, sobre todo si se aade que este ltimo
trata de permanecer tranquilo y se rodea de bolsas calientes; mientras que Aconitum no
quiere estar cubierto y muy agitado. Todas las manifestaciones que lo excitan son un drama.
Si un enfermo es atacado bruscamente de una coriza con nariz seca por la noche, tiene
ansiedad y agitacin y repite constantemente "esto es insoportable"; a semejante enfermo le
daris Aconitum: la sequedad de la nariz desaparecer al instante.
Aconitum corresponde a todas las inflamaciones producidas por el fro, a todos los estados
inflamatorios agudos, bien sea de la laringe, la trquea, los bronquios o los pulmones. Es
necesario aclarar que el remedio no est determinado por el sitio de la localizacin mrbida.
Aconitum no tiene ninguna accin electiva; est indicado sobre todo por las caractersticas
dominantes que ya conocemos. El enfermo presenta siempre el mismo cuadro. Sin embargo,
es bueno indicar los caracteres de ciertos sntomas, particularmente la tos.
La tos puede presentarse de dos maneras en el sujeto de Aconitum: puede ser una tos "seca",
"breve" y "sibilante". Es el enfermo que por la tarde, y sobre todo por la noche, se pone a
toser. Es necesario notar que la tos aparece "antes de medianoche"; porque hay otros
remedios que la tienen despus de medianoche, y a veces la indicacin horaria permite
orientar la prescripcin. La tos de Aconitum se acompaa tambin de opresin, o puede
tambin ser "crupal", como si el enfermo fuera atacado bruscamente de crup, o de una
laringitis estridulosa. Aparece en el nio "a las 9 p.m. y a medianoche", es "ronca", "violenta"
y casi sofocante. Recordaris que siempre en las manifestaciones febriles de Acnito hay
opresin, pero cuando existe tos crupal, sta no es producida por la opresin sino por la
sofocacin. El nio lleva las manos a su garganta tratando de librarse de la sofocacin a
como de lugar. Podis pensar en otros dos remedios: Spongia y Hepar sulph., dos
medicamentos principales de la tos crupal, bien sea debida a una afeccin diftrica o a una
laringitis estridulosa. En Spongia, la tos aparece como la de Aconitum, antes de medianoche;
la sofocacin se establece lentamente, mientras que en Aconitum se instala bruscamente. He
aqu ya un pequeo carcter diferencial, pero hay otro, en la forma de la tos: la tos de
Spongia ha sido comparada por Nash al ruido de una sierra que pasa a travs de una plancha
de abeto. Cuando se ha odo una vez la tos de Spongia, ya no puede confundirse. Spongia a la
6a detiene la tos y Spongia a la 30 ac dada los das siguientes a ttulo preventivo, impedir la
recidiva de la laringitis estridulosa.
La tos de Hepar sulph aparece despus de medianoche y a veces en la maana. Es
extremadamente ruidosa, como si la trquea estuviera obstruida por mucosidades que no
pueden ser expulsadas.
En el enfermo de Aconitum hay tambin "dolores", pero sin ninguna localizacin: pueden
estar a la izquierda o a la derecha, en el dorso o hacia adelante. Son "agudos", "lancinantes",
"pungitivos"; se acompaan siempre de disnea, angustia y agitacin. El enfermo "no puede
acostarse sobre el lado doloroso".
Por consiguiente, ante un enfermo de Aconitum que se presenta con su fiebre, su agitacin,
su temor, su tos, su imposibilidad de permanecer sobre un lado, podis, sin hacer iriscopa,
decir: "Este es el lado que ser afectado" y afirmar la preparacin de una localizacin. Ms
tarde cuando, al contrario, el enfermo quede inmovilizado sobre este lado, podris
reemplazar Aconitum por Bryonia.
Ledum palustre, que presenta estas tres caractersticas, pero adems, la sangre es espumosa.
Esta hemoptisis sobreviene ms particularmente en los borrachos o en los reumticos. Existe
tambin una alternancia rara: la hemoptisis alterna a veces con la crisis reumatismal. Ante
esta alternancia en un enfermo que tiene manifestaciones alcohlicas o antecedentes etlicos,
podis pensar en Ledum palustre.
Tercer remedio de sangre roja clara: Cactus, pero all existe una tos convulsiva, palpitaciones,
dolor precordial y la caracterstica misma del remedio: sensacin de constriccin del corazn,
como por un torno, o una mano de hierro que lo inmoviliza a tal punto que el enfermo piensa
que pronto va a morir.
C) El enfermo circulatorio
Puede darse la siguiente regla: "En todos los casos donde hay una lesin, la dilucin baja es
la regla, la alta la excepcin. Inversamente: En todos los casos donde dominan los trastornos
sensoriales, la dilucin alta es la regla, las bajas diluciones la excepcin" (Len Vannier, La
Prctica de la Homeopata, 2a Ed. Doin y Ca., editores, Pars, l938).
Desde el punto de vista digestivo, recordemos: las anginas agudas, las angiocolitis agudas
producidas por el miedo o por una exposicin al fro, los empachos gstricos que aparecen
despus de un enfriamiento en el curso de das calurosos.
Desde el punto de vista respiratorio: la tos, la coriza, las laringitis, las bronquitis, las
congestiones, la bronconeumona, las pleuresas, las hemoptisis.
Todos los dolores inflamatorios y reumatismales, como las neuralgias faciales, otitis, dolores
de dientes, citica, etc., son igualmente tratables con Aconitum.
La cara roja, caliente muchos remedios tienen esto- pero en Aconitum est roja "solamente
cuando el enfermo est acostado", es plida "cuando el enfermo se sienta"; los ojos son
huraos, "expresando la angustia", las pupilas estn "contradas", las "orejas rojas" como las
de Sulphur, pero mientras que ste tiene todos los orificios rojos, Aconitum no tiene rojo ms
que las orejas. A veces he encontrado un pequeo sntoma: la "rojez brillante de las
eminencias hipotenares". Esto pertenece nicamente a Aconitum y lo encontraris
mencionado en todas las materias mdicas.
No olvidis que lo que domina sobre todo el estado de Aconitum es el pavor, terror o miedo y
el temor (en especial temor a la muerte).
En fin, notaris que la indicacin de Aconitum cesa tan pronto como aparecen las
transpiraciones (eliminacin), o cuando se produce un derrame en una serosa (reaccin de
defensa). Aconitum cede su lugar entonces a otro remedio, y ste es generalmente Bryonia.
Recordaris que la indicacin de Aconitum aparece sobre todo en los sujetos de Sulphur y
que su complementario es habitualmente Bryonia.
Primera etapa de las congestiones e inflamaciones agudas: con gran ansiedad, calor y
agitacin; se mueve en la cama de un lado a otro con angustia; rechaza las frazadas. Fiebre
Dolores rebeldes < a la noche, especialmente durante las primeras horas de la noche; dolores
Cara muy roja y caliente mientras est acostado, pero que se vuelve plida al incorporarse.
Ahora vamos a ocuparnos de lo que llamo "el tro de los remedios de la agitacin", a saber:
Aconitum, Arsenicum y Rhus toxicodendron.
Los tres muestran igualmente agitacin, pero son tan diferentes entre s que no existe ninguna
dificultad para elegir entre ellos. La agitacin de Aconitum se encuentra, ms a menudo,
durante las temperaturas elevadas de fiebres continuas o inflamatorias. No hay mejor
descripcin de la fiebre de Aconitum, en pocas palabras, que la dada por Hering: "Calor, con
sed; pulso rpido, lleno y duro, impaciencia, ansiedad, desasosiego, est fuera de s, se
mueve de uno a otro lado con angustia."
Ambos tienen gran calor de la piel, pero Aconitum presenta caractersticamente piel caliente
y seca, sin nada de sudor; Belladonna tiene mayor calor an en la superficie cutnea, pero
presenta transpiracin en las partes cubiertas. Aconitum se mueve de un lado a otro con
angustia y gran miedo a la muerte; Belladonna con frecuencia tiene semiestupor, sacudidas y
contracciones espasmdicas durante el sueo. Aconitum experimenta una gran molestia en el
corazn y en el pecho; en Belladonna todo parece concentrarse en la cabeza. Aconitum teme
a la muerte sin mucho delirio; Belladonna tiene miedo de cosas imaginarias, con delirio. De
esta manera podramos seguir dando elementos de diferenciacin. Cualquiera que comprenda
el arte homeoptico curar no alternar jams estos dos remedios.
Aconitum es tambin un gran remedio del dolor. Si tuviramos que nombrar los tres
remedios principales en este respecto, ellos seran Aconitum, Chamomilla y Coffea. Los
dolores de Aconitum van siempre acompaados de la extrema agitacin, ansiedad y miedo de
este remedio. El paciente se mueve, angustiado, de un lado a otro, "no puede soportar el
dolor, ni soportar que lo toquen, o que lo destapen." Pero, se me podr decir, todos los
remedios presentan dolor en su patogenesia. Responder a esto que no todos y que no son
muchos los que tienen un dolor tan intenso. Opium y Stramonium presentan ausencia de
dolor ms frecuentemente que dolor. Los dolores de Aconitum son intolerables y
generalmente empeoran en la primera parte de la noche o durante toda la noche.
Adems, en Aconitum encontramos a menudo, alternando con los dolores o a veces tambin
concomitantemente con ellos: adormecimiento de la piel, pinchazos y hormigueos. En esto se
asemeja a Rhus toxicodendron, pero en Aconitum predominan los dolores, mientras que en
Rhus tox. est en primer plano el adormecimiento de la piel, con dolor obtuso y
quebrantamiento. Los dolores de Aconitum son tan lacerantes y cortantes que llevan al
paciente a la desesperacin.
Se ha hecho un gran abuso de Aconitum como remedio para la fiebre. An la antigua escuela,
asombrada ante los resultados del tratamiento homeoptico, tan superior a su denominado
tratamiento antiflogstico, y hallando que Aconitum era muy altamente recomendado y con
gran frecuencia utilizado para las afecciones inflamatorias, concluyeron, de acuerdo con su
manera habitual de razonar, que se podra vestir a Aconitum con el uniforme patolgico de
ellos y hacerle prestar servicio para todos los tipos de fiebre, simplemente porque era fiebre.
Pero pronto descubrieron que, por ms til que fuera en algunos casos de fiebre inflamatoria,
no tena ninguna eficacia para la fiebre tifoidea. Es as como la generalizacin desde un
punto de vista patolgico fue nuevamente condenada a la desilusin, como siempre habr de
ocurrir. Pero tambin muchos llamados homepatas han cado en un error similar al concluir
que, puesto que Aconitum haba curado rpidamente algunos casos que presentaban fiebre
elevada, por lo tanto era siempre el remedio adecuado con el que deban tratarse los casos
que presentaran alta fiebre. Tambin cayeron en el hbito de prescribir este remedio para la
primera etapa de todas las afecciones inflamatorias y hacerlo seguir posteriormente de otros
remedios ms apropiados para la totalidad del cuadro. Si Aconitum fuera el nico remedio
que presentara los sntomas de la fiebre inflamatoria, quiz no podramos hacer nada mejor
que manejar el caso en zigzag hasta obtener la curacin por ese medio. Dunham escribe:
"Nunca se debe administrar primero Aconitum para reducir la fiebre y luego otro remedio
"para combatir la enfermedad", jams se lo debe alternar con otros medicamentos con el
propsito, como con frecuencia se aduce, de "dominar la fiebre". Si la fiebre es de las que
requieren Aconitum, no es necesario ningn otro medicamento. Si otros remedios parecen
indicados, debe buscarse uno que combatir tambin la fiebre, porque muchos remedios,
adems de Aconitum, producen fiebre, cada uno a su manera."
Estas son palabras verdicas y cuando el que las lee ha comprobado su verdad, recuerda a su
gran autor y se siente inclinado a exclamar: "An muerto, habla todava."
Aconitum presenta dos modalidades *De acuerdo con el texto que sigue, quiz sera ms
correcto hablar aqu, de factores causales en vez de modalidades. (Nota del Traductor)* muy
importantes: la agravacin por los sustos y la agravacin por el aire fro y seco.
Vayamos ahora a la agravacin por el aire fro y seco. Ningn otro remedio tiene en forma
tan marcada inflamaciones agudas provocadas por el aire fro y seco. De veinte casos de crup
provocado por una exposicin al aire fro y seco, diecinueve sern curados por Aconitum.
Vivo en un lugar donde abunda el crup y he tenido frecuentes oportunidades para verificar
esto. Esta exposicin al aire fro y seco tambin puede dar lugar a pleuresa, neumona o
procesos reumticos y estas afecciones, como es de esperar, estn casi invariablemente
acompaadas de la alta fiebre, la angustia, la agitacin y el miedo tan caractersticos de este
remedio. Todas las congestiones o inflamaciones locales que sobrevienen por dicha
exposicin indican Aconitum, a condicin de que los dems sntomas correspondan.
Los otros principales medicamentos del aire seco son: Bryonia, Causticum, Hepar sulphur y
Nux vomica. Y he aqu algunos remedios del tiempo hmedo: Dulcamara, Nux moschata,
Natrum sulphuricum y Rhus toxicodendron. Es conveniente recordar caractersticas como
stas, porque una indicacin precisa vale ms que dos o tres indicaciones vagas.
Aconitum Napellus, o Aconit Napel, o Capuchon, Madriette o Carro de Venus, planta vivaz
de la familia de las Ranunculceas, crece en toda Europa, especialmente en pases
montaosos: Francia, Suiza, Alemania, Alpes, Jura, Vosgos, en estado salvaje. En los jardines
se suele cultivar tambin como planta ornamental. El segundo nombre, napellus, le viene por
la forma de su raz, que semeja un pequeo nabo.
Se prepara la tintura madre con la planta entera, recogida hacia el fin de su floracin (en
Europa, en agosto).
Adems de las sustancias comunes a todos los vegetales, a saber: almidn, goma, cera,
clorofila, etc., materias albuminoideas, grasas, resinosas etc., el acnito contiene algunos
alcaloides a los cuales debera sus principales propiedades.
"El acnito posee una inmensa esfera de accin que involucra gran nmero de estados
mrbidos, pero el remedio no les conviene sino en un instante especial de su evolucin
porque su accin no ofrece un desarrollo continuo de efectos que se pueda comparar a una
enfermedad completa". (Espanet).
Afecta igualmente los nervios sensitivos, en cuya esfera produce HORMIGUEOS, picazones,
seguidos de ADORMECIMIENTO. Estudiando sus caractersticas, veremos que es el gran
remedio del dolor.
El medicamento acta de igual modo de una manera marcada sobre los nervios MOTORES.
"No produce parlisis, pero s ESPASMOS casi siempre de CARCTER TNICO. En el
envenenamiento por acnito, el trismus es un sntoma comn; adems el enfermo se queja a
menudo de otros sntomas que indican la prescripcin de acnito, como constriccin en la
garganta, calambres y otros sntomas locales (En algunas intoxicaciones aconticas puede
encontrarse, cuando son agudas y violentas, un estado de opisttonos completo cuyo estado
pseudotetnico puede ser verificado casi solamente por la estricnina). "Conviene adems
notar sobre todo la accin de acnito sobre los NERVIOS VASO MOTORES en cuya esfera
se encuentra una influencia excitante igual que en los dems centros msculo-motores. Es
principalmente por esta accin sobre los nervios vaso motores que se explica su
homeopaticidad en la fiebre astnica y los otros, sntomas hiperhmicos tan caractersticos
del remedio, y que tambin los cura, recordando fielmente su empleo en las
experimentaciones. (Hughes).
Puede decirse de una manera ms general que los sujetos que obtienen el mayor provecho del
empleo de este medicamento son los de constitucin sangunea, formas atlticas, bien
alimentados, vivaces, alegres, despreocupados o por el contrario que se entristecen
fcilmente, inquietos, timoratos, como consecuencia de privaciones o sufrimientos que han
deteriorado su constitucin volvindola ms nerviosa; pero en todos ellos predomina la tez
fuertemente coloreada, y generalmente los ojos y cabellos pardos o negros."Personas
jvenes, vigorosas, congestivas, pletricas, sensibles a los cambios atmosfricos y que caen
bruscamente enfermas despus de haber estado expuestas y o sea a un viento fro y seco muy
intenso (p. ej. congestiones pulmonares de invierno), o a un calor extremo (empacho gstrico
o gastrointestinal del verano)". (Nash).
"Los pletricos y los vigorosos de corazn fuerte, cerebro activo, circulacin enrgica, y que
sufren una enfermedad repentina a raz de exposicin a un brusco cambio atmosfrico, he
aqu la clase de individuos que necesitan acnito". (Kent).
"Los males curados por ACON. se producen repentinamente, luego de exposicin a un viento
fro y seco, p. ej.: el paciente, parece estar amenazado de muerte sbita y violenta, pero cura
rpidamente. En los individuos vigorosos a los que afecta, estas congestiones inflamatorias
parecen ser repelidas por una reaccin violenta y rpida.. Por otra parte, acnito no tiene en
su esencia ninguna de las manifestaciones que ordinariamente suelen seguir a una
inflamacin; si el enfermo cura, no le queda rastro de su enfermedad. As podemos encontrar
pruebas de su brusquedad y violencia en cada rgano del cuerpo: cerebro, pulmones, hgado,
riones, sangre, etc." (Kent).
Esta agitacin es tan violenta como importante; es uno de los sntomas claves del remedio y
no es tan caracterstica en ningn otro remedio de nuestra Materia Mdica, salvo en RHUS
TOX. y en ARS. que Nash coloca junto a ACNITO en lo que llam el "TRIO DE LA
"Siente la violencia de su enfermedad pues est bajo la influencia de un eretismo arterial muy
fuerte, de una gran excitacin; el temor se refleja en su actitud y la accin cardaca es tan
agotadora que piensa que va a morir; lo que experimenta significa para l la muerte que tanto
teme. Cuando vemos este temor, esta agitacin, esta ansiedad intensa, esta crisis tan aguda,
tan violenta y tan repentina, estamos en presencia de un caso cuyo enfermo muere por el
veneno del acnito y tiene necesidad de ACONIT." (Kent).
Esta violenta angustia, este temor a la muerte, son signos de ACONIT.;en RHUS TOX. la
agitacin es ms simplemente la consecuencia de la modalidad ms particular de este
remedio: a saber, la gran mejora producida por el movimiento. Por otra parte la agitacin de
ARS. ALB. se caracteriza por extrema postracin y vitalidad reducida; es una agitacin
pasiva. Ninguno de estos dos remedios tiene la angustia profunda, el temor irrazonable, sobre
todo nocturno, de ACONIT.
Este temor a la muerte que puede notarse no slo en los estados febriles agudos de ACONIT.
sino tambin en otras manifestaciones que justifican el remedio, le imprimen un carcter tal
que lo han indicado como excelente para combatir los sntomas provenientes de un temor, de
un susto, ya sean recientes o no
OPIUM es otro medicamento bueno para los efectos del temor tales como diarrea o
convulsiones, vrtigos, temblores, etc.; ambos remedios son muy diferentes en sus otras
manifestaciones, al punto que resulta fcil distinguir el uno del otro. GELS., PULS., y
VERAT. son tiles segn las dems caractersticas del caso, para las diarreas causadas por
susto. Para los efectos crnicos de un susto, hay que acordarse de NATR. MUR., SILIC.,
PHOSPH. (Farrington).
PHOSPH. tambin tiene miedo a la muerte cuando est solo; a ello se agrega una gran
debilidad nerviosa, enflaquecimiento y un conjunto caracterstico fsico y moral que le da
una fisonoma propia y no da lugar a confundirlo. Por ltimo ARS. ALB. puede compararse a
ACONIT. no slo por su agitacin sino por una misma sensacin de miedo, de temor a la
muerte, pero tiene su debilidad particular y otras caractersticas que evitan que sea
confundido con ACNITO.
Para su comparacin, he aqu los otros remedios principales del aire seco y fro BRYON.,
CAUST., HEPAR SULF., CALC., Y NUX VOM.; he aqu algunos opuestos, es decir, del
tiempo hmedo: NUX MOSCH., NATR. MUR., SULPH., Y RHUS TOX. (Nash).
Adems este dolor EMPEORA DE NOCHE, HACIA LA MEDIANOCHE, como los otros
sntomas de acnito. El dolor viene acompaado de HORMIGUEO, ADORMECIMIENTO,
PICAZN, o bien alterna con estos sntomas.En fin, la nocin de EXPOSICIN AL AIRE
SECO Y FRO es importante en su etiologa.
El dolor es tan violento que cree no poder seguir soportndolo y se desespera, se agita,
pensando que va a morir; esto hace pensar en CHAMOM., donde el dolor sobreviene antes
de medianoche, acompaado de adormecimiento de la regin afectada y a menudo el
adormecimiento alterna con el dolor, intolerable, exasperado, no tiene ningn temor a la
muerte; por el contrario, prefiere la muerte a continuar sufriendo as. COFFEA, no presenta
la inflamacin de ACON. ni la moral de CHAMOM.; es ante todo, un hipersensible, que se
desespera cuando sufre.
Conviene notar que ACTEA RAC. y RAN. BULB. que pertenecen a la misma familia
botnica que ACON., presentan los mismos dolores agudos y bruscos, pero carecen de su
agitacin y ansiedad tan caractersticas.
A) Lateralidad
B) Agravacin
Por la noche, hacia medianoche; los sntomas del remedio: agitacin, angustia, dolores, etc.,
empeoran de noche, hacia medianoche, cosa curiosa, los otros dos remedios del tro de
agitacin, RHUS TOX., ARS. ALB., tienen la misma agravacin nocturna, hacia
C) Mejora
Al aire libre;
Sntomas mentales
Ansiedad con miedo que acompaa los menores sufrimientos. Miedos: a la muerte, a las
tinieblas, de atravesar la calle, de viajar, y de una muchedumbre.
Temor de que algo le pase; miedo siempre presente, indefinible, irrazonable, con sensacin
de angustia. Timidez despus de un susto. Este miedo perpetuo torna su vida miserable, pues
dicho temor lo encontramos tanto en las enfermedades febriles agudas, como en su vida
Inquietud fsica y moral: se tira de un lado a otro cuando se acuesta, sin que ello mejore. Est
persuadido, de que su enfermedad es mortal, y predice da y hora de su muerte.
Agitacin con gran excitabilidad nerviosa. Delirios agudos. La msica lo pone triste y le
resulta insoportable.
Insomnio causado por un calor general demasiado grande, que se acompaa de AGITACIN
E INQUIETUD. No puede dormirse, pues su pensamiento le trabaja sin cesar. Sueo malo,
agitado, con pesadillas, sueos angustiosos, sobresaltos durante el sueo, sobre todo despus
de medianoche.
CEFALEA CONGESTIVA, cabeza torpe y pesada y al nivel de la frente hay una sensacin
como si un cuerpo extrao fuese empujando fuera de la cabeza.
Sensacin de plenitud con calor intenso como de agua en ebullicin, acompaada por
violentos latidos del corazn, arterias, pulso y sienes, con fiebre, agitacin, angustia, miedo.
Cabeza muy caliente exteriormente. (BELLADONA).
Peor durante la noche, hablando, levantndose, bebiendo, mientras mejora al aire libre.
Puede comparase a SPIGELIA que es til en la neuralgia facial peor del lado izquierdo, con
sensacin de quemadura intensa, dolor punzante, insoportable, acompaado por excitacin
intensa, pero no existen los hormigueos de ACON.
COLCHICUM, que tiene dolores en la mitad izquierda de la cara hasta la oreja y cabeza, con
hormigueos de piel y la cara de aspecto congelado; la mejilla del costado enfermo est roja,
hinchada y transpira; hay mucho eretismo nervioso con dolores, que parecen insoportables:
pero no hay la agitacin tan caracterstica de ACON. VERBASCUM que tiene una neuralgia
facial que afecta sobre todo el costado izquierdo con lagrimeo, coriza y sensacin como si las
partes doloridas, estuviesen oprimidas con pinzas, lo que no encontramos en ACON.
AGARICUS que tiene una neuralgia facial con dolores semejantes a agujas de hielo
pinchndole las mejillas e irritando el nervio; dolores lancinantes, desgarrantes, agudos,
como provocados por una astilla; por otra parte esta neuralgia NO afecta a una mejilla ms
que a otra. PLATINA tiene una neuralgia facial acompaada por hormigueos y
adormecimiento; pero estos dolores aparecen y desaparecen progresivamente, lo cual est
muy lejos de la brusquedad de ACON., son sobre todo frecuentes del lado derecho; en fin, el
tipo de medicamento es una gran indicacin para su eleccin, lo mismo que para
LACHESIS, en que la lateralidad izquierda de los dolores de la neuralgia facial pueden hacer
pensar en ACONIT.; la acompaan igualmente flujos de calor; pero son los dos nicos
sntomas que tienen en comn; todos los dems conducen a una clara diferenciacin.
Las inflamaciones del odo, propias de ACON., son agudas, sobrevienen bruscamente, con
violencia, despus de una exposicin al viento fro y seco.
El odo externo est caliente, dolorido, hinchado; dolores agudos, intolerables, acompaados
de la fiebre y agitacin caractersticas del remedio
Aparato digestivo
TODO TIENE GUSTO AMARGO, excepto el agua (CHINA: todo, incluso el agua es
Vmitos biliosos, o mucosos, o de sangre rojo vivo. Sensacin de presin en el estmago con
disnea o sensacin de quemazn que sube por el esfago.
Aparato urinario
A veces despus de aplicar frceps, el recin nacido no orina; grita y est agitado; ACON. es
til en estos casos.
Miedo a la muerte; agitacin ansiosa durante el embarazo; tiene miedo de que su parto vaya
mal y que termine en accidente mortal. Despus del parto, hemorragia con sangre rojo
brillante abundante, con agitacin ansiosa y temor de morir.
Aparato respiratorio
1) NARIZ: CORIZA con muchos estornudos despus de exposicin al aire fro y seco.
Generalmente, la noche que sigue a esta exposicin hay gran sequedad de la nariz con
muchos estornudos y poco o muy poco derrame acuoso. Todo esto se acompaa de
escalofros seguidos de fiebre, con piel seca, agitacin, dolor en la raz nasal, sensacin de
quemadura en la garganta. El coriza de ACON. es del tipo agudo al principio; slo un
remedio puede comparrsele, CAMPHORA, que tambin tiene un comienzo sbito luego de
un cambio brusco de tiempo; nariz tapada y seca, el aire inspirado parece ms fro que
normalmente; hay cefalea frontal, escalofros, y el enfermo siente fro en todo el cuerpo; est
congelado y no puede entrar en calor, lo cual es bien distinto del calor seco y agitacin de
2) LARINGE: Laringitis aguda; laringe muy sensible al tacto y al aire inspirado; dolores y
espasmos agravados por la inspiracin. En la laringitis de SPONGIA la laringe no slo duele
al tocarla, sino con los movimientos del cuello, al volver la cabeza.
Por otra parte, si la tos crupal es ardiente, como si la trquea estuviese llena de mucosidad
que el paciente no puede expectorar, y si adems la tos aparece o es ms marcada despus de
medianoche, es decir hacia la madrugada, hay que pensar en HEP. SULF. CALC.
Por ltimo, no hay que confundir este estado crupal larngeo de ACON. con los de IODIUM
Aparato circulatorio
Espalda y extremidades
Rigidez de la nuca, dolores agudos en la espalda, que sobrevienen en forma brusca despus
de haber tomado fro, acompaados de hormigueo a lo largo de la columna vertebral como si
insectos caminaran sobre la piel
Convulsiones durante la denticin; el nio se muerde los puitos y lanza gritos agudos; la
cara enrojece, si bien puede haber una mejilla roja y otra plida, como en CHAMOM. Piel
seca, ardiente y fiebre elevada.
La piel es sede de sntomas ms o menos generalizados. Por otra parte es siempre seca, roja,
ardiente, caliente, hinchada, brillosa. Puede presentar tambin un aspecto similar al de la
rubola. Por ltimo, las partes cubiertas se cubren de abundante transpiracin.
La fiebre de ACON. es tpica: sobre todo, ms marcada a la noche, hacia medianoche.
Presenta en sus tres fases las siguientes caractersticas : ESCALOFROS DESDE LAS
EXTREMIDADES AL PECHO Y CABEZA; agravados por el movimiento. CALOR SECO;
piel roja, caliente, ardiente, pero seca; cara roja, pero palidece al sentarse el paciente en el
lecho; sed intensa de grandes cantidades de agua; extrema agitacin con gran angustia y
temor, especialmente de morir; el enfermo, imposible de calmar, est fuera de s, se tira para
todos lados sintiendo dolores angustiosos, SUDORES EN LAS PARTES CUBIERTAS
SOLAMENTE. El enfermo debe cubrirse tan pronto como comienza la transpiracin; Y
Los cidos, frutas cidas, vino, limonada, caf, modifican la accin de ACON.
Los ataques llegan bruscamente de una exposicin a un viento seco y fro. Tenemos un
ejemplo en nios pletricos por la congestin sbita del cerebro con fiebre intensa o con
convulsiones. Obtenemos manifestaciones de su rapidez y violencia en cualquier rgano del
cuerpo, el cerebro, los pulmones, el hgado, la sangre, los riones. Conviene a los
padecimientos que vienen de pronto de un tiempo muy fro en invierno o de un calor muy
intenso de verano. Sabemos cmo estos individuos pletricos se acaloran rpidamente y se
enferman de gravedad. Sus ataques sbitos son espantosos de observar. Todas estas dolencias
inflamatorias se acompaan con un gran aumento de la circulacin, violentos movimientos
del corazn, una agitacin cerebral y un shock con intenso temor.
Los sntomas mentales que estn siempre estrechamente relacionados con las afecciones de
Aconitum se destacan ntidamente. El paciente percibe la violencia de su enfermedad, pues
est bajo los efectos de una gran excitacin e irritacin nerviosa. El temor se dibuja sobre su
semblante y tiene una abrumadora obsesin hasta el punto de pensar principalmente que debe
morir; esto debe significar muerte que l teme. Eso se observa en su semblante. Dice:
"Doctor, todo es intil, voy a morir". Muchas veces predice, en realidad, el momento o la
hora de su muerte. Si hay un reloj en la habitacin, predice la hora de morir. Cuando vemos
este temor intenso, esta terrible ansiedad, gran inquietud, la violencia y la brusquedad de
estos ataques, tenemos tal vez un caso de envenenamiento por Aconitum o uno que necesita
Aconitum. Uno que tiene una enfermedad que recuerda al veneno de Aconitum necesita la
dosis ms pequea posible de Aconitum. Es un medicamento de accin breve y eso debe ser
Apenas importa qu parte del cuerpo estamos considerando pero encontraremos inflamacin.
Pero haciendo caso omiso de la localizacin o regin de la inflamacin, lo que hemos
descrito es el aspecto del paciente. Son tales los sntomas que hemos establecido que Ud.,
observar primero el aspecto de la cara, los sntomas mentales, la inquietud, la intensidad.
Ahora, hay muchos sntomas mentales menores que no son tan importantes como este temor,
esta ansiedad, que sern enmascarados por estos sntomas sealados que indica el paciente.
Ha perdido todo afecto por sus amigos. No le importa qu les sucede a ellos, no tiene el
menor inters en ellos. Algunas veces puede ser un estado de indiferencia.
Lo que hemos mencionado capacitar a uno para ver sin esfuerzo que la descripcin no
pertenece a todos los medicamentos de la Materia Mdica. De hecho, pertenece solamente a
Aconitum. Cualquiera sea el remedio que Ud. compare, lo encontrar solamente en
Aconitum. Ud. encontrar algunas de las caractersticas en el texto bajo otros medicamentos,
pero aquellos que he mencionado en conjunto sern encontrados slo en Aconitum. Tome los
sntomas mentales y la intensidad es la caracterstica de cada uno de ellos. Si hay un delirio,
es un delirio intenso, con excitacin, con temor, con ansiedad. Los pacientes con delirio, con
excitacin y temor, llorarn como en un gran momento. Una gran excitacin, temor, pavor
por la muerte. Ud. se pregunta por qu est llorando. Hay toda clase de humores mezclados
tambin con el temor de Aconitum. Hay lamentaciones e irritabilidad, enojo, arrojando cosas
lejos, todo con violencia y ansiedad. Estas caractersticas que he descrito como dominantes
se encuentran entremezcladas con todos los dems sntomas.
"Gritos con dolor". Estos dolores son como cuchillo son punzantes, cortantes, como puales.
La intensidad del sufrimiento de Aconitum es entonante, as que si los nervios adquieren
dolores neurlgicos, estos son intensos. La sensacin es de que alguna cosa tremenda debe
sucederle o sino no debera tener tales sufrimientos terribles. Dice en el texto, "predice el da
de su muerte". Esto en gran medida es consecuencia de la sensacin terrible que lo abruma. Y
este aspecto mental est siempre presente, en neumona, en las enfermedades inflamatorias
de alguna parte del cuerpo, en la inflamacin de los riones, del hgado, de los intestinos, etc.
Prevalece el aturdimiento a travs del cuadro de sntomas. "Vrtigo y mareos". Una mujer va
de compras y se le cruza de pronto un perro, y se aturde violentamente, e incluso no puede
llegar a su carruaje. "El vrtigo viene del temor, de un temor sbito, y el temor del susto
persiste". Hay un remanente de este miedo pasado, pero lo guiar con ms decisin a Opium.
"Molestias por el temor". Inflamacin del cerebro por el temor; aturdimiento por el temor".
Incluso congestiones de partes como consecuencia de temor. Una confusin en todo el
entendimiento. Las cosas giran y giran.
Los dolores de cabeza vienen con tal violencia que difcilmente pueden ser descritos.
Desgarradores ardores en el cerebro, en el cuero cabelludo, acompaados con temor, con
fiebre, con angustia; cefalalgia por tomar fro, por supresin del catarro en la nariz. El catarro
se detiene sbitamente en gente pletrica, por exposicin, por librarse de la sequedad, por
cabalgar al viento fro y seco tal como el que tenemos en este clima norteo en invierno.
''Violenta cefalea sobre los ojos. Congestin del cerebro, con cefalalgia congestiva, con
ansiedad, con la faz encendida".
Los sntomas que lo llevan a dar Aconitum para afecciones de los ojos son numerosos. Los
ojos se inflaman sbitamente. Congestin del ojo. Apariencia sangunea roja del ojo.
Inflamacin brusca de todos los tejidos; conjuntivitis, etc., por tomar fro, por exponerse a
vientos secos, fros.
Hay una enseanza que ha, prevalecido desde mucho tiempo: dar Aconitum para el primer
estado de una inflamacin. No es una buena enseanza a pesar de que es recomendado en
todos nuestros libros. No se dice para qu clase de constitucin, o de cmo viene. No realice
la prctica en esta forma. Obtenga todos los elementos para un caso de Aconitum, si es
posible, o prescriba un medicamento mejor. Ha prevalecido otra prctica, a saber, dando
Aconitum para la fiebre. El Aconitum era el medicamento para la fiebre de muchos de
nuestros antiguos rutinarios, pero es una mala prctica.
El Aconitum tiene una inflamacin de los ojos que aparece tan rpidamente que uno se
asombra de cmo puede sobrevenir en tan corto tiempo. Los ojos se hinchan mucho sin
secrecin alguna o slo con un mucus muy acuoso. Las inflamaciones sbitas que vienen con
descargas espesas no pueden ser nunca de Aconitum. Aconitum no es consecuencia de
inflamacin. Esas dolencias que son como consecuencias de inflamacin indicarn siempre
algn otro medicamento. Ud. no debe pensar en Aconitum en la fiebre salvo que el paciente
de Aconitum est presente. Con la fiebre de Aconitum habr sensibilidad a la luz. "Una gran
intranquilidad con fiebre". Ojos con mirada fija con las pupilas contradas, "punzadas
violentas e inflamacin de las estructuras profundas del globo ocular".
Proporcione Aconitum solamente cuando los sntomas estn de acuerdo. Una inflamacin en
marcha de curso prolongado a supurar, o si hay mucosas que segregan pus, no indicarn
nunca sntomas de Aconitum. No proporcione jams Aconitum en envenenamiento de la
sangre, tales como encontramos en escarlatina, en la fiebre tifoidea, etc. Nada encontramos
de los sntomas violentos de Aconitum en tales dolencias. Nunca est presente la irritacin
nerviosa, sino lo opuesto, el estupor", la pereza, la piel purprea mientras que el Aconitum es
rojo brillante. Nunca dar Aconitum para cualquier forma de cimosis, pues no tiene en su
historia nada de cimosis. No debe pensarse en Aconitum en la fiebre continua, de evolucin
lenta. El Aconitum no tiene sntomas semejantes a los tipos de fiebres continuas, lentas. La
fiebre de Aconitum es generalmente un ataque breve, agudo de temperatura. No hay forma de
relacionarla a una fiebre intermitente, ya que no tiene tales sntomas. Ud. puede encontrar
algo que podra engaarlo en un ataque de fiebre intermitente, pero el hecho real de que haya
un segundo, descarta el Aconitum. Algunos medicamentos tienen la periodicidad de olas, el
Aconitum no tiene tal caracterstica. El ataque ms violento de fiebre ceder en una noche si
el remedio es el Aconitum. Si no lo es resultar lastimoso que Ud. se haya equivocado en
prescribirlo, por ello algunas veces har dao. Todos los signos que existen en una
enfermedad deben tenerse en cuenta, no solamente aquellos medicamentos que la abarcan,
pero tambin los que no lo cubren.
El Aconitum tiene inflamacin de los ojos, con ardor e hinchazn rpida; los prpados se
hinchan tan rpidamente que no pueden abrirse salvo con gran dificultad, y cuando se
obligan a abrirse, mediante pinzas, caern gotas de agua caliente, pero no pus. Esto viene
rpidamente al tomar fro. Siempre que hay inflamaciones de las superficies mucosas est
propenso a fluir agua sanguinolenta. De pronto los vasos sanguneos se ingurgitan y rezuman
as como por la ruptura de los capilares.
Se produce tambin justamente una rpida inflamacin del odo. "Dolores lancinantes,
cortantes, intensos, en los odos". El nio viene a casa despus de haber estado expuesto al
viento fro del norte, y no est suficientemente abrigado, y ahora grita y lleva su mano al
odo. El ataque se produce al anochecer, despus de haber estado afuera durante el da. Fiebre
y ansiedad; el nio debe ser transportado. El sufrimiento es intenso. Los ruidos intolerables.
La msica se transporta a travs de cada miembro, tan intensa es la sensibilidad auditiva. En
todas partes del cuerpo encontraremos la misma dolencia intensa de los nervios. Dondequiera
que hay dolores, tan intensos, violentos, y el paciente est siempre en estado de ansiedad e
irritabilidad. "Dolores punzantes, ardorosos, desgarradores, cortantes, en el odo". Para
atender una coriza con dolores violentos de cabeza, que aparece a la noche despus de haber
estado expuesto y tomado fro repentinamente durante el da, est indicado este medicamento
de accin breve, y muy rpida. La coriza de Carbo veg. aparece varios das despus de la
exposicin. El paciente de Carbo veg. se acalora y se resfra por quedarse con el abrigo,
cuando viene al consultorio. En Aconitum sale afuera al aire fro con sus ropas livianas, y
enferma, si es un individuo pletrico, antes de medianoche.
Pero a menudo est indicado en la coriza del nio rosado, gordo, pletrico. No as en los
enfermizos o plidos. Estos enfermizos se vendrn abajo ms tarde; sus actividades vitales
estn tan reducidas que sus quejas no se dejan or algunas veces hasta despus de dos o tres
das. As que si Ud. toma uno enfermizo y uno vigoroso en la misma familia y los expone a
ambos, el uno tendr crup a la noche y necesita Aconitum, y el otro lo tendr a la maana
prxima y necesita Hepar.
Los sntomas que probablemente se producirn con coriza son hemorragia nasal, cefalalgia,
ansiedad y temor. La expresin ansiosa es una de las primeras cosas observadas en el
enfermo de Aconitum. La neumona de Aconitum se mostrar a menudo en la cara. Observe
la cara; hay una gran ansiedad. Ello muestra mucho de los efectos de Aconitum. Ud. sabe que
hay mucho en la expresin de la cara que facilitar a uno a leer todo lo que sucede en el
cuerpo, ello le relata la historia; los placeres y las tristezas, y las angustias de la familia
humana, mucho de lo cual Ud. puede generalizar y apreciar de una ojeada que alguna cosa
importante ha sucedido. Ud. tiene que pensar solamente una o dos veces antes de acertar.
Aqu tiene Ud. la ansiedad.
"Una mejilla roja y la otra plida" es un buen sntoma de muchos medicamentos, pero la
expresin de ansiedad, y de temor, y de ardor, y de insomnio y la rapidez con que vienen en
un individuo pletrico -ayer fue muy seco y ventoso- y Ud. pondr en un lugar este nico
sntoma en Aconitum. Pero puede haber uno o varios otros medicamentos, donde se
presentan otras dolencias. "Dolores neurlgicos en la cara semejantes a alambres calientes
circulando a lo largo de cualquier lado de la faz". Las cabalgatas individuales en el fro, al
viento spero, y su cara estaba expuesta al viento fro. Llega a estar entumecido y se
establece el dolor intenso. El grita y chilla, debido a los dolores que cortan como si fueran
cuchillos filosos. El Aconitum lo aliviar . "Arrastrarse, comezn y hormigueo". El Aconitum
tiene esa sensacin a lo largo del curso de los nervios. Tiene una sensacin como agua helada
vertida a lo largo del curso de los nervios. Citica como cuando se vierte agua helada a lo
largo del nervio. "Como si trepara, con comezn y arrastrndose por la cara, con o sin dolor".
Hay un calor intenso, fiebre alta en la cara. El lado de la cara sobre la cual se acuesta
transpira y si el paciente se da vuelta, esa parte a su vez se seca, y la otra parte es la que se
echa a sudar.
0h, que medicamento reconfortante es para el dolor de muelas! Ha sido tan til en el dolor de
muelas que hoy da casi toda dama de edad sabe lo suficiente como para colocar una gota de
Aconitum en una pizca de algodn y ponerla en el antiguo hueco del diente. A menudo le
calmar completamente. Una dosis de Aconitum actuar mucho mejor, teniendo en cuenta la
violencia del dolor; otra vez la misma vieja historia, de la sequedad, vientos fros, individuos
pictricos, con dientes cariados intensos dolores, cortantes, en dichas piezas. Algunas veces
se encuentran estos dolores en dientes sanos y afectan a toda la fila. Dolores violentos por
una exposicin, tal como cabalgar en el viento. Los dolores se alivian y se van rpidamente
despus de una dosis de Aconitum.
Hay perturbacin en el gusto, y desrdenes gstricos. Todo tiene gusto amargo, excepto el
agua; y, como el paciente de Aconitum desea agua, parece casi imposible para l obtener
suficiente cantidad de agua que lo satisfaga.
El ardor es un sntoma que se encuentra en el medicamento, Ud. lo encontrar en la
descripcin de todos los dolores. Ardor en la cabeza, ardor a lo largo del curso de los nervios,
ardor en la espina dorsal, ardor con fiebre, algunas veces ardor como si estuviera cubierta con
El Aconitum es una medicina muy til en la inflamacin de la garganta, cuando hay ardor,
escozor, sequedad, gran enrojecimiento de las amgdalas, o de las fauces o de toda la
garganta. Algunas veces el paladar blando est muy hinchado. Un grado elevado de
inflamacin, de todo lo que puede ser visto y denominado garganta. Pero eso slo no
indicara Aconitum. El cura esta clase de casos, pero cada mdico homepata sabe que
cuarenta o cincuenta medicamentos podran ser seleccionados tambin como el Aconitum de
todo lo que he dicho. He mencionado solamente un caso no descrito. Ningn mdico
homepata podra prescribir basado en esta clase de evidencia. Pero observando el tipo de
garganta, cada mdico debe preguntarse as mismo; Qu hara de esa garganta un caso de
Acnito? Y en cuanto surge la pregunta, puede imaginarse otra: No podra recetar para el
caso tan bien como si no hubiera visto la garganta? Para un mdico inteligente, la garganta no
adelanta mucho como representacin del paciente.
Si fuera necesario representar en la mente del mdico el rgano mismo inflamado; cmo
podra tratar el hgado? No lo puede ver! Cmo prescribira para el estmago? No lo puede
ver! Nos vemos obligados a recurrir a lo que representa para el mdico inteligente la
verdadera naturaleza del paciente y entonces enseguida apreciaremos la razn de alguna de
estas cosas.
Si Ud. forma una imagen en su mente del paciente de Acnito, puede prescribir. Sera muy
bueno ver muchas cosas. Si Ud. pudiera ver el hgado, yo le dira, mrelo. Si Ud. pudiera ver
el corazn, yo le dira examnelo!
Qu es lo que hay en esta garganta que realmente representa al paciente? Por supuesto
cualquier dolor de la garganta hace difcil tragar. Yo considero que no hay nada en el dolor de
garganta que represente para el mdico el paciente de Aconitum. Si ese individuo fuera una
persona pletrica, si hubiera estado cabalgando en el fro, en un viento spero una buena
parte del da, y si se hubiera despertado en la noche con un ardor violento, un dolor de
garganta desgarrador y no pudiera tragar, y hubiera llegado una fiebre alta, y si tuviera sed de
agua fra y no podra obtener suficiente, l estaba en un estado febril, ansioso, Ud. tiene
entonces un paciente para prescribir. Muchas veces los pacientes llegan a ser lo
suficientemente inteligentes bajo su observacin para describir justamente de cmo acta
algn miembro de su familia. Ud. conoce a qu se parece el paciente. Algunas veces el
sirviente dar la mejor clase de descripcin, mejor que la estudiante de Vassar*, que nos
escribe: "Doctor, por favor enveme el medicamento; yo he mirado en la garganta y est
Con los sntomas gstricos, que paciente ansioso tenemos! Los dolores son espantosos.
Dolores ardientes, dolores con lgrimas, con ansiedad, con insomnio. con fiebre, que han
venido de tomar fro -no de comer demasiado, sino de tomar fro-, que se ha fijado en el
estmago, de la exposicin a un bao helado, o en un verano muy caluroso de calor intenso,
relacionado con un cerebro irritable en nios vigorosos. El vomitar, llorar y las tremendas
arcadas. El vmito de sangre roja brillante. Esto es descriptivo de inconvenientes generales
del estmago. Durante este estado febril el paciente desea cosas amargas, vino y cerveza, y
brandy, pero los devolver tan pronto lleguen al estmago. Desea cosas picantes, nada le
parece suficientemente amargo. "Si l pudiera solamente obtendra cosas amargas". Y todava
sus comidas tienen gusto amargo, cada cosa que come sabe amargo, cada cosa excepto el
En el texto hay una expresin clnica: "catarro gstrico". Hay una inflamacin aguda del
estmago. Nuseas, vmitos de bilis, de sangre. Urgencia inefectiva de vomitar cuando no
hay nada en el estmago. Con ello habr ansiedad, inquietud, temor de muerte. El temor
reflejado sobre el semblante le da una expresin terrible.
El Aconitum es una medicina til en la inflamacin del hgado, cuando aparece sbitamente.
No es muy til en ataques repetidos excepto en el primer ataque. La violenta inflamacin del
hgado, con dolores desgarradores y mucho ardor. Entonces viene la inquietud, las terribles
torturas de la ansiedad, constante movimiento, temor a morir, cara roja, ojos vidriosos, sed
intensa. "La inquietud ansiosa acompaa de cerca a todas estas cosas".
Hay en el abdomen dolores, ardores, punzadas, despus de una exposicin al fro llegando a
resfriarse. Queremos llegar pronto al hecho que poco importa dnde se produce el desorden;
debemos tener el paciente de Aconitum. Tenemos tambin inconvenientes inflamatorios de
todas las vsceras del abdomen. Puede ser una violenta inflamacin catarral. Puede ser una
dolencia catarral de la porcin inferior del colon, o una dolencia catarral del recto, cuando
haya una disentera. En la disentera se depone sangre casi sangre pura, y una secrecin
viscosa. Vmito de poca sangre y expulsin rectal de mucus sanguinolento. Siempre ellos
predecirn que morirn esa noche o en unas pocas horas. Parecen darse cuenta de la
sensacin de muerte. Todo el cuerpo est en la sensacin de angustia pero el tenesmo y el
entumecimiento, la urgencia de defecar es simplemente terrible. Hay una diarrea acuosa, pero
no es un sntoma importante, aunque est doblemente remarcado por Hering. Pero cuando ha
pasado la sangre oscura y mucus, con tenesmo, o cuando una pequea cantidad de mucus
verde ha pasado en los infantes con inconvenientes veraniegos, fluye repentinamente sangre
pura o descargas de pasto verde con fiebre, en pequeas fibras rosadas, brillantes, piense en
Aconitum. La mayora de los inconvenientes intestinales en los nios vienen de un calor
intenso. El infante adquiere una inflamacin del hgado por el calor, y las heces se hacen
blancas como leche y de consistencia pastosa. El nio se pone amarillo y grita con dolor.
La mujer es una paciente de Aconitum natural con su sensibilidad. Usualmente se queja por
shock nervioso, por temor, y sus quejas se originan y sufre por causas diferentes de aquellas
por las cuales la enfermedad se origina en el hombre. Es muy raro que el temor d lugar a
una inflamacin en el hombre, pero el temor es una causa comn de inflamacin del tero, y
de los ovarios en mujeres excitables, vigorosas, pletricas. El temor es a menudo causa de
aborto, pero cuando se proporciona Aconitum a tiempo reprimir el aborto que viene del
temor. Tendremos los dolores de Aconitum, punzantes, ardientes, desgarradores seguidos
algunas veces al temor o a la emocin sbita. Algunas veces una mujer encinta dir : "Doctor,
es intil que haga planes para mi parto. Yo s que voy a morir en l". Si es que en realidad
hay un sntoma fuerte para prescribirlo es justamente este. Una dosis de Aconitum, y
entonces cambia el asunto, la paciente sigue adelante y en pocos das Ud. le pregunta sobre
ese miedo y ella dice: "oh no haga caso de eso". Muchas pequeas cosas como stas pueden
observarse. Pero ese estado de temor es muy peculiar, y representar la naturaleza y el ser
total de la mujer. Ella predice el da de su muerte. La razn por la cual el Aconitum es tan a
menudo el remedio de los nios es porque el infante se enferma con frecuencia de susto.
En los casos de nios recin nacidos con dificultad para respirar, despus del uso del forceps,
o de un parto difcil; el nio est sofocado, hay dificultad con el corazn y en pocas horas
viene la fiebre. En este caso el Aconitum es un medicamento muy sencillo. En el nio la
retencin de orina es tan comnmente una dolencia de Aconitum que Ud. difcilmente
necesitar nunca usar cualquier otra medicina. El pequeo no puede hablar todava, no puede
manifestarse mucho, y en cierta medida, el prctico se ve compelido a usar cierta rutina en
estos casos, y los prcticos rutinarios han tenido mayor o menor xito con el Aconitum para
la retencin de orina. Por otra parte, es verdad que en muchos casos de retencin de orina en
la madre, desaparecer despus de una dosis de Causticum. El Aconitum es un gran remedio
de rutina en el crup, del cual se ha abusado; pero est indicado en todos aquellos casos de
crup que llega sbitamente en nios pletricos, por exposicin a la sequedad, y vientos fros,
habiendo estado fuera con la madre en el viento fro durante el da. El nio es colocado en la
cama y se despierta del primer sueo, tal vez a las 9 10 a las 11 horas, se agarra la
garganta, tose violentamente, con una tos ahogada, como un ladrido ronco. Difcilmente
cualquier otro medicamento puede corresponder tan rpidamente en su accin, al tomar fro
durante el da y desarrollarse tan de repente. La tos ferina que viene de la exposicin hoy, y
no se desarrolla hasta maana por la maana o por la tarde, puede corresponder bastante bien
a una cantidad de otros medicamentos, pero especialmente a Hepar, que es ms suave en su
accin. Es ms conveniente en nios algo debilitados y sujetos a frecuentes ataques de tos
ferina. El medicamento Spongia es tambin similar pero carece de muchos de los elementos
ms semejantes que se presentan en nios dbiles, aquellos que siempre se resfran. Sera
materia difcil distinguir entre la apariencia de la tos ferina del Aconitum y de Spongia tan
lejos como concierna a la tos ferina, porque ambos tienen todo el aspecto de ansiedad
encontrado en el crup. El crup de Aconitum, es violento con inflamacin de la laringe, y al
mismo tiempo con espasmos del mismo rgano que aparecen con gran rapidez. La tos ferina
de Spongia es menos inflamatoria, ya que la inflamacin aumenta con los espasmos; pero
mientras que Spongia puede despertarse; a las 11 de la noche, sofocado y ahogndose, no
tiene la excitacin febril propia de Aconitum, ni la angustia, sin embargo tiene toda la
sequedad que se encuentra en Aconitum. Las enfermedades de Aconitum son usualmente
secas, o hay solamente una pequea secrecin acuosa. Espongia es enteramente seca; si hay
una mucosa inflamada, est seca. Tenemos en el crup sntomas de Aconitum: laringe sensible
al tacto. "Crup, despertndose en el primer sueo, despus de la exposicin a los vientos fros
y secos".
"Se sienta derecho y puede respirar con dificultad". El Aconitum tiene tal irritacin cardiaca
violenta, pulso fluctuante, dbil, lleno e irregular; se sienta en la cama, spera la garganta
quiere arrojar todas las cosas; antes de medianoche, la piel ardiente, mucha sed, mucho
temor, todos los sntomas estn relacionados.
"Angustia con disnea. Ataques sbitos de dolor en el corazn, con disnea". Todo va junto.
"Sofocacin grande. De este temor y de la ansiedad interrumpe con un sudor profuso; est
empapado con sudor y sin embargo su piel est caliente. Cuando esta ansiedad pasa el
paciente llega a estar ardiente. As hay calor y sudor con esta angustiosa ansiedad. El pulso
"Tos seca, vmitos y arcadas, fiebre intensa, escupir sangre". No hay expectoracin, excepto
un mucus poco acuoso y sangre. Esto sucede en esta forma en buena proporcin. Tos seca,
sensacin de sequedad de todo el trax, en la laringe y en la garganta. Bebe agua fra en
grandes cantidades, y de tanto en tanto, despus de una tos violenta expulsa una pequea
cantidad de sangre, pero la expectoracin es generalmente mucus.
Todas estas toses de neumona, en tos ferina y trastornos torcicos vienen sbitamente, y si el
paciente va a dormir y tendr un espasmo en la laringe, con sequedad en la misma, se
despierta y se toma la garganta; piensa que se va a ahogar. Todo esto viene de vientos fros.
Personas vigorosas toman un viento y fro y se resfran, lo que traer sntomas de Aconitum.
El Aconitum da en todas las partes inflamadas una sensacin como si un vapor caliente
penetrase en ellas, como si afluyera sangre caliente, o "flujo de calor en las partes". A lo largo
de los nervios hay una sensacin de calor, o de fro.
En las formas de fiebres ms elevadas el pulso es pleno y saltn; pulso fuerte y vigoroso.
Cuando viene primero el ataque y la tremenda ansiedad y tensin nerviosa estn presentes, el
pulso es muy pequeo, pero despus que se establece bien la accin del corazn, entonces el
pulso llega a ser ms fuerte.
"Temblor de las manos" relacionado con estos ataques sbitos. "Dolores de hormigueo en los
dedos" relacionados con estos ataques inflamatorios agudos. "Fro como el hielo. Pies fros
como hielo. Palmas calientes". Las manos calientes y los pies fros se encuentran algunas
veces presentes. Enfermedades reumticas de las articulaciones. Aquellas que se presentan
como un primer ataque. No est indicado en los ataques reumticos y de gota, de aquellas
que vienen como un reumatismo agudo, de una exposicin sbita al fro, de largas cabalgatas
al viento seco, fro. Ellas se presentan tambin con fiebre, con inquietud ansiosa, con un
estado mental crtico descrito tan a menudo.
"Convulsiones de los msculos, temblores, punzadas". Pero los nervios se encuentran llenos
de sntomas y de sufrimientos de Aconitum. El Aconitum es un medicamento maravilloso
para neuritis en personas pletricas. A lo largo del curso de los nervios hay adormecimiento
por el fro, por la exposicin. As mismo hay adormecimiento y convulsiones a lo largo de los
cursos de los nervios especialmente aquellos que corren cerca de la superficie". Hay
inflamacin de las vainas de los nervios. Excitabilidad nerviosa. "excesiva inquietud".
El Sulphur tiene una estrecha relacin con el Aconitum. Tiene muchos sntomas de
Aconitum. En muchos de los casos crnicos antiguos donde el Sulphur debera ser usado en
constituciones vigorosas, fuertes, el Aconitum resulta conveniente para un ataque repentino,
y el Sulphur para el crnico. En ataques sbitos en que es adecuado el Aconitum, como es el
ataque total, hay una tendencia en esa constitucin a retornar a un ataque semejante. El
Aconitum no tiene efecto o poder sobre esta tendencia, pero Sulphur s. Por supuesto, la
mayora de los sntomas deben estar de acuerdo pero les parecer a Uds. frecuentemente que
donde el Aconitum ha sido conveniente en la enfermedad aguda en que seguirn los sntomas
de Sulphur y muchas veces un ataque muy violento deja una debilidad en la constitucin que
el Aconitum no tiene poder para defender. No tiene poder para preservar de ataques de
recidiva. Eso es todo lo que es capaz de hacer, y ese es el fin de ello. Pero no es as con
Despus de Aconitum sigue bien Arnica y Belladona. Algunas veces le parecer a Uds. que el
Aconitum es capaz de rivalizar con todo lo que se encuentra en la enfermedad. Pero parece
ser algo tardo que persiste, y tales medicamentos como Arn. y Bell., y Yp. y Bry., deben
emplearse para terminar el ataque o algunas veces Sulphur. Muy comnmente Silicea. As
que nosotros tenemos que estudiar las relaciones de los medicamentos.
Aconitum (Paschero)
El menor movimiento exacerba los escalofros que ascienden de pies a cabeza. La cara est
intensamente roja y caliente, la piel seca y la facies ansiosa. Posteriormente la temperatura
asciende, se acenta la inquietud y el miedo, aparece sed intensa, la piel es roja y quemante,
la cara empalidece cuando se sienta, el enfermo tose aunque no tenga localizacin
respiratoria, tiene los ojos brillantes y azorados, las pupilas en miosis y el pulso taquicrdico,
lleno, duro y tenso.
Es una verdadera tormenta arterionerviosa, con brusco eretismo circulatorio y psquico que
pasa en 24-48 horas para dejar instalado un cuadro de defensa en forma de transpiracin
profusa, exudacin serosa, inflamacin de mucosas o localizacin orgnica. Aconitum acorta
este perodo y puede frustrar un proceso infeccioso. Su indicacin cesa en cuanto aparece
transpiracin o exudado. Es remedio funcional de accin brusca y perentoria.
El factor causa ms importante es el fro, fro seco, viento fro o por enfriarse estando
Sus dolores son intolerables. Pueden o no coexistir con la fiebre pero siempre con gran
agitacin y temor a la muerte, Son agudos, desgarrantes, acompaados de hormigueos y
adormecimientos. Como Chamomilla que es irascible, colrico; o Coffea que es desesperado,
hiperestsico, Aconitum, miedoso y agitado, cree que no podr soportar ms los dolores.
Forma con Spongia, en quien la sofocacin se instala lentamente con tos semejante al ruido
de una sierra que est serrando una plancha de madera y con Hepar sulphur, que se
caracteriza por gran catarro traqueal que no puede expulsar, el tro de la tos estridulosa o
perruna. En Aconitum, sta aparece brusca y rpidamente.
Las dosis estn reguladas por la jerarqua del cuadro. Sensorial-psquico (temor de salir, de
cruzar la calle, miedo a la muerte, consecuencia de susto): dinamizaciones altas. Funcional:
medianas. Orgnicas (aortitis, lesiones de corazn, etc.): bajas.
Cuando es tomado en dosis txicas, se revela Aconitum como un deprimente del sistema
cerebroespinal. Produce una sensacin de adormecimiento acompaada de aguijoneo y
hormigueo en las extremidades, pudiendo llegar hasta la completa anestesia. Tambin afecta
el sistema circulatorio. Despus de la primera sensacin que se experimenta de moderado
calor difuso, sigue un intenso calor interno con abundante sudor caliente. Otras veces la piel
llega a cubrirse de erupcin miliar que produce mucha comezn. Secundariamente la
superficie del cuerpo se vuelve fra, con sudor fro y viscoso; el pulso se vuelve dbil y la
muerte se presenta.
Aconitum produce dos series diferentes de sntomas, completamente distintos por su caracter
y tan bien separados, como si el medicamento se compusiera de dos substancias y cada una
desarrollara sus propios sntomas. El segundo grupo de sntomas que es el ms generalmente
conocido, es la tendencia de Aconitum a producir fiebres e inflamacin; esto lo produce por
su accin sobre el sistema nervioso simptico. Lo encontramos indicado en las fiebres
genuinamente inflamatorias del tipo llamado sinocal o estnico. Estos trminos se aplican a
las fiebres que no tienen caracter debilitante o astnico. Los sntomas de las fiebres que no
tienen caracter debilitante o astnico. Los sntomas de las fiebres que reclaman el uso de
Aconitum, son los siguientes : piel generalmente caliente y seca; pulso duro, lleno y
rebotante; la fiebre va siempre acompaada de ansiedad. Hahnemann nos ha dicho que los
sntomas mentales y locales son el verdadero gua que nos conduce a la eleccin de
Aconitum. No puede ser el medicamento adecuado si no est presente la ansiedad, la
agitacin, inquietud y temor a la muerte. El sudor que sigue a la fiebre es generalmente
crtico y produce mejora de todos los sntomas; es abundante, tibio y aun caliente. Est
demostrado que Aconitum no produce ninguna alteracin en la calidad de la sangre; de aqu
que no se pueda esperar que est indicado en cualquier tipo de fiebre en que hay toxinas en la
sangre, alterando este fluido, modificando los glbulos rojos o en cualquier forma cambiando
su calidad. El tipo de la fiebre que produce Aconitum, es estnico y contnuo y no
intermitente o remitente. No tiene ningn sntoma en su patogenesia que lo indique en estos
casos. Comienza con estremecimiento o escalofro, produce luego calor seco y contina hasta
el sudor que trae mejora; cuando ha terminado la fiebre, ha terminado tambin el terreno de
accin de Aconitum. Este no reproduce la repeticin tpica de los accesos febriles. De aqu
que no pueda prescribirse Aconitum en la fiebre intermitente.
Es necesario grabar en la mente que algunas veces la fiebre no es la enfermedad misma, sino
un sntoma necesario al desarrollo completo de la enfermedad. No se pretender quitar esta
calentura con la administracin de Acnitum, pues en este caso combatiramos un slo
sntoma de una enfermedad dada. De aqu que cuando la fiebre no es ms que un sntoma,
Acnitum no debe ser dado para quitarla. Tomemos por ejemplo la escarlatina : la fiebre
puede ser muy elevada, la piel puede estar caliente y seca, el pulso duro. Acnitum parece
estar indicado, sin embargo se llegar al conocimiento por otros sntomas, dolor de espalda,
vmitos, dolor de garganta, la existencia de otros casos de la misma enfermedad entre los
vecinos, de que se trata de un caso de escarlatina. Sabemos que suprimiendo la temperatura,
eliminamos un sntoma necesario para el desarrollo de la erupcin caracterstica de la
enfermedad. Por lo tanto, raramente debe pensarse en Aconitum para la escarlatina. Puede
haber casos excepcionales en que la temperatura revista un carcter desproporcionalmente
grave y en que los sntomas mentales caractersticos estn presentes, pudindose entonces
hacer uso de Aconitum; pero en nueve casos de diez, ser perjudicial su administracin.
Otra falta ms se comete cuando se administra Aconitum en los tipos tifoideos de fiebre para
disminuir el pulso y hacer bajar la temperatura. Aconitum no tiene relacin de ninguna
especie con la fiebre tifoidea. Es dado por la costumbre de administrarlo en la fiebre y no por
un conocinuento patolgico Me permito suplicarles no adherirse a esta prctica, que solo
conducir a la alternacin.
Por consiguiente, Aconitum est indicado solamente cuando la fiebre es estnica. tal como la
que proviene de la exposicin a los vientos fros y secos, despus de un calor excesivo : por
enfriarse repentinamente cuando se est caliente y sudando, etc. En la fiebre biliosa est
indicado durante las primeras etapas, cuando la calentura es estnica, especialmente porque
obra sobre el hgado. Tambin es el medicamento en la fiebre inflamatoria, sea traumtica o
no, cuando concuerda el tipo; es particularmente aplicable en la pltora, en las personas
robustas que con facilidad sufren repentinas congestiones activas. No tiene relacin con la
fiebre de tipo intermitente y cuando se aplica en este tipo de fiebre, obra solamente por el
predominio de su accin sobre el corazn y nunca curativamente; de aqu su no indicacin
homeoptica. No tiene relacin alguna con la fiebre tifoidea.
Belladonna es considerado como otro remedio concordante de Aconitum. Esta droga, como
lo veremos ms adelante, no obra primitivamente sobre los nervios vaso-motores o los
ganglios del simptico; de aqu que no controle el calibre de los vasos sanguneos. Obra
primitivamente sobre el sistema nervioso cerebroespinal y por lo tanto lo encontraremos
indicado en las fiebres que comienzan por sntomas cerebrales o medulares. Nos lo
encontramos indicado en la fiebre que comienza con el tipo de Aconitum, pero que por
extensin ha invadido el cerebro; de este modo, frecuentemente Belladonna sigue bien a
Aconitum. Debemos recordar que Belladonna requiere la presencia de sntomas cerebrales,
tales como estremecimiento durante el sueo, cefalalgia pulstil, cabeza caliente y cuerpo y
extremidades fras.
Cuando la fiebre sinoca no cede con Aconitum, entonces el mejor remedio es Sulphur; los
sntomas que nos conducirn a su eleccin son los siguientes : a pesar de la administracin de
Aconitum persiste el calor seco, an cuando el sudor no aparezca o si hay algo es
simplemente transitorio; el enfermo al principio insomne y agitado, se vuelve somnoliento y
responde con lentitud a las preguntas que se le hacen o deja psar un intervalo entre la
pregunta y la respuesta, como si no hubiera comprendido lo que se le interroga. La lengua es
seca y la palabra embarazosa. El enfermo da la impresin de haber cado en un estado
tifdico debido al agotamiento continuo producido por la calentura.
Ferrum phosphoricum, del que ya he hablado en ms de una ocasin, debe ser diferenciado
de Aconitum; obra sobre los vasos sanguneos produciendo una especie de estado semi-
partico en el que estos se dilatan, como sucede en el segundo perodo de la inflamacin. El
pulso es lleno y ms bien suave, no duro y tenso como en Aconitum; est indicado en las
congestiones de cualquier parte del cuerpo, cuando el escurrimiento de esta parte est
mezclado con sangre; esto puede aplicarse a la disentera, a la hemoptsis y a la neumona
Arsenicum album como aconitum, produce intensa fiebre con ansiedad, inquietud y temor a
la muerte; pero la fiebre e inflamacin de Arsenicum son de tal naturaleza, que siguen a una
afeccin local intensa; a una inflamacin que progresa hasta la destruccin de la parte
afectada; a la fiebre de tipo tifdico con evacuaciones ptridas, etc.
Aconitum puede ser usado en las afecciones inflamatorias del cerebro; debemos por lo tanto
distinguir entre una inflamacin cerebral idioptica y la que es consecutiva a una afeccin
profunda. Aconitum puede tener bien poca influencia sobre la meningitis tuberculosa. Pero en
la meningitis o en el congestin cerebral, que sobreviene por haber sido expuesta la cabeza a
los rayos directos del sol, especialmente durante el sueo, Aconitum ser el remedio, siendo
en esto superior a Glonoinum y Belladonna, debindo preferrseles en cambio, en la
insolacin en condiciones ordinarias. Aconitum puede estar indicado ms adelante en la
insolacin, cuando un gran calor ha tenido efecto paralizante sobre la circulacin. Al
principio el corazn trabaja con ms violencia; comienza en seguida a perder su fuerza y las
pulsaciones son de ciento veinte a ciento treinta por minuto.
Amyl. nitri, produce un cuadro semejante. La cara est enrojecida, los ojos saltones; hay
zumbido de odos, parlisis de los nervios vaso-motores y parlisis cardiaca consecutiva a la
disminucin de la presin en los capilares. Aconitum puede ser usado tambin cuando la
congestin cerebral es el resultado de un ataque de clera.
Puede usarse Aconitum en las afecciones de los ojos. Presta servicios en las conjuntivitis
consecutivas a las operaciones quirrgicas o que son resultado de la presencia de un cuerpo
extrao en el ojo. Tambin est indicado en las afecciones inflamatorias de los ojos, que
provienen de la exposicin a los vientos fros y secos. Hay sensacin de calor, resequedad y
ardor. Los ojos se sienten como si estuvieran llenos de arena y excesivamente sensibles; los
dolores son tan intensos que el paciente desea morir, declara que no puede resistirlos. El
globo ocular se siente como obligado a salir de su rbita y duele; este dolor se agrava cuando
la parte afectada se mueve o es tocada. La fotofobia es intensa, las pupilas estn contradas y
hay un crculo azul alrededor de la crnea y un violento dolor en los globos oculares como en
la epiescleritis. An el glaucoma puede exigir el uso de Aconitum, cuando en adicin a los
sntomas mencionados, hay dolores que bajan irradiando a la cara como en el tic doloroso,
especialmente despus de exponerse a un fro intenso o a los vientos frios, en pacientes
reumticos. Si, por otra parte, Aconitum no mejora inmediatamente, se debe desde luego
recurrir a otras medidas urgentes, porque esta enfermedad puede hacer perder la vista a
nuestro enfermo en un tiempo increiblemente corto.
Sulphur est indicado en la conjuntivitis por irritacin de cuerpos extraos cuando Aconitum
ha fallado.
Debemos recordar que dije que Aconitum tena dos tipos distintos de accin; hemos
estudiado el segundo y ms conocido; vamos a hora a estudiar el otro, que es muy diferente
del anterior. Los sntomas de este tipo pertenecen ms al sistema nervioso cerebro-espinal.
Primero hablaremos de los sntomas mentales. Encontramos que Aconitum es de utilidad en
las enfermedades mentales y en la histeria, cuando hay una particular aversin a la
excitacin, especialmente por las calles de mucho movimiento. El paciente no se atreve a
cruzar estas calles porque teme que alguna cosa le suceda; este sntoma es perfectamente
normal bajo algunas circunstancias, pero cuando se extrema, denota sobreexcitacin cerebral,
bastante comn en los enfermos histricos. Estn impacientes; no toleran la msica; no
pueden suportar ningn ruido, por-que tienen demasiado sensibles los odos. Se imaginan que
alguna parte de su cuerpo est deformada, por ejemplo, los miembros fuera de su lugar, los
labios muy gruesos, las facciones deformadas; se imaginan que todos su pensamientos
proceden del estmago. Algunas veces los pacientes, durante el ataque de su mal, tienen
crisis en los que predicen la hora de su muerte. Podemos encontrar este sntoma en la fiebre
puerperal. Argentum nitricum y Coffea tambin producen el mismo sntoma, prediciendo la
hora de la muerte, principalmente el ltimo durante el parto.
Adems, Aconitum produce parlisis, una parlisis que puede fcilmente ser recordada por
dos o tres sntomas subjetivos; parlisis acompaada de frialdad, adormecimiento y
hormigueo. A menos que haya hormigueo en la parte afectada, raras veces se encontrar
indicado Aconitum; la parapleja puede ceder al uso de Aconitum, si hay esta frialdad
caracterstica de los miembros y el hormigueo. Podemos hacer uso de Aconitum en las
diversas formas de parlsis local, como la parlisis facial, cuando va asociada a los sntomas
antes mencionados, y cuando se atribuye a la exposicin a los vientos frios y secos. Pero esta
parlisis nunca es de orgen orgnico.
Sulphur es el antdoto principal cuando la parlisis resulta por las excesivas dosis de
Aconitum. Se debe pensar en Cannabis indica y Staphysagria en la parlisis con hormigueo
en las partes afectadas; Rhus tox., Sulphur y Causticum, son de preferirse ms tarde,
especialmente en las parlisis debidas al fro.
La neuralga en que Aconitum est indicado, es producida por la exposicin a los vientos
fros y secos; ser de mayor utilidad cuando hay violenta congestin de la parte afectada, que
generalmente es la cara; sta se enrojecer e hinchar; los dolores llevan al paciente casi
hasta la desesperacin; hay generalmente hormigueo en la regin afectada. En esto puede
compararse con Spigelia, que es de utilidad en la prosopalgia del lado izquierdo con intensos
dolores quemantes y punzantes. El paciente manifiesta un intensa excitacin y gran
intolerancia a los dolores.
Colchicum est igualmente indicado en la prosopalgia del lado izquierdo; los dolores van
acompaados de una debilidad paraltica de los msculos, pero carecen de la intensidad de
los producidos por Spigelia y la excitacin e intolerancia al dolor, caracterstica, es mucho
menos notable en Colchicum.
Amyl. nit. puede ser ms necesario que Aconitum. en la prosopalgia con intensa congestin
En la hipertrofia cardiaca, Aconitum est indicado cuando est presente este adormecimiento
y hormigueo de los dedos. Se trata solamente de una hipertrofia cardiaca sin complicaciones,
en la que sea necesaria la prescripcin de este medicamento. En la hipertrofia por lesiones
valvulares, Aconitum puede causar grave dao. En esto, debe compararse Aconitum con
Arnica, Aurum metall., Rhus tox. y Cactus grandiflorus. Kalmia y Rhus tambin tienen
adormecimiento y hormigueo en el brazo izquierdo, en afecciones cardiacas.
Aconitum puede ser usado en el primer perodo de la neumona, cuando la temperatura es alta
y ha sido precedida de escalofro; los sntomas de la congestin pulmonar estn presentes. La
tos es generalmente dura y seca y bastante dolorosa; la expectoracin es serosa o aguada y un
poco manchada de sangre, pero no espesa. El enfermo est necesariamente lleno de ansiedad.
En el crup, sea catarral o membranoso, debe darse Aconitum, cuando este padecimiento ha
sido determinado por exponerse a los vientos fros y secos del noroeste. El enfermo despierta
por largos ataques de sofocacin. La tos es seca, dura, perruna y puede dejarse escuchar en
toda la casa. Hay gran dificultad para respirar, ansiedad y temperatura elevada.
Se puede hacer uso de Spongia cuando la respiracin produce un ruido como de aserradura;
la tos es spera, dura y rasposa; est indicado especialmente en los nios de tez blanca y de
ojos azules cuando la molestia empeora hacia la media noche.
Debe darse Hepar cuando la tos empeora por la maana o por descubrirse y va acompaada
de ruido de moco. Debe recurrirse a Sambucus cuando hay espasmo de la glotis; la
respiracin es difcil, de carcter silbante y empeora despus de la media noche o por
acostarse con la cabeza baja.
Millefolium en la hemoptsis con salida profusa de sangre roja y brillante, pero sin fiebre.
Ledum, en la hemoptsis de los borrachos y en las personas de ditesis reumtica. La sangre
es de color rojo encendido y espumosa.
El clera infantil exige el uso de Aconitum, cuando las evacuaciones tienen el aspecto de
espinacas despedazadas y existen los sntomas inflamatorios ya mencionados.
Si estudiamos los rganos genitales, nos encontramos que algunas veces Aconitum est
indicado en la dismenorrea, que parece ser el resultado del engrosamiento peritonal por
encima de los ovarios. El clico caracterstico descrito hace un momento, est presente.
Durante el embarazo, Aconitum puede ser administrado para ciertos sntomas mentales, como
el temor a la muerte, temperamento excitable, etc. Se puede tambin emplear en el aborto
inminente producido por la clera.
Durante el trabajo del parto, se puede administrar cuando los dolores son
desproporcionalmente violentos y frecuentes. La enferma se queja de no poder respirar, de no
poder soportar sus dolores. Est agitada ansiosa y el cuerpo se cubre de un sudor caliente.
En la fiebre de leche, se debe dar Aconitum, cuando los senos estn calientes e inflamados y
la piel est caliente y seca. Estos sntomas van acompaados de agitacin y ansiedad.
La supresin de los loquios es una indicacin para Aconitum, cuando es causada por un
emocin violenta y va acompaada de fiebre elevada, sed y ansiedad. Los senos estan laxos y
el abdomen distendido y sensible al tacto.
Aconitum no est indicado con frecuencia en las fiebres puerperales, porque generalmente
son de origen sptico; pero para otra forma, es el nico remedio capaz de yugular en unas
cuantas horas todas las molestias. Puede ser por descuido de la enfermera. por enfriamiento
de la enferma despus de un trabajo molesto, por asearla con agua demasiado fra o por el
cambio de ropas sin las precauciones necesarias. en seguida aparece la fiebre elevada, la sed,
etc., los ojos estn brillantes, de aspecto fiero y con expresin aguda de ansiedad; el abdomen
est distendido y sensible al tacto, los senos colgantes y sin leche; en estos casos, es
necesario prescribir Aconitum.
Aunque Aconitum no est indicado en la escarlatina, puede ser usado durante esta
enfermedad, despus del estado de descamacin, cuando el nio sufre algn enfriamiento y
de ello le resulta la nefritis aguda. Sobresaltado despierta el nio de su sueo con angustia
agnica; con sudor fro en la frente y los miembros, especialmente las piernas. Hay tambin
Puede compararse con Nux vm, en los catarros producidos por el tiempo fro; la nariz est
inflamada y seca y la garganta se siente spera como si entuviera desollada.
Belladonna estar indicada si la cabeza est notablemente caliente, la garganta roja y las
amgdalas inflamadas.
China ser til si hay cefalalgia por la supresin del coriza, dolores que empeoran al aire
libre, en vez de mejorar como sucede en Aconitum.
Caractersticas.- El Acnito crece en partes hmedas y cubiertas en casi todos los pases
montaosos, en el norte y en medio de Europa, especialmente en Jura, Suiza, Suecia,
Alemania. Teste menciona que tiene la reputacin de ser ms venenoso a los animales
carnvoros que los herbvoros. Esto se respalda parcialmente, y ha sido recientemente
confirmado aparentemente, por un intento en vano de intoxicar a un elefante con Aconitine
en este pas. Una zanahoria fue raspada y se le puso suficiente Aconitine para intoxicar 2,
000 hombres. El elefante lo comi, pero nada pas, y tres horas ms tarde, se le administr
una gran dosis de cido prsico, que fue fatal en corto tiempo. Antes del tiempo de
Hahnemann, el Acnito, tena una reputacin de sudorfico y en casos de reumatismo, citica
y tumores, pero no fue hasta Hahnemann que lo experiment, que realmente se entendieron
sus propiedades. Aconitum est muy asociado con el surgimiento y progreso de la
homeopata, que cualquier otro miembro de la Materia Mdica. Si Cinchona fue la "manzana
de Newton" en el descubrimiento de la homeopata, Aconitum fue el medicamento por el cual
Hahnemann fue capaz de encontrar los estados en los que en sus das eran tratados con
sangras. El Aconitum fue ms que cualquier otro medicamento, quien prepar el camino para
la desaparicin de la sangra del ejercicio mdico general. Uno de los venenos ms mortales
y ms rpida accin, a travs del descubrimiento de Hahnemann, se convirti en el mejor
amigo de los cuidados mdicos. Aconitum en potencia, ms arriba de la tercera, es una
medicina de una seguridad perfecta para cualquier edad. Pacientes sensibles se quejan de su
accin depresora cuando se repite, y conozco casos en los que la postracin caracterstica de
la mente y cuerpo, se ha presentado despus de haber dado Aconitum en potencias. Pero estos
casos son excepcionales, y no se acompaa de peligro, cuando esto ocurre. La gran mayora
de los pacientes, a quienes se ha dado Aconitum en potencias, no experimentan nada de esta
clase. La rapidez de accin del Aconitum determina sus propiedades para estados en que los
sntomas aparecen con gran intensidad, como en la Clera asitica, ciertas fiebres e
inflamaciones agudas. A esta lista se puede agregar ataques de ceguera sbita. Pero no se
suponga que la esfera de Aconitum est limitada a los casos agudos. Cuando los sntomas
corresponden, curar casos de gran cronicidad- por ejemplo, casos de ganglios indurados. Dr.
Hughes ha insistido marcadamente que los estados en los que Aconitum es homeoptico, es la
tensin; y esta palabra da la mejor idea de accin de la esfera de Aconitum. Hay tensin
mental y emocional, como se muestra en el susto o temor y sus consecuencias, ansiedad, y
temor de morir; tensin en los vasos sistmicos, como en el efecto de escalofro, clera
asitica y hemorragias; tensin muscular como en el ttanos; tensin de msculos
involuntarios, como en el espasmo del corazn y tensin de los msculos semi-involuntarios
de aparatos de la respiracin, como en el asma; y finalmente tensin de los sentidos
especiales, sensaciones muy intensas y sensacin muy intensa al dolor; en la sensacin de
entumecimiento de lugares, como vendados apretadamente, y tambin una sensacin de estar
vendado apretadamente en las extremidades y otras partes. Por lo tanto el Aconitum en sus
acciones terapeuticas corresponde a los efectos de un nmero de estados que excitan a un
estado de tensin. La pltora puede estar clasificada bajo este encabezado. Personas
pletricas de carcter animado, biliosas y constituciones nerviosas, cabello caf o negro
intenso, se adaptan especialmente al Aconitum. Congestin activa, sangunea, de toda clase,
especialmente los que son seguidos por escalofro. Guernsey, lo pone en otra forma: "El
desarrollo puro y completo del glbulo de la sangre, en el ms perfecto tipo, cuando se
enferma, tiene gran afinidad por el Aconitum. Cuando los glbulos de la sangre estn
desorganizados, rara vez est indicado. Nosotros pensamos en Aconitum, en inflamaciones
sbitas, especialmente causadas por el fro, aire seco, exhalaciones suprimidas del cuerpo."
Teste relata un caso notable de un hombre ingls, que estaba obligado a hacer grandes viajes
en trineo en medio del invierno, en el norte de Rusia, y que padeci despus, por dos aos,
paroxismos violentos de palpitaciones y dolores agudos en la regin del corazn, amenaza de
apopleja cerebral. Se diagnostic aneurisma, por mdicos importantes en Inglaterra y del
continente. Teste localiz la afeccin a una neurosis o espasmo del msculo pectoral mayor,
y prob su diagnstico, por la cura rpida con Aconitum. Los vientos cortantes, penetrantes
de las montaas donde la planta florece, da indicacin de la accin de este medicamento. No
hay muchos medicamentos que tengan causa tan intensamente marcada en sus caractersticas.
El fro, susto, traumatismo u operaciones quirrgicas- los efectos de stos se encuentran en la
gran mayora de los casos de Aconitum, la administracin a tiempo, proteger de serios
resultados. La reaccin del efecto primario del enfriamiento da otra caracterstica de
Aconitum: la de fiebre. Con la fiebre de Aconitum hay: Inquietud y se mueve, y el estado de
tensin es evidente en la ansiedad que se acompaa algunas veces, de temor de morir. La
exaltacin mental, algunas veces, va tan lejos, que predice el da y la hora de su muerte.
Clarividencia. Sensibilidad extrema a la luz y sonidos y todas las sensaciones, incluyendo el
dolor. Cuando la enfermedad comienza con calma y paciencia, Aconitum no se necesitar.
Fue la inquietud febril en los experimentadores de Aconitum, que llev a Hahnemann a
inferir su homeopaticidad para muchos estados de fiebres; y es la presencia de esta inquietud,
ansiedad, temor y sensibilidad exaltada, que son las indicaciones principales en estados de
muchas clases. Algunas caractersticas de Aconitum son las siguientes: Hemorragia activa en
personas pletricas, fornidas. Eliminan casi pura sangre al obrar. En hemoptisis, la sangre
aparece con gran facilidad, al toser, sangre roja en grandes cantidades, por enfriamiento,
vientos secos, con gran temor, ansiedad y palpitaciones. Cada inspiracin aumenta la tos.
Sensacin de cosquilleo en el pecho, despus de toser. Sed inextinguible: todo sabe amargo,
excepto el agua (China, todo, incluyendo el agua). En crup, los nios se agarran la garganta
con cada ataque de tos. Frialdad, entumecimiento y cosquilleo caracterizan la parlisis y
neurosis de Aconitum. Parlisis facial por exposicin al fro, vientos secos. El temor y
aprensin de Aconitum se muestra en el temor de cruzar las calles. Hay intolerancia a la
msica: Algunos sntomas curiosos son: Imagina que alguna parte de su cuerpo est
deformado. Imagina que hace todos sus pensamientos del estmago. Predice la hora de su
muerte (clarividencia).Aconitum es uno de los grandes medicamentos para el dolor, rivaliza
con Cham. y Coffea, en la intensidad de los dolores que causa. Dolores son intolerables, lo
llevan a la desesperacin. Los dolores de Aconitum son desgarrantes, cortantes; se
acompaan con inquietud; se acompaan de entumecimiento, cosquilleo o de hormigueo.
Aconitum, no tolera el dolor, no tolera que lo toquen, no tolera cubrirse. La odontalgia de
Aconitum, es de un lado, con mejilla roja del mismo lado. Guernsey da las siguientes
indicaciones: "Si un nio est sufriendo de diarrea acuosa, est llorando y se queja mucho,
muerde sus muecas y sin sueo, Aconitum usualmente, aquietar este problema en corto
tiempo. El estado de disturbio de la mente cesar y seguir un sueo tranquilo. La madre nos
insistir: "Doctor, el est bien, excepto sus intestinos, estn tan mal como nunca." Ahora, no
d otro medicamento, pero espere y vea si Aconitum completar la cura por s mismo." Otro
caso: Orina caliente, roja, escasa, ocasionada por enfriamiento, especialmente en nios. El
nio grita y parece estar en un gran dolor, porque no puede orinar. Aconitum cesar el dolor,
tranquilizar al nio, y la orina fluir un tiempo despus. En adultos, la incontinencia de
orina, algunas veces, se mejorar por el Aconitum. Hay una gran y sbita falta de fuerzas;
desmayo al intentar pararse; con ansiedad, inquietud, entumecimiento, cosquilleo y
hormigueo Aconitum tiene una amplia esfera de utilidad en afecciones de los ojos.
Inflamaciones de muchas clases, por el fro, golpes, polvo, operaciones quirrgicas,
inflamacin escrofulosa con crecimiento de los ganglios, todo est dentro de su alcance.
Algunos casos notables de ceguera sbita han sido curados por l. Hirsch de Praga, registra
dos casos, uno de un hombre de 30 aos, que se acost bien, haba caminado a casa en un
tiempo tormentoso y malo, despus de haber estado en un cuarto caluroso; se le dio
Aconitum 3, a la siguiente noche sud abundantemente, y en la maana su visin fue
restaurada. Hisrch, el mismo, perdi la vista sbitamente mientras se baaba en agua
caliente. Tom Aconitum 3 en agua, como se lo dio a su paciente. En dos horas empez a
sudar, y despus de seis horas de sueo, despert bien. Lippe ha registrado el caso de una
seora, que encontr con mucho malestar, ansiedad, paralizada de miedo. En su usual salud,
ingiri una comida completa, y leyendo despus, las letras bailaban delante de sus ojos, y la
impresin se volvi borrosa; la cara y la nariz se entumieron; pulso pequeo, 120 por minuto.
Una dosis de Aconitum c.m. (Finke) fue dada. El entumecimiento desapareci en media hora;
pulso 72; la visin fue perfecta cuando cerraba un ojo, pero todo pareca indistinto cuando
mantena abiertos los dos. Este sntoma desapareci a la maana siguiente; un aturdimiento
de la cabeza, qued ese da. El tiempo de agravacin de los sntomas de Aconitum, es
principalmente en la noche y medianoche. Calor as como el fro, son lesionantes para el
paciente de Aconitum; insolacin es un estado que lo indica; y Aconitum curar muchas
cefaleas causadas por exposicin al sol, y tambin eritema solar. Cefalea, es generalmente >
al aire libre, < en cuarto caluroso; odontalgia y tos < al aire libre. > por descubrirse. Cuarto
caluroso < escalofro; en fiebre, la cama es intolerable; quiere descubrirse. Sudoracin en
partes afectadas o cubiertas. Hay < por vinos o estimulantes; < por beber (cualquier clase de
lquidos). Reposo > los sntomas en general, pero durante la noche, los dolores son
intolerables, extremidades se sienten cansadas y el escalofro es peor. Acostado mejora
cefalea y vrtigo, y agrava otras molestias. Acostado sobre la espalda > tos y punzadas en el
pecho; acostado sobre un lado < punzadas en el pecho y tos: la mejilla sobre la que descansa,
suda. Levantarse de un asiento causa vrtigo. Vrtigo, palidez, desmayo, al sentarse en la
cama. Doblarse > clico y dolor de dismenorrea. Movimiento < dolores en msculos,
articulaciones y rigidez.
Causa.- Susto. Temor. Enfriamiento. Vientos fros, secos. Calor; especialmente del sol.
Traumatismos. Operaciones quirrgicas. Shock.
- En la tarde y en la noche los dolores son insoportables; en una habitacin caliente; al
levantarse de la cama; acostndose sobre el lado enfermo (Hep., Nux. m.).
-Al aire libre (Alum., Mag. c., Puls., Sab.).
-Es complementario a Coffea en la fiebre, insomnio, intolerancia para el dolor; a Arnica en
los traumatismos; Sulphur en todos los casos. Raras veces est indicado en las fiebres que
producen erupcin.
Acnito es el Agudo de Sulphur, y tanto le precede como le sigue en los estados
inflamatorios agudos.
Aconitum napellus (Boericke)
Un estado de temor, ansiedad; angustia de la mente y del cuerpo
Inquietud fsica y mental, temor, es la manifestacin ms caracterstica de Aconitum
Invasin violenta, aguda sbita, con fiebre, lo indican
No quiere que lo toquen
Sbito y gran hundimiento de las fuerzas
Malestares y tensin causados por la exposicin al tiempo fro, seco, corrientes de aire fro,
supresin de la sudoracin, tambin malestares por tiempo muy caluroso, especialmente
trastornos gastrointestinales, etc
El primer remedio en inflamaciones, fiebres inflamatorias
Las membranas serosas y tejido muscular se afectan marcadamente
Ardor en partes internas; cosquilleo, fro y entumecimiento
Tensin en las arterias; las tensiones fsica, mental y emocional explican muchos sntomas
Al prescribir Aconitum recuerde que Aconitum causa solamente trastornos funcionales, no
hay evidencia de que pueda producir cambios en los tejidos -su accin es breve, y no muestra
Su esfera es en el comienzo de enfermedades agudas y no debe ser continuado despus de la
aparicin de cambios patolgicos.
En hiperemia, congestin no despus que se presenta el exudado
Gripe [Influenzin].
Grandes temores, ansiedad y preocupaciones acompaan a cada trastorno, aunque sea trivial
El delirio est caracterizado por infelicidad, preocupacin, miedo, desvaro, rara vez
Presentimientos y temores
Teme morir pero cree que pronto morir; predice el da
Teme el futuro, la muchedumbre, cruzar la calle
Inquietud, agitado
Tendencia al sobresalto
Imaginacin aguda, clarividencia
Los dolores son intolerables; le hacen volver loco
La msica es insoportable; le entristece. [Ambra]
Piensa que sus pensamientos proceden del estmago -que partes de su cuerpo estn
anormalmente gruesas
Siente como si lo que acaba de hacer era un sueo.
Plenitud; pesada, pulstil, caliente, explotante, ardiente, sensacin ondulante
Presin intracraneal. Hedera Helix)
Cefalea ardiente, como si el cerebro fuese movido por agua hirviendo. [Indigo]
Vrtigo; peor al levantarse[Nux. Opium] y sacudiendo la cabeza
Sensacin en el vrtice como si le tiraran del cabello o lo tuviera de punta
Delirio furioso nocturno.
Rojos, inflamados
Los siente secos y calientes, como si tuviera arena en ellos
Prpados hinchados, duros y rojos
Aversin a la luz
Profuso lagrimeo despus de exponerse al fro, vientos fros, reflejos de la nieve, despus de
extraccin de carbonilla y otros cuerpos extraos.
Muy sensibles a los ruidos; la msica es insoportable.
Odo externo caliente, rojo, doloroso, hinchado
Otalgia. [Cham.]
Sensacin como de una gota de agua en el odo izquierdo.
Olfato agudamente sensible
Dolor en la raz de la nariz
Coriza; muchos estornudos; latidos en los orificios nasales
Hemorragia de sangre roja brillante
Membrana mucosa seca, nariz obstruida; seca o con coriza acuosa escasa.
Roja, caliente, abochornada, hinchada
Una mejilla roja, la otra plida (Cham., Ipec.)
Al levantarse, la cara roja se vuelve de una palidez mortal, o se marea
Cosquilleo en las mejillas y entumecimiento.
Neuralgia, especialmente del lado izquierdo, con inquietud, cosquilleo y entumecimiento.
Dolor en maxilares.
Entumecida, seca y cosquilleo
Lengua hinchada; la punta cosquillea
Dientes sensibles al fro
Movimiento constante del maxilar inferior como si masticara
Encas calientes e inflamadas.
Lengua saburral blanca. [Antim.crud.].
Roja, seca, constriccin, entumecida, piquetes, ardor, punzadas
Amgdalas hinchadas y secas.
Vmito, con miedo, calor, sudor profuso y miccin aumentada
Sed de agua fra
Sabor amargo de todo excepto el agua
Sed intensa
Bebe, vomita, y declara que va a morir
Vmito bilioso, mucoso y sanguinolento, verdoso
Presin en el estmago con disnea
Ardor del estmago al esfago.
Caliente, tenso, timpnico
Sensible al tacto
Clico, que no mejora en ninguna posicin
Los sntomas abdominales mejoran despus de una sopa caliente
Ardor en regin umbilical.
Dolor con prurito nocturno y pinchazos en el ano
Heces pequeas, frecuentes con tenesmo: verdes, como hierba picada
Blanca con orina roja
Descargas coleriformes con colapso, ansiedad e inquietud
Hemorroides sangrantes. [Hamam.]
Diarrea acuosa en nios
Lloran y se quejan mucho, estn sin sueo e inquietos.
Escasa, roja, caliente, dolorosa
Tenesmo y ardor en el cuello de la vejiga
Ardor en la uretra
Orina suprimida, sanguinolenta
Ansiedad siempre al empezar a orinar
Retencin con chillidos e inquietud, y toca sus genitales
Regin renal sensible
Miccin profusa, con sudoracin abundante y diarrea.
Hormigueo y pinchazos en el glande
Dolor contuso en los testculos, que estn hinchados, duros
Erecciones y emisiones frecuentes
Erecciones dolorosas.
Vagina seca, caliente, sensible
Menstruacin demasiado abundante, con epistaxis, demasiado prolongada, tarda
Frenes al aparecer la menstruacin
Suprimidas por susto, fro, en personas pletricas
Ovarios congestionados y dolorosos
Dolores agudos, pinchazos en la matriz
Entuertos, con miedo e inquietud.
Presin constante en el trax izquierdo; respiracin oprimida al menor movimiento
Tos ronca, seca, cruposa; respiracin difcil, ruidosa
El nio se agarra la garganta cada vez que tose
Muy sensible al aire inspirado
Respiracin corta
Laringe sensible
Punzadas a travs del trax
Tos corta, seca; peor por la noche y despus de medianoche
Sensacin caliente en los pulmones
Aparece sangre al carraspear
Cosquilleo en el trax despus de toser.
Afecciones del corazn con dolor en el hombro izquierdo
Dolores punzantes en el trax
Palpitaciones, con ansiedad desmayo, y cosquilleo en los dedos
Pulso duro, lleno; tenso y rebotante; algunas veces intermitente
Al sentarse siente las arterias temporal y cartida.
Entumecida, rgida, dolorosa
Hormigueo y cosquilleo, como magullada
Rigidez en la nuca
Dolores de contusin entre las escpulas
Entumecimiento y cosquilleo; dolores penetrantes; frialdad como hielo e insensibilidad en
manos y pies
Los brazos los siente dbiles, golpeados, pesados, entumecidos
Dolor que baja por el brazo izquierdo. [Cact., Crotal., Kalmia, Tabac.]
Manos calientes y pies fros
Inflamacin reumtica de las articulaciones; peor por la noche; hinchazn roja brillante, muy
Las articulaciones de la cadera y muslo se sienten dbiles, especialmente despus de
Rodillas inestables; tendencia del pie a torcerse. [Aescul.]
Ligamentos dbiles y laxos en todas las articulaciones
Ruidos indoloros en todas las articulaciones
Eminencias hipotenares rojas brillantes en ambas manos
Sensacin como si gotas de agua se escurrieran hacia abajo en el muslo.
Desvaros nocturnos
Sueos ansiosos
Insomnio, con inquietud y se mueve de un lado a otro
[Use la trigsima potencia]
Sobresaltos en el sueo
Sueos prolongados, con ansiedad en el trax
Insomnio en personas de edad.
Roja, caliente, hinchada, seca, ardorosa
Purpura miliaris
Rash como sarampin
Carne de gallina
Hormigueos y entumecimiento
Frialdad y hormigueo hacia abajo en la espalda
Prurito mejorado por estimulantes.
Fase de fro ms marcada
Sudor fro y fro helado en la cara
Alterna fro y calor
Fro por la noche poco despus de acostarse
Olas de fro pasan a travs de l
Sed e inquietud siempre presentes
Escalofro si se destapa o lo tocan
Cara roja, caliente, seca
Febrfugo de mximo valor con angustia mental, inquietud, etc
Sudor que empapa, en los lugares sobre los que est acostado; mejorando todos sus
Mejor al aire libre; peor en una habitacin caliente, al anochecer y por la noche; peor
acostado sobre el lado afectado, por la msica, por fumar tabaco, vientos fros, secos.
El vinagre en grandes dosis antdota sus efectos txicos.
Los cidos, vino, caf, limonada, y frutas cidas modifican su accin.
No est indicado en paludismo y fiebres agotantes o hcticas y estados pimicos, y en
inflamaciones cuando se localizan por s mismas
Sulphur frecuentemente le sigue
Comparar Cham. y Coffea en dolor intenso e insomnio.
Agrostis acta como Acon. en fiebre e inflamacin, tambin Spiranthes.
Complementario: Coffea; Sulphur
Sulphur puede considerarse como el crnico de Aconitum
Frecuentemente completa una cura que inicia Aconitum.
Bellad., Cham., Coffea, Ferr. phos.
Aconitine.- (Sensacin de pesadez como de plomo; dolores en el nervio supraorbitario;
sensacin de fro como hielo que sube; sntomas de hidrofobia
Ruidos en los oidos 3x)
Sensacin de hormigueo.
Aconitum Lycotonum.- Gran acnito amarillo-(Hinchazn de ganglios; enfermedad de
Hodgkin. )
Diarrea despus de comer cerdo
Prurito en la nariz, ojos, ano y vulva
Piel de la nariz agrietada; sabor a sangre.
Aconitum Cammarum.- (Cefalea con vrtigo y tinnitus
Sntomas catalpticos
Hormigueo de la lengua, labios y cara.)
Aconitum ferox.- Acnito indio- Bastante ms violento en su accin que el A. napellus
Es ms diurtico y menos antipirtico
Se ha probado su valor en disnea cardaca, neuralgia y gota aguda
Debe sentarse
Respiracin rpida
Ansiedad, con sofocacin por sensacin de parlisis de los msculos respiratorios
Respiracin de Cheyne-Stokes
Quebracho (disnea cardaca) (Achyranthes.- Un medicamento mexicano- muy similar al
Aconitum en fiebre, pero de mayor amplitud, tambin se adapta a estados tifoideos y fiebres
Reumatismo muscular
Un gran diafortico
Usar 6X.)
Eranthis hymnalis -Acnito de invierno- acta en el plexo solar y acta hacia arriba
causando disnea
Dolor en occipucio y cuello.
Sexta potencia para afecciones sensoriales; primera a tercera para estados congestivos
Debe ser repetido frecuentemente en enfermedades agudas
Acon. es rpido en su accin
En neuralgias es frecuentemente preferible la tintura de la raz, una gota (venenoso), o
tambin la trigsima potencia de acuerdo a la susceptibilidad del paciente.
Los sntomas producidos por el acnito en el hombre sano proporcionan a la sagacidad del
homepata los medios de juzgar hasta qu punto puede ser til este medicamento en ciertos
estados morbosos contra los cuales la medicina vulgar ha empleado hasta el presente,
frecuentemente en vano y casi siempre con tristes resultados, sus peligrosos remedios, tales
como las emisiones sanguneas copiosas y el aparato de lo que ella llama tratamiento
Quiero hablar de las fiebres inflamatorias puras, en las que la ms pequea dsis de acnito,
obrando de una manera antiptica, procura la curacin con prontitud y sin dejar ninguna
afeccin consecutiva.
En el sarampin, en la prpura miliar, en las fiebres inflamatorias con pleuresa, etc., la
eficacia de esta planta es casi milagrosa, con tal que el enfermo, observando un rgimen
atemperante y abstenindose de toda otra droga medicinal y tambin de los cidos vegetales,
la tome sola y a la dosis de un milsimo de gota de la dilucin al decillonsimo. Es raro que
sea necesaria una segunda dosis semejante al cabo de treinta y seis o cuarenta y ocho horas.
Algunas veces es indispensable en estas enfermedades agudas (las grandes fiebres
inflamatorias agudas) recurrir a algn otro remedio homeoptico para extinguir los sntomas
morbosos que quedan todava despus de doce o diez y seis horas de accin del acnito; pero
es muy raro que haya necesidad de administrar despus una nueva dosis de este ltimo.
Aunque, en razn de la corta duracin de su accin (que, a dosis dbiles, no se prolonga ms
all de cuarenta y ocho horas), parece que el acnito no puede ser til sino en los casos
agudos, no por esto deja de ser un remedio indispensable en las afecciones crnicas ms
pertinaces, en las que el estado del cuerpo reclama una disminucin de lo que se llama
rigidez de la fibra, materia sobre la cual no puedo aqu desarrollar mis ideas. La eficacia que
despliega en tal caso depende de la exposicin de los sntomas provocados por l en el
hombre sano.
El acnito es igualmente el primero y el ms poderoso de todos los medios curativos en el
crup, en varias especies de anginas, como tambin en las inflamaciones locales de otras
partes del cuerpo, y en aquellas sobre todo, donde con la sed y un pulso frecuente, se
encuentra una impaciencia inquieta, una agitacin que nada puede calmar y una gesticulacin
semejante a la que acompaa al acnito.
Engendra todos los estados morbosos que se manifiestan en las personas cuya moral ha sido
alterada por el miedo unido a la indignacin, y es el ms seguro medio de curarlos
Cada vez que se elige el acnito a titulo de remedio homeoptico, es menester sobre todo
tener en cuenta los sntomas morales y procurar que se parezcan a los que aqul produce.
El acnito es indispensable en las mujeres que han experimentado algn sobresalto o
contrariedades durante sus reglas; porque, sin este precioso calmante, sucede con frecuencia
que el flujo menstrual se detiene, a veces sbitamente, bajo la influencia de tal sacudida
moral. En semejante caso, basta hacer respirar una sola vez y durante un instante un frasco
que contenga un glbulo del volumen de un grano de mostaza, que haya sido empapado en
una dilucin al decillonsimo, el cual conserva su virtud algunos aos, con tal que se tenga
cuidado de tapar el frasco cada vez que se use.
Los cidos vegetales y el vino destruyen los efectos del acnito (1).
El miedo que se remedia con el opio cuando uno es llamado en el acto, exige el acnito en
una poca ms lejana, o cuando el miedo va acompaado de tristeza (2).
Un enfriamiento considerable, cuyo resultado es la fiebre y el calor, reclama el acnito (3).
El sntoma 84 (aversin a la luz) probablemente alterna con el 84 (avidez por la luz, deseo
de mirar los sitios muy iluminados), de suerte que los dos son efectos primitivos (4).
El acnito contiene la observacin siguiente: "Cada vez que se elige el acnito a ttulo de
remedio homeoptico, es indispensable tener en cuenta sobre todo los sntomas morales y
cuidar de que se parezcan a los que l produce".
Hahnemann hace observar en su Organon que "el aconit rara vez produce, quiz jams, una
curacin rpida y duradera cuando el carcter del enfermo es igual y apacible."
Por la tarde; hacia la media noche; despus de exponerse a un viento fro y seco; estando
acostado sobre el lado doloroso y en una habitacin caliente.
Al aire libre, por el reposo y despus de una transpiracin.
AGITACION ANSIOSA CON TEMOR A LA MUERTE acompaa a todos los sntomas.
En la vida habitual: temor a caer, al atravesar las calles y a las multitudes. Angustia
indefinible: la fisonoma del enfermo expresa un miedo irracional, el menor ruido le hace
sobresaltarse, el ms leve pensamiento le angustia. A menudo despus de un terror o de las
En los estados febriles: agitacin extremada, el enfermo se voltea de un lado a otro en su
cama embargado por los gemidos, se declara perdido y l mismo predice el da y la hora de
su muerte. La piel est seca, ardorosa; la cara roja cuando est acostado y adquiere una
palidez mortal cuando va a levantarse.
Insomnio despus de un susto, sueos ansiosos e intensa agitacin.
Los dolores son agudos e intolerables, * ms marcados por la noche, con entorpecimientos y
hormigueos como de insectos corriendo sobre la piel, agitacin intensa y temor a la muerte.
Cabeza ardorosa, pesada, con batimientos y vrtigos al levantarse.
Neuralgias de la cara con dolores agudos, agotantes, hormigueos y entorpecimientos que se
agravan despus de un enfriamiento.
Conjuntivitis aguda con enrojecimiento, fotofobia, dolores quemantes y lagrimeo despus de
exponerse a un viento fro y seco (nieve).
Otalgia brusca despus de un enfriamiento intempestivo. Hipersensibilidad al menor ruido,
no puede soportar la msica.
Boca seca, lengua hinchada. Hormigueo en los labios y punta de la lengua.
Angina aguda; enrojecimiento, dolor ardoroso, agitacin, ansiedad y temor a morir.
Sed intensa por agua fra, gusto amargo; todo tiene sabor amargo, a excepcin del agua
(tambin el agua: China) .
Clicos bruscos despus de exponerse al aire fro, obligando a inclinarse hacia adelante,
pero sin mejora (con mejora: Colocynthis). Diarrea viscosa, verdosa. EVACUACIONES
COMO ESPINACAS PICADAS. Abdomen caliente y doloroso.
Despus de exponerse a un viento fro y seco: afona o tos seca, CRUPAL, aparece ANTES
DE MEDIA NOCHE, con intensos dolores intercostales agravados al respirar, el enfermo no
puede acostarse del lado doloroso (lo contrario: Bry. ) . Tos y dolores que se acompaan de
una opresin intensa con ansiedad, temor a morir, agitacin y fiebre.
Hemoptisis, sangre roja, brillante, clara. Congestin pulmonar (punto de eleccin: mitad
superior del pulmn izquierdo)
Palpitaciones con dolores agudos en la regin del corazn, ansiedad y temor a morir, pulso
lleno, duro, rpido (el enfermo tiene que descansar extendido, con la cabeza alta ) .
Orina escasa, obscura, quemante. Siempre se presenta ansiedad al principio de la miccin.
Ardores al orinar.
Suspensin de las reglas despus de una tempestad o de un resfro.
Dolores reumatismales agudos con entorpecimiento y hormigueos, cabeza y manos
calientes, pies fros. Enrojecimiento brillante de las eminencias hipotenar.
Fiebre; escalofros que se agravan al menor movimiento. Calor seco, sed por grandes
cantidadesdeagua fra.
Cara roja que se pone plida s el enfermo intenta levantarse. AGITACION INTENSA CON
MIEDO A LA MUERTE. Pulso acelerado y duro (la indicacin de Acon. cesa cuando
aparece la transpiracin).
Aconitum conviene particularmente a las personas jvenes y vigorosas, muy fcilmente
congestivas, sensibles a los cambios atmosfricos y que completamente bien son
repentinamente atacados por el padecimiento despus de estar sometidos a un brusco
enfriamiento. El mal siempre estalla bruscamente y los signos clnicos se manifiestan
inmediatamente con una violencia e intensidad extremadas. Se recuerda la trada sintomtica
de Aconitum: agitacin, temor a morir, dolores intolerables, indicacin segura del remedio.
Anginas. Angiocolitis. Aortitis. Blenorragia. Bronquitis. Bronconeumona. Cefalea. Citica.
Congestin cerebral. Congestin pulmonar. Coriza. Endocarditis. Epididimitis. Fiebre. Fiebre
amarilla. Gripe. Hemoptisis. Hemorragias. Laringitis. Mastitis. Melancola. Neumona.
Neuralgias. Otitis. Palpitaciones. Parlisis. Peritonitis. Pleuresa. Sarampin. Taquicardia.
Arsenicum alb. (mentalidad). Chamomilla, Coffea (dolores). Causticum (neuralgias a
frigore). Hepar sulphur, Spongia (tos). Ferrum phosph. (fiebre, pulmones) .
Aconitum se desarrolla siempre sobre un sujeto de Sulphur. Bryonia es frecuentemente su
6a, 30a, 200a.
(The freshly expressed juice of the plant at the time of the commencement of flowering
mixed with equal parts of spirits of wine).
Although the following symptoms do not express the whole significance of this most
valuable plant; still they reveal to the thoughtful homoeopathic physician a prospect of
relieving morbid conditions in which traditional medicine has hitherto employed its most
dangerous methods, e.g. copious blood-letting and all its complex would-be antiphlogistic
treatments, often ineffectually, and almost always with disastrous consequences.
I allude to the so-called pure inflammatory fevers, in which the smallest dose of aconite
enables us to dispense with all the traditional antipathic treatments; and relieves rapidly and
without evil effects.
In measles, in purpura miliaris, and in the acute pleuritic fevers, c., its curative power is
marvellous, when, the patient being kept rather cool, it is given alone, all other medicinal
substances, even vegetable acids, being avoided, in the dose of a thousandth part of a drop
of the decillionth development of power.
It is seldom that a second similar dose is required thirty-six or forty-eight hours after the
But in order to remove from our conscientious treatment all that routine practice which is
only too apt to regulate its treatment in accordance with delusive names of diseases, it is
indispensable that, in all morbid conditions in which aconite is given, the chief symptoms of
the malady, therefore also of the acute disease, should be found accurately reproduced among
the symptoms of aconite.
The effect is then astonishing.
It is precisely in the great acute inflammatory fevers in which allopathy chiefly plumes itself
as alone able to save life by means of bold, frequent venesections, and imagines that here it is
superior in curative efficacy to all homoeopathic treatment-it is precisely here that it is most
It is precisely here that the infinite superiority of homoeopathy is manifest, that it needs not
to shed a single drop of blood, that precious vital fluid (which the allopath recklessly draws
off in streams, to the often irremediable disadvantage of the patient), in order to transform
this dangerous fever into health in as many hours as the allopathic vitality-diminishing
treatment often requires months for the perfect restoration of those who are not carried off
during the process by death, or, at all events, in the chronic after-affections artificially caused
by the means employed.
In these acute cases of disease sometimes a homoeopathic intermediate remedy is required
for the morbid symptoms remaining after twelve or sixteen hours' action of the first dose of
aconite; but it is very rarely that a second dose of aconite is needed after this intermediate
By means of aconite carefully administered in this way in a disease of the above-mentioned
character all danger is removed even in four hours, and the excited circulation resumes its
tranquil vital course from hour to hour.
Although aconite, on account of the short duration of its action (which in such small doses
does not exceed forty-eight hours), might seem to be useful only in acute diseases, yet it is an
indispensable accessory remedy in even the most obstinate chronic affections, when the
system requires a diminution of the so-called tension of the blood-vessels (the strictum of the
On this subject, however, I cannot enter more fully in this place.
Its utility in such cases is shown by the symptoms it produces in the healthy subject, which
are partially recorded in the following pages.
Aconite is also the first and main remedy, in the minute dose indicated above, in
inflammation of the windpipe (croup, membranous laryngitis), in various kinds of
inflammation of the throat and fauces, as also in the local acute inflammations of all other
parts, particularly where, in addition to thirst and quick pulse, there are present anxious
impatience, an unappeasable mental agitation, and agonizing tossing about.
It produces all the morbid states similar to those seen in persons who have had a fright
combined with vexation, and is also the surest and quickest remedy for them.
In the selection of aconite as a homoeopathic remedy particular attention should be paid to
the symptoms of the disposition, so that they should be very similar.
Hence it is indispensable after fright or vexation in women during the catamenia, which
without this excellent soothing remedy are only too easily, often instantaneously, suppressed
by such emotional disturbances.
For this purpose a single momentary olfaction at a phial containing a globule the size of a
mustard-seed, moistened with the decillionth potency of aconite (which may be kept for this
use for years in a well-corked phial without losing its curative power) is quite sufficient.
Most of the apparently opposite aconite symptoms recorded below are merely alternating
states, and it may be curative by means of both but it is most so in respect of those which
have a tonic character.
Vegetable acids and wine antidote its effects, and so do other medicines which correspond
palliatively or homoeopathically to some of its troublesome symptoms (produced by too
large a dose or unhomoeopathic selection).
- Vertigo; feeling of swaying to and fro in the brain.
- Vertigo, especially when stooping; she staggered to and fro, especially towards the right
side (aft.36 h.). [Stf.Gss. Archiv f.d. Homopath.Heilkunst, iv, i. ].
- She could hardly get into bed for vertigo, in which all seemed to turn round in a circle with
her (aft.37 h.). [Stf.Gss.] She has a whirling in the head, so that she dare not move it, with a
feeling as if the eyes would close. [Stf.Gss.]
- As if intoxicated; all goes round with her, she staggers when walking, as if she would fall,
with nausea, not on sitting, worst on rising from a seat, less when walking (aft. 1/2 h.).
- Vertigo very much increased on shaking the head, when it became quite black before her
eyes. [Stf.Gss.]
- Vertigo and dizziness.
- Giddy weight of the head, especially in the forehead and on stooping, with nausea, and
qualmish feeling in the scrobiculus cordi (aft. 2 h.). [Stf.Gss.]
- Vertigo. [Matthioli, Comment. in Diosc., lib.iv, cap.73.-Vinc.Bacon, in
Philosoph.Transact., xxxviii, p.287]
- Vertigo, tightness of chest and dry cough, with pain in hip. [Greding, Vermischte
Schriften, p.90-113.]
- Giddy obscuration of sight, with unaltered pulse. [Claud.Richard, in P.Schenck, , lib.vii,
- Vertigo and headache, unaffected by active exercise (aft. 1/4 h.). [Fr.H-n.]
- Vertigo and headache in sinciput and occiput, both worst when stooping (aft. 10 m.). [Fr.
- Distraction of the attention when reading and writing by a frequent cessation of the
thoughts. [Rkt.]
- Preoccupation of the mind; he is unable to complete his description of the thoughts that he
had conceived and half written down, without first making an effort to recall them (3rd day).
- Stupid feeling of the head; as if he had a board before the forehead (aft. 1/4 h.). [Stf.Gss.]
- The head in front is as if nailed up, in the warm room. [Stf.Gss.]
- Unsteadiness of the ideas; if she wants to pursue one train of thoughts a second chases this
away, a third again displaces this, and so on and on, until she becomes quite confused.
- Want of memory; he feels as if what he had just done were a dream, and he can scarcely
recall what it was. [Stf.Gss.]
- Weakness of memory (aft. 5 and 9 h.).
- Lively memory.
- Weakened power of thinking. [We.]
- He can think of nothing, consider nothing, knows nothing, and can form no idea of
anything in his head, as he usually could-but he feels as if all these mental operations took
place in the pit of the stomach-after two hours he has two attacks of vertigo, and then his
usual thinking faculty returns into his head. [J.B. v. Helmont, in Demens Idea, 12.]
- In the morning vacancy and emptiness of the head, as after severe intoxication. [Rkt.]
- Confusion of the head, as after intoxication, with aching in the temples.
- Stupid bruised pain in the head, with bruised feeling in all the limbs (aft. 14 h.)
- Feeling of fulness and heaviness in the forehead, as if an out-pressing weight lay there, and
as if all would be forced out at the forehead (aft. 1/4 h.). [Stf.Gss.]
- Stupifying drawing in-pressing in the left temple. [Stf.Gss.]
- Feeling as if some one drew him up by the hair. [Stf.Gss.]
- Semilateral drawing in the head. [Stf.Gss.]
- Aching pain in the temporal region, afterwards also in jerks in the occiput, lastly confusion
of the head and contractive pain. [Rkt.]
- Contractive pain in the forehead. [Ar.]
- Tension all over the forehead. [Hbg.]
- On stooping her forehead feels very full, as if all would come out (aft. 25 h.). [Stf.Gss.]
- Headache, as if the eyes would fall out of the head (after. 1/2 h.).
- Headache, as if the brain pressed out.
- Headache, as if here and there a part of the brain were lifted up, which is increased by
slight movement, even by drinking and speaking (aft. 1/2 h.).
- Speaking increases the headache.
- Shooting, throbbing headache, as if an ulcer were inside, which sometimes prevents
- Sometimes a fine shooting, sometimes throbbing, sometimes aching headache in the
forehead when walking, relieved by sitting.
- A fine throbbing here and there in the head.
- Headache; a throbbing in the left side of the forehead, whilst strong beats occur in the right
side by fits (aft. 3 h.).
- In the left side of the head, pain as if the head were compressed. [Ar.]
- Headache, as if the skull were externally constricted with a ligature and drawn tightly
together. [Helmont, l.c.]
- Very painful, sharp, pressing headache above the forehead. [We.]
- Out pressing pain in the forehead. [We.]
- Tearing pain in the left temple. [Ar.]
- In the left temple shooting pain by jerks; stitches pass through the temple into the head.
- Shooting, beating headache in the temples. [Stf.Gss.]
- Shooting by jerks in the head, especially in the forehead. [Stf.Gss.]
- Tearing pain in the left temple, with roaring noise in the ears. [Stf.Gss.]
- Feeling of contraction of the brain under the forehead (aft. 20 h.). [Stf.Gss.]
- Squeezing, tensive headache close behind the orbits.
- A pinching and squeezing in the forehead, as if it were in the bones; she feels ill, as though
about to go mad [aft.12, 24 h.)
- A squeezing in the forehead, above the root of the nose, as if she would lose her reason (as
if wrong in the head); aggravated by walking in the open air (aft. 4 h.).
- A feeling of crepitation (like bending gold tinsel to and fro) in the temples, nose, and
- Shooting and somewhat aching headache above the orbits towards the superior maxilla,
which causes nausea, or as usually occurs during the vomiting caused by an emetic (aft. 2 h.).
- Aching, shooting, sick headache above the orbits and down to the upper jaw.
- Feeling as if something were drawn out of the head, whereby her upper eyelids are drawn
upwards (aft. 1/2.). [Stf.Gss.]
- Twitching, tearing pain in the occiput. [Ar.]
- Jerking, shooting, drawing, tearing pain in the upper part of the right side of the head. [Ar.]
- A shoot in the occipital bone. [Hbg.]
- Creeping on the left side of the head, as from a brush. [Hbg.]
- Feeling as if a ball rose from the umbilical region and spread a cool air in the vertex and
occiput. [Matthioli, l.c.]
- Burning headache as if the brain were moved by boiling water. [Matthioli, l.c.]
- Heaviness of the head. [V.Bacon, l.c.]
- Pain in the occiput and neck. [Richard, l.c.]
- Headache, roaring in the ears, coryza and colic, especially in the morning, as if a chill had
been taken after profuse perspiration. [Greding, l.c.]
- Towards evening she got very hot in the whole head, after which there occurred tenderness
of the whole head, especially of the forehead, lasting all the evening (aft. 11 h). [Stf.Gss.]
- (Puffy face and forehead.)
- Bluish face, black lips. [Matthioli, l.c.]
- Distortion of the facial muscles. [Matthioli, l.c.]
- Very widely dilated pupils. [We.]
- Obscuration of the sight. [Bacon, l.c.]
- Repeated blindness, with undiminished power of speech. [Matthioli, l.c.]
- Distortion of the eyes. [Matthioli, -Bacon, l.c.]
- Distortion of the eyes and grinding of the teeth (about midnight). [Greding, l.c.]
- On opening the eyelids, pain in the interior of the eye (as if it would be pressed out), which
pain spread over the region of the eyebrow into the interior of the brain (aft. 21 h). [Stf.Gss.]
- Dilated pupils (immediately).
- His eyes are staring(immediately).
- Desire for light, longing to look into the bright light (aft. 3 h.)
- Black spots hovering before the sight.
- Misty before the eyes; she does not see distinctly, with giddy feeling. [Stf.Gss.]
- Photophobia (aft. 6 and 12 h.).
- Acute vision.
- Dryness of the upper eyelids, which causes a sort of aching in the eyes (aft. 5 h.)
- Heaviness of the eyelids; they seemed to him too heavy on raising them. [Stf.Gss.]
- (The eyes feel cold in the open air.)
- Very painful inflammation of the eyes (chemosis).
- Sensation in the eyes as if they were greatly swollen (aft. 5 h.). [Stf.Gss.]
- The eyes are closed with a jerk, as in irresistible sleepiness. [Stf.Gss.]
- Protruding eyes. [Matthioli, l.c.]
- Aching of the eyes, most observable when looking down and when moving the eyes to and
fro, at the same time with heat in them. [Rkt.]
- Aching and burning in the left eye and over the eyebrows. [Hbg.]
- Hard, red swelling of the right upper eyelid, with tensive sensation, especially in the
morning. [F. H-n.]
- Ophthalmia, with discharge which is so painful and horrible that he longs for death.
[Richard, l.c.]
- Constant, dull, humming before the ears, followed by fainting. [Bacon, l.c.]
- Pain in the zygomatic process, as from an internal ulcer there.
- Ringing in the ears (aft. 10 m.). [Stf.Gss.]
- He feels as if something lay before the left ear. [Ar.]
- Tickling sensation in the right ear, as if a small worm crept in. [Ar.]
- Tearing in the left ear. [Hbg.]
- Pain behind the left ear, like a pressure with the thumb. [Hbg.]
- Sensation as if the cheeks were swollen to double their size. [Bacon, l.c.]
- Pain in the maxillary joint behind the zygomatic process, when chewing.
- During the perspiration a burning pain shot several times into the left ear and upper
- Perspiration on the cheek on which she lies in bed.
- Creeping pain on the cheeks.
- Sensation of stupifying compression of the root of the nose. [Stf.Gss.]
- Epistaxis.
- Perspiration on the upper lip, under the nose.
- Itching pimples on the upper lip (aft. 24 h.).
- Shooting jerks in the lower jaw.
- Shooting pain in various teeth (aft. 36 h.). [We.]
- Aching toothache in the left upper jaw. [We.]
- Very penetrating pain in jaws as if they would fall off. [Matthioli, l.c.]
- In the tongue and jaws a creeping and burning, so that the teeth seem loose. [Bacon, l.c.]
- Smarting sensation in the tongue, chiefly towards its tip. [Stf.Gss.]
- Penetrating fine stitches in the tip of the tongue.
- In the tongue a burning of long continuance. [Ant.v.Stoerck, Libellus de Stram., Hyos. et
Acon., p. 71, 74, 80, 91, 96, 110]
- Momentary flying stitches in the tongue, with flow of saliva. [Stoerck, l.c.]
- Coolness and dryness of the mouth, without thirst. [Hbg.]
- Dry feeling first of the lips, then of the interior of the mouth, with heat rising up from the
chest towards the head (without redness of the cheeks).
- Transient paralysis of the tongue.
- Dryness of the interior of the mouth (immediately).
- On the middle of the tongue, sensation of dryness and roughness, without thirst (aft. 1 h.).
- Feeling of dryness in the fore part of the mouth.
- Feeling of soreness of the orifices of the salivary glands, as if they were excoriated.
- In the throat a scraping with difficult deglutition. [Stf.Gss.]
- Drawing from the side of the throat to behind the ear. [Stf.Gss.]
- On the left side of the throat, internally, on a small spot, a shooting choking, when not, but
especially when, swallowing and speaking. After 1/4 of an hour it passed to the right side,
whilst the painful sensation in the left side disappeared, it remained there 1/4 of an hour, and
went off entirely. [Stf.Gss.]
- Prickling sensation at the back of the tongue as from pepper, with flow of saliva.
- Creeping in the fauces.
- Fine shooting sensation at the back of the throat, as from the prickly hairs of the dog-hip
(aft. 1 h.)
- Burning and fine shooting pain in the back of the throat (fauces).
- Contractive feeling in the back of the throat, as from something astringent.
- Pepper-like taste in the mouth. [Matthioli, l.c.]
- Along with deficient appetite, bitter taste in the mouth, with pains in the chest and under
the short ribs. [Greding, l.c.]
- Bitter taste.
- Nasty, fishy taste, as from stagnant putrid water.
- She felt as if the whole mouth filled with air of the taste of rotten eggs. [Stf.Gss.]
- Sourish taste in the mouth, with loss of appetite. [Stf.Gss.]
- What formerly had a good and strong taste is now tasteless to him. [Stf.Gss.]
- Sweetish water rose up, like waterbrash; at the same time roaring in the ear. [Stf.Gss.]
- Belching up of sweetish water, with nausea. [Stf.Gss.]
- Scraping from the scrobiculus cordis up into the throat, with nausea and qualmishness in
the scrobiculus cordis, as if water would come into her mouth. [Stf.Gss.]
- Empty eructation. [Stf.Gss.]
- Ineffectual effort to eructate; he wishes to eructate but cannot.
- Thirst for beer; but when she has drunk it, it oppresses her stomach.
- (She will not eat anything).
- Nausea, vomiting; thirst general heat and profuse sweat with diuresis. [Greding, l.c.]
- She vomits lumbrici. [Greding, l.c.]
- Vomiting of green bile (aft. 1 h.). [Matthioli, l.c.]
- Vomiting of mucus mixed with blood for three or four successive days. [Greding, l.c.]
- Vomiting of blood. [Greding, l.c.]
- Qualmish, sick in the scrobiculus cordis, worse when sitting, going off almost when
walking (immediately after taking it). [Stf.Gss.].
- Disgust and sinking, qualmish feeling (aft.1/4h.).
- Long-continued disgust and anorexia.
- Inclination to vomit on walking in the open air.
- Inclination to vomit at first in the scrobiculus cordis, then beneath the sternum, lastly in the
throat, without flow of saliva.
- Inclination to vomit, just as if he had eaten something disgustingly sweet or greasy (aft. 1
- Profuse sweat after vomiting bloody mucus. [Greding, l.c.]
- Vomiting, followed by violent thirst. [Moraeus, in Knigl.Vetensk.Acad.Handl., 1739, p.
- Vomiting, artificially excited, only temporarily restored the patient from his state of
syncope. [Bacon, l.c.]
- Vomiting with anxiety. [Richard, l.c.]
- Inclination to vomit with severe diarrhoea. [Greding, l.c.]
- Hiccup. [Greding, l.c.]
- In the morning, hiccup. [Greding, l.c.]
- In the morning, long-continued hiccup. [Greding, l.c.]
- (Hiccup after eating and drinking.)
- Aching pain in the scrobiculus cordis, which increased to tightness of the chest (aft. 2 1/2
- In the scrobiculus cordis pressure as from a stone lying there, which soon afterwards
extended to the back, with a squeezing-together sensation; as if she had injured herself by a
strain; as if stiff. [Stf.Gss.]
- Cardialgia. [Rdder, in Alberti's, Jurisprud. Med.,, p.724.]
- Aching pain in the scrobiculus cordis when sitting, walking, and standing. [Ar.]
- Pain in the scrobiculus cordis, as if it were swollen internally, with loss of appetite and
attacks of dyspnoea.
- Pressive pain in the stomach, like a weight (aft. 1 1/2 h.)
- Pressive pain like a weight in the hypochondria (aft. 1 1/2 h.)
- Tensive pressive pain, as from fulness or a weight pressing in the stomach and
hypochondria (aft. 1 1/2 h.).
- Contractive sensation in the stomach as from an astringent.
- Sensation of violent constriction in the hypochondria.
- Aching pain in the stomach. [Hbg.]
- Along with repeated vomiting and frequent stools he always complains that he feels as if a
cold stone lay in the stomach. [Richard, l.c.]
- Drawing-in of the navel, especially in the morning when fasting.
- A burning in the umbilical region.
- Burning sensation in the umbilical region, which ran rapidly over her, and extended to the
scrobiculus cordis, with a sensation of anxious beating and shooting there; after some time a
rigor ran all over the body, with cessation of the hot feeling and of the painful sensation in
the umbilical region (aft. 1 1/2 h.) [Stf.Gss.]
- Pinching pain in the umbilical region. [Stf.Gss.]
- Compression of the navel; immediately afterwards intermitting aching in the navel, like
jerks. [Stf.Gss.]
- Griping and clawing in the umbilical region. [Stf.Gss.]
- Above the navel to the left a painless sensation, as of something cold (a cold finger) forcing
itself from within outwards. [Stf.Gss.]
- Aching in the region of the liver, whereby the respiration is impeded, immediately
thereafter (pinching?) bellyache in the supra-umbilical region.
- Jaundice.
- From both sides towards the navel, drawing pains in the abdomen, which are also produced
by bending the abdomen together.
- The epigastrium and hypochondria are occupied by a tense, painful swelling. [Richard, l.c.]
- Swollen distended abdomen, like ascites. [Richard, -Matthioli, l.c.]
- Violent jerks (blows) in the hepatic region that take away the breath. [Hbg.]
- Some hours earlier than usual a hard stool, for which he must strain much.
- Rolling and rumbling in the abdomen, with feeling of rawness. [Stf.Gss.]
- Rolling and rumbling in the abdomen all night.
- A sort of fermenting rumbling in the abdomen.
- In the morning, in bed, he cries out and does not know how to compose himself for
intolerable (cutting) pain in the belly, and he tosses about in bed (aft. 16 h.)
- Colicky, stretching, tensive, and aching pain in the belly, as from flatulence.
- On laughing loud a sharp stitch in the right side below the ribs. [Stf.Gss.]
- On inspiring dull stitches in the left side below the ribs. [Stf.Gss.]
- Drawing from the left side of the hypogastrium towards the back; the side of the abdomen
is painful when pressed upon. [Stf.Gss.]
- Flatulent colic in the hypogastrium as if he had taken a flatus-producing purgative.
- Very hot flatus (aft. 9 h.)
- With a feeling as if only flatus were passing, unexpected discharge of thin faeces (aft. 4 h.)
- Hard stool, attended with pressing. [Hbg.]
- Purging. [Stoerck, l.c.]
- Sometimes before, sometimes after the diarrhoea, nausea and perspiration. [Greding, l.c.]
- Soft, small stools, accompanied with tenesmus, from three to five per diem.
- White stool.
- White stool and red urine.
- Watery diarrhoea.
- The hypogastrium is painfully sensitive to touch.
- Weakness of the bowels such as is apt to arise from abuse of purgatives.
- Pain in the rectum (aft. 1 h.)
- Shooting and aching in the anus.
- Transient paralysis of the anus, involuntary evacuation.
- Fluent haemorrhoids.
- During the diarrhoea copious flow of urine and moderate perspiration. [Greding, l.c.]
- Pressure on the bladder, with retention of urine. [Greding, l.c.]
- Suppression of urine, with needle-pricks in the renal region. [Richard, l.c.]
- Diuresis. [Greding, l.c.]
- Diuresis, with profuse perspiration and frequent watery diarrhoea, with bellyache.
[Greding, l.c.]
- Diuresis and along with it constant perspiration. [Greding, l.c.]
- Copious diuresis. [Stoerck, l.c.]
- Diuresis, with distortion of the eyes and spasmodic contraction of the feet. [Greding, l.c.]
- On passing urine a slight sensation (of splashing) in the vesical region. [Stf.Gss.]
- Painful urging to urinate; she must make water very frequently, because the bladder fills
rapidly with a quantity of urine as clear as water. [Stf.Gss.]
- Urging to urinate on touching the abdomen.
- Urine passed with difficulty (dysuria) (aft. 12, 18 h.)
- Anxious urging to urinate (aft. 4 h.)
- Urging to urinate; the urine passed in unusually small quantity, not without difficulty, as if
it would not come away properly, but without pain; at the same time slight pinching in the
umbilical region (from smelling the tincture). [Stf.Gss.]
- Copious discharge of urine, which, on standing, deposits blood.
- Transient paralysis of the neck of the bladder, involuntary discharge of urine.
- Burning in the neck of the bladder when not urinating.
- Pain of the bladder when walking (aft. 4 h.).
- Tenesmus of the neck of the bladder (aft. 4 h.).
- Brown urine passed with burning, afterwards depositing brick-coloured sediment.
- On walking, pains in the loins like labour-pains.
- Itching on the prepuce, relieved by rubbing, but soon returning (aft. 3 d.) [We.]
- Shooting and pinching pain in the glans penis when urinating.
- Simple pain in the testicles, like that which remains after being squeezed (aft. 2 h.)
- Slight, not disagreeable creeping in the genitals. [Stf.Gss.]
- He has amorous fits. [Stf.Gss.]
- (Very much increased sexual desire, rapidly alternating with relaxation.) [Stf.Gss.]
- Diminished sexual desire.
- Metrorrhagia.
- The menses that had ceased the day before taking the drug, break out again copiously
immediately (aft. 1/4 h.). [Stf.Gss.]
- Copious, viscid, yellowish leucorrhoea. [Stoerck, l.c.]
- Fury on the occurrence of the menses. [Greding, l.c.]
- Anxiety with fear of suffocation. [Rdder, l.c.]
- Tightness of the chest. [Richard, l.c.]
- Frequent violent sneezing, with pain in the abdomen. [Stf.Gss.]
- Cannot sneeze thoroughly on account of pain in the left costal region. [Stf.Gss.]
- Extreme sensitiveness of the olfactory nerves; disagreeable smells have a great effect on
- Attacks of catarrh and coryza (between 8 and 12 h).
- Morning hoarseness (aft. 8 h.).
- Attack of coryza. [Greding, l.c.]
- Tussiculation from a tickle at the upper part of the larynx (immediately).
- Short cough.
- (Cough during the heat of the body).
- Cough after drinking.
- Severe cough, immediately, from a little tobacco smoke (in a person accustomed to tobacco
- He (a habitual smoker) cannot smoke, without constantly clearing his throat and coughing,
either because the epiglottis allows the smoke to penetrate into the windpipe or because the
larynx has become too sensitive (aft. 6 h.).
- After midnight, every half hour, a short cough (kechekeh) from a tickle in the larynx; the
more he tries to suppress it, the more frequent and the worse it was.
- Haemoptysis.
- Dry cough. [Greding, l.c.]
- Short respiration in sleep, after midnight.
- Interrupted respiration through the nose, especially during sleep.
- Foetid breath.
- Noisy, loud respiration, with open mouth.
- Tightness of the chest, with strong, loud respiration.
- Morbid condition (attacks of paralysis?) of the epiglottis; food and drink are apt to get into
the windpipe when swallowing, so that they threaten suffocation and excite coughing; he is
apt to swallow the wrong way.
- He is apt to choke on swallowing to saliva. [Stf.Gss.]
- Anxiety in the thoracic cavity, and oppression on the right half of the chest, then in the
whole chest. [Stf.Gss.]
- Squeezing together of the chest on the right side near the sternum; a kind of tightness of the
chest. [Stf.Gss.]
- He feels as if the chest were contracted. [Stf.Gss.]
- Compression of the chest in the region of the heart. [Stf.Gss.]
- Anxiety that impedes respiration, with warm sweat on the forehead.
- Aching pain in the chest, which is somewhat relieved by bending the upper part of the body
backwards, but returns immediately on resuming the erect position (aft. 12 h.) [We.]
- Contractive pain in the chest, as if the ribs on both sides were drawn towards one another.
- He feels a weight in the chest; it is as if the whole chest were compressed from all sides.
- Painful stitches in the right side of the chest, in the region of the lowest rib, which extend
towards the sacrum (aft. 10 h.). [We.]
- Shooting, aching pain on the right side of the sternum. [We.]
- Pinching, digging pain in the right side of the chest, between the third and fourth ribs,
unaltered by anything, until it disappears of itself. [Ar.]
- In the left side of the chest near the axilla, oppressive, obtuse stitches. [Stf.Gss.]
- Stitches in the chest (on breathing). [Stf.Gss.]
- At every breath, shooting from the lowest rib on the right side extending to the apex of the
scapula, through the middle of the chest, with complaining disposition.
- Shooting in the right side, with complaining lachrymose disposition.
- Single, large stitches in the side through to the back (aft. 24 h.)
- Pain in the chest, like a shooting, interrupting the breathing.
- With anxiety and peevishness, a shooting in the side of the chest, followed by throbbing in
the side of the chest, then aching headache.
- A burning, fine shooting pain in the chest.
- Sensation as if the windpipe under the sternum had gone asleep and were numb (aft. 8 h.)
- By touching very much increased pain, as from a bruise, in the lowest rib, about which the
patient makes much ado and complains.
- On the middle of the sternum, pain as if bruised (also increased by external touch).
- Slow blows in the cardiac region directed towards the outside of the chest. [Stf.Gss.]
- Squeezing pain in the chest.
- Aching, squeezing pain in the chest, under the sternum.
- Shooting, boring, digging pain in the left side of the chest between the fourth and sixth
ribs, for ten minutes. [Ar.]
- Aching, tightening pain in the side of the chest.
- A creeping pain in the chest.
- A crawling in the chest as from beetles.
- (Increase of milk in the breasts.)
- Lumbar pain. [Greding, l.c.]
- Aching pain in the sacrum on the left side. [Hbg.]
- Burning, corrosive pains near the dorsal vertebrae in the right side. [We.]
- Violent, shooting, digging pain all down the left side of the spine to the sacrum, which was
so much increased by inspiration that tears came repeatedly into the eyes, for four hours.
- On moving painful stiffness of the sacral and hip-joints; he is as if paralyzed in the sacrum
(aft. 2 h.)
- Pain as if bruised in the articulation of the lowest lumbar vertebra with the sacrum; the
sacrum feels hacked off.
- Tensive, aching pain in the lumbar vertebrae, or as if from a bruise; at the same time pain
in abdomen as from flatulent colic.
- Pain as if bruised from the sacrum through the back up to the nape (aft. 4 h.).
- Crawling pain in the spine as from beetles.
- A cutting round from the spine to the abdomen, over the left hip, in a circle.
- On the left side near the sacrum a painful boring.
- A digging, boring pain from the right scapula forwards to the chest that was increased by
inspiring, but not by expiring, but never ceased, for twelve minutes. [Ar.]
- In the nape a pain as if the flesh were detached, with a feeling as if the nape had no
firmness, and as if the head would fall forwards in consequence; on moving the head
shooting in the nape. [Stf.Gss.]
- Rheumatic pain in the nape only observed on moving the neck (between the 5th and 9th
- Fine shooting externally on the neck.
- Single shoots in the nape on both sides. [Rkt.]
- Aching pain in the left cervical vertebrae. [We.]
- A pain in the neck pressing inwards towards the trachea, like a pressure with the joint of
the finger into the neck. [Ar.]
- Pain in the left shoulder-joint. [Hbg.]
- Some flying stitches in the left shoulder. [Stf.Gss.]
- The shoulder hurts her, and tends to sink down. [Stf.Gss.]
- A swelling in the muscles of the shoulder, with violent pains as if bruised when touched
(aft. 4 h.)
- Tearing pain from the shoulder down into the arm as far as the wrist, and even the fingers
almost only on every movement; during the pain the hand is blue (aft. 1, 14 h.)
- After sleeping, a pain on moving in the shoulder (and hip) joint as from being crushed, or
as if the bed had been too hard.
- Single stitches in the middle of the right upper arm on its anterior aspect, when at rest,
unaffected by motion and by pressing on it. [Ar.]
- Sudden drawing, shooting pain in the posterior part of the right upper arm. [Ar.]
- Trembling of the arms and hands (immediately). [Hbg.]
- Pain in the arm and fingers. [Rdder, l.c.]
- A numbness and paralysis in the left arm (and leg), so that he can scarcely move the hand.
[Matthioli, l.c.]
- His arms are as if bruised and sink powerlessly down. [Stf.Gss.]
- Chilliness and insensibility of the arms.
- Pain on the forearm, as from a severe blow. [Stf.Gss.]
- Drawing, shooting pain in the bone of the forearm, excitable by movement.
- Feeling of heaviness in the arms, from the elbow to the fingers; she would like to let them
sink down; with feeling of being asleep in the fingers when she grasps anything. [Stf.Gss.]
- In the elbow-joints drawing pain. [Stf.Gss.]
- Paralytic sensation in the right forearm and hand [when writing), which went off on
stronger movement, but soon returned when writing and when at rest, but slighter. [Ar.]
- Cramp-like pain in the whole left forearm, not relieved by anything. [Ar.]
- Drawing, tearing pain in the external side of the right forearm. [Ar.]
- Undulating, tearing pain in the upper end of the left forearm. [Ar.]
- Twitching, drawing pain in the lower end of the inner surface of the left forearm over the
wrist to the palm. [Ar.]
- Drawing, paralytic pain in the right wrist-joint. [We.]
- Morbid contractive pain in the left palm, so that he can hardly extend the fingers. [Ar.]
- Tearing pain in the wrist.
- One hand becomes icy cold and insensible, as if numb (aft. 2 h.).
- Cool sweat on the palms.
- Cramp-pain in the right hand. [We.]
- Swelling of the hands, with frequent cough, with good appetite. [Greding, l.c.]
- On bending the hand up and down a trembling movement in the wrist-joint. [Rkt.]
- Cramp-like pain with fine stitches in the right hand, going off by moving it. [Ar.]
- Some pulsating pricks in the right palm, as with a sharp needle. [Ar.]
- Cutting, aching pain in the side of the right index towards the middle finger, when moving
and when at rest. [Ar.]
- Painful drawing in the left thumb. [We.]
- Twitching pains in the right thumb. [Ar.]
- When she bends the fingers down to the wrist, immediately violent stitches in the elbow-
joints, down to the wrist, on the external aspect of the arm. [Stf.Gss.]
- Paralytic pain in the thumbs. [Stf.Gss.]
- Painful, movement of the right thumb-joint, as if sprained.
- Creeping pain in the fingers.
- Creeping in the fingers, also when writing. [Hbg.]
- Tensive pressure in the thighs as from a tightly-drawn bandage, with great exhaustion,
when walking. [Rkt.]
- After sleeping, a pain, on moving, in the hip (and shoulder) joint as from being rushed, or
as if the bed had been too hard.
- In the head of the femur of the left leg drawing pain, when standing or sitting, still more
when walking. [Stf.Gss.]
- Fine needle-pricks in the muscles of the thigh. [Stf.Gss.]
- After sitting, an almost paralytic weakness in the thighs and legs.
- Powerlessness in the head of the femur, or inability to walk, on account of an
indescribable, intolerable pain, almost as if the head of the femur were crushed, which
sometimes declines, sometimes increases, and occurs after lying and sleep (aft. 5 h.).
- Tottering walk, owing to powerlessness and pain in the head of the femur.
- A numbness, like paralysis, in the left leg (and arm). [Matthioli, l.c.]
- Tearing pain upwards on the outer ankle of the left foot (aft. 14 h.) [Ar.]
- Want of firmness and unsteadiness in the knees; the knees totter on standing and walking.
- Want of firmness of the knees, especially of one of them; it gives way when walking
(immediately and aft. 1h.).
- Heaviness of the feet (immediately).
- Pains in the ankle-joints, with despairing thoughts and reflections on death.
- The legs in their lower parts and the feet are as if numb and gone asleep. [Stf.Gss.]
- Deep, slow stitch over the right knee. [Stf.Gss.]
- Painful drawing in the leg from the knee to the heel and back again. [Stf.Gss.]
- Twitching tearing on the internal side of the knees. [Stf.Gss.]
- Paralytic drawing in the right leg and the tendo Achillis to the heel. [Stf.Gss.]
- Coldness of the feet up to the ankles, with perspiration of the toes and soles.
- Sensation on the ankles as if they were constricted by a bandage, in the morning.
- Horrible pain in the ankles, relieved by external compression (aft. 7 h.).
- Coldness of the feet, especially of the toes. [Rkt.]
- Swelling of the part (to which the juice has been applied) and acute inflammation, followed
by excessive suppuration. [Rdder, l.c.]
- Sensation of tingling and burning goes gradually through the whole body, especially
through the arms and legs. [Bacon, l.c.]
- Itching all over the body, especially on the genitals. [Stoerck, l.c.]
- Fine needle-pricks here and there on the body. [Stf.Gss.]
- Single, long-continued stitches here and there, mingled with sore feeling, at length ending
in pure sore pain.
- Formication, itching, and desquamation of the skin, especially on the affected parts.
- Fleabite-like spots on the hands, face c.
- Reddish pustules filled with acrid fluid. [Stoerck, l.c.]
- Broad, red, itching pimples all over the body. [Stoerck, l.c.]
- The whole body is painful to the touch; the child will not allow itself to be taken hold of; it
- Feeling as if she was just recovering from a serious disease, and had risen from a sick bed
(aft. 6, 12 h.).
- Paralytic sensation and bruisedness in the arms and legs, with violent trembling all over the
body, especially of the extremities, owing to which he can hardly walk or step; at the same
time excessively pale face, dilated pupils, faintness, palpitation of the heart, cold sweat on
the back and bursting headache in the temples-soon followed by burning heat in the face,
with a feeling of tension and redness of face, sleepiness (after dinner) (aft. 46 h.) (secondary
effect?). [Stf.Gss.]
- The paralysis on the left side soon disappeared, and quickly went into the right side.
[Matthioli, l.c.]
- After the cessation of the madness, pain in the stomach, head, jaws, chest, and now in one
now in another joint. [Richard, l.c.]
- Shaking of the limbs. [Greding, l.c.]
- In the evening sudden cry, grinding of the teeth, then through long hiccup stiff immobility
like a statue (catalepsy) [Greding, l.c.]
- Gradually all parts of the body become black, the whole trunk swells, the eyes protrude
from the head, the tongue hangs out of the mouth. [ Abano, de Venenis, Cap.30]
- All the joints are painful (aft. 7 h.). [Richard, l.c.]
- Great weakness of the joints, especially of the knee- and ankle-joints, with twitching in the
tendons, so that he can scarcely walk. [Bacon, l.c.]
- Painfulness all over the body, with increased weakness. [Greding, l.c.]
- Weakness and laxity of the ligaments of all the joints [aft. 46 h.)
- Painless cracking of all the joints, particularly of the knees.
- Weariness in the limbs, especially in the feet, with constant sleepiness and crossness.
- In the morning, on waking, such great weariness, that he did not like to get out of bed,
which, however, went off after getting up.
- He complains of weariness of the whole body, great weakness and pain in the heart (aft. 3
h.) [Matthioli, l.c.]
- Sinking of the strength. [Bacon, l.c.]
- Progressive sinking of the strength. [Eberh.Gmelin, , Nov.Acta Nat.Cur., vi, p.394.]
- Fainting. [ Abano, l.c.-Rdder, l.c.]
- Pulse intermitting and irregular, two or three beats followed rapidly in succession, and then
came a pause of no long duration. [Bacon, l.c.]
- Syncope.
- In the open air the head is free and all the symptoms ameliorated. [Stf.Gss.]
- Disinclined for movement, she prefers to sit/ [Stf.Gss.]
- Urgent desire to lie down. [Bacon, l.c.]
- She must lie down (between the 3rd and 5th h.).
- Irresistible inclination to lie down (from 2 to 5 h.).
- Sleepiness and laziness; even when walking uncommon sleepiness. [Hbg.]
- (Interrupted yawning; she cannot yawn perfectly).
- Yawns often, without being sleepy. [Stf.Gss.]
- Yawning and stretching. [Stf.Gss.]
- Sleepiness, sleep (aft. 2 h.).
- In the afternoon great sleepiness, the eyes close, but he easily wakes at a slight noise, but
always falls asleep again. [Stf.Gss.]
- After eating unusual sleepiness. [Stf.Gss.]
- Light sleep (from 1 to 5 h.).
- Sleeplessness (in the 4th h.).
- Sleep full of dreams; confused, vivid dreams. [Stf.Gss.]
- He cannot lie on the right side, nor on the back; he turns about in bed with pains, from one
side to the other.
- In the morning he lies in sleep on his back, the left hand opened laid under his occiput.
- He sleeps sitting with head bent forward.
- Slow respiration in sleep.
- (Inspiration with double jerk, like the butting of a goat, in sleep.)
- Long dreams, with anxiety in the chest, that impeded breathing, so that he woke up in
consequence (nightmare).
- Dreams during which he talked much.
- She has vexatious dreams.
- He starts in affright, makes many movements, and speaks in his sleep.
- She starts up in sleep and says some one is seizing hold of her.
- He is delirious while awake, jumps out of bed, and thinks he is driving sheep (aft. 14 h.).
- In the evening after lying down, and by day when sitting he has waking dreams, and has
delusions as though he were far away from home.
- Towards morning he has a very vivid dream, which gives him a correct explanation of a
circumstance that was an inexplicable riddle to him when awake (aft. 20 h.).
- He dreams half the night about a single subject, and is also occupied with it alone several
hours after waking, so that nothing besides this subject possesses his mind (like the fixed
idea of an insane person), which is very annoying to him and bothers him.
- At night anxious dreams, and frequent waking in a fright. [Rkt.]
- Restless night. [Greding, l.c.]
- Inability to keep awake. [Moraeus, l.c.]
- Quiet sleep for 4 or 5 hours. [Bacon, l.c.]
- Desire for cold water. [Matthioli, l.c.]
- Feverish pulse, frequently intermitting. [Richard, l.c.]
- Sensation as if all the blood-vessels grew cold. [Matthioli, l.c.]
- Sensation as if the circulation in all the blood-vessels was impeded. [Bacon, l.c.]
- He lies quiet, but is cold and shivers, and wishes to be covered with much bedclothes.
[Bacon, l.c.]
- In the morning on waking dizzy in the head.
- In the morning on waking, he feels as if he had fetid breath.
- In the evening on lying down, shivering.
- Rigor and frequent yawning, in the morning after rising. [Stf.Gss.]
- Anxious chilliness (aft. 3 h.).
- Chill on the slightest movement (aft. 10 h.).
- Chilliness in the abdomen. [Stf.Gss.]
- A coldness runs continually up her arms and legs; in her face also she has a chill. [Stf.Gss.]
- A shiver runs through her from below up into the chest. [Stf.Gss.]
- She is chilly and shivers. [Stf.Gss.]
- Rigor over back and arms. [Stf.Gss.]
- Attack of faintness with chilliness.
- At first coldness, rigor and paleness of the finger tips, then in the fingers, afterwards
sensation of cramp in the soles and calves, finally chill in the forehead (aft. 1/4 h.).
- Coldness all over the body.
- Fever : Chill of the whole body, with hot forehead, hot ear-lobes, and internal dry heat.
- Fever : coldness with stiffness of the whole body, redness and heat of one cheek, coldness
and paleness of the other, with open, staring eyes, and contracted pupils, which only dilate
slightly and slowly in the dark.
- Towards evening, chill and coldness of hands and feet, then sickness in the middle of the
sternum, which continues even when taking food that tastes well, though there is neither
appetite nor dislike for it; after eating the sickness goes off, followed by heat of face,
accompanied by sad despairing thoughts.
- Frequent attacks (about every other hour), for a quarter of an hour at time, of the most
extreme weakness and insensibility, so that he can move neither hands nor feet, nor sit up in
bed, nor yet feel his former pain, nor see, hear, or speak aloud; the legs at the same time are
extended (aft. a few h.).
- Alternate attacks (aft. 3, 4, 6 h.): either along with redness of the cheeks, silly gaiety with
sensation of heat all over the body, and headache on moving the eyes upwards and sideways;
- Or, along with redness of cheeks and heat of head, shuddering all over the body, with
proper taste in mouth;
- Or, along with redness of cheeks, shivering, with weeping, accompanied by aching
- Or, along with redness of cheeks, an obstinate, contrary disposition, burning in the
umbilical region, and aching pain in head.
- Extreme redness of cheeks, with a peevish, complaining, lachrymose disposition (aft. 3 h.).
- Towards evening burning heat in head and face, with redness of cheeks and outpressing
headache; at the same time rigor all over the body with thirst (aft. 14 h.). [Stf.Gss.]
- Towards evening, dry heat in face with anxiety.
- Hot on the head, with forehead hot to the touch, and rigor of the rest of the body, on the
slightest movement.
- Feeling of heat, first in the hands, then in the whole body, even in the chest, without
perceptible external heat (aft. 4 h.).
- Several times heat, first in the hands, heat ran over his back. [Stf.Gss.]
- (Heat with throwing off the clothes.)
- General heat with thirst.
- During the heat moderate thirst for beer.
- (She drinks little in the heat and yet has dry lips.)
- (In the heat the cough is troublesome.)
- (Great heat from 10 p.m. until after midnight, with short breath; she wished to cough but
could not, speaking also was difficult for her; at the same time extreme restlessness and
crying out from pains in the hands, feet, abdomen, and sacrum; she stamped her feet and
would not allow any one to touch her.)
- Perspiration with febrile rigor (aft. 3 h.)
- Slight perspiration all over the body.
- Sour smelling perspiration all over the body.
- Perspiration of weakness.
- Slight warmth with moderate perspiration. [Bacon, l.c.]
- Along with profuse perspiration frequent micturition. [Greding, l.c.]
- Along with profuse perspiration, diarrhoea and increased flow of urine. [Greding, l.c.]
- Great internal heat with thirst. [Rdder, l.c.]
- Transpiration and sweat all over the body. [Stoerck, l.c.]
- (Towards noon) perspiration. [Greding, l.c.]
- Profuse perspiration without exhaustion. [Greding, l.c.]
- Along with bold speech and sparkling eyes, cold sweat stands on the forehead, and the
pulse is almost imperceptible. [Matthioli, l.c.]
- Nocturnal furious delirium; he cannot be kept in bed; in the morning very profuse sweat.
[Drr, in Hufel.Journ., ix, 4, p. 108]
- He does everything in a hurry, and runs about the house. [Helmont, l.c.]
- Transient insanity. [Moraeus, l.c.]
- Morose inclined for nothing, depressed spirits, even when walking. [Hbg.]
- Morose, as though she had no life in her (aft. 2 h.). [Stf.Gss.]
- Becomes gay and inclined to sing and dance (aft. 1/2 h.) [Stf.Gss.]
- More gay and excited than usual (the first h.).
- Alternate attacks of opposite states of humour. [Matthioli, l.c.]
- Sometimes he is quite rational, sometimes he talks nonsense. [Matthioli, l.c.]
- Sometimes he despairs of his recovery, sometimes he is full of hope. [Matthioli, l.c.]
- After vomiting, immediate revival of hope. [Richard, l.c.]
- Trembling and tendency to palpitation of the heart.
- Palpitation of the heart and anxiety, and increased heat of the body, especially in the face.
- Palpitation of the heart with great anxiety; oppression of the breathing and great weariness
in all the limbs; it rises from thence into the head, and she is as if stupefied from flying
redness in the face. [Stf.Gss.]
- Anxiety and peevishness, with fine shooting in the side of the chest, then beating in the
scrobiculus cordis, and then aching pain in the head.
- Inconsolable anxiety and piteous howling, with complaints and reproaches about (often
trifling) evils (aft. 5 h.).
- Piteous, anxious complaints, with cowardly fears, despair, loud whining weeping, bitter
complaints and reproaches.
- Fear lest he should fall.
- Anthropophobia (aft. 3 h.).
- He is in a reverie, and sits buried in thought.
- Lucid vision: he says, now my beloved (70 miles away) must have sung the difficult
passage that I was just singing.
- Solicitude, grief.
- The slightest noise is intolerable to him (aft. 1/2 h.).
- Music is intolerable to her; it goes through every limb; she becomes quite melancholy (aft.
24 h.).
- Excessive tendency to be startled (aft. 1/4 h.).
- He takes every joke in bad part (aft. 3 h.).
- She is extremely disposed to be cross (aft. 1/2 h.).
- She becomes quarrelsome.
- She makes reproaches.
- Quarrelsomeness, alternating from hour to hour with silly insanity-he chatters childish
nonsense, and is extravagantly merry.
- Angry disposition.
- Obstinacy.
- Misanthropy.
- Composed, staid, although not cheerful humour (secondary and curative action) (aft. 8 h.).
- Lively power of imagination.
- Sometimes he appears to weep, sometimes he trills. [Matthioli, l.c.]
- Insane tricks. [Richard, l.c.]
- Dread of impending death. [Richard, l.c.]
- Mortal anxiety recurring from time to time. [Matthioli, l.c.]
- Lamentable fears of impending death (from 2 to 12 h.).
- Fear of some misfortune happening to him.
Aconitum napellus(Allen)
- * Confusion in the head as after intoxication, with pressure in the temples, [_a1].
- * Confusion of the head evenings with pressure in the forehead (several).
- * Confused and muddled feeling in the head early in the morning after waking (several).
- * Confusion with heaviness and fulness of the head, aggravated by motion (several).
- * Confused head and pressive pain in the forehead, mornings on waking(19h).
- Confusion of the head soon changed to a sense of heaviness, and pressive pain in the vertex
and forehead(19d).
- Muddled sensation in the head, [a25].
- easystupefaction from tobacco smoke, [a30].
- Vertigo, [_a1], (and several), t.(many).
- V. to falling, [a24].
- Confused V. all day, [a38].
- Frequent attacks of V., feeling as if about to fall over, [a40].
- V. as after slight intoxication, with distraction of mind, [a26].
- V., the child totters and cannot stand, t.
- V. and stupefaction on entering a warm room, as if intoxicated, [a35].
- * V., especially on stooping; * she staggers, especially to the right(36 h), [a29].
- V., everything seems to go around in a circle, she can scarcely get into bed(37 h), [a29].
- * V. as if into intoxicated, all goes around, she staggers as if about to fall; with nausea,
worse on rising from sitting, less while walking, not a all while sitting(1/2h), [a29].
- Staggering as from concussion after a fall on the occiput, [a25].
- V., sense of swaying hither and thither in the brain, [_a1].
- * V. while stooping, [a31].
- V. while standing, [a41].
- * V. on rising up, t.
- V. with confusion in the head forenoons daily for 16 days after leaving off the drug, [a29].
- V. on motion and on rest, [a25].
- V. great after dinner, [a24].
- V. when walking or driving, [a21].
- * V. much increased by shaking the head, whereby complete blackness comes before eyes,
- V. and headache in forehead and occiput, both worse on stooping(10 min.), [_a2].
- Dizzy heaviness of the head, chiefly in the forehead on stooping, with nausea and sinking
in the pit of stomach(2h), [a29].
- Dizzy confusion of head, on right side of forehead, on walking in the open air, [a22].
- V. with commencing staggering, it seems to him as if he could not stand on his feet, [a31].
- V. with headache, especially in the occiput, t.
- V. with distending pain in the occiput, t.
- V. and headache, not affected by violent motion(1/4h.), [_a2].
- V. with obscuration of vision, t.
- Whirling in the head so that she dare not move it, with a sensation as if the eyes would
close, [a29].
- (V. with difficult respiration, dry cough, and pain in the hips, [a12]).
- * V. with nose bleed, .
- * V. with nausea, .
- V. with vomiting and exhaustion, .
- * Heat in the head (several).
- Heat in the whole head followed by soreness, particularly of the forehead, lasting all the
evening(11 h.), [a29].
- * Burning headache as if the brain were agitated by boiling water, [a14], t.
- Head warm, it feels smaller to the hand, [a35].
- * Headache as if a hot iron were bound around the head, t.
- Headache as if the skull were laced externally with a band and drawn tightly together,
- Head seems bound around with a band, [_a1].
- * Pain over the whole skull as if compressed from all sides equally; sometimes the pain is
concentrated with the greatest severity in the orbits (typically recurring), [a25].
- Weight in the head, [a9].
- Pressive pain in whole head, [a20].
- * Heaviness in the head, [a24, a26, a31].
- Head heavy and dizzy in the morning, as if he had drunk wine the evening previous, [a31].
- * Headache, t, [a39], etc.
- Violent headache with trembling, t.
- Pressive headache with pressure in the eyes(19h.).
- Pressive troublesome headache, first in the vertex, then drawing to the forehead, where it
causes a sensation of heaviness and fulness, lasts several hours; aggravated by
- Dull headache, as if bruised with a bruised feeling in all the limbs(14h.), [_a1].
- Pressive constrictive headache extending over the whole arch of the skull, especially over
the left eye; ameliorated by laying on the cool hand, [a35].
- Drawing in the whole head, especially in the temporal muscles, [a35].
- * Fulness in the head (several).
- Fulness of the head with erratic pains in the right supra-orbital, temporal, and frontal
regions, [a39].
- Headache as if the brain were pressing outward(1/2h), [_a1].
- During all the proving sudden and frequent congestion of the head with anxiety, followed
by rigor over the back, [a30].
- The brain seemed much congested, and the jugular vein was opened with great relief; she
felt as if whirled suddenly from a close, hot, dark room into a spacious, light one, [a35].
- * Shooting, pulsating headache, as if from an internal ulcer, sometimes prevents speaking,
- Headache as if a part of the brain were raised up here and there, increased by slight motion,
drinking and speaking(1/2h.), [_a1].
- Heaviness of the head, waving, and shaking in the brain, [a25].
- A fine pulsating here and there in the head, [_a1].
- Humming in the head, [a25].
- Numbed feeling in the head, as if there were a board before the forehead(1/4h.), [a29].
- Sensation as if something were drawn out of the head, causing the upper lids to be drawn
- Head felt as if forcibly turned around, t.
- Sensation of crepitation (as produced by bending gold tinsel backward and forward) in the
temples, nose, and forehead, [_a1].
- * Fulness and heavy feeling in the forehead, as if an outpressing weight lay there, and as if
everything would come out at the forehead(1/4h.), [a29].
- Fulness of the forehead on stooping, as if everything would fall out(25 h.), [a29].
- Outpressing pain in the forehead, [a7].
- * Wedge-like pressing asunder headache in the region of the right brow, worse in the room
than in the open air, [a26].
- * Forepart of the head feels as if nailed up in a warm room, [a29].
- Tension all over the forehead, [a4].
- Contractive pain in forehead, [_a3].
- Feeling of contraction of the brain under the forehead(20h.), [a29].
- * A squeezing in the forehead, over the root of the nose, with a feeling as if she would lose
her reason (was sick in her head), aggravated by walking in the open air(4h.), [_a1].
- * A pinching and squeezing in forehead as if in the bones;she feels sick, as if madness
would ensue(12 - 24 h.), [_a1].
- Squeezing tensive pain close behind the orbits, [_a1].
- Very sensitive acute pressive pain over the forehead, [a7].
- Pressive pain in forehead, especially over the right superciliary ridge, with dread of jarring
by riding, [a20].
- Pressive stupefying pain in forehead, worse evenings, [a22].
- Slight pressive headache in right frontal protuberance, extending toward the orbital border,
with flushes of heat chiefly in the face and ears, [a19].
- Pressive headache, especially over right brow.
- Pressive shooting, nauseating headache over orbits, extends down toward upper maxilla,
like that produced by vomiting from an emetic(2h.), [_a1].
- Peculiar drawing pressive sensation in forehead (nerv. trigem.)grows more intense, and
becomes continuous and violent, t.
- * Most furious headache; vision obscured;the pain was chiefly in the upper part of the
forehead, pressing and contractive; head not hot;face swollen and pale;light or noise
increased the pain, lying quiet in a dark room removed it (from 2d dil.), [a35].
- Frontal headache all day, worse at evening, afterwards more particularly confined to the
left frontal eminence(2d d.), [a38].
- Frontal headache, sometimes shooting, sometimes pulsating, sometimes pressive while
walking, relieved by sitting, [_a1].
- * Violent headache, especially in right half of forehead, [a27].
- Heaviness in the forehead and parietal bones, [a23].
- * Headache, pulsation in the left side of forehead along with attacks of strong blows in
right side of forehead(3h.), [_a1].
- Stitches in forehead extend to right temple, and then in left side of the occiput, [a34].
- Jerking, shooting in the head, especially in the forehead, [a29].
- * Violent sticking pain in upper orbital border, extending upward across the forehead, and
across the temples and cheeks into the molar teeth; worse on pressure and toward evening,
the supraorbital region becomes swollen in consequence, [a29].
- Headache in the temples, [a27].
- Pressing out pain in temples, fulness in forehead, with pricking and biting of lids evenings,
- Stupefying, drawing, pressing inward pain in left temple, [a29].
- * Pressive pains in temporal region, followed by jerkings in the occiput, and afterwards
confusion of head and contractive pain, [a5].
- Headache, as if the head were compressed with screws at both temples, [a35].
- Shooting, throbbing pain in temples, [a29].
- Neuralgic pains in right temporal region.
- Tearing pain in left temple, [_a3].
- Jerking, shooting pain in left temple;stitches through temples into the head, [a29].
- Tearing pain in left temple with roaring in the ears, [a29].
- After sleeping, awake at 4 A. M., with unpleasant sensations, which urged him to rise,
when he experienced dizziness and very heavy headache, apparently about temporal muscles
above each ear, with transient nausea and gush of cold sweat, [a43].
- * Pressure on the vertex, as if a cap were pressed tightly on the head, [a31].
- Headache in the vertex, as if the head were compressed equally on all sides by a pitch cap,
removed by motion in the open air, [a35].
- Dull pain in vertex, extending toward the temporal region, increased by stooping, [a31].
- Pressure and sensitive stitches in the vertex, [a31].
- * Pain in vertex like a great weight, [a24].
- * Feeling as though the head were compressed, starting from the vertex (several).
- Pressure and heaviness in the vertex, [a31].
- * Troublesome pressure in vertex forenoon(19 a. ).
- Troublesome pressive headache, first in vertex, then extending to the forehead, where it
produces a sensation of fulness and heaviness, aggravated by motion(19 a. ).
- * Pressive pain in vertex nightly.
- Continual pressure on vertex, [a31].
- Pressive pain in vertex evenings, [a24].
- Pain in top of head, relieved by washing in cold water, [a24].
- Sensation as if a ball rose from umbilical region, and spread a cool air over the vertex and
occiput, [a14].
- Violent, pressive, gradually increasing headache in both sides in the parietal region,
somewhat relieved by cold water, [a24].
- In the evening, headache increasing to a violent pressure in both parietal regions that kept
him awake all night, [a24].
- * Semilateral drawing in the head, [a29].
- Pains in left side of head, [a35].
- Pain as if head were compressed in left side of head, [_a3].
- Creeping in left side of head, as from a brush, [a4].
- Pain in right side of head, [a39].
- Jerking, shooting, drawing, tearing pain in right side of head superiorly, [_a3].
- * Pain in occiput, [a16, a36], t, etc.
- Pain in occiput and throat, [a16].
- Pressure in occiput, [a35].
- * Posterior part of brain feels very much injected, [a40].
- Jerking, tearing pain in occiput, [_a3].
- Painful jerks in occiput, [a35].
- Pressive shooting pain, at one time in occiput, at another in forehead, [a30].
- A shooting in occipital bone, [a4].
- As if one had taken cold after a profuse sweat, headache, roaring in ears, coryza, bellyache,
especially in the morning, [a12].
- Headache increased by speaking, [_a1].
- Headache on bending forward, t.
- * Head drawn backward, tt.
- Itching and formication of scalp, [a36].
- * Formication relieved by heat, [a35].
- Formication, especially in temporal region, t.
- Stitches in right temporal muscle, [a29].
- Stitches under the scalp, t.
- Several spots sensitive to touch and cold air, [a31].
- * Painful tickling, especially on top of head, on touching the hair, [a29].
- Scalp feels swollen and numb, [a35].
- * Sensation in places, as if the hairs stood on end, with increased sensitiveness of them, t.
- * Sensation as if the hairs stood on end, [a31].
- The hair seemed to bristle, and the scalp was painful to touch in several places, and
sensitive to cold air, [a28].
- The roots of the hairs are felt, [a35].
- Sensation as if some one drew him upward by the hair, [a29].
- * An increase of temperature on the vertex externally;it felt hot to the touch, and the hair
bristled up there, [a31].
- Throbbing of temporal arteries, [a28].
- Cold perspiration over the head, tt.
- The forehead covered with cold sweat, t.
- Staring eyes, [_a1], tt.
- Glassy eyes, t.
- Bloodshot, [a39], t.
- Protruded, [a14], t.
- Protruding and swollen, t.
- Protruding and fixed, tt.
- * Distorted, [a14], t.
- (Distorted, with gnashing the teeth about midnight, [a12]).
- Convulsed, t.
- The look becomes wandering, t.
- The eyes turn upward, so that only the whites are seen, t.
- Eyes very movable, t.
- Sparkling(19d.).
- Dimness of eyes, [a9].
- Eyes become yellowish, t.
- * Eyes dull, encircled by blue rings, t.
- Eyes seem tightly constricted, t.
- * Inflammation with lachrymation, which causes so much pain and fright that he wishes for
death, [a16].
- (Cold feeling in eyes in open air, [_a1]).
- * Burning in eyes, twitching, and vision of sparks, [a28].
- * Burning and itching of the eyes and lids, makes him rub them;the eyes are very sensitive
to the air, but not to the light, [a35].
- * Inflammation extremely painful (chemosis), [_a1].
- * Burning, and pressure in left eye and over the brow, [a4].
- * Burning, first in one then in other, [a32], t.
- Sensation as if eyes were much swollen(5h.), [a29].
- Pressure in eyes, most felt on looking down or around, with heat in them, [a5].
- Sensitiveness of eyes, [a33].
- * Sticking and tearing pains around the eyes, especially worse nights, .
- Lachrymation, more particularly in the evening and at night; * the edges of lids are sore,
red, and inflamed(1d.).
- Lachrymation with cough, [a32].
- Pricking and biting in lids like beginning coryza, evenings, [a22].
- Dryness of upper lid;almost causing a pressure in eyes(4h.), [_a1].
- Hard, red swelling of right upper lid, with feeling of tension, especially in the morning,
- * Slight irritation of the edges of the lids, which were almost raw from the violence of the
lachrymation, [a38].
- Marked pain at right internal canthus, dull and deepseated, [a39].
- Several times repeated sensations, as if left upper lid was long, heavy, and hung down as if
paralyzed (though it looked natural), [a43].
- Heaviness of lids, they seem too heavy on raising them, [a6].
- * Rough feeling, as of sand in left internal canthus(13 h., lasted two minutes), [a38].
- * Lids swollen hard, with tensive sensation, they are red and hot, .
- Lids convulsively closed as from irresistible sleepiness, [a29].
- Conjunctiva, especially toward internal canthus, highly injected, t.
- * The balls feel enlarged, as if coming out of the orbit, and stretching the lids, [a35].
- * Pain in the interior of the eye, as if it would be pressed out when the lids are opened; the
pain extends to the supraorbital region and interior of the brain(21 h.), [a29].
- * Sensitiveness of upper part of ball on moving it, as if it were pressed out of the orbit;
relieved by stooping;changed to a dull pain on bending the head back, [a31].
- Pressure on upper lid, and sensation as if the whole ball would be pressed into the orbit,
which makes the eye pain as if crushed, [a22].
- Severe pressure, sometimes stinging or burning in the front part of the ball, [a20].
- Sense of pressure in the balls, [a25].
- Fine sticking pains in the balls during the course of a half hour, momentary(4h.), [a38].
- * Pupils dilated (immediately), [_a1, a41], t.
- Pupils dilated;right nearly oval, left irregularly polygonal, t.
- * Pupils contracted, [a36, a41], t.
- * Photophobia(6 - 12 h.), [_a1].
- Cannot look at strongly lighted objects without blinking, t.
- Sight weak (long lasting), t.
- Eyes dazzled on coming to consciousness, t.
- Sharp vision, [_a1].
- Photomania, desire for bright light(3h.), [_a1].
- Warmth and undulation in eyes with involuntary half closing the lids, and a feeling as if it
were too dark to read in a well-lighted room(12 d.), [a35].
- As though she were removed from a narrow dark room to a light one;after bleeding, t.
- * Dimness of vision(several).
- * Vision as through a veil, [a33, a35].
- Dim vision with wide-open eyes, t.
- Cloudiness came before vision, t.
- * Loss of vision, tt.
- Cloudiness of vision with sense of giddiness, [a29].
- On going out in the evening from a half dark room into the street;flickering before eyes,
the lamp-light quivered;he could with difficulty see the passers; he seemed to see worse at a
short than at a long distance;he became anxious and dizzy on account of it, [a31].
- Flickering before eyes, [a31], t.
- Black spots floating before the sight, [_a1].
- An intensely white and bright spot, about the size of a small plate, appeared before the eyes
both when shut and opened;it was impossible to determine before which eye it was, though it
seemed more nearly in axis of right eye;it had the refulgence of highly burnished silver, this
gradually changed to a straw or light golden color, then the whole field of vision became of a
delicate lilac hue, which disappeared to give place to the same spot, which was now of a
beautiful and bright azure;the whole lasted one half hour, [a43].
- Burning, itching, and darting in both ears while yawning, worse in the evening and in open
air, better after eating, [a31].
- Tickling sensation in right ear as if a worm were crawling in it, [_a3].
- Acute stitch in right meatus externus, [a34].
- Tearing in left ear, [a4].
- Pressure in ears, t.
- Pains in left ear, [a36].
- * Pains in right ear, [a36].
- An occasional burning pain in left ear and upper jaw while perspiring, [_a1].
- Pain behind left ear, as from pressure with the thumb, [a4].
- Pain just below right ear, [a39].
- Sensation of swelling on the bone around the external ear, [a22].
- Feeling as if a drop of water were in left ear, [a38].
- Sensation as if something stopped up the left ear, [_a3].
- Sensation as if something lay before the ear, [a22].
- * Roaring in ears; great sensitiveness to noise, t.
- Roaring in ears, t.
- * Ringing in ears(10 min., 29), [a30], t.
- Humming in ears, [a29].
- Humming, hissing noise in ears, t.
- Continual dull buzzing before ears, and then faintness, [a9].
- Intense singing in the ears, [a43].
- * External ear red, hot, swollen, painfully sensitive, .
- Feels tightly constricted, t.
- Stupefying compression at the root, [a29].
- * Marked pain between orbits at the base of nose, [a39].
- Furuncles at the tip, [a29].
- Nose feels quite dry, [a35].
- * Epistaxis, [_a1].
- * Blows much bright red blood from nose for several successive mornings, [a20].
- Frequent violent sneezing, [a35].
- Frequent sneezings with shootings in chest, [a24].
- Sneezings frequent, violent, with pain in abdomen, [a29].
- Sneezing frequent, profuse nasal flux and sense of extreme stuffing in the head, [a38].
- Forcible sneezing, [a35].
- Sneezing interrupted by pain in left side of chest, [a29].
- * Clear fluid flows from noise, [a29, a33, a35].
- Threatening coryza;one or two hot clear drops fall from nose, attended by slight
lachrymation, [a38].
- Attack of catarrh and coryza(8-12h.), [_a1].
- * Fluent coryza in the morning, [a27].
- (Attack of coryza, [a12]).
- * Severe coryza, [a29, a32, a33].
- Sensation as if coryza were about to commence, [a24, a33].
- Discharge of thick yellow mucus from nose as in old coryza, [a38].
- * Great sensibility of the olfactory nerve; bad smells have a powerful effect, [_a1].
- * Countenance pale and anxious, [a41].
- General sickly appearance, t.
- * Livid and ghastly, t.
- Pale and altered, t.
- Extreme paleness, t.
- Hippocratic, t.
- uneasyxpression, t.
- * Pale, with expression of anxiety and restlessness(5h.), t.
- Appearance of fright and imbecility, t.
- * Expression of fright, t.
- * Livid countenance, t.
- Face blue, like that of a strangled person, [a14].
- Livid purple with white blotches, t.
- On looking at herself in the glass the face seemed blue and indistinct, t.
- Bluish face, black lips, [a14].
- Blue lips, t.
- Face red, t.
- * Red and hot(several).
- * Flushed face, [a36].
- * Redness and heat of both cheeks, with a sensation of the face growing large, [a23].
- Glowing cheeks, [a33].
- * Glowing heat in face(several).
- * Face hot, especially in the evening(several).
- Face hot, hands and feet cold(19d.).
- * Increased warmth of cheeks, [a21].
- While the left cheek seemed swollen and hot it is really cool to the touch, [a22].
- Puffy swelling of the face and forehead, [_a1].
- Cold sensation in face, though it is hot to the touch(several).
- * Face seemed to be swelling, tt.
- Sensation of swelling in forehead and face, especially left side, [a22].
- * The face, red when lying, becomes deathly pale on rising up, .
- * Cheeks red and pale alternately, or one red the other pale, .
- Warm perspiration on face, [a36].
- * Sweat on the cheeks, whichever side is lain on, [_a1].
- Sweat on the upper lip under the nose, [_a1].
- Face covered with cold clammy sweat, t.
- Cold sweat stood on his brow, t.
- Pain in zygomatic process, as from an internal ulcer, [_a1].
- Shooting pain from right supraorbital ridge, branching out upwards across the forehead to
the hairy scalp, sideways to temples, and downwards to the cheeks and into two or three
teeth; increased by pressure, and becoming so excessively violent toward evening, when it
was accompanied by constant cough, that all other symptoms were thrown into the shade; the
next day the supraorbital ridge was swollen(15d.), [a27].
- Pain in face, t.
- * Creeping pain in cheeks, [_a1].
- * Sensation as if cheeks were swollen to double their size, [a9].
- Crawlings in right cheek, [a22].
- Crawling in face, and sensation of burning in skin, t.
- Violent faceache, [a27].
- Peculiar drawing sensation in the cheeks, upper jaw, forehead;grows more intense, and
becomes continuous and violent, t.
- Very violent pain in the jaws, as if they would fall off, causing him to put his hands to
them, [a14].
- Pain in the maxillary joint, behind the zygoma while chewing, [_a1].
- Stinging and drawing in left upper and lower jaw, [a22].
- Shooting jerks in the under jaw, [_a1].
- Pressive aching in the under jaw, [_a1].
- Involuntary pressure of the under jaw against the upper, with flow of saliva into the mouth,
- Pressive and digging pain in chin, [a22].
- Itching and formication of the face, [a36].
- Tickling on face, t.
- Peculiar tickling on the face, [a36].
- Face almost insensible, t.
- No feeling in face, t.
- Most remarkable sensation of distortion, t.
- * Twitching of the muscles of the face, t, etc.
- Distortion of the facial muscles, [a14].
- Continued distortion of face, t.
- Convulsive contraction of face, t.
- Jaws and face rigid, t.
- Heat-rash on the forehead, [a32].
- Itching pimples on the upper lip(24h.), [_a1].
- * Lips black, [a14].
- * Lips swollen, inflamed, t.
- Burning of lips with sensation of swelling, [a29].
- * Burning of lips and tongue, as after eating pepper or smoking(several).
- Lips and interior of mouth burning, painful, and inflamed, [a26].
- * Burning and numbness of lips and mouth, tt.
- Lips blue, t.
- Heat and tingling, followed by numbness of lips and tongue, [a41].
- Feeling of the most strange distortion of countenance at times, as if a single muscle had
bulged out to the size of a pigeon's egg, then as if the whole jaw was thrust to one side, as in
partial dislocation; at other times as if the lower jaw were pushed up or raised into the cavity
of the mouth, conveying the idea that the face must look like that of an old man who has lost
all his teeth, and in consequence has his lower jaw thrown forwards and upwards(no visible
change), [a43].
- Several times sensation as if all the muscles of the face were firmly but no spasmodically
contracted, attended with a numb, heavy, paralytic feeling of whole face;similar sensations
simultaneously in both arms, from shoulders to the tips of fingers, conveying the idea that the
arms were paralyzed, though they obeyed the will perfectly, [a43].
- Frequently repeated sensation as if the lower and anterior part of the face were firmly
compressed from both sides by a heavy but not painful weight, until the idea became
irresistible that portion of the face was very thin(no change of features noticed), [a43].
- * Sensibility of the teeth to open air, [a35].
- Cold feeling in the incisors, [a38].
- Pain in teeth, [a39].
- Shooting pain in various teeth(36 h.), [a7].
- Shooting pain in right molars, [a22].
- Sticking and drawing in right back teeth, [a22].
- Teeth of right side ache, [a39].
- Pressive toothache in left upper jaw, [a7].
- * Teeth feel as if they would fall out, tt.
- Blunted sensation in teeth, [a26].
- * Throbbing, one-sided toothache, with redness of the cheek, etc., .
- Teeth spasmodically clenched, tt.
- * Trismus, tt.
- * Tongue and lips swollen, [a26].
- * Sensation as if the tongue were swollen(several).
- T. feels too large for the mouth, t.
- T. seems to have grown thicker, t.
- T. feels as if getting longer, t.
- * T. white, thick, cold, t.
- T. furred yellow, t.
- T. furred moist with dry mouth(19d.).
- * Burning in T., [a18, a38]., etc.
- * Burning in tip of T., and in lips, t.
- Burning long-lasting, [a18].
- * Burning vesicles on T., [a33].
- Burning on sides of T., t.
- Burning increases in intensity for four hours, [a28].
- Burning in T. after eating, [a36].
- Burning violent, t.
- Slight burning under the T., [a38].
- * Fine penetrating stitches in the point of the T., [_a1].
- Momentary flying stitches in the T., with salivation, [a18].
- Occasional single stitches in right, under surface of T., [a38].
- * Pricking sensation at the back of T., as from pepper, with salivation, [_a1].
- Peculiar tingling on T. extends to lips, t.
- Biting sensation in T. toward tip, [a29].
- Tingling in T. and jaws, and burning, so that the teeth seem to wabble, [a9].
- Momentary tingling, numbness at tip of T., [a38].
- Peculiar crawling sensation on T. as from peppermint, extends to lips and lower part of
palate, t.
- Tickling on T., then on lips, t.
- Numbness, tingling, and sense of distension of T. and lips, [a41].
- * Numbness of T. and mouth and lips, tt.
- Transient paralysis of T., [_a1].
- * Sense of dryness and rawness in middle of T. without thirst(1h.), [_a1].
- Numbness in T. with difficult swallowing, t.
- Cramp-like sensation at root of T., t.
- * Sensation as of cold air passing over the T.(several).
- Cold T., as in a cholera patient, t.
- T. felt like leather, t.
- T. moved continually around the interior of the mouth;at times it was thrust out beyond the
lips, and moved from side to side, t.
- In the mouth biting, burning feeling, t.
- Burning in mouth, t.
- Burning from lips to pharynx, [a42].
- * Dryness of Mouth, [_a1, a36].
- Dryness and coolness of mouth without thirst, [a4].
- Feeling of dryness in the front of the mouth, [_a1].
- Dry sensation, first in lips, then in interior of mouth, with heat mounting from chest to head
(without redness of the cheeks), [_a1].
- Convulsions in the mouth, t.
- Mouth drawn to one side, t.
- * Copious flow of saliva, [a13, a27], etc.
- * Flow of frothy saliva, [a31].
- The secretion of saliva compels him to swallow often, [a31].
- Increased secretion of clear watery saliva(several).
- Saliva mixed with red streaks, with sweet taste in the mouth(16 days after leaving off the
drug), [a33].
- Soreness of the orifices of the salivary ducts, as if they were corroded, [_a1].
- * Bitter taste * in the mouth, [_a1].
- Intensely bitter taste, t.
- Bitter taste by day, [a24].
- (Bitter taste with loss of appetite, and pain in chest and under false ribs, [a12]).
- (Peppery taste, [a14]).
- Strong taste of pepper, t.
- Peppery taste in pharynx, [a22].
- Astringent taste, [a26].
- Sourish taste, with loss of appetite, [a29].
- Flat, nauseous, sweet taste;compels hawking up tough mucus, and then swallowing it,
- Nauseous taste relieved by eating;returns after eating, [a22].
- Insipid fishy taste, as from stagnant water, [_a1].
- It seems as though her mouth were filled with air having the taste of rotten eggs, [a29].
- Taste and sensations changed;in spots there is a feeling of fuzziness, t.
- Things that formerly tasted strong and good are now tasteless, [a29].
- * Speech stammering, .
- No power of articulation;he uttered only unintelligible sounds, t.
- She lost all power of speech, t.
- Uvula swollen and elongated; * the fauces and pharynx injected dark red; feeling as if an
angular many-pointed body were sticking in the throat; prickling burning in the palate, throat,
and along the Eustachian tube, increased by swallowing, with oppression of the chest,
headache, and increased flow of saliva;the throat symptoms were increased by walking in the
open air, and relieved after eating, [a31].
- Soft palate, tonsils, and fauces reddened, with feeling of warmth and dryness of lips, [a28].
- * Redness of the soft palate and uvula, [a32].
- Pain in throat, [a16].
- Disagreeable scratching in throat, provoking dry cough, [a24].
- Scraping in throat with difficult swallowing, [a29].
- Scraping sensation ceases on clearing throat, [a34].
- Drawing from the side of the throat to behind the ears, [a29].
- Fine stinging sensation in the back of the throat, as from the small pricking hairs of the
seed of the dog rose(Rosa canina)(1h.), [_a1].
- A sticking choking sensation in a small spot on left side of throat, worse when swallowing
and speaking, but felt also when at rest;after one-fourth hour it passed into the right side,
while the painful sensation in the left side ceased;it, remained there one-fourth hour, then
disappeared, [a29].
- Creeping in pharynx, [_a1].
- Transient pressure and tension in the soft palate and fauces, as if these parts were swollen,
[a35, a33].
- * Slight congestion of fauces, [a39].
- The throat seemed to be growing narrow, t.
- Constrictive sensation in the back of throat, as from astringents, [_a1].
- Warmth and constriction of fauces(several).
- * Burning in throat, tt.
- Burning in glottis and gullet, t.
- * Burning and numbness of throat, [a36], tt.
- Sensation of burning of throat and stomach with inclination to vomit, t.
- * Burning and fine stinging pain in back of throat, [_a1].
- * Burning sensation in pharynx, [a38].
- Heat in pharynx, [a32].
- Burning sensation in back of throat, causing him to hawk up(14h.), [a38].
- Fine burning in fauces, [a38].
- Burning and dry sensation in the soft palate and pharynx, not disappearing even after
eating, and frequent empty swallowing, [a21].
- Complains of throat and burning along oesophagus, t.
- Sensation of heat and constriction in throat, t.
- * Constriction of throat, [a36], t.
- Throat seems to swell, with feeling of a quantity of mucus there that he could not get rid of
by hawking, [a31].
- Scraping and constriction of throat, [a31].
- Constriction in the oesophagus, not relieved by drinking cold water, with dryness of the
palate, [a21].
- * Scratching and constriction in the uvula and soft palate, causing constant hawking and
spitting, even amounting to an irritation to vomit, [a28].
- Sensation as if the palate had fallen down and rested on the tongue, forcing one to hawk
and spit constantly(for several hours), [a41, a43].
- * Dry feeling in palate and posterior nares, [a34].
- Dryness in oesophagus with great thirst;the water seemed not to moisten the parts it passed
over, [a21].
- * Feeling of dryness, as if something had stuck in the throat, [a29].
- Dryness of throat increased by tobacco smoke, t.
- Raw feeling in throat, with frequent secretion of mucus from the larynx, [a27].
- Raw scraping feeling at back of throat with constant desire to hawk up, lasting 12 hours,
- Raw sensation in the pharynx, [a25].
- Rawness in throat, especially in posterior nares, which compels him to clear the throat
frequently, as if very tough mucus extended through the choanae over the soft palate and
uvula, [a35].
- Pressure in throat, especially during empty deglutition, [a32].
- Inability to swallow, t.
- * Several sticking pains in posterior fauces, [a38].
- Pricking in right Eustachian tube, compelling him to swallow, [a35].
- Strong peppery feeling in throat, t.
- Tickling in pharynx, t.
- Throat almost insensible, t.
- He frequently pulled at the throat, t.
- Coldness down the oesophagus, as after peppermint, [a43].
- Anorexia, [_a1].
- Appetite completely gone, unable to take solid food(1d.), [a38].
- Long continued anorexia and aversion, [_a1].
- * Loathing of food and qualmishness(1/4h.), [_a1].
- She will eat nothing, [_a1].
- * No appetite, [a21], t, [a42], etc.
- No appetite, food creates nausea, [a28].
- Uncommonly good appetite, [a33].
- During the day appetite very much increased, at noon and evening enormous; he ate to
distension and then felt hungry, [a40].
- Hunger, [a21].
- * Lively sensation of hunger, which is renewed even after eating, [a19].
- * Great thirst, [a21, a32].
- Thirst for beer, which lies heavy on the stomach, [_a1].
- (Hiccup after eating and drinking, [_a1]).
- (Hiccup, mornings, long lasting, [a12]).
- * Hiccup painful, .
- Eructations, t.
- * Eructations empty, [a29, a24]; after eating, t;with taste of the drug, [a35, a26]; of
- Ineffectual attempts to eructate, he wishes to but cannot, [_a1].
- Eructations of air with nausea going off after breakfast, [a22].
- Risings of sweetish water, like water-brash, with noises in the ears, [a29].
- Risings of sweetish water with nausea, [a29].
- Water-brash, [a36].
- Risings from the pit of the stomach amounting to nausea, fasting, [a21].
- Scraping from the pit of stomach to throat with nausea, and sinking in pit of stomach, as if
water were about to flow into the mouth, [a29].
- Nausea, [a35, a33], t, etc.
- Nausea and vomiting, t.
- * (Nausea, vomiting, thirst, general heat, and profuse sweat with flow of urine[a12]).
- Nausea, loathing, and general sick feeling, with painful heaviness of the limbs(19d.).
- Nausea, and sinking in pit of stomach;worse while sitting;almost entirely removed by
walking(immediately), [a29].
- Flesh broth nauseates him, [a42].
- Nausea while walking in open air, [_a1].
- Nausea, first in pit of stomach, then under the sternum, lastly in the throat without flow of
saliva, [_a1].
- Nausea and sinking, qualmishness(1/4h.), [_a1].
- Nausea, as after eating some disagreeably sweet or fat substance(1h.), [_a1].
- Nausea relieved by eating, with sweet taste, and hawking up phlegm, [a33].
- Felt sick, but could not vomit, t.
- Faint, sick feeling, without definite nausea, [a19].
- Inclination to vomit with much diarrhoea, [a12].
- Violent vomiting, t.
- * (Vomiting of lumbrici, [a12]).
- * Vomiting twice of greenish-gray watery fluid(3d d.), [a30].
- V., followed by violent thirst, [a15].
- V. very violent, first of food, then of mucus, frothy, lasting an hour, with burning of lips,
mouth, and throat, soon extending to stomach, t.
- * Bilious V., t.
- * Green V., t.
- * V. of green bile(1h.), [a14].
- * V. mucus, tt.
- * V. after each drink, t.
- * V. of green masses with diarrhoea of same appearance, t.
- V. of fetid, black, bilious mucus(with relief), [a14].
- V. artificially excited, only temporarily restored the patient from his state of syncope, [a9].
- * V. with anxiety, [a16].
- V. with great disposition to stupor, t.
- V. with stools, accompanied by cardialgia and violent colic, t.
- After repeated V. and many stools he still complained of a feeling as if a cold stone lay in
the stomach, [a16].
- V. of mucus mixes with blood, three or four successive days, [a12].
- V. of bloody mucus, followed by profuse perspiration, [a12].
- * V. blood, [a12].
- Food distressed after eating, [a40].
- After dinner heartburn and pain in stomach, [a33].
- Pressure in pit of stomach after eating, [a21].
- While eating pressure in stomach, as if she had eaten something indigestible, with feeling
of warmth and tenderness in pit of stomach, [a33].
- * Pains in stomach, [a16], t, [a17], etc.
- Spasmodic pains, t.
- Pressive stomachache, [a4, a17, a19].
- Pressive pain in pit of stomach changes into constriction of the chest(2 h 1/2.), [_a1].
- * Pressure, as from a stone in pit of S. going through to the back, with a squeezing
sensation as from a strain, like stiffness, [a29].#O0 Sense of extreme oppression at pit of S.
all day, as of excessive repletion, feeling as if nothing could pass further than the stomach,
- Pressive pain at pit of S. while sitting, walking, and standing, [_a3].
- * Pressive pain in stomach, as from a weight(1h1/2.), [_a1].
- * Pressive tensive pain, as from fulness or an oppressive weight in stomach and
hypochondria(1h1/2.), [_a1].
- Pressive and swollen, feeling in pit of S., [a29].
- Pressure in stomach with splashing in bowels(5 - 10 d.), [a30].
- Pressive sensation in pit of S. and upper abdomen, [a21].
- * Sense of weight in stomach, [a31].
- Sense of weight in stomach with constriction in throat, and nausea, [a31].
- Pressive and burning pain along the oesophagus down into pit of S., [a27].
- Sense of distension and pressure in pit of S., [a29].
- Feeling as if the stomach were alternately distended and collapsed; the hand laid on it feels
distinctly the rising and falling, [a24].
- Sticking and tension in epigastrium, as from flatulent colic, [a26].
- Tensive sensation in pit of S., relieved by frequent offensive eructations, [a26].
- Felt like a ball in pit of S., that rising up spread a cool air over vertex and occiput, [a14].
- Contractive feeling in stomach, as from an astringent, [_a1].
- Feeling of emptiness in stomach, [a33].
- Heartburn, t.
- Heartburn all day, [a38].
- Burning in S., t.
- Burning and numbness in S., t.
- * Burning feeling from stomach up through the oesophagus to the mouth, [a30, a26].
- Warmth in stomach with sweat, t.
- * Warm feeling in stomach, [a35, a41].
- Feeling of anxiety in pit of S., especially in a warm room, [a26].
- Swelling of stomach region, * which is sensitive to touch, [a24].
- Pain in pit of S., as if it were swollen internally, with loss of appetite and dyspnoea, [_a1].
- Anxious pulsation and shooting in pit of S. with burning in umbilical region, etc., [a29].
- * Stomach sensitive to touch, t.
- * Pressive pain, as from a weight in the hypochondria(12h.), [_a1].
- * Feeling of violent constriction in the hypochondria, [_a1].
- Sensation of anxiety in the hypochondria, [a22, a26].
- Pains in the upper abdomen with ineffectual straining at stool(several).
- * Stitches in the liver and bowels as with needles, [a29].
- * Continued constriction, especially in the right hypochondrium, not permitting a deep
breath, [a31].
- * Stitches in hepatic region, hindering a deep breath, [a31].
- * Pressure in the hepatic region, obstructing respiration, followed by pinching bellyache
above the navel, [_a1].
- Violent jerks in the hepatic region, taking away the breath, [a31].
- Constrictive pain in the region of the gall-bladder, preventing respiration, on sitting, [a31].
- Shooting in the spleen while walking, [a32].
- A sharp stitch under the ribs on the right side on laughing aloud, [a29].
- The upper abdomen below the ribs is the seat of a tense painful swelling, [a16].
- Dull stitches under the ribs on the left side on inspiring, [a29].
- * Burning in the umbilical region, [_a1, a38, a30].
- Burning sensation in umbilical region, which rapidly traversed it and spread toward the pit
of the stomach, with anxious pulsation and shooting there;after a short time came a rigor over
the whole body, whereupon the hot feeling and the painful sensation in the umbilical region
disappeared(1h1/2.), [a29].
- Pinching sensation in umbilical region, [a29].
- Clawing and scraping in umbilical region, [a29].
- Pinching in umbilical region, as if from nausea, followed by slight diarrhoea, [a34].
- Drawing bellyache on both sides of navel, also excited by bending forward, [_a1].
- Compression of the navel, followed immediately by intermitting pressure, like jerks, in the
navel, [a29].
- A painless feeling above and to the left of navel, as if something cold(a cold finger) were
pressing from within outward, [a29].
- Retraction of navel, especially in the morning before eating, [_a1].
- * Flatulent colic in hypogastrium, as from a flatulent purgative, [_a1].
- * Sensitiveness of lower abdomen to touch, [_a1].
- * Abdomen sensitive, t.
- * Sensitiveness of abdomen to touch, as from slight peritoneal inflammation(6d.), [a30].
- Exceedingly fine prickings, as from needles, in left hypogastric region, [a38].
- Faint sinking feeling in lower abdomen(19d.).
- Dartings in the bowels, as from needles, [a29].
- Cuttings in intestines, which extend through the chest toward the right shoulder, like sharp
knife-thrusts, and almost make him cry out, during stool, [a22].
- In morning in bed intolerable (cutting) pains in abdomen, so that he knows not what to do
with himself, he tosses about the bed(16 h.), [_a1].
- * Burning in abdomen, t.
- The child complains of pain in abdomen, t.
- * Painful tension of the abdomen with borborygmus, t.
- * Great swelling of abdomen, which is painful to touch, [a35].
- Drawing pains in bowels here and there, [a35].
- The flanks more tense, painful, and felt hard, [a16].
- Pressing pain in parietes of abdomen, first right then left, almost typically recurring for
several days, [a26].
- The abdomen swelled as if he had dropsy, [a16].
- The abdomen seemed as if full of water, [a14].
- * Abdomen swelled, distended as from ascites, [a4, a16].
- The recti abdominis stretched as hard as a board, [a42].
- Colicky, distensive stretching, and pressive pains in abdomen as from flatulence, [_a1].
- Violent colic, t.
- Slight gripings, [a26].
- * Gripes with swelling of the abdomen, relieved by expulsion of flatus(several).
- Fine sharp pains in different parts of the abdomen, as from flatus, [a38].
- Pains in abdomen, as from flatulence, [a33, a29].
- Very hot flatus(9h.), [_a1].
- Painful rumbling in bowels, and discharge of flatus with relief(19d.).
- Rumbling in bowels, t, [a38].
- Rumbling after eating, t.
- Rumbling and grumbling all night, [_a1].
- Rumbling and grumbling with sensation of rawness, [a29].
- Grumbling fermentation in abdomen, [_a1].
- Rumbling and gurgling, relieved by expulsion of flatus, [a35].
- With shooting and contractive pains here and there, [a35].
- Gurgling, with itching in rectum, provoking scratching, and call to stool, [a33].
- Loud gurgling in lower abdomen, as after a purgative, with sensitiveness in sacral region,
- Weakness of bowels, as from abuse of purgatives, [_a1].
- The intestines feel paralyzed and unable to expel their contents; this sensation is observed
more in the region of the transverse colon than in the rectum, notwithstanding the stool when
discharged is not unusually hard, [a38].
- Abdomen symptoms are relieved after warm soup, [a35, a33].
- * Watery diarrhoea, [_a1].
- Three thin watery stools of dissolved offensive faeces(19a. ); with slight
bellyache(19a. );with grumbling in abdomen, and faint sinking feeling(19a. ).
- Three thin fluid stools with some cuttings in abdomen(2d d.), (19b.).
- Diarrhoea of thin fluid, t.
- Between 6 and 7 A. M. an urgent desire for stool and copious discharge of soft faeces with
- * Diarrhoea, tt.
- Painless diarrhoea preceded by pinching about the navel, [a20].
- Looseness of bowels, [a33].
- Tendency to looseness of bowels, [a39].
- During diarrhoea copious flow of urine and moderate perspiration, [a12].
- Pasty evacuation, [a22, a25].
- Soft scanty stool three or four times daily, accompanied by straining, [_a1].
- Nausea, with sweat, at times before, at times after, the diarrhoea, [a12].
- Several very white stools during the day, [a38].
- * White color of stool, [_a1].
- * White faeces and red urine, [_a1].
- * Green stools, t.
- * Stools like chopped spinach, .
- * Slimy, bloody stools, with violent pains and tenesmus (constant tearing pinching pains),
- * Black and very fetid stools(after an injection), t.
- Constipation, clay-colored stools, [a38].
- Hard evacuation a few hours earlier than usual, requiring a great effort, [_a1].
- Hard stool with effort, [a4].
- Very hard faeces, [a29, a26].
- Hard stool this morning(2d d.), [a38].
- Constipated bowels, [a38];for several days, [a21, a25].
Urinary organs
- A slight sensation of splashing in the bladder while urinating, [a6].
- Pain in the bladder while walking(4h.), [_a1].
- * Burning in neck of bladder when not urinating, [_a1].
- * Tenesmus of the neck of the bladder(4h.), [_a1].
- Temporary paralysis of neck of bladder, involuntary emission of urine, [_a1].
- (Pressure on the bladder with retention of urine, [a12]).
- Single momentary stitches in the urethra while walking, [a35].
- * Burning in urethra when urinating, [a20].
- Violent shoots in glans penis while urinating, [a28].
- Shooting and pinching pains in the glans penis while urinating, [_a1].
- Stinging crawling in the glans, with subsequent violent stitches in the meatus urinarius, t.
- * Frequent urination, [a22, a33], etc.
- Frequent urination, the urine contains many flocks and strings of mucus (from a rheumatic
patient), [a18].
- Painful urging to urinate, she must urinate very often because the bladder speedily fills
with a large amount of clear watery urine, [a6].
- Frequent desire to urinate, [a38].
- Desire to urinate on touching the abdomen, [_a1].
- * Anxious desire to urinate(4h.), [_a1].
- Desire to urinate, the urine is uncommonly scanty, and discharged not without difficulty, as
if it could not escape well, but without pain, with slight pinching in the umbilical region
(from the smell of the), O[a6].
- * Urine passed with anxiety, [a30].
- * Urine passed with difficulty(dysuria), (12 - 18 h.), [_a1].
- Fainting kind of feel on urinating, [a38].
- * Diuresis, t, [a12].
- * (Diuresis, with profuse perspiration, and frequent watery diarrhoea with colic, [a12]).
- Diuresis, with distortion of the eyes, and spasmodic contraction of the feet, [a12].
- Diuresis, and constant sweat, [a12].
- Frequent and copious flow of urine, [a18].
- Increased discharge of urine, which deposits blood on standing, [_a1].
- Frequent passage of clear watery urine, [a26].
- Scanty discharge of urine, [a29].
- Suppression of urine(several).
- Suppression of urine, with pinching in the region of the kidneys, [a16].
- Urine scanty and dark, t.
- Though he drank much during the night he made no water(contrary to his usual habit); next
morning he passed red urine with burning along the urethra, [a21].
- * Urine hot, dark-colored, [a28].
- * Urine red, with white faeces, [_a1].
- * Urine dark-colored, [a22, a29], etc.
- Urine reddish and clear(19c.).
- Urine brown, passed with burning sensations, with brickdust deposit, [_a1].
- Brownish colored urine, depositing a dirty brown sediment, [a24].
- The urine passed in the morning hours is brown, after awhile it becomes turbid and
deposits a sediment of smutty brownish color(19b.).
- Urine thick, sedimentitious, and reddish, [a38].
- Urine much clouded, [a30].
- * Haematuria, .
Sexual organs
- Itching in the prepuce, relieved by rubbing, but soon returning(3d.), [a7].
- Several sharp momentary prickings in both glans and prepuce, [a38].
- Voluptuous itching in the glans penis, [a29].
- Several flying painful stitches in the glans, as though the poles of a galvanic battery had
been applied to the part;the pains came on most unexpectedly, [a38].
- Dull burning in the fossa navicularis, [a29].
- Slight but disagreeable creeping in the genitals, [a6].
- Retraction of the scrotum, [a35].
- Violent itching of scrotum compels scratching till blood is drawn, [a26].
- Skin of left side of scrotum studded with minute vesicles pouring out a humid discharge,
- * Simple pain in the testicles, like that caused by a bruise(2h.), [_a1].
- * Bruised pain in the right testicle, [a29, a30].
- Bruised pain in right testicle, and momentary sticking pain in left side of prepuce, [a38].
- Slight drawing pain in right testis, [a40].
- * Testes feel swollen and hard, as if they contained a large amount of seminal fluid, [a40].
- Testicles swollen, hard, hot, and sensitive to touch, .
- Sexual desire increased, [a31].
- Fits of lasciviousness, [a6].
- In the evening excessive sexual desire(with the warmth and perspiration), [a28].
- Greatly increased sexual desire, quickly alternating with relaxation, [a6].
- Increase of sexual desire, [a31, a40].
- Frequent erections, with increased sexual desire, [a35].
- Diminished sexual desire, [_a1].
- Frequent emissions(several).
- Emissions only in the morning(by no means subject to it), [a38].
- * Two emissions in a single night, [a38].
- Erections and emissions without dreams, t.
- Emission during the night, and that after coition, [a40].
- * Metrorrhagia, [_a1].
- The menses, which had ceased the day before commencing the drug, reappear(1/4h.), [a6].
- * Reappearance of menses, which had been arrested by a cold bath, [a37].
- * Reappearance of menses, which had been suppressed by a cold but followed by a very
offensive white discharge, lasting four days, [a37].
- Sharp pains in the loins when the menses appear, [a37].
- Rage when the menses appear, [a12].
- Profuse, tenacious, yellow leucorrhoea, [a18].
- Increased milk in the breasts, [_a1].
- * Suppressed menstruation from fright, .
- * Vagina dry, hot, sensitive, .
Respiratory apparatus
(See also "Nose".)
- * Larynx sensitive to inspired air, as if its mucous membrane were divested of its coating,
- Sensation as if the larynx were compressed on both sides, [a29].
- * Tickling in the larynx provoking cough, [a21].
- * Tickling in the larynx, from smoking tobacco, [a30].
- * Pain in larynx on coughing, [a21].
- On going from warm room into open air irritation of larynx and dry cough, [a31].
- Sensitiveness of larynx to touch, .
- Dry sensation in the trachea, [a27].
- Sensation of numbness in the trachea, under the sternum(8h.), [_a1].
- Rattling vibration of trachea, t.
- Pressive and burning pains in trachea, extending down to pit of stomach(21st d.), [a27].
- * Raw feeling in throat along course of trachea, provoking frequent short cough, [a29].
- Morbid condition(paralytic attack)of the epiglottis;food and drink easily pass into the
windpipe on swallowing, threatening suffocation, and causing cough; he chokes himself
easily, [_a1].
- easychoking while swallowing saliva, [a6].
- On breathing, a sensation as if the air-passages were too wide, so that the air streamed out
with extraordinary facility, [a35].
- * Hoarseness, [a27].
- * Hoarseness in morning(8h.), [_a1].
- * Hoarseness all day, [a38].
- * Voice hoarse and rough, t.
- * Hoarseness and partial loss of voice, [a38].
- Very weak voice, t.
- Loss of voice with prostration, t.
- * Short cough, [_a1, a21], etc.
- Constant irritation to cough, [a27].
- * Short dry cough, [a38].
- * Dry cough(several).
- * Dry forcible cough, [a35, a21].
- * Dry short cough excited by scratching in throat, [a24].
- * Cough from irritation in larynx, [a27].
- * Short cough from tickling in larynx, after midnight every half hour, the more it is
attempted to be repressed the more frequent and severe it becomes, [_a1].
- Hacking cough from a tickling at the epiglottis(immediately), [_a1].
- * Hoarse, dry, loud cough, [a32].
- Short, frequent, distressing, and uncontrollable cough, but without expectoration(1d.),
- Frequent dry cough, with raw pain in chest, and smarting in larynx, [a31].
- Violent cough, with painful shootings in different parts of chest, compelling him to lie
always on the back, and preventing his lying on the side, [a21].
- * Cough, with shooting in chest, [a24].
- * Dry cough, with raw pain in chest, caused by change of temperature, [a31].
- Cough very severe, with a peculiar dull tone, causing a great strain at the chest;
- Cough and pain in chest, increased toward evening, with oppression of the chest, [a31].
- Violent dry cough, whereby a little fluid is brought into the mouth, of a sweetish salt taste,
like blood, tasted only at the root of the tongue, [a35].
- * Frequent dry cough, with occasional expectoration of bright red blood(3d d.), (19b.).
- Morning cough, with blood-streaked expectoration, [a21].
- * Frequent cough, with severe pains from the shock through the chest; expectoration
sometimes brownish-red, rust-colored, [a21].
- Violent dry cough, with cramp like constriction of the anus, [a35].
- Cough, bringing tears into eyes, [a32].
- Cough after drinking, [_a1].
- Cough during the heat of the body, [_a1].
- Dry cough very violent in the warm room, [a27].
- * Cough during sleep, .
- * Severe cough from tobacco smoke(in one accustomed to smoke), [_a1].
- He(though accustomed to smoke)cannot smoke without constantly hemming and coughing,
either because the epiglottis permits the entrance of smoke into the larynx, or because the
epiglottis is more sensitive than usual(6h.), [_a1].
- * Cough with viscid mucous expectoration, [a36].
- * Expectoration of blood(several).
- * Haemoptysis, [_a1, a19], etc.
- * Expectoration of thin, frothy, white mucus, mixed with streaks of bright red blood, [a27].
- * Expectoration of blood and mucus, with raw sensation behind the sternum, [a21].
- * Slow, difficult respiration(very many).
- Difficult respiration, t.
- Impeded respiration, t.
- * Difficult respiration, with necessity to breathe deeply, [_a3].
- Difficult respiration, relieved by coughing, [a24].
- * Deep sighing(several).
- Sighing on account of slow circulation, and distinct feeling of congestion of blood in the
lungs, [a35].
- Breathing much affected, must often sigh deeply, [a31].
- * Frequent deep breathing(several).
- On breathing deeply, oppression, anxiety, and painful stitches between the shoulders, [a28].
- Frequently inclined to breathe deeply without sighing, as if he would give to the blood an
impulse through the lungs(follows the hurried mood), [a35].
- * Oppressed respiration, dry hacking, much thirst, and chilliness, [a24].
- Oppressed respiration, with slight pressure under the sternum, and transient heat, [a20].
- * Oppressed respiration(several).
- * Fear of suffocation, [a17].
- Inspiration often affected by a feeling of compression in the middle of the sternum and
anterior part of the chest, or by pinching, especially in the right flank, or violent shoots deep
in region of liver, [a31].
- * Inspiration through the nose impeded, especially in sleep, [_a1].
- * Respiration short, imperfect, laborious, t.
- * Short breath in sleep, after midnight, [_a1].
- Breath short and scarcely perceptible, [a21].
- Respiration quickened, [a28].
- * Respiration hurried, [a42].
- Respiration rapid(25 to min.), t.
- Respiration superficial(19c.).
- Dyspnoea, and hot feeling in the lungs, [a33].
- Fear of suffocation with anxiety, [a17].
- Anxiety impeding respiration, with warm sweat on the forehead, [_a1].
- * Difficult respiration, anxiety, gasping for air(several).
- * Breath hot, [a42].
- * Breath fetid, [_a1].
- * Respiration loud, noisy, with open mouth, [_a1].
- * Respiration stertorous, t.
- Mucous rles, audible at a distance, t.
- Mucous rles posteriorly, t.
- * Tightness of chest, [a16].
- Tightness of chest with strong loud respiration, [_a1].
- Sensation as if chest were contracted, [a6].
- Constriction of the chest, to the right of the sternum, a kind of tightness, [a6].
- * Constriction of chest, [a16], t.
- * Constriction of the chest in central anterior part, hindering deep breathing, [a31].
- Contractive pain in chest, as if the ribs of both sides were drawn toward each other, [_a3].
- The cavity of the thorax seems narrowed, [a25].
- * Squeezing pain in chest, [_a1].
- Pressive squeezing pain in chest under the sternum, [_a1].
- * Pressive tight pain in side of chest, [_a1].
- * Constrictive sticking pain in sides of chest, [a31].
- * Anxiety in the chest, and oppression on the right side, afterward in the whole chest, [a6].
- Oppression of chest, with raw pan under the sternum on inspiration, [a35].
- * Oppression of chest, [a31], etc.
- * Oppression and anxiety in chest, t.
- * Great oppression of chest, and feeling as if a hundred-weight upon it, [a24].
- * Great oppression of chest, making him breathe deeply, with flying shoots in it, [a24].
- Heaviness and oppression of chest relieved by wine, [a31].
- Pressive pain in chest relieved by bending the body backward, but renewed on resuming a
straight position(12h.), [a7].
- * Pressure, especially on right side of chest, [a42].
- Pressure on chest, first on right side then on left, [a34].
- Pressive pain in left side of chest superiorly, the part is sensitive to touch, [a34].
- Pressive pain in the region of the second left rib near the sternum, limited to a spot the size
of the palm, increased on deep inspiration, [a35].
- * Pressure and burning under the sternum, [a29].
- Feeling of weight on chest, as if the whole chest were compressed from all sides, [a7].
- * Weight under the sternum preventing deep inspiration; painful pressure from the sternum
to the spine, [a30].
- Weight on the chest, with a quick succession of fine but violent stitches in left side from
without inward, [a30].
- * Heaviness on the chest, [a27].
- Heaviness and fulness in the chest, as if he could not expand the thorax, which frequently
makes him breathe deeply, with internal uneasiness, anxiety, and palpitation, forenoons on
walking(19a. ).
- Heaviness on chest, difficult respiration, sometimes sighing, violent palpitation, with dry
cough, and clear, bloody expectoration(19h.).
- Oppression of chest, superficial, frequent respiration, and frequent deep breathing and
- Heaviness and fulness in chest, anxiety and palpitation(19c.).
- Shooting pressive pain on right side of the sternum, [a7].
- * Stitches in the chest on breathing, [a6].
- Violent stitches through the chest, [a31].
- * Painful stitches in the right side of the chest, about the last rib, going through to the
back(10h.), [a7].
- Superficial stitches in the chest and cardiac region, [a29].
- Stitches in the lower part of the chest toward the false ribs, [a35].
- Violent stitches in the chest with suspension of the respiration, [a30].
- * Stitches in chest, with cough(several).
- Single large stitches in the side toward the back(24h.), [_a1].
- * Stitches from the lowest rib in the right side to the apex of the shoulder-blade, through
the centre of the chest, accompanying every inspiration with complaining humor, [_a1].
- On rising in morning, acute lancinating stitches in cardiac region, as if in the pleura
costalis, that prevent him assuming an upright posture or breathing deeply, with an
inclination to cough; after rubbing the skin, and making gradual efforts to breathe deeply,
these symptoms went off, but that part of the thorax remained sensitive even to external
pressure(20 doses 2d dil.), [a35].
- * Stitches in left chest, [a24].
- Periodical stitches through chest with dry cough, [a24].
- On the 11th day violent stitches in the region of the eighth, ninth, and tenth ribs, but not
affecting deep inspiration;the 12th and 13th days, these stitches still continued, and often
extended to the loins, [a27].
- * Transient stitches in chest, now here now there(several).
- Slight stitches in the left upper half of the chest, as of paralysis, [a26].
- * Sensitive stitches in various parts of the thorax, aggravated by bending sideways, [a21].
- * On deep breathing stitches between the shoulder-blades and in the sides of the chest,
- Violent burning stitch in left half of chest, [a27].
- Transient stitches in pectoralis major and intercostals, left side, [a28].
- Dull, oppressive stitches in the left side, near the axilla, [a6].
- In the evening flying stitches here and there, in the ribs, the abdominal parietes, the
joints;great swelling of the belly, which is painful to the touch, [a35].
- Toward evening, shoots in the centre of the sternum, with particularly good humor, [a21].
- Flying shoots along the sternum and betwixt the ribs, [a21].
- Pain in the chest, like a shooting, interrupting respiration, [_a1].
- Shooting in the side, followed by palpitation and pressive headache, with anxiety and ill
humor, [_a1].
- * Fine, burning, shooting pain in the chest, [_a1].
- Shooting in the lower half of the left side of the chest, going off on lying down, [a32].
- Shooting, boring, burrowing pain in the left side, between the fourth and sixth ribs, lasting
ten minutes, [_a3].
- Shooting in the right side of the chest with complaining, lachrymose humor, [_a1].
- Pinching, scraping pain in the right side of the chest, between the third and fourth ribs, not
affected by anything;it goes away of itself, [_a3].
- * Painful shocks in left chest superiorly, especially on taking a deep breath, [a24].
- Pain in right side of chest, (19c.).
- Pain as from a bruise in the lowest rib, very much increased by the touch, whereby the
patient is very uneasyand complains, [_a1].
- Pain in the middle of sternum, as from a bruise, increased by touch, [_a1].
- Soreness on posterior surface of sternum, as if he had bruised himself, evenings, [a21].
- Chest painful externally on several places, particularly the right side, [a31].
- Heat on and in the chest, [a22].
- * Heat in the lungs, [a26, a30].
- Burning in the lungs, not affecting respiration;it seemed as if a hot fluid would come into
the mouth, [a26].
- Feeling as if hot water were being poured into the chest, [a24].
- Chest warm, t.
- Fatigued, exhausted feeling in the chest;slight speaking is an exertion, [a21].
- Creeping pain in the chest, [_a1].
- Crawling in the chest, as from beetles, [_a1].
- Gnawing pain in the right clavicle, [a35].
- A digging, boring pain from the right scapula to the front of the chest, increased by deep
inspiration, but not by expiration, and so in no way relieved; lasting twelve minutes, [_a3].
Extremities in general
- * Trembling and tingling in the limbs, accompanied by shooting pains(1/4h.), t.
- * Convulsive trembling of the limbs, t.
- * Twitching of fingers and toes, t.
- * Convulsive contractions of limbs, t.
- Involuntary stretching of limbs, t.
- Distortion of extremities, t.
- He was unable to keep himself upright, and was attacked by convulsions, the upper and
lower extremities were drawn inward, the fists clenched and the thumbs doubled into the
palms so that he could not open the hand, t.
- Weariness of arms and legs, [a31].
- Weariness and exhaustion of all the limbs, with stretching and straining, [a35].
- Weariness of the limbs, especially the legs, with constant sleepiness and ill-humor, [_a1].
- Heaviness and stiffness of limbs in open air, [a31].
- Painful heaviness of limbs(19c.).
- Stiffness and difficulty of moving limbs, t.
- Difficulty of moving limbs, [a36].
- An arm and a leg feel paralyzed, [a16].
- A paralyzed feeling in left arm and thigh;the power of moving was gone in both, only
slightly remaining in the hand. When the left side lost this it came into the right side in the
same way;when he could raise the right arm he could not the left, and vice versa; at length
could raise them both, [a14].
- Feeling as if the limb had gone to sleep, t.
- It seemed as though the circulation stopped in all his limbs; no circulation at all was felt by
him from the wrists to the finger ends, and from the ankles to the tips of the toes, [a9].
- Weakness and unsteadiness in the ligaments of all the joints(46 h.), [_a1].
- Feeling as though the ligaments of the joints were relaxed, [a27].
- Great weakness of the joints, especially the knee and joints of the foot, with jerking in the
tendons so that he can scarcely walk [a9].
- Numbness in the tips of the fingers and toes, [a35].
- * Coldness of extremities, tt.
- Bruised feeling in the limbs, [a36].
- Pain as from a contusion in shoulder and hip-joints, after sleeping, as if the bed had been
too hard, [_a1].
- Drawing now in the knee and calf, now in elbow, [a33].
- Drawings here and there in the joints, [a34, a35].
- * Drawing, tearing pains in limbs, [a25].
- Transient pains, like bone pains, in the metacarpal and long bones of upper and lower
extremities, [a38].
- Stretching pains in the limbs, t.
- Pain in the elbows, knees, and hips;pressure after walking about, t.
- Almost directly after getting into bed, momentary drawing pains in left middle finger and
right heel, [a38].
- Shuddering of the extremities, [a12].
- * Crawling in upper and lower limbs, tt.
- Pain in the joints, [a36].
- * All the joints are painful(7h.), [a16].
- Painless cracking of all the joints especially the knees, [_a1].
Upper extremities
- Pain in left shoulder-joint, [a4].
- Slight pain in shoulder-joints, [a36].
- Pains in left shoulder, [a36].
- Tearing pain from the shoulder down the arm to the wrist and fingers, on every
motion;during the pain the hand is blue(after 1, 14h.), [_a1].
- Tumor in the muscles of the shoulder, extremely painful to the touch, as if bruised(after
4h.), [_a1].
- The shoulder is painful, and feels as if it would sink down, [a6].
- Some transient stitches in the left shoulder, [a6, a30].
- Numbness in the shoulders, t.
- * Drawing, tearing pain in shoulder-joint, [a25].
- Pressure in right shoulder and upper arm, [a31].
- Pressive pain in left shoulder, and posterior-exterior side of left upper arm, [a22].
- Violent drawing and tearing, with paralytic sensation in head of left humerus, [a20].
- Tingling down the arms, [a41].
- The arms feel bruised and sink down powerlessly, [a6].
- Weariness of arms, [a31].
- Coldness and insensibility of the arms, [_a1].
- No feeling in arms, t.
- Pinching, as if with blunt forceps, on some spots of the left arm, often returning, [a31].
- Throws the arms about, t.
- Single shootings in middle of right upper arm, anteriorily, while at rest, not changed by
motion or pressure, [_a3].
- Sudden drawing and shooting pain in right upper arm posteriorly, [_a3].
- Drawing and paralytic stiffness in right upper arm, [a27].
- Weariness of left upper arm, [a21].
- Tickling itching on inside of left upper arm, [a21].
- Drawing pain in the elbow-joints, [a6].
- * Drawing-tearing pain in the elbow-joints, [a25].
- Several rheumatic-like pains in left elbow-joint, [a38].
- Dull, rheumatic pains about right elbow-joint, [a43].
- Violent shootings in the elbow-joints down to the wrists, on the outside of the arm, on
flexing the fingers to the wrist-joint, [a6].
- Sensation of weight in the arms, from the elbow to the fingers;they feel as if they would
fall, with sensation in fingers as if they were asleep, on grasping anything, [a6].
- * Drawing-tearing pain in the forearm, [a25].
- Pain in the forearm, as if from a violent blow, [a6].
- Drawing, shooting pain in the bones of the forearm, excitable by movement, [_a1].
- Crawling in right forearm, [a22].
- Paralytic feeling in right forearm and hand(on writing), relieved by violent motion, but
returning while writing, or at rest, but less severely, [_a3].
- Drawing-tearing pain on the outside of right forearm, [_a3].
- Cramplike pain in the whole of the left forearm, not relieved by anything, [_a3].
- Undulating, tearing pain in the upper end of the left forearm, [_a3].
- Acute pain in right forearm, along the flexor tendons of the little finger, increased by
movement, [a35].
- * Numb, tingling sensations in arms and hands, as though the poles of a galvanic battery
were being held, [a38].
- * Numbness in arms and hands, t.
- Much formication in arms and hands, [a38].
- Immediately(from a portion of the juice getting into a wound in the thumb), horrible pain
throughout the arm, and especially at the wounded spot. The arm became bright-red, much
swollen;the pain so intolerable that he nearly fainted, [a17].
- A numbing-like paralysis of the left arm(and thigh), so that he can scarcely move the hand,
- Prickling and tingling down the arms and fingers, and a painful numbness across the
wrists(in five minutes), t.
- Pain in the arm and the fingers, [a17].
- Jerking, drawing pain in the lower and internal surface of the left forearm, over the wrist to
the palm of the hand, [_a3].
- * Shooting in the wrist-joint, as if from needles(several).
- Drawing, paralytic pain in the right wrist-joint, [a7].
- Tearing pain in the wrist, [_a1].
- Trembling motion in the wrist on moving the hand, [a5].
- * Drawing and tearing pains in wrist and fingers, [a25].
- * Icy coldness of the hands(several).
- * Trembling of hands, t.
- One hand becomes ice-cold, and insensible as if benumbed(after 2h.), [_a1].
- Cramp-like pain in the right hand, [a7].
- Cramp-like pain, with fine shootings, in the right hand, relieved by moving it, [_a3].
- Swelling of the hands, with frequent cough, and ordinary appetite, [a12].
- Hands cold and pulseless, t.
- Clenched hands, t.
- Same sprained feel in joints of right hand, [a38].
- Stinging, itching little red pimples on the back of both hands, like fleabites, [a38].
- Transient stitches in dorsum of left hand, [a28].
- Increased warmth of palms, evening, [a21, a23].
- * Cold sweat in the palms, [_a1].
- * Palms of hands quite insensible, t.
- A few pulsating stitches in the hollow of the right hand, as if from a sharp needle, [_a3].
- Morbid, contractive pain in the hollow of left hand, so that the fingers can scarcely be
extended, [_a3].
- Transient, lame pains in both metacarpi, [a38].
- * Creeping pain in the fingers, [_a1].
- * Creeping in the fingers, felt also while writing, [a4].
- Hot prickling in the tips of the fingers, nights, [a25].
- * Nails blue, t.
- Crawling and sensation of warmth in middle and index fingers of left hand, [a26].
- Cutting, pressive pain on the side of the right forefinger, next the middle finger, during
motion and when at rest, [_a3].
- Strange, intermittent, lame, growing-like pains in distal joint of left forefinger, [a38].
- Rheumatic-like stiffness of right forefinger, lasting for about ten minutes, and causing great
awkwardness in bending it, [a38].
- Drawing lame pains in right forefinger, [a38].
- Paralytic pain in the thumbs, [a6].
- Pain as of dislocation in the right thumb-joint on moving it, [_a1].
- Jerking pains in the right thumb, [_a3].
- Painful drawing in the left thumb, [a7].
- Drawing pains, several times, in right thumb, [a38].
Lower extremities
- Drawing pain in the border of the left hip-bone, [a35].
- * Drawing pain in left hip-joint on moving it, [a34].
- Painful pressure in hip-joint while walking, [a35].
- Powerlessness in the head of the femur, or inability to walk owing to an indescribable,
intolerable pain, almost like a crushing of the head of the femur, which sometimes declines
and sometimes increases, and occurs after lying down and after sleep(after 5h.), [_a1].
- Powerlessness and pain in the head of the femur, producing unsteady gait, [_a1].
- Drawing pain in the head of the left femur, while standing and sitting, but still more while
walking, [a6].
- * Tired feeling in the lower limbs during repose, [a34, a35].
- Sensation of heaviness in the limbs, as if they were asleep(several).
- Bruised pain in the limbs, especially in the knees, [a29].
- Stiffness and heaviness of the limbs, when walking, preventing him from walking quickly,
- His limbs trembled as he walked, t.
- * Trembling of limbs, t.
- The lower extremities were in perpetual movement, even when he sat down, t.
- He loses the sensation of standing firm, [a35].
- Legs fail her on attempting to go up stairs, t.
- The legs bend under her, [a20, a26].
- The child staggers to his feet;his face brightens up;but soon standing becomes impossible,
- Step uncertain, [a35].
- * Drawing pain especially in the joints of the limbs, [a35].
- * Drawing in the tendinous expansions of the lower limbs, [a35].
- Small vesicles on left lower extremities, very painful, t.
- "No use in legs", t.
- No feeling in legs, t.
- Drawing pain in left lower extremity, here and there, [a35].
- Weariness of limb, [a31].
- An almost paralytic powerlessness of legs and thighs, after sitting, [_a1].
- Tight pressure in the thighs, as if from a tightly-drawn bandage, with great fatigue while
walking, [a5].
- Drawing pain, first in one thigh, then in the other, then in both together, only while
moving, [a34].
- Numbness in the thighs and feet(several).
- Strange sensation down forepart of both thighs, as if drops of cold water trickled over
them; it lasted for fully five minutes, [a38].
- * Drawing-tearing pain in thigh, [a25].
- Fine shootings, as if from needles, in the muscular substance of the thigh, [a6].
- Cold feeling running down from the middle of the thigh, especially on the knee and leg,
- Bruised pain of thigh and coldness of soles, [a22].
- Drawing along the thigh, and discomfort in the knees, [a23].
- * Unsteadiness of the knees; they bend while standing or walking, [_a1].
- * Unsteadiness of the knees, especially of one;it bends under the body, while
walking(immediately, and after 1h.), [_a1].
- Slight pain in right knee, [a37].
- Deep, slow, shooting over the right knee, [a6].
- Jerking-tearing in the inside of the knee, [a6].
- * Shootings in the left knee, [a29, a30].
- * Icy coldness of the knee alternating with flying shootings, [a33].
- * Drawing, tearing pain in knee-joint, [a25].
- * Knife-like pains in the knee-joint, .
- Tension in knee-cap, hindering walking, [a27].
- Pain in patella, as from a blow, [a31].
- Pain in patella on walking, [a31].
- On walking in open air, an acute pressing pain by fits in the left patella, right tendo
Achillis, and dorsum of left foot, [a31].
- Pressing-gnawing pain in patella, [a31].
- Pressive pain in patella and in tendo Achillis, [a31].
- Painful drawing in leg, from the knee to the heel, and back again, [a6].
- Cramps and pains in the legs, t.
- Marked feeling, as if a heavy weight, about the size of the palm, were laid on the outside of
both legs, about eight inches above ankle, [a43].
- The legs got very cold in an hour;worse in a warm room and when walking, [a22].
- Stitching and drawing in tibiae, [a22].
- Violent shooting from the heel to the popliteal space(from olfaction), [a30].
- Paralytic drawing in right leg and tendo Achillis to heel, [a6].
- Drawing in tendo Achillis, [a34].
- Tendo Achillis feels shortened and bent.
- Convulsions, tt.
- Clonic spasms, t.
- * Spasms of the eyes;clenched jaws; the body became rigid and bends backward;the limbs
are distorted with spasms, and he dies, t.
- Convulsive attacks;the upper and lower limbs drawn inward;the legs in constant motion;
face covered with cold sweat;the eyes turned up:the joints crack during the spasms, t.
- Violent convulsive fit;the eyes drawn up under the lids;the fists clenched across the throat;
the teeth grate violently against one another, and a thick ropy saliva was forced through the
lips, t.
- (In the evening sudden crying out, gnashing of teeth;then, from long-continued hiccup, stiff
immobility like a statue(catalepsy), [a12].).
- Twitching of tendons, t.
- The symptoms at last become chiefly confined to the tendinous or muscular structures,
such as shortened feeling of the tendons of the ham and of the tendo Achillis, [a20].
- Twitching of various groups of muscles, especially of the forearm, as if he held the
conductors of an electro-magnetic apparatus in his hand, only the pains come and go slower,
- * Excessive restlessness and tossing about for several hours, [a38], t.
- She gave an occasional sigh, tossed her arms backward above her head, and sought to shift
her position by jerks, t.
- Extreme sense of nervousness, [a38].
- Extreme nervousness and agitation, [a38].
- * Fearful and uncertain in his actions, [a38].
- * Sensitiveness to fresh air, [a27].
- * Remarkable degree of sensitiveness to the least draught of cold air, [a38].
- Feeling as if he would take cold, [a24].
- * All the symptoms of having caught cold, [a20].
- Sensation as if all the bloodvessels were congealed, [a14].
- Very shaky and nervous, [a38].
- * Trembling and tendency to palpitation, [_a1].
- Great trembling, t.
- Increased tremulousness and vertigo, [a38].
- General muscular tremors, [a41].
- Paralytic and bruised pains in arms and legs, with violent trembling all over the body,
especially in the extremities, which prevents walking;with very pale face, dilated pupils,
faintness, palpitation, cold sweat on the back, and dizzy headache in the temples, soon
followed by burning heat of the face, with a sensation of tension and redness of the face, and
sleepiness after dinner(46 h.), [a6].
- He complained of lassitude of the whole body, great weakness, and pressure at the heart,
- General sore, tired feeling in the body, [a14].
- On awaking in the morning such great exhaustion he was unwilling to get up; it went off,
however, on rising, [_a1].
- Frequent attacks, almost every other hour, of extreme weakness and insensibility, so that he
can stir neither hand nor foot, and cannot sit up in bed;he does not feel his former pains,
cannot see nor hear, nor even speak aloud;the legs are stretched out(after a few h.), [_a1].
- Grew very weak and almost blind in half an hour, though still conscious, t.
- Prostrated, weak, and sleepy, t.
- * Great muscular weakness, weariness, prostration, almost total inability to stand, tt.
- * Great loss of strength, [a14, a9].
- * Progressive failure of strength, [a11].
- Great weariness, as if after walking far, [a31].
- * Feeling very weary, languid, and unable to rise from the couch;obliged to discontinue all
work; the system feels prostrated, with sense of inward fever, [a38].
- Great laziness(19 d.).
- Unusual fatigue, [a27].
- * Walking and talking tire him;he feels very much affected, [a21].
- * Easily tired when walking, and especially going up stairs, [a30].
- * He loses his ability to stand, must sit down, [a24].
- She hates movement, prefers sitting, [a6].
- She must lie down in bed she feels so sick;head so confused, dizzy, and painful, and the
limbs so heavy(19a. ).
- Complains of his head being heavy, his strength and spirit exhausted, so that he had to lie
down, [a9].
- Urgent desire to lie down, [a9].
- She must lie down(2 - 5 h.), [_a1].
- Faintness, [_a1], tt.
- * Faintness on attempting to sit up, t.
- Attacks of fainting follow constrictive sensation of the chest, and icy coldness, [a24].
- Went quite suddenly and unconsciously into a swoon in the evening while standing up
urinating; (first time in his life), [a38].
- Fainting fit directly after urinating;everything whirled around him;for the time he
completely lost all consciousness;hands bedewed with cold sweat, and for some time after he
remained quite prostrated, [a38].
- Impaired sensibility of the surface, [a41].
- Touch diminished, so that he cannot distinguish small objects by the feeling, t.
- Formication and crawling, now in one place, now in another, with an uncomfortable
shuddering sensation, especially on the upper arm and lower leg, [a35].
- The paralytic condition soon quitted the left side and passed over to the right, [a14].
- * Numbness and tingling * over the body, [a41].
- Muscles sore and stiff, [a39].
- Sensation as if the whole body, from the shoulders downward, was heavy as lead, while a
heavy pressure, from all sides and from above downwards, seemed to render the whole body
smaller in size and stature, the head and neck seeming to retain their natural proportions,
- * Sensation of swelling of many parts of the body, generally accompanied by shuddering
cold or rigor(several).
- Sense of swelling of almost the whole body, especially of the left side, which after awhile
becomes a numb sensation, with bruised feeling of the muscles, and weariness in the bones,
- Feeling of swelling all over, especially in left side, with bruised pain in ribs and arms, and
crampy feeling about the heart;the swollen feeling changes to a numb feeling, [a22].
- General anxious sensation, as though the blood would overflow the vessels, with constant
chilliness, especially with cold face, even in warm room;worse in the open air and on motion,
- * Anxious tremblings, like a boiling and seething through the whole body, as if the hands
and feet would go to sleep; something as if one is just on the point of becoming intoxicated,
always accompanied by a predominating unpleasant sensation of coldness, [a26].
- Swelling of the part(on which the juice had been laid), and acute inflammation, going on to
profuse suppuration, [a17].
- General feeling of illness, [a35].
- Sensation as if she had just recovered from a severe illness or risen from a sick-bed(6h.),
- Feeling all day as of impending fever, with nausea, want of appetite, and aching gnawing
pains throughout the whole body, extremities particularly, [a38].
- General sick feeling, nausea, and qualmishness, with painful heaviness in the limbs, [a19].
- Drawing pains wander over the whole body in rapid succession, nowhere lasting longer
than one minute, [a35].
- Painful drawings, now here, now there, most frequently in various parts of the thorax, and
in the upper and forearms, [a31].
- * Drawing, tearing, pains, wandering without order from one place to another, but mostly
alternating with heart symptoms, [a25].
- After the delirium pains in stomach, head, jaws, and here and there in his joints, which in
seven hours become more general, [a16].
- Rheumatic pains, chiefly in the knee, [a27].
- Frequent flying pains all over the body, [a38].
- Transient pains in different parts of the body, [a40].
- * Bruised pains in different parts(several).
- Neuralgic pains, [a36].
- * Very fine stinging, or stinging burning pains in many parts, as if seated in the skin,
sometimes combined with a sense of heaviness, numbness, or swelling, [a22].
- In the evening flying stitches here and there, in the ribs, walls of abdomen, and joints,
- * Stitches in the forehead, back, sides of chest, back of hands, and other parts, as if he
stood on the isolated plate of an electrical machine, and one took sparks from him, [a31].
- Constriction of body, t.
- Gradually all parts of the body become black, the whole body swells up, the eyes protrude,
the tongue hangs out of the mouth, [a8].
- A peculiar feeling over the whole body, to be compared with that experienced in a vapor
bath, when he steam falls rapidly on the skin, and drops are felt on it, [a35].
- Unusually comfortable feeling in whole body, [a22].
- (Painfulness of whole body with increasing weakness, [a12]).
- * The whole body is sensitive to touch;the child will not allow itself to be moved; it
whines, [_a1].
- * Burning through all the mucous membranes, t.
- * Most of the symptoms are accompanied by shivering and anxiety(several).
- Jaundice, [_a1].
- Skin becomes yellowish, t.
- The skin appears peculiarly elastic and smooth, [a35].
- Goose-flesh, [a26, a28].
- * Skin dry and unperspiring, [a38].
- Vesicular eruption on both temples, [a20].
- * Spots like fleabites on hands, face, &c., [_a1].
- Red pimples on flexor side of the thumb, index and middle fingers, painful to
pressure(cont. 5d.), [a6].
- Skin seems dotted with red spots, t.
- (Isolated vesicles, here and there, fill with yellow lymph and dry up, [a31]).
- Red pimples, filled with acrid fluid, all over body(from patient with sciatica), [a18].
- Broad, red, itching pimples all over body(from patient with rheumatism, ), [a18].
- Chiefly on face, forehead, nape, and various parts of the body, isolated vesicles, the size of
a pin's head, containing a serous fluid, and attended with itching; successive eruptions
appeared for a fortnight, which dried up and fell off gradually, [a23].
- Itching all over the body, especially on the pudenda(from a patient with sciatica), [a18].
- Itching in several muscular parts, especially the forearms, [a31].
- Constant itching and smarting on various parts of the skin, [a31].
- * Great heat all over the body, and burning-itching, especially on the inside of the thighs
and about the knees, [a27].
- Creeping, itching, and desquamation of the skin, especially on the affected parts, [_a1].
- Sensation in the skin as if the epidermis were separated from the cutis by an intervening
layer a kind of wandering, creeping, and running all over the body, with uncomfortable
shuddering feeling, [a35].
- * Formication and biting, especially on the hairy parts of the body, with the exception of
the head, as if from fleas, making him scratch, [a35].
- * fine pricking, as if from needles, here and there on the body, [a6].
- * The tingling sensation spread gradually over the whole body, until it took in all the limbs,
- Pricking, pressure, pressing-gnawing, now here, now there, in the skin, as from a strong
electro-magnet, [a31].
- Skin warm(19c.).
- Cold clammy skin. Skin becomes cold and dry, t.
- Single long-continued dartings, here and there, mixed with a raw sensation, and at last
ending with pain as of a wound, [_a1].
- * Chilliness, t.
- Cold over the whole body, [_a1].
- She is cold, and shivers, [a6].
- Cold and rigors, [a21], t.
- * Anxious chilliness(after 3h.), [_a1].
- * Chilliness on the slightest movement(after 10h.)[_a1].
- * Chilliness from being uncovered, .
- Body and extremities cold, t.
- General coldness rapidly increasing, especially on the extremities, with blueness of the
nails of the fingers and toes, t.
- Coldness in a warm room, [a27].
- Chilliness evenings, especially in hands and feet, [a34].
- Extreme chilliness nearly all day, [a38].
- Had rigors, and felt icy cold, t.
- Felt icy cold, and nearly fainted;during the day frequent recurrence of the rigor, with
violent pain in right temple, [a24].
- Violent shaking chill, [a27].
- He lay quiet, but freezing and shivering, and wished to be covered up with many clothes,
- Slight degree of chilliness, [a38].
- Continual diminution of temperature, [a33].
- Constant shivering.
- Constant shuddering, [a24].
- * Shivering for several hours, as if between the skin and flesh, especially over the back and
abdomen; felt even when perspiring from rapid walking, [a35].
- Shivering and frequent yawning on rising in the morning, [a6].
- Shuddering from the middle of the spine to the lumbar muscles of both sides, as if from
taking cold, [a30].
- * Chilliness over the back, as before the outbreak of catarrhal fever, [a26].
- Constant coldness through the arms and legs, and shivering even in the face, [a6].
- * Chilliness and formication between the shoulders and down the back, with cold tips of
fingers and toes, blue nails, even in a warm room(several).
- * Shivers run through her, from below upward to the chest, [a6].
- Shivering in the evening, especially in the hands and feet, [a34].
- Attack of faintness, with shivering, [_a1].
- * Shuddering on lying down at night, [_a1].
- Shuddering, with paleness and sunken features, [a35, a21].
- Coldness in the hands and feet, shuddering over the back, while the head and body are
warm, [a35].
- Rigor over back and arms, [a6].
- Arms and hands cold and pulseless, legs and trunk much the same, t.
- First coldness, rigor, and paleness of the finger-ends, then of the fingers; thereafter
cramped sensation in the soles of the feet and calves, and finally coldness in the forehead
(after 1/4h.), [_a1].
- Coldness under the skin;slight, frequently repeated rigor, not followed by heat, [a28].
- * Rigor commencing in limbs, then going to whole body, with goose-flesh;it seems to be
between skin and muscle;disappears on motion; worst when at rest, [a28].
- The rigor continued to increase in the afternoon, and he became icy cold, no coverings
suffice to warm him, [a28].
- In the afternoon rigor all over the body, in a hot room, [a22].
- Rigor down the back, especially in the evening, [_a3].
- Rigor along the spine, with goose-skin creeping along the galea aponeurotica; hands and
face blue;he seeks the heat of the stove, [a35].
- Felt better after breakfast, but soon afterward, when in open air, had severe attack of rigor
over the back and chest, followed by great heat(with frontal headache), which the least
movement brought back, [a21].
- On the 9th day an attack of rigor after midnight, which seemed to arise from the praecordia
and extend to the limbs;attacks of this awoke him frequently during the night, and were
followed by burning dry heat with febrile pulse;in morning moderate perspiration, [a27].
- Violent continued rigor;short-lasting heat, and copious sweat, with heaviness of head, with
waving and swaying of the head, [a25].
- Violent rigors;icy coldness, with very gratifying yawning and stretching the limbs; after
some hours moderate warmth and sweat;during chill and heat many concomitant symptoms,
- Chilly sensation after eating;weakness;sleepiness;at night increased heat, tossing about,
and sleep interrupted by lively memorable dreams, [a31].
- Fever;chilly feeling, even coldness over whole body, especially on legs and knees, with
confused head, glowing heat in face, especially in the red, hot cheeks; pulse gradually rises
from 71 to 102, is full and hard, with pleasant warmth and anxiety, and sensation of heat
around the head;lastly, general sweat, [a22].
- Dry heat and exhaustion;violent rigor in the evening with headache, lasting till midnight,
- Flushing of the face, and cold hands and feet, especially in the evening(19a. ).
- At night thirst, restlessness, rigors, and heat till morning, [a24].
- * Fever;coldness of whole body, with hot forehead, hot ears, and inward dry heat, [_a1].
- * Fever;coldness and stiffness of the whole body, redness and heat of one, coldness and
paleness of the other cheek, with open, fixed eyes, and contracted pupils, which only dilate
slightly and slowly in the dark, [_a1].
- Toward evening rigor and coldness of the hands and feet;then nausea felt about the middle
of the sternum, which continues even when partaking of food;after eating the nausea goes
off, and is followed by heat of the face, accompanied by sad and despairing thoughts, [_a1].
- Cold shuddering, from the crown of the head down the back to the sacrum, followed by an
agreeable sensation of warmth in the skin, [a30].
- Heat of skin, then coldness, t.
- Alternation of coldness and heat, [a24].
- Alternation of heat and chill all night, [a38].
- * Alternating attacks(after 3 ?).
- Either along with redness of the cheeks, childish merriment, with sensation of heat all over
the body, and headache on moving the eyes upwards and sideways, [_a1].
- * Or along with redness of the cheeks and heat of the head;shuddering all over the body,
with proper taste in the mouth, [_a1].
- * Or along with redness of the cheeks, rigors, with weeping and pressive headache, [_a1].
- * Or along with redness of the cheeks, an obstinate disposition, burning in the region of the
navel, and pressive headache, [_a1].
- After the siesta, which usually makes him warm, feeling of rigor throughout the body, and
cold of the upper arm;the cold feeling persisted even while walking, and in the evening gave
way to a short, disagreeable feeling of warmth, like a catarrhal fever, [a26].
- * Toward evening burning heat in the head and face, with redness of the cheeks and
outpressing headache; at the same time rigor over the whole body and thirst(after 14h.), [a6].
- * Heat in the head;forehead hot to the touch, with rigor over the body on the slightest
movement, [_a1].
- The 14th day, at night, a rigor, followed by excessively copious perspiration,
- Internal rigor from back over the legs, with cold sweat;the face feels icy cold in a sunny
day and warm room;this lasted four hours, till evening, when heat and rapid pulse and
symptoms of coryza came on, with general laziness and heaviness of the limbs, [a26].
- 15th day;another rigor at night;followed by dry, hot skin, and perspiration, [a27].
- * Face hot;hands and feet cold(19c.).
- Flushed face, [a36].
- * Extreme redness of the cheeks, with a discontented, complaining, lachrymose
disposition(after 3h.), [_a1].
- Head and face suddenly very warm, t.
- * Toward evening dry heat in the face with anxiety, [_a1].
- In the evening heat of the palms and cheeks, [a21].
- Sensation of heat, first in the hands, then all over the body, even in the chest, without
perceptible external heat(after 4h.), [_a1].
- Sometimes heat creeps over the back, [a6].
- * (Heat and throwing off the clothes, [_a1].).
- Flying heat, [a21].
- Flushes of heat evenings, [a22, a35].
- * Dry heat all over the body, [a24, a27].
- * Skin burning hot, t.
- * General heat and thirst, [_a1].
- Great internal heat with thirst, [a17].
- * During the heat moderate desire for beer, [_a1].
- * (She drinks little during the heat, yet has dry lips, [_a1].).
- (During the heat the cough is troublesome, [_a1].).
- (Great heat, from ten in the evening till after midnight, with dyspnoea; she would like to
cough but cannot, and speaking is difficult;at the same time there is the greatest restlessness,
and complaints about pain in the bowels, feet, abdomen, and back;she stamped with her feet,
and would not allow herself to be touched, [_a1].).
- Increased warmth all day, with exhausted feeling and loss of appetite; the heat increased
toward evening, with internal heat and swollen veins, [a26].
- Evenings prostration;increased warmth of skin;flying stitches along the sternum and
between the ribs, [a21].
- On going to bed the heat of the body increased, especially of the extremities; perspiration
appeared on the inside of the thighs and of the scrotum, accompanied by great itching; he
scratches till the blood comes, [a26].
- * After getting to bed all the feverish symptoms become much aggravated, and almost
intolerable, [a38].
- * Increase of febrile symptoms toward evening, [a20].
- Fever, t.
- Attack of fever at 3 P.M. , [a21].
- Throughout the whole afternoon a sense of feverishness hung about him, attended by great
powerlessness and prostration of entire body, the extremities particularly, [a38].
- The feverishness continues without interruption all through the night, but abated a good
deal this morning, [a38].
- Sense of inward fever attended by chilliness;desire to sit over the fire, and a disposition to
nausea;feverishness abated on going out into the open air, and walking about, [a38].
- Sense of inward fever, with the feeling of prostration, [a38].
- Dry heat and tightness of the skin over the whole body, t.
- Warmth extends over the whole body, especially stomach and abdomen, accompanied by
sweat, t.
- Whole body warm and sweating, t.
- Slight warmth and moderate sweat, [a9].
- * Pleasant warmth of the whole body, especially in back, with moderate sweat, [a22].
- Perspiration, with febrile rigors(after 3h.), [_a1].
- Febrile perspiration, [_a1].
- * Sour-smelling sweat all over the body, [_a1].
- Profuse sweat, [a27].
- * Cold sweats(several).
- Surface cold, and covered with clammy sweat, t.
- * Moderate perspiration all over the body, [_a1].
- * Skin inclined to transpiration(several).
- * General warm, steaming sweat(several).
- Exhalation and sweat all over the body, [a18].
- General sweat, especially on the forehead and praecordia, [a22].
- Sweat toward noon, [a12].
- * Sweat after midnight, .
- Nocturnal transpiration(several).
- Violent sweat without exhaustion, [a12].
- Though his speech was bold and his look animated cold sweat stood on his brow, and his
pulse could scarcely be felt, [a14].
- In the morning excessive sweat(after nightly delirium), [a10].
- Profuse sweat, with copious flow of urine, [a12].
- Profuse sweat, with the diarrhoea and increased flow of urine, [a12].
- Copious sweat followed the convulsions, t.
- (Morning), Confusion, etc.;muddled and empty sensation in head;head heavy and dizzy,
etc.; blowing of much bright-red blood from nose; fluent coryza;hiccup;hurried call to
stool;acute stitches in cardiac region, etc.; weakness in lower legs;sensation in ankles as if
tightly tied, etc.;great exhaustion, etc.; shivering and frequent yawning;excessive
sweat;frequent yawning;lies asleep on back, etc.; hard, red swelling of right upper lid, etc.
- (Forenoon), Sweat, sleepiness;vertigo, etc.
- (Afternoon), Great vertigo;violent, sticking pain in upper orbital border, etc.;:cough;pain in
chest, etc.; shoots in centre of sternum, etc.;pulse full and quick, etc.;rigor, etc.;heat,
etc.;fever; attack of fever, 3 P.M. ;great sleepiness;shooting pain in right supra-orbital ridge,
- (Evening), Confusion of head, etc.;headache;pain in forehead;pressive headache in vertex;
pressing-out pain in temples, etc.;burning-itching in both ears;face hot; * flying stitches, here
and there, etc.; stiff feeling in nape, warmth of palms;transient stitches, etc.;
chilliness;shivering, etc.; rigor down back;prostration, etc.;heat, etc.;lachrymation.
- * (Night), Delirium; pressive pain on vertex;hot prickings in tips of fingers;hot prickings in
toes;transpiration; * much thirst, etc.; state of waking dreaminess, etc.;lachrymation; * pains
become intolerable.
- (Before Midnight), Shuddering;all the feverish symptoms.
- * (After Midnight), Short cough, etc.;short breath; attack of rigor, etc.;very vivid dream,
- (Open Air), Dizzy confusion of head;squeezing in forehead over root of nose, etc.; cold
feeling of the eyes;burning, itching and darting in both ears;the throat-symptoms;
nausea;irritation of larynx and dry cough, general anxious sensation, etc.;severe attack of
rigor, etc.
- (Bending body forward), Vertigo;vertigo, etc.;vertigo and headache;giddy heaviness of
head, etc.; * headache;fulness of the forehead, etc.; dull pain in vertex, etc.;drawing
bellyache, etc.
- (Bending body sidewards), Sensitive stitches in thorax.
- (On going to bed), Heat of body.
- * (After getting to bed), All the feverish symptoms.
- (Drinking), Cough.
- * (On falling asleep), Jerkings; itching of limbs.
- (Flexing fingers to wrist-joint), Violent shootings in elbow-joint, etc.
- (Driving), Vertigo.
- (Eating), Uncommon sleepiness.
- (Going in evening from half-dark room into street), Flickering before eyes, etc.
- (Going indoors from open air), Pulse quickened, etc.
- (Grasping anything), Sensation of weight in arms, etc.
- (During heat of body), Cough.
- (Inspiration), Dull stitches under ribs of left side;oppression of chest, etc.; stitches from
lowest rib on right side to apex of shoulder blade, etc.;pain in left side of spine, etc.
- (Deep inspiration), Oppression of chest;oppression and anxiety of chest;pains in chest;
pressive pain in region of second left rib, etc.;stitches between scapulae, etc.; painful shocks
in left chest, superiorly;pain from right scapula to front of chest.
- (Laughing aloud), Sharp stitch under ribs on right side.
- (Light), Headache.
- (Lying), Stiff and bruised feeling in left side of neck, etc.
- * (Lying on side), Violent cough.
- (After lying down), Powerlessness in head of femur, etc.
- * (Lying on back), heart symptoms, .
- (Mental exertion), Pain in head and face.
- (Motion), Confusion in head, etc.;headache, etc.;headache, first in vertex, etc.;weariness in
neck, etc.; painful stiffness in small of back, etc.;tearing pain down arm, etc.;pains in bones
of forearm; acute pain in right forearm, etc.;drawing pain in thighs, etc.;general anxious
sensation, etc.; chilliness;severe attack of rigor, etc.
- (Appearance of Menses), Rage;sharp pain in loins.
- * (Moving affected part), Rheumatic pain in nape; drawing pain to left of nape,
etc.;trembling in wrist;pain, etc.;in right thumb-joint; drawing pain in hip-joint.
- (Moving the head), Vertigo;shooting in nape;stretching in cervical muscles.
- * (Rising up), Vertigo.
- (Noise), Headache.
- (Laying on cool hand), Headache, etc.
- (Pressure), Pain on right supraorbital ridge, etc.;violent drawing pain in both sides of spine,
etc.; violent tearing pain in small of back;violent sticking pain in upper orbital border, etc.
- (Rest), Single shootings in middle of right upper arm, etc.;paralytic feeling in right
forearm; tired feeling in lower limbs; rigor, etc.
- (Standing), Vertigo;pressive pain in pit of stomach;drawing pain in head of left femur.
- (Sitting), Nausea, etc.;pressive pain in pit of stomach;anxiety in cardiac region, etc.;
drawing pain in head of left femur;powerlessness of legs and thighs.
- (Speaking), Headache.
- * (Stepping), Tensive pressure in lumbar and sacral regions.
- (In sleep), Inspiration through nose impeded.
- (After sleeping), Pain in shoulder and hip-joint;powerlessness in head of femur, etc.
- (On attempting to sit up), Faintness.
- (While sitting during day), State of waking dreaminess, etc.
- (Treading), Pain in right heel.
- (Change of temperature), Dry cough, etc.
- (Tobacco-smoke), easystupefaction;dryness of throat;tickling in larynx;severe cough.
- (Touch), Pain in lowest rib, etc.
- (Urinating), Sensation of splashing in bladder;stinging in fossa navicularis;fainting kind of
feel; burning in urethra;pains in glans penis;shootings in glans penis.
- (Walking), Vertigo;dizzy confusion of head, etc.;the throat symptoms;nausea;pressive pain
in pit of stomach; shooting in spleen;pain in bladder;single momentary shock in
urethra;palpitation, etc.; pain in loins, etc.;pressure in elbows, knees, hips;painful pressure in
hip-joint;drawing pain in head of left femur, etc.;stiffness and heaviness of limbs;great
fatigue, etc.;pain in patella; acute pressing pain in left patella, etc.;sleeping of toes of right
- (When not urinating), Burning in neck of bladder.
- * (Warmth of room), Vertigo and stupefaction; * forepart of head feels as if nailed up;
headache, etc.;dry cough; * anxiety in pit of stomach;legs very cold.
- (Writing), Paralytic feeling in right forearm.
- (Morning), Feverishness.
- * (Open air), Much relieved;headache, feverishness, etc.
- (Bending body backwards), Pressive pain in chest.
- (Cold Water), Headache, etc.
- (Compression), Pain in ankle.
- (Drinking cold water), anxiety.
- (Eating), Burning, itching, and darting in both ears;nauseous taste;the throat
- (Heat), Creeping in scalp.
- (Deep Inspiration), Lancinating stitches in region of heart, etc.; oppression of chest.
- (Lying quiet in dark room), Headache.
- (Lying on back), Violent cough.
- (Lying down), Shooting in lower half of left side of chest.
- (Motion), Stiff and bruised feeling in left side of neck, etc.;paralytic pressure in small of
back; paralytic feeling in right forearm.
- (Moving affected part), Pain in right hand.
- (Quiet), Palpitation, etc.
- (Rubbing), Itching in prepuce;lancinating stitches in region of heart, etc.
- (Sitting), Frontal headache.
- (Stooping), Sensitiveness of eyeball;pressure in small of back.
- (Warm soup), Abdominal symptoms.
- (After vomiting), Hope aroused.
- (Walking), Vertigo;nausea and sinking in pit of stomach;feverishness, etc.
- (Washing in cold water), Pain in top of head.
- (Wine), Heaviness and oppression of chest.
- (Wine and coffee), removed symptoms for a short time only, [a31].
Monkshood. Ranunculaceae.
Abundant in the mountain forests of France, Switzerland and Germany.
Also cultivated in gardens.
The root is stronger than the herb, and the seed most uniform in strength.
The symptoms of the herb, root and seed have not been separated, not even those of
somewhat different species.
- Now perfectly conscious, now raving.
- Clairvoyance; conscious that his beloved, miles away, was singing a certain piece.
- Dulness and confusion of mind.
- Unconscious, as if dying; speechless. Apoplexy.
- Insensible, stupid; also during convulsions.
- Stupid, eyes closed, facial muscles twitch, mouth compressed, no power of speech.
- Memory lively, or weak; what has just been done seems like a remote dream; cannot
remember dates.
- Ideas haunt him, cannot get rid of them.
- Cannot finish a half-written idea without great effort.
- Attention distracted while reading, thought seems to cease.
- Cannot reflect, ideas seem to come from stomach; after two attacks of vertigo, thought is
again normal.
- Excited, or sits buried in thought.
- Rapid change of thought; great exertion is required to fix train of thought.
- On attempting to think of one thing, another intrudes; this is soon supplanted by another
and so on.
- Diminished intellectual power, cannot perform even light mental work.
- Lively imagination.
- Ecstasy; inclined to be gay, to dance and sing.
- || Delirium, crying out, staring look. Inflammation of brain.
- || Delirium, with convulsive motions. Myelitis.
- Delirium, with great heat, dilated pupils or convulsions; childish, nonsensical talk.
- Delirium, with talk about death. In childbed.
- Delirium, especially at night, raves, springs out of bed; in morning, excessive sweat.
- Pains are so intolerable, they drive him crazy; he becomes very restless.
- Desire to be alone;
- || shuns people.
- Disposition to weep;
- cried violently, with facial jactitation.
- Loquacity; speech hurried.
- Alternate laughter and crying;
- at one time gay, at another gloomy.
- Moaning, anxious lamentations; reproaches from trifling causes.
- Screams aloud at slightest touch, screams with pains; cannot bear light; will not be
touched or uncovered; buzzing in ears.
- Impatience, throws himself about, constantly changes position.
- || Restlessness, agony, internal anxiety; does everything in great haste; must move about or
change position often.
- Cannot continue long at one thing.
- Dislikes to talk; answers laconically yes or no.
- Music is unbearable, it makes her quite sad.
- Sadness with solicitude; concerned about future; about her recovery or fears loss of
- Extreme timidity, especially after a fright; afraid in dark.
- Fears to go where there is any excitement or many people; thinks she is jostling against
every one she meets; countenance expressive of timidity; constant dread lest she stagger and
fall. During pregnancy.
- Fear of ghosts.
- >>>> Fear of death : during pregnancy or confinement; with prolapsus uteri; with great
loquacity or anxiety in region of heart.
- Thrice he became blind and affirmed that death was at hand.
- Predicts day of death; bids her friends good-bye. In childbed.
- Inconsolable anxiety, piteous wailing; peevish and impatient.
- Anxiety : transiently amel by drinking cold water; followed by apathy; with cold sweat
(prolapsus uteri).
- Has no affection for anybody. During pregnancy.
- Morose, misanthropic, peevish; malicious mood.
- Children get angry and have spells of rage.
- Vexed at trifles; takes every joke in bad part.
- Quarrelsome, with constantly varying delirium; chatters like a child, is gay.
- Obstinate, tosses about impatiently.
- Sinks into lethargy, but rarely sleeps; complains of crawls.
- Ailments from fright : afraid in dark; vertigo; faintness; trembling; cardiac weakness;
threatened miscarriage; impending cessation of menstrual flow; burning in stomach.
- Remote effects of fright, especially jaundice.
- Ailments from vexation, with fear or vehemence :
- congestion; palpitation; fever;
- anxiety, beside himself;
- threatened miscarriage;
- apoplectic congestion.
- Confusion : as after drunkenness, with pressure in temples; early in morning on awaking.
- Head feels dull, stupefied. Coryza. Fevers.
- Dull, stupid; pressure outwards, agg sitting up; with anxiety and fear of death.
- || Apoplexy or
- apoplectic congestions.
- Vertigo : after fright; from congestion, as in sun; on stooping; staggers to right; as if
drunk, with nausea, agg. on rising from seat, amel while walking, none while sitting;
blackness before eyes when shaking head; with nosebleed; from sudden suppression of
catamenia by cold.
- On rising from a recumbent posture, red face becomes deathly pale, or he becomes
dizzy and falls over, he fears to rise again; often accompanied by nausea, vanishing of sight
or unconsciousness.
- Vertigo, headache, nausea, gagging, coldness. Cholera.
- || Turns suddenly red and falls unconscious. Teething child.
- || From a fall or concussion; face pale or red, but no stupor.
- Fulness of head, with erratic pains in right supraorbital, temporal or frontal regions.
- Suddenly faints while standing to urinate; all blood seemed to rush to head; he fell
- Alternate stupefaction and restlessness, with mild delirium twitchings, starts as in a
fright, pulse frequent. Brain fever.
- Stupor, with cold feet.
Inner head
- || Constant burning in forehead. Jaundice.
- Burning headache, as of brain agitated by boiling water.
- Headache, as if a hot iron was bound around head.
- Fulness and heavy feeling, as if everything would push out of forehead.
- Squeezing in forehead above root of nose, feels as if she would lose her reason; agg
walking in open air.
- Furious headache, vision obscured, pain mostly pressing and contracting in upper part of
forehead; face swollen, pale; agg from light or noise; amel lying quietly in a dark room.
- Pressing shooting pain in forehead. Coryza.
- Violent headache limited to a small spot over left supraorbital ridge.
- Pulsation in left side of forehead along with attacks, as from severe blows in right side of
- Headache in vertex, as if compressed uniformly by a pitch- cap; ceases when walking in
open air.
- Sunstroke; especially from sleeping in sun's rays.
- Headache, as if brain was moved or raised; agg during motion, drinking, talking or
- Congestive headaches. Menorrhagia.
- Congestion, anxiety; face hot and red, or pale; carotids pulsate strongly; pulse full,
strong, or small and quick; agg. toward evening. Apoplexy.
- Headache, with increased secretion of urine.
- On going into a warm room, forehead feels as if compressed.
- Throbbing in temples. Rheumatic ophthalmia.
- Pressure in forehead, temples and top of head.
- Headache and roaring in ears. Coryza.
- Pressive, stupefying headache; sleeplessness. Childbed fever.
- Congestion to head. Heart disease.
- Head hot, throbbing carotids, limbs cold; left side lame; staring; burning pain in brain.
- Inflammation of brain in children.
- Congestion to head. Cystitis.
Outer head
- Head excessively hot.
- Bends head far back. Croup.
- Sensation in vertex as if pulled by the hair.
- Sensation of crackling, as from bending tinsel, in temples, forehead and nose; agg toward
evening from motion; amel from sitting.
- Formication of scalp, amel by heat.
- Constantly tosses head about. Croup.
- Sensation as if hair stood on end.
- Vertex feels hot to touch; hair bristles up.
- If he raises his head, he vomits phlegm or what he drank. Inflammation of brain.
- Constantly puts hand to head. Meningitis.
- Better lying with head high.
- Stitches under scalp.
- Sweat on head; amel out of doors.
- Cold sweat on forehead.
- Anxious expression; frightened.
- Face : pale, with restlessness and expression of anxiety; burning fiery red;
- red and pale alternately; livid; lips blackish;
- bloated, unequally red; feels as if it was growing larger.
- Red cheeks with fear of death. In pregnancy.
- One cheek red, the other pale.
- Between attacks, face pale; now and then flying heat. Croup.
- Face and whole body pale. Measles.
- Face dark red. Apoplexy.
- Face dark red, lips blue. Croup.
- Rush of blood to face. Fever.
- Convulsive twitching of facial muscles.
- Neuralgia of trigeminus, left side; face red and hot; restlessness, anguish; rolling about,
- Rheumatism in face and teeth.
- Sweat on cheek on which he lies.
- Sensation as if muscles were firmly but not spasmodically contracted; numbness, heavy
feeling of whole face.
- Creeping, tingling, crawling in face.
Inner mouth
- Mouth dry.
- Burning, biting in mouth.
- Saliva frothy,
- copious, streaked red, sweet taste in mouth.
- || Accumulation of water in mouth. Seat worms.
- Orifices of salivary ducts sore, as if corroded.
- || Yellowish-white thick fur in mouth. Jaundice.
- Anxious feeling in praecordia.
- Liver somewhat sensitive to deep pressure.
- Burning, stinging, hepatic pains.
- Hot, tense swelling under right short ribs.
- Pressure and constriction in hepatic region, with obstruction of breathing.
- Acute hepatitis, with violent fever.
- Pain on pressure over left lobe of liver.
- Tension and heaviness in hypochondria.
- Agony, has to sit straight up, can hardly breathe, pulse thread-like, vomituritio, sweats
with anxiety; abdomen swollen, particularly under short ribs. After scarlet fever.
- Stitches in region of liver taking the breath.
- Severe and constant pain in epigastrium, pressing outward. Jaundice.
- Stitches and heat in diaphragm.
- Pain going to umbilicus, or changing from stomach to liver. Jaundice.
- Jaundice : during pregnancy, liver atrophied; in newborn children; after fright;
- from a cold, with catarrh of small intestines.
- Splenitis with inflammatory fever.
Urinary organs
- Stinging and pressing pains in region of kidneys. Nephritis.
- Kidneys act but slightly; urine contained albumen and fragments of casts (poisoning).
- Renal region sensitive, with shooting pains. Nephritis.
- Violent burning in bladder. Cystitis.
- Inflammation of bladder; constant urging, water passes in drops, with burning, admixed
with blood; tension, heat and tenderness over pubes.
- Burning in neck of bladder when not urinating.
- Tenesmus of neck of bladder.
- Painful anxious urging to urinate.
- Children reach with hands to genitals and cry out. Cystitis.
- Burning in urethra when urinating.
- Must rise each night between 12 and 3 A.M. to urinate. In pregnancy.
- Dysuria during pregnancy.
- Urine scanty, red and hot. Rheumatism. Peritonitis.
- Urine : hot, dark colored;
- red, with white feces;
- red and clear.
- Urine dark brown, frothy or yellow. Jaundice.
- || Urine turbid. Enteritis.
- || Urine yellow-red and no sediment. Peritonitis.
- || Ischuria. Cholera.
- || Involuntary urination. Apoplexy.
- Enuresis, with thirst.
- || Diuresis, with headache and profuse sweat.
- Retention or suppression of urine, with pressure in bladder or stitches in region of
- Retention from cold, especially in children, with much crying and restlessness.
- Haematuria, with hemorrhoids of anus or bladder; burning distress in urethra.
- During urination : faint feeling; splashing sensation in region of bladder; pinching about
navel; pain in glans penis.
- || Breath cold. Cholera.
- Breath hot. Croup. Blood-spitting.
- Breath fetid.
- Breathing :
- short, in sleep, after 12 P.M. ;
- labored, anxious or quick, and superficial;
- deep, slow, sighing;
- difficult, must breathe deeply; slow, rattling (apoplexy), whistling (croup in old age),
short, when raising one's self.
- Asthma from active hyperaemia of lungs and brain; face red, eyes staring; after
emotions; can talk but little at a time.
- Asthma after suppression of acute rash; feeling of band around chest; muscles of chest
rigid; occasionally vomiting; urine scanty, dark; after paroxysm, sputa yellow or blood-
- Agony, sits up straight, can hardly breathe; pulse like a thread, vomituritio; sweat, with
anxiety; swelling under short ribs. After scarlatina.
- Oppression of chest when moving fast or ascending. Heart disease.
- Inhalation difficult and noisy. Tracheitis.
- Worse during inspiration; better during expiration.
- Constant short, dry cough, with feeling of suffocation, which increases with every
- Difficult breathing. Endocarditis.
- Breathes only with diaphragm. Pneumonia.
- Cannot breathe freely from a sensation as if lungs would not expand; frequently takes
deep breaths.
- Clear ringing or whistling cough, caused by burning, pricking in larynx or trachea.
- Cough short, dry, forcible, excited by scratching in throat.
- Short cough after 12 P.M. , from tickling in larynx; the more he attempts to repress it, the
more severe it becomes.
- Cough hoarse, dry, loud; spasmodic, rough, croaking, with danger of suffocation; dry,
hard, ringing. Infantile bronchitis.
- Dry cough, with shooting in chest; with raw pain in chest, caused by change of
- Wants to cough, but cannot. Croup.
- Cough hollow, hoarse, choking, causing blueness of face.
- || Violent hollow cough at night; shorter and more panting during day. Laryngitis.
- Dry, barking cough. Measles.
- Dry, whistling cough; beginning of pertussis; feverish, anxious, restless.
- Haemoptysis : blood comes up with an easy hawking, hemming or slight cough;
expression of anxiety; great fear of death; palpitation, quick pulse, stitches in chest; caused
by mental excitement; exposure to dry, cold air, or after taking wine.
- Sputa :
- absent;
- thin, gelatinous, more mornings and during day;
- || scanty, falls in round lumps, dark cherry- red (pneumonia);
- bloody or blood-streaked;
- bright red blood.
- Expectoration brownish-red, rust-colored; cough frequent, with severe pains from shock
through chest.
- Cough awakens him from sleep, is dry, croupy, suffocating; great anxiety.
- || Cough amel lying on back; agg on side.
- Cough with nervous excitability.
- Cough worse :
- after eating or drinking;
- lying, must sit up from a constrictive feeling and suffocation (tracheitis) until 3 A.M. ;
evening, night, more after 12 P.M. ;
- | from tobacco smoke;
- during sleep;
- from vexation, especially fright; when overheated;
- from dry, cold winds, or currents of air; from walking in open air; when assuming an
upright position; from deep inspiration; from speaking.
Inner chest and lungs
- Tightness of chest.
- Oppression of chest, feeling of great weight, must breathe deeply, with anxiety.
- Pressure, weight and burning under sternum.
- Pain in middle of chest drawing toward back, agg with every motion of body.
- Stitches in right side of chest, but only when lying on that side. Endocarditis.
- Stitches : when breathing; with cough;
- from lowest rib, right side, through lung to apex of scapula; at every inspiration;
- in left chest;
- last rib, right side, through to back; transient, now here, now there;
- agg. bending sideways;
- between scapulae, on deep breathing;
- and burning shooting in chest.
- Cannot lie on right side, only on back. Pleurisy.
- Lancinating through chest, with dry heat, difficult breathing, often violent chill.
- Synochal fever, hot sweat, oppression; children have rattling in chest; sensation of
fulness in chest; must lie on back. Pneumonia, first stage.
- Cough after drinking, sputum thin, frothy, blood- streaked; burning, shooting in chest;
dulness on percussion. Pneumonia, second stage.
- Heat in lungs.
- Rush of blood to lungs. Childbed fever.
Outer chest
- || Muscles rigid. Asthma.
Upper limbs
- Tearing pain in shoulder-joint.
- Formication in arms, hands and fingers.
- Arms hang powerless, as if paralyzed by blows. Meningitis.
- Numbness of left arm; can scarcely move hand; tingling of fingers. Heart disease.
- Shooting, tearing, erratic; in arms, forearms, wrists and finger-joints.
- Shooting in wrist joint as if from needles.
- || Automatic motion of left hand; he strikes his face. Measles.
- Drawing and tearing pains in wrists and fingers.
- Trembling of hands.
- Paralysis of wrists.
- Palms of hands quite insensible.
- Creeping pain in fingers.
- Creeping in fingers, also while writing.
- Hands icy cold; cold, sweaty palms.
- Finger-nails blue.
- Hot palms.
- || Red pimples on back of hands; stinging itching.
Lower limbs
- Hip and hip-joint (left) swollen, hot and exceedingly painful to touch; feverish, thirsty,
anxious. Acute articular rheumatism.
- || Drawing tearing in left hip-joint on moving.
- Sensation as if drops of cold water trickled down front of thighs.
- || Thighs when walking feel as if tightly bandaged.
- Drawing pain, especially in joints of limbs.
- Drawing in tendinous expansions of lower limbs.
- || Lower limbs sore. Peritonitis.
- Shooting, tearing pains in legs, knees, ankles, toes, etc.
- Legs almost powerless; after sitting, numbness. Spinal meningitis.
- Numbness in gouty limb.
- Trembling of limbs.
- Unsteadiness of knees; bend while standing or walking.
- Knees swollen; painful, throbbing, cutting, stinging pains; cannot sleep, had to sit up.
Acute rheumatism.
- Knifelike pains in knee joint.
- Legs stiff when moved, after taking cold.
- Coldness of knee, alternating with flying shooting.
- Cramps in calves, also in feet.
- Legs and feet feel numb;
- tingling, commencing in feet and spreading upward.
- || Ankles feel as if tied with a ligature.
- Hot pricking in toes; they "go to sleep" while walking.
- Coldness of feet and ankles;
- || soles and toes cold and sweaty.
Limbs in general
- Drawing, tearing pains in limbs.
- Transient pains, like bone pains, in long bones of limbs and in metacarpal bones.
- Rheumatic inflammation of joints, agg evening and night; intense, bright red, shining
swelling of parts; sensitive to least contact, with high fever.
- Crawling in upper and lower limbs.
- Trembling and tingling in limbs, accompanied by shooting pains.
- Convulsive trembling of limbs.
- Convulsive contraction of limbs.
- || Slight starting of limbs, alternating with trembling. Meningitis.
- || Limbs feel weak, heavy and painful. Coryza.
- Limbs feel tired during repose.
- Lameness and numb feeling in affected parts; pain intolerable. Rheumatism.
- Numbness, icy coldness and insensibility of hands and feet. Meningitis.
- Bruised, heavy feeling.
- Coldness of extremities.
- Hot hands and cold feet.
- Twitching of fingers and toes.
- Position. Motion. Rest : generally amel, but during night, in bed, pains intolerable; limbs
feel tired; rigors agg.
- Lying : headache amel; palpitation agg; shudders; fever unbearable.
- Lying on back : cough amel; stitches in chest amel.
- Lying with head high : headache amel.
- Lying on right side; stitches in chest.
- Lying on side : cough agg; cheek lain on sweats.
- Must lie down : with vertigo.
- Cannot sit up : uterine hemorrhage.
- Sitting : vertigo amel : crackling in forehead amel.
- Sitting up : pressure in sunstroke agg; cough agg.
- Must sit up : in difficult breathing; with painful knees.
- Rising from a seat : vertigo.
- Rising from recumbent posture : red face becomes pale.
- After sitting : legs numb.
- Rising : shortness of breath; fainting.
- Springs out of bed : in delirium at night.
- Changes position constantly : when impatient; during anxiety; at night; puts hand to head.
- Standing : faints while urinating; causes great weakness.
- Stooping : vertigo agg; as if eyeballs were forced out amel.
- Bent backward : head in croup; body in spasms.
- Bending sideways : stitches in chest.
- Must bend double : colic; dysmenorrhoea.
- Shaking head : vertigo; blackness before eyes.
- Raising head : vomits.
- Walking : vertigo amel; squeezing in forehead agg; vertex headache amel; cough agg;
thighs feel as if bandaged; unsteady knees; toes "go to sleep."
- Stepping : tensive, pressive pain in back.
- Must walk or move about : at night restlessness, fever.
- Motion : sensation as if brain moved agg; crackling in temples, forehead and nose; of
eyeballs painful; pain in chest agg; weariness in neck agg; stiff neck agg; drawing, tearing in
left hip; legs stiff; chill; rigors amel.
- Violent exercise : produces overheating and conjunctivitis.
- Restless, though motion agg pain. Pleurisy.
- Nervous excitability. Prolapsus uteri.
- Timid and uncertain in his actions.
- Excessive restlessness and tossing about for several hours.
- Trembling and tendency to palpitation.
- Jerks of left leg or arm, grinding teeth; comatose; restless, moaning. Measles.
- Convulsions of teething children; heat, startings, twitches of single muscles;
- child gnaws its fists, frets, cries; costive or dark, watery stools.
- Spasms of eyes; clenched jaws; body becomes rigid and bends backward; limbs distorted
with spasms.
- Loud lamentations; body rigid and bent backward; fists clenched across throat; gnashing
of teeth; eyes drawn up spasmodically under lids.
- || Towards noon convulsions of whole body. Myelitis.
- Whole body feels as heavy as lead; swollen in size and stature, except head and neck.
- Great muscular weakness, weariness, prostration, almost total inability to stand.
- Progressive failure of strength.
- Feeling very drowsy, languid and unable to rise from couch; obliged to discontinue all
work; system feels prostrated with sense of inward fever.
- Numbness, tingling; left side. Paralysis of limbs.
- Sudden falling down senseless. Apoplexy.
- Collapse; cholera.
- Faintness on attempting to sit up.
- Formication, now in one, now in another part.
- Sleepiness; spasmodic yawning.
- On going to sleep;
- fever becomes intolerable;
- jerks;
- restless tossing.
- || Somnolency, eyes closed; in a little child.
- Senseless; snoring. Apoplexy.
- Sleeping light, imagines in morning he has not slept at all, yet not weak.
- During sleep :
- delirium;
- starts; 3 profuse sweat;
- hot, restless and talking;
- | slow breathing.
- Restless nights; must walk or move about;
- alternately cold and hot, partial sweat.
- Excessive wakefulness; nervous sleeplessness.
- Sleeplessness after midnight with anxiety, restlessness, continual tossing about; eyes
- Sleeplessness caused by fear, fright or anxiety, with fear of future. Consumption of
- Vivid dreams of day's occurrences.
- At night anxious dreams, several times waking with start.
- Long dreams with anxiety in chest, taking away breath and causing him to awaken.
- Anxious heavy dreams with oppression of chest.
- Awakened :
- by asthma;
- by nightmare;
- with starts;
- by cough.
- Worse after sleep.
- Night : delirium; sticking, tearing around eyes agg; lachrymation; violent hollow cough;
weariness of neck; rheumatic pains in joints agg; sleepless; dreaming; shuddering; alternate
heat and chill; pains intolerable.
- Midnight : burning in throat, causing hawking.
- After midnight : short breath during sleep; short cough; sweat.
- Midnight to 3 A.M. : must rise to urinate.
- Until 3 A.M. : cough worse.
- Morning : excessive sweat; anxious lamentations; confused as if drunken; swollen eyelids
agg; coryza fluent; thin, gelatinous sputum; thinks he has not slept.
- Towards noon : convulsions.
- Day : short cough and panting; thin, gelatinous sputum.
- Towards evening : congestion to head agg; crackling in head; stitches in orbital region;
fever unbearable.
- Evening : congestive headache agg; crackling in temples, forehead and nose; itching,
burning, smarting in eye; stitches in eye agg; lachrymation; cough agg; weariness of neck;
rheumatic pains in joints agg; sudden chill.
- Sensation of coldness in bloodvessels.
- Chill :
- anxious;
- on slightest movement; being uncovered or touched;
- || ascends from feet to chest; with formication between shoulders and down back; finger
tips cold, nails blue, agg in a warm room.
- Shuddering on lying down at night.
- Rigor commencing in limbs and going over whole body, with gooseflesh; agg in rest;
disappearing on motion.
- Skin cool, dry or cold and viscous; or cold to touch, but patient feels as if burning.
- || Whole body stiff and cold. Myelitis.
- || Rigors and vomiting. Puerperal convulsions.
- Frequent shudders. Inflammation of lungs.
- || Cold crawls over back, with hot skin. Catarrh.
- Sudden chill in evening, followed by heat.
- After a violent chill, dry heat with difficult breathing and lancinating pain through chest.
- With chill, internal heat, anxiety, red cheeks; body chilly, hot forehead and ears, internal
- Chill at beginning violent, more in evening after lying down, often with one hot cheek
and contracted pupils.
- Alternate heat and chill all night; restless, wants to uncover, yet chilly therefrom.
- Face hot, hands and feet cold; face flushes, with cold hands and feet, mostly evenings.
- Skin hot and dry, with anxious tossing about. Meningitis.
- Heat and dry skin. Prolapsus uteri.
- Heat with thirst, hard, full and frequent pulse, anxious impatience, inappeasable, beside
himself, tossing about with agony.
- Heat, with agonized tossing about.
- Dry, burning heat, generally extending from head and face, with much thirst for cold
- Heat, with inclination to uncover;
- fever unbearable towards evening and after getting into bed.
- Heat, with chilliness at same time.
- Red cheeks, with obstinacy, complaining mood; burning in region of navel and pressive
- Thirst for beer during heat;
- burning thirst during heat.
- Inflammatory fevers and inflammations, with much heat, dry burning skin, violent
thirst, red face, or alternate red and pale face; nervous excitability, groaning and agonized
tossing about; shortness of breath, and congestion to head. Synochal fever.
- Profuse sweat, with copious flow of urine and diarrhoea.
- Free sweat.
- Profuse sweat during sleep, even in consumptives; sweat after 12 P.M.
- Long continued, general sweat, of a somewhat sour odor.
- Affected parts and covered parts sweat; likes to be uncovered.
- Worse while sweating; better afterward.
- Profuse sweat relieves rheumatic pains.
- Bad effects of suppressed sweat : catarrhs; fever; local inflammations, etc.
- Cold sweat.
- Attacks of pain, with redness of face and thirst.
- Suddenly : turns red and falls unconscious; faints while standing to urinate; excrutiating
pain in stomach (scarlatina).
- Alternately : heat and chill; stupefaction and restlessness; face red and pale; slimy stools
and constipation; coldness and shooting in knee.
- Pains intolerable; more so at night.
- Stitches here and there; erratic.
- Stinging burning, as if in skin.
- Tearing, cutting, wandering pains. Rheumatism, etc.
- Neuralgia with congestions, from dry cold air or checked sweat.
- Trembling, like a boiling and seething, as if parts were going to sleep; or as if becoming
drunk; always with an unpleasant sensation of coldness.
- As if bruised or beaten in different parts.
- As if ideas came from stomach; as if she would lose her reason; as if brain was agitated by
boiling water; as if a hot iron was bound around head; as if everything would push out of
forehead; pulsation as from severe blows in forehead; vertex as if compressed by a pitch-
cap; headache as if brain was moved or raised; as if pulled by hair on vertex; as from bending
crackling tinsel in temples, forehead, nose; as if hair stood on end; as if eye would be forced
out of orbit; as if eyeball was pushed into orbit; music goes through every limb; as if face
was growing larger; as if muscles of face were spasmodically contracted; tongue feels as
after eating pepper or smoking; as if teeth would fall out; mouth as if filled with air tasting of
rotten eggs; as of cold air on tongue; as if uvula was elongated and touching tongue; as if
something had stuck in throat; as if food had lodged in cardiac region when swallowing; as if
a cold stone lay in stomach; anxious feeling in praecordia; as if a heavy load were resting on
abdomen; splashing in region of bladder; as though poles of a galvanic battery had been
applied to glans penis; feeling of a band around chest; feeling of suffocation; as if boiling
water was poured into chest; as of beetles crawling on spine; arms as if paralyzed by blows;
as of needles in wrist joints; as if drops of water trickled down front of thighs; as if thighs
were tightly bandaged when walking; ankles as if tied with a ligature.
- Violent pain : over right eye; in stomach; down left arm.
- Burning : headache; in eyes; of lids; of lips and mouth; of tongue; on tip of tongue; vesicles
on tongue; in fauces; in back of throat; in throat; along eustachian tube; in pharynx; along
oesophagus to stomach; from stomach up to mouth; in pit of stomach; in hepatic region; in
umbilical region; in hernia, like coals of fire; in anus; in bladder; in neck of bladder; in
urethra; in larynx; under sternum; in spine.
- Prickling : in tongue; in throat; in larynx or trachea; in toes.
- Smarting : in eyes.
- Stitches : under scalp; in orbital region; in pit of stomach; in region of liver; in diaphragm;
in region of kidneys; in glans; to right of fundus uteri; in chest.
- Shooting pains : in renal region; in uterus; in chest; in upper limbs; in legs, knees ankles,
- Stitching thrusts : in lower jaw; in spine.
- Knifelike pains in knee joint.
- Stinging : in ear; in throat; in fauces; in hepatic region; in anus; in region of kidneys; in
- Sticking pains : in right eyeball; in sclerotitis; around eyes; in posterior fauces.
- Cutting : in intestines; in a circle from spine to abdomen.
- Twitching : in knees; in eyes.
- Choking : in throat.
- Swollen feeling : of tongue; of testicles; of many parts, generally with shuddering, cold or
- Pain : in right ear; in epigastrium; in glans penis; in middle of chest.
- Tearing pains : in sclerotitis; around eyes; in left ear; in a carious molar; in nape of neck; in
scapulae; in shoulder joint; in wrists and fingers; in left hip joint; in limbs.
- Pressive shooting : in eyeballs.
- Aching : in eyeballs; in face.
- Bone-pains : in long bones of limbs and metacarpal bones.
- Drawing pain : in right testicle; in muscles of neck and throat; in scapulae; in wrists and
fingers; in left hip- joint; in joints of limbs; in tendinous expansions of lower limbs; in limbs.
- Pinching : about navel.
- Squeezing : in forehead, above root of nose.
- Pressing shooting : in forehead, coryza.
- Pressure : in upper part of forehead; in temples; in vertex; in upper lids; at root of nose; in
stomach and pit of stomach; in hepatic region; in anus; in region of kidneys; in bladder;
under sternum; in lumbar and sacral region.
- Bruised pain : in eye; in loins; in testicles; between shoulders; in small of back.
- Fulness : in forehead.
- Throbbing : in temples; in one side of face; in carious molar; in pit of stomach.
- Constriction : of throat; in hepatic region.
- Contracting : in upper part of forehead.
- Cramps : at root of nose; in calves.
- Tensive pain : in lumbar and sacral regions.
- Tense feeling : in eyelids; in stomach and hypochondria.
- Tightness : of chest.
- Heaviness : in forehead; in hypochondria; in abdomen, bearing down; under sternum; in
- Paralyzed feeling : in intestines.
- Formication : of scalp; on spine; between shoulders; in arms, hands and fingers.
- Creeping : in face; in fingers.
- Creeping pain : in fingers.
- Crawling : in face, in spine; in limbs.
- Tickling : in larynx.
- Tingling : in face, lips and mouth; in tongue; in oesophagus; at anus; in sexual parts; in left
arm; in fingers; in feet, spreading upward; in limbs.
- Roughness : as from sand in inner canthus.
- Rawness : in middle of tongue.
- Raw pain : in chest.
- Distressed feeling : after eating.
- Laborlike pressing : in womb.
- Scratching : in throat causing cough.
- Soreness : neck; of lower limbs.
- Weariness : in neck.
- Stiffness : of back.
- Tired feeling : in limbs during repose.
- Numbness : of lips and mouth; of tongue; in left arm; of small of back; in gouty limb; in
legs and feet; with rheumatism of hands and feet.
- Stinging itching : pimples on hands.
- Itching : of eyes; at anus.
- Heat : in eyes; of external ear; of lips and mouth; in stomach; in diaphragm; in vagina; in
lungs; of palms; in left hip joint.
- Coldness : in incisors; of hands; of palms; of knee; of extremities; in bloodvessels.
- Dryness : of eyes; of lids; of tongue; in palate; in posterior nares; in throat; in windpipe.
- Has but little effect on disorganized blood- globules, hence seldom useful in true
typhoid states.
- Acts more on arterial system.
- Plethora; active capillary congestions (from overactive serous membranes).
- Local congestions and inflammations.
- Neuritis, with tingling.
- Complaints in joints : shooting, cramp, cracking, loss of power; drawing in joints and
- Articular rheumatism, much fever, restlessness and anxiety; swellings are red and hot or
pale; shifting from one point to another; especially if caused by suddenly checked sweat or
by dry cold air or winds.
- Acute catarrhs, with usual Aconite fever.
- Skin and muscles rigid.
- Muscular rheumatism with high fever.
- Glands painful, hot, swollen.
- Injuries. Touch : causes loud screams; pains worse; eyeballs sensitive; soreness in pit of
stomach agg; pains of peritonitis agg; lower abdomen sensitive; larynx sensitive; excites
spasms; hip painful; rheumatic swelling of joints sensitive; chilly.
- Pressure : stitches in supraorbital region agg; liver sensitive.
- Scratching : no effect on itching.
- Fall or concussion : vertigo.
- Foreign bodies : irritation and inflammation of eyes.
- Wounds painfully sensitive after surgical operations; fever.
- Shock from injury or surgical operations.
- Skin dry; absence of sweat.
- Tingling over whole surface.
- Red, shining, hot swellings; violent pains.
- Fine prickings, as from needles, here and there.
- Spots like flea-bites; itching unchanged by scratching.
- Erythema from sun's rays; papular erythema.
- Erysipelas, smooth skin; violent fever.
- Yellow skin. Jaundice. During pregnancy.
- Red rash all over, except on abdomen. Childbed fever, second week.
- Measles : dry, barking cough; painful hoarseness; eyes red; cannot bear light; tongue
red; jerks of left leg or arm, or grinding of teeth; restless moaning and lamenting; lying in a
comatose state; pains in joints; free sweat.
- In red miliary fever : increasing restlessness, agonizing anxiety and heat of body.
- Rash of children.
- Seldom in scarlatina, except as specified below or during desquamation.
- Scarlet rash, with high fever.
- Scarlet fever, with dry skin and very great restlessness and distress; must frequently sit
erect in bed in consequence of dyspnoea.
- Skin cold and dry; cold, clammy.
- Single long dartings, here and there, mixed with a raw sensation, ending with pain as of a
- Antidotes to Acon. : Acet. ac., Paris, Vin.
- Is antidote to
- Bellad.,
- Chamom.,
- Coffea,
- Nux vom., Petrol., Sepia,
- Sulphur,
- Veratr., and secondary symptoms of Morphine.
- After Acon. follow well :
- Arnic.,
- Bellad., in gastric states; after pulmonary febrile affections : Ipec., Bryon., Hepar,
- Sepia and
- Sulphur; in colic:
- || Arsen.; in cough :
- Bryon., Spongia; in croup : Spongia or Hepar; in strangury of children : Pulsat.; in
- Mercur.
- Acon. may often be indicated after
- Arnic.,
- Coffea,
- Sulphur and
- Veratr.
- Complementary to Coffea, in fever, sleeplessness, intolerance of pain; to Arnic. in
bruises; to Sulphur high in all cases.
- Ailments from : Act. rac.,
- Chamom.,
- Coffea,
- Nux vom., Petrol., Sepia,
- Sulphur.
- Abuse of Acon. calls for Sulphur.
6- Cefalea al inclinar el cuerpo hacia adelante; con vrtigo y ruidos en los odos.
* 7- Gran sensibilidad a la luz. Midriasis; visin turbia; parpadea al mirar objetos iluminados.
Los objetos parecen moverse.
* 8- Dolores en la cara, con ruidos en los odos y vrtigo. Cara azul-negruzca; labios
azulados e hinchados. Sensacin de contraccin en la cara.
9- Sialorrea. Gusto muy agudo. Mucosa bucal roja con vesculas amarillentas. Parlisis de la
* 10- Eructos violentos, con tendencia a vomitar. Contraccin espasmdica del estmago y
de los msculos abdominales. Ardor en el vientre; hormigueo. Borborigmos.
A. neomontanum: Sabor agudo peculiar seguido por dolores sbitos violentos, de los labios
al estmago. Los eructos y ruidos en el intestino del alcaloide, fueron reproducidos,
pero adems la membrana mucosa de la boca estaba roja, tachonada con pequeas
vesculas amarillo blanquizcas, rodeadas por una areola rojo brillante; aparece
salivacin. Pupilas, al principio mviles, se volvieron persistentemente dilatadas; visin
borrosa; incapaz de mirar a objetos muy iluminados sin parpadear; objetos cercanos y
lejanos parecan flotar. Inquietud extrema; parece como si hubiera un cosquilleo que lo
impulsara a un movimiento constante; > en temperatura uniforme, < al entrar en aire
caliente de uno fro y viceversa. Aptico, indiferente a todo el mundo. Sueo alterado o
imposible. Vmito > todos los sntomas.
2- Mente muy activa, ideas que se suceden rpidamente; habla constantemente; seguida de
depresin. Inquietud. Re y bromea, pero al aparecer la ansiedad y disnea, no puede
* 5- Peor: al erguirse en la cama o por alimentos calientes. Mejor: al acostarse; por bebidas
fras; por caf.
6- Lengua casi insensible, con capa blanco-amarillenta. Ardor en la boca al comer; ardor en
la faringe, violento. Calor en el estmago. Gastralgias, peor por la presin; extendidas a todo
el vientre. Borborigmos y gorgoteo en el abdomen.
** 7- Intensa disnea que lo obliga a sentarse y apoyar la cabeza en las palmas de las manos;
con miedo de ahogarse. Disnea cardiaca. Taquipnea. Respiracin de Cheyne-Stokes.
8- Marcha vacilante, con gran debilidad en los miembros inferiores, sobre todo en el derecho.
9- Fro de hielo en todo el cuerpo, objetivo y subjetivo. Sale de la cama para acercarse a una
estufa. Fiebre con calor en la cara y en las manos.
A. ferox, Wall. A. virosum, Don. Bisch, o Bikh, Ativisha. (La especie ms venenosa
conocida, contiene grandes proporciones de Aconitina; de las Montaas del Himalaya.) O.N.
Ranunculaceae. Tintura de la raz.
- Mind very active; sequence of ideas rapid (in six hours).
- He talked constantly, remembered easily the minutest circumstances of his former
experiment, compared them with the present one, and readily drew conclusions therefrom (in
six hours).
- In the intervals of relief from distressing symptoms, he laughed and joked about his very
comical condition; but when the dyspnoea, anxiety, etc., returned, he could not seem to
endure them, and abused heartily Aconite and Toxicology in general (in four to six hours).
- Was incapable of any mental work, even the simplest addition (second day).
- Comprehension and understanding were confused (second day).
- Anxiety (in four hours).
- Confusion of head (in eighty minutes).
- On rising, at 6.30 o'clock, vertigo (second day).
- Pupils dilated, sluggish to light (in six hours).
- The cheeks felt fuzzy (in forty minutes).
- Troublesome formication, mostly over face (in eighty minutes).
- Formication on upper surface of tongue, gradually involved whole mouth (in forty
- The tongue almost insensible; it feels like a piece of raw leather in the mouth (in six hours).
- Tongue covered with a thick, yellowish-white fur (second day).
- Violent burning in mouth (in two minutes).
- Burning in mouth and throat increased by food (second day).
- Drank often cold water to relieve the burning in mouth and fauces (in five minutes).
- The mouth felt fuzzy (in forty minutes).
- Salivation (in five minutes).
- Taste flat, pasty (second day).
- Violent burning in pharynx (in two minutes).
- Burning in throat an mouth (in two to four hours).
- Drank often cold water to relieve the burning in fauces and mouth (in five minutes).
- Feeling of constriction of throat (in four hours).
- Very little appetite (second day).
- Frequent eructations (in eighty minutes).
- Transient nausea (third day).
- Nausea, eructations (could not vomit) (in four hours).
- At times, nausea and inclination to vomit (in eighty minutes).
- After breakfast, nausea, pressure in stomach, with pain (second day).
- Sensation of warmth in stomach (in two minutes).
- Violent drawing pain in region of stomach and sacral regions, which soon spread over
whole abdomen; on pressure at the epigastric region, the pain is increased (third and fourth
- Pressure in stomach after eating (for to eight days) (four day).
- On pressing in stomach, an internal, dull pressing pain (four to eight days).
- Rumbling in bowels (in five minutes).
- Constant gurgling in bowels (in four hours).
Urinary organs
- Copious evacuation of urine every fifteen to thirty minutes; in twelve hours, more than five
quarts of urine, and only two quarts drank (in forty minutes).
- Frequent and copious urination (in seven hours).
- Urine straw-yellow for eight hours, afterwards became dark (in forty minutes).
Respiratory apparatus
- Dyspnoea.
- Oppression of breathing (in four hours).
- Dyspnoea increased to such a degree that he was obliged to breathe half sitting up, with the
head resting on the palms of the hands (in six hours).
- Anxiety increased to a high degree; he constantly feared he would suffocate from paralysis
of the respiratory muscles (in six hours).
- Accelerated respiration (in six hours).
Extremities in general
- Weakness and trembling of extremities (in eighty minutes).
Lower extremities
- Walking difficult and uncertain, fatiguing (in eighty minutes).
- Gait tottering; step regular, but powerless (second day).
- Remarkable weakness in lower extremities, especially the right (third day).
- General sick feeling (in eighty minutes).
- * Formication, spread over whole body, but affected very slightly, or not all, those parts
that had been cold; worse, or caused by change of temperature and motion. From 7 to 7.30
p.m. , this annoying sensation, having changed from one nerve to another, reached its greatest
severity; it caused a painful unrest, so that he could not possibly lie more than a few minutes
quietly; constantly changed his position; would attempt to get up, but a few steps exhibited
marked weakness and prostration, with vertigo, blackness before eyes, trembling of whole
body, inclination to vomit; relieved at once by lying down (in two to four hours).
- Sensation as though benumbed; on touching objects, it seemed a though he had on gloves;
on pinching the cheek, no pain (in six hours).
- Touch all day blunted, as through gloves; and he seemed to walk on woollen carpets
(second, third, and fourth days).
- Weakness very great (in four hours).
- Very weak, even in bed (in four hours).
- Weakness (fifth day).
- Lassitude and weariness suddenly attacked him (second day).
- Prostration from the sleepless night (fifth day).
- Weakness, anxiety, dyspnoea, restlessness, and excitement increased with intervals of relief
(in four hours).
- Sense of coldness (in eighty minutes).
- * Icy coldness of body, especially of extremities, continued for several hours; he was
wrapped in his gown and doubled covers, and three feather bolsters, and the room kept very
hot, without effect (in four hours).
- Temperature objectively and subjectively lowered; he lay one and a half hours by the hot
stove (second day).
- So tired he had to go to bed and be covered up warm, because the skin was cold objectively
and subjectively (in eighty minutes).
- Desire to get warm; he rose from the bed and tottered six steps to the stove; he remained by
the stove a few minutes (half sitting, half lying, with the head supported); warmth caused a
pleasant sensation, but there arose vertigo, flickering, trembling on limbs, oppression, and
nausea, so that he had to go back to bed, which relieved these latter symptoms (in four
- He could not divert himself of the idea that warmth would do him good; he went to the
stove again, with the same result as before; on attempting it the third time, he could not stand
up (in four hours).
- Desire for warmth; not being able to leave the bed, he had heated bolsters laid on his chest
and abdomen, and kept as quiet as possible (in four to six hours).
- Skin cold (second day).
- Skin cold, dry, rustling (temperature of room very high) (in two to four hours).
- * Calor mordax on forehead, chest, and hands, with sensation as if numerous glowing hot
wires were stuck into him; relieved by the perspiration (in four to six hours).
- In order to promote perspiration, he flexed and extended the arm as rapidly as possible;
after a minute, copious sweat, with calor mordax but instead of relief, he was attacked with
such weakness that he sank down exhausted; palpitation (in six hours).
- Afternoons better (third, fourth, and fifth days).
- The burning in mouth and throat renewed for a few hours by warm food (fourth day).
- Coffee relieved the symptoms (in six hours).
ACONITINUM (Vijnovsky)
** 3- Los trastornos o sntomas aparecen con gran rapidez y con extremada intensidad y, si se
recupera, lo hace tambin en forma rpida y completa.
** 4- Los sntomas van a menudo de abajo hacia arriba: sensacin de cosquilleo o picoteo
que corre por la pierna hacia arriba, por la columna hasta la cabeza; sensacin de fro helado
que trepa desde los pies.
** 7- Gran pesadez en todo el cuerpo, como si las partes afectadas estuvieran llenas de plomo
(excepto la cabeza y el estmago).
** 8- Peor: por el menor esfuerzo; por esfuerzos mentales; por agitarse; por el tacto. Mejor:
por vmitos.
11- Vrtigo y confusin, con timbres en los odos; cae enseguida; visin oscurecida. Plenitud
y pesadez en la cabeza, no puede sostenerla. Hemicrnea, a veces con vmitos.
12- Sensacin de cansancio ocular. Midriasis. Ceguera completa con midriasis. Arreflexia
13- Presin en los odos. Oye rugidos (a la 3a. D [Boericke]). Sordera completa.
15- Ardor en los labios y punta de la lengua. Ardor, constriccin y sequedad en la boca y
fauces. Lengua rgida. Gusto muy amargo o disminuido o ausente.
* 16- Constriccin y ardor desde la boca al estmago. Cada intento de tragar es seguido de
espasmos como de hidrofobia, pero no aparecen al ver agua. Disfagia con dolor en la nuca y
regin parotdea; debe presionarse la nuca al comer. Ardor en la garganta, como si tuviera
una brasa ardiente all.
* 17- Eructos. Vmitos cada 2 o 3 minutos, precedidos de una sacudida o contraccin brusca
y ruidosa de los msculos abdominales. Calor en el epigastrio. Nuseas estando erguido.
18- Borborigmos. Hipertrofia de hgado y bazo. Brusca contraccin del diafragma.
21- Opresin angustiosa precordial. Los sonidos cardacos solo se oyen en la punta. Pulso:
rpido o lento, pequeo, dbil, intermitente.
24- La superficie del cuerpo est fra, sudorosa y plida. Cabeza y cara repentinamente
calientes, extendindose el calor al resto del cuerpo (ms en el epigastrio), con sudores.
Aconitina. Aconitine. Aconitia. C33 H45 NO12. Un alcaloide obtenido de las races y tallos
de Aconitum Napellus. Esta contenido en todas las especies de Aconite, excepto A.
lycotonum. (Aconitina alemana es amorfa; Aconitina francesa es cristalina, y 170 veces ms
fuerte que la alemana. Aconitina inglesa de Morson, es una preparacin secreta, que se cree
hecha de A. ferox. El alcaloide de A. ferox, difiere algo de la Aconitina vulgar,
qumicamente, y se llama seudo Aconitina. La Aconitina de T.H. Smith, de Edinburgo, es
probablemente idntica a la de Morson. Los sntomas de la de Morson estn indicados (M)
en el esquema).
Los sntomas de Aconitina aparecen con gran rapidez, y se desarrollan con intensidad
extrema. Si ocurre la recuperacin, sta es rpida y completa. Hay una relajacin de las
extremidades y cada esfuerzo < los sntomas. < por esfuerzo mental; por agitacin. < por el
tacto. Posicin erecta causa nusea (M).
Relaciones. Ver Acon. n. Sntomas de hidrofobia, Bell., Canth., Hyo., Lach., Fagus.
Aconitinum (Allen)
Aconitine (C27H40NO10) is obtained from the roots and stems of Aconitum napellus, L.
This must not be confounded with "Morson's (English) Aconitine"
[_a1]: Schroff; t, Toxicological, from Bird an others.
- Intellect most perfect, and even vivid, t.
- Thought slow; long thinking impossible; all attention disturbed, [_a1].
- Loss of sense, [_a1].
- Vertigo, [_a1].
- Confusion of head very great, [_a1].
- Headache, t.
- Pain in head and face more intense after the slightest mental exertion, [_a1].
- Pupil dilated (both from internal and local use). t.
- Dimness of vision, t.
- Sense of pressure in ears, [_a1].
- Roaring in ears, [_a1].
- A peculiar drawing, pressive sensation in the cheeks on upper jaw, the forehead (region of
nervus trigeminus), increase in intensity, at first intermittent, wandering, becomes a
continuous pain of great intensity, [_a1].
- Burning on tip of tongue and lips, [_a1].
- Unpleasant taste, nauseous, bitter, [_a1].
- Dryness in throat, [_a1].
- Every attempt to swallow followed by the spasmodic contractions characteristic of
hydrophobia, but they were not renewed by the sight of water, t.
- Eructations, immediately, t.
- Severe vomiting, which recurred every two or three minutes, and was performed by a
sudden, jerking action of the abdominal muscles, accompanied by a loud shout, t.
- Rumbling in bowels (immediately), t.
Urinary organs
- Diuresis very marked, [_a1].
Respiratory apparatus
- Cough, with easyexpectoration, [_a1].
- Respiration difficult, [_a1].
- Oppression, t.
Extremities in general
- Trembling of limbs, [_a1].
- Relaxation of joints, [_a1].
- Formication on the feet and hands, t.
- All the convulsive movements were easily excited by simply touching him, t.
- Great depression of the circulation, t.
- Pains in jaws, nape of neck, and limbs, t.
- General fatigue, t.
- Muscular weakness, even to inability to stand up, t.
- Great muscular weakness; [_a1].
- Prostration, t.
- Patient fearfully collapsed, t.
- General formication, t.
- Sense as if the epidermis would scale off, [_a1].
- Skin seems dotted with red points, [_a1].
- Horripilation, t.
- Surface cold, sweating, and quite pale, t.
- Head and face suddenly very warm; this warmth extends over the whole body, is most
intense in the region of the stomach and bowels, and accompanied by sweat, [_a1].
* 3- Peor: despus de almorzar; por esfuerzos mentales; durante la digestin, sobre todo por
comer cerdo y cebollas; por vino.
4- Deseo de golosinas, fruta, repollo.
8- Saciedad rpida.
Relaciones.- Comparar : Cistus, Lap. alb., Con., Iod., Spo., Lyc., Carb. an.; Puls. (efectos de
carne de puerco).
Aconitum lycoctonum(Allen)
- Mania.
- Ferocity.
- Laughter.
- Distraction.
- Instability of ideas.
- Dread of work.
- Repugnance to business.
- Vertigo with nausea.
- Lancinating pain in the head, which extends to across the eyes.
- Digging sensation in the brain.
- Compressive pain in the head.
- The head feels heavy, as if a great weight were pressing on the brain.
- Sensation as if a nail were driven into the head when moving it.
- Pulsations in the head.
- Shocks in the forehead.
- Pressure on the top of the head.
- Hammering pain in the temples.
- Pressure in the occiput.
- Pulling pain in the scalp when contracting it.
- Pain like that of rheumatism in the skin of the head, increased by touching it.
- Fixed look.
- Heat in the eyes.
- Lancinating pain in the eyes, going from without inwards.
- Boring pain in the eyes.
- Painfulness of the lids.
- Itching in the eyelids.
- Sensation of pressure on the lids.
- Difficulty in raising the lids.
- Feeling of dryness at the inner canthus.
- Smarting in the canthi.
- Feeling of roughness in the ears.
- Beatings in the ears when in the open air.
- Purulent discharge from the ear.
- Redness behind the ears.
- Itching on the nose.
- Sensitiveness of the nose.
- Pulling sensation in the nose.
- Lancinations in the nose.
- Compression at the root of the nose.
- The skin of the nose is cracked.
- Muco-purulent discharge from the nose.
- Dry coryza from one nostril.
- Pale face.
- Shining face.
- Pain of excoriation around the mouth.
- Pain which seems to be in the facial bones.
- Tension in the facial muscles.
- Bluish circle around the eyes.
- Hard tuberculous pimples on the face.
- Pimples on the lips.
- Sweat on the face.
- The skin of the face becomes of a light-brown color.
- Numbness of the jaw, like incipient paralysis, relieved by compressing it, and ameliorated
by drinking whine.
- Burning pain in the upper teeth.
- Pressive pain in the teeth.
- Tearing pain in the lower teeth when opening the mouth.
- Bluish gums.
- Ulcerated gums.
- Clayey taste.
- Astringent taste.
- Strong relish for dainties, fruits, cabbage.
- The relish for tobacco in increased in a smoker.
- Dislike for food in general, especially for fatty things and milk; they cause uneasiness.
- Keen hunger, but it is very soon satisfied.
- Thirst.
- Constant thirst, even when drinking.
- Burning thirst.
- Thirst at night.
- Acid risings, with weight on the stomach.
- Risings with rancid taste.
- Risings like rotten eggs.
- Painful eructations.
- Hiccough.
- Inclination to vomit after eating.
- Inclination to vomit with shivering.
- Inclination to vomit, with vertigo.
- Vomiting of mucus on getting out of bed.
- Yellowish vomiting after drinking.
- Vomiting, with copious urination.
- Bruised pain in the right hypochondrium.
- Tearing pain in the right hypochondrium.
- Starting in the hepatic region.
- When respiring, both hypochondria feel bruised.
- Sensation of compression, which is referred to the diaphragm.
- Anxiety in the abdomen.
- Beatings in the abdomen.
- Simple pain in the abdomen after drinking milk.
- Lancinating pain after drinking milk.
- Abundant flatulence.
- Colic, like that caused by haemorrhoids.
Urinary organs
- Desire to urinate, with copious emission.
- Urging, with ineffectual efforts to urinate.
- Desire to urinate, with scanty discharge.
- Colorless urine.
- Increased heat of urine.
- Turbid urine, depositing a white sediment.
Sexual organs
- Itching at the vulva.
- The menstrual blood is fetid.
- Excoriation of the bend of the thigh after the menses.
- Leucorrhoea.
- Viscid leucorrhoea.
Respiratory apparatus
- Difficult respiration.
- Slight cough, with watery expectoration.
- After a slight chill, cough, leaving a taste of blood in the mouth.
- Swelling of the mammary glands.
Upper extremities
- Swelling of the axillary glands.
- Pressure in the shoulder-joints.
- Lancinating pain in the shoulder-joints.
- Tearing pain in the elbow-joint.
- Stiffness in the joints of the elbow and wrist.
- A few blotches, like scarlatina, appear on the forearm and hands.
- Sensation of fulness in the hands.
- Sweat on the hands.
Lower extremities
- On stretching his legs the muscles of the ham feel as if very much shortened.
- Jerking in the legs.
- Itching at the ankles in the evening.
- Lancinating pain at the instep when standing.
- Eruption of hot, red, slightly painful spots, on the legs and toes.
- Horripilation.
- Chilliness of one side only as soon as he is uncovered.
- In the morning external coldness with feeling of heat.
- Coldness alternating with heat, succeeded by sweat.
- During the heat, pale face, strong appetite, thirst; pain in bowels, restlessness.
- The sweat continues after the fever.
- Drawing pain in the limbs, such as are felt in intermittent fever, with feeling of lassitude
during the night, and on getting up in the morning.
This plant is a blue-flowered variety of Acon. lycoctonum, L., or a nearly allied species; it
is found on the rocky hills of Sweden (and in the north of Europe). Preparation, The extract
(obtained by digesting the root with rectified spirits) has been proved. Authority. Carl v.
Schroff, Jr., gave one, two, and three decigrammes to Herr Krueg.
Symptoms - Slight confusion of the head. - Dull pressure in the scalp. - Unpleasant
sensation in the stomach. - Sense of fulness in the stomach. - Taste at first nauseous,
became sweetish at the forepart and on the edges of the tongue. - Passage of clear urine. -
General sick feeling.
Pulse - (from one decigram) reduced from 76 to 64. - Pulse (from two decigrammes)
reduced from 66 to 60. - Pulse (from three decigrammes) not altered in frequency, but
became Small and irregular.
10- Dolor violento en el maxilar superior, desde un diente cariado a la sien. Suda la mejilla
sobre la que est acostado. Color amarillento peribucal. Labios paspados. Las glndulas
submaxilares duelen al masticar. Sialorrea. Halitosis.
* 15- Disnea o respiracin irregular y corta de noche acostado. Gran opresin. Respiracin
corta por exposicin al aire fro.
Clnica.- Cncer del estmago. Hepatitis. Odontalgia. Pleuresa. Reumatismo. Sustos, efectos
Relaciones.- Sigue bien a Nux v. Comparar: otras Ranunculaceae; Arn., Bry., Caulo.
(reumatismo de los dedos), Lyc., Rhus t., Salic. ac., y Sticta (pequeas articulaciones).
Es un remedio reumtico, especialmente de las articulaciones pequeas, lo caracterizan los
dolores desgarrantes, hormigueantes
Reumatismo de las muecas
Pulsaciones en todo el cuerpo, especialmente en regiones heptica y renal
Espasmo cardiovascular
Dolores peor por el tacto y movimiento
Lleno de temores, se sobresalta fcilmente; confusin
Agolpamiento de sangre a la cabeza causado por tomar caf
Vrtigo, cefalea desgarrante, mejor al aire libre.
Latidos en el cerebro, dolor de la coronilla al entrecejo; calor en la frente, dolor en la
eminencia frontal izquierda como si el hueso fuera aplastado
Prurito del cuero cabelludo alternando con calor; nariz roja en la punta, coriza fluente.
Dolor violento en el maxilar superior, corre de los dientes a travs de huesos malares a
Sudoracin de la cara y la cabeza.
Dolores desgarrantes, aguijoneantes en regin epigstrica, con vmito
Dolores como calambres en el estmago y epigastrio, con dificultad respiratoria; sensacin
de sofocacin
Flojedad sbita despus de comer.
Retraccin espasmdica
Dolores como pinchazos y distensin del hipogastrio.
Respiracin irregular, corta, por la noche, mientras est acostado
Gran opresin
Respiracin corta al exponerse al aire fro.
Dolor lumbar desgarrante
Dolores reumticos en pequeas articulaciones, muecas, [Ulmus] los dedos, tobillos, dedos
de los pies
Hinchazn de las articulaciones por fatiga ligera
Muecas hinchadas, rojas, peor por cualquier movimiento
Debilidad paraltica en los brazos
Dolor en rodilla
Sbita laxitud despus de hablar o comer.
Comparar: Cimicif., Cauloph., Led.
Tercera potencia.
- * Furious delirium, [_a2].
- Delirium during fever, [_a1].
- Loss of consciousness, [_a1].
- Boring pain in the head, [_a1].
- Headache, which persists after the fever, [_a1].
- Pressure in the forehead, from having been in broad daylight, [_a1].
- Twitching pain in the temples, [_a1].
- Pressure in the vertex, [_a1].
- Hammering pain in occiput, [_a1].
- Pain which seems seated in the periosteum and even in the bones of the skull, [_a1].
- The symptoms are, in general, more intense at night; they are aggravated by walking; for
the most part, they return periodically, [_a1].
- Sensation of horripilation on the scalp, [_a1].
- Eruption of small pimples on the hairy scalp, [_a2].
- Warm sweat of the head, [_a1].
- Suggillations of the conjunctiva, [_a1].
- Ophthalmia, like catarrhal inflammation, [_a1].
- Flow of burning tears, [_a1].
- Objects seem colored blue, [_a1].
- Spots before eyes when looking steadily, [_a1].
- The ear is sore to the touch, [_a1].
- Twitching pain in ears when sneezing, or blowing nose, [_a1].
- Murmuring in the ears after sleeping; it becomes worse from mental anxiety, [_a1].
- Bruised pain in nose, [_a1].
- Redness of the nostril, [_a1].
- The nasal mucus in tinged with blood, [_a1].
- Nasal hemorrhage, during the oppression of the chest, [_a1].
- The skin around the mouth becomes slightly yellowish, [_a1].
- The cheek on which he lies perspires easily, [_a1].
- * Pain as of rheumatism in the face[_a1].
- The lips are somewhat chapped, [_a1].
- The salivary secretion is increased, [_a1].
- Slightly fetid odor from the mouth, [_a1].
- The submaxillary glands are painful when chewing, [_a1].
- The throat becomes sore when speaking, [_a1].
- Tearing pains in the throat, especially when breathing cold morning or evening air, [_a1].
- Hunger, with aversion to food, [_a1].
- Sharp appetite in the morning, [_a1].
- Nausea, [_a1].
- Vomiting, [_a1].
- Desire to vomit, with dizziness, [_a1].
- Vomiting of sour matters, [_a1].
- Uneasiness after a meal, [_a1].
- Cramp of the
- stomach, [_a1].
- Painful of pressure at pit of stomach, [_a1].
- Drawing in the epigastric region, [_a1].
- Beatings in right hypochondrium, [_a1].
- Throbbing in right hypochondrium, [_a1].
- The right hypochondrium is painful to pressure, [_a1].
- The left hypochondrium becomes almost insensible, [_a1].
- Spasmodic contractions of the bowels, [_a1].
- Uneasiness in bowels, [_a1].
- Feeling of compression in abdomen, [_a1].
- Pain in the abdomen like that which precedes or accompanies menstruation, [_a1].
- Pain in the bowels like that which precedes diarrhoea, [_a1].
- Copious emission of flatulence, [_a1].
Urinary organs
- Frequent urging to urinate, [_a2].
- Frequent urging and painful micturition, [_a1].
- The urine deposits a white sediment, [_a1].
Respiratory apparatus
- Difficult inspiration, with stitching pain in the epigastrium when drawing a deep breath,
- Difficult breathing, with painful shock in the abdomen at each inspiration, [_a1].
- Difficult breathing with pain in stomach, [_a1].
- Difficult breathing, with pain in hip, [_a1].
- Breathing seems difficult, on account of weakness, especially when expiring air, [_a1].
- Throbbing sensation in the region of the kidneys, [_a1].
- Bruised pain in sacral region, when lying on the side, [_a1].
Extremities in general
[a5]: Swelling of the joints after slight fatigue[_a1].
Upper extremities
- * Pain as from paralytic weakness in the hands, [_a1].
- The fingers are numb and cold; they are discolored, [_a1].
Lower extremities
- Swelling of the lower limbs, [_a1].
- Boring pain in the lower limbs, ameliorated by stretching them, [_a1].
- Weakness of the lower extremities, after changes of temperature, [_a1].
- Trembling in the thighs when lifting them, [_a1].
- Sensation of great weariness in the knees, [_a1].
- Lassitude after eating, [_a1].
- Sudden lassitude, without apparent cause, [_a1].
- Debility from walking in the open air, [_a1].
- Easily tired by much talking, [_a1].
- Throbbing in the body, [_a1].
- Fermentation of the blood, [_a1].
- The pains of Actaea spicata are, in general, tearing, drawing, [_a1].
- Horripilation after drinking, [_a1].
- Horripilation followed by heat, during which vomiting supervenes, [_a1].
- Viscid sweat, [_a1].
- Cold perspiration and malaise, [_a3].
- (Morning), Sharp appetite; numbness on right finger-tips.
- (Towards evening), Viscid sweat.
- (When walking in open air), Debility.
- (When drawing deep breath), Difficult inspiration, etc.)
- (At each inspiration), Painful shock in abdomen.
- (When expiring air), Breathing seems difficult, etc.
- (Breathing cold morning or evening air), Tearing pains in throat.
- (When chewing), Submaxillary glands painful.
- (After drinking), Horripilation.
- (From having been in broad daylight), Pressure in forehead.
- (After eating), Lassitude.
- (After a meal), Uneasiness.
- (After slight fatigue), Swelling of the joints.
- (When looking steadily), Spots before eyes.
- (When lying in bed), Bruised pains in sacral region.
- (Mental anxiety), Murmuring in the ears.
- (During oppression of chest), Nasal hemorrhage.
- (Periodically) Symptoms return.
- (On pressure), Right hypochondrium painful.
- (Sneezing, or blowing-nose), Twitching pain in ears.
- (After sleeping), Murmuring in ears.
- (When speaking), Throat becomes sore.
- (Much talking), Easily tired by.
- (After changes of temperature), Weakness of lower extremities.
- (Walking), Head symptoms.
- (Stretching lower limbs), Boring pain in them.
Baneberry. Ranunculaceae.
Grows in the woods of Europe and Asia, as does the racemosa in North America.
Proved by Petroz and Lemercier in France, and Macfarlan of Phliadelphia.
- Weakness of memory, incapacity to recollect.
- Occasional absence of mind.
- Judgment perplexed; bewildering fits, almost to insanity.
- Self-deception; self-satisfaction.
- Furious delirium; also during fever.
- Great desire to work, though incapable of it.
- Inclined to debauchery.
- Indisposed to close thinking.
- Mental enjoyment while exercising.
- Sad, lamenting and sighing.
- Melancholy; dejection with inclination to weep.
- Hopelessness; constant apprehension; anxious solicitude when quiet.
- Anxiety with urging in heart. See 29.
- Fear of death, especially at night in bed.
- Distaste of life.
- Desperation about success of every, even most trifling undertaking.
- Irresolution, inconstancy and caprice.
- Obstinacy and anger.
- || Impatient and restless. Rheumatism.
- Mental exhaustion. See 40.
- Worse from fright; from mental anxiety.
- Loss of consciousness.
- A kind of drunkenness.
- Giddiness and reeling in open air.
- Vertigo with darkness before eyes.
- Dizziness; forehead fells empty when stooping.
Inner head
- Twitching in temples;
- pain from a decayed tooth to temples.
- Pressure in vertex.
- Hammering pain in occiput.
- Boring pain in head.
- Pressure in forehead after having been in sun.
- Head symptoms agg at night, from walking; return periodically; also after fever.
- Tearing and dulness in forehead.
- Racking in vertex, extending to eyebrows, causing despair.
Outer head
- Pain seemingly in periosteum, and even in bones.
- Warm sweat on head.
- Small pimples on scalp.
- Face sensitive.
- Pain as if rheumatism in face; pulling, tearing from a decayed tooth to temples; agg from
slightest touch or movement of muscles.
- The cheek he lies on sweats.
- Pulling, tearing from a decayed tooth to temples.
Inner mouth
- Increased saliva.
- Fetid odor from mouth.
- Throat becomes sore when speaking.
- Tearing pains in throat, especially when breathing cold air.
- Hunger, with aversion to food.
- More appetite in morning.
- || Disgust for food. Rheumatism.
- || Beating, throbbing in hypochondria. Hepatitis.
- || Pressure in region of liver hurts. Hepatitis.
- Region of spleen insensible.
- Spasmodic contraction of bowels.
- Uneasiness; as before diarrhoea.
- Abdomen sensitive.
- Copious emission of wind; no stool; constipation from lack of bile.
Urinary organs
- Throbbing in region of kidneys.
- Renal calculi.
- Frequent urging; pains in passing urine.
- White sediment.
- || Urine deposit a brick-dust sediment. Rheumatism.
- Too weak to breathe; obvious mostly during expiration.
- Nosebleed, with oppression of chest.
- Difficult inhalation; stitches in epigastrium during deep breathing or a painful shock, or
pain in hip.
- Bruised pain in sacral region, lying on side.
Upper limbs
- Lameness in right arm.
- Right wrist pains intolerably, is swollen; motion impossible; slightest pressure on palm
of hand near little finger causes him to cry out. Rheumatism.
- Pain as from paralytic weakness of hands.
- Fingers numb, cold, discolored.
Lower limbs
- Boring pains, better from stretching.
- Thighs tremble when raised.
- Knees weary.
- Legs weak after changes of temperature.
Limbs in general
- Swelling of joints after slight fatigue.
- Rheumatism of small joints, especially of those of hands.
- Small joints swell after walking.
- Position. Motion. After slight fatigue : joints swell.
- Lying on side : bruised pain in sacral region.
- Motion : rheumatic pains of face agg; impossible in right wrist.
- Exertion : causes cold sweat.
- Walking : small joints swell; debility.
- Raising thighs : they tremble.
- Stretching : relieves boring.
- Blowing nose or sneezing : twitching pain in ears.
- Sudden lassitude.
- Debility from walking in open air.
- Weakness and tingling.
- Night : headache worse.
- Morning : appetite better.
- Chill, with belching.
- Shuddering, with vomiting after heat.
- Delirium during fever.
- After fever, headache persists.
- Sweat : viscid; cold after slightest exertion of mind or body in nervous people.
- Suppressed sweat. Rheumatism.
- Periodical : headache and other symptoms.
- Right : lameness of arm; wrist pains and is swollen.
- Forehead feels empty when stooping; urging sensation in heart towards abdomen and liver;
pain as from paralytic weakness of hands; tingling and weakness; throbbing in whole body.
- Pain : from decayed tooth to temple; in periosteum and bones; sharp, acute, rheumatic in
small spots.
- Stitches : in epigastrium.
- Sharp pain : through eye into head.
- Darting : in epigastrium.
- Pressure : in vertex; in forehead; in pit of stomach.
- Hammering pain : in occiput.
- Boring pain : in head; in lower limbs.
- Tearing pain : in forehead; from decayed tooth into temples; in throat.
- Racking : in vertex.
- Drawing : in epigastrium.
- Twitching pain : in temples; in ears.
- Cramp : in stomach.
- Spasmodic contraction : of bowels.
- Bruised pain : in nose; in sacral region.
- Rheumatic pain : in face; in right wrist; in small joints, especially hands.
- Beating, throbbing : in hypochondria; in region of kidneys.
- Dulness : in forehead.
- Numbness : of fingers.
- Affections of parenchymatous organs.
- Seat of old inflammations.
- Active sanguineous congestions.
- Rheumatism showing itself partly in small joints; pains in wrists or finger joints, very
tender to touch, excruciating, agg. at night.
- Touch : rheumatic pains of face worse.
- Pressure : causes pain in palm of hand.
- Answers well after Nux vom.
- Collateral relations : Act rac. and other Ranunculaceae.
- Discrete relations; Arnic; Bryon.; Cauloph. (rheumatism of fingers); Lycop.; Rhus tox.;
Sal. ac. and Sticta (small joints)
- Much trilling and tra-la-ing, which formerly she never did, [_a2].
- Confusion of head, better in open air, [_a1].
- Eyes feel swollen, as after taking cold; without redness, [_a1].
- Toward the end of the cure, she had nose-bleed, and much tossing about the bed at night
(comp. Iod.)[_a2].
- Nose-bleed (the second day after beginning to take the waters the second time(, [_a2].
- Cheeks became full, and the face red; was formerly thin and pale, [_a2].
- Salivation, especially nights, [_a2].
- Soon after commencing the water, appetite increased, became conversational and lively,
- Appetite for potatoes and sour fruit, [_a2].
- Thirst unusual, [_a1].
- Aversion to meat and roasted articles, [_a2].
- Painful flatulent distension in pit of stomach, [_a1].
- Stomachache in upper abdomen wakes him, [_a1].
- Lower abdomen became thick and protruding, [_a2].
- Copious flatus after gunpowder, [_a1].
Sexual organs
- Testicles sensitive, [_a1].
- Chest is tired; reading fatigues (comp. Nat. mur.)[_a1].
- The whole chest is painfully sensitive, as if inflamed (Spot. nit. dulc., antidote), [_a1].
Upper extremities
- Small, hard indurations (large as a flaxseed) in the palm of the hand, very near the last
joint of the fourth finger, adherent to the bone, [_a2].
Lower extremities
- After rising in the morning, cramp in left calf twice disappeared after going around, [_a1].
- Hard pimples, with a red, inflamed areola, itching somewhat, with a yellow, pustular
apex, somewhat moist on scratching it off (like small boils), on neck, chest, fingers, and
toes (comp. Sil.), [_a1].
- (Note. This water has been used for hundreds of years for goitre, scrofulous troubles of
various kinds, enlarged glands, etc.)
2- Cabeza liviana. Cefalea desde el occipucio a sienes y ojos. Siente tenso el cuero cabelludo.
Adonis primaveral. Falso elboro. Ojo de faisn. Adonis vernalis. N.O. Ranunculaceae.
Infusin de la tintura de la planta fresca; un extracto, Adonidin.
Una medicina del corazn, despus de reumatismo o gripe, o enfermedad de Bright, cuando
los msculos del corazn estn en la etapa de degeneracin grasa, regula el pulso y aumenta
el poder de contraccin del corazn, con aumento de la secrecin urinaria
De mximo valor en el edema cardaco
Vitalidad disminuida, con corazn dbil y lento, pulso lento
Hidrotrax, ascitis
La siente ligera; el dolor cruza la frente, del occipucio alrededor de temporales a los ojos
Vrtigo al levantarse, al girar la cabeza rpidamente o estar acostado
El cuero cabelludo se siente ajustado
Ojos dilatados.
Lengua sucia amarilla, adolorida, la siente escaldada.
Regurgitacin mitral y artica
Aortitis crnica
Pericarditis grasa del corazn
Endocarditis reumtica. [Kalmia.]
Dolor precordial, palpitaciones, y disnea. Marcada ingurgitacin venosa
Asma cardaco [Quebracho]
Corazn graso
Miocarditis, accin cardaca irregular, constriccin y vrtigo
Pulso rpido, irregular.
Gran peso
Hambre roente
Sensacin de desmayo en el epigastrio
Mejor fuera de casa.
Pelcula grasa en la orina
Escasa, albuminosa.
Deseo frecuente de hacer respiraciones profundas
Sensacin de peso en el trax.
Inquieto, con sueos horribles.
Adolorimiento en la nuca
Columna rgida y adolorida
Adonidin es un tnico cardaco y diurtico
Un cuarto de grano diariamente, o de dos a cinco granos de la trituracin primera decimal,
aumenta la presin arterial y prolonga la distole, favoreciendo el vaciamiento de las venas
Es un excelente substituto de Digitalis y su accin no es acumulativa.
Digit., Crataeg., Conval., Strophantus.
Cinco a diez gotas de la tintura.
ADONIDINUM (Vijnovsky)
Adoxa moschatellina, L.
Natural order, Caprifoliaceae.
Common name, Moschatel.
Authority. Dr. Hannon, Rev. de Therap., 1865, flowers of "tilleul", effects on healthy men.
- Vertigo.
- Headache.
- Weariness of the lids.
- Dryness of the pharynx and oesophagus.
- Qualmishness in the epigastrium.
- General prostration.
- Nervous tremors in some persons.
* 2- Dolores abdominales.
Adrenalinum (Bouricke)
La adrenalina o epinefrina, el principio activo de la mdula de la glndula suprarrenal, (la
secrecin cortical todava no ha sido aislada), se emplea como un mensajero qumico en la
regulacin de las actividades del cuerpo; de hecho, su presencia es esencial para la actividad
del nervio simptico
La accin de la adrenalina en cualquier parte es la misma: estimulacin de las terminaciones
nerviosas simpticas
La aplicacin local [solucin 1:1, 000] en las mucosas, rpidamente ocasiona isquemia
transitoria, que se ve como un enblanquecimiento, que persiste por varias horas por una
instalacin conjuntival
Su accin es muy rpida, eficiente, se desvanece por su rpida oxidacin y por lo tanto,
prcticamente sin dao, a menos que se repita frecuentemente, se han observado en animales:
ateroma y lesiones del corazn-miocardio-
Se afectan prominentemente las arterias, el corazn, suprarrenales y sistema vaso-motor.
La accin principal de la Adrenalina es la estimulacin de las terminaciones simpticas,
notablemente el rea esplnica, causando constriccin de las arteriolas perifricas,
resultando un aumento de la presin arterial
Esto se observa especialmente en el estmago, intestinos; menos en el tero, piel;es raro en
cerebro y pulmones
Adems, se observa lentitud del pulso, (estimulacin del vago medular), y refuerzo del
latido cardaco(aumenta la contraccin miocrdica), semejante a Digitalis; aumenta la
actividad glandular, glucosuria; depresin del centro respiratorio; contraccin del tejido
muscular del ojo, tero, vagina; relajacin del tejido muscular del estmago, intestinos,
Su principal uso terapetico depende de su accin vasoconstrictora; por esto es un poderoso
y rpido astringente y hemosttico; es inestimable para detener hemorragias capilares en
cualquier parte, donde se posible aplicar localmente o en aplicaciones directas: nariz, odo,
boca, garganta, laringe, estmago, recto, tero, vejiga
Situaciones de hemorragia no debidos a defectos de coagulacin de la sangre
Puede producirse una falta de sangre completa, isquemia, impunemente
Localmente, soluciones[1: 1, 000:1: 10, 000] rociadas o aplicadas en algodn han sido muy
eficientes en operaciones sin sangrado en los ojos, nariz, garganta y laringe.
Congestin de los senos esfenoidales y etmoidales, tambin rinitis alrgica, han sido
marcadamente mejorados por rociado tibio de Cloruro de Adrenalina, 1: 5, 000
Comparar con Hepar 1x, que iniciar secrecin y facilitar el drenaje
Enfermedad de Werlhoff (prpura hemorrgica), hipodrmicamente, 1: 1, 000
Externamente se ha usado en neuritis, neuralgia, dolores reflejos, gota, reumatismo, en
pomada, 1-2 m
de una solucin (1: 1, 000), a lo largo del tronco nervioso en el punto de la piel ms cercano
a su origen posible (H. G
Terapeticamente, la adrenalina se ha sugerido en congestin aguda del pulmn, Asma
Enfermedad de Grave y Addison, arterioesclerosis, aortitis crnica, angina pectoris,
hemofilia, clorosis, rinitis alrgica, erupciones por suero, urticaria aguda, etc
El Dr. P. Jousset refiere xitos al tratar, homeopticamente, casos de angina y de aortitis,
subagudos y crnicos, cuando la adrenalina se prescribio por va oral y en dosis infinitesimal
Los sntomas que lo guan son stos: sensacin de constriccin torcica con angustia
Esto, con vrtigo, nusea y vmito ha sido producido por este medicamento
Dolor abdominal
Shock o insuficiencia cardaca durante la anestesia, y causa rpida elevacin de la presin
sangunea por su accin en las terminaciones nerviosas de las paredes de los vasos.
Hipodrmicamente, 1-5 m. [solucin 1; 1, 000, como cloruro] diluido en agua
Internamente, 5-30 m
de una solucin 1: 1, 000.
Precaucin.- Debido a su afinidad por el oxgeno, el medicamento fcilmente se
descompone en soluciones cidas diluidas y acuosas
La solucin debe ser protegida del aire y la luz
No debe ser frecuentemente repetido, debido a las lesiones cardacas y arteriales
Para uso homeoptico, usar las atenuaciones 2x a 6x.
AEGLE FOLIA (Vijnovsky)
3- Prpados edematosos.
6- Neumonas, bronquitis, tos, etc., cuando hay edema de prpados o generalizado y oliguria.
** 7- Estados febriles con edemas y diarrea; hipertermia peor de 16 a 20 horas, con edemas,
ardores, oliguria, tos, flatulencia y borborigmos.
8- Herpes serpiginoso.
De la familia "Rataceae", la Bel-fruit, fu experimentada primero por el Dr. P.P. Biswas
Tambin llamado como Sriphala, Bilwa, Bengal-quince, Bilinu, I'ilwa-pazhan, Bilwa-pandu.
Es conocida por su valor terapetico en hemorroides sangrantes; diarrea; disentera; fiebre
con edemas e impotencia
Comete errores al hablar.
La cefalea aparece de 4-8 p.m. ; calor en el vrtice que aparece por la noche, que mejora
Oleadas de calor de la cara y ojos, y tambin odos, que desaparecen despus de comer.
Sntomas respiratorios
Catarros; bronquitis; neumona, tos.
Edemas en cualquier parte del cuerpo; parte superior de los prpados hinchada; edemas
debidos a enfermedades del corazn
Excelente medicina en beri-beri.
Lleno, fuerte, irregular, que es caracterstico.
Sntomas gastrointestinales
Indigestin; clico abdominal; hemorroides; estreimiento
No hay deseo de alimentos; anorexia; agror en la boca; trastornos del estmago; flatulencia;
flatos con ruidos fuertes, peor por la tarde; disentera bacilar y amebiana.
Sntomas urinarios
Disminuye la orina considerablemente; el paciente siente ligero dolor en la espalda y regin
lumbar, que es peor por la tarde.
Prurito; micosis.
Usado en la gripe, cuando la fiebre es del tipo continuo; fiebre crnica asociada con
trastornos hepticos y esplnicos.
Tintura madre, 3x, 6, 30, 200.
(Bel Fruit)
De la familia "Rataceae", la Bel-fruit, fu experimentada primero por el Dr. P.P. Biswas
Tambin llamado como Sriphala, Bilwa, Bengal-quince, Bilinu, I'ilwa-pazhan, Bilwa-
Es conocida por su valor terapetico en hemorroides sangrantes; diarrea; disentera; fiebre
con edemas e impotencia
Comete errores al hablar.
La cefalea aparece de 4-8 p.m. ; calor en el vrtice que aparece por la noche, que mejora
Oleadas de calor de la cara y ojos, y tambin odos, que desaparecen despus de comer.
Sntomas respiratorios
Catarros; bronquitis; neumona, tos.
Edemas en cualquier parte del cuerpo; parte superior de los prpados hinchada; edemas
debidos a enfermedades del corazn
Excelente medicina en beri-beri.
Lleno, fuerte, irregular, que es caracterstico.
Sntomas gastrointestinales
Indigestin; clico abdominal; hemorroides; estreimiento
No hay deseo de alimentos; anorexia; agror en la boca; trastornos del estmago;
flatulencia; flatos con ruidos fuertes, peor por la tarde; disentera bacilar y amebiana.
Sntomas urinarios
Disminuye la orina considerablemente; el paciente siente ligero dolor en la espalda y
regin lumbar, que es peor por la tarde.
Prurito; micosis.
Usado en la gripe, cuando la fiebre es del tipo continuo; fiebre crnica asociada con
trastornos hepticos y esplnicos.
Tintura madre, 3x, 6, 30, 200.
*** 2- Pltora venosa, congestin venosa pasiva, sobre todo en el sistema portal y
hemorroidal. Vrices y varicosidades; venas visibles, azuladas y distendidas.
** 5- Peor: caminando, por el movimiento, por el aire fro, por inhalar aire fro (nariz y
garganta), en Invierno (hemorroides), despus de lavarse. Mejor: en Verano y por el calor
de la estufa, mejor por ejercicio moderado (como todos los medicamentos venosos
[Pulsatilla]), peor durante el sueo y al despertar (ver 1), peor despus de un bao caliente.
** 6- Las mucosas (de la boca, garganta y recto) estn hinchadas, ardientes, y las siente
secas y como en carne viva.
10- Cara plida, expresin confusa; se hincha mucho y aparecen manchas rojas al lavarse.
* 11- Saliva con gusto a aceite; siente los dientes como si estuvieran cubiertos de aceite.
Sensacin de quemadura en la lengua.
*** 15- El recto es el principal sitio de accin de Aesculus. Dolores en el recto, como si
estuviera lleno de pequeas astillas o agujas, con ardor, calor, pesadez, plenitud, sequedad y
prurito. La plenitud y otras molestias se agravan despus de mover el vientre, y a menudo
se acompaa de prolapso con dolor sordo en la espalda. Ardor anal con escalofros que
suben y bajan por la espalda (Boericke). El dolor rectal comienza una hora despus de
mover el vientre, continuando durante 2 a 6 horas (Aloe, Sulphur). Hemorroides (es uno de
los remedios ms importantes), internas o externas, de color prpura, con dolores en la
espalda; crnicas, grandes; que sangran poco (y eso lo mejora); con dolores, peor
caminando, sentado o parado; mejor arrodillado o por calor local; habitualmente
acompaadas de dolor sacro-lumbar pulstil; en el embarazo y en la menopausia. Fisura y
estrechez anal. Constipacin por estasis portal: heces secas, duras, dificultosas; primero
negras, luego blancas. Ascaridiasis.
*** 20- Dolor sacro o lumbosacro o en la articulacin sacroilaca o en las caderas, peor
por caminar, peor por agacharse o por levantarse de estar sentado; casi no puede caminar,
cojea (este dolor acompaa habitualmente a las hemorroides, al flujo, a la constipacin o al
reumatismo). Constante dolor sordo de espaldas: casi no puede caminar ni agacharse ni
levantarse de estar sentado. Subluxacin sacroilaca fcil en el embarazo, peor caminando,
debe sentarse.
Complementarios: Sigue bien a Nux Vomica, Sulphur y Collinsonia, cuando han aliviado en
general, pero no actuaron sobre las hemorroides.
Dolor de espalda obtuso y constante que se extiende al sacro y a las caderas; < al caminar o
al agacharse (hemorroides, leucorrea, desplazamientos uterinos, etc. ) .
Las mucosas de la boca, la garganta y el recto estn tumefactas: se las siente ardientes,
secas y como en carne viva.
Este es uno de esos remedios que no son tan notables por la magnitud de su campo de
accin como por su efectividad dentro de ese limitado campo. Casi toda la utilidad que
brinda, hasta donde sabemos, est concentrada en su accin sobre la parte inferior de la
columna vertebral y sobre la cavidad pelviana, siendo muy descollante esta caracterstica:
Dolor lumbosacro obtuso y constante, que afecta el sacro y las caderas, sumamente
agravado al caminar o al agacharse.
Es uno de nuestros principales remedios para las hemorroides y en tal caso, adems de esa
raquialgia, hay una sensacin de plenitud, sequedad y pinchazos como si el recto estuviera
lleno de astillas. No existe aqu la tendencia a la protrusin o al prolapso rectal que se
encuentra en Ignatia, Aloe, Podophyllum y en algunos otros remedios y el dolor lumbosacro
est a menudo muy fuera de proporcin con la apariencia externa de las hemorroides. Esa
sensacin de plenitud parece ser una especie de caracterstica general de Aesculus, pero ella
es especialmente ostensible en la cavidad pelviana.
Estos sntomas se encuentran muchas veces vinculados con otras afecciones adems de las
hemorroides, como por ejemplo: desplazamientos e inflamaciones del tero y tambin con
algunas formas muy serias de leucorrea que han sido prontamente curadas con este
-En estas afecciones pelvianas se presenta otro sntoma de sumo valor, que reclama el
empleo de Aesculus: consiste en sensaciones de pulsaciones o de latidos. He visto efectos
igualmente positivos con el empleo de este medicamento en la potencia 3 y en las altas
-Tambin he utilizado Aesculus con muy buenos resultados en el coriza agudo y en las
anginas. El primero es muy similar al coriza de Arsenicum: con mucosidades fluidas,
acuosas y ardientes; pero lo que caracteriza a Aesculus en este caso, es la sensacin de
carne viva, hay sensibilidad al aire fro inhalado.
En la garganta tiene la misma sensacin de carne viva, tanto en la forma aguda como
tambin en la faringitis folicular crnica, para la cual es frecuentemente un buen remedio.
Es muy posible que el tiempo y el uso clnico revelen nuevas aplicaciones para este
- Es semejante: a Aloe, Coll., Ign., Mur. ac., Nux, Sulph., para las hemorroides.
Cuando Coll., ha mejorado las hemorroides; Aesculus a menudo las cura.til despus de
que Nux y Sulphur han mejorado, pero fallan para curar las hemorroides.
- Por el movimiento; el dolor y el dolorimiento de la espalda, se agravan por andar e
inclinarse; por la inspiracin de aire fro.
La accin de este medicamento es ms marcada en el intestino grueso, produciendo
congestin de las venas hemorroidales, con dolor de espalda caracterstico, con ausencia de
estreimiento verdadera
Mucho dolor y poco sangrado
Estasis venosa general, venas varicosas de color prpura; todo es lento, digestin, corazn,
intestinos, etc
Torpeza y congestin del hgado y sistema portal, con estreimiento
El dolor de espalda lo hace renunciar y es incapaz para sus negocios
Dolores cambiantes en todo el cuerpo
Plenitud en varias partes; mucosas hinchadas, secas
Garganta con estados varicosos.
Deprimido e irritable
Cabeza espesa, confusa, adolorida como por un resfriado
Presin en la frente, con nusea, seguida por punzadas en el hipocondrio derecho
Dolor del occipucio a la regin frontal, con sensacin de magulladura en cuero cabelludo;
peor por la maana
Punzadas neurlgicas en la frente del lado derecho al izquierdo, seguido por dolores
cambiantes en epigastrio
Vrtigo al sentarse y caminar.
Pesados y calientes, con lagrimeo, con vasos sanguneos dilatados
Ojos adoloridos.
Seca; siente fro el aire inspirado, conductos nasales sensibles al mismo
Coriza, estornudos
Presin en la raz de la nariz
La membrana sobre los cornetes est distendida y sucia, debido a trastornos hepticos.
La siente escaldada
Sabor metlico
Lengua saburral gruesa, la siente como escaldada.
Caliente, seca, desollada, dolores punzantes en los odos al tragar
Faringitis folicular en relacin con congestin heptica
Venas de la faringe distendidas y tortuosas
Garganta sensible al aire inspirado; la siente excoriada y constreida, quema como fuego al
tragar, por la tarde
Etapas tempranas de faringitis atrfica, en sujetos biliosos y secos
Carraspeo de mucosidad filamentosa de sabor dulce.
Peso como una piedra, con dolor roente, adolorido; ms manifiesto tres horas despus de
Sensible y plenitud en la regin heptica.
Dolor adolorido en el hgado y epigastrio
Dolor en el ombligo
Ictericia; latidos en hipogastrio y pelvis.
Seco, adolorido
Lo siente lleno de pequeos palitos
Ano desollado, adolorido
Mucho dolor despus de defecar, con prolapso
Hemorroides, con pinchazos agudos hasta la espalda; internas y sangrantes; peor durante el
Heces grandes, duras, secas
La membrana mucosa parece hinchada y obstruye el paso
Irritacin causada por scaris y ayuda a su expulsin
Ardor en el ano con escalofro que sube y baja por la espalda.
Orina caliente, frecuente, escasa, oscura, lodosa
Dolor en riones, especialmente el izquierdo y el urter.
Secrecin de lquido prosttico al defecar.
Pulsaciones constantes detrs de la snfisis del pubis
Leucorrea, con debilidad en la espalda a travs de las articulaciones sacroilacas; amarilla-
oscura, filamentosa, que corroe; peor despus de la menstruacin.
Siente constriccin
Accin del corazn llena y pesada, puede sentir pulsaciones en todo el cuerpo
Laringitis; tos que depende de trastornos hepticos; sensacin de calor en el trax; dolor
alrededor del corazn en sujetos con hemorroides.
Dolor y adolorimiento en extremidades, en acromion izquierdo, con un latigazo que baja al
brazo; puntas de los dedos entumecidas.
Debilidad en el cuello: adolorimiento entre los omplatos; la regin de la columna se siente
dbil; espalda y piernas agotadas
Dolor de espalda que afecta a sacro y caderas; peor caminando o al doblarse
Cuando camina los pies se tuercen
Plantas de los pies adoloridas, cansadas e hinchadas
Manos y pies hinchados, y se ponen rojos despus de lavarse, los siente llenos.
Escalofros a las 4 p.m.
Escalofro que sube y baja por la espalda
Fiebre de 7 a 12 p. m
Fiebre al anochecer, piel caliente y seca
Sudor profuso y caliente con la fiebre.
Peor por la maana al despertar, y por cualquier movimiento, caminando; al defecar;
despus de comer, por la tarde, de pie
Mejor al aire libre fro.
Aesculus glabra -Ohio-Buckeye
Hemorroides externas prpura oscuro, muy dolorosas, con estreimiento y vrtigo y
congestin portal
Hablar torpe, cosquilleo en la garganta, visin deteriorada, paresia
Phytolacca (garganta seca, ms frecuente en casos agudos)
Negundium Americanum -Boxelder (Congestin del recto y hemorroides con gran dolor,
diez gotas de tintura madre cada dos horas.)
Comparar tambin : Aloe, Collinson., Nux, Sulphur.
Desde la tintura a la tercera potencia.
Hipocastneas: Castaa vulgar, Castao de la India, originario del Asia Menor, introducido
en Francia en el siglo xv.
Plenitud vascular que afecta a todo el cuerpo, pero principalmente el tronco y las
extremidades. Estasis venoso generalizado predominando congestin portal. Hemorroides y
Durante el sueo, despus de un bao caliente y por el movimiento.
Por el fro y por un ejercicio moderado.
TARDE. Todo pensamiento produce un esfuerzo, todo trabajo una dificultad; tristeza e
inestabilidad consecutivas. Este estado de inferioridad disminuye si el sujeto hace mucho
Dolores agudos, agotantes, con SENSACION DE PLENITUD en los miembros y en la
cabeza (con batimientos), siempre agravados por el calor y mejorados por el fro (retraccin
de los vasos habitualmente distendidos).
Dolores violentos y constantes EN LA REGION LUMBOSACRA* que se extienden a las
caderas, que se agrava al agacharse o al caminar, obligando al enfermo a acostarse. Dolores
vivos CON BATIMIENTOS en la regin lumbosacra, siempre provocados por la ascensin
rpida de una escalera, que obligan al enfermo a detenerse en su marcha.
Faringe: ardor al deglutir, enrojecimiento y resequedad de la garganta con tendencia
frecuente a estar deglutiendo y dolores punzantes en los odos.
ULCERACION (Sulphur.). Sensacin como si el recto estuviera lleno de agujas (Nitr.
acid.). Hemorroides prpuras, muy dolorosas, sangrantes y que muy raramente se
Constipacin con resequedad y ardor en el recto y dolor sacrolumbar.
Congestin uterina antes o despus de las reglas, la enferma tiene conciencia de su tero
(Helonias) sintiendo las pulsaciones y los batimientos y se queja de un dolor sacrolumbar
que se agrava al caminar o inclinarse, forzando a la enferma a sentarse o acostarse.
Trastornos crnicos de la garganta en relacin con congestin portal. Constipacin.
Hemorroides. Prolapso del tero. Vrices.
Aloe, Collinsonia, Nux vom. (hemorroides). Nux vom. antdoto de la accin prolongada de
Aesculus sobre las hemorroides. La indicacin de Aesculus aparece siempre sobre un sujeto
de Sulphur.
3a, 6a y 30a.
- Great repugnance to the drug, [a9].
- Inward cheerfulness and placidity of temper, [a5].
- * Feeling very depressed an low-spirited, [a13].
- * Feeling very sad, [a13].
- * Feel dull, gloomy, and despondent, [a10].
- Gloomy forebodings, [a10].
- * Extremely irritable; loses temper easyand gains control over it again but slowly, [a10].
- Feels miserably cross, [a12].
- Day before, when he had the darting pains in the trachea, he had a feeling as if death was
impending; but this was followed by an exalted condition of brain and nervous system;
thoughts flowed free, easy and clear, [a10].
- Thoughts rapid, [a10].
- Mind clear, [a10].
- Mind very clear, with a light feeling of anterior lobes; posterior portion of head and
cerebellum feel heavy and dull, [a10].
- Mind cloudy, [a10].
- Confusion of ideas; mind gets confused, [a10].
- Very dull and stupid, [a14].
- Disinclination to perform any labor, [a12].
- Have not studied to-day, [a10].
- Feel disinclined to study, and wanting rest, [a10].
- * Unable to fix his attention, [a10].
- Loss of
- memory, [a10].
- On waking (from sleep while sitting) cannot recognize what she sees; knows not where
she is, nor whence came the objects about her, [_a3].
- Confusion of head, [a8].
- Sensation in head as if intoxicated, [a5].
- * Confused feeling in head, with giddiness, [a11].
- Vertigo, quite troublesome, [a12].
- Vertigo, very annoying all the afternoon, [a12].
- Slight vertigo, [a12].
- Vertigo, with sense of balancing in the head, [a11].
- Headache general, throughout whole head, [a12].
- Headache worse on stooping or getting up from a chair, [a14].
- Heat in head, [a4].
- Headache all over, as if it would burst (during fever), [a14].
- Pain and fulness in head, with stiffness in the neck and spine, [_a1].
- Fulness in head, [a14].
- Severe headache, as if head would split, [a14].
- Dull headache, [a13].
- Brain feels dull and heavy, [_a1].
- Head feels heavy, dull, especially in region of right ear, [a10].
- Dull pains in head, here and there, but principally in right temple and occiput, followed
by dull stitches in the forehead and temple, [a11].
- Heaviness of head, [a8].
- Lancinating headache, [_a1].
- Slight frontal headache (in one hour), [a13].
- Very severe frontal headache, all day, [a13].
- * Dull frontal headache, [a13].
- Dull, heavy frontal headache, [a10].
- * Dull frontal headache, with constrictive feeling of skin of forehead, [a13].
- Dull frontal headache, with fluent coryza, 13.
- * Dull weight in forehead, [a10].
- * Dull pressure in forehead, with slight feeling of nausea in stomach, followed
immediately by stitches in right hypochondrium, [a11].
- Aching in forehead; feeling in it as during cold in head, [a4].
- Throbbing in right frontal eminence, [a11].
- Neuralgic pain in region of causality (right), darts towards the left, with a constricted
feeling of the skin of the forehead, followed by flying pains in the epigastric region (right
lower lobe of liver) (in one hour), [a13].
- Slight uneasiness in region of left causality, [a10].
- Occasional neuralgic pains in forehead and apex of heart, [a13].
- Dull pain in forehead over right eye, [a10].
- Headache over right eye (after one hour), [a8].
- Pressure of hat on forehead leaves a large, red spot, [a10].
- Frequent flying pains in forehead and temples all day, [a13].
- * Frequent flying pains through temples, [a13].
- Pain and soreness at temporal region, [a10].
- Sharp pressing pain in right temple, [a11].
- Dull pain in left temple, [a11].
- Quite severe pains in left temple, [_a1].
- Severe shooting pains in left temple, [a14].
- Fine stitches in left temple, with slight feeling of nausea in stomach, [a11].
- Head feels dull over temple, [a10].
- Formication in the front of the temple, [a8].
- Feeling as if she had a board upon the head, [_a3].
- Sensation of fulness in all the upper part of the head, [a12].
- Headache in upper part of head; the pain is uniform and constant; the sensation that of
fulness and pressure rather than acute pain, [a12].
- Quite severe pain in right side of head, above the temples, [a9].
- A sore spot in right parietal bone, which, upon pressure, felt as if a knife were piercing
through, [a14].
- Back of head feels heavy, [a10].
- Dull, heavy pressure on cerebellum, [a10].
- Bruised feeling in the occiput, with feeling of lameness in back of neck, [a11].
- Dull pain in occiput, extending to ears, [a11].
- Dull pain in occiput, with flushes of heat in the integuments of the occiput, back of neck
and shoulders, [a11].
- Very severe lancinating headache at base of brain, as if too full, [a14].
- Hyperaesthesia of scalp, [a10].
- Soreness of right side of scalp (the side which rested on the pillow, [a10].
- Eyes dull, [_a1].
- Eyes clear, [a10].
- Eyes of a pinkish hue, [a14].
- Quivering of lids, [a7].
- Twitching of lids, [a10].
- Tries to keep from winking, [a10].
- Frequent twitching of muscles under left eye, [a13].
- Heat in the eyes, [a4].
- Severe smarting of the eyes, [a13].
- * Weight in the eyes, [_a3].
- * Eyes heavy, [a10].
- Jerking in right eye (after three and a half hours), [a8].
- Shooting pain in left eye, [a10].
- Light and giddy pain in right eye, while near light, [a10].
- Burning and stinging deep in left orbit, as if the pain surrounded the ball of the left eye,
with feeling of coldness in eye, [a11].
- * Painful aching over left eye, [a7].
- * Lachrymation, [a7].
- Eyes filled with tears, [a10].
- Burning in inner canthi, [_a2].
- Soreness of balls of eyes, [a10].
- Pupils dilated; contract slowly, [a10].
- She can read well at a distance; can read without spectacles, which she could never do
before, [a8].
- * Flickering before eyes, [a7].
- Optical illusions, [a10].
- Burning in the ears, [a11].
- Fulness in both ears, [a10].
- Pressure in region of right ear, [a10].
- * Dryness of posterior nares, [a10].
- Posterior nares empty; used to be full of mucus in morning, [a10].
- Disposition to sneeze, [a8].
- * Sneezing, [a7][a9].
- Thin mucus from nose, causing a frequent use of the pocket-handkerchief, [_a1].
- Increased flow of mucus from nasal passages, [a10].
- Profuse secretion of mucus in nostrils, with coryza, [a13].
- Fluent coryza, [a5].
- Much fluent coryza, [a7].
- Frequent coryza, [_a1].
- * Severe fluent coryza, [_a3].(three hours after), [a6].
- Fluent coryza, with the dull frontal headache, [a13].
- Fluent coryza, with twisting sensation in the front part of the nose, [a5].
- Coryza, with cool feeling in the nose on breathing in, [a7].
- Coryza, profuse, with feeling of fulness in nose and forehead, as if had taken cold, [a10].
- Catarrh; fulness of nose, pressure in forehead, especially at root of nose, [a10].
- Left nostril filled with thick mucus; right one empty, [a10].
- Violent formication on the nose, [_a3].
- Fulness at root of nose (frontal sinus), [a10].
- Pressure at root of nose, [a10].
- Shooting pain in nose, [_a3].
- Nose feels sore and full, [a10].
- Raw feeling throughout the whole nasal cavity, [_a1].
- Pain in right nasal bone, [a10].
- Pressure in bone on left side of nose, [a10].
- Burning in the nostril, [_a1].
- * Stinging and burning in posterior nares and soft palate, [a11].
- Sensation of swelling of the nasal mucous membrane, as if from taking cold, [a9].
- Posterior nares and palate feel dry, [a10].
- Feeling in nose as after a pinch of snuff, [a4].
- Sensitiveness of the nasal mucous membrane, which causes a feeling as of coldness in the
nose, [a6].
- The nasal mucus becomes even more watery, the inspired air more felt, [a6].
- Drawing in right nostril, as in violent coryza, [a8].
- Dry feeling and sensation of heat in the nose, especially its tip, as when a severe coryza is
about to come on, [_a1].
- * Pale, miserable appearance, [_a3].
- Looks ill, [_a3].
- Flush of blood to face soon after rubbing it, [a10].
- Rubbing after washing the face produces red spots under the skin, [a10].
- Flying heat and redness of left side of face, [_a3].
- Flying heat in left side of face, [_a1].
- Burning in left cheek, [_a3].
- Pain in sound teeth, [a10].
- Teeth feel as if covered with oil, [a10].
- * Tongue coated white, [a14].
- Tongue slightly coated dirty-white, [a10].
- Tongue coated yellowish-white, .
- * Yellow coating on the tongue, [_a1 a14].
- Tongue very much coated yellow, [a13].
- Tongue covered with a light-brown coat, [_a1].
- Tongue feeling as if had been scalded, with great constriction of fauces, [a13].
- Tongue feels as if swollen, [a10].
- Soreness of tip of tongue, like that produced by ulcers, [a9].
- Sharp biting and stinging pain in tip of tongue and fauces, [a11].
- Mucous surface of mouth and pharynx dry, [a10].
- Dryness of soft palate, [a14].
- Palate and posterior nares feels dry, [a10].
- * A quantity of thick, yellow phlegm in mouth, [a14].
- Burning in mouth and oesophagus, [a7].
- * Flow of water into the mouth, [_a3].
- Rush of water into the mouth, [a5].
- Collection of water in mouth compelling him to swallow, [a7].
- * Increase of saliva, [a9, a11].
- Salivation, [a9].
- "I induced several other persons to make a few trials, but with no result, except increased
salivation, "[a9].
- Ptyalism, with an oily taste, [a10].
- Coppery taste in mouth, with increased flow of saliva (in ten minutes), minutes), [a11].
- Foul taste in mouth, [_a1].
- Sweetish taste, [_a1].
- Sweet taste, as after taking dulcamara, [_a3].
- Sweet taste, like liquorice, [a5].
- Sweetish taste, with dryness of larynx, [a8].
- Sweet, flat, slimy taste in mouth, [a13].
- The taste, which was at first bitter, becomes sweet, [a6].
- The taste of the drug is, at first, intensely bitter, and is peculiarly unpleasant and
nauseous; the bitter taste is soon displaced by a pleasant, sweetish flavor, very similar to
that of ordinary liquorice-root; this sweet taste remains about an hour[a12].
- * Bitter taste, [a7, a11].
- Bitter, burning taste (of the drug), acting as an astringent on the mouth and oesophagus,
- Flat, bitter taste in the mouth, [a13].
- Flat, slimy taste in mouth, [a13].
- * Metallic taste in mouth, [a9].
- The taste of the drug remained in the mouth several hours, [a9].
- Unable to articulate long words distinctly; cannot control the tongue so as to form the
words aright, [a10].
- The mucus secreted in the throat becomes thinner, [_a1].
- The mucus becomes watery, [a6].
- Hawks up ropy mucus, [a10].
- Frequent call to expectorate mucus, [a6].
- Hawks up thick mucus, [_a1].
- Hawking of thick afterwards of watery mucus, [_a3].
- Mucus ropy, with a sweetish taste, [a10].
- The mucus in throat excites cough, [a4].
- Increase of secretion from the submaxillary glands, [a9, a10].
- * Dryness of the throat, [a9, a13].
- Dryness of the throat after eating, [a9].
- Painful dryness of throat, lasting six hours, [a9].
- * Dryness and contraction of throat, [a7].
- Dryness and burning in throat, with sweetish taste, [a8].
- Throat dry, as if it was scraped and swollen, [a14].
- * Dryness of back part of throat, [a14].
- * Feeling of dryness and roughness of throat as from taking cold, [a14].
- * Dryness in the throat, with scraping sensation during expectoration, [_a1].
- * Sensation of dryness in throat and pharynx, [_a1].
- * Burning in throat, [_a1, _a3, a4].
- * Violent burning in throat, with raw feeling there, [_a1].
- * Burning in throat; at one time slight, at another severe (after a quarter of an hour), [a8].
- Throat felt hot; worse on left side, [a14].
- Pain in throat, as if burnt, [a5].
- * All the throat was excoriated, and it was constricted, [_a3].
- * Raw feeling in throat, [_a3].
- Immediately on taking the drug, there is a sensation of scraping, irritation, or burning,
extending from the mouth to the stomach; it usually passes off in an hour or two; it remains
longer in the stomach than in the throat, [a12].
- Irritation of the throat and oesophagus, a sort of constricted, scraped sensation, causing a
disposition to hawk, occurred about an hour after taking the drug, and continued for several
hours, [a15].
- Scraping sensation in throat, exciting cough, [_a1].
- Constant shooting and raw pain in throat, [_a3].
- Sore throat, quite troublesome in the forenoon; none in the afternoon, [a12].
- Sore throat, which was inflamed, [a14].
- Tickling in throat, causing cough, [a6].
- Sensation as if the air breathed in were colder, [_a3].
- Contractive pain in throat (five minutes), [_a1].
- Contractive pain, with burning in throat, [a5].
- Fulness of upper part of throat, [a10].
- Pressure in the pit of the throat, as if something had stuck there which required to be
expelled, [_a1].
- Increased pain in throat after eating a grape, [_a3].
- Dryness in soft palate, [_a1].
- Great congestion of tonsils and soft palate, [a13].
- Tonsils and soft palate very much congested, but no enlargement, [a13].
- Severe congestion of tonsils and soft palate, with a constant aching distress in them,
- Constant aching distress in tonsils, [a13].
- Inflamed tonsils, [_a1].
- Tonsils of a fiery red color, and much swollen, [_a1].
- Both tonsils swollen, and of a fiery red color, [a14].
- * Dry burning sensation of fauces and palate, [a14].
- Fauces and oesophagus very dry, [a10].
- Mucous surface of pharynx and mouth dry, [a10].
- Pharynx and mouth feel irritated, [a10].
- Dull pressing and * pricking in fauces, with sensation of fulness in epigastrium, with
empty eructations, followed immediately by burning in stomach and bowels (in a half
hour), [a11].
- Fauces congested, [a13].
- * Constrictive feeling of the fauces, [a13].
- Acrid, constrictive feeling in fauces, [a13].
- * Fauces feeling very dry and constricted, [a13].
- * Great constriction of fauces, with tongue feeling as if it had been scalded, [a13].
- * Fauces feel constricted, with frequent dull pains on each side of the tonsils; they look
very dark and congested, [a13].
- Sharp, biting pain in the fauces and tip on tongue, [a11].
- Violent formication in the fauces, [_a3].
- Heat down the oesophagus, [a10].
- Burning in oesophagus and mouth, [a7].
- Inclination to swallow, [a6].
- Frequent inclination to swallow, [a13].
- Frequent inclination to swallow, with dull pain in tonsils, [a13].
- Frequent inclination to swallow, with frequent neuralgic pains in fauces, [a13].
- * Frequent inclination to swallow, with great dryness of fauces, [a13].
- Frequent inclination to swallow, with constant aching distress to tonsils and fauces, [a13].
- Frequent inclination to swallow, with severe constrictive feeling in the fauces, [a13].
- Constant desire to swallow, with feeling of dryness and stiffness of throat when
swallowing, [a9].
- Feeling as if something had lodged in the fauces that produced a constant inclination to
swallow, [a13].
- In the evening, throat sore, swollen, and painful on deglutition, [a14].
- When swallowing, burning like fire, [_a3].
- Left tonsil very much swollen and painful on deglutition, [a14].
- * Deglutition difficult, [a10, a14].
- Good appetite, [a9].
- Increase of appetite, with sick feeling in stomach all day, [a9].
- Appetite less than normal, [a10].
- Appetite but little, [a10].
- No appetite, [a14].
- Very thirsty (in fever), [_a1].
- No thirst during chill or fever, but rather an increase of saliva, [a14].
- * Eructation, [a8, a10].
- * Empty eructation, [a13, a10, a11].
- Occasional eructation, [a7].
- * Eructation of wind, [a4, a7, a8].
- * Frequent eructation of wind, [_a1, a5, a13].
- Frequent eructation of air, [a13].
- Frequent eructations of wind, with water-brash, [_a3].
- Occasional eructation of wind, [a6].
- Belching of wind, [a10].
- Eructation, with relief, [_a3].
- Great eructation of mucus, [a4].
- Periodical eructation of viscid mucus, [a4].
- Eructation of thick mucus, [a6].
- * Nausea, [_a1, _a3, a4, a10].
- Nausea, retching (after a few minutes), [_a3].
- * Nausea (inclination to vomit), [a7].
- * Nausea (immediately after), [a8, a9].
- Constant nausea, [a9].
- Nausea immediately, and continuing all the afternoon, [a9].
- Nausea; the thought of the medicine is unbearable, [a9].
- Slight nausea, [a9, a10].
- Slight nausea, with empty eructations, [a11].
- Nausea immediately, with ineffectual attempts to evacuate the bowels, [a9].
- Nausea three hours after tea, [a10].
- Nausea in stomach, with slight burning and increased flow of saliva, [a11].
- Nausea; it is transient, recurring at short intervals, and usually disappears in about half an
hour, [_a2].
- * Inclination to vomit (after one and a half hours), [a7].
- * Retching, [_a3].
- * Violent vomiting, [a4].
- * A great deal of distress in stomach, [a13].
- Considerable pain in the stomach for four or five hours after eating, which continues till
after taking food again, [a9].
- Stomach and bowels distress him very much, [a13].
- * Constant distress in stomach, with frequent pains through the bowels.
- * Constant pain in stomach and right lower lobe of liver, [a13].
- Frequent sharp pains in the region of the stomach and apex of heart, heart, [a13].
- For the last two or three hours there has been a constant, very severe pain about and just
below the pyloric extremity of the stomach, [a13].
- Burning in stomach, [_a3].
- Burning in stomach; feels as if it contained warm water, [a10].
- Constant burning distress in stomach, [a13].
- Dull burning in stomach, [a13].
- Slept well; but woke three times and found I had a dull burning pain in stomach, [a13].
- Constant dull burning pain in the pyloric portion of the stomach, [a13].
- Severe burning distress in stomach, (superior cardiac portion), [a13].
- * Constant and severe burning distress in the stomach, with inclination to vomit, [a13].
- Constant and very severe burning in stomach and bowels; very hard to endure the burning
distress, [a13].
- Constant burning distress in stomach and bowels, with severe fluttering sensation in pit of
stomach, lasting five minutes at e time; came on five different times, [a13].
- Constant and severe burning in the stomach, with a very severe backache in the lumbar
region, [a13].
- * Heat in stomach and thorax, [a10].
- Heartburn (for half an hour), [a6].
- Tenderness and soreness of stomach, [a10].
- Aching and rumbling in stomach, [a7].
- The aching in stomach extends downwards, [a7].
- * Constant dull pain in the cardiac portion of stomach, [a13].
- Early in morning, a feeling of gnawing and emptiness in stomach, [a9].
- My stomach felt as if it would fall down into the intestines, [a14].
- Fulness of stomach (in half an hour), [a8].
- Distension was the only sign which told me to stop eating, [a10].
- After eating, the stomach feels full, as if the walls were greatly thickened, [a9].
- Cutting stomachache, [_a3].
- Dyspepsia, [a9].
- Comfortable feeling in stomach, [a8].
- Slight pain in epigastrium, [a13].
- Constant burning distress in the epigastric and umbilical regions, with every severe
aching pain in the lumbar region, very painful when trying to walk [a13].
- * Constant burning, aching distress in the epigastric region, with constant dull, aching
pains in the right hypochondriac region, [a13].
- Great heat in internal organs, or near the epigastrium, [a10].
- Soreness of epigastrium, [a10].
- * Fulness at epigastrium, [a10].
- Periodical tightness in the scrobiculus cordis, with labored breathing, [a5].
- A quick, severe griping pain in the epigastric region; continues about half an hour (in a
few minutes), [a12].
- Experienced a severe griping pain in the epigastrium a few minutes after taking the drug;
it continues till he fell asleep - about half an hour; it extended from stomach to umbilical
region, and appeared to be produced by flatus, as there was, at the same time, quite a
perceptible sensation of motion in the bowels, [a12].
- Twisting in the scrobiculus cordis, [a5].
- * Pressure as from a stone in the pit of the stomach, [a5].
- Constant dull and very severe aching pain just below the pit of the pit of the stomach,
which produces a very weak, faint feeling; it is very hard to endure the distress, [a13].
- Pain in the hypochondria through to the back, especially on inspiring, [_a3].
- Dull, pressing pains in left hypochondrium, [_a1].
- * Tenderness in right hypochondriac region, [a10].
- Fulness of right hypochondriac region, [a10].
- Frequent dull, aching pains in right hypochondriac region, [a13].
- Fine stitching in left hypochondrium, [a11].
- Constant dull, aching pain in right hypochondrium, and region of gall-bladder, [a13].
- Dull shifting pain in left hypochondriac region, [a10].
- Constant dull pains in right hypochondriac region, aggravated by walking, [a13].
- Pinching pain in right hypochondrium, with colic, [a11].
- * Constant dull aching distress in right lower lobe of liver, [a13].
- * Great deal of distress in liver and epigastrium, [a13].
- * Constant quite severe aching pain from the pit of the stomach to the right lower lobe of
the liver, [a13].
- Pain in the region of the spleen, [_a1].
- Shooting in right side above the hip, deeply seated, [a7].
- Stitches in abdomen on left side, below the ribs, [a7].
- * Pain at umbilicus, [a10].
- Burning, aching distress at umbilicus, [a13].
- Soreness at umbilicus, [a10].
- Fine pricking pains around the umbilicus, [a11].
- Dull pain in the umbilical region, [_a1].
- Constant dull pain in region of navel, [a13].
- Constant dull, aching distress in the umbilical region, with a very severe headache, [a13].
- Dull pains in umbilicus; sometimes they are very sharp, [a13].
- Colicky pain at the umbilicus (following hard, dry stool), [a13].
- There have been frequent pains in the umbilical and hypogastric regions
- Great distress in the umbilical and hypogastric regions, and very urgent desire for stool,
with rumbling in bowels, [a13].
- Pinching below navel, [a7].
- Distension of abdomen, [a8].
- Rumbling of bowels, [a10].
- Frequent rumbling in bowels, [a13].
- Rumbling in bowels for a quarter of an hour, without pain, [a7].
- Borborygmus and flatus, which was fetid, [a14].
- Much wind in bowels, [a10].
- * Fetid flatus, [_a1, a14].
- Frequent expulsion of flatus, [a6, a10].
- Discharge of flatus, with griping in bowels, [a8].
- Constant, very severe burning in (stomach and) bowels, with severe (came fifteen
different days), [a13].
- Constant and very severe burning in (stomach and) bowels; very hard to endure the
burning distress, [a13].
- Bowels and stomach distress him very much, [a13].
- * Abdomen tender to touch, [a10].
- Bowels feel as if he had a severe diarrhoea, [a10].
- Constrictive feeling in the bowels, [_a3].
- Cramp-like contraction of the bowels, followed by a stool (four time), [_a3].
- Cramp in the bowels, [_a3].
- At each inspiration, griping of the bowels, [_a3].
- Motions preceded by pinching in the bowels, [_a3].
- Flying pain in bowels, [a13].
- Rumbling in hypogastrium, with cutting pains around the umbilicus, [a11].
- Cutting in left inguinal region, [a11].
- Severe neuralgic pain in right inguinal region, [a13].
Urinary organs
- Shoots in the orifice of the urethra, [_a1].
- Call to make water, [a6].
- On two occasions, at short intervals, urging to make water, [a6].
- * Frequent urination, [a10].
- * Desire to pass water often, but little at a time, [a14].
- Urine scanty, and of a dark-yellow color, with scalding in passing through the urethra.
- * Urine scanty, and of a mahogany color, and as it passed through the urethra it burned
like hot water, [a14].
- Urine scanty, and dark-brown; no sediment, [a14].
- * Urine dark and muddy, and passed with much pain, [_a1].
- Retention of urine; passed after several trials, [a10].
- * Urine hot, [a10].
- * Urine hot and clear, [a10].
- Urine very high-colored, [a13].
- Urine dark-brown, [_a1].
- Urine very clear, and increased in quantity, [a10].
- Urine dark; some little sediment.
- * Urine with dark-brown sediment, [a14].
- * Urine yellow, with thick, white, mucous sediment, [a14].
Sexual organs
- Transient pains in genitals, [a10].
- Dull and heavy shooting pain through or near belt of penis, [a10].
- Soreness of testicles, [a10].
- Itching of testicles, [a10].
- Drawing of left testicle, [a10].
- * Leucorrhoea, [a8].
Respiratory apparatus
- Increase of the dry feeling in throat, followed by secretion of mucus, quite like the second
stage of catarrh, [a9].
- Sensation of dryness and stiffness of the glottis, and all the pharyngo-laryngeal mucous
membrane, [a9].
- Dryness of the larynx with tickling; scraping feeling of the laryngo-pharyngeal mucous
membrane, [a9].
- Tickling in larynx, [a7].
- Tickling in larynx causes cough with mucous expectoration, [a7].
- Throbbing, darting pain in trachea produces titillation, [a10].
- * Hoarse voice, [_a1].
- Coughing, [a10].
- Repeated cough, [a7].
- Cough from irritation, [a7].
- * Cough dry, [a7].
- Slight cough with stitches in left side of chest, [_a1].
- * Short cough, increased by swallowing and breathing deeply, [_a1].
- Dry, hacking cough (at 1 P.M. ), produced by great constriction of the fauces with great
irritation of the epiglottis (for two hours), [a13].
- Spitting of blood on getting up in the morning, [a14].
- Breathing rapid and laborious, [_a1].
- Labored breathing, [a4].
- Dyspnoea with rapid breathing, [a14].
- Hot feeling in chest, with cold rising up, as after taking peppermint drops, [_a3].
- Constant burning distress, with a constrictive feeling of the lower part of the chest, [a13].
- Heat in thorax and stomach, [a10].
- Warm feeling in chest, [a7].
- * Raw feeling in chest, [_a1, _a3].
- Pains in chest, as if a stone lay on the scrobiculus cordis, [_a3].
- Pains in the chest alternating with pains in the abdomen, [_a3].
- Thorax feels constricted, [a10].
- * Tightness of the chest, [_a1, _a3, a4].
- Sudden stitches throughout chest, [_a1].
- Burning in the mammae, [a8].
- Lungs feel very much engorged, [_a1].
- Lungs feel heavy, and as if engorged, [a14].
- Taking a full breath causes soreness over and in lungs, with great rush of blood, [a10].
- * On the right side of chest, when respiring, she feels the lung painfully moving up and
down, [_a3].
- Stitch in region of lower lobe of left lung; relieved when passing wind, [a10].
- Twitching from the chest to the left shoulder, [_a3].
- Stitches in left side, [a6].
- Stitches leave left side and go to right side of chest, [a7].
- Shooting pain in sternum, [a7].
- Pains in sternum, as if a piece were torn out of chest, [a8].
Upper extremities
- * Rheumatic-like pain in right scapula, [_a1].
- * Pains in right scapula and right side of chest, increased by inspiring, [_a1].
- Dull pain in shoulders and hands, [a13].
- The arm and hand of left side become strikingly warmer, and feel as it heavier and
swollen, [_a1].
- Neuralgic pains in arms, [a10].
- Tearing and jerking in right arm, [_a3].
- Constant jerking in right arm.
- Paralyzed state of right arm; she cannot raise it, [_a3].
- Dull aching pain in elbow-joint of left arm, [a14].
- Sharp, darting pain in left forearm; a numbness with prickling sensations, [a10].
- Stinging in hands, [a10].
- Pricking in hands after washing them, [a10].
- Not able to control muscles to write well, [a10].
- Nails blue, [a10].
Lower extremities
- * Constant dull pain across hips and sacrum, [a13].
- Legs aching severely, feeling so weak that I must lie down all the time, [a13].
- Limbs ache when weight of body rests on them, [a10].
- * Knees ache severely, [a13].
- Calves of legs sore, [a10].
- * Tendo-Achillis sore, [a10].
- Swelling of feet after walking usual distance, [a10].
- Feet swell; corns very sore, [a10].
- Spasms of muscles of limbs, [a10].
- At times feels as if going to have spasms or convulsions, [a10].
- Limbs feel heavy, [a10].
- Fulness of skin as if too much blood in body, [a10].
- Heart, lungs, stomach, and brain feel as if an undue amount of blood was there, [a10].
- Fulness of dependent parts, [a10].
- Fulness, [a10].
- Weak, stupid, and dull; with disposition to sleep most of the time, [_a1].
- Great weakness; she totters when she walks, [_a3].
- Weak in joints, [a10].
- * Feeling faint and weak, [a13].
- * Weariness, [_a3].
- Weariness, with faintness of stomach, [a13].
- Fatigued feeling, as from a long walk [a5].
- It fatigues him to walk much, [a10].
- Very tired and languid, [a13].
- Feeling of languor, [a13].
- Walking is very painful, [a13].
- Feels faint, [a14].
- She feels like to faint, [_a3].
- Feeling of extreme illness, [_a3].
- Feeling of prostration of the whole system, [a9].
- Malaise, [a10].
- General malaise, [a12].
- General feeling of malaise, with dull, stupefying feeling in head, [a11].
- Pain in the joints, [_a1].
- Tearing pain in the back, right side, and shoulders, [_a3].
- On awaking in the morning felt very sore all over, especially calves of legs, muscles of
thighs, back, shoulders, and neck, also of upper extremities and chest, [a10].
- Sore on motion, [a10].
- Too sore and languid to attend to business, [a10].
- Soreness of muscles of arm, back, and lower extremities, especially of small of back,
- Pain on walking erect, [a10].
- Stiffness of joints, [a10].
- Great stretching, [a10].
- Goose-skin, [_a3].
- Itching of whole body, especially around waist, [a10].
- Chilliness and goose-skin, [_a3].
- Constant chills creeping up and down the back with painful burning in the anus, [_a1].
- Chills running along the spine, followed by fever, light at first, but increasing until he felt
he should burn up, [_a1].
- Riding in the cool air produces great chilliness, [a10].
- When cold air strikes, skin feels chilly and teeth chatter, [a10].
- She cannot get warm, [_a3].
- Rigors, [a5].
- Attack of rigor, lasting ten minutes, [_a3].
- Rigor for half an hour, like ague, [_a3].
- Feeling as if I had the ague, [a13].
- About 4 P.M. , severe chill, which lasted three hours; heat of fire relieved me; from seven
to twelve at night very high fever; profuse, hot perspiration with the fever, [a14].
- Great heat all over the body, [a10].
- Felt a glow of heat all over the surface, [a10].
- Skin dry and hot, [a10].
- Fever lasted six hours, [_a1].
- Feeling very feverish; hands hot and dry, [a13].
- Burning in the palms and soles, [_a3].
- Flashes of heat over body, [a10].
- Flying heat before eructation, [a4].
- General perspiration, with decline of the abdominal distension, [a8].
- Perspiration would break out on the head and face, [_a1].
- (Early in morning), Gnawing and emptiness in stomach.
- (Morning on waking), Sore all over, etc.
- (Forenoon), Sore throat.
- (Afternoon), Vertigo.
- (Evening), Throat sore, etc.
- (Periodical), Eructation of mucus; tightness in scrobiculus cordis; palpitation of heart.
- (When breathing), Feels lung moving painfully.
- (Breathing in), Cool feeling in nose.
- (Breathing deeply), Short cough; increase of pains.
- (Drawing full breath), Soreness over lungs, etc.
- (Drawing breath), Pain in scapula, etc.
- (Cold air), Skin feels chilly, etc.
- (Riding in cool air), Great chilliness.
- (After eating), Dryness of throat; pain in stomach; stomach feels full.
- (Eating a grape), Pain in throat.
- (Near light), Pain in eye.
- (Motion), Backache; stiff back; pain in small of back; sore.
- (Rising from seat),
- Headache; pain in small of back and hips.
- (After rubbing), Flush of blood to face.
- (Rubbing after washing), Red spots under skin.
- (Stooping), Headache;
- Backache; pain in lumbo-sacral region.
- (Swallowing), Dry and stiff throat; burning in throat; tonsil painful; short cough.
- (After tea), Nausea.
- (Walking), Pain in hypochondria; fulness and itching at anus; tearing in small of back;
- (Walking erect), Pain.
- (Trying to walk) , Burning in epigastrium, etc.; aching in lumbar region.
- (After washing), Pricking in hands.
- (Afternoon), Sore throat.
- (After moving), Pain in small of back and hips.
- (When passing wind), Stitch in lung.
- Mind clear; anterior lobes feel light; posterior dull, heavy.
- On awaking knows not where she is nor whence came the objects around her.
- || Unable to fix his attention.
- Disinclination to perform any labor.
- Inward cheerfulness and placidity of temper.
- Feeling of sadness, lasting all day.
- Depressed, low-spirited.
- Feels dull, gloomy and despondent.
- Very irritable all day, and restless during forepart of night.
- Extremely irritable; loses temper easily, and gains control over it but slowly.
- | Feels miserably cross.
- Confused feeling in head, with giddiness; slight while sitting, worse when rising from a
seat, afternoon.
- Vertigo with a sensation as if he had to balance the head; very annoying all afternoon.
Inner head
- Dull pain in right temple and occiput, followed by dull stitches in forehead and left
- Feeling as if a board was on head; agg rising from a seat.
- Neuralgic pains in different parts of head, temples, occiput and frontal region, coming
and going.
- Severe lancinating headache at base of brain, as if too full; tympani; tongue white.
- Dull heavy pain deep in brain.
- || Headache all over as if it would burst. Fever.
- A sensation of fulness and pressure, rather than of acute pain.
- Sensation of fulness in head, beating of temporal arteries, and pain extending through
head from one temporal region to other; agg by stooping, laughing and study.
- Congestion to head with beating of temporal arteries, lasting half an hour, and
accompanied by a dull pain on top of head.
- Heaviness, with dull stupefying pain in head.
- Heaviness in forehead, with aching in back part of head.
- Fulness in forehead with dull heavy pain.
- Aching in forehead; sometimes over left, sometimes over right eye; also right temple.
- Dull pain over right eye; eyes heavy; after sleep.
- Dull pressure in forehead with slight nausea in stomach, followed at once by stitches in
right hypochondrium.
- | Dull frontal headache, from right to left, with constrictive feeling of skin of forehead,
followed by flying pains in epigastrium.
- Shooting pain in forehead.
- Neuralgic pains in right supraorbital region.
- Severe frontal headache; back aches and is weak.
- Pressing in left temple, followed by same sensation in right.
- Beating in right temple.
- Frequent flying pains through temples and forehead; throat constricted.
- Dull heavy pain extending through top of head.
- Neuralgic pains in left side of head.
- Very severe pain in right side of head above temple.
- Dull aching pain in left side of head.
- Dull pain in right side of head, followed by same sensation in l. side, continuing about an
- || Dull pain in occiput, with flushes of heat over occiput, neck and shoulders, and lame
feeling in small of back. Prolapsus uteri.
- Heavy feeling in back of head.
- Dull aching sensation in back part of head, afterwards extending to forehead, much agg
by stooping.
- Dull pain in occiput; a bruised feeling with heat, extending to ears.
- Burning pain in back part of head.
- Headache with dull pain and stitches, chiefly in forehead, temple and occiput;
accompanied by confusion and vertigo, with sensation of fulness and pressure rather than
other pain.
- Sensations in head, accompanied by beating of arteries all over body and accelerated
- Sick-headache; feeling of fulness in forehead, with sickness of stomach in evening.
- Neuralgic darting from right to left across forehead; followed by flying pains in
- Stitches in right side of head, right breast and anterior part of right thigh simultaneously.
- Sensation of fulness in upper part of head, with stiffness of neck and spine.
- Dull aching sensation in forehead, with beating in temples, flashes of heat and accelerated
- Dull heavy pains in forehead, and pains in back, loins, left shoulder and elbow, as if from
- Headache with drowsiness; too weak to walk.
Outer head
- Shooting in left parietal bone, later in right.
- Pains in vertex, with a very annoying sensation, as though a number of pin-points were
inserted in skin.
- Hyperaesthesia of scalp.
- Soreness of side of scalp rested on (r).
- Formication in front of temple.
- Stitches in left malar bone.
- Pale, miserable appearance.
- Ill-looking countenance.
- Flying heat and redness of left side of face.
- After rubbing face it flushes.
- Rubbing after washing causes red spots.
- Face swells enormously after washing in water.
- Shooting in lower molar teeth, later in right only.
- Ache in middle lower molar, agg by warm drinks and pressing teeth together, amel by
holding cold water in mouth.
- Teeth feel as if covered with oil.
Inner mouth
- Thick yellow phlegm in mouth, and on tongue.
- Mouth dry, as if excoriated and constricted.
- Increased flow of saliva, with oily taste.
- Dull aching in right hypochondriac region.
- Constant, severe aching, from pit of stomach to lower lobe of liver.
- Tenderness in right hypochondrium.
- Pinching pain in right hypochondrium, with colic; pain through to back on inspiring.
- Stitches in hypochondria following headache.
- Stitches, pinching and aching in liver, extending between shoulders.
- Tenderness in right hypochondriac region;
- | full feeling.
- || Constant dull aching distress in right lower lobe of liver and region of gall bladder;
- much distress in liver and epigastrium.
- Constant aching pain from pit of stomach to right lobe of liver.
- Congestion of liver and portal system.
- Fine stitching in left hypochondrium, agg moving and laughing.
- Pain in region of spleen.
- Sharp, shooting pains running through hemorrhoidal tumors, up to sacrum and along
- Large protruding painful hemorrhoids. Prolapsus uteri.
- Appearance of hemorrhoids, like ground-nuts, of a purple color, very painful, and with
a sensation of burning.
- Hemorrhoids painful, burning, purplish; generally "blind;" aching and lameness, or
sharp, shooting pains up back.
- Hemorrhoids severe and of long standing, patient felt as if the gut was turned inside out.
- Pain worse in tumors when standing on feet or walking.
- Hemorrhoids, could not sit or lie down with ease.
- Pain in hemorrhoids, like a knife sawing up and down, could not sit, stand or lie, only
possible position was kneeling; slight protrusion.
- Some carry nuts in their breeches-pockets as a preventive.
Urinary organs
- Terrible pain in region of kidney, continuing about an hour and aggravated by motion.
- Shooting pain in left kidney.
- Shooting pain in left ureter, from below upward.
- Desires to urinate often, but passes little at a time, scanty and dark yellow, with scalding
in passing through urethra.
- Frequent urging to urinate, with scanty, high-colored urine.
- Urine :
- dark, muddy, passed with much pain; scalding;
- with dark-brown sediment;
- yellow, with thick-white mucous sediment;
- hot.
- Diminished quantity of urine passed during day.
- During day urine passed was deep red, with strong odor.
- Rapid, labored breathing.
- After a full breath, lungs feel sore, with great rush of blood.
- Pain on inhaling in scapula and chest.
- Cough caused by tickling in larynx.
- Dry short cough, increased by swallowing and deep breathing.
- Dry hacking cough, caused by constriction of fauces, with irritation of epiglottis.
- Spits blood on getting up in morning.
- Chronic cough, with emaciation.
Outer chest
- Pains in sternum, as if a piece was torn out of chest.
Upper limbs
- Rheumatic pain in right scapula and right side of chest;
- | agg when inhaling.
- Pains in scapula and chest; agg during inspiration.
- Strange trembling of muscles of left shoulder, continuing two hours and followed by a
sensation of soreness.
- Aching in left acromion process, with shooting down arm.
- Left upper arm and shoulder feel as if one had taken violent exercise.
- Shooting pain extending down arms.
- Neuralgic pains in arms.
- Twitches in left arm.
- Arm and hand of left side become numb, as if paralyzed.
- Right arm feels paralyzed, cannot raise it.
- Hands weak, cannot control muscles well when writing.
- Shooting pain in left arm extending to wrist.
- Neuralgic pain of left arm extending down to end of index finger, followed by a tingling
- Tearing pain in right arm extending down index finger.
- Pain extending to ulnar side of forearm from elbow to little finger, as if nerve had been
- Drawing tearing in left arm extending to ends of fingers.
- Stinging sensation in right arm extending to fingers.
- Drawing in metacarpal bones of left hand.
- Left arm and hand much warmer, feel heavy and swollen.
- Pricking, swollen feeling of hands after washing them.
- Cracking of skin on hands.
- Nails blue.
Lower limbs
- Constant aching bruised feeling in right hip joint, pain extending downward.
- Shooting down right thigh; soreness and lameness in right hip joint.
- Stinging on anterior part of right thigh, just above knee.
- Sensation of soreness in left hip and knee joints.
- In morning pain in right knee and leg, as after violent exercise.
- Stiffness of knee joints, particularly when rising from a seat.
- Left knee swollen, painful and stiff; unable to bear slightest pressure.
- Aching in legs and knees.
- Legs so weak she can hardly walk; spine weak. See 31.
- Back and legs weak : can hardly walk, must lie down.
- Calves feel sore.
- Neuralgic pains in right leg extending downward.
- Wandering pains in lower extremities.
- Soreness of lower extremities felt most when walking.
- Legs much affected, can't walk; bowels loose.
- Feet swell after walking.
- Tendo-achillis sore.
- Tension and soreness in left ankle.
- Tension in right ankle, also in left knee.
- Boring pain in dorsum of left foot.
- Burning pain in left great toe.
Limbs in general
- Darting and shooting pains in upper and lower extremities; most on left side.
- Shooting pains extending down left arm and leg.
- Feeling of lameness in left shoulder and right ankle joint.
- Joints stiff, aching and painful.
- Limbs feel heavy.
- Spasms of muscles of limbs.
- Muscles sore, agg on awaking and on motion.
- Position. Motion.
- Could not sit nor lie down with ease; bleeding of piles gives some relief.
- || Dreadful pain, could not sit, stand or lie; only possible motion was kneeling.
- Lying : back feels best in pregnancy; increases heart troubles.
- Must sit down : during pregnancy when back gives out.
- See 24.
- Stooping : back aches more.
- Rising after sitting : backache agg; can hardly get up.
- Motion : muscles feel sore;
- backache agg;
- soreness amel.
- Walking : increases leucorrhoea; causes burning in epigastrium; fulness and itching in
anus; back gives out; aching tearing in back and hips; almost impossible when back aches;
causes feet to swell; totters.
- Writing : hands become weak.
- Flying, neuralgic pains.
- Lameness and paralytic feelings.
- Feels faint, weak; weariness, faintness at stomach.
- Cannot control muscles to speak or to write.
- || Cannot walk, feels so weak. Headache with drowsiness.
- Very much weakened. Hemorrhoids.
- Feels faint and weak; totters when walking.
- Weariness and faintness in stomach.
- Feeling of malaise.
- Paralytic feeling in arms, legs and spine.
- Too sore and languid to attend to business.
- Feeling of extreme illness, great weakness, faintness and tottering gait.
- A kind of tetanus after a horrible constriction in pit of stomach, she got stiff with the
pain, hands blue with a pricking and stinging, lasting two hours; second attack of same
- Dreams and restless nights, with obstinate erections, but no emission.
- Disposition to stretch and yawn.
- Yawning and stupefying sleepiness.
- Drowsy; falls asleep; on awaking, knows not where she is.
- || Restless all night;
- | thoughts continually crowding on mind prevent sleep.
- Awakened by burning pain in stomach.
- Mornings, on awaking, sore and tired.
- Awaking : does not want to rise; wants to sleep again; eyes heavy, dull headache over
right eye; feels sore and is red all over, morning; muscles sore; pressing in stomach.
- Morning : gnawing emptiness in stomach; feels sore all over; spitting blood.
- Day : drowsy.
- Afternoon : throat better; vertigo.
- 4 P.M. : chills.
- 7 to 12 P.M. : fever.
- Forepart of night : restless.
- Chilliness : creeping up and down back; with burning in anus; better from heat of fire.
- Chills : along spine; up back; cannot get warm.
- Chill 4 P.M. , with gooseskin, amel from heat of fire; fever 7 to 12 P.M.
- Chilliness, with rigor.
- Feverish pulsations, with hot and dry hands.
- Flashes of heat over occiput, face, neck, shoulders and body.
- Skin hot and dry; evening fever; palms and soles burn; disposed to yawn and stretch;
head aches as if it would burst.
- Fever : 7 to 12 P.M. , no thirst, bursting headache, photophobia; with profuse hot sweat;
lungs feel engorged, heart beats violently.
- Sweat profuse, hot, with fever.
- Sweat : abdominal symptoms decline; on head and face.
- Intermittent fevers.
- Periodicity. Periodically : tightness in scrobiculum; palpitation and anxiety.
- Alternating : pains in chest and abdomen.
- Sensation of fulness, as from too much blood in different parts of body.
- || Sensation like hot lightning.
- The whole body feels as if bruised or beaten.
- Soreness : on side of scalp rested on; eyeballs; nose; stomach; hypochondrium;
protruding anus; testicles; calves; tendo-achillis; muscles; all over.
- As if he had to balance head, vertigo; as if a board was on head; as if too full at base of
brain; as if head would burst; beating of arteries all over body, with headache; pains as from
overexertion; as though pin points were inserted in skin of vertex; as if pain surrounded
eyeball; as if teeth were covered with oil; as if something had lodged in fauces; aching
distress in tonsils; tongue as if scalded; stomach feels full as if walls were thickened;
sinking at pit of stomach; gnawing and emptiness in pit of stomach; fluttering with faintness
in stomach; dull aching distress in right lower lobe of liver and gall bladder; rectum as if
full of small sticks; feeling of stiffness of skin and tissues about anus; as though a bug was
creeping out of rectum; as though folds of mucous membrane obstructed rectum, as if it
would protrude, as if something would pass off all the time; like a knife sawing backward
and forward through anus; as if something had got stuck in throat- pit; as if right lung
moved up and down painfully; cold rising in chest as after peppermint; in chest as if lungs
were engorged; in region of heart; in left great toe; a peculiar sensation from apex of heart
to axilla; can feel pulsation all over body; as if a piece was torn out of sternum; as if back
and hips would break in two; as if back would give at sacro-iliac symphysis; as after violent
exercise in left upper arm, shoulder, right knee and leg; as if ulnar nerve had been
- Terrible pain : in region of left kidney.
- Tearing pain : above right hip; in small of back and hips; down arms and fingers.
- Neuralgic pains : in head; in right supraorbital region; in left side of head; from upper lip
to right side of head; in fauces; in right inguinal region; about heart; in arms; in right leg
- Lancinating : in head, at base of brain.
- Cutting : in stomach; about navel; in rectum; in right inguinal region; in rectum.
- Stitches : in right hypochondrium; in forehead, temples and occiput; in right side of head;
in right breast; in right thigh; in l. malar bone; in hypochondria; in liver; in left side below
ribs; sudden through chest from left to right; in lower r. chest; in region of heart.
- Stinging : deep in left orbit; in posterior nares; in soft palate; at anus; in right arm; on
anterior part of right thigh above knee; in hands.
- Burning : in back part of head; deep in left orbit; in ears; in nose; coryza; in posterior
nares and soft palate; in fauces; in throat; in tonsils; in pit of stomach; in stomach, bowels
and liver; at navel; in rectum; in anus; in hemorrhoids.
- Scalding : in urethra.
- Pricking : in fauces; in back, neck and shoulders; in hands.
- Shooting pain : in forehead; in parietal bones; in left eyeball; over left eye; in ears; in
lower molars; above right hip; through hemorrhoidal tumors; up sacrum; along back; in left
kidney and ureter; through penis; in right testicle; in region of heart; down arms; down right
thigh; down left arm and leg.
- Darting : in larynx; in region of heart.
- Boring : in dorsum of left foot.
- Flying pains : through temples and forehead; in epigastrium; in bowels.
- Bruising feeling : in occiput; in lumbar region; in right hip joint.
- Aching : in occiput; in forehead; over eyes; in right temple; in eyeballs; in lower molars;
in tonsils; from pit of stomach to lower lobe of liver; in liver; at navel; of rectum; in
hemorrhoids; in sacrum; in legs and knees; in region of heart; between shoulder blades; in
lumbar region; in left acromion process; in right hip joint; in legs and knees; of joints.
- Soreness : in left nasal bone; of tip of tongue; at navel; in lumbar region; of rectum; at
anus; in testicles; over lungs; in left shoulder, after trembling; in right hip joint; in left knee
and hip joint; of tendo-achillis; in left ankle; of muscles; all over.
- Rawness : in nose, coryza; in throat; of anus; in chest and throat.
- Dull pressure : in forehead.
- Pinching : in right hypochondrium; in liver.
- Dull stitches : in forehead and left temple.
- Pain : in right nasal bone; in right mastoid region; in region of spleen; in hypogastric
region; in right scapula and left side of chest; at apex of heart; at pit of stomach; in sternum;
in back, neck and shoulders; in spinal curvature; in hip and sacrum.
- Dull pain : in right temple and occiput; deep in brain; in vertex; in forehead over orbits;
over right eye; in left side of head; in right hypochondriac region.
- Fulness : in head; in forehead; in vertex; in ears; in fauces; in right hypochondriac region;
in abdomen; in rectum; at anus.
- Swollen feeling : in rectum; in left arm; of hands.
- Heaviness : in forehead; of eyes; in occiput; from forehead to occiput; in left arm; in
- Rheumatic pain : in lungs; in right scapula and right side of chest.
- Twitching : over region of heart.
- Drawing : in left testicle; in muscles of right side of neck; in metacarpal bones of left
- Dull heavy pain : in neck.
- Pressure : in temples; ears; bones of face; epigastric region; in stomach; in rectum; in
- Tightness : of chest.
- Tension : in ankles.
- Constricted feeling : of skin of forehead; in throat; of mouth; in fauces; in oesophagus; in
scrobiculum; in stomach; of rectum; in anus; in lower chest.
- Cramp pain : in bowels; in chest.
- Beating : in temples.
- Throbbing : in abdomen; in pelvic cavity and hypogastrium; in trachea.
- Lame feeling : in small of back; in neck; in sacro-iliac symphysis; in right hip joint; in
left shoulder and right ankle.
- Paralytic feeling : in arms, legs and spine.
- Weariness : in neck; in back; in stomach.
- Stiffness : in larynx and glottis; of neck; of back; of knee joints; of joints.
- Formication : in front of temple; on nose; in fauces.
- Tingling : in left arm and index finger.
- Tickling : in larynx.
- Heat : of eyes; of left side of face; of lips; in stomach; in rectum; in thorax; in back of
neck and shoulders.
- Chilliness : up back; in lumbar region; with gooseskin.
- Dryness : of posterior nares and throat; of mouth; in rectum; of larynx.
- Itching : in rectum; at anus; of testicles.
- Fulness in various parts, as if they contained an undue amount of blood.
- Venous congestion, especially portal and hemorrhoidal.
- Sore muscles, mornings on awaking and on motion.
- Mucous membranes dry, swollen; burn and feel raw.
- Glandular swellings of bone.
- Joints weak; lumbo-sacral region aches.
- Formication : scalp, nose, fauces.
- Itching of body, especially about waist.
- After washing : red spots on face.
- Collateral relation : Aesc. glab.
- Similar to : Aloes, Collinsonia, Mercur., Nux vom., Podoph., Sulphur (weak spine).
- Nux vom. antidotes symptoms of piles.
- Found useful after Collinsonia had improved piles.
- Useful after Nux vom. and Sulphur had failed in piles
* 3- Vrtigo: con inestabilidad; con plenitud y pesadez ceflica; con desmayos; peor al
* 7- Tos producida por una repentina irritacin de la garganta. Sensacin de una pluma
hacindole cosquillas en la garganta, con carraspeo y expulsin de mucosidades finamente
estriadas de sangre.
Castao de Asia. Fetid o Ohio Buckeye. (Estados de Norte Amrica baados por el ro Ohio).
O.N. Sapindceas. Parte empleada, toda la fruta madura.
Caractersticas.- Aesculus glabra, como el castao de Indias, tiene una accin marcada en el
recto. Produce heces duras, nudosas; muy dolorosas. Tumores hemorroidarios prpura
oscuro, con debilidad de la espalda y extremidades inferiores. Hale da la indicacin:
"Tumores externos muy dolorosos, prpura oscuro, con constipacin y vrtigo; debilidad del
sacro y extremidades inferiores." Al mismo tiempo hay llenura y pesadez de la cabeza, sin
dolor; la visin puede ser borrosa o perderse; ojos fijos y sin expresin. El habla no es claro y
la lengua como sin fuerzas. En el ganado produce tortcolis y paresia de las extremidades
traseras. Hay una tos producida por irritacin sbita de la garganta, sensacin como si una
pluma hiciera cosquillas en la garganta, causando carraspeo y expulsin de mucosidad que
finalmente est rayada de sangre.
Aesculus glabra, Willd, Nat. order, Sapindaceae. Common names, Fetid Buckeye, Ohio
Preparation, Triturations from the whole fruit.
Authority. Hale ("New Remedies").
- Confusion of mind, always attended by vertigo, and may be followed by stupefaction and
- Vertigo, with staggering, reeling and unconsciousness.
- Vertigo with fulness and heaviness of the head, dimness of sight, thickness of speech,
nausea, and vomiting.
- Dimness of sight, and even loss of sight.
- Eyes fixed and expressionless.
- Thickness of speech from paralysis of the tongue.
- Trembling of the lower limbs, with spasmodic contractions.
- Spasms and convulsions, followed by paralysis.
- Great weakness.
Aesculus glabra (Hering)
- Confusion of mind, with vertigo, often followed by stupefaction and coma.
- Vertigo with staggering, reeling, unconsciousness.
- Vertigo with full, heavy head, dim sight, thick speech, nausea and vomiting.
Inner head
- Fulness and heaviness in head without pain, with vertigo and faintness towards evening.
- { According to the wry neck, the vertigo, sensation of fulness and heaviness of head,
stupor, great weakness and trembling of limbs, it may be used in meningitis.
- Tongue. Speech thick and tongue as if lame.
- Cramplike pain.
- Sensation of fulness.
- Distension (with cattle).
- Back. Wry neck (cattle).
- Great lameness and weakness of back.
Lower limbs
- Trembling of lower limbs.
- Hind limbs lame; falling (cattle).
- A strong tendency to contraction of legs.
- Spasms and convulsions, followed by lameness (cattle).
- Great weakness.
- Stuper and confusion, followed by coma.
- Towards evening : vertigo and faintness.
- Some typhoid symptoms.
- Pain : in hemorrhoids.
- Cramplike pain : in stomach.
- Fulness and heaviness : in head; in stomach.
- Collateral relations : Aesc. hipp.
- Discrete relations : Aloes; Colinsonia; Ignat.; Nux vom
* 2- Delirio manaco, rabioso; con alucinaciones: ve gatos, perros, ratas que corren, insectos.
** 3- Est peor en la oscuridad. Tiene miedo a cerrar los ojos, a dormirse; piensa que al
cerrar los ojos puede no despertarse mas.
* 4- Tiene impulsos de saltar por la ventana, a menudo con intenciones suicidas.
5- Triste cuando est solo. Habla con lentitud. Irritable al aire libre.
*** 6- Trastornos de comienzo violento producidos por la ingestin de leche. Nios que no
toleran la leche (ver 22), no la pueden digerir.
*** 7- En nios o bebs alimentados desordenadamente, amamantados cada vez que lloran; o
en adultos disppticos que pican todo el da. Durante la denticin; en veranos muy
*** 8- Gran debilidad: el nio no puede estar parado ni sentado ni puede sostener la cabeza,
con gran postracin, agotamiento y somnolencia intensa; se duerme despus de vomitar,
de mover el vientre o de una convulsin. Configura el clsico cuadro de la toxicosis
infantil, con rpido adelgazamiento.
** 9- Convulsiones en nios, con el pulgar metido en el puo, cara roja, ojos vueltos hacia
abajo, inconsciencia, insensibilidad, mirada fija, midriasis, espuma bucal, mandbulas
apretadas. Convulsiones leves o rotacin de ojos al dormirse.
* 11- Peor: de 3 a 4 a.m.; en Verano; por caf; por el calor de la cama; por agua fra; mejor
caminando al aire libre y por la conversacin, en compaa.
** 14- Vrtigo con somnolencia y palpitaciones, no puede levantar la cabeza, que se le
calienta al cesar el vrtigo; peor mirando hacia arriba. Cefalea presiva en la frente, como
apretado por una banda o un torno. No puede sostener erguida la cabeza. Tiene la
sensacin de que le tironean el cabello. Cefaleas peridicas. Los sntomas ceflicos
mejoran expulsando flatos o moviendo el vientre. Sensacin de tener hinchadas la
cabeza, cara y manos al lavarse o entrar en una habitacin.
* 15- Fotofobia crnica. Ojos salientes y brillantes; o vueltos hacia abajo (ver 9) Blefaritis
crnica en los bordes. Hipertrofia de las glndulas de Meibomius.
*** 18- Marcada acentuacin de los surcos nasolabiales, que da a la cara una expresin de
gran ansiedad y dolor.
* 20- Siente la lengua muy grande, o seca, o bien hmeda, y blanca despus de tomar leche.
Sialorrea. Aftas. Gusto: dulce, salado, amargo, a queso, a cebollas.
*** 22- Hay una total intolerancia a la leche, sobre todo en nios o bebs: vomita con brusco
y violento esfuerzo, en chorro, la leche que acaba de tomar, lquida o, si es despus de un
rato, en grandes cogulos, amarillentos o verdosos, cidos, quedando sudado, debilitado,
amodorrado y somnoliento un rato, o se duerme. Al despertar, tiene hambre de nuevo,
come y vuelve a vomitar. En adultos que regurgitan la comida una hora despus de
ingerirla, "es invalorable" (Guernsey). Nuseas al ver la comida. Vmitos violentos y
bruscos, durante la denticin, de una sustancia lechosa, espumosa, o un lquido amarillo,
seguido de leche cortada, como queso. Dolores desgarrantes en el epigastrio, que van al
23- Clicos, con sensacin subjetiva y objetiva en el vientre, que est sensible.
** 24- Diarrea verdosa, acuosa, con tenesmo violento antes o despus, seguida de sueo.
Clera infantum o en viejos. Constipacin obstinada.
* 27- Excoriacin entre los muslos por caminar. Rigidez de codos. Adenopata axilar.
Erupciones pruriginosas periarticulares o en los pliegues. Hormigueo en los huesos de
los miembros inferiores. Encoge las piernas al ser llevado en brazos.
** 29- Se duerme despus de vomitar, de mover el vientre o de tener una convulsin. Sueo
con sacudidas violentas.
** 30- Gran fiebre, sin sed. Toda la superficie del cuerpo est fra y cubierta de un sudor
pegajoso. El nio quiere estar bien tapado cuando transpira.
Es uno de nuestros mejores remedios para los vmitos de los nios. Ni bien deglutida,
la leche es devuelta con grandes esfuerzos que dejan al nio muy lnguido y somnoliento, o
si la leche permanece ms tiempo en el estmago, es finalmente vomitada bajo la forma de
cogulos muy cidos y tan voluminosos que parece casi imposible que el nio haya podido
expulsarlos. Si este trastorno gstrico no es corregido, el enfermo evolucionar hacia el
clera infantil, con la aparicin de heces verdes, acuosas o mucosas, clicos y convulsiones.
Las convulsiones de este remedio presentan la particularidad de que los ojos se vuelven hacia
abajo, en vez de rotar hacia arriba o lateralmente. Si el caso contina siguiendo un curso
desfavorable aparece un aspecto de hundimiento de la cara y se presenta la lnea nasal, que
consiste en una superficie de blancura perlada en el labio superior, limitada por una lnea
ntida que se extiende desde la ventana nasal hasta la comisura de los labios. Este sntoma es
ms caracterstico de Aethusa que de cualquier otro remedio.
Existe otro sntoma muy peculiar de Aethusa que, segn tengo entendido, ha sido
curado en dos ocasiones por este remedio y es el siguiente: La enferma se imagina que ha
visto una rata o una laucha corriendo por la habitacin. En los dos casos el sntoma apareci
en mujeres nerviosas y fatigadas, pero el trastorno era tan persistente como penoso. Aethusa
no solamente cur esa aberracin, sino que tambin mejor la salud general.
Aethusa cynapium, o pequea cicuta, o falso perejil, planta anual de la familia de las
Umbelferas, crece en lugares cultivados o en jardines abandonados. A menudo es
confundida con el perejil y esta confusin ha dado lugar a graves accidentes; se la puede
reconocer por su tallo rojizo en la base, por sus hojas de un verde ms oscuro que el
perejil comestible y que exhalan un olor desagradable al frotarlas entre los dedos,
inversamente al olor aromtico a agradable del perejil comestible; por ltimo, se la
reconoce tambin por sus involucelas o verticilos de brcteas unilaterales colgantes.
Una caracterstica del efecto del remedio es SU VIOLENCIA; as son los vmitos, las
convulsiones, los dolores y el delirio. Otra caracterstica del remedio es la
POSTRACIN Y SOMNOLENCIA; hay tanta debilidad mental como fsica y un
excelente sntoma mental lo constituye la INCAPACIDAD DE PENSAR Y FIJAR LA
ATENCIN; prescripto sobre la base de este sntoma, el remedio ha ayudado mucho a
escolares en su estudio (Clarke).
La postracin podr ser muy marcada como la de ARS. ALB. pero la ausencia de sed en
AETH. evitar confundir ambos remedios (Nash).
Finalmente, la INTOLERANCIA A LA LECHE, sntoma caracterstico, puede resultar el
sntoma ms importante del remedio, y es ms marcado en los nios, en los que la
encontramos principalmente DURANTE LA DENTICIN O DURANTE LOS
nio parece expulsarlos con dificultad; este estado puede conducir al clera infantil con
diarrea verde, clicos, convulsiones, atrepsia rpida y muerte.
Kent ofrece una buena descripcin en el siguiente caso de AETH, en el nio : "Bruscamente,
durante los calores del verano el nio ya no digiere la leche; antes que pueda ser
digerida, es vomitada y al mismo tiempo aparecen deposiciones lquidas amarillo-
verdosas; casi en seguida toma una facies hipocrtica impresionante, de una palidez azul-
blancuzca marcada sobre todo alrededor de nariz y labios, ojos hundidos, rasgos faciales
muy profundos, con aspecto moribundo; cae en profundo sueo del que despierta slo
para mamar nuevamente, pero en seguida vuelve a vomitar; la leche ingerida produce
otra diarrea y se vuelve a dormir aniquilado; y si no interviene AETH. el nio no tardar
en morir.
"A veces en medio de este estado puede haber convulsiones, delirio y excitacin".
A) Agravacin
B) Mejora
Sntomas mentales
Es agotado, ansioso, grita, delira. Extrema postracin; gran debilidad; el nio no puede
quedarse sentado, no puede tener la cabeza derecha (ABROT.); postracin con gran
cerebral (PICRI. AC.). Idiotez en los nios.
La cara muestra una expresin de gran ansiedad, de dolor; los rasgos son profundos,
marcados, la lnea que limita el labio superior desde los ngulos de las fosas nasales
hasta las comisuras labiales, est profundamente delineada. Facies hipocrtica.
Aparato digestivo
Esta intolerancia por la leche relaciona al remedio con CALC. OSTR., MAGN. MUR.,
MAGN. CARB., SULFUR, CARB. VEG., etc. los que no obstante pueden diferenciarse
fcilmente de AETH. por sus caractersticas particulares. DIARREA ACUOSA, VERDE,
precedida de clicos, acompaada de tenesmo y seguida de gran postracin y profunda
Espalda y extremidades
Convulsiones durante las cuales el pulgar se cierra hacia el interior del puo, la cara se
enrojece, los globos oculares estn bajos en vez de ser girados hacia arriba o al costado;
las pupilas estn fijas y dilatadas; hay espuma en los labios; los maxilares estn
apretados; el pulso es corto, lento y duro (Allen)
AETH. puede compararse a ANT. CRUD., ARS. ALB., CALC. OSTR., Y SANIC.
Antes de que Aethusa fuera conocida resultaban fatales cierta clase de clera infantil, y de
vmitos y diarreas en los nios, porque no haba un remedio semejante a estos casos tan
graves. La muerte est impresa en el semblante desde el comienzo, y si hay algunos
remedios en el texto que salvan la vida ste es uno de ellos. Se aplica en los casos en
que aparece repentinamente durante el tiempo caluroso en la infancia, con postracin
extrema. La madre no sospecha que el nio est enfermo hasta que lo toma de la cuna;
solamente unas pocas horas antes estaba bien; pero cuando prevalece el clera infantil
durante el tiempo caluroso, el pequeo llena su estmago con leche y casi antes de que
tenga tiempo de coagular la devuelve en parte en cogulos y en parte lquida, y
acompaando al vmito, hay una deposicin viscosa, amarillo-verdosa. El chico tiene
una apariencia como si fuera a morirse, cara descolorida, hay una palidez azul
blanquecina alrededor de los labios, los ojos estn hundidos y hay un estado sumido
alrededor de la nariz. La madre est asombrada y enva por el doctor a prisa. El nio se
hunde en un sueo agotador. Se despierta y otra vez llena su estmago de leche que
devuelve de nuevo en pocos minutos, parte en cogulos y parte lquido, y otra vez hay
un terrible estado de agotamiento con apariencia de muerte y sueo prolongado. Sin
Aethusa, en dos o tres das el nio morira. Esto es casi todo lo que hay que decir de
Tiene delirio, tiene excitacin, tiene disturbios mentales de varias clases, pero son agudos y
acompaan a los trastornos del cerebro. Cierta clase de chicos se enferma con el tiempo
caluroso, en las noches caliginosas, y el cerebro se trastorna, y desde esta poca el
estmago deja de trabajar, los intestinos se relajan y cada cosa ingerida se devuelve o
pasa rpidamente. Esto sucede especialmente en aquellos nios que han sido
alimentados como la madre ignorante alimenta cada da a su nio, y por qu es eso?
Cada vez que llora ella lo pone sobre su pecho y lo alimenta. Bien, ahora. permtanos
pensar un poquito. Cada doctor debe pensar un poco, de vez en cuando. Ahora medite
un poco cuando eso es hacer algo acertado o una tontera. Toma alrededor de dos horas
o dos horas y media para el estmago comn del nio realizar una buena digestin de
la leche ingerida y debe tener un descanso de una media hora o algo as. Al cabo de tres
horas, cuando el nio llora, entonces est probablemente hambriento y necesita tomar
nuevo alimento. Cualquier intervalo ms corto de alimentacin que ste es una mala
prctica. Sera justamente la misma cosa si el nio tomase la mitad de una taza de leche
y la dejase digerir parcialmente, y al cabo de un ratito volviese a tomar un poco ms; y
luego a continuacin, volviese a hacerlo otra vez ms. Comenzara a arrojar la leche
agria y en el primer perodo caluroso aparecen trastornos mentales. Solamente los nios
ms fuertes resistirn estos malos mtodos. Yo he observado a estos nios y los he visto
mantenerse hasta el verano. El doctor debe tomar una decisin y hacerlo violentamente,
y hacerles ver lo que opina. La mujer de edad viene y dice: "Este doctor no sabe nada"
y el nio debe ser alimentado. Ahora Aethusa es adecuado en los casos en que el nio
ha sido mal alimentado. Est a la cabeza de la lista de medicamentos para esta dolencia;
esto es, cuando la digestin ha cesado absolutamente a causa de los trastornos
cerebrales. Hasta ahora los mdicos activos han descubierto la necesidad de este
medicamento, ha sido mayormente entre los nios, pero algunas veces los adultos
toman el estado de Aethusa, cuando la digestin ha cesado absolutamente por trastornos
cerebrales y por excitacin. Ha curado la dispepsia de la alimentacin constante, en
aquellos comilones, en aquellos camaradas hambrientos que siempre estn comiendo,
siempre masticando, siempre tomando galletitas de sus bolsillos hasta que llega el
momento en que el estmago cesa de funcionar. Conviene tambin en los casos de
indigestin a causa de inconvenientes cerebrales, con la cabeza caliente, vmitos,
agotamiento, sudores y sueo prolongado.
Aethusa tiene convulsiones en nios. Algunas veces los trastornos del cerebro no afectan al
estmago, pero el chico hace convulsiones, con manos hmedas semblante mortecino,
y el sudor, agotamiento y sueo. "Convulsiones, gran debilidad y postracin, con
somnolencia. Malestar del nio despus de vomitar y despus de evacuar, con
Pequea cicuta. Cicuta de los jardines. Falso perejil. Perejil del loco. Aethusa cynapium.
Fool's Parsley (Europa) N.OUmbelliferae. Tintura de toda la planta en floracin.
Relaciones.- Comparar : Cicut., Con., Oenan. croc., Ant. crud. y Calc. c. (vmito de la
leche), Ars., Asar., Cupr., Ipec., Op., Antidota a : Opium, y es antidotado por vegetales
cidos. Teste coloca Aethusa en el grupo de Sulphur con Cicuta, Con., Ast., Bov.,
Lobel., Merc., Kreos.
- Despus de comer o beber; despus de vomitar; despus de defecar; despus de un
Los sntomas caractersticos estn en relacin principalmente con el cerebro y sistema
nervioso, conectados con trastornos gastrointestinales
Angustia, llanto y expresin de incomodidad y descontento llevan a este remedio; ms
frecuentemente, en enfermedades de los nios, durante la denticin, trastornos veraniegos
cuando, con la diarrea, hay marcada incapacidad para digerir la leche, y pobre circulacin
Los sntomas se establecen con violencia.
Inquietud, ansiedad, llanto.
Ve ratas, gatos, perros, etc
Inconsciencia, delirio, Incapacidad de pensar, de fijar la atencin
Fatiga cerebral
La idiocia puede alternar con furor e irritabilidad.
La siente apretada, o como en una prensa
Dolor occipital que se extiende abajo a la columna; mejor acostado y por presin
Sntomas de la cabeza mejorados por expulsar gases [Sanguin.] y por defecar
Siente que le tiran de los cabellos
Vrtigo con somnolencia, con palpitaciones; cabeza caliente despus que el vrtigo cesa.
Fotofobia; hinchazn de las glndulas de Meibomio
Gira los ojos al dormirse
Ojos girados hacia abajo; pupilas dilatadas
Odos.- Los siente obstruidos
Sensacin de algo caliente desde los odos
Sonidos como silbidos.
Obstruidos con mucha mucosidad espesa
Erupcin herptica en la punta de la nariz
Deseo frecuente ineficaz de estornudar.
Hinchada, con manchas rojas, colapsada
Expresin ansiosa, llena de dolor; lnea nasal marcada.
La lengua parece muy grande
Ardor y pstulas en la garganta, con dificultad para tragar.
Intolerancia a la leche, vmito tan pronto la traga o en grandes cogulos
Hambre despus del vmito
Regurgitacin de alimentos una hora despus de comer
Vmito violento de una materia espumosa blanca
Nusea al ver alimentos
Contraccin dolorosa del estmago
Vmito, con sudor y gran debilidad, acompaado de angustia y gran malestar, seguido de
El estmago lo siente girado de arriba a abajo, con sensacin de ardor que sube al trax
Dolores desgarrantes en el estmago que se extienden al esfago.
Fro interno y externo, con adolorimiento en los intestinos
Clico seguido de vmito, vrtigo y debilidad
Tenso, inflado y sensible
Sensacin de borborigmos alrededor del ombligo.
Indigeridas, claras, verdosas, precedidas de clico, con tenesmo, y seguidas de agotamiento
y somnolencia
Clera infantil; nio fro, pegajoso, atontado, con mirada fija y pupilas dilatadas
Estreimiento pertinaz; siente como si la accin de todo el intestino estuviera perdida
Afecciones colricas en la vejez.
Dolor cortante en la vejiga, con deseo frecuente de orinar
Dolor en los riones.
Dolores lancinantes en los rganos sexuales
Granos; prurito con el calor
Menstruacin acuosa
Hinchazn de las glndulas mamarias, con dolores lancinantes.
Respiracin ansiosa, oprimida, difcil; constriccin calambroide
El malestar hace que el paciente no pueda hablar.
Palpitacin violenta, con vrtigo, cefalea e inquietud
Pulso rpido, duro y pequeo.
Espalda y extremidades
Falta de fuerza para ponerse de pie o sostener la cabeza erguida
La espalda la siente como en una prensa
Adolorimiento de la parte estrecha de la espalda
Debilidad de extremidades inferiores
Dedos y pulgares apretados
Entumecimiento de manos y pies
Espasmos violentos
Estrabismo hacia abajo.
Excoriacin de los muslos al caminar
Sudoracin fcil
Superficie del cuerpo fra y cubierta con sudor pegajoso
Ganglios linfticos hinchados
Erupcin pruriginosa alrededor de las articulaciones
Piel de las manos seca y arrugada
Gran calor; sin sed
Sudor fro profuso
Debe cubrirse durante el sudor.
Alterado por sobresaltos violentos; sudoracin fra
Sooliento despus de defecar o vomitar
El nio est tan agotado que se duerme inmediatamente.
Peor de 3 a 4 a.m. , y al anochecer; por calor, en verano
Mejor al aire libre y en compaa.
Athamantha (cabeza confusa, vrtigo mejor acostado, sabor y saliva amargos
Manos y pies helados); Antimon., Calc., Ars., Cicuta Complementario: Calc.
Potencias de la tercera a la trigsima.
Aethusa cynapium (Vannier MM)
Despus de haber comido o bebido; despus de los vmitos; despus de evacuar; despus
de las convulsiones; de las tres a las cuatro de la maana; por el calor.
Al aire libre.
Adelgazamiento, debilidad y postracin rpidos y el nio no puede sostenerse levantado, es
incapaz de tener la cabeza derecha (Abrot.). Se encuentra imposibilitado de pensar o de fijar
su atencin. Cara hinchada con expresin ansiosa.
Sopor constante. Delirio, el enfermo se imagina ver ratas o ratones en su cmara.
Convulsiones epileptiformes con el dedo pulgar cerrado, cara roja, ojos vueltos hacia
arriba, pupilas fijas y dilatadas, espuma en la boca, mandbulas cerradas, pulso pequeo,
duro y rpido.
COMO HA SlDO DEGLUTIDA o ms tardamente en la forma de grandes cogulos
Vmitos bruscos y violentos, seguidos de debilidad y sopor. Hambre despus de los
Diarrea con evacuaciones acuosas, verdes, pegajosas, con clicos y convulsiones.
Debilidad y somnolencia despus de cada evacuacin.
Fiebre sin sed, sudores fros y abundantes con deseo de estar cubierto y caliente.
Aftas. Clera infantil. Epilepsia. Trastornos de la denticin (vmitos y convulsiones).
Vmitos de los recin nacidos.
Arsenicum (debilidad, adelgazamiento. vmitos y diarrea, adems ausencia de sed con
Aethusa). Antimonium crud., Calcarea carb. (trastornos digestivos). Cicuta, Cenanthe
crocata (convulsiones).
Complementarios: Sulphur iodatum y Calcarea carbonica.
6a y 30a.
- The experiments detailed below throw so much doubt upon the various cases of
poisoning attributed to Aethusa that we have concluded to throw them out entirely.
- Indeed it seems established beyond any possibility of doubt, that the
- Our own experiments prove this conclusively; in New York we had the co-operation of
thirty or forty individuals, who took varying doses of the expressed juice of the plant
without the slightest effect. The editor himself drank it by the wineglassful. A few
experienced some disturbance: these are given in detail. It was not attempted to make a
proving, as in that case the potencies would have been tried; we only desired to verify Dr.
Harley's observations as to the poisonous nature of the herb. Our preparation was obtained,
through Messrs. Boericke & Tafel, from Leipzig, and was accompanied by a certificate of
genuineness from the Director of the Botanic Gardens. The expressed juice preserved by a
small per cent. of alcohol.
- I. Experiments by Dr. Harley, St. Thomas's Hospital Reports, 1873.
- II. Experiments by Dr. T.F. Allen, New York Homoeopathic Medical College, 1876.
- III Experiment by Dr. Brugman, A. H. Z. , 72, p. 56.
- IV. Experiment by Dr. Tournon, A. H. Z.
- V. Case by Dr. Roques, A. H. Z.
[_a1]: Nenning, from Hartlaub and Trinks's Annalen, vol. iv.;
[_a2]: Hartlaub, ibid;
[_a3]: Trinks, ibid.;
[a4]: Petroz, Bull. d.l. Soc. Med. Hom., 4, 337;
[a5]: Brugmans, A. H. Z. , 72, p. 56, took a few grains;
[a6]: Tournon, ibid., ate some in salad;
[a7]: Roques, ibid., effects in a woman;
[a8]: Bigler, Am. J. Hom. M.M. , 5, 459, effects of 3d dec. (in a patient);
[a9]: Harley, St. Thos. Hosp. Reports (no symptoms);
[a10]: to
[a15]: from Dr Allen's provings, see above.
(Didier, No. 4, in resume in vol. i of this work, is not original, but a resume of other
provings, hence is omitted; symptoms from the supposed cases of poisoning cited by Roth
are discarded; Cattell's symptoms, Br. J.)
(of Hom., 11, also discarded; Thompson's case of poisoning, Lancet, 1836-7, p. 850,
doubtful; all other supposed poisonous effects and cases of poisoning are omitted; it having
been clearly substantiated that the plant is harmless to produce grave effects.)
- * I. By John Harley, M.D. , St. Thomas's Hospital Reports, New Series, Vol. IV, 1873, p.
- The observations have been made with the juice of the entire plant; with tinctures
prepared from ripe and green fruit; with a fluid extract prepared with the view of separating
any cynapine or other active principle that may have been left in the plant after the
expression of the juice, and with the oleo-resin.
[_a2]: Observation 1.
- J.W. , a weakly young man, troubled with frequent seminal emissions, took 3 1/2 fluid
drachms of the Aethusa juice, and, having sat still for the first hour, strolled out during the
second. At the end of an hour the oscillating pupils contracted a very little more than they
were observed to do before the dose, but beyond this there was no effect whatever. 4 fluid
drachms of Succus conii produced a moderate effect upon this patient.
[_a2]: Observation 2.
- John T.B. , aged twenty-two, the subject of sexual debility from excessive self-abuse, but
otherwise strong and healthy, and in whom 6 drachms of Succus conii produced moderate
coneism, took the Aethusa juice for a time, in doses increased from 90 minims to 4
drachms, an hour before breakfast every other day. No effects whatever followed.
- * Observation 3.
- Clara L., an active but slightly developed child, aged seven, the subject of interstitial
keratitis, and in whom 6 drachms of Succus conii produced only moderate effects, took two
doses, one of 3 drachms and the other of 4 drachms, of the Aethusa juice, about two hours
after breakfast, on separate days. Beyond a slight temporary rise of pulse, due to the
alcohol, there was no effect. The patient subsequently took tincture of the fruit.
- (See Observation 10).
- * Observation 4.
- W.W. , aged nineteen, an active healthy lad, troubled with frequent seminal emissions. 6
drachms of Succus conii, 30 minims of Succus belladonna, and 1 grain of Opium, always
produced their appropriate effects in a moderate degree upon this patient. Beginning with 1
1/2 drachms, and rapidly increasing the dose to 1 ounce, he took the latter quantity of
Aethusa juice every second or third day for about, a month. Effects were carefully looked
for, but none were appreciable, either to the patient or to myself.
- * Observation 5.
- Henry H., aged seventeen, a strong active youth, troubled with frequent seminal
emissions, took Conium for some time, and a fluid ounce of the Succus always produced
moderate coneism. On one occasion I gave him 7 drachms of the Aethusa juice, and kept
him sitting under my observation for two and a quarter hours. Just previously he had
walked to my house, and the pulse was 86, the pupils slightly oscillant and contracting to
1/6", and the tongue whitish, and moist, with an acid secretion. After forty-five minutes the
pulse was 82, full and regular, as at first. The pupils and tongue were unchanged. After an
hour and a half the pulse was 80, and otherwise unchanged. The pupils were now oscillating
between 1/6" and 1/7". After two and a quarter hours the pulse was 74, regular, and of
natural volume and force; the pupils were 1/6", dilating a little, as before the draught; the
tongue was unchanged, and the secretion acid still.
- Two days afterwards 9 drachms of the Aethusa juice were taken, the pulse being 86 and
the pupils 1/6". After forty-five minutes the pulse was 88, full and soft; the pupils fairly
steady, and contracting to 1.7". After one hour the pulse was 80, otherwise unchanged; the
pupils still 1/7". After two and a quarter hours pulse 72, regular, of initial volume and
power; the pupils 1/6". The tongue remained unchanged throughout.
- After an interval of eight days I gave him 11 drachms of the Aethusa juice, two hours
after a hearty meal, and watched for effects under the same conditions as before, the pulse
being 84 and the pupils 1/6". After an hour and a quarter the pupils were unchanged and the
pulse had risen to 82, but was not appreciably altered in volume or force. After two hours it
was 80, and of initial volume and power, and the pupils was still 1/6". At the end of this
time the patient passed fziiiss(?). of urine (having emptied the bladder just before taking the
dose), of sp. gr. 1032; excepting that it contained an excess of uric acid it was normal.
Neither on this nor on any previous occasion did the patient himself experience any effect.
- * Observation 6. @O0 George W., aged seventeen, a well-developed and moderately
strong young man, the subject of epileptic aura. Upon this patient 30 minims of Belladonna
juice, 1/30 of a grain of Atropia, 4 drachms of tincture of Henbane, 6 drachms of Succus
conii, and a mixture of 4 drachms each of tincture of Henbane and Succus conii, severally
produced their proper effects in a moderate degree. Failing to get benefit from either of
these remedies or the bromides, I gave him the Aethusa juice, beginning with 1 -drachm
doses every morning before breakfast for eight days, then 3 drachms increased to 4
drachms, for six days more.
- A fortnight afterwards, in the evening, I gave him a single dose of 7 drachms, and he
remained quiet for the next two hours. The pulse before the draught and after a walk to my
house was 84, the pupils 1/6", the tongue clean, and with alkaline mucus. After forty-five
minutes the pulse was 85, unchanged. After two hours the pulse was 70, and of natural
volume and force; the pupils and tongue remained unchanged throughout.
- After an interval of six weeks the juice was again given in doses of 1 ounce, increased to
1 1/2 ounce every morning, an hour before breakfast, for a month. During the next nine
days he took three doses, each consisting of 2 ounces of the thick juice. Effects were
carefully watched for as often as the dose was increased, but both the patient and myself
failed to observe any.
- During the eight months which partly preceded and included the time of this treatment,
the daily fits averaged 4 6/10, never exceeding five, nor falling below two. On the days
when he took the largest dose (2 ounces) of Aethusa juice he had the full number (5) of fits,
and on the intermediate days four. This was probably due to the alcohol.
- * Observation 7.
- E.B. , aged twenty-one, a strong healthy young man, in whom 6 drachms of Succus conii
produced slight coneism, took the Aethusa juice for a fortnight, in doses increased from 1
ounce to 2 ounces, every other morning before breakfast. The patient failed to experience
any effect, nor could I detect any, except after one dose (an ounce and a half) a doubtful
contraction of the pupil.
- The following observations were made after a dose of 2 1/2 ounces taken with as much
water, the pulse being 78, pupils 1/6", and the tongue clean and moist. After taking the dose
the patient strolled out for forty-five minutes, and then sat quietly during the rest of the
time. At the end of an hour the pulse was 78, regular, and of initial force and power, the
pupils were slightly contracted (?), the tongue unchanged. After two and a quarter hours the
pulse was 68, otherwise unchanged; the pupils slightly contracted, measuring nearly 1/7",
the mouth unchanged.
- * Observation 8.
- George L., aged nineteen, the subject of chronic spasm of the right arm, but otherwise
healthy, and in whom 6 drachms of Succus conii produced moderate effects, took 2 fluid
ounces of the Aethusa juice, and three days afterwards 4 fluid ounces for a dose. On both
occasions effects were carefully watched for during the three hours following each dose.
Excepting slight somnolency, due to complete rest of mind and body during this interval,
and to some extent probably to the alcohol, no effects were appreciable, either to the patient
or myself. This patient took other preparations of Aethusa. (See Observations 12, 14, and
- * Observation 9.
- I took tincture of the nearly ripe fruit, in doses varying from 1/2 fluid drachm to 6 fluid
drachms, without experiencing any effect.
- * Observation 10.
- The subject of Observation 3, a little girl, seven years old, took this tincture diluted with a
little water, in doses increased from 1/2 fluid drachm to 1/2 fluid ounce. Excepting a slight
rise of pulse at the end of an hour, due to the alcohol, no effects followed any dose.
- On one occasion, just after she had walked a distance of two miles, and two hours after
breakfast, the pulse being 120, and the pupils 1/8", I gave her 6 fluid drachms, and kept her
sitting during the next two hours. After one hour the pulse was 98 an normal, and after two
hours 96. The tongue and pupils were unchanged throughout, nor were any effects felt by
the patient.
- * Observation 11
- I have taken the tincture prepared from ripe fruit, in doses ranging from 1/2 fluid drachm
to 1 fluid ounce, without experiencing the slightest effects.
- * Observation 12.
- George L. (see Observation 8) took on one occasion 6 fluid drachms of the tincture, and
an another 1 fluid ounce. No effects followed either dose.
[_a2]: Observation 13.
- I took 1 fluid ounce of the tincture prepared from the green unripe fruit, and experienced
no effects.
- * Observation 14.
- George L. (see Observations 8 and 12) took 2 fluid ounces of this tincture, and sat still for
the three hours following. Excepting the slight stimulant effect of the alcohol, there were
absolutely no results.
- * Observation 15.
- George L. (see Observations 8, 12, and 14) took the fluid extract in doses of 1/2 drachm,
1 drachm, and 2 drachms; not the slightest effect followed either dose.
- My observations at present extend no further. I may mention that no trace of gastric
irritation or any other effect, immediate or subsequent, occurred in any case. The results,
therefore, are merely negative. The slight contraction of the pupil observed in some cases
was probably due to the stimulant effect of the alcohol in steadying an oscillating pupil.
- The largest dose of the juice given was 4 ounces of the spirituous mixture, which is
equivalent to 3 ounces of the fresh juice and to 6 ounces of the fresh herb.
- The maximum doses of the tincture of the ripe and nearly ripe fruit was 1 fluid ounce,
equivalent, in either case, to 90 grains of the fruit.
- The largest dose of the tincture of the unripe fruit was 2 fluid ounces, equivalent to more
than 300 grains of the fruit.
- * Observation 16.
- 10 grains of the oleo-resin, obtained partly from the herb and partly from the fruit, were
taken in solution by a healthy adult. No effects whatever followed.
- * II Experiments made under the Direction of T.F. Allen, New York Homoeopathic
Medical College, 1876.
- * Proving of Aethusa by Thomas Wildes.
- January 14th, 1876, 1 A. M.
- Took of 0? 1 drop in a tablespoonful of water on retiring to bed. General peripheral
sensation of warmth within five minutes.
- 6.30 A. M. Wakened with strong sexual desire, and a feeling of glow over the entire body.
I took 1 drop on the tongue, with an instantaneous sensation of nausea, confined to the
mouth and pharynx. Reacted more freely than usual from my shower-bath.
- 7.30 A. M. 1 drop and same sensation of nausea.
- 9 A. M. 1 drop and same sensation of nausea.
- 10 A. M. 1 drop and same sensation of nausea.
- 11 A. M. 1 drop, sensation of nausea extended down the oesophagus and into the
stomach, with rumbling and gurgling in the stomach and upper bowels, and a sensation of
fluttering motion in the stomach. Metallic slimy taste in the mouth with dryness. Nausea,
and general feeling in the stomach as if I had been on a spree last night. Forehead feels
constricted, and yet a sensation of pressure as from within outward.
- Took 1 drop with less immediate nausea.
- 12 M. Took 1 drop.
- 1 P.M. Took 1 drop.
- 2 P.M. Took 1 drop.
- 3 P.M. Took 1 drop; heat and pressure in forehead.
- 4 P.M. Took 1 drop.
- 5 P.M. Took 1 drop; sensation of stuffiness in perfectly sound right ear, with feeling of
coldness in it, around and behind the same, seeming to be in the bone.
- 6 P.M. Took 1 drop; no sensation.
- 7 P.M. Took 1 drop; aching in left mastoid process.
- Have noticed all day that excretions (urine and perspiration) are increased, and secretions
decreased. I also felt all in a glow, and perspired easily when walking home in the cold to-
- 8 P.M. Took 1 drop.
- 9 P.M. Took 1 drop; a feeling in stomach and bowels as if diarrhoea was coming on.
- 10 P.M. Took 1 drop.
- 11 P.M. Took 1 drop; skin of hands dry and shrunken, as if they had been washed in lye,
especially on the palmar surface.
- 12 P.M. Took 1 drop and retired; no symptoms to note.
- January 15th, 6.30 A. M. Awoke with an intense frontal headache, with sensation of
constriction from points vertically over each eye; relieved by pressure. Quantity of urine
diminished. I took 2 drops; no sensation.
- 8 A. M. Took 2 drops; headache better.
- 9 A. M. Took 2 drops; headache gone.
- 10 A. M. Took 2 drops.
- 11 A. M. Took 2 drops; sensation of tension as of a band passing around the forehead and
made fast at each zygoma.
- 12 M. Took 2 drops; sensation as if I had caught cold and a violent coryza was coming
- 1 P.M. Took 2 drops; sensation of heat and fulness in the face, and pressure in the frontal
sinuses and upper nasal passages. Nausea. General headache. Excessive flow of pale urine.
- 2 P.M. Took 2 drops; face feels better.
- 3 P.M. Took 2 drops; face feels well, but is beginning to look peaked and hollow-cheeked.
Slight headache. Feet and limbs cold nearly to the knees.
- 4 P.M. Took 2 drops; coldness of limbs more marked.
- 5 P.M. Took 2 drops.
- 6 P.M. Took 2 drops; slight nausea.
- 7 P.M. Took 2 drops; slight nausea.
- 8 P.M. Took 2 drops.
- 9 P.M. Took 2 drops.
- 10 P.M. Took 2 drops.
- 11 P.M. Took 2 drops; sharp cramps in the small intestines, localized in spots, and quickly
shifting from place to place.
- 12 P.M. Took 20 drops and retired.
- January 16th, 7 A. M. Wakened with a sort of seething feeling in my blood, and a heavy
aching pain in my back across my kidneys; also a pain between my shoulderblades. Feeling
as of an indigestible load in my stomach. Quantity of urine normal. Took 20 drops.
- 8 A. M. Before eating breakfast I drank half a goblet of milk (contrary to custom, as I
never drink milk); no effect. Waited five minutes and took 20 drops without effect, except a
feeling as of a load in the stomach and an indisposition to eat, although appetite was
average fair. Food all tasted alike, in fact, was nearly tasteless. I swallow, as though to keep
something down, but without nausea. Waited ten minutes after taking the milk and the 20
drops, before eating breakfast.
- 11 A. M. Have noticed since breakfast a marked sensation as of a load in the stomach and
upper bowels, as though the process of digestion was not going on properly for want of
sufficient gastric juice. Mouth and lips dry. Urine decreased. Skin had a dry, white, leathery,
pinched look; cheeks are sunken; clothes seem loose. Sexual desire diminished.
- I can conceive that this drug might produce vomiting from a weak stomach, it the proving
was pressed, by reason of its retardation of the secretion of the gastric juice, and thus
causing the food to act as a foreign body in the stomach. But it will not make me vomit.
- January 16th, 2 P.M. Gave 5 drops to Mrs. P. just before she commenced eating dinner.
She at once complained of a heated, flushed feeling, as if she had taken a glass of liquor,
with a sensation of nausea. After waiting five minutes, she had drank some milk at once,
she had to go into the open air to keep from vomiting. At the expiration of another five
minutes I gave her 5 drops more, followed by 2 fluid ounces of milk, and this was followed
in two minutes by 5 drops more. She at once sought the kitchen, retched violently, and
threw up a lot of phlegm, but phlegm only. At the expiration of ten minutes I gave her 5
drops more (20 drops in all), which again made her deathly sick, but she could vomit only
phlegm. Throughout this time she felt a constant nausea, and had a sensation in the upper
bowels as if she had taken a dose of medicine which was working. The eyes got watery and
the face flushed and hot.
- I certify that the foregoing is correct in every particular.
- The above statement was written down immediately after dinner, from Mrs. P.'s statement
and doings made at the time in the presence of a table full, and was signed by her after she
had heard it carefully read aloud.
- January 16th, 6 P.M. I gave 5 drops to Mr. H. before he commenced eating his supper. He
at once complained of a feeling of heat all through the body, and a perspiration broke out on
his forehead. He then drank 2 fluid ounces of milk, and three minutes afterwards I gave him
5 drops more (10 drops in all, in five minutes), when he complained of nausea, metallic
taste in mouth, and headache in the forehead, shooting up over the eyes. He did not vomit,
and in a few minutes ate his supper.
- Mr. H. reports this morning, January 17th, that he still feels a slight sensation of nausea,
with warmth and an uneasyensation in the oesophagus and stomach, and a metallic taste in
the mouth. He had an increased flow of urine this morning, of a sweet odor. Up to 12
o'clock, last night, he had a heavy undefined sensation in his head like a general headache,
with intermittent pains in the forehead, located vertically over each eye, in lines. The
metallic taste was very marked up to that hour, and also the sensation of nausea, which
extended from the fauces to the stomach, combined with great warmth covering that entire
region, spreading out laterally, and extending down into the upper bowels, together with
pains in the stomach and upper bowels, as though caused by something hard and
indigestible. He describes the pains which he had over his eyes as shooting pains, starting
above the eyes and going upward and slightly outward; thus ???????? .
- I certify that the foregoing is a correct statement of symptoms experienced by me this
morning, and from 8 to 12 o'clock last evening, after taking ten (10) drops of a medicine
from Dr. Wildes at 6.30 P.M. , in addition to symptoms I felt immediately, and which he has
- J.L. HURD.
- Mr. Hurd is a young gentleman in excellent health, knows nothing of homoeopathy or the
proving of medicines, and when he took the doses was not aware that the medicine was
expected to do anything except make him sick at his stomach.
- These points he noticed himself, and this morning described them to me in very nearly
the language which I have given above.
- As a verification of his symptoms I would add that I felt nauseated all day yesterday,
January 16th, at the sight of food, although I was no longer taking the drug; and I had the
continued sensation of a hard ball or load in the stomach, which latter I have at this
moment; yet I could eat.
- When I retired to bed, at 1 A. M. (this morning), I quickly had numerous fine sharp
stabbing pains, lasting five minutes, and some of which were so sudden and violent that I
was forced to exclaim with pain.
- I have recorded throughout only such symptoms as were sudden, unexpected, and
evidently came from the drug.
- * Proving of Aethusa by E.H. Linnell.
- I received an ounce of Aethusa, which I have taken, but without any very marked or
satisfactory results.
- I commenced with it last Friday, and during the day I took about 1 drachm, in frequent
small doses. The only unusual feeling was a slight uneasiness in the stomach, as if a
precursor of an attack of gastric catarrh. During the day I drank quite a good deal of milk
my meals. I took no more of the drug till Saturday afternoon, when I took it every fifteen
minutes for nearly four hours. I commenced with 10 drops, and increased the dose 10 drops
each time, so that the last time I took 120 drops, and 670 in all. I felt a decided weight and
heaviness in the stomach, which lasted about two hours, but there was no nausea, although
after taking the last of it, I made a meal mostly of bread and milk. I have a very strong
stomach, and very seldom suffer from indigestion, so that I feel confident that the
sensations I have mentioned, though meagre, were caused by the drug. Perhaps I should
state that I took the medicine each time on Saturday, in more or less water, according to the
dose, and it is possible that the water caused the sensation of weight, rather than the drug,
although I hardly think that was the case.
- * Proving of Aethusa by Ernest P. Macomber.
- I put 24 drops of this drug into twenty-four teaspoonfuls of water, taking one teaspoonful
every five minutes, till all was taken, with the following results. On counting my pulse,
after taking the third dose, it had decreased from 76 beats per minute to 72. After taking the
sixth dose, pulse 69, and I also noticed a slight constricted sensation about head. After ninth
dose pulse 66. After twelfth dose pulse 62. After eighteenth dose pulse 60 and soft in
character. After twenty-fourth dose pulse soft in character, beats 57 per minute, also slight
nausea, and a loose discharge from bowels, of a yellow color and sour smell.
- * Proving of Aethusa by Dr. St. Clair Smith.
- Took at 3.30 180 drops. Immediately, burning in mouth, throat, and oesophagus, with
profuse salivation and secretion of mucus in both mouth and throat; this copious flow of
mucus continued for some fifteen or twenty minutes, with qualmishness, and was followed
by a feeling of dryness of tongue and throat. Burning in stomach from the beginning, but
gradually increasing, accompanied by eructations of a rancid taste, causing burning in
oesophagus and throat; heartburn, lasting some time after the eructation, with an inclination
to spit and clear the throat. Some nausea, with waterbrash, of sour hot fluid; at one time
vomiting seemed inevitable. Later, an uncomfortable qualmish feeling in stomach, hardly
amounting to nausea, also of pain in forehead, a sort of crampy feeling, with disposition to
contract the brows.
- Deepseated sensation of coldness in the upper part of abdomen, in region of transverse
colon. Later, aching in malar bones, principally the left (crampy). Pain in forehead
increased and is decidedly uncomfortable. Occasional aching in back of head. Pulse
(usually 76) 90 (after two hours), . Face flushed (after two hours). Vertigo, great dizziness
(soon). Aching in brows, a feeling of constriction. Rapid sticking-shooting pain in left
temple and left ear, at 9 P.M. ; continued till I went to bed. Weight in stomach, and
uncomfortable feeling of indigestion, with uprisings of food and hot liquid; the uprisings of
food tasted spoiled. Pain in bowels as if diarrhoea, would follow, but it did not. A crampy
constriction in heart, with a feeling as though I could not take a long breath; felt pulse to see
if it was irregular; it was not; the same pain soon after in right chest. Aching in small of
- III Dr. Brugmans took a few grains in the morning. There followed violent headache
thirst, efforts to vomit, sticking pain in the epigastrium, cutting pain and flatulence, desire
to sleep, and during the whole day a general cold feeling. Sleep was very restless for the
first hours.
- IV. Dr. Tournon took by mistake some in salad. He awoke with colic, vertigo, and
weakness. Tea and a few glasses of wine removed the symptoms.
- * Imagined she saw rats run across the room, [a8].
- A fixed idea, from which she could not free herself, of a garment made the previous day,
of which she also dreamed, [_a1].
- Liable to transports of rage, [a4].
- Excited, lively in the forenoon; apprehensive, sad in the afternoon, [_a1].
- Hilarity, talkativeness, facetiousness, [a4].
- Great good-humor (second day); (seems to be the secondary action), [_a2].
- Sadness when alone, [a4].
- Anxiety, characterized by a feeling of weight on the chest, [a4].
- Uneasiness, anxiety, [_a2].
- Incessant anguish, [a7].
- Disposition becomes retiring and tearful, as in nostalgia, [a4].
- She looks very fretful and earnest, and does not talk willingly during the heat of the head;
towards noon, better humored, [_a1].
- Very ill-humored, fretful, in the afternoon, [_a1].
- Peevish and ill-humored in the open air; after entering the house she again felt better
(after one hour and a quarter), [_a1].
- Awkwardness; discontent, even to vexation, [a4].
- Slowness or unsettled state of his ideas, even to absence of thought, [a4].
- Loss of comprehension; a kind of stupefaction, as if there were a barrier between his
organs of sense and external objects, [a4].
- Somewhat stupid dulness, like an intoxication, soon after a dose, [_a2].
Confusion and vertigo
- The head is confused during the coryza, [a4].
- Vertigo, [a15].
- Vertigo on awaking, [a6].
- Vertigo, with sleepiness, during and after rising from a seat (after quarter of an hour),
- Vertigo after every new dose, disappearing in the open air, [_a1].
- Vertigo, with sleepiness; the eyes close involuntarily, soon after a dose, [_a1].
- Vertigo in the open air, [a4].
- Vertigo, even in the open air; she was obliged to support herself to prevent falling, [_a1].
- Sudden attack of vertigo while sitting, disappearing after rising (second day), [_a1].
- Vertigo, when sitting down, aggravated on trying to rise from his seat, [a4].
- The vertigo is more especially felt towards midday, [a4].
General head
- The head is inclined to fall backwards, [a4].
- Head dull, brain seems bound up (after two hours and a half), [_a1].
- Rush of heat into the head, with increased warmth of the whole body, redness of the face,
and relief of the vertigo (second day), [_a1].
- Head, face, and hands seems swollen, after walking in the open air; disappearing in the
house (after one hour), [_a1].
- Heavy, undefined sensation in the head, like a general headache, [a12].
- Violent headache, [a5].
- General headache, [a10].
- The pains in the head are felt especially when he wakes up; they are easily brought on by
getting chilled; sleep causes them to cease, and they are ameliorated by emission of flatus,
- The pains of the head return periodically, and are often accompanied with pale face,
trembling in the jaws, and pain in the praecordial region, [a4].
- Feeling of tension in the head, [a4].
- Raging here and there in the head on entering the house, though lasting only a short time,
- Sensation as if shattered in the head, in the afternoon, [_a1].
- Slight constricted feeling about the head, [a14].
- Painful screwing-together from both sides of the head, [_a2].
- Tearing pain in the head, [a4].
- Beating and sticking in the whole head, in the afternoon, [_a1].
- Throbbing in the head, [a4].
- Headache, throbbing in the head on entering the house from the open air (seventh day),
- Sensation of great heaviness in the whole forehead, which seems to press the head
downward, with great ill-humor, while sitting (second day), [_a1].
- Sudden painless sensation of heaviness in the forehead, it seems to press down the
eyelids, with fretful humor; during dinner (second day), [_a1].
- Headache in the forehead, shooting up over the eyes, [a12].
- Aching in brows, a feeling of constriction, [a15].
- Awoke with intense frontal headache, with sensation of constriction from points vertically
over each eye; relieved by pressure, [a10].
- Violent pains in the forepart of the head, as if the head were compressed posteriorly and
superiorly, with great force, [_a3].
- Intermittent pains in the forehead, located vertically over each eye, in lines, [a12].
- Sensation of tension, as of a band passing around the forehead, and made fast at each
zygoma, [a10].
- A sensation in the forehead as if something were turning around in it (third day), [_a1].
- Forehead feels constricted, and yet a sensation of pressure, as from within outward, [a10].
- Pressive but dull pain in the forehead, and then on the right side of the occiput (after one
quarter of an hour), [_a2].
- Pressure in the frontal sinuses and upper nasal passages, [a10].
- Crampy pain in the forehead, with disposition to contract the eyebrows, [a15].
- Jerking tearing in the frontal sinus, above the left eye, while sitting (second day), [_a1].
- Sticking in the forehead on turning the head to the right, in the afternoon, [_a1].
- Very painful throbbing in the left frontal region (fourth day), [_a1].
- Aching in left mastoid process, [a10].
- A sudden tear in the right temple, in the afternoon, [_a1].
- Rapid sticking-shooting pain in left temple, [a15].
- Pain in a small spot in the left temple, as if a bloodvessel had been torn out, lasting two
minutes (second day), [_a1].
- Sticking in the left temporal region; then throbbing in the same place (after one hour and
a quarter), [_a1].
- Sticking in the left temple; afterwards drawing in the head from below upward (after one
hour and a quarter), [_a1].
- Violent sticking and throbbing in the left temple, disappearing on pressure, but
immediately returning (after two hours and a half), [_a1].
Vertex and parietals
- Pain in the vertex, [a4].
- Dull pain on the vertex (after one hour and a half), [_a1].
- Painful sticking and beating on the vertex, disappearing on rubbing it, in the afternoon,
- Jerking in the right side of the head, and then sticking beneath the left mamma, very
acute, especially on inspiration, in the afternoon, [_a1].
- Tearing and throbbing in the right side of the head, then again sticking in the left half half
of the head (after five hours), [_a1].
- Very painful sticking tearing in the left side of the head, [_a1].
- Sticking and beating on the upper part of the right parietal bone (after two hours), [_a1].
Occiput and external head
- Sensation of heaviness in the occiput, and beating in the forehead, [_a1].
- Occasional aching in the back of the head, [a15].
- * Distressing pain in the occiput and nape of neck, extending down the relieved by
friction with hot whiskey. A feeling as if the pain in the back would be ameliorated by
straightening out, and bending stiffly backwards, as in opisthotonos, [a8].
- A tearing in the right side of the occiput, which shoots through the whole head, and
extends to the right side, in the afternoon, [_a1].
- Tearing stitches extending forward from the occiput, in the afternoon, [_a1].
- Sticking and beating in the upper part of the right side of the occiput (after five hours),
- Sense of contraction at the hairy scalp, [a4].
- The eyes are very wide open, [a4].
- Swelling of the Meibomian glands; gum in the canthi, [a4].
- Spasm of the eyes, [a4].
- Distortion of the eyes during sleep, [a4].
- The eyes close involuntarily from sleepiness, which disappears in the
- Violent burning in the eyes in the house, as if smoke were in them (after half an hour),
- Pressure in the eyes, [a4].
- Pain of excoriation around the eyes, [a4].
- Tearing pain across the eyes, [a4].
- Stitches around the eyes and in the orbits, [a4].
- The eye-symptoms are generally felt on awakening, or in the open air, [a4].
- Pain at the eyebrows, [a4].
- Eyes watery, [a11].
- Chronic inflammation of the edges of the eyelids, [a4].
- Troublesome sensation around the eyelids, [a4].
- Pain of excoriation in the lids, [a4].
- Itching of the canthi, [a4].
- Vision confused; sometimes objects appear double, [a4].
- Objects seem enlarged, and sometimes double, [a4].
- Purulent discharge from the ears, [a4].
- Stitching pain behind the ears, [a4].
- Lancinating pain in the ears, from within outward, [a4].
- Violent jerking in both ears, not removed by scratching, [_a1].
- Sticking into the right ear (after three-quarters of an hour), [_a1].
- Rapid sticking-shooting pain in left ear, [a15].
- Sticking in the left ear (after one hour); after the sticking fine tearing about the ear,
extending to the top of the head, [_a1].
- Sticking in the left ear, with a feeling as if heat were coming out of it,
- At one time sticking, at another tearing in the right ear, only somewhat relieved by
rubbing, [_a1].
- Transient, though painful sticking in the right ear, [_a1].
- Sticking in the right ear, removed by boring in with the finger, [_a1].
- Sensation of heat escaping from the ear, [a4].
- Sensation of stuffiness in perfectly sound right ear, with feeling of coldness in, around,
and behind the same, seeming to be in the bone, [a10].
- Dryness of the ears; want of cerumen, [a4].
- Stopped sensation in the ears, with hardness of hearing, which lasted longer in the left ear
(after one hour), [_a1].
- Several of the ear-symptoms are ameliorated by contact and pressure, [a4].
- Troublesome whistling in the ears, [a4].
- Sneezing once, [_a1].
- Ineffectual desire to sneeze, [a4].
- Inclination to sneeze in the left nostril (after half an hour), [_a1].
- Coryza in the morning, [a4].
- Coryza in the open air, [a4].
- Coryza, with viscid secretion, [a4].
- The coryza has a nauseous smell, [a4].
- The coryza loosens on the second morning; much thick mucus is discharged, [_a1].
- Sudden stoppage of both nostrils for a quarter of an hour (after five minutes), [_a1].
- Sudden stoppage of the nose, lasting a quarter of an hour, in the morning after waking,
- Tension above the root of the nose, [a4].
- Ulcerative pain in the fossa of the left side of the nose, as if there were an open spot,
- Sense of pressure in the nose, [a4].
- Acute stitches in the left side of the nose externally, then a very fine painful burning on
the right side, then fine burning, as with a glowing needle externally, in the pit of the
stomach, [_a1].
- Face beginning to look peaked and hollow-cheeked, [a10].
- Puffiness of the face during the menses, [a4].
- The face has a tired look, [a4].
- Face expressive of anguish, [a4].
- Face flushed and hot, [a11].
- Jactitation of the muscles around the mouth, [a4].
- Cheeks sunken, [a10].
- Crampy aching in the malar bones, principally the left, [a15].
- Tearing in both malar bones, and very painful, though only for a short time, [_a1].
- Violent tearing in the left malar bone, in the cold air (fourth day), [_a1].
- Sticking and tearing in the right malar bone; afterwards tickling in the left upper teeth;
afterwards stitches in the left ear (after three hours), [_a1].
- Dull stitch like a tapping with the finger, with tearing in a small spot in the middle of the
left cheek (second day), [_a1].
- Chap on the upper lip, [a4].
- Tearing in the lower lip, extending into the neighboring teeth, in the afternoon, [_a1].
- Tearing in the right lower jaw (after one hour and a quarter), [_a1].
- A sort of shocks in the lower teeth, [a4].
- Grumbling in a right lower back tooth, it seems as though the headache arose from the
teeth (seventh day), [_a1].
- Painful sensitiveness of a right lower decayed molar, still worse when touched (first day),
- Stitches here and there, in the gum (ninth day), [_a1].
- Fine sticking and tearing in the gum, now in the right, now in the left side, frequently
(eleventh day), [_a1].
- Dryness of the tongue, [a15].
- Sensation as if the tongue were too dry, [a4].
General mouth
- Aphtae in the mouth, [a4].
- Redness and swelling of the velum pendulum and adjacent parts; distress so great that he
fears suffocation, [a4].
- Mouth and lips dry, [a10].
- Burning in mouth, [a15].
Saliva and taste
- Stitching in the arch of the palate, [a4].
- Inclination to spit and clear the throat, [a15].
- Profuse salivation, [a15].
- Insipidity in the mouth, with a sweetish taste in the morning after waking, [_a1].
- Food all tasted alike, in fact was nearly tasteless, [a10].
- Indescribable taste, both before and after a meal, [a4].
- Sweetish taste, with dryness of the mouth (eleventh day), [_a1].
- Taste of cheese in mouth, [a4].
- Food tastes salt, [a4].
- Metallic taste in the mouth, [a12].
- Metallic, slimy taste in the mouth, with dryness, [a10].
- Taste of onions, [a4].
- Slowness of speech, [a4].
- Speech almost prevented, [a4].
- * Inflamed aphthae and pustules in the throat, making the patient's condition
- Redness of the throat, [a4].
- Dryness in the throat and frequent hawking (after two hours), [_a1].
- Dryness of the throat, [a15].
- A sensation in the throat, as though she could not swallow, with spasmodic contraction in
the right side of the throat and ear, lasting an hour, in the afternoon while sitting (ninth day),
- Sharp stitches in the throat when not swallowing (second day), [_a1].
- Burning in the throat, [a15].
- Warmth and uneasyensation in the oesophagus and stomach, [a12].
- Burning in the oesophagus, [a15].
- Itching and scraping in the oesophagus, [a4].
- A desire to swallow, as though to keep something down, [a10].
- Indisposition to eat, although the appetite was average fair, [a10].
- Total loss of appetite for every kind of ailment, [a4].
- Want of appetite, although with clean tongue, [a4].
- Want of appetite, in the evening, [a4].
- Thirst, [a5].
- Eructations after drinking, [a4].
- Eructations of a rancid taste, causing burning in the oesophagus and throat, [a15].
- Difficult eructations, [a4].
- Eructations tasting of the broth (after one hour and a quarter), [_a1].
- Empty eructations, in the afternoon, [_a1].
- Uprisings of food, [a15].
- The eructations are allayed by lying down, [a4].
- Eructations, tasting of the ingesta, [a4].
- Hiccough, in the evening, [_a1].
- Waterbrash of sour, hot fluid, [a15].
- Heartburn, [a15].
Nausea and vomiting
- Nausea, [a11, a12, a14, a15].
- Nausea, with prostration, [a4].
- Nauseated at the sight of food, [a10].
- Sensation of nausea extended down the oesophagus and into the stomach, with rumbling
and gurgling in the stomach and upper bowels, and a sensation of fluttering motion in the
stomach, [a10].
- Instantaneous sensation of nausea, confined to the mouth and pharynx, [a10].
- Efforts to vomit, [a5].
- Retched, and threw up phlegm, [a11].
- Vomiting, with chills, sweat and debility, [a4].
- General feeling in the stomach, as if I had been on a spree last night, [a10].
- A sensation in the stomach, as if something had become turned about, then an uprising
burning sensation extending into the chest (after one hour and a quarter), [_a1].
- Weight and heaviness in the stomach, which lasted two hours, [a13].
- Weight in stomach, [a15].
- Feeling as of an indigestible load in my stomach, [a10].
- Uncomfortable feeling of indigestion, [a15].
- Slight uneasiness in the stomach, as if a precursor of an attack of gastric catarrh, [a13].
- Feeling in stomach and bowels, as if diarrhoea were coming on, [a10].
- * Painful contraction of the stomach, [a4].
- * Painfulness of the epigastric region, [a4].
- Burning in the stomach, [a15].
- Pains in the stomach and upper bowels, as though caused by something hard and
indigestible, [a12].
- Cutting pain and violent vomiting, [a7].
- Sticking pain in the epigastrium, [a5].
- Dull sticking in the side near the stomach, extending deeply inward on sitting bent over,
disappearing on becoming erect (first day), [_a1].
- Painfulness of the hypochondria, [a4].
- A painful pressing inward and a burning with stitches in the left hypochondrium, twice in
quick succession (after one hour), [_a1].
- A stitch in the right hypochondriac region, and immediately afterwards in the right ear, in
the afternoon, [_a1].
- Sticking in the left hypochondriac region, frequently, and lasting a long time (after four
hours), [_a1].
- Constant stitches in the left hypochondriac region, with burning, only transiently relieved
by rubbing, [_a1].
- A stitch in the left hypochondriac region, extending backward, then sticking deep
internally beneath the left female breast, in the afternoon, [_a1].
- Painful movings about below the navel, with desire for stool, after the morning broth;
followed after a few minutes by a hard stool (after one hour), [_a1].
- A rush as of boiling water in the umbilical region, followed by griping in the stomach,
- In the morning after rising, at first some griping about the navel, and then two soft stools,
- A sudden burning, as from a glowing hot needle, at one time in the left loin, then in the
right hypochondriac region (after four hours), [_a1].
- Digging sensation in the abdomen, [a4].
- Sensation of load in upper bowels, [a10].
- Warmth in the upper bowels, [a12].
- Sharp cramps in the small intestines, localized in spots, and quickly shifting from place to
place, [a10].
- Sensation in the upper bowels as if she had taken a dose of medicine, which was working,
- Colic on awaking, [a6].
- Pain in bowels, as if diarrhoea would follow, [a15].
- A painful cutting as with a knife in the abdomen, above the navel (second day), [_a1].
- Cutting pain and flatulence, [a5].
- Throbbing in the abdomen, [a4].
- Movements in the abdomen, followed by a stool, the first part of which is hard, the last
soft, [_a1].
- Sensation of great coldness in the whole upper abdomen, immediately after a dose, [_a1].
- Sensation of coldness in the abdomen after every dose, [_a1].
- Coldness in the region of the transverse colon, [a15].
- Cutting in the lower abdomen, with urging to stool; a soft stool follows, succeeded by
tenesmus and continued straining (tenth day), [_a1].
- Loose discharge from the bowels, of a yellow color and sour smell, [a14].
- Very hard stool, with clawing in the anus, and great straining (second day), [_a1].
- * Stools of partly digested food, shortly after a meal or at night, [a4].
- Constipation, [a4].
- * Most obstinate constipation, with feeling as though all action of the bowels had been
lost, [a8].
Urinary organs
- Cutting pains at the bladder, [a4].
- Frequent urging to urinate, [a4].
- Frequent urging to urinate at night, [a4].
- Urine increased, [a10].
- Increased flow of urine, of a sweet odor, [a12].
- Copious emission of urine, [a4].
- Excessive flow of pale urine, [a10].
- She passes much urine as pale as water, three times (second day), [_a1].
- Urine diminished, [a10].
- Red urine voided with difficulty, [a4].
- Urine depositing a white sediment, [a4].
Sexual organs
- Awakened with a strong sexual desire, [a10].
- Sexual desire diminished, [a10].
- Stitching pains in sexual parts (female), [a4].
- The menstrual blood is watery, [a4].
Respiratory organs
- Slight cough, [a4].
- Cough, aggravated by lying down, [a4].
- Cough, with stunning pain in the head, [a4].
- Cough, with titillating sensation in the throat, [a4].
- Frequent short hacking cough (after half an hour), [_a1].
- Cough, with tearing pain in the chest, [a4].
- Cough, with sweetish taste in the throat, [a4].
- Cough, with paleness of the face, [a4].
- Cough, followed by mucous expectoration, [a4].
- Dry cough in several paroxysms, after dinner (after four hours), [_a1].
- Hoarse breathing, [a4].
- Sibilant respiration, [a4].
- Hoarse and sibilant respiration, especially when lying on the back, [a4].
- Sensation of pressure, as from a band around the chest, [a4].
- Crampy constriction in the right chest, [a15].
- An incessant painful dull stitch in the middle of the chest on inspiration, on rising after
sitting bent over; the pain was aggravated by deep breathing; 6.30 P.M. (first day), [_a1].
- A sharp stitch in the middle of the sternum, followed by burning in the same spot, so that
she thought it was all over with her, disappearing on pressure, but returning (after five
hours), [_a1].
- Digging and tension in the right thorax, in front of the axilla, [_a1].
- Painless tension in the region in front of the right axilla, while knitting in the evening
(fifth day), [_a1].
- A stitch in the region of the right ribs, in the afternoon, [_a1].
- Swelling of the mammary gland, [a4].
- Burning, as from a glowing hot iron in a small spot below the left breast (second day),
- Sleep prevented by pains in the limbs, [a4].
Superior extremities
- * Numbness of the arms, [a8].
- Sensation, as if the arms had become much shorter; so vivid that she had to examine them
in the morning to be convinced that it was not actually so, [a8].
- Paralyzed sensation on the left shoulder, afterwards in the right forearm (second day),
- Tension at first on the left, then on the right shoulder; very painful (first day), [_a1].
- Pain in the axillary glands, [a4].
- Arthritic stiffness of the elbow-joint, [a4].
- Sensation of great weakness in the right forearm, a hand's breadth above the wrists,
extending to the little finger (fifth day), [_a1].
- Sudden weariness of the forearms while knitting; she was obliged to lay it aside, when it
became better (after a quarter of an hour), [_a1].
- Heaviness of the forearm, [a4].
- Paralytic pain in the left forearm while sitting (second day), [_a1].
- Tension in the tendons of the left forearm while flexed, she did not dare to extend it, and
yet the tension was relieved only by extending and moving the fingers; while knitting (after
five minutes), [_a1].
- Fine tearing in a small spot on the inner surface of the left forearm, [_a1].
- Sticking tearing in the middle of the left forearm, along the upper surface, as far as the
wrist, [_a1].
- Sticking in the tendons of the right forearm while using the hand (first day), [_a1].
- A stitch in the left external styloid process (of the wrist), (after one hour and a half),
- Cramp of the hand, [a4].
- Frequent tearing on the back of the right hand, in the tendons of the thumb, for several
days (seventh day), [_a1].
- Tearing in the metacarpal bone of the right index finger (second day), [_a1].
- Tearing in the metacarpal bone of the left index finger, [_a1].
- Tearing between the little and ring fingers of the hand, aggravated on stretching them out
(second day), [_a1].
- Swelling of the fingers, [a4].
- Contraction of the fingers, [a4].
- Formication in the fingers, [a4].
- Jerking in the left thumb (after two hours), [_a1].
- Jerking tearing between the first and second joints of the left thumb, as if in the marrow
(second day), [_a1].
- Extremely painful sticking in the ball of the left thumb on flexing it, less on extending it
(first day), [_a1].
- While sewing a sensation in the left thumb as if it were stiff and immovable, and as if she
could not extend it, which, however, she was able to do (first day), [_a1].
- A fine sticking as from a thistle in the left side of the tip of the right index, finger, which
disappears on pressing on it a long time (after a quarter of an hour), [_a1].
- Tearing on the lower surface of the third joint of the right little finger, [_a1].
Inferior extremities
- Great weakness of the lower extremities (third day), [_a1].
- Boring pain in the lower extremities, [a4].
- Lancinating, tearing pain in the lower extremities, [a4].
- Formication referred to the bones of the lower limbs, [a4].
- Tension in the right hip, then again sticking tearing in the right ear, in the afternoon,
- A pinching in the right hip, externally (after two hours and a half), [_a1].
- Sticking and drawing from the left hip into the thigh, [_a1].
- Paralytic pain in the middle of the right thigh while sitting, disappearing on motion,
- Sticking in the upper part of the left thigh, [_a1].
- Sticking in the right knee, in the evening while standing, [_a1].
- Tearing deep in the right instep, in the afternoon, [_a1].
- Sticking in the right sole, below the heel (after five hours), [_a1].
- Tearing sticking in the right heel, extending thence into the sole, as far as the ball of the
foot (after three-quarters of an hour), [_a1].
- Secretions diminished, [a10].
- Feeling of weakness, [a7].
- Weakness on awaking, [a6].
- Great weakness and prostration, with sleepiness (second afternoon), [_a1].
- Wakened in the morning with a sort of seething feeling in my blood, [a10].
- Weak feeling, like paralysis, when raising himself in bed, when turning in bed, and during
movement, [a4].
- She thinks she is much better and fresher after entering the house from the open air,
- Reacted more freely than usual from my shower-bath (second morning), [a10].
- Numerous fine sharp stabbing pains, lasting five minutes, [a10].
- Clothes seem loose, [a10].
- Symptoms relieved after a few doses of laudanum, [a7].
- Tea and a few glasses of wine removed the symptoms, [a6].
- Most of the symptoms disappear in the open air, but soon return in the house, [_a1].
- Skin had a dry, white, leathery, pinched look, [a10].
- Herpetic eruption itched very much from the heat, especially in the evening, [a4].
- Small vesicles on the skin of the face, [a4].
- Yellowish spot on the upper lip, [a4].
- Pimply eruption on the genitals (female), [a4].
- A painful boil in the sacral region, [_a1].
- Skin of hands dry and shrunken, as if they had been washed in lye, especially on the
palmar surface, [a10].
- During one day appearance and disappearance of reddish-blue spots on the trunk and left
leg, causing the patient to fear an attack of spotted fever, [a8].
- Excessive sensitiveness, [a4].
- Tingling, itching, [a4].
- Itching from the heat, [a4].
- Itching of the least affected portions of the skin; they swell up, [a4].
- Itching at the sexual parts (female), [a4].
- Desire to sleep, [a5].
- Sleepy, without yawning, in the afternoon, [_a1].
- Sleep very restless for the first hours, [a5].
- Slight spasmodic movements during sleep, [a4].
- Frequent waking, caused by a feeling of cold, [a4].
- Sleep broken by frequent waking, [a4].
- Waking up, followed by several hours of sleeplessness, [a4].
- Fatiguing dreams, in the morning, [a4].
- Troubled dreams, [a4].
- Chilliness through the whole body, and external coldness, without thirst, lasting two days,
- Violent chill and external coldness, so that he could not get warm in the forenoon, soon
after a dose, with sleepiness, which lasted the whole day, [_a2].
- Shivering, which is more frequent in the afternoons, [a4].
- Horripilation in the open air, [a4].
- During the horripilation the limbs feel as if broken, with hot breath and restlessness, [a4].
- Shivering on entering the house from the open air (second day), [_a1].
- Horripilation, with heat, which pervades the whole body, [a4].
- General coldness, [a4].
- During the whole day a general cold feeling, [a5].
- General coldness during sleep, [a4].
- Coldness, with red face, [a4].
- He cannot bear to be uncovered during the sweat, [a4].
- Internal coldness, [a4].
- Sensation of coldness at the chin, and at the labial commissures, [a4].
- * Coldness of the abdomen, both objective and subjective, with aching pain in the bowels
(relieved by warm wet applications), accompanied by coldness of the lower extremities,
particularly the left one, [a8].
- Coldness of abdomen and lower extremities, [a8].
- Coldness of lower extremities, particularly the left, with coldness in abdomen, etc., [_a3].
- Feet and limbs cold, nearly to the knees, [a10].
- The febrile symptoms occur more particularly in the morning, and are accompanied with
very great malaise and tendency to delirium, which cease during the sweat, [a4].
- Heat all through the body, [a12].
- Heated, flushed feeling, as if she had taken a glass of liquor, [a11].
- Feeling of glow over the entire body on waking in the morning, [a10].
- General peripheral sensation of warmth within five minutes, [a10].
- Burning heat of the skin, [a4].
- Heat in the head and burning in the face, lasting half an hour (after one hour and a half),
- Heat and pressure in forehead, [a10].
- Sensation of heat and fulness in the face, [a10].
- Sensation of heat extending up the back, in the afternoon, [_a1].
- General perspiration, [a4].
- Perspiration increased, [a10].
- Sweat when going to sleep, [a4].
- Perspiration on the forehead, [a12].
- Sweat on the face, [a4].
Aethusa cynapium (Hering)
- Lies unconscious, dilated pupils, staring eyes (child).
- Loss of comprehension; a kind of stupefaction, as if there was a barrier between senses
and external objects.
- Unable to read after overexertion of mental faculties.
- Incapacity to think; confused.
- Cannot retain any idea.
- Idiocy, in some cases alternating with furor.
- Idiotic children.
- Hallucinations.
- Imagined she saw rats run across room.
- Delirium : imagines he sees cats and dogs; jumps out of window; even with the chill.
- After a glass of wine, mind symptoms became predominant.
- Cries of anguish (in a child).
- || Well-disposed, serene, in forenoon; in afternoon, ill- humored, anxious and sad.
- || Great sadness when alone.
- Anxiousness, sensation as if a heavy load was lying on chest.
- Constant anxiety and weak feeling.
- Great anxiety and restlessness; soon afterwards, violent pains in head and abdomen.
- Moroseness : with heavy feeling in forehead; with heat in head.
- Bad humor, irritability, especially in afternoon, and in open air.
- Great agitation.
- Anxiety and restlessness. Megrim.
- After social talking, all symptoms disappear.
- A kind of stupefaction, as if there was a barrier between his organs of sense and external
- Dizziness, with headache.
- Head confused; brain feels bound up.
- Dizziness; he cannot keep erect.
- Vertigo :
- with sleepiness, can't raise head; giddiness ceases and head gets hot; with palpitation.
- Vertigo and weakness.
- Complete insensibility; eyes staring, pupils dilated.
- Stupor.
Inner head
- Heaviness in forehead; ill humor.
- Headache in whole forepart of head, as if strongly compressed, behind and above.
- Sensation as if both sides of head were in a vise.
- Pressing pain in forehead, as if it would split; at its height vomiting and finally
- All day throbbing pain in left forehead, temple and side of head, amel by pressure (felt
as though she would like a band tightly fixed around head) and in open air, agg by walking.
- Stitches and pulsations in head.
- Violent pain, as if brain was dashed to pieces.
- Headache with vertigo, agg walking and looking upward.
- Violent headache, with thirst and nausea.
- Headache ceases, with discharge of flatus downward.
- Headache since five weeks, after checked menses.
- Pains in head return periodically, are often accompanied by pale face, trembling in jaws
and pains in praecordial region.
- Heat rises to head; body becomes warmer; face becomes red and giddiness ceases.
Outer head
- Distressing pain in occiput, nape and down spine, amel by friction with hot whiskey.
- Inability to hold head erect or to sit up.
- Sensation as if she was constantly pulled by the hair.
Upper face
- Tearing in face, in malar bones.
- Face wears a cold expression.
- Displeased morose face, during headache.
- Face pale. Megrim.
- Face sunken, earthy pale, withered. Cholerine.
- Red, sunken face.
- Oedematous swelling of cheeks.
- Circumscribed and painful swellings in face, transient and flying from place to place.
- Heat in face with trembling in head. Cholerine.
- | Face pale, puffed and spotted red.
- A drawn condition, beginning at alae nasi, and extending to angle of mouth, gave face
an expression of great anxiety and pain.
- The features have an expression of anguish and pain.
Lower face
- Trembling of jaws.
- Inability to swallow; lower jaw is fixed to upper.
- Chin and corners of mouth feel cold.
Inner mouth
- A very copious salivation relieved poisoning symptoms.
- Aphthae in mouth and throat; tongue feels as if too long.
- Soft palate, red and swollen.
- Burning in throat.
- Sensation of pungent heat in mouth and throat, with great difficulty in swallowing.
- Sensation of constriction, preventing deglutition.
- Stinging in throat, between acts of deglutition.
- Inflamed aphthae and pustules in throat, making patient's condition almost desperate.
Appetite, thirst
- Desires, Aversions. Thirst with total loss of appetite for every kind of aliment.
- Burning thirst; t.
- Desire for wine, aggravation from its use.
- Intolerance of milk.
- Painfulness of epigastric region, nausea.
- Stitches in epigastrium.
- Lancinating in right hypochondrium, in afternoon.
- Painful pressing, with burning and stitching in left hypochondrium.
- Shooting in left hypochondrium, often and long continued.
- Soreness and painfulness in both hypochondria.
- Liver hard, yellowish, spleen livid, tongue black; t.
- Excessive griping pains in belly.
- Colic, with diarrhoea.
- Excessive griping pain in abdomen.
- Colic, followed by vomiting, vertigo and weakness.
- || Cutting and violent vomiting.
- || Cutting, with distension of abdomen.
- Contracted and tense abdomen.
- Abdomen puffed sensitive to touch; convulsions of children. Gastroenteritis.
- Violent colic, followed by death of the boy.
- Abdomen distended, with tension; t.
- Sensation of coldness in abdomen.
- Coldness of abdomen and lower limbs, especially left one, with aching of bowels; amel
by warm, wet applications.
- Black bluish swelling of abdomen.
Urinary organs
- Pain in kidneys, agg from sneezing, deep inhalation and lying down.
- Cutting pains in bladder, with frequent calls to urinate.
- Urine : red, sediment white;
- copious, clear as water; too frequent after exertion.
- Nocturnal enuresis, with vomiting of coagulated milk after sucking bottle; greenish
watery diarrhoea.
- No urine. Cholerine.
- Cough, with stunning pain in head.
Upper limbs
- Axillary glands swollen.
- Sensation as if arms had become much shorter.
- Numbness of arms.
- Aching about scapulae, extending to arms.
- Thumb and fingers bent inward. Convulsions of children.
Lower limbs
- Excoriations of thighs from walking.
- Boring and shooting in lower limbs, with great weariness.
- Lancinating and drawing from left hip into thigh.
- Laming ache in middle of right thigh while sitting; amel when rubbing.
- Lancinating in sole, from right heel as far as balls of toes.
- Crawling in feet.
Limbs in general
- Coldness, stiffness and rigor of limbs.
- Cold limbs and body convulsed.
- Eruption in neighborhood of joints.
- Position. Motion. Cannot keep erect : when dizzy.
- Inability to raise head : with vertigo.
- Cannot sit up.
- Cannot stand : from weakness.
- Lying down : pain in kidneys.
- Lying on back : short, anxious, whistling breathing.
- Sitting : laming ache in right thigh.
- Exertion : urinates too frequently; sweats therefrom.
- Walking : throbbing headache agg; headache with vertigo agg.; excoriation of thighs;
languor and listlessness to such a degree that he supports himself with difficulty.
- || Trembling at heart with anxious restlessness.
- Body convulsed, with cold limbs; t.
- Epileptic spasms, with clenched thumbs, red face, eyes turned downward, pupils fixed,
dilated; foam at mouth, jaws locked; small, hard and quick pulse.
- Spasms, with stupor and delirium.
- General malaise.
- || Convulsions. Gastroenteritis.
- Weakness after colic.
- Great weakness; children cannot stand; cannot hold up head.
- Great weakness and prostration, with sleepiness.
- He lies stretched out without consciousness.
- Sleepiness all day.
- Longing for sleep.
- Dozing of child after vomiting spells or after stool.
- On falling asleep, rolling of eyes or slight convulsions.
- Sleep after headache. Megrim.
- Sopor, dilated pupils; t.
- Sleep restless first hours.
- Restless night; great disposition to slumber, but calm repose is prevented by frequent
startings and excessive agitation.
- Deep sleep, with snoring.
- Sopor, dilated pupils and death (dog).
- Night : stools of partly digested food; enuresis and vomiting; restless, cannot sleep,
though disposed to.
- From 3 to 4 A.M. : aggravation of all symptoms.
- Morning : sweetish taste on awaking; tenesmus.
- Day : sleepy.
- Forenoon : well disposed and serene.
- Afternoon : ill-humored, anxious and sad; lancinating in r. hypochondrium.
- Towards evening : aggravation of all symptoms.
- At 6 P.M. : cramps in stomach.
Temperature and weather
- Frequently indicated in Summer.
- Open air : relieves throbbing in head.
- Room : relieves mental conditions; relieves sensation of swelling of head, face and hands.
- Warmth : causes itching.
- Warmth of bed : causes vesicular eruption to itch.
- Heat : causes itching and burning.
- Moist heat : relieves itching, and coldness in abdomen and lower limbs.
- Warm bath : checked catamenia.
- Hot whiskey : friction amel pain in occiput, neck and spine.
- Washing : increases sensation of swelling of head, face and hands.
- Delirium even during cold stage.
- Coldness, rigors, stiffness of limbs.
- Skin hot, dry; absence of thirst.
- Sweat : from least exertion; cannot bear uncovering; profuse, cold; malaise and tendency
to delirium amel.
Attacks, periodicity
- Periodical headache. Megrim.
- Sensation as if head, face and hands were swollen; agg after washing; amel coming into
- As if a heavy load was lying on chest; as if there was a barrier between his organs of
sense and external objects; brain feels bound up; compressed feeling in head; as if both
sides of head were in a vise; as if forehead would split; as if brain was dashed to pieces; as
if she was pulled by the hair; as if something hot was streaming from ear; as if tongue was
too long; indescribable anguish with gripes; as if all action of bowels had been lost; as if
chest was in a vise; anxiety in praecordia; as if small of back was in a vise; as if arms had
become shorter.
- Pain : in eyes; in pit of stomach and abdomen; in hypochondria; below navel, after eating;
in kidneys; in furuncle, sacral region.
- Griping : in abdomen.
- Distressing pains : in occiput, nape and down spine.
- Boring : in lower limbs.
- Lancinating : in left hypochondrium; in female sexual organs; from left hip into thigh; in
sole, from right heel to balls of toes.
- Cutting : in abdomen; in bladder.
- Stitches : in head; in ears; in right ear; in epigastrium; in l. hypochondrium; in left side of
- Stinging : in gums; in throat; in mammae.
- Shooting : in left hypochondrium; in lower limbs.
- Tearing : in face, in malar bones; in gums; in pit of stomach.
- Rending : in pit of stomach.
- Burning : in throat; in left hypochondrium; of herpetic eruption.
- Drawing : from left hip into thigh.
- Pressing pain : in forehead; in left hypochondrium.
- Aching : in bowels; about scapulae; extending to arms.
- Soreness : in hypochondria.
- Throbbing pain : in left side of head.
- Pulsations : in head.
- Stunning pain : in head.
- Crawling : in feet.
- Heaviness : in forehead.
- Constriction : in throat.
- Contraction : painful, or stomach.
- Cramp : in stomach.
- Laming ache : in middle of right thigh.
- Heat : in forehead; in face; pungent, in mouth and throat.
- Coldness : of chin and corners of mouth; in abdomen; of lower limbs; of limbs.
- Numbness : of arms.
- Stiffness : of limbs.
- Itching : of pimples; of water-blisters; of eruption in heat.
- Dryness : of skin.
- Ecchymoses; black and blue spots all over.
- Whole body livid and swollen, and death of boy; poisoning.
- Anasarca.
- Wasting away of children.
- Dryness of skin.
- Dry burning skin; red spots.
- Cool skin. Cholerine.
- Hard knots in skin.
- Liability to excoriation of thighs when walking.
- During one day, appearance and disappearance of reddish blue spots on trunk and left leg,
causing an apprehension of spotted fever; aggravation of all symptoms towards evening and
during night, 3 to 4 A.M.
- Tetters bleed easily.
- Little water-blisters; itching in bed.
- Eruption itching when exposed to heat.
- Herpetic eruptions; itching and burning during head.
- Phlyctenular eruption; t.
- Similar to : Ant. Crud. (vomiting of milk); Aren.; Asar.; Calc. ostr. (vomiting of milk);
Cuprum; Ipec.; Opium.
- Related to Cicut., Conium, Oenanth. croc.
- Is antidoted by vegetable acids.
- It antidotes Opium
ETHERUM (Vijnovsky)
(Eter etlico)
* 2- Miedo a enfermedades.
4- Deprimido. Inconsciente.
** 5- Trastornos que aparecen a partir de una anestesia por ter, o en bebedores de ter.
* 7- Mareos. Cefalea con ceguera parcial. Congestin cerebral. Arterias temporales dilatadas;
laten violentamente. La cabeza cae hacia un lado o hacia atrs. Meningitis. Neuralgia
ceflica con ronchas en el cuero cabelludo.
9- Oye los sonidos como si vinieran de lejos, pero le retumban en los odos.
10- Boca a menudo abierta. Salivacin; leve espuma bucal. Pronuncia las palabras con
dificultad e indistintamente.
* 12- Violenta tos por calor o pinchazos en los bronquios. Expectoracin sanguinolenta.
Respiracin acelerada; estertorosa. Bronquitis. Congestin pulmonar. Siente mucho fro
en el trax; necesita taparse. Sensacin de constriccin y dolor en el trax.
15- Sueos agradables (que vuela rpidamente o que oye msica sobrenatural) o
terrorficos (que oye las campanas de su propio funeral).
ETHERUM (Clarke)
Eter etlico. Ethyl oxide. Ethylic Ether, algunas veces llamado Eter sulfrico. (C2 H5)2 O
(Alcohol es C2 H6 O).
Caractersticas.- Ether es el anestsico bien conocido y los efectos son los observados en los
pacientes bajo la accin de sus vapores, administrado con el propsito de operaciones,
en bebedores habituales de ter (de los cuales hay un nmero en Irlanda) y de algunos
que voluntariamente experimentaron con el medicamento en s mismos. Muy cercano al
alcohol, posee propiedades intoxicantes muy similares, produce visiones
frecuentemente agradables, alucinaciones y en algunos casos un estado manaco
persistente. Convulsiones, espasmos y estado catalptico tambin se han observado.
Bronquitis no es no comn como efecto resultante de la anestesia con ter, y para esto
Belladonna ha sido observado como el mejor antdoto. Escalofro es queja de muchos.
Macfarclan report la cura de una mujer de 60 aos, que estaba confinada a la cama por
semanas con neuralgia severa de la cabeza, levantaba ribetes en el cuero cabelludo
como arrugas acompaando al dolor. Ether 200 cur rpidamente.
- The effects may be described in the same terms as apply to the effects of passes into a
state of narcotism, with stupefaction, [a4].
- Violently excited, [a29].
- He became furiously excited, and it required several persons to control him; he was
forced upon a bed, but on being awakened he again became very much excited; indeed, so
much so that cold water was dashed over him, [a32].
- She became much excited and talked strangely; afterwards was seized with delirium and
carried home in that state; she remained so, except at short intervals, for three days; friends
afraid to leave her, [a21].
- Every indication of great cerebral excitement, [a19].
- There was altogether so much excitement that his attendant was alarmed, [a8].
- Became delirious about an hour after she got home; this lasted all night, [a20].
- In attempting to walk upstairs in the evening of the third day, she stopped suddenly,
screamed so as to alarm the family, and complained of faintness and the pain in her head;
some aberration of mind was now manifest, and in the course of the night she became
delirious, screaming and evincing alarm at imaginary dangers; more comfortable next
morning under remedies prescribed, but during all the day she gave decided proofs of
mental incoherence, which continued to increase; when any subject was introduced, she
spoke rationally upon it for a moment, and then referred to some other, frequently to the
experiment with Ether; her nights became sleepless, and were spent in screaming and loud
talking upon all subjects, until she sank rapidly into a comatose condition, [a30].
- She conversed incoherently at intervals, introducing strange topics, and had sometimes
been observed to laugh immoderately without any assignable cause, for several days before
I saw her; when I visited her, she was capable of conversing upon any subject, introduced in
so rational a manner that the hallucination might have been overlooked by an uninterested
observer; I noticed, however, that she conversed with clearness only so long as the subject
was kept before her mind with some care, [a31].
- He pretty soon fell into a state of intoxication, during which he talked extravagant
nonsense, danced about the room, laughed, and appeared to be very much pleased; but his
condition was far removed from narcosis in its ordinary sense, [a41].
- The sensations induced are almost universally described as pleasurable, and much
resemble those resulting in the early stages of alcoholic intoxication, [a5].
- By some, pleasant dreams, indescribable but delightful sensations, rapid
- Most agreeable and even most sensual dreams; women sometimes pass into a state of
ecstasy; some see God and angels; others fancy themselves again with the companions of
their childhood, [_a1].
- He immediately lost consciousness, and had a host of lively illusions, principally
consisting, it seems, of theologico-mystical conceptions, in which, however, as is the case
in opium and hashish smoking, there was a complete disregard of matter, time, and space;
he believed he had travelled through whole worlds and had lived for an infinity of time, and
yet, when he awoke, his candle showed that he could scarcely have been narcotized a
quarter of an hour; the Ether bottle was empty, although he did not remember taking it more
than once in his hand. When he repeated the experiment, the dream-world into which he
lulled himself was not so splendid, not so rich in colors and images, as that of the first
narcosis; and however often he endeavored to conjure it back, by larger and larger doses, it
would not reappear, [a41].
- The character of his hallucinations was, from the first, and has and has thus remained
dependent on his prevailing disposition, [a41].
- The little child dreams of his playthings; the sportsman is following the hounds or
catching imaginary salmon; the gamekeeper we have known to dream of a conflict with
poachers; the laborer that he is getting drunk in a pothouse of which he is an habitu; in
females, especially of a warm temperament, emotions have been manifested which are ill
adapted for general inspection; in some it was evident by their movements that they were
under the influence of the highly developed sensations of the venereal organs, [a33].
- A Provenal talked about his native country, [_a1].
- A horse-jockey dreamed that some one was trying to steal his horse, [_a1].
- A woman in labor fancied herself in the conjugal abode, and called to her side a student,
whom she took for her husband, [_a1].
- Frightful dreams; a man fancied he heard the ringing of his own funeral knell, [_a1].
- She said; I felt, when the tooth was coming out, as if I was having a horrid dream. [She
gave a scream during the operation.], [a18].
- She had a dream, and thought she was at the bar of judgment pleading for mercy, and that
God Almighty was punishing her for her sins, [a22].
- As with other narcotics, so even more with Ether, the disposition to hallucinative action
appears to present individual differences; and a susceptibility of this kind, such as our
patient has possessed, in a more or less distinct form, from the first day till now, may well
be attributed in part to an alienated direction of his disposition or development-to a slight
psychosis; this he has himself acknowledged, [a41].
- Loquacity, [_a1].
- He muttered like a man intoxicated, [a29].
- Greater inclination towards silence than formerly, [a31].
- When the numbness seizes the subject, a great tendency to gayety is generally shown;
there is spasmodic, jerking laughter, which is followed by copious tears, [_a1].
- The greatest variety of the effects upon self-consciousness, and of the degree in which the
recognition of surrounding objects is retained, are reported; with many, the hilarity induced
quite equals that produced on the inspiration of Nitrous Oxide, [a5].
- Anxiety, [a17].
- Very low-spirited, and fearful of some disease; and was still nervous and desponding after
two months, [a35].
- Fright and delirium, [a17].
- The intellect is both tranquillized and fortified, [a39].
- Judgment was retained unimpaired to such a degree that he lost none of the sensations he
wished to analyze; moreover, when the anaesthesia was most complete, so that he could
prick himself without feeling, it, he willed to walk and did walk [_a1].
- The intellect is often disordered, but the subject does not always lose self-consciousness.
In one case, the experimenter retained full possession of his faculties; while giving way to
convulsive laughter, he himself compared it to the barking of a dog, and was quite aware
that he was acting foolishly, [_a1].
- For some time, much confused, [a18].
- Answered questions with a weak voice, though remembering nothing which had passed,
- Semi-consciousness; the patient raised himself to a sitting posture and looked about him
with a vacant stare, the conjunctiva being very red and suffused, [a12].
- Although he seemed to be aware that people were talking to him, he had no consciousness
of what was really passing around him, [a12].
- She lost consciousness in three or four minutes after inhaling; felt no pain, [a20].
- She became stupid, with a weak pulse and heavy stertorous breathing; her strength failed
more and more, and she died fifteen hours after the operation, [a38].
- A state of almost profound stupor, [_a2].
- In many, as total a temporary suspension of all the mental faculties and cerebral functions
as in the most profound sleep, nothing being remembered, after the few first inhalations,
until the period of returning consciousness, [a11].
- At the first trial, after breathing fifteen or twenty minutes, she became comatose for two
hours; at the second trial, she became comatose in four minutes, recovering rapidly, [a37].
- In a great majority of cases, the only effects afterwards are, slight muzziness of the head,
sometimes amounting to headache, odor and taste of Ether in the mouth and nasal passage,
- Vertigo and conscious loss of muscular power preceding insensibility, [a11].
- Dizziness, [a35].
- Dizziness, just enough to amount to slight vertigo when the standing posture has been
attempted, [a39].
- Giddiness and debility made it difficult for her to walk (after three days), [a30].
- Slight degree of giddiness at times during the day, [a27].
General head
- Head drops on one side, [a33].
- Head was thrown back, as if to relieve slight stiffness of the muscles of the neck, [a31].
- Determination of blood to the brain and eyes, [a17].
- Symptoms of meningitis, etc., persisted in spite of all treatment, and he died (fifth
morning), [a32].
- Head hot, [a10, a12].
- Pain about the head, [a35].
- She complained of some pain in the head, [a31].
- The inhalation was attended with very painful sensations in the head and partial
blindness, which lasted three days, [a30].
- She complained of great pain in her head, which was relieved by free cupping, [_a2].
- Intense pain in the head, [a10].
- Aching of head and dizziness for a few minutes, when senses returned, [a20].
- Headache more or less considerable for some hours, and even for a day or two, [_a3].
- Headache, more or less violent, [_a1].
- Great pain in the forehead (second day), [a32].
- Temporal arteries enlarged, [a8].
- Action of the temporal artery very strong, [a19].
- Eyes full and somewhat suffused, [a31].
- Eyes injected (bloodshot), [a18, a19].
- Eyes half open and turned upwards (after third day), [a30].
- Eyelids closed, [a12].
- Eyes sometimes open, sometimes shut (during operations), [_a1].
- Eyelids begin to tremble in a manner very characteristic, [a33].
- Vessels of the conjunctiva injected, [a10].
- Slight injection of the conjunctivae, [a41].
- Conjunctivae much injected, [a12].
- Conjunctiva of eye was sensible, [a26].
- Rolling of the eyeballs during the spasms, [_a1].
- She complained of difficulty in turning her eyes downward, but rolled them about in an
unnatural manner (after third day), [?].
- * Pupils dilated, [a10, a14].
- Pupils dilated and fixed, the eyes turned upwards (after ten minutes), [a29].
- Pupils dilated, fixed, and did not act during the whole time, [a22].
- The pupils became widely dilated, this state being apparently not preceded by contraction
(in seven minutes, when 150 cubic centimeters (about four ounces) of Ether had been used),
- Pupil oscillates, with a tendency to turn upward and inwards, [a33].
- Contracted pupil, [a9].
- The iris seems to be generally expanded, sometimes contracted, [_a3].
- Impaired vision (after third day), [a30].
- Dimness of sight, [_a1].
- She complained of obscure vision, describing it as a mist or thin cloud before her eyes,
- Hearing was obtuse, [a31].
- Sounds are indistinct and seem far off, yet they resound violently in the ears, [_a1].
- Deafness, [_a1].
- Countenance was wild and a little vacant at intervals, sometimes indicating slight
surprise, [a31].
- At first, an expression of extraordinary pleasure on his face, and he inhaled the Ether-
vapor with real eagerness; he afterwards assured us that he had had a pleasant narcosis,
- * Face flushed, [a8, a23].
- The expression is sometimes calm, but generally the face is flushed and animated, [_a1].
- Face injected, [a29].
- The countenance is livid, [a14].
- Face pallid, [a26].
- The face often becomes either pale or morbidly dushed, [_a3].
- Distortion of the features, [a17].
- Cheeks flushed; after half an hour they resembled two pieces of scarlet velvet, [a10].
- The lips often swell and become blue, [_a1].
- Lips slightly congested, [a26].
- Lip and tongue are blue, [a14].
- His lips became purple, [a8].
- Mouth often opened, [a31].
- Mouth was slightly dry, and she was observed to drink oftener than usual, [a31].
- Some heat in the mouth, [a11].
- Profuse salivation (after a few days), [a40].
- Slight frothing at the mouth, [a18].
- Bad taste in mouth, [_a1].
- Disagreeable taste of Ether in her mouth in the evening, [a22].
- Evident difficulty in using the organs of speech; the pronunciation was indistinct, and
performed with some apparent effort; afterwards speechless, [a31].
- Pricking in the throat, [_a1].
- Loss of appetite, [a41].
- The appetite for solids is visibly diminished when any considerable amount has been
inhaled shortly before a meal, [a39].
- Loathing of ether, [_a1].
- Violent hiccough set in after twenty-five minutes, but ceased, as did also the dilatation of
pupils, as soon as the inhalations was discontinued, [a41].
Nausea and vomiting
- Nausea, [a7].
- Nausea and sickness, [_a3].
- Nausea and vomiting in the evening, [a22].
- Sickness, [a7].
- She complained of sickness and distress of the stomach, [a21].
- Vomiting, [_a1].
- Vomiting soon after return of consciousness, although no food had been allowed for
seven hours; stimulants were immediately rejected by the stomach, [a34].
Respiratory organs
- Slight bronchial irritation, [_a3].
- Inhalation is accompanied by a sensation of stinging or heat in the bronchia, which
excites coughing, [a33].
- Cough, [_a1, a38].
- Violent coughing, [a17].
- Violent cough and spitting, [a9].
- Spitting of blood, [a18].
- She raised blood from her lungs, it was supposed about a pint; bleeding soon ceased
(second morning), [a20].
- Breathing rapid for a short time, when effect first produced, and then became natural,
- Respiration is quickened, and the face becomes red; then the inspirations the face then
regains its quiet expression and natural color, [_a1].
- Respiration was hurried (after five minutes); deep and slow, but free from stertor (after
ten minutes), [a29].
- Full and frequent respirations, [a31].
- The respirations were deep, and increased from eighteen to twenty-five in a minute,
- Respirations short; the expirations prolonged and forcible, [a33].
- Respiration becomes slow and labored, [_a3].
- Sonorous breathing, [a32].
- Stertorous breathing, [a7, a18].
- Sighing, groaning, [a17].
- Each expiration was accompanied by a loud hah![a12].
- The air expired by the patient, at the end of eight days after the last experiment, still had a
strong smell of Ether, [a41].
- Laborious breathing, [a17, a19].
- Breathing laborious two or three times, [a22].
- The respiration, bearing a due relation to the frequency of the pulse, becomes labored and
stertorous, [a14].
- Difficulty of breathing, [a11].
- Difficulty of breathing for several days (after two days), [a36].
- Breathing became very difficult, so exceedingly labored, that it would have been almost
impossible to perform any operation, [a12].
- Dyspnoea, [a16].
- Pulmonary and cerebral congestion, [a7].
- With some difficulty I led him to the outer door, when he exclaimed, "Cover my chest;
cold, cold, cold, ", [a12].
- Tightness across the chest, [a12].
- Irritation and pain in the chest (after twenty-five inhalations in two days), [_a1].
Extremities in general
- Frequent trembling of the limbs, [a41].
- Convulsive movements of the limbs, [a10].
- Spasmodic rigidity of the limbs, [_a1].
Superior extremities
- His arms were stretched; his fingers extended, [a12].
- Arms fall relaxed, [a33].
Inferior extremities
- A slight imperfection in her gait terminated in paralysis of the lower extremities, after
some time, and she became helpless, [a31].
- Severe cramps in the legs, [a12].
General symptoms
- His whole aspect was so indicative of misery, that he would have been put down as one of
the wretchedly poor, were it not for the unusual contrast between his aspect and his
distinctly formed speech, and for the fact that (as was at first thought) there was a
remarkably strong smell of alcohol in his breath; the patient, however, explained that he did
not smell of alcohol but of ether, and the peculiar sweetness and mildness of Ether vapor
was then easily recognized, notwithstanding its strength, [a41].
- His appearance altogether was so distressing, as to excite great
- General appearance like one going into a state of epilepsy, [a18].
- To appearance, the energies of mind and body were nearly extinct, [_a2].
- The individual, to the common eye, seems to be sinking into the
- Perfect quick, [a33].
- Agitation of the system, [a17].
- An affection of the nervous system approaching apoplexy, [a16].
- Hysterical excitement in women for some hours, and even for a day or two, [_a3].
- In the evening (after several hours) he complained of some difficulty about his chest,
when, all at once, he fell from his chair, exhibited great restlessness, tossing about of the
arms and legs, with great difficulty of breathing, but no loss of consciousness, declaring all
the time he could not get his breath for the Ether, and that he should die; his hands and feet
were said to be cold; various restoratives were applied in vain; it was evident that it was a
case of violent hysterics, unusually well marked in a male; he would laugh and joke, then
express fears of impending suffocation, with jactitation, declaring that as vapor of Ether
was heavier than air, he ought to be held up and allow it to run out of his lungs; several
doses of Morphine had no effect; it was only after several hours that he could be quieted; he
had never previously exhibited any tendency to hysteria, [a36].
- She was in a state of unconsciousness, and became quite unmanageable; she required two
persons to hold her; I lanced her gum, without any sign of pain, and she recovered her
sensibility immediately; she again inhaled, and, when under the influence of the Ether,
some excitement returned, and on drawing the tooth with the claw, she cried "Oh!" but, on
coming to herself, stated she had had no pain, [a23].
- He appeared to have much suffering, throwing his body almost out of the chair, [a19].
- Muscular tremors, [a41].
- Trembling of the whole frame when consciousness returned, [a20].
- Subsultus till twelve hours before death (after three days), [a30].
- General shocks, involving all the muscles of the trunk, [_a1].
- Violent nervous attack, [a38].
- Convulsions, [a7].
- Convulsions supervened, attended with slight stertorous breathing, and other symptoms
of an alarming character; he gradually recovered, but suffered from the effects for some
time afterwards, [a8].
- Limbs and trunk were strongly convulsed for five minutes; limbs relaxed (after ten
minutes), [a29].
- Incipient convulsions, [a9].
- After the operation, she bent her body backwards and sank out of the chair; she began to
cry, and consciousness returned, but in a short time she again lapsed into a state of
unconsciousness, with convulsive movements of the muscles; she again got better and
attempted to walk but could not; the convulsions returned; there were convulsive
movements of the muscles of the left side of the face; the angle of the mouth was drawn
upward; after half an hour the convulsions became stronger, spasmodic twitchings of the
muscles of the face more frequent and more violent, [a10].
- Slight spasm (tenth day), [a30].
- Opisthotonos, [a10].
- He was perfectly cataleptic; after applications of cold, and administering brandy and
water, these cataleptic symptoms were succeeded by severe hysteria, with about the same
degree of consciousness as is usual in that disease, [a12].
- Muscles universally relaxed, [a14].
- General muscular relaxation, affecting the limbs, also the eye, the ball moving about and
evading the needle or the cataract knife; also the muscles of the perineum during labor,
- The voluntary muscles become relaxed; the jaw falls down; the arms hang down; the eyes
roll upward under the upper lid, [_a3].
- The muscles lose their power of retraction (during amputation); they are
- Temporary depression of the vital powers, [_a3].
- Weakness, [a35, a41].
- Weakness, and disposition to faint on the slightest attempt to walk lasting several days
(after two days), [a36].
- General prostration, [a17].
- Felt nothing for several minutes, but on a sudden appeared to lose all muscular power,
- He attempted to rise, but tottered like a drunken man, and suffered a degree of exhaustion
and giddiness which lasted until he was taken to bed, [a12].
- Staggered about the room (soon), [a12].
- Disposition to faint and fall down, [a35].
- They exhibit all the marks of intoxication; they fall, without the power of raising
themselves, become insensible to all operations performed on them, and either recover soon
when the experiment ceases, or sink if it be prolonged, [a13].
- Syncope, [a16].
- The state of the brain during this period was peculiarly distressing; there were alternate
manifestations of excitement and depression of the sensorial powers, at one time
resembling syncope, and again like violent intoxication, until the boy died, [a28].
- M. Jobert and others have attempted to indicate three stages in its effects; first, that of
incoherence, agitation or delirium, as the case may be; second, acceleration of the pulse,
with loss of sensibility and loss of voluntary power; third, exhaustion and coldness of the
surface, [a6].
- The average duration of the state of sleep or insensibility may be stated to be about the
same as the period required to induce it, or a little less, say from two to four minutes; the
period, however, occasionally exceeds this, extending sometimes to half an hour or even an
hour; the awakening is sudden and complete, [_a3].
- Several persons who were to be operated on next day, were subjected to preparatory
inhalations, by which they were completely narcotized; sensation, voluntary motion, and
consciousness were abolished, yet, when repeated at the operating time, the experiment was
a failure, [_a1].
- Great uneasiness, [a38].
- Remarkable restlessness, in the period of reaction, ceasing in twenty-four or forty-eight
hours, [_a1].
- Evident restlessness, mostly of the head and upper extremities, [a31].
- So much restlessness, that it was impossible to perform the intended
- In some refractory subjects, sensibility was heightened instead of being depressed, [_a1].
- The next day she inhaled it ten minutes prior to the operation, which lasted half an hour,
and during which she manifested great pain, declaring afterwards that she felt every cut
made; she was conscious from this time until her decease forty hours afterwards, but spoke
in a low, faint voice, [a37].
- Perception of external objects fails, [a33].
- Skin was not sensible on being sharply pinched, [a22].
- Complete and instantaneous abolition of tactile sensibility; this effect is not constant, but
is pretty general; it is accompanied by a diminution of voluntary contractility; it affects the
most deeply seated parts of the nervous system, [_a1].
- The functions of the brain and nervous system are suspended, sensation is annihilated,
and the patient, to all intents and purposes, for the time being, is a senseless corpse, [a14].
- Loss of sensibility; but drunkenness, attended by vomiting and other symptoms not
consequent on inhalation, supervened in both cases, [a15].
- The instant the knife touched her, she cried out, put her hands down to the part, and
betrayed other marks of uneasiness; after half a minute to a minute, the operation was
proceeded with, and signs of apparent suffering were not to be mistaken, so much so, that it
induced some gentlemen present to imagine that the operation was felt, and the patient was
aware of it; after the operation was completed, and on awakening to a state of
consciousness, and being asked if she suffered any pain, she expressed no knowledge of
any, [a22].
- One person becomes as impassible as the subject on the dissecting-room table; another
talks incoherently or mirthfully, replies to questions or obeys instructions; others utter
exclamations of pain, which they afterwards retain no reminiscence of having felt; and
others, again, declare they have suffered pain, but felt themselves powerless for its
expression; finally, in not a few, ungovernable, violent convulsive actions, quite adverse to
the performance of any delicate operation, take place; with some, an utter oblivion is
induced; while others, whilst undergoing all the apparent tortures of a prolonged dissection,
are revelling in the realms of memory and the fields of imagination, [a5].
- Ill, and much dejected (third evening), [a20].
- General malaise, [a41].
- After repeated experiments, a general malaise replaces the agreeable feeling experienced
at first, [_a1].
- His sensations were so dreadful, that he would rather undergo any amount of pain than
submit to the same again, which he could compare only to a state of utter helplessness and
impending dissolution, [a12].
- He felt irresistibly disposed to lie down and get his head upon the ground, [a12].
- He seemed to take leave of the external world, but experienced a dreadful sensation of
universal tremor, and yet a perfect fixedness of the limbs, [a12].
- Sensation of numbness, beginning at the toes, and affecting, in succession, the legs, arms,
loins, and genitals; it extends to the head, and is then accompanied with a sense of heat, as
from intoxication, [_a1].
- By a few, a sense of great oppression, resembling nightmare, [a11].
- The distressing symptoms continued for more than an hour, [a12].
- The skin of the face, as well as that of the chest, of a violet-red color (after ten minutes),
afterwards livid, [a29].
- After inhalation, all the usual phenomena of the deepest sleep supervene occasionally
upon, if not actually lapsing into, coma, [_a3].
- Much distressed with a sensation of cold, [a12].
- Cold and chilly in the evening, [a22].
- Shivering; chattering of the teeth, [_a1].
- Cold extremities, [_a1].
- Skin hot (third day), [a30].
- Agreeable feeling of heat, accompanied by formication and a kind of tremor similar to
that felt on touching a large bell in a state of vibration, [_a1].
2- Sfilis hereditaria.
3- Oftalmias crnicas.
4- Otorrea ftida.
Hecho por trituracin de dos partes de sulfurato de antimonio con uno de mercurio.
(Berliner, Zeit. f. hom. Aerzte., vol. ii. Hom. Recorder, 1894, p. 28). Trituracin.
2- Oftalmas.
Esta preparacin es de uso en afecciones escrofulosas, oftalma, otorrea, erupciones
escamosas, dolorosas, irritantes, sfilis hereditaria.
Como habones, escrofulosas, herpticas y eczematosas.
Trituraciones bajas, especialmente la segunda decimal.
Aethiops Antimonialis -(Hydrargyrium stibiato sulphuratum) -(frecuentemente ms
efectivo que los anteriores en erupciones escrofulosas, ganglios hinchados, otorrea y
afecciones escrofulosas de los ojos, lceras corneales
Tercera trituracin.)
Comparar: Calc., Sil., Psorin..
ETHYLICUM *(Vijnovsky)
(Alcohol etlico)
13- Epilepsia con electroencfalograma normal, curable por la supresin del alcohol.
14- Las heridas tardan en curarse. Subedemas o edemas. Obesidad, o adelgazamiento del
trax y miembros superiores. Caquexia con piel amarillenta. Tufaradas de calor.
*** 15- Deseo de alcohol, abusa de las bebidas alcohlicas y hay una intolerancia progresiva
al alcohol. Aversin a la carne.
* 16- Arterias temporales visibles y sinuosas (segn Castueil; Guermonprez le niega valor a
este sntoma). Cefalea matinal con nuseas y pituitas, por abuso de alcohol.
* 17- Exoftalma (ojo grande del bebedor), con subictericia conjuntival, dilatacin de los
vasos conjuntivales, mirada brillante de la ebriedad o tierna y llorosa del alcohlico
crnico. Diplopa. Neuritis retrobulbar alcohlico-tabquica. Fondo de ojo con arterias
estrechas, cruzamientos, hemorragias, trombosis, capilaritis y zonas de atrofia vascular.
Parlisis motrices, ptosis; nistagmus.
* 18- Rinofima. Cuperosis. Acn hipertrfico de la nariz. Cara abotagada y plida ( parece
mixedematoso ) o rojo-violcea, con varicosidades sobre las mejillas y la nariz.
* 19- Lengua seca, temblorosa, con una capa blanco-griscea. Mal aliento, o aromtico.
Hiperemia, dilatacin de las venas y granulaciones en la mucosa farngea. Piorrea
alveolar (de la que el alcoholismo sera la causa ms frecuente). Cncer de esfago, que
casi slo existe en alcoholistas.
** 20- Pirosis. Anorexia. Pituitas matinales: regurgitaciones lquidas o filantes como clara de
huevo. Gastritis: con hinchazn, somnolencia y pesadez; o con dolores crampoides,
ardientes, mejor comiendo. Ulcera gstrica. Ardores epigstricos por bebidas alcohlicas
y cidas. Hematemesis.
** 21- Hgado muy grande o atrofiado. Cirrosis atrfica. Congestin heptica. Insuficiencia
heptica. Ictericia aguda o crnica. Melenas. Insuficiencia pancretica. Pancreatitis.
22- Constipacin. Heces duras, chicas, poco coloreadas. Ms raramente, diarrea ftida con
muchos gases. Hemorroides.
25- Cardiomegalia de los etlicos con disnea de esfuerzo; miocardio alcohlico, rebelde a los
tnicos cardacos, reductible al suspender el alcohol. Arritmia completa.
** 26- Polineuritis: con choque de la punta del pie en los obstculos (no puede levantar la
punta del pie: "steppage"), parlisis de los msculos anteroexternos de la pierna, paresia
de las pantorrillas y el cuadriceps, arreflexia aquiliana, ms raramente rotuliana.
Trastornos trficos y vasomotores; en pelos y uas; retracciones tendinosas. Citica.
Parlisis ascendente de Landry. Vrices.
** 27- Somnolencia: se duerme a toda hora, cuando le hablan, cuando come; pero de noche
no duerme. Insomnio con agitacin; con fase hipnaggica acentuada. Suea mucho: con
catstrofes; ritos fnebres; erticos con celos; con animales feroces, con asesinos. Se
despierta con malhumor, nuseas, cefaleas, dolorimiento, y todo mejora con un vaso de
su bebida predilecta.
29- Piel apergaminada y seca. Manchas amarillentas o marrones en el cuerpo, cara y manos.
Guermonprez aconseja dar Ethylicum a la 200a., en los casos indicados, una dosis
aproximadamente cada 20 das.
Por el movimiento, el calor y en ayunas.
Por el reposo, el sueo y el fro. 1 Nosotros debemos esta patogenesia al Dr. Castueil, de
Vichy. que fu el primero en hacer el estudio del Ethylicum (Homeopata Francesa, abril,
1934). 1
Panadizo en su principio con dolores agudos e insoportables.
Citica. Clicos flatulentos. Clicos intestinales. Clicos hepticos. Clicos nefrticos.
Diarrea. Dispepsia de los bebedores de t. Espermatorrea. Impotencia. Lumbago.
Colocynthis (dolores). Magnesia carb. (diarrea). Aloe, Aesculus, Collinsonia, Nux vom.
(hemorroides). Nux vomica es el remedio que se aproxima ms a Dioscorea, pero el
enfermo de Dioscorea presenta ms agotamiento nervioso que el de Nux Vomica y ms
6a y 30a.
1- Tendencia a inclinar la cabeza hacia adelante. Sensacin de plenitud en los vasos del
cerebro. Cefaleas. Mareos.
- A tendency to pitch forward, [_a2].
- A sense of fulness of the vessels of the brain, [_a2].
- Sensations of noise and fulness in the head are, in general, excessive, [_a1].
- Much headache and giddiness for some time have usually followed its employment,
- Extreme suffusion of the face, [_a2].
Respiratory organs
- Rapid and painful respiration, [_a2].
- Excessive overaction of the heart, [_a2].
General symptoms
- Insensibility (after a few inspirations), [_a1].
*1- Gastritis aguda ulcerosa con ardores, nuseas y vmitos. Esofagitis aguda, con ardores
y sialorrea.
*2- Congestin pulmonar aguda, con intensa disnea con tiraje, ardor traqueal, tos quintosa,
expectoracin rosada, asalmonada, sanguinolenta, membranosa; con rales subcrepitantes
difusos, aleteo nasal y cianosis facial.
** 1- Delirio con exaltacin de las fuerzas, con extraordinaria fuerza muscular, rabioso. Se
escapa de la cama, no reconoce a los suyos, arroja cosas, habla en forma incoherente, canta,
est muy locuaz y salta rpidamente de un tema a otro; o bien est taciturno y rehusa
contestar a las preguntas, o casi inconsciente, como borracho, y slo sale de este estado al
hacerle preguntas. Rabia constante; demencia alcohlica; delirium tremens. Segn Talcott
(citado por Clarke), Agaricus reproduce netamente el cuadro de la parlisis general
progresiva: megalomana, audacia exagerada, hilaridad, excitacin seguida de depresin,
confusin e imbecilidad, vrtigo con tendencia a caer hacia atrs, exagerado apetito, gran
deseo sexual con impotencia, sacudidas con temblores, luego agotamiento.
*** 7- Efectos de congelamientos localizados, sabaones (en cara, orejas, nariz, manos,
pies y dedos), que pican y arden intolerablemente, y que se agravan por el fro (lo contrario
de Pulsatilla en los sabaones). Las partes afectadas estn rojas, hinchadas y calientes.
Agaricus es muy sensible al fro, no solo considerado como factor etiolgico: peor por aire
fro (es extremadamente sensible); peor por bebidas fras. El fro es una sensacin frecuente
en los sntomas de Agaricus (ver 8-17-21-27-28-32-33).
*** 9- Peor despus del coito: desmayos, convulsiones, dolores sacros, sudores profusos,
etc., peor despus de excesos sexuales (postracin o depresin nerviosa y trastornos
* 11- Gente anciana, adelgazada, con circulacin dbil. Bebedores: para sus cefaleas o para
los efectos de borracheras, o palpitaciones tumultuosas, con nariz roja.
* 13- Modalidades: peor sentado, peor parado; mejor por el movimiento, peor despus del
movimiento; peor presin; peor de maana; peor antes de una tormenta; peor por sol.
15- Taquicardia despus de mover el vientre. Debilidad por el menor esfuerzo; peor durante
la menstruacin. Se desmaya por or hablar, por perfumes, vinagre.
** 17- Cabeza en constante movimiento. La cabeza cae hacia atrs (como si pesara la nuca).
Dolor como un clavo en parietal derecho, peor sentado quieto, mejor pasendose. Cefalea
frontal a la maana, extendida a la raz de la nariz, con epistaxis o secrecin mucosa
espesa; cefaleas por bebidas alcohlicas o por excesos sexuales, en coreicos o por estudiar
mucho. Sensacin de fro como hielo en la cabeza, peor por rascarse. Cefalea como por
agujas heladas. Sensacin de agrandamiento de la cabeza; desea abrigrsela.
Cefalohematoma derecho.
** 18- Lee con dificultad, porque las letras se mueven. Astenopa por esfuerzos visuales
prolongados. Miopa. Visin doble, o turbia. Sacudidas espasmdicas de prpados y globos
oculares, peor pretormentas. Nistagmus, de lado a lado, pendular, rpido, involuntario,
convulsivo. Moscas volantes marrones. Los ojos giran. Los bordes de los prpados pican,
arden, se pegan. Si va a agarrar un objeto, la mano no va cerca del mismo. Ulceras de
crnea. Lagrimeo, peor por tos. Hinchazn de las glndulas lagrimales.
** 19- Sabaones en las orejas; estn como congeladas, rojas, arden y pican. Sacudidas.
** 21- Cara con expresin idiotizada; con sacudidas. Siente rgidos los msculos de la cara;
parlisis facial. Dolores terebrantes, lancinantes, en la mejilla derecha. Neuralgia facial
como si agujas de hielo corrieran por los nervios.
** 22- Rechina los dientes durmiendo. Lengua seca, temblorosa, blanca, con lceras
fagednicas, y tambin en el frenillo. Tartamudez por excitacin.
24- Eructos con gusto a huevos podridos (Arnica) o a manzanas. Trastornos gstricos con
dolores hepticos agudos.
26- Diarrea en nios. Flatos inodoros ftidos; calientes (Aloe). Hemorroides con prurito y
dolor ardiente. Tenesmo, peor despus de defecar. Constipacin con ruidos durante el
** 27- Orina lechosa despus de medioda. Tiene la sensacin de que la orina sale fra;
"pueden contarse las gotas fras" (Hering), y gotea involuntariamente. Gota militar con
picazn uretral.
* 28- Genitales masculinos fros y encogidos. Deseos sexuales aumentados, sin ereccin.
Eyaculacin tarda, dolorosa, incompleta. Dolor ardiente en la uretra durante el coito.
* 29- Prurito vulvar intolerable y voluptuoso, con flujo. Dolor bearing-down intolerable en
el tero, mejor acostada; en la menopausia; en mujeres frgiles, nerviosas. Peor durante la
menstruacin (cefaleas, odontalgias) y al terminar (sntomas cardacos y prolapso). Picazn
y ardor en los pezones. Dismenorrea espasmdica. Prolapso despus de la menopausia.
** 30- Ronquera por cantar. Tos por irritacin larngea, paroxstica, con estornudos
repetidos mientras tose o al terminar; peor a la maana o al despertar o de noche acostado o
despus de dormirse, con expectoracin de bolitas de mucosidades duras; debe sentarse, la
tos lo sacude; al tocar el conducto auditivo. Tuberculosis pulmonar incipiente. Puntadas a
travs del pulmn derecho. Sensacin de opresin en el diafragma y de estrechez en el
*** 32- Rigidez de columna, con la sensacin de que se le va a quebrar si intenta agacharse.
Dolores en columna, peor apoyndola en el respaldo de la silla, movimiento, agacharse,
despus de comer; muy sensible al tacto, ms en la regin dorsal, y a veces en cada
vrtebra. Dolor sacrolumbar que lo obliga a estar acostado, no puede levantarse, peor
sentado, mejor acostado, peor mientras mueve el vientre, peor parado, caminando, por el
movimiento o por darse vuelta; extendido a las piernas. Fro extendido hacia abajo por la
espalda, como si corriese agua fra a lo largo de la columna.
* 35- Escalofros al aire libre o por el aire fro o al destaparse o desvestirse; descendentes.
* 36- Fiebre en la parte superior del cuerpo.
** 38- Piel roja, con prurito, hormiguea, arde y se hincha, como congelada. Tumores
sebceos. Gangrena. Edema angioneurtico. Venas hinchadas con piel fra.
Las orejas, la nariz, la cara y la piel en general, estn rojas y con prurito como si hubieran
Agaricus posee algunos sntomas cutneos muy caractersticos. "Las orejas, la nariz, la
cara, los dedos de los pies y la piel en general, estn afectados de un enrojecimiento,
prurito y ardor como si estuvieran congelados." Este es un sntoma de gran valor y puede
conducir a la eleccin de este medicamento en numerosas y muy diferentes enfermedades.
Suelo emplear este remedio desde hace un buen nmero de aos contra los sabaones, con
resultados sumamente satisfactorios, utilizndolo siempre por va interna y a la potencia
Se ha mostrado igualmente til para la irritacin espinal y donde estn mejor expuestos los
sntomas que lo indican en esta afeccin es en la Enciclopedia de Allen.
Para preparar el remedio, se procede a limpiar el pie y el sombrero del hongo, luego se los
corta en pedacitos que se ponen a macerar en alcohol; la tintura madre as obtenida, sirve
para producir las sucesivas dinamizaciones.
Los NERVIOS MOTORES sufren grandemente; las contracciones coreicas muy marcadas
son otra consecuencia de la accin de AGARIC., y tambin se han desarrollado en ciertos
experimentadores sntomas de afeccin medular profunda que se transmiten principalmente
a las vas motrices.
AGARIC., parece envenenar tambin LA SANGRE; se han notado numerosos sntomas de
alteraciones septicmicas en los individuos que estn bajo su influencia venenosa.
Por ltimo, y como otra consecuencia de su accin, LAS MUCOSAS estn irritadas y se
cubren de una mucosidad amarilla, mientras SOBRE LA PIEL SE DESARROLLA una
erupcin liquenoidea con prurito, picazn y sensacin de quemadura.
Es particularmente til en los bebedores, especialmente para sus dolores de cabeza y las
secuelas de todo exceso (LOBELIA, NUX VOM., RANUNC.) (Allen).
CIMICIF., cuando la corea afecta sobre todo los movimientos del costado izquierdo y
cuando la enfermedad est asociada a mialgias, o es consecuencia de un desplazamiento
uterino. CROCUS es el medicamento de las histricas con constricciones coreiformes de
ciertos grupos musculares. CUPRUM para las coreas peridicas con movimientos
convulsivos que comienzan con los dedos de las manos o los pies, o en los mismos pies,
para extenderse progresivamente en seguida a todo el cuerpo. IGNAT. es til en la corea de
origen emotivo. MYGALA LASIOD, presenta el siguiente cuadro sintomtico: tendencia a
debilidad mental o depresin; dolor intenso en la frente; constricciones y espasmos
constantes en los msculos de brazos y piernas, preferiblemente del lado derecho; falta de
control muscular; cuando el paciente trata de pone la mano sobre la cabeza, al llegar a ella
su mano es violentamente proyectada hacia adelante, atrs o un costado; cuando realiza un
esfuerzo para hablar sus palabras salen bruscamente, como una explosin. STRAM. es el
remedio para la corea de eclosin violenta; la expresin facial cambia continuamente, de
repente re, de repente parece asombrado, saca la lengua rpidamente; la cabeza sufre un
movimiento alternante que la lleva hacia adelante o hacia atrs; movimientos de torsin
espasmdica en todo el cuerpo, extremidades sin cesar en movimiento y giros graciosos;
puede haber tartamudeo, se asusta fcilmente, despierta aterrorizado o estando dormido
levanta espasmdicamente la cabeza de la almohada. TARENTULA tiene movimientos
espasmdicos constantes en todo el cuerpo, tan violentos que a veces debe permanecer
acostado. Puede haber localizacin en pierna y brazo derechos; los movimientos persisten
durante el sueo; agravacin, por el ejercicio y el tacto, mejora por la msica. VERAT. VIR.
es til cuando adems de contracciones espasmdicas se presentan las caractersticas
propias del remedio. ZINCUM MET. es el medicamento de la corea que aparece despus de
un susto o por supresin de una erupcin; las sacudidas son peores al atardecer, despus de
haber bebido vino o durante el reposo; constante agitacin de los pies. ZIZIA (THAPSIUM
AUREUM) se prescribe cuando los movimientos coreicos prosiguen durante el sueo.
Sensaciones particulares
A) Lateralidad
B) Agravacin
AL AIRE FRO; muy sensible al fro; por la maana; antes de una tormenta; POR EL
ESFUERZO MENTAL; el prurito, ardor, pinchazos pueden ser desencadenados por
ejercicio mental intenso, y se calman por el movimiento. POR EL COITO; todos los
sntomas de AGARIC. se agravan por la relacin sexual, especialmente los que interesan a
la mdula; es muy til para las casadas jvenes que padecen un desfallecimiento histrico
despus de la relacin sexual.
Otros remedios que presentan esta agravacin: CALAD., CHINA, KALI CARB., NUX
C) Mejora
Sntomas mentales
Delirio alternativamente alegre o triste con gran locuacidad; habla, canta, re, profetiza,
hace versos; o bien presenta un delirio furioso; quiere salir de su lecho, cueste lo que
cueste; delirio acompaado de carfologa.
Cefalalgia como si un clavo estuviese clavado en el lado derecho de la cabeza. Dolor como
si la cabeza estuviese atravesada con agujas de hielo.
Vrtigo como el de la embriaguez. Principalmente de maana al aire libre; la luz solar
produce inmediatamente vrtigo que le hace caer.
RUBOR en las mejillas con comezn y ardor como de sabaones. Espasmos en msculos
faciales. COREA. NEURALGIA FACIAL con sensacin de agujas de hielo pinchando el
nervio afectado. (v. ACONIT.).
Aparato digestivo
rganos genitales
Todos los sntomas generales EMPEORAN DURANTE LAS REGLAS (ACT. RAC.) y
mejoran antes o despus de ellas; agravacin de los sntomas cardacos y prolapso uterino al
trmino de las reglas (Kent).
Leucorrea abundante, cida, escoriante.
Aparato respiratorio
Para los ancianos bebedores cuya nariz presenta estas caractersticas, adems de AGARIC.
son tiles ledum y lachs (Kent).
Violento ataque de tos que puede ser detenido por fuerza de voluntad. Expectoracin de
bolitas mucosas. TOS QUE TERMINA EN ESTORNUDO. SENEGA tiene tos desgarrante
con sensibilidad en las paredes pectorales y termina en estornudo. SQUILLA MARINA
tiene tos violenta, fatigante, con abundante expectoracin salada y viscosa, acompaada de
estornudo; adems al toser deja escapar, involuntariamente, un poco de orina. Respiracin
corta y oprimida.
Aparato circulatorio
Espalda y extremidades
Los sntomas mentales son tales como Ud. podra esperar. Grandes cambios, irritabilidad,
depresin mental y quejas provienen de un esfuerzo excesivo de la memoria y de un estudio
prolongado. El cerebro parece desarrollarse tardamente.
Los nios tardan en aprender a hablar y a caminar; de este modo se combinan las
caractersticas de dos medicamentos, Natium muriaticum, que tiene los sntomas de
"aprendizaje tardo para hablar", y Calcarea carb., que tiene los sntomas de "aprendizaje
tardo para caminar". Debe notarse que en Calcarea esto es debido a un defecto en la
debilidad de los huesos. En Agaricus, es un defecto mental, un desarrollo lento de la mente.
Los nios con contracciones y desfallecimientos prematuros, chicas antes de la pubertad
que tienen convulsiones por ser reprendidas, por excitaciones y sobresaltos; tardos en su
desarrollo mental. Los nios que no pueden recordar; que se equivocan y son de
aprendizaje lento. Pacientes nerviosos que al revisar sus manuscritos descubren sus errores
en la escritura y en la ortografa. La mente est en un estado tal en que son lentos para
captar ideas; emiten palabras variadas sin sentido. Cuando nosotros leemos en el libro
"como si toda la esfera psicolgica estuviera paralizada", debemos leer entre lneas. Toda la
inteligencia y la sensibilidad parecen estar paralizadas; el paciente es perezoso, estpido,
por momentos parece estar delirando; hay una confusin en su mente tan semejante al
delirio que no es diferente a la intoxicacin. Un delirio tal como el producido por el alcohol.
Tambin se pone tonto, dice locuras y tonteras, canta y silba en forma inoportuna; hace
versos y profecas o se desliza hacia un estado opuesto y se torna indiferente a lo que lo
rodea. Alguien que es moderado y plcido se vuelve terco, obstinado e infatuado.
Hay dificultad en coordinar los movimientos de los msculos del cuerpo. Incoordinacin
del cerebro y de la mdula espinal. Torpeza en los movimientos de los dedos y de las
manos. Al manejar cosas se le caen. Los dedos se le abren espasmdicamente mientras
agarran cosas. Algunas veces Ud. la curar en la cocina con Agaricus o Apis, cuando el
inconveniente es se ella rompe los platos continuamente dejndolos caer. Estos dos
medicamentos son opuestos, Agaricus debe estar cerca del fuego, mientras que Apis quiere
salir de la cocina. La torpeza y lo desmaado, etc., es tanto mental como corporal.
Toda clase de cambios se producen en las relaciones entre el paciente y el doctor. A veces el
paciente es estpido, desmaado y torpe, y otras gil y potico, puede versificar sin
esfuerzo, especialmente de noche. Por la maana est cansado y perezoso y esto puede
durar hasta el medioda. Los sntomas mentales son peores a la maana y se alivian hacia la
tarde. Todas las sacudidas y las contracciones se calman durante el sueo. Cuando camina
al aire libre siente vrtigo. Siente siempre fro. Al realizar alguna cosa, hace lo contrario de
lo que se propone. Se mezclan el vrtigo y la confusin mental.
Sacudidas y tirantez en los ojos. Ud. observar esto en los de Agaricus; de como el paciente
que lo mira tiene un movimiento pendular (nistagmus) en que va hacia atrs y adelante todo
el tiempo, aunque l trata de hacer lo posible para fijar su mirada en Ud. Esto se detiene
solamente durante el sueo; todos los movimientos se calman durante el sueo. Han curado
estos sntomas oculares unos pocos otros medicamentos como Cicuta, Arsenicum, Sulphur,
Pulsatilla, pero Agaricus tambin lo produce y lo cura. Hay cada clase concebible de
engao en los colores y en la visin. Con aleteo ante los ojos, el paciente lee con dificultad.
Los objetos parecen estar donde no lo estn. Ve como moscas negras delante de los ojos;
motas negras; visin doble. Hay debilidad muscular de los ojos. Irregularidad de los
movimientos de los ojos; pupilas ya sea dilatadas o contradas, sensacin como si tuviera
una niebla o una telaraa por delante de los ojos. Los sntomas ms marcados son las
sacudidas y la tensin de los ojos as como tambin los movimientos coreiformes y los
engaos de colores y formas delante de los mismos.
Hemorragia nasal; descarga ftida y profusa de la nariz. Agaricus curar los catarros
crnicos ms rebeldes, con sequedad y costras, en constituciones tuberculosas por ms
arraigadas que estn. Ha curado muchos casos de tisis incipientes. Cura toses antiguas y
catarros. Nariz roja como helada. Es tan bueno como Ledum y Lachesis para la nariz
enrojecida en los borrachos.
Esto se advierte especialmente por la maana. No puede iniciar nada nuevo a la maana
pero es capaz de admitir nuevas ideas y es brillante a la tarde, como si estuviera bajo el
efecto que producen el t, el caf o las bebidas alcohlicas. Este medicamento es un gran
antdoto de las bebidas alcohlicas. En este remedio como en Zincum la espina est
afectada y en ambos de estos hay agravacin por estimulantes.
Los dientes se sienten alargados y son sensibles al tacto. La lengua tiembla, se contrae, se
sacude y provoca un pronunciacin desordenada, articulada con esfuerzo. Lengua seca,
temblorosa. Aprende a hablar con dificultad. Espasmos linguales, charla inarticulada.
lcera fagednica en el frenillo, al que corroen. Lengua dolorosa. Aftas por mercurio en el
techo de la boca. Vejiguitas blancas como en la boca dolorida que mama. Dolor crnico de
la garganta. Endurecimiento de las amgdalas. Sed ardiente, apetito rabioso. Sensacin
corrosiva en el estmago como de hambre, sin deseos de comer.
Diarrea matutina con gran cantidad de flato ardiente (Aloe), con ardor en el recto;
deposicin blanca, pujos grandes; deseos urgentes de evacuar; esfuerzos involuntarios
antes, durante y despus de evacuar. Sensacin como si el recto fuera a estallar, incluso
despus de evacuar (Merc. y Sulph.). Dolores violentos; no puede esperar; penosa
sensacin de estallar. Sensacin como si le cortasen y pinchasen en el abdomen antes de
evacuar; tenesmo urgente; penosos esfuerzos del recto. Clicos y flatos durante la
evacuacin; ardor, escozor y sensacin de cortes en el ano; sudor; dolores en la ingle hasta
las piernas, que continan despus de la evacuacin. Despus de la evacuacin se alivia la
cefalea; picazn en el ano; tensin en el recto; dolores cortantes en el ano; calambres en el
hipogastrio; distensin en el abdomen; pesadez alrededor del ombligo; dolor en el pecho.
Otorgar importancia al tenesmo despus de evacuar.
Durante el coito, el ardor en la uretra del varn que proviene de excoriaciones o una
sensacin de calor del fluido seminal al ser eyaculado, y de ah que puede ser solamente un
sntoma varonil. Ardor en la prstata durante la eyaculacin. Hay una excitacin sexual
violenta antes y durante el acto pero en el momento de la eyaculacin el orgasmo es
deficiente y la eyaculacin es pasiva y sin placer. Esto sucede en hombres con debilidad en
la mdula, nerviosos, con pruritos y hormigueos. Proviene de la curacin de antiguas
descargas catarrales de la uretra, gonorrea crnica, despus que se han ensayado toda clase
de tratamientos locales. El pene est fro y encogido. Retraccin excesivamente dolorosa en
los testculos. En descargas blenorrgicas antiguas hay una comezn continua en la uretra y
la ltima gota permanecer , descargndose de tiempo en tiempo. (Gota militar). Hay dos
medicamentos mejores que muchos otros, Petroleum y Agaricus.
El que prescribe rutinariamente piensa siempre en Puls., Sep., etc., pero con conexin con
dolores bajos en la mujer, con irritacin espinal, tironeo hacia abajo como si los rganos
quisieran salirse, este medicamento es el mejor. Estas mujeres delgadas, nerviosas,
intranquilas, con hormigueos deben tener Agaricus. Durante la menstruacin hay cefaleas,
odontalgias, etc. Durante el perodo menstrual los sntomas generales empeoran, no en gran
medida antes o despus. Cuando terminan las reglas se agravan los sntomas cardacos y
Leucorrea muy profusa, oscura, sanguinolenta, en parte con escoriaciones. Este remedio ha
sido mencionado en relacin con Fluoric acid. Hay muchos puntos de contacto. En especial
en la leucorrea hay, a semejanza de otra, copiosa y acre, a tal punto que mantiene las partes
speras e irritadas alrededor de los genitales y la paciente no puede caminar. En Fluoric acid
es, con los sntomas nerviosos, la cefalea aminorada con el paso de la orina, o dolor de
cabeza si no se realiza la miccin de inmediato con excoriaciones, copiosas e irritantes.
La espalda tiene muchos sntomas de gua peculiares. Rigidez de toda la espina dorsal.
Sensacin como si se rompiera cuando intenta inclinarse. Siente como si estuviera tan
tirante que se romper al encorvarse. Tensin en los msculos de la espalda. Profunda
comezn en la espina. Dolores violentos, punzantes, ardientes. Peores al agacharse. Dolores
que vagan de arriba hacia abajo a lo largo de la espalda. Sensibilidad de la espina al tocarla
especialmente por detrs del cuello y la regin dorsal entre los omplatos. Sensibilidad a
una esponja caliente en la regin lumbar cuando hay irritacin espinal. Sensacin como si
un aire fro se extendiera a lo largo de la espalda como en el aura epilptica. Sensacin de
hielo tocando el cuerpo. Enfriamiento sobre la espalda, y hormigueo. Anestesia de la piel
sobre la espalda. Los dolores mayores se encuentran en la parte posterior del cuello y en la
regin lumbo-sacra, en conexin con el coito. Dolor en la regin lumbar y sacra
especialmente durante un esfuerzo, al sentarse, etc. Dolor en el sacro como si hubiera sido
golpeado, roto. Dolores debajo de la cintura en las mujeres.
En general hay contracciones en los miembros; estn entumecidos, coreicos, ardientes aqu
y all; sensacin de fro en algunos lugares, paralizacin. Temblores en los miembros,
movimientos desmaados. Hay reumatismo y gota en las articulaciones. Parlisis de los
miembros inferiores, as como temblor y debilidad de los mismos. Comezn ardiente de las
manos como si estuvieran heladas. En las articulaciones menores donde la circulacin es
dbil hay sntomas de enfriamiento. Dedos de pies y manos embotados.
Se sienten los huesos como si fueran a romperse durante el descanso, especialmente los
inferiores. Sensacin como si la tibia fuera a quebrarse. Dolores crecientes en los nios que
deben situarse cerca del fuego o las extremidades se enfran. Dolores en los huesos. Pesadez
en las piernas. Dolores en los miembros inferiores, punzantes, lacerantes, mejorando con el
calor y con el movimiento.
En las mujeres, debilidad en los miembros inferiores apenas quedan encinta. Esto sucede
con cada embarazo y ella debe permanecer en cama. Los sntomas pueden llevar a
Agaricus. Pesadez en las piernas. Temblores y sacudidas en los miembros inferiores.
Hongo loco. Agrico pintado. Toad stool bug. Amanita muscaria. Agaricus muscarius. Fly
Agaric. Bug Agaric. Champignon fou.(Europa, Asia y Amrica; en lugares secos,
especialmente en bosques de pinos secos.) N.O. Fungi. Trituracin del casquete
cuidadosamente secado (pileus); o tintura del hongo fresco.
Caractersticas.- Como el Agaricus es usado en muchas partes para hacer una bebida
intoxicante, nosotros encontramos en el alcoholismo una esfera para su accin, y tambin
en todos los estados de delirio, mana y an en idiocia. Una peculiaridad del delrium es
hacer versos y profecas; tambin alborozo chistoso y hablar incoherente, con mana; besa a
sus compaeros. Talcott considera Agaricus lo ms cercano a la parlisis general de todos
los medicamentos; nociones exaltadas de grandeza y poder, hilaridad y excitacin seguida
de depresin, confusin, imbecilidad. Sntomas corporales que lo acompaan, son: vrtigo
(marcado y persistente), con impulso constante de caer hacia atrs; contracciones en los
ojos y en la cara, enrojecimiento sin calor, abotagada y distorsionada. Apetito voraz, engulle
la comida. Apetito sexual enorme y entusistico, con pene relajado e impotencia. En todo el
cuerpo hay contracciones espasmdicas, seguido por disminucin de temblores; finalmente
relajacin y agotamiento. En todos estos casos el medicamento corresponde acuciosamente
con la enfermedad. Estados tifodicos frecuentemente lo indican, y tambin la epilepsia.
Rodar la cabeza, es una indicacin principal para las afecciones del cerebro y fiebre.
Cefaleas peculiares son: "Cefalea pulstil, con sensacin de rigidez de msculos de la cara".
"Cefalea embotante, tironeante en la maana, se extiende a la raz de la nariz, con epistaxis
o secrecin mucosa espesa." "Dolor como por un clavo en el lado derecho de la cabeza."
Uno de los ms caractersticos efectos de Agaricus, es la sacudida muscular y la aparicin
de las contracciones. Esto lo hace apropiado en gran nmero de casos de corea.
Contracciones son especialmente marcadas en los ojos, prpados y msculos de la cara; y
Agaricus ha curado muchos casos de blefaroespasmo y tic convulsivo. Dolor como tocado o
atravesado por agujas de hielo, es muy caracterstico. Perteneciendo a una orden inferior de
vegetales Agar, produce fetidez de aliento, de eructos y heces. Sudor puede ser aceitoso,
pero no ofensivo. Agar. es una medicina para el bazo, causa punzadas en el lado, y ha
curado punzadas en corredores, que les impide correr ms. Los sntomas de Agaricus son
capaces de aparecer al mismo tiempo en lados opuestos del cuerpo, pero diagonalmente
(superior derecha e inferior izquierda, o viceversa). Los pacientes nerviosos que requieren
Agaricus, pasan poca orina (opuesto Ign. ), la vejiga puede estar irritable. Hongos estn en
la dieta prohibida por Grauvogl, a personas que tienen "constitucin hidrogenoide" como
descritos por l, en que los pacientes son excesivamente sensibles al fro y humedad. De
acuerdo con esto, encontramos en los experimentadores de Agaricus gran sensibilidad al
aire fro. Todos los sntomas son < en tiempo fro, especialmente la cefalea. Mirar a travs
de una ventana abierta causa odontalgia y dolores en las extremidades. Bebiendo agua fra
<. Sntomas son < antes de una tormenta. Al mismo tiempo muchos sntomas de frialdad, se
producen: fro y azuloso; sensacin como si lo tocaran con hielo, o agujas fras como hielo.
Todos los sntomas de congelacin y sabaones (prurito, enrojecimiento y ardor). Algo
relacionado con el saban es el juanete, para lo cual Agaricus ha sido encontrado
especfico por muchos mdicos. Muchos sntomas aparecen cuando camina al aire libre;
sta es muy general y agravacin caracterstica. Por otro lado, todos los sntomas son < en
interiores y reposo, excepto vrtigo, que puede ser < o > en un cuarto. Opuestamente a la
sensibilidad al fro, hay sensibilidad a los rayos del sol, insolacin est dentro del campo
curativo de Agaricus. < despus de moverse, y por presin por fuera.
Relaciones.- Comparar : Bovista; Sticta pulmn., Act. r., Cann. ind., Op., Stram.
(Alcoholismo, corea), Coff. (xtasis), Cicut. (espasmo de los ojos), Codein. (espasmo de los
prpados), Mygale, Tarent., Verat. alb. (sensacin de frialdad en la cabeza), Ars. (agujas
calientes; Agar, agujas como hielo), Agar. queda entre Stram. y Lach. Es antidotado por:
Carbn de lea, caf, vino, brandy, alcanfor, grasa o aceite (mejora el estmago), Calc. c.
(mejora la frialdad), Puls., Rhus (dorsalgia nocturna). Sigue bien a: Tarent. (tifoidea que
rueda la cabeza). Teste incluye a Agar. en su grupo de Belladonna.
Causa.- Coito, sntomas subjetivos que aparecen despus. Congelacin. Sol. Susto.
Actividad mental o excitacin. Sobre esfuerzo. Exceso sexual. Alcoholismo. Intoxicacin
de la sangre.
-Semejante a Act., Cal., Can. ind., Hyos., Kali p., Lach., Nux, Op., Stram. ., para el delirio
del alcoholismo; a Myg., Tar., Zinc., para la corea.
-Despus de comer; despus del coito; por el aire fro; por el trabajo mental; antes de una
tempestad (Phos., Psor.).
Este hongo contiene varios componentes txicos, el mejor conocido de ellos es la
Los sntomas de intoxicacin no se desarrollan de inmediato, usualmente transcurren de
doce a catorce horas antes del ataque inicial
No hay antdoto, el tratamiento es enteramente sintomtico (Schneider)
Agaricus acta como un intoxicante al cerebro, produciendo ms vrtigo y delirio que el
alcohol, seguido por profundo sopor con reflejos disminuidos.
Sacudidas, contracciones, temblores, y prurito son fuertes indicaciones
Tisis incipiente; se relaciona con la ditesis tuberculosa, anemia, corea, las contracciones
cesan durante el sueo
Varias formas de neuralgia y afecciones espasmdicas, y trastornos nerviosos de la piel se
presentan en la sintomatologa de este remedio
Corresponde a varias formas de excitacin cerebral ms que de congestin
As, en delirio febril, alcoholismo, etc
Parlisis general
Sensacin como si fuera atravesado por agujas de hielo
Sensible a la presin y aire fro
Dolores violentos de prolapso
Los sntomas aparecen diagonalmente, como en el brazo derecho y pierna izquierda
Los dolores se acompaan de sensacin de fro, entumecimiento y cosquilleo.
Canta, habla, pero no contesta
Aversin a trabajar
Delirio caracterizado por cantar, gritar, y murmurar; rima y profetiza
Empieza con paroxismos de bostezos
Las patogenesias presentan cuatro fases de excitacin cerebral.
1. Estmulo ligero, mostrado por aumento de jovialidad, coraje, locuacidad, fantasa
2. Intoxicacin ms decidida, gran excitacin mental y hablar incoherente, alegra
inmoderada que alterna con melancola
La percepcin del tamao relativo de los objetos se pierde, hace grandes pasos o salta
sobre pequeos objetos, como si fueran troncos de rboles -un pequeo agujero es un
terrible abismo, una cuchara llena de agua es un inmenso lago
La fuerza fsica est aumentada, puede levantar cosas pesadas
Con ello muchas contracciones.
3. La tercera fase produce un estado de furia o delirio rabioso, grita, desvara, quiere
lesionarse a s mismo, etc.
4. Cuarta fase: depresin mental, languidez, indiferencia, confusin, sin deseo de trabajar,
No encontramos la congestin cerebral de Belladonna, sino una excitacin nerviosa
general como en el delirium tremens, delirio febril, etc.
Vrtigo por la luz del sol, y caminando
Cabeza en constante movimiento
Cae hacia atrs, como si tuviera un peso en el occipucio
Cefalea lateral, como por un clavo. [Coff., Ignat.]
Cefalea sorda por trabajos prolongados de escritorio
Helado, como agujas de hielo, o astillas
Neuralgia con cabeza helada
Deseo de cubrir la cabeza, calentarla. [Silica.]
Cefalea con epistaxis o secrecin mucosa espesa.
Dificultad para leer, las letras parece que se mueven, que flotan
Visiones que vibran
Visin doble [Gels.], borrosa y con manchas
Astenopa por esfuerzo prolongado, espasmo de la acomodacin
Sacudidas de prpados y globos oculares [Codein.]
Mrgenes de los prpados rojos; prurito y ardor, y aglutinados
Angulos internos muy rojos.
Ardor y prurito, como congelados
Sacudidas de los msculos en los odos y ruidos.
Trastornos nasales nerviosos
Prurito interno y externo
Estornudos espasmdicos despus de toser; sensible; secrecin acuosa no inflamatoria
Angulos internos muy rojos
Secrecin sanguinolenta, oscura, ftida
Epistaxis en los ancianos
Sensacin de adolorimiento en la nariz y la boca.
Los msculos faciales se sienten rgidos; contracciones; prurito y ardor en la cara
Dolores desgarrantes, lancinantes en las mejillas como por astillas
Neuralgia, como si agujas fras corrieran a travs de los nervios o hielo afilado los tocara.
Ardor y punzadas en los labios
Herpes en los labios
Sabor dulce
Aftas en el paladar
Dolores como astillas en la lengua
Sed todo el tiempo
Lengua temblorosa. [Lach.]
Lengua blanca.
Punzadas a lo largo de la trompa de Eustaquio hasta el odo
La siente contrada
Expulsin de pequeas masas slidas de flema.
Sequedad de la faringe, dificultad para tragar
Garganta rasposa; no puede cantar ni una nota.
Eructos vacos, sabor a manzanas
Trastornos nerviosos, con contracciones espasmdicas, hipo
Hambre no natural
Distensin flatulenta del estmago y abdomen
Abundantes gases inodoros
Ardor en el estmago, unas tres horas despus de la comida, cambiando a una presin
Trastornos gstricos con dolores agudos en la regin del hgado.
Dolores punzantes en el hgado, bazo [Ceanothus] y abdomen
Punzadas debajo de las costillas flotantes del lado izquierdo
Diarrea con muchos gases ftidos
Heces ftidas.
Punzadas en la uretra
Deseo violento y urgente de orinar
Miccin frecuente.
Menstruacin temprana, aumentada.
Prurito y dolor presivo, desgarrante de genitales y espalda
Dismenorrea espasmdica
Dolores severos de prolapso, especialmente despus de la menopausia
Excitacin sexual
Pezones con prurito, que arden
Trastornos que siguen al parto y coito
Leucorrea, con mucho prurito.
Organos respiratorios
Ataques violentos de tos que pueden ser suprimidos mediante la voluntad, peor comiendo,
dolor en la cabeza mientras dura la tos
Tos espasmdica por la noche despus de dormirse, con expectoracin de pequeas bolitas
de moco
Respiracin laboriosa, oprimida
La tos termina en un estornudo.
Palpitacin tumultuosa, irregular, despus del tabaco
Pulso intermitente e irregular
Regin cardaca oprimida, como si el trax fuera estrecho
Palpitacin con enrojecimiento de la cara
Dolor, con sensibilidad de la columna al tacto, peor en la regin dorsal
Lumbago, peor al aire libre
Ruidos en la espalda
Contracciones de los msculos cervicales.
Rigidez en todas ellas
Dolor sobre las caderas
Reumatismo que mejora por el movimiento
Debilidad lumbar
Marcha indecisa
Prurito en los dedos de los pies como congelados
Calambres plantares
Dolor en la tibia
Neuralgia en la ataxia locomotriz
Parlisis de extremidades inferiores, con estados espasmdicos de los brazos
Entumecimiento de las piernas al cruzarlas
Dolor paraltico en el brazo izquierdo seguido de palpitaciones
Contracciones desgarrantes dolorosas en las pantorrillas.
Ardor, prurito, enrojecimiento y edema, como por congelacin
Granos duros, como picaduras de pulga
Erupcin miliar, con prurito intolerable y ardor
Edema angioneurtico; rosacea
Venas hinchadas con piel fra
Eritema circunscrito, papular y pustular y lesiones edematosas.
Paroxismos de bostezos
Inquietud por prurito violento y ardor
Al quedarse dormido, sobresaltos, contracciones, y despierta frecuentemente.
Sueos vvidos
Somnolencia durante el da
Bostezos, seguidos de risa involuntaria.
Muy sensible al aire fresco
Ataques violentos de calor al anochecer
Sudor copioso
Puntos ardorosos.
Peor al aire fro, despus de comer, despus del coito
En tiempo fro, antes de tormentas elctricas
Mejor por la presin en la columna dorsal, que causa risa involuntaria
Mejor movindose lentamente.
Comparar: Muscarina, el alcaloide de Agaricus (tiene mucho poder sobre las secreciones,
aumenta las lagrimales, salivares, hepticas, etc., pero disminuye la renal; probablemente
nervioso en su origen, estimulando las fibras terminales de los nervios secretores de todas
estas estructuras, por lo que hay salivacin, lagrimeo y excesiva sudoracin
La Atropina es exactamente opuesta a la Muscarina
Se parece a la accin de la Pilocarpina.) Amanita vernus -hongo de la primavera- una
variedad de Agaricus Phalloides -Death cup- su principio activo es Phallin, activo como la
Amanita phalloides (Death Cup- Deadly Agaric)
El veneno es una toxoalbmina, se parece al veneno de la serpiente de cascabel y el veneno
excretado por las bacterias del clera y difteria
Acta sobre los eritrocitos, disolvindolos, as la sangre escapa al tubo digestivo y todo el
sistema es drenado
La cantidad de este principio txico es pequea, incluso el manejar la sustancia o respirar
las esporas afecta a algunas personas en forma desagradable
El veneno es lento en su accin
An despus de 12 a 20 horas de tomarlo, el paciente se siente bien, pero al segundo o
tercer da hay vrtigo violento, sntomas coleriformes, con rpida prdida de fuerzas y la
muerte, precedida de estupor y espasmos
Degeneracin grasa del hgado, corazn y riones, hemorragias en pulmones, pleura y piel
(Dr. J. Schier).
Vmito y diarrea
Deseo continuo de defecar, pero sin dolor gstrico, abdominal o rectal
Sed intensa de agua fra, piel seca
Letrgico, pero mentalmente claro
Cambios sbitos de respiracin, de rpida a lenta y de lenta a rpida, colapso extremo,
orina suprimida, pero sin calambres o extremidades fras
Agaric. emet. vrtigo severo; todos los sntomas mejor, por agua fra; deseo de agua helada,
gastritis, sudor fro, sensacin de vmito como si el estmago estuviera suspendido por un
Tamus (sabaones y pecas). Cimicif., Cann. ind., Hyos., Tarantula.
Absinth., Coffea, Camphor..
Potencias de la tercera a la trigsima y la doscientos
En afecciones de la piel y agotamiento cerebral dar atenuaciones bajas.
Apelt ha encontrado este medicamento til contra los dolores ostecopos de la mandbula
superior y de las muelas, los dolores profundos de los huesos de los miembros inferiores,
las erupciones pruritosas, miliares y confluentes, y el desfallecimiento a consecuencia del
Whisthing ha curado con su auxilio convulsiones y temblores, y J.C. Bernhardt algunas
especies de epilepsia.
El alcanfor es el principal antdoto, an cuando la enfermedad producida por el agaricus
muscarius haya tomado el carcter crnico.
Agaricus muscarius (Vannier MM)
Despus de un trabajo mental; por el tiempo fro; ante una tempestad; por el coito.
Por la noche y por el calor de la cama. Trastornos nerviosos despus de estudios
prolongados: la fatiga cerebral se presenta rpidamente porque la aptitud para el trabajo
intelectual es casi nula. El estado mental del nio es lento y retardado en sus estudios (habla
lento: Natrum mur.; camina con lentitud: Calcarea carb.), no retiene nada y su inteligencia
es poco desarrollada.
Incoordinacin de los movimientos. Paso incierto, tropiezo al caminar. Movimientos torpes
de las manos que dejan caer los objetos* (Apis). Movimientos Involuntarios y
espasmdicos, localizados o generalizados (Zinc. ), con temblores que se agravan durante la
vigilia y desaparecen con el sueo.
Vrtigo por la maana, por exponerse al sol, por caminar y por voltear rpidamente la
cabeza. Dolores en diversas regiones como si el enfermo estuviera tocado o picado POR
AGUJAS DE HIELO.* Cefalea con dolor tirante, en la frente que se extiende a la raz de la
nariz, se agrava despus de haber estudiado, sensacin de pesantez en la regin occipital y
tendencia a caerse hacia atrs. Sensacin como si un pedazo de hielo estuviera colocado
sobre la cabeza, sobre un lado de la cabeza (Calcarea carb.), o como si agujas de hielo las
Movimientos espasmdicos de los ojos, oscilaciones de los globos oculares. Dificultad en
la lectura, las letras parecen animadas de movimientos.
Enrojecimiento, ardores y prurito de los odos como si estuvieran congelados.
Temblores de la lengua (Lachesis) dificultando el hablar; no se pueden articular las
palabras. Aftas y ulceraciones. Sabor de la boca a manzana.
Dolores abdominales: borborigmos, emisin de gases inodoros con dolores violentos,
picantes, quemantes, cortantes en todo el vientre con deseos urgentes e ineficaces de
evacuar, estos dolores igualmente se presentan despus de la evacuacin.
DIARREA CON MUCHO GAS (Aloe). Evacuaciones blandas seguidas de tenesmo
violento, sensacin como si el recto fuera a desgarrarse con la evacuacin.
Punta de la nariz roja (Ledum, Lach.), estornudos, escurrimiento acuoso gota a gota, sin
catarro. Epistaxis por la maana despus de sonarse.
Tos convulsiva, por accesos, terminando con estornudos que se agravan por la maana o
estando acostado el paciente, con expectoracin de pequeas bolas de mucosidades duras.
Depresin nerviosa y trastornos medulares despus de excesos sexuales.
En el hombre dolor ardoroso de la uretra durante el coito.
En la mujer sensacin como si todos los rganos plvicos fueran tirados fuertemente hacia
abajo (Sepia). Leucorrea abundante, obscura, sanguinolenta y excoriante.
Columna vertebral sensible al tacto, sobre todo a nivel de las vrtebras dorsales (Actea
rac.J. ) Dolor intenso en los msculos de la regin lumbar y sacra que se agravan por
pasear al aire libre, sentarse y voltearse.
SACUDIDAS ESPASMODICAS EN LOS MIEMBROS. Dolores intensos en las piernas
que mejoran por el calor. Temblores, debilidad y parlisis de los miembros inferiores.
Ardores como de sabaones con enrojecimiento, hinchazn y prurito.
Nios retrasados. Convulsiones, corea y epilepsia. Delirio. Trastornos medulares. Tics de la
cara. Neuralgias de la cara. Nistagmos. Temblores. Fiebre tifoidea. Prolapso uterino.
Sabaones. Indicado particularmente en los trastornos ocasionados por excesos:
alcoholismo u orga.
Los dolores aparecen "en diagonal", arriba a la izquierda y abajo a la derecha (Ant. tart.,
Actea rac., Mygale, Theridion, Zincum (corea). Cannabis ind., Hyoscyamus, Lachesis,
Ledum, Nux vom., Opium, Stramonium (alcoholismo). Arsenicum, Cicuta, Pulsatilla,
Sulphur (nistagmos). Pulsatilla, Sepia (tero) .
30a, 200a.
Agaricus muscarius(Allen)
- Fury, [a36].
- He becomes so furious that he can hardly be restrained from ripping up his bowels, as he
fancies the mushroom had ordered him to do, [a38].
- Fearless, menacing, mischievous frenzy;also, frenzy which causes the patient to assail
and injure himself, with great exertion of power, [a37].
- He is intoxicated with fearless frenzy;forming bold and revengeful projects, [a36].
- Screaming and raving like mad about the room, t.
- Delirium, t.
- Delirium, with increase of strength, [a35].
- Raging delirium;called for his hatchet;had to be confined;alternated with religious
excitement, t.
- Increase of strength, with cheerful delirium;the patient sings and talks, but returns no
answer when questioned, [a35].
- Delirium;he imagines himself a military officer, commanding at a drill and directing the
various manoeuvres, [a35].
- Half an hour later, he falls into a delirium, like a patient with a high fever, and becomes
now immoderately gay, now profoundly melancholy, [a38].
- Great mental excitement, t.
- He talks incoherently:passes very rapidly from one subject to another, and soon enters a
state of cheerful delirium, with great loquacity, [a35].
- She ran about the yard, romped with the children, threw them down, even hit them, t.
- He imagines himself at the gate of hell and that the mushroom commands him to fall on
his knees and confess his sins, which he does, [a38].
- The father had phantasies;seemed to see his dead sister in heaven, t.
- The natives of Siberia intoxicate themselves with this decoction. Soon after drinking it
they become jolly, and are gradually seized with such a fit of gayety that they take to
singing, leaping, and reciting before the beauties of the tribe their exploits in war or the
chase. Their physical strength is increased. They fall asleep, and after twelve or sixteen
hours of slumber, they awake in a state of utter prostration;the head, however, does not feel
so empty as after intoxication by brandy, [a39].
- Talking volubly and respectfully, as if to his parents;returning no direct answers when
questioned; he alternately sings and is vexed, embraces his companions and kisses their
hands. He performs all these actions while affected with a general spasm, more like a
trembling than convulsion[a35].
- Great loquacity, and at the same time strong convulsions of the facial and cervical
muscles, especially on the right side, drawing the head down toward the right shoulder. At
the same time, movements of flexion and extension alternately in the lower limbs, not
preventing locomotion;these cause movements of putting them down and lifting them. He
walks for some time in this way, with a great deal of merry, incoherent talk. After this
condition has lasted more than half an hour it is followed by quietude, disturbed, in a little
while, by nausea and general malaise, [a35].
- During intoxication they lift and carry the heaviest loads, take long steps and jump over
small objects, as if trunks of trees lay in their way, t.
- Tumbled about the room in the most grotesque manner, t.
- Laughed about their not standing and walking straight, t.
- Some run and walk involuntarily in the most dangerous places, t.
- Some of them leap, dance, and sing;others weep with anguish;a small hole appears to
them a frightful chasm;a spoonful of water an immense lake(only from abuse of the drug),
- Dancing, t.
- Singing, t.
- Telling secrets, t.
- Extravagantly exalted fancy, ecstasy, prophecies, making verses, [a37].
- Great prostration, with delirium very much resembling that which occurs in adynamic
fevers, [a35].
- Taken in moderation it excites the intellect and inspires cheerfulness and courage, [a38].
- Bright mood, with absence of care, [a11].
- Bright mood, but no inclination to talk, [a7].
- Calm, composed, sociable, active, and glad of having done his duty(healthful reaction of
the organism).
- Cheerfulness took the place of ill-humor, [a16].
- Cheering up, [a40].
- He forces himself to speak;but he answers only in a few words, though his general
disposition is cheerful at the time, [a7].
- An impulse to laugh overcame him in bed, owing to an indescribably mixed sensation of
happiness and misery, [a19].
- Depression of spirits, [a7].
- His mood was depressed, [a25].
- Discouragement, [a7].
- Melancholy that cannot be overcome, [a16].
- Sad mood from trifling causes.
- The gayety changes into suffering, [a35].
- Anxiety, t.
- Anxiety, as though something unpleasant were going to happen to her, [a7].
- His mind is uneasynd anxious;he was constantly concerned only about himself, his
present and future condition, [a6].
- Restlessness and uneasiness of body and mind(after the lapse of half an hour), [_a2].
- Timid craziness, [a37].
- Fretfulness of mind, [a11].
- Vexed, irritable, moody, [a48].
- Ill-humor and irritability, [a15].
- Peevish and irritable mood, [a15].
- Extremely peevish and irritable, [a7].
- Quarrelsome mood, [a15].
- Easily irritated and out of humor, [a15, a21].
- Reading did not fix his attention as usual;he soon became excited, grew angry at the
servant and felt inclined to fight, [a25].
- She is vexed with herself and pities herself, [a13].
- Ill-humored and indifferent, [a9].
- Waking in morning in ill-humor, [a12].
- * She was very much out of humor all day and disinclined to answer when asked
questions, [a13].
- * Disinclination to speak, with ill-humor, peevishness, and disinclination to work, [a6].
- * She who ordinarily felt so extremely solicitous about everything, is now quite
indifferent, [a7].
- It seemed as though he were at a loss to discover the words he wished to use, [a7].
- Thoughtless staring;disinclined to think;he is sluggish and dull, [a32].
- Indifference and moody taciturnity;repugnance to work, [a9].
- * Disinclination to work, [a5, a7].
- He trifles with everything, to save himself the trouble of working, [_a2].
- Aversion to all labor that occupies the mind;if he, nevertheless, undertakes any, there is a
rush of blood to the head, throbbing in the arteries, heat in the face, and the thinking faculty
is disturbed, [a9].
- Indisposition to think, [_a1].
- Confusion of mind, with silent delirium, which lasts all day, [a35].
- Heaviness of mind;imbecility(reaction of the organism in old age), [a37].
- Stupefaction, t.
- Forgetful;he finds it difficult to recollect the things which he had heard and imagined
before, [_a2].
- The train of thought is easily disturbed, and the last thoughts cannot be recalled easily,
- The patient retains no recollection of his serious sickness, [a35].
- Next day the patient did not remember having been indisposed;he thought he had made a
journey, [a35].
- Loss of consciousness, t, [a41].
- Senseless, with closed eyes, t.
- Unconscious, with red, puffy face, t.
- * Confusion of the head, [a7, a15, a18].
- Confusion of the head, with dull pain(after two hours), [_a2].
- * Confusion and heaviness of the head(after two hours), [a9].
- The head is heavy, confused(especially in forehead), as if pressed in, [a32].
- Head confused throughout the forenoon, .
- Burrowing in the brain, as though everything were moving there in confusion, [a15].
- Confusion of the head towards noon, and slightly cool, creeping feeling in the scalp of the
vertex, with sensation as if the scalp were drawn more tightly over the skull, [a18].
- Early in the morning, heaviness and confusion of the head, as if he had been revelling the
day before, lasting six hours, [a26].
- * Vertigo, t, [_a3].
- Violent vertigo;she is often compelled to sit down, [a13].
- Vertigo, at 5 A. M., that rarely ceases during the day, [a12].
- Vertigo, while walking, making his gait unsteady, [a15].
- Vertigo, from afternoon till late in the evening, with an indescribable impulse to fall over
backwards, [a19].
- Reeling, t.
- Staggering, as if drunk, t.
- Reeling and sinking down(on the second day), [a41].
- * Reeling when walking in the open air(after an hour), [a7].
- * Reeling, as from spirituous liquors;when walking in the open air he staggers to and fro,
- Giddiness, as from intoxication, [a36].
- Vertigo in the room;better in the open air, but soon returns, [a12].
- Sudden vertigo, that throws him down, [a16, a17].
- It seems to her as if she were constantly turning round;she was quickly obliged to sit on
the ground to prevent herself from falling;this vertigo lasted very violently for two hours,
[a14, a25].
- The heat of the sun causes violent vertigo, [a30].
- * Strong light of the sun produces, early in the morning, a momentary attack of giddiness,
even to falling, [a11].
- Transient vertigo, [a12].
- Occasional slight vertigo during the day, [a12].
- Vertigo, with stupefaction, [a12].
- Vertigo, with stupefying headache, [a13].
- In the morning, vertigo with stupefying headache, which lasts all the forenoon, [a13].
- Vertigo, with stupefaction and burning in the vertex, [a14, a25].
- Stupefying vertigo immediately sets in with the pain, [a13].
- In the morning, repeated, but only momentary, attacks of vertigo;more in the open air,
less in the room, [a30].
- Vertigo and stupidity early in the morning(after three hours), [a4].
- Vertigo, early in the morning, as after intoxication(after a quarter of an hour), [a7].
- Vertigo, coming on principally early in the morning;it commonly lasts from one to eight
minutes, and returns several times during the day at short intervals, [a7].
- Momentary vertigo, with pressive and drawing headache in the forehead, [a12].
- Attacks of vertigo, combined with a tottering gait and indistinct sight, even of near
objects;these attacks come and go every five minutes, and can only be entirely removed by
thinking of something else, [a7].
- Vertigo coming on while meditating, walking in the open air(after eight days), [a7].
- Attack of vertigo in the open air;it disappears in the room;lasting for several days, [a26].
- Vertigo in the room, on turning round, [a7].
- Vertigo, passing off for some time by quickly turning the head, [a7].
- Dizzy dulness of the head, [a18].
- Dizzy dulness of the head, as in slight intoxication, perceptible nearly all day, [a18].
- In the afternoon, dizzy dulness of the head, especially while reading or looking into the
light, [a18].
- Dizziness, stupefaction, [_a3].
- Dizzy stupefaction in the head, as if he were losing his consciousness, with roaring in left
ear, [a18].
- Head as if intoxicated, [a18].
- Pleasant intoxication, [a37].
- Intoxication, [a40].
- Forenoon, stupefaction of the head, [a18].
- Head as if stupefied, but only for a short time, [a18].
- Disagreeable cloudiness in the head, [_a1].
- Slight headache, t.
- In the head, an indistinct sensation of a disagreeable kind, all day, as if a most violent
headache would appear every moment;when observing the pain it vanished entirely, but
returned most disagreeably when least taken notice of, [a15, a21].
- Headache, early in the morning, in bed, [a7].
- Heat in the head and face, [_a1].
- Feeling as though the head were enlarged, [a15].
- Congestion to the head, [_a1].
- Dulness of the head, [a15, a17, a24, a27].
- Dulness of the head;head constantly dull, [a16].
- Dulness of the head, mornings, [a27].
- Dulness of the head in the forenoon, [a21].
- Dulness of the head at noon, [a30].
- Dulness of the head, which diminished on walking in the open air;which, however,
returned repeatedly, [a27].
- Sensation of dulness and fulness of the head, [a16].
- Head dull and full;he could not go on reading, [a30].
- Head dull, full, swaying back and forth, [a16].
- Head dull and heavy, [a16].
- * Heaviness of the head, [a16, a24].
- Continual heaviness of the head, as after intoxication(after one and a half hours), [_a2].
- Continual heaviness of the head(after five hours), [a8].
- In the morning, dull headache, with stupefying vertigo and palpitation of the heart; after
rising, these appearances seemed to lessen somewhat, but soon became more violent, with
excessive chilliness, [a13].
- * Dull headache, especially in the forehead;this headache obliged him to move the head
constantly to and fro, and to close the eyes as for sleep, [a7].
- Dull, stunning headache, with thirst and heat, especially in the face(immediately), [_a2].
- Dull headache, mornings, on awakening, [a17].
- Dull, pressive headache, which disappears after a copious evacuation of the intestines,
combined with flushes of heat, [a11].
- Waking at three o'clock in the morning, with pressive headache, [a17].
- Moderate pressure, deep in the head, [a12, a25].
- Pressive headache, at intervals before going to sleep, [a17].
- Leaden pressure of the brain on the cranial bones, which even extends to the nose, [a23].
- Violently pressive headache, especially in the occiput, after dinner(ninth day), [a9].
- Weak drawing headache, [a14, a21].
- Drawing in the head, in all directions, with sensation as though the person were to lose
the senses, [a5].
- * Drawing headache, early on awaking, with pressure in the eyeballs, [a9].
- Jerking tearing in the head, most painful behind the right ear, where it stops, [a17].
- Tearing in different places in the skull, [a32].
- Grinding pain in the head;it lasts only for a few minutes, but it frequently returns, [a7].
- Feeling of coldness in the head, especially in the occiput, [a13, a21].
- Jumping of the muscles in the left forehead, [a18].
- * Twitches in the skin of the forehead above the right eye, [a7].
- Headache in the forehead appeared directly after taking, [a28].
- Mornings, violent headache in the frontal region, with contraction of the muscles of the
forehead and eyelids, [a17].
- On waking, considerable headache in the forehead, [a12].
- Violent headache, that diminished towards evening, and was confined to the forehead,
- Half an hour after taking, burning in the superciliary ridge near the temples, [a12, a25].
- Sensation in the head as though the frontal regions were enlarged and the brain were
being whirled about in it, with pressive pain in both temples, [a15].
- Heaviness and fulness in forehead, [a32].
- The forehead is heavy and confused, [a32].
- Burrowing feeling, as if the brain in the frontal region were an ant-hill, with fulness of the
head, [a15].
- Transient burrowing pain in left forehead and left occiput, [a18].
- Violent boring headache in the frontal region, that is diminished by pressure, [a17].
- Violent grinding pain in the left frontal eminence(after three hours), [a7].
- Drawing pain in the forehead, [a7].
- Sensation of drawing, pressive headache in the left frontal eminence,
- Painful drawing pressure from the left side of the forehead towards the right, while
sitting(after one and a half hours), [a6].
- During the day, pressive, drawing pain in the forehead, extending to the eyes; comes and
goes, [a12].
- Drawing pain in the middle of the forehead.
- Soon after taking, dull, drawing, transient pain in left forehead, [a18].
- Between the eyebrows, a drawing, but not violent pain, [a16].
- On awaking in the morning, a somewhat drawing headache in the right side of the
forehead, [a13].
- * Dull, drawing pain in the middle of the forehead, between the superciliary ridges.
- Drawing, tearing pain in forehead;intermitting(after thirty-three hours), [a7].
- * Drawing from both sides of the frontal bone as far as the root of the nose, [a5].
- Drawing, cutting pain in the forehead, when standing;when sitting, this pain assumes a
pressive and stunning character(after one and a half hours), [a6].
- Dull headache in the forehead, [a23].
- Dull headache in the frontal region, [a17].
- Dull, rather violent pain along the forehead and sagittal suture, [a16].
- Dull pains, first in the one, then in the other frontal eminence, [a15].
- Dull, indistinctly expressed pain in the middle of the forehead;pressing both temples
makes the pain disappear, but it returns more violently after a short time, [a16].
- Pressure in the cavities of the forehead, [a7].
- Pressure and twitching in the forehead, extending to the eyes, [a7, a25].
- Violently pressive pain in the forehead, with vertigo, while sitting, [a7].
- Pressure deep in forepart of head, at margin of hair, [a32].
- All day long, a dull, pressive pain in the frontal region;the same pressive pain in the left
half of the forehead, [a30].
- On waking in the morning, pressive pain deep in the right frontal eminence, [a18].
- Transient, pressive headache in the left side of forehead, [a18].
- Pressive pain in the left frontal eminence, [a15].
- During the day, pressive, drawing pain in the forehead, extending to the eyes; comes and
goes, [a12].
- Shortly after the medicine, pain in the forehead, as if both sides of the head were pressed
- When she laid down on account of vertigo, she was suddenly seized by a violent, pressive
headache, that extended into the left ear, as if something would stop it up, [a13].
- Pressive pain in the frontal region, [a27].
- Pressive pain in the forehead, extending inward, [a12, a25].
- Pressive pain in the forehead, all day long, [a12, a25].
- A dull, pressive pain in the frontal region, [a17].
- Pressive headache in the forehead, increases in the open air, [a12].
- Some pressive pain in the left half of the forehead, [a30].
- On waking in the morning, pressive pain deep in right frontal eminence, [a18].
- Pressive pains in the right frontal region, with morning dulness of the head, [a27].
- Pressure, with stitches in the forehead above the eyes, [a7].
- During a walk in the open air, pressive pain in the right supraorbital region, which,
however, disappears in a short time, [a27].
- Pressure coming down from the forehead upon the upper half of the eyeballs (after one
and a half hours), [a11].
- A sensation during the day as if headache were coming on, which really appeared towards
evening, consisting in a disagreeable pressive, and sometimes very painful, sensation, in
little spots upon forehead and temples, which lasted for hours, [a15, a21].
- Tearing in bones of forehead, [a32].
- Tearing in the forehead immediately above the root of the nose, [a7].
- Sore feeling on the left side of the forehead, directly over the eyebrows.
- The eminences of the eyebrows are painful to the touch, [a15].
- Shooting pain in the right frontal region, [a12].
- Transient shooting pain in the right and left frontal eminence, alternately, [a30].
- Violent shooting and twisting in the left superciliary ridge, [a12, a25].
- Slight shooting in the forehead, which gradually increased, especially on the left side,
- At breakfast, a slight noise caused violent stitches in the right frontal eminence, [a28].
- Single stitches in the forehead, especially in the left side, [a28].
- Every time after rising, a stitch in the forehead, [a16].
- Pricking, as of many needles, in a spot about an inch in size on the left frontal eminence,
[a13, a21].
- Pricking, as of needles, in the left frontal, [a15, a21].
- * Sensation of coldness, as of ice, on the scalp, right side of the frontal bone,
- Itching in the forehead, inducing scratching;there are pimples on the forehead, [a7].
- One large and several smaller blisters scattered over the forehead, [a16].
- Frequent twitching of the muscles of the left temporal region, [a18].
- Twitching and shooting in the right temple and along the zygoma, [a12].
- Frequent jumping in the left temporal region and zygoma, [a18].
- Rhythmical twitching of the muscles in the left frontal and temporal region, [a18].
- Cramp-like pain in the left temple(after thirty-seven hours), [a6].
- Pain in the left temple, then in the right one, then in the left lower jaw, like a decayed
tooth beginning to ache, [a15, a21].
- Aching pain in the zygoma of the left temporal bone, [a5].
- Waking, about midnight, with a violent, burrowing pain in the left temple, which is
diminished by pressing with the hand, and reappears after relaxed pressure, [a18].
- After dinner, transient premonition of dull, burrowing headache in the left temple, [a18].
- A boring, throbbing pain in the squamous portion of the temporal bones, lasting more
than two hours, [a15].
- Very painful drawing through the temples, forehead, and eyeballs, [a9].
- Dull headache in the right temple, [a7].
- Dull headache in the left temple, [a15, a21].
- Headache in right temporal region, more stupefying than throbbing, [a14, a21].
- Pressure in both temples, at noon, [a30].
- Pressive pain in the temporal region, [a27].
- Pressure upon the upper portion of the left temporal bone, immediately above the concha
of the ear, reaching deep into the brain;it increases when the hairs are pressed upon, or
when they are merely touched, and is attended with complete depression of spirits, [a7].
- After breakfast, a painful pressure in a little spot on the left temporal bone, [a15, a21].
- Violent pressure in the right temple on the temporal bone, [a5].
- Fine stitches in the left temple(after half an hour), [_a2].
- Stitches in the left temple, [a12, a25].
- Directly after talking, a stitch in the right temple;soon after, a stitch in the left temple;
- Now and then, shooting in the left, less frequently in the right, temporal region, [a5].
- Shooting pain in the right temple, over the eye, [a12].
- Tearing in the right temporal region, [a5].
- Burning in the vertex, [a30].
- Beating pain in vertex, with despair bordering on rage.
- Boring pain deep in the brain, at the vertex, [a7].
- Pressure and tearing in left side of skull and on vertex, [a32].
- Mornings, pressive pain in the vertex, [a30].
- Feeling of pressure in the vertex, [a18].
- Pressive pain in the vertex, at night, [a11].
- Transient shooting in the vertex, [a30].
- Stitches in the hairy scalp on the top of the head, which afterwards change to a pressive
pain in the vertex, [a30].
- Left-sided, very violent headache, [a19].
- Several times, pains in left side of head(three to five hours), [a32].
- Pain in left side of head, with much desire to urinate, [a32].
- In the forenoon, while walking in the open air, a continued, burrowing, one-sided
headache, which extended from the left frontal eminence along the parietal bone, through
the entire cerebral hemisphere, to the occiput, [a18].
- Boring in left side of skull, and in ascending ramus of lower jaw, [a32].
- A continued dull pain in the entire left half of head, which is increased, after an hour, to a
violent burrowing one, [a18].
- Pressure in the left half of head, [a30].
- Tearing and pressing in the entire left circumference of the brain, most severe in left orbit
and zygoma, with confusion in the head(after eight hours), [a5].
- Violent lancinating tearing from the vertex to the left ear(after six hours), [a11].
- Penetrating, fine, tearing;first in the right parietal bone, over the ear, with which the
sensation of a sore, festering spot on the bone was continued a long time; it pained violently
on being touched, [a15, a21].
- Slightly tearing pain in the right upper side of the head, [a15, a21].
- Nearly all day, constantly recurring, very fine, sensitive tearing, of short duration, on the
left side of the head, behind and over the ear, as if emanating from a small painful spot,
which, however, was not to be found by feeling for it, [a15, a21].
- One-sided shooting headache, [a30].
- A shooting pain in the right side of the head, [a13].
- A quarter of an hour after taking, violent shooting in the right side of the head; somewhat
later, in the whole head;but in both sides, right and left, more violent than in the rest of the
head, [a13].
- Shooting pain in left half of head, beginning at 10 A. M. and lasting till 2 P.M. ; after
which it was superseded by transient stitches, that returned every ten minutes, [a19].
- Shooting headache, extending from the left parietal bone into the right temple, but lasting
only a few minutes, [a12].
- * Pain, as from a nail in the right side of the head, [a5].
- Frequent itching stitches deep in the left cerebrum, [a18].
- Externally, in the left side of the head, a flash-like stroke, [a15, a21].
- Momentary twitching in the right side of the head, [a12].
- Twitching jumps in the hairy scalp over the left ear, close to the ear-cartilage, [a18].
- Different kinds of headache in the left half of the occipital bone, when seated.
- Violent boring pain in occiput and left superciliary ridge, [a12, a25].
- In the forenoon, burrowing, pressive pains in the left occipital region and nape of neck,
with weariness in the lower limbs and great inclination to sleep, [a17, a21].
- Mornings, in bed, a pressive, burrowing pain in the right half of occiput, with
accompanying splintery stitches in middle of right cheek, [a18].
- Drawing pain in the occiput, early when in bed, as if from a wrong position; it increases
by stretching and holding in the breath, [a5].
- Drawing pain in the occiput, in the afternoon, [a7].
- Drawing and tension in the occiput.
- Drawing and pressive pain in occiput and forehead, [a17].
- In forenoon, external pain in head, but more in posterior half;tension across occiput,
towards ears, towards neck-joint, sometimes more perceptible in one place than another,
- After waking, dull fulness in occiput, [a16].
- Dull pain in occiput, which, on lying down, became more violent and burning, and
gradually extended between the superciliary ridges, when lying on the back, [a16].
- The dull pain in the head has gone into the occiput, [a16].
- Pressure in the occiput(first day), [a9].
- Excessively pressive pain in the occiput, [a14].
- Tension extending towards the occiput, and there developing into a dull, pressive pain,
with a sensation of heaviness, continuing
- Tearing stitches in the occiput, from one side to the other, early in the morning(second
day), [a11].
- Tearing in the left side of the occiput, which returns a short intervals, [a7].
- Tearing in right side of occiput, [a32].
- Tearing in right half of occipital bone, [a32].
- Sometimes, a tearing, tensive sensation in the external scalp of the occiput, [a30].
- During forenoon, flying stitches in the occiput, [a19].
- Repeated stitches across the occiput, [a19].
- Stitches across the occiput, repeated every ten minutes, sometimes more violent,
sometimes less, [a19].
- Bruised pain in back of neck and occiput, [a18].
- A lively, throbbing pain in the occiput, [a17].
- Creaking of the occiput towards the left, lasting a quarter of an hour; increased by
pressure on the painful parts, [a12, a25].
- Headache, especially heaviness and tension of the occiput towards the neck-joint, [a30].
- * The head constantly falling backwards, as if a weight were attached to the occiput,
- The head unsteady, swaying back and forth, as if intoxicated, [a16].
- Head swaying back and forth, [a16].
- Convulsions of the muscles of the head and neck, t.
- Such violent jarring of the whole head, coming from the atlas-joint, that the prover
involuntarily bit his tongue, [a18].
- Stitches in the atlas-joint, as of splinters, [a18].
- Head hot to the touch, [a16].
- Pimples on the hairy scalp, [a7].
- The pimples which appeared at the roots of the hair bled easily, after scratching, and left
little red scabs behind, [a27].
- The head full;pain spread over the cranium, and somewhat relieved by the touch, [a16].
- Sometimes, external tension of the scalp, [a30].
- * Icy coldness in the region of the coronal suture, after the parts had been scratched on
account of their itching;the coldness frequently returns;approaches more and more the
forepart of the head, until it reaches that part of the forehead which is not covered with hair,
- Tearing and drawing pain externally in the integuments of the head(skin and bones); it
increases on pressure, especially in a small spot in vertex, which pains as if there were
internal festering, at night(after eighteen days), [a9].
- Sensitiveness of the integuments of the head, as if they were ulcerated, [a17].
- The entire length of the scalp on the left side somewhat sensitive to the touch, [a27].
- There are a few spots in the head sensitive to the touch, [a30].
- Frequent sensitive tearing in the tendinous expansion of the skull, [a15].
- Itching of the hairy scalp, [a7].
- Itching of the whole of the hairy scalp;it is like the itching of healing wounds, and
provokes scratching, [a6].
- Troublesome itching of the hairy scalp, especially after getting up; it disappears upon the
parts being scratched with a sharp comb, [a11].
- Yellow color of the eyes(third day), [a9].
- Burning in the eyes, [a16].
- The eyes burn easily, [a30].
- Burning in the eyes, especially when they are opened and shut;every time after yawning,
- Burning of the eye, with sensation of contraction in the evening(first day), [a8].
- Burning and pressure in the orbits, [a5].
- Burning and itching in both eyes, [a12].
- Burning and aching pain above the right eye, with lachrymation(after one and a half
hours), [a10].
- Heat in the eyes, [a19].
- Constant heat in the eyes, [a16].
- Heat and weariness of the eyes, [a16].
- The eyes are hot, [a16].
- The eyes are hot to the touch, [a16].
- Painful stretching of the eye on waking in the morning, [a12].
- Sensation of contraction of the right eye, with increased dimness of sight; this is
succeeded by biting pain in the eyeball and lachrymation, and lastly, by twitchings of the
left eye, such as had previously existed in the right; wine relieved the symptoms at once,
- Cramp-like pain under the right eyebrow;it makes the opening of the eyes difficult (after
five hours), [a6].
- * Pressure in the eyes, [a4].
- Pressure in the eyes, towards the inside, [a19].
- Painful pressure in the eyes when moving them, or exerting them by lamplight, [a15].
- Pressure in the eyes, and inclination to close them, without sleep, after dinner, [a7].
- Pressure in the eyes and upon the forehead, as though something were pressing from
without inwards(after ten minutes), [_a2].
- A pressure in the right eye at noon, as if a grain of sand were under the upper eyelid;
- Pressive and drawing pain in the eyes, [a12].
- Pressive pain over the left eye, [a5].
- Pressive in the corners of the left eye, as if there were a foreign body, [a7].
- Violent stitches, as with coarse needles, on the lower edge of the left orbit, at the exit of
the infraorbital nerve, [a18].
- Fine, pricking, pressive feeling directly over the eyes, [a5].
- Eyes easily sensitive, [a30].
- The eyes itch in the morning, [a27].
- Itching and pricking in the right eye(after one hour), [_a2].
- Itching and pressure in right eye, relieved by rubbing for a short time, [_a2].
- Itching and tickling in left eye, which induce rubbing(after three hours), [a6].
- Dryness of the eyes, [a7].
- * Feeling of weakness in the eye without having exerted the eye in any way, [a28].
- Falling off of the hairs of the eyebrows, [a7].
- In and between the eyebrows, small, itching pimples appear that are painfully sensitive to
the touch, and vanish after a few days, [a48].
- Pressive pain in the superciliary ridges, [a12].
- Pressive pain in the right superciliary ridge;relieved after washing the body with cold
water, then growing worse again, [a12].
- In the morning pressive pain in the right superciliary ridge, [a12].
- On waking in the morning, a pressive, shooting pain in the left superciliary ridge, towards
the outside, [a12].
- Pressive pain in the left superciliary ridge for five minutes, and directly after in the right
superciliary ridge, [a12].
- Burrowing, pressive pain over the left eye and the frontal eminence, [a18].
- Piercing pain in right superciliary ridge, [a12].
- Repeated itching, piercing pain over the left eyebrow induces scratching, which spots it,
[a15, a21].
- Toward noon, violent, continued, uninterrupted stitch directly over the left eyebrow, that
lasts in the same degree as when the point of a needle is continuously pressed into the
flesh;by violent scratching, which the sensation of pain finally induced, the pain was
stopped almost entirely, [a15, a21].
- Itching in the eyebrows, [a7].
- The margin of the lids and conjunctiva palpebrarum are red, with sticking and tension in
the eyes, [a32].
- * Trembling in the upper eyelid, [a24].
- * Trembling in the right upper eyelid, [a28].
- Trembling of the left upper eyelid in the morning, which is repeated towards noon, [a24].
- * Frequently slight twitching in the eyelids; it is generally circumscribed within a small
spot, and rather extending towards one another, [a7].
- Twitching in the left upper eyelid, [a15, a21].
- Winking of the right lower eyelid, accompanied by throbbing of an artery on the left side,
at the back of the nose, and twitches of the skin of the left side of the nose, [a7].
- Winking and itching of the left lower lid, which induce rubbing, [a7].
- * Contraction of the eyelids(after two hours), [_a2].
- * Narrowing of the interval between the eyelids for several days, without swelling, and
often with twitching and winking of the lids, [a7].
- * The interval between the lids is smaller than usual;it requires an effort to widen it,
- Swelling of the left lid toward the inner canthus;this swelling causes the eye to appear
diminished, [a7].
- * Half-open eyes, [a42], t.
- Violent twitching and itching in the left canthus, [a19].
- Contraction and narrowing of the inner canthus of the left eye, [a7].
- The caruncula of the left eye increases in size for several days, [a7].
- The eyelids adhere to one another as by slimy threads;wiping relieves this symptom only
for a short time, [a17].
- * Viscid(previously white), yellow humor, which glues the eyelids to one another; the
secretion of this humor takes place in the inner canthi, and continues even during the day,
but especially early, and in the evening, [a5].
- * Gum in the canthi of the eyes(after six hours), [_a2, a6].
- Both inner angles of the eye were found stuck together with a little mucus, [a18].
- Burning eyelids, [a16].
- The eyelids, every time after being closed, have a burning sensation similar to that caused
by watching all night by lamplight, [a16].
- Painful pressure in the lids, especially the right one, with great sleepiness, [a15, a21].
- Painful pressure under the upper eyelids, especially when the eyes are closed, resembling
great fatigue of the eyes after great exertion in too strong a light; continues quite a long
time, [a15, a21].
- Slight stitches in the left upper eyelid, [a20].
- Sticking in margins of lids;the eyes are half closed, as with great sleepiness, and very
sensitive to candlelight, [a32].
- Biting, and sensation of contraction in lids, [a32].
- Biting sticking in the edge of the right upper lid, [a18].
- On waking in morning biting in the edges of the eyelids, [a12].
- Burning in the inner canthus of the eyes, as though inflammation were going to set in; the
pain increases upon the parts being touched, [a5].
- Burning sensation of the inner canthus of the eyes upon the lids being firmly closed, [a5].
- Scraping, shooting pain in the inner angles of the eyes, with some collection of mucus in
them, [a18].
- A scraping, shooting pain in the inner angles, and under the upper lid of the right eye,
- Soon after the medicine a scraping, shooting pain in the left angle of the eye, [a18].
- Itching shooting at the roots of the ciliae, in the left upper lid, [a18].
- Lachrymation of the right eye(first and second days), [a8].
- Lachrymation of the right eye(after three hours), [_a2].
- Increased lachrymation, [a28].
- Sensation in the eyes as though they had to be wiped constantly, [a4].
- Redness of the white of the eye, [a4].
- * Eyeballs jerked here and there, t.(S.J. ).
- * Twitches in the eyeballs in frequent succession;in the left eye they are often
accompanied by lachrymation, [a7].
- * While reading there is frequent twitching and pressing in the left eyeball, [a7].
- * Spasms, with aching pain in the left eyeball, at any time of the day, and under all
circumstances; the eye has to be wiped, but the symptoms remain, [a7].
- Distorted eyeballs, t.
- The eyes roll in their sockets, and at times the pupil remains fixed against the upper wall
of the orbit, [a35].
- The eyes turn upwards, [a42].
- Painful sensation of the left bulbus, [a15, a21].
- Burning and pressing of the eyeballs, especially when moving them, [a5].
- It is difficult to move the eyes;the eyeballs seem to expand in the orbits, [a30].
- After vomiting, a feeling in the left eyeball as though it were enlarged, [a15].
- Motion of the eyes in the orbits is not quite free, [a30].
- * Painful twitching in the right eyeball, [a12, a25].
- Dull pain in the bulbus, similar to the pain caused by pressing the bulbus with the hand,
- Very painful drawing in the eyeballs(third and fourth days), [a9].
- Drawing and pressing in the eyeballs, especially the left, extending into forehead(fourth
day), [a9].
- Pressive pain in the right bulbus, toward the top and outward, very sensitive, but only
momentary, and recurring several times, [a15, a21].
- Very sensitive, pressive, tearing pain in the right bulbus, without influence upon the
vision, but so sudden that he involuntarily put his hand to his eye, [a15, a21].
- Pressive pain in the left bulbus, [a12].
- Pressure in the left eyeball(after ten hours), [a11].
- Painful pressure in the left bulbus from above, extending outwards; very sensitive, and
continuing for some time, [a15, a21].
- In the morning, pressive pain in the left bulbus for a quarter of an hour, [a12].
- Momentary piercing pain in the right eyeball, [a12].
- Sensitiveness of the eyeballs when moving them, [a15].
- Slight painfulness of the eyeballs when moving them, [a48].
- The eyeballs are painful to the touch, [a30].
- In the evening exceedingly painful itching on the bulbus under the left eyeball, [a15,
- * Pupils dilated, tt.
- The pupils first dilate(after three-quarters of an hour), then contract(after twenty-five
hours), [_a2].
- Pupils at first contracted, then dilated, [a32].
- Eyes insensible to light, [a42].
- Gradual decrease of sight on walking in the open air(after seven hours), [a7].
- Great weariness(weakness)of the eyes;if she looks long at an object it appears pale, [a7].
- * Shortsightedness and dimsightedness of both eyes, [a7].
- * Very indistinct sight; he is obliged to hold objects close to his eyes in order to perceive
them clearly, [a7].
- In reading he is obliged to approach the letters more and more closely to his eyes in order
to recognize them distinctly;afterwards he has to remove them again to a greater distance,
otherwise the sight becomes dim again, [a7].
- * Loss of vision while reading, [a28].
- Dimness before the eyes, with sleepiness, [a11].
- * Dimsightedness;everything appears obscured, as if by turbid water;he has to make an
effort to recognize the thing, [a7].
- The sight grew dim;the external angle of the left eye began to burn, and he felt a pressure
under the left upper lid, as from a grain of sand, [a28].
- Every object appears surrounded with a mist, and therefore obscured, [a7].
- That which comes before the eyes is obscured, as if covered with cobwebs, [a7].
- While reading the eyes grow weak, watery, and dim, [a28].
- Dulness of vision, [a16].
- Vision was dimmed, t, S.J.
- The light seems to burn dimmer than usual, [a32].
- Weakness of sight, [a19].
- Misty weakness of sight, [a19].
- Blinding before eyes, t.
- The father was blind, t.
- Photophobia, [a7].
- He imagines he sees things double, [a11].
- Dizzy vision in the evening, and weakness, even double-sightedness, [a19].
- * He reads with difficulty, because the type seem to move, [a12].
- Veiled eyesight, [a23].
- His eyes were dim when he wished to read;weak, and he seemed to read as through a veil,
with flickering before the eyes, [a28].
- Flickering before eyes, t, S.J.
- Flickering before the eyes while writing, [a28].
- Sometimes yellow spots before the eyes when looking at light objects, [a27].
- A black spot hovers before the left eye, at the distance of half an ell;
- In gloomy weather a brown spot hovers before the left eye, towards the inner canthus,
- On closing the right eye there is seen before the left a small, oblong, dark-brown spot,
hovering in an oblique direction toward the inner canthus, pretty near the eye, [a7].
- Frequent jumping of the muscles about the ears and temples, [a18].
- Twitching of the muscles close to the left ear, [a18].
- * Burning and itching in ears, [a33].
- * Redness, burning itching of the ears, as if they had been frozen, [a5].
- Cramp-like pains inside of the left ear, [a18].
- Twitching jumping in the cartilage of the left ear, [a18].
- Frequent twitching and rattling, or fluttering, in the tympanic cavity of the right ear;
jumping of the tensor tympani, [a18].
- Jumping of the tensor tympani, with a sound as given by a leather-covered metal valve,
when set in motion, [a16, a17].
- Frequent rolling twitching inside the cavity of the right tympanum, [a18].
- Pain in the ear;tearing pain in the meatus of the right ear, which is caused and increased
by cold air passing into the ear;the pain extends to the upper jaw, and continues for several
days, [a7].
- Tearing pains in right ear, [a15, a21].
- Tearing pain and violent itching in the left ear, with desire to bore deep into the ear; when
lying on the same side, the pain was considerably increased, [a13].
- Stitches in the left mastoid process, [a11].
- Frequent violent stitches, as of splinters penetrating the left auditory canal, [a15, a21].
- A few sensitive, but transient, stitches from the fauces along the course of the Eustachian
tube towards the right ear, [a27].
- Sensitive stitches in the left auditory canal, [a15, a21].
- Twitching stitches inside of the right ear, [a18].
- Itching of the lobule of the ear, [a7].
- Itching of the concha, which induces rubbing;rubbing makes the part red and sore, but the
itching continues, [a7].
- * Itching in and behind the ears, [a7].
- Itching in the external meatus of the right ear, [a7].
- Itching, attended with tickling, in the right ear;this induces scratching (after twenty-nine
hours), [a6].
- Itching, generally in the left ear; this induces the person to insert the finger into the ear,
and rub it, [a7].
- Itching in the left external auditory tube, with a stitch in the inner ear, as of an ice-cold
needle, [a18].
- Tickling itching on the lobe of the left ear, and in the external auditory tube; disappears
on boring with the finger, [a18].
- Tickling itching from the opening into the fauces of the right Eustachian tube, extending
to the inner ear, alternating with excessive ringing in the left ear, [a18].
- Itching of, and pimples on, the posterior surface of the concha, [a7].
- Several times during the day, stoppage of the left ear, [a30].
- Sensation in the ears as if wax were flowing out, [a7].
- For some time past, excessive secretion of wax in both ears, [a30].
- Hearing very acute, t.
- Dulness of hearing, [a16].
- Deafness of the left ear, as though something were before it, [a12, a25].
- Deafness, with headache, t.
- Roaring in the ears, [a18].
- Ringing in the right ear, when walking in the open air(after four hours), [a6].
- Ringing in the left ear, [a30].
- In ears, a fine rushing and ringing, or a noise like a distant teakettle beginning to boil,
with heat in head, [a32].
- Roaring in the left ear, [a18].
- Roaring of the ears, first right, then left, [a30].
- Bubbling roar in the left ear, [a18].
- Constant roaring in left ear, with creaking in both ears on empty swallowing, [a18].
- Inexplicable humming in both ears, resembling the noise of a spinning-wheel, which
continues for several hours, [a12, a25].
- Peculiar clucking noise in right ear, frequently returning, [a32].
- At every attempt to swallow, a creaking sound in both ears, as of a wooden screw, [a18].
- Rushing in the right ear, like the jerking sound of a locomotive;ceases when rising,
returns when lying down, [a21].
- Illusion of hearing, as though a nail were being driven into a board at a distance, [a21].
- The tip of the nose and the lips are pale and bluish, t.
- A peculiar cracking and creaking in the bony parts of the nose, as if the spongy bones of
the nose were pressed against each other, or rubbed, [a16, a17].
- Sneezing, several times, [a30].
- Sneezing, without coryza, [a7].
- Frequent sneezing, [a33, a19].
- * Frequent sneezing, without coryza(after twelve to twenty-two hours), [_a2].
- Frequent sneezing and yawning, [a18].
- Frequent sneezing, which sometimes comes on twice in succession(first day), [a8].
- Frequent sneezing, immediately after taking the medicine, [a7].
- Also, frequent sneezing during sleep, without waking, [a16, a17].
- Several violent sneezings, early, in bed, [a7].
- Sneezing several times in the morning, [a30].
- Sneezing, occasioned by a feeling of nausea, [a48].
- Dryness of the nose, [a7, a30].
- Dryness of the nose, with sensation of cold in the head, [a7].
- Continual dryness of the nose;only once or twice during the day two or three drops of
water flow out, [a7].
- The nose was dry, and when blowing it a small discharge of blood, [a23].
- * Clear water frequently drops out of the nose, without there being any cold in the head,
- On stooping, clear water drops out of the nose, [a7].
- Taking a little snuff is at once followed by abundant collection of viscid mucus in the
nose, [a7].
- Upon blowing the nose, there is a copious discharge of clear mucus(after five days), [a7].
- Small quantity of dry white mucus in the nose, frequently attended with a sense as of
much mucus being in it, [a7].
- Cold in the head;the nose feeling obstructed, especially when stooping(seventh day), [a8].
- Fluent coryza, [a7].
- Fluent coryza, which began on the 15th and lasted to the 26th;after being moderate the
first two days, it increased to unusual violence on the third. It first attacked the left half of
the nose and left eye, for two days;then the right half and right eye, for two days, which
constantly discharged an acrid, burning moisture. On the 24th when the discharge lessened,
the nose swelled considerably, became bluish-red, and was very painful to the touch. The
inflammation terminated by desquamation, [a28].
- Great discharge of mucus from the nose, and burning of the upper lip, [a30].
- Towards, a fluent coryza set in, [a28].
- Violent coryza, with confusion of the head, [a18].
- Excessive blowing of mucus from the nose all day, without further symptoms of coryza,
- A violent coryza sets in;the acridity of the secretion causing an eruption of the nose and
upper lip, [a16].
- Every morning, on rising, a nasal catarrh, which disappears after awhile, with sneezing,
- Sensation of stoppage and catarrh, with discharge of watery moisture from both nostrils,
[a16, a17].
- Frequent slight hawking of small masses of mucus from the fauces and posterior nares, 0.
- * In blowing the nose, blood comes out of it, early in the morning, immediately after
rising; this is followed by violent bleeding from the nose(after thirty-three hours), [a5].
- Bleeding from the nose, [a26].
- (Passive epistaxis of old people), (Roth.).
- Burning pain in the nose and the eyes(from olfaction), [a17].
- Inflammation and soreness of the inner wall of the nose, [a7].
- Feeling of fulness in the upper nasal passage, with a feeling as if a ball were forcing itself
down the nasal canal, [a15].
- Sudden pressure at the superior part of the dorsum of the nose, [a7].
- Pressure in the nasal bones, [a30].
- Throbbing pressure in the nasal bone, with a sensation as if a swollen body in the upper
nasal passage would force itself down, [a15].
- Pressure in the root of the nose, with a sensation as if the nose were stopped up, without
any stoppage of the nasal passages, [a15].
- Sharp stinging in the left side of the root of the nose, [a5].
- Cutting, boring pains, from the left nostril upward, extending through the nasal canal into
the frontal bone, exactly as if an electric shock darted through them, [a15].
- Biting sensation in mucous membrane of left nostril, [a32].
- Great sensitiveness of the inner walls of the nose, [a5].
- Disagreeable sensitiveness of the mucous membrane of the nose, [a30].
- Itching sensitiveness of the mucous membrane of the nose, , with frequent violent
sneezing, accompanied by jumping of the muscles of the left loin, [a16, a17].
- Cutting sensation of soreness in the upper part of the left nostril, that takes place on
inhalation, but is not felt on expiration, 0.
- In the afternoon, when breathing through the left nostril, a painful sensitiveness, high up,
as though the mucous membrane were sore, [a16, a17].
- Prickling sensation in the right nostril and eye, as one experiences before sneezing, [a7].
- Itching on the outer surface of the nose, [a7].
- Violent itching of the wings of the nose, which induces rubbing, [a7].
- Tickling itching in the left nostril, which induces rubbing(after fourteen hours), [a6].
- Transient itching in the nose, and a pungent smell, as if about to sneeze, [a12, a25].
- * The smell is sensitive, [a7].
- The odor of a strong cigar was not perceived at all in the left nostril, and very strongly in
the right one, [a19].
- Puffy face, [a33].
- Puffy, pale face, with blue circles around the eyes, and blue nose and lips, [a42].
- Very great change in the expression of the face, [a35].
- She looks pale and sunken in the face, [a13].
- Paleness of the face, [a17].
- Pale face, with bluish appearance around eyes, nose, and mouth, t.
- Disturbed countenance, and imperceptible pulse, [a35].
- Slight yellowish tinge of the skin of the face, especially about the nostrils and corners of
the mouth, [a27].
- Redness of the face, without any perceptible heat, [a9].
- * Redness of the face, with itching and burning, as is consequent upon freezing of the
parts, [a5].
- * Frequent jumping of the muscles in the face;on the upper lip, [a18].
- * Twitching of facial muscles, t.
- * Twitching of the muscles of the face;lasts all day long, [a19].
- * Twitching in different parts of the face, but only of the upper half, [a15, a16].
- Towards 4 P.M. the face was excessively and uniformly red, burning hot, almost swollen,
with uncomfortable tension of both cheeks, [a19].
- Great redness and heat of the whole face, [a15, a21].
- Redness and burning heat of the face, [a15, a16].
- Heat of the head and face, on waking in the morning, with a certain sensation of
bloatedness in the face, especially in the cheeks, [a15, a21].
- Unpleasant heat in the face, especially in the cheeks, [a15, a21].
- Flushes of heat in the face, with perspiration breaking out on the forehead, [a30].
- Itching in the face, [a7].
- In the morning, pressure in the facial bones, especially in the socket of the eye, [a30].
- Involuntary twitching of the muscles of the face, on the right malar bone, [a19].
- Twitching on the right malar bone, [a19].
- Twitching near the right malar bone, [a19].
- Slight twitching in the right cheek, like pulsating(after eight days), [a7].
- Painless twitching of the right muscle of mastication, almost jumping, for a few seconds,
- Unusual redness of both cheeks, especially the left, with heat in the face, [a14, a16].
- Burning of the cheeks(after one to two hours), [a9].
- Burning of the cheeks, [a11].
- Burning and itching on cheeks, [a33].
- Flushes of heat in the cheeks, [a23].
- Increased warmth of the face, in the evening, especially near the malar bone, [a15].
- Stitches in the face, in the left cheek;they begin in the lower jaw and extend upward (after
one hour), [a11].
- Sudden violent stitches, as of splinters, in left cheek near eye;continue several days,
- Dull stitches in the right malar bone, [_a2].
- Often during the day electric stitches, as it were, in left malar bone, with frequent
twitches of the muscles, especially in the left cheek, [a18].
- Indications of tearing pain in the left side of the face, in the region of the upper jaw, [a15,
- Tearing, drawing pain in the right upper jaw, and in the right cheek, that lasted several
moments, [a12].
- * Lancinating and drawing pain in the right cheek(after two hours), [a10].
- A fine, penetrating, very painful pricking in the middle of the right cheek, as though
splinters were pierced through the skin into the muscles, [a18].
- Violent pricking in right cheek, where the infraorbital nerve forms the plexus, as though
splinters were being thrust into it, [a18].
- Frequent violent pricking, as of splinters forced into the left cheek, the right upper lip,
and the point of the chin, [a18].
- A sudden flash-like pricking in the right cheek, near the exit of the infraorbital nerve,
- Continued pricking as of splinters, in the right cheek, close to the lower edge of the orbit,
that changed into a coarse pain, as if in the bone, [a28].
- Quick throbbing, as of an artery in left cheek, attended with shooting stitches extending
from left eye into the upper jaw, [a7].
- Itching in the whiskers, [a7].
- Bluish lips(first and second day), [a9].
- Bluish color of the lips and nose, t.
- Lips much swelled, owing to the change of the little vesicles into ulcers, [a27].
- The upper lip is chapped, with a burning smarting(fourth day), [a8].
- When smoking cigars, the epithelium of the upper lip peels off easily, [a30].
- The epithelium on the inner surface of the upper lip comes off in flakes, [a30].
- Eruption of little blisters on the upper lip, [a30].
- A small blister on the red part of the lip that burns considerably, [a30].
- An herpetic eruption on the upper lip, [a27].
- Several painless and not red pimples on the upper lip, [a30].
- Several small, burning blisters on the lower lip, [a27].
- Dryness and little burning pimples on the upper and lower lips, that change to little
blisters in the course of the day, filled with yellowish serum, [a27].
- Tetter-like vesicular eruption on the upper lip, [a27].
- An itching pimple by the side of the mouth.
- The middle of the under lip cracked and burned violently, with pain, [a15, a16].
- Great sensation of dryness of the lips, [a18].
- For several days continued dryness of the upper lip, with inclination to chap, [a27].
- Dryness and burning of the lips(first day), [a8].
- On the lips, and in the throat, a tearing pain(from olfaction), [a17].
- A little froth at the corners of the lips, [a35].
- Restlessness in the muscles of the lower jaw and lips, with fine, trembling vibration,
- Restlessness, trembling vibration, and finally an actually convulsive condition of the
lower jaw, [a18].
- Convulsive shaking of the lower jaw, [a18].
- Convulsive shocks of the lower jaw by starts, [a18].
- The jaws were clenched;he could take nothing;he tried continually to speak, and uttered
only inarticulate sounds, [a35].
- Painful sensation in the articulation of the lower jaw, which is sensitive to every touch,
- On waking there is so violent a pain in the left articulation of the jaw that the prover can
scarcely open his mouth;later the pain diminishes, but does not quite cease, [a30].
- In the right lower jaw a transient pain, as though fine splinters were being forced between
the skin and the flesh, [a18].
- Tensive drawing in right jaw, extending toward the ear, [a27].
- Spasmodic drawing in the chin and the lower jaw(after two hours), [a9].
- * Violent tearing in the right side of the lower jaw, [a5].
- Pricking pain in the articulation of the lower jaw, as by a needle, [_a2].
- Suppurating pimple in the beard, [a30].
- Fine smart stitches at a small place of the chin, close under the lower lip, [a5].
- Pricking in the chin, as with needles(immediately), [_a2].
- The chin is covered with small, white, crowded blisters, of the size of millet seeds, that
disappear the following day while shaving, [a16].
- The chin is covered with little blisters, that do not disappear until after several days,
- Slight pain in the left back teeth, [a18].
- Drawing pain in the lower incisors, [a11].
- Drawing and aching in upper front teeth, just after he had looked out of the open window,
in cool air, [a32].
- Peculiar drawing and aching in back side of roots of upper left teeth, involving the upper
incisors, [a32].
- Drawing, cutting pain in a hollow back tooth, [a48].
- Towards one o'clock at night, she was roused by a violent tearing pain in all her upper
teeth, that lasted a quarter of an hour, [a13].
- Toothache;tearing in the teeth of the lower jaw;increased by cold, [a7].
- Tearing pain in the left upper and lower teeth, [a13].
- Throbbing and tearing in the upper molar teeth of the left side, in the afternoon, [a7].
- Dulness of the incisors of the lower jaw, [a11].
- Half an hour after breakfast, painful jerks in a loose tooth of the upper jaw, after drinking
cold water;this symptom was repeated several times in a quarter of an hour, as often as the
prover drank cold water, [a12].
- After drinking cold water, there appeared jerks in a loose tooth, which ceased after a
quarter of an hour, [a12].
- Gnawing pain in the molar teeth of the upper jaw;then itching in the left ear, after which
the toothache comes on again, at once, in the afternoon, [a7].
- Grumbling toothache on the left side of the upper jaw, [a7].
- Lancinations, attended with a sensation of drawing in the incisors of the lower jaw; the
lancinations are continued towards the left angle of the lower jaw(after one hour), [_a2].
- The front teeth feel too long;they are very sensitive in the evening(third day), [a8].
- * Swelling of the gums, with pain, [a7].
- The gums are painful, and the saliva tastes acrid(during the first ten days), [a8].
- Painfulness and bleeding of the gums, [a7].
- Sensitive gums, [a15].
- Thickly coated tongue in the morning, [a27].
- White coated tongue, [a27, a18].
- * Tongue is coated white, [a6, _a2].
- The tongue is coated white;at the tip it is bordered with dirty yellow aphthae, producing a
sensation as though the skin would peel off, immediately after a meal (after four hours)?
- Very pale tongue;it is covered with a thin white mucus, [a7].
- Back part of the tongue is coated yellow(seventh to tenth day), [a9].
- Slimy tongue, [a7].
- Tongue quite dry, [a16].
- Tongue in the morning covered with a tough, thickish coating, [a48].
- Tongue covered with thick, tough mucus in the morning, [a27].
- During a whole month, daily, especially mornings, tongue furred and covered with much
tough mucus; the papillae of the tongue very prominent, more so toward the back, [a27].
- Small, painful ulcer by the side of the fraenum of the tongue(ninth day), [a9].
- The tongue is sore, [a7].
- Stinging of the tongue, as of sharp tobacco, [a15].
- A peculiar sensation of dryness and contraction in the tongue, as after an astringent liquid,
- Burning sensation in the tip of the tongue, as if it had been dipped in pepper, [a18].
- The feeling of soreness in the tip of the tongue increased by the touch, and lasting all the
evening, [a15, a16].
- Sore pain at the tip of the tongue, where three seemed to be a little blister, [a18].
- Fine stitches in the tip of the tongue(after four hours), [_a2].
- Stinging stitches in the tip of the tongue, as after pepper, [a18].
- Tongue on the right side is burning and sore in many spots;the sore spots seem furred,
- Itching prickling in left half of tongue, [a18].
- Stinging in the back part of the left edge of tongue, as after a strong radish, [a18].
- Sharp stinging in the left half of the tongue, [a18].
- Bad smell from the mouth, [a7].
- The breath has a nauseous and rather sour smell, [a32].
- Bad smell from the mouth early in the morning, with foul taste, [a4].
- Sickly, foul smell from the mouth(eighth to sixteenth day), [a9].
- Acrid smell from the mouth, as of horseradish;he himself is not aware of it, [a7].
- A black blood-blister in his mouth, without having hurt himself, which discharged the
following day, [a28].
- A few little blisters show themselves on the hard palate, with a feeling of soreness in it,
[a12, a25].
- Soreness in the whole inner mouth, especially of the roof of the mouth(fifth day), [a8].
- The roof feels sore, as though the skin were off;it is very sensitive(first day), [a8].
- Dry mouth and fauces, [a33].
- Dryness in the mouth, with a scratchy feeling in the fauces, [a18].
- Dry palate, [a19].
- Peculiar disagreeable dryness of the palate, especially uncomfortable when swallowing,
with occasional stitches towards the right ear and the salivary gland of the same side, [a27].
- Foam at the mouth, [a41].
- Frothing at the mouth, t.
- Water accumulates in the mouth(with pains in the belly)(second day), [a8].
- Flow of saliva from the mouth, [a17].
- Flow of saliva, [a15, a17].
- Increased flow of saliva in the mouth, [a15, a17].
- Salivation, [a32].
- Much confluence of water in the mouth, [a30, a18, a15].
- Sometimes, especially upon raising the head, fluid saliva flows into the mouth; this
induces violent hawking, [a11].
- Unexpectedly, several times during the day, when moving the mouth, such a sudden flow
of saliva, that objects were bespattered with it, [a15, a16].
- Considerable flow of saliva, with dryness of the throat, [a15].
- Frequent flow of saliva in the mouth, with slight nausea in the forenoon, H.
- Continued flow of saliva, compelling its constant ejection, [a15].
- Flow of water in the mouth, [a30].
- Constant flow of water in the mouth, compelling frequent spitting, [a18].
- Secretion of much saliva in the mouth, following after splinter-stitches in the left
sublingual salivary gland, [a18].
- Saliva tastes very acrid(during the first ten days), [a8].
- Insipid taste in the mouth, [_a2].
- Taste flat, [a27].
- Flat taste in the mouth, the tongue coated yellow(seventh to tenth day), [a9].
- Every day, when the stomach is empty, flat taste in the mouth, [a48].
- Taste flat, pappy, somewhat metallic, [a27].
- Flat, pappy taste, [a27].
- Flat, somewhat sweetish, metallic taste, [a27].
- Bitterish taste, [a30].
- Bitter taste, Br., [a16, a19].
- Bitter taste in the mouth(twelfth day), [a9].
- Sharp, bitter taste at the root of the tongue.
- During one hour before dinner, bitter taste;nevertheless good appetite, [a28].
- Offensive, bitter, resinous taste, [a30].
- After taking, disagreeable sweetish taste, that continues some hours after breakfast, [a30].
- Disagreeable sweetish metallic taste, [a30].
- An hour after breakfast, sweet gummy, extremely offensive taste in the mouth, and
distension of the abdomen, [a30].
- Already, in the forenoon, but more in the afternoon, in spite of good appetite for dinner,
very offensive, somewhat sweetish taste, [a30].
- Extremely disagreeable sweetish bitter taste when smoking cigars, especially at the root
of the tongue, [a30].
- Bad taste at the root of the tongue, with slight nausea, [a30].
- After taking, and particularly after breakfast, very offensive taste in the mouth, [a18].
- Clayey in the mouth, [a15].
- Taste salty, as after herring, [a12, a25].
- Astringent taste in the mouth, [a27].
- Directly after the medicine, rancid taste in the mouth, [a28].
- Rancid taste for three hours, [a30].
- Burning and scratching in the throat that extends deep into the left side of the chest, [a25].
- Feeling of constriction, or contraction of the throat, [a43].
- Contractive dryness of the throat, [a27].
- Roughness in the throat, [a30].
- Roughness in the throat(mornings), [a30].
- Scratching sensation in the throat, often renewed, [a15, a16].
- Roughness and scratchy feeling of the throat, [_a2].
- Scratching in the throat, [a28].
- Directly after taking, scraping sensation in the throat, as if behind the root of the tongue,
[a15, a16].
- Dryness inside of the throat, not to be soothed by water or beer, [a15].
- Dryness in the throat, [a15, a27, a30].
- Dryness of the throat and palate, [a27].
- Dryness in the throat, and transient stitches in it, when touched externally, [a15].
- Upon slightly clearing the throat, small balls of phlegm became detached, [a7].
- * Throws up small flocculi or solid balls of phlegm almost without any cough, [a7].
- Scratching burning in the fauces, [a15, a16].
- Pressive pain in the right side of the fauces, [a18].
- Uncomfortable pressure in the fauces, as though a foreign body stuck there that could not
be removed by swallowing, [a15].
- Sensation in the fauces as though a particle of swallowed food had lodged there, [a15].
- The sensation of a foreign body in the fauces compels frequent swallowing, which is
uncomfortable and affords no relief, [a15].
- While vomiting, the sensation of a foreign body in the fauces is very much increased,
- Painful sensation, as if something were torn in the fauces, when swallowing saliva, [a15].
- Occasional uncomfortable sensation of dryness of the mouth and fauces, whereby these
parts at the same time become sensitive to the air, [a30].
- Mornings, when awaking, disagreeable feeling of dryness in the fauces and palate,
extending downward to the pharynx, causing * contraction there, as when drinking
astringent liquid, [a27].
- Great dryness in the fauces and pharynx, [a18].
- * Sense of constriction in pharynx, t, S.J.
- Scratching sensation in the pharynx, [a18].
- * Dryness of the pharynx, [a15, a30].
- Soon after taking the medicine, peculiar dryness of the pharynx, with stitches toward the
parotid and submaxillary glands, [a27].
- Burning in the oesophagus, [a30].
- Sensation of coldness from the pharynx through the oesophagus to the stomach, as when
eating pungent cress or radishes, [a18].
- A burning, cooling feeling along the oesophagus to the stomach, as after eating cress,
- Uncomfortable feeling of tension externally in the region of the thyroid gland, which
increases towards evening, [a10].
- Distension of the neck;sensation as if his cravat were too tight, [a30].
- Great desire to eat, which often borders on a ravenous appetite(fourth to eighth day), [a9].
- Hunger violent, soon after eating(2 P.M. ), and also later, [a32].
- Increased appetite in the morning;could hardly wait for breakfast, [a15].
- For several days in succession he had sudden fits of hunger, during which he swallows
his food in a great hurry, and with greediness, [a7].
- Towards evening his appetite increases;he imagines he is not able to satisfy it, and he
swallows his food in a hurry and with greediness, as if with rabid hunger(after eight hours),
- Towards evening he is suddenly attacked with rabid hunger;his whole body is covered
with sweat; these symptoms are attended with great weariness and tremor of the
extremities, [a7].
- Appetite good;but inclination to vomit after eating, [a17].
- * Much hunger, but no appetite; also, early in the morning, [a7].
- Excessive hunger, without relishing any kind of food, [a25].
- Loss of appetite, [a27].
- Entire want of appetite, [a23].
- Want of appetite, [a7, a19].
- No appetite, though fasting, [a32].
- Appetite diminishes unusually, [a27].
- Appetite small, [a20].
- Appetite very bad, almost to distaste of food, [a10].
- Appetite diminished, [a25].
- Appetite little changed;somewhat diminished, [a48].
- Less desire to eat than usual, [a23].
- Want of appetite, with disgust for roast meat, [a19].
- No appetite for breakfast for two days, [a13].
- Total want of appetite at the usual dinner-hour, [a19].
- Little appetite for dinner, [a16, a19].
- Aversion to the taste of food and drinks, [a15].
- Aversion when eating, [a23].
- Appetite slight, mostly for bread and butter, [a32].
- Quick repletion at dinner;even before hunger is satisfied, [a15, a21].
- No desire for eating;desire to drink, [a7].
- He does not eat bread with pleasure, [a7].
- Much thirst(second day), [a32].
- Considerable thirst, [a16].
- Unquenchable thirst, [a44].
- A good deal of thirst in the forenoon, [a30].
- Unusually violent thirst in the afternoon, [a16].
- Excessive thirst in the forenoon, with desire to beer, [a30].
- Want of thirst;absence of thirst, [a9, a15].
- Little thirst, [a30].
- * Frequent rising of mere air, such as takes place when the stomach is deranged(after half
an hour), [a6].
- Empty risings, [a7].
- Frequently empty risings, alternating with hiccough;these symptoms appear while he
smokes tobacco, which he is in the habit of doing(after one hour), [a6].
- Eructations, with qualmishness(after three hours), [_a2].
- Eructations, tasting of the ingesta, [a7].
- Early in the morning eructations tasting of the ingesta, [a4].
- Eructation of wind, [a28, a30].
- Eructation of wind, tasteless when swallowing, [a15, a21].
- Continual eructation of wind during the day, once as after rotten eggs, [a23].
- Eructations, [a15].
- Soon after taking the medicine eructations and passage of flatus, [a30].
- Trifling eructation, that does not fully rise, but dies away in the lower part of the
oesophagus, [a15, a21].
- * Frequent empty eructations, [a12, a25, a28].
- Gulping, sometimes rising to the region of the larynx, [a15, a21].
- Empty eructations, alternating three times with violent hiccough, [a13].
- Occasional imperfect eructations, [a15, a21].
- Frequent eructations in the afternoon, [a17].
- Eructations of wind directly after the medicine, lasting for some time, [a28].
- Rather violent eructations, [a17].
- Frequent eructations that taste of the food eaten, [a17].
- Frequent eructations, tasting like apples, without having eaten any, [a17].
- * Eructations with the taste of apples, frequently during the forenoon, [a17].
- * Frequent eructations tasting of rotten eggs, as when the stomach is out of order, [a23].
- Frequent sour eructations, [a17].
- Frequent sour eructations all the forenoon, [a17].
- Gulping up of salty fluid, [a12, a25].
- Eructations, with a slight attack of nausea, and inclination to vomit, [a17].
- Empty eructations and nausea, [a23].
- * Hiccough immediately after taking the medicine, [a7].
- Hiccough in the afternoon, [a7].
- Frequent hiccough(after twenty-six hours), [a6].
- * Nausea, [a18, a17].
- Nausea without vomiting, [a15].
- Nausea shortly after taking the medicine, [a9].
- Nausea in the stomach, [a15, a21].
- Nausea, with a feeling of anxiety;it is evident that this feeling arises from the abdomen,
- A sense of nausea rises as far as his mouth, [a17].
- A great deal of nausea, [a45].
- Frequent nausea, with extremely sharp pains in the stomach, [a35].
- Nausea, with cutting pain in the abdomen, [a7].
- Nausea shortly after a meal;eructations relieve it, [a11].
- Nausea and pressure in the stomach soon after taking the medicine, [a30].
- Sensation of nausea, [a15, a21].
- Attack of nausea, [a18].
- Nausea, with crawling in the pit of the stomach.
- Toward noon a feeling as of nausea, [a15, a16].
- Nausea after drinking cold water, [a12].
- Nausea and sensation of emptiness in the stomach, worse in the morning, [a48].
- Nausea and frequent eructations after dinner, [a17].
- Momentary nausea, with vertigo, as if about to lose his consciousness, [a18].
- Forenoons, nausea increased to the point of vomiting, which does not take place.
- Nausea, with desire to vomit, [a12, a25].
- Directly after the medicine nausea, with inclination to vomit, [a12].
- Nausea and inclination to vomit(after two hours), [_a2].
- Sight attack of nausea, with inclination to vomit, right after breakfast, [a30].
- * Inclination to vomit, [a15, a16, a17, a23, a24, a48].
- Inclination to vomit, [a43].
- Very great inclination to vomit, [a17].
- Half an hour after the medicine violent desire to vomit;excessive, exhausting aversion,
without vomiting, [a16].
- Inclination to vomit, which increased to such a degree that vomiting would have followed
the least motion, [a16].
- Constant inclination to vomit, [a48].
- Inclination to vomit also continues after vomiting, [a15].
- Inclination to vomit directly after the medicine, without being able to, [a15].
- Inclination to vomit, with watery eructations, [a24].
- Inclination to vomit, with faintness and anxiety, [a43].
- Inclination to vomit while in the room, that disappears in the open air, [a15].
- Inclination to vomit after dinner, without disgust at the food eaten, [a15].
- Inclination to vomit after dinner, [a25].
- Violent gagging, without being able to vomit, [a17].
- * Nausea and vomiting, t.
- Nausea and violent vomiting, t.
- Nausea, then vomiting of mucus, [a16].
- Nausea and vomiting;he throws up his breakfast, [a25].
- Inclination to vomit, and vomiting once, [a15].
- Vomiting of bitter fluid, [a12, a25].
- Painless vomiting, with a slight odor of alcohol, [a30].
- Violent, bitter vomiting, [a12, a25].
- Bitter vomiting, with shudders creeping over the whole body, [a12, a25].
- Watery vomiting, with a shock to the whole body, [a17].
- Spontaneous vomiting of a great quantity of spongy matter, with alvine dejections which
give great relief, [a35].
- Eight or nine vomitings and five diarrhoeic stools, [a45].
- Gurgling in the stomach immediately after the medicine, [a17].
- The pains in the stomach cause the patients to roll on the ground, uttering sharp cries,
- Disagreeable, not distinctly expressed, sensation in the stomach, with nausea setting in,
- Discomfort in the stomach after taking the medicine, [a30].
- Slightly uncomfortable feeling in the stomach, [a30].
- Soon after taking the medicine sensation of discomfort in the stomach, eructations of
wind, heaviness and oppression in the pit of the stomach, [a30].
- Sensation of discomfort in the stomach after breakfast, [a30].
- Directly after taking, disagreeable sensation in the stomach, rattling in the intestines,
passage of flatus, [a30].
- Pain in the stomach, [a30].
- Digestion bad, [a17].
- Digestion very much disturbed, [a17].
- Digestion bad;for the taste of the food ejected by vomiting could still be distinguished at
ten o'clock at night.
- Burning in the stomach, [a12, a25].
- Burning in the stomach after the medicine, [a30].
- Slight burning in the stomach after the medicine, [a30].
- Slight burning in the stomach, [a30].
- An hour after breakfast a sensation of burning and being twisted in the stomach, [a18,
- Soon after the medicine slight burning in the stomach, with aversion, [a15].
- After the medicine, burning in the stomach;then heaviness in the abdomen, [a30].
- Burning and pressure in the stomach soon after the medicine, [a30].
- Burning and pressing pain in the stomach, [a27].
- Slightly cooling, burning sensation in the stomach and pharynx, [a18].
- Heartburn, [a17].
- Heartburn almost always after eating any kind of meat, [a25].
- Sensation of warmth in the stomach after the medicine.
- Feeling of emptiness in the region of the stomach, [a48].
- Repletion, with a feeling of emptiness in the stomach, [a48].
- Sensation of flabbiness in the stomach during the forenoon, [a18, a30].
- Sensation of flabbiness, almost causing vomiting, [a48].
- A feeling as if eructation would take place, resembling a distending pressure in the orifice
of the stomach, [a15, a21].
- Sensation of fulness after dinner and pressure in the region of the stomach, with excessive
accumulation of flatus, [a27].
- Feeling of fulness and of flatus after dinner, [a27].
- Fulness of the stomach, with a flat feeling;the stomach feels as if immediately fastened to
the pharynx, [a16].
- Pains in the stomach during the night, as though flatus were pressing it out; after the
frequent passage of offensive flatus this trouble entirely ceased, [a12].
- The stomach seemed full, and placed directly in the pharynx, so that it required only a
slight impulse to vomit with ease;to prevent this, smoking was discontinued, [a16].
- Cramps in the stomach at noon.
- After a meal, oppression at the stomach and choking at the oesophagus, [a7].
- Oppressive weight in the stomach, [a7].
- Oppression at the stomach, with inclination to go to stool, [a7].
- Pressure in the stomach after breakfast, [a30].
- Pressive pain in the stomach, [a15, a21].
- Pressure in the region of the stomach, [a48].
- Some pressure in the stomach, after breakfast, [a18].
- Pressure and heaviness in the stomach after taking the medicine, [a16, a18, a30].
- Pressure in the stomach, as of accumulated flatus, [a12].
- Sensation of pressure and coolness in the stomach, directly after taking, [a30].
- Pressure in the stomach after eating a little, which was not increased by continued eating,
[a15, a21].
- Pressive pain and drawing downward in the stomach;soon relieved by the passage of
much flatus, [a12].
- Pressure and boring in the stomach that came on soon after the medicine, but soon
ceased, [a12].
- Mornings, on awaking, pressure in the region of the stomach, [a17].
- Pressure in the stomach, with inclination to frequent sighing, [a12].
- Pressive pain in the stomach, with aversion to food, and some nausea, [a27].
- Pressing and drawing in the stomach, increased by pressure of the hand, [a12].
- Pinching in the stomach, [a12].
- Some heaviness in the stomach and abdomen after taking the medicine, [a30].
- Heaviness and coolness in the stomach, after taking the medicine, [a30].
- Sensation as if a stone lay in the stomach, [a48].
- Heaviness and discomfort in the stomach after taking, [a30].
- Sensation of heaviness in the stomach after taking the medicine, [a30].
- Sensation of heaviness in the stomach and lower abdomen after breakfast, [a30].
- A constant sensation in the stomach, as if it were sinking, like a heavy weight towards the
abdomen, [a48].
- Sharp pain, with great oppression in the region of the stomach, [a35].
- Faintness of the stomach, with an empty feeling that sometimes alternates with a
sensation of jerking, as of a heavy object, [a27].
- Trembling of stomach;then of whole body, t.
- Pains in pit of stomach and along sternum, t.
- Burning feeling in the pit of the stomach, [a48].
- Tensive pain at the pit of the stomach, which extends to the left clavicle; it is felt towards
evening, during deep breathing(ninth day), [a9].
- Very painful tension at the epigastrium, [a35].
- Pinching in the pit of the stomach, as if with tongs, [a12, a25].
- Sensation of cramp-like compression and shooting pain in the pit of the stomach, [a32].
- Cramp-like, constrictive pains, coming from the pit of the stomach and extending far into
the abdomen, [a13].
- Spasmodic drawing in the region of the pit of the stomach, extending as far as the chest,
towards evening(ninth day), [a9].
- Heaviness in the pit of the stomach, [a13].
- Oppression at the pit of the stomach(first and ninth day), [a9].
- Oppression at the pit of the stomach, extending as far as the sternum, [a17].
- After breakfast, oppression at the pit of the stomach;in the afternoon the pain passes to the
epigastrium, where it becomes a burrowing pain;in the evening the person passes wind,
after which the pain disappears(sixteenth day), [a9].
- After dinner, oppression at the pit of the stomach, attended with sensitive drawing and
pressure in the balls of the eyes, reluctance to work, and indolent disposition(tenth day),
- Oppression in the region of the upper and left border of the stomach; the pain is felt when
standing or walking(after two hours), [a7].
- Oppression at the pyloric orifice of the stomach, [a11].
- Tearing pain in pit of stomach, [a32].
- Crawling in the pit of the stomach, with nausea, [a48].
- Soon after taking the medicine sensation of emptiness in the region of the pit of the
stomach, [a48].
- A sort of rumbling in the epigastrium, [a5].
- Undulatory jumping of the upper abdominal muscles, [a18].
- When sitting, cutting, colic-like spasms, resembling spasms of the stomach, immediately
below the diaphragm, and extending towards the vertebral column(after one and a half
hours), [a11].
- Pinching and cutting in the epigastrium in the evening(ninth day), [a8].
- Painful tearing in a small spot right above the navel, as if on a fine line about two inches
long, [a15, a21].
- Uncomfortable feeling in the upper abdomen, with a sensation of nausea there, [a15,
- In the hypochondria, upon the left side of the last true rib, there is a pressive pain,
returning every second;at the corresponding place of the right side the person experiences a
pain, as from an old gunshot wound(after two hours), [a11].
- Feeling of soreness in the hypochondria and region of pit of stomach, as if the contents of
the thorax were compressed;the pain is more violent after a meal, [a5].
- Occasional shooting pressive pain in the right hypochondrium, increased by pressure,
- In the right hypochondrium, more backwards, pressive feeling, with occasional stitches,
especially when bending the body to the left;continuing all day, [a27].
- Dull pressive pain in the right hypochondrium, more towards the back, [a27].
- Uncomfortable feeling of pressure in the right hypochondrium, extending upwards, [a27].
- Occasional pressive pain in the liver, [a27].
- Mornings, pressure in the liver, [a27].
- * In the region of the liver, sharp stitches, as from needles, [a5].
- Dull stitches in the liver during breathing, [a5].
- Several stitches in the region of the liver, [a25].
- Mornings, transient, rather violent stitches, deep in the right hypochondrium, [a18].
- Stitches in the liver frequently during the day, [a12, a15].
- Occasional little sharp stitches, as if radiating from the surface of the right lobe of the
liver towards the centre, [a27].
- A sudden violent stitch in the liver towards noon, [a21].
- Stitches in the liver and in the pit of the stomach, with nausea, [a12, a25].
- Several stitches in the region of the liver, [a25].
- Dull stitches extend from the right hypochondrium and from the navel to behind the
sternum, [a32].
- Sensation of pain and drawing in the right hypochondrium, as if the liver had increased in
weight, and dragged at its ligaments, [a27].
- Painful sensation in the region of the spleen, [a25].
- Pinching pain for several seconds in the region of the spleen, [a18].
- Deep, contractive pain in the region of the spleen, [a25].
- Dull pressure in the spleen in the evening, when he is lying in bed upon the left side; the
pain is diminished by turning to the right side.
- * Stitches under the short ribs of the left side in inspiration, and especially when sitting
with a stooping chest, [a5].
- Rather violent stitch in the region of the spleen several times during the afternoon, [a27].
- After the medicine a slight sensation of pain in the abdomen, scarcely worth noticing
during the day;it increased to a sensitive pain in the region of the spleen, and continued,
though diminished, during a short walk [a15, a21].
- Acute pulsative pain below the left hypochondrium;it rises as high up as the third and
fourth ribs(afternoon of eighth day), [a9].
- Continued pain deep in the navel, [a32].
- Uncomfortable sensation in the abdomen, especially around the navel, [a30].
- Sensation of fulness at the region of the navel, [a12].
- Slight pinching about the navel, [a30].
- * Pinching below the umbilicus, attended with a bloated condition of the abdomen, [a7].
- Sensation of heaviness under the navel after breakfast, [a30].
- Soon after taking, a sensation as of a burden under the navel appears, and some pressure
of flatus;afterwards rattling in the intestines, upon which the sensation of heaviness returns,
- Urging under the navel, [a12].
- Soon after taking, heaviness in abdomen, especially in the region of the navel, [a30].
- Soon after the medicine a sensation of heaviness appears in the navel, [a30].
- More or less severe pressive pain in umbilical region, sometimes rising into the right side
of the chest, [a32].
- Griping in the region of the navel, [a30].
- Violent griping in the region of the navel for several seconds after breakfast, [a12].
- Slight griping between the navel and the right hypochondrium, [a18].
- Griping about the navel, lasting till dinner-time, [a28].
- Slight griping in the region of the navel, which ceases after awhile, [a27].
- Colic-like pains, especially in the region of the navel, of some duration, [a27].
- Thumping of flatus against the navel, lasting several minutes, [a12].
- Cutting pain in the umbilical region(after two hours), [a11].
- Itching stitches in the navel, [a18].
- Evenings, in bed, a twitching, writhing jumping in the recti muscles, [a18].
- Jumping of the muscles of the left flank, [a18].
- Pinching, painful sensation in the left side of the abdomen, above the hip; relieved by
passage of flatus, [a18].
- Transient stitches in the right flank, rapidly succeeding each other from two to four times,
and returning after the lapse of ten or fifteen minutes, [a16].
- Frequent twitching of the abdominal muscles, even in the pyramidal muscles by the
pubis, [a18].
- Twitching in the left abdominal muscles, [a18].
- Frequent twitching of the muscles of the upper abdomen, [a18].
- Frequent jumping of the muscles of the walls of the abdomen, [a18].
- Bloated abdomen, [a41].
- * Slight meteorism of the abdomen, [a35].
- Distension of the abdomen for some time after breakfast, [a18, a30].
- Distension of the abdomen;gurgling in the intestines, [a18].
- * Distension of the abdomen, [a18, a30], t.
- Distension of the abdomen after the medicine, [a18, a30].
- Directly after the taking, inflation and heaviness of the abdomen, [a18].
- Flatus moves to and fro in the abdomen in an audible manner, [a7].
- Grunting and rumbling in the abdomen, [_a2].
- Audible grunting in the abdomen early in the morning(second day), [a7].
- Gurgling in the intestines, [a30].
- Loud rumbling in the abdomen(after half an hour), [a4].
- Loud, painless din in the abdomen, like distant thunder, attended with a feeling as if the
person had to go to stool(in the evening), [a7].
- Rumbling and wandering of flatus in the abdomen, [a27].
- * Rumbling in abdomen, with constant pain deep in umbilical region;aggravated by
pressure, [a32].
- Excessive rumbling in the abdomen, [a12].
- Rumbling in the intestines, [a17, a25].
- After stool, rumbling in the abdomen, [a7].
- Some rattling in the intestines, [a30].
- After breakfast, gurgling and rattling in the intestines, [a18].
- Directly after taking, rattling in the abdomen for several seconds, [a13].
- Frequent recurrence of rumbling and rattling in the abdomen during the day, [a27].
- Pressure, rumbling, and rattling in the intestines directly after the medicine, [a48].
- Gurgling and rattling in the intestines after breakfast, [a30].
- Rattling in the abdomen, as if peas were being rolled about, [a15].
- Noise in the intestines;no gurgling, but short, abrupt tones, [a30].
- Loud gurgling in the bowels, deep down, [a7].
- Gurgling and rattling in the intestines, [a30].
- After stool, rumbling in the abdomen, [a7].
- Sensation of fermenting in the abdomen, [a48].
- * Passes a large quantity of wind, [a4, a6].
- Passage of much flatus, [a32].
- * Passage of flatus, [a18, a28, a30].
- Much passage of flatus, [a28].
- Frequent passage of flatus, [a48].
- Passes wind, attended with a sensation similar to that experienced in diarrhoea, [a7].
- Passage of flatus soon after the medicine, followed by a feeling of heaviness in the lower
abdomen, [a30].
- Soon after taking, passage of flatus, with warmth in the abdomen, [a30].
- * The prover has passage of flatus for thirty-seven days, [a30].
- Much passage of flatus, frequently painful, or preceded by colic-like pains, [a15, a21].
- Some relief after passage of flatus, [a30].
- * Passage of much inodorous flatus, [a30].
- During the entire time of proving, frequent passage of inodorous flatus after a distending
pain in the rectum, [a15, a21].
- Frequently passes fetid wind, [a7].
- Passes wind which smells of garlic.
- Moving of flatus in the abdomen, [a18].
- Flatus troubled him during the night, [a25].
- Continued rolling of wind in bowels, eructations of tasteless air, and passing flatus, [a32].
- Slight uncomfortable sensation in the intestines, [a30].
- Violent pain in abdomen(after four hours), [a41].
- Uncomfortable sensation in abdomen, with grumbling, growling, and occasional cutting
gripes in a slight degree, but lasting nearly all day, [a27].
- Sensation of discomfort in the abdomen, with frequent rumbling, and occasional griping,
occurring often in the forenoon, as well as in the afternoon, [a27].
- A constant uncomfortable sensation in the abdomen, with some flatus, [a30].
- Slight burning in the intestines after the medicine, [a30].
- Burning in the intestines, gradually following after burning in the stomach, [a30].
- After breakfast, burning in the abdomen for a short time, [a30].
- Immediately after taking, slight burning sensation in the abdomen that soon ceases, [a30].
- Sensation of distension in the abdomen, following after a very insufficient stool, [a30].
- Sensation of distension and heaviness in the abdomen, [a30].
- Directly after the medicine, a peculiar sensation of distension and heaviness appears in
the abdomen, [a30].
- Soon after the medicine, the same sensation, already often felt, of distension and pressure
in the abdomen, [a30].
- After eating moderately, feeling of distension in the abdomen, [a30].
- Uncomfortable sensation in the abdomen;it is not distended, and yet there is a feeling of
distension there, [a30].
- Pressure and sense of fulness in the abdomen after moderately partaking of light food,
- Troublesome fulness of the whole abdomen;it makes sitting and breathing difficult, [a11].
- Tension in the abdomen, [a18].
- Tension in the whole abdomen, [a16].
- First remarked when accidentally stooping, and always repeated when intentionally doing
so; a sensation of tension across the region of the lungs into the sides of the abdomen,
where it resembled a sprained pain in the abdominal muscles, [a15, a21].
- Directly after the medicine, tension and heaviness in the abdomen.
- Pinching in the abdomen, [a7].
- Slight pinching after the medicine;passage of flatus, [a30].
- Violent pinching and cutting in the abdomen before and during the stools, [a7].
- Griping in the abdomen, [a12, a25, a15].
- Griping in the abdomen, lasting for several minutes, [a12].
- Slight griping after breakfast, [a18, a30].
- Slight griping in the abdomen for several hours, [a28].
- Directly after the medicine, slight griping here and there in the abdomen, more against the
abdominal walls than in the intestines, [a30].
- Transient griping at short intervals, which always began with a stitch, and gradually
disappeared, [a16].
- Slight griping in the abdomen at noon, with passage of flatus, [a30].
- Griping in the abdomen that urged to stool;relieved by a tolerably dry evacuation,
accompanied by cutting pain in the abdomen, [a30].
- Several times, while walking in the open air, griping for a little while, and a burning
pressive pain in the lower abdominal region, [a27].
- At 9 A. M., a burrowing, pressive pain sets in, and slight griping in the abdomen, with
ineffectual urging of flatus towards the anus, [a18].
- After dinner, slight heaviness and slight griping in the abdomen, with ineffectual urging
of flatus towards the anus, [a30].
- Slight griping and rumbling in the intestines, [a30].
- Griping, with passage of flatus, an hour after the medicine, [a28].
- Griping appears, with rumbling in the abdomen, over which he fell asleep, [a27].
- The griping becomes more violent and frequent, [a16].
- Griping in the abdomen, stitches, and then a cutting pain, [a12, a25].
- Accumulation of much flatus, causing oppression, [a48].
- Pressure and qualmishness in the abdomen, with qualmish feeling in the stomach during
the forenoon, [a18, a30].
- A pressive, very disagreeable, painful sensation in the left side of the abdomen, causing a
nauseated ill-feeling in the abdomen, in the affected spot, [a15, a21].
- Heaviness in the abdomen, [a27].
- Heaviness in the abdomen, soon after taking, [a18].
- Heaviness in the abdomen, directly after taking, [a18, a30].
- Urging of flatus towards the anus, [a18].
- Soon after the medicine, heaviness and urging in the abdomen, with rattling in the
intestines, [a30].
- Directly after the medicine, heaviness and tension in the abdomen, [a7].
- * Sense of writhing in the abdomen, [a18].
- Writhing pain in the abdomen, [a7].
- Violent colic, t.
- Colic, after stool, as if the person had swallowed poison, early in the morning(seventh
and ninth days).
- In the forenoon, while walking, puncture-like stitches in the abdominal walls from within
outward, [a28].
- While sneezing, which was caused by the sun, violent stitches in the region of the
caecum, [a12, a25].
- Light stitches, from within outwards, through the abdominal walls; so also in the
diaphragm, [a30].
- Slight searching in the abdomen, with sensation of flatus after breakfast, [a30].
- Repeated light searchings in the intestines, [a30].
- Cutting in the abdomen, late in the evening, [a12, a21].
- Rather painful cutting in the abdomen, as if it were the beginning of colic, [a12, a21].
- Cutting in the abdomen, followed by a soft, crumbling stool;occasional cutting, pressive
pains in the hypogastric region, [a27].
- Cutting pains in the abdomen, with rumbling and gurgling in the intestines, [a27].
- Cutting, searching sensation in the abdomen, [a15].
- Occasional cutting pains in the abdomen, with passage of inodorous flatus, [a15].
- Sensation of cold in the abdomen, [a28].
- Flabby sensation in the abdomen, [a30].
- Sensation as if the abdominal cavity was entirely empty, [a30].
- Bloated condition of the hypogastrium, with cutting pain, attended with wind moving to
and fro in the bowels;eructations and emissions of flatulence give but short relief (after one
hour), [a11].
- Much noise of air and fluid in lower abdomen, [a30].
- Rumbling in the lower abdomen, [a30].
- Frequent rumbling in the region of the lower abdomen, [a27].
- Growling in the lower abdominal cavity;distension of the abdomen, [a18].
- Uneasiness in the abdomen, almost as if the person had to go to stool; at the same time
the person passes a quantity of wind, which has almost no smell, [a17].
- Sensation in the abdomen as i diarrhoea were just coming on, [a17].
- During the whole day there is a sensation in the bowels as if the person had to go to
stool;however the stools are not passed till late in the evening, after there had been copious
stools in the morning, [a7].
- Very painful tension of the lower abdomen, [a35].
- Tension in the pelvis, and in the hypogastric region, [a16].
- Violent pinching in the abdomen, with diarrhoeic stool, [a7].
- After pappy stool, griping in the lower abdomen, which returned several times, in a lesser
degree, during the forenoon, while walking in the open air, [a27].
- Griping, like colic, in the lower abdomen, extending from the left ileum, between the
navel and symphysis pubis, through the cavity of the abdomen, to the right ileum;it was
lessened by pressure, and only lasted several minutes, [a18].
- In the forenoon and afternoon, repeated attacks of griping, cutting pains in the lower
abdominal region, with accumulation of flatus, [a27].
- Repeated griping in left lower abdomen, with rattling in the intestines, [a15, a17].
- Aroused at midnight by a spasmodic pain in the left abdominal region that urged him to
stool, [a25].
- Drawing pain towards the navel and the right flank;this pain began in the pelvis, and took
its course from below upwards, [a16].
- Dull, drawing pain in lower abdomen, extending towards the lumbar muscles, [a32].
- Soon after the medicine, a feeling of heaviness appears in the lower abdomen, [a30].
- Slight urging in the lower abdominal region, [a30].
- The stitches began in the pelvis, and extended to the right side of the abdomen, and
finally disappearing entirely, [a16].
- Sudden, violent stitches, as of splinters, in the left side of the lower abdomen, [a18].
- Cutting in the hypogastrium, without stool, [a7].
- Cutting pain in the hypogastrium, as if diarrhoea were to ensue(in the evening), [a11].
- Cutting pain in the abdomen, such as is consequent upon a purgative;this pain is followed
by liquid stools, by which the pains are relieved(second day), [a8].
- A feeling of restlessness sinks into the abdomen, [a15, a21].
- Troublesome itching of the hypogastrium, with goose-skin;it lasts almost the whole night,
and only disappears in the morning, after perspiration has set in, [a11].
- Mild pain in the groin, [a11].
- Painful pressure in the groin(after two hours), [a11].
- Spasmodic drawing in the left groin when urinating(after three days), [a11].
- Pain, as from a sprain, in the left groin;felt only when walking(after four and one-quarter
hours), [a6].
- Dull stitches, which hurt very much, at the superior anterior process of the iliac bones,
- Peculiar tensive pain in the right loin, [a30].
- Tensive sensation in the region of the right loin, somewhat increased by stretching and
turning the thigh outward;sensation of pain, more felt when standing, prevents walking, and
is increased by the touch, [a26].
- Urging in the left loin, [a12].
Urinary organs
- While driving in the forenoon, tensive pain in the region of the bladder, without desire to
urinate, [a30].
- Twitching pain in bladder, [a32].
- * Effusion of viscid glutinous mucus from the urethra, [_a2].
- In the evening, disagreeable sensation in the urethra, quite at the end, along the glans,
involuntarily inducing pressure of this part, [a30].
- At night, momentary burning in the orifice of the urethra, [a12].
- Burning in the urethra while urinating, [a19, a21].
- Burning while urinating, [a19].
- Burning sensation while urinating continued several days, [a19].
- A stitch in the urethra, as if an incandescent steel were pushed through it (after three
hours), [a11].
- Fine stitches through the urethra, [a30].
- Prickling and itching in the orifice of the urethra(after two hours), [_a2].
- A sensitive, momentary crawling-itching in the glans, which seems to be in the urethra,
- Tickling in the fossa navicularis of the urethra, as if a small foreign body were in it, [a15].
- Sensation in the urethra as if he had not entirely done urinating, [a11].
- Sensation in the urethra, as if a drop of cold water passed through it, [a11].
- Frequent and violent urging to urinate, and copious urine, with stitches in meatus
urinarius, [a32].
- Desire to urinate, though but very little urine is passed(after three-quarters of an hour),
- Waking up in the night with a violent desire to urinate, much urine being then emitted
(after nineteen hours), [a6].
- Frequent desire to urinate;he passes much urine, the penis being quite relaxed (after four
hours), [a6].
- Frequent desire to urinate;quantity of urine considerably greater than usual, [a30].
- Profuse urine with the stool, and soon afterwards renewed desire to urinate, [a32].
- Frequent micturition, [a7].
- She frequently passes her urine, though she had drank but little(fourth day), [a8].
- After long-continued desire to urinate, profuse urine and soft stool, [a32].
- Copious passage of urine, [a25].
- Passage of urine frequent and considerably increased, [a28].
- Passed an unusual quantity of urine during the night, [a30].
- Paralytic weakness of the sphincter vesicae, so that the urine could only be retained for a
moment with difficulty, [a15].
- After urinating, the urine continued to flow involuntarily for some time, so that the thighs
and knees were frequently quite wet;it seemed as if the sphincter vesicae had suspended its
function, [a15].
- With desire to urinate, the sphincter vesicae had not the power to retain the urine, even
momentarily. It passed at intervals, dripping long afterwards, frequently wetting the thighs;
the penis at the same time cold and shrunken, [a15].
- Retention of urine, [a7].
- * Rare emission of urine, without any increase of quantity, [a7].
- Rare emission of urine, with decrease of quantity, [a7].
- Urine comes out slowly, feebly, sometimes only in drops;he is obliged to bear down in
order to facilitate the emission of urine, [a7].
- The urine sometimes stops flowing for a few moments, and then flows again, [a7].
- Noticeably small secretion of urine, [a15, a21].
- Since beginning the proving, the secretion of urine seems to have considerably
diminished, [a15, a21].
- Scanty, reddish urine(first and second day), [a9].
- Urine scanty and dark(second afternoon), [a32].
- * Clear lemon-colored urine, [a7].
- Urine clear canary-yellow, [a32].
- After several attempts, the urine is passed clear citron-yellow(two hours), [a32].
- In the morning, urine light-colored, like water;flame-colored in the afternoon, without
sediment, [a17].
- Flame-colored urine in the afternoon, [a17].
- Urine passed was burning hot and dark yellow, [a19].
- Urine red and dim, without sediment, [a17].
- During the time of proving, urine mostly unusually lemon-colored, [a21].
- Urine appeared very red and clear, [a17].
- Urine of normal color, [a28].
- Urine notably watery, [a17].
- Urine very dim and whey-like, [a17].
- Urine watery in the forenoon, afterwards milky, [a17].
- Urine milky and dim, [a17].
- Urine grows dim and whey-like after standing a short time, [a30].
- Urine that passes very dim, like clay-water, [a17].
- Urine milky in the afternoon, [a17].
- Urine with a dense shimmering film, without sediment, [a17].
- A little shimmering pellicle on the surface of the urine, seeming to consist of little longish
crystals, [a17].
- After an hour, the urine showed a little shimmering pellicle, and a copious white
sediment, [a17].
- Urine with copious white, flaky sediment, and shimmering film, [a17].
- Red, dim urine, depositing a copious white, flaky sediment, that seemed to be mixed with
a red powder, [a17].
- After an hour, the urine turned quite dim, and deposited a red, flaky sediment, [a17].
- After an hour, a red powdery sediment, [a17].
- After an hour, the urine deposited a copious white sediment, which proved, on chemical
analysis, to be phosphate of magnesia, [a17].
Sexual organs
- Irritation of the genitals, [a33].
- Itching, with titillation of the margin of the prepuce;these symptoms oblige him to rub the
parts(after five hours), [a6].
- Quickly passing, voluptuous itching in the penis, [a11].
- Tickling itching in the scrotum, necessitating rubbing, while sitting(after twelve hours),
- The skin swells and turns red in the left side of the scrotum, itches and twinges; the
swelling disappears again after two days, [a28].
- Excessive retraction of the testicles toward the inguinal ring, so that it became painful,
and it was necessary to push them out from the inguinal opening, within which they were
partly imbedded;this, however, only afforded partial relief, still the difficulty was not of
long duration, [a15, a21].
- Drawing in the testicles, attended with a sense of uneasiness, awkwardness, and
sleepiness, in the evening, [a18].
- Spasmodic drawing in the left testicle and spermatic cord, [a11].
- Continual erections(first night), [a9].
- Erections early in the morning, [_a2].
- * Frequent erections, also at night, [a7].
- Mornings, excessive sexual desire, [a30].
- Very lively sexual desire, [a30].
- The sexual desire becomes excited, [a7].
- A nap after dinner is succeeded by an unbounded desire, in the sexual organ, for an
emission of semen;after the emission there is a pressive tension below the ribs, without any
symptoms of flatulence, [a18].
- * Great desire for an embrace, the penis being relaxed, [a7].
- In the evening, when desirous of enjoying an embrace, he tried in vain to have an
erection; he was, therefore, obliged to desist;in the ensuing night, he had several copious,
involuntary effusions of semen, [_a2].
- In spite of strong excitement, there is no pleasurable sensation in an embrace, [a7].
- During an embrace, a copious effusion of semen, followed by a very long sleep, [a7].
- Tardy effusion of semen during an embrace, [a7].
- Insufficient effusion of semen during an embrace, which is succeeded by weariness of the
body, [a7].
- After every embrace there is great weariness, lasting several days, [a7].
- Every embrace is followed by copious night-sweats, attended with a general lassitude of
the body, which lasts for several days, [a7].
- After an embrace he feels very much exhausted;there is a burning itching upon the skin,
and copious night-sweats for two nights;the sweat appearing first upon the upper part of the
chest and shoulders, and then upon the abdomen and the anus, [a7].
- Sexual desire very much diminished, [a15].
- Noticeable sexual apathy, [a15, a21].
- Great aversion to sexual intercourse, [_a2].
- Pollutions(first night), [a9].
- Nightly pollutions, without any lascivious dreams, [a6].
- Emissions, several successive nights, [a21].
- Several slight emissions, [a21].
- Itching of the hairy parts of the pudendum, [_a2].
- Itching and titillation of the female organs of generation, [a7].
- Menses appear two days earlier than usual, and increased;flow of the menses greater than
usual, with violent pains in the back and abdomen, of a tearing, pressive kind. Intolerable
itching in the external genitals, which did not cease till the following day, [a13].
- Menses flow more abundantly, [a4].
Respiratory apparatus
- Sense of constriction of the larynx, t.
- * The oppression and constriction of the larynx make him dread suffocation, [a35].
- Pressive pain in the right of the larynx, with irritation to cough, [a12].
- Huskiness of the voice, with piercing pains in the chest, [a32].
- Irritation which excites coughing, [a7].
- Frequently returning sensation of tickling in the larynx, which induces short and
frequently repeated coughing, [a7].
- A scratching irritation in the windpipe, causing a dry cough, [a18].
- * Constant irritation to cough, which can mostly be suppressed, but, if not, several violent
shocks of cough succeed one another, which are very painful and mostly dry, [a30].
- Great inclination to violent cough during the day, especially when smoking tobacco,
- During the day, several * sudden violent attacks of coughing, [a30].
- During the day, several attacks of violent seemingly convulsive cough, [a30].
- Violent coughing several times during the day, with pain under the sternum, [a30].
- After dinner, coughing and sneezing together, so violent that it causes him to cry out,
- Violent cough, with sneezing, [a30].
- The cough is mostly accompanied by sneezing, [a30].
- Violent sneezing follows every attack of cough, [a30].
- * The cough has the peculiarity of appearing in isolated attacks, is very violent, and ends
with repeated sneezing, [a30].
- A few attacks of cough with gagging, [a30].
- A violent attack of cough, with inclination to vomit, and lachrymation, [a30].
- Forenoon, frequent coughing;afternoon, an attack of coughing, with vomiting, [a30].
- Convulsive, hacking cough, with oppressive perspiration, [a25].
- Suddenly occurring violent attacks of cough, [a30].
- Recurring several times, violent cough, by shocks, [a30].
- Cough comes suddenly, and is so violent that it is not easily suppressed; several shocks of
cough succeed each other, and cause him to double up and force tears from his eyes;the
cough then ceases for a longer time;for half days, [a30].
- The cough came on suddenly, and was so violent that it obliged him to double up,
contract his legs, and even move his arms, [a30].
- Two attacks of convulsive cough, followed by pain in the chest, [a30].
- Awoke, coughing violently, [a30].
- Violent cough, several times on waking up in the morning, [a30].
- When he awoke, violent convulsive cough set in, [a25].
- Violent coughing, several times in the morning, [a30].
- Cough several times, mornings, [a30].
- Cough in the morning followed by sneezing, [a30].
- Several attacks of cough in the forenoon, accompanied by sneezing, [a30].
- Violent coughing several times in the forenoon, [a30].
- Several convulsive attacks of cough during the forenoon, [a30].
- During the forenoon, at intervals of two or three hours, convulsive attacks of coughing,
- Very violent coughing at noon, with repeated sneezing, [a30].
- Several violent attacks of cough during the day, but not of long duration, [a30].
- In the afternoon, frequent violent coughing, [a30].
- Often roused at night by violent attack of cough, [a30].
- So violent an attack of cough at night that it obliged him to sit up in bed, as he could not
recover breath for some time, [a30].
- Coughed racked him so much at night that he was obliged to sit up in bed, because the
spasmodic contractions of the air-passages threatened to suffocate him, [a30].
- Violent coughing several times during the night, [a30].
- Much cough during the night, [a18].
- Coughed violently, and sweated somewhat at night, [a30].
- Shortly after falling asleep, she is roused by a spasmodic cough, lasting about ten
minutes, attended with a painful tickling in the upper part of the larynx and extending down
the throat, [a11].
- Dry cough several times, [a30].
- When sitting, there is a dry cough after dinner, which disturbs the nap.
- Dry cough, with wheezing under the sternum, causing burning, [a15].
- Frequent cough after a meal, without expectoration, [a7].
- Violent, mostly dry cough, on waking, [a30].
- Violent attacks of cough in the morning, mostly dry, [a30].
- Short dry cough several times during the forenoon, [a21].
- After dinner, short, dry, interrupted hacking cough, [a30].
- During the day, frequent and labored, mostly dry cough, [a30].
- At night, two attacks of violent labored cough, that convulsively shake the whole body;
the cough, which is mostly dry, is caused by a tickling in the air-passages; slimy
expectoration seldom occurred, [a30].
- Several times, loose labored cough, the irritation to cough being in the windpipe, [a30].
- Several attacks of violent coughing, with only occasional expectoration of mucus, [a30].
- Several times, night and morning, violent cough, with expectoration of mucus, [a30].
- Cough frequently mornings;on waking, labored and mostly dry, with expectoration of
thick white mucus, [a30].
- Coughed several times, and expectorated mucus on awaking, [a30].
- Mornings, on waking, cough, with loose expectoration, [a21].
- Violent coughing several times in the morning, with expectoration of mucus, [a30].
- Mornings, rattling of mucus in the chest, followed by several violent attacks of coughing;
but rarely expectoration of mucus, [a30].
- Slight coughing of mucus in the morning, [a30].
- Frequent violent cough in the morning, with only occasional expectoration, [a18].
- Cough which, especially in the morning, brings up large brown flakes of mucus, [a15].
- Coughing up of thick mucus in the morning, [a30].
- Mornings, violent cough, several times, with expectoration of mucus; the cough bears the
widest characteristics of a spasmodic cough, that is, upon a deep, almost wheezing
inspiration, follow several short, clear sounding shocks of cough, often with doubling up of
the body, inclination to vomit, and lachrymation.
- Frequent cough in the forenoon, sometimes dry, but mostly with expectoration of mucus,
- During the forenoon appeared several attacks of violent cough, with expectoration of
mucus, [a30].
- Frequent coughing up of lumpy mucus during the day, [a30].
- Cough increased towards evening, [a15].
- Much expectoration of small, gelatinous, transparent, moulded lumps of mucus, with
great relief to the lungs, without coughing, and by forcible expiration, [a15, a21].
- Expectoration very marked, gelatinous, or rather resembling starch-paste, transparent and
white;it does not dissolve, but retains its accidental form of little lumps, like coagulated
starch-paste, and is observed for many days, [a15, a21].
- Expectoration of thin thready mucus, and small lumps of a saltish taste, [a33].
- Breath is very short, [a7].
- Anxiety;attacks of suffocation, t.
- Very short breath and asthma, even when walking slowly, [a7].
- When walking, she is obliged to stand still several times, in order to be able to take
breath, [a7].
- Difficult breathing(after eight days), [a7].
- * Difficult and noisy respiration, [a35].
- Respiration difficult, [a32].
- Towards eleven o'clock in the morning, difficulty in breathing, [a13].
- Respiration labored and superficial, [a32].
- Oppressed breathing at times, [a32].
- Aggravated breathing, as if the cavity of the thorax were filled with blood (after four
hours), [a5].
- Accelerated breathing, [a15, a21].
- Deep breathing, [a32].
- * Frequent deep inspiration, [a32].
- Hot, accelerated breath, and oppressed chest;deep breathing and involuntary bursts of
coughing are often instinctively but vainly employed to remove these difficulties, [a15,
- * Respiration light, [a33].
- Frequent twitching in both pectoral muscles, [a18].
- Frequent jumping of the pectoral muscles, [a18].
- Rattling of mucus in the chest, [a30].
- Rattling of mucus in the chest, when lying on the back, [a30].
- Snoring and wheezing in the chest, during the night, [a30].
- Constant sensation of not feeling well in the chest, [a48].
- Pain in the chest, after rising, [a30].
- Burning inside the chest, and a kind of oppression, [a48].
- Burning in the chest, after dinner, [a30].
- Fine burning and prickling at different places of the chest, especially upon the sternum
(after one hour), [a5].
- Occasionally, some tensive pain across the chest, [a30].
- Tension across the chest;slight shortness of breath, [a30].
- Soon after taking, tension across the anterior walls of the chest, with some shortness of
breath, [a30].
- Soon after taking, tension across the anterior wall of the chest, [a30].
- After breakfast, tension across the chest, as if the thorax could not sufficiently expand,
- Towards noon, slight shooting pains and tension in the chest, [a30].
- Tension and pressure over the whole breast, for a short time after breakfast, [a30].
- * Tension in the lower part of the chest, during motion and when sitting; this tension takes
away his breath, [a7].
- * Difficulty in breathing, as if his chest were too full;he is constrained to breathe deeper,
[a14, a21].
- * Total constriction of the chest consequent upon oppression;she is obliged to take
frequent and deep inspirations;this makes walking difficult for her, [a7].
- * More or less severe constriction of the chest, with deep inspiration at times, and visible
beating of the heart, and a kind of oppression, especially behind the two borders of the
sternum, along its whole length, [a32].
- Feeling of pain in the lower part of the chest, especially in the region of the pit of the
stomach, as if the contents of the thorax were compressed;the pain is most violent after
dinner, [a5].
- Continued pressure on upper part of chest, like an oppression, with repeated deep
inspirations on walking and sitting, with painful pressure behind the sternum and at both
sides of it; comes and goes, with sensation of a load on the chest, [a32].
- Pressure on the chest, [a30].
- Pressure on the chest, after breakfast, [a18].
- Slight pressure on the chest, [a30].
- Pressure and pain in the chest, [a15].
- Pressure in the chest, and difficulty in breathing, [a12].
- Pressure and drawing pain in the chest, [a30].
- Pressure and burning in the centre of the chest, [a33].
- Pressure an stitching, with sense of fulness on centre of chest, [a33].
- Afternoons, frequent pressure in the chest;sometimes in one place, sometimes in another,
- Oppression at the chest, [a7].
- * Violent oppression at the chest, [a7].
- Sense of oppression in chest compels deep breathing, [a32].
- She feels so oppressed at the chest, that she is unable to take a slow and deep inspiration,
and has to give it up again as soon as she tries, [a7].
- * Oppression of the chest in the region of the diaphragm, attended with drawing pain
(after one-half hour), [a11].
- Oppression at the chest, attended with great throbbing of the arteries (one or two days),
- * Sense of oppression at the cardiac region, as if the cavity of the thorax were narrowed,
- Oppression of the chest and frequent sighing, [a12].
- Oppression of the chest for a short time, [a30].
- Shortly after taking, oppression of the chest, and light coughing up of mucus, [a30].
- An hour after taking, oppression, heaviness, and pressure of the chest, [a18, a30].
- Forenoons, when sitting, slight oppression and stitches in the chest, [a30].
- Oppression of the chest, at 5 A. M., that was seldom relieved during the day, [a12].
- Chest oppressed and catarrhally affected, which induces cough and expectoration,
hawking, and deep breathing;deep respiration is painful in some parts of the chest and body,
accompanied by a sensation as if something dislocated itself, [a15, a21].
- He is attacked by oppression frequently during the day;then shortness of breath, which
repeatedly compels him to take a deep breath, [a12].
- Oppressive anxiety in the chest, [a7].
- Anxious sensation in the chest, with accelerated and audible breathing, [a15, a21].
- Anxious, restless feeling in the chest, from time to time, as when expecting something
unusual, [a15, a21].
- When rising from a sitting posture, anxiety in the chest increases and breathing is
accelerated, [a15, a21].
- Anxious haste and anxiety in the chest, as if expecting something unusual; breathing
accelerated, and inclination to sighing respirations, [a15, a21].
- Heaviness on the chest, [a30].
- Sometimes momentary stitches through the chest, from behind, without disturbing
respiration, [a15].
- Fine stitching and pressure in the upper part of the chest, like a burning pain, without
cough, [a33].
- On sitting, evenings, sudden stitches deep in chest, in region of the borders of the dorsal
vertebrae, [a32].
- Stitches in one or other lung, especially on bending forward or backward (for two or three
days), [a32].
- Stitches in the region of the lungs, passing off soon, [a7].
- Painful stitches in the middle of the chest, [a11].
- Stitches in the chest, below the nipples(after fourteen and thirty hours), [a5].
- When walking, in the forenoon, punctiform stitches from within outwards, in the lower
half of the chest, [a30].
- Sometimes very sensitive, piercing, tearing pains, in small, limited spots in the thorax, in
front and behind;for instance, in the left side, in the region of the upper false ribs, below the
right shoulder-blade, etc.;respiratory motions have no influence upon them, [a15, a21].
- Pain, repeatedly in the chest and back, especially under both shoulder-blades, and the
corresponding parts of the chest in front;it is of a shooting, pressive kind, very painful,
inducing deep breathing, as if for relief, [a15, a21].
- Sensation of soreness in the chest, [a30].
- Bruised pain in the entire front wall of the chest, with difficulty of breathing, [a30].
- Pulsative soreness, at various inconsiderable places of the chest, especially at the right
half of the chest;at night, and also during the day(after a fortnight), [a9].
- Sensation of rawness in the chest, with indications of cough in the morning, [a30].
- On deep breathing, sense of motion, almost sticking, in muscles of chest and neck, [a32].
- Pain, as from a sprain, in the chest;it increases, especially upon taking a deep inspiration;
in the evening(ninth day), [a9].
- Itching upon the chest, which terminates in burning, [a7].
- Burning itching upon the chest and in the back, [a7].
- Violent itching of the nipples, [a7].
- Copious sweat upon the chest, at night, [a7].
- Mattery pustules in the breast, with a red areola of the size of a millet-seed; they cause
itching and burning, [a17].
- Twitching in the right pectoral muscle, [a18].
- Pain in the chest, right side, [a15, a21].
- Burning, drawing pains in the right side of the chest, from without inward, and peculiar
kind of oppression, lasting for five minutes, [a48].
- In consequence of a leap, during a journey on foot, burning, piercing, sprained sensation
under the right nipple, which makes respiration impossible for a few seconds, [a15].
- After rising, severe pressive pain in the right side of the chest, [a30].
- When walking, painful, excessive pressure on the right breast near the nipple, with a
sensation as if deep breath could remove the cause;later, the anxious feeling of oppression
of the chest again, which, in reality, did not exist, [a15, a21].
- Late in the evening, there appeared a pressive pain in the right side of the chest, near the
nipple, that could not be removed by deep breathing, which it occasioned, [a15, a21].
- Frequent pricking, as of striking splinters, first in the right pectoral muscles, then in the
right true and false ribs, [a18].
- Splinters(stitches)in the right rib-muscles, below the nipple, [a18].
- Tearing, intermittent pain in the right front wall of the chest, [a15, a21].
- Stitches in right lung, [a32].
- Stitches in the right lung, on walking, [a32].
- Momentary stitches in various places in right lung, [a32].
- Jerking stitches through right lung, [a32].
- Violent stitches in right lung, whereby the breath must be held; relieved by pressing the
hand on the chest, while sitting(three to five hours, also eleven hours), [a32].
- Stitches in the middle of the right lung, worse on every respiration, [a32].
- Stitches in the right pectoral muscles, [a32].
- Frequent pricking of splinters near the lower right rib, [a18].
- Sore pain on the anterior surface or the chest, especially in the right, near the sternum,
seemingly under the ribs, [a30].
- Twitching in the left intercostals, [a18].
- Burning pain in the left half of the chest(third day), [a9].
- Pinching pain in the left mamma, descending obliquely as far as the navel, [a4].
- Sticking in the left axilla, and in the left ribs, [a12, a25].
- Sticking extends from left nipple outwards, seems to be more in the muscles, [a32].
- Stitches in left side of chest, between nipple and sternum, increased by every respiration,
- Stitches in left lung, [a32].
- Fine stitches in left lung, [a32].
- Stitches in left lung, between fifth and sixth ribs;worse on breathing, [a32].
- Fine stitch in the left side of the chest, where the ribs terminate; the stitch is felt when
sitting and stooping with the chest, [a5].
- Stitches in the left side of the chest, where the ribs terminate;during an inspiration, [a5].
- Pain in upper part of left breast, in intercostal muscles, [a32].
- Frequent violent stitches, as of penetrating splinters, in the dorsal vertebrae and in the left
pectoral muscle, near the nipple, [a18].
- Stitches in left pectoral muscles, with drawing in right foot;boring in forehead, [a32].
- Pressure and drawing in left intercostal muscles and muscles of left thigh, with bruised
sensation of left elbow, [a32].
- A pain, resembling tearing, in the region of the left lower wall of the chest, [a15, a21].
- In a small, circumscribed spot, about the size of a gold dollar, on the left side, before the
shoulder-blade, a transient sensation of icy coldness, [a18].
- Isolated attacks of pain under the sternum, [a30].
- Pains along the sternum and in pit of stomach, t.
- Burning under the sternum, [a30].
- Excessive burning under the sternum, [a30].
- Peculiar sensation of contraction of the sternum, [a30].
- Sensitive pressure in a little spot to the left lower third of the sternum, [a15, a21].
- Sticking behind sternum, not increased by inspiration, but worse at end of expiration,
- Fine stitches behind sternum, [a32].
- Stitches behind sternum impede respiration, [a32].
- Pressure under the upper half of the sternum, [a30].
- Pressive pain behind sternum, [a32].
- Oppression behind sternum, in rest, with some violent palpitation, [a32].
- Pressive, burning pain below the sternum, after breakfast, [a30].
- Painful pressure at the middle portion of the sternum, aggravated by inspiring (after two
and a half hours), [a5].
- Drawing pressure behind the right margin of the sternum, [a32].
- Sore pain under the sternum, after breakfast, [a30].
- Sensitiveness below the sternum, [a30].
Heart and pulse
- Beat of the heart visible and strongly felt, [a32].
- On sitting down, some irregular, strong beats of the heart, with sense of oppression, [a32].
- When he awoke, he had trembling of the heart, [a25].
- Violent pulsation of the heart, perceptible even in the coccyx, [a15].
- Increased pulsation of the heart, with redness of the face, [a15].
- Weak palpitation of the heart, [a23].
- Frequent palpitation of the heart, [a25].
- Palpitation of the heart for several minutes, [a23].
- Very violent palpitation of the heart, [a23].
- Palpitation of the heart on waking in the morning, [a13].
- From 3 to 5 P.M. uninterrupted palpitation of the heart, [a23].
- Violent palpitation of the heart in the evening, [a23].
- Palpitation of the heart in the evening, without consciousness, [a19].
- Violent palpitation of the heart before going to bed, [a23].
- Violent palpitation of the heart for five minutes, [a23].
- Palpitation of the heart came on so violently that he was obliged to lie down on the
lounge, [a25].
- In the evening, violent palpitation of the heart, with anxiousness, that terminated in a
restless drowsiness, [a19].
- When standing, painful palpitation of the heart, [a11].
- When vexed, he had palpitation of the heart, [a25].
- Burning pain in the region of the heart, with palpitation, [a13].
- At noon, burning and pressive pain in the region of the heart, that appeared several times
and soon passed away, [a21].
- Burning, shooting pains from the region of the heart, extending to the left shoulder-blade,
caused by deep inspiration, and much aggravated by coughing, sneezing, and hiccough,
- Disagreeable feeling in the heart, as if it were compressed, [a12].
- When he laid down at night, he felt several blows in the heart, with trembling in the pit of
the stomach, and anxiety, caused by every slight noise. The same on waking in the morning,
when stitches in the region of the navel, and frequent sneezing and yawning set in, besides,
- Pressure near the heart, [a23].
- From 4 P.M. till evening, constant pressure near the heart, [a23].
- Anxious sense of oppression in heart, with irregular, violent action of heart, [a32].
- Anxious sense in heart, and some violent, irregular beating, which makes it worse in
sitting (repeated), [a32].
- Anxiety in the heart, [a15, a21].
- Oppression at the heart, on bending in the body down, with violent beating of the heart,
- Violent stitches in the region of the heart, without intermittent pulse, [a15].
- Painful stitches in the region of the heart, with accelerated pulse, [a15].
- Breathing obstructed by momentary stitches in the region of the heart, with irregular,
often intermitting, pulse, [a15].
- Several twitching shocks of the heart, [a18].
- At night, transient, painful shocks in the heart, with anxiety, [a12].
- Accelerated pulse, [a15].
- Pulse full, very rapid, t.
- Rapid pulse, intermitting every thirtieth of fortieth stroke, [a15].
- Small, quick pulse, eighty beats, early in the morning, [a11].
- Pulse weak, [a17].
- Pulse weak and slow, [a17].
- * Pulse so feeble as to be hardly perceptible, [a43].
- * The pulse becomes slower(after two hours), [a7].
- * Small, irregular pulse, [a42].
- The pulse, which is generally strong and full, becomes small, weak, and scarcely
perceptible, [a7].
- * Small, depressed pulse, [a35].
- Pulse contracted, 84 to 88, t.
- Undulatory, slow, weak pulse, [a7].
- Intermittent pulse, [a15].
- * Weak, unequal, intermittent pulse, [a7].
- Early in the morning the pulse is less intermittent, [a7].
- After drinking coffee, the pulse became less intermittent, and rose from 50 to 60 beats,
- Pulse sometimes double, with a short interval, [a32].
- Pulse 57, soft, small(a quarter of an hour);57 to 60(one hour);58(two hours); 70(two and a
half hours);90, full and hard(six hours), [a32].
- Pulse fell to 60;then to 54(in fifteen minutes);pulse 60(in three-quarters of an hour); 70(in
one hour);65(in one and a quarter hours);60(in two hours);57(in one and three-quarter
hours); 60(in one and a quarter hours);58(in two and a quarter hours);65(in one and three-
quarter hours); 60, (in three hours), [a32].
- Pulse 60(a quarter of an hour);65, irregular(twenty minutes);60(forty-five minutes);
60(one hour);60(one and a half hours);65(two and a quarter hours), [a32].
Extremities in general
- Trembling of all the limbs(primary effect), [a38].
- * Trembling of the limbs, [a17, a19].
- * Frequent jumping of the muscles of the extremities, with jerking up of first one thumb
and then the other, and of separate fingers, [a18].
- Restlessness and a quivering trembling of the left upper arm and thigh-muscles, with
light, jerking shocks of those limbs, and frequent jumping of the muscles in different
positions of the body, [a18].
- When lying on the lounge, frequent twitching of the muscles, sometimes on the inner side
of the left knee, sometimes in the left upper arm, sometimes on the back, on the right
shoulder-blade, [a18].
- Shocks in various limbs, and frequent jumping of the muscles, [a18].
- Sensation of weakness in the left arm and left foot;restlessness in them that compels
motion, [a28].
- Paralysis of the lower limbs, with slight spasms of the arms, [a42].
- Weakness in limbs, t.
- Very weak in all the limbs, [a32].
- Prostration of all the limbs, especially of the lower extremities, [a32].
- Weakness and sensitiveness to pain in all the limbs, attended with pain in the heels when
standing, [a5].
- Prostration in every limb, especially of the left arm, [a14].
- Lassitude and heaviness of all the limbs.
- Painful lassitude in the arms and legs, [a7].
- easygoing to sleep of the extremities;when writing only a few words his hand went to
sleep, during a somewhat forced position of the arm, as he wrote stooping or while
standing, [a15, a21].
- * She felt as if her limbs did not belong to her, t.
- Painful pressure here and there in limbs, [a32].
- In the forenoon, when sitting, a not exactly painful but very disagreeable drawing and
tearing in the long bones of the upper arm and lower extremities, [a30].
- Drawing and pressing in various muscles in extremities(mostly in extensors), [a32].
- Drawing pain, now in the right upper arm, now in the left knee-joint;now in the right,
now in the left thigh, [a7].
- Pains resembling tearing in the limbs, [a15, a21].
- Tearing several times in the left upper arm;the same in the right thigh, above the knee,
towards the outside, [a15, a21].
- Momentary tearing pains occasionally appear in the tendinous expansions of the
extremities, [a15].
- Single transient, tearing pains in the right ulna;also, in the right tibia, [a18].
- Tearing of different long bones, especially at their extremities, [a5].
- Fine, piercing tearing pain, always appearing suddenly, in the region of the right leg, in
front, close above the ankle, and, at the same time, at a point in the middle of the back of
the left hand, [a15, a21].
- Now and then a shooting, tearing pain when beginning to move, which disappears when
motion is continued, [a15].
- An entirely unusual piercing pain, never before experienced, in almost every limb of the
body, particularly severe in both knee-joints and in the condyles:so that particularly the
right knee-joint was very painful when ascending the stairs, [a20].
- Sensation as of electric shocks in different limbs and different fingers, [a18].
- Shock-wise, jerk-like appearing shocks, sometimes in the left hip, sometimes in the right
hand, originating in the legs, [a18].
- The long bones of the upper and lower extremities and all the joints feel bruised after
motion, and the muscles feel painful on being touched, [a7].
- Bruised pain in left elbow and ankle, [a32].
- Pricking and crawling in the anterior border of the right forefinger, the toes and the heel,
- Formication in the upper and lower extremities, [a15].
- Pains in the bones begin in the morning, continue all the forenoon, with slight
interruptions, are worse at noon, and abate again in the afternoons and evenings;these pain
are particularly located in the left tibia, sometimes appearing in the condyle of the left
elbow, resembling the descriptions of syphilitic pains in the bones;they resemble them with
this distinction, that they are not aggravated by the warmth of the bed, but rather lessened,
sometimes disappearing entirely, [a30].
- Cold and blue limbs, t.
- Hands and feet cold, t.
- Mornings, in the warmth of the bed, the familiar sensation of coldness in the right axilla,
and in the inner condyle of the foot, [a18].
- Twitchings, especially of arms, so violent that it seemed to her as from electric shocks;
she could hold nothing in her hands, t.
Upper extremities
- * Irregular and hurried movements of the upper extremities, [a35].
- Slight contraction of the upper extremities, t.
- Began to move the arms here and there, and shrug the shoulder, t.
- * Pimples upon the arms, with a burning-itching, of the size of grains of flaxseed, [a7].
- The arms feel bruised, [a7].
- Painful weariness of the arms, [a7].
- On account of the pain he is obliged to change frequently the position of his arms, [a7].
- Want of strength in the arms, [a7].
- Itching of the arms, [a7].
- Small jerks in muscles of left shoulder-joint and between scapulae, [a32].
- Drawing, rheumatic pains in the shoulder-joint, attended with weakness of the whole arm
(fifteenth day), [a9].
- Slight drawing and pressive pain in the right shoulder, [a30].
- Violent paralytic tearing in the right shoulder, [a18].
- Sticking in muscles or anterior wall of right axilla, [a32].
- Rhythmical jumping of the muscles in the left shoulder-blade and left deltoid muscle,
- Violent convulsive shock in the left shoulder, [a18].
- Tearing pain in left shoulder, [a30].
- Pain in left shoulder-joint, [a32].
- Sprained pain in the left shoulder-joint, [a48].
- A sore pain in the lower angle of the left shoulder-blade, as if chafed, [a15, a21].
- Fine stinging in the forepart of the head of the humerus in the right arm, [a5].
- Convulsive shock of the left arm, as from an electric shock, that seemed to have its origin
in the neighboring joints, [a18].
- Violent shock in the left arm, [a18].
- From 2 to 6 P.M. pain as of lameness in the left arm, [a23].
- Drawing pains in left arm, extending to the middle finger, [a23].
- Tension in the biceps, [a15].
- On rising in the morning, stiff pain in right biceps on bending the forearm back to the
body; lasts a long time;makes this movement difficult, [a32].
- The upper arms are painful to the touch, [a7].
- Bruised feeling in upper arm, [a32].
- Sensation as if from the jumping of the tendons in the upper arm, [a19].
- The upper arm feels paralyzed, in consequence of much writing, [a5].
- A suppurating, painful abscess, of the size of a bean, has formed in the middle of the right
deltoid muscle, [a15].
- Some tension in the right upper arm, felt when moving, [a30].
- Only during certain motions a somewhat painful tension in the right upper arm, [a30].
- Fine tearing in the posterior surface of the right upper arm;often together with it the same
sensation in the left lower arm;but the tearing is most sensitive in the region of the left
clavicle, [a15, a21].
- Painful lameness of the right upper and forearm, and easyfatigue of the latter from only a
little writing, [a12].
- Twitching of the muscles in the left upper arm, near the point of the elbow, [a18].
- Cramp-like pain in the muscles of the left upper arm below the deltoid muscle, [a18].
- Mornings, after waking, a continuous, pressive, tensive pain in the tendons of the left
- Lame pain in left upper arm.
- Tearing pain in left upper arm, [a7].
- In the evening a tearing pain appeared in the muscles of the left upper arm, lasting for
some time, then ceased and was followed by a sensitive, sore pain at the point of insertion
of the left deltoid muscle, and which, after a short time, alternated with fine tearings in the
shoulder-joint, repeating itself and becoming more sensitive, [a15, a21].
- When accidentally raising the left arm, a violent sprained pain appeared in the substance
of the left deltoid muscle;it seemed as if there were thousands of splinters in the arm, at
every attempt to raise it, [a18].
- Pressure and bruised sensation in elbows, especially in left, [a32].
- Painful jerks, resembling electric shocks, in the right elbow and wrist, [a15, a21].
- Sensation of cold in the tip of the right elbow, as if it were covered by a piece of ice,
- Painless, violent pulsation in an artery the size of a quill, close above the olecranon of the
right arm, in the flesh of the muscle, very distinct and repeated, [a15, a21].
- Constrictive, pressive pain in left elbow and right shoulder, [a32].
- Drawing pain in left elbow(ten hours), [a32].
- Painful tearing in the left elbow-joint, [a15, a21].
- Transient stitches, as of fine splinters, in the tip of the left elbow, [a18].
- Itching, with titillation of the point of the left elbow;this induces scratching (after three
hours), [a6].
- Pain in the forearms, which is dull, but hurts a good deal, [a7].
- Sometimes drawing in the forearms, [a30].
- Twitches upon the upper surface of the right forearm, extending to the bend of the thumb,
- On the edge of the muscles in the middle of the right forearm a sudden, terrible pain, as of
thousands of splinters, [a18].
- Tearing in the right forearm, [a7].
- Inner trembling in right forearm, extending to the bend of the thumb, [a8].
- Burning-itching upon the right forearm, which makes it necessary to scratch the parts; the
scratching is succeeded by white eruptions of the size of a grain of flaxseed; at the same
time the skin scales off, the scales having the shape of bran, [a7].
- Burning pain upon the anterior surface of the left lower arm, just above the wrist-joint, as
if he had burnt himself, [a5].
- Sudden pressing-like pain courses through the left forearm to the root of the fingers
(immediately), [a32].
- * Drawing pain from left upper to forearm, [a32].
- * Painful drawing in muscles of left forearm and down over the elbow, [a32].
- Sensitive drawing, tearing pain in the radial side of the left lower arm, and, at the same
time, above the elbow-joint in the olecranon, [a15, a21].
- Forenoons, frequent tearing in the left forearm bones, [a30].
- Afternoons, an hour after dinner, very painful, fine tearing in the left lower arm, ceasing
and returning, as if between the two forearm bones, extending toward the hand, with a fixed
pain at the back of the wrist, accompanied by a sensation of numbness in the skin of the
lower arm, especially of the back of the hand, but which only seemed so, for the sensation
was normal to the touch. The fine tearing pain returns all the afternoon, at intervals that are
entirely free from pain, especially in the radial surface of the left lower arm, [a15, a21].
- Sensitive tearing pain in the left lower arm, of the radial side, and outwardly, and in the
region of the left hip, [a15, a21].
- Tearing in the left forearm, and in the olecranon during rest, [a7].
- Acute, rheumatic pains in the whole of the left forearm, extending as far as the thumb;
this symptom occurs in the afternoon, during rest, [a7].
- Fine tearing in the radial side of the left forearm, extending over its upper half, [a15, a21].
- Fine tearing in the ulnar side of the left forearm, [a15, a21].
- Itching, with titillation, of the right carpus;the person is obliged to scratch the parts (after
quarter of an hour), [a6].
- Tearing in the carpus of the left hand, [a7].
- Lame, transient, violent, sprained pain in the tendons of the dorsum of the left wrist, as
after a mechanical injury, [a15, a21].
- The hands are rubbed together, as if rolling something soft into a ball between them,
- * Tremor of the hands, [a7].
- Tremor of the hands, as in old people;this symptom occurs when he moves the hands or
holds something with them(after one hour and a half), [a6].
- * Burning and itching on both hands, as though they had been frozen, and were affected
by winter's cold(on a cool summer's day); * the parts were hot and swollen, and looked very
red; this condition lasted uninterruptedly for four months, during which the hands would
become so swollen, after rubbing, on account of incessant itching and burning on a cool
spring day, that the knuckles could not be seen for many hours, [a33].
- * Itching, redness, and burning of the hands, as occurs when the parts are frozen, [a5].
- Extremely violent itching in both hands, [a23].
- Cold hands, [a33].
- Unsteadiness of the right hand when writing, [a15, a21].
- On waking in the morning sensation of pain in the right hand and bones of forearm, [a30].
- Sore pain in the external half of the back of the right hand;sensation of a slight burn there,
increased by touching it, [a21].
- Stitches, as of splinters, in the back of the right hand, near the wrist, with frequent
twitching of various muscles, [a18].
- On the back of the right hand, towards the wrist, burning, sore sensation for several
hours, though nothing is to be seen on the spot. Afterwards the same sensation in the left
hand, [a30].
- Sensation of burning and soreness in the skin of the right hand, from the wrist to the
thumb and forefinger. There is nothing to be seen on the skin, but the spot is so sensitive
that passing the fingers over it causes pain, [a30].
- * Inflamed pimples, of the size of a grain of flaxseed, upon the dorsum of the left hand,
- Drawing pains in the metacarpal bone of the left hand, [a7].
- Dull pain in the metacarpal bone of the left middle finger, [a7].
- Violent painful sensation of lameness in the left hand, [a23].
- Sensation of lameness in the left hand, with tension in the right forearm, [a23].
- Always, five minutes after commencement of palpitation of the heart, violent lame pain in
left hand and arm, [a23].
- Going to sleep of the left hand when leading a little boy during a walk, [a15, a21].
- The left hand goes to sleep;this symptom extending as far as the middle of the forearm; at
night(fifth day), [a8].
- Warm sweat at times in the palms, [a32].
- A peculiar burning-itching sensation in the right palm, as of a stiff hair, [a30].
- Itching and titillation in the palm of the right hand, which has to be scratched (after seven
hours), [a6].
- Swelling of single fingers, [a18].
- * Redness, burning itching of the fingers, as when parts are frozen, [a5].
- Sometimes drawing pain in the fingers;seemingly in the periosteum, [a30].
- Pain in base of right fingers, [a32].
- Tearing pain between the thumb and index-finger of the right hand, [a5].
- Drawing pains that spread fork-like from the space between the thumb and index-finger
of the left hand towards those fingers, [a15, a21].
- Painful tearing in the space between the left index-finger and thumb, and in the upper
arm, [a15, a21].
- The metacarpal joints of the right index and middle fingers somewhat red and sensitive to
the touch, [a30].
- Tearing in the fingers of the left hand, where the phalanges joint the metacarpal bones;
motion has no modifying, influence over this symptom(after one hour), [a5].
- Sensation of icy coldness over the joint as formed by the right middle finger and its
metacarpal bone.
- Twitching of the tendons in the right index-finger, and jumping of the muscles in the
posterior margin of the right hand, [a18].
- Burning and prickling in the index-finger of the right hand, as if a paronychia would
form, in a few days this symptom is followed by frequent fits of numbness of the finger and
great, long-continued sensitiveness of the finger to cold, [a11].
- Drawing in the index-finger of the right hand, [a7].
- Itching, with titillation, of the inner border of the right index-finger, as if the parts had
been frozen(after five hours), [a6].
- Frequent prickling, as of penetrating splinters, in the left forefinger, [a18].
- Single stitches, in rapid succession in the first joint of the left forefinger, [a48].
- Late in the evening, a pain resembling tearing, in the second joint of the left forefinger,
[a15, a21].
- Violent tearing in the right middle finger(after twenty-three hours), [a5].
- Sensation of going to sleep and violent crawling in the right fourth and fifth fingers, in
the back of the hand, and in the ulnar side of the hand after writing very little, [a15, a21].
- Tearing twitches in the last two fingers of the right hand, [a5].
- Tearing in the little finger of the left hand, from its metacarpal joint, [a15, a21].
- For an hour in the afternoon tearing-burning in the right thumb, [a30].
- Cramp-like pain in the right thumb, that occurs frequently during the day, and lasts
several seconds, [a23].
- Cramp in the ball of the right thumb when standing and walking;it passes off when the
person is sitting(after six hours), [a6].
- Itching and titillation of the ball of the right thumb, which obliges the person to scratch
the parts(after eight hours), [a6].
- Transient sticking pain, as of fine splinters, in the point of the right thumb, [a18].
- Repeated violent tearing in the left thumb, [a21].
- Pricking, as of needles, in the left thumb, increased and also caused by a slight touch,
Lower extremities
- Trembling of the lower extremities, t.
- * Pain in the legs, especially disagreeable in the region of the right hip-joint, in the outer
side of the right leg, resembling violent pains from fatigue, accompanied by tearing pain.
These pains continued all the afternoon and evening, and became excessive at different
times;added to which, was a sensation of unsteadiness and fatigue, [a15, a21].
- * Markedly violent pains in the limbs, especially in the hip;pain in the hip, especially in
the left one, under the gluteal muscles; touch and pressure have no influence;walking and
rest do not affect it; deep stooping increases it, as well as a change of position of the
respective parts.
- Pain in the legs, as from exhaustion consequent upon typhus fever, [a7].
- Mornings, burning in both legs, which ceases after rising, [a30].
- The legs ache dreadfully, as if they had been crushed by a heavy load, [a25].
- Tensive and drawing pain in both legs and feet in the night, [a23].
- * Drawing pressive pains in the legs, and especially in the ankles, [a30].
- Sometimes a drawing pain in the periosteum in the bones of the legs, [a30].
- Tearing in the legs;it continues when the person is sitting, and is relieved by motion, [a7].
- Bruised pain in extremities, especially left;increases after a walk through the room, [a32].
- The legs were as if bruised, and half lame, [a25].
- Pain in the legs, as if they were bruised, [a7].
- Heaviness of the lower limbs, [a15].
- Heaviness and coldness of the lower extremities, [a24].
- * Great weight in the legs, [a7].
- * Weight in the legs;they feel weary and as if they had been knocked from under the
person, [_a2].
- At noon, crawling and burning in the skin, of both legs, from the hip to the heel, [a30].
- Burning itching of the legs on getting undressed in the evening;this itching is attended
with a desire to scratch;the scratching produces a burning sensation and makes the skin dry,
which easily breaks;after five weeks the skin peels off, [a11].
- * In the legs, the pains(of almost any kind)occur when the person is standing or sitting;
more rarely when walking;the pains diminish and disappear by motion, [a7].
- His legs pained most when he attempted to rise, after sitting for awhile, [a25].
- * When standing, the pain increases in the legs;he is soon obliged to walk or to sit down;
the pain comes on already after he has been standing a minute, [a7].
- * Weakness of the legs(feet); being too powerless to stand upon them, the body is
constantly balancing to and fro, [a5].
- No muscular power in lower extremities, t.
- Great prostration of the lower limbs, as if lead were attached to them, [a25].
- Extreme prostration of the lower limbs while walking, which often compelled him to sit
down, [a25].
- An hour after dinner, great prostration and weakness of the lower extremities, [a12].
- Great heaviness and prostration of the lower limbs, [a15].
- * His legs feel so tired and heavy that he can scarcely lift them, [a7].
- * Weak and heavy in the legs all-day; more than usual clear, yellow urine, [a32].
- Weariness of the legs, [a18].
- Great lassitude of the legs;he knows not where to lay them, [a7].
- Painful fatigue of the legs at the least ascending of stairs, that disappeared when walking
on a level floor, [a15, a21].
- Unsteadiness of the legs, so great that the knees gave way at every step, to which no
particular attention was paid;without perceiving fatigue, [a15, a21].
- Coldness of the lower extremities, [a27].
- The legs go to sleep as soon as he crosses them, [a7].
- At night, perspiration on the legs, [a30].
- Perspired very much on both legs at night, [a18, a30].
- Evenings, in bed, perspiration on the inner surface of the legs, [a15, a21].
- Pain in the left hip already appears in the morning, [a15, a21].
- Transient stitches in the left hip-joint, and pain as if wrenched, or as if the bones of the
left articulation were being separated from the sacrum;the latter pain extended to the cavity
of the lower abdomen, and only gradually disappeared, [a15].
- The hip-joints are painful, as if dislocated;most after them, the legs; the pain is a sprained,
tired, bruised pain, mixed with a tearing sensation, [a16, a21].
- Dislocated pain in the left hip was very marked, but disappeared after an hour and a half,
[a15, a21].
- Mornings after rising, a bruised pain in the right hip, that soon disappeared after
continued walking, [a18].
- Pain in the hip for twenty-four hours;it is not felt when sitting, but is very acute when
walking, [a11].
- Pressure in the hip-joints, especially mornings, in bed;sometimes a sensation as if the
painful head of the femurs would be separated or dragged from their articulations, or the
pelvic bones from the sacrum, [a15].
- In the right ilium, externally, under the gluteals, rheumatic drawing pain, like pain in the
hips, [a15, a21].
- The dull sensation resembling pain in the hips, in the region of the left ilium, became very
violent, continued nearly the whole afternoon, was especially troublesome when sitting, and
immediately disappeared entirely when walking, [a15, a21].
- Frequent twitching of the muscles of the seat, [a18].
- Twitching of the muscles of both buttocks, [a18].
- Frequent twitching and jumping of the gluteals, [a18].
- Frequent twitching of the muscles of the left buttock, [a18].
- Momentary tearings and spasmodic contractions of the left gluteus maximus, [a15].
- Burning in the gluteals, [a15].
- On sitting down, those parts upon which he sits feel bruised, or as if he had sat upon them
for a long while, [a5].
- A sensation of coldness often appeared in the gluteal muscles, [a15].
- Sensation of cold in the gluteal muscles, which are spasmodically contracted, making
walking difficult, [a15].
- Loss of sensation and coldness in the gluteal muscles, [a15].
- The familiar sensation of coldness in spots on both buttocks, and an icy coldness
extending to the ankles, especially to the big toe, [a18].
- Quicksilver sensation in both buttocks at the same time, [a18].
- Formication in the gluteal muscles, and a cool creeping sensation from the legs to the
toes, [a15].
- Boil on the right half of the nates, [_a2].
- Sensation of coldness in the right buttock, appearing at regular intervals, at every stroke
of the pulse, [a18].
- The familiar sensation of coldness in the right buttock, [a18].
- On a small, lengthwise spot of the right gluteal, a chilling sensation, as when liquid
quicksilver is poured into the palm, [a18].
- Quicksilver sensation in the right gluteal.
- Sensation of coldness on a point on the right buttock, and on the surface of the back,
below the shoulder-blade, [a18].
- Drawing and tearing in the left half of the nates;the pain wakes him from sleep at night,
- Violent tearing in the left half of the nates, attended with a feeling of coldness; the tearing
is very violent when sitting;less violent when rising and walking(lasting for eight days),
- The familiar sensation of coldness in the left buttock and the region of the trochanter,
- After dinner, in a spot the size of a cent, on the left gluteal muscles, the familiar cold
sensation, as of contact with quicksilver, [a18].
- * On crossing the thighs he feels a violent pain in them.
- Painful weariness of the thighs, [a7].
- The thighs are painful, as after long journeys on foot.
- Internal drawing, from pelvic muscles into the legs;it becomes an external trembling;
warm skin;slow pulse, [a32].
- Cramp-like pains from the ilium down toward the muscles of the anterior surface of the
right thigh, [a18].
- During the day, when walking, biting on the thighs, that induces scratching, [a28].
- Drawing rheumatic pain in the external surface of both thighs, when walking, and after
sitting, [a11].
- Pressive pain as from a plug, on the external surface of the thigh, above the knee, [a5].
- Drawing and stretching sensation on the anterior surface of the thigh, [a18].
- Transient, cramp-like pains in the muscles of the anterior surface of the thigh, [a18].
- Sensation of coldness, in a strip several inches long and some lines broad, on the
posterior surface of the thigh, [a18].
- Pain above the knee, in the anterior surface of the femur, as if bruised, [a48].
- Tearing close below the lesser condyle of the femur, [a7].
- Tearing which causes a feeling of numbness in the whole thigh, from the left hip-joint
down to the knee, [a7].
- The right thigh is very painful, [a30].
- Tearing in the right thigh, when walking or sitting, [a7].
- Drawing and tearing in the right thigh, on laying it across the left; the pain disappears
again on extending the limb(after one hour), [a6].
- Paralytic pain in the right thigh, especially when walking;the thigh feels as if it were too
heavy, and supported a load(after eight hours), [a5].
- The tendinous expansion of the right thigh is painfully tensive, [a30].
- Electric stitches in the skin on the anterior surface of the right thigh, [a18].
- Pain in the left lower thigh, [a33].
- Tearing at the head of the left femur, which disturbs his rest, [a7].
- While walking in the forenoon, he observed rather a violent contraction of the flexors of
the left thigh, lasting over an hour, [a27].
- Painful pressure in the left thigh, [a11].
- Painful pressure in lower outer part of left thigh;extends down into the knee, then into the
left sole, [a32].
- Continual paralytic drawing in the left thigh down to the knee, both in rest and motion (in
the afternoon), [a11].
- Tearing, attended with a sense of coldness on the posterior side of the left thigh, [a7].
- Drawing, tearing pain from the region of the left loin, in the foreside of the thigh,
extending to the middle, [a15, a21].
- Drawing, tearing pain at intervals, in the outer side of the left thigh, above the knee,
extending into the popliteal space, [a15, a21].
- Fine stitches over the left knee and on the anterior surface of the thigh, [a18].
- Painful sense of paralysis in the left thigh, [a11].
- Corrosive itching on the anterior side of the left thigh, [a5].
- Biting pimple on the thigh above the left knee;scratching excites a violent sensation of
burning in it, [a11].
- Knocking together of the knees, [a15, a21].
- Twitching of the muscles of the right knee, [a18].
- The knee-joints are painful early in the morning, on getting out of bed; when sitting, [a7].
- Simultaneous drawing in both knee-joints, [a7].
- Drawing pain in the knees, [a20].
- Awaking with drawing pain in the knees, [a19].
- Stitches, first in the right then in the left knee.
- Frequent violent stitches in the knees, with weakness in the feet, [a28].
- When walking, violent stitches in both knees, for several minutes, [a28].
- In attacks, especially when walking, a rather violent, piercing, burning pain about both
ankles, and sometimes fine stitches were felt in the knee-joints, [a30].
- Feeling of internal trembling, especially in the knees, with powerlessness of the legs,
- The pain in the knees increases when sitting, it decreases and disappears by walking, [a7].
- Weak in knees, [a32].
- For a short time, while walking, such weakness in the knees that they gave way, [a15,
- The limbs knocked together, t.
- Drawing pain in the knee, that disappeared when moving, and grew more violent while
lying, [a19].
- Stitches in the knee, with electric shocks, [a18].
- Fine tearing in the right knee, [a23].
- Tearing in the right knee-joint, when standing or sitting, [a7].
- Painful tearings in the right knee-joint, [a23].
- Tearing in right knee and right ankle, with dull drawing in upper front teeth (after looking
out of an open window into cool air), [a32].
- Continual boring and tearing in the right knee, when sitting, [a7].
- Slight and transient tearing, drawing sensations in the right knee-joint, [a15, a21].
- Sensation of weakness, and drawing, sprained pain in the right knee, transient, [a27].
- When rising from his seat, he felt violent stitches in the right knee, [a18].
- Twitches in the internal side of the right knee, [a7].
- An undulating sensation in the right popliteal space, [a15].
- On a spot as large as a cent, in the right popliteal space, the familiar quicksilver sensation,
- Drawing in the left knee, [a7].
- Pain, as from a sprain, in the left knee, when walking, [a7].
- Stitches in the left knee for several seconds, with a subsequent sensation of weakness in
the limbs, [a15].
- Pricking, as with pins, above the bend of the left knee(after thirty-six hours), [a5].
- Painful sense of paralysis in the bend of the left knee, [a11].
- Sudden bending of the left knee, when walking in the afternoon, [a11].
- Drawing pain in the leg, extending from the right knee as far as the toes, when sitting,
- Tearing in the leg down to the lower extremity of the tibia, [a7].
- Tearing in leg on sitting, [a32].
- Jumping of the muscles of the right leg and foot, with jerk-like shocks in them; rumbling
electric shocks, afterwards pricking itching in the sole of the left foot, near the toes, and in
the left forefinger, [a18].
- Frequent jumping of the tendons in the right leg, [a18].
- Pain in the right leg, [a30].
- Burning in the right leg, [a30].
- Mornings, some burning in the right leg, [a30].
- Much burning in the right leg after dinner, [a30].
- Evenings, excessive burning in the right leg, [a30].
- Burning pain in the right leg, as if an ulcer were forming, [a30].
- Heaviness and burning sensation in the right leg, [a30].
- Some burning in the skin of the right leg, [a30].
- Tension in the right leg, [a30].
- After rising, some tension in the right leg, [a30].
- Sensation as if he were being pulled by the right leg, [a15, a21].
- Very violent drawing and tensive pains in the whole right leg, [a30].
- Fine tearing pain in the outside of the right leg above the ankle[a15, a21].
- Tearing in the muscles of anterior lower part of right leg(fifteen hours), [a32].
- Jerk-wise appearing, convulsive shocks in the right leg, [a18].
- Crawling in the right leg, [a30].
- Fine pricking on the internal side of the right leg and towards the tibia, [a5].
- Cramp-like pains, sometimes in the muscles of the left leg, sometimes in the upper
surface of the thigh, [a18].
- Painful drawing in the posterior side of the left leg, extending down along the calf; it
disappears in walking(in the afternoon), [a11].
- Internal drawing and trembling in left lower leg, more about the knee, [a32].
- Some drawings in lower part of left lower leg, [a32].
- The left limb aches in the morning, [a30].
- Pressing pain in lower part of left lower leg, on walking through the room, [a32].
- Tearing pain in the left leg and in the calf, [a15, a21].
- A tearing pain, with a sensation of paralytic numbness in the left leg, [a15, a21].
- Heaviness in left leg like lead, [a32].
- Burning itching of the left leg, which excites a desire to scratch;the scratching is followed
by white eruptions of the size of a grain of flaxseed, which peel off in the shape of bran,
- In the night, he is roused from sleep by a sense of coldness in the whole of the left leg,
- Mornings after rising, light pains in the tibiae, [a30].
- Evenings, light pains in both tibiae, [a30].
- * Towards noon, drawing pains in both tibiae, [a18, a30].
- Some sensitiveness in both tibiae, but no pain, [a30].
- The pain in the tibiae increases and continues when sitting, it disappears in walking, [a7].
- Burning, attended with pressure, at the upper part of the tibia, below the knee, [a5].
- Sensation at the top of the tibia and the head of the fibula, as if a warm hand were lying
upon the parts, [a5].
- Pressive pains in the tibia, [a30].
- Soon after rising, pains become less in the tibia, but did not last long, [a30].
- Mornings, some pain in the right tibia, [a30].
- Some burning in the right tibia, [a7].
- Drawing and tearing in the right tibia, [a7].
- Single, transient tearing pains in the right tibia, [a30].
- Occasionally during the night, a sensitive tearing pain in the right tibia, [a30].
- Mornings, very violent pains in the left tibia, [a30].
- Cramp in left tibia, and in the calf, [a33].
- Drawing in the left tibia on walking, [a32].
- Mornings, very violent pressive, drawing pains in the left tibia;when walking in the
forenoon these pains ceased entirely, but appeared again in the afternoon when sitting,
- Tearing in the left tibia, [a7].
- For a short time after dinner, tearing pains in the left tibia, [a30].
- The pain in the left tibia ceases entirely while walking in the forenoon, but returns at noon
for a short time, [a30].
- Pressure, as from a contusion, on the internal side of the gastrocnemii, while sitting;the
pain is somewhat lessened by standing and by touching the parts, but it becomes violent
again when the person sits down(after two hours), [a9].
- Weight in the calves, [a18].
- Burning in the right calf, [a30].
- Cramp-like pains in the inner side of the right calf, [a18].
- Transient, cramp-like pain in the right calf, somewhat later, also in the left deltoid muscle,
- Suddenly, while walking, a painful, contractive, cramp-like pain in the right calf, as if
something were knotted together there;most violent when lifting up or putting down the
foot, causing the knees to give way, and making them lame, [a15, a21].
- Tearing in the exterior surface of the right calf when sitting(first day), [a8].
- Stitches in the right calf, [a12].
- Stitches in the skin of the right calf, [a18].
- Frequent twitching of the muscles of the left calf, [a18].
- Painful drawing in the posterior side of the left leg, extending down along the calf; it
disappears in walking in the afternoon, [a11].
- Fine sticking in left calf, [a32].
- Crawling and pressing in left calf, [a32].
- Sensation of stiffness in tendo Achillis, on rising from sitting, [a32].
- In attacks, especially when walking, a rather violent, piercing, burning pain about both
ankles, and sometimes fine stitches were felt in the knee-joints, [a30].
- Slight drawing about both ankles, [a30].
- Slight drawing sensation about the ankle-joints of both feet, [a30].
- Drawing on internal ankle-bones, [a32].
- Piercing pain in the second and third rows of the ankle-bones, and in the heel when
walking, [a15].
- Night, at two, was waked by jerks and pressive pain in the right ankle.
- Pinching and drawing cramp in right ankle, extending over the whole front, then
increasingly over the heel, and up the calf, so violent that rubbing and pressing the parts
against the bedstead gave no relief, and on arising, he could scarcely stand on his feet,
- Violent tearing in the anterior surface of the left ankle, [a32].
- Sprained pain in the left ankle, [a48].
- Tearing pressure upon the internal malleolus of the left foot, when sitting (after thirty-five
hours), [a6].
- Painful stitches in the external malleolus of the left foot, when sitting(after five hours),
- Crawling under the skin under the inner left ankle-bone, [a32].
- Corrosive itching of the internal malleolus of the left foot, [a5].
- In the warm bed, excessive burning in both feet to the ankles, as if the blood were
glowing in the veins, [a18].
- Heaviness and want of tonicity in the feet, [a11].
- Heaviness in the feet, [a24].
- Formication in the feet, [a15].
- Weak feeling in the feet, especially drawing and crawling under the skin on anterior
surface of lower leg, extending toward inner side of the sole, [a32].
- Sensation of weakness in the feet on going down stairs;this weakness continued when
walking in the open air, and he distinctly felt that it proceeded from the sacral region, [a28].
- Cold feet, as if plunged in snow, [a33].
- Feet cold and unsteady, [a16].
- Coldness of the feet, extending to the condyles, [a18].
- During his walk at 7 P.M. , he felt a painful drawing sensation in the right foot, and in the
anterior surface of the thigh, extending over the knee, with an accompanying feeling of
weakness in the same foot, [a28].
- On the right foot, about the inner ankle, a painful burning of the skin, as in incipient
erysipelas, without any appearance of it on the skin, [a30].
- Fine stitches in the dorsum of the right foot, [a5].
- Corrosive itching on the dorsum of the right foot, [a5].
- Undefined pain, throbbing or sprained, in the right instep, and towards the top of the foot,
[a15, a21].
- While walking in the evening, excessive pains in the dorsum of the left foot, [a30].
- Violent burning pain on the dorsum of the left foot, late in the evening, [a30].
- Crawling on the back of left foot, [a32].
- Violent stitches in the middle portion of the left foot, beginning at the malleoli, when at
rest, [a7].
- Stitches in the lower surface of the first and second bones of the metatarsus, [a7].
- * Cramp in the sole of the foot at night, [a7].
- Tearing in the soles of the feet when walking, [a7].
- At noon, a piercing pain in the sole of the right foot, as of splinters, [a18].
- Tearing in the hollow of the right foot, when sitting, [a7].
- Stitches in left sole, [a32].
- Itching and creeping in skin of left sole, [a32].
- Pain in the heels, as from a bruise, when standing, [a5].
- Stitches in the heel when stepping, which extend up into the leg, [a15].
- Stitches in the lower surface of the heel, when sitting, [a7].
- Piercing pain, as of splinters, in the right heel, [a18].
- Piercing pain, as of penetrating splinters, in the right heel and the toes, [a18].
- Digging, piercing pains in the right heel and the big toe, as of splinters, [a18].
- A burning stitch in the left heel, [a18].
- Stitches in the toes when at rest, [a7].
- Crawling in toes, especially left, [a32].
- Itching and titillation of the toes, as if the parts had been frozen; this excites a desire to
scratch(after eleven hours), [a6].
- * Itching, burning, and redness of the toes, as if the parts had been frozen, [a5].
- Grinding pain in the toes of the right foot, [a7].
- Sudden, violent piercing, as of splinters, in the right toes, [a18].
- Painful dull stitches in the last three toes of the right foot(after twenty hours), [a5].
- Drawing and tearing upon the lower surface of the big toe of the right foot, when sitting,
- Soreness of the little toe of the right foot, as from the pinching of tight shoes (after six
hours), [a6].
- * Drawing in left toes, [a7, a32].
- Sharp stitches in the toes of the left foot, when standing(after quarter of an hour), [a6].
- Crawling-like formication, in tips of left toes, [a32].
- The left great toe is swollen at the imbedding of the nail, and very painful, [a15].
- Twitches in the ball of the big toe of the left foot(first day), [a8].
- Painful twitches in the big toe of the left foot, [a7].
- Frequent tearing in the ball of the big toe of the left foot(second day), [a8].
- Stitches in the spot where formerly a corn had been, [a18].
- Soreness in the corn of the second toe of the left foot, as from tight shoes(after three
hours), [a6].
- * Convulsions, [a36, a37].
- Several convulsions following each other in quick succession, first in the posterior part of
the chest, then in the epigastrium, afterwards in the hypogastrium, especially on the right
side, attended with a sensation as if the whole body were shaken through;in the evening,
when standing, [a7].
- Epilepsy, [a37].
- In a patient affected with epilepsy, the fits came on at shorter intervals, [a7].
- In two patients affected with epilepsy the fits became more violent, reappear at shorter
intervals, but afterwards occur more rarely, and are very slight, [a7].
- Very violent spasms, [a35].
- Most violent tonic and clonic spasms lasted all day, t.
- Spasms, with very great anxiety and pain at the epigastric region;relieved by spontaneous
vomiting, [a35].
- Convulsions alternating with stupor, [a35].
- Soporous and spasmodic condition, lasting nearly two days, [a35].
- * Frequent jumping of the muscles in different parts of the body, [a18].
- When the prover was reclining on a lounge, with his right arm under his head, his body
was suddenly shudderingly shaken, the arm involuntarily pulled down to the trunk,
- At three o'clock in the night, restlessness in every muscle of voluntary motion, action of
the muscles as in St. Vitus's dance, which remained uncontrolled by the greatest effort of
the will, [a18].
- Constant inclination to bend the body backward and forward and to stretch, t.
- * Spasmodic movements of the muscles of the face and limbs, [a35].
- Commotion of the nervous system, [a40].
- Sensation as if the whole body were shaken through;in the evening, when standing, [a7].
- Here and there slight twitchings over the whole body, t.
- Sense of tremor in the whole body(after one hour), [a9].
- * Tremor, [a36, a40].
- * General trembling, t.
- Excessive bodily agitation;the lower limbs were forcibly retracted, and the arm shook, so
that the pulse could not be felt, [a35].
- * Jactitation of the muscles all over the body, [a42].
- Spasmodic movements, which were of short duration, but violent, and succeeded by a
yellowish tinge over the whole surface, a kind of icterus, especially conspicuous on the
neck, face, and chest;it disappeared, by slow degrees, in a few hours, [a35].
- Violent convulsive shock of the entire right side of the body, proceeding from the spine,
- Unsteady gait;stumbling over every object, [a15].
- Undefined impulse to fall over backwards, [a19].
- Inner restlessness, that impelled the prover from one place to another, [a15].
- Whole body seemed paralyzed, t.
- She felt so light, that it seemed as though she could run as never before, t.
- Supernatural strength;it required four men to bind him, t.
- Loss of strength in all parts of the body, [a4].
- Excessive loss of strength, [a7].
- Prostration, and very much affected from being in the air, [a30].
- Considerable prostration of strength, [a43].
- General prostration, with cold and viscid sweat all over, [a35].
- Feeling of prostration, that soon diminished while walking in the open air, but which
recurred repeatedly, [a27].
- In the morning, on awaking, prostrate and confused, as after great fatigue, [a17].
- Prostration and weakness, on the least motion, together with frequent palpitation of the
heart, [a13].
- Great weakness of the whole body, [a16].
- Great weakness;the pulse was hardly perceptible, [a35].
- Great weakness, especially in the lower limbs, with trembling in them, [a15].
- Weakness, with vertigo(uncommon), [a33].
- On walking, even through the room, great weakness, and inclination to close the eyes;
deep breathing(one-half hour), [a32].
- Lassitude(after twelve to sixteen hours), [a37].
- Great lassitude, and staggering gait(shortly), [a9].
- On awaking in the morning, heaviness in the whole body, [a13].
- Unusual weariness of the whole body;inability to think, [a15].
- Weariness, [a33].
- Weariness, early in the morning, [a7].
- Great fatigue after moderate exercise, [a30].
- Great fatigue after short but quick walking, [a7].
- Easily fatigued on slight exertion, [a32].
- A small walk through the room is fatiguing, [a32].
- When in bed, he feels so tired that he does not know what position to take, [a7].
- On walking, very much disinclined to walk, [a32].
- On ascending a little hill copious sweat breaks out;he feels like fainting, [a7].
- Fainting, t.
- Frequent fainting(in an hour), [a43].
- She remained some time unconscious, and in a state of stupor and prostration, which
caused fear for her life, [a43].
- Half an hour after the delirium, he falls into a swoon, which is short-lasting, but leaves
him in a state of profound dulness, [a35].
- Stupor, [a35].
- State of stupor, with spasmodic agitation, [a35].
- The patient did not arouse from this state of stupor, except when teased into drinking a
mixture of vinegar and water;this condition lasted about seven or eight hours, then they
came gradually to their senses, and next day were completely restored, [a39].
- Stupefaction and sleepiness, improved in the open air, [a12].
- Great sensitiveness of the whole body to cold, especially of the hands and feet, with pale,
wan face, [a18].
- Great sensitiveness to cool air, [a32].
- Sensibility diminished, t.
- All the senses are blunted, [a16].
- Anxiety, attended with tremors and lassitude, [a7].
- Anxiety, with breaking out of perspiration, [a15].
- * Discomfort in the whole body, [a18, a19, a30].
- A peculiar sensation of discomfort all the forenoon, that is not easily described, [a30].
- General malaise, [a43].
- An indescribable derangement of the nervous activity, [a18, a30].
- Uncomfortable feeling of sickness in the whole body, [a7].
- Feeling unwell in a high degree, [a17, a30].
- Much affected from walking, with the atmosphere at a moderate temperature, [a30].
- Most severe pains, t.
- The pains are felt simultaneously in several parts of the body, especially on both sides
above the small of the back, [a7].
- Pains of various kinds, when sitting, simultaneously, in all the parts of the body, [a7].
- Cracking in all the joints, on moving them, [a32].
- Muscle symptoms worse on sitting, seldom on walking, [a32].
- It seems as if the whole body were gradually diminishing, [a13].
- Cramp-like pain in all the muscles, erratic, now in the upper, now in the lower
extremities, when sitting, [a6].
- When sitting, there is a boring pain in the whole head, in the thighs, tibiae, and the bones
of the tarsus, attended with somnolence, and relaxation of the whole body, [a7].
- Frequent sensitive tearing, now and then, in the tendinous expansions of the body, [a15].
- Pricking, as from pins, in different parts of the body(after one hour), [a5].
- Fine pricking and burning in different parts of the body(after one hour), [a5].
- All the parts of the body are sensitive to pain;on applying even feeble pressure to a spot, it
pains still a long while after, [a5].
- Bruised pain in single joints, [a32].
- On sitting, the bruised pain and fatigue are most felt, [a32].
- Crawling on hairy portions of the body, [a32].
- A feeling of crawling and coursing through all the nerves, coming from the abdomen,
- Heat of the face, with insupportable anxiety, which yielded four or five times to
perspiration, caused by covering the head, and intentionally accelerated breathing, upon
which a transient sensation of highly agreeable coldness streamed through him, [a19].
- Spreading herpes, [a7].
- The itching eruption spreads further, to the region of the abdomen and thighs, [a27].
- Eruptions of little pimples show themselves here and there, [a30].
- On the lower abdomen, in the region of the navel, the privates, and inner thighs, an
eruption appears, consisting of small, whitish pimples, that itch violently, and create an
irresistible desire to scratch, which only increases the burning and itching, [a27].
- A few mattery pimples, of the size of a poppy-seed, appear between the forefinger and
thumb of the left hand, and on the right of the neck, [a13].
- On the front side of the left thigh, and on the seat, carbuncles appeared that are very
painful; the carbuncle on the seat reached the size of a hen's egg, was exceedingly painful,
and discharged blood, without matter, in considerable quantities, [a28].
- Itching, that causes scratching, in the region of the navel;eruption of small pimples with a
red areola, [a27].
- Violent itching in the region of the abdomen and legs, with irresistible disposition to
scratch, which caused a scattered eruption of easily-bleeding pimples, [a27].
- Excessive itching in the region of the navel and perineum, especially violent on the lower
extremities, with an eruption of little pimples, [a27].
- The itching began with a crawling sensation under the skin, moving in little circles,
accompanied by occasional pricking, as of needles, and by burning.
- Itching all over the skin, [a7].
- Transient itching in different parts of the body, [a23].
- Itching, like electrical stitches, in the skin, now and then, [a18].
- During the day, transient itching under the skin, in both groins and on the left arm, [a27].
- Frequent itching during the day, alternately about the neck, the extremities, and the region
of the abdomen, without visible eruption, [a11].
- Violent itching at night, of some duration, in the region of the navel, privates, and inner
thighs, which induces scratching, [a27].
- Excessive itching during the day, while walking, in the left popliteal space, on the right
front side of the knee, and also in the region of the sacrum;it lasted all day, appearing
alternately in different parts of the body, and often quickly changing its location, [a27].
- Restless sleep, on account of very violent itching, that irresistibly induces scratching, not
only on the abdomen and thighs, but also alternating on the arms and hairy scalp, which
only abated somewhat toward morning, but did not cease, except at short intervals, [a27].
- Nightly itching and burning, especially about the navel and the region of the inner thighs,
mostly beginning in the evening, and increasing in intensity towards midnight, [a27].
- * Violent itching between the thumb and forefinger of the left hand, likewise on the back;
a very restless night, with frequent waking, owing to the burning, itching pain, which
continued, almost without interruption, in different parts of the body, [a27].
- During the day, the prover felt a disagreeable burning pain on the inner surface of the
thigh, on the spots which had itched during the night;it was increased by walking, [a23].
- Frequently during the day, a corrosive biting and burning now and then, on various parts
of the skin, [a18].
- * Corrosive biting, now and then, on the skin, [a18].
- * Pricking, as of needles, here and there, [a18].
- Frequent violent pricking near the navel, and in different parts of the skin, as if splinters
had penetrated it, [a18].
- Shooting pains, now and then, in the skin, [a15].
- * Several times during the day, fine stitches, as of needles, in various parts of the skin,
without any outward sigh, [a30].
- * Itching stitches in the left eyebrow, the left ear, on the head, and in various parts of the
body, [a23].
- Chills all over the body(after ten minutes), [a5].
- A chill pervading the body, from top to toe, [a5].
- Continual chilliness;he cannot get warm in the room, especially early in the morning,
- Much chilliness, and constantly cold hands and feet, yawning, frequent desire to urinate,
weakness and disinclination to motion, [a32].
- Great inclination to chilliness, [a7].
- Very sensitive to cool air, [a7].
- The slightest contact with cool air causes goose-skin, [a7].
- Chills, with yawning, [a7].
- Much chilliness and yawning(two hours);pulse 60, [a32].
- * easychilliness on slight movement, and in a cooler air, or if the cold finger touches a
warm part of the body, [a32].
- He is chilled as soon as he goes out into the open air or raises the cover of the bed in the
night, [a7].
- Coldness of the whole body, with hot head, confusion, and loss of ideas, [a15].
- Great internal chilliness, [a7].
- Internal chilliness and cool skin, [a32].
- A slight thrill of cold down the left leg as far as the foot, [a11].
- Chill in the back, as if cold water were running down;this chill occurs when he leans with
his back against a chair, [a7].
- Now and then chilliness through back and limbs, [a32].
- Chills, with shaking, upon lifting the cover of the bed, [a7].
- Chills;face and hands, however, being warm, [a7].
- Violent chills, with shaking of the whole body, and tremor of the hands in writing; the
hands are cold, the face naturally warm, without any thirst or subsequent heat, [a6].
- Chilliness in the open air, [a15].
- Very chilly in the evening, [a7].
- Long-continued chill in the evening, which increases to shaking, [a7].
- Shaking chill for ten minutes on lying down in the evening, [a11].
- Feverish chills every evening, without thirst and without subsequent heat, [a7].
- Radiating warmth from the whole body, [a12, a25].
- Veins swollen, with cool skin, [a32].
- Much creeping heat through the back, on slow walking in open air, with twitching in left
side of face, [a32].
- Violent attack of heat in the evening;his cheeks glow, although his hands are cold, these
symptoms are attended with long-continued thirst, without any subsequent sweat (after
twelve hours), [a6].
- Heat in the night;she feels chilly on turning herself or raising the cover of the bed, [a7].
- Increase of animal heat at night, [a7].
- Skin very warm;veins much distended, [a32].
- Continual heat during the night;afterwards sweat, [a7].
- Repeated attacks of heat, combined with sweat, during a whole afternoon, attended with
dull headache, without thirst;in the evening, on putting on his hat, heat and sweat
increase;respiration is hurried, with great depression of strength, [_a2].
- Violent breaking out of perspiration over the whole body, even the hairy scalp, [a15].
- After a quiet night excessive perspiration over the whole body, [a23].
- Breaking out of perspiration with anxiety, [a15].
- Sweat consequent upon moderate bodily efforts, [a7].
- Sweat in walking, [a7].
- Profuse sweating on every walk, [a32].
- A great deal of perspiration during the forenoon, [a30].
- Evenings, in bed perspiration, especially of the legs, without heat;on the contrary, with a
sensation as if they were fanned by a cool breeze, [a15, a21].
- Copious sweat during the night, [a17].
- Night-sweats during an uneasyleep, [a7].
- Copious sweat during the night about the legs, [a30].
- Copious sweat during the night, especially about the legs, [a28].
- The face, neck, and chest are wet with cold perspiration, [a35].
- (Morning), Vertigo, etc.;dulness of head;dull headache, etc.;frontal headache, etc.;
pressive pain on vertex;itching of eyes;pain in superciliary ridge;trembling of eyelid;
sneezing;pressure in facial bones; coated tongue; roughness in throat;increased
appetite;nausea, etc.;pressure in liver; stitches in right hypochondrium;burning and itching
in anus;urging towards anus; urine light-colored, like water;excessive sexual desire; cough;
violent attacks of cough;violent cough, with expectoration of mucus; rattling of mucus in
chest;slight coughing of mucus;frequent violent cough, etc.; cough, bringing up flakes of
mucus;cough of thick mucus;violent cough, with expectoration of mucus, etc.; indications
of cough;burning in both legs;pain in left hip;burning in right leg; the left limb aches;pain
in right tibia;pains in left tibia.
- (Morning, in bed), Headache;violent sneezing;chirping in occipital region of neck, etc.;
muscles of posterior cervical region feel too short;coldness in right axilla.
- (Morning, on awaking), Dull headache;headache, etc.;headache in forehead;drawing
headache in forehead; pain in frontal eminence;painful stretching of the eye;pain in
superciliary ridge, etc.; biting in edges of lids;heat of head and face, etc.;pain in articulation
of jaw, etc.; dry feeling in fauces, etc.;pressure in region of stomach; violent cough; violent
convulsive cough;labored, mostly dry cough, etc.;mucous expectoration; cough, with loose
expectoration;palpitation of heart;blows in the heart, etc.; tensive pain in tendons of left
upper arm;sensation of pain in right hand;prostrate and confused; heaviness in whole body.
- (Morning, on rising), Nasal catarrh;blowing blood from nose;stiff pain in right biceps.
- (Mornings, after rising), Bruised pain in right hip;pains in the tibiae.
- (Early morning), Heaviness and confusion of head, etc.;giddiness; vertigo, etc.;
headache;pain in right half of occiput, etc.;drawing pain in occiput, etc.;stitches in occiput;
agglutination of lids;bad smell from mouth, etc.; much hunger, but no appetite; eructations,
etc.;grunting in abdomen;colic, etc.; liquid stools, etc.;erections;small, quick pulse,
etc.;muscles of back feel too short; knee-joints painful;weariness;frequent
- (Forenoon), Head confused;stupefaction of head;dulness of head;one-sided headache,
etc.; pains in occiput and nape, etc.;external pain in head, etc.;tension across occiput,
etc.;stitches in occiput;slight nausea;good deal of thirst;excessive thirst, etc.; eructations,
etc.;sour eructations;nausea, etc.;sensation of flabbiness in stomach; discomfort in
abdomen, etc.;pressure, etc.;in abdomen, etc.;stitches in abdominal walls, etc.; griping in
lower abdomen;pains in lower abdomen;urine watery;frequent cough; violent cough;
convulsive cough; short, dry cough;frequent cough, etc.;attacks of cough, etc.;oppression,
etc., in chest;punctiform stitches in chest;drawing, etc., in long bones;tearing in left forearm
bones; contraction in flexors of left thigh;great deal of perspiration;frequent yawning,
- (Towards noon), Stitch over left eyebrow, etc.;trembling of upper eyelid; feeling as of
nausea;stitch in liver;disagreeable sensation in anus;slight shooting pains and tension in the
chest;drawing pains in both tibiae.
- (Noon), Dulness of head;pressure in both temples;pressure in right eye, etc.; cramps in
stomach;griping in abdomen;heat and itching in anus;pressure in anus;
evacuations;coughing, pain in region of heart, etc.;stitch in the sacrum;pains in loins, etc.;
crawling, etc.;in skin of legs, etc.;pain in hip-joint, etc.;pain in left tibia;pain in sole of right
- (Afternoon), Drawing pains in occiput;pain in left upper molar teeth;toothache; offensive
taste;violent thirst;eructations;hiccough;pain in stomach passes to epigastrium; stitches in
region of spleen;pain in lower abdomen;dark-green, etc., stool; urine flame-colored;urine
milky;attack of coughing, etc.;violent coughing;pain stretching from back, etc.; tearing in
left forearm;rheumatic pains in left forearm;tearing burning in right thumb; pain in legs;dull
sensation, like pain, in the hips;drawing in left thigh; bending of left knee;heat, with sweat,
etc.;great sleepiness.
- (Towards evening), Increases appetite;rabid hunger;tensive pain at pit of stomach, etc.;
drawing in region of pit of stomach, etc.;drawing in back and sacrum, etc.;cough.
- (Evening), Vertigo, etc.;headache;sensation of contraction in eyes;agglutination of lids;
itching on bulbus;dizzy vision;fluent coryza;warmth of face;sensitiveness of front teeth;
feeling of tension in region of thyroid gland;pinching, etc.;in epigastrium; pressure in
spleen, etc.;din in the abdomen, etc.;cutting in hypogastrium;cutting itching in rectum;
evacuations;disagreeable sensation in urethra;stitches in chest, etc.;pain in right chest, etc.;
violent palpitation of the heart; palpitation of heart;backache;twitches in right lumbar
muscles;pain in both sides of sacrum; tearing pain in muscles of left upper arm, etc.;burning
in right leg;light pains in tibiae; pains in dorsum of left foot;convulsions, etc.;sensation as if
the whole body were shaken through; long-continued chill, etc.;feverish chills;violent attack
of heat, etc.;heat and sweat.
- (Late in evening), Cutting in abdomen;tearing pain in second joint of left forefinger;
burning pain in dorsum of left foot.
- (Evening in bed), Jumping in recti muscles;perspiration on inner surface of legs;
perspiration, etc.
- (Night), Pressive pain in vertex;pains in stomach, etc.;trouble from flatus; itching of
hypogastrium;three watery stools, etc.;knotty stools;burning in orifice of urethra; violent
desire to urinate;passage of much urine;erections; violent spasmodic cough; violent cough,
etc.;attacks of cough;snoring and wheezing in chest;sweat upon chest; painful shocks in the
heart;pains along the back, etc.;stitch in dorsal vertebra; pain in left kidney region;left hand
goes to sleep;pain in legs and feet; perspiration on the legs; sense of coldness in left
leg;pain in right tibia;cramp in sole of foot; heat;increase of animal heart;continual
heat;copious sweat;copious sweats about the legs; fear of suffocation, etc.
- (Before midnight), Itching and burning, etc.
- (Midnight), Pain in left temple; pain in left abdominal region.
- (Towards 11 A. M.), Difficulty in breathing.
- (10 A. M. till 2 P.M. ), Pain in left half of head, etc.
- (2 to 6 P.M. ), Lame pain in left arm.
- (3 to 5 P.M. ), Uninterrupted palpitation of heart.
- (4 P.M. , till evening), Constant pressure near the heart.
- (Towards 1 o'clock at night), Pain in upper teeth.
- (Night, at 2 o'clock), Jerks and pressive pain in right ankle.
- (3 at night), Restlessness in every muscle, etc.
- * (Open air), Vertigo; headache in forehead; chilliness.
- (Walking in open air), Reeling;staggering;vertigo;pain in supra-orbital region; decrease of
sight;ringing in right ear;griping in abdomen, etc.;griping in lower abdomen; pressive pain
in sacrum, etc.;stitch in the sacrum;creeping heat through the back, etc.; frequent yawning.
- (Bending body backwards or forwards), Stitches in lung.
- (Bending body down), Clear water drops out of nose;nose feels obstructed; sensation of
tension across region of lungs, etc.;posterior cervical muscles feel too short; pricking in
cervical vertebrae;muscles of back feel too short;painfulness along spinal cord; oppression
of heart, etc.;crackling of lumbar vertebrae.
- (Deep stooping), Pains in limbs, etc.
- (Bending body to left), Pressive feeling in hypochondrium, etc.
- (Before going to bed), Violent palpitation of heart.
- (After breakfast), Pressure in temporal bone;jerks in loose tooth;offensive taste in mouth,
etc.; attack of nausea;sensation of discomfort in stomach;burning, etc., in stomach;pressure
in stomach; sensation of heaviness, etc., in stomach;oppression at pit of stomach;sensation
of heaviness under navel; griping in region of navel;distension of abdomen;gurgling and
rattling in intestines; burning in abdomen;slight griping;sensation of flatus;copious pappy
stool; scanty, pappy, painless stool;tension across the chest, etc.;tension and pressure over
whole chest; pain below sternum;sore pain under sternum.
- (Breathing), Dull stitches in the liver;stitches in middle of right lung; stitches in left side
of chest;stitches in left lung.
- (Drawing breath), Stitches in left short ribs;stitches in left side of chest;pressure at middle
of sternum.
- (Inhalation), Soreness in nostril.
- (Deep breathing), Sense of motion, etc., in muscles of chest, etc.;sprained pain in chest;
pains from region of heart, etc.
- (At end of expiration), Sticking behind sternum, etc.
- (Closing eyes), Pressure under the lids;burning of canthus of eyes.
- (Cold), Toothache.
- * (In cooler air), easychilliness.
- * (Touch of cold finger to warm part of body), easychilliness.
- (Raising cover of bed), Chilliness;chills with shaking.
- (Cold air passing into ear), Pain in ear, etc.
- (Looking out of open window in cool air), Pain in teeth;pain in right knee, etc.
- (Crossing the thighs), Violent pain in thigh;drawing and tearing in right thigh.
- (After dinner), Headache;premonitions of headache;pressure in eyes, etc.; nausea,
etc.;inclination to vomit;sense of fulness, etc., in stomach;feeling of fulness and flatus;
oppression at pit of stomach, etc.;heaviness, etc., in abdomen, etc.;hard, scraping stool;
coughing and sneezing, etc.;short;dry cough;burning in chest;slight backache, etc.; pain in
spine;prostration of lower limbs;cold feeling on gluteal muscles;tearing pains in left tibia;
unusual sleepiness;irresistible somnolence;long and deep sleep.
- (After drinking cold water), Jerks in loose tooth;nausea.
- (After an embrace), Great weariness;much exhausted, etc.
- (After eating moderately), Feeling of distension in abdomen;pressure, etc., in abdomen.
- (After eating a little), Pressure in stomach.
- (After eating meat), Heartburn.
- (After moderate exercise), Great fatigue;sweat.
- (After passage of flatus), Hard stool.
- (In gloomy weather), Brown spot before eye.
- (In passing wind), Great pain in rectum.
- (Putting on hat), Heat and sweat.
- (Heat of sun), Vertigo.
- (Hiccoughing), Pains from region of heart.
- (Leaning back against chair), Pain in spinal column;pressive pain in sacrum;chill in back.
- (Lifting up or putting down the foot), Pain in right calf.
- (Light of sun), Giddiness.
- (Lying on left side), Pain, etc., in left ear.
- (Looking at light objects), Yellow spots before eyes.
- (Looking into the light), Dizzy dulness of head.
- (Using eyes by lamplight), Pressure in eyes.
- (Lying on back), Rattling of mucus in chest.
- (Lying down), Headache, etc.;pain in occiput, etc.;rushing in ear;pain in small of back;
bruised pain in lumbar region;twitching of the muscles;pain in knee.
- (Lying down at night), Blows in heart, etc.
- (After a meal), Tongue coated white, etc.;nausea;oppression at stomach; soreness in
hypochondria;frequent cough.
- (Moving head to either side), Back of neck hurt, etc.
- (More rapid motion of head), ?.
- (Motion of body), Backache.
- (During increased motion of body), Dragging, etc., along spinal cord;pain in several
places of spinal cord.
- (Slight movement), easychilliness.
- (After motion), Bruised feeling of bones of extremities.
- (Moving the part), Tension in right upper arm.
- (Moving the joints), Cracking in them.
- (Moving eyes), Pressure in eyes;burning and pressure in eyeballs;sensitiveness of
- (Moving mouth), Flow of saliva.
- (Moving hands, or holding something with them), Tremor of hands.
- (Slight noise), Stitches in frontal eminences;blows in heart, etc.
- (When least taken notice of), Disagreeable sensation in head, etc.
- (Opening and shutting eyes), Burning in eyes.
- (Five minutes after commencement of palpitation of heart), Lame pain in left hand and
- (Pressure), Creaking of occiput;pressure, etc., in stomach;pain in umbilical region.
- (Reading), Dizzy dulness of head;twitching and pressing in left eyeball; loss of
vision;eyes grow weak;overwhelming sleepiness.
- (Rest), Oppression behind sternum, etc.;tearing in left forearm, etc.;rheumatic pains in
left forearm; stitches in left foot, etc.;stitches in the toes;symptoms generally.
- (Getting out of bed), Knee-joints painful.
- (After getting up), Itching of scalp.
- (After rising), Stitch in the forehead, etc.;pain inside of chest;tension in right leg.
- (Rising from seat), Anxiety in chest, etc.;pain in small of back;stitches in right knee;
sense of stiffness in tendo Achillis.
- (Rising, after sitting awhile), Pain in legs.
- (Rising from seat and righting body), Back feels stiff.
- (Raising head), Flow of saliva into mouth.
- (Raising left arm), Pain in deltoid muscles.
- (Raising thigh when sitting), Pain in small of back.
- (In room), Vertigo;inclination to vomit.
- (Sitting), Pressure in forehead;pain in forehead becomes pressing and stunning; pain in
forehead, etc.;occipital headache;spasms below diaphragm;dry cough, etc.; oppression, etc.,
in chest;sudden stitches in chest, etc.;irregular, strong beats of heart, etc.; anxious sense in
heart;muscles of back of neck feel short;muscles of back feel short; pains in dorsal
muscles;pain in small of back;bruised pain in lumbar region; tearing in lumbar muscles;pain
in sacrum;tearing in legs;the pains in legs; dull sensation resembling pain in hips;sitting
parts feel bruised;tearing in left half of nates; tearing in right thigh;knee-joints painful;pain
in knees;tearing in knee-joint; boring, etc., in right knee;pain in leg, etc.;tearing in leg;the
pains in the tibia; bruised pain of inner side of gastrocnemii;tearing in outer surface of calf;
pressure upon left malleolus;tearing in hollow of right foot;stitches in lower surface of heel;
drawing, etc., upon lower surface of right big toe;various pains;symptoms of muscles;
cramp-like pain in all the muscles, etc.;boring pain in head, thighs, etc.;bruised pain and
- (After sitting), Pain in external surface of both thighs.
- (Sitting with a stooping chest), Stitches under left short ribs;fine stitch in left chest.
- (Standing), Pain in forehead;oppression in stomach;painful palpitation of heart; bruised
feeling in small of back;paralytic pain in loins;pain in right loin; cramp in ball of thumb;the
pains in legs;tearing in knee-joint;bruised pain in heels; sharp stitches in left
toes;convulsions, etc.;sensation as if the whole body were shaken through.
- (Stepping), Stitches in heel.
- (Scratching), Burning and itching.
- (Before and during stools), Pinching and cutting in abdomen.
- (After stool), Rumbling in abdomen;creeping in lower abdomen, etc.
- (Stretching and holding in the breast), Drawing pain in occiput.
- (Stretching and turning thigh outward), Tensive sensation in region of right loin.
- (Swallowing), Dryness of palate, etc.
- (Empty swallowing), Creaking in ears.
- (Swallowing saliva), Painful sensation in fauces.
- (Sneezing), Stitches in region of sacrum;pains from region of heart.
- (Smoking tobacco), Empty risings, etc.;inclination to cough.
- (Touch), Pain in parietal bone;burning in canthus;stitches in throat;pain in right loin; pain
between eighth and ninth dorsal vertebrae;pain in muscles of extremities; pain in back of
right hand, etc.;pricking in left thumb.
- (Touching the hairs), Pressure upon temporal bones, etc.
- (Every turning motion of body), Increased painfulness of spinal column; violent pain in
spinal column, etc.;pain in region of eighth and ninth dorsal vertebrae.
- (Turning head backwards and towards left), Sprained sensation of neck, etc.
- (When undressing in evening), Burning itching of legs, etc.
- (When urinating), Drawing in left groin;burning sensation.
- (When vexed), Palpitation of heart.
- (While vomiting), Sensation of foreign body in fauces.
- (After vomiting), Feeling in left eyeball as though enlarged.
- (Walking), Vertigo;oppression in stomach;stitches in abdominal walls, etc.;pain in left
groin; difficulty of breathing;punctiform stitches in chest;pressure on breast, etc.; stitches in
right lung;pain from sides of lumbar vertebrae;tearing in lumbar muscles; paralytic pains in
loins;pain in sacrum, with exhaustion;prostration of lower limbs; pain in the hip;biting on
the thighs;pain on outside of thighs;tearing in right thigh; paralytic pain in right
thigh;contraction in flexors of left thigh;weakness in knees; pain in left knee;sudden
bending of left knee;drawing in left tibia;pain in right calf; pain about both ankles;pain in
heel;drawing sensation in right foot, etc.;pains in dorsum of left foot; tearing in soles of
- (After walking through room), Bruised pain in extremities, etc.;pressing pain in lower
part of left leg.
- (Walking up-stairs), Pain in right knee-joint;painful fatigue of legs.
- (Walking up little hill), Copious sweat, etc.
- (In warm bed), Burning in both feet.
- (Washing with a sponge), Sensitiveness of spinal column.
- (After garden work), Pain in back, etc.
- (While writing), Flickering before eyes;unsteadiness of right hand;tremor of the hands.
- (After writing), Sensation of going to sleep, etc., in right fourth or fifth fingers, etc.
- (Writing stooping, or while standing), Going to sleep of hand.
- (Early in morning), Pulse less intermittent.
- (Mornings, after waking), Pain in lumbar region, etc.
- (Forenoon), Pains in left tibia.
- (Towards morning), Violent itching.
- (Towards 4 P.M. ), Redness of face, etc.
- (Open air), Vertigo;inclination to vomit.
- (Walking in open air), Dulness of head;feeling of prostration.
- (Boring with finger), Tickling itching in lobe of ear.
- (Expiration), Sore feeling in left nostril.
- (After drinking coffee), Pulse less intermittent, etc.
- (Eructations), Occurrence of nausea.
- (Extending the limb), Drawing and tearing in right thigh.
- (Passage of flatus), Pressive pain, etc., in stomach;pinching sensation inside of abdomen;
abdominal pains.
- (After passage of offensive flatus), Pains in stomach, etc.
- (Lying on left side), Tension in tendons, etc., of right lumbar region.
- (Meditating), Vertigo.
- (Motion), Pain in small of back;tearing in legs; the pains in the legs; pain in
knee;prostration and weakness, etc.
- (Continued motion), Pain in limbs.
- (When observing the pain), Indistinct disagreeable sensation, etc.
- (After perspiration in morning), Itching of hypogastrium.
- (Pressure), Frontal headache;pain in forehead;pain in left temple;griping in lower
abdomen, etc.; stitches in right lung;pain between eighth and ninth dorsal vertebrae.
- (When rising), Rushing in ears.
- (After rising), Burning in both legs, etc.;pains in tibia.
- * (In room), Vertigo.
- (Rubbing), Itching and pressure in eye.
- (Scratching), Pain over left eyebrow;stitch over left eyebrow.
- (Scratching with sharp comb), Itching of scalp.
- (Sitting), Disagreeable feeling in anus, etc.;stiffness and pain in back; cramp in ball of
thumb;pain in hip.
- (Standing), Pain in internal side of gastrocnemii.
- (After copious stool), Headache.
- (Thinking of something else), Vertigo, etc.
- (Touch), Pain over cranium;pressure on internal side of gastrocnemii.
- (Turning head quickly), Vertigo.
- (Spontaneous vomiting), Spasms, etc.
- (Walking), Dull sensation like pain in hips;tearing in left half of nates; stitches in both
knees;pain about both ankles, etc.;pain in knees;drawing in posterior side of left leg,
etc.;pain in the tibia;pains in left tibia;great weakness, etc.; itching in popliteal
space;burning in inner surface of thigh;sweat;profuse sweat.
- (After short but quick walking), Fatigue.
- (After continued walking), Bruised pain in right hip.
- (Walking on level floor), Painful fatigue of legs.
- (Warmth of bed), Pains in bones, etc.
- (Washing body in cold water), Pain in superciliary ridge, etc.
- (Wine), Contraction of eye, etc.
- (Wiping), Adhesion of eyelids.
- Cannot find proper word, uses wrong words; agg after exertion and sleepless nights.
- || Dulness almost amounting to idiocy. Chorea.
- The whole psychological sphere as if paralyzed, hence a kind of idiocy.
- Ecstasy, fancies excited; makes verses; prophesies.
- Talks incoherently; passes rapidly from subject to subject.
- Falls into a delirium as with high fever; becomes now gay, now melancholic.
- Delirium : tries to get out of bed;
- constant raving without exacerbation; constant, does not know his relations, and
throws his wine and medicine at his nurse. Typhus.
- Delirium tremens.
- Fearless, menacing, mischievous frenzy; frenzy causing him to assail and injure himself,
great exertion of power.
- Silly merriness.
- Great loquacity, convulsive motions of facial and cervical muscles, mostly right side,
drawing head down to shoulder; merry, incoherent talk,
- followed by malaise.
- Sings, talks, but does not answer questions; strength augmented.
- Laughs at his attempts to stand and walk.
- Disinclined to answer questions.
- Aversion to work. Prolapsus uteri.
- Indisposed to perform any labor, especially mental.
- She is indifferent, though naturally very solicitous.
- Very much out of humor.
- Takes offense easily.
- { Mental solicitude about his condition. Incipient tuberculosis.
- Cross, self-willed, stubborn. Chronic spasms of eyes.
- His mind much depressed. Chorea.
- || Great selfishness. Nymphomania.
- Morose, self-willed, stubborn, slow in learning to walk and talk; on trying to walk
stumbled singularly often. Nystagmus.
- Protracted mental application or exciting debates brought on vertigo.
- Complaints after getting angry.
- { Epilepsy after fright.
- While meditating : vertigo.
- When thinking of pain : undefined disagreeable sensation.
- Vertigo : when walking in open air, reeling as if drunk; long-lasting, with great
sensitiveness to cold air; momentary;
- || from strong light of sun; with stupefaction and burning in vertex; combined with a
tottering gait and indistinct sight, even of near objects; >> thinking of something else; in
attacks; objects whirling; tendency to fall forward; brought on by protracted mental
application or exciting debates.
- || When walking does not arrive at point he sets out for. Chorea.
- Constant dizziness. From overwork at desk.
- Lay almost always unconscious, though he could be raised for a minute when
questioned. Typhoid.
- || Confusion of head.
- Heaviness as after drunkenness.
- || As if drunken and always sleepy. Epilepsy.
- Unconscious and speechless with convulsions; t.
- Fainting after moving head, hearing others talk, smelling aromatics or perfumeries, even
smelling vinegar.
Inner head
- Nervous headache.
- || Great weight in head, A.M. Chorea.
- Throbbing, beating cephalalgia, with a sensation of stiffness of muscles of face.
Climacteric years.
- || Beating pain, with despair bordering on rage.
- Burning in head.
- Pain as though sharp ice touched head or cold needles pierced it.
- Dull pain, especially in forehead; must move head constantly to and fro and close eyes as
for sleep.
- Violent oppressive pains, chiefly in forehead, with delirium.
- Fulness and pain in temples. From overwork at desk.
- In temples : burrowing pain; drawing; shooting cramp- like pain.
- Pressing in right side, as if a nail was thrust in; worse sitting quietly; better moving
slowly about.
- Tearing and pressure in left half of brain.
- Heaviness or sense of bearing down; weight in top of head, with a feeling of pressing
together of brain.
- In vertex : pressure; burning; throbbing.
- Dull fulness after waking.
- Heaviness, drawing and tension; heaviness towards nape.
- Dull, drawing headache in morning, extending into root of nose, with nosebleed or
thick mucous discharge.
- Headache from spine affection.
- Headaches of those who are subject to chorea; or who readily become delirious in
fever or with pain; twitchings or grimaces.
Outer head
- Various sensations in left half of occipital bone, when seated.
- Sensation of coldness on right side of frontal bone, though warm to touch.
- || Icy coldness in region of coronal suture after itching and scratching.
- Sensation of icy coldness on head.
- Twitching in skin of forehead, above right eye.
- Twitching of head and cervical muscles on right side; drawing of head towards
shoulder. Pregnancy.
- || Drawing or stitching pains in head, shifting from side to side. Neuralgia.
- Such a violent shock of whole head, starting in first cervical articulation, he involuntarily
bit his tongue.
- Drawing from both sides in frontal bone as far as root of nose.
- Chronic tenderness of scalp, like that with spinal irritation.
- Chorea-like muscular motions of galea aponeurotica (scalp), temporal muscles in cheek
and lower jaw.
- Head constantly falling backward as if a weight were attached to occiput.
- Head in constant motion. Chorea.
- || Sweat all over, even on scalp.
- || Biting itching on scalp and other parts of head;
- like tetter on a small spot on border of forehead, left side.
- Scalp sensitive as from subcutaneous ulceration.
- Itching of scalp, especially early in morning, after rising.
- Itching nettle-rash on scalp with stupefaction and vertigo. Climacteric years.
- Tinea capitis with crusts sometimes spreading to other parts of body.
- Right half of head higher and thicker at birth of child.
- Head appeared crooked and displaced; both halves of head grew almost even. Clonic
spasms of eyes.
Upper face
- Face red and hot. Headache.
- { Heat in face and upper part of body, in spells lasting from five to ten minutes.
Incipient tuberculosis.
- Puffy, pale; blue under eyes; nose and lips bluish.
- Face blue and puffed. Epilepsy.
- Tearing in face and jaw bones.
- Twitching in right cheek.
- Pulsating and throbbing in cheeks.
- Twitching of facial muscles. Chorea.
- Lancinating, tearing and drawing pain in right cheek.
- Faceache with toothache.
- Itching in face, with redness and burning, as if frost-bitten.
- Paralysis of muscles of face, so that one or both corners of mouth drop, allowing saliva
to run out. Typhus.
- Expression of face somewhat idiotic; child had a senseless stare right before her and
sometimes squinted. Nystagmus.
- Expression of face wore appearance of idiocy. Clonic spasms of eyes.
Lower face
- Froth at mouth, face bluish and puffed. Epilepsy.
- Jaws clenched.
- Sensation as if splinters had been run into right lower jaw.
- Trembling vibration in lips and muscles of lower jaw; convulsive shaking.
- Pricking in chin, as from needles.
- On awaking, so violent a pain in left articulation of jaw, he could scarcely open his
- Violent tearing in right side of lower jaw.
- { Chaps and fissures of lips.
- Herpetic eruption principally on upper lip.
- Many little blisters on skin.
Inner mouth
- || Offensive odor like that after eating horse- radish.
- Bad odor from mouth. Incipient tuberculosis. Catarrh.
- || Dryness of whole mouth and back of it.
- Increased flow of acrid saliva.
- || Water accumulates in mouth, with pain in abdomen.
- Mercurial aphthae on roof of mouth and tongue.
- Sometimes in erecting head, saliva gets into windpipe, causing a violent ejecting cough.
- || Frequently suffering from aphthae, want of appetite, diarrhoea. Clonic spasms of eyes.
- Feeling of dryness of fauces extending into pharynx, causing contraction, as when
drinking an astringent.
- Great difficulty in swallowing, with ravenous appetite. Chorea.
- | Throws up some flocculi or solid lumps of phlegm, almost without cough.
- Pressure in fauces as though a foreign body stuck there, which could not be removed by
- Angina tonsillaris with great dryness in throat and general weakness. Cured by Pulsat.
- Induration of tonsils, thymus and other glands.
- Feeling of tension externally in region of thyroid gland.
- Neck distended; cravat feels too tight.
- A burning-cooling feeling along oesophagus to stomach, as after eating cress.
- Scratching sensation in throat, renewed with every attempt to sing. A professional
singer after an epidemic influenza.
Appetite, thirst
- Desires, Aversions. Much hunger, but no appetite.
- Towards evening, suddenly attacked with rabid hunger; body covered with sweat; tremor
and weariness of limbs.
- Ravenous appetite, but difficult swallowing. Chorea.
- || Much hunger, but no appetite; early in morning; stomach feels as if empty.
- || Violent thirst.
- Burning thirst. Typhus.
- Thirst rather rare, particularly in throat during chill.
- Liver enlarged, congested.
- Sensation of pain and drawing in right hypochondrium, as if liver had increased in weight
and dragged at its ligaments.
- || Sharp stitches, as from needles, in region of liver; dull stitches during breathing.
- || Stitches under short ribs, left side.
- Pain in stomach and liver, burning from acidity.
- { Enlargement of liver.
- Pain in left hypochondrium, with rumbling in region of left superior flexure of colon.
- || Violent colic, cutting, griping, pinching.
- { Popular medicine for colic with the Korjkes.
- || Great noises in abdomen.
- Rumbling, with constant pain deep in umbilical region; agg. from pressure.
- Loud rolling and rumbling in bowels, with constipation. During pregnancy.
- { Flatulency of stomach and bowels.
- Pinching below umbilicus, attended with a bloated condition of abdomen.
- Pain in abdomen with fetid discharges. Typhus.
- | Burning in abdomen.
- { Ulceration of stomach and bowels. Typhoid fever.
- A great heaviness like from a weight, most below navel.
- A pressure as from a swelling from left hypogastrium to back.
- || In region of caecum, violent stitches, with sneezing.
- Sensation of emptiness, hollowness or coldness in abdomen.
- || Distension of abdomen.
- Undulatory jumping of upper abdominal muscles.
- Twitching, tension, tearing and stitches in loins.
- || Subsultus of abdominal muscles.
- Bruised feeling in loins, in sitting and lying.
- Laming pains in loins, agg walking and standing.
- { Abdominal plethora.
- Weakness in loins. Rheumatism.
- In groins, peculiar tensive sensation as if wrenched, less when walking,
- quivering in left.
Urinary organs
- Pressing pain in region of kidneys, disturbs sleep.
- Stitch in right kidney.
- | Lameness in left kidney, sore to touch, with cramp extending into thighs.
- Tensive pain while riding.
- Twitching pain in bladder.
- || Paralytic weakness in sphincter, can hardly hold urine.
- Sphincter vesicae weak, with dribbling.
- Urine passes at intervals and dribbles away,
- || with a cold shrunken penis.
- Urine passes in intermissions; flows and stops.
- || Constant desire to urinate.
- || Quantity of urine very much increased, even with diarrhoea.
- Urination, with coldness down legs, numbness and twitches.
- After urination, urine passes off involuntarily.
- Urine passes slowly in a small stream or in drops, has to press to promote flow.
- Urine : watery, clear, lemon-colored,
- || bright yellow; dark yellow and hot; red; red, flocculent or powdery sediment; watery in
- || in afternoon milky; like whey; turbid; with a red or white sediment (phosphate of
magnesia); iridizing on surface.
- Urine profuse, colorless. Chorea.
- Urination lessened. Rheumatism.
- A little shimmering pellicle on urine.
- Urine with red, flaky sediment; sediment white, of phosphate of magnesia.
- With urination : spasmodic drawing in left groin;
- || burning in urethra,
- at night in orifice; sensation as if a cold drop of urine was passing;
- painful urging along urethra.
- Urethra : burning stitches; stitch like from a red-hot iron;
- || several fine stitches, most in orifice;
- || crawling, itching, tickling in orifice
- | lessened by cold water;
- || discharge of prostatic juice or of a tough viscous slime; momentary burning in orifice
during night.
- Viscid, glutinous mucus from urethra.
- Lactation. Parturition.
- Constipation with rumbling in bowels during pregnancy.
- Four weeks after childbirth a pressing pain like a swelling from left side of
hypogastrium, extending towards back; motion aggravates; thirst; loss of appetite.
- Metastasis of milk to brain. Epilepsy.
- Nipples itch, burn, look red.
- At night breathing was impeded, owing to closure of nose by thick mucus. Chronic
nasal catarrh.
- || Oppression of chest with pain in stomach.
- During inhalation : stitches in left side and
- || below short ribs; increasing pressure on middle of sternum; dull stitches in liver.
- With a deep inspiration : pains in different parts of chest and abdomen; shooting from
heart to shoulder blade.
- || Frequent deep inspirations.
- Rapid breathing, evenings, with heat all over and sweat, most in face.
- || Great inclination to sighing, involuntary, with rapid beating of heart.
- Suffocative fits with anxiety and fainting; t.
- || Difficulty in breathing, as if chest was too full; he must breathe more deeply.
- || Chest as if too narrow, pressure on both sides of sternum.
- Difficult and noisy respiration.
- { Short breath in walking, has to stand still to get breath. Incipient tuberculosis.
- Constriction of chest, with deep inspirations at times, and visible beating of heart, and a
kind of oppression, especially behind two borders of sternum, along its whole length.
- In region of diaphragm painful drawing with difficult breathing.
- Dry cough with whistling behind sternum.
- { Frequent dry cough, after meals. Incipient tuberculosis.
- || Cough with rattling of phlegm, without expectoration.
- || Dry cough from a tickling in trachea at night, shaking whole body violently.
- || Constant irritation to cough which can mostly be suppressed, but, if he cannot resist it,
several violent convulsive shocks of cough succeed one another, which are very painful,
tears run from eyes, and he has to double up.
- Violent cough in isolated attacks, ending in repeated sneezing.
- { Hacking cough. Incipient tuberculosis.
- || Convulsive, hacking cough, with oppressive sweat.
- Sudden convulsive coughs, agg forenoons, or during day.
- || Violent spasmodic cough at night.
- Cough most at night, less in morning, in forenoon, agg towards evening.
- || Dry cough after dinner.
- During cough : burning in chest; stitches in left side; palpitation.
- Convulsive cough with anxious sweat.
- || Has to sit up in bed, or cough takes his breath.
- With cough pressure in left head, running in scalp; burning in eyes, tears run from eyes.
- Spasmodic contraction of chest, threatening suffocation; rawness of chest, shooting in left
side of chest; some saliva flies out of mouth; nausea, retching; burning in stomach;
heaviness in abdomen; colicky pain impedes coughing.
- Cough towards evening with frequent pulse (100) intermitting.
- || After each cough violent sneezing; sometimes so rapid that he does not know if he
coughs or sneezes.
- Frequent hemming and bringing up small, firm lumps of phlegm, without cough.
- || Mucous sputa most in morning.
- { Mucus is loosened by slight clearing and comes up in small, hard, round balls.
Incipient tuberculosis.
- { Expectoration of small flakes of mucus raised almost without any cough. Incipient
- Sputa sometimes consisting of large brown lumps.
- Long-lasting cough and puslike sputa.
- || Rattling of phlegm in chest, agg mornings and when lying on back.
- Chronic catarrh.
- Loose cough; with distension of abdomen; heaviness most in region of navel; noise in
- || passing of wind.
Outer chest
- Peculiar sensation of contraction of sternum.
- Jerking, subsultus of all pectoral muscles.
- Pressure on right chest near nipple, throbbing sore feeling.
- { Painful pressure on middle of sternum, agg when inhaling. Incipient tuberculosis.
- Sharp stitches : like splinters in pectoralis near nipple, first right, then left, later on lowest
ribs; on different parts of thorax.
- Pain in left intercostal muscles.
- Twitches of pectoral muscles.
- Shooting tearing pains in small spots.
- { Throbbing aching pain in small spots on chest. Incipient tuberculosis.
- Soreness deep in chest in two spots, four inches on either side of sternum; it hurts or
weakens her to breathe or speak.
- Copious sweat on chest during night.
- Burning, biting pimples on outer chest.
Upper limbs
- || Shoulder joint as if dislocated.
- Convulsive shakes in left shoulder.
- Tearing in right shoulder.
- Shooting in axilla.
- Icy feeling in right axilla and left inner ankle.
- Rheumatism of right deltoid worse when moving joint backward, with great weakness
in loins, costiveness and less urination.
- Spasmodic pains in left upper arm below deltoid, followed by a similar pain in right
upper leg.
- Sprained feeling in deltoid and as if thousands of splinters were in it when lifting arm; at
5 P.M.
- Drawing pain : from left upper arm to forearm; in muscles of left forearm.
- Tearing in left upper arm, lower teeth and left ear, with violent itching in ear; pains agg
from lying on sore side; from 2 P.M. till evening.
- | Irregular and hurried movements of arms.
- Twitching and spasms in arms, ceasing when doing hard work with hands.
- Violent shock of left arm, followed by wavelike twitchings of abdominal muscles; during
- || Upper arm shaken like from an electric shock.
- Subsultus tendinum on upper arm.
- Such constant motions of upper limbs that pulse cannot be felt, lower limbs are drawn up
to trunk; t.
- Irregular quick motions in upper limbs; t.
- Tension in left upper arm.
- Has to put his arms often into another position.
- Violent laming or paralytic pain in left hand and arm five minutes after palpitation
- Cannot lift his arm; arms are stiff.
- || Prostration, weariness and paralytic feeling in left arm.
- Burning above left elbow.
- Itching on arms.
- Burning itching on both hands, as if frozen; parts hot, swollen, red.
- Burning itching pimples size of millet-seed on arms.
- A small painful abscess on middle of right deltoid.
- Violent rheumatic pains in forearm, extending into thumb; afternoon, in rest.
- || Drawing in forearm, in left, or both.
- Tearing drawing pains in left elbow joint.
- Rheumatic or gouty stiffness of left hand and elbow joint.
- Electric stitches in olecranon of each arm.
- In point of elbow, coldness like from ice.
- Forearm :
- || tearing in bones of left; tearing between bones; strong painless pulsation near and above
right olecranon; tension, lameness and numbness; starting and quivering on upper surface
of right hand, extending to ball of hand; pressive trembling in right hand.
- In extensor side of right forearm, sudden awful pain like thousands of splinters, with a
momentary sensation as if he would lose consciousness.
- Sensation like from splinters in point of left elbow.
- Burning in front of left forearm near wrist as if he had burnt himself.
- Burning itching on right forearm; after scratching, white nodules, size of millet-seed, and
furfuraceous peeling off.
- Itching on point of elbow.
- || Tearing : in left wrist; in both hands.
- Burning sore pain in skin of right hand from wrist to thumb and index finger; slightest
touch with finger painful.
- Trembling and coldness of hands. From overwork at desk.
- Trembling of hands. Typhus.
- Right hand unsteady while writing; arm feels paralyzed from much writing.
- || Left hand up to forearm asleep at night in bed; from leading a little boy during a walk.
- Cold hands.
- Hands chilly, nails blue, with a small, hard pulse and prostration of whole body, at noon.
- Face and
- || hands blue and icy cold.
- Sometimes a warm sweat on palms.
- || Itching on right wrist.
- Itching, redness and burning in hands like chilblains.
- || Tearing burning in thumbs, stitches like needles.
- || Spasmodic pain in thumb.
- || Tearing between thumb and index finger.
- Drawing, tearing in left index finger as from splinters.
- Burning and crawling in right index finger as if a felon would come.
- Icy cold sensation in joint of middle finger; somewhat reddened and sensitive to touch;
violent tearing.
- Finger often deadens and remains a long time sensitive to cold.
- Tearing in left little finger.
- Frequent sudden motions of right fingers.
- Tearing in joints and drawing, as if in periosteum, of all fingers.
- Stiffness in fingers from gout.
- Fingers itch, burn and look red, as if frost-bitten.
- Points of fingers blue; t.
- Nails blue.
Lower limbs
- Pains over both hip joints, he gets up stiff.
- || Tensive, pressing tearing in hip joints as if heads of bones were pulled from sockets.
- Violent ischiatic pain; neither touch nor pressure, neither walking nor rest has any
influence, but agg by stooping or change position.
- Stretching pain in acetabula.
- Stitches, pressing and feeling of dislocation or as if beaten in hip joint.
- Coldness in region of trochanter; at intervals shaking, pushing concussions now in left
hip, now in right hand, commencing in joints of lower limbs.
- Pains in legs, especially in region of right hip joint, like from fatigue.
- Itching on condyles of hip bone.
- Violent pains in limbs, especially left hip under gluteal muscles.
- || In left buttock violent tearing with sensation of coldness, wakening him out of sleep.
- Twitching of gluteal muscles.
- || Icy coldness from glutei down to feet, most in big toes, with numbness and twitches.
- Furuncle on right gluteus, size of hen's egg, very painful, discharging black blood on
seventh day, with most violent burning pains; lasted five days.
- Pressing in thighs, agg in right.
- Sensation of a plug on outer side of thigh,
- || above knee.
- Rending drawing in thigh, extending to knee.
- Tendons of thigh are stretched.
- From groin down to middle of anterior thigh, violent contraction in flexors.
- Tearing from hip joint to knee, with numbness.
- || Crossing legs causes pain in thighs.
- Thighs pain as after a long journey on foot.
- Painful weariness and heaviness in thighs.
- || Electric stitches or spasmodic pain in anterior part of thigh.
- Burning, itching on inner and anterior portion of thigh.
- Biting and burning pimples above knee.
- All along flexor side of thigh violent burning, and later a thick rash like from nettles.
- On front of thigh and on buttocks very painful furuncles.
- In knee joint : drawing, tearing, stinging;
- || weakness;
- || sprained feeling.
- Tearing drawing in knee; agg sitting, amel walking.
- || Violent stitches in both knees, followed by weakness.
- Muscular twitches, or
- || weakness in knees,
- || they knock together.
- Itching, violent pain, a tremulous feeling, or coldness on a small spot in bend of knee.
- Pain in bones of lower legs, sometimes as if in periosteum.
- Pains in bones of legs, as if in marrow.
- || Violent pressing pains in left tibia beginning in morning, agg. at noon, amel afternoon
and evening.
- Pains similar to syphilitic bone-pain, not worse in warmth of bed, but rather better.
- || Tearing drawing pains in shin bones, agg sitting, amel walking.
- Burning in tibia.
- Pains in legs most marked when standing or sitting; amel when walking or from
- || Dull pain along tibia; drawing pains in shin.
- In calves :
- || tearing;
- || painful contraction;
- || stitches;
- | burning; heaviness.
- While walking, alternate stretching and flexion in lower limbs, causing a strange lifting
and sinking of body, accompanied by merry, incoherent talking; t.
- Heaviness, weariness, or a tearing with a paralytic numbness in lower legs.
- Painful prostration in legs, cannot go up-stairs.
- The legs ache as after a prostrating sickness.
- || Lower limbs weak, weary, cannot support body, cannot stand, has to sit.
- || Heaviness : as if lead was hanging on legs; with languor.
- Weight in legs; they feel weary and as if they had been knocked from under.
- Weak and heavy in legs all day; yellow urine.
- On crossing thighs he feels a violent pain in them.
- || Trembling of lower limbs.
- Electric shock through lower limbs, most in left, suddenly awaking him.
- Jerking motion in lower limbs.
- Sudden concussions in legs.
- Muscular twitching, followed by biting itching on soles.
- In lower limbs : coldness,
- || burning, evening and night copious sweat.
- At night in warmth of bed an itching, forcing to scratch, leaving bloody streaks.
- || Burning on right lower leg.
- Burning itching, skin dry and peeling or small nodules.
- || Sweats much on lower leg.
- Drawing, pressive pains in legs; especially in ankles.
- Pain agg in standing, has to walk or sit.
- Pains in ankle joint waken him at 2 A.M.
- || Crampy pain in ankle joints extending over heels; shooting burning pains.
- || Crawling and itching on dorsi of feet.
- || Shooting in metatarsal bones and feet while walking.
- || Feet cold like ice up to ankles.
- Burning in feet, as if blood was glowing in veins.
- || Great weakness,
- heaviness, or formication in feet.
- Stiffness in tendo-achillis.
- Heels as if beaten, when standing.
- In soles : tearing,
- || shooting, like splinters,
- || biting itching.
- Cramp in soles at night.
- Right little toe pains as from narrow shoes, in left second toe same sensation in a corn.
- In big toe :
- || tearing, jerking pain, digging, sudden stitches like splinters.
- In all the toes :
- || drawing,
- | digging,
- || shooting, crawling or prickling; painful swellings, like nails growing in;
- || itching, burning and redness, as if frost-bitten.
- Pain and inflammation of frost-bitten toes.
- Chilblains.
- || Violent pains in a corn on right little toe.
Limbs in general
- Tearing in left forearm and right thigh.
- Tearing in limbs, agg in rest or sitting, amel moving.
- Shooting pains : in all limbs; most in knees and nape of neck; right knee agg going up-
stairs; in fingers and toes.
- Violent pains all night along back, on chest, in loins and legs.
- Pain in right knee and left hand; pain shifts about every third day; during attack cough
only on moving about; pains agg when he begins to move about in morning. Rheumatism.
- || Tearing and drawing in tubular bones, agg in their ends.
- Pains in bones of legs and forearm, alternating with similar pains in right tibia.
- || Cracking and other noises in joints.
- || Trembling of limbs.
- Restless, tremulous feeling in upper and lower limbs, with shaking and twitching.
- Subsultus tendinum.
- All the limbs as if beaten, after slight exertion.
- After repeated and severe epistaxis, great soreness and bruised feeling of joints of limbs.
- Muscular soreness as it remains in some cases after fever, in attacks of influenza.
- Violent ulcerative pains in limbs prevent sleep at night, from left elbow to little finger,
and from calves to heel, with beating pains in little toe; general heat. A young, leprous
lame girl.
- Feels as if her limbs did not belong to her.
- Pains in limbs with lameness and numbness.
- Weakness and coldness in limbs. Chorea.
- Limbs cold, blue; t.
- Livid limbs. Typhus.
- || Formication in upper and lower limbs, as if gone to sleep.
- Position. Motion. In rest : pains in forearm, metatarsus, toes; symptoms generally agg.
- In standing : vertigo; headache; pressure in stomach; tension in groin; prostration in
- || very painful palpitation; pain in sacrum, loins, thumb,
- legs, knees, heels and toes; legs weak.
- Uncertain footing when standing. From overwork at desk.
- || Stooping : nose stopped up; stitches under ribs; oppression at heart; spine pains.
- | After using flexors : most after stooping or bending forward, painful tension and
soreness in different places.
- When sitting : vertigo;
- || headache; pressure in stomach; cutting in diaphragm; colic-like spasm in stomach;
tension in groin; itching on scrotum; dry cough; pressure on chest; sudden violent stitches
in chest; tension lower part of chest; anxious, irregular beats of heart; sore as if beaten in
neck, loins, back,
- || sacrum,
- | hips,
- || thighs,
- | knees, shinbone,
- || buttocks and
- || lower limbs; stitches on outer ankle; tearing in inner heel, foot, big toe, little toe and
corns; cramps in muscles; painful sensations in anus disappear.
- Has to sit down when cough comes.
- || After changing position, most when rising from sitting and using extensor muscles,
different, painful and other sensations in limbs.
- Lying on back : rattling in chest; pain in occiput through to glabella.
- Pain in sacrum and loins lying on right side, amel turning to left Worse lying on suffering
- Lying in bed : headache, extending to left ear.
- Lying down : rushing in right ear; palpitation; shocks at heart; pains in loins, sacrum,
knees; shaking chill; twitches of muscles.
- With every attempt at voluntary motion twitches are increased; no twitchings at night.
- Moderate motion : relieves pain in limbs, in head and limbs, in small of back, in knees, in
corn, also weakness.
- Motion : moving head, neck hurts; any motion of body, back pains; chilly; joints crack;
pressure in eyes; eyeballs burn; hands tremble; tension lower part of chest.
- || From slightest exertion : copious sweat.
- In going up-stairs : greatest weariness in lower limbs.
- Walking up hill : makes him faint.
- Worse in walking : vertigo; headache; thirst; stitches in chest; pain in knees, they give
way; pain in lower limbs, in ankle joint, heel, metatarsus, soles.
- From walking : vertigo; oppression of stomach; colic; difficult breathing; stitches in
lungs; stitches in sacrum; pressure in upper part of chest.
- Uncertainty in walking, tumbling over everything in the way.
- Unsteady walk. Chorea.
- While walking, pains in lower limbs and groins disappear.
- Thigh most affected and painful after walking.
- In writing : lameness in upper arm; weariness in forearm; uncertainty in hand; cramp in
ball of thumb.
- If she reaches for an object, she usually misses her mark. Clonic spasms of eyes.
- Uncertainty in his carriage and when walking. Chorea.
- He stumbles over everything in his way.
- Learned to walk and to speak with difficulty, and at a late date. Clonic spasms of eyes.
- In turning around : pain in back or neck.
- Increase of strength during delirium; t.
- The slightest influence of the will seems to have the most powerful effect; t.
- All motions are much easier and are made with much more dexterity; t.
- Extraordinary strength of muscles. Epilepsy.
- They lift up heavy loads and carry them with great facility for distances; t.
- It seems as if they were dancing, they make the strangest pantomimes with the hands; t.
- They run to places where they had no intention to go; t.
- Nervous excitement bordering on convulsions.
- Extreme wakefulness and restlessness, and continual fever.
- At night, 3 A.M. , awakes with an inner restlessness in all voluntary muscles, followed by
a trembling and finally an irresistible playing and twitching of all muscles.
- Very restless. Typhus.
- || Trembling of lower jaw and lips.
- Chattering of jaws and trembling of limbs. Typhoid fever.
- Great weakness and trembling. Prolapsus uteri.
- || Tremulous sensation in whole body.
- Tremor of whole body. Typhus.
- Trembling of parts or all over. Chorea.
- Trembling, with anxiousness and prostration.
- Trembling of legs and hands, with debility; soreness of spine; agg at approach of thunder-
- || Twitching of muscles in different places, now here, now there; subsultus tendinum.
- Twitching and spasms during sleep.
- Muscular twitchings grow more violent; only a few hours sleep. Chorea.
- Twitchings : of eyelids and eyeballs; of cheeks : in chest posteriorly; in abdomen.
- Twitching of arms ceased when patient used them in his work of shoemaking. Chorea.
- Involuntary movements (especially with children) while awake; ceasing during sleep.
- As soon as she opened her eyes in morning the two eyeballs began to turn to right and
left at intervals of half a second, and this continued all day.
- Spasmodic motions, from simple involuntary motions and jerks of single muscles, to a
dancing of whole body. Chorea. Hysteria.
- Eclampsia.
- Frequent attacks of slight convulsions. Clonic spasms of eyes.
- Cramps in hands and feet; body convulsed, as if a galvanic battery was applied to spine.
- Convulsions and tremor.
- Convulsions, fever with hot head, lying in a lethargic state; distortion of eyes and
crying out in sleep. Nystagmus.
- Catalepsy.
- Epilepsy : with great exertion of strength; from fright, every seven days : he falls and
lies almost motionless; from suppressed eruptions; two or three attacks a week, after
suppression of tinea capitis; attacks increase at first and lessen gradually.
- || Discomfort and heaviness in whole body; general indescribable malaise.
- Great debility.
- Powerlessness and great weariness, had to remain in bed on account of great weakness.
- Great prostration and inability to think.
- Exhaustion with delirium; t.
- Debility : after coitus; with trembling of limbs; from least exertion, with frequent
palpitation; with vertigo.
- || Gets tired from a short walk.
- { Greatest lassitude with irresistible drowsiness, amel after eating.
- Great lassitude and heaviness in limbs, after a short walk, or even in bed, accompanied by
anxiety and trembling. Incipient tuberculosis.
- Great weakness and viscous sweats; t.
- Sense of languor as if body were bruised and joints dislocated. Headache.
- Sense of uneasiness and weakness all down spine. Headache.
- Paralysis of lower limbs, with slight spasms of arms.
- Paralysis of upper and lower limbs. Incipient softening of spinal marrow.
- Paraplegia from congestion of lumbar part of cord.
- A child, aet. 15 months, paralyzed all over, eyes turned, face bluish pale, puffed up, small,
irregular pulse, slight tearing and twitches in upper limbs; t.
- In all paralyzed parts, violent pains.
- || Very frequent gaping all day.
- Gaping : followed each time by involuntary laughter; makes him giddy; and sneezing,
with pain in maxillary joint; with stretching, most of arms; and shaking chill.
- Frequent yawning : before spasms, or paroxysms of headache.
- || Drowsiness, cannot resist sleep, even soon after getting up.
- Irresistible drowsiness in day time. Prolapsus uteri.
- Early in evening very sleepy; has to go to bed, but a peculiar fear as if somebody would
come and disturb him prevents sleep for hours.
- Great drowsiness and weariness during day; at night a rush of ideas prevents sleep.
- Sleepy and heavy headed, mist before eyes, pressure in eyes, lower limbs very tired.
- Sleepiness, especially after or even while eating.
- Afternoon drowsy and weary, with sexual desire.
- Weary and drowsy by day, sleepless at night. From overworking at desk.
- On falling asleep starts, twitches; sudden complete awakening. Chorea.
- Sopor and convulsions; t.
- Coma, with paralysis of face and limbs. Typhus.
- Convulsive affections, which cease during sleep.
- During sleep, one does not notice any motion of eyes whatever. Clonic spasms of
- Uneasy, restless sleep; from violent itching and burning of skin.
- || Restless night and chilliness.
- Tosses about from annoying crawls over whole body, head, chest, abdomen and feet.
- Restless nights, suffers pain in back, chest, loins and thighs.
- Restless night, a burning itching pain on different parts awakens him.
- Restless night, a heaviness in whole body, in head, chest, abdomen and feet induces him
to toss about.
- Unpleasant dreams waking him from sleep.
- Dreams he could not open his mouth on account of pain in maxillary joint, and that they
made him smell caustic ammonia, which wakened him.
- Dreams as if he was walking up and down in his room and reading, while he was sure he
was in his bed; could not overcome it.
- In his dreams, anxiety as if suffocating.
- At night :
- || frequent anxious waking; tearing pain in scalp; buzzing in ears;
- || sneezing in sleep; pain in cracked lip;
- || toothache, after midnight; grinding teeth can elderly man).
- At 2 A.M. : pain in ankle joint.
- Morning : itching of scalp; spasm of eyes; tongue coated; hunger without appetite;
diarrhoea; excited sexual desire; cough amel; mucous sputa; rattling of phlegm in chest;
pulse more frequent; spine more sensitive; pains in tibia begin; pain in right knee and left
hand agg.
- Towards noon :
- || headache;
- | stitch like a needle over left brow; trembling of left upper lid; nausea; pressing around
navel; disagreeable full, heavy feeling in anus; stinging and tension in chest; backache;
- || pain in both tibiae; out of humor.
- At noon :
- || headache; pressure like a piece of sand under upper lid; trembling of left upper lid;
- || very unpleasant, saltish, bitter, sweetish metallic taste, most on root of tongue; cramp in
stomach; sudden stitch in region of liver; colic; pressure, heat and itching in anus; cough
with sneezing; pain in chest, in region of heart; stitch in sacrum; in left tibia; burning runs
all along corn in little toe.
- Afternoon : dizziness and dull head; pain over eyes,
- || in vertex, in occiput; painful sensitiveness in upper part of nose; coryza : toothache and
pain in lower jaw; nauseous sweetish taste; violent thirst; frequent belching; pressure or
burning and digging pain in epigastrium; dull pressure in hypochondrium; stitches in region
of spleen;
- || rumbling in abdomen;
- || cutting in upper and later in lower abdomen; soft, dark green stool; stool with copious
urination; urine milky, fiery; drawing in both testicles; violent cough; pressure here and
there in chest; sudden stitches deep in chest;
- || soreness in chest agg; constant pressure near heart and uninterrupted palpitation;
irregular beats of heart; neck puffed up; sudden violent stitch in sacrum; pain and lameness
in arm;
- || pains in elbow and forearm; burning in right thumb; in right hip joint, and along outside
of lower leg, annoying pains; drawing, tearing in thigh; electric shock through legs; giving
way of knee with painful drawing on back of left lower leg; stinging in right little toe;
- || pains in corns; epileptic shock of body; sleepiness; crawling all over.
- In evening : general malaise;
- || dizziness with loss of sight and weakness; double sight; momentary jerk in side of head;
viscous yellow moisture in internal canthi; bubbling noise in right ear and noise as if bells
were ringing in distance; warmth in face; front teeth as if too long and sensitive;
- || bad taste returns, with chest and abdominal symptoms; tip of tongue feels sore;
- || more appetite, even ravenous hunger; sudden nausea and vomiting of food; burning in
scrobiculum, with a spasmodic drawing up into chest; digging, pinching cutting in
abdomen; cutting itching in rectum; tension in right groin;
- unpleasant sensation in urethra; drawing in testicles,
- || agg. cough with blowing nose or expectoration of phlegm; stitches in lung;
- || violent palpitation; burning or itching on sternum; quivering in muscles of right loin;
tension along whole spine; pains in back of sacrum; itching on back and inflamed nodules;
tearing in left upper arm; stitches like needles in left thumb; in right hip joint and outside of
right lower leg very tormenting pains; electric shock in lower limbs;
- || pains in lower limbs; burning in upper part of foot and violent pains in little toe; pains
in corns; gaping; weakness;
- || crawls and chills, shaking chill; attack of heat; sweat without heat.
- Periodicity. In attacks : itching on scalp; violent pressure on right eyeball upward and
outward; coughing; pain in sternum; pain between eighth and ninth dorsal vertebra; heat in
- Momentary stitches in eyeball.
- Pressure first in left, then in right eyebrow.
- After toothache lessens, complaints in abdomen return.
- Periodical drawing up into os hyoideum.
- Gets awake exactly at midnight three nights in succession.
- Every seven days. Epileptic attacks.
- Heaviness, as after drunkenness; as though sharp ice touched head or cold needles pierced
it; as if a nail was thrust in right side of head; various in left half of occipital bone; as from
subcutaneous ulcers in scalp; stitch as of an ice cold needle in ear; as if ears, nose and face
had been frost-bitten; as if splinters had been run into jaw; as from needles in chin; teeth
feel too long; as from pepper on tip of tongue; as from an astringent on tongue and in
throat; as if a foreign body stuck in fauces; cravat feels too tight; burning- cooling feeling,
as after eating cress, along oesophagus; dull pressure as from a foreign body in stomach;
jerking as of some heavy object in stomach; legs as if picked all over with ice cold needles;
as if liver had increased in weight; as of a swelling from left hypogastrium to back;
hollowness in abdomen; as if wrenched in loins; crawling as from worms in anus; coldness
down legs when urinating; stitch as from a red-hot iron in urethra; painful retraction of
testes towards inguinal ring; disagreeable crawling in front of penis, has to squeeze it;
anxious sensation in chest; as if cavity of thorax was narrowed; feeling of
- a lump in epigastrium; felt several blows in heart with trembling; like splinters in
pectoralis near nipple, and in back; as after continued pain in back; shocks starting from
lower vertebrae; as if cold air was spreading from spine over body; as if touched below
shoulder blade by a piece of ice; spine as if too weak to support; as of ants creeping along
spine; as of a heavy load in sacrum, as if it would burst; a sort of crick in back; as if beaten
in sacrum, or dislocated feeling; feels palpitation in os coccyx; as if thousands of splinters
were in deltoid, extensor side of right forearm, in l. elbow and index finger; hands as if
frostbitten; as of an electric shock in upper arm; as if a felon would come in right index
finger; as if heads of thighbones were pulled from their sockets; shaking pushing
concussions in left hip, in right hand, in joints of lower limbs; as of a plug on outer side of
thigh above knee; pain in thighs as after a long journey on foot; as if lead was hanging on
legs; electric shock in lower limbs, most in left; sudden concussions in legs; as if blood was
glowing in veins of feet; like splinters in soles; pains in toes as from narrow shoes; like
splinters in big toe; painful swellings in toes like nails growing in; toes as if frost-bitten; as
if her limbs did not belong to her; as if touched by ice, keeping time with pulse; as if cold
water was running down back; as from living quicksilver in different parts; as if whole
body was shaken inwardly; as if cold needles ran through nerves; as if whole body would
dwindle to nothing; as if skin was pasted on.
- Pain : in temples; around eyes; in left ear during menses; in left articulation of jaw; in
superior maxilla and teeth; in right hypochondrium; in stomach and liver; in left
hypochondrium; deep in umbilical region; in loins to legs; in chest; in left intercostal
muscles; in back; along spinal column; in first and second lumbar vertebrae; in sacrum;
over both hip joints; in legs; in right hip joint; in left hip under gluteal muscles; in bend of
knee; in bones of lower legs; in ankle joint; in frost-bitten toes; in corn on right little toe; in
paralyzed parts.
- Spasmodic pains : in left upper arm; in right upper leg; in thumb.
- Lancinating : in right cheek.
- Jerking stitches : through right lung.
- Twitching shocks : of heart.
- Gnawing : below shoulder blades.
- Ulcerative pains : in limbs, from left elbow to little finger; from calves to heel.
- Cutting : in abdomen; in anus.
- Biting : in anus; on back; on soles.
- Biting itching : on scalp; in soles.
- Smarting : in tip of tongue; in anus.
- Burning : in vertex; in head; in inner canthi; of ears; in face; in tip of tongue; in region of
heart; below sternum; in stomach; in abdomen; in anus; in hemorrhoids; in left chest; in
region of heart; pimples on outer chest; deep in spine; in a small place on spine; on back;
above left elbow; of hands; in pimples on arms; in front of left forearm near wrist; on right
forearm; in skin of right hand from wrist to thumb and index finger; in hands; in thumbs; in
right index finger; in glutei muscles; in furuncle on right gluteus; on thigh; pimples above
knee; in tibia; in calves; in legs; in ankle joints to heels; in feet; in toes; of skin; internal and
external; miliary eruption.
- Stitches : in head; in ears; in left mastoid process; from fauces along right eustachian
tube; in region of liver; under short ribs, left side; in region of caecum; in loins; in anus; in
right kidney; in urethra; in middle of chest; behind sternum; in left breast; in right lung;
between sternum and nipple; in region of heart; in different parts of thorax; in cervical
muscles; on dorsal vertebrae; in sacrum; in olecranon of each arm; in thumbs; in hip joint;
in anterior part of thigh; in knees; in calves; in big toe.
- Stinging : in knee joint.
- Shooting pain : in temples; from right lower teeth to side of head; in region of heart; in
outer chest; in nape of neck; in back below shoulder blades; deep in spine; in single
vertebrae; in axillae; in knees; in ankle joints; in metatarsal bones and feet; in soles; in toes.
- Pricking : in head; in chin; in rectum and anus; in chest; in fingers; in toes.
- Sticking : under nipple; in apex of heart; between shoulder blades.
- Tearing pain : in left half of brain; in right ear; in face and jaw bones; in right side of
lower jaw; in loins; in anus; in right shoulder; in left upper arm, lower teeth and left ear; in
left elbow joint; in left wrist; in hands; in thumbs; between thumb and index finger; in left
index finger; in joint of middle finger; in left little finger; in joints of fingers; in hip joints;
in left buttock; from hip joint to knee; in knee joint; in shinbones; in calves; in soles; in big
toe; in left forearm and right thigh; in tubular bones.
- Twitching pain : in bladder; in back during menses; in outer chest; below shoulder blades;
in arms.
- Jerking pain : in teeth; in big toe.
- Pinching : below umbilicus.
- Digging : in big toe; in all toes.
- Burrowing pain : in temples.
- Spasmodic drawing : from pit of stomach into chest; in l. testicle and spermatic cord.
- Drawing pain : in temples; in head; into root of nose; in right cheek; in pit of stomach; in
right hypochondrium; in testicles; in chest; in region of diaphragm; from back to middle of
chest; from left upper arm to forearm; in forearms; in left elbow joint; as if in periosteum of
fingers; from thigh to knee; in knee joints; in shin- bones; in shin; in legs; in ankles; in toes;
in tubular bones.
- Dull pains : in forehead; along tibia.
- Soreness : of eyeballs; of tongue; in anus; in chest; in r. chest near nipple; deep in chest in
two spots; in back; of joints, after epistaxis; muscular, after fever or influenza.
- Cramplike pain : in temples; from middle of spine into stomach; into thighs; as if she
must have a child; in ankle joints to heels; in soles; in muscles; erratic.
- Oppressive pains : in forehead.
- Bearing down : in rectum; in female sexual parts.
- Stinging pressure : in chest.
- Pressure : in right side of head; in left half of brain; in vertex; in eyeballs; in fauces; from
left hypogastrium to back; in region of kidneys; in back during menses; like a swelling from
left hypogastrium to back; on chest; on right chest near nipple; on middle of sternum; in hip
joints; in thighs; in left tibia; in legs; in ankles.
- Throbbing : headache; in vertex; in cheeks; in right chest near nipple; in small spots on
chest; in os coccyx.
- Painful pulsation : in spinal canal.
- Scratching : in throat, after influenza.
- As if beaten : in heels; in all the limbs.
- Bruised feeling : in loins; in muscles of neck; in muscles of back; of joints, after epistaxis.
- Stretching pain : in acetabula.
- Laming pain : in loins.
- Rheumatic pain : in right deltoid; in forearm and thumb.
- Contraction : of sternum.
- Constriction : in cardiac region; in chest.
- Compression : of heart.
- Weight : in head; in top of head; in legs.
- Oppression : in cardiac region; behind sternum; at heart.
- Heaviness : in head; towards nape of neck; in stomach; below navel; in abdomen; in
chest; in thighs; in calves; in lower legs; in feet.
- Fulness : in temples; in anus.
- Emptiness : in abdomen.
- Tension : in head; in loins; in left upper arm; in lower chest; in region of thymus gland; in
muscles of neck.
- Stiffness : of muscles of face and neck; between shoulders; in left hand and elbow; in
fingers; in tendo-achillis.
- Lameness : in left kidney.
- Laming pain : in left hand and arm.
- Dislocated feeling : in sacrum; in shoulder joint; in hip joint.
- Tremulous feeling : in bend of knee; in upper and lower limbs; in whole body.
- Painful weariness : in thighs; in legs.
- Weariness : in lower legs.
- Weakness : in eyes; between shoulders; in loins; in back; in knee joint; in legs; in feet.
- Sprained sensation : in chest; in neck; in deltoid; in knee joint.
- Paralytic pain : in left hand and arm.
- Paralytic weakness : in sphincter.
- Paralyzed feeling : in left arm and hand; in arm after writing.
- Paralytic numbness : in lower legs.
- Numbness : left side of tongue; left hand; in legs; in back; in thigh.
- Crawling : over back and limbs; in right index finger; in toes; over whole body.
- Tickling : in orifice of urethra; on left side of scrotum.
- Formication : in feet; in upper and lower limbs; in glutei muscles.
- Crawling itching : in urethra; on dorsi of feet.
- Uneasiness : in spine.
- Itching : in inner canthi; in left ear; of ears; in frost-bitten nose; in face; in rectum; in
anus; in mons veneris; in penis, foreskin and scrotum; of female sexual parts; with
leucorrhoea; of nipples; pimples on neck; on back; on arms; on both hands as if frozen; in
pimples on arms; on right forearm; on right wrist; in hands; on hip bone; on thigh; in bend
of knee; on soles; of skin; between thumb and forefinger left hand; miliary eruption; whitish
nodules on abdomen and legs; small nodules deep in skin.
- Itching stitches : on different parts of body.
- Burning cooling : along oesophagus to stomach.
- Heat : in eyes; in face and upper part of body; in anus; running through limbs; on point of
- Icy feeling : on left side of chest near shoulder blade; in right axilla; in point of elbow; in
left inner ankle; in joint of middle finger; from glutei down to feet, most in big toes; of feet.
- Coldness : on right side of frontal bone; in region of cervical suture; icy, on head; of face;
in abdomen; of penis; below shoulder blade; in glutei muscles; of hands; in region of
trochanter; in buttocks; in bend of knee; in lower limbs; in limbs; on right side of frontal
bone; of hands and toes.
- Dryness : of tongue; of mouth, fauces and pharynx; in os coccyx.
- Induration of glands.
- Pains in bones of face, eyes, cheeks, tubular bones, and in tibia, sometimes in elbow.
- In all joints, stitching pain, stiffness in arms, back of neck and both hip joints.
- All joints stiff on getting up.
- Sudden tearing in tendinous tissues of different parts.
- Makes blood thin.
- Veins swollen, with cool skin.
- Mucous membranes coated with a yellow mucus.
- Muscles feel bruised from touch; amel from walking. Chronic rheumatism.
- Pain in long bones, as if bruised, after motion.
- Pains in bones morning and forenoon, especially left tibia, condyle of left elbow (like
syphilitic pains; but amel, rather than agg, in warmth of bed).
- Joints feel as if dislocated. Chorea.
- Obesity.
- Emaciation. Chorea.
- Dropsy.
- General jaundice after convulsion; t.
- Burning itching, redness and swelling, as from frost- bites.
- Itching stitches in various parts.
- Violent itching between thumb and forefinger, left hand.
- Itching and burning all over body, causing great distress. Chorea.
- Miliary eruptions; close and white, with burning and itching.
- Feeling in skin as if it was pasted on.
- Skin very smooth, most in face.
- || Pricking as from needles on different places.
- Itching stitches on different parts of body.
- Electric stitches, stitches as from splinters; corroding biting; itching, burning, biting,
- Itching all over; changing place; disturbing sleep; without any eruption.
- Itching eruption of easily bleeding whitish nodules on abdomen and lower limbs,
- Miliary eruption in blotches.
- Small suppurating pimples between index finger and thumb; on neck; on sternum.
- Very painful furuncle in front of thigh and on buttock very large, discharging blood, no
- Little red, hard pimples scattered over body, like flea- bites.
- { Lichen pilaris urticatus.
- Chronic eruptions.
- Indurations and tumors; carbuncles; fistulous ulcers; carious ulcer; phagedenic ulcers.
- Lichen simplex.
- Sebaceous tumors.
- Crusty eruptions.
- Ulcers corroding and excavated.
- Indolent and fistulous ulcers.
- Gangrene.
- The hard, rough smallpox of sheep.
- Nodules in skin on neck, with cough (horses and cows).
- Itching from small nodules deep in skin, especially when eyes are also affected
- { Epilepsy from checked eruptions.
- Similar to : Act. rac., (delirium of alcoholism; chorea; spinal irritation); Bellad. (cerebral
excitement, but more in chorea); Calc. ostr. (alcoholism; icy cold feeling on head); Cannab.
ind. (alcoholism; extravagant fancies); Cicut. (spasms of eyes); Codein (eyelids twitching,
etc); Coffea (ecstasy); Hyosc. (typhoid of drunkards; loquacity, dancing, muscular
twitchings, and with all tremor, tendency to stupor and feeble pulse); Ignat.
- (hysterical or emotional chorea; sighing; convulsive cough; twitches; laughing and
crying); Laches. (loquacious delirium; alcoholism; typhoid of low type, tremulous
protrusion of tongue; tremor, feeble pulse, livid extremities); Mygale (chorea); Nux. vom.
(chorea; alcoholism; spinal irritation; convulsions; tremor; paraplegic symptoms; enlarged
liver); Opium (alcoholism; chorea, with spasmodic, angular jerks of flexors; hands tremble,
slow pulse); Pulsat. (spinal irritation; chorea; chilblains, etc.); Sepia (icy cold feeling on
head; jerks of head and tongue, etc.); Sticta (chorea with jumping and dancing); Stramon.
(delirium tremens; singing, laughing, dancing; extravagant recitals; loquacity; chorea, with
gyratory motions, etc.); Tarant. (chorea, one arm and leg constantly in motion, etc.); Thea
(verbose; spinal irritation); Ver. alb. (icy cold feeling on head); Zincum (chorea).
- Vinegar and Eau de Cologne induce fainting. Sal Ammoniae also aggravates; t.
- Mushrooms will not grow in ground containing either iron or coal.
- Antidoted by : charcoal; coffee; wine; brandy; camphor; fat or oil (relieves stomach);
Calc. ostr. (relieves icy coldness); Pulsat., Rhus tox. (nightly backache).
- Atropine is said to be antagonistic to Muscarine, but they both, when topically used,
dilate the pupil.
- Muscarine is very similar to Pilocarpine, (jaborandi) since both cause arrest of heart's
action; profuse sweat; salivation, lachrymation; contracted pupils, etc. Muscarine acts more
on lachrymal glands, less on sweat and salivary glands; Pilocarpine causes more urging to
- Muscarine, given internally, contracts pupil more than Pilocarpine; used topically, only
the former dilates the pupil. Gelsem. is here similar to Muscarine.
- Follow well : Bellad., Calc. ostr., Mercur., Opium, Pulsat., Rhus tox. and Silicea.
- Acted well after Dulcam., Phosph. ac., Pulsat., and Cuprum had failed. Chronic
- Cured where Bellad., Stram. and Hyosc. failed. Clonic spasms of eyes.
A. citrinellus, Pers.(?).
Found in England, in fir woods, etc.
Poisoning cases. Coma and lethargy. Vomiting. Violent true cholera.
Deep sopor.
Agaricus campestris, L.
Common mushroom.
This mushroom, common in the United States and in Europe, is esculent; stem only two to
three inches high.
Poisoning symptoms. Slight delirium. Eyes sunken, with livid circle.
Face humid, hippocratic. Tongue red and parched. Nausea. Vomiting and purging of liquid
matter. Abdomen retracted. Great abdominal pain at intervals. Severe colic. Purging and
vomiting of liquid matter. Pulse hard, weak, rapid, irregular. Pulse feeble. Respiration
Depraved habit, leading to external suppuration and gangrene. Severe cramps. Greenness
of the skin. Formation of abscesses, which discharge a thin, ill conditioned pus, and pass
rapidly into suppuration and gangrene.
Skin cold, covered with cold sweat. Kind of tertian fever. Somnolency.
** 3- Los sntomas gstricos son los ms destacados: violentas gastralgias ardientes, con
intensos vmitos acompaados de ansiedad, como si el estmago colgara de hilos que se
rompieran momentneamente en dos, con sudor helado en la cara y desmayos (peor al
mover la cabeza); peor por oler vinagre.
Una especie pequea acre, encontrada en los bosques de Europa. N.O. Fungi. Tintura del
hongo fresco.
Caractersticas.- Los sntomas de Agar. emet. se parecen a la de otros Agaricus, pero tienen
esta caracterstica, mientras que el agua muy fra < los sntomas de Agar. musc., pero
rpida y permanente mejora los de Agar. emet. Dolores ardorosos violentos causados en
el estmago. Hay un sbito y violento deseo por agua helada (durante los peores
ataques de ansiedad), que causan una mejora gradual; vmito violento, con sensacin
de ansiedad, como si el estmago colgara de un hilo que en un momento se desgarrara
en dos, con sudor fro de la cara y desmayo < por mover la cabeza; < por oler vinagre,
que es intolerable. Ms marcado es el vrtigo, que es tan severo que lo tienen que llevar
a la cama; no es capaz de sentarse o pararse.
Relaciones.- Ansiedad parcialmente mejorada por bebidas fras, Acon., Sul., < por vinagre,
Ant. c., Ars.,Bell., Brom., Fer., Sep., Sul.
Agaricus emeticus(Allen)
- Vertigo so severe that one must be carried to bed; is not able to sit or stand.
- Lachrymation (from the smell).
- Lasting weakness of eyes.
- Sneezing (from the smell).
- Nauseous taste of the fungus, several days.
- Sharp burning in mouth.
- Sudden, violent longing for ice-cold water (during the worst attacks of anxiety), which
causes gradual relief.
- Dislike for wine and meat, several days.
- Violent vomiting, with anxious sensation, as if the stomach hung on threads, which would
be momentarily torn into, with ice-cold sweat of face, and constantly renewed faintness,
even from moving the head on listening to reading; increased by smelling cordials,
especially by vinegar, which is unbearable.
- Violent burning pain in stomach becomes a sensation, as if a moving dull body in the
stomach pressed it out; now in one place, now in another, with nausea and great
qualmishness, violent eructations, and weak eyes.
- Painful pressure in stomach, followed by frequent eructations, repeated attempts to vomit.
- Constantly increasing anxiety in stomach.
- Stomach so sensitive for eight days that one could not touch it, nor cough.
- Abdomen distended.
- Constantly increasing pain in abdomen (for half hour).
- Sudden great weakness (quarter of an hour).
- * Cold water relieved speedily and permanently.
AGARICINUM (Vijnovsky)
(Principio activo del Boletus Laricis)
1- Corea.
2- Enfisema pulmonar.
5- Eritema.
- Delirium.
- Maniacal disposition to rave.
- Loss of memory.
- State of consciousness resembling coma.
- Great heaviness of the head.
- Lips tremble.
- Difficult deglutition.
- Some loss of appetite.
Upper extremities
- Trembling of the hands.
- General overpowering sense of fatigue.
- Extreme lassitude and torpor.
- Loss of power of co-ordinating muscular movements.
- Convulsive movements.
*** 1- La intoxicacin por este violento txico da un cuadro de clera asitico: extrema
postracin y escalofros; sudores fros, cara hipocrtica; lengua y aliento fros; trismus;
sed violenta; vmitos biliosos; incesantes calambres gstricos; vientre duro y tenso;
heces blanquecinas, acuosas o sanguinolentas; anuria; ronquera; pulso apenas
perceptible; extremidades fras; violentos calambres en piernas, pies y pantorrillas;
convulsiones y excitacin mental o estupor.
A. bulbosus. Amanita bulbosa.(un hongo pequeo de mal olor, comn en Europa y Estados
Unidos). N.O. Fungi. Tintura del hongo fresco.
Clnica.- Calambres. Clera. Corea. Diarrea. Gastritis. Orina, supresin de. Trismus.
[_a2]: Dr. Carresi, Annal. Univ. de Cuivdi, 1829(Lancet, 1829-30(1), p. 758), a family of
five persons ate of a dish of mushrooms;
[_a3]: Maschka, Prag. Vjs., 46, 1855, p. 138, poisoning of seven persons by eating the
[a4]: Dr. Michel, Gaz. Hebdom., 1876, three cases of poisoning.
- Coma and rattling respiration before death, [_a3].
- Vertigo always on rising up, without loss of consciousness, [_a3].
- Violent pains in the head, [_a3].
- Pupils dilated, [_a3].
- Face pale, sunken;eyes sunken, weak, and lustreless;nose and mouth dry, [_a3].
- Tetanic closure of the jaws, with at times grating of the teeth, [_a3].
- Speech stammering, [_a3].
- Constant burning sensation in the pharynx after vomiting, [_a3].
- Violent vomiting and diarrhoea, [_a3].
- No vomiting, [_a3].
- Abdomen meteoric, [_a3].
- Abdomen sunken, [_a3].
- Violent pains in the abdomen, [_a3].
- Violent pain in the abdomen, with vomiting and diarrhoea, [_a2].
- Spasmodic constrictive pain in the abdomen, extending into the lower extremities, after
the stools.[_a3].
- Involuntary stools.[_a3].
- Stools yellowish-white, liquid, [_a3].
Urinary organs
- Secretion of urine scanty, [_a3].
- Pulse rapid, thready, [_a3].
- Pulse very small and rapid, [_a3].
- Pulse at the wrist not felt in two cases, but in the carotids it was very weak and rapid,
- Convulsions of the upper extremities, [_a3].
- Lower extremities bluish, [_a3].
- Lower extremities cyanotic, [_a3].
[_a2]: First case. A woman, aet. thirty-three years, ate a quantity of the mushrooms at
dinner. At 10 P.M. she was taken with a very severe headache and intense thirst, soon
followed by pains in the abdomen, vomiting of black substances, but no stools. At 4 A. M.
she had an emetic and a cathartic, which produced profuse vomiting and diarrhoea. The
next day she was admitted to the hospital;the skin was cold and dry, the eyes sunken, the
face had the aspect of one suffering from cholera;the pains in the abdomen were very
severe, and forced cries from the patient. The vomiting and hiccough continued, and the
patient complained excessively of burning heat in the throat, and of violent pains in the
articulations, especially of the ankles, aggravated by movement. The abdomen was very
sensitive, but not tympanitic. The pulse was small and rapid, the body very cold, but the
extremities were not violet. The cutaneous sensibility was decidedly diminished, especially
over the chest, abdomen, thighs, and arms. The pupils were irregularly and considerably
contracted, the left forming a mere black central point, the right being a little larger;both
were insensible to light. She responded slowly to questions, constantly complained of the
articular pains, from time to time became much agitated and uttered cries. There were
frequently involuntary black stools, without tenesmus. The temperature was 36.6.
[_a2]: Second Case.
- A woman, aet. thirty-three years, ate some of the mushrooms. Eight hours afterwards she
noticed weakness of the limbs and intense thirst;about 9 o'clock she was seized with the
most intense pains in the abdomen. At 11 o'clock there were vomiting and diarrhoea, with
tenesmus;the vomiting was incessant, accompanied by very violent pain in the pit of the
stomach and throat. Extreme restlessness caused by the pain;she could not remain in bed.
Thirst was intense, but she vomited everything she took. The next day, at 5 P.M. , the skin
was cold and dry, there was profound prostration, and the stomach and abdomen were
painful. There was incessant hiccough, from time to time, accompanied by regurgitations.
Pulse small, rapid. Heart's action very feeble, but not irregular. Diarrhoea very profuse,
without odor. There was no urine. Pupils contracted, but mobile. Skin cool, temperature
37.8. She received syrup of ether, coffee, and digitalis.
[_a2]: Third Case.
- A man was brought to the hospital in a state of profound coma;the face was bluish,
cyanotic, eyes sunken, devoid of expression, pupils contracted, heart's action very slow,
exceedingly feeble. Pulse imperceptible, respiration stertorous. Extremities cold;nails blue.
The patient looked like on suffering from cholera. Complete loss of sensibility. It was stated
that after eating the mushrooms he was taken with violent pain in the abdomen, diarrhoea,
vomiting, and chilliness, and fell into a state of coma, when the vomiting and diarrhoea
ceased. Just before death respiration became feeble, the heart ceased to beat, and the pupils
became wildly dilated, [a4].
- Two hours afterwards seized with headache, giddiness, violent pain in the stomach,
sickness, ardent thirst, and trembling of all the limbs, and had ultimately fallen into a
comatose state. The mother and eldest son, who was an adult, vomited freely, with
considerable relief;the others passed the whole night under violent pain in the stomach,
great sickness and retching, ischuria, tenesmus, and general convulsions. In the morning all
dangerous symptoms had subsided, except in the youngest boy, who had refused to take the
emetic, and who was senseless, with general convulsions, trismus, tympanitis, and great
dyspnoea;his eyes were staring, the countenance flushed, the extremities cold, and the pulse
hard and intermitting. Under these symptoms he died, apparently suffocated. The others
complained of very violent colic, pains around the navel, and giddiness, and one of the girls
was affected with hiccough, [_a2].
- Rigid and speechless, [_a3].
- Patient extremely weak, [_a3].
- Great restlessness, tossing about the bed;convulsive movements of the extremities, [_a3].
- Skin pale and cold, [_a3].
A. procerus, Scop.
(Parasol mushroom.)
Found in England, common in pasture (also in Pennsylvania).
Stem, 8-12 inches high.
Poisoning cases.
Furious delirium, with frantic cries and vehement resistance to remedies, followed by a
state like delirium tremens. Insensibility. Giddiness and staggering, as if intoxicated. Pupils
contracted; dilating as sensibility returns. Occasional convulsive spasms. Debility.
A. semiglobatus, Batsch.
Common on dung, England and United States.
Stem, 2-3 inches high.
Poisoning cases.
Spirits exhilarated. Stupor. Tongue parched; slightly streaked with white. Severe pains in
bowels, increased by pressure, with violent purging and vomiting. Urine scanty.
Miscarriage in second month. Pulse 100 - 12 O.
Fatal convulsions.
Agaricus stercorarius (Allen)
Authority. Thos. Stevenson, M.D. , Guy's Hosp. Reports, vol. xix, p. 418, R.M. , aet. thirty-
nine years, ate about a pint stewed with bacon.
- In half an hour he complained of nausea, some oppression in his breathing, and of severe
pain across the forehead, with giddiness. His wife now noticed a strangeness in his
appearance, and that in attempting to walk he kept his eyes fixed on the ground and guided
himself with difficulty. He was, however, quite conscious of everything, and opened a book
to see if he could read, but found that he was unable to make out any of the letters. When
out of doors he continued to suffer severely from the pain across the forehead, with
giddiness, and in addition, experienced a feeling as if something was continually over his
head, or as if passing"through an arcade".He also staggered much. About 11 P.M. , after
more than three hours, Mr. Hicks was called to see him. He found him sitting down in a
semistate of stupor, with pupils dilated and inactive, and the pulse slow and feeble, from 55
to 60. On being roused and made to get up he looked completely bewildered, staggered as if
tipsy, and said he could not recognize the things in the room, nor the room itself as that
which he usually occupied. He now became more restless, threw his arms about, and
seemed anxious to be continually moving from place to place. He also appeared to be
somewhat convulsed, with twitching of the muscles of the face and complained of prickings
in his hands, and of a feeling as if they were swelling. He suddenly became more excited,
and rushed wildly out of the house into the street. He was found in a neighbor's house,
considerably prostrated after his exertions, and in a very lethargic state. Twenty grains of
Sulphate of zinc were now administered, and in a short time vomiting ensued, much dark
fluid with numerous pieces of fungi being brought up. For a short time afterwards he
expressed himself as feeling better, and was allowed to be taken to the door of the cottage.
Almost immediately afterwards, as if moved by a sudden impulse, he again rushed wildly
out, but after going a short distance stopped suddenly, as if bewildered. Emetics were again
administered and the stomach-pump used, and in the course of a few hours he gradually
recovered, though feeling much prostrated. He said that during the whole time he was quite
conscious of what was being done, but that at times he felt drowsy and inclined to sleep.
When convulsive paroxysms came and he felt wild and excited, with an irresistible desire to
move about and to run. He had no pain in the stomach or bowels at any time, nor did the
feeling of oppression in his breathing continue after the first symptoms.
** 1- Hidrofobia: Clarke cita el caso de un nio mordido por un perro y que desarroll poco
despus todos los sntomas de rabia: gran excitabilidad y ansiedad, taquicardia,
incapacidad de tragar y deba ser atado porque quera morder a sus cuidadores. Como
ltimo recurso, se le dio un trozo de una hoja de Agave, que mastic vorazmente. A la
tarde, mejor sus ataques nerviosos, y sigui comiendo Agave diariamente y tragando el
jugo y la mejora se fue acentuando. Al octavo da estaba curado y sigui bien.
American aloe. Century plant. N.O. Amaryllidaceae. Tintura de hojas frescas picadas.
Indicado en la estomatitis ulcerativa, y erecciones dolorosas en la gonorrea
Escorbuto; semblante plido, encas hinchadas y sangrantes, piernas cubiertas con placas
prpuras oscuras, hinchadas, dolorosas y duras
Apetito pobre; intestinos estreidos.
Comparar: Anhalonium, Lyssin, Lach..
*1- Muy voluble, excitable. Bromea, hace preguntas, est de buen humor. Estado de amnesia
siguiendo a su estado de excitacin.
*2- Tristeza, pesimismo. Insatisfaccin, tiene deseos poco realistas, desea lo inalcanzable.
*7- Cefalea al girar la cabeza de un lado a otro. Pesadez y leve cefalea por presionar la
cabeza entre las manos. Vrtigo leve con visin alterada.
*8- Congestin conjuntival con prurito en los prpados. Ardor en los ojos, se frota. Diplopia.
9- Prurito en el conducto !auditivo, con deseo urgente de rascarse con lo primero que
encuentra. Hipoacusia. Zumbidos en ambos odos.
*10- Sequedad de la mucosa nasal. Costras nasales pegajosas que obstruyen y son difciles de
expulsar y que le producen dificultad para respirar; le cuesta sonarse y las costras salen
con gran dolor. Obstruccin nasal de noche, alternando los lados.
*13- Ausencia total de apetito, con sed. Sensacin de vaco en el estmago, con deseos de
comer, pero sin hambre. Pirosis. Hiperacidez gstrica en el alcoholismo.
*14- Dolores intermitentes en los testculos, como si lo hubieran golpeado. Deseos sexuales
disminuidos. Ereccin incompleta, pero igualmente hay eyaculacin, a pesar de la
flaccidez del pene. Impotencia.
*15- Dolor agudo en ambos ovarios. Gastralgia durante la menstruacin, mejor por beber
alcohol. Menstruacin dolorosa.
*18- Dolores reumticos en las extremidades, especialmente en las inferiores, peor por el
movimiento; errticos.
*19- Insomnio, peor por beber alcohol. Sueos perturbadores sobre los hechos del da,
** 1- Gran tristeza, con la idea fija y segura, que repite a menudo, de que va a morir pronto
(no de inmediato, como Aconitum) y que no hay nada cu hacer para evitarlo. No slo
tiene ese presentimiento o la sensacin, a veces muy vvida, de que se muere, sino que
tiene tambin un temor irracional a morir. Miedo al despertar. Se ve este estado
especialmente en la agalactia puerperal.
*** 5- La patologa de Agnus est centrada fundamentalmente en lo sexual (ver 19). Est
indicado en especial en los casos de senilidad precoz, prematura, por abusos sexuales
(onanismo, eyaculaciones nocturnas frecuentes o prdidas de lquido prosttico), con
melancola, apata (ver 3), autodesprecio. Antiguos pecadores o gente joven que ha
abusado de su fuerza sexual; con impotencia y rganos sexuales fros y relajados (ver
19). Personas solteras con debilidad nerviosa. En la antigedad fue usado para reprimir el
deseo sexual; de ah su nombre.
10- Cefalea en vrtex, mejor mirando a un punto.
13- Prurito u hormigueo en las mejillas. Calores a la cara, con rodillas fras, peor de noche en
** 17- Se sostiene siempre el vientre con las manos, porque siente que se le caen o presionan
hacia abajo las vsceras (o tiene miedo que se le caigan). Ascitis. Ruidos en el vientre
cuando duerme. Bazo dolorido, hinchado, indurado.
* 18- Diarrea en nios; diarrea crnica en adultos. Heces blandas, dificultosas, que
retroceden. Fisuras anales profundas, que duelen al caminar. Ascaridiasis.
*** 19- Impotencia completa, no hay erecciones o son muy incompletas, con deseos
sexuales ausentes o muy disminuidos, con pene y testculos fros y flccidos; pene
pequeo, fro, relajado. Especialmente en gonorreicos crnicos o repetidos (ver 5).
** 20- Secrecin uretral blenorrgica crnica, amarillenta. Gota militar. Sale lquido
prosttico al defecar.
** 21- Flujo transparente como clara de huevo, que tie de amarillo. Hipogalactia o
supresin de leche en el puerperio, con tristeza, y dice que se va a morir pronto.
Placenta retenida. Mujeres con el instinto sexual totalmente ausente, frigidez. Esterilidad
con amenorrea y ausencia de deseos. Masturbacin. Metrorragias.
* 23- Rodillas fras. Las manos sudan, peor caminando al aire libre. Los tobillos se le tuercen
fcilmente al caminar. Dolores reumticos y gotosos, con ndulos, en las articulaciones
de los dedos en especial.
Complementarios: Caladium y Selenium le siguen bien en la impotencia.
En la antigedad, los griegos consideraban a esta planta como al smbolo de la castidad, y las
mujeres en ausencia de sus esposos cubran el lecho con hojas de este arbusto; as le
dieron el nombre de "agnos" que significa casto, al cual le fue ms tarde adicionado el
trmino latino "castus", que significa lo mismo.
El punto de accin del remedio son los RGANOS GENITALES; disminuye la vitalidad
sexual a la vez que causa una gran depresin mental y marcada prdida de la vitalidad
El remedio acta en ambos sexos indistintamente, si bien parece desarrollar mejor su accin
en la mujer, y los excesos genitales, la masturbacin, etc., crean un campo favorable a la
accin de esta droga.
"El ejercicio y el fro aumentan los malestares, quieren estar tranquilos y quietos. A menudo
se vuelven neurastnicos. En fin, necesitan el remedio. "El hombre joven que ha abusado
sexualmente, principalmente abusos solitarios, que ha tenido blenorragia, que sufre de
frigidez sexual y emisiones seminales durante las deposiciones; de recin casados ya son
impotentes, su joven esposa no les causa ninguna ereccin an cuando haga poco tiempo
que haya tenido algn xito clandestino; todo se reduce a algunas erecciones matinales;
est extremadamente deprimido, desolado, su corazn desgarrado, y se lamenta de su
vida pasada; AGNUS CASTUS arreglar todo esto.
"La mujer joven que haya practicado onanismo, no encuentra goce alguno con su esposo a
pesar de amarlo. A veces no tiene reglas, o presenta algunas hemorragias uterinas; vagina
relajada, prolapso uterino frecuente con leucorrea parecida a clara de huevo. Tambin
esto se arregla con AGNUS CASTUS.
"En este tipo de mujeres la leche no aparece despus del alumbramiento o se hace escasa y se
retira al poco tiempo. Este remedio le devolver una leche abundante" (Kent).
Para concluir, falta enunciar un sntoma particular que menciona Allen: la paciente siente
permanentemente olor a arenque o almizcle, lo cual es imaginario. Estos fenmenos de
parosmia relacionan al remedio con: ANACARD., que tiene perversin imaginaria del
olfato y percibe olores como a madera quemada o estircol de paloma; BELL., KALI
Una mujer que se satisfaca ampliamente con vicios secretos, encontr despus del
casamiento que no alcanzaba placer sexual, fue curada con este medicamento. Ms
tarde, una vez embarazada no llegaba leche a sus senos y otra vez Agnus la cur al cabo
de tres semanas.
Cuando la leche cesa despus de haberse iniciado, o escasea y la mujer est melanclica,
este remedio la curar siempre que haya existido vida disoluta.
Cura las hemorragias uterinas y restaura la menstruacin en las jvenes con historia liviana.
La vagina est muy relajada, a menudo hay prolapso y hay una leucorrea copiosa
semejante a clara de huevo.
Pero en el joven abatido, arrepentido de su vida anterior, se encuentra ahora recin casado e
impotente. Ha tenido gonorrea, ha vivido con exceso y ahora sufre de relajamiento y
frialdad genital, poluciones, descargas prostticas al evacuar. Su joven y bella esposa no
le provoca ereccin, no obstante que recientemente ha tenido un xito clandestino, y
tiene erecciones matutinas pero no ms.
Debido a las causas arriba enunciadas, vienen sntomas penosos. Prdida de la memoria,
desesperacin, pensamientos suicidas, ansiedad, temor y mal humor. Estos pacientes
sufren de cefalea, fotofobia y sntomas nerviosos demasiado numerosos para
mencionarlos. Hormigueo de la piel. Dolores lacerantes de la cabeza, cara y dientes.
Hasta la comida ms simple perturba el estmago, y se queja mucho de nuseas. Sus
msculos estn fofos. Est anmico y sus glndulas estn hipertrofiadas, especialmente
el bazo. Aumenta su flatulencia. Las vsceras abdominales cuelgan pesadamente. Hay
una creciente debilidad del recto y constipacin y a pesar del esfuerzo abdominal en
vez de evacuar las heces retroceden: semejante a Silica, Sanic y Thuja. Las heces son
voluminosas y duras. Con comezn y hormigueo en el ano, flatos de olor urinoso.
Escoriacin anal. Pronto con tos seca y sudores nocturnos. Los miembros estn
cansados y fros. El paciente es sensible al fro y desea permanecer quieto. El esfuerzo
y los movimientos intensifican sus molestias. Muchos consejeros le han dicho que tiene
neurastenia. Debe tener Agnus castus.
Arbol casto. Verbena verticillata. Vitex agnus castus (Linn.). The Chaste Tree. (Costas del
mediterrneo, Provenza y Grecia). N.O. Verbenaceae. Tintura del grano maduro.
Clnica.- Agalactea. Ano, excoriaciones y fisuras. Ascitis. Bazo, hinchazn de, induracin
de. Boca, ulceraciones. Encas, ulceraciones. Esguince. Esterilidad. Gonorrea
secundaria. Gota, articulaciones. Impotencia. Leucorrea. Luxaciones. Odontalgia.
Reumatismo, ndulos. Rodillas, frialdad. Testculo, hinchazn de; induracin de.
Caractersticas.- Como su nombre lo indica, Agnus castus, produce sus principales efectos
en la esfera sexual, causando depresin de sus funciones. Debilidad general y depresin
de poder vital, es marcado. Hay sntomas muy caractersticos en la esfera mental. Gran
tristeza con la idea fija de que se aproxima la muerte. Este temor no es una muerte
Inmediata como con el Acnito, pero el paciente piensa que est seguro que vendr
despus de un momento y no hay necesidad de hacer algo. Cuando este estado mental
se encuentra despus del parto y la leche no aparece, Agnus c. es el medicamento.
Distrado. Somnoliento. Corresponde a la constitucin linftica. Vejez prematura, con
apata y melancola, se desprecia a s mismo por abuso sexual. Debilidad nerviosa en
personas no casadas. Impotencia y gonorrea crnica en viejos pecadores. Entre otros
sntomas peculiares, estn: ilusin de olor a arenque o almizcle; lceras en la boca y en
las encas; dolores desgarrantes en maxilar inferior; odontalgia por alimento o bebida
caliente. Hinchazn e induracin del bazo. Ruidos de flatos durante el sueo. Secrecin
de fluido prosttico mientras hace esfuerzos para obrar. Reglas suprimidas con dolores
abdominales. Leucorrea tie de amarillo. Esterilidad. Deficiencia de leche, con
desesperacin de recuperarse. Dolores como luxacin de articulaciones. Articulaciones
fcilmente se tuercen. Nudosidades reumticas y gotosas en articulaciones.
Causa.- Excesos sexuales. Ataques repetidos de gonorrea o gonorrea crnica. Esguince por
- Calad., y len., siguen bien despus de Agn., para la debilidad de los rganos sexuales o
El punto ms efectivo de ataque de Agnus, en el organismo, es el aparato sexual
En la disminucin de la vitalidad sexual, con la correspondiente depresin mental y
prdida de energa nerviosa
Muestra su influencia distintiva en ambos sexos, pero es ms pronunciada en el hombre
Vejez prematura por el abuso de la potencia sexual
Historia de gonorreas repetidas
Un remedio prominente para torceduras y estiramientos
Prurito roente en todas partes, especialmente los ojos
Taquicardia causada por el tabaco en jvenes nerviosos.
Melancola sexual
Miedo a morir
Tristeza con la impresin de muerte rpida
Mente ausente, olvidadizo, falta de coraje
Ilusiones del olfato -a arenques, almizcle
Depresin nerviosa y presagios.
Pupilas dilatadas. [Bell.]
Prurito en los ojos; fotofobia.
Olor a arenque o almizcle
Dolor en el dorso, mejor por la presin.
Bazo hinchado, adolorido
Heces blandas, retroceden, difciles
Fisuras profundas en el ano
Nusea con sensacin como si los intestinos estuvieran presionados hacia abajo, desea
sostenerse los intestinos.
Secrecin amarillenta en uretra
Sin erecciones
Partes fras, relajadas
Sin deseo. [Selen., Con., Sabal.]
Emisin escasa sin eyaculacin
Prdida de lquido prosttico por el esfuerzo
Gota gonorreica
Testculos fros, hinchados, duros y dolorosos.
Menstruacin escasa
Aborrece la relacin sexual
Relajacin de genitales, con leucorrea
Agalactia; con tristeza
Leucorrea que tie de amarillo; transparente
Palpitaciones histricas con epistaxis.
Comparar: Selenium, Phosph. ac., Camphor, Lycop.
Potencias de la primera a la sexta.
Agalactia. Reumatismo. Uretritis crnica persistente Impotencia.
Phosphoric acid. (espermatorrea). Selenium (impotencia).
3a, 6a.
Agnus castus (Allen)
- Melancholy, hypochondriac mood the whole day; he feels as if nothing existed around
him; he is dissatisfied with himself all the time; he is incapable of attending to any business;
the things around him are entirely indifferent to him; while attending to his business, he is
apt to fall into a thoughtless mood, [_a2].
- He sometimes feels as if he were nobody, and would rather be dead than have that
feeling; when possessed by that feeling, he has no courage to undertake anything; and when
free from it he feels exalted, would like to read like an orator, etc., [_a1].
- * She is very sad, and keeps repeating that she will soon die ("A, " in Stapf's Beitrage).
- Gloomy sensation in the head over the eyes (this symptoms was observed in a man of
twenty-five years, whose genital organs were habitually weak), [a6].
- * Extreme absence of mind; he is unable to recollect things; for instance in playing cards,
which he was fond of and knew well, he did not know what card he was to play, or what he
was to do at all, [a6].
- * He finds reading difficult; he has to read several things twice; he is unable to fix his
attention, [a4].
- Vertigo; sensation as if everything were turning in a circle; in a few days, [a4].
- Confusion of head, like a drawing in the whole head, [_a3].
- The head feels confused, [a5].
- Heaviness of the head, with pressure in the nape of the neck; sensation as if the head
would fall forward, [_a3].
- Contractive headache, when reading, [_a2].
- Tensive tearing in the forehead (about one-half hour), [_a3].
- Tearing, with pressure, in the left frontal eminence, [_a3].
- * Tearing, with pressure, in the temples and forehead, in the brain; more violent during
motion (about two hours), [a4].
- Contractive headache above the temples (about twelve hours), [_a2].
- Tearing and sticking in the temples, especially above the right eye, and in the other parts
of the brain; more violent during motion (about one hour), [_a1].
- Tearing, with pressure in the right temple, on the outside of and in the interior of the
brain; more violent during motion, [a4].
- Tearing in the left temple, [a5].
- Pain in the upper part of the right side of the head, which is more of a smarting and
sticking nature; more externally, in the bone, as it were and extending from behind forward,
terminating in a corner of the forehead; the pain occurs especially in the evening hours, and
befalls him even in sleep; for several days, [a7].
- Pressure in the region of the left parietal bones, [a5].
- Corrosive itching in several portions of the hairy scalp; going off momentarily by
scratching, [_a2].
- Chilliness in the scalp, with tension; it feels warm, however, [a5].
- Corrosive itching in the lower part of the forehead, and in the region of the eyebrows,
- Burning of the eyes in the evening, when reading, [a7].
- Pain in the eye towards the temple, as if she had received a blow upon the eye; increased
by contact, [a4].
- Running of the eyes, in the room, [_a2].
- Corrosive itching in the upper eyelids, [_a3].
- Smarting stitches in the right eyeball, going off by rubbing the eye, [a6].
- Corrosive itching under the eyes, [a5].
- Dilated pupils, the whole day, [a5].
- Considerable heat in left external ear, soon after taking the drug, [a5].
- Hardness of hearing, [a8].
- * Ringing in the ears, or rather roaring, [a6].
- Hard aching on the dorsum of the nose, the right nasal bone, and between the right
eyebrow and the root of the nose, as if a stone were pressing there; going off when pressing
upon the parts (about thirty hours), [_a2].
- Corrosive itching of the tip of the nose, [a5].
- Much sneezing, with dryness of the nose, [a8].
- Illusion of smell; he sometimes smells herring, and sometimes musk, without either being
present (one day), [a6].
- Stinging itching in various parts of the face, commencing with a long stitch on either side,
- Paralytic tearing in the right malar bone, [a5].
- Formication in the right cheek, obliging him to scratch, [a5].
- * Corrosive itching in either cheek, obliging him to scratch, [a5].
- Corrosive itching on the right side, near the chin, [a5].
- Tearing, with pressure, in the right ramus of the lower jaw, [a5].
- * Deep tearing in the right ramus of the lower jaw, below the sockets, [a5].
- The teeth are painful when touched by warm food or drink, [a7].
- Coppery taste in the mouth, as if the mouth had been galvanized (after six hours), [_a2].
- The mouth is very dry; saliva so tough that it can be drawn out in threads; the velum
pendulum palati and the uvula are red; he experiences a scratching in the throat, which
obliges him to cough; while coughing, the phlegm which he wants to cough up feels to him
very viscid, as if a piece of cloth were hanging in his throat, [a7].
- Corrosive itching in the pit of the throat, [a5].
- Hunger and appetite are very strong, [a7].
- His appetite is good, and his hunger is rather increased, [a7].
- His stomach is disordered; he relishes his food, but he does not agree with him, [a8].
- Aversion to drink, [a5].
- * Want of thirst (six hours), [a4].
- Increased thirst (after thirty hours), [a4].
- The food does not agree with him; it makes him feel uneasynd replete, [a8].
- Frequent hiccough, with disposition, to be out of humor, [_a1].
- Eructations, [_a1].
- The wind which he brings up, and that which he passes by the rectum, smells like old
urine in clothes, [a7].
- Feeling of nausea in the pit of the stomach, [a5].
- Nausea in the pit of the stomach when standing, after which he feels a qualmishness in
the abdomen, as if all the bowels sank down (at one hour), [_a2].
- Pinching in the pit of the stomach, when sitting bent (after five days), [_a1].
- * Loud rumbling in the abdomen during sleep, [_a1].
- Shifting pressure and cutting in the upper abdomen, [a5].
- Transient cutting in the lower abdomen, directly above the left os
- Itching stinging in the inguinal region, obliging him to scratch, [a6].
- Sharp prickings in the superior and anterior spinous process of the left os ilium (after half
hour), [a5].
Urinary organs
- Disagreeable sensation in the back part of the urethra, after micturition, [a7].
- He has to urinate frequently, and a good deal, the whole time of proving the urine has a
somewhat darker color, [_a1].
- The urine, increased in amount, seems to pass with a stronger stream, [a7].
- A kind of yellow discharge from urethra, [_a1].
- When fondling females he discharges a little mucus from the urethra, [_a1].
Sexual organs
- Itching of the genital organs, obliging him to scratch, [_a1].
- Drawing along the spermatic cords, [a5].
- * The testes feel cold in the night to others, not subjectively (in a healthy man), [a6].
- Crawling sensation in the testes, [a5].
- Corrosive-itching in the membranes of the penis, [_a3].
- * Feeble erections without the sexual desire being irritated (after five to six hours), [a5].
- * The penis is so relaxed that not even voluptuous fancies excite it, [a6].
- * Diminution and slowness of the sexual powers, which are usually very easily and
powerfully excited; the penis is small and flaccid (in a very healthy man), [a6].
- * He has not the usual morning erection, with desire for an embrace; the parts were
without irritation, flaccid, and not disposed for an embrace (after sixteen hours), (in a
healthy man), [a6].
- To prevent getting children, a man took for three months, morning and evening, twelve
grains of the Agnus castus, by which the parts were weakened to such an extent that not
only did the erections become deficient, but he lost his semen as he intended, and never
begat children. (Lindron, Venus-Spiegel, p. 119.)
- Diminished sexual instinct; after an embrace the body feels easyand light (second night),
- Want of sexual desire for two days; the erections and the sexual desire returned on the
third day (in a healthy man), [a6].
- Painful erections, early in the morning (after fourteen hours), [a6].
- * Frequent erections, [a4].
- Frequent erections, during which the penis becomes more enlarged than usual (fourth,
fifth, and sixth evenings), (secondary effect), [a5].
- After an embrace he has an involuntary emission the same night, and a long-continued
erection (seventh night), (secondary effect), [a5].
- Increased sexual desire, constant erections, and voluptuous feeling in the genital organs
(after third day), (curative effect), [a6].
- Unusually violent erections without cause and without any amorous thoughts; the
erection was accompanied with a kind of amorous rage, without any desire for emission; he
gnashed his teeth from an excess of voluptuous sensation for half an hour in the morning,
when rising (after twenty hours), (curative effect?), [a6].
- Excites the sexual desire in some. (S. Paulli, Quad. Bot., p. 189.)
- The semen runs out in a stream, without ejaculation; it has but little smell, and is scanty
(fourth day), [a7].
Respiratory apparatus
- Sensation as if tenacious mucus were lodged in this throat; he is unable to bring it up,
- His voice sounds as if it passed through wool; it has no characteristic tone, [a7].
- Cough before falling asleep, in the evening, in bed, [_a1].
- Pressure in the region of the sternum, externally, especially during e deep inspiration,
- Dull pain in the chest, [a7].
- Hard pressure above the right nipple, more violent during an expiration and when
touching the parts, [_a3].
- Hard pressure in the region of the last true and the first rib of the right side; more violent
when touching it, [a4].
- Pressure in the xiphoid cartilage, directly above the pit of the stomach, [_a3].
Upper extremities
- Dull tearing stitches on the top of the left shoulder, [_a3].
- Tearing, with pressure, in the right shoulder-joint, a sort of dislocation pain, more violent
during motion and inspiration (after three hours), [a4].
- * Hard pressure in the right axilla, more violent by touch (after half an hour), [a4].
- Corrosive itching behind the axilla, [_a3].
- * Hard pressure in the upper arm, superiorly, internally, more violent by touch (after three
quarters of an hour), [a4].
- Sharp prickings directly above the elbow-joint, in the external surface of the left upper
arm, [_a3].
- Pressure in the right elbow-joint, more violent during motion (after thirteen hours), [a4].
- Jerking in the region of the right elbow, disappearing by moving the arm, [a4].
- Dull stitch in the outer side of the right olecranon process, a few inches above the wrist-
joint (after one hour and a half), [_a3].
- Paralytic pain in the left wrist-joint, perceptible only when turning the hand, [a4].
- Paralytic jerking-drawing in the metacarpal bones of the left index-finger, more violent
during contact, [a4].
- Long, sharp stitch in the eminence of the lower joint of the index-finger, [_a3].
- Swelling of a finger-joint, with arthritic tearing pain, [a7].
- Buzzing and humming in the right index-finger, [_a2].
- Sticking in the fingers of the right hand; in the evening of the fifth day, [a7].
- Pressure in the muscles of the left thumb, [a4].
- Dull sticking in the upper joint of the right thumb, [a4].
- Lancinating pain in the right hip-joint, sometimes extending above and below the hip-
joint, more violent during motion, abating in rest, when it resembles more a tearing with
pressure, accompanied with debility and weariness, which oblige him to sit down; a sort of
luxation pain (after thirty-six hours), [a4].
- Sharp pricking in the right side of the right thigh, high up, [_a3].
- Cramp pain in the left thigh, externally and superiorly, near the hip, only when walking,
- Shooting in the bend of the right knee when standing, [_a3].
- Sticking, drawing pains in the bends of both knees, extending into the thigh and leg, with
debility, more violent during motion; in rest it is changed to a sort of drawing with pressure,
as if the parts were dislocated, [a4].
- Tearing in the inner side of the left leg, from the knee down to the foot (immediately),
- Sensation in the upper part of the left calf as if the skin were pulled at with a string, [_a2].
- Sharp stitch in the external side of the left fibula, a little above the foot, disappearing on
pressure, [a7].
- Paralytic jerking-drawing in the muscles of the left leg, extending from the knee to the
foot, the same when walking or when touching the parts (after six hours), [a4].
- Corrosive itching causes scratching on the anterior surface of the left calf; one
handbreadth below the knee, [_a3].
- Corrosive itching in the anterior surface of the tibia, [_a3].
- Pressive pain in the right tibia, when standing, [_a2].
- Intermittent sharp stitches in the region where the fibula and tibia join the tarsus
anteriorly (after seven hours), [a4].
- Sticking in one part of the outer side of the foot, when standing still, [a6].
- * Heaviness in the right foot; sensation as if a heavy load were attached to the tarsal
bones, drawing the foot down, in every position of the foot, [a4].
- Pricking in the left big toe, [_a3].
- Violent stitches in the left big toe, causing the whole limb to jerk, [_a2].
- * Tearing in the anterior joints of the left toes; more violent when walking, [a4].
- Dull intermittent sticking in the bottom of the foot near the heel, independent of contact
or walking (after half an hour), [a4].
- Tearing in the lower limbs for half an hour, [a6].
- When walking on the pavement the feet easily become turned (fifth day); early in the
morning, [a7].
- Fine lancinations at the bottom of either foot, [a4].
- Great weakness, as results from violent anguish, with sensation as if diarrhoea would set
in, when standing, [a7].
- Feels bruised all over, [a7].
- Itching-stinging in different parts of the body, obliging him to scratch (after twenty-eight
hours), [a4].
- Itching around the ulcer in the evening, [_a1].
- * The corrosive itching yields to scratching, but returns as speedily, [_a3].
- Creeping under the skin of the hands and itching of the body, especially up the back, as
from fleas, [a7].
- Chilliness, without thirst or subsequent heat, [a4].
- * Constant trembling of the whole body from internal chilliness, the body feeling warm to
the hands, [_a3].
- * Chilliness of the whole body, without thirst; the hands, however, are the only portions
of the body which feel cold to the touch, [_a3].
- Chilliness and shuddering, and then heat (after a quarter of an hour); these alternate
frequently, without thirst (after fifty hours), [a4].
- Frequent alternations of chilliness and heat without thirst; the hands, however, being the
only parts of the body which feel cold to the touch, [_a3].
- Heat in the face and dryness of the mouth, for an hour; the thirst appears only when the
heat is over, [_a2].
- Heat of the whole body, with cold knees, in the evening, in bed; he feels as if fire was
creeping over him, [a6].
- Sweat of the left hand, especially the interior sides of the fingers, in the open air, previous
to the heat, [_a2].
- (Morning), Early, painful erections; early, feet turn easily when walking.
- (Evening), Pain in right side of head, when reading; burning in eyes; in bed, before falling
asleep, cough; sticking in right fingers; itching around the ulcer; in bed, heat of whole body.
- (Sitting bent), Pain in pit of stomach.
- (Contact), Pain in eye; jerking drawing in bone of left index-finger.
- (During expiration), Pressure above right nipple.
- (During inspiration), Tearing, etc., in right shoulder-joint.
- Deep inspiration), Pressure in region of sternum.
- (After micturition), Disagreeable sensation in urethra.
- (Motion), Tearing in temples, etc.; tearing, etc., in temples, etc.; tearing, etc. , in right
temple, etc., tearing, etc., in right shoulder-joint; pressure in right elbow-joint; pain in right
hip-joint; pains in bends of knees.
- (When reading), Contractive headache; in the evening, burning of the eyes.
- (In room), Running of the eyes.
- (When standing), Nausea; shooting in bend of knee; pain in right tibia; great weakness.
- (Touching hand), Pain in left wrist-joint.
- (Touch), Pressure above nipple; pressure in right rib region; pressure in right axilla;
pressure in upper arm.
- (When touched by warm food or drink), Teeth painful.
- (Walking), Cramp pain in left thigh; tearing in left toe-joint.
- (Motion), Jerking in region of right elbow.
- (Pressure), Aching on dorsum of nose, etc.
- (Rubbing), Itching in right eyeball.
- (Scratching), Itching on hairy scalp.
Agrostema githago
- Coma, in some cases.
- * Vertigo.
- Headache.
- Sensation of heat and burning rises into the vertex from the left lower jaw; almost makes
her crazy.
- Mouth dry and hot.
- The palate has a red margin.
- Nausea.
- Vomiting.
- Thirst moderate.
- Vomiting sour and bitter.
- Burning from stomach along the oesophagus to the throat and in the chest.
- Knife-like pains in the stomach at times.
- * Stool.
- Constipation with tenesmus.
- Diarrhoea with tenesmus.
- Burning in the bowels and rectum.
- Tearing along the spine.
- Pulse small and rapid at first, becoming tense and hard, and slower.
- Skin hot.
- Difficult to remain erect.
- Locomotion impaired.
Agnus castus (Hering)
- Absent-minded, reduced power of insight; cannot recollect things.
- He finds reading difficult; has to read several things twice; is unable to fix his attention.
- Low-spirited, fears of approaching death.
- Despairing sadness; keeps repeating that she will die, that there is no use doing
anything. Cephalalgia. Agalactia.
- Melancholy, hypochondriac mood. Cephalalgia.
- Anxious, fear and weakness.
- Peevish; inclined to get angry; with hiccough.
- After dulness in head, a pressing, long-lasting headache, followed by vomiting and
spasmodic trembling.
- Heaviness of head and pressure in neck, as if head would fall forward.
Inner head
- Tearing, with pressure in temples and forehead, in brain, worse during motion.
- Tearing pain above right eye and temple, as if one had received a blow upon eye, attended
with soreness to touch, agg. by motion, agg in evening, lasting several days.
- Contractive headache above temples from reading.
- Headache in upper part of head, as from staying in a room filled with a thick and dusky
atmosphere; looking to one point relieves it.
- Pain in temple as from a blow.
- Megrim.
Outer head
- Biting itching on scalp, agg evenings and when falling asleep.
- Tearing, tension and chilliness in scalp, which is warm to touch.
- Biting pains on upper right side, on bone, from behind forward, agg evening and in sleep.
Upper face
- Corrosive itching on either cheek, obliging him to scratch.
- Erysipelas on left cheek, spreading from nose over face and head.
- A long stitch followed by a fine pricking itching.
- Formication of cheeks.
Lower face
- Rending, tearing, under alveoli of right lower jaw.
- Deep tearing in right ramus of lower jaw, below socket.
Inner mouth
- Mouth very dry, saliva viscid and tough, drawing out in strings.
- { Ulcers on gums and in mouth.
- Corrosive itching in pit of throat.
Appetite, thirst
- Desires, Aversions. Hunger.
- Relishes food, but it does not agree with him.
- Lessened appetite.
- Thirstlessness; aversion to drink.
- Aching in region of liver, agg from touch.
- Soreness in region of spleen.
- Swelling and induration of spleen. Intermittent.
- Rumbling in abdomen during sleep.
- Abdomen sensitive to pressure.
- Incarcerated flatus.
- Abdomen sore to touch.
- Flatulency.
- Feels as if entrails were sinking down, constantly inclined to support bowels with
hands. Uterine complaint.
- || Violent, contracting bellyache, coming suddenly in morning, with bearing down.
Suppressed menses.
- { Ascites.
Urinary organs
- Pains in bladder.
- Passes more urine.
- || Gets up twice at night and even once during siesta.
- When urinating, sometimes pain in lower abdomen, sometimes in kidneys.
- Red, turbid urine, with burning and pressure in urethra.
- Emission of prostatic fluid.
- A yellow discharge from urethra.
- Oppression on going up-stairs.
- Dyspnoea; agg in evening.
- Cough : in evening, in bed, before falling asleep; with raising of blood, followed by
copious mucus; in paroxysms, with palpitation and nosebleed, mostly in morning; when
inhaling cold air.
- Tough sputa, hanging like a rag in fauces.
Outer chest
- Pressure in region of sternum, agg when breathing deeply.
- Pressure in xiphoid cartilage, just above pit of stomach.
Upper limbs
- Hard pressure in right axilla and upper arm, agg from touch or motion.
- Swelling of finger joints, tearing pains, arthritic nodes.
- Gouty swelling of finger joints.
Lower limbs
- Pain in left hip.
- Thighs feel tired and swollen towards evening.
- Lancinating pain in right hip joint, agg during motion, amel in rest.
- Legs much fatigued and swollen towards evening.
- Cold knees.
- Ankles swollen after a sprain.
- Tearing, rending in feet and toes, agg on walking.
- Stitches in legs and left big toe.
- Fine lancinations in bottom of either foot.
- || Feet easily turn under when walking on a stone pavement.
- Position. Motion. Rest : relieves pain in hip.
- Sitting bent over : causes pain in scrobiculum.
- Standing : causes nausea and qualmishness in stomach and abdomen; sensation as if
diarrhoea would set in.
- Motion : aggravates tearing and pressure in head, pressure in axilla and arm; pain in hips.
- Walking : soreness near anus; tearing in feet and toes agg; feet turn under; hands sweat.
- Ascending stairs : causes oppressed breathing.
- Spasmodic complaints of hypochondriac men.
- Great weakness : as from violent anguish; from depression of spirits. Agalactia.
- Lethargy or phrenzy.
- Coma.
- Sleeplessness.
- || Awaking often,
- as if alarmed;
- startings.
- Anxious dreams.
- Night : gets up twice to urinate.
- Morning : violent bellyache; cough, with palpitation and nosebleed.
- Evening : tearing pains, with pressure above right eye and temple; itching on scalp agg;
eyes burn when reading; dyspnoea agg; cough in bed; legs tired and swollen; chilliness,
followed by heat and sweat; flushes of heat, knees cold.
- Internal chilliness, with trembling, skin warm.
- Slight chilliness towards evening, followed by heat, with headache, no thirst, slight
delirium, tormenting, profuse sweat.
- Chill and heat alternate.
- || Chilly all over, but only hands feel cold to touch.
- Flushes of burning heat, mostly in face, with cold knees; evening in bed.
- || Heat with coryza, thirst. Borborygmus.
- Sweat on hands when walking in open air.
- Sweats easily.
Attacks, periodicity
- Sudden attacks of bellyache.
- Bruised feeling all over.
- As if head would fall forward; as if one had received a blow on eye; headache as from
staying in a room with thick atmosphere; pain in temple as from a blow; as if a stone was
pressing in dorsum of nose; a long stitch followed by a fine pricking itching in face; as if
intestines were pressing downward; voice as if passing through wool; pains as if luxated.
- Pain : in left side of nose; in bladder; in testicles; in sacrum; in left hip.
- Burning : in eyes; in eyelids; in nose; in throat; in mouth; in urethra; in bladder; in skin.
- Lancinating : in right hip joint; in soles of feet.
- Stitches : in head; in face; in eyes; in ears; in rectum; in coccyx; near sacrum; in legs; in
left big toe; in skin.
- Tearing : in head; above right eye and temple; in scalp; under alveoli of right lower jaw;
deep in ramus of lower jaw; toothache; in finger joints; in feet and toes.
- Gnawing : in different parts.
- Rending : under alveoli of right lower jaw; in feet and toes.
- Pinching : in scrobiculum.
- Aching pain : in dorsum of nose; in region of liver.
- Soreness : in left side of nose; in region of spleen; under skin near anus.
- Biting pains : in outer head.
- Drawing pain : in left parotid; along spermatic cords; in abdomen.
- Pressing : headache; in neck; in temples, forehead and brain; in urethra; in region of
sternum; in xiphoid cartilage; in right axilla and upper arm.
- Throbbing : toothache.
- Contractive pain : in head above temples; in abdomen.
- Tension : in scalp.
- Dulness : in head.
- Tired feeling : in thighs; in legs.
- Heaviness : of head.
- Swollen feeling : in thighs.
- Biting itching : on scalp.
- Corrosive itching : on eyebrows and lids and beneath eyes; on cheeks; in pit of throat; of
- Itching : of male genitals; on different parts of body; around ulcers.
- Formication : of cheeks.
- Heat : burning; flushes; with coryza.
- Chilliness : in scalp; internal; all over.
- Coldness : of knees.
- Dryness : of mouth; in chest.
- Stitches : head, face, eyes, ears, rectum and skin.
- Inflammatory, rheumatic swelling of joints.
- Gouty nodosities.
- The only one proved from the large family of Verbenaceae. Helbig calls attention to the
nearly related family of Labiatae, from which we have several valuable remedies.
- Antidotes to Agn. cast. : Camphor., Natr. mur. (the headache), strong solution of table-
- After Agnus are useful : Arsen., Bryon., Ignat., Lycop., Pulsat., Sulphur, Selen.
** 3- Gran facilidad para resfriarse o tener escalofros por vientos fros. Obstruccin nasal.
Campnula. Wild Hyacinth. Scilla nutans. N.O. Liliaceae. Tintura de la planta fresca y
brotes en crecimiento.
(Campnula; Bluebell)
Estado de relajacin del sistema general y una tendencia a resfriarse a la exposicin de
vientos fros.
Estados catarrales; obstruccin nasal
Adenoides, sordera debida a la garganta
Amgdalas hipertrofiadas
Diarrea mucosa por fro
Escalofros por vientos fros
Trastornos de la garganta y el odo con tendencia a secrecin abundante de las mucosas
Mudez de la niez sin relacin con sordera.
Comparar: Hydrast., Cepa, Calc. phos., Sulph. iod., Calc. iod.
Tercera potencia
Dosis nicas de tintura (Dr. Copper.)
Por aire fro.
Catarro nasofarngeo con tendencia a la sordera en relacin con la presencia de
vegetaciones adenoideas. Hipertrofia de las amgdalas.
Gran facilidad a resfriarse por el aire fro (Sil.).
Diarrea despus de la supresin de un resfriado o una coriza.
Hipertrofia de las amgdalas. Sordera catarral. Vegetaciones adenoideas.
Kali mur. (catarro de la trompa de Eustaquio). Baryta carb. (hipertrofia de las amgdalas).
Calcarea phos. (vegetaciones adenoideas y trastornos del crecimiento). Calcarea lod. (nios
linfticos con vegetaciones y trastornos tiroideos).
3a. centesimal.
(Agrimony, de Bach)
En la superficie, el tipo Agrimonia aparenta ser alegre, feliz, con tendencia a bromear. Es un buen
compaero y con mucho sentido del humor; es un placer estar con l. Pero esta mscara de
despreocupacin esconde a una persona muy torturada en su profundidad. Es gente pacfica, alterada
por discusiones y argumentos, que los inquietan y no los dejan dormir. Desea la compaa para
escapar de sus preocupaciones y olvidarlas.
** 1- Sensaciones de ardor.
* 3- Vrtigos. Cefaleas. Sensacin de calor y ardor que sube desde la mandbula izquierda
hasta el vrtex, y lo enloquece.
* 5- Nuseas y vmitos amargos. Ardor gstrico que sube por el esfago a la garganta y al
pecho. Gastralgias como pualadas.
Lychnis githago. Corn-cockle. N.O. Caryophyllaceae. Trituracin de las semillas, las que
son venenosas y contienen saponina. Preparaciones de un principio activo: Gythargin.
Dr. Scharling, Cent. Blat., 1850, in Pharm. Journ., vol. x, p. 349 (New Eng. Med. Gaz., vol.
xi, p. 305), effects of Githargin.
** 2- Delirio murmurante, con insomnio e inquietud. Cree ver ratas corriendo alrededor suyo
o "siente como si una rata o una serpiente le subiera por la pierna" (Kent).
3- Ha olvidado todo su pasado, o solo lo recuerda como algo ledo, o perteneciente a otra
persona. Todo parece irreal.
*** 5- Est especialmente indicado en estados febriles muy adinmicos con brusca y gran
postracin apenas comienza la enfermedad: escarlatina maligna (ver 14), septicemias,
tifoidea, difteria (ver 14), fiebre puerperal, estreptococcemias (Boericke).
6- Lateralidad izquierda.
8- Sensacin de plenitud.
* 9- Tiene mareos que se agravan al sentarse, con cefaleas frontales intensas y cabeza muy
caliente, con sensacin de plenitud. Sensacin de corriente elctrica desde la cabeza a las
* 11- Secrecin nasal copiosa, sanguinolenta, ftida. Narinas congestionadas. Coriza de heno
** 12- Cara roja, caliente, oscura, prpura con erupcin. Pecas. Partidas hinchadas y
** 13- Lengua seca, marrn, agrietada, con la punta y los bordes lvidos. Dientes cubiertos de
sarro o fuliginosidades. Aliento muy ftido.
*** 14- Garganta y faringe muy hinchadas, de color rojo-prpura oscuro, con amgdalas
prominentes con ulceraciones profundas que exudan una secrecin ftida escasa, con
intensos dolores que le impiden tragar (o le duelen los odos al tragar); o seca, spera,
dolorida; cuello hinchado y sensible, con adenopatas. Amigdalitis crptica.
*** 19- Erupciones en placas de aparicin lenta, de color azulado, purpreo o rojo-oscuro,
que desaparece a la presin y reaparece muy lentamente; o "rash" miliares en manchas
lvidas; localizadas especialmente en cara y frente, aunque pueden existir en todo el
cuerpo. Petequias; hemofilia. Ampollas en las puntas de los dedos, llena de una serosidad
oscura. Enfermedad de Raynaud.
Son interesantes tambin los sntomas mentales que acompaan a esta enfermedad. He
ledo algunas notas que hice. Una ensoacin continua incluso durante la vigilia. El
nio llora continuamente. El ve pequeos animales como ratas rondando a su alrededor.
Siente como si una rata o alguna cosa pequea trepara sobre sus miembros o en su
cuerpo. Parece ser constante la falta de memoria, incluso las cosas conversadas hace un
momento se le escapan de la mente. Olvido constante. Todos los eventos pasados son
olvidados o recordados como pertenecientes a algn otro, o como lecturas ledas. Eso
es conservando el estado de ensoacin, le parece sin embargo que aquellas cosas que
han pasado parecen como de un sueo. No puede concentrar su pensamiento en
cualquier esfuerzo mental; no puede contestar correctamente preguntas, como si
estuviera en un estado de semi-consciencia. Hay en este primer paso de este estado
zimtico gran ansiedad y desasosiego, ms tarde estupor e indiferencia hacia todo.
Depresin espiritual con suspiros continuos; irritacin extrema; semi-conciencia que
termina finalmente en inconsciencia, estupor, delirio e insensibilidad; delirio rezongn,
con insomnio y desasosiego. Este estado mental es tal como sucede en enfermedad
cimtica. La enfermedad crnica no ha sido bien revelada. El Dr. Wells us este
medicamento en un nmero de casos, pues fue en esa poca un remedio epidmico para
la escarlatina, en Brooklyn, y muchos pacientes fueron salvados con ello. Pareci capaz
de cambiar el carcter de las formas malignas de la escarlatina en un tipo ms benigno.
Agregado a los sntomas del tema se ha observado la cada del cabello y relmpagos delante
de los ojos al cerrar los prpados de noche. "Las pupilas estn muy dilatadas; fluye de
la nariz un lquido icoroso, sanguinolento". Ese es el estado zimtico en la escarlatina.
Nariz congestionada. Gran postracin y aspecto indicando zozobra. Cara oscura como
caoba". Cara purprea hinchada y entontecida. Este medicamento no es muy usado y no
es indicado a menudo, pero es muy til cuando se lo indica. Ud. no ver con frecuencia
este tipo particular incluso en escarlatina maligna, pues Ud. ver otros medicamentos
que cubren los sntomas, pero este remedio corresponde a uno de los tipos ms
malignos y su uso ms comn ser en estos casos. Hay tres tipos comunes de
escarlatina. En una temporada Ud. encuentra que los casos son simples y leves, se
presenta la erupcin tpica y aparece rpidamente sin mucha fiebre. Tales casos siguen
su curso con unos buenos cuidados, una habitacin calefaccionada y un buen abrigo sin
muchos medicamentos.
La piel est rojo brillante y lisa. Esto no es grave. En otras epidemias Ud. encontrar
solamente un caso aislado de esta clase, mientras que la mayora de las veces se
presentan marcados trastornos en la garganta; la erupcin es escasa cuando se presenta,
y llega la congestin de la cabeza y los sntomas espinales con dolor en la nuca. La
garganta est terriblemente hinchada e inflamada, rojo brillante y muy dolorida.
Entonces hay un tercer tipo en el cual la garganta est muy hinchada, as como las
mucosas, y la tendencia total es hacia la intoxicacin sangunea o cimosis con
tumefaccin de las glndulas, edema de la piel y fetidez general; la piel est oscura y la
erupcin escasa, a veces difcilmente visible desde el principio hasta el final. Sin
tratamiento en estos casos llevarn casi todos a la muerte; son muy graves. Los
antiguos autores llaman a estas formas "escarlatina simple", "escarlatina anginosa", y
"escarlatina maligna". En algunas epidemias Ud. constatar los tres aspectos, en
algunas familias ver dos formas. Un nio tendr un tipo leve, y otro lo sufrir ms
grave con ampollas cimticas aqu y all, en la extremidad de los dedos, con fetidez; tan
pronto como se rompen las ampollas aparecen ulceraciones, si el nio vive todava;
pero estos son los casos mortales del tipo maligno. Incluso cuando la erupcin no sale
en los casos leves de escarlatina, la impresin con un dedo provoca una marca blanca
que tardar en llenarse. Cuanto ms marcada es, ms leve ser el tipo. Cuanto ms
cimtico el tipo ms lenta ser la circulacin, y en este medicamento se encuentra este
estado. La congestin de la piel se encuentra incluso cuando no hay erupcin, una
congestin pasiva de las venas. Un nmero de remedios tienen esto pero Veratrum
viride produce una parlisis vasomotora tal que una lnea sobre la piel hecho por
presin permanecer mucho tiempo. En todos estos sufrimientos cimticos hay un olor
ftido que es en algunas ocasiones cadavrico, otras veces como carne ptrida; esto se
encontrar en los tipos apagados de enfermedad en los cuales est indicado este
"La garganta hinchada, rojo oscura, casi de color prpura. Difteria con postracin extrema.
Garganta lvida, hinchada; amgdalas prominentes y punteadas con lceras profundas".
La garganta y las amgdalas aparecen a menudo como si hubiera quedado con hoyos
bajo presin hidrpica. En algunos de estos trastornos cimticos tiene lugar una diarrea
crtica. Con estos estados cimticos hay dolor por detrs del cuello y cabeza,
independientemente del nombre de la enfermedad.
"Respiracin acelerada, irregular, pesada. Ardor en la palma de las manos y en las plantas
de los pies, y el paciente busca un lugar fresco para ponerlas. Siente como una rata
trepando por las piernas, y como si una culebra se le enroscase sobre la pierna". Estos
sntomas mentales sucedieron en una de mis pruebas. En formas adinmicas de la
enfermedad caracterizadas por postracin sbita y extrema, "se observan vmitos, pulso
pequeo acelerado y aspecto purpreo de la piel". "Conmocin elctrica desde el
cerebro a las extremidades". "Escalofros a las 8 de la maana, con fro, calor y
sudores". Durante el enfriamiento, vmitos de comida y dolores agudos en la cadera. El
escalofro es precedido por una erupcin maligna, especialmente en la cara y en la
frente. Durante este perodo sensacin de vaco y hambre, con dolor intolerable por
detrs del cuello, parte superior de la espalda y la articulacin de la cadera". El dolor
por detrs del cuello es comn premonitorio fiebres graves. Precede generalmente
ataques congestivos de gran violencia caracterizados por la plenitud de la cabeza con
En otro caso Ud. tiene toda la apariencia prpura del cual he hablado en este remedio;
fetidez horrible, dolor de garganta, y el nio no puede obtener suficiente agua fra,
desea un arroyo de agua que corriera por su garganta continuamente; Ud. puede confiar
seguramente en Phosphorus. En este tipo de enfermedades es necesario un estudio y
anlisis suficientemente prolongado para aplicar una teraputica eficaz.
Arbol del cielo. Chinese Sumach. The Tree of Heaven. (Este del Asia; cultivado como un
rbol de sombra en Norte Amrica.) N.O. Simarubaceae. Tintura de las flores que
empiezan a abrirse.
Por la maana.
Por acostarse sobre el lado derecho.
POSTRACION, ESTUPOR con cara congestionada e hinchada, expresin de
embrutecimiento, pupilas ampliamente dilatadas.
El enfermo no puede responder correctamente a las preguntas que se le hacen y no contesta
absolutamente nada. Delirio musitante y se imagina ver ratas y ratones corriendo a su
Cefalalgia frontal con dolores quemantes y agotadores.
Adormecimiento durante el da e insomnio por la noche. Sensacin como si una corriente
elctrica atravesara al enfermo de la cabeza a los pies, sacudimientos convulsivos, insomnio
y agitacin.
pequeas manchas prpuras con tendencia a la ulceracin. Edema del cuello con
Olor ftido de la boca y de la nariz con escurrimiento nasal excoriante y sanguinolento.
Deglucin muy dolorosa con irradiacin a los odos. Diarrea ftida.
Disnea, respiracin precipitada, irregular, con tos seca, afona que se agrava por la maana.
Erupcin IRREGULAR que aparece lentamente: MANCHAS LIVIDAS que desaparecen
bajo la presin y reaparecen lentamente. Frecuentemente se encuentran pequeos elementos
vesiculares sobre todo a nivel de la frente, el cuello y el pecho.
Difteria y escarlatina malignas. Hemofilia.
Baptisia, Rhus tox. (adinamia). Pyrogenium (toxemia). Arum triph. (poca o nada de
6a, 30a.
Ailanthus glandulosus, Desf. Nat. order, Simarubeae. Common names, Tree of Heaven;
(Germ.) Gotterbaum; (Fr.), Ailante.
Preparation, Tincture from the flowers beginning to open.
[_a1]: Hering;
[_a2]: Lippe;
[_a3]: J. T. Alley;
[a4]: Mrs. F.;
[a5]: Mr. M.;
[a6]: H. Minton;
[a7]: Male prover, aged 28;
[a8]: Male prover, aged 21;
[a9]: P. P. Wells;
[a10]: Wells's girl, aged 15;
[a11]: Wells's boy (young);
[a12]: W. Williamson;
[a13]: Hale, New Remedies, 3d ed.;
[a14]: Poisoning from drinking water impregnated from Ailanthus roots; Meshter.
[a14]: (See N. Y. J. of Hom., 2, 99.)
- Low-spirited, [_a3].
- Continual sighing, [_a3].
- Depression of spirits, [a9].
- Recklessness in regard to present or future events, [_a3].
- Stoical indifference to whatever happens, [_a3].
- Restlessness, [_a3].
- Great anxiety, [a10].
- Inability to concentrate mental effort; compelled to read a subject several times to get
even a misty understanding of it, [_a3].
- Confusion of intellect; found it almost impossible to add a column of figures correctly;
had to go over it several times to get it right, [a6].
- Loss of memory, [_a3].
- Mental alienation, [_a3].
- * Stupor, delirium, and insensibility, after suppressed scarlatina eruption, )
- Vertigo, especially when stooping, [_a3].
- Dizziness, [a10].
- Dizziness and confusion of the head, [_a3].
- Staggering dizziness when rising or moving, [_a3].
- A sensation of giddiness with nausea and sickness at the stomach, [a8].
- Tottering gait, with an inclination to stagger; requires extra effort to walk straight, [_a3].
- Giddiness; nausea, with retching and some vomiting, [a12].
- Slight headache, accompanied with nausea and giddiness, [a6].
- The figures on the ledger began to dance up and down the columns; my head grew dizzy,
- Pain in the occiput, with dizziness and ringing pain in the forehead, [_a3].
- A fulness and somewhat of an intoxicated sensation in the brain, [a7].
- A fulness and burning on the brain, [a7].
- Apoplectic fulness of the head, [_a3].
- Thick heavy feeling in the head, figures and letters look blurred, [a6].
- Electrical thrill starting from the brain and extending to the extremities, [_a3].
- Feeling as if an electrical current were passing through the left side of the head, [_a3].
- Dull headache, [_a3].
- Severe headache, [a10].
- Headache with confusion of intellect, [a6].
- Dull headache, with burning in eyes (immediately), [_a1].
- Dull headache, with great oppression of bronchia, [a4].
- Dull heavy headache, with heavy feeling in the sternal region, [a6].
- Heaviness of the head, with pain over the eyes, ameliorated by pressure, [_a1].
- Dull compressed feeling, with confusion and pain in the forehead, [a9].
- Severe pains in the head with chills, followed by flushings of heat, [a6].
- Tingling sensation of left arm and hand, with dull headache; no appetite; tongue coated;
pasty taste (on waking in A. M.), [a6].
- Pain in back, head, neck, and numbness extending from under the left scapula, in a band
down to the left hip, [a6].
- Pain in centre of forehead, more to left (in five minutes), [_a1].
- A peculiar, heavy dull pressing pain in the forehead, of no great severity, but which
indisposes to or even incapacitates for intellectual labor. This is always relieved by Aloes
200th, [a9].
- Between one and two P.M. , a heavy frontal headache, with drowsiness;
- Severe darting pain through the temples and back part of head, with confusion of ideas,
- Severe pain through the temples on waking, [a7].
- Tender, bruised feeling over parieto-frontal sutures, [_a3].
- Darting pain in the back of the head, [_a3].
- Pain in the occiput, with dizziness and ringing pain in the forehead, and swelling in the
left of side of the face, below the eye, and upon the cheek, [a5].
- Beating in the occipital arteries, [_a3].
- Eyes feel rough and irritated, as from wind and dust, [_a3].
- Smarting and aching, as from powerful astringents, [_a3].
- Burning in the eyes, [_a3].
- Sneezed, and experienced a sensation of cold about the eyes, and a gnawing in the chest,
- Light affects the eyes, [_a3].
- Lachrymation in the open air, or by brilliant light, [_a3].
- Purulent discharge, with agglutinated lids in the morning, [_a3].
- Conjunctivitis, with redness and inflammation, extending around the external canthus,
- Falling out of the eyebrows, [_a3].
- (Eyes suffused and congested; startled look when roused; pupils dilated and sluggish; in
scarlet fever, , Dr. Chalmers.)
- * (Pupils widely dilated, .)
- * Photophobia, [_a3].
- Intolerance of light, [a10].
- Figures and letters look blurred, [a6].
- Itching and uneasyeeling around the nose, [_a3].
- * Soreness and pain on the left side of the nose, [a5].
- Dryness and suppressed secretion, [_a3].
- Catarrhal obstruction, as from cold in the head, [_a3].
- Difficult breathing through the nose, [_a3].
- Loss smell, [_a3].
- Chronic catarrh, [_a3].
- (Copious thin ichorous discharge without fetor; discharge of blood and pus. In scarlet
fever, . Dr. Chalmers.)
- Face pale, [a14].
- * Dusky bilious complexion, [_a3].
- Complexion sallow and inactive, [_a3].
- Jaundiced, [a14].
- Dark-blue circle around the eyes, [_a3].
- Irregular spots of capillary congestion, as in the face of a drunkard after a debauch, [_a3].
- Hot, red face, [a10].
- Miliary rash, more profuse on the face and forehead, especially the forehead, than upon
the rest of the body, [a10].
- Pain in the occiput, with dizziness and ringing pain in the forehead, and swelling in the
left side of the face; soreness and pain on the left side of the nose; puffed erysipelatous face;
feels heavy and sleepy; nausea coming on at intervals, [a5].
- On the second evening, tearing in the upper and lower teeth of the left side, also in the
face and head, aggravated by lying down and forcing him to walk about; external pressure
relieves. Improvement only toward morning, [_a2].
- * (Face and forehead dark mahogany; suppressed scarlatina, .)
- Tongue coated, [a14].
- Tongue coated; pasty taste in morning, [a6].
- Tongue thickly covered with a whitish coat, brown in centre, [_a3].
- * (Tongue dry, parched, and cracked; moist, and covered with fur; tip and edges livid.
Under the favorable action of Ailanthus, the clearing-off the coating revealed prominent
papillae, . In scarlet fever. Dr. Chalmers.)
- Sensation as after applying an astringent to the pharynx, [_a3].
- * Thick, oedematous, and dry choky feeling in the throat, continuing in the acute form
only a short time, and then becoming chronic, [_a3].
- A fulness in the throat just above the sternum, and a desire to hawk
- * Throat dry, rough, and scrapy, more so in the morning, [a4].
- * Irritability of the throat and hawking up of mucus, [a6].
- Hawking of mucus from the throat, [_a3].
- Constant hawking, and efforts to raise lumps of whitish matter, [_a3].
- Raising of mucus and yellow matter from throat, [_a3].
- Great accumulation of matter, part of which is easily expectorated, while a portion is with
much exertion detached in small flakes, [_a3].
- Croupy choking, [_a3].
- * Throat tender and sore on swallowing, or on admission of air, [a4].
- When deglutition is painful, the pain always extends to the ears, [_a1].
- Redness of the throat with or without pain during deglutition, [_a1].
- * The fauces and tonsils are inflamed, with spots of incipient ulceration, [_a3].#O0
Spreading ulcers , feeling as after the
- Tenderness and enlargement of the parotid and thyroid glands, [_a3].
- Thickened and swollen feeling of the muscles of the neck, [_a3].O1 (The throat is livid
and swollen, the tonsils studded with numerous deep, angry-looking ulcerations, from
which a scanty fetid discharge exudes; the neck is very tender and swollen; the tonsils are
prominent and studded with ulcerated points. In scarlet fever, . Dr. Chalmers.)
- No feeling of hunger, but eats his usual quantity, [_a3].
- No appetite for breakfast; tongue coated; pasty taste, [a6].
- No appetite for dinner, everything tasting flat and insipid, [a6].
- She could take no food, the sight of it made her feel worse, [a10].
- Appetite capricious, [_a3].
- Loss of appetite; slight nausea; disgust at food, [a9].
- Loathing of food, [a6].
- During the chill there was great hunger, with a distressing sense of general emptiness,
- Every morning nausea, and during the day a febrile heat with this nausea (but frequently
without it); a diarrhoea set in ; four or five stools daily, with pains in the abdomen;
sometimes vomiting with the diarrhoea, [_a1].
- With the nausea are oppression and pain below the hypochondria, in some like a stricture
below the short ribs. Some find this symptom very debilitating, [_a1].
- Excessive nausea, but no vomiting, during the headache, [_a1].
- In women, nausea similar to that of pregnancy, [_a1].
- Nausea and sickness at the stomach, with sour eructations, [a6].
- Nausea and vomiting, [a12].
- Any food taken was speedily vomited, [a11].
- Vomited repeatedly, [a14].
- Peculiar feeling of emptiness in the stomach, [_a3].
- Inactive condition of the stomach, as though its contractive power was impaired, [_a3].
- Constant, violent increasing pain in the stomach, [a14].
- Water tastes brackish and flat; no desire for drinks except when eating, [_a3].
- Took a teaspoonful of the tincture. In half an hour began to feel queer and somewhat
frightened; a sensation of giddiness with nausea and sickness at the stomach came over me;
cold perspiration stood out upon the skin; my fingers, in fact my whole body, began to
tingle and prick; my limbs felt as if they were asleep; the figures on the ledger began to
dance up and down; my head grew dizzy; I staggered back and fell into my chair almost
unconscious. Drank half a tumbler of Bourbon; soon began to vomit and purge, and was
very ill for two hours.
- Two days after was as well as common, excepting some headache, and a sort of numbness
of the left arm, [a8].
Urinary organs
- Urine suppressed, [a14].
- A sore appeared on the prepuce of the prover, which had the exact appearance of an
incipient chancre; it dried up and disappeared in a few days after ceasing Ailanthus. (This
sore and the rash are similar to those which characterize primary syphilis, [a9].
- Cough somewhat oppressed; expectoration muco-purulent, free in the morning, sticky
and scanty during the day, [_a3].
- Deep exhausting cough, with asthmatic expansion of the lungs, [_a3].
- * Violent fits of coughing before retiring, and on rising; she coughs continually, until
expectoration becomes free; afterwards is comfortable during the day, [a4].
- Oppression of breathing, [a6].
- Equable oppression, as though chest was strapped, [_a3].
- Asthmatic oppression in the larger bronchi, [_a3].
- On the second day after suspending the drug, wheezing asthmatic respiration, [_a3].
- Feeling as though the air-cells were stuck together; inability to completely expand the
lungs; can hear the air-cells open (?) as the lungs expand, [_a3].
- Tired feeling in the lungs, rendering it almost an exertion to breathe, [_a3].
- Pain with constriction or tightness of the chest, [a6].
- Excessive tenderness all over the lungs, [_a3].
- Excessive soreness and tenderness of the lungs, compelling a suspension of the drug,
- Soreness of the internal chest with pain and aching of the lungs, [a6].
- Soreness and pain of the lungs increased; severe pains in the head, with chills, followed
by flushes of heat, [a6].
- Pain and contracted feeling, especially through the centre of the left lung, sternal edge,
- Aching in the anterior portion of the left lung, extending to the posterior, [_a3].
- Pain as from a small blade tow inches at the left of the lower portion of the sternum,
- Heated, burning feeling, as from breathing hot steam or air, [_a3].
- Burning in the right lung, [_a3].
- Burning pain under the left shoulder, [_a3].
- Stitching and aching in the chest, [_a3].
- Aching pain directly under the clavicle, sometimes extending to the sternum, [_a3].
- Respiration quickened, [_a3].
- Crepitant ronchus, [_a3].
Superior extremities
- Pain in the right scapula, deep inside (in six minutes), [_a1].
- The pain in right scapula prevents motion of the arm; a similar pain in the right foot
prevents walking (in one hour), [_a1].
- Numbness of the left arm, and a sensation as though the fingers were asleep, [a6].
- Tingling sensation of left arm and hand on waking, in A. M., [a6].
- The numbness of left arm and hand, with pain in the shoulder, back, and hips, lasting four
or five days after ceasing to take the drug, [a6].
- A sort of numbness of the left arm, [a8].
- Fingers tingle and prick, [a8].
- Electrical thrill, extending to the ends of the fingers, [_a3].
Inferior extremities
- Limbs felt as though they were asleep, [a8].
- Numbness of the left leg, with tingling, prickling pain in the foot and toes, [a6].
- Feeling of uneasiness and aching restlessness in the limbs, [_a3].
- Heaviness of the extremities, [_a3].
- Pain in the right foot prevents walking, [_a1].
- Severe pain in left foot, a kind of tension in walking, [_a1].
- Sleep disturbed and unrefreshing, [a6].
- Heavy sleep during the night, [a7].
- Great sleepiness in the morning or forenoon; sleepiness the whole day, but this is not
refreshing, [_a1].
- After drinking a glass of wine great sleepiness, with fulness of the head, [_a1].
- Dry, hot skin, especially in the morning, lasting until the middle of the day.
- Skin dry, [a14].
- Cold perspiration stood out upon the skin, [a8].
- Felt slightly ill on rising in the A. M.; could take no food; sight of it made her fell worse;
was suddenly seized with vomiting; severe headache, dizziness; hot, red face; inability to sit
up; rapid small pulse; drowsy, at the same time very restless; great anxiety. In two hours
drowsiness had become insensibility, with constant muttering delirium; did not recognize
the members of the family. She was now covered in patches with an eruption of miliary
rash, all of a dark, almost of a livid color. The patches between the points of the eruption
were of a dingy, dull opaque appearance. The eruption was more profuse on the forehead
and face than elsewhere, and especially on the forehead. The pulse was now small, and so
rapid as hardly to be counted; the surface had become cold and dry; the livid color of the
skin when pressed out returned very slowly; the whole was a most complete picture of
torpor, [a10].
- The chill was always preceded by a miliary eruption, most copiously developed on the
forehead and face. During the chill there was great hunger, with a distressing sense of
general emptiness. Any food taken was speedily vomited. Intolerable pain was felt in the
back of the neck, the upper part of the back, and the right hip-joint. During the hot stage
there was urgent thirst, with delirium, and a strong desire for brandy, [a10].
- (This group represents the quasi "secondary action." It supervened upon the poisoning
depicted in S. 193, and the girl was subject to this role for a fortnight.)
- The eruption is slow to make its appearance, and never takes on the genuine scarlet color;
it remains livid, [a13].
- Ailanthus produces an eruption which has an exact resemblance to ordinary measles, but
it attended by no catarrhal symptoms, or other concomitants of that exanthem, [a9].
- Immediately after taking one drop, a dulness over the whole body.
- Languor and lassitude on making exertions, [_a3].
- Incapability of standing long a time, [_a3].
- Tottering gait, with an inclination to stagger; requires extra effort to walk straight, [_a3].
- All asthmatics who are exposed to the odor feel worse during the blossoming period,
- The odor affects women and children more than men, and old people least of all, [_a1].
- If odor gives any indication, Ailanthus should prove a good remedy in malignant
puerperal fever, [_a1].
- Affects the organism in the following order: throat, lungs, eyes, head, [_a3].
- (In prover M., this order of evolution is exactly reversed. J.)
- After discontinuing the drug the head, throat, and chest symptoms lasted for about
twenty-four hours, and gradually died away, [a6].
- The numbness of (left) arm and leg, with pain in shoulder, back, and hips, continued four
or five days, [a6].
- Two days after taking a teaspoonful of the mother tincture, as well as ever, with the
exception of some headache, and a sort of numbness of the left arm, [a8].
- The neuralgic pains (facial) force him to walk about, [_a2].
- (Morning), Purulent discharge from eyes, etc.; coated tongue, etc.; throat dry, etc.;
nausea; nausea with diarrhoea; dry, hot skin.
- (Morning on waking), Tingling in arm, etc.
- (Morning or forenoon), Great sleepiness.
- (On admission of air), Throat tender.
- (In open air), Lachrymation.
- (During chill), Great hunger.
- (On exerting body), Languor and lassitude.
- (During heat), Urgent thirst, etc.
- (Lying down), Tearing in teeth, etc.
- (Brilliant light), Lachrymation.
- (Rising or moving), Staggering dizziness.
- (Stooping), Vertigo.
- (Swallowing), Throat tender.
- (After taking wine), Great sleepiness, etc.
- (Toward morning), Improvement.
- (Pressure), Heaviness of head, etc.
- (External pressure), Tearing in teeth.
- Past events are forgotten, remembered as belonging to some one else, or as matters read.
- Cannot concentrate mental effort; compelled to read a subject several times to get even a
dim understanding of it.
- Great anxiety and restlessness.
- Stoical indifference to what happens.
- Low-spirited. Bronchial catarrh.
- Continual sighing, with depression of spirits.
- Stupor; mental indifference and weakness.
- Great anxiety.
- Restlessness, with great anxiety.
- Extremely irritable.
- Confusion of intellect; found it almost impossible to add columns of figures correctly;
had to go over it several times to get it right.
- Loss of memory.
- Mental alienation.
- Recklessness in regard to present and future events.
- Semi-conscious, evidently cannot comprehend what is said to him. Scarlatina.
- Stupor, delirium and insensibility. After suppressed scarlatinal eruption.
- Muttering delirium with sleeplessness and restlessness. Typhoid scarlatina.
- Dizzy and throat dry.
- Vertigo, with nausea, faintness and cold sweat.
- Vertigo when stooping.
- Dizzy, face hot, cannot sit up; drowsy, yet very restless and anxious; later insensible,
with muttering delirium; recognizes no one. Scarlatina.
- Staggers when rising or moving.
- Drunken feeling in brain, with fulness.
- Thick, heavy feeling in head; figures look blurred.
- Feeling as if an electric current was passing through left side of head or down to
- Apoplectic fulness of head.
- Dizziness when rising up. Typhoid scarlatina.
Inner head
- Severe headache and giddiness; face red and hot.
- Headache, with nausea.
- Dull headache : with burning in eyes; with great oppression of chest; with heavy feeling
in sternal region; with tingling in left arm and hand.
- Dull compressed feeling, confusion and pain in forehead.
- Dull heavy pressing in forehead; disinclined to think or act.
- || Darting through temples and back part of head, with confusion of ideas; beating in
- Thick, heavy feeling in base and right side of head.
- Severe pain through temple on awaking.
- Pain in occiput, with dizziness and ringing; pain in forehead; also swelling under left eye
from cheek.
- Head burning hot, with piercing pains.
- Severe headache, interrupted by delirium of a frightful kind, with fever and anxiety.
Typhoid scarlatina.
Outer head
- Beating in occipital arteries.
- Tender, bruised feeling over parieto-frontal sutures.
Upper face
- Face sallow, jaundiced; pale; blue circles around eyes.
- Irregular spots of capillary congestion, as after a debauch.
- Face red and hot, covered with a rash. Scarlatina.
- Face dark as mahogany. Suppressed scarlatina.
- Face puffed, erysipelatous; soreness and pain on left side of nose.
- Tearing in face and head, with toothache.
- Chronic speckled, spotted face; a sort of acne.
- Eruption miliary, more on forehead and face.
- Great prostration and a countenance indicating much distress. Typhoid scarlatina.
Lower face
- Lips cracked.
- Lip becomes puffed and sore when touched.
- Small but deep, ragged ulcer near angle of mouth.
- Inflamed vesicles on lower lip; chin bright red.
Inner mouth
- Fetid discharge from throat.
- Thick, oedematous and dry choky feeling in throat.
- Throat dry, rough and scrapy; worse in morning.
- Irritability of throat and hawking up of mucus.
- Hawks up greenish puruloid matter.
- Throat tender and sore on swallowing, or on admission of air.
- Throat livid, swollen; tonsils prominent and studded with deep ulcers, oozing a fetid,
scanty discharge; external neck swollen, sensitive. Scarlatina.
- Hawking of mucus, constant effort to raise hard lumps of whitish matter.
- Thyroid gland enlarged and tender.
- Diphtheria, with extreme prostration.
- Refused to swallow anything for 12 hours. Scarlatina.
- Throat much swollen, dark red, almost purple in color. Scarlatina.
Appetite, thirst
- Desires, Aversions. No appetite, everything tastes insipid; sight of food makes her worse;
disgust for food.
- Hunger and distressing sense of general emptiness during chill.
- Thirst for cold drinks, for brandy.
- Debilitating oppression like a stricture below hypochondria, with nausea.
- Tenderness over hepatic region.
- Weak, burning, uneasy feeling in bowels, as of approaching diarrhoea.
- Tympanitis.
- Burning in stomach and bowels.
- Colicky, griping pains in bowels.
- Pains in hypogastrium and hips.
- Breathing hurried, irregular, heavy. Scarlatina.
- Equable oppression as if chest was strapped; feels as though air cells were stuck together.
- Sensation of fulness and smothering before expectorating.
- || Wheezing, fluent coryza and sneezing; asthmatic oppression in bronchi; dyspnoea.
Bronchial catarrh.
- Cough : deep, exhausting, with asthmatic expansion of lungs;
- deep and painful;
- dry, hacking;
- in violent fits before retiring and on rising until sputum is raised; dry, constant, with
oppression, burning and pains in chest; preceded by aphonia for a day or two.
- Cough with headache and congestion of face. Bronchial catarrh.
- Sputa : blood-mixed; twice raised a mouthful of blood; bitter, yellow, more mornings;
muco-purulent sputum, free in morning, sticky and scanty during day.
Upper limbs
- Pain deep in right scapula, hindering motion of arm.
- Numbness of left arm; fingers feel as if asleep; tingling of arm and fingers on awaking.
- Large water-blisters on end of thumb, with smaller ones at side of finger nails.
Lower limbs
- Feeling of uneasiness and aching restlessness in limbs.
- Left leg feels numb, with tingling and pricking pain in foot and toes.
- Limbs feel as if they were asleep.
- Severe pain in left foot; a tension while walking.
- Position. Motion. Lying on right side : can sleep better in bronchial affections.
- Lying down : aggravates toothache.
- Sitting up : vomits violently.
- Cannot sit up : owing to dizziness.
- Rising : staggers; cough.
- Motion : staggers; prevented by pain in scapula.
- While walking : tension in foot.
- Must walk about : with toothache.
- Standing : debility.
- Jerking cramps of limbs during sleep. Bronchial catarrh.
- Electric thrill from brain to extremities.
- Great debility,
- | tottering gait,
- | cannot stand long.
- Heaviness of limbs.
- Limbs feel as if they were asleep.
- General malaise, increasing weakness.
- In low, adynamic forms of disease, characterized by sudden and extreme prostration,
torpor, vomiting, pulse small and rapid, purplish appearance of skin.
- Kills canary birds, if cage is hung over night in tree while in flower.
- Sleep heavy or disturbed and unrefreshing.
- Sleepy : morning and forenoon; after a glass of wine, with fulness of head.
- Drowsiness, followed by insensibility.
- During sleep : talks, moans, has sweat, is restless.
- || Sleeps best on right side. Bronchial affections.
- Worse on waking.
- Restless and incoherent, most at night; kept in bed with difficulty. Scarlatina.
- Night : itching of skin.
- Morning : eyes agglutinated; throat agg; voice lost on awaking; free expectoration;
yellow, bitter expectoration agg; sleepy; dry hot skin.
- Forenoon : ichorous nasal discharge; sleepy; skin dry and hot.
- Day : sticky and scanty expectoration.
- Chill preceded by a miliary eruption, agg on forehead and face.
- During chill : hunger, empty feeling; intolerable pain in back of neck, upper part of back
and hip joint.
- After chill : flushes of heat, severe pain in head and soreness of lungs.
- During heat; delirium, urgent thirst, longing for brandy.
- Skin dry and hot, especially in morning, until midday.
- Cold sweat and nausea.
- Cold sweat. Cholera.
Attacks, periodicity
- Attacks characterized by fulness of head, with heat; pains burning, darting in temples
and occiput; vertigo and nausea.
- Every forenoon : ichorous nasal discharge.
- Rash returns annually.
- As if she would go crazy; drunken feeling in brain; thick, heavy feeling in head; as if an
electric current was passing through left side of head, or down extremities; uneasy feeling
around nose; throat rough and scrapy; sense of general emptiness during chill; peculiar
feeling of emptiness in stomach; as if chest was strapped; as if air cells were stuck together;
aching restlessness in limbs; as if limbs were asleep; electric thrill from brain to extremities.
- Pain : in forehead; in occiput; in open air when swallowing; in left side of nose; in
hypogastrium and hips; through left lung; under left shoulder blade; deep in right scapula.
- Severe pain : through temple; in stomach; in left foot.
- Sharp pain : through small of back and hips.
- Burning : in eyes; in stomach; in bowels; in chest; in right lung; under left shoulder.
- Smarting : in eyes.
- Rawness : in nostrils.
- Darting : through temples and back part of head.
- Jerking cramps : of limbs.
- Piercing pains : in head.
- Stitching : in chest.
- Griping : in bowels.
- Aching : in eyes; in chest; between shoulders.
- Soreness : on left side of nose; of throat; of lungs; in glands.
- Tearing : in face and head, with toothache; in upper and lower teeth.
- Oppression : of bronchia; of chest.
- Beating : in occiput.
- Bruised feeling : over parieto-frontal sutures.
- Dull pain : in region of heart.
- Contracted feeling : through centre of left lung; in region of base of heart.
- Compressed feeling : in forehead.
- Pressure : in forehead; in chest.
- Uneasy feeling : about nose; in bowels; in legs.
- Thick feeling : in head.
- Confusion : in forehead.
- Heaviness : in head; in sternal region; in base of brain in right side of head; of limbs.
- Fulness : on chest.
- Weak feeling : in bowels.
- Tired feeling : in lungs.
- Tingling : in left arm and hand; in left foot and toes.
- Numbness : of left arm; of fingers; of left leg.
- Heat : in head.
- Coldness : of skin.
- Itching : around nose; left ear; face, back and neck.
- Dryness : of nose; of tongue; of throat; of skin.
- Skin cold, dry, livid.
- Itching around left ear, face, back and neck at night; felt as if she would go crazy.
- Skin dry, but not hot. Scarlatina.
- Rash returns annually when the Ailantus tree blossoms (after poisoning).
- Eruption of miliary rash in patches of a dark, almost livid color.
- Rash looking like measles, but without catarrh (looks like syphilis).
- Irregular patchy, livid eruption, disappearing on pressure and returning very slowly;
interspersed with small vesicles; agg on forehead, neck and chest. Scarlatina.
- Eruption appeared scantily for two days, with sore throat and mild fever. Scarlatina.
- Large bullae filled with a claret-colored serum.
- Petechiae. Scarlatina.
- Malignant scarlet fever.
- Purple rash, with stupor. Scarlet fever.
- A livid miliary eruption. Scarlatina.
- Eruption plentiful, of a bluish tint. Typhoid scarlatina.
- Eruption is slow to make its appearance, remains livid, and even forehead and face take
on a rather purplish color. Typhoid scarlatina.
- Body and limbs covered with an irregular patchy eruption of a very livid color,
disappearing on pressure and returning very slowly. Scarlatina.
- The nearest relation is Ptelea, proved by G. Bute, and the Zanthoxyleae, if any ever
should be proved.
- Similar are : Amm. carb.; Arnic. (sore lungs);
- || Arum.
- triph.; Aloes; Baptis.; Bryon. Gelsem.; Hyos.;
- | Laches.; Nitr. acid; Nux. vom.;
- | Phytol.; Prussic acid;
- || Rhus tox.; Stramon.
- Antidoted by : Bourbon whiskey (poisoning); Rhus tox.
- (headache and erysipelatous face, nausea, heavy sleepy feeling); Nux vom. (general
Ethyl-alcohol, C[_a2]H[a6]O.
(Spirits of Wine.)
Preparation, From commercial spirits of wine, by redistillation.
The following symptoms have been collected from various sources, and though
incorporated with some hesitation, are believed to be reliable.
- He weeps and sobs with distorted face, or the froths - with rage, and fills the house with
curses and execrations.
- Frenzy, accompanied by the most violent convulsions (convulsive intoxication).
- Drunkenness, with various manias.
- Mania, with excessive irritability, excited by slightest causes.
- Mania, with disposition to commit murder or incendiarism.
- Mania for alcoholic drinks, pepper, and other heating things.
- Mania.
- Various hallucinations of sight, hearing, smell, and sensation.
- Delirium.
- Transition from delirium tremens into permanent mania, with hectic, or dropsy,
physconia, especially hard stomach.
- Much inconsiderate, confused talking.
- Incoherent speeches.
- Talkativeness, by which untimely confessions are drawn from him.
- All weaknesses are exposed, and all secrets divulged, without reserve (misers excepted,
according to Trotter) ("in vino veritas"); all hypocrisy ceases.
- He chats, scolds, brags, and curses.
- He is ashamed of his intoxication, and the more he tries to conceal it, the more he betrays
- Talkativeness, and abeyance of usual caution.
- Rapid and incoherent talk.
- Rum, and some other spirits, made us very talkative and hilarious in about ten minutes; so
much so that my friend was altogether a king; but as minutes flew away, so did our
joyousness, and little by little we lessened our garrulity and became silent, almost morose,
and extremely miserable. Never were the extremes of happiness and misery brought so
vividly before us, or seemed to be in such close proximity, as on these occasions. Every
mental perception was darkened, and the dreaminess, which is not an unpleasant feature of
it, is a condition in which neither thought nor imagination acquires power.
- Transported into a garden of pleasure, he only sees cheerful and agreeable objects, but the
predominating feeling is love and desire.
- Infatuated, he discovers beauties in his mistress that he had before overlooked, and he
uses all the images of poesy to warm his feelings and heighten his passion. The delirium of
love breaks out first.
- He (an octogenarian) became so amorous that he addressed the most passionate and
flattering speeches to a lamp-post, which he took for a lady.
- A sanguine and choleric temperament grows sentimental an passionate; they show the
greatest inclination to love and voluptuousness.
- All, even the coarsest, desires and inclinations become uncontrollable.
- General excitement of all the senses.
- Moral and physical exaltation.
- Indescribable serenity of mind, with cheerfulness, which the face expresses.
- Inner gratification, accompanied by kindly intentions towards others.
- Cheerfulness and happy humor.
- The imagination grows lively, the mind mostly free, and overflows with wit and humor.
- Old age descends to the exuberance of youth.
- A sulky man becomes social and sympathetic; even the serious philosopher grows merry,
lays aside his severity, and enjoys jest and song.
- Boisterous mirth.
- Immoderate bursts of laughter.
- Screaming, singing, and immoderate merriment.
- Boisterous singing.
- Bawdy songs.
- The dance is accompanied by convulsive gestures.
- Sweet outpourings of friendship and tender confessions.
- All care is set aside; all grief is relieved or set aside (Hoffmann).
- The weak one grows strong, and the despondent bold.
- The despairing lover leaves his solitude, and forgets the indifference of his mistress.
Amid the pleasures of the cup the soldier no longer complains of the campaign; the sailor
forgets the dangers of the storm.
- The French are merry; the English, gloomy and thoughtful; the Germans, brutal.
- He grows loving, kind, and obliging; or hard, violent, and repellent.
- He is courteous to an enemy, and forgets insults; or he sneers at his friend, and broods
- He signs, chats, and is cheerful; or he is dull, gloomy, and reserved.
- Cheerfulness and wit degenerate into shamelessness and licentious jests.
- The modest blush of shame vanishes, and improper, undignified acts are committed.
- Animation displayed in the features and gestures.
- Exhilaration of spirits.
- Increased self-esteem and importance.
- Feeling unusually strong and rich.
- He weeps and sobs, with distorted face.
- Efforts to escape from the bed or room, or from some frightful object.
- Grievous sadness and melancholy, that end in tears, complaints, and sighs.
- Sadness, often constant through the whole disease (delirium tremens).
- Melancholy, with inclination to commit suicide.
- Depression of spirits.
- Restlessness and anxiousness that he vainly seeks to disguise by words, making it more
conspicuous by that means.
- Solitude and repose in bed increase the anxiety; he refuses to remain in bed, often even in
the house, on this account, and escapes.
- He grows unmanageable; demands to go peremptorily to attend to his business.
- Sighing, anxiety, and apprehension of evil.
- Mental inquietude, making it impossible for him to settle to any ordinary occupation, or
to complete the tasks which he begins (chronic)
- Feeling of vague and unaccountable dread (chronic).
- Dread arising from actual delusions, such as the belief that an enemy is constantly lying
in wait to inflict an injury, etc.
- They think they are on shipboard at sea, and fear being drowned in the storm; they
therefore throw everything in the room overboard, i.e. , out of the window, into the street, or
into the sea, as they think.
- Thinks himself pursued by robbers, murderers, police, etc.
- Vivid apprehension that he is in danger of falling down a precipice, even when walking
on firm ground in broad daylight (chronic).
- Moral degradation, marked by cowardice and untruthfulness (chronic)
- Flightiness and violence in his conduct, and restless manner.
- Stubbornness in all he does or leaves undone.
- Quarrelsomeness.
- Unreasonable inclination to quarrel.
- He begins a quarrel, or imagines an insult which was not given, and challenges to combat
or demands reparation.
- Grudges long since adjusted or forgotten are renewed; he demands revenge or
satisfaction, which frequently ends in bloodshed or even murder.
- Impatience of contradiction.
- Feeling insulted and abused by one's friends.
- Rapid changes of humor, exhibiting gayety, mirthfulness, petulance, anger, moroseness,
and melancholy by turns.
- Great ease in the use of the intellectual faculties.
- Mind free, more animated, ideas flow more easily.
- Rapid flow of thought, but he cannot keep his attention fixed continuously on one subject.
To relate a not very complicated occurrence causes an effort.
- Rapidity and variety of thought.
- The imagination of fanatics is occupied with religious ravings; they address confidential
and irreverent discourses to the Deity.
- Absurd fancies.
- Greater confusion of ideas.
- Mind disturbed; consciousness, the power of fixing the attention, were lessened.
- The last power to be completely regained was consciousness.
- Inattention to outward objects.
- General intellectual enfeeblement.
- Weak understanding.
- Loss of judgment.
- Absence of the senses and of reason.
- Reasoning powers altogether disabled.
- Stupidity.
- Imbecility.
- Dementia.
- Insanity.
- Insanity breaks out more easily in those who have received injuries to the skull.
- Memory impaired.
- Forgetfulness.
- He perfectly recognizes familiar persons in the height of the disease (delirium tremens);
he mistakes one person for another.
- He strikes a post, which he mistakes for a man who will not get out of his way.
- If only for moments, he confounds one person with another, and thinks he recognizes an
absent friend in a stranger who is present.
- Blunted sensibilities.
- A weak-nerved person shows blunted senses and childish freaks. The phlegmatic
temperament remains passive and silent, and rather falls from his chair before giving loud
evidences of his intoxication.
- Coma.
- Very vivid mental shocks shorten intoxication very much.
- Increased perspiration moderates intoxication very much.
- Feeling of lightness and clearness in the head, and afterwards confusion and weight.
- Head dull, clouded, and hazy.
- Attacks of vertigo, with sudden faintness and reeling; or falling down, with momentary
loss of consciousness, but not twitchings.
- * Vertigo.
- Violent vertigo, nearly changing to apoplexy.
- Vertigo enough to cause falling; or actual falling down.
- Staggering, uncertain gait.
- He staggers while walking and standing.
- He strives, with a certain effort, to keep himself upright while staggering.
- Momentary attacks of vertigo.
- Sometimes head trembles.
- The head nods.
- Effusion of water into the membranes and ventricles of the brain.
- Softening of the brain.
- Induration of the brain.
- Congestion to head congestion of the brain and its membranes.
- Violent congestion to the head and organs of the chest.
- * Apoplexy.
- He became quite insensible and unable to sustain himself on his feet. Four hours after, his
consciousness and sensibility had entirely ceased; breathing, snoring irregular; pulse 80.
Enlarged pupil, without contractility when exposed to the light. Power of swallowing
entirely gone. Death after fifteen hours.
- Real apoplexy sets in during his highest stages of intoxication, with a complete
insensibility of the iris, the skin, etc.
- The highest degree of intoxication is apoplexy, during which sensation and motion cease,
while the activity of the heart and arteries continues.
- A high degree of intoxication is a truly apoplectic condition.
- The sad end of a deeply intoxicated person is most frequently apoplexy.
- Coma, that changes to paralysis of the brain, in persons of an apoplectic habit.
- By frequently repeated intoxication, a predisposition to apoplexy is developed.
- Headache, sometimes with nausea and vomiting.
- Pressing headache, causing stupidity.
- Drawing in the head.
- Dull, diffused headache, with a buzzing or rushing sound in the ears.
- The temporal veins look full, and the temporal arteries beat rapidly and forcibly;
afterwards, they seems exhausted and collapsed.
- Sensation of fulness at the crown and back of the head, or at the temples, according to the
kind of spirit taken (in two to eight minutes).
- Eyes injected.
- Eyes red.
- Red, watery eyes (chronic).
- Eyes fiery, brilliant.
- Eyes fixed and wild.
- Shy, more oblique than fixed look.
- Rigid, gleaming look.
- Eyes bright and animated, or suffused and soft.
- Eyes red and excited.
- Chronic inflammation of the eye, in consequence of which, spots in the eye and dimness
of vision.
- Catarrhal inflammation of the eyes (in hard drinkers).
- Linings and margins of the lids congested.
- Roughness of the margins of the lids (granulations) in hard drinkers.
- Contraction of the pupils, drooping lids, and coma.
- Effusion and swelling below the eyes.
- Conjunctivae more or less jaundiced (chronic).
- Injected eyeballs.
- Yellow tinge of the sclerotica.
- Veins of the sclerotic membrane turgid and prominent.
- Pupils dilated, sluggish, rarely contracted.
- Dilated and almost insensible pupils.
- Enlarged pupil.
- Pupil enlarged, not entirely insensible to the light.
- Entire insensibility of the iris.
- Pupils dilated, and afterward contracted.
- Contraction of the pupils, with drooping lids, and coma.
- Perception of light lessened.
- Vision weak; cannot use eyes; objects flicker and become dim, indistinct; cannot read or
- Aversion to light.
- Flickering, and becoming black before the eyes.
- Flickering before vision, as if a veil suddenly drawn before the eyes, which at last
becomes thick and black, especially on exerting vision.
- Black before eyes, especially on suddenly moving head after changing position on rising
up, with vertigo; patient fears falling, and grasps at surrounding objects.
- Sparks before the eyes.
- Flashes of light before eyes.
- Muscae volitantes, in clouds, before the eyes (chronic).
- Double vision.
- Visual hallucination (chronic).
- Dryness in external meatus.
- Acute sense of hearing.
- Hearing blunted.
- Perception of sound lessened.
- Confusion of sounds.
- * Roaring in ears.
- Roaring in ears, especially after spasms, or with vertigo.
- Ringing in ears.
- Buzzing or rushing sound in the ears, frequently though not always accompanied with
dull, diffused headache (chronic).
- Illusions of hearing.
- Imaginary voices and sounds.
- Symptoms worse when lying down, and in the quietude of the night.
- Redness of the nose and cheeks (chronic).
- Redness of the nose, especially at the tip.
- Vessels of the skin congested.
- Swelling and inflammation.
- Red pimples, or tubercles.
- Lining membrane of the nares inflamed and ulcerated.
- Bleeding of the nose.
- Illusions of the sense of smell.
- There was a relaxation of the muscles and stiffness of the skin of the face, forehead, and
upper lip, so that the features fell.
- Great flabbiness of the muscles of expression (chronic).
- The physiognomy expresses amiable cheerfulness.
- Face bloated, without expression; stupid, silly.
- Violent cramp in the muscles of the lower part of the face, which sometimes dislocates
the lower jaw.
- Redness of the cheeks and nose (chronic)
- Redness overspreads the face, and all the features melt into a smile.
- Face bloated and heated.
- Face red and swollen.
- Face blue-black, or pale.
- Color of the face sometimes unchanged, sometimes red, sometimes icteric, like the rest of
the body.
- Face muddy, red in spots, mottled.
- Face earthy.
- On the nose and other parts of the face, warts and eruptions appear, of different colors and
- Tetter in the face.
- Eruption in the face; a dark-red, ugly, shining redness of the skin on the nose, forehead,
cheeks, sometimes on the chin, finally in other places, often covered with tetter, bluish-red
or white vesicles and pimples. Skin mostly dry and rough, with broad, red, raised clusters in
the skin; itching pain; desquamation slight, or wanting.
- Forehead serene.
- Grinding the teeth.
- Tongue fissured from middle to the edges, furred, or sometimes denuded of epithelium.
- Papillae at tip of tongue enlarged and red.
- Sore and dry condition of the tip of the tongue (after rum).
- Perfect cleanness and moistness of tongue (chronic).
- Dry, red, glazed tongue (chronic).
- Thick yellow fur on tongue, especially at the back part (chronic).
- Tongue coated.
- Tongue covered with yellow slime in the middle, the margins clean.
- White, and sometimes brownish coating on the tongue.
- Tongue smooth and red, with tendency to stick to the teeth or roof of the mouth.
- Tongue feels thick, is tremulous, partially paralyzed, causing one to stammer.
- Tongue moved with difficulty.
- Sudden trembling in tongue and lips.
- Convulsive motions of the tongue, causing stammering and inarticulate speech.
- Trembling and twitching in the coated tongue.
- Dry state of the mouth.
- Breath offensive, especially during digestion.
- Peculiar, foul breath; smell quite impossible to describe, or to mistake when once it has
been smelt; quite unlike the odor of the alcoholic liquor itself, and may be separately
distinguished even when the latter is also present (chronic).
- Offensive smell from the mouth.
- Offensive breath in the morning.
- Mouth filled with black saliva.
- Rising of tasteless or foul liquid in the mouth.
- Sometimes frothing at the mouth.
- Froth in mouth.
- Foul taste (chronic).
- Sour, saltish, or bitter taste in the mouth, in the morning.
- Bitter taste in the mouth.
- Illusions of the sense of taste.
- Stammering speech.
- Muttering; he utters inarticulate sounds.
- Throat red, and feels stiff.
- Granulations on the posterior wall of the throat, also on the base of the tongue.
- Engorged appearance of the veins of the fauces.
- Redness, dryness, and heat.
- Aphthous ulcers in the throat.
- Gangrenous ulcers.
- Throat full of tough mucus, difficult to hawk up.
- Collection of mucus, sometimes bloody.
- Spasms in pharynx and oesophagus.
- Paralysis of pharyngeal muscles.
- Paralysis of the muscles of deglutition.
- Burning sensation back of the sternum.
- Soreness felt from the throat down to the stomach after swallowing solid food, or very hot
or cold drinks.
- Sensation as if something lodged in the oesophagus.
- Feeling of contraction or stricture, preventing the discharge of
- Strong efforts to clear the throat, or belch or vomit, bring up blood or bloody mucus.
- Hawking causes vomiting.
- Swallowing with burning and painful sensation.
- Swallowing painful.
- Spasmodic dysphagia.
- Desire for pepper, mustard, and other heating articles.
- Longing for spirituous liquors, and, if not speedily gratified, becomes raving, or has
- At first no desire to eat; afterwards, ravenous hunger.
- Loss of appetite.
- Desire to eat entirely lost.
- Aversion to food and alcoholic drinks.
- Thirst before breakfast and through the day.
- Thirst often excessive; often none.
- Eructations, sour or foul.
- Eructations of water.
- Sour eructations.
- Frequent eructations.
- Eructation like rotten eggs.
- Singultus.
- Nausea, and vomiting mucus and water.
- Morning, nausea, or vomiting.
- Vomiting, mornings.
- Vomiting after eating or drinking.
- Vomiting of sour and offensive-smelling matters.
- Excessive vomiting (vomitus crapulosus).
- Vomiting in the morning hours of a tough mucus, resembling white of egg; stringy, with
flow of saliva.
- Vomiting of sour matter.
- Haematemesis (rare) (chronic).
- Fulness and distension after eating.
- Inflammations of the stomach and intestines.
- Burning heat in stomach.
- Peculiar burning sensation in stomach, best allayed by water.
- Pressure in the stomach.
- On waking, a more tickling, contractive sensation in the region of the stomach, which
spreads from there to the chest, causing shortness of breath, and irritation to cough.
- Sense of oppression and weight.
- Weakness of the stomach.
- Heat and burning in the epigastric region.
- Constriction, uncomfortable tension and pressure in epigastrium.
- Tension in epigastrium.
- Oppression in the pit of the stomach, that is often aggravated to intense anxiety.
- Sense of pressure in both hypochondria.
- Heat, weight, and soreness in the region of the liver.
- Inflammation of the liver.
- Swelling of spleen.
- Recti muscles of abdomen become rigid and prominent.
- Ascites.
- Rumbling and growling in intestines.
- Inflammation of the intestines and stomach.
- Flatulence.
- Colic (colica crapulosa).
- Colic pains.
- Intestinal hemorrhage (rare) (chronic).
Urinary organs
- Frequent need to urinate; finally incontinence.
- Involuntary excretion of urine and stool.
- Increased quantity of urine.
- Lessened secretion of urine.
- Retention of urine.
- Urine scanty at first, yellowish or deep red; then more copious, with sediment.
- High-colored urine.
- Albuminous urine.
- Urine acid, contains serum and bile.
- Bloody urine.
- Discharge of blood.
Sexual organs
- Want of sexual desire.
- Sexual powers at first increased, then diminished.
- Impotence; want of sexual power.
- Intoxicated persons beget drunkards.
- The children of drunkards grow up dull, indolent, and stupid, and become intemperate.
- Irregular menstruation.
- Abortion in the first months.
Respiratory apparatus
- Sensation of heat in the larynx.
- Catarrhal bronchitis.
- Accumulation of mucus in the air-passages.
- Frequent disposition to clear the throat.
- Hoarseness.
- Sobbing.
- Cough.
- Hacking, dry cough.
- Coughing blood.
- The respiratory muscles acted in a gasping manner, so that there was a jumping, quick,
inspiratory effort, and a lazy, feeble expiratory effort in the later stage.
- Accelerated breathing.
- Respiration quickened, and then retarded.
- At all periods, there was a sense of impediment to respiration.
- Heavy, labored breathing.
- Snoring respiration.
- Asthma.
- Asphyxia.
- Hydrothorax.
- Emphysema.
- Congestion of lungs.
- Sensation of warmth in chest.
- Tension of chest.
Extremities in general
- Sudden startings of the limbs, as from electrical shocks.
- Trembling of extremities.
- The muscles of the limbs were inactive.
- Increased warmth; then coldness.
- Creeping sensation (formication) under the skin of the hands and feet.
- uneasyrestless feeling in the extremities.
- At first, a feeling of increased strength, and then of debility and weight.
- Weakness and relaxation of the muscles of locomotion, first in fingers and hands,
especially in thumb and index-finger, extending all over both extremities, which become
heavy and difficult to move.
- Limbs numb, as if paralyzed, and again extremely sensitive to touch and motion; more
sensitive to a light touch than to a firm grasp.
Upper extremities
- * Trembling in arms and hands.
- Sometimes, when lying, a peculiar persistent trembling in muscles under the skin in loins
or upper arms, most marked if one suddenly presses on any place.
- Trembling of the hands, with constant working of the tendons of the wrist, with the hands
turned in.
- Trembling of hands.
- Mornings, on waking, trembling in fingers and hands, aggravated by stimulants; or
sometimes, after rising; later, continues all day, painless, worse after keeping still.
- Tearings in fingers, often with a benumbed sensation and convulsive attacks.
Lower extremities
- Relaxation and exhaustion in general locomotion.
- Weakness in lower extremities, beginning in knees; gait becomes stumbling, unsteady.
- Spasmodic drawings, especially on bending joints, feet, and knees; very painful.
- Pains in the legs, going to the nates.
- Indescribable aching and pains in the legs, below the knees, and in the feet.
- The flesh feels as torn if from the legs, or cut with knives.
- Twitchings in muscles of calves and flexors of the feet; become painful and prevent
falling asleep.
- Numb pain in the marrow of the bones of the legs.
- Varicose condition of the veins of the legs.
- Tearings in soles of feet.
- Formication in the soles.
- Inflammation and acute pain in the toes.
- Scaly patches, very itchy.
- Ulcers.
- Bunions.
- * Convulsions, sometimes like chorea.
- Convulsions, with a peculiar sensation in head, as of wind, or a painful drawing, as if
something twisted and turned in the head.
- Convulsions often begin in one extremity; are often confined to one side; sometimes the
head is drawn backward, the back bent, the teeth clenched, and eyes distorted.
- Convulsions and hysterical paroxysms break out in intemperate women.
- Epileptic attacks, generally coming on while standing; sometimes while sitting or lying.
- Epilepsy returns after every excess in drinking.
- Convulsive-like epileptic attacks.
- The whole body trembles, commonly after exertion.
- Tottering and shaking.
- Trembling of the whole body, especially of the upper extremities, so that he cannot take
hold of any object, cannot walk without stumbling, and only with difficulty control the
lower jaw when speaking, etc.
- * Subsultus tendinum, especially evenings, before going to sleep.
- Twitchings or jerkings in muscles on sitting or lying, not in standing, especially on
changing position; almost always in lower extremities.
- Persistent muscular tremor; first developed in the extremities.
- Muscular inquietude; inability to keep the limbs or the body still without a special effort
of attention.
- The twitches and spasms often appear periodically, and associated with hallucinations.
- Drawings in muscles, like electric shocks.
- When at rest, carpologia.
- Trembling and paralysis as usual consequences of apoplexy.
- General paralysis after delirium tremens.
- Marked sensory paralysis (chronic).
- (Muscular power increased).
- Muscles flabby, pale.
- Power of directing and co-ordinating the muscles lessened.
- The muscular system was influenced in a marked and definite manner.
- The thin layers of voluntary muscles found about the body showed great relaxation.
- Muscular tone and power greatly lessened; this effect not being identical upon voluntary
and involuntary muscles, and not often identical upon the inspiratory and expiratory sets of
- The body loses its mobility, and becomes more and more destitute of muscular power.
- Emaciation, want of strength, with continued want of appetite.
- Prostration of the whole body.
- Premature old age; face becomes pale and wrinkled, features relaxed, eyes dim; lips pale;
the hands and the rest of the limbs tremble; gait unsteady.
- Indolence of body and mind.
- Frequent swoons.
- * Hyperaesthesia.
- Sensation benumbed : anaesthesia; first in tips of fingers or toes; often
- This numbness is usually superficial; sensitive to deep pressure; sometimes sensitiveness
of whole body blunted.
- * Pain and neuralgic tearings.
- Painful tearing cuttings.
- Tearing, cutting sensations extend from the sensitive parts, up and down; cause one to cry
out; are very exhausting.
- Very marked, peculiar, continuous buzzing or thrilling and not unpleasant sensation,
passing from above downwards, and through the whole system (most prominent in from
fifteen to forty minutes, and continued without much variation during twenty to thirty
- Atheromatous deposits in arteries.
- Dropsy.
- Oedema of the legs; later, general anasarca.
- Inclination to obesity.
- * Spontaneous combustion.
- All drunkards (exclusively, according to Trotter), especially old women, exhale so much
spirituous vapor from their bodies that it takes fire when brought in contact with a lighted
candle, and causes the burning of the body.
- Skin smutty or yellowish-gray.
- Jaundice.
- Icteric conditions.
- Skin soft and flabby.
- Skin becomes dry and hard.
- Skin soft and pliant, inclined to sweat.
- Sense of dryness, heat and evident fulness of swelling of the exposed parts of the skin, as
the hands and face, with general sensation of heat.
- This increased for a time, and so much so that, with rum especially, the skin was as harsh
and dry as if exposed to an easterly wind.
- Tormenting eruption, exceedingly itching (psora ebriosum), spreading over the body the
more it is scratched, and presenting rough, scaly patches.
- Skin became raw and dry, and lastly covered with an indefinite chronic exanthema.
- Eczema and prurigo.
- Acne rosacea.
- Large, indolent, blue-looking boils or carbuncles.
- Skin does not heal readily.
- The least injury to the skin, the prick of a lancet, an inflamed spot, especially eruptions
and burnt places, suppurate with inconceivable rapidity, and degenerate into ulcers, which
not only affect the soft parts, but the bones as well, and smell offensively.
- Varicose ulcers.
- Some sensitiveness of the skin, especially in shin-bones, extending up to the loins.
- A disagreeable burning, biting prickling of the skin, after sleeping off intoxication.
- Formication, beginning especially in feet and legs, extending to loins or hands and arms,
seldom to the nates, worse mornings and evenings, especially when one gets into bed, so
that sometimes one cannot go to sleep and must get up. Must constantly move the affected
parts, and, when most severe, causes mental disturbance.
- The exhalations of the skin, as well as the breath, smell strong of
- Sensation of cold, with paleness of the body.
- Sensitiveness to the fresh air; shudder and frost.
- An agreeable warmth spreads over the body.
- General sensation of heat, with increased action of the heart and dryness of the skin. After
about twenty to forty minutes this sensation of heat gave place to one of cold, which was
felt first on the most sensitive part of the body in reference to temperature, viz., between the
shoulders; and at length, notwithstanding the existence of a suitable degree of atmospheric
temperature, it became distressing, and led often to shivering. This was sometimes so
marked, and occurred so suddenly, that it gave rise to a shock. It did not correspond to the
temperature of the skin, but was usually coexistent with the cessation of the increase of the
heart's action.
- Fever (often through the entire course of the disease - delirium tremens - none).
- Evening exacerbations.
- Great inclination to sweat.
- Sweat easyat first.
- Sweat profuse, cool, sticky, sour-smelling, sometimes warm.
Aldehydum (Allen)
- Out of five of us that attempted to inhale Aldehyde, very carefully prepared and purified, four were
driven to suspend the respiration of it in consequence of the coughing and insufferable feelings of
dyspnoea which ot immediately induced. The sensation of difficult respiration and constriction in the
chest which the vapor produced, resembled precisely those of a severe fit of spasmodic asthma. In the
fifth case, the experimentalist, entirely insensible; the state of anaesthesia lasted for two or three
minutes, during which the pulse became excessively small and feeble. On recovering, the bronchial
constriction and coughing, which had disappeared as the anaesthesia was induced, returned
immediately, and was annoying for some time.
*** 2- Siempre est cansada. Gran debilidad especialmente en mujeres, por mala nutricin o
enfermedad prolongada y asociada, sobre todo, a problemas de su aparato genital (ver
10), o despus de su menstruacin o de flujo blanco. Es la "China" de los rganos
genitales femeninos (Hale).
* 6- Anorexia, con aversin a los alimentos e indigestiones fciles, con pesadez gstrica.
Vmitos obstinados del embarazo. Nuseas, mejor por tomar caf.
* 8- Constipacin inveterada por atona rectal. Heces grandes, duras, que evacua con gran
dificultad y dolor. Frecuentes deseos ineficaces.
*** 10- Menstruaciones frecuentes y profusas, con dolores como de parto. Hemorragias
pasivas, con cogulos grandes, negros. O amenorrea o menstruaciones muy distanciadas
y escasas. Pesadez en el hipogastrio; prolapso de tero con dolor inguinal derecho;
esterilidad; tendencia habitual al aborto; problemas originados todos en una verdadera
atona del msculo uterino. Flujo espeso, blanco, filamentoso, por debilidad, anemia,
prdida de fluidos orgnicos, mala alimentacin o enfermedad prolongada.
** 11- Tos, peor por hablar, que desaparece bruscamente al aparecer la menstruacin (Hale) .
Dolor en el seno izquierdo, como por un cuchillo.
Aletris alba. Star Grass. Blazing Grass. Colic Root. Unicorn Root. (Estados Unidos.) N.O.
Haemodoraceae. Tintura de la raz.
Clnica.- Aborto. Anemia. Clico histrico. Clico. Constipacin. Convulsiones. Debilidad.
Dismenorrea. Disuria. Embarazo, vmito de. Endometritis. Fiebre. Hemorroides.
Indigestin. Leucorrea. Menorragia. Mialgia. tero, dolor en; prolapso de.
Caractersticas.- Alet.far. se dice ser el ms amargo de todas las plantas. Se caracteriza por
debilidad del cuerpo y la mente. Falta de todo el apetito, especialmente en conexin con
trastornos uterinos. El menor alimento distiende el estmago. Hay ataques de desmayo
con vrtigo. Emaciacin es marcada en algunos casos. Disgusto por alimentos, nusea;
constipacin. Vmito obstinado del embarazo. Muchos sntomas aparecen en la esfera
uterina: atona uterina, reglas profusas y prematuras con dolores como de parto o
amenorrea, debilidad por prdida de lquidos, enfermedades prolongadas. Menorragia,
cogulos negros, llenura y peso. Leucorrea con debilidad. Esterilidad. Tendencia
habitual al aborto. Sensacin de peso en regin uterina y tendencia al prolapso.
Sensacin de peso en occipucio como si le jalaran la cabeza hacia atrs. Se adapta ms
a jvenes clorticas y mujeres embarazadas. Gente dbil, emaciada.
Relaciones.- Comparar: Helonias dioica (Falso Unicornio no debe ser confundido con Alet.
f), Chin., Hydrast., Sabin., Senec., Puls., Caulo., Diosc. (clico < doblndose hacia
adelante), Caust., Puls., Fer. (incontinencia de orina al toser), Alumina (constipacin, se
agarra del asiento, con desesperacin para obrar. Durante defecacin dolores terribles
como si al pasar, se vieran forzadas, Al. f.).
Por la tarde y por inclinarse hacia adelante.
Por inclinarse hacia atrs y durante las reglas (tos).
Depresin fsica y mental que se agrava despus de medio da y por la tarde con dificultad
de pensar o trabajar.
Sensacin de pesantez en la regin occipital, como si la cabeza fuera tirada hacia atrs.
Apetito nulo, la ms pequea cantidad de alimento determina una pesantez gstrica intensa,
la ingestin de caf produce nuseas. Constipacin atnica, el bolo fecal es expulsado con
grandes esfuerzos y su expulsin es dolorosa.
Dolores calambroideos frecuentes en la parte inferior del vientre que mejoran por
inclinarse hacia atrs (Dioscorea) y sobre todo mejoran muy raramente se presentan por
intermitencia por la expulsin de evacuaciones diarricas.
Tos seca, espasmdica, con miccin involuntaria. * La tos cesa bruscamente cuando las
reglas aparecen.
Reglas adelantadas, muy abundantes, acompaadas de dolores de falso parto. Sensacin de
pesantez en el bajo vientre. Hemorragia pasiva o en cogulos grandes.
Leucorrea espesa y viscosa en largos filamentos.
BLANCAS (China).
Aletris farinosa ha sido llamada la "China de los rganos uterinos"; en efecto, conviene a
todos los estados de fatiga intensa que se desarrollan en el curso de afecciones uterinas:
metrorragia, metritis, prolapso del tero con constipacin tenaz. Tos refleja de origen
China (agotamiento). Alumina (constipacin). Helonias (dolores uterinos). Hydrastis, Kali
bich., Trillium (leucorrea).
la, 3a, 6a.
Aletris farinosa, L.
Nat. order, Haemadoraceae.
Common names, Colic root, Star grass.
Preparation, Tincture from the root.
Authority. Hale (New Remedies, from the Eclectics).
Excessive nausea, with giddiness, followed by vomiting and purging.
Colic in the hypogastrium.
Pressure in the uterine region.
Premature and profuse menses, with labor-like pains.
- Weariness of body and mind.
- Vertigo, sleepiness, vomiting and purging; even stupefaction.
- Dizzy when stooping.
Appetite, thirst
- Desires, Aversions.
- { Want of appetite with weakness.
- Want of appetite. Prolapsus uteri.
- Flatulent colic in weak, emaciated persons.
- { Hysteric colic.
- Raises a great deal of froth; feels as if wanting to cough, but cannot.
- Position. Motion. Stooping : causes dizziness; has a great sense of weakness.
- Debility, especially of females, from protracted illness or defective nutrition; no
organic disease.
- Great debility. Prolapsus uteri.
- || Debility after diphtheria.
- { Fits.
- { Epilepsy with young persons.
- { In many fevers.
- Pain in rectum as if forcing a passage.
- Fearful pains : in rectum and anus.
- Myalgic pains : during pregnancy.
- Soreness : of eyes.
- Fulness : in uterine region.
- Weight : in uterine region.
- { Chronic rheumatism.
- { Dropsy.
- Similar to Helon., Cinchon., Hydrast., Sabin., Senec., Pulsat. and Cauloph.
- In collecting the root not to be mistaken for Helon. dioic
*2- En casos de deficiente nutricin, con adelgazamiento, especialmente originados en
problemas de orden nervioso (nerviosidad, insomnio, indigestin, etc.). Su
administracin corrige esta situacin, convirtindose en un "fat producer" (productor de
grasa), ya que mejora el apetito y la digestin, y aumenta el peso.
3- Deseo de dulces.
*6- Sed aumentada. Apetito disminuido, pero puede incrementarse hasta la bulimia; necesita
comer frecuentemente, no puede esperar hasta las horas de las comidas; hambriento antes
de medioda.
*7- Flatulencia con distensin abdominal; dolores errticos a lo largo del colon, varias horas
despus de comer. Apendicitis crnica. Heces frecuentes, flojas, amarillentas, con
dolores, ardor anal y flatos.
*10- Puede inducir un sueo tranquilo y renovador. Los mejores resultados (Boericke) se
obtienen dando 5 a 10 gotas de la tintura, varias veces por da y continuando hasta
obtener resultados.
Alfalfa (Boericke)
Por su accin en el simptico, Alfalfa influye favorablemente la nutricin, se hace evidente
al aumentar el apetito y la digestin, resultando una gran mejora en el vigor fsico y
mental, con aumento en el peso
Los trastornos caracterizados por mal nutricin estn principalmente en su campo de
accin terapetica, por ejemplo, neurastenia, rencor melanclico, nerviosismo, insomnio,
indigestin nerviosa, etc
Acta como un productor de grasa, corrige la prdida tisular
Lactancia deficiente
Aumenta la cantidad y la calidad de la leche en las madres que amamantan
Su accin pronunciada urinaria, lo sugiere clnicamente en la diabetes inspida y fosfaturia;
se afirma que quita la irritabilidad vesical de la hipertrofia prosttica
La ditesis reumtica parece especialmente susceptible de ser curada bajo su accin.
Induce a la excitacin mental de alegra, esto es, una sensacin general de bienestar; claro
y brillante, de tal manera que toda la tristeza desaparece
Atontado, sooliento, embotado. [Gels.]
Deprimido e irritable, peor al anochecer.
Embotada, sensacin de peso en el occipucio, dentro y encima de los ojos, peor hacia el
Dolor en el lado izquierdo de la cabeza
Cefalea violenta.
Sensacin de obstruccin en las trompas de Eustaquio [Kali mur.] por la noche; abiertos
por la maana.
Sed aumentada
Apetito disminuido, pero principalmente aumentado incluso hasta la bulimia
Debe comer frecuentemente, no puede esperar las comidas regulares; hambriento antes de
medioda. [Sul.]
Picotea mucho la comida y deseo de dulces.
Flatulencia con distensin
Dolores flatulentos, cambiantes, a lo largo del colon, varias horas despus de comer
Heces dolorosas, sueltas, amarillas, frecuentes, con ardor de flatulencia
Apendicitis crnica.
Riones inactivos; deseo frecuente de orinar
Poliuria. []
Aumento en la eliminacin de urea, indican y fosfatos.
Duerme mejor de lo usual, especialmente por la maana temprano; induce un sueo
reparador, quieto, tranquilo.
Comparar: Avena sat., Dipodium punct., Gels., Hydr., Kali phos., Phos. ac., Zinc.
Los mejores resultados se observan con dosis materiales (5-10 gotas) de tintura, varias
veces al da
Continuar su uso hasta asegurar los efectos tnicos.
** 1- Peor en una habitacin calurosa, mejor saliendo al aire libre y peor nuevamente al
volver a entrar a la habitacin, especialmente las cefaleas (ver 8), resfros (ver 11) y tos
(ver 19). Mejor en habitacin fresca.
** 8- Cefaleas con coriza, peor en una habitacin calorosa y al anochecer; mejor al aire libre;
desaparece durante la menstruacin y reaparece luego.
*** 9- Ardor en los ojos, pican, tiene que frotarlos (Puls.). Lagrimeo blando, no irritante,
excesivo, durante el coriza, peor del lado izquierdo, cuarto caluroso, mejor al aire libre.
Ojos rojos, con fotofobia. Las letras se ven ms chicas y, al bostezar, los objetos cercanos
parecen estar distantes. Puntadas en el conducto lagrimal.
* 10- Dolor agudo, pinchazos, en odo y trompas (Puls., Cham.). Otalgia en nios. Otorrea
*** 11- "Allium Cepa cubre ms sntomas del resfro comn que ningn otro medicamento"
(Clarke); la nariz es el centro de accin de este remedio. Coriza agudo con descarga
copiosa, acuosa y extremadamente acre, peor del lado izquierdo, al anochecer, en una
habitacin calurosa, y que a menudo "gotea de la punta de la nariz" (Allen), excoriando
las narinas y el labio superior con lagrimeo no irritante (ver 9; Euphrasia es lo contrario).
Estornudos constantes o frecuentes, peor de maana al levantarse de la cama y al
anochecer, al entrar en un cuarto caluroso, mejor al aire libre. Coriza anual, "hay fever"
(fiebre de heno), peor en Otoo y Primavera, por el olor de las flores o los duraznos; por
el viento Pampero, en cuarto caluroso, del lado izquierdo, al anochecer; mejor al aire
libre. Es slo un medicamento de la crisis (!). Coriza en la escarlatina. Plipos nasales.
Nariz seca, obstruida. Epistaxis. Descarga retronasal.
* 13- Odontalgias con coriza (o alternando con la intensidad de la secrecin), peor en una
habitacin calurosa o por bebidas calientes, mejor por agua fra o aire fro. Dientes
sucios, amarillos. Gusto dulzn.
15- Hambre canina, que desaparece al comenzar a comer. Dolor pilrico. Sed, eructos,
** 16- Dolor inguinal, extendido al cordn espermtico; hernia inguinal estrangulada. Dolor
periumbilical, peor sentado, mejor caminando. Clicos por mojarse los pies, por tomar
fro, por comer demasiado, por pepinos o ensaladas, en nios; peor sentado, mejor
movindose o eliminando flatos. Clicos en los bebs: "es maravilloso" (Kent).
* 17- Flatos muy ofensivos y hmedos, peor de maana (Nat. S.). Fisura anal; prurito.
** 18- Orina espumosa e iridiscente (Hering); gotea involuntariamente (en viejos). Dolor en
vejiga y prstata despus del coito. Dolor renal.
*** 19- Tos insistente por inspirar aire fro, por cosquilleo larngeo, peor en una habitacin
calurosa. El dolor en la laringe es cortante, sobre todo al toser; parece que fuera a
estallar o romperse la laringe o siente como un rastrillo que le raspa hacia arriba, lo que
lo induce a agarrrsela desde que comienza a toser. Cosquilleo larngeo; ronquera.
Sensacin de constriccin en la epiglotis. Coqueluche. Opresin al respirar.
* 20- Dolor bajo la escpula derecha, peor despus de estar sentado. Fro que baja o sube por
la espalda.
** 21- Neuritis o neuralgias en los muones de los amputados, neuritis traumticas por
heridas antiguas. Ulceras en el taln o rozaduras por friccin del calzado; ampollas.
Panadizos en los dedos, peor en el pulgar, con linfangitis hasta el brazo, con dolores
periungueales intensos, desesperantes. Temblor en las manos al escribir. Sudor en las
palmas. Debilidad en la cadera, que le impide el coito. Flebitis. Gangrena senil.
22- Se despierta a las 2 a.m. Suea con agua, batallas, precipicios, tormentas.
El resfro se extiende a los bronquios, con abundante secrecin de mucus; tos con
muchos rales (Chelidonium).
Modalidades: < durante la primera parte de la noche y en una habitacin caliente; > al
aire libre (el coriza).
Cualquiera que haya cortado una cebolla cruda para la cocina conoce sus efectos
sobre los ojos y la nariz: irritacin que provoca violentos estornudos y lagrimeo. Entonces, si
la ley homeoptica de la curacin es verdadera, este debera ser un buen remedio del coriza y,
en efecto, lo es; pero, como en cualquier otro remedio, cura la forma peculiar y caracterstica
de la enfermedad que le es propia.
Allium cepa, o cepa vulgaris, o cebolla, es una hortaliza de la familia de las Liliceas, lo
suficientemente conocida por lo que no se necesita mejor descripcin.
A) Lateralidad
B) Agravacin
C) Mejora
Ojos enrojecidos, hinchados, arden con PROFUSO LAGRIMEO pero SIN IRRITACIN,
Aparato digestivo
Aparato respiratorio
1) NARIZ: ALL. CEPA es empleado principalmente en los resfros que comienzan por
coriza, luego se inflama la garganta, la laringe y finalmente los grandes bronquios.
Este tipo de resfro, llamado a veces gripe o influenza es provocado por vientos fros
hmedos y penetrantes; a veces hay dolor de cabeza congestivo.
Sensacin de aspereza en la nariz, lagrimeo abundante pero suave, mientras por las fosas
nasales corre un lquido acuoso sumamente irritante, con muchos estornudos. Esta
sensacin de aspereza gana rpidamente la garganta, la laringe, el pecho y al cabo de 24
hs se presenta una tos desgarrante excitada por una sensacin de picazn en la laringe,
principalmente cuando el paciente est acostado por la noche en una habitacin caliente.
Es asombroso lo rpido que ALL. CEPA destruir este catarro (Kent).
Coriza con secrecin que comienza con muchos ESTORNUDOS; luego aparece secrecin
acuosa constante, goteando de la nariz, ardiente como fuego, excoriando el labio superior
y los bordes nasales, mientras el lagrimeo ocular es suave (EUPHRASIA es lo contrario);
al mismo tiempo la congestin de la mucosa nasal es tal que el paciente experimenta
sensacin de latidos y ardor; siente adems dolores en los maxilares, toda la cara y hasta
la cabeza; los ojos no pueden tolerar la luz. En fin, la coriza comienza en la fosa nasal
izquierda para en seguida pasar a la derecha y el enfermo se siente afiebrado, ardiente,
Catarro con fiebre de heno; en la poca propicia el coriza comienza con estornudos matinales
violentos y GRAN SENSIBILIDAD AL OLOR DE LAS FLORES. All. cepa podr no
curar radicalmente la enfermedad, har desaparecer en cambio los sntomas
desagradables de la misma. La crisis primaveral anual debe considerarse como la
eclosin de una enfermedad crnica. En este caso, el tratamiento del mal crnico deber
comenzar una vez desaparecida la fiebre de heno y el catarro. En este perodo puede
atacarse con xito y constitucionalmente la enfermedad, en cuyo transcurso se notarn
crisis y sntomas bien diferentes a los del estado agudo (Kent).
Tos ronca, resonante, espasmdica, excitada por picazn larngea. La tos produce dolores
larngeos tan agudos que el paciente hace esfuerzos por contenerla. Sensacin de que la
tos le desgarra la garganta.
Coqueluche con sensibilidad dolorosa de laringe; el nio se agita y teme toser por los dolores
que le causa. A veces esta coqueluche viene acompaada de trastornos gstricos :
vmitos, flatulencia; el nio emite gases ofensivos y se dobla en dos por el clico (Kent).
As como el aire fro aumenta la tos y la dificultad para respirar, el calor aumenta la picazn
y el dolor y provoca tambin tos.
Espalda y extremidades
Neuritis traumtica del tipo encontrado en un mun despus de una amputacin : dolores
insoportables que agotan las fuerzas del paciente (Kent).
No es extrao que las damas antiguas acostumbraran aplicarse cebollas en los odos para
mitigar esos dolores y alrededor del cuello para dolor de garganta. La cebolla est
indicada muy frecuentemente en casi todos los climas para los efectos del fro. Est
indicada en la coriza, gripe, influenza, producidos por vientos hmedos y fros y
usualmente hay una cefalalgia de origen congestivo. Excoriacin de la nariz y lagrimeo
acuoso, suave siempre; secrecin copiosa, acuosa, de la nariz que siempre tiene
excoriaciones. Irritacin de la laringe y de la garganta que se extiende al pecho.
Irritacin de la nariz. En 94 horas alcanza a la laringe. Tos provocada por el cosquilleo
en la laringe y cuando esta acostado de noche en una habitacin clida. Al ir a la cama
de noche tiene Allium la mayor agravacin del malestar. He odo describir por algunos
pacientes los dolores de la laringe al toser, diciendo que sintieron como si un gancho
desgarrase la garganta cada vez que tosa.
Laceracin en la laringe a cada acceso de tos. Estornudos e irritacin de todas las mucosas
y esa tos lancinante, con todos los sntomas empeorando en una habitacin clida y por
la tarde; es sorprendente de cmo la cebolla mejora ese "resfro". Ahora consideraremos
las particularidades de la coriza. Entre los primeros sntomas se observarn los
estornudos, que aparecen con creciente frecuencia. Gotas ardientes de la nariz fluyen,
queman como fuego, y producen excoriacin en el labio superior y las alas de la nariz
hasta que estn rojas e irritadas. El fluido nasal es excoriativo y el de los ojos suave.
Tngase en la mente, que cuando estudiamos Euphrasia encontraremos justamente lo
opuesto. Hallaremos exactamente una secrecin similar acuosa de la nariz y un copioso
lagrimeo; pero las lgrimas son acres y las destilaciones de la nariz suaves. La
destilacin nasal de Cepa justamente corroe hasta los pelos del labio superior. Y hay
tanta congestin que el paciente tiene una sensacin de plenitud en la nariz, con
palpitaciones y ardor, y algunas veces epistaxis. Dolores en las mandbulas, en la cara;
y estas molestias se extienden a la cabeza. Dolores de cabeza frontales, embotantes, y
dolores en el occipucio; las cefaleas muy graves y los ojos no pueden afrontar la luz:
dolores lacerantes, con palpitaciones como si la cabeza se fuera a partir.
Ahora hay otra fase de este medicamento. No se bien por qu los sntomas comienzan del
lado izquierdo y marchan hacia la derecha, pero es usual que ello suceda as. Hay una
replecin de la nariz, descarga acuosa, acre desde el lado izquierdo y en 24 horas se
invade el lado derecho. "Secrecin nasal profusa". Los resfros despus de los vientos
hmedos del nordeste". Esto es, despus de los vientos fros, hmedos, que pueden
soplar desde diferentes direcciones en diferentes localidades. Coriza fluida con cefalea,
lagrimeo, prdida de apetito, tos y temblor al aire libre". "Cada ao en agosto, coriza
matinal, con estornudos violentos, y mucha sensibilidad al perfume de las flores y al
tacto de la piel de los duraznos. Esta es una forma de la fiebre de heno que cura muy
bien Allium cepa. Eliminar un ataque de fiebre de heno en pocos das si los sntomas
concuerdan. Ud. puede saber que la verdadera naturaleza de la fiebre de heno no se ha
entendido generalmente. Se trata solamente de una explosin de una enfermedad
crnica, esto es, es una manifestacin de psora y puede ser erradicada por un
tratamiento antipsrico. Muchas veces he visto fiebre de heno eliminada en una
estacin por Allilum que es un medicamento de accin transitoria, pero que vuelve en
la prxima, exactamente en la misma forma, y tal vez se necesita otro remedio para
evitar el ataque. Tan pronto como se detiene la fiebre de heno Ud. debe comenzar con
un tratamiento constitucional. Habr sntomas, si Ud. sabe como captarlos, que difieren
en conjunto de los del ataque agudo. Cuando est la fiebre de heno, estos sntomas no
aparecen. Es difcil encontrar un remedio constitucional cuando la fiebre de heno est
en su apogeo, por su semejanza con una enfermedad aguda; pero es una manifestacin
de psora, a semejanza de otras manifestaciones como erupciones, tos, etc. La nariz
puede manifestar solamente una cierta fase de la enfermedad crnica en una temporada
que puede ser adecuada a Allium cepa. Yo recuerdo en que tuve oportunidad de
prescribir Allium cepa a larga distancia. Fue cerca de una farmacia homeoptica.
Cablegrafi al farmacutico para que enve Allium cepa a mi paciente, y l as lo rotul.
Mi paciente guard la botella y la us en la estacin siguiente, pero no le hizo bien.
Este es precisamente el caso, incluso cuando los sntomas parecen concordar. En una
dolencia psrica es insuficiente un medicamento de efectos transitorios; puede ayudar
por un da solamente y debe administrarse el remedio de accin profunda que abarca al
paciente tanto como a la fiebre de heno y a todos los otros sntomas. El mejor momento
para tratar la fiebre de heno es cuando desaparece el ataque agudo y hasta cuando se
inicia otra vez en la prxima estacin. Puede suceder segn una forma muy modificada,
diferente de cualquiera que el paciente haya tenido nunca, y requiere un remedio
distinto .
Asimismo, tambin como a los sntomas oculares que acompaan a los fros de Allium
cepa. Recuerde que cuando las lgrimas son suaves, no obstante el ardor en los ojos las
lgrimas no producen excoriacin cuando fluyen hacia abajo por las mejillas. Lagrimeo
profuso, suave, por la tarde en una habitacin clida.
He aqu una hermosa y buena descripcin de los Sntomas Gua: "Tos espasmdica, ronca,
spera, excitada por el cosquilleo constante en la laringe; que produce un dolor spero
desgarrante en la laringe, tan agudo y tan grave como para compeler al paciente a estar
encogido por el sufrimiento, y para realizar cualquier esfuerzo para suprimir la tos".
"Tos larngea grave que lleva al paciente a manotear la laringe; siente como si la tos
fuera a desgarrarla. Esto es totalmente diferente al estado Aconitum, cuando el nio
despus de estar expuesto a un viento fro y seco, se despierta antes de la medianoche
con una tos perruna, ronca y se agarra la laringe. As Aconitum no puede reemplazar a
Allium cepa.
Otra afeccin sobre la cual este medicamento tiene un poder maravilloso es la neuritis
traumtica, encontrada a menudo despus de una amputacin con el mun. El dolor es
casi intolerable, terminando pronto con las fuerzas del paciente.
Cebolla roja. Cepa. Common red onion. O.N. Liliaceae. Tintura de la cebolla; o de toda la
planta fresca recogida de Julio a Agosto.
Clnica.- Ano, fisura de. Ascitis. Catarro. Coryza. Diarrea. Fiebre amarilla. Fiebre de Heno.
Hernia. Influenza. Laringitis. Neumona. Panadizo. Parlisis facial. Pies, rozaduras
fciles. Resfro. Tos. Tos ferina. Traumatismos.
Caractersticas.- Allium cepa cubre ms sntomas del resfro comn que cualquier otro
medicamento, as como el bien conocido efecto de la cebolla en producir las lgrimas,
es lo que lo sugiere. Curar una gran proporcin de casos de catarros, pero el estado
que ms particularmente lo indica es: Tos, o resfro, o cefalea < en cuarto caluroso, > al
aire libre, < otra vez al regresar a un cuarto caluroso. Causa ardor de prpados, nariz,
boca, garganta, vejiga, piel. Inflamacin y aumento de secrecin de membranas
mucosas: dolores neurlgicos como un hilo largo; en cara, cabeza, cuello y donde sea;
< anochecer; de lo profundo del odo dentro de la cabeza. La odontalgia de Cepa es >
por aire fro o lavarse con agua fra. Se adapta a neuritis traumtica. Lastimaduras que
no cicatriza. Los pies son fcilmente rozados por caminar. Era recomendado por
Dioscorides como un remedio para estos estados, y homeopticamente se ha
confirmado su observacin. Deseo por cebollas crudas, es una indicacin para l.
Dolores filiformes son comunes en varias partes y son caractersticos de Cepa. Dolores
filamentosos en la cara. Parlisis facial izquierda se han curado por Cepa. La tos de
Cepa est causada por cosquilleo en laringe; constante deseo de carraspear para
mejorarlo. Ha curado catarros violentos de la laringe; tos ronca con sensacin como si
se separara y desgarrara la laringe, causando lagrimeo. Tos por inhalar aire fro. Cepa
tiene bostezo y somnolencia. Una cebolla cruda comida antes de acostarse es un
remedio popular para el insomnio. Cepa es un medicamento del lado izquierdo,
primariamente. Sntomas van del lado izquierdo al derecho. Ojo izquierdo; parlisis
facial izquierda; anillo inguinal izquierdo. Reposo <; movimiento >. < en la tarde y
anochecer; cuando est acostado. Tiempo y vientos hmedos fros causan resfros y
odontalgias. Pero agua fra y aire libre >; cuarto caluroso <. Limpiarse con palillo o
chuparse los dientes > la odontalgia. Ojos sensibles al tacto.
Relaciones.- Comparar : Al. sat., Alo., Conval., Lil. tig., Scilla (Botan.); Antdotado por:
Arn. (odontalgia); Cham. (dolores abdominales); Nux v. (coriza recurrente en Agosto);
Verat. (clico con desaliento); Thuja (aliento ftido y diarrea despus de comer
cebollas). Caf tostado quitar el aliento de la cebolla. En plipos, seguido por Calc. c.
y Silic. Incompatible: All. sat., Alo., Scilla. Complementario : Phos., Puls., Sars., Thuj.
Comparar tambin: Aco., Chlorum, Ipec., Lach (izquierda a derecha).
Cebolla liliceas
Inflamacin catarral aguda de las membranas mucosas con aumento de secrecin.
Dolor de cabeza catarral, obtuso, con coriza; se empeora al anochecer; volviendo a una
habitacin caliente (comprese con Euph., Puls.), mejora al aire libre.
El dolor de cabeza cesa durante la menstruacin; vuelve al desaparecer sta (Lach., Zinc.).
Ojos: ardor, picazn, escozor, como causado por el humo; necesita restregrselos;
lacrimosos y enrojecidos; capilares inyectados y excesivo lacrimeo.
Coriza: secrecin nasal abundante, acre, lquida, con lacrimeo profuso, (coriza profuso
lleno de lgrimas acres, con coriza blanda y fluente Euph.).
Secrecin acre, liquida, que gotea de la punta de la nariz (Ars., Ars. iod.).
Coriza de la primavera; despus de recibir un aire hmedo del noroeste; la secrecin
quema y corroe el labio superior.
Fiebre de heno; cada ao en agosto; estornudos violentos al levantarse de la cama, por
manejar duraznos.
Plipos nasales (Mar. v., Sang, nit., Psor.).
Laringitis catarral; la tos obliga al paciente a agarrrse la garganta con la mano; parece
como si la tos le desgarrase la laringe.
Clico: por resfro producido por humedecerse los pies, por comer demasiado; por comer
pepinos, ensaladas; clico hemorroidal; clico de los nios, aumenta estando sentado,
disminuye movindose.
Dolores neurlgicos como un hilo largo; en la cara, cabeza, cuello y pecho.
Neuritis crnica de origen traumtico; neuralgia del mun despus de una amputacin,
ardorosa y de punzada.
Panadizo; con rayas rojas en el brazo; los dolores causan desesperacin; en los primeros
das del puerperio.
Manchas doloridas y desolladas en los pies, sobre todo en los talones, ocasionadas por la
friccin; eficaz cuando los pies estn doloridos por el frotamiento.-Dioscorides.
Flebitis puerperal; despus del uso de forceps en el parto.
-Es complementario de Phos., Puls., Thuja.
Compatible antes de Cal., Sil, en el plipo.
Semejante: a Euph., pero el coriza y lacrimeo son opuestos.
Malos resultados provenidos de humedecerse (Rhus.).
- Muy marcada al anochecer y en una habitacin caliente (Puls.-al aire libre Euph.).
- En una habitacin fra y al aire libre (Puls.).
Este remedio presenta un cuadro de coriza, con secrecin nasal acre y sntomas larngeos,
secrecin de los ojos blanda; resfriados del cantante, peor en una habitacin caliente al
anochecer; mejor al aire libre
Corresponde especialmente a pacientes flemticos; resfriados en tiempo fro hmedo
Dolores neurlgicos, como un alambre delgado, que sigue a las amputaciones o lesiones en
los nervios
Neuritis crnica traumtica
Ardor en la nariz, boca, garganta, vejiga y piel
Sensacin de calor radiante en diferentes partes del cuerpo.
Cefalea catarral, principalmente en la frente; peor en una habitacin caliente, hacia el
Dolores como alambres en la cara
La cefalea cesa durante la menstruacin; vuelve cuando el flujo desaparece.
Lagrimeo muy ardoroso con escozor
Sensibles a la luz
Ojos acuosos y baados de lgrimas; lagrimeo profuso, blando, mejor al aire libre
Ardor en los prpados.
Otalgia, dolor punzante en la trompa de Eustaquio.
Estornudos, especialmente cuando entra en una habitacin caliente
Secrecin extremadamente acre, copiosa, acuosa
Sensacin de una bola en la raz de la nariz
Rinitis alrgica. [Sabad., Sil., Psor.]
Coriza fluente con cefalea, tos y ronquera
Hambre canina
Dolor en la regin pilrica
Borborigmos; flatos ofensivos
Dolores en hipocondrio izquierdo
Clico al sentarse, al moverse.
Diarrea con gases muy ofensivos
Punzadas en el recto; prurito y fisuras en el ano
Calor radiante en el recto.
Sensacin de debilidad en la vejiga y uretra
Aumento de la secrecin de orina con coriza
Orina roja con mucha presin y ardor en la uretra.
Tos seca al inspirar aire fro
Cosquilleo en la laringe
Sensacin como si la laringe se partiera o desgarrara
Respiracin oprimida por presin en la mitad del trax
Sensacin de constriccin en la regin de la epiglotis
Dolor que se extiende al odo.
Articulaciones dbiles
Ulceras en los talones.
Afecciones dolorosas en los dedos cerca de las uas
Neuralgia de los muones
Malos efectos por mojarse los pies
Las extremidades, especialmente los brazos, las siente adoloridas y cansadas.
Bostezo con cefalea y somnolencia
Boca abierta en sueo profundo
Despierta a las 2 a.m.
Peor al anochecer, en una habitacin caliente
Mejor al aire libre, y en una habitacin fra.
Comparar: Gels., Euphr., Kali iod., Acon., Ipec.
Phosp., Thuja, Puls.
Arn., Cham., Verat.
Tercera potencia.
Por la tarde, en una habitacin caliente.
Al aire libre y en una pieza fra.
Cefalalgia con coriza que se agrava por la noche y en una habitacin caliente; mejora al
aire libre. La cefalalgia se suspende durante las reglas para reaparecer despus* (Lach.,
Ojos rojos con dolores punzantes y ardorosos. Fotofobia. Lagrimeo abundante, NO
IRRITANTE, que se agrava del lado izquierdo y en una pieza caliente y se mejora al aire
Dolor intenso en el odo y la trompa de Eustaquio. Otalgia en los nios (Cham. Puls.).
Dolor intenso en la garganta que se extiende a los odos, sobre todo al derecho.
Hambre canina que desaparece tan pronto se empieza a comer. Eructaciones y nuseas.
Clicos flatulentos que comienzan en la regin heptica y se extienden a todo el abdomen,
ms marcados alrededor del ombligo, agravndose por estar sentado y mejorando por el
movimiento y la expulsin de gas. Clicos despus de haber tenido un resfro, despus de
haber ingerido pepinos o ensaladas.
Coriza despus de haberse expuesto al viento hmedo del noroeste. (Aire seco y fro :
Acon.); escurrimiento abundante, acuoso, EXCOREA LA NARIZ Y EL LABIO
SUPERIOR, se acompaa de lagrimeo abundante no excoriante. Coriza que se agrava por
la noche y al entrar en una habitacin caliente, mejora al aire libre. ESTORNUDOS MUY
Escurrimiento nasal que fluye gota a gota, es acuoso y excoriante (Ars. alb. y Ars. iod.).
Coriza peridica, que se presenta cada ao en agosto, con estornudos violentos por la
maana, al dejar la cama y que se agravan por olor de flores o melocotones.
Afona con tos seca, quebradiza, espasmdica, provocada por un cosquilleo larngeo, que
se agrava por aspirar el aire fro (Brom.), y en una habitacin caliente. El dolor larngeo al
toser es tan vivo que el enfermo se pone una mano en su cuello al comenzar a toser.
Dolores neurlgicos, poco extendidos, filiformes, en la cara, cabeza, nuca y pecho que se
agravan por la noche y en una pieza caliente.
Clicos. Coriza. Gripa. Neuralgias traumticas. Neuralgias de los muones despus de una
amputacin. Otitis. Plipos de la nariz. Fiebre de heno. Escarlatina. Traquetis.
Euphrasia (coriza benigna, lagrimeo excoriante que se agrava al aire libre). Chamomilla,
Pulsatilla (dolores abdominales). Nux. vom., Sabadilla, Psorinum (fiebre de heno). Thuja
(diarrea despus de haber comido cebollas)
Complementario: Sulphur.
6a, 30a.
Allium cepa(Allen)
- To mandragora we may join the excessive use of garlic, onions, and leeks, because all
physicians consider them very injurious, as occasioning deeply corrupted, malignant
humidity, which inflame the blood, injure the eyes, the head, the brain, and stomach,
predisposing to lethargy, sopor, somnolency, vertigo, epilepsy, and indeed insanity, [a10].
- Onions go to the head with their acridity, and injure the brain, and if one eats too much of
them they can indeed cause insanity and madness, [a10].
- If many are eaten raw, they make a person foolish by reason of their aromas which mount
into the head, [a10].
- If too many are eaten, the onion-juice takes away the senses, by reason of its great heat
and acridity, and greatly injures the stomach, [a10].
- I find something injurious in the onion, and consider the opinion of causes disturbances
of the brain, [a10].
- Inexpressible anxiety, turning himself hither and thither full of despair, with severe colic,
- Pains, with sore fingers, make him frantic, 0.
- * Very melancholy, with catarrh, 0.
- In the afternoon, after wine and coffee, he was completely confused and absentminded by
much business, forgot and twisted everything in the utmost confusion (the fourth day),
- He makes mistakes in spelling a foreign language, [_a1].
- Apathetic, mornings, [a6].
- Working people take in the morning onions with bread and salt for the bad air, as they do
treacle, but idlers are made foolish, melancholy, and sleepy by it use, [a10].
- Cardanus affirms that even the offspring of those who eat onions freely are disposed to
insanity, [a10]. 0
- * Confusion of the head, [a4]; with coryza, 0.
- Vertigo, etc., [a10]; (on rising up, 0).
- Head confused especially in the forehead, after renewed eructations, [a8].
- Confusion of the head after it had risen up from the stomach into the throat, [a4].
- Pain in both sides of the occiput, and a dull confusion from the crown backward and
downward in the regions "conscientiousness" and "love of approbation;" continued the
whole forenoon; went away in the evening after drinking beer, [_a1].
- Confusion in the occiput, first on both sides and towards the upper part, pressing down
sideways, then behind the ears around the whole occiput (after one hour), [_a1].
- Pressure and confusion in the upper part of the occiput in the regions "conscientiousness,
" "love of approbation, " and "caution, " the whole evening; better in the open air, worse on
returning to the warm room (first day), [_a1].
- Headache, [a10].
- But those in whom they produce headache should avoid them, [a10].
- Make a decoction of leeks in water and bathe the head in it, for headache, [a10].
- Raw, they are very injurious to the head and to the eyes, [a10].
- They frequently excite headache in inflammatory constitutions, [a10].
- They afflict the head and eyes, hence they should be avoided by those who study, and
have a humid, weak head, sight, and hearing, [a10].
- If eaten too much, they cause headache, [a10].
- * Headache, better in the open air, [a6].
- * Headache, worse on return to the warm room, [_a1], etc.
- * Headache in the room, evenings, with coryza, [a6].
- * Headache, with coryza, [a6]
- * Headache and coryza, worse evenings (fourth day), [a6].
- * Severe headache, with slight coryza, 0.
- Headache and gastric troubles, [a10].
- Headache and yawning, [a7].
- The whole head became hot (after cutting onions), [_a1].
- Heat of the head, [_a1]
- heat and heaviness of the head, lasting from the forenoon till near evening; after cutting
onions, [_a1].
- The head is full and heavy, [_a1].
- Fulness and heaviness in the head, as if were bound up, with flickering of the eyes, [_a1].
- Like electric shocks through the head, [a6].
- Aching of the head, [_a3].
- Dulness in the head, with some coryza and lachrymations, in the evening on cutting
onions, [_a1].
- Dulness in the forehead and whole head, as after inhaling chloroform, [_a1].
- Dull, oppressive pain in the head, [a7].
- Heaviness in the head, [_a3].
- Oppressive headache over the eyes, frequently going through the head like an electric
shock (the first day), [a6].
- * Pain in the forehead, with catarrh, o.
- Stitches, as of needles, in the forehead, [a7].
- Stitches over the whole left forehead, externally; they draw into the ear, the upper jaw,
and the teeth of the same side (immediately after taking it); evenings, [a11].
- Pains deep in the head over the left brow (after one hour), [_a1].
- Headache the next morning, especially in both temples, [_a1].
- * Pains in both temples, most severe in the right, aggravated by winking, afterward the
pain extends over the head, worse on the left side, [a12].
- As if swollen and heavy on the crown, [_a1].
- * Pain left of the crown (after seventy minutes), [_a1].
- Headache, from both sides of the head, downward and inward toward the middle(after ten
minutes), [_a1].
- Tingling pain behind the left mastoid process, [a12].
- Headache in the region of the organ of "concentration, "[_a3].
- Pains deep in the head, sticking to the ear, [_a1].
- Headache, first in the occiput, then in the forepart on the right side over the eye, [_a1].
- Headache on both sides of the occiput, afterwards in only two large round places in the
upper posterior part of the head, in the region "love of approbation;" still later, a general and
humming sensation of the part being asleep, [_a1].
- The pressure in the upper part of the occiput in the evening, became about eleven o'clock
a sensation of being asleep; on touching it, he first noticed it was not in the scalp, but as if
in the bone, [_a1].
- With pressive headache is the sensation, as if the whole head externally were wrapped up
in warm water, [a6].O0 For alopecia, Hippocrates directed the spots to be rubbed with
onions, [a10].
- (The hair is made to grow by anointing the bald spots with onions, 0[_a1].
- (It promotes the growth of hair in baldness better than Alcyonium, 0[a10]).
- It may be used externally for making the hair grow, anointing the shaven head with it; the
juice also makes the hair grow, 0[a10].)
- (For promoting the growth of the hair, the head is washed at evening with French brandy
which has stood over freshly cut onions, 0[a10].
- (Bald spots are to be rubbed with a cut onion till they are red, to make the hair grow,
- (Blue-eyed, [a0, a10. ])
- (The eyes are no longer watery and dim; the sixth day.
- They have their natural lustre; the seventh day, [ , a6. ])
- * It causes biting in the eyes, irritates to tears (an undoubted action of onion), [_a1].
- At evening, on cutting up onions, there was a continual dropping from the eyes, then they
become painful, [_a1].
- Pungent smell, biting, and weeping of the eyes, and sneezing, after taking it, [_a3].
- * Causes lachrymation, [a13].
- (The juice represses the excessive lachrymation, [ , a10].
- The eyes water after a few hours (first day), [a6].
- The left eye pains the next morning; fine stitches in it; after cutting the onions in the
evening, [_a1].
- * The lachrymation of the left eye, with coryza, was much greater, the eye was much
redder, and more sensitive to the light than the right (first day), [a6].
- * Excessive lachrymation of the left eye, with redness of the eyeball, after frequent
sneezing (third day), [a6].
- * The lachrymation is for the most part in the evening, in the warm room; the left eye
weeps more, and also is more sensitive to the light, [a6].
- * Watering of the eyes and nose, [_a3].
- * Lachrymation, with coryza, [a6].
- * Lachrymation (not excoriating), with coryza, o.
- Burning in the outside of the right upper lid (after three minutes), [_a1].
- Burning in the lids, [a8].
- As if there were smoke in the eyes under the upper lids, mostly in the night (the first day),
- Redness of the lids, with catarrh, o.
- After drinking coffee, an irritation on the left upper lid, which necessitates frequent
rubbing; worse in the warm room, disappearing in the open air (the first day, and morning
of the second), [a6].
- Irritation of the left upper lid reappears very strikingly after the thirtieth, [a6].
- Itching in the supraorbital region, more on the left side (after one hour), [_a1].
- Burning itching in the brows, the supraorbital region, and the upper lids; evening of the
first day, [_a1].
- Heat in the left eyebrow, [a12].
- Needle-stitches in the brows, [a8].
- Pressive pain over the right eye (after twenty minutes), [_a1].
- Feeling of heaviness over both eyes and in the forehead; after a few minutes, lasting two
hours, [a14].
- Pains in the eyes as if they would be torn out, as if the eye hung loose posteriorly, on a
string, and could be bored into with the fingers and torn out, [_a1].
- Drawing pains in the left cheek, going into the interior of the left eye; better in the cold
air (the second day), [a6].
- Pain over the right eye to the root of the nose, [a7].
- (Pain from the cheeks into the left eye, [a6].)
- (Commencing ecchymoses in the eyes, [ , a10].)
- (Ulcers, spots in the eyes, [ , a10].)
- (Irritant affections of the eyes, used with ashes, [ , a10].)
- (A stye is to be rubbed with a piece of raw onion, [ , a10].)
- * (Swelling of the lids and around the eye, with coryza, o.)
- On becoming sleepy while reading, the letters appear to him very small (soon after the
second dose), [_a1].
- Flickering and blinding before the eyes; everything dances hither and thither; therewith
fulness and heaviness in the head, as if bound up; the whole head becomes hot, and feels
swollen and heavy on the vertex, together with so much general weakness that she must lie
down; after cutting onions, [_a1].
- A bright dazzling in the distance, and dimness near by, [a7].
- The eyes are sensitive to the light, particularly the left, [a6].
- Cloudy sight by candlelight, [_a3].
- Pecking behind the right ear (after one minute), [_a1].
- Pains moving from deep within the head to the ears, like thick threads, about a finger in
length, remaining in particular spots, from a pea to a hazel-nut in size (after fifty minutes),
- Pain behind the ears deep within the head, from backward and inward to the ears; a
sensation entirely new and peculiar to him (after one hour), [_a1].
- Stitches drawing from the left forehead into the ear, [a11].
- Under the left ear a hard swelling the size of a hazel-nut, extending from over the angle of
the lower jaw to the ear, from which pains go into the ear, especially on pressure, [_a1].
- A painful sensation from the throat to the ears (after five minutes), [_a1].
- Chilling, or burning twitching on the right side of the throat in the region of the
Eustachian tube, then above it a kind of gnawing; neither painful (after one hour), [_a1].
- Pains in the throat drawing into the right ear, [a7].
- The ears, the throat, especially about the root of the tongue, were decidedly affected
(fifteen minutes after the second dose), [_a1].
- Stitches through the right car the next morning, [_a1, _a2].
- (Dropped into the ears, it removes the pains, as well as the roaring and ringing, [ , a10].)
- (The heart of the onion is to be put into the ears for tearing in the ears, [ , a10].)
- Ringing in the ears now and then; also soft, in both ears, as from sounds far distant
(mostly in the right ear, from which he hears (fourth to seventh day), [_a1].
- Humming in the ears on lying down, [_a1, _a2].
- Roaring in the left car, as heretofore only after a severe cold; afternoon of the first day,
- Pain from over the right eye into the root of the nose, [a7].
- (Mixed with vinegar and put into the nose, it stops the bleeding, which the simple smell
of the onion also does, [ , a10].)
- (For nose-bleed, put onions on the neck, [a0, a10].)
- * At evening, walking in the street, increased dropping from the nose, quite unusual, from
both nostrils, without the sensation of coryza (first day), [_a1].
- * Copious watery discharge from the nose, and watering of eyes, [a0, _a3].
- * (Discharge of ichorous fluid from the nose in convalescing scarlet fever, [ , _a3].
- Crawling in the right nostril, as before sneezing; must frequently blow thin mucus out of
the nose; one hour after one drop of the third (forenoon), [a5].
- * Frequent sneezing in the evening when he comes into a warm room (second day), [a6].
- * Sneezing, [_a3].
- Since collecting onions in the harvest, four years before, a brother and sister, each in the
thirtieth year, experienced for the first time a coryza, recurring at the same time each year,
and continuing to the three weeks; they would sneeze severely twenty to thirty times every
morning, and were obliged to avoid peaches on account of their rough skin, as well as all
flowering trees and plants (Nux vom. relieved very greatly, but still other medicines had to
be administered), [a15].
- The most violent sneezing, as if she would be torn to pieces, as soon as she steps out of
bed, [a16].
- In the evening, after drinking beer and eating herring, excessive thirst; heat and severe
coryza, with much lachrymation, headache; acrid burning discharge from the nose, so that
the upper lip became red and sensitive (first day), [a6].
- Nasal discharge and headache, better in the open air, the first day; not so severe the next
morning; at evening, worse in the room, distinctly relieved as soon as he goes into the open
air, the second day; on awaking, very slight the third day; after repeating the dose, more
severe, [a6].
- Much irritation in the right nostril, soreness of the nose, sneezing, lachrymation, morning
of the fourth and fifth days, with headache, [a6].
- Some soreness of the nose yet (the eight day), [a6].
- Coryza, at times with stoppage, that she speaks "through the nose;" at times with profuse
mucous discharge, [a16].
- * With coryza, trembling of the hands at evening, [a6].
- * Acrid discharge from the left nostril, [o].
- (After rapid alternations of cold and warm days, in November, 1852, a young lady
complained that she had suffered for a few days from coryza; worse every evening.
- Water ran profusely from the nose, she sneezed frequently, her head was confused, the
lids and about the eyes were swollen, much lachrymation (not acrid, as in euphrasia),
frequent cough, tension in the upper part of the chest, loss of appetite.
- She took Cepa[a30] in the evening, slept the whole night, was quite well the following
day, and remained so (Lippe), [o].)
- (The nose is humid, with slight coryza, but with severe pain in the forehead, which this
time was not relieved by lying down, as is usually the case with her coryzas.
- In a woman, 50 years old; better in the evening, [o].)
- (Fluent coryza, dropping clear water (on the right side, as usual with him); had not only
lasted twelve hours, as customary, but many days, in spite of cold bathing; it disappeared
within a few hours after Cepa, [o].
- Expression of anxiety and despair with pain in the abdomen, [a10].
- Pain in the right upper jaw like a thread in a nerve, which goes from above downwards,
from the median line to the side, deep with the bone, at evening, the first day, [_a1].
- The pain in the right upper jaw on lying down in the evening, extends on the morning of
the second day, from the nose outward and downward, [_a1].
- Drawing stitches from the left forehead into the upper jaw, [a11].
- Severe pains (like neuralgia), from the upper half of the right eye to the root of the nose,
- Drawing pains in the left cheek, extending into the left eye (third day), [a6].
- (Paralysis of the left half of the face, which is also somewhat noticed in the limbs of the
same side, together with altogether too copious secretion of urine, [ , _a3].)
- Spots warmer than usual on the right cheek (after fifty minutes), [_a1].
- Heat, especially in the face, every time after eating onions; several sisters, [_a1].
- Heat of the face in the evening, [a17].
- (Facial erysipelas, [ , _a3].)
- (Parree produced a nettle-rash eruption on the face and on the body,
- Swelling of the cheeks with toothache, [a5].
- The upper lip is red and sensitive from the acrid nasal discharge, [a6].
- Pecking in the two hindermost back teeth (after three minutes), [_a1].
- In the first upper teeth, right side, sensitive drawing from the root to the crown (after
thirty minutes); later, the same feeling in the corresponding teeth on the left side (the first
day), [_a1].
- Pressive toothache in the right upper and lower back teeth, with the inclination to bore the
tongue into and suck them, which relieves, lasting an hour; after travelling against the
northwest wind, the fifth day; again the sixth day, after going against the northwest wind,
- Slight pressure in the right back teeth on going into a warm room.
- At breakfast (with warm cocoa), painful; relieved by cold water (the seventh day), [a5].
- At breakfast, the back teeth pain from eating bread, so that only soft food can be eaten.
- A pressive pain remains for some time afterward.
- Toward noon, the pain disappears on the right side, and settles in the root of the left eye-
tooth; the gum around the root is inflamed; the pain frequently ceases suddenly and
commences in an instant in a right back tooth; in the eye-tooth it is pressive, growling; cold
water, cold in general relieves (the eight day), [a5].
- The pressive toothache comes on after walking against the north wind, is relieved by
poking and sucking with the tongue; is much aggravated on eating warm soup, and
disappears after a swallow of cold water; always the same after repeated experiments, [a5].
- Pressive pain in the root of the left eye-tooth disturbs the sleep, with excessive heat in the
cheeks; towards morning, remission and sweat; the cheeks feel swollen (ninth day), [a5].
- During sleep, feeling as if the back teeth were too long, with some pain; disappears on
rising; two nights, [a5].
- Drawing stitches from the left forehead into the teeth, [a11].
- Immediately after eating onions, raging pain attacks a broken tooth.
- Arnica, high in water, relieved just as speedily, [a15].
- The teeth are a smutty yellow in the morning, they remain so the whole day, in one who
has very white and sound teeth; continues three to five days, [a6].
- The tongue has a foul coat, especially in the morning, on the back part, the third day;
slimy, the fifth day, [a6].
- The tongue is furred the next morning, [a17].
- Dryness at the root of the tongue, on the right side, [a12].
- Mouth and tongue as if scalded, [a17].
- Pains under the tongue; at the lower insertion of the fraenum it is surrounded with a half
circle of small sore elevations, the next morning and the whole day, [_a1].
- The mouth is not as coated in the morning (the second day), [_a1].
- Dryness in the mouth, without thirst, [a17].
- It causes an offensive breath (general experience).
- (Onions remove the bad taste in the mouth, [ , a10].)
- (Onions remove the offensive breath, [ , a10].)
- (The juice is of service in putrid sore mouths, [ , a10].)
- (Antiscorbutic, [ , a10].)
- It has a sweet and aromatic acrid taste, [_a1].
- Sweet and nauseous taste after taking it, and so also on the third day, [a6].
- On awaking, nauseous taste, the third day and morning of the fifth, [a6].
- A sickly-sweet taste, also again, after the thirtieth, though in a less degree, [a6].
- Burning taste, more on the gums and upper part, [_a1].O0 (Loss of taste, [ , a10].)
- The throat was decidedly affected, after fifteen minutes, [_a1].
- * A constrictive pain in the forepart of the throat, low down in the region of the os
hyoides, after five or six minutes; low down posteriorly on the right side, after seven
minutes, [_a1].
- Drawing pain in the left side of the throat, relieved by cold air (second day), [a6].
- Some redness on the back part of the palate on the right side, [_a1, _a2].
- * Pain in the throat extending to the ear, [_a1].
- In the throat and orifice of the Eustachian tube, chilling or burning twitching and
gnawing, not painful, [_a1].
- Heat low in the pharynx, extending into the stomach, [a12].
- * Pain in the throat below the larynx, as after swallowing too large a mouthful, or as if
swollen; the pains extend every little while into the right ear; the whole afternoon, coming
on after midday, ten drops, [_a1, a7].
- In the pharynx, the feeling as if the food remained stuck behind the breast-bone, [a12].
- Throat-ache, as if there was a lump in the throat, which is sore but only on swallowing
and elevating the tongue, the next morning (twenty-four hours), [_a1, _a2].
- (In chronic difficulty of deglutition, like a "ball in the throat, " she brought up a lump of
mucus and was then relieved, [ , _a1].)
- Throat-ache as after taking cold, [a14].
- (Soreness of the throat with catarrh, [ , a6].)
- A sense of nausea extending into the throat, [a4].
- A benumbed feeling in the back part of the throat, persistent (first day), [_a1].
- Great dryness of the soft palate after breakfast, continuing two hours and a half (first
day), [a6].
- With great dryness of both nostrils, considerable thirst; white, frothy, tasteless mucus
collects in the fauces, which is easily expectorated without cough, [a11].
- Dryness in the throat, [a6].
- He hawks up mucus which has a sweetish, nauseous taste, the third day, [a6].
- Toward evening, collection of mucus behind the choanae, [a7].
- In the posterior fauces, in the choanae, and on the posterior surface of the soft palate, a
soft bland mucus constantly collects, which compels one either to swallow or hawk it up;
evening of the first day, [_a1].
- In the morning, a raw feeling in the fauces, with tickling in the region of the epiglottis,
first on the right, then on the left side; together with a sensation of weakness in the stomach,
very annoying hiccough, and uprising of frothy salivary mucus fluid; eructations of wind,
and passage of offensive flatus.
- Therewith, constant inclination to hacking to relieve the tickling in the larynx.
- After breakfast, severe pain in the right ankle, and rumblings in the abdomen (second
day), [_a3].
- (Diminished secretion of mucus in the throat, with chronic catarrh of the fauces, [ , a4].)
- Mucus in the fauces, [_a3].
- (Loss of appetite with coryza, o Lippe.)
- Onions promote an appetite, but if one eats too many they cause a revulsion of the
stomach, [a10].
- The appetite is increased, [a10].
- * The appetite is excited even to canine hunger, [a16].
- They produce an appetite which, however, disappears immediately as soon as he begins
to eat; food is disgusting to him, [a8].
- The priests were forbidden its use because it produced thirst, [a10].
- Onions excite thirst, [a10].
- Thirst excessive, with stomach-ache, [a10].; with tympanitis, [a10].
- * Thirst, with heat, evenings, with coryza, [a15]; after chilliness, [a6]; after flushes of
heat at evening, [a6].
- (Nausea, [ , a10].)
- A horrible deathly nausea in the stomach, with very slight eructations which, however,
relieve somewhat; every day after eating; in one who did not know what she took, [_a1].
- Feeling of nausea after fifteen minutes, [_a1].
- Nausea in the posterior part of the throat, is forced up as with a thrust, after thirty
minutes, [_a1].
- Nausea seems more properly to be seated in the stomach; very soon, [_a1].
- Nausea, [a8].
- Slight warmth in the abdomen and squeamishness, soon after taking it, [a4].
- Squeamishness and slight attacks of nausea from the bowels up into the throat, then slight
confusion of the head; soon, [a4].
- There are some who, smelling onions in a distant kitchen, taste them in their mouth, so
that afterwards everything tastes of them and produces nausea, [_a1].
- (Nausea on becoming erect, o.)
- Frequent eructations; he tastes onions in the afternoon, after taking four drops of the
tincture in the morning, [a6].
- Immediately after eating onions, long-continued eructations, but not after the tincture,
- At evening, eructations of wind; flashes of heat over the whole body, and thirst (the fourth
day), [a6].
- Eructations still incessant on the morning of the fifth day, without repetition of the dose,
- Eructations of wind, [_a3, a8]; with distension of the abdomen, [a6]; with rumblings,
- Slight eructations relieve the horrible nausea in the stomach, [_a1].
- (It stops sour eructations, [ , a10].)
- Even the smell of onions makes her vomit; she cannot swallow the tincture in water; it
came up again, she is so averse to it, [_a1].
- Vomiting frothy, slimy fluid, [_a3].
- Vomiting, and disease which resulted in death, after eating onions, [_a3].
- Annoying hiccough, [_a3].
- Stimulates digestion, [a10].
- Irritates the stomach and promotes digestion; excessive use, however, gives rise to
dyspeptic troubles, [a10].
- Raw onions give rise to injurious secretions in the stomach, thirst, inflammation,
flatulence, and headache, [a10].
- Feeling of emptiness, and drawings back and forth in the stomach, with some pains, [a8].
- Sense of weakness in the stomach, [_a3].
- Pain on the left side of the stomach, [_a1].
- Oft-repeated pressure deep within the epigastrium, as if it were at the orifice of the
stomach, and on the posterior side; evening at ten (the first day), [_a1].
- Dull pain below the breast-bone, more to the right side, on moving in bed; evening at ten
(after five minutes), [a5].
- Pain below the sternum on stooping, morning, [a5].
- Pain in the region of the pylorus, [_a3].
- Pressure in the stomach and fulness in the head, [a8].
- Pressure in the stomach, [a8].
- Pressure in the stomach and yawning, [_a1].
- Heat extending into the stomach, [a12].
- After dinner all the symptoms vanish (after one and a half hours), [_a1].
- After supper the symptoms again disappear as after dinner, the first day, [_a1].
- Distension of the abdomen before dinner, [a5].
- Pain in the bowels, worse after eating, [a6].
- Pressive pain in the hepatic region, which extends through the whole abdomen, [a8].
- The pains seat themselves for some time in the right hypochondrium, with which are cold
shudders down the back, so that he can scarcely get warm; evening at nine (third day), [a6].
- Stitches in the left side, toward evening the first day, morning of the second day, worse on
lying the fourth day, [a6].
- Contractive pain in the left hypochondrium, with the sensation of wind moving about,
- Pain about the navel, an hour after dinner (3 P.M. ), [a12].
- Pain in the umbilical region, [a8].
- The pains in the bowels are most severe while sitting; on moving about there is passage
of flatus and relief to the pains (the first day), [a6].
- Half an hour after drinking coffee, in the afternoon, the pains in the bowels returned more
severe, mostly in the left inguinal region, more pressing than burning, but with heat in the
abdomen (second day), [a6].
- With rumbling in the abdomen, the pains return more severe than before, with passage of
much flatus; morning of the third day after the second dose, [a6].
- Flatulent colic, [a10].
- Pain in the abdomen and shoulder (right half?), [a10].
- Pains in the abdomen, worse every time after eating, [a6].
- Pain in the left side of the abdomen, as though he had punched himself in this place, [a7].
- On walking, a sudden burning or chilling cutting - a pain thin as a thread - in the
hypogastrium, from both sides inward toward the middle and upward (after one hour),
- Burning glow or chilling sensation, as if scattered, with confused feeling in the right side
of the abdomen; thereupon sight passage of half-loud very offensive onion flatus (after an
hour and a half), [_a1].
- A warm or chilling sensation, as if a glow within beat against the abdomen, on the right
side, and over the external and upper part of both thighs; evening of the first day from nine
to ten.
- Repeated later.
- The sensation was as if a glowing heat beat against one, but without the same heat, only
warmth, [_a1].
- Heat in the abdomen, with pain, [a6].
- In pelvic region, internally on right side, above and inside of the groin, very severe
pressure on a small spot; it seems to be on the inside of the pelvic cavity.
- After twenty minutes, like a violent pain on a small spot, deep in the right side of the
pelvis; evenings (first day), [_a1].
- Violent pains, like cuttings with very small knives, with a twisting motion deep in above
the left groin, midway on a line between the symphysis pubis and anterior superior spinous
process of the ilium.
- This pain moves, turning here and there in a small space; never had the like before (fourth
and fifth days), [_a1].
- Pains in the left flank (second day), [a7].
- Burning pressure in region of bladder; soon afterward in the small of the back (1O P.M. ,
first day), [_a1].
- Pressive pains deep in pelvis (in prostate?), [_a1].
- Periodic pains in the public region, worse on sitting (the first day), [a6].
- Sticking and pressive pain in posterior inguinal ring and spermatic cord (immediately),
- (Hernia in left groin protruded and strangulated, o. Lippe.)
- Ate some small onions; in four hours, indefinable anxiety; walk about, and finally, full of
apprehension, throws himself on the bed, and soon gets up again; constant violent pains in
left side of abdomen, more in middle and lower part of abdomen and in region of bladder,
with troubles in urinating, and no stool; violent thirst; in face, expression of anxiety and
doubt; skin hot, especially in the painful and sensitive places; pulse somewhat accelerated,
full, hardish, [a9].
- Woman, 40 years old, after eating cooked onions; the hernia in the left groin much
protruded and strangulated; very severe pains from high up in the left side of the
hypochondrium drew towards the incarcerated hernia; very restless; much fever, etc.; the
hernia returned after a single dose of Aconite [a30], and no farther remedies were necessary
- Pain, drawing from the region of the liver through the whole abdomen, [a7].
- (Colic, gastric, wind and haemorrhoidal colic; in more than twenty cases, by a physician
who was severely attacked on a journey, and without other remedies, seeing a string of
onions hanging up, took (with a Rademacherian intuitive remedial instinct) one of the
largest of the string, and devoured it with true canine hunger, and suddenly is enchanted by
being free from colic, o. Loeffler.)
- (Colic after immoderate eating, o. Loeffler.)
- (Frequent pains in bowels in the summer especially if he has eaten cucumbers, salad, or
the like; this relieves nearly every time, and a second dose is rarely needed, [ , a6].)
- (In colic of children often useful, [ , a6].)
- (Ascites (11 years old); roasted and rubbed in as a salve, with goosegrease;even after
twenty-four hours' use, the water flowed from her by the quart; she became weak, that she
was despaired of, but she rallied, and there was no relapse after six years, [o]. Frank's Mag.)
- Flatulent distension of the abdomen, [a10].
- If too many are eaten, they distend the abdomen and cause flatulency, [a10].
- (Removes flatulency, [ , a10].)
- Make bad blood, afford little nourishment, puff up the abdomen, cause thirst, injure the
bile, [a10].
- Cooked, they become milder and sweeter, but still cause flatulency (Hahnemann).
- Flatulence from raw onions.
- In one woman, raw onions always caused much wind in the stomach, and eructations;
cooked onions, never, [a15].
- Immediately eructations of wind, then confusion of the head, especially in the forehead,
and distension of the abdomen; afterwards urgency to stool, but only passage of wind, with
weak feeling in the limbs, and at evening free expectoration of mucus; the distension of the
abdomen continues till the next day, and ended with a diarrhoea, when all the other
symptoms also disappeared (from fifty drops of tincture several times repeated), [a8].
- Continues eructations, nausea, and pressure in the stomach, with rumbling and gurgling
in the abdomen, especially on the left side, where there is stitching and rumbling, and
urgency to stool, which is ineffectual, [a8].
- Rumbling in the abdomen, with passage of much wind through the anus, preceded by a
sensation of heat and frequent eructations (soon after taking, the first day), [a6].
- Frequent eructations, abdomen distended and painful; relieved every time after passing
wind downwards, with internal heat (first day), [a6].
- Sensation as if the abdomen were much swollen, with sharp pain and rumbling in the
transverse colon, evenings, and sudden urgency to stool, [a12].
- * Rumbling in the bowels, with stomach-ache, [a6]; epigastrium after breakfast, [_a3]; in
left side of lower bowels, [a8].
- The abdomen is distended before dinner, so that the clothes seem too tight (after one
hour), [_a1].
- Lower abdomen very heavy, as if it were pressed upon, before and after standing;
disappeared after bathing (the ninth day), [a5].
- He onionated! (Zwiebelt) (Popular expression); the young people in a mistake"
(Zweifelt), without knowing how analogous the abdominal mistake is to the scientific.
- Both are criticizable (Grimm).
- * Very offensive flatus, [_a3, _a1], and moist, [a6]; mornings, [a4].
- Offensive flatus, with loud passage (after fifty minutes), [_a1].
- Frequent flatus, difficult to pass; evenings (the first day), [_a1].
- Flatus difficult to press out, odorless (the first day), [_a1].
- Frequent passage of flatus at night, [a6].
- Offensive, moist flatus (first day), [a6].
- Frequent passage of flatus without pain, [a8].
- Less passage of wind in the morning and all day; the few passages are (contrary to all
habit) very offensive, [a4].
- Exceptionally little flatus, almost none, in one who is accustomed to pass a great deal
every morning, though he had eaten apples the previous evening according to his custom
(the second and subsequent days); this diminished emission of flatus, mornings, and its
offensive odor, lasted for over a year, after which the flatus was as odorless and abundant as
before, [a4].
- Pain in bowels relieved after passing wind, [a6].
Urinary organs
- Dull pains in right kidney region, and a very uncomfortable feeling of fulness in the
bladder, with frequent urging to urinate (second day), [a7].
- Most violent pains in region of bladder and uterus, [_a3].
- Pressure in the bladder, [_a3].
- Irritability of the bladder, and pain over the kidney region, [_a3].
- Very uncomfortable feeling of fulness in the bladder and urgency to urinate, [a7].
- Pain in region of the bladder and in left side of abdomen, t.
- (Weak feeling in bladder and urethra, [ , _a3].)
- Very pleasant sensation of warmth in the urethra, without erections or sexual desire,
- * Copious urinating (afternoons), [a12].
- Urgency to urinate and feeling of fulness in the bladder, [a7].
- * (Frequent urinating, with catarrh, [ , _a1].)
- * Frequent urinating, with burning in the urethra; the urine very red (second day); all day,
still oftener evenings (third day); especially with shuddering and chilliness, [a6].
- Frequent excessive urging to urinate, with dribble burning discharge, t.
- Is obliged to pass even small amounts of urine; this ceased after a few days, but again
returned and remained a long time, [a4].
- Urinating is more difficult, [a4].
- Iridescent film on the urine in two cases, [_a3].
- Urine very frothy, but clear; the froth remains longer than usual, [a11].
- Very red urine, [a16]; with reddish-yellow, sandy sediment, [_a3].
- (In albuminuria it relieved the frequent urinating, and even diminished the amount of
albumen, [ , _a3].)
- (Pressure with the hand on the bladder increases the child's cries, [ , _a1].
- (Sensitiveness of the bladder and pain in the region of the kidneys, weak feeling of the
bladder and urethra of long duration (cured by six doses), [ , _a3].
- * (Polyuria, [ , _a3].
- (Difficult micturition from spasmodic closure of the bladder, ).
- (Spasmodic strangury after getting the feet and bowels cold, .)
- (Roasted and bound on to the navel; popular remedy.)
- * (Dribbling or spurting urine in old people, [ , _a1].)
Sexual organs
- Increases coition and arouses sexual desire, [a10].
- Increases virility, [a6].
- Increases desire, [a10].
- Mornings on waking, erections with painful tension, without sexual desire (eight, ninth,
and tenth days), [_a1].
- Drawings in right spermatic cord (first day), [a7].
- Pain from inguinal ring along spermatic cord, [_a3].
- Burning in urethra, [a9].
- Burning pain in forepart of the glans, [a8].
- On account of weakness in the hips, he cannot finish coition, even after two or three
repeated attempts (first day), [_a1].
- Pressive pains in bladder and prostate, deep in the pelvis, the next morning and forenoon,
after coitus (fourth, fifth, and sixth days), [_a1].
- Violent pains in uterine region, [_a3].
- Brings on menses, [a10].
- Brings on menses, but not very strong, [a10].
- Juice mixed with wine brings on menses, [a10].
- Shoved into the womb brings on menstruation, [a10].
- Macerated in vinegar it brings on menses, [a10].
Respiratory apparatus
- Tickling in the epiglottis, [_a3].
- Tickling in the larynx, with copious and troublesome collection of mucus in the fauces,
- * Tickling in the throat, with aching in the larynx, [ , _a3].
- * Hoarseness, [_a3].
- (Hoarseness in spring, [ , _a3].
- * Throbbing in larynx, and sensation as if it contracted, [a12].
- Cannot breathe freely evenings; an obstruction in the middle of the chest, in the upper
part, [_a1].
- Asthmatic breathing, as often before, at 11 P.M. , after smoking tobacco, [_a1].
- Oppression of breathing, with ascites, [_a3].
- Relieved asthma and caused copious sweat, [ , _a3].
- * (Pressure in the upper part in the middle of the chest, makes respiration difficult, [ ,
- On deep inspiration, sticking in the left side, [a6].
- * On inspiring cold air hacking cough, [a6].
- Dryness and tickling in the throat, and hacking cough mornings (fourth day), [a6].
- * Constant inclination to hack in order to relieve tickling in the larynx, [_a3].
- (Tickling in the throat and cough, [ , _a3]
- (Short cough, which plagued him very much for a week, [ , _a3].)
- * (Violent catarrh in a boy, after northeast wind and rainy weather, eyes suffused, lids
very red, as from crying and rubbing them; nose dropping, throat sore, and some cough,
[ , _a1].)
- * (A severe cold, frequent sneezing, lachrymation, pain in forehead, acrid discharge from
left nostril, hacking cough on inspiring cold air, cold alternates with heat; no stood for
several days, [ , a6].)
- * (Violent catarrhal laryngitis; the hoarse cough seemed to split and tear the larynx[ ];
cause watering of the eye, etc., [ ].)
- Pain in chest, [a10].
- Pain in the chest, as though the food had remained lodged behind the sternum, [a12].
- Stitches in the left chest with burning pain, [a8].
- * (The sticking pains in the left side are aggravated by every deep inspiration, [ , a6].)
- Sticking pain in various parts of the chest; most in region of cartilages of the fifth and
sixth ribs, [_a3].
- (Flitting pains in chest, [ , _a3].)
- (Tension in upper part of chest, with coryza and cough, [ , _a1].)
Extremities in general
- * In all the limbs, especially on both arms, sore as if it were all scratched off, with tired
feeling therein, [_a1].
- Rheumatic pains in the joints, [_a3].
- Troubles as after taking cold; the next day, pains in all the bones, aching in the throat,
prostration, etc., [a14].
- Restlessness in all the limbs; cannot hold them still, [a17].
- Weak sensation in the limbs, with flatulent troubles, [a8].
- * (Neuralgia of the stump (after amputation), violent burning stringing-pains, [ ].)
Upper extremities
- Pain in shoulder and abdomen, [a10].
- Sweat in axilla, [_a1].
- Weak sensation, especially in the arms, [a8].
- A stitch run through the right arm, from the shoulder-blade to the elbow, with burning
pain, [a8].
- Needle stitches in the arms, [a8].
- Numb sensation in left elbow-joint, worse on slight motion (forenoons), [a5].
- Numb sensation in left elbow-joint, with headache, [a5].
- In right elbow-joint, pain as from a blow, seventh day at noon, [a5].
- Painful affection of the left forearm, especially in the radius on resting on the arm in
writing; evenings (first day), [_a1].
- Pain in the middle of the left radius, disappears on taking hold of it and rubbing, but
returns (second day), [_a1].
- Pains in the right wrist, on the back, and extensor side, evenings (first day), [_a1].
- Lameness in the joints of the left hand, [a8].
- Trembling of right hand, so that he can hardly write, evenings, with coryza (first day),
- Trembling of right hand (also after X again), [a6].
- Dry, red hands, as if he had been in the cold (third day), [a6].
- Pain in left middle finger, [_a3].
- Pain in right fourth and fifth finger (soon), [_a1].
- Voluptuous, corrosive itching, especially on the palmar side of the left thumb, from the
first to second phalanx, not on the ball, lasts all evening, till after 10 P.M. (first day), [_a1].
- Sweat of palm of hand, [_a1].
Lower extremities
- Excessive tired feeling in the region of the hips, late in the evening, on rising from sitting,
on walking, especially on going up steps (first day), [_a1].
- Weakness in the hips, nights, [_a1].
- Bruised pain in left thigh, in lower part on the side, very near the knee (first hour), [_a1].
- Pain, almost burning pressure in upper part of left thigh, toward the outer side (after
seventy minutes), [_a1].
- Pain in left thigh, on the outer side, very near the knee, like the pain in the ankle (one and
a half hours), [_a1].
- Pain on outer side of right thigh, above the knee (one and a half hours, [_a1].
- On the outer side and upper part of both thighs, a glowing sensation, [_a1].
- Nettlerash on both thighs down to the knees, with heat; on rubbing, they itch, and at
upper part, there are hard round pimples; in lower part, marbled spots; after a cold and other
troubles, [ , a14].
- Shooting pains in left leg and right foot, [_a3].
- Paralytic pains in the knee-joint, [a8].
- Stitches in the right knee, as if coming from the bones, from within, extending outward,
in front, [_a1].
- Burning pressure in the middle of the left lower leg, on a small spot externally, then on
the right, just the same, but low down, evenings (first day), [_a1].
- Severe pains in right ankle, mornings, [_a3].
- Pains in left ankle (after one hour), [_a1].
- Burning pains around the left outer ankle, afterward lower down, and a burning pressure
externally, then also internally (after one and a quarter hours), [_a1].
- Pains in the right foot, evenings (first day), [_a1].
- Painful twitching on inner side of left heel, [a7].
- * Pain in the most external soft parts of the right great toe, and also in the left middle
finger, [_a3].
- Violent ticking pain in the metatarsal bones of the left great toe, repeated and becomes
continued; evenings (first day), [_a1].
- (Places on the outside of the left ankle, rubbed sore and inflamed, and very painful,
speedily cured, after other things tried in vain, [ , _a1].)
- Attacks at once the whole body, and causes a shock, with eructations of wind, [a8].
- The whole body is set into a revolution which the prover is not in a condition to describe,
- Such weakness over and over, that she must lie down, [_a1].
- Deathly faintness after profuse micturition, [a9].
- External redness and itching of the skin.
- A slight corrosive itching here and there, with which are little points, which cannot be
very well described or seen; an indefinite desire to be rubbed or washed, but still a severe,
distinct sensation, evenings, worse sitting still after going out (first day), [_a1].
- Stitches, as with needles, in the skin, especially on the head, on the forehead, in the
brows, in the throat, and on right arm, [a8].
- (Nettlerash on the thigh, [ , a14].
- A wart between the left shoulder and side of neck begins to pain the next morning, is red
and scratched off, [_a1].
- Unusual chilliness, [a14].
- Frequent cold shivers creep along the back (first day), [a6].
- Cold creepings along the back (fifth day), [a6].
- Shivers down the back, especially nights in bed; he wants always more covering;
therewith, he feels feverish in all his veins, and he has sweat, especially in the axilla and in
- (Young man who did not know what he took), [_a1].
- Cold shivers down the back, with liver-pains (evenings), [a6].
- Shivering and chilliness, with increased urinating, [a6].
- Internal coldness, with subsequent heat and great thirst, which continues into the night
(third day), [a6].
- (Coldness alternates with heat, in catarrh, [ , a6].)
- It is injurious, by overheating, [a10].
- Increased warmth of the skin, [a9].
- Feverish through all the veins, with shiverings in the back, [_a1].
- The juice arouses the circulation (Hahnemann).
- * Flitting heat now and then, [_a1].
- Internal heat, with rumbling in abdomen, [a6].
- Heat in the head, on the head, in brows, in face, in cheeks, in throat, down to stomach, in
- Heat, with coryza, evenings, alternating with cold, and * flitting heat over the whole
body, and thirst, evenings, [a6].
- heat and thirst after coldness, [a6].
- After eating onions, he feels as after taking cold; feverish, especially evenings, with heat
in the face; tongue and mouth feel burnt and dry, without thirst; drinks only a small
quantity, with restlessness in all the limbs, so that he cannot hold them still; the next day the
tongue is coated, [a17].
- Heat, without thirst, at 2 A. M., disappears mornings, worse again after breakfast, [a11].
- Unusual sweating while working, [_a3].
- Sweat breaks out after larger doses, in three cases, [_a3].
- Sweat in axilla and palms, [_a1].
- Copious sweat, [_a3].
- (Internal fever always produced and renewed from too much walking.
- Wakes nights at 2 A. M., with excited pulse; cannot sleep again till morning; without any
chill, only heat without thirst; disappears mornings, but is worse again for a few hours after
breakfast; afterwards very much prostrated; Phosph., without result; Cepa cured, [ , a11].)
Sleep and dreams
- With the sleepiness, near objects seems distant, [_a1].
- Much yawning, with headache and pressure in stomach, [a8].
- Frequent internal, but not very deep, yawning (evenings) (first day), [_a1].
- Midnight, very sleepy, soon falling asleep; not easily disturbed sleep (first day), [_a1].
- If one eats much, it causes lethargy, a deep overpowering sleep, [a10].
- Sopor, [a10].
- Excessive use causes sopor, [a10].
- Heavy sleep, sopor, lethargy, follow its use, [a10].
- Causes heavy dreams, especially in those who have been lately ill, [a10].
- Who will have pleasant dreams must eat a raw onion before going to sleep, without
supper, [a10].
- Constant dreams of battles, fights, precipices, storms at sea, and difficulty in reaching the
coast, of deep wells, and efforts to get out of them, [_a3].
- Dreams of being near water two nights in succession, [_a3].
- Restless sleep, with swarming dreams, [a10].
- Sleep disturbed by toothache, [a5].
- During sleep, teeth feel too long, [a5].
- Wakes at 2 A. M., with excited pulse; can no more sleep, [a11].
- Mornings, after rising, sleepy and disinclined to work; every day, [a6].
- Sleepy, mornings, [_a1].
- On waking, nauseous taste, [a6].
- (Morning), Apathetic; sleepy; flatulence; erections, etc.; dry throat and cough; pain in
- (Afternoon, after wine and coffee), Confused and absent-minded, etc.
- (Evening), All catarrhal symptoms and pains; heat of face; eructation of wind; flashes of
heat and thirst; pulse harder; pains in foot; heat and thirst; mucus behind choanae.
- (Night), Passage of flatus.
- (Nights, in bed), Shivers, etc.
- (After midnight), Diarrhoea.
- (In open air), Dropping from nose.
- (In bed), Pain under breast-bone.
- (Bending forward), Pain under breast-bone renewed.
- (After breakfast), Dryness of soft palate.
- (Breathing deeply), Sticking in side.
- (Breathing cold air), Cough.
- (In cold air), Coryza; pains in cheek and eye.
- (After coffee), Eye symptoms; stomach-ache.
- (After renewed eructations), Confusion of head.
- (After eating), Pain in bowels.
- (Lying), Pain in left side.
- (Lying down), Roaring in ears.
- (Motion), Passage of flatus, relieving stomach-ache.
- (Motion of eyelids), Pain in temples.
- (Slight motion), Elbow-joint feels numb.
- (On resting the arm in writing), Pain in left forearm, etc.
- (In room), Lachrymation and running from nose.
- (Sitting), Pains in bowels; pain in pubic region.
- (Sitting still), catarrhal troubles; itching of the skin, etc.
- (After long sitting), Pain in back below right shoulder.
- (Eating warm soup), Toothache.
- (On ascending steps), Hips tired.
- (Warmth), Toothache.
- (Warm room, on returning to), Pressure in head, sneezing, etc.; toothache; twitchings in
upper lid; lachrymation, headache; catarrhal troubles.
- (Northeast wind and rainy weather), Violent catarrh.
- (Northwest wind, riding in), Toothache.
- (Afternoons and evenings), Often quite well.
- (In open air), Pains in limbs; pressure in head; pain in head; twitching in upper lids;
catarrhal troubles.
- (Bathing), Heaviness in bowels.
- (Cold), Toothache; pain in throat.
- (In cold air), Pains in cheek.
- (In cool room), Catarrhal troubles.
- (Cold water), Toothache.
- (Passage of flatus, on motion), Stomach-ache: pain in bowels.
- Apathetic, mornings.
- Very melancholy. Catarrh.
- Indefinable anxiety; walks about, and finally full of apprehension, throws himself on
the bed and now gets up again; constant violent pains in left side of abdomen, more in
middle and lower part of abdomen and in region of bladder, with troubles in urinating and
no stool; violent thirst; face expressive of anxiety and doubt; skin hot, especially in painful
and sensitive places; pulse somewhat accelerated, full and hard.
- Fears she will become distracted, from pain in suppuration of fingers.
- Confused and absent-minded, in afternoon after wine and coffee.
- Makes mistakes in spelling.
- Vertigo on rising.
- Dulness, pressure, fulness, heaviness in head, most in occiput, agg evenings, amel in
open air, and agg when returning to a warm room.
- Dulness and confusion of head. Coryza. Whooping cough.
Inner head
- Stitches as of needles in forehead.
- Dull frontal headache. Coryza.
- Dulness in forehead and whole head, as after inhaling chloroform.
- Pain in forehead, with catarrh.
- Pains deep in head, over left brow.
- Pains in both temples, most severe in right, agg by winking; afterwards the pain extends
over forehead, agg on left side.
- Pain in temples, agg after motion of eyelids.
- As if swollen and heavy on crown.
- Headache, first in occiput, then in forehead, over right eye.
- Intense pain in occipital region and cervical spine. Influenza.
- Confusion in occiput, first on both sides and towards upper part, pressing down sideways,
then behind ears and around whole occiput.
- Severe headache, with slight coryza.
- Whole head becomes hot.
- Head full and heavy.
- Fulness and heaviness in head, as if it was bound up, with flickering before eyes.
- Pressive headache, with sensation as if whole head was wrapped up in warm water.
- An electric shock passes through head.
- Dull headache, with coryza; agg in evening, amel in open air, but aggravated when
returning to a warm room.
- Headache ceases during menses.
- Catarrhal headache.
Outer head
- Stitches over whole left forehead, externally; they draw into ear, upper jaw and teeth of
same side; evenings.
- Numbness in bones of skull, as if asleep.
- Tingling pain behind left mastoid process.
- Sensation as if whole head was wrapped up in warm water.
- Prickling sweat on bald vertex after each meal.
- { Falling out of hair.
Upper face
- Expression of anxiety and despair, with pain in abdomen.
- Threadlike pains about face, temples and ears. Pertussis.
- Drawing pain in left cheek going into interior of left eye; amel in cold air.
- Threadlike pains in upper maxilla.
- Throbbing, drawing, pressing pains, with swelling of cheek. Toothache.
- Drawing stitches into upper jaw and teeth from left forehead.
- Warm spots on right cheek.
- Face hot, especially in evening.
- Paralysis of left half of face, also somewhat noticed in limbs of same side, too copious
secretion of urine.
- Eruption of nettlerash of face.
- Upper lip red and sensitive from acrid nasal discharge.
Lower face
- Worse when chewing. Toothache.
Inner mouth
- Aching like a large lump on root of tongue, roof of mouth, eustachian opening, extends
towards ear.
- Sensation of fulness and soreness behind palate.
- Dryness and smarting above palate.
- Dryness in mouth, on root of tongue, on soft palate and in throat.
- Dryness in mouth, without thirst.
- Mouth and tongue as if scalded.
- Bad odor from mouth and throat. Toothache.
- Expectoration of a lumpy mucus from posterior nares.
- Lumps of mucus from choanae, in evening, having a nauseous taste.
- Tough viscous mucus in fauces and throat.
- Hawks up mucus of a sweetish taste.
- Jerking pains from throat towards eustachian tube.
- Sensation of fulness, soreness and coldness behind palate.
- Drawing pain in left side of throat, amel by cold air.
- Raw feeling in fauces, with tickling in region of epiglottis, first on l, then on right side.
- Soreness and dryness of throat. Influenza.
- Pain in throat below larynx, as after swallowing too large a mouthful, or as if swollen;
pain extends every little while into right ear; whole afternoon, coming on at midday.
- A constrictive pain in forepart of throat, low down in region of os hyoides, later low
down posteriorly on r. side.
- In throat and orifice of eustachian tube, chilling or burning twitching and gnawing, not
- A sense of nausea extending into throat.
- Sensation as of a ball or lump in throat.
- In pharynx feeling as if food remained stuck behind breast bone.
- Heat low in pharynx, extending into stomach.
- Numb feeling in posterior wall of pharynx.
- Throat aches, as after taking cold.
- Coldness in pharynx.
- Dryness in throat.
Appetite, thirst
- Desires, Aversions.
- Canine hunger, or loss of appetite. Pertussis. Coryza.
- Less appetite and increased thirst.
- Violent thirst, with a severe cold, frequent sneezing, running of tears, pain in forehead,
acrid discharge from left nostril, hacking cough on inspiring cold air.
- Thirst. Pertussis.
- Desire for raw onions. Pneumonia. Yellow fever.
- Pressure in region of liver, with crawls along back, and coldness.
- Pains begin in hepatic region and spread over abdomen. Colic.
- Stitches in left side, amel on lying.
- Contracting sensation in spleen, with stitches while lying.
- Colicky pain in region of navel, agg on sitting, >> when walking.
- Wind colic. Pertussis.
- Cutting in belly, like a thread, towards centre.
- Colic : from catching cold by getting feet wet;
- after eating too much; after eating cucumbers, salad, etc.; hemorrhoidal; of children.
- Severe pains in abdomen. Pertussis.
- Colicky pains, beginning in hepatic region and spreading over whole abdomen, worse
around navel; agg when sitting; amel when moving about and by passing flatus.
- Violent pain in hypogastrium, to left, with urging to urinate; burning micturition.
Incarcerated hernia.
- Stitches in loins.
- Deep in pelvis on a small spot to right, violent pressure and cutting as with small
- Flashes of heat in abdomen.
- Abdomen puffed up, with rumbling, more to left; ineffectual urging to stool, with heat,
some pains, difficult breathing, and inconvenience of clothing; amel after wind passes
- Abdomen distended, dull in head, urging to stool ends with diarrhoea.
- Rumbling in bowels, with stomachache, after breakfast.
- Violent cutting pain in left lower abdomen, with frequent desire to micturate, and
burning micturition.
- Heat in abdomen, with pain.
- Ascites.
- Annoying pains over middle of groin.
- Pressure in left inguinal ring.
- Hernia in left groin much protruded and strangulated; very severe pains from high up in
left side of hypochondrium drew towards incarcerated hernia; very restless; much fever, etc.
- Periodic pains in pubic region, agg on sitting.
Urinary organs
- Pains in renal region and pressure in region of bladder. Pertussis.
- Region of bladder very sensitive, child screams if hand is placed there.
- In bladder a burning pressure, afterwards in sacrum; pain in region of kidneys, more left
side; pain in groins.
- || Pressing and other pains in region of bladder.
- Sensation of weakness and warmth in bladder and urethra.
- Frequent urinating; with burning in urethra; urine very red; all day, still oftener
evenings; especially with shuddering and chilliness.
- Spasmodic strangury after getting feet and bowels cold.
- Dribbling or spurting of urine, in old people.
- Urine frothy and iridescent.
- In albuminuria it diminished urging for frequent urination and also the quantity of
albumen in urine.
- Polyuria.
- Increased secretion of urine. Coryza. Catarrh. Paralysis.
- Urine : frothy and clear; red; reddish-yellow, with sandy sediment.
Male sexual organs
- Increased sexual desire.
- Erections, with painful tension, without sexual desire, in morning.
- After coitus pain in bladder and prostate gland.
- Weakness in hips interferes with coition.
- Drawing in spermatic cords.
- Pain from inguinal ring along spermatic cord.
- Burning on glans penis and in urethra.
- Pressive pains in bladder and prostate.
- Pain in pubic region.
- Oppressed breathing : from pressure in middle of chest; agg in evening; in ascites.
- Hacking and worrying till he cannot breathe. Coryza.
- He must take a long breath, and then sneezes correspondingly.
- On inspiring cold air, hacking cough.
- On deep inspiration, sticking in left side.
- Laryngeal cough, frequently repeated. Coryza.
- Severe laryngeal cough, which compels patient to grasp larynx; feels as if cough
would tear it. Coryza.
- Hoarse, harsh, ringing, spasmodic cough; excited by constant tickling in larynx; cough
produces a raw, splitting pain in larynx, so acute and so severe as to compel patient to
crouch from suffering, and to make every effort to suppress cough. Pertussis.
- Frequent cough, tension in upper part of chest, loss of appetite; agg every evening.
- Cough, with fulness in head, especially in occiput, with heat, copious fluent acrid
coryza and profuse bland lachrymation. Whooping cough;
- Cough increases in evening.
- Cough brought on by inhaling cold air.
- Hacking cough from inhaling cold air.
- Constant inclination to hack in order to relieve tickling in larynx.
- Spasmodic cough simulating croup.
Upper limbs
- Sweat in axilla.
- Pain in right shoulder blade, when lying in bed.
- Pain under right shoulder, in belly and pubic region.
- Stitch runs through right arm, from shoulder blade to elbow, with burning pain.
- Pains from a blow in right elbow joint.
- Numbness in left elbow, agg on slight motion.
- Needle-stitches in arms.
- Pain in arms, more left forearm.
- Weak sensation, especially in arms.
- Pain in middle of left radius, agg writing, amel from rubbing.
- Lame sensation in all joints of arm.
- Pain on right wrist, on back and extensor side, evenings.
- Hands red and dry, as if he had been in the cold.
- Pain in left middle finger, and in right fourth and fifth fingers.
- Sweat in palms of hands.
- Trembling of right hand, he can hardly write.
- Whitlow, on margin of skin around finger nails, inflamed and suppurating, pains up
whole arm.
- Voluptuous, corrosive itching, especially on palmar side of left thumb, from first to
second phalanx, in evening.
- Panaritium.
- Suppuration, after a prick with a needle, under left thumb nail; a red streak up to elbow,
where a lump the size of a hazelnut is formed.
Lower limbs
- Weakness of hips. Pertussis. Interfering with coitus.
- Excessive tired feeling in region of hips, in evening, on rising from sitting, and on
- Nettlerash on thighs.
- Bruised feeling in left thigh, near knee.
- Pain, almost burning pressure, in upper part of left thigh, towards outer side.
- Pain on outer side of right thigh, above knee.
- Glowing sensation on outer side and upper part of both thighs.
- Pain above knees.
- Shooting pains in left leg and right foot.
- Stitches in right knee, from within.
- Lameness in knee.
- Paralytic pains in knee joint.
- Burning pressure in middle of left lower leg, then on right.
- Pains in ankle joint.
- Sore and raw spots on feet, especially heel, from friction.
- Painful twitching on inner side of left heel.
- || Pain in most external soft parts of right great toe, and also in left middle finger.
- Brittle hoofs and losing hair, with horses (tinct. in water).
Limbs in general
- Soreness in limbs and aching in all bones, as after taking a cold. Coryza.
- Tired feeling in all limbs.
- Weak sensation in limbs after flatulent troubles.
- Neuralgia of stump (after amputation), violent burning stinging pains.
- Position. Motion. In lying : increased earache, toothache, splenic pain.
- Lying : stitches in spleen; in bed, pain in shoulder blade.
- Sitting : agg colic in region of navel and hepatic region; agg. periodic pains in pubic
- Rising : vertigo; amel toothache.
- Walking : amel colic in region of navel.
- Motion : of eyelids, pain in temple; amel colic.
- Weak and tired, has to lie down.
- Deathly faintness after profuse micturition.
- Lassitude. Pertussis.
- Traumatic chronic neuritis; pains violent and wearing out the patient.
- Neuroma.
- Yawning : with headache and cramp in stomach; with sleepiness; near objects seem
- Gaping in deep sleep.
- Restless sleep, drowsy in morning.
- At evening, walking in street, increased dropping from nose, from both nostrils, without
sensation of coryza.
- Wakes nights at 2 A.M. , with excited pulse; cannot sleep again till morning; without
any chill, only heat without any thirst; disappears mornings, but is agg again fr a few hours
after breakfast, afterwards much prostrated.
- Dreams : of being near the water; of battles, fights, precipices and deep wells; of storms
at sea, high waves; annoying, in convalescents.
- 2 A.M. : awakes; heat without thirst.
- Morning : apathetic, restless, drowsy; violent sneezing; pressive pain in root of eye tooth
amel; tongue dirty, slimy, furred; offensive flatus; bowels loose; erections; cannot sleep till
- In afternoon : confused and absentminded.
- Worse in afternoon and evening; when lying down. Pertussis.
- Evening : dulness, pressure in head agg; stitches left forehead into ear; lachrymation;
fluent coryza agg; face hot; raises lumps of mucus from choanae; frequent urination; pain in
right wrist; pain in fingers; dropping from nose.
- In evening : after drinking beer and eating herring, excessive thirst; heat and severe
coryza, with much lachrymation, headache, acrid, burning discharge from nose, so that
upper lip became red and sensitive.
- Coldness alternates with heat. Catarrh.
- Chills, followed by fever. Influenza.
- Heat in head, on head, in brows, in face, in cheeks, in throat down to stomach and
- Heat with coryza, alternating with cold and flitting heat over whole body and thirst;
- Attacks of flushes of heat. Coryza.
- Heat and thirst, with rumbling in belly. Coryza.
- Heat, without thirst, 2 A.M. , passes off by morning, agg again after breakfast.
- Heat. Pertussis.
- Sweats easily and copiously.
- Yellow fever.
Attacks, periodicity
- Periodic pain : in pubic region.
- In Spring : coryza.
- In Autumn : epidemics of spasmodic cough.
- As if swollen and heavy on crown; as if whole head was wrapped up in warm water; as if
eye was hanging by a string or torn; as if teeth were too long; as of a ball or lump in throat;
as if larynx would be torn when coughing; as though food had lodged behind sternum; as of
a large, aching lump on root of tongue; mouth and tongue as if scalded.
- Severe pains : in abdomen.
- An intense pain : in cervical spine.
- Neuralgic pains, like threads : in face, head, neck and elsewhere; agg evenings; towards
ear from deep within head.
- Splitting pain : in larynx.
- Cutting : in belly, like a thread; in anus; deep in pelvis; in lower abdomen.
- Stitches : as of needles in forehead; in eyebrows; in eyes; in ears; in upper jaw; towards
ear from forehead; in rectum; in left hypochondrium; in lumbar region; runs through arm; in
skin; in left side; in loins; in arms; in r. knee.
- Sticking : in left chest on inspiration.
- Stinging : of eye.
- Shooting : in left leg and right foot; in right lachrymal duct.
- Tearing jerks : in anus.
- Tingling pain : behind left mastoid process.
- Jerking : from throat to eustachian tube; in molars.
- Tearing : in anus.
- Pecking : behind right ear.
- Burning-stinging : in stump after amputation.
- Drawing : into upper jaw; in teeth; in spermatic cords; in head; in occiput; from left eye
into cheeks; in left side of throat.
- Pressure : in head; in teeth; in epigastrium; in stomach; in region of liver; in pelvis; in left
inguinal region; in region of bladder; left thigh; on cardia.
- Soreness : behind palate; in limbs; of throat.
- Raw feeling : in fauces.
- Smarting : of eyes; of upper lids; above palate.
- Scalded : mouth and tongue.
- Biting : of eyes; in anus.
- Gnawing : in orifice of eustachian tube; eyelids; nose; mouth; lips.
- Burning : of eyes; taste; orifice of eustachian tube; throat; in edges of nose and lips; in
urethra; in bladder; on glans penis; small of back; left thigh; skin.
- Burning twitching : in region of right eustachian tube.
- Paralytic pain : in knee joint.
- Colicky pains : in region of navel.
- Painful twitching : on inner left heel.
- Tired feeling : in limbs.
- Bruised feeling : in knee; of thigh.
- Aching : on root of tongue : roof of mouth; eustachian orifice; through body; in joints, in
bones; in forehead and head; in temples; in cervical spine; over right eye; in larynx.
- Undefined pain : behind ears deep in head; under tongue; in forehead; in throat; below
sternum; in hepatic region; in abdomen; over middle of groin; violent, in hypogastrium;
inguinal ring; uterine region; small of back; left thigh; right wrist; above knees; over right
eye to root of nose; in renal region; region of kidneys; in bladder and prostate gland; in
chest; in right shoulder blade; in right elbow joint; in arms; in left radius; in fingers; in
ankle joints; in great toe.
- Fulness : in head; behind palate.
- Heaviness : in head; in occiput.
- Throbbing : in larynx.
- Empty : stomach feels.
- Tension : in upper part of chest.
- Tightness : at root of nose.
- Constrictive : as if head was bound up; at root of nose; pain in throat.
- Contraction : in spleen; at anus.
- Tickling : in larynx; in epiglottis.
- Itching : of eyes; in supraorbital region; at anus; in right nostril; of thumb.
- Electric shock : through head.
- Numbness : in bones of skull; in posterior wall of pharynx; in left elbow.
- Lame sensation : in all joints of arms; in knee.
- Crawls : in right nostril; along back; in anus.
- Coldness : behind palate; in back; in pharynx.
- Chilling : orifice of eustachian tube.
- Warmth : of urethra; in bladder.
- Glowing : on thighs.
- Heat : without thirst; in head; with coryza; in pharynx and oesophagus; in flashes in
abdomen; in left eyebrow.
- Dryness : in mouth; above palate; in throat; of anterior nares; at root of tongue.
- All joints ache.
- Nephritis.
- Inflammations and increased secretion of mucous membranes. Coryza. Pertussis.
- Gangraena senilis, woman, aet. 80 (externally as a salve).
- Phlegmasia alba dolens, after instrumental delivery.
- Dropsy.
- Brittle hoofs and falling out of hair, in horses.
- Pricking, like from pins or needles, in skin, especially on head, on forehead, in brows,
on throat and on r. arm.
- Redness and itching of skin.
- Nettlerash on thighs.
- Measles, with strongly marked catarrhal symptoms.
- Scarlatina, with characteristic running from nose and urinary symptoms.
- Antidoted by : Arnic. (toothache), Chamom.
- (bellyache), Nux vom. (coryza, recurring yearly in August; unpleasant sensations caused
by handling peaches and some blossoming trees and plants; hay fever), Veratr. (colic with
despondency), Thuya (offensive breath and diarrhoea after eating onions).
- Roasted coffee will remove onion breath.
- Compatible : before Calc. ostr. and Silic. in polypus.
- Incompatible : All. sat., Aloes, Scilla.
- Complementary : Phospor., Pulsat., Sarsap., Thuya.
- Compare : Acon., Chlorine, Ipec.
ALLOXAN (Vijnovsky)
(Mesoxalyl Urea)
* 3- Irritable, se fastidia con facilidad con la gente. Discutidor. No tolera ruidos ni voces
altas, pero grita. A veces le parece que la gente est a kilmetros de distancia, y oye sus
voces muy alejadas. Inquieto, impaciente, apurado. Dogmtico, terco.
* 4- Siente que huele mal (aunque nadie lo siente). Se siente sucio, se lava mucho las manos
** 5- Muy sensible al fro; est muy friolento; siente como si estuviera en un bao fro en la
6- Aversin a la sal.
* 7- Cefalea frontal, como si fuera a estallar la cabeza; detrs de los ojos al despertar, y que
aumenta durante el da; con latidos, peor sobre el ojo derecho; peor caminando, por
sacudidas, por esfuerzos mentales, por toser, por rer y en una habitacin calurosa; mejor
por conversar, comer, cerrar los ojos o subir escaleras. Cefalea con hambre. Sensacin de
cabeza separada del cuerpo, como si fuera muy grande, como si le tiraran del pelo; como
si algo dentro del crneo golpeara contra el hueso; como si tuviera una banda alrededor.
Plenitud; pesadez y mareos al despertar.
8- Ardor y dolor en los prpados, peor por leer o tocarlos; pesadez, cansancio en los ojos.
Sacudidas en los prpados. Ojos: peor por la luz, mejor frotndolos. Visin turbia al
10- Coriza, estornudos, obstruccin; con secrecin, peor al aire libre. Siente olor a libros
mohosos. Siente caliente el aire inspirado. Costras con sangre.
* 11- Mucha sed de bebidas fras. Labios secos y agrietados; se pelan. Grieta seca en la
comisura labial. Herpes labial. Boca seca con sed. Gusto cido. Aliento con olor a
manzanas. Sialorrea. Ulceras en la boca; en el paladar. Punta de la lengua y encas
doloridas. Dientes amarillentos. Dolor en la mandbula, peor por dulces. Dolor de
garganta; como una espina; mejor tragando, bebiendo o expectorando; peor al toser,
cantar o hablar.
** 12- Hambre exagerada, excesiva, voraz; tiene hambre poco despus de comer. Sensacin
de vaco. Tensin nerviosa en el estmago. Flatulencia. Borborigmos como si fuera a
tener diarrea. Dolor pulstil en el hgado, mejor por la presin y por comer. Dolor en la
zona esplnica. Diarrea que lo saca de la cama de 6 a 9 horas. Heces: blandas; acuosas
con flatos; adhesivas; ardientes; a veces con sangre. Plenitud o presin rectal.
* 13- Marcado incremento de las micciones en frecuencia y cantidad. Plenitud vesical. Tarda
en comenzar a orinar de noche. Se orina al estornudar. Ardor al orinar. Sensacin como si
se escapara un lquido del rin. Dolor como pualada en el rin izquierdo, extendido a
la ingle.
14- Siente la vagina dilatada, peor parada. Senos pesados y dolorosos. Flujo en chorros.
* 15- Dolor retroesternal, peor al inspirar profundamente. Calambres o puntadas bajo las
costillas, peor caminando. Disnea despus de comer. Espalda cansada, peor sentado o
tocando el piano. Dolor lumbosacro, peor al levantarse, agacharse, arrodillarse o parado
y en la cama, mejor acostado. Sensacin como si la espalda se rompiera, mejor por la
* 16- Los pies y manos se duermen y estn fros. Dedos muertos. Se duermen: las piernas, al
cruzarlas; las nalgas; los brazos al levantarlos. Manos calientes, pies fros. Piernas
pesadas, cansadas. Calambres en las pantorrillas y dedos de los pies, en la cama. Mano y
pie derechos calientes, mano y pie izquierdos fros. Venas prominentes. Las manos se
ensucian fcilmente; secas, paspadas, agrietadas. Duelen las puntas de los dedos.
* 17- Suea: que vuela; que no lo ayudan; que cae; con ladrones peleando; que mata a un
amigo con un pual; que tiene diarrea; que es perseguido; que es hecho prisionero; con
ratas, sapos, ranas; con cadveres que resucitan; que est orando en la iglesia. Se
despierta a cada hora.
** 4- Especialmente til en comilones, sobre todo de carne, que beben poco y seleccionan
sus comidas, con tendencia a la obesidad. Disppticos.
* 5- Peor por leer (Cina) en voz alta, por cambios de temperatura, por tiempo fro y hmedo;
a la maana al despertar, o al anochecer.
8- Deseo de manteca.
9- Vrtigo al mirar fijo a algo por un largo rato, o al levantarse de una silla.
* 10- Cefalea frontal con pesadez, que casi le impide abrir los ojos, mejor al comenzar la
menstruacin, peor despus. Caspa. Calvicie.
13- Coriza con dolores presivos en la raz de la nariz. Epistaxis al sonarse de noche.
** 16- Apetito voraz. Eructos quemantes. El menor cambio en la dieta le trae trastornos en la
digestin. Ardor gstrico; muy sensible a la menor presin. Peso o sensacin de piedra en
el estmago; mejor sentado hacia adelante o presionando con ambas manos; dolor
intolerable caminando.
* 17- Dolores intensos en el vientre, como si le retorcieran los intestinos, peor a cada paso
que da, mejor acostado. Todo el contenido del vientre parece tironear hacia abajo.
Clicos por gases que no puede expulsar. Constipacin con dolores constantes en el
abdomen. Heces primero consistentes, luego acuosas y calientes. Hemorroides. Prolapso
anal. Parasitosis.
* 20- Dolores reumticos en la cadera. Dolor en los msculos psoas e ilacos, peor por el
menor movimiento, caminando. Las manos se le pelan; sudor en las palmas, calor seco
en el dorso. Las piernas no crecen tan rpido como el resto del cuerpo. Piernas dbiles; el
nio no aprende a caminar; marasmo. Plantas de los pies calientes.
Clnica.- Alopecia. Asma peridica. Bronquitis. Cadera, reumatismo de. Caspa. Catarro.
Cefalea. Clico. Constipacin. Coxalgia. Diabetes. Diarrea. Dispepsia. Escorbuto.
Esguince. Fiebre. Menorragia. Menstruacin, trastornos. Oftalma. Panadizo. Piel,
afecciones. Reumatismo. Ronquera. Salivacin. Tos. Vermes.
Caractersticas.- Teste coloca a All. sat. en el grupo de Bryonia junto con Lyc., Dig., Nux
v., Coloc., Ign., todos ellos actan con mucho poder en animales carnvoros y casi no en
herbvoros. Todos se adaptan a personas que estn dispuestas a excederse en la mesa,
tienen constitucin fuerte, tez obscura, carnes firmes, aunque ocasionalmente
dispuestos a la obesidad. El paciente de All.sat. es ms bien un gourmet ms que un
glotn. Se adapta a personas que comen ms que beber. En la esfera mental hay
ansiedad e impaciencia. Temor de que no se recupere; que no ser capaz de tolerar
ninguna medicina; temor de ser envenenado. Teste ha curado con l, dispepsia crnica
en personas robustas, de edad, cuyos intestinos eran trastornados por la menor
irregularidad en la dieta; catarro crnico bronquial con expectoracin profusa mucosa;
asma peridico; un caso de disnea permanente; reumatismo de la cadera; hinchazn de
mamas despus del destete. Tambin mejor grandemente casos de diabetes mellitus.
Los dolores de All.sat. son ms presivos de adentro hacia afuera (ej. distensin, como
los de Bry. ) aguijoneantes o punzadas y ardor; o aguijoneantes con debilidad paraltica;
o desgarrante y calambroide. Algunas veces ellos aumentan gradualmente hasta un
punto y disminuyen gradualmente (como Sul. y Stan.). El ajo se ha usado como
condimento desde tiempos antiguos, y tambin como un remedio contra vermes y
fiebre. Aunque muy relacionado a All. cepa, es incompatible con l, y no muy
semejante en su accin. Produce cefalea en relacin con trastornos digestivos y tambin
con la menstruacin. Cefalea pesada, apenas puede abrir los ojos, > al comenzar las
reglas, < despus. Oftalma catarral retorna cada noche o al tratar de leer. Coriza,
hmeda, seca, delgada, fluente, con dolores presivos arriba de la raz de la nariz. Encas
escorbticas; boca adolorida. All. sat. es uno de los medicamentos para la sensacin de
un "cabello": sensacin de un cabello en la lengua, < leyendo. ( Muchos de los dolores
de Cepa son como un hilo). Copiosa saliva dulce. La digestin se trastorna por la menor
irregularidad en la dieta. Presin en el epigastrio y colon transverso > por la presin y
sentado doblado. Las reglas son profusas. Durante las reglas hay adolorimiento de
vulva y muslos, mamas hinchadas y dolorosas al tacto. Hay algunos sntomas
espiratorios caractersticos. Catarro bronquial con expectoracin gelatinosa, difcil. Tos,
que da un aliento muy ftido como Capsicum. Tos cuando fuma. La cadera es el lugar
de muchos dolores reumticos. Desgarrante en la cadera. Dolor en psoas y msculo
iliaco < al menor movimiento, aunque puede levantar la extremidad con las manos. La
piel es muy sensible, seca, arrugada. Prurito herptico, ardor, manchas rojas o
blanquizcas o superficie hinchada. Calvicie, caspa, piel se despelleja de las manos. La
piel es ajustada en las articulaciones. Se adapta a personas robustas y aquellos de un
buen vivir. Cambios de temperatura <. Al aire libre < problemas del pecho. Humedad
caliente < dolores en miembros. Tiempo hmedo fro causa dolores desgarrantes y
aguijoneantes en diferentes partes del cuerpo. Leyendo < sntomas de la boca y ojos.
Agravacin al leer es notable. Se encuentra tambin en Cina. El vrtigo de All. sat.
aparece por ver por largo tiempo y fijamente cualquier cosa: esto es probable, en
esencia, la misma modalidad como < por leer. Muchos sntomas son < al anochecer y
noche; tambin en la maana al despertar. Sentado doblado >; presin < dolores del
abdomen. Cada paso causa dolor excruciante en intestinos. Caminando < dolores en
(Ajo; Garlic)
Acta directamente en la membrana mucosa intestinal aumentando su peristaltismo
Colitis, con flora patolgica
Tiene propiedades vasodilatadoras
Hipotensin arterial que empieza usualmente de 30 a 45 minutos despus de veinte a
cuarenta gotas de tintura.
Corresponde a sujetos gordos con dispepsia y afecciones catarrales
Buena vida
Pacientes que comen muchsimo ms, especialmente carne, de lo que beben
Dolor en la cadera, dolor en psoas y msculos ilacos
Tuberculosis pulmonar.
La tos y expectoracin disminuyen, la temperatura se normaliza, se gana peso, y el sueo
se vuelve regular
Pesada; pulsaciones en temporales; sordera catarral.
Mucha saliva dulce despus de las comidas y por la noche
Sensacin de un cabello en la lengua o la garganta.
Apetito voraz
Eructos ardientes
El menor cambio en la dieta causa trastornos
Estreimiento, con dolor sordo constante en los intestinos
Lengua plida, papilas rojas.
Constantes estertores por mucosidad en los bronquios
Tos por la maana despus de dejar la cama, con expectoracin mucosa, que es tenaz y
difcil de arrancar
Sensible al aire fro
Bronquios dilatados, con expectoracin ftida
Dolor aguijoneante en el trax.
Dolor en la hinchazn de las mamas
Erupcin en vagina y en mamas y en vulva durante la menstruacin.
Allium sat. segn el Dr. Teste, pertenece al grupo de Bryonia, incluyendo Lycopod., Nux,
Coloc., Digital e Ignatia, que afectan profundamente a todos los comedores de carne y
difcilmente a los vegetarianos
De ah que est indicado ms especialmente en los que comen carne que en los
vegetarianos exclusivos.
Capsicum, Arsenic., Senega, Kali nit.
Potencias de la tercera a la sexta potencia.
En tuberculosis, dosis de cuatro a seis gramos, en estado moderado de desecacin,
diariamente, en dosis divididas.
Por los cambios de temperatura, el tiempo hmedo y fro y por leer en voz alta.
Sujetos gastrnomos, con tendencia a la obesidad y que frecuentemente cometen excesos
de mesa, abusan de los alimentos ms que de las bebidas.
Trastornos digestivos al menor exceso. Hipersalivacin, eructaciones quemantes, dolores
presivos a nivel del epigastrio y del colon transverso, mejorados por la presin, estando
sentado y por inclinarse hacia adelante. Constipacin.
Sensacin de un cabello sobre la lengua, con agravacin por leer en alta voz.
Tos crnica con expectoracin difcil y ftida.
Reglas abundantes con senos crecidos y dolorosos y erupciones herpticas vulvares.
Dolor en el psoas y los msculos de la cadera, que empeoran al menor movimiento.
Bronquitis crnica. Dispepsia. Reumatismo de la cadera. Tuberculosis.
Bryonia, Capsicum, Colocynthis, Kali bichromicum.
Complementario: Arsenicum alb.
Antdotos: Aloe, Allium cepa, Lycopodium.
3a, 6a.
Allium sativum, L.
Nat. order, Liliaceae.
Common names, Garlic; (German), Knoblauch; (French), L'Ail.
Preparation, Tincture from the fresh bulb.
[_a1]: Petroz, Journ. d. l. Soc. Gal., 3, 279;
[_a2]: Teste, Systematization;
[_a3]: All. Hom. Zeit., 83, 184;
[a4]: Cattell, B. J. of Hom., 11, 340.
- Weeping during sleep, [_a1].
- Sadness; restlessness when alone, [_a1].
- Mental anxiety, [_a1].
- Dread of being poisoned, [_a1].
- Fears he will never get well, [_a2].
- Fears of being unable to bear any medicine, [a12].
- Impulse to run away, [_a1].
- Impatience, [_a1].
- Moral sensitiveness, [_a1].
- Wandering thoughts, [_a1].
- Vertigo on looking long and steadily at anything, [_a1].
- Vertigo of short duration, and on rising from one's seat, [_a2].
- Heaviness in the head, [_a2].
- Heaviness of the head, ceasing during menstruation, and returning afterwards, [_a1].
- Heaviness in the forehead almost preventing him from opening his eyes, [_a2].
- Pulsation in the temples, [_a2].
- * Dull pain in the occiput, in the morning, while lying on the back, [_a2].
- * Catarrhal ophthalmia at night; smarting burning lachrymation; agglutination; continued
difficult opening of the agglutinated lids; (this set in regularly every night, when he desired
to read an hour in bed (usual habit), so that he had to give it up), [_a3].
- * The customary aural catarrh disappeared; he heard better from the diseased ear, [ ,
- Humming in the ears, [_a2].
- * Coryza, rather dry, then fluent, with pressive pain from above the root of the nose,
- Increased secretion of nasal mucus, together with slight stoppage of both nostrils, [_a2].
- Blowing blood from the nose in the night, [_a2].
- Lancinations in one side of the face, [_a2].
- Dryness of the lips, [_a2].
- Tickling sensation in the lower teeth, [_a1].
- Transient pressive pullings (in the forenoon) in both jaws, and in the right upper molars,
- Swelling of the lower gums, [_a1].
- Troublesome feeling during the night and in the morning, as of a hair on her tongue;
renewed on waking, [_a1].
- Dryness of the palate, [_a2].
- * Very copious flow of sweetish saliva into the mouth in the forenoon, after meals; more
especially after supper and during the night, [_a1, _a2].
- Hot taste in the mouth, proceeding from the throat, and strongly reminding him of the
taste of garlic, immediately after taking the medicine, and returning after breakfast to such a
degree as to excite a flow of saliva, [_a2]
- The symptoms of the mouth are aggravated by reading, [_a1].
- Inflammation of the throat, [_a1].
- Sensation as of something cold rising in the throat, [_a1].
- Sensation as of a hot and smarting vapor rising in the throat, [_a1].
- Mucous accumulations in the throat, in the morning, with heaviness of the head, [_a2].
- * Voracious appetite, [_a2].
- Feeling of great hunger, from weakness of the stomach, without increase of appetite,
- * Thirst, [_a2, a4].
- Thirst, which prevents sleep, [_a1].
- Burning eructations, [_a1].
- * Burning eructations after a meal, [_a2].
- Eructations (immediately), [_a2].
- Eructations; which excite copious salivation, [_a2].
- Nausea and loathing of food (immediate and very short-lasting symptoms), [_a2].
- Vomiting during the fever, [_a1].
- Burning in the stomach, which is not painful when not touched, but is very sensitive to
the least pressure, [_a2].
- Lancinations in the stomach, [_a2].
- Sensation of a weight in the stomach, which prevents sleep, [_a1].
- Dull pains in the epigastric region, felt only on deep inspiration, but which finally
embarrass respiration, [_a2].
- A pressure inward, as if a stone were in the epigastric region, [_a3].
- Pressure in upper abdomen (stomach and along the transverse colon); relief only by
sitting bent and pressing with both hands; the pain became unendurable on walking out,
- Pressure in upper abdomen (stomach and along transverse colon); relief only by sitting
bent and pressing with both hands; the pain became intolerable on walking out, [_a3].
- Twistings and pinchings around the umbilicus, [_a2].
- Borborygmi in the forenoon, [_a2].
- Flatulence, [a4].
- Incomplete, and as if interrupted, emission of fetid flatulence, [_a2].
- (The usual colic disappeared for some days, [ , _a3].)
- Every step on the pavement caused excruciating pain, as if the intestines would be torn
apart (ameliorated by lying down), [_a3].
- Everything (in abdomen) seemed to drag downward, [_a3].
- Weight in the hypogastrium, immediately after a meal, without urgency to stool or
urinate, [_a2].
Urinary organs
- Sensation in the bladder and urethra as of urging to urinate, which, however, does not
exist, [_a2].
- Urine increased, [a4].
- * Whitish, very abundant urine, becoming cloudy from nitric acid, [_a2].
- A kind of diabetes, [_a2].
- Scanty, high-colored urine, [_a2].
- Urine scarcely half the normal (first day); one-third normal (second day), [_a3].
- Did not urinate in the night (contrary to habit), [_a3].
Sexual organs
- Suppurating pimples on the vulva during the menses, [_a1].
- * Bright red spots, with itching and smarting, on the inside of the labia majora, and at the
entrance of the vagina, [_a2].
- Menses five days too early, [_a2].
- During the menses, the skin of the internal portion of the thighs presents large
excoriations, [_a2].
Respiratory apparatus
- Painful irritation of the windpipe when coughing, [_a1].
- Scraping in the larynx, exciting dry cough, with no other symptom, [_a2].
- * Almost continual mucous rles in the bronchi, [_a2].
- Deep-seated cough, [_a1].
- Cough, which seems to come from the stomach, [_a2].
- Cough, which gives rise to a perceptible fetid smell, [_a1].
- Dry cough after eating, [_a2].
- Morning cough after leaving his bedroom, with extremely copious mucous expectoration,
- Sudden paroxysms of hard, dry cough while smoking, obliging him to quit, [_a2].
- * Great difficulty in expectorating a glutinous mucus, [_a1].
- Expectoration increased, [a4].
- Expectoration of a thin, yellowish, purulent-looking, blood-streaked mucus, of a putrid
odor, [_a2].
- Difficult respiration, as if the sternum was compressed, [_a2].
- Uneasiness in respiration, [_a1].
- The cough symptoms are aggravated by bending the head, and after eating, and by going
into the open air, [_a1].
- Oppression of the chest during sleep, [_a1].
- Darting pain in the chest, which prevents sleep, [_a1].
- Lancinations in one side of the chest, [_a2].
- Twitching pain in the side of the chest; it seems to him as if there was an empty spot in
his chest, [_a1].
- Lancinations under the shoulder-blades and pectoral muscles, increasing during the cough
and deep inspirations, and becoming spasmodic if the latter are renewed several times in
succession; with irresistible impulse to cough, [_a2].
- Swelling of both mammae, which become sensitive to touch (at the end of twenty-four
hours), [_a2].
- Dull stitches in the right mamma, [_a2].
- Eruption of red blotches between the breasts and around the nipples, [_a2].
Upper extremities
- Painful feeling of contraction in the arm, [_a1].
- Tension and heat in the right elbow, which is painful during movement of the arm, [_a2].
- Pain in the forearm, it seems as if paralyzed, [_a1].
- Burning, then moisture, in the palms of the hands, [_a2].
- Some red spots appear on the hands, [_a1].
- Tearing pain in the fingers extending below the nails, [_a1].
Lower extremities
- Weakness of the lower limbs, [_a1].
- Tearing pain in the hip, [_a1].
- Almost intolerable pain, confined to the common tendon of the iliac and psoas muscles;
this pain, only slightly felt in the daytime, during rest, is renewed by the least movement; it
is so acute as almost to extort cries to cross his legs, while sitting, i.e. , to place the right
thigh over the left; but this movement is performed with scarcely any pain, if, instead of
using the muscles of the pelvis and thigh, he lifts the latter gently with his hand.
- Finally, this pain, which is endurable while walking, although compelling him to limp, is
aggravated towards 8 P.M. , in bed, where it becomes impossible to change his position, or
to sleep, [_a2].
- Painful weariness in the thighs, [_a1].
- Boil on the thigh, [_a1].
- Pain as of a sprain in the ankle-joint, [_a2].
- All these symptoms are much aggravated by walking, [_a1].
- Tearing pain in the feet, [_a1].
- Burning in the soles of the feet, [_a1].
- Sensation of stiffness in the feet, [_a1].
- Tingling in the feet, [_a1].
- Pain as of a sprain in the toe-joints, [_a1].
- These symptoms are much more troublesome during rest, especially if the foot is not
supported, [_a1].
- The pains in the limbs were always aggravated by changes in temperature, and under the
influence of moist heat, [_a1].
- General lassitude, especially in the lower limbs, to such a degree that he dreads having to
go two or three steps upstairs, [_a2].
- Morning lassitude, which appears to depend on nervous insensibility, [_a1].
- Relaxation of the muscles, [_a1].
- Sense of oppression; weakness, [_a1].
- Drawing in the muscles during the night, [_a1].
- Sensation of contraction in the muscles, [_a1].
- Tingling in the affected parts, [_a1].
- Pain in the glands, [_a1].
- Lancinations in the limbs, [_a2].
- Often the pains are gradually increased to a high degree, and subside in like manner,
- Looseness of the skin, [_a1].
- Hard swelling of the integuments, [_a1].
- Swelling with tingling, [_a1].
- Dryness of the skin, [_a1].
- It blisters the skin (locally), [_a1].
- Spots at first white, and which become yellow, and are accompanied with a tingling-
itching, [_a2].
- Darting-itching, [_a1].
- Formication in the skin, [_a2].
- * Tension in the skin of the joints, [_a1].
- Extreme sensitiveness of the skin, [_a1].
- Chilliness from one day to another, [_a1].
- Chilliness on one side only, [_a1].
- During the coldness, redness of the face, [_a1].
- Horripilations before midday and in the evening, [_a2].
- Catarrhal fever with predominant coldness, [_a1].
- General heat during which there is distress, [_a2].
- Heat during which she feels twitching in the limbs, [_a1].
- During the fever, vomiting, [_a1].
- Sweat in the afternoon, [_a1].
- Sweat causing itching, [_a1].
- Sweat of a sour smell, [_a1].
- Fetid sweat, [_a1].
- (Morning), Pain in occiput; mucus in throat, etc.; cutting in sacrum; feeling of hair on
tongue; cough after leaving bedroom.
- (Forenoon), General symptoms; pullings in jaws and teeth; flow of saliva; borborygmi;
- (Afternoon), Sweat.
- (Evening), Horripilations; general symptoms.
- (Evening, in bed), Pain in muscles of thigh.
- (Night), Starts and shocks when going to sleep; catarrhal ophthalmia; drawing in muscles;
restless sleep.
- (At midnight), Frightful dreams.
- (Open air), Cough-symptoms.
- (When alone), Restlessness.
- (Bending head), Cough-symptoms.
- (After breakfast), Return of hot taste.
- (Deep breathing), Epigastric pains.
- (Coughing), Irritation of windpipe.
- (After eating), Cough-symptoms.
- (During fever), Vomiting.
- (Moist Heat), Pain in limbs.
- (Looking steadily), Vertigo.
- (During Menses), Pimples on vulva.
- (Movement), Pain in muscles of thigh.
- (Moving arm), Pain in right elbow.
- (Reading), Symptoms of mouth.
- (Rest), Feet-symptoms.
- (Stepping on pavement), Pain in intestines.
- (During sleep), Oppression of chest.
- (When smoking), Paroxysms of cough.
- (Straining to vomit), Bowels-symptoms.
- (Walking out), Pressure in upper abdomen, etc.; pains in lower limbs.
- (Lying down), Pain in intestines.
- (During menstruation), Heaviness of head ceases.
- (Motion of a carriage), General symptoms.
- (Sitting bent), Pressure in upper abdomen, etc.
Garlic. Liliaceae.
Tincture from the fresh bulb; used as a condiment since olden times, and against worms
and some fevers.
Proved in France by Petroz and Teste, 1852.
- Weak memory.
- Lack of ideas.
- Desire to escape.
- Sadness when alone; moral uneasiness; afraid of never getting well; fear of not being able
to bear any kind of medicine; fear of being poisoned; sensitiveness; impatience.
- Cannot bear anything; wants many things and is not pleased with any; every afternoon.
- Vertigo : on looking long and steadily at anything; transient on rising from a seat and
heaviness of head, amel as soon as menses appear.
Inner head
- Heaviness in head : in forehead, can hardly open eyes; with mucus in throat; ceases with
onset of menses, and returns afterwards.
- Pulsations in temples.
- Dull pain in occiput in morning when lying on back.
- Pressing pains from within outward.
- { Headache. In dyspeptic subjects.
Outer head
- Dandruff.
- Baldness.
Upper face
- Smarting, itching of face.
- Spots in face.
- Stinging in one side of face.
Lower face
- Smarting as from herpetic eruption, near left angle of lips.
- Lips dry.
Inner mouth
- Copious, sweetish saliva; after meals, more after supper and at night.
- Mouth symptoms worse from reading.
- Sores in mouth.
- Sticky feeling in throat, with dryness, tickling heat and raw feeling in larynx.
- Anterior part of throat not sensitive to touch.
- Ulcerated throat.
- Accumulation of mucus in throat with heaviness of head in morning.
- Feels as if something cold, then again something hot and stinging ascended oesophagus.
Appetite, thirst
- Desires, Aversions. Voracious appetite.
- Hunger and emptiness in stomach, without appetite.
- Desire for butter.
- Thirst.
- In forenoon pressure in epigastrium and transverse colon, had to sit bent forward and
press with hands.
- Pain under short ribs, back, right side.
- Pain in region of descending colon, just below ribs.
- Violent burning in abdomen.
- Wind-colic.
- Everything (in abdomen) seems to drag downward.
- Every step on pavement caused excruciating pain, as if intestines would be torn apart;
amel by lying down.
Urinary organs
- Pain in region of kidneys.
- Bladder distended, could bear no pressure; continual urging to urinate with passing of a
few drops.
- { Ulceration of bladder, caused by calculi.
- | Urine whitish, abundant, becomes cloudy from nitric acid.
- Urine increased, or lessened in quantity.
- Urine dark brown with copious sediment.
- A kind of diabetes.
- Chronic cough, dyspnoea; ropy sputum.
- Cough hollow, dry, not very frequent.
- Morning cough, after leaving his bed-room, with extremely copious mucous
- Cough which seems to come from stomach.
- Dry cough after eating.
- Cough which gives rise to a fetid smell.
- Sudden paroxysm of hard dry cough while smoking, obliging him to quit.
- Expectoration of a thin, yellowish, purulent-looking, blood- streaked mucus, of a putrid
- Great difficulty in expectorating a glutinous mucus.
Outer chest
- Stitches in pectoral muscles and beneath scapulae.
Upper limbs
- Red spots on hands.
- Skin peels off the hand.
- Dry heat on back of hands; slight moisture of palms.
Lower limbs
- || Rheumatism of hips.
- Tearing pain in hip.
- Intolerable pain confined to common tendon of iliac and psoas muscles; agg from least
movement; extorts cries when he tries to cross his limbs; no pain if he lifts leg gently with
hand; agg 8 P.M. in bed, cannot then change his position or sleep.
- Pains in limbs agg from changes of temperature and under influence of moist heat.
- Weakness of legs; worse at knees.
- Legs do not grow as rapidly as rest of body.
- Pain as from a sprain in ankle joint.
- Tearing pain in feet.
- Sensation of stiffness in feet.
- Toe joints pain as if sprained.
- Burning in soles.
- Position. Motion. Lying down : relieves pain in abdomen.
- Lying on back : dull pain in occiput.
- In bed : pain in tendon agg; cold at night.
- Must sit bent forward : with pain in epigastrium.
- Rising from a seat : transient vertigo.
- Motion : increases pain in common tendon of iliac and psoas muscles; makes rheumatism
- Every step : causes excruciating pain in intestines.
- Lassitude, especially in lower limbs; a muscular weakness, with rheumatic pains;
generally worse in morning.
- Child drowsy, lifeless; would not walk; torpor of bowels; great paleness.
- Drowsiness after a meal.
- Muscles twitching on falling asleep.
- Sleep prevented by : stitches in chest; weight in stomach; thirst.
- Coldness felt in sleep and awakening him frequently.
- Restless sleep.
- Dreams : of water and storm; of rapid transit from place to place; anxious; continue after
- Night : catarrhal ophthalmia.
- Morning : dull pain in occiput; heaviness of head and accumulation of mucus in throat;
cutting pain in sacrum; rheumatic pains worse.
- Forenoon : jerking in jaws and upper molars; pressure in epigastrium and transverse
- Afternoon : sweat.
- Chilliness and heat alternate, more evenings; acrid sweat causing itching; hard pulse.
- Cold at night in bed.
- Vomiting during fever.
- Sweat acrid, offensive.
- Sweat in afternoon.
Attacks, periodicity
- Periodical asthma.
- Stitches with paralytic weakness or tearing; sometimes increasing to a high degree and
then diminishing in same way.
- As of a hair on tongue; as if something cold then hot and stinging ascended oesophagus;
as if intestines would be torn apart when stepping; expanding sensation, pains go from
within out.
- Pain : in region of kidneys; in left side of chest; in tendon of iliac and psoas muscles; in
- Dull stitches : in right mamma.
- Lancinating : in one side of chest.
- Stitches : in pectoral muscles and beneath scapulae.
- Transitory jerking : in jaws and upper molars.
- Darting pains : in neck.
- Cutting : in sacrum.
- Drawing : in teeth; in neck.
- Tearing pain : in hip; in feet.
- Pressing pain : from within out in head; in jaws and upper molars.
- Dull pain : in occiput; in bowels.
- Pressive pain : from above root of nose.
- Sprained feeling : in ankle; in toe joints.
- Soreness : of tarsi; of vulva and thighs; in larynx.
- Raw feeling : in larynx.
- Burning : in soles; of skin.
- Smarting : at junction of alae nasi and face; near left angle of lips; of vulva.
- Stinging : in one side of face.
- Heaviness : in head; in eyes.
- Weakness : of legs; muscular.
- Stiffness : in feet.
- Heat : in larynx; on back of hands.
- Coldness : felt in sleep.
- Tickling : in lower teeth; in larynx.
- Itching : of face; of vulva; of skin.
- Dryness : of lips; of tongue; in larynx.
- Stings and bites.
- Dropsy; after protracted intermittent in marshy districts.
- Skin sensitive; dry; wilted.
- Swelling with itching and burning.
- Herpetic, itching, burning, red or whitish spots on a swollen surface.
- Tetter on ankle.
- Similar to : Bryon.; Capsic. (asthma, fetid breath with cough); Coloc. (colic, hip-pain);
Ignat.; Lycop.; Nux vom. and Senega.
- Not following well : Aloes, All cep., Scilla.
- Complementary to Arsen., especially in catarrh, asthma and effects of overexertion.
- Antidote to All. sat. : Lycop
ALNUS (Vijnovsky)
[Alnus rubra (Aliso Rojo) y A. glutinosa]
* 5- Flujo con erosiones en el cuello del tero, que sangran fcilmente. Amenorrea con
dolores ardientes de espalda a pubis. Hematuria.
ALNUS (Clarke)
Aliso rojo. Red aldo. Alnus rubra. Tag Alder y Alnus glutinosa. Alder comn de Europa.
N.O. Cupuliferae (No confundirlo con ciertas Rhamnaceae, que son llamadas
popularmente "Alders". Tintura de la corteza y de brotes jvenes.
Relaciones.- Comparar : Hammam., Stilling., Phytol., Kali i., Merc., Nux v., Bapt., Estados
alternantes, Alo., Pod., Kali bich.
Tiene alguna reputacin como remedio para afecciones de la piel, hipertrofias
ganglionares, e indigestin por secrecin imperfecta del jugo gstrico
Estimula la nutricin, y as acta favorablemente en trastornos escrofulosos, ganglios
hipertrofiados, etc
Mucosas de la boca y la garganta, ulceradas
Dedos cubiertos de costras causadas por pstulas, olor desagradable
Indigestin por secrecin imperfecta del jugo gstrico.
Leucorrea, con erosiones del cervix, sangrando fcilmente
Amenorrea, con dolores ardientes desde la espalda al pubis.
Herpes crnico
Ganglios submaxilares hipertrofiados
Eczema, prurigo
Prpura hemorrgica
Erupcin por zumaque
Uso local.
De la tintura a la tercera potencia.
ALOE (Vijnovsky)
(Aloe Socotrina)
*** 4- "No hay medicamento ms rico en sntomas de congestin portal" (Boericke) (ver 18
y 19). Acta sobre el sistema venoso porta y de pequea pelvis.
* 11- Cefaleas frontales con nuseas y pesadez, que lo obligan a entrecerrar los ojos, mejor
por aplicaciones fras, peor por calor, al dar cada paso. Cefaleas que alternan con
lumbago, hemorroides y afecciones intestinales y uterinas; por heces insuficientes o
* 12- Dolores profundos en las rbitas. Achica los ojos durante las cefaleas. Ve anillos o
estras amarillos que se mueven. Ojos rojos.
Odia los sonidos o ruidos, la hacen temblar. Oye crujidos al masticar; o un sonido de
explosin brusca en el odo izquierdo, como de vidrios que se rompen.
** 17- Apenas come o bebe, debe apurarse a mover el vientre. Hambre durante la diarrea
(Petrol.). Gastralgia al dar un paso en falso. Eructos amargos.
*** 18- Ruidos en el vientre despus de cenar (Kent), con plenitud, pesadez, distensin y
borborigmos que se escuchan a distancia, peor antes de mover el vientre; parece que
fuera a estallar. Gran flatulencia que presiona hacia abajo, con emisin de flatos
calientes, ardientes, ruidosos, copiosos, ofensivos, que lo alivian. Dolores que van de un
lado al otro del vientre (Chel.), con sensibilidad al tocarlo. Sensacin de "bearing-down"
o pesadez en hipogastrio, peor parado, con deseos urgentes de defecar. Clicos cortantes
en fosa ilaca derecha, peor antes y durante la defecacin; todos los dolores cesan
despus de mover el vientre, dejando una sensacin de extrema debilidad, casi
desmayndose, con sudores profusos. Estas crisis de clicos son precedidas por una
constipacin obstinada. Sensacin de tapn entre pubis y coxis, con deseos urgentes de
defecar. Malestar, tensin y dolor hepticos, peor parado, mejor doblndose (es un
importante medicamento heptico). Dolor periumbilical, peor por presin.
*** 19- Los sntomas rectales son los que, generalmente, determinan su indicacin. Las
heces, an cuando sean slidas, salen involuntariamente sobre todo al eliminar flatos, al
orinar o de noche en cama, est inseguro de su esfnter, no confa en l; tiene la
sensacin de prdida de contraccin de su esfnter, est pendiente de l, le parece que
cada vez que elimina un flato, va a salir algo de materia fecal o no sabe que va a salir;
siempre est con miedo de que salgan materias fecales; gente que siempre ensucia algo
su ropa interior (Schmidt). Deseo urgente e imperioso, brusco, de mover el vientre, con
gran dificultad para contener las heces, que lo levanta temprano de la cama (de 3 a 9
a.m. [Sulphur]), o cuando pasan flatos calientes, que es lo nico que elimina, volviendo
pronto la urgencia, con sensacin de tapn rectal y ardor anal despus de los flatos.
Deseos constantes de mover el vientre: a la maana al despertar (o lo despierta), despus
de comer o beber, al levantarse, al estar parado, al orinar, al eliminar gases. Diarrea con
las caractersticas ya expresadas, en chorro, con abundancia de flatos, con heces
amarillas o sanguinolentas en grandes trozos gelatinosos, transparentes; por ira, por
cerveza, por fruta, peor en verano, parado o caminando, despus de comer o beber.
Constipacin. Hemorroides azules, en paquetes como racimos de uvas, ardientes,
dolorosas (no tolera el menor contacto), sangrantes, peor durante la menstruacin, mejor
por aplicaciones fras; con intenso prurito y ardor anal que impiden dormir.
* 20- Incontinencia de orina en viejos, hipertrofia de prstata con sensacin de tironeo hacia
abajo y nicturia. Cada vez que orina, siente como si fuera a salir un trocito de materia
21- Deseo sexual aumentado en el hombre, peor despus de despertar y de comer. Pene
arrugado y fro.
** 24- Lumbago que alterna con cefaleas y hemorroides. Dolor en sacro, peor sentado y
25- Piel caliente y seca, sin fiebre; prurito en invierno. Se destapa de noche en cama (Kent).
Inseguridad rectal; sensacin de que el recto est repleto de un lquido pesado que va
a salir y que en efecto sale si el paciente no va inmediatamente al bao. Diarrea.
Heces slidas que salen (en grandes masas redondeadas) en forma involuntaria e
-La debilidad del esfnter anal tambin puede existir en la constipacin y se trata de
un sntoma tan curioso que no lo hubiera credo si no lo hubiera visto con mis propios ojos.
"Heces slidas que salen involuntariamente, que escapan sin ser advertidas." Una vez fui
llamado para tratar a un nio de cinco aos de edad que sufra desde su nacimiento de una
forma de constipacin sumamente rebelde. Lo deban obligar a sentarse en la bacinilla y
mantenerlo all llorando y gritando todo el tiempo, pero a pesar de esto era totalmente
incapaz de expulsar ni la menor cantidad de heces, ni siquiera despus de un enema. Despus
de haber ensayado en vano varios remedios, le ped a la madre que diera vuelta al nio (ste
estaba en cama) a fin de examinarle el ano y el recto. Al levantar las ropas de cama para
hacerlo, apareci en el lecho un voluminoso trozo de materia fecal slida. "Vea, Doctor", dijo
la madre, "esto es lo que ocurre: A pesar de que no puede mover el intestino cuando lo
intenta, a menudo encontramos esas cosas en la cama y l no sabe cuando salen, ni tampoco
nosotros." Entonces prescrib unas pocas dosis de Aloe 200 y toda la enfermedad se cur en
forma rpida y permanente.
Aloe, como Podophyllum, tiene igualmente prolapso uterino y guan para su eleccin
la sensacin de calor, de pesadez y de plenitud en el abdomen, la pelvis y el recto. Tambin
como en Podophyllum, su accin, aunque de campo no muy dilatado, es efectiva, segura y
Acta sobre el SISTEMA VENOSO y los rganos donde dicho sistema predomina,
Pero sus efectos se sienten principalmente en el sistema de la vena porta; por la PLTORA
que causa provoca en ambos sexos IRRITACIN DE TODOS LOS RGANOS DEL
BAJO VIENTRE con marcada predileccin por el APARATO GENITAL FEMENINO.
Dice Kent: "ALOE" se parece mucho a AESCULUS en que provoca un infarto, una pltora
venosa que produce una sensacin de plenitud en todo el organismo, localizndose ms
en las venas del sistema portal con gran sensacin de congestin heptica, abdominal,
intestinal y rectal".
Dice Manquat en su Tratado de Teraputica: "aloe congestiona el recto por intermedio de las
venas hemorroidales, y en particular los rganos genito-urinarios juntamente con todos
los del bajo vientre; puede resultar una sensacin de pesadez renal y en las caderas,
hemorroides en los predispuestos a ellas, deseos frecuentes de orinar y hasta aborto.
Gubler atribuye la congestin rectal, accin biliar sobre la misma regin, y efecto de la
estasis venosa del hgado sobre las venas mesentricas".
En resumen, aloe causa efectos fisiolgicos de superactividad, de plenitud venosa tal, que por
la intensidad de su irritacin probablemente corresponda mejor al perodo agudo de los
cuadros en los que es indicado, debidos a congestin y pltora venosas.
CONSTITUCIN Y TIPO: "Es indicado para los grandes comilones, pletricos, sedentarios,
intoxicados por las sales de uratos y oxalato de cal; para los diabticos, cuya orina reduce
el licor de FEHLING, algunas dosis de ALOE y de OXALIC ACID. bastan para
descongestionar el hgado, ese gran amo del metabolismo alimenticio, y el bulbo,
particularmente en la base del 40. ventrculo, con lo que los pseudo-diabticos se sienten
mejor y su orina se normaliza. (Dr. Amieux en "La Revue Franaise d'Homopathie" -
Abril 1924).
A) Agravacin
DESPUS DE HABER COMIDO O BEBIDO: ello provoca clicos, diarrea, aunque a veces
los clicos pueden ser seguidos de CONSTIPACIN.
POR LA CERVEZA; el remedio es til para los malestares causados por la cerveza an en
viejos bebedores (KALI BICHR). POR LAS OSTRAS (LYCOP)
B) Mejora
FRA, que excitan la circulacin.
Sntomas mentales
Estos sntomas son propios de los viejos bebedores cansados, flemosos, hipocondracos.
Aparato digestivo
Cuando da un traspi o pisa mal, dolor fuerte en la boca del estmago. (Dr. Amieux).
Diarrea con sustancia amarilla en forma de gelatina transparente o sanguinolenta; a veces esa
sustancia sale sin que el sujeto se aperciba de ello. LA DEPOSICIN SALE
INVOLUNTARIAMENTE segn el Dr. Amieux; ello se debe al edema de mucosa ano-
rectal que encontramos a menudo. Antes de la deposicin, abundante gas y borborigmos;
puede haber tambin dolores y clicos sobre todo a la derecha del abdomen. Durante la
deposicin, abundante gas y tenesmo; si hubo clicos antes, despus de la deposicin
sudores y sensacin de debilidad; cada posible del recto, calmada con agua fra
(MURIAT. AC. tiene igual sntoma pero calmado con agua caliente).
Hemorroides color azulado con mucho prurito que calma por el agua fra. (Las hemorroides
de MURIAT. AC. calman con agua caliente).
Aparato urinario
rganos genitales
Dolores como de parto, principalmente en los riones, que se extienden a las piernas.
Espalda y extremidades
Dolores en la parte baja de la espalda, aumentados por el movimiento. Puntadas a travs del
En los estados venosos, ALOE tiene relaciones muy ntimas con SULFUR, y estudiando los
remedios cuidadosamente veremos que tambin con KALI BICHR., SULF., AESC., y
aloe existe gran relacin en las partes estomacal e intestinal.
ALOE NO ES, SIN EMBARGO, un remedio constitucional de accin tan profunda y larga
como sulf., pero tampoco es de tan corta duracin como ACON. o BELL. Los malestares
de aloe aparecen con rapidez moderada.Se parece a BRYON. al no actuar sobre la fuerza
vital tan profundamente como SULF. (Kent).
ALOE (Kent)
El aloe, muy semejante a Aesculus, tiene una peculiar ingurgitacin de las venas, causa
embotamiento y plenitud a travs del cuerpo pero el mayor trastorno se encuentra en el
sistema porta con una gran plenitud en la regin del hgado, as como abdominal, rectal
e intestinal. Esto se relaciona con hemorroides. Tiene dolores abdominales que lo llevan
a evacuar en forma semejante a Nux vomica; dolores cortantes calambre alrededor del
ombligo que descienden hacia el recto. Trastornos disentricos y diarrea. En los ataques
diarreicos hay una emisin de heces delgadas, amarillas, ofensivas, excoriativas que
arden como fuego y el ano est dolorido. Contiene las heces con dificultad, no se atreve
a apartar su pensamiento del esfnter por que en cuanto se descuida las heces escaparn.
No puede permitir el escape de la menor flatulencia porque con ello habr una salida
violenta de heces. Con la diarrea de Aloe el abdomen est distellido con gases,
causando una sensacin de plenitud y tensin y debe evacuar a menudo. Los
pequeuelos, poco despus que comienzan a caminar evacuarn involuntariamente
sobre la alfombra, pequeas porciones amarillas de heces y mucosidades. Algunas
veces la madre castiga a los pequeos, pero ello no puede ayudar, pues no puede
contener las heces que salen involuntariamente. Hay una falta de control del esfnter.
No siempre este estado est limitado a la diarrea por que algunas veces los chicos dejan
salir, involuntariamente, trozos de heces pequeas, duras, parecidas a piezas de mrmol.
Incluso no se dan cuenta cuando evacan. Hay una relajacin del recto y una saliencia
del ano con hemorroides sangrantes. Cada bocado de comida lo impele a evacuar hasta
cuando toma agua. Diarrea por comer ostras fuera de la estacin. Ud. puede estar
dispuesto a dar Lycopodium, por que en los textos el empozoamiento por ostras es
colocado bajo Lyc. Yo no s si ser justificado decir que en emponzoamiento por
ostras en la estacin es Lyc., y fuera de la estacin es Aloe, pero hay un efecto
tremendamente ponzooso por ostras en el tiempo caluroso y en la poca de
reproduccin que no se encuentra en ningn otro momento. Mucha gente tiene nuseas
y vomita varios das despus de comer ostras. Ahora, cuando aparece este grupo de
sntomas lo curar Lycopodim y eliminar la tendencia a enfermarse por ostras. Pero si
Ud. advierte que aquellos enfermos tienen trastornos semejantes a clera al comer
ostras en la estacin clida Ud. encontrar que precisamente el remedio es Aloe.
No ha sido bien probado este medicamento, de aqu que yo me he referido a las cosas en
que es usado clnicamente. Est ms cercanamente relacionado con Sulphur en su
patogenia venosa que cualquier otro remedio. Si Ud. estudia conjuntamente Kali
bicromicum, Sulphur y Aloe, quedar sorprendido por sus maravillosas relaciones en la
patologa gstrica e intestinal.
Entre los pocos sntomas mentales advertimos que, "Ella saba que morira en una semana",
"La vida es una carga". "Indispuesta para moverse". Muy poco se trasluce para que
podamos distinguirlo; se dan solamente algunas pocas cosas comunes a muchos
medicamentos. El paciente de Aloe es muy excitable cuando est bajo la influencia del
dolor que se encuentra generalmente en el abdomen. Dolores como clicos, flatulencias
en el abdomen hasta la desesperacin; ella se hace extremadamente irritable y excitable
en estos ataques. Un sntoma algo sorprendente es, "Odia a la gente, rechaza a todos".
La congestin de la cabeza que sucede durante los trastornos intestinales, es una
especie de estasis venoso tal como se encuentra en el sistema porta. "Cefalalgia en la
frente". "El dolor de cabeza se agrava por el calor y se alivia con aplicaciones fras". La
agravacin por el calor y el alivio por el fro transcurre a travs de Aloe. El paciente
desea estar en una habitacin fra; se siente acalorado y abochornado; la piel est a
menudo caliente y seca; l desea estar descubierto en la cama durante la noche; ardor en
las extremidades, calor en las manos y pies fros o, alternando, manos fras y pies
calientes. Siente la cabeza ardiente y desea algo fro sobre ella. Esto corresponde al
calor de la superficie, pues no hay fiebre. Sensacin de calor superficial, sensacin de
congestin y plenitud en la superficie del cuerpo; plenitud y congestin venosa por
sobre todo el cuerpo. Son comunes en este medicamento la salida de sangre venosa de
la nariz, los intestinos, la vejiga; sangra general. Las venas se tornan varicosas y la piel
est caliente. Mucho calor en los orificios del cuerpo; los ojos, la boca y la garganta
estn calientes y arden. Hay una sensacin de sequedad, ardor y excoriacin alrededor
del ano.
Tal vez una de las ms sorprendentes caractersticas del estado abdominal es la plenitud,
distensin y borborigmos. Parecera como si el abdomen fuera a reventar y los
borborigmos son tan grandes que pueden ser escuchados por cualquiera en la
habitacin. La evacuacin gorgotea con un ruido como de agua que sale de una canilla.
La descripcin de los autores antiguos habla como de un chisporroteo, por el cual las
heces salen acompaadas de flatulencia con gorgoteo y chisporroteo. El abdomen
aparece tan distendido como siempre incluso despus que han salido gran cantidad de
gases. No hay alivio. El dolor se siente especialmente a travs del abdomen, alrededor
de las caderas.
La gran distensin del abdomen con sensacin de empujar a travs del colon transverso, as
como en el ascendente y descendente; dolor, gorgoteo, borborigmo, pesadez y
sensacin de presin hacia afuera. "Retorcijones y dolor de presin en la parte superior
del abdomen alrededor del ombligo que lo obliga a estar encorvado que lo alivia".
"Sensacin de debilidad en el abdomen como resultado de la diarrea". Algunas veces la
debilidad es muy grande, tanto que se ve obligado a guardar cama con su diarrea y est
tan exhausto que Ud. a menudo se equivocar y pensar en Podophyllum, pues en este
medicamento hay una gran distensin, tremendo gorgoteo, mucha flatulencia, gran
borborigmo en los intestinos y los trastornos aparecen a las 4 de la maana. Aloe es
semejante a Sulphur, otra vez, en lo que lo saca fuera de la cama a la madrugada con
diarrea, y hay momentos cuando saca los pies de las cobijas para enfriarlos; las plantas
de los pies arden y l los destapa. Retorcijones en el abdomen y sensacin de debilidad.
"Dolor en todo el abdomen, especialmente a los lados del ombligo". Est tan sensible el
abdomen que no puede encontrar una posicin confortable. "Dolor embotado
abdominal como despus de haber tomado fro repetidamente por la maana y por la
"Ante la necesidad de evacuar, solamente se emiten gases, dando alivio, pero se vuelve
urgente a lo mismo". Tambin es til en enfermos crnicos de estos trastornos, aquellos
que sufren de constipacin, que pasan varios das sin evacuacin, pero sienten la
necesidad y deben ir al bao y entonces slo emiten gases. Natrum sulphuricum
superar muy comnmente este estado. "Heces acuosas, grumosas". Es sta una
caracterstica fuerte de Aloe; apelotonamientos duros mezclados con una evacuacin
acuosa; los bultos estn en el agua o en el lquido fecal; pequeos terrones semejantes a
estircol de ovejas. En la constipacin las heces son apelotonadas, semejante a bolitas
de mrmol. Algunas veces estos pequeos ndulos permanecen un largo tiempo en el
recto sin ninguna urgencia por evacuar, y finalmente escapan inconscientemente,
encontrndose en la ropa. Entera prdida de sensacin en el ano, una anestesia sin sentir
el paso de la evacuacin.
Muchos de los trastornos de Aloe son de carcter disentrico, con un estado inflamatorio
agudo del recto y de la porcin inferior del colon; emisin de sangre y de mucus
amarillo como jalea. Algunas veces el paciente de Aloe no emitir nada ms que
grandes cantidades de esta jalea mucosa amarilla. No olvide Aloe para hemorroides que
forman como un racimo de uvas. "Picazn y ardor en el ano que impide dormir". El
paciente se ve impelido a masajear el ano con el dedo; es tan violenta la comezn que
no puede dejarlo solo; parecera que lo llevara hasta el frenes. Solamente encuentra
alivio aplicando algo fro. Una caracterstica comn de Aloe es que los ungentos
aumentan el ardor. El paciente de Sulphur tampoco puede soportar cualquier aplicacin;
es ponzoosa para l y aparecen erupciones.
Dondequiera que una mucosa se inflama se forma un depsito de mucus espeso como jalea.
Si hay una ulceracin o mculas aftosas o una superficie inflamada a veces se
despellejan porciones de mucus gelatinoso gruesas como de cuero. Es el momento en
que la parte inferior del recto est en este estado y el paciente dir que la evacuacin
apelotonada est endurecida en jalea. La evacuacin apelotonada en Graphites aparece
como encerrada en una sustancia coagulada como clara de huevo. Algunas veces el
paciente de Aloe, antes de evacuar, expele mucus gelatinoso, espeso, que ha ocupado la
porcin inferior del recto. Aloe ha curado un caso de estenosis rectal en el cual estaba
indicado por estos sntomas. La estenosis impide a toda la materia fecal marchar hacia
el ano, pero el recto se llenaba tres o cuatro veces por da e impulsaba al paciente a
expulsar una cantidad de mucus gelatinoso. Las heces que podran ser forzadas eran
escasamente ms grandes que un cao de pipa. Se ha dicho que nuestras medicinas no
son capaces de curar el estreimiento pero algunas veces lo hacen. Si ellas pueden curar
al paciente es maravilloso como la naturaleza normalizar todos los tejidos inflamados
y el conducto se torna normal. Esto se ha visto muchas veces en la estrechez de la
uretra y en la constriccin del recto.
ALOE (Clarke)
Aloe socotrina. Socotrina aloes. Aloes comn. N.O. Liliaceae. Trituracin o solucin en
alcohol de la goma.
Clnica.- Abdomen, pltora de. Ano, afecciones. Bronquitis. Clico. Constipacin. Diarrea.
Disentera. Gonorrea. Gonorrea crnica. Hemorroides. Histeria. Lumbago. Onanismo,
efectos. Proctitis. Prstata, afecciones. Sacro, dolor en. Tenesmo. Tisis. Tos. tero,
Relaciones.- Aloe est en relacin con: All. cep., All. s., Agave, Scilla, Colch. Es
antdotado por: Sul., Mustard, Camph. mejora por un momento, Lyc., y Nux v. mejoran
la otalgia. Se parece a Sul. en muchos sntomas y es de igual importancia con Sul. en
enfermedades crnicas con pltora abdominal; Ailanth. (cefalea frontal embotante);
Gambog. (diarrea); Ammon. mur. (sntomas abdominales y diarreicos); Nux v.
(trastornos gstricos, abdominales y uterinos; malos efectos de hbitos sedentarios);
Aesc. (hemorroides); Merc. (disentera); Pod. (alternancia entre sntomas de la cabeza y
sntomas abdominales).
- Semejante a Sulphur en muchas enfermedades crnicas con pltora abdominal y
congestin de la circulacin de la vena porta; desarrolla erupciones ya suprimidas;
Semejante: a Am. m., Gamb., Nux, Pod.
-En la maana temprano; por la vida sedentaria; por el tiempo caliente y seco; despus de
comer o beber; por estar en pie o andando.
- Con las aplicaciones de agua fra; con el tiempo fro; con la expulsin de gases y la
Un excelente remedio para ayudar a restablecer el equilibrio fisiolgico despus de muchos
tratamientos, donde los sntomas de la enfermedad y de los medicamentos estn mezclados
No hay remedio ms rico en sntomas de congestin portal y ninguno que haya dado
mejores resultados clnicos, tanto para el estado patolgico primario como para los
fenmenos secundarios.
Malos efectos de vida o hbitos sedentarios
Corresponde especialmente a pacientes linfticos e hipocondracos
Los sntomas rectales determinan usualmente su eleccin
Adaptado a personas agotadas, veteranos bebedores de cerveza viejos y flemticos
Insastifecho y enojado consigo mismo, alternando con lumbago
Calor interno y externo
Se ha usado con xito en el tratamiento de la consuncin, dando el jugo purgante.
Cefalea que alterna con lumbago, con afecciones intestinales y uterinas
Aversin al trabajo mental
Dolor por encima de la frente, con pesadez en los ojos, debe cerrarlos parcialmente
Cefalea despus de defecar
Dolor sordo, presivo; peor por calor.
Impulsado a hacerlos pequeos durante el dolor en la frente
Centelleo delante de los ojos.
Ojos rojos con visin amarilla
Dolor profundo en rbitas.
Enrojecimiento marcado de los labios.
Crujidos cuando mastica
Explosin sbita y fragor en el odo izquierdo
Tintineo como de algn globo metlico, delgado, vibrando en la cabeza.
Punta fra
Sangrado por la maana al despertar
Llena de costras.
Sabor cido y amargo
Eructos sin sabor
Labios fisurados y secos.
Masas espesas de moco tenaz
Estado varicoso de las venas de la faringe
Seca, sensacin rasposa.
Aversin a la carne
Deseo vehemente de cosas jugosas
Flatulencia despus de comer, pulsacin en el recto, e irritacin sexual
Nusea con cefalea
Dolor en la boca del estmago al pisar en falso.
Dolor alrededor del ombligo, peor a la presin
Plenitud en la regin del hgado, dolor debajo de las costillas derechas
El abdomen se siente lleno, pesado, caliente, distendido
Dolor pulstil alrededor del ombligo
Sensacin de debilidad, como si la diarrea fuese a aparecer
Gran acumulacin de gases, que presionan hacia abajo, causando malestar en los intestinos
Sensacin de un tapn entre snfisis del pubis y cccix, con deseo urgente de defecar
Clicos antes y durante la defecacin
Gases abundantes, ardientes.
Sensacin constante de prolapso en el recto; sangra, adolorido, caliente; mejorado por agua
Sensacin de debilidad y prdida de poder del esfnter anal
Sensacin de inseguridad en el recto, al eliminar gases
Incertidumbre sobre si saldrn gases o heces
Las heces pasan sin esfuerzo, casi sin notarlas
Heces acuosas, grumosas
Heces gelatinosas, con adolorimiento del recto despus de defecar.
Mucha mucosidad, con dolor en el recto, despus de defecar
Protusin de hemorroides como uvas; muy adoloridas y sensibles; mejor por aplicaciones
de agua fra
Ardor en el ano y en el recto
Estreimiento, con presin pesada en la parte baja del abdomen
Diarrea por cerveza.
Incontinencia en ancianos, sensacin de prolapso y crecimiento de prstata
Escasa y muy coloreada.
Prolapso en el recto, peor de pie y durante la menstruacin
El tero lo siente pesado, no puede caminar mucho debido a ello
Dolores como de parto en la zona lumbar; se extienden hacia las piernas
Hemorragia en el climaterio
Menstruacin demasiado temprana y demasiado profusa.
Toses de invierno, con prurito
Respiracin difcil, con pinchazos del hgado al trax.
Dolor en la parte baja de la espalda: peor movindose
Punzadas a travs del sacro
Lumbago alternando con cefalea y hemorroides.
Debilidad en todos los miembros
Dolores tironeantes en las articulaciones.
Dolor plantar al caminar.
Peor por la maana temprano; en verano: por calor; en tiempo seco, caluroso; despus de
comer o beber
Mejor por el fro, al aire libre.
Complementario; Sulphur; comparar Kali bich., Lycop., Allium sat.
Opium, Sulphur.
Sexta potencia y ms altas
En estados rectales, pocas dosis de la tercera, y esperar.
Congestin portal. Constipacin. Diarrea. Disentera. Hemorroides. Lumbago. Prostatitis.
Aurum mar., Nux. vom. (vida sedentaria, trastornos digestivos). Aesculus (hemorroides).
Mercurius (disentera). Podophyllum (alternancia de sntomas de la cabeza y del abdomen).
Complementario: Sulphur.
6a, 30a, 200 y 1 000.
Aloe socotrina (Allen)
- Amorous thoughts, present themselves, which are very annoying (first day), [a6].
- Before taking it, the disposition is apprehensive, speculative, amorous; after taking it,
quiet, immovable, contented, joyful, reflective; mind is more self-sufficient, more inclined
to labor; no sleepiness after a meal (first to third day), [a6].
- Contented, happy humor in the evening, as well as all the following day (fifth day), [a5].
- Towards evening, uncommonly aroused by inspiriting, joyful news (fifth day), [a5].
- Merry, self-contented; fraternized with the whole world (fifth day), [a6].
- At evening, in a happy mood, he feels completely happy and contented, [a8].
- Great serenity and good humor (in a patient), [_a1].
- The child is very much enlivened and vivacious, it plays and prattles uncommonly, with
much mischievousness and laughter (from sucking Aloes), [a8].
- Contented with his station in life; it involuntary occurs to him, that he is really much
better off than many other people (seventh day), [a8].
- Quiet and serene humor (curative effect), [a22].
- In the forenoon, he is disposed to become reconciled, where he would not other wise have
been so (second day), [a5].
- Despondent, with flatulent distension, [a4].
- Anxiety, anguish, and ebullition of the blood, [a19].
- A certain anxiety (after one scruple), [a17].
- Anxiety produced by vertigo, [a8].
- Anxious startings up, [a14].
- Great anxiety, timorousness, restlessness, dread of death, and great anguish, so that she
cannot stay anywhere, [a20].
- Oppression and apprehensiveness, [a12].
- After a nocturnal emission of semen, fright at the rattling of the windows by the wind
(fourth day), [a5].
- Little inclination to labor; discouraged, apprehensive about his success (fourth day), [a7].
- Irritable, he cannot endure the visit of many people, they are repugnant to him (twenty-
fourth day), [a7].
- Anthropophobia, [a4].
- (Immediately, strong exhibition of will; he quarrels with every one who contradicts him;
it seems as if he would permit himself to be torn in pieces, sooner than give up his will),
- The weather is cloudy, cold, rainy (in December), and his humor morose, thoughtful,
discontented (fifth day), [a6].
- Ill-humor; peevish about himself, so that he insults and blasphemies; worse afternoons
(third day), [a8].
- Very discontented and unhappy mood, since the forenoon, with confused head and lack of
inclination to labor; better in the evening (twenty-four day), [a7].
- Moroseness (first day), [a4].
- Peevish towards himself, without reason (second day), [a4].
- Peevish and morose (second day), [a4].
- Ill-humor, with pain in the sacral region, aggravated at evening, lasting one week, [_a3].
- Very ill-humored, seldom moderated by sadness (second day), [a4].
- Ill-humor and incapacity for labor, with peevish restlessness (third day), [a4].
- The child is hard to please, and cries on the least provocation, t.
- A condition of mind that is intolerable, and without stool (ninth day), [a7].
- Ill-humor, peevishness, and anthropophobia, with cuttings in abdomen, [a4].
- During pain, everything disgusts him, [a4].
- Indifference and sleepiness evenings, [a5].
- After meal, no sleepiness, but a forbidding and unconcerned humor; about half-past three,
he is better and much inclined to joke, continually mocking the remarks of others; in the
evening is inclined to work (twelfth-day), [a5].
- * Lassitude, alternating with great mental activity; eight day, [a4].
- Immediately after a meal, he sat down by himself, without speaking, without any desire
for mental or physical exertion; meditating, wrapt up in himself, as after a sickness or a fit
of anger, which still gnaws internally, which one cannot express. Nothing can engage his
attention, he is averse to and disgusted with everything. From one till after four in the
evening, already an opposite condition sets in; he is not at all angered about an accident
which otherwise probably would have angered him, [a5].
- Great restlessness and excitement (second day), [a4].
- Inner restlessness and excitement (third day), [a7].
- Excitement of mind and body, afternoons (third day), [a7].
- At an early hour, quick, complete awakening, with inclination for mental labor, good
appetite (second day), [_a1].
- He believes on awaking that it must be later, [a5].
- In the afternoon, he works with a will, without a midday nap (fourth day), [a5].
- In the morning, good appetite and inclination to work (fifth day), [a5].
- Much inclination for continued labor (first day), [a6].
- Especially inclined to mechanical labor (first day), [a6].
- Inclined to work, with pain in the forehead, [a6].
- Excited, nights, with warmth and redness of the face, [a6].
- Head confused, and indisposition for every employment, [_a2].
- Labor already begins to be tedious to him (third day), [a7].
- Great laziness in the middle of the day (second day), [a4].
- Much exhaustion and laziness (seventh day), [a4].
- * Disinclined to more (second day), [a4].
- An anxious restlessness deters him from mental labor (first day), [_a2].
- * Great disinclination to mental labor (second day), [a4].
- * Speedy fatigue from mental labor (second day), [a4].
- * Disinclination for much mechanical or intellectual labor; instead of this, great
disposition for desultory thinking (fourth day), [a7].
- * Exhaustion, alternating with activity, [a4].
- Smelling camphor relieves the troubles quickly and considerably. There even follows for
awhile inclination and ability for mental labor, which requires clear thinking. After an hour,
however, all the troubles return (eighth day), [a4].
- Painful confusion of the head every morning, [a8].
- Confusion of the head; the first day, [a4]; the second day, [_a2].
- Confusion of the head and discontent, [a7].
- Confusion and heaviness.
- * Murky pain in the head and forehead, [a6].
- Vertigo, [a14].
- Paroxysms of vertigo, [a14].
- Vertigo, as if everything whirled about with her, worse on going up stairs and turning
quickly, [a12].
- Very peculiar vertigo each day, after taking the third trituration; during motion, he feels as
if he ought to lie down; whilst standing and walking, an inner sensation which makes
everything seem insecure, and which makes him very anxious; then nasal catarrh, first on
the left side, then on the right, with copious secretion of mucus, which soon becomes thick;
afterwards, no more vertigo, [a8].
- Whilst sitting, after meal, he feels as if he sat upon a high chair; a kind of vertigo (the
fifteenth and subsequent days), [a7].
- Headache, [a27].
- * Headache, after griping of the bowels, and after stool, [a12].
- Headache in the morning, following an incomplete evacuation of the bowels, lasting until
a second stool follows, a few hours after, [a22].
- The whole head feels affected, [a27].
- Periodic headache, alternating with pains in the loins, [a12]; with sacral pains, [a14].
- Headache relieved by cold applications, [a14].
- Headache, worse in arm, better in cool (air), [a12].
- (Headache from the heat of the sun), [a17].
- After eating, the headache is better for awhile, [a12].
- Headache worse in the dark, ameliorated in the light, [a26].
- Headache aggravated by motion, especially by stooping (the first day), [_a2].
- Pains on contact, [a27].
- Attack in the head, with nausea, as from indigestion, [a27].
- On rising before five in the morning, the head feels completely aroused; an excited
condition of the whole brain (sixth day), [a5].
- The brain is again somewhat excited on the eleventh day, [a5].
- * On rising, the brain is aroused and excited (twenty-first day), [a7].
- Tension in the head, [a27].
- Continued and severe congestion of the occiput and sinciput, whereby the eyes are
pressed out, [a20].
- * Congestion of the head, [a20, a12, a21].
- Disposition to congestion of the head, if administered with existing haemorrhoids (aa. ).
- Tearing in the head, here and there, [a26].
- After 11 o'clock A. M., sense of dull pressure throughout the whole head when walking, a
shaking as if the brain lay loose therein, considerably aggravated in fresh, cold air, also on
laying the head down, then and awhile after rising up, a beating, thumping pain, like
pulsating, especially in the occiput; better awhile after eating (the first day, after having
taken the medicine five times, less the second day; disappearing the third day), [a12].
- Sensation as if the head were widened, being pressed out on all sides (after four hours),
- Sluggish, drawing, sensitive pain in the head, more externally (the first day), [a7].
- Throbbing headache, 1/100, [a24].
- Throbbing in the middle of the brain, [a20].
- She received a shock from the arm up into the head; thereupon the sensation of a wind
from the head into the abdomen (Kerner).
- * Pressive pain in the forehead, from the third to the fifth day, thereafter relief, [a4].
- Confusion of the sinciput, especially with chilliness, [a7].
- * Downward and inward pressing pain (down towards the nose), in the middle of the
forehead (in a mesmerized person), [_a1].
- * Dull headache across above the forehead, with heaviness in the eyes, and nausea, [a12].
- * A dull, pressive pain in the forehead, in the afternoon, [a4].
- * Headache in the forehead and on the vertex, as from a weight (fourth day), [a12].
- Headache in the forehead, with abdominal symptoms, [_a1].
- Pressure in the forehead, immediately after licking Aloes (in a girl nine years of age),
- Painfulness of half the face, arising from the forehead, [a4].
- Pressive pain in the forehead, involving the orbits (the third day), [_a2].
- Dull drawing and sticking over the right side of the forehead; the head feels murky; it
compels one to make the eyes small; at the same time, the desire for labor continues longer
(fourth day), [a6].
- Pain on right side of forehead, [a27].
- Pain in the forehead, pressing outward towards the temples; appears soon after taking
Aloes, and continues, [_a2].
- * Dull pressive pain in the supraorbital region (first day), [a4].
- Pulling every evening, from above the right eyebrow to the bottom of the right side oft
the forehead, [a27].
- Dull stitches in the supraorbital region (the first and fifth day), [a4].
- Stitches over the brows and in the frontal prominences, [_a3].
- A single darting drawing over the left eye and outward through the same (after four
hours), [a6].
- Pressive tension, sometimes pulsating, in the sinciput, [a20].
- * Dull pressive pain in the sinciput (second day), [a4].
- Pressing outward to the temples with periodic heat of the face
- (Slight pressive pain in the right temple; sour food produces an inclination to vomit and
lassitude), [_a1].
- Pressive pain in the left temple especially, appearing now and then, [_a1].
- Pressive boring in the left temple, soon thereafter a sticking, drawing outwards to the left
eye, from above, out of the brow downwards, afternoon and evening (second day), [a6].
- Drawing stitches over the right temple, not deep (the third day), [a6].
- First transient, then severe stitches in the left temporal region, aggravated by every
footstep, [a15].
- Dull stitches through the left temple into the brain, [_a2].
- Pressive sensation at the crown, [_a1].
- * Sense of weight on the vertex, [a12].
- At midday, a pain as of subcutaneous suppuration, on a spot as large as a half-dollar, on
the right side of the top of the head (between organs 16 and 12, according to Combe), so
that even touching the air is very painful (afternoons); also in the evening, in another spot
of the same size (the second day), [a6].
- On the left side in the scalp, near the vertex, a feeling as if it had been beaten, so that
pressure thereon is painful, but yet feels good (the fifth day), [a8].
- Painfulness behind the top of the head, as of subcutaneous ulceration; the air stands up
more on this spot, continuing from midday, the seventh day; tenth and eleventh days, again
a sensitive spot behind on the vertex, [a5].
- Headache on the left side, [a27].
- Pressure on the left side at the top of the parietal bone (after one hour), [a8].
- Beating in the left wall of the head, at first painless, [a27].
- Stitches in the right side between the forehead and vertex, from the top inward (the first
day), [a8].
- Leaping pain in the right parietal bone toward the vertex, [a27].
- On the right side of the head, sudden blunt shootings from below upwards, in the evening
and on the following morning, after trituration, [a23].
- Pressure in the middle of the right half of the brain, after trituration, [_a2, _a3, a8].
- Severe pressure in the occiput, after a pressing asunder, [a20].
- * Pressive ache in the angle of the right occiput (evening), [_a1].
- Dull drawing in the left side of the occiput, [_a2].
- In the occiput (and abdomen), beating at night, when lying down; stitches after stooping;
external soreness, [_a1].
- An ache, like a pressure in the scalp of the occiput, [_a1].
- On combing the hair in the morning, a sensitive spot on the left side on upper part of the
occiput; towards evening, on the right side of the head, on the top (twelfth day), [a5].
- Frequent feeling of heat in the scalp, [a20].
- A sensation of numbness moving over the scalp, with warmth, [a6].
- Dry hair (ninth and tenth days), [a7].
- The eyes are glittering, somewhat reddened, prominent, [a20].
- An unsteady, anxious look, [a20].
- * One is compelled to make the eyes small, with pain in the forehead, [a6].
- Determination of blood to the eyes, pressing them outward, [a20].
- Pain in the forehead, involving the orbits, [_a2].
- * Pain deep in the orbits, as if in the muscles, worse on the right side, [a8].
- A sensitive pressure in the orbits (first and second days), [_a2].
- Burning pain in the right eye, as if a fine current of hot air passed through it outward
drawing pain, [a6].
- An outward drawing pain in the brow, extending to the left eye, [a6].
- Heaviness of the eyes, with headache, [a12].
- Tearing pain for some minutes, as the bottom of the right eye, [a27].
- An increased congestive condition of the ordinarily somewhat reddened conjunctiva of
the lids (the first day), [a4].
- Pustules in the right external angle of the eye, surrounded externally and internally by
many red vessels, [_a1].
- Pressure in the right eyeball, severe, but passing away, evenings, from light (fifth day),
- Dim, cloudy vision, as if from want of sleep, for several nights, [a26].
- It becomes dim before the eyes on writing (second day), [_a2].
- Flickering before the eyes, with heat of the face (after a few hours), [_a2].
- Scotoma; it flickered and turned before the eyes, [a26].
- * Yellow rings, moving before the eyes, [a26].
- Shining bodies shoot across the eyes, [a26].
- Heat in the inner and outer ear, [a8].
- Throbbing and sense in the back part of the ear, [a20].
- Drawing, sticking pain in the left inner ear, which is after awhile
- A slight twining kind of pain in the right ear (evening of third day), [_a1].
- A twinging earache and cramping pain in the right ear (fourth day), [a4].
- Transient stitches from the left temporal region toward the ear, [a15].
- On pressing the teeth together, a sensation of numbness behind the ear; it draws in the
lower jaw, down through a back tooth (fourth day), [a6].
- Towards midday, a drawing pain, from before backward, below the right external meatus
auditorius, behind the lobules, in the mastoid process, and in the ear-passage itself (fourth
day), [a6].
- At times, a transient pain in the left external ear-passage, especially on pressing the teeth
together (fifth day), [a7].
- Frequent ringing and buzzing in the ears, [a20].
- At nine o'clock in the evening, when reading aloud, frequent fine crackings in the right
maxillary joint (first day), [_a2].
- Rustlings in the right ear, which almost amount to cracklings, on moving the maxillary
joint (after two hours), [a7].
- Just after getting into bed, sudden explosion and clashing in the left ear, as from the
breaking of glass; the clink of the bits of glass was heard at the bottom of the head, and
extended thence toward the right ear, [a27].
- The nose is very red without redness of the face, in the cold open air (the first day), [a7].
- In the evening, coldness of the tip of the nose, sensible only to the finger touching it,
- Early in the morning, in bed, great dryness in the nose (third day), [_a1].
- Nose-bleed early in the morning, a few drops (second day), [_a2].
- Some blood is blown out in the afternoon (fifth day), [a6].
- After waking, while yet in bed, the right nostril bleeds a dessertspoonful (eighteenth day),
- Nose-bleed, now and then, [a20].
- It stops bleeding of the nose (Schroeder), .
- Ineffectual inclination to sneeze (after ten minutes), [a6].
- Fruitless attempts to sneeze (morning of second day), [a6].
- On sneezing, stitches in the umbilical region, [a14].
- Sneezing, and watery mucus, like fluent coryza, lasting till toward evening (third day),
- Coryza, the whole of the fourth day; worse in the afternoon, [a7].
- Sensation of coryza and husky voice, [a7].
- Coryza, with pains in the nose, [a27].
- Coryza, with burning in the nose, [a27].
- Coryza and soreness in the right nostril (fifth and sixth days), [a7].
- Inclination to coryza at times (thirteenth day); thin nasal mucus (fourteenth day), [a7].
- Fluent coryza, with sneezing (fifteenth day), [a7].
- Coryza; whereupon the distressing vertigo disappears, [a8].
- Dry coryza (second day), [_a1].
- Pain in the forehead pressing down into the nose, [_a1].
- Pain in the nose, especially early in the morning and never except on motion (thirteenth
and fourteenth days), [a7].
- Sensation of burning, like fire, in the left nostril, [a27].
- A sensation in the nose, as if it would commence bleeding (the first day), [_a2].
- The right wing of the nose is scurfy and sensitive on its inner surface, fourth and eight
days; and again somewhat on the twenty-first and twenty-second days, [a7].
- Pale over night (as if up all night), sickly look (sixth day), [a5].
- He is very sensitive to the coldness of the weather, has a very pale look, sunken, and
sickly (thirteenth day), [a5].
- Pale, wretched color of the face (first to third day), [a6].
- The countenance is sickly, suffering, and pale (tenth day), [a7].
- Increased warmth and redness of the face; wide-awake, excited (after half an hour), [a7].
- Turgescence of the skin, especially of the face; it is very red, and its temperature is
increased, [a20].
- Periodic heat of the face, with pressure in the temples, [_a2].
- Burning heat, especially in the face, [a20].
- Confusedness and painfulness of the whole left half of the face, proceeding from an
inflamed spot in the mouth, and from the forehead (fourth day), [a4].
- Redder lips than usual, [a8].
- Dry and cracked lips, t.
- Dry lips; the dried epidermis has a white appearance if it is not frequently moistened by
the tongue (second and third days), [a7].
- Dry lips; the epidermis is white, scaly; he continually licks them with the tongue (from
the sixth to the eight day, and on the sixteenth day), [a7].
- Dry lips, and hour after dinner, together with dryness in the mouth; the lips are parched
and white, without thirst; better in the evening (fifteenth day), [a7].
- Dry lips, scurfy, swollen, and painful (ninth day), [a7].
- Dryness of the lips; they are very red and hot, sometimes trembling, [a20].
- The under lip is swollen, with a thick-skinned long vesicle, in the red part of the lip where
it turns inward, of the size of a flaxseed, smooth, yellowish, covered with hard skin; it
makes the whole part of the lip thick (sixth and seventh days), [a7].
- Spongy scurf upon the lips, which exudes moisture, looks ugly (tenth day); on the
eleventh day the lips are very dry, the spongy scurfiness is moist, [a7].
- Superficial cracking on the inner side of the upper lip, when laughing, [a14].
- A painful little crack on the under lip, near the angle of the mouth (second day), [a7].
- A blackish point (maggot), on the edge of the upper lip, on the left side, becomes
inflamed; it is the next day a yellow pustule; goes away the eight to the eleventh day, [a5].
- Breaking out around the mouth, [_a1].
- Red, round angle of the jaw, and the chin, [a27].
- Pimples under the lower jaw, [a8].
- The teeth have looked bad for many days, have a yellowish cast (seventeenth day), [a5].
- * The concave edges of the teeth seem sharp, they hurt the tongue (seventeenth day), [a5].
- The teeth are affected as after eating sugar (first and second days) (N.N. ).
- A drawing from the ear into the lower jaw through a back tooth, [a6].
- Drawing in the lower front teeth, [_a2].
- Stitches in the third, hollow back tooth, [a14].
- Gnawing pain in a hollow tooth on the left side of the lower jaw, in the evening, recurring
periodically throughout the whole night, worse by eating, [a11].
- A lower, hollow back tooth becomes sensitive, especially when eating (second day); on
the afternoon of the third day it is still sensitive, on the fifth day he cannot bite them; on the
sixth day, it is still more sensitive, it even pains without touching it; it is more sensitive on
the ninth day; on the tenth day, a pustule appears on the front part of the gum, under this
same tooth, [a5].
- Pale gums (sixth day), [a5].
- Tongue coated yellowish-white (second day), [a12].
- Red and dry tongue, [a20, a15].
- Dry, stiff tongue, [a27].
- Evenings, dryness on the tongue and in the mouth, with increased thirst, and redder lips
than usual (after the 1/100th), [a24].
- Large yellow ulcers arise on the tongue after the use of Aloes in weaned children, [a8].
- Cold feeling of the left side of the tongue, after a few minutes, [a8].
- After dinner, a sensitive painfulness on the right side of the tongue at the back part,
especially if it bite against the teeth, as if they were sharp and impinged upon a sore spot
(the twenty-fourth and twenty-fifth days), [a7].
- In the morning after waking, suddenly, an extremely fine but severe stitch on the under
part of the tongue, from behind forwards, which is twice repeated on moving the tongue
(neuralgia sublingualis), [a10].
- Inflamed spots in the mouth, [a4].
- Sickening smell from the mouth, noticeable to himself, as if he had been without food a
long time, on a warm day (the third day), [a7].
- Sore feeling of the inner side of the left cheek (afternoons), [a11].
- Inflammation and sore pain of the left cavity of the mouth (fourth day), [a4].
- Dryness in the mouth ; the mucus in the mouth seems dry (third day), [a7].
- Dryness in the mouth, [a7] (evenings), [a24]; with thirst.
- Dryness in the mouth, with much thirst, dry heat in the mouth; the tongue is very red and
somewhat dry, [a15].
- Water accumulates in the mouth, with a sensation of hunger after breakfast, [a6].
- Saliva accumulates in the mouth when taking it (Aloes), [a6].
- Increased secretion of saliva, [a26].
- The taste of the aloes exceedingly nauseous, which rather increased after fifteen minutes;
after one hour it still continued, and remains for a long time as a nauseous bitterness in the
mouth, [a7].
- Nauseous, bitter taste in the mouth (early on the second day), [_a2].
- Bitter taste, with loss of appetite, [_a1].
- A few complained of bitter taste; many had sour eructations, [a21].
- Bitter, sour taste, [a15].
- Taste, between the root of the tongue and the soft palate, like that soon after a decoction
of Senna leaves, from early in the morning till one o'clock (second day), [a12].
- Taste in the mouth like ink or iron, with irritation to cough, [a7].
- * Metallic taste, with dry, irritative hacking, [a7].
- Clayey taste, [a12].
- Pappy taste, [a14].
- Scraping sensation in the throat, provoking cough, [_a1, a7].
- Sense of swelling or pressure in the throat, at eight or nine o'clock in the morning of the
fifth day, [a7].
- Throat affections after skating; again in the evening, in the middle of the soft palate
posteriorly (the eleventh and thirteenth days), [a7].
- Dryness in the throat, [a15, a27].
- Dryness and inflammation in the throat with cough and expectoration, [a11].
- On rising in the morning, some rawness of the fauces, chiefly in the upper part, in the soft
palate and uvula, with a somewhat raw voice, which disappears at breakfast, returning on
going into the open and cold air (afternoons), (second day), [a7].
- Sensation as if the palate were swollen (three o'clock in the morning); when rising and
during the forenoon in the fauces, increasing in the afternoon, continuing in the evening. On
empty swallowing and yawning the arches of the palate are painful (the fourth and
following days).The sensation in the fauces only on forced empty swallowing; but it
increases a few hours after rising, and is noticeable even without swallowing, but not on
swallowing food. On chewing, the sides of the soft palate pain, as if sore, or as if burnt with
hot food, aggravated in the evening (fifth and sixth days), [a7].
- The arches of the velum palati pain on chewing hard food; the hard palate and the region
around the hindermost back teeth feel as if burnt and inflamed; not on swallowing food.
Especially painful is the stretching of the soft palate on yawning (sixth to eight day), [a7].
- Soreness of the left arch of the palate, on opening wide the mouth (ninth and tenth days),
- Pain in the throat as if the soft palate and uvula were swollen; evenings, worse on
awaking in the morning; first disappears at midday (twenty-first and twenty-second days),
- Hoarseness in the back part of the fauces, [a5].
- Thick mucus in the mouth and fauces on waking at three o'clock, [a5].
- Hawking thick mucus out of the fauces for a few days (the fourth day), (morning of
fifteenth day), [a7].
- The pain in the fauces is accompanied by expectoration of thick, lumpy mucus from the
fauces and choanae (twenty-second and twenty-third days), [a7].
- Pressure from the stomach up into the pharynx, [_a3].
- Sense of fulness in the pharynx, with empty eructations; at times, also, without
eructations (second day), [a4].
- Pressive pain in the pharynx, sensation of rawness and swelling, especially on
swallowing; hawking up of thick mucus on awaking (morning at three o'clock), going away
on rising (fourth day), [a6].
- Hawking up thick, tough, lumpy mucus, like jelly, easily loosened, early after rising (fifth
day), [a6].
- No expectoration of mucus, [a20].
- Pain in the back of the throat on swallowing, [a8].
- The throat feels as if it were constricted, [a9].
- Increased appetite, [a11].
- Great appetite the second day, [a4].
- Appetite not diminished, in many cases, rather increased, [a13].
- Feeling of hunger in the stomach, after a few minutes, from olfaction (second day), [a5].
- Frequent appetite; ate apples out of regular meal times (third day), [a7].
- Great appetite for bread (ninth day), [a7].
- Appetite more for fruit and bread (fourth day), [a7].
- Longing for juicy food, fruit, but not for water (tenth day), [a5].
- Meat diet was (to jaundiced persons) welcome after the use of Aloes (W.).
- At noon he ate well and much (first, second, eleventh, and twelfth days), [a5].
- At noon, good appetite, then it seemed to him as if he was not yet satisfied as the first
day; still he did not eat again, and on working it went away; it seemed again as if something
ailed him, he knew not what; this took place many times before long-enduring hunger
(fourth day), [a5].
- Appetite good; in the afternoon again hunger, continued eating, as after long abstinence
(tenth day), [a5].
- Appetite good in the morning, [a5].
- Frequent appetite, but not great (thirteenth day), [a5].
- Great appetite for stimulating food, with fulness in the stomach, [a4].
- The child preserves a good appetite during the diarrhoea, [a8].
- After that he had for many days only a very small appetite; on one afternoon he had a
very great longing; he ate a double supper; that night he had pain in the back, [_a1].
- Warmth and sensation of hunger in the stomach (after one hour), [a7].
- Canine hunger, forenoon (second day), [a6].
- He awoke at 7 A. M. with feeling of hunger, and urgent inclinations to urinate (third day),
- Soon after breakfast feeling of hunger in the stomach, so that water accumulates in his
mouth (fifth day), [a6].
- Canine hunger, soon after morning stool (eleventh day), [a5].
- Hunger with yawning (evenings), [a5].
- Some hunger in the evening and long wakefulness (ninth day), [a5].
- Feeling of hunger, with weak and changeable pulse, [a7].
- A very urgent need to eat, [a17].
- Generally a few eructations tasting of Aloes, and immediately increased feeling of
hunger; after taking one to three grains, lasting, [a17].
- Increased desire to feed, otherwise no change (after three ounces of the resinous extract,
in oxen), (Viborg).
- Diminished appetite, [_a1], etc.
- No appetite, and febrile sensation, [a12].
- At noon, very little appetite, and a feeling as if one does not oneself know what is the
matter, whether one has appetite or not, so that two hours later he again ate more apples; a
kind of torpidity of the stomach; he did not know when he was satisfied; the stomach
showed no decided will; after one to three hours, [a5].
- Little appetite in the morning (twelfth day), [a5].
- Loss of appetite and dyspepsia, with coexisting constipation (N. N.).
- No appetite for meat (sixth day, [a5]; fourth and fifth days), [a7].
- Thirst, with dryness of the mouth, [a7, a15] (evenings), [a24].
- He drinks while eating, as he is not accustomed to do (nineteenth day), [a7].
- In the afternoon uncommon thirst for water (twelfth day; not the thirteenth day), [a5].
- Thirst awakens at night; sweat after drinking, [a6].
- Much thirst immediately after dinner and supper (fourteenth day), [a5].
- Severe thirst, with fever, [a20].
- Thirst, especially for beer, which seems to alleviate the pains in the anus, [_a1].
- Aversion to drinks, especially to cold drinks (second day), [a4].
- Eructations, tasting of aloes, lasting two hours, frequently recurring (after four grains),
- * Bitter eructations (first day), [a4].
- Bitter eructations, many days, [_a1].
- Bitter eructations after drinking water, [a14].
- Empty, tasteless eructation, with sense of fulness in the pharynx (second day); again
(seventh day), [a4].
- Eructations from time to time, part of the time without any taste (morning of eleventh
day), [a5].
- easyeructation of wind, with oppression of the stomach (second day), [a12].
- Eructation of flatulent gases, [a26].
- Empty eructation, empty or tasting of food, [a14].
- Eructation relieves the oppression of the stomach, [_a2].
- Acrid eructation, after dinner, [_a2].
- Sour eructation (W.).
- Rising of flatulence towards the throat, with sensations as if vomiting were coming on,
- Nausea, [a14].
- Inclination to vomit, after sour things, [_a1].
- Nausea, with empty feeling in the stomach, [a27].
- Nausea rising into the stomach, with inability to vomit, [a27].
- Neither nausea nor a change in condition is observed therefrom, [a13].
- Nausea, immediately after taking it; must sit completely still in order not to vomit; also,
other days, [a12].
- With the nausea, pains extend from the stomach towards both sides of the chest, [a12].
- Nausea with headache, [a12].
- Some nausea, with pain in the umbilical region increased by pressure, and diarrhoea,
- Once, after half a drachm for headache from heat of the sun, vomiting a quantity of thick
mucus on going to stool, which returns a half hour after a glass of water.
- The pulse and strength were thereby sunken till the next day, [a17].
- In a city where one had begun to adulterate beer with Aloes, haematemesis was almost
- The use of alum-whey gave almost sure relief (Neumann).
- Soon after taking it, troublesome sense of fulness in the region of the stomach, followed
by distension of the epigastrium and both hypochondria; with a pain in the first
hypochondrium, which goes away after a passage of flatus, but returns with renewed
distension, [a14].
- Fulness in the epigastrium, with great appetite for stimulants (second day), [a4].
- Fulness of the stomach after drinking water, and bilious eructations, [a14].
- Crawlings in the stomach and abdomen, [a11].
- Immediately, pain in the stomach on the right side, [a11].
- Slight pressure in the stomach, [a26].
- Pressure in the stomach with a feeling of warmth therein (first day), [a4].
- The pit of the stomach pains very much on making a false step, [_a1].
- Pressure in the epigastrium and up into the pharynx (fourth day), [a4].
- * Painful pressure under the sternum (fourth day), [a4].
- Some pressure in the pit of the stomach after breakfast, relieved by eructations, [_a2].
- Pressure in the pit of the stomach through to the back, like a weight, with sore pain;
sometimes this pain rises higher up into the chest and then sinks down again; accompanied
by copious eructations, [a12].
- Feeling of weakness in the pit of the stomach, like a weight and burning there, [a12].
- With the nausea, pains which draw from the stomach up into both sides of the chest,
worse on motion (third day); still the same pains drawing from the pit of the stomach to
both sides of the chest, [a12].
- Snatching under the pit of the stomach (in a mesmerized person), [_a1].
- Jerks in the epigastrium, [a7].
- Painfulness across below the ribs, with painful weakness in the legs; therewith, an
evacuation somewhat diarrhoeic, with chilliness, so that he feels very cold as often as he
goes away from the stove, [_a1].
- Stitches under the left ribs, in the hepatic region, [a27].
- Dull pain under the ribs with distension, [_a1].
- * Aching in the hypochondria, cutting, [_a1].
- Distension of both hypochondria, [_a3].
- Distension as if it were too narrow around under the ribs, [_a1].
- Occasional stitches in both hypochondria, extending around the navel, and then passing
into the rectum.
- An inner pressure at the short ribs, after three hours, [_a2].
- Pinching at both sides of the hypochondria, first day, [_a2].
- Pain in the left hypochondrium, better after passage of flatus, [_a3].
- Stitches in the left hypochondrium, as if in the left ligaments of the womb, and in the
ovaries, [a27].
- Dull pain in the left hypochondrium (third day); pressive pain (fourth day), [a4].
- A jerking pain in the region of the left lower rib, internally, going from above downwards,
and from the outside inwards, on walking, morning (sixth day), [_a1].
- Crampy pain in the region of the spleen, [_a2].
- Dull stitches in the splenic region through the left breast (in the supraorbital region, in the
frontal prominences, in the finger-joints), (sixth day), [a4].
- Awaked by dull stitches in the splenic region, drawing into the loins (first night), [_a2].
- Transient stitches in the spleen (seventh day), [a4].
- Stitches now left, now right, [_a2].
- * Uneasiness, heat, pressure, and tension in the region of the liver, [a12].
- Uneasiness in the hepatic region (W.).
- Only seldom is a heating and uneasiness in the hepatic region noticed when the purgative
action is near at hand, [a13].
- Pressure and tension in the right hypochondrium, [a13]; in the right
- Side ache, right (Hong).
- Pressure under the right ribs, [a4].
- Dull, pressive pain in the region of the liver (fourth and fifth days), [a4].
- Hard, pressive pains in the region of the right lower ribs, alternating with just such pains
in the upper part of the chest, as if it were seated under the sternum; i. e., they are found
now here, now there.
- The former are more transitory, but more frequent; the latter more enduring, but less
frequent, [_a1].
- * Dull pain on the right side under the ribs, the same in all positions, worse on standing,
so that he bends himself forwards, [a8].
- Pain in the region of the liver; at times it pains by the last ribs internally, as if strained, as
after great exertion (first day), [!].
- Transient stitches in the hepatic region (second day), [a4].
- Blunt stitches, now in the left, now in the right hypochondrium (second day), [_a2].
- Periodic blunt stitches in the hepatic region, sometimes moving into the chest and
obstructing respiration (first day, less the second day), [_a2].
- Single blunt stitches in the hepatic region (first day), [_a2].
- On deep inspiration, it sticks in the praecordium, [_a2].
- Stitches moving from the hepatic region into the chest, [_a2].
- Pain in the liver (Aloe perfoliata, herb.), (Hong.).
- Aloe increases the secretion of bile, and irritates the liver, [a13].
- The purgative action of Aloes is secondary; the primary action is increased irritation of
the liver, and consequent augmented secretion of bile, whose quantity and irritation induce
purgation, [a13].
- After passage of flatus, the distension in the hypochondria, and the pains in the left
hypochondrium disappear, [a4].
- * Abdomen painful, especially in the umbilical region, [a7].
- Severe pressing in the left side of the chest, across over to the umbilicus, [a20].
- Throbbing, boring, sticking, in the umbilical region, [a12].
- * A twisting and griping pain in the upper abdomen, and around the umbilicus,
compelling to sit bent up, which relieves; therewith, repeated urging to stool, but only flatus
passes off, which is very offensive, and produces burning in the anus, with short relief from
the pain (second day), [_a2].
- Pinching and twisting pains around the umbilicus, [a27].
- Digging around the navel, [a27].
- Pinching in the umbilical region, [a26].
- It gripes sometimes in the umbilical region, with shivering through the whole body (first
day), [_a2].
- Frequent cutting and twisting about the umbilicus, so that she lies upon the abdomen, but
she cannot remain lying quietly, because the pains do not decrease in severity, [a20].
- Cutting about the umbilicus after going to stool (second day), [_a2].
- In the morning, on rising, severe raking in a small circle about the navel, just as if he had
received a blow from a fist upon the abdomen.
- But he felt the pain plainly in the intestinal canal, and a pressure,
- Therewith, yellowish pappy diarrhoea, and occasionally some nausea (third day), [_a1].
- Boring pain in the umbilical region, [a15].
- Dull stitches in the umbilical region; sneezing, [a14].
- At 6 A. M., moving about in the umbilical region, with urgency to stool and hunger;
second stool, with flatulence, and a king of tenesmus (fourth day), [a6].
- Itching at the umbilicus, [_a1].
- Drawing in of the navel, [a26].
- * Distension of the abdomen, especially of the whole epigastric region, with flatus
moving about in the abdomen (third day), [a4].
- Distension of the abdomen, moving about along the intestinal canal (fourth day), [a4].
- Distension of the bowels, [a14]; of the upper part of the bowels (second day), [a4].
- After a meal, flatulence distends the abdomen (fifth day), [a4].
- Mornings, flatulent distension of the bowels, especially in the hypochondrium (third day),
- Flatulence moving about in the abdomen, which is distended (first day), [a4].
- Flatulent distension during menstruation, [a13].
- Some flatulent distension, with predominating ill-humor (second and third days), [a4].
- Flatulent distension along the colon, with a pain which presses outward, is increased by
motion, and suddenly disappears on passage of hot flatus (morning of second day), [a4].
- Periodic movements and distension in the abdomen, chiefly after eating (third day), [_a2].
- There is moving about in the bowels frequently audible to him; swashing and gurgling
(twelfth day), [a5].
- Severe pains in the abdomen, [a20].
- Increased heat in the abdomen, [a14].
- Unpleasant warmth in the abdomen, as well as also a throbbing, [a13].
- * Sense of fulness, distension, and heat in the whole abdomen, [a12].
- Burning throughout the whole abdomen, [_a3].
- Enteritis from its long-continued use (Greenhow).
- Inflammation and ulceration of the intestinal mucous membrane, [a18].
- Chilliness of abdomen, [a26].
- Cuttings in the abdomen, after a powerful dose (Shreger).
- Excessively painful cuttings in the intestines during a meal, preventing further eating,
- Copious cutting in the abdomen, with watery, long-continued diarrhoea; not seldom, also,
with passage of flatus; tenesmus and inflammation chiefly of the lower part of the intestinal
canal (Vogt).
- Cuttings in the abdomen, as from taking cold (by a mesmeric woman), [_a1].
- Drawing, cutting pains, across through the abdomen, the whole day; with ill-humor,
fretfulness, anthropophobia, not disposed to go into the open air, although it is even made
better thereby, [a4].
- Cutting in the abdomen is very severe, after eating food containing some vinegar, [_a2,
- In the afternoon, slight cutting in the upper abdomen which, by means of motion,
especially by stretching the body outwardly, is increased; it is relieved by sitting bent (first
day), [_a2].
- Fine cutting in the upper abdomen, [_a2].
- Cutting pains in the small intestines (second day, a); (first day, c); (second day, c); (first
and second days, d), [a4].
- Cutting and gurgling in the small intestines (second day), cutting pains (third day), [a4].
- Sense of fulness in the bowels, [a14]; in the abdomen (second and fourth days), [_a2].
- Congestion of the abdomen, [a15].
- It causes ebullition of the blood in the organs of the abdomen (Gesenius).
- Anxious feeling in the abdomen (Richter).
- Griping of the bowels, with diarrhoea, after midnight, [a12].
- Griping of the bowels, as after taking cold, [a12].
- Griping in the abdomen, as after taking cold, from 10 to 12 o'clock A. M., after a thin
stool (first and second days), [a12].
- Griping pains (Gren.).
- * Griping before going to stool, [a14].
- * Griping in the abdomen before, with, and after the stool; with the stool loud flatus
(sixteenth day), [a7].
- In large doses, Aloes produces small stools, but very troublesome abdominal gripings
- A twisting and griping pain in the upper abdomen, soon after dinner and supper (first
day), [_a2].
- In the morning, after waking, aching in a large spot in the middle of the abdomen; thereby
is compelled to lie bent, and to press upon the abdomen, which relieves it.
- After rising, the pain passed into mild cuttings, and he had two naturally colored pappy
- (On the morning succeeding, an afternoon dose of five grains), [_a1].
- Aching in the bowels, partly across the upper part, partly in the middle, going downward.
- If she lies upon the abdomen there seems to be a stone therein, and it hurts.
- On lying on the side, the stone seems to be in the side.
- She sweated very much through the night, and on the next day was taken with dry coryza
and diarrhoea. (From rubbing the tincture on the abdomen), [_a1].
- * Painful sensation in the abdomen; yellowish diarrhoea towards morning; dull pain
across under the ribs, with distension, as if were too narrow; therewith, some headache in
the forehead (from two grains, immediately), [_a1].
- * Painfulness in the whole abdomen, especially in the sides and in front, down along both
sides of the navel, which parts also cannot endure being touched; on making a false step on
stone pavement, it hurts very much in the pit of the stomach (many days), [_a1].
- The abdomen is painful to pressure (first day), [a4].
- Abdomen very sensitive to touch, [a20].
- On lying on the abdomen, feeling of a stone in the abdomen; on lying on the side, in the
side, [_a1].
- (Slight throbbing, like palpitation, in the abdomen, during rest, especially nights, lying
down; sometimes, also, in the occiput) (after four weeks), [_a1].
- Crawlings in the abdomen, [a11].
- Pleasant crawlings in the bowels, and diarrhoeic stools, [_a1].
- Pricking in the intestines before stool, [a17].
- Sensation as if he had taken cold in the bowels, after the morning stool (third day), [a6].
- * Dull abdominal pain, as after taking cold, morning and evening repeatedly, still without
inclination to stool (twenty-third day), [a7].
- * A feeling of weakness in the abdomen as if diarrhoea would result; not till after eight
hours, a copious evacuation, amid the passage of much flatus, [a4].
- The pain in the abdomen compels one to bend the body, which nevertheless aggravates
the sticking pain through the left breast (third day), [a4].
- * The abdominal muscles pain, when rising from a recumbent posture, with pressing to
stool, [a7].
- Blotches on the abdomen, [_a1].
- Transient moving about and writhing in the intestines (second and third days), [_a2].
- Moving about in the bowels, with continued urging to stool, [a11].
- Moving about in the bowels towards the lower part, especially the lowermost parts, [a11].
- * Soon after supper, growling moving about in the abdomen, as if griping of the bowels
would take place (sixth day), [a5].
- * There is moving about in the bowels, frequently audible to him; swashing and gurgling
(twelfth day), [a5].
- Sometimes growling, moving about in the bowels (tenth day), [a5].
- * Moving about of flatulence in the abdomen (second day), [a4].
- Rattling in the abdomen, mostly in the hypogastrium, as from movements of the uterus,
- Flatulence moving about in the abdomen, which is distended (first day), [a4].
- In the evening, copious passage of flatus, every time after distension, moving along the
colon (seventh day), [a4].
- Gurgling in the bowels, and rumbling or blustering, [a14].
- Growling in the bowels, with constipation, [a8].
- Growling in the abdomen before a thin stool, [_a1].
- Growling in the abdomen, [a4]; in the small intestines, with cuttings, [a4].
- Growling of flatulence (first and second days), [a4].
- Growling here and there in the abdomen (fourth day), [a4].
- It drives away flatulence, [a13].
- Passage of much flatus, [a14].
- * Frequent loud flatus without smell (during the tenth day), (morning of eleventh day),
- * Discharge of a good deal of flatulence, [a26].
- * Passage of flatus after every meal (third day), [a7].
- In the midday repose, flatus with little smell (first day), [a7].
- In the evening, copious passage of flatus (third day), [a4].
- Frequent and loud flatus (evening and morning of third day), [a7].
- * Offensive flatus with the stool, [a8].
- * Very offensive burning flatus, [_a2].
- * Throughout the whole day passage of much offensive flatus, [a15].
- * In the evening, much offensive flatus, loud and still, [a8].
- * In the evening much offensive flatus, with relief (first day), [_a2].
- After the midday nap, much offensive flatus, just the same toward evening (ninth day),
- In the evening, loathsome-smelling flatus (third day), [a7].
- After dinner, much offensive flatus (sixth day), [a7].
- Copious offensive, or inodorous flatus (third day), [a7].
- After the stool, much loud, long, lazy flatus, with an uncommonly strong, loathsome,
offensive smell, which diffuses itself very rapidly (nineteenth day), [a7].
- * The whole day very much offensive flatus, mostly in the morning.
- * The harder and more delayed the stool, the more copious; the more copious and easythe
stool, the more seldom (twenty-third day), [a7].
- * Passage of hot flatus (first day), [a4], ; burning in the anus, [_a2].
- Relieved by the passage of hot flatus upward and downwards (third day), [a4].
- * Copious passage of hot flatus (eighth day), [a4].
- * Only wind from an attempt to go to stool, [a4].
- * Much flatus and little faces, [a8].
- * Much wind with evening stool, [a11]; between the stools, [a8].
- * easypassage of flatus, with inclination as for a soft stool (5 P.M. ), [a11].
- Vigorous passage of flatus, evenings, [a8].
- Very copious passage of flatus, during the whole night, [a11].
- Inflammation of the lower portion of the intestinal canal (Vogt.).
- * Pains in the hypogastrium as if the menses were coming on (in a nursing woman,
delivered two months before), [a27].
- Cramps in the hypogastrium and right groin, passing beyond the right thigh, and beyond
the knee, [a27].
- Rumbling and pinching in lower abdomen, [a25].
- Great tension and peculiar sensitiveness of the lower abdomen, [a25].
- Unendurable tearing and tension deep in the bowels, sometimes single, transient stitches
through the abdomen, [a20].
- * Heaviness in the hypogastrium, t; in the rectum, [a13].
- * Dragging down in the abdomen, [a11].
- It produces local plethora in the hypogastric region (Hahnemann).
- Sharp pain drawing down through the flank into the middle of the thigh (after three to
four hours), [a12].
- * Determination of blood to the large intestines and uterus (Arnemann).
- Stitches from the rectum up into the abdomen, [a20].
- Affection of the lower end of the intestinal canal and of the pelvic organs (in very many
cases, after its continued use for a longer or shorter time), [a10].
- Periodic drawing in the right inguinal region, [_a2].
- Shocks from the hips towards the inguinal region, preceded by chilliness, [_a1].
- Pain in the loins, involving the pelvis, [_a1, _a2].
- Pain, as if tired, in the inguinal region, [a10].
- Pains in the groins and abdomen (Hong).
- Pain in the groin, and heaviness in the uterine region, [a10].
- Sticking pain over the arch of the pubis (fourth day), [a12].
Urinary organs
- Passage of blood from the urethra, [a18].
- Discharge of blood from the urethra (Borichius).
- At times, painful burning in the neck of the bladder on urinating, [a20].
- * Burning on urinating (Richter), (Wickard), [a19], (Schreger, Fechner).
- Burning and urging on urinating, and general agitation (Wickard).
- Rising to urinate (seventh day), [a5].
- Wakened to urinate at 2 o'clock (fifteenth, sixteenth, and following days), [a5, a7].
- Wakened many times by urgency to urinate, [a5].
- Urgency to urinate on waking, [a7].
- Frequent urging to urinate, [a14].
- More urgency, less urine (first day), [a7].
- Increased urgency through the day, with no increase of quantity (fifth day), [a6].
- One is driven to urinate so quickly that he can scarcely retain it (forenoon at 11 o'clock,
third day), [a6].
- More frequent, quicker urgency in the afternoon, with smaller quantity than in the
morning (third day), [a6].
- Increased quicker urgency, and more copious discharge (seventh day), [a5].
- Must run quickly to urinate, on rising at 5 o'clock, then at 8 and 9.30, with no increase of
quantity (third day), [a7].
- On rising, quicker urgency to urinate (fourth, sixth, and eighth days, evening of twenty-
third day), [a7].
- Bloody urine (Bartolinus).
- Deep-colored yellow urine, [a14].
- It passes only sparingly; is deeply reddened, [a20].
- Transparent, dark, not increased (first day), [a6].
- Highly colored urine, of strong odor, remaining clear (third day), [a7].
- Urine scanty, dark, with a slimy sediment (sixteenth day), [a5].
- In the afternoon, frequent copious discharge of light-yellow urine (third day), [a6].
- Urine, for the first time again, clear as water (eighteenth day), [a6].
- Secretion of a greater quantity of urine (Greenhow).
- Copious urination (after 15 grains), [a17].
- Urine increased and more deeply colored (fourth day), [a5]; much at one time (sixth day),
- Urine copious and cloudy (from 8 to 10 grains), [a17].
- Copious urination and burning therewith, [a10].
- Increased pale urine after the stool, [a11].
- Passage of urine increased after the stool, [a11].
- Urinating in children increased in quantity and frequency, [a8].
- The urine passes more easily; formerly he had always to wait awhile before it came,
- Urine passed with some difficulty (Richter).
- Urine passes with difficulty (Richter).
- With the last stool, at 10 in the evening, the passage of urine is somewhat impeded; it
passes out from the bladder a few seconds before it appeared; then with interruptions, and
every time with some urgency, which the urine does not immediately follow (tenth day),
- Urine in small quantity and hot, [a13, a15].
- Scanty urination, [a27].
- Urination at 3 o'clock (fourth day), [a7].
- Urination with the stool (second day), [a7].
- Urgency to stool on urinating, [a8].
- The afternoon urine becomes cloudy on standing, with a whitish coat at the bottom of the
vessel, a fine granular cloudiness in the urine; smell putrid, ammoniacal (first day), [a7].
- The urine deposits a yellow sediment, like bran, [a27].
Sexual organs
- * Male.
- Ill-looking blisters on the genitals (Galen).
- The member is fallen away small; scrotum drawn up (seventh day), .
- Itching of the prepuce after a stool (second day), [a7].
- Tickling, crawling, and spotty redness of the prepuce, [a27].
- Erections without occasion (first day), [a6].
- Erections waken at 2 A. M., [a7].
- Drawing forward in the urethra on sitting, midday (fourth day), [a6].
- The right testicle feels cold in the night (third day), [a7].
- The left epididymis is very painful on walking an handling, the whole forenoon (1/1000),
- With a lax scrotum, he wakes with urgency to urinate; an erection at 2 o'clock in the
morning (third day), [a7].
- Increased desire, [a13].
- Sexual excitement, with erection after urinating (2 o'clock at night), [a5].
- He awakes at 4 o'clock with great sexual desire (thirteenth day), [a5].
- Desire more active after eating, [a7].
- Rather an inner sensuality than irritation of the parts compels him to satisfy himself (at
evening, on going to bed, fifth day), [a5].
- Active desire at evening, and uncommon thirst for water (eleventh day), [a5].
- He awoke at 1 o'clock at night with active desire; without being wide awake, he seized
hold of the parts until the emission of semen; he had to make water, and on fully awaking it
seemed as if the time must be much later (fourth day), [a5].
- The increased desire relieved; the amorous mood removed (fifth day), [a6].
- Probably one of the best remedies to repress a too lively desire, especially in children,
which only a few remedies do, [a8].
- Small quantities cause frequent erections, and increase the sexual desire (Rust's Mag).
- Pollution during the midday nap (second day), [a4].
- Pollution at 3 o'clock at night; then strong sexual desire, [a7].
- Towards morning, pollutions with amorous dreams, which had not been the case for a
long time (twelfth and seventeenth days), [a7].
- After the seminal emission, he had to go to stool immediately, the first time at night
(thirteenth day), [a5].
- After the seminal emission, urinating, [a5].
- After the seminal emission, restless sleep, [a5].
- Heaviness in the uterine region, with pains in the loins and groins, [a10].
- Heaviness in the uterus and pains in the back (Trousseau).
- Determination of blood to the uterus (Arnemann).
- Cramps in the uterus, with loss of a little white mucus, [a27].
- Irritative action on the uterus and pelvic organs, from the determination of blood to these
organs; repletion of the bloodvessels, especially the veins; hence it is in a condition to
augment existing irritated conditions or bleedings and to act as an emmenagogue in
amenorrhoea and chlorosis (Pereira).
- Pressing and drawing in the uterus, [a20].
- Painful sensation in the female genitals, as if they were torn, [a27].
- Increase of the fluor-albus, [a10].
- Menstruation appears, very copious, though it had occurred not long before, [a20].
- The menses appear six days too early, with sensation of coldness, [a27].
- The blood shows as in menstruation, in the case of a woman nursing a child two months
old, [a27].
- A young girl, suffering from amenorrhoea, took daily three grains of the watery extract;
thereupon, pappy taste, loss of the previous good appetite, congestion to he head, headache,
relieved by cold applications, alternating with pains in the loins, gripings; three soft stools a
day; the periods, which had stayed away three months, came on at night, with severe pain in
the loins, [a14].
- It often produces a large evacuation of the monthly purification (Hahnemann).
- Given for too copious menstruation, it increased it, [a13].
- Increase, with colic, [a10].
- Profuse menses, [a27].
- Flow deep-red and clotted, [a27].
- Long-lasting menses, [a27].
- With the menses, earache, [a8].
- With the courses, flatulent distension of the intestines, [a13].
- * During the monthlies, dragging down in the rectum, with sense of fulness in the pelvis,
- With the monthlies, pain in the loins, [a14].
- Abortion; thereupon, copious discharge of bloody slime, often with pressing and drawing
in the uterus, [a20].
Respiratory apparatus
- Scraping in the larynx, [a27].
- Trembling and shocks in the larynx and tongue for some minutes, [a27].
- Scraping in the larynx, with tickling in the fold of the neck, [a27].
- Raw pain in the larynx when spitting, [a27].
- Stitching in the right side of the larynx with each paroxysm of cough, [a27].
- In a dream at night he was in danger; he would have screamed out, but could not, from
hoarseness; in the morning he awoke with hoarseness low down in the fauces, which
disappeared after breakfast (third day), [a5].
- Voice husky; hawking, coryza-feeling in the nose, with chilliness (twenty-fourth day),
- Raw voice, morning, [a7].
- Scraping in the throat, producing cough, [_a1].
- A scraping feeling in the throat shows itself sometimes in the morning hours, and forces a
not entirely dry hacking many times, [_a1].
- A tickling irritation to cough in the fauces, without expectoration, but with the taste in the
mouth of ink or iron (evening of fourteenth and morning of fifteenth and sixteenth days),
- Dry cough, especially troublesome towards evening, [a27].
- Hoarse, crepitant, deep-sounding cough, as if the whole trachea was raw, dry, and full of
mucus, [a27].
- Dry cough, sometimes provoked by determination of blood to the chest (second day),
- Cough, followed by expectoration of a substance the size of a bean; it is composed of
mucus, yellow, tenacious, and difficult to break up, [a27].
- Constant expectoration, caused by tickling and scraping in larynx, [a27].
- Haemoptysis, [a14, a20].
- Whistling in the throat, as if something had fallen into the trachea and embarrassed
respiration, [a27].
- Whistling and labored respiration, [a27].
- Five drops of the tincture were given for pressure in the abdomen, with pain in the loins
and weakness in the legs; then followed apprehension, the breath will stay away on going
up stairs; could not work, became anxious, with paralysis in all the limbs; the cutaneous
veins disappeared; must sit and sleep; at first, he felt better walking than sitting; after a few
hours these symptoms and those of the disease were much relieved, [_a1].
- Difficult respiration, [a27].
- Restricted respiration and haemoptysis, [a14, a20].
- Wheezing, panting inspiration; evenings, after smoking tobacco, [_a3, a8].
- Asthma and wheezing (Dioscorides).
- Free respiration, [a11].
- Constriction, with periodic pressure and squeezing in the chest, especially in the right half
(second day), [_a2].
- Jerking stitches through the chest, also in rest, in lying, impeding respiration, with some
palpitation (eighteenth day), [a7].
- Cutting, tearing, sticking jerks in the chest, which suddenly stop the breath, especially if
he would recover himself from a stooping or twisted posture; many days (fifteenth day); in
the epigastric region, also, [a7].
- Dyspnoea and dull stitches in the lower part of the chest, [_a2].
- Every stitch is scarcely an inch long and very severe.
- After a few minutes, its place is changed, it seems more in front and higher up; twenty to
thirty minutes later, similar stitches in the right chest in the same place, though less severe
(after three to four hours), [a8].
- Pressure on the chest as if she would choke, [a27].
- The anterior portions of the chest and the sides up into the axillae are painful to the touch,
as if beaten, as if the pains were seated between the bones and the flesh.
- The forepart of the chest is also painful on deep inspiration.
- The abdomen is also painful in the same manner, especially the umbilical region, painful
of itself, and worse on touch, still more in the deeper tissues, or in the intestines themselves,
and for the most part, in the morning.
- The abdominal muscles are painful for many days on rising up from lying.
- On moving the arms, the muscles which go from the chest to the arms are painful at their
costal attachments (continuing eight days), [_a1].
- Weakness of the whole chest, now and then (second, third, and following days), [a7].
- Weakness of the chest on bodily exertions (fifth and eighth days), [a7].
- Weakness of the chest, [a11].
- Severely pressing pains behind the upper part of the sternum, alternating with the same
pains under the right ribs, [a4].
- Immediately on rising, sensitive, pressive pains, as if sprained, behind the middle of the
sternum, only on moving the arms, on stooping and crouching together, relieved by
stretching the chest out straight and throwing it forward (whole of thirteenth day), [a5].
- pressure behind the sternum, [a27].
- On bending to the left side, short, pinching stitches, deep within at the back part of the
left chest and under the left nipple; at one time impeding respiration, at another permitting
deep respiration, [a8].
- Severe stitches in the forepart of the middle of the left chest, in the region of the sixth rib,
so that, on attempting a deep respiration, he must give it up (evenings at nine; fourth day),
- Stitches in the right side of the chest, under the mamma, [a27].
- Stitches through the left chest, [a4].
- Stitches from the liver into the chest, interrupting the respiration, [_a2].
- Pains from the epigastric region into both sides of the chest, [a12].
- Sticking pains through the left chest when crouching on account of pains in the abdomen,
- On stretching in the morning a sticking-drawing in the left chest, from the region of the
sixth and seventh ribs, only superficial but preventing respiration (fifth day), [a7].
- Pressive pain in the right ribs, under the axilla, extending into the region of the right
shoulder, towards the back, [a27].
Upper extremities
- Outward pression pain in the shoulder (first day); in the left shoulder (second day), [a4].
- Dull, sticking pains from the shoulder into the ulna (second day), [a4].
- Cracking in the left shoulder-joint on moving it (morning of fourth day), [a6].
- Sweat in the axilla, [a7].
- Heaviness of the right arm, (second day), [a4].
- Pressive or paralytic drawing in the right upper arm, near the shoulder-joint, in rest and
motion (third day), [a6].
- Furuncle on the upper arm, [a4].
- Pains in the elbow, [a4].
- At night, in bed, pressive pain in the right forearm; it began in the middle of the forearm,
and ended in the wrist-joint, where it seemed as if it would press the bones of the wrist
asunder (ninth day), [_a1].
- Paralytic drawing in the anterior part of the forearm (third day), [a6].
- Sensitive, jerking-drawing, as in the flesh, from the left forearm into the palm of the
hand, six to eight times, in quick succession, on sitting still and writing (3 to 4 o'clock
p.m. , third day), [a7].
- Pains in the forearm ending in the wrist-joint, [_a1].
- Pain pressing asunder the wrist-bones, [_a1].
- Weakness of the wrist-joint, [a8].
- Drawing into the palm of the hand, [a7].
- On stretching out the left hand it feels as if the nerves were too short, and were dragged
like an electric shock, [a8].
- In the left hand and forearm, the sensation as if internally asleep; now and then an
internal jerking and twitching without pains (third day), [a8].
- The left hand falls asleep, forenoons, on sitting in a wagon (third day), [a8].
- Cold hands, [a5, a6, a7].
- Cold hands, warm feet; evenings, [a5].
- Swollen hands in the evening, eight to ten o'clock, with heat and tickling-itching,
especially in the balls of the thumb, compelling vigorous rubbing; feels as if frozen
(thirteenth day), [(].
- Sensation as if a hair lay on the back of the hand, also on the back of the fingers; many
times, [a8].
- A peculiar sensation on the last phalanges of the left hand, particularly, as if the hairs
there slowly rose up; it seems to him as if a hair lay on the fingers (seventh day), [a4].
- Habitual, sensitive drawing in the metacarpal bones and joints of the right middle finger
(3 p.m. , first day), [a7].
- In the metacarpal joint of the fourth finger, a frequently recurring sticking and drawing
pain (first day), [a4].
- Painful drawing and stiffness of the left middle finger, seated especially at the metacarpal
joint (first day); jerking-drawing pain in the metacarpal joint of the left fourth finger
(second day); pains and stiffness in the right (third day), [a4].
- Extremely painful tearing stitches in the second joint of the left fourth finger (ninth day),
- Pain as if sprained or taken cold in the last joint of the left fourth finger (ninth day), [a5].
- Aching in the lower condyles of the first phalanges of the right hand, evenings, [_a1].
- Fine stitches in the finger-joints (seventh day), [a4].
- Stitches in the finger-joints, [_a2].
- Drawing in the joint of the left thumb (soon after taking it); then in the forenoon and the
midday rest (first day), [_a1].
- Habitual drawing pain, as if sprained, in the left last joint of the thumb (had been sprained
three months before), (fourth day), [a7].
- Red, inflamed ulcerous spot, with sensation of tearing, on third finger of right hand,
- pain under the nail of the left forefinger, [a27].
Lower extremities
- Weariness and heaviness of the lower extremities (second, third, and eight days), [a4].
- On lying down after eating, the limbs fall asleep (fifteenth day), [a7].
- The whole left leg is asleep, without provocation (after one hour), [a7].
- Heaviness of the legs, the second day, [_a2].
- Painful weakness in the legs, with pain in the hypochondrium, [_a1].
- Painful weakness on walking, especially in the calf, ankle-joint, and inguinal region,
- Cracking in the right hip-joint, on rising in the morning and on walking (second day),
- Drawing in the left buttock, soon passing away, but frequently recurring, [_a2].
- Stitches in the middle of the buttock, when stooping, [a27].
- Heaviness and pain from prostration in the right upper thigh (fourth day), [a4].
- Heaviness of both thighs (sixth day), [a4].
- Outward pressing pain in the thigh (first day), [a4].
- Pain drawing downward from the flank into the middle of the thigh, [a12].
- Pain in the inside of the left thigh (after one hour), [a8].
- Coldness of the lower thigh to over the knee, [a7].
- Tearing in right thigh, above the knee-joint, [a27].
- Tearing in the right thigh, [a14].
- Itching on the inner side of the left thigh, [a8].
- Crawling, itching, biting, on knee-caps, calves, and inner surface of thigh, [a27].
- Pains in the knee, [a4].
- Stitches, while walking, in right knee-joint, [a27].
- Stitch in right knee, nearly causing her to fall down, [a27].
- Itching in the popliteal space, [a8].
- * (Painful weariness in the calf, [ , a10].
- Weakness of the ankle-joint, [a8].
- Pain, as if from a sprain, in the outer left ankle-bone when walking, [a27].
- Evening, on lying in bed, and in the morning, the sensation as if the ankle-joint were
sprained, or the left great toe, or in a finger or thumb which had been sprained a few months
before (third day), [a6].
- Pains in the foot (Hong).
- Painful pullings in the whole right foot, [a27].
- At evening, severe pain, as if sprained and bruised, in the tendo Achillis, especially of the
left foot (after nine hours), [a8].
- In the middle of the right sole, internally, as in the bone, a habitual sensitive drawing in a
circumscribed spot (first day), [a7].
- The sole of the foot pains in rest, [_a1].
- The soles pain on walking on pavement, as though he had performed a long journey,
- Cold feet, [a5, a6, a7]; after eating, without sleepiness, [a7]; at evening, [a20]; evening in
bed, [a5]; preventing sleep at night, [a5]; mostly in the forepart of the toes only, [a7].
- Pain on the inner margin of the metatarsal bone of the left great toe, on walking and in
rest; first there is a pressure, then follows a slight drawing, as if the pressure extended itself
(after fifteen hours), [_a1].
- He wakes many times in the night, with some chilliness and sensitive pain in the great toe
on every motion, as if it were sprained, sometimes in the right sometimes in the left,
whether in the first or last joint could not be distinguished (first day, again sixth day), [a5].
- In the afternoon, on walking in boots, pain in the right third toe, as if frozen (fourteenth
day), [a5].
- For several days, pain in the right little toe, as from chilblains (twenty-fifth day), [a7].
- Anxious starting-up, [a14].
- Paralytic drawings in various (eighteenth day), [a7].
- Paralysis in all the limbs, with anxiety, [_a1].
- General prostration (after 15 grains), [a17].
- Great weakness, phlegmatic temperament (second day); weariness (first and third day),
- Weakness and inclination to vomit, after sour food, [_a1].
- Weariness, weakness, and creeping coldness, when he comes from bed into a hot room,
- The strength and pulse sunken, after vomiting, [a17].
- Lassitude and pain in the loins on waking, [a10].
- Indolent; if he sits, he deliberates about standing up, [a8].
- Makes a pedestrian tour of five miles very quickly, without fatigue or difficulty (third
day), [a5].
- Stronger than usual for bodily exercises, and not so weak and used up the next days a
usual (afternoon of first day), [a7].
- The whole body very sensitive, [a27].
- Transient pains, as if bruised or sprained, in various places; on the left forearm, right
shoulder-blade, left side of the ribs, etc. (fifteenth day), [a7].
- Frequently, a sensitive drawing in different places in the body, as if it involved the bones;
for example, in the right knee, as if in the joint, on sitting still; sooner fatigued on motion
(fourth day), [a7].
- Jerking, drawing, dull, sticking pains in the finger, knee and elbow joints (fifth day), [a4].
- Dull sticking pains in the joints (eighth day), [a4].
- Pains from weakness in the ankle-bones and the joints of the hands, [a8].
- * Weakness inconsiderable, even when the skin was very golden-colored, [a13].
- The cutaneous veins disappeared, with anxiety of the chest, [_a1].
- Great distension of the veins, [a20].
- Numerous pimples on various places (fifth day), [a4].
- On the abdomen, small pimples as large as the point of a pin, elevated, raw, with
circumscribed redness, which itch, and compel one to scratch (from rubbing in the tincture),
- A furuncle on the upper arm (fifth day), [a4].
- Painful pimples, like nodules, in the skin; under the chin, behind the jaw on the right side
(third day), [a8].
- The epidermis cracks, and thick matter discharges (a. a. ).
- After he had torn some hard skin from the foot too deeply, a sore resulted, suppurated
slowly, and did not heal (third to seventeenth day), [a5].
- Places scratched sore, pain very sensitively, [a8].
- Pains in various places, with swelling, [a12].
- Biting itching at the navel in the evening, compelling rubbing, [_a1].
- Severe itching in a small spot on the inside of the left thigh, above the knee (first day),
- Crawling, itching, biting, on various places, [a25].
- Itching in the left popliteal space; later, in the right, and worse, [a8].
- Itching, heat, and swelling of the hands as if frozen, [_a1].
- Symptoms of the hands, as from chilblains, [a5].
- Seldom chilliness or sensation of coldness, [a20].
- Chilliness, [a7, a26].
- He feels cold as often as he goes away from the stove, [_a1].
- Shivering through the whole body, with griping in the abdomen, [_a2].
- Cold feeling with the stool, [a8].
- Cold feeling of the occiput, with throbbing of the arteries, [a4].
- Chill, then distension and shocks over the hips, [_a1].
- Chill on waking at night, with pain of the great toe, [a5].
- Chilliness, with sensation of coryza, [a5].
- Chilly in the open air and in the room, [a7].
- Cold creepings, [a6]; through the skin, [a7]; down the back, [a7].
- Creeping chills, with weariness and weakness, when he comes from bed into a hot room,
- Coldness through the body, with weak pulse, [a7].
- Coldness of hands and feet, [a5, a6].
- Cold hands and feet after eating, without sleepiness, [a7].
- Wakes many times at night with chill (second day), [a5].
- Coldness of the hands and feet (fourth and fifth days), [a5].
- Cold feet on going to bed at 9 o'clock (fifth day), [a5].
- Coldness of the feet up into the calves, at evening, in bed, occurring after a seminal
emission, preventing sleep for two or three hours (fifth day), [a5].
- Cold hands and feet in the morning; the feet are cold the whole afternoon; toward evening
they become suddenly warm, so also the hands (sixth day), [a5].
- Cold feet the whole night; little sleep (eighth day), [a5].
- He feels very cold in the night (ninth to tenth day), [a5].
- Warm feet and icy-cold hands the whole evening; they alternated often through the day;
now the feet and hands, now only the hands, cold (tenth day), [a5].
- The night from the tenth to the eleventh day, chilliness, mostly from 1 to 2 o'clock,
decreasing toward morning, [a5].
- As he, in the forenoon, came from a cold room into one much heated, weariness,
weakness, and creeping chills through the whole body (eleventh day), [a5].
- Shivering through the whole body; it creeps through all his bones like cold, on slowly
swallowing the Aloes, becoming, after fifteen minutes, like a cold shivering creeping; it
goes especially down the back, also in the limbs; on sitting, it makes his body erect; not
changed by moving about; lasts forty minutes, [a6].
- After eating, coldness and chilliness of the hands and feet; after walking, the feet become
warm, the hands less so; in the evening, both warm (first day), [a6].
- At midday, the thighs down to the knees are cold, the forepart of the feet, around the toes
especially, particularly in the midday nap; at 3 o'clock the feet become warm, the hands at 4
o'clock (first day), [a7].
- At evening the feet become cold, on account of which he cannot get to
- Chill at 3 o'clock, on rising; throughout the day, very sensitive to the cold; chilly in the
open air and in the room; more severe in the afternoon; the cold runs through the skin of the
whole body, with some confusion, especially of the forehead; at evening, cold legs as far as
the knees, in spite of lying on the sofa in a warm room (ninth day), [a7].
- Chilly; it often creeps down his back (tenth days), [a7].
- Could not get to sleep before 1 o'clock on account of coldness of the legs, which at first
became cold in bed (twentieth day), [a7].
- Chilly and sensitive to the air (twenty-third day), [a7].
- At evening, cold feet, as far as the calves, on account of which he could not get to sleep
(twenty-third day), [a7].
- It frequently creeps down the back, with very cold legs as far as the knee (twenty-fourth
day), [a7].
- The night from the fourteenth to the fifteenth day, without chill, and with a good sleep;
the weather had become warmer, [a5].
- Cold is better endured, though he had slept in a warm room, [a8].
- Fever, with most violent thirst, [a20].
- Burning heat in various parts of the body, especially in the face and on the scalp, [a20].
- Sensation of warmth on the scalp, [a6].
- Heat, [a20].
- Very red, especially in the face, [a14].
- General turgescence of the skin; it is very red, especially in the face, and the temperature
is raised, [a20].
- Heat, followed by sweat, [a20].
- Sweat under the axilla (after 2 p.m. , first day), [a7].
- All his perspiration smells very strong; it taints the air, especially at night, in the bedroom
(nineteenth day), [a7].
- Nausea sweat on the genitals, [a5].
- Sweat in the night, after drinking, [a8].
- * (Morning).
- * Usually awakes in the morning with severe urging to stool, etc.; before 5 o'clock,
aroused and excited in the head; stool; 5 a. m., swelling in the throat; 6 o'clock, thin stool;
tormina in the umbilical region; 7 o'clock, hunger on waking; after waking pains in the
bowels, and pappy stool, etc.; after rising, a stool; on rising, urgency to urinate; 8 to 9
o'clock, swelling in the throat; a crowd of thoughts busy him and prevent his falling asleep
again; stool and headache; nasal pains; dryness in the nose; fruitless inclination to sneeze;
nose-bleed; stitch in the tongue; rawness in the fauces; mucous expectoration; bitter taste;
little appetite; abdomen pains; pain in bowels (also evenings); flatulent troubles; passage of
flatus; offensive flatus; thin stool; diarrhoea; yellow diarrhoea, etc.; itching near the anus;
hoarseness; dry hackings; drawings in the chest; cracking of the cervical vertebrae; cold
hands and feet; weak pulse.
- (Forenoon), Unhappy mood since the forenoon; much excited; pressure in head, after 11
o'clock; earache; bad taste at the root of the tongue; canine hunger; griping in bowels, from
10 to 12 o'clock; burning in the nape; epididymis sensitive; the hand asleep; chilliness, etc.
- * (Afternoon), Afternoon generally the time of aggravation, especially of the symptoms
of the mucous membranes; Ill-humor worse; excited; pain in forehead; suppurative pain in
the nose; hunger; thirst; cutting abdominal pains; offensive flatus; diarrhoea; four stools;
stool; at 3 p.m. , itching of the haemorrhoids; drawing in the urethra at midnight; increased
urgency to urinate; pain in the neck; burning in the sacrum; drawings in the finger-joints;
pain in the toes; the legs and hands cold at midday; at 3 o'clock, the feet warm; at 4, the
hands; cold feet; cold legs; at noon, sluggish; also in the afternoon, without sleep;
chilliness; pulse slower.
- * (Evening), The symptoms appear in the evening, particularly; towards evening, dry
cough; increased ill-humor and pain in the loins; indifferent and sleepy; shootings in the
head (and the following morning); pressure in the eyes; coldness of the tip of the nose;
earache; twinging in the ear; cracking in the maxillary joint; dryness in the mouth with
thirst; swelling of the throat; little appetite; itching of the navel; copious passage of flatus;
offensive; urgency to stool; stool at 10 p.m. ; stool late; diarrhoea;crawlings in the anus;
itching of haemorrhoids (and in the morning); stitches in the haemorrhoids; urgency to
urinate; sexual desire; tickling in the throat, forcing cough (and mornings); stitches in the
chest; pain in the phalanges; hands swollen and hot; attacks of distress, and heating over the
hips, into the loins; pain in tendo Achillis; cold feet; into the calves; wrenching pains (and
in the morning); yawning and hunger.
- (Night), Toothache; stitches in spleen, awaking one; throbbing in the abdomen on lying;
pains over the loins waking one, passage of flatus through the whole night; urgency to
stool; urgency with urinating; shocks that force him to rise upright out of bed; waking with
chill; waking with chill and pain of the great toe; offensive perspiration; excessive
- (Before midnight), Sleepiness.
- * (After midnight), Bellyache and diarrhoea; sexual desire at 1 a. m.; chill at 1 to 2 a. m.,
disappearing toward morning; at 2 a. m., stool, awake, with urgency to urinate after 2 a. m.,
palpitation, in bed; at 3 o'clock, swelling in the throat; awake at 3 a. m.; with dreams; for a
thin stool; stool, with chilliness; at 4 a. m., stool; sexual desire; sleepiness, from midnight
until 5 a. m.
- (Open air), Pain in the soft palate, after skating; red nose in the open air; averse to
walking in the wind.
- (Just after getting into bed), sudden explosion and cracking in left ear, etc.
- (Bending body forward), Stooping aggravates the headache; stooping forward increases
pain in liver; pain in breast-bone; burning in the neck; * stitches in the middle of the
"croupe", when stooping.
- (Cold), Cloudy weather causes ill-humor; very sensitive to cold weather; less endurance
of cold; fresh cold air increases the headache; raw voice returning in the open and cold air;
pain in abdomen as from taking cold.
- (On chewing), The palate painful, etc.
- (Contact), Pains in head; pullings, etc.
- (Darkness), Headache.
- (After dinner), Small stool, etc.
- (Lying), Lying on the abdomen, with cuttings around the navel, but not relieved; on
account of pain in back, cannot lie on back, only on side; on lying in a warm room, cold
legs; on lying down (and awhile afterward), throbbing in the head.
- (Motion), Exercise increases the headache; pain in the nose, only on motion; nausea; the
cutting abdominal pains; pain from flatulence; the pains from the stomach to the chest; on
motion, particularly of the arms, pain in the breast-bone; cracking of the cervical vertebrae;
pain in the neck; the great toe feels as if sprained.
- (Moving the arm), The arches from the arm to the chest pain.
- (Pressure), The abdominal pains; abdomen sensitive to touch; seems to aggravate the
- (Pressing the teeth together), Sensation of numbness behind the ears; pain.
- (Raising the body), On rising up from lying, the abdominal muscles pain; on rising, pain
in chest as if sprained.
- (Rest), Beating in the abdomen and palpitation; pain across the loins; in the midday rest,
cold feet.
- (Sitting), While sitting, pulsating in the anus; while sitting, more pressing in the loins;
heaviness in the loins; after sitting, stiffness in the loins.
- (Spitting), Raw pain in larynx.
- (Standing), Pain in liver.
- (After stool), Pain in anus.
- (Stretching the body), Pains in the abdomen; sticking, drawing in chest.
- (Stretching out the hand), Pain therein, as if too short.
- (Walking), On walking, it shakes in the head; jerks in the left hypochondrium; stitches in
the anus; cracking of the hip-joint; stitches in right knee-joint; pain in left ankle-bone;
shiverings; vertigo on going upstairs and turning quickly; at every step, the stitches in the
temple are much worse; on making a misstep, pain at the pit of the stomach; on bodily
exertion, pain in chest.
- (Warmth), Headache.
- (Writing), Drawings in the left forearm.
- (Afternoon), easypassage of flatus.
- (Evening), Unhappy mood better; conciliatory mood; inclination to work; not vexed;
aroused; happy mood; dryness of lips; chilliness; hands and feet again warm.
- (In cool air), Headache.
- (Open air), Feels better; especially the headache and ill-humor abate; exercise in open air
relieves; all the symptoms disappear or are ameliorated on exercise in the open air; walking
in open air relieves pain in bowels.
- (Bending body forward), Pains in abdomen compel him to sit crouched together;
crouching relieves cuttings in abdomen.
- (Light), Headache.
- (Motion), Drawings; burnings in the neck; sacral pains.
- (Pressure), Beaten feeling in head; he is compelled to press on the abdomen, which
relieves him; relieves.
- (Rest), Must sit still, else he would have to vomit.
- (Sitting), Must sit down and sleep, with anxiety of the chest.
- (Stretching out straight), Pain in breast-bone.
- (Walking), Better than when sitting; pain in loins; cold feet become warm; hands less so;
relieved by going about.
- (Warm weather), Chilliness.
Aloe socotrina (Hering)
- Lassitude, alternating with great mental activity.
- She knew she would die in a week. Hysteria.
- Life is a burden. Colic.
- Great disposition for desultory thinking.
- Children chat and laugh.
- Aversion to labor; disinclination to mental labor; it fatigues him; general languor.
- Disinclined to move.
- Anxiety and ebullitions.
- Restlessness and fear; fear of men.
- Ill-humored; hypochondriacal, agg in cloudy weather.
- Dissatisfied and angry about himself, more so when he is constipated or suffers from
- An easily excited, angry, revengeful state of mind, could not brook opposition, wanted
to destroy object of wrath, relief from tea or mild stimulants; agg in middle of day.
- Attacks make her frantic, often loses consciousness. Colic.
- Hates people, repels everyone.
- When sitting in a chair or lying in bed, complains of persons stepping hard or quickly.
- Restlessness with ebullitions of blood.
- Fright at slight noises, after a nocturnal emission.
- Giddiness and starts.
- Giddiness, with anxiety when moving; he feels as if he was sitting too high (after dinner).
- Dulness in forehead, with chilliness.
- Vertigo : as if everything whirled with her, agg on going upstairs or turning quickly;
everything seems insecure; >> after nasal catarrh sets in.
- Loses consciousness, with frantic spells.
Inner head
- Congestion to head, compelling one to sit up.
- Headache across forehead, with heaviness of eyes and nausea.
- Weight on vertex; pressure in forehead and occiput.
- Dull pressive pain : in supraorbital region; in
- sinciput.
- Pressing outward to temples, with periodic heat of face and flickering before eyes.
- Stitches in temples aggravated by every footstep.
- Headache after insufficient stool; with abdominal pains.
- Headaches agg from heat, amel from cold applications.
- || A pain in forehead which compels patient to close eyes, or, if he wishes to look at
anything, he must make aperture of lids very small.
- Headache alternating with lumbago.
Outer head
- Sensitiveness of scalp in spots.
- Dryness of hair.
Upper face
- Heat of face with headache or when excited.
- Face pale, during cloudy weather.
- Face sickly, sunken.
Lower face
- Lips : redder than usual; dry, cracked; moist, soreness of borders; white, scaly.
- Pain when yawning or masticating solid food; agg in evening and in morning, when
Inner mouth
- Inflamed, sore spot in the mouth, on tongue, inside of cheeks; yellow ulcers on tongue.
- Sickening smell from mouth.
- Increase of saliva.
- Fauces raw, hot, as if burnt.
- Palate swollen; arches of velum palati pain on chewing hard food, or on yawning, agg in
evening and in morning on awaking; agg on empty swallowing.
- Hawking of thick jelly-like mucus, in lumps, from fauces and posterior nares; rawness
and swollen feeling in pharynx.
Appetite, thirst
- Desires, Aversions.
- Appetite for salt food.
- || No appetite. Hysteria.
- Thirst : with dryness of mouth; awakens at night.
- Longing for juicy articles; fruits, especially apples.
- Aversion to meat.
- Painfulness in hypochondria, with chilliness and diarrhoea; painful weakness of legs.
- Hepatic region : burning,
- uneasiness, heat, pressure and tension; dull pain, worse on standing, so that he bends
- Stitches from liver into chest, obstructing respiration.
- Stitches in liver, when drawing a long breath.
- Distension of hypochondria, better after passing flatus.
- Increases the flow of bile.
- Stitches from spleen into chest, or drawing into loins.
- Pulsation in region of navel.
- Distension of abdomen, especially epigastrium, with flatus moving about; worse after
meals; during menstruation; on motion.
- Congestion to abdomen (portal system); burning sensation.
- Sensation of fulness, heaviness; heat and inflammation.
- Pelvis feels if filled with hot water.
- Pain around navel, worse from pressure.
- Stitches in umbilical region from sneezing.
- Rumbling in abdomen.
- Discharge of much flatulency, burning, smelling offensive, relieving pain in abdomen;
after each meal, in evening and morning, before stool.
- Cutting across abdomen; with ill humor, anthropophobia; not disposed to got into open
air, although it relieves.
- Abdominal walls painful when rising, pressing to stool, when touched, and when
standing erect.
- Heaviness, fulness, and pressing downward in pelvis.
- Left side of abdomen bloated, with gurgling in descending colon; worse after eating.
- A twisting and griping pain in upper abdomen and around navel, forcing him to sit bent
up, which relieves; therewith, repeated urging to stool, but only offensive burning flatus
passes, with short relief of pain.
- Griping in abdomen, before, with and after stool.
- Feeling of weakness in abdomen as if diarrhoea would result; but evacuation did not
ensue for eight hours.
- Shooting and boring in region of navel, agg from pressure.
- Painfulness in whole abdomen, especially in sides and along both sides of navel, which
cannot endure being touched; on making a false step on stone pavements it hurts very much
in pit of stomach.
- Dull abdominal pain, as after taking cold, morning and evening repeatedly, still without
inclination to stool.
- Great and cutting-griping pain in right and lower portion of abdomen, which was
excruciating before and during stool; after stool all pains ceased, leaving profuse sweating
and extreme weakness. Colic.
- Fulness, heat and heaviness in epigastrium; laborlike pains in groins and loins, agg
when standing. Prolapsus uteri.
- || Feeling as if a plug was wedged in between symphysis pubis and os coccygis.
- Dragging down in abdomen.
Urinary organs
- || Pain in left side down along ureter. Hysteria.
- Every time on passing urine, feeling as if some thin stool would escape with it.
- Burning when urinating.
- Frequent urging to urinate; amel at night; or in afternoon.
- Urine copious; especially after stool.
- Urine saffron-yellow, becoming cloudy; scanty, hot.
- Sediment yellowish, like bran, or slimy.
- Incontinence of urine. In an old man with enlarged prostate (diarrhoea and urinary
symptoms are present).
- || So urgent a desire that he can hardly retain urine.
- Erections after urinating.
- Whistling in throat, as if something had fallen into trachea.
- Difficult respiration.
- Respiration impeded : by stitches through left side of chest; by stitches from liver into
- When drawing a long breath : stitches in liver.
- Cough with stitches in right side of larynx; sputa of yellow, tenacious mucus.
- Cough with scratching in throat.
- || When she would sit down after standing, or stand up after sitting down, she would
cough and tears would flow. Hysteria.
- Spitting blood.
Upper limbs
- Heaviness of right arm; weakness of wrist joint.
Lower limbs
- || Extending down legs : laborlike pains. Prolapsus uteri.
- Painful weakness of legs.
- Painful weariness in calves.
- Weakness of ankle joint.
- Soles of feet pain when walking on pavement.
- Great toe feels as if sprained.
Limbs in general
- Lameness, weariness in limbs; weakness of joints; often with abdominal disturbances.
- Pains of short duration, as if bruised or dislocated (l.
- forearm, right scapula, left ribs).
- Pricking, dull twitching, drawing pains in joints (fingers, knees, elbows).
- Cold hands with warm feet.
- Position. Motion. Standing : dull pain in hepatic region, watery stools agg; causes
involuntary stools; laborlike pains agg.
- Sitting bent : relieves griping in abdomen.
- Sitting : pulsating pains in rectum agg; backache; congestion amel.
- Motion : causes giddiness, with anxiety; nausea and pain in distended abdomen.
- Walking : watery stools worse; causes involuntary stools; epididymis sensitive.
- False step : causes pain in scrobiculum.
- Stepping : aggravates stitches in temples.
- Rising : abdominal walls painful.
- Turning quickly : vertigo.
- Ascending stairs : vertigo.
- Debility. Prolapsus uteri.
- || General weakness, weariness.
- Weakness inconsiderable, even when skin was golden color.
- Lassitude alternating with mental activity.
- Extreme prostration, with perspiration.
- Paralytic drawing in muscles.
- || Faint feeling after stool. Dysentery.
- || Trembling from musical sounds or noises. Hysteria.
- Hysteria from poisoning of blood with uric acid.
- Sleeps soundly for 8 hours, awakes very lazy and refreshed; feels better in A.M.
- Drowsy, dozing in morning.
- Awakened : by thirst; urgency to urinate; pollutions and sexual desire; pains in back; chill.
- Oppressive dreams of danger, could not cry out; dreams of soiling himself.
- Spasmodic jerks when falling asleep.
- Cannot sleep : heat and a crowd of thoughts busy him; itching and burning in anus; cold
hands and feet.
- During siesta : seminal emission.
- Middle of day : angry, revengeful disposition.
- Afternoon : frequent urging to urinate.
- Night : urging to urinate worse; sweat.
- Chilly : with coryza, in cold open air; at stool, shivering.
- Cold hands and feet in bed, preventing sleep.
- Cold hands, warm feet.
- Heat in spots, on scalp or in face.
- Ebullitions, with anxiety and restlessness.
- Sweat : smells strong; offensive on genitals; at night, after drinking.
Attacks, periodicity
- Twitching of eyelids.
- Periodic heat of face, with headache.
- Attacks preceded by obstinate constipation. Colic.
- Sudden, quickly passing urging to stool.
- Pains of short duration.
- As Winter approaches each year itch manifests itself.
- Alternate : headache and lumbago.
- || Feeling of vermin running over body. Hysteria.
- Giddiness, feels as if he was sitting too high; as if everything whirled with her; musical
sounds and noises set her in a tremor; fauces as if burnt; as if griping of bowels would take
place; as if vomiting was coming on; empty feeling in stomach; pelvis as if filled with hot
water; as if diarrhoea would result; as if a plug was wedged between symphysis pubis and
os coccygis; as if stool would pass; as if stool would escape with flatus; as if rectum was
full of fluid which feels heavy, as if it would fall out; feeling as from fissures in rectum; is
compelled to contract anus, which makes it tense and achy; as if stool would escape when
passing urine; can hardly retain urine; faint feeling after effort at stool; as if something had
fallen into trachea causing whistling; as if prostate was swollen and sensitive; feeling as if
asleep in perineum; female organs feel as if torn; as of hairs on back of hand and fingers.
- Pain : in forehead; deep in orbits; at umbilicus; in scrobiculum; in stomach; in
hypochondria; in left side along ureter; in hypogastrium.
- Boring : in region of navel; in rectum.
- Stitches : in temples; in umbilical region; in under part of tongue; from liver into chest;
from spleen into chest; through left chest; in right side of larynx; through sacrum to loins.
- Pricking : caused by feces in anus; in joints; in fingers; knees, elbows.
- Sticking : in ears.
- Shooting : in region of navel.
- Cutting : across abdomen; in right and lower portion of abdomen; in anus.
- Griping : in upper abdomen; around navel; in right and lower portion of abdomen.
- Burning : in nose; in hepatic region; in abdomen; in anus; when urinating.
- Scraping : in larynx.
- Soreness : of borders of lips; in mouth; in front of chest.
- Rawness : in pharynx.
- Pressure : in forehead and occiput; under sternum; through pit of stomach to back; in
hepatic region; in sacral region.
- Pressing outward : to temples; in anus.
- Pressing downward : in pelvis; in rectum.
- Drawing : into loins; in joints; in fingers, knees, elbows.
- Laborlike pains; in groins and loins; down legs.
- Dragging : in abdomen; in rectum.
- Dull pressive pain : in supraorbital region; in sinciput; in hepatic region.
- Painful weakness : of legs.
- Bruised feeling : left forearm; right scapula; left ribs.
- Dulness : in forehead.
- Dull steady pain : on either side just above innominata, running into rectum.
- Pulsations : in region of navel; in rectum.
- Sprained feeling : in great toe.
- Dislocated feeling : left forearm; right scapula; left ribs.
- Heaviness : of eyes; in abdomen; in hypogastrium; in rectum; in uterine region; in sacral
- Burning weight : in anus.
- Fulness : in stomach; in abdomen; in anus; in uterine region; in pelvis.
- Tensive : in hepatic region.
- Swollen feeling : in pharynx.
- Uneasiness : in hepatic region.
- Lameness : from weight and pressure in pelvis; in left thigh; in limbs.
- Heat : of face; of ears; in hepatic region; in hypogastrium; in rectum; of right arm; in
spots on scalp or in face.
- Coldness : of point of nose.
- Creeping : from sacrum over whole body.
- Weakness : of chest; of wrist joint; of ankle joint; of joints.
- Dryness : of hair; of nose; of mouth.
- Itching : in rectum; in anus; of prepuce; of legs.
- Congestion to head and chest, but especially to portal system.
- Mucous membranes; especially causes production of mucus in jelly-like lumps or cakes.
- Acts mainly on rectal mucous lining.
- Itching, especially of legs.
- Pimples on abdomen.
- Spots which, when scratched, pain and become sensitive.
- Aloe has many symptoms like Sulphur, and is equally important in chronic diseases, with
abdominal plethora, etc.
- Similar to Ailant. (dull frontal headache); Gum. gutt.
- (diarrhoea); Amm. mur. (abdominal and diarrhoeic symptoms); Nux vom. (gastric
abdominal and uterine troubles; bad effects of sedentary habits).
- Antidotes to Aloe : Sulphur, mustard.
- Camphor relieves for awhile.
- Nux vom. and Lycop. relieve the earache
ALSTONIA (Vijnovsky)
(Alstonia constricta o Scholaris - Raz amarga)
Gran debilidad y postracin (a menudo con fiebre y diarrea). Anemia. Trastornos por
lactancia excesiva.
** 4- Lengua con capa blanco-sucia, ms en la base. Nuseas antes del desayuno. Vmitos
del embarazo. Sensacin de vaco y languidez en el estmago y vientre, con sensacin de
tironeo hacia abajo, en el hipogastrio, como si fuera a salir todo por la vulva (Sepia). Los
alimentos parecen quedar mucho tiempo en el estmago, como indigeridos. Gastralgia
desde el lado izquierdo del estmago hacia atrs. Diarrea de alimentos indigeridos
enseguida despus de comer; debe dejar la mesa sin terminar de comer (Ferrum).
Disentera; heces sanguinolentas. Diarrea por agua en malas condiciones o en el
paludismo. Heces acuosas e indoloras.
Flujo y tironeo hacia abajo, peor caminando. Sensacin de hinchazn en el ovario derecho.
Raz amarga. Bitter bark. Corteza de quinina nativa. (New South Wales y Queensland. A.
scholaris, crece en la India y Malabar, es probablemente idntica en sus efectos.) N.O.
Apocynaceae. Tintura de la corteza.
Clnica.- Debilidad. Diarrea. Disentera. Fiebre. Lactancia excesiva, efectos de. Leucorrea.
Lientera. Palpitaciones. Utero, debilidad de. Vmito del embarazo.
Relaciones.- Comparar.- Alet. f., Lil. t., Helon., Cedron, Ceanoth., China, Fer.
Contiene Ditaina, la que como Curare paraliza los filamentos nerviosos motores perifricos.
Pero no va precedido de excitacin refleja como sucede en Cinchona. La Ditaina
envidentemente paraliza los nervios vasomotores. Parece semejarse a China en la diarrea,
escalofro, etc., pero no tiene la irritabilidad de este ltimo medicamento.
Alstonia scholaris (Allen)
Nat. order, Apocyneae (?), (A large tree growing in India and Malabar).
Preparation, From the bark.
Authority. Month. Hom. Rev., 10, 508.
Violent purging and cramp in the bowels, vertigo, and general weakness.
lt. Col. D. l'Haste (from the tincture, in water).
Editor of M. H. R. took a part of a grain; it had a bitter taste; induced sharp purging, with
considerable pain, uneasiness in the bowels, and great sense of heat and irritation in the
lower bowel.
Dysentery, . (Col. D. l'Haste.)
Enfermedades paldicas, con diarrea, disentera, anemia, digestin dbil, son los estados
generales que sugieren este remedio
Son caractersticos la sensacin de vaco en el estmago y hundimiento en el abdomen, con
Tnico despus de fiebres agotadoras.
Diarrea violenta y calambres en el intestino
Calor e irritacin en el intestino bajo
Diarrea del campamento, heces sanguinolentas, disentera; diarrea por aguas contaminadas
y paludismo
Heces acuosas sin dolor. [Phosph.acid.]
Diarrea inmediatamente despus de comer.
Comparar: Similar en accin a Alstonia constricta, la corteza amarga o quinina nativa de
Ditain (principio activo, es un anti-peridico, como la quinina, pero sin efectos
Cinchona (similar en diarrea, dispepsia crnica y debilidad)
Hydrastis, Fer. cit. et chin..
Tintura hasta la tercera potencia
Localmente, para lceras y dolores reumticos.
ALUMINA (Vijnovsky)
(Arcilla - Oxido de aluminio)
*** 2- Confusin sobre su identidad personal: "cuando dice algo, siente como si otra persona
lo hubiera dicho, y cuando ve algo es como si otra persona lo hubiera visto" (Clarke);
hay como un desdoblamiento de la personalidad. Confusin por bebidas alcohlicas o
vino. Las sensaciones se sienten lentamente o se transmiten con lentitud a los centros
nerviosos. Las cosas parecen irreales. No puede tomar una decisin o realizar un
proyecto; pensar lo fatiga.
** 3- El tiempo pasa muy lentamente, una hora le parece medio da (Cann. Ind.). Se siente
apurado, es precipitado.
** 4- Ansiedad por sentimiento de culpa; como si fuera culpable de un crimen; por el futuro.
*** 12- Peor por el calor, en verano, por el calor de la cama y de la habitacin, por
temperaturas extremas. Est mejor al aire libre, y lo desea (mejor caminando al aire
*** 14- Excesivamente dbil y fcilmente agotado por cualquier esfuerzo fsico; se cansa
mucho hablando (Stannum, Sulphur). Debilidad temblorosa por diarrea, por caminar al
aire libre, durante o despus de la menstruacin (casi no puede hablar). Hay tendencia a
estar acostado, pero le agrava la fatiga. Se desmaya estando parado. Tendencia a las
parlisis o paresias de msculos (especialmente recto, vejiga y miembros) en relacin
con una afeccin crnica profunda, y a afecciones del sistema nervioso central
exteriorizadas en dificultades en la de ambulacin (ver 40) y temblores (peor si tiene
hambre) o movimientos convulsivos.
18- En viejos, en gente con falta de calor vital; sujetos delgados, secos, de disposicin suave.
Personas de hbitos sedentarios que sufren trastornos crnicos.
* 19- "La accin de Almina es lenta en producirse (como todo el cuadro patogentico del
medicamento) y el remedio no debe ser cambiado rpidamente" (Clarke).
** 20- Desea cosas indigestas o no comestibles (Calc. C., Cic.): carbn, cal, tierra, yeso,
lpices, tiza, posos de t o caf, almidn, trapos blancos, etc. Desea alimentos secos,
caf, frutas y verduras.
** 22- Vrtigo: mejor por el desayuno; al cerrar los ojos (signo de Romberg); despus de
comer, con nuseas; con tendencia a caer hacia adelante, los objetos parecen dar vueltas
en crculos o l siente como si diera vueltas peor acostado de espaldas o al erguirse de
estar agachado; mejor frotndose los ojos o enjugndoselos. Vrtigo en viejos agotados.
No puede caminar excepto con los ojos abiertos y de da; vacila y cae al cerrar los ojos.
* 23- Anemia cerebral. Sensacin de que el cerebro cae hacia adelante. Cefaleas peridicas
de maana al despertar, mejor al levantarse; de noche en cama; mejor al aire libre; peor
despus de comer, y en una habitacin calurosa. Cefalea frontal cuando est parado y
despus del almuerzo. Cefalea presiva como por un sombrero apretado, o como si le
tiraran del cabello.
** 24- Ojos pegados de noche y a la maana. Cierre espasmdico o cada de los prpados,
no puede abrirlos por parlisis del prpado superior, peor el izquierdo. Estrabismo.
Sequedad y prurito en los ojos, sobre todo en los ngulos, especialmente el interno.
Lagrimeo slo de da. Engrosamiento de los prpados. Ulceracin de la conjuntiva.
Conjuntivitis. Necesita frotarse los ojos constantemente.
* 26- Orejas rojas y calientes con prurito, peor al anochecer; o una sola oreja roja. Zumbido a
la maana. Puntadas en el odo hacia afuera.
** 27- La punta de la nariz est agrietada y roja. Secrecin nasal sanguinolenta, verdosa o
amarillo-verdosa, dura; costras en el lado derecho; ocena. Ausencia o disminucin del
olfato. Sequedad nasal. Dolor en la raz de la nariz, al tocarla. Hinchazn y dolor en el
* 28- Labios paspados. Enrojecimiento de la cara despus de comer. Palidez con la cefalea.
** 29- Tensin en la cara, sobre todo en el mentn, como si tuviera telaraas o se hubiera
secado all clara de huevo. Movimientos convulsivos de la mandbula. Dolor en la
articulacin temporomaxilar cuando abre la boca o mastica.
30- Encas de color gris sucio, hinchadas, arden y sangran. Velo del paladar rojo. Gusto
cido, dulzn, o no siente gusto a las comidas. Ulceras pequeas que se extienden. Mal
aliento. Odontalgias que mejoran con la presin.
* 33- Apetito disminuido. Eructos amargos al anochecer despus de comer papas. "Eructos
crnicos por aos, peor al anochecer" (Allen). Vmitos con tos seca desgarrante.
*** 34- Clico saturnino. Constipacin con heces que salen con gran dificultad y grandes
esfuerzos, an siendo blandas; inactividad rectal; "no hay deseos ni posibilidad de
mover el vientre hasta que hay una gran acumulacin" (Allen), a veces cada una a dos
semanas. Constipacin en bebs alimentados con leche de vaca, en viejos; en el
embarazo o en mujeres muy sedentarias. Heces escasas, insuficientes, como bolitas,
duras, oscuras, sanguinolentas, adherentes como arcilla, nudosas y cubiertas con
mucosidades o como heces de cordero. A veces Eolo puede mover cuando est parado
(Caust.). Diarrea cuando est orinando. Hemorragia anal por hemorroides internas
durante o despus de defecar; con ardor o dolor cortante. Humedad anal despus del
** 35- Orina con chorro dbil, especialmente a la maana al despertar. Debe hacer fuerza
un largo rato o como si fuera a mover el vientre hasta que empieza a orinar, peor de
maana; chorro dbil. Se orina al toser. Secrecin uretral amarilla, crnica; blenorragia
*** 37- Flujo acre, excoriante, albuminoso, que corre hasta los talones, peor de da, mejor
por bao fro. Menstruacin que dura un slo da, escasa, plida.
* 38- La respiracin se detiene al toser. Disnea con tos. Tos de maana, constante, seca, que
lo sofoca, lo ahoga; por alimentos irritantes (sal, pimienta, vinagre) o por hablar o cantar.
Opresin en el pecho, peor inclinando la cabeza hacia adelante. Dolor en el trax de
noche, presivo, con constriccin como por una cuerda apretada, con paraparesia o
* 39- Dolor lumbar desgarrante o ardiente, como si estuviera aplicado all un hierro caliente.
** 40- Pesadez en miembros inferiores (especialmente en las piernas) cuando est sentado.
Incoordinacin en extremidades, sobre todo en los miembros inferiores, con debilidad y
marcha vacilante; tabes. Uas frgiles. Callos que pinchan. Manos agrietadas. Herpes en
los pies. Sabaones, prurito en los dedos de los pies, que se han congelado. Est dolorido
en las plantas de los pies mientras camina, con sensacin de adormecimiento o como si
el suelo fuera blando. Dolor como luxado en el hombro, puntadas en las caderas y
rodillas. Dolores desgarrantes en la rtula y piernas, extendido a los dedos de los pies.
Hemipleja; parlisis. Se le duermen los talones cuando camina y las nalgas estando
** 43- Prurito en la piel, sin erupcin, peor por el calor de la cama; debe rascarse hasta que
sangra o est en carne viva. Piel muy seca, nunca suda.
Gran pesadez en los miembros inferiores, estn dbiles, tiene que sentarse;
adormecimiento de los talones; sensacin de un hierro caliente clavado en la espalda.
La principal caracterstica que conduce al empleo de este remedio consiste en su
peculiar constipacin: "Inactividad del recto; an las heces blandas exigen un gran
-Alumina es uno de nuestros remedios para los estados clorticos. La paciente est
plida, dbil, fatigada, debe sentarse para descansar. Los perodos son escasos, atrasados y de
coloracin plida cuando se presentan; despus del perodo la enferma est agotada y plida.
(Carbo animalis y Cocculus). Hay, adems, una leucorrea copiosa que algunas veces corre
hasta los talones si la enferma no tiene colocado un pao. (Syphilinum.)
Estas pacientes anmicas tienen a menudo una gran apetencia de almidn, de tiza, de
telas, de carbn, de clavo de olor y de otras cosas ridculas y anormales. Alumina es un gran
remedio en tales casos. La clortica de Natrum muriaticum no puede comer pan o tiene
aversin hacia l. La paciente de Alumina no puede comer papas, porque no las tolera.
Pulsatilla no puede comer alimentos grasosos, pasteles, etc. Alumina se asemeja a Pulsatilla
en los catarros nasales crnicos y los dos son de temperamento inclinado al llanto, pero su
constitucin es diferente, pues Alumina es seca y delgada y Pulsatilla, flemtica.
-Este remedio es tambin muy eficaz para los males crnicos de la "garganta", como
la disfona de los oradores. Hay "dolor, sensacin de carne viva, ronquera y sequedad". Esta
sequedad produce una continua disposicin a la carraspera y despus de un largo tiempo el
paciente desprende una pequea cantidad de flema espesa y consistente. Este estado de la
"garganta" es temporariamente aliviado por las comidas y bebidas calientes. El remedio que
ms se aproxima a esto es Argentum nitricum, pero en Argentum hay en la garganta
excrecencias o granulaciones verrugosas. Ambos remedios tienen una sensacin de astilla en
la garganta, la cual existe tambin en Hepar sulphur, Dolichos y Nitric acidum. En Alumina
hay asimismo una sensacin de constriccin en la garganta y el esfago, acompaada de
dolor durante la deglucin.
-Alumina est recomendada para los siguientes sntomas que a menudo aparecen en la
ataxia locomotriz: "Gran pesadez en los miembros inferiores; puede apenas arrastrarlos;
durante la marcha se tambalea y tiene que sentarse; en la primera parte de la noche." "Slo
puede caminar con los ojos abiertos y durante el da." "Adormecimiento del taln al dar el
paso." "Dolor en la espalda, como si un hierro caliente estuviera introducido a travs de las
vrtebras." Doy estos sntomas basndome en la autoridad de otros, porque nunca los he
Es un xido de aluminio que durante mucho tiempo fue confundido con la cal o la slice, y su
identificacin se debe a Guyton de Morveau que fue el primero en aislarlo del alumbre.
En la naturaleza est presente en muchas formas; casi puro en el corindn, el zafiro, el
rub, y combinado en los feldespatos, las micas, las arcillas y en numerosos otros
compuestos naturales.
La almina pura se obtiene en estado de hidrato gelatinoso precipitando una solucin de sal
soluble de aluminio por el carbonato de amonio. La almina anhidra se precipita
calcinando el hidrato de almina o tambin el alumbre amoniacal. Se presenta bajo la
forma de un polvo blanco muy fino, suave al tacto, sin color ni sabor, que se adhiere a la
lengua. Es insoluble en el agua.
Las tres primeras dinamizaciones se preparan por trituracin, y las ms altas, por dilucin
Como BRYON., mucosas muy secas y no siente necesidad de evacuar; ambos actan en
sujetos delgados y "secos". Ambos se complementan, y se prescriben principalmente en
la CONSTIPACIN infantil, juntamente con ANACARD., SEPIA, SILIC., VERATR.,
para esta prdida de poder expulsivo rectal (Nash).
A) Lateralidad
B) Agravacin
C) Mejora
AL AIRE LIBRE; no obstante, la falta de calor vital le hace buscar el calor y ropas abrigadas.
Sntomas mentales
Vive bajo un estado de prisa. Nada marcha o se hace a su gusto; EL TIEMPO PASA
LENTAMENTE. Una hora le parece medio da. ARG. NITR. tiene un sntoma
semejante, siempre apurado, no termina nada. A CANN. IND. un segundo de tiempo le
parece una eternidad, junto a gran excitacin y locuacidad. Medorr. tambin tiene
sensacin de que el tiempo pasa lentamente; es un antiguo gonorreico que mejora a la
orilla del mar. NUX VOM. considera que el tiempo no pasa bastante rpido
ES IMPULSIVO; temor al ver sangre o instrumentos en punta. Cualquier instrumento que
pueda servir para un homicidio, le provoca ideas suicidas. (Kent).
acompaa siempre de un estado de precipitacin; cambia frecuentemente de lugar, quiere
irse, se va, vuelve, a veces no recuerda ni su nombre, y teme enloquecer; a veces ya se
cree loco. Esto lo vemos tambin en ACT. RAC., CALC., OSTR., ACON., ARG. NITR.,
Aparato digestivo
En realidad, NO SIENTE DESEOS DE COMER; come muy poco a la vez. Puede decirse
que EN ESTE REMEDIO NO EXISTE LA DIGESTIN. Tendencia catarral y ulcerativa
de la mucosa gstrica, y a indigestarse a la menor ingestin. Eructos frecuentes, amargos
o cidos; vmitos alimenticios biliosos o mucosos;todo esto puede acompaarse de
nuseas, vrtigos, pirosis y flatulencia (Kent).
Aparato urinario
Orina plida, turbia, abundante, con sedimento blancuzco como tiza. Orina ardiente como
corrosiva. Necesidad frecuente con tenesmo. Orina expulsada durante los esfuerzos para
defecar, o solamente puede orinar con gran esfuerzo.
Sensacin de debilidad vesical; para lograr orinar debe multiplicar sus esfuerzos.
rganos genitales
Espalda y extremidades
Pesadez y debilidad en las piernas; apenas puede arrastrarse; cuando camina tambalea y debe
sentarse. Calambres en las pantorrillas. Entumecimiento en los talones al andar, y en los
pies si cruza las piernas al sentarse.
Este medicamento viene exactamente despus de Alumen, que tiene mucha Alumina en su
composicin y depende grandemente de la Alumina, que constituye su fundamento, por
su forma de actuar. Se me ocurre emitir una pequea sugerencia. Cuando Ud. tiene una
buena prueba substancial de un xido o un carbonato y se ponen bien en evidencia los
sntomas mentales, Ud. puede utilizarlos en forma presuntiva, prescribiendo otra sal,
con la misma base, que tiene algunos pocos sntomas mentales en sus demostraciones.
Por ejemplo, Ud. tiene un grupo de sntomas decididamente relacionados con Alumen.
Los sntomas mentales de Alumen, .sin embargo, no han sido puestos en evidencia en
todo su alcance, pero Ud. tiene todava los sntomas mentales de base de Alumina, que
es el xido, as que si el paciente tiene los sntomas mentales de Alumina y los sntomas
fsicos de Alumen, Ud. puede presumir racionalmente que Alumen curar a causa del
Aluminum en cada uno.
Naturalmente, hay una cantidad de otros remedios que tienen este esfuerzo para evacuar,
pero los mismos tienen sus propias caractersticas. Veamos por ejemplo el caso de una
persona que no puede mantenerse despierta; dice que le resulta imposible leer una lnea
sin dormirse; que se duerme permanentemente; sufre noche y da por tener la boca seca
y la lengua se le clava en el paladar. Dejmosle ahora describir este estado de esfuerzo
y de lucha para expeler una deposicin blanda y no necesitaremos ms para saber cul
es el remedio. Si esa paciente, adems de lo que ha dicho, nos explica que suele
desvanecerse si permanece de pie durante largo rato, que se siente molesta en una
habitacin cerrada y que sufre toda clase de malestares al aire libre, es Nux moschata
Ustedes ven ahora qu fcil es que los remedios hablen; cuentan su propia historia.
Supongamos que acude a ustedes una mujer que ha estado sufriendo hemorragias,
sangra prolongada, que se halla plida y dbil y est distendida por la flatulencia, con
abundantes eructos y gases, y cuantos ms gases despide peor se siente; tiene estos
mismos sntomas de tener que esforzarse largo rato para evacuar una deposicin blanda,
tremendo esfuerzo con inactividad en el recto. No podran hacer otra cosa que darle
China. Dejando que los remedios hablen y cuenten su propia historia se consigue la
individualizacin. Digo todo esto para demostrar que ustedes no deben basarse en la
inactividad del recto para decidir respecto del remedio. La individualizacin debe
hacerse a travs del paciente. Se trata de un principio que no debera ser violado jams.
Pueden disponer ustedes de una veintena de remedios, todos poseedores de cierto
sntoma, pero si tienen unas pocas cosas decididas y reales que puedan decir acerca del
paciente, la forma en que maneja sus asuntos, la manera en que la enfermedad afecta al
hombre en su totalidad, entonces dispondrn de algo en que basarse para la
individualizacin. Han visto ustedes el paciente Alumina, al paciente China y al
paciente Nux moschata. La nica obligacin del mdico es tratar al enfermo, lo que
significa estudiar al paciente mismo hasta alcanzar una idea de la enfermedad.
Esta medicina abunda en vrtigo; el paciente tiembla, vacila, las "cosas giran alrededor"
casi constantemente. Corresponde al vrtigo de gente cansada, viejos pacientes
quebrantados, hombres desgastados por la edad. El vrtigo tambin viene al cerrar los
ojos, tal como se encuentra en las afecciones espinales, en la esclerosis de los cordones
laterales posteriores. Alumina ha producido afecciones anlogas a ataxia locomotriz.
Produce entumecimiento en las plantas de los pies, dolores lancinantes, vrtigo al cerrar
los ojos, causa vacilaciones y perturbaciones de la coordinacin. Es verdad que en la
primera etapa de la ataxia locomotriz Alumina controlar el proceso de la enfermedad
poniendo en orden el estado interno de la economa. Con Aluminum metallicum he
hecho cesar dolores lancinantes en casos viejos e incurables, y mejorado en forma
maravillosa los reflejos, evidenciando as la mejora general del paciente.
La mayora de los sntomas se presentan al levantarse por la maana. Por la maana, como
ya he dicho, la orina sale ms lentamente que cuando ya el paciente se ha movido algo
y ha calentado un poco su cuerpo. Sus miembros estn ms tiesos por la maana, y a
esa hora debe avivar su estado mental. Se levanta confuso y se pregunta dnde est . Se
lo notar especialmente en los nios -se despiertan por la maana en estado de
perplejidad, como el que suele hallarse en Alumina, Aesculus, Lycopod. Debe fijar la
mente en las cosas para cerciorarse de lo que son stas, de qu aspecto tienen, y duda si
est en su casa o en algn otro lugar.
Abundan los dolores de cabeza con nuseas y vmitos. Los dolores de cabeza lo atacan
siempre que toma fro. Esto se debe probablemente al estado catarral. El paciente
Alumina sufre casi constantemente por sequedad de las mucosas, la nariz est seca,
tapada, especialmente en uno de los lados, por lo comn el izquierdo. Siente la nariz
llena de obstrucciones, membranas secas o costras, viejo catarro atrfico, costras en los
orificios posteriores de la nariz y en la fosa de Rosenmuller. Grandes costras verdes,
ofensivas en toda la nariz. Ahora viene la relacin con el dolor de cabeza. Cada vez que
toma fro la espesa secrecin amarilla afloja y da paso a una secrecin acuosa. Entonces
el paciente tiene dolor en la frente, sobre los ojos, que le atraviesan la cabeza, con
nuseas y vmitos. Cuando habla de dolor de cabeza por catarro crnico se refiere a
eso. El dolor de cabeza estando acostado. Tiene dolores de cabeza enfermizos y dolores
de cabeza peridicos. Vern que Alumina corresponde a una constitucin que puede
llamarse psrica vieja, constituciones dbiles, quebrantadas, constituciones
escrofulosas, como las propensas a tubrculos y afecciones catarrales.
Es marcada la tendencia catarral de este remedio. Se hallan catarros siempre que existan
mucosas. La Alumina afecta en forma extensiva la piel y las mucosas, por ejemplo, la
piel interna y externa, las superficies del cuerpo. El paciente expectora
permanentemente, se suena la nariz abundantemente y sufre secreciones de los ojos.
Abundan las perturbaciones de la visin originadas en estado catarral, de las cuales
podemos hablar ahora. Obscurecimiento de la visin, como si se mirase a travs de la
niebla, a veces -se explica- como a travs de un velo. Nebulosa oscuridad de la visin.
Hay tambin perturbaciones en los msculos de los ojos, de los msculos del globo y
del msculo ciliar. Visin dbil y cambiante. La debilidad paraltica, como la que
pertenece a todo el remedio, se encontrar en ciertos msculos, o conjuntos de msculos,
de modo que los anteojos pueden ser ajustados con gran dificultad. La actividad de los
msculos oculares est perturbada.
El estado catarral se extiende hacia arriba a la parte posterior de la nariz y los orificios
posteriores estn llenos de costras y mucus duros, y al mirarle la garganta ustedes vern
que el paladar blando y las mucosas de las amgdalas y la faringe y todas las partes que
se alcanza a ver se hallan en un estado de granulacin, estn hinchadas, congestionadas
e inflamadas. Se siente sequedad en la faringe y hay una sensibilidad crnica y dolor.
Al tragar los alimentos se siente picazn y la impresin de que la garganta est llena de
palitos, especialmente tras un momento de descanso. Mejora humedecindola y
tragando. En el aire nocturno, despus de permanecer inmvil un rato, se produce una
acumulacin de mucus pegajoso. Esto se extiende hasta dentro de la laringe, con
aspereza en sta y en el pecho, y una tos crnica, seca, cortante. El mismo estado
catarral baja al esfago, que queda sensible y funciona mal. El paciente traga con
dificultad. El bolo baja tras un esfuerzo y se lo siente en su descenso. Existe dolor y
mal funcionamiento, paresia y dificultad para tragar. Esta debilidad paraltica recuerda
al paciente que debe hacer un pequeo esfuerzo para tragar, y esa deglucin se siente
mientras la materia desciende, como si el esfago estuviese sensible. Hay un estado
catarral de estmago, intestinos y recto, de manera que con la deposicin blanda y
dificultosa hay a menudo acumulacin de mucus. Existe tambin una afeccin catarral
de la vejiga, riones y uretra, y una vieja gonorrea se ver prolongada a una secrecin
catarral o blenorrgica. A veces no se trata de blenorragia, pero la secrecin se mantiene
durante muchos meses y en lugar de un blanco lechoso claro, como es natural en los
casos ms prolongados de gonorrea, se mantiene amarilla e indolora. Lo mismo sucede
con la vagina; es una secrecin espesa, blanca amarillenta, a veces excoriativa. Vemos
as, en la constitucin que hemos descrito, que un estado catarral extensivo pertenece al
Cuando pasamos a la piel comprobamos que sta toma un estado de cosas similar. El
paciente sufre toda clase de erupciones. La piel se marchita, se seca y est sujeta a
erupciones, engrosamiento, induracin, ulceraciones, resquebrajamientos y sangra. Las
erupciones pican ms con el calor de la cama. La piel pica, an cuando no haya
erupcin, al calentarse en la cama, de modo que el paciente se rasca hasta hacer sangrar
la piel. Esto presenta respecto a las erupciones, una idea que ustedes debern
considerar. Acude a ustedes un paciente cubierto de costras y dice: "Cuando entro en
calor por la noche? tengo que rascarme y me rasco hasta que la piel sangra". Ahora
bien, en Alumina es muy importante comprobar si estas costras fueron causadas por
rascarse o si la erupcin surgi como erupcin de comezn, pues en Alumina al
principio no hay erupcin, pero el paciente se rasca hasta perturbar la piel y entonces se
producen las costras. Aqu Ud. debe prescribir no para la erupcin, sino para la
comezn de la piel sin erupcin. Ahora bien, en Mezereum, Arsenicum, Dolichos y
Alumina, la piel pica y el paciente se rasca hasta hacerla sangrar; entonces se siente
aliviado. Naturalmente despus de esto hay una aparente erupcin porque se forman
costras. Tan pronto como comienza la cicatrizacin comienza tambin la picazn, y el
paciente slo se siente aliviado cuando la piel est en carne viva. Con la sangra y la
humedad de la piel.hay alivio en la picazn. Ahora bien, algunos libros no hacen
distincin entre picazn sin erupcin y picazn con erupcin, y por consiguiente la
generalidad de los mdicos jvenes piensa que la comezn de la piel debe estar siempre
relacionada con erupcin, y cometen un error al calcular que clase de erupcin es. La
piel se engrosa, se endurece y se ulcera, y existen induraciones debajo de las lceras.
Hay un estado inactivo tanto de la mucosa como de la piel, con tendencia a la
induracin. El engrosamiento de la mucosa aparece en todas partes; despus del
engrosamiento llegan pequeas ulceraciones, y con el curso del tiempo se forman
induraciones en las bases de las lceras. Lo mismo sucede con la piel. Sequedad y
ardores en todas partes y lo mismo puede decirse de todas las mucosas y de la piel en
Prpados granulosos crnicos. Si volcamos los prpados hacia abajo veremos que la
mucosa est engrosada. Algunas veces este engrosamiento o hipertrofia provoca un
vuelco de los prpados como ectropin. "Las pestaas caen hacia afuera"; eso est de
acuerdo con el estado general. Se le caen los pelos en todo el cuerpo. Varias partes
quedan desprovistas totalmente de pelo; el del cuero cabelludo se cae abundantemente.
Toda clase de ruidos en los odos, zumbidos, etc., y perturbaciones en los odos; otorrea
"Punta de la nariz resquebrajada" es algo acorde con el remedio. Induracin aqu y all, lo
que favorece el lupus y el epitelomia en quienes estn sujetos a estas hinchazones y
erupciones. La Alumina y Alumen, como Ars., Lach., Sulph. y Conium, son medicinas
que se relacionan con estos inconvenientes. Algunas de ellas han hecho curas brillantes
cuando existe infiltracin. Sobre la piel de la cara y de otras partes del cuerpo hay
hormigueo. Comezn, especialmente cuando entra en calor. Sensacin de tensin.
Sensacin peculiar alrededor de la cara y en otras partes que no cubre la ropa, una
sensacin de clara de huevo seca sobre la cara, de sangre seca, de tener una telaraa
sobre la cara. Quien haya pasado alguna vez por un lugar en el que haba telaraas y
una de stas le ha pasado sobre la cara conocer la sensacin de hormigueo que produce
y sabr que no puede abandonarla mientras no se quite la telaraa de encima. Esa
sensacin pertenece principalmente a Alumina, Borax, Bar. c. Hormigueo y algo que se
arrastra sobre la piel. Comezn en la cara. Estos sntomas son tan irritantes que el
paciente se sentar y frotar la cara permanentemente. Usted pensar de l que est
nervioso. Tiene todo el aspecto de estar nervioso cuando se sienta para frotarse la cara
con el dorso de la mano. Es conveniente comprobar si lo hace porque no puede
mantener las manos quietas o a causa de la comezn. Debido a la sensacin de
comezn en la cara se lleva la mano a sta como para sacarse algo de encima .
Quiz yo no he dicho todo lo que debe decirse sobre la garganta. "lceras en las fauces.
Esponjosas, segregan un pus marrn amarillento, con mal olor". Puede decirse que el
paciente es a menudo vctima de irritacin crnica a la garganta. As es respecto a
Alumina, tiene una tendencia especial a localizarse sobre mucosas. Lo encontrarn en
un sujeto Alumina sangrando de todas las mucosas. Tiene catarro de la nariz y ojos
colorados, la nariz se le tapa y sufre muchos resfros agudos; malestares muy graves en
la garganta. Secreciones de todos los orificios. No es una medicina que deba ser
seleccionada para un resfro establecido en la garganta, ni un remedio para dolor agudo
de garganta, pero si un antipsrico de accin profunda que dura meses. Su mayor
utilidad es como remedio para los resfriados. En este sentido es como Sil., Graph. y
Sulph. Provoca cambios en los tejidos, y lo hace lentamente, porque es una medicina de
accin lenta. Si bien el paciente en s, con estas afecciones psricas arraigadas se siente
generalmente mejor despus del remedio, pasarn meses antes de que sus sntomas
desaparezcan. Puede decir: "Me siento mejor, pero todos mis sntomas parecen estar
aqu. Puedo comer mejor y dormir mejor". Entonces no sera prudente cambiar el
remedio. No deben esperar inmediato alivio de los catarros y dolores en la espalda y
otros sntomas para los cuales ustedes recetaron este remedio. Pueden sentirse
satisfechos si obtienen resultados tras muchas semanas. Hallarn lo mismo en la
debilidad paraltica producida por Plumbum. Hay una droga nueva, que empieza a
usarse, las pruebas de la cual son muy completas y valiosas, y son anlogas a los
sntomas de este remedio. Es el Curare. Quisiera disponer de pruebas mejores de l,
pero es valioso y tiene muchas cosas similares a Alumina y Plumbum, especialmente en
la debilidad de las manos y dedos de los pianistas. Un viejo pianista dir despus de
haber estado ejecutando durante algn tiempo sus dedos se ponen lentos. La debilidad
parece estar en los extensores. Dificultad para levantar los dedos; pierde el movimiento
elevador. Curare lo remedia en gran parte, le da rapidez a ese poder de los dedos para
elevarse. Pero este remedio tambin experimenta en forma general esas condiciones
particas. Si bien Curare est especialmente relacionado con una afeccin paraltica de
los extensores ms que de los flexores, la parlisis de Alumina es tanto de flexores
como de extensores.
Esta medicina es una de las pocas que se ha comprobado que se agravan por el almidn,
especialmente el almidn de papas. Agravacin por comer papas. tiene indigestin,
diarrea, gran flatulencia y empeoramiento de la tos por comer papas. Tiene tambin
agravacin por la sal, el vino, el vinagre, la pimienta y las bebidas espirituosas. La
Alumina es un remedio espinal y la agravacin por causa de las bebidas espirituosas es
acorde con algunos otros remedios espinales. Se la encuentra en Zincum. El paciente de
Zincum no puede beber vino porque con l empeoran todos sus malestares. Esta
medicina es tan sensible y tan fcilmente anulada por una pequea cantidad de licor que
el paciente est obligado a abandonarlo. No resulta intoxicado pero el alcohol empeora
sus malestares.
Ahora bien, la digestin ha sido prcticamente dejada de lado en esta medicina. El paciente
sufre catarro estomacal, ulceracin en el estmago, indigestin por la comida ms
sencilla. Eructos agrios y amargos. Vmitos de alimentos, mucus o bilis. Nuseas,
vrtigos, acidez, acedas, mucha flatulencia. Vomita mucus y agua. El estmago est
distendido por el gas, El hgado sufre mucho. Ambos hipocondrios son dolorosos, pero
especialmente el derecho.
Cuando tratamos Alumen llam especialmente la atencin a su relacin antidotal con Lead.
Este remedio anular tambin los efectos venenosos del plomo y la sensibilidad al
plomo. Clico y debilidad paraltica en los trabajadores del plomo, pintores y artistas, y
en aquellos tan sensibles al plomo que se ven paralizados simplemente por el uso de
lociones para el cabello con contenido de plomo. No hace muchos aos, el acetato de
plomo era usado comnmente por las mujeres para la leucorrea, pero se ha comprobado
que eran tantas las sensibles al mismo, que se lo abandon. Alumina es el ms
destacado antdoto para las afecciones causadas por ese estado de sensibilidad.
En lo relativo a las deposiciones y al recto, que pertenece al estado general, sobre el que
apenas si queda algo por presentar, salvo algunas importantes cuestiones particulares.
Tal cual ustedes podran suponer, este remedio tiene fisuras; ustedes las esperarn,
naturalmente, cuando consideren la clase de mucosas y tejidos que este paciente
elabora. Sufre mucho por constipacin, hace muchos esfuerzos, la mucosa est
engrosada e hinchada, y por consiguiente tenemos una fisura. Cuando ustedes ven un
remedio que elabora y produce un estado as en la economa, criando ese tipo de
mucosa que puede facilitar las fisuras, no tienen que esperar hasta haber curado una
fisura con ese remedio, para saber que el mismo es adecuado para el caso. No necesitan
recurrir al repertorio para ver qu hizo ese remedio en la fisura. Por su conocimiento
general de la medicina, ustedes vern que el mismo debe curar al paciente; pues
produce un estado tal de la mucosa y de la piel como la que se encontrara naturalmente
en quien tiene una fisura. La piel se indura y ulcera, se pone delicada e insalubre y se
produce constipacin, de modo que, despus de estudiar el remedio en esa forma, no
debe sorprenderles que cure una fisura. Pueden pensar tambin ustedes sobre cules
otras medicinas tienen ese estado de la economa y ver con que otros remedios
esperaran curar una fisura. S ustedes consideran la naturaleza de Nitric acid,
Causticum y Grafitos, comprendern por qu han tenido antecedentes tan maravillosos
en la cura de fisuras. Esta es la forma de estudiar su Materia Mdica; ver qu hace al
hombre en s, a sus rganos y tejidos.
Los sntomas de los rganos sexuales masculinos se caracterizan por debilidad, impotencia
y emisiones nocturnas; adecuada cuando los rganos sexuales estn desgastados por el
abuso o el uso excesivo. Hay plenitud y agrandamiento de la glndula de la prstata y
varias perturbaciones en la prstata, con sensacin de plenitud en el perineo.
Sensaciones desagradables y molestias en la regin de la glndula prosttica despus
del coito. Molestias en el momento de la eyaculacin, o despus de ella, o despus de
una emisin. Disminuye el deseo sexual y a veces desaparece totalmente. Debilidad
paraltica o paresia de los rganos sexuales; un estado que guarda relacin con el
remedio todo. "Secrecin de lquido prosttico durante una deposicin difcil".
"Erecciones dolorosas por la noche".
La mujer tiene abundantes inconvenientes que pueden ser curados con este remedio, pero
sus inconvenientes son principalmente catarrales. Un ejemplo de ello es la leucorrea;
copiosa, acre o excoriativa, de color amarillo; leucorrea tan copiosa que corre por los
muslos, enrojeciendo e inflamado las partes. Ulceracin alrededor de la abertura. Las
mucosas son dbiles y enfermizas y se ulceran fcilmente. Todos los rganos se hallan
en estado de debilidad. Hay una cada por el estado relajado de los ligamentos.
Sensacin de pesadez; se siente pesada la vscera plvica. Las secreciones son
comnmente espesas y amarillas, pero tambin pueden ser albuminosas, filamentosas,
con aspecto de clara de huevo, copiososas y acres; "mucus transparente". Es ms
notable durante el da, porque estos malestares generalmente empeoran cuando se
camina o se permanece de pie, lo cual no es en realidad un sntoma importante, sino
una afeccin comn. Despus de una menstruacin, la mujer tarda generalmente hasta
el periodo siguiente antes de regularizarse nuevamente. Todos sus msculos son
dbiles; no parece haber tonicidad en ella. Es sumamente adecuado para las mujeres
que se aproximan al trmino de la menstruacin, de alrededor de cuarenta aos de edad.
El perodo menstrual la agota, el flujo es escaso, pero sin embargo la agota; los
sufrimientos son terribles y la paciente se siente muy mal en el periodo menstrual.
Despus de los menstruos, agotada en cuerpo y mente, es una firme caracterstica de
Alumina. Es un remedio adecuado tambin cuando la mujer tiene gonorrea que ha sido
prolongada por los paliativos. Se la ha confortado con remedios parcialmente
adecuados, pero al parecer ningn remedio ha sido de accin lo bastante profunda para
desarraigar la molestia, pues sta sigue retornando. En una secrecin que sigue
retornando, mejora un breve tiempo con Pulsatilla, y con esto o aquello, y hasta con
Thuja, administrada ms especialmente porque es gonorrea que a causa de ser ella una
mujer enferma. La paciente est cansada y agotada, y cuando ustedes la observan en su
totalidad, y ven el estado pattico, el continuo retorno de la secrecin que ha sido
mitigado con remedios, piense en esta medicina, tanto para el hombre como para la
Una mujer embarazada sufre tambin algunos inconvenientes. Una mujer, que no es
paciente normal de constipacin, cuando queda embarazada, se constipa, con todos los
rasgos caractersticos de Alumina, por ejemplo, la inactividad del recto, carencia de
fuerza expulsiva; debe usar los msculos abdominales, debe hacer fuerza un largo rato.
Tambin el infante tiene una forma similar de hacer fuerza. Ustedes vern al recin
nacido o al beb de slo unos meses, que necesita Alumina. Es una medicina muy
comn para la constipacin en los infantes cuando no se encuentra otra cosa; el beb
hace fuerza y fuerza y trata de presionar la deposicin hacia afuera, y al examinarla se
ve que es blanda, y debera haber sido expulsada fcilmente.
Lo ms importante que trataremos ahora son la tos y los inconvenientes en el pecho. Hay
expectoracin algunas veces con la tos, pero sta es generalmente seca, cortante, una de
esas toses molestas, prolongadas, que se sufren desde aos. Compite con Arg. met. en
este carcter de tos seca, tajante, especialmente relacionada con la debilidad, pero Arg
met. tiene la tos durante el da, cosa que no sucede con Alumina. La tos Alumina es por
la maana. He aqu un sntoma que explica aproximadamente la tos Alumina: "Tos
poco despus de despertar por la maana". Cada maana, un prolongado ataque de tos
seca. La tos es dura, continuada, seca, tajante; la paciente tose hasta que pierde el
aliento y vomita, y pierde orina. Este sntoma sucede comnmente en la mujer. "Tos
seca, tajante, con frecuentes estornudos". En el texto dice "por campanilla alargada",
pero debera leerse "por sensacin de campanilla alargada". Hay una sensacin como de
algo que hiciera cosquillas en la garganta; un cosquilleo como si la campanilla colgase
mucho, y el paciente les dir que su paladar debe ser demasiado largo. Otra expresin
que significa lo mismo es: "tos por la sensacin de que hubiese una piel suelta colgando
en la garganta". Algunas veces quienes no saben del paladar hablan de algo suelto en la
garganta, mientras que quienes saben que tienen una campanilla, la llaman
generalmente el paladar. Pero la idea es la misma. Tambin cosquilleo en la laringe.
Esto se cotiza siempre en los cantores. Debemos pensar en Alumina cuando los
cantores pierden la voz por parlisis o por haber forzado demasiado la voz. La voz
declina y se debilita, y cuando hay un resfro, aparece una forma peculiar de cosquilleo.
La Alumina es muy til en estos casos. Arg. met. era el remedio usado por los primeros
homepatas para cantores y oradores con mucho temblor y declinacin de la voz antes
de conocerse el valor de la Alumina en tales afecciones. Permtaseme decir aqu algo
sobre Rhus., pues quiz no piense ms en l. A muchos cantores viejos, despus de
haber tomado fro, les queda una debilidad en la voz, que notan al empezar a cantar. Al
iniciar el canto la voz es dbil y ronca, pero mejora despus de usarla un ratito. Dsele
Rhus a todos estos pacientes, prima donnas, abogados, predicadores, etc. Deben
calentar la voz y entonces todo marcha bien, pero dicen: "Si vuelvo a los camerinos y
espero un poco, cuando empiezo a cantar nuevamente estoy peor que nunca". La voz
mejora si permanecen en una habitacin muy calurosa y la siguen usando. Esto se
adapta al estado general de Rhus. Existe un tipo de ronquera que ustedes descubrirn
que es un poco diferente a la ronquera paraltica de Alumina y Arg. met. Esta ronquera
de que hablo pertenece a la misma clase de gente; al empezar inicialmente a usar su
voz, dan la impresin, de tener que desprenderse de alguna mucosidad aclarndose la
garganta hasta que la voz puede empezar a salir. Al empezar a trabajar, las cuerdas
vocales estn cubiertas con mucus y, cuando se desprenden de ste, pueden realizar un
excelente trabajo mientras se mantengan as. Eso es Phosphorus. En tales casos el uso
de la voz se hace doloroso. Las cuerdas vocales duelen despus del movimiento y la
laringe est dolorida al tacto. Algunas veces esto es tan notable que al tratar de usar la
voz siente como una cuchilla. De modo, pues, que debemos individualizar las
ronqueras muy extensamente. La homeopata es un asunto de discriminacin.
Dolor en el pecho, que aumenta mucho al hablar. Existe debilidad de la potencia muscular
del pecho. Los pulmones parecen dbiles y tambin en el pecho existe una sensacin de
debilidad. La trepidacin aumenta los sufrimientos del pecho.
"Dolor en la planta del pie al pararse, como si estuviese demasiado blando e hinchado".
"Entumecimiento del taln al ponerse de pie" "Temblores en las rodillas", esto es un
simple asunto de la debilidad general. "Las extremidades se duermen al sentarse". Se
duermen siempre que se las oprima contra algo. Circulacin dbil, conductividad dbil,
accin de los nervios dbil; todo es retardado. Brazos y piernas parecen pesados.
"Dolores en las extremidades como si se le apretasen los huesos, con presin en las
articulaciones". Ahora leer algunos de los sntomas de los nervios que corroboran
algunas de las cosas que hemos tratado. "Necesidad de irritabilidad en el cuerpo".
"Gran agotamiento de la fuerza, especialmente despus de caminar al aire libre".
"Parlisis unilateral, especialmente de los extensores". "Parlisis reumtica y traumtica
en los pacientes con gota". Pacientes gotosos con ndulos en las articulaciones;
constituciones viejas y quebrantadas con agotamiento pattico. "Excitacin de la mente
y el cuerpo". Temblores aqu y all, en el cuerpo. "Andar lento y tembloroso como
despus de una grave enfermedad". El paciente debe moverse lentamente, no puede
apresurarse. "Movimientos involuntarios".
Cuando duerme hay toda clase de sueos y perturbaciones, he hablado en forma general.
Ardores en la columna vertebral; gran dolor en la espalda. Ardores y puntadas en la
espalda. El paciente lo explica diciendo: "Dolor en la espalda, como si se introduciera
una plancha caliente a travs de las vrtebras inferiores". En la mielitis, esta medicina
realiza una accin maravillosa cuando existe tambin una intensa afeccin espasmdica
de las pleuras, demostrando que las membranas estn afectadas. Otra cosa
correspondiente a este remedio y que es un estado bien conocido en la mielitis, es la
sensacin del aro, sensacin de vendaje aqu y all, alrededor de los miembros y del
cuerpo como sntoma comn. Una sensacin de un cordel ajustado alrededor del cuerpo
caracteriza el estado ms marcado de irritacin y mielitis. Irritacin de la mdula
espinal con lugares sensibles. Lugares que queman como si se introdujera una plancha
caliente en la columna vertebral. Dolor a lo largo de la mdula, dolores agotadores,
desgarrantes en la mdula, con debilidad paraltica, parlisis en aumento y parlisis
completa; parlisis de un lado del cuerpo o paraplejia.
"Dolor en la planta del pie al pararse, como si estuviese demasiado blando e hinchado".
"Entumecimiento del taln al ponerse de pie". "Temblores en las rodillas", esto es un
simple asunto de la debilidad general. "Las extremidades se duermen al sentarse". Se
duermen siempre que se las oprima contra algo. Circulacin dbil, conductividad dbil,
accin de los nervios dbil; todo es retardado. Brazos y piernas parecen pesados.
"Dolores en las extremidades como si se le apretasen los huesos, con presin en las
articulaciones". Ahora leer algunos de los sntomas de los nervios que corroboran
algunas de las cosas que hemos tratado. "Necesidad de irritabilidad en el cuerpo".
"Gran agotamiento de la fuerza, especialmente despus de caminar al aire libre".
"Parlisis unilateral, especialmente de los extensores". "Par lisis reumtica y traumtica
en los pacientes con gota". Pacientes gotosos con ndulos en las articulaciones;
constituciones viejas y quebrantadas con agotamiento pattico. "Excitacin de la mente
y el cuerpo". Temblores aqu y all, en el cuerpo. "Andar lento y tembloroso como
despus de una grave enfermedad". El paciente debe moverse lentamente, no puede
apresurarse. "Movimientos involuntarios".
Cuando duerme hay toda clase de sueos y perturbaciones, de modo que el mismo puede
ser muy inquieto y alterado. El sueo no lleva descanso y el paciente se despierta con
palpitaciones en el corazn". "Muchos sueos y frecuente despertar; salta espantado,
murmurando o gritando". "Durante el sueo los msculos cervicales le llevan la cabeza
hacia atrs"; esto en casos de debilidad paraltica; debe despertar, como si los msculos
de la parte de atrs del cuello tiraran de esa manera. Vibraciones en la parte de atrs del
cuello durante el sueo.
Coincidiendo con el remedio muy frecuentemente hay una temperatura corporal baja,
frialdad, y sin embargo el paciente desea estar al aire libre; debe estar bien arropado y
mantenerse templado, pero quiere estar al aire libre. El paciente se enfra
continuamente, por cada cambio de temperatura o corriente de aire. Algunas veces va a
la cama tan fro como una rana y, al calentarse, est tan molesto por la comezn y el
calor del lecho que no encuentra confort. Existen dos extremos que se producen juntos.
La circulacin es tan dbil en las extremidades y el dorso de las manos que cuando hace
fro las manos estn constantemente fras y cubiertas de resquebrajaduras y fisuras
La piel a lo largo de la tibia est spera y pruriginosa. Se ha dicho que el tiempo seco y el
fro seco aumentan los malestares de Alumina, y que el tiempo hmedo a veces los
Una llamativa caracterstica del remedio es la sequedad crnica de la piel. El sudor es raro y
escaso. El remedio no es especialmente adecuado para esas transpiraciones copiosas,
agotadoras. Es todo lo contrario de Calcarea, que transpira copiosamente, pero este
remedio, con afecciones de la columna y paralticas, est cansado del esfuerzo, muy
agotado, pero no transpira. Amontnense sobre l las cobijas para hacerlo transpirar;
toma calor y comezn y no transpira. Sudor escaso. Total imposibilidad de sudar.
Sequedad crnica de la piel con fisuras. La piel queda desgastada y spera y fisurada
por su sequedad. Gran sequedad de la piel gruesa en el dorso de las manos, y durante el
tiempo fro las manos quedan fras y descoloridas.
ALUMINA (Farrington)
Alumina debe ser comparado con Pulsatilla en la clorosis y en la ocena; con Calcarea
ostrearum en el temor de volverse loso, con Lachesis por su agravacin al despertar y con
Sepia; con Plumbum en el clico; con Argentum nitricum, Nux vomica y Sulphur, en las
afecciones medulares; con Mercurius en el bubn; con Bryonia y Chamomilla en los
sntomas gstricos; con Ruta, Conium, Natrum mur., Sepia, Graphites y Zincum en sus
sntomas oculares.
Alumina u xido de aluminio, es una especie de arcilla pura. Segn Hering, los
sntomas que obtuvo hartlaub no son clsicos, porque solamente lav la preparacin de
arcilla, en tanto que Hahnemann la someti al calor hasta el rojo vivo.
El enfermo de Alumina est muy abatido e inclinado a llorar, como en Pulsatilla este
abatimiento empeora al despertar, semejndose en sto a Lachesis, Pulsatilla, Sepia, etc.
Otras veces nos encontraremos al enfermo importunado por un estado aprehensivo de la
mente, temor de volverse loco, siendo esto exactamente como sucede en Calcarea
ostrearum, Iodium, etc. Esto nos revelar una irritabilidad cerebral. Otra particularidad que
puede estar presente, sobre todo en la histeria, es la tendencia al suicidio cuando el
enfermo ve sangre, un cuchillo o algn otro objeto de esta especie.
Los hombres a quienes Alumina conviene, son hipocondriacos; hay mucha lasitud e
indiferencia para el trabajo, una hora les parece la mitad de un da al enfermo; son
excesivamente rencillosos y malhumorados y en este caso encontraremos a Alumina
revalizado con Nux vomica y Bryonia.
En el comienzo de esta conferencia notaremos varios rubros bajo los que pretendo
hacer el estudio de Alumina. Desde luego qu cambios son producidos en la sangre por
Alumina? no podr decir cmo se altera sta, pero hay enfermedades de la sangre para las
cuales es aplicable y es conveniente mencionarlas aqu. Lo encontramos indicado en la
anemia y tambin en la clorosis, sobre todo en las nias durante la pubertad, cuando el
flujo menstrual es plido y escaso; hay un deseo anormal, vehemente, por comer ciertas
substancias no digeribles, como pizarrines, gises, cal, etc. La leucorrea a que estn sujetas
estas enfermas, es generalmente transparente, notablemente glutinosa y tenaz o bien est
constituda por un moco amarillento abundante, escurriendo algunas veces por las piernas
hasta los pies. Esto agota muchsimo a la enferma y con este estado, casi siempre
encontraremos los sntomas mentales ya mencionados.
Vemos ahora su accin sobre las mucosas. Alumina es aqu nuestro medicamento
nico; obra en una limitada, pero bien descrita clase de casos. Indudablemente produce
sequedad de las superficies mucosas. Si retenemos en la mente este hecho, nos podremos
explicar todos los sntomas que produce; tendremos al instante la clave de una dispepsia,
de un catarro nasal, una garganta inflamada o una constipacin. Hay sequedad de las
membranas mucosas. Poco despus hay formacin de moco grueso, amarillo y muy difcil
de desprender. Me permito ilustrar un poco este detalle. En los ojos, por ejemplo, estar
indicado en la blefaritis, sobre todo, cuando hay gran sequedad de la conjuntiva; los
prpados se sienten tiesos y se agrietan por la misma resequedad. En este caso, su anlogo
ms cercano ser Graphites, que tiene los mismos sntomas, solo que hay ms salida de
sangre de lo que sucede en Alumina.
Alumina es de utilidad en la astenopa cuyo origen es la irritacin conjuntival.
Tambin hay blefaritiss crnica y granulaciones en los prpados.
Para los ojos se resecan al leer, Crocus, Allen recomiendo tambin a Berberis, Natrum
carbonicum y Natrum sulphuricum.
Cuando los ojos se resecan al leer, Crocus, Argentum nitricum, Cina y Natrum mur. En
la blefaroptsis, Nux moschata, Sepia, Rhus y Gelsemium.
Alumina tambin produce prdida de fuerza del msculo recto interno del ojo, y en
sto es semejante a Agaricus, Jaborandi, Conium, Ruta y Natrum mur. Este ltimo, segn
Woodyat, es el mejor.
En el catarro nasal de los nios, encontraremos indicado a Alumina, cuando hay gran
resequedad, formacin de costras y remotamente flema gruesa, amarillenta y tenaz, o
moco que difcilmente se despega.
La mucosa gstrica est reseca por defecto de las secreciones glandulares, teniendo en
este caso la misma dispepsia que es curable por Bryonia. Los sntomas que distinguen a
Alumina son los siguientes: hay una sensacin de constriccin a lo largo del esfago en el
momento de deglutir; el enfermo empeora siempre por comer papas, siendo esto una buena
indicacin para Alumina. Hay aversin por la carne y un deseo vehemente por substancias
indigeribles ribles. El hgado est sensible al tacto y hay dolores; aguijoneantes en este
rgano, como sucede en Bryonia. Nos encontramos la constipacin ya descrita, con
esfuerzos para evacuar, an cuando las materias fecales sean blandas. Las hemorroides
producen comezn, arden y estn hmedas.
Veremos ahora la accin de Alumina sobre las glndulas, indicando a ustedes un slo
sntoma, y es el empleo de la droga en el tratamiento de los bubones; podemos aplicarlo en
los bubones de origen gonorreico, cuando al mismo tiempo hay una descarga uretral
amarilla, con ardor y comezn a lo largo de la uretra, sobre todo a nivel del meato.
Finalmente, en la piel, tiene una accin exacta a la que ejerce sobre las mucosas,
produciendo sequedad y aspereza de este tejido; consecuentemente lo encontraremos
indicado en las erupciones secas y speras, que se agrientan y pueden sangrar, aunque no
con frecuencia, produciendo comezn y ardor intolerable agravado por el calor de la cama.
Recordaremos aqu que Argentum nitricum, Nux vomica y Sulphur, son semejantes a
Alumina en las afecciones espinales.
ALUMINA (Clarke)
Clnica.- Ano, afecciones de. Ataxia locomotriz. Bubn. Catarro. Cefalea. Clorosis.
Constipacin. Constipacin de infantes en lactancia. Eczema. Embarazo, odontalgia.
Escrfula. Estrabismo. Decepcin, efectos de. Disentera. Dispepsia. Fstula. Fisuras.
Furnculos. Garganta, afecciones. Grietas. Gusto, trastornos de. Hernia. Irritacin.
Leucorrea. Ojos, afecciones de. Otorrea. Ocena. Parlisis. Prostatorrea. Tifo. Tos.
Trismus. Uas, afecciones de. Urticaria hmeda y pruriginosa.
Arcilla pura al 2 o 3
Se adapta a las personas que sufren enfermedades crnicas; es el "Acnito de las
enfermedades crnicas".
Constituciones faltas de calor animal (Calc., Sil.).
Personas flacas, secas, delgadas; color obscuro; carcter suave, alegre; hipocondriacas;
erupciones secas escamosas, comezonientas, peores en invierno (Petr.); picazn insoportable
en todo el cuerpo cuando se calienta en la cama (Sulph.): se rasca hasta hacerse sangrar
entonces se pone dolorido.
El tiempo transcurre con suma lentitud; una hora le parece medioda (Cann. i.).
Imposibilidad para andar si no tiene los ojos abiertos, y no es de da; tambalea y cae cuando
cierra los ojos (Arg. n., Gels.).
Apetito anormal; deseo irresistible de comer almidn, yeso, carbn, clavo especia, granos de
t o de caf, cidos y cosas indigeribles (Cic. Psor.); las papas le perjudican.
Eructos crnicos de muchos aos atrs; peor al anochecer.
Todas las cosas irritantes, como sal, vinagre, vino, pimienta, producen tos inmediatamente
que las toma.
Constipacin: no hay deseo de defecar ni posibilidad de hacerlo hasta que hay una gran
acumulacin de materias fecales (Melil.); MUCHO ESFUERZO, necesita agarrarse
fuertemente del asiento del excusado; defecacin dura, nudosa, como bayas de laurel,
cubierta de mucosidades; o bien blandas, como arcilla, que se adhiere a las partes (Plat.).
INACTIVIDAD DEL RECTO, teniendo que hacer un grande esfuerzo aunque la defecacin
sea blanda (Anac., Plat., Sil., Ver.).
Constipacin: de los nios de pecho a consecuencia de la alimentacin artificial; nios
alimentados con botella; de los ancianos (Lyc., Op.); del embarazo, por inactividad del recto
Diarrea cuando la enferma orina.
Tiene que hacer un esfuerzo al defecar para orinar.
el da; mejorada con los baos frios.
Despus del periodo agotamiento fsico y mental, apenas es capaz de hablar (Carb. an.,
Le fatiga hablar, desmayada y cansada, necesita sentarse.* Este medicamento ha sido til en
la gonorrea, conjuntivitis catarral, prpados granulosos, blefaritis crnica, catarro nasal
(Cawperthwiate) .
-Complementa a Bryonia.
Sigue a Bryonia, Lachesis, Sulphur.
Alumina es el crnico de Bryonia.
Semejante a Bar. c., Con., para afecciones de los viejos.
-Con el fro; durante el invierno; con estar sentado; por comer papas; despus de comer sopa
aguada; en das alternados; en el novilunio y plenilunio.
-Con el buen tiempo del esto; con las bebidas calientes; al comer (Psor); con el tiempo
hmedo (Caust.).
Alumina es uno de los principales antdotos del envenenamiento por el plomo; clico de los
pintores; trastornos producidos por el plomo.
Alumina (Boericke)
Un estado general que corresponde a este medicamento es la sequedad de las mucosas y la
piel, y tendencia a estados particos musculares
Viejos, con falta de calor vital; o vejez prematura, con debilidad
Funciones lentas, pesadez, entumecimiento, temblores, y el estreimiento caracterstico
encuentran un excelente remedio en Alumina
Tendencia a los catarros nasales, y eructos en sujetos delgados, secos, flacos
Nios delicados, producto de alimentos artificiales para bebs
Deprimido; temor de perder la razn
Confusin sobre su identidad personal
Apresurado, precipitado
El tiempo pasa lentamente
Humor variable
Mejor al avanzar el da
Tendencia suicida al ver un cuchillo o sangre.
Dolor ardiente, punzante en la cabeza, con vrtigo, peor por la maana, pero mejorado por
el alimento
Presin en la frente como por un sombrero ajustado
Incapacidad de caminar, excepto con los ojos abiertos
Cefalea pulstil, con estreimiento
Vrtigo, con nusea; mejor despus del desayuno
Cada del cabello; prurito en cuero cabelludo y est entumecido.
Los objetos se ven amarillos
Los ojos se sienten fros
Prpados secos, ardientes, escozor, gruesos, agravados por la maana; conjuntivitis crnica
Zumbidos; ruidos
Las trompas de Eustaquio se sienten obstruidas.
Dolor en la raz de la nariz
Sentido del olfato disminuido
Coriza fluente
Punta de la nariz fisurada, orificios nasales adoloridos, rojos; peor al tacto
Costras con mucosidad amarilla espesa
Dermatosis enrojecidas
Ocena atrfica seca
Membranas distendidas y sucias.
La siente como si una sustancia albuminosa se hubiera secado en ella
Furnculos con sangre y granos
Sacudidas del maxilar inferior
Aflujo de sangre a la cara despus de comer.
Mal olor
Dientes cubiertos con sordes
Encas adoloridas, sangrantes
Dolor tensivo en la articulacin del maxilar cuando abre la boca o mastica.
Seca, adolorida; no puede tragar el alimento, esfago contraido
Siente como una astilla o tapn en la garganta
Garganta relajada e irritable
Se ve seca y vidriosa
Dolor de garganta del orador en sujetos delgados
Mucosidad tenaz, espesa, gotea por los orificios nasales posteriores
Inclinacin constante a aclararse la garganta.
Deseos anormales- yeso, carbn, alimentos secos, posos de t
Agruras; sensacin de constriccin
Aversin a la carne. [Graph., Arn., Puls.]
Las patatas no le gustan
No desea comer
Puede tragar solamente pequeos bocados
Constriccin del esfago.
Clico, como el clico de los pintores
Presin en ambas ingles hacia los rganos sexuales
Malestares abdominales del lado izquierdo.
Duras, secas, nudosas: sin deseo
Recto adolorido, seco, inflamado, sangrante
Prurito y ardor en el ano
Incluso las heces blandas pasan con dificultad
Gran esfuerzo
Estreimiento en bebs [Collins., Psor., Paraf.] y ancianos por recto inactivo, y en mujeres
de hbitos muy sedentarios
Diarrea al orinar
Evacuaciones precedidas por un deseo doloroso mucho antes de defecar, y esfuerzo al
Paresia de los msculos de la vejiga, debe esforzarse como para defecar para poder orinar
Dolor en riones, con confusin mental
Frecuente deseo de orinar en viejos
Dificultad para empezar.
Deseo excesivo
Emisiones involuntarias cuando hace esfuerzo para defecar
Secrecin prosttica.
Menstruacin demasiado temprana, corta, escasa, plida, seguida por gran agotamiento
[Carb. an.; Coccul.]
Leucorrea acre, abundante, transparente, filamentosa, con ardor; peor durante el da, y
despus de la menstruacin
Mejorada por lavarse con agua fra.
Tos poco despus de despertarse por la maana
Ronquera, afona, cosquilleo en la laringe; respiracin estertorosa, silbante
Tos al hablar o cantar, por la maana
Sensacin de constriccin en el trax
Los condimentos provocan tos
Hablar agrava el adolorimiento del trax.
Dolor roente, como por un hierro caliente
Dolor a lo largo de la columna, con debilidad paraltica.
Dolor en brazo y dedos, como penetrados por un hierro caliente
Los brazos los siente paralizados
Las piernas las siente dormidas, especialmente cuando se sienta con las piernas cruzadas
Se tamabalea al caminar
Los talones los siente entumecidos
Plantas sensibles; al pisar, las siente blandas e hinchadas
Dolor en el hombro y parte superior del brazo
Roedura debajo de las uas de los dedos
Uas quebradizas
Incapacidad de caminar, excepto con los ojos abiertos o de da
Degeneraciones medulares y parlisis de extremidades inferiores.
Agitado; sueos ansiosos y confusos
Sooliento por la maana.
Agrietada y dermatosis secas
Uas quebradizas
Prurito intolerable cuando se calienta en la cama
Debe rascarse hasta que sangra; entonces se vuelve dolorosa
Piel agrietada en los dedos.
Peor peridicamente; por la tarde; por patatas
Peor por la maana al despertar; habitacin caliente
Mejor al aire libre; por lavados fros; al anochecer y en das alternos
Mejor en tiempo hmedo.
Comparar: Aluminum chloridum Dolores en ataxia locomotriz
Trituraciones bajas en agua
Escoria Silico-Sulfocalcito de almina 3x (prurito anal, hemorroides, estreimiento,
distensin flatulenta); Secale, Lathyr., Plumb. Solucin de acetato de aluminio
Externamente en locin para heridas ptridas e infecciones de la piel
Detiene la hemorragia por inercia del tero
Hemorragia parenquimatosa de varios rganos, solucin al 2-3%
La hemorragia que sigue a la amigdalectoma es controlada lavando la nasofaringe con una
solucin al 10%.
Ipeca, Chamom..
Sexta hasta la trigsima y ms altas
Accin lenta en su desarrollo.
Morosidad. Timidez. Inquietud (poltronera). Aversin al trabajo. Irresolucin. Dificultad
de pensar.
Vrtigos. Dolor de cabeza como cuando se arrancan los cabellos, con nuseas. Presin en
la frente con aflujo de sangre hacia los ojos y la nariz, y epistaxis.
Sensacin de fro en los ojos como cuando se camina contra un viento fuerte. Dolor por la
tarde como si hubiera arena en el ojo. Lagrimeo.
Zumbido de odos.
Nariz, cara
Rubicundez de la nariz. Prurito en la frente. Pesadez en la cara. Tumores nudosos en la
cara. Dolor dislacerante y con prurito en los huesos de las mejillas.
Aparato digestivo
Sequedad de la boca. Apetito desarreglado, tan pronto demasiado vivo, tan pronto nulo.
Eructos. Propensin desde muchos aos a los eructos. Eructos cidos. Nuseas frecuentes.
Dolores en el epigastrio e hipocondrios al bajarse. Dolores de vientre por la maana.
Inaccin del recto. Prurito en el ano.
Aparato gnito-urinario
Deseo de orinar por la noche. Salida del licor prosttico al hacer una cmara dura.
Exageracin del apetito venreo. Reglas escasas. Dolores durante los mnstruos. Flores
blancas. Prurito en las mamas.
Dolor de riones durante el reposo.
Miembros superiores
Pesadez en los brazos, que estn como paralizados; dolores en los brazos cuando se los
deja caer o se tienen extendidos en la cama; punzadas en la mueca, al trabajar; grietas en
las manos; panadizo.
Miembros inferiores
Rigidez y entorpecimiento de las piernas durante la noche; dolor de cansancio en las
articulaciones de la pierna, estando sentado; fro en los pies; sensacin de ardor debajo de
los dedos.
Pandiculaciones frecuentes, estando sentado; dificultad de dormirse; sueo demasiado
ligero; pesadillas; sueo que no repara las fuerzas.
FIEBRE: Calosfros por la tarde; fiebre intermitente, con invasin del fro inmediatamente
despus de haber tomado una sopa caliente al comer.
Sntomas generales
Convulsiones y temblor en los miembros; falta de calor vital; efectos nocivos causados por
Segn Bute, la brionia es el antdoto de los efectos febrfugos demasiado intensos de la
almina. Otros indican la camomila, la ipecacuna.
la brionia es el antdoto de la fiebre que provoca la almina (6).
El efecto siguiente de la almina: "fro, eructos contnuos, amargor de boca, aflujo de
saliva, gran postracin, dolor de cabeza horroroso, sobre todo en el vrtice, con vrtigo", se
alivia con una dosis de ipecacuana (7).
Alumina (Vannier MM)
Por el fro; el tiempo seco; por la maana al despertar; por comer patatas; peridicamente
en la luna nueva o en la luna llena; despus del coito.
Por el calor, los alimentos y las bebidas calientes, excepcionalmente por lavarse con aqua
Muy triste, siempre afligido y quejumbroso, grun, atormentado, apesadumbrado,
agitado, inquieto, molesto, lleno de aprensiones. Nunca est satisfecho porque no puede
fijar su espritu. Humor variable (Puls.).
Incapaz de adoptar una decisin y de realizar un proyecto. Le fatiga pensar, reflexionar lo
enloquece Hechos voluntarios de desdoblamiento de la personalidad: cuando expresa una
idea, parece que la dice otra persona.
Impresionabilidad profunda. No puede ver sangre ni instrumentos cortantes: cuchillo,
agujas (Sil.).
El tiempo pasa muy lentamente (Can. ind. lo contrario: Argent. nitr. ) .
Sueo molesto e inquieto, despierta frecuentemente, con sobresalto, hablando y gritando.
Debilidad intensa con paresias, retardo de la sensibilidad, disminucin de los reflejos,
ptosis e incoordinacin (signo de Romberg).
Cefalea con catarro crnico de la nariz y vrtigo frecuente.
Sensacin como si la cara y alrededor de los ojos estuvieran cubiertos de clara de huevo
coagulada* (Graph.) .
Estrabismo por paresia de los msculos del ojo (nios con estrabismo durante la denticin).
Visin doble: los objetos parecen amarillos o como envueltos en neblina, vindose
obligado a frotarse los ojos constantemente. Paresia de los prpados superiores que se
agrava a la izquierda. Ptosis (Caust., Gels., Sep.).
Engrosamiento de los prpados. Conjuntivitis granulosa.
Dolor en la espalda, dolor quemante como si un fierro caliente fuera aplicado sobre las
ltimas vrtebras (regin lumbar).
Sensacin de constriccin alrededor del cuerpo, como una cuerda apretada, con dolor en la
columna vertebral y paresia o parlisis completa de los miembros inferiores.
Dolores en la planta de los pies al caminar, * con sensacin de entorpecimiento como si el
suelo estuviera blando.
Entorpecimiento de los msculos glteos al sentarse. Temblor de las rodillas. Dolores en
las piernas como si los huesos estuvieran apretados fuertemente. Sensacin de pesantez y
vacilacin en las extremidades inferiores agravndose por la noche.
No hay apetito o ste se encuentra pervertido, anormal: el enfermo tiene deseos de tomar
almidn, cal, carbn, clavos de especias. granos de caf, hojas de t, as como cosas cidas
e indigestas. Aversin por las papas y carnes.
RESEQUEDAD INTENSA DE LA FARINGE con enrojecimiento inflamatorio de la
regin posterior (Arg. me.); mucosidades adherentes, viscosas, que obligan al paciente a
carraspear y a toser por la maana al despertar y por la noche a FIN DE ESCLARECER LA
VOZ (Baryta carb., Zinc.).
Sensacin de punzada en la garganta al deglutir.
Contraccin espasmdica del esfago con dolor cada vez que el enfermo deglute.
Eructaciones crnicas, durante aos. Vmitos con tos seca, agotante.
Constipacin sin ningn deseo de evacuar (Bryo.). Imposibilidad de evacuar aun cuando
exista mucha acumulacin de materias fecales. El intestino parece paralizado. Grandes
esfuerzos para defecar; el sujeto se agarra del asiento y contrae todos sus msculos
Heces: secas (resequedad intensa de las mucosas), DURAS, en pequeos trozos recubiertos
de moco o suaves que igualmente requieren gran esfuerzo para ser expulsadas, son
adherentes como arcilla blanda (Plat.) entrando parcialmente en el recto* (Sil. Thuja).
Sensacin de presin y de excoriacin despus de una pequea evacuacin dura y
sanguinolenta (Natr. mar.).,
Hemorragias intestinales en la fiebre tifoidea: sangre en cogulos grandes con aspecto de
trozos de hgado.
Inflamacin de las alas de la nariz con grietas y fisuras, agravadas del lado izquierdo.
Resequedad de la nariz con costras y escurrimiento espeso y amarillento. Afona frecuente
porque el sujeto tiene la voz dbil y es incapaz de sostener un esfuerzo vocal por largo
tiempo. Hablar le fatiga.
Tos seca, continua, agotante, que se agrava por la noche y por la maana. Tos que produce
Paresia vesical. El paciente se ve obligado a esperar por largo tiempo antes que la orina
escurra. Hace tantos esfuerzos para orinar como para evacuar.
Ataxia locomotriz. Todos los estados crnicos de atona. Constipacin en los nios y en los
viejos. Constipacin durante el embarazo. Coriza, faringitis y laringitis crnicas. Eczema.
Leucorrea. Ozena. Paresia. Parlisis. Retencin de orina. Tabes.
Baryta carb., Causticum (parlisis). Argentum nitr. (ataxia locomotriz). Bryonia, Platina
(constipacin) .
Complementario: Causticum.
30a, 200a.
Alumina (Allen)
- He feels light-spirited;the intellectual and physical powers appear to be excited(first day),
- (He feels excessively contented), [_a1].
- He takes everything in the worse sense, and weeps and howls for hours(second day), [_a1].
- * The boy weeps constantly against his will, for half an hour, [_a1].
- * Depressed as with grief, early in the morning on waking; consciousness is not clear,
- Depressed and friendless;he wishes only to be left alone, in the forenoon(the eighth day),
- The person images only disagreeable, sad images(first day), [a5].
- Involuntary sighings and groanings, as in great pain;he is not conscious of it, [a6].
- He believes he will not be able to recover his health, [a4].
- He feels low-spirited on account of his disease, [_a1].
- * She is constantly possessed by bad thoughts, which oblige her to weep; at the same time
she feels apprehensive and uneasyas if something evil were to happen to her; everything that
she only looks at, fills her with sadness(eleventh day), [_a3].
- Upon seeing blood, or knives, horrible thoughts throng her mind;she feels, for instance, as
though she would commit suicide, although she has the greatest aversion to it, [_a1].
- * Intolerable ennui, an hour seems to him half a day, [a6].
- * Serious, anxious mood, [_a1].
- Anxious, reflective, peevish mood, [a5].
- Oppressive anxiety, attended with emptiness and confusion of the head, and pressure in the
forehead(after twelve hours), [_a2].
- * Anxiety, with external heat and uneasiness as if she had done something bad, [_a1].
- * Anxiety, early in the morning, as though he were threatened with an epileptic fit, [_a1].
- Anxiety and fearfulness, as if he had committed a crime(fifth day), [a5].
- Anguish, with much uneasiness, the whole day(second day), [_a3].
- Anxiety, with palpitation of the heart, and pulsations in some parts of the breast and
abdomen(fourth day), [a5].
- * Uneasiness, in the evening, as though some evil were impending, [_a1].
- Extremely frightened, and starts upon hearing the least thing fall, [_a1].
- * He is apprehensive of losing his thoughts, and his understanding, [_a1].
- Dissatisfied with everything, feels despairing, [_a1].
- Ill-humored and peevish;she is grumbling continually, [a4].
- Not disposed for anything;nothing gives him pleasure, [_a3].
- Peevish, ill-humored;she is conscious of it, at one o'clock in the afternoon(first day), [_a3].
- * Peevish and whining; the lobules of the ears are hot(after two days), [_a1].
- * Extremely peevish and obstinate, [_a1].
- Is opposed to the wishes of other people, [_a1].
- She is excessively peevish, and everything is offensive to her;she desires nothing but to
quarrel and make a fuss, in the afternoon(fifth day), [_a3].
- The person is greatly excited, overfatigued, and nevertheless discontented as if not enough
had been done, [_a1].
- He sneers at everybody contemptuously, [_a1].
- Indifference, absence of mind, and peevishness, [a5].
- * His mood changes greatly, [_a1].
- * Frequently changing mood during the day, sometimes assurance, sometimes timidity,
- Increased animation alternating with absence of mind, during which one's thoughts, sight,
and hearing, are indistinct, and have almost disappeared, [_a1].
- * He constantly speaks wrong, choosing different expressions from those which he
intended, [_a1].
- Want of attention in reading;the mind does not remain fixed on one object(first day), [a5].
- Incapacity for connected thought, [_a1].
- Dulness of mind, [_a1].
- Inability and want of disposition for mental labor, [a6].
- Great absence of mind and irresolution(second day), [a5].
- Reluctance to any kind of employment(first day), [a5].
- * Want of disposition for any kind of labor, with ennui, in the forenoon, [_a1].
- The mind is occupied with a variety of objects, but not one of them leaves a distinct
recollection in the mind(fourth day), [a5].
- * Absence of all power of recollection, and great weakness of memory, [_a1].
- Continual great weakness of memory, [_a1].
- Want of memory for many weeks, [a6].
- Great forgetfulness, [a5].
- Striking forgetfulness, [a6].
- * Great stupor, * with dread of falling forward, [_a1].
- Confusion of the head, with heat in the face, [a5].
- Confusion of the head, with dread of losing his consciousness, [_a1].
- Early in the morning, the head feels confused and dull;this passed off after rising(third
day), [_a3].
- The head feels extremely confused, as if his consciousness were outside of his body; when
he says anything, it seems to him as though somebody else had said it; or when he sees
anything, it seems as though somebody else had seen it, or as if he saw it through somebody
else's eyes, [_a1].
- Early in the morning his head feels cloudy and hot, [_a1].
- Her head feels befogged and intoxicated;it seems to her as though she would turn about,
for nine days, this alternated with pain in the kidneys, and the cloudiness of the head
decreased in proportion as the pain increased, and vice vers(after thirty days), [a4].
- Great heaviness of the head, with paleness of face, and lassitude, [_a1].
- Heaviness of the head, attended with confusion of the forehead, and sensitiveness of the
vertex to the touch, at four o'clock in the afternoon(second day), [_a3].
- Heaviness of the head when sitting erect, he feels as if he would fall forward, this increases
on stooping, at 1 P.M. (fifth day), [_a3].
- Early in the morning the head feels heavy and hot, [_a1].
- Occasional weakness of the head, [_a1].
- Vertigo in the morning, [_a1].
- * Quickly passing vertigo in the morning, [a4].
- Vertigo increased on stooping, [a4].
- * Vertigo, everything turns with him in a circle, attended with nausea, [_a1].
- Everything before his eyes turns with him, [_a1].
- Vertigo even to falling; the whole room seems to turn with her; she is obliged to sit down at
once, at four o'clock in the afternoon(third day), [a4].
- Severe vertigo in walking or sitting, as though he would fall over; often for several days,
and with stiffness in the nape of the neck, extending towards the head, [_a1].
- Vertigo, even to falling, during a walk she had to lean against a wall(twenty-fourth day),
- * Vertigo, early in the morning, as though she would turn around, with a fainting nausea;
after having breakfasted on wheat bread, her nausea ceased, but a sour taste remained in the
mouth(eleventh day), [a4].
- Giddiness for some days almost without interruption;it is like slight intoxication produced
by beer(thirty-first day), [a4].
- Giddiness the whole day, even to falling;in order to moderate this vertigo, she is obliged to
wipe her eyes(eleventh day), [a4].
- * The head always feels giddy as soon as she opens her eyes(sixteenth day), [a4].
- On stooping, surging in the head, synchronous with the pulse;on becoming erect, it is
somewhat diminished(after dinner), [_a3].
- Over the head, externally a sensation as though the skin would go to sleep(three days),
- Violent headache, peculiar, as though the brain were dashed to pieces, [a6].
- Headache, increasing by walking in the open air, [_a1].
- Headache, when in bed at night, [_a1].
- * Pain in the head and nape of the neck;it increases on going to bed, and only leaves off in
the morning, on rising, [_a1].
- Headache, which obliges one to lie down;with dry heat and cough during sleep, the whole
afternoon, [_a1].
- Heat rises into his head, from the stomach, in the forenoon, [_a3].
- External pinching and griping on the head, with a sensation as of freezing towards the
occiput, worse on stooping, in the evening, [a4].
- After dinner, heat in the head;on stooping, a sensation in the brain as if it would fall
forwards;this passes off on raising the head(first day), [_a3].
- Pain as if the head were being screwed together, with stitches in the forehead, and such a
violent heaviness in the vertex, that the head threatens to fall down on stooping; when
standing, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon(two days), [_a3].
- Dull, pressive headache, increased on walking(first day), [a5].
- Screwing pressure in the head, [_a1].
- Tearing in the whole head, in the forenoon(first day), [_a3].
- Headache, tearing, with a sense as of pressing from both sides, in the evening(after two and
a half hours), with chills, many evenings in succession, [_a1].
- Thrusts, as with a knife, now and then shooting through the head, [_a1].
- Stitches in some parts of the head, [_a3, a5].
- * Headache, violent stitches in the brain, with inclination to vomit, [_a1].
- Stitches in the head from within outwards, in the afternoon(eighth day), [_a3].
- Stitches shooting through the head at every step, [_a1].
- A stitch in the head, going round the brain, [_a1].
- Sharp stitches in the right side of the head, when stooping during labor(twenty-eighth day),
- Stitches in the fore and back part of the head after eating, worse towards evening (after
thirty-seven days), [a14].
- Pulsative headache on ascending the stairs, after dinner(second day), [a5].
- Rhythmical beating in the whole head, in the afternoon, when walking, and next morning
in bed(after three days), [_a3].
- Headache, as if bruised, with redness of cheeks, [a6].
- Headache, as if a worm were crawling under the skull;the pain is also cutting, and
corrosive, [_a1].
- Intolerable itching of the head;he is obliged to scratch until the parts bleed; after
scratching, the skin pains, [_a2].
- Itching, formication here and there over the head, [_a3].
- Sense of warmth in the forehead, which is not perceptible externally; with dulness of the
mind, for half an hour, [_a3].
- Burning and pressive pain, with warmth in the forehead, after dinner, when standing or
sitting; the pain is relieved in the open air, and does not return in the room, [_a3].
- Sense of constriction around the forehead, attended with aching(after a quarter of an hour),
- Compressive(pinching)headache in the forehead, above the eyes;it seems to come from the
temples (after three to twelve hours), [_a1].
- Compressive headache above the eyes, coming from both temples, in the evening; and at
night, heat when in bed, followed by sweat(after two hours), [_a1].
- Pressing in pain in the forehead, [_a3].
- Intensely pressive headache above the eyes, [_a1].
- Pressing out at the forehead, after dinner, [_a3].
- Tearing in the forehead, in the forenoon;in the afternoon, it is changed to stitching (second
day), [_a3].
- Tearing headache in the forehead, which is relieved in the open air, in the evening(third
day), [_a3].
- 10.30 P.M. with the frontal headache, tearing, pressing from the forehead back over the
vertex (first day).
- Stitches in the forehead, with dulness and heaviness of the head, in the afternoon (third
day), [_a3].
- Stitches in the forehead on going to sleep(tenth day), [a4].
- Beating and stitches in the forehead and right side of the head, in the afternoon(second
day), [_a3].
- Sensation as if something were crawling(between the skin and flesh), coming from both
temples, and going to the forehead, here it presses outward as though it would penetrate
through, [a6].
- At the upper part of the forehead, a little spot is painful to the touch, early in the
morning(tenth and eleventh days), [a5].
- Confusing tension in a small spot in the right temple;it passes off by pressure; when the
pressure ceases, it returns immediately, in the forenoon(two days), [_a3].
- Continual boring and tearing in both temples, in the forenoon(fourth day), [_a3].
- Painful boring into the right temple, in the evening(fifth day), [_a3].
- Boring and drawing pain in the region of the left temple, in the evening(third day), [a5].
- Pressing-in pain in the right temple, after dinner, [_a3].
- External tearing in the right temple, followed by continual internal boring and
beating(second day), [_a3].
- Tearing in the right temple;rubbing excites a burning in the place(after half an hour to two
hours), [_a3].
- Tearing upwards in the left temple, and subsequent stitches in the right(after two hours),
- A stitch in the right temple, as with a large, blunt instrument, leaving transient soreness
behind (after thirteen days), [a4].
- Stitches in the temples on singing;they abated as soon as she stopped singing(after thirty-
three days), [a4].
- Pain in the left region of the vertex;as if somebody were raising her up by a lock of hair
(first day), [_a1].
- * Beating and raging in the vertex, in the forenoon(two days), [_a3].
- Stitches in the head towards the vertex(second and third days), [_a2].
- * Pulsative headache in the vertex, over the right temple, early on waking, [_a1].
- Beating and pressing in the right temple, like strong pulsation, with pressure upon the
vertex, as from a heavy weight, in the afternoon(second day), [_a3].
- Stitches on the outside, as with an awl, in a small spot of the left side of the head,
- Beating and tearing in the upper part of the right side of the head, 1 P.M. , [_a3].
- Headache, painful drawing in the right side of the head, [_a1].
- Sensation as if the right side of the head were pressed or screwed towards the other, and as
if the vertex were oppressed with a heavy load, in the forenoon, at 8 1/2 o'clock (second day),
- Tearing and stitches in the right side of the head, in the forenoon;and in the left frontal
eminence, in the evening(first day), [_a3].
- Headache on the left side(after eighteen hours), [_a2].
- Short, lasting, dull pain in the occiput(after half an hour), [a5].
- Headache in the occiput, it feels bruised;passes off on lying down, [_a1].
- * Pressure on the occiput and forehead externally, as from a tight hat, [_a1].
- Drawing and pulsative tension in the right side of the occiput, in the forenoon(one day),
- Dryness of the hairs, [_a1].
- Falling of the hair(after eight days), [a4].
- The hairy scalp itches, and is covered with white scales, [_a2].
- * On touching the hair on the head, pain as if the place were sore, [_a1].
- Redness of the eyes, with a sense of excoriation in the corners, and weakness of sight; in
the evenings, when reading, he sees a halo around the light;he is obliged to wipe his eyes
often; in the right, they become agglutinated;this lasts a long time, [_a2].
- Redness of the right eye, with soreness and lachrymation(third and fourth days), [_a2].
- * Squinting of both eyes, [a5].
- Trembling of the left eye, as though it would leap out;worse towards evening, and on
looking down;better on closing the eye, or on looking up, or on holding the eye with the
hand; at the same time the eye is so sensitive to the light that she was often obliged to close it
for three days after(forty-seven days), [a4].
- Burning sensation of the eyes, morning, on waking, [_a3].
- Burning in the eyes, especially on looking up, [_a1].
- * Burning and pressure in the eyes, [_a1].
- Burning and pressure of the eyes and nose, as if she would be attacked with a cold, [a4].
- Tearing in the upper border of the orbit, [_a1].
- Tension around the left eye(two days), [_a3].
- * Pressure in the eyes; she was unable to open them, [_a1].
- * Pressure in the eyes, and sensitiveness to the light, [_a2].
- Pressure in the right eye, in the evening, when writing or reading, [a5].
- Pressure in the left eye, as if something had fallen into it, just below the upper eyelid; the
whole day(fifth day), [a4].
- Biting in the left eye, as from soap, in the evening, [_a1].
- Tearing biting pain in the eye, [_a1].
- Biting and burning pain in the eyes, early in the morning(second day), [a5].
- Sensation of excoriation in the interior of the eyes, in the evening;after this the eyes were
irresistibly closed, [_a1].
- Frequent and violent itching of the eyes, [_a1].
- Sensation of trembling of the eyebrows, [a5].
- The eyelashes fall out easily, [_a1].
- On the left lower eyelid, a pimple, with a stinging pain, [_a1].
- Incipient sty, frequently forming on the upper eyelid, [_a2].
- On closing the eyes but lightly, they are often spasmodically closed with pain; if he tries to
open his eyes in the night, they pain him as if they were oppressed with a sudden flood of
bright sunlight, even in darkness;they become again drawn together;these symptoms are
accompanied by little sleep, and by frequent twitching during the day in the right upper
eyelid, [_a2].
- Weakness of the eyelids;they are all the time on the point of closing, although he is not
sleepy (in the afternoon), [_a3].
- He cannot well open the left eye, because it seems to him as if the upper eyelid were
handing deep down;on this account he often wipes the eye, in order to see better(fifth day),
- * The upper eyelid feels paralyzed, hangs down, and covers only half of the eye(twenty-
ninth day), [_a1].
- Biting pain, with burning and stinging, as from an acrid humor in one of the corners of the
eye, [_a1].
- Every evening, burning and dryness of the eyelids, with pain in the left internal canthus,
and a secretion of dry gum, every morning, lasting upwards of a week, [_a2].
- Stitches in the lower eyelids, [_a2].
- Tearing in the right upper eyelid on looking down;on looking up, feeling as if the upper lid
were longer and were hanging down;afterwards, stitches in the right side of the head, early in
the morning(two days), [_a3].
- Sensation of excoriation and dryness in the internal canthus, [_a2].
- Alternating pressure in the eyelids(one day), [a5].
- * Itching in the corners of the eyes, and of the lids, [_a3].
- Stitches in the corners of the eye, [_a3].
- Burning in the corners of the eyes(two to three days), [_a3].
- The right eye constantly secretes a mucous humor(eye-gum), [_a1].
- The eyes secrete much mucus in the night, for several days in succession, [a4].
- Much dry gum early in the morning on waking, [_a1].
- * The eyes are agglutinated on waking in the morning;they burn on being opened, with
dread of light, [_a2, _a3].
- * Nightly agglutination for several weeks, with inflammation of the conjunctiva and
secretion of mucus during the day;in the evening, when the room is lighted, it seems as if
gauze were before the eyes, which is not removed by wiping;he sees a halo around the light
(after ten days), [_a2].
- The eyes are agglutinated in the morning;dim, with biting(second day), [_a3].
- Lachrymation in the open air, [_a1].
- * Frequent lachrymation, without pain, [_a3, a4].
- Lachrymation early in the morning, after waking, [_a2, _a3].
- Lachrymation and burning of the eyes, with a sensation of swelling of the face(first day),
- Burning and increased secretion of mucus of the eyes, at night, and sometimes early in the
morning, with itching, [a5].
- Inflammation of the conjunctiva of the right eye, without much pain, in the evening(first
day), [a5].
- Pressure upon the left eyeball(after half an hour), [a5].
- The eyes become weak after long looking(fourth day), [_a3].
- Twitching and mist before the eyes, [a5].
- * Dim-sightedness, as through a fog, [_a1].
- Dim-sightedness, sometimes in the open air, and passing off in the room, [_a3, a5].
- Dim-sightedness, as through mist, in the evening(one to thirty days), [_a3, a5].
- * Dim-sightedness, which obliges her to wipe her eyes constantly, which relieves, with a
sensation as if the lids would adhere in the corners(eleventh day), [_a3, a5].
- The right eye is dim, as if a feather or a hair were before it, which she thinks she must take
away (sixth and seventh days), [a4].
- * In the evening, her eyes are so dull and dry that she can neither read nor sew;
- Short flickering and a kind of spots before the eyes, with a sort of vertigo, [_a1].
- On closing his eyes, it is bright before them, [_a1].
- The objects she looks at appear yellow(thirty-fourth to thirty-fifth day), [_a3].
- After blowing the nose, white little stars sparkle before the eyes(fourth day), [_a3].
- On the right ear, a transparent vesicle, without pain, [a6].
- It seems to her as if something were lying before her ear externally, [_a1].
- Itching burning in the anterior border of the right ear(first day), [_a3].
- * Heat and redness of the ear for many evenings, [_a1].
- Tension in the ears(second and third days), [a5].
- Boring pain in the ear in the morning, and in the hollow of the ear in the afternoon;
- (Headache), tearing and stitches in the ears, somewhat lessened by pressure with the hand,
lasting four days, towards evening(after sixth day), [a4].
- Tearing in, behind and below the ears, [_a3].
- Frequent stabs, as with a knife, into the hollow of the hear, [_a3].
- Stickings into the ears, [_a3].
- * Stitches in the ears, especially in the evening(after thirty days), [_a2].
- In the night, stitches deep in the right ear(after four hours), [_a3].
- Stitches through the ears from within outwards(after four hours), [a5].
- Stitches in the left ear(seventh day), [a4].
- Pulsations in the ear, [_a1].
- Severe itching in both ears;rubbing with the fingers increases it(after fifty hours), [_a1].
- Itching before and behind the ears and of the lobules, [_a3].
- Discharge of pus from the right ear often(eleven days), [_a2].
- On blowing her nose something obstructed her ear;on swallowing, the ear opens again,
- Itching and tingling in the external meatus, [_a3, a5].
- Crackling of the tympanum, especially when chewing, [_a1].
- On swallowing, there is a crackling in the ear, [_a1].
- For an hour it seems, in the right ear, as though he had an entirely different voice (fourth
day), [_a3].
- Loud whistling in the ear, [_a1].
- Whizzing in the ears, [_a1].
- Roaring of the ears early in the morning; at the same time the stools are more solid than
usual, [a4].
- Roaring before the ears, as of large bells, early in the morning, after rising, [_a1].
- Roaring in the ears, in the evening, [_a1].
- * The septum of the nose is swollen, red, and painful to the touch; in the evening the pains
are increased, with stitches in the forehead (one day), [a4].
- * Swelling and hardness of the left ala of the nose, with pain to the touch(eight days), [a4].
- * Ulcerated nostrils, [_a1].
- A boil on the nose, [_a1].
- Rattling and piping in the nose, with rough voice, in the afternoon(three days), [_a3].
- * The nose is stopped(one day), [_a1].
- Obstruction of the left nostril(ten days), [a5].
- Unwell, as from a cold which cannot develop, [_a1].
- Sensation in the nose as if a cold would come on, in the evening, for several days (four
days), [a5].
- Catarrh, with sneezing and obstruction of the nose, the whole day(three days), [_a3].
- Dry catarrh(nine days), [_a3].
- Violent dry catarrh, especially at night, with great dryness of the mouth, [_a1].
- Violent fluent coryza in the left nostril, appearing suddenly;the right nostril is obstructed
entirely, [_a1].
- First fluent coryza, then dry, so that both nostrils are entirely obstructed, [_a1].
- On the right side of the nose there are two pimples, with a burning and stinging pain, [_a1].
- Frequent sneezing(and hiccough), without coryza(one, two, seven days), [_a3].
- Water runs from the right nostril, without catarrh, [_a3].
- Secretion of much thick and viscid mucus from the nose, [_a2].
- Fluent coryza(with rough voice)in the afternoon and morning(four, six days), [_a3].
- Fluent coryza, with frequent sneezing and lachrymation, [a4].
- Bleeding from the nose, [_a1].
- Blood only is blown out, [_a3].
- Intermittent burning pain in the right wing of the nose in the evening(one day), [a5].
- Tearing in and near the right nasal fossa;upon pressing the part, it passes off only for a
short while(second day), [_a3].
- * Soreness with scabs in the right nostril, with a discharge of much thick yellowish mucus
(the first four weeks), [_a3].
- Violent itching of one ala of the nose(one hour), [_a1].
- Itching of the dorsum, the side, and around the orifice of the nose, [_a3].
- Excessively acute smell, [_a1].
- Weakness of smell, [_a1].
- Sour smell in the nose, early in the morning(three days), [_a3].
- Sullen, low-spirited look, [_a3].
- Paleness of the face, [_a1].
- Paleness and redness of the face alternating in quick succession, [_a1].
- Skin of the face rough, especially on the forehead, [_a1].
- Itching pimples on the forehead, the right side of the nose, and the left angle of the mouth;
- Every day flushes of heat in the face, [_a1].
- Heat and tension in the left side of the face, in the evening(first day), [a6].
- His face seems to him larger or swollen, and the eyes smaller, so that his sight is impeded;
after dinner(first day), [_a3].
- * The skin of the face is tense, even around the eyes, as if the white of an egg had dried
upon it; after dinner, when walking in the open air(fifth day), [_a3].
- Formication in the right side of the face, with stinging pain in the hollow of the ear, and
tearing in the right knee, [_a3].
- Violent itching in the face, [_a1].
- Itching, with a violent desire to scratch, in the face and under the chin; succeeded by small
pimples like rash(fourth day), [_a3].
- Itching of the forehead, cheeks, around the eyes, and of the chin, [_a3].
- The cheeks look as red as copper, as in brandy drinkers, [a6].
- A painful red spot upon the right cheek, [_a1].
- Small, red, painless pimples upon the right cheek, which feel rough(twelfth day), [a4].
- Upon the right cheek a pimple, which is painful to the touch like a sore, [_a1].
- Pimples on the left cheek and forehead(tenth day), [_a3].
- One boil after the other on the left cheek, [_a1].
- Drawing and tearing in the left cheek and gums;in the afternoon(after thirtieth day), [a4].
- Crawling on the internal surface of the cheeks(after three hours), [a5].
- Itching of the cheeks, with burning after scratching, [_a3].
- Itching of the left angle of the mouth, and the zygoma;it disappears on being scratched,
- Tearing in the sides of the face, especially in the right side, in the zygoma; of this side,
- The vermilion border of the lips is bluish(during and after the fever), [a6].
- Swelling of the lower lip, [_a1].
- On the internal surface of the lip a bright vesicle as large as a pea(second day), [a5].
- Swelling of the lips with vesicles upon them, [_a1].
- * Chapped(dry)lips, [_a3, a4, a5].
- Both his lips appear to him larger and swollen, [_a3].
- The lips peel off(fourth day), [_a3].
- Crusty eruptions on the lower lip, [_a1].
- Small pimples on the chin, which pass off again next morning(after eighth and thirteenth
day), [_a3].
- Sensation around the chin, as if it were covered with cobweb, [_a1].
- The jaws are firmly set against each other(one hour), [a5].
- Remarkable shortening of the lower jaw;the upper teeth project over the lower for three
days, [a6].
- The jaw is so swollen that he cannot open the mouth without pain; there are stitches going
up to the malar bone and the temple, [_a1].
- Tension and drawing in the jaws and cheeks, with increased secretion of saliva(second
day), [a5].
- Painful tension in the articulation of the jaws, when chewing or opening the mouth, [_a1].
- Itching formication on the right side of the lower jaws, [_a3].
- Thick, badly smelling mucus on the teeth(fifth day), [_a3].
- Two rotten molar teeth(one above, the other below)catch into each other on opening the
mouth, [a6].
- Ulceration of the roots of all the teeth, [a6].
- In chewing the least she suffers the most violent toothache;the roots of the teeth are then
painful, as if they were ulcerated, [_a1].
- The toothache extends down to the larynx, with irritation of the nerves, as after having
caught cold, or having used too much chamomile, [a6].
- The teeth are very painful when she chews;she is afraid of pressing them against one
another (after second day), [_a1].
- Upon setting the teeth together, a toothache, as if the teeth were loose, [_a1].
- The hollow teeth are very painful when food gets into them, [_a1].
- Sense of coldness of the teeth, with great sensitiveness, [_a3].
- * Sensation as if the teeth were too long(first day), [a5].
- In the evening, boring(tearing, grinding)in the teeth(after one hour), [_a1].
- Boring in various hollow teeth, [_a1].
- Drawing pain in the teeth of the right side, in the evening; it disappeared after having laid
down, [_a3].
- Gnawing pain in one of the front molar teeth of the lower jaw, with tearing behind the ear,
as if the ear would be torn out;worse at nine o'clock in the evening, and then slowly
decreasing; sitting up in the bed gives a little relief;after midnight there is only gnawing in
the tooth; the pain remains the same under all circumstances;in daytime it is dull, [_a3].
- Drawing and tearing pain in the front lower teeth, extending to the zygoma and the
temples, [_a1].
- Drawing pain, extending from one tooth as far as the ear, in the side of the head, [_a1].
- Pressive pain in one of the incisors, both when chewing and not, [_a1].
- Tearing in the molar teeth at different times of the day, sometimes as high up as the
temples, [_a3].
- On biting on a stump it pains, as if violently pushed into the socket, [_a1].
- Cutting toothache, in the open air and on lying down in the evening bed(after two and three
hours), [_a1].
- Bruised pain in one of the right upper molar teeth;pressing upon the tooth, which makes it
feel loose, relieves the pain(eleventh day), [_a3].
- One of the upper molar teeth is painful to the touch, [_a1].
- At night, when in bed, throbbing of the roots of the teeth, like pulsations, [a6].
- Jerking and tearing toothache wakes her up after midnight;it disappears after rising(fifth
day), [_a3].
- Jerking pain in one of the first molar teeth of the left upper row(first day), [_a3].
- Tickling in the teeth and of their roots, immediately after dinner(the fourth and fifth days),
- * Swelling of the gums, [_a1].
- On the gums of the left side of the lower row of teeth an ulcer forms, which opens
immediately, and discharges blood which tastes saltish, [_a3].
- * Bleeding of the gums(fourth day), [_a2].
- Drawing pain in the gums, as if they were sore, [_a1].
- Tongue coated white, with a good taste, [a4].
- Tongue coated yellowish-white, with bitter taste, [a4].
- Sense of roughness on the tongue(after three-quarters of an hour), [_a3].
- Crawling in the tongue(stinging, and transient)(one hour), [a5].
- Itching in the tip of the tongue;he would like to scratch it to pieces(after fifth and seventh
days), [_a3].
- * Number of little ulcers in the mouth, [_a1].
- Thick mucus runs from the posterior nares into the mouth, [_a1].
- * Musty, bad smell from the mouth, [_a1].
- The mouth continually feels as if it were burnt(after dinner)(after forty-eight hours), [_a3].
- Painfulness of the inner mouth, palate, tongue, gums;they feel so sore that he can scarcely
eat, [_a1].
- On waking, the mouth is dry and the tongue sticks to the palate, [_a1].
- * Dryness in the mouth, although saliva is not wanting; this causes frequent painful
swallowing, [a5].
- * Increased secretion of saliva and mucus(first and second days), [_a3, a5].
- The secretion of saliva becomes real ptyalism, [a5].
- In the morning, spitting of much saliva and mucus, [a6].
- Increased secretion of saliva, with a sense of contraction in the mouth, or with continual
crawling upon the surface of the cheeks(after half an hour), [a5].
- A large quantity of saliva accumulates in the mouth, when in bed in the evening(third day),
- Constant collection of sweetish or sourish water in the mouth(fifth and eighth days), [_a3].
- Collection of much mucus in the mouth;on spitting it out it is continually formed, whilst
the throat remains dry(first day), [a5].
- Water in the mouth, [a4].
- Sour liquid rises into his mouth, [_a1].
- Frequent collection of watery saliva in the mouth;he is obliged to spit it out the whole day,
most in the afternoon;never at night(after ten minutes, and second day), [_a3].
- Early in the morning, flat, metallic taste in the mouth(fourth and fifth days), [a5].
- Sourish, saltish taste(first day), [_a3].
- Bitter, insipid taste in the mouth, [_a2].
- Bitter taste in the mouth(shortly after taking it), [_a3].
- Bitter and slimy taste in the mouth, in the morning on rising(five days), [_a3].
- Bitter taste in the evening, after having eaten apples, [_a1].
- Astringent acrid taste upon the tongue, as from eating sloes(one to eight days), [_a3, a5].
- Taste in the mouth of blood, for half an hour(seven days), [_a3].
- Everything tastes flat, [a6].
- Everything she eats seems tasteless, and not salted, especially in the evenings;bread tastes
like sponge (first and second days), [_a3].
- Meat, especially, does not seem to have any taste, [_a1].
- Beer tastes bitter and nauseous;this causes retchings(twelve days), [_a3].
- * Redness, inflammatory, in the back part of the throat(nine days), [a5].
- Inflammation of the throat, terminated by a marked livid border round the buccal cavity,
several days(after two days), [a5].
- * Thick viscid mucus flows into the throat from the posterior nares, [_a1].
- He cannot hawk up the phlegm in his throat, because it is too far down, [_a3].
- A piece of phlegm gets into his throat, which chokes him until he swallows it(after ten
minutes), [_a3].
- * Collection of thick viscid mucus in the throat, especially in the evening, and morning on
waking, which increases the soreness of the throat;it induces frequent clearing of the throat,
and can only be expectorated in little lumps, with great effort(first day), [a5].
- Clearing the throat of saltish phlegm, after dinner(two days), [_a3].
- * In the evening, dryness of the throat, which induces frequent clearing of the throat(three
days), [a5].
- Dryness of the throat and mouth(shortly after taking it), [a5].
- * Dryness and scraping of the throat(one day), [_a3].
- Great dryness of the throat, mouth, and lips, as if the parts were parched, attended with
torturing thirst, [_a1].
- Sourish taste in the throat, then bitter eructations, shortly after having eaten his milk soup
in the evening(four days), [_a3].
- Sourish taste appearing suddenly in his throat, without eructations, in the forenoon(four
days), [_a3].
- Sweet taste in the throat, with vertigo, followed by expectoration of mucus mixed with
blood, early in the morning(twenty-eighth day), [_a3].
- On waking in the morning, his throat is rough and his chest oppressed; he cannot raise
anything from his throat, and is obliged to sneeze a good deal(after twelve hours), [_a1].
- * In the evening(and at night), roughness of the throat, which causes-hawking, with
secretion of mucus, several days in succession, [_a3, a5].
- Rancid and rough in the throat;this obliges him to clear the throat(four days), [_a3].
- Hoarseness and rancidity of the throat, the whole afternoon(after five days), [_a3].
- Sense of burning in the throat, in the evening(three days), [a5].
- Burning in the throat, like heartburn, with a sense of roughness(five days), [_a3].
- In both sides of the neck, sensation as of an external swelling, with stinging pains, [_a1].
- Sensation in the throat as if it were narrowed, and the air cut off, as in a violent sore throat
after a cold, or in an inflammation of the throat; this always lasts only a few minutes(first
seven days), [_a2].
- Constrictive(pressive)pain in the throat and pharynx, with much mucus in the mouth, in the
evening(one, two days), [a5].
- * Scraping high up in the throat, [_a1].
- Drawing and tensive pain in the right side of the throat, especially on moving the
tongue(nine days), [a5].
- At nights, spasmodically drawing pain in one side of the throat and in the ear, disturbing
the sleep, and increased by deglutition(nine days), [a5].
- * Pressure in the throat as from a lump, with soreness, rough voice, and dryness of the
throat, [_a1].
- Pressive and tensive pain in the inner right side of the throat, as far as the ear(one day),
- Sense of scraping in the throat, as if he had swallowed pepper(after three hours), [a5].
- Constant griping scraping in the throat(five days), [_a3].
- After eructation, scraping in the throat, which obliges clearing the throat(two days), [_a3].
- * Rawness and roughness of the throat, which induce coughing, in the evening(four days),
[_a3, a5].
- * Sore throat in swallowing, [a4].
- Burning soreness in the throat during and after deglutition, in the morning, for several days
in succession(four days), [a5].
- * After clearing the throat, which she finds very difficult, it feels very sore, [_a3].
- Aching sore throat during empty deglutition, in the evening, for several days in succession
(caused by a swelling in the throat)(four days), [a5].
- Sore throat, pressure in the throat, even when not swallowing, with internal heat in both
hands(after two hours), [_a1].
- * Transient stitches in the throat, shooting here and there, on swallowing, and something
pointed sometimes seems to stick in the throat in the evening(two, four days), [a5].
- Stinging in the throat, on empty deglutition, [_a2, _a3].
- * Violent tickling in the throat, exciting frequent cough(four days), [a5].
- Pressive pain in the left tonsil, during and after swallowing(one day), [a5].
- In the morning, dull stitches in the right tonsil(four days), [a5].
- Swollen tonsils(six days), [a5].
- * Sense as of constriction from the oesophagus down to the stomach, every time he
swallows a morsel of food, [_a1].
- Contraction of the oesophagus, and want of action, in the morning, on waking, [_a1].
- * Violent pressive pain, as if a portion of the oesophagus were contracted or compressed, in
the middle of the chest, especially during deglutition, but also when not swallowing, with
oppression of the chest alternating with palpitation of the heart, especially after a meal (eight,
nine days), [a5].
- Impeded deglutition at night, as from a spasmodic constriction of the throat(one day), [a5].
- Spasmodically pressive pain in the middle of the chest, on swallowing food and drink, [a5].
- He is always hungry;could always be eating, [_a1].
- Very hungry, [_a2].
- Rapid hunger;he is panting for his dinner, and can scarcely await it, [a4].
- She is hungry, but she eats nothing with relish, [_a3].
- She has no aversion to food, but no desire to eat;on looking at the food she is already
satisfied; she could go a whole day without eating(for many days), [_a1].
- Strong appetite for vegetables, fruit, and soft food, [_a1].
- * No desire to eat, no appetite, no hunger;food does not taste badly, but it does not taste at
all; everything tastes like straw or shavings, [_a1].
- * He has no appetite, and eats with reluctance, [a4].
- Little hunger and no appetite for many days, even when he eats nothing at dinner(one to
fifteen days), [_a3].
- Diminished appetite, with fulness of the abdomen, [a5].
- * Aversion to meat, [_a1].
- Aversion to meat, even unto vomiting, for three days(after six days), [_a3].
- Very thirsty the whole day, also at dinner, [_a3].
- Aversion to the usual smoking, [_a1].
- Smoking does not relish, and intoxicates him, for four days, [_a3].
- Smoking does not agree with him, [_a1].
- Frequent empty eructations(after two hours), [_a1].
- Empty eructations after supper(two days), [_a3].
- Frequent eructations tasting of milk-soup which he had taken, from supper until he lay
down, [_a3].
- Eructations, with pressive pain in the chest, while eating(after three-quarters of an hour),
- Bitter eructations after eating potatoes;he feels a loathing which makes him shiver;in the
evening(five days), [_a2].
- Rancid eructations, leaving a burning in the throat for a long while(one day), [a5].
- Rancid eructations, especially after dinner(ten to thirteen days), [a5].
- Rancid eructations after breakfast soup, [_a3].
- Acrid eructations, [_a1].
- * Sour eructations, in the evening, when in bed, [_a1].
- * Sour eructations, with burning in the throat, like heartburn, (one day), [_a3].
- In the forenoon, acidity rises into his mouth;it continues for a long time, and is attended
with a sensation of heat in the mouth, [_a1].
- Waterbrash, [a4].
- Gulping up of sour mucus;afterwards, burning in the throat, like heartburn, coming on
frequently, especially after the soup for breakfast, [_a1].
- Sweetish risings from the stomach;the phlegm which he throws up tastes sweetish,
continues a long time, early in the morning(three days), [_a3].
- Hiccough after eating, at noon and in the evening, [_a1].
- Hiccough after dinner, also after eructations from the breakfast soup(one to two days),
- When standing, she becomes nauseated, [_a1].
- Nausea, even to fainting;her breathing is arrested on account of it at night, [_a1].
- Nausea as soon as 4 o'clock in the morning, [_a1].
- Frequent nausea, as if he would vomit;his appetite is, nevertheless, tolerably good, [_a1].
- Inclination to vomit in the morning, [a4].
- In the morning, retching in the throat, as if one would vomit, [_a1].
- Inclination to vomit after eructation of air, with chilliness of the body, which rises from the
feet into the abdomen, [a4].
- Nausea, with an inclination to vomit, and retching;this caused her to put her finger into the
throat, after which she vomited phlegm and water, but the breakfast, which she had eaten two
hours before, remained(fourteen days), [a4].
- After supper, nausea, loathing, and weariness, for several evenings, [_a1].
- Loathing and qualmishness in the oesophagus(one hour), [_a1].
- Qualmishness at the stomach, with faint-like nausea and vertigo;the room turns round with
her; after this, her head remains confused(ten days), [a4].
- Frequent nausea, especially during the chills, [a6].
- Nausea, with rising of air, [a4].
- Nausea and chilliness the whole day, [a4].
- Attack of nausea, with headache, paleness of the face, want of appetite, several evacuations
of the bowels, loathing, subsequent inclination to vomit, creeping chilliness; after a walk he
is obliged to lie down(eleven days), [_a2].
- Early in the morning, faint-like nausea;after breakfast, relieved(nine days), [a4].
- On waking in the morning, nausea, qualmishness, and lassitude, with stickings over the
eyes, and pain in the kidneys during motion(nine days), [a4].
- She wakes in the morning with nausea and qualmishness at the stomach, and physical
depression, as if sleep had not recruited her, accompanied by a quick feverish pulse, with
internal heat(three days), [a4].
- Violent nausea and tremor after supper, [_a1].
- Disagreeable sensation of hunger and emptiness in the stomach, without, however, much
appetite, [_a1].
- Violent pain in the stomach, with sensitiveness to external pressure in the region of the
stomach in the evening(six days), [_a3].
- Pain at the stomach;it feels full or bloated;painful to external touch; empty eructations and
fermentations, or loud rumbling and rollings in the abdomen, as of something working
therein, after dinner(one to five days), [_a3].
- After having eaten potatoes, the stomach aches;sick feeling, nausea, and then colic, [_a3].
- Sensation of coldness in the stomach, as if she had been drinking cold water, in the
evening;also in the forenoon, after an eructation, and while some eructations are continually
taking place; in the afternoon;it passes off(two to five days), [_a3].
- Heartburn after drinking water, [_a1].
- * Heartburn after supper, [_a1].
- * Heartburn, with profuse discharge of water from the mouth, [_a2].
- Sensation of pinching at the stomach, in the afternoon(one day), [_a3].
- Drawing pain at the stomach, [_a1].
- After dinner, drawing in the stomach;this caused a sensation of tension in the whole body,
which made her so tired that she was obliged to lie down, [_a1].
- Gnawing in the region of the stomach, awhile after dinner(two to three days), [a5].
- Pressure and constriction in the region of the stomach(thirty-one days), [_a2].
- Pressure and soreness transversely across the stomach and upper abdomen, in the
afternoon, [_a1].
- Disagreeable pressure in the region of the stomach before the evacuations had taken
place(nine days), [_a2].
- Oppression at the stomach upon eating, although she eats with relish, [a4].
- Oppression at the stomach, extending up to the throat, after having eaten potatoes;
eructations relieves, in the morning(eight days), [_a3].
- Oppression in the stomach, towards noon or evening, [_a2, _a3].
- Griping in the pit of the stomach, in the evening, when in bed, [_a1].
- Drawing pain from the pit of the stomach, up into the pharynx, with difficult breathing,
- Violent pressure at the pit of the stomach, and from thence great oppression of the chest;
she was obliged to stand still every moment, and was unable to walk further, [a4].
- Sensation of pressure and constriction at the pit of the stomach, extending into the chest
and between the scapulae(thirteen days), [_a2].
- Pressure and crawling at the pit, as from a worm(after two hours), [_a3].
- Twisting and constriction in the region of the stomach, extending into the chest and throat,
attended with difficult breathing, [_a2, _a3].
- Sensation of cutting in the region of the stomach;it is painful to the touch, in the
afternoon(two days), [_a3].
- Stitches in the pit of the stomach and of the chest, [_a1].
- After dinner, stitches in the stomach and chest, coming out at the shoulder, with short
breathing and great anguish;for several hours in the evening(after twelve days), [_a3].
- After an evacuation, and during the period of digestion, he experiences a sense of scraping
in the stomach and the mouth, [_a1].
- Ulcerative soreness at the pit of the stomach, early in the morning, on turning in the bed,
- Tearing sore pain from the pit of stomach down into the abdomen, as if everything would
be torn out, [_a1].
- When stooping, the liver is always sensitive and painful, [_a1].
- Tearings in the liver, [_a1].
- Tearing, extending from the right hypochondriac region into the hip, in the forenoon(first
day), [_a3].
- Upon rising from a stooping position, violent stitches in the right side of the abdomen, as if
in the liver, with arrest of breathing(eleventh day), [_a1].
- Stitches in the right hypochondriac region when standing;they disappear when sitting,
- In the evening, continually painful stitches under the left lower ribs, extending as far as the
pit of the stomach(fifth day), [_a1].
- Dull stitches occurring alternately under the left lower ribs, and in the right side of the
abdomen(fourth day), [a5].
- Stitches in both hypochondriac regions, [_a3].
- Sensation as if both hypochondriac regions were forcibly pressed or screwed towards each
other, in the forenoon(first day), [_a3].
- Long-continued burning, and stitches in the right hypochondriac region, as if it were
deeply cut into by a hand, in the afternoon(first day), [_a3].
- Frequently an instantaneous drawing pain under the right ribs, when sitting or walking,
- In the evening, pinching around the navel(first day), [a5].
- During the usual breakfast, there is pinching below the navel, with fulness and distension
of the abdomen(first day), [a5].
- Worrying around the navel, as after a cold, in the afternoon(second day), [_a3].
- Pressure in the umbilical region with stitches, in the afternoon, when standing, [_a3].
- Both sides of the upper abdomen seems to press towards each other;the place is externally
painful to the touch(after two hours), [_a3].
- Painful distension of the abdomen at night, which prevents her sleeping; with retention of
stool(eleventh day), [_a3].
- Great distension of the abdomen, with empty eructation and two soft evacuations, without
relief(eighteenth day), [_a3].
- After dinner, much distension, with tenesmus;this was afterwards succeeded by the passage
of two hard balls of faeces;afterwards she went to walkeduring which the distension of the
abdomen continued in spite of the copious emissions of flatulence; no relief was obtained till
a copious evacuation occurred after her walk ( ninth day), [a4].
- The abdomen is distended and very hard, without any sensation of pain, [_a2].
- Fulness of the abdomen, with orgasm extending towards the chest, after dinner, for several
days(after third day), [a5].
- Distension and rumbling without passage of flatus, [_a3].
- During the menses, bloated abdomen, and too large flow of blood, [_a1].
- Grumbling in the abdomen, with anxious restlessness, without any flatulency passing off;
the small stool does not relieve(first day), [_a1].
- Much rumbling flatus in the abdomen;however, it passes off freely, with a feeling of
weakness of the sphincter ani, [a6].
- Much audible rumbling and grumbling in the abdomen, [_a3].
- Loud grumbling in the abdomen, also after eating, [a5].
- Rumbling in the abdomen, succeeded by eructations, [a4].
- Frequent desire to emit flatulence, [_a3].
- Emission of flatulence, which relieves the sense of fulness of the stomach, in the
evening(fifth day), [_a3].
- Loud emission of flatulence, [_a1].
- Much badly smelling flatus, which passes off quietly in the night, and after dinner (one to
seven days), [_a3].
- Moving to and fro, and painless clutching in the abdomen(after half an hour), [_a3].
- Early, before breakfast, spasmodic pain from the bladder to the chest, disappears after
breakfast, [a4].
- Sensation of distension, as if the abdomen became more and more full, after supper(fifth
day), [_a3].
- Feeling of coldness in the abdomen, in the afternoon, [_a3].
- Sudden sensation of burning in the abdomen, in the afternoon, [_a3].
- Sudden pinching in the abdomen here and there;it then passes to the small of the back,
were it produces a gnawing pain for a long time, in the afternoon(sixteenth day), [_a3].
- Pinching in the abdomen, with heat in the stomach(after one hour), [_a3].
- Pinching in the abdomen, in the evening, when in bed;it terminates in a flow of saliva in
the mouth(second and third day), [a5].
- On waking, pinching in the abdomen, and tenesmus;she was scarcely able to reach the
privy, where she had to lean against the wall in a fainting fit;she had no stool, but the pain in
the abdomen ceased after much tenesmus(twelfth day), [a4].
- In the afternoon and night, pinching pain and tearing stitches in the left side of the
abdomen, extending to the hypochondriac region and the sternum(seventh day), [_a1].
- Towards evening, colic-like pinching and tearing in the abdomen, with chilliness in the
body; relieved by application of warm cloths, [a4].
- During the menses, pinching in the abdomen, and greater lassitude than usual, [_a1].
- * Flatulent colic, [_a1].
- After dinner, violent attacks of colic, the whole afternoon;short sleep relieves; as soon as he
moves, it seems as if they would return, with violent tenesmus and occasional expulsion of
faeces; this lasts until evening;the anus feels sore, with stinging, so that he cannot sit down
without pain; on the following day, liquid mucus frequently passes off by the rectum,
involuntarily(after fourteen days), [_a2].
- Pinching in the abdomen, after every meal, at noon, and in the evening(after twenty-nine
days), [_a3].
- Violent pinching in the abdomen after every cold she takes, or as soon as she goes into the
cold air, [_a3].
- Pinching and writhing in the abdomen(after one hour), [_a1].
- At midnight, is roused from sleep by violent pinching and rumbling in the abdomen; this
ceases towards morning(after twelve days), [_a3].
- Drawing pain in the abdomen, [_a1].
- Pressure and heaviness in the abdomen, [_a1].
- His abdomen seems to hang down heavily, for two hours, in the afternoon, in walking,
- Continual pressure and burning in the abdomen, [_a1].
- Pressive and sticking pain in the abdomen, after eating(fifth day), [_a2].
- Stitches moving about in the abdomen and the hypochondria, as if something would press
out(seventh day), [_a3].
- Tearing in the os innominatum, [_a3].
- Sense as of tearing in the abdomen, mornings after rising, [_a1].
- A few days before the appearance of the menses, she has cutting pains in the abdomen
during an evacuation, as if she were to have diarrhoea;with pinching, writhing, and pressing,
like labor-pains, [_a1].
- Pain in both sides of the abdomen, as if something would tear on physical exertion; it
extends to the thighs, [_a1].
- Tension of the abdominal muscles, from reaching high, [_a1].
- Sharp cutting and burning in the hypogastric region, the whole forenoon, till evening, [a4].
- Pulsative pain in the left side of the abdomen, in the neighborhood of the abdominal ring,
when sitting(fourth day), [_a1].
- Violent pain in the left side of the abdomen, as if an ulcer were forming, with
nausea(thirty-fourth day), [a4].
- Shootings, causing fright, in the left side of the abdomen(second day), [_a3].
- Shortly after eating, acute pressive pain in the left side of the abdomen, [_a1].
- Pain in the abdomen, as after a copious evacuation, which leaves a desire for stool behind
(after ten days), [a4].
- Pain in the upper abdomen, as if threatened with diarrhoea, succeeded by soft stools,
without any diminution of the pain(eleventh day), [a4].
- Colic, followed by diarrhoea, this was succeeded by a violent pain in the abdomen, at the
place where, when a girl, she had an internal ulcer, which opened;the pain was like that felt
after a violent blow; she had to rub the place and lay the hand upon it, whilst the body was
bent;this relieved the pain somewhat, but it lasted uniformly the whole day, either sitting or
standing(seventeenth day), [a4].
- Frequently cutting in the abdomen, without distension or stool(second day), [_a3].
- Upon sitting bent, acute cutting pains transversely across the abdomen(after five hours),
- Violent cutting and rumbling in the whole abdomen;the pain rises up to the stomach, like a
violent twisting;succeeded by an intensely pressive pain in the chest, which arrests the
breathing, from four in the afternoon till eleven at night, [_a3].
- Inguinal hernia protrudes with violence(after half an hour), [_a1].
- Hernia did not protrude in the first days;then it protruded every day until the twelfth day;
on the thirtieth day, hernia threatened to become strangulated;then it protruded every day
until the fiftieth day, although the protrusion diminished from day to day, and finally ceased
for several months, [a4].
- Hernia protruded a good deal towards evening;became constricted in the lumbar region
with the most violent pain, which obliged her to bend her body, and did not allow her to walk
the hernia could not be reduced;half and hour afterwards, when sitting quietly, reduction took
place of its own accord(thirty days), [a4].
- Pinching and stitches in the groins and the lumbar regions(on ascending the stairs), [_a3].
- In the abdominal muscles, over the left groin, a drawing pain for a quarter of an hour, when
she is dancing or walking fast, [_a1].
- * Pressive in both groins towards the sexual organs, in the evening(third day), [_a3].
- Sensation in the right ilium as of both sides being pressed together with a vise(first day),
- * Sticking pressive pain in the region of the abdominal ring, as if a hernia would press out
there, with tension as far as the side of the abdomen, at the same time a tumor may be felt at
the painful spot, which feels like a strangulated hernia, [_a1].
- Stitches in the right iliac region, [_a3].
Urinary organs
- * Feeling of weakness in the bladder and genital organs; he fears that he will wet the bed(in
the evening), [a6].
- Violent tenesmus of the bladder, [_a3, a6].
- Pressure and drawing in the region of the bladder, especially at the neck of the bladder
(fourth and fifth days), [a5].
- (Clap for more than six weeks(after fourteenth day), with a violent and painful swelling of
the inguinal glands of the right side, cutting pain during micturition, and pain in the
perineum, especially violent at the end of the second week; the pain in the perineum is
especially violent when standing, rising, or sitting down), [_a2].
- Sensation of heat in the urethra, which passes off by lying still, [a4].
- (Feeling of dryness in the anterior portion of the urethra, as if the skin there were without
sensibility, especially in the morning), [a4].
- Tearings and shootings in the urethra when walking in the open air, ascending towards the
hypogastrium, [_a1].
- Agreeable and voluptuous itching in the urethra and between the testicles, [a4].
- Itching, burning in the urethra, [_a1].
- Early in the morning, on waking, while in bed, a drawing and biting sensation in the
urethra, [_a1].
- Cutting in the anterior part of the urethra during micturition, and even awhile afterwards,
as if the urine passed over an inflamed place(after eighteenth day), [_a2].
- After urinating the urethra became hot, then burning, and he had tenesmus of both rectum
and bladder, [a4].
- Urging and pressure to urinate, without increased quantity of urine, [a5].
- Urging to urinate early in the morning, on waking, with difficult and tardy emission of the
urine in a thin stream, from the female urethra(seventh day), [_a1].
- (When he wishes to urinate he has a sort of fright), [a4].
- When urinating, burning like fire;much worse in the evening(first day), [_a3, a4].
- He is frequently obliged to rise during the night to urinate(first and fourth days), [_a3].
- (After sitting a long time he feels no inconvenience in urinating, but as soon as he moves
about he feels a burning), [a4].
- (Urinating is followed by burning, which makes him low-spirited and desponding), [a4].
- During her menses she was obliged to urinate frequently day and night, which corroded the
genital organs(sixth day), [a4].
- Frequent emission of urine in small quantity in the evening(first day), [_a3].
- Increased secretion of urine for several days, [_a3, a5].
- Involuntary emissions of urine, occasioned by bearing down in order to evacuate the
bowels, which can only be effected with great difficulty(second day), [_a1].
- (Involuntary emission of urine, at least twenty times a day;very little urine passes off at a
time); (with a clap)(after four weeks), [_a2].
- Seldom, but copious emission of urine(sixth day), [_a3].
- Increased secretion of pale, hot urine, with burning, [_a3, a5].
- Emission of much straw-yellow, clear urine(fourth and fifth days), [_a3, a5].
- Large quantity of water-colored urine, [_a1].
- Frequent and copious emission of pale urine(preceded by burning in the urethra), [_a3].
- (Twisted stream of urine), [a4].
- Decrease of urine(in the morning), with cutting in the anterior part of the urethra (fourth,
fifth, and sixth days), [_a3].
- For a whole day there is no evacuation, either of urine or faeces, [_a3].
- No emission of urine in the forenoon, but, in the afternoon, frequent emissions of an
increased quantity of a reddish urine, which becomes turbid during the night, and deposits a
sediment(first day), [_a3].
- She passes but little urine, which deposits a sediment or red sand, [_a1].
- The deep yellow urine soon deposits a large and loose cloud(first and fifth days), [_a3].
- When standing, the urine deposits a thick white sediment, [_a2].
- Pale urine, with a turbid sediment, [_a3].
- White, turbid urine, as if chalk had been stirred with it, [a4].
Sexual organs
- Numerous erections in the evening, and during the night when lying in bed, and in the
afternoon when sitting(first to third day), [a5].
- (When waking, during the night, almost constantly painful erections;they are not perfect,
but cause a sensation as if the organ were ulcerated internally, with short, fine, piercing
stitches in the whole organ, resembling shootings)(after four weeks), [_a2].
- (Priapisms during the night), [a4].
- On moving his hand along the penis, has a drawing pain, which extends as far as the glans;
with weak appetite, [a4].
- Soreness on the inner surface of the prepuce, [_a1].
- Secretion of much smegma behind the glans, [_a1].
- Sensation as if the glans were compressed(for two minutes), [a4].
- Drawing from the glans through the urethra(after five days), [a5].
- Formation upon the glans, [a4].
- Itching of the glans(fourth day), [a5].
- Itching of the scrotum;removed by scratching(second day), [_a3].
- Contractive pain in the right spermatic cord;the testicle of the right side is drawn up at the
same time, and is also very sore and painful(second day), [a5].
- The left testicle is hard, and indescribably painful to the touch, [a4].
- At first, the sexual instinct appears to be lessened, and the erections appear to be increased;
whereas, in the reaction of the organism, the desire for an embrace increases, although
erection is wanting, [_a1].
- Indifference to sexual intercourse, [a4].
- Want of sexual instinct(immediately, for several days), [_a1].
- During the first weeks, the sexual instinct is more intense, in the following weeks
decreasing, and more moderate, [_a1].
- Frequent and violent erections and emissions(after three and thirty-three days), [_a2, a5].
- Emissions, two nights in succession(after fifteen days), [_a1].
- Emission during the afternoon nap, [_a1].
- Almost every other night an emission, with voluptuous dreams, [_a1].
- Emissions, the first four nights, with voluptuous dreams, [_a1].
- During coition the semen passes thick and lumpy like jelly, [a4].
- Pressure in the sexual organs, [_a1].
- * Tickling of the sexual organs and the thighs, [_a1].
- Jerking stitches on the left side of the pudendum, extending into the chest, [_a1].
- Itching in the pudenda, during the leucorrhoea, [_a3].
- Pain, like the tick of a watch, on the left side of the vagina, with throbbing as in formation
of pus in an ulcer, which continues for two days, unchanged under all conditions; however,
nothing could be either seen or felt(thirty-sixth day), [a4].
- Leucorrhoea, [_a3].
- (The leucorrhoea with which she was affected, ceased), [_a2].
- Leucorrhoea succeeding the menses, painless, lasting three days(after twenty-seventh day),
- * Frequently acrid leucorrhoea, [_a1].
- * Acrid leucorrhoea, with burning in the genital organs, and still more in the rectum; these
parts seemed inflamed and corroded, so that she found walking difficult; washing with cold
water relieved;the leucorrhoea was abundant, and flowed almost over her feet; at the same
time blood, resembling meat washings, passed for two days; three days after the
menses(twenty-second day), [a4].
- Leucorrhoea, looking like meat washings, in the afternoon, when walking in the open air
(and when sitting), also at night, [_a3].
- * Profuse leucorrhoea of transparent mucus, only in daytime, without sensation or pain in
the abdomen, [_a1].
- * Leucorrhoea, quite clear, like water or transparent mucus;it made the linen stiff(after
eight days), [a4].
- * Leucorrhoea of yellow mucus(after some days), [_a1].
- Six days before the appearance of the menses, she has a copious flow of mucus from the
vagina, accompanied by tremor, lassitude, and a sensation as if everything would fall out of
her abdomen, [_a1].
- The menses appear four days too soon, preceded by violent headache, which ceased on the
appearance of the menses;after they had flowed for one day, the headache came on again, and
continued during the whole period, for five days;the menses were less copious than
usual(after twenty-two days), [a4].
- The period came on five days too early;a copious flow on the second day;lasted eight days,
as usual;preceded by pains in the abdomen;diarrhoea on the sixth day, [a4].
- Menses appear too soon(by three to eleven days), short and scanty, [_a3].
- The menses, which had gradually stopped, appear again(after seventeen days), [_a1].
- The period had already delayed ten days(after fifty-two days);during a walk and a desire
for urinating, a little dark-colored lymph passed;the menses did not appear till the third
month (in a woman of forty-eight years), [_a1].
- Appearance of scanty menses(after ninth day);four weeks later(after thirty-seven days),
they flow copiously, [_a1].
- The menses are scanty, and last only three days, [_a3].
- Menses scanty and pale(after three days), [_a1].
- The menses appear on the sixth day, without any disagreeable symptoms; two days later, a
cold comes on with pain in the nose, the head, and the forehead, increased on blowing the
nose;in the later days;diarrhoea and colic intervene besides, [a4].
Respiratory apparatus
- Phlegm in the air-passages, always adherent;it necessitates clearing the throat, whereby
only a small portion becomes detached, [_a2].
- Whistling in the air-passages, and smothering in the chest, on breathing, [_a1].
- * Irritation in the larynx induces cough, [a4].
- Irritation to cough, with frequent spitting of saliva, [a5].
- * She takes cold easily, in the room;she gets hoarse, this decreases by walking in the open
air, [_a1].
- Hoarseness in the morning(sixteenth day), [_a1].
- She is frequently attacked with sudden hoarseness, which caused a loss of voice, and could
not be relieved by clearing the throat;mostly in the afternoon and evening, [_a1].
- Cough, with painful pressure in the occiput, [_a1].
- Cough, with scraping in the throat, [_a3].
- Short fits of cough, with tearing, shooting pain in the right temple and the vertex, [_a1].
- Cough, which makes the chest feel sore, in the temple and the vertex, [_a1].
- Cough, which makes the chest feel sore, in the forenoon(third day), [_a3].
- Frequent short, dry cough, in the forenoon and evening, [_a3, a5].
- * Dry cough at night, with dryness of the throat(after twenty-four hours), [_a3].
- Violent, short, dry persistent cough, with sneezing;and tearing, shooting, and pinching
pain, extending from the nape of the neck as far as the right shoulder, [_a1].
- Dry cough, coming suddenly in the morning, and passing off quickly, or when walking in
the open air, and then also continuing in the room(first and sixth day), [_a3].
- * Continual dry, hacking cough, with vomiting and arrest of breathing, and sticking pain
extending from the left side of the abdomen to the hypochondrium and the pit of the stomach,
- Violent dry cough, during the day, every attack lasts a long time;only after two days, the
cough becomes less frequent and looser, [_a1].
- Violent and dry cough in the morning after rising;later, some expectoration follows (fourth
and sixth days), [_a3].
- * Cough, with much expectoration, especially in the morning, [_a1].
- (Cough, with expectoration;the throat becomes rough and hoarse, with fluent coryza), [a4].
- Cough, with secretion of loose mucus(curative effect), [a4].
- Sudden violent, but short cough;by making an effort, he expectorates a piece of phlegm,
mixed with blood, in the afternoon(fifth day), [_a3].
- The morning cough and expectoration ceased(curative effects), (fifth day), [a4].
- Difficult breathing, in the forenoon, [a4].
- Blister on the right half of the chest and on the throat, with burning pain; with glowing heat
in the face, and chills in the rest of the body;sleeps soundly and without dreams, [a4].
- Rattling in the chest, caused by mucus(fifth day), [_a3].
- Feeling of dryness in both sides of the chest(fifteenth day), [_a1].
- Continual warmth in the middle of the chest(after five minutes), [_a3].
- Heat in the forepart of the chest;she feels the heat when breathing, [_a1].
- Pinching pain in the upper part of the chest, in the evening when sitting(first day), [a5].
- At night he is roused from sleep by a cramp, and oppression of the chest(having walked a
good deal the day before), [_a1].
- Pressure on the chest, with shortness of breath, at night, when lying upon the back; passing
off when lying upon the side(second day), [_a3].
- His chest feels oppressed, [_a1].
- Oppression at the chest(first day), [a5].
- Oppression of the chest, [_a1].
- Oppression, orgasm, and pulsation in the chest(after two hours), [a5].
- * Oppressive pain in the chest, the chest feels tight, [_a1].
- Oppression on the chest, [a4].
- Oppression at the chest, when stooping while writing, [_a1].
- * At night, violent oppressive pain in the chest, which disturbs the otherwise quiet sleep,
and is not increased by breathing, but by bending the head forward, several days(after five
days), [a5].
- Oppressive pain in the middle of the chest, alternating with a constriction and violent
palpitation of the heart, especially after a meal(eighth and ninth days), [a5].
- Weight on the chest, with shortness of breath, without cough, only in the
afternoon(eighteenth day), [_a3].
- When walking fast, sensation as of cutting and pressure in the chest, relieved by sitting(a
fortnight)(after twenty days), [_a3].
- Painful sensation, as if the chest, became wide(first and ninth days), [_a2].
- The chest feels contracted, with apprehension(eleventh day), [_a3].
- Sensation of constriction around the chest when stooping, while the person is sitting; it
passes off on becoming erect, in the afternoon(first day), [_a3].
- When stooping during some work, her chest felt constricted, so that she was scarcely able
to breathe, as if she had been laced too tightly;this passed off when walking in the open
air(ninth day), [a4].
- Boring pain, sometimes in the middle, sometimes in the sides of the chest, aggravated by
breathing, sometimes in the evening;relieved by becoming erect and walking, [_a3].
- External pressure at the lower part of the chest(diminished somewhat by friction), [_a3].
- Pressure here and there in the chest, [_a3].
- Pressure in the chest, followed by empty eructations, without relief; the pressure
sometimes reaches as far as the back, and is increased by walking, in the forenoon(first and
twentieth days), [_a3].
- Pressure on the chest, with shortness of breath and irritation to cough, which often goes
and comes, [_a3].
- Pressure on the chest during an already existing cough, and after it;during which a paralytic
pain extends through the arm, so that the arm becomes weary and powerless(after half an
hour), [_a3].
- Pain in the chest, as if it were cut of sore, after dinner, until ten o'clock in the evening;
relieved after lying down;next morning the pain returns, during the morning cough, with a
feeling of weakness in the chest, and accompanied by empty eructations and short
breath(seventh day), [_a3].
- Sharp stitches in the upper part of the chest(third day), [a5].
- Stitches in the chest, here and there, sometimes worse by breathing, sometimes burning,
- * When stooping, a stitch from the left side of the abdomen, to the middle of the chest; it
comes with every inspiration;afterwards, also when standing erect, [_a1].
- Tearing stitches, like lightning, from the right loin to the left side of the chest, through the
pit of the stomach, when inspiring, [_a1].
- Soreness in the chest and in the pit of the stomach, accompanied by fatiguing cough,
lachrymation, and tenacious expectoration, [a4].
- Feeling of soreness in the interior of the chest, when moving or turning the body, [a4].
- Formication on the left clavicle(and over the right half of the chest, with biting itching); the
spot burns on being scratched, and burning vesicles appear(sixteenth day), [_a3].
- Burning in the whole right side of the chest, with twinges and sticking in a false rib of the
right side, in the afternoon(first day), [_a3].
- Disagreeable feeling of constriction below the right side of the chest, on a small spot(after
two hours), [_a3].
- Sensation of hard pressure during active exercise, high up on both sides of the chest; less
when sitting, completely disappearing on lying down, touching the parts does not affect it,
- Stitches high up in both sides of the chest, during active exercise; when sitting or walking
there are none, but only pressure with arrest of breathing, [_a1].
- Fine stitches in the left mamma, at nine o'clock in the morning(second day), [_a3].
- During a violent effort, lifting, carrying, etc., pain in the chest on the left side of the
sternum, with soreness of the place on being touched(after ten days), [_a2].
- Sensation of oppressive dryness under the sternum, [a4].
- Chilliness in the interior of the sternum, [_a1].
- Pressure on the sternum, worse in the evening, when walking, [a4].
- Stitches under the sternum, increased by talking;at the same time feeling of compression of
the chest, as if she were tightly laced(thirty-fifth day), [a4].
- At the lower part of the sternum, pain as from excoriation, which extends to the stomach,
afterwards hoarseness, [_a1].
- Itching upon the sternum, which goes off by scratching(fifteenth day), [_a2].
Extremities in general
- Twitchings in all the limbs, [_a1].
- Involuntary twitchings here and there;movements of one foot, of the fingers, etc., [_a1].
- In the evening, twitchings in both of the lower extremities together, especially in the legs
and feet, followed by a disposition to turn the arms and stretch them upwards, [_a1].
- In the morning, paralytic weakness of all the limbs, with stupefaction of the head, in
paroxysms of some minutes(tenth day), [_a1].
- The fourth and fifth fingers, the right knee, and at last the heel, go to sleep after sitting,
- Rigidity of the hands and feet, as if they had gone to sleep, early, on waking; the symptom
disappeared after rising and walking a little, [_a1].
- When engaged in some bodily labor, a cramplike sensation, like numbness, ascending the
whole of the left leg, also in the left arm, with dizzy stupefaction of the head, in
paroxysms(fourteenth day), [_a1].
- Sensation as of burning tension in the dorsa of the feet and hands, as from a swelling,
- Sense of contraction in the right index and foot, as if the tendons were too short; when he
touches something with his finger, he feels as if he were being electrified, [a4].
- * Pain in the limbs as if the bones were squeezed narrower, with pressure in the joints,
- Sensation in the limbs as if he had caught cold, accompanied by frequent chilliness during
the day and heat in the face in the evening, [_a1].
- Tearing in the left scapula, in the arms, hands, and legs, especially in the evening(third
day), [_a1].
Upper extremities
- Tearing, at different periods, in the arms and all the parts thereof, in the shoulders, axillae,
upper arms, elbows, forearms, etc., [_a3].
- Stitches in the shoulders, axillae, and arms, also at night, [_a3].
- Frequent tearing, occurring at intervals, in both axillae, in the afternoon(fourth day), [_a3].
- * Pain, as from a sprain, in the shoulder-joint, especially on raising the arm, [_a1].
- Sudden jerk or concussion in the right shoulder(after two hours), [_a3].
- (Soft red)swelling of the arm, and violent stitches in it, [_a1].
- Lassitude of the arms, [_a1].
- Great lassitude in the arms, which the person is scarcely able to lift(third day), [a5].
- Great weariness of one arm, [_a1].
- Burning(and tension)of the arms(upper arms)and fingers, and of the left elbow, as from
glowing iron, [_a3].
- Continual burning and stinging in the arms, with stiffness in the back, so that she cannot
well move, [_a1].
- Heat in the right arm, from time to time, which may be even felt externally, [_a1].
- Sense of tightness in the arm, as from cold, [_a1].
- Tearing in the arms, from the upper arm to the fingers, and from the fingers and wrist-joints
to the shoulders, [_a3].
- Paralytic pain, as from a bruise, in the arms, sometimes across the small of the back,
coming to the right upper arm, and going to the left lower arm, and vice versa^, [_a3].
- Itching of every part of the arms, which disappears by scratching, [_a3].
- Pain in the left upper arm, as if it were dislocated, [_a1].
- Drawing pain in the left humerus(second day), [a5].
- Tearing pain in the back part of the upper arm, extending as far as the scapula, when
sneezing and coughing, [_a1].
- (Sticking) tearing in the upper arm and elbow; it seems to be in the bone, in the forenoon,
- Stitches in the muscles of the left upper arm(after some hours), [_a1].
- Almost constant boring pain in the point of the elbow, [_a1].
- Pain above the point of the elbow, especially on leaning upon it, as from a sharp pressure
on the upper arm, [_a1].
- Sticking pain, as from a sprain, in the elbow and wrist-joint, [_a1].
- Continual(visible)twitching in the right forearm and the lower joint of the left thumb,
- Excessive heaviness in the forearms and hands;her arms seem shorter, [_a3].
- Her left lower arm goes to sleep every day;there is a pricking sensation in it from the hand
to the elbow, [_a1].
- Painful drawing in the lower arm, when at rest, [_a1].
- Drawing and tearing pain in the lower arm, extending as far as the hand, in the morning on
waking, [_a1].
- Painful tearing in the lower arm, apparently upon the bone, lasting one minute and
occurring three times, [_a1].
- Tearing in the forearms, as far as the wrist and the fingers, [_a3].
- The left wrist is so sensitive that he cannot lift anything with this hand without the greatest
pain, [_a2].
- Distended veins of the hands in the afternoon and evening, [_a3].
- Rough, chapped, readily bleeding hands, [_a2].
- After violent itching of the hands, the skin peels off, on the third day, like bran; at the same
time a small round spot forms behind the left thumb and index, which burns violently, but
lasts only one day, [_a3].
- Continual troublesome coldness of the hands, [_a1].
- On waking, his right hand has gone to sleep, [_a1].
- Itching upon the hands, the back of the hands, and between the fingers;relieved by
scratching, [_a3].
- Swelling of the fingers, [_a1].
- In the tips of the fingers, a disposition to ulcerate;there is formed in them a white ulcerated
spot, with stinging pain;it goes off without opening, [_a2].
- The middle fingers are painful on motion, [_a1].
- Sensation in the right index as if it were dislocated, [a4].
- His left thumb went to sleep in the afternoon twice in succession;then crawling, which
lasted for some time, [_a3].
- Drawing pain in the thumb and index, [_a1].
- Tearing in and between the fingers, [_a3].
- Formication in the fingers of the right hand, in the evening, with burning stinging(sixth
day), [_a3].
- An eschar upon the finger, which was formed nine years ago in dissecting, begins to
itch(ninth, twelfth day), [a5].
- Itching on and between the fingers, which goes off by scratching, [_a3].
- Itching on the right fingers, which increases by scratching and rubbing, [_a1].
- Itching around the lowest joints of the fingers, which increases by friction; this is
succeeded by an insufferable pain in the bones of the fingers, [_a1].
- Burning itching, with crawling, between the index and middle fingers of the left hand,
- Extreme brittleness of the finger-nails;they break on being cut, [a6].
- * Gnawing beneath the finger-nails, with crawling along the arm, as far as the clavicle,
Lower extremities
- * Great heaviness in the lower limbs;he can scarcely drag them;when walking he staggers
and has to sit down; in the evening(fifth day), [_a3].
- Pain in the legs and loins during motion, [_a1].
- After a walk pain in the legs and loins;it prevents her from sleeping, [_a1].
- Great weariness of the legs when sitting, [_a3].
- Staggering walk as in intoxication, [a6].
- * Drawing in the extremities, [_a1].
- The right hip-joint gives him pain, [_a1].
- Tearing pain over both hips and on the upper brim of the pelvis, [_a1].
- Tearing and sticking in the hip-joint, and just above the knee, in paroxysms, [a6].
- Stitches in the left hip, extending to the small of the back and to the loins; when breathing
repeated, [_a3].
- Pain in the left hip as from a bruise;it becomes worse on pressure, early in the morning
(fourth day), [_a3].
- * When sitting the nates go to sleep, [_a1].
- Cutting, as with a knife, transversely across the right half of the nates, in the
forenoon(second day), [_a3].
- Burning and biting itching of the thighs, passing off by scratching, [_a3].
- * In the thighs and legs, long-continued tension, almost like a cramp, extending
downwards; only a few minutes, but frequently returning, [_a1].
- * Tearing in the legs, the thighs and legs, when sitting and lying, especially at night, [_a3].
- * Trembling of the knees, [_a1].
- Cracking of the right knee in walking, [_a1].
- At night, violent pain in the bend of the knee, extending down to the heel, [_a1].
- Pain in the bend of the left knee;the boy cannot tread upon the foot, [_a1].
- Her knees appear to her to be longer during the pain, [_a3].
- Painful boring in the right knee(after two hours), [_a3].
- Drawing pain in the bend of the knees, on ascending, not descending the stairs, [_a1].
- Drawing in both knees on ascending the stairs;the pain is not felt on simply bending the
knees, nor is it felt on touching them, [_a1].
- Sensation of pressure into the bend of the left knee, when walking, after having risen from
the seat, [_a3].
- Sharp, twitching pressure from without inwards at the patella, [_a1].
- * Tearing in the knees and patella, [_a3].
- * Violent tearing, beginning at the knees and coming out at the toes, with a sensation of
swelling of the knees;in the afternoon, until evening (relieved by walking), (twenty-first day),
- Dull tearing on the inside of the left knee, in the evening(nineteenth day), [_a1].
- Sticking tearing pain in the knee, in the evening, before falling asleep, [_a1].
- Stitches in the left knee, only when sitting;they disappear when walking in the open air,
- Sticking and tearing in the right knee, in the evening(first day), [_a3].
- Pain in the patella on pressing the hand upon it or upon bending the knee, [_a1].
- Feeling of uneasiness in the legs for several evenings, at seven o'clock, lasting half an hour,
before she went to sleep, [_a1].
- Drawing in the legs, [_a1].
- * Heaviness of the legs;she can scarcely lift them, [_a1].
- * Weariness of the legs, especially in the middle of the tibiae;they feel bruised when
standing or walking; she feels as if she would sink down, for then the pain is worse,
especially in the evening; less when sitting and lying, [_a3].
- Tearing drawings in the leg, extending up from the malleolus externus, [_a1].
- Tearing in the legs at different periods, [_a3].
- Gnawing pain in the legs, [a6].
- Cramplike sticking pain, in the right leg, with a sensation of numbness; during the
afternoon nap, when sitting, and also after waking, [_a1].
- Stitches in the right tibia, when in bed in the evening, [_a3].
- Pain, as from a bruise, in the left tibia, especially during motion, [_a1].
- Upon laying one foot across the other or stepping upon the toes, she is attacked with
painful cramps of the calves, [_a1].
- When walking the gastrocnemii muscles appear too short;they seem tense(after twenty
hours), [_a1].
- Before taking the drug he had tension of the calves(soles of the feet and toes, with spasm
and paralysis of the legs);this symptom is increased by the drug, and extends over the knee,
so that he cannot keep himself straight;afterwards a burning, shooting, sometimes cutting
pain in the calves and soles(the first day), [_a2].
- Tension and burning, on the external surface of the right calf, in the evening(second day),
- Tensive pain at the inside of the calves when walking, [_a1].
- * Frequent cramps in the calves, [_a1].
- Cramp in the calves, as if the tendons were too short, after rising from his seat, passing off
on walking about;previously his feet became suddenly so languid that he was afraid of rising,
in the afternoon(second day), [_a3].
- Painless drawing down along both calves(after two hours), [_a3].
- Tearing in the calves, [_a1].
- Painless beating or throbbing in the left calf like pulsations, early in the morning(fourth
day), [_a3].
- Violent formication in both calves, after supper(fifth day), [_a3].
- Itching of the calves, [_a3].
- On trying to step upon the foot severe stitches in the malleolus of the right foot, and violent
cutting from the left big toe to the heel, so that he is not able to step upon the foot (second
day), [_a2].
- Sensitive drawing pain in the tendo Achillis, when at rest, not when walking, [_a1].
- Tearing in each Tendo Achillis, in the evening(fifth day), [_a3].
- * Numbness of the heel on stepping upon the foot, [_a1].
- Sensation in the left heel as if it were compressed from both sides(second day), [_a3].
- Heaviness in the feet, with tearing, [a4].
- * Heaviness in the feet, with great lassitude of the legs(third day), [_a3].
- The right foot goes to sleep, with crawling in it, [_a3].
- Painful drawing below the malleoli(tenth day), [_a2].
- Tearing in the feet and malleoli at different periods, [_a3].
- Pain in the bones on the dorsum of the foot on touching them, accompanied by itching(first
day), [_a2].
- An ulcer in the sole of the foot, which is almost entirely cured, causes a stinging pain on
stepping upon it;in the room, after having walked in the open air, [_a3].
- * Pain in the sole of the foot, on stepping upon it, as though it were too soft and swollen,
- Tension in the sole of the foot, in the forenoon(second day), [_a3].
- Burning stitches in the sole of the right foot, in the evening and in the morning,
disappearing by rubbing, [_a3].
- Painful sensitiveness of the sole of the right foot, [_a1].
- The old hard skin of the feet becomes very sensitive, [_a2].
- The hard skin of the sole of the foot is very sensitive to the touch; but even without being
touched it is affected with a violent aching pain, [_a1].
- Stinging, titillation, and pricking in the soles of the feet, [_a2, _a3].
- Tickling itching in the sole of the foot, [_a1].
- Itching and titillation in the sole of the foot, [a6].
- Herpes between the toes, [_a1].
- Cutting in the big toe of the right foot, as if he walked upon knives, early in the morning,
when walking(fourth day), [_a3].
- Burning stitches in the left big toe, close to the nail, at night, [_a2].
- Stinging pain in the ball of the big toe, [_a2].
- Crawling in the big toe, as if it had been frozen(second day), [_a3].
- Itching of the toes, after staying in the open air, [_a2].
- Itching and shining redness of the great toes;they are painful upon external pressure (after
fourth day), [_a2].
- Itching of the toes and feet, when the feet have become warm by walking; after walking the
symptoms disappear immediately(after thirty days), [_a2].
- * Itching of the toes, with redness, as if they had been frozen worse after scratching, in the
evening(third, fourth, sixteenth days), [_a3].
- Corns are very painful, [a6].
- * Smarting stitches in the corns, [_a1].
- Shaking pulsations through the whole body, [a6].
- Involuntary motions of the head and other parts, [_a1].
- His arm and head are jerked backwards several times, with apprehension, [_a1].
- Tremulous excitement of the whole nervous system, [a6].
- Even the weakest spirituous drink intoxicates him, [_a1].
- Inclines to convulsive laughter, in the evening when in bed(fifth day), [_a1].
- First he sat still without answering;this was followed by anxious groaning for five minutes;
after this a convulsive laugh for ten minutes, then again weeping;then weeping and laughing
in alternation, [_a1].
- When he attempts to take his after dinner nap in a sitting posture, a jerk through the head
and limbs, like an electric shock, with stupefaction, [_a1].
- Uneasiness;she constantly had to move her feet and to go about, [_a1].
- Uneasiness when sitting or lying;she had to shift the position of her hands and feet, [_a1].
- All the muscles feel paralyzed;[a6].
- * Tremulous lassitude, [_a1].
- Lassitude in the forenoon, and great chilliness;in the afternoon shaking chilliness in the
back, [a4].
- * Great lassitude of the whole body, with chilliness and headache(thirty-third day), [_a3].
- * Lassitude; dizziness;frequently a feverish pulse and want of disposition to work for
several days; little appetite;drowsiness after dinner;heaviness in the body;frequent disposition
to eructations, which, however, either do not take place at all, or but imperfectly(after four
weeks), [_a2].
- Lassitude in the whole body, accompanied by obtuseness of the thinking faculty,
- Physical depression, lassitude, so that she can scarcely lift her feet, accompanied by
drowsiness and laziness(twenty-second day), [a4].
- His strength fails, even after a short conversation or walk, [_a1].
- After the menses had ceased body and mind felt exhausted;a little work and moderate
walking prostrated her and made her spiritless, [_a1].
- * Great exhaustion of strength, especially after walking in the open air, accompanied by
yawning, stretching, drowsiness, and inclination to lie down; lying down, however, increases
the lassitude(thirteenth day), [a5].
- * Great fatigue, especially upon talking, [_a1].
- * Slow, tottering gait, as after a severe sickness, [a5].
- * Excessively faint and tired; he is obliged to sit down, [_a1].
- * Unconquerable disposition to lie down(after three hours), [_a1].
- Walking in the open air is succeeded by excessive cheerfulness and staring look;
afterwards, at every motion, cold shiverings and sweat, with chilliness of the head; when
going to sleep, head, hands, and feet are hot, [_a1].
- At night, when waking, there is anxiety, dyspnoea, and profuse sweat, [_a1].
- Upon entering the room, after a walk in the open air, dread and nausea when talking, [_a1].
- Rush of blood to the head;black before the eyes;giddiness;ringing in the ears, and
drowsiness, [_a1].
- Towards evening she feels sick at the stomach, and her head turns, with constant
palpitation of the heart and great anxiety;this lasted the whole night until the next forenoon,
- Orgasm of blood, with increased pulse, and trembling of the hands when writing;
- In the evening violent pain in the small of the back, and vertigo, followed by a desire for
stool, during which pure blood was passed;feeling of paralysis in the small of the back; when
sitting straight she had no support, [_a1].
- Pain, as from bruises, in the loins, over the hip and in the muscles of the calf, when
walking, [_a1].
- Lightning-like shooting to and fro in the right shoulder, the small of the back, and the
abdomen; afterwards feels bruised(second day), [_a3].
- (Dull, pressive pains in the bones, especially of the legs, the chest, and the back), [_a1].
- Pain, as from bruises, in the back and all the extremities, as in fever and ague, [a6].
- Small injuries of the skin become sore and inflamed, [_a1].
- The tetters(small white itching pimples in clusters)increase, [_a2].
- Pimples on the forehead and neck, [_a1].
- Itching of an already dry crust of a small uncured boil on the forehead;the itching
disappears on being scratched, [_a3].
- The hairy scalp itches, and is covered with white scales, [_a2].
- A cluster of pimples on the scalp behind the right ear, with painful tension, [_a3].
- On the left lower eyelid a pimple, with a stinging pain, [_a1].
- On the right ear a transparent vesicle, without pain, [a6].
- Boil on the nose, [_a1].
- Itching pimples on the forehead, the right side of the nose, and the left angle of the mouth;
- Painful red spot upon the right cheek, [_a1].
- Small, red, painless pimples upon the right cheek, which feel rough(twelfth day), [a4].
- Upon the right cheek a pimple, which is painful to the touch, like a sore, [_a1].
- Pimples on the left cheek and forehead(tenth day), [_a3].
- One boil after another on the left cheek, [_a1].
- On the internal surface of the lip a bright vesicle as large as a pea(second day), [a5].
- Crusty eruptions on the lower lip, [_a1].
- Small pimples on the chin, which pass off again next morning(after eight and thirteen
days), [_a3].
- Number of little ulcers in the mouth, [_a1].
- Blister on the right half of the chest and on the throat, with burning pain; with glowing heat
in the face, and chills in the rest of the body;sleeps soundly, and without dreams, [a4].
- Vesicles on the right side of the neck(eighth day), [_a3].
- Violent itching of the neck, nape of the neck, and chest, without visible eruption; on
touching the skin, a hard pimple is felt here and there under the skin(fourteenth day), [a4].
- Pimples upon the back, [_a1].
- Itching eruption of rash on the arms and legs, without any redness;upon scratching, watery
blood, [a6].
- Eruption, across the shoulders, of small, red elevations, with a pointed vesicle in the
middle; they cause some burning, only in the evening(after six and fourteen days), [a5].
- Rough, chapped, readily bleeding hands, [_a2].
- After violent itching of the hands the skin peels off, on the third day, like bran; at the same
time a small round spot forms behind the left thumb and index, which burns violently, but
lasts only one day, [_a3].
- On the tips of the fingers, a disposition to ulcerate;there is formed on them a white
ulcerated spot, with stinging pain;it goes off without opening, [_a2].
- Boil on the right hip, which suppurates, [_a3].
- An ulcer in the sole of the foot, which is almost entirely cured, causes a stinging pain on
stepping upon it; in the room, after walking in the open air, [_a3].
- The old, hard skin of the feet becomes very sensitive, [_a1].
- Herpes between the toes, [_a1].
- Biting in the tetters, [_a2].
- Stinging here and there of the whole body, especially in the evenings, [_a3].
- * Intolerable itching of the whole body, especially when he becomes heated, and in bed; he
has to scratch himself until the skin bleeds, which is painful after scratching, [_a2].
- Itching of the whole body, especially the face(seventh day), [_a1].
- Itching of single small places of the body here and there, mostly in the evening, and not
going off by scratching, [_a3].
- Violent itching of the whole body, as if an eruption would break out(after five days), [_a2].
- Violent itching and gnawing upon the skin of the whole body;but little relieved by
scratching, [_a1].
- Itching of the tetters, especially towards evening, [_a2].
- Stinging itching of the back and the side of the abdomen(second day), [_a1].
- Itching of(and fine eruption on)the inside of the right thigh, [_a3].
- * Internal cold and chills, with a desire for the warm stove, and stretching of the limbs,
worse after warm drinks, [_a1].
- Chilly in the open air, [_a1].
- Chilliness of the whole body;the feet are as cold as ice the whole day, with heat in the head,
- Internal chilliness and external heat, especially on the cheeks, with dark redness of them, as
in brandy drinkers, [a6].
- Internal chilliness, with hot cheeks and cold hands, [a6].
- Cold creeps, without any thirst or subsequent heat or sweat, from four to six o'clock in the
afternoon, with throbbing pains in the forehead and occiput, which decrease by pressing with
the hands(ninth day), [a4].
- Chilliness, constant eructations, bitter taste in the mouth, frequent collection of saliva,
great failing of strength and headache, as if the head would burst, especially on the top of the
head, with vertigo(relieved by a dose of ipecacuanha), (thirty-fourth day), [_a3].
- Frequent repetition of chills in the evening(second day), [_a2].
- Chills over the whole body, every other day, towards evening, without any thirst, with want
of appetite;sleeplessness and restless tossing about in the bed, [a4].
- Chills over the whole body, during an evacuation, in the evening(fifth day), [_a3].
- At four o'clock in the morning roused from sleep by chilliness of the whole body,
accompanied by violent contraction of the stomach;continual empty eructations, which afford
relief; then four liquid stools, with constant chilliness, followed by burning in the anus; the
chilliness lasted until evening(thirty-second day), [_a3].
- Chilliness and uneasyleep the whole night(thirty-third day), [_a3].
- Chills near the warm stove(fifteenth day), [_a1].
- In the evening, chilliness from seven to eight o'clock;she feels so chilly that she is obliged
to go to bed, but even there it takes her a long while to get warm(fifth day), [_a3].
- Very sensitive to cold air, especially in her feet, [a6].
- In the evening, feverish symptoms, chills, which increase by the slightest motion;
sometimes also flushes of heat in the face(first day), [a5].
- In the evening, at five o'clock, such violent chilliness, especially of the back and feet, that
she could not even warm herself near the warm stove;in half an hour sweat broke out,
without any thirst(sixth and seventh days), [_a3].
- In the evening, chilliness and warmth often alternate;the face is hot, with chills in the rest
of the body, [_a1].
- Internal chilliness, with hot hands and hot lobules of the ears(after two hours), [_a1].
- Chilliness half an hour, followed by heat of the body, and sweat in the face, [a5].
- Pleasant warmth, of short duration, in the right side of the face, in the afternoon(fifth day),
- Sudden heat in the face, with redness, lasting only for a short while(fifth day), [_a3].
- Sensation in the body, as after being violently heated, when sitting(first day), [a5].
- In the evening, heat in the whole body for two hours;it appears to begin at the head(fifth
day), [_a3].
- Feverish faintishness, with internal heat, [_a1].
- Towards evening, heat in the whole body, especially in the feet;followed by shivering,
which obliged her to go to bed, where she soon feel asleep;thirst neither during the hot nor
the cold stage, without other symptoms(eleventh day), [a4].
- Heat before midnight;it does not allow him to fall asleep, [_a3].
- * Heat, with anxiety, at night, and sweat, [_a1].
- Sudden heat, with sweat and anxious palpitation of the heart, [_a1].
- In the morning, upon remaining in bed after six o'clock, she begins to sweat, for some
mornings(after ninth day), [a4].
- During bodily effort, heat runs over the whole body;succeeded by chills, with burning in
the abdomen, [_a1].
- Sweat upon every motion, followed by cold shivers, as if one had caught cold, [_a1].
- (Morning), Early on waking, depressed; most symptoms appear;early, anxiety;early, head
confused;early, head feels cloudy, etc.;early, head feels heavy; vertigo; quickly passing
vertigo;in bed, rhythmical beating in whole head;early, painful spot in forehead; early, on
waking, headache in vertex, etc.;on waking, burning of eyes;early, biting, etc.; pain in
eyes;sensation of dry gum in eyes;early, stitches in right side of head;on waking, dry gum in
eyes;on waking, eyes agglutinated; early, after waking, lachrymation;early, sometimes,
burning, etc., of eyes;boring pain in ear; early, roaring in ears;early, after rising, roaring
before the ears;early, sour smell in the nose; heat, etc.;in left side of face;spitting of saliva,
etc.;early, flat, etc., taste in mouth; on rising, bitter, etc., taste in mouth;on waking, thick
mucus in throat;early, sweet taste in throat, etc.; on waking, throat rough, etc.;dull stitches in
right tonsil;contraction of the oesophagus, etc.; early, sweetish risings from the
stomach;inclination to vomit;retching in the throat; faintlike nausea; nausea, etc.; oppression
at stomach;early, on turning in bed, soreness at pit of stomach; early, before breakfast, pain
turning in bed, soreness at pit of stomach;early, before breakfast, pain from the bladder to the
chest;on waking, pinching in abdomen, etc.;dry feeling in urethra; on waking, and while in
bed, drawing, etc., in urethra;early, urging to urinate, etc.;decrease of urine; dry
cough;violent dry cough;cough with expectoration;early, stiffness of neck, etc.;pain in
kidneys; early, pain in coccyx;weakness of all the limbs, etc.;early, on waking, rigidity of the
hands, etc.; on waking, pain in the lower arm;early, pain in left hip;early, beating in left
calf;burning stitches in right sole; early, cutting in right big toe;would like to sleep long;upon
remaining in bed, after 6 o'clock, begins to sweat.
- (Forenoon), Depressed, etc.; indisposed to labor, etc.; heat rises into head;tearing in whole
head;tearing in forehead;tension in spot in right temple; boring, etc., in temples;beating, etc.,
in vertex;tearing, etc., in right side of head; drawing in right side of the occiput;sourish taste
in throat;acid risings into mouth; cold sensation in stomach;tearing from hypochondriac
region into hip; sensation as if the hypochondriac regions were pressed together;cutting, etc.,
in the hypogastric region; cough;dry cough;difficult breathing;pressure in chest;drawing in
the muscles of the neck; tension between scapulae;twitches at the point of the coccyx;tearing
in upper arm, etc.; cutting across the nates.
- (Towards noon), Oppression in the stomach.
- (Noon), Hiccough.
- (Afternoon), Peevish, etc.;headache, etc.;stitches in the head, etc.;beating in whole head;
stitch in the forehead;stitches in the forehead, etc.;beating, etc., in forehead, etc.; beating,
etc., in right temple;weakness of the eyelids;boring in hollow of ear; rattling, etc., in
nose;drawing, etc., in left cheek, etc.;watery saliva in mouth; hoarseness, etc., of
throat;pinching at the stomach;pressure, etc., across stomach, etc.; cutting in region of
stomach, etc.;burning, etc., in right hypochondriac region;worrying around the navel;
pressure in umbilical region, etc.;cold feeling in abdomen;burning in abdomen;pinching in
abdomen; pinching, etc., in left side of abdomen;abdomen seems to hang down
heavily;frequent and increased urine; when sitting, numerous erections;leucorrhoea;sudden
hoarseness;sudden cough, etc.; weight in chest, etc.;sense of contraction around
chest;burning in right side of chest;tension in back of neck; tearing in the axillae;distended
veins of hands;right thumb went to sleep; tearing from knees to toes, etc.; cramp in
calves;shaking chilliness in the back;warmth in right side of face.
- (Towards evening), Stitches in front, etc., of head;trembling of left eye;tearing, etc., in ears;
sick at stomach, etc.;itching of the tetters;chills over whole body;heat in the whole body, etc.
- (Evening), Most of the symptoms appear;throat symptoms;uneasiness;external pinching,
etc., in head; headache, tearing, etc.;pressive headache;tearing in forehead;boring into the
right temple; boring, etc., in left temple;tearing, etc., in left frontal eminence;redness of the
eyes, etc.; pressure in right eye; biting in left eye;sense of excoriation in the interior of
eyes;burning and dryness of the eyelids, etc.; inflammation of conjunctiva of the right
eye;dim-sightedness;eyes dull and dry; heat and redness of ear;stitches in ears; roaring of
ears;pains in the nose, etc.;sensation in nose as if a cold were coming on; boring in the
teeth;boring in the teeth of right side;drawing in the teeth of right side; on lying down in bed,
cutting toothache;in bed, saliva accumulates in mouth;bitter taste, after eating apples;
everything tasteless, etc.;thick mucus in throat;dryness of the throat;sourish taste in the
throat, etc.; sense of burning in the throat;constrictive pain in throat, etc.;rawness, etc., of
throat;soreness in throat; aching sore throat;stitches, etc., in throat;bitter eructations, etc.;in
bed, sour eructations; hiccough;pain in the stomach, etc.;cold sensation in stomach;in bed,
griping in pit of stomach; stitches in the stomach, etc.;stitches in left lower ribs;pinching
around the navel; emission of flatulence; pinching in the abdomen; pressing in both
groins;varix of rectum enlarges;weak feeling in the bladder, etc.; burning in urethra, while
urinating;numerous erections;sudden hoarseness;dry cough;pinching in the upper chest;
boring pain in chest;pressure on sternum;before falling asleep in bed, tearing, sticking in
small of back; twitchings in lower extremities, etc.;heat in the face;tearing in the left
scapulae, etc.; distended veins of hands;formication in right fingers;tearing on inside of left
knee;tearing in the knee; sticking, etc., in right knee;legs feel bruised;in bed, stitches in right
tibia;tension, etc., on surface of right calf; tearing in each tendo Achillis;tension in sole of
foot;burning stitches in right sole; itching of the toes, etc.;in bed, inclines to convulsive
laughter;lassitude, etc.; pain in small of back, etc.;burning of eruption across
shoulders;stinging, here and there, of the whole body; itching, here and there;cannot fall
asleep under an hour; frequent repetition of chills; chills over whole body;feverish
symptoms, etc.;alternate chilliness and warmth; heat in whole body.
- (Night), Throat symptoms;in bed, headache;pressive headache;agglutination of
eyes;burning, etc., of eyes; stitches deep in right ear;violent dry catarrh;in bed, throbbing of
roots of teeth; drawing in one side of throat, etc.;impeded deglutition;distension of the
abdomen; emission of badly smelling flatus;when lying in bed, numerous erections;when
waking, painful erections; priapism;leucorrhoea;dry cough, etc.;cramp, etc., of chest;pressure
on chest, etc.; violent pain in chest; stitches in shoulders, etc.;pain in bend of knee;burning
stitches in left big toe; when waking, anxiety, etc.;sobs and groans in sleep;uneasiness in all
the limbs; tosses about, etc.;chilliness, etc.; heat, with anxiety, etc.
- (Before midnight), Cannot fall asleep;uneasiness during sleep.
- (Midnight), Pinching, etc., in abdomen.
- (After midnight), uneasyleep;jerking, etc.;toothache.
- (Towards morning), Deep sleep;waked with a deadly anguish;anxious dreams.
- (Every other day), Chills over whole body.
- (4 A. M.), Nausea;chilliness of whole body, etc.
- (4 or 5 A. M.), Anxiety about heart.
- (8.30 A. M.), Sensation as if right side of head were pressed toward the other.
- (9 A. M.), Fine stitches in left mamma.
- (1 P.M. ), Peevish, etc.;beating, etc., inside of head.
- (2 P.M. ), Pain as if head were screwed together.
- (4 P.M. ), Heaviness of head, etc.;vertigo, etc.
- (4 to 6 P.M. ), Cold creeps, etc.
- (4 to 11 P.M. ), Cutting, etc., in whole abdomen, etc.
- (5 P.M. ), Violent chilliness.
- (7 P.M. ), Feeling of uneasiness in legs.
- (7 to 8 P.M. ), Chilliness.
- (9 P.M. ), Gnawing in molar tooth, etc.
- (10.30 P.M. ), Tearing, pressing from forehead, etc.
- (Open air), Burning, etc., pain in forehead;lachrymation;dim-sightedness;cutting
- (After staying in open air), Itching of the toes.
- (Walking in open air), Headache;tearings, etc., in urethra;leucorrhoea;dry cough; great
exhaustion of strength, etc.
- (Eating apples), Bitter taste.
- (In bed), Heat, etc.
- (Going to bed), Pain in head, etc.
- (Bending head forward), Violent pain in chest.
- (Bending knee), Pain in patella.
- (Sitting bent), Cutting pains across abdomen;oppression at the chest;sense of constriction
around chest.
- (Blowing nose), Stars sparkle before eyes;something obstructs the ear; momentary pressure
on the perineum.
- (During breakfast), Pinching below navel, etc.
- (Breathing), Whistling in the air-passages, etc.;heat in the forepart of chest; boring pain in
chest;stitches in chest;pain all along the back, etc.;stitches in left hip.
- (During chills), Frequent nausea.
- (After clearing throat), Head feels very sore.
- (At commencement of coition), Violent pressure in perineum.
- (During coition), Pressure in the perineum.
- (After every cold), Pinching in the abdomen.
- (Going into cold air), Pinching in the abdomen.
- (Chewing), Crackling of the tympanum;painful tension in articulation of jaws;violent
toothache; teeth painful.
- (Closing eyes), Bright before eyes.
- (Coughing), Tearing in upper arm.
- (During and after cough), Pressure on chest;paralytic pain through arm.
- (Dancing), Drawing in muscles over left groin.
- (After dinner), Immediately, all the symptoms become aggravated;shortly after most of the
symptoms come on; surging in the hand;heat in the head;pulsative headache;burning, etc.,
pain in forehead; pressive pain in forehead;pressing-in pain in right temple;face seems larger,
etc.; when walking in open air, skin of face tense;immediately, tickling in the teeth,
etc.;mouth feels burnt; clearing throat of phlegm;rancid eructations;hiccough;pain at
stomach, etc.; drawing in stomach;gnawing in region of stomach;stitches in stomach, etc.;
much distension, with tenesmus;fulness of abdomen, etc.;passage of badly smelling flatus;
violent attacks of colic;pain in chest;drowsiness.
- (After drinking water), Heartburn.
- (Eating), Stitches in front and back of head, hiccough;eructations, etc.;oppression at
stomach; loud grumbling in abdomen;pressure, etc., in abdomen;pressive pain in left side of
- (After an emission), Reappearance and aggravation of all the previous symptoms.
- (Sitting erect), Heaviness of head.
- (During violent effort), Pain on left side of sternum, etc.
- (After eructations), Scraping in throat;inclination to vomit.
- (Before evacuation), Tenesmus;colic.
- (During evacuation), Bearing down, etc.;rectum seems dried up, etc.;dropping of
blood;chills over whole body.
- (After evacuation), Ineffectual desire for stool;throbbing in small of back.
- (After difficult evacuation), Pricking in anus;sense of excoriation in anus.
- (Active exercise), Hard pressure on both sides of chest;stitches in both sides of chest.
- (Physical exertion), Tearing pain in sides of abdomen;heat runs over whole body, etc.
- (Laying one foot across the other), Cramps of the calves.
- (Friction), Itching in both ears;itching around finger-joints;itching on right fingers; sweat
of the perineum.
- (Becoming heated), Itching of whole body.
- (Inspiration), Stitch from abdomen to chest;stitches from loin to chest.
- (During bodily labor), Cramplike sensation in leg and arm, etc.
- (Leaning on part), Pain above point of elbow.
- (In lighted room), In evening, gauze seems before eyes.
- (After long looking), Eyes become weak.
- (Looking down), Trembling of left eye;tearing in right upper eyelid;upper lid feels longer,
- (Looking up), Burning in eyes.
- (Lying), Tearing in legs, etc.;uneasiness;lassitude.
- (Lying on back), Pressure on chest, etc.
- (Before menses), Flow of mucus from vagina, etc.;violent headache;pain in
abdomen;uneasyleep, etc.
- (During menses),
- (After menses), Painless leucorrhoea;acrid leucorrhoea.
- (After a meal), Oppression of chest, etc.;pinching in abdomen;pain in middle of chest, etc.;
orgasm of blood, etc.
- (After eating milk soup), Sourish taste in throat.
- (Motion), Tearing, jerking in small of back;middle fingers painful;cold shiverings,
- (Moving head), Nape of neck painful.
- (Moving or turning body), Soreness in the interior of chest.
- (Moving about), Burning while urinating.
- (Moving hand along penis), Drawing pain, etc.
- (Moving tongue), Drawing, etc., pain in right side of throat.
- (During afternoon nap), Sticking pain in right leg, etc.;jerk through head and limbs, etc.
- (Opening eyes), Head feels giddy; eyes burn.
- (Opening mouth), Painful tension in articulation of jaws.
- (Potatoes), Appear to aggravate or renew the symptoms;bitter eructations, etc.
- (Pressure), Pain in the patella;itching, etc., of great toes.
- (Reaching high), Tension of the abdominal muscles.
- (Raising arm), Pain in shoulder-joint.
- (Reading), Pressure in right eye.
- (Rest), Drawing in lower arm;drawing in tendo Achillis.
- (Rising), Pain in perineum;stitches in right side of abdomen;cramp in the calves.
- (In room), After walking in open air, stinging pain in ulcer of sole of foot.
- (Scratching), The skin pains;itching in fold between nates and thighs; itching on the right
fingers;burning, etc., of the thighs; itching of the toes.
- (Setting teeth together), Toothache.
- (Sitting), Most symptoms appear to come on;vertigo;pain under ribs;pain in side of
abdomen; pain in perineum;leucorrhoea;pinching in upper part of chest;fingers, etc., go to
sleep; nates go to sleep; tearing in legs, etc.; stitches in left knee;uneasiness;sensation as after
being violently heated.
- (Going to sleep), Stitches in the forehead.
- (Sneezing), Tearing in upper arm.
- (Standing), Pain as if the head were being screwed together;burning, etc., pain in forehead;
nausea;stitches in right hypochondriac region;pressure in umbilical region, etc.; pain in
perineum;legs feel bruised.
- (At every step), Stitches through the head.
- (Trying to step upon foot), Stitches in right malleolus, etc.
- * (Stepping upon foot), Numbness of foot; stinging pain of ulcer in sole;pain in the sole.
- (Stepping upon toes), Cramps of the calves.
- (Stooping), Heaviness of the head;vertigo;surging in head;external pinching, etc., on the
head; sensation as if head would fall forward;stitches in the side of the head;liver sensitive,
etc.; chest felt constricted;stitch from abdomen to chest;pain in region of both kidneys;pain in
the loins.
- (After breakfast soup), Rancid eructations.
- (After supper), Empty eructations;frequent eructations, etc.;nausea, etc.;violent nausea,
etc.; heartburn; sense of distension in abdomen;formication in both calves.
- (Swallowing), Cracking in ears;drawing pain in one side of throat, etc.; sore throat; stitches
in throat, etc.;pressive pain in left tonsil;squeezing from the oesophagus, etc.; pressive pain in
oesophagus;pressive pain in middle of chest.
- (Empty swallowing), Aching sore throat;stinging in the throat.
- (Talking), Stitches in sternum, etc.; great fatigue.
- (Turning), Pain in kidney region.
- (Touch), Pain as if scalp were sore;pain in small of back, etc.;pain in bones of dorsum of
- (Urination), Cutting in forepart of urethra;burning-like pain in urethra.
- (After urinating), Urethra becomes hot.
- (After waking), Mouth dry, etc.;palpitation of heart;pain in right leg.
- (Walking), Severe vertigo;pressive headache, beating in head;pain under ribs;abdomen
seems to hang down; varix of rectum enlarges;dark-colored blood from rectum;pressure in
chest;pressure on sternum; pain in loins;pain in small of back;cracking of right knee;pressure
in bend of left knee; legs feel bruised;gastrocnemii bruised pain in loins, etc.
- (Walking fast), Drawing in muscles over left groin;cutting, etc., in chest.
- (Walking upstairs), Pulsative headache;pinching, etc., in the groins, etc.;pain in bend of
- (After warm drinks), Internal cold, etc.
- (Feet becoming warm by walking), Itching of the toes and feet.
- (Writing), Pressure in right eye;orgasm of blood, etc.
- (Morning), On rising, pain in head, etc.
- (Forenoon), Great number of symptoms disappear;throat symptoms.
- (Afternoon), Pain in kidneys.
- (Evening), In open air, the symptoms appear to be relieved;tearing in forehead.
- (Night), Great number of symptoms disappear;collection of saliva in mouth.
- (Every other day), Feels some better.
- (Walking in open air), Hoarseness;contraction of chest;stitches in left knee.
- (After breakfast), Faintlike nausea;pain from bladder to chest.
- (After breakfasting on wheat bread), Nausea ceased.
- (Closing eyes), Trembling of left eye.
- (Chamomile), Pain in small of back.
- (After dinner), Feels most easy
- (Becoming erect), Surging in the head;sense of contraction around chest;boring pain in
- (Eructation), Oppression of stomach.
- (After an evacuation), Tenesmus of the rectum, etc.;oppression in region of stomach.
- (Emission of flatulence), Sense of fulness of stomach.
- (Friction), Tearing in the sides of the face;external pressure at lower part of chest; stitches
in nape of neck, etc.;burning in superior angle of left scapula;burning stitches in right sole.
- (Holding eye with hand), Trembling of left eye.
- (Looking up), Trembling of the left eye.
- (Lying down), Headache in occiput;boring in teeth of right side;pain in chest; sense of
pressure on sides of chest disappears;pain in legs.
- (Lying still), Sense of heat in urethra.
- (Lying on side), Pressure on chest.
- (Laying down the head quietly in the bed), Headache.
- (Appearance of menses), Headache ceased.
- (Motion), Stiffness of neck, etc.;pain in left tibia.
- (Pressure), Tension in spot on right temple;tearing, etc., in the ears;pain in molar teeth;
stitches in left side of neck, etc.;pain in left hip;throbbing in forehead, etc.
- (During night's rest), Varix of rectum decreases.
- (After rising), Jerking, etc., toothache;anxiety about the heart disappears.
- (After rising and walking a little), Rigidity of the hands, etc.
- (In room), Dim-sightedness passes off.
- (Scratching), Itching of angle of mouth, etc.;itching of scrotum;itching upon the sternum;
itching upon hands, etc.;itching on and between fingers;itching disappears;skin painful.
- (Sitting), Stitches in right hypochondriac region disappear;cutting, etc., in chest; sense of
pressure on sides of chest;stitches on both sides of chest;weariness of legs; pain in leg;pain in
right leg.
- (Sitting up in bed), Gnawing in front molar tooth.
- (Stretching), Gnawing in coccyx.
- (Walking), Most symptoms decrease;boring pain in chest;stitches on sides of chest;
staggers, etc.; tearing from knees to toes;cramp in calves;itching of toes, etc.
- (Warmth), Pain in abdomen.
- (Warm eating and drinking), Throat symptoms.
- (Applying warm cloths), Pinching, etc., in abdomen.
- (Wiping eyes), Giddiness;dim-sightedness.
Alumina (Hering)
Pure Clay. Aluminium Oxide. Al2. O3.
Used by the Old School, but only according to very poor indications.
Hahnemann had proved the pure earth when Hartlaub edited a collection of 975 symptoms,
obtained from four provers, in his Mat. Med., in 1829.
The year after, Hahnemann published his own observations in Stapf's Archiv., viz., 215
symptoms, from a much better preparation.
Hartlaub simply purified his preparation by washing it, which never can suffice, but
Hahnemann subjected his to red heat.
A careful comparison of symptoms will show that there is a difference.
In 1835, in the second edition of his Chronic Diseases, Hahnemann gives it place among the
antipsorics, adding a few symptoms from Dr. Bute, and condensing Hartlaub's collection to
about 900 symptoms.
Boenninghausen published very remarkable cures with the pure metal, in the A. H. Z., being
guided by the symptoms of the oxide.
The symptoms of a remarkable cure of spinal disease with Alum. metallicum, by Rehfuss,
translated by Dunham, and distinguished by the abbreviation met., are here included.
- Consciousness not clear.
- Consciousness of his personal identity confused. Paralysis.
- Great weakness or loss of memory.
- || Inability to recollect things or follow up a train of thought. Cephalalgia.
- Confusion and obscuration of intellect; met. Spinal disease.
- Makes mistakes in speaking, using words not intended.
- Time passes too slowly; intolerable ennui; an hour seems half a day.
- Difficulty of thinking.
- Mania to kill himself with a sharp weapon.
- Seeing blood on a knife, she has horrid ideas of killing herself, though she abhors the
- Crying, against his will.
- || No desire to do anything, especially anything serious. Cephalalgia.
- Depressed and lachrymose. Melancholia.
- Fearfulness.
- Sad thoughts in morning, joyless and comfortless on awaking.
- || Low-spirited, trifling things appeared insurmountable. Liver complaint.
- Apprehensiveness.
- Apprehensive of losing his reason.
- Uneasy evenings, as from impending evil.
- Fears he is not to recover.
- Dread of death, with thoughts of suicide.
- Great anxiety, is fearful and peevish.
- || Anguish, oppressive and vague fearfulness, or uneasiness, as if he had committed a
crime. Cephalalgia.
- Anxiety as if threatened with an epileptic fit; depressed with grief.
- Variable mood, at one time confident, at another timid.
- Disposition quiet and resigned; met. Spinal disease.
- Moroseness.
- Peevish and whining, with hot earlobes.
- Easily startled.
- Sufferings following anger.
- Mental symptoms worse in morning on awaking.
- Quickly passing vertigo in morning.
- || Vertigo :
- everything turns in a circle; with nausea; agg. before breakfast;
- on opening eyes; on stooping; amel after breakfast, and from wiping eyes; nausea,
faintness, pain in nape of neck; as if drunken; with seeing white stars; when closing eyes.
- Stupefaction, with dread of falling forward.
- Heaviness of head, with pale, languid face.
- Dulness and numbness of head.
- Inability to walk, except with eyes open, and in daytime. Locomotor ataxia.
- Cloudiness and drunken feeling, alternating with pain in kidneys.
- Easily made drunk, even by weakest spirituous drink.
- When his eyes were closed, his whole body tottered; if not firmly held, he fell to ground;
met. Spinal disease.
Inner head
- Headache attended with nausea, pressure in forehead and congestion to eyes and nose, with
- Pressure in forehead from without inward, or rather outward, or over eyes; in evening,
sometimes with a chill, or nocturnal heat or sweat.
- Throbbing, frontal pain, agg going up-stairs, or stepping.
- Burning, pressive pain, with heat in forehead, while standing or sitting, amel in open air.
- Headache sometimes in left side, agg by walking in open air.
- Lacerating pain in head.
- Severe stitches in brain, with nausea and dulness of mind.
- Sensation in head as if its contents were in a vise, with a weight on top.
- Headache : from chronic catarrhs of head; with constipation; amel by lying quiet in bed,
or resting head upon a cushion.
- Heaviness of head, with pale, languid face; vertex painful to touch.
- Pulsations in vertex with congestion to eyes and nose.
- Stupefying tightness in right temple, amel by pressing upon it.
- Heat in head.
- Headache in region of both parietal bones. Spinal disease.
- Pulsative headache in vertex, over right temple, early on waking.
- Pain in vertex, agg on moving head or stooping, amel by pressure; shooting in vertex on
- Tightness, with drawing and beating in right side of occiput.
- Pain in head and nape of neck, it increases on going to bed, and only leaves off in morning
on rising.
- Semilateral affections of head, old rheumatic affections, always appearing on same side.
- Increased pulsation of temporal arteries. Spinal disease.
Outer head
- Itching of scalp, with dry, white scales.
- Humid scurf, agg about temples, bleeding when scratched; agg. in evening, or at new and
full moon.
- Scalp feels numb.
- Pressure on forehead, as from a tight hat.
- Headache, as if hair was pulled; with nausea.
- || Falling off and excessive dryness of hair; scalp sore when hair is touched; creeping and
titillation of scalp.
- Pain in head and nape of neck agg on going to bed; leaves on rising in morning.
- Itching on forehead.
- Exanthema on forehead, feels as if glue had dried on it.
Upper face
- Sallow skin.
- Pale languid face with heaviness of head.
- Tearing and lancinating in malar bone.
- Tension of skin of face, as though white of egg had dried on it.
- Itching of various parts of face; of forehead, with rough skin.
- Blood-boils on face and nose.
- Tetter on temples and forearm. Leucorrhoea.
- Gloomy, pale, or alternately red and pale.
- Heat and redness; met. Spinal disease.
- Coppery cheeks.
- Bloated places, like bulbous excrescences; nodular swellings.
Lower face
- Tension and drawing in jaws and cheeks, with increase of saliva.
- Tensive pain in articulation of jaw, when chewing or opening mouth.
- Upper lip covered with little blisters.
- Lower jaw seems shortened.
- Lips dry, chapped.
- Involuntary spasmodic twitching of lower jaw, with hemorrhage of bowels; dark,
offensive stools.
- || Trismus.
Inner mouth
- Musty, bad odor from mouth.
- Small ulcers in mouth.
- Saliva increased, although mouth may feel dry.
- Sensation of soreness in mouth when eating.
- Increased saliva and mucus.
- Dryness in mouth.
- Inflammatory redness in back of throat.
- Transient stitches in throat.
- Dryness of throat, as if parched.
- Rawness and roughness in throat, inducing hawking or coughing in evening, with
secretion of mucus.
- Pressure in throat as from a plug, with soreness and dryness.
- Sensation of swelling in sides of throat.
- Sense of constriction from pharynx down to stomach, as if food could not pass.
- Great dryness of throat especially on awaking, voice husky; constant hawking, and
sensation of a lump in throat. Chronic catarrh.
- Feeling of a splinter in throat,
- stinging on swallowing.
- Copious, thick, tenacious mucus in throat, evening and morning on awaking; can be
expectorated only in lumps, with great effort.
- Thick mucus, dropping from posterior nares.
- Ulcers in fauces, spongy; secreting a yellowish-brown, badly smelling pus; with boring
pains from fauces to right temple and head.
- Painful soreness in throat and upper part of oesophagus, agg. swallowing empty.
- Throat feels relaxed.
- Feels food whole length of oesophagus.
- Swallowing painful, amel after warm drinks; swallowing saliva or liquids often amel;
swallows solids with difficulty.
- On waking in morning, pharynx feels narrower than usual, as if contracted and lame.
- Violent pressive pain, as if a portion of oesophagus was contracted or compressed, in
middle of chest, especially during deglutition, but also when not swallowing, with oppression
of chest, alternately with palpitation of heart, especially after a meal.
- Swallowing causes crepitation in ears.
- Pains in throat; agg evening and night.
Appetite, thirst
- Desires, Aversions.
- || No desire to eat.
- Has no appetite, food has no taste.
- || Irregular appetite.
- Longing for fruit and vegetables;
- potatoes disagree.
- Aversion to meat; to beer; meat has no taste.
- Thirst all day.
- Appetite for starch, chalk; clean white rags; charcoal, cloves, acids, coffee or tea-
grounds, dry rice, and other indigestible things. Chlorosis.
- || Pains in epigastrium and hypochondria when stooping.
- Contractions in both hypochonders.
- Spasmodic pains in hypochondria and stomach with dyspnoea almost to suffocation.
- Liver pains, as if bruised, when stooping; stitches when rising again.
- Tearing from liver to hip.
- Shooting pain in region of spleen.
- Stitches in both hypochondria; agg from motion.
- Shooting in left hypochondrium going upward and forward to cardiac region, agg on deep
- Seems to hang down heavily, like a load, when walking, afternoons.
- Reaching too high strains abdominal muscles.
- Pains agg sitting bent.
- Pressing in both groins, towards sexual organs, evenings.
- Stitching, pressing pain in region of abdominal ring, like from hernia, with tension as far
as side of abdomen.
- Flatulent colic, bellyache.
- Colic in morning.
- Painters' colic.
- || Soreness and twitching of right inguinal glands.
Urinary organs
- Renal pains as from riding over a rough road; alternating with cloudiness as if drunk;
dancing makes worse.
- Frequent micturition. Prolapsus uteri.
- || Tenesmus vesicae. Dysentery.
- Urine voided while straining at stool; or cannot pass urine without such straining.
- Frequent urination at night.
- Frequent emissions of very small quantities of light- colored urine with great straining,
severe smarting and burning, with a feeling as though a few drops remained in urethra which
could not be expelled.
- Urine : scanty, with red sediment, in arthritic affections; copious and pale, in nervous
diseases; with thick, white sediment; more frequent, copious and dark.
- Urine red without sediment; met. Spinal disease.
- Feeling of weakness in bladder and genitals, in evening, with fear that he will wet the bed.
- Pouting of meatus urinarius, with swelling and discharge of light yellow pus from urethra.
- During urination : burning, with discharge of urine and desire to evacuate bowels.
- Urine smarting, corroding. Prolapsus uteri.
- Rattling, asthmatic breathing; agg coughing.
- Oppression agg when sitting stooped; amel straightening up, or walking in open air.
- Talking or singing makes him cough.
- Breathing arrested by copious, thick, tenacious, saltish mucus.
- Oppressive pain in chest, tight feeling.
- Dyspnoea, with spasmodic pains in stomach and hypochondria.
- Short-breathed when lying on back; goes off by turning on side.
- Worse getting tired from exerting voice.
- Worse from deep inspiration; shooting from left hypochondria to heart.
- Wheezing inspiration, with tough mucus in larynx.
- Dry, hacking cough, with frequent sneezing.
- Cough : from sensation as of loose skin hanging in throat; from tickling in larynx;
- from elongated uvula;
- || from talking or singing; short; causes pains in right temple and top of head, sometimes
also difficult breathing;
- || soon after waking in morning;
- every morning a long attack of dry cough, ending in difficult raising of a little white
- with tearing pain and involuntary emission of urine, in old or withered looking people;
sudden, violent irrepressible cough in evening while sitting; sometimes yields a piece of
mucus mixed with blood; causes shooting in vertex.
- All irritating things excite cough.
- Painless evening cough.
- Dry cough at night, with dryness of throat.
- Continued dry hacking cough, with vomiting and arrest of breathing.
- Sputum difficult and of a putrid taste.
Upper limbs
- Skin of hands peels off.
- Red rhagades on hands, worse in winter and from washing.
- Panaritium, with brittle nails, lancinating pains and tendency to ulceration of finger-tips.
- Brittle nails and brittle skin on tips of fingers.
- Nails brittle, or thick; spots on nails.
- Pain in arms when letting them hang down, or on stretching in bed.
- Sudden jerk or concussion in shoulder.
- Pain, as from a sprain, in shoulder joint, especially on raising arm.
- Sense of tightness in arm, as from cold.
- Burning on arms and fingers, and in elbow, as from a glowing iron.
- Arms feel heavy, as if paralyzed; they go to sleep.
- Arms feel shorter.
- Tetter on forearm. Leucorrhoea.
- Veins of hands distended.
- Gnawing beneath finger nails, with crawling along arm, as far as clavicle.
- Stitches in wrist while working.
Lower limbs
- Tearing in thighs and legs, when sitting and lying, especially at night.
- Long continued tension in thighs and legs, almost like a cramp, extending downward.
- Legs feel numb and stiff, especially at night.
- Nates go to sleep when sitting.
- Great heaviness in lower limbs, can scarcely drag them; when walking he staggers, and
must sit down; evenings.
- Burning and smarting itching on thighs, amel from scratching.
- Frequent cramps in calves.
- Tearing in knees and patellae, or from knee to toes.
- Trembling of knees.
- Numbness of heel when stepping.
- Soles of feet too sore to step on.
- Pain in sole of foot, on stepping, as though it were too soft and swollen. Tabes dorsalis.
- Itching and redness of toes, agg after scratching.
- Stitches in corns and toes.
- Great weariness of legs when sitting.
- Heaviness in feet with great lassitude of legs.
- Cold feet, followed by burning under toes.
- Smarting stitches in corns.
- Pain as from fatigue, in articulation of foot when sitting.
Limbs in general
- Arms and legs feel heavy.
- Frequent stretching of limbs when sitting.
- Trembling of limbs.
- Jerking and twitching of limbs.
- Pains in limbs as if bones were squeezed narrower, with pressure in joints.
- Drawing in extremities.
- Position. Motion. Resting head relieves headache.
- Raising head : increases vertigo, nausea and vomiting; met. Spinal disease.
- During rest : pain in small of back.
- Aversion to motion.
- Complaints from carrying on back; or bodily exertion.
- Pain in chest from lifting or carrying things.
- Stitches in hypochondria, worse from motion.
- Moderate exercise (in open air) relieves.
- Walking about or moving feet relieves uneasiness.
- Headache, amel lying, agg walking in open air.
- When attempting to walk, great weakness and uncertainty in lower limbs, has to be led;
met. Spinal disease.
- When walking :
- abdomen hangs heavily; discharge of dark blood from rectum; fluor albus more profuse.
- Talking or a short walk fatigues very much; causes numbness of limbs, flushes of heat.
- Lying down : amel headache; agg lassitude, yet there is desire to lie down.
- Going down-stairs : stitches in chest.
- Worse from dancing : renal pains.
- Worse ascending : frontal headache.
- Stepping : agg frontal headache; numbness of heel; pain in sole of foot.
- Straining, lifting, etc., cause soreness in chest and abdomen.
- Reaching high : strains abdominal muscles.
- Sitting : weariness of legs; pain in foot joint; stretching limbs.
- Sitting bent : pain in abdomen agg; oppressed respiration; constriction in chest.
- Stooping : vertigo; pain in vertex; constriction of chest; pain in scrobiculum, liver,
hypochondria and abdomen; stitch from abdomen to chest.
- Short-breathed lying on back, not on side.
- Better lying on left side; agg lying on right.
- Worse from standing and sitting : pain and heat in forehead.
- Want of bodily irritability.
- Great exhaustion of strength, especially after walking in open air; accompanied by
yawning, stretching, drowsiness and inclination to lie down; lying, however, increases
- Much fatigued by talking.
- Faint and tired, must sit down.
- Involuntary movements of single parts.
- Spasms, with attacks of laughing and weeping.
- Paralysis from spinal disease; cannot walk with eyes closed.
- Rheumatic and traumatic paralysis, in gouty patients.
- One-sided paralysis, especially of extensors.
- || Hysteria. Prolapsus uteri.
- Excited condition of mind and body; acute smell, red face, tingling tongue, constriction in
internal parts, involuntary jerks, all alternating with dulness of sight, loss of smell, pale face,
lassitude and drowsiness.
- || Tremor. Leucorrhoea and prolapsus.
- Tremulousness, when he touches anything, he feels electrified.
- Suddenly jerks head backward; involuntary motions; laughing and crying.
- Slow tottering gait, as after severe illness.
- Drowsiness by day.
- Lies awake from crowding of ideas or fancies, or from heaviness in arms.
- Sleepiness, with inclination to lie down.
- || Unrefreshing night sleep; a mere slumbering, with feeling in morning as if he had not
slept enough. Cephalalgia.
- Restless sleep; turns frequently; feels too warm; lies uncovered in unrefreshing slumber,
- with many dreams and frequent awaking; starts in affright; muttering or crying.
- Restless sleep, always awaking with palpitation of heart.
- Dreams, anxious; of boat foundering; ghosts; thieves; confused.
- During sleep : lies on side; bites his tongue.
- Frequent urination in night.
- During sleep cervical muscles drew head backward; met. Spinal disease.
- Worse on awaking : mind; weak and faint, until he eats; wakes unrefreshed; heat in face;
huskiness; dryness in throat, tenacious mucus; rawness in larynx; palpitation.
- Time passes too slowly.
- Remission from evening until morning.
- Worse evening and night : throat complaints.
- Towards morning : hoarseness.
- Before breakfast : vertigo, faint nausea, relieved after eating.
- Morning : mental depression; transient vertigo; pain in head and neck amel; burning in
eyes; dry mucus in eyes; cough and sputa; pressure on chest; colic.
- Worse morning and evening : burning of eyes; mucus in throat.
- Worse all day : mucous leucorrhoea; drowsiness.
- Worse alternate days : constipation; chronic diarrhoea; prolapsus uteri; chlorosis.
- Worse afternoon : hoarseness.
- Worse evening : apprehension; tetter on scalp; dim sight, dryness, pressure and burning in
eyes; spasmodic closure of eyelids; one ear red and hot; tearing and stitches in ear; ozaena;
toothache; pains in throat; eructations; hemorrhoids; weakness in bladder; hoarseness;
languor; heaviness in lower limbs; heat.
- On going to bed : pains in head and neck.
- From 4 P.M. till going to bed she feels well. Melancholy.
- At night : headache agg; spasmodic closure of lids; pains in throat agg; frequent urination;
pain in chest agg.
- New and full moon : tetter on scalp; heat.
- Chill : with great thirst; with nausea.
- Internal chill and shivering, with desire for warmth of stove, with stretching and bending of
limbs, agg after warm drink; often with heat of face.
- Chill during day, heat at night.
- Frequent repetition of chills in evening.
- Heat at night, with anxiety and sweat.
- Heat in evening, commencing in and spreading from face, sometimes of only right side.
- Chill appeared after eating soup at dinner. Intermittent.
- Slight chill in evening; met. Spinal disease.
- Sweat at night, towards morning most profuse in face, frequently only on right side of face;
less when walking out of doors.
- Entire inability to sweat.
Attacks, periodicity
- At intervals sudden, sharp pains, like a stab.
- || Worse at new and full moon. Skin symptoms.
- || Worse in winter. Skin symptoms.
- Worse on alternate days. Chronic diarrhoea. Chlorosis. Prolapsus uteri.
- Cloudiness and drunken feeling; as if contents of head were in a vise; pressure on forehead
as from a tight hat; as if hair was pulled; pressure as from a grain of sand in canthus; as if
something lay before ear; as if white of egg had dried on face; teeth feel long and sore; as
from a plug or lump in throat; as if food could not pass to stomach; as of a splinter in throat;
pharynx feels narrower on waking, as if contracted and lame; abdomen seems to hang down
heavily; rectum as if paralyzed; renal pains as from riding over a rough road; as if a few
drops remained in urethra; as if everything would fall out of abdomen : like tick of a watch in
left side of vagina; as of tightly adhering phlegm in larynx; as of loose skin hanging in throat;
as if beaten in small of back; as if a hot iron was thrust through lower vertebrae; like a stab in
lower part of back; sudden jerk or concussion in shoulder; arms feel shorter; as from fatigue
in articulation of foot; as if bones were squeezed narrower; feels electrified when touching
- Pain : in vertex; in head and nape of neck; in root of nose; in throat; in epigastrium and
hypochondria; in l. testicle; in back; in small of back; in sacrum; in arms; in sole of foot.
- Burning : in forehead; in eyes; of lids; at anus; in varices; in urethra; pimples on labia; on
arms and fingers; on elbow; on thighs; under toes.
- Tearing : in malar bone; from liver to hip; in thighs and legs; in knees and patellae; from
knees to toes.
- Lancinating : in malar bone; in hemorrhoids; in finger tips.
- Lacerating : in head.
- Gnawing pain : in back; beneath finger nails.
- Cutting : in anus.
- Stitches : in brain; in eyes; in ears; in throat; in pit of stomach; in liver; in both
hypochondria; in region of abdominal ring; in left side of vulva; in vagina; in middle of back.
- Shooting stitches : in chest, right to left; from left hypochonder to cardiac region; in wrist;
in corns and toes.
- Smarting stitches : in corns.
- Shooting : in vertex; in region of spleen; from left hypochondrium to cardiac region.
- Stinging : on swallowing; in varices.
- Drawing : in right side of occiput; in jaws and cheeks; toothache, extending to other parts;
from stomach to chest and throat; in extremities.
- Painful throbbing : in left side of vagina.
- Spasmodic pains : in hypochondria and stomach.
- Pressive pain : in forehead; as if a portion of oesophagus was contracted in middle of chest.
- Tensive pain : in articulation of jaw.
- Bruised pains : of liver.
- Soreness : of scalp; in mouth; in throat, or right inguinal glands; in chest; of soles of feet.
- Smarting : in urethra.
- Rawness : in throat; in larynx.
- Excoriated feeling : in rectum.
- Urging : in rectum.
- Pressure : in forehead; over eyes; in eyes; in throat; in both groins; in perineum; in joints.
- Constriction : from pharynx to stomach; in stomach; in oesophagus; of rectum; of chest.
- Contractions : in both hypochonders.
- Cramps : in calves.
- Tightness : in right side of occiput; in chest; in arm.
- Tension : of skin of face; in jaws; in region of abdominal ring; in thighs and legs.
- Stupefying tightness : in right temple.
- Beating : in right side of occiput.
- Throbbing : in small of back.
- Pulsations : in vertex; over right temple; in temporal arteries increased; in anus; in vagina.
- Roughness : in throat.
- Sprained feeling : in shoulder joint.
- Swollen feeling : in sides of throat; in sole of foot.
- Weakness : of sphincter ani; in bladder and genitals; in penis; of female sexual parts; of
- Heaviness : of head; in abdomen; of arms; in lower limbs; in arms and legs.
- Oppressive pain : in chest; in feet.
- Weight : on top of head.
- Paralyzed feeling : of arms.
- Numbness : of head; of scalp; in legs; of heel.
- Tingling : in tongue.
- Itching : of scalp; at inner canthus; of canthi; of various parts of face; on tongue; at anus; of
piles; of glans penis; of pimples on labia; in vagina; in mammae; in nape of neck; of thighs;
on thighs; of throat; of toes; of whole body.
- Crawling : along arm as far as clavicle.
- Creeping titillation : of scalp.
- Tickling : on genitals and thighs; in larynx.
- Heat : in head.
- Coldness : in eyes; of feet.
- Stiffness : in legs.
- Dryness : of hair; in eyes; of lids; in mouth; of throat; in throat.
- Veins distended.
- Mucous membranes very dry or secreting scantily.
- Emaciation.
- Chlorosis.
- Scrofula.
- Similar to : Bar. carb. (hypochondriasis of aged; constipation); Bryon. (peevish, irritable;
gastric and abdominal symptoms; constipation; throbbing headache; dry cough with
vomiting; stitches in chest; dryness of mucous surfaces; fever, etc.); Calc. ostr.; Chamom.
(useful as an intermediate remedy); Conium (old people; loss of power of internal recti of
eyes); Ferrum (chlorosis; relaxed abdomen; disgust for meat, etc.); Ferr. jod. (profuse,
transparent leucorrhoea); Graphit. (chlorosis; skin rough, chapped, itching; nails; blepharitis,
etc.); Ipec.; Laches. (sad on waking; climaxis); Pulsat. (tearful, peevish; head, etc., better in
open air; ozaena; taste lost; averse to meat; chlorosis; scanty menses; complaints at puberty;
lack of animal heat; soles of feet sore, agg walking; toes red, itching, etc.); Plumbum (colic;
constipation, etc.); Ruta (loss of power of internal recti of eyes); Sepia (irritable, tearful;
ozaena; scanty menses; puberty; prolapsus uteri; inactive rectum; weakness in urinary organs,
etc.); Silic.; Sulphur; Zincum (inner canthus; granular lids).
- Compare with the following in clergyman's sore throat : Arg. nitr., Kali bich., Lycop., etc.
- Alumin. follows : Bryon., Laches., Sulphur; and is followed by : Bryon.
- Alumin. and Bryon. are complementary.
- Antidotes to Alumin. : Bryon., Camphor, Chamom., Ipec.
- Alumin. antidotes : lead-poisoning, as in painter's colic; ailments from lead.
(Cloruro de Aluminio)
* 3- Efectos crnicos por penas (sigue a Ignatia). Tristeza de maana al despertar y de tarde.
Cansado de la vida. Ideas suicidas. Se lamenta constantemente de sus desgracias imaginarias.
** 9- Peor: de maana, tarde y noche; por fro, por aire fro, por enfriarse, se resfra fcilmente;
despus de comer; por esfuerzos fsicos; por bebidas y comidas fras; por leche, papas y
alimentos calientes; por sacudidas y al taconear; por respirar; acostado, peor de espaldas; antes,
durante y despus de la menstruacin; por el movimiento (hay aversin al movimiento y al
esfuerzo); despus de dormir; caminando al aire libre; parado. Mejor: al aire libre (hay un gran
deseo); por respirar (cefaleas); por el movimiento (dolores de espalda); por la presin.
** 10- Anemia. Adelgazamiento. Falta de calor vital. Gran debilidad: a la maana al despertar; por
esfuerzos; por diarrea; caminando; durante la menstruacin; debilidad paraltica. Gran
agotamiento. Sensacin de extrema laxitud; desea estar acostado.
* 11- Convulsiones: con tendencia a caer; con gran rigidez. Siente como shocks elctricos.
Temblores y sacudidas. Desmayos frecuentes.
* 14- Congestin, orgasmos sanguneos. Fuertes pulsaciones internas. Pulso rpido, dbil, irregular.
Vasos sanguneos distendidos.
** 17- Sensaciones en la cabeza: fro o calor, constriccin; vaco, pesadez; oleadas de calor;
adormecimiento. Cae el cabello; prurito. Cefaleas; ascendiendo; despus de comer; antes o
durante la menstruacin; por bebidas alcohlicas; al agacharse o caminar; en un cuarto
caluroso; mejor al aire libre, acostado o por la presin; peridicas o da por medio. Cefalea
occipital despus de dormir en los costados de la cabeza.
* 18- Se le pegan los prpados. Comisuras agrietadas. Secrecin purulenta. Ojos secos, pican.
Lagrimeo al aire libre. Prpados superiores pesados, como paralizados. Dolor en los ojos por
leer; ardor al anochecer, sensacin de cuerpo extrao o arena en los ojos. Fotofobia. Ojos rojos.
Prpados hinchados; con sacudidas. Orzuelos. Visin turbia; halo de colores alrededor de la
luz. Atrofia de los nervios pticos.
* 19- Secrecin purulenta de los odos. Orejas calientes y rojas, prurito. Ruidos en los odos; con
vrtigo; zumbidos, timbres, silbidos, rugidos. Otalgias al sonarse o tragar; dolores
desgarrantes. Odos tapados.
* 20- Secrecin nasal: sanguinolenta, costrosa, excoriante, verdosa, amarillenta, espesa. Catarro
nasal obstinado. Sequedad dolorosa en la nariz. Epistaxis al sonarse. La nariz es roja y pica.
Obstruccin de un solo lado. Dolor y ardor en la raz de la nariz, peor al tocar. Anosmia.
21- Labios secos, agrietados. Cara plida, azulada o roja; alterna con palidez. Prurito y calor en la
cara; erupciones; eczema. Dolor en la cara peor por el movimiento, por masticar y al aire libre.
Sensacin de clara de huevo seca en la cara.
22- Encas hinchadas, doloridas y que sangran fcilmente. Boca seca. Aliento ftido. Gusto
amargo, metlico, dulzn, salado; o ausente. Ulceras ardientes en la boca. Odontalgias al aire
libre y por toser.
* 24- Apetito aumentado, an despus de comer; o ausente. Distensin gstrica, plenitud y pesadez
despus de comer. Vaco o languidez que no mejora comiendo. Eructos cidos; ardores
gstricos. Hipo. Nuseas despus de comer y durante las cefaleas. Gastralgias cortantes o como
calambres despus de comer, mejor por bebidas calientes. Sed extrema; sin sed durante la
fiebre. Vmitos: al toser o por beber agua; biliosos o de sangre.
* 26- Constipacin sin deseos o con esfuerzos ineficaces; con constriccin anal. Diarrea despus de
comer y durante la menstruacin. Absceso y fstula anal. Hormigueo, prurito y humedad
anales. Flatos ftidos. Hemorroides que sangran y salen al caminar. Ardor, dolorimiento o
dolor cortante anal al defecar. Heces negras, sanguinolentas, verdes, duras, nudosas, grandes,
largas y estrechas, acuosas.
** 27- Urgencia ineficaz para orinar de noche; retencin; parlisis vesical. Disuria; chorro dbil.
Micciones: frecuentes de noche; involuntarias al toser; debe esperar un rato hasta empezar a
orinar, o debe hacer fuerza. Sensacin de insatisfaccin despus de orinar. Dolor renal; nefritis.
Prstata grande; sale lquido prosttico al defecar. Blenorragia crnica con secrecin amarilla.
Arde y corta la uretra al orinar. Orina: acre; albuminosa, plida, copiosa; con una cutcula en la
superficie; con sedimento rojo o blanco.
* 29- Aversin al coito en la mujer; no hay orgasmo. Flujo excoriante, sanguinolento, ardiente,
amarillento, acuoso; antes y despus de la menstruacin. Menstruaciones irregulares, escasas,
cortas, plidas. Ulceras de cuello. Prolapso uterino.
* 30- Laringe seca, dolorida, como en carne viva; prurito. Ronquera al anochecer; voz spera,
hueca; afona. Disnea de noche; asma. Apnea al toser. Deseos de respirar hondo. Tos de
maana; en el aire fro; seca al anochecer y floja de maana; por irritacin laringotraqueal; por
hablar; paroxstica, violenta. Expectoracin: de maana; sanguinolenta y copiosa; ptrida,
salada o dulzona, blanca o amarillenta. Calor en el pecho. Opresin, debilidad. Bronquitis.
Prurito en los senos. Dolor en el trax: de noche, al toser, al inspirar y despus de comer.
* 32- Fro y prurito en la espalda. Mielitis. Dolores de espalda, peor por caminar o al levantarse de
una silla, mejor por el movimiento; cervicales al mover la cabeza; entre los omplatos;
lumbares, sacros, en el coxis al tocarlo. Dolores como golpeado en la columna. Espalda rgida.
Sensacin de debilidad en la regin lumbar.
** 33- Marcha vacilante. Sabaones. Fro en manos, piernas y pies. Los callos duelen. Manos y
dedos agrietados. Calambres en las pantorrillas. Hormigueos en los miembros superiores y
pies. Manos calientes. Pesadez en los miembros. Ua encarnada. Prurito. especialmente en los
miembros inferiores. Se duermen las extremidades. Dolores: de noche, articulares; en los
miembros superiores cuando cuelgan. Dolores desgarrantes en los miembros inferiores, sobre
todo en los muslos y rodillas. Debilidad en los miembros inferiores; muslos y rodillas.
Parlisis en las extremidades, sobre todo inferiores; con rigidez; parlisis de un solo lado.
Temblores, ms en manos y rodillas.
* 34- Suea: con la muerte; que cae; con ladrones. Se duerme tarde, insomnio antes de
medianoche. Sueo inquieto; se despierta con frecuencia. El sueo no es reparador.
* 35- Escalofros: al anochecer en cama, y de noche; despus de comer; fro de un solo lado; no
mejora en una habitacin calurosa. Fiebre que alterna con escalofros. Oleadas de calor que
suben. Sudores por el menor esfuerzo y por la menor ansiedad.
36- Anestesia. Piel: seca, ardiente o fra; amarilla; manchas rojas. Eczema. Herpes. Erupciones
que pican en un cuarto caluroso. Urticaria; salen ndulos despus del rascado. Vesculas.
Hormigueo. Prurito: de noche en cama, peor por el calor de la cama o por el rascado, con
humedad despus. Ulceras indolentes. Las heridas tardan en curar.
ALUMEN (Vijnovsky)
(Alumbre de potasio)
Peor pensando en su enfermedad (palpitaciones). Est ansioso porque duda del medicamento.
*** 4- Gran tendencia a induraciones tisurales (lengua, tero, recto, ganglios, glndulas,
etc.). Cncer, especialmente escirros (recto, tero, senos, lengua, etc.).
** 6- Tendencia a hemorragias.
* 9- Peor por fro (excepto cabeza), es muy friolento; muy sensible a los cambios de tiempo.
* 11- Vrtigo acostado de espaldas o mirando hacia abajo, con debilidad en el epigastrio,
mejor al abrir los ojos y dndose vuelta hacia el lado derecho. Cefalea ardiente, presiva,
en vrtex, a la maana al despertar o a las 4 a.m., mejor por la presin de la mano
(Cactus), por fro local o por beber agua fra. Alopecia.
* 12- Estrabismo convergente del odo derecho. Prolapso del iris despus de la operacin de
cataratas. Estafiloma de crnea. diplopa por luz artificial. Conjuntivitis purulenta en
nios. Varicosidades de la conjuntiva. Tracoma.
15- Encas hinchadas, inflamadas, esponjosas; dientes flojos. Hemorragia copiosa despus de
una extraccin dentaria (Phosph., Arnica, Lachesis). Ulceraciones en la boca; noma.
Ptialismo. Escirro de lengua.
*** 16- Tendencia a las anginas cada vez que toma fro; con hipertrofia e induracin de
amgdalas. Flemones y ulceraciones de la garganta; con dolores, ardores, sequedad y
constriccin. vula alargada. Varicosidades en la faringe. Dificultad para tragar slidos y
an lquidos por parlisis o espasmo del esfago.
* 17- Vomita grandes cantidades de mucosidades y a menudo todo lo que come. Gastralgias,
mejor por presin. Hematemesis en bebedores. Sensacin de vaco o languidez, mejor
* 18- Las paredes del vientre estn duras y retradas; clico saturnino (lo hace desaparecer y
permite trabajar con plomo).
*** 19- Constipacin de las ms graves, no tiene deseos durante muchos das; no hay
capacidad o fuerza para mover o hay deseos violentos e ineficaces y, cuando lo consigue,
las heces son duras como piedras, como bolitas negras (Opium, Plumbum), y an
despus de salir, siente el recto lleno. Elimina masas de grandes cogulos (en la tifoidea).
Dolores intolerables en el recto despus de defecar, con escirro. Hemorroides que
sangran y duelen. Prurito anal. Diarrea agotadora.
* 20- Pelcula iridiscente sobre la orina. Enuresis. Debe orinar cada 1 o 2 horas da y noche.
Orina con coagulitos de sangre. Diabetes.
21- Gonorrea crnica, amarillenta, con induraciones uretrales.
* 22- Tendencia a la induracin de cuello de tero y senos, escirros; cncer de seno. Flujo
amarillento copioso y crnico. Vaginismo. Gonorrea crnica. Afecciones del ovario
izquierdo. Pezones inflamados.
* 23- Afona completa. Tos matinal crnica en viejos, con expectoracin herrumbrosa.
Hemoptisis. Tuberculosis. Asma. Palpitaciones, mejor acostado sobre el lado derecho;
ataques bruscos de latidos cardacos fuertes.
26- Ulceraciones con base indurada; despus de quemaduras. Epitelioma. Piel spera.
Este medicamento, como Alumina, parece producir una clase de debilidad paraltica de los
msculos en todas partes del cuerpo, una especie de falta de tono. Las extremidades
estn dbiles. Esta debilidad se siente especialmente en el recto y en la vejiga. Las
evacuaciones se apretan por la falta de capacidad del recto y del colon para expulsar sus
contenidos. La vejiga est tambin lenta en su accin y es evacuada con gran dificultad.
Despus de la miccin la vejiga permanece a menudo medio llena. La orina tarda en
salir, y cuando el paciente est de pie para orinar el lquido cae perpendicularmente,
como en Hepar. Por esto vemos que hay una accin perezosa. El estado de parlisis se
propaga tambin a las venas produciendo una parlisis vasomotora.
Hay tambin en esta medicina una tendencia a la induracin del cuello del tero y de las
mamas. Las glndulas se inflaman lentamente, y no se detienen con una congestin y
endurecimiento ordinarios sino que se endurecen como balas. Esta induracin se
extiende a las dems glndulas del cuerpo, pero es especialmente notable en las
amgdalas. Por aquello que tiene una tendencia a los resfros que se asientan en la
garganta particularmente en las amgdalas indurndolas; en aquellos que se resfran a
menudo y cuyas tonsilas continan creciendo y endurecindose tenemos en Alumen un
medicamento apropiado para todo el proceso, el endurecimiento y la infiltracin, y ello
cura estos casos de acuerdo a la ley de los similares cuando los sntomas concuerdan.
Cura a los nios en crecimiento con enormes amgdalas agrandadas y endurecidas, en
los cuales todos los resfros se localizan en la garganta. Alumen es uno de los anlogos
de Baryta carb., que tiene la misma tendencia. En un paciente habr un tipo de
constitucin y despus de un examen completo parece Baryta carb., Ud. puede, despus
de un examen cuidadoso, ver que parece semejante a Alumen; en otro ver que es
Sulphur, en un otro encontrar que es Calcarea carb., y otro Calcarea iod., y as entre
esos remedios todo consiste en fijar la patogenesia exacta del remedio con la
fisiopatologa y constitucin del paciente y entonces no tendremos trastornos. Cuando
han sido bien tomados los sntomas podemos considerar el caso como curado, tan fcil
es encontrar un remedio.
"Vrtigo al estar de espaldas con debilidad en la boca del estmago, mejor al abrir los ojos,
mejor al volverse a la derecha". Sin embargo, hay otra caracterstica en este
medicamento ya que la palpitacin se produce por estar acostado sobre el lado derecho.
Una cosa muy singular que sorprender a cualquiera por que en general las palpitaciones
son peores al estar acostado del lado izquierdo. Un corazn con palpitaciones,
agrandado y desordenado se encuentra generalmente peor cuando est acostado sobre el
lado izquierdo por tener menos lugar, pero es extrao, nico y raro cuando estos
sntomas son peores al estar acostado sobre el lado derecho. Cuando se presente esta
dolencia en un paciente es necesario encontrar un medicamento que tenga exactamente
este sntoma y muy a menudo se ver que los sntomas restantes del caso se adaptan al
remedio que ha producido este estado peculiar.
Hay una caracterstica ms que Ud. debe agregar a estas cosas como pesadez y pereza de
los msculos de todo el cuerpo, una sensacin de debilidad en los brazos y piernas.
En la constipacin hay cierta necesidad en evacuar sin resultado o pueden pasar varios das
sin deseos. No hay capacidad para evacuar. Despus de mucho tiempo de esfuerzos sin
resultado hay una evacuacin de masas aglomeradas como bolitas juntas. Esta es una
caracterstica muy importante en la indicacin de Alumen. "Evacuacin: menos
frecuente, ms seca y ms dura; piezas grandes oscuras o pequeas como de oveja; sin
alivio posteriormente. Despus de evacuar hay una sensacin como si el recto estuviera
todava lleno. Esta caracterstica peculiar se presenta con la debilidad o paresis del
recto, vale decir que el recto no es suficientemente fuerte para expeler todo su
contenido y de aqu la sensacin de evacuacin no terminada. Hay ulceracin del recto
con lceras sangrantes. Las hemorroides estn ulceradas y son dolorosas, as que
despus de cada evacuacin se prolonga el sufrimiento en el recto.
"Vomitando cada cosa que come". Despus de esto Ud. puede colocar la palabra lcera,
porque se refiere especficamente a ese estado congestivo en que hay ulceracin fcil.
En la mujer notamos "peso del tero que presiona hacia abajo sobre el colon; granulaciones
en la vagina; copiosa leucorrea; tez amarillenta; induracin uterina e incluso escirro;
ulceracin del tero". Algunas veces Ud. obtiene la evidencia de este estado vaginal
cuando la mujer le dice que el coito le resulta tan doloroso que es imposible. No es
sorprendente que el acto natural no puede ser realizado cuando existe tanto trastorno.
"La voz est enteramente apagada". Prdida crnica de la voz debida a un bajo estado de la
economa y por tomar siempre aire fro. Expectoracin abundante de mucus amarillo;
carraspea continuamente para expulsar una pequea acumulacin de mucus amarillo.
"Tos seca a la noche despus de acostarse". "Tos crnica matinal". La tos no es una
cosa muy importante en este medicamento; es el estado general de la economa el que
debe contemplarse. La tos no interpretar la naturaleza de la enfermedad al mdico,
porque estas pequeas ulceraciones que se encuentran deben provocar alguna clase de
tos. Este paciente puede evolucionar hacia una tisis o ser afectado por alguna
enfermedad incurable.
El Alumen ha sido muy til en el tratamiento de gente anciana que sufre de copiosas
expectoraciones viscosas matinales, catarro del pecho, gran debilidad y hemoptisis
torcica, de tal manera que se hace difcil expeler el mucus. En esto es similar al
Antimonium tartaricum.
La pesadez en los dedos, como se observa en las cosas que se caen, el dolor en los
miembros inferiores por la noche, la laxitud y adormecimiento, son otras tantas
manifestaciones de los sntomas espinales. La sensacin de una cuerda alrededor de la
pierna por debajo de la rodilla; planta de los pies sensibles a la presin al caminar; pies
entumecidos y fros, no obstante estar cubiertos con abrigo; piernas fras hasta las
rodillas. Hay otras evidencias adicionales de la accin del medicamento en la mdula
espinal. Dolores ardientes en todos los miembros. Parlisis de todos los miembros con
ALUMEN (Clarke)
Alumbre de potasio. Potassic-Aluminic Sulphate. Potash Alum. K2 SO4 Al2 SO4 24H2O.
Trituracin de los cristales puros.
Clnica.- Alcohol, efectos de. Ano, afecciones de. Ataxia locomotriz. Bronquitis. Cncer.
Catarro. Clico. Clico del plomo. Constipacin. Diabetes. Diarrea. Dientes,
operaciones en. Disentera. Eczema. Escorbuto. Estrabismo. Esfago, estenosis de
Garganta, afecciones de. Gonorrea. Gonorrea crnica. Hemorragias. Leucorrea. Noma.
Ojo, afecciones de. Ojo, operaciones en. Parlisis. Piel spera. Plipos. Prurito.
Ronquera. Sabaones. Tifoidea, hemorragia en. Tos. Ulceras. Utero, afecciones de.
Uvula relajada. Vaginismo.
Relaciones.- Antdotado por: Cham. (clicos en abdomen); Nux v., Ipec. (nusea y
vmito); Antdota a: Intoxicacin por plomo; calomel y otros mercuriales; Aloe
(vmito de sangre). Similar a: Alumina, Aluminium; Alo. (recto); Caps. (vula grande);
Fer. (paredes abdominales relajadas, prolapso uterino); Kali bich (secreciones
filamentosas): Merc. (prolapso uterino, vagina, recto, tenesmo); Merc. cor., Mur. ac.,
Nit. ac., Nux v., Op., Plat. (Intoxicacin por, plomo); Plumb., Rhatan., Stan., Sul., Sul.
ac., Zinc (ojos).
Alumen (Boericke)
La aplicacin clnica de este remedio seala a sus sntomas intestinales, tanto en
estreimiento pertinaz como en hemorragia intestinal en el curso de una tifoidea -una fase
de la debilidad paraltica de los msculos de todas partes del cuerpo
La tendencia a la induracin tambin es marcada, favorece una formacin de tejidos ms
Endurecimiento de los tejidos de la lengua, recto, tero, etc.; lceras con base indurada
Corresponde a personas de edad avanzada, especialmente catarros bronquiales
Sensacin de sequedad y constriccin
Paresia mental; disfagia especialmente a los lquidos
Tendencia a la induracin, escirro de la lengua.
Dolor ardiente como un peso en el vrtice de la cabeza mejor por la presin de la mano
Vrtigo, con debilidad en la boca del estmago
Garganta relajada
Membrana mucosa roja e hinchada
Cosquilleo en la garganta
Tendencia a los resfriados de la garganta
Amgdalas hipertrficas e induradas
Dolor ardiente que baja al esfago
Afona completa
Cada resfriado se queda en la garganta
Constriccin del esfago.
Palpitaciones, por acostarse sobre el lado derecho.
Estreimiento del tipo ms grave
Sin deseo de defecar durante das
Deseo violento ineficaz de defecar
No puede expulsar las heces
Pasan masas como canicas, pero el recto an se siente lleno.
Prurito despus de defecar
Prurito en el ano
Dolores que se prolongan y punzadas en el recto despus de defecar; tambin hemorroides
Amarillas, como de un beb
Hemorragia intestinal.
Tendencia a la induracin del cuello uterino y glndulas mamarias [Carb. an., Con.]
Leucorrea amarilla crnica
Gonorrea crnica, amarilla , con pequeos ndulos a lo largo de la uretra
Placas aftosas en la vagina. [Caul.]
Menstruacin acuosa.
Hemoptisis, gran debilidad en el trax; dificultad para expulsar flemas
Expectoracin copiosa, filamentosa por la maana en ancianos
Ulceras con base indurada
Debe pensarse en l ante ganglios indurados, epitelioma, etc.; las venas se vuelven
varicosas y sangran
Ganglios inflamados y duros
Eczema escrotal y en el dorso del pene.
Debilidad de todos los msculos, especialmente brazos y piernas
Sensacin de constriccin alrededor de las extremidades.
Peor por fro excepto la cefalea, que se mejora por el fro.
Potencias de la primera hasta la trigsima
Las potencias ms altas han demostrado su eficacia
Polvo de alumbre, 10 granos, colocados en la lengua, se dice que detiene un ataque de
Alumen (Allen)
- Conscious of all that happens;conscious of the services in church, while the blood rushes
to the head that she hardly can hold it up or keep her eyes open, [a8].
- From 9 A. M. until noon very depressed and sad;could have wept all the time; felt very
much oppressed, anxious, and heavy, like a stone on the chest, with inclination to take a
long breath(third day), [a5].
- Great anxiety, and disbelief in the power of medicine to relieve him, [_a3].
- Feared to leave her seat in church, after feeling faint, [a8].
- They frighten him, ebullitions going upwards, [a4].
- Great fear in her dreams, [a5].
- * Scarcely endurable pains in rectum, [_a1], .
- Much excited, with the twitching, [a4].
- Excitability of feeling, as when one is agitated by unpleasant news, [a8].
- Great agitation, anxiety, and restlessness, t.
- Nervous restlessness and excitement, more like that caused by mental emotion than
bodily illness, [a8].
- Perceptive faculties were gone during the deathlike fainting spell, [a7].
- When thinking about his disease, he feels the heart beating, [_a3].
- After mental excitement, heart begins to beat violently, [_a3].
- More anxious at night than at other times, [_a3].
- Intellect and senses perfect, [a18].
- In the evening, when lying on the back, a sensation as if vertigo was coming on, with a
weakness in the pit of the stomach, which disappears when opening the eyes and turning on
the right side(one hour), [_a1].
- Vertigo when looking downwards, as if he should fall forwards, and at other times often
giddy, [a13].
- Great vertigo, nausea, and weakness, [a10].
- She staggers to a chair;overcome by sudden nausea, [a7].
- Vertigo, with headache, in the evening, ceases after lying down, [_a2].
- Blood rushes to the head with such rapidity and force that she cannot raise or open her
eyes, [a8].
- Blood at first driven to the head by the suddenness and severity of pain, leaving it
afterwards, [a8].
- Dull, heavy pain in the head, particularly in the back of it, [a8].
- At 8 A. M., severe jerking pain on the left side of the forehead(third day), [_a1].
- Pain in right of neck and forehead, [_a1].
- Temples shooting, [a9].
- In the afternoon until evening, stinging pain on the vertex, when stooping, [a5].
- Pressing on top of the head, [a9];vertex(third day), [_a1], b.
- Back of the head pains, [a8].
- Pain in the head, going from place to place, coming and going(forenoon), [a6].
- The pain in my head was worse than any other symptom(worse in the morning when
getting awake); at one time it was acute, shooting from one temple to the other;at another,
heavy, and pressing on the top of my head, as if a great weight were placed thereon, with
nausea;this continued all day without cessation, but the sickness of the stomach left me, and
returned at intervals only;it was accompanied by chilliness and feeling as if cold water were
poured down my back;at another time great heat throughout my body:in fact I felt exactly
like I did the time I was attacked with small-pox, [a9].
- About twenty-five minutes after taking the third dose, the same sensation of warmth; of
the chest, [a4].
- Wakes in the morning with pressing headache over the eyes, which lasts until 10 A. M.;
headache is relieved by drinking cold water;the following morning the same symptom (first
and second days);in the evening, at half-past nine, the same headache as in the morning,
with vertigo, lasts until bedtime;lessens after lying down to sleep, [_a2].
- Great pain in head, and nausea, when awaking at night, [a9].
- Headache, with sickness, [a9].
- Headache, lasting all afternoon, after attack at noon, [a10].
- Pain in head after cold feeling, [a17].
- Head and hands cold;blood seemed to be forsaking them, [a8].
- Headache relieved drinking cold water.
- Sight grew dim, with attack of pain in the stomach, [a8].
- When opening eyes vertigo disappears, [_a1].
- Looking down, vertigo, [a13].
- Pain over the left eye, [a6].
- Bruised feeling on the inferior edge of orbit of left eye on pressure, or by moving the
eyelids(after eight days for two days), [a12].
- Itching, burning on the border of the right lower eyelid, followed by milder itching,
- Burning, itching on the right lower eyelid, [_a1], b.
- Spongy excrescences of the lachrymal caruncle and of the eyelids(Lefevre).
- Hears everything in sleep;his bird's moving in the cage;what happens around her, [_a2].
- At midnight, heat in both ears and left side of the face, disappearing when going to bed,
[_a1], b.
- Great dryness in nose.
- In choanae dryness from throat, [a7].
- Animated expression of the face, with fever, [a18].
- Face, left side, heat at night, [_a1].
- Embonpoint from general bloating, with a sickly and sallow complexion, [a12], .
- Sickly, sallow complexion.
- Deathly pale, she supposed she was, [a8].
- Deathly pallor of the face, like a corpse, with cramp in stomach, [a10].
- Pain in the left articulation of the jaw close to the ear, [a6].
- When shaving, the chin bleeds from slight scratch, in the morning(second day), [_a1].
- Lower lip twitching, with pain in stomach, [_a1].
- Lip blue, [a10].
- Mouth very dry after five hours, but the thirst not increased, [a15].
- Dryness in the mouth and throat, [a18].
- Very severe pain in mouth;burning sensation and dryness of the mouth, [a18].
- In mouth burning pains, burning, [a18].
- Accumulation of saliva in the mouth, with feeling of dryness on the tongue; qualmishness
in the stomach, and accumulation of wind in the abdomen(third day), [_a1], b.
- Appetite was rather increased(Barthez).
- Undisturbed appetite after two hours;increased in two days, [a15].
- One drachm, dissolved in water, taken in small doses during the twenty-two hours,
increased the appetite and digestion moderately, increased the secretion of urine, confined
the bowels somewhat, but without injuring digestion, [a14].
- Increased appetite, [_a1], b.
- Unusually good appetite, and thirst(third week), [a8].
- Good appetite, with fulness of stomach, [a5].
- Increased appetite and thirst, after a sensation of contraction in the stomach, [a15].
- Appetite lessened, t.
- No appetite;she eats little(twenty-first day), [a8].
- Desire to drink, with dryness in the throat, [a7].
- Thirst intense, [a18].
- Thirst, and good appetite, [a8];thirst and appetite increased, [a15].
- Thirst, with heat in the stomach, relieved by drinking cold water, [a8].
- Thirst and appetite increased after contraction of stomach, [a15].
- Intense thirst, with fever, [a18].
- Before breakfast, attack of nausea;worse during breakfast, better after it, [_a1]; during
breakfast, cough worse, [_a1], ;after it, full in stomach, [a5].
- Eating something, with sinking in stomach, she feels better, [a8].
- While at dinner, erections, [_a1].
- After the meal, heaviness in the stomach, and a throbbing like in an abscess; distension of
the stomach and epigastrium, [a8].
- After eating, violent throbbing in the stomach, lasting twenty-five minutes, [a8].
Gastric symptoms
- Immediately after taking a dose, each time some eructations, [a15].
- Slight nausea immediately after taking the 12th, [a7].
- Nausea, [a18].
- Qualmish in stomach, [_a1];sickness at intervals, [a9];when awakening at night, prevents
falling asleep again, [a9];continues in the morning, preventing him from going to his work,
- Two hours after taking it in the morning, she was taken with nausea, faintness, and
weakness, lasting until the afternoon, [a8].
- Nausea and faintness in the morning, together with nervous restlessness and excitement,
which seemed more like that produced by agitation of the mind than by illness of the body.
The pain returned about the same time in the afternoon, and I have not been entirely free
from it since, [a8].
- Nausea in the morning, with such a weakness that she is unable to sit up(twenty-second
day), [a6, a8].
- Nausea and vertigo, [a10];and headache, [a9];and metallic taste, [a7];and faintness, [a8];
and chilliness, [a9].
- Loathing of food, [a8];with pain in stomach, [a8];nausea with it, [a18];sickness, [a10, a8].
- Nausea, with retching, as if everything would come up the throat, [a7].
- Inclination to vomit, fifteen minutes, but no vomiting(after two and a half drachms);
vomiting easy and not preceded by much nausea;same time with constipation after(three
- Nausea and vomiting, [a16];with fever, t.
- She spits up a lump of coagulated blood in the morning after rising(second day), [_a2].
- Vomiting and disturbed digestion after large doses(Sundelin).
- Immediately acute pain in the stomach and gullet, burning in the mouth, and nausea;
symptoms of a severe attack of inflammation in stomach and bowels ensued; for several
days not out of danger. After a single dose of a solution of ten to twenty grains, [a18].
- Pain in stomach, nausea, vomiting, colic, more frequent discharges from the bowels,
- Pain and nausea in the stomach, and pain and rushing of blood to the head, with
drowsiness, which lasted several hours, [a9].
- Next morning I rose at 5 o'clock, and soon after, I think in less than an hour, was
suddenly attacked with severe pain and nausea, together with a convulsive bearing in the
stomach, resembling the deathly sickness of pregnancy, but without vomiting;this was also
attended by faintness and flashing to the head, which made assistance necessary to remove
me to a chamber. I think the symptoms lasted a full hour, and were succeeded by partial loss
of voice, soreness of throat, and occasional throbbing of the heart, [a7].
- Nausea and faintness, accompanied with a sick, griping pain in the stomach, and loathing
food, [a8].
- The next day at noon, just as she returned from school, she was seized instantaneously
with the most acute pain in the stomach; her mother saw her looking perfectly well, and in
less than five minutes, found her sitting drawn together with her knees against her breast,
and a face like a corpse; deathly pallor;lips blue. She said, "Oh, mother, I feel so strangely, I
think I have the cramp".Cham. relieved, but there remained great vertigo and nausea;she
complained of being very cold, but did not shudder;great weakness, as after long illness,
with headache lasting all afternoon, [a17].
- About 3 1/2 and 4 o'clock, P.M. , sitting in church, she was seized with a sharp, steady
pain in the stomach, accompanied by the most deathlike faintness she ever recollected to
have felt, with extreme sickness and immediate loss of strength. A cold sweat covered
her;she thinks she must have been deathly pale, for she felt as though the blood(which had a
first been driven to the head by the suddenness and severity of the pain), were leaving it and
the extremities altogether; they were quite cold;her sight grew dim, and she became so faint
that she expected every moment to fall from her seat.
- The pain in the stomach felt as though it would draw her double. Having no friend near
her she feared to make the attempt to leave the pew, lest she should not have strength to
reach the door unaided, much less her home. The attack lasted, she thinks, about half an
hour, after which the violence of the pain gradually abated, the faintness passed off, the
chilliness gave place to heat, and the blood rushed to her head with such a force, that she
could hardly hold it up, or keep her eyes open, though quite conscious of the services going
on about her. After services she was able to walk slowly home, though very weak, feeling
very much as if she had been ill for a month. She felt the weakness especially in her back,
although she had no pain there, but during the rest of the evening, whenever drawing a long
breath, it appeared to come from a spot on each side of the spine, about the middle of the
back, on a line with the inferior angles of the scapulae(fifth day).The effects passed off with
a night's rest, and she had no further return of the symptoms(nor has she had such an attack
since, two years after), [a8].
- At 3 P.M. , while sitting, a sudden jerking pain from the stomach up into the swallow, at
the same time a twitching of the lower lip, and weak feeling in the pit of the stomach; he
has to rise and walk about when all the symptoms vanish, [_a1], b.
- At 8 P.M. , when walking in the open air, a severe pain to the left of the scrobiculum,
somewhat relieved by standing still and pressing on it, disappearing when bending double;
when continuing his walk, the pain returns, but a little lower than in the first place, and
becomes more perceptible with every step, [_a1], b.
- Pressing pain in the pit of the stomach, followed by throbbing sensation, when lying on
the back in the evening(first day)(second day), [_a1].
- In the forenoon, at 11 o'clock, a sinking sensation at the stomach;after eating something
she felt stronger, but had for fifteen minutes a violent throbbing, fifteen minutes after which
it got better(twenty-second day), [a8].
- Every morning, as often before, some cough, [a8].
- Fainty weakness in the pit of the stomach, as she had it during pregnancy, [a7].
- Weakness in pit of stomach, with vertigo in the evening, , while lying on his back, [_a1];
when sitting, has to rise, [_a1].
- Feeling of uneasiness in the pit of the stomach, with rapid;short breathing, [_a1], b.
- Unpleasant feeling in the stomach, t.
- Sense of contraction in the stomach, lasting for fifteen minutes, followed by acute aching
in the stomach; half drachms in an ounce of water(Barthez).
- Pressing or contractive pains in the stomach(T.W. ).
- Feeling of a strong contraction of the stomach;soon after, increased appetite and thirst,
more active digestion, [a15].
- After breakfast, fourth day, feels very full in the stomach, and yet good appetite; she
thinks it she could vomit she would feel better, but has no nausea, [a5].
- A sensation of a fulness in the pit of the stomach urges him to take a deep breath, but he
cannot, [a2c], Jen., [a13].
- Heaviness in the stomach, [a8].
- Distension of stomach, [a16];epigastrium, [a8].
- From pit of stomach warm creeps run down, [_a1].
- Nausea in the morning, and so weak that she could not sit up;she felt a heat in the
stomach, with great thirst, relieved by drinking cold water(twenty-second day), [a8].
- Stomach, burning pains, burning, [a18].
- Heat and burning in the pit of stomach, and a feeling of fulness there, [a2c], Jen., [a13].
- Tenderness to the touch, and with burning in the pit of stomach, [a12].
- Burning heat and tearing pains in the stomach, [a16].
- A distension of the stomach and of the scrobiculum, after eating(several weeks), [a6, a8].
- Throbbing as in an abscess, and heaviness in stomach;throbbing sensation in pit of
stomach while lying on his back(evening in bed), [a8].
- Habitual hemorrhages from the stomach, such as are sometimes observed in hard
drinkers; repeated doses of the first decimal trituration are highly serviceable, [a16], .
- Much gas in the stomach, at once, [a15].
- A throbbing in the epigastrium, extending to the heart, with violent palpitation, [a8].
- Distension of epigastric region, [a8];and pain, [a18].
- A stitching pain runs straight down the median line of the abdomen into the penis, as
though it followed a thread, [a7].
- Warm creeps running from the pit of the stomach down over the abdomen, followed by
jerking contractions of the abdominal muscles, from sides towards the linea alba (fifteen
minutes after), [a30, _a1].
- Relaxed feeling in the abdomen(third day), [a12, _a1], b.
- Weakness, [_a1].
- Accumulation of wind in the abdomen, [_a1].
- Distension of the bowels, [a18].
- Taken internally in large doses, Alum excites nausea, vomiting, griping, purging, and
even an inflammatory condition of the intestinal canal;effects which may perhaps be
induced by small quantities, in persons endowed with unusual or morbid sensibility of the
stomach and bowels(Pereira).
- Burning pain in the small intestines, [a18].
- Fearful burning in the lower part of abdomen and small of back;can scarcely get up; she
feels as though her back would break(third day), [_a1].
- Colic, with pain in stomach, [a18].
- Without producing either nausea, pain or constipation, it relieved colic pains, [a16], .
- Pain in the belly when walking, with fulness and heaviness, [_a1], .
- In the evening, jerking contraction of the large abdominal muscles, from both sides below
towards the linea alba(fifteen minutes after taking), [a30, _a2].
- Usual fluid discharges cease;and, notwithstanding his various meals, no second stool, as
usual, but a sparing, scanty, consistent opening(the second day), [a15].
- Stools become more difficult for two or three days(after some drachms, which partly had
been vomited up), [a18].
- Costiveness, [a18].
- In small doses it always causes a rarer, dryer, and harder stool;in somewhat stronger
doses irritation, more exudation and copious stools(Vogt).
- The bowels confined, [a18].
- In the afternoon, difficult passage of a hard stool, with some blood(the first day), [_a1].
- In the afternoon, hard stool, expelled with difficulty, and some blood; followed by beating
in the anus(second day), [_a1].
- First hard, then soft stools and pain following, [a13], .
- Relieved constipation entirely;the stools since, of natural consistence and frequency,
[_a3], .
- Costiveness of long standing;30 cent., [_a1], .
- Stools dry, seldom, [a15].
- Copious, solid stools, [a18].
- In large doses it acts as a purgative, t.
- More frequent discharges, [a18].
- Had had several days three or four diarrhoea discharges, and while damp weather favored
this state, after taking Alum in solution, no stools appeared;the next day only one scanty,
consistent evacuation;the following day, in the morning, a copious, mushy stool. After
omitting the Alum, soon a light looseness returned four or five times a day, [a15].
- Diarrhoea, with frequent strong tenesmus, slimy discharges;and while they pass very
violent pains in the rectum, going down into the thighs. A tuberculous patient, [_a1].
- Diarrhoea, stools yellow like those of an infant(three on eleventh day), [a12].
- Diarrhoea appearing during the typhus abdominalis, consuming the strength of the
patient, is quickest relieved by it(Maly. in Hygeia, 16, 335), .
- Diarrhoea in tuberculous patients, [a13], .
- Blood with stool, [_a1].
- Great masses of coagulated black blood pass from the anus in the third week of typhus,
with signs of the greatest exhaustion. A girl of 18 years, 3d cent. in water, [a13], .
- Diarrhoea, with frequent violent urging, slimy stools with severe pains in the rectum
during stool, going down into the thighs, [_a1].
- Fetid, bloody ichor from the rectum, .
- Putrid dysentery(Jahr.), .
- During stool, pains in rectum, [_a1].
- During stool strong dyspnoea, .
- After stool, smarting and burning at rectum, 8;pains in anus and rectum, [_a1], ; in
rectum, ;violent, , (for three or four hours).
- After a stool, beating in anus, [_a1].
- After a hard stool, haemorrhoidal tumors, [a18].
- Increased secretion of urine, [a15].
- Frequent urination, [_a1], b.
- The urine becomes remarkably acid from the use of it(Kraus).
- In the morning a bluish, iridizing film on the urine passed the evening before, [_a1], b.
- Brown, muddy urine, over which is formed a thin, variegated cuticle, like that which is
formed over stagnant water that contains iron(after six days), [a7].
- The urine looks as though cheesy milk had been stirred into it, [_a1], b.
- White, cloudy urine(after ten hours), [a30].
- Orifice of urethra itching, [_a1].
Male genitals
- While at dinner(2 o'clock), erections;something quite unusual(third day), [_a1], b.
- In the night an emission of very thick semen;felt unusually well and strong next morning,
[_a1], b.
- A cutting pain in the left side of the penis, [_a1].
- Shooting pain from the middle line of the belly, as along a thread down into the penis
(third day), [a12, _a1].
- Itching on the scrotum and at the orifice of the urethra, in the evening(second day), [_a1].
Female genitals
- In the highest degrees of weakness of uterus, its good influence is only
- Higher potencies relieved permanently if indicated by the symptoms, [a13], .
- Causes induration and scirrhus uteri, if continually used for copious menstruation and
- Catamenia very scanty and more watery than usual(33 years old), has usually very
profuse menstruation, [a5].
- During catamenia hands weak, drops things easily, [a5].
- Menses did not appear since several months, no good digestion, loss of strength, pain in
the lower limbs, particularly at night;the collum uteri swollen and puffed up, the vagina
very sensitive, and narrowed, particularly at the orifice, by swellings of various
- As she had it during pregnancy, faint weakness in pit of stomach, [a7].
- Hoarseness, voice shrill, cannot talk loud;at times she feels as though she had lost her
voice; sometimes low;cannot talk loud enough, [a7].
- After a week, repeated the proving with precisely similar though less violent effects,
except that her voice was entirely lost for a full week, and the soreness of the throat became
so troublesome, as apparently to give her doctor some uneasiness;he called repeatedly and
administered medicine several times during the ensuing fortnight. This aphony lasted for
months, [a7].
- Hoarseness;worse from talking, which likewise causes a tickling cough, [a7].
- Hoarseness with tickling cough, [_a1], ;with cough in the evening, [_a1], .
- Talking increases hoarseness, [a7];voice changing, [a7];throat dry, [a8];causes a tickling
cough, [a7].
- Tickling in the larynx causing cough(Trbg.).
- Tickling in throat causes cough, [_a1], ;scratching like dust in larynx, [_a3].
- Painful scraping sensation of roughness in the larynx, with expectoration of much clear
mucus, for two or three days after taking the medicine, [_a3].
- With the cough, scraping in the throat to the middle of the sternum;rawness in the breast;
but slight expectoration, [_a1].
- In larynx, heat and burning, [a18].
- Sense of constriction in the windpipe, [a8].
- Oppression of chest;tightness across the upper part;sense of heat and burning, t.
- Sensation as if ligated in chest, [a8].
- With every deep inhalation, pain on both sides of the spine, in the middle, [a8].
- When inhaling, pain in clavicle, [_a1].
- Rapid short breathing with uneasiness in stomach, [_a1].
- Respiration rapid, [a18].
- Ineffectual urging to take a deep breath, by fulness in pit of stomach, [a13].
- Not increased by deep breathing, stitches from chest to back, .
- * Cough from tickling in larynx, caused by talking, [a7, _a2].
- Some irritation to cough, in the morning after rising(first day); tickling in the throat
causing cough(second day), [_a1].
- Tickling cough one hour after getting up in the morning(second day), [_a1].
- Cough immediately after rising, excited by a tickling in the throat;worse during breakfast,
after breakfast better, and only occasional cough during the day, [_a1], .
- Tickling cough in the evening, from twilight(7 o'clock), until bedtime, with hoarseness,
[_a1], .
- Severe which is relieved by the discharge of a quantity of clear mucus(after a few hours),
- * Dry cough in the evening after lying down; after she felt nearly well;but she had a
cough in the evening, [a7].
- Every morning(as often before), some cough(twenty-second day), [a8].
- Cough in the morning immediately after rising, excited by a tickling in the throat,
particularly worse during breakfast, afterwards better;only now and then during the day.
The same tickling cough in the evening, from 7 o'clock until he goes to bed, with
- When coughing, a scratching in the throat, to the middle of the sternum, and rawness in
the chest; very scanty expectoration. After the 30 cent., immediate improvement;after three
days a relapse; then with a repetition of the dose for two days, gradual improvement.
- Diarrhoea with frequent, violent urging;slimy stools, with severe pains in the rectum
during stool, going down into the thighs. A young man who had been given up several years
before as an incurable consumptive, but had been afterwards cured by homoeopathy, [_a1],
- * With the cough, scraping in throat, [_a1].
- When coughing, a scratching in the throat, to the middle of sternum, [_a1], .
- Cough, with pain in region of ovary, [a12].
- Slight expectoration, [_a1];very scanty, [_a1], .
- Thirst, phlegm in throat and on palate, [a5].
- Expectoration of a mass of clear, transparent phlegm, [_a3].
- Expectoration relieves scraping, [_a3].
- It evidently so changed the expectoration as immediately to cause a copious discharge of
mucus from the bronchi, and finally checked the superabundant secretion; did not produce
thirst or any unpleasant symptoms, and so far from aggravating the febrile state, it often
served materially to alleviate it, [a16].
- When inhaling, pain under the right clavicle and right shoulder(second day), [_a1].
- Since yesterday, stinging from the upper part of the left chest, through to the back,
between the shoulder-blades. Worse at night in bed, when it awakens him;not aggravated by
deep inhalation, [_a1].
- Stitching pain down the middle of the chest;later in the right side, [a6].
- From upper left of chest stitches through to the back, .
- Pain from heart to lower part of right lung, [a7].
- Sore pain in the right side of the chest under the nipple, especially when bending up
double (contracting the body)in the morning(second day), [_a1].
- Pain in the left chest when sitting, especially when bending forwards, [_a1], b.
- Pains in the chest to the left, near the middle of the sternum, after rising, when washing
and dressing, lasting until 9 A. M..The following morning the same and worse(Trbg.).Pains
in the chest;on side of chest, [a4].
- Rawness on the chest, [_a1 and _a1], .
- To the middle of sternum, scraping, scratching, [_a1 and _a1], .
- Sensation of fulness in the chest;in the afternoon, particularly after supper, painful, as if
distended in the chest and arms, [a6].
- Soon after taking it in the evening, felt a slight pain or binding sensation in her breast,
especially on the right side, retiring to rest almost immediately, it disappeared after lying
down, [a10].
- Tightness across upper part of chest, [a18].
- Feeling of weakness in the lower part of the chest and in the abdomen, b, [_a1].
- Half an hour after the second dose he feels very warm in the left side, opposite the
shoulder, inside, and feels also very tired, still he slept afterwards very good, [a4].
- To the heart a throbbing from epigastrium, [a8].
- From the heart a pain shooting to the lower part of right lung, [a7].
- At times quite well as if nothing ailed her, then, when beginning to think about her
disease, she feels the heart beating, so that it seems to move the whole chest; and yet, when
she places her hand over it, it seems to beat very little stronger than natural, and at other
times its motion in scarcely perceptible; sometimes the contractions are frequent,
sometimes seldom. The contraction seems to end with a snap, as if the valves of the heart
were jerked suddenly shut, [_a3].
- Fluttering of heart, sudden attacks, disappearing as quickly as they came, .
- Rapid and violent palpitation, worse when lying on the right side;also when lying in one
position for any length of time;has to throw himself about in bed(twenty-first day), [_a1].
- Perceptible strong palpitation and strong pulsation through the whole body, when
standing for some time on one spot, [_a1], b.
- Was in about an hour seized with a throbbing of the heart, similar to heavy blows of a
hammer, with long intervals;in ten or fifteen minutes the violence abated, and gradually
subsided, [a7].
- Violent palpitation;intermitting beating of the heart, [a7].
- The palpitation of the heart and other symptoms, except the constipation, were better
during the first week until Saturday, when owing to a sudden excitement, the heart began to
beat violently, and continued to do so for a few moments, and the palpitation then passed
- Since that time all symptoms have been increased, [_a3].
- Had but little trouble with the disease in heart since, and the few slight attacks have been
immediately relieved by it, [a7], .
- Pulse, intermittent, [a7].
- Throbbing, as in an abscess, in the stomach, [a8];after a pressing pain there, [a11]; then
throbbing in arms, [_a1 and _a1], .
- Strong pulsation through the whole body, [_a1].
External chest
- Tenderness over the second rib of the left side when touched;tenderness upon pressure,
later above the left clavicle, [_a3].
- An intermitting sore pain along the course of the third rib of the left side, which continues
sometimes a minute(but more frequently less than a minute), and is sometimes
accompanied with a more stinging pain in the region of the sixth or seventh rib of the same
side, which is sometimes felt in the elbow, at long, irregular intervals, [_a3].
- In the morning, sore pain in the right chest under the nipple when bending forward, in
sitting(second day), [_a1].
- Pain on the side of it, [_a1].
- Burning on the right side of the neck, [_a1], b.f the heart, [a7].
- Between the shoulder-blades, stinging, [a18].
- Stitching pain from upper left chest through to the back between the shoulder-blades,
worse at night in bed;awakens him, increases when lying on left side, not by taking a long
breath, .
- Pain on the right side of the spine, near the spine, exactly there where the shoulder-blade
ends, [_a1], b.
- From 2 o'clock P.M. until evening, tearing pain in the back, at the lower angles of the
scapulae, when sitting still, not when moving, [a5].
- Under the shoulder-blade, [a6].
- Pain on both sides of the spine on a line with the inferior angles of the scapulae, with
every deep inhalation, all evening. On each side of the spine above the middle of it, a spot
where the breath appears to come from, drawing a long breath, [a8].
- Feels as if her back would break;can scarcely get up, [_a1].
- In back the weakness is most felt, [a8].
- Sensation as if cold water running down the back, [a7].
- In back, warmth spreading, [a4].
- In small of back, burning, [_a1].
- In the morning, fifteen minutes after the fifth dose, a kind of cramp in the back just below
the hips on both sides;very warm ebullitions;the sensation goes from the hips up the left
side;it frightens him and he quickly takes a cup of coffee, [a4].
Upper limbs
- Great weakness in the region of the shoulder-blades, with inclination to bend forward,
which relieves, [_a1], .
- Severe pain in the left shoulder, [a6].
- Pains in the left shoulder, which disappear from motion and exercise, [_a1], b.
- Itching on the right shoulder, [_a1], b.
- Drawing-tearing pains particularly in left shoulder, [_a1].
- Feeling of weakness, a kind of numbness in the left arm, and particularly in the left
shoulder, [_a1], b.
- In arm, lack of power and dull pain, [a8].
- In arms, fulness, [a6];of bloodvessels, [a8].
- Between three and four o'clock I felt a pain in my right arm as though a cord were drawn
tightly around it, just below the shoulder, occasioning great fulness of the bloodvessels and
deprivation of strength. The pain was dull and heavy, not general throughout the arm, but
rather in lines, extending in different directions from the ligature which apparently bound it;
the weakness was such that I could scarcely hold the needle which I was using when the
pains commenced;it began suddenly, continued for a few moments, and then abated,
although it did not leave me entirely, and returned at irregular intervals during the
remainder of the day and evening. Renewed doses increased the pain in the arm, which is
this evening quite severe, [a8].
- Pain in the right arm as if a string were tied tightly around it, [a6].
- Half an hour after the second dose pains in the arms and pains over the left eye.
- Rheumatic pains in the bones of the arms, particularly in the right;the right side of the
chest and under the left shoulder-blade, [a6].
- In the morning, for an hour, unpleasant sensation in both arms, afterwards heat, more in
the left hand, [_a1], b.
- In arm, pain from elbow, [_a1];in elbows, [_a3].
- In the morning, when awaking, rheumatic pain in the bend of the left elbow-joint, when
extending the arm;disappears after rising and going about, [_a1], b.
- Bruised pain in the joints of the arm, hand, and feet, [a6].
- Pain as if sprained in the right wrist, at 12 A. M., from thence the pain goes into the first
phalangeal joint of the right forefinger, where it is a tearing, which disappears soon, but
returns quickly(third day);felt weak in the hands, during catamenia;she drops things easily
that she holds in her hands, [a5].
- Rheumatic pain in the left hand and all the finger joints, [a6].
- Hands pain, [a6];cold, [_a1];heat, [a557];trembled very much, [a291].
- Finger-joints pain, first phalangeal joints, [a5].
Lower limbs
- Great lassitude in the lower limbs when going upstairs;;the whole of the third day, [a5].
- In lower extremities, lassitude, [_a2].
- Down into thighs, pain from rectum, [_a1], .
- When standing, bruised pain in the lower extremities, as after a severe cold, [_a1], b.
- Uneasiness in the knees, with pain right above them, [a6].
- Pain in both knees, particularly in the right , when walking, [a6].
- Sensation as if a cord were tied around the leg, under the right knee; the pain extends
downward and upward, but is confined to the lower leg. To-night a similar feeling, though
much slighter, in the lower limb on the same side, as though a cord were bound round it
below the knee, the pain extending both below and above, on the under part of the limb
only, [a8].
- In the evening a kind of numb sensation in the right leg, from the knee down into the foot,
when lying on it(one hour), (first day), [_a1].
- Legs, from knees down, cold, [_a1].
- Pain in the left ankle-joint when walking, and particularly when going upstairs; in the
morning(third day), [_a1], b.
- Pain in feet, [a6, _a1].
- Coldness of the feet, with numbness, in bed, even if the feet are covered up warm, [a7].
- In the feet, coldness from the knee, [_a1].
- Feet are very sensitive to pressure, and when walking, particularly the soles, [_a1], b.
- Pain in the sole of the foot between the ball of the little toe and the heel;
- In the evening, when walking in the street, stitch pain in the under part of the right big
toe; felt each time when pressing on it, all evening(second day), [_a1].
- Stitches in the right big toe, [_a1], b.
- Has to throw himself about in bed, [_a1];restlessness, agitation, with fever, [a18].
- Nervous tremor and excitability of feeling, as when one is agitated by unpleasant news,
- Trembling of muscles, [a4].
- Twitching in limbs three hours in the forenoon, [a4];of lower lip, [_a1].
- Jerking contraction of abdominal muscles, [_a2];follow the warm creeps, [_a1].
- Slight convulsive movements, [a18].
- Sensation as if a string were tied around the arm and lower limbs, [a8].
- Weak feeling in pit of stomach, [_a1];sinking sensation, [a8];uneasiness, [_a1]; faintness
and weakness, as if dying, [a8].
- Lassitude in the whole body, particularly in the left lower extremity(Trbg.).
- Feels very tired(soon after taking it), [a4].
- Keeps the bed;so faint that she expected every moment to fall from her seat, [a8];
(reached her chamber with difficulty;staggers to a chair), [a7];deathlike fainting, [a7].
- Weak with the nausea;could not sit up;loss of strength, with sickness;faintness and nausea
(in the morning), [a8].
- Very weak, as if she had been ill for some time, [a8];great weakness, as after long illness,
[a10]; debility in typhus, [a5].
- I was immediately sensible of a metallic taste, and slight nausea, but soon feel asleep,
being greatly fatigued, and slept heavily until near five;I arose without more effort than
usual, and about six, while standing at a table making some arrangements for breakfast, was
suddenly seized with the most overpowering nausea, as though my whole stomach were
rising to my throat; I tottered to a chair, when a cold sweat broke over me;the effort to
vomit ceased, though the nausea continued, attended by a flushing to my head, extreme
faintness, and a disposition to shiver;I reached my chamber with much difficulty, and on
lying down felt some relief, chiefly in the faintness, and after taking some I ipecacuanha
was able to rise and attend to my family, though feeling very weak;strong palpitation of the
heart, intermitting pulse;the pain shoots from the heart to the region of the lower right lung,
- Great weakness after attack, particularly in spine, [a8].
- He feels exactly as he felt when he had the small-pox(second day), [a9].
- When going to bed heat in ears and face disappears, [_a1].
- Cannot get to sleep on account of ebullition of blood(first day), [_a1].
- Is more anxious at night than at other times, [_a3].
- Sleeplessness, with fever, t.
- Very light sleep in the night;hears nearly everything that happens(Trbg.).
- Very restless sleep, tossing to and fro;when he does sleep it is so light that he hears it if
his birds move in their cage(Trbg.).
- Wakes at night, with nausea and violent headache;lay awake about a quarter of an hour,
when he went to sleep again;next morning, when he was called, he was unable to attend to
his business on account of nausea, with violent headache;now sharp stinging, from temple
to temple; now heavy pressure on the vertex, as of a heavy weight lying on it;continued all
day long, [a9].
- In the night, half waking, half dreaming, she hears what happens around her, but dreams
on, of dead bodies, that her father had died;with it great fear;would like to turn on her side,
but cannot do it, feels so heavy in her bones;in her dream it seems to her as if the dream
would soon pass over if she could turn on her side, but she is not able to do it (at 4 A. M.,
fourth day), [a5].
- When awaking in the night, thick phlegm in the throat, and the roof of the mouth thickly
coated, which she never had before(third day), [a5].
- Very sensitive to cold, which was not the case before(third day), [a5].
- Like after a severe cold, pain in limbs, [_a1].
- While washing and dressing, pain in chest, [_a2].
- Inclination to chilliness after attack of retching, [a7].
- Chilliness with the sickness at the stomach, [a9].
- She complained of being very cold, but did not shiver;it passed off, perhaps in an hour,
but was succeeded by pain in the head, which lasted all the afternoon, [a17].
- In the last attack the coldness was general;she could not distinguish a particular coldness
of the feet;but all perceptive faculties were gone during the deathlike fainting spell, [a7].
- Chilliness, and feeling as if cold water were poured down the back, [a7, a9].
- Coldness in hands, [_a1];of legs and hands, [_a1].
- Cold feet, even when covered up, [a7].
- Creeping and coldness of the skin, soon after doses, followed by heat and tingling of the
same parts, [a16].
- Fever, accompanied by intense thirst;continued nausea and
vomiting;sleeplessness;agitation; animated expression of the face;pain and distension of the
epigastric region; frequent pulse, and burning pains in the mouth, pharynx, and stomach,
- Sensation of warmth, soon after taking it, [a4].
- Great heat throughout the body, [a9].
- Sensation all forenoon, as of inward heat, [a6].
- Heat and tingling following creeping and coldness, [a18].
- Warm ebullitions in both sides, [a4].
- He cannot get to sleep for a long time, on account of extraordinary ebullition of blood in
the whole body(second day), [_a1].
- In the morning, after the fourth dose, very soon tired;warm ebullitions like spasms
towards two o'clock the pains in the chest return;feels better when walking, [a4].
- Flushes of heat to the head after attack, [a7].
- Warm creeps run over the abdomen, [_a1].
- Cold sweat;breaks out over the whole body, [a7];covers her, with cramps in stomach,
- Chilliness;at another time, great heat throughout the body, [a9].
- Coldness, with pain in the stomach, gave place to heat, and the blood rushed to her head
with such force that she scarcely could hold it up, [a8].
- * Chill; metallic taste, slight nausea, palpitation;pain striking from the heart across to the
lower extremity of the right lung;a sensation as of cold water poured down the back, and
numbing coldness of the feet, though covered warmly in bed(returned repeatedly after
taking the 12th); in the last attack the chill was general;I was not sensible of any particular
coldness of the extremities, though, indeed, nearly all sensation was lost for a time in the
deathlike faintness, [a7].
- (Morning), Headache over eyes, etc.;itching-burning on border of eyelid, etc.; tongue
rough, etc.;dry feeling on tongue;sickness at stomach;nausea, etc.;nausea, with weakness,
etc.; cough; bluish film on urine;sore pain in right chest;cramp in back;pain in left ankle-
joint; very soon tired.
- (Morning, when getting awake), Pains in head.
- (Morning, on waking), Headache over eyes;rheumatic pain in bend of left elbow.
- (Morning, after rising), Spits up coagulated blood, etc.;tickling in throat; severe pain,
etc.;irritation to cough;cough;cough from tickling;twitching in limbs.
- (Forenoon), Sinking sensation at stomach;most violent pains in rectum;twitching in
limbs, etc.; twitching of lower lip;sensation as of inward heat.
- (Noon), Most acute pain in stomach, etc.;sprained pain in right wrist.
- (Afternoon), Headache;difficult passage of hard stool, etc.;hard stool, etc.; sense of
painful fulness of chest, etc.
- (Afternoon and evening), Coldness of the limbs, etc.
- (Evening), Contraction of abdominal muscles, etc.;itching of anus;itching on the scrotum,
etc.;hoarseness with cough;tickling cough;pain on both sides of the spine; pain under big
- (Evening, after lying down), Dry cough.
- (Night), More anxious;heat in side of face;itching of lump at anus;emission of very thick
semen; pain in lower limbs;nausea and violent headache.
- (Night when awaking), Great pain in head, etc.;thick phlegm in throat, etc.
- (Night, in bed), Stitching pain through upper chest;stinging pain through upper chest.
- (Midnight), Heat in ears, etc.
- (9 A. M. till noon), Very depressed, etc.
- (Towards two o'clock), Pains in chest return.
- (2 P.M. till evening), Tearing pain in back.
- (3 P.M. ), Sudden pain from stomach into the swallow, etc.
- (Between 3 and 4 P.M. ), Pain in right arm.
- (About 3.30 and 4 P.M. ), Pain in stomach.
- (8 P.M. ), Pain in left of the scrobiculus.
- (Evening at 9.30), Headache over eyes, etc.
- (Walking in open air), Pain to left of the scrobiculus.
- (In bed), Coldness of feet, etc.
- (Bending up double), Sore pain in right side of chest.
- (Sitting bent forward), Pain in left chest.
- (Before breakfast), Attack of nausea.
- (During breakfast), Nausea;cough.
- (After breakfast), Feels very full in stomach, etc.
- (Coughing), Scratching in throat.
- (Drawing breath), Pain under right clavicle, etc.
- (Drawing deep breath), Pain on both sides of spine.
- (At dinner), Erections.
- (After dinner), Heaviness in stomach.
- (After eating), Violent throbbing in stomach;distension of stomach, etc.
- (Mental excitement), Heart begins to beat violently.
- (When extending arm), Rheumatic pain in bend of elbow.
- (Looking down), Vertigo.
- (Lying on one side), Pains in anus and rectum.
- (Lying on right side), Palpitation of heart.
- (Lying on right leg), Numb sensation in it.
- (Lying in one position for any length of time), Palpitation of heart.
- (Lying on left side), Stitching pain through upper chest.
- (Lying on back in the evening), Pain in pit of stomach, etc.;weakness in pit of stomach,
etc.; throbbing sensation in pit of stomach.
- (During menses), Hands weak, etc.
- (After motion), Coldness in hands, etc.
- (Moving eyelids), Bruised feeling on edge of lower orbit.
- (Pressure), Tenderness before left clavicle
- Bruised feeling on edge of left orbit.
- (After retching), Inclination to chilliness.
- (When sitting), Pain in left chest.
- (Sitting still), Tearing pain in back.
- (Standing), Bruised pain in lower extremities, as after a severe cold.
- (Standing for some time on one spot), Strong palpitation.
- (With every step, while walking), Pain to left of scrobiculus.
- (During stool), Pains in rectum;strong dyspnoea;tearing in rectum.
- (After stool), Smarting and burning at rectum; pain in anus and rectum; beating in
anus;stinging and tearing up the rectum;burning and throbbing in anus.
- (After hard stool), Haemorrhoidal tumors.
- (After solid stool), Smarting and burning at rectum.
- (After supper), Sense of painful fulness in chest, etc.
- (Swallowing), Soreness and dryness in throat.
- (Talking), Soreness and dryness in throat, etc.;hoarseness;cough.
- (Touch), Tenderness over left second rib.
- (Beginning to think about her disease), Feels heart beating, etc.
- (Walking), Pain in belly;pain in both knees, etc.;pain in left ankle-joint; pain under big
- (Going upstairs), Lassitude in lower limbs;pain in left ankle-joint.
- (Washing and dressing after rising), Pains in chest.
- (When going to bed), Heat in both ears, etc.;heat in ears and face disappears.
- (Bending double), Pain to left of scrobiculus cordis.
- (Bending forwards and sitting bent over), Pains in anus and rectum;stinging and tearing
- (Bending forwards), Weakness in region of shoulder-blades.
- (After breakfast), Attack of nausea;cough.
- (Drinking cold water), Headache;thirst, etc.
- (Eating something), Feels better;feels stronger in stomach.
- (Exercise), Pains in left shoulder.
- (Expectoration), Cough;scraping in throat.
- (After lying down), Pain in breast.
- (Lying on back), Tearing up the rectum.
- (After lying down to sleep), Headache over eyes, etc.
- (Motion), Tearing pain in back;pains in left shoulder.
- (Opening eyes), Vertigo.
- (Rising and walking about), Pain from stomach to swallow, etc.;pain in left elbow-joint.
- (Standing still and pressing on it), Pain to left of scrobiculus.
- (Walking), Feels better.
Alumen (Hering)
- Lectrophilie, keeps bed without necessity, plaguing her family.
- || Anxiety, doubts if medicine will relieve her.
- Feels like after unpleasant news.
- Spells of rage, attacks people.
- Thinking about her disease causes palpitation.
- Unpleasant news excites and causes nervous tremors.
- Vertigo : lying on his back, with weakness in pit of stomach; amel opening eyes; amel
turning on right side.
- Giddy looking down, as if falling forward; rush of blood to head.
- Deathlike fainting spell, with loss of all faculties.
Inner head
- Neuralgic headache. Nasal polypus.
- Jerking in left forehead, evening.
- || Pressing on top of head.
- Pains coming and going, from place to place; in forenoon.
- || Pain agg morning, on awaking.
- Shooting through temples, with sickness, amel by drinking cold water.
- Rush of blood to head.
Upper face
- Expression animated; with fever.
- Left side red and hot.
- Complexion sickly, sallow; yellow.
- Pale as a corpse, lips blue.
Lower face
- Pain in left articulation of jaw close to ear.
Inner mouth
- Mouth dry, without thirst.
- Spreading ulcers in mouth.
- Noma.
- Mouth burning, ulcerated; grey dirty spongy skin about a tooth, which is surrounded with
proud flesh; offensive saliva.
- Profuse ptyalism, mercurial in origin or not.
- Uvula inflamed and enlarged.
- Uvula elongated, relaxed after catarrh.
- Predisposed to tonsillitis.
- Veins about fauces distended; velum red; much hawking.
- Catarrh of fauces and throat.
- Neuralgia of throat.
- Spat a lump of coagulated blood in morning after rising.
- Throat sore and dry when talking or swallowing fluids; difficult swallowing.
- Throat relaxed, ulcerated.
- Burning and severe pains; heat up from stomach.
- Spasmodic constriction in oesophagus; fluids can scarcely be swallowed.
- Prickling sensation in both sides of throat and great dryness, with constant desire to drink.
- Throat chronically affected; mucous membrane covered with mucus, causing
troublesome cough.
Appetite, thirst
- Desires, Aversions. Appetite increased, even with fulness in stomach.
- Loathes food.
- Thirst : throat dry; and increased appetite; with heat in stomach, amel by drinking cold
water; intense, with fever.
- Mouth dry, but no increase of thirst.
- Warm creeps running down, followed by jerking contractions of abdominal muscles,
towards linea alba.
- Relaxed feeling in abdomen.
- Distension from wind.
- || Burning pain low down and in small of back prevents him getting up; as if back would
- Colic pain amel from pressure; agg when walking, with fulness and heaviness.
- || Spasmodic wind-colic.
- Abdomen sensitive to touch during colic.
- Abdomen and navel sunken in; walls hard and retracted towards spine.
- Potter's colic with sleeplessness, headache, crawling, tingling in limbs, constipation;
amel from pressure; abdomen retracted; tongue dry, black; urine red and scanty; violent
delirium and debility; also after opium.
- Lead colic, violent as if drunk and enraged; pulse slow; tongue in folds and dry;
trembling of limbs and pain as if beaten.
Urinary organs
- || Diabetes mellitus.
- || Contractive sensations deep in pelvis with complaints of rectum and bladder.
- Urine increased, free, acid.
- Frequent urging, with scanty, clear flow, containing lumps of blood; sediment slimy,
tough or membranaceous.
- Frequent and painful urging, with painful passing of small quantities; now and then
mixed with blood, at others, clear; after standing, thick as if mixed with clay, dirty, fibrous
sediment; catarrh of bladder, mostly with the aged.
- Incontinentia urinae; enuresis.
- Must urinate every hour or two, night and day.
- Urine has an oily, iridescent film on it.
- Urine scanty, reddish, in colic; bloody.
- Blennorrhoea urethrae.
- Itching of orifice of urethra.
- || Inclined to take a deep breath.
- || Cannot take a full breath.
- Oppression of chest, with colic.
- Breathing oppressed, anxious, as from a heavy stone in chest.
- Tightness across upper part of chest.
- Rapid, short breathing with uneasiness in stomach.
- With cough scraping in throat.
- Dry cough in evening after lying down.
- Cough from tickling in larynx caused by talking.
- || Coughs a long time every morning, with scratching in middle of sternum, pain in groin,
in region of ovary. Whooping-cough.
- Cough immediately after rising, excited by a tickling in throat; agg during, amel after,
- Chronic morning cough of old people.
- Sputa : ropy (bronchitis and phthisis), scanty.
- Atonic haemoptysis.
- { Phthisis.
Outer chest
- Chest sore and tender to touch above clavicle and over second or third rib, left side.
Upper limbs
- Weakness in shoulders, amel bending forward.
- Pain in left shoulder; amel from motion.
- Feels as if a cord was drawn tightly around upper arm, causing pain in lines from ligature
Trembling and twitching of arms.
- Right wrist feels sprained.
- || Hands weak, dropping things. During menses.
- Pains in hands with other suffering.
Lower limbs
- Pains in limbs, particularly at night.
- Lassitude, numbness.
- Bruised pain when standing.
- Feels as if a cord was tied around leg under knee.
- Cramps in calves.
- Soles sensitive to pressure, when walking.
- Stitches in right big toe.
- || Feet numb and cold, although covered up warm in bed.
- Legs cold from knees down.
- Frozen feet.
- { Ingrowing toe nails.
Limbs in general
- Bruised pains.
- Crawling, tingling.
- Cold hands and feet with stomachache.
- Position. Motion. Lying on back : vertigo; pressing followed by throbbing in stomach.
- Lying down : dry cough in evening.
- Lying on right side : palpitation worse.
- Lying in one position long : palpitation worse.
- Turning on right side : relieves vertigo.
- Standing still : pain in scrobiculum amel; bruised feeling in limbs.
- Motion : of eyelids, bruised feeling of orbit; pain in left shoulder better.
- Bending : sore pain in chest; weakness in shoulders better.
- Cannot get up : pain in small of back.
- Can hardly hold head up : with fever.
- Walking hold head up : with fever.
- Walking : colic worse; soles sensitive.
- Trembling, after rising, most in arms; excited.
- || Trembling with pain as if beaten.
- Nervous tremor and excitability of feeling as if agitated by unpleasant news.
- Weak. Typhus.
- || Weak and relaxed in stomach, abdomen and all the limbs.
- Tired, faint, as if he would fall from his seat, forenoon.
- Light sleep, hears every little noise.
- Cannot get to sleep on account of orgasm.
- Anxiety at night, nausea, headache.
- || Sleepless from fever. Colic.
- Wakened by stinging in chest.
- Disturbed by nightmare, 4 A.M.
- Night : heat in ears and face; squalmish when awaking; itching lump in anus worse;
stinging in chest; pain in limbs; anxiety, nausea and headache.
- Night and day : must urinate.
- Forenoon : pains in head change from place to place; tired and faint; internal heat.
- Evening : jerking in left forehead; tongue burns; pressing and throbbing in stomach;
itching at anus; dry cough; spine week; pain on both sides of spine.
- Morning : pain in head on awaking; spat coagulated blood after rising; nausea, fainting,
giddiness and chilliness; coughs a long time.
- 4 A.M. : nightmare.
- Chill : metallic taste, slight nausea, palpitation; pain striking from heart across to lower
extremity of right lung; sensation as of cold water poured down back, and numbing
coldness of feet, though covered warmly in bed; deathlike faintness with chill.
- Chilly with sick stomach.
- Coldness followed by headache.
- Coldness of skin followed by heat and tingling.
- Fever with intense thirst, nausea, etc.
- Inward heat throughout body, in forehead.
- Warm creeps over belly.
- Chilliness, and another time inward heat.
- Coldness with stomach pain, followed by heat with rush of blood to head; can hardly hold
it up.
Attacks, periodicity
- Sudden attacks disappearing quickly : of beating or fluttering of heart.
- Nausea, flushes, cramps, etc., disappear soon, return quickly.
- || Same hour, 3 P.M. , pain in arm.
- | Every other morning : nausea, faintness and weakness, with restlessness and excitement.
- Every hour or two : must urinate.
- As if agitated by unpleasant news; sinking faint feeling in stomach; warm creeps running
down abdomen; relaxed feeling in abdomen; pain in limbs as if beaten; as from a heavy
stone in chest; uneasiness in stomach; as if cold water was poured down back; warm
cramplike feeling below hips; as if a cord was drawn tightly around upper arm; as if a cord
was tied around leg under knee; as if he would fall from his seat, faint.
- Pain : in left articulation of jaw close to ears, to left of scrobiculum; from rectum down
thighs; in groin; in ovary; under clavicle and right shoulder; from heart to lower part of
right leg; where shoulder blade ends; in both sides of spine; in left shoulder; in hands; in
- Jerking : in left forehead.
- Burning : in lids; in tongue; in throat; in stomach; low down and in small of back; in
- Shooting : through temples; from middle line of belly as along as thread down into penis.
- Cutting : in left side of penis.
- Stitches : in tip of tongue.
- Stinging : in vertex; in temple; in tip of tongue; in rectum; from upper chest through to
back; in chest.
- Prickling : in throat.
- Sore pain : under right nipple.
- Bruised feeling : orbit of left eye; in lower limbs; joints of arms; hands and feet.
- Sprained feeling : in right wrist.
- Scraping : in throat.
- Scratching : in middle of sternum.
- Pressing : on top of head; in stomach.
- Throbbing : in epigastrium; in stomach; in anus; through whole body.
- Tightness : across chest.
- Constriction : in oesophagus; in windpipe.
- Contractive sensation : deep in pelvis.
- Cramps : in calves.
- Neuralgia : of throat.
- Crawling tingling : in limbs.
- Tingling : in skin.
- Itching burning : on border of lower limbs.
- Itching : in eyelids; in small lump at anus; of orifice of urethra; of scrotum; of shoulder.
- Tickling : in larynx.
- Heaviness : in stomach; in abdomen.
- Fulness : in pit of stomach; in abdomen.
- Faintish weakness : during pregnancy.
- Weakness : in lower chest and abdomen; in shoulders.
- Heat : in ears; in left side of face; from stomach; in left side opposite shoulder; in skin.
- Coldness : of skin.
- Dryness : of nostrils and choanae; of throat; of skin.
- Hemorrhages from leech bites, extracting teeth, etc.
- || Parenchymatous bleeding from mouth, gums, nose, uterus.
- Mucous membrane : dry in nose, on tongue, in mouth, larynx.
- Emaciation.
- Joints of arms, hands and feet feel bruised.
- Itching in eyelids, anus, scrotum and shoulder.
- Skin dry; exposed to air, rough and chapped.
- Rough skin all over body and face. Nasal polypus.
- Furuncles on body, on thighs.
- Ulceration less after a burning, or such as remain after different other applications to
- Fungous granulations.
- Proud flesh.
- Chilblains.
- Indolent ulcers.
- Scorbutic ulcers.
- Similar to its relatives, Aluminium, Alumina, etc., and to : Aloes (rectum); Capsic. (long
uvula); Ferrum (relaxed abdominal walls, prolapsed uterus, etc.); Ferr. jod. (leucorrhoea and
prolapsus); Kali bichr. (stringy discharges from mucous membranes); Mercur. (prolapsed
vaginia, uterus and rectum; tenesmus of rectum, etc.); Merc. corr. (burning and tenesmus of
rectum); Mur. ac. (fluttering of heart, anal pains after stool with fissures); Nitr. ac. (ulcers;
cancer recti; hemorrhages from all orifices; clots from rectum in typhoid; tenesmus,
fissures, etc., of rectum); Nux vom. (rectum); Opium; Plumbum (colic; tenesmus of rectum;
granular lids, etc.); Ratan. (fissure of rectum); Stannum (prolapsed vagina); Sulphur (pain
through left lung, etc.); Sulph. ac. (hemorrhages, etc.); Zinc. met. et.
- sulph. (eyelids; ulcers of cervix uteri; colic, etc.)
- Antidote to :
- lead poisoning; calomel and other mercurial preparations : Aloes (for vomiting of
- Antidoted by : Chamom. (cramps in abdomen); Nux vom.; Ipec. (nausea and faintness);
* 6- Desea la soledad, pero est peor solo y mejor en compaa. Est mucho tiempo sentado
sin hablar. Tmido. Cobarde.
* 7- Gran excitacin mental; peor por contradiccin, por ira o vejacin. Modo de ser
cambiante. Obstinado.
8- Tiene alucinaciones: le parece que se va a volver loco; que se est achicando y que se va a
caer si levanta los pies; ve visiones. Afecciones religiosas.
9- Se re histricamente.
** 10- Peor: de tarde, al anochecer y de noche; al despertar a la maana; por el calor del
verano (le quita fuerzas); por el aire fro (pero desea el aire libre) y por enfriarse (se
resfra con facilidad); por tiempo hmedo; por bebidas y alimentos fros; despus de
comer; por leche; por alimentos muy calientes; por las sacudidas (ms en un vehculo);
en una habitacin cerrada, calurosa; acostado (ms de espaldas); parado; por subir
escaleras; al levantarse de la cama o de una silla; por el movimiento (le tiene aversin);
por la presin. Mejor: por calor; en ayunas o comiendo poco; en reposo en cama;
** 11- Los dolores estn peor por excitaciones, por el movimiento y por la presin; en
general, se acompaan de gran fro y estn mejor por el calor y por aplicaciones calientes
y, a veces, por la presin. Son, especialmente, ardientes, pinchantes, desgarrantes,
punzantes, ulcerativos y errticos. Dolorimiento en todo el cuerpo al tocarlo.
15- Gran aflojamiento; necesidad de estar en cama; debilidad. Msculos forzados por
levantar pesos. Adelgazamiento. Anemia.
* 19- Vrtigo: al agacharse; sentado; caminando; al cerrar los ojos; al dar vuelta la cabeza
bruscamente, con tendencia a caer de lado o hacia adelante; como intoxicado; con
nuseas; mejor acostado. Sensacin de constriccin o de vaco en la cabeza; calor y
pesadez, prurito y hormigueo. Cefalea: de maana, tarde y noche; despus de comer; al
apretar los dientes, antes y durante la menstruacin, despus de dormir, por peinarse,
sentado y al agacharse; mejor acostado, por aplicaciones fras, por el aire fro, por el
movimiento, parado y caminando. Las cefaleas son de todo tipo y predominan en la
* 20- Ojeras. Ojos secos o los siente agrandados. Inflamacin en los ojos, catarral o
supurada. Dolores ardientes, presivos o como por arena. fotofobia. Ojos rojos; prpados
hinchados. Orzuelos. Visin turbia o nublada, peor de noche, por luz artificial y por
esfuerzos visuales. Hipermetropa.
21- Descarga purulenta de los odos, con prurito. Orejas calientes. Ruidos en los odos.
Otalgias profundas. Sensacin de odo tapado, con pulsaciones. Hiper o hipoacusia.
* 22- al Siente el aire fro en la nariz al inspirar. Secrecin nasal sanguinolenta, excoriante,
verdosa, costrosa, espesa. Epistaxis al sonarse. Obstruccin. Dolorimiento en la raz y el
tabique. Olfato primero agudo, luego disminuido o ausente. Estornudos con o sin coriza.
Ulceraciones. Nariz muy hinchada.
23- Dolores faciales, peor al aire libre y por masticar. Cara de color prpura.
* 24- Aftas. Encas sangrantes, hinchadas, doloridas, ulceradas. Lengua blanca. Boca seca.
Aliento ftido. Sialorrea. Gusto: metlico, cido o ausente; no siente gusto a la comida.
Odontalgias por aire fro, al comer y morder.
* 26- Apetito aumentado, pero el primer bocado produce nuseas. Sensacin de vaco
gstrico que no mejora comiendo. Plenitud y peso gstrico despus de comer, an por un
bocado. Eructos: cidos, con gusto a carne podrida. Hipo. Ardores. Nuseas: al ver la
comida, despus de comer, con las cefaleas. Gastralgias: despus de comer: mejor
eructando; ardientes; calambres. Sensacin de piedra en el estmago, o de languidez.
Arcadas. Sin sed durante la fiebre. Vmitos: por toser; despus de comer; durante la
cefalea; de sangre negra, de comida, de agua.
* 28- Constipacin, con mucho esfuerzo y dificultad; constriccin anal al defecar. Diarrea
urgente que lo saca de la cama a las 5 horas, primero indigeridas, luego acuosas; por
fruta. Flatos ofensivos y abundantes. Hormigueo y prurito anal. Hemorroides que
sangran. Prurito anal peor por el rascado; con humedad anal. Dolores anales y rectales.
Tenesmo. Heces: sanguinolentas, copiosas, acuosas, lientricas; o duras, negras, grandes,
* 29- Parlisis vesical. Retencin de orina. Tenesmo. Polaquiuria peor de noche. Debe
esperar mucho para comenzar a orinar, y no queda satisfecho despus. Miccin
involuntaria. Sale lquido prosttico al defecar. Prstata grande, dolorosa, inflamada.
Secrecin uretral mucopurulenta; ardor o dolor cortante al orinar. Orina rojiza, nubosa;
sedimento rojo.
30- Erecciones muy fuertes y dolorosas. Testculos hinchados y duros. Pene rojo y excoriado.
Prurito y sudores en el escroto. Deseos sexuales intensos a la noche. Poluciones
* 31- Prurito y hormigueo vulvar, peor por orinar y rascarse, mejor por fro local. Flujo acre,
purulento, peor antes y durante la menstruacin. Menstruaciones: suprimidas, tardas,
ofensivas, dolorosas. Prolapso uterino. Ulceras en los labios.
* 33- Espalda fra, como si lo hubieran salpicado con agua fra. Prurito cervical y dorsal.
Dolores de espalda al moverse, levantarse de una silla, agacharse, caminar o darse vuelta,
mejor en reposo. Dolores en toda la columna; ardientes, como agujas. Rigidez, sobre
todo cervical. Gran debilidad en la espalda, debe estar en cama.
** 34- Uas frgiles. Manos paspadas. Fro en las manos (como hielo), piernas y pies. Dedos
de las manos cianticos. Calambres en las pantorrillas. Miembros adelgazados.
Hormigueos y pesadez en los miembros. Prurito violento, especialmente en miembros
inferiores, muslos y plantas; prurito doloroso en el curso de los nervios. Sacudidas.
Adormecimiento, sobre todo en piernas y pies. Dolores en los miembros de noche, por
excitacin, por movimiento; a lo largo de los miembros; de abajo arriba, peor del lado
izquierdo. Dolores desgarrantes, especialmente en los miembros inferiores: caderas,
rodillas y piernas. Dolores errticos. Parlisis. Tensin en los miembros superiores por
levantar pesos. Dedos hinchados. Rigidez en los miembros inferiores. Temblores.
Debilidad en los miembros, sobre todo en los superiores, inferiores; muslos y piernas.
No puede dar los pasos para subir escaleras.
* 36- Escalofros: en todo momento; al aire libre; despus de comer, movindose en la cama
y al defecar; mejor por bebidas calientes o por calor (lo desea). Fro de un solo lado.
Fiebre al anochecer y de noche; peor de 20 a 22 horas, con dolores en las piernas que
van al corazn y sien izquierda. Oleadas de calor. Sudores de maana y de noche, con
ansiedad; al moverse y despus de despertar.
37- Piel: seca; fra; anestesiada; agrietada; ardiente. Eczema seco. Herpes. Ampollas.
Urticaria. Erupciones: hmedas y arden despus del rascado; ardientes, pinchantes;
pruriginosas, peor de noche en cama. Hormigueo. Ulceraciones con prurito y dolor. Las
heridas tardan en curarse.
Remedio de accin profunda para trastornos crnicos del cerebro, mdula y nervios
La constriccin es un sntoma general marcado, tambin constriccin de orificios
Distensin venosa
Debilidad, especialmente medular
Dolor y ardor en la columna
Hormigueos, entumecimiento, dolor en todos los miembros
Convulsiones epileptiformes
Frialdad durante los dolores.
Congestin del cerebro
Constriccin del cuero cabelludo
Dolor en la cabeza, mejor por el calor, transpira
Dolor en los ojos, parpadeo
Corizas frecuentes
Hinchazn y ulceracin en la nariz.
Catarro torcico, dolor, sensacin de desolladura
Sensacin de gran debilidad en el trax
Dolores punzantes
Tos espasmdica con expectoracin viscosa purulenta
Pesadez, sacudidas, entumecimiento, adolorimiento y dolores.
Hormigueo a lo largo de los nervios, las venas se sienten llenas y distendidas
Adolorimiento al tacto y la presin.
Peor por aire fro, despus de comer, de pie
Mejor por calor, ayuno, descansando en cama.
Potencias altas.
1- Pesadez en la cabeza.
2- Le raspa la garganta.
3- Calor en la cara.
4- Calor en el vientre.
* 6- Calor en la piel.
Caractersticas.- Es una medicina muy antigua de gran uso en la escuela antigua para
"fiebres mixtas". Se ha experimentado por Wibmer, que experiment los siguientes
sntomas: "Garganta rasposa. Aumento de calor en el abdomen; en la piel,
especialmente en la cara. Pesadez en la cabeza." Causa flujo profuso de orina, se dice
que contiene azcar. "Baado en sudor" es su principal indicacin.
1- Predominio del lado derecho en la aparicin de sntomas.
4- Hinchazn debajo de la lengua, como una rnula. Eructos cidos. Calor en el estmago.
* 5- Dolorimiento en la regin renal derecha; sensible a la presin. Orina escasa, con aspecto
humoso, de olor fuerte. Albuminuria. Sedimento espeso. Incontinencia de orina en
7- Dolor a travs del sacro, con urgencia para defecar. Gota con tofos o lquido en la
articulacin del dedo gordo o en otras articulaciones.
Uno de los remedios para la albuminuria, especialmente en la gota
Gota, con depsitos en las articulaciones
Incontinencia urinaria en la vejez.
Pesada, atontada.
Abotagada, prpados hinchados
Hinchazn debajo de la lengua como rnula.
Ahumada, escasa
Albuminosa y con depsitos espesos.
Dolor a travs del sacro, con deseo de defecar
Adolorimiento en la regin del rin derecho.
Comparar: Terebinth., Benz. ac., Sales de amonaco, Caust..
En la albuminuria comparar: Kalmia, Helon., Merc. corr., Berb., Canth..
Segunda trituracin.
Ammonium benzoicum (Allen)
Upper face
- Face bloated. Albuminuria.
- Sensation of soreness between abdominal rings, in spermatic cord, and extending slightly
Stool and rectum
- Pain across sacrum with urgency to stool.
Urinary organs
- Sensation of internal soreness on pressure in leaning back against cushioned back of carriage,
in region of right kidney.
- Bloated face, eyelids swollen, head heavy, stupid; urine scanty, smoky. Albuminuria.
- Soreness : and swelling in eyes; in region of r. kidney; between abdominal rings, in spermatic
- Increased warmth and discomfort in stomach.
- Pain : across sacrum.
- Albuminuria.
- Gout with fluid in great toejoint or with lithates.
- Similar to its relatives, the ammonia salts and Benz. ac., especially the latter in gout,
rheumatism and kidney affections, and the Amm. phosph., in gouty deposits.
- Also similar to : Gnaphal. (gouty concretions); Caustic.; Tereb., (smoky, albuminous urine;
*** 1- Est peor por la presencia (o en presencia) de otras personas, especialmente referido a
la defecacin: no puede mover el vientre ni si est cerca la cuidadora o, en casos
extremos, ni siquiera si hay alguien en la casa; no puede hacer nada delante de otros. No
le gusta estar en sociedad, en las reuniones sociales, desea estar sola, sobre todo por dos
razones: 1 porque es terriblemente tmida, sonrojndose muy fcilmente, y 2 porque la
conversacin la agrava (Ign., Nat. M.) mental y fsicamente, le produce ansiedad, la
irrita, la inquieta, le ocasiona temblores. Hay una verdadera misantropa; la presencia de
extraos la agrava y le da miedo, an de que se acerquen. El aspecto de Ambra es de gran
embarazo, de estar muy incmoda, de no saber qu hacer, en sociedad o en presencia de
** 3- Tristeza, melancola, pasa das enteros llorando sentada. Estados depresivos, con
tendencia casi compulsiva a recordar y hablar de hechos desagradables ya pasados, que
la atrapan. Alterna depresin (con indiferencia para todos) con vehemencia. Cansada de
la vida, a veces con tendencia suicida. Tiene aversin a las caras sonrientes.
* 4- Compresin lenta, embotado, confuso, no puede reflexionar, peor de maana; las ideas
se le desvanecen; en viejos especialmente. Mala memoria; viejos olvidadizos. Est como
en un sueo. Imbecilidad.
* 5- Pregunta, y sin esperar la respuesta, pregunta sobre otro tema; salta de un tema a otro
(Kent): en mujeres de sociedad, muy locuaces y excitadas.
* 8- Ansiedad: al anochecer en cama; cuando est en compaa; por conversacin; por deseo
ineficaz de mover el vientre; en una multitud; cuando habla; despus de comer; durante
la fiebre.
9- Ve caras diablicas (Bell., Op., Calc. C.) que estn sobre l; ve fantasmas.
10- Habla en sueos; se despierta asustado.
*** 11- Gran medicamento de los viejos (Bar. C.), con disminucin de todas las funciones,
debilidad, fro y adormecimiento de partes del cuerpo; en pacientes debilitados por la
edad o exceso de trabajo; en viejos adelgazados. Vejez prematura, senilidad precoz. En
gente delgada. En nios excitables, nerviosos, dbiles. Personas "secas", nerviosas.
Mujeres histricas, delgadas.
** 12- Temblores, peor en compaa, por msica, por conversacin. Temblor senil precoz.
** 14- Peor: al despertar; de maana; por el menor esfuerzo; por leche caliente o lquidos
calientes, mejor por bebidas fras; peor en habitacin llena de gente; despus de estar
acostado, mejor al levantarse de la cama; peor en primavera y por calor, mejor por fro;
peor por hablar o leer en voz alta; mejor por un paseo lento al aire libre.
* 19- Vrtigo en los viejos, peor al levantarse a la maana; necesita estar acostado.
** 20- Calor que sube a la cabeza por msica. Pesadez ceflica por hablar. Duele el cabello
al tocarlo en el lado derecho de la cabeza. El pelo es seco y cae.
* 23- Coriza con secrecin nasal gris. Epistaxis de maana temprano en la cama y durante la
menstruacin (Sep.).
24- Suda de un slo lado de la cara. Labios calientes, dormidos a la maana al despertar.
Temblores en la cara.
* 25- Rnula con aliento ftido. Lengua gris o gris-amarillenta. Boca amarga al despertar a la
maana, y aliento ftido, peor al toser. Boca seca sin sed.
26- Odontalgias, mejor por agua fra, peor por cosas calientes. Las encas sangran mucho.
** 28- Eructos despus de toser (Sang.). Acidez. Distensin del estmago despus de comer
o despus de medianoche.
* 29- Fro helado en el vientre, peor de un slo lado, a la izquierda. Dolor en el hipocondrio
derecho que mejora si se acuesta sobre ese lado.
*** 30- Constipacin con frecuentes deseos ineficaces; su urgencia desaparece estando en
compaa; no puede mover si la "nurse" est presente, se pone nerviosa, ansiosa; en el
puerperio; en nios. Hemorragia anal al defecar. Constipacin inveterada en viejos.
* 31- Orina turbia al ser emitida, luego se aclara. Sedimento como borra de caf (Apis.,
Hell.) o marrn. Dolor simultneo en vejiga y recto, con ardor en el ano y meato uretral;
ardor y prurito uretral mientras orina. Siente en la uretra como si pasaran gotas.
* 32- Prurito voluptuoso en el escroto. Excoriacin entre los muslos. Erecciones violentas
sin sensaciones voluptuosas.
*** 33- Menstruaciones copiosas y frecuentes, peor por esfuerzos (Calc., Erig.). Tiene
metrorragias o prdidas intermenstruales despus de cada deposicin o por heces duras
o por el ms mnimo esfuerzo, por la causa ms leve y an por caminar. Prurito vulvar
intolerable. Flujo blanco azulado, con ninfomana, peor o slo de noche. Sntomas
uterinos, peor acostada
** 34- Tos por cosquilleo larngeo, peor por levantar pesos, por msica, en presencia de
gente o en reuniones sociales. Tos ronca, espasmdica, paroxstica, en viejos, peor por
hablar en voz alta. Tos violenta con eructos y ronquera. Coqueluche. Asma en viejos y
nios, con silbidos en el pecho. Expectoracin gris (Lyc., Stann., Arg. M.) peor de
* 35- Palpitaciones con presin o sensacin de peso en el pecho, como si un cuerpo extrao
estuviera alojado all o como si el pecho estuviera tapado. Palpitaciones al aire libre con
palidez. Las palpitaciones se extienden a todo el cuerpo; est consciente de su pulso.
* 36- Se le duermen los miembros superiores, peor de noche o llevando algo o acostado
sobre ellos, mejor movindolos. Los pulpejos de los dedos estn arrugados. Se rompen
las uas de las manos (Graph., Psor.). Excoriacin en el hueco poplteo (Sep.). Sudores
en los muslos. Vrices. Calambres en las pantorrillas de noche; en las manos y dedos,
peor al agarrar algo.
39- Sudores por el menor esfuerzo; de un slo lado o en los sitios afectados. Calores con
ansiedad cada cuarto de hora, al anochecer.
Complementario: Causticum.
Ambra Grsea o mbar gris es una concrecin intestinal de los cachalotes, que no debe
confundirse con el mbar amarillo que es una resina fsil.
Se lo encuentra en pequeas masas que flotan en el mar o son arrojadas a las costas de la
India, frica y Francia; el ms estimado es el procedente de Sumatra y Madagascar.
Parece cera algo endurecida, su color es intenso y agradable, y su sabor recuerda el de la
grasa vieja.
Las tres primeras dinamizaciones se obtienen por trituracin hahnnemaniana; las ms
elevadas a partir de la tercera, por diluciones hahnemannianas sucesivas.
No llega a afectar la va vegetativa como para producir lesiones orgnicas y se localiza casi
nicamente SOBRE EL SISTEMA NERVIOSO, determinando un ESTADO
NEUROPATICO DE TIPO DEPRESIVO, astenia general con calambres, tirones,
ESPASMOS MUSCULARES a veces intensos. Dice Farrington que donde no haya
sntomas nerviosos, no debe darse este medicamento.
ENTUMECIMIENTO: Muchas molestias del remedio tienen esta caracterstica propia de los
ancianos; sensibilidad disminuida y circulacin dbil (Kent).
A) Monolateralidad
B) Agravacin
CONVERSACIN; por ej.: Una mujer cuidada por una enfermera, es incapaz de mover
el vientre en su presencia. NATR. MUR. no puede orinar si no est solo. Confusin
espiritual frente a otras personas. Tan pronto como el sujeto se encuentra entre gente
siente las mejillas clidas, tiembla, sus nervios se excitan y sus ideas se desvanecen
C) Mejora
Sntomas mentales
Insomnio despus de inquietud o preocupacin por los negocios; debe levantarse. Podr ir a
acostarse muy cansado, pero tan pronto su cabeza toma contacto con la almohada,
comienza a estar preocupado y el sueo se le va (Farrington). Durante el sueo el cuerpo
est fro, tiene temblores y sacudidas en las piernas.
Cefalea compresiva que comienza en ambas sienes. Puntadas y dolores desgarrantes, todo
agravado por el ejercicio, mejorando por el reposo y acostado. Dolor de cabeza al
sonarse la nariz. Dolor en eminencia frontal y ojo izquierdo (Kent). VRTIGO SIMPLE,
Picazn en los prpados como si se formara un orzuelo. Dificultad para ver, como si las cosas
estuviesen cubiertas por niebla. Visin disminuida causada por una especie de parlisis
senil o debilitamiento nervioso de la vista (Kent).
Agudeza del odo disminuida; sordera sin afeccin orgnica. Facultades auditivas tan
alteradas que la msica AGRAVA LOS SNTOMAS, debido a perturbacin de los
nervios auditivos. Or msica congestiona la cabeza y agrava la tos. CALC. OSTR. tiene
tal sensibilidad, que el solo tocar un piano produce dolores en diversas partes del cuerpo,
principalmente en la laringe (Kent).
Aparato digestivo
1) BOCA Y FARINGE: Sequedad bucal con sed. Dolores larngeos al tragar. Sensacin
de crudeza en la garganta. Agravados por la maana. A la sequedad se une acumulacin
mucosa que el paciente trata de expulsar, con provocacin de tos. Nuseas y a veces
vmitos (Kent).
Sensacin de presin heptica profunda; agravacin por la maana, despus de haber comido
y de cada deposicin.
Aparato urinario
Al ser emitida la orina parece turbia, amarillo-marrn, y al enfriarse deja sedimento oscuro;
puede ser abundante, de olor cido, orina sanguinolenta que deja sedimento rojizo.
Durante la miccin, sensacin de ardor, escozor, comezn y titilacin en uretra y vulva.
rganos genitales
Secrecin sangunea entre reglas, POR EL MENOR INCIDENTE, despus de una marcha
prolongada o ejercicio violento.
Aparato respiratorio
Asma y disnea con sntomas cardacos al menor ejercicio, o tentativa de coito (Kent). Este
medicamento es til en el asma acompaada de trastornos cardacos con sensacin de
opresin en el costado izquierdo del pecho, no como cactus, que tiene sensacin de que
le oprimen el corazn (Farrington).
Dolor opresivo profundo y desgarrante en el costado izquierdo del pecho (Kent). Sensacin
de comezn y de crudeza en el pecho, que se desplaza si el paciente se toca y rasca en el
lugar (Kent).
Aparato circulatorio
Espalda y extremidades
Miembros que se entumecen fcilmente a la menor compresin. Las piernas al cruzarlas, los
brazos al dormir sobre ellos. Dolor de carne viva entre muslos y en hueco poplteo.
Pesadez de miembros inferiores, debilidad paraltica; el sujeto envejece, llega la
senilidad. Tendencia a dormirse, entumecimiento y circulacin perezosa con prdida de
fuerza muscular (Kent). Entumecimiento de miembros, piernas inseguras, tambaleo
Hay muchas semejanzas con ACTEA RAC., ASA FOET., COCEA, IGNAT., PHOSPH.,
VALER., y MOSCH. Este ltimo le sigue muy bien.
Al considerar este remedio en conjunto les parecer que han estado estudiando las
caractersticas Be uno con vejez prematura. Muchas veces vern en alguien de
cincuenta aos de edad las caractersticas que deberan aparecer a los ochenta, y tras
estudiar este remedio vern que se presenta el mismo aspecto, prematuramente
envejecido. Reconocemos el temblor y un tipo peculiar de debilidad que no puede
describirse con otra palabra que senilidad; no se trata de la confusin mental
correspondiente a la enfermedad, sino el estado peculiar que reconocemos en la gente
vieja, en la declinacin de la vida; temblores y tartamudeo y un estado somnoliento de
la mente, muy olvidadizo. Pasa de un sujeto a otro, haciendo una pregunta y, sin esperar
que le sea contestada formulan otra. Y as salta de un tema a otro. Es difcil decir que se
trate de confusin; es un estado somnoliento de la mente, un estado de senilidad. Este
remedio es til cuando se halla ese estado en personas jvenes, cuando la mente no est
insana y sin embargo est dbil. Es indicado especialmente para aquellas personas que
manifiestan una momentnea y fugaz curiosidad, saltando de un tema a otro. A menudo
un paciente me formula una pregunta tras otra, sin esperar la respuesta a la primera, un
conversador inconstante y voluble, que parece no darse cuenta de que no le he
contestado sus preguntas; ese paciente, me digo, necesita Ambra grisea. Ese estado
mental corresponde a mujeres de sociedad modernas tan a menudo que les sorprender a
ustedes notarlo en todo el mundo. Una elegante de la sociedad moderna, que no sera
capaz de zurcir sus medias ni para salvar su alma, caer en unos pocos aos
precisamente en ese estado, y ni siquiera Ambra la curar . Pero hay un tipo de
enfermedad nerviosa manifestada por estos sntomas, que Ambra grisea curar . La
alternancia de depresin espiritual con vehemencia del temperamento es otra de sus
caractersticas. Eso corresponde, naturalmente, a la vejez. Un perodo de la mayor
excitabilidad es seguido frecuentemente por una depresin, un estado de indiferencia
para todo, a la alegra, a la pena, a la gente, etc., tratando con indiferencia cosas que
hubiesen quebrantado naturalmente el corazn de una persona equilibrada. Ni siquiera
se pregunta por qu no se siente excitado ante esas cosas maravillosas, tan decidido es
su estado de indiferencia. Muchos de los malestares empeoran por la maana. El
paciente se levanta con la mente confusa y pesada, sufre un estado de somnolencia y
hacia el atardecer evidencia sntomas de insana.
Hay algo que se produce a travs de este remedio: la presencia de otras personas agrava los
sntomas; y tambin la marcada agravacin por la conversacin. Una mujer, cuando es
atendida por una enfermera, se ve imposibilitada de mover el vientre sin enviar a la
enfermera a otra habitacin. A pesar de todos sus esfuerzos, no puede hacer nada salvo
que se halle sola. Se dice en Natr. mur. que la paciente no puede orinar en presencia de
otras personas. La orina no sale cuando hay alguien en la cercana. Se trata de una
especie de caracterstica general de este remedio. Confusin mental y vergenza en
presencia de otras personas. Dificultades con la compaa. Tan pronto como tiene
compaa aparece el rubor, los temblores, la excitacin nerviosa, y los pensamientos se
desvanecen. Con estos sntomas el paciente se imagina que est enloqueciendo y
finalmente cae en un estado de melancola, tristeza y desesperacin, y no quiere vivir.
Odia su vida y quiere morir. "Gran tristeza". "Melancola, permanece sentado das
enteros, llorando". Tal es el estado mental de este paciente prematuramente envejecido,
con constitucin quebrantada. Es el reflejo de un naufragio y el dilema surgir cuando
ustedes encuentren un paciente que parezca y acte de esta manera: "se lo habr
recibido a tiempo para curarlo? Vern fcilmente que tienen ante ustedes alguien que va
barranca abajo y destinado a caer en la insana de una forma u otra. Un mdico nota el
presagio de un profundo derrumbamiento cuando ve al paciente Ambra grisea con el
nervioso estado mental, y los temblores, estremecimientos y excitacin en quien haba
sido un hombre fuerte y vigoroso. Algn gran shock en los negocios o en su hogar, ha
afectado a este paciente. No es el aspecto que ustedes ven cuando la tisis es inminente;
no se ve la condicin caquctica, se trata de una postracin del sistema nervioso. Una
postracin mental. Un hombre sigue la senda de una muerte tras otra en la familia, y
parece no quedar nada; no puede pensar en ello filosficamente; ha perdido su negocio
y sus amigos y entonces empieza a soar y se pregunta si la vida vale la pena de ser
vivida. Es entonces que ustedes tienen delante el aspecto Ambra grisea.
Muchos de los malestares se presentan por la maana y muchos despus de comer. "Vrtigo
con sensacin de un peso sobre el vrtex; empeora despus de dormir"; pero
especialmente por la maana. No se lo menciona en el texto, pero tambin empeora
despus de comer. "Tuve que acostarme debido al vrtigo y a la sensacin de debilidad
en el estmago".
Los malestares son muchas veces unilaterales; transpiracin en un lado del cuerpo o en el
lado afectado. "En el lado derecho de la cabeza, un lugar donde el cabello, al tocarlo,
duele como si estuviere llagado". Igual sensacin en la piel, supersensible al contacto.
"El cuero cabelludo est dolorido por la maana, Encontrar la palabra entumecimiento
entre los malestares. Se hallar una especie peculiar de entumecimiento, como la que
ataca a los viejos. Menor sensibilidad de las partes; circulacin dbil .
Asimismo encontramos, entre los sntomas oculares, "Visin opaca, como si se mirase a
travs de la niebla". Puede producirse esa visin opaca sin que haya en el ojo estado
alguno que lo justifique. Es un obscurecimiento nervioso de la visin, una parlisis
senil. "Comezn en el prpado, como si se estuviese formando un orzuelo". La
comezn se siente en todo el cuerpo; comezn en todas las pequeas aberturas.
Entre los sntomas que no figuran en el texto y que pertenecen decididamente a este
remedio, figura: "Dolor de cabeza presionante, que empieza desde las dos sienes, con
tirantez y desgarramiento de la cabeza, hacia adelante y hacia atrs. Punzadas en la
cabeza, dolores lancinantes, cortantes, que empeoran con el esfuerzo y mejoran con la
inmovilidad y al acostarse. Dolor de cabeza al sonarse la nariz. Dolor presionante en la
aliente frontal y en el ojo. Ardor en el ojo derecho y en los prpados. Desgarramiento
en trechos cortos en y sobre el ojo derecho, presin sobre la ceja derecha, puntadas
agravadas despus de comer; lagrimeo". Esto est en las pruebas originales, pero no en
el texto; ha sido dejado de lado. Tal es el caso en todo Guiding Symptoms; sntomas
importantes fueron dejados de lado porque era necesario para abreviar la obra.
"La audicin disminuye". Se oye poco a pesar de no existir ninguna afeccin orgnica del
odo. Tan disminuida est su capacidad auditiva, que la msica le agrava los sntomas,
por estar afectados los nervios de la audicin. "El escuchar msica provoca congestin
en la cabeza". La msica le agrava la tos. Pienso en alguien que comenzaba a toser
simplemente por or msica! Qu cosa rara! Calcarea tiene tanta sensibilidad que los
sones del piano son dolorosos en rganos, especialmente en la laringe.
El remedio abunda en hemorragia. Copiosa hemorragia nasal por la maana. Tenemos aqu
adems la agravacin matinal. Tenemos la idea de la circulacin dbil debido a fciles
flujos desde las mucosas. "Copiosa hemorragia nasal a hora temprana, en la cama".
"Sangre seca se le acumula en la nariz". "Prolongada y continuada sequedad de la nariz,
frecuente irritacin cuando estornuda". En la nariz, un catarro viejo y seco con estado
atrfico de la mucosa. La parte interior de la nariz queda lustrosa y macilenta.
Sequedad en la boca sin sed. Dolor penetrante en la garganta entre los actos de tragar.
Aspereza de la garganta. Los malestares de la garganta empeoran por la maana.
Empeoran tambin despus de comer y de beber bebidas calientes, especialmente la
leche caliente. "Despus de comer, tos y arcadas". Existe una combinacin peculiar de
sntomas respecto de la garganta. Sequedad y acumulacin de mucus en la garganta,
que el paciente trata de expulsar, y cuando hace un esfuerzo por toser y expulsar el
mucus, sufre arcadas y a veces vomita. Vmitos al toser. Debilidad en el fondo del
estmago despus de cada evacuacin; sensacin de vaco en el fondo del estmago.
Presin profunda en la zona del hgado; empeora por la maana; tambin despus de
comer y despus de sus deposiciones. Distensin del abdomen con gran flatulencia,
especialmente despus de comer. Algunos sntomas empeoran despus de beber.
Algunas veces estos malestares se presentan en la mitad de la noche, despertndolo con
ruidos y cortes en los intestinos. El abdomen est fro; da la sensacin de que estuviera
fra toda la parte interior del abdomen. En otras ocasiones el fro parece residir en un
costado del abdomen.
Orina sanguinolenta, con sedimento rojo. La orina, al ser emitida, es turbia, color marrn
amarillento y deja un sedimento pardo. "Orina de olor agrio". Es copiosa. "Durante la
miccin, ardores, escozor, comezn y cosquilleo en uretra y vulva". "Aspereza dolorosa
entre los muslos". "Picazn voluptuosa en el escroto". "Violentas erecciones matinales,
sin deseo", con entumecimiento de los genitales. Los sntomas son muy irregulares,
como sucede en Ignatia y Natr. mur. Tomados en conjunto pueden ser reconciliados,
pero si se los considera de a pocos cada vez parecen maravillosamente inconsistentes.
Debe considerarse todo el remedio a fin de comprenderlo.
Copioso flujo de sangre entre los perodos menstruales. "Derrame de sangre entre perodos
ante cualquier pequeo accidente". Descarga de sangre desde la vagina por el hecho de
hacer presin en una deposicin dura; hasta por una caminata un poco demasiado
extensa o por un esfuerzo excesivo. "Durante los menstruos, la pierna izquierda se pone
de color bien azul por causa de vrices distendidas, con dolor presionante en la pierna".
"El estar acostada agrava los sntomas uterinos", cosa totalmente inesperada. Menstruos
prematuros y demasiado profusos. "Los menstruos aparecen siete das antes del tiempo
debido" y entonces aparece esa horrible picazn en los genitales;"dolor y picazn, con
hinchazn de los labios".
Otra caracterstica llamativa de este remedio, que puede esperarse con toda esta postracin
y excitacin nerviosa es la disnea, con sntomas cardacos y dificultades para respirar,
una especie de asma. Se presenta ante cualquier pequeo esfuerzo. Asma al intentar el
Se queja mucho de una presin desgarrante y profunda en el lado izquierdo del pecho.
Sensacin de tener el pecho en carne viva y picazn en el mismo. Hormigueo y
picazn, los que van de un lado a otro si el paciente trata de tocarse el lugar y de
No les sorprender saber que este paciente sufre palpitaciones al corazn ante un leve
esfuerzo, por excitacin, por or msica, por cualquier esfuerzo tendiente a fijar la
atencin en algo, de temores y estremecimientos. Y esta palpitacin la siente hasta en
las extremidades; vibra todo el cuerpo. Siente sus arterias en todas partes y la
palpitacin de su corazn provoca opresin al respirar.
Las extremidades se entumecen con facilidad; se le duermen ante la presin ms leve; por
tenerlas cruzadas; Fro, temblores y endurecimiento de las extremidades. Las uas de los
dedos de la mano se le ponen quebradizas y marchitas. Los brazos se le duermen al
tenerlos cados. "Dolores entre los muslos y sensacin de tenerlos en carne viva y en el
hueco de las rodillas". Pesadez de las extremidades inferiores, debilidad paraltica; el
paciente est envejeciendo; llega la senectud. Este remedio ha curado los temblores
prematuros que atacan a personas de mediana edad. Tambin ha curado la tendencia a
dormir y el entumecimiento y dbil circulacin con prdida del poder muscular. Es muy
conveniente en nios que son excitables, nerviosos y dbiles. "En personas de edad y
Vejez prematura: un hombre a los 50 aos parece como de 80, con sntomas seniles,
debilidad, temblores (tottering), temblequeo y vacilacin al caminar, confusin mental como
entre sueos (forgetful).
Se supone que Ambra grisea es un producto morboso que proviene de la ballena. Tiene
una accin medicamentosa bien marcada. Como todas las substancias que tienen un fuerte
olor, obra prominentemente sobre el sistema nervioso. Cuando no hay sntomas nerviosos en
un caso, apenas puede esperarse un buen servicio de este medicamento. Ambra grisea afecta
al sistema nervioso cerebro-espinal, produciendo sntomas espasmdicos en distintas partes
del cuerpo; los msculos faciales se contraen. Puede usarse tambin en el insomnio que
proviene por inquietud mental, como por los malos negocios. El paciente puede, en estos
casos, irse a la cama sintindose relativamente cansado y no obstante, tan pronto como
coloca la cabeza en la almohada, vuelve nuevamente a preocuparse. Tal caso es el que
frecuentemente cura Ambra grisea. Este medicamento est indicado particularmente en los
hombres delgados y demacrados, que tienen un marcado temperamento nervioso y en los
cuales la nerviosidad predomina con detrimento de la nutricin. Est indicado
particularmente en las afecciones nerviosas de los ancianos, especialmente cuando pierden la
memoria y no pueden acordarse de los ms simples hechos. El vrtigo sobreviene cuando el
paciente se pone en movimiento; las piernas se sienten inseguras y vacila cuando camina;
tiene adormecimiento de los pies y hormigueo en los miembros, especialmente en los
inferiores; las piernas se le duermen fcilmente. Estos sntomas demuestran que hay una
debilidad funcional u orgnica del sistema nervioso cerebro-espinal. Podemos usar de esta
droga en los casos de reblandecimiento cerebral o medular, sea o no de origen senil.
Hay otro uso que nosotros podemos hacer de Ambra grisea. Es un medicamento que obra
rpidamente. Por consiguiente podemos darlo en las enfermedades nerviosas, cuya reaccin
es deficiente. Ya hemos hablado de un uso semejante de Psorinum; es ste, la falta de
reaccin proviene de un vicio constitucional. Pero en el caso de Ambra grisea, proviene de la
debilidad nerviosa. Encontraremos muchos casos parecidos, particularmente entre los
Podemos emplear Ambra grisea en la tos, que empeora cuando hay personas extraas en
la habitacin o con algunas otras circunstancias que tiendan a excitar el sistema nervioso;
puede haber tos refleja por preocupaciones mentales. En estos casos es muy parecido a
Ambra grisea obra marcadamente sobre los rganos genitales de la mujer, siendo en esto
su accin nica e importante. Produce atona uterina. Las menstruaciones son regulares; otras
veces se presentan con algunos das de anticipacin y son muy profusas, acompaadas de
epistaxis y dilatacin de las varicosas de los piernas (si la paciente tiene este estado de las
venas.) Hay un flujo de sangre entre dos pocas de la menstruacin. Todo excitacin ligera o
esfuerzo suplementario, como el esfuerzo para defecar, produce un escurrimiento veginal
sanguneo, que nos demuestra cun congestionado est el tero y relajados y dbiles los
tejidos. La leucorrea principalmente es mucosa y de tinte azuloso o gris azul.
Puede usarse Ambra grisea durante el perodo del parto, especialmente cuando la
constipacin es muy intensa. Se adapta bien a las mujeres nerviosas, delgadas, huesosas y
que tienen gran ansiedad e inquietud asociada a la constipacin; la paciente est
imposibilitada para llevar a cabo la evacuacin, mientras la ve alguna persona.
Clnica.- Ano, irritacin de. Asma. Asma cardaco. Bazo, dolor en. Cara, granos en.
Cerebro, reblandecimiento. Convulsiones. Convulsiones puerperales. Emaciacin.
Epistaxis. Histeria. Ictericia. Menstruacin, irregularidades. Msica, intolerancia a.
Nerviosidad. Ninfomana. Rnula. Reaccin deficiente. Sordera. Prurito vulvar.
Timidez (vergonzoso). Timpanismo. Tos.
Relaciones.- Comparar: Moschus (desmayo; asma histrico); Castor., Asaf., Pso. y Valer.
(reaccin deficiente); Coca (timidez); Kali bro., Nux v. (reflejos aumentados); Calc.,
Nat. c. (frialdad en el abdomen); Act. rac. (tos nocturna); Nux v. (personas delgadas,
nerviosas); Ars. (asma); Phos. (asma, excitabilidad nerviosa); "debilidad irritable;
personas delgadas); Bov., (sangrado entre perodos); Lach. y Sep. (< por
sobreesfuerzo); Coff., Chi., Ign., Sul., Puls., Staph., Sec. (personas huesudas).
Antdotado por: Camph., Coff., Nux v., Puls., Staph. Antdota a: Staph. (especialmente
el prurito voluptuoso de escroto); Nux v.
-Es semejante a Act., Asaf., Coca, Ignat., Moschus, Phos:, Val.
- Con las bebidas calientes; habitaciones calientes; con la msica; con acostarse; leyendo o
hablando en voz alta; la presencia de mucha concurrencia; despus de despertar.
- Despus de comer; con el aire fro; con los alimentos y bebidas fras; con levantarse de la
Adaptable a nios nerviosos, excitables y delgados, pacientes nerviosos
Hipersensibilidad nerviosa extrema
Entumecimiento externo del todo el cuerpo por la maana y debilidad
Temperamento bilioso nervioso
Mujeres delgadas, huesudas
Corresponde a sujetos histricos, o quienes sufren de irritacin medular, con tos
convulsiva, eructos, etc
Tambin para pacientes agotados por la edad o excesos en el trabajo, anmicos y con
Gran remedio para los viejos, con deterioro de todas las funciones, debilidad, frialdad y
entumecimiento, usualmente de partes nicas, dedos, brazos, etc
Trastornos de un solo lado, lo indican
La msica agrava sus sntomas
Ebulliciones y latidos despus de caminar al aire libre
Trastornos unilaterales.
Temor de la gente, y desea estar solo
No puede hacer nada en presencia de otros
Intensamente tmido, se abochorna fcilmente
La msica le provoca llanto
Desesperacin, aversin a la vida
Ilusiones fantsticas
Prdida de amor por la vida
Inquieto, excitado, muy locuaz
El tiempo pasa lentamente
Pensamiento difcil por la maana en viejos
Medita en cosas desagradables.
Comprensin lenta
Vrtigo, con debilidad en la cabeza y estmago
Presin en la parte anterior de la cabeza con depresin mental
Dolor desgarrante en la mitad superior del cerebro
Vrtigo senil
Agolpamiento de sangre en la cabeza cuando escucha msica
Audicin deteriorada
Epistaxis, especialmente por la maana
Sangrado profuso de los dientes
Se cae el pelo.
Eructos, con tos violenta, convulsiva
Eructos cidos, como agruras
Distensin del estmago y abdomen despus de medianoche
Sensacin de frialdad en el abdomen.
Dolor en la vejiga y el recto al mismo tiempo
Ardor en el orificio de la uretra y el ano
Sensacin en la uretra como si pasaran unas cuantas gotas
Ardor y prurito en la uretra mientras orina
Orina turbia, an mientras orina, formando un sedimento marrn.
Prurito en genitales, con adolorimiento e hinchazn
Menstruacin demasiado temprana
Leucorrea azulada abundante
Peor por la noche
Prdidas de sangre entre los perodos, por cualquier pequeo accidente.
Prurito voluptuoso en el escroto
Partes externas entumecidas; ardor interno
Erecciones violentas sin sensacin voluptuosa.
Respiracin asmtica, con eructos de aire
Tos espasmdica, nerviosa, con eructos y ronquera, al caminar por la maana; peor en
presencia de la gente
Cosquilleo en la garganta, laringe y trquea, trax oprimido, se queda sin respiracin al
Tos seca, espasmdica, hueca, que proviene de la profundidad del trax
Se ahoga cuando expulsa la flema.
Palpitaciones, con presin en el trax como si una masa estuviera alojada ah, o como si el
trax estuviera obstruido
Conciencia del pulso
Palpitaciones al aire libre con cara plida.
No puede dormir por preocupaciones; debe levantarse
Sueos ansiosos
Frialdad del cuerpo y contracciones de extremidades, durante el sueo.
Prurito y adolorimiento, especialmente alrededor de los genitales
Entumecimiento de la piel
Los brazos se duermen.
Calambres en las manos y dedos, peor agarrando algo
Calambres en las piernas.
Peor por msica; presencia de extraos; por cualquier cosa inusual, por la maana, en una
habitacin caliente
Mejor, por movimiento lento al aire libre; acostado sobre el lado doloroso; por bebidas
No confundirlo con Amber-Succinum. q.v.
Moschus, frecuentemente lo sigue ventajosamente
Comparar: Oleum succinum (hipo)
Sumbul, Castor., Asaf., Crocus, Lilium.
Segunda y tercera potencia; puede ser repetido con ventaja.
Ambar gris.
Hipersensibilidad nerviosa en los nios o en las personas dbiles por la edad, el surmenage
o por insomnio.
Por la menor causa: la presencia de una persona extraa, la msica, disgustos; en una
habitacin caliente y por la maana.
Por un paseo, caminando lentamente al aire libre y por las bebidas fras.
LA MENOR COSA TRASTORNA AL SUJETO; no puede respirar, el corazn no late y las
reglas se suspenden. Sensacin de desfallecimiento (Moschus). Sensacin de fro,
entorpecimiento, temblores y espasmos.
Timidez inverosmil (Coca). Deseo de estar solo, incapaz de hacer nada delante de alguna
persona. La msica le hace llorar y aumenta sus sufrimientos (Natr. mur., Graph.) .
Insomnio provocado por disgustos que le hacen levantarse (Act. Sep.).
Eructaciones frecuentes. Sensacin de fro helado en el abdomen (Calcarea carb., Nat. c. ) .
Dolores en el hipocondrio derecho que disminuyen estando acostado sobre el lado doloroso.
Constipacin con deseos frecuentes e ineficaces de defecar (Nux v.) y ansiedad, el nio no
puede evacuar si alguien est prximo a l, ni an con la madre o niera. La mujer encinta
no puede orinar delante de nadie (Natr. mur.).
Tos violenta, espasmdica, paroxstica, con eructaciones (Carb. seg., Ver. a.) y afona, que
empeora al hablar o leer en voz alta (Dros., Phos., Thuja) con expectoracin nicamente por
la maana. Tos nerviosa, coqueluchoide, pero sin repetir cuando el enfermo est en una
reunin (emotividad).
Palpitacin con sensacin de peso sobre el pecho (Phos. Sulph. ) .
Prurito voluptuoso en las partes genitales.
Escurrimiento de sangre entre dos perodos (Bov.) por la menor causa: un paseo largo, la
expulsin de una hez dura.
Leucorrea espesa, mucosidades blanco-azuladas, solamente por la noche (Caust., Merc.,
Nitr. acid.).
Psicosis y trastornos del simptico. Insomnio. Asma nerviosa. Tos espasmdica.
Irregularidades menstruales. Ninfomana.
Moschus (nerviosidad y desfallecimiento, excitacin sexual intensa). Coca (timidez con
repugnancia por las reuniones mundanas). Nux vomica (constipacin sin ansiedad).
Staphysagria (prurito genital).
Incompatibilidades: Nux Vomica. Staphysagria.
Complementario: Natrum muriaticum.
6a y 30a.
Ambra grisea. Found in some marine animals, and frequently obtained floating on the
Southern seas.
Preparation, Triturations.
Authorities. (Hahnemann's M. M. Pura);
[_a1]: Hahnemann;
[_a2]: Gersdorff.
- Distorted images, grimaces, diabolical faces crowd upon his fancy; he cannot get rid of
them, [_a1].
- Lewd fancies, even when dreaming; the mind and the sexual organs, however, do not feel
excited by them (first twenty-four hours), [_a1].
- She is excited, loquacious; talking fatigues her; she was unable to sleep at night; got a
headache, as if she carried a large load upon her head; she felt oppressed at the chest; had to
sit up in bed, and was attacked with anguish and sweat all over, [_a1].
- Uncommonly long excitement, [_a1].
- Great equanimity (reaction of the organism), [_a2].
- Great sadness (after seventy-two hours), [_a1].
- * Despair (after forty-eight hours), [_a1].
- Great depression of spirits (after six days), [_a1].
- He is overwhelmed with sad thoughts, and feels a sort of qualmishness about the heart; he
feels sad for a long time, [_a1].
- Indifferent to joy or grief; more depressed, however, than composed, [_a1].
- Anxiety after dinner, [_a1].
- Anxious thoughts arise in his mind, [_a1].
- The mind feels uneasynd agitated, [_a1].
- Uneasiness the whole day, the chest feeling oppressed, [_a1].
- Anguish and tremor (after eight days), [_a1].
- * In the evening one feels a sort of anguish, [_a1].
- Irritated mood, as if one had weak nerves and were impatient, [_a2].
- Talking irritates her; she is attacked with trembling through the whole body, especially in
the lower extremities, and has to be alone for some time in order to rest herself, [_a1].
- Immediately, whining mood, followed by peevishness and quarrelsomeness, for two
hours; he feels easily roused to indignation, [_a1].
- Constant alternation of depression of spirits and vehemence of temper; this prevents him
from having a calm mood, [_a1].
- He is always as if he were in a dream, [_a1].
- He was not able to reflect upon anything properly; he feels stupid (first twenty-four
hours), [_a1].
- Bad memory; his thoughts are weak; he has to read everything three or four times, and,
after all, he does not seize the meaning of what he reads, [_a1].
- Oppressive confusion of the head, immediately after eating, especially during motion,
- Compressing confusion of the head, [_a2].
- Headache every morning; the head feels muddled, as if she had been revelling the whole
night, [_a1].
- Violent vertigo, [_a1].
- Uncommon, even dangerous, vertigo, [_a1].
- Vertigo, when walking in the open air in the fore and afternoon, [_a1].
- * She had to lie down on account of vertigo and feeling of weakness in stomach (in
afternoon, after seventy-two hours), [_a1].
- * Great weakness in his head, with vertigo (after forty-eight hours), [_a1].
- Weakness in the head, with a sort of chilliness of the head, [_a1].
- Congestion of blood to the head for two days, [_a1].
- Music causes the blood to rush the the head, [_a1].
- Tension in the head, which makes one feel stupid, [_a1].
- Compression headache, starting from both temples, [_a2].
- Pressive drawing ascending from the nape of the neck, and extending through the head
towards the forehead, considerable pressure remaining behind in the lower part of the
occiput, [_a2].
- Drawings and tearings in the head, to and fro, [_a1].
- Pressure and stitches in the head, [_a1].
- Oppressive and tearing headache, especially over and on the top of the head, [_a2].
- Shootings through the head, [_a2].
- When making an exertion, he experiences a lancinating and cutting headache; he feels it
at every step; easier when lying down, [_a1].
- (Twitchings in the head), [_a1].
- Headache as if a cold would come on, at times increasing, at times decreasing, and
continual, [_a2].
- Headache when blowing the nose, [_a1].
- External headache; also in the nape of the neck and in the neck; pain as from straining the
parts in lifting, painful to the touch, the whole day (after twelve days), [_a1].
- Painful pimple on the forehead, [_a2].
- Red pimple on the middle of the forehead, close to the hair; it feels sore when touched,
but does not suppurate, [_a2].
- Sensation in the forehead and eyes as when a cold is about breaking out, [_a2].
- Oppressive headache in the forehead, [_a2].
- Pressure in the forehead, with apprehension of becoming crazy (after forty-eight hours),
- Downward pressing pain in the forehead and the top of the head, every other day,
accompanied by head and burning in the eyes, paleness of the face, beginning early in the
morning, increasing only in the afternoon, [_a1].
- Short violent pressure, just over the nose, in the forehead, in frequent paroxysms; it
becomes tearing, and leaves behind a confusion of the occiput, [_a2]
- Tearing headache in the forehead, as far as the upper part of the face, [_a2].
- Pressive pain in the left frontal eminence, [_a1].
- Tearing in left temple, as high up as the vertex; also in the right frontal eminence, and
behind the left ear, [_a2].
- Humming around the temples, [_a1].
- Stitch in the head, over the left temple (after three hours), [_a2].
- Painless feeling of pressure on top of head, and heaviness of the head, in the evening
(after thirty-six hours), [_a1].
- * Extremely painful tearing on the top of the head, and apparently in the whole upper half
of the brain, with paleness of the face and coldness of the left hand, [_a2].
- On the right side of the head there is a place where the hairs pain when touched, as if
sore, [_a2].
- * Confusion of the occiput, [_a2].
- Pressing pain in the occiput and nape of neck, [_a1].
- Pressive pain in a small place of the occiput, [_a1].
- Tearing pressure in the whole occiput, extending as far as the top and the forehead, [_a2].
- Tearing on the left side of the occiput towards the nape of the neck and behind the ear,
- * Falling off of the hair (after twenty-four hours), [_a1].
- Distended veins of the white of the eye, [_a2].
- Pressure and biting of the eye, as from dust which had got in, [_a2].
- Pressure upon the eyes, which can only be opened with difficulty; pain in the eyes, as if
they had been closed too firmly, especially early in the morning, [_a2].
- * Pressure upon the eyes, as if they were deep in the orbits, with tearing headache,
extending downward from the forehead, or from the ear through the occiput (after three
hours), [_a2].
- Burning pain in the right eye (after ten hours), [_a1].
- Tearing in short jerks, in and around the right eye, [_a2].
- Burning in the eyelids, [_a1].
- * Itching of the eyelid, as if a stye would form there, [_a1].
- Pressure on left eyebrow, [_a2].
- Biting and lachrymation of the eyes, [_a1].
- Intolerably itching titillation around the eyes, [_a1].
- Turbid sight, as through a mist (after some hours), [_a1].
- Very dim vision (after three days), [_a1].O0 After a meal, shootings, first around the left,
then around the right eye, [_a2].
- Violent tearing pain in the lobule and behind it, [_a2].
- Tearing in right ear early in morning, and frequently at other times, [_a1].
- Crawling in ears (after forty-eight hours), [_a1].
- Itching and tickling in the ears, [_a1].
- * Hearing decreases every day, five days in succession (after six days), [_a1].
- * Deafness of one ear, [_a1].
- * Roaring and whistling in the ear, in the afternoon (after four days), [_a1].
- (Snapping, as of a spark from the electric machine, and noise, as when winding up a
watch), [_a1].
- * Dried blood gathers in the nose (after sixteen hours, )[_a1].
- * Bleeding at the nose, early in the morning, [_a1].
- (Great dryness of the inside of the nose, although air passes through easily), [_a1].
- Cramp of the right wing of the nose, toward the malar bone, [_a1].
- Obstruction of the nose, which continues a long time, accompanied by a good deal of
irritation in the nose, as if one would sneeze, [_a2].
- Occasional sneezing, the nose being dry, [_a2].
- Tingling in the nose, as if one would sneeze, [_a1].
- Frequent attempts to sneeze, [_a1].
- She sneezes almost every day; this never happened before, [_a1].
- * Flushes of heat in the face, [_a1].
- * Jaundice-colored face, [_a1].
- Spasmodic tremblings of the muscles of the face, [_a1].
- Spasmodic twitchings of the face in the evening, when in bed, [_a1].
- Gnawing and tingling-itching in the face, [_a1].
- Tearing in the upper part of the face, especially near the right wing of the nose, [_a2].
- Red spot on the cheek, without any sensation, [_a1].
- Pimples and itching in the whiskers, [_a1].
- Tension of the cheek, as from swelling, [_a1].
- Painless swelling of the cheek on the upper jaw, with throbbing in the gums (after a few
hours), [_a1].
- Stitching, pressive pain in the jaws, [_a1].
- Pain in the jaws, as if they were being screwed together or asunder, [_a1].
- Hot lips, [_a1].
- Spasm of the lower lip, and sensation as if it were being pressed against the gums and
torn away, [_a1].
- Bleeding of the teeth, [_a1].
- Unusually copious bleeding from the lower teeth of the right side, [_a2].
- Drawing pain, at times in one, at times in another tooth; the pain, increased by warmth,
was suppressed by cold, for a few moments; did not become worse by chewing, and went
off after a meal; the gums on the inner side were swollen, [_a1].
- Pain in the hollow tooth, in the evening, [_a1].
- Pain in the hollow tooth, especially in the open air, as if the nerve were being touched,
- After dinner, pain in a hollow tooth, more lancinating than tearing; for half an hour (after
five hours), [_a1].
- Prickling, drawing in the upper right molar teeth, [_a2].
- Pressive, burrowing pain, apparently under the left lower molar teeth; in the evening
when in bed, [_a2].
- * Drawing pain, sometimes in the teeth of the right, sometimes in those of the left side, by
day, and for several nights, [_a2].
- Drawing in the incisor tooth, as if a current of air rushed into the tooth, causing a stitch
there, [_a2].
- Considerably swollen and painful gums, [_a1].
- The tongue is coated gray-yellow, [_a2].
- Tuberculous growths under the tongue, which feel sore, [_a1].
- Tongue, mouth, and lips feel quite numb and dry; early, on waking, [_a2].
- * Fetid odor from the mouth, [_a1].
- Badly smelling breath, early after waking, [_a1].
- Blisters in the mouth, which pain as if the place were burnt, [_a1].
- Great dryness of the mouth, early on waking, accompanied by a total want of thirst, for
several days, [_a2].
- Smarting, and sensation of excoriation in the interior of the mouth; pain prevented her
from eating anything acrid, [_a1].
- Feeling of contraction in the salivary glands during a meal, especially when swallowing
the first mouthfuls, [_a1].
- (Bitter taste in the mouth, early when waking), [_a1].
- Sourish taste in the mouth, after drinking milk, [_a1].
- * Secretion of mucus in the throat, with roughness and rawness, [_a2].
- * Accumulation of grayish phlegm in the throat, which is difficult to hawk
- Hawking up of mucus early in the morning, [_a2].
- Choking and vomiting can hardly by avoided when hawking up phlegm from the fauces,
- Rawness of the throat, [_a2].
- Rawness of the throat, as in a cold, [_a1].
- * Rawness of the throat as in a cold, for some days, [_a1].
- Sensation in the throat as if she had something lodged in it, [_a1].
- After dinner, pressure in the pit of the throat, as if food were lodged there which will not
go down, [_a1].
- Tearing in the interior of the throat, and in the upper back part of the fauces, [_a2].
- Tearing in the interior of the throat, and in the upper back part of the fauces, [_a2].
- Tearing in the back part of the throat, and on the left side of the palate, during dinner,
- Sore throat, as if something impeded deglutition (after eight days), [_a2].
- (Sore throat, not when swallowing food, but during an empty deglutition, and on pressure
from without, accompanied by tension of the cervical glands, as if they were swollen) (after
four days), [_a1].
- * (Sore throat, after a draught of air; there are stitches shooting from the neck into the
right ear; the parts are especially painful when moving the tongue), [_a1].
- * Tickling in the throat, which induces coughing, [_a1].
- * Tickling in the throat and the thyroid body, during the act of coughing, [_a1].
- Sensation during the act of coughing, as of sore place in the throat, [_a1].
- Pain of submaxillary gland, which looked swollen (after three days), [_a1].
- Tearing pain of the palate as far as into the left ear, [_a2].
- * Sensation of rawness in the region of the velum pendulum palati, [_a1].
- Sense as of biting in the back part of the fauces, between the acts of swallowing, [_a2].
- Pressive, biting pain in the back part of the fauces, from time to time, [_a2]
- Somewhat insipid eructations, frequently in the afternoon, [_a1].
- * Frequent empty eructations (after three and one-half hours), [_a2].
- Violent eructations after dinner, [_a1].
- * Frequently sour eructations (after forty-eight and seventy-two hours), [_a1].
- Audible eructations, tasting bitter, [_a1].
- * Heartburn, with suppressed eructations, when walking in the open air, [_a2].
- * Every evening, sense as of a spoiled stomach, and regurgitation of acrid substances as
high up as the larynx, like heartburn, [_a1].
- (Nausea, after breakfast) (after seventy-two hours), [_a1].
- (Nausea, turning the stomach) (after twenty-four hours), [_a1].
- Qualmishness about the stomach, [_a1].
- Burning in the stomach (after three hours), [_a2].
- Burning in the region of the stomach and higher up, [_a2].
- Cramp of the stomach, [_a1].
- She had to lie down in the afternoon, on account of a feeling of weakness in the stomach,
and vertigo (after seventy-two hours), [_a1].
- Tension and pressure in the region of the stomach, [_a1].
- Stitches and pressure in the region of the stomach, [_a1].
- Pressure and burning below the pit of the stomach; this symptoms goes off by an
eructation, [_a3].
- (After every evacuation a weakness about the pit of the stomach), [_a1].
- * Aching in the region of the liver, [_a2].
- * Aching in a small place in the right side of the abdomen, in the region of the liver; the
pain is not felt when touching the parts, [_a2].
- Pressure in the umbilical region, with heartburn; this goes off by an eructation, [_a2].
- Stitching pain around the navel, when moving the abdomen, especially when drawing the
abdomen in, [_a2].
- Pressure on the side of the abdomen, over the right hip, [_a2].
- Pressure in the epigastrium, hands and feet being cold, [_a2].
- Continual pressure in the epigastrium, diminishing by walking in the open air, returning
when sitting down, [_a2].
- Stitches over the hips for two days (after five days), [_a1].
- Sharp pressure, or dull stitch, over the right hip, [_a2].
- Tension and inflation of the abdomen, after every meal, even every time he drinks, [_a1].
- Distended abdomen (after a few hours), [_a1].
- Distended abdomen (after five hours), [_a1].
- Soon after midnight he wakes with a considerably distended abdomen, especially a
distended epigastrium, owing to incarcerated flatulence exciting a colic, or, at any rate, a
violent pressure downwards; this accumulation of flatulence disappears during the
subsequent sleep, without any emission of flatus, the abdomen becoming easy [_a1].
- Twitchings in the abdominal muscles, in the evening, [_a1].
- Fermentation and audible rumbling in the abdomen, which, however, is not felt, [_a2].
- (Burning in the abdomen), [_a1].
- * Sense of coldness in the abdomen, [_a1].
- * Coldness of one side of the abdomen for two days (after forty-eight hours), [_a1].
- Violent cramps in the belly, [_a1].
- First pinching pain in the belly, then a little cutting in the epigastrium, which goes off by
an eructation, [_a1].
- The abdomen feels compressed, [_a1].
- Compressive weight in the abdomen, early in the morning, [_a1].
- Weight in the abdomen, and sensation as if the parts had been sprained, and were
suffering a pressure, coming from the spinal marrow, [_a1].
- Pressure in the abdomen is followed by the emission of inodorous
- Trouble caused by incarcerated flatulence, occasioning a pain, especially in the left side
of the abdomen, [_a1].
- Violent cutting colic, in the evening, [_a1].
- Cutting colic, when in bed, after midnight, even during a general sweat, [_a1].
- Cutting colic, with a soft stool, early in the morning, on two mornings in succession (after
five days), [_a1].
- Violent cutting colic, with diarrhoea occurring three times, three days in succession (after
five days), [_a1].
- Sense as of pinching in the hypogastrium, with violent fermentation and gurgling,
especially in the epigastrium, when lying in bed early in the morning; diminished by rising,
renewed by lying down again, especially when lying upon the back, [_a2].
- When drawing the abdomen in, violent prickings in the hypogastrium, which may also be
excited by pressing the parts from without, [_a2].
- pressure below the pit of the stomach and in the hypogastrium, from time to time, also at
night, [_a2].
- After ineffectual urging, a pinching pain in the hypogastrium, especially of the right side
(after some days), [_a2].
- * Pressure deep in the hypogastrium, after the evacuation, [_a1].
Urinary organs
- Pain in the bladder, and simultaneously in the rectum (after five days), [_a1].
- Sensation as if a few drops passed out of the urethra, [_a1].
- Burning in the orifice of the urethra (after six days), [_a1].
- Burning in the orifice of the urethra and the rectum, [_a1].
- (Twitchings in the urethra) (after twelve days), [_a1].
- Urgent desire to urinate, early after rising, for two hours; he often cannot retain his urine,
- * Frequent micturition at night, [_a1].
- The urine he emits is three times the quantity of what he drinks, especially early in the
morning; afterwards, a dull pain in the region of the kidneys, [_a1].
- Copious, bright-colored, cloudless urine (after four days), [_a1].
- Diminished secretion of urine (the first three days), [_a1].
- Little urine, which, in a few hours, deposits a reddish sediment, [_a2].
- A little urine, with a reddish cloud, without any thirst, [_a2].
- Brown urine, [_a1].
- Whitish, flocculent urine, [_a1].
- The urine is of a lemon-yellow color, almost inodorous, a little
- * The urine is dark-brown and a little turbid, even while being emitted (after twenty
hours), [_a1].
- * The urine is turbid, even while being emitted; yellow-brown; it formed a brown
sediment, while the clear urine above it was yellow, [_a1].
- Urine with a reddish cloud, [_a2].
- The urine has a penetrating odor after standing awhile, [_a1].
- Bloody urine (after seven days), [_a1].
Sexual organs
- An itching pimple on the male parts of generation, [_a1].
- Burning in the genital organs, with a few drops of blood being emitted, especially after a
walk and hard stool, [_a1].
- Vehement, voluptuously delightful feeling in the interior of the genital organs, without
any considerable erection or irritation of the external organs; that feeling continues for
hours (after four days), [_a1].
- Violent erections, early on waking, without any voluptuous desire, the parts being
externally numb; when the erection subsides there is a tingling-tearing in the forepart of the
urethra, [_a1].
- The erections subside (reaction), [_a1].
- Pain in the glans, as from ulceration, [_a1].
- Tearing in the glans, [_a1].
- Itching of the glans, which continues when sitting, lying, standing or walking, [_a1].
- * Violent itching of the pudendum (less frequently of the anus); she has to rub the parts,
- * Soreness and itching of the pudendum, even when she does not urinate, [_a1].
- * Swelling, soreness, and itching of the labia pudendi, [_a1].
- Hemorrhage from the uterus (after two hours), [_a1].
- Discharge of bluish-white clots of mucus from the vagina), [_a1].
- (Profuse leucorrhoea at night), [_a1].
- * Leucorrhoea, consisting of thick mucus, increasing from day to day, each discharge
being preceded by a stitch in the vagina, [_a1].
- * The menses occur three days before the time (after fourth day), [_a1].
- * The menses appear four days before the time (after twenty days), [_a1].
- Sensation in the abdomen as if the menses would come on, although they had appeared
twenty-one days ago (after two hours), [_a1].
- During the menses the left leg becomes blue from distended veins, with a pressive pain,
Respiratory apparatus
- Burning and itching titillation extending from the larynx down to the abdomen, [_a1].
- * Cough only at night, produced by an excessive irritation in the throat; there is no cough
by day, [_a1].
- Cough excited by rawness of the throat, [_a2].
- * Cough, every evening, with pain under the left ribs, as if something were torn loose
there, [_a1].
- * Nightly cough; owing to an excessive irritation in the throat, [_a1].
- * Occasionally considerable paroxysms of cough, [_a1].
- * Violent, convulsive cough, accompanied by frequent eructations and hoarseness, [_a1].
- * A kind of hooping-cough (after forty-eight hours), [_a1].
- * Deep, dry cough, with accumulation of water in the mouth, and subsequent rawness in
the throat, [_a2].
- When coughing there is a pressure in the umbilical region, [_a1].
- * Very saltish expectoration when coughing, [_a1].
- Roughness and hoarseness of the voice; tenacious mucus collects in the throat, [_a1].
- Hoarseness; rough, deep voice, alternating with thick phlegm in the larynx; he easily
throws it up when clearing the throat, or by a slight cough (after ten and twenty-four hours),
- Burning in the chest, [_a1].
- Burning in the external parts of the chest, [_a2].
- Burning ache near one of the ribs of the right side; it is aggravated by external pressure;
afterwards a similar pain in the left mamma, [_a2].
- * Sense of rawness in the chest, [_a1].
- Stitch in the chest, extending to the back (after a few hours), [_a1].
- Violent, dull stitch in the right mamma, interrupting respiration, [_a2].
- * Wheezing in the chest, [_a1].
- Oppression at the chest, [_a2].
- Oppression in the back, through the chest, [_a1].
- Oppression of the chest and back, between the scapulae; it subsides for a short time after
eating, [_a1].
- Oppression of the chest, with much uneasiness the whole day (after third day), [_a1].
- Tightness of the chest; she cannot breathe deeply, nor yawn fully, [_a1].
- Feeling of pressure deep in the right half of the chest, during a strong expiration; the
pressure is most painful at a small place, [_a2].
- Pressure in the superior part of the chest, in paroxysms, for five minutes, [_a1].
- Pressure on the upper part of the chest, [_a2].
- Pressure below (in?) the left half of the chest, [_a1].
- Pressure in the praecordial region, [_a2].
- Aching in the chest, over the pit of the stomach, as if the parts had been beaten; relieved
by eructations, [_a2].
- Pain of the right lowermost true ribs, as if the parts had been bruised; more towards the
back, [_a1].
- Rheumatic pain in the right side of the chest, below the arm, [_a2].
- * Tearing pressure in the left side of the chest, [_a2].
Extremities in general
- Twitchings in the limbs, [_a1].
- Uncommon twitching in all the limbs, and coldness of the body at night (after fifth day),
- Uneasiness in all the limbs, like a tingling, accompanied by a sort of anguish, only by
day, [_a1].
Upper extremities
- The arms easily go to sleep, when lying on them, [_a1].
- At night the right arm frequently feels numb, and goes to sleep, [_a1].
- The left arm often goes to sleep during the day, when at rest, [_a1].
- Tearing in both shoulders, [_a1].
- * Tearing in the left shoulder-joint, [_a2].
- In the evening there is drawing in the shoulder; it feels sprained and paralyzed, [_a1].
- Violent, dull stitch in the right shoulder (after two hours), [_a2].
- Sense as of clucking in the arm, [_a1].
- Twitchings in the arm, [_a1].
- Tearing in the right arm, early, for five minutes, [_a1].
- (Paralysis of the right upper arm), [_a1].
- Tearing in the right elbow and forearm, [_a2].
- Drawing ache in the right forearm as far as the elbow, [_a2].
- Cramp in the hands (after some hours), [_a1].
- Paralysis of the hand, for a few minutes (after sixth day), [_a1].
- Icy cold hands for a long time (after one hour), [_a2].
- Painful coldness of the hands for a long time, [_a2].
- Icy coldness of the hands, in the evening; the hands feel chilly, [_a2].
- Tearing in the interior of the middle portion of the right hand, [_a2].
- Stingings in the hands and fingers, as of flies, [_a1].
- Itching in the palms of the hands, [_a1].
- Stitches, at times, in the right index; at times in the right thumb, [_a1].
- Rheumatic pain extending from the lowest joint of the thumb, through the metacarpal
bone, as far as the wrist-joint, [_a2].
- Tearing in the muscles of the thumb, [_a2].
- Trembling in the thumb, in the evening, in repeated short paroxysms, [_a1].
- Tearing in the lowest joint of the left index-finger, [_a1].
- (The lowest joints of the fingers become stiff in the evening, and the lowest joint of the
thumb becomes swollen, and is then painful on being bent; this symptom is worse when she
did not exercise her fingers during the day), [_a1].
- Tearing in the right index-finger, [_a2].
- Tearing in the last two fingers, in the evening, before falling asleep, [_a2].
- * Drawing in the fingers and the thumb, [_a1].
- Tearing in tip of the little finger, [_a2].
- Tearing under the nail of the right middle finger, [_a2].
- The skin of the tips of the fingers becomes wrinkled early in the morning, [_a1].
- The wart on the finger feels sore, [_a1].
- Itching of the tips of the fingers, [_a1].
- There arises an itching little tetter between the thumb and the index-finger, [_a1].
- Lancinating pain in the tip of the left thumb; when touched only slightly, the part feels as
if a splinter had been thrust under the nail; this feeling decreases when the part is pressed
upon, [_a2].
- Tingling in the tip of the thumb, as if it had gone to sleep; this symptom passes off, for
some time, by pressing upon the parts, [_a2].
Lower extremities
- Stretching and relaxation in the lower extremities, [_a1].
- Feeling in the lower extremities as if they had gone to sleep; he has no firm step (after
eight day), [_a1].
- Tearing in the left, and afterwards in the right, hip, [_a2].
- Tearing ache in front, just below the left hip, [_a2].
- Sense as of a clucking tearing behind, under the left half of the nates, [_a1].
- Tearing in the right half of the nates, [_a2].
- * Heaviness of the legs, [_a1].
- Great lassitude in the legs, early in the morning, [_a1].
- Rheumatic tearing in the right leg, [_a2].
- * Tearing in the left leg, early in the morning, [_a1].
- Tension in the thigh, as if the tendons were too short, especially when walking, [_a1].
- Tearing in the right knee, [_a2].
- Drawing in the knees and the malleoli, [_a1].
- Paralysis of the knee for a few minutes (after six days), [_a1].
- Pain as from a sprain, above the knee, especially after having been seated (after five
days), [_a1].
- Itching of the knees, [_a1].
- Stiffness of the bend of the knee, early in the morning (the first day), [_a1].
- Soreness of the bends of the knees, which is most painful in the evening, [_a1].
- Tearing under the left knee, in the upper part of the tibia, [_a2].
- The legs, from the knee down, especially the feet, are very much swollen (after third day),
- There is more sensation of coldness in the legs than perceptible coldness, [_a1].
- Itching of the legs, over the malleoli, in the evening, when lying down; after rubbing the
parts they feel sore and as if bruised, [_a1].
- During the menses the left leg becomes blue from distended veins, with a pressive pain,
- The right leg, especially the knee, is very cold, [_a1].
- Tearing in the lower part of the left leg, [_a2].
- * Cramp in the legs, and, almost every night, cramp in the calves, [_a1].
- Intermittent tearing in the left calf, [_a2].
- Sense as of grumbling in the calves and feet, [_a1].
- Painful spots on both shins (after twenty-eight day), [_a1].
- Itching of the legs over the malleoli, in the evening, when lying down; after rubbing the
parts they feel sore, and as if bruised, [_a1].
- Tearing of the malleoli, [_a1].
- Itching of the malleoli, [_a1].
- Cold feet, [_a1].
- Very cold feet, [_a2].
- Weakness of the feet; they feel insensible (after forty-eight hours), [_a1].
- Stiffness of the feet; they feel weary and exhausted (after sixth day), [_a1].
- Tingling in the feet; they feel numb; after rising he felt like fainting; it became dark
before his eyes; he could not remain up; had to vomit and lie down again, [_a1].
- Arthritic pain in the articulations of the foot, [_a1].
- When walking, pain in the articulation of the left foot, [_a1].
- Tension in left foot (at noon), [_a1].
- Tearing and stitches in the left foot (after twenty-six days), [_a1].
- Occasional stitches in the left foot, [_a1].
- Tearing in the external border of the left foot, [_a2].
- Violent burning of the soles of the feet, [_a1].
- * Itching of the inside of the soles of the feet, which cannot be removed by scratching,
- Pain in the heel when walking, [_a1].
- Stitches in the heel, [_a1].
- Itching of the toes, [_a1].
- Tearing in the middle toes of the left foot, [_a2].
- Stitch in the ball of the big toe, [_a1].
- Arthritic pain in the ball of the big toe, [_a1].
- Intolerable tickling of the tip of the big toe, [_a1].
- Pain of the corns; they feel sore, [_a1].
- When walking in the open air an uneasiness in the blood and more rapid circulation,
accompanied by greater weakness of the body, [_a1].
- Early in the morning (in a room which was extremely heated) he suddenly felt so weak
that he was not able to walk alone, hands and forehead being covered with a cold sweat,
- Weakness, early in the morning, when in bed, [_a2].
- Weariness, with painful soreness of all the limbs, [_a1].
- Lassitude, which disappears by walking (after fifth day), [_a1].
- Heaviness in the body; he feels weary and exhausted (after fifth day), [_a1].
- Failing of strength; the knees give way (after three hours), [_a1].
- Very uneasyy day, [_a1].
- The symptoms decrease by walking in the open air, but they return when sitting, [_a2].
- The eruption is reproduced upon the skin, with a good deal of itching, [_a1].
- His tetters are reproduced, [_a1].
- Burning in several places of the skin, [_a1].
- Early, on waking, the skin feels numb, and is insensible as far as the knees, without being
cold; the hands have but an indistinct sensation; the skin seems to have gone to sleep, but
there is no tingling, [_a2].
- Itching almost all over, even on the abdomen, [_a1].
- Painful pimple on the forehead, [_a2].
- Red pimple on middle of forehead, close to the hair; it feels sore when touched, but does
not suppurate, [_a2].
- Pimples and itching in the whiskers, [_a1].
- Pimples on the face, without sensation, [_a1].
- An itching pimple on the male parts of generation, [_a1].
- * Violent itching of the pudendum (less frequently of the anus); she has to rub the parts,
- The skin of the tips of the fingers becomes wrinkled, early in the morning, [_a1].
- The wart on the finger feels sore, [_a1].
- There arises an itching little tetter between the thumb and the index finger, [_a1].
- Itching of the inside of the soles of the feet, which cannot be removed by scratching,
- Pain of the corns; they feel sore, [_a1].
- Internal chilliness at night, which prevents him from falling asleep, or which rouses him
from sleep at night; he did not get warm, [_a1].
- Chilliness and weariness, which gives him an inclination to go to sleep, four forenoons in
succession; this symptom went off by taking some dinner (after seventy-two hours), [_a1].
- Chilliness, sleepiness, weariness, and dull headache, ever since the morning; the
headache disappeared when walking in the open air, [_a1].
- Slight chills before dinner (first day), [_a1].
- (Cold skin over the whole body, except face, neck, and genital organs), [_a1].
- Heat in the face, and over the whole body, every quarter of an hour (after five or six
days), [_a1].
- Night sweat, two nights in succession (after six or seven days), [_a1].
- Profuse night-sweat, two nights in succession (after five days), [_a1].
- General perspiration, after midnight, for many nights, [_a1].
- Profuse moisture, every night, almost like sweat, [_a1].
- Moderate night-sweat, over and over, the whole body being very warm, [_a1].
- Sweat every morning, worse on the affected side, [_a1].
- (Morning), Headache; sweat.
- (Early in morning), Pain in eyes, etc.; tearing in right ear, etc.; tearing in right arm; skin
of finger-tips wrinkled; great lassitude in legs; tearing in left leg; stiffness of bend of knee;
great weakness, etc.
- (Early on waking), Tongue, etc., numb and dry; dryness of mouth; bitter taste in mouth;
violent erections.
- (Early after waking), Badly smelling breath; skin feels numb, etc.; very weary, etc.
- (Early, in bed), Sense of pinching in hypogastrium, etc.; weakness; weariness.
- (Early after rising), Urgent desire to urinate.
- (Forenoon), Vertigo; chilliness, etc.
- (Noon), Tension in left foot.
- (Afternoon), Vertigo; vertigo, etc.; roaring in the ear; insipid eructations had to lie down,
- (Evening), Sort of anguish; pressure on top of head, etc.; stitches towards occiput;
twitchings of face, etc.; pain in hollow tooth; sense as of spoiled stomach, etc.; twitchings
in abdominal muscles; cutting colic; cough, etc.; drawing in shoulder, etc.; coldness of
hands; trembling in the thumb; stiffness of finger-joints; soreness of bends of knees; heat.
- (Evening before falling asleep), Tearing in fingers.
- (Evening in bed), Pain in molar teeth; itching of legs; pressive tearing from occiput to
- (Night), Pressure below pit of stomach; frequent micturition; profuse leucorrhoea; cough;
twitching in all the limbs, etc.; right arm numb, etc.; cramp in the calves; internal chilliness;
sweat; profuse moisture; cannot sleep; headache; uneasiness; anxious dreams.
- (Before midnight), Sleepiness.
- (After midnight), General perspiration; pain over eyes; uneasiness in the occiput.
- (On waking about midnight), Weakness; nausea, etc.
- (Soon after midnight), Wakes with distended abdomen, etc.
- (After midnight, in bed), Cutting colic.
- (2 A. M.), Long-lasting uneasiness, etc.
- (Every other day), Downward pressing pain in forehead.
- (In open air), Pain in hollow tooth .
- (Walking in open air), Vertigo; heartburn, etc.; palpitation of heart, etc.; uneasiness in the
blood, etc.
- (After draught of air), Sore throat.
- (After breakfast), Nausea.
- (Blowing nose), Headache.
- (Coughing), Tickling in throat, etc.
- (Before dinner), Slight chills.
- (During dinner), Tearing in back part of throat, etc.
- (After dinner), Anxiety; pain in hollow tooth; pressure in pit of throat; violent eructations.
- (Empty deglutition), Sore throat.
- (Drawing abdomen in), Stitching pain around navel; prickings in hypogastrium.
- (Drinking), Tension and inflation of abdomen.
- (After eating), Confusion of head.
- (After eructation), Weakness about pit of stomach.
- (After evacuation), Pressure deep in hypogastrium.
- (After two diarrhoea-like evacuations), Chilliness.
- (Exertion), Lancinating and cutting headache.
- (When not exercising the parts), Stiffness of finger-joints, etc.
- (During strong expiration), Pressure in right chest.
- (Lying on abdomen), Pressure in epigastrium.
- (Lying on back), Sense as of pinching in hypogastrium, etc.
- (During a meal), Feeling of contraction in salivary glands, etc.
- (After a meal), Shootings, etc.; tension and inflation of abdomen.
- (During menses), Left leg becomes blue, etc.
- (Motion), Confusion of the head; stitches in small of back.
- (Moving tongue), Pain in throat.
- (Music), Rush of blood to head.
- (Pressure from without), Sore throat; prickings in hypogastrium.
- (After rising), Feels like fainting.
- (After rubbing the parts), Soreness of legs, etc.
- (Sitting), Stitches in small of back; the symptoms.
- (Sitting down), Pressure in epigastrium.
- (After having been seated), Pain in tip of left thumb.
- (After ineffectual urging), Pinching pain in hypogastrium.
- (When walking), Tension in thigh; pain in articulation of left foot; pain in heel.
- (After a walk) , Burning in genital organs.
- (Walking in open air), Pressure in epigastrium; the symptoms; headache.
- (Taking dinner), Chilliness, etc.
- (After eating), Oppression of chest, etc.
- (Eructation), Pressure and burning below pit of stomach; cutting in
- (After lying down), Headache.
- (Lying upon back), Tearing in small of back.
- (After a meal), Drawing pain in teeth.
- (Pressure), Pain in tip of left thumb; tingling in tip of thumb.
- (Rising from bed), Sense of pinching in hypogastrium, etc.
- (Rubbing), Itching and biting of the rectum.
- (During sleep), Accumulation of flatus, etc.
- (Touch), Pain in region of liver.
- (Walking), Lassitude.
Probably a nosode or morbid product found in belly of sperm-whale.
The best is that which whalers cut out, and which is usually to be had in Boston.
Most of it is picked up in the Eastern seas.
Used by the Arabians and since.
Introduced by Hahnemann in 1827; especially proved by his friend, the Count de Gersdorf,
from whom are nearly one-third of the symptoms.
The alcoholic tincture is the best preparation.
The so-called oil of amber is oleum succinum, and was used by Holcombe in hiccough.
- Memory impaired.
- Comprehension slow, has to read everything three or four times, and then does not
understand it.
- Is not able to reflect upon anything properly, feels stupid. Often indicated in old age.
- Confusion of head; of occiput.
- Difficult thinking in morning. Old people.
- Distorted images, grimaces; diabolical faces crowd upon his fancy.
- She is excited, loquacious; talking fatigues her; was unable to sleep at night, or averse to
talking and laughing.
- Great sadness.
- Melancholy, sits for days weeping; with great weakness, loss of muscular power and
pain in small of back with constipation.
- Fear of becoming crazy.
- Despair; loathing of life.
- Anguish and sweat all over at night.
- Anxiety, oppression, nervous weakness, with irritability and impatience.
- After business embarrassment cannot sleep, must get up.
- Hurries too much while engaged in mental labor.
- Embarrassed manner in company.
- Cough agg when many persons are present.
- The presence of other people aggravates the symptoms.
- Vertigo with feeling of weight on vertex; agg. after sleep.
- Had to lie down on account of vertigo and feeling of weakness in stomach.
- Music causes blood to rush to head.
- Great weakness in head with vertigo.
Inner head
- Pressure in forehead and vertex with fear of becoming crazy.
- Tearing : in forehead; in left temple up to vertex; in r. frontal eminence and behind left
- Extremely painful tearing on top of head and apparently in whole upper half of brain,
with paleness of face and coldness of left hand.
- Pressive drawing, ascending from nape of neck, and extending through head towards
forehead, considerable oppression remaining in lower part of occiput.
- Dulness in occiput.
- Tearing pains predominate in head.
- Rush of blood to head caused by music.
- Weakness in head with vertigo.
Outer head
- Falling off of hair.
- On right side of head, a spot, where hair when touched pains, as if sore.
- Scalp feels sore in morning, when awaking; this is followed by a sensation of numbness,
extending over whole body.
Upper face
- Paleness of face with headache.
- Flushes of heat in face.
- Heat in face with chill of other parts.
- Tearing in upper part of face, particularly near right ala nasi.
- Pimples, and itching in whiskers.
- Painful swelling of cheek on upper jaw, with throbbing in gums.
- Jaundiced color of face.
- Spasmodic twitching of facial muscles.
Lower face
- Lips hot.
- Lips numb and dry in morning on awaking.
- Cramp of lower lip.
Inner mouth
- Fetor of mouth, worse mornings. Whooping cough.
- Blisters in mouth pain as if burnt.
- Smarting and cracked painful condition of mouth.
- Accumulation of water in mouth with cough.
- Sensation of rawness in region of velum pendulum palati.
- Rawness in throat with cough.
- Tearing in palate, extending into left ear.
- Dryness of throat in morning.
- Sore feeling in throat during empty deglutition, and from outward pressure, not when
swallowing food, with tension of glands of throat as if swollen.
- Sore throat after exposure to a draught of air; stitching from throat into right ear; pains
particularly from motion of tongue.
- Tickling in throat, which induces coughing.
- Tickling in throat and thyroid body, during act of coughing.
- Accumulation of greyish phlegm in throat, which is difficult to hawk up, accompanied
by rawness.
- Hawking phlegm from fauces produces vomiting and choking.
- Papular eruption in pharynx.
Appetite, thirst
- Desires, Aversions. Thirstlessness.
- Pressing pain in a small spot in upper right side of abdomen, though not felt to touch.
- Tearing pain in region of spleen, as if something was torn away.
- Pain in right hypochondriac region, amel while lying upon it.
- Distended abdomen; accumulation of much flatus, which subsides without being passed.
- Sensation of coldness in abdomen.
- Coldness of one side of abdomen (l.); also with deafness.
- Colic, sometimes followed by diarrhoea.
- Pressure deep in hypogastrium after evacuation.
Urinary organs
- Frequent micturition at night and in morning after rising.
- Urine when emitted is clouded, yellowish brown and deposits a brownish sediment,
after which urine looks clear and yellow; coffee grounds sediment. Dropsy after
- Sour smelling urine. Whooping cough.
- Urinates three times as much as drink taken, especially in morning; followed by a dull
pain in region of kidneys.
- Sensation as if a few drops passed through urethra.
- During urination, burning, smarting, itching and titillation in the urethra and vulva.
- Tightness of chest, cannot take a deep breath or yawn deeply.
- Oppression felt in chest and between scapulae; it subsides for a short time after eating.
- Feeling of pressure in chest agg during exhalation.
- Asthma of old people and children. Asthma siccum.
- Asthma comes on while he is attempting coition. Old man.
- Whistling in chest during breathing.
- Gets out of breath with cough, which is spasmodic; rush of blood to head.
- Spasmodic cough, loses her breath; with rush of blood to head; finally some phlegm
comes up.
- Hollow, spasmodic, barking cough; agg from talking or reading aloud.
- Spasmodic cough of elderly or of emaciated persons.
- Paroxysms of cough coming from deep in chest, excited by violent tickling in throat,
evening without, morning with expectoration, generally of greyish white, seldom of yellow
mucus, of salty or sour taste.
- Violent spasmodic cough, with frequent eructations and hoarseness.
- Lifting a heavy weight aggravates cough.
- Cough only at night, produced by excessive irritation in throat.
- Cough every evening with pain under left ribs, as if something was torn loose there.
- Cough worse when many persons are present.
- Cough causes concussion in pit of stomach.
- Cough with emaciation.
- A kind of whooping cough; paroxysmal, but without crowing inspiration.
- Deep dry cough, with accumulation of water in mouth, and subsequent rawness in
- Choking and vomiting when hawking up phlegm.
- Sputa yellow white, creamlike.
- Collection of phlegm in throat difficult to cough up.
- { Old coughs.
Outer chest
- Burning on chest.
Upper limbs
- Tearing in left shoulder joint.
- Drawing, as if sprained and lame in shoulder.
- The arms go to sleep when lying on them, when carrying anything in hands or at night;
with numbness, especially of left arm in rest; tingling in thumb.
- Tearing pains in shoulder, elbow, forearm and hand.
- Weakness of fingers at night.
- Stinging in hands and fingers, as from insects.
- Drawing in fingers and thumb.
- Itching in palms of hands.
- Cramps in hands, sometimes when taking hold of anything.
- Tips of fingers are shrivelled.
- Tearing, lancinating or itching in tips of fingers and thumb.
- Skin on fingers feels tense.
- Long lasting icy coldness of hands.
- | Coldness of left hand with headache.
- Finger nails brittle, with a very old man; they got soft, elastic and pink.
Lower limbs
- Tearing pain, first in left, then in right hip joint.
- Sense of contraction in right thigh; limb seems to be shortened.
- Tearing in nates, hip, knee, leg, ankle and foot.
- Heaviness of legs.
- Strumming sensation in legs.
- Sensation as if "gone to sleep" in both legs; no firm step.
- Cramps in legs and calves nearly every night.
- Cold feet.
- Gouty pain in ball of great toes.
- Itching on inner border of sole of left foot, not relieved by scratching.
- Sore and raw between thighs,
- || and in hollow of knees.
- Left leg becomes blue from distended varices during menses.
Limbs in general
- Tearing or rheumatic pains in parts of all the limbs.
- Uncommon twitching and coldness of body at night.
- Uneasiness, like a crawling, with anxiety, only by day.
- Weariness, with painful soreness of all limbs.
- Position. Motion. In rest : numbness of left arm.
- In bed, early in the morning : weakness.
- Lying down : cough agg; uterine symptoms agg.
- Desire to bend and stretch limbs.
- Worse in room with other persons : cough.
- When sitting : stitches in small of back.
- After sitting : stiffness in small of back.
- Better lying on painful part : pain in hypochondriac region; pain in right side of chest.
- When lying on them : arms go to sleep.
- Lying down : aggravates uterine symptoms.
- Worse after lying down. Pertussis.
- Must lie down : with vertigo and weakness in stomach.
- Motion of tongue : agg pain in throat.
- When walking in open air : palpitation and pale face; uneasiness in blood, more rapid
circulation; weakness agg.
- After a longer walk than usual : discharge of blood between menstrual periods.
- During exercise : profuse sweat on abdomen and thighs.
- Lifting a heavy weight : aggravates cough.
- When carrying anything in hands : arms go to sleep.
- When taking hold of anything : cramps in hands.
- Sweat from slightest exertion. Intermittent.
- { Trismus neonatorum.
- Restlessness.
- Jerks and twitches.
- Convulsions.
- { Epilepsy.
- Infantile spasms.
- Spasms and twitches in the muscular parts.
- { Spasmodic complaints.
- Arms and limbs "go to sleep" easily.
- Great lassitude, especially mornings in bed.
- { Fainting.
- Weakness : of the whole body; of the knees, as if they would give way; of the feet, with
loss of sensation; in the stomach, so that she must lie down.
- { Great prostration after lingering fevers.
- { Chlorosis.
- Loss of muscular power. Melancholy.
- { Vertigo and nervous apoplexy.
- { Paralytic complaints.
- Numbness of the whole body.
- When walking in open air, an uneasiness in blood and more rapid circulation, with greater
weakness of body.
- Conversation causes fatigue, heaviness of head, sleeplessness, oppression of chest, sweat,
anxiety; tremor and quivering; nervousness and irritability.
- Cannot sleep, must get up; worriment from business embarrassment.
- Cannot sleep at night, yet knows not why.
- Restless sleep, with anxious dreams.
- Vexatious, anxious dreams and talking in sleep; awaken frightened. Children.
- Sleepless after 1 A.M.
- Worse from too little sleep.
- Uneasy sleep from coldness and twitching.
- Nearly every night cramp in calves.
- Worse after sleep : vertigo; weight on vertex; whooping cough; feels weak; mouth dry;
weary, eyes feel as if they had been closed too tightly.
- When awaking : soreness of scalp; lips numb and dry; bitter taste in mouth.
- Early in bed : nosebleed; great lassitude.
- Given in the evening apt to make aggravations.
- Worse evening and night. Whooping cough.
- At night : unable to sleep; anguish and sweat all over; frequent urination; leucorrhoea;
cough; numbness in arms; weakness of fingers; cramp in legs and calves; twitching in
limbs; coldness of body; profuse sweat, agg. after midnight.
- In morning : soreness of scalp; pressure on eyes and difficulty in opening them;
nosebleed; lips numb and dry; bitter taste; fetor of mouth; dryness of throat; frequent and
copious urination; violent erections with numbness in the parts.
- In forenoon : chill with lassitude and sleepiness.
- In afternoon : roaring and whistling in ears.
- Towards evening : agg anxious flushes of heat.
- In evening : sensation of disordered stomach; cough.
- Chill in forenoon, with lassitude and sleepiness; relieved by eating. Intermittent fever.
- Chill of single parts of body, with heat of face.
- Anxious flushes of heat returning every quarter hour;
- most violent towards evening. Intermittent fever. Whooping cough.
- Profuse sweat at night, worse after midnight and most on affected side.
- Profuse sweat, particularly on abdomen and thighs, during exercise.
- { Malignant fevers.
Attacks, periodicity
- Cough in spasmodic paroxysms.
- Anxious flushes of heat return every quarter of an hour.
- Ebullitions and pulsations in whole body, especially after walking in open air; as if eyes
had been closed too firmly; as if a stye was forming; glands of throat tense as if swollen; as
if food stuck and would not go down; as of disordered stomach; as if something was torn
away in region of spleen; as if a few drops passed through urethra; as if a lump lay in chest;
as if chest was stuffed up; pulse in body perceived like tick of a watch; as if right leg was
- Pain : in lower right chest; in small of back.
- Lancinating : in tips of fingers and thumb.
- Stitches : from throat into right ear; in stomach; in anus; in ovarian region; in vagina
preceding leucorrhoeal discharge; in small of back.
- Stinging as from insects : in hands and fingers.
- Tearing pain : in forehead; in left temple up to vertex; in r. frontal eminence; behind left
ear; in upper half of brain; in and behind right auricle; in right ear; in upper part of face,
near right ala nasi; from palate into left ear; in region of spleen; in left shoulder, elbow,
forearm and hand; in tips of fingers and thumb; in hip joints, nates, hip, knee, leg, ankle and
- Burning : under scrobiculum; in urethra and vulva; in sexual parts; in left scapula; on
chest; of herpes.
- Soreness : spot on side of head, in scalp; in nose; under tongue; in throat during empty
deglutition; between thighs and hollow of knees; in female sexual parts; in larynx and
trachea; of all limbs; of wart on finger.
- Burnt feeling : blisters in mouth.
- Drawing : in teeth; in shoulder; in fingers and thumb.
- Pressive drawing : from nape of neck through head to forehead.
- Pressure : in forehead and vertex; in eyes; on eyes, difficult to open; in pit of stomach;
under scrobiculum : in stomach and hypochondria; in stomach; in small spot upper right
side of abdomen; in hypogastrium; in chest; in left varicose leg during menses.
- Smarting : in eyes; in mouth; in urethra and vulva.
- Rawness : velum palati; in throat; in chest; between thighs; in hollow of knees.
- Scraping : in larynx and trachea.
- Gouty pain : in balls of great toes.
- Rheumatic pain : in right side of back; in limbs.
- Dull pain : in region of kidneys.
- Cramp : of lower lip; in hands; in legs and calves.
- Sprained feeling : in shoulder.
- Twitching : of facial muscles.
- Throbbing : in gums.
- Concussion : in pit of stomach, with cough.
- Weight : on vertex.
- Heaviness : of legs.
- Oppression : in lower part of occiput; in chest and between scapulae; beginning in heart.
- Tightness : of chest.
- Contraction : in right thigh.
- Dulness : in occiput.
- Weakness : in head; in stomach; of fingers.
- Titillation : in urethra and vulva; in throat, larynx and trachea.
- Stiffness : in small of back.
- Crawling : in ears; in all limbs.
- Strumming : in legs.
- Itching : on eyelid; in ears; pimples in whiskers; in anus; in urethra and vulva; pimples
over male genitals; voluptuous on scrotum; itching on pudendum; in larynx and trachea; in
thyroid gland; in chest; in palms of hands; in tips of fingers and thumbs; on inner border of
sole of right foot.
- Tickling : in ears; in throat induces cough; in thyroid body.
- Tingling : in thumb.
- Heat : in face; in lips.
- Coldness : of left hand with headache; in abdomen; of hands and feet.
- Dryness : of nose; of lips; of throat.
- Small growths under tongue.
- { Ranula.
- Tearing in muscles and joints, often on one side.
- { Softening of brain.
- Emaciation.
- || Itching.
- Jaundiced color of face.
- Burning in skin.
- Tips of fingers become shrivelled.
- Soreness of a wart on finger.
- Numbness of skin.
- { Burning herpes.
- { Leprous complaints.
- Itching pimples in whiskers.
- Sore and raw between legs and in hollow of knees.
- Distended varices on leg during menses.
- Reproduces itch eruption.
- Similar to : Arsen. (cardiac asthma); Act. rac.
- (night cough); Castor.; Asaf. (women who are nervous and fail to react); Coca.
(embarrassed, bashful); Coffea; Cinchon.; Ignat.
- Kali brom. (increase of reflex action); Moschus (hysteric asthma); Nux vom. (both suit
nervous, thin, bilious, persons); Opium; Phosphor. (asthma; nervous excitability; "irritable
weakness"; slender build, etc.); Phosph. ac.; Pulsat.; Sepia; Staphis.; Sulphur.; Sulph. ac.
(cough and belching); Valer. (nervousness, hysteria; lack of reaction in nervous weakness);
Laches., and Sepia (worse from overlifting); Laches., Ver. alb. (cough with belching;
coldness, etc.)
- Antidotes to Ambra : Camphor, Coffea, Nux vom., Pulsat., Staphis.
- Ambra antidotes : Staphis. (especially voluptuous itching of scrotum); Nux vom.
** 1- Onicofagia: siente como una irritacin debajo de las uas de los dedos de las manos,
que solo mejora al morderlas.
* 5- Peor al aire libre y por fro, mejor por calor y bebidas calientes.
6- Obesidad.
9- Siente como una banda fuertemente apretada sobre las orejas. Cefalea derecha por tos.
* 10- Ojos rojos y doloridos a la maana, con secrecin blanca en los ngulos, peor a la
izquierda. Pterigion. Ve azul al anochecer, con sensacin de globos oculares grandes.
Prpados hinchados en los bordes y cados. Sensacin de arena en los ojos.
11- Estornudos y obstruccin nasal en habitacin calurosa (Allium C.); secrecin nasal
acuosa o espesa del lado izquierdo.
* 12- Siente la boca como quemada, peor de maana. Debe tener abierta la boca por una
sensacin de calor en la garganta y pulmones.
13- Cuando va a tragar duele, tragando no. Irritacin en fauces, con ganas de toser, mejor
estornudando. Siente la garganta como quemada.
15- Dolor presivo fuerte sobre rin derecho, mejor por la presin.
** 17- Tos que aparece repentinamente, seca, espasmdica, que lo ahoga. Tos por cosquilleo
de trquea y bronquios; a las 3 a.m.; contina por horas; se siente sofocado. Tos
espasmdica estando acostado. Coqueluche.
18- Siente los pulmones fros. Se despierta a las 3 a.m. con dolor de esternn a columna,
mejor cambiando de posicin. Despus de una marcha cansadora, accin irregular del
Clnica.- Coriza. Corpulencia. Epilepsia. Faringitis. Laringe, catarro de. Neuralgia ciliar.
Oftalma escrofulosa. Ovarios afecciones de. Pterigin. Rin, dolor en. Tos. Tosferina.
Uas, muerde.
Caractersticas.- Esta sal ha sido bien experimentada por A. M. Cushing. Los ojos y ovarios
son marcadamente afectados. En la maana los ojos estn rojos y adoloridos, con
mucosidad en los ngulos (< ojo izquierdo). Hay dolor en ovario izquierdo, sordo,
hinchazn dura. Catarro crnico de la laringe en oradores. Un sbito deseo de toser tan
sbito que causa ahogarse. Tos corta sbita cuando se levanta en la maana, por
acumulacin de mucosidad en la garganta. Tos a las 3 a.m. La mucosidad de Amm. br.
puede ser filamentosa. Est indicado en epilepsia cuando el aura empieza con sensacin
de desmayo o sofocacin el epigastrio, que sube a ambos lados del esternn hasta la
garganta. Hay una sensacin irritable debajo de las uas de los dedos, > solamente por
mordrselas. Los estados conocidos son: > calor, bebidas calientes; < al aire libre, aire
fro. Muchos sntomas se presentan al despertar, 3 a.m. Debe de caminar por temor a la
Relaciones - Comparar: Kali brom.,Arg. n., Caust., Bufo, Cepa (coriza < en cuarto
caluroso); Lach., (< despus de dormir). Tos por acumulacin de mucosidad en la
garganta, Aesc. h., Atrop., Grat., Kre., Seneg.
Indicado en catarro crnico de la laringe y faringe, cefaleas neurlgicas, y obesidad
Dolor constrictivo en la cabeza, trax, piernas, etc
Sensacin irritable debajo de las uas; mejorado solamente por mordrselos.
Congestin cerebral
Sensacin de una banda por encima de las orejas
Estornudos; secrecin nasal espesa
Ojos.- Bordes de los prpados rojos e hinchados, tambin las glndulas de Meibomio
Los globos oculares los siente grandes y dolor alrededor de los ojos dentro de la cabeza.
Punzadas en la boca
Cosquilleo en la garganta, con tendencia a tos seca, espasmdica, especialmente por la
Ardor en las fauces
Mucosidad blanca, pegajosa
Catarro crnico en oradores.
Tos corta, sbita, estrangulante
Cosquilleo en trquea y bronquios
Despierta a las 3 a.m. con tos
Se siente sofocado; tos continua, cuando se acuesta por la noche; dolores agudos en los
Tosferina.- Tos espasmdica, seca, al acostarse.
Hyos., Con., Arg. nit., Kali bich..
Primera potencia.
Ammonium bromatum (Allen)
- Peculiar pain in head, cannot describe it (fourth day), [_a2].
- At times during day felt as if a band was tied around head above ears, pressing hardest
just above the ears[_a1] (third and fourth days), [_a1].
- Pain in right side of head, near the eye, as if a nail were driven into it (second day), [_a3].
- * Sharp pain in left side of head, near the eye (daily), [_a1].
- Much redness between orbit and inner canthi; looks as if a membrane were growing over
it (fifth day), [_a1].
- Pain around both eyes, into head (fourth day), [_a1].
- Pain around orbits (fifth day), [_a1].
- Eyes feel badly to-day, though awake but an hour and a half last night (sixth day), [_a2].
- Right eye feels large and smarts; he was to wear a shade in the evening, to read or write
(sixth day), [_a1].
- Eyes smart (fifth day), [_a2].
- Eyes smart in evening, but have not during the day (fifth day), [_a1].
- Eyes sore (ninth day), [_a2].
- Eyes feel sore, and if sand in them (third day), [_a2].
- Both eyes sore and very red (ninth day), [_a1].
- In morning, eyes red and sore, with white mucus in corners; left eye worse (second day),
- Right eye sore (sixth day), [_a1].
- Right eye feels as if bathed in bot water (3 p.m. ), (fifth day), [_a2].
- * Right eye full of white string mucus (fifth and sixth days), [_a1].
- Lids swollen (sixth day), [_a1].
- Every evening eyelids droop, and it is difficult and painful to raise them (third day),
- Lids stuck together in moving (seventh day), [_a1].
- Eyes stuck together (sixth day), [_a2].
- Mucus on eyelashes (third day), [_a2].
- In evening eyeballs feel large and sore (fourth day), [_a2].
- Sharp pain in lower portion of left ear, extending to cheek and neck (8 p.m. ), (third day)
- Nose stopped up; then discharge of clear fluid (second day), [_a1].
- Occasional discharge of watery fluid from left nostril (fourth day), [_a2].
- Tongue very sore, as if burnt; cannot talk or read without pain, [_a1].
- Tongue sore on top, both sides and tip (eight day), [_a1].
- Tongue stiff and sore, [_a1].
- In morning, tongue dry, sore, and stiff, [_a1].
- Biting sensation on left side of tip of tongue, [_a1].
- * In morning, tongue smarts severely, as if just burned (second day), [_a2].
- Mouth feels as if burnt (ninth day), [_a2].
- In morning, mouth very dry (fourth day), [_a3].
- Mouth filled with saliva, [_a1].
- Stringy, tasteless mucus in mouth, [_a1].
- Mouth filled with white, frothy, stringy mucus (fourth day), [_a1].
- In morning, mouth full of white, sticky mucus (third day), [_a3].
- Tasting of food eaten several hours before (third day), [_a1].
- White, thick mucus in throat (second day), [_a1].
- Throat filled with white, sticky mucus; he has to hawk it up, causing smarting of fauces
(first day), [_a3].
- During day, throat filled white, sticky mucus, streaked with blood (fourth day), [_a3].
- * Throat sore (seventh day), [_a1], etc.
- Throat sore; looks mottled, as if diphtheritic deposit were commencing (eight day), [_a1].
- Throat sore; worse on left side (eight day), [_a1].
- Throat sore; preparing to swallow is painful, but the act of swallowing is not (8 p.m. ),
(third day), [_a3].
- Throat sore, with expectoration of white, sticky mucus, with similar discharge from nose
(second day), [_a2].
- Throat much irritated (third day), [_a3].
- * Irritation of throat, with inclination to cough, [_a1].
- Throat smarts (third day), [_a2].
- Sensation of hot air passing up throat, on right side, though stomach feels cold (fourth
day), [_a1].
- Tickling in throat, [_a1].
- During the evening, tickling in throat (second day), [_a2].
- Tickling in throat, with cough (seventh day), [_a2].
- Tickling on both sides of throat, causing deep cough (third day), [_a1].
- Tickling in throat in morning, with inclination to cough, [_a1].
- pain in both tonsils (fourth day), [_a2].
- Fauces look red (third day), [_a2].
- Fauces dark-red and congested (seventh day), [_a1].
- Accumulation of mucus in fauces, [_a1].
- Accumulation of mucus in posterior fauces, [_a1].
- In morning, fauces and mouth full of white, sticky mucus (third day), [_a3].
- Fauces and top of tongue, for half its length, feel as if scalded, [_a1].
- Fauces sore (ninth day), [_a2].
- Fauces slightly sore (sixth day), [_a1].
- Stinging in fauces, with inclination to cough, but relieved by sneezing, [_a1].
- Food does not digest, [_a1].
- Occasional belching of small quantities of wind, slightly sour (fourth day), [_a1].
- Something seems to rise from pit of stomach, almost stopping the breath and causing a
faint and very disagreeable sensation, partially relieved by raising wind (third day), [_a1].
- Frequent sensations (which are daily), as if something were rising from the stomach, but
not like wind, causing a faint sensation, but disappearing in a moment (eight day), [_a1].
- Stomach feels bad, [_a1].
- Distress in stomach (third day), [_a1].
- Stomach feels badly in afternoon, but much easier than evening previous (fifth day),
- Swallowing anything cold causes a distress the entire length of oesophagus and into the
stomach (second day), [_a1].
- During afternoon and evening, sensation of fainting or suffocation, beginning at the
epigastrium, and rising on both sides of sternum to throat, causing him to sigh and walk
around the room; feared he might die (fourth day), [_a1].
- Sharp, cutting pain in stomach (eight day), [_a1].
- Sore, lame feeling in stomach (second day), [_a1].
- Terrible distress in upper part of epigastrium; could not sit still, had to walk the room;
during this time, much belching of wind; the pain went through to the back, and extended to
both hypochondria; could scarcely get his breath; pain so severe that it produced a
perspiration over whole body (second day), [_a1].
- Sharp, twisting pain just above crest of ilium, right side, [_a1].
Respiratory apparatus
- When walking, had to hold mouth open on account of heat in throat and lungs, [_a1].
- Tickling in throat, with inclination to cough (11 a. m.) (third day), [_a2].
- * During the evening, tickling in the throat, mostly on the sides, causing him to cough
suddenly (third day), [_a2], etc.
- Sudden inclination to cough, from tickling in both sides of throat, just below tonsils
(fourth day), [_a1].
- A very sudden desire to cough, coming so suddenly, by a tickling in the throat, it strangles
one, and almost arrests breathing (tenth day), [_a2].
- Almost constant desire to cough (ninth day), [_a2].
- Inclination to cough from low down in throat (second day), [_a1].
- Frequent cough (tenth day), [_a2].
- Sudden cough, [_a1].
- Sudden deep cough (second day), [_a1].
- Sudden short cough when rising from bed in morning, from sensation of mucus in throat,
- During the evening, sudden, hacking cough, with watery discharge from nose, [_a1].
- Sudden cough, from tickling in throat just below tonsils (fifth day), [_a1].
- Occasional, sudden cough, with expectoration of white mucus (seventh day), [_a1].
- Sudden cough, then a deep cough (fourth day), [_a2].
- During afternoon and evening the cough is deeper (from tickling just below the tonsils),
causing pain in the tonsils (sixth day), [_a1].
- * Expectoration of white, sticky mucus (ninth day), [_a2].
- Expectoration of white, sticky mucus, and occasionally blood (fifth day), [_a3].
- Expectoration of gelatinous mucus (tenth day), [_a2].
- Inclination to draw a long breath, [_a1].
- Absence of suffocation from the lungs, which causes him to move round from fear of
suffocating (ninth day), [_a2].
- Frequent constrictive pains across chest (tenth day), [_a2].
- Tightness across chest (tenth day), [_a2].
- Tightness across chest, with pain in lungs, [_a1].
- Sharp pain in lungs, and, during the forenoon, pain seems to be mostly in the pleura
(eight day), [_a2].
- Sharp pain in lungs, worse in upper portion of right lung (seventh day), [_a2].
- Lung feels cold inside (fourth day), [_a2].
- Pain in right lung (fourth day), [_a2].
- Pain under middle of left clavicle (fourth day), [_a1].
- Feeling over right kidney as if something were pressed hard against it; relieved by
pressure, but leaving a pulling sensation (fifth and sixth days), [_a1].
Upper extremities
- Sensation in right shoulder as if pressed by a weight (9 p.m. ) (eleventh day), [_a2].
Lower extremities
- Legs ache, [_a1].
- All forenoon, feels as if a cord were tied around the right leg, midway between the hip
and knee, making him limp, causing pain (eight day), [_a2].
- In the afternoon, the pain in right leg disappeared, and was felt below knee in left leg; in
the evening, it was in the ankle, then in left foot, soon passing away, with the inclination to
cough returning (eight day), [_a2].
- Repeated sharp pains in back side of left leg, midway from hip to knee, [_a1].
- Pain in left leg gone but is in same locality in right leg, [_a1].
- Left ankle and foot lame (ninth day), [_a2].
- * Feet cold (fifth day), [_a1], etc.
- In evening, feet cold (second day), [_a3].
- * Feet cold in warm room (sixth and seventh days), [_a1].
- Feet very cold in a warm room, causing legs to ache (second day), [_a3].
- Troubled more with cold than at any time during the winter; have to warm feet, even in a
warm room, [_a1].
- Back and feet cold in a warm room (fourth day), [_a1].
- Inclined to be chilly, with flashes of heat (fourth day), [_a1].
- Flashes of heat over the body, as if perspiration would come on (second day), [_a1].
- (Morning), Eyes red, etc.; tongue dry, etc.; tongue smarts; mouth feels as if burnt; mouth
dry; mouth full of mucus; tickling in throat, etc.; fauces full of mucus.
- (Morning, on rising), Sudden, short cough.
- (Forenoon), Pain in pleura; feeling as of a cord tied around leg.
- (Afternoon and evening), Sensation of fainting, etc.; cough deeper, etc.
- (Evening), Eyes feel large, etc.; eye smarts; eyelids droop; eyeballs feel large; tickling in
throat; tickling in throat, etc.; sudden hacking cough; feet cold.
- (Swallowing anything cold), Distress along oesophagus, etc.
- (Afternoon), Stomach feels easier.
- (Sneezing), Stinging in fauces.
- (Raising wind), Faint sensation from stomach, etc.
- Feared he might die. See 17.
Inner head
- At times a feeling during day as of a band tied around head above ears, pressing hardest
just above ears.
- Pain in side of head near eye, as if a nail was driven into it.
- Sharp pains in left side of head near eye.
- Headache from congestion to brain.
Inner mouth
- Must hold mouth open when walking, on account of heat in throat and lungs.
- Mouth feels as if burned, in morning.
- Stringy, tasteless mucus in mouth.
- Tasting of food eaten several hours before.
- Throat during day filled with white, sticky mucus, streaked with blood.
- Throat sore, looks mottled, as if a diphtheritic deposit were commencing.
- Irritation of throat, mostly on sides, with inclination to cough; evening.
- Fauces dark red; congested.
- Preparing to swallow is painful, the act is not.
- Sensation of hot air passing up throat, right side, though stomach feels cold.
- Fauces and tongue feel scalded.
- Stinging in fauces with inclination to cough, amel by sneezing.
- Stringy, sometimes blood-streaked mucus in throat.
- Sharp, twisting pain just above crest of right ilium.
Urinary organs
- Feeling over right kidney as if something were pressed hard against it; relieved by
pressure, but leaving a pulling sensation.
- Inclination to draw a long breath.
- Sense of suffocation from lung, she must move about from fear of suffocation.
- Cough dry, spasmodic and very severe, at times an interval of only a few minutes.
- An almost continuous cough for hours, especially when lying down at night; sensation of
tickling irritation, with heat and burning.
- Sudden short cough when rising from bed in morning, from sensation of mucus in throat.
- Sudden cough from tickling in throat just below tonsils.
- Sudden desire to cough coming so suddenly it strangles one. Pertussis.
- Expectoration of white sticky mucus; sharp pain in both lungs, and during forenoon, pain
seems to be mostly in pleura.
Upper limbs
- Sensation in right shoulder as if pressed by a weight.
Lower limbs
- Legs ache.
- Like a cord around right leg, midway between hips and knee, causing limping and pain
all forenoon; in afternoon pain went to left leg below knee; in evening in ankle, then in foot,
soon passing off, and inclination to cough returning.
- Feet cold in warm room, causing legs to ache.
- Position. Motion. Could not sit still, had to walk floor with distress in stomach.
- When walking : must hold mouth open on account of heat in throat and lungs.
- Must move about from fear of suffocation.
- When rising from bed in morning sudden short cough.
- { Epilepsy.
- Decrease of irritability, followed by tetanic convulsions; later all excitability gone, the
frog lies in whatever position it is placed, the spasms become more violent, and death
ensues from asphyxia.
- Weakness and uncertain movements in a rabbit (after non-fatal doses).
- Morning : eyes red and sore; tongue dry;
- || tongue smarts; mouth dry; mouth as if burnt and full of mucus, also throat; tickling in
throat; short cough on rising.
- Forenoon : pain in pleura; as if cord was tied around leg.
- Afternoon : stomach easier.
- Afternoon and evening : fainty; cough deeper.
- Evening : eyes feel large, smart, lids droop; tickling in throat, hacking cough, feet cold.
- Troubled with the cold more than any other time during winter; must warm feet even in
warm room.
- Inclined to be chilly and flashes of heat.
- Flashes of heat over body as if sweat would come on.
Attacks, periodicity
- Coughing spells with but a few moments interval.
- Feeling of a band tied around head above ears; like a cord around right leg; as if a nail
was driven into side of head; eyes feel large in evening; as of sand in eyes; eyes as if bathed
in hot water : tongue as if burned; as of hot air passing up throat; as of something rising
from stomach causing suffocation; sense of fainting, beginning at epigastrium; terrible
distress in epigastrium; sense of suffocation from lung; as if pressed by a weight in right
- Pain : around eyes and in head; from epigastrium to back and into hypochondria; in left
leg below knee; in ankle, then in foot.
- Sharp pain : in left head near eye; in lungs and pleura.
- Sharp cutting : in stomach.
- Stinging : in fauces; in throat.
- Sharp twisting pains : above crest of right ileum.
- Smarting : in right eye; on tongue.
- Scalded feeling : in fauces and tongue.
- Constrictive pain : across chest.
- Pulling sensation : over right kidney.
- Pressure : over right kidney; in right shoulder.
- Aching : in legs.
- Dull pain : in left ovary.
- Distress : in oesophagus and scrobiculum.
- Tickling : in throat.
- Heat : in throat and lungs; in flushes over body.
- Cold feeling : in lungs; in stomach.
- Obesity.
- Antidoted spasms caused by a low dose of Hyosc.
- Similar to its relatives : Amm. carb., Amm. mur., Amm.
- caust., Amm. phosph., and to Kali brom., Kali bichr.
- (stringy mucus); Cinnab. (scrof. ophthal, pains around orbit); Natr. ars. (throat); Kali
permang. (throat); Zincum, Ratan., and Arg. nitr. (pterygium); Calc. ostr.
- (scrof. ophthal.); Kali brom.; Silic. (aura begins in epigas.); Nux vom. (aura from
stomach); Art. vulg. (must walk about); Caustic.; Sulphur; Bufo; bromide of camphor.
AMBROSIA (Vijnovsky)
(Ambrosia artemisiaefolium)
** 2- Coriza de heno (usar potencias altas), con secrecin nasal acuosa y estornudos,
sensacin de taponamiento nasal y ceflico. Epistaxis.
4- Todo el rbol respiratorio lo siente obstruido; asma, con tos silbante e irritacin de
laringe y bronquios. Coqueluche.
Un remedio para la fiebre del heno, lagrimeo y prurito intolerable de los prpados
Algunas formas de tosferina
Todo el tracto respiratorio est obstruido
Muchas formas de diarrea, especialmente durante los meses de verano, tambin disentera.
Coriza acuoso; estornudos; secrecin acuosa
Sensacin de taponamiento en la nariz y cabeza
Irritacin de la trquea y bronquios, con ataques asmticos
[Aral., Eucalypt.]
Tos silbante.
Escozor y ardor
Comparar en fiebre de heno: Sabadilla, Wyethia, Succin. ac., Ars. iod., Arundo
Dosis.- Tintura, hasta la tercera potencia; 10 gotas en agua durante y despus de la crisis de
En fiebre del heno, altas potencias.
** 1- Tiene temor y aversin a baarse, a lavarse; hbitos de suciedad y desaseo, sobre todo
en nios (Psor., Sulph.).
* 4- Se equivoca al hablar, al escribir (en ambos casos usa palabras errneas ), al calcular; en
los nombres. Poca memoria. Ausente. Se concentra con dificultad. Imbecilidad
* 6- Hipersensible a las impresiones sensuales. Lo que oye decir o si oye hablar o si habla la
afecta mucho y la fatiga.
** 11- Mujeres grandes, corpulentas, siempre cansadas, que se resfran a menudo, con
trastornos derivados de su vida sedentaria; mujeres delicadas que se desmayan
fcilmente y necesitan tener siempre a mano la "botellita para oler" (de amonaco) o
estimulantes. Gordos flccidos indolentes, sedentarios y friolentos.
** 12- Gran postracin, estados de colapso; gran debilidad, por el menor motivo. Falta de
reaccin o reaccin lenta. Se desmaya en una habitacin llena de gente o en
** 13- Peor de 3 a 4 a.m.; al anochecer.
** 14- Aversin al aire libre (y a caminar al aire libre). Peor por fro especialmente fro
hmedo (mejor en tiempo seco); peor por aplicaciones hmedas; lavndose, tiene
aversin al bao porque lo agrava; no puede ni tocar el agua.
* 15- Peor durante la menstruacin, comiendo, en luna nueva, en tiempo tormentoso; mejor
por la presin, acostado sobre el vientre o sobre el lado doloroso.
* 20- Cefaleas, peor de maana, con nuseas y sensacin de plenitud, como si fuera a estallar
la frente, mejor por presin. Sensacin de tener el cerebro flojo, como si cayera de un
lado a otro al menor movimiento.
* 21- Ve chispas, peor de noche y al despertar. Fotofobia con ardor en los ojos. Catarata en el
ojo derecho. Astenopas.
*** 22- Epistaxis al lavarse la cara o las manos o despus de comer; peor del lado izquierdo;
a la maana. Obstruccin nasal, peor de noche, no puede respirar por la nariz, debe
hacerlo por la boca, en nios (en corizas, difteria, escarlatina); en bebs, no pueden
dormir por la obstruccin. Estornudos a la maana en cama, al despertar. Corizas
continuos, crnicos. Puede abortar un resfro reciente. Ocena con secrecin
mucosanguinolenta. La nariz se le pone roja al agacharse.
* 23- Labio inferior agrietado en el medio. Las comisuras labiales estn agrietadas o
lastimadas y arden. Manchas y pecas en la cara. Partida derecha hinchada.
** 24- La comida tiene gusto metlico o cido. Vesculas en la lengua. Boca seca. Salivacin.
Cruje la mandbula al masticar.
* 27- Gran apetito, excesivo, pero se sacia rpidamente, con sensacin de plenitud y
gastralgia. Sed constante con aversin al agua fra. Ardores.
* 28- Ruidos y dolores de vientre antes y despus de defecar. Calambres en el vientre durante
la menstruacin, con sensacin dolorosa profunda en todo el contenido plvico.
Trastornos esplcnicos.
** 33- Disnea y opresin con palpitaciones, peor por el menor esfuerzo o subiendo an unos
pocos escalones, en una habitacin calurosa. Apnea al dormirse, se despierta ahogado
(Lach.). Es uno de los mejores medicamentos del enfisema. Tos irritante, seca e
incesante, por cosquilleo como por polvo, cada noche a las 3 a.m. o de 3 a 4 a.m., con
mucosidades sanguinolentas, palpitaciones y postracin. Edema agudo de pulmn,
intoxicacin por xido de carbono. Catarro bronquial con disnea en viejos, peor a las 3
a.m., se despiertan con palpitaciones, gran postracin y sudores fros; no pueden
expectorar. Tos postgripal. Asma, peor en una habitacin calurosa, mejor al aire libre;
respiracin a boqueadas o estertorosa.
* 34- Angina de pecho. Puntadas en el lado derecho del trax al agacharse. Palpitaciones
por el menor esfuerzo o movimiento; despus del coito con disnea, debilidad cardiaca,
pulso rpido e imperceptible, gran postracin y miedo, lagrimeo y temblor en las manos.
* 35- Panadizos con dolor peristico profundo. Parlisis del miembro superior derecho (o
como si lo sintiera paralizado). Callosidades crneas en las manos; se le corta la piel.
Pies fros a la noche en cama, manos fras y azules, con venas distendidas. Dolor
ulcerativo en los talones, peor parado o caminando. Dolor en el dedo gordo izquierdo,
peor a la noche en cama y por el calor de la cama.
** 37- Escarlatina maligna con sueo profundo y respiracin estertorosa a veces con rash no
bien desarrollado o deficiente por escasa vitalidad.
* 38- Cuerpo rojo, con manchas escarlata, como si tuviera escarlatina; erupciones
descamativas, rojas, despus de rascarse. Erisipela en viejos con sntomas cerebrales.
Psoriasis. Lepra. Eczema en pliegues de las extremidades, en ano y genitales.
Guernsey dice: "Este remedio parece ser particularmente til para las mujeres de
constitucin delicada, que se desvanecen con facilidad y necesitan recurrir a cada momento a
un frasco de sales para inhalar. Son dbiles, su reaccin es deficiente y por lo general de
temperamento linftico. Estas enfermas tienen necesidad de estimulantes, especialmente de
los que actan por intermedio de los nervios olfatorios, como las sales de amonio, el alcanfor,
el almizcle, el alcohol, etc. En el comienzo de una enfermedad que provoque rpida
postracin, como la meningitis cerebroespinal, este remedio se ha revelado eficaz para
excitar la reaccin del paciente y colocarlo en condiciones que permiten la eleccin del
siguiente remedio, indicado por la fuerza vital as despertada y en conflicto con lo que se da
en llamar "enfermedad".(*) A los lectores que no hayan estudiado el "Organon" sin duda les
causar extraeza la expresin: "lo que se da en llamar enfermedad." En beneficio de ellos
considero conveniente explicarla. Para Hahnemann la enfermedad consiste en una
perturbacin del principio vital que anima al organismo material y ella es, por lo tanto,
absolutamente "invisible", tan inaccesible a nuestros poderes de percepcin como lo es el
principio vital mismo. El principio vital sano (en estado de salud) proporciona sensaciones y
funciones normales, pero cuando se halla perturbado (en estado de enfermedad), da lugar a
sensaciones y funciones anormales, como asimismo, bajo ciertas condiciones, a alteraciones
estructurales, en una palabra, a lo que llamamos sntomas. Los sntomas, por lo tanto,
constituyen solamente una imagen externa y refleja de la enfermedad; ofrecen una
representacin visible de la alteracin invisible del principio vital. Pero a esta representacin
visible, a este cuadro de sntomas, la medicina aloptica lo llama "enfermedad"; de aqu
proviene la expresin de Nash que comentamos.
-Ammonium carbonicum es un buen remedio para el coriza seco, agudo o crnico, con
obstruccin nasal. El paciente est peor durante la noche y tiene que respirar por la boca.
Aqu pueden compararse con l Sambucus, Lycopodium, Nux vomica y Sticta pulmonaria.
-La nica otra afeccin para la que he encontrado a este medicamento muy til, es
para la escarlatina. El cuerpo est muy rojo, casi purpreo, y la garganta parece ser el punto
en que se concentra la fuerza de la enfermedad con su ms maligna intensidad. La erupcin
est escasamente desarrollada o bien parece haber desaparecido porque, a causa del
debilitamiento de la vitalidad del paciente, hay una completa incapacidad para mantenerla en
la superficie. (Zincum tiene convulsiones por la misma causa.) La erisipela de las personas de
edad y debilitadas est sujeta a este mismo proceso, y en los dos casos se hacen presentes
sntomas cerebrales que se asemejan al estupor alcohlico. Todo el organismo parece estar
dominado por el efecto deletreo de la toxinas. (Vase tambin Ailanthus.) En estos casos
Ammonium carbonicum nos ayudar algunas veces a superar la situacin.
Las tres primeras dinamizaciones se obtienen por trituracin, las ms elevadas por diluciones
hahnemannianas sucesivas.
Lo mismo los prpados bajo la influencia de las lgrimas excoriantes; los rganos genitales
se ulceran porque la secrecin ataca las partes externas y ESTE CARCTER
Acta adems sobre la sangre; si se toma AMM. CARB. durante cierto tiempo, producir
sntomas semejantes al escorbuto, con hemorragias de sangre negra a menudo lquida,
que no se coagula, por la nariz, tero, vejiga, intestinos, boca, etc. La piel toma un
aspecto marmreo y la paciente se demacra rpidamente.
Aplicado directamente sobre la piel, produce eritema local simple seguido de dermitis e
hinchazn; pronto aparece una erupcin semejante a un rash escarlatiniforme o
puramente miliar.
A) Lateralidad
B) Agravacin
C) Mejora
POR EL TIEMPO SECO; acostndose boca abajo (ACET. AC.) o sobre el lado dolorido.
Sntomas mentales
Cefalea con sensacin de latidos y plenitud, como si la cabeza fuera a estallar y el cerebro a
salir por la frente y los ojos. La cefalea es peor de maana, agravada por tiempo hmedo,
cambio de tiempo, o caminando, especialmente durante las reglas. Pulsaciones frontales
dolorosas, calmadas por la presin y en habitacin caliente. Vrtigo con sensacin de
remolino por la noche, obligando a levantarse.
Ojos cansados (NATR. MUR.). Ardor con fotofobia. Chispas delante de los ojos, con cefalea.
Diplopia, aversin por la luz. Puntos negros flotando delante de los ojos despus de
trabajos de costura, etc. Aglutinacin nocturna de prpados.
Este medicamento perturba las funciones del odo causando adems de sordera, secrecin
Generalmente plida, hinchada, con pecas; tambin suele presentar puntos atpicos muy
pruriginosos. Labios secos, agrietados o sangrantes, pero lo ms comn es que estn
agrietndose sus comisuras (ARUM TRIF., CONDUR., GRAPH., HEP. SULF. CALC;
Aparato digestivo
Sintomatologa principal en boca y faringe. Boca seca, gran sensibilidad dentara, sobre todo
al cerrarlos sensacin que son muy largos, lo cual provoca conmocin dolorosa en
Encas inflamadas e hinchadas; sntomas escorbticos, las encas se separan de los dientes, se
contraen y la mucosa sangra
SED CONSTANTE, pero con AVERSIN AL AGUA FRA. Gran apetito, que se satisface
pronto (LYCOP., GELS., CHINA).
Aparato urinario
Orina abundante, sobre todo por la noche. Orina blanca, arenosa, ftida, turbia, a veces
sanguinolenta. Tenesmo vesical, y a veces incontinencia nocturna.
rganos genitales
2) FEMENINOS: Irritacin del cltoris; hinchazn de las partes genitales con sensacin
de ardor y prurito. Aversin al coito. Sensacin dolorosa en todas las vsceras pelvianas,
ardor como en carne viva;esta sensacin est profusamente instalada y se percibe ms
durante las reglas. Reglas tempranas, abundantes, sangre negruzca a menudo con
cogulos, acompaadas con clicos, pujos, dolores renales, dentarios, sensibilidad
dolorosa en muslos, CONSTIPACIN: tristeza, bostezos y escalofros con diarrea
coleriforme el primer da. Vmitos, fro, cianosis, disnea y desfallecimiento, como en
Leucorrea cida, opresiva, ardiente como ARS. ALB., HYDRAST., IODUM, KREOS.,
Aparato respiratorio
2) LARINGE: Tos seca por cosquilleo de garganta como si tuviera tierra, peor entre 3 y 4
Aparato circulatorio
Espalda y extremidades
Rigidez de nuca con tirones. Dolores tractivos y tensivos en la espalda, que se disipan con la
Sensacin de parlisis principalmente en brazo derecho con entumecimiento y espasmos.
Manos fras y azuladas, con venas distendidas.
Dolores tractivos de piernas, pies hinchados que transpiran fcilmente. Dedo gordo hinchado
y dolorido de noche.
Ello significa que habiendo dado LACH. en potencia alta y habiendo dicho medicamento
realizado una accin curativa. AMM. CARB., no actuar despus de una manera eficaz,
pudiendo perturbar el caso provocando confusin o desorden en los sntomas. Pero si
LACH. ha sido dado en baja potencia o cuando el sujeto ha resultado envenenado por la
sustancia misma, AMM. CARB., en razn de la similitud de su accin, y dado en
potencia alta, se convierte en antdoto, triunfando sobre gran nmero de sntomas txicos
hallados en tal caso. Si examinamos a la gente mordida por serpiente y la comparamos
con la patogenesia de AMM. CARB. encontraremos entre ambas cosas gran similitud
Este remedio tiene hemorragias de sangre negra, fluida, que no coagula y fluye de la nariz,
del tero, de la vejiga e intestinos. La sangre es oscura, mostrando una gran
perturbacin en la circulacin. La piel posee una apariencia moteada mezclada a una
gran palidez.
Ammonium carb. posee un estado anlogo a la sangre envenenada tal como encontramos en
erisipelas y en las formas ms malignas de escarlatina., con postracin, gran disnea,
parecera que el corazn estuviera en las ltimas. Con esto existe una afeccin poco
usual de ppulas en la superficie, debido a la dolencia paraltica de los vasos
sanguneos, infarto de las glndulas, obscurecimiento e hinchazn de la cara. Amm.
carb. ha sido usado alopticamente en tales estados por siglos y sus usos homeopticos
han demostrado su eficacia.
Esto pertenece a un estado de debilidad. corazn dbil, extenuado. Existe una considerable
carencia de sntomas y ninguna respuesta a los remedios. El paciente debe permanecer
en cama a causa de las palpitaciones y dificultades respiratorias con el movimiento. Es
una cuestin de debilidad pura. Un caso como este me cost cerca de un ao y medio
resolverlo. Viva una dama en esta ciudad que responda a esta sintomatologa: su
estado revesta una peculiar debilidad cardiaca con disnea y palpitaciones cuando
realizaba movimientos. He estado tratando esta enferma, pero no todo lo debido y al no
progresar conmigo, fue tratada por uno de nuestros ms prestigiados neurlogos, quien
la someti a una "cura de reposo" y prometi que en seis semanas estara perfectamente
bien. Pero al cabo de ese lapso su estado se agrav y se consult a un especialista
cardaco quien dictamin que no exista afeccin orgnica en el corazn y en
consecuencia el caso no perteneca a su especialidad. Luego fue consultado un
especialista de pulmones, quien tampoco encontr lesin en ellos y as fue examinada
por toda clase de especialistas. Todos sus rganos fueron examinados, el resultado fue
que no haba ningn problema con ellos; pero la pobre mujer no poda caminar a causa
de sus sufrimientos y palpitaciones. La dama tena un poco de sed, una tos seca que no
era importante pero en su pecho no exista ninguna afeccin, Luego de permanecer
durante cerca de tres meses en ese estado, una parte de la familia que me era adicta
prevaleci y fui consultado nuevamente. Continu estudiando el caso, que era
extremadamente vago, teniendo nada ms que aquellos sntomas, hasta que finalmente
repar en Ammonium carb. con el cual la trat durante dieciocho meses. Esta dama
trepa montaas, realiza todo lo que desea hacer y es apta para todo trabajo. Ella ha
superado su estado de postracin nerviosa, fatiga cerebral y cualquier otro sntoma bajo
los efectos de ese solo medicamento. Esto demuestra cun profundamente acta este
remedio. Una dosis generalmente acta sobre una persona durante un perodo de seis
semanas a dos meses.
Durante los perodos menstruales se produce un gran cansancio. Ataque de clera, o algo
similar se produce el primer da de la menstruacin; diarrea copiosa. Algunas veces es
una extenuacin con vmitos, como en Veratrum, con resfros, tristeza, depresin,
disnea. La clase de disnea la cual estuve considerando hasta ahora, no es la afeccin
asmtica; sta es una disnea cardiaca, debida a la debilidad del corazn; pero este
remedio tiene tambin el asma, y en este asma existe esta peculiaridad: si la habitacin
est calefaccionada la disnea aumenta hasta que la sofocacin parece inminente; como
si la persona fuera a morirse por querer respirar. El paciente se siente impulsado a salir
al aire fresco, para aliviarse. Mientras que en las habitaciones clidas aumenta la disnea
asmtica. las molestias del cuerpo y los dolores de cabeza son peores al fro. Con este
remedio es comn que los huesos duelan como si se fueran a quebrar. Aparecen
violentos dolores de dientes por el cambio de tiempo o por variaciones de la
temperatura en la boca. Dolores de mandbulas o de las races de los dientes. Una
caracterstica notable es la cada del cabello, las uas de las manos se tornan
amarillentas, las encas se inflaman y sangran, los dientes se aflojan, como en una
constitucin escorbtica.
Este remedio tiene histeria, y no constituye una sorpresa que mujeres nerviosas lleven una
botellita de amonaco colgando de sus cadenas. Muchas mujeres lo hacen porque tan
pronto entran a un lugar cerrado se desmayan y deben usarlo. Esta afeccin en la mujer,
es muy benigna, no es histrica; pertenece a la naturaleza sensible de las mujeres; pero
si es llevado a un estado ms avanzado entonces si es histerismo. El desmayo histrico
ser evitado con Amm. carb. que estimular la accin del corazn y lo reanima.
Este remedio est lleno de depresin de nimo. La paciente llora mucho, tiene desmayos,
ansiedad, dificultad y extenuacin por movimiento. Hipersensitiva acerca de lo que
escucha de otros, siente molestias al or hablar. Sus padecimientos son mentales y
fsicos, empeoran con clima hmedo, crudo, fro. Con tiempo crudo aparecen dolencias
de gota, problemas nerviosos, postracin, problemas cardacos, disnea, dolores de
cabeza, etc. Se produce un dolor de cabeza congestivo cuando el clima es hmedo y
cambiante. Sensacin de transpiracin a travs de la frente y los ojos. "Pulsaciones,
percusiones como si fuera a estallar la cabeza, peor al caminar, especialmente los que
aparecen durante el perodo menstrual y durante la maana. Esta medicina en tales
dolores de cabeza, con los sntomas que he descrito, muestra su relacin antidotal con
Lachesis, que produce todos estos estados de postracin. En los antiguos libros de texto
usted leer esta expresin: "Enemigo de Lachesis". Esto significa que cuando Lachesis
ha sido suministrado en potencia alta y ha curado, Ammonium carb. no parece tener
efecto despus de l, y es capaz de perturbar el caso, confundindolo y mezclando los
sntomas. Pero cuando Lach. ha sido suministrado en potencia muy baja, y el paciente
ha sido envenenado con la medicina, este remedio se torna en un antdoto, usado en alta
potencia debido a la similitud de su accin. Cura muchos de los sntomas de
envenenamiento. Si examinamos la apariencia de gente que ha sido mordida por
vboras y luego examinamos la patognesis de este remedio encontraremos una gran
similitud entre ellos. Es bien conocido que este remedio ha sido usado en mordeduras
de vboras. Evidentemente el medicamento no salva a todos, pero ha conseguido algo
en estos casos, de lo contrario no habra alcanzado semejante reputacin. No debe
administrarse como un antdoto per se, pero si cuando existe envenenamiento de la
sangre y mordedura de animales con cimosis, con tendencia a sangrar lquido negro,
como en Elaps. Considerando los venenos de vboras hay una tendencia a hemorragias
de sangre negra, incoagulable.
Tiene muchos sntomas de los ojos. Chispazos por delante junto con dolores de cabeza;
visin doble; aversin a la luz. "Grandes manchas negras flotan delante de los ojos
despus de coser". Cuando estos sntomas han estado presentes en un estado
constitucional como el descrito, el remedio ha curado cataratas; y el cristalino se ha
aclarado. Ardor en los ojos; escozor; ojos inyectados.
Perturba la audicin, causando dificultad para escuchar y secrecin de fluido cido de los
Tambin tiene escorbuto, afeccin catarral de la nariz, tal como ha sido descrita. Secrecin
cida de la nariz. "Molestias muy grandes como si el cerebro estuviera empujando
arriba de la nariz". "Sangra la nariz cuando se lava la cara o las manos por la maana".
Aparecen muchas molestias cuando se toma un bao, y una caracterstica prominente es
que la piel se cubre con manchas moteadas encarnadas despus del bao. El bao
produce agitacin en todo el cuerpo, y la nariz sangra. Las palpitaciones aumentan al
Este remedio est lleno de sntomas de catarro y tos, gran cantidad de mucosa en el pecho y
en las vas areas. Opresin de la respiracin, una disnea catarral. Est indicado
especialmente, cuando coinciden los sntomas con congestin hiposttica de los
pulmones, se llena el pecho de mucosa difcil de expeler; gran cantidad de sonidos en el
pecho y gran debilidad. Es un buen paliativo en las ltimas etapas de la tuberculosis.
Una dosis de Ammonium carb. es suficiente cuando hay un gran resfro, postracin y
debilidad en el pecho. Esta debilidad en el pecho no es muy distinta a la que es
semejante a Stannum. Difcilmente puede toser alto, y debido a su debilidad no puede
expeler el mucus, como en Ant. tart. Tos asmtica corta.
Las molestias de este remedio aparecen a las tres de la maana. La tos aparece a esa hora.
Ancianos que sufren de catarro de pecho empeoran a las tres de la maana con
palpitaciones y postracin, despertndose a esa hora con sudor fro y disnea. Casi sin
pulso; debilidad en el corazn. La cara plida y fra.
"Aversin a caminar al aire libre". "A los nios no les gusta lavarse". El calor de la cama
alivia las molestias reumticas. "En una habitacin clida el dolor de cabeza mejora".
"Al lavarse reaparecen los sntomas, sangra la nariz; las manos azules; venas
hinchadas". "Peor en el aire fro".
Describiremos el aspecto de la piel: "El cuerpo est rojo como si estuviera cubierto por
escarlatina". "lceras ptridas con prurito". "Escarlatina maligna con somnolencia. a
partir del sueo". "Erisipela de ancianos cuando los sntomas cerebrales se desarrollan".
Siempre que se trate de una forma grave de enfermedad y al salir a la superficies como
un carbunclo o erisipela, no se alivia el paciente, entonces hay peligro, pues muestra un
estado pernicioso que ha estado encerrado y no puede ser mantenido ms y puede
destruir al organismo. Este es uno de los remedios que se debe tomar para detener el
progreso de tales enfermedades. Cualquier medicamento, por supuesto, que
corresponda a la totalidad de los sntomas es el remedio a suministrar.
Modo serio, formal, grave, importante, lgubre, inquieto. Muy inclinado al llanto con
pensamientos de muerte. Triste casi hasta el llanto al anochecer. Gran depresin espiritual
con trastornos abdominales. El tiempo nublado lo entristece. Triste, aprensivo respecto de
males, con escalofros. Muy triste por la maana. Hipocondraco. spero, arisco,
malhumorado. Perturbado por el recuerdo de disgustos pasados. Suspira; siente desasosiego e
incomodidad. Ansioso respecto de su enfermedad. En la tarde lo acomete un estado de
debilidad con ansiedad (no sabe cmo estar cmodo, qu hacer consigo), que desaparece al
anochecer. "Alrededor de las 7 de la tarde me acometi una ansiedad que dur alrededor de
una hora". En la noche, crisis de gran ansiedad, como si fuera a morir, acompaadas de sudor
fro, palpitaciones audibles del corazn y lagrimeo involuntario. Incapacidad de mover los
ojos o de hablar, acompaada por respiracin pesada audible y temblores de las manos.
Cada tarde, entre las 5 y las 6, le ataca angustia, como si hubiera cometido un gran crimen.
Hacia el anochecer esto pasa. Gran opresin del corazn. No sabe cmo aquietarse. Se asusta
fcilmente. Despus de la fiebre, est de muy mal humor e irritable. Se siente mejor despus
de beber bishop (vino caliente con especias). Inamistoso, irritable, de mal humor, contesta de
mala manera. Malhumor temprano a la maana. Enfadadizo y malhumorado con cefalea.
Colrico e insultante al atardecer. Considerable mal humor e insatisfaccin. Encuentra faltas
en todo. No puede soportar el menor ruido. El nio es extremadamente obstinado. No soporta
contradiccin. No encuentra paz en nada y nada le sale bien. En la noche, considerable
excitacin y depresin. No parece normal mentalmente, no tiene ideas, le cuesta pensar,
habla incorrectamente, con errores involuntarios, usa una palabra por otra. Olvidadizo y con
cefalea cuando reflexiona. Ausente, no puede pensar. Cuando cuenta algo, pierde fcilmente
el hilo de su pensamiento y encuentra ideas y usa expresiones que no desea tener.
Absence of mind. Descuido, distraccin, negligencia con ansiedad, cuando habla se pierde.
Confusin, estupefaccin.
Absent-minded 2 Sadness 2
Dolores ostecopos
(Nash) Epistaxis al lavarse la cara a la maana. Mujeres dbiles, anmicas, laxas, faltas de
reaccin. Habituadas al uso de sales. Tendencia a la degeneracin gangrenosa de los ganglios
y glndulas (partidas). (Guernsey) Mujeres de constitucin delicada que tienden a
desvanecerse. Temperamento linftico, necesitan estimulantes (alcohol, amonaco o
alcanfor). Estimula la reaccin vital adormecida para hacer eclosionar el cuadro real que
permite identificar el remedio. Obstrucciones crnicas o agudas de las fosas nasales. Peor en
la noche, respira con la boca abierta: Samb., Lyc., Nux v., Sticta.
Escarlatina con angina maligna y erupcin muy roja, casi violeta. La erupcin es poco
desarrollada y parece aun haber desaparecido por la falta de reaccin del enfermo que es
incapaz de exonerar por la piel. Zinc. tiene convulsiones por el mismo motivo.
Erisipela: de personas de edad, debilitadas. En ambos casos hay sntomas cerebrales que
simulan el coma de la borrachera. Gran intoxicacin (Ailanthus), cuadro txico.
Falto de energa, poder, fuerza, tono vegetativo. Falto de reaccin. Muy dbil, cansado, de
mente y de cuerpo. Enfermos crnicos sin aparente razn patolgica para sumergirlo en ese
estado depresivo. o en el perodo final de enfermedades prolongadas. Enfermos del corazn.
Hahnemann encuentra como condicin mental: Temor, desobediencia, falta de docilidad,
cansancio de la vida. inquietud, ansiedad, debilidad.
Cefalea: crnica, con sensacin de plenitud opresiva como si algo fuera a salir por la frente y
sta fuera a estallar. Apetito voraz. Gran sensacin de hambre, con saciedad rpida, Calor en
la cara, durante y despus de la cena. Nuseas (qualmishness). Uno de los mejores remedios
en el enfisema. Tos en la noche; a las 3 de la maana; tos seca por cosquilleo de garganta
(ticking). Angina pectoris. El brazo derecho parece pesar cien veces ms y no tener fuerza.
Espasmos en el brazo derecho que lo tiran hacia atrs.
Panadizo: dedo inflamado. Mejora por presin externa, la presin mejora el dolor de cabeza,
la sensacin constrictiva de estmago y los dolores intestinales. Erupcin, exantema
generalizada como con escarlatina. Escarlatina maligna con somnolencia. Sensacin de
cuerpo quebrantado, como golpeado.
Ammonium carbonicum tiene relacin con Arnica, Antimonium tart., con Belladonna.
Apis y Lachesis., con Arsenicum, Aurum, Carbo veg. y Curare., con Conium, Senega, Kali
bich y Calcarea ostrearum.
Un estado semejante produce Arnica en los casos tifdicos, cuando los pacientes estn
somnolientos y pesados y se quedan dormidos al contestar las preguntas.
Con los sntomas que hemos enumerado, podremos recordar a Ammonium carbonicum
para el edema pulmonar o para el enfisema.
Hay otro uso que podemos hacer todava de Ammonium carbonicum y que deberemos
recordar en el comienzo de la meningitis cerebroespinal. Algunas veces, en el principio de
esta enfermedad, el paciente es abatido por la violencia del veneno, cayendo en un estado
de estupor y sin reaccin; el enfermo est fro y la superficie del cuerpo est ciantica; el
pulso es muy dbil; en estos casos precisamente Ammonium ser el medicamento que
despertar la reaccin, pudiendo entonces seleccionar algn otro medicamento que
encuadre ms con la enfermedad.
Ammonium carbonicum est indicado en la neumona cuando hay gran debilidad, con
los sntomas que revelan justamente la formacin de cogulos en el corazn.
Hay alguna semejanza entre Ammonium carbonicum y Apis, pues ambos producen una
erupcin miliar y estn indicados en los tipos deprimentes de escarlatina con somnolencia;
sin embargo, en Apis predominan los fenmenos de hidropesa; siempre que ste sea el
medicamento, encontraremos hinchazn de la garganta y edema de la vula; en Apis
tambin encontraremos irritacion o inflamacin de las meninges, como lo revela el grito
enceflico, repentino y penetrante que da el nio. Se trata de un grito repentino y agudo y
no un simple estremecimiento. Hay rotacin de la cabeza en la almohada.
En el catarro con la nariz obstruida, descarga excoriante y ardor que desciende por el
esternn, hay algunos medicamentos que deseara comparar aqu. Entre ellos tenemos a
Ammonium causticum que es uno de los mejores medicamentos de la
Carbonato de amonio. Sal volatile. Sesqui carbonate of Ammonia.9 (NH4)2 CO3) CO2.
Solucin en agua destilada.
Relaciones.- Comparar: los amonias, Ant. t., Ars., Aur. (peso aplastante en el esternn, pero
Aur. tiene menos somnolencia y menos congestin venosa); Lach. (al que Amm. c. es
incompatible ); Phos., Pul., Sul. Antdota a: Rhus y piquetes de insectos, intoxicacin
por humo de carbn. Es antdotado por: Arn., Camph., Hep., vegetales cidos, aceites
Carbonato de amonio. 2 nh 4 0, 3 co 2
Ditesis hemorrgica, sangre fluida y degeneracin de los glbulos rojos; las ulceraciones
tienen tendencia a la gangrena.
Mujeres gruesas, carnosas, con varios trastornos originados por llevar una vida sedentaria;
mujeres delicadas que necesitan llevar consigo un pomo de sales para inhalar; fciles de
resfriarse en invierno.* Piel que fcilmente se escoria en las piernas y en el perineo. Acn en
la cara especialmente durante el perodo. Imptigo, eczema en el cuello y antebrazo.
A los nios les disgusta que los laven (Ant. c., Sulphur).
Pierden el aliento al quedarse dormidos. Necesitan despertar para poder respirar (Grind.,
Malhumorados durante el tiempo hmedo y tempestuoso.
Dolor de cabeza; sensacin de plenitud como si la frente fuera a reventar (Bell., Glon.).
Epistaxis; cuando se lava la cara (Arn., Mag. c.) y las manos por la maana, por la nariz
izquierda; despus de comer.
Ozena: frecuente escurrimiento de mucosidades sanguinolentas; al agacharse la sangre corre
por la punta de la nariz.
OBSTRUCCION DE LA NARIZ EN LA NOCHE, necesita respirar por la boca, una
modalidad en la difteria; coriza de larga duracin; tapazn en la nariz de los nios (Hep.,
Nux, Samb., Stict.).
Ulcera ptrida en la garganta, propensin a las lceras gangrenosas de las tonsilas;
hipertrofia e induracin de las glndulas.
Util en la difteria y escarlatina, cuando la nariz est obstruida; el nio no puede dormir
porque no puede respirar.
(Bov., Ver.).
Menstruacin: muy anticipada, abundante, precedida por retortijones; acre escoriando los
muslos; copiosa en la noche y al estar sentada (Zinc.) con odontalgia, clico, tristeza; fatiga,
especialmente en los muslos; bostezos y calosfro.
Leucorrea: Acuosa, quemante, provenida del tero, acre, profusa, provenida de la vagina;
escoriacin de la vulva.
Disnea con palpitaciones, empeorando con el ejercicio o con subir escaleras, aunque sean
pocos escalones, peor en una habitacin caliente.
Es uno de los mejores remedios para el enfisema.
Tos: seca, por cosquilleo en la garganta como ocasionada por el polvo, todas las maanas de
tres a cuatro (Kali c.).
Panadizo: dolor del periostio muy profundo (Dios., Sil.).
Enrojecimiento del cuerpo como si tuviera escarlatina (comprese con Ailan.).
Escarlatina maligna con sueo profundo; respiracin estertorosa. Erupcin miliar o
caprichosamente desarrollada por falta de vitalidad amenazando parlisis cerebral (Tub.,
-Antidotiza el envenamiento por Rhus y las picaduras de insectos.
Afecta especialmente el lado derecho.
Incompatible con Lachesis.
-Por el fro, por el tiempo hmedo; por las cataplasmas hmedas, por lavarse; durante el
- Acostndose sobre el abdomen (Acet. ac.); sobre el lado doloroso (Puls.); con el tiempo
Los estados de enfermedad que corresponden a este remedio son los que encontramos
frecuentemente en mujeres bastante robustas que siempre estn cansadas y fatigadas, se
resfran fcilmente, sufren de sntomas parecidos al clera antes de la menstruacin, llevan
una vida sedentaria, tienen en general una reaccin lenta, con disposicin al uso frecuente de
oler sales
Menstruaciones demasiado frecuentes y abundantes
Las mucosas de los rganos respiratorios estn afectadas especialmente
Pacientes obesos con corazn dbil, con sibilantes, se sienten sofocados.
Muy sensibles al aire fro
Gran aversin al agua; no pueden tolerar el tocarla
Escarlatina maligna, con somnolencia, ganglios hipertrofiados, garganta roja oscura
adolorida, erupcin tenuemente desarrollada
Pesadez en todos los rganos
Suciedad en hbitos corporales
Hinchazn de partes, ganglios, etc
Secreciones cidas
Postracin por pequeeces.
Olvidadizo, malhumorado, deprimido durante el tiempo tormentoso
Falta de limpieza.
Hablar y or hablar a otros lo afecta grandemente
Triste, lloroso, irrazonable.
Frente pulstil; mejor por presin y en una habitacin caliente
Sacudidas a travs de la cabeza.
Dureza de odo
Sacudidas a travs de los odos, ojos y nariz, cuando rechina los dientes.
Secrecin acuosa ardorosa, acre
Obstruccin por la noche, con coriza continua prolongada
No puede respirar a travs de la nariz
Gangueo en nios
Epistaxis despus de lavarse y despus de comer.
Ocena, arroja moco sanguinolento por la nariz
Punta de la nariz congestionada.
Dermatosis alrededor de la boca
Furnculos y pstulas durante la menstruacin
Angulos de la boca doloridos, fisurados y ardientes.
Gran sequedad de la boca y la garganta
Al presionar los dientes, enva sacudidas a travs de la cabeza, ojos y odos
Vesculas en la lengua
Sabor cido; metlico
Ruidos del maxilar al masticar.
Amgdalas y ganglios del cuello hipertrofiados
Dolor ardiente en toda la garganta
Tendencia a las ulceraciones gangrenosas de las amgdalas
Difteria cuando la nariz est obstruida
Estmago.- Dolor en la boca del estmago, con acedas, nusea, agruras, y sensacin de fro
Gran apetito, pero se satisface fcilmente
Dispepsia flatulenta.
Ruidos y dolor en el abdomen
Hernia flatulenta
Heces difciles, duras y nudosas
Hemorroides sangrantes; peor durante la menstruacin
Prurito en el ano
Hemorroides que sobresalen, peor despus de defecar, mejor acostado.
Deseo frecuente; involuntaria por la noche
Tenesmo de la vejiga
Orina blanca, arenosa, sanguinolenta, copiosa, turbia y ftida.
Prurito y dolor en el escroto y cordn espermtico
Erecciones sin deseo
Emisiones seminales.
Prurito, hinchazn y ardor de genitales externos
Leucorrea ardorosa, acre, acuosa
Aversin al otro sexo
Menstruacin demasiado frecuente, profusa, temprana, copiosa, con cogulos, negra; dolores
clicos y heces difles, duras, con fatiga, especialmente de los muslos; bostezo y sensacin de
Tos cada madrugada a las 3 a.m. , con disnea, palpitaciones, ardor en el trax; peor al
El trax lo siente cansado
Mucha opresin al respirar; peor despus de cualquier esfuerzo, y al entrar en una habitacin
caliente, o al subir aunque sean pocos peldaos
Neumona astnica
Respiracin estertorosa, lenta, difcil; estertores
Catarro de invierno, con esputo viscoso y manchas de sangre
Edema pulmonar.
Palpitaciones audibles con temor, sudor fro, lagrimeo, incapaz de hablar, respiracin ruidosa
y temblor de manos
Corazn dbil, con respiracin difcil y palpitaciones.
Dolores desgarrantes en las articulaciones mejorados por el calor de la cama; tendencia a
estirar las extremidades
Manos fras y azules; venas distendidas
Los dedos se hinchan cuando cuelga los brazos
Panadizo, dolor del periostio muy profundo
Calambres en las pantorrillas y las plantas
Primer ortejo doloroso e hinchado
Panadizos en el comienzo
Talones dolorosos al estar de pie
Dolores desgarrantes en tobillo y huesos del pie, mejor con el calor de la cama.
Somnolencia durante el da
Sobresaltos por sueos sofocantes.
Prurito violento y vesculas ardientes
Erupcin escarlatiniforme
Erupcin miliar
Escarlatina maligna
Erupciones poco desarrolladas por vitalidad escasa
Erisipelas en los viejos, con sntomas cerebrales
Eczema en los extremos de las extremidades, entre las piernas, alrededor del ano y en los
Peor al anochecer, por fro, tiempo hmedo, aplicaciones hmedas, al lavarse, y durante las
3 a 4 a.m. , durante la menstruacin
Mejor acostado sobre el lado doloroso y sobre el estmago; en tiempo seco.
Incompatible con Lachesis
Similar en accin.
Arnica, Camphor.
Rhus, Muriatic acid, Tartar emet..
Util en intoxicacin por humo de carbn
Las potencias bajas se deterioran con el tiempo
La sexta potencia es mejor para uso general.
La accin de uno, dos o tres glbulos, humedecidos e el lquido que se haya elevado al
decillonsimo grado de dinamizacin, se prolonga ms all de treinta y seis das cuando la
eleccin es perfectamente homeoptica.
Bajo esta forma, el carbonato de amonaco es muy apropiado al tratamiento de las
enfermedades crnicas, sobre todo cuando lo sntomas siguientes existen o predominan.
Poltronera; desobediencia, indocilidad; disgusto de la vida; agitacin por la tarde; inquietud;
ansiedad con debilidad; disminucin de la facultad de pensar.
Vrtigo estando sentado y leyendo; dolor de cabeza habitual; dolor de cabeza en el cual
parece que la frente va a abrirse; dolor de cabeza que llega hasta producir nuseas; martilleo
en la cabeza; cada de los cabellos.
Pus desecado en el borde de los prpados; sensacin de ardor y de fro en los ojos;
oscurecimiento vacilante de la vista; moscas volantes; catarata; miopia.
Dureza de odo, con supuracin y comezn en el odo; zumbido y tintineo de odos.
Prurito en la nariz; granos que supuran en la nariz; epistaxis por la maana al lavarse.
Grietas en el labio superior y en la mejilla, hasta la oreja; chasquido en la articulacin de la
mandbula al comer; eflides.
Movimiento antiguo de las muelas.
Boca y garganta
Hinchazn del interior de la boca; cosquilleo en la garganta y dolor como si estuviera
Ardor con dolor en el hgado; punzadas terebrantes en el hgado, por la tarde, estando
sentado; sensacin de incomodidad en el bajo vientre; dolor de conmocin en el empeine al
Estreimiento, dificultad de deponer; dolor de vientre con diarrea; cmaras mezcladas con
sangre; flujo hemorroidal; prurito en el ano; hemorroides.
Coriza y tos
Sequedad habitual de la nariz; coriza habitual; romadizo; tos; tos con ronquera, estando el
cuerpo caliente; tos causada por un cosquilleo en la garganta, con espectoracin; tos durante
el da; tos durante la noche.
Punzadas en el sacro al toser; ardor en el pecho; dolor dislacerante desde lo alto del lado
izquierdo del pecho hasta la articulacin del brazo; respiracin corta; asma.
Miembros superiores
Adormecimiento de los brazos y de los dedos, por la noche, por la maana y cuando se coge
alguna cosa; dolor en una mueca lastimada mucho tiempo antes; hinchazn de los dedos,
cuando se tiene el brazo colgando.
Miembros inferiores
Gran laxitud en las piernas; dolores de tirantez en las piernas, estando sentado; sudor de
pies; hinchazn de los pies; calambre en la planta de los pies; punzadas en el taln; dolor de
luxacin en el dedo pulgar, por la noche, en la cama; ardor en las manos y en los pies;
dolores quemantes, lancinantes y de dislaceracin en los callos.
Somnolencia durante el da; pesadilla al dormirse, insomnio por la noche.
Calor febril en la cabeza, con fro en los pies; calosfros por la tarde, sudor.
Sntomas generales
Sensacin de debilidad en los miembros, andando al aire libre; repugnancia a pasear;
desviacin de los huesos.
Puede repetirse con ventaja este medicamento, despus de haber administrado otros en el
Respirando una disolucin de alcanfor se disminuye la accin de este medicamento, cuando
es demasiado fuerte.
Carbonato de amonaco.
Falta de reaccin en las personas obesas y sedentarias. Trastornos respiratorios. Tendencia a
las hemorragias.
Por el tiempo hmedo, tempestades, por la noche, a las tres de la maana y al levantarse.
Estando acostado sobre el vientre. sobre el lado doloroso; por el tiempo seco y por el calor.
Preocupacin constante por su salud. Debilidad enfermiza contrastando con una apariencia
robusta. Tendencia a sentirse mal necesitando el empleo de un frasco de sales. Somnolencia
constante durante todo el da.
Llora fcilmente. Mal humor durante el tiempo hmedo y las tempestades.
Cefalea, sensacin de plenitud como si la cabeza fuera a estallar, con pesantez y batimientos
que se agravan por la maana. Excoriacin de la h. oca y de los labios. Inflamacin de la
garganta con dolores ardorosos. Tendencia a la ulceracin gangrenosa con olor ptrido y
adenopata marcada. Mucho apetito que se satisface rpidamente. Opresin despus de las
Hemorroides procidentes, dolorosas despus de evacuar, sangrantes, sobre todo durante las
OBSTRUCCION DE LA NARIZ DURANTE LA NOCHE que obliga al enfermo a respirar
por la boca. No puede dormir porque no puede respirar. Coriza crnica.
EPISTAXIS AL LAVARSE LA CARA Y LAS MANOS o despus de haber comido.
Opresin intensa con palpitaciones que empeoran por el esfuerzo despus de ascender o pie
o por entrar en una habitacin caliente.
Tos irritante e incesante a las tres de la maana con mucosidades sanguinolentas,
palpitaciones y postracin.
Debilidad cardaca, pulso rpido e imperceptible. Palpitaciones despus del menor esfuerzo
y despus del coito.
Tendencia a las hemorragias con sangre negra y en cogulos.
Reglas adelantadas, abundantes, sobre todo por la noche y estando en la posicin sentada
(Zincum) precedidas y acompaadas de dolor de dientes y de clicos con fatiga, sobre todo
en las caderas. La sangre es negra y en cogulos.
Diarrea coleriforme el primer da de las reglas (Bov., Verat.). Hemorroides con prdida de
sangre durante las reglas.
Leucorrea acuosa, quemante y cida, con excoriacin vulvar y prurito.
Enrojecimiento de la piel con erupcin escarlatiniforme. Aversin a lavarse (Antim. crud.,
Asma y enfisema. Coriza. Bronquitis crnica de la senectud. Hemorroides. Panadizos.
Sarampin. Escarlatina con somnolencia y erupcin insuficiente. Formas malignas de
enfermedades eruptivas cuando la erupcin no aparece.
Muriatic acid., Phosphorus (hemorragias). Antimonium tart. (enfisema). Ailanthus
(erupciones) .
Incompatibilidad: Lachesis. Complementario frecuente: Causticum.
6a, 30a y 200a.
Ammonium carbonicum (Allen)
- All day long, lively, excited, [_a1, _a3].
- Extremely exalted, [_a1].
- Occasionally excessive mirth, [_a1].
- He often laughs, without moderation, at a trifle(after thirty-eight days), [_a3].
- The mood changes for the better, after supper;headache and pain at the stomach ceasing at
the same time, [_a3].
- Earnest mood, [_a1].
- Very weeping mood, with thoughts of death, [_a1].
- Sad, almost weeping mood, towards evening(second day), [_a3].
- Great depression of spirits(with the abdominal complaints), [a15].
- Cloudy weather makes her very sad, [_a1].
- Sad, low-spirited, apprehensive of evil, accompanied by chilliness, in the forenoon, [_a3].
- The whole morning, striking gloomy humor, [a15].
- Kind of sadness not usual with me;no inclination to go out, [a8].
- Very hypochondriacal, [a12].
- Morose, and full of grief, [_a1].
- The recollection of past disagreeable occurrences torments him, [_a1].
- Sighing, [a7].
- Gloomy and uneasyood (second day), [a7].
- She is anxious on account of her illness, [_a1].
- For many afternoons she is seized with a weakness and anxiety;she knows not how to
comfort herself, what to do with herself;this state leaves her towards evening, [_a1].
- About 7 P.M. , a sort of anxiety possessed me, which lasted about an hour, and then went
off again, [a16].
- At night, attack of great anxiety, as if she had to die, accompanied by cold sweat, audible
palpitation of the heart, and involuntary lachrymation;she was unable to move her eyes or to
speak, accompanied by audible heavy breathing, and trembling of the hands(after nineteenth
day), [_a1].
- Every afternoon, between five and six o'clock, she is seized with anguish, as if she had
committed the greatest crime;towards evening the anguish passes off, [_a1].
- Great oppression of the heart;he knows not how to quiet himself, [_a1].
- Very easily frightened, [_a1].
- After the fever, very ill-humored and irritable;felt better after a glass of "bishop", [a12].
- Very unamiable, irritated, peevish;she answers reluctantly(second day of her courses),
- Peevishness early in the morning, [_a1].
- Ill-humor, peevishness, sometimes accompanied by headache, in the forenoon, [_a3].
- Peevish and angry, [_a1].
- Peevish, angry, scolding, in the evening(sixth day), [_a3].
- Considerable ill-humor and dissatisfied feeling, [a15].
- She found fault with everything, [_a1].
- She could not bear any noise, [_a1].
- The child is extremely obstinate, [a4].
- Bears no contradiction, [_a1].
- She has rest nowhere, and succeeds in nothing(fourth day), [_a3].
- At night, low spirits, and sometimes considerable excitement, [a17].
- He does not seem to be in his senses, [_a1].
- Head very thoughtless, [_a1].
- She finds it hard to arrange her ideas, [_a1].
- He speaks incorrectly;speaks wrong without wishing it;uses one word for another in
speaking, [_a1].
- He easily uses wrong letters and figures in writing or ciphering(ninth day), [_a1].
- Very forgetful, and headache when reflecting, [_a3].
- Very forgetful;absent;cannot recollect(ninth day), [_a1].
- Very absent;when telling a story he easily loses his train of thoughts, and hits upon
thoughts and expression which he did not wish to employ(eighth day), [_a1].
- Absence of mind, accompanied by anxiety;when speaking, he is at a loss to finish his
speech, [_a1].
- Confusion of head(in one-quarter hour), [a15].
- Soon after taking, confusion and weight of the head, [a19].
- Emptiness and confusion of the head(after one-quarter hour), [_a1].
- Stupefaction of the head, [a7].
- Headache as before, especially a sensation as after having been drunk("Katzenjammer"),
- Vertigo, as from intoxication, after sitting still for some time(towards evening), [_a1].
- Vertigo, [a8, a20].
- Vertigo at night and early in the morning(after two days), [_a1].
- Vertigo at night;everything turned with her;she had to sit up in bed, [_a1].
- Frequent vertigo, early in the morning after rising;it continues the whole day, and is worse
toward evening;he feels as if things turned with him in a circle, also at night on moving his
head, [_a3].
- Vertigo, with nausea, early in the morning;in walking it soon passes of (fourth day), [_a3].
- Early in the morning, vertigo, with flickering before the eyes;she has to sit down, [_a1].
- Vertigo and cold sweat, such as usually accompany a fainting fit, [a12].
- Vertigo, and trembling of the feet, so that he has to hold himself in order not to fall, for
several days(after three days), [_a3].
- Vertigo, with headache(one hour after taking), [_a3].
- Upon turning with the body the head immediately feels dizzy, [_a1].
- Giddiness, nausea, and want of appetite ever since the dawn of day, [_a1].
- Headache(in half hour), [a15].
- Severe headache, [a10].
- Slight headache, which did not last long, [a16].
- In afternoon, violent headache, [a11].
- In evening, slight headache, [a11].
- Headache after dinner(fifth day), [_a3].
- Headache, early in bed, with nausea, which rises as high up as the throat; she feels an
inclination to vomit;the symptom passes off after two or three hours, [_a1].
- Headache and pain at the stomach, accompanied by ill-humor, the whole day(after three
days), [_a3].
- In the morning, noticed a slight headache, combined with nausea, which, however, as
usual, went off as soon as I took my pipe in my mouth, [a16].
- Headache, with heaviness of the forehead, early in the morning;worse in the
afternoon(eighth day), [_a3].
- Tensive feeling in brain, especially on right side, [a20].
- Head heavy and full, [a20].
- Afternoon, after drinking coffee, congestion to head, [a12].
- Towards evening, the rush of blood was greater, [a12].
- Rush of blood to the head at night, and heat in the face on waking, [_a1].
- * Feeling of lightness in head, [a14].
- His head seems very heavy, [_a1].
- Pressure over the whole head after having got heated(after ten days), [_a1].
- Headache, now here, now there, in the brain;a pressure, with sticking over one eyebrow,
- Boring and lancinating pain in the head at night, [_a1].
- Drawing and tearing in the whole head, early after rising, and during the whole
day(twenty-third day), [_a3].
- Clawing pain in the head, [_a1].
- Sticking headache the whole day, [_a1].
- Headache, resembling a knocking or hacking with a sharp instrument;pain prevented her
from moving, she had to lie still, [_a1].
- Pain, as from ulceration, in moving the head and in pressing upon it, especially in the
occiput, at one of the glands of that region, for some time, [_a3].
- Headache, as if water or something else were in his head, [_a1].
- Sense of looseness of the brain, [_a1].
- The head easily gets cold, [_a1].
- Eruptions upon the forehead resembling little boils, [_a1].
- Pimples and vesicles on the forehead, [_a1].
- Pimples on the forehead, and the tip of the nose, [a7].
- Headache in forehead, [a15].
- Confusion and heaviness in forehead, [a20].
- Burning pains in sinciput, [a12].
- Heat and pressure in sinciput, [a15].
- * Pressive sense of fulness in the forehead, as from the vapor of coal, [_a1].
- * Pressive fulness in the forehead and vertex, as if the head would burst there, [_a1].
- On stooping, there is tension in the nape of the neck;in front, the head threatens to burst
with pain, [_a1].
- * Headache, beating in the forehead as if it would burst, [_a1].
- * Heaviness and beating in the forehead, after dinner, [_a3].
- For several mornings she is roused from her slumber by a drawing pain of the periosteum
of the forehead; the pain passes off after rising, [_a1].
- Uproar behind the right frontal eminence, as if everything would come out there(second
day), [_a3].
- Boring stitches behind the right frontal eminence, deep in the brain, during dinner(second
day), [_a1].
- Throbbing headache in left frontal region, [a20].
- Prickings over the right eye, [a7].
- Stitches over the left eye, so violent that they often cause the eyes to contract, after dinner
(fourth day), [a6].
- Tearing in the temples, early, and in the evenings, [_a3].
- Painful throbbing and beating in the temple, in the left side of the head, and the left side of
the occiput, sometimes with yawning, [_a3].
- Tearing in the right temple, during dinner, [_a1].
- Stitches in the left temple, as with a blunt instrument, [a7].
- Stitches in the left temple, increased by chewing, [_a1].
- Headache in vertex, [a8].
- Pressure at the top of the head, half an hour(after six days), [_a3].
- Feeling of coldness in the course of the longitudinal sinus(in half hour), [a14].
- The right side of her head seems to be heavier than the left;the head feels as if it would fall
over on that side(first day), [_a3].
- On moving his head, there is a sensation as of the brain falling to and fro, towards the side
where he stoops, sometimes with stinging pains, a symptom which gives him no rest, even at
night, for several weeks in succession, [_a3].
- Stitches here and there in the head, deep in the brain, especially in the right side; they pass
off in the open air(fourth to forty-second day), [_a3].
- Heaviness in the left side of the head, growing worse in bed(forty-sixth day), [_a3].
- Tearing behind the left ear, as far as the vertex, with a sensation as if the head were cleft,
- Itching of the head, accompanied by great sensitiveness of the integuments of the head
when scratching(tenth day), [_a3].
- Violent itching of the hairy scalp, especially of the occiput, [_a1].
- Sense as if the hairs would stand upon end, with crawling over the whole head, and a
feeling of coldness there, after coming out of the open air and entering the room, [_a3].
- The hair is painful when touched, [_a1].
- The scalp and the hairs are intensely painful when the hand is moved along them; this
movement made him shudder(first evening), [_a1].
- The eyes are weak;the child winks continually, [a4].
- Burning of the eyes the whole day, especially early on waking, with intolerance of light,
and in the evening on lying down, [_a3].
- The eyes are inflamed and dim, [_a1].
- The right eye is a little inflamed and dim, [a7].
- Pressure in the eyes, [a7].
- Pressure and cutting in the eyes(fourth day), [_a1].
- Pressure and fine stitches in the eyes(second day), [_a1].
- Prickings and pressure in the eyes, [a7].
- Biting in the eyes, and itching of the borders of the lids, [_a1].
- Itching and biting in the eyes, which pass off by rubbing(early in the morning), (first
fourth, and twelfth days), [_a3].
- A sty on the right upper lid becomes inflamed, with a sensation of tension(second day),
- Very great twitching in external canthus of right eye, like live blood, and visible in mirror;
the eye was for two hours as if covered by a veil, [a10].
- Inflammation of the inner canthus of the right eye, without pain(twenty-sixth day), [_a1].
- Pressure upon the eyelids on waking up, and when he is about falling asleep;he cannot
open them,
- The eyes are agglutinated, early in the morning, [_a1].
- The eyes are agglutinated, early in the morning, after sound sleep;it takes her a long time to
open them, [_a3].
- The eyes are agglutinated in the morning;they run in daytime, [a7].
- When reading, his eyes run, [_a1].
- Watery eye;the white of the eye is full of red veins, as in an incipient inflammation of the
eye, [_a1].
- The right eye waters, and the vessels of the cornea are distinctly visible, [a7].
- Copious lachrymation, especially of the right eye, as well in the open air as in the room,
- Pupils alternately dilated and contracted, [a20].
- Indistinct vision, [a8].
- Flickering before eyes, [a19].
- When sneezing, white stars sparkle before his eyes, [_a3].
- Sparks before her eyes upon waking at night, [_a1].
- A large black spot hovers before the eye after she has been sewing, [_a1].
- On looking at a distance, and also on accommodating for near vision, objects seem
doubled, [_a3].
- Hard swelling of the parotid glands, [_a1].
- Twitches and tension around the left ear, in the cheek-bone and in the temples, with
swelling of the cervical glands, [_a1].
- Tearing below and behind the ears(made worse by moving the head), sometimes extending
as far as the vertex, the occiput, and the nape of the neck, also the shoulder(after dinner),
- Tension behind the right ear, [_a3].
- Twitches and pinching in the internal ear, [_a1].
- Frequent and painful stitches in the right ear, [_a3].
- In evening, transient pinching in right ear, as has happened several times before these last
days, [a15].
- Stitches in the left ear(second day), [_a1].
- Throbbing in the left ear, at night, when lying upon it;on turning to the other side, the
symptom disappears(sixth day), [_a3].
- Early in the morning, itching over the ears, which spreads over the whole body(third day),
- Crawling and burrowing in the left ear, which afterwards extends to the lower jaw(tenth
day), [_a3].
- Painful sensitiveness of the deaf ear in consequence of a loud sound;this caused her to
tremble over the whole body, [_a1].
- Diminished hearing, [_a3].
- A report in the ears as of a distant shot, five or six times in the course of an hour, [_a1].
- Roaring before the left ear, [_a3].
- At night, roaring in the left ear(second day), [_a1].
- Illusion of hearing;he imagines he hears the ringing of bells, [_a3].
- Every day, after midnight, rushing in the(right)ear, when resting upon it in bed, [_a1].
- * Buzzing before the ears, as if the hearing were dull, and as if something were lying
before the ears(after seventeen days), [_a1].
- Pimple upon the tip of the nose, [_a1].
- Furunculus on the tip of the nose, [_a1].
- Pustule on the side of the nose, [_a1].
- On the septum of the nose a vesicle, in forepart, [_a3].
- * An Acrid fluid runs from the nose, [_a1].
- Water drops out of the nose, without a cold, [_a3].
- * When stooping, water runs from the nose, [_a1].
- During the catamenia, acrid water, which excites a burning sensation upon upper lip, is
constantly running out of her nose(forty-third day), [_a3].
- On blowing the nose, early in the morning, pus drops out at one of the nostrils(fifth day),
- * Blowing bloody mucus out of the nose, frequently, [_a1].
- On blowing the nose, blood comes out at the left nostril(second day), [_a3].
- * Bleeding at the nose(eighth day), [_a1].
- Bleeding at the nose, after dinner(second day), [_a1].
- * Frequent sneezing, early in the morning, when in bed, [_a1].
- Frequent violent sneezing(fifth day), [_a3].
- * Obstruction of the nose, [a7].
- * The nose is very much obstructed, without any cold, [_a1].
- * At night the nose was so obstructed, that she was not able to breathe, except through her
mouth (after four days), [_a1].
- After having had a sound nap in the forenoon, she wakes up at 1 o'clock with a sense of
anxiety, as if she were choking;this was on account of the nose being quite obstructed, and
her not being able to take breath, except with an open mouth, so that the chest was painful in
consequence of the difficult breathing(after twelve days), [_a1].
- Cold, with rattling in the nose, accompanied by obstruction of the nose, and roughness of
voice, [_a3].
- Stuffed cold in the head for a week, causing confusion of the head, [a10].
- Cold, with obstruction of the left nostril, [_a3].
- * Dry coryza, especially at night, without the slightest air passing through the nose, [_a1].
- Dry coryza and obstruction of the nose, when lying in bed, in the evening and at night,
- * Fluent coryza(fourth day), [_a1].
- Violent fluent coryza, with tearing in the left cheek, [_a3].
- Violent fluent coryza, with cough, [_a1].
- Coryza, [a15].
- Great coryza, [a15].
- Unusually severe coryza, [a15].
- Uncommonly violent coryza, which lasts with an unusual obstinacy, [a15].
- Tearing in the left nostril, and simultaneously in the bone of the left elbow, extending
towards the hand[_a3].
- Slight twitching in the left side of the nose, which seems to draw up the wing of the nose,
- * When stooping, sensation in the tip of the nose as if the blood, were accumulating there,
- Upon strongly breathing through the nose, this organ feels painful, [_a1].
- Swelling, sensation of soreness and itching in the right nostril, with a crawling in the nose,
as if from constant catarrh, the nose runs(after three days), [_a1].
- Left ala nasi internally swollen and tender, [a15].
- Dryness of nose and lips, [a15].
- Smell like a profuse sour perspiration, [a15].
- Wretched look, [a4].
- Pale, wretched appearance, [a15].
- Paleness of the face, with nausea, and moral and physical weariness, [_a1].
- Pale, bloated face, for a long time(after thirty days), [_a3].
- Pale face, accompanied by headache, pain at the stomach and ill-humor(fourth day), [_a3].
- Increased number of pimples on face, [a15].
- * Heat in the face, during mental exertions, [_a1].
- * Heat in the face, during and after dinner, [_a1].
- Heat in the head and face, with red cheeks, [_a3].
- Sense as of stretching in the face;she has to rub her eyes and her face, as if she were sleepy,
- Tension of the skin of the face(the nose and both lips), as if the face were swollen, early in
the morning on waking, [_a1].
- Contraction of the skin of the forehead and face, [_a1].
- Violent pain in the face on the right side, [_a1].
- Painful tension and tearing in the right side of the face(second day), [_a3].
- Hard swelling of the cheek, as well as the glands of the ear and neck, [_a1].
- White, herpes-like spots of the size of a small pea, which continually exfoliate(upon the
cheek), [_a1].
- Boils upon the cheek and around the ear, [_a1].
- Small boils and indurations, discharging water and blood, upon the cheek, at the corners of
the mouth, and on the chin, [_a3].
- Pustules upon the forehead, temple, cheek, and chin, [_a3].
- Pustules upon the cheeks, during the menses, [_a3].
- Drawing pain in the cheek bones, [_a1].
- Pimple on left cheek, near ear, not painful unless pressed, [a10].
- Redness of left cheek, [_a3].
- Pressive pain in the zygoma, [_a1].
- Burning vesicles on the vermilion border of both lips, [_a3].
- The lips are constantly dry, and stick together(fifteenth day), [_a3].
- Itching of the mouth;both lips were itching, [_a1].
- Vesicles at the right corner of the mouth and on the upper lip, [_a3].
- Pimple on the lower lip, with burning pain, [_a1].
- Eruption at the mouth, [_a1].
- Herpes-like scaly eruption around the mouth, [_a1].
- Miliary eruption around the chin, without sensation, [_a1].
- The decay of the teeth progresses rapidly, [_a3].
- His teeth fall out, even sound ones, [_a1].
- On sucking, blood comes out of a molar tooth, [_a3].
- Violent toothache, with heat of the same side of the head(after twelve days), [_a1].
- Pain in two molar teeth, as when sweets set into a hollow tooth, [a7].
- Toothache at night, and swollen cheek on the day following;afterwards enlarged nose and
red spots in the face and upon the neck, [_a1].
- Toothache during the catamenia, day and night, especially during and after eating, relieved
by warm cloths and pressing upon the teeth, [_a3].
- Violent toothache, as soon as she gets into bed in the evening, during the whole night;it
cannot be relieved in any position, [_a3].
- In chewing, almost all the teeth are painful;the person was unable to speak on account of
- * The teeth are painful on biting together, [_a1].
- An anterior inferior incisor tooth becomes very painful when biting upon it, on third day of
the catamenia, [_a3].
- Drawing in teeth, [a15].
- Drawing toothache during the catamenia, [_a3].
- Drawing toothache during the catamenia;it passes off by eating(after six hours), [_a1].
- Drawing toothache, which seems to be in the jaws, and extends as far as the ear and the
cheek; only during eating and when biting upon the tooth, [_a3].
- Drawing in the teeth, at night, and on waking, [_a1].
- Darting in a decayed molar tooth, after dinner;the pain ceases upon picking the tooth,
- Tearing pain in the upper row of teeth, [_a1].
- Drawing and tearing in a molar tooth, after a journey in damp weather(after twenty-three
days), [_a3].
- Tearing-jerking in the teeth, extending into the ears;also at night, in a hollow back tooth;
relieved by smelling of Hepar sulphur, [_a3].
- Tearing in the teeth and jaws, as far as the ears, before midnight;she is obliged to shift
constantly from one side to another;the teeth are very painful when biting upon them (third
day of catamenia), [_a3].
- Tearing in the upper molar teeth of the left side, with frequent collections of water in the
mouth, and gnawing in the left shoulder(tenth day), [_a3].
- Tearing toothache in the left upper row, which seems to affect the roots as if an ulcer would
form there (thirty-sixth day), [_a3].
- Sensation as if an abscess was at the roots of the teeth, which threatens to burst on the
access of air, or when the tooth is pressed upon during mastication, [_a1].
- Shootings in a healthy molar tooth, in the open air, [a7].
- Shooting toothache, uninterruptedly for eight days, [_a1].
- * Shooting pain in the molar teeth, upon pressing their edges against one another; he was
only able to chew with the incisor teeth(immediately, and on the second day), [_a1].
- When a warm liquid gets into the mouth, the person experiences painful shootings in the
teeth and the lower jaw of one side(for five or ten minutes), [_a1].
- On touching the tooth with the tongue, a violent stitch occurred in a hollow tooth of the
upper row, [_a1].
- Sensation of soreness in a hollow molar tooth(after half an hour), [_a2].
- Throbbing and pressive toothache(after third day), [_a1].
- Toothache in the evening, as if the teeth were squeezed, [_a1].
- Sensation in the teeth, as if there were no power to bite, [a7].
- The teeth became very dull, [_a1].
- Dulness of the molar teeth, and on biting on them, they appear to be loose, [_a1].
- The teeth feel as if they were dull and too long, [a7].
- * The teeth frequently feel as if they were too long, as after acids, [_a1].
- A tooth which formerly had often been painful, appears to be longer, and becomes again
sensitive to pain, [_a3].
- The gums are so sensitive that she does not dare to touch them with the tongue(forty-first
day), [_a3].
- Stitches of the inner and upper gums of the right side, [_a3].
- Itching of the gums;they bleed upon being scratched, [_a3].
- Gums incline to bleed, [_a1].
- Sensation as of swelling, or also swelling and inflammation of the gums, [_a3].
- Swelling of the gums accompanied by swelling of the cheek, [_a1].
- Abscess of the gums, attended with discharge of pus, [_a1].
- Gums somewhat swollen and more sensitive, [a15].
- Very sensitive, reddened gums, [a15].
- The gums especially of lower teeth, swollen and very sensitive;a yellow painful vesicle on
the mucous membrane, betwixt left and lower canine tooth, [a15].
- * Vesicles on the tongue, especially on its border, [_a1].
- Vesicles at the tip of the tongue, which hinder speaking and eating, with a burning pain,
- Pustules upon the tongue, with a burning and stinging pain, especially on the border and
under the tongue, [_a1].
- Small ulcer at the tip of the tongue, feeling sore whenever the tongue is moved, [a7].
- Painful erosion on middle of tongue, observed after two hours, [a15].
- Tongue and whole inside of the mouth reddened, especially the excoriated spot on the
palate, [a18].
- Burning at the tip of the tongue, made worse by touching it, [_a3].
- On taking, coldness, followed by warm feeling on tongue, [a14].
- The medicine caused a feeling of coolness on the tongue, on taking, [a11].
- The anterior half of the tongue feels as if it were pithy, early in the morning(fourth day),
- Bad smell from mouth, which he himself perceives for a long time, [_a3].
- Redness of the mouth and tenderness, especially towards evening, [a18].
- Redness and inflammation in the mouth and throat;these parts are painful, as if they were
sore and excoriated, [_a1].
- Sensation as of swelling in the mouth, [a7].
- The buccal cavity feels so narrow that she scarcely dares to open her mouth or to move her
tongue, lest she should hurt some part by touching it with the tongue(fortieth day), [_a3].
- Scraping sore sensation in mouth, especially severe in the inside of upper gums; one spot
was softened, [a13].
- The part of the mouth beneath the tongue was particularly red, [a18].
- A small spot on the palate was excoriated by a hard crust of bread, [a18].
- Pain at the palate, as from an ulcer, on touching it with the tongue;the part exfoliates on the
day following, [_a3].
- Burning vesicles on the inner side of the lower lip, [_a3].
- On the inner side of the lower lip, a painful, white vesicle, [_a1].
- The inside of the cheeks is full of vesicles without sensation, [_a3].
- Dryness of the mouth in the evening, which cannot be relieved by drinking; the mouth
feels parched early in the morning, [_a1].
- Great dryness and heat of the mouth, at night(after twelve days), [_a1].
- Collection of saliva in mouth, [a15].
- Loose mucus in mouth, [a15].
- Increased secretion of mucus in mouth and scraping feeling, [a15].
- Frequent and copious collection of watery saliva in her mouth;she is constantly obliged to
spit, [_a3].
- Great secretion of mucus in mouth and nose, in afternoon and evening, [a15].
- Collection of saltish water in the mouth, [_a3].
- * She has to spit a good deal for several days, [_a1].
- Medicine, taken dry, left a disagreeable taste on tongue, [a12].
- Pungent, cooling, then burning taste, [a15].
- Taste of medicine, at first cooling, then becoming alkaline, [a19].
- Salt taste, [a14].
- Bitter taste at root of tongue, [a12].
- Bitter taste in the mouth, early in the morning;attacks of nausea the whole day(tenth day),
- Bitter taste in the mouth, early on waking(second day), [_a3].
- Nasty and sourish taste in the mouth, [_a1].
- Acid taste after drinking milk, [_a1].
- Sweet taste in the mouth, with bloody saliva(fifth day), [_a3].
- Taste of blood in the mouth, during the whole time of proving, [_a3].
- Bad smell and taste in the mouth, early in the morning, [_a1].
- * Sourish and metallic taste of food, [_a1].
- Talking is often difficult for her, as from weakness of the organs of speech, or on account
of pains resembling pains at the stomach(third day), [_a1].
- * Burning in the throat, down the oesophagus, as from alcohol, [_a3].
- Soreness in the throat, [_a1].
- Sore throat towards evening, [a7].
- Bad sore throat, like stinging and drawing, or tearing, more painful when speaking(third
day), [_a1].
- Sore throat, like a scraping, [_a1].
- * Roughness and scraping in the throat, [_a3].
- Pressure in the throat, with external swelling on both sides, [_a1].
- Dryness in the throat, [a11].
- Dryness of the throat and mouth, [_a1].
- On waking early in the morning, dryness of the throat and mouth, with thirst, [_a3].
- Afternoons and evenings, dryness in the throat and mouth, with thirst, [_a3].
- Burning in the fauces and oesophagus, [a15].
- * Pain in the throat during deglutition, as if the right tonsil were swollen, [_a1].
- Swelling of the tonsils, with difficult deglutition, especially early in the morning and in the
evening, [_a1].
- Sensation as if something were sticking in her throat, by which swallowing is made
difficult, accompanied by a sensation of choking pressure(early, and in the evening), [a7,
- She feels as if something were sticking in her throat, on the right side, making deglutition
difficult(after six minutes), [_a1].
- In afternoon and towards evening, aching and shooting in the thyroid gland, which had
been swollen and painless for years, [a15].
- Increase of hunger and appetite(first and second days), [_a3].
- * Very violent hunger and appetite(after eighteen days), [_a1].
- Rabid hunger(after two hours), [_a1].
- Increased appetite at dinner;nevertheless, she is immediately satiated after eating
little(fourth and sixth days), [_a3].
- Was very hungry, but had little appetite, [a12].
- No desire for meat or boiled things;she only desires bread and cold food, for several days,
during the catamenia, [_a3].
- Little hunger and appetite, although he relishes his meal(second and eighth days), [_a3].
- No appetite, [a12].
- Want of appetite early in the morning, [_a1].
- Milk becomes distasteful to her, [_a1].
- She cannot eat her dinner without drinking(after ten days), [_a1].
- No appetite, but continual thirst, [_a1].
- Considerable thirst, [a16].
- Much thirst for beer(lasting a week), [a14].
- Continual thirst, [_a1].
- Thirst continued the whole afternoon, [_a3].
- Constant absence of thirst during the time of proving, [_a3].
- Disposition to eructate, [a15].
- Eructation, [a15].
- Great eructation, [a15].
- Eructation in an hour, [a15].
- Constant eructations, [_a1].
- * Frequent but suppressed eructations, [_a1].
- * A good deal of empty eructations, especially the first day, [_a1].
- Frequent risings of air, in the evening and after dinner(fifth day), [_a3].
- Sour eructations, [_a1].
- After taking milk, sour eructations(in four hours), [a15].
- Eructations tasting of the food, [_a1].
- Eructations tasting of the food, during and after supper(tenth day), [_a3].
- Feverish chilliness early in the morning, succeeded by hiccough(second day), [_a3].
- Nausea(in half hour), [a15].
- On taking, nausea, [a14].
- Nausea, with flatulent disturbance, [a6].
- Nausea and coated tongue, early in the morning(after eight days), [_a1].
- Attacks of nausea the whole night so that she was unable to sleep(after eight hours), [_a1].
- * Inclination to vomit, but without actually vomiting, [_a2].
- Sense of nausea and lassitude during and after dinner(during the catamenia), (ninth day),
- Qualmishness, early after rising, until the afternoon, accompanied by chilliness in the
whole body; when this symptom appears, she vomits sour water during the catamenia(after
fifty-five days), [_a3].
- Qualmishness of the stomach unto vomiting, when walking(fourth day), [_a3].
- * Qualmishness after eating, [_a1].
- Qualmishness and inclination to vomit, every day, immediately after dinner, for a whole
hour, [_a1].
- After eating, she finds talking difficult, [_a1].
- Rumbling in stomach, [a8].
- Pain at the stomach, with loathing of the supper while the person is taking it(eighth day),
- Pain in the stomach, with disposition to watery risings(sixth day), [_a3].
- Burning in the region of the stomach, [_a1].
- Burning heat, first at the stomach, then also in the bowels(shortly after taking), [_a3, a7].
- Heat at the stomach, which extends into the intestines, as from drinking strong wine (after
a quarter of an hour), [_a1].
- Feeling of coldness in the region of the stomach, [_a1].
- * Sensation as if the stomach were overloaded, until three hours after a meal, [_a1].
- The stomach seems full, trembling(during the catamenia), [_a3].
- * The clothes press upon the stomach, [_a1].
- Sense of emptiness at the stomach, [a7].
- Pinching, rumbling, and gurgling in the stomach, [_a1].
- Aching in stomach(in half hour), [a11].
- Aching in gastric region, extending, in a sort of vibratory motion, towards the left nipple,
- Boring and tearing pain in the region of the stomach, extending up to the first lumbar
vertebrae, [_a1].
- Pressure at the stomach, [_a1].
- Pressure at the stomach, with nausea and sensitiveness at the pit of the stomach, [_a1].
- Pressure at the stomach, after dinner, [_a1].
- * Pressure at the stomach, at night, [_a1].
- Oppression at the stomach, with a sensation of contraction(also in the chest), accompanied
by loathing and nausea(fourth day), [_a3].
- Oppression at the stomach, already early in the morning, passing into nausea and
inclination to vomit, [_a1].
- * Oppression of the stomach after eating, [_a1].
- Oppression at the stomach after supper(after twelve hours), [_a1].
- Gnawing at the right side of the stomach, [_a1].
- * Painfulness of the stomach when pressed upon(fourth day), [_a3].
- Feeling of warmth in the scrobiculus cordis, [a11].
- After eating, great pressure at the pit of the stomach, succeeded by nausea und vomiting of
the ingesta;afterwards, sour taste in the mouth;for five days(after sixteen days), [_a1].
- Heaviness at the pit of the stomach, [_a1].
- Pressive pain under the right ribs, in the region of the liver, [_a1].
- Sore pain in the liver, [_a1].
- Stitches below the left ribs in the evening, [_a3].
- Pressure over the umbilicus, as from a button, [_a1].
- Painful compression on both sides of the abdomen, only when sitting, relieved by motion
and by stretching out(fifth day), [_a3].
- Abdomen painfully distended, [a12].
- Excessively distended abdomen, [_a1].
- Distension of the abdomen, with retention of stool, [_a3].
- Rumbling in the abdomen, as from spasms, or when fasting, every time after she swallows
something, for several days(after sixteenth day), [_a3].
- Rumbling and pain in the bowels, [a7].
- Rumbling and moving, as from flatulence, in the abdomen, [_a3].
- In afternoon, much rumbling of bowels and discharge of flatus, [a15].
- Much flatus, [a14].
- Much emission of flatulence, [_a1].
- * In evening, much flatus, [a13].
- Accumulation of flatulence, with griping, [_a3].
- Emission of a quantity of flatulence in the afternoon, evening, and at night, the evacuations
being normal(fourth day), [_a3].
- The flatus very fetid, [a18].
- Contractive and pinching pain in the abdomen, first in the upper, then in the lower part,
early in the morning, so violent that it produced qualmishness and gathering of water in the
mouth, even unto faintness, accompanied by chilliness, twelve hours before the appearance
of the menses (after nine days), [_a1].
- Violent pinching, contraction, and rumbling in the belly, in the forenoon; it comes on when
walking in the open air, and can only be relieved by lying upon the belly and applying warm
cloths to it;in the evening it appears again, also in the cold on the following morning;
afterwards, it becomes less when in the room(seventeenth day), [_a3].
- Pinching and obstruction in the abdomen, [_a1].
- Sudden painful contraction of the bowels, as far as the region of the stomach, relieved by
compressing the belly with the hands, passing off after lying down(thirty-third day), [_a3].
- Heaviness in the abdomen, [_a1].
- Bellyache after breakfast(in one hour), [a15].
- Disposition to painful flatulent colic, [_a1].
- At 3 o'clock in the morning, she is roused from her sleep by a violent colic, two days
before the appearance of the menses(forty-first day), [_a3].
- Violent colic at 7 o'clock in the morning(after forty-eight hours), [_a1].
- Colic in the left side of the abdomen during dinner;the pain terminates with the emission of
flatulence, [_a3].
- Violent colic, two nights in succession, which did not diminish till after the passage of
some strong flatulence, [_a1].
- Cutting and biting in the bowels, as from worms, with contractive pain at the stomach, and
chilliness and sweat;the person cannot fall asleep till morning;on waking up, the pain
reappears, [_a3].
- Stitches in the abdomen, which make walking difficult, [_a1].
- Burning deep in the left side of the abdomen(second day), [_a3].
- Pressive pain in the left side of the abdomen, early in the morning(after twelve hours),
- Stitches in the left side of the abdomen, in the evening, when stooping, [_a1].
- Wet and cold, for several afternoons past, have caused pain in the bowels, [a15].
- The abdominal complaints recur regularly every evening, [a15].
- Pain in the abdomen, as if diarrhoea was coming on(in a quarter of an hour), [a15].
- Contractive cramp deep in the hypogastrium on stooping, also in the small of the back
(thirty-eighth day), [_a1].
- Pressure in the hypogastrium for three hours, also during dinner(after two hours), [_a1].
- Transverse stitches deep in the hypogastrium, when standing, [_a1].
- Cutting pain in the lower abdomen, during which the belly is very small(sixteenth day),
- Painful pressure in the groin and the bend of the thigh, [_a1].
- (Pinching and)sharp stitches in the right groin, when stretching out(twentieth day), [_a3].
- Elastic swelling in the left groin, as large as a fist, in the evening, after lying down, with a
pain, as from a bruise, at that place; on account of this pain she cannot rest upon that side;the
pain is also experienced upon the parts being touched;on waking, swelling and pain had
disappeared(ninth day), [_a3].
- A hernia protrudes in the left groin(second day), [_a1].
- Aching swelling of left inguinal glands, which went off towards noon, and was replaced by
headache and ill-feeling, which lasted till evening, and recurred slightly next day, [a9].
- Sense of fulness and distension in the region of the left groin, [_a1].
Urinary organs
- * Violent tenesmus of the bladder, with cutting, [_a1].
- Constant tenesmus, even at night, with diminished passage of urine, accompanied by
burning, [_a3].
- Blood comes out of the urethra, [_a1].
- After urinating, there is a strong traction in the forepart of the urethra; in the evening, when
going to bed, [_a1].
- * Involuntary emission of urine, of a boy, while asleep, towards morning(first and second
night, and after sixteen days), [_a1].
- Great desire to make water, [a8].
- Copious urination, [a8].
- Great flow of urine, [a10].
- Frequent micturition, especially the first day, [_a1].
- Somewhat increased urinary secretion, [a13].
- Frequent call to pass water, as was also the case for several days previously, [a15].
- Repeated call to pass water;urine very muddy, of a peculiar smell, and with copious
sediment, [a10].
- Increased and turbid urine, [_a3].
- Increased flow of urine, and loose evacuation in afternoon, [a15].
- Great increase of urine and frequent calls to pass it, especially in the afternoon, [a15].
- Frequent and copious emissions of urine, especially in the evening, [_a3].
- At night, she is obliged to rise for the purpose of urinating, [_a1].
- At night, he is roused from sleep by a desire to urinate, [_a1].
- At night, several successive emissions of urine, some of them pretty copious, [_a3].
- At noon, the urine looks pale-yellow;this is the first emission since last evening, [_a3].
- Urine pretty clear, [a10].
- White, sandy urine, for several days(after nine days), [_a1].
- The urine looks reddish after dinner, like water mixed with blood, [_a1].
Sexual organs
- Stiffness of the penis, without any desire for coition(sixth day), [_a1].
- Involuntary continual erections, early in the morning(thirteenth day), [_a1].
- Itching on glans penis, which lasted several days, [a16].
- Frequent relaxation of the scrotum, [_a1].
- Increased weight of the scrotum;he was obliged to carry it in a supporter, [_a1].
- Drawing pain in the scrotum, [_a1].
- Occasional drawings in the scrotum, which are relieved by raising it, [_a1].
- * Choking pain in the scrotum and spermatic cords;the scrotum is painful to the touch;it is
excited by involuntary erections, [_a1].
- Vehement desire for coition, without any remarkably voluptuous thoughts, and almost
without any erection(after five days), [_a1].
- Vehemently voluptuous desires, with trembling of the body, almost without any erection,
- Lascivious fancies, and great liveliness and excitement(evening and night); (I cannot say if
I should attribute them to the medicine), [a8].
- Diminished sexual desire, [a15].
- The sexual instinct is dormant for some time(after seven days), [_a1].
- (Total want of the sexual instinct), [_a1].
- Aversion to the other sex, [a11].
- Pollutions, almost every night, [_a1].
- Pollution, two days after a embrace, [_a1].
- Nocturnal emissions(cannot say if I should attribute them to the medicine), [a8].
- (After coition, excited circulation and palpitation of the heart), [_a1].
- * Swelling, itching, and burning of the pudendum(after twelve days), [_a1].
- Soreness of the pudendum and the anus, especially painful on urinating, [_a1].
- * Violent itching of the pudendum, [_a1].
- Continual itching of the mons veneris;it constantly reappears after scratching the parts,
- * Violent leucorrhoea(after two, seven, eight, and nine days), [_a1].
- Watery, burning leucorrhoea(thirteenth and fourteenth days), [_a3].
- The courses, which had always been regular, appear one day too soon, [a6].
- After a long drive in the cold air, the courses come on four days too soon; they are very
copious, especially at night, and when sitting and driving; previously she experiences griping
colic, with want of appetite, [_a3].
- * The courses come on six days too soon, [_a1].
- The courses come on on the eighteenth day(after seven days), [_a1].
- The menses appear too late by three to five days;there occurs one complete interruption,
- The menses are more copious(immediately), [_a1].
- * The menstrual blood is blackish, often in clots, passing off with spasmodic pain in the
belly, and hard stools, with tenesmus;the flow is abundant, [_a3].
- The menstrual blood is not much colored, [_a1].
- * The menstrual blood is acrid, it makes the thighs sore;this soreness causes a burning pain,
- Pain in the belly and the small of the back, before the catamenia, [_a3].
- Paleness of the face, before and during the catamenia, [_a3].
- Invincible sadness during the catamenia, [_a1].
- Toothache during the catamenia, [_a3].
- * Colic during the catamenia, with griping, pressure, and tension between the scapulae,
- * Violent tearing in the body during the catamenia, which appear one day too soon, [a7].
- * Violent pain in the small of the back, during the catamenia, [_a1].
- * Violent cold during the catamenia(ninth day), [_a1].
- * Great fatigue of the whole body during the catamenia, especially of the thighs, with
yawning, toothache, pain in the small of the back, and chilliness, [_a3].
Respiratory apparatus
- Rattling in the larynx, as from mucus(for several days), [_a3].
- Constriction of the larynx from both sides of the neck, [_a1].
- Drawing, and stinging-itching in the larynx, [_a1].
- Soon after, a catarrhal irritation in the nose, and scraping and scratching in the throat, with
pain, as from excoriation, and difficult hawking up of a little phlegm(after half an hour),
- Hoarseness and roughness in the throat, [_a3].
- Rough throat;he can only speak with difficulty, as speaking increases the roughness(second
day), [_a1].
- Violent and frequent hoarseness, [_a1].
- She is so hoarse that she cannot speak a loud word(after sixteen days), [_a1].
- His chest feels so oppressed that he can scarcely speak, with coryza, and expectoration, of
much mucus, especially early in the morning, [_a1].
- The chest feels rough;when calling aloud he is hoarse, [_a1].
- Immediately after taking, an irritation, causing cough, which did not, however, last long,
- * Cough from a scratching in throat, [a20].
- * The child coughs violently every morning, at three to four o'clock, [_a1].
- He is obliged to cough a quarter of an hour, when in bed in the evening, [_a1].
- * Nightly cough, [_a1].
- At night, cough, with stuffed cold in the head, which kept him awake in bed from twelve to
one o'clock, and yet, in the morning, felt quite well, except a little stomachache, which soon
went off, but returned betwixt nine and ten o'clock, [a16].
- Cough, with asthma(sixth day), [_a3].
- * Cough, with asthma, for half an hour, in the evening when in bed, [_a1].
- Cough, from deep in the chest, extremely violent, [_a1].
- Cough, which contracts the chest, [_a1].
- Cough, which makes the chest under the sternum feel sore, as from excoriation, [_a1].
- Cough, exciting a pain in the jaws, which is not felt upon touching them, [_a1].
- Cough, with pain at the lower part of the sternum, [_a1].
- Cough, with stitches in the sternum(first day), [_a1].
- Cough, every attack causes a stitch in the pit of the stomach, [_a1].
- Cough, with heat in the head, [_a3].
- Short and suppressed hacking, from an irritation in the larynx, with painful sensation of
spasmodic asthma, [_a1].
- * Dry cough, especially at night, as from particles of dust in the throat, [_a3].
- * Violent dry cough in the middle of the night, [_a1].
- Cough, with expectoration of phlegm, and soreness in the air-passages, [_a3].
- Cough, during the whole day, and early in the morning, with expectoration of a quantity of
phlegm, [_a1].
- Continual cough, early in bed, with expectoration of phlegm, affecting chest and head,
- Cough, with expectoration of phlegm, intermixed with little points of blood(after eight
days), [_a1].
- * Cough, with expectoration of bloody phlegm, heaviness upon the chest, and short breath,
especially in ascending a hill(sixth and eighteenth days), [_a3].
- Increased expectoration, [a20].
- Bloody expectoration when clearing the throat, [_a1].
- Roughness, and bloody taste in the mouth, succeeded by cough and expectoration of light-
red blood, with burning and heaviness in the chest, heat and redness in the face, and
trembling of the whole body(fourth day), [_a3].
- Much hawking of saltish mucus at night, [_a1].
- * Oppression of breathing, [a17].
- Difficult breathing;it made him hack(short cough), [_a1].
- Difficult breathing at night;he cannot bear the cover of the bed to touch his mouth, for then
he is afraid of choking(seventh day), [_a3].
- Asthma and palpitation of the heart after every effort, [_a3].
- Attack of asthma for eight days;he had immense trouble in ascending a few steps, and in
breathing;this was only possible for him in the open air;he dared not venture into a warm
room; he there turned as pale as a corpse, and was unable to do anything except sit still(after
twenty-one days), [_a1].
- Short breathing, with stitches in the chest, [_a3].
- Short breathing, especially on going upstairs, [_a3].
- When breathing, frequent stitches in the hands and fingers, [_a1].
- Red rash on the chest, [_a1].
- Pain in the chest, [a8].
- Pains in the chest, [a17].
- During an expiration it seems as if something drew downwards in the chest, and did not
permit expiration(seventh day), [_a3].
- The chest feels weak, [_a1].
- Chronic weakness of the chest and coryza(after fourth week), [_a3].
- * Heaviness on the chest, as from an accumulation of blood(fourth, fifth, seventh days),
- Heaviness and tightness of the chest, when walking in the open air, [_a3].
- Painful oppression at the chest, as from a hundred-weight;she only desires to cough, in
order to be relieved(seventh day), [_a1].
- Painful oppression on the chest, especially when lying on the bed, [_a1].
- Rush of blood to the chest(after writing), [_a1].
- Heat in the chest, [_a1].
- Compressive oppression on the chest, [_a1].
- Contraction of the middle of the chest, either when breathing or not; the place aches on
pressing upon it, as after a blow, [_a3].
- Bruised pain in the middle of the chest, early in the morning(fourth day), [_a1].
- When standing, sensation in the chest as if the lungs were drawn down(sixth day), [_a3].
- Great distress in the chest, [_a1].
- Stitches in the chest, at the last true rib, when breathing and singing, [_a1].
- Stitches in the chest, when stooping, relieved by straightening up(sixteenth day), [_a3].
- Stitches upon the sternum, in the right side of the chest and under the left breast;
- Stitches in the right side of the chest, when walking, [a7].
- * Stitches in the right breast, when stooping, [_a1].
- Twenty, thirty successive stitches, even when she does not breathe, under the right breast,
likewise, at other periods of the day, [_a1].
- The right breast is painful to the touch(third day), [_a1].
- A small, red furunculus above the right breast, which is only painful when touched, [_a1].
- Pain, especially in left side of chest, as after sitting long in a bent position, [a8].
- Felt an uninterrupted aching in chest, more on left than right side, [a16].
- Shooting at the side of the left nipple in breathing;especially troublesome when seated,
- Violent stitches in the left side of the chest, commencing in the praecordial region and then
moving downwards towards the side, and afterwards towards the back(after eleven days),
- Stitches in the left breast, during a great portion of the night, which do not permit her lying
on the left side, [_a1].
- The parts of the sternum crack upon the chest being bent backward, with a pressure in the
middle of the chest, [_a1].
- Heaviness and oppression at the sternum, at night, [_a1].
Extremities in general
- All her limbs ache in the forenoon and at night, with gnawing pain in the small of the back,
more when at rest than when moving about(forty-first day), [_a3].
- Sensation as if the limbs were bruised;also in the evening, [_a1].
- Bruised feeling in limbs, [a8].
- All her limbs pain her at night, with gnawing pain in the small of the back(forty-first day),
- Great lassitude in limbs as after a fever, [a8].
- Great lassitude in her limbs and complete disinclination to work, [_a1].
- Morning after taking, great lassitude in all the limbs, as if he had not slept enough, [a15].
- Great fatigue and weakness of the limbs, especially in the evening hours, in the knees and
legs, so that he is obliged to lie down(first and second days), [_a2].
- Itching in all the limbs, [a10].
- Cracking in the joints, when walking, [_a1].
- Sticking drawing, sometimes in the right arm, sometimes in the legs, [_a1].
- The hands and feet go to sleep when sitting;passes off on moving about, [_a3].
- Cold hands and feet, even in a warm room, and when they are well covered, [_a1].
Upper extremities
- Drawing pain in the arms and hands, [_a1].
- Tearing in the joints of the upper extremities, [_a1].
- Tearing in the shoulders, [_a3].
- Drawing pain in the right shoulder-joint(after fourteenth day), [_a1].
- Shooting and tearing in the right shoulder-joint, both when at rest and in motion (thirty-
seventh day), [_a3].
- Small furunculus upon the left shoulder, [_a3].
- Pressure upon the left shoulder, [_a1].
- A few tearings in the left shoulder towards the chest, [_a3].
- Bruised pain in the left shoulder, when at rest and in motion, [_a3].
- Bruised pain in the left shoulder and elbow-joint(in the evening), [_a1].
- The glands in the axilla become painful and enlarged, [_a1].
- Drawing pain in the arms and hands, [_a1].
- Noticed on upper arm, where he had received a prick, a kind of insensibility, which only
went off gradually, [a16].
- Burning at a small spot of the upper and lower arm(eleventh day), [_a3].
- In the night, about three or four o'clock, she puts her arm out of bed without knowing it;
the pain which she experiences in her arm rouses her from sleep;the arm is cold, stiff, and in
the elbow-joint it is as heavy as lead;the arm being very stiff, she has to use the other hand, in
order to put the arm back again into the bed, upon moving it, or when the arm is in the bed, a
tearing pain in the shoulder, elbow, and wrist-joint, [_a1].
- * Spasm in the right arm, which drew the arm backwards, three times in succession;this
was succeeded by heat of the body and turbid, white urine, [_a1].
- Twitches and jerkings in the right upper arm(fourth day), [_a3].
- Sensation of paralysis of the right arm(fourteenth day), [a8].
- Heaviness and sensation of paralysis of the right arm;she has no strength in it, and is
obliged to let it hang down;at the same time the hand is swollen and cold for half an hour
(after two hours), [_a1].
- * The right arm appeared to weigh a hundredweight, and to be without strength, [_a1].
- For some days the right arm is quite weak and cold, so that it appears to be benumbed and
lifeless; this was again succeeded by a tingling sensation in it, [_a1].
- Paralytic drawing in the left arm, extending from the axilla as far as the wrist, [_a1].
- Cracking in the elbow-joint, during motion, [_a1].
- Creaking pain in elbow-joint, on stretching the arm out straight before him, [_a1].
- Stiffness of the elbow-joint, [_a1].
- Boring pain in the elbow-joint, in the fossa which receives the olecranon process, [_a1].
- Sharp stitches in the elbow, [_a1].
- Tearing in the elbow(in the bone)as far as the little finger(fourth and fifth days), [_a3].
- Violent pain in the middle of the left forearm, in the evening, when in bed, with a sensation
as if the bone there would curve inward and break(second day), [_a3].
- Itching of the inside of the right forearm, with a sensation as of burning consequent upon
scratching; at the same time there are formed small red pimples, spots, and nodes, which do
not cease to itch after being scratched;on the day following they become crimson(fourth and
fifth days), [_a3].
- Tension in the wrist-joint, when at rest, worse during motion;he feels as if he could not
move his hand (second day), [_a3].
- Tearing in the wrist-joints as far as the fingers;it ceases when she is warm in bed, [_a1].
- Painful tearing in the left wrist, as if in the marrow towards the little finger(sixth day),
- The right hand frequently goes to sleep when lying upon it during the night(fourth day),
- Trembling of the hands(after seventh day), [_a1].
- Distended veins and blueness of the hands, after washing them with cold water, [_a3].
- The skin of a child's hand becomes quite hard and chapped, the fissures being very deep,
- Great pain on the dorsum of the hand, which roused her from sleep at night, [_a1].
- The skin of the palm of the hand peels off(after fourth day), [_a1].
- Upon stretching the fingers apart a pinching pain, [_a1].
- Cramp in the posterior phalanx of a finger, so that he cannot stretch it, with painful
stitches;from morning to night, when staying in the cold(second day), [_a3].
- Drawing pain from the tips of the fingers as far as the hand, as from continual mesmerizing
(first day), [_a1].
- Tearing in the fingers, and in the articulation of the thumb, [_a3].
- Pain, as from a bruise, in the left thumb, which seems to be in the bone, accompanied by a
yawning(eleventh day), [_a3].
- Visible twitching and jerking in the left thumb, [_a3].
- Swelling of the middle joint of the right middle finger, with painfulness when touched or
bent, [_a1].
Lower extremities
- Sudden and great weakness in the lower extremities;she finds it difficult to move them
along, after dinner(second day), [_a3].
- Acute pain in the hip-joint when walking, [_a1].
- Acute pain in the hip-joint every morning, in bed;the joint feels as if beaten asunder, so that
he cannot turn himself when lying down;the pain decreases after rising; and still more when
walking;in the afternoon, the pain disappears entirely(for four weeks), [_a1].
- In evening, sudden, violent pulsation about right hip, which, however, soon goes off, [a15].
- Drawing pain descending from the left hip, [_a1].
- His legs seem contracted, [_a1].
- The tendons of the muscles of the legs feel too short, [_a1].
- Twitches in the legs, towards evening, [_a1].
- * Uneasiness in the legs, [_a1].
- Heaviness in the legs, so that he can scarcely lift them, in the evening(eighth day), [_a3].
- Pain in the left leg, as from a sprain, when walking, [_a1].
- Sweat of the legs at night, [_a1].
- Great lassitude in the thighs and legs, [_a3].
- Jerk-like scraping upon the bones of the thighs and legs, so that she is obliged to twitch up
her leg every moment, and cannot remain lying down, but has to walk about (evening), [_a1].
- Burning itching upon the nates, [_a1].
- In the evening, on left nates, a painful boil, [a15].
- Great lassitude, with pain in the thighs, as if they would fall off, or as if the tendons would
tear off, (on the third day of menses), [_a3].
- Bruised pain in the thighs, [_a1].
- Stiffness in the thighs when walking, [_a1].
- Itching on outer surface of thighs, on the same spot, and equally severe, in both thighs,
- Bruised pain in the middle of both thighs, both when at rest and in motion(during the
catamenia), [_a3].
- Pain in the thigh, as if she had been beaten blue, which prevents her from walking (only
when walking and taking much exercise), [_a1].
- Boil on right thigh, the size of a child's fist, very painful, and not relieved by poultices; the
boil, cut open, discharged much pus and blood, [a10].
- Acute pain in the right femur, as if the inmost marrow were shaken, increased by lying and
sitting, a quarter of an hour(after some hours), [_a1].
- Pain, as of contusion, in the right thigh, immediately over the knee;which passes off by
rubbing (eleventh day), [_a3].
- Pain, as from a sprain, in the left thigh, with a feeling of weakness and sudden bending of
the legs in walking, [_a1].
- Pain, as if the tendons were too short, at a place of the left thigh over the bend of the knee;
only when the parts are pressed upon, or when the person sits upon them, otherwise there is
no pain(third day), [_a3].
- Blue spot, as large as a child's hand, over the knee, with a sensation of excessive burning
there, [_a1].
- A deep seated, burning furunculus consequent upon itching, [_a3].
- An induration over the right knee, deep under the skin, painful only when pressed upon,
- Twitches in both knees and legs, [_a1].
- Twitches in both patellae, in the evening, several times in succession(fifth day), [_a3].
- Tearing in the knees and knee-joints, [_a3].
- Boring and drawing in the knee, which causes such an uneasiness in the legs that she is
obliged to move them constantly;this motion, however, does not relieve the uneasiness,
- Cracking when moving the knee, [_a1].
- Pain in the knee, as from a sprain;upon sitting down and turning the leg, [_a1].
- Burning, redness, like scarlatina, in the bend of the right knee and along the leg; the pain
increases upon laying the cold hand upon the part(twentieth and twenty-first days), [_a3].
- Boring pain in and upon the patella, [_a1].
- Pain as from paralysis in the legs, as if they were going to sleep, relieved by walking
(seventh day), [_a3].
- The legs frequently go to sleep, when sitting and standing, and at night, when he lies upon
the limb, [_a3].
- Frequent cramps in the legs, especially in the muscles of the tibiae and the feet, [_a1].
- Cramp in the leg, when lying down, which became intolerable on rising, and obliged the
person to lie down again, [_a1].
- Tearing below the knee and at the left tibia(eleventh day), [_a3].
- Violent cramp in the calf, when walking in the open air, so that he had to stand suddenly
still, [_a1].
- Straining in the calf(from a cold?), [_a1].
- Violent stitches deep in the calves(fourteenth day), [_a2].
- (Stitches over the right heel), [_a1].
- Tearing in the malleoli and in the joints of the feet;it extends as far as the toes, and ceases
when she gets warm in bed, [_a1].
- Drawing pain at the external malleolus(fourth day), [_a3].
- Acute pain in the heel, early on waking, as if the bone were perforated by ulceration, [_a1].
- Tingling in the left heel;when touching it with the hand, it feels as if it were ulcerated (after
five days), [_a3].
- Tearing twitches in the right heel(thirty-seventh day), [_a3].
- Cold feet, [_a1].
- * Chilliness of the feet, in the evening, especially when going to bed, [_a1].
- Rapid swelling of the feet, extending as far as the calves, [_a1].
- Great lassitude in the feet, as if tired(second day), [_a3].
- Trembling of both feet(after nine hours), [_a1].
- Uncommon sensitiveness of both feet to wet and cold, [a15].
- Crawling on the dorsum on the left foot, as from having gone to sleep(eleventh day), [_a3].
- Tingling and itching in the sole of the foot, which is almost unbearable, and so vehement
that she would like to scratch off the skin;after scratching, there is a burning sensation, in the
evening(after lying down), [_a3].
- Tearing in both soles(eleventh day), [_a3].
- On rising in morning, though there had been no frost in the night, ball of right foot swollen
and tender as from frost, [a15].
- Sharp stitches in the ball of the right foot, [_a1].
- Ball of left foot very painful, in evening, [a15].
- In evening, the swelled ball of left foot burned, and was painful, [a15].
- In evening, tender, red swelling of right toes, like chilblains, [a15].
- Tearing stitches and twitches of the big toes, [_a3].
- Frequent and painful twitches of the ball of the big toe(when a child, it had been frozen),
- Occasionally, acute stitches, and drawing of the balls of both the big toes, as if they were
frozen, for several days, especially in the evening, on going to sleep, [_a1].
- Itching and crawling in the ball of the big toe of the right foot, as from a chilblain, [_a3].
- Piercing pain in the ball of the big toe, in the evening when in bed, [_a1].
- * The left big toe feels hot, and is painful, as if he had burnt it, especially in damp weather,
and when the boots press upon it;the pain decreases on pulling off the boot, or on resting the
foot firmly against the floor, or when walking(fourteenth to thirty-sixth day), [_a1].
- * The big toe becomes red, enlarged, and painful especially in the evening, when in bed,
and the whole foot swells, [_a1].
- During walking, the ball of the big toe is painful, as if there were subcutaneous ulceration,
- Towards noon, it became black before the eyes;the letters appeared to move; his breath was
arrested;with previous lassitude;upon quickly rising from sitting, his whole body felt rigid,
the arms and legs being stretched out, whilst the fingers were clenched; he had to use force to
stretch them;this made them again movable(fourth day), [_a1].
- Spasms, [a20].
- Most severe muscular contractions, [a20].
- Tetanus, [a20].
- Great restlessness, which becomes a convulsive trembling, [a20].
- When walking, she trembles over the whole body, [_a1].
- She staggers upon rising, [_a1].
- Excessively tired, [_a1].
- Very tired in the morning, [a9].
- Great fatigue in the forenoon, which invites to sleep(one hour), [_a1].
- In morning, exhaustion, [a15].
- * Tired and weary all day, without being either sad or cheerful(after twenty-four hours),
- On leaving her bed, she is often unable to stand, on account of weariness(after forty-eight
hours), [_a1].
- She is powerless;lies down for several hours, as if senseless and weary, [_a1].
- Weary and discouraged when walking in the open air;he trembled with weakness, [_a1].
- Inability to stand upright well, [a12].
- The whole day, a slight perspiration, as from exhaustion, [_a1].
- * Lassitude, [a14, a15].
- Uncommon lassitude, [a15].
- Great lassitude(in evening), [a15].
- Indescribably great lassitude;often she cannot sit, and has to lie down for hours (after
twenty-four hours), [_a1].
- Evening and morning of 19th, great lassitude;also, on following days, heaviness of limbs,
- Great lassitude and fatigue of the body, early in the morning, and in the forenoon, as if he
had worked too much;relieved by walking in the open air, [_a3].
- * Sensation of being bruised in the whole body;lassitude and weeping mood, early after
rising, [_a1].
- At three o'clock in the night, he felt a jerk in the upper part of his body and in the arms,
with a tearing pain;in the full possession of his senses for at least ten minutes; afterwards he
felt very faint, [_a1].
- Toward evening, she became suddenly indisposed;she thought she would faint; walking up
and down in the open air gave her relief, although she still experienced a few stitches in the
right side(after ten days), [_a1].
- She is much affected by talking much, and hearing people talk;her hands and feet become
cold in consequence of it, [_a1].
- * Excessive sensitiveness to open air, [_a1].
- Sensitiveness to open air(in evening), [a15].
- She cannot bear the evening air;her feet become heavy;the external air is unpleasant to her,
and every part of her body feels sore, [_a1].
- Unusual sensitiveness of the skin to cold, [_a1].
- Feeling of numbness on the right side, upon which she is lying when in bed;
- Visible emaciation of the whole body, [_a3].
- Pain in the occiput, in the chest, and from both scapulae, down along the ribs, [_a1].
- Violent rheumatic drawing pain through all the limbs, hands, feet, nape of the neck, head,
etc., [a5].
- Tearing in the whole body, especially in the thighs, [_a1].
- Fine prickings in the head, in the tips of the fingers and toes, [_a1].
- A cold affects her head, and makes her hoarse, [_a1].
- Very sick the whole day, [a12].
- In morning, felt ill, [a9].
- Several symptoms appear to develop, or to become worse in the open air, [_a1].
- He has to turn himself slowly in bed, because motion gives him pain, [_a3].
- Much affected from walking in the open air, [_a3].
- Walking in the open air tires him out, [_a1].
- Walking in the open air makes him feel hot, [a5].
- He finds it more easyto lie upon the left side than upon the right, [_a3].
- * The right side of the body appears more affected than the left, [_a3].
- * The whole upper part of the body is red, as if it were covered with scarlatina, [_a1].
- Violent itching here and there over the whole body;the scratching is followed by burning
vesicles, or pimples, or hard nodes, [_a3].
- Burning pimples, of the size of a millet grain, on the nape of the neck, and on the forearms,
- Strange uneasiness, every evening at seven o'clock which rouses the child from its
slumber; it tosses about in bed and screams, until it falls into a sound sleep, towards ten
o'clock; this sleep lasts the whole night;during the uneasiness, the head feels bloated and
burning; next morning, the face is covered with spots, as if scarlatina would break out, [a4].
- Rash on the right side of the neck and the left lower arm, [_a1].
- Around the elbow, small red tubercles, painfully cutting, only a few of them ulcerating; the
same upon the neck, but large, [_a1].
- A herpetic eruption, dormant, becomes red, itching and burning, and disappears in a few
days, [_a1].
- A pustule appears on the right commissure of the mouth, with much boring pain; before
this, several had appeared on the left cheek and on the thighs, [a15].
- The warts become inflamed, [_a1].
- The fluid in the ulcer becomes offensive, [_a1].
- Eruptions upon the forehead resembling little boils, [_a1].
- Pimples and vesicles on the forehead, [_a1].
- Pimples on the forehead and the tip of the nose, [a7].
- Pustules upon the forehead, temple, cheek, and chin, [_a3].
- Furunculus on the tip of the nose, [_a1].
- Pustule upon the tip of the nose, [_a1].
- Pustule on the side of the nose, [_a1].
- On the septum of the nose, a vesicle, in forepart, [_a3].
- Increased number of pimples on the face, [a15].
- White, herpes-like spots, of the size of a small pea, which continually exfoliate(upon the
cheek), [_a1].
- Boils upon the cheek and around the ear, [_a1].
- Small boils and indurations, discharging water and blood, upon the cheek, at the corners of
the mouth, and on the chin, [_a3].
- Pimple on left cheek, near ear, not painful unless pressed, [a16].
- Pustules upon the cheeks, during the menses, [_a3].
- Eruption at the mouth, [_a1].
- Herpes-like, scaly eruption about the mouth, [_a1].
- Burning vesicles on the vermilion border of both lips, [_a3].
- Vesicles at the right corner of the mouth and on the upper lip, [_a3].
- Pimple on the lower lip, with burning pain, [_a1].
- On lower lip, two small, hard swellings, [a18].
- Miliary eruption around the chin, without sensation, [_a1].
- Burning vesicles on the inner side of the lower lip, [_a3].
- On the inner side of the lower lip a painful white vesicle, [_a1].
- The inside of the cheeks is full of vesicles without sensation, [_a3].
- * Vesicles on the tongue, especially on its border, [_a1].
- Vesicles at the tip of the tongue, which hinder speaking and eating, with a burning pain,
- Pustules upon the tongue, with a burning and stinging pain, especially on the border and
under the tongue, [_a1].
- Small ulcer at the tip of the tongue, feeling sore whenever the tongue is moved, [a7].
- More itching pimples on podex, [a15].
- Pimples on podex, painful on lying down at night, [a15].
- Red rash on the chest, [_a1].
- A small, red furunculus above the right breast, which is only painful when touched, [_a1].
- A blister forms upon the left scapula, with sensation of stinging, as from fleas, [_a3].
- Small furunculus upon the left shoulder, [_a3].
- Itching of the inside of the right forearm, with a sensation as of burning consequent upon
scratching; at the same time, three are formed small red pimples, spots and nodes, which do
not cease to itch after being scratched;on the following day, they become crimson(fourth to
fifth day), [_a1].
- Itching in back, arms, and shins, [a10].
- The skin of a child's hands becomes quite hard and chapped, the fissures being very deep,
- The skin of the palm of the hand peels off(after four days), [_a1].
- Many itching pimples on thighs and hands, [a15].
- Blue spot, as large as a child's hand, over the knee, with sensation of excessive burning
there, [_a1].
- A deepseated burning furunculus consequent upon itching, [_a3].
- Small furunculus in the left instep, painful only when touched, [_a3].
- Burning redness, like scarlatina, in the bend of the right knee and along the leg; the pain
increases upon laying the cold hand upon the parts(twenty and twenty-first days), [_a3].
- Eruption of pimples on the legs, and inflammation, [a17].
- Much itching upon the skin of the whole body, [_a1].
- Itching over the whole body, early in the morning(for three hours), [_a1].
- Itching, here and there, of many places of the body, usually passing off after scratching, or
painfully burning, [_a3].
- Much itching on the hands and the rest of the body, [a15].
- Itching of the head, accompanied by great sensitiveness of the integuments of the head
when scratching(tenth day), [_a3].
- Violent itching of the hairy scalp, especially of the occiput, [_a1].
- Sense as if the hairs would stand on end, with crawling over the whole head, and a feeling
of coldness there, after coming out of the open air and entering the room, [_a3].
- The hair is painful when touched, [_a1].
- The scalp and the hairs are intensely painful when the hand is moved along them; this
movement made him shudder(first evening), [_a1].
- Early in the morning, itching over the ears, which spreads over the whole body(third day),
- * Itching of the anus, [_a1].
- The child becomes sore between the legs, [_a1].
- Violent itching of the genital organs, [_a1].
- Itching of the scrotum, [_a1].
- Violent itching of the pudendum, [_a1].
- Continual itching of the mons veneris;it constantly reappears after scratching the parts,
- Burning itching upon the nates, [_a1].
- He cannot fall asleep on account of itching and stinging of the skin, [_a1].
- Towards evening, itching on the arms and still more on the feet, [a18].
- Itching, or rather a burning, in left sole and calf, particularly in the former, where it was
most persistent, [a16].
- Chilliness, [a15].
- During day a good deal of chilliness, [a19].
- General shivering, [a15].
- At night he often feels chilliness in his sleep;on waking, he is immediately warm again,
- At night chilliness, so that he cannot get warm, least of all his feet, nor can he fall asleep,
- * Frequent chilliness, towards evening, and continuing until going to bed, [_a1].
- Frequently feverish chilliness, in the evening, [_a1].
- Shivering before falling asleep, [_a1].
- Chilliness in the open air, or upon coming out of the open air, and entering the room, [_a3].
- * Attacks of chilliness, in the evening, frequently accompanied by the hairs standing upon
end, blue hands, blue nails, chattering of teeth and shaking;sometimes these symptoms are
followed by nightly heat, and by sweat early in the morning, [_a3].
- Chills when in bed, from nine to twelve o'clock in the evening, alternating with heat, and
much uneasiness(after tenth day), [_a1].
- Chills and heat for several days, mostly shaking chills, followed by general dry heat; a little
sweat only early in the morning, [_a1].
- Alternate chilliness and heat, with sensitiveness to cold;nausea, thirst, pressure at the chest,
with stitches in the left side of the chest, tearing in the forehead, and confusion of the head,
alternate redness and paleness of the cheeks, pressure at the stomach, with disposition to
eructations, accompanied by a violent coryza and sleeplessness;for several days(during the
catamenia), [_a3].
- Rigor, [a10].
- Rigor in walking across the street, [a8].
- Rigor alternating with heat, especially flying heat in face, [a8].
- Rigor with weak feeling, then heat in the face, [a15].
- Feeling of coldness in chest and gastric region, [a15].
- Excessive orgasm of blood at night;he imagines that the blood will burst his veins and his
heart, [_a1].
- At 9 A. M., feeling of warmth all over the body, [a11].
- Warmth, especially in head and face;burning in lobe of left ear and around nostrils, [a15].
- Feverish heat for several evenings in succession, one hour and a half, accompanied by
headache, [_a1].
- Heat at night(nineteenth day), [_a3].
- Heat in the whole body, especially in the abdomen, in the forenoon(eleventh day), [_a3].
- Always warm, and oppressed with anxiety, in the forenoon, previous to the menses(forty-
second day), [_a3].
- Feverish heat in the head, with cold feet, [_a1].
- About noon uncommon burning in hands and feet, [a15].
- Profuse perspiration, [a12].
- Very profuse perspiration, of a fetid smell, [a10].
- Slight perspiration, not so fetid, [a10].
- Great perspiration, especially the following night, [a10].
- Continual night-sweats, [_a1].
- He sweats every night, early in the morning, and is then quite hot, [_a1].
- * Sweat early in the morning, [_a1].
- Sweat towards morning(first day), [_a3].
- Sweat in the joints, early in the morning(after sixteenth day), [_a1].
- (Morning), Gloomy humor;slight headache, etc.;pain in periosteum of forehead; violent
pinching, etc., in belly;great lassitude in all the limbs;very tired; exhaustion;great
lassitude;felt ill.
- (Early in the morning), Peevishness;vertigo;vertigo, with nausea;vertigo, with flickering
before the eyes; tearing in the temples;itching and biting in eyes;agglutination of eyes;itching
over ears, etc.; anterior half of tongue feels pithy;mouth feels parched;bitter taste in
mouth;bad smell, etc., in mouth; swelling of tonsils, etc.;sensation as of something sticking
in throat, etc.;want of appetite; feverish chilliness, etc.;nausea, etc.;oppression at stomach,
etc.;contraction, etc., in abdomen, etc.; pressive pain in left side of abdomen;diarrhoea, with
colic;fecal evacuation, etc.;erections; chest oppressed, etc.;bruised pain in middle of
chest;burning in nape of neck;lassitude and fatigue; itching over whole body; sweat; sweat in
the joints.
- (Early, in bed), Headache, etc.;frequent sneezing;continual cough, etc.;frequent stretching
of the body.
- (Early, on waking), Dryness of throat, etc.;pain in the heel.
- (Morning, on waking), Burning of eyes;bitter taste in mouth.
- (Morning, in bed), Pain in hip-joint.
- (Early, after rising), Frequent vertigo;drawing, etc., in head;qualmishness, etc.;lassitude,
- (Forenoon), Sad, etc.;ill humor, etc.;violent pinching, etc., in belly;all limbs ache;great
fatigue; lassitude;heat;always warm, etc.
- (Towards noon), Black before eyes, etc.
- (About noon), Burning in hands and feet, etc.
- (Afternoon), Weakness and anxiety, etc.;anguish;violent headache;congestion to head;
great secretion of mucus in mouth, etc.;dryness in throat, etc.;aching and shooting in thyroid
gland, etc.; rumbling of bowels, etc.;emission of flatulence, etc.;increased flow of urine,
etc.;great drowsiness.
- (Towards evening), Sad mood;vertigo, etc.;frequent vertigo;rush of blood;redness of
mouth, etc.; sore throat;aching and shooting in thyroid gland;indisposed;itching on the arms,
etc.; frequent chilliness.
- (Evening), Peevishness, etc.;slight headache;tearing in the temples;transient pinching in
right ear; toothache, etc.;dryness of mouth;great secretion of mucus in mouth, etc.;dryness in
throat, etc.; swelling of tonsils, etc.;sensation of something sticking in throat;risings of air,
etc.; stitches below left ribs; much flatus; emission of flatulence, etc.;violent pinching, etc., in
belly;stitches in left side of abdomen; abdominal complaints;swelling in left groin,
etc.;traction in urethra;frequent and copious emission of urine; lascivious fancies,
etc.;sensation as if limbs were bruised;fatigue and weakness of limbs; bruised pain in left
shoulder, etc.;pulsation about right hip;heaviness in legs;boil on nates; twitches in both
patellae; chilliness of the feet; ball of foot painful;ball of left foot burns;swelling of toes;great
lassitude;sensitiveness to open air; feverish chilliness; attacks of chilliness; feverish
heat;violent yawning;soon sleepy.
- (Evening in bed), Coughs; cough, with asthma; pain in middle of left forearm;pain in ball
of big toe;big toe becomes red.
- (Evening, on lying down), Burning of eyes;tingling, etc., in sole of foot;pain in pimples on
- (Evening, on going to sleep), Stitches, etc., in big toes.
- (Getting into bed, in evening), Violent toothache.
- (Night), Low spirits, etc.;fatigue;roaring in left ear;nose obstructed;dry
coryza;toothache;tearing-jerking in hollow tooth;great dryness and heat of mouth; attacks of
nausea; pressure at stomach; emission of flatulence, etc.;violent colic;burning pain at rectum,
etc.;rises to urinate; desire to urinate;several successive emissions of urine;lascivious fancies,
etc.;pollutions; menses very copious;cough;cough, etc.; dry cough; hawking of
mucus;difficult breathing;stitches in left breast;heaviness, etc., at sternum; jerk in the back;all
the limbs ache;all the limbs pain her;sweat of legs;chilliness in sleep;
chilliness;heat;continual sweats.
- (Before midnight), Tearing in teeth, etc.
- (Midnight), Violent dry cough.
- (After midnight), Rushing in ear;starts from sleep, etc.
- (Towards morning), Involuntary emission of urine;sweat.
- (3 A. M.), Violent colic;jerking in upper part of body, etc.
- (3 to 4 A. M.), Violent cough;pain in arm, etc.
- (7 A. M.), Violent colic;evacuation surrounded by watery mucus.
- (9 A. M.), Feeling of warmth all over body.
- (7 P.M. ), Short of anxiety;strange uneasiness.
- (Open air), Shootings in molar tooth;several symptoms;much affected;tires him out;makes
him feel hot;chilliness.
- (Walking in open air), Violent pinching, etc., in belly;heaviness and tightness at chest;
sudden dart in small of back;cramp in calf;weary and discouraged.
- (Air rushing into mouth), Pain in teeth.
- (In bed), Heaviness in left side of head.
- (In bed, 9 to 12 P.M. ), Chilliness, etc.
- (Biting teeth together), Teeth painful;teeth very painful;shooting pain in molar teeth.
- (Biting on tooth), Becomes very painful;drawing toothache.
- (After breakfast), Bellyache.
- (Breathing), Stitches in hands, etc.;stitches in chest.
- (Strong breathing through nose), Organ feels painful.
- (When not busy), Becomes very sleepy.
- (Drinking coffee), Congestion to head.
- (Cloudy weather), Makes her very sad.
- (After coition), Excited circulation, etc.
- (Chewing), Stitches in left temple;almost all teeth painful.
- (Cold), Violent pinching, etc., in belly;cramp in phalanx of finger, etc.
- (Washing with cold water), Distended veins, etc.
- (After drive in cold air), Courses five days too soon.
- (Laying on cold hand), Burning, etc., in bend of knee, etc.
- (Damp weather), Big toe feels hot, etc.
- (During dinner), Stitches behind frontal eminence, etc.;tearing in right temple;heat in face;
sense of nausea, etc.;colic, etc.;pressure in hypogastrium.
- (After dinner), Headache;tearing below and behind the ears;heaviness, etc., in forehead;
stitches over left eye;bleeding at nose;heat in face;darting in tooth;frequent risings of air, etc.;
sense of nausea, etc.;qualmishness, etc.;pressure at stomach;urine reddish;weakness in lower
- (During eating), Toothache;drawing toothache.
- (After eating), Toothache; qualmishness; finds talking difficult; oppression of stomach;
great pressure at pit of stomach, etc.
- (During mental exertion), Heat in face.
- (During expiration), Drawing downwards in chest, etc.;shooting outside of left nipple.
- (After every effort), Asthma, etc.
- (After getting heated), Pressure over whole head.
- (Looking at a distance, etc.), Objects seem double.
- (Lying down), Pain in right femur.
- (Lying on back), Painful oppression of chest.
- (Lying on the part, at night), Throbbing in left ear;legs go to sleep.
- (Before menses), Pain in belly, etc.;pale face;always warm, etc.
- (During menses), Acrid water runs from nose;pustules upon cheeks;toothache; drawing
toothache;no desire for meat, etc.;sense of nausea, etc.;qualmishness, etc.; stomach seems
full, etc.;pale face;sadness; colic, etc.; violent tearing in body;pain in small of back;violent
cold;great fatigue of whole body, etc.; bruised pain in thighs;pustules upon cheeks;alternate
chilliness and heat, etc.;uneasyleep, etc.
- (Drinking milk), Acid taste;sour eructations.
- (Motion), Pain in back; pain in small of back;cracking in elbow-joint;tension in wrist-joint.
- (Moving head), Pain as from ulceration;sensation as of brain falling, etc.; tearing below
and behind ears.
- (Moving head at night), Frequent vertigo, etc.
- (Moving hand along hairs), They are intensely painful, etc.
- (Pressure), Painfulness of stomach;pain over bend of knee;pain in head, as from ulceration;
pain in induration over right knee;big toe feels hot, etc.;pain in pimple on cheek.
- (Reading), Eyes run.
- (Reflecting), Headache.
- (Rest), Pain in small of back, etc.;throbbing pain in small of back.
- (Rising), Cramp in leg.
- (Rising, after long sitting), Sudden dart into small of back.
- (Rising quickly from sitting), Whole body felt rigid.
- (Warm room), Attacks of asthma.
- (Entering room from open air), Hairs feel as if standing on end, etc.;chilliness.
- (After sewing), Large black spot before eye.
- (Scratching), Itching of mons veneris.
- (Singing), Stitches in chest.
- (Sitting), Compression on sides of abdomen;shooting outside of left nipple; hands and feet
go to sleep;pain in right femur;legs go to sleep.
- (On sitting down), Pain in knee.
- (Sitting on painful parts), Pain in left thigh.
- (Sitting and driving), Griping colic.
- (When about falling asleep), Pressure on eyelids.
- (Sneezing), White stars before eyes.
- (Standing), Stitches in hypogastrium;lungs feel drawn down;legs go to sleep.
- (Speaking), Roughness of voice.
- (Stooping), Tension in nape of neck;water runs from nose;sensation of blood accumulating
in end of nose; stitches in left side of abdomen;cramp in hypogastrium, etc.;stitches in chest;
stitches in right breast; pain in small of back.
- (Before stool), Cutting in abdomen.
- (During stool), Cutting in abdomen.
- (Stretching out), Pinching, etc., in right groin.
- (Stretching out arm), Creaking pain in elbow-joint.
- (Stretching fingers apart), Pinching pain.
- (During supper), Eructations tasting of the food.
- (After supper), Eructations tasting of the food;oppression at stomach;unconquerable
- (After swallowing anything), Rumbling in abdomen.
- (Touching), Bruised pain in left groin;painfulness of finger-joints;pain in boil above right
breast; pain in boil on left instep;hair painful.
- (Touching teeth with tongue), Violent stitches in hollow teeth, etc.
- (Touching tip of tongue), Burning at tip of tongue.
- (Turning head), Stiff neck.
- (Turning with body), Immediate dizziness.
- (Turning leg), Pain in knee.
- (Urinating), Soreness of pudendum, etc.
- (After urinating), Traction in urethra.
- (Waking), Pressure upon eyelids;tension of skin of face.
- (Walking), Qualmishness of stomach, etc.;stitches in right chest;pain in small of back;
cracking in joints;pain in hip-joints;pain in left leg;stiffness in thighs;pain in thigh; ball of big
toe painful;trembles over whole body.
- (Ascending hill), Cough, etc.
- (Going upstairs), Short breath.
- (Warm liquid getting into mouth), Painful shootings in teeth, etc.
- (After writing), Rush of blood to chest.
- (Towards noon), Swelling of left inguinal glands.
- (Afternoon), Pain in hip-joint.
- (Towards evening), Weakness and anxiety, etc.;anguish.
- (In open air), Stitches in head, etc.;attacks of asthma.
- (Walking in open air), Lassitude and fatigue;faint feeling.
- * (Bending body), Pinching pain in abdomen.
- (After glass of "bishop"), Ill-humor, etc.
- (Pulling off boot), Big toe feels hot.
- (When busy at something), Sleepiness.
- (Compressing belly with hands), Sudden, painful contraction of bowels.
- (After journey in damp weather), Pain in molar teeth.
- (Emission of flatulence), Colic in left side of abdomen;colic at night.
- (Smelling Hepar sulphur), Pain in back tooth.
- (After lying down), Sudden, painful contraction of bowels.
- (Lying on belly), Pinching, etc., in belly.
- (Motion), Compression on sides of abdomen;hands and feet go to sleep.
- (Picking teeth), Darting in decayed tooth.
- (Pressure), Hot feeling in big toe.
- (On taking pipe in mouth), Headache, etc.
- (Pressing upon teeth), Toothache during menses.
- (After rising), Pain in periosteum of forehead;pain in hip-joint.
- (In room), Pinching, etc., in belly.
- (Raising scrotum), Drawing in the part.
- (Rubbing), Itching and biting in eyes;pain in right thigh.
- (After scratching), Itching here and there.
- (After sitting still for some time), Vertigo, etc.
- (Straightening up), Stitches in chest;pain in small of back.
- (Stretching out), Compression on sides of abdomen.
- * (After a stool), Pinching in pain in abdomen.
- (After supper), Better mood;headache, etc.
- (Turning to other side), Throbbing in left ear.
- (Turning to other side in bed), Numb feeling in right side.
- (On waking), Chilliness.
- (Walking), Vertigo, etc.;sudden dart in small of back;pain in hip-joint;pain in legs; big toe
feels hot, etc.
- (Warm cloths), Toothache during menses;pinching, etc., in belly.
- (When warm in bed), Tearing in wrist-joint;tearing in malleoli, etc.
- Very forgetful and absent-minded; makes mistakes in writing and speaking.
- Confusion and dulness of head.
- Disposition to weep, particularly in evening.
- Aversion to work, not disposed for anything.
- Gloomy, depressed, with feeling of impending trouble, with sensation of coldness.
- Anxious concern about one's sickness.
- Anxiety, with inclination to weep.
- Anguish as if a crime had been committed.
- Listlessness and lethargy. Hysteria.
- Utter dejection of mind. Chlorosis.
- Ill humor : during wet, stormy weather; after dinner, lasting whole day.
- From thinking : pain in face.
- Hearing others talk, or talking himself, affects him.
- After vexation or fright, red spots in face.
- || Feeling of lightness in head.
- Giddiness, especially in morning, when sitting and reading; better when walking.
- Frequent giddiness, as if surroundings were turning with him in a circle, in morning after
rising, lasting whole day, worse in evening; also at night, when moving head.
- Congestion of blood to head at night and when awaking, heat of face.
- Vertigo mostly in morning; on moving his head sensation as if brain fell to and fro, towards
the side where he stoops; sometimes with stinging pain.
Inner head
- Heaviness and beating in forehead after dinner.
- Pressing fulness in forehead as from vapor of coal.
- Sensation as if all was to be pressed out at forehead.
- Sense of oppressive fulness, pushing as if forehead would burst.
- Severe pain in forehead. Undeveloped measles.
- Pulsating, beating and pressing in forehead, as if it would burst; worse after eating; while
walking in open air; better from pressure; in warm room.
- Headache, thrusts in forehead, as if it would burst.
- Tearing : in whole head; in temples; back of left ear, ascending to vertex.
- Boring, stitching headache at night.
- Stitches in various parts of head.
- Sensation of looseness of brain; as if the brain fell to side towards which he leaned.
- Congestive and menstrual headache.
- When stooping, sensation as if blood was accumulating.
- Headache : in morning in bed, with nausea and risings in throat, as if to vomit; in morning,
but agg in afternoon.
Outer head
- Pain on head resembling hammering or hacking with a flat instrument.
- Drawing pain in periosteum of forehead, wakens from sleep in morning, passes off after
- Severe itching of scalp, especially on occiput.
- Sensation as if hair would stand on end, with crawling and cold feeling on head, after
coming into room from open air.
- Scalp, even hair, painful to touch.
Upper face
- Heat in face : during mental exertion; during and after dinner.
- Heat in face, with red cheeks.
- Redness of left cheek.
- Pale face, bloated.
- Hard swelling of cheek, also of parotid and cervical glands.
- Pustulous eruption on forehead, cheeks and chin.
- Small boils and indurations, emitting water and blood on cheek, at corner of mouth and on
- Freckles.
Lower face
- Herpetic eruption around mouth.
- Itching eruption on lips.
- Upper lip pains, as if cracked.
- Lower lip cracked in middle, bleeding and burning.
- Painful burning blister on inside of lower lip.
- Blueness of lips.
Teeth and gums
- Pricking pain, especially in molars; agg when masticating or touching decayed teeth with
- Pressing teeth together sends a shock through head, ears and nose.
- Teeth feel too long, too dull.
- Violent toothache, evenings, immediately on going to bed.
- Stitching pain in molars when biting; can use incisors only.
- Drawing toothache during catamenia; amel from eating, agg from warm fluids.
- Sensation as of an ulcer at root of a tooth.
- Looseness and rapid decay of teeth.
- Gums swollen, easily bleeding.
Inner mouth
- Redness and inflammation of inner mouth and gullet; pain as if raw.
- Sensation as if mouth was swollen.
- Great dryness of mouth and throat. Scarlatina. Headache.
- Swelling of internal mouth, especially inside of cheeks.
- Has to spit a great deal.
- Salivation with headache.
- Pain in throat, as if right tonsil was swollen when swallowing.
- Enlarged tonsils, bluish, much offensive mucus there. Scarlatina.
- Sensation as if something had lodged in throat, impeding deglutition.
- Putrid sore throat; glands engorged. Scarlatina.
- Tendency to gangrenous ulceration of tonsils. Scarlatina.
- || Angina after checking an old ulcer on leg; ceased when ulcer returned.
- Dryness of throat.
- Burning pain in throat and down oesophagus as from alcohol.
- Roughness and scraping in throat.
- Diphtheria, when nose is stopped up; child starts from sleep, cannot get its breath.
- Diphtheria; nose stopped both sides, membrane extends to upper lip, which is excoriated
from watery discharge.
Appetite, thirst
- Desires, Aversions. Continual thirst; no appetite, excepting for bread and cold food.
- Great hunger and appetite, yet a small quantity satiates.
- Unconquerable appetite for sugar.
- Burning pain in liver.
- Boring stitches in liver in evening while sitting.
- Pressure or sore feeling in hypochondrium.
- Numbness in right hypochondrium.
- Stitches in hypochondrium.
- Splenic affections.
- Pressure above navel, as from a button.
- Pressive pain in left side of abdomen.
- Sudden painful contraction of bowels, extending to epigastrium; amel from pressure; on
lying down it ceases.
- Cutting pain, with retraction of abdominal walls.
- Colic with pain between scapulae. Amenorrhoea.
- Stitches through abdomen.
- Elastic swelling (size of a fist) in left groin, evenings; bruised pain therein; cannot lie on
left side; on awaking, both swelling and pain gone.
- Painful concussion in lower part of abdomen when stepping.
Urinary organs
- Pressure of urine on bladder, with cutting pain.
- || Frequent urination at night.
- Involuntary urination during sleep; urine pale with red sediment.
- Pale urine, with sandy sediment.
- Whitish sediment.
- { Diabetes.
- During micturition, vulva and anus, which are sore, become painful.
- Shortness of breath and palpitation after every exertion.
- Dyspnoea, with palpitation of heart.
- Great difficulty of breathing in going up even a few steps; less in open air.
- Dares not come into a warm room, in which he becomes deathly pale and can do nothing
but sit quiet. Asthma.
- Difficult breathing; causing short cough.
- Oppression of breathing.
- Catarrh, dyspnoea, asthma.
- One of the best remedies in emphysema.
- Chronic asthma, tendency to hydrothorax.
- Oedema pulmonum with somnolence from poisoning of blood with carbonic acid.
- Dry cough at night with tickling in larynx, headache.
- Cough dry and worse at night, like from feather down in throat.
- Cough at night; every morning, at 3 o'clock, dry cough from tickling in throat, as of
- Cough : with spitting of blood, previous sweet taste and great dyspnoea, with stitches in
small of back and pit of stomach; short, asthmatic, from irritation in larynx, with painful
sensation of spasmodic contraction of chest; with asthma, evening in bed; with hoarseness,
body being warm; with spitting of bloody phlegm,
- | heaviness on chest, short breath, especially on ascending a hill.
- Coughs up dark blood.
- Roughness and bloody taste in mouth, succeeded by cough and sputum of light-red blood,
with burning and heaviness in chest, face red and hot, body trembling.
- Much hawking of saltish mucus at night.
- Expectoration seldom; or morning and during day.
- Sputa thin, foamy; adynamic state, with rattling of large bubbles in chest. Bronchitis in
the aged.
Outer chest
- Small pimple on sternum; when touched it feels as if it had a splinter in it.
- Red rash on chest.
Upper limbs
- Axillary glands painful and swollen.
- Tearing, also bruised pains in shoulder.
- Weight and lameness in right arm; has no power in it, must let it hang; hand swollen.
- Cramp in right arm, drawing it backward.
- Rigidity of arms and fingers as if dead, at night, early in morning, and when grasping
- Cracking of elbow joint when moved.
- Boring pain in olecranon depression.
- Itching eruption on inside of right forearm.
- Pain in wrist joint which had been sprained some time ago.
- Pain in wrist; in back of hands; in fingers and thumbs.
- Trembling of hands.
- Cracking of skin of hands.
- Peeling of skin from palms.
- Hands look blue and veins distended, after washing in cold water.
- Fingers swell when hands hang down.
- Whitlow, in beginning : red streak up to axilla.
- Panaritium; finger inflamed; deep-seated periosteal pain.
- Fingers "go to sleep."
Lower limbs
- Restlessness in legs.
- Great weakness and languor of lower limbs.
- Soreness between limbs of children.
- Violent pain in hip joint when walking.
- Blue spot, with great burning, above knee.
- Boring and drawing pains in knees.
- Leg frequently "goes to sleep" when sitting or standing, also when lying on it at night.
- Drawing pains in legs when sitting.
- Cramp in leg; also in soles of feet.
- Severe pain in heels when awaking in morning, as if ulcerated to bone.
- || Heel hurts when standing or walking much; sometimes suppuration.
- Tearing in ankle and bones of feet; ceases when warm in bed.
- Cold feet, particularly when going to bed.
- Trembling of feet.
- Ball of great toe painful and hot.
- Great toe becomes red, swollen and painful, particularly in bed, evenings.
- The big toe is hot and burns; agg from pressure of boots.
- Feet and
- || toes swollen.
- Crawling in toes.
Limbs in general
- Pain in limbs at night, with gnawing pain in small of back.
- Inclination to stretch limbs.
- Burning of hands and feet.
- Position. Motion. At rest : pain in back and loins agg.
- Relieved lying on abdomen.
- Lying down : pain in stomach amel; pain in bowels ceases; leg goes to sleep.
- Must lie down from debility.
- Cannot lie on left side : bruised pain in left groin; stitches in l. side.
- Raising up in bed : stitches in chest.
- When sitting : dizziness; boring stitches in liver; leg goes to sleep; drawing in legs.
- Ascending steps : difficult breathing.
- Ascending a hill : shortness of breath.
- Stepping causes painful concussion in abdomen.
- Standing : leg goes to sleep; heel hurts.
- Walking : dizziness better; pulsating pressure and beating in forehead; painful commotion
in bowels; stitches in chest; heaviness and tightness in chest; improves pain in back or loins;
pain in hip.
- Every exertion : heel hurts; weakness in limbs; palpitation and asthma.
- Moving head : giddiness; sensation as if brain fell to and fro.
- Stooping : brain seems to fall towards side leaned to; nosebleed; burning water runs from
nose; rush of blood to tip of nose; stitches in chest.
- Tetanic or epileptic convulsions from violent cerebral irritation.
- Debility, must lie down; also with soreness of whole body.
- Feeling of weakness in limbs amel walking in open air.
- Great lassitude.
- Exhaustion with defective reaction.
- Hysteria with symptoms simulating organic affections.
- { Epilepsy.
- Loses breath at moment when falling asleep; wakens to get breath.
- Must sleep in afternoon, or eyes pain.
- Restless, unrefreshing sleep; tosses about.
- Frequent violent starting out of sleep, with great fear afterwards.
- Nightmare every night, sometimes in a sweat when awaking. Heart disease.
- Somnolence, with blood overcarbonized. Oedema pulmonum.
- Dreams : vivid; romantic; lewd; anxious; of danger and want; of ghosts; of dying; of dead
persons; offensive, of lice; of scolding.
- Talks during sleep.
- || Heart-beats disturb sleep;
- stupor. Scarlatina.
- Sleepless until 4 A.M.
- Unrefreshing sleep.
- Night : giddiness; rush of blood to head; boring and stitching in head; nosebleed; stoppage
of nose; pressure in stomach; burning at anus and tenesmus; frequent urination; seminal
emissions; cough agg; hawks much saltish mucus; heaviness and oppression at sternum;
ebullition of blood; rigidity of hands and arms; pain in all limbs; continuous sweat.
- 3 A.M. : dry cough from tickling in throat.
- Early morning : rigidity of arms and fingers.
- Morning : vertigo; headache with nausea, etc.; nosebleed when washing face; bitter taste;
hiccough; erections without desire; expectoration; pain in heels on awaking; sweat most
about joints.
- All day : burning in eyes; continuous sweat.
- During day : expectoration; pains in back and loins.
- Afternoon : must sleep to relieve pain in eyes.
- Evening : disposed to weep; giddiness agg; violent toothache; boring stitches in liver;
swelling in left groin; cough with asthma in bed; great toe swollen and painful in bed; chill
alternating with heat till midnight; much flatus.
- 7 P.M. : strange uneasiness arousing child from sleep.
- 10 P.M. : child falls asleep suddenly after previous uneasiness.
- Chill evening; frequently alternating with heat, till towards midnight.
- Chill increased in open air, lessened in warm room.
- Great chilliness with headache.
- Thirst before chill.
- In afternoon a chill followed by heat.
- Heat, evening, particularly of face; with cold feet.
- Hectic fever. Scurvy.
- Sweat in morning, mostly at joints.
- Sweat on lower part of body.
- Continuous day or night-sweat.
- Cold, cyanotic, semiconscious, pulseless. Beginning of spotted fever.
Attacks, periodicity
- Worse during new moon.
- Lightness in head; as if surroundings were turning with him; as if brain fell to and fro; as
from vapor of coal in forehead; as if all were to be passed out at forehead; as if forehead
would burst; of looseness of brain; as if hammering with a flat instrument on head; as if hair
would stand on end; as if brain was forcing itself out above nose; a shock through head, ears
and nose on pressing teeth together; as if mouth was swollen; as if right tonsil was swollen;
as if something had lodged in throat; as from a button pressing above navel; larynx as if
drawn shut; as of dust in throat; spasmodic contraction of chest; as of a splinter in pimple on
sternum; fingers and leg "go to sleep"; as if ulcerated to bone, in heels; as if joints were
sprained; as from festering under skin.
- Pain : in forehead; between scapulae, with colic; in nape of neck; in small of back; in wrist;
in back of hands; in fingers and thumbs; in hip joint.
- As of an ulcer : at root of a tooth; in heels.
- Thrusts : in forehead.
- Stitches : in various parts of head; in eyes; in molars; in scrobiculum, with cough; in
hypochondrium; through abdomen; in small of back and pit of stomach, with cough; in chest;
at coccyx, preceded by itching.
- Boring stitches : in head; in liver.
- Boring pain : in olecranon depression and in knees.
- Stinging : in head; thrusts in forehead; in warts.
- Pricking : in molars.
- Cutting : in eyes; in abdomen; in bladder.
- Tearing pain : in head; temples; back of left ear to vertex; in abdomen and vagina; from
upper left chest to scapula; in shoulder; in ankle and bones of feet; in joints; in warts.
- Burning : in eyes; of lower lip; vesicles on tongue; in throat and down oesophagus; and
heat in stomach; in liver; at anus; leucorrhoea; of pudenda; in chest; on throat; of hands and
feet; in spot above knee; in warts; in vesicles and pustules.
- Smarting : in eyes.
- Rawness : of mouth and gullet.
- Painful constriction : in stomach; in bowels; of chest.
- Cramp : in right arm; in leg; in soles of feet.
- Painful concussion : in lower part of abdomen when stepping.
- Bruised pain : in swelling in groin; in shoulder.
- Pressive drawing : in small of back and loins.
- Forcing pain : in testicles and seminal cords.
- Drawing : in periosteum of forehead; in teeth during catamenia; in legs; in knees.
- Gnawing pain : in small of back.
- Pressure : outward in forehead; on eyelids; in eyes; in stomach : in right hypochondrium;
above navel; in left side of abdomen; of urine on bladder.
- Pulsating : in forehead.
- Itching : of scalp, especially on occiput; on margin of lids; in and above ear; of genitals; at
anus; at coccyx, followed by stitches; and stinging in skin; of eruption on inside of right
- Tickling : as from feather in throat; in larynx.
- Crawling : on head; in toes.
- Heaviness : and beating in forehead; in chest; at sternum; in right arm; of internal parts.
- Loose sensation : of brain.
- Weak feeling : in pit of stomach; of legs.
- Roughness and scraping : in throat.
- Tension : on right upper eyelid, as from shortness of muscles.
- Swollen feeling : in mouth; in right tonsil.
- Lameness : in right arm.
- Numbness : in right hypochondrium.
- Coldness : on head; with backache.
- Dryness : of mouth and throat.
- Hemorrhagic diathesis, from fluidity of blood and dissolution of red blood corpuscles;
tendency to gangrenous ulcerations.
- Hemorrhages : dark; from nose, gums and bowels.
- Lymphatic and parotid gland swollen and indurated.
- Erythema, then vesication; finally gangrenous degeneration.
- Long used, it develops a scorbutic condition; muscles soft and flabby; teeth drop out;
hemorrhages; hectic.
- Chronic miliary eruption.
- Violent itching; after scratching, burning blisters appear.
- Itching lessened by scratching.
- Desquamation.
- Itching and stinging of skin keep him awake.
- Burning stinging, tearing in warts.
- Burning vesicles and pustules.
- Putrid flat ulcers with a pungent sensation, pain amel by keeping limb elevated and from
outward pressure; pus white and putrid.
- Child becomes sore between legs.
- Brought out measles after three months' delay.
- Strange uneasiness every evening, 7 o'clock, which arouses child from sleep; it tosses
about in bed and screams until it falls soundly asleep, about 10 P.M. ; during uneasiness head
feels bloated and burning; next day rash on face as if scarlatina would break out.
- Body red as if covered with scarlatina.
- Malignant scarlatina with somnolence, starting from sleep; dark red or putrid sore
throat; sticky salivation; parotitis; external throat swollen; stertorous breathing; involuntary
stools with excessive vomiting; body red, with miliary rash, or faintly developed eruption;
threatened paralysis of brain.
- Scarlatina receding.
- Erysipelas of old people when cerebral symptoms are developed; while eruption is still
out, debility and soreness of whole body; tendency to gangrenous destruction.
- { Psoriasis.
- { Lepra vulgaris.
- Similar to its relatives, Amm. mur., Amm.
- phosph., etc., and to Ant. tart. (emphysema, etc.; blood poisoned with carbonic acid);
Arnic.; Arsen. (inflammations); Aurum (heart); Apis (scarlatina, miliaria; burning stinging);
Bellad.; Coccul. (muscular asthenopia); Calc. ostr. (parotitis in scarlatina; pale, flabby, etc.);
Hepar; Kali bichr.; Kali carb.; Laches. (erysipelas); Lauroc.; Natr. mur. (muscular
asthenopia); Phosphor.; Pulsat.; Rhus tox. (rash, scarlatina with parotitis, etc.); Ruta
(muscular asthenopia); Staphis.; Sulphur; Veratr.
- (cholera-like symptoms during menses).
- The presence of miliary rash may distinguish it from the sometimes similar Bellad. in
- Inimical to Laches.
- Antidote to : poisoning with Rhus tox.; stings of insects.
- Antidoted by : Arnic., Camphor, Hepar; vegetable acids, fixed oils, as castor, linseed,
almond and olive oils.
- The Chenopodium vulvaria exhales pure ammonia during its whole existence.
* 3- Hemorragias de todos los orificios, con desmayos. Hemorragias de las mucosas, con
ulceracin y edemas.
5- Piel roja sobre la nariz y los senos frontales. Obstruccin nasal con coriza acuoso. Difteria
* 6- Cara plida y sufriente. Labio inferior hinchado a tres veces su tamao. Mucosa de
labios y nariz destruidos. Saliva sanguinolenta Ardor y sequedad de esfago con gran
dificultad para tragar. Adenopatas en ngulos de maxilares. vula retrada, cubierta de
una membrana blanca; o alargada e hinchada. Ardor y sensacin de estar en carne viva la
garganta. Dolor en el esfago al respirar hondo.
7- Sed intensa. Vmitos mucosanguinolentos con dolor epigstrico. Violento vmito que sale
por boca y nariz.
* 10- Disnea; tos incesante; bronquitis con expectoracin profusa. Respira a boqueadas.
Relaciones.- Comparar: las amonias, especialmente Amm. carb. Antdotado por: Vinagre y
cidos vegetales.
Es un poderoso estimulante cardaco
Como en sncope, trombosis, hemorragia, mordedura de serpiente, narcosis por
cloroformo, puede ser dado por inhalacin.
El edema y la ulceracin de las mucosas producidos por este poderoso remedio han sido
utilizados como sntomas gua para su uso; por lo tanto en crup membranoso con ardor en el
Ver Causticum.
Respiracin difcil
Acumulacin de mucosidad con tos incesante
Prdida de la voz
Ardor desollado en la garganta
Espasmos de la glotis con sofocacin; el paciente boquea para respirar
Dolor en el esfago al respirar profundamente
Raspadura y ardor en la garganta y esfago
Uvula cubierta con mucosidad blanca
Difteria nasal, con secrecin excoriante, quemante.
Agotamiento excesivo y debilidad muscular
Reumatismo de los hombros
Piel caliente y seca.
Potencias de la primera a la tercera; tambin de cinco a diez mnimos, bien diluido con
- The patient, perfectly comprehending his condition, resigns himself to despair, [_a3].
- Remarkable timidity, [_a2].
- His intellect was clear, [a6].
- Unconscious, [a10].
- Slight confusion in the head, with rumbling in the abdomen (in six minutes), [_a1].
- Slight confusion in the head, with pressure in the temples, ceasing
- Sensation as if the brain protruded at the centre, forward, and on both sides, and the skull
was quartered, but without pain and without confusion of the head, [_a1].
- The forehead, where the bloodvessels are full of blood, feels hot to the touch, [a9].
- Pressure in the frontal region, with feeling as if the head would split, but without pain,
which lasts a few minutes (in seven minutes), [_a1].
- Slight pressure at the occiput, lasting ten minutes (in half an hour), [_a1].
- Eyes red, shining, [a9].
- The eyes sunken; the pupil widely dilated, [a6].
- Lachrymation, [a12].
- Deafness, [a12].
- Peculiar redness of skin over nose and frontal sinuses, [a12].
- Coryza, [a12].
- A watery fluid runs at intervals from the nasal cavities, and the air is completely excluded
from them, [_a3].
- The face is altered, [_a3].
- The expression was anxious, [a6].
- The whole expression of his face showed the greatest anguish, [a9].
- * Extremely pale face, expressive of the greatest suffering, [_a2].
- Face always very red during the febrile exacerbations, [_a2].
- His distorted features had red spots, [a9].
- His lips were rather swollen, [a7].
- Lower lip swollen to three times its normal size, [a5].
- Small black coating on the middle of the lower lip, [_a3].
- The mucous membrane of the lips and nose was destroyed, [a9].
- Teeth clenched, [a5, a10].
- The surface of the tongue is white, [_a3].
- The tongue appeared deprived of its epithelium; only on solitary places could some white
membrane still be seen, and nearly the whole fauces showed the same state, [a9].
- Curled pieces of white skin are detached from the tongue and throat, and those parts
appear red, [_a3].
- The tongue, the palate, and the entire oesophagus, as far as visible, are whitish and partly
covered with blisters, [_a2].
- Burning and scraping at the root of the tongue and posterior portion of the oesophagus
(while swallowing the medicine), [_a1].
- Small black coating on the tip of the tongue, [_a3].
- The entire buccal cavity, the mouth, the tongue, and probably a great part of the
oesophagus and stomach, are raw, denuded of epithelium, [a4].
- The mucous membrane of the mouth, and all the visible parts of the throat, were dark-red,
swollen, and tender; the epithelium was detached in different places, [a6].
- The penetrating smell of Ammonia was still clearly perceptible in his breath, although he
had taken so much vinegar, [a6].
- From mouth and nose flowed a large quantity of bloody fluid, [a9].
- Profuse bloody salivation, [a11].
- Foaming from mouth, [a10].
- Throat externally red, and the soft parts swollen, [a5].
- Burning pain in throat, [a9].
- Burning pain from the mouth to the region of the stomach, [_a3, a13].
- Burning heat at the throat, [_a3].
- Burning pain at throat and stomach, [_a2].
- Lancinating and scraping sensation at the throat (immediately after taking the medicine),
- Scraping at the throat (when swallowing the medicine, [_a1].
- Deep redness of the velum, its pillars, the tonsils, and the posterior wall of the pharynx,
- The uvula is contracted and covered with white mucus, [_a3].
- The tonsils appear scarcely at all enlarged, [_a3].
- The posterior wall of the pharynx and the epiglottis, were deeply reddened, and like the
mouth, with most intense pain in the throat, [a6].
- Dryness in oesophagus, [a11].
- Great difficulty in swallowing, [_a3].
- Could scarcely swallow, [a13].
- He swallowed with difficulty some vinegar and water, but it seemed to relieve him, [a9].
- After two hours of great anxiety, the patient complained mostly of his throat, as
swallowing was still nearly impossible, [a9].
- Very urgent thirst, [_a2].
- Thirst, [a13].
- Very urgent thirst, with difficult deglutition, [_a3].
- He is consumed with thirst, and yet is unable to get down a drop of liquid, [_a3].
- Thirst very strong, without the power to swallow, [a9].
- Eructations which do not smell of Ammonia (soon after taking the medicine, [_a1].
- Constant mucous vomiting, [_a2].
- He passes an immense quantity of mucus from the mouth, [_a3].
- He throws up by the mouth and nostrils quantities of a whitish fluid burns wherever it
touches, and smells like sal volatile liniment, [_a2].
- He immediately screamed and was very sick, bringing up at first stringy mucus of a light
color, and then some more dark, [a7].
- Vomiting blood, [a11].
- The right hand automatically pointed in the stomach region, [a5].
- He was allowed to get up on the fifteenth, but the next day a hearty meal gave him very
great pain, [a6].
- Heartburn, [a14].
- There was burning pain in the track of the oesophagus, none in the stomach itself, but its
region was tender on pressure, [a6].
- Epigastrium swollen and tender, [a5].
- Great sensitiveness of the epigastric region; very small pulse, with shiverings (at 4 p.m. ),
- Great pain and tenderness in left hypochondrium and at epigastrium, [a14].
- There was no abdominal distension, [a6].
- The abdomen was soft, [a6].
- Rumbling in abdomen, [_a2].
- Inexpressible pains in the upper part of the intestinal tube, [a4].
- Pains in lower abdomen, back, and sacral region, [_a3].
Urinary organs
- Scanty, red urine, [_a3].
- The urine was alkaline and dark-yellow, [a6].
- Urine smelling of ammonia, [_a1].
- Next day, the urine contained a good deal of sediment, consisting of urates, [a6].
Sexual organs
- The menses, hitherto always regular, are fifteen days too early, and very profuse, [_a2].
Respiratory apparatus
- Slight, rather coarse mucous rles were heard in the larynx and trachea, [a6].
- He had a constant tickling in larynx, with pain in epigastrium, [a6].
- For several days, he suffered from a bronchitis, with profuse expectoration, but it took
nearly a week till his voice returned, and he regained his strength only by slow degrees,
- Speech fatiguing, interrupted, [a13].
- The voice was low and weak, speech fatiguing and interrupted, on account of the
condition of the respiratory function, [_a3].
- She could hardly speak, because the effort to do so fatigued her exceedingly, and caused
pain in the chest, [_a2].
- The voice was rough, weak, and hoarse, [a6].
- Dull, hoarse voice, [a4].
- Weak and indistinct voice, [a9].
- Voice deep, weak, [a13].
- Speech wanting, [a5].
- Obstinate cough, [a12].
- Cough, with copious mucous expectoration, [_a3].
- Cough and much expectoration, especially after drinking, [a13].
- When he tries to drink, severe cough, with expectoration of slimy masses, [a9].
- The cough and expectoration are especially excited by the contact of liquids with the back
of the mouth; only a very little passes into the oesophagus, [_a3].
- Spasmodic cough, lasting an hour, during which he expectorates a great quantity of
membrane, [a4].
- He hawked and expectorated continually, although doing so gave him great pain, [a6].
- Bloody expectoration, [a12].
- Respiration heavy and rattling, [a13].
- Every respiration produces a kind of rattling noise, [_a3].
- The breathing harsh, hurried, and somewhat obstructed, [a7].
- Respiration difficult, [_a3].
- * Very great difficulty in breathing, [_a3].
- Great difficulty in breathing, [a13].
- Difficult, quick, stertorous breathing, [_a3].
- Was aroused from sleep by a suffocative feeling, [a9].
- Spasm of the glottis; death from asphyxia, [_a3].
- Continuous mucous rattling in chest, [a9].
- The chest-sounds were normal, [a6].
- Pain in the whole chest, with suffocative anguish, [a9].
- Inclination to draw a long breath, which is prevented by a violent pain in the chest
towards the back, evidently in the oesophageal region, [_a2].
- Great oppression and want of air, [_a2].
- Extreme oppression of the chest, with increased rattling and threatened suffocation, [_a3].
- Lung-catarrh, [a12].
- The praecordial region is distended and painful, [_a2].
- Extremely violent anguish at the praecordia, with great oppression of the chest, [_a2].
Upper extremities
- Convulsive twitches of right arm, [a14].
- State of irritation and of extraordinary suffering, [_a3].
- In the evening, the patient was greatly excited; pulse quite small and very quick, with
increased oppression, [_a2].
- After a venesection, the patient got more quiet, and the bloody expectoration ceased, [a9].
- Motorial power intact, [a6].
- He had perfect sensibility, and not much distress of countenance, [a7].
- Great weakness, [a13].
- Great debility, [_a3].
- Great prostration, [a11].
- Remarkable exhaustion; his no muscular strength is diminished to a degree not
proportioned to the duration of the disease, [_a2].
- On trying for the first time to get out of bed, he was unable to stand on his legs, and at the
least effort, he trembled violently, [_a2].
- Bleedings from the mouth, nose, eyes, ears, which cause faintness, [a13].
- The skin was pale, cold, and had lost its elasticity, [a6].
- The application of a blister plaster takes off the skin, but does not excite the secretion of
serum, [_a3].
- Erysipelas, [a8].
- Skin hot, not dry, [a9].
- Hot, dry skin, [_a3, a13].
- Dry skin, [_a2].
- Cutaneous sensibility intact, [a6].
- Heat in chest and at stomach, [_a3].
- (Evening), Great excitement, etc.
- (After drinking), Cough, etc.
- (After hearty meal), Great pain in stomach.
- (Solid stool), Confusion of the head.
- (After venesection), More quiet, etc.
- (Vinegar and water), Seemed to relieve him.
** 3- Los sntomas gstricos son predominantes: vmitos de todo orden, nuseas matinales.
Irritacin gstrica en nios; no toleran ningn alimento. Irritacin gstrica o intestinal
cuando la lengua est puntiaguda y tiene la punta y los bordes rojos. Constantes nuseas
y vmitos.
Un remedio de gran valor en varias clases de vmito; nusea matutina
Irritacin de los ojos
Iscuria y hematuria.
Hemorragia de la vejiga.
Irritacin gstrica de los nios; ninguna forma de alimento es tolerada
Prdida del olfato y del gusto
Irritacin gstrica e intestinal cuando la lengua est alargada y puntiaguda, con la punta y
bordes rojos
Nusea y vmitos constantes.
Comparar: Amygd. amara -Almendra amarga. (Dolor en las amgdalas, garganta oscura,
dificultad para tragar, vmitos, tos con trax adolorido.)
Infusin fresca o tintura madre.
Amygdalus persica (Allen)
- Pressure and itching in the eyes from reading, in the evening; it seems as if there were a
foreign body in the eyes, [_a3].
- Lachrymation, at night, from reading, three days after; this symptom lasts four days,
- Dazzling before the eyes, in the morning; it is impossible to read; objects seem to waver
in a zigzag direction; ceases after two hours (after twelve hours), [_a3].
- The sight, the same evening, by candlelight, was wholly unfatigued by late reading, nine
hours after (a curative effect and a reaction from a previous reverse condition), [_a1].
- The nasal cartilage and the upper jaw are painful to touch, as if they had received a blow
from a fist (only when touched); the nasal cartilage feels as if thinner than usual, [_a3].
- Persistent loss of smell, [_a3].
- Raw pain in the middle of the lower lip, lasting five hours, [_a3].
- Small swelling on the left lower jaw, in front of the facial artery, causing pain and itching,
- Loss of taste; what he eats appears deprived of any kind of flavor, even that of sea salt;
this state persists like that of the loss of smell, [_a3].
- Internal pain in the left side of the abdomen, of the cartilage of the tenth rib to the anterior
superior spine of the ilium (after three days and a half), [_a2].
Sexual organs
- During stool, ejaculation of semen, without pollution or erection, followed by a peculiar
feeling of emptiness in the hypogastrium, and of pain in the genital organs, such as follows
sexual excess.
- At the same time painful lassitude in the legs, then pain above both hips, but more
especially in the sacral region (after ten days), [_a3].
- Indifference to sexual intercourse, lasting more than six months, [_a3].
- During dinner, stinging pain under the false ribs as from a sharp point, likewise under the
shoulder-blades; this pain is short-lasting (after twenty-four hours), [_a1].
- Severe and deepseated prickings above the left nipple, several times, [_a3].
Superior extremities
- Extreme liability to sprain both wrists, accompanied with weakness in these parts, [_a3].
- Fatiguing pains in both wrist-joints, and at the same time in both feet; the pain is more
severe in the left ankle and left foot (after thirteen days), [_a3].
- The wrist-joint, which had been hurt, and had been cured by this remedy, six months
previously, became again momentarily painful (after four days), [_a2].
- Pain as from a sprain in the right wrist-joint, which prevents him from seizing an object,
from lifting it, and from squeezing it with his hand, during twelve hours (after eighteen
hours), [_a1].
- Little shootings between the index and middle fingers of the left hand (after nine and ten
days), [_a3].
Inferior extremities
- Drawing and pain in the left thigh, which soon ceases, [_a2].
- Lancinations in the posterior part of the right thigh,
- Painful twitchings all along the right thigh, on the outside (after eight days), [_a3].
- Numbness in the left knee, in the morning, in bed, which ceases on rising. Three hours
after this symptom, acute pain in a transverse direction, in the end of the left metatarsus,
which ceases in a few minutes, and is followed by tension and painful stiffness in the left
calf, which goes off as quickly (after four days), [_a2].
- Next morning, when wishing to rise, inability to bend the knees; in a few moments, this
sensation passes off, and I get up without any trouble (seventy-two hours after all the
symptoms have disappears), [_a1].
- Pain in both knees, and at the same time in the right ankle-joint, which impedes walking,
- The legs are numb and stiff when sitting, even on a low chair; likewise the feet, as if they
had been held in a false position, [_a1].
- Prickings, in the form of lancinations, in the outer portion of the left leg, along the
peroneus muscle, [_a3].
- Painful lancinations, a little above the internal malleolus of the left foot, [_a3].
- At the same time as the eruption, as sharp pain under the right great toenail, only when
pressing on the nail, not when walking, [_a2].
- Internal pain in the bend of the left fourth toe; this pain lasts only a few minutes (after
three days and a half), [_a2].
- The itching and the pain under the left tonsil are experienced anew. The pain under the
nail is unaccompanied with heat or swelling (after three days), [_a3].
- Pricking pain in the lower extremity of the tarsus, at the root of the fourth toe, in the
evening, when writing (after three hours and a half), [_a3].
- A single glass of wine is sufficient to intoxicate him; this symptom also lasts six months,
- Small tumor, size of a nut, on the lobe of the right ear, very painful to touch, [_a3].
- Obstinate itching on different parts of the body, in the head, in the forehead, in the
temples, in the middle of the back, in the arms, on the abdomen, over the thighs, on both
hams, on portions of which (regions) there appears an eruption of very small, pointed
pimples, the top of which was torn off by scratching, leaving a red, bleeding point. The tops
of these pimples before they were detached, were filled with a deepseated; not, however,
voluptuous; only pressure was felt when scratching. When the inclination to scratch was
resisted, the itching, after being for some time aggravated, ended in a stinging, as if a needle
were slowly and deeply thrust into the part, a feeling which ceased on applying the hand.
This itching and the eruption lasted for a month, [_a2].
- At night, in bed, a general itching, which evades the hand when scratching, [_a1].
- Itching of the temples, in the morning, a few moments after in the hairy scalp, in every
part of the head, in the lobes of the ears, in the forehead. This symptom lasts three hours, at
the end of five days, [_a3].
1- Cefalea sorda, especialmente en jvenes. Vrtigo. Sndrome de Mniere.
2- En laringitis, bronquitis, neumona y edema pulmonar, cuando Iodum ha ayudado solo
Indicado cuando el Yodo ha mejorado parcialmente en casos de laringitis y bronquitis,
neumona catarral, edema pulmonar.
Cefalea sorda, especialmente en personas jvenes, cara estpida, pesada; vrtigo,
enfermedad de Mnire.
Segunda y tercera trituracin.
Ammonium tartaricum (Tos seca cortante despus de cada resfriado).
Sidney Ringer, M.B. , Practitioner, vol. viii, 1872, p. 129, a lad, aet. seventeen years,
convalescent from acute rheumatism, took three doses each of 10 grains.
-After two doses, and in six hours and a half, petechial spots broke out on both legs.
* 1- Ansiedad, como si algo fuera a ocurrir; no puede estar sentado quieto; necesita aire
fresco. Por un susto, corre a la ventana por aire.
*** 4- Acta en especial sobre las arterias, dilatndolas, expresndose esta modificacin
mediante sntomas tumultuosos del aparato circulatorio, sobre todo un marcado rubor
facial (ver 14), llamaradas de calor (ver 6), taquicardia con hipotensin y palpitaciones
(ver 20) y, muy destacadamente, pulsaciones y latidos en todo el cuerpo. Es muy
parecido en este aspecto a Glonoinum (Nitroglicerina), aunque tal vez no tan violento en
sus manifestaciones como este ltimo. Pulso pleno, fuerte.
*** 5- Peor en una habitacin calurosa; mejor por aire fro y agua fra; mejor al aire libre,
con gran deseo de aire, hambre de aire. Se destapa en la cama o afloja sus ropas o se
desviste, y abre las ventanas en el tiempo ms fro (Arg. N., Lach., Sulph.). Peor por
esfuerzos fsicos o mentales.
** 6- Llamaradas de calor que parten de la cara, epigastrio o cualquier parte del cuerpo,
seguidas de sudores a menudo calientes y profusos, seguidos de gran postracin,
especialmente en la menopausia. "En mujeres sensibles, nerviosas, pletricas, durante o
despus de la menopausia" (Allen).
* 9- Sensacin de constriccin.
*** 11- Intensas oleadas de sangre a la cabeza y cara, con la sensacin de que la sangre va a
saltar a travs de la piel, con calor y rubor. Llamaradas en la cabeza, seguidas de sudores,
en la menopausia. Calor, rubor y latidos en la cabeza, que siente estallar. Latidos, presin
y tensin en las sienes. Pesadez de cabeza con presin hacia afuera enfrente y sienes. Las
arterias temporales son visibles, duras y laten. Hemicrnea que comienza a la maana,
peor a medioda, con cara plida del mismo lado. Mareos al cerrar los ojos. Mareos de
* 12- Dolor en los ojos a la luz solar, con lagrimeo profuso y estornudos. Neuralgia ciliar.
Exoftalmia. Congestin venosa de la papila. Ve los objetos verdes o amarillos.
*** 14- Cara roja; enorme facilidad para ruborizarse, por la menor emocin o el menor
esfuerzo, con sensacin de calor en cara y cabeza; peor de noche. Rubores agudos o
crnicos. Cara roja del lado izquierdo, rubor que aparece y desaparece bruscamente entre
las cefaleas, durante las cuales est plido. Neuralgia del trigmino. Chasquea los labios
como paladeando algo. Movimiento como de rumiacin de la mandbula.
* 17- Entuertos, hemorragias con rubor. Cefaleas de la menopausia con calores, ansiedad y
palpitaciones. Convulsiones puerperales.
18- Glucosuria.
* 19- Respiracin jadeante en la agona. Disnea o asma cardiaca con anasarca extrema.
* 21- Venas de las manos muy dilatadas. Temblor en las manos. Latidos en las puntas de los
22- Sueo interrumpido a menudo, sobresaltado.
Tiene la reputacin bien merecida de detener los ataques epilpticos y de revivir a los
pacientes que han sido abatidos por los anestsicos. En estos casos se lo administra por
olfacin. Existen diversas teoras acerca de su modo de accin en aquellas circunstancias,
pero lo ms importante, despus de todo, es que efectivamente acta.
Sabemos que causa y cura un estado de actividad tumultuosa del corazn que es muy
similar en apariencia a la que se observa en Glonoinum.
Relaciones.- Comparar: Glon., Aco., Ether, Cact., Nit. dul. spir., Laches., Coca (bochorno
cuando se excita, como en compaa); Bell. Antdota a: Cloroformo (falla en la
respiracin); Strychnine (convulsiones). Antdotado por: Cactus (constriccin cardiaca).
- Es semejante a Bell., Cac., Coca, Fer., Glon., Lach.
- Con el ejercicio, tanto fsico como mental.
Obra rpidamente en inhalaciones; vuelve en s a las personas que estn sin sentido por
algn anestsico.
La droga en bruto obra como paliativo; es preciso repetirla conforme el paciente se va
acostumbrando a ella; es curativa usada en las ms altas potencias.
La curacin depende de la fuerza de la potencia ms frecuentemente de lo que se imaginan
muchos que no lo han sometido a la prueba curativa.
Al inhalar este medicamento, se dilatan rpidamente todas las arteriolas y capilares,
produciendo congestin de la cara, calor y pulsaciones en la cabeza.
Hiperemia arterial superficial
Palpitacin del corazn y estados similares se han curado con el mismo, especialmente los
bochornos y otros malestares del climaterio
Hipo y bostezos.
Ansiedad, como si algo pudiera pasar; debe tener aire fresco
Oleadas de sangre a la cabeza y cara; sensacin como si la sangre fuera a salir a travs de
la piel, con calor y enrojecimiento
Bochornos, seguidos de sudor en el climaterio
Odos hipermicos
Constriccin; los cuellos parecen demasiado ajustados.
Disnea y sensaciones asmticas
Gran opresin y plenitud del trax; tos sofocante, espasmdica
Ansiedad precordial
Actividad tumultuosa del corazn
Dolor y constriccin alrededor del corazn
Aleteo a la menor excitacin.
Entuertos; hemorragia asociada a sofocos faciales
Cefalea en el climaterio con sofocos de calor, con ansiedad y palpitacin.
Mucho sofoco de calor, algunas veces seguido por piel fra y pegajosa y sudor profuso
Palpitaciones en todo el cuerpo
Sudor anormal despus de gripe.
Constante estirarse durante horas
Venas de las manos dilatadas; siente pulsaciones en las puntas de los dedos.
Comparar: Glonoine, Lachesis.
Cactus, Strych., Ergot..
Tercera potencia.
Para paliacin
En todos los estados donde los vasos sanguneos estn espasmdicamente contrados,
como en angina de pecho, convulsiones epilpticas, migraa, acompaados de fro, palidez,
etc., tambin en crisis de asma, asfixia por cloroformo, la inhalacin de Amyl. nit. dar
mejora inmediata
Para esta aplicacin no-homeoptica, puede requerirse la inhalacin de dos a cinco
mnimos (en perlas) colocadas en un pauelo.
Formula, C5H11O2.
Preparation for use, Dilution with alcohol.
Authorities 2
[_a1]: Batteman;
[_a2]: Madden;
[_a3]: Jones;
[a4]: Goodhart;
[a5]: Blake;
[a6]: Fick;
[a7]: W. P. Wesselhoeft;
[a8]: T. F. Allen;
[a9]: St. Clair Smith;
[a10]: Hugh M. Smith;
[a11]: G. L. Freeman.
- * Anxiety, as if something might happen; must have fresh air, [a7].
- The throbbing in the head, and bursting-out feeling in the ears, and constriction of throat
and heart, made me think I had too much, and from actual fright I ran to the window to
breathe the fresh air, [a9].
- Complete obliviousness of recent conversation (in a few minutes), [a5].
- Confusion of head, [a11].
- After the throbbing and fulness of the head had passed away, it was followed by a
confused, weak feeling and a weight in top of head, as though it would be crushed in, [a9].
- Vertigo (rarely), [_a1].
- Vertigo (in three minutes), [a5].
- Slight vertigo (in a few seconds), [a5].
- Giddiness (now and then), [_a3];
- Slight dizziness in the head (in two minutes), [a4].
- Head seemed to swim around (in a second or two), [a5].
- Feeling of intoxication, [_a3].
- Girls who have inhaled it have often complained that it gave them a headache, [_a3].
- * Heat and throbbing in head, [_a1].
- * Feeling of intense fulness in the head (immediately), [a4].
- Full, confused feeling in head, mostly frontal; then a beating, throbbing, and bursting
sensation, [a9].
- Heavy aching all through the head (in two minutes), [a4].
- After all experiments, a dull aching remained in the head for more than thirty or forty
minutes, [a4].
- Frontal humming, [a5].
- Slight perspiration over the forehead (immediately), [a4].
- Perspiration broke out on forehead, [a11].
- Bursting in the forehead (in three minutes), [a5].
- * Throbbing in temples; visible pulsating, [a10].
- Could feel the temporal arteries throb distinctly, [a9].
- * Sense of tension in temples, [_a2].
- Vertical humming (in twenty-five seconds), [a5].
- * Sensation of something rushing upwards and throbbing in vertex, [a7].
- Constriction, as if each parietal region was pressed in, [a10].
- Dull throbbing in sides and back of head, [a11].
- Throbbing in the occiput, [a5].
- After the weak feeling passed off, the arteries seemed to be numb along their course,
- Under ophthalmoscope, the arteries of the optic disk were found small, while the veins
were dilated and varicose, [a4].
- Under ophthalmoscope, the veins of the disk were seen to become enlarged, varicose, and
tortuous; the arteries small, but not abnormally so (from 5 minims), [a4].
- Dull heaviness over eyebrows, [a8].
- * Conjunctive bloodshot (in two minutes), [a4].
- Dilated pupils, [_a1].
- Sight very hazy (in fifty seconds), [a4].
- In full doses of 8 or 10 drops, the sight becomes impaired slightly, and the outline of
objects hazy and indistinct, [a4].
- Primrose halo, even with the eyes closed and shaded, [a5].
- Objects begin to look yellow, [a5].
- * Protruding, staring eyes, .
- Burning of the ears, [_a2].
- * Much throbbing in ears (in two minutes), [a4].
- Ears begin to throb (in a second or two), [a5].
- Beating behind ears, [a5].
- Sensation of a piston working up and down in the ears (in thirty seconds), [a5].
- Bursting sensation in ears, as though the membrana tympani of each ear would be forced
out with each beat of the heart, [a9].
- Pressure over root of nose, [a9].
- Face scarlet #C0 (immediately), [a4].
- * Deep facial flush (in twenty-five seconds), [a5].
- * Flushing of the face (in thirty to forty seconds), [_a3].
- * Face much flushed, [a4].
- A bright florid flush spread over his face (in a few seconds), [a5].
- * Flushing of the face, followed by turgidity to the facial veins, [a5].
- The flushing of the face did not commonly appear till from fifteen to thirty seconds after
the commencement of the inhalation, [a4].
- * Intense surging of blood to face and head, [a8].
- Face at first very red; a few minutes after, pale, [a9].
- Face became intensely red and hot; this came up and subsided like a wave; on passing off,
the face became paler than usual, [a8].
- * Heat and redness of face, [a11].
- * Great heat and redness of face, with sensation as though the blood would start through
the skin, with lachrymation, [a9].
- Warmth of face, [_a3].
- * Choking feeling in throat, on each side of the trachea, along the carotids; feeling of
constriction, [a9].
- * The collar seemed too tight, with desire to loosen it, [a9].
- Tickling in throat, [_a1].
- Nausea, [a8].
- Slight nausea, [a11].
- Slight uncomfortable feeling in stomach, [a8].
- Constriction and pressure over praecordial region, as though he wants to rub it, [a8].
Respiratory apparatus
- * The feeling of constriction in throat extended to chest, and produced dyspnoea and
asthmatic feeling in larynx and trachea, with desire to eructate, [a9].
- Peculiar sensation of choking, [a5].
- The respiration were not altered in frequency, but in all cases great inclination to cough
was experienced, with an indescribable feeling of fulness about the chest, [a4].
- Cough and bronchial irritation, [_a2].
- Much cough (in fifty seconds), [a4].
- Involuntary coughing (in two minutes), [a4].
- Breathing 24, from 20 (in two minutes), [a5].
- Normal respiration, 18; after ninety seconds, 20; after one hundred and fifty seconds, 20,
- Normal respiration, 16; after ninety seconds, 20; after one hundred and fifty seconds,
- Respiration much easier and deeper, apparently dependent on dilatation of the bronchi
(inhalation of 1 drop), [a6].
- Accelerated respiration, [_a2].
- Desire to sigh convulsively (in thirty seconds), [a5].
- Slight dyspnoea, with inclination to cough (immediately), [a4].
- It sometimes causes a little breathlessness and coughing, [_a3].
- Vital capacity (spirometric) of the lungs not increased nor diminished (average of large
number of experiments), [a6].
- Sensation as if the anterior wall of the thorax were swelled out to a convex shape, and the
lower end of the sternum made a deep depression, bent in towards the spine (without
objective signs of contraction of diaphragm or abdominal muscles), [_a2].
- * Praecordial anxiety (in thirty seconds), [a5].
Extremities in general
- * Tired feeling of limbs, [a7].
- Muscular tremor of arms (in two minutes), [a4].
- * Tremulousness of hands and stiffness and slight numbness of fingers, [a7].
- While writing, hand so tired that he can hardly hold the pen, with crampy feeling in wrist
and thumb, which is sometimes difficult to overcome; the thumb seems to grasp the pen so
tight that it is difficult to guide it (it is now over fifteen minutes, and the effect is still very
strong), [a9].
- The muscles generally seemed relaxed and heavy; this caused a sensation of unsteadiness
while walking (inhalation of 1 drop), [a6].
- The blood-pressure is diminished, [a4].
- Slight feeling of lassitude (in seven minutes), [a4].
- After all experiments, a feeling of lassitude remained behind for thirty or forty minutes,
- * General relaxed, weak feeling over the whole body, [a9].
- Weak feeling all over the body, [a10].
- Uncertain, trembling sensation over whole body, [a9].
- Warmth, often general, [_a3].
- Temperature 97.9 , from 97.7 (immediately), [a4].
- Temperature 98.1 (in four minutes), [a4].
- * Perspiration, often general, [_a3].
- || Mental confusion and a dreamlike state. Epilepsy.
- A trancelike state, everything seeming unreal to her.
- Unconsciousness, with inability to swallow. Convulsions of a child.
- Unable to do any business; head in a constant state of dull confusion. After long-
continued convulsions.
- || Increasing sense of stupefaction, with flushing of face and scalp.
- Flow of ideas becomes more lively.
- Frequent piercing shrieks. Child in convulsions.
- Melancholy.
- Melancholy without sensation of anguish.
- Actual fright at throbbing of head.
- | Cannot sit still for fear of something dreadful happening.
- Anxiety as if something might happen; must have fresh air.
- Haunted many times a day with an indescribable dread and sensation as of an oncoming
fit, although it came on only once or twice a week. Epilepsy.
- From the slightest emotion flushing of face.
- | Dulness in head, and peculiar confusion. Headache.
- Confused feeling after congestion to head.
- Confusion of head with vertigo and drowsiness.
- | Vertigo, headache and nausea on rising.
- Giddy; drunken feeling.
- | Dizziness.
- Heaviness of head.
- | Dizziness with slight nausea, agg when eyes are closed.
- Produced so much giddiness and sensation of fulness in head that he preferred ether.
Angina pectoris.
- Giddiness, confusion of mind, heaviness in head, headache and general weakness.
- Giddiness, mental confusion and a dreamlike state.
- Congestive state of head.
- | Great rush of blood to head and face.
Inner head
- Dull heavy aching all through head.
- | Conscious of a dull headache for about three hours.
- | Headache in frontal region.
- | Severe dull heavy pains across forehead, without marked external heat.
- Heaviness and pressure outward in forehead and temples.
- | When pain in forehead was agg, pain in occiput was amel.
- || Sense of fulness, pressure, tension and throbbing in temples.
- | Pain in right temple.
- | Painful pressure outward in temples, agg in left, with dull, heavy aching pain in occipital
region extending to nape of neck, while walking.
- | Severe pain in temples, occiput and over eyes, with burning in stomach.
- Visible pulsating in temples.
- | Headache on left side, parietal region.
- Hemicrania, especially where affected side looks pale in comparison with sound one.
- | A dull aching in cervical region, gradually moving to suboccipital region, during
- Sensation of something rushing upward and throbbing in vertex.
- No pain in head is felt until some time after attack comes on, and it is then of a dull
aching character in vertex, accompanied by unusual paleness of face and coldness of feet
and hands.
- | Severe occipito-frontal headache, felt most in suboccipital region.
- | Pain in right occipital region.
- | Dull pain in occiput.
- | Pain in occiput agg in heat of room and from writing.
- Constant occipital headache and aching across loins, agg from fatigue.
- Occipito-frontal headache, with aching in right renal region.
- Heat and throbbing in head; feeling of fulness to bursting.
- | A quick, somewhat sharp throbbing in head.
- Throbbing headache with flushed face and confusion of mind.
- Beating and throbbing in head and ears with constriction of throat and heart.
- A sense of fulness and distension of head amounting at last to severe pain, and
accompanied by intense flushing of face, starting perspiration on head, face and neck.
- | Pressure in head, forehead and temples, with moist skin.
- Severe pain accompanied with sense of distension of head.
- Bursting sensation in head and ears as if all blood was rushing to head.
- | Pain in head, with a stupid, drowsy sensation and burning in stomach and up throat.
- { Hemicrania or sick headache; pain most violent left side.
- Sick headache.
Outer head
- | Oppression in fronto-parietal suture, extending to frontal bone.
- | Redness and heat of head, face and neck, with violent throbbing in top of head and
- | Intense crushing pain upon head, which seemed to gather into a feeling of confusion,
threatening for a moment to make him unconscious.
- Visible pulsation in temples.
- Temporal artery protruding, hard, pulsating audibly.
- | Sensation as though scalp was jerked forward from occiput towards forehead, ceasing
just before it reached that point, repeated several times.
- Heat and perspiration of head, face and neck, while hands and feet are very cold, which
continue so for hours.
- Head would first fall to one side, then to the other.
Upper face
- Features show more vivacity.
- Neuralgia of fifth pair.
- | Creeping sensation in right cheek below malar bone, which was momentary.
- | Creeping in left cheek.
- Intense surging of blood to face and head, heat and redness; feels as if blood would start
through skin, with lachrymation.
- | Face flushed scarlet and hot.
- Face and even back of hands deeply reddened.
- Face flushes at slightest emotion. Climaxis. Heart disease, etc.
- || Intense redness of surface with great subjective feeling of heat in face and head.
- Left side of face and left ear get intensely red, coming suddenly and disappearing
suddenly during intervals of attacks of headache; most after mental symptoms.
- Intense redness and heat in face, often with a sensation of giddiness.
- | Intense glowing of face, with general sweat, most marked in palms of hands.
- || Burning sensation in face.
- | Burning of right cheek, extending up into eye and around to r. ear.
- Intensely hot and red face; on passing off face paler than usual.
- Turned deadly pale, felt very giddy, became partially unconscious for ten minutes.
- Left side of face pale and haggard. Headache.
Lower face
- | A smacking of lips as if in act of tasting.
- | A short munching movement of lower jaw, which was depressed and elevated as if in act
of chewing.
Inner mouth
- Mouth dry, throat sore.
- | Awoke at 5 A.M. with an extremely dry, parched sensation in throat and mouth; arose to
rinse mouth with water; marked stiffness and dryness of lips.
- As if a vapor spread from throat through her head, rendering her quite powerless for one
or two seconds.
- | Sore throat.
- Feeling of constriction in throat.
- Choking feeling on either side of trachea, along carotids; feeling of constriction.
- Inability to swallow, with unconsciousness. Child in convulsions.
- | Heat in head and along oesophagus to stomach, lasting thirty minutes.
- Tickling in throat.
- | Left tonsil swollen and inflamed.
- Catarrh and dysphagia (sequelae of a recent attack of diphtheria) entirely relieved during
action of drug, but returned after its effects had passed off.
- Collar seems too tight; desires to loosen it.
Appetite, thirst
- Desires, Aversions.
- | Loss of appetite.
Hiccough, belching, nausea and vomiting
- Hiccough.
- | Eructation.
- | Nausea, with dryness in throat.
- | Great nausea.
- Nausea and uncomfortable feeling in stomach.
- Nausea and heat in stomach, with pains.
- | Slight nausea, followed by inclination to vomit.
- | Sense of oppression near liver.
- | Crampy, colicky pains in umbilical region and abdomen, increased when lying down.
- || Rumbling in bowels.
- | Slight distension of abdomen, with dull pain.
Urinary organs
- Urine, sp. gr. 1012, 1014.
- | Urine clear, acid, sp. gr. 1014; free from albumen and phosphates.
- | Light cloud of an oxalate and distinct traces of sugar.
- Urine clear, free, acid, sp. gr. 1016, saccharine.
- | Urine clear, acid, sp. gr. 1020, trace of oxalate and sugar in marked quantity.
- Increased flow of urine which contains an abundance of sugar.
- Inhalation followed immediately by dizziness and nausea.
- After inhalation : blood is forced up to head; redness of face, later very pale, more than
usual. Headache.
- | Pains at times accompanied by sinking respiration.
- Very deep, not more frequent breathing.
- | Oppressed, difficult and rapid breathing.
- || Hastens and deepens breathing.
- || Two or three full inspirations were succeeded by one of extreme depth, accompanied by
depression of lower jaw and elevation of ribs and scapulae.
- Breathing panting in trancelike state.
- Choking feeling in throat and chest.
- | Increasing dyspnoea, with sneezings, nasal catarrh and sighing respiration.
- | Could hardly breathe for about a minute.
- | Cardiac dyspnoea with extreme anasarca, due to a dilated and hypertrophied heart.
- Asthma; arrests paroxysm, yet on cessation of effect dyspnoea returned.
- Dyspnoea, constriction of throat and heart; driven by actual fright to window for fresh air.
- | Feeling of suffocation from palpitation of heart.
- Dyspnoea and asthmatic feeling in larynx and trachea.
- Suffocation and cough in paroxysms of several minutes. Disease of heart.
- Slight breathlessness and cough.
- | Sensation in throat producing a desire to cough, similar to that produced by fumes of a
burning match.
- || Some inclination to cough.
- || Bronchial irritation, cough.
- | Hacking cough five minutes after inhalation, repeated forty-five minutes after.
- { Whooping cough.
Upper limbs
- | Slight discomfort in right shoulder.
- | Lameness in right scapula.
- Soreness in right arm and shoulder.
- | Lameness of flexor muscles of right arm.
- Severe praecordial pain, extending to right arm. Angina pectoris.
- | Pain and stiffness in right arm, most near wrist, agg from motion; effort of bending arm
or of writing very painful.
- | Drawing, tensive pains in wrist and finger joints of left hand.
- Veins of hands dilating to double the previous size.
- Hands trembling and grasping at imaginary objects. Child in convulsions.
- Hands tremble.
- Tremulousness of hands and stiffness and slight numbness of fingers.
- | Pulsations distinctly felt in tips of fingers.
- | Profuse sweat on hands.
Lower limbs
- | Stiffness in lower limbs.
- | Rheumatic pains in left knee and leg.
- | Sharp pains in left calf.
- Cold feet, sometimes cold hands.
Limbs in general
- Pain and stiffness in upper and lower limbs.
- Weakness in limbs.
- Lameness and soreness in muscles of arms and thighs.
- Tired feeling of limbs.
- Stiffness and pain in right side of neck and right shoulder, extends down right arm to
wrist, neuralgic or rheumatic.
- Position. Motion.
- The slightest exertion brought on intense pain. Angina pectoris.
- | After rising, sneezing violently three times.
- Suboccipital and loin aching, agg by fatigue.
- | During and after a walk of a mile (two hours after inhalation) heaviness and pressure in
head and oppressed breathing remain, passed off two hours later.
- Least exertion or excitement may bring on "heats."
- | Violent exercise during one minute produced a dull headache.
- | After exercise heart beats more violently.
- Weak, emaciated, walking with tottering gait, inclining to go to one side when walking.
After long-continued convulsions.
- Cannot sit still.
- On rising : vertigo, headache and nausea.
- Worse from motion : pains and stiffness in right arm; pains in dorsal surface of right
- Worse from writing : pain in occiput.
- Worse on going down-stairs : oppression in chest.
- While walking : painful outward pressure in temples, and pain in occiput; oppression of
- | Great restlessness and uneasiness.
- | Trembling sensation all over.
- | Trembling of limbs with feeling of weakness.
- Every muscle seems to be in motion. Chorea.
- Epileptiform spasms.
- Convulsions. A child.
- { Eclampsia.
- Epilepsy.
- On occurrence of aura or before onset of fit (inhalation). Epilepsy.
- Tetanus.
- Succession of fits, linking together by intervening unconsciousness, fits recurring with
increasing frequency, till at last no sooner is one fit ended, or before it has finished, another
begins. Status epilepticus.
- After an extensive burn, violent acute tetanus, beginning fourth day and advancing
rapidly in forty hours, temperature 102, pulse 133, breathing 32 in minute, marked
opisthotonos, trismus, horrid tetanic grin; swallowing interfered; five drops inhaled twice a
day, in forty-six days restored, having inhaled one ounce.
- | General lassitude, did not feel like doing anything.
- || Relaxed feeling in all muscles and heaviness, most when rising, with an uncertainty.
- || General weakness with a tendency to sweat easily on slight exertion.
- Weak feeling all over.
- Yawning, profoundly and repeatedly in coma during an unconscious state. Status
- || Drowsiness.
- || Sleep restless, full of anxious dreams.
- Restless, awakes with pains in temples, stomach, etc.
- Sleep often much broken, waking with frequent starts, feels unrefreshed in morning.
- | Frequent waking, with severe pain in temples, stomach and bowels.
- | On awaking pains returned with increased intensity, most in spine, lungs and
conjunctivae, with shifting pains caused by movement on dorsal surface of right hand, l.
patella, and from left thumb to axilla, with catarrhal symptoms and severe fronto-orbital
- Hemicrania beginning in morning, most violent at noon, lasting till evening.
- | Many symptoms returned with varying intensity during day.
- || Most marked during evenings.
- Restless in night.
- Flushes sometimes occur chiefly at night.
- At 5 A.M. : awoke with parched sensation.
- At 7.40 A.M. : bowels moved.
- Morning : aching in neck and occiput.
- Frequent chilly crawlings over whole body, face pale all day.
- | Cold chills running down back, during sweat.
- | Slight chill crept over back and sides after heat and moisture.
- Sometimes warmth and sweat affect whole surface, or while surface glows hands and feet
may become very cold.
- Flushings occasionally, peculiarly and abruptly limited, reaching to thighs, knees or
elbows, while all parts above it feel burning hot, parts below feel icy cold. Climaxis.
- After heats pass away skin sometimes becomes cold and clammy, and may turn very
- Dry heats.
- Flushings or "heats, " starting from various parts, as face, epigastrium, etc., thence
spreading over greater part of body.
- Heats are followed by sweatings, often very profuse.
- Heats with great throbbing throughout whole body, and followed by much prostration,
seeming scarcely able to rouse herself.
- | Hands moist, head and body warm, especially abdomen, later greater warmth in chest.
- | Though not warm, sweat started freely.
- | Skin moist, free sweat during moderate exercise.
- General sudden perspiration with great debility.
- Lowers temperature by checking oxidation.
- Reduces animal heat.
- As of something rushing upward and throbbing in vertex; fulness to bursting in head;
quick, sharp throbbing in head; as if all the blood was rushing to head; a stupid drowsy
feeling; confusion threatening to make unconscious; as though scalp was jerked forward; as
of a heavy weight over eyes; as if membrane in ear would be forced out with each beat of
heart; as if blood would start through skin of face; as if a vapor spread from throat through
head; uncomfortable feeling in stomach; peculiar sensation in right lung or chest; as if a
band was tightly drawn around chest; as if a weight was in sternum; anxiety in praecordial
region; discomfort in right shoulder.
- Pain : in right temple; in right occiput; in occiput; back of eyes; over eyes in region of
heart; in lower lumbar region; in right arm, near wrist.
- Dull pain : in occiput.
- Sharp pain : under left eye; in region of heart.
- Stitches : in cardiac region.
- Twinges : near dorsal vertebrae.
- Rheumatic pains : in left knee and leg.
- Burning : of ears; in face; of right cheek; in stomach and up throat.
- Smarting : of conjunctivae.
- Soreness : in right arm and shoulder; in muscles of arms and thighs.
- Aching : all through head; in vertex; in eyes; in cervical region; across loins; in right renal
region; in right chest.
- Soreness : of throat; of extensor muscles.
- Drawing : in left side; in left wrist and finger joints.
- Pressure : in head; over eyes; in forehead and temples, outward; in stomach; on sternum.
- Crushing pain : upon head.
- Tension : in temples; in left wrist and finger joints.
- Constriction : of throat and heart; of abdominal muscles, over uterus.
- Choking feeling : from throat to chest; on either side of trachea, along carotids.
- Crampy pains : in epigastric region; in abdomen; in umbilical region.
- Twitching : under outer left canthus; under left eye.
- Distension : in head.
- Bursting sensation : in head; in ears.
- Throbbing : in head; in temples; in top of head; in ears; in carotids; of heart; in tips of
- Fulness : in head; in temples; in stomach.
- Dull heavy pains : across forehead; in occiput.
- Heaviness : of head; in forehead and temples.
- Oppression : in fronto-parietal suture; near liver; in chest; at lower part of sternum.
- Lameness : in right scapula; in flexor muscles of right arm; in muscles of arms and
- Tired feeling : of limbs.
- Weakness : in lower lumbar region; in limbs.
- Creeping : under left eye; in left cheek; in right cheek below malar bone.
- Numbness : of nasal bones.
- Stiffness : of lips; in right arm near wrist; in lower limbs.
- Heat : of head, face and neck; in left ear; along oesophagus; in stomach.
- Parched sensation : in throat and mouth.
- Dryness : of mouth; of lips.
- Coldness : of hands and feet.
- Tickling : in throat.
- | Tingling sensation : in different parts of body.
- Subacute smartings in praecordial region, then in renal region, then in right axilla, then of
midsternum, then in lumbar region, then in lower lobe of right lung, at apex of heart and in
lower lobe of right lung, with tenderness on pressure.
- | The smartings changed position rapidly, being most persistent in eyes, basis of lungs and
- Intense surging of blood to face and head; later veins turgid.
- Rapidly dilates arteries and quickens but weakens circulation.
- Venous and arterial blood are of same hue.
- Rigidity of muscles of limbs. Child in convulsions.
- Weak and emaciated. A man after convulsions.
- A green spot at point of subcutaneous injection.
- Quantity of urine increased, and 2 per cent. of sugar in it.
- Ringer compares it with Glonoine, with respect to varying effect of even small doses on
different persons, but the greatest similarity is the first accelerated and afterwards retarded
- There is a remarkable correspondence between this remedy and the Glonoine, the first
characterizing the Old School, the second ours.
- In some cases more useful than 20, 30 gr. bromide of potassium taken daily. Old School.
- Sometimes pain returns as soon as the effect of the drug passes away. Angina pectoris.
- In some cases it loses its effects and must be taken in increased quantities and at shorter
intervals, even to an ounce a week. Angina pectoris.
- Two drachms a fortnight for a year still unfailing relief. Angina pectoris.
- Similar to : Glonoine (circulation of blood, congestion, etc.); Acon.; Ether; Cactus
(constriction of heart; pulsations, etc.); Nitr. dulc. spir. (heart, lungs, etc.); Laches. (flushes
at climaxis; Coca (flushing when excited, as in company;) chloroform; Bellad. (neuralgia
with red face).
- Antidote in failure of respiration by chloroform; and to convulsions of strychnine.
- Antidoted by : Cactus (cardiac constriction).
** 2- Gran melancola con tendencia a llorar constantemente, o est muy triste y no puede
llorar aunque lo desee. Consecuencias o efectos de penas (Nat. M.).
* 3- Miedo a la oscuridad.
*** 4- Especialmente til en la obesidad en la que el cuerpo es grande y gordo, con gran
acumulacin de grasa en el abdomen, y los miembros inferiores y, sobre todo las piernas,
son delgados. Gordos indolentes, muy sensibles a los estmulos exteriores. Tumores
* 9- Siente la sangre como en ebullicin, con ansiedad y debilidad. Oleadas de calor con
sudores (Lach.).
10- Cada de cabello con caspa y gran prurito en el cuero cabelludo, que lo obliga a rascarse
constantemente. Plenitud ceflica y presin frontal de maana.
11- Visin velada en cataratas incipientes; catarata capsular. Ve manchas amarillas, peor al
coser. Ardor en los ojos con fotofobia, peor en el crepsculo. Queratitis.
* 13- Coriza con descarga acuosa, excoriante, caliente, que corroe el labio. Prdida de olfato
con obstruccin y coriza, con estornudos frecuentes, no puede sonarse. Dolor ulcerativo
en narinas y sensibilidad de la nariz al tacto, con costras sanguinolentas.
14- Ulceraciones en las comisuras labiales. Labios brillantes, como engrasados; secos,
arrugados, paspados y excoriados. Dolor en la articulacin tmporo-maxilar al masticar o
abrir la boca. Hinchazn de las glndulas submaxilares.
* 15- Amgdalas inflamadas, hinchadas y doloridas por tomar fro, casi no puede tragar.
Mucosidades muy espesas y adherentes. Estrechez de esfago.
* 16- Sensacin de vaco gstrico. Nuseas por crisis, peor por eructos amargos.
Regurgitacin de alimentos o de un agua amarga. Dolor mordiente en el epigastrio
enseguida despus de comer. Cncer de estmago (Boericke). Vmitos durante la
* 17- Gran flatulencia. Puntadas en el bazo, peor sentado y de maana, con dificultad para
respirar. Congestin crnica del hgado con puntadas. Litiasis biliar. Dolor periumbilical
antes de mover el vientre o de tener flujo. Dolorimiento como ulcerado en las ingles, que
le impide caminar erguido; camina torcido
*** 18- Constipacin obstinada, extrema, con muchos flatos. Heces duras (o cubiertas con
mucus), muy difciles de expulsar, lo consigue slo a costa de grandes esfuerzos, y que
se desmenuzan al salir en pequeos trozos, en la margen del ano. No hay dos heces
iguales en el color (Puls.). Dolores ardientes en el ano durante y despus de defecar an
heces blandas. Hemorroides dolorosas con ardor y pinchazos despus de mover el
vientre, que dura horas, peor despus de un flujo suprimido. Hemorragia anal (Lach.) y
diarrea (Bov., Verat. A.) durante la menstruacin. Alterna constipacin con heces
mucosas verdes.
* 21- Tos seca, desgarrante, con cosquilleo constante en la laringe, peor de noche
(comenzando a las 18 horas), impidindole dormir; peor acostado de espaldas o sobre el
lado derecho o con la cabeza baja; despus de comer; por bebidas fras. Tos floja a la
tarde con expectoracin copiosa y rales, o con gran sialorrea. Opresin y puntadas en el
trax, con ardor en placas; puntadas en los omplatos al respirar. Asma, peor por mover
los brazos (Lach.) o agacharse. Hemoptisis. Sensacin como si hubiera tragado un trozo
de algo que est alojado en el trax.
** 23- Sensacin de fro helado en la espalda entre los hombros, que no mejora con la ropa,
peor en afecciones torcicas con tos.
** 24- Dolor como de ulceracin o desgarrante en la punta de los dedos de manos y pies y en
los talones, como si estuvieran desollados (All. C.), peor de noche, mejor frotndose.
Pulsaciones en los dedos, como si tuviera un panadizo, peor debajo de la ua del pulgar.
Citica peor sentado, mejor acostado; dolor desgarrante en la cara anterior de los
muslos, peor sentado, mejor acostado. Dolor en los aductores de los muslos como si
estuvieran contrados o acortados, peor sentado o caminando. Neuralgias en los
muones de los miembros amputados (All. C.). Rigidez de rodillas. Pies fros a la noche
en cama. Bromhidrosis en los pies, irritantes.
** 25- Somnolencia en el crepsculo. Suea que se cae en el agua (Dig., Ferr.); sueos
erticos. Se despierta a las 2 a.m., con dolor cortante en el vientre.
26- Prurito al anochecer. Ampollas. Ardor intenso, mejor por aplicaciones fras.
He aqu un sntoma de este remedio que ha demostrado ser una valiosa nota
dominante para su prescripcin: "Sensacin de fro en la espalda, entre los hombros". Se lo
encuentra por lo general asociado a trastornos del pecho, tales como la tos o los dolores
torcicos no acompaados de tos; he podido comprobar que se trata de un sntoma dominante
(Keynote) tan digno de confianza como lo es el ardor entre los hombros de Lycopodium o
Tambin es un remedio de la constipacin, en cuyo caso las heces son duras, secas,
desmenuzadas y muy difciles de expulsar. Algunas veces la deposicin est cubierta de
mucosidades, algo parecido a lo que sucede con Causticum, que tiene heces recubiertas de
mucus y que brillan como si estuvieran engrasadas. Existe tambin otra semejanza entre
estos dos remedios en lo relativo a los msculos y ligamentos. Ammonium muriaticum tiene
en ellos dolor acompaado de la sensacin de que los msculos estuvieran contrados o
fueran demasiado cortos, mientras que Causticum va un paso ms all y existe una
contraccin real de esas partes, produciendo la afeccin que se conoce con el nombre de
artritis deformante. (Cimex, Natrum muriaticum.)
Hay dos remedios que tienen menstruacin o prdida de sangre procedente del tero,
durante la noche, y ellos son Ammonium muriaticum y Bovista; los dems sntomas, por
supuesto, decidirn la eleccin entre ellos. (En Kreosotum la menstruacin fluye solamente
cuando la paciente est acostada y cesa cuando se halla sentada o caminando; en Lilium
tigrinum, fluye nicamente mientras camina y cesa cuando la enferma deja de hacerlo; en
Magnesia carbnica fluye solamente durante la noche o mientras est acostada y se detiene
cuando camina.)
Este remedio es tambin til algunas veces para la citica y en este caso
encontraremos la sensacin de contraccin de los tendones. El paciente est peor mientras se
halla sentado, algo mejor durante la marcha y enteramente bien cuando est acostado.
Tiene asimismo dolor en los talones, como si estuvieran ulcerados. Para los dolores
en los talones vase tambin Phytolacca, Cyclamen, Manganum, Ledum y Causticum. Una
vez cur un caso muy serio e inveterado con Valeriana.
Las tres primeras dinamizaciones se preparan por trituracin y las ms elevadas se obtienen
por diluciones hahnemannianas sucesivas.
Accin general
SECRECIN, esto acompaado de frilosidad, laxitud, postracin. Provoca SNTOMAS
sobre la sangre disminuyendo su coagulabilidad. No escapa a su accin el SISTEMA
NERVIOSO, especialmente la mdula, a la que irrita.
Tiene cierta PERIODICIDAD; provoca una fiebre intermitente que reaparece cada siete das.
CONSTITUCIN Y TIPO: Como AMM. CARB., acta sobre los adiposos, indolentes, de
temperamento linftico, muy sensibles a las impresiones exteriores.
A) Agravacin
a) POR EL FRO; muy sensible al fro, y muchos malestares se agravan al aire libre.
Cabeza y cara
Aparato digestivo
Todos los cloruros alcalinos aumentan la secrecin de las mucosas del tracto digestivo;
pueden provocar un verdadero "CATARRO" de estas mucosas. Tal lo que ocurre con
AMM. MUR., frecuentemente empleado contra el CATARRO INTESTINAL (Hughes).
Acumulacin de una espesa capa de tejido adiposo alrededor de la pared abdominal. Por lo
general el tipo de este remedio tiene MUCHO VIENTRE, PESADO Y RELAJADO, Y
DISTENDIDO por mucho gas; puede haber dolores picantes, ardientes, desgarrantes,
punzadas y un dolor particular en las INGLES. CONGESTIN HEPTICA, con
posibilidad de punzadas. EXCORIACIONES con sensacin de QUEMAZN EN ANO
Y RECTO, durante y largo rato despus de evacuar. Puede haber HEMORROIDES
Evacuaciones duras, terrosas al salir del ano. Segn Dewey, todas las sales alcalinas tienen
esta caracterstica.
Reglas con prdidas sobre todo marcadas de noche. (MAGN. CARB., BOVISTA, ZINC.,
COCA). Generalmente adelantadas, sangre oscura, a menudo acompaadas de diarrea y
Aparato respiratorio
1) NARIZ: Muchos estornudos, secrecin acuosa ardiente, nariz tapada. Coriza con
sensacin de quemadura en la laringe.
3) PULMONES: Tos seca, entrecortada, que raspa, peor al acostarse, sobre el costado
derecho o de espaldas. Tos pringosa por la tarde, profusa expectoracin y grumos
Repentinos dolores agudos en el pecho; dolores ardientes en pequeas zonas del pecho.
Espalda y extremidades
Sensacin de fro entre los hombros (ABIES CAN., CAPS., LACHNANTES, SEPIA); este
sntoma aparece generalmente en las afecciones pectorales, lo que determina la eleccin
de este remedio y es sntoma tan esencial como lo es la sensacin de quemadura en el
mismo lugar, de LYCOP. o PHOSPH.
El paciente siente frecuentemente un hervor a travs del cuerpo as como en los vasos
sanguneos. Sensibilidad al fro. Muchas molestias aumentan al aire libre. Oleadas de
calor, terminando en transpiracin. Dolores desgarrantes y escozor prevalecen
extensivamente. Ardores y excoriaciones de las mucosas. Encogimiento y sensacin de
acortamiento de los tendones. Este es un remedio de accin prolongada. Hay pocos
sntomas mentales seguros conocidos. Ansiedad, malhumor y antipata a ciertas
personas. Dolores neurlgicos y reumticos en la cabeza y en las sienes. Prurito en el
cuero cabelludo y en otras partes. Aparecen erupciones en todo el cuerpo como en
sarampin. Cura cataratas. Manchas amarillas delante de los ojos. Escozor en los
prpados y el globo ocular con luz incierta. Obscurecimiento delante de los ojos cuando
aparece una luz brillante. Escozor de las orejas cuando se camina al aire fro.
Dificultades para or. Catarro en el odo derecho, garganta y laringe.
Estornudos frecuentes con secrecin ardiente de la nariz. Coriza con ardor en la laringe. Ha
sido usado extensamente en medicina tradicional para coriza. Algunos dolores en la
garganta e inflamacin de la laringe. Para estas dolencias en la antigedad se usaban
trozos de sal amonaca, unos pocos cristales raspados con una navaja comn dentro de
un vaso de agua. Todo produca el mismo resultado a pesar de los sntomas. Algunos
pacientes se curaban pronto de estos malos resfros, con o sin fiebre. Este es ahora un
remedio que debe tenerse en cuenta. Sus sntomas deberan ser cuidadosamente
Con muchas de sus molestias existe palidez en la cara. Tormentos en los huesos de la cara.
Hinchazn de las glndulas submaxilares y de las partidas con dolores punzantes.
Ardor y escoriacin de la boca y de los labios, como con Am. c. Hinchazn de la
lengua. Este es un remedio muy til para dolores indefinidos de garganta; pero
especialmente til donde hay un marcado ardor y mucosidad viscosa, pulsaciones en el
cuello y en sus glndulas, cara plida, punzadas en la garganta, gran dolor al ingerir
algo, con o sin sed.
Eructos de comida al ingerirlas y vmitos. Sensaciones de hambre y plenitud, y estado
flatulento. Sensacin de vaco y roedura en el estmago y en el bazo. Ardor punzacin,
y dolores intensos en el abdomen. Distensin por flatos. Muchos borborigmos en los
intestinos, y en regin inguinal. Dolores en el abdomen y en la espalda durante la
menstruacin. El abdomen es adiposo, relajado y pesado, y los miembros inferiores
estn macilentos. Excoriaciones y ardor en el recto y en el ano durante y despus de la
deposicin. Materia fecal, seca, dura, muy difcil de expeler; deben emplearse con
fuerza los msculos abdominales. Todas las sales de amonio, como stas, tienen dolores
hemorroidales. Curan diarrea cuando las materias fecales son como sobras, sangrantes
y acuosas; tambin verdes, y viscosas durante la maana. Diarrea y vmitos durante las
menstruaciones, como Am. c. Este ha curado hipertrofias de prstata, y de tero.
Copiosas hemorragias uterinas. Leucorrea abundante blanca, indolora. Con todos los
sntomas abdominales y menstruales hay flatos copiosos, con borborigmos y clicos.
Los trastornos catarrales se extienden a la laringe y los bronquios, con punzacin, dolores
intensos, ardor, ronquera y afona, con ardor en la laringe. Dificultades para respirar
cuando se realizan trabajos manuales. Peso sobre el pecho al aire libre o en el aire fro
Tos seca debida a un constante cosquilleo en la laringe. En personas dbiles aparece
como tos seca diaria y pulso rpido.
Punzadas, tironeo, dolores en las extremidades. Tensin en los msculos y tendones de los
miembros inferiores y en la parte posterior de los muslos cuando se camina.
Pies fros por la noche en la cama. Transpiracin profusa durante la noche, en especial a la
madrugada. Oleadas de calor y fiebre.
Si el lector toma en cuenta los resultados y los estudia cuidadosamente estar en condiciones
de usar este medicamento en la direccin sealada, y ms probablemente observar
aplicaciones no mencionadas.
Tiene relacin con Apis, Arnica y Natrum muriticum, con Kali bich. con Sepia y
Como ya he explicado a ustedes, Ammonium muriaticum se adapta a las personas
indolentes, corpulentas pero desproporcionadamente delgadas de sus miembros,
especialmente las piernas. al igual que Ammonium carbonicum, produce violenta
inflamacin de las mucosas. Tambin trastorna la circulacin sangunea, la cara se pone
roja durante una corta y animada conversacin, con especialidad puede presentarse este
fenmeno en una habitacin caliente. Hay herbor de sangre, violentos latidos arteriales,
acompaados de ansiedad y debilidad, como si estuviera paralizado. El sistema nervioso
tambin se afecta bajo la accin de Ammonium muriaticum. Produce con periodicidad
ciertos sntomas como el escalofro y la fiebre, los paroxismos se presentan cada siete das.
Hay por otra parte, muchos sntomas ms del sistema nervioso, encontrando especialmente
esta caracterstica: dolor en la cadera izquierda, con sensacin de como si los tendones
estuvieran muy cortos, esto obliga al enfermo a cojear cuando camina. Al estar sentado
experimenta una sensacin como de roedura, que parece localizarse en los huesos.
Ammonium muriaticum tiene alguna accin sobre las articulaciones; produce una
sensacin de constriccin en ellas; es uno de los medicamentos que se ha empleado en el
tratamiento de las torceduras crnicas. Tambin afecta a los tejidos fibrosos de las mismas
articulaciones; por esto es uno de nuestros remedios tiles cuando hay contraccin de los
tendones del muslo; cuando el enfermo camina, parece que stos se estiran, mejorndose
este sntoma por el moviminto continuado.Ammoium muriaticum tiene una accin ms
poderosa que Ammonium carbonicum sobre los rganos genitales femeninos. Tiene un
gran nmero de sntomas que se refieren a las regiones inguinal e hipogstrica que
sugieren el empleo de la droga en las afecciones uterinas u ovricas. Por ejemplo, la
enferma se queja de dolor tensivo en una u otra ingle; en ocasiones este sntoma es
descrito como una sensacin de como si hubiera habido ah una entorsis. Los dolores son
cortantes, punzantes o como de adolorimiento y lo que es ms caracterstico, ya
mencionado antes, la sensacin de como si se hubiera efectuado una torcedura en ese sitio,
que obliga a la paciente a caminar doblada. esta es una indicacin de Ammonium
muriaticum en el tratamiento de la desviacin uterina y tambin en las afecciones ovricas.
Encontraremos en casi todos estos casos la evacuacin caracterstica de los muriatos: se
fragmentan al pasar el ano. Tambin se produce una leucorrea que es caracterstica y que
acompaa a estos sntomas; leucorrea de color caf y con masas de color claro y
albuminosas, que sigue a cada miccin.
Los sntomas del pecho, por ningn motivo carecen de importancia en Ammonium
muriaticum; produce tos que puede acompaar a los sntomas precedentes o que puede
presentarse sin ellos; sta es muy violenta y parece excitar las glndulas salivales, pues
todo el tiempo que dura, llena la boca de saliva; hay ronquera con ardor y desolladura en la
laringe, que necesariamente pertenece a un medicamento acre, como lo es Ammonium
muriaticum. A las afecciones del pecho, acompaa frialdad entre las dos escpulas, como
en la bronquitis y en la tuberculosis. El enfermo tambin se queja de sensacin de pesantez
en el pecho, notndose esto de igual modo en Ammonium carbonicum; va asociado de
ardor; algunas veces el enfermo nos dir que siente una bola en el pecho; el enfermo se
quejar de que le arde cierta regin del pecho, que le punza y le late con el ritmo del pulso.
Ammonium muriaticum puede ser usado en la congestin crnica del hgado. Una
depresin mental acompaa a esta afeccin y las evacuaciones estn cubiertas de moco.
Clnica.- Amgdalas, hinchazn de. Anosmia. Bazo, dolor en. Bronquitis. Citica.
Constipacin. Coriza. Diarrea. Escorbuto. Esquince. Ganglios crecidos. Hemorroides.
Hgado afecciones de. Melancola. Menstruacin, trastornos durante. Muones,
neuralgia en. Neumona. Ojos, inflamacin de. Pies, dolores en. Tos. Ulceras.
Caractersticas.- Am. mur. es un medicamento del lado derecho menos prominente que
Am. c.; Guernsey considera que es ms del lado izquierdo. Y tambin acta
especialmente en la frente. Causa ulceraciones y dolores ulcerantes; tambin dolores
como de luxacin y tensin como si los tendones estuvieran contrados. Ambos causan
debilidad paraltica; ambos son < al aire libre. Am. mur. tiene > por bao caliente. Am.
carb. tiene ms sensibilidad al fro y al tiempo hmedo que el muritico. Ambos tienen
erupciones pruriginosas de toda clase; somnolencia en el da con indolencia; escalofro
al anochecer. El estado mental es muy similar en los dos. El muritico quizs ms
melanclico con tendencia a las lgrimas que el otro; y es peculiar de l "antipata a
ciertas personas". Am. mur tiene temor de la oscuridad como Stram., que no se observa
en Am. carb. El muritico tiene llenura en la cabeza; peso en la frente. Ardor en los ojos
en la penumbra o en la maana con fotofobia. Queratitis. Ulceraciones en los ngulos
de la boca. Sensacin del estmago como en ayunas, que no obstante se siente lleno; <
despus del desayuno. Dolores intermitentes en ambos hipocondrios. Punzadas y ardor
en la regin del hgado, punzadas en el bazo < sentado. Tensin en cualquier ingle.
Sbitos en escpula y sensacin de hielo entre escpulas, no mejorado por arroparse.
En la fiebre, el escalofro predomina. Choudhury cur con l, un caso de fiebre
intermitente caracterizado por ausencia de sed en todas las etapas. Constipacin y
hemorroides con sangrado al obrar. Hemorroides punzantes y adoloridas. Heces duras
cubiertas con moco; secrecin mucosa generalmente aumentada. Reglas muy tempranas
y muy copiosas (Am. c.) con dolores lumbares. Vmito, diarrea y dolores neurlgicos
en los pies durante las reglas. Coriza acre, acuosa; calor escaldante; con sensacin de
fro entre hombros. Prdida del olfato. Tos y sntomas asmticos < anochecer y en la
noche y < al aire libre. Dolor como de ulceracin en las puntas de los dedos. Dolores
neurlgicos en muones de extremidades amputadas (Al. cep). Dolores ulcerativos en
talones (lceras por friccin Al. c.). (Paroniquia). Dolor citico como si los tendones
fueran muy cortos. < sentado o caminando. Tensin en las piernas al acostarse. Nalgas
grandes. Tumores grasosos. Obesidad. Cuerpo grasoso; piernas delgadas (Am. c., grasa
en todo el cuerpo). Hay > caminando encorvado, < al caminar recto. La mayor parte de
los sntomas estn < en la noche de las dos a las 4 a.m.
Relaciones.- Comparar: Mag. mur., Nat. mur., Val. y Ac. mur. (dolores en los pies y
talones), Rhus (esguinces; < sentado), Seneg. (personas obesas), Sep., Sul. En "aversin
a la oscuridad" comparar: Calc., Carb. an., Stron., Val. y Stram. Un bao caliente
mejora agravaciones causadas por Am.m. Antdota a Am. m.; almendras amargas,
Coffea, Nux v.
Ammonium muriaticum (Allen Comp. MM)
Sal amonaco nh 4 cl
Especialmente adaptado a las personas gordas y perezosas; o que tienen el cuerpo grande y
gordo y las piernas muy delgadas.
Coriza lquido, que escoria el labio superior (All. c.).
Durante la menstruacin: diarrea y vmitos; secrecin sanguinolenta que proviene de los
intestinos (Phos.); dolores neurlgicos en los pies; el flujo es ms abundante en la noche
(Bov.) al estar acostado (Kreos.).
Constipacin tenaz, acompaada de muchos gases.
Cmaras duras que se desmenuzan y requieren gran esfuerzo para su expulsin; se hace
pedazos en el margen del ano (Mag. m.); variada de color, no hay dos defecaciones iguales
Hemorroides: doloridas y punzantes; ardor y piquetes en el recto que duran horas despus
de defecar (Aescul., Sulph.); especialmente despus de haber suprimido la leucorrea.
Leucorrea: como clara de huevo, precedida por retortijones en el ombligo; caf, viscosa,
indolora, despus de cada vez que orina.
Sensacin de frialdad en la espalda, entre los omplatos ( Lachn . ) .
Al andar se siente el tendn de la corva acortado y doloroso; tensin en las articulaciones
como si los msculos fuesen cortos. (Caust., Cimex).
Sudor de mal olor en los pies (Alum., Graph., Psor., Sanic., sil.).
-Puede ser seguido de Ant. c., Phos., Puls., Sanic.
Este remedio produce un estado de postracin cercano al estado tifoideo
Todas las secreciones mucosas estn aumentadas y retenidas
Corresponde especialmente a pacientes obesos y perezosos que tienen trastornos
Tos asociada con catarros y afecciones del hgado
Tendencia a circulacin irregular, la sangre parece estar en constante agitacin, latidos, etc
Muchos grupos de sntomas estn acompaados por tos, secreciones abundantes, viscosas.
Sus perodos de agravaciones estn tpicamente divididos segn la regin afectada; as los
sntomas de la cabeza y el trax se agravan por la maana, los abdominales por la tarde, los
dolores en las extremidades, la piel y los sntomas febriles, al anochecer
Sensacin de ebullicin.
Melancola, aprensin; como por una pena interna
Deseo de llorar, pero no puede
Consecuencias de penas.
Se cae el cabello, con prurito y caspa
La siente llena, comprimida; peor por las maanas.
Niebla delante de los ojos, ilusiones pticas en cataratas incipientes; catarata capsular
Secrecin fluente acuosa, caliente, acre que corroe el labio
Nariz adolorida al tacto; dolor ulcerante en los orificios nasales
Prdida del olfato
Obstruccin, sensacin de taponamiento; esfuerzos constantes e intiles de sonarse la nariz
Dolor inflamatorio de la cara
Boca y labios adoloridos y excoriados.
Amgdalas hinchadas y pulstiles, apenas puede tragar
Zona adolorida detrs de la vula, mejor al comer
Hinchazn interna y externa de la garganta con mucosidad viscosa
Tan tenaz que no puede expulsarla
Constriccin del esfago.
Sed de limonada, regurgitacin de alimentos, agruras amargas
Dolor roente en el estmago
Dolor en epigastrio inmediatamente despus de comer
Cncer de estmago.
Punzadas en el bazo, especialmente por la maana, con respiracin difcil
Dolor alrededor del ombligo
Sntomas abdominales que aparecen durante el embarazo
Congestin crnica del hgado
Excesivo depsito de grasa alrededor del abdomen
Muchos gases
Sensacin tirante en las ingles.
Prurito y hemorroides, adolorido con pstulas
Heces desmenuzables, duras, o cubiertas con mucosidad viscosa
Punzadas en el perin
Heces verdes mucosas alternando con estreimiento
Escozor y quemazn en el recto, durante y despus de defecar
Hemorroides despus de leucorrea suprimida.
Menstruacin demasiado temprana, demasiado abundante, oscura, con cogulos; ms flujo
por la noche. Dolor como de torcedura en el lado izquierdo del abdomen durante el
Diarrea, heces verdosas mucosas, y dolor en el ombligo durante la menstruacin.
Leucorrea, como clara de huevo [Alum., Bor, Calc.p.]; con dolor en el ombligo; marrn,
viscosa despus de orinar.
Ronquera y ardor en la laringe
Tos rasposa, seca, cortante; peor acostado sobre la espalda o sobre el lado derecho
Punzadas en el trax
Tos blanda por la tarde, con expectoracin abundante y estertores mucosos.
Opresin del trax
Ardor en pequeas zonas del trax
Secrecin escasa
Tos con salivacin profusa.
Frialdad helada entre los hombros; que no se mejora por ropas calientes, seguida por
Dolor contuso en el cccix al estar sentado
Dolor de espalda, como en una prensa, al estar sentado.
Dolor como de ulceracin en las puntas de los dedos
Dolores punzantes y desgarrantes en las puntas de los dedos y ortejos
Dolor ulcerativo en talones
Contraccin de los tendones paralizados
Citica, peor sentado, mejor acostado
Dolor neurlgico en extremidades amputadas
Sudor ofensivo de los pies
Dolor en los pies durante la menstruacin.
Prurito, generalmente al atardecer
Ampollas en varias partes
Ardor intenso que mejora por aplicaciones fras.
Sensacin de fro al anochecer, despus de acostarse y al despertar, sin sed
Calor en palmas y plantas
Fiebre baja, subaguda debido a clima insalubre
Bajas potencias.
Mejor al aire libre
Peor, sntomas de la cabeza y trax por la maana, sntomas abdominales por la tarde.
Antdotos: Coffea, Nux, Caust..
Calcarea, Senega, Caust..
Potencias de la tercera a la sexta.
Este medicamento es un antipsrico poderoso, a la simple dosis de uno o dos glbulos
empapados en la trigsima dinamizacin, y disueltos en ms o menos agua, segn que se
quiere que obre con ms o menos fuerza; se puede tambin hacer oler uno de estos
glbulos. Sera muy del caso que se estudiasen sus efectos puros a altas dosis.
Se ha encontrado este medicamento eficaz sobre todo en los casos que presentaban uno o
varios de los sntoma siguientes:
Humor llorn, dispuesto a irritarse, indiferente.
Ojos, odos
Manchas pasajeras y puntos que revolotean delante de los ojos, tanto con luz natural como
artificial; dureza de odo; tintineo y zumbido de odos.
Ulceracin en el ngulo de la boca; dolores tensivos en la articulacin de la mandbula, al
masticar y al abrir la boca.
Aparato digestivo
Eructos; dolor lancinante en el hipocondrio izquierdo, por la maana al despertar, con
dificultad de respirar que obliga a incorporarse; tendencia a la constipacin; salida de
sangre con las cmaras, dolor con escozor en el recto despus de las cmaras, cuando uno
se sienta.
Diarrea y vmitos durante las reglas; dolor presivo constrictivo en el vientre y en la
espalda, durante las reglas; dolor de riones mientras las reglas; dolores reumticos en las
piernas durante las reglas.
Ingles dolorosas al contacto y como hinchadas; rigidez en el sacro; dolor penetrante,
lancinante en la cadera izquierda.
Fro en los pies.
Soolencia durante el da, con pereza y disgusto para trabajar.
Sntomas generales
Debilidad en los miembros, con entorpecimiento; sudor durante la noche.
Clorhidrato de amonaco.
Falta de reaccin en las personas obesas con aumento de secreciones. Constipacin.
Dolores neurlgicos por el tiempo fro y hmedo.
Por la maana (cabeza y pecho): despus de medioda (abdomen); tarde (extremidades).
Por el bao caliente.
Melancola intensa con tendencia a llorar constantemente. Fcilmente se ofende. Antipata
sistemtica para ciertas personas. Miedo a la obscuridad.
Sensacin de fro helado entre las dos escpulas, (escalofros: Lachnanthes).
Inflamacin y aumento de volumen de las amgdalas haciendo imposible la deglucin.
Nuseas por crisis que se agravan por eructaciones. Regurgitaciones de alimentos o
lquidos amargos. Congestin crnica del hgado con tendencia a engordar y depresin.
Constipacin tenaz con mucho gas. HECES DURAS recubiertas de mucosidades, que se
expulsan con mucho esfuerzo y son DESMENUZADAS EN PEQUEOS TROZOS en el
borde del ano* (Mag. mur.). Dolores quemantes en el recto durante y despus de una
evacuacin blanda (Mur. acid).
Coriza acuosa, cida, excoriando los labios (Allium cep.), con estornudos frecuentes y
prdida del olfato.
Afona que empeora despus de medio da con ardor en la laringe.
Tos seca, agotante, con cosquilleo constante en la laringe que empeora por la noche,
impide el sueo, se agrava estando acostado sobre la espalda, sensacin de fro helado entre
las dos escpulas.
Reglas anticipadas y muy abundantes, sobre todo en la noche* (Bov.) con diarrea y
vmitos, prdidas hemorroidales y dolores neurlgicos en los pies.
Leucorrea como clara de huevo despus de cada miccin con dolores periumbilicales.
Dolores en las caderas al sentarse. Citica que se agrava estando sentada la enferma y
mejora por acostarse. Sensacin como si los tendones de las corvas estuvieran contrados y
muy cortos. Dolores del extremo de los dedos y los talones que se agravan por la noche y
mejoran por la friccin. Sudores irritantes de los pies.
Azotemia. Coriza. Laringitis. Bronquitis. Constipacin. Dismenorrea. Neuralgia persistente
despus de la constipacin. Citica. Uremia. Personas gruesas y perezosas en las cuales las
piernas son delgadas y dbiles.
Ammonium carb. Causticum Magnesia mur. (constipacin) .
6a y 30a.
- When talking about some important subject he becomes extremely excited, [_a2].
- She is overwhelmed with anxiety, would like to weep, and does weep, sometimes (first
day), [_a1].
- Full of melancholy and anxiety, as if some internal grief and sorrow were gnawing at her
heart, [_a1].
- She is sitting there, full of ill-humor, absorbed in her thoughts, and can scarcely be
induced to speak, in the evening (fifteenth day), [_a1].
- Peevish, as if she had some internal vexation, and looking as if not yet entirely conscious
of herself; as if she had not slept enough (third day), [_a1].
- Irritable and peevish, in the forenoon; the mood improves after dinner (eight day), [_a1].
- Very irritable, peevish, and easily frightened, [_a3].
- Involuntary antipathy to certain persons, [_a2].
- The head feels confused, as after intoxication (fourteenth day), [_a2].
- The head feels dizzy and confused in the room; this symptom passes off in the open air;
early in the morning (fourth day), [_a1].
- Vertigo, as if she would fall to one side; worse during motion, passing off in the open air,
frequently (third day), [_a1].
- Giddiness and fulness of the head; it feels as if it were very heavy (one hour), [_a1].
- Feeling of heaviness in the head, almost daily, after rising, [_a1].
- The head feels so full that it seems too heavy (after twenty-fifth day), [_a1].
- Violent headache, for several days, [_a3].
- Feeling of heat and fulness in the head, early after rising, [_a1].
- Heat in the head, without proceeding chill, before midnight, in bed, so that she cannot go
to sleep for a long time, [_a1].
- Stitches and pressure in the head, especially in the left side, in the room (second day),
- Frequent creeping over the head, of short duration (twenty-fifth day), [_a1].
- Pimples on the forehead, following after itching and scratching (sixth day), [_a1].
- Frontal headache, without mental disturbance, [a5].
- Violent throbbing headache in the forehead, towards evening, lasting one hour; upon
touching the forehead worse; with weakness, so that he was scarcely able to walk and chills
on going to bed, [_a2].
- Heaviness in the forehead, frequently during the day, accompanied by a feeling of
internal heat and a little sweat, [_a1].
- Pressure in the forehead, with sensation of heat there, early in the morning after an
uneasyight, [_a1].
- Downward pressure in the forehead, towards the root of the nose, with sensation as if the
brain were torn, early after rising (twenty-fifth day), [_a1].
- Painful boring in the forehead, early after rising, and almost during the whole day (fifth
day), [_a1].
- Sudden fine stitching in the left side of the forehead, of long duration, afternoons (fourth
day), [_a1].
- Painful twitches, from below upwards, in the left temple (third day), [_a1].
- Burning pain, and sometimes stitches, in the left temple, both when at rest and when
masticating and sneezing; no increase of pain when the parts are touched, [_a2].
- A sudden tearing pain from below upward in the right temple, forenoons (sixth day),
- Painful tearing in the right temple and down into the side of the face (seventh day), [_a1].
- Fine tearing, extending upward, in the right temporal bone, during the menstruation
(seventeenth day), [_a1].
- A violent stitch in the left temple; forenoons (twentieth day), [_a1].
- Headache on the top of the head, as if the head were broken in two (fourth day), [_a1].
- Stitches in the vertex, with a sensation as though the head were bursting; mornings (third
day), [_a1].
- Stitches in the vertex on stooping; afternoon at three, lasting till six (second day), [_a1].
- Glowing heat on the right side of the head, every evening, [_a2].
- Fine stitches in the left side of the head, forenoons (fifth day), [_a1].
- A painful tearing in the upper part of the right side of the head, while sitting (fifteenth
day), [_a1].
- The occiput feels as if it were compressed with a vice; this symptom afterwards manifests
itself in both sides of the head, accompanied by excessive ill-humor (seventeenth day),
- Pinching pain in the left side of the occiput, at a small spot; forenoons (eleventh day),
- Itching pimples on the right side of the occiput, in the evening; at night they pass off
(after nineteenth day), [_a1].
- Itching of the hairy scalp, forcing him to scratch constantly (third day), [_a1].
- Eyes become weak, glassy, watery, [a9].
- Redness of the white of the eyes and itching of the eyes, [_a2].
- Pain in the eyes, [_a2].
- The eyes burn in the morning, after rising, if she looks at the light (fourth day), [_a1].
- Burning of the eyes in the evening, and closing thereof as from sleep; this symptom
passed off as soon as light entered the room (fifteenth day), [_a1].
- The eyes are burning for several evenings, only at twilight; the pain ceases as soon as
light enters the room (fifteenth day), [_a1].
- The eyes burn at night, with profuse lachrymation, [_a2].
- Violent burning in the right eye, which continues long in the open air, [_a1].
- Tearing in the upper border of the right eye, first made worse, then improved, by pressing
upon it; afternoons while sitting (fifteenth day), [_a1].
- Very painful sensation, as of hammering, over the margin of the right orbit, or as if a large
body were pushing there (fifteenth day), [_a1].
- Twitching of the left eye; she must rub a long time before it disappears (fourth day),
- Slight twitching in the lower eyelids, especially the left, during the whole time of
proving, [_a1].
- Eyes burn like fire, in the canthi, the whole day (third day), [_a1].
- Burning in the canthi, so that she cannot look at the light; disappears after washing;
mornings (third day), [_a1].
- Tearing in the external canthus of the eye, [_a2].
- Lachrymation early after rising (third day), [_a1].
- Agglutination of the eyes, early on waking, with burning in the corners, after washing
(second day), [_a1].
- A vesicle in the white of the eye, [_a2].
- Tearing in the eyeballs, [_a2];
- Twitching in the left ball, without any in the lid; disappears after rubbing(fourth day),
- Mist before the eyes; in the open air she distinguishes nothing, either far or near, even in
the light of the sun; in the room, on the contrary, she sees better (for five minutes), [_a1].
- For several mornings dimness of the eyes; there is a mist before them, which passes off
after washing, [_a1].
- Sensation in the left eye as if a body were rising in it which prevents her from seeing; in
the forenoon (fourteenth and fifteenth days), [_a1].
- Yellow spots, as large as a penny, everywhere before the eyes, when sewing, and when
looking into her garden out of the window (two minutes), [_a1].
- Painful pimple on the anti-helix of the right ear, [_a2].
- Itching pimple on the external concha of the right ear, which induces him to scratch
continually, [_a1].
- Several fine stitches in the left ear, which frequently recur; afternoons in the open air
(fourth day), [_a1].
- Several pointed stitches in the right ear, shooting inwards; then a burning extending from
the left ear outwards; on walking in the open air (first day), [_a1].
- Frequent sensitive stitches outward from the right ear; it frequently lasts a long time,
- Stitches outward from the right ear, as with an awl, several times, [_a1].
- Boring and sticking outward from the right ear (third day), [_a1].
- Clawing and tearing in the right ear (nineteenth day), [_a1].
- Boring-twitching in the right ear (sixteenth day), [_a1].
- Burrowing and turmoil in the right ear, on which he lay at night, as if something would
come out there (third day), [_a1].
- Tickling in the right ear, [_a1].
- Frequently fine stitches outward from the left ear, [_a1].
- Twisting in the left ear, also behind it, where there is a moist herpes, [_a1].
- Itching in both ears, which does not pass off by scratching, with discharge of liquid wax
for several days (after fifth day), [_a1].
- Grumbling and thundering noise in the right ear when sitting, also at night, with pulsative
beats (sixth day), [_a1].
- External swelling of the left side of the nose, and, the next day, bloody crusts discharge
(third day), [_a1].
- Bleeding at the nose from the left fossa, whereupon the itching ceases (third day), [_a1].
- On blowing nose, some brown blood with the mucus, [a10].
- In morning left nostril stopped by mucus; removed by blowing, [a10].
- Bloody froth from nose and mouth, [a11].
- Frequent sneezing during the day (thirteenth and fourteenth days), [_a1].
- * Frequent sneezing, without a cold, roused her from her sleep, with crawling in the
throat, which caused her to cough, and produced a secretion of saliva (after six day), [_a3].
- Clear, acrid water runs out of the nose, corroding the lips, [_a1].
- Coryza, with eruptions in the nostrils (sore nose), [_a2].
- Coryza at one nostril, out of which runs a quantity of thick, yellow matter;this is
accompanied by tearing in the cheek-bone and the teeth of the left side, [_a2].
- * Coryza, with obstruction of the nose and loss of smell (thirteenth and fourteenth days),
- Coryza, with a feeling of obstruction in the nose, during which a large quantity of mucus
passes off, with great difficulty, however (after twenty-four hours), [_a1].
- Dry coryza; clear water, however, runs out of the nose, [_a2].
- Obstruction of the nose, with pain at the right nasal fossa, at night, the symptom passing
off again the next morning, [_a1].
- Sensation in the upper part of the nose, as when a cold is approaching, [_a1].
- * Sore nose, on the inside and around the margin of the nostrils, [_a2].
- Pain, as from ulceration, in the left nasal fossa; cannot endure the touch; this symptom
occurs frequently (after third day), [_a1].
- Constant itching in the nose, with desire to blow it, and sensation as if a large and rough
body were sticking high up in the nose, with obstruction (second day), [_a1].
- Distorted features expressive of the greatest anxiety, [a11].
- Color of the face very pale, [_a3].
- Eruptions in the face, [_a2].
- Vesicles without any sensation upon the left side of the face (eleventh day), [_a1].
- Herpes in the face, dry and tettery, [_a3].
- Heat in the face, with burning for half an hour in the room, which goes off in the open air
(third day), [_a1].
- Twitching pain in right upper part of the face, at a small spot; in feeling of it it disappears
and on drawing the fingers away the pain is renewed, and so repeated for three times;
forenoons (fifteenth day), [_a1].
- Tearing in right malar bone and up into the temples; forenoons (twenty-first day), [_a1].
- Repeated tearings in right side of bones of face; evenings, while sitting (sixteenth day),
- Swelling of the cheek, with enlargement of a gland below the right angle of the lower
jaw, attended with a throbbing and lancinating pain, [_a2].
- Drawing in the lower jaw, [a7].
- Tearing in the left lower jaw, afterwards in the upper incisors (twenty-fourth day), [_a1].
- The lips became contracted and felt as if they were greasy [_a1].
- Both lips burn like fire (twenty-second day), [_a1].
- At times burning-stinging in the upper lip (second day), [_a1].
- Excoriated spots on the right side of the upper lip, with burning soreness (second day),
- Chapped lips, [_a2].
- Dry and wrinkled lips; they became chapped and she had to moisten them constantly with
the tongue, [_a2].
- Itching pimples around the upper lip (second day), [_a1].
- Blisters on the upper lip, which became inflamed and ulcerated (after twenty-two days),
- Tearing toothache, [_a3].
- Painful tearing in all the teeth, at 8 p.m. , disappearing in bed (sixth day), [_a1].
- Tearing toothache, now in the right, now in the left upper row, lasted a quarter of an hour,
evenings in bed, [_a1].
- Tearing in the decayed root of a tooth of the upper row; it immediately passes off by
pressing upon it with the finger, afternoons, when sitting (fifteenth day), [_a1].
- Stinging pain in the upper front teeth (fifth day), [_a1].
- Swelling of the gums of the left lower row, by the last back teeth, accompanied by
stitches extending as high as the left temple (after eleven days), [_a1].
- Tongue white, [a9].
- White-coated tongue, [a7].
- Coated tongue in forenoon, [a10].
- Tongue and mouth coated in spots with a white mucous coat, like false membrane, [a11].
- * Vesicles at the tip of the tongue, which burn like fire, and disappear in an hour (third
day), [_a1].
- * Vesicles at the tip of the tongue, with a burning pain, [_a2].
- Disagreeable taste and collection of water in the mouth (first day), [_a1].
- Pappy taste in mouth, early, after rising (third day), [_a1].
- Bitterness of the mouth, the whole day (after seven and eight days), [_a1].
- Bitter taste in mouth, early in the morning, with bitter eructations, which pass off after
having eaten (first day), [_a1].
- Bitter taste during the anxiety, and nauseating, bitter eructations, [_a1].
- Sourish taste in the mouth, [_a2].
- Sourish taste in the mouth, early on waking (fourteenth day), [_a1].
- Could scarcely speak, and complained of burning pains in throat and chest, [a11].
- External and internal swelling of the neck, with pressive pain when swallowing, and
drawing and stinging pains in the highly swollen submaxillary glands, [_a2].
- Swelling of the cervical glands (after twelve days), [_a3].
- Phlegm sticks in the throat, which he can neither hawk up nor swallow (eleventh day),
- For the first eight days, phlegm constantly remains in the throat, which he can hawks up
only with great difficulty, [_a1].
- Hawking up a quantity of phlegm, early in the morning, [_a2].
- Feeling of dryness in the throat (fifteenth day), [_a1].
- Roughness in the throat, which passes off after dinner, [_a1].
- Sore throat, stinging in the throat, both during and between the acts of deglutition
(twentieth day), [_a1].
- Sore throat, with rawness, [_a2].
- Stinging in the throat when yawning; this symptom occurs frequently (first day), [_a1].
- * Severe throbbing in the glands of the neck, without the glands being either inflamed or
swollen; accompanied by flushes of heat, and want of air in the throat (after twenty-four
days), [_a3].
- Sensation as of throbbing in the tonsils, which are not swollen; the throbbing is like that
of an artery; with uneasiness and oppressive anxiety (after twelve days), [_a3].
- Swallowing almost impossible, [a11].
- Neither hunger nor appetite; nevertheless, he take his usual meal at noon, and the food
tastes naturally (eleventh day), [_a1].
- No hunger, for several days, though he takes his usual meals (four days), [_a1].
- Want of appetite in the evening; she does not wish to eat anything and frequently yawns
(sixteenth day), [_a1].
- Almost total loss of appetite (after twenty-four days), [_a2].
- Thirst (first, second, and third days), [_a1].
- Violent thirst, [a11].
- Thirst during several days and nights, which caused her to drink a good deal of water
(after twenty-four days), [_a1].
- Very urgent thirst which is only satisfied with lemonade, [a7].
- Unquenchable thirst, afternoons (third and sixth day), [_a1].
- Thirst at evening (first, second, fifteenth, and nineteenth days), [_a1].
- Thirst before the chill (evenings before 5 and 6), (nineteenth day), [_a1].
- Absence of thirst (contrary to habit), (first day), [_a1].
- Rising of air (shortly after taking the medicine), [_a1].
- Oppressive eructations, tasting of the ingesta (after twenty-second day), [_a1].
- Bitter eructations, with taste of the blood, forenoons (fifth day), [_a1].
- Frequent eructations of a bitter taste, the whole day (eleventh day), [_a1].
- Gulping up of the ingesta, [_a1].
- In the afternoon, gulping up of bitter, sour water, the taste of which remained in the
mouth until she ate again (seventeenth day), [_a1].
- Frequent hiccough, or bitter eructations; with the hiccough, violent stitches in the left
breast, [_a1].
- Hiccough an hour after dinner (fourth day), [_a1].
- Continual hiccough, only seldom ceasing (ninth day), [_a1].
- * Attacks of nausea (first day), [_a3].
- Nausea and inclination to vomit on walking in the open air, forenoons (eleventh day),
- Nausea and inclination to vomit, immediately after dinner, which is relieved by
eructations, and in the open air (fourteenth day), [_a1].
- After every dinner and supper, he is attacked with nausea, waterbrash, and horripilation
(after twenty-six days), [_a2].
- Nausea, with oppression at the stomach; nevertheless, there is an inclination to eat, [_a2].
- Burning from the stomach, up towards the pharynx, like heartburn, [_a1].
- Burning and pressure at the stomach, becomes a stinging, afternoons (twelfth day), [_a1].
- Heat at the stomach (morning of the first day), [a5].
- Sensation of fulness in the stomach, with oppression, without shortness of breath; this
symptom lasts the whole afternoon, and is relieved neither by rest, motion, nor eructations,
- Sensation in stomach as of emptiness, or hunger (shortly), [_a1].
- Emptiness in stomach, not relieved by eating, [a9].
- Empty feeling in the stomach, and yet he can hardly persuade himself to take food, [a4].
- Sensation as of fasting in the stomach, which nevertheless, feels full; worse after
breakfast (sixteenth day), [_a1].
- Frequent drawing in the stomach, [_a1].
- Sensation in the stomach, as if everything would turn round, with disposition to
waterbrash and great qualmishness, even unto vomiting, on walking in the open air;
relieved by eructations, forenoons; also, afterwards, while sitting; he must go into the open
air, where it soon disappears, [_a1].
- Grinding and writhing in the stomach, early in the morning, passing off after breakfast
(second day), [_a1].
- * Gnawing, or grinding, at the stomach, as if it contained worms, [_a1].
- Gnawing sensation at the stomach, soon after taking a new dose, [_a1].
- Pressure at the stomach, with nausea, [a5].
- At 8 a. m., sensitive stinging and burning in the pit of the stomach, which extends to the
right axilla, and into the muscles of the right upper arm, for one minute (seventeenth day),
- Long-continued, occasional pinching, as with two fingers, in both hypochondria, both
when at rest and in motion (second day), [_a1].
- Stitches and burning in the region of the right ribs, in the afternoon, when walking (ninth
day), [_a1].
- Occasional stitches in the right hypochondriac region, when spinning, [_a1].
- Splenetic stitches, even when sitting, [_a2].
- Rumbling around the navel, continuing a long time (one hour after taking), [_a1].
- Violent pinching around the navel, for half an hour; then two evacuations (nineteenth
day), [_a1].
- Pinching in a small spot to the left of the navel, while standing; worse on stooping (third
day), [_a1].
- Momentary cutting and shooting around the navel (fifteenth day), [_a1].
- Griping in abdomen, below navel (6 p.m. ), [a10].
- Discomfort in abdomen, below and to left of navel, [a10].
- Sensation as of grinding, at a small spot near the navel (one hour after dinner), (fourth
day), [_a1].
- Burning in right flank, on sitting, for five minutes, afternoons (twenty-second day), [_a1].
- A large furunculus on the right side of the abdomen, [_a2].
- Drawing in the side of the belly, [_a2].
- Pain in upper abdomen, at a small spot, like a burning, [_a1].
- Rumbling in bowels, without perceptible flatulence, afternoons (third day), [_a1].
- Growling and noises in bowels, with much passage of flatulence (sixteenth days), [_a1].
- Rumbling from fermentation in the sides of the abdomen, extending as far as the chest,
early in the morning, on waking up, in bed, [_a2].
- Frequent emission of flatus (eighteenth day), [_a1].
- Emission of loud flatus (nineteenth day), [_a1].
- Frequent emission of offensive flatus, without the sensation of
- * Colic, [_a3].
- Oppression in the abdomen, [_a2].
- Weight in the abdomen, as of a load, with anxiety, as if the abdomen would burst; the
symptom passes off during sleep, [_a2].
- Fulness in the abdomen, [a10].
- Severe pinching in the abdomen, which is soon followed by a loose evacuation
(immediately), [_a2].
- Pinching in the abdomen at every inspiration, which passes off again by expiration
(thirteenth day), [_a1].
- Pinching all around in the abdomen and in the groins, as before the
- Gripings, here and there, in the bowels, without sensation of flatulence, afternoons
(eighteenth day), [_a1].
- Gripings and movings in all the bowels, the whole day (fourth day), [_a1].
- Violent cutting in the whole abdomen, at two o'clock at night; this rouses her from sleep
(after twenty-four hours), [_a1].
- Pressure in the left side of the abdomen, as with the hand (nineteenth day), [_a1].
- Stitches in the left side of the abdomen, over the hip, when sitting, and when stooping
while standing, [_a2].
- Frequent disappearing and recurring gripings in the lower abdomen, forenoons (thirteenth
day), [_a1].
- Pinching and griping pain in the lower abdomen, with dyspnoea, [_a2].
- Pressive tension in the left side of the abdomen, near the ring, as if something were
pressing out, [_a2].
- Pain in both groins, like severe gripings, which afterward extended to the navel, and
disappeared after a few evacuations, evenings (first day), [_a1].
- Cutting and stitches in both groins, as far as the small of the back, with urging to urinate
every half hour in the evening, [_a1].
- Tearing and tensive pain in the groin, when walking, [_a2].
- Distension, with a tensive sensation and grinding, in the right groin, [_a1].
- Indescribably vehement pain in the right groin; it often extends to the hip and the small of
the back (fifteenth day), [_a1].
- Stitches in the right groin, and coming out behind the hip, when sitting (fourth day),
- Sense of distension in left groin, which becomes somewhat painful on sitting (fifteenth
day), [_a1].
- Pain, as from a sprain, in the left groin; it obliges him to walk crooked (third day), [_a1].
- Pain, as from ulceration, in the left groin, perceptible only when walking, [_a1].
Urinary organs
- Pinching and stitching pain in the bladder, as far as the urethra, when lying down, [_a2].
- Constant tenesmus of the bladder, after 4 o'clock a. m., [_a2].
- Desire to urinate, only a few drops of urine being passed; afterwards the urine was
emitted regularly with the stool, [_a1].
- He can only pass urine very slowly, [_a2].
- Diminished urinating (first day), [_a1].
- Scanty urinating (fourth and fifth days), [_a1].
- Urine less in amount and frequency (second day), [_a1].
- Urine increased (second day), [_a1].
- Urine increased (ninth day), [_a1].
- Urine increased, the first day, though she drinks less, [_a1].
- Frequent desire to urinate, and frequent micturition, early in morning, [_a2].
- Must rise at night to urinate, and passes an unusual amount (first day before menses),
(sixteenth day), [_a1].
- * Rises three times at night to urinate, and passes much urine (first day), [_a1].
- He constantly passes more urine than usual (seventeenth day), [_a1].
- Constantly increased urine, which compels him to rise at night, [_a1].
- Increased urging to urinate, at 10 a. m. (first day), [a5].
- Copious urine, [a9].
- Copious emission of urine, which has a stale smell, yet remains clear, [a4].
- The urine, when passing, feels hot; its quantity is increased (the first day), [_a1].
- Reddish, bright urine, with a loose, cloudy sediment (sixth day), [_a1].
- Clayey sediment in the urine, after one hour (fifth day), [_a1].
Sexual organs
- Frequent erections (after seventh day), [_a1].
- Stitches and beating in the left spermatic cord (fifth day), [_a1].
- Sensation in the female genital organs as after a nightly embrace, early after waking,
- * The menses appear two days too soon, with pain in the abdomen and small of the back;
* they continue at night, when the blood flows more abundantly (after seventeenth day),
- Discharge of a quantity of blood with the stool during the catamenia, [_a2].
- Leucorrhoea, with distension of the abdomen, without accumulation of
- Leucorrhoea, like the white of an egg, after previous pinching around the navel, [_a1].
- Brown, slimy, painless leucorrhoea, after every discharge of urine (sixth and seventh
days), [_a1].
Respiratory apparatus
- Irritation causing hawking, whereby only a piece of phlegm is expectorated; with it a raw
sensation; then a long-lasting sore feeling up behind the uvula; mornings (fourth day),
- * Hoarseness, with burning in the region of the larynx, the whole afternoon (after third
day), [_a1].
- Could scarcely speak, and complained of burning pains in throat and chest, [a11].
- Aphonia, [a11].
- Violent cough, in the evening, when in bed, during which water comes up into her mouth
(third and fourth days), [_a1].
- Cough when breathing deeply, especially when lying on the right side, [_a2].
- * Dry cough (thirteenth or fourteenth day), [_a1].
- Dry cough, mornings (seventeenth day), [_a1].
- Frequent, dry, hacking cough (second day), [_a1].
- * Dry, hacking cough, caused by tickling in the throat, which also continues when not
coughing; forenoons (fifth day), [_a1].
- Dry cough, evenings, from six to nine, from tickling in the throat; it passes off after lying
down in bed (third day), [_a1].
- * Dry cough troubles her nearly the whole night, so that she cannot sleep on account of it
(sixth day), [_a1].
- (A previous dry cough and dry catarrh become more severe, and lasts through the whole
proving, [_a1].
- (A constant, troublesome cough, which was seated before taking the drug, and during
fifteen days of the proving, disappeared suddenly without expectoration, which follows first
after several days (fifteenth day), [_a1].
- The cough is usually dry, mornings, and loosens in the afternoon; most frequently, with
sticking in the left hypochondriac region, [_a1].
- Dry cough in the morning, with sticking in the forepart of the chest, [_a1].
- * Cough nights when lying on the back, with sticking in the left middle false ribs,
extending down to the last false ribs; he could not "cough out, " on account of pain, though
the cough was loose; more severe on turning on to side (on fourth day).On the following
evening the cough returned, but without the sticking; each attack lasted only a few minutes,
- Constant hawking, without expectoration, [a9].
- Desire to breathe deep, and often to cough, with slight expectoration, [a10].
- Cough from hawking some mucus expectoration, [a10].
- Cough, with expectoration, [a10].
- Cough, with some expectoration, early in the morning (first day), [_a1].
- Expectoration of tough mucus in afternoon, [a10].
- Expectoration of blood for six days, after previous itching in the throat, [_a2].
- Short breath (after eighteenth day), [_a3].
- Threatening suffocation, [a11].
- Sense of severe constriction of throat and difficult respiration, [a11].
- Rattling in chest, [a11].
- Burning at small spots of the chest (when walking in the open air), (shortly, and after
thirteenth day), [_a1].
- Rawness in chest (evening at 8), [a10].
- Tension, or compression as with a vice, in front, at the lower part of the chest, when
standing; not affected by breathing (first day), [_a1].
- Beating in the chest after dinner; the beating extends to the pharynx, with heat of the face
and uneasyood, [_a2].
- * Pressure in middle of the chest, with stitches, as if a morsel which had been swallowed
had stuck there; afternoon (sixth day), [_a1].
- * Oppression at the chest, with inclination to eructations, which came on in the open air,
and relieved the pressure; early, after rising (after nineteen days), [_a1].
- Oppression of the chest, when moving the arms with force and when stooping, [_a2].
- It becomes so heavy in the chest when walking in the open air that she cannot take breath
in sufficient quantity, and is therefore obliged frequently to stand still (second day), [_a1].
- Heaviness on the chest, nights, in bed, which wakes him, with restlessness, which does
not allow him to go to sleep again.
- At 3 a. m. this heaviness wakes him again; he was kept in a kind of half that he had been
hanged, and the chest had been hard pressed (fifth day), [_a1].
- Pressure in the forepart of the chest, without dyspnoea, for half an hour, evenings (first
day), [_a1].
- Stitches in the forepart of the chest, and pressure for two minutes; afternoons, and the
following morning (third day), [_a1].
- Stitches in the forepart of the chest, in every position, though,
- Red spots, as large as a penny, on the left side of the chest, with a sensation as of burning
itching, and turning pale when pressed upon with the finger (tenth day), [_a1].
- Painful tension under the right mamma, in any position, frequently intermittent (after
dinner), (fifteenth and sixteenth days), [_a1].
- Pain, as from a bruise, in a spot of a hand's breadth under the right mamma, both when
touched and left alone, frequently intermittent, and often with shortness of breath (twelfth
to sixteenth day), [_a1].
- Fine stitches below the right female breast, without affecting respiration; on sitting bent,
afternoons (fifteenth day), [_a1].
- Frequently, a transient but sharp stitch behind the right ribs, on motion (seventh day),
- Small pointed stitches below the right breast during menstruation (seventeenth day),
- Sharp stitches below the left female breast, while standing (first day), [_a1].
- Stitches in the middle of the left side (rib region), [_a1].
- Sudden fine stitches come out of the left chest; they frequently recur, and are unchanged
by breathing; forenoons (thirteenth day), [_a1].
- With every inspiration, a stitch, as with an awl, shoots upward in the left chest; afternoons
(first and thirteenth days), [_a1].
- Rhythmical stitches in the left chest; evenings, while sitting (fifteenth day), [_a1].
- Tearing at a small spot in the left clavicle, with pain, as from a bruise, when pressing
upon it (second day), [_a1].
- Tearing sticking in the left clavicle, at a small spot, with pain, as from a bruise, when
touching that spot with the finger (second day), [_a2].
- Pressure upon the left mamma when taking exercise in the open air; also in the left side of
the chest, upon leaving the warm room and going into the open air (third and nineteenth
days), [_a1].
- Sensation of sticking crawling in the left side of the chest, when sitting, [_a2].
- Beating, like a pulse, at a small place in the left cavity of the chest, only when standing,
not when sitting; early in the morning (fourth days), [_a1].
- Sensation of fleabites at several places of the left mamma, which passes off by scratching;
in the evening (eleventh day), [_a1].
- Tearing in the praecordial region, which suddenly extended thence into the left forearm
(fifteenth day), [_a1].
Upper extremities
- Blisters, of the size of peas, upon the right shoulder, tensive and burning, and forming a
kind of scurf, after three days (after two days), [_a1].
- Tearing in both shoulders, on awaking, before midnight (twenty-first day), [_a1].
- Rheumatic pain in the shoulder-joints, when moving them, first to the right, then to the
left, [_a2].
- Burning and pressure in the right shoulder (second day), [_a1].
- Throbbing in the right shoulder, as with a finger, mornings, in bed, and also frequently by
day (nineteenth day), [_a1].
- Drawing in the right shoulder-joints, as after a cold; when at rest, [_a1].
- * A swollen gland in the axilla, resembling a hard, red ulcer, which separated, however,
constantly into parts, like a large pimple (after eighteen days), [_a3].
- Sudden throbbing in left axilla, which frequently disappears and returns, while sitting
(twelfth day), [_a1].
- Violent itching at night, between the shoulders and on the left lower arm, so that he would
like to scratch the skin off (after two days), [_a1].
- * Her right arm is very heavy and feels rigid; the upper arm seems paralyzed, in the
evening, when spinning, and early in morning (sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth days),
- Tearing in the left arm, as if in the tendons, reaches into the fingers, passing off during
active motion (ninth day), [_a1].
- Compressive pain in the left upper arm, when leaning it against the table, passing off
during motion of the arm (twenty-second day), [_a1].
- Tearing in the upper arm, a hand's breadth below the shoulder, as if in the marrow, as far
as the wrist-joint (thirteenth day), [_a1].
- Tearing in the upper arm, the arm being very sensitive to pressure (nineteenth day), [_a1].
- Drawing in the lower arm, from the right elbow to the left finger; it becomes a tearing
pain, and passes off by motion (second day), [_a1].
- Pressure in the left lower arm, when lying in bed, which passes off by motion, but is
renewed by leaning the arm upon the table when writing (eleventh and twelfth days), [_a1].
- Itching and burning in left lower arm, under the bend of the elbow (thirteenth day), [_a1].
- Itching of the inside of the lower arm, early in the morning, and pimples in the bend of
the elbow (thirteenth day), [_a1].
- After scratching the internal itching side of the left lower arm, small pimples are formed
there, which soon disappear again (fourteenth and fifteenth days), [_a1].
- Pimples on the right lower arm, which force him to scratch continually, on account of
violent itching, [_a1].
- Heaviness and sense of having gone to sleep in the right forearm (third day), [_a1].
- Tearing and twitching in the tendons of the internal surface of the left wrist (twenty-fifth
day), [_a1].
- Tearing in the tendons of the internal surface of the left wrist, so violent as if they would
be torn out, afternoons (first day), [_a1].
- Twitching, tearing on back of left hand, behind the thumb, with swelling of it, which,
however, disappears in a few hours (twenty-fifth day), [_a1].
- Small vesicles on the wrist-joint, which first vehemently itch, and then burn, when
scratched (after twenty days), [_a1].
- Large vesicles, with a hard base, first itch, then burn; new vesicles partly become scurfy
from scratching; they remain long inflamed; on and about the right wrist, though mostly on
its upper surface (nineteenth day), [_a1].
- Tolerably large nodes, deeply seated in the skin; appear around, and also below the right
wrist; they itch violently at first; after scratching, burn and become inflamed, and seem
about to suppurate, but disappear without doing it; only those that are much scratched form
a reddish-brown scurf after a couple of days, which remains several days; while inflamed,
the place is also swollen (twelfth day), [_a1].
- Violent lancination through the hands, while walking in the open air (twenty-second day),
- Stitches and beating in left hand, worse when moving it, [_a1].
- Beating in palm of right hand, as with a little hammer, passing off by moving the hand
(twelfth day), [_a1].
- Feeling of paralysis in the right hand, and the first phalanx of the right middle finger;
when sitting and knitting (fifteenth day), [_a1].
- Pain, as from a sprain, in the dorsa of both hands, at the lower ends of the metacarpal
bones, especially on the last thumb-joint, when seizing something; the pain is not felt when
making any other motion; upon extending the hand, the pain decreases; and, upon pressing
upon the joint of the thumb, the pain passes off with a cracking sound (afternoons, at rest),
- Itching pimples on the dorsa of both hands, in the evening and at night, attended with
desquamation of the skin at those itching places on the following morning (after twenty
days), [_a1].
- Peeling off of the skin between the thumb and index of both hands (after fourteen days),
- Twitching in last joint of right little finger, evening (second day), [_a1].
- Twitching, tearing on external surface of right thumb, evenings (fifteenth day), [_a1].
- Tearing pain in last phalanx of left thumb (fifteenth day), [_a1].
- Violent tearing pain in ball of right thumb, and on pressing on it, a painful stitch, which,
however, disappears on long pressure (fourteenth day), [_a1].
- Painful tearing in last joint of right index finger, worse on pressure or rubbing, and
extending over the whole back of the hand; for ten minutes, evenings (fifteenth day), [_a1].
- Tearing in left index-finger, below the nail, afternoons (twenty-sixth day), [_a1].
- Tearing in last joint of right middle finger (sixteenth day), [_a1].
- Painful tearing in left little finger, from behind forward (first day), [_a1].
- Tearing in middle joint of thumb, [_a2].
- Cramplike pain in right middle finger, as if in the tendons, upon bending the fingers
inwards (eleventh day), [_a1].
- Sticking in last joint of left thumb, for five minutes, evenings, while sitting (fifteenth
day), [_a1].
- Some sharp, transient stitches in last left thumb-joint; afternoons, while at rest, [_a1].
- Stitches in tip of right thumb; when it left that place, it stuck in the left index-finger, in
the last joint; then spread over the whole left hand, where the pain became throbbing and
violent; soon it intermitted, but returned and soon disappeared entirely; on moving the
hand, it disappeared entirely; while sitting, evenings, at six (eleventh day), [_a1].
- Sensitive stitches in the tip of the thumb, frequently renewed (thirteenth day), [_a1].
- Coarse stitches at the tip of the left little finger, for one minute (fourth day), [_a1].
- Painful throbbing in left thumb, under the nail, from 1 to 5 P.M. , when it suddenly leaves
(eighth day), [_a1].
- Painful aching in first joint of left index-finger on stretching it out, while knitting, which
goes off on bending it (fifteenth day), [_a1].
- Crawling in tip of right thumb and index-finger, as from going asleep, evenings, on sitting
(fifteenth day), [_a1].
- Vehement, long-lasting itching in the tip of the index-finger, which cannot be stopped by
scratching, early in the morning (twelfth day), [_a1].
Lower extremities
- Very severe boring pain in the lower limbs, [a7].
(Extract from a letter from Dr. Dunham. "In passing, left me call your attention to my
verifications under Ammonium muriaticum, of aggravations of sciatic pains while sitting,
pain on the left side. These symptoms have led me to use Amm. mur. in several cases of
severe and long-continued sciatica with complete success. (Comparative case when
walking; complete freedom from pain while lying down, until in the course of time the
"painful spots" were developed.)" Dr. Dunham has underlined in Amm. mur., S., 285, 297,
392, 393, 400, 460, 466, 467, 468, 469, 474, 552. #B)
- * Pain in the left hip, as if the tendons were too short, so that she is obliged to limp when
walking; when sitting there is gnawing pain in the bone, [_a1].
- Sticking on external surface of left hip, in all positions, at night, from 12.30 till 2,
relieved by pressure, with copious passage of flatus, and it seems as though the violent pain
was caused by the flatulence, [_a1].
- Violent itching around the hip, at night, and early in the morning; also of the thighs, legs;
and around the bend of the knee, with rash pimples, [_a2].
- Weariness and weakness of the legs, the whole day, only ceases at night (first day), [_a1].
- * The hamstrings of both legs are painful when walking; they feel too short; not so when
at rest, [_a1].
- Trembling of the left leg, with sensitiveness to the touch (tenth day), [_a1].
- * When sitting, tearing down the thighs from the left hip; first, it is relieved by rising, and
comes on again when sitting down; afterwards, motion no longer relieves the pain
(sixteenth day), [_a1].
- * Tearing pain in front of the thigh, when sitting, [_a2].
- Painful tearings in the * exterior surface of the right thigh, in the evening, * when sitting
down (fifteenth day), [_a1].
- Excessively painful stitches in the knee-joints, in the evenings at nine, when sitting; can
hardly be endured (third day), [_a1].
- Stinging and tearing in the left knee, when walking (eleventh day), [_a1].
- (In a child that had been affected with swelling of the knee, and whose knee, after the
swelling had been cured, remained stiff, and curved from before backwards, the mobility
was very soon restored), [_a3].
- Twitching in left popliteal region; on walking, the cords seem too short; disappears after
long walking (second day), [_a1].
- Early, when rising, the thighs were contracted about the popliteal region, as if dried up, or
too short, so that she was unable to go downstairs; this symptom passed off after long and
violent exercise (fifteenth day), [_a1].
- * Drawing tension in the legs when sitting or lying; this obliges him to walk crooked,
after which the symptoms pass off, [_a2].
- Tension and traction in the tendons of the legs, so that he finds walking difficult, with
lassitude in the legs, [_a1].
- Spasmodic contraction around the lower part of the left leg (fifth day), [_a1].
- Insensibility of the left leg, when sitting (it feels dead), (twelfth day), [_a1].
- Slow, fine stitches in the lower leg, just below the knee, on the inner surface, while sitting
(thirteenth day), [_a1].
- Sore stitches in left calf, while sitting (fourteenth day), [_a1].
- Stinging pain in left calf, after four hours' walk when at rest (third day), [_a1].
- The ankle-bones are very painful when walking and stepping on them; they feel bruised
and contracted, [_a2].
- Spasmodic contraction or tearing below and around the right inner malleolus, on sitting
(fifteenth day), [_a1].
- Throbbing and beating, as from an ulcer, in left external malleolus (ninth day); on
walking (and on eleventh day), also in right foot, [_a1].
- * Frightful ulcerative pain in right heel, relieved by vigorous rubbing (nineteenth day),
- Frequent tearing and ulcerative pain in right heel, so that she must cry out; nights, at 3
o'clock in bed; relieved in no position (sixteenth and seventeenth days), [_a1].
- Spasmodic, painful contraction in right heel, evenings in bed (fourteenth day), [_a1].
- Tearing in the external border of the foot, when standing; it passes off by motion (seventh
day), [_a1].
- Sensation in the right foot as if it had gone to sleep, at night; and also in the left, the next
forenoon (nineteenth and twentieth days), [_a1].
- Cold feet, in the evening, when in bed; it takes her a long time to get them warm
(fourteenth day), [_a1].
- Pain is excited in a paralytic foot, which had already been much improved, [_a3].
- Itching of the sole of the right foot, in the evening (second day), [_a1].
- Tearing in left great toe, while standing (fifth day), [_a1].
- Tearing in external surface of right great toe, while sitting (fifteenth day), [_a1].
- Tearing in right great toe (afternoons on sitting) (twenty-sixth day), [_a1].
- Fine sticking in right little toe, on standing and walking (fourteenth day), [_a1].
- A slowly increasing and decreasing sticking in left great toe, afternoons, [_a1].
- Pinching itching of the forepart of the right big toe (seventh day), [_a1].
- Much affected, [_a3].
- Weakness, inactivity, general depression (in fever), [a4].
- Very weak, mornings, [_a3].
- General weakness, sluggishness, and dejection of whole body, [a9].
- Sudden faintness and weakness after dinner, when taking exercise in the open air
(nineteenth day), [_a1].
- Weakness, with sense of severe constriction of throat and difficult respiration, [a11].
- He appears to be constantly affected with orgasm of blood, [_a2].
- Orgasm in the whole body, with anxiety; in the beginning of the proving period she feels
more warm than cold, [_a1].
- Early in the morning, after waking, she feels contracted in the whole body, so that she
was scarcely able to walk the pain went off by long walking (nineteenth day), [_a1].
- Painful twitching, or jerking-tearing, here and there, in the calves, on a spot size of the
hand; also, on right temple, on arms, between right index and middle fingers, where the
pain most severely throbs and beats, as if it would suppurate; evenings, six to ten, on
sitting; pain first disappears on lying in bed (fifteenth day), [_a1].
- Pressive burning and stinging at several places, here and there, forenoons (third day),
- Stitches in the left side of the abdomen, then in the right side of the chest, then in the right
scapula, and, lastly, in the small of the back, accompanied by chilliness and sleepiness
during the day, [_a2].
- She appears to be better in the open air, [_a1].
- All the bones of the body are painful and feel bruised, when slumbering or sitting still,
- Pain, as from bruises, in the whole body, especially in the back, with tearing in both
shoulders and in the back, early in the morning, after rising, and worse during motion (after
twenty-fifth day), [_a1].
- Coffee seems to restrict the action of the drug, [_a1].
- Fine rash over the whole body for two weeks (after sixteenth day), [_a2].
- Constant subcutaneous formication all over the body, [a4].
- Very fine miliary eruption (sudamina), following profuse perspiration, [a6].
- Psoric eruption over the greater part of the back and lower extremities, [a7].
- Itching, here and there, over the whole body, evenings before lying down, [_a1].
- Itching and biting over the whole body; cannot scratch enough, evenings, [_a1].
- Itching, evenings, on front of chest, on left forearm, whereon little pimples appear, which
disappear over night (second day), [_a1].
- Itching over whole body, evenings, before lying down; it lasts some time after lying
down, with small pimples, here and there (tenth day), [_a1].
- After itching and scratching on forepart of the forehead some pimples, which soon
disappear (sixth day), [_a1].
- Itching pimples on the right side of the occiput, in the evening; at night they pass off
(after nineteenth day), [_a1].
- Painful pimple on the antihelix of the right ear, [_a2].
- Eruptions on the face, [_a2].
- A vesicle, without sensation, on left side of face (eleventh day), [_a1].
- Herpes in the face, dry and tettering, [_a3].
- Excoriated spots in the right side of the upper lip, with burning soreness (second day),
- Chapped lips, [_a2].
- Dry and wrinkled lips; they become chapped, and she had to moisten them constantly
with the tongue, [_a2].
- Itching pimples around the upper lip (second day), [_a1].
- Blisters on the upper lip, which become inflamed and ulcerated (after second day), [_a1].
- Vesicles at the tip of the tongue, with a burning pain, [_a2].
- Vesicles at the tip of the tongue, which burn like fire, and disappear in an hour (third day),
- Blisters of the size of peas, upon the right shoulder, tensive and burning, and forming a
kind of scurf, after two days (after second day), [_a1].
- Itching and burning in left lower arm under the bend of the elbow (thirteenth day), [_a1].
- Itching of the inside of the lower arm, early in the morning, and pimples in the bend of
the elbow (thirteenth day), [_a1].
- After scratching the internally itching side of the left lower arm small pimples are formed
there, which soon disappear again (fourteenth and fifteenth days), [_a1].
- Pimples on the right lower arm, which force him to scratch continually on account of
violent itching, [_a1].
- Small vesicles on the wrist-joint, which first vehemently itch, and then burn, when
scratched (after twentieth day), [_a1].
- Large vesicles, with a hard base, first itch, then burn; new vesicles become scurfy from
scratching; they remain long inflamed; on and about the right wrist, though mostly on its
upper surface (nineteenth day), [_a1].
- Tolerably large nodes, deeply seated in the skin, appear around, and also below, the right
wrist; they itch violently at first; after scratching they burn and become inflamed, and seem
about to suppurate, but disappear without doing it; only those that are much scratched form
a reddish-brown scurf after a couple of days; while inflamed the place is also swollen
(twelfth day), [_a1].
- Itching pimples on the dorsa of both hands, in the evening, and at night, attended with
desquamation of the skin on those itching places, on the following morning (after twentieth
day), [_a1].
- Peeling off of the skin between the thumb and index of both hands (after fourteenth day),
- Vehement, long-lasting itching in the tip of the index-finger, which cannot be stopped by
scratching; early in the morning (twelfth day), [_a1].
- Violent itching around the hips, at night, early in the morning; also of the thighs, legs, and
around the bend of the knee, with rash-pimples, [_a2].
- Coldness, evenings, at seven, with some thirst; lasts two hours (sixth day), [_a1].
- Evenings, at five, a violent shivering creeps over her, for three and a half hours, without
subsequent heat (first days), [_a1].
- Chilly and shivering the whole day, especially evenings, also nights; she dares not
uncover herself, on account of chilliness (seventh day), [_a1].
- Chilliness, evenings; coldness runs down the back, for a quarter of an hour (nineteenth
day), [_a1].
- Chilliness, evenings, at six; goes off after lying down, with thirst during it (twenty-fourth
day), [_a1].
- * Chilliness, evenings, after lying down, and as often as she wakes, without thirst
(twenty-first day), [_a1].
- Chilliness, evenings, after lying down and the whole night (twenty-seventh day), [_a1].
- Chilliness and shivering, evenings at six, and the next morning at seven; sweat, morning,
in bed; all without thirst (twentieth day), [_a1].
- Chilliness somewhat, evenings at 5.30, in a warm room; then sweat before midnight
(third day), [_a1].
- Chilliness, then alternating heat; then sweat, evenings, without thirst (first day), [_a1].
- Frequent attacks of fever, followed by chills and heat, with bloated red face, and thirst
during the chills and the heat; the intervals when there is no fever last about half an hour,
- More heat (warmth) than coldness during the last period of the proving (after seventeenth
day), [_a1].
- Heat over the whole body in a warm room, and after quick motion; this heat is
accompanied by redness of the face and a sensation of stinging heat, which is especially
external over the whole chest, [_a2].
- Heat in forenoon; thirst early in the evening, after rising, [_a1].
- Frequently dry heat in the head, upon entering the room, followed by a little thirst in the
evening (nineteenth day), [_a1].
- Heat in the whole body, as if sweat would break out (after fourteenth day), [_a1].
- Frequent flashes of heat, with subsequent sweat (thirteenth day), [_a1].
- Great heat when in bed at night, then sweat, early in the morning (eighteenth day), [_a1].
- Heat in the palms of the hands, soles of the feet, and in the face, in the evening,
immediately after lying down (with thirst); afterwards sweat (twenty-third day); fourth
evening, heat without thirst, [_a1].
- Early after rising, sensation of heat, and a little sweat in the hands and odorous sweat of
the feet, [_a2].
- Heat over the whole body, with redness of the face and sweat, when exercising in the
open air (after twenty-fourth day), [_a1].
- Heat and sweat in the afternoon, then a little thirst, [_a1].
- Very profuse perspiration, [a6].
- Sweat after midnight (after fourth day), [_a1].
- Sweat over whole body for several nights, [_a2].
- Sweat early in the morning, in bed, so that the shirt is drenched, without previous heat or
chill, [_a1].
- Increased perspiration; every movement (so to speak) makes him sweat, [a4].
- Increased transpiration; sweats on every exertion, [a9].
- Fever-paroxysms begin with chill and heat, and end with sweat, [a9].
- (Morning), Stitches in vertex; burning in canthi; dimness of eyes; left nostril stopped;
slight diarrhoea; green, slimy stools; irritation, causing hawking, etc.; dry cough; cough dry;
stitches in chest; very weak; constant yawning.
- (Early, in morning), Head feels dizzy, etc.; pressure in forehead, etc.; bitter taste in
mouth; hawking of phlegm; grinding, etc., in stomach; frequent desire to urinate; cough,
with expectoration; beating in left cavity of chest; right arm very heavy, etc.; itching in
inside of lower arm; itching in tip of index-finger; itching around hip; sweat.
- (Early, on waking), Agglutination of the eyes; sourish taste in mouth; sensation in female
genitals, as after an embrace; tearing in bone of upper arm, etc.; rumbling in the sides of the
- (Early, after waking), Whole body feels contracted.
- (Early, in bed), Sweat.
- (Early, when rising), Thighs contracted, etc.
- (Mornings, in bed), Throbbing in right shoulder; sweat.
- (Morning, after rising), Eyes burn.
- (Early, after rising), Heat and fulness in head; downward pressure in forehead, etc.;
boring in forehead; lachrymation; pappy taste in mouth; pinching in abdomen; pain in
whole body; sensation of heat, etc.
- (Forenoon), Irritable and peevish; tearing in right temple; stitch in left temple; stitches in
left side of head; sensation of body rising in left eye, which prevents sight; pain in upper
part of face; tearing in right malar bone; coated tongue; bitter eructations, etc.; nausea, etc.;
turning sensation in stomach; gripings in lower abdomen; dry, hacking cough, etc.; stitches
come out of left chest; tearings in right index-finger; left foot goes to sleep; burning, etc., at
several places; heat.
- (Afternoon), Stitching in left side of forehead; stitches in vertex; tearing in upper border
of right eye; fine stitches in left ear; tearing in root of tooth; unquenchable thirst; gulping up
bitter, sour water; burning, etc., at stomach; stitches, etc., in region of right ribs; burning in
right flank; rumbling in bowels; griping in bowels; hoarseness, etc.; cough loosens;
expectoration of tough mucus; pressure in middle of chest, etc.; stitches in forepart of chest,
etc.; stitches below right female breast; stitch in left chest; stinging etc;, in finger-tips, etc.;
crawling in tips of fingers, etc.; tearing in tendons of left wrist; tearing in left index-finger;
stitches in thumb-joint; tearing in right great toe; sticking in left great toe; sweat.
- (Toward evening), Throbbing in forehead.
- (Early, in evening, after rising), Thirst.
- (Early, in evening), Great sleepiness.
- (Evening, when undressing), Itching in nape of neck.
- (Evening, after lying down), Chilliness; heat in palms of hands.
- (Evening), Ill-humor, etc.; heat on right side of head; pinching in occiput; pimples on
occiput; burning of eyes, etc.; tearing in right side of face; want of appetite; thirst; pain in
both groins, etc.; pain in perineum; dry cough; pressure in chest; stitches in left chest;
sensation of fleabites in left mamma; tension and stiffness in nape of neck; tearing in both
sides of neck, etc.; shooting, etc., in tips of fingers, etc.; right arm very heavy, etc.; pimples
on backs of hands; twitching in right little finger; twitching-tearing on external surface of
right thumb; sticking in joint of thumb; stitches in hand; crawling in tip of thumb; tearing in
surface of right thigh; itching of right sole; itching, etc., over the whole body; itching on
front of chest; chilliness; sweat, etc.; a little thirst; heat, without thirst.
- (Evening, in bed), Violent cough; contraction in heel; cold feet.
- (Evenings, before lying down), Itching here and there over whole body, etc.
- (Night), Noise in right ear, etc.; obstruction of nose, etc.; dry cough; cough, etc.; sprained
pain in back; bruised backache; itching between shoulders, etc.; pimples on backs of hands;
itching around the hip; right foot feels gone to sleep.
- (Nights, in bed), Heaviness on the chest; great heat.
- (Before midnight), Heat in head; tearing in both shoulders; sweat.
- (After midnight), Sweat; uneasyleep.
- (After 4 A. M.), Constant tenesmus of bladder.
- (8 A. M.), Stinging, etc., in pit of stomach.
- (10 A. M.), Increased urging to urinate; backache.
- (1 to 5 P.M. ), Throbbing in left thumb.
- (4 P.M. ), Pain below navel, etc.
- (8 P.M. ), Tearing in all the teeth; rawness in chest; tearings in fingers.
- (5, evenings), Violent shivering, etc.
- (5.30, evenings), Some chilliness.
- (6, evenings), Chilliness and shiverings.
- (6 to 10, evenings), Twitching, etc., here and there, in calves.
- (7, evenings), Coldness.
- (9, evenings), Stitches in knee-joint.
- (11, night), Pains in right upper arm.
- (12.30 till 2, night), Stitch on surface of left hip.
- (1, night), Terrific backache.
- (2, night), Cutting in abdomen.
- (3, at night in bed), Tearings, etc., in right heel.
- (Open air), Burning in right eye; distinguishes nothing; eructations.
- (Exercise in open air), Pressure upon left mamma; sudden faintness, etc.; heat over whole
body, etc.
- (Going from warm room into open air), Pressure in left side of chest;
- (Walking in open air), Stitches in right ear, etc.; nausea, etc.; turning sensation in
stomach, etc.; burning in chest; heaviness on chest, etc.; lancinations through the hands.
- (On going to bed), Chilliness.
- (Bending part inward), Pain in right middle finger.
- (Sitting bent), Stitches below right female breast.
- (After breakfast), Sensation of fasting in stomach.
- (Before chill), Thirst.
- (After dinner), Beating in chest; tension under right mamma; sudden faintness, etc.
- (Immediately after dinner), Nausea, etc.
- (An hour after dinner), Hiccough.
- (After every dinner and supper), Nausea, etc.
- (Inspiration), Pinching in abdomen; stitch in left chest.
- (Leaning part against table), Pain in left upper arm; pressure in left lower arm.
- (Looking into garden out of window), Yellow spots before eyes.
- (Lowering shoulder), Stitches in left scapula.
- (Lying down), Pain in bladder; drawing tension in legs.
- (Lying in bed), Pressure in left lower arm.
- (Lying on right side), Cough, when breathing.
- (Lying on back), Cough, etc.
- (During menses), Tearing in right temporal bone; discharge of blood with stool; stitches
below right breast; tearing in cords of right side of neck; weakness of the thighs.
- (Motion), Vertigo; stitches, etc., in head; stitch behind right ribs; pain in whole body;
- (Moving the part), Stitches and beating in left hand, etc.
- (Moving parts to right and left), Rheumatic pain in shoulder-joint.
- (Moving head), Stitches in neck, etc.
- (Moving arms forcibly), Oppression of chest.
- (Pressure), Tearing in left clavicle; painful stitch in ball of right thumb; tearing in right
- (Raising body after stooping), Pain in small of back; stiffness in small of back.
- (Rest), Stitches in left scapula; drawing in right shoulder-joint; stitches in thumb-joint;
pain in left calf.
- (After rising), Feeling of heaviness in head.
- (In room), Head feels dizzy, etc.; heat in face, etc.
- (Entering room), Dry heat in head.
- (Rubbing), Tearing in last joint of right index-finger.
- (Scratching), Itching and burning on wrist joint; nodes on wrist burn, etc.
- (Seizing anything), Pain in backs of hands.
- (Sitting), Tearing in upper right head; tearing in upper border of right eye; noise in right
ear, etc.; tearing in right side of face; tearing in decayed root of tooth; sensation in stomach
as if everything were turning around; burning in right distension in left groin; stitches in left
chest; sticking-crawling in left side of chest; tension in back; tearing here and there, etc.;
throbbing in left axilla; sticking in joint of thumb; stitches in hand; crawling in tip of
thumb, etc.; * pain in left hip-bone; tearing down the thighs; tearing in front of thighs;
stitches in knee-joints; drawing tension in legs; insensibility of left leg; stitches in lower
leg, etc.; stitches in left calf; contraction, etc., below the right inner malleolus; tearing in
outer surface of right great toe; tearing in right great toe; painful twitching, etc., in calves.
- (Sitting down), Tearing in external surface of right thigh.
- ( Sitting quiet), Pain of the coccyx; all the bones painful.
- (Sitting and knitting), Paralyzed feeling in right hand, etc.
- (Sewing), Yellow spot before eyes.
- (Slumbering), Pain of the coccyx, all the bones painful.
- (Spinning), Stitches in right hypochondriac region; backache, etc.; tearing in fingers, etc.;
right arm very heavy.
- (Standing), Pinching to the left of the navel; tension at lower front chest; stitches below
left female breast; beating in left cavity of chest; tearing in outer border of foot; tearing in
left great toe; sticking in right little toe.
- (Stooping), Pinching to left of navel; oppression of chest.
- (Stooping, while standing), Stitches in left side of abdomen.
- (During soft stool), Burning in anus.
- (During and after expulsion of soft stool), Burning in rectum.
- (Stretching out the part), Aching in finger-joint.
- (Swallowing), Pressive pain in throat, etc.
- (Touch), Throbbing in forehead; tearing-sticking in left clavicle, etc.
- * (Turning the part), Stiff neck.
- (Turning on to the side), Cough, etc.
- (Turning trunk to left side), Stitches in left scapula.
- (Twilight), Eyes burn.
- (After every discharge of urine), Leucorrhoea.
- (Walking), Stitches and burning in region of right ribs; tearing, etc., in groin; ulcerative
pain in left groin; tearing in the perineum; pain in small of back; hamstrings painful;
stinging, etc., in left knee; twitching in left popliteal region; throbbing, etc., in external
malleolus; sticking in right little toe.
- (Walking and stepping on the parts), Ankle-bones painful.
- (After washing), Burning in canthi.
- (Yawning), Stinging in throat; elastic sensation in small of back.
- (Morning), Obstruction of nose, etc.
- (Night), Itching pimples pass off; burning of eyes, etc.
- (3 to 4 A. M.), Chilliness, etc.
- (7 A. M.), Chilliness, etc.
- (Open air), Dizziness, etc.; vertigo; burning in right eye; stitches in left eye; heat in face,
etc.; nausea, etc.; turning sensation in stomach etc.; appears to be better.
- (In bed), Tearing in all the teeth; tearings in fingers, etc.
- (After breakfast), Grinding and writhing in stomach.
- (Bending the part), Aching in finger-joint.
- (Walking crooked), Drawing tension in legs.
- (After dinner), Mood improves; roughness in throat.
- (After eating), Bitter eructations.
- (Eructation), Nausea, etc.; tearing sensation in stomach, etc.; pressure on chest.
- (Expiration), Pinching in abdomen.
- (Extending hands), Pain in the dorsa.
- (Long and violent exercise), Thighs contracted, etc.
- (Feeling the part), Pain in upper part of face.
- (Lemonade), Very urgent thirst.
- (Light), Burning of eyes, etc.; sleepiness.
- (Lying down), Tension and stiffness in nape of neck; itching of nape of neck tearing here
and there, etc.; shooting, etc., in tips of fingers, etc.; evening chilliness.
- (Lying in bed), Dry cough; twitching, etc., in calves.
- (Motion), Tension in back, etc.; backache, etc.; tearing in outer border of foot.
- (Motion of the part), Pain in left upper arm; drawing in lower arm, etc.; pressure in left
lower arm; beating in right palm; stitches in hand.
- (Active motion), Tearing in left arm, etc.
- (Pressure), Tearing in decayed root of tooth; sticking on surface of left hip.
- (Long pressure), Stitches in ball of right thumb.
- (Pressing upon joint), Pain in backs of hands.
- (Rest), Pain in hamstrings.
- (Rising), Tearing down thighs.
- (In room), Sees better.
- (Rubbing), Twitches in left eyeball; ulcerative pain in right heel.
- (Scratching), Sensation of fleabites on left mamma.
- (Sitting), Stitches in forepart of chest; beating in left cavity of chest.
- (Sleep), Weight in abdomen.
- (Long walking), Twitching in left popliteal space; contracted feeling in whole body.
- (After washing), Burning in canthi; mist before eyes.
- Neither unconsciousness nor delirium; no apoplexy.
- Desire to cry, and at times crying.
- Disinclination to speak.
- Involuntary aversion to certain persons.
- Melancholy and anxious, as if laboring under some grief or sorrow.
- Apprehensive and gloomy, like from internal grief.
- Great earnestness.
- Indifferent mood.
- Fretfulness; irritability, mostly mornings.
- Mood irritable, malicious.
- Consequences of grief.
- Fulness of head with giddiness; feels as if it was very heavy.
- Heaviness of forehead, in morning after rising and during day.
- Vertigo and fulness of head; at times as if she would fall sideways.
Inner head
- Dull heavy pains with vertigo and pallor. Prevailing fever.
- Congestive headache with flushed face and enlarged veins. Prevailing fever.
- Heaviness in forehead, frequently during day (internal sensation of heat and some sweat).
- Pressure in forehead, towards root of nose, with sensation as if brain was torn; agg after
- Tearing mostly in right temple, through right side of face.
- Stitches in left temple and side of head, and when stooping, in vertex, with sensation as if
head would split.
- Contractive pain in occiput as though screwed in, extending to side of head.
- Rheumatic, tearing pains in head, temple and occiput.
- Rheumatic pains in head so severe as to cause nausea, burning of ears and deafness.
- Neuralgic headaches.
Outer head
- Falling out of hair, with great itching of scalp.
- Itching of scalp; also with dandruff.
- Itching pimples on right side of occiput.
Upper face
- Very pale face.
- || Burning heat of face, passes off in open air.
- Tearing in bones of face, especially in malar and lower maxilla.
- Swelling of cheek, with swelling of a gland under angle of lower jaw, with beating,
stitching pain.
- || Eruption on face which burns; he cannot sleep without cold applications.
Lower face
- Mouth and lips sore and excoriated. Prevailing fever.
- Lips burn like fire.
- | Corners of mouth ulcerated.
- { Dry, shrivelled, cracked lips, must moisten them with tongue continually.
- Pimples, blisters, on upper lip.
- Tensive pain in articulations of jaw when chewing or opening mouth.
- Submaxillary glands swollen; pulsating pains.
- Throat full and sore with increase of glairy mucus, and difficult swallowing.
Prevailing fever.
- Dryness in throat.
- Stitches in throat during and between deglutition, also when yawning.
- External and internal swelling of throat, with pressing pain when swallowing, and with
drawing, stitching pain in swollen submaxillary glands.
- Sore throat, with viscid phlegm; so tough that it cannot be hawked up.
- Tonsils throb, but are not swollen, with uneasiness and oppressive anxiety.
- Throbbing in glands of neck, which, however, are not swollen; with flushes of heat and
want of air in throat.
Appetite, thirst
- Desires, Aversions. Loss of appetite.
- Loss of appetite and thirstlessness. Prevailing fever.
- Much thirst, mostly evenings.
- Sometimes extreme thirst. Prevailing fever.
- { Want of appetite alternating with canine hunger.
Eating and drinking
- | After eating, beating in breast near oesophagus, with heat of face and restless mood; agg.
on an empty stomach, but also nearly always after eating; must often eat a little, but not
enough to satisfy hunger.
- Sore spot behind soft palate, which is relieved or passes away for a short time by eating.
- Eating and drinking cold things aggravate cough.
- After dinner : sudden prostration when walking in open air.
- Intermittent pains in both hypochondria.
- Stitching and burning in right hypochondrium, afternoons, when walking.
- Splenic stitches, while sitting; also in morning on awaking, with difficulty of breathing,
obliging him to rise.
- { Liver complaint. Gallstones.
- Abdomen full and distended, sometimes severe pains. Prevailing fever.
- Bellyache, griping pains about navel.
- Heaviness in lower abdomen, as from a load, with anxiety as if abdomen would burst;
ceases after sleep.
- Distension of abdomen, without accumulation of wind.
- Stitches in abdomen, above left hip.
- Pain from right side of pubes, to hip and small of back.
- Cutting and stitches from both ossa pubium to small of back, with urging to urinate,
- Stitches in right groin, coming out behind hip, when sitting.
- || Groins feel sore and as if swollen. Uterine displacement.
- Tearing and tensive pain in groin when walking.
- Pain as if sprained in left abdomen.
- Pain as from a sprain in left groin. During pregnancy.
- Pain in abdomen and back with menses. Prolapsus uteri.
- Excessive amount of fat in abdomen : lax and hanging.
Stool and rectum
- The various affections of bowels are accompanied by flatus. Prevailing fever.
- Soreness up along rectum, when sitting.
- Itching soreness of rectum, several pustules being formed at side of it; often with
- Much burning and smarting in rectum during and for hours after stool.
- || Stitching or tearing pain in perineum, when walking. Pregnancy.
- Green, slimy, diarrhoeic stools,
- | in morning.
- Color of stools varies; white and undigested, or green and watery, or green slimy, or
yellow and bloody watery and slimy. Prevailing fever.
- Diarrhoea after eating, with pain in abdomen, back, small of back and limbs.
- Hard, crumbling stools, requiring great effort in their expulsion.
- Obstinate and extreme constipation.
- Prevailing fever.
- Watery stools copious, other kinds scanty, though often repeated. Prevailing fever.
- Stool hard, crumbling, scanty.
- Stools like scrapings of meat or copious, consisting of coagulated blood. Prevailing
- Discharge of blood during stool.
- Hard stool covered with mucus.
- Glassy, tough mucus in stool.
- Hemorrhoidal trouble with burning and stinging in rectum.
- || Hemorrhoids sore and smarting. After suppressed leucorrhoea.
- { Constipation changing with diarrhoea.
Urinary organs
- Constant tenesmus vesicae; agg 4 A.M.
- Frequent urging, with frequent urination.
- Urging, yet only a few drops pass, until next stool, when it flows freely.
- Profuse and frequent discharge during night.
- Sediment like clay.
- || Copious urine smells strongly ammoniacal; sometimes mouldy or musty.
- Worse when taking a deep breath.
- Shortness of breath.
- Heaviness of chest, when walking in open air.
- Asthma when moving arms with force and when stooping.
- Many groups of symptoms are accompanied by cough.
- Daily recurring, dry, rapid, suffocating cough, with inability to utter a single word
during the paroxysms, attacks beginning at 6 P.M. ; no sputa, but much water in mouth.
- Could deep and violent, attended by tolerably free expectoration. Prevailing fever.
- Cough :
- dry, from tickling in throat; night or day; dry in morning, with stitches in chest or left
hypochondrium; becomes loose in afternoon; loose at night, with stitches in left
hypochondrium, lying on back; agg when turning on side; agg before eating or drinking
cold things.
- Expectoration of blood, following an itching in throat.
Outer chest
- Burning, itching, red spots on left chest, which pale under pressure.
Upper limbs
- Swelling of axillary glands.
- Rheumatic pain, first in right, then in left shoulder joint.
- Tearing in left arm, as if in tendons, to fingers; ceases from strong motion.
- Small, painful, nonsuppurating tubercles on right scapula.
- Stitches in right scapula when inspiring.
- Blisters on right scapula, tensive and burning; scurf forms.
- || Right arm heavy and feels rigid.
- Drawing and tearing, from right elbow to fingers.
- Itching on inside of forearm, with eruption in bend of elbow.
- { Fatty swelling on left shoulder, extending into axilla.
- Right forearm heavy and as if "asleep."
- Tearing in left wrist, with swelling of back of hand.
- Small blisters on wrist itching, then burning when scratched.
- Pulsation in a finger like that from panaritium.
- Stitches and painful beating under nail of left thumb.
- Skin peels off between thumb and forefinger of both hands.
Lower limbs
- Languor and weakness of lower limbs, with dizziness.
- Pain in left hip, as if tendons were too short, must limp when walking; when sitting,
gnawing pain in bone.
- Tearing pain in front part of thighs, when sitting.
- Drawing tension in legs when sitting or lying.
- Restored mobility in knee, which had been swollen and stiff (child).
- Stitches in knee joint, evening, when sitting.
- Hamstrings painful when walking, as if too short.
- Cramplike contraction in lower part of left leg.
- { Large buttocks.
- Violent tearing and stitches, with ulcerative pain in heels; at times relieves by rubbing;
occurs also at night, in bed.
- Feet feel as if "asleep."
- Cold feet, especially in evening in bed.
- Itching in sole of right foot : evenings.
- Stitching in toes, coming slowly and going slowly.
- Offensive sweat of feet.
Limbs in general
- Tearing and painful jerks, now here, and again there, through all limbs.
- Tearing rheumatic pains in extremities.
- Position. Motion.
- Has to walk crooked. Uterine displacement.
- Cannot walk erect, on account of a pain as from a sprain in groins.
- During rest : backache.
- Lying : drawing tension in legs; chilly in evening.
- Lying on ear : sensation as if something would come out.
- Lying on back : loose cough at night with stitches in left hypochondrium.
- Cannot lie on back or side : with backache.
- Walking : stitches in ears in open air; stitching and burning in right hypochondrium;
tearing and tension in groin; stitching and tearing in perineum; heaviness of chest in open
air; heaviness on chest very great; must limp from pain in left hip; hamstrings seem too
- | sudden prostration.
- Motion : backache; increases sweat; pains in limbs better.
- From exertion : heat and puffiness of face.
- After rising : pressure in forehead.
- Must rise : with stitches in spleen.
- Stooping : stitches in head and splitting sensation; asthma.
- Turning : pain from stiff neck to between shoulders.
- Turning from back to side : cough with stitches in left hypochondrium worse.
- Sitting : stitches in spleen; stitches in right groin; soreness up rectum; gnawing in left hip
bone; tearing in front of thighs; drawing tension in legs; stitches in knee.
- Moving arms : asthma.
- Must stand still : from heaviness on chest.
- Standing : beating like pulse in left chest.
- Ebullitions with anxiety and weakness as if paralyzed.
- Sudden prostration after dinner, when walking in open air.
- Great weakness, mornings.
- || Prostration and great weariness.
- Languor during day, with laziness.
- Constant yawning without sleepiness, mornings.
- Sleepiness early in evening, eyelids fall shut; amel after candlelight.
- Cannot fall asleep before midnight, on account of cold feet.
- Heat in head prevents sleep before midnight.
- Restless sleep, and waking after midnight.
- Anxious, fearful dreams, starts out of sleep.
- Dreams : of falling into water; of sickness; lascivious.
- Wakes at 2 A.M. from violent cutting in abdomen.
- Wakes at night : from sneezing, with tickling in throat, causing cough; pain in small of
- Generally agg after getting out of bed.
- Worse after rising in morning.
- Night : digging and tearing in right ear; frequent and profuse urination; menstrual flow
most profuse; cough loose; heaviness in chest; backache; tearing in heels, in bed; cold feet
in bed; restless sleep, awakes frequently; chill from uncovering; sweating, most copious
after midnight.
- 2 A.M. : awakened by cutting in abdomen.
- 3 A.M. : awakened with heaviness in chest.
- 4 A.M. : tenesmus vesicae worse.
- Early morning : sweating most copious.
- Morning : irritability; heaviness of forehead after rising; eyes agglutinated; stitches in
spleen; green diarrhoeic stools; cough dry; beating in left chest; great weakness; constant
yawning and sleepiness; bruised pain all over after rising.
- Night and day : dry cough; sweat.
- All day : heaviness of forehead; languor and laziness.
- Afternoon : burning and stitching in right hypochondrium; hoarseness and burning in
larynx; cough loose.
- Twilight : burning of eyes.
- 6 P.M. : attacks of cough begin daily.
- Evening : has most thirst; cutting and stitching in ossa pubium to back; stitches in knee
when sitting; itching in sole of right foot; sleepy early; chilliness; itching in various parts.
- Midnight : cannot fall asleep till then from cold feet and heat in head.
- Chilliness evenings, after lying down, and as often as she awakens; without thirst.
- Chill, with external coldness in evening and from uncovering at night.
- Chill running up back.
- Chill alternating every half hour, with heat.
- || Chill and heat, ending with copious sweat; seventh day of typhoid.
- Heat with red, puffed-up face, particularly in warm room, and after bodily exertion.
- Thirst with heat.
- Flushes of heat in frequent attacks, ending each time with sweat, which is most profuse in
face, palms of hands, and soles of feet.
- Sweat day and night, following heat.
- Profuse night-sweat over whole body, most copious after midnight and early in morning
in bed.
- Sweat without thirst.
- || Sweat increased by every motion.
- Sweat on lower part of body.
Attacks, periodicity
- Stitching pain in toes, comes slowly and goes slowly.
- Septimani : chill and fever followed by profuse sweat every seventh day.
- Daily : cough beginning at 6 P.M.
- Chills alternating with heat every half hour.
- Seventh day of typhus; chill and heat ending with copious sweat.
- Flushes of heat ending with sweat in frequent attacks.
- As if brain was torn; as if head was split; as if occiput was screwed in; as if a body arose
in left eye which impeded sight; as if ear and throat were connected; as from a load in lower
abdomen; as if abdomen would burst; swollen feeling in groins; as if a morsel of food had
lodged in throat; blood seems to be in constant ebullition; a running sensation between skin
and muscles.
- Dull heavy pains : in head, with vertigo and pallor.
- Pain : from right side of pubes to hip and small of back; in lumbo-sacral region; in left hip
as if tendons were too short; in abdomen and back, with menses.
- Stitches : in left temple and side of head; in vertex when stooping; in ears; in
submaxillary gland; in upper incisors; to left temple, from swollen gums; in throat; in chest
with hiccough or cough; in scrobiculum; in hypochondria; in spleen; in abdomen above left
hip; from pubes to small of back; in right groin, coming out behind hip; in perineum; in left
spermatic cord; in left scapula; in right scapula when inspiring; under left thumb- nail; in
knee-joint; and tearing in heels; in toes.
- Stinging : in rectum.
- Cutting : from ossa pubium to small of back.
- Tearing pain : in right temple and through right side of face; in temples and occiput; in
head, causing nausea; in r. ear; in bones of face; in groin; in perineum; from cardiac region
into left arm; in side of neck, alternating with tearing in cheek; in left arm to fingers; and
drawing from right elbow to fingers; in left wrist; in front part of thighs; and stitches in
heels; through limbs.
- Burning : of eyes; in canthi; of ears; in larynx; heat of face; eruption on face; of lips; in
blister on tip of tongue; in scrobiculum; in right hypochondrium; in rectum; at small spots
in chest; red spots on left chest; in blisters on right scapula; in small blisters on wrist.
- Smarting : in rectum.
- Rawness : in throat, back of uvula.
- Soreness : and tenderness of nose; of nose and nostrils; of mouth and lips; in throat; in a
spot behind soft palate; in stomach; in groins; in rectum; itching in rectum; in lungs; in left
- Pressure : in forehead towards root of nose; in throat when swallowing; and stitches in
- Bruised pain : in lower right chest; between scapulae; in small of back; in whole body in
morning after rising.
- Tensive pain : in articulations of jaw; in groin; below right breast; in blisters on right
scapula; and drawing in legs.
- Ulcerative pain : in left nostril; in heels.
- Gnawing : in stomach; in left hip bone.
- Boring and digging : in ears.
- Pinching : in muscles of right scapula.
- Griping : about navel.
- Contractive pain : in occiput.
- Cramplike contraction : in left hip; in hamstrings; in lower l. leg.
- Sprained feeling : in left side of abdomen; in groin; between scapulae.
- Lame feeling : in stomach.
- Rooting and rolling : in right ear as if something would come out; in stomach.
- Neuralgic pains : in head; in feet.
- Rheumatic pains : in head; in varices; first in right, then in left shoulder joint; in limbs.
- Heaviness : with fulness in head; in forehead; in lower abdomen; of chest; and rigidity of
right arm.
- Fulness : of head; in throat; in stomach; in abdomen.
- Empty sensation : in stomach as from fasting; in throat, with no desire to eat.
- Pulsating : in submaxillary gland; in tonsils; in glands of neck; in breast near oesophagus;
in left spermatic cord; small spot in left chest; in finger, like panaritium; under nail of left
thumb; in various places.
- Drawing : in submaxillary gland; from right elbow to fingers.
- "Gone to sleep" feeling : in feet.
- Itching : of scalp; pimples on right side of occiput; in ears; in nose with sensation of a
foreign body; of rectum; in throat, followed by expectoration of blood; red spots on l. chest;
between scapulae; on inside of forearm; in small blisters on wrist; in sole of right foot; on
various parts before going to bed.
- Tickling : in throat.
- Crawling : in throat, causing cough.
- Coldness : between scapulae; of feet.
- Stiffness : in small of back.
- Dryness : in throat.
- || Orgasm of blood.
- Produces an increased secretion of mucus; hence useful in catarrhs.
- Burning, rawness, on mucous surfaces; later formation of vesicles and ulcers.
- Tension in joints as from shortening of muscles.
- { Fatty tumors.
- { Obesity.
- Itching on various parts of body, generally evenings, before going to bed, amel
- Fine rash over whole body, like measles.
- Smallpox more on trunk and upper limbs.
- Blisters on various parts, with tension, burning and formation of scurf.
- Similar to its relatives and to : Ant. crud.
- (mucous membranes); Aloes (abdominal symptoms); Arsen. (catarrhs); Arg. nitr. (mucus
in throat); Calc. ostr.
- (fat people; coldness between scapulae; profuse menses); Conium (night cough); Caustic.
(stiff joints, contractions of muscles; burning hoarseness); Carb. veg. (hoarseness; burning
on chest, etc.); Coloc. (in colic); Hepar; Iodine; Kali bichr. (stringy mucus, etc.); Kali chlor.
(catarrh); Kali hydr. (pimples on back, etc.); Mercur.; Merc. corr.; Magn. mur. (especially
bloody sputum; crumbling stool; atonic bladder); Natr. mur. (catarrh); Nux. vom.;
Phosphor.; Rhus tox. (sprains; joints agg sitting, etc.); Seneg. (fat people; mucous
secretions; stitches in scapula with lung affections, etc.); Sepia (blisters about joints; atonic
bladder, etc.); Silic.; Sulphur.
- Aggravations from Amm. mur. are relieved by a hot bath.
- Antidoted by : bitter almonds; Coffea; Nux vom.
AMMONIACUM (Vijnovsky)
(Goma del vegetal Dorema Ammoniacum)
** 2- En viejos y gente debilitada, con procesos bronquiales (ver 12), peor en Invierno.
Heces negras, sanguinolentas, verdes, duras, nudosas, grandes, largas y estrechas, acuosas.
*** 6- Movimiento constante de las aletas nasales; aleteo nasal peor durante la neumona
(Lyc.). Estornudos seguidos de abundante descarga mucosa.
11- Hidrocele. Dolores bruscos en el cordn espermtico derecho y en la raz del pene.
*** 12- Afecciones bronquiales crnicas o subagudas en viejos, peor en tiempo fro, con gran
acumulacin de secreciones mucopurulentas, duras y espesas, expectoracin difcil (da
fuerzas y ayuda a expectorar) y tos, con ruidos en el pecho, acompaadas a menudo de
aleteo nasal y disnea. Asma.
13- Latidos fuertes del corazn (y de arterias) peor acostado sobre el lado izquierdo o de
espaldas, extendidos al hueco epigstrico.
Ammoniacum gummi es una goma obtenida de un rbol muy grande que crece en
Arabia. Ha merecido notable reputacin como medicamento para los ojos; yo lo he usado
con xito en la astenopa, cuando hay escozor y ardor en los ojos, especialmente si se ha
trabajado de noche a la luz artificial; los ojos se ponen inyectados y con frecuencia hay
latidos, principalmente en las comisuras internas. Por esto es colocado entre Belladonna,
que se usa en las afecciones oculares por exceso de trabajo, cuando hay una gran
congestin, y Ruta que est indicado para la irritabilidad de todos los tejidos oculares, por
exceso de trabajo o por esforzarse en un trabajo fino.
Ammoniacum gummi (Boericke)
Un remedio para los viejos y dbiles, especialmente en bronquitis crnica.
Sensible al fro
Sensacin de ardor y rasposo en cuello y esfago.
Cefalea catarral debido a obstruccin de los senos frontales.
Visin reducida
Estrellas y puntos gneos flotan delante de los ojos
Se fatiga fcilmente al leer
Garganta seca; peor inhalando aire fresco
Sensacin de plenitud, sensacin de ardor y rasposo
Inmediatamente despus de comer, sensacin como si algo se atascase en el esfago, que le
hace tragar.
Respiracin difcil
Catarro bronquial crnico
Gran acumulacin de materia purulenta y expectoracin dbil; peor en tiempo fro
Mucosidad espesa y dura.
El corazn late muy fuerte, se extiende a la boca del estmago.
Estertores gruesos en el trax en viejos.
Antdotos; Bry., Arnica.
Senega, Tart. emet., Blsamo del Per.
Tercera trituracin.
Relaciones.- Comparar: Asaf., Coni., Cicut. (relaciones botnicas); Ambra, Aur., Arn.
(efectos de golpes); Puls. (> acostado sobre lado izquierdo); Bell. y Ruta (ojos).
Antdotado por : Arn., Bry.
- A melancholy mood, continued for several days, [_a1]a.
- The whole day through, he was uncomfortable and in a melancholy mood, [_a1]b.
- During the day, he was in a gloomy state of mind, [a5].
- He is uneasynd uncomfortable, and, whether walking or sitting, is out of humor, [_a1]b.
- Ill-humored, [a4].
- Morose temper, [a5].
- Incapacity for mental exertion, [a6].
- Disinclination for anything, [a6].
- In afternoon, a slight sensation of confusion of the head, [a5].
- In the evening, there was confusion of the head, which incapacitated him for labor, [_a1]a.
- Somewhat increased confusion of the head, after some hours, and sleepiness, with a
sensation as if bruised in the limbs, and pains, continuing half an hour, in the course of the
crural nerve, [a5].
- While reading, he was attacked with vertigo, which passed into a headache, and continued
into the night, [a5].
- Heaviness of the head, [_a1]b.
- Violent headache (day and night), [a6].
- The stitching pains pressing through the head were very distressing; these pains continued,
with but little intermission, through the whole day, [a5].
- Later, the forehead was confused, with weakness of sight and heaviness in the loins,
- Pressive pains in the whole forehead and over the eyes (shortly after taking; lasts all day),
- Pressive pain in the whole head, especially in the supraorbital region and occiput (at
midday), [a6].
- Pains were observed in a few hours through the whole forehead; increased grains), [a6].
- Aching in the forehead, [_a1]a.
- Aching in the forehead with confusion of the whole head, and such drowsiness that any
effort or labor was utterly impossible, [a5].
- Aching in right half of forehead (10 o'clock), [_a1]a.
- Transient, stitching pains in left temporal region (in one hour), [a4].
- Tearings in left side of head, [_a1]b.
- Late in evening, drawing in left zygoma, extending to temples, [_a1]a.
- A furry sensation (Pilzigkeitsgefrhl) at the occiput, [_a1]a.
- Stitching upon the occiput, where the hairs ceased; under the air, pustules were formed,
- Where the hair ceases, isolated pustules, [_a1]b.
- Frequently returning stitches, as from a knife, in the middle of the hairy scalp, [_a2].
- Prickling in hairy scalp, returning next day; also in upper half of eyeball, [_a2].
- Itching of the hairy scalp (more in the vertex and below), requiring him to scratch, [_a1]b.
- Itching of hairy scalp more severe than before, [_a3].
- Itching in hairy scalp of occiput on left side, [_a1]b.
- The eyes seem dry to him, with sensation as if there were a foreign body between the left
upper eyelid and the eyeball, [_a1]b.
- Pressure on the eyes, and a dull stitching, especially when stooping, [a4].
- Aching over eyes and in forehead, rather stronger in temporal region, continuing nearly the
whole day, but moderately, being somewhat relieved after dinner, [a5].
- The pain in eye was less; drawing, stitching, [a4].
- Aching in upper part of eye, [_a1]b.
- Morning, on waking, purulent matter in the inner canthi of both eyes, but especially the
right, [a4].
- Sensation of a swelling under the tarsus, as if a little gland were swollen, though the finger
could not detect any, [a4].
- Pricking throbbing in left upper eyelid, which returned the next day, followed by aching,
- Continual dull stitching pain in right lower eyelid, much increased by moving the eyelids,
touching them, or stooping; externally, no change apparent, [a4].
- The pains in the lower eyelids had entirely disappeared; only, in the right one, a small
hardened pellicle might be felt, [a4].
- He cannot read without straining the eyes, [_a1], b.
- Such a cloudiness before eyes that things which previously could be recognized from the
room without difficulty, seemed now as if enveloped in a cloud, [a6].
- Blindness in evening, [a8].
- Dimness and obscuration of sight in evening, amounting almost to
- Dimness of sight in the evening, and especially in the morning after rising, with increased
warmth in the eyes, [_a1]a.
- The daylight hurt his eyes, although the sky was overcast, [_a1]a.
- Before the eyes, a cloud of dust was constantly waving, [a5]
- It seemed as if dust floated before the eyes (which were heavy from
- Beams of light and sparks proceeding from the eyes, and a burning bright light, surrounded
by brilliant colored rings, while others saw things as through a thick mist or cloud of dust, at
evening, [a7].
- Deepseated tearings in right external auditory passage, [_a1]b.
- Single transient stitches in right ear, [a4].
- Separate stitches in right ear, [a5].
- Fleeting stitches in right ear, at noon, [a4].
- There was a humming perceived in ears, which continued but a short time, [a5].
- Humming in ear, so violent as to injure the hearing, [a6].
- Clinking in left ear, while scratching the occiput (at 10 p.m. ), [_a1]b.
- Increased secretion of mucus from nose (immediately after), [_a1]b.
- Frequent sneezing, [_a1]b, [a6].
- Profuse mucous discharge from the nose, [a6].
- Her countenance changed, and she became quite pale, [_a2].
- The lips were dry, and he experienced a burning sensation, [a5].
- Dull, stitching, jerking pains in the two left lower incisors (which were sound), at 7
o'clock, [a4].
- Profuse saliva, [a6].
- Short rheumatic stitches in left eyetooth, [a4].
- Dry roughness in the posterior part of the gums, with slight aching in pit of stomach, [a4].
- Thin yellowish coating on tongue, [_a3].
- Yellow-coated tongue and bitter taste, [a5].
- Dry roughness of the point of the tongue and the gums, [a4].
- Nose, mouth, and throat distressingly dry (on waking), [_a3].
- Clayey taste, [_a1]b.
- Bitter taste in mouth (immediately), [a5].
- Bitter, rank taste, [a4].
- Flat taste in mouth, somewhat sweetish, [_a3].
- No taste in forepart of tongue, but nauseating, bitter in pharynx; disappears after eating
(soon after taking), [a6].
- Sensation of fulness extending up into the throat (10 a. m.), [_a1]a.
- A sensation of fulness in the throat and gullet, almost inducing nausea, [_a1]a.
- Sensation in throat and oesophagus of scraping and burning (16 to 24 grains), [a6].
- Soon after taking, scraping sensation in the oesophagus, [a5].
- Sensation as if something were sticking deep in the throat, making it necessary to swallow,
- Stitching from the region of the right submaxillary glands, extending into the mouth,
- Slight roughness of the throat, [_a1]b.
- In the throat, a roughness and dryness was present, [a5].
- After swallowing, sensation in throat, as from dry cough, [a6].
- Eructations, [a4].
- Violent eructations (soon after), [a5].
- Occasional eructations of a resinous odor, [a4].
- Eructations of a strong, resinous, bitter taste (immediately after 12 grains), [a5].
- Increasing nausea, [_a2].
- Nausea, almost vomiting (soon after taking), [a6].
- Aching in stomach (immediately), [a4].
- After supper, aching in stomach, [a5].
- Sensation of heat and slight burning in the scrobiculus cordis, occupying a space as large as
a child's head, [a4].
- Sensation of warmth and aching in pit of stomach, [a4].
- * Aching in pit of stomach, [a4].
- Transient stitches under the ribs and above the navel, chiefly at the left side, [a5].
- Transient stitching pains under right short ribs, at 9 o'clock, [a4].
- At 8 a. m., several transient fine stitches under the right short ribs, returning at noon and in
the evening, [a4].
- Fine transient stitches under the right short ribs, in the caecal region, and, after rising, in
the right ear also, [a4].
- For nearly an hour after taking, transient short stitches under short ribs, on left side, and
similar pains between the superior and anterior spinous processes of the ilium and left side of
navel, [a4].
- On waking in the morning, dull, stitching, fleeting pains under the short ribs; similar pains
in caecal region, [a4].
- Half an hour after dinner, slight transient cutting pain about the navel, [a4].
- Aching and tension, as if pressed together, about the navel, continuing only a few minutes
(in half an hour), [a4].
- Aching and tension below the navel, on the left side, from which was developed a peculiar,
dull, stitching (apparently superficial) pain, [a4].
- Dull, stitching, transient pains between the crest of the left ilium and the navel,
immediately; and subsequently similar pains in the caecal region, [a4].
- Dull, stitching, jerking pain in the region of the caecum, disappearing again after some
minutes; returning on change of posture, and especially when inclining towards the left side,
when lying, [a4].
- Transient return of the pain in the caecum, [a4].
- Fleeting, dull, stitching pain in the region of the caecum, but less than the day before, [a4].
- Single, fleeting stitches in the caecal region at 7.30 o'clock, [a4].
- Pains similar to the previous caecal pains, and at a corresponding point on the left side,
some minutes later, [a4].
- After 1 p.m. , there was great rumbling in the abdomen, for half hour, [a5].
- Rumblings in abdomen, with confusion in forehead, [_a1]b.
- Soon after taking, passage of strong-smelling flatus, [a5].
- In morning, copious discharge of sour-smelling flatus, [a5].
- At night, unusually free-discharge of wind, [a4].
- After some hours, slight pains in abdomen, [a5].
- Slight pains in belly, with borborygmus, [a6].
- Chilliness, and wandering pains in abdomen, followed by an abundant mucous stool; at the
same time there was also a mucous discharge from nose, with frequent sneezing, and mucous
expectoration (prover was at that time suffering from a coryza), [a6].
- Slight griping in belly, [_a1]b.
- Violent cutting (two hours), [a6].
- Colic-like pains ensued in afternoon, but were transient, [a5].
- The pressure in pit of stomach, and the sensation of aching and heaviness in pubic region,
seemed to alternate, [a4].
- The peculiar, dull, stitching, caecal pains, alternating with a similar pain in the
corresponding part of the left side, [a4].
- Rheumatic pain in left side of pelvis, [_a1]b.
- Distressing pain in region of pubis, [_a1]b.
- * Heaviness and aching in the pubic region, [a4].
- Repeated stitching in right groin, almost in the spermatic cords, returning in the evening
(after 12 o'clock), [_a1]a.
- The pain in the course of the crural nerve, extending itself towards the inguinal ring and the
spermatic cord, [a5].
- Itching in right groin, [_a1]b.
- Jerking, drawing in left region, [a4].
- Drawing pains about the lower abdomen, [a6].
Urinary organs
- Burning at orifice of urethra, diminishing interiorly, [_a1]b.
- Several fleeting stitches through the fossa navicularis, [a4].
- Increase of urine and sweat, but diminished alvine evacuations, [_a3].
- For a couple of days, after urinating, some drops of urine were still discharged, [_a1]b.
- The urine passed contained much lactate of urea, [_a1]b.
- Absence of lactic acid and lactate of urea from the urine, [a4].
- The marked acid reaction of the urine, which continued for several days, arose from the
surplus of uric acid, which was deposited for some time, [a4].
- The urine also contained much mucus, [a4].
- After a few days, many torulae were formed, [a4].
- Albumen was not present, [a4].
- Even when cold, the urine had a peculiar smell, and was more pungent than natural; while
evaporating, also, it gave forth a peculiar odor, [a4].
Sexual organs
- Stitches at the root of the penis, [_a1]b.
- Painful drawing in spermatic cord, [a5].
- Severe stitches in the spermatic cord, and in the left pubic region, [a5].
- In evening, drawing pain along the spermatic cord, [a5].
- Constant drawing in right spermatic cord, [_a1]b.
- Disagreeable drawing in right spermatic cord, [a4].
- Stitching in right spermatic cord while walking, [_a2].
- Late in evening, stitching in right spermatic cord, [_a1]a.
- Slight pains in left spermatic cord, at eleven o'clock, [a4].
- Drawing in region of left spermatic cord frequently returning, [_a1]b.
- Dull, aching drawing in testicles, for some minutes, [a4].
Respiratory organs
- Occasional tickling in air-passages, which, however, does not induce cough, [_a3].
- Hoarse voice, [a6].
- Peculiar sensation in the throat that induces a cough, soon after taking; relieved after
eating, [a6].
- For three days past, in morning, coughing up of a slight, soluble, thickish mucus from the
larynx, [a4].
- Expectoration mucous, and more copious than usual (day after twenty-six grains), [a6].
- Respiration accelerated, [a5, a6].
- For many days the respiration is shorter and more in the upper part of the lungs, but
accompanied with no other unpleasant sensation than anxiety and discomfort, [_a1]b.
- Pain in chest, [_a2].
- Some constriction of chest, with pain (in one hour), [_a2].
- Constriction of lower half of left breast, and soon after a deepseated pain there, [_a2].
- Some oppression of chest, with stitches in left half of chest, when inspiring, [_a3].
- Slight jerking stitches about the short ribs on left side, more towards the anterior surface of
the breast, [a4].
- Anxiety and oppression of chest (in a phthisical person who had formerly
Extremities in general
- Weariness of extremities, [_a1]a.
- Heaviness of the limbs (in evening), [_a1]a.
- Repeated tearing pains in wrists and ankles, [_a3].
- Before he went to bed he experienced tearing, but, for the most part, very fleeting pains in
the right shoulder, knee, and ankle; also in the left tarsal bones, but less severe, [a5].
- Pains, like rheumatic pains, were felt in the left shoulder, the knee, and right ankle, [a5].
Upper extremities
- Rheumatic pain in the whole right arm, about twelve o'clock, [_a1]b.
- Single, rheumatic, fleeting pains in the right arm, now at one point, now at another, [a4].
- Sensation in right arm, as if bruised (principally above the elbow), [_a1]a.
- Tensive, aching, transient, dull, itching pain on fleshy part of extensors of right arm and
elbow-joint, [a4].
- Sensation of paralysis in left arm, [_a1].
- Stitching in shoulder and axilla, extending down to the elbow, during ten or fifteen
minutes, [a5].
- Rheumatic pain in right shoulder, [a4].
- Acute stitches in the right shoulder, [_a1]b.
- Stitching and tearing in left shoulder, [_a1]b.
- Stitching in left shoulder-joint, [_a1].
- Pricking in left shoulder-joint, extending over the deltoid muscle, almost disappearing
when pressing upon it, [_a1]b.
- In the evening, stitches in the glands of the right axilla, [_a1]c.
- Dull, drawing pains in right deltoid muscle, at 9 a. m., [a4].
- Drawing and tearing in right wrist, [_a1]b.
- Sensation as if bruised in left wrist; afterwards, in the right also, [_a1]a.
- Short, rheumatic pains in the metacarpal bones of the right hand, in elbow, and shoulder,
- Rheumatic pain in the index-finger of the left hand, [_a1]b.
- Drawing in right middle fingers, [_a1]a.
Lower extremities
- At evening, weariness in both hip-joints for several hours, [a4].
- Stitching in right hip-joint, while sitting (10 a. m.), [_a1]a.
- Next day, before nine o'clock, he experienced, while walking, acute stitching pain,
somewhat above the right-hip-joint, almost compelling him to limp; the pain, which chiefly
occurred when sitting bent up, diminished during the day, and by morning disappeared
almost entirely, [_a1]c.
- Sensation of uneasiness in right trochanter major, [a4].
- Dull, drawing pain in right trochanter, at 4 p.m. , continuing an hour, [a4].
- From 3.50 to 5.30 p.m. , dull stitching pain in right trochanter major, with weariness of leg,
- In evening, drawing pain in right trochanter and left knee, [a5].
- Sensation of weariness in right thigh, [a5].
- Jerking pain in left thigh, in the course of the crural nerve (in evening), [_a3].
- Undefinable pains in the left knee, [_a1]b.
- At 9 p.m. , while sitting, a sensation as if the knee were swollen, with increased heat of the
knee, and pricking in the bend of the knee, [_a1]b.
- Tension in the right knee-joint, when walking, [_a1]b.
- Towards morning, there was stitching in the left side of right knee, [_a1]a.
- Constant stitching and aching on the left leg, at the left knee, at the protuberance of the
tibia, [_a1]b.
- Pain in right leg, above the knee, which made it difficult for him to walk, [_a1]b.
- The pain below the knee returned again when walking, [_a1]b.
- Tearing pain in right shin, [_a1]b.
- Tearing pain in both ankles, [_a3].
- Pressure above the right ankle, [_a1]b.
- Late in the evening, cracking in the left ankle, when moving, [_a1]a.
- Painful drawing in left foot, [a5].
- Pain in middle of sole of left foot, [_a1]b.
- Heaviness in right sole, so that he trips up when going upstairs, [_a1]b.
- Tearing and drawing in the sole of the foot, [_a1]a.
- Burning in left metatarsus, [_a1]b.
- Pricking and burning in left metatarsus, [_a1]b.
- Repeated pricking in right metatarsus, [_a1]b.
- Pricking below the right metatarsus, [_a1]b.
- Burning, then, five minutes after, stitching in right great toe, [_a1]b.
- Gouty pains in left great toe, so that he cannot walk this is repeated several times, [_a1]b.
- About 10 a. m., drawing in the middle toe of left foot, [_a1]a.
- Stitches in the little toe of the left foot, at the left of the joint, where the skin was somewhat
thickened, [_a1]b.
- Pulsation and restlessness in whole body, not permitting him to go to sleep at night, though
he had drank less than usual, [a4].
- Weariness, even upon the last motion, [_a1]b.
- Weary, and as if beaten, [a5].
- Immediately upon rising he felt a sluggishness and drowsiness, with depression of spirits,
which manifested itself in the body as heaviness and weariness, [_a1]a.
- Great lassitude, without having really become previously fatigued; the limbs feeling as if
bruised, [a5].
- Discomfort, [_a1]b.
- Stitching in various parts of the body, on the left great toe, on the left knee, in the chest, but
not continuing long in the same place (in evening), [_a1]a.
- Here and there fermentation, [_a1]a.
- Dryness of mouth and oppression of chest, worse early in morning, [_a3].
- On left side of occiput, where hair ceased, vesicles presented themselves, compelling him
to scratch, and disappearing again till evening; the same thing occurred in the beard, on the
right side of the face, where he noticed only one vesicle, [_a1]c.
- Itching returning in the evening, [_a1]b.
- Chills, running from feet up over the back, at half past ten o'clock, [a4].
- Chilliness, half an hour after dinner, at one o'clock, extending from feet
- * Disposition to sweat, [_a1]a[a5].
- (Morning), Discharge of flatus; pappy stool; coughing up mucus.
- (Morning on waking), Purulent matter in inner canthi, etc; dull pains under short ribs, etc.
- (Immediately on rising), Sluggishness, etc.
- (Morning after rising), Dimness of sight.
- (Noon), Stitches in right ear.
- (Afternoon), Slight confusion of head; pappy stool, etc.; colic-like pain; weariness in both
hip-joints, etc.
- (Evening), Confusion of head, etc.; blindness; dimness of sight; stitch in right groin;
drawing pain along spermatic cord; palpitation, etc; heaviness of limbs; stitches in glands of
right axilla; drawing pain in right trochanter, etc.; jerking pain in left thigh; stitching in
various parts, etc.; itching returning.
- (Late in Evening), Drawing in left zygoma, etc.; stitching in right
- (Evening, after lying down), Palpitation in chest, etc.; (Night), Discharge of wind;
restlessness; many dreams.
- (Night, when going to bed), Throbbing of the heart, etc.
- (Towards morning), Stitches in right knee.
- (8 a. m.), Fine stitches in right short ribs.
- (9 a. m.), Pains in right deltoid muscle.
- (About 10 a. m.), Drawing in left toe.
- (After 1 p.m. ), Rumbling in abdomen, etc.
- (3.50 to 5.30 p.m. ), Dull pain in right trochanter.
- (9 p.m. , while sitting), Sensation as if left knee swollen, etc.
- (Sitting bent up), Acute pain above hip-joint.
- (Bending to left side, when lying), Dull pain in region of caecum.
- (After dinner), Pain about navel; pappy fecal stool.
- (Expiration), Stitches in left lumbar region.
- (After eating fruit), Soft evacuation, etc.
- (When inspiring), Oppression of chest, etc.
- (Lying on left side), Throbbing of heart, etc.
- (Lying on back), Throbbing of heart, etc.
- (Moving), Crack in left ankle.
- (Moving eyelid), Pain in right lower eyelid.
- (Change of Posture), Dull pain in region of caecum.
- (While reading), Vertigo, etc.
- (After reading), Weariness of eyes.
- (After rising), Stitches in right ear.
- (While sitting), Pressure upon rectum; stitching in right hip-joint.
- (Stooping), Pressure on eyes, etc.; stitching pain in right lower eyelid.
- (After supper), Aching in stomach.
- (Touching eyelids), Stitching pain in right lower lid.
- (While walking), Stitch in right spermatic cord; tension in right knee-joint; pain below
- (Early in morning), Dryness of mouth, etc.
- (After dinner), Aching over eyes, etc.
- (Half an hour after dinner, at one o'clock), Chilliness.
- (Lying on right side), Throbbing of the heart, etc.
- (Pressure), Pricking in left shoulder, etc.
- (Soon after soft stool), Yawning.
- Anxiety, with congestion of lungs.
- Low-spirited; sluggish; drowsy.
- Indisposed to mental work.
- Intellectual labor prevented by headache.
- Aching in forehead with confusion of whole head, and such drowsiness that any effort or
labor was impossible.
- Forehead confused, with weakness of sight and heaviness in loins.
- Confusion of head and sleepiness, with a sensation as if bruised in limbs, and pains in
course of crural nerve.
Inner head
- Pains throughout whole forehead; increasing all day till evening, preventing intellectual
- Severe headache continuing during night, preventing sleep.
- Aching in forehead, with confusion of whole head, and such drowsiness that any effort or
labor was utterly impossible.
- Pressive pains in whole forehead, and over eyes.
- Transient, stitching pains in left temporal region.
- Tearings in left side of head.
- Pressive pain in whole head, especially in supraorbital region and occiput.
- Stitching pains through head.
- Heaviness of the head.
Outer head
- Itching, mostly on border of hair in nape of neck.
- Pimples on border of scalp.
- Frequently returning knifelike stitches in middle of hairy scalp.
- Stitching in occiput, on edge of hair; under hair pustules formed.
- Numbness in occiput.
Upper face
- Pale face, feels sick; frequent change of color.
- Drawing in right malar bone towards temple.
- Dark face, anxious, parched look. Congestion of lungs.
Lower face
- Darting from region of lower jaw to interior of mouth.
Inner mouth
- Darting from region of lower jaw into mouth.
- Bitterish unpleasant taste in throat.
- After swallowing, a sensation in throat as from a dry cough.
- Sensation of sharpness and burning in throat and oesophagus.
- Dryness of throat, most troublesome in morning, always increases by inhaling fresh air.
Appetite, thirst
- Desires, Aversions. Want of appetite.
- Slight pains in belly with borborygmi.
- Chilliness and wandering pain in abdomen, followed by an abundant mucous stool.
- Dull, shooting, jerking pain in region of caecum; agg when turning on to right side.
- Pressure and heaviness in pubic region.
Urinary organs
- After a few days many torulae were formed in urine.
- Lactate of urea much increased.
- Burning in urethra.
- Dribbling after urination.
- Short, loud, accelerated breathing, with anxiety.
- Oppression and stitches in left chest, when inspiring.
- Difficult breathing. Congestion of lungs.
- Oppression of chest relieved by raising tough phlegm.
- { Spasmodic asthma.
- Mucous expectoration.
- { Asthenic pulmonary complaints.
- Promotes power of ejecting sputa if sick have not the strength.
- Mucus tough, profuse and hard.
- { Chronic pulmonary and bronchial catarrh, with nauseous thick fluid, puslike sputa.
- { Large accumulation of purulent or viscid matter, with feeble or difficult expectoration.
- Aged people suffer in cold weather from bronchial affections, with accumulation of
mucus and much difficulty in raising it.
Upper limbs
- Lancination in shoulder joints.
- Left arm weak.
- Rheumatic pain, as if bruised, most in elbow joint and l. wrist, with tearing in right hand.
- Pain in left shoulder joint and arm.
- Panaritium.
Lower limbs
- Stitches in right hip when sitting.
- Stitches over hip when walking, he limps.
- Cannot walk from pain in right hip joint.
- Darting pain in left thigh along crural nerve.
- Violent pain over knee when walking.
- Knee swollen in evening, while sitting, with pinching in bend of joint.
- Stitches in right knee, in tibia and tarsal joint.
- Gouty pain in left big toe.
- Itching on soles of feet.
- Tingling in right foot.
- Pinching, tearing, drawing, burning in left foot.
- Swelling of toes.
Limbs in general
- Tearing pain in wrist and ankles, followed by swollen toes and fingers.
- Tired feeling and heaviness in limbs, even after slightest exertion.
- Position. Motion. Lying down on back or on left side; heart symptoms worse.
- Turning on right side : increases pain in caecum.
- Sitting : stitches in right hip; knee swollen, pricking in bend of joint.
- Walking; stitches over hip; pain over knee.
- Cannot walk : from pain in right hip joint.
- After slightest exertion : tiredness and heaviness of limbs.
- Uneasiness; weariness.
- { Hysteria with weakness.
- Drowsiness all day, sleep full of dreams.
- Drowsiness with headache, making labor impossible.
- Gaping because stomach is empty, brings tears in eyes.
- On awaking : nose, mouth and throat very dry.
- On getting up in morning : lazy, drowsy and depressed in spirits.
- Night : headache continues; heart and arteries throb.
- Morning : dryness of throat agg; lazy, drowsy and depressed on rising.
- All day till evening : pain throughout whole forehead.
- All day : drowsy.
- Evening : glaring before eyes; sparks and streaks before eyes agg; dimness of vision; heart
symptoms agg; knee swollen.
- As night advances : sees a black spot. Amblyopia.
- Chilliness followed by slight fever and headache.
- A running chill from feet up over back.
- || Disposition to sweat.
- Stitches : in left temporal region; through head; in hairy scalp; in occiput on edge of hair;
in left chest when inspiring; in loins during inhalation; in shoulder joints; in right hip when
sitting; over hip when walking; in right knee, tibia and tarsal joint; as from dry cough in
throat after swallowing.
- Lancination : in shoulder joints.
- Darting : from region of lower jaw into mouth; in left thigh along crural nerve.
- Shooting : in right spermatic cord and penis.
- Tearing : in left side of head; in right hand; in wrist and ankles; in left foot.
- Cutting pain : with diarrhoea.
- Sharpness and burning : in throat and oesophagus.
- Drawing : in right malar bone towards temple; in spermatic cord and penis; in left foot.
- Burning : in urethra.
- Aching : in forehead; in upper part of eye; in pit of stomach; in pubic region.
- Bruised feeling : in limbs; in upper limbs.
- Pinching : in bend of joint; in left foot.
- Heaviness : of head; in loins with headache; in pubic region; in lumbar vertebrae; in limbs.
- Itching : on border of hair in nape of neck; in pubic region; on soles of feet.
- Tingling : in right foot.
- Numbness : in occiput; in posterior part of right chest.
- Dryness : of nose; in throat.
- Chilliness : in abdomen with wandering pain.
- Pain : in forehead; in course of crural nerves; in ears; in left shoulder joint and arm; over
- Stinging, tearing, pricking pain, here and there, mostly in lower limbs.
- Tired feeling and heaviness : in limbs after slight exertion.
- Dull shooting jerking pain : in region of caecum.
- Toothache extending into ears.
- Pressure : in chest; in pubic region; in lumbar vertebrae.
- Rheumatic pain : in left pelvis; in elbow joint and left wrist.
- Gouty pain : in left big toe.
- Pressive pains : in forehead; in whole head.
- { Hemorrhages.
- { Causes abundant serous discharges.
- { Dropsical complaints.
- { Gout not developing in usual form of attacks, but disturbing general health.
- { Scrofulous tumors or enlarged joints.
- Red rash over whole body.
- After itching, little blisters like rash in typhus, but containing a yellow fluid; afternoon,
violent fever with swelling of face, more like a red rash.
- Suppression of eczema following vaccination. Congestion of lungs.
Stages of life
- Constitution. Man, aet. 26, fair haired, robust frame. Amblyopia.
- Aged people suffering during cold weather. See bronchial affections.
- Similar to its relatives : the umbelliferae, especially Conium (glands, eyes, etc.);
Opoponax; Asaf.
- (asthma); Cicut. (eruption in whiskers); Galban.; Sagap.; Sumbul (heart-throb too strong).
Also : Acon.
- (heart); Ambra (asthma); Arnic. (traumatic amblyopia); Arsen. (heart; asthma); Aurum
(congestion to eyes; heart; indurated testicle, etc.); Bellad. (eyes; heart; Ammoniac in
asthenopia, stands between Bellad. and Ruta.); Chelid. (strong, but not quickened heart-
throb); Cotyl. (strong heart-throb); Fagopyr. (strong throb of heart and arteries); Iber. (strong
heart-beat); Lycop.; Myrrh.; Natr. mur. (asthenopia, eruption at nape, etc.); Nitr. ac. (see 27);
Oliban.; Phosphor. (strong heart-throb; eyes; asthma); Pulsat. (styes; heart agg when lying on
l. side); Sulphur (congestive palpitation and throbbing all over at night, etc.); Seneg. (asthma
from mucus; heart-beat too strong, etc.).
- Antidoted by : Arnic. and Bryon.
*3- Malestar indefinible, con la sensacin de estar enfermo; necesita estar en cama. Extremo
*7- Cefalea frontal persistente, que se propaga primero a la sien derecha y luego a la
izquierda. Cefaleas a la maana y despus del medioda. Cefaleas peridicas, cada ocho
das, que duran todo el da. Vrtigo leve, sobre todo al caminar.
8- Visin dbil.
*9- Sed intensa. Nuseas, especialmente al despertar, mejor por comer; nuseas al ver la
comida. Acidez despus de comer. Ardores de estmago, que le producen un gran
malestar. Pesadez gstrica despus de comer, que desaparece en tres o cuatro horas.
*11- Diarrea cada dos horas, con tenesmo, fatiga y debilidad; precedida de dolores
abdominales. Heces ftidas, negras como caf, y excoriantes.
2- Estornudos con excesiva descarga oculonasal, solo de maana. Toma fro por la menor
corriente de aire.
3- Parlisis facial (Allen).
Caractersticas.- Esta sal ha sido usada en casos de gota crnica con ndulos de urato de
sodio en las articulaciones. C. Voigt tom tres granos de Am. Phos. con este resultado:
En una hora, ataques de sensacin de apretado en regin precordial y alrededor del
pecho; nusea; sed; pulso frecuente, duro, pequeo; y estado de colapso de la
circulacin. Despus, llenura y tensin en la cabeza; pesadez en extremidades;
inestable, marcha tambaleante. Allen dice que lo ha usado con xito en algunos casos
de parlisis facial.
Un remedio para pacientes gotosos crnicos, ditesis de cido rico, indicado en bronquitis
y nudosidades de las articulaciones de los dedos y dorso de las manos
Parlisis facial
Dolor en la articulacin del hombro
Tensin alrededor del trax
Pesadez de extremidades, inestable, marcha vacilante
Fro por la menor corriente de aire.
Estornudos con excesiva secrecin de la nariz y los ojos, solamente por las maanas.
Tos spera, profunda, con expectoracin verdosa.
Sedimento rosado.
Trituracin tercera decimal.
Ammonium phosphoricum (Allen)
Authority.C. Voigt, M.D. , Med. Examiner(Bost. Med. and Surg. Journ., vol. xxxiv, p. 308),
effects of about 3 grains.
In about an hour attacked by a sense of tighness in the praecordia and around the chest;
nausea; thirst; a hard, small frequent pulse; and a collapsed state of the circulation. These
disturbances were followed by a fulness and tension in the head; heaviness in the limbs; and
an unsteady tottering gait.
* 2- Violentos vmitos y diarrea, con tenesmo, sudores, midriasis, desmayos y colapso; reaparece
el cuadro despus de un profundo sueo de 2 horas. Sntomas de clera. Borborigmos.
Edemas renales, hidrocele, y ronquera crnica en pacientes escrofulosos se han beneficiado
de este medicamento
Sntomas coleriformes
Se agrava generalmente alrededor de las 6 p. m
Pupilas dilatadas
Regin costal izquierda adolorida y sensible
Dolor en las articulaciones de los codos, espalda adolorida
Adolorimiento de todas las extremidades
Vmito, diarrea con tenesmo
Ruidos en el abdomen.
Segunda a tercera potencia.
Es especialmente til en las dermatitis txicas por venenos vegetales (a la 30a. y 200a.).
Es muy similar al envenenamiento por Rhus Tox. (hiedra venenosa), donde puede servir
como desensibilizante, dando dosis progresivas, en tintura, de este medicamento.
(Amphisbaena vermicularis - Lagarto sin miembros)
3- Lateralidad derecha.
4- Dolores lancinantes.
5- Vrtigo con tendencia a caer hacia un lado, luego al otro, peor al darse vuelta o girar.
** 6- Cefaleas horribles, peor a la derecha, con la sensacin de tener los pies en la cabeza.
10- Dolor en la columna vertebral, peor caminando o al agacharse o mover los brazos.
Calambres en las piernas. Comedones que supuran.
Lagarto sin miembros. Amphisbaena vermicularis. O.N. Lacertilia. El maxilar contiene el
veneno que se quita y triturado.
- Ennui.
- Depression.
- Tender sadness, which disposes one to be gentle and meek.
- Sadness and lassitude in the morning.
- Impatience.
- Vertigo, as if one would fall towards one side, and is then impelled towards the opposite side by
a contrary oscillation.
- Dizziness when turning round.
- Horrible headache, with sensation as if the feet were in the brain.
- Weight at the forehead.
- Weight in the forehead and parietal region.
- Repeated beating at the right side of the forehead, as if hailstones fell upon it.
- Lancination and pain through the right side of the head.
- Sweat about the head.
- Weariness of the eyes, in the evening, with pain and pricking when looking at the light.
- Constriction of the right eye, as if strung together with a cord.
- Sensation as of a grain of sand in the right eye.
- Constant twitching at the upper eyelids, especially the left.
- Pain at the inner canthus of the right eye, as if a stye would form.
- Shooting pain in the outer angle of the left eye.
- Lachrymation and constriction of the left eye.
- Pain in the meatus auditorius, as if air were rushing in.
- Pricklings and heat at the right malar eminence.
- Painful and large pimple on left side of upper lip, suppurating.
- Swelling of the right lower jaw, worse in the open air.
- Pains in the right lower jaw, and considerable swelling, aggravated by air and dampness.
- Dull pain in the right lower jawbone.
- The teeth feel elongated and set on edge, especially the right lower molars.
- The toothache is worse in the afternoon and evening.
- Chewing is painful, but the contact of liquids is not painful.
- Swelling of the tonsils.
- Deglutition is difficult; one is not able to swallow saliva.
- Chilliness and pains at the epigastrium.
- Protrusion of umbilical hernia.
- Tearing pain at the navel, all day.
- Lancination in the navel, as from a stiletto.
- Suppuration of inguinal hernia.
- The hernia is painful, and air is felt in it.
Stool and anus
- Constipation.
Upper extremities
- Breaking out of little pimples, especially on the forearm.
- Painful swelling of the arm, on the fifteenth day.
Lower extremities
- Painless drawing up of the legs.
- Cramp in the left leg.
- Cramp in the left leg; it remains behind in walking, as if paralyzed.
- Debility.
- Painful and large pimples on the left side of the upper lip, suppurating.
- The military acne rosacea spreads over the chest, neck, and back, with itching, which is worse
in the morning, and decreases in the evening.
- Breaking out of little pimples, especially on the forearm.
- Acute acne rosacea (a dry itch cured), covering extensive elliptical wherever a pimple had been
- Gradually, a white vesicle forms on every pimple, discharging a clear serum, after which the
eruption dries up on the fifth day.
- (Morning), Sadness and lassitude; itching of the eruption.
- (Afternoon), Toothache.
- (Evening), Weariness of the eyes, etc.; toothache.
- (Air), Pains in lower jaw, etc.
- (Open air), Swelling in right lower jaw.
- (Dampness), Pains in right lower jaw, etc.
- (Morning arms), Pain in vertebral column.
- (Stooping), Pain in vertebral column.
- (Turning round), Dizziness.
- (Walking), Pain in vertebral column.
- (Evening), Itching of the eruption.
(Picrato de amonio)
3- Coqueluche.
4- Paresias de origen medular, con dolores que suben por la columna hasta la cabeza.
Relaciones.- Comparar: Calc. pic., Fer. pic., Pic. ac., Act. r., Sang.
Un remedio para el paludismo y neuralgias y las llamadas cefaleas biliosas
Dolor en el occipucio y en la regin mastoidea
Neuralgia peridica en el lado derecho del occipucio; taladrante que se extiende al odo,
rbita y maxilar
Vrtigo al levantarse
Cefaleas biliosas peridicas. [Sanguin.]
Tercera trituracin.
** 1- Es un medicamento para personas nerviosas, neurticas, con constante y gran eretismo
nervioso, que sufren de cefaleas e insomnio o trastornos cardacos funcionales
(taquicardia, dolores precordiales).
Un remedio para gente histrica, nerviosa, que sufre cefaleas neurlgicas e insomnio
Siempre est presente un gran eretismo nervioso.
Dolores en la regin cardaca
Trastornos funcionales, taquicardia.
Trituraciones bajas.
(Vanadato de amonio)
1- Degeneracin grasosa del hgado.
** 3- Ttanos, con opisttonos, cabeza hacia atrs, trismus, boca fuertemente cerrada.
10- Tos con dolores en el trax. Respiracin muy corta, convulsiva, con temor a ahogarse.
Puntadas profundas bajo el pezn izquierdo, con espiracin difcil.
11- La superficie del cuerpo est hmeda, fra, plida o azul. Urticaria.
Una onza de alcohol se agrega a una libra de almendras amargas; entonces se agrega seis
libras de agua y se destilan a tres libras. (Hydrocyanic acid se forma por la accin de
agua en las almendras).
- Mild delirium; the patient stammers incoherently, [a15].
- Appearance of intoxication, [a11].
- Complete intoxication, [a12].
- She is so much affected that she can hardly utter a word (after four hours), [a5].
- The feelings were deeply affected; she began to weep, [a5].
- Extreme anxiety, [a17].
- She falls down unconscious (in ten minutes), [a5].
- Loss of consciousness, [a4].
- (In a hypochondriac, forty-eight years old; from an emulsion of bitter
- Loss of consciousness, of voice, and of motive power (in a child of three years, after five
or six bitter almonds), [a6].
- Senseless, [a18, a20].
- Coma, with stertorous respiration and involuntary stools; but she revives suddenly and
looks wildly about her, [a19].
- Heaviness and confusion of head and of thought, [a4].
- Heaviness and confusion of head as in beginning coryza, with a diminished (five beats)
pulse (fifty drops), [_a2].
- Confusion of head, [a4, a18].
- General confusion of the head (forty drops), [_a2].
- Complete confusion of whole head, which in the afternoon was confined to the left side.
- Also inclined to sleep during the afternoon, and was weary (forty drops), [_a1].
- The whole forenoon, the left half of the head was confused; it gradually passed off by
noon, [_a1].
- Vertigo, in strong air, [a13].
- Vertigo, as if intoxicated, followed by sudden death (from taking many bitter almonds),
- Head drawn between shoulders, [a18].
- Violent headache, [a11].
- The whole night (after twenty drops), violent headache spread over the whole head,
which disturbed the sleep; pulse depressed, [_a1].
- During the forenoon a sense of heaviness in the forehead, [_a1].
- Slight pressure in forehead, [a4].
- Sense of weight and oppression on top of head, [a19].
- Sunken eyes, [a18].
- The eyes are turned upwards; they become fixed and seem about to start from their
sockets, [a7, a14].
- Eyes glassy, [a23].
- The eye had a brilliant and glassy appearance throughout; mere physical brilliancy,
without mental expression, [a20].
- Excessive brilliancy of the eyes, [a19].
- Eyes wide open and motionless, [a7, a14].
- Eyes closed, cold, [a18].
- Eyelids closed, [a20].
- Spasmodic movements, especially of the eyelids, [a15].
- Upper eyelids convulsed, for some hours, [a19].
- Eyeballs remarkably prominent, accompanied with rolling motion, and nearly protruding
from their sockets, [a22].
- Eyes open and rolling from side to side, [a21].
- Eyes both drawn to left side, [a20].
- Contracted pupils, [a5, a19].
- Pupils dilated, [a21].
- Fully dilated pupils, [a19].
- Pupils widely dilated, and insensible to light, [a22].
- Motionless pupils, [a7, a14].
- Dimness of sight, [a13, a19].
- Ears white and cold, [a18].
- Humming in the ears, [a16].
- Nose white and cold, [a18].
- Pale face, [a15, a18].
- Face becomes deadly pale, [a15, a21].
- Face yellowish-gray and moist, [a18].
- Countenance very much flushed, [a22].
- Spasmodic distortion of the features (after some minutes), [a14].
- Frequent convulsive action of muscles of face and neck, [a22].
- Sardonic laughter; joyful countenance; sparkling eyes, [a15].
- Lips pale and bluish, [a23].
- Lips white and cold, [a18].
- Tongue dry and coated, [a18].
- Mouth tightly closed, [a18, a20].
- Froth at the mouth, [a5].
- The breath has a strong smell of bitter almonds, [a14].
- Considerable swelling of, and undulatory motion in the jugular veins; the carotids beat
quickly and fully, [a20].
- Deglutition is impossible, [a7].
- Burning sensation in throat, [a19].
- Excessive burning heat in laryngo-pharyngeal region, [a19].
- Nausea and vomiting of food, [a6].
- Vomiting, [a18].
- Vomiting of a bitter, viscid substance, [a13].
- Vomiting of large quantities of food and bile smelling strongly of prussic acid, [a15].
- A disagreeable feeling which seems to ascend from the epigastric region (immediately),
- Abdomen relaxed, soft, hardly of natural warmth, [a18].
- Pains in abdomen, [a18].
- Colicky pains, which increase, until, in less than two hours, the abdomen is distended like
a balloon; convulsive movements of the jaws; loss of consciousness and frothing at the
mouth; then sudden death (in a child, from taking milk of bitter almonds), [a9].
- Copious, feculent, but especially watery evacuations, [_a1].
- Stool seldom, [a18].
Urinary organs
- Scanty and painful urination, [a18].
Sexual organs
- Penis shrivelled, [a18].
Respiratory apparatus
- Increased discharge of mucus from the larynx, [a4].
- Scraping in larynx (eight drops), [a4].
- Scraping in the larynx (after twenty-four drops), [_a3].
- Hoarseness caused by the scraping in the larynx, [a4].
- Panting for breath, [a21].
- Short, panting respiration; suffocative attacks, [a15].
- Breathing stertorous, [a22].
- Slow, stertorous breathing, which keeps getting slower, [a7].
- Breathing stertorous, and at long intervals, [a23].
- Breathing slow and gentle, [a20].
- Respiration scarcely perceptible, [a18].
- Respiration heavy, [a18].
- Difficult respiration, [a5].
- The chest heaved spasmodically, and its movements were hurried, [a14].
- Oppression of chest, [a18].
- Several transient stitches and pains coming and going just under the left nipple deep in
the chest; it made respiration difficult (twelve drops), [a4].
Extremities in general
- Limbs were completely lax, and fell lifeless when lifted, [a20].
- Unsteadiness of the limbs, [a16].
- Upper and lower extremities cold, [a18].
- Heaviness of extremities and whole right thigh, [a18].
Lower extremities
- Could not stand on legs, [a18].
- Formication in the legs, with staggering gait, [a16].
- Knees flexed on the abdomen, [a18].
- Convulsions, [a13].
- Most violent convulsions, which last almost three-quarters of an hour, [a5].
- The convulsions returned after a quarter of an hour; but less violently (tinct. op. simp.
palliated them), [a5].
- General tetanus, [a5].
- Complete opisthotonos, [a22].
- Excessive languor, [a13].
- General debility (from seven bitter almonds), [a17].
- Feeling of weakness, as if the muscular vigor was deficient, and he would fall down,
- Fainting, [a17].
- Syncope, [a15].
- Death in thirty minutes, [a7].
- General malaise, [a16].
- Weight on the eyes, and in the limbs, [a13].
- Skin blue and bluish-red, especially on scrotum, where it was blue
- Wheals over the whole skin, [a19].
- Urticaria febrilis, [a19].
- General coldness, [a15].
- Surface cold and clammy, [a23].
- (Forenoon), Left half of head confused; heaviness in forehead.
- (Afternoon), Confusion of left side of head; inclined to sleep; depression, etc.
- (Evening), Depression, etc.
- (Night), Headache, etc.; deep sleep.
- (Strong air), Vertigo.
ANACARDIUM (Vijnovsky)
(Anacardium orientale - Nuez de Caoba)
*** 2- Siente como si tuviera una doble personalidad, como si en su mente actuaran dos
voluntades contradictorias y opuestas entre s: una que le ordena hacer lo que la otra le
prohbe, una que le aconseja el bien y la otra el mal, o en un odo o sobre un hombro un
diablo y en el otro un ngel que lo aconsejan. Tiene ilusiones ntimamente relacionadas
con esta sensacin: que est bajo un control superhumano, que su mente y su cuerpo
estn separados, que alguien est detrs de l o a su lado, que est posedo, que su esposo
no es su esposo y que sus hijos no son sus hijos. Esta situacin da origen a dos aspectos
caractersticos de su personalidad: su absoluta falta de confianza en s mismo (que le
hace pensar que no hace nada bien y que no puede tener xito en nada, porque todo lo
hace mal) y su indecisin. No tiene voluntad propia. Teme al futuro.
*** 3- Tiene una imperiosa necesidad de maldecir, blasfemar, con lenguaje violento y
grosero; jura, insulta (no castigar a un nio que insulta o jura o dice muchas malas
palabras: darle Anacardium).
*** 4- Es cruel, perverso, daino, odia a veces con escaso o ningn motivo; es vengativo,
rencoroso. spero, malhumorado, violento, a veces con deseos de matar; no tolera la
contradiccin, toma todo a mal, pero tiene tendencia a contradecir. Tiene una total falta
de sentido moral; se re de cosas serias y est serio frente a cosas alegres. Impulsos
contradictorios: es muy desagradable con las personas que quiere y respeta, an dndose
cuenta de su actitud, y no puede evitarlo.
*** 5- Todo su estado mental y su mal carcter presentan una constante mejora mientras
come, pero todo vuelve dos o ms horas despus (ver 13).
** 6- Es desconfiado (no confa ni en l ni en los dems), tiene ideas fijas o ilusiones de que
est rodeado de enemigos, o est ansioso cuando est caminando, como si alguien lo
persiguiera; tiene miedo de que haya alguien detrs de l o piensa que hay formas
extraas a cada lado.
* 12- Otros mentales: Sentidos dbiles o muy agudos. Lentitud en los movimientos. Siente
como si necesitara gritar; gritos agudos en nios. Sonambulismo. Habla constantemente,
en forma incoherente, sin sentido. Obstinado. Peleador.
*** 13- Mejor comiendo. Los sntomas, tanto psquicos, como gstricos, cutneos, etc.,
desaparecen o mejoran mientras come, pero reaparecen aproximadamente 2 horas
despus (ver 5). Peor despus de comer.
*** 14- Sensacin de tener un tapn o clavija de madera o cuerpo extrao que presiona
donde duele (o aunque no duela): cabeza izquierda, ojo derecho, odo, ombligo, trax,
recto, etctera.
** 15- Sensacin de aro, argolla o banda o crculos, que aprietan, constrien. Dolores con
sensacin de gran pesadez o de constriccin alrededor de la zona dolorosa, siempre
mejor comiendo.
* 16- Peor por fro; sensible a las corrientes de aire; mejor por calor; peor por aplicaciones
calientes, de maana, por esfuerzos fsicos y mentales, por alimentos calientes, por tocar
el piano (le produce pesadez y sensacin de plenitud en todo el cuerpo), al comenzar el
movimiento; mejor por el reposo y a la tarde.
* 17- Se desmaya o se siente muy dbil al subir escaleras. Ttanos. Epilepsia. Parlisis del
lado izquierdo.
19- Lateralidad izquierda superior, derecha inferior; o los sntomas van de derecha a
izquierda (Lyc.) (Allen).
20- Se le duerme de inmediato cualquier sitio del cuerpo que deja inmvil.
* 25- Dolor presivo en los odos, como si tuviera un tapn. Hipoacusia. Secrecin marrn.
Otalgia al masticar.
* 26- Olfato agudo. Perversiones del olfato (ver 8). Corizas agudos o crnicos. Coriza con
palpitaciones, sobre todo en viejos. Estornudos frecuentes.
* 28- Vesculas dolorosas en la boca. Gusto inspido o a comida u ofensivo. Halitosis, aliento
ptrido. Las encas sangran fcilmente. Lengua pesada con sensacin de hinchazn, que
le impide o dificulta el habla o el movimiento.
*** 30- La dispepsia de Anacardium, las gastralgias, las nuseas, los vmitos y la sensacin
de vaco mejoran comiendo y durante la digestin. Digestiones lentas o malas con
plenitud y distensin. Nux Vmica est peor las dos o tres horas que siguen a la comida y
mejor cuando la digestin gstrica ha terminado, en Anacardium es exactamente lo
contrario: los dolores recin aparecen al terminar la digestin gstrica, cuando el
estmago se vaca, y duran hasta la prxima comida. Nash piensa que hay tantos casos
de disppticos Anacardium como de Nux Vmica, y usa la potencia 200a. como la ms
eficaz. Nuseas y vaco gstrico a la maana. El estmago duele cuando est vaco;
gastralgia presiva despus de comer; punzante al respirar. Traga muy apurado las
comidas y bebidas.
31- Dolor en el vientre como si tuviera un tapn presionando en los intestinos. Dolor presivo
en los intestinos. Ruidos en el vientre, que est duro. Sudores.
** 32- Gran deseo de mover el vientre, pero al hacer esfuerzos el deseo pasa sin evacuacin;
el recto parece sin fuerzas, paralizado, con sensacin de estar taponado hacia arriba;
imposibilidad de expulsar las heces, an blandas, con sensacin de gran peso en el ano, y
contraccin espasmdica del esfnter anal. Prurito y humedad anal. Hemorroides
dolorosas que sangran al defecar.
33- Prurito voluptuoso en los testculos; deseos sexuales aumentados. Elimina lquido
prosttico o semen al hacer esfuerzos para defecar o despus de orinar. No tiene
* 34- Flujo con prurito. Menstruacin escasa. Nuseas del embarazo, mejor comiendo, pero
vuelven poco despus.
* 35- Tos, peor por hablar, en nios, despus de una rabieta. Tos con vmitos alimenticios y
dolor en la nuca. Coqueluche. Opresin en el trax, como por un tapn, con calor interno
y ansiedad, y deseo de aire libre. Pericarditis reumtica, y siente dos puntadas rpidas y
seguidas en el corazn.
* 36- Puntadas o dolores desgarrantes en los omplatos, peor el izquierdo. Rigidez cervical;
tortcolis peor al comenzar el movimiento. Sudores en la espalda.
** 37- Calambres en las pantorrillas al caminar, peor levantndose de una silla, mejor
acostado; calambres neurlgicos en las pequeas articulaciones de los dedos; calambre
de los escritores (Mag. Ph.). mioclonias en las piernas. Dolor presivo rtmico y
paroxstico, como por un tapn, en muslos y nalgas. Dolor como luxado en el tobillo,
peor caminando sobre el pie izquierdo. Rigidez de piernas y rodillas, con sensacin de
tener una banda apretada que lo paraliza, peor sentado. Prurito en manos, peor en palmas
y dedos, de noche. Dedos hinchados con erupcin vesicular. Panadizos. Verrugas en las
palmas de las manos (y otras afecciones all localizadas [Clarke]).
** 38- Suea con cadveres, con fuego (Hep., Mag. C., Mag. M.). Sueo y bostezos despus
de toser.
* 39- Fiebre a las 16 horas, mejor comiendo o despus de comer. Escalofros al aire libre, que
no mejoran en una habitacin cerrada ni por el calor de la estufa. Paludismo: terciana y
cuartana. Suda mientras est sentado (Ars.).
Complementarios: Platina lo sigue bien y es bien seguido. Sigue bien a Lyc. y Puls.
Sospecha de todos y de todas las cosas que estn a su alrededor; cuando camina siente
ansiedad, como si alguien lo estuviera persiguiendo.
Anacardium orientale es un remedio muy valioso, pero que no goza, yo creo, de una
estimacin general en nuestra escuela. Tendra que ser utilizado a menudo para esa
multiforme dolencia llamada dispepsia, para la cual es empleada Nux vmica con tan escaso
discernimiento. Los dos son excelentes remedios y slo es necesario conocer sus diferencias
para que la eleccin entre ellos se vuelva fcil. Anacardium tiene un dolor gstrico que
sobreviene solamente cuando el estmago est vaco y que es aliviado comiendo, en tanto
que Nux vmica se alivia despus que el proceso de la digestin ha terminado. El dolor de
Nux vmica se agrava dos o tres horas despus de las comidas, pero persiste slo hasta que
concluye la digestin, instante en que se produce alivio, mientras que en Anacardium ste es
el momento en que el dolor es ms intenso. He curado con Anacardium muchos casos
(algunos de ellos muy inveterados) que presentaban ese cuadro y encuentro casi tantos de
ellos como de Nux vmica. He hallado que aqu la 200 posee mayor eficacia que las
potencias ms bajas. La potencia en ste como en todos los casos y para todos los remedios,
tiene que ver con la curacin mucho ms que lo que algunos imaginan.
Un caso. En el otoo de 1889 fui llamado para atender a una mujer de 35 aos de
edad, casada y madre de tres nios.
Al cabo de poco tiempo se hizo manifiesto que el dolor (que era muy intenso) y los
vmitos sobrevenan cuando el estmago estaba vaco. La enferma se vea obligada a comer
una o dos veces durante la noche para aliviarse. El material vomitado era siempre negro o
marrn con el aspecto de poso de caf. Su hermana haba sido operada de cncer de un seno
y naturalmente ella estaba muy ansiosa, pues tema un cncer del estmago. Anacardium la
mejor rpidamente y desde entonces no ha tenido ninguna recidiva de su afeccin. Queda
por ver si la curacin es completa, pero el beneficio producido por este remedio fue
-Los dos remedios que estamos comparando tienen frecuentes deseos ineficaces de de
poner, pero en Nux vmica se producen como resultado de una actividad peristltica
irregular, como fue sealado por Carrol Dunham, mientras que Anacardium presenta una
insuficiencia o inactividad del recto que no existe en Nux vmica. En otras palabras, Nux
vmica tiene deseos pero con una actividad irregular o exagerada, al paso que en
Anacardium hay deseos pero sin suficiente actividad expulsiva como para satisfacerlos. Por
otra parte, en Anacardium existe una sensacin de cuerpo extrao o de tapn en el ano que
tendra que ser expulsado, fenmeno que no aparece en Nux vmica.
Muchos son los remedios que poseen entre sus sntomas principales la prdida de la
memoria, pero ninguno la tiene en forma ms marcada que ste. Se entiende que debe
tomarse en consideracin la totalidad del caso.
Este remedio presenta otros dos sntomas mentales peculiares. El primero: "Deseo
irresistible de maldecir y jurar." Este sntoma, por ridculo que pueda parecer, no lo es ms
que ese otro sntoma que hallamos en Stramonium y con frecuencia verificado: "el enfermo
quiere rezar continuamente". Algunas de las curaciones ms notables y convincentes han
sido efectuadas en base precisamente a sntomas de ese estilo. El otro sntoma consiste en
que "el enfermo siente como que tiene dos voluntades" y que cada una le ordena o lo incita a
hacer cosas opuestas o bien que una de ellas le ordena hacer una cosa y la otra le ordena no
hacerla. Sntomas de este orden se encuentran a menudo en la insania y representan valiosos
guas hacia el remedio curativo. Vase el caso que relat en Platina.
-Pero Anacardium tiene adems otros dos sntomas peculiares. Uno de ellos es la
sensacin de un aro que rodea alguna parte del cuerpo y el otro la sensacin de un tapn en
regiones internas, que pueden ser el interior de la cabeza, el pecho, el abdomen o el ano. La
sensacin de un aro alrededor de diversas partes puede encontrarse en ciertos trastornos
medulares para los cuales Anacardium ser el remedio. Otros medicamentos tienen una
sensacin general caracterstica, como Anacardium tiene la de un tapn; as, por ejemplo, la
sensacin de plenitud, como si estuviera lleno de sangre de Aesculus hipocastanum y la
sensacin de constriccin de Cactus grandiflorus.
La tintura madre, de la cual se preparan todas las dinamizaciones homeopticas del remedio,
se hace con esta haba de Malaca triturada y macerada en alcohol. Las tres primeras
dinamizaciones se pueden obtener tambin partiendo de una trituracin del haba de
Malaca previamente pulverizada.
Por ltimo acta SOBRE LA PIEL produciendo erupcin eritematosa, luego papulosa,
vesiculosa, y finalmente pustulosa; es una verdadera dermatosis con sensacin de
quemadura, prurito, enrojecimiento o hinchazn; despus de varias horas las pstulas se
transforman en ampollas que finalmente revientan dejando salir un lquido purulento,
quedando la piel en carne viva, ulcerada, y durando la supuracin largo tiempo; no
obstante, protegiendo cuidadosamente la ulceracin, puede cicatrizar al cabo de diez
Sensaciones particulares
A) Lateralidad
B) Mejora
C) Agravacin
Sntomas mentales
Sntomas de congestin ce flica, vrtigos, cefalea generalizada como producida por una
astilla. Se agrava por el movimiento mejora acostado y mientras come.
AUDICIN disminuida, el paciente parece tener algo que lo tapa o apoya sobre el tmpano.
Dolor interno como de astilla empeorado al apretar los dientes y al tragar.
Frecuentemente plida, enfermiza, con los ojos circundados por ojeras, hundidos y brillantes.
Aparato digestivo
1) BOCA: ALIENTO FTIDO; a lo que come le siente MAL GUSTO. Por otra parte, la
lengua est blanda.
dolores calambroides, con irradiacin a la columna vertebral, desaparecen comiendo.
rganos genitales
Espalda y extremidades
Dijo dicho facultativo que las tres caractersticas para la eleccin del remedio fueron la
erupcin, las perturbaciones gstricas y el estado mental. (De "Medical Century" - Enero
Acta bien antes o despus de PLATINA. Sigue bien a LYCOP. Y PULS
Este remedio est lleno de extraas nociones e ideas. La mente comienza a debilitarse, si es
que no hay completa imbecilidad; parecera que se estuviera en un sueo; todo
alrededor es extrao; lento de comprender. Marcada irritabilidad; perturbado por todo;
blasfema. Memoria dbil. Olvidndose de las cosas hechas un momento antes. Todos
sus sentidos parecen desvanecerse y anda a tientas como en un sueo. Estados de nimo
variables, con actividad cerebral disminuida. El paciente est en un estado de
controversia consigo mismo. La irresolucin marca su carcter, vacila y a menudo no
hace nada. No puede decidir, especialmente en una accin buena o mala. Escucha voces
mandndole hacer cosas contradictorias, parecera estar entre un deseo de bueno o
malo. Se siente empujado a cometer actos de violencia e injusticia, pero se lo impide un
poder de buena voluntad. As es, que hay una contradiccin entre dos impulsos. Cuando
esto lo analiza alguien que conoce algo de la naturaleza del hombre observar que el
paciente es perturbado en su poder externo, pero su voluntad interna no puede ser
afectada por la medicina, en la cual est su conciencia, la restringe y la controla de
llevar a cabo sus actos. Esto ser eficaz solamente en un hombre bueno, que tiene una
controversia por el estado patolgico en que ha cado, pero un hombre perverso no est
restringido y no tendr este sntoma.
Ideas como si nada fuera real, todo parece ser un sueo. Ideas fijas. Piensa que es un doble,
porque hay una conciencia vaga de que existe una diferencia que distingue que un
poder es el cuerpo y el otro es la mente. Anida en su pensamiento la idea de la
salvacin de su alma. Se figura que un extrao est a su lado, y lo acompaa. Este
estado mental lo conduce a la locura. Alteracin de su modo de obrar y de entender, ve
una cosa y en otro momento no la entiende. En un momento una mujer piensa que se
es su hijo y al rato que no lo es. Durante un momento parece un engao y el siguiente
es una ilusin. El engao es un estado avanzado de ilusin. En el Repertorio tenemos a
menudo los mismos remedios para ilusin y engao, sta es una cuestin de grados.
Cuando el intelecto es ligeramente afectado esto es una ilusin. El paciente ve
demonios. Al principio sabe por su inteligencia que no puede ser? pero luego quiere
que se lo saquen. En el Repertorio, engaos e ilusiones no estn dados como casos
Anac., Hyos., Stram., y Bell., son importantes por su accin sobre la perversin de la mente
humana tanto como a la inteligencia y a los afectos. Siempre que un medicamento haga
a un hombre desear hacer alguna cosa afecta a su voluntad, y cuando este afecta su
inteligencia, acta sobre el entendimiento. Los medicamentos actan sobre ambos.
Espritu decado, temor de ser perseguido, busca ladrones, espera enemigos, teme a todas
las cosas y a todo el mundo. Lleno de ansiedad interior. Sin paz. Est separado del resto
del mundo, y se desespera por realizar lo que de l es esperado que haga.
Extremadamente cobarde. Teme que pasar alguna cosa espantosa. Arisco, obstinado,
intratable. Insociable; se queja por su memoria dbil. Hechos banales lo entristecen
excesivamente. Un sntoma muy importante es que pierde los sentimientos morales. Se
siente cruel. Puede producir daos corporales sin remordimientos. Cruel, maligno,
En este medicamento prevalecen los sntomas mentales que se reflejan en los fsicos.
Temblores y debilidad paraltica. Ttano, epilepsia. Sensaciones como si un aro o una
banda estuvieran alrededor del cuerpo, miembros o cabeza; presionando como si fuera
un tapn.
Las erupciones son como en Rhus bajo muchos aspectos; erupciones erisipelas oscuras y de
tipos malignos. Este es un antdoto al envenenamiento de Rhus. Lleno de erupciones.
Verrugas en las palmas de las manos como en Natrum. mur. La piel arde mucho. Esto
aparece estar relacionado en sus sntomas a toda la familia de Rhus.
Adems de esta accin sobre la inteligencia nos encontramos que la esfera emotiva
est muy desordenada. El enfermo de Anacardium imagina escuchar voces lejanas que le
Acontece en esto algo parecido a lo que sucede en Stramonium. Hay una sensacin de
como si tuviera dos voluntades, una que le ordena actuar y la otra que le prohibe. Este no
es un sntoma raro en la fiebre tifoidea, en la que, las plantas que envenenan la sangre,
como las que estamos estudiando, pueden ser considerablemente tiles. Esta sensacin de
como si el enfermo tuviera dos voluntades tambin se encuentra en otros medicamentos;
por ejemplo en Lachesis, que como se recordar "el enfermo piensa que est bajo el
dominio de algn poder sobrehumano". Un sntoma semejante tambin se encuentra en
Los sntomas gstricos de Anacardium son los que siguen, muy caractersticos por
cierto; veremos que el enfermo constantemente tiene hambre; que se siente mejor en el
momento de comer, pero que empeora despus de haber comido; es propenso a la
constipacin y con frecuencia tiene deseo de evacuar, pero cuando intenta hacerlo, cesa el
deseo. El recto parece carecer de fuerza; el enfermo se queja de como si una masa o
substancia extraa tuviera en el recto, no siendo este sntoma el resultado mecnico de la
retencin fecal. Nuevamente se experimenta, la sensacin de como si una masa o cuerpo
extrao se opusiera al funcionamiento normal de este rgano. Estos sntomas son ms
comunes de lo que se cree; cuando los observamos, estamos habituados a pensar en Nux
vmica, Ignatia y Sulphur y generalmente nos olvidamos de Anacardium Anacardium se
parece muy especialmente a Nux vmica por la nusea de la maana. Como Nux vomica,
puede ser de utilidad en la nusea matinal del embarazo; la enferma se siente mejorada
mientras come, pero los sntomas se presentan inmediatamente despus. Tambin hay
semejanza en los sntomas mentales de los dos medicamentos. En qu se diferencan
pues? Hay una diferencia esencial en la patologa de los casos que demandan estos
remedios; en tanto que Anacardium produce necesidad de defecar, hay adems una
impotencia o una insuficiencia del recto, demostrando as un estado partico que no existe
en Nux vmica, pues este ltimo responde a una irregularidad de la accin peristltica
intestinal; de aqu que la sensacin como de un tapn en el recto, no se encuentra en Nux
El Mismo mdico empleaba Lamium album para las hemorroides externas. Veamos a
continuacin la accin que Anacardium ejerce sobre la piel. Nos lo encontramos prestando
utilidad cuando la cara est hinchada, particularmente el lado izquierdo y cubierta de
pequeas vesculas de apariencia pustulosa, umbilicadas, pudiendo encontrarse en otras
partes del cuerpo. Dejan escapar una serosidad amarillenta, que se endurece al aire libre
formando costras. La comezn es extremada, tan intensa que el enfermo se ve obligado a
sangrarse la piel con las uas. Estos sntomas cutneos frecuentemente van acompaados
de algunos de los sntomas gstricos ya mencionados.
Hemos llegado ahora a las diferentes variedades de Rhus. Rhus toxicodendron, como
ya se ha dicho, ser estudiado de un modo completo en nuestra prxima conferencia.
Quiero decir algunas palabras acerca de Rhus radicans y sobre el tratamiento antidotal del
envenenamiento por Rhus. Rhus radicans ha sido altamente recomendado para la cefalalgia
occipital comunmente asociada a una tiesura reumtica de la nuca.
Se han sugerido muchos antdotos para el envenenamiento por el Rhus. Uno de los
mejores es Croton tiglium. Este, aplicado localmente o tomado al interior, produce una
erupcin casi idntica a la de Rhus toxicodendrum. Al principio aparece un eritema con
una inflamacin notable y hundimiento de la piel a la presin. Se forman pequeas
vasculas muy confluentes y acompaadas de una comezn casi intolerable, de ardor y
piquetes. Las vesculas se llenan de una serosidad amarillenta y finalmente se rompen,
formando costras ms o menos gruesas.
Relaciones.- Comparar: Comocl., Rhus t., Rhus ven. (Botan.); Ant. tart., Apis, Coriar. rus.,
Fer., Iod., Jug. c., Lyc., Nit. ac., Nux v., Phos. ac., Plat., Urt. ur., Puls., Nat. m., Caust.,
Thuj. (ideas fijas). Es un antdoto para Rhus, si hay sntomas gstricos o sntomas que
van del lado derecho al izquierdo. Es antdotado por: Coffea, Juglans cin. Sigue bien a :
Lyc., Puls., Plat. Seguido bien por: Lyc., Puls., Plat.
-Comprese con Rhus r., Rhus t., y Rhus v.
Tendencia a que los sntomas pasen de la derecha a la izquierda (Lyc.).
Anacardium sigue y es bien seguido por Platina.
Anacardium sigue bien despus de Lyc. y Puls.
El paciente de Anacardium se encuentra principalmente entre los neurastnicos; quienes
tienen un tipo de dispepsia nerviosa, mejorada por el alimento; deterioro de la memoria,
depresin e irritabilidad; disminucin de los sentidos (olfato, vista, audicin)
Los pacientes sifilticos sufren a menudo este estado
Intermitencia de los sntomas
Temor al examen en los estudiantes
Debilitamiento de todos los sentidos, vista, audicin, etc
Aversin al trabajo; falta de confianza en s mismo; deseo irresistible de blasfemar y
Sensacin de un tapn en varias partes- ojos, recto, vejiga, etc.; tambin de una banda
Sensacin de vaco en el estmago; el comer mejora temporalmente todos sus malestares
Esta es una indicacin segura, verificada a menudo
Sus sntomas de la piel son semejantes a Rhus, y se ha comprobado que es un antdoto
valioso en intoxicacin por Hiedra (zumaque)
Ideas fijas
Alucinaciones; piensa que est posedo por dos personas o voluntades
Ansiedad cuando camina, como si lo persiguieran
Profunda melancola e hipocondriasis, con tendencia a usar un lenguaje violento
Fatiga cerebral
Memoria deteriorada
Mente ausente
Se ofende muy fcilmente
Malicioso; parece inclinado a lo perverso
Falta de confianza en s mismo o en otros
Desconfiado. [Hyosc.]
Clari-audiencia, oye voces de muy lejos o de los muertos
Demencia senil
Ausencia de toda restriccin moral.
Dolor presivo, como por un tapn; peor despus de un esfuerzo mental -en la frente;
occipucio, sienes, vrtice; mejor durante la comida
Prurito y pequeos furnculos en cuero cabelludo.
Presin como un tapn en rbita superior
Visin confusa
Los objetos parecen estar demasiado lejos.
Presin en los odos como por un tapn
Dificultad para or.
Estornudos frecuentes
Sentido del olfato pervertido
Coriza con palpitaciones, especialmente en la vejez.
Ojeras azuladas
Cara plida.
Vesculas dolorosas; olor ftido
La lengua la siente hinchada, impide el lenguaje y el movimiento, con saliva en la boca
Ardor alrededor de los labios como por pimienta.
Digestin dbil, con plenitud y distensin
Sensacin de vaco en el estmago
Eructos, nusea, vmito
Comer mejora la dispepsia de Anacardium
Propenso a ahogarse cuando come o bebe
Traga alimentos y bebidas, apresurado.
Dolor como si un tapn estuviera presionando los intestinos
Ruidos, pinchazos y clicos.
Intestinos inactivos
Deseo ineficaz; el recto parece ineficaz, como taponado; constriccin espasmdica del
esfnter del ano; incluso heces blandas pasan con dificultad
Prurito en el ano; humedad del recto
Hemorragia al defecar
Hemorroides dolorosas.
Prurito voluptuoso; deseo aumentado; emisiones seminales sin sueos
Secrecin prosttica al defecar.
Leucorrea, con adolorimiento y prurito
Menstruacin escasa.
Presin en el trax, como un tapn romo
Opresin del trax, con calor interno y ansiedad, que lo lleva al aire libre
Tos excitada por hablar, en nios, despus de un ataque de mal genio
Tos despus de comer con vmito del alimento y dolor en el occipucio.
Palpitaciones, con memoria dbil, con coriza en la vejez; punzadas en la regin del corazn
Pericarditis reumtica con dobles punzadas.
Presin sorda en los hombros, como por un peso
Rigidez en la nuca.
Neuralgia en el pulgar
Debilidad paraltica
Las rodillas se sienten paralizadas o vendadas
Calambres en pantorrillas
Presin como de un tapn en glteos
Verrugas en las palmas de las manos
Dedos hinchados con erupcin vesicular.
Ataques de insomnio que duran varias noches
Sueos ansiosos.
Eczema con intenso prurito, con irritabilidad mental; erupcin vesiculosa: hinchazn,
urticaria; erupcin como por hiedra. [Xerophyl., Grindel., Croton.] Liquen plano; eczema
Verrugas en las manos
Formacin ulcerosa en el antebrazo.
Peor con aplicaciones de agua caliente
Mejor por comer
Acostado de lado, por frotarse.
Antdoto: Grindelia, Coffea, Juglans, Rhus; Eucalyptus.
Anacard. occidentale (anacardo)(erisipelas, erupciones vesiculares en la cara), variedad
anestsica de lepra; verrugas, callos, lceras, grietas de la piel en las plantas de los pies)
Rhux, Cypriped., Chelid., Xerophyl..
Platina le sigue bien
Cereus serpentina (blasfemar).
Potencias de la sexta a la doscientos.
Cuando los sntomas propios del anacardium se acomoden perfectamente a los que produce
la enfermedad, es tanto ms segura la bondad de su eleccin cuando el enfermo presenta
alguno de los sntomas siguientes:
Carcter hipocondraco, moroso; desaliento; misantropa; ansiedad; temor de una muerte
prxima; carencia de sentimiento moral (inhumanidad, dureza de corazn); estado como si
el enfermo tuviera dos voluntades opuestas; estado como si el alma no estuviera en relacin
con el cuerpo.
La cabeza parece que est hueca; cefalalgia con presin en las sienes hacia los ojos;
dolores en el ocipucio causados por un paso dado en vago o por un gran ruido.
Aparato digestivo
Fetidez de la boca, que no advierte el paciente; aflujo de saliva a la boca; sabor
desagradable en la boca; fuerte sed; inapetencia; nuseas por la maana; debilidad de
estmago; digestin difcil; presin en el epigastrio, por la maana al despertarse; presin
en el hgado; dureza del bajo vientre; cmaras teidas de sangre; hemorroides con sin
dolor; prurito en el ano; exudacin por el recto.
Aparato gnito-urinario
Ardor en el glande al orinar y despus; erecciones involuntarias entre da; falta de placer en
el acto venreo; flores blancas con prurito y escoriacin.
Coriza y laringe
Sensacin de sequedad en la nariz y obstruccin de la misma; coriza crnico y flujo
mucoso por la nariz; tos con espectoracin; estertor en la trquea-arteria, estando acostado
de lado.
Punzadas y pesadez en el antebrazo; dolor tensivo y debilidad en el brazo; temblor de la
mano derecha; ardor en la planta de los pies; dolores en los miembros, sobre todo en las
La piel no puede ser estimulada por sustancia alguna resinosa sin que sobrevenga comezn
y exudacin.
El sujeto se duerme tarde; ensueos inquietos.
Sntomas generales
Debilidad que causa temblor; sensibilidad al fro y a las corrientes de aire; facilidad de
resfriarse; horripilacin; sudor estando sentado.
El alcanfor y el espritu de nitro etreo parece que obran poco como antdotos; respirar el
caf crudo es, por el contrario, un medio poderoso contra la clera y la violencia que excita
el anacardium.
Por el ejercicio fsico y particularmente por el trabajo mental; por la maana y las
aplicaciones calientes.
MEJoRA: Al comer; por el reposo y por la tarde.
PERDIDA BRUSCA DE LA MEMORIA despus de un surmenage nervioso o de la
senectud. Debilidad nerviosa.
IMPULSIONES CONTRADICTORIAS: tiene una actitud completamente desagradable
con las personas que ama, a todos rinde cuentas de su actitud y no lo puede evitar. Se re de
las cosas trascendentales y est serio ante las circunstancias alegres.
Alucinaciones sensoriales; olor a un bosque incendindose, a excremento de pichn o
percibe voces.
Est ansioso, CREE QUE ES PERSEGUIDO y tiene los irresistibles deseos de correr y
huir. Est RECELOSO, irritable, terco. Deseos imperiosos de jurar y blasfemar.
Disminucin constante del estado mental est de "mal carcter" DURANTE LAS
Dolores: algunas veces sensacin de pesantez profunda, intensa; otra sensacin de
constriccin alrededor de la regin dolorosa, siempre mejora por comer.
Cefalalgias de los estudiantes con sensacin de presin sobre el reborde orbitario que se
agrava por el trabajo intelectual y MEJORA POR COMER (Psor.).
Deglute apresuradamente las bebidas y los alimentos: tendencia a atragantarse al comer o
beber. Nuseas y vmitos que mejoran por comer (Ign. Sep.).
Constipacin con deseos ineficaces de defecar, sensacin de tapn y de PESO INTENSO a
nivel del ano, imposible de expulsar. Con el esfuerzo el deseo se extingue.
Hemorroides con constricciones espasmdicas del ano que mejoran por comer.
Prurito intenso con erupciones vesiculosas que contienen un lquido amarillo e irritante
(Rhus tox.).
Cefaleas. Malos efectos del cansancio nervioso. Melancola con manas contradictorias.
Hipocondra con desdoblamiento de la personalidad. Reumatismo. Trastornos digestivos,
dispepsia y constipacin. Gastropata nerviosa. Hemorroides. Anacardium y Nux vomica
tienen modalidades opuestas: agravacin por la comida: Nux vomica. Mejora al comer:
La indicacin de Anacardium aparece generalmente en un sujeto de Psorinum. Causticum
(mentalidad). Lycopodium y Platina (trastornos digestivos).
30a, 200a y 1 000.
Anacardium orientale (Wheeler)
Anacardo de Oriente. Preparacin: capa del fruto entre la corteza y la semilla, triturada.
El anacardo es Anacardium occidentale, que crece en las Indias Occidentales, y
Anacardium orientale es el anacardo de Oriente, que crece en las Indias Orientales. Este
ltimo ha sido experimentado ms extensamente, pero los sntomas que conocemos del
primero se parecen mucho a los de Anacardium orientale, de tal modo que es posible que se
los pueda considerar como virtualmente intercambiables, si bien, desde luego, se preferira
aquel cuyos sntomas nos son conocidos. Los sntomas cutneos del anacardo son muy
destacados en los casos de envenenamiento. Los de Anacardium orientale son de carcter
similar, pero tal vez menos graves. Por consiguiente, si en un caso que sugiere Anacardium
la piel se encontrara afectada de una manera muy notable, podra ser preferible utilizar la
variedad occidental. Pero es probable que no se deba dar mucha importancia a este punto.
Efectos macroscpicos sobre el cuerpo
Anacardium virtualmente no se utiliza en la teraputica, salvo por los homepatas.
Cushney afirma que Anacardium occidentale contiene cardol, que es un poderoso vesicante
cuando se aplica localmente. Lewin seala edema, erisipela y eczema persistentes despus
de su uso externo, y un clico violento, como sntoma, cuando se emplea internamente. Las
experimentaciones, como lo veremos luego, desarrollan muchos sntomas cutneos. Clarke
habla de erisipela y edema bajo la accin de Anacardium occidentale, al igual que Lewin,
pero los registra como el resultado del envenenamiento con anacardo de un modo tal que
parece implicar que las afecciones seguiran la ingestin de la droga. Sntomas cutneos sin
duda alguna similares, aunque menos graves, han seguido el uso de Anacardium orientale,
de tal modo que las afirmaciones de Clarke estn probablemente bien fundamentadas,
aunque puede haber registrado en forma conjunta sntomas que provenan tanto del uso
externo como del interno. Es una experiencia homeoptica constante que una droga (por
ejemplo, Rhus) que produce efectos violentos por contacto tambin manifiesta poder sobre
la piel despus de su uso interno. El agente irritante contina siendo irritante despus de su
absorcin en el torrente circulatorio en grado suficiente para afectar las clulas de la piel a
continuacin de dosis repetidas (aun pequeas). En personas susceptibles (y un buen
experimentador es necesariamente alguien susceptible a la droga ensayada) mnimas
cantidades pueden provocar sntomas. La conclusin es que los sntomas cutneos
consecutivos a las aplicaciones externas pueden ser indicaciones para el uso interno de la
droga y si la administracin interna las confirma en alguna medida, el mdico puede hablar
de una manera ms segura.* La tintura de Anacardium se prepara con la capa que encierra
la semilla por debajo de la corteza exterior. La capa similar en la variedad occidental es
negra y semilquida. Es la parte utilizada en farmacia. Desde el punto de vista botnico,
Anacardium est relacionado con el gnero Rhus y su accin sobre la piel se parece a la de
este grupo. Puede actuar como antdoto de los efectos del envenenamiento por Rhus, en la
medida en que los mismos afectan la epidermis. Se encuentran otras semejanzas en las
caractersticas generales de frilosidad, sensibilidad a las corrientes de aire y alivio por el
*Desde luego, es posible que los sntomas cutneos que siguen el uso externo puedan ser
causados en algunos casos de una manera ms mecnica que qumica. Por ejemplo,
Dolichos pruriens causa una irritacin intensa, debida a los pelos microscpicos que posee
la planta, y no es evidente que el sntoma constituya una indicacin para administrar
internamente la droga. Por otra parte, los experimentadores de este medicamento revelaron
un aumento general de la sensibilidad (y otros sntomas). Por consiguiente, administrado al
interior en potencia podra reducir la hipersensibilidad y aliviar de este modo los sntomas
cutneos. En tal caso el alivio resultara indirecto.
Comparacin con Rhus Tox
Se observa una acentuada agravacin del dolor al realizar el primer movimiento de la parte
afectada, que es similar a la de Rhus. Pero mientras que en este ltimo caso la continuacin
del movimiento alivia progresivamente el dolor y el reposo lo agrava, en Anacardium a
menudo el reposo alivia el dolor y el aumento del dolor al comienzo del movimiento no se
atena por la continuacin del mismo. Tampoco revela Anacardium la afinidad de Rhus por
las articulaciones, las aponeurosis y los tejidos fibrosos en general, y tampoco son
comparables los sntomas abdominales de ambos medicamentos. Los enfermos que andan
bien con este remedio muestran a veces una intermitencia en sus sntomas. No existe una
periodicidad definida, pero despus de algunos das de padecimientos el paciente se ver
libre de stos durante un cierto tiempo, independientemente de todo tratamiento.
Sntomas intelectuales y emocionales
El gran inters y la importancia de este remedio reside en la esfera mental. Es uno de los
casos ms notables de efectos de una droga sobre la conciencia. Parece como si los
smbolos que emanan del inconsciente continuaran alcanzando la mente consciente hasta
que se establece una sensacin de doble personalidad, un sentimiento como el de dos
voluntades, que habitualmente se encuentran en pugna. A veces la divisin llega an ms
lejos y existen ideas delirantes de que la mente y el cuerpo estn separados o de que la otra
voluntad es la de un espritu maligno que lo est tentando. El individuo puede sentir como
si estuviera viviendo en un sueo, a menudo oye voces, generalmente conocidas, pero de
personas muertas o distantes. Es habitual la irritabilidad y existe una marcada tendencia a
soltar palabrotas o blasfemar, yendo incluso ms all de la moderna libertad de palabra y,
desde luego, esta circunstancia se hace mucho ms notable si el paciente no es
habitualmente adicto a un lenguaje grosero. Este cuadro se debe al levantamiento de una
inhibicin y a veces acenta la sensacin de dualidad y el paciente siente como si se viera
urgido o compelido a expresarse de esta manera. Otras pruebas de que no se trata
simplemente de una explosin de mal genio y de enojo se encuentra en el hecho de que si
bien el paciente vocifera y afirma su personalidad, en realidad su coraje no es grande. Se
acobarda con facilidad. Las blasfemias son una especie de camuflaje de un profundo
sentimiento de inferioridad. En realidad, el Anacardium dinamizado se utiliza para
restablecer el coraje, que falla anticipndose a alguna prueba muy dura. El poder de
Anacardium en este sentido le ha ganado la reputacin como remedio cuando hay temor de
una prueba difcil, como un examen, en especial oral. La memoria en los sujetos de
Anacardium es escasa, lo cual contribuye muy naturalmente al temor del fracaso y aumenta
el miedo que provoca el examen. Muchos estudiantes han encontrado que Anacardium
representa una ayuda en tales momentos difciles y que es eficaz aunque estn presentes
pocos sntomas de cualquier otro tipo. Empleado en potencia, invierte su efecto venenoso,
cerrando el camino a los pensamientos perturbadores y concentrando el poder en el
presente. Las ilusiones sensoriales no son infrecuentes, del mismo modo que el
embotamiento de los sentidos especiales, la audicin o el olfato con mayor frecuencia que
la visin.
Comentario acerca de la influencia de los remedios homeopticos sobre los sntomas
Este curioso estado mental encuentra paralelismos en la sintomatologa de otros
medicamentos, pero puede resultar adecuado examinar aqu el problema general de la
relacin de las drogas con la conciencia, adems del notorio poder de algunas para abolirla
en forma temporaria. Particularmente en lo relativo al aspecto emocional es probable que
haya escepticismo, por ejemplo, en cuanto a las afirmaciones de la homeopata de que el
temor, los celos, la suspicacia, el odio o el deseo de daar y otras emociones por el estilo
son caractersticas de ciertos remedios y pueden ser modificadas por el uso de los mismos.
La obra precursora de Freud, Jung, Adler y sus partidarios ha acrecentado y aclarado sin
duda alguna nuestro (an escaso) conocimiento de los modos de actividad y los
mecanismos de nuestra mente. Se acepta que la conciencia es algo muy complejo, pero
probablemente la idea de que un agente material, como una droga, pueda modificar
afecciones atribuibles a complejos, variar la interaccin entre la conciencia y lo
inconsciente y contribuir a un equilibrio armonioso entre ambos podra resultar inaceptable
para un psicoanalista. No obstante, es de conocimiento comn que las drogas pueden
producir marcados fenmenos mentales, alucinaciones, perturbaciones manacas y
perversiones morales. Adems, con demasiada frecuencia los estados postencefalticos se
acompaan de deplorables cambios de carcter. Por consiguiente, existe por lo menos un
punto de partida para el homepata y, como siempre, ste se orienta hacia el experimento
clnico. Nadie que ponga pacientemente a prueba esta cuestin puede dudar de que el
similimum elegido correctamente es tan potente en la esfera mental como en la fsica y que,
adems, la afirmacin de Hahnemann de que los sntomas mentales son los ms seguros de
todos los guas hacia una verdadera similitud est bien fundada. Pero no obstante, resulta
extrao para el principiante pensar que un temor o un sueo determinado de un paciente
pueda ser una buena gua hacia un remedio. Desde luego, la prueba final es el experimento.
Se puede confiar en que el experimento confirme las afirmaciones, pero un cierto examen
de las dificultades puede hacer ms fcil emprender el camino de la experimentacin. El
psicoanlisis encuentra la explicacin de las fobias en la represin de ciertas experiencias (a
menudo infantiles). Tales experiencias pasadas pueden volver a entrar en la conciencia en
una forma distorsionada y expresarse de una manera caracterstica en la vida diaria por
temores de tipo definido. Si as fuera, de qu manera puede tener una droga una asociacin
general con cualquiera de estos miedos? Los sueos, asimismo, pueden ser a veces
expresiones veladas de experiencias cuyo recuerdo es perturbador. Dnde se ubica una
droga en este caso? Como primer comentario, resulta obvio que ciertas drogas pueden
reducir el poder de inhibicin. En la patogenesia de los medicamentos se registra con
frecuencia una mayor o menor falta del control habitual y los perturbadores efectos
mentales (por ejemplo) de Hyoscyamus son bastante familiares; todo narctico tiende a
aflojar el control moral, tanto si se toma morfina como herona, hachs o cocana. Pero
adems del poder de reducir los niveles de inhibicin, los diferentes medicamentos tienen
en general acciones variadas sobre el cuerpo; por ejemplo, Cannabis y Hyoscyamus
estimulan los rganos y los centros sexuales. Por consiguiente, no es extrao que con los
mismos la reduccin de la inhibicin ponga de manifiesto una marcada evidencia de
estimulacin sexual en ideas, sueos, visiones, etc., de carcter ertico. Si surgiera un
estado similar en la evolucin de una enfermedad el medicamento (Cannabis o cualquier
otro) cubrira hasta ese grado los sntomas y desde el punto de vista homeoptico sera un
candidato para la eleccin como remedio.
En trminos generales, el miedo parece estar asociado con la sobreestimulacin simptica y
la hiperactividad de hormonas producidas por la secrecin suprarrenal. Una droga o una
enfermedad que desorganizan el sistema nervioso ortosimptico-parasimptico o que
sobreestimulan las glndulas suprarrenales estaran asociados con el temor y se podra
encontrar una similitud entre los sntomas de la droga y los de la enfermedad.*
Argentum nitricum es uno de los ms importantes remedios para los miedos de muchos
tipos y existen otros elementos de juicio que sugieren que puede afectar la glndula
suprarrenal. El tipo exacto de temor que predomina depender del carcter y de las
experiencias de la vida del individuo, pero una droga que pueda controlar de una manera
favorable la provisin de una hormona reducir cualquier tipo de temor. Pero la homeopata
afirma, no obstante, que encuentra buenas indicaciones en temores especficos (por
ejemplo, a enloquecer, a los truenos, cuchillos, enfermedad o muerte, oscuridad, etc.). Para
algunos de dichos temores se puede encontrar asimismo una explicacin razonable.
Cualquier persona sensible que compruebe que su control mental se va perdiendo a causa
de drogas o enfermedad, temer que su razn est en peligro, de tal modo que una droga
slo necesita producir una incapacidad para pensar con tanta claridad como antes, recordar
con precisin, comprender exactamente las relaciones externas, para causar ansiedad
mental. Hay muchos medicamentos que producen confusin cerebral en grados variados.
No obstante, el temor especfico de la locura est asociado en forma ms definida con
algunos medicamentos que con otros, lo cual puede significar tan slo que su
experimentador era sensible en ese punto particular a causa de una experiencia personal, de
tal modo que un temor que podra continuar siendo vago (aunque relacionado con el control
mental) en otros, se volvera muy definido en ese individuo. Esa precisin continuara
indicando la droga para un paciente que revelara el mismo carcter definido en su temor,
pues indicara de una manera particular alguna experiencia an loga de la vida que caus un
"trauma" similar. A menudo el temor de la muerte indica una vaga comprensin de la
gravedad del estado corporal. Pero el estado de un paciente puede ser grave y, sin embargo,
el temor no se hace presente o bien, como ocurre, por ejemplo, con el acnito, el temor
puede carecer de proporcin con el peligro. Tales variaciones dependern de diferencias
constitucionales, y en la medida en que indiquen esos estados se convierten en buenas
razones para elegir un remedio "similar". Por ejemplo, los mejores pacientes para acnito se
encuentran a menudo entre los individuos robustos que no han tenido muchas
enfermedades. Tales pacientes, abatidos en forma repentina, se alarmarn ms que sujetos
ms dbiles, que estn bastante familiarizados con dolencias menores. Los casos serios que
sin embargo carecen de temor, pueden tener inhibida la sensacin de enfermedad por una
profunda toxemia o bien con un equilibrio hormonal posiblemente mejor, pueden controlar
su ansiedad. Tambin en este caso, diferentes tipos requerirn distintos remedios. El temor a
los truenos implica una sensibilidad a las perturbaciones elctricas que conducir de una
manera infalible a algunas experiencias inquietantes durante las tormentas con truenos, pero
esta sensibilidad es tambin constitucional y representa una indicacin para el homepata.
*Ciertos fisilogos consideran que la diarrea producida por un susto se debe
probablemente a un agotamiento del simptico despus de su sobreestimulacin, lo cual
permite que el vago acte sin oposicin.
Pero an quedan los temores especiales a los cuchillos, al fuego, a los lugares cerrados o
abiertos, a las cadas y otros. Existen buenas razones para atribuir tales temores a
represiones definidas y se pueden aliviar, al menos algunas veces, mediante el anlisis que
hace recordar sus orgenes. Pero casi siempre se encuentra que las experiencias que parecen
causarlas tienen un carcter tan comn y general que ni una persona cada cien de la
poblacin puede haber escapado a ellas en el curso del crecimiento desde la infancia en
adelante. Qu nio no ha tenido experiencias con fuego y con bordes filosos que en su
momento fueron perturbadoras, pero cun pocas veces estas experiencias infantiles dejan
alguna marca? La rareza comparativa de perturbaciones graves sugiere que estas
experiencias deben haber sido olvidadas: "sepultadas sin rastros"; y que si no lo son, existe
probablemente algn defecto fsico en los mecanismos nerviosos del cuerpo. El defecto ms
probable sera un aumento de la permeabilidad del umbral de la conciencia a los mensajes
provenientes de lo inconsciente. Si as fuera, como algunas drogas producen algo
evidentemente por el estilo, su administracin debera fortalecer homeopticamente la
barrera y reducir el temor. En el terreno clnico, se ha puesto a prueba esa sugerencia y ha
demostrado ser legtima en muchos casos. Ningn homepata experimentado duda de que
se puede lograr mucho mediante remedios en el tratamiento de las fobias, los sueos
persistentes y los deseos obsesivos anormales, tan opuestos a los deseos normales, que son
resistidos pero vuelven en los sueos y durante momentos en que no se est en guardia.
Tales son, por ejemplo, las aversiones temporarias con respecto a seres amados, que pueden
incluso estar acompaadas por ideas de herirlos o matarlos. En consecuencia, si
consideramos que todos los medicamentos que actan como remedios en tales casos poseen
la facultad de tornar ms permeable el umbral de la conciencia, se podra aducir, como ya se
ha sugerido, que en las experimentaciones las fobias y cualquier otro fenmeno que
aparezca depende de las experiencias del experimentador y que al prescribir no se necesita
exigir una correspondencia estricta en su naturaleza para lograr xito. Estas consideraciones
son correctas hasta tal punto que, en todos los casos en que exista una semejanza general
entre los sntomas del medicamento y los de la enfermedad (y las fobias son tan slo uno de
ellos, si bien importante), se puede administrar con confianza el medicamento similar, aun
si el carcter de la fobia, del sueo o del deseo anormal no es idntico en el paciente y en el
experimentador. Por ejemplo, el temor de los ladrones aparece con fuerza en Arsenicum,
pero un tipo diferente de miedo no impedira prescribirlo si el resto del cuadro
correspondiera al medicamento.
Se puede ilustrar este tema con las experiencias de dos experimentadores con Jaborandi
(vase). Un experimentador registr una manifestacin nerviosa de tipo obsesivo, con una
idea fija de que matara a su familia con un hacha. Un nico registro de este tipo, si bien
aparece mientras se ensaya un medicamento al principio slo se puede atribuir de una
manera provisional al mismo. La causa podra estar en algn aspecto de la vida ajeno a la
experimentacin, de tal modo que resulta deseable una confirmacin posterior. Pero un
segundo experimentador, sin conocer la experiencia del primero y, en consecuencia, sin
estar expuesto a ninguna sugestin, se sinti atormentado de modo similar no con un deseo
de matar a su esposa sino con un terror de que se vera impelido a hacerlo contra su
voluntad. En su ..lente apareca continuamente un instrumento cortante. En ambos casos la
idea de matar a seres queridos surgi durante la experimentacin del medicamento y
desapareci al dejar de tomarlo. Resulta difcil resistirse a la conclusin de que la droga era
el agente causal de esta situacin. Las diferencias en los detalles de las obsesiones ilustran
la concepcin que hemos expuesto: que el medicamento afecta la permeabilidad del umbral
de la conciencia para los impulsos provenientes de la mente inconsciente, pero lo que
alcanza la conciencia y la forma en que la alcanza depender de la naturaleza y de las
experiencias de la vida del paciente.
Sin embargo, es necesario agregar que ciertos medicamentos se asocian con fobias
definidas y otras perturbaciones psicopticas y que en ciertas ocasiones los pacientes no
slo registran experiencias exactamente similares a las de los experimentadores sino que
comprueban que sus sntomas mentales se curan utilizando el remedio similar. Slo
podemos llegar a la conclusin provisional de que ciertos temperamentos y constituciones,
debido muy probablemente a variables equilibrios hormonales, inclinan a una parte de las
experiencias comunes de la vida a estimular la actividad del inconsciente para que produzca
en la mente consciente procesos a partir de las experiencias olvidadas de la vida y
establezca complejos, de tal modo que una tendencia a sntomas mentales de un tipo
especial se convierte en un signo de tal constitucin y, en consecuencia, en una buena gua
hacia un remedio. En tal caso, Anacardium posee un poder general para reducir la barrera
entre la mente consciente y lo inconsciente y de este modo aparece esa sensacin de
dualidad que hemos destacado anteriormente. Tambin se eliminan las inhibiciones y se
aminora la restriccin moral. Pero los temores especficos son relativamente raros, del
mismo modo que las ideas fijas y los deseos mrbidos.
Ha resultado conveniente examinar en este lugar la cuestin general de los efectos de los
medicamentos sobre los fenmenos mentales, pero otros remedios ofrecen ejemplos ms
notables de sntomas mentales precisos y detallados por ejemplo, Cannabis, Opium,
Stramonium, etctera.
Sntomas cutneos
Quedan por examinar los sntomas de Anacardium que corresponden a los tractos
alimentario y respiratorio y la piel. Ya se han mencionado los ltimos, pero aqu se pueden
describir en detalle como ardor, prurito, aumentados por el rascado, la formacin de
vesculas a veces del tamao de un guisante, con sensaciones quemantes y tendencia a la
formacin de excrecencias verrugosas.
Sntomas gastrointestinales
El conducto alimenticio pone de manifiesto muchos sntomas importantes y el
medicamento resulta til en cierto nmero de casos de dispepsia crnica. La lengua est
saburral y el alimento tiene un gusto desagradable, aunque independientemente de la
comida estn presentes a menudo sensaciones olfativas y gustativas desagradables.
Habitualmente hay sed, pero los sntomas gastrointestinales se agravan por las bebidas fras
y a menudo empeoran tomando sopas. Los dolores gstricos se alivian comiendo y la
desaparicin del dolor y del malestar contina durante dos horas despus de la comida,
momento en el cual vuelve el dolor y persiste hasta que se ingiere de nuevo alimento. Por lo
general, el dolor es aliviado por los alimentos calientes y agravado por los alimentos fros.
Los intestinos pueden estar constipados, aunque a menudo se presenta una urgente
necesidad de evacuar, pero las heces, sin embargo, son expelidas con dificultad. Se describe
un dolor abdominal muy comn como una sensacin presiva, provocada por algo romo, que
tambin causa una sensacin de obstruccin o taponamiento. Estas sensaciones pueden ser
experimentadas en el epigastrio o en el recto. Los sntomas gastrointestinales originados por
la tensin y la excitacin emocional constituyen una indicacin valiosa y adems de las
modalidades locales se presenta habitualmente la tpica mentalidad de Anacardium, intensa
irritabilidad y mal carcter.
Sntomas respiratorios
En forma no infrecuente aparecen violentos paroxismos convulsivos de tos y la sensacin
presiva obtusa se puede sentir en el pecho. La tos est relacionada con la ingestin de
alimentos, como si las conexiones del nervio neumog strico representaran un factor en la
produccin de este estado. A veces, el acto de comer inicia la tos; en ciertas ocasiones la
alivia de una manera notable pero, por lo general, es digna de mencin la existencia de una
relacin entre los sntomas gstricos y los respiratorios.
Los pacientes en general se cansan y se agotan con facilidad, y a pesar de que la excitacin
y la ansiedad pueden provocar la aparicin de sntomas, el paciente de Anacardium, en
otros aspectos, no es propenso a una perturbacin por su ambiente inmediato. (Se puede
observar que la agudeza o el embotamiento de los sentidos especiales producidos por un
medicamento se suele asociar en el enfermo con una correspondiente toma de conciencia o
insensibilidad al medio que lo rodea.) Los enfermos sienten el fro y experimentan
particular aversin hacia las corrientes de aire fro. A menudo el sueo es pesado y no
reparador, y se acompaa de sueos de fuego, peligro, enfermedad y muerte; de este modo
no se obtiene la normal recuperacin que produce el sueo.
- Illusions of the fancy;he imagines he hears his name called by the voice of his far-distant
mother and sister;accompanied by an apprehension of misfortune and anxiety, [a7].
- Excessive cheerfulness, [_a1].
- In the afternoon he is more cheerful than in the forenoon;as soon as the sleepiness after
dinner is past he is more cheerful and more disposed to work(after thirty-eight hours), [a5].
- He laughs when he should be serious, [_a1].
- When occupied with serious things he is obliged to laugh on account of a tickling at the
pit of the stomach; when occupied with ludicrous things he is able to refrain from laughter,
- Sadness, [_a1].
- In the forenoon he is extremely hypochondriac, low-spirited, and desponding, with
awkward and childish manners;
- Melancholy illusion;he imagines a bier is in the side-room,
- * He is separated from the whole world, and has so little confidence in himself that he
despairs of being able to do that which is required of him, [_a1].
- * He is very indifferent and unfeeling; neither agreeable nor disagreeable objects excite
his interest;for eight days, [_a1].
- * When walking he felt anxious, as if some one were pursuing him;he suspected
everything around him, [_a1].
- Anxious apprehension and thoughtfulness, when meditating over his present and future
destiny, [a6].
- Anxious apprehension and peevishness, [a4].
- Anxiety, apprehension of threatening misfortune, [a7].
- The future appears dangerous to him, as if nothing but misfortune and danger were
reserved for him; want of confidence in his strength and despondency, [_a1].
- Anxiety in all his actions;everything appears to him more terrible; he imagines himself
surrounded with enemies;then he feels warm and the blood seems to boil within him
(seventh, eighth days), [_a1].
- * Internal anxiety, which did not leave him any peace;he felt solicitous on account of
every trifle, as if it would lead to some great trouble;with apprehension of the future, [_a1].
- In the evening, anxiety and apprehension, after cheerfulness through the day, [a6].
- * Irritable and contradicting, [a4].
- * A slight offence makes him excessively angry, breaking out in personal violence, [_a1].
- Peevish mood all day;everything about him made a disagreeable impression upon him,
- Gloomy, peevish mood, with desire to go into the open air, [a7].
- * Excessively peevish and ill-humored, [a8].
- Very peevish and ill-tempered;extremely susceptible to all annoyances, [_a1].
- * He takes everything in bad part and becomes violent, [_a1].
- Increased fancy;he constantly thinks of some new objects to which the mind forcibly
clings, [_a1].
- His mind is much more animated than before;he likes to enter upon acute analysis, but
every effort of this kind causes a tearing, pressive headache in the forehead, the temples,
and the occiput, [a5].
- Extreme excitement of the fancy, with a number of projects, in the evening, from 9 to 10
o'clock;he is not able to control his attention;little by little the mind becomes dull, so that he
is without any ideas(after sixteen hours), [a5].
- Indisposed to do anything, [_a1].
- Every kind of intellectual labor is difficult for him, like a kind of absent-mindedness,
- Dread of labor;he is afraid of undertaking the least labor;he likes nothing, [a8].
- The mind is much confused, as if a cold were coming on, [_a1].
- He confounds the present with the future, [_a1].
- Early in the morning, after a sound sleep, he is unable to comprehend the slightest thing;
his head feels confused and empty, [_a3].
- Dulness of the senses, with confusion of the head, and prostration, [a8].
- Increase and greater vividness of the memory;he spontaneously recollects the smallest
circumstances of times long past;he would be able to learn easily by heart if his attention
were not diverted by other thoughts, which, however, he finds it easyto control (after one
and a half hours), [_a3].
- Dulness of the senses, with anxiety;he scarcely perceives what is taking place around
him, [_a1].
- Anacardium weakens the understanding(Matthiolus).
- * Great weakness of memory; cannot remember anything;forgets everything immediately,
- * He remembers with difficulty; he retains nothing in his memory;he is deficient in ideas
and he soon loses his subject without being aware of it, [_a3].
- Diminution of the imagination and the memory in the afternoon;he cannot recollect
anything (after five, six hours), [_a3].
- He can only reflect upon a subject which has been furnished to him;he does not
remember anything himself, [_a1].
- The memory is quite deficient, early in the morning, especially as regards single names,
- * In the afternoon his memory is better than in the forenoon, although his recollections
only come to him after the time when he was in need of them; however, he easily
understands what he reads, although he does not entirely remember it(after third, fourth
days), [_a3].
- Thoughts vanish, [a8].
- His head feels very heavy all day, [_a1].
- Early in the morning, after rising, his head feels so confused and heavy that he is scarcely
able to support it; he was obliged to lie down again, [_a1].
- Painful, dull confusion of the head when he lies in bed in an uncomfortable position, [a7].
- Vertigo, as if all objects or himself were wavering;he is obliged to steady himself(first
day), [_a1].
- Vertigo, he almost fell down, [_a1].
- Vertigo when walking, as if all objects were too far distant, [_a1].
- * Vertigo on stooping, with a sensation of turning round in a circle(after thirteen hours),
- Vertigo, black before the eyes, [a4].
- The head reels, [a4].
- Dizziness of the head, as after spirituous drinks, [_a1].
- Great giddiness after a walk in the afternoon, [_a1].
- The whole head swelled, [a10].
- Heat in the head, [_a1].
- Occasional pressure in the head, [_a1].
- Pressure in the right side of the head, interrupted by violent stitches(after three-quarters of
an hour), [_a3].
- Dull pressure from without inward, here and there, in small places of the head, [a4].
- Repeated tearings in the whole head, with chills all over the body, low spirits, and
restlessness;this does not permit her to remain in any one place;always returns every third
day, [a4].
- * Tearing headache during hard labor(after fourth day), [_a3].
- Repeated tearing in the right side of the head, face, and neck, and immediately after,
humming before the left ear, [a4].
- Violent, grinding headache, in the evening, [_a1].
- Sharp stitches through the left side of the head, reaching deep into the brain, [a4].
- Dull, tremulous stitches on the left side of the upper part of the head;they are merely
incipient, and do not become distinct, [a4].
- Any effort of the mind causes a bruised sensation in the brain, [_a1].
- Throbbing headache, [_a1].
- Several violent jerks, so that he would like to scream out loud;they come from behind,
and reach across the left side of the upper part of the head and the forehead(after half an
hour), [a4].
- The headache is worse during motion, [_a3].
- Hard, red, pustules on the forehead and in the angle of the left wing of the nose, with a
feeling of soreness, for several weeks, [a8].
- Dull, painful confusion of the forehead, extending down to the root of the nose, [a4].
- * Constrictive headache in the forehead, with extremely peevish mood, increasing from
hour to hour, accompanied by a violent grinding pain, which is diminished for a few
moments by strongly pressing upon the forehead; at last the pain takes hold of the whole
head, with a painful sensation as if a tense band were reaching from the nape of the neck to
the ears;he is obliged to lie down;the pain lasts from 5 P.M. to next morning, [a4].
- Violent constrictive pain in the right side of the forehead, especially at the external border
of the orbit, [a4].
- Pressive, pinching headache in the forepart of the head, with single tearings towards the
forehead (after twenty-four hours), [a7].
- Pain in the head, especially in the forehead, stupefying, pressive, exciting vertigo; he
threatened to fall to the left side when sitting(after two, two and a half hours), [a6].
- Pressure at the forehead from without, over the left eyebrow(after two hours), [a6].
- Hard pressure in the angle between the frontal and nasal bones(after three days), [_a2].
- Pressure in the forehead, every morning on waking;worse in walking, as if the brain were
shaken, [_a1].
- Dull pressure in the centre of the forehead, increasing at slow intervals, becoming more
and more deep, and gradually extending over the whole front of the head in the evening,
- Violent pressure in the right side of the forehead, from within outward[_a3].
- Dull pressure coming out at the right frontal eminence, [a4].
- Compression and dull pressure below the left frontal eminence, [a4].
- Tearing sticking in the forehead over the right eye, [_a2].
- Grinding in the right half of the forepart of the head, especially along the border of the
orbit; relieved by strong external pressure(and during a meal), accompanied by intolerable
pain, as if a heavy body were forced in there;the pain diminishes in the evening when in
bed, on lying with the painful spot upon the arm;on falling asleep it subsides entirely, [a4].
- Itching of the forehead, [_a1].
- Painless pimples, with red areolae at the top of the left temple(after nine hours), [a6].
- Compression simultaneously in both temples, [a4].
- * Pressure inward, and squeezing in both temples, with continual constriction of the
upper part of the head;passes off towards evening, [a4].
- Several times, when breathing, a long stitch drawing from the temple into the forehead
(after five and a half hours), [_a3].
- * Violent pressure in the region of the right temple, [_a2 and _a3].
- Tearing pain in the brain, just above the right temple, [_a2].
- Pressure from without inward in the left temple, [a4].
- Sudden, acute, piercing and biting tearings in the temple, extending into the brain(after
three hours), [_a3].
- * Tearing pressure in the left temple, [_a2].
- Sharp, pressive tearings in the left temple, [_a3].
- Shootings and tearings in the left temple, [a5].
- Headache, with stitches in the left temple, [_a1].
- * Pressive pain on the top of the head, when coughing, or taking a deep inspiration, [_a1].
- * Dull pressure, as from a plug, on the left side of the vertex, [a4].
- Confusion, first of the left, then of the right side of the head, [a4].
- Jerkings in the left side of the head, frequently repeated, close down in front of the ear,
- Drawing pain in the left side of the head, [_a1].
- Pressure in the occiput, on the right side(after three hours), [a7].
- Tearing, which commences in the lower part of the occiput on the right side and reaches
as far as the forehead(after thirty-five hours), [_a2].
- Tearing headache in the occiput, in distinct, successive attacks which reach as far as the
temple (after half an hour), [_a3].
- Drawing pain in the forehead, in the left vertex, and in the occiput, [_a2].
- Jerking shoots and tearing in the occiput and temples, mostly when bending the head
backward (after two hours), [_a3].
- Many little boils upon the hairy scalp, of the size of a flaxseed;they feel sore when
touched or scratched, [a6].
- Violent itching of the hairy scalp, [_a1].
- Left eye swollen shut, [a10].
- Painful eyes, without redness, [_a1].
- Violent pressure upon the eyes, especially upon the left, and in the external canthus of this
eye when looking long at one object(half an hour), [_a2].
- * Dull pressure, as with a plug, on the upper border of the right orbit, extending into the
brain, with stupefaction of the whole side of the head, [a4].
- Rheumatic tearing pain in the left eye(more in the lids), which extends as far as the
temples, [a5].
- Lids so swollen that he could scarcely see, [a10].
- The eyelids felt swollen, but without pain, [a10].
- Sensation in the eyes as if there was something between the ball and the upper lid, which
causes rubbing, [_a2].
- Something seems to rub between the ball and the lower lid, [a4].
- Twitches in the eyelids;he imagines that one must see them, [a4].
- Pressure, as from a sty, in the right inner canthus, and the neighboring tarsal cartilages,
- Pressure below the left external canthus(after two hours), [_a2].
- * Pain, as if a plug were pressed in under the upper border of the orbits, and touched the
balls, [a4].
- * Pressure upon the eyeball, from before backward, or from above downward, [_a2].
- Tearing in the balls and orbits, mornings when walking(after twenty-four hours), [a5].
- Great dilatation of the pupils(after thirteen, fourteen, and nineteen hours;reaction), [a6].
- * Contraction of the pupils(after fourteen hours), [a6].
- The pupil of the right eye becomes smaller for a short time(after forty-eight hours), [a7].
- Dimness of the eyes, as if they were full of water, which forces one to wink often; in the
evening(after sixteen hours), [_a3].
- * Shortsightedness; he cannot distinguish anything at a distance, while he distinctly sees
everything which is held near his eyes, [a5].
- Great sensitiveness of the eyes to the light, [_a1].
- Frequent flickering before the eyes, [_a1].
- The flame of a light appears to flicker, and to alternately darken and brighten; on looking
steadily at the light he saw that it burnt calmly, [_a1].
- * The light appears to be surrounded with a halo in the evening, [_a1].
- Twitches in the external ear, [_a1].
- Pain, as from ulceration in the ear, mostly when swallowing, [_a1].
- * Pain in the ear, as from ulceration, when biting the teeth together, [_a1].
- Painful pressure upon the external ear, [_a1].
- Sensation behind the ears, as if the part would become sore;he is obliged to rub it, [a4].
- Violent tearing along the upper border of the cartilage of the right ear, [a4].
- Violent sticking tearing in the left external ear(after twenty-four hours), [a4].
- Tearing in the left ear, down the cheek, [_a1].
- Sensation of a cramplike contraction in the left concha(after half an hour), [_a3].
- Feeling of obstruction in the left ear, as from cotton;he did not hear as well with this ear
as with the other(after half an hour), [_a2].
- Violent stitches in the left ear, [_a1].
- Tearing, sticking, dull pains in the tip of the antitragus of the left ear, [a4].
- Drawing pain behind the left ear, [_a1].
- Cramplike contraction in the left meatus auditorius, with a pressure against the
tympanum, [a5].
- Spasmodic, cramplike pain in the meatus auditorius externus, [_a3].
- Painful twinging in the right meatus auditorius, [a4].
- Painful drawing in the left meatus auditorius internus(after three-quarters of an hour),
- Twitchings in the left meatus auditorius at short intervals, and very painful, as if a nerve
were put upon the stretch, or like electric shocks, [a4].
- Itching in the ear, and discharge of a brownish matter, [_a1].
- He sometimes heard so feebly that he did not notice when some one opened the door with
a noise; often his hearing was so acute that he heard people through double doors walks in
the antechambers (after fifty-four hours), [a7].
- * Humming in the ears, [_a1].
- Roaring before the ear, [_a1].
- Tingling in the right ear, [a4].
- Pimples, with red areolae, at the angle of the right wing of the nose, [a6].
- * Red pustules on the septum, in the right nostril, with soreness when touched, [_a2].
- Obstruction of the posterior nares, as by much phlegm, [_a3].
- Sneezing, [a4].
- Violent coryza, lasting four weeks, [_a1].
- Violent fluent coryza after frequent sneezing, with lachrymation, [_a1].
- Severe coryza, in the evening(after forty-eight hours), [a5].
- Bleeding at the nose after violent blowing, [_a1].
- Dry coryza, [_a1].
- Short pain in the nose, such as arises from too great cold, which causes his eyes to run,
- Contractive pain in the forepart of the nose, as from great cold, with lachrymation, [_a1].
- Bruised sensation in the left side of the nose;the pain seems to be in the bone, [a4].
- * Smell seems to have disappeared almost completely, although the nose is not
obstructed(after five hours), [_a2].
- * Illusory smell, as of burning tinder, early, when rising, [_a1].
- * Constant smell before the nose, like pigeon or chicken dung, especially when smelling
his clothes, or his body(after two hours), [a5].
- Face began to swell, beginning from the eyes, [a10].
- Great paleness of the face shortly after taking the medicine, [a8].
- Pale, sick, wan color of the face, without, however, any other symptoms, [_a1].
- * Paleness of the face, without coldness(immediately), [a7].
- The person looks sick, hollow-eyed, with blue rings around the eyes for several days
(shortly after taking the medicine), [a8].
- Violent burning on the face, [a10].
- Dry heat in the face, and over the whole head, with confusion of the head and pale look;
at the same time he feels hot upon the skin, which he himself, however, does not perceive,
- After a meal, heat in the face, and exhaustion, [a8].
- After dinner, heat in the face, with accumulation of sweetish saliva in the mouth, and
violent thirst, [a5].
- Left side of face exceedingly swollen, and covered with a number of small, pock-like
blisters, [a10].
- White, scaly herpes on the right cheek, close by the upper lip(after four hours), [a6].
- Drawing pain in the right cheek-bone, [_a2].
- Dull pressure upon the left cheek-bone, [a4].
- Dull pressure in the face, in the middle of the cheek, as if the place were squeezed with
pincers, [a4].
- Dryness of the lips and their corners, [_a1].
- Burning dryness of the external borders of the lips, almost as from pepper, [_a3].
- Frequently a drawing pain in the lower jaw, especially in the evening, [_a1].
- Frequently repeated tearings in the right ramus of the lower jaw, [a4].
- Occasional tearings in the articulations of the jaw(after forty-two hours), [_a3].
- Suppuration and painfulness of a place under the chin, where there was a boil two years
before, [a4].
- Small blisters on chin, discharging liquid when broken, [a10].
- Violent burning on the chin, [a10].
- Externally, burning upon the chin, and dull pressure, extending upward upon the left side
of the chin, as after being scraped with a dull razor, [a4].
- Tearing in all the teeth, returning at intervals, [a4].
- Toothache upon taking something warm in his mouth, a few jerkings, more pressive than
drawing, [_a1].
- The teeth feel longer, at night, when in bed, accompanied by a pressive pain, [_a1].
- Drawing pain in the gums and the roots of the lower molar teeth of the left side, [_a2].
- Cramplike drawing in the lower row of teeth of the right side, reaching as high as the ear
(shortly after taking the medicine), [a4].
- Tensive and drawing pain in a hollow molar tooth, extending to the ear, for several days,
at 10 o'clock in the evening, [a8].
- Violent tearing in the teeth of the left side, [a10].
- Pain in one of the lower incisors, as if a toothpick had been stirred about in it, made
worse by contact with the tongue and the open air(second day), [a7].
- Swelling of the gums, [_a1].
- * Bleeding of the gums upon slight rubbing, [_a1].
- The tongue is white and rough, like a scraping-iron(after three hours), [a6].
- Heaviness of the tongue, and sensation as of swelling, so that he is unable to continue
speaking, [_a1].
- * Painful vesicles in the mouth, [_a1].
- A quantity of liquid comes into his mouth and throat, which causes a sensation of nausea
in the chest, [a5].
- Insipid, foul taste of the food, also without eating, [_a1].
- Insipid taste of the beer, [_a1].
- Bitter dryness in the mouth and throat, [_a1].
- Bitter taste in the mouth after smoking tobacco, [_a1].
- Everything tastes to him like herring-brine, [_a1].
- Tobacco does not taste, only causes biting, [_a1].
- In the afternoon his speech is firmer and surer than in the forenoon, [_a1].
- When speaking, he finds it difficult to utter certain words, as if his tongue were too heavy,
- * Phlegm, firm and tough, comes into the throat, obstructing at the same time, the
posterior nares (after one hour), [a5].
- Prickings as with needles, now here, now there, in the throat, externally, [a4].
- Dryness of the throat, passing off by eating, in the forenoon, [a5].
- Roughness of the throat, [_a1].
- Roughness of the throat, with deep tone of voice, after a meal, [a5].
- Hard pressure in the throat, on both sides of the larynx, which sometimes interferes with
deglutition, [_a2].
- Pressure in the pit of the throat, [a4].
- Sudden, dull pressure, as from a weight, on the left side of the throat, [a4].
- Slow, dull thrusts coming from both sides of the ears, and in their cavities, as if two blunt
plugs were penetrating, to meet in the centre, [a4].
- His throat feels as if it were raw and sore, [_a1].
- * Sensation as if scraping in the throat, [a4, a8].
- Frequent itching of the throat, [a5].
- Great appetite, pressure at the stomach and nausea unto vomiting, after a meal, even
when without exercise, [_a1].
- He has no appetite for dinner;nevertheless, he takes it and relishes it, because it is dinner-
hour;bread, however, tastes a little bitter, [a5].
- At times, violent hunger;at times, none at all, [_a1].
- Constant thirst;however, when drinking, his breath is interrupted, and he is obliged to
swallow his drink little by little, [_a1].
- Eructations of fluid, frequently repeated, which choke him, [a4].
- Eructations with spasmodic pain at the stomach, [_a1].
- Eructations, after drinks and liquid food, [_a1].
- Eructations, after a meal, which burn in the throat, [_a1].
- Empty eructations, early in the morning, [a4].
- Hiccough, [a5].
- Qualmishness at the pit of the stomach, between meals, with anxiety as from a sprain;
without, however, real nausea, and with good taste in the mouth and good appetite, [_a1].
- Several kinds of food, of which he is generally very fond, disgust him so much, that he
would like to vomit, [_a1].
- Much nausea, early in the morning, [_a1].
- * Nausea, early in the morning, with a sensation of fasting in the stomach, [_a1].
- Violent nausea toward evening, constant accumulation of water in the mouth, and, at last,
vomiting, followed by great acidity in the mouth, [_a1].
- Nausea, with retching returning shortly after drinking cold water, and then vomiting of
this water, with a sensation as if the oesophagus were pressed asunder by a large ball, [_a1].
- Shaking in the pit of the stomach, at every step, after every meal, [_a1].
- Rumbling and fermenting in the pit of the stomach, [a4].
- Sensitive, dull pressure at the pit of the stomach, slowly coming and going, [a4].
- Dull pressure, at intervals, over and near the pit, during a meal, [a4].
- Pressure and tension in the pit of the stomach, after every meal, [_a1].
- Soft pressure, with drawing, in the pit of the stomach, which disappears after a meal;
when walking in the open air(after twelve hours), [a5].
- Pressive and drawing pain below the pit of the stomach, when walking(after ten and a
half hours), [a5].
- Compressive, painful prickings at the pit of the stomach, when inspiring and expiring,
which cannot be relieved by any position, or by contact(after four hours), [a6].
- First, sensation as of fasting at the pit of the stomach, then pressure in the stomach the
whole day, and as if obstructed emission of flatus both above and below, and want of
appetite, [_a1].
- Burning, rising out of the stomach into the throat, [_a1].
- Heartburn, after soup, like sour air in the oesophagus, with a constricted sensation, [_a1].
- Violent contractive pain in the stomach, relieved by stooping, made worse by lifting the
arm, and when turning the body, [_a1].
- Pressure at the stomach, from reflection and intellectual exertions, [_a1].
- Pressure at the stomach, after a meal, [_a1].
- After a slight breakfast, pressure in the region of the stomach, towards the abdomen, as if
he had eaten too much, [_a1].
- Pressure at the stomach after a meal, with a feeling of extreme exhaustion and lassitude,
with great thirst(after three and a half days), [a5].
- * During dinner, almost all the symptoms disappear;they come on again two hours
afterwards, [a4].
- Pressure in the region of the liver, an hour after a meal, [_a1].
- Stitches in the hypochondria, when inspiring, sometimes on the right side, sometimes on
the left, [a4].
- Stitches in the left hypochondrium, [_a1].
- Dull stitches in the region of the spleen;they seem partly in the chest, partly in the
abdominal cavity, [_a2].
- Pressure in the region of the navel, as if something hard had formed there, with a
sensation when breathing, speaking, and especially when coughing, as if the abdomen
would burst; when touching the part it pains like a pressure and tension, [_a1].
- * Pain around the navel, as if a blunt plug were squeezed into the intestines, [a4].
- Dull, intermittent stitches at the navel, [a4].
- Sensitive, sharp stitches over the navel on the right side, which cause him to start, [a4].
- Hard pressure at a small spot above and below the navel, and in the left side of the
abdomen, [_a2].
- Dull pressure just below the navel, worse by pressing upon it, and by breathing; shortly
after a meal, [a4].
- Pinching contraction at a small spot on the left side near the navel, when breathing (after
half an hour), [_a3].
- Dull stitches in the abdominal cavity, not far from the navel, [_a2].
- One quick cutting in the abdomen, on the right side, [_a1].
- Burning prickings, as regular as beats, externally, on the right side of the abdomen, below
the short ribs, [a4].
- Transient, short stitches in the muscles of the left side of the abdomen just below the short
ribs, [a4].
- * Thrusts as from a blunt tool, on the right side near the navel(after six hours), [a4].
- Stitches which are very sensitive and dull, on the left side near the navel, [a4].
- Inflation of the abdomen, shortly after dinner, as if he had eaten too much, [a4].
- After a meal, flatus moves about in the abdomen, as from a purgative, [_a1].
- Continual rumbling and pinching in the abdomen, [a4, _a2].
- * Continual rumbling in the abdomen, especially in the region of the navel, [_a1].
- Cutting and pinching in the abdomen, as from flatulence, or cold, with tenesmus (after
four and twenty-two hours), [a6].
- Pinching in the abdomen during stool, [_a2].
- Pinching and griping in the abdomen(after twelve hours), [a5].
- Griping pain in the abdomen, apparently in the intestines(after seven hours), [_a2].
- Attacks of colic more cutting than pinching, coming on when flatus becomes incarcerated
in the abdomen, [_a1].
- Hypochondriac dejection after a meal;there is a pressure in the abdomen, from below
upwards, and he feels extremely weak both in body and mind(after six hours), [a5, a8].
- A sudden, wavelike shooting into his abdomen, like lightning, [a4].
- Pain, as if something in the abdomen would become twisted together, with subsequent
pressure(after thirty-two hours), [a6].
- Upon bending the body backwards, the intestines are painful, as if spasmodically
shortened, in the forenoon, [_a1].
- Single, sharp stitches in the lower abdomen, [_a1].
- Intermittent dull pressure, from within outwards, over the abdominal ring, [a4].
- Dull, deeply penetrating stitches, at the spinous processes of the left iliac bones, [a4].
Urinary organs
- Itching of the urethra, [_a1].
- Constant desire to urinate, [_a1].
- Frequent desire to urinate, but little urine passing(first four hours), [a6].
- Frequent emission of clear watery urine in small quantities, [_a3].
- Early in the morning, before breakfast, frequent clear watery urine, [a4].
- He is obliged to rise at night to urinate;nevertheless, he urinates again at the usual period,
- The urine, while being emitted, is turbid, deposits a dirty sediment, and, when shaken,
looks like clay, [a4].
Sexual organs
- Cutting pain along the penis, [_a1].
- Discharge of the prostatic juice, with natural stool, [_a1].
- Discharge of the prostatic juice, with difficult stool, [_a1].
- Discharge of the prostatic juice, after emission of urine, [_a1].
- Continual voluptuous itching of the scrotum, which excites the sexual desire(after two
hours), [_a1].
- Extreme sexual desire, [_a1].
- Sexual desire early in the morning, after waking, with erection of the penis, [_a3].
- Want of excitability of the sexual desire(first ten days), [_a1].
- Emission of semen at night, without amorous dreams(after twenty-seven hours), [a6].
- Tearing in the mons veneris, [_a1].
Respiratory apparatus
- Cough, commencing with titillation in the larynx, and suffocation, [_a1].
- Shaking attacks of cough, resembling fits of hooping-cough, excited whenever he talks,
- Shaking cough, which does not permit him to sleep at night, [_a1].
- Short cough, mostly in the afternoon, with expectoration of a tenacious gray-yellow
substance, [_a1].
- Short cough, with purulent expectoration, [_a1].
- Short hacking cough, after a meal, affecting the throat as if it were raw(after three days),
- Hacking cough, after a meal, affecting the throat as if it were raw(after three and a half
days), [a5].
- Periodical attacks of cough, only in the daytime;he gets out of breath; every three or four
hours, [_a1].
- Cough early in the morning, [_a1].
- Severe attacks of cough, with shivering, lasting for hours, beginning at 4 A. M., and
occurring several times during the day(after fourteen days), [_a1].
- Violent cough after dinner, with vomiting of the food, [_a1].
- Severe cough in the evening, when in bed, causing the blood to rush to the head, [_a1].
- * Nightly cough, with rawness of the throat, [_a1].
- Cough, almost only during the night, and more severe than during the day, [_a1].
- Cough, more severe at night than by day;several days, [_a1].
- Cough, with stitches in the forehead or in the side of the head, [_a1].
- Cough, with pain in the occiput, [_a1].
- Cough, with usually vain desire to sneeze, [_a1].
- Cough, with yawning after the attack, [_a1].
- He spits
- Short breath, especially after a meal and when sitting, [_a1].
- Uneasiness in the chest, apparently about the heart, especially in the forenoon(fourth
day), [_a1].
- Pressure on chest, especially when sitting, with fulness;he would like to get rid of this
symptom by vomiting(after ten hours), [_a2].
- Pressure of the chest, like oppression, extending toward the axillae, with difficulty of
breathing (after twenty-four hours), [_a2].
- Oppression of chest, with weeping, which relieves it, [_a1].
- Asthma;oppression of chest(after ten hours), [_a1].
- Oppression of chest, during and expiration, with pressure upon the sternum(after one and
a half hours), [a5].
- Oppression of chest, with internal anxiety and heat, [_a1].
- Drawing pain in the muscles of the chest, [_a1].
- Twitching sensation in pectoral muscle when raising the arm, [_a1].
- Feeling of soreness and rawness in the chest, increased by inspiration(immediately), [a4].
- Single sharp stitches in the chest, [_a1].
- Sharp pulsating stitches in the chest, above the heart(after eighty hours), [a4].
- Itching upon the chest, [_a1].
- Corrosively itching prickings, as from pins, at the last false rib, [_a2].
- Sudden, quick pressure in the right side of the chest, close by the axilla; he feels it at the
same time on the opposite side of the back, without any influence upon breathing, [_a1].
- * Dull pressure, as from a plug, in the right side of the chest, [a4].
- Pressure from without over the right nipple, [_a2].
- Wavelike drawing in the let side of the chest, [a4].
- Dull stitches in the left side of the chest, a hand's breadth below the axilla, [a4].
- Sharp stitches in the upper part of the left mamma, which prevented her for a long time
from rising from her seat;afterwards, a sensation of a pressive weight at that place, [_a1].
- Tearing, with some pressure, on the left side of the chest, reaching as high as the heart, as
though the whole side were being crushed, especially when stooping(after ten hours), [a5].
- Intermittent throbbing pricking, as with needles, on the left side of the chest, close to the
throat (after three and a half hours), [a6].
- Constrictive prick, as from a pin, at the left false ribs, externally(after four hours), [a6].
- Oppressive anxiety in the region of the sternum, without pain, as if he could not remain in
the room, but must go into the open air, and be very busy, [_a1].
- Quick pressure upon the sternum, as from a blow, when falling asleep during the day,
- Sensation behind the sternum, as if there were a sore place in the chest, [_a1].
- Dull pressure upon part of the right border of the sternum, [a4].
- * Short breath; he feels oppressed in the region of the sternum, [_a1].
- Cutting in the praecordial region, [a4].
- * Sharp stitches in the praecordial region, extending thence to the small of the back, [a4].
- Stitches on the left side of the praecordial region, increased when breathing and walking,
and coming on anew when the walking was recommenced, [a4].
- * Severe stitches in the praecordial region when breathing, [_a1].
- Stitch in the praecordial region at night, when breathing, [_a1].
Extremities in general
- Repeated tearings, in paroxysms, simultaneously through the upper and lower
extremities, [a4].
- Heaviness in the left arm and leg, when walking, [_a1].
Upper extremities
- Itching-pricking, as with needles below the shoulders, passing off by rubbing, [a4].
- Itching and tickling in both axillae, forcing him to rub(after quarter of an hour), [a4].
- Painful lancinating tension in the arms, upon stretching and extending them; from the
joints down the flexor muscles;on bending the arms back there is a cracking in the joints,
especially in the shoulders, with pain, as if the arm were dislocated, [a4].
- At night he cannot lie long on one side because his arms then feel a pain as if bruised,
- Pressure in the right arm, apparently in the muscles and bones simultaneously, with
lassitude in them, [_a2].
- The left arm goes to sleep, [a4].
- Tearing and drawing in the left arm, [_a1].
- Pimples with red areolae and pus at the tip, on the lower portion of the upper arm, with
painful itching during motion of the arm, irritating to scratching(after twelve hours), [a6].
- (Spasmodically)pressive pain in the muscles of the upper arms, when walking in the open
air, and when sitting, in the evening, [a6].
- Pain as from a bruise, frequently, in the right scapula and upper arm, so that she can
scarcely lift up her arm, [a4].
- Rheumatic drawing pain in the right upper arm, from the shoulder to the bend of the
elbow, with a feeling of stiffness in the arm, [a5].
- Painful jerking in the left upper arm, above the bend of the elbow, [a4].
- Dull pressure, like a grumbling, in the left upper arm, apparently in the marrow of the
bone, very painful and intermittent, [a4].
- * Beatings, as with a heavy body, very painful, in the middle of the left upper
arm(immediately), [a4].
- * Pressure from without inwards, in the forearms here and there, short,
painful(immediately), [a4].
- Cramplike twitches all over the forearm, a hand's breadth above the left
wrist(immediately), [a4].
- Pressive scratchings upon the bone of the forearm, when at rest, [a5].
- Cramplike drawing in the right forearm, from the wrist to the elbow, [a4].
- Pressive pain in the muscles of the right forearm, when writing(after thirteen hours), [a6].
- Cramplike pressure at the left forearm, more violent on pressure, and becoming a tearing
pressure on motion, [_a2].
- Cramplike violent pain in the left forearm and the back of the hand, unaffected by motion,
at night in bed, [a4].
- Pressure in the bend of the left elbow, which draws the arm down as if heavy, and makes
its motion difficult;when walking in the open air(after thirteen hours), [a5].
- Twitches in the flexor tendons at the wrist, [_a1].
- The hands, even the palms of the hands, are covered with warts, [_a1].
- * Great feeling of dryness of the hands, [_a1].
- Dry, hot hands, [_a1].
- Long, violent, painfully tearing stitch in the ball of the right hand, [_a3].
- Stinging, with itching, of the external knuckle of the right hand, which does not pass off
till the parts have been scratched a long time, until they become red, [a4].
- Cramplike contraction of the left hand, so that she cannot make her finger straight, [a4].
- Intermittent, dull, lancinating, cramplike pain on the external border, of the left hand,
where the little finger unites with its metacarpal bone, [a4].
- The palms feel hot, while the backs of the hands are cold, [_a1].
- Simple pain in the palm of the hand, on moving it, [a4].
- Small blisters on the backs of the hands, [a10].
- Pressive tearing on the back of the hand(after nine hours), [a5].
- Pressive, spasmodic pain in the muscles transversely across the back of the left hand(after
half an hour), [a6].
- Prickings, as from pins, upon the back of the left hand, [a4].
- Cramplike, twitching, dull pain in the anterior extremities of the metacarpal bones,
unaffected by motion, [_a1].
- * Cramplike pain in the right hand, where the metacarpal bones joint the phalanges(after
half an hour), [_a2].
- Repeated tearings in the right thumb, as far as the elbow, in the evening after lying down;
relieved only by strong pressure and friction, since it does not appear to be in the muscle,
but deeper, [a4].
- Contractive, lancinating pain in the muscles of the left thumb, passing off by motion and
touch (after two hours), [a6].
- * Cramplike twitches in the fingers of the left hand, synchronous with the pulse, in the
lowest phalanges, [a4].
- Intermittent, cramplike pain in the lowest joints of the right thumb and index, [_a2].
- Grumbling pain between the metacarpal bones of the left index and middle fingers, just
behind the knuckles, [a4].
- Pustules upon the index-finger, with red areolae, and a stinging sort of voluptuous
itching, which spreads into the whole of the palm;the itching forces one to press and
squeeze; red and white lymph, and afterwards a scurf appear, beneath which is formed a
plug of pus; in the evening a drawing sore pain in the ulcer;it lasts eight days, [a4].
- On the side of the left index-finger a pimple, which opens on the day following, and then
passes off;is formed after nightly itching in the hollow of the hand and between the fingers;
violent friction relieves, without removing it, [a4].
- Violent cutting at the metacarpal bone of the right index-finger, [_a3].
- Cramplike pain in the joints of the left hand, where the index-finger joints the metacarpal
bone, [a4].
- Sharp, burning stitches at the external border of the left hand, where the little finger joints
the metacarpal bone(after thirty-six hours), [a4].
- Frequently repeated tearings in the little finger, [a4].
- Cramplike pain in the hand, in the region of the metacarpal bone of the little finger, [_a2].
- Pain, as from a sprain, in the metacarpal bone of the right little finger, [_a1].
Lower extremities
- Weariness of the limbs, as from walking too much, and sleepiness, as from great
weakness(after nine hours), [a6].
- Loud cracking in the right hip-joint, on moving it while sitting, [a4].
- Pain as from a sprain and a bruise over the right hip, when rising from the seat; the pain is
lasting;it also comes on when moving the trunk while sitting, rising is then intolerable, and
he has to walk stooping, [_a1].
- Slight twitchings and drawings in the thighs, especially about and in the knees, as after a
long journey on foot, with painful uneasiness when sitting, resembling a tremulous
agitation(after three-quarters of an hour), [a4].
- Burning prickings, as with pins, which oblige one to scratch;here and there, in the
muscles of the thighs, [a4].
- Painful, dull pressure in the thighs, sometimes intermittent, rhythmical, [a4].
- Burning itching upon the thighs, in the evening, [_a1].
- Drawing pain down the outer side of the right thigh, [a4].
- Pressure, with sensation as of twitching, at the inner side of the right thigh, [a4].
- Boring stitch in the muscles of the lower part of the right thigh, in front(after ten hours),
- Dull pressure, as from a plug, in the left glutei muscles, [a4].
- Cramplike pressure in the left thigh, anteriorly and posteriorly, [_a2].
- Tearing contraction on the external side of the left thigh, at a small spot; subsequently a
pain as from subcutaneous suppuration(after eleven hours), [a5].
- Itching prickings of the left thigh, which pass off by rubbing, [a4].
- Painless feeling of weakness above the knees, when walking, with painful aching when
sitting, as after great fatigue of the legs(after half an hour), [a4].
- Drawing pain above the knees, when sitting;in walking felt as mere weakness(after half
an hour), [a4].
- Violent pressure in the middle of the external side of the right thigh, synchronous with the
pulse, and always accompanied with a lancination(after ten and a half hours), [_a2].
- Dull pain in the left thigh, just above the knee, [a4].
- Dull pain, with soreness, above the knee, on lifting the feet high, with a painful feeling of
weakness about the knees, and cramplike pinching between the bend of the knee and calf,
- Itching eruption around the knees, as far as the calves, [_a1].
- * Painful uneasiness around the knees, with sensation of stiffness, as if bandaged or made
tense, when sitting, [a4].
- Long stooping is followed by severe pains in the knees, and in the muscles above and
below them, [a4].
- * The knees feel paralyzed, with stiffness and great lassitude, so that he is scarcely able to
walk, [_a1].
- After a meal, when standing, very weak in the knees, at the same time sleepy and not
disposed to any kind of work, [a5].
- Pressure at the internal side of the knee, when walking, [a5].
- Pressure and drawing at the inside of the knee, when walking, [a5].
- Dull, pressive drawing at the internal surface of the right knee when sitting, [a4].
- Drawing pain in the right knee, apparently behind the patella, unaffected by position
(after one hour and a half), [_a3].
- Blunt stitches in the right knee, [a4].
- Dull stitches, or thrusts, just below the right knee, when treading with the feet, [a4].
- Burning sore pain, as if scraped, at the external side of the left knee, [a4].
- Painful drawing in left knee, when bending it(while sitting);passing off when stretching
the leg, [a4].
- Wavelike twitches, here and there, in the legs(when sitting), [a4].
- Frequent pulsations and twitches in the muscles of the legs, [a5].
- His legs totter when standing;painful weakness in the feet, when sitting, [a4].
- Uneasiness in the legs, when sitting, as if everything were alive in them, and descended in
a turning motion downward into the feet, which felt heavy and almost as though they would
go to sleep, [a4].
- Restlessness in the legs on sitting, extending up and down, causing a painful pressing
inward at several places;disappears on walking, and returns on sitting(immediately), [a4].
- Burning pain at a small spot in the middle of the legs, as of red-hot sparks, [_a1].
- Heaviness in the legs, [_a1].
- Dull, indistinct drawing in the legs, [a4].
- Here and there, drawing, pressure, and sense of heaviness in the legs, after a walk the
sense of heaviness is diminished by extending the foot, [_a2].
- Frequent drawing downward in the legs, when sitting, [a4].
- Twitches in the left tibia, just over the malleolus, intensely painful, and occurring at short
intervals, resembling electric shocks, [a4].
- * Painful drawing in the tibia(after three-quarters of an hour), [_a2].
- Pressive pain upon the left tibia when sitting, with uneasiness of the whole limb, which
decreases upon the leg being drawn in, [a5].
- Rheumatic, tensive pressure at the leg, transversely across the tibia, only when extending
the leg in walking, [a5].
- Pressive, lancinating pain, sometimes with boring in the tibia, and muscles of the legs,
- Tearing pressure at the anterior surface of the tibia, just above the ankle, [a4].
- * Cramplike pressure in both calves, more towards the external side, towards the
tibia(after third day), [_a2].
- Dull stitches, very sensitive, on the surface of the tibia, over the right ankle, [_a1].
- Cramp of the calf, when walking, [_a1].
- Cramp in the calves, at night, [_a1].
- * Cramplike, intermittent drawing in the legs, from the heels into the calves, [_a2].
- * Painful tightness in the calf, when walking, as if the muscles were too short, also when
in bed at night, with sleeplessness, [_a1].
- Painful tightness in the left calf, [_a1].
- Drawing pain in the tarsal articulation when he seats himself(after thirty-two hours), [a5].
- * In the tarsal articulation of the left leg, pain as from a sprain, on setting the foot upon
the ground, [_a1].
- Drawing downwards over the external malleoli, when standing, with pain in the soles, so
that standing becomes very difficult for him, [a4].
- Burning sore pain above the heel, [a4].
- Cramplike pressure at the left heel(after thirty hours), [_a2].
- Tearing and grinding pain in the heel, early when in bed, [_a1].
- Cold feet, early in the morning, [_a1].
- The feet, which had been warm, became intensely cold when walking;the cold feet
become still colder, [_a1].
- Painful jerkings internally upon the back of the foot, [a4].
- Prickings, as with pins, on the back of the left foot, [a4].
- Itching, with scratching, as if rubbed with a woollen cloth, upon the back of the foot
(after six hours), [a5].
- Burning in the soles of the feet, when sitting, [a4].
- Cramplike drawing of the sole of the right foot into a curve, [a4].
- Dull, intermittent pressure at the internal border of the sole of the foot, [a4].
- Tearing, while standing, transversely across the roots of the toes, passing off by moving
them (after five hours), [a5].
- Repeated tearings in the big toe, [a4].
- Sensitive, intermittent twitching in the right great toe, [a4].
- Spasmodically drawing and tearings pains from the toes into the back of the feet, [a5].
- He makes all motions with greater energy and perseverance;his muscles contract more
vigorously; but, on motion, the fibres seem put upon the stretch too much, or as if there
were not sufficient fluid in the joints(after one hour), [a5].
- Continual indolence after the siesta;he can scarcely move his limbs, and he loathes
speaking, [_a3].
- * Paralysis of some parts(Matthiolus-Dacosta);panting, languishing condition, like
paralysis, as if obliged to sink down, after a short walk in the afternoon; in the evening he
can walk fast and a good deal, without feeling tired;he then sweats considerably (sixth day),
- After a short journey on foot, which he found very difficult, he felt so worn out, tired, and
exhausted that he was obliged to sit down at once, and would prefer lying down; resting the
head upon something, and closing the eyes, afford him a feeling of comfort, [a4].
- Excessive weakness;he can scarcely move his hands;he trembles at every motion, [_a1].
- * Weakness in the body;he wants to lie down or sit all the time, [_a1].
- During a short journey on foot he becomes so worn out that he can scarcely go on, and
even long afterwards, when sitting, he is not able recruit, [a4].
- * Very faint on going upstairs, [_a1].
- Faint and exhausted;at first walking is inconvenient, and his feet feel heavy; by
continuing to walk this feeling of faintness becomes less, and he feels better, [a8].
- She grows thin, without, however, feeling indisposed, [_a1].
- Such a swelling of the affected parts that the patient looked like a hogshead (from
wearing the nut), [a11].
- The swelling passes gradually down from the eyes to the thighs, [a10].
- When sitting quietly, he perceives the beating of the pulse in the arms, which had been
loosely crossed, and even in the whole body(after some bodily effort), [a4].
- (Any part which he does not move immediately goes to sleep), [_a1].
- The skin of the body is insensible to itching irritants, [_a1].
- Most violent burning pain of the affected parts;violent fever(from wearing the nut), [a11].
- He feels a heaviness and fulness of the body from playing on the piano, [_a1].
- General aching in the interior of the whole body, [_a1].
- All the tendons of the body ache so much that he cannot walk and is forced to sink down,
- Violent drawing in the abdomen and extremities, with subsequent burning, then pain in
the bones on being touched, so that she cannot fall asleep, [_a1].
- Drawing and pressive pains in almost all parts of the body, [_a1].
- Sensation as if all the bones were bruised, early in the morning, when lying quietly in
bed, with stiffness of the nape of the neck and small of the back, and headache in the
forehead and temples; all relieved on rising, [_a1].
- Pain, like a boil, in the affected parts;he dares not touch them;stitches externally, at
several places of the body, for example, at the pectoral muscles, forehead, wrist, etc., [_a1].
- Severe coryza, with fever, she was unable to get warm, with heat in the head, and icy
coldness of the hands and feet, in the warm room;afterwards dry heat; the tendons of the
legs seem too short;cramp of the calves, and uneasiness about the heart(eighth day), [_a1].
- The attacks cease for one or two days, and then continue again for a couple of days, so
that a certain periodicity many be observed in the appearance of the symptoms, [a4].
- The open air is unpleasant to him, and feels too rough, [_a1].
- When sitting, he feels well;but standing causes an uneasiness in the lower extremities, as
if they ought to be drawn up, with anxiety, [a5].
- In an hour the skin was destroyed(by applying the juice), [a10].
- Destruction of the epidermis, leaving an inflamed surface covered with small, miliary
pustules, with unbearable itching, and discharging a yellow liquid, forming crusts(from
applying the juice), [a9].
- During the healing of the skin, excessive desquamation, [a11].
- Appearance of hypertrophy of the skin, with swollen and indurated papillae and wheals,
and formation of thick folds, which impede the motion of the joints(from applying the
juice), [a9].
- Bright scarlet eruptions of the whole body, especially of the thigh in contact with the nut,
and of the abdomen, [a11].
- Several blisters opened, and discharged a yellowish, transparent liquid, which hardened to
a crust in the open air, [a10].
- Chest, neck, axillae, upper arms, abdomen, scrotum, thighs, were not only covered with
raised crusts, discharging a thick, yellowish liquid, but these had partly changed into
wartlike excrescences, with thickened epidermis, the whole intermediate skin being of an
erythematous redness, and the itching fearful(from wearing the nut), [a9].
- The hands looked like those of a mulatto, white, with black spots(from applying the
juice), [a10].
- Many little boils upon the hairy scalp of the size of a flaxseed;they feel sore when
touched or scratched, [a6].
- Painless pimples, with red areolae, at the top of the left temple(after nine hours), [a6].
- Rough, exfoliating, herpes-like skin around the mouth, with crawling-itching, [a4].
- In the evening, in bed, heat of the skin of the whole body, with burning-itching and
irritation, such as arises from much scratching;after scratching, the burning increases, [_a1].
- Sensation as of burning of the skin here and there, which induces one to scratch, and
which passes off by scratching, [a4].
- Burning and stinging of the tetters, which had itched before, [_a1].
- The burning changes to an extremely painful itching, combined with stitching, like the
stings of insects(fourth day), [a10].
- Such a fearful itching in the swollen parts, that he could not refrain from scratching the
skin sore in several places, [a10].
- Extremely disagreeable itching, forcing him to scratch, even when in company(from
wearing the nut), [a9].
- Burning-itching at the one place, increased by scratching, [_a1].
- Corrosively stinging itching upon the body here and there, especially upon the back and
thighs, with desire to scratch;scratching relieves for a short time, [_a2].
- General voluptuous itching over the whole body, which spreads still more by scratching,
- Desire to scratch, without itching, in many places;after scratching it immediately
disappears, [a4].
- The itching showed itself especially in the evening, and when he went to bed, [a10].
- The cutaneous irritation was accompanied with feverishness, loss of appetite, and
constipation, [a9].
- Itching of the forehead, [_a1].
- Violent itching of the hairy scalp, [_a1].
- Pimples, with red areolae, at the angle of the right wing of the nose, [a6].
- Red pustules on the septum, in the right nostril, with soreness when touched, [_a2].
- White, scaly herpes on the right cheek, close by the upper lip(after four hours), [a6].
- Small blisters on chin, discharging liquid when broken, [a10].
- Suppuration and painfulness of a place under the chin, where there was a boil two years
before, [a4].
- Painful vesicles in the mouth, [_a1].
- Itching and tickling in both axillae, forcing him to rub(after one-quarter of an hour), [a4].
- The hands, even the palms of the hands, are covered with warts, [_a1].
- Small blisters on the backs of the hands, [a10].
- Pustules upon the index-finger, with red areolae, and a stinging sort of voluptuous
itching, which spreads into the whole of the palm;the itching forces one to press and
squeeze; red and white lymph, and afterwards a scurf appear, beneath which is formed a
plug of pus; in the evening, a drawing, sore pain in the ulcer;it lasts eight days, [a4].
- On the side of the left index-finger a pimple, which opens on the day following, and then
passes off, is formed, after nightly itching in the hollow of the hand and between the
fingers; violent friction relieves without removing it, [a4].
- Itching eruption around the knees, as far as the calves, [_a1].
- Itching, with scratching, as if rubbed with a woollen cloth, upon the back of the foot(after
six hours), [a5].
- Sensation as if he would feel cold, momentary, frequent, [a4].
- * Continual chilliness, even in a warm room, [a4].
- Chilliness for several minutes, after dinner(first day), [_a1].
- Chilliness and want of appetite, [a4].
- Chills over the whole body;he feels warm only in the sun, [a4].
- Shivering over the whole body, as if he had caught cold in the wet, [a6].
- Shivering over the whole body, with heat in the face, without any thirst, in any position of
the body (after one and a half hours), [a6].
- Repeated icy cold creepings, [a4].
- Shivering in the whole back, as from cold water being thrown upon the person, [a6].
- Chilliness of the limbs, early in the morning, for a couple of hours, which causes him to
tremble, [a4].
- Feeling of chilliness of the hands and feet, [a5].
- External heat, with great thirst, and dry, burn lips, [_a1].
- Internal heat in the evening for two hours, with cold sweat over and over, especially in
the head, accompanied by short, breath, thirst, and weakness in the abdomen and knees,
even unto falling, [_a1].
- He complains of feeling great heat, without the skin, however, feeling hot(after ten days),
- Great heat, especially in the night, with violent thirst, without sweat, so that he cannot
endure this condition, [_a1].
- Feeling of heat, and heat in the face and palms, without thirst, [a5].
- Heat over the whole body;he, nevertheless, complains of chilliness, [_a1].
- Great, feverish uneasiness in the afternoon, such as if felt during a cold, accompanied by
faintness, and tremor of the limbs, [a5].
- Great heat on the upper part of the body, with thirst, sweat, and hot breath; however, he
complains of chilliness, which causes him to shake;the feet, which were formerly sweaty,
feel cold, [_a1].
- Quickly passing heat in the face and brain, in the afternoon, with redness of the cheeks
(after eight hours), [a5].
- After supper, heat, which spreads quickly over the face, without thirst or chilliness (after
twelve hours);thirst comes on in half an hour, [a6].
- Heat in the face, with nausea and heaviness in the whole body, every afternoon at 4
o'clock; she is obliged to lie down;eating relieves, [_a1].
- The skin over the whole body is moist, the windows being open, and the temperature of
the rest of the body being moderate, [_a3].
- Night-sweat, [_a1].
- Frequent waking up from sleep, with general sweat(after nineteen hours), [a6].
- At night, he sweats on the chest and abdomen, [_a1].
- Clammy sweat in the palms, most in the left hand, [_a3].
- (Morning), Early, after sleep, inability to comprehend, etc.;early, after rising, head
confused, etc.; on waking, pressure in forehead;when walking, tearing in eyeballs,
etc.;early, when rising, smell before nose, etc.;early, empty eructations;early, much nausea;
early, before breakfast, frequent, clear, watery urine;early, after waking, sexual desire, etc.;
early, cough;early, on waking, stiffness of right side of neck;early, in bed, pain in heel;
early, cold feet;early, when lying quietly in bed, bruised feeling in all the bones, etc.; early,
after waking, anxiety;early, chilliness of limbs.
- (Forenoon), Hypochondriac, etc.;dryness of throat;intestines painful;uneasiness in chest.
- (Afternoon), Short cough;pain in muscles of upper arm;while sitting or reading,
sleepiness, etc.; feverish uneasiness, etc.;heat in face, etc.;4 o'clock, heat in face, etc.
- (Toward evening), Violent nausea, etc.
- (Evening), Anxiety, etc.;9 to 10 o'clock, excitement of the fancy, etc.;grinding headache;
dimness of the eyes;severe coryza;pain in lower jaw;10 o'clock, pain in hollow tooth; in
bed, severe cough;pain in muscles of upper arm;after lying down, tearing in right thumb;
drawing pain in ulcer;burning-itching in thighs;sweats considerably;in bed, heat of skin,
etc.; itching;pain in the ulcer;internal heat.
- (Night), In bed, teeth feel longer, etc.;diarrhoea;cough, etc.;in bed, pain in forearm, etc.;
cramp in the legs;in bed, tightness in calf;great heat;sweats;sweats on chest and abdomen.
- (Walking in open air), Pressure, etc., in pit of stomach;pain in muscles of upper arm;
pressure in bed of left elbow;cramp of the calf.
- (When asleep), Twitches of the mouth and fingers.
- (Going to bed), Itching.
- (Bending body backward), Intestines painful.
- (Bending knee), While sitting, drawing in knee.
- (Bending head backwards), Shoots, etc., in occiput, etc.
- (Bending arms back), Cracking in the joints, etc.
- * (Biting teeth together), Pain in the ears.
- (Breathing), Stitch from temples into forehead;pressure below navel;pinching contraction
near navel; stitches on the left side of the praecordial region; stitches in the praecordial
- (Breathing deeply), Pain on top of head.
- (After slight breakfast), Pressure in region of stomach, etc.
- (Contact of part with open air), Pain in a lower incisor.
- (Contact of part with tongue), Pain in a lower incisor.
- (Coughing), Pain in top of head.
- (After dinner), Heat in face, etc.;eructations;inflation of abdomen;violent cough; desire to
- (After some bodily effort), Perceives pulse beating in arms, etc.
- (After an embrace), Itching of the anus.
- (During expiration), Oppression of chest.
- (During and after expulsion of faeces), Pressure in abdominal muscles.
- (Extending arms), Lancinating tension in arms.
- (Extending leg in walking), Pressure at the leg.
- (Setting foot on ground), Pain as from a sprain in tarsal joint.
- (Inspiring), Stitches in hypochondria;pressure in abdominal muscles;soreness, etc., in
- (Inspiring and expiring), Pricking at pit of stomach.
- (Lifting the arm), Pain in stomach.
- (Lifting foot high), Dull pain above knee.
- (After liquids), Eructations.
- (Looking long at one object), Pressure upon the eyes, etc.
- (Lying on one side), At night, arms feel bruised.
- (Lying in bed, in an uncomfortable position), Confusion of the head.
- (During hard labor), Tearing headache.
- (During a meal), Pressure near the pit of the stomach.
- (After a meal), Heat in the face, etc.;roughness of the throat, etc.;great appetite, etc.;
shaking in pit of stomach at every step;pressure, etc., in pit of stomach; pressure at stomach;
pressure in region of liver;pressure below navel;flatus moves about in abdomen;
hypochondriac dejection, etc.;urging to stool;short, hacking cough, etc.;short breath; when
standing, weak in the knees;sleepy, etc.
- (Motion), Stiffness of right side of neck;fibres seem put upon the stretch too much,
- (Moving the hand), Simple pain in palm.
- (Moving head quickly, after keeping still), Stiffness of the muscles of the neck.
- (Moving part while sitting), Cracking in hip-joint.
- (Moving trunk, while sitting), Pain over right hip.
- (Playing piano), Heaviness, etc., of body.
- (Pressure), Pressure on left forearm.
- (Raising one's self while sitting), Stiffness in the back.
- (Raising arm), Twitching sensation in the pectoral muscle.
- (Reflection and intellectual labor), Pressure at stomach.
- (Rest), Pressive scratching upon bone of forearm.
- (Rising from seat), Pain over high hip.
- (Slight rubbing), Bleeding of the gums.
- (Scratching), Burning of skin;burning, itching of sore places.
- (After the siesta), Continual indolence.
- (Sitting), Short breathing;pressure on chest;uneasiness in thighs;drawing pain above
knees; painful uneasiness around knees;drawing at inner surface of knees;legs
totter;uneasiness in legs; restlessness in legs;drawing downward in legs;pain upon left
tibia;burning in soles.
- (Sitting down), Pain in tarsal articulation.
- (Standing), Drawing over malleolus;tearing across the roots of the toes;uneasiness in
lower extremities.
- (During stool), Pinching in the abdomen.
- (After stool), Yawning and eructations.
- (Stooping), Vertigo, etc.;tearing on left side of chest;cracking in cervical vertebrae.
- (Long stooping), Severe pain in knees, etc.
- (After supper), Heat over face, etc.
- (Swallowing), Pain in ear.
- (Talking), Attacks of cough.
- (After smoking tobacco), Bitter taste in mouth.
- (Treading), Stitches below right knee.
- (Turning the body), Pain in stomach.
- (Turning head to painful side), Stiffness of right side of neck.
- (On being touched), Pain in bones.
- (Walking), Anxiety;vertigo;in afternoon, giddiness;pressure in forehead;pressure, etc.;
pain below pit of stomach;stitches on left side of praecordial region;heaviness in left arm
and leg; weakness above knees, etc.;pressure, etc., at inside of knee;drawing, etc., in legs;
painful tightness in the calf; feet become cold;panting, languishing condition, etc.;worn out,
- (Going upstairs), Vertigo.
- (Taking something warm in mouth), Toothache.
- (Writing), Pain in muscles of right forearm.
- (Afternoon), More cheerful;memory better;speech firmer, etc.
- (Toward evening), Pressure inward, etc., in both temples, etc.
- (Evening), In bed, pain in head;can walk fast, and a good deal.
- (Falling asleep), Pain in head.
- (Sitting bent), Stiffness in back.
- (During dinner), Temporary disappearance of almost all symptoms.
- (Eating), Dryness of throat;heat in face, etc.
- (Drawing leg in), Heaviness of the limb.
- (Extending foot), Sense of heaviness in leg.
- (Violent friction), Itching in hollow of hand.
- (During a meal), Grinding in forepart of head, etc.
- (After a meal), Pressure, etc., in pit of stomach.
- (Motion), Pain in muscles of left thumb.
- (Constant motion of head), Stiffness of muscles of neck.
- (Strong pressure and friction), Tearing in right thumb.
- (Pressure on forehead), Pain in forehead.
- (Resting head upon something and closing eyes), Affords feeling of comfort.
- (Rising), Bruised feeling in all the bones.
- (Rubbing), Itching, pricking below shoulders.
- (Scratching), Burning of the skin;itching of the body;desire to scratch disappears.
- (Sitting), Feels well.
- (Stooping), Pain in stomach.
- (Stretching leg), Drawing in left knee.
- (Touch), Pain in muscles of left thumb.
- (Walking), Restlessness in legs.
- (Continuing to walk) , Faint feeling.
- (Weeping), Oppression of chest.
- Everything appears as in a dream. Melancholia.
- Feeling as if spirit was separated from body.
- Stupor.
- Did not know those around her. Palsy.
- Memory and senses are affected.
- In afternoon his memory is amel than in forenoon, although his recollections only come
to him after the time when he is in need of them; however, he easily remembers what he
- Weak memory.
- Loss of memory. Meningitis.
- Loss of memory after general paralysis. Apoplexy.
- Forgetfulness. Hysteria.
- Forgets everything she has seen. Mania.
- Her forgetfulness troubles her so much that she loses her appetite. Melancholy.
- After having caressed her husband or child she pushes them away from her, as if they
were not what she supposed. Melancholy.
- After having caressed her husband or child she pushes them away from her, as if they
were not what she supposed. Melancholy.
- He remembers with difficulty; he retains nothing in his memory; he is deficient in ideas
and he soon loses his subject without being aware of it.
- Cannot remember anything about his previous state. Imbecility.
- A very intelligent man, aet. 60, after having been a few hours in his grapery, where
powdered sulphur had been sprinkled, suddenly lost all power of recollection so completely,
that even what had happened a few minutes or a few hours ago was gone from his memory
and he was quite imbecile. One dose Anac., 2, restored him very soon and permanently.
- Memory quite useless, particularly for single names, mornings.
- Weakness of mind.
- Dulness of mind and inability to think.
- Imbecility. After apoplexy.
- Idiocy. After poisoning with stramonium seed.
- Intellect remains weak or impaired after having passed through severe fevers, smallpox,
- From 9 to 10 P.M. , first extreme excitement of fancy and projective ideas; later, by
degrees, becomes dull and does not think at all.
- Imagines he hears voice of mother or sister, who are far away.
- Has a devil in his ear whispering blasphemous words.
- Idea as if everything perceived had no reality, all things appear as in a dream.
Melancholy. Mania.
- Thinks he is double.
- Fixed ideas : that mind and body are separated; about redemption of soul and about the
devil; that a stranger is constantly by his side; that strange forms accompany him, one to his
right and one to his left.
- Has the fixed idea that her husband is not her husband, her child not her child; now she
fondles them and again pushes them away. Mania.
- Hallucination; a demon sits on his neck and tells him most offensive things.
- { delirious mania.
- Disposed to malice, seems bent on wickedness.
- Irresistible desire to curse and swear.
- Talks constantly in senseless, stupid phrases.
- Extreme merriment, laughs when he should be serious.
- || Continual talking of senseless twaddle. After a grievance.
- Strange temper, she laughs at serious and is grave over ludicrous occurrences.
- || Screaming and crying of infants. Fever.
- Every five minutes he screams loudly, as if he would call someone. Rage.
- Uses profane language, swears, thinks himself a demon.
- Furious, has to be kept in a straight jacket.
- Dull and stupid, fixed gaze. Imbecility.
- Every motion extremely awkward and sluggish.
- It is difficult to get an answer from him, it takes a long while; his answers are short and
incomplete, but correct. Imbecility.
- Disinclined to talk. Headache.
- Estrangement from individuals and society, with fear of future.
- Cannot be persuaded to do anything. Imbecility.
- Aversion to work.
- Sadness : looks on dark side of everything.
- Low-spirited, disheartened. Dysmenorrhoea.
- Melancholy. Amenorrhoea. After parturition.
- Hypochondriac mood in forenoon, dejected and desponding, with foolish, clumsy actions.
- Hypochondriasis. Hemorrhoids and constipation.
- Anxiety : with wabbling sensation in epigastrium; with stupidity; with fidgety legs.
- Anxious and hypochondriac, shuns people.
- When walking he felt anxious, as if some one were pursuing him; he suspected
everything around him.
- Apprehensive of death being close at hand.
- Fearfulness.
- Fear of paralysis.
- || Inward anxiety and heat. Angina.
- Anxiety and feeling of impending misfortune.
- Internal anxiety, which did not leave him any peace; he felt solicitous on account of
every trifle, as if it would lead to some great trouble; with apprehension of future.
- Despondency and fear of approaching death. Pertussis.
- Anxiousness; despairs of getting well. Apoplexy.
- He is very indifferent and unfeeling; neither agreeable nor disagreeable objects excite his
- He is separated from whole world and has so little confidence in himself that he
despairs of being able to do that which is required of him.
- Contradiction between reason and will. Headache. Pertussis.
- Feels as though he had two wills, one commanding to do what the other forbids.
- In one ear a devil, in the other an angel, prompts him to do murder or acts of
- Loss of will power. After apoplexy.
- Cowardice.
- Morose and restless.
- His great forgetfulness makes him very morose. Melancholy after typhus.
- Hypochondriac sullen mood.
- Excessively peevish and ill-humored. Headache.
- Extreme irritability.
- Irritable, passionate and contradictory.
- He takes everything in bad part and becomes violent.
- || Unsocial, complains of weak memory. Coryza.
- A slight offence makes him excessively angry, breaking out in personal violence.
- Want of moral feeling; depravity, ungodliness, inhumanity, and hardness of heart.
- Malicious, wicked and cruel.
- Excited mood.
- Dull insusceptibility.
- Bad effect of mental exertion.
- Exertion of mind brings on tearing pressing headache in forehead, temples and occiput.
- Weeping relieves oppression of chest.
- Melancholy after quarreling with her husband.
- Consequences of fright or mortification. Loss of memory.
- Overacuteness of the senses.
- Senses less acute; lessening of sight, hearing, smell and taste.
- Numbness and pressure in head, most when he exerts himself in writing. Apoplexy.
- Dulness of head and pale face. Mania.
- Feels dull and prostrated.
- Weakness of special senses. Sequelae of meningitis.
- Weakness of all senses.
- Dulness and confusion in head.
- Vertigo : getting black before eyes; when walking; as if surroundings or self were
- Sensation as if everything was moving around.
- Vertigo on stooping and rising from stooping, as if he were turning round to left; with
vertigo dim sight.
- Giddiness as if drunken, out-of-doors. Headache.
Inner head
- Pressure : in forehead, mornings when awaking, and in evening.
- Dull pressure as with a plug on upper border of right orbit, extending into brain, with
stupefaction of whole side of head.
- Most headache in temples.
- Violent pressure in temples.
- Dull pressure, as from a plug, on left side of vertex.
- Constrictive headache in forehead, with very irritable mood, pains increase hourly;
momentarily relieved by strong pressure; finally whole head affected; later whole head
pains as if a tense band was reaching from nape of neck to ears; must lie down.
- Pressing from temples toward eyes.
- Stitches : over right eye; in left side of head.
- Throbbing headache.
- Hot head, with icy-cold hands and feet.
- Digging and throbbing pains in right side of head and along border of orbit;
- relieved entirely when eating,
- and when lying down in bed at night and when about falling asleep;
- agg. during motion and work.
- Stitches in brain. Pertussis.
- Nervous headache. Hypochondriasis.
- Pressive pain in top of head when coughing or taking a deep inspiration.
- Pressing headache mostly in temples from without inward, with diminished sight and
hearing; agg a few hours after a meal, on exerting mind or stepping hard.
- Tearing headache during hard labor.
- Tearing throbbing in vertex.
- Tearing and pressing in forehead and temples.
- Tearing pain in occiput.
- Throbbing in occiput.
- Headache in occiput, agg from making a misstep and from loud noise.
- Congestion of blood to head, with pain in cerebellum. Pertussis.
- Pressure : in right side of occiput; from without, in jerks, spreading from forehead over
whole head; from within outward; from forehead backward.
- Gastric and nervous headaches.
Outer head
- Tearing headaches extending into muscles of neck and throat.
- Bending head backward, pain in occiput aggravated.
- Violent itching of scalp.
- Itching on forehead.
- Many lentil-sized boils on scalp, with sore pain when touched or scratched.
- Small pimply eruption on head.
- Dry heat on whole head.
- Baldness.
- Many little boils on hairy scalp, very sensitive to touch, and about size of a flax-seed.
Upper face
- Strange expression in face. Mania.
- Face disfigured, look wild, childish, without expression. Palsy.
- Tearing pains in face. Headache.
- Violent burning in face.
- Complains of heat in head and red cheeks, forehead cold.
- Face red, more frequent pulse. Mania.
- Heat in face with great prostration.
- Paleness of face.
- Pale, wan looking; blue rings around eyes. Headache.
- White scaly herpes on right cheek, near upper lip.
- || Strange expression. Melancholy.
- Face swelled, beginning from eyes.
- Left side of face swollen and covered with small pocklike blisters.
- Repeated tearing in right side of face and neck. Faceache.
- Itching in face. Headache.
- Acute eczema of face and neck, with redness and eruption of small blisters with intense
Lower face
- Rough, scaly skin around mouth, with crawling itching.
- Burning dryness of outer border of lips, almost like from pepper.
- Violent burning on chin.
- Mouth twitches in sleep.
- Small blisters on chin, discharging liquid when broken.
Inner mouth
- Fetid odor from mouth, without his perceiving it. Headache.
- Painful vesicles in mouth.
- Ulcers in mouth.
- Water accumulates in mouth,
- | until it provokes vomiting; also with violent thirst and red face.
- Water flows together in mouth and runs out. Apoplexy.
- Roughness and scraping in throat.
- Sensation of rawness in throat, during cough, after eating.
- Firm tough mucus in fauces; raising it causes gagging and retching. Coryza.
- Suppuration of tonsils.
Appetite, thirst
- Desires, Aversions. Loss of appetite and feverishness, with cutaneous symptoms.
- The torturing forgetfulness makes her low-spirited, and she loses her appetite. Mania.
- All food offensive and flat.
- At times violent hunger, at others no appetite.
- Constant thirst; yet drinking takes breath; must stop frequently during a draught.
- Thirst during heat.
- Thirst for milk with sweat all over.
- Stitches in hypochondria.
- Pressure in liver.
- Pain in spleen with fever.
- Pain around navel, as if a blunt plug was pressed into intestines.
- Continual rumbling in abdomen, especially in umbilical region.
- Pinching and griping in abdomen.
- || Bursting pain in abdomen. Pertussis.
- Hardness of abdomen.
- || Faintlike weakness in abdomen and knees.
- Fulness and distension of abdomen.
Urinary organs
- Constant desire to urinate.
- Frequent urging, with but small discharge.
- Urine : clear as water; turbid when passed, deposits a dirty sediment; when shaken urine
looks clay colored; passed involuntarily.
- Frequent urination at night. Apoplexy.
- Prostatic juice with even a soft stool; also after urinating.
- The breath has a bad odor.
- From breathing deeply or coughing : pain in vertex.
- Shortness of breath, oppression in region of sternum.
- Anxiety in region of sternum, without pain; feels as if he must go into open air and busy
- Loss of breath on beginning to cough.
- Oppression of chest, with internal heat and anxiety driving him into open air.
- Attacks of suffocation. Pertussis.
- Excited by : talking; tickling in trachea.
- Cough worse, not while eating, but after eating, with vomiting of food.
- Cough worse after meals. Apoplexy.
- Paroxysms every three or four hours; more violent every other or every third day.
- Violent cough, with loss of smell and taste.
- When coughing : pain in occiput; abdomen feels as if it would burst.
- || Deep hollow cough, wakes him at night.
- Violent, concussive cough. Pertussis.
- Yawning and sleepiness after cough.
- Expectoration : of sweetish, flat-tasting mucus; tenacious greyish yellow; purulent.
- Expectoration only during day.
Outer chest
- Itching on chest.
- || Violent eczema on breast and throat.
- Redness of skin, with little blisters itching intolerably.
Upper limbs
- Dull stitches in left scapula, return slowly and radiate to all sides.
- Sensation of weakness in arms, with trembling.
- Very painful strokes, as from a heavy body at middle of l. upper arm.
- Left arm "goes to sleep, " also fingers.
- Stitches and heaviness in forearm.
- Tensive pain and weakness in arms.
- Small blisters on back of hands.
- Sweat in inside of hands; left worse.
- Fingers twitch during sleep.
- | Cramplike pain at metacarpo-phalangeal articulations : cramplike twitches in fingers.
- | Great feeling of dryness of hands.
- Hands, even palms, covered with warts.
- Numbness of fingers.
- Fourth and fifth fingers fall asleep if cool. Anosmia.
- Writers' spasm.
- Panaritium.
- Trembling of right hand.
- Pustules on fingers.
Lower limbs
- Pain in head of femur, extending to groin.
- Shooting burning from thigh to foot, ceasing at times and suddenly returning.
- Dull pressure, as from a plug, in left glutei muscles.
- Painful dull-pointed pressure in thigh, at times in rhythmical intermissions.
- Legs tense, as if too short.
- Legs stiff, as if bandaged, with painful restlessness in them.
- || Legs lame after apoplexy.
- Painful uneasiness about knee, with sensation of stiffness as if bandaged or made tense,
when sitting.
- Wavelike twitches, here and there, in legs.
- Knees feel paralyzed, with stiffness, great lassitude and drowsiness; is scarcely able to
- An ulcer below knee.
- Limbs start violently when lying down; in an old woman.
- Cramp in calves when walking,
- or rising from a seat; better lying down.
- Painful drawing in tibia.
- Cramplike pressure in calves, externally, towards tibia.
- Cramplike, intermittent drawing, from heel up into calves.
- Pain in ankle, as if sprained, when stepping on left foot.
- Stitches in dorsum of foot.
- Cramplike drawing and tearing pains, from toes to dorsum of foot.
- Burning in soles, while sitting.
- Coldness of feet in morning.
- Chilblains.
Limbs in general
- Tired feeling in limbs, trembling, with feverish restlessness.
- || Repeated tearings in paroxysms, through upper and lower limbs at same time.
- Heaviness in limbs, especially in knees.
- Weakness in arms and knees, with trembling.
- Position. Motion. Lying down : headache relieved; limbs start violently; cramps in calf
- Lying on side : rattling in windpipe.
- Must lie down : headache.
- Sitting : painful uneasiness and stiffness of knees; burning in soles; sweats.
- Rising from a seat : cramp in calf.
- Rising from stooping : feels as if turning around to left.
- Stooping : feels as if turning around to left.
- Beginning to walk : is toilsome, but by continuing he feels better.
- Walking : feels anxious : vertigo; drawing pain in stomach; cramp in calf; pains in lower
- Stepping : headache agg; stomach shakes; pain in ankle.
- Ascending stairs : feels faint.
- Motion :
- || headache agg; causes trembling.
- Playing piano : heaviness and fulness of whole body.
- After hard labor : headache.
- Paralysis of single parts.
- Incomplete palsy of muscles subject to volition.
- Restlessness.
- Tired feeling in all limbs.
- Wants to lie or sit continually; can scarcely move a hand.
- Trembling : from every motion.
- Trembling weakness of limbs. Apoplexy.
- Very faint from going up-stairs.
- Heaviness and fulness of whole body from playing piano.
- Violent concussion of whole body. Pertussis.
- Tetanus.
- Epilepsy.
- Gaping and drowsiness after cough. Pertussis.
- Headache better after falling asleep.
- Sleepless from restlessness, cannot keep still.
- || Could not sleep well on account of itching.
- Sound sleep until 9 A.M.
- Vivid dreams at night, which recurred to him during day, as if things dreamed of had
really happened.
- Dreams : of smelling burning punk or sulphur, continues after waking; of fire; of dead
- On lying down to sleep : legs start.
- Headache agg after getting awake in morning.
- Most prominent times of aggravation, morning, and evening until midnight.
- Remission after midnight and during day.
- Day : flickering before eyes; expectoration from cough; erections.
- Night : blindness; seminal emissions; cough; vivid dreams.
- Morning : memory impaired; pressure in forehead; smell of tinder when rising; nausea;
sensation of fasting and pressure in stomach; cold feet; sound sleep till 9 o'clock.
- Forenoon : memory deficient; hypochondriac mood; speech less firm than in afternoon.
- Afternoon : memory amel than in forenoon; speech firmer than in forenoon.
- 4 P.M. : heat daily.
- Evening : pressure in forehead; heat from 4 P.M. ; sweat on abdomen and back; itching.
- 9 to 10 P.M. : excitement of fancy; later, dull.
- After 10 P.M. : dull, does not think.
- Chill especially in open air, amel in sunshine.
- Internal chill, even in a warm room.
- Shaking chill, with ill humor and restlessness.
- Cold forehead and red cheeks.
- External heat, with internal chill.
- Shivering over back, as if cold water was poured over it, with heat of face.
- Heat of upper part of body, with cold feet; internal chilliness and hot breath.
- Internal heat with cold sweat.
- Outer and inner heat, with thirst and whimpering in sleep.
- Heat from 4 P.M. till evening, daily; passing off after supper.
- Heat of left side.
- Violent fever heat; headache and great thirst. Pemphigus.
- Sweat on head, abdomen and back, evenings.
- Night-sweat on abdomen and back.
- Clammy sweat in palms, particularly left.
- Sweat lessened while eating.
- Sweats when sitting.
Attacks, periodicity
- The attacks cease for one or two days and then continue again for a couple of days.
- Tertian and quartan intermittents.
- Paroxysms of cough every three to four hours, more violent every other or every third
- Two stitches quickly succeed each other. See 29.
- Dull radiating stitches return slowly. See 32.
- Ceasing and suddenly returning. See 33.
- Heat daily from 4 P.M. till evening.
- As if everything was moving around; pressure as with a plug on upper border of right
orbit into brain; as of a tense band from nape of neck to ears; as from cotton or plug in ear;
as from pepper on border of lips; as from fasting in pit of stomach; as if a blunt plug was
pressed into intestines; as if abdomen would burst when coughing; as from a plug in left
glutei muscles; legs tense as if too short; as from a plug in right side of chest; restless
feeling at heart; as if cold water was poured over back; as of a hoop or band around part; as
if stuffed up.
- The burning changes to an extremely painful itching, combined with pricking, like stings
of insects.
- Stitches : over right eye; in left side of head; in brain; in left ear; in pit of stomach during
inspiration; in hypochondria; in praecordial region to small of back; in region of heart
during inspiration; piercing heart; dull in left scapula; in forearm; in dorsum of foot.
- Cutting : along penis.
- Pinching and griping : in abdomen.
- Digging : in right side of head and along border of orbit.
- Tearing pain : in vertex; in forehead and temples; in occiput; headache extending into
muscles of neck and throat; in left ear; in face; repeatedly in right side of face and neck; in
teeth; between scapulae; from toes to dorsum of foot; in paroxysms through limbs.
- Shooting burning : from thigh to foot.
- Burning : in face; dryness of lips; on chin; from stomach to throat; in glans, before and
after urinating; and shooting from thigh to foot; in soles; herpes; in skin.
- Soreness : in boils on scalp; in ear when biting teeth together; in pustule, in right nostril
when touched; from leucorrhoea.
- Rawness : and roughness in throat; in chest.
- Pressure : in head; in forehead; as from a plug on left side of vertex and on upper border
of right orbit; in temples; from temples towards eyes; in top of head; from without inward,
in temples; in right side of occiput; without inward, from forehead over head; from within
outward, from forehead backward; on eyeball, from before backward; in stomach, preceded
by emptiness; in liver; as from a plug around navel; in rectum; on uterus; near larynx; in
throat pit; as from a plug in right side of chest; in left glutei muscles; in thigh.
- Drawing pain : in cardiac end of stomach; in tibia; cramplike, from heel into calves.
- Dragging pain : with polypus auris.
- Tensive pain : in arm.
- Spasmodic pain : in stomach; deep in abdomen.
- Aching : near larynx.
- Pain : in left eye; in spleen; in abdomen; in head of femur to groin.
- Cramplike pain : at metacarpo-phalangeal articulations; in calves; from toes to dorsum of
foot; in muscles; from heel into calves.
- Cramp : in calves when walking.
- Contracting pain : in nose.
- Constriction : in forehead; like a band around head.
- Sprained feeling : in ankle.
- Lameness : in legs; in knees.
- Paralyzed feeling : in knees.
- Stiffness : in nape of neck; in small of back; in legs, as if bandaged; about the knees.
- Swollen feeling : in eyelids; of tongue.
- Dulness : of head.
- Stupefaction : of side of head.
- Tired feeling : in limbs.
- Throbbing : headache; in right side of head; in vertex; in occiput.
- Bursting pain : in abdomen, when coughing.
- Weakness : in abdomen and knees; in arms and knees with trembling.
- Heaviness : of tongue : in forearm; in limbs, especially in knees.
- Oppression : in region of sternum; of chest.
- Numbness : in head; left arm; fingers.
- Itching : of scalp; on forehead; of ears; in face; and crawling in eruption around mouth; at
anus; of scrotum, exciting sexual desire; on chest; of little blisters on breast and throat.
- Crawling : around mouth.
- Trembling : in limbs.
- Twitching : in left eye; of mouth in sleep; of fingers during sleep.
- Wavelike twitches : here and there in legs.
- Painful uneasiness : in knees and legs.
- Painful strokes at middle of left upper arm.
- Dryness : in nose; of hands; of lips.
- Heat : in head; in face; internally with anxiety; in upper part of body while feet are cold;
internally, with cold sweat; from 4 P.M. till evening, daily; of left side.
- Coldness : on forehead; of feet in morning; as if cold water was poured over back.
- Cramplike pains in muscles.
- Contraction of joints.
- Complaints of external parts.
- Emaciation.
- Such a swelling of the affected parts that the patient looks like a hogshead (from wearing
the nut).
- Bright scarlet eruptions on whole body, especially on thighs in contact with nut, and of
- Destruction of epidermis, leaving an inflamed surface covered with small miliary
pustules, with unbearable itching and discharging a yellow liquid, forming crusts (by
applying the juice).
- Intense redness of skin, with eruption of little blisters and unbearable itching.
- Chest, neck, axillae, upper arms, abdomen, scrotum and thighs were not only covered
with raised crusts, discharging a thick yellowish liquid, but these had partly changed into
wartlike excrescences, with thickened epidermis, the whole intermediate skin being of an
erythematous redness, and the itching fearful (from wearing the nut).
- White herpetic spots, scaling.
- Want of irritability of skin; sinapisms will not excite it.
- Itching agg in evening and when he went to bed.
- Burning and stinging herpes.
- Excessively itching eruptions.
- Blisters discharging a yellowish transparent liquid, hardening to a crust in open air.
- Effects like those of Rhus tox. plant on skin.
- Warts even on palms of hands.
- Skin burns her very much. Pemphigus.
- Scarlet redness over whole body. Pemphigus.
- Covered all over with blisters from size of a pin-head up to a pea. Pemphigus.
- Furuncles.
- Memory impaired after smallpox.
- Similar to : Ant. tart. (cough in high-tempered children; gaping, drowsy after cough);
Apis. (skin); Coriaria ruscifolia (loss of memory, etc.); Ferrum (occiput pains in cough);
Iodium; Juglans; Lycop.; Nitr.
- ac. (cursing); Nux vom.; Phosph. ac. (brain); Platin.; Pulsat.; Urt. ur. (skin; Zincum
(brain); Pulsat., Natr.
- mur. (dry coryza); Caustic. (in writers' spasm).
- Relatives : Anac. occid., Comoc., Rhus glab., Rhus rad., Rhus tox., Rhus ven.
- Antidotes : Coffea and Juglans.
- Anac. antidotes : Rhus tox., especially if there are gastric symptoms, or symptoms go
from right to left.
- It follows well after Lycop., Pulsat. and Platin.
- After Anac. : Platin. follows well.
- Belongs to same family as Rhoes, and there is a similarity with Terebinthineae.
- Neither Camphor. nor Spir. nitr. dulc. antidotes its effects, but for anger and violence of
mind, smelling of raw coffee is a very effectual antidote.
1- Debilidad de la memoria.
Caractersticas.- Los efectos de esta nuez son conocidos a travs de intoxicaciones. Acta
poderosamente en la piel, causando erisipelas, vesculas e hinchazn, ha sido usado
como un antdoto en la intoxicacin por Rhus. El jugo se ha usado localmente como
aplicaciones en callos, verrugas, excrecencias duras, tias y lceras obstinadas. Causa
debilidad de la memoria y de la mente como A. orient. Estado paraltico general.
Lengua hinchada dolorosa. Erupciones vesiculosas especialmente en la ara. Prurito
casi intolerable; vesculas umbilicadas como en la viruela. La erisipela se extiende del
lado izquierdo al derecho, y cura erisipelas que se extienden del lado derecho al
izquierdo; Rhus t. cura casos que se extienden del izquierdo al derecho.
Relaciones.- Comparar.- Anac. orient., Rhus, Canth., Mez., Crot. t. Antdotado por: Rhus,
Iodo local.
- Loss of will; cannot control voluntary muscles. Paralysis with imbecility.
- Did not know his surroundings. Paralysis with imbecility.
- Weak memory.
- Difficult thinking.
- Melancholy.
- Hypochondriasis.
- Apathy or anaesthesia.
Inner head
- Tearing headache on left side.
Outer head
- || Head falls forward, difficult to keep it up. Paralysis and imbecility.
Upper face
- || Erysipelas over whole face (from applying juice to destroy marks).
- Swelling of face with itching and burning; next night after handling nuts.
- Applied to face to remove cuticle and produce a fresher and more youthful appearance.
- Face so much swollen that for a time not a feature was discernible (in a lady exposed to
fumes of nut while roasting).
Lower face
- The juice corrodes lips and mouth.
Inner mouth
- { Aphthae.
Urinary organs
- Increased urination.
Upper limbs
- Large blisters filled with a yellow fluid are raised on hands, followed by desquamation.
- { Warts.
Lower limbs
- { Corns.
- Temperature of body cool. Paralysis.
- Tearing pain : in left side of head.
- Burning and itching : of ears and face.
- { Scirrhous swellings.
- { Hard excrescences.
- { Proud flesh.
- If hands are not washed carefully after handling nuts, they cause itching and painful
burning swellings wherever they touch skin.
- { Corroding or dry tetters.
- Red itching spots like nettlerash, similar to that of Rhus tox., spreading from left to right.
- Used as a vesicant it causes itching and burning; then gradual reddening and swelling,
followed by vesicles which become pustular; these are large and flat at first and gradually
become confluent and break; the epidermis peels off, but leaves surface swollen,
hyperaemic and suppurating for days.
- The juice is used on corns, warts, ringworms and obstinate ulcers.
- Collateral relations : Anac. orien.; Rhoes.
- Similar to : Canthar.; Mezer. (as a vesicant); Crot. tigl.; Rhus rad.; Rhus tox.
- Antidoted by : Rhus tox.
- The tincture of Iodine was found useful as a local application to parts affected.
* 1- Gran hilaridad; todo le da placer o casi no puede tener otros pensamientos que joviales;
mente activa, piensa en todo.
* 6- Cefalea supraorbitaria con eructos y ruidos intestinales; a veces con nuseas y dolores en
el cuerpo, mejor por caf. Siente muy tensa la piel de la frente.
* 11- Dolor en las encas coexistiendo con heces muy duras. Sensacin de tener algo fro
puesto sobre la lengua; tambin en el frenillo y en paladar blando.
** 12- Sequedad en la garganta (o an en laringe, con afona) con carraspera; peor despus
de comer.
13- Hepatitis e induracin del hgado. Obstrucciones viscerales con meteorismo. Heces duras
como piedras, o acuosas. Prurito anal, hemorroides.
* 14- Ardor al orinar, con aglutinacin del meato uretral; debe hacer fuerza para orinar, y el
chorro sale dividido en dos o ms chorritos. Irritacin uretral que lo induce al coito.
15- El ardor uretral antes y durante la ereccin, cesa en el coito. Dolores tironeantes en el
testculo derecho y cordones espermticos.
16- Dolor tironeante que asciende desde el hombro izquierdo a cuello y nuca. Dolores
reumticos y gotosos en las extremidades. Articulaciones hinchadas. Dolor en la tibia
peor al extender la pierna. Calambres en la eminencia tenar y dedos. Dolor y presin en
el hueco poplteo izquierdo. Epilepsia.
*** 17- Anagallis tiene marcada accin sobre la piel, que pica intensamente en todas partes;
se pone seca, spera, especialmente en manos y dedos, peor en las palmas. Vesculas en
grupos en las manos, sobre todo en las palmas; aparecen nuevas vesculas despus de
curarse las anteriores. Erupciones como afrecho, en anillos. Piel de las manos seca, de
aspecto sucio.
Caractersticas.- Como Prmula obconca, Anagallis tiene una accin marcada en la piel.
Prurito en la piel en todo el cuerpo; se vuelve seca y spera; tiene herpes en anillos con
escamas; lceras e hinchazn en las articulaciones. Ulceras en mal estado. Favorece la
expulsin de astillas. Ha sido usado en mordeduras de serpiente e hidrofobia. Produce
gran regocijo y actividad de la mente; pensamientos de todo. Gran hilaridad. (El
nombre griego de la planta significa rerse fuerte). Cosquilleo y prurito en el odo
izquierdo. Herpes en forma de anillos, descamacin como salvado, en la cara. Dolores
sordos en las encas acompaadas de heces muy duras. Sensacin en la lengua como si
algo fro se colocara en ella. Sequedad y rasposo en la garganta. Prurito, rasposo en la
laringe y la trquea con ronquera; < despus de comer. Piquetes cosquilleantes a lo
largo de la uretra; orificio aglutinado. Desgarrantes en cordn espermtico. Sfilis con
epistaxis, mente trastornada, dolor lumbar y piel con prurito. Adolorido del pecho con
dolor. Erupciones en el pecho. Dolores tensivos ascienden del hombro izquierdo a la
nuca del cuello (Eupat. perf. ). Piel de las manos, seca, pegajosa y se ve sucia. Herpes.
Vesculas en grupos. Dolor y apretado en hueco poplteo. Es un vulnerario de alguna
importancia (medicina para curar heridas o llagas). Los sntomas estn < por el tacto; <
despus de comer.
Relaciones.- Comparar: Prim. obc. y Cyclamen. (Bot.); Coffea (alegra, excitacin), Lith.
c. (piel spera, tia), Sep., Tell. (tia), Puls. (escalofro, catarro), Rhus t.
Accin marcada en la piel, caracterizada por prurito intenso y hormigueo en todas partes
Favorece la expulsin de astillas
Una antigua medicina para la hidrofobia y edemas
Posee el poder de ablandar los tejidos y destruir las verrugas.
Gran hilaridad; cefalea sobre los bordes supraorbitarios, con ruidos en los intestinos y
eructos; mejor por el caf
Jaqueca con nuseas
Dolor en msculos faciales.
Dolores reumticos y gotosos
Dolor en hombro y brazo
Calambres en el pulpejo de los pulgares y dedos.
Ms o menos irritacin en la uretra, tendencia al coito
Dolor ardiente al orinar, con aglutinacin del meato
La orina pasa en varios chorros; debe esforzarse antes de orinar.
Prurito, erupcin seca, como salvado, especialmente en manos y dedos
Palmas especialmente afectadas
Vesculas en grupos
Ulceras e hinchazn en las articulaciones.
Anagallis contiene Saponina, q.v.
Cyclamen, Primula obcon.
Potencias de la primera a la tercera.
- Lively; more gay than usual, with great joy; he attends to his business, and is contented
with himself (first hours).
- Great flow of spirits for several days; he takes pleasure in everything; on account of very
joyful feelings, without thinking of anything in particular, he cannot collect his thoughts
during a sermon.
- He thinks of everything; his mind is vigorous (first hour).
- Heat rising to the head, and sensation of slight sweat on the forehead, followed by a
pressive sticking in the eyeballs, and a tickling prickling in the urethra, inclining him to
coition (a quarter of an hour).
- Spasmodic stitches in both temples, extending thence to the eyes, in the middle of which
it presses (four hours).
- Pressive headache in the forehead, after the blowing of cold air on him (five hours).
- Twinges in the right ear follow pressure in the eyes (four hours).
- Sensation of dryness, with some scraping in the throat (first evening).
- Desire for stool (a quarter of an hour).
- Stool well digested.
- Itching in the rectum, and some pressure in the loins, as with haemorrhoidal troubles (first
Urinary organs
- On urinating, especially in the morning, a burning pain in the urethra; the orifice seems
agglutinated, and a violent pressure is required before the urine passes, which it does in
two, three, or several streams (first day).
- A tickling prickling along the urethra, especially at the orifice, neither pleasant (since it is
half painful) nor unpleasant, since it inclines to coition (a quarter of an hour).
- Desire for coition (first and second days).
- With the erection before coition, a burning tensive pain in the urethra; disappears on
coition (third day).
- A kind of anxiety in the chest (first evening).
- Suddenly, a feeling as if, internally in the chest, he were struck with a cushion full of pins
(second day).
Upper extremities
- A tensive drawing from the left shoulder to the neck, which, after it had entirely
disappeared, returned if he completely raised the left arm and forcibly extended it
downward (first day).
- On cutting with the shears, a feeling of a cramp in the ball of the thumb, which becomes a
dull drawing; when it leaves this place, it appears in the left thumb (first evening).
- In the metacarpal bone of the thumb, a dull drawing pain, sometimes like a tearing,
mostly in the right hand, at times also in the left hand, returning at uncertain times (first
- Sleep bad, restless; falls asleep late, wakes early, and has not slept enough in the morning
(first night).
- Trembling, like shivering (first evening).
- Violent trembling of the heart, with trembling and shivering of the whole body, both
before and with a dull pain in a hollow tooth, with anxiety in the chest (first evening, in
- Exhilarated, mind very active; thinks of everything.
- Cannot collect his thoughts while listening to a sermon, on account of very joyful
feelings, without special cause.
- Great hilarity for several days; everything gives him pleasure.
- Frenzy in continued fever; febrile delirium.
- Anxiety in chest.
- Despondency.
- After mental exertion, great prostration.
- { Hypochondriasis, (hence its Greek name, signifying "to laugh").
- { Mania.
- || Vertigo (coerulea).
- { Epilepsy.
Inner head
- Heat rising to head, slight sweat on forehead, followed by pressing stitching in eyeballs
and a tickling pricking in urethra, inclining him to coition.
- Headache just over supraorbital ridges, with eructations and rumbling in bowels.
- Spasmodic lancinations in both temples, extending to eyes.
- Headache with fever (coerulea).
- Pressive aching in forehead and occiput from a current of air blowing on him.
- Intense headache and nausea, with pains throughout body.
- Occiput : dull or tearing pains and inclination to vomit; violent headache, with hard,
knotty stools; knocking pain in left side; dull pain all night.
- Headache relieved by coffee.
Outer head
- Skin of forehead feels too tight, when closing eyes or wrinkling brows, agg on left side.
- Vehement itching on vertex and occiput.
- Stitches on several places on scalp, chiefly over left ear and on occiput.
- Chilly sensation on right frontal protuberance.
- Violent pain as if occasioned by external pressure on occiput behind left ear.
Lower face
- Itching and tickling stitches on left corner of mouth and lower lip, just under border.
Inner mouth
- Viscid saliva in mouth, raised by coughing.
- Collection of water in mouth, with slight tearing pains in molars.
- Sensation of dryness in throat, with scraping.
- Tickling at soft palate at night, as from touch of something cold.
- { Hepatitis and indurated liver.
- Abdomen distended with wind.
- Weak feeling in abdomen.
- Rumbling in bowels, with headache.
- { Visceral obstructions.
Urinary organs
- { Inflammation of kidneys.
- Burning in urethra when urinating, mostly in morning.
- Orifice seems agglutinated; presses to urinate; urine escapes in a divided stream.
- Tickling, prickling along urethra, inclining to coitus.
- Urine dark, sometimes straw-colored.
- Copious urination (horses).
- { Gravel.
- Cough dry : with a scratching sensation when reading aloud; with yellow phlegm from
nose; with spitting of saliva.
Outer chest
- Itching on left side of chest, principally on nipple.
- || Eruption on chest.
Upper limbs
- Tensive drawing ascending from left shoulder to nape of neck, agg raising and extending
- Pain in shoulder (coerulea).
- Pain in lungs and back into shoulder blade.
- Pains in muscles of upper arm, outside, near shoulder.
- Drawing pains in muscles of upper arm, lasting for some time, especially felt when
moving hand or arm, e. g., in writing.
- Vehement pains in muscles of forearm, inside, near elbow joint.
- Violent pains in carpal and metacarpal bones of right hand, extending up arm to shoulder.
- Drawing pains in carpal and metacarpal bones of right hand.
- Pains in left thumb, violent twitching in it.
- Drawing tearing in right metacarpus, sometimes left, returning at regular intervals.
- In metacarpus of thumb a dull drawing, or tearing mostly r. side, sometimes also in left.
- When cutting with shears cramp in ball of thumb, when it ceased it appeared on left, in
- Intense pains in palm of right hand, in fork of thumb and forefinger, with a sensation as if
a pin was thrust through it.
- Gouty swellings on joints of fingers.
- Itching on upper arm, inside, immediately above joint of elbow.
- Itching on back of right hand.
- || Skin of hands and fingers very dry, sticky and dirty looking.
- || Tetter on hands dry, branlike, squamous; or groups of small vesicles, smarting and
itching, oozing a yellow brown lymph when scratched, which soon turns into a scurf; new
vesicles appear beneath.
- || Dry, branlike, squamous tetters on hands and fingers, principally on fore and middle
fingers of right hand.
Lower limbs
- Pain in hip (coerulea).
- Lumbago and itching.
- || Tickling pains in right leg and at os ileum.
- Drawing pains in muscles of left leg; tearing during night.
- || Weakness like lameness in right leg, as if it was too short.
- || Pains in bend of left knee.
- Slight pain near left knee and in posterior muscles of left leg.
- || Sensation of tightness in bend of left knee, as if there was something swollen or sore.
- Pains in right leg, above knee, in knee and shin bone, when in a sitting posture and having
legs lightly crossed.
- Stitches in left shin bone, when in a sitting posture, but only in moving leg or foot.
- Pain in right shin bone when extending leg.
- Cramps in right calf, slight in left.
- Pain in upper part of metatarsus of right foot.
- Pains in great toe and little toe of left foot, in morning.
- Pain in curved or concave part of left sole.
- Pain in sole of left foot near toes.
Limbs in general
- Trembling of muscles of hind legs and neck (horses).
- { Gout.
- Position. Motion. In bed : trembling of heart with toothache; chilliness.
- Sitting with legs crossed : pains in and about right knee.
- Stretching arm : tensive drawing from left shoulder to neck.
- Lifting : tensive drawing in left shoulder; pain in sacrum.
- Walking : pressure on right lung.
- Motion of leg or foot : stitches in right and left tibia agg.
- A sort of chilly trembling; trembling all over.
- Great prostration, especially after mental work.
- || Exhausted and drowsy.
- { Epilepsy.
- Falls asleep late; sleep restless; awakens early, feeling unrefreshed.
- Agitation disturbs rest at night.
- Sleep troubled by tearing or stitching pains.
- Lascivious dreams.
- Night : dull pain in occiput; neuralgia in cheek; tickling at palate; erections.
- Morning : burning in urethra when urinating; pain in feet.
- Towards evening : spells of chilliness.
- Evening : glittering before left eye; trembling, anxious feeling in chest; toothache.
- Trembling with chills.
- Crawling and trembling.
- || Chilliness followed by heat (coerulea).
- Spells of chilliness towards evening and in bed.
- Chilliness penetrating teeth.
- Fever with headache and sore chest.
- Heat rises into head, with sweat on forehead, followed by sensation in eyeballs and
tickling in urethra.
- { Bloody sweat; murrain of calves.
- As if skin of forehead was too tight; feeling of obstruction in right ear; itching and
tickling stitches in left corner of mouth and lower lip : as if something cold was placed
upon tongue; a kind of restlessness in chest; as if a brush was brought in contact with
epiglottis; as if struck with a cushion full of pins in chest; as if a pin was thrust into palm of
right hand; lameness in right leg as if too short; as if swollen or sore in bend of left knee.
- Pain : in right eyeball; in right ear; in right side of back; in facial muscles; in lungs; in
shoulder; in shoulder blade; in upper arm; in left thumb; in hip; in bend of left knee; in right
leg above knee; in right knee and shin bone; in right metatarsus; in great toe and little toe of
left foot; in left sole.
- Teeth pain as from cold.
- Violent pain : on occiput behind left ear; in sacrum; in muscles of forearm; in carpal and
metacarpal bones; in palm of right hand, in fork of thumb.
- Lancinations : in temples.
- Stitches : in eyeballs; in temples; in scalp; in eyes, from temples; in right ear; in left
corner of mouth; in left side, region of fourth and fifth ribs; in left tibia; disturb sleep.
- Pricking : in urethra.
- Neuralgic pains : in right cheek bone.
- Tearing pain : in occiput; in right cheek bone; in molars; in spermatic cords; in muscles of
left leg; disturbs sleep.
- Drawing pain : in right testicle and cord; tensive drawing from left shoulder to neck; in
right carpus and metacarpus, also tearing; in muscles of upper arm; in muscles of l. leg.
- Pressing : in eyeballs; in forehead and occiput; in eyes; on lungs; in sacrum.
- Scratching : in throat, after eating; when reading aloud.
- Scraping : in throat.
- Soreness : on chest.
- Aching : in forehead; in occiput.
- Dull pain : in occiput; in hollow tooth; in upper molars; in gums.
- Tension : in skin of forehead; tensive drawing from left shoulder to neck; in bend of left
- Weakness : in abdomen; in right leg.
- Pulsations : in right side of chest.
- Cramp : in balls of thumbs; in right calf, slightly in left.
- Burning : in urethra.
- Heat : rising to head.
- Dryness : in throat with scraping; of hands.
- Cold or chilly sensation : on right frontal protuberance; in teeth; as if something cold
were placed on tongue; at soft palate, as from touch of something cold; a sort of chilly
- Tickling : in urethra; in left ear; on tip of nose; at soft palate as from something cold; in
urethra, and prickling; on symphysis pubis; as from a brush against epiglottis; pains in right
leg and at os ilium.
- Itching : on vertex and occiput; of eyelids; in left ear; in face; on cheek bones; in rectum;
at anus; on left side of chest; on left nipple; on neck and scapula; on upper arm, inside,
above elbow joint; on back of right hand; tetter; all over skin.
- Pains in joints going from place to place (coerulea).
- Rheumatic and gouty pains.
- { Dropsy.
- Skin itches all over.
- Skin rough, dry.
- || Dry, branlike tetter in rings.
- Ulcers and swelling on joints.
- { Ill-conditioned ulcers.
- { Promotes expulsion of splinters.
- Collateral relation. Cyclam.
- Similar to : Coffea (joyous, excited); Cyclam. (sneezing); Lith. c. (rough skin, ringworm);
Sepia, Tellur. (ringworm); Pulsat. (chilliness; catarrhs); Rhus tox. (see below).
- Smelling of Rhus tox. and an hour later taking Coloc., relieved sacral pain; Rhus tox.
relieved swollen gums.
- Coffee relieved headache.
- It is said to form an important part of Stoy's medicine for hydrophobia.
1- Cefaleas con amenorrea.
2- Tendencia suicida.
4- Aversin a la compaa.
5- Llora fcilmente.
8- Tumores.
9- Vrtigo con tendencia a caer hacia atrs. Est como borracho y vacila al caminar.
10- Severa neuralgia ceflica, como flechas de acero o hierros puntiagudos que van de frente
a nuca, o como si se movieran campanas en la cabeza, peor de tarde. Como si tuviera
agua en la cabeza, peor caminando. Exostosis.
** 11- Ulceras en el cuero cabelludo (Sil.), con costras hmedas, gruesas, compactas;
erupciones hmedas.
* 12- Moscas volantes. Todo parece excesivamente luminoso y brillante. Imgenes muy
persistentes. Verrugas en los prpados. Hipertrofia de la glndula lagrimal. Prpados
invertidos hacia adentro (entropion). Cada de las cejas.
* 13- Nariz grande, roja, con varicosidades; o plida y fra. Pequeos tumores en la punta.
El aire inspirado parece fro, helado, y le produce estornudos. Ulceras verdosas, con
secrecin ftida.
* 14- Ulceras en la cara y comisuras labiales; costras. Caen pelos de la barba. Tic convulsivo.
Dolores en los huesos faciales. Trismus. Adenopatas dolorosas en cuello y submaxilares,
con tendencia a supurar.
* 15- Dientes desmenuzados, cariados, con mal aliento. Lengua fisurada, cortada en los
bordes, con sialorrea y debilidad (como efectos del mercurio). Constante tendencia a
apretar los dientes. Habla con dificultad; tartamudea. Dolor severo, como cortado, en la
raz de la lengua.
** 16- Angina, con ardores y pinchazos. Tiene sed, pero no puede beber porque tiene
espasmos si oye hablar de agua o ve objetos brillantes. Hidrofobia. Calor quemante
alternando con fro helado en las fauces, con sensacin como si tuviera algo vivo.
* 17- Hambre exagerada que lo despierta de noche. Gastralgias horribles, con nuseas y
vmitos alimenticios o de bilis o de sangre. Sensacin de tumor duro desde el ploro al
* 20- Se orina durmiendo y caminando. Orina turbia, espesa, llena de mucus. Constante
urgencia para orinar.
23- Hinchazn marcada de los cartlagos larngeos, con tos paroxstica, peor de noche y por
calor. Tuberculosis larngea.
* 24- Dolores reumticos con articulaciones hinchadas. Ganglios axilares hinchados. Uas
enfermas, deformadas, le lastiman los dedos. Erisipela en brazos y piernas. Bromhidrosis
de pies. Abscesos, lceras en plantas de pies. Grietas en los miembros superiores.
25- Piel con hormigueo y picazn como de hormigas, con anestesia. Sarampin, varicela,
Complementarios: Es similar a grandes policrestos: Calc. C., Carb. V., Ign., Lach., Merc.,
Nux V., Puls., Rhus T., Sulph, Thuya.
Relaciones.- Comparar: Avena, Arundo, Anthox. (Botan.), Bell., Can. ind., Stram., Staph.,
Merc., Lach., Thuj., Antdotado por: lquidos aromticos. Incompatible: vinos y
Un remedio de la piel de primer orden.
Hinchazn dolorosa de varias partes, que tienden a la supuracin
Inflamacin ganglionar.
Dolores que taladran el cerebro como flechas puntiagudas; peor por la tarde
Herpes, lceras y tumores en cuero cabelludo
Crecimientos verrugosos en las cejas
Furnculos y tumores en la punta de la nariz
Lengua fisurada, como cortada en los bordes; salivacin copiosa.
Turbia, espesa, llena de mucosidad
Deseo constante.
La vejiga no puede mantener la mnima cantidad
Ulceras como chancros
Hinchazn como escirro en el cervix
Mamas hinchadas, induradas, pezones excoriados.
Enfermedades y deformacin de las uas
Sudor de los pies ofensivo
Abcesos, furnculos, lceras
Prurito, herpes.
Comparar: Staphysag., Mercur., Thuja.
Tercera potencia.
- Gay humor, with disposition to laugh and sing.
- Sadness and restlessness, with fear of death and of the future.
- Sheds tears easily.
- Hypochondria, with dread of society; he seeks solitude and obscurity; does not want to
see or hear anything.
- Restless, suspicious, and very irritable character, or apathetic and as if besotted.
- Disposition to anger, with desire to strike and destroy.
- Quarrelsome and contrary humor, but after being angry he often regrets what he has done.
- Ungovernable jealousy, everything causes jealousy.
- Foolish joy and absurd complacency.
- Frequent changes in his mood and turn of thought, even to idiotism.
- A besotted condition, like drunkenness, in which he forgets even to eat and drink.
- A great deal of self-esteem; great satisfaction with himself and his labor; internal
complacency, with smiles.
- I constantly inclined to weep, even about lively things, with reveries and hallucinations.
- Ardent desire to travel.
- Blunted intellect and loss of memory.
- Feverish haste in all his actions.
- Persistent fear of death during all his sufferings.
- Monomania, as for rowing about in a boat, dressing or walking out in a grotesque
manner, always frequenting the same places and doing the same things.
- Frequent delirium, idiocy, mental alienation.
- Heat of the head, with vertigo.
- Vertigo, with debility and stupidity of the head.
- Head excessively heavy, with burning and pulsative pains.
- Vertigo and dulness, with cerebral congestion, red face, and tendency to fall backwards.
- Vertigo and dulness, with burning stitching pains in the head, and sensation as if it was
- Vertigo, with feeling of drunkenness and staggering gait.
- Vertigo, with confusion of sight and great heaviness of the head.
- Vertigo, with debility in the back and lower extremities, and inability to remain upright.
- Vertigo, with heat and heaviness of the head, perturbation of ideas and senses.
- Vertigo, in all positions, aggravated especially by motion and strong air.
- Heaviness and weakness of the head, with pressure in the sinciput.
- Sensation as if something turned round in the head, with pains in the stomach, great
appetite, colic, venereal desire; chills and shaking, not with standing the great heat;
depression or very great cheerfulness (very persistent symptom).
- Great heat of the head, with desire to bathe it with cold water.
- Sensation as if he had water in the head, especially in walking, with confusion of the
cerebral faculties and great headache.
- Burning, lancinating, pulsating headache, principally on the right side, in the forehead
and temple, with nausea, vomiting, and great heaviness of the eyes.
- Head excessively weak and heavy, so that he cannot keep it up, and lets it drop on one
side or the other.
- Sensation as if the brain were laid bare, and currents of cold air passed over it.
- Sensation as if heavy objects and balls moved about in the head, especially at night and
when he lies on the right side.
- Cramps and cold chill in the head, with confusion of ideas.
- Pressing and lancinating headache, accompanied by pains, as from hammering in the
- Vertigo, with contraction and digging in the inner canthi of the eyes, extending into the
- Sensation as if the head had struck against a stone and been crushed.
- Neuralgic pains in the temples, with sensation as if there were iron points there.
- Lancinating, cramplike, and dilating pains in the temples, with desire to compress them
- Pulsative and lancinating pains in the brain, as if it were pricked every moment.
- Pains which pierce the brain like steel arrows, from the forehead to the nape of the neck.
- Desire to lean the head against something hard and cold.
- Pressure on the top of the head, with sensation as if the skull were crushed.
- Pains as if the brain were bruised and wounded.
- Pains in the head, as if there were abscesses and tubercles in the brain, with lancinating,
burning, and cramplike pains in many places in the head, and a stupefied condition.
- Dull pains in the head, torpor of the brain, desire for rest, and nausea.
- Inflammation of the brain, with heat, as if he had live coals in the head.
- Neuralgic and spasmodic pains in the head, producing fits of craziness.
- Pressive and constrictive pains in the head, as if it were compressed by an iron band.
- Congestion of blood to the head, with great heat, dizziness, loss of consciousness, and
- Headache worse in the afternoon and evening; also from noise, motion, and light.
- All pains in other parts seem to produce in the head congestion, cramps, and stitches.
- The headache are almost always accompanied by burning and pulsative pains.
- Spasmodic twitchings in the head, pulling it from one side to the other.
- Nervous trembling of the head.
- Itching and excessive heat in the head, extending to the face.
- Herpes and ulcers on the hairy scalp, with large thick humid scabs and much prurigo.
- Large tumors, like lupia, suppurate, and form ulcers on the head.
- Growths like warts and lupia on the eyebrows.
- Protuberances, like exostoses, on the sinciput and temples.
- Redness, itching, excoriations, obstinate, scabby herpes on the forehead.
- Heat and burning in the eyes.
- Pressure and painful stitches in the eyes.
- The eyes enlarged, red, inflamed, with frequent dimness of vision
- Very great photophobia; light produces a kind of itching in the eyes.
- Swelling and pains as if an abscess would form in the right eye.
- Spasmodic contraction of the eyes, which remain turned upwards.
- Sensation of roughness and excoriation of the eyes, especially when moving the eyelids.
- Yellowness of the sclerotica.
- Pupils strongly dilated; he has to wink with his eyes in order to distinguish objects.
- Congestion of blood to the eyes, with tickling, pricking, and pains as from rheumatism in
the eyeballs.
- The slightest local application aggravates the pains in the eyes.
- Inflammation and swelling of the eyelids.
- Ulceration of the margin of the eyelids, with inability to separate them.
- The eyelids are inverted, and as if scarified.
- Abundant secretion of mucus, and considerable lachrymation, especially in the open air.
- Trembling of the lids.
- Swelling and ulceration of the lachrymal glands.
- Amaurotic weakness of the eyes.
- Neuralgic and rheumatic pains in the orbits, with sensation as if the frontal bone were
- Intense and burning pains in the eyes, with spasms and alteration of their axis.
- Dull, dim, wild, wandering eyes, without expression.
- Very prominent or deeply sunken eyes.
- Contracted pupils.
- Objects appear dark and vacillating, red or covered by a grayish cloud.
- The images of objects are retained before the vision in an inconvenient and unpleasant
- Black points, muscae volitantes, and fiery circles before the eyes.
- Everything seems excessively bright and shining.
- Candlelight appears diffused, and the letters run together in reading.
- Dimness of vision, as if from watery vapors before the eyes.
- Inclination to wink, and to pass the hand frequently over the eyes, as if to remove a veil
from before them.
- Sensation of a great weight on the eyelids, which keeps them closed.
- Pressure on the eyes as if one were going to sleep, or even into a swoon.
- Spasmodic motions of the pupil, which obscure the sight at intervals.
- Heaviness and stoppage of the nose.
- Stitches in the nose, with a crushing sensation at its root.
- The air which passes through the nostrils seems icy cold.
- Great dryness and heat in the nose, with frequent and very painful sneezing.
- Ulcers in the nostrils, with epistaxis.
- Very frequent epistaxis.
- Fluent coryza, with pressive pains in the head and root of the nose; burning in the
nostrils; lachrymation and sneezing, as if he had snuffed up pepper or tobacco.
- Abundant discharge from the nose of purulent, greenish, and very smelling matter.
- Stitches and pulsations in the root of the nose, with nasal hemorrhage.
- Dry or fluent coryza, with cerebral torpor, intoxication, headache, and sensation as if the
head were full of water.
- Nasal catarrh, with bronchitis.
- The nose is enlarged and red.
- Insupportable tickling in the nose, with violent sneezing as soon as he inhales a little cold
- Inflammation and swelling of the nasal bones, with hammering pains.
- Boils and small tumors, like lupia, on the tip of the nose.
- Nose cold, pale, and pointed, or large and inflamed, with many small.
- Heat in the interior of the ears, with pulsation and sensation as if there were abscesses in
- Severe digging stitches in the ears, with discharge of yellowish, purulent matter.
- Very copious secretion of cerumen.
- Heat, and smarting in the lobes of the ears.
- Fissures in the lobes of the ears.
- Burning, crusty eruption, with inability to lie on them.
- Attacks of deafness, especially in the evening and in damp weather.
- Paralytic hardness of hearing.
- After listening for a few moments, the hearing becomes fatigued, and the words are
confused and indistinct.
- Noises, murmurs, and hissing in the ears.
- He hears frequently a noise as of waves beating against the shore, with a deafening
sound, which prevents him from hearing a word.
- Sensation as if he had dirt in his ears, or a spongy substance which swells up.
- Face yellowish, or red, enlarged, inflamed, and congested.
- Face pale, transparent, and white as wax.
- Face gray, cold, and frozen-looking, and paralyzed.
- Face emaciated, bluish, cyanotic, contracted, shrunken, with hollow eyes.
- Face discolored like that of a drowned person.
- Deep, red face, with cerebral congestion, vertigo, and stupefaction.
- Itching and burning in the cheeks, with sensation as if they were excoriated.
- Ulcers and scabs on the face.
- Red spots on the face, as if it had been painted with vermilion.
- Small pimples in the face, which frequently sting as from needle-pricks.
- Intense scaly herpes, with falling off of the eyebrows and beard.
- Erysipelatous swelling of the face, with closed-up eyes; fever, delirium, desire to expose
himself to the air, and even to throw himself out of window, as from the effects of a
- Yellowish pimples and pustulous herpes on the face.
- Puffy face, with tense and easily ulcerated skin.
- Subcutaneous red spots, as in small-pox.
- Red lumps in the face, as from congestion of blood.
- Boils and abscesses on the face.
- Sensation as if the face had been stung by insects.
- Strongly marked red or yellow spots on the face.
- The skin of the face is painful and as if excoriated, after shaving.
- Swelling of the cheek, with abscesses on the gums.
- Burning, pulsative, lancinating pains in the face.
- Facial neuralgia from the eyebrows to the chin, with distorted features and grimaces.
- Convulsive movements as from tic douloureux, or trismus, with pains in the lips and chin.
- Spasmodic movements of the facial muscles, with involuntary grimaces, especially on the
left side.
- Itching and burning miliary and urticarious eruptions on the face.
- Painful swelling, like an abscess, on the right maxillary sinus.
- Painful shocks in different parts on the face.
- Pain in the facial bones, with sensation as if they were crushed and dislocated.
- Ulcers and scabs under the nose and on the chin.
- The jaws are spasmodically clenched.
- Convulsive agitation of the facial muscles, with difficult biting and mastication.
- Great weakness of the facial bones and teeth, as if the least effort would fracture them.
- Sensation as if the lips were constantly full of oil.
- Lips enlarged and inflamed.
- Lips covered with phlyctenae, which are constantly renewed.
- Lips enormously swollen, ulcerated, everted, of a bluish-yellow.
- Ulcers, especially at the labial commissures, and resembling a syphilitic affection.
- Lips dry, pinched, and contracted.
- Lancinating, digging, and drawing pains in the teeth, with sensation as if they were
forcibly separated from each other, or pulled at with pincers and torn out.
- Constant inclination to clench the teeth.
- Sensation of cold in the teeth, with heat in the gums and the whole mouth.
- Burning in the teeth, gums, and lips, as if they were calcined.
- Sensation of uneasiness and pain in the region of the last molars, as if new ones were
coming through.
- Pain in the hollow teeth, especially at night, in cool air, and when eating, with very bad
smell from the mouth.
- The gums swollen, inflamed, burning, and as if scorbutic.
- Severe pains in the teeth, they crumble and break.
- The teeth feel as if longer and sharper.
- Decay of the teeth, with cramps in the whole jaw, especially after exposure to a current of
- Gnashing and grinding of the teeth, with acute, lancinating strokes in their roots.
- Toothache, with sensation as if the jaws were broken.
- Toothache, aggravated especially in the afternoon, evening, and night,
- Wine, and especially coffee, aggravate the toothache for awhile.
- The teeth are loose and readily fall out.
- Pulsative, lancinating, and distensive pains in the gums.
- Gum-boils, with swelling of the cheeks and submaxillary glands.
- Mouth burning and inflamed, as if erysipelatous and excoriated.
- Ulcers like aphthae or thrush, in different parts of the mouth.
- Exfoliation of the mucous membrane of the buccal cavity.
- Inflamed palate, with very painful nodosities.
- Itching of the palate, and small burning pimples there.
- Fetid breath.
- Flow of thick and viscid saliva, with bitter mouth.
- Frothy slavering at the mouth, with constant desire to spit.
- Very painful pimples on the tongue, with itching and burning.
- Tongue inflamed, and enormously swollen, with great difficulty in speaking.
- Severe pains at the root of the tongue, as if it were cut off.
- Swelling of the salivary and submaxillary glands.
- The tongue fissured, lacerated, and as if cut on its edges, with copious salivation and
debility, as if from the effects of mercury.
- Grayish, yellowish, bloody or brickdust coating on the tongue.
- Difficult speech, stammering.
- Inflammation of the throat, with sensation of fulness and obstruction, as if it were
- Burning in the throat, as if it were full of mustard, with violent and convulsive cough.
- Inflammation and swelling of the tonsils.
- Frequent and stubborn abscesses on the tonsils.
- Angina with almost impossible deglutition.
- Raw pains, tumors, and a great deal of tenacious mucus in the throat, with great difficulty
in swallowing even the saliva.
- Debility and attacks of constriction of the throat, with danger of suffocation.
- Burning and stitches in the throat, with constant feeling of strangulation.
- Sensation as if he had a burning stick in the throat, reaching down into the stomach.
- Liquids pass frequently into the larynx and through the nasal fossae, with violent, jerking
- Considerable accumulation of mucus in the throat, with granulations, and grayish ulcers
like false membranes.
- Inability to drink, in spite of great thirst, on account of spasms in the throat, which
contracts and feels tight as soon as he hears anything said about water, or sees shining
- Sensation, sometimes of burning heat, sometimes of icy coldness in the oesophagus.
- Tickling sensation, as if some live thing were moving about in oesophagus, with fits of
suffocating cough.
- Ulcerated spots on the throat, aggravated by cold.
- The stomach feels full and as if ulcerated.
- Very frequent empty eructations, especially after eating or drinking.
- Obstinate and painful eructation, especially after eating vegetables.
- Regurgitations, with taste of the food or of saffron, and sometimes acid or ammoniacal.
- Obstinate, convulsive hiccough.
- Burning in the stomach, as if it were on fire.
- Excessive and almost continual secretion of phlegm.
- Much secretion of phlegm, especially when waking in the morning, before eating, when
walking, and sometimes at night.
- Much phlegm is formed, with nausea, insipidity, or acidity, and heat in the stomach.
- Incessant nausea and inclination to vomit.
- Vomiting of the food and of bile, with hunger even after eating.
- Vomiting of food, and often of blood, after meals.
- Vomiting of acrid, burning matter, followed by bile and blood.
- Vomiting with horrible pains in the stomach.
- Watery, acid, or insipid, and sweetish vomiting, with burning and stitches in the stomach.
- Vomiting of pure blood, as if from the rupture of a bloodvessel in the stomach.
- Vomiting bilious and black.
- Vomiting mixed with bile, blood, or water.
- Watery vomiting, with whitish particles in it, and most foul eructations; stitches and
cramps in the stomach and extremities; urging to stool, and very liquid diarrhoea; painful
icy coldness over the whole body; excessive thirst pressure and constriction in the
epigastrium; spasms; agitation; cold perspiration, especially on the head; a state like
intoxication, prostration and emaciation.
- Vomiting, with constant dread of death.
- It seems as if the whole force of the organism was concentrated in the stomach to produce
an infinity of suffering.
- Sensation of fulness and constriction on the stomach, with total want of appetite, bitter
and salty taste.
- Contracted and burning stomach, with desire to vomit.
- Sensation as of worm moving about in the oesophagus and stomach.
- Continual contractions and cramps in the stomach.
- Food passes through his bowels undigested, almost as soon as eaten.
- Bad digestion, with painful movements of the ingest in the stomach, without power to
expel them; great headache; desire to vomit; twisting in the stomach, and feeling of
- Sensation as of tumors, holes, or sharp pebbles in his stomach.
- Extreme debility coming from the stomach, and which can in no way be relieved.
- Stomach painful as if full of ulcers.
- Painful, impossible digestion; he vomits food just as it was when taken several days
- Contractive, gnawing, and tearing pains in the stomach, as if caused by some living thing.
- Spasms and cramps in the stomach, hindering respiration, and forcing him to twist and
cry out.
- Pains in the stomach, as if it were torn, cut, and perforated in several
- Pains in the stomach, with continual mental irritability.
- Sensation as if he had in the stomach a hard tumor, starting from the pylorus, extending
on the right side to the liver.
- Burning, tearing, and crampy pains in the stomach, spreading into the chest and right
- Stitches in the stomach extending into the chest and back.
- Very painful pressure, like a bar, on the epigastrium, with short, anxious respiration.
- Crampy pressure in the epigastrium, extending to the back.
- Spasms of the stomach, with sensation as if all the thoracic and abdominal viscera were
contracted and reduced in volume; oppression, and fear of choking.
- Very painful contractions in the epigastric region.
- Nearly all the stomach symptoms are accompanied by headache.
- Heaviness and distension of the stomach, as if full of water.
- Sensation as if the stomach were closed by a bar.
- Cramps and pains in the stomach, as if cut with a knife, or struck by lightning.
- Spasmodic contractions of the oesophagus and pylorus, with inability to swallow.
- Spasms and burning in the stomach, with violent colic, so that he has to bend himself.
- Digging, tearing, clawing, and gnawing pains in the stomach.
- Sensation as if the stomach were bitten in different places, and the intestines pricked and
- Pains in the stomach, extending to the liver and into the entire chest.
- The pains in the stomach are worse in the evening, at night, after eating, by movement,
excitement of feeling, and every occupation.
- Inclination to change his position every moment to ease the pains in the stomach.
- Inflammation of the stomach, with fever, constipation, and intense hunger and thirst.
- Pains in the stomach, with cold sweats on the face and back.
- Sensation of heat and of congestion of the liver.
- Cramps in the hepatic region, with sensation as if it were full of painful tuberosities.
- Pulsative, burning, and digging pains in the region of the liver.
- Sensation as if the liver were pinched and scraped in different places, with copious
secretion of bile.
- Inflammation and swelling of the liver, as if caused by abscesses, with oedematous
swelling of the belly, and even of the whole body; prostration; inability to move without
groaning; stool hard, difficult, blackish, brownish, or grayish; skin deep-yellow.
- Vomiting of bile as if it came directly from the liver.
- Sensation of hard lumps, as if there were concretions in the liver.
- Burning, pulsating, and lancinating pains in the region of the spleen.
- Sensation as if there were foreign bodies in the spleen, and as if the passage of the blood
would tear it.
- Cramps, lancination, and digging in the region of the spleen, with loss of respiration.
- Spleen as if ulcerated and hypertrophied.
- Burning in the whole abdomen, as if he had erysipelas.
- Inflammation and swelling of the abdomen, which is very painful.
- Abdomen inflated, tense, and hard, with tympanitic sound on percussion.
- Colics, cramps, and tearing pains in the abdomen, with sensation as if there were a red-
hot iron in it.
- Colic, with much flatulence as soon as he walks .
- Colic, with cramps in the limbs, icy coldness, and choleraic diarrhoea.
- Sensation as if the bowels were excoriated or pulled out.
- Lancinating and crampy pains in the abdomen, spreading into the hypochondria and
- Colic and pains in the bowels, as if they were gnawed by animals; he twists about, and
knows not what position to take for relief.
- Sensation as if he had a tumor in the transverse colon, and thousands of pimples all over
the intestinal tube, with inflammation of all the glands and serous membranes of the
- Burning and cramps in the abdomen, with alternating coldness and heat.
- Twisting and tearing pains in the bowels, as in iliac passion, with nausea and vomiting.
- Tumors, like hernia, or like buboes in the groin.
Urinary organs
- Constant urging to urinate, with stitches and crushing pains in the kidneys.
- Frequent emission of urine, which is turbid, or soon becomes so.
- Sensation of numbness and obstruction in the kidneys.
- Sensation as if the kidneys and bladder were always full and swollen.
- Pressive and burning pains in the bladder, with urging to urinate every minute; the
bladder cannot hold the smallest quantity of urine.
- Difficult, painful, intermittent urination; it stops, and begins again the next moment.
- Urine, for the most part, frequent, copious, and turbid.
- Fulness and distension of the bladder, with inability to urinate.
- Urine turbid, thick, and full of mucus, as in catarrh of the bladder.
- Retention of urine, with retraction of the urethral canal.
- Urine brownish, or yellowish and bloody.
- Very frequent urging to urinate, with burning urine, which is discharged guttatim.
- Urine with yellowish, grayish, or dark sediment.
- Frequent, ineffectual urging to urinate, with lancinating and spasmodic pains in the
kidneys and bladder, and great fulness of the latter.
- Discharge of coarse gravel with the urine.
- Clear urine, with chalky sediment, and looking like milk when shaken up.
- Cramps in the kidneys, with frequent urination, or complete suppression.
- Clear, abundant urine, day and night, with debility, great thirst, dryness of the mouth;
stools hard, gray, or dark-colored, with many other symptoms, chiefly of the liver and
- Hemorrhage from the urethra.
- * Ardor urinae.
- Urine with iridescent pellicles.
- Urine thick, red, and very sedimentous.
- Incontinence of urine, with involuntary urination when walking, and even at night in bed,
during sleep, as if caused by paralysis of the neck of the bladder.
- Tenesmus vesicae, with ischuria, spasms of the kidneys and extremities, and burning in
the urethra, which seems retracted.
- Ulceration, or sores like chancres, in the urethra.
- Sensation as if the urethral canal was obstructed by tumors and excrescences.
- An ulcer, like a syphilitic ulcer, in the meatus urinarius.
- Thick yellow or green mucus flows from the urethra, with priapism, burning and tearing
pains in the urethra, inflammation and swelling of the penis and inguinal glands.
Genital organs
- Excoriations on the prepuce and meatus urinarius.
- Secretion of a thick substance, of very strong odor, between the glans and prepuce, which
are swollen.
- Burning, stitching, and pinching in the penis.
- Syphilitic-looking pimples on the penis, with intense pains, traversing it from one part to
- Ulcers and pustulous herpes-like acne rosacea on the penis.
- The penis excoriates easily during coitus, and even an erection.
- An indurated ulcer, like a chancre, on the penis.
- Scabby herpes on the pubis.
- Inflammation and swelling of the testicles.
- Swelling of the scrotum, as if caused by an accumulation of serum.
- Sensation of hard tumors in the testicles and spermatic cords, with severe pains in these
- Tumors like buboes or hernia in the groins.
- Burning lancination and deepseated pains in the scrotum and anus.
- Furfuraceous herpes, with great itching in the scrotum.
- Redness and painful excoriation between the thighs.
- Great increase of the venereal appetite.
- The venereal appetite is increased by every attempt to satisfy it, until it drives him to
onanism and madness.
- During coitus, all his sufferings cease, only to reappear afterwards with increased
- Venereal desire, with attacks of impotence.
- Total absence of venereal desire.
- Difficult ejaculation, very long-lasting, or incomplete.
- Frequent seminal and prostatic losses.
- Nocturnal pollutions, without dreams or consciousness.
- Burning pains as if there were a chafing-dish in the region of the ovaries.
- Sensation of swelling in the ovaries as if they were stretched, and every instant pinched.
- Burning, crampy, pinching, and gnawing pains in the womb, with great debility and
general prostration.
- Lancinating and distensive pains in the womb.
- Engorgement of the uterus.
- Hard tumors, like scirrhus, on the neck of the womb.
- Burning pains in the uterus extending into the kidneys, with general weakness.
- Pains in the uterus, as if it were twisted and compressed.
- Stitches passing like strokes of lightning into the womb.
- Pressure on the uterus, with feeling as if it escapes from the pelvic cavity.
- Prolapsus and displacement of the uterus.
- Sterility, as from atrophy of the ovaries.
- Swelling of the uterus, as if from a collection of water.
- The os uteri swollen, hard, ulcerated, closed.
- Menstruation anticipating; very painful and copious; the blood generally bright or light-
- Menstruation retarded; the blood dark, thick, followed by fetid, light-colored leucorrhoea.
- Total suppression of menses.
- Menstruation frequent and painful, as at the critical age.
- Menstruation very marked, with bruised pains in the kidneys and thighs, and great
- Vulva inflamed and ulcerated.
- Great itching and burning in the vulva, especially in the afternoon and at night in bed.
- Whitish and reddish eruptions, like sycosic excrescences, on the vulva.
- Leucorrhoea watery, clear, or milky, and of very bad odor.
- Thick, purulent, yellow or green leucorrhoea.
- Contractions, stitches and distensive pains in the breasts, with sensation of enlargement.
- Erysipelatous swelling of the mammae, with pains in the muscles of the chest, with
weight and dulness in the back and hypochondria, and inability to support the upper part of
the body.
- Heat and pain in the mammae, as if they had been gashed with a penknife.
- Inflammation and swelling of the mammary glands.
- Congestions of the mammae as from accumulation of milk.
- Lancinating, pulsating, and pressive pains in the mammae.
- Distensive and crampy pains, with sensation of biting on the breasts.
- Indurated and ulcerated tumor in the breast, with swelling of the ganglia of the chest and
axillae; burning, lancinating, and gnawing pains, as if there were a live animal there.
- The chest feels as if bound in a corslet, which prevents its action.
- Phlegmonous erysipelas in the breasts, with tendency to attack the head.
- Excoriation of the nipples.
- Excessive secretion of milk.
- The breasts are atrophied, and become soft.
Respiratory apparatus
- Scratching in the larynx, with great accumulation of mucus, rough voice and rattling
- Heat in the larynx, with sensation as if it were ulcerated and cut.
- Sensation as if there were corrosive acid in the larynx.
- Desire to cough every minute, in order to breathe.
- Voice altered, bass, nasal.
- Voice stopped, as if from want of respiration.
- Hoarseness and frequent aphony, with symptoms of tuberculous or granular laryngitis.
- Very prominent swelling of the laryngeal cartilages.
- Raw pain in the larynx, with severe, tearing, scraping cough, with purulent and bloody
- Short, dry, and frequent cough.
- Violent cough, sensibly felt in the back, chest, and abdomen, with deepseated pains in the
- Obstinate, paroxysmal, shaking cough, with scratching, burning, a great deal of phlegm in
the larynx, and aphony.
- Cough, especially in the evening and during the night.
- Hard, noisy cough, as if the lungs would be torn.
- Paroxysms of cough, often lasting half an hour, not allowing him time to breathe, and
ending with copious mucous expectoration.
- Hoarse cough, as if the chest would be shattered, with expectoration of
- Short cough and tussiculation, with heaviness and stitches in various parts of the chest,
and oppression.
- Burning and raw feeling in the whole chest and larynx, with severe dry cough and bloody
- Paroxysmal cough, with vomiting of food and bile; humming and ringing in the ears.
- Cough, especially at night when lying down, and even during sleep, with scratching, and
accumulation of much mucus in the larynx.
- Rough, sibilant cough, with obstruction in the larynx, as from false membranes.
- Spasmodic cough, like hooping-cough, with vomiting and involuntary urination.
- Sensation during the cough, as if a very rough cord were drawn through the bronchi.
- Cough generally dry and painful, and aggravated by heat.
- Cough, with congestion of blood, stitches and tearing pains in the chest, and spasmodic
movements of the limbs.
- Cough, with fever, shiverings, and coldness; copious sweat of a putrid smell, especially in
the evening and at night.
- Great debility before and especially after the cough.
- Expectoration of blood, with stitching pains in the chest, especially in the left side and in
the region of the heart, accompanied by severe, suffocating cough.
- Expectoration of mucus, mixed with blackish and rusty-looking blood.
- Haemoptysis of coagulated blood.
- Expectoration of whitish, glairy matter, or of thick yellow or green mucus.
- Expectoration of pus mixed with blood, or of matters like that from tubercles.
- Lancinating, tearing, or compressive and distensive pains in the chest, with crepitation
and crackling.
- Stitches an heaviness in the pleura, with cough and oppression.
- Rles of different kinds.
- Respiration quick, anxious, and often interrupted by spasmodic contractions of the chest.
- Asthmatic sufferings, with cough, and difficult, whitish, flaky expectoration.
- Contraction and obstruction of the chest, so that he can neither eat nor breathe.
- Cough, with vomiting of black or light-colored decomposed blood.
- Sensation as if the whole chest were tightly laced.
- Great oppression of the chest, with continual fear of suffocation.
- Sensation as if he had a heavy weight on the chest, and it were all engorged and on fire.
- The symptoms of the chest are increased by the fever, with coldness and shiverings, very
disturbed pulse, great irritability, desire for dainties, head heavy, weak and dull.
- The pains are more severe on the right side of the chest, but more persistent on the left
- Scraping and ulcerative pains in the chest, as if there were boils or herpes in the lungs.
- Sensation as if there were tubercles in the whole upper portion of the chest.
- Excoriative pains in the bronchi, as if they had been rasped.
- Heat and moisture of the skin, with redness and itching.
- Excessive itching all over, especially in the evening, and at night in bed.
- Pruritus, with stinging and heat of the skin.
- The skin is very tender, it breaks, ulcerates, and suppurates readily.
- Burning heat of the skin, with stitches, prinking, and miliary eruption.
- Sensation as if he wore a hair shirt, which pricked him everywhere.
- Blotches and swellings on various parts of the body, as if he had been beaten.
- A great many pimples form on the pores of the skin, with little stitches like pin-pricks,
and leave scabs, chiefly on the face and thighs, with burning, chills and fever.
- Many boils and abscesses on different parts of the body.
- The skin is scarlet, and always burning.
- Sensation on the skin as if he had been scratched.
- Red pimples, like miliaria or urticaria, with itching and obstinate burning.
- Miliary eruption, appearing one day and vanishing the next.
- Itching and eruption like compact and small scabies, or like lichen agrius.
- Pustular eruption, resembling confluent small-pox.
- Eruptions simulating scarlatina and measles.
- Skin icy cold, pale or blue.
- Skin flaccid and without elasticity.
- Calor mordax, with disagreeable dryness of the skin.
- Herpes, with excoriation and scales, which are constantly renewed.
- Frequent shuddering of the skin, with great general debility.
- The skin is often cold, red, blue, livid, or very pale, with general coldness and cold sweat.
- Erysipelatous swelling on different parts of the body.
- Large boils on face and neck, and all fleshy parts.
- Elevations and painful swellings on several parts of the body, as if from the bites of
venomous insects.
- Formication on the skin, with sensation of torpor and loss of sensibility.
- Pains as if the skin were torn by the nails.
- Deep-yellow complexion, and black circles around the eyes.
- Large, painful boils, which spread and become erysipelatous.
- The least prick becomes a sore, and forms a suppurating swelling.
- Bluish, scorbutic-looking blotches over the body.
- Nervous irritation, with great restlessness, although every movement is difficult and
- General tremor.
- Pains generally acute, lancinating, crampy, with extreme weariness in different parts of
the body.
- Burning, lancinating, tearing, rheumatic, and gouty pains, principally aggravated in the
evening and at night, by change of position, wind, cold air and moisture, and strong heat.
- Coffee aggravates the pains, but afterwards relieves them.
- Strong liquors aggravate, aromatic liquors ameliorate, the pains.
- Congestion and ebullition of blood in the head.
- Malaise and debility, with constant restlessness.
- Attacks of debility, as if he would lose consciousness.
- Frequent faintings, especially after eating or drinking.
- Cramps and spasms of various kinds.
- Tetanus, drawing the head backwards, often with nausea and vomiting.
- Eclamptic convulsions, and involuntary movements of the limbs as in chorea.
- Epileptic convulsions, commencing with sadness, restlessness, hiccough, contraction of
the diaphragm, burning in the stomach, congestion of blood to the head; then loss of
consciousness, falling down, violent movements of the limbs, bloody frothing at the mouth,
seminal losses, involuntary stools and urination.
- Great bodily and mental debility, with melancholy, accompanied with suicidal ideas, and
copious sweat at the least movement.
- Disposition to chilliness, with great sensitiveness to cold.
- Cold sensation in one part, though it shows the same temperature as the rest of the body.
- Extreme prostration, with desire to sit and to lie down; he cannot find relief in any
- Frequent sensation of contraction and tightness throughout the organism.
- Nervous perturbation, with disturbance of the circulation; the bile seems in constant
revolution, and the blood hot and congested.
- Spasmodic attacks, with contractions of the limbs, of the eyes and features.
- Fits of extreme weariness and debility, as if every visceral organ were atrophied and
- Difficulty in defining and expressing his sufferings, so great and numerous are they, and
so much is he enervated.
- Attacks of stupor and faintness, followed by a paralytic sensation of the right side of the
body, tongue, and upper and lower extremities.
- Semi-lateral pains in the head, eyes, and ears.
- Inflammation and suppuration of the glands.
- Induration of the submaxillary and cervical glands, with difficult speech.
- While walking, general heat, with cold ears, which become hot when the body becomes
- All symptoms are aggravated by motion and heat.
- Swelling of the periosteum and bones.
- easydislocation of the joints.
- Stiffness of the nape of the neck.
- Contraction of the trunk, with sensation as if the back became crooked.
- Bruised pains in the vertebrae and kidneys.
- Painful stiffness, with weakness of the whole spinal column.
- Rheumatic pains in the back and between the shoulders.
- Stiffness in the back and kidneys, with crampy and tearing pains, excited by the least
- Sensation as if stabbed between the ribs.
- Paralytic weakness of the vertebral column and extremities.
- Pain as if the scapulae were broken.
- Drawing, lancinating, and crampy pains in the articulations of the shoulders, and between
the scapulae, especially when moving the arms.
- Sensation of weakness in the kidneys, with inclination to remain constantly lying down.
- Weakness of the kidneys, extending into the back.
- Pains of extreme weariness in the kidneys and entire sacrum, with great weakness and
inability to keep up.
- Twisting, stabbing pains in the kidneys.
- Sensation of formication and numbness in the kidneys.
- Lumbago, with very great debility.
- Sensation as if a nail had been driven into the kidneys.
Upper extremities
- Sensation as if his arms were kept stretched out stiff by bars of iron inside them.
- Burning and lancinating pains in the arms.
- Red swelling of the articulations of the arms, with burning and tearing pains as in
- Contusive pains in the arms.
- Convulsive motions of the upper extremities, especially in the forearms.
- Red and violet spots on the arms, as if he had been beaten.
- Erysipelatous swelling of the arms.
- Excoriated places on the arms, as if caused by burns.
- Abscesses and ulcers on the arms and hands, penetrating to the bones.
- Infiltration of the arms, especially morning and afternoon.
- Paralytic weakness of the arms.
- Eruptions like itch or lichen on the arms and hands.
- The hands are icy cold and go to sleep.
- Ulcers and fissures on the hands.
- 1570
- Cutting sensation along the fingers, and if they were dislocated or broken.
- Swelling of the finger-joints, with rheumatic and gouty pains.
- Tophi in the finger-joints, which move with great difficulty.
- The fingers deformed and contracted.
- Burning, pulsative pains, and pains as from whitlow, on the fingers.
- Diseased and distorted nails.
Lower extremities
- Painful feeling of extreme weariness in the hips, with inability to move after sitting still
some time.
- Stiffness, with lancinating and crampy pains in the sacrum and iliac bone.
- Obstinate stiffness, extending from the hip to the knee.
- Paralytic weakness and palsy of the legs, with complete insensibility.
- Sciatic and rheumatic pains in the legs, making him cry out, and aggravated chiefly by
- Burning pains in the thighs and knees.
- Erysipelatous swelling of the legs.
- Crampy pains and acute drawings in the legs and at the instep.
- Boils and inflamed red pimples on different parts of the legs.
- Rheumatic and gouty pains in the legs and feet, especially in the heels.
- Feet swollen, red, burning, he cannot bear anything on them.
- Ulcer on the outside of the right thigh, as coming from an abscess, penetrating deeply and
suppurating copiously.
- Very painful boils on the legs.
- Varicose swelling of the legs.
- When walking, acute contractions in the extremities of the toes and under the nails, with
bleeding fissures in the feet.
- Lancinating pains in the corns, which inflame.
- Blisters and ulcers on the soles of the feet.
- The nails grow awry, and hurt the toes.
- Cold feet.
- Very bad-smelling perspiration of the feet.
- Constant drowsiness, with inclination to go to bed.
- The eyes close involuntarily, when night comes, and he goes to sleep wherever he may
- Goes to sleep early and awakes towards midnight, with inability to go to sleep again.
- Restless sleep, with cries, starting up, movements of the limbs, and anxious dreams.
- Comatose sleep, with continual disturbing dreams and snoring.
- Prolonged sleep in the morning, with inclination to lie abed late.
- Sleep with frequent dreams, alternate coldness and heat, and burning of the whole body,
intense thirst and fright.
- Unrefreshing sleep; on awaking he feels tired, as if he had no slept at all.
- Sleeplessness from excessive nervous excitement.
- Sleeplessness for many nights, with fatigue, painful weariness, and debility.
- Sad dreams, or dreams of the day's business.
- Disagreeable and frightful dreams.
- Dreams of epidemic, contagious diseases, and especially of hydrophobia.
- Dreams of journeys, of sumptuous living, of pleasures and enjoyments.
- Dreams of falling from a frightful height, with agitated waking, rush of
- Dreams of being in company and taking part in a joyous festival.
- Dreams of disputes and quarrels.
- Anxious dreams which he cannot define.
- Chilliness and shiverings, on the head and in the back.
- Coldness and shiverings followed by burning heat with headache.
- Excessive general coldness, with trembling, spasms, and cramps, hunger, and great thirst.
- Calor mordax, and excessive dryness of the skin, with hunger, and thirst, congestion of
blood to the head, the pulse quick and hard, headache and delirium.
- Almost constant alternations of coldness and heat.
- Coldness and shiverings, with cold sweats, chattering of the teeth, colic and cramps in the
stomach and extremities.
- During the fever, repugnance to all sweetened bitter drinks; desire for strong drinks;
water always tastes bad; vertigo, delirium, fear of falling, of slipping, and he keeps slipping
down to the foot of the bed; anger, even with nervous seizures; perverted intellect, and loss
of consciousness.
- Fever, with coldness and shiverings and aggravation of all the pains.
- External coldness and shivering with internal heat, especially in the chest.
- Fever with typhoid character and great constipation.
- Aggravation of the fever in the evening and at night.
- Intense chilliness.
- Pulse generally accelerated and rebounding; or slow, small, and imperceptible; or
irregular and intermitting.
- Abundant and weakening perspiration.
- (Morning), On waking, secretion of phlegm.
- (Afternoon), Headache; toothache; morbid hunger; itching, etc., in vulva.
- (Evening), Headache; attacks of deafness; toothache; morbid hunger; pains in stomach;
cough; cough, with fever, etc.; itching; burning, etc., pains; fever.
- (Night), Sensation as of objects moving in head, etc.; pains in hollow teeth; toothache;
morbid hunger; secretion of phlegm; pains in stomach; in bed, itching in vulva; cough;
cough when lying down; cough, with fever, etc.; itching all over; burning, etc., pain; fever.
- (Open air), Secretion of mucus, etc.
- (Strong air), Vertigo.
- (Draught of air), Pains in teeth, etc.
- (Local application), Pains in eyes.
- (Coffee), Toothache for awhile; aggravates at first.
- (After coitus), All sufferings.
- (Cold), Ulcerated spots on throat; pains in legs.
- (Cold air), Pains in hollow teeth; burning, etc., pains.
- (Taking anything cold), Toothache.
- (Least contact), Toothache.
- (Before cough), Great debility.
- (During cough), Sensation as of cord drawn through larynx.
- (After cough), Great debility.
- (Damp weather), Attacks of deafness.
- (Drinking), Empty eructations; fainting.
- (Before eating), Secretion of phlegm.
- (Eating), Pains in hollow teeth; empty eructations; pains in stomach; fainting.
- (Emotion), Suffocative attacks.
- (During fever), Repugnance to sweet drinks, etc.
- (Heat), Cough; burning, etc., pains; all symptoms.
- (Lying on right side), Sensation as of objects moving in head.
- (Light), Headache; itching in eyes.
- (Strong liquors), The pains.
- (Moisture), Burning, etc., pains.
- (Moving eyelids), Feeling of roughness, etc., of eyes.
- (Moving arms), Pains in shoulder-joints.
- (Motion), Vertigo; headache; pains in stomach; all symptoms; stiffness in back, etc.
- (Noise), Headache.
- (Every occupation), Pains in stomach.
- (Change of position), Burning, etc., pains.
- (After shaving), Skin of face painful.
- (After sitting still), Inability to move.
- (During stool), Burning in rectum, etc.
- (Eating vegetables), Eructations.
- (Walking), Sensation like water in head, etc.; secretion of phlegm; general heat, etc.;
contractions in tips of toes, etc.
- (Changes of weather), Toothache.
- (Wind), Burning, etc., pains.
- (Wine), Toothache.
- (Coffee), Relieves after aggravation.
- (During coitus), All sufferings cease.
- (Aromatic liquors), Ameliorate the pains.
Angelica atropurpurea
- Gay humor, with disposition to laugh and sing.
- Sadness, sheds tears easily.
- Hypochondriasis and dread of society.
- Restlessness, irritability and suspicion.
- Ungovernable jealousy.
- Self-esteem.
- Blunted intellect and loss of memory.
- Monomania for doing same thing and frequenting same places.
- Delirium, idiocy, mania.
- Vertigo with cerebral congestion, red face and tendency to fall backward.
- Drunkenness and staggering.
- Vertigo with weakness in back and legs, unable to remain upright.
- Vertigo with contraction and digging in inner canthi of eyes, extending into brain.
Inner head
- || Burning, lancinating, pulsating headache, most right side, forehead and temples, with
nausea, vomiting and great heaviness of eyes.
- || Neuralgic pain in temples, with sensation as if pointed irons were thrust in, producing
fits of craziness; agg afternoon and night, from noise, light and motion.
- As if head was crushed.
- Heaviness and weakness of head, with pressure in occiput, lets head drop to one side.
- As if something turned round in head, with pains in stomach, great appetite, colic,
venereal desire, chills and choking.
- As if he had water in head, agg when walking.
- As if brain was laid bare and cold air passed over it.
- As if heavy objects and balls moved about in head; agg at night and lying on right side.
- Cramps and cold chill in head.
- Pains piercing brain like steel arrows from forehead to nape of neck.
- Headache agg in afternoon : from noise, motion and light.
Outer head
- Itching and heat in head extending to face.
- Nervous trembling of head.
- Herpes and ulcers on scalp with compact, thick, humid scabs and prurigo.
- Large tumors like lupia suppurate and form ulcers.
- Protuberances, like exostoses, on sinciput and temples.
Lower face
- || Convulsive movements as from tic douloureux, or trismus, with pains in lips and chin;
jaws spasmodically clenched.
- Lips fatty, oily, enlarged, inflamed, covered with phlyctenae constantly renewed; dry,
pinched and contracted.
- Lips enormously swollen, ulcerated, everted, of a bluish yellow.
- Submaxillary and cervical glands swell and tend to suppuration.
- Ulcers at labial commissures; syphilitic.
Inner mouth
- Gum boils, ulcers, aphthae, swollen salivary and submaxillary glands.
- Flow of thick viscid saliva.
- Inflammation of throat with sensation of fulness and obstruction, as if it were plugged.
- Burning, as of mustard, with violent convulsive cough.
- Inflammation, swelling and suppuration of tonsils.
- Angina with almost impossible deglutition.
- Constriction with danger of suffocation; debility.
- Burning and stitches in throat.
- Sensation as if he had a burning stick in throat, reaching down into stomach.
- Granulations and greyish ulcers like false membranes; much mucus.
- Inability to drink, in spite of great thirst, on account of spasms in throat, which contracts
and feels tight, as soon as he hears anything said about water, or sees shining objects.
- Sensation, sometimes of burning heat, sometimes of icy coldness in oesophagus.
- Tickling as of some live thing in oesophagus, with fits of suffocating cough.
Appetite, thirst
- Desires, Aversions. Morbid hunger, wakes up in night to eat; as if he had a tapeworm.
- Burning unquenchable thirst.
- Longing for aromatic drinks.
- Cramps in hepatic region; with sensation as if it was full of painful tuberosities.
- Pulsative burning and digging pains in region of liver.
- Inflammation and swelling of liver as if caused by abscesses.
- Burning pulsating and lancinating pain in region of spleen.
- Tympanitis and colic.
- || Twisting and tearing pains in bowels, as in iliac passion, with nausea and vomiting.
- Tumor, like hernia, or like buboes in groin.
Urinary organs
- Stitches and crushing pains in kidneys.
- || Ardor urinae.
- Urine discharged by drops.
- Chalky sediment.
- Incontinence; involuntary urination when walking and during sleep.
- Obstinate, paroxysmal, shaking cough, agg in evening and night and from heat.
- Dry cough and bloody expectoration.
- Sensation during cough as if a very rough cord was drawn through bronchi.
Upper limbs
- Rheumatic pain and swelling of articulations of arms and hands.
- Burning, pulsative pains, and pain as from whitlow on fingers.
- Diseased and deformed nails.
- Swelling of ganglia of axillae and chest (with breast tumor).
- Abscesses, ulcers and fissures on arms and hands; also eruptions like itch or lichen.
Lower limbs
- Stiffness, lancinating and crampy pains in sacrum and iliac bone.
- Sciatic, gouty and rheumatic pains in legs and feet, especially in heels.
- Paralytic weakness and palsy of legs, with complete insensibility.
- The nails grow awry and hurt toes.
- Offensive foot sweat.
- Ulcers and boils on legs and feet.
Limbs in general
- Erysipelatous swellings of arms and legs.
- Boils, abscesses and ulcers on legs.
- Ulcers on hands and legs and soles of feet.
- Position. Motion. Motion : increases neuralgic pains in temples.
- Walking : sensation of water in head agg; incontinence of urine.
- Lying on right side : sensation of balls and heavy objects in head agg.
- Drowsiness, difficulty of speaking.
- Afternoon : neuralgia in temples agg; toothache agg.
- Evening : deafness agg; cough agg.
- Night : neuralgia in temples agg; sensation of heavy objects in head agg; toothache agg;
cough agg.
- Skin cold and frigid and pale or violet.
- Stinging and burning heat.
- Lancinating, burning, deep-seated pains (in tumors).
- As if pointed irons were thrust into temples; as if something turned round in head; as if he
had water in head; as if brain was laid bare and cold air passed over it; as if head was
crushed; as if heavy objects and balls moved about in head; as of dirt or spongy substance
in ears; teeth as if forcibly separated; as if root of tongue was cut off; tongue as if cut on its
edges; as if throat was plugged; as of a burning stick in throat; as of some live thing in
oesophagus; like a bar pressing on epigastrium; as from a hard tumor from pylorus to liver;
as if hepatic region was full of painful tuberosities; as if larynx was ulcerated and cut; as if
a rough cord was drawn through bronchi, when coughing; as if scapulae were broken; pain
as from a whitlow on fingers; as of tumors, holes or sharp pebbles in stomach.
- Pains piercing brain like steel arrows.
- Formication and itching as of ants, with loss of sensibility.
- Painful shocks in face.
- Pains : in stomach; as of an abscess in right eye; at root of tongue, as if cut off; horrible,
in stomach; in scapulae, as if broken : in fingers, like whitlow.
- Lancinating : headache; in teeth; in sacrum and iliac bone; in tumors.
- Stabbing pains : in kidneys.
- Stitches : in eyes; in ears; in nose; in throat; in stomach; in kidneys; through womb; in
chest; in cardiac region.
- Stinging : pimples.
- Pricking : in eyes.
- Burning : headache; in eyes; eruption on ears; in nostrils; in cheeks; in throat; in region of
liver and spleen; in abdomen and rectum; in ovaries; in chest; in cardiac region; in fingers.
- Drawing : in teeth.
- Twisting : in bowels; in kidneys.
- Crushed sensation : in head; at root of nose; in facial bones; in kidneys.
- Gnawing : in stomach; in womb.
- Digging : in inner canthi; in ears; in teeth.
- Rawness : in larynx; in chest.
- Ulcerated feeling : in stomach.
- Hammering : in nasal bones; in chest.
- Pulsating : headache; in ears; in region of liver and spleen; in fingers.
- Contraction : in inner canthi, extending into brain; spasmodic of eyes; of lips; of throat; in
epigastrium; in stomach.
- Cramps : in head; in stomach; in limbs; in hepatic region; in cardiac region; crampy pains
in sacrum.
- Neuralgic pain : in temples; and weakness of head.
- Rheumatic pain : in joints; in legs and feet.
- Dislocated feeling : in facial bones.
- Pressing : in occiput; in head and root of nose; in eyes; on epigastrium.
- Weight : on eyelids.
- Heaviness : of eyes.
- Heat : in eyes; in ears; in gums and mouth; in oesophagus.
- Coldness : of inhaled air, in nose; of nose; in teeth; in oesophagus; icy, over whole body.
- Fulness : in throat; in stomach.
- Weakness : of head; of vertebral column and extremities.
- Tickling : in eyes.
- Itching : in head, to face; in eyes, from light; in cheeks; at anus.
- Glandular inflammation.
- Painful swelling of various parts extending to suppuration; especially of submaxillary
and cervical glands.
- Abscesses, boils and ulcers.
- Erysipelas.
- Herpes.
- Miliaria; measles, smallpox, scarlet fever.
- Pruritus.
- Red pimples, like miliaria or urticaria.
- Bluish scorbutic spots on body.
- Scarlet redness of skin.
- Ulcers yellowish, violet, swollen, everted, syphilitic, on different places.
- Coffee aggravates at first, relieves afterwards.
- Aromatic liquors relieve pains.
- Similar to : Act. rac., Agar., Arnic., Bellad., Cannab., Coffea, Ignat., Kali hydr., Moschus.,
Staphys. (especially in headache); Bellad., Euphras. (eyes); Caustic. and Gelsem.
- (heaviness of eyelids); Act. rac., Corall. rub., Hydrast.
- (air feels cold in nose); Bryon., Calcar., Chamom., etc.
- (toothache agg from cold air or food); Acon., Carb. veg., Chamom., Coccul., Ignat.,
Mercur., Nux vom., Pulsat., Rhus tox., Zincum (toothache, agg from wine or coffee);
Bellad., Canthar., Hydroph., Hyosc., Laches, Stramon. (hydrophobia, see 13). Sulphur
(hunger at night); Mercur.
- (syphilis); Thuya (sycosis).
- Inimical : wine and strong liquors.
1- Debilidad de la memoria.
** 2- Sensacin de calor en todo el cuerpo, o de ardor en partes, con deseos de destaparse (lo
mejora) y baarse. Intolerancia al calor solar.
* 3- Vrtigo. Calor en el vrtex, mejor por aplicaciones de agua fra o por el aire fro.
** 8- Viejos casos de paludismo con hepato - y esplenomegalia, cefalea, ardor en los ojos,
cara, manos y pies (mejor por fro), constipacin, aversin a los alimentos y mal gusto,
sin deseos de levantarse de la cama por la maana.
Andersonia (Boericke)
Pertenece a la famila "Mediaceae", la planta fu primero experimentada por el Dr. P.P.
Otros nombres son: Romya, Rohera, Rohido, Harinhara y Pitaraj
Clnicamente se ha verificado repetidamente para fiebres crnicas; debilidad general,
ganglios hipertrofiados; trastornos del hgado y bazo; leucorrea.
La memoria se vuelve embotada y desordenada; errores al hablar, lugares, etc.; no puede
fijar la mente en algo; fcilmente se encoleriza.
Calor en el vrtex; vrtigo; dolores en temporales asociado con calor, que se mejora por
aire fro y aplicaciones fras.
Sofocos de calor en la cara; sensacin de ardor en la cara incluyendo los ojos.
Sabor inspido en la boca; sabor amargo y malo por la maana.
Sensacin de ardor en el estmago; crecimiento del hgado y del bazo; nusea y vmito.
Febril con cefalea; dolorimiento; ardor de manos y pies.
Lleno y ligeramente rpido.
3x, 6x, 30, etc.
Pertenece al orden natural de las "Acanthaceas", fu experimentado en primer lugar por el
Dr. P.P. Biswas
Otros nombres son: Mahateekta, Kiryat, Kirata, la gran Bhunimba, Kalpanath, Kiryato,
Olenkirayet, Nalavenus, Nilavambu, Nilavoepu, el gran rey de los amargos: ha probado su
valor en la primera etapa del resfriado y tos; convalecencia despus de fiebres prolongadas;
debilidad general, hgado infantil e ictericia.
Abatimiento; no desea hacer ningn trabajo o hablar; inquietud; fcilmente se encoleriza.
Vrtigo; pesadez y dolores pulstiles en el occipucio.
Enrojecimiento en los ojos, tinte amarillento en los ojos.
Secrecin acuosa de la nariz con estornudos ocasionales.
Sabor amargo en la boca con sequedad y ardor en la garganta y lengua saburral blanca.
Ardor en el trax; pesadez en el abdomen sin sensacin de hambre: hgado hipertrofiado;
ictericia infantil.
Alterna diarrea y estreimiento; frecuente deseo de defecar sin evacuaciones; heces duras,
negras; heces flojas amarillentas.
Orina de color intenso; espesa y amarilla en color.
Fiebre con escalofro y calor en todo el cuerpo; hay cefalea con sed; ardor en todo el cuerpo
mejorado por agua y aire fro; la fiebre aparece a las 11 a.m. , otra vez a las 7-8 p.m. ; fiebre
remitente o intermitente; aversin a moverse durante la fiebre.
Tintura madre, 3x, 6x, 30.
Una medicina de mucosas
Formas crnicas de inflamacin de la membrana de Schneider (mucosa de fosas nasales,
pituitaria) con relajacin considerable y secrecin profusa
De valor importante en estados catarrales, con sensacin de obstruccin completa en la
cabeza y garganta
Util en cortes, contusiones y torceduras; y como diurtico en el paludismo
An no experimentado, pero ha sido til en secreciones profusas de las mucosas y serosas;
en catarro nasal y farngeo, diarrea y uretritis
Recomendado en enfermedades del corazn, como un agente que aquieta cuando est
excitado indebidamente
Flatulencia; promueve la digestin.
Comparar Piper meth.
La tintura internamente y localmente en aspersin.
** 6- Caries en los huesos largos (hmero, tibia, fmur, etc.), con lceras muy dolorosas, que
penetran hasta la mdula sea; salen secuestros. Especialmente en personas que se
ofenden muy fcilmente y tienen un intenso deseo de caf.
** 7- Ttano traumtico, con espasmos por el menor contacto, por ruidos o por beber agua
tibia; con trismus (ver 17), opisttonos, cianosis, respiracin trabajosa en los espasmos,
gruidos y ojos cerrados. Ttano del recin nacido.
* 8- Modalidades: peor a las 15 horas, por tocar las partes afectadas, por tomar leche caliente,
moviendo o levantando los brazos, agachndose. Mejor por aplicaciones fras y acostado
del lado izquierdo, por reposo.
15- Mareos leyendo. Calor en la frente de noche. Cefalea con ardor en la cara. Cabeza
tironeada hacia la derecha, luego a izquierda.
16- Miopa, debe acercar los objetos para verlos bien. Visin turbia.
19- Sed, constante deseo de beber, especialmente bebidas fras; o sensacin de sed, sin deseo
de beber. Gusto amargo. La saliva cae de la boca. Odontalgia, mejor por fro local.
* 20- Trastornos gstricos disppticos: acidez, anorexia, lengua sucia, gusto feo. Eructos con
tos. Hipo despus de toser.
21- Dolores de vientre cortantes o punzantes, con ruidos, por leche caliente. Dolor que va en
una lnea desde el ombligo hasta detrs del esternn. Sensacin de dormido en el
hipocondrio izquierdo.
27- Prurito en la espalda. Opisttonos. Dolores en columna, peor por presin. Dolores
cervicales, peor moviendo los brazos.
* 28- Dolores en las rodillas. Crujidos articulares. Dedos fros. Brazos cansados y pesados.
Dolor en miembros al caminar. Parlisis inminente en las piernas, con temblor en los
pies. Dolores desgarrantes en los huesos: peor en reposo, por esfuerzo y presin; mejor
por extensin y aplicaciones fras.
Caractersticas.- Los efectos de la Angustura son muy cercanos a los de Nux, Ruta y
Mercurius . El estado mental es de sobre sensibilidad y excitabilidad; la menor ofensa,
una bagatela, lo irrita como con Nux v . Por otro lado hay pusilanimidad, que
corresponde ms a Ruta . Entre los aspectos prominentes estn: Tironeo, tensin y
rigidez de los msculos y articulaciones; magullado, sensacin de adolorido como
despus de un golpe. Tironeo de la cabeza al lado derecho, ms tarde al izquierdo.
Miopa. Calor en la frente en la noche. Exostosis de maxilar inferior. Trismus
neonatarum (cuando se ha dado mucho Mercury ). Tironeos en molares derechos
superiores > ponerse el dedo fro. Sed, deseo constante de beber. Deseo irresistible de
tomar caf. Hipo despus de tos. Eructos con tos (Ambra) . Cada evacuacin es seguida
de escalofro, sensacin de hormigueo en la cara. Tenesmo con heces blandas.
Hemorroides protruden con heces duras, nudosas. Emisiones seminales. Prurito en la
punta del glande (cuando camina al aire libre). Prurito violento en el escroto. Tos seca
por rasposo en la garganta o irritacin detrs del esternn. Irritacin detrs del esternn
hasta la espalda. Palpitaciones < al sentarse doblado y > por sentarse erecto. Dolores
cortantes de un punto de la escpula derecha a mama, cerca del pezn (Chel). Dolor en
vrtebras cervicales < al mover los brazos. Desgarrantes como si en los huesos, < por
reposo; > por aplicaciones fras; > por extensin; < esfuerzo y presin. La mdula
espinal y msculos extensores, se afectan principalmente; ruidos en todas las
articulaciones. Caries de huesos largos. He verificado el poder de Angus. sobre los
huesos largos en caso de periostitis de la tibia en un muchacho escrofuloso. La 5a
trituracin rpidamente detuvo la inflamacin despus de fallar el Merc. viv Sntomas <
por el esfuerzo; al pararse; sentarse doblado (palpitaciones); moviendo o alzando los
brazos; bebiendo leche caliente; 3 p.m. (tos floja); > por aplicarse el dedo fro
(odontalgia); aplicaciones fras; extensin; acostado sobre el lado izquierdo.
Trastornos reumticos y paralticos- gran dificultad para caminar
Crujidos en todas las articulaciones.
El gran deseo de caf es un sntoma caracterstico
Caries de huesos largos
Rigidez de msculos y articulaciones
Accin principal en nervios motores medulares y mucosas.
Muy sensible
Cefalea, con calor en la cara
Dolor agudo en las mejillas
Tironeo en msculos faciales
Dolor en msculos temporales, cuando abre la boca
Dolor en la articulacin del maxilar, en msculos maseteros, como fatigados por masticar
Dolores calambroides en el arco zigomtico.
Sabor amargo
Deseo irresistible de caf
Dolor del ombligo al esternn
Dispepsia atnica
Eructos, con tos. [Ambra.]
Diarrea y clico
Tenesmo con heces blandas; diarrea crnica, con debilidad y prdida de masa muscular
Ardor en el ano.
Prurito a lo largo de la espalda
Dolor en vrtebras cervicales
Tironeo en el cuello
Dolor en la columna, en la nuca y sacro, peor a la presin
Contracciones y sacudidas a lo largo de la espalda
Se dobla hacia atrs.
Rigidez y tensin de msculos y articulaciones
Dolor en extremidades al caminar
Brazos cansados y pesados
Caries de huesos largos
Frialdad de los dedos
Dolor en rodillas
Crujidos en articulaciones.
Caries, lceras muy dolorosas que afectan al hueso.
Comparar: Nux, Ruta, Merc., Brucea.- Corteza de Nux vomica o angustura falsa.
(Espasmos tetnicos con conciencia inalterada, peor por el ruido, lquidos, extremidades
inferiores paralizadas, peor al menor contacto, llora por miedo a que lo toquen
Sacudidas dolorosas de las piernas; dolores como calambres en las rodillas; rigidez y
debilidad de extremidades en paralticos
Para dolor cuando pasan clculos.)
Potencia sexta.
(Angustura or Augusturoe.)
(The best pieces of the bark of this South American tree, called Bonplandia trifoliata, are
about one line in thickness, slightly bent, on their external convex side covered with a
greyish-white, easily scraped off, fine coating; traversed by fine transverse furrows; on the
inner concave surface of a bright brownish yellow, very friable, and cinnamon coloured and
porous on the fractured surface; of a disagreeable spicy smell, and of a penetrating,
somewhat hot, spicy bitter taste, the powder of which resembles rhubarb powder in colour;
the decoction is not precipitated by a solution of sulphate of iron. Fifty grains of this
powder digested in 1000 drops alcohol without heat so as to form a tincture are employed
for medicinal after appropriate dilution).
For many years complaints have been publicly made about a substitution in commerce for
this true angustura bark of a false bark, which displays dangerous and poisonous properties,
and for many years the tree from which this false bark was derived was unknown.
Now the Brucea ferruginea is said to be the tree from which this false suspicious bark is
derived; chemical investigation has shown that it furnishes the same alkaloid as nux
vomica, ignatia, c. However, the above-described genuine angustura bark likewise
possesses uncommonly great medicinal power, so that, when it is procured direct from the
tree Bonplandia trifoliata at St. Thomas del Angustura, in South America, as it is now,
without any doubt it can, like every other very powerful medicine, do great harm if given in
immoderate does and in unsuitable cases.
In F.A.G. Emmert's Curgeschichte (Hufeland's Journ., August, 1815, p.75) a case is related
where three tablespoonfuls of a decoction of five ounces of (presumably spurious)
angustura bark, evaporated to five ounces of liquid, were given to a boy five and a half
years old.
This unreasonable dose, which contained about an ounce and a half of angustura power,
proved fatal, as we read with a shudder, in a couple of hours, with horrible sufferings.
This substance would in the same dose have a like effect not only on a boy but on an adult
In this fatal case described by EMMERT the boy presented the following symptoms :
Trembling, soon passing into violent convulsions (aft. 1/2 h.) When the medical attendant
touched the arm in order to feel the pulse tetanus suddenly ensued.
The eyelids were wide open.
The eyes were staring, projecting, and immovable.
Trismus, with wide separation of the lips, so that the front teeth were quite exposed.
Tension of individual facial muscles.
The limbs were stretched out to the utmost, stiff, and stark.
The spinal column and the head strongly drawn backwards.
The trunk was from time to time shaken by violent jerking along the back, as from electric
shocks, and somewhat raised.
Cheeks and lips became blue.
Respiration intermitting.
After an attack that lasted six minutes the boy breathed with great effort, panting, with
blueness of the cheeks and lips.
Great and frequent longing for coffee.
Even swallowing tepid water excited tetanic spasms.
Pulse 102, spasmodic, irregular.
The tetanus sometimes returned without perceptible cause, sometimes was excited by a
noise, or by touching any portion of the body; he constantly called out that no one should
touch him.
After the tetanus the eyes were closed, the forehead and face covered with sweat; blueness
of the cheeks and lips; groaning without (acknowledged) pains.
The whole body became flaccid and relaxed; the eye dead-like convulsive breathing came
back only after long pauses.
Death after an hour.
Half an hour after death the body was stiff and stark.
After twenty-four hours there was already a strong corpse-like smell outside and inside; on
opening the veins cherry-coloured fluid blood was found.
The right lung was externally pale and bloated, internally full of blood; the left lung was
externally blue, when incised blackish and very heavy from blood.
Besides the above other reports of the consequences of strong doses of angustura have
been recorded, such as spasmodic twitchings, vertigo, anxiety, immobility of the muscles as
from stiffening, and a report has been communicated to me by the late.
Dr. Wrzner, of Eilenburg, relating to four persons, each of whom took from ten to twelve
grains of the extract in the form of pills, in whom there occurred : Stiffness of all the
muscles of the body, like tetanus; one fell to the ground suddenly, retaining his
Closure of the jaws, trismus.
Very similar though slighter symptoms will be found in the following list of the effects of
carefully selected pieces of angustura bark on the healthy body.
I have employed for homoeopathic purposes the smallest portion of a drop of the billionth
dilution of the above-described alcoholic tincture, but have found that in some cases a still
higher dilution would have been more suitable Camphor is not an antidote for its too violent
effects, but coffee is.
- In the open air, vertigo (aft. 20 h.).
- A feeling of vertigo comes over him when he crosses flowing water or walks at the side
of a canal; he fears he will sink. [Fz.]
- Dulness and stupid feeling in the head, as from intoxication on the previous day. [Mlr.]
- The head is confused; throbbing in the forehead.
- Confusion and contractive feeling in the head on walking quickly. [Fz.]
- Suddenly great confusion of the head, as from a skin stretched over the brain, for half an
hour (aft. 1/4 h.). [Mss.]
- Great distraction; when he occupies himself with something serious, other things
immediately come into his head (aft. 45 h.). [Fz.]
- Sometimes he loses himself, now in a dreamy state, now in complete absence of thought,
and he readily falls asleep when reading. [Fz.]
- In the afternoon, along with repeated (occurring the first three afternoons) warmth of the
body, excessive liveliness, and very active memory; but he can think of nothing attentively
on account of a not disagreeable scheme that forces itself upon him, which he almost thinks
is true and feasible, and owing to which he neither sees nor hears anything beside-a kind of
very strong waking dream (aft. 4 d.). [Fz.]
- In the afternoon great sprightliness and vivacity of the mind; he comprehends everything
much more easily than on the first day, and more readily than before, but on account of a
feeling of inward restlessness as if a great happiness awaited him, and on account of a
concourse of scheming ideas, he is unable to stick to his subject (aft. 35 h.) [Fz.]
- In the morning after rising great weight in the forehead without confusion (aft. 3 d.). [Fz.]
- In the open air he had some headache and heat (towards evening).
- Cramp-like headache.
- Headache : aching in the forehead above both eyes, as if all would come out there, during
rest and when moving.
- Aching in the left half of the brain on bending down the head, which is relieved by raising
it up (immediately). [Mss.]
- Aching in the temples T (aft. 1 h.). [Fz.]
- Towards evening, aching pain in the forehead, with great heat in the face. [Fz.]
- Headache only occurred when there was heat of face. [Fz.]
- The headaches always occur in the evening when it becomes dark, and last till he goes to
sleep. [Gss.]
- Headache as if all moved round in the brain, with aching and boring pain, especially in
the temples; if he lays his head down on the table, he feels, with the exception of some
tension in the forehead, for the moment nothing, but the pains soon come back, only not so
severe; on the other hand, when he raises the head up, they again increase to their former
intensity (aft. 12 h.). [Fz.]
- Aching in the forehead. [Hsch.]
- Bruised pain in the brain in the sinciput, increased by stooping, diminished in the open air
- Boring headache in the temples.
- A stitch as from electricity darting up and down from the temples.
- Drawing, aching pain in the temporal region. [Hsch.]
- Headache : aching in the occiput, in the afternoon.
- In the evening aching, drawing pain in the right side of the head, with aching in the lower
jaw (aft. 16 h.) [Fz.]
- Rather external tearing headache from the crown forwards over the temple (aft. 24 h.).
- Intermittent needle-pricks in the right temporal region, rather externally (aft. 4 h.) [Lr.]
- Continued itching stitches in the forehead and temple, externally, which are not removed
by rubbing (aft. 5 h.) [Ws.]
- Stiffness, numbness, in the temporal muscles, as if something were forced out there.
- Tensive pain in the temporal muscles on opening the jaws.
- Twitching under the skin of the left parietal region, on a small spot, which when pressed
pains as if bruised (aft. 1 h.) [Mss.]
- Whilst reading a quivering between the eyebrows.
- Some stitches above the eyes.
- Contraction of the pupils (aft. 3 3/4 h.). [Lr.]
- Dilatation of the pupils (aft. 13 h.). [Lr.]
- In the afternoon and evening, several times a violent burning in the inner half of the eyes
themselves and in their inner canthus.
- A tension first in one then in the other eye, as from behind, in the morning.
- Pressure on the right eye and orbit in the evening (aft. 14 h.). [Fz.]
- In both eyes an aching, as if a dazzling light struck them, and the eyes became weak.
- The eyes are red and burn from heat; in the morning they are sealed up with matter.
- Sore pain of the eyelids.
- Feeling of dryness under the upper eyelids.
- Itching stitches on the upper eyelid, not removable by rubbing (aft. 1 h.). [Ws.]
- Like a thin vapour before the eyes, soon going off.
- In the morning, after rising, quite dim before the eyes, as if the cornea were dim (aft.24
h.). [Fz.]
- Sharper and more distinct vision at a distance than usual. [Hsch.]
- Long sight : he could see distant objects distinctly, though he is naturally very short-
sighted (aft. 2 1/2 h.). [Lr.]
- Cramp-pain on the zygomatic arch (aft. 1/4 h.). [Ws.]
- The hearing is much more acute than usual (aft. 5 1/2 h.). [Fz.]
- Ringing in the right ear (aft. 33 h.) [Lr.]
- Stitches in the anterior part of the meatus auditorius externus.
- A burning in the inner ear, in the region of the membrana tympani.
- Sensation as if something came in front of the ear and something were sticking in it.
- Cramp in the external ear.
- Heat in the lobe of the ear.
- Tearing, twitching before the left ear (aft. 1 h.). [Ws.]
- Transient drawing several times, now in the right, now in the left ear. [Mss.]
- Very painful tearing twitching in the interior of the right ear, which gradually changes
into drawing (aft. 1 h.) [Mss.]
- Behind the ears, on the side of the neck, a throbbing pain, as if the great cerebral artery
was beating violently.
- Tearing in a boil over the right mastoid process (aft. 1/4 h.). [Mss.]
- Heat in the ears and in both cheeks.
- Smarting, sore feeling deep in the nose (immediately).
- In the evening hot feeling on the cheek, which does not feel warm to the touch (aft. 12
h.). [Fz.]
- Feeling of heat in both cheeks, without externally perceptible warmth.
- Pain in the masseter muscles of the cheek, as if he had chewed too strongly and had tired
- In the masseter muscles near the maxillary joint a cramp-like pain, especially when at
rest, which is relieved by opening and shutting the jaw.
- Great dryness of the lips and mouth without thirst (aft. 3 h.). [Fz.]
- (A digging in the lower jaw) (aft. 18 h.).
- Slight drawing in undefined upper molars. [Mss.]
- Drawing pain in both right upper incisors. [Mss.]
- Drawing pain apparently among the crowns of the right middle upper molars, palliatively
alleviated by applying a cold finger (aft. 1 h.). [Mss.]
- Throbbing toothache in a hollow tooth, in the evening, after lying down (aft. 14 h.).
- In the gums of the right upper row a shooting drawing (aft. 3 h.).
- Shooting, pinching on the tip of the tongue extremely painful, even when not moving it
(aft. 6 h.). [Ws.].
- Burning on the left side of the tongue almost on its border, as from pepper (aft. 3 h.). [Lr.]
- White tongue, with rough sensation (aft. 12 h.). [Lr.]
- Roughness and dryness on the back of the palate and in the fauces, without thirst, worse
when swallowing (aft. 25 h.). [Lr.]
- The voice is louder and bolder (aft. 5 1/2 h.). [Fz.].
- (Taste like peach kernels in the mouth).
- (Bread tastes sour to her.)
- Bitter taste in the mouth after (accustomed) tobacco-smoking [Mlr.]
- Putrid, flat taste in the mouth for a short time (aft. 2 h.). [Mss.]
- After dinner, which tasted good, bitter taste in the mouth, and several slight eructations
(aft. 30 h.). [Fz.]
- No desire to drink and no pleasure in doing so, and yet sensation of thirst more for warm
than for cold drinks; but cold drinks did not produce chilliness.
- Much thirst for cold drinks (aft. 15 h.). [Lr.]
- Frequent hiccup (aft. 3 h.). [Lr.]
- Nausea, especially while eating. [Mlr.]
- Sensation of nausea in the stomach (aft. 1 h.). [Ws.]
- In the evening during slumber he had very viscid, sickly tasting, and putrid mucus in the
mouth, and could not drink enough. [Fz.]
- Although he has great appetite, food is not relished; he feels as if it were repugnant to
him, at the same time an incomplete eructation causes fulness in the chest, and yet he
cannot get satiated with a very plentiful meal (aft. 6 h.). [Fz.]
- When walking, nausea, as if he would fall down in a faint; at the same time great
exhaustion all over, which is not relieved by sitting down; he then felt as if the nausea rose
into his head, and he became hungry.
- On commencing to eat a cutting pain in the stomach like sore pain, which went off on
continuing to eat (aft. 3 d.) [Fz.]
- After eating, much eructation of wind.
- Bilious eructation.
- Cramp-like, pinching pain under the scrobiculus cordis, in the evening, while sitting (aft.
13 h.). [Fz.]
- Cutting tearing in the scrobiculus cordis, increased by moving the trunk, after dinner.
- Shooting in the abdomen, followed by a drawing in it.
- Under the short ribs, in the right side of the abdomen, a cutting on moving the trunk (aft.
48 h.). [Gss.]
- In the left side of the abdomen, flying, shaking, obtuse stitches here and there. [Gss.]
- An obtuse shooting in the hypogastrium, on the left side, near the navel (aft. 24 h.). [Gss.]
- In the left lumbar region cutting pain from within outwards (aft. 3 h.). [Ws.]
- Cutting in the hypogastrium over and across the os pubis, with pressing towards the
rectum (aft. 1/4 h.). [Mss.]
- Cramp-like pain in the abdomen when walking. [Fz.]
- Pinching in the right lumbar region when at rest. [Ws.]
- Drawing, bruised pain in the right side of the abdomen when walking in the open air (aft.
1 h.). [Fz.]
- Pressure in the hypogastrium from within outwards, with anxiety (aft. 16 h.). [Fz.]
- Above the os pubis a cramp-like pressure when sitting, as if something bored outwards
there (aft. 12 h.). [Fz.]
- Audible rumbling in the abdomen, with eructation. [Fz.]
- A fermentation and rumbling in the abdomen, as if diarrhoea would ensue, with
displacement of flatulence (aft. 3 h.). [Mlr.]
- Loud gurgling in the abdomen.
- On drinking warm milk a cutting and gurgling in the hypogastrium above and across the
os pubis (aft. 1/4 h.). [Mss.]
- Painless movements, almost incessant rumbling and gurgling in the bowels, for three
hours. [Mss.]
- In the morning after previous cutting in the abdomen and nausea, diarrhoea ensues; the
last stool was pure mucus.
- Cutting in the abdomen and purging; the last time mucous (aft. 12, 84 h.).
- Diarrhoeic commotion, with penetrating drawing through all the intestines (aft. 2 h.).
- Repeated sensation in the bowels as if diarrhoea would ensue. [Mss.]
- (Crawling tickling in the rectum, as from ascarides.)
- Frequent straining in the rectum as if diarrhoea would come on immediately, with
shuddering over the face [Mss.]
- After every stool shuddering over the face, with goose-skin. [Mss.]
- The stool was not so thin as the diarrhoeic feeling led him to anticipate. [Mss.]
- Feeling as if the stool had not been completely evacuated, and as if there was more to
come. [Mss.]
- Sensation in the rectum as if it would come out, followed by the evacuation of a yellow,
soft, very copious stool (aft. 1 1/2 h.). [Fz.]
- Within four hours, three evacuations of a large quantity of thin faeces. [Mss.]
- Thin copious stool, without pains (aft. 2 h.). [Gss.]
- Discharge of sinking flatus. [Mss.]
- Painful pressing, as from great contraction of the anus, with swelling of the
haemorrhoidal veins, accompanied by burning pain, as if the anus was corroded, with a soft
stool (aft. 3 d.). [Fz.]
- Moderate constipation. [Fz.]
- Frequent, though not urgent, call to stool; he felt as if the stool would not come, and when
the endeavoured to evacuate, only some hard pieces came away, with much pressing and
straining (aft. 12 h.). [Lr.]
- Orange-coloured urine, which soon becomes very turbid (aft. 24 h.).
- Frequent urging to urinate, with scanty discharge of urine (aft. 2 h.). [Lr.]
- (A burning after urinating; he had frequent call to urinate, but only a few dark yellow
drops were passed, which always caused burning.)
- Frequent discharge of copious, white urine, preceded by pressing in the bladder; and,
after urinating, ineffectual straining-strangury (aft. 36 h.). [Fz.]
- A voluptuous itching at the point of the glans, which compelled him to rub it, when
walking in the open air (aft. 6 1/2 h.). [Lr.]
- Itching of the scrotum.
- On the prepuce shooting, sometimes itching.
- (Drawing, alternating with twitching, in the left spermatic cord, with sensation of
shuddering in the neighbouring parts of the scrotum and thigh.) [Mss.]
- A stitch in the epiglottis (immediately).
- Hoarseness caused by much mucus in the larynx (aft. 10 h.). [Fz.]
- Tickling irritation in the upper part of the larynx, which caused dry short cough, lasting a
long time (aft. 2 3/4 h.). [Lr.]
- Frequent short cough, followed by a single sob (aft. 15 h.).
- All day long tussiculation from an irritation deep in the larynx, which, only when walking
in the open air, was associated with rattling in the chest, and with much expectoration of
yellow mucus. [Lr.]
- Violent cough from deep down in the trachea, in the morning, with expectoration of
yellow mucus (aft. 24 h.). [Lr.]
- Often scrapy in the throat; he must hawk, without being able to bring up anything (aft. 6
h.). [Ws.]
- In the trachea viscid mucus, which is not easily coughed up (aft. 10, 11 h.). [Fz.]
- Cutting pressure in both sides of the chest, at first only when inspiring, afterwards
increased to cutting blows, which continue even when holding the breath (aft. 1 h.). [Ws.]
- Transient tightness of the chest (immediately).
- On walking quickly, tightness of the chest and aching in its left side (aft. 12 h.). [Fz.]
- Pain in the pectoral muscles in the morning, which she moves in bed, and during the day,
when she lays the arms together, they pain as if bruised; on touching the parts she feels
nothing, not even when breathing.
- A sharp aching, as it were pinching pain in the upper part of the chest, on a small spot
(aft. 15 h.).
- Cutting stitches in the last rib during inspiration, and besides that shortly before going to
sleep and after lying down.
- Spasm of the chest, as when suddenly exposed to severe cold. [Myr.]
- Pressure over the whole of the right side of chest and abdomen, as if it were compressed
from before and behind, with sharp inward-cutting down the sternum and behind on the
spine, increased by inspiration and every movement of the trunk (aft. 5 h.). [Ws.]
- Towards evening, on going upstairs, great oppression and pressure on the chest, with
aching on the sides of the frontal bone and violent palpitation of the heart (aft. 2 h.). [Fz.]
- Cutting blows on the sternum and spine, towards the interior (aft. 36 h.). [Ws.]
- When sitting and bending forwards, violent palpitation of the heart, with painful sensation
of contraction of the heart. [Gss.]
- In the evening, in bed, while lying on the left side, he feels a violent palpitation of the
heart; relieved by sitting up. [Gss.]
- A beating pain in the cardiac region. [Hsch.]
- When he takes as deep a breath as he can, it seems to stop under the upper part of the
sternum; he feels there a pain, almost like obtuse shooting or pressure (aft. 72 h.). [Gss.]
- On drawing in the breath, internally a trembling feeling, like hiccup, so that he has to
draw his breath, as it were, in two jerks (aft. 8 h.). [Fz.]
- Cutting pressure out from the thoracic cavity, with feeling of anxiety. (aft. 1/2 h). [Ws.]
- Single stitches on the sternum when sitting (aft. 28 h). [Lr.]
- Painful sensibility of the chest when he presses but lightly on it (aft. 24 h.). [Ws.]
- Pressure on the chest towards the axilla and on the tendon of the pectoralis major (aft. 3
d.). [Fz.]
- Very sharp, shooting, itching in front at the last right true rib, which at first does not go
off even by scratching, but afterwards disappears spontaneously (aft. 24 h.). [Fz.]
- In the morning, in bed, pain in the sacrum as if all were broken; after rising she could not
lift anything from the ground for some hours; then hunger, followed by cutting in the
abdomen and purging, at last mucous evacuations.
- All night a pressing in the sacrum as if bruised; she often woke up from this pain; it was
worst about 4 a.m., but when she got up it was gone.
- In the morning, in bed, pain of stiffness betwixt the scapulae and in the nape, like
drawing; on getting up she could not move herself with the arms for pain nor turn her neck
all the forenoon-for several successive mornings, until noon, with exhaustion of the whole
- Stitches below and near the sacrum when sitting. [Fz.]
- Dull clucking in the os sacrum (aft. 1 h.). [Ws.]
- Sacral pain more to one side, as if bruised, and drawing aching, when sitting (aft. 35 h.).
- At night in bed he often feels in the right side, near the spine, betwixt the scapulae, when
moving, a stitch, that seems to penetrate deep into the chest. [Gss.]
- In the left cervical muscles, towards the shoulder, only when moving, a bruised pain, and
as if over-stretched, which is relieved in the open air.
- Tension in the dorsal muscles at the axilla; he has a difficulty in raising up the arms
(immediately) [Ws.]
- Cutting stitches on the scapula.
- In the nape a drawing stitch.
- Strong quivering in the cervical muscles of the left side (aft. 2 h.). [Mss.]
- Even when at rest tension anteriorly on the right side of the neck, together with sharp
stitches (aft. 3 h.). [Ws.]
- Obtuse stitches betwixt the top of the left shoulder and the neck. [Gss.]
- On the shoulder a quivering pain.
- Aching cutting in the axilla (aft. 1/4 h.). [Ws.]
- Aching pain in the humerus, like bruised pain (aft. 1 3/4 h.). [Lr.]
- The left arm is heavy when walking, with aching externally on the bend of the elbow, as
if it were drawn down, when he lets it hang freely (aft. 4 h.). [Fz.]
- On stretching out the arm sensation as if he had held a great weight for a long time in the
hand-a kind of paralysis.
- Stiffness in the elbow-joints, with weakness of the forearms.
- Pain on the elbow-joint, as if in the sinews, as if he had received a blow there, increased
by moving the arm and by leaning upon it (after walking in the open air) (aft. 24 h.).
- Fine itching on the arms which goes off by rubbing (aft. 1 h.). [Ws.]
- Fine tearing in the arms, rather as if in the bones, worse when at rest than when moving
(aft. 2 h.). [Ws.]
- Drawing in the forearm and hand, like cramp
- Single, deeply penetrating stitches above the right wrist (aft. 7 h.). [Ws.]
- Hot feeling on the back of the left hand (aft. 6 h.). [Fz.]
- Rheumatic drawing aching on the back of the right hand, in the evening. [Fz.]
- Obtuse stitches on the back of the right hand, in front of the wrist (aft. 1/2 h.). [Ws.]
- Drawing in one finger of the left hand.
- Pain in the right middle finger as if it were torn out.
- Pain in the proximal finger-joints as when an ulcerated part is moved.
- Insensibility of the ring finger, as if numb, stiff, and dead.
- The fingers of the right hand only are cold to the touch, with feeling of cold (aft. 8 h.).
- Aching pain internally in the flesh of the left thumb-ball (aft. 1/4 h.). [Mss.]
- Drawing round about the thumb-joint, as if it were sprained, especially when he bends the
thumb [Fz.]
- The whole right side of the abdomen and of the thigh and leg is as if bruised, and as if it
would break on account of rheumatic drawing when walking (aft. 1 1/2 h.). [Fz.]
- Sudden heaviness and exhaustion in the lower limbs (aft. 1/4 h.). [Mss.]
- In the pelvis, when walking, a drawing squeezing sensation.
- Cramp pain on the superior border of the os ilii extending to the spine (aft. 12 h.). [Ws.]
- Frequent pain in the hip, on moving, as if stiff, or as if dislocated almost like cramp.
- On the left os innominatum, just behind the hip-joint, obtuse stitches in short fits,
increased by every movement. [Gss.]
- The hip-joint superiorly pains as if dislocated, and is almost useless for walking. [Fz.]
- On the sciatic nerve, on the back of the thigh downwards, a boring paralytic pain. [Fz.]
- In both inguinal joints, deep in the sinews, an aching drawing pain when rising from a
seat (aft. 7 h.). [Fz.]
- Fine stitches dart through the skin of the gluteal muscles, with external formication (aft. 6
h.). [Ws.]
- Sharp stitches in the anterior muscles on the right thigh. [Gss.]
- Twitching stitches in the left thigh and the superior border of the os ilii, extremely
painful, only when sitting (aft. 1/4 h.). [Wsl.]
- In the anterior muscles of the right thigh a tensive pain when he flexes the knee. [Gss.]
- After walking in the open air, excessively tired, especially in the thighs.
- A fatigue and lassitude in all the limbs, without sleepiness.
- The anterior muscles of the right thigh are as if paralyzed; when moving he feels a painful
tension. [Gss.]
- Fine tearing in the thighs, more as if in the bones, worse when at rest than when moving
(aft. 2 h.). [Ws.]
- On the outside of the thigh a drawing aching pain when walking. [Fz.]
- Cramp pain in the middle of the posterior part of the thigh, only when walking (aft. 21
h.). [Ws.]
- Anteriorly and superiorly on the recti muscles of the thigh a tensive aching pain on
extending it (aft. 2 1/2 h.). [Fz.]
- Fine itching on the thighs that goes off by rubbing (aft. 1 h.). [Ws.]
- He cannot walk at all quick; the lower limbs feel stiff. [Fz.]
- Weakness of the lower limbs, especially felt above the knee-joint, as after a long journey
on foot.
- In the lower extremities feeling of stiffness, almost as if contact with a sickly person had
bereft him of strength.
- In the right knee-joint, when walking and when lifting the leg stretched forwards, a
drawing squeezing sensation.
- In the external tendons of the hough stitches darting upwards, when walking in the open
air (aft. 13 h.). [Lr.]
- Intermittent needle-pricks on the left patella, when walking in the open air (aft. 6 h.). [Lr.]
- Spasmodic stretching drawing in the calf, and from the hough into he thigh. [Fz.]
- Paralytic sensation, as from contraction of the ligaments, from the middle of the hough to
the calf, when at rest and when moving (aft. 1/2 h.). [Mss.]
- On crossing the legs he feels a spasmodic tearing drawing in the heel of the left foot that
is planted firmly on the ground and in its ball, and an aching drawing on the knee of the
other leg that is thrown across (aft. 10 h.). [Fz.]
- Drawing in the tibia and the neighbouring muscles.
- On the tibia and about the ankle-joint, while walking, a drawing, softly pressing pain and
sensation as if the tibia would break, which prevents him walking. [Fz.]
- Obtuse stitches on the left tibia (aft. 1 h.). [Ws.]
- Burning on the tibiae when walking. [Fz.]
- Pressure and drawing on the tibia, in the evening, when sitting (aft. 12 h.). [Fz.]
- In the morning, when walking about, a drawing aching pain in the ankle-joints, with heat
in them, and sensation as if they were dislocated, towards the outer ankle (aft. 3 d.). [Fz.]
- The legs are numb and stiff up to the knees, but without formication.
- Pressing pain, as from dislocation, on the right foot, while walking in the open air (aft. 2
1/4 h.). [Lr.]
- Cramp in the feet, for instants.
- Cramp pain in the front part of the foot without actual muscular contraction, that is to say,
without spasmodic cramp, more when seated and when at rest (aft. 1/2 h.).
- Pain in the foot, when treading.
- Cramp-like pain in the foot, and the following day an aching pain and as if bruised when
- Paralysis in the ankle-joints. [Hsch.]
- Obtuse shooting drawing in the right ankle-joint, when sitting (aft. 11 h.). [Fz.]
- Burning sensation of heat about the right external ankle, while walking and sitting (aft. 26
h.). [Fz.]
- Almost shooting-like tearing on the dorsum of the left foot, mostly when moving. [Fz.]
- On the border of the left foot externally on the projection of the fifth metatarsal bone a
cramp-like aching drawing, as if he had sprained it (aft 5 h.). [Fz.]
- The outer border of the foot and the part below the outer ankle goes to sleep when
walking. [Fz.]
- Shooting in the heel, when sitting, in the evening. [Fz.]
- In the sole of the foot a sudden tearing, when sitting. [Fz.]
- Perspiration of the feet. [Hsch.]
- When walking he feels here and there painful tension in the muscles. [Gss.]
- In the evening, after sitting for an hour, he is quite stiff and contracted; after rising from
his seat he cannot straighten himself (aft. 13 h.). [Fz.]
- Paralytic weakness in the hands and elbow-joints; he can hardly move them, but without
stiffness or other hindrance, with chilliness and loss of vital heat (aft. 1 h.). [Fz.]
- Cracking in almost all the joints, but inaudible.
- Cracking in all the joints (aft. 26 h.). [Fz.]
- Great irritability and strained vivacity, with drawing in the limbs, as if the tendons were
stretched, in the afternoon (aft. 2 d.). [Fz.]
- In the evening, in bed, itching; after rubbing there came flat, very painful sores.
- Sensation in the whole body as if his strength went away, and as if especially the marrow
in the bones were stiffer and more coagulated (immediately).
- When not engaged in any mental work he is tolerably brisk and lively; but he becomes
dazed when he reads anything, and immediately falls asleep. [Fz.]
- In the morning discomfort, frequent yawning, and disinclination to all work (aft. 4 d.).
- He falls asleep when reading whilst seated, but starts up at the slightest noise, and has a
shock with great rigor which goes through and through him. [Fz.]
- Frequent attacks of yawning without sleepiness, with a cramp-like pain in the jaws.
- Disposition to constant stretching.
- Very frequent yawning, with stretching and extending the limbs (aft. 24 h.). [Fz.]
- In the evening great weariness and irresistible desire to sleep; he sleeps for an hour while
sitting, with snoring, but when he goes to bed cannot get to sleep before 1 o'clock [Fz.]
- In the evening great drowsiness till 9 o'clock, then great wakefulness until after midnight.
- Sleep disturbed by dreams until 6 a.m., then he wakes up wide, and again falls asleep; in
the morning he could not free himself from sleepiness, and remains drowsy until noon.
- Sleep towards morning, with dreams. [Fz.]
- Vivid dreams, sometimes disagreeable, sometimes anxious, with frequent awaking from
sleep; on again falling asleep he always dreamt of quite other things. [Lr.]
- Restless sleep; she often wakes without cause.
- Restless sleep. [Mlr.]
- At night, restless sleep, and that only towards morning, with dreams. [Fz.]
- Sleep restless and full of dreams, but without waking, and on two successive nights,
pollutions. [Fz.]
- Very confused dreams, sometimes of a horrible character. [Gss.]
- In the morning, chilliness in bed, not followed by heat.
- Violent rigor over the back when walking about the room, in the forenoon (aft. 25 h.).
- In the afternoon (about 3 o'clock), internal shivering, with great thirst, not followed by
heat, for several successive days.
- In the afternoon (about 3 o'clock), shivering with goose-skin, allayed in the open air, and
without thirst, for several successive days.
- After the shivering, slight heat.
- In the forenoon much thirst, and an hour afterwards rigor over the back. [Fz.]
- Towards evening rather warm all over the body.
- In the morning, in bed, heat about the head, with perspiration on the forehead.
- Heat at night, especially in the forehead, so that he cannot sleep after 3 a.m.; then in the
forenoon, about 9 a.m., there occurs rigor.
- Towards evening, for three successive days, increased warmth of the cheeks and body,
with aching pain and confusion of head in the temples and the sides of the forehead. [Fz.]
- Immediately after eating supper, internal and external heat of face. [Mss.]
- In the afternoon, feeling of warmth all over the body, especially in the cheeks, not without
thirst (aft. 2 d.). [Fz.]
- Towards evening, warmth of the whole body, with aching drawing in the side of the
forehead and thirst (aft. 4 d.). [Fz.]
- Warmth of all the body, except the head; the cheeks were cold. [Hsch.]
- In the evening, on coming into the room, great heat, he does not know how to calm
himself, but without thirst (aft 2 d.). [Fz.]
- No confidence in himself to undertake and carry through voluntary movements.
- Pusillanimity.
- Sadness and crossness (aft. 24 h.). [Ws.]
- Sadness, discontent with his position, disagreeable sensitiveness to jokes; slight offences
fill him with bitterness (aft. 12 h.). [Ws.]
- He is easily frightened and starts. [Fz.]
- When walking in the open air his disposition is good and cheerful (immediately).
- Cheerfulness and self-confidence that he can undertake anything with power (aft. 48 h.).
- Briskness and activity of mind. [Hsch.]
- Greatly excited and extravagant spirits, with drawing in the limbs, as if the tendons were
tense, in the afternoon (after two days), [_a2].
- Anxiety, [a10].
- Lachrymose and irritable, [a10].
- Marked ill-humor; everything vexes her, [a10].
- He is easily frightened, and starts, [_a2].
- Pusillanimity, [_a1].
- He has not confidence enough in himself to undertake and perform voluntary motions,
- Prone to anger; every trifle irritates, [a10].
- Ill-humor and peevishness (after twenty-four hours), [a7].
- Discouragement; dissatisfaction with his situation; he does not bear a joke; slight offences
fill him with bitterness (after twelve hours), [a7].
- Liveliness and activity of mind, [a6].
- He feels cheerful and lively when performing no intellectual labor, but becomes dizzy
when reading; he then falls asleep immediately, [_a2].
- Lively mood when walking in the open air (immediately), [_a2].
- In the afternoon, great animation and facility of intellect; he comprehends everything
much more easily than on the first day, and more easily than formerly, but he feels unable to
dwell upon his subject, owing to some internal uneasiness, such as is experienced by those
who anticipate some great pleasure, or also owing to all sorts of plans crowding upon his
mind (after thirty-five hours), [_a2].
- For the first three afternoons the body feels warm; on the third afternoon, extreme
liveliness and quick memory; however, he is not able to think of anything attentively, being
prevented by the intrusion upon his mind of a rather agreeable project which he almost
believes to be real and feasible, and which exclusively absorbs all his attention; it is a sort
of vivid, waking dream (after four days), [_a2].
- Lively mood; he is confident he can achieve everything with vigor (after forty-eight
hours), [a7].
- Great absence of mind; when occupied with something serious, his attention is constantly
arrested by other things (after forty-five hours), [_a2].
- Sometimes he is lost in reverie, and even complete absence of thought; he easily falls
asleep when reading, [_a2].
- Uncomfortable early in the morning; frequent yawning and want of disposition for any
kind of work (after four days), [_a2].
- Suddenly, great confusion of the head, as from a skin drawn over the brain, half an hour
(after a quarter of an hour), [a4].
- Confusion and dulness of the head, as after intoxication, [_a3].
- Confusion and sense of contraction of the head, when walking rapidly, [_a2].
- Confusion of the head; pullings in the forehead, [_a1].
- Vertigo, [a10].
- Periodical vertigo, [a10].
- Vertigo in the open air (after twenty hours), [_a1].
- Vertigo from the occiput when sitting; throbbing in right temple, [a10].
- He is attacked with a feeling of vertigo when crossing a running water or walking by the
side of a ditchful of water; he fears he will sink down, [_a2].
- Dizziness, [a10].
- Swaying of the head, [a10].
- Head drawn first to the right side, then to the left, [a10].
- In the open air, she was attacked with a little headache and heat (towards evening), [_a1].
- Headache occurred only when there was heat in the face, [_a2].
- Fulness in the forehead, [a10].
- Headache always occurred towards evening, when it became dark, and continued until the
moment he fell asleep, [a5].
- Heaviness in the head when sitting, [a10].
- Heat around the head, with sweat upon the forehead, early; when in bed, [_a1].
- Heat rising to the head, [a10].
- Cramplike headache, [_a1].
- Frequent pressure in the head (immediately), [a11].
- Pressure in the head (and toes), (immediately), [a11].
- Headache, as if everything in the brain were moving about, with oppressive and boring
pain, especially in the temples; when laying the forehead upon the table he feels, in the first
moments, nothing except some tension; soon, however, the pains return less violent, and
assume their original violence as soon as the head is raised (after twelve hours), [a5].
- Early, after rising, great heaviness in the forehead, without any confusion (after three
days), [_a2].
- Sometimes, very severe boring in the forehead and sides of the head (third day), [a11].
- Drawing in the forehead (after nine and a half hours), [a11].
- Pressure in the forehead, [a6].
- Pressure in the forehead (immediately), [a11].
- Pressure in the forehead (after one and a half hours), [a11].
- Headache; pressure in the forehead, over both eyes, as if the contents would come out,
both at rest and in motion, [_a1].
- Very severe, frequent pressing pains in forehead, with the sensation of heaviness (after
four hours), [a11].
- Pressive headache in the forehead, towards evening, with great heat in the face, [_a2].
- The brain in the forehead feels bruised; increased by stooping, and diminished in the open
air (immediately), [_a1].
- Severe repeated pains in forehead and temples (after four hours), [a11].
- Drawing in the forehead and pressure in the temples (immediately), [a11].
- Continual itching stitches in the forehead and temple, externally, which do not go off by
rubbing, [a7].
- The temporal muscles feel dead, numb, as if something were pressing out there, [_a1].
- * Tensive pain in the temporal muscles, when opening the jaws, [_a1].
- Boring headache in the temples, [_a1].
- Drawing and oppressive pain in the temporal region, [a6].
- Pressure in the temples (immediately), [a11].
- Pressure in the temples (after one hour), [a11].
- Pressure on the temples, as from a plug, several times (after one hour), [a11]
- Tearing headache, rather externally, extending from the vertex over the temples (after
twenty-four hours), [a7].
- A stitch, as from electricity, starting from the temples upwards and downwards, [_a1].
- Intermittent prickings in the right temporal region, more externally (after four hours),
- Roaring in the temples and sides of the head (immediately), [a11].
- Boring and pressure in vertex (soon after taking), [a11].
- In the evening, drawing and oppressive headache on the right side of the head, with
pressure on the lower jaw (after sixteen hours), [_a2].
- Drawing on the sides of the head, then several times drawing in the legs and feet (early in
morning), [a11].
- Pressure on both sides of the head (soon after taking), [a11].
- Pressure on the sides of the head (immediately), [a11].
- Twitchings at a small place under the skin of the right parietal bone; when pressing upon
the part, it pains as if it were bruised (after one hour), [a4].
- Headache; pressure in the occiput in the afternoon, [_a1].
- Pressure in the left hemisphere when stooping; relieved on raising the head again
(immediately), [a4].
- Drawing at the sides of the occiput (immediately), [a11].
- The eyes are red, and burn; in the morning they are agglutinated, [_a1].
- Violent burning in the inner half of the eyes themselves, and in the internal corners;
afternoons and evenings, [_a1].
- Tension first in one, then in the other eye; it seems from behind forwards, early in the
morning (after forty-eight hours), [_a1].
- Pressure in both eyes, as if a bright light were irritating them, and as if they became
weary, [_a1].
- A few stitches over the eyes, [_a1].
- Eyes feel as if there was sand in them, [a10].
- Pressure on the right eye and the orbit, in the evening (after fourteen hours), [_a2].
- Severe pressure above the right eye and deep in the right orbit (after one and a help
hours), [a11].
- Slight twitchings between the eyebrows while reading, [_a1].
- Feeling of dryness under the upper eyelids, [_a1].
- Sore pain in the eyelids, [_a1].
- Stitches in the right eyelids (after eight hours), [a11].
- Itching stitches in the upper eyelid, which cannot be removed by rubbing (after one hour),
- Dilatation of the pupils (after thirteen hours), [a8].
- Contraction of the pupils (after three and a half hours), [a8].
- He sees much farther and more sharply than usual, [a6].
- Farsightedness; he saw distinctly objects at a distance; whereas he generally was short-
sighted, (after two and a half hours), [a8].
- Early, on rising, dimness before the eyes, as if the cornea were obscured (after twenty-
four hours), [_a2].
- There seems to be a light vapor before the eyes, which soon passes off, [_a1].
- * Tearing in a boil over the right mastoid process (after a quarter of an hour), [a4].
- Heat of the ears and both cheeks, [_a1].
- Pinching in the external ear, [_a1].
- Heat in the lobules, [_a1].
- Sensation as if something were before the ear, and as if something were inserted in it,
- Throbbing pain behind the ears, on the side of the neck, as if the carotid were beating,
- Burning in the internal ear, in the region of the tympanum, [_a1].
- Several transient drawings, now in the right, now in the left ear, [_a1].
- Stitches in the ears (after one hour), [a11].
- Stitches deep in the right ear (after one and a half hours), [a11].
- Very painful tearing twitchings in the right internal ear; they gradually become drawings
(after one hour), [a4].
- Tearing twitchings before the left car (after one hour), [a7].
- Stitches in the meatus auditorius externus, [_a1].
- Hearing is much more acute than usual (after five and a half hours), (curative reaction),
- Ringing in the right ear (after thirty-three hours), [a8].
- Sensation of a corrosive soreness deep in the nose (immediately), [_a1].
- Internal and external heat of the face, immediately after supper, [a4].
- * Drawing in the facial muscles (after one and a half hours), [a11].
- * Drawing in the muscles of the face, (after one hour), [a11].
- * Drawing in the muscles of the face, right side (immediately), [a11].
- Stitches in the right facial muscles (after one and a half hours), [a11].
- Prickling in the facial muscles (after one and a half hours), [a11].
- Feeling of heat in both cheeks, without any external perceptible warmth, [_a1].
- In the evening, hot feeling in the cheeks, which, however, do not feel warm when touched
(after twelve hours), [_a2].
- Pressure, sometimes very severe, in the facial bones, especially in the zygoma (after ten
hours), [a11].
- Cramplike pain at the zygoma (after a quarter of an hour), [a7].
- Stitches in the left zygoma (after one and a half hours), [a11].
- * Pain in the masseter muscles, as if one had fatigued them by chewing too much, [_a1].
- * Cramplike pain near the articulation of the jaw, in the masticator muscles, especially
when at rest; the pain is diminished by opening or closing the jaws, [_a1].
- Pressure several times in the right maxilla (after one hour), [a11].
- Drawing in the maxilla (after one and a half hours), [a11].
- Drawing pain in the two right upper incisors, [a4].
- Throbbing toothache in a hollow tooth, in the evening after lying down (after fourteen
hours), [a7].
- Slight drawing in some of the upper molar teeth, which, however, cannot be defined, [a4].
- Drawing pain which, to judge by the feeling, is between the crowns of the middle upper
right molar teeth, and may be palliated by touching the teeth with the cold finger (after one
hour), [a4].
- Sticking-drawing in the right upper gums (after three hours), [a4].
- White tongue, with a feeling of roughness (after twelve hours), [a8].
- Burning, as of pepper, on the left side of the tongue, almost on its border (after three
hours), [a8].
- Stitches several times at the tip of the tongue (after eight hours), [a11].
- Pinching stitches in the tip of the tongue, which are extremely painful, even when the
tongue is not moved (after six hours), [a7].
- In the evening, during slumber, his mouth had become filled with a viscid, insipid, and
foul phlegm; he could not drink enough, [_a2].
- Great dryness of mouth and lips, without any thirst (after three hours), [_a2].
- Much saliva flows from the mouth, [a10].
- Bitter taste in the mouth after the usual smoking, [_a3].
- Bitter taste in the mouth, and several slight eructations after dinner, which he ate with a
good appetite (after thirty hours), [_a2].
- Foul, flat taste in the mouth for a short time (after two hours), [a4].
- (Bread tastes sour to her), [_a1].
- Taste in the mouth as of peach-pits, [_a1].
- Frequent roughness in the throat; he must hack, without being able to expectorate
anything (after six hours), [_a1].
- Roughness and dryness in the back part of the palate and fauces, without any thirst, worse
when swallowing (after twenty-five hours), [a8].
- Although his appetite is very great, yet he does not relish his food; it seems offensive to
him; at the same time a fulness in the chest, owing to suppressed eructations; he feels
unable to satisfy his appetite by eating a plentiful dinner (after six hours), [_a2].
- Loss of appetite while at dinner, [a10].
- Desires this thing and that, but is disgusted with everything brought to her, [a10].
- Particular aversion to meat, [a10].
- Thirst, [a10].
- Great desire for cold drink (after fifteen hours), [a8].
- Raging desire to drink, but it forsook her when she put the glass to her lips, [a10].
- He has no desire for drink, nevertheless he craves warm drinks more than cold; he did not
feel any chilliness after the cold drinks, [_a1].
- Eructation of water, [a10].
- Many empty eructations after a meal, [_a1].
- Bilious eructations, [_a1].
- Frequent hiccough (after three hours), [a8].
- Sense of nausea in the stomach (after one hour), [a7].
- Nausea, with waterbrash, [a10].
- Nausea, especially during a meal, [_a3].
- Empty feeling in stomach, [a10].
- In the beginning of the meal cutting pain in the stomach, like soreness; it went off during
the meal (after three days), [_a2].
- Nausea during a walk as if he would faint, accompanied by great lassitude the nausea rose
into his head, and he felt hungry, [_a1].
- Cutting-tearing in the pit, increased by moving the trunk, after dinner, [a7].
- Cramplike, pinching pain below the pit of the stomach, in the evening, when sitting (after
thirteen hours), [_a2].
- Cutting under the short ribs, in the right side of the abdomen, when moving the trunk
(after forty-eight hours), [a5].
- Loud rumbling in the abdomen, [_a1].
- Audible rumbling in the abdomen, with eructations, [_a2].
- Fermenting and rumbling in the abdomen, as if diarrhoea would come on, accompanied
by incarceration of flatulence (after three hours), [_a3].
- Painless motions, grumbling, and gurgling in the intestines, continuing
- Emission of stinking flatulence, [a4].
- Slight warmth over the abdomen, [a10].
- Cramplike colic when walking, [_a2].
- Stitches in the abdomen, followed by drawings, [_a1].
- Drawing pain, as from a bruise, in the right side of the abdomen, when walking in the
open air (after one hour), [_a2].
- Dull stitches in the abdomen, on the left side near the navel (after twenty-four hours),
- Dull, shaking, transient shootings here and there, in the left side of the abdomen, [a5].
- Cutting in the hypogastrium transversely over the pubis, with pressure towards the rectum
(after a quarter of an hour), [a4].
- Cutting and gurgling in the hypogastrium, transversely over the pubis, when taking warm
milk (after three-quarters of an hour), [a4].
- Pressure in the hypogastrium, from within outward, accompanied by anguish (after
sixteen hours), [_a2].
- Sense as of drawing and cramping in the pelvis, when walking, [_a1].
- Dull stitches in the left os innominatum, just behind the hip-joint; they occur in short
paroxysms, and are increased by every motion, [a5].
- Pains in the sacrum and abdomen, as if things wound together lay in the abdomen, and
were sore and paralytically pressed upon the sacrum, preventing her from walking about, as
if she were too old and too tired; stooping was also difficult, [a10].
- Cramplike pressure over the pubis when sitting, as if something were boring out there
(after twelve hours), [_a2].
- Periodic throbbing and contraction in the abdomen, in a spot above the mons veneris,
- Several times a sensation in the intestines as if diarrhoea would come on, [a4].
- Pinching in the right lumbar region when at rest, [a7].
- Cutting pain in the left lumbar region, from within outwards (after three hours), [a7].
- Cramplike pain at the upper border of the ilium, extending to the spine (after twelve
hours), [a7].
Urinary organs
- Tenesmus of the bladder, followed by the profuse emission of white urine; tenesmus after
micturition (after thirty-six hours), [_a2].
- Inclination to pass urine during the day; the urine is of a light color, and is passed in large
quantities (after one and a half hours), [a11].
- Frequent desire to urinate, with but little urine (after two hours), [a8].
- Frequent micturition (after one hour), [a11].
- Burning after micturition; one is obliged frequently to urinate, although but a few dark-
yellow drops are emitted each time; they cause a burning each time, [_a1].
- Urine copious, and nearly as light-colored as water (after one hour), [a11].
- Orange-colored urine, soon becoming turbid (after twenty-four hours), [_a1].
Sexual organs
- Stitches, sometimes itching, of the prepuce, [_a1].
- * Voluptuous itching of the tip of the glans, which forces one to rub; when walking in the
open air (after six and a half hours), [a8].
- Itching of the scrotum, [_a1].
- Drawing in the left spermatic cord, alternating with twitches, accompanied by a sensation
of shivering in the neighboring parts of the scrotum and thigh, [a4].
- Prolapsus uteri, [a10].
- Rapid successive stitches in the uterus, relieved by bathing with cold water, [a10].
- Short-lasting pressure in the right ovary, [a10].
- Itching pimples on the left labium major (these usually appear when the menses have
been retarded some time); they burn when urinating; larger pimples on the labia minora,
that itch when touched, [a10].
- Discharge of milky mucus from the vagina, [a10].
- A slight yellowish discharge from the vagina the day before the menses
- Irritation and raging in the genitals, [a10].
- Transient irritation in the genitals, and a contraction of the ligaments of the uterus, [a10].
- Itching and swelling of the genitals, without voluptuous sensation, [a10].
- Itching in the genitals, obliging her to scratch so as to draw blood; after which it abated,
- Disagreeable tickling in the genitals, [a10].
- During her morning sleep she had a pollution, and was out of humor after it, [a10].
- Menses appears two weeks later than usual, [a10].
Respiratory apparatus
- Trembling sensation, internally, resembling hiccough, during an inspiration; the
inspiration is made in two jerks, from within outwards (after eight hours), [_a2].
- Frequent irritation to cough, caused by a tickling arising from under the sternum and
extending into the back, [a10].
- Irritation to dry, hacking cough, [a10].
- Scratching (Kratzen) in larynx, with short cough (after nine and a half hours), [a11].
- Tickling in the larynx, inducing a dry, short, and hacking, cough, continuing a long time
(after two and three-quarters hours), [a8].
- Stitch in the epiglottis (immediately), [_a1].
- Tenacious phlegm in the trachea, difficult to hawk up
- The voice is louder and firmer (curative), (after five and a half hours), [_a2]
- Hoarseness, occasioned by much phlegm in the throat (after ten hours), [_a2].
- Cough, as if something weighed on his lungs, [a10].
- Frequent dry cough (after rising in morning), [a11].
- Frequent short cough, followed by one hiccough, [_a1].
- Some hacking cough, [a10].
- Violent cough, deep from the trachea, early in the morning, accompanied by
expectoration of yellow mucus (after twenty-four hours), [a8].
- A short and hacking cough the whole day, owing to a tickling in the larynx, only when
walking in the open air, with a rattling in the chest and expectoration of much yellow
mucus, [a8].
- Expectoration of sourish, salty water, [a10].
- During a walk peculiar sensation of lightness and well-feeling in the chest (after two
hours), [a11].
- Pain in the muscles of the chest when moving in bed, early in the morning, and, during
the day, when the arms are brought together, they pain as if bruised; on touching the parts,
they feel no pain, not even when breathing, [_a1].
- Quickly passing tightness of the chest (immediately), [_a1].
- Tightness of the chest and pressure in the left side, when walking fast (after twelve
hours), [_a2].
- * Cramp in the chest, as if one had suddenly taken a violent cold, [a9].
- Pressure on the chest, toward the axilla and on the tendon of the pectoralis major (after
three days), [_a2].
- Cutting pressure through the thorax, from within outwards, with a sense of anguish (after
half an hour), [a7].
- Sharply pressing, almost pinching, pain at a small place in the upper portion of the chest
(after fifteen hours), [_a1].
- Oppression of the chest, [a10].
- Great oppression of, and pressure upon, the chest, with pressure on the sides of the frontal
bone, and violent palpitation of the heart, towards evening, when going upstairs (after two
hours), [_a2].
- Drawing pains in the muscles of the thorax (soon after taking), [a11].
- Painful sensitiveness of the chest, even when pressed only feebly (after twenty-four
hours), [a7].
- * Cutting pressure in both sides of the chest, first only during expectoration; afterwards
changed to cutting thrusts, which continue even on holding the breath (after one hour), [a7].
- Lying on the side is painful, [a10].
- Cutting stitches in the last rib during an inspiration, and, moreover, before going to sleep
and after lying down, [_a1].
- Feeling as if the lung were turned over, [a10].
- Contractive pressure in the ribs, above the hypochondria, but more in the right side, [a10].
- Painful contractive sensation on right side of chest, when touching it, as if it were
bruised; worse when raising her arm, [a10].
- Pressure across the whole right side of the chest and abdomen, as if these parts were
being compressed in front and behind, accompanied by sharp cutting, downward, in the
sternum and in the spine, increased by inspiration and every movement of the trunk (after
five hours), [a7].
- Dull stitches between the top of the left shoulder and the neck, [a5].
- Stitches in the right side of the thorax, with feeling of lassitude in the knees (after one
hour), [a11].
- Very sharp itching stitches in front, in the last true rib of the right side, which, in the
beginning, do not pass off by scratching, but afterwards disappear of themselves (after
twenty-four hours), [_a2].
- Stitches in the left side of the thorax; in the shin-bones when walking (after two hours),
- Sticking in right lung, extending under right shoulder, [a10].
- Oppression in the sternum, [a10].
- Several times, severe pressure on the right side of the sternum, as from a blunt body
(immediately), [a11].
- When taking as deep an inspiration as possible, it seems to be arrested under the upper
portion of the sternum; he there feels a pain like a dull, still stitch or pressure (after seventy-
two hours), [a5].
- Pressure several times on the left side of the sternum (after one hour), [a11]
- Cutting thrusts in the sternum and spine, from without inwards (after thirty-six hours),
- Single stitches in the sternum, when sitting (after twenty-eight hours), [a8].
- Sensation under the sternum as if a sore place were being scratched, the size of a finger;
worse every second day, [a10].
Extremities in general
- Drawings in the legs, shoulders, muscles of the arms (immediately), [a11].
- Drawing in the joints of the feet, in the head, in the fingers (immediately), [a11].
- Drawing in the toes, pressure in the feet, joints of the feet and legs, in shoulders (soon
after taking), [a11].
- Pressure in shoulders and knees (immediately), [a11].
- Pressure in the shoulders; in the toes and feet (after one hour), [a11].
- Pressure on the back of the feet, in the toes, in the joints of the hands (third day), [a11].
- Severe pressure in the muscles of the arms, in the knees, legs and joints of the feet (after
eight hours), [a11].
- Severe pressing pains in the muscles of the arms, in the elbows, knees, fingers (after ten
hours), [a11].
- When sitting, a bruised sensation in the knees; after awhile, the same in the arms
(immediately), [a11].
- Bruised sensation in arms and legs (after two hours), [a11].
Upper extremities
- Painful twitchings in the top of the shoulder, [_a1].
- Pain in the right shoulder, sometimes more, sometimes less, [a10].
- Contractive pressure in the right shoulder, [a10].
- Drawing behind the right shoulder, extending to the head, [a10].
- Pressive pain in the humerus, as from a bruise (after one and three-quarters hours), [a8].
- Stitches in the right shoulder, [a10].
- Pricking on the right shoulder, [a10].
- Stitching and drawing in left shoulder (soon after taking), [a11].
- Pressive cutting in the axilla (after half an hour), [a7].
- Transient warmth spreading through right arm, [a10].
- Upon extending the arm for a long time, it feels as if a heavy weight were held in the
hand a long time; a sort of paralysis, [_a1].
- Heaviness in the arm relieved in the evening, [a10].
- Fine tearing in the arms, apparently more in the bones, and worse when at rest than in
motion (after two hours), [a7].
- Pressing in the muscles of the arms, with drawing (soon after taking), [a11].
- Raging and stitches in the arm, with contraction between the shoulders, [a10].
- Fine itching of the arms, which passes off by rubbing (after one hour), [a7].
- Severe pains in the elbows; they feel bruised (after one and a half hours), [a11].
- Stiffness in the elbow-joints, with weakness of the forearms, [_a1].
- Pain in the elbow-joint, apparently in the tendons, as if he had knocked them against
something, increased by moving the arm or leaning upon it (after walking in the open air),
(after twenty-four hours), [_a1].
- Pressure in the elbows (immediately), [a11].
- The left arm feels heavy, when one is walking, with
- Pressure on the outside, in the region of the elbow-joint, as if the arm were being pulled
down when left hanging free (after four hours), [_a2].
- Drawing in the forearm and hand, like a cramp, [_a1].
- Frequent stitches from the hand to the elbow, [a10].
- Pressure in the wrists (immediately), [a11].
- Right wrist feels as if dislocated, with sticking, [a10].
- Single, deeply penetrating stitches over the right wrist-joint (after seven hours), [a7].
- Paralytic weakness in the hands and elbow-joints; he could scarcely move them; but
without stiffness, and without otherwise, any difficulty; with chilliness and want of animal
heat (after one hour), [_a2].
- Cold hands (after one hour), [a11].
- Cold hands and fingers (after one and a half hours), [a11].
- Heaviness of the hands, [a10].
- The hands feel swollen, [a10].
- Drawing and pressing pains in the hand and fingers (after four hours), [a11].
- Feeling of heat on dorsum of left hand (after six hours), [_a2].
- Rheumatic, drawing pressure upon the dorsum of the right hand, in the evening, [_a2].
- Dull stitches in the dorsum of the right hand, in front of the wrist-joint (after half an
hour), [a7].
- Drawing around the joint of the thumb, as if sprained, especially when bending the
thumb, [_a2].
- Pressive pain, internally in the flesh of the ball of the left thumb (after quarter of an hour),
- Severe pressure in the fingers, hands, muscles of the arms (immediately), [a11].
- The fingers of the right hand only are cold to the touch, and they feel cold (inwardly),
(after three hours), [_a2].
- Drawing in the fingers (immediately), [a11].
- Drawing in the fingers (after one hour), [a11].
- Drawing in one of the fingers of the left hand, [_a1].
- Pain in the lowest joints of the fingers, as when moving an ulcerated part, [_a1].
- Pain in the right middle finger, as if torn out, [_a1].
- The ring finger feels insensible, numb, pithy, and as if dead, [_a1].
Lower extremities
- Weakness of the lower extremities, especially felt above the knee-joint, as after a long
walk, [_a1].
- Sudden heaviness and lassitude in the lower extremities (after quarter of an hour), [a4].
- He cannot walk fast, his legs feel too stiff, [_a2].
- The upper part of the hip-joint feels painful, as if luxated; it is
- During motion, frequent pain in the hip, as if stiff or dislocated,
- Pressive, drawing pain deep in the tendons of the hip-joints, upon rising from a seat (after
seven hours), [_a2].
- Fine shootings in the skin of the glutei muscles, accompanied by tingling, externally, [a7].
- Boring, paralytic pain in the region of the ischiatic nerve, on the back part of the thigh,
- Tensive, pressive pain in the upper and anterior portion of the rectus muscle of the thigh,
when stretching the part (after two and a half hours), [_a2].
- Cramplike pain in the middle of the posterior surface of the thigh, only when walking
(after twenty-one hours), [a7].
- The anterior muscles of the right thigh feel paralyzed; painful tension when moving the
muscles, [a5].
- When bending the knee, one feels a tensive pain in the anterior muscles of the right thigh,
- Drawing aching on the external side of the thighs when walking, [_a2].
- Pressing pains in the muscles of the thighs (immediately), [a11].
- Fine tearing in the thighs, apparently more in the bones; worse at rest than in motion
(after two hours), [a7].
- Sharp stitches in the anterior muscles of the right thigh, [a5].
- * Jerking stitches in the left thigh, and in the upper border of the ilium, extremely painful,
and felt only when sitting (after quarter of an hour), [a7].
- Throbbing above the flexor of the left thigh, [a10].
- Fine itching of the thigh, going off by rubbing (after one hour), [a7].
- Sense of drawing and cramping in the right knee-joint when walking, or when standing
upon the foot stretched forward, [_a1].
- Pressure in the knees and thighs (after one and a half hours), [a11].
- Pressure in the knees (immediately), [a11].
- Stitches running up in the external tendons of the knee, when walking in the open air
(after thirteen hours), [a8].
- Bruised sensation in the knees (third day), [a11].
- Bruised pain in the knees (immediately), [a11].
- Intermittent prickings in the left patella, when walking in the open air (after six hours),
- Paralytic sensation, like a contraction of the ligaments, from the middle of the bend of the
knee, as far as the calf, both when at rest and in motion (after quarter of an hour), [a4].
- The feet and legs feel numb and pithy, as far as the knees, but without tingling, [_a1].
- Drawing in the legs (after one and a half hours), [a11].
- Cramplike straining drawing from below upward, in the calf, and also in the thighs,
extending upwards from the bend of the knee, [_a2].
- Stitches in the calves (immediately), [a11].
- Stitches in the calves, and pressing pains (after one and a half hours), [a11].
- Drawing at the sides of the tendo Achillis, in the calves (immediately), [a11].
- Drawing at the sides of the tendo Achillis (after one and a half hours), [a11].
- Burning in the tibiae, when walking, [_a2].
- When walking, a drawing superficial (softly pressive) pain in the tibia, and around the
ankle, with a sensation as if the tibia would break, which prevents him from walking, [_a2].
- Drawing in the tibia and the neighboring muscles, [_a1].
- Pressure and drawing in the tibia, in the evening, when sitting (after twelve hours), [_a2].
- Dull stitches in the left tibia (after one hour), [a7].
- Stitching in the skin of the shin-bones (immediately), [a11].
- Paralysis of the ankles, [a6].
- Feeling as of burning, around the right external malleolus, when walking or sitting (after
twenty-six hours), [_a2].
- Dull, drawing stitches in the right ankle, when sitting (after eleven hours), [_a2].
- Early in the morning, when walking about, a drawing and aching in the ankles, with heat
in the joints, and sensation as if they were dislocated, near the malleolus externus (after
three days), [_a2].
- Left ankle as if sprained; sometimes, also, the knee-pan, [a10].
- Severe boring in the ankles, and in the feet (immediately), [a11].
- When crossing the legs, a cramplike, tearing, drawing in the left heel, which is standing
still, and a pressive drawing in the other knee, which is laid across (after ten hours), [_a2].
- Pressure in the right heel, [a10].
- Stitches in the heel, when sitting, in the evening, [_a2].
- Sweat of the feet, [a6].
- The external border of the foot, and the part below the external malleolus, go to sleep
when walking, [_a2].
- Pain of the foot, when stepping upon it, [_a1].
- Her right foot felt warm, [a10].
- Momentary cramps in the feet, [_a1].
- Cramplike pain in the foot, followed next day, by a pressive pain, and a feeling, when
standing upon the foot, as if it had been bruised, [_a1].
- Severe, compressive sensation in the right foot (after one and a half hours), [a11].
- Pressure under the right metatarsal bones, as from great fatigue after walking (in the
morning, in bed), [a10].
- Sense of stiffness in the feet (lower extremities), almost as if the contact with an invalid
had deprived him of all strength, [_a1].
- Cramplike pain in the forepart of the foot, without any real contraction of muscles, more
when sitting, or at rest (after half an hour), [_a1].
- Cramplike, pressive drawing on the border of the left foot, on the prominence of the fifth
metatarsal bone, as if he had sprained the joint by a misstep (after five hours), [_a2].
- Frequent drawing in the feet, especially at the external edge (immediately), [a11].
- Pressive, drawing pains in the feet (after two hours), [a11].
- Pressing pain, as from a sprain, in the right foot, when walking in the
- Pressure in the joints of the feet, shoulders (immediately), [a11].
- Shudders from below upward in the right foot, [a10].
- Formication in the foot, and strong throbbing, [a10].
- Severe stitches in the soles of the feet (soon after taking), [a11].
- Sudden tearing in the sole of the foot, when sitting, [_a2].
- Almost lancinating tearing on the dorsum of the left foot, mostly when moving the parts,
- Drawing in the toes (immediately), [a11].
- Stitches in the toes (after one and a half hours), [a11].
- Pricking in the right toes, and the same severe stitching pain on the inside of the right
foot, moving upward to the lower leg (after one hour), [a11].
- In the evening, after sitting an hour, he feels quite stiff and contracted; after rising from
his seat he is unable to straighten himself (after thirteenth hour), [_a2].
- Inclination to constant stretching, [_a1].
- Prostration as after a fever, [a10].
- Excessively tired, especially in the thighs, after walking in the open air, [_a1].
- Lassitude and weariness of all the limbs, without any sleepiness, [_a1].
- Sensation in the whole body as if he had lost his strength, and especially as if the marrow
of the bones had become stiffer and coagulated (immediately), [_a1].
- * Cracking in all the joints (after twenty-sixth hour), [_a2].
- Cracking in almost all the joints, but not audible, [_a1].
- When walking, a painful tension in the muscles, here and there, [a5].
- Periodic hammering and tearing, as if a weight oppressed her inwardly, [a10].
- Frequent drawing in the occiput, on the sides of the head, in the fingers, shoulders, and
joints of the hands (after one hour and a half), [a11].
- Drawing in head, hands, and fingers (soon after taking), [a11].
- Pressure in the knees (soon after taking), [a11].
- Drawing, pressing pains in the joints during a walk (after one hour and a half), [a11].
- Drawing and pressure in head, chest, shoulders, feet (immediately), [a11].
- Drawing, pressing pains in the feet, in the muscles of the thighs, in the muscles of the
upper arms, in the knees, on the edges of the feet, in the bones of the head (after rising in
the morning), [a11].
- Pressure in the temples, in the feet, in the maxillae, arms, several times, as from a blunt
body, especially severe on the sides of the forehead and on the back of the feet
(immediately), [a11].
- Pressing and boring in different parts of the head, in the forehead, muscles of chest, and
of the back (after eight hours), [a11].
- The whole right side of the abdomen, and of the thigh and leg, seems bruised, and when
walking, threatens to fall together, on account of a rheumatic drawing pain (after one and a
half hours), [_a2].
- Stitches in the right thorax and feet (after one and a half hours), [a11].
- Itching, in the evening, in bed; after rubbing the parts, flat, very painful
- Irritability of the skin, with burning; she is often obliged to bare her arms, [a10].
- For four days, frequent itching on different parts of the skin; scratching only slightly
relieves (after one and a half hours), [a11].
- * Voluptuous itching of the tip of the glans, which forces one to rub, when walking in the
open air (after six and a half hours), [a8].
- Itching of the scrotum, [_a1].
- Itching pimples on the left labium major (these usually appear when the menses have
been retarded some time); they burn when urinating; larger pimples on the labia minora,
that itch when touched, [a10].
- Itching and swelling of the genitals, without voluptuous sensation, [a10].
- Itching in the genitals, obliging her to scratch, so as to draw blood; after which it abated,
- Fine itching of the arms, which passes off by rubbing (after one hour ), [a7].
- Fine itching of the thigh, going off by rubbing (after one hour), [a7].
- Chills all over, with nausea, [a10].
- At 3 p.m. , shivering, with goose-flesh, abating in the open air, without thirst, for several
days in succession, [_a1].
- Internal shivering, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, with violent thirst, without subsequent
heat, several days in succession, [_a1].
- Early in the morning, chilliness in the bed, without subsequent heat, [_a1].
- Shivering in the evening, on going to bed, [a10].
- Inward chill, while externally warm to the touch, [a10].
- When she removed her shawl from her neck she felt cool; if she keep it on, it was too
warm, [a10].
- Violent chills over the back, when walking in the room, in the forenoon (after twenty-five
hours), [_a2].
- Much thirst, in the forenoon; an hour after, chills over the back, [_a2].
- Chilliness in back and extremities (in three-quarters of an hour), [a11].
- Chilliness in the back, cold hands (after one and a half hours), [a11].
- Chilliness over the back; cold hands and fingers (after one hour), [a11].
- Chilliness in the back and cold hands several times during the day (after one and a half
hours), [a11].
- Chilliness in back, cold fingers and hands, pressure in the arms; the coldness lasts over
half an hour (after one and a half hours), [a11].
- Chilliness over the back, cold hands and feet, pressure in the shoulders, shin-bones, for
half an hour (after one and a half hours), [a11].
- Chilliness over back, cold hands and feet, drawing in the forehead (after nine and a half
hours), [a11].
- Severe cold sensation over the back, icy-cold hands and fingers, pressure and drawing in
the sides, pressure in the forehead, lassitude in the knees, drawing in the back, the whole
state lasts over half an hour (after one and a half hours), [a11].
- Severe cold sensation in the back, with icy-cold hands and feet, with frequent pressure in
the temples, drawing in the elbows and toes, severe stitches on the inside of the left foot,
spreading upward over the malleolus internus (after one hour), [a11].
- The chilliness with the paroxysmal pain lasts over half an hour (after one hour), [a11].
- Pains continue after the chill, [a11].
- Increasing warmth over the whole body, towards evening, [_a1].
- Heat in the night, especially around the forehead, so that she is unable to sleep again after
3 a. m.: at 9 a. m. she has a chill, [_a1].
- Warmth of the whole body, towards evening, with pressive drawing in the side of the
forehead with thirst (after fourth day), [_a2].
- Upon entering the room in the evening he feels a great heat; he knows not what to do with
himself, but without thirst (after second day), [_a2].
- Slight heat after the chill, [_a1].
- In the afternoon feeling of warmth in the whole body, especially the cheeks, not without
thirst (after second day), [_a2].
- Warmth of the body, except the head; the cheeks were cold (the latter part of this
symptom was owing to the reaction of the vital principle; since the prover, before taking
Angustura, had been affected with heat of the cheeks for several days), [_a1].
- Increased warmth of the cheeks and body, with pressive, confused headache, in the
temples and sides of the forehead, towards evening, for three days in succession, [_a2].
- Woke up in the night, feeling increased warmth, which obliged her to throw off a portion
of the bedclothes, [a10].
- Mounting heat, [a10].
- Alternations of warmth and chilliness during the night, [a10].
- Flying warmth, alternating with shuddering, [a10].
- Perspiration, [a10].
- Violent perspiration at night in bed, [a10].
- (Morning), Early, uncomfortable; early, in bed, heat around head, etc.; early, after rising,
heaviness in forehead; early, drawing in sides of head, etc.; agglutination of eyes; early, on
rising, dimness before eyes; early, diarrhoea; after rising, frequent dry cough; early, violent
cough, etc.; early, in bed, stiff pain between scapulae; early, in bed, pain in small of back;
after rising, pains in the feet, etc; early, in bed, chilliness.
- (Forenoon), Violent chills over the back; much thirst.
- (About noon), Very light slumber.
- (Afternoon), Greatly excited, etc.; great animation, etc.; pressure in occiput; burning in
inner half of eyes, etc.
- (Towards evening), Headache; headache in forehead; warmth over whole body; warmth
of cheeks, etc.
- (Evening), Headache on right side, etc.; burning in inner half of eyes, etc.; pressure in
right eye, etc.; hot feeling in cheeks; after lying down, toothache; during slumber, mouth
full of viscid phlegm; when sitting, pain below pit of stomach; pressure upon dorsum of
right hand; when sitting, pressure, etc.; in tibia; till 9 o'clock, great sleepiness; great
physical depression, etc.; on going to bed, shivering.
- (Night), In bed, stitch in right side; heat.
- (4 A. M.), Pressure in small of back.
- (3 P.M. ), Shiverings, etc.; internal chilliness, etc.
- (9 P.M. ), Chilly.
- (Every second day), Sensation under the sternum, as if a sore place were being scratched.
- (Open air), vertigo; evening, headache.
- (Walking in open air), Lively mood; pain in abdomen; itching of tip of prickings in left
patella; burning in the tibia; drawing, etc., pain in tibia, etc.; sprained pain in right foot;
excessively tired.
- (Bending the thumb), Drawing around thumb-joint.
- (Bending the knee), Pain in muscles of thigh.
- (Crossing running water), Vertigo.
- (Crossing legs), Drawing in left heel.
- (At dinner), Loss of appetite; sleepiness.
- (After dinner), Bitter taste in mouth, etc.
- (During expiration), Pressure in both sides, of chest, etc.
- (Extending arms), Feeling as if a heavy weight were held in the hands.
- (During inspiration), Trembling sensation internally; stitches in the last rib; pressure
across right side of chest, etc.
- (Deep inspiration), Dull stitch in chest.
- (During intellectual labor), Feels cheerful and lively.
- (After lying down, before going to sleep), Stitches in last rib.
- (Lying on left side), Evening, in bed, palpitation of the heart.
- (During a meal), Nausea.
- (After a meal), Empty eructations.
- (Motion), Stitches in left os innominatum; bruised pain in muscles of neck; stitch in right
side; pain in the hip.
- (Moving the parts), Tension in muscles of thigh; tearing on dorsum of left foot.
- (Moving in bed), Early in morning, pain in muscles of chest.
- (Moving the trunk), Cutting-tearing in pit of stomach; cutting under short ribs; pressure
across right side of chest, etc.
- (Opening jaws), Pain in temporal region.
- (Raising arms), Pain in cervical vertebrae.
- (Raising the arm), Contractive sensation on right side of chest.
- (When reading), Becomes dizzy; easily falls asleep; twitches between eyebrows.
- (At rest), Pain near the articulation of the jaw; pinching in right lumbar region; tearing in
the arms; tearing in thighs; cramplike pain in forepart of foot.
- (Rising from a seat), Pressive pain in tendons of hip-joint.
- (When walking in the room), Violent chills over the back.
- (Sitting),
- All symptoms; vertigo over occiput; heaviness in head; pressure over pubis; stitches in
sternum; palpitation of the heart; pains in small of back; bruised sensation in knees, etc.;
stitches in left thigh; burning around right external malleolus; in evening, stitches in the
heel; cramplike pain in forepart of foot; tearing in the sole; feels stiff and contracted.
- (After the usual smoke), Bitter taste in mouth.
- (Standing upon the foot stretched out), Drawing, etc., in right knee-joint.
- (Stepping upon the part), Pain of the foot.
- (During hard stool), Protrusion of haemorrhoids.
- (Stooping), Bruised feeling in forehead; palpitation of heart.
- (Stretching the part), Pain in rectus muscle of thigh.
- (After supper), Immediately, heat of the face.
- (Swallowing), Roughness, etc., in back part of palate, etc.
- (Bringing the arms together), They pain as if bruised.
- (When urinating), Pimples on genitals burn.
- (After urination), Tenesmus of the bladder; burning.
- (Walking), Stitches in shin-bones; left arm feels heavy; pain in posterior surface of thigh;
drawing-aching on exterior surface of thighs; drawing, etc.; in right knee-joint; burning
around right exterior malleolus; outer border of foot, etc., goes to sleep; tension of the
muscles; right side of abdomen, etc., threatens to fall together.
- (During a walk) , Peculiar sensation of lightness, etc., in chest; pains in the chest.
- (When walking fast), Confusion, etc.; tightness of chest, etc.
- (Going upstairs), Towards evening, oppression upon chest, etc.
- (After walking), In morning, in bed, pressure under right metatarsal bones.
- (Walking by the side of a ditch full of water), Vertigo.
- (Taking warm milk), Cutting, etc., in hypogastrium.
- (Evening), Heaviness in the arm.
- (Night), All symptoms.
- (Open air), Bruised feeling in forehead; bruised pain in muscles of neck; shiverings.
- (Bathing with cold water), Stitches in uterus.
- (Touching tooth with cold tongue), Pains between the crowns of molar teeth.
- (Laying forehead upon table), Pains in head.
- (Opening or closing jaws), Pain near the articulation of the jaws.
- (After scratching), Itching in genitals.
- (Sitting up), Palpitation of the heart.
- (Rubbing), Itching of arms; itching of thighs.
- (Walking), All pains; nausea, etc.; drawing, etc., in pelvis.
- || Disheartened.
- No confidence in use of voluntary muscles; could not finish what he attempted.
- Ill-humored, oversensitive to jokes, slight offences fill him with bitterness.
- The slightest offence, a more trifle, irritates. Caries.
- Pusillanimity.
- || Great gloom. Threatening paralysis of lower limbs.
- Lively in afternoon.
- Thinks about one project and nothing else, with great activity of mind.
- A kind of waking dream in afternoon.
- Kind of absence of mind, wants now this, then that thing.
- Anxiety with outward pressing in abdomen, and outward cutting in chest, agg in bed, at
- Easily frightened and starts.
- Vertigo : when crossing a running stream; as if he was turned backward and around;
periodical; from occiput forward, with pulsating in temples.
- Heaviness in head, with dizziness.
- When pressing head on pillow, benumbing dizziness.
Inner head
- Megrim.
- Pressure in both temples, as if about to faint.
- Pressure in forehead with heat in face.
- Headache in evening until falling asleep.
Outer head
- || Drawing of head to right side, later to left.
- Could not turn head.
- Tensive pain in temporal muscles, when opening jaws.
- Pains in bones of head.
Sight and eyes
- Dimness before eyes from obscuration of cornea, in morning.
- Shortsightedness.
- Reading makes dizzy, sleepy, and causes quivering between brows.
- Dull aching over eyes while riding (improved by Coffea).
Upper face
- Tension in muscles of face.
- Drawing in facial muscles.
- Crawls over face after stool.
- Heat of forehead, during night.
- Sweat on forehead, in morning.
- || Heat in face with headache; heat in forehead at night.
- Cold cheek while body is warm.
- Feels heat in both cheeks and ears without external warmth.
- The red cheeks turn cold.
- Acute pains in both cheeks, occasionally darting through eyeballs and temples, agg
stooping, stepping, or by mental excitement; debility, depression of spirits, frequent chilly
sensations and occasional attacks of nausea and looseness of bowels.
Lower face
- Exostosis of lower jaw.
- Trismus neonatorum in cases where much mercury had been given.
- Tensive pain in temporal muscles, when opening jaws.
- Pain in masseter muscles as if one had fatigued them by chewing too much.
- Cramplike pain near articulation of jaw, in masticator muscles, especially when at rest;
pain amel by opening or closing jaws.
- Lips dry and warm.
Inner mouth
- Dry, without thirst.
- Tough, foul mucus in mouth during evening sleep; could not drink enough.
- Saliva runs out of mouth.
- Spits an acidulated saltish fluid.
- Roughness and dryness on palate and in fauces without thirst, agg when swallowing.
Appetite, thirst
- Desires, Aversions. Aversion to solid food, desires nothing but warm drink.
- || Thirst without desire to drink.
- Irresistible desire to drink coffee. Caries.
- || Aversion to meat, especially pork.
- Thirst for cold water, could not drink enough during evening.
- Wants now one thing, now another, which are refused when offered.
- He cannot get satisfied, without having much appetite.
- Sensation as if something was too short in right hypochondrium, contracting pressure.
- Cutting under short ribs in right side when moving trunk.
- Fleeting dull stitches in left side, shaking him to and fro.
- Sensation as if "asleep" in left hypochondrium.
- Very loud rumbling; in abdominal complaints.
- Distension of belly. Arthritis.
- Cutting in abdomen; with diarrhoea; after warm milk.
- Indescribable pain extending in a line from navel up to scrobiculum and into sternum.
After inflammation of bowels.
- Dull stitches near navel.
- Stitches followed by drawing.
- Pressure and cutting from within outward.
- || Feeling as if diarrhoea would set in.
- Throbbing over left groin.
- Right side of abdomen and lower limbs as if beaten, and in walking breaking down from
rheumatic pains.
- Cutting across os pubis, with a pressure towards rectum; cutting and rumbling after
drinking warm milk.
- Spasmodic pressure while sitting as if something was boring outward; periodic throbbing
and contracting.
- A drawing crampy sensation in pelvis when walking.
- Cramplike pain on crest of ilium, towards spine.
- Dull stitches at short intervals on left os innominatum, behind hip joint, agg with every
Urinary organs
- Frequent scanty urinations.
- Urine frequent, copious and clear; after it urging.
- Urine becomes black.
- While urinating pimples on vagina burn.
- Chest feels very light, as if expiring with more ease.
- Difficulty of breathing, with headache.
- Intermitting spasmodic breathing.
- Heaving, breathing, groaning and closing eyes.
- || With every inhalation, a sharp cutting pressure.
- || Oppression when walking fast, followed by backache and uterine symptoms.
- Hiccoughing, pressing, cutting or shooting in chest, agg with inhalation.
- Dry cough, with scraping and rattling of mucus in chest.
- Every afternoon, at three, loose cough; in a very old woman.
- Whooping cough.
- Cough with belching.
- || A dry, hacking cough from a scratching in throat or from an irritation in windpipe or
behind sternum; later copious yellow expectoration.
Inner chest and lungs
- Cramp in chest as if one had suddenly taken a violent cold.
- Cutting pressure in both sides of chest, first only during inspiration; afterwards changed
to cutting thrusts, which continue even on holding breath.
- Pressure in upper part of chest, like after violent running.
- Constriction of lungs.
- Contracting pressure on chest, on ribs above hypochondria.
- Pressure on chest when lying on belly.
- Constriction of chest agg by slightest motion, on going upstairs, to a spasmodic asthma,
with anxious palpitation.
- Chest complaints with headache.
- Irritation from behind sternum felt through to back, as if whole right side of chest and
belly were pressed together front and back, with a sharp cutting all along sternum, in spine,
agg from inhalation and moving body.
Outer chest
- Painful spasm in pectoral muscles.
- Painful sensitiveness of chest, even to slightest touch.
- A spasmodic sensation like when chest is attacked after sudden exposure to extreme cold.
- Burning pressure on sternum.
- Cutting in sternum, stitches.
- Pectoral muscles ache when she moves in bed, and when crossing arms.
- Sharp stinging itching on last rib, right side.
- Pain in right side of chest when lifting arm.
Upper limbs
- Pressing cutting in axilla.
- Cramplike drawing down arm to fingers.
- After great exertion in posing for an artist, in a difficult position with uplifted and
stretched arms, a weakness in arms, disabling him for any work; complained of a stiffness
in elbow joints and lamy heaviness of arms.
- Cannot lift up arm on account of a tension in muscles, near axilla.
- Sensation in bones of upper arm as if beaten; rending in bone.
- || Heaviness in arm; left arm in walking presses on bend of elbow as if drawing down
arm; when stretching arm, lameness, as after holding a heavy load.
- Painless, quick throbbing and pricking or quivering in upper part of shoulder.
- || Stinging in right shoulder joint, with swelling of right side of throat, cannot turn head,
followed by transient warmth through right arm.
- Stiffness in elbow joint, with weakness of lower arm; pain in elbow on moving arm; pain
in elbow joint, as after a concussion, agg when moving arms and when resting on it.
- Cramplike drawing in forearm and hand.
- Stitches from hand up to elbow.
- Heaviness of hands.
- Hands swollen, cannot close them.
- Sore pain in first knuckles.
- In right wrist, sprained feeling and deep stitches.
- In back of hand, rheumatic pressing and dull stitches.
- Joint of thumb as if sprained, when bending it.
- Pressing in ball of left thumb.
- Drawing tearing or numbness in fingers.
- Fingers of right hand cold.
Lower limbs
- Sudden heaviness and weakness in lower limbs, cannot walk quickly, limbs feel stiff.
- Pressing, tearing, stinging in lower limbs.
- Tearing in thigh on bending knee.
- Heaviness in feet.
- Cramp in feet, agg in rest.
- Pain on inner side of ankle, when walking, causing limping.
- Pressing pain in heels.
- Threatening paralysis of legs with trembling of feet. Arthritis.
- Pain in knees.
- Nodes on legs and feet.
- Spavin with horses.
- Hip joint as if exarticulated, can hardly walk.
- Frequently in hip a cramplike pain when moving, as if stiff or dislocated.
- Constriction in right hip.
- In both hip joints, deep in tendons, a pressing drawing pain when rising from seat.
- Boring laming pain along ischiatic nerve on posterior part of thigh.
- || Exceedingly painful stitches in thigh and crest of ilium, only when sitting.
- Muscles of thigh as if lame; when moving, a painful tension.
- Tearing as if in bones, agg in rest.
- When stretching, a pressing tension in anterior muscles of thigh.
Limbs in general
- Drawing in limbs, with soreness.
- Gets stiff after sitting a while.
- Cracking in all joints.
- Position. Motion. Nausea when walking, as if she would faint; she has to sit down.
- Great difficulty in walking, with threatening paralysis of legs.
- Very much disposed to stretch his limbs.
- In rest : cramp in muscles of jaw, tearing in arms, pinching in loins, tearing in thighs,
cramp in front part of foot; cramps in feet agg; tearing in bones of legs agg.
- After lying down : cutting stitches in ribs.
- Lying on side : painful; left side falls asleep; prickling in calves.
- Lying in bed : anxiety.
- Lying on belly : contractive pressure in chest.
- Lying on left chest : palpitation agg; swollen sensation of heart amel.
- Sitting bent over : violent palpitation.
- Sitting : vertigo from occiput to forehead; heaviness in head; cramp below pit of stomach;
pinching below scrobiculum; cutting across pubes; palpitation of heart >>; stitches on
breast bone, below and near sacrum; startling stitches in thighs and hip bone; pressing on
shin; dull drawing in right foot joint; burning heat on right ankle; cramps in sole of foot;
tearing in sole; stiffness; falling asleep.
- Rising from seat : pain in hip joint.
- Stooping : pain in face, temple and ankle agg; soreness in forehead; palpitation; pressing
in left brain; lameness of small of back.
- Stretching : tension in anterior muscles of thigh.
- Moving trunk : tearing in pit of stomach; cutting under short ribs; pressure over whole
side, chest and abdomen.
- After rising : prolapsus uteri in morning.
- Stepping : makes pain in face, temple and eyeball agg; pain in sacrum and lower foot.
- Walking fast : contraction in head and chest; backache; cramp; legs feel stiff; oppression.
- While walking : head is drawn to right; pains in bladder and pelvis; left arm heavy; whole
side rheumatic, thighs, knee, shin, foot; itching of glans penis; nausea, pains in ankle agg;
chills over back.
- Walking over running water : vertigo.
- When moving : stitch in back; hips as if out of joint; tension in front of right thigh.
- Bending thumb : pains in joint.
- Motion : changes constriction in chest to spasmodic asthma; in bed, aching of pectoral
muscles, agg stitches behind hip joint; of arm agg pain.
- Ascending stairs : spasmodic asthma following constriction in chest; palpitation.
- Cannot lift arm : tension in muscles near axilla.
- Lifting arm : pain in right side of chest; pain in cervical vertebrae.
- Opening jaw : tensive pain in temporal muscles; pain in masticator muscles amel.
- Cured tetanus in a horse; given because animal showed a spasmodic twitching.
- Rheumatic and paralytic complaints. Paralysis.
- Great irritability and morbid liveliness.
- Great loss of power, as if marrow in bones was stiff.
- Very much fatigued, most in thighs.
- Weariness with stiffness between shoulders.
- || Attacks of gaping with cramps in jaws, and apprehensive about it.
- A backward drawing of head, amel after gaping.
- Sudden attacks of anxiety at night.
- Heat, mostly in face at 3 A.M. , disturbing sleep, followed by chilliness.
- Falls asleep when reading.
- While lying in bed, anxiety as if she never would get awake again.
- Restless sleep, wakens often; many dreams.
- At night : sudden attacks of anxiety; outward cutting in chest, agg heat of forehead; pain
between shoulder blades; sacrum as if beaten; heat, sweat and thirst.
- All night : pressing in sacrum as if broken, awakens her, agg. at 4 A.M. ; getting up
lessens it.
- After midnight : numbness of leg and finger awakens her.
- Cannot sleep after 3 o'clock, heat prevents it.
- In morning : in bed, heat on head; sweat on forehead; stiff between shoulders; crawling in
feet; pressing in foot;
- || chill; sweat; misty before eyes, tension in them; lids agglutinated,
- || looseness after bellyache; chilliness without heat.
- After rising : uncomfortable; thirsty; bellyache; stiff neck.
- When getting up : uterus sinking down in vagina; unable to move her arms, pain.
- Morning : nausea, gulping up watery fluid; cutting in abdomen.
- Forenoon : stiff neck; backache; chill over back; chill.
- Afternoon : a kind of waking dream; lively; excitement; burning in eyes; milky
leucorrhoea; cough; at 3 o'clock, crawls followed by warmth.
- Evening : vertigo;
- || headache; heat in head; pain in eyes; toothache; pain in chest; very sleepy;
- || hot; mouth foul, etc., with thirst; pinching below scrobiculum.
- Evening in bed : itching.
- || Palpitation in evening in bed.
- Day and night : diarrhoea.
- Repeated chilliness over affected part.
- Early in morning in bed, chilliness without subsequent heat.
- Chill in morning and forenoon, preceded by thirst.
- Violent chill every afternoon at 3 o'clock.
- Chills over back when walking up and down room.
- Coldness, followed by heat same day; recurring now in evening, then at noon, then in
morning, with thirst in beginning of fever and vomiting of bile; after traveling through
swamps in a hot climate. Intermittent.
- Cold hands and chilliness in back.
- Flushes of heat, with sweat and anxiety.
- Sweat only in morning; on forehead.
- Crawls up back, with restlessness extending to inner parts, causing trembling, with dry
warm lips without thirst, later some heat.
Attacks, periodicity
- Periodical vertigo; throbbing and contracting in abdomen.
- After every stool : shivering over face, with gooseflesh.
- Every afternoon at 3 o'clock : loose cough; violent chill.
- Several mornings in succession : pain between scapulae and nape of neck.
- Two nights in succession : seminal emissions.
- A day before catamenia : yellow discharge.
- Weakness of whole body, as if marrow of bones was stiff; vertigo, as if he was turned
backward and around; as if about to faint; as if something was sticking in ear; as if one had
fatigued masseter muscles by chewing; as if something was too short in right
hypochondrium; as if "asleep" in left hypochondrium; as if diarrhoea would set in; side of
abdomen and lower limbs as if beaten; as if something was boring outward in abdomen; as
if uterus was swelling; as if uterus was falling over; as if all tendons were stretched; as if
uterus was beating against right ovary and in right hip; little finger as if dead; sacrum as if
lame; chest light as if expiring with more ease; cramp in chest as if from sudden violent
cold; as if whole right side of chest and belly was pressed together, front and back; as if
heart was constricted; as if heart was swollen; as if beaten violently all along back; cervical
vertebrae as if dislocated; small of back, laterally, as if beaten; bones of upper arm as if
beaten; joint of thumb as if sprained; hip joint as if exarticulated; hip as if stiff or
dislocated; muscles of thigh as if lame; tearing as if in bones; as if marrow of bones was
stiff; anxiety as if she would never get awake again; forehead as if beaten inwardly; muscles
of neck as if beaten.
- A kind of motion through whole body, now a prickling now a stinging.
- Hollow and empty feeling : in stomach.
- A pushing pain like a concussion in region of heart.
- Stitches : in tip of tongue; in belly; fleeting and dull in left side; dull near navel; in
abdomen; dull on left os innominatum; in foreskin; in prolapsed uterus; a single stitch in
epiglottis; below and near sacrum; in front of throat, right side; dull near spine between
scapula, left side; in sternum; a stitch right side of spine, penetrating chest; from hand to
elbow; in right wrist; dull in back of hand; in thigh and crest of ilium.
- Cutting : in stomach; in belly; in pit of stomach; under short ribs, right side; in abdomen;
in os pubis; in abdomen before stool; with irritation; in both sides of chest; along sternum;
in sternum; in spine; in vertebrae; in axilla; thrusts in chest.
- Darting : through eyeballs and temples; through chest.
- Shooting : in chest.
- Stinging : in right shoulder joint; on last rib, right side; in lower limbs.
- Boring : along ischiatic nerve.
- Tearing : in abscess over right mastoid; in pit of stomach; in fingers; in lower limbs; in
bones of lower limbs; in thigh.
- Spasmodic pinching : below scrobiculum.
- Burning : in region of tympanum; as from pepper on edge of tongue; in pimples on
vagina; in female sexual parts; pressure on sternum; on neck.
- Drawing : in facial muscles; in upper teeth; in abdomen; in pelvis; and jerking in left
testicle and cord; in neck; between scapulae; cramplike down arms to fingers; in limbs, with
- Stiff pain like drawing between scapulae and nape of neck.
- Contractive pain : under shoulder joint.
- Tensive pain : in temporal muscles; in pit of stomach and abdomen; in anterior muscles of
- Pressing pains : in heels.
- Pressure : in temples; in forehead; in right hypochondrium; and cutting in abdomen from
interior outward; towards rectum; spasmodic in abdomen; in rectum; in anus; in right ovary;
in chest; in upper part of chest; on chest; in sternum; in sacrum; in axilla; rheumatic in back
of hand; in ball of left thumb; in lower limbs; in heels; and drawing in hip joints.
- Constriction : in chest; of lungs; in heart; in right hip.
- Contraction : from region of stomach to right shoulder; in rectum; above mons veneris; of
chest; under joint of shoulder.
- Contracting pressure : in hypochondrium; on chest; on ribs.
- Cramplike drawing : down arm to fingers.
- Cramp : in external ear; cramplike pain in masticator muscles; on crest of ilium towards
spine; in chest; in hip; in feet.
- Aching : over eyes; in pectoral muscles.
- Pains : in bones of head; now in right now in left ear; acute in both cheeks; in masseter
muscles; running from abdomen to sternum; in right side of chest when lifting arm; in
spine, cervical portion and sacrum; in elbow; sore in knuckles; in knees; on inner side of
- Indescribable pain : from navel to scrobiculum into sternum.
- Pricking : in top of shoulder.
- Throbbing : in temples; behind ears; over left groin; periodic in abdomen; above mons
veneris; in upper part of shoulder.
- Swelling : in uterus; in heart.
- Tension : in muscles of face; as if something was too short in right hypochondrium; in
front of throat, right side; in muscles, near axilla; in thigh.
- Painful spasm : in pectoral muscles.
- Painful sensitiveness of chest.
- Spasmodic sensation : in chest.
- Quivering : between brows; in cervical muscles; in top of shoulder.
- Twitching : and jerking along back, like electric shocks.
- Sprained feeling : in right wrist; in joint of thumb.
- Weakness : of lower arm.
- Lameness : in sacrum; in small of back; of arms after exertion; in anterior muscles of
- Lightness : in chest.
- Heaviness : in head; in legs; of arms and hands; in feet.
- Stiffness : painful in neck; between shoulders and drawing between scapulae and in nape;
in elbow joints; from sitting awhile.
- Tremulousness : and uneasiness in cervical muscles; of feet.
- Dryness : of lips; of tongue; of mouth; on palate.
- Roughness : on tongue; on palate.
- Numbness : in fingers.
- "Gone-to-sleep" feeling : in left hypochondrium; in leg on which she is resting; little
finger as if dead.
- Heat : in ears and cheeks; of forehead; in face.
- Coldness : of cheek; of fingers.
- Crawls : over face, before a meal; over face, with urging in rectum; in scrotum and thigh;
up back.
- Tickling : in rectum and anus; in genitals; irritation in larynx.
- Itching : tip of glans; on male organs; on scrotum; pustules on labiae; on last rib, right
- Spinal marrow and extensor muscles are principally affected.
- Constricting sensation in varices.
- Cracking in all joints.
- Caries, ulcers very painful; penetrate to marrow.
- Caries and very painful ulcers, which affect bones and pierce them to marrow.
- Caries of tubular bones, particularly if patient has longing for coffee and has a very
touchy, sensitive mind.
- Caries, with crumbling off of pieces of bone.
- Rheumatic and paralytic complaints.
- Skin irritable, burns, has to uncover arms.
- Itching, evening in bed, after rubbing painful ulcerations.
- Itching of tip of glans penis; so intense must rub it.
- Pruritus, impetigo.
- Flat ulcers eating into bones; appear after friction.
- Symptoms caused by Angust. : bellyache after warm milk; relieved by Bryon.
- Angust. was curative after Pulsat. helped inflammation of bowels. See 19.
- Antidote : Coffea, not Camphor.
- Belongs to family of Rutaceae, which are general antidotes to mercury.
- Has been given where Cinchon. failed to cure fever.
- Hahnemann noticed the similarity of effect between Angus. vera and falsa, or spuria; a
very surprising observation, but confirmed by facts, even cures of tetanus.
- Similar to Bellad. (aggravation in afternoon, 3 P.M. : easily startled, heat in female
genitals); Bryon. and Rhus tox.
- (in rheumatism); Bryon., Cepa, Chamom. and Coffea (in toothache relieved by cold);
Bellad., Cicut., Ignat. and Nux vom. (in trismus); Mercur., Phosphor., and Silic. (in caries
of lower jaw); Aescul. and Aloes (piles, backache).
- Ant. crud., Ant. tart., Lilium, Natr. mur., Pulsat. and Sepia (in eruptions); Hyper. and
Ledum (punctured wounds); Ran. bulb. (in pains in pectoral muscles).
ANGELICA (Vijnovsky)
(Angelica Archangelica)
* 1- En tintura, 5 gotas, 3 veces por da, puede producir aversin a las bebidas alcohlicas.
2- Cefaleas nerviosas.
*2- Se concentra con dificultad. Le cuesta leer, porque necesita moverse, caminar de aqu
para all. Inquietud general, con falta de valor.
*3- Peor: por el movimiento; por el contacto; a la tarde. Mejor: por el aire fresco; necesita
aire fresco. Lateralidad izquierda.
*4- Tipo hidrogenoide.
*7- Prdida del cabello, con escamas o costras en el cuero cabelludo. Cefalea occipital,
especialmente despus de comer.
*8- No tolera cerrar el cuello de su camisa. Tensin en la regin tiroidea, con sensacin de
ahogo o bloqueo.
*10- Falta de apetito. Dolor en el plexo solar, con pulsaciones en la aorta abdominal.
**11- Diarrea despus de comer dulces, azcar, postres. Alterna constipacin con diarrea.
Diarrea despus de las comidas.
12- Debe levantarse de noche a orinar, una o dos veces. Orina muy oscura.
*13- Lbido irregular en el hombre; indiferencia sexual. Falta de deseos. Tiene contactos
sexuales, pero solo si es solicitado.
**14- Lbido muy irregular en la mujer. Coito a veces doloroso. Hinchazn premenstrual de
los senos, con piernas pesadas. Menstruaciones disminuidas en cantidad y frecuencia.
Durante las menstruaciones, sensacin de desmayos, vmitos y deposiciones frecuentes.
Flujo copioso, lechoso, irritante, ms abundante en la segunda mitad del ciclo.
(Congestin y dolor en el ovario izquierdo. Ndulo en el seno izquierdo.
15- Sensacin de ahogo o disnea, con calor y necesidad de aire libre y fresco. Respiracin
jadeante. Disnea sin causa aparente. Esternn doloroso, peor al tocarlo.
16- Palpitaciones, con extremidades fras y piernas delgadas.
**17- Dolor debajo del omplato izquierdo, en el hombro izquierdo y en el medio del
esternn. Sensacin de distensin en las articulaciones de la pelvis, como despus de un
parto; dolor. Dolor en omplato y brazo izquierdo, que lo despierta de noche. Lumbago
como despus de esfuerzos. Dolor en la cadera y articulacin sacroilaca izquierda,
apareciendo especialmente de tarde.
*19- Sueo corto, irregular, con calor; perturbado. Somnolencia despus de comer. Sueos
agitados; con muerte, funerales; o que cae en un pozo negro y profundo.
20- Escalofros, seguidos de oleadas de calor, con malestar de noche. Sudores fciles, que
aparecen rpidamente, desapareciendo los escalofros.
- Headache, [_a2].
- Appetite decreased, [_a2].
- Nausea, [_a2].
- Great amount of flatulent distension, [_a2].
- Colicky pains towards evening (first day); continuing next day, more continuous (third
day), [_a1].
- Most severe colicky pains, with bearing-down of the lower bowel; only relieved by lying
flat on the face; they continued for one hour, and then diminished towards evening (third
day), [_a1].
- Bearing down with inclination to stool, but without an evacuation (first, second, and third
days), [_a1].
- Slight bearing down, and frequent desire for an evacuation, [_a2].
- The mucous lining of the bowels became irritable, and evacuations exhibited a tendency
to diarrhoea, with bearing down and greater rapidity of action than usual in health, [_a2].
- Evacuations hard, with sensation of turgescence of the mucous lining of the bowels,
- Hard, dry evacuation, with a small quantity of blood at its termination (fourth day);
following this for four or five days the bowels were obstinately constipated, the latter
terminating in sickness and diarrhoea, with extreme giddiness and general debility, relieved
by Ipecacuanha, [_a1].
ANHALONIUM (Vijnovsky)
(Anhalonium Levinii - Peyote)
*** 1- Tiene alucinaciones o ilusiones, sobre todo auditivas y visuales, a veces estimulando
la piel: tiene la sensacin de que "cada nota en el piano se convierte en el centro de una
meloda que parece estar rodeada por un halo de color pulsando al ritmo de la msica"
(Boericke). Exagerada reverberacin de los sonidos comunes. Tiene maravillosas
visiones, extremadamente hermosas y con variados cambios caleidoscpicos. Ve objetos
mviles brillantes, fantsticos, coloreados; danzas. Espectros policromos. Estas
alucinaciones se acompaan de una sensacin de incrementada aptitud fsica e
intelectual, que realmente no existe. Visiones de monstruos o formas horripilantes, caras
como mscaras. Piensa que los objetos son dobles o que estn agrandados; que est
separado del mundo; que todo es extrao; que est de pie al lado de l mismo; que l est
muerto; como si flotara en el aire; ve serpientes. Cree tener una doble personalidad,
como si tuviera dos personalidades o que es doble. Confusin sobre su propia identidad.
Este cuadro, tan semejante al producido por la intoxicacin con Cannabis Indica o Sativa
(Marihuana), hace pensar en la muy interesante posibilidad de su utilizacin contra esa
drogadiccin, tan extendida en la actualidad.
10- Siente vagos perfumes. Gran dificultad para hablar, en parte por parlisis de la lengua y
en parte por pensar con lentitud; apenas mueve los labios.
Peyote. Mezcal buttons. O.N. Cactaceae. Tintura, extracto o infusin. Havellock Ellis dice:
"Primero corto los botones en pequeos fragmentos y los pongo en agua hirviendo, dos
veces, una infusin simple es inactiva."
Caractersticas.- La planta del cual se obtienen los botones, crece en terrenos ridos y
rocosos, en el valle del Ro Grande. Se usa por algunas tribus indias en sus ceremonias
religiosas. Recientemente se ha probado cientficamente, una notable experimentacin
fue hecha por el Dr. Wier Mitchell. El Dr. E. M. Hale junt los hechos de la substancia
en un artculo publicado en la revista Hahnemann Monthly . El principal aspecto de la
accin es la produccin de visiones de colores de una brillantez intensa, asociado con
figuras que se mueven de diseo fantstico, el movimiento est regulado en el tiempo
por msica. En las ceremonias indias, el constante golpeo de los tom-toms, es un
aspecto esencial. Otros sntomas son la prdida de la concepcin del tiempo, cefalea
occipital, sensacin de cansancio en la cabeza, nusea. Temblor de los msculos,
aumento de sacudidas en las rodillas y prdida del poder de coordinacin. Havelock
Ellis, en un experimentador, not lentitud del pulso, ligero desmayo y respiracin con
dificultad; pero no hubo nada de los sntomas terribles del corazn del otro Cactus. Los
estados ms prominentes estan < al cerrar los ojos. La nusea y el desmayo estaban <
con el movimiento. Hay gran desinclinacin a moverse. > Acostado.
Relaciones.- Comparar: Cann. ind. (sentido del tiempo alterado; visiones fantsticas);
Gelsem. (parlisis de la acomodacin); Bell., Stram., Op., Pic. ac., Piper methyst.,
Coffea, Coca, Plat. (objetos parecen muy pequeos y distantes); Pso. (> acostado).
El mezcal es un licor fuerte intoxicante destilado del Pulque fuerte
El pulque se elabora a partir de la Agave Americana de Mxico, localmente conocido como
Maguey y es una bebida nacional de Mxico
Los indios lo llaman Peyote
Debilita el corazn, provoca locura
Sus efectos ms marcados se manifiestan en el nervio auditivo y hace que "cada nota en el
piano se convierta en un centro de meloda que parece estar rodeado por un halo de color
latiendo al ritmo de la msica". (Hom. World)
Causa una forma de intoxicacin acompaada de visiones maravillosas, cambios
calidoscpicos notablemente bellos y variados, y una sensacin de aumento de la capacidad
Tambin visiones de monstruos y varias formas horripilantes
Tnico cardaco y estimulante respiratorio
Histeria e insomnio
Un remedio para el agotamiento cerebral, delirio, migraa, alucinaciones, con visiones de
colores brillantes
Incoordinacin motriz
Depresin muscular extrema; reflejo patelar exaltado
Prdida de la concepcin del tiempo
Dificultad para articular palabras
Recelo y resentimiento
Satisfaccin perezosa.
Dolor, con visin alterada
Objetos coloreados en movimiento fantsticos, brillantes
Afectado por un comps en tiempo
Pupilas dilatadas, vrtigo, cansancio cerebral
Espectros polcromos
Reverberacin exagerada de los sonidos ordinarios.
Comparar con Agave
La intoxicacin de Anhalonium es similar a la de Cannabis Indica y Oenanthe.
ANILINUM (Vijnovsky)
(Amidobenzene - Derivado del alquitrn)
5- Gusto amargo. Intenso ardor y dolor gstrico seguido de vmitos y diarrea, con dureza
epigstrica y miembros helados.
Vrtigo intenso y dolor en la cabeza; la cara tiene un tinte prpura
Dolor en el pene y escroto con hinchazn
Tumores de las vas urinarias.
Anemia profunda con decoloracin de la piel, labios azules, anorexia, trastornos gstricos
Hinchazn de la piel.
Comparar: Arsenic., Antypirin.
Anilinum (Allen)
(Amidobenzene.) C[a6]H[a5]NH[_a2].
Lailler (Gaz. Heb., 1873) (M. H. Rev., Jl., 1873).
Local application of 10 per cent. solution of the hydrochlorate to psoriasis caused, in a
hour and a half, vomiting; repeated fifteen or twenty times during the night; incontinence
of urine, with a little tenesmus; night restless; the next morning the face and nearly the
whole of body cyanotic; pulse 116, small, regular; slight rles in chest; severe pains in
heels and calves. A second application (afterward) of a 5 per cent. solution caused, in two
hours, headache, irresistible drowsiness, coldness, and dyspnoea; cyanosis very marked;
voice very feeble.
In another case, a solution of 2 per cent. caused, in four hours, loss of consciousness
(lasted fifteen minutes), deep cyanosis (lasted five hours); respiration regular; cyanosis,
followed by great paleness and cold sweats; following night sleepless; urine high-colored.
A boy, cleaning an aniline vat, inhaled the fumes, and was suddenly seized with giddiness,
and became insensible; the face and body became cold, pulse slow and almost
imperceptible, action of the heart feeble, respiration.
ILLICIUM (Vijnovsky)
(I. anisatum - Ans estrellado)
3- Coriza agudo con descarga acuosa. Ardor nasal seguido de estornudos. Puntadas en la
punta de la nariz.
5- Lengua llena de aftas, especialmente en los bordes, que estn plegados como bolsitas.
Ardor y adormecimiento en la cara interna del labio inferior.
7- Saciedad rpida, an comiendo poco. Los alimentos, excepto el pan de centeno, tienen
gusto salado o amargo, pero con buen apetito. Nuseas, extendidas al pecho, con arcadas.
Estmago hinchado. Acidez.
*8- Clicos flatulentos del beb de tres meses, que se repiten a intervalos y horarios
regulares, con muchos borborigmos. Dolor en la regin esplnica. Hgado grande.
13- Dolor en la espalda. Tironeo como calambre, a la izquierda de las vrtebras dorsales.
14- Sacudidas y dolor desgarrante en el pliegue del codo izquierdo y la palma. Presin como
por algo duro en el dorso de la mano derecha. Siente el muslo izquierdo como roto en el
medio estando sentado; desaparece al pararse. Puntadas, prurito y hormigueo en las
Anis estrellado. Star Anise. Chinese Anise. O. N. Magnolianceae. Tintura de las semillas.
Clnica.- Catarro. Clico. Estmago, catarro de. Hemoptisis. Muslo, dolor en. Pulmones,
afecciones de. Reumatismo. Tos.
Relaciones.- Compatible despus de: Aco. y Bry. en hemoptisis. Comparar: En dolores del
pecho, Pix, Menth. pu. Botnicamente, Magnol.
Debe recordarse en el tratamiento de estados flatulentos
Los llamados clicos de los tres meses, especialmente si recurren a horario determinado;
muchos ruidos en el abdomen
Un sntoma digno de mencin y de recordarse especialmente es el dolor en la regin de la
tercera costilla, de una a dos pulgadas del esternn, generalmente en el lado derecho, pero
ocasionalmente en el izquierdo
Tos frecuente con este dolor
Catarro purulento traqueal y gstrico de viejos bebedores
Asmticos viejos
Vmito, convulsiones epileptiformes con mordedura de la lengua.
Punzadas agudas detrs del labio
Catarro agudo
Ardor y entumecimiento en el interior del labio inferior.
Dolor cerca del tercer cartlago intercostal
Tos con flema como pus
Palpitaciones con aftas
Tercera potencia.
Bronquitis crnica. Clicos. Tuberculosis pulmonar.
Myrtus (dolor asfixiante a nivel de la mama izquierda).
Dosis: 3a, 6a y 30a.
Anisum stellatum (Allen)
- Dizziness, [_a2]
- Indefinite pains in the head, [_a2].
- Ringing (in the ears) as of great bells, followed by sleep, [_a2].
- Roaring in the ears, [_a2].
- Loud roaring in the ears, with hissing sensation, [_a2].
- Acute catarrh, [_a2].
- Watery discharge from the nose, [_a2].
- Sharp stitches beneath the tip of the nose, [_a1].
- Sensation of warm biting in the nose, like that felt when looking at the sun, immediately
followed by sneezing (after a quarter of an hour), [_a1].
- He constantly notices the sharp biting odor of the drug on expiring the breath through the
nose; this disappears after he has eaten something, [_a1].
- Dryness in the upper lip, and a feeling as if drawn towards the teeth, so that it lies hard
against them, [_a1].
- Burning on the inner side of the lower lip, and a feeling as if it were asleep, [_a1].
- Sensation in the upper lip as if blood were forcing out, a sticking; it disappears as soon as
he touches it in order to wipe away the fancied blood, [_a1].
- Flow of saliva, [_a2].
- Food, excepting bread, tastes too salt and bitter, though he has a good
- When eating, soon satisfied, [_a2].
- Acidity in the stomach, [_a2].
- Nausea, [_a2].
- Nausea in the stomach, which, however, only extends to the chest, and then again
disappears, [_a1].
- Qualmishness in the stomach and chest, [_a1].
- Swelling of the stomach, [_a2].
- Sensation as of an ulcer in the stomach, [_a1].
- Pain in the spleen, [_a2].
- Pain at the navel and in the oesophagus, [_a2].
- Borborygmi in the abdomen, [_a2].
- Pain in the loins, [_a2].
- Bilious evacuations, [_a2].
- Solid stools, of a deep yellow color, [_a2].
- Constipation, [_a2].
Urinary organs
- Retention of urine, [_a2].
Sexual organs
- Violent erections, [_a2].
- Nocturnal pollutions, [_a2].
Respiratory organs
- White expectoration, [_a2].
- Pains in the chest, with sensation of emptiness after coughing, [_a2].
- Transient pains on the left side of the chest, [_a2].
- Pain in the back and chest, [_a2].
- A cramplike drawing on the left side of the dorsal vertebrae, as after taking cold (after
three hours), [_a1].
Superior extremities
- Jerking and tearing in the bend of the left elbow, and at the same time in the palm of the
hand; a feeling as if an artery had been injured by a blow, [_a1].
- A pressure on the back of the right hand, between the two middle metacarpal bones, as
though something hard were lying between them, very perceptible if the hands were pressed
against anything hard, not when touched, [_a1].
Inferior extremities
- The left thigh feels as if broken in the middle while sitting; it disappears on standing,
- Stitches as with pins in the palm of the left hand, between the first and second fingers;
these disappear after scratching, but afterwards return with burning, [_a1].
- Dull painful stitches in the skin of the lower portion of the forearm, [_a1].
- Crawling itching-like stitches in the palm of the right hand, [_a1].
- Itching of the skin in front of and above the left ear, disappearing as soon as he touches it,
- Sleepiness at nightfall, [_a2].
- Sleep disturbed, [_a2].
- Heat from the abdomen to the stomach and chest, running over different
- (Forenoon), The pains.
- (When sitting), Feeling in thigh.
- (Evening), The pains.
Inner head
- Pains in head; amel evenings, agg mornings.
Lower face
- Stinging sensation in upper lip, as if blood would press out, amel from touch.
- Dryness of upper lip, which is drawn closer to teeth.
- Burning in inner surface of lower lip, with sensation as if it had gone to sleep.
Taste and tongue
- Rye bread tastes good, its odor is refreshing.
- Tongue covered with aphthae; most on edges.
- Edges of tongue folded like little bags.
- Tough, viscid phlegm from stomach; with old drunkards.
- Pain in splenic region.
- Three months' colic, especially if it recurs at regular hours; bowels disturbed.
- Violent wind colic.
- Rumbling in abdomen.
Urinary organs
- Retention of urine.
- Dyspnoea in old asthmatics.
- After coughing, feeling of emptiness.
- Frequent cough, with pain.
- Spitting blood in small quantities and with pus-like phlegm, pain in right chest.
- Whitish expectoration.
Lower limbs
- Left thigh feels as if broken at middle, when sitting, ceases on rising.
- Position. Motion. Sitting : left thigh feels as if broken at middle.
- Rising : sensation as if left thigh was broken ceases.
- Morning : pains in head agg.
- Evenings : pains in head amel.
Attacks, periodicity
- Three months' colic, especially if it recurs at regular hours.
- As if blood would press out of upper lip; as if lower lip had gone to sleep; cramp-like
drawing as from a cold in left side of dorsal vertebrae; left thigh feels as if broken at
- Pain : in head; in splenic region; in right chest; in region of third rib; generally on right
side, but occasionally left; about junction of third rib.
- Sharp stitches : in tip of nose.
- Violent wind colic.
- Warm smarting sensation : in nose.
- Stinging sensation : in upper lip.
- Burning : in inner surface of lower lip.
- Rumbling : in abdomen.
- Dryness : of upper lip.
- Itching : over left ear.
- Compatible : after Acon. and Bryon. in haemoptysis.
(o ARSENICICUM: Arseniato de Antimonio)
Caractersticas.- Antim. ars. se dice que afecta de preferencia la parte superior del pulmn
izquierdo. Enfisema, donde la disnea es excesiva. Haarer es la principal autoridad para
este medicamento. Mattes que lo sigui, dice que es igualmente efectivo en casos del
lado derecho en antiguas neumonas y neumonas catarrales en los nios; en derrames
pleurales antiguos y en exudados del pericardio. La tos es < por comer y estar acostado.
Dolores errantes en el nervio citico. Causa inflamacin de los ojos y edema de la cara.
Relaciones.- Comparar: Otras sales de antimonio, Ars., Aur., Laches., Puls. (dolores
cambiantes), Sul.
Tercera trituracin.
Arsenite of antimony.
Formula, (Sb2O3)AsO5+3 p.c. (For chemical preparation, see All.
Hom. Zeit., 79, 76)
Preparation, Triturations.
Isnard (A. H. Z. , 79, 76, Review of Therap. Andw. des Arsen.) took daily increasing doses
of. 01 to 0.10 of centigramme; symptoms began on the sixth day.
Congestion of the head. Pain in the forehead. Pressure in the temples.
Pain in the orbits. Conjunctivitis. Oedema of the face. General sick feeling.
Sense of weakness. Wandering pains along the sciatic nerves. Loss of appetite.
Nausea. Diarrhoea slight, without pain in abdomen. Pulse 90. (Excessive dyspnoea in cases
of emphysema), Dr. Payr, A. H. Z. , 79.
Inner heat
- Rush of blood to head.
- Pain in forehead.
- Pressure in temples.
Upper face
- Oedema of face.
Appetite, thirst
- Desires, Aversions. Loss of appetite.
- { Excessive dyspnoea. Emphysema.
Lower limbs
- Wandering pains along sciatic nerves.
- General sick feeling.
- Sense of weakness.
- Similar to : other antimony salts; Ammon.
- carb.; Arsen.; Aurum; Laches.; Merc. sulph.; Phosphor.; Pulsat. (ischias, wandering
pains); Sulphur.
*** 1- Muy sentimental es un exaltado del amor; xtasis amoroso, sobre todo caminando a la
luz de la luna o de la que se filtra por ventanas o vitrales; o tambin antes de cada
menstruacin o cuando tiene diarrea. Enfermos de amor, trastornos por amores
contrariados o no correspondidos. La luz de la luna agrava sus sntomas mentales.
*** 2- Aversin a que lo toquen y a que lo miren, especialmente en nios; grita si lo tocan. El
nio es excesivamente malhumorado e irritable, atravesado y contradictorio, grun; por
ms que se haga para satisfacerlo, nunca est conforme; se irrita por la menor atencin;
no quiere hablar ni que le hablen. Misntropo.
*** 3- Gran tristeza, peor al anochecer, con llanto; si oye campanas. Est disgustado y
cansado de la vida, con pensamientos suicidas que lo hacen salir de la cama. Tendencia a
suicidarse disparndose un tiro o ahogndose. Muy ansioso y preocupado por su destino;
piensa mucho sobre su condicin.
6- Ninfomana.
*** 7- Peor por el bao fro, o consecuencias inmediatas o alejadas de un bao fro o de caer
al agua o de nadar en el ro o en el mar o en una pileta: cefaleas violentas, gastritis,
diarrea, resfros, afona, amenorreas, reumatismo, etc. Aversin y miedo al bao en
general (y fro en particular) en nios; gritan y lloran cuando los lavan o baan en agua
*** 8- Peor por toda forma de calor radiante: no puede tolerar el calor del sol (ni su luz) o
acalorarse cerca del fuego (peor tos, oftalmias); agotado en tiempo caluroso; peor por
esfuerzos al sol; trastornos por quemaduras de sol. Peor en una habitacin calurosa. Es
un medicamento muy til en climas o estaciones clidas.
*** 9- Trastornos por alimentos cidos: vinagre, fruta cida, vino agrio, etc., Peor por
dulces, chauchas, cerdo, pan.
** 10- Indicado en especial en los extremos de la vida: nios y ancianos. Nios o jvenes con
tendencia a la obesidad, irascibles, que no toleran que los toquen o miren. Viejos como
adormilados todo el da, con trastornos digestivos; o con diarrea matinal, que de golpe se
constipan, o alternan diarrea y constipacin; con pulso rpido y duro.
* 11- Peor por fro o temperaturas extremas, por tomar fro. Desea aire libre. Peor por
aplicaciones hmedas. Peor despus de comer mucho, al anochecer, de noche, a la luz de
la luna, si lo tocan, subiendo escaleras. Mejor al aire libre, en reposo o acostado, despus
de un bao templado o caliente.
13- Ausencia de dolor en ciertos casos en que debera estar presente (Boericke).
14- Lateralidad izquierda o inferior izquierda y superior derecha. Los sntomas, cuando
reaparecen, van de un lado a otro del cuerpo.
** 16- Cefaleas: despus de baarse; peor por un bao fro (o en el ro); por trastornos
gstricos (por fruta, cidos, golosinas o grasas) con vmitos prolongados; por acalorarse,
sobre todo por un fuego o estufa o por exponerse al sol o en una habitacin calurosa; por
bebidas alcohlicas; por tomar fro; por erupciones o secreciones suprimidas, mejor por
eliminaciones (coriza, diarrea, vmitos); mejor caminando al aire libre. Prurito en el
cuero cabelludo, con cefalea y gran cada de cabello. Tendencia a tomar fro en la cabeza.
Pesadez frontal con vrtigo, nuseas y epistaxis.
** 17- Blefaritis, prpados rojos, fisurados, peor en las comisuras, peor en la externa, con
ardor y prurito, como si estuviera en carne viva. Blefaroftalmia crnica en nios.
Dacriocistitis. La inflamacin ocular se agrava por el calor del fuego. Fotofobia. Pstulas
en crnea y prpados.
* 18- Los orificios nasales estn agrietados, costrosos y sensibles, a veces con eczema; con
ulceraciones dentro de la nariz. Coriza agudo crnico, con obstruccin, peor en una
habitacin calurosa. Epistaxis con vrtigo, despus de una cefalea. Mucosidades que van
hacia atrs.
** 21- Encas separadas de los dientes, sangran fcilmente. Odontalgias en dientes cariados,
peor por bebidas fras, premenstrual, al tocarlos con la lengua, despus de comer;
extendidas a la cara; mejor caminando al aire libre. No puede tolerar el trabajo dental.
*** 22- La lengua est cubierta por una capa espesa y blanca como leche: es el sntoma ms
destacado del medicamento, y acompaa prcticamente a todos sus trastornos,
especialmente a los gstricos. Lengua amarillenta. Los bordes pueden estar rojos y
24- Dolor de vientre durante la fiebre. Hgado grande y duro. Vientre distendido despus de
comer. Ruidos.
** 25- Diarrea: en verano o por acalorarse o por tomar fro o comer mucho, o por fruta cida,
vinagre, cidos. Diarrea matinal en viejos, que bruscamente se constipan, alternando
con constipacin. Heces lquidas o acuosas con trozos duros. Hemorroides con prurito
anal, con humedad continua de mal olor y que tie la ropa de amarillo.
26- Orina frecuente, turbia, ftida, con ardor y dolor de espaldas. Sed al toser.
27- Erupcin en el escroto. Atrofia de pene y testculos. Impotencia. Excitacin sexual. Dolor
uretral quemante al salir el semen.
* 28- Flujo acuoso, acre, con pedacitos; o espeso y cido. Amenorrea por bao fro, con
sensacin de presin en la pelvis. Menstruaciones adelantadas, profusas, con sensacin
de debilidad abdominal. Prurito vulvar.
29- Afona indolora despus de acalorarse o al da siguiente de baarse con agua fra.
* 30- Tos, peor entrando de afuera a un cuarto caluroso, por calor radiante (sol, fuego,
estufa), por mirar al fuego, por acalorarse; con ardor, prurito y opresin en el pecho.
Dolor en el trax durante la fiebre o el calor. Coqueluche con tos quintosa, con
paroxismos de intensidad decreciente, lengua blanca y trastornos gstricos. Coqueluche,
peor por acalorarse al sol o en una habitacin calurosa; por lavarse con agua fra.
*** 32- Callosidades crneas en los pies, sobre todo en las plantas de los pies; como
excrecencias crneas, con dolorimiento y gran sensibilidad plantar al caminar,
especialmente en pavimentos duros. Callos crneos, inflamados. Uas alteradas,
deformadas, frgiles (Sil., Thuy., Graph.), crecen lentamente, gruesas; excrecencias
crneas dolorosas bajo la ua, sobre todo del pulgar. Dolores articulares sobre todo en
los dedos de las manos, peor despus de tomar vino agrio. Reumatismo crnico, gota,
tofos. Se le duermen las piernas estando sentado. Tumor blanco de rodilla. Debilidad y
sacudidas en las manos al escribir, seguida de flatulencia ofensiva. Dolor en los talones.
Gangrena del pie, que est negro, insensible al tacto y con intolerables dolores ardientes
y lancinantes. Pies helados.
* 34- Varicela (es uno de los medicamentos ms utilizados en esta afeccin). Sarampin con
vmitos. Fiebre gstrica con nuseas, vmitos, lengua blanca y diarrea.
** 36- Piel agrietada, peor en las comisuras (ojos, nariz, boca). Eczema con trastornos
gstricos. Verrugas crneas. Piel dura con espesamientos, callosidades, induraciones o
ndulos crneos. Urticaria, peor por carne. Vesculas, pstulas; costras espesas, duras,
color miel. Erupciones costrosas, supuradas, con secrecin amarilla. Edemas
(Vannier: Remedios de estados agudos)
Para comprender bien a Antimonium crudum y saber aplicarlo, es necesario en primer lugar
conocer las razones que conducen a un enfermo a presentar trastornos que justifiquen el
uso de este remedio.
Cules son los trastornos que se producen cuando el individuo ha tomado un bao fro?
Tiene dolores o una coriza con ronquera o trastornos digestivos.
A) Los dolores. Despus de un bao fro, los dolores son de dos clases: dolores
reumatismales y cefalea.
1) Los dolores reumatismales. Asientan sobre todo en las primeras articulaciones,
articulaciones de los dedos de la mano o del pie. Se les califica clnicamente bajo el
nombre de "dolores artrticos". Es un enfermo artrtico que presenta dolores en las
pequeas articulaciones de los dedos porque se lava las manos con mucha frecuencia.
Personas como las lavanderas, que sumergen con frecuencia las manos en agua fra. Por
esta razn se ha calificado a Antimonium crudum como "remedio de las lavanderas".
Podemos tambin pensar en otro remedio que le conviene a dolores reumatismales
provocados por la humedad, por ejemplo, despus de recibir un chaparrn sobre el dorso,
despus de permanecer algn tiempo en un lugar hmedo o temperar en un clima
hmedo durante dos o tres semanas: este remedio es Rhus toxicodendron. Rhus tox.
presenta caractersticas muy claras: el enfermo experimenta rigidez dolorosa por la
maana al despertar, no puede mover las grandes articulaciones, ni los dedos, ni las
rodillas, y para "desenmohecerlas" necesita moverse. Este es el nico remedio de la
materia mdica que presenta esta modalidad y esta particularidad. Es agravado por el
primer movimiento, pero mejorado enseguida por los otros.
Observacin importante: Si este enfermo que sufre de la cabeza, que no se puede mover ni
calentar sin agravarse, le aparece vmito o diarrea, inmediatamente se calmar y la
cefalea desaparece.
Otros remedios de coriza pueden relacionarse con Antimonium crudum, con el cual es
necesario distinguirlos.
Allium cepa presenta casi la misma caracterstica que Antimonium crudum, a saber: el
enfermo se siente peor con el tiempo caliente y mejora al aire libre. Pero mientras que
Antimonium tiene la nariz tapada, Allium cepa presenta ms bien derrame mucoso y
tiene estornudos, peores en el calor. Estos estornudos frecuentes son una caracterstica de
Allium cepa. El enfermo comienza a tener lagrimeo y, cosa curiosa, el derrame nasal es
escoriante, pero el lagrimeo no lo es.
Otro remedio que da obstruccin nasal por la noche es Nux vmica. El enfermo bruscamente
tiene la nariz tapada por la noche, y en la maana comienza a correrle el moco como una
fuente. Si Antimonium crudum desencadena una coriza despus de haber tomado un
bao fro, Nux vmica lo sufre despus de una transgresin en el rgimen diettico.
C) Trastornos gstricos. Despus del bao fro, el sujeto de Antimonium crudum puede
tambin tener trastornos gstricos: vmitos, diarrea. Pero hay que agregar que estos
sntomas no aparecen sino en un sujeto determinado y habiendo adems otras razones
que justifiquen la indicacin del remedio; razones que estudiaremos de seguidas, ya que
sabemos que el segundo motivo de la indicacin de Antimonium crudum es el exceso de
Veis cmo es interesante retener una pequea caracterstica, pero con la condicin de
compararla a la de otro remedio que, sobre el mismo plan, puede ser igualmente
aplicado, puesto que es la misma razn la que rige a ambos trastornos.
Observaris, de paso, que Sulphur, como Antimonium crudum, no puede soportar los baos
fros, tiene horror al agua, de tal suerte que casi nunca se baa, por eso siempre tiene la
piel sucia, punteada de negro, grasienta, con acn; tiene comezones muy intensas que
trata de aliviar con el rascado y que luego cede su lugar a un verdadero ardor por todo el
Si encontris a un enfermo que detesta el bao fro porque le hace mal, pensaris en
Antimonium crudum; si encontris a otro que tiene horror al agua, como Sulphur, no
olvidis que el enfermo de Phytolaca reclama baos fros, lo que parece paradjico,
porque sufre de dolores reumticos que sobrevienen por la noche y por la humedad. Sin
embargo, este enfermo desea tomar una ducha fra.
Estudiemos ahora el segundo motivo por el cual un sujeto puede hacerse solidario de
Antimonium crudum: el exceso de comida
Estos ejemplos, de una trivialidad y de una vulgaridad tal vez un poco desagradables,
permiten fijar la idea que nos representa un remedio. Nuestro estudio es totalmente
diferente del de la Materia mdica oficial; es mucho ms vivo, ms sincero y ms real.
Cuando encontris tal o cual signo en los enfermos, estos signos no os recordarn nada
mientras no hayis comprendido el inters de la Materia mdica homeoptica, pero si los
habis estudiado, ellos os permitirn clasificar a los individuos que se presentan a vuestra
consulta y encontrar inmediatamente los remedios que le son ms exactamente
Cules son los accidentes que van a manifestarse en el sujeto de Antimonium crudum que
come demasiado?
Son agudos sobre todo en los nios. A consecuencia de haber comido demasiadas golosinas
tienen indigestin. Esta indigestin puede presentarse tanto en el beb como en el
Son crnicos en el individuo ya descrito, el glotn que come a toda hora y luego termina por
no poder comer ms nada, y la menor alteracin del rgimen lo enferma. Una cosa que
no puede tomar, ni an en pequea cantidad, es el vino, sobre todo si es cido.
"Agravacin por el vino" es caracterstico de Antimonium crudum.
Otros dos remedios tienen tambin esta caracterstica: Nux vomica y Zincum. Un vaso de
vino no enferma al sujeto de Nux vomica, pero uno o dos litros desarrollan en l todos
los sntomas del remedio: se despierta por la maana con dolor de cabeza en crculo y
vrtigos, no puede mantenerse en pie, tiene ansias de vomitar, se siente pesado y se
provoca el vmito para mejorar.
El vino da al enfermo de Zincum nuseas con cefalea, eructos con vmitos, hipo y ardores en
el estmago. Pero el enfermo de Zincum no se comporta del todo como el de
Os he dicho ya que este ltimo era un tipo gordo, tragn. Zincum es un individuo agotado
desde el punto de vista nervioso, de una hipersensibilidad considerable, a tal punto que
no puede soportar el menor ruido; tiene bruscas sacudidas durante el sueo, es agitado.
Presenta una forma de agitacin muy curiosa: siempre tiene los pies en movimiento,
tanto de noche como de da.
b) Los trastornos cutneos. Los trastornos cutneos de Antimonium crudum son el exutorio
del glotn que no quiere privarse de nada, aunque sus excesos lo enfermen. Se presentan,
ya bajo forma de vesculas pruriginosas (eczema), ya bajo forma de trastornos trficos
caracterizados por un espesamiento de la piel y por modificaciones por parte de las uas.
3) La fiebre
Hay pocas caractersticas en esta fiebre, salvo el escalofro sin sed y las transpiraciones
durante el escalofro. Este enfermo que no puede soportar el vino cido, no tiene ms que
un deseo tomar bebidas cidas, particularmente las ctricas y jugos de frutas.
4) Signos objetivos
Existen caractersticas dominantes de inters a retener y sobre las cuales os suplico prestar
siempre vuestra atencin: son los signos objetivos. Es posible que tengis que atender a
un nio que no habla o que no puede contar su historia; o con un sujeto que os responde:
"tal vez si, tal vez no". Con estos enfermos "cerrados" es indispensable conocer los
signos objetivos particulares a cada remedio.
El sujeto que presenta nuseas y vmitos, pero que tiene la lengua limpia, pertenece a Ipeca.
Cualquiera que sea la intensidad de los trastornos digestivos observados en un enfermo
de Ipeca por parte del estmago o del intestino, la lengua est siempre limpia.
Otro enfermo puede presentar trastornos gstricos o intestinales, pero con una lengua muy
grande, recubierta de un barniz amarillo y que guarda la impresin de los dientes: este es
un enfermo de Mercurius. Adems, tiene aliento ftido e hipersalivacin. Otro enfermo
presenta una lengua extensa que guarda la impresin de los dientes, pero limpia como la
de Ipeca: es Ignatia.
Sobre estos tres remedios: Ipeca, Mercurius, Ignatia, podis establecer un diagnstico
diferencial solamente por el aspecto de la lengua.
b) Las boqueras o grietas de las comisuras labiales. Los labios estn rojos y secos.
c) El estado de las heces. Estas son semislidas, semilquidas.
Antimonium crudum conviene a todas las edades de la vida, tanto al nio, como al adulto y al
A) El digestivo
1) En el nio. "Despus de haber mamado", bruscamente "el beb vomita la leche cuajada" y
rehusa tomar de nuevo el seno.
2) En el adulto. Estado Agudo. Se trata de un sujeto que ha comido demasiado pan o pasteles,
que tiene agravacin por el vino, sobre todo el vino cido, o que ha tomado un bao fro
y bruscamente ve desencadenarse sntomas digestivos, caracterizados en primer lugar por
eructos que tienen el sabor y el olor de los alimentos absorbidos, despus por nuseas y
vmitos; el abdomen est distendido; por ltimo sobreviene diarrea.
Recordaris que el enfermo tiene "boquera" en las comisuras labiales, las cuales estn
"agrietadas y dolorosas"; los labios estn "rojos" y "secos"; sin embargo, hay una
"salivacin abundante". La saliva tiene cierto gusto: es "salada".
Las encas son "sangrantes" y se separan de los dientes. Pequeo signo sobre el cual el
enfermo insiste: tiene a menudo "aftas" en la boca, que aumentan cuando absorbe
sustancias grasas o azucaradas; por ejemplo, si abusa de los entremeses y charcutera en
gran cantidad. Recordaris la caracterstica de la lengua. El enfermo os dice: "no tengo
apetito", "todo me disgusta, no puedo comer, los alimentos me repugnan al slo verlos".
Es algo parecido al sujeto de Colchicum, de Sepia, o de Arsenicum; y sobre todo no
puede beber vino. Prosigue diciendo el sujeto "no deseo ms nada que una cosa: una
limonada o un jugo de frutas, el menor sabor a vino me produce nuseas y eructos,
inmediatamente despus de la comida expulso gases que tienen olor y sabor de los
alimentos ingeridos".
Pero el motivo por el cual el sujeto os consulta es la enteritis, que se presenta siempre de la
misma manera. Si el enfermo no sigue un rgimen riguroso y reducido, presentar "heces
semilquidas". No tiene alternancia de constipacin y de diarrea (como en Sulphur), sino
simplemente heces semilquidas o semislidas. La diarrea acuosa o serosa no se
encuentra sino en las heces terminales de la indigestin aguda de Antimonium crudum.
Lo que fastidia mucho al enfermo son sus hemorroides. En realidad no las notaris
externamente; tal vez sean internas, pero el enfermo tiene un verdadero catarro rectal.
Esta secrecin se manifiesta bajo forma de un "escurrimiento constante" a nivel del ano;
escurrimiento que ensucia el interior y que acompaa de comezones.
B) El respiratorio
Presenta a veces ronquera y tos. Es aqu donde encontraris la curiosa modalidad que os he
indicado al principio: agravacin por el calor radiante. Se trata de nios gordos que
comen demasiado, que abusan de las golosinas y que son atacados en cualquier momento
de coqueluche. Ensayaris, entonces los diferentes remedios de coqueluche que os
parezcan indicables: Drosera, Belladonna, Coccus cacti, y no obtendris ningn resultado
ni descubriris el remedio hasta el momento en que observis que el nio comienza a
toser cuando se acerca a un radiador. La tos agravada por el calor radiante no es
atribuible ms que a un slo remedio: Antimonium crudum.
C) El reumtico
Cul es el sitio de este reumatismo? Son las pequeas articulaciones, particularmente los
dedos; se encuentran, sobre todo, como os he dicho al comienzo de esta leccin, en las
lavanderas y las personas que por su profesin estn obligadas a sumergir las manos en
el agua, y en los gotosos. Pensaris que el sujeto de Antimonium debe sufrir de gota: es
un tipo que come mucho, que es gordo y que pronto se hace obeso. Este gotoso presenta
una pequea caracterstica interesante: "sus crisis alternan con crisis digestivas". Cuando
tiene gota, no tiene trastornos digestivos, y por el contrario: cuando tiene trastornos
digestivos no sufre de reumatismo gotoso.
Pequeo signo interesante sealado por Allen: En el curso de un reumatismo gotoso los
dolores se desarrollan de una manera particular: van y vienen y no aparecen nunca del
mismo lado; por ejemplo, si el enfermo comienza a sufrir de la mano derecha o de una
pequea articulacin del lado derecho, ms tarde sufrir del lado izquierdo. "Los dolores
pasan de uno al otro lado del cuerpo".
D) La piel
Cul es el sitio de asiento? Ya alrededor de los labios (recordad las boqueras), ya en las
narices, ora alrededor del mentn y sobre las mejillas. Eczema y urticaria son
manifestaciones frecuentes de Antimonium crudum.
Aranea diadema sufre, sobre todo, a nivel de los talones, dolores en los huesos, dolores muy
profundos provocados o aumentados por la humedad.
Otro individuo no puede caminar porque tiene dolores agudos en los dedos de los pies:
Ledum palustre. Pero, cosa curiosa, si mete los pies en agua fra , desaparecen los
En otro caso el paciente sufre de los talones, como Aranea diadema, pero lo que caracteriza a
los dolores es la sensacin de latidos o punzadas agudas en los talones que le semejan
caminar sobre piedras puntiagudas. Esta es la indicacin de Lycopodium.
Sntoma conexo: el enfermo tiene sensacin de quemadura en las manos y los pies por la
noche en su cama, y trata de buscar un lugar fresco.
Otro enfermo se priva de caminar debido a que sus pies le sudan mucho. Tiene sudores
escoriantes, ftidos, la piel es dolorosa. Este es Silcea.
Las uas de Antimonium crudum son espesas, deformadas, resquebrajadas y, sobre todo,
"dolorosas". (Silcea: uas espesas con manchas blancas y erupciones yuxtaungueales;
Graphites: uas espesas, deformadas, con manchas negras; Thuja: uas blandas,
fcilmente flexibles, con manos hmedas).
Antimonium crudum presenta a veces "depsitos calcreos" bajo las uas que son muy
dolorosas; el dolor es agravado por el calor radiante, como lo he podido observar en
religiosas o camareras obligadas a planchar.
Sin embargo, cuando tengis que atender a muchachas jvenes o a mujeres, veris que estn
tristes. Son exaltadas, imaginan toda clase de cosas y vienen a vuestra consulta diciendo:
"La vida me disgusta, no vale la pena seguir viviendo, me parece que si yo pudiera morir,
estara ms tranquila despus".
Cosa curiosa, estas personas son perturbadas por una luz difusa y clara; estn siempre ms
exaltadas, ms desequilibradas con la claridad de la luna. Cuando, por la noche, la luz de
la luna se proyecta en su alcoba, cierran las persianas. "Agravacin por la claridad de la
luna", es caracterstico de Antimonium crudum. Sabis que Calcrea carbnica
corresponde a todos los estados mrbidos agravados por la luna llena; y Silcea, a los
enfermos agravados por la luna nueva.
Lengua recubierta por una gruesa capa, blanca como la leche (en numerosas
Uas de los dedos de la mano deformadas: crecen agrietadas como las verrugas y con
puntos crneos.
El nio no puede soportar que lo toquen o que lo miren; est de mal humor enojado.
Cefalea: despus de baarse en el ro; por tomar fro; por la ingestin de bebidas
alcohlicas: por indigestin; por los cidos, las grasas, las frutas; despus de supresin de
Del ano rezuma mucus icoroso que mancha de amarillo; hemorroides mucosas.
No puede tolerar el calor del sol; agravacin producida por los esfuerzos realizados al
sol; agotado por el tiempo caluroso.
Como los tres remedios que acabamos de describir, el que ahora estudiaremos posee
una marcada afinidad con el tubo digestivo. Su caracterstica dominante se encuentra en su
lengua cubierta con una gruesa capa blanca, muy blanca, blanca como la leche. Muchos
remedios tienen lengua blanca, pero ste los sobrepasa a todos.
Existe una forma de diarrea que alterna con constipacin y que se encuentra con
mayor frecuencia en personas de edad y donde Antimonium crudum es el nico remedio. Es
tambin uno de los mejores medicamentos para las hemorroides "mucosas": hay un
constante rezumamiento de mucus que mancha la ropa interior, muy desagradable para el
-Algunos sntomas mentales de este remedio son muy peculiares: "Profunda tristeza y
nimo deprimido, con fiebre intermitente", adems, "disposicin sentimental a la luz de la
luna, amor exttico", y tambin, "el nio no puede soportar que lo toquen o que lo miren".
De los dos primeros nada puedo decir por experiencia u observacin, pero en cuanto
al ltimo, afirmo que es una joya. Muchas veces tuve que emplear Antimonium crudum,
precisamente por este estado mental, en casos de fiebre gstrica o remitente, para las cuales
es un remedio muy valioso. El nio est enojado, pero no como el de Chamomilla, que quiere
ser acariciado y llevado en brazos, sino que ste da gritos, llora y muestra mal genio ante
cualquier pequea atencin que se le prodigue. Otra circunstancia que he observado en
muchos de estos casos es que la fiebre se eleva durante la noche y va acompaada de intensa
sed; la lengua blanca est casi siempre presente. Tales nios se hallan muy propensos, a tener
"las ventanas nasales y las comisuras de los labios, irritadas, agrietadas y con costras", an
cuando aparentemente estn sanos, y este trastorno tambin puede presentarse cuando estn
-Veamos ahora las modalidades peculiares que merecen especial mencin. Primera:
los trastornos estn, a menudo, causados o agravados por el calor y en especial por el calor
del sol. (Bryonia, Glonoinum, Gelsemium, Natrum carbnicum. ) El enfermo se siente
agotado durante el tiempo caluroso; los trastornos digestivos tales como las nuseas, vmitos
y diarrea, sobrevienen entonces o se agravan. Tambin estn peor la tos y, como la de
Bryonia, se agrava al entrar en una habitacin caliente despus de haber estado al aire fro.
Estas afecciones estn particularmente agravadas por el calor del sol pero tambin por el
calor radiante del fuego, de suerte que Antimonium crudum ostenta un alto rango como
remedio del tiempo caluroso. Segunda: el bao fro causa trastornos o los agrava. ( Rhus
toxicodendron, Sulphur.) "El nio llora cuando se lo lava o se lo baa con agua fra." El bao
fro causa cefalalgia, coriza, catarro gstrico, diarrea, suspensin del perodo, odontalgia,
etctera. Cuando se nos presenta el caso de una enfermedad inveterada y el paciente refiere el
comienzo del trastorno a una competencia de natacin o a una cada al agua, pensemos en
Antimonium crudum y prosigamos el examen en busca de otras indicaciones del
-Por ltimo, he aqu algunos sntomas dispersos que han hallado su remedio en
Antimonium crudum: "Hemorragia intestinal copiosa, la sangre est mezclada con heces
slidas; enrojecimiento crnico de los prpados; odontalgia en dientes cariados, que empeora
a la noche; trastorno gstrico despus de la ingestin de sustancias cidas, vino picado,
vinagre, etc."
Sobre el neumogstrico, por medio del cual manifiesta sus potentes propiedades hemticas.
Acta sobre los rganos dependientes de este neumogstrico : DIRECTAMENTE sobre
meninges, faringe, laringe, esfago, trquea, pulmones, pleura, corazn, estmago,
intestino delgado : INDIRECTAMENTE (Vsceras abdominales) por intermedio de sus
anastomosis con el simptico (Plexo solar).
Su accin es hipoastenizante. Tambin acta sobre las mucosas del tracto digestivo
aumentando sus secreciones.
Dice Boericke : "Son los sntomas mentales y los de la esfera gstrica los que determinan la
eleccin del remedio" y Kent agrega : "Es sorprendente ver, estudiando este remedio, que
todos los sntomas tienen por centro el estmago". Poco importa la clase de malestares,
el estmago lleva la parte principal. Los dolores gstricos producen nuseas; cefalea que
causa mareos; todo acompaado de gran malestar estomacal.
CONSTITUCIN Y TIPO: Acta en ambos extremos de la vida : los nios y los jvenes, por
un lado, y los viejos por otro. Dice Espanet: "LAS constituciones ms favorables a la
accin de este remedio son aquellas en que se desarrollan grandes vsceras con o sin
tejido adiposo. Los grandes calores, los climas clidos, exigen una alimentacin ms
excitante que abundante. Entonces a la menor sobrecarga de alimentos o desarreglo en el
rgimen, ocasionan digestiones laboriosas que desgastan la actividad simptica, sobre
todo la del neumogstrico".
Estado mental
A) Lateralidad
B) Mejora
Por el reposo, estando acostado, tranquilo, por aplicaciones calientes, baos calientes y al
aire libre.
C) Agravacin
b) Por los baos fros (RHUS TOX., SULFUR); el nio llora al ser lavado o baado en
agua fra.
Sntomas mentales
Individuos huraos; descontentos de todo lo que los rodea; amantes de contradecir;
malhumorados, sin deseos de hablar; se ofenden por lo ms mnimo.
Nios gordos, insaciables, denotan mal humor cuando se los mira; no quieren ser tocados,
mirados, y los ms insignificante los encoleriza.
Esta irritabilidad nos recuerda a BRYON., CHAMOM., NUX VOM., CHINA, SEPIA.
Disgusto por la vida que es una carga para ellos. Acompaado de depresin y agotamiento
nerviosos. Mujer triste, melanclica, sentimental, sin deseo alguno.
A todo esto se agrega un sntoma que a veces aparece slo por instantes: las jvenes mujeres
sentimentales, histricas, fcilmente irritables, se conmueven ante una luz suave como la
que puede filtrarse a travs de un vidrio de color; este sntoma quiere decir HUMOR
Inflamados, rojos, los prpados presentan una ligera supuracin mucosa superficial; se abren
Blefaritis crnica y fotofobia, especialmente por la luz del sol y la del fuego brillante.
Aparato digestivo
1) BOCA: Salivacin abundante, salada; gusto amargo en la boca con SED ARDIENTE,
Encas sangrantes; odontalgia peor de noche, en dientes cariados. El principal signo bucal,
netamente caracterstico, es : LENGUA CUBIERTA POR UNA CAMADA BLANCA,
tienen lengua blanca : HYDRAST., KALI CARB., PULS., SEPIA, ANT. TART., ms
bien amarillenta oscura, pero ninguno de una blancura tan neta y uniforme como ANT.
Gran deseo de alimentos cidos (ANT. TART., MAGN. CARB., MYRICA, SEPIA).
Trastornos digestivos provenientes de sobrecarga estomacal ANT. CRUD. es til para las
molestias que siguen a un banquete o cena demasiado abundante, por ej. la de Navidad;
lengua muy blanca, sensacin de plenitud, distensin estomacal y abdominal, eructos
desagradables, con el gusto de la comida ingerida, tardan en aparecer las nuseas y por
ltimo los vmitos con restos alimentarios (Dewey)
ANT. CRUD. es el remedio de los desarreglos estomacales recientes, digestin difcil con
eructos, nuseas, vmitos por sobrecarga estomacal, sobre todo de cosas indigestas y
bebidas cidas (vino, vinagre, etc., que a pesar de hacerle mal, desea). IPECA tiene
alguna analoga, aunque predominan las nuseas, no los vmitos y la lengua est limpia.
PULS. es tambin til en trastornos digestivos por abuso de alimentos, demasiado ricos,
grasos, pesados, helados y adems diarrea, pero carece de los vmitos caractersticos de
ANT. CRUD. BRYON. es til en catarro gstrico por abuso en comidas, lengua blanca,
boca seca, pero es mucho ms irritado que ANT. CRUD., la lengua es blanca slo en el
medio, los bordes son rosados, hay generalmente CONSTIPACIN, deposiciones duras,
oscuras y secas; no obstante si hay diarrea, es acuosa, ftida, con olor a queso viejo.
rganos genitales
Leucorrea acuosa, o bien cida, espesa, irritante. Prurito vulvar con excitacin genital.
Aparato respiratorio
Espalda y extremidades
Sacudidas musculares sacudidas en los brazos. Dolores artrticos en los dedos; nudosidades
gotosas en muchas articulaciones;tofos.
Pies dbiles con grandes superficies callosas en la planta que se vuelve sensible impidiendo
el apoyo perfecto. Esta sensibilidad ha servido como sntoma para prescribir este
remedio en algunos casos de reumatismo crnico. Otros medicamentos tienen la planta
del pie muy sensible; BAR. CARB., LED. PAL., LYCOP., Y MEDORR.
En la piel tiene ART. CRUD. gran actuacin. Erupciones vesiculosas rojas y dolorosas.
(ANT. TART. en menor grado). Gran tendencia caracterstica a INDURACIN
CORNEA, ESPESAMIENTO. En la planta de los pies, se forman capas que renacen si
son cortadas. COMEZN, ERITEMAS, erupciones semejantes a picazn de ortiga
acompaando frecuentemente a los sntomas gstricos.
Erupciones con costras duras, espesas, como miel; la piel se resquebraja fcilmente, y ello es
muy marcado en fosas nasales y comisuras de labios y prpados lo que nos recuerda a
GRAPH. Transpiracin abundante, sobre todo nocturna, agotadora, tal como la que
podemos hallar en una enfermedad lenta. Sudores por el menor ejercicio; si el paciente
est expuesto a un pequeo exceso de calor, se pone a transpirar abundantemente y luego
toma fro con facilidad.
Se sorprender al estudiar las pruebas de esta sustancia, el observar que todos los sntomas se
centralizan en el estmago; no interesa que clase de molestias sufre, ya que la vscera se
perturba y aparece la nusea; cuando tiene dolor de cabeza le duele el estmago; y, de
otra forma, siempre que aparecen all desrdenes est enfermo. Molestias que se
manifiestan a travs del estmago muy frecuentemente necesitan esta medicina.
De primordial importancia son los sntomas mentales que muestran la clase de constitucin
que parecera necesitar este remedio. Produce un estado muy grave en la mente,
ausencia de deseos de vivir. Es bien sabido para los mdicos que el caso es grave si el
paciente no tiene deseos de vivir; la vida es una carga. Cuando escucho decir a un
paciente: "Oh, doctor, si yo pudiera solamente morir". No me gusta tal caso. Hay un
profundo problema asentado en la economa que es difcil eliminar. Algo se hace, y
cuando el paciente consulta es comn verlo realmente morir. "Renuente a la vida".
Encontrar esto especialmente en una fiebre grave, lenta, continua como tifoidea. Este
remedio tiene toda la postracin de tifoidea, y posee la clase de fiebre continuada, as
como la intermitente y remitente. La postracin es similar a Arsenicum, pero este
medicamente tiene un abrumador temor de morir, mientras que Antimonium posee
aversin a la vida; y as ambas se separan. Ars. posee mucha impaciencia, este remedio
es raramente inquietante. Ars. tiene una intensa sed, este medicamento no. As aunque
ambas medicinas tienen un excesivo agotamiento con fiebre continua, poseen
caractersticas suficientemente distintas para poder diferenciarlas. Tifoidea ser
observada algunas veces en jovencitas durante la pubertad quienes estn amenazadas de
contraer clorosis. Ellas tienen temor de la vida, pero es una aversin histrica a la vida.
Momentos de gran extenuacin, repentinos ataques de debilidad y desmayos. Muy
comnmente encontrar otra caracterstica con esto, la cual no aparece simultneamente
pero alternando, o presentndose por momentos, es decir, en jovencitas muy excitables,
nerviosas, histricas, en xtasis, sntomas producidos por suaves luces tales como las
que fluyen a travs de ventanas de vidrio de color o de la luna vespertina. Esto es lo que
se quiere significar cuando se lee en el texto: "Sentimentalismo a la luz de la luna". Es
un estado histrico, una desordenada explosin de afecto, despertada en uno cuyo
sistema nervioso est desequilibrado. Esta clase de paciente nos da el estado mental y
constitucin del Ant. crud., y extendiendo tales afecciones mentales las condiciones
fsicas pareceran paralizar el estmago, por decirlo as.
Hemos considerado a este remedio en su estado general que usted debe tener en mente, esto
es, gota o estado reumtico, en los que los sntomas cambian con el estado del tiempo;
peor con el fro, clima hmedo, peor con baos fros, mejor con el calor de un bao
caliente, peor cuando se toma vino agrio, y peor cuando se ingieren estimulantes de
cualquier naturaleza. Cuando se usa la expresin "peor cuando se bebe vino" no es
solamente saber que el paciente empeora con el vino, sino las caractersticas de los
dolores que empeoran con el vino. Este paciente se intoxica fcilmente, pero los
sntomas fsicos estn ms trastornados que los mentales; sus sntomas de gota son
peores al ingerir vino cido; todas las molestias y dolores se agravan, as como
cefalalgias, y perturbaciones gstricas.
Este paciente est peor durante la noche, con clima hmedo, peor con humedad y fro,
mejora si permanece quieto, si se le aplica calor, pero empeora cuando est muy
acalorado en un ambiente clido. Muchos de los trastornos se agudizan con los rayos
del sol y por el calor de un fogn libre. El fuego est completamente en contra del
paciente de Ant. crud. Un nio con tos convulsa toser ms al mirar el fuego.
Tales cosas son extraas; pero no hay teoras filosficas para explicarlas.
La naturaleza de la gota parece cambiar tan repentinamente que usted se pregunta de dnde
han aparecido los sntomas externos, de pronto, todos a la vez, durante una noche o un
da, el paciente comienza a vomitar persistentemente, durando das y semanas, hasta
que los sntomas de gota vuelven a las extremidades. Es maravilloso cun rpido se
produce esto, cambiando de un lugar a otro. La gota cesa repentinamente en las
extremidades y aparecen sntomas en el estmago, y usted puede llamar a esto gota en
el estmago, si lo desea.
Si toma un bao fro por la noche antes de acostarse se levanta por la maana afnico. Esto
se produce aparentemente sin dolores; no sabe que le ha sucedido hasta que trata de
hablar por la maana. Algunas veces los resfros descienden a la garganta y a la trquea,
produciendo una bronquitis y hasta pulmona.
Tos espasmdica y seca que termina en un paroxismo. Explicar esto: el primer paroxismo
se produce con gran violencia, con todos sus sntomas, pero disminuye hasta terminar
en una tos que no es paroxismal. Cuando esta primera tos sacude todo el cuerpo,
estruendosa, y la lengua est blanca, con perturbaciones gstricas, Ant. crud. es el
remedio. Este medicamento cambiar todo el aspecto del caso al instante. El pecho
permanece dolorido, estropeado y estrujado debido a la violencia de la tos.
Dolores abdominales violentos, ardor, gran distensin; parecera que hubiera un aumento de
distensin como si fuera un tornillo, haciendo bajar gradualmente algo, por la fuerza,
que gradualmente aumenta la tensin. Encontramos este estado en el timpanismo de la
tifoidea, en las flatulencias, as como en diarreas estivales. Estar relacionado con
sntomas gstricos y la lengua blanca especialmente si tales perturbaciones han
aparecido luego de ingerir vino cido o por tomar un bao fro, en un paciente gotoso,
donde los ndulos en los ligamentos de los dedos se tornan indoloros y el estmago e
intestinos se distienden y duelen.
Este remedio acarrea una indescriptible diarrea, lquida. Diarrea que proviene del vino
cido. Apresuramiento para defecar y evaca una pequea masa y lquido, y otra vez se
apura a defecar y pasan ms masa y lquido y esto se convierte en diarrea estival hasta
que finalmente se establece un gran tenesmo. Es una diarrea que finaliza en disentera;
inflamacin del recto y del colon, con sufrimiento, mucho tenesmo, prolongados
esfuerzos y gran decaimiento.
Las vsceras plvicas se relajan, especialmente en las mujeres, tanto que aparecen cadas en
la pelvis. Aparece prolapso en el tero y un flujo parecido a leucorrea. Distintos
trastornos durante el periodo menstrual. Ovarios irritables y doloridos, tales como
aquellos que encontramos relacionados con jvenes histricas; que sufren de afecciones
desconocidas, sueos.
Esta medicina produce transpiracin abundante, agotadora, noches con transpiracin como
las encontradas en enfermedades de consuncin. Se transpira al ms leve esfuerzo. Si
est ligeramente acalorado hierve de sudor y luego toma fro .
La piel est ulcerada y tiene una tendencia a que aparezcan verrugas, callosidades, uas
malformadas. Fuertes excrecencias callosas crecen debajo de las uas y son
extremadamente dolorosas. La ms leve presin producir una callosidad, o un lugar de
dolor, y en hombres que trabajan encontrar una tendencia poco usual a espesarse la piel
de la planta de los pies. Son muy dolorosos para caminar, porque estos lugares callosos
son sensibles y tienen numerosos centros de corneificacin. La tendencia a
desarrollarse e indurar pertenece al remedio. Se forman verrugas sobre las manos. El
cabello enferma. Pstulas sobre la piel con aureolas coloradas. Las erupciones
pustulosas tienen una base roja, inflamada y sensible.
Ahora, si estudia los resultados y aprende las peculiaridades del remedio, y los coloca
dentro de este armazn, entender algo de Ant. crud.
Antimonium crudum tiene relacin, con Bryonia, Ipeca, Nux vm., y Pulsatilla con
Chamomilla, con Sulphur, Arsenicum y Hepar. Con Ranunculus bulbosus, y con Arethusa
Tambin he hecho uso de esta droga en el tratamiento del casco hendido de mi propio
Conozco un caso de difteria curado con Antimonium crudum, cuando los sntomas se
presentaron en la forma siguiente: el nio estaba enojadizo, quejndose y llorando
simplemente porque se le vela; esto suceda especialmente al despertar; haba costras
alrededor de las ventanas de la nariz y en las comisuras de la boca. Antimonium crudum no
solamente las removi, sino que cur el caso. Los ojos se irritan por cualquier resplandor
brillante, como el del sol o el de una llama intensa, recordndonos esto a Mercurius.
Antimonium crudum se distingue de Graphites por el hecho de que la desolladura se
confina a la comisura del ojo, en tanto que en Graphites invade todo el borde libre de los
Sobre los rganos genitales femeninos, Antimonium crudum tiene alguna accin. Es de
utilidad en el prolapso uterino, cuando hay una sensacin de constante pesantez, como si
alguna cosa se estuviera jalando hacia afuera de la vagina; sensibilidad a nivel de la regin
ovrica, particularmente cuando la menstrucin ha sido suprimida por un bao fro; la
leucorrea es acuosa y contiene pequeos grumos.
Hay otro uso que mencionar de Antimonium Crudum para terminar su estudio, y es en
los adultos afectados de gota. Presta utilidad especialmente cuando la gota ha llegado a
hacerse constitucional; habr nudos gotosos en varias articulaciones; en esto es de
verdadera utilidad, teniendo en cuenta siempre que deben estar presentes los sntomas
gstricos del medicamento, pues de otro modo fallar.
Sulfuro negro de antimonio. Black sulfide of antimony. Native Sulphide of Antimony. Sb2
Clnica.- Ano, irritacin de. Callos. Callosidades. Catarro. Constipacin. Corea. Diarrea.
Dispepsia. Eczema. Fiebre. Encas, rash. Encas rojas. Estmago, trastornos de. Fiebre
intermitente. Hemorroides. Insolacin. Lengua saburral. Pies adoloridos y callosos.
Prolapso rectal. Tendones inflamados. Tosferina. Uas degeneracin de. Urticaria.
Verrugas. Voz baja.
Relaciones.- Comparar: Aethiops ant., Ant. tart., Am. mur., Apis, Bry., Graph., Puls., Ran.
b., Rhus t., Sul., Variol.; Cham., Chi., y Stram. (aversin a que lo miren); Hep., Rhus,
Sep., Spi. y Sul. (aversin a baarse). Complementario : Scilla. Sigue bien a : Puls.,
Ipec. Seguido por: Puls., Merc., Sul. Antdota a : piquetes de insectos. Antdotado por:
Calc., Hep., Merc., Bry. compararlos muy cercanamente en estados digestivos, lengua
saburral y < por el calor; trastornos en tiempo del verano.
Causa.- Glotonera. Tiempo caluroso. Calor del sol. Acalorarse. Decepcin de amor.
Erupciones suprimidas.
Sulfuro de antimonio sb s3
Util para nios o jvenes propensos a engrosar (Cal.); para los extremos de la vida.
Ancianos que padecen diarrea matutina y repentinamente se ponen constipados, o bien
alterna en ellos la diarrea y la constipacin; pulso duro y rpido.
Sensibilidad al fro, agravacin despus de haberse resfriado.
El nio est molesto, impertinente, NO PUEDE SOPORTAR QUE LO VEAN; enojadizo,
no quiere hablar ni que le hablen (Ant. t., Iod., Sil.); recibe mal cualquiera atencin.
INMENSA TRISTEZA cuando llora.
Vida fastidiosa.
Carcter ansioso y lloroso las cosas ms insignificantes lo afectan (Puls.); desesperacin
abyecta, desea suicidarse ahogndose.
Deseo irresistible de hablar rimado o de repetir versos.
Carcter sentimental a la luz de la luna, sobre todo amor esttico; trastornos resultantes por
desengaos (Cal. ph.).
Las ventanas de la nariz y las comisuras de la boca estn doloridas, rajadas y costrosas.
Cefalalgia: despus de tomar baos de ro; por haberse resfriado, por tomar bebidas
alcohlicas; por desarreglos en la digestin; por tomar cidos, grasas, frutas; erupciones
Desrdenes gstricos por comer demasiado; estmago dbil, digestin fcilmente
es la caracterstica del remedio; muy propenso a lceras gangrenosas en la boca (Arg. n.,
Sulph.) .
Antojo de comer cidos y encurtidos.
Afecciones gstricas e intestinales; por comer pan y pastelera; cidos sobre todo vinagre,
vino agrio o de mala calidad; despus de tomar un bao fro; por exceso de calor; por el
tiempo caliente.
Expulsin constante de gases, por arriba y por abajo, durante anos, eructos con sabor de
alimentos indigeridos.
Mucosidades: en gran cantidad por las fosas nasales posteriores al raspar; para arrojar
mucosidades por el ano, escurrimiento icoroso, que mancha de amarillo; hemorroides
Tendencia a crecimientos anormales de la piel; las uas de las manos no crecen
rpidamente; las uas agrietadas, crecen en astillas como verrugas y con manchas crneas
en ellas.
Callos duros en las plantas de los pies (Ran. b.); muy sensibles al andar; sobre todo en
Prdida de la voz por haberse acalorado mucho.
No puede soportar el calor del sol: se pone peor con el ejercicio exagerado en el sol (Lach.,
Nat. m.); con calentarse demasiado al fuego; agotado en tiempo de calores, padecimientos
por insolacin.
Tos ferina: se empeora con calentarse demasiado en el sol o en una habitacin caliente; con
baos fros.
Cuando reaparecen los sntomas, cambian de lugar o pasan de uno a otro lado del cuerpo.
AVERSION PARA EL AGUA FRIA, el nio llora cuando le lavan o baan en agua fra; los
baos fros causan dolor de cabeza violento; producen supresin de las reglas; se resfra con
nadar o caer en el agua (Rhus.).
-Es complementario de Squilla.
Es semejante a Bryonia, Ipeca, Lyc., Puls., para los desrdenes gstricos.
Sigue bien despus de Ant. t., Puls., Merc., Sulph.
-Despus de comer; con los baos fros; con los cidos o con los vinos torcidos; despus de
recibir el calor del sol o del fuego, fri o calor extremado.
- Al aire libre; durante el reposo; despus de un bao tibio.
Antimonium crudum (Boericke)
Para su empleo homeoptico, los sntomas mentales y los de la esfera gstrica determinan
su seleccin
Excesiva irritabilidad y mal humor, junto con lengua saburral blanca gruesa, son los
verdaderos sntomas gua para muchas formas de enfermedad que necesitan este remedio
Todos los estados se agravan por el calor y el bao fro
No soporta el calor del sol
Tendencia a crecer obeso
Es notable la ausencia de dolor donde sera de esperar
Gota con sntomas gstricos.
Mucha ansiedad en relacin a su destino
Malhumorado y contradictorio; nada de lo que hace le satisface
Mal humor; no desea hablar
Enojadizo; vejado sin causa
El nio no tolera que lo toquen o lo miren
Enfadado por cada pequea atencin
Humor sentimental.
Adolorida, peor en el vrtex, al ascender, por baarse, por trastornos del estmago,
especialmente por comer dulces o beber vinos cidos
Erupciones suprimidas
Pesadez en la frente con vrtigo; nusea, y epistaxis
Cefalea con abundante prdida de cabello.
Opacos, hundidos, rojos, prurito, inflamados, aglutinados
Angulos desollados y fisurados
Blefaritis crnica
Pstulas en la crnea y prpados.
Enrojecidos; hinchados; dolor en la trompa de Eustaquio
Tintineos y sordera
Erupcin hmeda alrededor de la oreja.
Orifios nasales agrietados y cubiertos de costras
Eczema de los orificios nasales, adoloridos, agrietados y costrosos.
Granos, pstulas, y furnculos en la cara
Erupcin costrosa amarillenta en mejillas y mentn
Cetrina y ojerosa
Boca.- Fisuras en los ngulos de la boca
Labios secos
Saliva salada
Abundante mucosidad viscosa
Lengua saburral blanca espesa, como blanqueada
Encas desprendidas de los dientes; sangran fcilmente
Odontalgia en dientes cariados
Aspereza en el paladar, con expectoracin de mucosidad abundante
Ulceras gangrenosas
Gusto a papilla
Sin sed
Eczema subagudo por la boca.
Mucosidad amarillenta espesa abundante de las fosas nasales posteriores
Carraspeo al aire libre
Voz spera por uso excesivo.
Falta de apetito
Deseo de cosas cidas, encurtidos.
Sed al anochecer y por la noche
Eructos con sabor de la ingesta.
Agruras, nusea, vmito
Despus de mamar, el nio vomita la leche cuajada, rehusa tomar alimento despus, y est
muy irritable
Trastornos gstricos e intestinales por pan y pasteles, cidos, vino cido, bao fro,
acalorarse, tiempo caluroso
Eructos constantes.
Metstasis gotosa al estmago e intestinos.
Agruras dulzonas
Distensin despus de comer.
Prurito anal
[Sulpho-Calc. Alum.] Alterna diarrea con estreimiento, especialmente en la vejez
Diarrea despus de cidos, vino cido, baos, acalorarse; heces flatulentas, viscosas
Hemorroides mucosas, rezumamiento continuo de moco
Masas duras mezcladas con diarrea acuosa
Proctitis catarral
Heces compuestas completamente de mucosidad.
Frecuente, con ardor, y dolor de espalda; turbia y maloliente.
Erupcin en escroto y genitales
Atrofia del pene y testculos.
Excitacin; prurito genital
Odontalgia antes de la menstruacin; menstruaciones demasiado tempranas y profusas
Menstruacin suprimida por bao fro, con sensacin de presin en la pelvis y sensibilidad
en la regin ovrica
Leucorrea acuosa; acre, con masas.
Tos peor al entrar en cuarto caliente, con sensacin ardorosa en el trax, prurito en el trax,
Prdida de la voz por acalorarse
Voz spera y con mal tono.
Prurito y dolor en el cuello y espalda.
Mioclonas de msculos
Sacudidas en brazos
Dolor artrtico en dedos
Uas quebradizas; crecen sin su forma
Verrugas crneas en manos y plantas
Debilidad y sacudidas de las manos al escribir seguido de flatulencia ofensiva
Los pies los siente muy sensibles; cubiertos con grandes zonas crneas
Callos inflamados
Dolor en talones.
Eczema con trastornos gstricos
Granos, vesculas y pstulas
Sensible al bao fro
Costras gruesas, duras, de color miel
Urticaria; erupcin como el sarampin
Prurito cuando est caliente en la cama
Piel seca
Verrugas. [Thuja, Sabina, Caust.]
Gangrena seca
Erupcin pustulosa, escamosa, con ardor y prurito, peor por la noche.
Somnolencia continua en la vejez.
Friolero incluso en una habitacin caliente
Intermitente con malestar, nusea, vmito, eructos, lengua saburral, diarrea
Sudor caliente.
Peor al anochecer, por el calor, cidos, vino, agua, y lavarse
Emplastos hmedos
Mejor al aire libre, durante el reposo
Calor hmedo.
Comparar: Antimonium chloridum. Manteca de Antimonio
(Un remedio para el cncer
Mucosas destruidas
Piel fra y pegajosa
Gran agotamiento de las fuerzas
Dosis-tercera trituracin.)
Antimonium iodatum. (Hiperplasia uterina; asma hmedo
Neumona y bronquitis; prdida de fuerzas, y apetito, piel amarillenta, sudorosa, atontado y
En resfriados en el trax subagudos y crnicos, que se han extendido de la cabeza hacia
abajo y se han fijado en los bronquios en forma de una tos dura, cruposa con sibilantes
evidentes e incapacidad de expulsar la flema, especialmente en ancianos y pacientes dbiles
Estado de resolucin de la neumona lento y retrasado.
Antimonium sulfuratum rubrum
Stibiat suph. rub. (Bronquitis)
Tambin Puls., Ipeca., Sulphur
Potencias de la tercera a la sexta.
En los casos en que esta sustancia est indicada, conviene tanto ms si se encuentran los
sntomas siguientes:
Aflujo de sangre a la cabeza; prurito incmodo en la cabeza con cada de los cabellos.
Muelas y dientes
Dolor en las muelas cariadas.
Aparato digestivo
Inapetencia de larga fecha; eructos que tienen el gusto de los alimentos; repugnancia,
nuseas y ganas de vomitar; retortijones con inapetencia; cmaras duras y orina encendida
en los nios; punzadas en el vientre, con sensacin como de diarrea; alternativas de diarrea
y de constipacin; deposiciones duras, laboriosas; secrecin contnua de mucosidades de un
blanco amarillento por el ano.
Aparato urinario
Emisin frecuente de orina, acompaada de muchas mucosidades, con ardor en la uretra y
dolor de riones; dolor incisivo en la uretra al orinar.
Obstruccin de la nariz.
Inflamacin dolorosa de los tendones del codo, con fuerte rubicundez y flexin del brazo;
entorpecimiento de las piernas, estando sentado tranquilamente; dolores violentos en los
miembros inferiores; callo en la planta del pie; puntos extensos cubiertos de una capa
crnea en la planta del pie, cerca de los dedos; ecrecencia crnea debajo de la ua del dedo
gordo del pie.
Alteraciones o deformidades de la piel.
Sntomas generales
Sensibilidad al fro; un nio no soporta que se le tenga o que se le observe.
El hgado de azufre calcreo y el mercurio son, segn Hartland, los antdotos del antimon.
Se combate con antimon. curd. a altas dinamizaciones, una lesin del estmago que se
anuncia por eructos despus de comer, y sobre todo por nuseas y ganas de vomitar. (12)
Por los baos fros, el tiempo hmedo y fro; por el calor radiado (sol, estufas); despus de
haber comido mucho (cerdo, pan, pasteles, etc.); despus de haber hecho uso de vinos o
alimentos cidos (vinagre, etc.); y por la noche (al claro de luna).
Por el bao caliente, el reposo y al aire libre.
Nio grueso y grasoso, irascible, no puede soportar ser tocado ni mirado.*
Jovencita o mujer habitualmente triste y sentimental, con tendencia a exaltarse y con crisis
de depresin nerviosa y de melancola.
Ancianos somnolientos todo el da con trastornos digestivos.
Debilidad intensa con fro. AVERSION AL BAO FRIO, el nio llora cuando se le lava
con agua fra.
DOLORES DESPUES DE UN BAO FRIO cuando el tiempo est hmedo o fro.
Dolores reumatismales despus de haber ingerido vino alternando con sntomas digestivos (
la gota cesa bruscamente si los dolores de estmago aparecen con vmitos).
CEFALEA DESPUES DE UN BAO FRIO, despus de haber comido frutas confitadas o
de haber ingerido vino cido, inmediatamente mejora si aparecen vmitos o diarrea.
Inversamente: dolor de cabeza despus de la desaparicin brusca de una coriza o de una
erupcin por aplicacin externa.
Trastornos digestivos despus de haber comido mucho. Tendencia a la obesidad.
Lengua cubierta de una CAPA ESPESA, BLANCA COMO LECHE. Grietas en los ngulos
de la boca, labios rojos y secos, salivacin abundante y salada.
Eructaciones, nuseas y vmitos despus de haber comido mucho o ingerido vino.
Eructaciones que tienen el sabor y el olor de los alimentos.
Falta de apetito. Sed intensa. Deseo de cosas cidas. Abdomen distendido despus de las
Diarrea por variar de rgimen, despus de haber comido mucho o despus de un bao fro.
Evacuaciones frecuentes, medio slidas, semilquidas con tenesmo. Hgado crecido y duro.
Hemorroides con prurito y escurrimiento continuo de moco que mancha la ropa.
Coriza y afona despus de un bao fro. Tos que se agrava en una habitacin caliente y por
el calor radiado del sol o de un radiador.
Reglas adelantadas con sensacin de debilidad abdominal. Prdidas blancas, cidas y
Amenorrea despus de un bao fro con sensacin de presin en la pequea pelvis.
Engrosamiento de la piel con induracin crnea bajo los dedos, entre las uas, bajo la
planta de los pies, que se ponen muy sensibles y dolorosos. Sensibilidad intensa de la planta
de los pies.*
Deformacin y engrosamiento de las uas con dolores que empeoran por lavarse con agua
fra o calor radiado (como el de una plancha caliente)
Erupciones vesiculosas y supuradas sobre las mejillas y mentn con costras amarillas.
Verrugas dolorosas.
La intoxicacin digestiva es la que predomina en Antimonium crudum.
Acn. Indigestiones, embarazos gstricos, enteritis. Hemorroides. Eczema. Gota. Obesidad.
Reumatismos. Urticaria. Verrugas. Vmitos. Es el "remedio de las lavanderas" (abuso del
lavado por agua fra), de los nios con "lengua blanca" (intoxicacin alimenticia).
Antimonium crudum es abdominal; Antimonium tartaricum es tor cico.
Pulsatilla, Sepia (mentalidad ) . Ipeca, Mercurius! Pulsatilla (trastornos digestivos).
Bryonia (reumatismo y diarrea). Graphites (piel y obesidad). Arsenicum y Sulphur
(sntomas generales).
6a, 30a y 200a.
- (Delirium and death, in consequence of an emetic of Croc. metal), [a7].
(Not found, Hughes.)
- Decided disposition to shoot himself in the night, not to any other kind of suicide;this
forced him to leave his bed, otherwise he was unable to get rid of it, [_a3].
- * Continual condition of ideal love and ecstatic longing for some ideal female being,
which wholly filled his fancy;more when walking in the open pure air than in the room; this
symptom disappeared after a few days, the sexual desire apparently diminished at the same
time, [_a2].
- Dejection of spirit during the day, [a4].
- He felt discouraged;this made his head feel warm in front, [a4].
- Attacks of anxiety, [a5].
- Anxious reflections about himself, his present and future fate, during the day, [a4].
- Anxiety in bed, at night, from 3 to 5 o'clock, [_a1].
- uneasysecond day), [_a2].
- Irritated state of mind, feeling of grief, the whole forenoon;the sound of the bells, as well
as the sight of that which surrounds him, moves him to tears;his breathing is short and
heavy, [_a1].
- * Peevish; vexed without any cause(second day), [_a2].
- * Out of humor; sad in the evening, [_a1].
- Ill-humor the whole day, [a4].
- * He is sulky; does not wish to speak with any one, [a4].
- He does not speak(second day), [_a2].
- Dementia, [a6], (same case as S. 17).
- Dementia, idiocy; she did not leave her bed, spoke nothing without being asked, desired
neither to eat nor to drink, nevertheless ate with pleasure if anything was offered to her and
she felt hungry;she declined eating when she did not feel hungry; at the same time she was
all the time pulling her neckcloth, or she folded a handkerchief and then unfolded it again,
or she pulled little feathers out of the bed and then gathered them together; so obtuse was
her sensibility that when, from the acrimony of the evacuations and her position on the
back, a large and foul ulcer formed over the sacrum and coccyx, she complained of no pain
from it, [a9].
- Vertigo, [_a2].
- Weakness of the head, [_a2].
- Violent headache, [a8].
- Violent headache after bathing in the river, with weakness in the limbs and repugnance to
food, [_a2].
- Headache, and subsequently a little bleeding at the nose(after seven and a half hours),
- Feeling of emptiness in the head, as after continual working in a cold room(fourth day),
- The rush of the blood to the head becomes less(curative effects), [_a2].
- Violent tearing in the whole head, with heat in it, towards noon(sixth day), [_a2].
- Tearing pain in the whole head, here and there, from morning till night, [_a2].
- The tearing in the head becomes less when walking in the open air, [_a2].
- Dull, stupefying pain in the whole head, with nausea in the pharynx, when smoking, to
which he is accustomed, [a4].
- * Heaviness in the forehead, [a24].
- Headache, as if her forehead would burst;at the same time, she felt intoxicated, sat alone,
and would not speaks, [a9].
(Not found.)
- Continual pain in the forehead and the temples, boring from within outwards, unchanged
by touching the parts(after five hours), [a4].
- * Slight dull headache in the forehead, and vertigo, increased by ascending stairs, [_a2].
- Stupefying, dull headache, rather externally, in the forehead, so violent that sweat broke
out from anxiety, when walking in the open air(after six hours), [a4].
- Pressure inwards, at times drawing, in the left side of the forehead, [_a2].
- Momentary drawing pain over the left temporal bone;went off by pressure, and then
returned much more violent, immediately after, [_a2].
- Slow pulsation externally, at the left temple, with fine prickings, several times in
succession, extending towards the eyebrows;this symptom is most severe when it is not
especially noticed, [_a2].
- Upon the left parietal bone there is a small spot which, when touched, causes pain in the
bone, as if the periosteum were swollen, [_a2].
- Small, flat tubercles here and there upon the scalp, on the size of small peas, painful to
pressure, and with a feeling of crawling all around, [_a2].
- Single sharp stitches on the scalp(for one minute), [_a2].
- Red, inflamed eyes, with itching, and nightly agglutination, [_a1].
- Redness of the left eye, with dread of light on rising early in the morning, and a secretion
of mucus in the inner canthus, [_a2].
- Inflammation of the eyes, [a8].
- Pain at the right eyebrow, within the skull, as if the parts were pressed asunder, [_a2].
- Sharp pressive stitches below the left eyebrow, [a4].
- Reddened eyelids, with fine stitches in the eyeball, [_a2].
- Twitching in the left eyelids, [_a2].
- * Gum in the canthi of the eyes, in the forenoon(after three hours and a half), [a4].
- Much mucus in the right canthus, early in the morning, with dry gum in both lids, [_a2].
- Small moist place at the outer canthus very painful upon sweat coming in contact with it,
- Itching in the external canthus of the eye, which obliges one to rub (after two hours), [a4].
- Fine stitches in frequent succession, without pain, in the forepart of the eyeball, in the
forenoon(ninth day), [_a2].
- Incurable blindness, [a7].
(Not found.)
- Redness, burning, and swelling of the left ear, as from the bite of a mosquito, [_a2].
- Swelling and redness of the whole of the internal concha with periodical itching, [_a2].
- Itching stitches at the border of the right concha, above the helix, going off being
touched(after one hour an a half), [_a2].
- In the evening something seemed to block up the right ear, [_a1].
- Drawing pain through the right ear into the Eustachian tube, almost reaching the mouth,
after dinner(sixteenth day), [_a2].
- Stitches in the ears, [_a2].
- Crawling in the right meatus auditorius(second day), [_a2].
- Sensation of burrowing or swarming(of animals)in the ears, especially when lying still
(fifth day), [_a2].
- Violent din in the ears, as if some one were beating against the door of the house, [_a1].
- Smashing in the ear, as of a few drops of water, when moving the jaws, [_a1].
- Ringing before the ears(second day), [_a2].
- Continual roaring in the ears, especially during stillness(second day), [_a2].
- * Roaring in the ears, most in the afternoon, [_a3].
- An old roaring in the ears disappeared(curative effect), [_a2].
- Painful roaring in the ears, [a9], (preceding S. 68).
- Loss of hearing, [a9].
- (After violent vomiting, left ear soon recovered, but right remained permanently deaf;
reporter ascribes it to rupture of membrana tympani).
- A kind of deafness of the right ear, as if a leaflet were placed before the tympanum; this
symptom cannot be removed by boring with the finger in the ear(after fourteen hours), [a4].
- * Both nostrils become chapped and covered with crusts, [_a2].
- The left nostril becomes chapped and painful, [_a2].
- Obstruction of the nose in the evening, as in coryza, for several days, [_a2].
- Coryza, [_a2].
- Coryza, with sore, crusty nostrils, [_a2].
- Fluent coryza early in the morning, for some hours, with sneezing, [a4].
- * Dry coryza, [_a1].
- Fluent coryza, [_a2].
- Blowing out blood, [_a1].
- Bleeding at the nose, several days in succession, [_a1].
- * Bleeding at the nose every evening, [_a1].
- Dryness of the nose when walking in the open air, so that he can hardly speak, [_a1].
- * The nose is painful when breathing, as if from inspiring cold air, or from inhaling acrid
vapors, [_a2].
- Sore nostrils, with drawing pain, [_a1].
- Feeling of soreness in the nostrils when inspiring air, especially in the right nostril, which
is a little obstructed, [_a2].
- Soreness of the right nostril in the anterior angle, with pain as in cold, [_a2].
- Slight twitches in the muscles of the left side of the face(after nine hours), [_a2].
- * Cracks in the corners of the mouth, painful like sores, returning after five, eight, and
twelve weeks, [_a2].
- Twitches of the muscles at the corners of the mouth, [_a1].
- * The lips are dry, [_a1].
- Formication upon the
- Burning, stinging, as from a red-hot little spark on the chin and the upper lip (seventh and
ninth day), [_a2].
- Sensation at, and below the chin, when touching it, as if the hand were moved over many
small sore places, and small, honey-colored granules upon the skin here and there, [_a2].
- Waking from the siesta with and by dull grinding of the teeth(second day), [_a2].
- * Severe bleeding of the teeth, [_a1].
- Twinging toothache, in the evening when in bed, and after dinner, [_a1].
- * Stitches in the tooth when inspiring air, [_a1].
- * Toothache in a hollow tooth, worse at night than in daytime; a fine stinging, pulling,
and grinding, as if in the nerve, which moves downwards and then upwards into the head; if
he touches the tooth with the tongue, he feels pain, as if the nerve were torn, [_a1].
- The nightly toothache is accompanied by great warmth, which seems to come from the
chest, [_a1].
- The toothache is renewed immediately after eating even soft things, is worse by applying
cold water, and is relieved in the open air, [_a1].
- The gums stand off from the teeth, and bleed easily, [_a1].
- * Dryness of the mouth, at night(sixth day), [_a2].
- * Rawness of the palate, with expectoration of much mucus, when clearing the
throat(after fifth week), [_a2].
- Blisters upon the tongue, [_a1].
- * Tongue coated white in the forenoon(after two hours), [a4].
- Accumulation of water upon the tongue, [_a2].
- After dinner some fine, sharp stitches in the tongue, in front on the left border, following
in succession(after thirty-three hours), [_a2].
- Feeling of soreness, and redness at a small place on the right border of the tongue for
several days, frequently going off and suddenly returning(sixth day), [_a2].
- Accumulation of water in the mouth, [_a2].
- * Much saltish saliva in the mouth, [a10].
- Profuse ptyalism from nose and mouth, [a11], (same as S. 383).
- Ptyalism, without any fetid odor, and without looseness of the teeth, [a12].
(Not mentioned by James)
- The mouth smells as in ptyalism from mercury, [_a1].
- Fine pinching on the palate the whole night, especially painful during deglutition; early in
the morning the symptom disappeared only after hawking up the phlegm, which had
collected on the sides of the palate during the night, except a feeling of roughness which
remained, [_a2].
- Much viscid phlegm collects in the throat the whole day, [_a2].
- He is obliged the whole day to draw a quantity of thick yellowish mucus from the
posterior nares into the throat, and expectorate it(ninth day), [_a2].
- Clearing the throat and hawking when walking in the open air, [_a1].
- A foreign body seems to hang in the throat;he tries in vain to swallow or expel it, [a10].
- Early in the morning, roughness and dryness in the throat(sixth day), [_a2].
- Sore throat on the left side, as from a swelling or a plug, [_a1].
- Sensation as of scraping on the velum palati, as if much phlegm were upon it, which
could only be expelled after clearing the throat for a long time; often it was not expelled at
all, for several days(seventh day), [_a2].
- Impeded deglutition, [a8].
- Strong sense of hunger in the region of the stomach, early on waking, without appetite;
eating does not remove the symptom;at the same time disagreeable sense of emptiness in
the pit of the stomach, and want of animal heat, for two days(after fourth week), [_a2].
- Want of appetite, [a13].
- Complete loss of appetite, [a24].
- Appetite extremely little, [_a1].
- Immense thirst, [a10].
- * Thirst in the evening, and desire to drink, [_a1].
- * Much thirst at night(after sixth day), [_a2].
- Drinks much only at night, [_a1].
- * Violent thirst, with dryness of the lips, [_a1].
- Goat's milk refreshes him agreeably, [a10].
- Loud eructations(after one-quarter of an hour and one hour and a half), [_a2].
- Eructations having a raw taste, [a4].
- Bitter eructations like bile(after three hours), [_a1].
- * Gulping up of fluid, tasting of the ingesta, in the afternoon(second and third days),
- Hiccough(after one hour), [a4].
- Frequent hiccough when smoking tobacco(after ten hours and a half), [a4].
- Violent nausea, [a14].
- * Nausea after drinking a glass of wine, [_a2].
- Nausea, with vertigo, [_a2].
- Nausea and vomiting, [a8].
- Terrible vomiting, which nothing can stop, [a7].
- * Vomiting of mucus and bile, [a17].
- Violent vomiting, with attacks of anxiety, [a15].
- * Fearful vomiting, with convulsions, [a10].
- * Violent vomiting and diarrhoea, [a14].
- Violent vomiting and diarrhoea, with excessive anguish, [a16].
- Fulness and inflation after dinner;often alternates with lightness, cheerfulness, and
activity of both mind and body, [_a2].
- * Pain at the stomach, as from excessive fulness, without, however, any fulness, and
accompanied by appetite, [_a2].
- * Pain at the stomach, as after too much eating, with distended but not hard abdomen
(after three days), [_a2].
- Cramp of the stomach, [a13].
- * Cramplike pains at the stomach, [a15].
- Cramp of the stomach, in several persons, during the whole of their lives, [a10].
- Transient pinching in the region of the stomach, [_a2].
- Feeling of tightness below the stomach, with empty eructations, [_a2].
- Pressure at the stomach, which is more like a dull cutting, especially when drawing in the
abdomen, [_a2].
- Pressure at the stomach early in the morning, with thirst(twentieth day), [_a2].
- Several attacks of cutting pain in the region of the stomach, [_a2].
- Painful feeling in the stomach, when pressing upon it, [_a2].
- * Burning at the pit of the stomach, like heartburn, with good appetite, [_a2].
- Burning, spasmodic pain, at the pit of the stomach, in attacks of half an hour, which drove
him to despair and to the resolution of drowning himself, [_a1].
- Pinching pains on the right side, over and by the side of the pit of the stomach, [_a2].
- Slight tension in the hypochondria, [a10].
- Pinching pain on the left side of the navel, [_a2].
- Distended, big abdomen, [_a3].
- * Abdomen very much distended; this causes a pain as from internal pressure, [_a2].
- Great inflation of the abdomen, especially after a meal, [_a2].
- (Hernia), [a9].
("Hernia ventriculi, after violent vomiting".)
- Loud rumblings in the abdomen(after one hour and a half), [a4].
- Slight rumbling in the abdomen, as when bubbles of air arise in the water, [_a2].
- Loud rumbling in the abdomen, as from emptiness, in the forenoon(after three hours),
- Much rumbling flatus, bursting forth immediately after a meal;some smells badly; some
before it passes moves downwards and meets other flatus, especially in the right side (ninth
day), [_a2].
- Inconsiderable flatus passed off, with a sensation as of pressing asunder, as if a copious
expulsion of faeces would take place(after five hours and a half), [_a2].
- Much flatus immediately after dinner;it moves about audibly, especially in the right side
of the abdomen, some being expelled(after six hours), [_a2].
- Sensation of emptiness in the intestines, going off after a meal, [_a2].
- Sensation in the intestines as after a violent diarrhoea;the symptom is transitory but
exhausting, [_a2].
- The most intolerable pain in every part of the abdomen, [a5].
- Pinching at a small place on the left side of the abdomen, low down, like the beat of the
pulse, in the afternoon(third day), [_a2].
- Pinching in the abdomen, especially on the right side, towards the back, beginning
suddenly in the evening, and increased by motion(after three weeks), [_a2].
- Violent cutting in the abdomen(twenty second day), [_a2].
- Cutting in the abdomen, with a feeling of nausea there, and accumulation on the tongue,
- Cutting in the abdomen the whole day, with a feeling of oppression coming from the
stomach, indisposition to work, dry humor, and pain at the stomach on eructations, [_a2].
- Sudden, compressive colic, with gulping up of water, [_a2].
- The symptoms in the abdomen recommence again, all of them(after two weeks and a
half), [_a2].
- Hard gland in the left groin painful to pressure;the gland appears to lie over Poupart's
ligament, and to run parallel to it, [_a2].
- Pain as from swelling in the cartilage, or the periosteum, of the upper portion of the crest
of the ilium, [_a2].
- Pain in the groins, as from swelling, felt on pressure;the place felt hard, as from swollen
glands, [_a2].
Urinary organs
- Tenesmus of the bladder rouses him from sleep at night, [_a1].
- Sensation of painful contraction at the bottom of the canal(neck of the bladder), [a24].
- Burning in the urethra, [a24].
- Constant urging to urinate, with extreme dysuria, [a24].
- Desire to urinate, frequent and violent;expelling much urine every time (after one, two,
and two hours and a half), [a4].
- Expels the urine but rarely, [a18].
- Frequent micturition, [a4].
- Long-continuing, frequent micturition, little urine being expelled in great
haste(eighteenth day), [_a2].
- * Frequent urination, with intense burning in urethra during emission, [a24].
- Frequent micturition, with discharge of a small quantity of water urine(fourth day), [_a2].
- Copious micturition at night, three times, [_a2].
- * Copious and frequent micturition(in a dog), [a10].
- At night he passes a small quantity of urine, in an intermitting stream, with painful
erections, [_a1].
- Gold-yellow, thin urine, with a scarcely perceptible cloud, [a10].
- Brown-red urine, [_a2].
- Dark-colored, frequent urine(after seven hours), [a4].
- Small, red corpuscles in the urine after having stood twenty-four hours, [a10].
Sexual organs
- Erections(after six hours), [_a2].
- Burning at the glans penis, [a24].
- Fine itchings of the penis(after fourteen hours), [_a2].
- Violent itching of the extremity of the glans, [_a2].
- Biting-itching, as from salt, of the left side of the scrotum, frequent, lasting fourteen
days(after fourteen days), [_a2].
- Continual drawing in the spermatic cord, while there was a boil at the perineum; the pain
was most violent when standing, and became less when stooping, [_a2].
- Excited sexual desire, with uneasiness in the whole body, which prevents him from sitting
long (after six hours), [_a2].
- Afterwards the sexual desire appears to be less for several days, [_a2].
- Even upon leaning the back against something, there is an irritation, as if pollution would
come on, [_a1].
- Nightly pollutions, without any voluptuous dreams, [a4].
- Pollution at night, with many dreams(eleventh day), [_a2].
- Pressure in the womb, as if something would come out, [_a1].
- Discharge of an acrid water from the vagina, which caused a sensation as of biting down
Respiratory apparatus
- * Violent spasms in the larynx and the pharynx, as if the throat were filled with a plug,
which becomes alternately thicker and thinner, accompanied by a feeling of soreness, [_a1].
- Rough voice, [_a1].
- Speech and stinging are not firm, but weak, [a10].
- * Extreme feebleness of voice;he can only speak in a low tone, [a10].
- * Loss of voice as often as he became hot;the voice came back by resting himself, [a10].
- Cough, early in the morning after rising, in paroxysms; it seems to come out of the
abdomen; the first attack is always the most violent;the following become weaker and
weaker, so that the last attack resembles a mere hacking cough, [_a1].
- Frequent, dry cough, [a10].
- Severe, dry cough, with a sense as of scratching in the larynx, in a sudden short attack,
- Cough, with discharge of viscid, thin phlegm, deep out of the chest, early in the morning,
- Deep sighing, breathing, as from fulness of the chest, for several days, in the afternoon
and after eating, [_a2].
- * Dyspnoea, [a8].
- Difficulty of breathing during supper, [_a1].
- Difficulty of breathing after supper, [_a1].
- Asthma, [a13].
- Very troublesome asthma, [a10].
- Suffocating asthma in four young men, [a19].
- (Suffocating catarrh), [a10].
(Coming on fifteen days after amputation of foot(S. 351, 352), )
- Death produced by suffocating catarrh in fifteen days, occasioned by a few grains of
antimony, [a10].
- Burning in the chest at every cough, as of fire, with a glowing, hot breath from the mouth,
- Burning in the chest, with dry cough, and dyspnoea almost to suffocation, [a10].
(Not found.)
- Oppression on the chest, [_a2].
- Oppression at the chest, early on waking, [_a2].
- Half pressive, half sticking pain under the left clavicle, apparently in the air-passages,
when breathing, [_a2].
- Pain as from contusion, or as from too great an effort, in the pectoralis major muscle,
early in the morning when rising, and a few hours after, when extending and lifting the arm,
or when pressing upon it, [_a2].
- Dull stitches in the chest, when breathing deeply, first on the right side under the two first
ribs, then under the upper part of the sternum, [_a2].
- Stitches, with constrictive pinching in the middle of the chest(third day), [_a2].
- * Severe, continual itching upon the chest the whole day, [_a2].
- Itching upon the chest, as if a blister were healing, [_a2].
- He was frequently roused from sleep by an intolerable itching upon the chest, where he
felt pimples, [_a2].
- Stitches in the left side of the chest when breathing, with a little cough and headache,
- Sharp stitches in the left chest, when expiring in a standing position(after five hours),
- Pressive pain in the interior of the right chest, in the evening when lying down, [_a2].
Extremities in general
- Convulsions and trembling of the limbs, [a15].
- Lassitude, tremulous fatigue, and heaviness in all the limbs after dinner, as if coming out
of the abdomen, with trembling of the hands when writing, and subsequent expulsion of
much stinking flatulence, the abdomen being distended, [_a2].
- Feeling as if the limbs were enlarged, [a24].
Upper extremities
- A stitch under both arms when walking in the open air, [_a1].
- Sharp itching of the inside of the left arm, [_a2].
- Light twitches in the right deltoid muscles(fifth day), [_a2].
- Quivering, drawing in the muscles of the upper arms, which did not pass off by motion,
but by warmth, and returned in a draught of air, [_a1].
- Paralytic pain in the muscles of the upper arms, when bending the arms, as if they were
contracted too much, or weakened by the contraction, [_a2].
- Sudden drawing jerk, transversely through the right upper arm(after ten, twenty, and one
hundred and twenty minutes), [_a2].
- Cracking in the elbow-joint, on turning it to and fro, [_a2].
- Drawing in the forearm, when at rest and in motion, [_a2].
- Drawing down the right forearm(after one hour and a half), [_a2].
- Paralytic drawing in the right forearm(after two hours), [_a3].
- Drawing on the inside of the lower part of the forearm, with a sensation of pressure from
without (nineteenth day), [_a2].
- Gouty pain in the joints of the right fourth finger, [_a2].
- * Drawing pains in the fingers and their joints, [_a2].
- Cracking in the metacarpal joint of the thumb, when moving it(ninth day), [_a2].
- Fine itching in the tip of the left thumb(after fourteen days), [_a2].
- Discolored nails, [a7].Not found.
- * The finger-nails did not grow as fast as formerly, and the skin beneath the nails was
painfully sensitive, [_a2].
Lower extremities
- Pain in the right hip-joint, [_a2].
- Drawing pain in the left hip, [_a3].
- * Drawing pain in the left hip-joint, when walking, especially when bending the thigh
backwards;also in the evening, [_a2].
- Painful drawing from the hip-joints towards the os sacrum, [_a2].
- Drawing in one of the nates, around the hip-joint, into the thigh(seventh day), [_a2].
- Slight twitches in the muscles of the left half of the nates, in the evening, when
sitting(fifth day), [_a2].
- Bluish spots upon the thighs, [a7].
(Not found.)
- Repeated tension of right thigh, high up, like a small spasm(seventh day), [_a2].
- Drawing pain in the posterior muscles of the left thigh, [_a2].
- Drawing pain at the anterior internal sides of the thigh, [_a2].
- Slight clucking for a few minutes, in the lower part of the right half of the nates, when
standing(after four weeks), [_a2].
- Sharply stinging itching on the inside and anterior surfaces of the left thigh (after four and
a half hours), [_a2].
- Sharply stinging itching of the right thigh, which does not go off by scratching; after the
itching, a small, flat, yellowish pimple is formed at that place, [_a2].
- The stinging itching upon the thighs comes on every evening, [_a2].
- Sensation as of a spasm at the external border of the left thigh, as if the muscles become
slowly contracted and again extended, in the afternoon(after ten hours), [_a2].
- Stiffness of the knee, for eight days, [_a1].
- Painful stiffness of the knee;the knee pained her so much, that she could not stretch it out,
and was obliged to limp, [_a1].
- Pain in the knee, which prevented him from stretching the foot, and made him limp,
- Pain just below the knee, as if it had been tied too tightly, the whole evening (after
thirteen days), [_a2].
- Drawing pain in the right knee, [_a2].
- Sudden violent stitch on the outside of the knee, [_a2].
- A stitch in the left knee, which started him, and caused a jerk with the leg (tenth day),
- Itching of the right knee, on the inside, and, after rubbing it, a large blister, which is
painful only for a short while, [_a2].
- Drawing pain in the leg, as high up as the knee, [_a1].
- In the evening, when sitting, painful drawing in the right leg, beginning at the knee, or at
the os ischium, going down the thigh and tibia, as far as the foot, so that he has to lift it and
shift its position several times in succession(tenth day), [_a2].
- Clucking in the posterior part of the right leg, immediately after stitches in the ankle
(third day), [_a2].
- Bluish spots upon the tibiae, [a7].
(Not found.)
- Drawing pain at the lower part of the left tibia, [_a2].
- Deep stitches descending all along the tibia, [a4].
- Sharp stitch in the shaft of the tibia, from within outwards, when sitting(after five hours),
- Fine itching on the left tibia(after four and a half hours), [_a2].
- Painless pinching, coming and going, in the lower joint of the right calf, [_a2].
- Drawing pain on the inside of the left calf, [_a2].
- Pain, as from a sprain, in the external malleolus of the right foot, when turning the foot
outwards, with frequent cracking of the joint, when bending or stretching it(fifth day),
- On the outside of the left calf, a place which feels bruised when touched, for a few
days(after twenty-four hours), [_a2].
- Crawling along the left calf, without itching(after fourteen hours), [_a2].
- Violent itching under the external malleolus of the right foot, which does not at once pass
off by scratching, and leaves a small red spot behind, [_a2].
- Cramplike drawing at the external side of the left heel(after one and a half hours), [_a2].
- Drawing pain in the left heel(after three hours), [_a2].
- Chilblains on the feet, with pain and redness, in the summer season, [_a1].
- Mortification of the foot;it is quite black, [a10], (same case as next).
- Intolerable burning, lancinating, and tearing pains in a mortifying foot, it being insensible
to touch, or to the prick of a pin, [a10].(Set in soon after violent vomiting had subsided, see
S. 260).
- Her foot feels so heavy that she cannot lift it, [_a1].
- When walking, the right foot feels benumbed, and goes to sleep, [_a2].
- Constantly icy-cold feet, [_a2].
- His feet do not get warm before 1 o'clock at night, [_a2].
- * Large horny places on the skin of the soles of the feet, close to where the toes
commence, which pained like corns, and always returned after having been cut out, [_a2].
- * Great sensitiveness of the soles of the feet, when walking, especially upon stone
pavement, for a long time(after seven days), [_a2].
- Sensitive stinging in the skin of the sole of the right foot, going off by rubbing; in the
evening, when in bed, after a walk of three hours(eighth day), [_a2].
- Sharp, fine prickings in the soles of the foot(tenth day), [_a2].
- Cracking of the big toe, at every motion requiring an effort, [_a2].
- Burning pain on the ball of the right big toe(sixth day), [_a2].
- Tearing and drawing through the right big toe, [_a2].
- Cutting under the left big toe, rhythmical(after six days), [_a2].
- Fine itching upon the left big toe(after four and a half hours), [_a2].
- A corn upon the left little toe became painful without any cause, as if it were pressed upon
(seventh day), [_a2].
- Immense swelling of the whole body, [a7].
(Not found.)
- Dropsical swelling of the body, [a21].
(Jaundice had preceded the emetic of Ant., which was followed by this ascites. It
terminated in death.)
- Incurable dropsy, [a10].
- * Getting fat, [a22].
- Emaciation and exhaustion, [a10].
- Excessive hemorrhages, [a15].
(Not found.)
- Disposition to start, even at slight noises, [_a2].
- Twitches of the muscles of many parts of the body, [_a1].
- (Convulsive movements, especially at the head), [a10].(In a puppy).
- Indolence and disposition to lie down after dinner, [_a2].
- Extreme lassitude, [a24].
- Great lassitude, early in the morning, and disinclination to rise, [_a2].
- Weariness, especially of the feet, with great peevishness, at 7 o'clock in the evening,
- General prostration, [a24].
- Death after a few hours, consequent upon giving Antimony, for cramps of the stomach,
- Intoxication, [_a2].
- Apoplexy, accompanied by such a profuse flow of saliva, that he expelled a large quantity
of watery foam from the nose and mouth, [a11].
- Sensation while taking a moderate dinner, as if the body were considerably filled with a
quantity of flatus moving about, [_a2].
- Heavy, pressive pains, sometimes in the chest, sometimes in the back, sometimes in both
parts at the same time, [a10].
- Sensation of general vascular ebullition, [a24].
- All the symptoms;come on again after the third week;however, after this period, they
appeared more on the left side of the body, [_a2].
- Eruptions like rash, [_a2].
- Red points with white dots in the centre at several places, [_a2].
- Brown spots and dots, like small liver spots, here and there, especially upon the arms,
- Red, hardened, slightly elevated place on each side of the forehead, itching like a nettle,
going and coming, [_a2].
- Nettlerash;white pimples with red areolae, with violent burning and fine stinging, in the
face, on the limbs, as far as the fingers that were swollen;accompanied by violent thirst and
nausea, [_a1].
- Pimples coming on at night, [_a2].
- Red, hard pimple, painful to the touch, on the left temple, close to where the cartilage of
the ear begins, [_a2].
- * Pimples and vesicles, as from stings of insects, at many places of the body, especially
on the face and on the joints of the extremities;they come on with itching, and often
disappear after a few hours, [_a2].
- Pimples, that itch when getting warm in bed, and prevent sleep, [_a1].
- Pustules with yellow or brown scurf, here and there, [_a2].
- Just above the eyebrows, a white tubercle, which does not itch;but is only painful to the
touch, [_a1].
- Rash behind the ears, as far as the nape of the neck, and over the scapulae, [_a1].
- Red pimple, with pus at the tip, on both sides of the nose, painful to pressure(twelfth
day), [_a2].
- Vesicles in the face and upon the nose, like varioloid, with stinging pain on pressure,
- Several pimples in the face, that pain like mosquito-bites, [_a2].
- Red, burning, suppurating eruption upon the face, [a10].
- Red vesicular pimples like varioloid, with stinging pain when pressed, at several places
on the skin, [_a2].
- Nettlerash in the face, especially upon the cheeks, [_a1].
- Pimple upon the right cheek, as from a mosquito-bite, [_a2].
- Flat pimples upon both cheeks, which are not red;itching when touched, with a yellowish
scurf, [_a2].
- The chest is dotted with fine red points, with violent itching, which does not pass off by
rubbing, [_a2].
- Eruption on the left side, upon the cheek, towards the chin, with a yellow crust, painful to
the touch, and which may be easily knocked off, [_a2].
- Red pustules upon the upper lip, and at the right corner, with a dull pain, either with or
without any pressure(twentieth day), [_a2].
- Many red points, with white little tips in the centre, below the left corner of the mouth,
- Many red points, with white dots in the centre;with a stinging pain upon moving the hand
over the hairs of the beard, on the front of the neck, [_a2].
- Hard long-continuing pustules below the neck, like small blisters, which become filled
with pus, not only at the tip, but all around, [_a2].
- Boil on the perineum, with a sense as of burning, and pain far around, [_a2].
- Small pimple on the neck and under the chin, painful to the touch(thirteenth day), [_a2].
- Hard, pea-shaped body on the nape of the neck, on the left side, under the skin; only felt
by stretching the skin, when bending the head, [_a2].
- Small red pimples on the top of the right shoulder, without any sensation, passing off for
a short time on pressure(seventh day), [_a2].
- Brown liver-colored spots on both shoulders, [_a2].
- Red heat vesicles with yellow dots over the whole of the right shoulder; afterwards they
look like goose-skin, and scale off, [_a2].
- Pimples, resembling rash, on the middle of the upper arms, without itching(fourteenth
day), [_a2].
- Corrosively itching pimples at the bend of the elbow, [_a1].
- A blister on the styloid process of the ulna of the right arm, [_a2].
- Several light-brown dots upon the arms, like little liver spots, [_a2].
- At night, a large pimple is formed on the styloid process of the radius of the left arm,
- A blister on the external border of the left hand, [_a2].
- Itching vesicle on the left hand, [_a2].
- Red, itch-like pimple, painfully stinging when touched;with a brown scurf, on the carpal
joint of the right thumb(twenty-fourth day), [_a2].
- Corrosively itching pimples, in the ball of the hand, on the muscle of the thumb, [_a1].
- Small pimple on the left half of the nates of a child, [_a2].
- Large, hard pustules on the left half of the nates, with itching and tensive pains, [_a2].
- Pimple on the right knee, as from mosquito-bite, [_a2].
- Red pimples on the knee, like vesicles, resembling varioloid, with stinging pain when
touched, [_a2].
- White, hard tubercles on the leg, of the size of a pea;they come on in consequence of
itching, and are surrounded by a small red circle, [_a2].
- If he rub the skin upon the chest on account of the itching, the place feels sore; the skin is
as sensitive as after blisters, [_a2].
- Single, long-continued, tickling and itching stitches, here and there, especially in the
upper arm;not causing scratching, from within outwards, also under the right half of the
nates, [_a1].
- Itching over the whole body, especially on the chest and back, [_a2].
- Itching, here and there, with perceptible blisters, frequently rouses him from sleep, [_a2].
- At night he is wakened by violent itching, and he discovers pimples at several places,
- Itching of many parts of the body, especially of the neck and limbs, [_a2].
- Itching upon the chest and the back, [_a3].
- Itching of the arm, with reddish blisters, like mosquito-bites, after rubbing, [_a2].
- Much chilliness;no heat, [_a1].
- Chilliness, even in a warm room, [_a2].
- Shiverings over the whole body, without thirst(after two hours), [a4].
- Shiverings over the whole body early in the morning, with heat in the forehead, without
thirst(after half an hour), [a4].
- Disagreeable feeling of internal chilliness, so that he cannot get warm; returning after the
lapse of five weeks, [_a2].
- Towards noon, violent chills for an hour, with great thirst for beer;then sleep; succeeded
by heat and constant thirst, [_a1].
- He feels quite hot in consequence of the slightest exercise, especially in the heat of the
sun; he then complains of excessive heat in the throat, [a10].
- Waking at 2 o'clock at night, with slight warmth all over, and burning itching and
sensation of excoriation of the anus(third day), [_a2].
- At night, when in bed, he feels quite hot, and is drenched with sweat, [a10].
- Sweat returning at the same hour for three days in succession, [a23].
- General warm sweat in bed, every other morning, [_a2].
- Sweat during sleep, [a4].
- Early in the morning, when waking, mild sweat over the whole body (after twenty-one
hours), [a4].
- General sweat, without smell, which made the tips of the fingers soft and wrinkled, [_a2].
- (Morning), Mucus in right canthus;early, fluent coryza;early, roughness, etc., in throat;
early, on waking, sense of hunger;early, pressure at stomach;early, diarrhoea;early, hard
stool; early, after rising, cough;early, cough, etc.;early, on waking, oppression of chest;
early, when rising, pain in pectoralis major;early, pain in muscles of nape of neck;
immediately on rising, pain in small of back;early, great lassitude;early, feels tired;
shiverings over the whole body, etc.;early, when waking, mild sweat over whole body.
- (Every other morning), General warm sweat, in bed.
- (From morning till night), Tearing pain in head;tearing in back.
- (Forenoon), Irritated state of mind, etc.;gum in the canthi;stitches in eyeball; tongue
coated white;rumbling in abdomen somnolence.
- (Towards noon), Tearing in head;violent chills, etc.
- (Afternoon), Roaring in ears;gulping up of fluid;pinching in left side of abdomen; deep,
etc., breathing;sensation of a spasm at border of left thigh;when sitting, transient sleepiness.
- (Evening), Out of humor, etc.;something seemed to block up ear;obstruction of nose;
thirst; pinching in abdomen begins;in bed, crawling, etc., of the haemorrhoids;hard stool,
etc.;when lying down, pain in right chest; when sitting, spasmodic drawing in one of the
cervical muscles;after lying down, drawing pain in muscles of nape of neck;pain in left hip-
joint;when sitting, twitching of muscles of left half of nates; itching on thighs;pain below
knee;when sitting, drawing in right leg;in bed, after a walk of three hours, stinging in skin
of right sole.
- (Night), Disposition to shoot himself;in bed, anxious reflections;in bed, 3 to 5 o'clock,
anxiety; toothache, etc.;dryness of the mouth;pinching on the palate;much thirst;drinks
much; itching, etc., in knees;diarrhoea;tenesmus of bladder;passes small quantity of urine,
etc;.; pimples come on;pimples on left radius;violent itching, etc.;in bed, quite hot, etc.
- (2 A. M.), Wakes with slight warmth all over, etc.
- (6 P.M. ), Sleep, etc.
- (7 P.M. ), Weariness, etc.;overwhelmed with sleep.
- (Walking in open air), Condition of ideal love, etc.;dull headache;dryness of nose;
- (In draught of air), Drawing in muscles of upper arms returns.
- (After bathing in the river), Violent headache.
- (Bending arms), Paralytic pain in muscles of upper arm.
- (When breathing), Nose painful;stitches in left chest.
- (Breathing deeply), Stitches in chest.
- (Applying cold water), Toothache.
- (Coughing), Burning in chest, etc.
- (When drawing in abdomen), Pressure at stomach.
- (During deglutition), Pinching on the palate.
- (After dinner), Pain through right ear, etc.;twinging toothache;stitches in tongue; fulness,
etc., of the body;immediately, much flatus;desire for stool;lassitude, etc., in limbs;
indolence, etc.
- (Eating), Toothache renewed;deep, sighing breathing;pain under left clavicle.
- (Exerting arm), Drawing pain in muscles of nape of neck.
- (When expiring in a standing position), Stitches in left chest.
- (Extending arm), Pain in pectoralis major.
- (After slight exercise), Feels quite hot.
- (In heat of sun), Even when he walks and works but little, feels indisposed.
- (When inspiring air), Sore feeling in nostrils;stitches in the tooth.
- (Lifting arm), Pain in pectoralis major.
- (When lying still), Sensation of animals moving in ear.
- (After a meal), Inflation of abdomen;bursting forth of flatus.
- (Motion), Pinching in abdomen.
- (When not especially noticed), Pulsations at left temple.
- (Pressure), Painful feeling at stomach;pain in groin;pain in pectoralis major.
- (Rising from sitting), Pain in small of back.
- (After rubbing), Itching of arm, etc.
- (When sitting), Stitches in right scapula;stitch in shaft of tibia.
- (During sleep), Sweat.
- (When smoking), Pain in whole head.
- (Standing), Drawing in spermatic cord;clucking in right half of nates.
- (During stillness), Roaring in ears.
- (Stooping), Pain in muscles of nape of neck;straining in nape of neck, etc.
- * (During stool), Pain in rectum.
- (After supper), Difficulty of breathing.
- (During supper), Difficulty of breathing.
- (Turning head to left), Drawing pain in muscles of nape of neck.
- (Touch), Pimples on cheek itch;stinging of pimple on thumb;pain in pimple on knee.
- (Turning foot outwards), Pain in right external malleolus.
- (After taking vinegar), Very thin stools, etc.
- (Walking), Especially when bending the thigh backwards, drawing pain in left hip-joint;
right foot feels numb, etc.
- (Walking upstairs), Dull headache in forehead, etc.
- (In warm air), Feels indisposed.
- (Getting warm in bed), Pimples itch.
- * (Drinking wine), Makes him feel worse; nausea.
- (When writing), Trembling of the hands.
- (In open air), Toothache.
- * (In cool air), Feels better.
- (After a meal), Empty sensation in abdomen goes off.
- (Pressure), Pain over left temporal bone, went off temporarily.
- (Rest), Feels better;voice returns.
- (Rubbing), Stinging in right sole.
- (Stooping), Drawing in
- (Touch), Stitches at border of right concha go off.
- (Walking), Pain in small of back disappeared.
- (Warmth), Drawing in muscles of upper arm passed off.
- Insensible; bed-sores formed, yet he complained of no pain.
- Imbecility more frequent than insanity.
- Delirium.
- Child delirious, drowsy with nausea, hot and red face; pulse irregular; feverish heat;
cries when washed in cold water; amel washed in warm water.
- Loathing of life.
- | Inclined to suicide by shooting; at night he is obliged to get out of bed, because he
cannot free himself of the idea.
- || Anxious, lachrymose mood, the slightest thing affects her. Intermittent.
- || Ill humor; irritability. Headache.
- Sulky, does not wish to speak with any one.
- Child is fretful and peevish, turns itself away, and cries when touched. Diarrhoea.
- || Indisposition to work, dull mood. Colic.
- Dejection.
- Aversion to work and pain in stomach, with gulping up.
- Cheerfulness and activity of mind and body.
- Sorrowful, irritable humor; the sound of a bell, as well as the sight of those around him,
excites him to tears; he breathes wearily and short.
- The greatest sadness and woful mood. Intermittent fever.
- Sadness, with weeping and impressibility.
- Anxiety in relation to his present and future condition.
- Feeling of grief.
- Is driven to despair, resolved to drown himself.
- Amativeness.
- Sentimental mood in the moonlight, particularly ecstatic love.
- Ecstasy and exalted love, with great anxiety about his fate, and inclination to shoot
himself; agg when walking in moonlight, and then his conduct is like that of an insane
- Sentimental or distrustful mood. Diarrhoea.
- || Peevishness. Chlorosis.
- Irresistible desire to talk in rhymes or verses. Intermittent.
- Restless, inclined to be excited by least disturbance.
- Consequences of disappointed love.
- Anxiety produces sweat, with headache.
- Rush of blood to head.
- Vertigo, nausea, nosebleed.
- Weakness of head.
- Heaviness in forehead.
- Vertigo with nausea and confused feeling, as if drunk. Headache.
- Vertigo, from deranged stomach.
Inner head
- Headache, mostly in forehead, left side.
- Slight, dull headache in forehead, and vertigo; increased by ascending stairs.
- Stupefying, dull headache in forehead, so violent that sweat broke out from anxiety; amel
when walking in open air.
- Stupefying headache with nausea in throat, agg evening, agg. from smoking, amel
walking in open air. Headache.
- In left temporal region : pressure inward; drawing; slow pulsation, with fine pricking.
- Violent headache after bathing in river, with weakness of limbs and aversion to food.
- Splitting sensation in forehead.
- Lacerating pain in whole head.
- Headache over one eye in a spot; agg at noon, amel at night; not amel by vomiting.
- Aching in forehead. Intermittent.
- Congestion to head, followed by nosebleed.
- Momentary drawing and boring in temples.
- Dull, frontal headache on awaking.
- Into head : toothache penetrates.
- After headache with giddiness, nosebleed.
- Aching headache, as if forehead would burst, from catarrh of frontal sinus, with
stoppage of nose.
- Tearing in forehead, temples and vertex.
- Headache : after bathing in river, from deranging stomach, drinking alcoholic drinks,
after a chill, after suppressed eruption, from taking cold; with aversion to food, nausea,
loathing, inclination to vomit, aching in limbs, weakness.
- Gastric headache from fruit, acids or fat.
Outer head
- Gnawing pain on top of head, as if in periosteum.
- Soreness of periosteum on vertex with swelling; a sensation as if bones were swollen, agg
from warmth, amel in open, cool air.
- Soreness in a small spot on left parietal bone, as if periosteum was swollen; painful to
- Lentil-sized, flat tubercles here and there on scalp, painful to pressure, crawling sensation
around them.
- Formication itching on scalp; losing hair.
- Disposition to take cold about head after getting wet, or bathing in cold water; agg
evenings and on getting warm; amel in open air and when at rest.
- Head, sensitive to cold, getting wet or cold bathing, agg evening and overheating himself,
amel in rest and cool air.
- Troublesome itching on head, with falling out of hair.
Upper face
- Sad expression.
- Face red and hot, a child.
- Twitches in facial muscles.
- Heat and itching on cheeks.
- Pimples, pustules and boils on face.
- Eruption like nettlerash.
- Yellow crusted eruption on left cheek, painful to touch and easily detached.
- Suppurating and long-lasting eruption on cheeks.
- Freckles on face.
Lower face
- Dryness of lips.
- || Cracks in corners of mouth.
- Burning, stinging on chin, as from a hot spark.
- Small, honey-colored granules on chin, with sore feeling when touched.
Inner mouth
- Dryness of mouth.
- Ptyalism, with saltish tasting saliva. Diarrhoea.
- Rawness of palate, with expectoration of much mucus when clearing throat.
- Must draw quantities of thick yellowish mucus from posterior nares into throat, and spit it
- Sensation as if a foreign body had lodged in throat, which gives rise to a constant desire
to swallow. Chronic angina.
Appetite, thirst
- Desires Aversions.
- Great desire to eat, but gets no strength. Scrofulous children.
- Good appetite, with burning at pit of stomach.
- Diminished appetite in summer owing to heat, loathing of food, with a bitter taste.
- Long-lasting loss of appetite, with disgust for all food. Gastric catarrh. Headache.
- || Hunger early on waking, without appetite; eating does not amel it; at the same time
sense of emptiness in pit of stomach, and want of animal heat.
- Intense thirst, with dryness of lips;
- more at night. Headache.
- Thirstless. Cholera infantum. Rheumatism. Ovaritis. Intermittent fever. Gastric
complaints (nausea, vomiting, etc).
- Desire for acids,
- for sour pickles. Diarrhoea.
- Desire for beer, with chill.
- Complete loss of appetite, with costiveness and dull head.
- Total want of appetite, heaviness and fulness in stomach, costiveness. Gastric fevers.
- Slight tension in hypochondria.
- Full feeling and distension, as after overeating.
- Abdomen very much distended; after eating much.
- || Incarcerated flatus; costive.
- || Rumbling in abdomen.
- || Pinching and sensation as if diarrhoea would come on.
- Sensation of emptiness in intestines, going off after a meal.
- Colic, with loss of appetite,
- || hard stool, red urine; child will not be looked at.
- || Violent cutting in abdomen, feeling of oppression coming from stomach, indisposition
to work, dull mood and pain at stomach with eructations.
- Hard gland in left groin, painful to pressure.
- Cutting in bowels, with watery diarrhoea.
- As if arising from abdomen : cough.
Urinary organs
- Frequent and profuse emission of urine, with loose bowels.
- Tenesmus of bladder rouses him from sleep at night.
- Frequent urination, with much mucus, intense burning in urethra and backache during
- Cutting in urethra while urinating.
- Urine : gold yellow, with scarcely perceptible cloud;
- brown red;
- with small red corpuscles after standing twenty-four hours; red, with colic.
- Involuntary urination.
- Involuntary escape of copious urine with cough.
- Chronic catarrh of bladder.
- Short, heavy breathing; dyspnoea.
- Deep, sighing breathing, as from fulness of chest, afternoon and after eating.
- Oppression coming from stomach.
- Constriction almost to suffocation.
- When exhaling, sharp stitches in chest.
- Deep sighing respiration after eating.
- Spells of sighing.
- Hot breath. Whooping cough.
- Frequent dry cough.
- || Cough shaking whole body, with involuntary escape of copious urine.
- || Cough : after rising in morning, in attacks;
- as if arising from abdomen;
- first attack is always most severe, subsequent ones weaker and weaker, until the last
resembles only a hacking. Whooping cough. Gastric cough.
- Cough : in hot sun; on coming into a warm room from cold air.
- Looking into fire increases cough. See 5, 27.
- Whooping cough as a sequel to measles.
- Whooping cough agg from becoming overheated in a warm atmosphere, in burning sun,
and from radiation of a fire.
- Cough with burning in chest.
- Cough with oppression on chest.
Outer chest
- Severe itching upon chest continuing all day.
- Thorax elevated, with dyspnoea.
Upper limbs
- Shoulders raised with difficult breathing.
- Cracking in elbow joint, when moving it.
- Drawing pain : in arms; in fingers and their joints.
- Must let arms sink down.
- Painful inflammation of ligaments of elbow, with intense redness and contraction of
- Paralytic trembling of hands with every motion and when writing.
- Trembling of hands with vomiting.
- Arthritic pains in fingers.
- Finger nails do not grow as rapidly as formerly, and skin beneath nails painfully
- Crushed finger nails grow in splits, like warts, with horny spots.
- A horny growth under nail.
- Horny warts on hands.
Lower limbs
- Pustules on thighs.
- Legs fall asleep while sitting quietly.
- Painful drawing in hip joints.
- Painful stiffness of knee; knees pain.
- Pain just below knee, as if it had been tied too tightly.
- Drawing pain : in knees; in lower part of left tibia; in left heel; and tearing through right
great toe. Gout.
- Violent pains in lower limbs.
- Smarting down thighs from acrid water out of vagina.
- Pulling pain in lower limbs.
- Numbness of legs during rest and while sitting.
- Tumor of knee; white swelling.
- Ankles pain.
- Heel inflamed and red.
- Large horny places on soles, close to toes.
- Corns on soles and toes.
- Inflamed corns.
- Great sensitiveness of soles when walking.
Limbs in general
- Convulsions and trembling of limbs.
- Lassitude, tremulous fatigue and heaviness of all limbs, as if coming out of abdomen;
trembling of hands when writing, subsequent discharge of much stinking flatus; abdomen
distended, after dinner.
- Rheumatic or gouty pains, generally with gastric symptoms.
- Heaviness in limbs.
- Weakness of limbs. Headache.
- Aching of limbs.
- Position. Motion. Can scarcely keep still during pregnancy, on account of hemorrhoids.
- Rest : outer head amel; cold in head amel; loss of voice amel.
- Desire to lie down : after eating.
- Lying down : drawing in muscles of neck.
- Must lie down for hours. Chlorosis.
- Sitting : stitches in right scapula, legs fall asleep.
- Rising : agg cough in morning; agg pains in small of back; >> after rising from bed.
- Stooping : aggravates drawing in muscles of neck.
- || Ascending stairs : agg headache and vertigo.
- Turning head to left : aggravates drawing in muscles of neck.
- Exertion of arms : aggravates drawing in muscles of neck.
- Motion of elbow : cracking in joint.
- Writing : hand trembles.
- Walking : soles sensitive; pain in small of back amel.
- Walking in open air : headache agg; toothache amel.
- Motion : increases heat, especially exercise in sun; chilliness with cough; cold, clammy
- Excessive depression and exhaustion.
- Uneasiness of whole body.
- Restlessness with cough.
- Trembling and shaking with chill.
- Great jactitation of muscles. Puerperal convulsions.
- Convulsions with vomiting; with rattling of mucus.
- Disposition to start, even at slight noises.
- Twitching of muscles, of many parts of body.
- Great lassitude.
- Uncomfortable feeling after eating.
- Exhaustion and debility
- after severe illness, if appetite does not return.
- Faintness with nausea.
- Great prostration after vomiting.
- Useful after night debauches;
- after getting drunk.
- Collapse with diarrhoea.
- As if paralyzed. Pneumonia.
- Gaping after coughing; dozing of children, with cough.
- Drowsiness : with trembling of head; with shortness of breath; with cough.
- || Drowsiness. Remittent fever.
- Somnolence : in daytime; with heat; with numbness of head; with chill.
- Sleepy after eating, after vomiting, with bellyache.
- During sleep unequal breathing.
- Sleep restless, with sensation in stomach.
- Great sleepiness during day; mostly forenoon.
- At 7 P.M. feels overwhelmed with sleep.
- Coma.
- || Deep, unrefreshing sleep. Chlorosis.
- Slight raving during sleep.
- Restless sleep. Anosmia.
- Wakefulness, with shivering over left side, on which he does not lie; or with sexual desire
and erections when getting warm.
- Sleepless, more after 12 P.M.
- Frequent waking, as from fright; from anxious dreams of being wounded.
- Dreams : of quarrelling;
- voluptuous; horrible, about mutilation of men.
- Restless sleep, frequently awakened by itching here and there.
- Ailments from night debauches.
- Rouses from sleep at night : tenesmus of bladder.
- On awaking : dull frontal headache; sweat.
- Night : agg suicidal mood; headache; toothache agg; dry lips and thirst agg; loose stools;
tenesmus of bladder; pollutions; heat in bed; before midnight heat.
- After midnight : sleeplessness agg.
- Morning : agglutination of eyelids; photophobia; mucus in canthi; toothache; coryza;
hunger; mucous diarrhoea; loose cough after rising; drawing in nape of neck; sweat; stools;
lassitude on awaking.
- Forenoon :
- sleepiness.
- Toward noon : chills.
- Noon : agg headache.
- || Ecstasy during day, beginning in morning. Megrim.
- All day : toothache amel; itching on chest; sleepiness; chill predominates.
- Afternoon : buzzing in ear, deep sighing breathing; fulness in chest.
- 7 P.M. : overwhelmed with sleep.
- Evening : out of humor; outer head aches; cold in head agg.; nosebleed; drawing in
muscles of neck; thirst; after lying down pain in nape of neck.
- Cold to touch : limbs.
- Coldness : with cholera; in bloodvessels.
- Want of animal heat.
- || Skin pale and cold. Convulsions.
- Chilliness at every motion, with cough.
- Chilliness after vomiting.
- Chill predominating during day, even in warm room.
- Violent, shaking chill toward noon, with thirst (for beer).
- Shivering over back; feet cold as ice, sweat on rest of body.
- After shaking chills : cough.
- Cold creeps : before menses; and pain in groins.
- Cold shivers and bellyache.
- Shivering over left side.
- Feverish heat with chill.
- Hot body, but cold limbs, with cough.
- Heat attended by sweat. Intermittent.
- Fever, with desire to sleep and want of thirst.
- Heat, with pain in chest.
- Sweat breaks out during heat, but soon disappears, and is followed by dry heat.
- Heat at night, mostly before 12 P.M. , with cold feet.
- Great heat from least exercise, particularly in sun.
- Sweat in morning when awaking, which causes a shrivelling of tips of fingers.
- Sweat, which returns at precisely same hour, usually every other (third) morning.
- || Sweat during heat. Intermittent.
- Cold, clammy sweat from motion.
- Cold sweat on hands with cough.
- After copious sweating, cough.
- Sweat : with rheumatic pains; with headache; on awaking; making canthi painful to
- The child is delirious, drowsy, with nausea; red, hot face, irregular pulse and feverish
heat, cries when washed or bathed in cold water.
- Violent chill without thirst;
- heat with thirst followed by sweat.
- After the sweat is over, heat and thirst return.
- Quotidian or tertian intermittent with
- loathing, nausea, vomiting, cutting in bowels and looseness.
- No gastric symptoms. Intermittent.
- Gastric fevers.
Attacks, periodicity
- Sweat at same hour, every other day.
- Symptoms repeat every five, six, or twelve weeks.
- Returning periodically; coma, earache.
- Increasing and decreasing headache.
- Remitting types. See 40.
- Cough in attacks, first severe, following weaker and weaker.
- In paroxysms : leucorrhoea.
- Attacks of fainting.
- Head as if drunk; as if forehead would burst; gnawing as if in periosteum; as if bones of
vertex were swollen; as if a leaflet was lying before the tympanum; stinging on chin as from
a hot spark; as if nerve of tooth was torn; as if foreign body had lodged in throat; stomach
as if overloaded; as if diarrhoea would come on; cough as if arising from abdomen; as if an
ulcer had been torn open in rectum; biting as from salt on left side of scrotum; as if
something would press out of womb; as if throat was filled with a plug; pain in knee as if
ligated; as if heaviness of limbs came out of abdomen; as if paralyzed.
- Pain : over eyebrow; in stomach, with aversion to work; dull, in head; dull, in forehead;
in ears; in nose, when breathing; from teeth, penetrates to head; at stomach, as after eating
too much; in rectum, during stool; in chest; in small of back; below knee; in ankles; in
- Tremulous fatigue and heaviness of limbs.
- Violent pain : in head; in small of back; in lower limbs.
- Stitches : in eyeball; in tooth; in chest when exhaling; in right scapula.
- Cutting : in abdomen; before loose stools; in urethra.
- Lacerating in head.
- Tearing in forehead, temples, and vertex; in right great toe.
- Jerking : in hollow teeth.
- Boring : into temples.
- Splitting sensation : in forehead.
- Gnawing : on top of head; in carious teeth.
- Pinching : in abdomen.
- Sticking : in chest.
- Pricking : fine, in left temple.
- Burning : and stinging on chin; at pit of stomach; spasmodic pain at pit of stomach; in
urethra; in chest.
- Smarting; down thighs, from acrid vaginal discharge.
- Rawness : of palate.
- Soreness : of periosteum on vertex; in a small spot on left parietal bone; in canthi; of
nostrils and corners of mouth; of eruption on face and chin; on border of tongue; in
stomach; to pressure; of soles, when walking; of skin when scratched.
- Aching : in forehead, as if it would burst; in limbs, with headache; in limbs.
- Pressive pain : in chest.
- Arthritic pain : in fingers.
- Drawing : in left temple; and boring in temples; through r. ear and eustachian tube; in
cervical muscles; in arms and fingers; in hip joints; in knees; in lower part of left tibia; in
left heel; and tearing through right great toe; in sacrum.
- Pressure : inward, in left temporal region; in womb; in chest.
- Spasmodic pain : at pit of stomach; drawing in cervical muscles.
- Cramplike pain : at stomach.
- Rheumatic or gouty pain : in feet with dyspepsia; in nape of neck and loins; with gastric
- Pulling pains : in lower limbs.
- Twitching : in facial muscles; in muscles of many parts.
- Crawling : around tubercles on scalp.
- Pulsation : slow in left temple.
- Numbness : of legs; of head.
- Fulness : after eating, with tension; of chest; of stomach.
- Heaviness : in forehead and fulness in stomach; in limbs.
- Emptiness : in pit of stomach.
- Oppression : from stomach; in chest.
- Stiffness : of knee, painful.
- Tension : after eating; in hypochondria.
- Dryness : of lips; of mouth.
- Heat : in face, and redness; in cheeks.
- Coldness : in nose when inhaling; of feet like ice.
- Shivering : over left side; over back.
- Itching : on scalp, with formication; in eyes; on cheeks; of penis; of tip of glans; biting on
left side of scrotum; on chest; of neck and back; of skin; rash.
- Pain on a small spot above either eyebrow.
- Exceedingly exsanguineous condition of body.
- { Rheumatism and gout if parts are inflamed or swollen.
- Acute gout having left deposits, with gastric symptoms.
- Inveterate (chronic) gout without fever.
- Hemorrhages dark.
- Dropsical swellings of whole body.
- Mucous membranes generally affected.
- || Swelling pain and redness of glands.
- External parts turn black; dry gangrene.
- Obesity of young people.
- Marasmus of children.
- { Glandular obstructions.
- { Scrofula.
- Fungus articularis.
- Metastasis of gout and rheumatism causing gastric catarrh.
- Dry gangrene.
- Emaciation.
- Anasarca.
- Useful after suppressed discharges.
- Before eruption breaks out, backache. See 31.
- || Eruptions repelled or not appearing. Convulsions.
- Eruptions like boils and blisters.
- Pustules like varicella.
- Itching of skin, feels sore when scratched.
- Pimples and vesicles as from stings of insects, especially on face and joints of limbs.
- Eruptions like bites of insects.
- Pustules spread over body and limbs; spreading from fauces.
- Red, itching rash on body.
- Ugly bluish red scars.
- Acne; with people of a nervous constitution.
- So-called liver spots; brownish spots.
- Tetters in scrofulous people.
- Deep, spongy ulcers; especially with gastric symptoms.
- Fistulous ulcers.
- Eruption with thick, hard scabs; often honey-yellow; here and there a crack oozing a
green, sanious fluid; he suffered as if immersed in burning embers; much prostration.
- Horny excrescences.
- Smooth warts, which are often soft.
- Ulcers breaking out around a wart.
- Chronic skin (and other) affections traceable to suppressed eruptions or ulcers.
- Urticaria, white lumps with red areolae which itch; comes and goes; agg after meat;
make him irritable, very hot and thirsty.
- Bed-sores.
- Measlelike eruptions; delayed, vomiting sets in during measles.
- During measles. Gastric catarrh.
- Measles and sequelae to whooping cough.
- Before smallpox appears, great oppression.
- Smallpox and other eruptions with diarrhoea.
- { Chronic skin affections, favus, lichen, scald head, ulcers in face.
- Similar to Apis (skin); Arsen. (gastric catarrh, burning eruption, dropsy); Amm. mur.
(mucous flux); Bryon. (rheumatism, gastric symptoms, effects of heat, etc.) : Chamom.;
Hepar; Ipec.; (gastric ailments); Mercur.; Nux vom.; Pulsat. (gastric symptoms, relief in the
air, mind, chills and fever, etc.); Ran. bulb. (horny exanthemata); Rhus tox.; Sulphur; Scilla.
- Related to : Ipec., still more to Lycop. (Teste).
- Similar in gastric vertigo to Pulsat.; gastric headache from sour things, to Pulsat. or
Arsen.; inflamed eyes, to Acon., Euphras.; in toothache in hollow teeth, to Pulsat.; in
lessened appetite from summer heat, Bryon., Carb. veg.; cramp in stomach, Pulsat. or Ipec.;
watery diarrhoea, Ferrum; after getting overheated, gastric symptoms, Bryon.
- Useful after Ipec. or Pulsat.; in intermittent.
- Polypi with Pulsat. and Mercur.
- After Ant. crud. follow well : Pulsat., Mercur., Sulphur.
- Antidotes to Ant. crud. : Calcar., Hepar., Mercur.
- Ant. crud. antidotes : stings of insects.
- Complementary : Squilla.
* 1- Sensaciones de fro general y sensibilidad al aire fro y por tocar cosas fras.
* 7- Dolor en el colon transverso, de derecha a izquierda, luego heces blancas como masilla,
vmitos, clicos y deseos ineficaces de defecar. Clicos con fro y escalofros en el
vientre (es su sntoma-clave), que bajan hasta las rodillas. Prurito anal.
9- Metrorragias.
Chamomilla romana. Roman Chamomile. O.N. Compositae. Infusin de las flores, o tintura
de toda la planta cuando comienza a florecer.
Relaciones.- Comparar: Cina, etc. China es "til despus del abuso del t de Chamomila
cuando resulta hemorragia del tero". (Hering).
Este medicamento es semejante a la manzanilla ordinaria
Trastornos gstricos con frialdad
Sensible al aire fro y a las cosas fras.
Coriza con abundante lagrimeo, estornudos, y secrecin acuosa clara de la nariz
Los sntomas se agravan en los interiores
Constriccin y rasposidad de la garganta
Tos, cosquilleo; peor en una habitacin caliente.
Adolorimiento en la regin del hgado; clico y sensacin de fro dentro del abdomen y en
las piernas
Prurito en el ano, con heces como masilla blanca.
La vejiga la siente distendida
Dolor a lo largo del cordn espermtico, que siente lleno, como con varicosidades
Miccin frecuente.
Prurito de las plantas, como por sabaones
Carne de gallina.
Usar la tercera potencia.
- Dull, frontal headache (after four hours).
- Very slight headache, 8.30 A. M., as if from congestion in forehead, increased by bending
head down; worse, also, for three or four hours, about two hours after food; very severe
about two hours after dinner (third day).
- 6 P.M. , a boring, oppressive headache, affecting the entire forehead, with feeling of
general languor, lasting till he went to bed, but disappearing before morning (fourth day).
- After rising from bed, eyes water, chiefly indoors; at same time, running of clear water
(not acrid) from left nostril; worse indoors, and increased immediately on going into a
colder room (forty-fifth day).
- Eyes watered much, especially on exposure to cold (first day).
- Eyes slightly painful, as though something pressed against posterior part of ball; worse on
bending head downward (third day).
- Tenderness of eyeballs on pressure (after four hours).
- Sneezing when indoors (had not been exposed to cold) (forty-fifth day).
- Looks pale (nineteenth day).
- Lips very dry (fourth day).
- Tongue with a slight, moist, white coating, especially in centre (after four hours).
- Sense of taste greatly intensified, so that he enjoyed food very much (immediately).
- Bitterness in mouth, as from indigestion (first day).
- Slight rawness of throat, with disposition to swallow saliva every two or three minutes,
with a view to relieve it, which it does not do (forty-eighth day).
- Back of pharynx feels raw, increasing from morning to evenings; worse on swallowing
saliva, and in the open, cold air (forty-fourth day).
- When drinking, a feeling of constriction of pharynx, apparently about the junction of
pharynx and oesophagus, causing a slight cutting in swallowing liquids, but not solids.
- Appetite greatly increased; food relished, especially meat (third day).
- Loss of appetite (fifth day).
- No appetite (after four hours).
- Loss of appetite for food and drink at all his meals (seventeenth day).
- Considerable thirst, relieved by drinking cold water (fourth day).
- On drinking tea, had no relish for it; it seemed as though it would be vomited, because the
pharynx felt as if contracted, especially at posterior part, as if the liquid would not go down.
- Solid food, on the other hand, he enjoyed, and swallowed without difficulty (first day).
- A qualmish feeling in stomach, nearly amounting to sickness; worse indoors, passing off
out of doors in about an hour (after fifteen minutes).
- Considerable nausea in stomach, ceasing on going into the open air.
- Much pleasant warmth in stomach, followed in fifteen minutes, by desire for food, which
dinner removed (immediately).
- Pain in right hypochondrium, as from distension with faeces, followed by a great desire to
evacuate, which resulted only in a slight passage of hard mucus.
- The pain continued constantly afterwards all day (fifth day).
- Dull aching pain over the whole region of the liver, abiding in all situations or postures,
lasting twelve hours; no aggravation on pressure, but a little on walking (third day).
- 9.30 A. M., Wearying pain in loins, especially left, as from muscular exertion, worse in
walking; it increased gradually, then gradually decreased; by 3 P.M. it was gone (eighth
Urinary organs
- Intense pain in and over bladder, as from distension, extending along both varicose.
- The pain continued, with varying severity, for three or four hours, then intermitted,
varying in severity, for thirty minutes (after eight hours).
- Desire to urinate, with intense pain, varying in severity, at neck of was (after six hours).
- Awoke at 2 A. M., with great desire to urinate; passed a normal quantity of urine, but the
desire was felt whenever he awoke, for four or five hours afterwards (after eight hours).
- Urinated much more frequently than usual, an ordinary amount each time, during the
night (first day).
- Had to urinate four or five times during the night; a small quantity each time, so that the
total amount was not more than usual (third day).
Sexual organs
- Seminal emission, about 4 A. M. (after ten hours).
Respiratory apparatus
- In afternoon, dry cough in paroxysms, caused by tickling at back of larynx, which was
momentarily relieved by the cough; cough worse directly he went into a warm room, but
not when in bed at night (sixteenth day).
Extremities in general
- Veins in extremities reduced in size (after four hours).
- Extremities, from wrists and ankles downwards, extremely cold (third day).
- Dull, aching pains in limbs, especially large joints and loins (after four hours).
Lower extremities
- Soles of feet itched, as from chilblains (third day).
- In forenoon, and lasting till evening, dislike to touch or drink anything cold; e.g. , cold
water, the fire-irons, etc.
- (This is not so when he naturally takes cold), (forty-fifth day).
- Extremely lazy; no desire to leave bed, or read; with a little fever (second day).
- Great lassitude, especially in gluteal region (after four hours).
- General malaise and weakness (fifteenth day).
- General malaise (thirty-eighth day).
- Cutis anserina (after four hours).
- Skin dry (after four hours).
- Cold creeping all over the body, especially on scalp, where it began; increased on leaving
the fire (after four hours).
- Extreme feeling of cold when dressing, beginning in legs, where it was most felt; then in
neck; then in whole body; when it became general, it was most felt in back; increased by
going into open air (after one and three-quarter hours).
- Did not feel cold in open air, though the thermometer stood at 20 (first day).
- After very little exertion in walking, got hot with much warm perspiration cold (fourth
- (Morning till evening), Back of pharynx feels raw.
- (Forenoon), Dislike to anything cold.
- (Afternoon), Dry cough.
- (8.30 A. M.), Slight headache.
- (3 to 5 P.M. ), Low spirits, etc.
- (6 P.M. ), Boring, etc., headache.
- (Open air), Feeling of cold.
- (Bending heat down), Headache; eyes painful.
- (Exposure to cold), Eyes water.
- (Open, cold air), Back of pharynx feels raw.
- (Going into colder room), Immediately, eyes water; running of water from nose.
- (When drinking), Feeling of constriction of pharynx, etc.
- (After eating), Headache.
- (Leaving fire), Cold creeping over body.
- (Indoors), Eyes water; running of water from left nostril; sneezing; qualmish feeling in
- (After rising from bed), Eyes water.
- (Sitting), In evening, itching in anus.
- (Swallowing saliva), Back of pharynx feels raw.
- (Walking), Pain over region of liver; pain in loins.
- (Going into warm room), Cough worse.
- (Open air), Qualmish feeling in stomach passes off; nausea in stomach.
- (Drinking cold water), Thirst.
Anthoxanthum odoratum. Sweet Vernal Grass (Europa y Amrica). O.N. Gramineae.
Tintura de la hierba fresca en floracin.
(Toxina del Antrax)
*** 1- Las lesiones, generalmente carbunclo, lceras o abscesos, presentan cinco grandes
caractersticas: a) horribles dolores ardientes, quemantes; b) color negro (a veces
azulado); c) hacen una escara; d) el pus es horriblemente ftido, y e) en general son muy
** 6- Angina de Ludwig, con hinchazn submaxilar de dureza ptrea, casi no puede abrir la
boca; piso de la boca duro e hinchado, sialorrea y aliento ftido o ptrido, anorexia, sed
(apenas puede tragar); adenopata dolorosa bajo el mentn; insomnio, fiebre alta,
sudores. Parotiditis gangrenosa.
*** 8- Panadizos graves, extensos, que arden terriblemente, con escaras. Gangrena hmeda,
con manchas y ampollas azulado-negruzcas, olor horrible; en casos de fracturas
(expuestas o no) de tibia. Ulceras, sobre todo en las piernas o miembros inferiores, con
dolores quemantes, de fondo negruzco, gangrenosas, peor de noche. Vesculas en las
palmas de las manos.
*** 9- Antrax en la espalda, con tremendos dolores quemantes, pus horriblemente ftido,
irritante y con tendencia a la septicemia. Carbunclo con escaras negras y dolores
quemantes, en la espalda, sobre todo en la regin cervical. Adenopata axilar.
** 10- Induracin del tejido celular subcutneo - celulitis (Sil.). Ampollas negras o azules
(peor en labios, sobre todo el superior). Viruela. Erisipelas malignas o gangrenosas.
Complementarios: Cuando Arsenicum Alb. no calma los dolores ardientes, dar Anthracinum.
En dolores de cncer (Euphorb.).
Toxina de Antrax. Un extracto alcohlico del veneno de antrax preparado de los bazos de
borregos afectados. Clnica Acn. Carbuncos. Cinanquia (afeccin grave de la garganta
con sofocacin intensa). Erisipelas. Fiebre esplnica. Furnculo. Gangrena.
Inflamacin flegmonosa y ulceracin. Panadizo. Parotiditis gangrenosa. Pstula
maligna. Ulceras. Viruela.
-Es semejante a Ars., Carb. ac., Lach., Sec., Pyr., en los estados spticos malignos.
Comprese: con Eufor., en los terribles dolores del cncer, del carbunclo o de la erisipela
cuando Ars., o Anth., no producen mejora.
Anthracinum (Boericke)
Este nosode ha demostrado ser un gran remedio en enfermedades epidmicas del bazo en
animales domsticos, y en inflamaciones spticas, carbunco, y lceras malignas
En furnculos y erupciones furunculosas, acn
Ardor terrible
Induracin del tejido celular, abscesos, bubones, y todas las inflamaciones del tejido
conectivo en donde existe un foco purulento.
Hemorragias negras, espesas, como alquitrn, descompuestas, por cualquier orificio
Ganglios hipertrofiados, tejidos celulares edematosos e indurados
Ulceraciones, escaras y ardor intolerable
Vesculas azules y negras
Heridas disecantes
Picaduras de insectos
Malos efectos por inhalar malos olores
Parotiditis gangrenosa
Sucesin de furnculos
Secreciones malolientes.
Similar a Arsenicum, que lo sigue frecuentemente
Comparar; Pyrogen, Lachesis, Crotalus, Hyppozoen., Echinac.; Silica lo sigue bien
En el tratamiento de carbuncos, recuerde la prescripcin del profeta Isaas para el carbunco
del Rey Ezequas- la pulpa de un higo colocarlo en un emplasto y aplicarlo.
Potencia tercera. Tarant. Cubensis.
Abscesos, ntrax, furnculos, erisipela, gangrena, septicemia. Ulceraciones con tendencia a
la malignidad.
Cuando Arsenicum no ha podido mejorar el ardor intolerable de que se queja el enfermo.
Arsenicum (ardores mejorados por aplicaciones calientes). Pirogenium (olor terriblemente
ftido de los escurrimientos, discordancia entre la temperatura y el pulso, postracin).
Tarentula cab. (induracin de las regiones afectadas, coloracin azulosa de la piel, dolores
atroces disminuidos por fumar).
3a y 200a.
Anthracinum (Hering)
The alcoholic extract of the anthrax poison prepared from the spleen of cattle befallen with
the disease.
A nosode rejected by the Old School, and by a majority of the New, in spite of its being a
remedy which bears out our theory, and one which has proved of the utmost use in practice.
It has not yet been proved, but the frequent use made of it by some of our best practitioners
justifies its reception.
The first preparation was made according to C. Hg's propositions (laid down in Stapf's
Archives, 1830), by Dr. G. A. Weber, and applied with the most astonishing success in the
cattle plague.
He cured every case with it, and also men poisoned by the contagium.
His report, a small treatise of 114 pages, was published in 1836, by Reclam, Leipzig.
No notice was taken of it.
Only the talented Dr. P. Dufresne, the founder of the Bibliothque Homoeopathique, of
Geneva (see eulogium by Grieselich, in Hygea, VI., p. 351, 352), used it, and prevented the
further murderous spread of the disease, in a flock of sheep (among which it is always more
fatal than among other domestic animals), and cured the shepherds as well (Biblioth.
Homoeop. de Geneve, Jan. and Feb., 1837).
The discovery of the bacteria and their incredibly rapid propagation seemed to be of much
more importance than the cure of cattle, and the loss of millions of dollars by this disease.
In 1842 France sustained a loss of over seven millions of francs, and every year a small
district of Germany has a loss of sixty thousand thalers from the cattle plague; in Siberia, in
1785, 100.000 horses died with it; in 1800 one small district lost 27.000 horses.
Radiate heat, proposed scores of years ago, for other zymotic diseases, by C. Hg., was
discovered, in a very ingenious way, by Pasteur, to prevent the increase of bacteria.
Now the heat (as it has done in hydrophobia), and the nosode may suffice to cure every
Dr. Ksemann had moral courage enough to introduce Anthracine in gangrene and
sphacelus, in 1853, and Doctor Raue has given it in carbuncles since 1858.
See his Pathology and Diagnosis, and in gangrenic whitlow, see Journal of clinics, 4, 142.
The symptoms of a case of glander poisoning, prominent among them blue boils, in a
Veterinary, cured with Anthracinum[30] (Tafel's preparation), by Knerr, are added.
All symptoms produced by the poison on men are inserted, because the symptoms from the
snake-bite and from the bee-sting have been proved to be useful in numerous cases; they
are marked.
- || Anxiety, particularly in praecordia.
- || Delirium and excitement. With the fever.
- || Loss of consciousness.
- || Depression, with debility and chill.
- || Thinks she feels death approaching.
- Animals howl, bite, run about, become greatly excited; followed by paralytic symptoms.
- Disinclined to work. Cynanche cellularis.
- Dulness in head as from narcotics.
- || Confusion. With the fever.
- Dizziness.
- || Dizziness with pain in head.
- Loss of consciousness.
Inner head
- Headache, as if a smoke with a heating pain was passing through head (fume de
douleur chaude); two shepherds who caught it from their flock. Anthrax carbuncle.
- Head is affected in an indescribable manner. Poisoning by a foul breath.
- || Uncomfortable feeling in head, slight chills, mild fever.
- || If fully conscious they complain of great pain in head.
- || Pain in head, dizziness; inner anthrax.
- || Here and there in all parts of brain small and large hemorrhages of embolic origin; after
death from anthrax.
- || Membranes of brain exhibit circumscribed or symmetrically extended bloody
- || Headache with chill.
- Cerebral symptoms with carbuncle.
Outer head
- Flying gangrene.
- Small swellings on temples and cheeks, extending through orbital sutures and foramina to
dura and pia mater.
- Carbuncles mostly on head, near ears or temples.
- Flying gangrene, head swollen (in swine).
- Swelling of head (sheep).
Upper face
- Erysipelatous, dark brown redness and swelling over whole right side of face, nose and
part of left cheek; swelling very hard, redness does not disappear under pressure of finger.
Poisoning by foul breath.
- Extending to cheek, redness from nose.
Lower face
- Could not move lower jaw as usual. Cynanche cellularis.
- Could open mouth only far enough to put point of tongue out. Cynanche cellularis.
- Impossible to open jaws. Cynanche cellularis.
- Tearing in right lower jaw.
- Beginning of swelling was the region of right submaxillary gland. Cynanche
- A stony swelling around right lower maxilla, inner space of mandibula filling up to half,
reaches to nearly half the cheek, and disfiguring face, extending backward over angle of
lower jaw, very little pain, not red, but sharply defined edges. Cynanche cellularis.
- Swelling extending from inner edge of left lower jaw across whole throat, in front and
over edge of right lower jaw, and au niveau with upper surface of right lower molars.
Cynanche cellularis.
- A large, stony hard, pale swelling around right lower jaw, nearly painless, disfiguring
face. Cynanche cellularis.
- Gland under chin painfully swollen. Poisoning by a foul breath.
Inner mouth
- Offensive odor from mouth. Cynanche cellularis.
- Mouth could not be opened. Cynanche cellularis.
- Saliva increased. Cynanche cellularis.
- || Continued bleeding from mouth; blood shows a lack of power to coagulate; with inner
- || Dark red, bloody ecchymoses in mouth.
- || Bloody suffusions and hemorrhagic collections on mucous membranes of canthi of
mouth and nose; inner anthrax.
- Fundus of mouth is elevated by the swelling, as hard as a callus, extending back to
parotids, and reaching up to external surface of lower jaw. Cynanche cellularis.
- || Superficially eschared pustules in mouth after death.
- || The submucous tissue, especially in fauces and around larynx, is thickened and
- | Region of throat above larynx to mouth swollen. Cynanche cellularis.
- Submaxillary, laryngeal and retro-pharyngeal glands are infiltrated, hyperaemic, filled
with hemorrhagic foci, colored of a greyish or dark blackish red, and considerably enlarged.
- Right tonsil hurts. Carbuncle. Erysipelas.
- Anthrax quinsy.
- Cynanche cellularis; a sharply marked margin about swellings.
- || Slight difficulty in swallowing; inner anthrax.
- Swallowing exceedingly difficult. Cynanche cellularis.
- Could not swallow, with great thirst.
Appetite, thirst
- Desires, Aversions. Diminished appetite, with heat.
- || Loss of appetite, with chills.
- || Loss of appetite and gastralgia; inner anthrax.
- Loss of appetite. Cynanche cellularis.
- Thirst with heat.
- Excessive thirst, but can hardly swallow. Cynanche cellularis.
- Sudden prostration with great abdominal soreness, mostly in epigastrium with vomiting,
cold limbs, dull head.
- || Bellyache with chill.
- || Colicky pains; inner anthrax.
- A horse fell down with colic, no motion except now and then bending head towards
- || Mycosis intestinalis; intestinal anthrax.
- || In intestines a thinly fluid material, slightly colored with blood.
- || The retro-peritoneal and mesenteric connective tissue infiltrated, jellylike, and of a
yellowish-reddish color.
- || Moderate serous or sero-hemorrhagic effusion and subperitoneal suggilations.
- || Simple hemorrhages, infarctions and foci on different parts of intestines.
- || Serous and sero-hemorrhagic infiltrations of peritoneal and mesenteric connective
tissue, walls of stomach and intestines, and of mucous membranes.
- || Mesenteric and retro-peritoneal glands enlarged to size of a walnut; from blackish red
masses, held together by a jellylike congestive tissue, infiltrated with serum.
- Dark red carbuncle in omentum.
- || Peculiar pustular and carbuncular foci in intestinal tract.
- Swelling of abdomen; inner anthrax.
Urinary organs
- Kidneys swollen, with oedema, sprinkled with small hemorrhages, engorged; suggilations
in mucous membranes of pelvis.
- Had to get up five or six times through the night and passed a chamberful of clear urine.
Blue boils after glander poisoning.
- || Breathing frequent, laborious; quick, spasmodic; inner anthrax.
Upper limbs
- || Tetanic spasms of upper limbs, inner anthrax.
- Arms and hands covered with a crusty eruption, full of cracks, discharging pus and an
acrid fluid, with painful, unbearable itching; checked for a while by the Old School, it had
burst out again with terrible fury. After Anthracine, the crusts peeled off and were flying
about like snow.
- The whole left hand (not the fingers) swollen, highly reddened, very painful; redness
extended over whole hand and even wrist, and a red streak ran up forearm. Inflammation
of hand.
- On middle of palm of hand a large blister, which, when opened, discharged a yellow
watery fluid.
- Felon, the worst cases, with sloughing.
- Whitlow.
- Acute pain in bones of hand and burning to finger tips. Blue boils after glanders
Lower limbs
- Thighs livid to nates, hard and painful; lower legs dark blue, feet oedematous; when
blisters break they discharge an offensive ichor. Traumatic gangrene.
- The whole thigh was swollen, most above knee, and also foot. After a fracture of
- Livid redness on lower part of whole thigh, up to buttocks, hard and painful. After a
fracture of tibia.
- Above knee, redness, swelling and pain, and later a large black blister on inside of
thigh, extending four inches upward and inward; after being lanced bloody water ran out.
Fracture of tibia.
- On outside of knee a large fluctuating swelling, by pressure discharging a horribly
smelling gangrenous ichor. After fracture of tibia.
- From openings on lower leg, caused by fracture, a copious stinking pus (like from
carious bones). Traumatic gangrene.
- Bluish-brown spots, which break open.
- The whole lower limb blackish-blue; region of blister (foolishly lanced) mortified,
discharging much stinking ichor. After a fracture of tibia.
- Ulcers size of hand on lower limbs; no antipsoric had relieved. Anthrac.[30] helped
very soon.
- Carious ulcers.
- Foot oedematous. Fracture of tibia.
Limbs in general
- Discolored lines trace out veins over oedematous part.
- || Severe pains in limbs and joints with fever; intestinal anthrax.
- Pains in knees and arms. Blue boils after glanders poisoning.
- Limbs as if beaten.
- Limbs weak.
- || Great restlessness.
- Paroxysms of trembling.
- Single muscles start or tremble.
- || Epileptiform convulsions; inner anthrax.
- || Clonic spasms, trismus or opisthotonos; sometimes in serious cases.
- Clonic spasms.
- || Tetanic spasms in upper limbs.
- || Opisthotonos; inner anthrax.
- Debility and depression, with pain in limbs.
- || Debility with chill.
- || Great weakness, with fever.
- || Debility and depression, with pains in limbs and general sense of malaise, followed by
disturbance of intestinal canal; inner anthrax.
- Debility and sweat all over. Carbuncle.
- Completely exhausted, she thinks she feels death. Poisoning by foul breath.
- || Choleralike collapse after diarrhoea.
- Collapse, with difficulty of breathing; loss of consciousness; death.
- || Sudden fatal issue, preceded by extreme collapse.
- || With cyanosis, asphyxia and the most extreme collapse, followed by death in all cases
of bleeding.
- || Marked rigor mortis after death.
- || Somnolence; inner anthrax.
- Could not sleep for pain. Inflammation of hand.
- Sleeplessness. Cynanche cellularis.
- Restless sleep, twitches and violent jerks in sleep. Blue boils after glanders poisoning.
- Sleep short, unrefreshing. Erysipelas.
- Delirium, sopor, then death.
- Sleep short, not refreshing, more like a stupor. Poisoning by foul breath.
- | Restless, irritated at night.
- || Restless sleep; with chill.
- || Chilly, with debility, headache, followed by a general malaise, loss of appetite, restless
sleep, great debility and depression, and in eight or ten days carbuncles, most on arm,
forearm, head. Anthrax from eating meat of diseased animals.
- || Decided chill, followed by bellyache, nausea, vomiting and in two or three days with
supervention of collapse and cyanosis; death. Anthrax after eating diseased meat.
- || Slight chills with fever and strange sensation in head.
- With great prostration, chilliness, pains in limbs, increase of fever and weakness, anxiety,
restlessness, vertigo, delirium, dull head; stool retarded, urine scanty; skin dry, later covered
with cold sweat.
- || Temperature very slightly elevated; inner anthrax.
- || Febrile movement, slight in beginning, is often followed apace by high fever; great
weakness, delirium, excitement, confusion.
- Moderate heat, little thirst, general sweat. Poisoning by foul breath.
- Very much fever. Cynanche cellularis.
- Heat, thirst, less appetite, suffering and fatigued. Inflammation of hand.
- Fever with diarrhoea.
- Fever attended by sweating.
- || Sweat all over with debility.
- Disposed to sweat; rather sticky. Cynanche cellularis.
- Copious sweat. Cynanche cellularis. Carbuncle.
- || Cold sweats, in serious cases.
- Typhoid type, with rapidly sinking pulse, loss of strength, fainting, delirium.
Attacks, periodicity
- Attacks : of trembling; of headache with chills and coldness of head.
- Course in one case irregularly intermittent; inner anthrax.
- Paralytic symptoms intermit.
- || Pricking pain like that of a bite of a fly.
- Swelling sometimes very painful, as if skin was touched by nettles, more in daytime.
Carbuncle on neck.
- As if a smoke, with a heating pain, was passing through neck; as if diaphragm was pushed
forward; as if skin was touched by nettles; limbs as if beaten.
- || Slight burning and itching, as from bite of an insect, on spot having come in contact.
- Terrible burning. Paronychia. Carbuncle.
- Pain : in head; in limbs.
- Tearing : in right lower jaw.
- Pressure : in region of stomach.
- Burning : in region of stomach.
- Colicky pains : inner anthrax.
- Dulness : in head.
- Blood black, thick, like tar, decomposing rapidly.
- Injection and ecchymosis, on motor organs of deglutition.
- Hemorrhagic exudations.
- Blood oozes from mouth, nose, anus or sexual parts.
- || Hemorrhages in different parts of body.
- || Diffuse phlegmon; inner anthrax.
- Surrounding tissue infiltrated with cloudy serum and small hemorrhages.
- Red lines, streaks and stripes mark out course of lymphatics.
- || Glands in throat and under maxilla indurated.
- Gland painfully swollen under chin.
- || Hemorrhagic infiltration of mesenteric and other lymphatic glands.
- Lymphatic glands hard, swollen, dark red, infiltrated with a bloody serum.
- The lymphatic vessels and glands swell, get hardened and if cut across, are very red,
harder or softer, always infiltrated with a hemorrhagic or bloody serous matter.
- Lymphatic glands swollen, dark red, brittle or softened as if filled with extravasations.
- || Corresponding lymphatic glands swell.
- || Mediastinal lymphatic glands oedematous.
- || Most mucous membranes are injected and reddened.
- Induration of cellular tissue.
- || Oedema and infiltration of cellular tissue spread rapidly; skin on parts hard and doughy,
sometimes also oedematous, reddened, cool or hot.
- || The tissues near the pustule become indurated very quickly, and this oedematous
swelling rapidly spreads over a considerable area, the entire arm, half the neck, occasioning
lively pain and a feeling of heaviness in affected limbs.
- Oedema of affected parts, more or less reddened, sometimes cool, sometimes hot.
- Oedema of affected parts; with anthrax of gangrene; collapse.
- || Oedematous and phlegmonous swellings show changes of cloudy oedema, often striped
and flecked with blood.
- || Oedema with a superadded gangrenous process, spreads rapidly over whole limb,
collapse quickly comes on with difficulty in breathing, loss of consciousness and death.
After eating diseased meat.
- || Erysipeloid anthrax oedema.
- || Transudations into serous cavities.
- || Contents of a regular pustule are neutral or alkaline, sometimes blackening metals.
- Abundant discharge of ichorous, terribly smelling pus. Carbuncle.
- Gangrenous ichor of horrible smell.
- Stinking pus from wound on leg.
- Penetrating, stinking, thin ichor from a lanced swelling.
- || Gangrene, with inner anthrax.
- In some cases the gangrene is extending, and violent febrile symptoms may follow.
- || From the tough infiltration, which is hemorrhagic and often sloughed in the centre,
blackish-red hemorrhagic bands go off into underlying adipose tissue, and they send into it
numerous branches.
- The knot gets sphacelous while it is dying up on surface, the decomposition is quicker,
deeper in and becomes an emphysematous gangrene.
- || Gangrene destruction.
- Sloughing on carbuncles; on paronychia.
- Gangrene and sphacelus. After a fracture of tibia.
- Gangrenous ulcers (sheep).
- Absorption of pus into blood. Pyaemia. Gangrenous carbuncles.
- Septic infection from absorption of deleterious substances.
- || Septicaemia with gangrene and with sloughing.
- Dark red spots (sheep).
- || Ecchymoses.
- Cyanosis.
- Skin of affected part either hard or doughy.
- Skin dry, itching violently and burning.
- Unbearable itching on arms and hands.
- Itching with dry skin; violent as if mad (horses).
- Crusty oozing eruption, with most violent itching.
- Crusty eruption discharging acrid fluid.
- A small red spot, sometimes with a blackish point in middle, gradually becoming more
sensitive, has to scratch, it reddens more and more, swells and forms a small pustule or
- || A little red speck, like a flea-bite, with a central black point, swells gradually and
changes into an itching papule, capped with a small, clear, reddish or bluish vesicle,
gradually enlarging.
- || The excoriated spot dries up, becomes brown and livid and a local eschar forms.
- || By inflammatory swelling of surrounding skin a red or violet raised border is formed,
around it a bluish or pale yellow ring, upon which little vesicles, size of a hemp-seed,
appear surrounding central eschar.
- || With an increase of round, thick eschar, one-fourth to three-fourths of an inch, the raised
border also extends.
- Excoriated surface dries and mummifies, but new blisters form all around.
- || Small and large epidermal vesicles filled with serum.
- Blister on palm of hand.
- || The secondary vesicles contain a yellowish, reddish and blackish fluid.
- || Over pustule a blister, size of a lentil, with a clear, bright-yellowish, later a reddish or
bluish fluid.
- Black or blue blisters. Pustula maligna.
- || Black blisters, fatal in twenty-four to forty-eight hours.
- Large black blister on inside of thigh.
- || In case of more than one detritus, the whole is swollen like erysipelas, and when cut it
looks like the Vespajas of the Italian dermatologists.
- Erysipelatous inflammation about carbuncle.
- Erysipelas gangrenosa.
- Erysipelatous form of chronic anthrax.
- Smallpox of sheep.
- Umbilicated pustules, yellow or bluish around, with depression of a dark red hue, and
hemorrhagic foundation. Pustula depressa.
- If scraped off soon the excoriated spot dries, turns brown and livid and leaves a scar.
- || The dense or doughy soft papules or pustules, around and beneath eschar, vary in size
from a pea to a nut.
- Bluish boils on both legs and on abdomen, discharging a little matter and black blood.
Inoculated by glanders.
- || The papule promptly bursts and discloses a dark red base.
- Sometimes blisters looking more like furuncles; a puslike collection under epidermis,
which loosens and discloses decomposed matter.
- || Papules and pustules, with extensive oedematous and phlegmonous infiltration of
neighboring skin and subcutaneous cellular tissue.
- || The anthrax pustule penetrates deeply into subcutaneous cellular tissue.
- || Anthrax pustules most on face, forearms, hands, fingers, neck, less often ear, still less
frequent covered parts.
- Anthrax carbuncles, with typhoid symptoms.
- || Little carbuncles; inner anthrax.
- Carbuncles; inner anthrax.
- Carbuncle.*
- || Carbuncle darkish red, greasy, is often more eroded than ulcerated.
- Circumscribed carbuncle, hard large knots.
- Diffuse, erysipelatous carbuncle.
- || Carbuncle on arm, forearm, head.
- Carbuncle with horrible burning pains; or discharge of ichorous offensive pus.
- Anthrax carbuncles cured by Anthracine[15], once a day, also externally, in four days.
- Anthrax contagiosus.
- Seventh day after remedy several larger and smaller openings, discharging watery,
sometimes bloody matter, very little pus; swelling less hard around base. Carbuncle.
- All openings run into one, discharge much pus. Carbuncle.
- After having taken homoeopathic medicine for malignant ulcers, suddenly the greatest
malaise, and a black blister formed below knee with swelling all around, and feverish
shaking chill through whole body.
- Ulcus excedens (sheep).
- Most malignant gangrenous ulcers (sheep).
- Chronic forms of anthrax with indurations like knots under skin.
- || Large cutaneous eschars.
- Antidotes : in poisoning from anthrax of animals, Camphor; Arsen.; Cinchon.; Rhus tox.;
Silic.; Laches.; Carb. veg.; Pulsat.; Kreosot.; Carbolic. ac.; Salycil. ac.; Apis.
- Give Anthrac. after Arsen. fails to relieve the burning and ulceration.
- Useful where Arsen. had no beneficial effect in carbuncles and other complaints with
burning and sloughing.
- Often useful when Arsen. seems indicated and fails to relieve.
- Two days after Acon[30] for the fever : Anthrac.[30] for the itch-crusty eruption.
- After Phosph. ac. in a poisoning by inhaling the foul breath of a child dying with putrid
- Anthrac. 0, 8, three gtt. in 12 teaspoonsful of water at first in alternation with Phosph. ac.
0, 3, two gtt. in 12 teaspoonfuls of water. Poisoning by foul breath.
- Silic. followed well after Anthrac. Fracture of tibia.
- After Anthrac. : Aur. mur. natr. (for are maining periosteal swelling on the lower jaw);
Silic. (cellulitis).
- Anthrac. bovum; from gangrenous spleen of cattle.
- Anthrac. suum; from the bloody saliva of raving swine.
(Carburo de potasio - Antracita disuelta en potasa custica hirviendo)
* 1- Grietas crnicas y ulceraciones en las narinas.
2- Boca y garganta secas; deglucin dificultosa. Sin apetito; saciedad. Intensa sed. Mal gusto
con sed y arcadas. Vmitos biliosos o de mucus negro. Calor gstrico; presin;
calambres. Vientre timpnico. Heces negruzcas diarreicas con clicos y borborigmos.
4- Reumatismo crnico.
6- Escalofros alternando con calor. Sudores en todo el cuerpo con cefalea, agitacin y
dolorimiento generalizado; precedidos de palpitaciones y dolor en el pecho. Sudores
nocturnos; viscosos en los pies.
7- Piel hmeda. Afecciones de la piel: sarna, prrigo, herpes crnico. Las erupciones
disminuyen con la luna llena. Urticaria. Erisipelas crnicas. Ppulas con pustulitas con
gran prurito, que aparecen de noche y desaparecen de da.
Relaciones.- Comparar: Los carbonos; los antimonios: Rhus, Dulc., Ferrum iod. (eczema
Anthracokali (Boericke)
Util en afecciones de la piel, sarna, prurigo, herpes crnico, fisuras y ulceraciones
Erupciones como ppulas con tendencia a vesculas, especialmente en el escroto, tambin
en las manos, tibia, hombros y dorso de los pies
Sed intensa
Reumatismo crnico
Ataques biliosos, vmito de bilis, distensin timpnica del abdomen.
Trituraciones bajas.
Anthracokali (Allen)
- Tongue soon furred, with nauseous taste, [a10].
- Furred tongue, appetite lost, nausea, [a12].
- Tongue furred, with vomiting and colic, [a13].
- Dryness of mouth and throat, [a4, a8].
- Taste unpleasant, [a5].
- Taste nauseous, [_a1].
- Pain in throat, with coated tongue, [a9].
- Burning in throat, with slight dysphagia, [_a3].
- Burning in throat, soon followed by anorexia, nauseous taste, and violent colic, without
diarrhoea (after ten days repeated doses), [a7].
- Dysphagia and dryness of the throat, [a10].
- * Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, colic, and flatulence, [_a2].
- Burning thirst, [a4].
- Almost unquenchable thirst, [a10].
- Nausea after eating, [_a3].
- Nausea, with intercurrent vomiting, [a5].
- Vomiting bilious, mixed with blackish mucus, [a13].
- Sensation of warmth in stomach, [_a2].
- Cramps in the stomach, and colic pains, [_a3].
- Violent burning, deep in the abdomen, [a12].
- Violent colic, increased at night, so that he had to apply a cataplasm, which relieved
(seventh day), [a8].
- Colic, borborygmi, tympanitic distension of the abdomen, [_a3].
- Colic, borborygmi, [_a1].
Urinary organs
- Burning in urethra on urinating, [_a2].
- Ischuria; urine pale, [a12].
- Urine increased, [a5, a8, a9].
- Urine profuse, [_a1].
- Profuse watery urine, [a10].
- * Copious evacuation of pale, clear urine, [_a1, _a2].
- Urine less profuse, [a13].
- Urine pale, acid, profuse, [_a2].
- Peculiar odor to the urine, [_a3].
Sexual organs
- * Frequent erections, [_a1, _a2, a5].
- Feels generally sick, [a11].
- Weakness of whole body and restlessness, with heaviness of the head, [a11].
- Creeping chills alternating with heat followed by slight sweat, with accelerated pulse,
- Increased warmth of body at evening, with accelerated full pulse, [_a3].
- Warmth and heat sensation, beginning in the throat, and extending down to the stomach;
from hence it migrated to the skin where it did not remain long; was not followed by sweat,
- Moist skin, [_a2].
- Copious sweat in the evening, lasting till morning, with restlessness, headache,
prostration, and accelerated pulse, [a4].
- Copious sweat, with slight vascular excitement (sixteenth day), [a7].
- Moderate night-sweat, beginning at evening, with sleeplessness and excited pulse, [a11].
- The burning of the skin was (on eighth day) followed by nightly sweat (continued several
days), [_a1].
- Nightly sweat returning every twenty-four hours, as long as the proving lasts, without
itching of the skin, [a10].
- Profuse night-sweat, with headache, and accelerated pulse (thirteenth day after increasing
doses), [a6].
- Profuse night-sweats, and renewed diarrhoea, which again ceased without stopping the
dosing (seventh day), [a8].
- Copious night-sweat, with loss of sleep, and excessive restlessness, but relief of the pain
in the abdomen, [a12].
- Profuse warm night-sweat, with confusion of the head, [a13].
- No sweat, [a5].
- (Evening), Warmth of body, etc.; copious sweat.
- (Night), Colic; profuse sweats, etc.
- (After eating), Nausea.
- (Urinating), Burning in urethra.
- (Cataplasm), Colic.
Anthracokali (Hering)
A very absurd combination; anthracite coal of a certain kind, dissolved in boiling caustic
potash, invented by Joseph Polya, in Pesth, in 1835; proved on many people, but in a very
superficial way.
Applied according to Old School notions, but seldom alone.
Polya was followed by several others, and in 1839 a thesis by one C. F. Klinger; in 1840,
an extract by our Dr. G. Piper, in the A. H. Z., Vol.
XVIII., p. 235 and 253.
It was mentioned as a "renal" remedy by Reil, the forerunner of Sharp, of organopathic
notoriety, and in 1849 Chapman mentions it as having been "useful", but says nothing but
" It has never been much regarded and was of very little use.
The Old School made one of their experiments in 1841, and gave it to eight hundred
patients with "tetter", in the Vienna hospital, without success.
Inner mouth
- Dry mouth and pharynx.
- Warmth and hot feeling in pharynx, going down into stomach.
- Burning in pharynx : followed by anorexia; with dysphagia.
- Pain in pharynx with a dirty tongue.
- Dysphagia with dry throat.
- Sensation of gnawing and scraping in oesophagus, soon disappearing and going down to
Appetite, thirst
- Desires, Aversions. Anorexia, nausea, vomituritio.
- Increased appetite.
- Burning thirst; before sweat.
- Insatiable thirst.
- At first no appetite, but soon after it grew sharper.
Urinary organs
- Tickling and burning in urethra and at orifice, while water passes.
- Ischuria, urine pale.
- Some diuresis.
- Copious evacuations of pale, clear urine, without a sediment.
- Urine pale, acrid, increased.
- Urine pale, honey-colored, of unpleasant odor, strongly alkaline reaction, rarely saturated
and sharp, very seldom with a nubecula, never a sediment.
- When urinating orifice of urethra itches.
Upper limbs
- Eruption on hands.
- Debility of whole body, with restlessness and heavy head.
- Complete malaise.
- Eruptions decrease with full of moon.
- Evening : increased, heat with frequent full pulse; night sweats begin.
- At night : colic; copious warm sweat; skin itches.
- Horripilation alternating with heat, followed by slight sweat and frequent pulse.
- Heat and pressure in stomach.
- Febris evanida, with disturbed digestion.
- After baring of skin, night sweats, continuing for several days.
- Skin moist for two successive days.
- Evening copious sweat lasting till morning.
- General night sweat, returning every night.
- || Local cold or warm sweat on parts affected by an eruption.
- After a viscous night sweat remission of fever.
- Sweat viscous, skin remains shining, glistening.
- After heat and itching skin moist.
- Often a general sweat commencing at night and continuing till morning hours.
- Copious warm night sweat with dizzy head.
- Night sweat copious with sleeplessness and greatest restlessness, but less pain in bowels.
- With sweat restlessness, headache, debility and frequent pulse.
- Moderate night sweats beginning in evening with sleeplessness and excited pulse.
Attacks, periodicity
- Sweats : return every night; pressing headache.
- Three times a day : brown stool.
- Sweats continue for several days.
- A reaction takes place always before the eighteenth day.
- Pain : in pharynx.
- Hot feeling : in pharynx, going down into stomach.
- Burning : in pharynx.
- Cramplike pain : in stomach.
- Violent colic.
- Violent burning : deep in abdomen.
- Pressure : in stomach.
- { Chronic rheumatism, gout, caries, scrofulosis.
- Itching at night.
- Eruptions increase with general sweat, get more red and ooze out more.
- Urticaria or erysipelas.
- { Scabies : with ecthyma; with prurigo.
- Scabies.
- Prurigo.
- Eczema impetiginoides.
- Impetigo scabida.
- { Lichens.
- Useful in cases of chronic herpes.
- Herpes circumscriptus.
- Compare with the carbons.
- Similar to : Acon. (diarrhoea with copious flow of urine); Antim. crud. and Arsen. (thirst,
burning and nausea, skin); Bryon., Carbo an., Carbo veg. and Kali carb. (in flatulency, etc.);
Rhus tox. (in skin symptoms); Veratr.
- (in nausea, vomiting, colic and diarrhoea).
- Given in connection with Dulcam. in sycosis, scabies, prurigo, and impetigo; with Ferrum
jod. in eczema, impetigonoides.
- Tapeworm has been removed by pulverized anthracite coal.
1- Conjuntivas amarillas.
4- Ictericia.
** 3- Hinchazn y edema localizados: piel, prpados, nariz, mucosa nasal, cara, lengua,
garganta, amgdalas, pene, extremidades. Edemas angioneurticos a repeticin, de cara,
labios y prpados. Alergias de piel y mucosas.
7- Sensacin como si todo el interior del cuerpo estuviera relleno con hielo.
* 8- Cefalea desgarrante detrs y debajo de las orejas, con otalgia. Sensacin de constriccin
y latidos en la cabeza.
* 9- Prpados muy hinchados, con los ojos casi cerrados. Conjuntivas rojas y edematosas,
con lagrimeo. Prdida de la visin.
11- Coriza con secrecin lquida. Hinchazn de la mucosa nasal. Dolor en los senos frontales.
13- Ardor en la boca y encas. Lengua hinchada. Ulceras o vesculas en labios y lengua.
Saliva sanguinolenta.
15- Dolor epigstrico, que lo hace doblarse y gritar; ardores. Nuseas y vmitos.
17- Manchas oscuras o negras en la piel del pene, a veces con edema.
** 20- Eritema, eczema, pnfigo. Intenso prurito en los sntomas de piel, preferentemente
entre los dedos. Eritema en mejillas, brazos, luego piernas. Urticaria que aparece y
desaparece repentinamente, con fro interno.
Antipyrinum (Boericke)
Antypirine es uno de los medicamentos que provocan leucocitosis, similar a la ergotina,
salicilatos y tuberculina
Acta especialmente en los centros vasomotores, causando dilatacin de los capilares de la
piel y consecuentemente placas circunscritas de hiperemia e hinchazn
En grandes dosis causa sudoracin profusa, mareo, cianosis, y somnolencia, albmina y
sangre en la orina
Eritema polimorfo agudo.
Temor a volverse loco; ansiedad nerviosa; alucinaciones de la visin y el odo.
Cefalea pulstil; sensacin de constriccin
Cefalea debajo de las orejas con otalgia.
Prpados hinchados
Conjuntiva roja y edematosa, con lagrimeo
Manchas rojas. [Apis]
Dolor y zumbidos
Edema e hinchazn
Roja e hinchada.
Hinchazn de los labios
Ardor de la boca y encas
Ulceraciones de los labios y la lengua; vesculas y bullas
Pequeo bulto en la mejilla
Lengua hinchada
Saliva sanguinolenta
Odontalgia a lo largo del maxilar inferior.
Dolor al tragar
Expectoracin de pus ftido
Absceso, con falsas membranas
Sensacin de ardor.
Nusea y vmito; ardor y dolor.
Pene negro.
Prurito y ardor en la vagina
Menstruaciones suprimidas
Leucorrea acuosa.
Coriza fluente
Mucosa nasal hinchada
Dolores sordos en el seno frontal
Opresin y disnea
Respiracin de Cheyne-Stokes.
Desmayo, con sensacin de detencin del corazn
Latidos en todo el cuerpo
Pulso irregular, dbil, rpido.
Convulsiones epileptiformes
Temblores y calambres
Hormigueo y entumecimiento
Postracin general.
Eritema, eczema, pnfigo
Prurito intenso
Urticaria, que aparece y desaparece sbitamente, con frialdad interna
Edema angioneurtico
Placas oscuras en la piel del pene, algunas veces con edema.
Potencia segunda decimal.
1- Estupor, insensibilidad, colapso y piel fra y viscosa; con arreflexia pupilar, ojos hundidos,
nuseas, vmitos y dolores ardientes en la garganta y estmago (son sntomas de
intoxicacin). Membranas mucosas destruidas.
2- Es uno de los medicamentos a tener en cuenta en el cncer del labio inferior (Conium).
Relaciones.- Comparar: Otras sales de antimonio; cidos; Ars., Carb. v., Conium (cncer del
labio inferior y deseo ineficaz de defecar).
- Stupor.
- Insensibility.
- Eyes somewhat reddened.
- Eyes sunken.
- Pupils dilated and inactive.
- Pupils dilated, insensible.
- Countenance pale; features collapsed.
- Features set.
- Mouth filled with tenacious transparent mucus.
- Numerous abrasions on mucous membrane of mouth and fauces, with slight fever.
- Tongue clean.
- Tongue dry in centre.
- Unable to speak for some minutes.
- Great pain in throat.
- Severe pain in throat and fauces.
- Sense of burning in throat.
- Severe burning pain in throat, with difficulty in swallowing.
- Heat and uneasiness in mouth and throat, with pain on swallowing.
- In the throat, severe burning pain (increased by deglutition), extending in a less degree
along the oesophagus to the stomach.
- Fauces inflamed.
- Incessant efforts to vomit, and frequent abortive desire to defecate, with cold skin.
- Nausea, vomiting.
- Incessant vomiting.
- Vomiting for two hours, followed by prostration.
- Severe burning pain in stomach.
- Burning pain in epigastrium, and tumefaction of abdomen.
- Excruciating griping pains in abdomen.
- Tenderness of abdomen to touch, with sensation of burning.
Respiratory apparatus
- Respiration very slightly apparent.
- Seems choked.
- Respiration heavy.
- Restlessness.
- General weakness.
- Great or complete prostration of strength.
- Faintness.
- Skin pale and cold.
- Skin cold.
- Skin cold and clammy.
- Stupor, but from which he could be aroused by questions.
- Stupor and cold feet. See 8.
- Insensibility.
Upper face
- || Features set, pale and collapsed.
- Stupor, face pale, collapsed.
Lower face
- Cancer of lower lip.
Inner mouth
- Mouth full of thick, tenacious, transparent mucus.
- Great pain in his throat.
- || Severe pain in throat and fauces.
- Sense of burning in throat.
- Fauces inflamed.
- Heat and uneasiness in mouth and throat, with pain on swallowing.
- Severe burning pain in throat, increased by deglutition.
- Bright scarlet patches in throat, with difficulty in swallowing.
- Numerous abrasions on mucous membranes of mouth and fauces, with slight fever.
- Tenderness of abdomen to touch, with sensation of burning.
- Excruciating griping pains in abdomen.
- Seems choked.
- Respiration very slightly apparent; heavy.
- Great or complete prostration of strength.
- Restlessness.
- Faintness, general weakness.
- || Cold skin. See abdomen.
- || Surface of body cold and clammy.
- Slight feverishness.
- Excruciating griping pains : in abdomen.
- Great pain : in his throat.
- Burning : in throat; in epigastrium; in stomach.
- From mouth to jejunum, black.
- Mucous membranes destroyed, and submucous tissue and peritoneum covered with
flocculent matter easily scraped off; they are soft and readily torn.
- Skin cold and mouth full of mucus.
- Skin cold and clammy.
- Similar to other salts of antimony, and to the acids (typhus), also to Arsen., and Carbo
veg. (in prostration, stomach and abdominal symptoms); Conium (cancer on lower lip and
ineffectual urging for stool).
- Stupor.
- Insensibility.
- Eyes somewhat reddened.
- Eyes sunken.
- Pupils dilated and inactive.
- Pupils dilated, insensible.
- Countenance pale; features collapsed.
- Features set.
- Mouth filled with tenacious transparent mucus.
- Numerous abrasions on mucous membrane of mouth and fauces, with slight fever.
- Tongue clean.
- Tongue dry in centre.
- Unable to speak for some minutes.
- Great pain in throat.
- Severe pain in throat and fauces.
- Sense of burning in throat.
- Severe burning pain in throat, with difficulty in swallowing.
- Heat and uneasiness in mouth and throat, with pain on swallowing.
- In the throat, severe burning pain (increased by deglutition), extending in a less degree
along the oesophagus to the stomach.
- Fauces inflamed.
- Incessant efforts to vomit, and frequent abortive desire to defecate, with cold skin.
- Nausea, vomiting.
- Incessant vomiting.
- Vomiting for two hours, followed by prostration.
- Severe burning pain in stomach.
- Burning pain in epigastrium, and tumefaction of abdomen.
- Excruciating griping pains in abdomen.
- Tenderness of abdomen to touch, with sensation of burning.
Respiratory apparatus
- Respiration very slightly apparent.
- Seems choked.
- Respiration heavy.
- Restlessness.
- General weakness.
- Great or complete prostration of strength.
- Faintness.
- Skin pale and cold.
- Skin cold.
- Skin cold and clammy.
- Slight feverishness.
- Stupor, but from which he could be aroused by questions.
- Stupor and cold feet. See 8.
- Insensibility.
Upper face
- || Features set, pale and collapsed.
- Stupor, face pale, collapsed.
Lower face
- Cancer of lower lip.
Inner mouth
- Mouth full of thick, tenacious, transparent mucus.
- Great pain in his throat.
- || Severe pain in throat and fauces.
- Sense of burning in throat.
- Fauces inflamed.
- Heat and uneasiness in mouth and throat, with pain on swallowing.
- Severe burning pain in throat, increased by deglutition.
- Bright scarlet patches in throat, with difficulty in swallowing.
- Numerous abrasions on mucous membranes of mouth and fauces, with slight fever.
- Seems choked.
- Respiration very slightly apparent; heavy.
- Great or complete prostration of strength.
- Restlessness.
- Faintness, general weakness.
- || Cold skin. See abdomen.
- || Surface of body cold and clammy.
- Slight feverishness.
- Excruciating griping pains : in abdomen.
- Great pain : in his throat.
- Burning : in throat; in epigastrium; in stomach.
- From mouth to jejunum, black.
- Mucous membranes destroyed, and submucous tissue and peritoneum covered with
flocculent matter easily scraped off; they are soft and readily torn.
- Skin cold and mouth full of mucus.
- Skin cold and clammy.
- Similar to other salts of antimony, and to the acids (typhus), also to Arsen., and Carbo
veg. (in prostration, stomach and abdominal symptoms); Conium (cancer on lower lip
and ineffectual urging for stool).
- Tongue coated white.
- Loss of appetite.
- Diminished appetite.
- Anorexia.
- Abdomen distended by incarcerated gases.
- Abdominal pains.
- Gripings.
- Colic, without diarrhoea.
Urinary organs
- Indescribable lameness in the urinary apparatus.
- Pains and urging at neck of bladder, and burning in the urethra during urination.
- Discharge of a few drops of mucus from the urethra.
- Gonorrhoea-like discharge from the urethra.
- Painful discharge of urine guttatim.
- Dysuria, with a mucous discharge, causing sensation of burning in the urethra.
- Strangury.
- Urine of a deep orange-yellow color, almost red.
- Deep-red and bloody urine, causing burning in the urethra, from which exuded a whitish
mucus, after cessation of the bloody urine.
Sexual organs
- Dwindling of the penis and testicles.
- Penis flaccid.
- Burning at the glans penis.
- Want of vigor in the genitals, which approached impotence.
- Absence of erections.
- Complete impotence.
- Complete impotence; no ejaculation of semen, and even no erections.
- Atrophy of the testicles.
- Testicles grew smaller.
- Atrophy of testicles and penis.
- Pain in testicle.
- Pains in the testicles.
- Decrease of sexual feeling.
- Absence of sexual feeling.
- Loss of sexual appetite.
Respiratory apparatus
- Cough violent, shattering, dry, with stitches in chest.
- Cough dry, painful, finally ends in a difficult expectoration.
- Difficult expectoration of tenacious mucus.
- Respiration audible, from rattling and whistling.
- Sense of suffocation.
- Respiration difficult, with mucous and sibilant rles over the chest.
- Pain in the chest.
- Very great constriction of the chest, with stitches.
- Continued oppression of chest, constriction and irritation to cough.
- Oppression of chest.
- Lancinating pain along edge of ribs, and in back.
- Sharp stitches through the chest, towards the shoulders and back.
- Violent stitches in chest, with dry cough.
Extremities in general
- Spasms of the limbs.
- Pain all the limbs.
- * Great relaxation of the whole organism.
- General relaxation and depression.
- Great weakness.
- Excessive general irritability.
- Great sensitiveness.
- Pustular eruption, thick on the lower abdomen.
- Pustular eruption on neck.
- Pustular eruption on neck and body.
- Pustular eruption thickest on the genitals.
- Pustular eruption on arms, nates, genitals; prevents walking.
- Pustular eruption in the bends of the limbs.
- Pustular eruption of nates.
- Pustular eruption, especially on thighs and scrotum.
- Pustular elevations, like pocks, on the scrotum.
- Fever.
- Complaints assume the form of intermittent fever.
- Profuse perspiration and general weakness.
- Very profuse and debilitating sweats during sleep.
- Very tormenting, pouring sweat, every time after sleeping, followed by great exhaustion.
- Night-sweats.
- Excessive night-sweats.
3- Acn facial.
5- Heces primero slidas, luego pastosas. Constipacin con heces duras y difciles de
Clnica.- Acn. Amaurosis. Catarro. Constipacin. Crnea, manchas en. Diarrea. Epistaxis.
Indigestin. Iris, prolapso de. Prurito. Pulmn, congestin de.
Caractersticas.- Ant. sul. aur. ha sido experimentado. Sus efectos ms notables fueron
producidos en el ojo y en el pecho. Ardor en la cabeza (con trastornos en el ojo).
Amaurosis (en el comienzo). Manchas en la crnea e hipopin. Catarro nasal y
bronquial agudo y crnico. Acn. Epistaxis al lavarse. Como en otros antimonios hay
trastornos digestivos, boca pastosa y gusto pastoso en la maana. Aumento de
mucosidad espesa en la laringe y bronquios, respiracin con dificultad. Tos seca, dura
con congestin pasiva del lbulo superior del pulmn izquierdo. Prurito en las manos y
Relaciones.- Comparar: Otros antimonios; Aur. (pecho), Ars., Ferr., Merc. sul., Sul., Amm.
c. (epistaxis despus de lavarse).
Nariz y garganta
Epistaxis al lavarse
Secrecin aumentada en la nariz y garganta
Sensacin spera y rasposa
Prdida del olfato
Sabor astringente metlico.
Cosquilleo en la laringe
Mucosidad aumentada con plenitud en los bronquios
Respiracin difcil, presin en los bronquios, con constriccin
Moco tenaz en bronquios y laringe
Tos dura, seca
Congestin del lbulo superior del pulmn izquierdo
Tos de invierno, el paciente est todo adolorido
Neumona, cuando la hepatizacin se presenta y la resolucin no se establece.
Acn (variedad pustular)
Prurito en las manos y pies.
Segunda y tercera trituracin.
Congestin pasiva del pulmn izquierdo que se presenta en todos los inviernos.
Complementario: Natrum sulphuricum.
6a y 30a.
- Apprehensiveness, [_a1].
- Head confused, [_a1].
- Confused head on account of the severe urging in the abdomen, [_a1].
- * Pressive headache, [_a1].
- Forepart of the head affected, [_a1].
- Forehead feels confused, [_a1].
- Headache one sided, especially in the left temporal region, [_a1].
- A reddish swelling behind the right ear (on the third day), which leaves behind a redness
and scurfiness, [_a1].
- Increased mucous secretion from nose, [_a2].
- * Increased mucus from nose and throat, [_a1].
- Violent coryza with loss of smell, [_a1].
- Nasal catarrh, with impeded respiration, in the morning, [_a1].
- Catarrh and fluent coryza with a confused head, impeded respiration, and impaired
appetite, [_a1].
- Bleeding from nose on washing, [_a2].
- Pressive, boring, tearing toothache, [_a1].
- Tongue very thickly coated yellow, [_a1].
- * Pasty mouth and taste in the morning, [_a1].
- Much saliva and water collected in the mouth, [_a1].
- Taste pasty, [_a1].
- Taste very flat, pasty, [_a1].
- Taste pasty, with a slimy coated tongue, [_a1].
- Taste was sweetish, bitter, and flat, [_a1].
- Mucus from the throat becomes offensive to smell, [_a1].
- Increased mucous secretion in back of throat, [_a2].
- Pressure and tensive feeling in the throat, especially at the larynx, [_a1].
- Pressure in the throat as if a plug stuck in it, [_a1].
- In the morning, scratching, rough feeling in the throat, [_a1].
- Severe scraping pain in the throat, especially in the larynx, [_a1].
- Burning and heat in the fauces, [_a1].
- Appetite increased to decided hunger (four grains), [_a1].
- Appetite lost, [_a1].
- Weak stomach, disordered digestion, with nausea, [_a1].
- Almost loathing of food, with no appetite, [_a1].
- Fulness in the stomach, [_a1].
- Pressure in the stomach, [_a1].
- Pressure in the epigastric region, [_a1].
- Pressure in pit of stomach, [_a1].
- Pressure and fulness in the umbilical region, [_a1].
- Abdomen tense, sensitive, especially about the navel, [_a1].
- Burning, sticking sensation on the whole left side, especially of the left lumbar muscles,
- Abdomen tense, full, [_a1].
- Twisting in the intestines very sensitive, [_a1].
- Great sensitiveness in the colon, and especially at the anus, [_a1].
- Tensive drawing pain in the groins, [_a1].
Urinary organs
- In the urethra a tickling and twitching sensation, with increased urine, [_a1].
- Increased evacuation of urine, with much tensive and tickling sensation in the penis,
- Urine increased, reddish-brown, [_a1].
- Urine increased, reddish-brown (one-half grain), [_a1].
- * Urine increased, dark-red (contained traces of Antimony after six grains), [_a1].
Sexual organs
- The scrotum itches more severely toward morning, followed by some redness; the next
day a dry pustulous eruption develops, with constipation (four grains), [_a1].
- The itching and eruption on the scrotum extended more toward the perineum (second
day), [_a1].
- Sexual desire unusually excited, [_a1].
- Extraordinary sensitiveness of the genitals, [_a1].
Respiratory apparatus
- Tickling as from mucus in the larynx and air-passages, [_a1].
- Tickling as from mucus in the larynx, without ability to expectorate mucus, [_a1].
- Increased secretion of tough mucus, during the restless night, [_a1].
- * Increased mucous secretion, with fulness in the bronchi, and full, hard breathing, [_a1].
- Accumulation of tough mucus in the bronchi and larynx, [_a1].
- Fulness in the bronchi, [_a1].
- Bronchi feel full, with difficult respiration, [_a1].
- Pressure and constriction in the bronchial tubes, [_a1].
- Increased mucous expectoration, mixed with blood, of a sweetish taste, [_a1].
- Respiration embarrassed, [_a1].
- * Respiration difficult, [_a1].
- Respiration difficult, full, [_a1].
- Heaviness in the praecordium and apprehensiveness, [_a1].
Heart and pulse
- Pulse in the morning 60, evening 70 (two grains the evening previous), [_a1].
- Pulse soft, [_a1].
- Pulse small, suppressed, [_a1].
Extremities in general
- Tensive feeling in the muscles of the shoulder and thigh, [_a1].
- Stiff, tensive pains in the joints, mornings, [_a1].
- Constant drawing, tearing pains in the joints, [_a1].
- Rheumatic pains in the joints, [_a1].
Upper extremities
- Arms heavy in the morning, [_a1].
- Painful immobility of the left arm, [_a1].
- Rheumatic pains in the joints of the arms, [_a1].
- Boring tearing in the joints of the arm and hand, [_a1].
- Pressive, tensive pain in the left shoulder-joint, [_a1].
- Twitchings, like electric shocks, through both ulnar nerves, especially in the elbow-joint,
- Pressure and heaviness in the bones of the forearm, [_a1].
- Swelling of the fingers, [_a1].
- Tensive swollen feeling of the fingers, [_a1].
- In the morning, sense of great weakness and prostration, [_a1].
- Pustules, elevated, dry, on the inner surface of the thighs, which itch, feel tense, pain on
walking, and involve the whole leg in sympathy; they remain three weeks, when they dry
and desquamate, [_a1].
- Itching of the skin, especially of the scrotum and inner surfaces of the thighs, [_a1].
- Vivid dreams and sudden waking after midnight, with great restlessness, drawing,
tensive, rheumatic pains over the whole thorax and spine; difficult and noisy respiration,
with profuse secretion of mucus, [_a1].
- Sleep with anxious dreams, [_a1].
- General chilliness, with shivering down over the whole spine, [_a1].
- Heat and cold alternate, [_a1].
- Chills alternate with heat, toward evening, [_a1].
- Moderate sweat at night, [_a2].
- (Morning), Nasal catarrh, etc.; pasty mouth, etc.; scratching, rough feeling in throat; pains
in joints; arms heavy; great weakness, etc.
- (Toward evening), Chills, alternating with heat.
- (Night), Moderate sweat.
- (Midnight), Sudden waking, etc.
- (After midnight), Sudden waking, etc.
- (Toward morning), Scrotum itches.
- (Washing), Bleeding from nose.
- Apprehensiveness with heaviness in praecordium.
Inner head
- Pressive headache.
- Burning in head. Eye complaints.
Outer head
- Reddish swelling behind right ear, leaving a redness and scurfiness.
Sight and eyes
- Amaurosis, in beginning.
- Spots on cornea.
- Iris protruding through cornea.
Inner mouth
- Pasty mouth and taste in morning.
- Burning and heat in fauces.
- Mucus from throat becomes offensive to smell.
- Pressure in throat as if a plug stuck in it.
- Scratching, rough feeling in throat in morning.
Appetite, thirst
- Desires, Aversions. Loss of appetite; almost a loathing of food.
- Pressure, tension and fulness in abdomen; umbilical region sensitive.
Urinary organs
- Urine increased, dark red.
- Respiration difficult.
- Dry, hard cough, no expectoration.
- Increased mucous sputum, mixed with blood, of a sweetish taste.
Inner chest and lungs
- Passive congestion of upper lobe of left lung, with dry, hard cough.
Upper limbs
- Arms heavy in morning.
- Boring and tearing in arms and hand joints.
- Swelling of fingers.
Limbs in general
- Itching on hands and feet.
- Malaise, fatigue and lassitude with nausea.
- Deep sleep.
- Sleep dreamy; wakes after midnight with dull headache; with restlessness and sexual
- Awoke suddenly with heavy, confused head, pressure in stomach, difficult breathing,
fulness of bronchi, restless tossing; skin active, with slight warmth and even sweat.
- Sleep dreamy with sudden waking after midnight, gouty and rheumatic pains increased.
- Morning : pasty taste in mouth; scratching in throat; arms feel heavy.
- After midnight : awakens with dull headache; restless; sexual desire increased; gouty and
rheumatic pains agg.
- As if a plug stuck in throat.
- Boring : in arms and hand joints.
- Tearing : in arms and hand joints.
- Violent colic.
- Pressive pain : in head.
- Burning : in head; in fauces.
- Pressure : in stomach; in abdomen.
- Fulness : in stomach; in abdomen; in bronchi.
- Heaviness in praecordium.
- Itching : on scrotum; on hands and feet.
- Dry, elevated pustules on inner surface of thighs.
- Similar to : Antimonies (family relation); Aurum (chest); Arsen.; Ferrum; Merc. sulph.;
Sulphur; Amm.
- carb. (nosebleed after washing).
** El nio se pega, se adhiere, a los que estn a su alrededor, quiere que lo alcen en brazos y
est mejor erguido en brazos. Pero no quiere que lo toquen o le hablen o lo miren (peor
al despertar) excepto para alzarlo: llora y se queja si lo tocan, no se deja examinar. En
cambio, suele estar suave y dulce despus del medioda.
** 2- Es muy caracterstico que "el nio tose cada vez que se irrita" (Clarke), y se irrita con
mucha facilidad, siempre est malhumorado. En relacin con la tos, hay otro sntoma
mental: llanto lastimero antes y durante la tos.
*** 7- Estados de asfixia, progresiva e inminente, por inmersin en el agua, por causas
mecnicas en el recin nacido o por enfermedades respiratorias (ver 28), con cianosis de
labios, postracin, sudores, palidez y pulso filiforme; debe estar sentado por la asfixia,
pero sostenido con dos almohadas a los costados, porque si no, se cae lateralmente, por la
gran postracin.
** 9- Modalidades: peor por el calor (pero algunos sntomas reumticos mejoran), por fro y
humedad, de noche (a las 3 a.m.) y al anochecer, al sentarse o sentado o al levantarse de
una silla o sentado inclinado hacia adelante, por cambios de tiempo en Primavera (Kali
S., Nat. S.), por cosas cidas y leche. Mejor al aire libre y fro, estando sentado erguido,
acostado del lado derecho (Tab.), por eructar y expectorar.
* 11- Pulso rpido, lleno, blando, tembloroso, dbil, a veces filiforme o imperceptible.
Sensacin de fro en los vasos sanguneos.
14- Vrtigo al cerrar los ojos o al levantar la cabeza de la almohada.
15- Cefalea como si tuviera una banda en la frente. Temblor crnico en la cabeza; temblor en
cabeza y manos (como en el Parkinson). Cabeza echada hacia atrs (en la neumona),
caliente y baada en sudores.
** 17- Nariz afilada, con orificios muy abiertos y aleteo nasal, especialmente en la neumona
(Lyc.) u otra afeccin respiratoria aguda. Orificios nasales oscuros, como sucios.
Epistaxis incontrolable con encas esponjosas. Violento coriza con estornudos, secrecin
y anosmia.
** 18- Cara plida, terrosa, hipocrtica, ciantica, ansiosa, hundida, fra, cubierta de
sudores fros. Tiene sacudidas en la cara al toser. Incesante temblor del mentn y la
mandbula (Gels.). La boca queda abierta por un rato despus de bostezar.
19- Lengua ciantica o blanca, con bordes y papilas o estras rojas. Gusto amargo de noche.
Sialorrea. Sensacin de alargamiento de los dientes. Prdida del gusto en el coriza.
** 20- No tiene apetito, pero s mucha sed, de agua fra, y bebe poco y seguido (Ars.). Sin
sed durante sus trastornos bronquiales. Traga lquidos con dificultad. El nio grue si le
ofrecen agua (Kent).
*** 21- Junto con los problemas pulmonares, los problemas digestivos, especialmente
gstricos, son los ms destacados en Antimonium Tartaricum. Nuseas: "es uno de
nuestros mejores remedios en estados de nuseas. La nusea es tan intensa como la de
Ipeca, pero menos persistente, y es mejorada por el vmito" (Clarke). Nuseas mortales
con gran ansiedad, miedo e inquietud, sudores frontales; continuas, con gran
repugnancia, peor al ver la comida. Arcadas con vmitos muy dificultosos, dolorosos,
que lo llevan a un estado de sofocacin y de profunda ansiedad, como si fuera a morirse;
a medida que vomita, cada vez est ms agotado y somnoliento. Vomita hasta el agua,
con gran cantidad de mucus espeso, blanco, viscoso. Slo mejora o no tiene vmitos
cuando est acostado sobre el lado derecho. Vmitos: en el paludismo; durante la
fiebre; al toser; con cefaleas y temblor en las manos y sudores en la frente, sudores y
lagrimeo. Vmitos biliosos con gran ansiedad precordial. Eructos que lo mejoran, con
olor a huevos podridos (Arn.), peor de noche. Gastritis: el estmago est muy sensible, el
ms pequeo bocado produce dolor. Pulsaciones y latidos en el epigastrio.
* 22- Clico cortante en el vientre antes de defecar. Sensacin de que tiene el abdomen lleno
de piedras (Calc. C.) peor si estuvo mucho sentado. Pulsaciones. Presin en el vientre,
peor inclinado hacia adelante. Ruidos con abundantes flatos.
** 23- Constipacin alternando con diarrea. Diarrea en la neumona, viruela y otras
eruptivas, peor por supresin de la erupcin. Diarrea en bebedores. Clera: diarrea con
vmitos, acuosa, de olor cadavrico, con heces involuntarias. Para Nash, es lo que ms se
acerca a un especfico del clera; "nuseas, vmitos, diarrea, postracin, sudores fros,
estupor o somnolencia". Diarrea en mamones, verdosa.
24- Orina oscura o marrn-rojiza, con filamentos sanguneos cuando queda en reposo. Orina
sanguinolenta al terminar de orinar, con violentos dolores en la vejiga.
* 25- Verrugas detrs del glande (Hering). Dolor testicular por gonorrea suprimida.
* 27- Catarro larngeo, peor en viejos; mucosidades en laringe y trquea; se aclara la voz,
peor de noche. Voz dbil. Se agarra la laringe, que est muy sensible, al toser. Crup.
*** 28- Ruidos estertorosos en el pecho, bronquiales, que se oyen a la distancia, provocados
por una gran acumulacin de mucosidades en su rbol respiratorio, con incapacidad
para expectorarlas (parece que fuera a expectorar mucho, pero no sale nada) debido a
una gran disminucin de su poder expulsivo. Esta es la gran caracterstica de
Antimonium Tartaricum. Ruidos en el pecho, peor acostado, mejor sentado erguido.
Respiracin acelerada, abdominal, ruidosa, desigual, intermitente, corta, temblorosa,
silbante, disneica, que se detiene al toser, jadeante, o a boqueadas, peor al toser. Disnea,
peor acostado (el nio respira mejor sentado erguido), mejor expectorando, no puede
estar acostado o solo sobre el lado derecho. Asma peor de noche, a las 3 a.m., con tos,
por mucosidades en la trquea, mejor expectorando y sentado con la cabeza sobre la
mesa. Tos con rales, espasmdica, sofocante, a las 3 a.m. o 4 a.m. o a las 23 horas o de
22 a 1 a.m., por la menor ingestin de alimentos o por bebidas calientes, obligndolo a
sentarse en la cama (Con., Puls., Phos.) (sostenido por otra persona por su gran
debilidad) con nuseas y vmitos, mejor eructando, con muy escasa o ninguna
expectoracin. Asfixia plida del recin nacido (Camph.): el nio nace plido, no respira,
boquea. Alivia los estertores agnicos (Tarent.). Bronquitis capilar (dar una dosis
1.000a.; generalmente, es salvadora) y bronconeumonas en bebs: el nio no puede
mamar y termina cada intento con gritos, mejor sentado erguido. En todas las afecciones
respiratorias agudas, si existen las caractersticas ya mencionadas: bronquitis, neumona,
pleuroneumona, de origen gripal u otro; edema agudo de pulmn, atelectasia pulmonar,
hepatizacin pulmonar postneumona (si Sulph. no acta, es uno de los mejores
remedios). Neumona del lado derecho, con ictericia (Allen). Enfisema. En la neumona,
no puede acostarse sobre el lado enfermo, el nio est con la cabeza hacia atrs.
Expectoracin blanca copiosa; catarros antiguos en viejos, con disnea y necesidad de ser
apantallados (Bar. C. si Ant. T. no lo mejora totalmente); bronquiectasias. Coqueluche.
* 29- Ansiedad y calor precordial; sensacin de ardor en el pecho, que asciende a la garganta;
palpitaciones. Sensacin de debilidad en el trax.
** 30- Violento y terrible dolor sacrolumbar; el menor esfuerzo para moverse produce
arcadas y sudores fros y viscosos; "corresponde a ms casos de lumbago que ningn
otro remedio" (Clarke); con sensacin de peso en el coxis.
* 31- Extremidades fras, sobre todo en los pies y en las puntas de los dedos. Vesculas;
ulceraciones en las puntas de los dedos, con bordes lvidos; lepra; dedos secos, duros y
como muertos. Temblor en las manos. Dolores articulares errticos a veces con sensacin
de fractura, mejor por calor. Reumatismo poliarticular agudo. Edema de rodilla
izquierda. Vrices dolorosas. Manchas amarillas en los dedos de las manos.
** 32- Sueo profundo, comatoso. Sueo durante la fiebre; en fiebres intermitentes. Intensa
somnolencia y bostezos durante la tos. Como shocks elctricos al dormirse.
* 33- Fro en general; escalofros, peor a las 15 horas, con temblores y estremecimientos.
Fiebre intermitente crnica, muy duradera.
** 35- Viruela (uno de los principales medicamentos; con terribles dolores lumbosacros [ver
30]); varicela. Erupciones pustulosas y dolorosas, como arvejas, que dejan una marca
rojo-ciantica, sobre todo en la cara y regin anogenital. Imptigo contagioso (la Dra.
Tyler da una dosis 100M., y cura en pocos das). Piel fra y hmeda.
(Vannier: Remedios de estados agudos)
Antimonium tartaricum conviene sobre todo a las edades extremas de la vida, en el momento
en que la vitalidad no est an bien asegurada en el beb, o cuando comienza a
desaparecer en el viejo. El enfermo no se defiende, o se defiende mal. Encontraris
siempre en la indicacin de Antimonium tartaricum una debilidad constante.
Se manifiesta por una tendencia invencible al sueo, tendencia que puede ir desde el simple
sopor hasta un verdadero estado de estupor vecino al coma. El sopor de Antimonium
tartaricum se encuentra en todas las afecciones respiratorias que justifiquen su empleo:
en la congestin pulmonar, en la bronconeumona, tanto en los nios como en los viejos.
Nux moschata. Tiene tambin sopor. No se trata aqu de un estado agudo con fiebre, ni de
constipacin crnica; el individuo tiene dificultad para mantenerse despierto y tambin
para mantener despiertos su espritu y su inteligencia. Permanece en un rincn sin decir
una sola palabra; todo le parece indiferente, no piensa en nada. Observaris algunas
veces este estado en mujeres jvenes o en nias calificadas de histricas, que han
experimentado un gran choque moral, un gran disgusto, y que permanecen hundidas en si
mismas. El humor es muy cambiante con alternancias de risas y de llanto. La enferma
tiene una tendencia a encontrarse mal, pierde el conocimiento por nada. Presenta,
adems, otros dos pequeos sntomas interesantes para el homepata: la sequedad de la
boca y la ausencia de sed (Pulsatilla, Gelsemium).
B) La debilidad
Volvamos al remedio estudiado. El sopor de Antimonium tartaricum no es el resultado de un
agotamiento, como Aetusa, o de una tendencia al coma o una intoxicacin digestiva,
como Opium, o de un estado neuroptico, como Nux moschata; est estrechamente
ligado a un estado de debilidad que se acompaa de diversos pequeos sntomas que es
necesario conocer bien: temblores: desde que el enfermo quiere hacer un gesto, por
ejemplo, llevar un vaso a su boca, se pone a temblar; paresia de los miembros: no puede
tenerse de pie; paresia de las fibras lisas: no puede expulsar las mucosidades que le
obstruyen el pulmn. Tiene muchos estertores, pero muy poca expectoracin. Qu
resulta de esta dificultad de expulsar las mucosidades? Una tendencia asfxica que se
traduce por un signo objetivo: el estado ciantico de la cara.
C) El estado nauseoso
A medida que el enfermo vomita se siente peor. Dos remedios principales de vmitos: Ipeca
y Antimonium tartaricum.
Ipeca no se mejora por los vmitos, pero Antimonium tartaricum se encuentra mucho ms
enfermo a medida que vomita porque los vmitos lo fatigan. Por qu? Porque hace
mucho esfuerzo. Y qu expulsa el enfermo? No solamente el contenido de su estmago
-no puede contener nada-, sino mucosidades que ha tragado, ya que no puede expectorar.
Cuando tose, apenas llega a expectorar algo, el resto de las mucosidades son expulsadas
por los vmitos. Nada los calma. La tisana, el t, una gota de agua son devueltos por el
enfermo, quien siempre tiene la impresin de que va a morir, porque, a medida que
vomita, se encuentra cada vez ms deprimido, ms fatigado. Pensad siempre que el
enfermo de Antimonium tartaricum est muy deprimido: es un enfermo encamado.
D) La fiebre
Antimonium tartaricum es un remedio de estado agudo, de enfermedad aguda. A decir
verdad, este remedio no presenta ninguna regularidad en sus manifestaciones trmicas.
Generalmente la fiebre aparece ms elevada a las 3 de la tarde, o hacia las 6 p.m., pero
sobre todo a las 3. El estadio de calor y el de escalofro no se acompaan de sed. Ahora
recordis que hemos descrito en Antimonium crudum una alternancia de escalofros y de
sudores. Esto no existe en Antimonium tartaricum. Lo que existe son los sudores, que
son extremadamente abundantes. Durante el paroxismo de la fiebre el enfermo no puede
tener los ojos abiertos. Encontris aqu la caracterstica sealada al principio: el sopor, la
somnolencia. A veces el enfermo duerme realmente. Mientras que no est bajo la
influencia de la fiebre, por ejemplo, en las horas matinales, despus de medianoche, el
enfermo est completamente desesperado y sin fuerza, siente que sus fuerzas se agotan.
No hay que olvidar jams los signos objetivos. Si conocis suficientemente la materia mdica
observaris que el enfermo "significa" por s mismo el remedio que debe ser prescrito.
La posicin misma del sujeto en su cama: Trata de sentarse porque sus pulmones se
congestionan (hay, por ejemplo, una bronconeumona o una congestin pulmonar), pero
no puede permanecer sentado porque su cabeza cae de un lado y del otro; se desliza en la
cama y no tiene fuerzas para mantenerse. Lo mantienen acuado con almohadas a
derecha y a izquierda.
Hay otro remedio que presenta esta misma debilidad: Muriatic acidum, pero ste no es un
enfermo respiratorio, es un enfermo digestivo, profundamente infectado, en un estado de
adinamia excesiva. Tiene tambin necesidad de permanecer sentado; pero no necesita
que le coloquen almohadas puesto que su mal no es pulmonar, aunque tambin se desliza
en el fondo de su cama. El enfermo de Muriatic acidum est abatido, postrado, tiene los
ojos semicerrados, la mandbula colgante; y la caracterstica objetiva que le pertenece en
propiedad: la lengua est seca, endurecida, como cuero, y casi paralizada. Por otra parte,
se nota una diarrea abundante con heces involuntarias que se producen, ya durante la
miccin o al expulsar gases. La fiebre es elevada. En una palabra, es un estado tfico, o
una verdadera tifoidea.
Se podra caracterizar con una sola palabra: tiene el "pulmn bloqueado", y no puede
respirar. Adems, presenta una caracterstica esencial: numerosos estertores. A la
auscultacin el pulmn est lleno. El enfermo no expectora sus mucosidades porque no
puede, pero se las traga para luego vomitarlas.
Cmo es su apariencia ? Es un anhelante disneico, con las narices muy dilatadas y animadas
de latidos sincrnicos con los movimientos respiratorios. Pero, en verdad, este sntoma
pertenece a Antimonium tartaricum? O pertenece ms bien a las enfermedades en las
cuales este remedio est indicado? En realidad, un enfermo de Antimonium tartaricum
tiene siempre disnea, latidos de las alas de la nariz y no puede respirar. No se puede decir
que este sntoma sea homeopticamente significativo al mismo ttulo que los otros
caractersticos que os dar en seguida. Este pequeo signo existe en todos los remedios
de afeccin respiratoria aguda, pero tambin en Lycopodium, aunque el enfermo no est
tocado desde el punto de vista respiratorio. Y es entonces solamente cuando este pequeo
signo, desprovisto de sentido clnico, toma un sentido homeoptico o un sentido
teraputico. Cuando os encontris un paciente sin enfermedad pulmonar y que presente
los latidos de las alas de la nariz sincrnicos al movimiento respiratorio, pensad en
En resumen: tos sofocante, disnea, numerosos estertores en los pulmones, expectoracin rara.
Hay otro remedio cuya tos es mejorada no solamente por los eructos sino tambin por la
emisin de gases intestinales: es Sanguinaria. La tos es seca, violenta, producida por un
cosquilleo incesante de la faringe, ms marcado por la noche. Pero este enfermo
expectora esputos rojizos que tienen una pequea caracterstica: son ftidos; su mal olor
es percibido por el enfermo.
No olvidis jams estas pequeas modalidades, sobre todo cuando pertenecen a un solo
remedio, porque ellas os permiten encontrar muy fcilmente la prescripcin teraputica
que se impone.
Lo que domina en Antimonium tartaricum es el estado asfxico del sujeto. La hematosis se
hace mal. No puede expulsar las mucosidades que invaden sus pulmones; su corazn est
molesto, tiene un pulso dbil, rpido, pequeo, tan pequeo que a veces se hace
imperceptible. Cada vez que encontris un pulso muy rpido, dbil e imperceptible,
pensad tambin -sobre todo en las afecciones pulmonares- en Arsenicum. El enfermo de
Antimonium tartrico no presenta ninguna reaccin, es extremadamente dbil: cuando
quiere beber algo o llevar una cucharilla a la boca, inmediatamente se pone a temblar.
Est completamente desmayado.
Presenta otros pequeos sntomas que es necesario conocer. Recordad los vmitos: mientras
ms vomita, peor se siente. La lengua es blanquecina, pero roja en el medio. Os recordis
de la lengua de Antimonium crudum, cargada de un barniz espeso, blanquecino, como si
el enfermo hubiera tomado leche; la de Antimonium tartaricum es blanquecina, pero
presenta en su parte media una raya roja central que permite distinguirla de la de
Antimonium crudum. Todo lo que se presenta al sujeto de Antimonium tartaricum le da
nuseas, an la leche. Puede tomar una sola cosa: bebidas cidas, particularmente
limonada. Recordaris aqu la necesidad de cosas cidas de Antimonium crudum.
Antimonium tartaricum est indicado en las bronconeumonas, en las bronquitis de los nios,
que aparecen durante el tiempo hmedo, en la primavera o en el otoo, por ejemplo, en
los estados congestivos pulmonares de los viejos.
B) El enfermo digestivo
Cmo se presenta el enfermo digestivo? Rara vez encontraris signos digestivos aislados.
Estn generalmente asociados a trastornos pulmonares, porque Antimonium tartaricum
es, sobre todo, un remedio pulmonar.
Estudiemos sus caractersticas, en primer lugar por parte de la lengua: la lengua est cargada,
espesa, pastosa, blanca, los bordes son rojos, en el medio tiene una raya roja y es seca.
Ausencia de sed, el enfermo se irrita an si se incita a beber. Mantiene el gusto de la
leche, y si se le quiere hacer beber una taza de leche, fra o caliente, tiene nuseas que
aumentan sus vmitos; el enfermo slo desea tomar limonada. Un enfermo solamente
digestivo comer papas crudas cidas. Pero fuera de esto, no apetecer ms nada.
Sus vmitos no se mejoran sino cuando se acuesta del lado derecho, sobre el hgado, y son
seguidos de sopor, abatimiento y postracin. Hay que recordar que los vmitos de
Antimonium tartaricum son muy fatigantes porque se producen con muchos esfuerzos; el
enfermo vomita mucosidades abundantes, espesas, tenaces, blanquecinas, difciles de
expulsar, que contienen a veces sangre. No retiene nada de lo que ingiere, ni an el agua.
Si se le da en el momento de la fiebre, no puede tolerarla. Hecho interesante:
Antimonium tartaricum est algunas veces indicado en la lcera del estmago.
El enfermo puede presentar una diarrea coleriforme que se acompaa de dolores abdominales
espasmdicos, as que Antimonium tartaricum puede prescribirse en ciertas diarreas
coleriformes del nio y en las congestiones del hgado. Recordad que el enfermo est
mejor acostado sobre el lado derecho.
El primero es un remedio digestivo sobre todo, cuyos sntomas y caractersticas aparecen por
debajo del diafragma; el segundo es un remedio casi esencialmente respiratorio, cuyas
manifestaciones funcionales y lesionales se presentan por encima del diafragma.
Conviene en casos de bronquitis crnica, en las congestiones pulmonares, las
bronconeumonas, y sobre todo, en las bronconeumonas graves.
Aconitum tiene siempre fiebre seca, agitacin, un pulso extremadamente rpido, a veces
irregular, pero siempre lleno y duro.
Belladonna, al contrario, no est agitado, est postrado, abatido, la piel est mojada por el
sudor, el enfermo transpira sobretodo en las regiones cubiertas; si llega a agitarse, es
durante el delirio; ste se presenta siempre de la misma manera: el enfermo tiene el deseo
de escapar de la cama.
Aconitum no tose. Belladonna, algunas veces. Ferrum phos. tose desde el principio, y, a la
auscultacin, notaris ya un pequeo punto pulmonar (es el principio de una congestin),
mientras que en Aconitum y Belladonna no notaris nada a la auscultacin. He aqu,
pues, tres modos de comienzo de la neumona.
Considerad a un enfermo que presenta fiebre, que sea un Aconitum, Belladonna o Ferrum
phos. Cualquiera que sea la forma clnica observada, puede localizar una puntada de
costado. Este individuo puede estar agitado (Aconitum); abatido (Belladonna), se
mantiene entonces estirado sobre el dorso; pero el estado de Bryonia pronto hace su
aparicin. El enfermo se acuesta sobre el lado atacado porque la gran caracterstica de
Bryonia es buscar la inmovilidad absoluta; al menor movimiento se agrava, tanto en sus
manifestaciones funcionales: molestia respiratoria, disnea, tos, como en el elemento
doloroso. El dolor de Bryonia es siempre mejorado por la presin fuerte y agravado por
el menor movimiento.
El enfermo de Bryonia tose, pero con una tos seca, sin expectoracin. En un momento dado
presenta disnea, una opresin ms fuerte y se ven aparecer en el pulmn estertores finos:
esta ser la indicacin de Ipeca. En este momento el sujeto comienza a expectorar
mucosidades poco abundantes, a veces tiene un poco de dificultad para expulsarlas, pero
vomita y tiene deseos de dormir. Esta tos acompaada de vmitos es de hecho indicativa
de Ipeca.
Ahora bien, debe establecerse una distincin entre Antimonium tartaricum e Ipeca. Este
ltimo no se mejora por los vmitos, sino pasajeramente, luego recomienzan de nuevo
los sntomas. Es el estado nauseoso lo que domina. En Antimonium tartaricum existe
tambin un estado de nauseoso predominante. La diferencia est , sobre todo, en la
auscultacin: El enfermo de Ipeca tiene siempre estertores finos, el de Antimonium
tartaricum tiene gruesos estertores hmedos, que invaden los dos pulmones, si se trata de
una bronquitis extensa, o bien una parte del pulmn, base o vrtice, si se trata de
bronconeumona localizada.
Ipeca, en s, no est muy enfermo; a veces, si el enfermo tose con gran sofocacin, tiende a
sentirse mal, tendr sudores fros, presentar tal vez un estado sincopal, podr an tener
sangre en sus esputos, porque no hay que olvidar que Ipeca es un remedio de
hemorragias (tanto en la mujer que presenta metrorragia, como en el sujeto que tiene
hemoptisis), pero la gran caracterstica de este remedio, que jams Antimonium
tartaricum la revela, cualquiera que sean sus manifestaciones digestivas (vmitos,
nuseas, diarrea), reside en este hecho importante: el sujeto de Ipeca tiene siempre la
lengua limpia. Tal es la caracterstica esencial que basta hacer valer para no confundir los
dos remedios. Por otra parte, desde el punto de vista clnico, si auscultis el pulmn de
Ipeca, encontraris, como os he dicho, pequeos estertores finos, mientras que el
enfermo de Antimonium tartaricum presenta siempre gruesos estertores. Adems, el
enfermo de Ipeca a veces tiene edema pulmonar: el pulmn puede estar bloqueado, pero
el sujeto no har ruido al respirar, aunque est jadeante, con disnea rpida, mientras que
en Antimonium tartaricum se oye la respiracin ruidosa del enfermo al entrar en su
Para curar vuestro enfermo, cuyo estado necesit al principio de Aconitum, Belladonna o
Ferrum, el estadio clnico de Bryonia, con tos seca ya pasada y aquel en el cual se
encontr hepatizacin pulmonar con pequeos estertores fines, que cedi con Ipeca,
prescribiris entonces, para completar, Sulfur, a fin de impedir el paso a la cronicidad y
para evitar que el enfermo haga otro foco. La indicacin caracterstica de Sulfur os la
dar la alternancia de calor y de pequeos brotes febriles y la presencia persistente de un
estado congestivo.
El enfermo de Arum presenta tambin una coriza, coriza escoriante de las alas de la nariz.
Tiene ronquera, tos muy seca, extremadamente dolorosas. Cuando el nio desea toser,
toma su garganta entre las dos manos para aliviarse.
Suponed que el enfermo se agrava an ms, que presenta intensa sofocacin, escasos
esgarros sanguinolentos, que vomita todo cuanto bebe -sin tener un estado nauseoso
persistente-, tendris la indicacin de Phosphorus, el cual no mantiene en el estmago el
agua fra que se le da porque enseguida (al calentarse en el estmago) la vomita.
En fin, cuando el enfermo se mejora, aparece la indicacin de Sulfur, cuya indicacin se hace
siempre al final para impedir el posible retorno de un nuevo foco y acelerar la
Personalmente jams he tenido la desgracia de registrar ningn caso de muerte en el curso de
una bronconeumona. Estudiad bien vuestros remedios, retened sus caractersticas,
comprended, asimismo, su situacin en el orden sucesivo de los estadios clnicos de una
enfermedad. El esfuerzo que hagis es tal vez difcil, pero estar siempre bien
Gran acumulacin de mucosidades en las vas areas, con rales gruesos incapacidad
de expectorar; amenaza de parlisis respiratoria.
El nio se aferra a los que estn cerca de l; quiere ser llevado en brazos; llora y gime
si alguien lo toca; no se deja tomar el pulso.
Antimonium tartaricum es otro potente emtico. Recuerdo el tiempo en que los viejos
alpatas lo utilizaban, tan comnmente como los botnicos empleaban Lobelia inflata, para
"limpiar el estmago". Hoy en da la limpieza del estmago por lavaje y del colon y el recto
por enemas, segn el "mtodo de Hall", est bien de moda y es, con todo, mucho ms
sensato, si tenemos en cuenta la endeblez de su teraputica.
A pesar de estos adelantos todava hay mucho de "raspado intestinal" que persiste en
nombre de la "limpieza del organismo", como si el tubo digestivo no estuviese constituido
para atender a su autolimpieza si se lo mantiene o se lo restituye a un estado de salud, sino
que debera ser "limpiado a fondo" regularmente y con cierta frecuencia de conformidad con
los preceptos de la "limpieza de la casa". Ciertamente se trata de una simpleza, pero ellos
hacen lo mejor dentro de lo que conocen.
Ni Antimonium tartaricum, ni ningn otro emtico, es utilizado por nosotros desde el
punto de vista teraputico con el fin de provocar la emesis, pues teraputicamente lo
empleamos de la misma manera que a los dems medicamentos, de acuerdo con el principio
del similia similibus curantur.
He comprobado que est ms cerca que ningn otro remedio de ser un especfico del
clera morbo (naturalmente, sabemos que no existe ningn especfico absoluto para ninguna
enfermedad). Durante ms de veinticinco aos pocas veces he tenido necesidad de utilizar
otro medicamento, y esto suceda solamente cuando se presentaban violentos calambres en el
estmago e intestinos, que deba aliviarlos con Cuprum metallicum.
Antimonium tartaricum tiene las nuseas, los vmitos, las deposiciones diarreicas, la
postracin, el sudor fro y la somnolencia o estupor que se encuentran en todos los casos
serios de esa enfermedad y pocas veces me he visto precisado a dar ms de dos o tres dosis,
una despus de cada vmito, antes de obtener la mejora del paciente. Por lo general no est
recomendado en los textos para esta enfermedad, pero en ella es de inestimable valor, como
lo se por una dilatada observacin y abundante experiencia.
-Si Antimonium tartaricum poseyera nicamente el poder curativo que tiene sobre los
procesos del aparato respiratorio, esto solo lo convertira en un remedio indispensable.
Cualquiera sea el nombre de la afeccin, se trate de bronquitis, neumona, coqueluche o
asma, si existe una gran acumulacin de mucosidades, con rales gruesos, o si las vas areas
estn repletas de secreciones pero al mismo tiempo parece haber una incapacidad para
expulsarlas, el trtaro emtico es el primer remedio en que deberemos pensar. Esto es vlido
para todas las edades y para todas las constituciones, pero particularmente para los nios y
los viejos.
Tres remedios son muy notables por su somnolencia: Opium, Antimonium tartaricum
y Nux moschata, pero salvo este nico sntoma, en nada se parecen.
Las tres primeras dinamizaciones se obtienen por trituracin, y las siguientes por diluciones
Accin general
Es un DEPRESOR DEL SISTEMA NERVIOSO por medio del cual produce parlisis
motrices y sensoriales con prdida de reflejos. Es un gran DEPRESOR CARDIACO, que
acta profundamente sobre la circulacin.
NAUSEAS TAN INTENSAS COMO LAS DE IPECA, aunque tan persistentes, y aliviadas
por los vmitos.
A) Agravacin
B) Mejora
Sntomas mentales
Paciente abatido, con miedo de estar solo. Estupor, musita, delira. Nios que no quieren ser
tocados, lloriquean; disposicin a la acritud y aspereza, que puede ser menor que en
Dolor como si estuviese apretada por una ligadura (NITR. AC., CARBOL. AC.).
Estos dolores son tan frecuentes como en ANT. CRUD., sin mayor diferencia entre ellos.
Vrtigo alternante con sopor. Vrtigo con embrutecimiento y confusin y postracin
Aparato digestivo
1) BOCA: Lengua cargada, como en ANT. CRUD.; pero la capa que la cubre en ANT.
TART. es amarilla, tonalidad oscura y sucia. A menudo gusto amargo, poco acentuado,
metlico, dulzn.
Sed con deseos de agua helada, frecuentes, pero en pequeos sorbos. Aunque este sntoma no
est presente en muchos casos ms bien irrita si se le ofrece de beber, por temor a
descomponerse. El nio grue si se le ofrece beber. A veces deseo de tener algo fro en el
estmago (Kent).
Ingiere lquidos con dificultad, pero vomita en cualquier posicin, salvo acostado sobre el
lado derecho.
Nuseas, esfuerzos para vomitar y vmitos, principalmente despus de comer, con postracin
y desfallecimiento, como si fuera a morir. NAUSEAS angustiosas con sensacin de
presin precordial, seguidas de dolor de cabeza con bostezos, lagrimeo y vmitos.
Incapacidad de digerir alimentos, por los que experimenta gran repugnancia;vomita todo
cuanto le llega al estmago hasta una cucharadita de agua.
Los vmitos son violentos, dolorosos, espasmdicos, bostezos con nuseas y todo lo ingerido
es vomitado juntamente con una mucosidad blanca, viscosa y espesa a veces con sangre,
otras con bilis. A veces la cantidad de mucus que segrega la mucosa estomacal es tan
abundante, que al ser vomitado llena el esfago, la boca, la nariz, y sofoca al paciente
(Kent). Los vmitos con sangre son causa de la ulceracin de la mucosa gstrica.
Flatulencia estomacal y abdominal.
Diarrea a continuacin de los vmitos, acuosa con restos alimentarios, luego mucus, luego
bilis regurgitada en el duodeno por los esfuerzos para vomitar.
Puede haber diarrea acuosa amarilla o verdosa, o pulposa, o como agua de arroz, con deseos
repetidos y gran sensacin de calor en el recto.
Aparato respiratorio
1) NARIZ: Irritacin menos marcada que en ANT. CRUD. Fosas nasales dilatadas por
Disnea CON FOSAS NASALES DILATADAS; latidos en alas nasales con movimientos
sincronizados a la respiracin, que es sumamente difcil, ruidosa, cara ciantica, amenaza
de asfixia.
Estos sntomas pectorales que pueden llegar a parlisis pulmonar, juntamente con gran sopor,
indican a este remedio en la pleuroneumona y en la ortopnea de los viejos. Aqu
BARYTA CARB. es el complemento, principalmente cuando ANT. TART. no ha curado
sino parcial e imperfectamente (Farrington).
Si bien OPIUM tiene un sopor muy parecido a ANT. TART. no puede haber confusin pues
en OPIUM la cara es roja o prpura, no plida, puede haber estertores (Nash).
Ahora, en qu casos encontramos este estado donde todos los sntomas conforman la
naturaleza del remedio.? Primero en pacientes catarrales, con constituciones
enfermizas, en nios dbiles, en ancianos. Afecciones catarrales de la trquea y de los
bronquios. Escuchamos roncos estertores y burbujeos en el pecho. Si usted ha estado
alguna vez en la habitacin de una persona que se est muriendo, ha escuchado hablar
del estertor de la muerte. Luego se produce expectoracin levemente coloreada, mucosa
blancuzca. La dolencia es aqulla en la cual el pecho se llena constantemente con
mucus, y al principio lo podr expeler; pero finalmente se sofocar por el exceso y la
incapacidad para hacerlo Es una afeccin paraltica de los pulmones. Esto puede
producirse en casos de gripe. Al principio puede ser un caso que sigue un curso rpido,
en tres o cuatro das o una semana. Los primeros das de la dolencia, no indican
Antimonium tart., si la reaccin orgnica es buena y su fuerza se mantiene. Ud. no
observar decaimiento, ni sudores fros, ni borboteo en el pecho.
Pero Antimonium tart. tiene debilidad y falta de reaccin. Por lo tanto es til en aquellos
pacientes que son muy dbiles, afectados de un estado pasivo y relajado, con neumona,
inflamacin de la trquea, y de los pasajes de aire en general. Pero el primer estado no
indica la presencia de Antimonium tart. Medicinas tales como Bryonia e Ipecac
convienen en el primer perodo, y la impresin es, cuando se administran tales
medicamentos, que sern suficientes para resolver el caso, excepto cuando hay
debilidad desde un principio, o donde hay carencia de aptitud para reaccionar
suficientemente para recobrarse bajo los efectos del remedio. Entonces aparece un
segundo medicamento, y ste es el momento en que la medicina comienza a operar.
Ipecac tiene tambin estertor con gran poder expulsivo de los pulmones. Mientras
Antimonium tart. tiene estos estertores luego de muchos das, Ipec. los tiene los
primeros das de la enfermedad. La tos y nusea con estado de gran relajacin,
postracin y fro, son sntomas de Antimonium tart. Parecera que el paciente fuera a
morir. Cuando se lo oye toser uno se impresiona con la idea de que debe existir una
profunda debilidad en sus pulmones. Sabemos que es el poder de los pulmones lo que
produce una accin expulsiva con la ms profunda inspiracin. No sucede ello con
Antimonium tart. El pecho se llena de mucus y de tos con estertores, pero el mucus no
aumenta, o aumenta muy poco, por lo cual no produce alivio. Est sofocado, muriendo
por intoxicacin de cido carbnico. En casos de neumona; cuando al principio decae a
causa de un enfriamiento, puede ser primero un ataque muy violento, que produzca ms
tarde una postracin, esto es, luego de tres o cuatro das. No est indicado al comienzo
del enfriamiento, y durante el alto grado de inflamacin, pero s durante la etapa de
exudacin. Pero la violencia del ataque lo conduce a un estado de postracin, que lo
debilita como si fuera un anciano. Distinto a Aconite, Bell., Ip., y Bry., con los cuales se
accede con violencia el caso opuesto se observa con Antimonium tart., donde hay poca
fiebre. transpiracin fra, relajacin y aspecto macilento. Este es el remedio que finaliza
la escena en los casos graves de bronquitis, neumona; que termina con la muerte de
este viejo paciente de gota, debilitado por la larga enfermedad, siempre
estremecindose, plido, articulaciones dilatadas, sujeto a las afecciones catarrales de
las vas respiratorias.
Durante los perodos de tiempo hmedo aparece un estado de catarro en el pecho, laringe y
trquea el cual desemboca en un estado de abundante mucus. Permanece en cama
enseguida, postrado, con gruesos estertores. En nios que tienen frecuentes ataques de
bronquitis, debido al clima fro y hmedo, tan pronto como desaparece un resfro
aparece otro. El estado agudo no es nunca violento en ellos, pero permanecen con estos
resfros estertorosos. Aquellos nios sanos que no parecen enfermos cuando estn
resfriados, son ms o menos vigorosos, aunque tienen estertores en el pecho, pero no se
debilitan ni estn postrados les es suministrado Kali sulph. Esta es una caracterstica
muy particular, la debilidad inmediata habla de este remedio. En personas muy ancianas
se produce esta debilidad, personas decadas que durante aos han tenido catarro de
pecho. Cada resfro agudo durante el perodo de invierno trae aparejado un catarro de
pecho, con mucus espeso y blanco, y atendindolo con gran disnea, lo lleva a la cama.
Debe permanecer sentado en la cama y ser apantallado; no puede permanecer acostado
debido a su dificultad en respirar y tener el pecho cargado. Antimonium tart. lo aliviar
en gran parte de estos ataques prolongando su vida. Cuando el mucus es amarillo en
una de estas personas ancianas, Ammoniacum lo ayudar a pasar sus buenos inviernos.
Muchos ancianos que sufren de catarro de pecho durante el invierno; por aos, y no
esperan mejorar. Cuando la expectoracin es amarilla Ammoniacum la ayudar a
eliminarla, y Antimonium tart. cuando es blanco con postracin, transpiracin, fro,
palidez y la cara azulada. Estos son los principales usos de este remedio en la prctica.
Clnicamente Ant. Tart. ha estado limitado a las mucosas respiratorias, pero tiene las
mismas virtudes pasivas de todas las mucosas del cuerpo, secrecin de mucosidad
blanca de los ojos. "Ojos prominentes, brillantes. Confuso, y vrtigo. Oftalmia
gonorreica. Para las afecciones reumticas proporciona otra forma de este remedio,
como Antimonium crudum. Las articulaciones se afectan, adquiriendo infiltracin
pasiva y se tornan hidrpicas. Infiltracin gotosa en las articulaciones, especialmente
malas durante el fro, clima hmedo. Sntomas en los ojos de este carcter. El estado de
gota afecta a todo el cuerpo. Las mucosas estn plidas y relajadas en vez de rojas e
inflamadas. Lo mismo se encuentra el pecho. Este no es el ardor encontrado en Ars. y
en los remedios ms agudos, aunque existe un estado de postracin, ansiedad y
transpiracin fra que se parece a Ars.
Luego esta afeccin gotosa afecta a los dientes. Sus dientes son todos reumticos.
"Dolores reumticos en los dientes" con molestias similares en las articulaciones. "Los
dientes estn cubiertos de mucus".
Tambin hay dolores, nuseas, digestiones difciles y aborrecimiento por la comida.
Vomitando todo lo que se ingiere, incluso una cucharada de agua. En la mayora de las
molestias este remedio es sin sed. Es una excepcin que tenga sed. Generalmente en
estos ataques de disnea los amigos del paciente estn a su alrededor con el deseo de
ayudarle, aunque sea alcanzarle un vaso de agua, lo cual lo irrita. Est perturbado, y
muestra su disgusto. El nio emitir un gruido ofensivo en las mismas circunstancias.
Excepcionalmente existe un deseo irresistible por bebidas fras. "Deseo de cidos o
frutas cidas", que lo agravan. Se producen inconvenientes en el estmago por haber
ingerido vinagre, cosas agrias, por vino o por frutas cidas, lo mismo que en Ant. crud.
Aversin a la leche y a cualquier clase de nutrimento, pero especialmente la leche lo
enferma, causndole nuseas y vmitos. El estmago y el abdomen estn muy
distendidos por flatulencia y timpanismo. Los sntomas del estmago y de los intestinos
vienen acompaados por una constante nusea, pero esto es algo ms, pues es un gran
rechazo a cualquier clase de comida, una nusea con la sensacin de que si ingiere algo
morir ; es una gran aversin a los alimentos. La debilidad aumenta su ansiedad, y su
sofocacin cuando se le ofrece comida. Gente de buen corazn muy a menudo desean
que coma algo, .porque quizs no se aliment nada durante todo el da, o toda la noche;
pero ese solo pensamiento aumenta la disnea y su nusea, su rechazo y su sufrimiento.
El vmito es ms o menos espasmdico. "Arcadas violentas. Asco y arcadas y
esfuerzos para vomitar. Sofocacin, con grandes.sufrimientos." El estmago parece
tomar una accin convulsiva. "Vmitos por cualquier cosa que se haya introducido en
el estmago, con cantidades de mucosidad". Espeso, blanco, mucosidad ahogante,
algunas veces con sangre. "Vmitos viscosos, exhaustivos, con gran cantidad de
mucosidad." "Vmitos viscosos, con bilis. Una mucosidad acuosa, luego algo de
comida, luego bilis". Pero el efecto principal son los vmitos espesos, blancos,
mucosidad ahogante, fluyendo de las mucosas de cualquier parte.
Muy comnmente hay ansiedad en el estmago, no siempre est descrito como un dolor,
pero un sentimiento de ansiedad, una depresin mortal en el estmago como si se fuera
a morir. "Ansiedad en el estmago, con nuseas". Una congestin pasiva del hgado,
con vmitos y bilis.
El remedio est tambin lleno de dolores cortantes como un cuchillo. Opresin en los
intestinos. Clicos. Distensin del abdomen. El abdomen puede ser distendido por
suero, o puede ser distendido por flatos. "Dolores agudos cortantes, como cuchillos. La
mayora de los dolores ms violentos en el abdomen". La hidropesa es uno de los
estados naturales de todas las formas de Antimonium. Recuerdo a un enrgico mdico
de caballos alimentando a todos los suyos con Antimonio negro cuando la epizootia
estaba en la zona, haciendo estragos en todos los establos. Aprend que le estaba
suministrando Antimonio negro a todos los caballos y orden para que al mo no se le
diera otra medicina que la que yo haba dejado. Prcticamente casi todos los caballos
que l haba tratado terminaron con hidropesa, y permanecieron por das y semanas
con las patas vendadas. Fue una experiencia con Antimonium.
Ant. tart. posee todas estas caractersticas. Era comn suministrar, antiguamente a gente
enfermiza Ant. tart. al final de la neumona y de las fiebres, pero producan hinchazn
en los pies durante tres o cuatro meses despus. Antimonium es un causante comn de
las "molestias febriles", las lceras lentas e indoloras que se forman sobre las piernas a
continuacin de las viejas fiebres en constituciones dbiles. A veces nunca pueden
desembarazarse de ellas a menos que sean tratados con los lineamientos de nuestra
Antimonium tartaricum obra sobre la garganta y los pulmones y en esto debe ser
comparado con Baryta carbnica, Lachesis, Ipecacuanha, Kali hidroid., Phosphorus,
Sulphur, Carbo vegetalis, Laurocerasus, Amonium carbonicum, Bromium, Iodium y
Obra sobre la piel, debiendo ser comparado en este caso con Conium, Mercurius, Kali
bichromicum y Kali hidroid.
Por ltimo, obra sobre los intestinos, debiendo compararse con Veratrum album y
En los nios es un valioso medicamento en las afecciones del pecho; por ejemplo, en
la coqueluche y de hecho en todas las toses, ya sea que provengan de la denticin o por
otra causa, cuando la tos es provocada cuando el nio monta en clera, la que sucede con
mucha frecuencia; el acto de comer produce tos que culmina en vmitos de moco y
materias alimenticias.
Hay adems otra forma de afeccin del pecho en la que est indicado Antimonium
tartaricum: el lactante repentinamente suelta el pezn y grita como si se estuviera
sofocando; parece mejorarse cuando se le da el pecho y se le pasea. Ahora bien, puede
tratarse del principio de una bronquitis capilar; a la auscultacin probablemente
encontremos finos estertores subcrepitantes en todo el pecho; en este caso Antimonium
tartaricum detiene la enfermedad en su principio evitando al nio muchos sufrimientos.
Hay adems otra forma de tos en la que puede usarse; hay un marcado ruido silbante
cuando el enfermo respira; la tos parece floja y sin embargo el nio no desgarra la flema,
aumentando este sntoma hasta que el nio se pone somnoliento; la cabeza se pone caliente
y baada en sudor; la tos se hace cada vez menos frecuente; el pulso es dbil y los
fenmenos de cianosis se presentan. En estos casos, mientras ms rpidamente se
prescribe Antimonium tartaricum mejores resultados dar a nuestro paciente.
Antimonium tartaricum tambin est indicado en las afecciones de los ancianos
particularmente en la ortopnea o cuando la parlisis pulmonar es inminente en la edad
avanzada. Se perciben estertores fuertes en el pecho y sin embargo, el enfermo no puede
desgarrar. En este estado, Baryta carbnica es complementario de Antimonium tartaricum
y con frecuencia tiene xito, cuando el ltimo medicamento solamente mejora de un modo
parcial al enfermo.
Carbo vegetalis tambin se adapta a estos casos, pero en l, los estertores van
acompaados de aliento fro, frialdad de las extremidades inferiores, sobre todo de los pies
y las rodillas.
Moschus obra cuando hay un fuerte ruido de moco y el enfermo est inquieto. Est
indicado especialmente despus de la fiebre tifoidea; el pulso es cada vez menos fuerte y
finalmente el enfermo cae en sncope.
Trtaro emtico. Tartrato de antimonio y potasio. Tartar emetic. Tartrate of Antimony and
Potash 2 (K(Sb O) C4 H O6) H2 O. Trituracin y solucin.
Caractersticas.- Antim. tart. se asemeja mucho a Antim. crud. y otros antimonios, en sus
acciones, aunque las modalidades difieren. Antim. tart. fue el emtico favorito de
tiempos antiguos, y consecuentemente es uno de los mejores medicamentos en estados
de nusea. La nusea es tan intensa como en Ipec., pero menos persistente y es > por el
vmito. Nash lo encontr lo ms cerca a un especfico en el clera morbus, la
indicacin sera "nusea, vmito, heces flojas, postracin, sudor fro, estupor y
somnolencia". En afecciones del pecho de todas clases, est indicado donde hay gran
acumulacin de flemas con estertores roncos e incapacidad de expulsarlas.
Somnolencia y an coma, pueden acompaar casos de todas clases en que el Ant. tart.
est indicado. La cara est plida o ciantica y la respiracin estertorosa. Hay calor en
el corazn y calor que sube de ah. Una sensacin de frialdad en los vasos sanguneos.
Una persona que tena correspondencia con la revista Chemist and Druggist (May 21,
1892) relat un caso de un aprendiz quien haba sido empleado por una semana para
hacer "bolas de tos" y bolas diurticas para los caballos, ambos tenan antimonio en
polvo. Se le haba advertido no inhalar el polvo, pero su patrn cree que lo hizo. Al
final de la semana fue sacudido por una enfermedad, que su patrn piensa, y sin duda
correctamente, sea debida al antimonio. Sus sntomas eran muy caractersticos. Primero
haba nusea, lasitud y deseo de dormir. Se envi a acostarse, y durante la noche, su
compaero dijo que se levant y se esforzaba para quitarse un peso imaginario del
pecho. Al ponerlo otra vez en su cama, apareci una sudoracin profusa, y tambin un
rash peculiar en su cara y en el pecho; despus de que vomit abundantemente se sinti
mejor. Temperatura 104 y pulso 120. Una mezcla para la fiebre de Ammon. acet.
lquido y Sp. aether. pit. se le dio. Un mdico que fue llamado encontr sin dudas
sntomas de neumona en pulmn izquierdo, pero confes que nunca haba visto ese
rash anteriormente y no poda aventurar una opinin acerca de ello. Por dos das la
temperatura se mantuvo en 104, despus ambos, temperatura y pulso volvieron a lo
normal, el rash desapareci y con l, la tos neumnica; en seis das el muchacho estaba
perfectamente bien. "Un nio que tose cuando se enoja" es caracterstico. Heath cur un
caso de tos ferina en un nio que se asustaba antes de la tos. La madre deca que si el
nio se enojaba, tena inmediatamente un ataque de tos. "Tos a las 4 a.m." es otra
indicacin que he encontrado cierta. Indicaciones ms importantes en este medicamento
son: ataques de desmayo, temblor interno. Causa relajacin de esfnteres y msculos,
con o sin nusea. Orificio de cuello uterino, sensible, no dilatable, con malestar,
quejidos e inquietud con cada dolor (Acon. ), sensacin de vmito. Contracciones
convulsivas. Convulsiones. Gran pesadez en todas las extremidades y gran debilidad.
Dolores reumticos (fiebre), con sudoracin que no lo mejora. Inflamacin de rganos
internos. Malestares gstricos y biliosos. Constante nusea- nusea se siente en el pecho
(Puls. ). Sensacin de peso o pesadez en muchas partes: cabeza, occipucio, cccix,
extremidades. Latidos en todos los vasos sanguneos. El nio quiere que lo carguen y
llora si alguien lo toca. Mal humor, lloriquea y llora. Inquietud, aprensin, agitacin.
Embotado y aturdido de la cabeza como entumido. Temblor crnico de la cabeza; de
cabeza y manos (como en parlisis agitante). La lengua saburral blanca, espesa con
papilas rojas a travs. Intensa nusea y vmito con gran esfuerzo; con sudoracin en la
frente. Llenura y sensacin de piedras en el abdomen, especialmente cuando est
sentado y doblado hacia adelante. La piel est notablemente afectada. La erupcin
tpica es como de la varicela, los sntomas de esta enfermedad se reproducen tan
cercanamente en los experimentadores que se ha usado en lugar de la vacuna para
propsitos de inoculacin, y su poder profilctico se ha sostenido. (Comparar
Variolinum ). La terrible dorsalgia de la varicela est en paralelo con dolores de espalda
de Ant. tar. que se ha encontrado ms correspondencia en muchos casos de lumbago
que otros medicamentos. Ant. tar. tambin es un "syctico" y yo he verificado un
sntoma dado por Hering, "verrugas en el dorso del glande". Ant. tar. tiene < por el
calor, pero no la excesiva sensibilidad al calor y sol de Ant. crud., y algunos de los
sntomas reumticos son > por el calor. Bebidas calientes < la tos, tambin acostado en
la cama, especialmente cuando se calienta. Hay tambin < por el fro y la humedad pero
no los malos efectos del lavado fro encontrado en Ant. crud . Tambin lavado fro > la
odontalgia reumtica de Ant. tar . Ambos tienen < por el tacto y an por verlos. Ant. t.
tiene < al sentarse, cuando se sienta y al levantarse de un asiento, < sentado doblndose
hacia adelante; > sentado erecto. < acostado sobre el lado afectado. < por movimiento,
o en cada esfuerzo para moverse. Una caracterstica de Ant. t. en afecciones pulmonares
es "acostarse con la cabeza hacia atrs". No hay la > por el reposo que es muy aparente
en muchos sntomas de Ant. crud . La cefalea de Ant. t. es < por el reposo, tambin la
otalgia y respiracin. < en la noche es ms marcada con Ant. t. que Ant. c . Tos es < a
las 4 a. > por eructos.
Relaciones.- Comparar: Acon. (crup); Aethus.c. y Ipec. (expresin de nusea); Am. c; Ars.
(asma, sntomas de corazn, catarro gstrico); Bry. (neumona < izquierda, Ant. t. <
derecha. sntomas del pecho y cerebro despus que retrocede la erupcin- Bry.,
sarampin y escarlatina; Ant. t. varicela). Lach. (disnea al despertar); Lyc. (catarro del
pecho, aleteo de la nariz)- Ant. t. tiene orificios nasales dilatados); Verat. (clico,
vmito, frialdad, deseo por cidos- Ant. t. tiene ms sacudidas, somnolencia, urgencia
de orinar; Ver. ms sudor fro y desmayo); Op. (tos con somnolencia y bostezo); Sang.
c. (neumona, cara lvida); Ipec. (Ant. t. tiene ms somnolencia y tendencia al colapso
pulmonar); Thuja (efectos de vacunacin cuando Thuja falla y Silicia no est indicada.
Ant. t. desarrolla pstulas de viruela; Thuja las seca). Compatible : Phos. en
hidrocefaloide, constituciones agotadas, laringitis, neumona. Sigue bien : Silic. en
disnea por substancias extraas en la laringe; Puls. (nusea en el pecho, supresin de
gonorrea); Tereb. (sntomas por stanos hmedos); Variolinum. Antdotado por : Asaf.,
Chi., Coccul., Con. (pstulas en genitales), Ipec., Lauro., Op. (Opium en grandes dosis
es el mejor antdoto en intoxicaciones), Puls., Sep. Antdota a: Baryt. c., Bry.
(dispepsia), Camph., Caust. (dispepsia), Puls., Ant. t. difiere del Mercurio al producir
una accin puramente local en la boca, similar a su accin en la piel. La accin de
Merc. en la boca es indirecto.
Trtaro emtico
Adaptado para las personas perezosas, flemticas; para la constitucin hidrogenoide (de
Enfermedades provenidas de permanecer en stanos o entre pisos hmedos (Ars., Aran.,
Por medio del neumogstrico deprime la respiracin y circulacin produciendo as el
caracterstico del remedio, es decir, cuando tose el paciente, parece que hay una gran
cantidad de mucosidades en los bronquios; parece que va a expectorar mucho, pero no
presenta nada.
El nio se abraza de las personas que lo rodean, necesita estar en brazos; grita y se queja si
alguno lo toca; no se deja tomar el pulso (Ant. c., Sanic.). Cara fra, ciantica, plida,
cubierta de sudor fro (Tab.).
Lengua saburrosa, pastosa, espesa, blanca, con las papilas enrojecidas y los bordes rojos;
roja en listas; muy roja, seca en medio; deseo de comer manzanas (Aloe. por cidos y
encurtidos Ant. c.).
Vmitos: En cualquiera posicin menos yaciendo sobre el lado derecho; hasta desmayarse;
seguidos de somnolencia y postracin; del clera morbo con diarrea y sudor fro, una dosis
despus de cada ataque (Ver.),
Asfixia: mecnica, como muerte aparente por ahogamiento; por mucosidades existentes en
los bronquios; por peligro de parlisis de los pulmones; por cuerpos extraos en la laringe o
trquea con somnolencia y coma.
Mucha somnolencia y propensin irresistible a dormir, con casi todas las afecciones (Nux
m., Op.).
Nios que nacen plidos, sin aliento, boqueando; asfixia neonatorum. Modera "el estertor
de la muerte" (Taran.). Ictericia con pneumona, especialmente el pulmn derecho.
-Es semejante: a Lyc., pero el movimiento de las alas de la nariz es reemplazado por la
dilatacin de las ventanas; a Veratrum en que ambos tienen diarrea, clico, vmitos,
frialdad y deseo de cidos; a Ipeca, pero con ms somnolencia por lo defectuoso de la
respiracin; nusea que se mejora despus de vomitar.
Cuando los pulmones parecen debilitarse, el paciente se pone somnoliento, la tos declina o
cesa, substituye a Ipeca.
Para los malos resultados de la vacuna en caso de que Thuja falle y Silicea no est
Antes de Silicea para la disnea ocasionada por algn cuerpo extrao que haya en la laringe
o en la trquea; de Pulsatilla para la supresin de la gonorrea; de Tereb. para los malos
resultados de permanecer en stanos hmedos.
Los nios que no se alivian fcilmente cuando est indicado para su tos Ant. t., requieren
La tos de los nios empeorada cuando empieza la estacin hmeda; ya sea primavera u
- Con el tiempo hmedo fro; al acostarse en la noche; con el calor de una habitacin; con
los cambios de tiempo en primavera (Kali s., Natr. s.).
-Con el aire libre fro; sentndose recto, expectorando; acostndose sobre el lado derecho
Antimonium tartaricum (Boericke)
Tiene muchos sntomas en comn con Antimonium crudum, pero tambin muchas
peculiaridades propias
Clnicamente, su aplicacin terapetica se ha limitado en gran medida al tratamiento de
enfermedades respiratorias, estertores de flemas con poca expectoracin ha sido su sntoma
Hay mucha somnolencia, debilidad y sudor, caractersticas del medicamento, dicho grupo
siempre estar presente ms o menos, cuando se prescriba este medicamento
Trastornos gstricos de bebedores y sujetos gotosos
Clera morbo
Sensacin de frialdad en los vasos sanguneos
Antimonium tartaricum es homeoptico a la disuria, estranguria, hematuria, albuminuria,
catarro de la vejiga y uretra, ardor en el recto, heces mucosas sanguinolentas, etc
Antimonium tartaricum acta indirectamente en los parsitos, estimulando la accin
oxidativa de la sustancia protectora
Efectos secundarios despus de la inyeccin para la Bilharziasis
Escalofros y contracturas y dolor muscular.
Temblores en todo el cuerpo, gran postracin y desfallecimiento
Escalofros, contracturas y dolores musculares
Verrugas en el glande.
Mente y cabeza
Vrtigo que alterna con somnolencia.
Gran desaliento
Temor a estar solo
Balbuceo, delirio y estupor
Vrtigo, con confusin y embotamiento
Sensacin de banda en la frente
Cara plida y hundida
El nio no ser tocado sin que lloriquee
Cefalea como una banda que lo comprime. [Nit.acid.]
Saburral, pastosa, blanca gruesa, con bordes rojos
Roja y seca, especialmente en el centro
Fra, azul, plida; cubierta de sudor fro
Temblor incesante del mentn y maxilar inferior. [Gels.]
Deglucin difcil de lquidos
Vomita en cualquier posicin, excepto acostado sobre el lado derecho
Nusea, arcada y vmito, especialmente despus de las comidas, con desmayo de muerte y
Sed de agua fra, poca y frecuente, y deseo de manzanas, frutas y cidos generalmente.
Nusea que produce temor; con presin en regin precordial, seguida por cefalea con
bostezo, lagrimeo y vmito.
Clico espasmdico, flatos abundantes
Presin en el abdomen, especialmente al inclinarse hacia adelante
Clera morbo
Diarrea en enfermedades eruptivas.
Ardor en la uretra durante y despus de orinar
Ultimas gotas sanguinolentas con dolor en la vejiga
Deseo de orinar aumentado
Catarro de la vejiga y uretra
Organos respiratorios
Grandes estertores de mucosidad, pero muy poco es expectorado.
Sensacin aterciopelada en el trax
Sensacin de ardor en el trax, que asciende a la garganta
Respiracin difcil, rpida, corta; como si se ahogara; debe incorporarse y sentarse
Enfisema en viejos
Tose y boquea consecutivamente.
Tubos bronquiales sobrecargados de mucosidad
Tos excitada por comer, con dolor en el trax y laringe
Edema y amenaza de parlisis pulmonar.
Mucha palpitacin con sensacin molesta de calor
Pulso rpido, dbil, tembloroso
Mareo con tos
Disnea mejorada por eructos
Tos y disnea mejor acostado sobre el lado derecho-(opuesto a Badiaga)
Dolores violentos en la regin sacro-lumbar. El menor esfuerzo para moverse, puede
causar arcadas y fro, sudor pegajoso
Sensacin de gran peso en el cccix, tirando hacia abajo todo el tiempo.
Contracciones de los msculos; extremidades temblorosas.
Erupcin pustular, deja una marca roja-azulada
Fro, temblor, y sensacin de fro
Calor intenso
Sudoracin abundante
Sudor pegajoso, fro, con gran desmayo
Fiebre intermitente con estado letrgico.
Gran somnolencia
Al quedarse dormido sacudidas como elctricas
Inclinacin irresistible a dormirse con casi todas sus molestias.
Peor al anochecer; por acostarse por la noche; por el calor; en tiempo hmedo fro; por
todas las cosas cidas y la leche
Mejor por sentarse recto; por eructos y expectoracin.
Antdotos: Puls., Sepia.
Kali sulph., Ipeca.
Segunda y sexta trituracin
Las potencias ms bajas en ocasiones agravan.
Por el tiempo fro y hmedo; por el calor; los cambios de tiempo; en la primavera; estando
acostado por la noche; por la leche y todos los alimentos cidos.
Por el fro; por estar sentado; sobre el lado derecho; por la expectoracin y por los eructos.
Somnolencia intensa con TENDENCIA INVENCIBLE AL SUEO.* Estado de estupor
con ansiedad y delirio. Postracin con coma y cara plida.
Debilidad intensa con TEMBLORES y paresia de los miembros.
Vrtigos al poner el enfermo la cabeza sobre la almohada.
NAUSEAS CONSTANTES con ansiedad mortal y postracin (Ars.). Vmitos con muchos
esfuerzos muy dolorosos amenazando rpidamente un estado de sofocacin (asfixia) y
ansiedad profunda, como si el enfermo fuera a morir.
A medita que el enfermo vomita, se encuentra ms y ms agotado. No puede calmar sus
vmitos y expulsa todo cuanto ingiere; mejora ligeramente estando acostado sobre el lado
Aversin por la leche que le produce nuseas, deseo de cosas cidas, sobre todo frutas.
Lengua pastosa, gruesa, blanquizca, con papilas y bordes rojos y sobre todo con la parte
media muy roja y muy seca.
Dolores abdominales espasmdicos. Diarrea coleriforme.
Mucha acumulacin de mucosidades en las vas respiratorias. GRAN CANTIDAD DE
RESPIRACION MUY RUIDOSA, disnea intensa, estado ciantico de la cara, tendencia a
la asfixia, sudores fros, postracin y ansiedad.
Alas de la nariz muy dilatadas, animadas de batimientos r pidos y sincrnicos a los
movimientos respiratorios* (Lyc.).
Tos espasmdica, sofocante, que se agrava a la menor ingestin de alimentos y como a las
tres de la maana, obligando al enfermo a sentarse en la cama (el paciente necesita estar
sostenido en esta forma pues su debilidad es grande) con nuseas y vmitos. Tos que
mejora por eructaciones (Sang.) con poca o nada de expectoracin.
Estado de asfixia: pulso rpido, dbil, pequeo, algunas veces imperceptible (Ars.).
Dolores violentos en la regin sacrolumbar con sensacin de peso en la regin del cccix.
Erupcin pustulosa que deja trazos lvidos.
La tendencia a la asfixia es la caracterstica esencial del enfermo de Antimonium
tartaricum, donde si este estado se acenta reclama tambin Carbo vegetabilis. El pulmn
est bloqueado de mucosidades que encumbran los bronquios y no pueden ser expulsadas.
El enfermo vomita y tose pero no expectora. Asma. Bronconeumona. Bronquitis de la
infancia y de la senectud. Coqueluche. Cianosis. Disnea. Edema del pulmn. Imptigo.
Pericarditis. Neumona. Viruelas. Antimonium tartaricum es ms bien un remedio
respiratorio; Antimoniun crudum es un remedio digestivo.
En la evolucin con tendencia a la gravedad: Carbo vegetabilis. En la evolucin hacia la
mejora: Ipeca, despus China. La indicacin de Antimonium tartaricum se desarrolla ms
generalmente sobre un estado hidrogenoide y Natrum sulphuricum es frecuentemente un
remedio que conviene para acelerar la curacin y evitar el retorno de las congestiones
pasivas del pulmn, tan frecuentes en la senectud.
6a y 30a.
(K Sb O) (C4 H4 O6)
Trtaro emtico. Trituracin o soluciones y potencias de ambas.
Antimonium crudum (el sulfuro de antimonio) y Antimonium arsenicosum . el arseniato,
son utilizados al igual que Antimonium tartaricum, pero este ltimo es el miembro ms
importante del grupo de compuestos de antimonio. Es bien conocido por la escuela
dominante de medicina y algunos de sus usos en esta escuela huelen en forma clara a
homeopata. Pero en general el mdico no homepata tiende a utilizarlo menos en esta
poca, mientras que los partidarios de Hahnemann, que mantienen su principio normativo,
encuentran relativamente fcil su aplicacin precisa y con resultados tan satisfactorios
como siempre.
Localmente, el trtaro emtico irrita la piel, causando una erupcin papulosa y luego el
desarrollo de vesculas y pstulas no muy diferentes de las que presenta la viruela. Las
aberturas de las glndulas de la piel y los folculos pilosos son los puntos en que comienzan
las pstulas. Inyectado hipodrmicamente, causa gran dolor y a menudo supuracin local y
formacin de escaras, de tal manera que este modo de administracin resulta inconveniente;
se prefiere la va intravenosa cuando se administra la droga en la prctica ortodoxa. Los
efectos cutneos son provocados con suma facilidad por una aplicacin local, pero segn la
experiencia homeoptica y de otros (vase Schulz y Lewin) parecen seguir ocasionalmente
el uso interno del remedio. Tambin la erupcin aparece no slo en donde se efectu la
aplicacin sino en zonas muy alejadas, lo cual sugiere una accin ms que local. Por
consiguiente, considerando a estos efectos cutneos como una reaccin especfica de la piel
y observando los caracteres de la erupcin, los homepatas utilizan Ant. tart. para casos de
viruela, cuando los otros sntomas corresponden, y al parecer con mucho xito. Como se
ver luego, la raquialgia precoz caracterstica de la viruela encuentra un paralelo en la
patogenesia de Ant. tart.
Segn lo sugiere su nombre, los efectos del trtaro emtico se revelan con rapidez en el
tracto gastrointestinal. Pequeas dosis causan slo una ligera transpiracin en individuos
sanos, pero dosis ms grandes originan una intensa nusea y violentos vmitos, con
depresin profunda, salivacin y transpiracin. El pulso se acelera. Los vmitos tardos
contienen mucha mucosidad viscosa e incluso sangre. Junto con los vmitos aparece una
profusa diarrea acuosa y se establece una gran debilidad muscular y a menudo sntomas de
colapso general. La piel se torna fra y se cubre de sudor, la cara se vuelve ciantica, la voz
se debilita, la respiracin y la temperatura se deprimen y en los casos fatales la vida termina
en coma. La albuminuria es un sntoma bastante frecuente de la intoxicacin. Los vmitos y
la diarrea parecen debidos en gran parte a una accin irritativa local, pues si bien siguen a la
inyeccin hipodrmica, la droga es excretada en gran parte hacia el estmago y el intestino
y produce su efecto local de esta manera. Los sntomas del envenenamiento crnico con
antimonio son la depresin, la cefalea, los vrtigos, la confusin y la somnolencia. Hay
prdida del apetito y malestar o dolor en la regin del estmago. Gradualmente el paciente
se debilita y se agota. Se puede presentar una diarrea profusa. Luego se produce
enflaquecimiento, albuminuria y finalmente colapso. Se han observado erupciones
pustulosas por el prolongado uso interno del tartrato de antimonio. Se afirma que aparece
una ulceracin del intestino delgado y que quedan especialmente afectadas las placas de
Peyer. La presin arterial desciende despus de dosis txicas; son comunes el edema y la
congestin pulmonar y en experimentos animales se ha observado inflamacin catarral de
los bronquios y neumona. Se estimulan ciertas secreciones como el sudor, la saliva y las de
las glndulas mucosas respiratorias. Despus de una intoxicacin crnica hay evidencias de
degeneracin grasa de ciertos rganos (por ejemplo, del hgado), como con el arsnico. Las
pequeas dosis estimulan el rin y las grandes dosis causan nefritis. El medicamento
parece tener poder especfico para destruir tripanosomas en la sangre, aun en diluciones de
1 en 500.000. Por consiguiente, se emplea en la enfermedad del sueo y en la sfilis y ha
demostrado tener notable xito en el kala azar, habindose convertido en el remedio de la
Los efectos de estos envenenamientos y los resultados de dichos experimentos en animales
ponen en evidencia con claridad que el antimonio acta profundamente sobre el cuerpo y
tiene puntos especiales de ataque en el tracto gastrointestinal, el aparato respiratorio, la piel
y los riones. Pero para su uso efectivo por los homepatas, es necesario precisar con ms
detalle estos amplios lineamientos. Cuando se experimentan los medicamentos, se toman en
dosis relativamente pequeas durante un cierto tiempo. Los efectos de "shock" de la
administracin masiva de un veneno son menos evidentes, pero los matices ms finos de
respuesta se tornan ms manifiestos. Por medio de los mismos se toma la decisin de elegir
no slo una droga similar sino la ms similar posible. En consecuencia, en todo lo que
sigue, si bien no se descuida de ningn modo la informacin derivada de los efectos
txicos, el mdico depende en muy gran medida de las experimentaciones del medicamento
sobre seres humanos sanos. Tambin la experiencia clnica de ms de un siglo ha
aumentado considerablemente nuestro conocimiento. De este modo, el experimento
homeoptico y la experiencia ponen en claro las indicaciones detalladas para utilizar el
medicamento con xito.
La asociacin de la nusea y los vmitos con sntomas que revelan una irritacin
inflamatoria de los bronquiolos finos y del pulmn, han conducido al uso de Antim. tart. en
las secuelas de la anestesia con ter. Durante algunos aos fu prctica del Hospital
Homeoptico de Glasgow la administracin previa del medicamento (una o dos dosis) y se
afirma que los pacientes tratados de este modo tienen una experiencia mucho ms
placentera y muestran mucho menos ansiedad que el sujeto comn sometido al ter. Si el
anestsico es el cloroformo, Phosphorus (vase) es el medicamento de eleccin. An no
existe experiencia suficiente acerca de los anestsicos ms recientes para un
pronunciamiento dogmtico, aunque tambin en este caso se ha propiciado Phosphorus.
El rasgo prominente en el estudio del uso homeoptico de este medicamento consiste en
que es especialmente aplicable a afecciones agudas sumadas a organismos debilitados y
enfermizos. Por tal motivo, est indicado en las dolencias de ambos extremos de la vida: en
nios dbiles y en afecciones que se presentan en personas ancianas; adems, se aplica a los
trastornos de individuos con organismo quebrantado. Sobre la base de los protocolos
ortodoxos de envenenamientos y las experimentaciones homeopticas, se ha demostrado
que el tartrato de antimonio ejerce una acentuada accin sobre el aparato respiratorio,
aunque raras veces se requiere este medicamento durante los estadios iniciales de las
dolencias agudas que afectan el pulmn. Pero en los estadios ulteriores de las afecciones
pulmonares, en que la reaccin es insuficiente o cuando ha estado presente una debilidad
desde el comienzo, se encuentra la tpica situacin que requiere Antim. tart. El paciente est
postrado, con poca fiebre, tiene fro y est cubierto de un sudor fro
Se pueden mencionar otras dos caractersticas del medicamento. En casi todas las dolencias
los sntomas producen somnolencia y a menudo existe una irresistible inclinacin a dormir.
La segunda caracterstica se relaciona con el estado de la piel: hay frialdad y el paciente
est baado en un sudor fro y viscoso. Los eructos mejoran los sntomas. Los nios se
enojan al ser tocados o incluso mirados.
Los sntomas mentales y temperamentales que caracterizan el medicamento son ntidos y
bien marcados. Se puede sintetizar la mentalidad del paciente con el rubro de Hering:
"malhumor". Si se trata de un nio, estar enojadizo e irritable y gemir y se quejar
continuamente. Aunque se puede aferrar a quienes estn a su alrededor y desea que lo
lleven en brazos, toma a mal que lo toquen, no quiere moverse, se niega a obedecer
cualquier orden; revela, en definitiva, un carcter dscolo que constituye un tormento para
la enfermera y para sus familiares, pero es una gua clara para el mdico. Con frecuencia se
necesitan Chamomilla y Pulsatilla en los trastornos gstricos de los nios: Pulsatilla es
adecuada para un estado lloroso, con deseo de consuelo y compaa, pero habitualmente sin
mal carcter: en realidad, un estado de nimo "fcil"; en cambio, si bien Chamomilla es
adecuada para nios de muy mal carcter, existe en stos un deseo profundo de simpata y
ayuda, por ms descomedido que sea ante las atenciones que se intentan. Cuando se debe
pensar en el antimonio (en cualquier preparacin) el malhumor se presenta sin ningn deseo
de consuelo y los intentos de prodigarlo empeoran el estado de nimo: el principal deseo
del nio es que "se lo deje solo". Los pacientes de mayor edad tendrn ms control, pero
ser bastante fcil advertir el malhumor y la irritabilidad. El enfermo est de malhumor y
prefiere que lo dejen solo; se pone irritable cuando se lo perturba y no quiere ser molestado.
Un gran desnimo acompaa el persistente malhumor, y tal abatimiento puede aumentar
hasta que el paciente entra en un estado de la mayor ansiedad, hasta tal punto que un
enfermo ansioso, postrado y con la superficie del cuerpo cubierta con sudor fro puede
presentar una cierta semejanza con el cuadro del paciente de Arsenicum. Puede sobrevenir
un estado en cierta medida contradictorio, pero que ilustra una modalidad general de la
droga: si se deja al paciente tranquilo, se puede poner sooliento y quedar dormido.
La cara del paciente de Antim. tart. es plida y enfermiza, cubierta con un sudor fro y con
los labios plidos y resecos. El conducto alimenticio es asiento de muchos sntomas
definidos. La lengua presenta una espesa saburra blanca, con bordes rojos. En la boca se
produce un copioso flujo de saliva. En este paciente la nusea es un sntoma destacado.
Junto con todos los sntomas gstricos y abdominales existe una nusea constante que
tiende a intensificar el estado ansioso de la mente y que con frecuencia es seguida por
vmitos si se ingieren alimentos. La nusea, las arcadas y los vmitos con debilidad y
postracin son sntomas acentuados que se asocian con todas las dolencias que requieren el
trtaro emtico. El vmito alivia transitoriamente la nusea.* En este contexto se observa
nuevamente la caracterstica general. Los vmitos tienden a ser seguidos por una sensacin
de languidez y somnolencia. Por lo general, hay un disgusto por los alimentos, con una
especial aversin a la leche, que produce nusea y vmitos. En algunos casos el paciente
puede apetecer cidos o frutas cidas que al ser ingeridos dan lugar a un resultado similar.
En la mayor parte de las dolencias el paciente no tiene sed (pero tambin puede haber sed
de agua fra en pequeas cantidades y a cortos intervalos).
En el abdomen se presenta dolor, pero predomina el malestar y la incomodidad, y las
evacuaciones son blandas, frecuentes, mucosas, generalmente amarillas o marrones y
ocasionalmente contienen sangre. La diarrea estival, cuando los vmitos constituyen un
sntoma marcado, con colapso y sudor fro, cede ante este remedio. La presencia de
sntomas gastrointestinales en la neumona o la viruela es una valiosa indicacin para
Antim. tart.
*No ocurre lo mismo en los pacientes de Ipecacuanha.
Su esfera de accin sobre los rganos respiratorios es vasta. Antim. tart. es uno de los
remedios ms apreciados en la prctica homeoptica para la neumona. Corresponde
especialmente a la bronconeumona de nios enfermizos y de los ancianos. Pero cualquiera
que sea la afeccin del pecho, bronconeumona, tos ferina o asma, existen caractersticos
rales mucosos aunque se expectora muy poco en comparacin de lo que se podra esperar,
porque el paciente est demasiado postrado para poder expulsar las mucosidades. La
expectoracin que se puede eliminar es de color blanco. Todas las dolencias respiratorias
van acompaadas por el estado general de este medicamento: postracin, irritabilidad,
tendencia a la somnolencia, palidez y sudor fro. La respiracin es rpida, corta y
dificultosa; el paciente desea estar sentado, y si se trata de un nio se encuentra mejor
cuando se lo lleva en brazos en una posicin erecta. Tal opresin respiratoria tiende a
culminar alrededor de las 3 de la maana. Se observa una extensin interesante de las
manifestaciones generales de Antim. tart. en nios dbiles, friolentos y plidos que padecen
tos ferina: el paroxismo de la tos es precedido por humor colrico o una crisis de llanto, y
suele presentarse despus de comer, beber o entrar en calor en la cama. Despus de la
cesacin del acceso sobreviene otro sntoma de Antim. tart.: el nio se vuelve sooliento y
se queda dormido.
Es interesante sealar que Trousseau, que apreciaba el medicamento para algunas
afecciones tor cicas agudas, observ que actuaba cuando haba sntomas gastrointestinales,
es decir, cuando desde un punto de vista homeoptico estaba mejor indicada por todo el
cuadro sintomtico.
En la neumona se puede hacer ms detallado y preciso el cuadro de la sintomatologa. Ya
se ha descrito la neumona que sugerira Aconitum y el caso que requiere Antimonium es
diferente en muchos aspectos. Un diagnstico fsico puede orientar de una manera legtima
el pensamiento de un mdico hacia un cierto grupo de remedios, pero resulta preferible que
est constantemente en guardia contra la prescripcin rutinaria. En todos los casos se debe
tomar la decisin sobre la base de los sntomas presentes en el enfermo individual real.
Ningn ser humano se parece exactamente a otro y cada caso necesita su propio remedio.
Segn se mencion, la aplicacin del trtaro emtico se encuentra en los ltimos estadios
de la neumona, especialmente en individuos de constitucin dbil. Corresponde al tipo de
neumona que no ha respondido y el paciente est gravemente enfermo. Se encuentra
postrado, con el rostro plido y contrado, los labios plidos o cianticos, est fro al tacto y
con un profuso sudor fro y viscoso. El estado mental es el que se asocia siempre con este
medicamento. El enfermo est deprimido, irritable y quejoso. Quiere que se lo deje solo y
si no se lo molesta estar acostado con bastante tranquilidad, formulando pocos pedidos a
quienes lo atienden. Existe una acentuada dificultad respiratoria, el pecho est lleno de
mucosidades, se pueden or los rales cuando el paciente respira, pero la expectoracin es
muy escasa; el esputo que elimina es blancuzco y el esfuerzo realizado al expectorar
provoca arcadas o incluso vmitos. El malestar respiratorio es agravado por el calor de la
habitacin y la posicin ms cmoda del paciente es la de sentado con el torso erecto. El
paciente no suele tener sed; experimenta aversin hacia todos los alimentos, especialmente
la leche, aunque puede haber un deseo de cidos o de frutas cidas. El estmago y el
abdomen estn distendidos con flatulencia y junto con ella existe tambin nusea constante
e intensa.
En el aparato genitourinario la homeopata no hace mucho uso del poder de este
medicamento para producir nefritis. A menos que los sntomas renales estn acompaados
por otros en otras partes, que sugieran Antim. tart., raras veces conducen por s mismos a la
eleccin de este medicamento. Tampoco afecta en gran medida los rganos sexuales. Parece
tener cierto poder sobre los papilomas y ha logrado xito clnico en las verrugas
La piel es asiento de un prurito pertinaz y es caracterstica una erupcin pustulosa
generalizada, que proporciona una indicacin local para el uso del medicamento en la
viruela. Hering menciona el valor del medicamento en varias afecciones cutneas en que
aparecen erupciones pustulosas. La Dra. Tyler destaca su eficacia en el imptigo
Otra indicacin se encuentra en la raquialgia muy intensa que afecta la parte inferior de la
columna y que corresponde al bien conocido sntoma precoz de la viruela. Pero Antim. tart.
puede aliviar dolores similares provenientes de otras causas si estn presentes los sntomas
peculiares del medicamento, por ejemplo, en el lumbago. El movimiento agrava el dolor, el
ms ligero esfuerzo puede causar arcadas y el paciente se cubre de inmediato de una
transpiracin fra y viscosa. En las experimentaciones aparecen dolores articulares; en estas
afecciones reumticas existe una congestin pasiva de las articulaciones, que es
especialmente molesta durante el tiempo fro y hmedo.
Por lo general, las dolencias que requieren tartrato de antimonio son agravadas por el
tiempo caluroso, la ropa muy abrigada y una habitacin caldeada, aunque tambin el tiempo
fro y hmedo puede agravar los sntomas. Estos ltimos suelen intensificarse al estar
acostado y el estar sentado los alivia; son agravados por la clera y la irritacin. Junto con
la nusea existe una aversin a los alimentos, en especial a la leche. Muchos sntomas se
agravan a la noche, especialmente alrededor de las 3 de la maana.
- * Furious delirium(third day), [a47].
- (Suicidal mood;he raves and does not know what he is doing), [_a2].
- Excitement of disposition, [a11].
- * He was talking to himself, [a47].
- Despondent and apprehensive about his recovery, [a16].
- Hopeless, despondent mood, toward evening, with chilliness, pain in the chest, and great
sleepiness, [_a3].
- 4.30 P.M. , very morose, dejected, and sad, [_a1].
- * The anxiety increases with the nausea, together with a slight pressure and some warmth
in the abdomen, which moves about with the free flatulence, [a5].
- She is frightened at every trifle, [_a2].
- Apprehensive, with fulness about the heart and increased warmth(eighth day), [a8].
- Apprehensive and restless, [a4].
- Dreaded to be left alone even for a few moments, lest he "should be dreadfully nervous
and not know what to do with himself, ", [a16].
- Bad humor, everything goes wrong, [a10].
- Bad humor, noise is intolerable, [a10].
- Everything displeases her of which she thinks(after two hours), [_a1].
- Peevish and quarrelsome, [a54].
- He rubs his eyes with his hands as if in a stupid sleep, and wakes in a very ill-humor, e. g,
if one looked at him he began to howl, [a5].
- * The child will not allow itself touched, without whining and crying, whereby the toes
and fingers are drawn inwards, [_a2].
- The whole time an unusual, noticeable(more to others than to herself) wild gayety, toward
evening; this gave place to fretfulness, peevishness, and anxious thoughts about the future;
she thinks she will remain in her present condition, [_a3].
- Excited mentally(ninth day), [a8].
- Restless, excited mind, [a13].
- Became senseless, [a17].
- Loss of consciousness;he falls into a state of stupor, interrupted from time to time by
spasms, [a50].
- Head confused(second day), [a8].
- Head confused, [a9].
- Head much confused(fifth day), [a8].
- * Head confused in the morning, which disappeared after rising(first day), [a8].
- Head confused, with a warm forehead, depression of vigor, and indifference to
everything, [a36].
- Confusion of the head, like a stupefaction, with a feeling as if he ought to sleep, [a4].
- Head confused, with heaviness and pressure in the forehead(eighth day), [a8].
- Confusion of the head, like a pressure in the temples(immediately), [_a3].
- Marked confusion of the head, with increasing nausea, [a5].
- Head heavy, confused, [a13].
- Head heavy, much confused(ninth day), [a8].
- Head heavy, pressive, and confused, [a17].
- Head heavy, confused, with great discomfort on waking, mornings(ninth day), [a8].
- The head is heavy, confused, and painful, with internal heat in the head(3 P.M. ); it
becomes better in the open air, and does not return again in the room, [_a1].
- Vertigo, [a11, a12, a13, a17].
- Vertigo(eighth day), [a8].
- Attacks of vertigo(third and fourth day), [_a3].
- Vertigo often on closing eyes, [a12].
- Vertigo on walking;he totters, [_a2].
- Vertigo, with flickering before the eyes(third day), [_a3].
- Whirling in the head(ninth day), [a8].
- * On trying to lift his head he felt a dizziness which obliged him to replace it on the
pillow, [a45].
- Dulness, dizziness, [a18].
- No pustules, but an inflammation of the meninges of the brain;the patient ran about
delirious (inunction of four grains), [a37].
- Congestion to head, [a13].
- Headache, [_a2].
- Headache(second day), [a39].
- Very painful headache, that she cannot well describe, [_a3].
- Stupefying headache(ninth day), [a8].
- Violent headache, with pressure and throbbing in the forehead and temples(eleventh day),
- Severe headache, palpitations, vertigo, [_a2].
- Stupefaction of the head, as if confined, [a4].
- Headache, like a tension, with drawings and burrowing, even as far as the root of the nose
(afternoons), [a4].
- Headache, with sensitiveness of epigastric region, [a34].
- Heat in the head increased by motion(third day), [_a3].
- Sensation of heat in the head, 4 P.M. , [_a1].
- Frequent risings of heat in the head, with thirst(sixth day), [_a1].
- Compression of the head, [a4].
- External weakness of the head;she cannot hold the head erect, [_a2].
- Internal weakness of the head, [_a2].
- * Heaviness of the head, [a49].
- The head seems very heavy, [_a3].
- The head is heavy, and feels enlarged(4 P.M. ), [_a1].
- The head is so heavy that she can scarcely hold it upright, with very fretful disposition, in
the forenoon, [_a1].
- The head is heavy and requires supporting behind, [a5].
- Pressure in the brain, [a11].
- Pressive headache all day, especially in forehead(eleventh day), [a8].
- Stitches in the head, from 11 A. M., till evening(second day), [_a2].
- Sharp stitches in the head on motion, [_a2].
- Raging and beating in the whole head, as if the brain would suppurate, which disappears
in the open air, but returns in the room, 2 1/2 P.M. , [_a1].
- Forehead covered with cold sweat, [a21, a17].
- Forehead covered with sweat, head is cold, [a29].
- Slight attacks of frontal headache, [a5].
- Violent pain in forehead and vertigo(five minutes), [a33].
- Heat on the forehead, without sweat, in the morning, [_a2].
- On coughing, heat and sweat of the forehead, so that she became very dizzy, [_a2].
- Fine burning on the frontal bone above the right temple(after one and a half hours), [_a1].
- * Headache, as from a band compressing the forehead, [a10].
- Inward boring into the frontal bone, between the left root of the nose and the eyebrows,
- Dull boring, as from a blunt instrument, below the right frontal eminence, [a4].
- Headache draws about, painfully, in the forehead and vertex, with tension and pressure,
- Dull pain in the forehead, as if some one had beaten him on the head(fourth day), [_a3].
- In the forehead a dull pain, sometimes becoming a sticking, which extends to the temple,
increased by coughing(fourth day), [_a3].
- Pressure in the forehead, especially on motion(four hours), [_a3].
- Pressure in forehead and occiput(fifth day), [a8].
- A dull, wavelike pressure on the right frontal eminence, [a4].
- Headache from morning till 5 P.M. ;a painful pressing forward from the occiput across
the vertex into the frontal region, where it seems to her as if everything would come out;
worse at 1 P.M. (seventh day), [_a1].
- Pressive headache in the centre of the forehead, above the nose, [a5].
- For several months, a pressive, tensive pain, especially in the forehead, immediately after
waking, relieved by cold water(especially the third day), [_a3].
- * Pressive pain in the forehead, more like a sticking, extends downwards into the left eye,
with unusual inclination to close the eyes(four hours), [_a3].
- A fine tearing from the left frontal eminence toward the temple, on speaking(after one
hour), [_a1].
- Slight sticking in the forehead(second day), [_a3].
- Sticking(or rather tearing)in the forehead(twenty hours), from 2 P.M. till 3 A. M., [_a2].
- Jerking and drawing, with a tension in the forehead, especially over the left eye(one
hour), [_a3].
- A sensitive pain in the right side of the forehead, the whole evening, with a sensation as if
the brain pressed too hard there, balled into heavy lumps, [a4].
- * Throbbing in the right side of the forehead(fourth day), [_a2].
- On waking in the night he always has the same bad headache, as if the brain were balled
into a heavy lump, only in the left half of the forehead, [a4].
- Pressive headache on the left side of the forehead, with pressure on the eyes, [a5].
- Violent pulsating of the bloodvessels in the temples(fifth day), [a8].
- Pressing inward in the left temple, [a4].
- Feeling as if both temples were pressed together, [a4].
- Feeling as if the head were compressed, at both temples, with dull instruments, [a4].
- Fine tearing in the left temple, on motion in the open air(after two hours), [_a1].
- Sticking in the temples(third day), [_a3].
- A long-continuing, sensitive, drawing pressure in the right temple, [a4].
- In the temples a tension, as if squeezed, with a kind of stupefaction(one quarter of an
hour), [a4].
- * Painful drawing in the right temple extends down to the zygoma and upper jaw, [a4].
- Tension on the vertex(second day), [a8].
- Very sensitive pressure on the vertex(fifteenth day), [a8].
- In the afternoon, on motion, a surging from the neck upward across the vertex, toward the
forehead, with stupefaction and confusion of the senses, on standing for one minute, [_a1].
- Burning and itching, in a place as large as a half dollar, in the anterior part of the right
parietal bone, on stooping;on rising, it is somewhat relieved, but constantly returns on
stooping, and disappears on scratching (after one hour), [_a1].
- Intermittent tearings in the right side of the head, [_a2].
- Tearing in the right side of the head, and especially deep in the right ear, on raising the
head, after stooping(after three-quarters of an hour), [_a1].
- A kind of stupefaction with a tensive sensation attacks the left half of the head (one
quarter of an hour), [a4].
- Slight tearing, drawing headache in the left half of the head from behind forward, [a5].
- A tensive pressing-in headache in the left half of the skull, [a4].
- On stooping, several violent stitches in the left parietal bone, extending forward (after
half an hour), [_a1].
- Such a violent stitching-tearing from the posterior-inferior portion of the left parietal
bone, to a place in front of the vertex, that it seems as though a piece were being torn from
her head; deep within, on standing, 8 A. M.;the same pain returns on the following day, at
the same hour, [_a1].
- The occiput becomes heavy, and an anxious oppressive sensation sets in, [a5].
- Sensation in the occiput, on stooping, as if something fell forwards(three hours), [_a3].
- Raging or throbbing pain on the right side of the occiput, like ulceration, on rest and
motion, 1 1/2 P.M. , [_a1].
- Heaviness in the head, and the scalp is so sensitive that she can scarcely bear the
comb(morning and evening), [_a1].
- Squinting eyes, [a53].
- Enlarged, swollen eyes, [a10].
- * Bloodshot eyes, [a45].
- Weak and dim eyes, [a13].
- Weakness of eyes(eleventh day), [a8].
- * Eyes feel so tired that they would close, [a4].
- Burning in the eyes, evenings, as if he had studied long by the light, [a4].
- Pressure on both eyes, [a5].
- Sense of weight on eyes, [a10].
- * Inclination to press the eyes tightly together, [a4].
- Dull pressure over the nose and one eye, [a4].
- Violent tearing between the root of the nose and the right eyebrow, as if some one took
hold of her there by the skin;very painful and long-lasting(after half an hour), [_a1].
- Difficulty of moving the lids(second day), [a39].
- Sticking, like electric stitches, in both inner canthi, and pressure in the eyes, [_a3].
- Burning and biting in the right internal canthus and redness of the conjunctiva, [a5].
- Acute conjunctivitis, with much lachrymation, [a15].
- Yellowness of the sclerotica, [a10].
- The eyeball pains as if bruised, especially on touch, [_a2].
- Sudden, rather severe, tensive pain in the upper part of the right eyeball, [a5].
- Vanishing of sight (ninth day), [a8].
- Vanishing of sight and hearing, [a9].
- The sight vanishes when she looks at an object for a long time, 4 1/2 P.M. , [_a1].
- Sparks before the eyes, [a11].
- * Flickering before the eyes, [a8, a11, a13].
- * Flickering before the eyes, especially on rising from sitting, several times in an hour, of
short duration;she sees only as through a thick veil, with vertigo(several days), [_a3].
- Blackness before the eyes, [a11, a17].
- Twitching-tearing in the right concha, in the evening on lying down, which disappears in
bed, [_a1].
- Ulcerative pain in the right concha, in the evening(after two days), [_a1].
- Twitching, painful tearing in the right ear, in the morning(second day), [_a1].
- Roaring in the ear(fourth day), [_a3].
- Fluttering before the left ear, as from a large bird;at the same time a warmth passes to this
ear, as if she stood near a hot stove;gradually disappearing(after one and a half hours),
- The corners of the nostril are ulcerated and painful(fourth hour), [_a2].
- Nose pointed, [a17].
- Violent sneezing, five times, [a13].
- (Twice hearty sneezing), [a4].
- * Sneezing, fluent coryza, and chilliness, with loss of taste and smell, [_a2].
- Fluent coryza, [_a2].
- Fluent coryza and tickling cough, with violent eructations, retching, and vomiting of a
tough, watery mucus(eleventh day), [a8].
- Catarrhal symptoms toward evening(eighth day), [a8].
- Catarrhal stoppage of the nose, with thick, mucous discharge, [_a1].
- Catarrh in the left nostril, with stoppage of the nose and loss of smell(1.30 P.M. ), [_a1].
- Now stoppage of the nose, now a fluent catarrh, [_a1].
- Nose-bleed at 3 P.M. , followed by fluent coryza, with sneezing, [_a2].
- * Stupefying tension across over the root of the nose, as if laced with a band, [a4].
- A tearing and crawling in the left nostril, as of sudden irritation to sneeze, which,
however, does not occur(after half an hour), [_a1].
- Red face, [a45].
- Face bright-red, [a34].
- Face smutty color, [a12].
- * Livid face, [a50].
- * Pale face, [a17].
- * Great paleness, [a10].
- Remarkably pale face, for an hour, [a5].
- * Pale, sunken face, [a11, a12].
- Face unusually pale, and wore an expression of extreme anxiety, [a16].
- Countenance livid, bathed in clammy sweat, and expressive of great suffering(one hour),
- * Cold sweat on face, [a10].
- Spasmodic agitation of the facial muscles, [a48].
- * Convulsive twitches in almost every muscle of the face, [a19].
- Countenance distorted, with peculiar tetanic spasms of the jaws, as though she was
endeavoring to bite everything within reach, [a53].
- Burning heat of face, [a11].
- Tensive feeling in face and neck(second day), [a39].
- Dull pressure on the left malar bone, [a4].
- Sensitive drawing, at last dull pressure, on left malar bone, [a4].
- Lips livid, [a17].
- Cracked lips, at night on waking(fourth day), [_a3].
- * Dry, scurfy lips(third hour), [_a2].
- The right and left sides of the upper lip are full of clear, itching vesicles, which, on drying
up, are replaced by new ones;the itching is especially violent in the evening, [_a1].
- On the right side of the lower lip several clear vesicles;at the same time the right side of
the upper lip is swollen and covered with small pimples, with tensive pain on pressure,
- Burning externally on the right side of the chin, which lasts but a short time (after one
hour and a half), [_a1].
- Burning on the right side of the chin, as if one held a hot coal to it (after one hour and
three-quarters), [_a1].
- Drawing from the chin along the right side of the lower jaw, [a4].
- Violent toothache in the morning(fourth day), [_a3].
- Tearing in three to four teeth of the lower left row, which soon disappears (after an hour
and a half), [_a1].
- Pain in a root of a tooth of the right lower row, as if it were being taken out, which
frequently returns, [_a1].
- Gums bleed, as if scorbutic, [a33].
- Several burning blisters on the left side of the tongue, which soon disappear, but return a
day later(sixth day), [_a1].
- Tongue dry and red(one hour), [a52].
- Tongue very red and dry in the centre, [a30, a34].
- Tongue coated, [a12].
- Tongue in morning thick yellow, thicker in P.M. , [a12].
- Tongue coated gray, [a5].
- Tongue thickly white coated, [a33].
- * Tongue covered with a thick, white, pasty coat, [a16].
- Tongue coated slimy(fourth day), [a8].
- Tongue coated pappy, slimy, [a13].
- Moist, clean tongue, [a19].
- Tongue difficult to move, [a12].
- * It is painful to move the tongue about, [a47].
- Tearing pain on the left side, behind the root of the tongue, noticed on swallowing, [a5].
- In the morning after rising, the mouth is so sore that she can scarcely swallow, with white
tongue and sour taste(second day), [_a1].
- An unpleasant sensation on the palate the whole time, [_a3].
- On the posterior part of the palate, sensation of soreness, and as if a hard body lay against
it;without swallowing;it disappears on eating bread(8 A. M.), [_a1].
- Itching below the right corner of the mouth, where, after scratching, three vesicles arise;
- Mouth dry(ninth day), [a8].
- Increase of saliva, [a11].
- Saliva increased;must frequently expectorate, [a12].
- Salivation, [a12].
- Copious saliva runs from the mouth(fourth day), [a8].
- Great accumulation of water in the mouth, [a5].
- Accumulation of water in the mouth, without nausea, though with a qualmish, filthy taste,
- Collection of water in the mouth, [a9].
- Flow of tasteless, clear water in the mouth, which runs out in great quantity, with retching
and straining, without fetching up anything beyond a little clear mucus, [a14].
- Profuse spitting, [a17].
- Must often spit, even while eating, [a12].
- Bad taste in the mouth(eighth day), [a8].
- Very unpleasant taste in the mouth, [a33].
- Clammy mouth, [a10].
- Salty taste, [a5].
- Bitter mouth, [a10].
- Bitter mouth in morning, [a10].
- Taste bitter and pasty(fourth day), [a8].
- Taste dry and pasty(first day), [a8].
- Sour taste in the mouth, in the morning after waking(sixth and seventh days), [_a1].
- In the morning on waking, very sour taste on the posterior part of the tongue, as of salt,
which disappears after eating(second day), [_a1].
- Taste pappy or flat, [a12].
- No taste to the food(fourth hour), [_a2].
- Tobacco has no taste, [a4].
- Difficult speech, [a50].
- Speechless, [a23].
- Increased mucous secretion in the throat, [a11, a13].
- Much mucus in throat and short breathing(eighth day), [a8].
- * Sharp pain at the throat, [a46].
- Choking sensation, [a10].
- Roughness in the throat, with sensation as if a small leaf obstructed the windpipe, on
hawking;for one hour(after one hour), [_a1].
- Great roughness in the throat, which soon disappears(7 P.M. ), [_a1].
- Throat raw;swallowing difficult and painful, [a12].
- Itching and dryness in the throat, which provokes a hacking in the morning (seventeenth
day), [_a1].
- The soft palate and pharynx very red, covered with vesicles;many are opened, swollen,
and covered with mucus, [a33].
- Rapid swelling of the cervical glands and tonsils, [_a2].
- Sensitiveness of oesophagus, so that unchewed morsels cause much pain, [a13].
- Swallowing sensitive, [a12].
- Difficulty in swallowing, [a11, a30].
- * Great dysphagia, [a46].
- * Deglutition is impossible, [a45].
- Appetite increased(second day), [a8].
- Canine hunger on walking in open air, [_a2].
- Though food tastes good and he has some appetite, yet he can only gradually get some
food into his stomach, from which he feels better, and the pressure in the abdomen is
somewhat relieved(first day), [_a3].
- On eating, soon satiated, almost nauseated, must stop eating, [a12].
- * He eats at noon with appetite, but after he is satisfied a kind of nausea attacks him at
times, [a4].
- Some appetite, but food was quickly rejected, [a16].
- Usually good appetite, only sometimes poor, [_a3].
- * Extraordinary appetite for apples, and thirst for cool water;evenings he is soon sleepy,
against his usual habit, [a4].
- No more desire for tobacco, [a7].
- Cannot eat, on account of nausea and aversion, [a12].
- * Appetite diminished(third day, et seq.), [a8, a12].
- Loss of appetite, [a11, a36].
- Appetite completely lost(fifth day), [a8].
- Loss of appetite in the morning, [a10].
- The child eats little but drinks much, [_a2].
- Thirst(second day), [a8].
- Great thirst, [a53].
- Thirst increased(fourth day), [a8].
- Urgent thirst, [a10].
- Thirst constant and insatiable, [a16].
- Much thirst one day, the next none at all, [_a2].
- Thirst, with internal heat, [a5].
- Thirst for beer or sour milk, with dryness in the throat(6 P.M. ), [_a1].
- Desire for strong liquors and acids, [a10].
- * Desire for acids, [a7].
- * Absence of thirst, [a5].
- Absence of thirst the whole day, [_a2].
- Eructations, [a8].
- Eructations frequently through the day, slight gagging(fourth day), [a8].
- Eructations, sometimes tasteless, sometimes nauseous, [a14].
- Bitter eructations(eighth day), [a8].
- Eructations acid, bitter(fifth day), [a8].
- Eructations of a salty, nauseous fluid(second hour), [_a3].
- Sour eructations, [a7].
- Eructations of watery fluid, often of sharp, salty taste, [a4].
- Eructations, with taste of the breakfast, [_a1].
- * Empty eructations, [a5, _a3].
- Empty eructations relieve the nausea for a very short time, [a5].
- In the morning frequent eructations, with yawning, and great ill-humor(fifth day), [_a1].
- First eructations, then frequent risings of fluid(as of food), which she again swallows,
after which a sour taste and scrapy sensation down the throat remain, [a4].
- General hiccough, like eructations of air, [a4].
- Hiccough, [a44].
- Violent hiccough, but no vomiting, [a29].
- Uprisings of milk and an acid fluid(one hour), [_a3].
- Waterbrash, [a10].
- Qualmishness, a reminder of nausea, rises from the stomach, [a4].
- Qualmish, uncomfortable, and depressed, [a4].
- * After dinner, qualmishness in the stomach of some duration, [a4].
- Several times gagging severely, sweat starts out on the forehead, the limbs become very
weak, and much water flows from the mouth;followed by weakness, [a5].
- Violent retching(a half hour), [a9].
- Retching, [a43].
- Retching gradually comes on, which becomes more severe, till vomiting (with great
effort)ensues of tenacious mucus and bile(ninth day), [a8].
- Indescribable nauseous internal sensation, [a18].
- An especially disgusting sensation in the stomach;she believes it would do her good to
eructate; with frequent attacks of nausea in the stomach, which extends into the chest (after
three-quarters of an hour), [_a1].
- * Nausea, [a11, a12, a18, a41].
- Nausea(one hour), [a39].
- Continued nausea, [a18].
- Nausea from swallowing the saliva, [a12].
- Nausea after eating, [a10, a12].
- Nausea after eating or drinking, [a10].
- Nausea rises suddenly from the umbilicus and epigastric regions, in repeated attacks,
- * Nausea, causing anxiety(fifth day), [a8].
- Nausea, and great aversion to food(eighth day), [a8].
- Great nausea, with aversion to the accustomed food, and with pinchings in the abdomen,
- Nausea, accompanied by increased frequency of pulse, rising till he vomits, and followed
by slow, weak pulse, [a17].
- Nausea, which causes a particularly disagreeable feeling in the throat, [a5].
- * Nausea, with slight pressure in the pit of the stomach, followed by headache in the
forehead, [a5].
- Nausea increased, frequent hiccough, aversion, eructations, pressure in the throat (ninth
day), [a8].
- Nausea, inclination to vomit, after each dose, [_a3].
- Constant nausea, inclination to vomit, [a20].
- Ineffectual efforts to vomit, [a51].
- Nausea, vomiting(two hours), [_a3].
- Nausea and vomiting after eating, [a10].
- * Violent nausea and incessant vomiting through the whole night, and four stools in
twelve hours, [a19].
- Nausea and vomiting of curdled milk(in an infant whose nurse had taken Ant. tart).
- * Nausea(in a quarter of an hour), then yawning with profuse lachrymation, followed by
vomiting, [a6].
- Nausea and vomiting of mucus, with acceleration of the pulse from 62 to 75, where it
continued till night, [a36].
- Unheard of vomiting, [a21].
- Enormous vomiting(a strong dose), [a45].
- * Violent vomiting(three grammes), [a44].
- Intolerance of food and drink, [a16].
- * Vomits till he becomes faint, [a31].
- Vomiting in any position, except lying on the right side, [a16].
- After a violent pressure on the stomach it increases to vomiting, [a5].
- Retching, and once difficult vomiting of bitter, bad-smelling, pasty, and fluid matter (it
had an acid reaction, and showed traces of antimony), (fifth day), [a8].
- Green vomiting, [a11].
- Painful vomiting of much mucus and bile mixed with some blood(half an hour), [a34].
- Vomiting of some tough, watery mucus, then pasty food, and at last fluid mixed with bile,
with most violent exertion of the chest and abdomen, and anxious sweat, [a9].
- Vomiting of food, [a12].
- Vomiting of food, from the cough, [_a2].
- Vomiting speedy and easy followed by great retching(thirteenth day), [a8].
- * Vomiting, with headache, and trembling in the hands(half an hour), [_a3].
- First violent vomiting and purging(4 grains to an old woman), [a19].
- * Vomiting, with frequent stools(40 grains), [a47].
- * Violent vomiting and purging, with great prostration(ten minutes), [a53].
- * Vomiting, followed by constant involuntary watery stools(one hour), [a52].
- * Vomiting, with anguish, [a48].
- * Vomiting difficult after long retching, and followed by great prostration, [a12].
- * No vomiting(5 centigrammes), [a46].
- * No vomiting(from 15 centigrammes), [a50].
- * Heaviness in stomach(second day), [a8].
- Weakness in the stomach(eleventh day), [a8].
- Irritation in stomach and nausea(fourth day), [a8].
- Indescribable malaise in the region of the stomach and abdomen;on touching the parts
gently with the hand the pain increases in the region of the stomach and diminishes in the
abdomen, [a14].
- Pains in the stomach, [a44].
- Acute pains in the stomach, [a45].
- Craving sensation at stomach, [a10].
- Creeping sensation in the stomach, [a10].
- Unpleasant sensation of warmth in the stomach(in five minutes), which continually
increased to a painful burning, and caused great restlessness, [a33].
- Slight burning in the stomach, [a5].
- Burning heat in the stomach, [a29, a46].
- Burning and pressure in(an apparently full)stomach(eighth day), [a8].
- After the nausea, sensation of emptiness in the stomach, [a4].
- Fulness in stomach, [a12].
- Sensation after dinner as if one had overloaded, with nausea, griping in the region of the
navel, and sticking headache in the forehead and occiput, [_a2].
- * In the night, sensation as if she had loaded her stomach with something; eructations
frequent, like foul eggs;sleep restless, [_a2].
- Feeling of a weight in the region of the stomach, involving the whole abdomen, and
causing great malaise;this condition is ameliorated in the open air, and aggravated in the
room;it is also diminished by eructations, [a14].
- * Cramps in the stomach, [a44].
- Flatulent, audible motions in the epigastric region(three hours), [a5].
- * Pain at the epigastrium, [a50].
- * Slight pain at the epigastrium(second day), [a50].
- * Violent pains at the epigastrium, which was tense, [a47].
- Violent throbbing in epigastric region(a quarter of an hour), [_a3].
- (Continual whirling in the pit of the stomach, evenings on going to sleep, with very
violent rapid beating of the heart, which threatens to rupture the heart), [_a2].
- Feeling as of cold water at the pit of the stomach;with it he feels faint; he will fall
down;then follows heat in the head, [a6].
- In the region of the pit of the stomach, a sensitive aching as from incarcerated flatulence,
late in the evening;sometimes forcible expulsion of flatus with relief, [a4].
- * Pressure in pit of stomach(second day), [a8].
- Pressure in pit of stomach(ten minutes), [a9].
- Troublesome feeling of pressure in pit of stomach(fifth day), [a8].
- Pressure in the pit of the stomach, with very great nausea, [a5].
- A cutting sensation extends upward, from time to time, from the pit of the stomach, [a5].
- Sticking pain below the pit of the stomach, especially felt on drawing in the abdomen,
- Around, below the short ribs, sensitive painful tension, so that he can hardly sit, but
would rather lie, from incarcerated flatulence, which passes off from time to time, [a4].
- Dulness over the liver, increased one finger's breadth at the base, [a11].
- Epigastric and liver region some what tense(fifth day), [a8].
- Liver sensitive to contact, [a11].
- Warmth about the navel, gradually extending over the whole abdomen(after quarter of an
hour), [_a1].
- Colic around the umbilicus, early in morning, [a10].
- * Inflammation of the abdomen, [a41].
- Inflated abdomen, [a10].
- The abdomen is somewhat distended, and there is gurgling in it, perceptible externally,
- * Abdominal meteorism, [a47].
- Distension and tension in the abdomen, relieved somewhat by discharge of flatulence, but
often returning, [_a1].
- Upper abdomen distended and painful, [a26].
- Bowels relaxed(second day), [a39].
- Rumbling in abdomen as if water were in it, relieved by passage of wind, up and down,
- Much rumbling in the not-distended abdomen, before the diarrhoea, [a5].
- Rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen, [a22].
- Rumbling in abdomen, after eating, [a12].
- Much commotion in the abdomen, soon after taking, [_a1, a5].
- Slight moving about in the whole abdomen, with fine pinching, as if stool would occur
(after one and a half hours), [_a1].
- As the nausea paroxysmally increases, and slight retching motions arise in the throat, a
spasmodic motion is perceptible in the upper abdomen, [a5].
- Astonishing amount of flatulence, with rumbling in the abdomen, and only slight griping;
the easypassage of it relieved(second day), [_a3].
- Frequent offensive flatulence, preceded by rumbling and uneasiness in abdomen, [a12].
- Pains in abdomen, after eating, [a10].
- Violent pains in abdomen, after vomiting, [a31].
- The pain in the abdomen, though not so very severe, is yet so distressing, that he is in an
extremely restless mood, and disinclined to do any work, [_a3].
- Must lie and stretch out long, on account of discomfort in the upper and lower abdomen;
at last he goes to sleep(11 A. M.), [a4].
- Violent pain in epigastrium, and over the whole abdomen(one hour), [a52].
- The pain in the abdomen causes great restlessness in the body;one must constantly move
a limb or change position, [_a3].
- * The abdomen seems stuffed full of stones, though he has eaten nothing, and it does not
feel hard;a sensation that he feels after long-continued sitting at work, [_a3].
- Violent pressive tension in the abdomen, especially over the bladder, which decidedly
increases toward 6 P.M. , and lasts toward six days(second day), [_a3].
- A kind of cramp in the upper and lower abdomen, between nausea and tendency to
diarrhoea, in which now one now the other seems to predominate;at times relief from empty
eructations, and inclination to pass wind, or actual passage of wind, [a4].
- (Spasmodic pains in the abdomen;when they begin his eyes close forcibly, and he is
obliged to sleep whether he wishes or not), [_a2].
- Gripings in the bowels, with development of flatulence, [_a3].
- Griping and cutting, and repeated nausea, with empty eructations, and passage of flatus
with relief, [a4].
- After a meal, violent griping and cutting in the abdomen, which is not relieved by a stool
at 3 o'clock;it lasts till 4 o'clock(third day), [_a3].
- Pinching pain in abdomen below navel, [a12].
- Waking at 4.30 A. M., with some pinching and commotion in the abdomen, followed by
soft stool (second day), [_a1].
- In sitting, a crawling in abdomen, which becomes griping and flatulence, (afternoons),
- A transient nausea repeatedly in the abdomen, like an approaching griping, as if diarrhoea
would set in, [a4].
- Painful drawing, now in the right side of the abdomen, now in the left so that she can only
sit stooping, returning frequently, [_a1].
- * Violent pressure in the abdomen, as from stones, as if full;much worse on sitting,
especially on stooping; at times it changes into griping about the umbilical region(one
hour), [_a3].
- Pressive and griping pains in abdomen, [a12].
- Hard pressure in upper abdomen, [_a2].
- The pressure in the abdomen becomes sometimes more severe, and presses toward the
rectum, when soft, boiling, hot flatus passes, which relieves the pressure, [a5].
- Pressive pain in abdomen, in evening, after eating, relieved by bending backwards and
stooping, [a12].
- Pinching pressure and tension in the abdomen(eighth day), [a8].
- Dull pain in abdomen, [a10].
- Dull bellyache in the mesogastric region, with slight horripilation, and goose-skin, [a14].
- Cutting in the abdomen, evening, toward 9 o'clock(fourth day), [_a3].
- Stomach-ache, as if the intestines were cut, [a22].
- * Cuttings in the abdomen;and across the lower abdomen it lies like a stone, with great
nausea;after six times ineffectual retchings, followed by ineffectual tendency to diarrhoea,
vomiting with great exertion, trembling in the abdomen, and bending together; first food
with persistent sour taste, followed by a continued scraping feeling in the throat; afterward
chilliness, then two diarrhoeic stools in succession, the last time it passes like water, [a4].
- Cutting and griping in the abdomen, as from wind, [a4].
- Violent cutting and twisting in the abdomen, and tearing from the hypogastrium down
through the thighs to the knees, like labor pains, with fine but severe stitches at the navel,
with nausea and waterbrash;soon afterward diarrhoea, preceded by rumblings, and moving
of wind in the abdomen, [a4].
- * Violent colic, [a41].
- * Colic in the abdomen, [a44].
- Colic precedes the purging(forty-eight hours), [_a2].
- Short, tearing pain in the left side of the upper abdomen, frequently repeated, [a5].
- Stitching in intestines, [a11].
- Stitches in the upper abdomen, [_a2].
- Abdomen sensitive(eleventh day), [a8].
- Abdomen sensitive to contact, [a10, a11].
- Increased sensitiveness of the abdominal walls(eighth day), [a8].
- Abdomen sensitive to touch(fifth day), [a8].
- On drawing in the abdomen, a small spot in the left side of upper abdomen hurts, [a5].
- Frequent sensation of pulsating in the abdomen, [_a3].
- Violent, rheumatic, long-lasting pain in the whole left side;this pain is repeated, [a5].
- A stitch extends downwards from the stomach, in the left side of the abdomen, and again
upward;on expiration and on touch it aches, [a4].
- Warmth in the lower abdomen, as if she had drunk something very warm; it wanders
about, and finally up toward the stomach(after half an hour), [_a1].
- The tension in the abdomen seems to draw more toward the bladder on the third day,
- At 1 A. M., she wakes, on account of violent cramping and griping pain above the pubis,
with icy coldness on the whole trunk, head, and arms;cold sweat breaks out in such
profusion, that the shirt becomes drenched, with great internal heat;sensation of dryness of
the tongue, which is nevertheless moist;with warm lower extremities;frightful
apprehension; restlessness;she constantly throws herself from side to side;but, with
sensation of great heat, cannot bear to be uncovered. After a quarter of an hour, she is
inclined to eructation, without being able to;then empty eructation and small discharge of
flatulence, without relief;thirst;rising of water into the throat, with great nausea in the
stomach; paleness of the face;on the lower extremities warm sweat;and such great lassitude
of the feet that she is unable to raise them;inclination to stool;hardness and sensitiveness of
the lower abdomen on rubbing;even long before this, she felt the pain while asleep.(After a
small dose of Ipecac, the sweat disappears, after quarter of an hour; then the coldness, and
lastly the pains, which occur at longer and longer intervals, till they disappear altogether),
(after half an hour).After cessation of this frightful attack, she slept soundly;6 A. M., on
waking, heaviness of the head, and appearance of the menses; blood thick and black;they
are too soon, but without any other difficulty, and last as usual, three days(fourth day),
- (Spasmodic drawing from the thigh to the abdomen), [_a2].
- Pressure in the hypogastrium and aching, with cold shivers, as if menses would appear,
- Stitches over the pubis, [a7].
- Very violent burning soreness in the right groin, [_a1].
- Slight sticking, tearing pains in a small spot on the left side of the lower abdomen, [a5].
- Slight rheumatic sensation in the left pelvic bones, [a5].
Stool and anus
- Several painful tearings in the rectum, after dinner, [_a1].
- Sticking pain in the rectum(second day), [_a3].
- Transient stitch in the rectum(ninth hour), [_a3].
- Sudden, violent, alarming stitch from the lower abdomen, down through the rectum
(fourth hour), [_a3].
- (Haemorrhoids), [_a2].
- Burning in the anus after stool, [a5].
- Violent tension in the perineum, especially on walking, with strong desire to urinate
(uninterrupted for several days), [_a3].
- In the morning, after rising, the usual stool, with cutting in the rectum, preceded by
pinching in the abdomen(fourth day), [_a1].
- Stool after eating, [a12].
- Stool solid at first, then pasty, with tenesmus(fifth day), [a8].
- After repeated desire, stool, which seems to be almost thin fluid, but really is only pasty,
- Pasty stool(three in twelve hours), [a36].
- * Copious alvine evacuation, [a44].
- Soft copious evacuation, [a10].
- Liquid, greenish stool, with heat at anus, [a10].
- Stool, thin mucus, with rumbling and pressure in the bowels(ninth day), [a8].
- Stool soft, half fluid(sixth and seventh days), [a8].
- Soft stool every day, for four days, [a10].
- In the evening, two soft stools, [_a1].
- Two thin fluid stools, with sensitive drawing pains in the abdomen(eleventh day), [a8].
- Though he had his usual stool a few hours before, yet he is obliged to go again to stool,
- Repeated tendency to stool, [a4].
- Diarrhoea, [a11].
- * Abundant diarrhoea, [a48].
- Diarrhoea yellowish-brown, [a5].
- Thin, bilious, mucous diarrhoea, [a12].
- Diarrhoea slimy, appears like yeast, with a marked cadaverous smell, [a54].
- Diarrhoea is very watery, [a5].
- Bloody stools, [a24].
- * Very offensive diarrhoeic stools, [a51].
- * Diarrhoea and vomiting, [a41].
- Involuntary diarrhoea(death thirty hours after), [a19].
- Involuntary evacuations of much mucus, and dead roundworms, [a31].
- Involuntary, watery, blood-streaked stools, [a24].
- Faeces mixed with mucus and bile, [a12].
- Stools vary, sometimes soft, sometimes hard, [a12].
- Uncommonly hard stool, difficult to pass(first day), [_a3].
- Hard stool, it omits one day, [_a3].
- Desire for stool ineffectual, though the bowels seem full and pressing (eighth day), [a8].
- No stool for several days, [_a2].
- Constipation(third day), [a8].
Urinary organs
- A very sensitive sticking pain in the lower part of the bladder;he believes that the pain
must be caused by troubles from a stone(third day), [_a3].
- * Burning in the urethra while urinating(eighth day), [_a1].
- * Violent burning in the urethra after urinating(third day), [_a3].
- Slight tearing pain in the forepart of the urethra, [a5].
- Continued sticking pain in the posterior portion of the urethra, the whole forenoon
(second day), [_a3].
- * The urging to urinate and the burning in the urethra increase, only a little urine passes;
the last drops are bloody and accompanied by violent pain in the bladder(fourth day), [_a3].
- Increased desire to urinate(ninth day), [a8].
- Frequent desire to urinate(eighth day), [a8].
- Violent urging to urinate, during which it burns in the urethra(second day), [_a3].
- (He can hold his water no longer), [_a2].
- Diuresis, [a18].
- Frequent urinating, and pressure to urinary passages, [a12].
- Urinates more frequently(fourth day), [a8].
- Frequent passage of dark urine(fifth day), [a8].
- Frequent urinating, forenoons and evening(sixth day), [a8].
- Frequent urinating, followed by relief of symptoms(eleventh day), [a8].
- Increased urination, [a11].
- Copious urination, [a10].
- Profuse urination, [a17].
- Urine profuse(second day), [a39].
- Urine increased;clear, watery, [a12].
- Urine increased, dark, turbid(ninth day), [a8].
- Urine more copious and frequent;diminishes at last, [a4].
- Retention of urine followed by fatal eclampsia(inunction), Krebs, [a37].
- The urinary troubles last from two to six days continually, at first increasing, then
gradually decreasing, [_a3].
- * Urine dark brownish-red, turbid, and with a strong odor, [a5].
- Urine turbid and dark at first, afterward clear, [a5].
- The urine at first clear like water, deposits a milky sediment, which mixes readily on
shaking the glass, and gives a milky look to the whole(fourth day), [_a3].
- The urine becomes cloudy, and deposits an earthy sediment(first day), [_a1].
- The urine deposits a violet-colored, earthy sediment(after one and a half hours), [_a1].
- Albuminous urine, [a11].
- On the fifth day, the urine has a red inflammatory look, and on standing deposits
Sexual organs
- Sexual organs first excited, then relaxed, [a12].
- A burning irritation, very singular, more like a tickling, though not at all voluptuous;
rather very troublesome;not relieved by anything;extends from the region of the rectum,
through the urethra, to the glans, where the tickling is most severe(lasts six to seven days
without interruption, and is his most distressing symptom), [_a3].
- Sexual desire aroused(eleventh day), [a8].
- Leucorrhoea for two days only, [_a1].
- The menses six days too early, weak, and only for two days, [_a1].
Respiratory apparatus
- Tough secretion of mucus from air-passages(fifth day), [a8].
- * Large increase in amount of carbonic acid expired, [a12].
- Violent tickling in the air-passages provokes a short cough, [a5].
- Pain in larynx, and short cough on talking, [a12].
- Fulness and oppression in bronchi(third day), [a8].
- Irritation to cough, with tough mucus in the throat, oppressed breathing, and sensitive
stitches in the left breast(ninth day), [a8].
- Voice small, changed;evening(ninth day), [a8].
- Morning hoarseness, [a12].
- Hoarseness, worse on talking, [a12].
- Increased hoarseness, with cough, hawking, and expectoration, [a12].
- Cough for half an hour before midnight, [_a2].
- Cough after eating;the child vomits his food and mucus, [_a2].
- The catarrh provokes a cough, though she had no power to cough, [_a2].
- Much cough and sneezing, [_a2].
- Dry, frequent cough, [a10].
- Slight, dry cough, [a10].
- Two attacks of dry cough(after one hour), [_a1].
- Difficult cough, with some expectoration, [a12].
- At the beginning of every paroxysm of coughing she often snuffed for air, as if she could
not get it, before she got the strength to cough, [_a2].
- Cough and hawking of mucus in morning;comes up easily, [a12].
- Cough about 2 or 3 A. M., with expectoration, [_a2].
- Sputa white, frothy;expectoration abundant, [a54].
- easyexpectoration of a great deal of sweetish, transparent mucus, [a14].
- * Rapid breathing, [a9, a43].
- * Respiration short, [a29].
- * Respiration heavy anxious, [a9].
- Respiration hard and anxious(third day), [a8].
- Respiration hard, full(fifth day), [a8].
- Respiration deeper(in general), [a12].
- * Difficult respiration, [a12].
- In sleep, expiration was snoring, inspiration in two jerks, intermitting; breathing often
irregular and interrupted, [_a2].
- * Dyspnoea, [a10, a11].
- * Dyspnoea;she must be supported in a sitting position in bed, [a19].
- Loss of breath, [a11].
- Asthmatic ever since the proving, [a54].
- Respiration hindered on account of swelling of the pharynx and accumulation of tough
mucus there, with fever and delirium, [a30].
- * It seems as if he would suffocate, evenings, in bed;he cannot get air, and is obliged to
sit up the whole night, [_a2].
- * About 3 A. M. she was suffocated and oppressed, and had to sit up to get air; only after
cough and expectoration she became better, [_a2].
- * The mucus rattles in the chest; oppression of the chest, [_a2].
- Large pustules on the chest and neck, like cow-pox, with a red areola;after three weeks it
is covered with a crust, and leaves a deep scar, [a25].
- Anxious feeling in chest and around heart, [a13].
- * Anxious, with oppression of the chest and rising of warmth from the heart, [a4].
- Pain deep in chest and pharynx, after violent sneezing, [a7].
- Burning in the chest(before each of his usual epileptic attacks), which rises into the
throat, [a6].
- * Fulness in the chest(sixth and seventh days), [a8, a10].
- * Chest feels all the time very full, [a10].
- * Fullness in lungs, [a12].
- * Constriction of chest(fifth day), [a8].
- Constriction in chest, frequently associated with cough, [a12].
- * Oppression of chest, [a10].
- Uncommon oppression of the chest(fourth day), [_a3].
- Pain, as if bruised, in the upper part of the chest, on bending the head forward; on rising,
it is relieved, but returns on stooping again(after two hours), [_a1].
- An almost sore, paroxysmal feeling in the chest, especially in the left side, toward
evening, the second day, with a hopeless, despairing mood, [_a3].
- Rawness and constriction in chest, and expectoration of mucus, [a12].
- On stooping, a fine stitch on the right lowest rib(after one and a half hours), [_a1].
- Pain in right side, behind and at base of chest, aggravated by deep breathing, [a10].
- An itching stitch on the right nipple(after three-quarters of an hour), [_a1].
- Burning in the left breast, near the shoulder, more externally;on pressure or rubbing, it is
worse;then it diminishes and intermits somewhat of itself(after half an hour), [_a1].
- Long-lasting painful stitching in the upper left side of the chest, near the clavicle, and at
the same time in the left axilla(after two hours), [_a1].
- A fine stitch in the left side of the chest below the axilla, on motion of the trunk (after half
an hour), [_a1].
- Crawling, as of insects, above the left mamma, [_a1].
- Burning under the upper part of the sternum;afterwards, in the stomach(after half an
hour), [_a1].
- Very unpleasant heavy feeling in the praecordium(ninth day), [a8].
- Pressure or heaviness in the praecordial region, [a4].
Extremities in general
- * Insensibility and coldness of limbs;weak, almost imperceptible pulse, without
vomiting(child), [a32].
- Right arm and hand and both great toes were cold to the touch, [a16].
- Heaviness in all the limbs(eighth day), [a8].
- Great heaviness in the feet and arms, so that she must let them sink down, [a4].
- Constant inclination to stretch the limbs, [a10].
- Weakness of the limbs, [a50].
- * Weakness in all limbs(sixth and seventh days), [a8].
- Weakness of limbs, especially legs, [a13].
- Extremities tired and weak(second day), [a8].
- Fatigue in the limbs, [a5].
- Burning and tearing in the joints(sixth to seventh day), [a8].
- Drawing and tearing in the joints(eleventh day), [a8].
- Slight rheumatic drawings through the whole right hand, immediately afterward, drawing
through both legs from above downward, especially in the region of the knee, and noticed
on walking(two hours), [a5].
- (Tearing in the limbs), [_a2].
- Tearing and drawing in joints, [a11, a13].
- Tearing and drawing in the extremities(eighth day), [a8].
- Rheumatic and bruised sensation in the limbs, on rising and shortly before it, [a5].
Upper extremities
- Frequent twitching of the tendons in the arms and hands, [a19].
- A kind of dislocated pain in the right shoulder, [a4].
- A cracking in the shoulder-joint, with tearing pains to the hands, [_a2].
- Soreness in shoulder-blades, [a15].
- Short, rheumatic pain, around and in the shoulder-joint, and the left breast, [a5].
- A violent tearing, externally in the right shoulder, followed by itching(after one hour),
- Violent itching in the left shoulder;after scratching, a number of small vesicles arise, and
she must scratch till they bleed, without relief to be itching whereupon the spot burns; the
vesicles dry after three days, [_a1].
- Fine stitching and twinging below the left axilla;then a stitch, with twinging, on the
condyles of the left elbow(after two hours), [_a1].
- A twinging sensation in front of the left axilla, as if one raised the skin (after two hours),
- Tearing twitching in the arm and left side, [_a2].
- Severe jerking in the right arm, is not relieved by motion(immediately), [_a3].
- Burning on the inner surface of the right upper arm, toward the shoulder, with
yawning(after two hours), [_a1].
- A drawing down along the outer surface of the left upper arm, almost as if in the bone, in
several short paroxysms, [a4].
- A fine boring in the right humerus, as if in the marrow, which frequently increases, then
extending into the shoulder, frequently somewhat diminished;it disappears on pressure, and
is relieved on motion of the arm, but frequently returns(after one hour), [_a1].
- Short, rheumatic pain in the left elbow, [a5].
- Itching on the external surface of the right elbow, which disappears on scratching (after
three-quarters of an hour), [_a1].
- On the forearm near the wrist, an eruption of pimples like the itch, also on the upper arm;
the itching is relieved by scratching, [_a2].
- Transient, rather severe tearing in the muscles of the left forearm, [a5].
- A twinging or sensation as if something would raise the skin, on the inner surface of the
left forearm;on pressure it disappears, but returns again(after half an hour), [_a1].
- Violent itching on the external surface of the left forearm;on scratching, small pimples
appear, which burn, and the skin becomes rose-red, but white on pressure; the redness
continues two hours(6 P.M. ), [_a1].
- Itching on the inner surface of the left forearm;after scratching, a number of small
pimples arise(in the forenoons), [_a1].
- * Trembling of hands(eleventh day), [a8].
- * Cold hands and icy cold tips of the fingers(third day), [_a3].
- The left hand is remarkably cold, the right not, [a5].
- * Hands cold and moist, [a17].
- On coughing, heat and moisture of the hands, and sweat of the head, [_a2].
- On the back of left hand, on touching the hairs, fine severe stitches.
- Tearing and stitching in the border of the left thumb, so violent that it seems as if the
tendons would be torn out(9 A. M.), [_a1].
- When she wants to clench her fist, or extend the fingers, they are tense, as if swollen(4
P.M. ), [_a1].
- Fingers firmly contracted down upon the shoulders, with every muscle in an
extraordinary state of rigidity, [a52].
- On the lowest joint of the right middle and ring fingers, frequent violent pinching pain,
with sensation as if the tendons would contract;still, motion remains free(fifth day), [_a1].
- Stitching in the lowest joints of the left middle and ring fingers, as from a thistle, worse
on pressure(sixth day), [_a1].
- Twitching, tearing below the right third finger, as if in the marrow, extends towards the
arm; disappears only gradually, in the afternoon, [_a1].
- Tearing on the back of the left middle finger, as if it would tear out the tendon (for one
minute), [_a1].
- The tips of the fingers become dead, dry and hard, without sensation, several days, [_a3].
Lower extremities
- Numbness and coldness in the legs, [a16].
- Lower extremities heavy and stiff, as if lamed, [a12].
- Drawing, tensive pain in lower extremities(fourth day), [a8].
- Tension and tearings in lower extremities, [a12].
- Rheumatic pain in and over the left hip, [a5].
- Just below the left hip, transient rheumatic pains, [a5].
- Spasmodic twitchings of the muscles of the thigh(eleventh day), [a8].
- * Tension in the hamstrings on walking, evening, [_a2].
- Rheumatic drawing in the upper part of the right thigh, [a5].
- Twinging on the anterior surface of the left thigh, as if one pinched him, or raised his skin
with a needle;the spot continued to pain still longer in the open air (after two hours), [_a1].
- Fatigue in the knees, [a7].
- Burning pricking in the knees, [a4].
- In the morning in bed, and on rising, aching in the bones of the knee-joint, as if the limb
had no power, and as if the tendons were overstretched and strained, [_a2].
- Tearing, a hand's breadth above and below the knee, on the external surface(after two
hours), [_a1].
- Evenings in bed, sticking in the knee and hip(first day), [_a3].
- On the left side below the left knee, a slow, throbbing, sensitive picking, in rest and
motion, [a4].
- Painful cramps in the calves, [a31].
- Cramp in the calves frequently wake him, [a16].
- Cramp in the calves, afternoons, disappears on walking(about fifth day), [_a3].
- Spasmodic drawing sensation in the calves(ninth day), [a8].
- Soreness in calves, [a15].
- Tearing internally in the right calf, and at the same time burning externally (after half an
hour), [_a1].
- Slight twitches in the left calf(second day), [_a3].
- Rheumatic pain on the left side of the left calf, [a5].
- Tearing and itching on the external surface of the left calf(after two hours), [_a1].
- Violent pinching and clutching in the left calf, and from the popliteal space to the external
malleolus;extremely painful, [_a1].
- Itching below the left calf, which causes scratching, after which a considerable lump
arises, which continues to itch, [_a1].
- An outward sticking in the varices, [_a2].
- A painful, biting itching in the leg, where there are varices, as if a suppurating
inflammatory swelling would ensue, [_a2].
- Very violent, rheumatic pains between the calf and the malleolus of the left leg; together
with rheumatic pains in the right lower back teeth, [a5].
- Slight swelling and stiffness of the malleoli of the right foot(eleventh day), [a8].
- * The feet go to sleep immediately after sitting down each time, [_a3].
- The right foot goes to sleep while standing, with crawling(2 P.M. ), [_a1].
- Weariness in the feet(third day), [a8].
- Cold feet, [a5].
- She can scarcely raise the feet on account of heaviness(6 P.M. ), [_a1].
- Suddenly across the left instep, a transient, pressive, pricking pain, as from a blow, [a4].
- On the left instep, near the inner malleolus, suddenly a pricking transient pressure, as
from a blow;it goes as quickly as it came, [a4].
- During the day, on walking, a tension on the dorsum of the foot, [_a2].
- Itching soreness between the little and next toe of the right foot, for ten days, [_a1].
- A sudden, painful, rhythmical picking in the left great toe, [a4].
- Face and whole body very pale(twelfth hour), [a19].
- Loss of seven pounds, in weight, in three weeks, [a11].
- Spasmodic movements, [a24].
- * Convulsions(death in a few hours), [a19].
- Convulsions and loss of consciousness, [a29].
- * Convulsions and tetanic spasms, [a53].
- She lay on the ground distorted by cramps, rigid, as if dead;one foot was gangrenous and
afflicted with most violent pain, [a21].
- Constant contraction of all the muscles, especially of the abdomen and upper
extremities(two hours), [a52].
- Vomiting and epileptic spasms(inunction on a child), [a38].
- As soon as he got warm in bed, at night, he sprang into the air, [_a2].
- * Trembling, [a19].
- * Whole body trembled and felt very sick, [a12].
- * A very peculiar internal trembling(third day), [_a3].
- * Long-continued trembling of the head, and a paralytic trembling in the hands on every
motion(15 grains), [a19].
- * Throbbing and pulsating in all the vessels of the body, perceptible externally, yet
without anxiety, only with ill-humor, [_a2].
- Relaxed condition of the whole body, [_a3].
- * His condition was such, that he might have been taken for a man intoxicated on wine,
- Blood loses fibrin, and becomes thinner, [a12].
- * Restlessness excessive(ninth day), [a8].
- * Either general restlessness or nausea, [a18].
- * Restlessness, vertigo, syncope, [a50].
- Anxious restlessness and tossing about(fifth day), [a8].
- Great general discomfort, which starts from the abdomen;he groans and moans
involuntarily; restlessness drives him from sitting to standing, and walking about, [a4].
- For two days, indolence and great sleepiness, [a28].
- * Weakness, general and great depression of spirits(eleventh day), [a8].
- * Great weakness, [a11].
- * Great weakness and lassitude, [a12].
- * Weakness and exhaustion, [a16].
- * Weakness so great that he must lie in bed, [a9].
- * After vomiting, great weakness, fatigue, and sleepiness, disgust for all the customary
food;pale, earthy face;swimming dim eyes, yet appetite for cooling things, like apples, [a4].
- * Such great general weakness, and so warm about the heart, that she must let the arms
sink down, [a4].
- * The child wishes to be carried constantly, [_a2].
- Great fatigue, [a10].
- General fatigue on waking, [a9].
- Very weary, [a12].
- Whole body very weary and prostrated(4 P.M. ), [_a1].
- * Prostration and weariness in all the limbs(ninth day), [a8].
- * Great prostration and sluggishness of the body;he feels best when he sits still and does
nothing, [_a3].
- So prostrated, that she can only raise her feet with difficulty, in the forenoons, [_a1].
- * Faintness, [a19].
- Faintness;he lost consciousness, [_a2].
- Attacks of faintness, [a12].
- * Syncope, [a44].
- * Alternations of unsteadiness and syncope, [a43].
- Loss of sensation, [a19].
- Loss of sensation in the anointed parts, [a18].
- General malaise, [a11].
- Malaise after supper, [a11].
- Malaise, nausea(in a few hours), [a50].
- Head, hands, and feet feel swollen and enlarged, after walking in the open air(4 P.M. ),
- Drawings here and there, [a4].
- Tearing in all the limbs, the chest, abdomen, testicles, and eyes, [_a2].
- Tearing and drawing in the bowels, and in all the limbs, [a9].
- Rash, where the salve had been rubbed in, [a25].
- Reddish rash, [_a2].
- Rash on the arms, breast, and occiput, [_a2].
- Itching eruption on the skin, [a39].
- Eruption of bright red, small, conical, distinct, hard pimples, with an inflamed base like
lichen simplex, thickly covered the breast, anterior surfaces of the upper arms, wrists,
hypogastrium, and inner surfaces of the thighs, [a16].
- * Vesicular eruption over the body(internal use), [a42].
- A very itching rash, which suppurates, [a20].
- Rash over the face and whole body, with profuse sweat;respiration very difficult with
continued heat, thirst, and headache, [a20].
- * Painful pustular eruption, [a18].
- Pustules, when it is rubbed in, also on other parts of body, as nasal fossae, margin of anus,
glans penis, genitals, arms, etc., [a39].
- * A thick eruption like pocks, often pustular, as large as a pea, filled with pus, [a27].
- * Eruption of itching pustules, which soon dry up, [a12].
- From applying antimonial ointment to the dorsal region considerable local eruption was
produced; in six days itching on scrotum;on ninth day five pustules on scrotum and three on
penis, [a39].
- * Eruption of pimples and vesicles, which in two days are filled with pus, are like the
pustules of small-pox and are very painful;these pustules dry up and form crusts; this
eruption appears first on the internal surface of the forearm, then on the back(from internal
use), [a40].
- At first small, red pustules;the third day increased in number and size; the fourth day most
of them had a brown everted margin, were covered by crusts similar to cow-pox, and
contained much matter in the centre;the sixth and seventh days some were as large as the
thumbnail, shaped like a flat ulcer, and contained much thin matter, [a20].
- Most of the suppurating places became confluent the eighth day, and discharged blood
and matter, [a20].
- The corners of the nostrils are ulcerated and painful(four hours), [_a2].
- Cracked lips, at night, on waking(fourth day), [_a3].
- Dry, scurfy lips(three hours), [_a2].
- The right and left sides of the upper lip are full of clear, itching vesicles, which, on drying
up, are replaced by new ones;the itching is especially violent in the evening, [_a1].
- On the right side of the lower lip several clear vesicles;at the same time the right side of
the upper lip is swollen, and covered with small pimples, with tensive pain on pressure,
- Eruption of pimples like pocks on the side of the chin;tickling sensation;must rub it,
- Two boils behind on the right side of the tongue, painful on touch, 3 P.M. , [_a1].
- A boil behind on the left side of the tongue, which pains as if sore when she presses it
with the tongue, or on swallowing(from the morning after rising till evening), (second day),
- Several burning blisters on the left side of the tongue, which soon disappear, but return a
day later(sixth day), [_a1].
- Itching below the right corner of the mouth, where, after scratching, three vesicles arise;
- Skin from waist to knees covered with an infinite number of small pimples, which itch
intolerably;she is compelled to scratch till the blood comes; external genitals much swollen,
- Pimply eruption on the genitals, [a26].
- Small red pustules on the genitals, [a20].
- Frequently observed that when the pustular eruption was very copious where the ointment
was applied, similar eruptions developed on the genitals, [a39].
- * Pustules developed on the scrotum, five weeks after the removal of an antimonial
plaster, from between the shoulders, [a39].
- Large pustules on the chest, like cow-pox, with a red areola;after three weeks it is covered
with a crust and leaves a deep scar, [a25].
- Several small pimples on the upper part of left side of the chest, and a similar one on the
right side(eighth day), [_a1].
- A red, somewhat swollen, streak, two inches long, on the left side of the neck, without
sensation, which does not disappear on pressure, but lasts twenty days, [_a1].
- Violent itching in the left shoulder;after scratching, a number of small vesicles arise, and
she must scratch till they bleed, without relief to the itching, whereupon the spot burns; the
vesicles dry after three days, [_a1].
- Itching on the anterior surface of the right upper arm;after scratching, small, deepseated
pimples appear, which continue to itch(third day), [_a1].
- On the forearm, near the wrist, an eruption of pimples, like the itch;also on the upper arm;
the itching is relieved by scratching, [_a2].
- A tetter, as large as a penny, on the inner surface of the left forearm, which disappears
after three days, but returns after eight days, and itches violently, especially when scratched;
the place remains rough for some time after, [_a1].
- Small, red, elevated spots, like flea-bites, appear on the hands, without pain, and
disappear after two hours(fourth day), [_a3].
- Dark-yellow spots of large size appear on several fingers, remain two days(fourth day),
- On each buttock three or four tensively paining pimples, which pain like a boil on
pressure, and last four days, [_a1].
- Voluptuous itching below the right calf;after scratching, a number of deepseated pimples
arise, which do not cease to itch till scratched bloody, and then the place itches and burns
for a long time(second day), [_a1].
- Itching below the left calf, which causes scratching, after which a considerable lump
arises, which continues to itch, [_a1].
- Itching, [a11, a12].
- Itching in the skin, [a18].
- Itching, now here, now there, which disappears on scratching, [_a1].
- Biting itching over whole body(eleventh day), [a8].
- Itching around an old ulcer, [_a2].
- A crawling itching in the sore itself(evenings on lying in bed), [_a2].
- Itching below the left lower jaw, which disappears on scratching, [_a1].
- Voluptuous itching in the nape of the neck, which causes scratching, till the blood comes,
on which it does not disappear(7 P.M. ), [_a1].
- Itching on the middle of the right shoulder-blade, [_a1].
- Itching on the external surface of the right upper arm, just above the elbow, which
disappears on scratching(10 A. M.), [_a1].
- Itching on the external surface of the right elbow, which disappears on scratching (after
three and a quarter hours), [_a1].
- Itching on the inner surface of the left forearm;after scratching, a number of small
pimples arise (in the forenoon), [_a1].
- Violent itching on the external surface of the left forearm;on scratching, small pimples
appear, which burn, and the skin becomes rose-red, but white on pressure;the redness
continues two hours(6 P.M. ), [_a1].
- Violent itching in the palm of the left hand, which disappears on scratching (after one and
a half hours), [_a1].
- Burning itching on the inner side of the left thigh;after scratching, pain as if sore, and on
touch as if bruised(6 P.M. ), [_a1].
- Itching on the front part of the left knee, which disappears on scratching, [_a1].
- A painful biting-itching in the leg where there are varices, as if a suppurating
inflammatory swelling would ensue, [_a2].
- An itching and biting in the right sole, so that he must scratch, evenings in bed, [a4].
- * Cold skin, [a44].
- Cold sensation on skin, [a11].
- Chills, [a11, a14].
- Chilliness, [_a3].
- He is chilly and very cold, [_a2].
- Violent shivers through whole body, [a17].
- Slight chilliness(third day), [a8].
- Feeling as if cold run through all the vessels(soon after taking it), [a4].
- Feverish chills, [a13].
- Constant chilliness with very warm clothing(sixth and seventh days), [a8].
- Chilliness from within outward, spreads from the spine over the abdomen and
extremities(fourth day), [a8].
- Chill at night and on rising in the morning, [_a2].
- Severe chill several forenoons, [_a3].
- From morning till evening constantly chilly, as soon as she goes from the room into the
open air, [_a1].
- During normal stool cold shivers through the skin, [a12].
- Chill over whole body, with trembling and shaking at 3 P.M. (for several hours), [_a2].
- * He looks pale and suffering, and is so chilly on going into the open air that he trembles,
- Chilliness, as if cold water had been dashed over him, with gooseflesh on the arms, and
repeated yawning(soon after taking it), [a4].
- In the morning after rising, for half an hour, chill, with gooseflesh, and likewise at 7
P.M. , for two hours, after which thirst follows, at 9 o'clock(third day), [_a1].
- Chilliness, with gooseflesh and cold skin over the whole body, which remained a long
time on the hands(ninth day), [a8].
- * Trembling and chilliness over whole body,
- Slight chill, drowsiness, and weakness, [a14].
- Warmth of skin, [a11].
- Temperature elevated, [a12].
- * Unusual heat of the body, [a18].
- Violent heat, [a20].
- General warmth over whole body(fourth day), [a8].
- General increased warmth over whole body(fifth day), [a8].
- Heat, [a18].
- Flushes of heat rising to the head, [a10].
- Dry heat, driving him out of bed, [a10].
- Fever, [a11].
- Fever of the same kind, at the same time, for the two following days, [_a3].
- Constant heat in the afternoon, increased by the slightest motion;it affects the head
especially; daily, [_a3].
- Evenings, great heat all over, especially in the face, without marked thirst, [_a2].
- Restlessness, violent febrile excitement, great heat, thirst, and headache, and the night
after it very profuse sweat, [a20].
- Heat, with weak pulse, [a12].
- Heat and thirst, for several days, [_a2].
- Toward 6 o'clock, fever as yesterday, with want of appetite, followed by increased pain in
the abdomen(fourth day), [_a3].
- Creeping coldness and heat, with nausea and faintness, [a9].
- Chilliness, with heat of certain parts, especially face, [a12].
- Fever first appears toward 8 P.M. , chill, with flushes of heat(third day), [_a3].
- Chill, on motion, alternating with heat, [_a2].
- Violent febrile chill, evenings at 6;after eating, violent heat, with drawing in the occiput
(first day), [_a3].
- Feverishness, with coldness, starting from spine and extending to extremities, and
especially to abdomen, [a12].
- Alternate heat and coldness, [a12].
- Chill alternates with heat till toward 8 P.M. ;at night he wakes with thirst and urging to
urinate(second day), [_a3].
- Sweat, [a18].
- * Sweat all over, [a18].
- Sweat general(ninth day), [a8].
- Sweat on forehead and neck, [a33].
- * Perspiration profuse(second day), [a39, a41], etc.
- Profuse perspiration during sleep, [a10].
- Profuse sweat over whole head and on the chest(fifth day), [a8].
- Profuse sweat, especially of the affected parts, [a20].
- Profuse general sweat, mornings on waking(eleventh day), [a8].
- Profuse sweat at night, [_a2].
- * Cold sweat, [a6, a12].
- * Cold sweat all over the body(in ten minutes), [a49].
- Cold sweat very soon(2 grains to a child), [a19].
- * The whole body breaks out into a cold, clammy sweat(15 grains), [a9].
- (Morning), Head confused;on waking, head heavy, etc.;heat on forehead;heaviness in
head, etc.; twitching-tearing in right ear;violent toothache;tongue thick yellow;after rising,
mouth sore, etc.; after waking, sour taste in mouth;on waking, sour taste at back of
tongue;dryness in throat, etc.; loss of appetite;frequent eructations, etc.;early, colic around
umbilicus; after rising, cutting in rectum, with stool;cough, etc.;pain in lower part of back;
in bed and on rising, aching in knee-joint;on rising, chill;after rising, chill, etc.; on waking,
profuse, general sweat.
- (Forenoon), Head heavy, etc.;sticking in urethra;frequent urination;stretching and
yawning; eyes close involuntarily, etc.;severe chill.
- (Afternoon), Headache, etc.;coating on tongue thicker;on motion, surging toward neck
upwards, etc.; on sitting, crawling in abdomen;cramp in calves;constant heat.
- (Toward evening), Hopeless, etc., etc.;fretfulness, etc.;catarrhal symptoms; sore feeling in
chest, etc.
- (Evening), Pain in side of forehead, etc.;heaviness in head, etc.;burning in eyes; on lying
down, twitching-tearing in right concha;ulcerative pain in right concha; itching heat in
upper lip;on going to sleep, whirling in pit of stomach, etc.; late, aching in pit of
stomach;toward 9 o'clock, cutting in abdomen;two soft stools; frequent urinating;voice
changed;in bed, suffocative feeling;on waking, tension in hamstrings; in bed, sticking in
knee, etc.;on lying in bed, itching in the sore; in bed, itching-biting in left sole;heat all over.
- (Night), On waking, bad headache, etc.;on waking, cracked lips;violent nausea and
vomiting; stomach feels loaded, etc.;whirling, etc., of the heart; child screams, etc.;chill.
- (Before midnight), Cough;sleeplessness.
- (Midnight), Wakes with thirst, etc.
- (Morning till evening), Constantly chilly.
- (Morning till 5 P.M. ), Headache, etc.
- (11 A. M. till evening), Stitches in head.
- (2 P.M. till 3 A. M.), Sticking in forehead.
- (2 to 3 A. M.), Cough, with expectoration.
- (About 3 A. M.), Suffocated.
- (1 P.M. ), Headache, etc.;cramp, etc., in bowels;pain above pubis, etc.
- (3 P.M. ), Head heavy, etc.;nose-bleed;chills all over, etc.
- (4 P.M. ), Feeling of heat in head.
- (Toward 6 P.M. ), Tension in abdomen.
- (6 P.M. ), Febrile chill.
- (7 P.M. ), Chill, etc.
- (Towards 8 P.M. ), Fever.
- (Open air), Twitching on left thigh;from warm room, constantly chilly;chilly.
- (Motion in open air), Tearing in left temple.
- (Walking in open air), Canine hunger;head, etc., feel swollen.
- (Anger), Cough.
- (Bending head forward), Pain in upper chest.
- (Sitting bent), Pressure in abdomen;pressure in abdomen, etc.
- (Deep breathing), Pain in right side.
- (Closing eyes), Vertigo.
- (Coughing), Heat, etc., of forehead;dull pain in forehead;vomiting of food;heat, etc., of
hands, etc.
- (After dinner), Qualmishness in stomach;sensation as if overloaded in stomach, etc.;
tearings in rectum;sleep.
- (Drawing in the abdomen), Sticking from below pit of stomach;small spot in abdomen
- (After drinking), Nausea.
- (After eating), Nausea;nausea and vomiting;rumbling in abdomen;pains in abdomen;
cough;pain in the back;violent heat, etc.
- (Expiration), Stitch in abdomen aches.
- (Before each epileptic attack), Burning in chest.
- (Taking hold of anything), Aching in neck.
- (Trying to lift head from pillow), Dizziness.
- (Looking at object a long time), Sight vanishes.
- (After a meal), Creeping, etc., in abdomen.
- (Motion), Heat in head;stitches in head;pressure in forehead;trembling of hands;chill, etc.
- (Rapid and violent motion), Pain.
- (Moving arm), Stitches in region of kidneys.
- (Pressure), Pain in pimples on upper arm;burning in left breast;stitching in fingers;
pimples on buttock pain.
- (Before rising from bed), Pain in small of back;rheumatic, etc., sensation in limbs.
- (On rising from bed), Pain in small of back;rheumatic, etc., sensation in limbs.
- * (Rising from sitting), Flickering before eyes, etc.
- (In room), Raging, etc., in whole head;feeling of weight in region of stomach, etc.
- (Rubbing), Burning in left breast.
- (Scratching), Vesicles arise at the mouth;vesicles arise on shoulder;pimples on left
forearm; itching on left forearm;itching below left lower jaw.
- (Sitting), Immediately, pressure in abdomen;the attacks;pressure in abdomen, etc.;pain in
- (After sitting down), Immediately, feet go to sleep.
- (Sitting down after moving), The pain.
- (During sleep), Profuse perspiration.
- (After violent sneezing), Pain in chest, etc.
- (Speaking), Tearing from left frontal eminence, etc.
- (Standing), 8 A. M., stupefaction, etc.;stitching-tearing from parietal bone to vertex; right
foot goes to sleep, etc.
- (Stooping), Burning, etc., in right parietal bone;stitches in left parietal bone; sensation in
occiput as if something fell forward; stitch in right lowest rib.
- (During stool), Cold shivers through the skin.
- (After stool), Burning in anus.
- (After supper), Malaise.
- (Swallowing), Pain behind root of tongue;saliva;nausea.
- (Talking), Pain in larynx, etc.;hoarseness.
- (Touch), Eyeball pains;stitch in abdomen aches.
- (Touching parts gently with hand), Pain in region of stomach.
- (Touching the hairs of the part), Fine stitches.
- (Turning neck over left scapula), Aching in neck.
- (After urinating), Burning in urethra.
- (After vomiting), Pains in abdomen;great weakness, etc.
- (On waking), General fatigue.
- (After waking), Pain in forehead.
- (Walking), Totters;tension in perineum, etc.;drawings through right hand, etc.; tension on
dorsum of foot.
- (Open air), Head heavy, etc.;raging, etc., in head;feeling of weight in region of stomach.
- (In bed), Twitching-tearing in right concha.
- (Eating bread), Soreness, etc., in palate.
- (Cold water), Pain in forehead.
- (After cough and expectoration), Feeling of suffocation.
- (Eating), Sour taste on back of tongue;feels better;pressure in abdomen.
- (Eructation), Nausea;pressure in stomach;cramp in abdomen.
- (Lying on right side), Vomiting.
- (Moving about), Pressure in abdomen.
- (Pressure), Boring in right humerus;twinging in left forearm.
- (Passage of flatus), Nausea;aching in pit of stomach;distension, etc., in abdomen;
rumbling in abdomen;rumbling, etc., in bowels;pressure in abdomen;griping in abdomen,
- (Rising after stooping), Burning, etc., in right parietal bone;tearing in right side of head;
pain in upper chest.
- (Scratching), Burning, etc., in right parietal bone;itching in right elbow;itching on upper
- (Standing), Pressure in abdomen.
- (Touching part gently with hand), Pain in abdomen.
- (Frequent urinating), Relief of symptoms.
- (Vomiting), Cough.
- (Walking about), Cramp in calves.
- Unconsciousness, but rarely.
- Stupefaction, with numbness of head.
- || Stupid and sleepy; stupefying meningitis.
- Confusion of head; with feeling as if he ought to sleep.
- Dulness of mind; imbecility.
- Apathy and indifference to everything, even death would have been welcome.
- || Delirium, with pleasant expression. Bronchial catarrh.
- Contradiction between mind and will.
- The child must be carried, it cries if touched.
- Anxious face.
- Moaning and groaning, with oppression on chest.
- Crying with cough.
- Pitiful whining before and during attacks. Infantile catarrh.
- Continual crying and whining of a child for three days, gets only little sleeps of fifteen
or thirty minutes. Summer complaint.
- Child cries on attempting to take breast.
- Child clings to those around, calls for help in a hoarse voice, with cough.
- The child will not allow itself to be touched without whining and crying.
- Fear and dread of being alone.
- Uneasiness of mind, indisposed to work, apparently proceeding from abdomen.
- Bad humor. Bronchial catarrh.
- Dejection.
- Despondent and apprehensive that he would not recover; t.
- Hopelessness,
- || despondency.
- || Hopeless mood. Colic.
- || Hopeless and despairing when awake. Intermittent.
- || Despondent, hypochondriacal; inclined to violence.
- Melancholic. Chronic metritis.
- Complains about his numerous symptoms. Pneumonia.
- Despairs of his recovery. Pneumonia.
- Depression of mind and fear that he will never get well.
- Apprehensive and restless.
- Great concern about future with beating in stomach.
- Anxiety and restlessness.
- Anxiety during paroxysm, often lasting two to three hours. Pregnancy.
- Anxiety with nausea.
- Indescribable anxiety and oppression of chest. Cholera.
- || Anxiety. Intermittent.
- Despair and hopelessness, with lethargy, with cold sweat.
- After attacks, in good humor, playing. Catarrhal croup.
- Merry all day, in evening anxious and full of fear.
- Gayety, wild mirthfulness, with subsequent ill humor and anxiety for future.
- Boldness.
- Desire to bite.
- || Excessively peevish and quarrelsome (a boy aet. 3).
- || Peevishness. Laryngo-tracheitis.
- The children get angry, weep and cry. Whooping cough.
- Mental excitement.
- Frightened at every trifle.
- Highest degree of mental restlessness.
- Consequences of anger or vexation.
- || Worse after getting angry. Cough.
- || Strong emotion followed by amblyopia. During pregnancy.
- Heaviness of head.
- Stupefying dulness with unconquerable drowsiness.
- Felt giddy and sick; immediately.
- Dizziness, with cough.
- Vertigo with alternate drowsiness.
- Vertigo : on closing eyes; on walking; when lifting head, must lie down, with nausea.
- Pressing pain in forehead with vertigo, stupor and dulness of head, slightly delirious,
drowsiness, but cannot sleep. Influenza.
- Vertigo with flickering before eyes. Rheumatism.
- Vertigo with dimness of vision and a pressing headache. Pneumonia.
- Vertigo and violent chills running through body with a sudden shock.
- Fainting, with sweat on forehead.
- Child gets insensible, limbs cold, pulse weak, almost imperceptible; recovery after
brandy and water.
- Fainting after a cold feeling in scrobiculum, followed by sleep.
- Asphyxia; t.
- After vomiting once, a heavy asphyxia, and when coming to herself again, violent colic.
- Asphyxia from drowning.
Inner head
- || Cerebral congestion.
- Arachnoid membrane too opaque; t. Dull head, like a strong pressure, more in right
forehead, with boring, sharp shooting tearing deep in brain. Rheumatism.
- Violent pain in forehead and giddiness.
- Headache, as from a band compressing forehead.
- Tensive pain in forehead and one side of head, as if brain was in one lump, with
drowsiness, agg evening, after eating and sitting bent; amel sitting up, lying high with head
and in the cold.
- Pressing headache, as if brain was put together in lumps.
- Feels as if brain was pressed together; stupid and sleepy; more when resting; in
evenings and at night; amel when moving about, or after washing head.
- || Heavy pain in forehead like waves increasing and decreasing.
- Reverberation of pulse in head.
- Very sensible pressure on vertex, with violent pulsation in the temples.
- Throbbing in right forehead, agg evenings, sitting bent, from warmth and amel sitting
up and in cold.
- Pressive pains in forehead; stitching extending downward into left eye.
- Painful drawing in right temple; extending down to zygoma and upper jaw.
- Tearing pains in head.
- Stitches in left parietal bone, on stooping, extend forward.
- Headache and feeling as if paralyzed. Pneumonia.
- || Stupefying headache. Meningitis.
- Occiput heavy, requires support.
- On stooping, feeling in occiput as if something fell forward.
- Headache with vomiting.
- Headache. Variola.
- Headache with sensitiveness of region of stomach.
- Violent headache during heat. Tertian.
- Headache also in apyrexia. Intermittent.
- Inflammation of brain.
- Apoplexia nervosa and serosa.
- Headache : agg evening; lying down; getting warm in bed; after eating; sitting bent; in
rest; amel sitting upright; in the cold; lying high with head; moving about; after washing
Outer head
- Head very hot. Rheumatism.
- Head dull, forehead warm, less strength, and displeased with everything.
- Forehead covered with sweat; head is cold.
- Sweat on forehead and on neck.
- Tinea.
- Plica polonica.
- Scalp very sensitive, with heaviness of head.
- Chronic trembling of head, most after coughing, with sense of inner trembling, chattering
of teeth and great desire to sleep; agg evening and from warmth.
- Chronic trembling of head and hands, with great debility.
- Numbness of head, with stupefaction and somnolence.
- Cold sweat on head, with cough.
- Head hot and sweaty. Atelectasis pulmonum. During efforts at vomiting. Pertussis.
- Lifting head.
Upper face
- Face animated, tongue red, moderate thirst, region of stomach sore, headache.
- Face expresses greatest anxiety. Acute oedema of lungs.
- Anxious look. Bronchial croup.
- Despairing anxiety depicted on face. Pneumonia.
- Suffering face, livid red. Pneumonia.
- || Remarkable distortion of countenance with spasms.
- Convulsive twitches in almost every muscle of face. With cough.
- Tearing pain in whole side of face, even head and neck of that side. Rheumatic
- Burning heat of face.
- || Face very much flushed. Catarrhal croup.
- Congested face, with difficult breathing.
- Face dark red or purple. Puerperal convulsions.
- Face red, puffed. Bronchial croup.
- Face red, bloated, anxious. Pneumonia.
- Despairing, anxious look, face cool, pale and earthy; nostrils dark, sooty and dilated.
- Face pale, bluish; anxious.
- Pallor. Bronchial catarrh.
- Pale, sunken face. Diarrhoea. Cholera.
- Face pale, circumscribed redness on cheeks. Catarrh.
- Face cool, pale earthy, bluish around nose. Pneumonia.
- Face as pale as a corpse, with bluish spots, distorted and cold. Cholera.
- Face pale, nose pointed, eyes sunken with blue margins; lips livid. Asphyxia. Child
after birth.
- Cold and livid countenance, bathed in cold sweat.
- Sweat on forehead : with nausea; with cough; with heat.
- Maculae in face.
- Pustules on face; sometimes they leave ugly blue-red scars.
- If ulcers last awhile on limbs, ulcers also appear on face. Leprosy.
Lower face
- Mouth closed spasmodically.
- || When gaping he cannot open the mouth fully. Intermittent.
- Mouth remained open after gaping, he could not shut it for a while. Intermittent.
- Mouth open, parched, upper lip drawn up. Pneumonia.
- Lips : dry, scurfy; chapped, nights; pale, livid; blue; swell much and quickly, and have
excoriations on many places; erythematous eruption; covered with little blisters; ( after
intermittent); itching vesicles.
- Eruption around mouth, of rheumatic origin. Tertian.
- Aphthae around mouth. Influenza.
- Burning, as from hot coal, on right side of chin.
Inner mouth
- Much heat in mouth with eruption; t.
- Mucous membrane of cavity of mouth and pharynx covered with a soft, grey, false
membrane not continuous.
- Tongue moist and yellow in middle.
- Mouth so sore can scarcely swallow, morning after rising.
- Small, circular patches, like smallpox pustules, in and upon mouth and tongue.
- Blisters and pustular eruptions on mucous membrane of whole cavity of mouth.
- || Salivation. During pregnancy.
- Mouth and lips swollen and excoriated as from salivation with mercury.
- Ptyalism with buccal eruptions; t.
- Copious salivation with nausea.
- Copious salivation, spits all the time.
- Spits much after recovering from his faint; t.
- A membranous exudation peels off in pieces.
- Sensation of soreness of posterior part of palate when not swallowing.
- Soft palate and upper part of pharynx very red and full of little blisters, and so much
swollen that he could not swallow anything, even some fluid; it interferes with breathing.
- Soft palate and throat deep red, covered with small vesicles; surrounding parts swollen
and coated with mucus.
- Lips, tongue, hard and soft palate covered with a score of vesicles or pustules, of a
yellowish white color, flattened, depressed in the centre, and filled with a purulent liquid, of
a milk white color; t.
- Back of pharynx covered with mucus.
- Mouth, tongue and pharynx covered with a soft, pale, disconnected false membrane;
mucous membrane beneath reddened, or covered with grey, sometimes transparent, flakes.
- Fauces covered with pustules, which spread over body and limbs on two days following.
- Burning in fauces.
- Rapid swelling of tonsils and cervical glands.
- { Acute angina.
- Saltish rising in throat.
- Much mucus in throat with short breathing.
- Roughness in throat, with sensation as if a small leaf obstructed windpipe on hawking.
- Throat full of phlegm, with cough.
- Heat and constriction in throat.
- In throat, mouth and tongue a sensation of tension, with some pain and a well-marked
metallic taste.
- Oesophagus dry.
- Erythematous sore throat; t.
- Mucous membrane of digestive tube, from mouth to cardia, shows traces of pustular or
pseudo-membranous inflammation; t.
- Phlegmasia of a portion of intestinal canal with false membrane, completely tubular,
obstructing oesophagus; t.
- Intercurrent pseudo-membranous sore throat.
- All along mucous membrane of alimentary canal innumerable small conical pustules
filled with serum; membrane pale; t.
- Difficulty in swallowing.
- Violent irritation in throat with difficult swallowing.
- Swelling of tonsils and highly reddened pharynx.
- Throat so swollen and mucus coated, he was unable to swallow even liquids, and his
breathing was obstructed.
- || Dysphagia. Meningitis.
Appetite, thirst
- Desires, Aversions. Good appetite with flat taste, and somewhat dry mouth.
- Canine hunger on walking in open air.
- Appetite diminished.
- Less appetite in apyrexia. Tertian intermittent.
- Loss of appetite, anorexia.
- Loss of appetite, without much thirst. Influenza.
- Weariness, with no appetite; in apyrexia. Tertian.
- Disgust for food during pregnancy.
- Disgust for food, frequent nausea and relief by vomiting. Gastric derangement.
- No appetite at noon.
- Little thirst, no appetite. Rheumatism.
- Not much appetite, no thirst. Pregnancy.
- No appetite, great thirst. Rheumatism. Pneumonia.
- Very little thirst. Acute catarrh.
- Thirstlessness. Diarrhoea. Bronchial catarrh.
- || Great thirst.
- Eager desire for water with vomiting smallest quantity.
- Greedy desire for water. Summer complaint.
- Irresistible thirst for cold water. Catarrhal diarrhoea.
- || Much thirst; drinks little and often.
- Thirst with burning sensation in fauces, stomach and abdomen.
- Thirst after stool.
- Desire for acids, for fruits, or for any cold drink. Diarrhoea.
- Extraordinary appetite for apples, and thirst for cold water.
- Aversion to milk. Diarrhoea.
- Aversion and disgust for milk and every other kind of nourishment; child aet. 3 months.
Summer complaint.
- Great disgust for whiskey.
- No desire for tobacco.
- Violent pains at the epigastrium, which was tense; t.
- Burning heat and pain in epigastric region.
- Burning under sternum.
- Retraction of epigastrium with cough.
- Great praecordial anxiety with vomiting of mucus and bile.
- Pressure in hypochondria with distension, most in region of liver. Influenza.
- Region of liver sensitive to touch.
- Gastric and hypochondriac regions sensitive and distended. Pneumonia.
- Icterus with pneumonia, especially of right lung.
- { Diaphragmitis.
- Upper part of abdomen tense and painful.
- Shocks and jerks proceeding from abdomen when asleep.
- Violent colic as if bowels would be cut to pieces; agg sitting bent forward.
- Violent bellyache after vomiting.
- Sharp cutting colic before stool. Diarrhoea.
- Colic, during loose stools.
- Colic around umbilicus, amel after stool.
- With colic : pain going down thighs.
- Cutting in bowels with purging.
- Abdominal pains increasing and very frequent discharges from bowels of watery matter.
- Most violent pain in abdomen, sacral and coccygeal region and in loins. Chronic
- Burning in abdomen.
- Beating and pulsation in abdomen.
- { Engorgement of abdominal viscera.
- Abdomen feels as if stuffed full of stones, though he has eaten nothing, and it does not
feel hard.
- Shifting of flatulence, with rumbling in bowels and diarrhoea.
- Rumbling in bowels, painless.
- After much rumbling in intestines a second discharge from bowels.
- Meteorism and diarrhoea.
- || Abdomen tympanitic and very sensitive to pressure. Acute catarrh.
- Pressure and aching in hypogastrium, with cold shivers.
- Much enlargement at sides near hips.
- Painful sensation in hypogastrium, causing highest degree of mental restlessness and
aversion to all work; towards evening hopeless mood, with chilliness and great sleepiness.
- Violent burning soreness in right groin.
- Violent cutting and laborlike tearing from above downward across groins, through thighs
down to knees.
- Pain in groins and cold creeps before menses. Dysmenorrhoea.
- Violent pain at epigastrium and through whole abdomen, with constant spasmodic
contractions of abdominal muscles.
- Abdominal breathing.
- Sensitiveness of external abdomen, with pinching and tension inwardly.
- Sensitive abdomen with mushy stools.
- { Ascites.
Urinary organs
- Sharp stitches in region of kidneys on moving arms.
- Stricture of urethra.
- Burning from rectum through urethra.
- Spasm of bladder, urine scanty and red. Pneumonia.
- Painful urging, with scanty, dark red, frequently at last bloody urine; violent pains in
- More frequent urination.
- Urine albuminous.
- Urine dark brownish-red, turbid, of strong odor; or becomes cloudy and deposits a
violet colored earthy sediment.
- Urine acid.
- Urine profuse; also at night.
- Urine deposits bloody, red filaments on standing.
- Highly reddened urine. Pneumonia.
- Urine at first clear, then it deposits a flourlike sediment.
- Urine scanty, dark, with a brickdust sediment. Rheumatism.
- Violent tension in perineum, especially on walking, with strong inclination to urinate.
- || Violent and painful urging to urinate, with scanty or bloody discharge. Diarrhoea.
- || Urinary discharge interrupted during whole time; only in evening, on third day, scanty
dark urine. Catarrhal croup.
- Breathing short; t.
- || Quick breathing.
- Breathing quick, short, trembling, as it were. Pneumonia.
- Breathing frequent. Bronchial croup.
- Breathing short, frequent. Acute catarrh. Pertussis.
- Children breathe more quickly when lying down than when carried about in an upright
- Much phlegm in throat and short breathing.
- || Breathing short and difficult. Puerperal convulsions.
- Shortness of breath from suppressed expectoration, especially if drowsy.
- || Slow respiration. Meningitis.
- Respiration short and labored without stertor.
- Breathing carried on only by aid of abdominal muscles.
- Attacks of unequal breathing.
- During sleep, frequent attacks of unequal, intermittent breathing.
- The unequal breathing, now shorter, then longer, is much more frequent in lying down,
amel when child is carried upright. Bronchial catarrh.
- Breath panting, more depending on abdominal muscles than on chest; right half of chest
immovable. Pneumonia.
- Fulness and oppression in bronchia.
- Difficult, anxious breathing.
- Inspirations gasping; expirations long and slow.
- Gasping inhalation. Asthma.
- Gasps for air at beginning of every coughing spell.
- || Gasping. Child after birth.
- Breathing with a moaning sound, and raising shoulders. Catarrhal croup.
- Child expels air with a kind of bellowing. Pneumonia.
- Air expelled with a crowing, almost barking sound.
- The noise of breathing became more sharp and rough, a continued whistling and purring
could be heard in chest. Bronchial catarrh.
- Sawing respiration. Bronchial croup.
- Breathing from fifth to seventh rib (r. side behind) indistinct, but bronchial consoning
rattling. Pneumonia.
- Such rattling that is threatens to suffocate child. Pneumonia.
- Respiration with great rattling of mucus.
- Breathing impeded on account of a swelling of upper part of throat and accumulation of
tough mucus in that region; with it fever and delirium.
- Breathing obstructed. See 12.
- Difficulty of breathing, rattling, etc., in convulsions.
- Great difficulty in breathing, shoulders raised, eyes turned upward, face congested.
- Child cannot nurse, but ends each attempt with crying. Broncho-pneumonia, etc.
- Great difficulty in breathing. Convulsions. Bronchial catarrh. Pneumonia.
- Oppression of breathing,
- relieved by expectoration. Influenza.
- He has been asthmatic ever since the proving.
- Anxious asthma and feeling of fulness and contraction of chest.
- { Asthma.
- Every night suffocating attacks. Asthma.
- If the attack of difficult breathing is very violent at night, all next day breathing is
impeded. Asthma.
- Must be supported in a sitting posture in bed. Orthopnoea.
- Dyspnoea : in croup; nostrils widely dilated, thorax elevated, much rattling; with heat in
chest; when awakening.
- || Not much pain in chest, but much dyspnoea. Pneumonia.
- Extreme want of breath. Pneumonia.
- Danger of suffocation with rattling of phlegm, always comes on suddenly. Asthma.
- Great orthopnoea. Acute oedema of lungs. Dilatation of heart.
- Suffocated and oppressed about 3 A.M. , must sit up to get air; after cough and
expectoration she became amel.
- Suffocation with cough.
- Suffocative attacks with heat about heart.
- Spells of suffocation. Pneumonia. Puerperal convulsions.
- Spells of choking, in evening, in bed; with constriction. Pneumonia.
- Child is breathless after birth.
- Asphyxia : from mechanical causes, as apparent death from drowning; from pneumonia,
capillary bronchitis, atelectasis; from accumulation of mucus which cannot be expectorated;
neonatorum; from emphysema, acute oedema pulmonum with hydrothorax; with impending
paralysis of lungs; accompanied by
- drowsiness or coma; pale or dark red face; blue lips; delirium, muscular twitchings;
threadlike pulse.
- Relieves the "death-rattle."
- Frequent little cough, without expectoration. Pneumonia.
- Cough day and night, returning at short intervals, no sputa. Acute catarrh.
- { Whooping cough.
- Whooping cough : preceded by the child crying, after eating or drinking, or when
getting warm in bed; after attack, somnolency.
- Cough with the peculiar sound of whooping cough.
- Cough in attacks, with a hissing hoarseness, raises hand to larynx, which is sensitive to
touch. Catarrhal croup.
- Short cough with a shrill sound. Bronchial catarrh.
- Tormented from time to time by painful coughs of a shrieking sound. Catarrh of a
- Cough compels patient to sit up, is moist and rattling, but without expectoration.
Bronchial catarrh.
- When child coughs there appears to be a large collection of mucus in bronchial tubes,
and it seems as if much would be expectorated, but nothing comes up.
- || Rattling cough, sounding as if it were moist, without really being so.
- Great rattling, but little expectoration. Pertussis.
- Loose rattling cough, no sputa. Puerperal convulsions.
- Cough, with dentition of children, in which the rles are so loud that they can be heard
at a distance; disappearing as soon as children finish their bout of coughing.
- Between the coughs faint or loud cries for help. Catarrhal croup.
- Cough, accompanied by crying out; dizziness; trembling of head; drowsiness; cold
sweat on head and hands.
- Pale face; retraction of epigastrium; retching and vomiting of food.
- Violent cough after each meal, ending with vomiting of food. Bronchial catarrh.
- Cough hollow, excites vomiting, accompanied by great pain. Pneumonia.
- Tickling cough, with violent eructations and retching, even vomiting of watery, tough
slime; with it a running coryza.
- Uninterrupted cough, with frequent vomiting of bloody, frothy, thin fluid masses.
Acute oedema of lungs.
- Great hoarseness, even when cough is slight.
- Gasping for breath at commencement of cough.
- Cough with suffocating attacks.
- Distracting cough day and night, with short breath and rattling in chest. Catarrh of a
- Child springs up, clings to those around; calls for help in a hoarse voice, or bends
backward and grasps at its larynx.
- Cough with rattling of large bubbles and purring in chest.
- Every cough causes unbearable pains in sides of chest or in abdomen. Pneumonia.
- Every attempt to cough increases the torture. Pneumonia.
- Pain in chest when coughing. Intermittent.
- Cough with weak, quick, trembling pulse; restlessness; hot body, but cold limbs.
- Cough in variola.
- Coughing and gaping consecutively, particularly children; with crying or dozing, and
twitching in face.
- Much fatiguing cough, most nights, shaking whole chest and causing headache most in
forehead. Influenza.
- Cough dry, breathing sawing, face red, puffed up, look anxious, could not talk. Croup.
- Rattling or hollow cough, agg at night, with suffocation, throat full of phlegm, sweat on
forehead, vomiting food.
- The sputum caused by the proving was always white and frothy; expectoration at times
- Constant irritation to cough, with brown expectoration of sero-albuminous kind.
- Profuse mucus with feeble expulsive power. Bronchitis of infants and old people.
- Profuse mucous sputa, easily expectorated.
- Nightly cough, with expectoration of mucus.
- Expectoration not constant; in morning and during day.
- Difficult expectoration, continual shooting pain in left side of chest. Pleuritis
- Expectoration : thick; bloody sputa; of tough mucus.
- Sputa thick and yellow. Bronchial catarrh.
- Expectoration tough, foamy, mixed with blood. Pneumonia.
- Frequent cough, with frothy, sanguineous sputa.
- Blood spitting when after attack there remains for a long time a bloody, slimy
- Scraping cough, with a great deal of puslike expectoration; after shaking chills, copious
sweating, with chilliness at every motion.
- Expectoration of a sour or salty taste.
- Cough excited by creeping in larynx or trachea.
- Gasps for air in beginning of a coughing spell.
- Irritation to cough with tenacious phlegm from bronchia.
- After cough lasts a while, it gets loose and relieves contraction of chest. Asthma.
- After suffocative fits at night cough with increase of asthma.
- Cough grows less frequent, patient shows signs of "carbonized blood."
- Cough amel : sitting upright; carrying child in an upright position; from expectoration.
- Cough agg : after midnight; after eating; after getting angry; sleeping in damp cellars;
getting warm in bed.
- At 11 P.M. sudden violent cough. Acute oedema of lungs.
- Cough agg every morning. Bronchial catarrh.
Outer chest
- Crawling as of insects above left mamma.
Upper limbs
- Tearing and stitching pains.
- Pain, as from dislocation, in right shoulder.
- Most violent pain, like dislocation in left arm, as if flesh were torn from bones, from
axilla down to tips of fingers. Rheumatism.
- Could not move arm unless assisted by the other. Rheumatism.
- Right arm and hand are cold to touch.
- Twitching of muscles.
- On moving arms sharp stitches in region of kidneys.
- Rheumatic pain in left elbow.
- Pain in wrists, knees and ankles.
- Tremor of hands and picking of bedclothes or anything within reach.
- Hands sweat and are cold.
- Trembling of hands.
- Hands cold and moist; or, hot and moist.
- Dampness in palms of hands. Pregnancy.
- Tips of fingers appear dead, dry and hard; without sensation.
- Brown spots on fingers.
- Fingers firmly contracted and muscles quite rigid.
- Fingers are contracted, flexors bent inward. Leprosy.
- Itchlike eruption on wrist, which itches violently; itching disappears after scratching.
Lower limbs
- Rheumatic pains about hips, thighs and calves.
- Drawing tensive pains in lower limbs.
- Tearing and drawing in lower limbs.
- Violent cutting, tearing across groins and down thighs; with colic.
- Fatigued in lower limbs.
- Numbness and coldness in legs.
- Tension in hamstrings on walking; also on instep.
- Spasmodic starting of muscles of legs.
- Painful cramps in legs.
- Cramps in legs; with lumbago.
- Trembling of knees.
- || Painful cramps in calves.
- Dropsy of left knee joint.
- Pains in foot extending to other articulations.
- Weariness in feet.
- Feet feel as if beaten.
- Feet go "to sleep" immediately after sitting down.
- Numbness and coldness of feet.
- Cold feet.
- Veins of feet distended.
- Some swelling in knuckles of right foot and stiffness of foot.
- The big toes of both feet feel cold when touched.
Limbs in general
- Heaviness in limbs followed by a leprous eruption.
- Soreness in calves of legs and shoulder blades.
- Limbs overfatigued; a sensation coming from back. Influenza.
- Weakness, insensibility and coldness of limbs.
- Rheumatic and bruised sensation in limbs, on and shortly before rising.
- Rheumatic pains with sweat, which does not relieve; pains are tearing, beating, stinging.
- Right arm and hand and great toes of each foot were cold to touch.
- Jerking up of limbs during sleep, with loose stools.
- Tonic spasms in arms and legs, most in forearms and calves. Cholera.
- On tips of fingers and toes small ulcers, not very deep, little discharge and not much
pain, they spread and destroy one joint after another, and one phalanx after another falls off,
finally hands and feet are separated in their joints; a slight livid redness around ulcers.
Leprosy of the Society Isles.
- Position. Motion. Worse resting : headache; stupor and drowsiness agg.
- Sitting bent forward : colic agg.
- Child bends backward : with cough.
- After sitting down : feet go to sleep.
- While sitting : pain in back; leucorrhoea agg.
- Sitting erect : headache amel; cough amel.
- Can only breathe when sitting up. Pleurisy.
- Has to sit up, and supported he moves continually to and fro. Acute oedema of lungs.
- Had to sit on a chair and lay head on table to be relieved. Asthma.
- Sitting posture in bed. See 26.
- Lying down : earache agg.
- Lying on right side : vomiting amel.
- || Could lie on his right side only; any change from his position was sure to induce
vomiting; t.
- Lying down : quick breathing.
- Cannot lie on side affected. Pneumonia.
- Child lies with head bent back. Pneumonia.
- Lies on her back, somewhat to left, doubled up. Acute catarrh.
- On walking : vertigo.
- Worse on walking : tension in perineum; in hamstrings.
- Walking, sitting and lying are equally unbearable. Chronic metritis.
- Constant inclination to stretch.
- On rising : bruised sensation. See 34.
- Stooping : headache agg; pain in occiput, as though something fell forward in occiput.
- Moving about : headache amel.
- Moving tongue : is painful.
- Moving arms : stitches in region of kidneys.
- Slightest effort to move : causes retching and vomiting; trembling of hands; aggravates
- Pain worse from motion. Pneumonia; stupor and drowsiness amel.
- Moving limbs : tonic spasms.
- Every motion accelerates pulse; chilliness.
- Carried about in upright position : children amel. Croup. Cough.
- Before rising : bruised sensation.
- Alternations of unsteadiness and syncope.
- Extreme restlessness and anxiety.
- Tossing about with great restlessness. Meningitis.
- Child tosses about with anxiety. Pneumonia.
- Great restlessness. Bronchial catarrh.
- Child throws its arms about all the time. Pneumonia.
- Unusual volubility and activity.
- Jactitation of muscles.
- Trembling : of whole body; internal; of head and paralytic trembling of hands on every
motion; of drunkards.
- Chorea.
- Convulsions with loss of consciousness.
- || Clonic spasms. Meningitis.
- || Convulsions partial or general. Meningitis.
- Violent convulsions and spasms. See 8.
- Convulsions from repelled or nonappearing eruptions; skin pale, cold, great difficulty in
- Constant spasmodic contraction of muscles, particularly of upper limbs.
- Tonic spasm when moving limbs. Intermittent.
- Tetanic rigidity and spasms of jaws. Tetanus.
- Great weakness and lassitude. Intermittent.
- Enormous weakness. Cholera. Pneumonia.
- Great loss of strength, slipping down in bed. Pneumonia. Acute catarrh.
- Great prostration and sluggishness of body with bad humor.
- Complete prostration from frequent vomiting.
- Prostration and collapse. Summer complaint.
- Great apathy, alternating with restlessness in night. Influenza.
- Lies comatose with half-closed eyes, when spoken to he is fully conscious. Cholera.
- Very much weakened and exhausted, falls in a kind of coma and can hardly be
awakened, only a new coughing attack interrupts it. Pertussis.
- | Attacks of fainting, with coldness in pit of stomach.
- Insensibility; he lies motionless; paralysis; t.
- Frequent incomplete gaping. Bronchial croup.
- Drowsiness, with loose stools. Diarrhoea of a child.
- Unconquerable sleepiness.
- Yawning.
- Great sleepiness; irresistible inclination to sleep, with nearly all affections.
- Somnolency after cough.
- Sleepiness with sweat. Intermittent.
- || Sopor, especially from imperfectly oxygenized blood.
- Sopor, with starting. Pneumonia. Hydrothorax.
- Coma with pale, puffed face. Bronchitis.
- Stupor with coma.
- With muttering delirium she fell into a stupid sleep. Pneumonia.
- || Deep sopor. Meningitis.
- Even in a sopor appears as if suffocating. Bronchial catarrh.
- Coma. Bronchial catarrh.
- Child lies in a stupid sleep, starting sometimes. Pneumonia.
- Stupor and drowsiness, evening and night, agg in rest, amel from motion and washing
- Had scarcely fallen asleep when he was seized with shocks and jerks, all of which came
from abdomen.
- During sleep jerks through body.
- Sleep at night full of dreams, in morning dull head.
- Very little sleep on account of pain. Chronic metritis.
- Sleeplessness. Pneumonia.
- Nightly sleeplessness on account of violent pains in head and arm. Rheumatism.
- Cannot sleep till towards morning, a few hours. Rheumatic toothache.
- Restless all night with anxious tossing about; in morning pressure in forehead and
- Morning awakening with a dizzy head, heaviness and feeling very uncomfortable.
- Awakens with dyspnoea.
- || Vomiting returns after sleep.
- After sleep very great weariness, but otherwise better.
- When awake, hopeless, despairing. Chill and fever.
- In morning when awaking sweat all over and clear remembrance of heavy, anxious
- Most attacks at night, with vomiting of slime and food. Catarrhal pertussis.
- 11 P.M. : sudden violent cough.
- Worse night, loose stools.
- During night much agg. Catarrhal diarrhoea.
- Worse at night and sleepless. Bronchial catarrh.
- At night : lips chapped; belching like rotten eggs; bitter taste, nausea and vomiting;
profuse urine; cough agg; profuse sweat; sleep full of dreams.
- 3 A.M. : oppression.
- After midnight : cough agg.
- Morning : head dizzy and dull; toothache; mouth sore; hoarseness; expectoration;
pressure in forehead and occiput.
- During day : expectoration; hilarity.
- Towards evening : bellyache; wild gayety.
- Evening : headache; earache; voice weak; choking; drowsiness; anxious, timid; oppressed
breathing; biting itching over whole body.
- Morning 9 o'clock : heavy rigor with shaking. Intermittent.
- || Considerable aggravation towards evening, continuing all night. Rheumatic toothache.
- Sudden fall of temperature. Meningitis.
- Slight chilly feeling.
- Chill predominating.
- Chill spreading from within and from vertebrae over abdomen and limbs, with retching,
belching and a drawing tensive pain in lower limbs.
- Great debility of limbs, feeling of fulness in chest, tearing in joints, with chilly feeling.
- Chill and sensation of heaviness in limbs and some trembling, cannot get warm.
- Chill, with external coldness, coming on at all times of day, with somnolency; mostly
with trembling and shaking; frequently as if cold water was poured over one.
- Rigor with shuddering and cold skin all over, remaining longest on hands, with it
headache, small contracted pulse, thirst, restless, excited mood and drowsiness.
- Cold skin.
- The whole body very cold. Cholera.
- Insensibility and coldness of limbs, with a weak, scarcely perceptible pulse; without
vomiting (child).
- Skin of whole body, in spite of many covers, icy cold, covered with colliquative sweat,
great thirst, pulse frequent (cannot be counted), like a thread.
- Violent palpitation and great anxiety. Oedema of lungs.
- Cold, pulseless, speechless and apparently insensible.
- Shivering over whole body, nausea, retching and cold sweat.
- Violent crawls fly through body, with vertigo; t.
- Crawls over whole body, cold sweat.
- Nausea, retching and inclination to vomit.
- Skin chilly, with very copious sweats, which do not relieve. Influenza.
- Chill and heat alternating during day.
- Chilliness as if water was poured over him, with gooseflesh, gaping, want of thirst;
drowsiness, following heat with dulness in head. Intermittent.
- Chill lasting 45 minutes followed by vomiting, headache, heat and thirst; after drinking,
retching. Intermittent.
- || Violent but not long-lasting heat succeeding a long chill, aggravated by every motion.
- Long-lasting heat, after a short chill, with somnolency and sweat on forehead.
- Temperature increased. Pneumonia. Rheumatism.
- General warmth over whole body.
- Heat about heart.
- Skin dry and warm.
- Violent fever in delirium.
- Sudden flushes over face.
- Heat, does not want to nurse, and is costive. Catarrh of a child.
- Feverish heat, body hot and dry. Rheumatism.
- Thirst not constant during hot stage, but marked between heat and sweat.
- Skin burning hot, only somewhat moist in scrobiculum and upon chest. Pneumonia.
- Heat long and great, with much sweat, intense thirst and delirium. Tertian
- Hot and sweaty head.
- Copious sweat.
- Profuse sweat all over, also at night. Intermittent.
- || Profuse night sweats.
- Pains and night sweat make restless and sleepless. Rheumatism.
- The sweat follows long after, in afternoon during sleep. Intermittent.
- The affected parts sweat most profusely.
- Skin covered with a running, sticky sweat. Bronchial catarrh.
- Worse while sweating; but rather better after sweat.
- Fever, copious sweats, which do not relieve pains. Rheumatism.
- Sweat is frequently cold and clammy.
- Skin on head and limbs cold and viscous; t.
- Forehead covered with sweat, hands sweat and are cold; t.
- Cold sweat and retarded pulse; t.
- Gastric rheumatic character of intermittent.
- Bilious fever and profuse haemoptysis.
- Remitting type of fever; nausea and vomiting, drowsiness; red, itching rash over body;
mostly with children.
- Soporous intermittent.
Attacks, periodicity
- Wavelike increase and decrease of pain in forehead.
- Paroxysms return at regular intervals, and there is comparative freedom between attacks.
- At short intervals : cough.
- Every morning : cough agg.
- Every night : suffocating attacks.
- Attacks antepone several hours. Tertian.
- Two days only : menses.
- Every two months an attack lasting two weeks. Bronchial catarrh.
- Every afternoon some chills followed by great heat, with thirst and sweat, heat lasted all
night. Intermittent.
Locality and direction
- Rheumatic pains first in right hand, then through both legs from above downward,
especially in knees.
- Right : temple, headache; tearing in ear; burning of chin; lying on right side, vomiting
amel; soreness in groin; rattling in lung agg; upper side fine rles; lung inflamed; shoulder
as if dislocated; arm and hand and great toe cold; half of chest immovable; swelling of
knuckles of foot.
- Left : parietal bone, headache; fluttering before ear; toothache; mamma, crawling; pain in
elbow; pain in side of chest; stitches in chest; whole side fine rles; dropsy of knee joint.
- Down into left eye : headache.
- Extending down to zygoma and upper jaw : headache.
- From above downward : bellyache.
- Downward : to rectum. See 20.
- From chest towards throat : burning.
- Extending forward : headache.
- Insensibility, sensation of numbness (not want of irritability).
- As if brain was in one lump; as if brain was pressed together; as of band compressing
forehead; as if something fell forward in occiput when stooping; as if abdomen was stuffed
full of stones; as if bowels would be cut to pieces; as if a small leaf obstructed windpipe; as
of weight tugging at coccyx; as if flesh was torn from bones of left arm; feet as if beaten; as
if he ought to sleep, as if head was paralyzed; eyeballs as if bruised, as if lids would close;
fluttering before ear as from a large bird; burning as from hot coal on right side of chin;
gums bleed as if scorbutic; taste as from rotten eggs; as if stomach had been overloaded;
cough sounds as if it was moist; crawling as if insects above left mamma; in a sopor,
appears as if suffocating; as if water was poured over him.
- Pain in forehead like waves increasing and decreasing.
- Pain : violent, in forehead; in teeth; in stomach; at epigastrium; in abdomen; in groins; in
bladder; in testicles; in back, as from fatigue; in sacro-lumbar region; in wrists, knees and
ankles; in foot; in joints.
- Violent pain : in forehead; in stomach; in epigastrium; in abdomen; sacral and coccygeal
region; in loins; in epigastrium; in sacro-lumbar region; in head and arms.
- Stitches : in left parietal bone; from forehead into left eye; in l. chest; in rectum; in region
of kidneys; in upper limbs.
- Pinching : in pit of stomach.
- Lancinating : from chest to shoulder.
- Shooting : in chest; in brain; in inner canthi.
- Stitching pain : in upper limbs.
- Cutting : in bowels; through groins and thigh to knee; in limbs.
- Boring : in brain.
- Tearing pain : deep in brain; in head; in eyes; in right concha; in side of face, head and
neck; in roots of teeth; in all limbs; in belly.
- Beating : in stomach; through whole body; belly and pit of stomach.
- Burning : in eyes and canthi; heat of face; as from hot coal on right side of chin; in
fauces; in chest, to throat; in stomach; under sternum; in abdomen; at anus; from rectum
through urethra; in back.
- Smarting : in eyes and canthi.
- Violent burning soreness : in right groin.
- Violent cutting and laborlike tearing from above downward, across groins through thighs
down to knees.
- Soreness : on posterior palate; in calves and shoulder blades.
- Painful drawing : in right temple to zygoma and upper jaw.
- Bearing down : in vagina.
- Pressing pain : in forehead; in vertex; in stomach; in hypochondria; in hypogastrium.
- Heavy pain : in forehead.
- Drawing : in right temple to zygoma; in bowels; in back; in lower limbs; in belly.
- Constriction : in throat; of chest.
- Cramp : in stomach; in muscles of neck; in legs; in arms; in calves.
- Aching : in lids; in hypogastrium.
- Spasmodic contraction of abdominal muscles.
- Pain as from dislocation : in right shoulder; in left arm.
- Tingling and pinching : in pit of stomach.
- Rheumatic pains : in teeth; in chest; in left elbow; about hips, thighs and calves.
- Rheumatic sensation : in limbs.
- Bruised sensation : in limbs.
- Tensive pain : in forehead and one side of head; stupefying over root of nose : in throat
and mouth; in perineum; in lower limbs; in hamstrings.
- Tension : in throat; of abdomen; in hamstrings; in instep.
- Pressure : in stomach in hypochondria and liver; in hypochondrium.
- Heaviness : of head; in forehead; in occiput; in limbs.
- Numbness : of head; in legs; of feet; of external parts.
- Throbbing : in right forehead; in pit of stomach; in abdomen.
- Twitching : muscles of face; of muscles.
- Roughness : in throat.
- Tickling : in pit of stomach excites cough.
- Sense of inner trembling : with trembling of head.
- Tired feeling : in eyes.
- Fluttering : before left ear.
- Creeping : in larynx.
- Heat : in mouth; in throat; in stomach; spreading from heart.
- Unpleasant warmth : in region of stomach.
- Coldness : in pit of stomach; in legs; of feet; in scrobiculum; in veins.
- Itching : on whole body, in evening; of rash and pustules; eruption on wrist; of pudenda;
in vulva; vesicles on lips.
- Hemorrhages bright red.
- Oligaemia; anaemia; chlorosis; t.
- || Varices with stitching pains.
- Phlebitis.
- Signs of poisoning of blood with carbonic acid.
- Where gastric membrane was most inflamed there were two or three white spots, size of a
split pea, appearing under glass as spots of commencing ulceration; t.
- Inflammation of mucous membranes of stomach and intestinal canal.
- Jejunum studded with a considerable number of pale, hypertrophied follicles; t.
- Muscular relaxation.
- Acute arthrodynia.
- Dropsy of synovial membranes.
- Collection of synovia in joint. Hydrarthrosis.
- Pain in joints, going from one joint to another.
- Joints somewhat swollen, reddened, hot; very painful at every attempt to move them.
- { Shifting rheumatism.
- Acute articular rheumatism.
- Mucous membranes : catarrhal inflammation; conjunctivitis; gastritis, enteritis;
laryngitis, trachitis, bronchitis, extending even into air-cells; cystitis.
- Pustular eruption : on conjunctiva; face; mouth and fauces; oesophagus, stomach,
jejunum; genitals.
- Emaciation. Acute catarrh.
- { Granular vegetations.
- Emaciation of scrofulous children.
- Dropsical effusion after checked transpiration.
- Nausea with coldness followed by sweat.
- Skin on face and limbs cold and pale; t.
- Skin pale.
- Skin slightly icteric. Pneumonia.
- Skin shrivelled, dry. Acute catarrh.
- Skin dry, wilted; cool.
- Skin as if dead.
- Skin dry, on chest and hands burning hot, on feet cool. Pneumonia.
- Skin hot and dry. Bronchial croup.
- Biting itching on whole body in evening.
- Itching in skin.
- Ecthyma on face and hands, and after a scratch on hand a large flat ulcer on side of it;
amel after Rhus; rash increased.
- Red itching rash over body; with fever.
- Rash mixed with phlyctenae and furunculi; after vaccination.
- Erythema infantum.
- Itching pustules, which soon dry up.
- Blisters filled with serum and erysipelatous tension of skin.
- Vesicular eruption over body.
- Morphaea; crusta lactea; vitiligo; prurigo; scabies; obstinate pustules; pustular impetigo;
desquamation of cuticle.
- Variola : backache, headache; cough and crushing weight on chest before or at
beginning of eruptive stage; diarrhoea, etc.; also when eruption fails.
- The breast and anterior surface of upper arms, wrists, hypogastrium and inner surface of
thighs were thickly covered with an eruption of bright red, small, conical, hard pimples,
having an inflamed base resembling lichen, itching intolerably. This eruption began to show
itself after the fifth day of taking four grains daily, and abated about third day after its
discontinuance; t.
- Skin gets hot, bright red; small, isolated nodules are developed, have a red halo, between
them skin somewhat swollen, soon they get larger and fill with lymph, etc., very similar to
- Vesicles over whole body, filling quickly with pus, very painful, soon drying up and
forming crusts.
- Pustules and vesicles first on face and forearms, next on back, fill up with pus in a few
days and form crusts.
- Eruption of small papulae and vesicles which rapidly enlarge and fill with pus, and of a
dark red color at base, so as to resemble mature variolous pustules, and were very painful;
in a few days they were dry and crusted over. Eruption appeared first on inner side of
forearm, then over whole back, where pustules were partly solitary, partly grouped.
- If the use of Ant. tart. was continued after it had produced an eruption like smallpox, the
pustules got large, full of pus, deepened in centre and became confluent; with great pain,
crusts were formed, leaving deep scars.
- Pustular eruptions all over; pustules size of peas, some covered with brown crusts.
- Pustular eruption leaves bluish-red marks on face; also similar eruption on genitals,
thighs etc.; painful.
- Eruption fails to appear and convulsions set in; varicella, etc.
- Thick eruption like pocks, often pustular, as large as a pea.
- Similar to : Acon. (croup, spasm of larynx); Arsen.
- (asthma; heart symptoms; gastric catarrh, etc.); Baryt.
- carb.; Bromine (croup); Camphor; Hepar : Iodium; Kali hydr. (oedema pul., pneumonia);
Laches. (dyspnoea on awaking, sensitive larynx, asthma, asphyxia, etc.); Lycop. (catarrh on
chest; but spasmodic motion of alae is replaced by dilated nostrils in Ant. tart.); Veratr.
- (both have colic, vomiting, coldness and craving for acids); Ant. tart. has more jerks,
drowsiness and urging to urinate; Veratr. more cold sweat and fainting.
- Similar to Ipec. (but has more drowsiness from defective respiration). It must supplant
Ipec. when lungs seem to fail, patient becomes sleepy and cough ceases or becomes less
- Effects of vaccination when Thuja fails, and Silic. is not indicated.
- With Phosphor., hydrocephaloid in worn-out constitutions; also similar in laryngitis,
pneumonia, etc.
- Follow with Silic. for dyspnoea from foreign substances in windpipe.
- Pulsat. in gonorrhoeal suppression.
- Tereb. in symptoms from damp cellars.
- Conium cures pustules on genitals caused by Ant. tart.
- Camphor., Ipec., Pulsat., Sepia, Sulphur follow Ant. tart. well.
- Ant. tart. follows well after Baryt. carb., Pulsat., Camphor and Caustic.
- Antidotes to Ant. tart. : Asaf, Cinhon., Coccul., Ipec., Lauroc., Opium, Pulsat. and Sepia.
- Ant. tart. antidotes : Sepia.
- { Opium in large doses is the best antidote in poisoning.
- Kali sulph. increased the symptoms.
- Mercur. and Ant. tart. always differ by Mercur. acting only indirectly on mouth, while
Ant. tart. exercises a purely local action, similar to its action on skin.
- In diarrhoea similar to Veratr.
- Useful after Bryon. and Caustic. in dyspepsia.
- After Pulsat. did not relieve. Rheumatic toothache.
- The 25th part of a grain, every half hour, in all half a grain. Cholera.
- First trituration, as much as lies on the point of a knife, in two tablespoonfuls of water, a
teaspoonful every hour. Summer complaint.
1- Imposibilidad de estar quieto, ya sea sentado o acostado, por una sensacin de agitacin o
inquietud; no puede dejar de pensar.
* 3- Cefaleas que mejoran mientras come, al aire libre, cerrando los ojos, en reposo,
bebiendo agua fra o por compresas calientes; se agravan despus de comer, por la luz,
por leer, por el menor movimiento. Latidos dolorosos del lado izquierdo de la cabeza,
peor al espirar el aire; como por un golpe en la regin temporal izquierda. Cefalea en el
ojo y sien derechos.
* 4- Siente los ojos como hundidos en las rbitas. Prurito y ardor en el ngulo interno del ojo
6- Secrecin nasal espesa; cae hacia atrs. Cosquilleo nasal, peor a la derecha, con
estornudos y secrecin acuosa. Obstruccin, con dolor frontal.
7- Punta de la lengua dolorida. Odontalgias en los molares izquierdos, mejor teniendo agua
fra en la boca. Dolor, hinchazn y enrojecimiento en el paladar blando y garganta,
sensibles al aire inhalado.
* 8- Malestar gstrico con eructos con gusto a apio. Regurgitaciones de comida. Acidez. Las
nuseas agravan los dolores. Sensacin de vaco gstrico. Presin en el estmago antes
de salir urticaria, mejor despus. Dolores agudos desde el vientre al recto, con urgencia
para defecar. Dolor que pasa de la fosa ilaca izquierda a la derecha. Absceso
* 10- Dolores punzantes en los ovarios, ms a la izquierda, mejor doblndose o acostado del
lado izquierdo, con las piernas flexionadas. Pezones sensibles.
* 11- Tos seca por cosquilleo. Respiracin silbante de noche; disnea. Intensa constriccin
esternal, con sensacin de tironeo hacia la espalda, estando acostado.
* 12- Dolor en los msculos de la nuca y espalda, peor por el movimiento y la presin. Dolor
en el sacro, peor acostado, mejor despus de levantarse y moverse. Manchas rojas y
pruriginosas en la zona sacra izquierda.
14- Insomnio, pero no lo fatiga. Se despierta por dolor en el temporal; peor de 1 a 3 horas.
Apio. Celery. O.N. Umbelliferae. Tintura de las semillas. Tintura de los tallos.
Contiene un principio activo soporfero
El apio ha producido retencin pertinaz de la orina, cefalea pulstil y agruras
Hinchazn de la garganta, cara y manos
Dolores reumticos en los msculos del cuello, tambin en el sacro
Dolores crecientes
Deseo de manzanas
Dismenorrea, con dolores cortos, agudos, mejor flexionando las piernas.
Deprimido; enrgico; sensacin de inquietud; no puede dormir por pensar
Cefalea; mejor comiendo
Los globos oculares los siente hundidos
Prurito en los ojos
Prurito y punzadas en el canto interno del ojo izquierdo.
Adolorido; dolores punzantes agudos como si las heces fueran a salir; diarrea, dolor agudo
en la regin iliaca izquierda que va a la derecha
La nusea aumenta con los dolores.
Dolores punzantes agudos en ambas regiones ovricas, lado izquierdo, mejor encorvada,
acostada sobre el lado izquierdo, con las piernas flexionadas; pezones sensibles.
Tos seca, cosquilleante
Intensa constriccin en el esternn, con sensacin tironeante hacia la espalda, al acostarse
Garganta hinchada, disnea.
Placas con prurito; sensacin de horripilacin, ardiente
Secrecin profusa de lceras en granulacin
Urticaria con estremecimiento.
No reparador; insomnio
Despierta de 1 a 3 a. m
Comer no le ayuda a dormir
No se fatiga por prdida de sueo.
Potencias de la primera a la trigsima.
* 4- Coriza violento con ardor y prurito en el borde de los orificios nasales, peor en el
tabique, con secrecin lquida; dolor excoriante en laringe, taquicardia, pies y piernas
fros y escalofros.
** 6- Odontalgias violentas extendidas a los odos, sienes o malares, peor en cama, mejor
cuando aparecen sudores calientes generalizados.
10- Ardor en uretra y meato orinando. Micciones frecuentes de orina copiosa y espumosa, o
marrn rojiza, con sedimento amarillento. Irritacin voluptuosa del glande.
** 11- Dolores severos en el ngulo inferior e interno del omplato izquierdo (en
Chenopodium es el derecho) que se extienden al trax. Escalofros que suben y bajan por
la espalda.
12- Dolores reumticos en hombros y brazos, pies y piernas. Dolores en las rodillas, tibias y
plantas de los pies. Ardor en palmas, con sudores. Edemas en los miembros.
Piojo del Chenopodium antihelmintium. O.N. Insecta. Una tintura se hace del pulgn que
crece en el Chenopodium glaucum.
Caractersticas.- Algunos de los ms notables sntomas de Aphis son: Coriza con ardor y
mordiente en mrgenes de orificios nasales, especialmente en el septum. Aumento de
una odontalgia muy violenta en la cama, solamente mejorada despus que aparece un
sudor general caliente. Cortante en el abdomen y ruidos de flatus. Deseo ineficaz en
recto y vejiga. En la maana deseo urgente despus de levantarse, varias heces como
papilla con dolores pinchantes, ardorosos en el ano al obrar. Flatus se acompaan con
heces. Heces delgadas con mucosidad y manchas de sangre obscura. Los insectos
comparten las propiedades de la planta donde viven, Chenopodium glaucum que es un
remedio popular para el clico, y relacionada con la Polygonaceae Rheum y Rumex.
Aphis es peculiar al ser el nico medicamento que tiene odontalgia > por sudoracin;
aunque Cham. tiene mejora general por el sudor.
Relaciones.- Comparar: Aethus.(heces despus de levantarse; pinchantes, cortantes antes y
despus de obrar); Nat. sul.(heces despus de levantarse, con eliminacin de flatus);
Nux v. (frecuente urgencia en recto y vejiga); Gelsem. (escalofro sube y baja en la
Participa en gran medida de las propiedades de la planta sobre la que el insecto vive.
Triste; adolorida, peor por el movimiento
El cerebro parece batirse en agua
Coriza, con ardor o dolor mordiente en los orificios nasales
Ruidos en los odos, como caonazos
Cara amarilla
Neuralgia orbitaria derecha, con lagrimeo profuso.
Odontalgia mejorada por sudor general caliente. [Cham.]
Odontalgia que se extiende al odo, al temporal y al hueso de la mejilla.
Sin apetito para la carne y el pan
Vesculas al final de la lengua
Mucha mucosidad
Clico con mucho ruido y deseo urgente de defecar ineficaz.
Duras y nudosas
Diarrea por la maana, con deseo doloroso y ardor en el ano, y presin en recto y vejiga.
Sensacin voluptuosa en el glande
Ardor en la uretra
Miccin frecuente, copiosa, espumosa.
Dolores severos en la regin del ngulo inferior interno de la escpula izquierda, que se
extiende al trax
Fiebre.- Escalofro en todo el cuerpo; ardor en las palmas; sudor caliente en la cama.
Comparar: Natrum sulph., Nux.
Potencias de la sexta hasta la trigsima.
Natrum sulphuricum y Chelidonium.
6a, 30a.
- Headache violent, pressing, especially in the forehead, worse on each movement; it feels
as if the brain swashed hither and thither; now and then a deepseated pain in the occiput
(ninth day).
- Burning of the lids, for several successive evenings.
- Painful tearing transient alternately in each ear (first day).
- Eruption on the right nostril and left upper lip, with burning pain, as in coryza (second
- Sneezing (second day).
- Fluent coryza (second and third days).
- Fluent coryza in the evening, with a pulse of 85 (third day).
- Fluent coryza, with burning at the nostrils (fifth day).
- Coryza, with burning biting on the nostrils, especially on the septum (seventh day).
- Face pale, inclining to yellow (fourth day).
- Flushes of heat in the face, with confusion of the head, as in threatening coryza (seventh
- Great inclination to sweat in the face (first day).
- Dryness of the lips (eighth day).
- Dry lips in the morning (fourth day).
- Tearing drawing pain in a hollow back tooth, toward noon; it gradually increased and
spread to the other teeth on the right side, to the ear, temple, and the cheek-bones; worse in
bed, and only relieved by a general warm sweat, after some hours (twelfth day).
- Painful vesicle on the tip of the tongue (twelfth day).
- Breath warm (eighth day).
- * Dryness of mouth and throat with frequent accumulation of mucus, several days.
- Increased warmth in the mouth; the breath is warmer (fourth day).
- Inflammation of the palate (second day).
- Scraping sensation in the palate (first day).
- Constantly increasing collection of mucus in the mouth and throat (fourth day).
- Profuse accumulation of insipid mucus in the mouth and fauces (third day).
- Increased secretion of frothy mucus in the mouth and throat, and frequent inclination to
raise it by hawking (first day).
- Accumulation of mucus in the mouth (of an unpleasant flat taste); frequent hawking from
the throat and repeated spitting (second day).
- Dryness in the throat causes much thirst (first day).
- Burning in the throat (second day).
- Cutting burning sensation in the whole throat, particularly in the palate, especially caused
by inspiration (first day).
- Burning biting pain in the soft palate (eleventh day).
- Appetite for meat and bread lost (ninth day).
- Thirst (ninth day).
- Much thirst at evening (twelfth day).
- Frequent eructations of air tasting of the food (daily).
- Rumbling of flatus in the bowels, with passage of considerable (third day).
- Gurgling of flatus about with some passage of it (fourth day).
- Flatus in the bowels causes griping (fifth day).
- Dull griping in the intestines from time to time, as if a stool would soon follow, with
passage of more flatus than usual (first day).
- Painful cutting griping in the small intestines (fourth day).
- Frequent colic, griping in the bowels at night (first day).
Urinary organs
- Irritation in the urethra, as from something acrid, compels frequent urinating (sixth day).
- Burning in the orifice of the urethra, on urinating (second and third days).
- Burning in urethra (sixth day).
- Urine burns when passing through the urethra (ninth day).
- Frequent and profuse urination; urine deep yellow, and slightly foaming (fifth day).
- Urine frothy, brownish-red, deposits a thick yellowish sediment (twelfth day).
Respiratory apparatus
- Painful sensitiveness of the right side of the larynx, externally (first day).
- Irritation in the larynx, as from burning acid, which sometimes causes a cough and
frequently hawking (seventh day).
- Irritation to cough, in the region of the larynx (second day).
- Constant irritation in the larynx to hawk frequently, provokes a cough, which
expectorates mucus; the irritation is a tickling burning, sometimes a stinging sensation
(fourth day).
- Burning, scrapy feeling in the larynx (fifth day).
- Tickling, burning sensation in the larynx (fifth day).
- Violent sneezing, which pains the larynx (fifth day).
- Voice sometimes hoarse and rough, cleared by much hawking (fifth day).
- Drycough, caused by irritation in the throat (fourth day).
- Cough from irritation in the larynx, worse from 4 to 6 P.M. (seventh day).
Extremities in general
- Limbs pain as if bruised, with frequent drawing tearing pains, from above the knee down
to the foot, especially on the tibia and in the soles (ninth to thirteenth days).
Lower extremities
- Tired feeling in the legs, especially in the knees (thirteenth day)?
- Feet cold up to the knees (ninth day).
- Stinging burning pain in the corns, alternating between the little toes (first day).
- Feeling of fatigue (fourth day).
- Very weak and prostrated at evening (tenth day).
- Drawing tearing pains, here and there, especially above the knee (eleventh day).
- Pains, drawing tearing, in various parts of the body, shoulders, arms, ears, temples,
hollow teeth (ninth day).
- Feeling of irritation or congestion in all the pelvic viscera; desire to urinate, to a stool,
voluptuous irritation in the prepuce, pressure and urging in the bladder (eighth day).
Sleep and dreams
- Sleepless night (ninth and tenth days).
- Voluptuous dreams, and two emissions (seventh day).
- Frequent chilliness over the whole body, especially the back (daily).
- Chills run up and down the back (ninth day).
- Dulness in head as from coryza, with flushes of heat in face.
Inner head
- || Violent pressure in forehead and occiput, aggravated by motion, with sensation as if
brain was balancing to and fro.
Outer head
- Drawing tearing in scalp; first days and second week.
Upper face
- Pale or yellowish color of face; all day.
- Flushes of heat in face, with dulness of head, like beginning of a coryza (evening).
- Great inclination to sweat in face; from early in morning.
Lower face
- || Dryness of lips,
- | especially in morning.
- Dry lips and warmer breath; his pulse ran up to 68.
- Burning pimples on left upper lip.
Inner mouth
- More saliva in mouth and more phlegm in throat; second week.
- Dryness of mouth and throat, sometimes with increased secretion of mucus.
- All day much mucus in mouth and throat, tasting unpleasantly flat, with continual
disposition to hawk or spit.
- Secretion of frothy mucus from mouth and throat.
- Scratching on palate.
- A cutting burning sensation in throat, most in palate, when inhaling.
- Scraping and burning in throat.
- Disposed to hawk up phlegm.
- The palate is inflamed.
- Biting burning in soft palate during afternoon.
- Dryness, scraping and burning like from something acrid in throat, and increased phlegm;
second week.
Appetite, thirst
- Desires, Aversions. No appetite for meat and wheaten bread, with chilliness.
- Increased thirst, from sensation of dryness in throat.
- Much thirst in evening; second week.
- Frequent cutting pain in abdomen, especially at night or during day, with urging to stool,
emission of large quantities of flatus.
- Frequent rumbling of flatus in bowels and passing of wind.
- Congestion of blood to all organs in pelvis.
- { The plant is a popular medicine in colic.
Urinary organs
- || Pressure on bladder, with ineffectual desire to stool.
- Irritation in urethra, as from acridity, compelling him to urinate frequently; urine
saturated, yellow, foaming.
- During micturition,
- || burning in mouth of urethra.
- Frequent and copious emission of saturated, yellow, foaming urine, without burning in
urethra; another day with an acrid sensation in urethra.
- || Urine brownish red, depositing a thick, yellowish sediment, foaming during night.
- Passing urine burns in urethra during chill and coryza.
- Warmer breath with mucus in mouth.
- Now and then irritation to cough in region of larynx.
- Dry cough from irritation in throat.
Upper limbs
- Rheumatic pains in shoulders and upper arms; arms as if bruised.
Lower limbs
- Rheumatic pains on tibia and soles of feet.
- Sensation of weariness in legs, most in knees.
- || Tearing drawing above knee, often mornings or during day.
- Cold feet up to knees.
- Stinging burning pain in corns or little toes, alternately, r. and left.
Limbs in general
- All the limbs feel bruised.
- Frequent drawing rending pains from above knees down to feet, agg on shin bones and
tops of feet.
- Position. Motion. Motion : pressure in forehead agg.
- Tired feeling.
- || Sleepless night, without much pain, but towards morning twice a thin stool, with
pinching and urging in rectum.
- From 4 to 6 P.M. : more irritation to cough in larynx.
- Afternoon : biting and burning in soft palate.
- Evening : burning of eyelids; fluent coryza; flushes of face; thirst; pulse accelerated; tired
and weak.
- Morning : dry lips, more warmth in mouth and breath warmer, pulse accelerated; face
inclined to sweat; after rising, urging to stool, thin mushlike passages with wind; tearing
above knee; transpiration all over skin.
- Forenoon : burning of palms of hands.
- Towards noon : toothache.
- All day : much mucus in mouth and throat; dry lips; pale yellowish color of face; cutting
in abdomen and urging to stool; pulse increased to 80; tearing above knee.
- Night : cutting in abdomen, urging to stool; seminal emissions; sleepless; urging,
pinching and stool towards morning.
- Chills, especially over back.
- Burning in palms of hands, with inclination to sweat, in forenoon.
- Feet and legs cold up to knees, shudders run down back, fluent coryza continuing.
- || In morning transpiration all over skin; later in morning before getting up, a warm sweat.
- Sweat relieves toothache.
Attacks, periodicity
- Every evening : very tired and weak.
- Several times a day : thin evacuations.
- Several days in succession : thin stools.
- As if brain was balancing to and fro; as if limbs were beaten; arms as if bruised.
- Pain : below left shoulder blade.
- Drawing rending : in temples, ears, decayed teeth, shoulders, upper arms, soles of feet,
above knees, on tibia.
- Drawing tearing : in scalp; in a decayed molar; above knee; in limbs.
- Tearing : in ears.
- Pinching : in abdomen; in anus; in rectum; in entrails.
- Cutting : in abdomen.
- Cutting burning : in throat and palate.
- Burning : of eyelids; pimples on right nostril and left upper lip; in anus; in urethra; in
larynx; in palms of hands.
- Burning and biting : on margins of nostrils and of septum.
- Stinging burning : in corns or little toes.
- Scraping and burning : in throat; in larynx.
- Biting burning : in soft palate.
- Acrid sensation : in urethra.
- Titillating burning or stinging : in larynx.
- Scratching : on palate.
- Soreness : of nostrils; of larynx.
- Pressure : in forehead and occiput; on rectum and bladder.
- Dulness in head.
- Rheumatic pains : in shoulders and upper arms; in tibia and soles of feet.
- Weariness : in legs, most in knees.
- Dryness : of lips; of mouth; in throat.
- Heat : in face.
- Coldness : of feet to knees; running up and down back.
- Relatives : the Polygonaceae, Rumex and Rheum.
- Similar to : Pulsat., Chamom., Mercur., Antim., etc.
- (toothache agg in bed; no other remedy has relief of toothache from sweat, though
Chamom. has general relief from sweat); Aethusa (stool after rising, pinching, cutting
before, urging after); Natr. sul. (stool after rising, with discharge of wind, etc.); Nux vom.
(frequent urging in rectum and bladder); Apis, Argent. nitr., Dulcam., Phosph., etc., (in
laryngeal affections); Gelsem. (chills up and down back, cold feet, etc).
APIS (Vijnovsky)
(Apis mellifica: la abeja)
** 1- Un estado soporoso ( que puede llevar al coma) o el sueo habitual, son interrumpidos
por gritos agudsimos y repentinos (grito enceflico), especialmente en problemas
meningoencefalticos agudos. El nio grita durmiendo o antes de las convulsiones.
Estupor o inconsciencia durante la fiebre; estupor alternando con mana ertica. Est
como ausente, como en un sueo.
** 2- Triste, descorazonado, melanclico, llora da y noche y se desespera, sin saber por qu,
sin causa aparente; no puede evitar llorar. Todo le es indiferente, especialmente lo que
podra alegrarlo o hacerlo feliz; por el contrario, slo le da importancia a lo que le causa
* 8- Necesita estar muy ocupado, siempre est haciendo algo; cambia la clase de trabajo.
Delirio ocupado. Excitacin durante la fiebre.
* 10- Dice que est bien, an estando muy enfermo; no se da cuenta de su verdadero estado
(durante el delirio).
*** 14- Los dolores son punzantes (como pinchazos) y ardientes, quemantes, como
producidos por un carbn ardiendo o por una picadura de abeja o por agujas
enrojecidas al fuego; con dolorimiento, como golpeado, con gran sensibilidad al menor
contacto. Los dolores cambian bruscamente de sitio (Puls.), se extienden rpidamente a
todo el cuerpo y estn peor por el calor y el reposo, y mejor por el fro local y el
movimiento, o caminando o cambiando de posicin.
*** 15- Peor por el calor, por el calor radiante ( estufas: le produce escalofros ), de la
cama, de una habitacin calurosa; por abrigarse. Est mejor por fro local, por agua fra
y el bao fro. Sensacin de calor.
*** 16- Ausencia de sed, sobre todo durante la fiebre (Gels., Puls.), en edemas y en general.
Sed durante el escalofro.
*** 17- Edemas de todo orden, localizados (como si estuviera lleno de agua) o generalizados
(a menudo de origen renal o cardaco), con aspecto ceroso, plido o rosado,
semitransparente, y dejando una huella a la presin. Anasarca.
* 20- Congestiones pasivas: renal, pulmonar y heptica. Hemorragias de sangre oscura que
no coagula. Vrices que pinchan y arden. Flebitis. Linfangitis.
* 22- Especialmente til: en nios y nias muy cuidadosos, que empiezan a dejar caer cosas;
en nios en la denticin, marasmo, diarrea, hidrocefalias etc.; en la menopausia, en
viudas; en viejos (Ictus). Hidrogenoides.
* 27- Los trastornos de Apis sobrevienen, en general, con gran violencia y rapidez.
* 28- Convulsiones, peor por un bao caliente o en una habitacin calurosa. Un lado del
cuerpo con sacudidas y el otro paralizado.
30- Peor por la presin, acostado, despus de dormir, por la humedad. Mejor al aire libre, por
un bao fro o aplicaciones fras o mojndose con agua fra, destapndose o sentado
* 34- Vrtigo con las cefaleas, con estornudos y nuseas, peor al cerrar los ojos o acostado o
sentado, con oscurecimiento de la vista.
** 35- Congestin ceflica, cabeza caliente con sensacin de calor, pesadez y plenitud, peor
en habitacin calurosa y antes y durante la menstruacin, mejor al aire libre. Sensacin
de constriccin ceflica o de hinchazn. Hunde la cabeza en la almohada, la mueve de
un lado a otro, y grita. Meningitis agudas; tuberculosa; hidrocefalia. Las fontanelas
cierran tardamente. Cefaleas pulstiles, mejor por la presin de las manos, peor por el
movimiento, durante la fiebre, en una habitacin calurosa; mejor caminando al aire libre.
Dolores en pualada, repentinos. Cefaleas como picaduras de abejas. Sudores ceflicos
con olor a almizcle. Erisipela. El cabello cae en placas (Fl. Ac.) .
*** 36- Prpados con hinchazn edematosa, sobre todo los inferiores que cuelgan como una
bolsita llena de agua, dando la impresin de que se vaciaran si se los pinchara.
Lagrimeo abundante y ardiente. Inflamaciones agudas o crnicas de los diferentes
tejidos del ojo, sobre todo en nios, con dolores punzantes y quemantes, peor por el calor
o en una habitacin calurosa. Afecciones de la crnea: manchas, escaras, lceras,
opacidades, leucoma, estafiloma, queratocono, queratitis. Conjuntivas inyectadas, con
intensa quemosis; tracoma (Apis 100M., una dosis, lo cura en un da [Dra. Tyler]).
Blefaritis, prpados rojos. Fotofobia. Diplopia, astenopas, estrabismo. Dolores oculares
pinchantes, o como por un cuerpo extrao, peor mirando cosas blancas o la nieve.
Prpados rgidos o evertidos, sobre todo el inferior; caen las pestaas; orzuelos (evita su
reaparicin). Los ojos se vuelven hacia arriba o dan vueltas durmiendo. Fstula lagrimal.
Visin turbia cuando lee; visin dbil al anochecer.
* 37- Otalgia punzante con dolor de garganta. El nio lleva la mano a su mastoides cada vez
que grita. Otitis aguda escarlatinosa. Erisipela en orejas. Hipoacusia.
* 38- Nariz hinchada, roja, erisipelatosa, con puntadas. Coriza, peor por calor. Catarro
crnico con costras. Plipos nasales. La punta de la nariz est fra.
** 39- Cara edematosa, como transparente, plida (despus de una escarlatina) o roja y
caliente, y tan hinchada que es irreconocible; cara brillante, lustrosa, con dolores agudos,
ardientes, edemas sobre todo alrededor o debajo de los ojos y en los labios,
especialmente el superior. Quiere lavarse la cara con agua fra. Expresin feliz o ansiosa,
aterrorizada o aptica. Erisipela de la cara, que va de derecha a izquierda; erisipelas
repetidas, peridicas. Labios evertidos, colgantes, rgidos. Urticaria.
* 40- Dientes cubiertos de sarro marrn o mucus amarillo. Rechina los dientes.
** 41- Encas hinchadas como bolsitas llenas de agua (el nio grita en la denticin).
Sensacin de tener dormidas las encas y la lengua. Paladar y lengua de color rojo
intenso, sobre todo en la punta. Lengua hinchada, seca, inflamada, como barnizada,
agrietada, con vesculas ardientes; con sensacin de quemadura, como si se hubiera
quemado la boca con agua hirviendo. Lengua amarilla brillante. No puede sacar la
lengua, choca con los dientes (Lach.) o cuelga de la boca. Cncer de lengua.
** 42- Faringe inflamada, roja, como barnizada, reluciente, con edema de la vula, que
cuelga como una bolsita llena de agua o un badajo de campana semitranslcido
(Vannier). Sensacin de constriccin continua, con dolores como pinchazos ardientes,
trague o no; peor por bebidas calientes y al tragar slidos. Ulceraciones profundas en la
garganta, sobre todo en las amgdalas; en la escarlatina. Difteria.
* 45- Vientre dolorido, como golpeado, extremadamente sensible, peor por presin,
estornudos, por tocarlo, acostado. Tiene la sensacin en el abdomen como si algo
apretado se fuera a romper o estallar al toser o si hace mucho esfuerzo para defecar.
Ascitis con anasarca. Peritonitis; hepatitis. Hinchazn dura en la ingle derecha, grande
como un pepino. Hernia inguinal antigua. Hepato- y esplenomegalia.
* 46- Constipacin, peor durante la menstruacin, con heces duras. Diarrea: indolora, acuosa;
en bebedores; en infecciones graves; en enfermedades eruptivas, sobre todo si la
erupcin es suprimida. se Mueve involuntariamente el vientre apenas mueve, como si el
ano estuviera ampliamente abierto o relajado (Phos., Aloe). Diarrea y vmitos. Duele el
ano despus de defecar; hemorroides. Heces amarillentas o verdosas. Prolapso rectal.
* 48- Hidrocele: edema de escroto. Chancro con dolores como picaduras de abejas.
Hipertrofia de prstata. Hipertrofia del testculo derecho.
** 50- Edema de glotis; tal vez el mejor remedio (Kali Iod.). Tiene la sensacin de que cada
inspiracin va a ser la ltima.
** 51- Disnea, necesita puertas y ventanas abiertas; sobre todo con la fiebre o los escalofros
o cuando est acalorado; por erupciones suprimidas; por constriccin larngea; peor en
una habitacin calurosa, estando acostado con la cabeza baja o sobre el lado izquierdo o
simplemente no puede estar acostado, y por el movimiento; mejor al aire libre. Asma por
erupciones suprimidas. Respira a boqueadas (Lyc., Ant. T.). Respiracin estertorosa con
estupor y ocasionales gritos muy agudos, como por dolores muy intensos. Tos, peor
acostado, lo despierta a medianoche.
** 52- Dolores ardientes en la cara anterior del trax; trax dolorido por la tos, peor encima
de la clavcula. Puntadas precordiales. Sensacin de plenitud torcica; de opresin en el
escalofro o en una habitacin calurosa. Angina de pecho. Pericarditis y endocarditis con
edemas. Insuficiencia mitral con dilatacin cardiaca. Edema de trax; hidrotrax;
hidropericardio. Cncer y erisipela de mamas.
** 54- Edemas en las extremidades: hinchazn edematosa de las manos; piernas, tobillos y
pies plidos, creos y edematosos; despus de una escarlatina; peor de noche. Sensacin
de hinchazn o de agrandamiento en los pies y dedos de los pies. Panadizos pruriginosos
o con dolores punzantes. Gota; ndulos gotosos o artrticos en las extremidades, sobre
todo en las articulaciones de los dedos de las manos. Reumatismo articular agudo, con
articulaciones hinchadas, tensas, brillantes, rosadas, muy sensibles al menor contacto y
con los dolores tpicos de Apis. Torpeza en los miembros, se le caen las cosas de las
manos. Fro en las rodillas durante los escalofros. Manos rojas; manchas de color
prpura en las piernas. Erisipela en las piernas y dedos de los pies. Rigidez del pie
izquierdo y de los dedos del pie. Hemipleja izquierda. Se le duermen las manos y puntas
de los dedos. Signo de Babinski espontneo y doloroso en la meningitis tuberculosa.
Sinovitis de las rodillas.
* 55- Gran somnolencia despus de comer. Suea que vuela. Sueo muy profundo, peor
durante la fiebre. Insomnio por pensamientos que lo atormentan. Sobresaltos durmiendo.
* 57- Fiebre con calor ardiente y deseo de destaparse; lo agrava el calor, el abrigo, y la
habitacin calurosa le es intolerable; mejor lavndose. Sarampin y secuelas.
Escarlatina y secuelas. Estado tfico en las enfermedades infecciosas. Paludismo, sobre
todo terciana.
58- Sudores que alternan con piel seca; leve sudor con somnolencia.
** 59- Piel blanca como cera, casi transparente, con hinchazn edematosa plida; o roja y
ardiente; sucia (Psor, Sulph.). Erupciones que pinchan y arden como picaduras de abejas.
Carbunclo con pinchazos. Celulitis. Urticaria: peor de noche; durante la fiebre o con los
sudores; por cambios de tiempo; por el calor y los ejercicios; con asma. Erisipela con
edema rosado. Forunculosis (disminuye el dolor). Picaduras de insectos. Brusco edema
de todo el cuerpo.
(Vannier: Remedios de estados agudos)
Apis es el remedio de las inflamaciones agudas que aparecen bruscamente, que evolucionan
con una extrema violencia y que se acompaan de edema y de derrame.
Para comprender bien Apis es preciso pensar en la picadura de abeja que produce al principio
una inflamacin aguda, inmediata y violenta, despus un dolor y por ltimo un exudado.
A) La inflamacin
1) A nivel de la piel. Se produce un edema. Cules son los caracteres ? Aparece "de manera
brusca", se forman casi inmediatamente, en un plazo muy corto. No es rojo, pero si
"rosado". Puede ser parcial o generalizado.
a) El edema parcial. Se presenta, ya bajo la forma de un edema franco, con tensin brillante
de la piel, que guarda la impresin del dedo; edema de los pies y de las manos; ya bajo el
aspecto de una hinchazn semitransparente que se observa ms particularmente a nivel
de los prpados. Los prpados superiores e inferiores estn rojos, hinchados,
edematizados. El edema es ms marcado a nivel de los prpados inferiores que penden
como pequeos sacos llenos de agua. La hinchazn es a veces tan considerable que el
prpado est evertido hacia afuera y muy rojo.
Otros remedios presentan edema de los prpados: tal como el edema de los prpados
superiores e inferiores de Arsenicum, que se acompaa generalmente de sensacin de
comezn y quemadura, mientras que el de Apis se acompaa de dolores picantes y
quemantes. Un signo permite diferenciar los dos remedios: con Apis la mejora es
constante por las aplicaciones fras, mientras que con Arsenicum se produce siempre por
las aplicaciones calientes.
Sealemos, en fin, a Kali carbonicum que provoca un edema parcial que asienta en el ngulo
interno del prpado superior.
a) Faringe. La mucosa est "roja, brillante, barnizada": Esto no es muy caracterstico, puesto
que estos elementos significativos se encuentran en Belladona; pero, fenmeno constante
en Apis, que no se ve nunca en Belladona: el velo del paladar est edematizado, y existe
constantemente un edema de la vula. La vula pende entre los dos pilares como un
badajo semitransparente.
Este signo no aparece solamente en Apis, sino tambin en otro remedio: Kali bichromicum,
pero en Kali bich, existen siempre ulceraciones farngeas, particularmente sobre el lado
derecho de la vula, y estn rodeadas de una aureola roja y recubiertas de una secrecin
amarillenta, viscosa, adherente.
En fin, tenis un medio muy simple de diferenciar Apis y Kali bich., cuando no hay
ulceracin: los dolores picantes de Kali bich, son mejorados por el calor, por bebidas
calientes, por gargarismos calientes, mientras que los mismos dolores picantes de Apis
son agravados por el calor.
Agreguemos que el enfermo atacado de edema de la glotis, que necesita de Apis, presenta
una sensacin muy curiosa: como si cada respiracin fuere a ser la ltima.
3) Sobre las serosas. Todas las serosas pueden estar atacadas, y Apis puede ser til, tanto en
las pericarditis, como en las meningitis, en las pleuresas o en el reumatismo.
a) La pleura. Todos los derrames pleurticos de origen tuberculoso u otros y los hidrotrax
pueden necesitar de Apis. Cules son las caractersticas del derrame? Aparece
bruscamente, evoluciona rpidamente y es indoloro; el enfermo presenta disnea que
aumenta progresivamente, acompaada de una tos seca producida por una irritacin por
encima del esternn. El enfermo se siente peor en una atmsfera caliente. Mientras ms
calor hay en la habitacin, ms incmodo se siente. Aqu se encuentra la sensacin
caracterstica de Apis, "como si cada respiracin fuere a ser la ltima".
b) Las serosas articulares. Todas las articulaciones pueden estar tocadas, encontraris
siempre un ataque brutal y una extrema violencia en la manifestacin de los sntomas. La
articulacin est inflamada, tensa, brillante, pero su gran caracterstica es ser "rosada".
La piel que la recubre no est ni roja ni plida, sino rosada.
B) Los dolores
Son "quemantes", como por un carbn ardiente. Hay un remedio que presenta tambin esta
modalidad: Arsenicum. Pero los dolores de Apis son tambin "picantes", como por
agujas. Y un remedio cuyos dolores son siempre lancinantes, como por cortes de agujas o
de cortaplumas: es Kali carb., que presenta igualmente edema, trastornos renales y
sntomas anlogos a los de Apis. Pero el desarrollo de los sntomas de Kali carb. es
esencialmente lento. En fin, existe un remedio de dolores picantes, pero como por agujas
de hielo es un Agaricus. Habitualmente se caracterizan los dolores de Apis quemantes
como por fuego y lancinantes como por cortes de agujas diciendo que el enfermo sufre
"como por agujas rojas al fuego". Tal es la caracterstica esencial de los dolores de Apis,
sobre todo si agregis que son muy violentos y que no residen solamente en la regin
enferma, sino que se extienden a todo el cuerpo. Por ejemplo, un enfermo que sufre de
reumatismo articular de la rodilla, de la mueca o del hombro, tendr dolores, no
solamente localizados en los sitios atacados, sino irradiados a distancia en todo el cuerpo.
Los dolores son "muy violentos", agravados siempre por el "calor" y por el "reposo"; al
contrario, mejorados por el "fro" y por el desplazamiento. Hay siempre tendencia, en
presencia de una inflamacin aguda, a poner compresas calientes. Cuando veis a un
sujeto agravado por aplicaciones calientes, pensad en Apis e investigad en vuestro sujeto
las caractersticas de este remedio.
Los dolores presentan tambin otra caracterstica: son "errticos", pero no cambian de lugar
lentamente; este cambio se produce "bruscamente", de un instante a otro: el enfermo
acusa un dolor de un lado, y algunos minutos despus, este dolor desaparece y se
manifiesta del otro lado.
Apis y Pulsatilla son dos remedios extremadamente interesantes porque los dos son de la
misma naturaleza, es decir, que convienen a los mismos estados de intoxicacin, a los
mismos estados tuberculnicos. Y si uno (Pulsatilla) tiene ocasin de hacer una
eliminacin de sus toxinas bajo forma de secreciones amarillas, nunca irritantes, bajo la
forma de prdidas blancas, de coriza o de expectoracin; el otro (Apis) no tiene nunca la
ocasin de hacer una eliminacin: es una explosin sbita de toxinas que aparece
bruscamente y que se localiza sobre la piel, sobre una serosa o al nivel de una mucosa.
Una ltima caracterstica de los dolores de Apis: es "la extrema sensibilidad al menor
contacto". El ms pequeo tocamiento, an el roce de las sbanas, molesta al sujeto. Los
cabellos mismos son dolorosos cuando el enfermo los toca.
Agreguemos que todos los dolores de Apis evoluciona "de derecha a izquierda" y "de arriba a
C) La fiebre
El escalofro de Apis aparece generalmente "a las 3 p.m.". Se acompaa de cierta sed; es muy
raro ver a un enfermo febril con escalofros pedir de beber. El escalofro de Apis es ms
marcado en una habitacin caliente y se acompaa de calor de las manos y de los pies.
Aunque tembloroso de fro, el enfermo de Apis "no quiere estar cubierto": rechaza las
coberturas. Por lo dems, el escalofro no dura largo tiempo.
El estadio de calor aparece muy rpidamente, y a partir de este momento, aunque est en
pleno perodo febril con elevacin considerable de la temperatura, el enfermo de Apis
jams tiene sed, aunque est transpirando. "La ausencia de sed" es caracterstica de Apis.
El enfermo tiene al mismo tiempo una impresin de disnea, de quemadura en el pecho;
despus sobrevienen los sudores, y, pasado el paroxismo febril, el enfermo se duerme.
Recordad que la cara de Apis no os dar casi ninguna caracterstica, porque como Belladonna
o Aconitum, el sujeto de Apis tiene tambin la cara congestionada; pero existe un punto
que, sin embargo, puede ser puesto en evidencia: la cara de Apis es "dolorosa" y los
prpados y el labio superior estn "inflamados".
Cules son las causas habituales que pueden acarrear en un sujeto las manifestaciones que justifiquen el
empleo de Apis?
Existe, sin embargo, una causa ocasional que puede ser incriminada, y ya se ha indicado otras
veces: es la accin del mar. Pero entindase bien. No es la permanencia a la orilla del
mar lo que va a desarrollar en un nio los efectos de Apis; es el regreso del mar a la
ciudad. Cuando veis a un nio que al regresar de la playa presenta bruscamente una
elevacin de temperatura ms o menos fuerte, con fenmenos a veces graves, a menudo
menngeos, tendris que pensar en Apis.
Por lo tanto, es til prescribir una dosis de Apis a la 30 C. a todos los nios tuberculnicos
que regresen a la ciudad despus de una permanencia prolongada a la orilla del mar. Esta
dedicacin preventiva me ha prestado grandes servicios.
Durante las convulsiones, siempre agravadas por el calor, agita la cabeza o los miembros.
Tenemos por caso un nio que regresa de la playa y que cae enfermo en las condiciones
sealadas: se dice generalmente que se ha resfriado y se le prepara una hoguera en la
habitacin. Mientras ms caliente se encuentre, mayores son las convulsiones. La cabeza
est rgida, el enfermo presenta "rigidez de la nuca", pero esta rigidez no es constante y
es precisamente la movilidad de la cabeza lo que engaa al mdico. El nio "corre su
cabeza sobre la almohada de izquierda a derecha", o bien, se hunde en la almohada. En
fin, "trilla los dientes".
Cuando grita, emite "gritos agudos", inarticulados, de verdaderas crisis enceflicas. Presenta
la cara congestionada, un "aspecto embrutecido", estpido. Los ojos estn semicerrados,
inyectados, las "pupilas dilatadas".
Helleborus es muy semejante a Apis y si no conocis a fondo vuestra materia mdica, los
podis confundir. Helleboro es secundario a Apis o Belladona, mientras que Apis aparece
desde el primer estadio de la meningitis. El estado de Helleborus es un estado instalado,
mientras que el de Apis se prepara. El enfermo de Helleborus est en coma, tiene la cara
plida, los ojos inyectados, abiertos, insensibles a la luz. Emite suspiros involuntarios,
agudos, exactamente como el enfermo de Apis, pero lleva siempre la mano a la cabeza;
esta es una pequea modalidad interesante. Lo mismo que Apis, mueve la cabeza sobre la
almohada, la hunde en ella; pero se rasca los labios hasta sangrar y tiene carfologa.
2) El enfermo digestivo
Dejando de un lado intencionalmente la angina aguda de Apis, que no tiene mayor inters,
veamos cmo se presenta un enfermo agudo digestivo que necesite de Apis.
Otra caracterstica interesante: presenta siempre un dolor "bajo las falsas costillas"; dolor ms
marcado del lado izquierdo.
Otro remedio que da dolores bajo las falsas costillas, tambin del lado izquierdo, es
Argentum nitricum; pero Argentum nitricum es un remedio crnico de la lcera del
estmago, mientras que Apis es un remedio de inflamacin aguda con reaccin
Desde el punto de vista funcional digestivo existen dos categoras de sntomas diferentes: o
bien el enfermo presenta una peritonitis bacilar con constipacin inevitable, porque no
puede hacer el menor esfuerzo en razn de la sensacin de rotura que repercute en su
vientre cada vez que intenta pujar. O bien el enfermo presenta una alteracin intestinal
aguda con diarrea que reviste una forma caracterstica: las heces son "involuntarias", se
escapan "como si el ano estuviera ampliamente abierto". Agreguemos que las heces
involuntarias se producen cuando el enfermo hace el menor movimiento. An el hecho
de moverse en su cama provoca la evacuacin.
Cmo son las heces? Son acuosas, generalmente verduscas; son ftidas, en nmero de 6 a 8
por da. Su gran caracterstica es, como lo acabamos de decir, producirse
involuntariamente; el enfermo no siente sus materias fecales que se le salen. Adems,
presenta fiebre elevada con ausencia total de sed.
Apis ser un buen remedio -cuando sus indicaciones caractersticas estn presentes- de la
peritonitis bacilar, de las infecciones graves como la tifoidea, o de las infecciones
intestinales que se desarrollan en el curso de las enfermedades eruptivas cuando la
erupcin es brutalmente suprimida.
3) El enfermo urinario
Apis no tiene sed y bebe poco. Al beber poco, las orinas son escasas y a menudo observaris
en l inflamaciones y alteraciones de la vejiga y el rin.
Por parte de la vejiga: cistitis. El enfermo tiene sensacin de quemaduras y dolores al orinar.
Principalmente las ltimas gotas son dolorosas, picantes y quemantes. La orina es rara,
poco abundante, ftida, oscura y algunas veces contiene sangre. El enfermo tiene
necesidad de orinar y no puede porque ello le hace mal. Cuando esta sensacin se
exagera, particularmente en el lactante, se observa retencin de orina. Pensaris que, por
lo tanto, existe orina en la vejiga, pero el nio no puede orinar a causa de los dolores,
"grita antes de orinar" porque sabe que va a sufrir. Antiguamente se empleaba un
remedio casero muy simple: las nodrizas vertan agua hirviendo sobre abejas, luego
hacan beber la solucin enfriada a sus criaturas, quienes entonces orinaban sin dolor.
Podis obtener el mismo resultado con Apis 6 o 30a.
El enfermo de Apis tiene no solamente su vejiga tocada, sino tambin sus riones. Y esto se
caracteriza por un sntoma muy importante: "el edema" que aparece brutalmente: edema
de los prpados, de la cara, de las extremidades. La orina se hace muy oscura y a menudo
sanguinolenta. Tiene albmina. Sntoma muy particular: el enfermo "no puede orinar sin
evacuar al mismo tiempo". No puede hacer una cosa sin la otra, est obligado a hacer las
dos a la vez.
Un remedio que puede compararse con Apis es Cantharis; pero desde el punto de vista de la
evolucin clnica existe una gran diferencia entre los dos. Apis se manifiesta por el
edema, por un exudado de comienzo, luego aparecen los fenmenos urinarios, dolores,
albmina, sangre, etc. En Cantharis son los signos inflamatorios los que aparecen
primero, sangre en las orinas y dolores extremadamente violentos; el edema aparece
secundariamente. Notaris que el enfermo de Cantharis presenta siempre una excitacin
4) El enfermo genital
En Apis no hay nunca excitacin genital; sealemos de paso que es el antdoto de Cantharis.
La mujer que necesita de Apis presenta dos fenmenos, o bien amenorrea, o bien
En la amenorrea hay dos sntomas: uno local y el otro general.
El sntoma local: una sensacin de "presin hacia abajo" como si los rganos quisieran
salirse, sensacin que recuerda la de Sepia y la de Natrum muriaticum, pero en Apis se
ejerce ms bien en la regin lumbar y a nivel del sacro.
El sntoma general: se produce por parte del cerebro. Es el momento en que se desarrollan en
la mujer la "tristeza", la "melancola", las "pesadillas". Algunas veces se revelan dando
gritos. presenta sobre todo un raro estado psquico: se desespera sin saber porqu. En
realidad es porque ella no tiene sus reglas, sus trastornos endcrinos acarrean desrdenes
psquicos. Su cerebro est fatigado, "incapaz de coordinar sus pensamientos". La
enferma es tambin "incapaz de coordinar sus movimientos": se hace torpe, da pasos en
falso y "deja caer los objetos que tiene en sus manos".
Dos remedios combaten esta torpeza: Apis y Bovista, y por dos razones diferentes: con Apis
el trastorno es puramente nervioso, Bovista tiene la sensacin como si los dedos
estuvieran hinchados; son esos enfermos en los cuales el manejo de unas tijeras deja una
profunda impresin sobre los dedos. Bovista no tiene suspensin de las reglas, ya que la
enferma las ve aparecer a mitad de mes; en fin, la enferma presenta otro pequeo signo:
la sensacin de estiramiento de la cabeza, como si bruscamente se hiciera muy grande.
Estudiemos ahora la dismenorrea de Apis. Las reglas son dolorosas. Cmo? La enferma
presenta un dolor a nivel del "ovario derecho": dolor punzante, quemante, agravado por
el calor, mejorado con compresas fras o aplicaciones de hielo. No solamente la enferma
sufre del ovario derecho, sino que presenta un dolor reflejo en el pecho, que se
manifiesta a la izquierda, un "dolor pectoral izquierdo".
La enferma est peor acostada, un poco mejor sentada y "mucho mejor cuando se pasea"; es,
pues, a la inversa de lo que se produce en la generalidad de los casos, porque, por lo
regular, se est mejor sentado que de pie y mejor acostado que sentado. Pero la enferma
de Apis presenta exactamente lo contrario.
5) El enfermo cutneo
Toda inflamacin aguda de la piel puede justificar el uso de Apis: fornculos, abscesos,
erisipela, urticaria. Pero no hay que olvidar que el enfermo es siempre "agravado por
compresas calientes" y "mejorado por las compresas fras".
Si, aquel que es atacado de nefritis crnica y que ve que sus orinas disminuyen bruscamente.
La indicacin de Apis aparece tanto ms si se produce un edema violento, muy marcado,
a veces un anasarca generalizado y, sobre todo, una hinchazn por debajo de los
prpados inferiores que penden como sacos llenos de agua.
Lo que hay que tener presente, sobre todo, es la afinidad particular de Apis para todo terreno
tuberculnico, o ms bien, para todas las manifestaciones agudas que se desarrollan sobre
un terreno tuberculnico.
-Veamos ahora otra alteracin general para la cual este remedio parece estar tan cerca
de ser un especfico como ningn otro. Se trata de una infiltracin del tejido celular, un
estado edematoso o hidrpico. Este estado se presenta casi desde el comienzo de las
enfermedades inflamatorias y se extiende a la etapa exudativa, an a las afecciones
hidrpicas crnicas.
Hace muchos aos fui llamado en consulta a Watkins Glen, N.Y. para atender un caso
muy grave de difteria. Una persona de la familia haba fallecido y cuatro personas ms
murieron ese da en la localidad. Ms de cuarenta casos fueron mortales en ese lugar y se
produjo un xodo lgicamente justificado. El mdico que la trataba era un noble anciano de
cabellos blancos, un hombre bueno y capaz. Cuando lo mir con respeto y le hice notar que
era un tanto joven para aconsejarlo, me dijo: "Doctor, estoy de rodillas ante todo el mundo,
porque todos los que fueron atacados por la enfermedad han muerto". La paciente estaba
separada de nosotros por dos habitaciones, pero an as poda or su trabajosa respiracin.
Apis era, en ese entonces, un remedio comparativamente nuevo para esa enfermedad, pero
cuando le examin la garganta, vi Apis al instante y unas cuantas preguntas confirmaron mi
presuncin. Le dije al mdico lo que pensaba y le pregunt si lo haba ensayado. Me
respondi que no, que no haba pensado en ese remedio, pero como era un poderoso veneno
de la sangre, convena hacer la prueba. Apis cur ese caso y ya no muri ningn otro
enfermo tratado con este medicamento desde el comienzo y en forma persistente. Era el
remedio para el genio epidmico. (Ver mi comunicacin sobre esto en el volumen XII del
Hahnemannian Monthly.)
Este estado edematoso de Apis puede encontrarse casi en cualquier parte del cuerpo,
pero se nota especialmente en la boca y en la garganta, en los prpados, alrededor de los ojos
(Phosphorus: en toda la cara); los prpados inferiores penden como bolsas de agua. ( Kali
carbonicum: en los prpados superiores.) En la erisipela, la hinchazn de la piel tiene este
aspecto edematoso y se acompaa generalmente de dolores pungitivos. Algunas veces el
edema aumenta hasta llegar a formar gruesos sacos de agua de aspecto ampolloso.
El sueo de Apis es, o bien muy agitado, o si no, en las enfermedades cerebrales llega
a ser un profundo estupor interrumpido ocasionalmente por gritos penetrantes. En este caso,
no debe ser olvidado Apis.
En todas las afecciones inflamatorias y tambin en las fiebres intermitentes, si se halla
al paciente alternativamente seco y caliente o transpirado, se debe pensar tambin en Apis.
Ningn otro remedio tiene esta alternancia tan marcada como Apis.
Sensacin de que cada respiracin fuera a ser la ltima: ste es un sntoma muy
caracterstico y se presenta no slo en las afecciones hidrpicas del pecho, sino que parece
ser tambin un sntoma nervioso.
Este medicamento se designa de dos maneras distintas segn sea su forma de preparacin:
APIS VIVUS, que es el nombre del medicamento preparado con el veneno de la abeja
solamente, y APIS MELLIFICA que representa al remedio obtenido de la trituracin del
insecto entero.
El primer sntoma producido por una abeja que pica una parte cualquiera del cuerpo, es un
SENSACIN DE PINCHAZOS. En esa regin se produce un EDEMA ms o menos
abundante con SENSACIN DE MAGULLADURA. Hinchazn primero ROSADA,
intensificndose hasta tener ASPECTO ERISIPELATOSO AL FINAL. Luego, despus
del aumento del calor y dolores, los sntomas disminuyen, se reabsorbe el edema y
sobreviene la curacin. A veces la herida puede volverse GANGRENOSA; la
inflamacin no tiene el carcter astnico de la curacin de la herida de arsenicum, es
decir, repentina hinchazn terminada en una resolucin brusca; tampoco es como en
BELL., con hinchazn roja y dolores latentes, pulstiles, que termina por resolucin o
Los sntomas de intoxicacin sobrevienen con una rapidez acorde con la sensibilidad del
individuo. "Pueden invadir rpida y violentamente al organismo hasta provocar una neta
inconsciencia. El sujeto muy sensible a las picaduras de abeja sufre de nuseas
acompaadas de sensacin de ansiedad, angustia, muy penosa, hacindole pensar que va
a morir; en 10 minutos lo cubre una urticaria extremadamente ardiente, mortificante;
pide a gritos un bao fro temiendo morir en seguida si no se calman sus atroces
sufrimientos; se retuerce, se enrosca, como si quisiera despedazarse. El antdoto de este
estado es CARBOL. AC. (Kent). En los efectos de esta picadura percibimos todos los
sntomas de APIS. Generalmente puede afirmarse que APIS acta sobre todo el
organismo, localizndose en forma de HINCHAZN RPIDA CON RUBOR PLIDO,
Puede decirse que APIS acta especialmente sobre LA PIEL, MUCOSAS, SEROSAS, y
GLNDULAS GENITALES, preferentemente LOS OVARIOS, particularmente el
"Sobre la piel de todo el cuerpo hay una ERUPCIN ESPESA, ROSADA, RUGOSA; esto
ltimo se percibe al tacto. Al comienzo, gran angustia por el calor y piel sumamente
sensible con o sin erupcin. Luego aparece un estado inflamatorio erisipelatoso, con
frecuencia en la cara acompaado de dolores quemantes, ardientes y edema. Sobre la piel
el edema es hidrpico; erupcin rojo plido, urticaria, estado erisipeloso, todo lo cual
puede alcanzar las mucosas. (Kent).
Tambin inflama testculos y ovarios. Esto ltimo es ms frecuente que lo primero. A veces
son puntadas que van de uno a otro ovario y terminan en fuertes sufrimientos. Esta
accin femenina es muy marcada, habiendo sido el remedio usado con xito,
principalmente en las "viudas" (Jahr), en malestares relacionados con funciones sexuales
o afecciones ovricas.
Puede haber sensibilidad al tacto en TODA LA SUPERFICIE DEL CUERPO, y hasta los
cabellos parecen doler (CHINA); esto se encuentra generalmente en la meningitis
cerebro-espinal y constituye una gran indicacin de APIS. Esta sensibilidad se observa
tambin en la erisipela de HEP. SULF. CALC. (Nash).
A) Lateralidad
B) Agravacin
a) POR EL CALOR, que no puede soportar; el calor agrava los sntomas de la piel, igual
que los cardacos, larngeos, etc. A veces la agravacin la produce el agua caliente,
habitacin caliente, el fuego o la ropa abrigada. TODO LO QUE ES CALIENTE
C) Mejora
Al aire libre, descubrindose, por los baos fros; los dolores son calmados POR
Sntomas mentales
Son muy marcados en APIS, y lo ms notable del estado mental es su AGRAVACIN POR
EL CALOR (Kent).
Triste, a menudo llora sin cesar y sin motivo, llora da y noche y no duerme a causa de sus
pensamientos torturantes que lo obsesionan; todo lo atormenta.
Actitud atontada, embobada, infantil, (parturienta o mujer en edad avanzada que charla
Sensacin de que va a morir, presiente la muerte, la teme, temor a la apopleja; por esta
angustia de la muerte APIS se relaciona con ACON., ARS. ALB., AGN. CAST., y
Dificultad en coordinar los movimientos; torpeza, deja caer los objetos de la mano (NATR.
TARENT., tienen tambin esta torpeza, principalmente el primero de esta serie).
Perturbaciones despus de susto, clera, vejacin, ataque de celos o al recibir malas noticias;
luego de shock mental, parlisis grave de todo el lado derecho. (Kent).
"En APIS, lo mismo que en BELL. y HELLEB. vemos girar la cabeza, rechinar los dientes,
ojos brillantes, amenaza de convulsiones, lleva su mano a la cabeza, acompaado todo
esto de un estado de semi-inconsciencia apenas perturbada por un grito agudo, el grito
enceflico, que denota inflamacin y congestin cerebrales. El nio lanza gritos agudos
durante el sueo al comienzo de un caso de APIS". (Kent).
Muy agitado; grita y se estremece durante el sueo. Sueos inquietos por preocupaciones de
trabajo. Estupor profundo quebrado solamente por gritos agudos, penetrantes.
Ya hemos visto al relacin que tiene APIS con BELL. y HELLEB.; BRYON. tiene algunas
semejanzas, como las "efusiones" o derrames cerebrales que siguen a la supresin de un
exantema, pero aqu el sensorio est entumecido, la boca presenta un movimiento de
masticacin perpetuo, la cara es rojo oscura, los labios estn como cocidos, hay sed y
bebe con avidez, impaciencia, y en cantidad, si se lo mueve, profiere un grito de dolor
(agravacin por el movimiento). A este estado sigue bien HELLEB. cuando el paciente
queda sumido en un estado de sopor; si por el contrario, grita de dolor, sigue bien APIS.
Muy sensibles a la luz; conjuntiva roja, inflamada, o hinchada con quemosis; prpados
hinchados, rojos, edematizados, inflamados, con quemosis. Sensacin de quemadura y
escozor; lagrimeo caliente.
Orzuelos con dolores ardientes y pinchazos, como producidos por un dardo; hinchazn del
prpado. (Clarke).
Hinchazn edema tosa del prpado inferior que cuelga como una bolsa(kali carb. tiene igual
sntoma pero en el superior); APIS se ha mostrado til en el edema de ambos prpados,
siempre que las caractersticas predominantes indiquen el remedio; KALI CARB., ARS.
Inflamacin del odo medio en combinacin con escarlatina (Kent). Odo externo rojo,
inflamado, doloroso, dolores ardientes (Boericke). A esto puede agregarse prurito, y
APIS ha dado resultados en sabaones en las orejas. Ruidos y zumbidos de odos.
CONGESTIONADA, roja, hinchada, dolorosa; toda la cara est inflamada; (odos, ojos,
labios, principalmente el superior, piel tensa).Aspecto de hinchazn roja general. (L.
O bien plida, cerosa; piel flcida y blanda, y el edema ser ms perceptible alrededor de los
ojos, particularmente el prpado inferior, que cuelga como una bolsa llena de agua.
Aparato digestivo
1) BOCA: Mucosa bucal y larngea brillante, como barnizada; roja y edematizada como
en la erisipela. Encas hinchadas igual que los labios, ms el superior. Lengua dolorosa,
hinchada, con vesculas; caliente y temblorosa. La boca, lengua y garganta tienen la
sensacin de estar en carne viva como si hubiesen sido quemadas con agua hirviendo.
APIS se asemeja a : IRIS VERS. que tiene este sntoma juntamente con sensacin
dolorosa de quemadura en epigastrio y abdomen. BELL. tiene hinchazn inflamatoria
bucal con enrojecimiento y sequedad, como si hubiese sido quemada; MAGN. MUR.,
tiene sensacin de quemadura en boca y lengua, con sequedad, sin sed. MERC. CORR.
tiene la boca inflamada, seca, ardiente, con aliento ftido y lengua caracterstica.
En los casos de difteria violenta y rpida, en la que toda la garganta se llena de una
hinchazn edema tosa; la campanilla cuelga como una bolsita transparente llena de agua,
y el enfermo est amenazado de muerte por sofocacin causada por oclusin de laringe,
ningn remedio sobrepasa a APIS. En este caso, a veces no hay dolor. BAPT. tiene
hinchazn de garganta sin dolor, pero el proceso carece de la gravedad y del desarrollo
rpido del caso de APIS (Nash).
DIARREA ACUOSA AMARILLENTA. APIS acta bien en la diarrea de los nios que
contiene mucus, restos alimentarios y sangre, con aspecto de salsa de tomate (Kent).
Otras veces el paciente est constipado, pues no puede hacer esfuerzos por tener la sensacin
de que algo se rompe en su vientre.
El ano arde como en carne viva. Despus del parto, dolores hemorroidarios ardientes.
Aparato urinario
Hay muchos trastornos urinarios en APIS. ORINA ESCASA QUE VIENE SOLO GOTA A
GOTA; hace muchos esfuerzos al comenzar la miccin, y slo orina algunas gotas de
orina caliente, ardiente, sanguinolenta. No bien hay algo de orina en la vejiga siente
deseo imperioso, pero sin efectos. Luego la orina casi siempre se suprime. Los bebs
estn largo tiempo sin orinar lanzando gritos penetrantes, se llevan las manos a la cabeza,
gimen durante el sueo y se destapan con los pies. Una dosis de APIS ser til (Kent).
rganos genitales
APIS acta en los rganos genitales de ambos sexos. Determina hinchazn y estado edema
toso caractersticos. Pero es en la mujer donde mejor acta. EDEMA DE LABIOS CON
APIS es indicado en la ovaritis con dolores extremos, localizados a la derecha; por tacto se
descubre que el ovario derecho est TUMEFACTO, ya sea por palpacin abdominal, o
combinado con tacto vaginal. En QUISTES DE OVARIO APIS hace retroceder la
enfermedad. El signo es una hinchazn ovrica que se extiende al muslo y sensacin de
opresin al pecho con tos causada por reflujo uterino. (Farrington). (Para el estudio
comparativo de APIS con los dems remedios ovricos, ver LACH.).
Aparato respiratorio
1) LARINGE: APIS puede provocar aqu irritacin de la mucosa similar a la producida
en las dems mucosas por este medicamento. Es til en los sntomas larngeos - edema
de glotis o de laringe - catarros larngeos, etc. BELL. suele confundirse con APIS en
catarros larngeos; recordemos que APIS tiene mayor hinchazn edema tosa con disnea,
mientras BELL. tiene ms constriccin espasmdica. (Farrington)
Tos seca, corta, supra-esternal, causada por cosquilleo de garganta o en la trquea, peor
despus de medianoche; sacude todo el cuerpo, repercute en la cabeza y no deja dormir;
si hay descarga de mucosidad la tos calma entonces. (Charge).
Aparato circulatorio
Los dolores lancinantes como con pinchazos; palpitaciones, la ortopnea, han demostrado la
utilidad de APIS en las inflamaciones de pericardio, endocardio, hidropesas de origen
cardaco, etc., los sntomas esenciales parecen ser : edema, hinchazn repentina de piel y
mucosas; disnea, dolores agudos, punzantes, agitacin y ansiedad (Farrington). ARS. SE
ASEMEJA TANTO A APIS en cuanto a la agitacin y la disnea que a menudo se los
confunde. La mejor distincin es la agitacin intranquila de APIS, frente a la pasiva de
Tambin hay que distinguirlos en la falta de sed que les es comn, y en el edema, que en
ARS. es blanco generalmente y en APIS es ms comn el rojo, con estados edema toso y
erisipeloso, y pruriginoso de la piel. APOC., ASPAR., y DIGIT. se asemejan en algunos
puntos a APIS.
Espalda y extremidades
ESCALOFROS POR LA TARDE CON SED; puede afirmarse que durante el estado febril,
el paciente slo siente sed con los primeros escalofros. Detesta el movimiento y el calor,
desea puertas y ventanas abiertas, y a mayor calor mayor agitacin. Calor externo con
sensacin de sofocacin. Ligeros sudores con deseos de dormir; la transpiracin seca y
vuelve a aparecer. El paciente que est CALIENTE Y SECO, y de repente TRANSPIRA,
hace pensar en APIS, nico remedio que tiene esta alternancia tan marcada. Duerme una
vez pasado el paroxismo febril (Boericke).
PLANTARIS Y LACH.; LED. PAL. ha sido propuesto por Teste como antdoto. (Segn
experiencias de Mme. Physalix, los venenos de la abeja y de la avispa son antdotos
Este medicamento tiene muchos sntomas sobre la superficie del cuerpo estudiaremos
primero el aspecto externo. Alrededor de todo el cuerpo aparecen sarpullidos espesos, a
veces de color rosado. Puede sentirse como un sarpullido pero debajo de los dedos de
las manos. En este estado el paciente est muy dolorido por el calor y la piel es sensible
al tacto con el sarpullido o sin l. Se observan hinchazones nodulares aqu y all que
aparecen y desaparecen. Sigue una afeccin erisipelatosa inflamatorios en partes, aqu y
all, y gran tumefaccin alrededor de la cara. ojos y prpados. Pueden producirse
erisipelas en cualquier parte, pero ms comnmente en la cara y aumenta su grado con
una accin inflamatoria, ardor y edema. En las extremidades tenemos una marcada
hidropesa, hinchazn con hoyos luego de presionar el lugar. Puede acompaarse de
anasarca general. La cara se hincha por momentos, los prpados semejan bolsas de
agua, la vula cuelga hacia abajo como una bolsita las paredes abdominales son de gran
espesor y se forman hoyos al presionarlos, y las mucosas parecen en cualquier parte
como si descargaran agua al ser pinchadas. Tumefaccin, o edema, con hoyos luego de
presionar, es una afeccin general que se encuentra en cualquier estado inflamatorio.
Existe una mejora general con el fro y agravacin con el calor.
Los sntomas en la piel del paciente se agravan con el calor. Listo prevalece tambin en los
estados mentales, dolencias inflamatorias en las cardiopatas, en hidropesas en dolores
de la garganta, etc. A veces esta agravacin aumenta por ingerir bebidas calientes,
habitaciones clidas, ropas abrigadas, calor directo del fuego, etc. En trastornos de
cerebro si se coloca a un paciente de Apis con congestin de cerebro dentro de un bao
caliente tendr convulsiones, en consecuencia los baos calientes no son "buenos para
adaptarse". Se ensea en textos antiguos que las mujeres ancianas y las nieras saben
que un bao caliente es bueno como adaptacin, pero antes que lo logren o no, se
tendr un nio muerto. Esta congestin del cerebro, con pequeas convulsiones, los
hace colocar al nio en agua caliente, y aparece una escena espantosa cuando se la ve.
Si el nio necesita Opium o Apis en la congestin del cerebro la adecuacin se torna
peor con agua caliente. Si la niera ha estado realizando lo explicado usted posee los
conocimientos para suministrarle el remedio tan pronto como entre a la casa, ya que
ella dir que el nio ha empeorado luego del bao caliente, se puso plido como un
fantasma y la niera teme que el nio muera. As como se tienen convulsiones peores
por el calor se requiere especialmente a Opium y Apis. Este es siempre el camino de
Apis. No est escrito en los libros que con Apis se empeoran los sntomas de la
garganta luego de haber tomado algo caliente y se desea algo fro, pero uno de mis
graduados me escribi, haciendo uso simplemente de los lineamientos generales, como
haba sido instrudo. Apis, conforme a todo el resto del caso, realiz una hermosa cura
de un caso de difteria la cual se alivi con fro, lo cual nos muestra como los
lineamientos generales pueden ser aplicados a casos particulares y de como se puede
hacer uso de ellos. Los lineamientos generales contribuyen a perfeccionar nuestra
Materia Mdica.
Sobre la superficie exterior vemos que con Apis se llena de hidropesa, erupciones rojas,
erupciones, urticaria, erisipela, cuyas inflamaciones se extienden a todas las mucosas.
La parte exterior del hombre es la piel y mucosas. Cuando estamos tratando al hombre
desde el centro a la superficie, pensamos en las profundidades como el cerebro y el
corazn y los rganos internos que son vitales, mientras que sus revestimientos y
coberturas son externas. Apis afecta las cosas externas; afecta las envolturas o
coberturas de la piel y los tejidos cercanos, pero tambin afecta las envolturas de los
rganos; por ejemplo, el pericardio. Apis produce inflamacin del cerebro. En las capas
serosas que encierran el corazn (pericardio) y tambin en el peritoneo. En todos estos
procesos inflamatorios aparecen punzaciones y ardor intenso de a ratos, y punzadas
como agujas, de fuego.
Apis tambin tiene refunfuo, delirio y locuacidad. Toda clase de gritos agudos,
penetrantes, y violentos. Premonicin y temeroso de la muerte, temor a la apopleja.
"Muy ocupado, impaciente, cambiando con frecuencia de trabajos. Tiene torpeza en los
dedos de las manos, y de los pies. Todo el sistema nervioso muestra una perturbacin
en la coordinacin. Estas incoordinaciones se mantienen con el remedio, torpeza,
aturdimiento con los ojos cerrados. Vrtigo cuando los ojos estn cerrados. "Dolor por
susto, enojo, vejacin, celos o por malas noticias". "Luego de graves shocks mentales
se paraliza el lado derecho".
Los dolores de Apis surgen con violencia y rapidez, y tanto, hasta alcanzar un estado de
inconsciencia. Se han observado muchos casos muy violentos de envenenamiento
producidos por la picadura de las abejas. Cuando el hombre sensible es envenenado por
la picadura, se muestra terriblemente enfermo. Al ser picado por una sola abeja aparece
una pequea hinchazn en la regin de la picadura, como el huevo de un petirrojo o de
una gallina en el peor de los casos, cuando el individuo no es sensible a Apis. Pero si
encuentra a alguien que es sensible a la picadura de la abeja, y posee una pequea
picadura en cualquier parte del cuerpo, tiene nuseas y ansiedad que lo hace sentir
como si estuviera muriendo, y en unos diez minutos est cubierto con urticaria de pie a
cabeza, tiene escozor y ardor y desea ser baado en agua fra, gira y se sacude como si
fuera a romperse en pedacitos. He visto aparecer todos estos sntomas despus de Apis.
El antdoto para el Carbolic acid. He visto suministrar Carbolic acid durante este
estado, y el paciente describe la sensacin como una refrescante sensacin que
desciende por su garganta. El dice "Por qu, doctor, puedo sentir esa dosis llegar hasta
las terminaciones de los dedos de las manos", alivindome: Cuando suministre un
antdoto bajo tales circunstancias escuche lo que dice su paciente. Cuando emplea el
verdadero antdoto natural, y, a veces, cuando logra la verdadera medicina curativa en
un caso, no importa cun alta sea su potencia, el paciente dir: "La siento desde las
races de mi cabello y desde las terminaciones de los dedos de los pies". Esto es lo que
se siente cuando la verdadera medicina antidotal penetra en las profundidades de la
economa, y esa es la manera como queremos que funcionen las medicinas siempre, ser
guiados por los sntomas de nuestro paciente, el cual nos dir que medicamento
debemos suministrar, y cuando el remedio es suministrado, su alta reaccin es de esta
Si estamos bien familiarizados con los sntomas de Apis podemos obtener mucho sin que un
especialista trate los ojos. Tornan ciegas a las personas con sus lociones, soluciones
custicas, etc., de lo que ellos se benefician. La moda antigua era cauterizar con cobre y
solucin de nitrato de plata y los mtodos modernos no son mucho mejores. En estos
tiempos el mdico homepata que no es capaz de detectar los sntomas de los ojos tanto
como los de los pulmones o de cualquier parte del cuerpo no es competente para
practicar medicina. Los casos de los ojos pueden ser prescriptos por el oculista. En
homeopata no existe tal cosa, como ser, tratar al paciente de los ojos u otros rganos
del cuerpo, sino que se considera al paciente con todos sus rganos. No se trata al
paciente tomando en cuenta uno o dos de sus rganos.
Apis es un gran medicamento para los ojos. Tiene sntomas inflamatorios de los ojos como
consecuencia de la enfermedad. Inflamaciones de carcter erisipelatoso y de la mucosa
de los prpados, y manchas blancas; crnea opaca, vasos sanguneos dilatados. La
hinchazn de las mucosas palpebrales es tan enorme que sobresalen, como pedazos de
carne viva, y dejan fluir, por las mejillas una secrecin abundante. Ardor y picazn
como fuego, mejor luego de lavarse, y con aplicaciones fras, peor por el calor.
Trastornos crnicos de los ojos luego de mirar un fuego, empeoran al recibir calor
radiado; desea que se le aplique compresas fras, granulacin palpebral crnica.
Reflejos dolorosos cuando se miran objetos blancos, empeoran al mirar nieve. Apis es
adecuado a veces para antiguas afecciones escrofulosas de los ojos. Afecciones
vasculares, las venas se dilatan. "Iritis". "Congestin de los ojos, venas inyectadas de
sangre", toda la conjuntiva inflamada. Fotofobia. Oftalmia reumtica, esto es,
inflamacin intensa de los ojos en individuos reumticos. Inflamacin catarral y
escrofulosa de los ojos. Lgrimas calientes. Erisipelas de los ojos y de las mejillas,
extendindose de derecha a izquierda. Esta direccin es caracterstica de Apis y aparece
en otros muchos aspectos. Lo mismo la inflamacin de las vsceras abdominales que
siguen esa direccin, y as el ovario derecho es preferido al izquierdo, etc.
Ahora trataremos los problemas de garganta por Apis. Apis cura difteria, especialmente
cuando hay un alto grado de inflamacin y la membrana es escasa o aparece lenta e
insidiosamente, y es sorpresivo el progreso gradual que realiza; las partes estn
edematizadas y el paladar blando se hincha como una bolsita de agua, y la vula cuelga
hacia abajo con una apariencia semitransparente como una bolsa.
En Apis hoy aparecen vmitos, nuseas, arcadas y gran ansiedad. Vmito de bilis y de todo
alimento ingerido y de fluidos amargos y cidos.
Apis causa dolor y tensin a travs del abdomen e hipocondrio. El abdomen se distiende
con gas. En todos los trastornos inflamatorios, en peritonitis, hepatitis, hay una gran
tensin, a veces local; en otras ocasiones con pequea congestin, pero siempre se
produce a travs del abdomen, y el paciente no puede toser por temor a que algo
suceda, como si algo se quebrara. No puede hacer esfuerzos para defecar. Esto es
comn en las molestias abdominales y plvicas de las mujeres. La mujer dir que no
puede realizar esfuerzos para defecar, por temor a lastimarse. El mismo estado aparece
en el pecho. Parecera que algo se aflojara al toser, como si las fibras estuvieran en un
estado de tensin.
Existe un estado hipersensible del hgado; inflamacin del hgado y bazo. "Dolores por
debajo de las costillas propagndose hacia arriba. Obligado a encorvarse hacia adelante
debido a un dolor que siente en el hipocondrio." Todos los dolores hacen que el
paciente se encorve y flexione los miembros. Sensibilidad gstrica al tacto. La paciente
est muy dolorida y el tacto es extremadamente penoso para ella, en todas las molestias
inflamatorias de las mujeres el abdomen es muy sensible y doloroso. Distensin y
dolores punzantes, ardientes a travs del abdomen.
Hidropesa, algunas veces sola, otras con anasarca. Los miembros estn hinchados en toda
su extensin, producindose hoyos cuando se los presiona, con ardor y entumecimiento.
Sintiendo como si los intestinos estuvieran estrujados. La diarrea acuosa es comn con
Apis; materia fecal amarilla, verde oliva, acuosa, etc. Todos los das de seis a ocho
defecaciones con diarrea, la cual huele a carroa. Es especialmente til en peculiares
tipos de evacuacin que se producen en nios e infantes, mezcladas con sangre,
mucosidad y comida, teniendo la materia fecal una apariencia como salsa de tomate. El
ano sobresale con materia fecal y permanece abierto como en Phosph. y Puls. Diarrea
crnica, disentera, con hemorragia intestinal. El estreimiento est ms relacionado a
problemas ceflicos. Pasan varios das sin que evace. Los intestinos parecen estar
perfectamente paralizados, con congestin de cerebro e hidrocefalia aguda.
Los trastornos urinarios son numerosos en Apis. La orina es escasa. Mucho esfuerzo antes
de que comience a salir, y cuando lo hace, son solamente unas pocas gotas; de orina
caliente, con sangre. Tan pronto como se almacena en la vejiga aparece el estmulo para
emitirla, pero queda sin efecto. Ms tarde hay anuria. Los infantes pasan largo tiempo
sin orinar, chillando y llevando la mano a la cabeza, gritando en sueos, quitndose las
mantas. Muy a menudo una dosis de Apis ser til. Es usado con frecuencia en
escarlatina cuando existe albuminuria. Trastornos urinarios, con edema de los genitales.
Escasa orina en nios pequeos, con el prepucio enormemente distendido, o en
hidrocele. Cada vez que desee orinar, chillar , pues recordar el dolor de la ltima vez .
Molestias inflamatorias de los riones, urteres, vejiga y uretra. Todas las vas urinarias
estn irritadas, muy parecido a Cantharis, y estas dos medicinas son antdotos una de la
otra. Si es llamado por un nio que ha sido drogado con Apis no refinada, generalmente
puede antidotarlo con Cantharis. Si encuentra a una mujer que ha tomado Cantharis con
propsitos de vicio, puede contrarrestar esto con Apis. Los dolores, ardor y punzadas a
lo largo de las vas urinarias se encuentran bajo los efectos de Apis. "Fluye orina
inconscientemente". Dolores punzantes en la uretra con enuresis. Irritabilidad mrbida
de los rganos urinarios. "Agona al vaciar la orina. Retencin de orina en infantes
pequeos". Es curioso como las viejas antiguamente saban, mucho antes que Apis
fuera probado, que cuando el pequeo recin nacido no pasaba su agua ellas podan
curarlo yendo a una colmena y recogiendo unas pocas abejas, sobre las que tiraban
agua caliente, y de lo cual le daban al nio una cucharadita de t. Tales remedios
domsticos han sido conocidos por familias y nieras, y es correcto porque es para lo
que se suministra Apis. Orina escasa y ftida, conteniendo albmina y sangre", como en
las nefritis consecutivas a escarlatina o difteria, por lo cual mueren muchos nios en
manos alopticas, pero nunca de los curados con homeopata. Apis se relaciona con los
rganos genitales masculinos y femeninos. Apis es un gran amigo de la mujer, pues
cura sus dolores inflamatorios, cuando los sntomas concuerdan. Tambin neutraliza el
aborto, luego que la paciente ha ingerido drogas y le han trado dolores muy fuertes
como para expeler el feto, especialmente en el primero, segundo y tercer mes. Ha
aparecido una pequea hemorragia, una mera amenaza, las membranas no estn todava
rotas, pero pronto lo estarn, y la paciente sufre de dolores ardientes, yace descubierta y
sufre el calor, probablemente debido a una sobredosis de Ergot. Apis lo solucionar .
Dolores ardientes y punzantes en los ovarios, especialmente en el derecho; muy
agrandado y an qustico. Apis ha sido probado como un remedio curativo, a menudo
ha curado tumores, y ha ayudado a que deje de crecer las formaciones qusticas o a su
desaparicin. La regin del ovario derecho es muy sensible. Dolores en el tero y en los
ovarios antes y durante la menstruacin. Punzantes, desgarrantes, dolores cortantes
como cuchillos, peor con el calor. Este es un sntoma tomado fcilmente, porque en la
mayora de los sntomas de dolor por calor o la bolsa de agua caliente son considerados
para aliviar, pero con estos medicamentos se agravan. La paciente los arroja a un lado,
pues empeora con el calor. "Ovarios agrandados", etc. Hidropesa en el ovario derecho.
Tumor de ovario.
Apis mellifica. Para este medicamento tenemos dos nombres, de acuerdo con la
manera de su preparacin. O es Apis melifica, abeja obrera que produce la miel, o es Apium
virus, el veneno de las abejas. La preparacin original del medicamento fu del siguiente
modo : se coloc sobre un platillo grande, una especie de capelo en el cual haba un orificio
por el que se introduca una varilla; se colocaron varios cientos de abejas en el interior del
capelo, despus se les agit con la varilla en todas direcciones y las abejas, irritadas, picaban
el capelo y el plato; poco despus se dejaron escapar las abejas y se notaron numerosas
gotitas; en seguida se verti una cantidad conocida de alcohol sobre stas y as se obtuvo el
poderoso extracto del veneno de la abeja. este es el Apium virus. Posteriormente toda la abeja
fu empleada; se hicieron trituraciones del insecto entero y as se obtuvo el Apis mellifica.
Los sntomas de las dos preparaciones no han sido aislados. Apis mellifica es un
medicamento relativamente nuevo, y una valiosa adquisicin para nuestra Materia Medica.
Con el fin de entender su sintomatologa, vamos a estudiar su toxicologa. Se puede, si se
desea como ilustracin, observar un piquete en una mano o un dedo. Justamente despus del
piquete, que produce un agudo pinchazo, se experimenta un ardor intenso y rpidamente
comienza a hincharse en medio de fuertes dolores. La regin se siente como si hubiera sido
golpeada o machacada. La hinchazn adquiere en un principio un tinte rosado; se extiende
rpidamente; los dolores son cada vez ms intensos, sie do de un carcter quemante,
aguijoneante, punzante y rara vez vibrante. El calor de la regin aumenta con el ardor y el
aguijoneo; esto puede terminar muy pronto por resolucin o continuar; si contina, se notara
que el color rosado se vuelve ms intenso y tiende a tomar un aspecto erisipelatoso. Ms
tarde an cambia de color y toma un tinte plido azuloso; la hinchazn al ser comprimida,
demuestra que las partes estn edematosas. Poco despus, si las condiciones del estado
general lo permiten, aparece la gangrena.
Si se juzga por los sntomas mencionados, se ver que efectivamente, Apis puede ser
utilizado en los trastornos mentales parecidos a la histeria. Las agitaciones, la inquietud, la
excitabilidad y la hilaridad, reunidas a la inconstancia en el trabajo, han hecho que sea Apis
un medicamento til para las nias nerviosas; se ha observado adems que son torpes y que
dejan caer los objetos, producindoles risa su torpeza; se excita la pasin sexual y son muy
propensas a los celos. La confusin mental y la falta de percepcin justamente anotadas,
indican al medicamento en las enfermedades adinmicas, tales como en la escarlatina
maligna, difteria, fiebre tifoidea, etc. Un completo estupor despus de la apopleja, indicaria
a Apis, cuando Opium ha fallado.
La lengua est avejigada, seca, partida y aun ulcerada. Sntoma muy importante es el
adolorimiento de abdomen al tacto.
Bryonia sostiene alguna ligera semejanza con Apis, especialmente en los casos, en
que como sta, puede amplearse para las efusiones cerebrales. consecutivas a la supresin de
un exantema. Pero el sensorio est entorpecido, aun cuando los sentidos no estn tan
pervertidos como en Apis o Helleborus. Hay un costante masticar; la cara es rojo-obscura; los
labios resecos; cuando se le ofrece una bebida, la toma precipitadamente y con impaciencia;
si se hace mover al nio, ste grita acusando dolores. Despus, cuando la depresin sensorial
llega al estupor, Helleborus le sigue bien, aun cuando el constante masticar continue lo
mismo que la precipitacin al tomar la bebidas. Apis sigue si el estado de sopor sobreviene
con el grito ceflico ms agudo que en el caso de los otros medicamentos.
Rhus tox., aunque incompatible con Apis, tiene muchos sntomas semejantes. En la
escarlatina, por ejemplo, los dos se acomodan en la adinamia, con la garganta hinchada,
inflamacin erisipelatosa de la piel del cuello, rash miliar, somnolencia y edemas. En Rhus,
sin embargo, la erupcin es ms obscura, la erisipela de un color rojo moreno y hay agitacin
corporaly no la inquietud nerviosa de Apis.
Natrum mur., Bovista, Lachesis, tusa, Ignatia, Nux vom., producen torpeza; el
primero sobre todo se parece a Apis.
Ya he indicado que Apis puede ser til en las hidropesas. Los siguientes, son, en
resumen, los sntomas que lo indican: en las hidropesas generales lo encontramos indicado,
por el aspecto particular de la superficie del cuerpo, la piel es transparente y como de cera,
con un tinte blanquecino, o puede ser ligeramente amarillo. La orina es escasa y casi siempre
hay ausencia de sed. Los sntomas caractersticos son la transparencia de la piel y la falta de
sed. Ahora, etiolgicamente, Apis es ms frecuentemente usado en la hidropesa de origen
renal, sea o no la consecuencia de una escarlatina. La orina es escasa, con bastante albmina
y contiene cilindros renales. Hay hinchazn en los parpados; la superficie del cuerpo se
siente adolorida y magullada, en algunos casos el dolor es de carcter quemante. Si la
hidropesa es de origen cardiaco, los pies estan edematosos, especialmente despus de andar.
Todo esto va acompaado de una insoportable dolencia y ardor.
En la pleuresa con derrame, Apis es uno de los mejores medicamentos que tenemos
para la reabsorcin del exudado. Apis y Sulphur, curaran en su mayora estos casos.
Apis tambin obra sobre las membranas sinoviales, reproduciendo un perfecto cuadro
de la sinovitis, particularmente cuando ataca a la rodilla. Est indicado cuando hay agudos
dolores aguijoneantes a travs de la articulacin, con agravacin por el ms ligero
Bryonia afecta las articulaciones y sus membranas sinoviales, pero los dolores son de
carcter ms punzante, acompaados de tensin y mejoran por el moderado calor de la cama,
en tanto que los dolores de Apis, mejoran por las aplicaciones fras.
En las hidropesas, Apis puede compararse ante todo con Arsenicum, que tiene la
misma transparencia de la piel y es tambin til en las hidropesas de origen renal, heptico o
cardaco; las diferencias entre los dos medicamentos son las siguientes : Arsenicum, tiene sed
insoportable, pero el paciente, slo bebe a pequeas cantidades y con frecuencia, porque el
agua le molesta el estmago. Hay vmitos despus de comer o beber. Yo he visto casos en los
que una sola cucharada de t, ha provocado el vmito. El paciente revela una marcada
Ahora dir algunas palabras respecto a las diferencias que hay entre Belladonna y
Apis : Belladonna, generalmente no est indicada en la meningitis tuberculosa; es el primer
medicamento, para la meningitis simple, pero no para la forma tuberculosa; Belladonna es
esencialmente aguda por su sintomatologa; cada sntoma aparece repentinamente y con gran
intensidad, y la meningitis tuberculosa tiene un desarrollo lento; sin embargo, si los sntomas
premonitores son violentos se puede emplear Belladonna en el estado de hiperemia con
dolores agudos, agitacin, sacudidas, gritos durante el sueo, hundimiento de la cabeza en la
almohada, pero deja de ser el remedio indicado, cuando la exudacin se establece. La esfera
de accin de Belladonna, termina cuando comienza la de Apis.
Hay otro medicamento que se acomoda algunas veces entre Belladonna y Apis, y es
Bryonia, que acta sobre las membranas serosas produciendo copiosa exudacin; est
indicado despus de Belladonna; el nio se vuelve torpe por la compresin cerebral. La cara,
repentinamente se pone roja y despus palidece, siendo esto, generalmente un mal sntoma el
nio grita, especialmente cuando se mueve en lo ms mnimo; este es un sntoma
caracterstico. El nio est estuporoso, el abdomen est dilatado y la lengua generalmente
cubierta de un blanco saburroso en el centro. Esto ser todo lo que digamos acerca de Apis y
sus remedios concordantes en las hidropesas.
Cuando la nariz es la regin primeramente invadida, Apis debe ser comparado con
Cantharis, aunque ste produce vesculas ms grandes con ms ardor.
Apis tambin puede ser empleado en la variola, cuando hay intensa hinchazn y
Apis ha sido empleado con xito en las parlisis que siguen a las afeciones
debilitantes, tales como la difteria, fiebre tifoidea y tambin cuando las efusiones menngeas
persisten despus de la inflamacin. Todos estos casos, sea que haya sido suprimido el
exantema o ste exista, constituyen una indicacin caracterstica para el veneno de las abejas
y la reaparicin de los sntomas cutneos deber indicar su interrupcin tanto tiempo como
dure la mejoria asi producda. En esto, Sulphur es un gran coadyuvante.
En los casos de postracin, el paciente est nervioso, inquieto y excesivamente
sensible o enardecido y somnoliento, ya sea que tenga o no sed.
Por esto se ver que est indicada en las formas ms graves de estas afecciones,
cuando el abuso de la quinina ha hecho confuso el caso y en las formas crnicas cuando el
estado general est debilitado y hay repercusiones en el hgado, bazo,etc.
En estos casos Apis se parece a Muriaticum acidum, el cual presenta esta postracin,
pero adems su caracterstica ditesis cida.
Apis, a ms de los usos que se han mencionado, est indicada en la escarlatina. Aqu
nos encontramos con la misma falta de reaccin natural para producir la fiebre. Apis no est
indicado en la variedad de Sydenham, en la que Belladonna s est con frecuencia indicada,
pero es til cuando existe una erupcin miliar que Belladonna no produce. El cuerpo est
muy caliente en algunos lugares, pero fro en otros. La erupcin es de un color intensamente
rojo, tanto como en Belladonna, pero difiere este remedio como se recordar, en la presencia
de la erupcin miliar. El nio est amodorrado y duerme la mayor parte del tiempo o bien
somnoliento y, sin embargo, no puede dormir. Debemos recordar este ltimo sntoma, porque
es idntico al que produce Belladonna. El estado de asoporamiento o la ausencia de sueo va
asociado de agitacin e inquietud. Se notar tambin que el enfermo est de mal humor y
manifiesta en cada sntoma, estar muy irascible.
Este estado de agitacin de Apis debe ser ditinguido del que produce Rhus y
Belladonna; con Rhus, hay un estado de inquietud general del cuerpo y de la mente; el
paciente est cambiando constantemente de posicin y sin embargo no es la ansiedad de
Arsenicum. En Apis, esta inquietud, proviene de una sensacin neviosa general; en Rhus es
un deseo de moverse.
Arsenicum y Apis tienen mucha semejanza; son muy parecidos en lo que se refiere a
la agitacin al cambio de lugar y a la dispnea y frecuentemente son mal aplicados el uno por
el otro. La mejor distincin es la inquietud nerviosa peculiar de Apis. Si hay hidropesa, los
dos pueden ser empleados, si los miembros estn inflamados, hay tensin y estn plidos;
pero Apis tiene frecuentemente enrojecimiento, comezn o existe un estado erisiplatoso y
casi siempre falta la sed.
Belladonna puede tambin equivocarse muchas veces con Apis en las afecciones de la
laringe; el ltimo produce un estado inflamatorio ms edematoso con la consiguente
dispnea; en cambo, en Balldonna, es ms caracterstica la constriccin espasmdica.
Digitalis produce una apariencia pastosa de la piel; el pulso es lento o dbil, con
aceleracin a cada movimiento del cuerpo; sensacin de desfallecimiento y nusea mortal en
el epigastrio, inmediatamente despus de comer.
La tos no es un sntoma poco comn en los casos que reclaman el uso de Apis. Se
asemeja ms o menos a Lachesis, Carbo vegetabilis, Rumex, Belladonna, Chamomilla,
Crotalus horridus, Nux vmica, Bryonia, Ignatia, Arsenicum Hyosciamus.
Rumex produce una tos molesta y persistente que se agrava por el aire fro o por todo
lo que acrecienta el volumen o la rapidez del aire inspirado. Chamomilla, difiere
Nux vom. cura la tos producida por un moco adherente en la parte ms elevada de la
trquea, pero hay una sensacin de aspereza y raspadura de la garganta.
Belladonna podra ser empleado sin razn en lugar de Apis; pero debe distinguirse por
la caracterstica constriccin de la garganta y por la inflamacin ms intensamenteenrojecida.
Veremos ahora cmo Apis obra sobre los rganos genitales: frecuentemente est
indicado en las enfermedades de los rganos de la mujer; casi todas las experimentadoras han
encontrado sntomas que se relacionan al utero o los ovarios; debe darse con cautela en el
embarazo, porque empleado a dosis frecuentes y en bajas atenuaciones puede ocasinar el
aborto, principalmente en el tercer mes, pues produce una sensacin de pesantez en el tero.
Podemos emplearlo en la amenorrea, cuando hay congestin ceflica, con sensacin de
pesantez en la regin uterina. Particularmente est indicada en la edad de la pubertad, cuando
la nia es nerviosa y torpe. No se trata de una torpeza natural, sino que consiste en una
incoordinacin muscular. Con estos sntomas hay afluencia de sangre a la cara.
Podemos tambin hacer uso de Apis en las afecciones de los ovarios, especialmente
del derecho; afecta en la misma relacin el ovario derecho, como Lachesis lo hace con el
izquierdo. Est indicado en la ovaritis con intensos dolores en la regin ovrica derecha,
cuando al mismo tiempo hay ardor y sensacin de aguijoneo o alguna tumefaccin que se
descubre, ya por encima de la pelvis o de un modo ms caracterstico, a travs del recto o la
Hay una mezcla de miel de abejas con sal, conocida con el nombre de Mel cum sale.
Este fu un medicamento popular en Alemania para las molestias de la vejiga, y que son
peculiares a la mujer. Lo he usado en el prolapso uterino y en las metritis crnicas,
especialmente cuando va asociada a la subinvolucin e inflamacin del cuello; el sntoma
caracterstico que induce a usar esta mezcla es un dolor que atraviesa el epigastrio y va de
ilion a ilion.
Apis puede ser til en las enfermedades de los ojos. Yo he visto muchos casos de
astenopa curados por este medicamento, cuando la lectura produce esozor con lacrimeo y
comezn en los parpados y algo de ardor y aguijoneo; tambin est indicado en el estafiloma,
con asiento en la esclerticas o en la crnea.
En las enfermedades externas del ojo Apis no carece de valor : los ojos se ponen muy
sensibles a la luz; la conjunctiva est roja e hinchada y quemotica; sin embargo, esta
inflamacin de la conjuntiva palpebral que produce Apis es ms bien congestiva que debido a
la verdadera quemosis, como sucede en Rhus, el cual es muy semejante, especialmente en lo
que se refiere a la hinchazn edematosa de los prpados; quemosis; lacrimeo abundante y
caliente y erisipela. Pero Apis tiene menos tendencia a la formacin de pus, sntoma que es
altamente caracterstico de Rhus tox. En Apis, los dolores son de aguijoneo; las
exacerbaciones son vespertinas y el agua fra mejora la inflamacin de los prpados. Si estn
erisipelatosos stos, tienen un color rojo azulado, de apariencia acuosa como semi-
transparentes. En Rhus, los dolores empeoran por la noche, particularmente despus de las 12
p.m.; el moderado calor de la cama los alivia; los prpados erisipelatosos tienen un color rojo
moreno y juntamente con las mejillas, estn salpicados de pequeas vesculas acuosas. Los
dolores en Rhus tox., son generalmente de un carcter tirante y desgarrante, aunque en la
erisipela puede haber dolor y punzadas, pero con ms escozor que en el veneno de las abejas.
Los prpados casi siempre se sienten pesados y tiesos.
Volviendo a los sntomas que Apis produce en los ojos, diremos que los prpados
estn hinchados, rojos y edematosos; hay ardor en los cartlagos tarsos, aglutinacin en los
prpados; repentinos y muy intensos dolores atraviesan los ojos que se alivian por
aplicaciones de agua fra; generalmente se empeoran en la primera mitad de la noche. Apis
frecuentemente est indicado en la oftalma escrofulosa, en cuya afeccin, puede ser seguido
a menudo por Kali bichromicum.
Me resta hablar solamente de los sntomas intestinales de Apis. Este puede ser un
valioso medicamento en las diarreas, como por ejemplo, cuando se presentan en el curso de
la fiebre tifoidea o de la escarlatina o bien como consecuencia de la influencia debilitante del
calor continuado.
Ser til en la diarrea de los nios, cuando estn muy debilitados; generalmente hay
irritabilidad cerebral y un estado conocido como hidrocefaloide. Los sntomas son muy
semejantes a los que reclaman a Apis en la hidrocefalia. El nio despierta con un grito; las
deyecciones son delgadas y acuosas, amarillentas y generalmente empeoran por la maana; a
cada movimiento del cuerpo, los intestinos funcionan como si el esfnter anal careciera de
fuerza; las evacuaciones pueden o no ser ftidas.
Apis difiere de Bryonia, que produce diarrea por la maana y que empeora por el
movimiento; en Apis, el movimiento agrava, no porque sea uno de sus efectos generales, sino
porque el esfnter anal est inseguro.
Bajo este punto de vista es muy semejante a Sulphur, que le sigue bien cuando su
accin seaincompleta.
MODALIDADES - Apis tiene mejora general por aplicaciones fras; muchos de sus
sntomas empeoran por las tardes y en la noche; solamente la diarrea aumenta en la maana.
El movimiento generalmente agrava, como tambin se agrava el enfermo por estar en una
habitacin caliente.
Ledum palustre fu propuesto por Teste, como un antdoto para los piquetes de
insectos. El Dr. Drydale, ha curado con l, el escozor nocturno de los pies.
Para terminar me permito recomendar se tengan presentes las relaciones de Apis con
Arsenicum, Acidum acticum, Belladonna, Rhus y Sulphur, Debemos recordar tambin su
antagonismo con Rhus.
APIS (Clarke)
Abeja de miel. The Honey Bee. Apium virus. Honey-bee poison. O.N. Insecta. Tinturas son
hechas de toda la abeja; y dilucin del veneno con alcohol.
Clnica.- Absceso. Apoplejia. Articulaciones, sinovitis. Asma. Carbunco. Celos efectos de.
Constipacin, de nios al pecho. Corazn, afecciones. Chancro. Diarrea. Difteria.
Edemas. Encas rojas. Erisipelas. Eritema nodoso. Erupciones suprimidas, efectos de.
Escarlatina. Fiebre intermitente. Flebitis. Gangrena. Garganta inflamada. Gota. Heridas
disecantes. Heridas puntiformes. Heridas. Hidrocfalo. Hidrotrax. Irritacin.
Laringitis. Lengua, edema de; ulceracin de. Lesiones. Liquen. Lugares calientes.
Manos, edema. Masturbacin. Menstruacin, trastornos de. Nariz, enrojecimiento de.
Odo, erisipela de. Ojos, afecciones de; neuritis ptica. Operaciones, efectos de. Orina,
anormalidades de. Ovarios, dolor en; inflamacin de; tumores de. Panadizo. Pannus.
Peritonitis. Pies, ardor de. Pleuresa. Prostatitis. Reumatismo. Rin, enfermedad de
Bright. Rodilla de sirvienta. Sfilis. Sycsis. Tifo. Tobillos, hinchazn de. Trquea,
irritacin de. Tumores. Uretritis. Urticaria. Vacunaciones. Vejiga, afecciones de. Venas
varicosas. Viruela. Vulva, inflamacin de labios.
Caractersticas.- Los efectos bien conocidos del piquete de abeja: ardor, dolor
aguijoneante, lancinante con edema excesivo, dan los keynotes principales para su
empleo en gran variedad de estados. Agregado a esto hay gran sensibilidad en la
superficie al tacto. Adolorimiento general: "cada cabello es doloroso al tacto". Gran
debilidad como si hubiera trabajado mucho que lo impulsa a acostarse. Sensacin de
cansancio y adolorido. Gran inquietud y agitacin (La inquietud de Ars. es ms por
ansiedad mental). Temblor, sacudidas y contracciones. Contracciones de la mitad del
cuerpo, la otra sin fuerzas o paralizada. Hemiplejia. Apis es una medicina ms del lado
derecho; sntomas proceden del derecho al izquierdo (Rhus del izquierdo al derecho) y
de arriba hacia abajo. En un experimentador involuntario de Apis, en una mujer (de
cuarenta aos, fuerte de hbitos completos) que tena abejas y era picada
frecuentemente sin efectos constitucionales, los siguientes sntomas marcados y
peculiares, fueron notados ocasionalmente, agregados a los bien conocidos (New Eng.
Med. Gaz., Nov., 1887): Rigidez de maxilar inferior llegando a la sensacin de
completa fijacin. Esta rigidez se extenda a la lengua y garganta, haciendo el habla
difcil y no inteligible, y causando un estado de gran malestar, la rigidez se acompaaba
de una sensacin de constriccin que le provocaba una tos seca, espasmdica a cortos
intervalos. Alguna dificultad para respirar, especialmente la inspiracin. Estos sntomas
se acompaaban de una inquietud terrible. En una ocasin ms tarde haba disnea, cara
prpura, cabeza hacia atrs. Los mismos sntomas recurran, pero la garganta estaba
ms hinchada y el malestar se extenda debajo de la laringe a la parte superior del
pulmn, que pronto se pona muy adolorido y sensible. Una hora despus del piquete,
en sta ocasin, se present una tos violenta. Pareca ser provocada por una sensacin
de constriccin en la garganta, pero llegaba al lugar adolorido de los pulmones,
causando gran malestar. Era una tos profunda, dura, que duraba por tres horas sin
intermisiones. Trazas de la tos y lo adolorido duraron por meses. Otro sntoma fue una
contraccin ominosa de los msculos de las extremidades controladas por calentarse los
pies y lavarse las manos. Ledum le dio mejora instantnea de sus graves sntomas.Los
sntomas ardorosos de Apis se distinguen de los del Ars. que son < por el calor. Lo
aguijoneante aparece en muchas enfermedades y estados, causa el "grito cerebral " en
hidrocefalia aguda y meningitis. Dolores aguijoneantes en hemorroides.
"Enrojecimiento e hinchazn con dolor aguijoneante y ardoroso en los ojos, prpados,
odos, cara, labios, lengua, garganta, ano, testculos." Edema de la garganta puede estar
acompaada por dolores aguijoneantes, pero si el caso es ms avanzado puede ser
absolutamente indolora, y por lo tanto es ms peligrosa. (Bapt. tiene afeccin de la
garganta sin dolor, pero el edema es menos.- Nash).Apis tiene una accin lenta, no debe
cambiarse pronto. El aumento de flujo de orina muestra un efecto favorable. El edema
de Apis est caracterizado por un tinte ceroso de la piel, blanquizco o amarillento;
edema transparente de los prpados; edema como una bolsa debajo de los ojos;
superficie del cuerpo adolorido, golpeado o ardoroso. En edema cardaco de los pies, se
hinchan despus de caminar y estn intolerablemente adoloridos y ardorosos. En
afecciones del pecho, hay una sensacin de contraccin (Lach.) e incapacidad de
acostarse. Tensin, edema y rigidez de extremidades. La sensacin de apretado es
manifiesto en otro sntoma: sensacin en el abdomen como si algo apretado se rompiera
si se hace mucho esfuerzo para obrar unas heces de constipacin. Aversin a cosas
ajustadas como Lach. Postracin casi al desmayo. Debilidad paraltica. Parlisis
(despus de difteria y otras enfermedades severas). Inquietud nerviosa, muy sensible; o
caliente y somnoliento, con o sin sed. < por el tacto o la presin (aunque la cabeza est
> por la presin). En esto Apis se asemeja a los Antimonios, en que es muy sensible al
calor, especialmente al calor de los cuartos (Puls., Iod., Kali iod., Camph., Secale,
Sulph. ); < por el calor de la cama. Agua fra >. Muchos sntomas (ojos y pecho) son <
en la noche y el sueo est alterado por gritos, o tambin por quejidos y lamentos. < en
la maana: mucosidad en la boca, inquietud, diarrea. < al anochecer: erisipelas, mareo,
cefalea, escalofro, fiebre. Muchos sntomas estn < acostado y > sentado.
Relaciones.- Comparar: Vespa y venenos de serpientes. Acet. ac. (edemas); Acon.; Anac.
(urticaria); Apoc. can. (edemas); Arn. (golpeado, estados adoloridos); Ars. (tifoidea,
gangrena, edemas, escarlatina, urticaria, escalofro); Bell. (meningitis, garganta
inflamada, erisipelas, escarlatina); Brom. (hinchazn del ovario durante reglas); Bry.
(meningitis, reumatismo); Canth. (quemaduras, erisipelas, sntomas urinarios); Chin.;
Colch.; Crot. t. (urticaria); Euphras. (conjuntiva); Fer.; Graph.; Hep.; Hyo.; Iod.
(sinovitis); Lach.; Lyc.; Merc.; Nat. ars.; Nat. mur. (escalofro, urticaria, tensin en
ovario derecho); Puls.; Rhus (ojos; pero Apis tiene menos tendencia la supuracin;
erisipela vesicular pero ms obscura que Apis y se extiende de izquierda a derecha-
Apis de derecha a izquierda; tifoidea, inquietud, pero Apis es ms la agitacin); Rumex
(diarrea sin dolor en la maana, amarilla-verdosa); Sabi.; Sep.; Silic. (afecciones
ovricas con pezn invertido; lcera en la lengua; efectos de la vacunacin); Urt. ur.;
Zinc. Antdotado por: dosis medias y envenenamientos; Nat. mur. en todas las formas;
aceites dulces; cebollas; Ammonia; Ipec., Bajas (tambin polvo de Ipeca aplicado
localmente; Lach; Ledum; Antdota a: Canth., Iod., Chin., Dig. Sigue bien a : Bry.
(cuando el grito ceflico aparece); Helleb. (cuando aparece el estupor); Iod., Hep.,
Merc., Lyc., Sul. Seguido bien por : Graph. (herpes del lbulo del odo); Kali bi.
(oftalma escrofulosa); Arsen. (hidrotrax); Phos. (difteria); Stram. (mana); Lyc.
(estafiloma); Sul. (hidrotrax, pleuresa, hidrocefalia); Iod. (rodilla hinchada).
Complementario : Nat. mur. (el crnico de Apis). Incompatible: Rhus en enfermedades
Causa.- Pesar. Susto. Ira. Vejacin. Celos. (La abeja reina es la cosa ms celosa de la
naturaleza) Escuchar malas nuevas, shock mental. Erupciones suprimidas.
Apis mellifica (Allen Comp. MM)
-Complementario Nat; m.
No conviene usarlo ni antes ni despus de Rhus.
Arsenicum y Pulsatilla siguen bien despus de Apis.
Ha curado la albuminuria en la escarlatina usndolo despus de que Canth., Dig., Hell., han
fallado.*Las seoras propensas a los abortos nunca deben tomar deben tomar Apis excepto
en altas potencias (Hering).
AGRAVACION .- Despus de dormir ( Lach); en habitaciones cerradas, calientes o
calentadas por la estufa le son intolerables; por humedecerse (Rhus.), pero mejora por
humedecerse o lavarse la parte enferma con agua fra.
- Al aire libre; con baos fros o con el agua fra; descubrindose; de los dolores al toser,
andar, o cambiar de posicin; al sentarse derecho.
Acta en los tejidos celulares causando edema en la piel y las mucosas.
Los efectos ms caractersticos de la picadura de la abeja nos da indicaciones infalibles
para su empleo en enfermedades
Hinchazn o edema de varias partes, edema de tono rojo-rosado, dolores aguijoneantes,
adolorido, intolerancia al calor, y al menor contacto, y agravaciones por la tarde son
algunos de los sntomas gua generales
Inflamaciones erisipelatosas, derrames por edema y anasarca, inflamaciones agudas del
rin y otros tejidos parenquimatosos, son estados patolgicos caractersticos que
corresponden a Apis
Apis acta especialmente en partes externas, piel, cubiertas membranosas de rganos
internos, membranas serosas
Produce inflamacin serosa con derrames, derrames pleurales, en las membranas del
cerebro, del corazn, etc
Es marcada la sensibilidad extrema al tacto y el adolorimiento general
Sensaciones de constriccin.
Sensacin de rigidez y como si algo se desgarrara en el interior del cuerpo
Gran postracin.
Apata, indiferencia, e inconciencia
Torpeza; se le caen las cosas fcilmente
Estupor, con gritos agudos sbitos y sobresaltos.
Estupor alternando con mana ertica
Sensacin de muerte
Lnguido; no puede pensar claramente
Celoso, inquieto, difcil de complacer
Gritos sbitos, agudos, taladrantes
Celos, susto, clera, vejacin, pena
No puede concentrar la mente cuando intenta leer o estudiar.
Todo el cerebro lo siente muy cansado.
Vrtigo con estornudos, peor al acostarse o cerrar los ojos
Calor, latidos, dolores expansivos, mejor a la presin, y peor por el movimiento
Dolores sbitos como pualada
Sensacin de peso, embotamiento, en el occipucio, como por un golpe, se extiende al
cuello (mejor a la presin), se acompaa de excitacin sexual
Hunde la cabeza en la almohada y grita.
Prpados hinchados, rojos, edematosos, evertidos, inflamados; ardor y pinchazos
Conjuntiva roja brillante, hinchada
Lagrimeo caliente
Dolores sbitos penetrantes
Dolores alrededor de las rbitas
Exudacin serosa, edema y dolores agudos
Inflamacin supurativa de los ojos.
Queratitis con quemosis intensa de la conjuntiva ocular. Estafiloma de la crnea que sigue
a inflamaciones supurativas
Orzuelos, tambin evita su recurrencia.
Odo externo rojo, inflamado, adolorido; dolores aguijoneantes.
Frialdad en la punta de la nariz
Roja, hinchada, inflamada, con dolores agudos.
Hinchada, roja, con dolores penetrantes
Crea, plida, edematosa
Erisipelas con edema ardiente aguijoneante
Se extiende de derecha a izquierda.
Lengua roja intensa, hinchada, adolorida, y desollada, con vesculas
Escaldado en la boca y garganta
La lengua la siente escaldada, roja caliente, temblorosa
Encas hinchadas
Labios hinchados, especialmente el superior
Membrana de la boca y garganta vidriosa, como barnizada
Roja, brillante y edematosa, como la erisipela
Cncer de la lengua.
Constriccin, dolores aguijoneantes
Uvula hinchada, como una bolsa
Garganta hinchada por fuera y por dentro; amgdalas hinchadas, edematosas, rojo intenso
Ulceras en las amgdalas
Mrgenes rojo encendido alrededor de la membrana endurecida
Sensacin de espina de pescado en la garganta.
Sensacin de adolorido
Sin sed
Vmito de alimentos
Deseo de leche [Rhus].
Adolorido, magullado a la presin, cuando estornuda
Extremadamente sensible
Hinchazn en la ingle derecha.
Involuntarias a cada movimiento; el ano parece abierto
Sanguinolentas, indoloras
El ano se siente desollado
Hemorroides, con dolores aguijoneantes, despus del parto
Diarrea acuosa, amarilla; clera tipo infantil
No puede orinar sin defecar
Oscura, ftida, peor despus de comer
Estreimiento; siente como si algo se rompiera al hacer esfuerzo.
Ardor y adolorimiento cuando orina
Suprimida, cargada de cilindros; frecuente e involuntaria; dolores aguijoneantes y
estranguria; escasa, muy coloreada
Las ltimas gotas arden y punzan.
Edema de labios; mejorado por agua fra
Dolores aguijoneantes y adolorido; ovaritis; peor en el ovario derecho
Menstruaciones suprimidas, con sntomas cerebrales y de la cabeza, especialmente en
chicas jvenes
Dismenorrea, con dolores ovricos severos
Metrorragia profusa, con abdomen pesado, desmayo, dolor aguijoneante
Sensacin de ajustado
Tironeo hacia abajo, como si fuera a aparecer la menstruacin
Tumores ovricos, metritis con dolores aguijoneantes
Gran sensibilidad en todo el abdomen y regin uterina.
Ronquera; disnea, respiracin rpida y difcil
Edema de laringe
Siente como si no pudiera tomar otra respiracin
Sofocacin; tos corta, seca, supraesternal
Panadizo inicial
Rodilla hinchada, brillante, sensible, adolorida, con dolor aguijoneante
Pies hinchados y rgidos
Los siente demasiado grandes
Dolor reumtico en la espalda y extremidades
Cansado, sensacin de adolorido
Entumecimiento de las manos y puntas de los dedos
Urticaria con prurito intolerable
Hinchazones edematosas.
Hinchazn despus de mordeduras; adolorida, sensible
Erisipelas, con sensibilidad e hinchazn, tono rosa
Carbuncos, con dolor ardiente, aguijoneante. [Ars., Anthrac.]
Hinchazn sbita de todo el cuerpo.
Muy sooliento
Sueos llenos de preocupacin y fatiga
Gritos y sbitos sobresaltos durante el sueo.
Escalofro por la tarde, con sed; peor por el movimiento y el calor
Calor externo, con sensacin de sofocacin.
Sudor ligero, con sueo.
La sudoracin brota y se seca frecuentemente
Sueo despus del paroxismo de fiebre
Erupcin como urticaria despus de la sudoracin, tambin con estremecimiento.
Peor por cualquier forma de calor; tacto; presin; al final de la tarde; despus de dormir; en
habitaciones cerradas y calientes.
Lado derecho
Mejor al aire libre, al destaparse, y por bao fro.
Complementario: Natrum mur.
El "crnico" de Apis; tambin Baryta carb., si hay afectacin de los linfticos
Incompatible: Rhus.
Apium virus (Autotoxemia, con productos de pus); Zinc., Canth., Vespa, Lachesis.
Desde la tintura a la potencia trigsima
En estados edematosos las potencias ms bajas .
Algunas veces su accin es lenta; entonces pasan varios das antes que se vea su accin, y
entonces la orina aumenta
Apium virus, sexta trituracin.
Por el calor en todas sus formas; en una habitacin caliente o cerrada; por el tacto; la
presin; despus de haber dormido; por la noche y por la humedad.
Al aire libre, por el bao fro, las aplicaciones, por lavar las partes afectadas con agua fra;
por descubrirse; durante el da y por mantenerse derecho.
Tristeza y melancola, se desespera sin saber por qu, llora sin razn. No puede evitar el
gritar. Indiferencia por todo lo que le puede ser favorable. No da importancia ms que a lo
que le causa pena. Extremadamente irritable, inquieto, suspicaz y celoso.
Debilidad nerviosa* que le origina tirar los objetos que toma en sus manos* (Agar., Bov.).
En los estados agudos: estado de estupor que puede llegar al coma con sacudidades
convulsivas de los miembros. Estado de inconsciencia con cara congestionada, manchada,
agitacin convulsiva de la cabeza, que menea de un lado a otro (Bell. Helleb.), el enfermo
busca la manera de meterse bajo la almohada lanzando gritos inarticulados y agudos (crisis
encef lica).
Convulsiones en una habitacin o en un bao calientes.
FUEGO, terriblemente violentos que empeoran por el calor y el reposo y mejoran por el
fro y el movimiento. Se extienden rpidamente a todo el cuerpo, son errticos y cambian
bruscamente de lugar (Puls. ) .
Prpados INFLAMADOS, ROJOS, EDEMATOSOS, edema ms marcado en los prpados
inferiores que cuelgan como pequeas bolsas llenas de agua. Lagrimeo abundante y
ardoroso (Sulph). Dolor en los ojos por ver una superficie blanca (nieve).
Inflamacin farngea, mucosa roja, lisa, barnizada; edemas del velo del paladar y de la
vula, la cual cuelga entre los dos pilares COMO EL BADAJO DE UNA CAMPANA
SEMITRANSPARENTE, sensacin de constriccin continua con dolores punzantes y
ardorosos que se agravan por el calor (mejoran por el calor y falsas membranas: Kali bich.).
AUSENCIA DE SED, * deseo de leche fra (Rhus tox. ) .
Distensin del abdomen con sensibilidad intensa que evita el menor contacto y el ms
pequeo esfuerzo, que se agrava por la presin y los estornudos. Constipacin consecutiva.
Diarrea de los bebedores y de las infecciones graves.
Evacuaciones amarillentas o verdosas, muy ftidas, se producen a cada movimiento,
involuntarias, * como si el ano estuviera abierto (Phos.).
Edema de la glotis. Sofocacin que se agrava en una habitacin muy caliente.
Orina escasa, ftida, con albmina y sangre. Ardores y dolores muy vivos al orinar. No
pueden orinar sin evacuar.
Amenorrea con sntomas cerebrales, despus de un susto en las jvenes.
Dismenorrea con dolores punzantes y ardorosos en los ovarios, sobre todo en el derecho,
que mejoran por aplicaciones heladas y al caminar, acompandose frecuentemente de un
dolor en la regin pectoral izquierda.
Reumatismo articular agudo. La articulacin est hinchada, lustrosa, tirante, ros cea, muy
sensible al menor contacto.
Los dolores son agudos, punzantes y quemantes que se agravan por el calor y mejoran por
las aplicaciones fras.
Edema parcial (hinchazn semitransparente) o generalizada, que siempre aparece
Toda inflamacin aguda, de coloracin ros cea, extremadamente sensible al menor
contacto, con dolores punzantes y ardorosos que se agravan por el calor y mejoran por el
fro; fiebre con ausencia de sed.
Inflamacin y edema son las dos manifestaciones caractersticas de Apis. Pueden coexistir
o sucederse, pero siempre la accin es inmediata y violenta. Localizadas sobre una serosa
producen derrame. Albuminuria. Angina. Anemia. Ascitis. Difteria. Disentera. Disnea.
Disuria. Erisipela. Eritema nudoso. Furnculos. Glositis. Gota. Granulia. Meningitis.
Nefritis. Edema de la glotis y del pulmn.
Pleuresa. Pericarditis. Reumatismos. Panadizos. Peritonitis. Sarampin. Escarlatina.
Sinovitis. Tuberculosis. Urticaria.
Hay que recordar que el enfermo de Apis, aun cuando est febril, "jams tiene sed" y que
se agrava y se pone ms agitado cuando tiene calor.
Belladonna, Helleborus (estado nervioso). Arsenicum, Kali carb., Kali bich. (edemas).
Cantharis (trastornos urinarios). Pulsatilla (signos generales). La indicacin de Apis aparece
ms a menudo en un sujeto de Natrum muriaticum tuberculnico (nios que regresan de la
orilla del mar).
Incompatibilidad: Rhus tox. Complementarios: Natrum muriaticum, Marmoreck y T. K.
6a, 30a y 200a.
Apis mellifica (Wheeler)
- Excitement, with heat at night, [_a3].
- Laughs at every misfortune, [_a1].
- In the daytime, he danced with excessive joyousness;performed all his antics singing and
dancing;was affability itself;and utterly unable to walk slowly. He laughed at the greatest
misfortune; as he would at a comedy, [_a1].
- She feels like crying about everything, [a18].
- Sad thoughts, with longing for death(third day), forenoon, [a11].
- Dejection, with great prostration, [a13].
- Anxiousness, with tension on the vertex, [a19].
- Great anxiety and excitement;must lie down;wants to get up and go again, just before
death, [_a1].
- General anxiety and distress, [_a1].
- Great anxiety in the head and swelling of the face, [_a1].
- Anxiety, excitement, and fear increase until death, [_a1].
- Dread of death, or sensation as if he should not be able to breathe again, [a6].
- * Premonition of death arose after a few minutes;"he believes he his going", [_a1].
- Feels that he must succumb, after a few minutes, and dies ten minutes after being stung,
- She thought she must die, she felt so strangely, [_a1].
- He says, after a few minutes, "I am a dead man", [_a1].
- Is himself conscious of an extremely disagreeable, violent, and sensitive mood;would
have liked to kill a dog that barked at him, etc.;everything went wrong;nothing could be
done to please him, [a15].
- Became more angry than ever before;(in a female scold), [a19].
- Irritable mood(fifth and sixth days);nothing appeared to satisfy him; everything out of
place(eighth day), (2d dil.), [_a2].
- Mental restlessness, during uterine hemorrhage, [_a2].
- Confusion of mind, [_a1], (A. R.M. ).
- Confusion when attempting to read a study, [_a1], (A. R.M. ).
- It seems so her as if she did not know what to do, as if she had no volition of her own, her
head feels so stupid, [a11].
- Stupid, sleepy, and headache, [_a2].
- Unfit for mental exertion, [_a2, _a3].
- Inability to think clearly, or express himself, [_a1], (A. R.M. ).
- Inability to concentrate the mind, [_a1], (A. R.M. ).
- Mind bewildered, [_a1], (A. R.M. ).
- Heat stupid, [a9].
- Torturing sensation in the head, during which he becomes wholly incapable of mental
labor, [a15].
- Inclination to change his occupation;will not keep steadily at anything, with dulness of
the head(second day), [a9].
- She was partially conscious, and continually moaning, [_a1], (J.P. D.).
- Was unconscious of what passed about him, [_a1].
- Complete loss of consciousness, [_a1], (A. R.M. ).
- Perfect insensibility, with vomiting, desire for rest and sleep,
- Sank into a state of insensibility in fifteen minutes(five minutes before death), [_a1].
- Dulness of the head, with restless condition, [a9].
- Gloominess of the head and some confusion, [_a2].
- Head confused and gloomy(first day), (2d dil.), [_a2].
- Confusion of the head with the pains, [_a2].
- Head dull and confused, [a15].
- Head is dull and slightly confused, [_a3].
- Head feels big, confused, [_a1], (A. R.M. ).
- Confusion of the head, with pain in the forehead, [_a2], (2d dil.).
- Pain in sinciput, and confusion of the head, [_a2].
- * Head confused and dizzy, with constant pressive pain above and around the eyes, that is
somewhat relieved by pressure of the hands, [a15].
- Vertigo.
- * Confused vertigo, very violent at times;worse when sitting than when walking; extreme
when lying down and closing the eyes.(During several days, and after several strong doses),
- Attacks of vertigo and nausea(fifth day, and lasting into the second week), [a12].
- Vertigo, with headache(evenings, after sleeping), [a12].
- Vertigo, with blindness, [_a1], (A. R.M. ).
- Headache, with vertigo, [_a2].
- Vertigo, and pressure in the forehead, after sneezing, [_a2].
- Vertigo, when pressing the head, [_a2].
- Vertigo, [_a2].
- After sleeping on the sofa, evenings(second day), [a12].
- Dizziness in the head, during the whole second day, [a12].
- Whirling in the head, with weakness, [a12].
- She grows dizzy and faint, while standing, [a12].
- Headache and chilliness, from 8 to 10 in the evening, with some toothache; pain in the
forehead, first left side, then right, thus alternating;afterwards, in the vertex, right side,
where it is also sensitive to the touch;then in the temples, and, at last, again in the forehead,
right side(second day);morning of the third day, pain again in forehead, left side, [a11].
- * Her whole brain feels as if tired, gone to sleep and crawling;she feels it at the same time
in both arms, especially the left, and from the left knee down to the foot, [a10].
- During toothache, she feels it in her head, when biting her teeth together, [a11].
- Headache, worse when reading, increased in a warm room, [a15].
- Pain spreading from the gums into the head, [a20].
- With cough, in single shocks, all the evening(first day), [a9].
- With suppressed menstruation, [a9].
- Burning, piercing in the head, [a9].
- Burning and throbbing in the head, increased by motion and stooping, relieved for awhile
by pressing the head firmly with the hands;with occasional perspiration(for some hours),
- Very violent headache, and sensation of a great pressure, as of congestion to the head,
with throbbing and painful burning in the temples, redness and smarting of the eyes, [a17].
- Bursting, expansive pain in the head, attended by vertigo and confusion of the mind,
[_a1], (A. R.M. ).
- Inflammatory swelling, and twitching so violent that an apoplectic attack was feared,
- The head seems as if too large, swelled to the size of a bushel-basket, causing him to look
into the glass, involuntarily, [_a1].
- Swelling of the head, [_a1].
- Head feels too large, [_a1].
- She feels as if her head were too large;with sore throat, [a19].
- Fulness and pressure in the head and stomach, [a24].
- Head as if too full;it seems as if there were too much blood in it; heaviness, pressure, and
sometimes a sudden rush of blood to the head, during which warm, close rooms are
perfectly intolerable, [a15].
- Great rush of blood to the head, [a17].
- Dulness and the head feels compressed, [a24].
- Head pains, as if pressed together, [a24].
- Throbbing in the head, worse when moving and stooping, relieved for awhile by pressing
the head between the hands, [a15].
- * Dull pain over the whole head, relieved by pressure, [a13].
- Dull, heavy headache on rising, lasting till 3 in the afternoon(second day), [_a3].
- Dull pressure in the head, when rising from a reclining position, or from sitting, [a15].
- Heaviness and pressure in the head, one hour after taking one drop, lasted three and four
days, [_a3].
- Oppressive headache, when in a warm room, and reading, [a6].
- Oppression of the head, [_a1].
- Frontal headache, [a6].
- (Piercing), [a4].
- Violent headache, mostly confined to the forehead, with fever(second day), [a6].
- Headache in the forehead, left side, with single stitches under the left ear, lachrymation of
the left eye, chilliness, yawning, and some pain in the umbilical region (evening of eighth
day), [a11].
- Particularly disagreeable pain in the forehead with dulness and confusion(first day), (2d
dil.), [_a2].
- Sensation of dulness across the forehead, just over the eyes(third day), [a8].
- Pressing pain in forehead, with vertigo, after sneezing(at once), [_a2].
- Pressive pain in the sinciput, with vertigo, immediately, [_a2].
- Heat in the forehead, during headache, [a6].
- Prickling in the forehead(6th dil.), [_a2].
- In glabella, tensive drawing of the skin up toward the forehead, [a18].
- Dull confusion in both sides of the forehead, exactly from the supraorbital ridge to the
frontal protuberances, fifteen minutes after taking, lasting about two hours, and ceasing
after breakfast, [a14].
- Headache in the left side of the forehead, with lachrymation, [a11].
- Pain in the organs of causality, comparison, and ideality, [a6].
- Dull, heavy pain in the forehead and sides of the head(temples?)that is relieved by
pressure with the hands(St.), [_a1].
- Dull pressive headache in the upper part of the forehead, as if it would burst, extends to
the temples, [_a3, a15].
- Violent, pressive pain for several days, in forehead and temples, [_a2].
- Headache, in single jerks, from the temples to the middle of the forehead; therewith,
exterior head sensitive to the touch;increases at 10 in the forenoon; the eyes burn;the nose
itches;(second day), the same;likewise, the sixth to the tenth day, [a12].
- Stitches in the forehead and temples, [a13].
- Pain in both temples;the whole head heavy, sleepy, and stupid(after one hour), [a12].
- Bursting in the temples, [_a3].
- Pressing, [_a2].
- Violent aching pains through the temples and organs of causality, comparison,
mirthfulness, and ideality, [a6].
- Throbbing and painful burning in the temples, [a17].
- Throbbing, painful sensation in the temples, [a4].
- Boring pains in the temples, every morning, on waking(for three mornings), [_a3].
- Boring pains in the temples, continued for several days, at intervals, lasting only a few
minutes at a time;beginning the third day(after taking three drops of the 3d dil., every
morning), [_a3].
- Dull, pressive pain in the right temple, on waking in the morning, soon changing to the
left, [_a3].
- Slight aching in the left temple, [_a2].
- Violent, sharp pain in the left temple, [_a2].
- Stitch in the left temple(evening of sixteenth day), [a11].
- Pain in the vertex, evenings, [a11].
- Violent pressure in the top of the head, left side, deep inward, when drawing on boots
(after an hour);afternoon, a pain in a little spot, inwardly, in the left front corner of the head,
above the extreme end of the left eyebrow;lasts all day;worse when coughing(after several
days), [a9].
- Weight and fulness in the upper part of the head, [a6].
- Heaviness and fulness in the vertex, [a15].
- Tension in the scalp, on the vertex, as if everything were violently drawn apart there; not
painful, but with great anxiety, [a19].
- Sensitiveness to touch, [a12];on the vertex and forehead, [a11].
- Tensive, drawing pain over the left side of the head, [a13].
- Headache, with fulness and heaviness in the occiput, [_a2].
- Violent, dull, heavy pain in the right parietal protuberance, as if the surface of the bone
were being pressed in;not relieved by pressure(soon), [a13].
- Dull ache in the occiput, [a5].
- Aching in the occiput, increased by shaking the head, [_a2, a5].
- Pressure in the occiput, very soon, [_a2].
- Tension from the back of the neck, [_a2].
- Violent drawing from the back of the neck, extending behind the left ear;
- Falling out of the hair, all through the proving, [_a2].
- Itching on the head, [a24].
- Itching of the scalp(afternoon of third day), [a11].
- * Swelled about the eyes, [a18].
- * Swelling that entirely closes the eyes, [_a1].
- * Redness of the eyes, [a17].
- * Eyes red and itching, [_a1].
- Redness of the eyes, with headache, [a17].
- Tremulous twitching in the left eye, for several days, more at night, [_a2].
- Pain round about the eyes, [a15].
- Pains in the eyes, [a12].
- Eyes burn, [a12].
- Burning in the left eye, [a11].
- * Burning stinging in the right eye, beginning with a dull heaviness, and causing flow of
water(repeated twice), [_a2].
- * Burning stinging and sensation of swelling around the left eye and in the superciliary
ridge, [a21].
- * Smarting and sensation of burning in the eyes, with bright redness of the conjunctiva;
very sensitive to light, [a17].
- Boring and piercing in the eyes, forenoons;lachrymation, all day(third day), [a12].
- Piercing itching around the eyes, in the brows, lids, and in the eyes themselves, more in
the left, especially in the inner canthi, with a desire to rub the eyes while pressing them
hard;with this, soreness and smarting on the margin of the lids, in the canthi, and in the eye
itself; quivering of the eyeball, and a feeling in the eyes all day as if there were mucus in
them, especially in the left, [a15].
- Piercing itching in the eyes, lids, and around the eyes;more in the internal canthi, [a15].
- * Stinging itching in the eye, eyelids, and around the eyes, on the left side, and more at
the internal canthus, [_a2].
- Piercing itching in the left eye, in the lids, and around the eye, mostly in one corner, and
in the throat at the same time(first day), [_a2].
- * Piercing in the eyes;was obliged to remove her spectacles while reading and writing
(nearsighted woman), (evenings, seventh day), [a11].
- Prickling under the eyes, [_a2].
- Sore pain in the orbits of the eyes, as well as in the bones, after every sting of a bee,
- Eyes painful, when sewing, evenings, [a11].
- * Sensation of swelling around the eye, [a9].
- Sensation of fulness in the eyes, [a15].
- Dull, heavy feeling;inclination to close the eyes;desire to rub them forcibly, and making
pressure with the fingers, when closed for some time, [a4].
- Inclination to close the eyes, [a4].
- * Violent shooting pains over the right eye that extend down to the eyeball(6th dil.),
- Desire to rub the eyes hard, [a15].
- Desire to rub and press the eyes, [a4].
- Itching around the eye, [_a2].
- Eyelids much swollen, red, and oedematous, [_a1].
- * The upper lids so swelled that they hang like little sacs over the face, [_a1].
- Twitching of the right eyelid, [a5].
- * Burning in the margin of the lids;causes lachrymation, [a5].
- Sensation of heaviness in the eyelids, [a13].
- * Smarting on the margin of the lids and in the canthi, [a15].
- Violent stinging in the right lower lid, in the morning, [_a2].
- Itching and prickling of the lids of the right eye(first day), [_a3].
- Itching of the right eyelid, at intervals, all day(repeated in several provings), [_a2].
- Itching of the right eyelid in paroxysms, during the second day, [_a2].
- Itching and irritation of the left eyelids for several days, [_a2].
- * Itching in the inner angle of the left eye, [a5].
- Aching pressure in the orbit of the left eye, mostly the lower part, continuing for several
hours, [_a2].
- Worse itching in the inner canthus of the left eye, [_a2].
- Agglutination of the eyes, [_a2, a5].
- Itching of the eyelids and some agglutination(first day), [_a2].
- Slight agglutination of the eyes at night;had to pick them open in the morning, [_a2, _a3].
- Agglutination of the eyelids, with soreness of the margins and canthi, [_a2].
- Sore elevations of the skin, like the stings of insects, at the external corner of the
eyebrow, very tender to the touch, [_a2].
- If stung over the eyebrow, he had worse results, [_a1].
- Pain over the eyes, [a14].
- Pain in the superciliary ridges, [a13].
- Burning piercing in the region of the left eyebrow, [_a2, a5].
- Dull, heavy, tensive pain over the eyes, with pain through the orbits, lasting but a short
time(this pain occurred in three provings), [_a2].
- Transient biting itching in the right, and sometimes in the left eyebrow, [_a2].
- * Lachrymation, [a5, a12].
- * With burning, [a5].
- Lachrymation, morning of third day, [a9].
- * Lachrymation and pain in the eyes(in the second week), [a12].
- Lachrymation, with piercing in the eyes, [_a2].
- * Lachrymation of the left eye, and some burning in it, and a sensation of a small foreign
body there, during which the eyes are weaker;painful, evenings, when sewing, and sensitive
to light (lasting into the fourth week), [a11].
- Lachrymation of the left eye, with pain in the forehead, left side(evening of eighth day),
- Lachrymation of the left eye, [a11].
- After frequent lachrymation of the left eye, it seems to her, very often, as if there were a
small foreign body in the external canthus of the left eye (tenth and following days), [a11].
- Tears stand in the eyes on account of nervous restlessness, [_a1].
- Tears flow involuntarily from his eyes, very soon;also, stinging in the tip of the nose,
- * Eyes water and are painful when she looks at anything light(fifth day), [a12].
- The right eye filled with tears that are shed from time to time(after three hours), [a9].
- Biting piercing sensation in the right eye, causing copious lachrymation, [a5].
- Flow of mucus and lachrymation of the right eye, at night, in bed, [_a2].
- Violent pain in the left lachrymal duct and around the opening, [_a2].
- Sensation as if there were a mass of mucus in the left eye, continuing all day(fourth day),
- Sensation all day as if there were mucus in the eyes;worse in left, [a15].
- Pain through the eyeballs, dull, heavy, and dragging, [_a2].
- Piercing in the eyeballs(second day), [_a2].
- Pressing pain in the lower part of the eyeball, [_a2].
- Quivering twitching of the left eyeball, [a15].
- Pains around the left eyeball(first day);later, around both, [_a2].
- * Aching pressure in the left eyeball, mostly in the lower part, for several hours;repeated
twice, [_a2].
- * The eyes are weak, with disinclination to exert them;they are painful and easily fatigued
when used; only regain their strength and vigor the tenth or twelfth day(this was
experienced by one who had never had weakness of sight before or since), [_a2].
- Weakness of sight, with sensation of fulness in the eyes, [a15].
- * Weak eyes;for several days the light is painful, [_a2].
- * Sensitiveness to light, [a11, a12].
- Must take off her spectacles(a short-sighted woman), [a11].
- Blindness, with vertigo, [_a1], (A. R.M. ).
- Growing dark before the eyes, [a11, a12].
- It grows dark before his eyes when stooping(afternoons, fourth day), [a11].
- Sensation of whirling around in the sight, with difficult vision at the same time, lasting
for only a moment, [a6].
- Ears purple, [_a1], (A. R.M. ).
- A small, rough, reddish tetter in the centre of the lobe of the left ear, extending somewhat
back;remained in the antrum after an eruption caused by preparing Rhus; was entirely
removed after Graphites;after five months, appeared again, a week after taking the Apis,
and remained a week;was only removed after Graphites, [a12].
- In the inner cartilage of the left ear, a little pimple, painful when pressed(tenth day, and
longer), [a11].
- Tension behind and under the ears, [_a2];behind the left ear, extending up from the back
of the neck, [_a2];behind the right ear, [_a2];behind the left ear, [_a2].
- Pains in the inner right ear(second day), [a9].
- Similar pain behind the left ear as over the eyes;violent drawing from the back of the
neck, extending behind the left ear, [a15].
- Burning in the upper part of the left ear, [_a2, a5].
- Stitches under the left ear, [a11].
- Frightened starting from sleep at noise, [a12].
- Nose swollen, [_a1].
- * Nose much swollen, red and oedematous, [_a1], (Bell.).
- Nose swollen;red stripes under the eyes, extending across the cheeks, [a18].
- Entire stoppage of the nose, from swelling of its mucous lining, [_a1], (Bell.).
- Nose affected, as if it would swell, [a9].
- Violent sneezing, immediately, [_a2].
- Frequent sneezing, for many days(eleventh day), (in two provings), [_a2].
- Sudden coryza, afternoons, 4 o'clock, with dryness of the nose;then burning of the lips,
and sensation as if they would chap(fifth day), [a11].
- A kind of coryza(after four hours);worse evening, second day, with dull sensation in the
nose; now and then some dropping;dry on the morning of third day;moisture only when
blowing the nose; more affected outwardly, and feels as if it would swell, [a9].
- When blowing it some blood comes from the nose(mornings, second and third days), and
afterwards, sometimes even in the fourth week, [a11].
- (Blood flowed from the nose, after death), [_a1].
- Dryness of the nose in catarrh, [a11].
- Tip of the nose cold, with chilliness in the evening, [a13].
- Itching of the nose, [a12].
- Itching on the left nostril, is painful, with redness(fourth day), [a12].
- Paleness of the face, [_a1].
- Paleness of the face;trembling of the hands and feet, [a24].
- Very pale and seemed ill, but without any swelling(badly stung child), [_a1].
- Paleness of the face, with faintness, [a12].
- Pallor of the child, [_a1].
- Countenance assumed a pallid, deathlike, look, frightening those around with the thought
that he was about to die, [_a1], (E.U. J).
- His face grew pale, [a4], (E.E. M.).
- Red face;wants is bathed, [_a1].
- Her face became red, then purple, [_a1], (J.P. D.).
- * The face is red and hot;pain, burning and piercing, and swollen so as to be
unrecognizable (not gone after eighteen hours), [_a1].
- The face becomes purple, [_a1], (Bell.).
- Face livid, [_a1].
- Livid, blue-reddish color of face(two weeks), [a17].
- (Color of face very dark, almost blue-black, after death), [_a1].
- The face is swollen to blindness, and, for a week, he goes about blinking like an owl,
- The face swelled so that he could hardly see(after a sting in the face), [_a1].
- Inflammatory swelling of the face;the right eye completely closed, the left eye almost; the
cheeks hang down to the breast(after being stung in the right corner of the mouth), [_a1].
- Nose and face swell immediately after being stung in the tip of the nose; continues
several days, [_a1].
- Face inflamed, [_a1].
- * Erysipelas of the face;over the whole face light redness, swelling, heat, with burning
fever, coated tongue and thirst(in a girl of nine;sixth dilution every two hours), [_a2].
- Nettle-rash in the face, [_a1].
- Burning in the face, with sensation of fulness, as if the bloodvessels were overfilled; very
much aggravated when stooping, [a13].
- * Peculiar burning and a heat in the face which he cannot describe;it lasted twenty-four
hours, and for more than two weeks left behind a livid, bluish-red color of the face, [a17].
- Heat of the face, with chilliness, [a11].
- Sensation as if face would swell, left side, especially about the eye(after one hour), [a9].
- Tension in the face waked him at 1 o'clock at night;the nose was swollen and the right eye
and cheek;stinging pain when touched;under the right eye, beginning at the top of the nose,
red stripes crossed the cheeks, lasted till 4 o'clock;the following day, again, after midnight,
rapid swelling of the upper lip, with heat and burning redness, lasting till toward
morning;third night, a sudden running across the right cheek, like a little insect, and stung
him beside the nose, upon which the cheek and upper lip swelled, [a18].
- Prickling in the face, [_a2].
- Burning cheeks, with cold feet, [a10].
- Red stripes down from the nose across the cheeks, [_a1].
- Ulcer on the cheek, lasting three months, [_a1].
- Heat of the cheeks and hands, [a10].
- Stinging pain in the left malar bone(fourth week), [a11].
- Running as of an insect over the cheek, [a18].
- Dark streak along the vermilion border of the lips;they are rough, cracked, and peel
off(second day), (sixth dilution), [_a2], (etc.).
- Swelling of the lips, and sensation as of swelling for several days;then a fine eruption
about the lips, and dryness and desquamation of the lower lip(sixth dilution), [_a2], (and
- Lips swollen and everted, [_a1].
- Swelling of the lips and tongue, after being stung in the temples, [_a1].
- The upper lip as much swollen as if it were turned inside out(after being stung on the
neck), [_a1].
- The lips are dry, with a black stripe in the red portion, [a10].
- Lips cold(after eight to ten minutes), [_a1].
- Raging, violent pains in the lips, then extending into the gums and head, and finally over
the whole body(directly after taking, in a woman), [a20].
- Burning in the lips, with catarrh, [a11].
- Roughness and sensation of tension in the lips, especially the upper one(sixth dilution),
[_a2], (and others).
- Roughness and tension in the lips, especially the upper one, [_a2].
- Prickling in the lips, and sensation as if they had received a severe contusion, with
swollen feeling(after a few hours), [_a2].
- Sensation as if the lips would chap, in catarrh, [a9].
- Upper lip swollen;grew red and hot, almost brown, [a18].
- Chapping of the lower lip, [a11].
- Burning on the chin, [a5].
- Burning stinging, as of fire, on the chin and malar bones, [a5].
- Drawing in the lower jaw, extending from the chest, [a11].
- When biting the teeth together, in swallowing, after yawning, and otherwise, a kind of
grinding the teeth, only a single, involuntary jerk;is repeated very often (seventh and
following days), [a11].
- Toothache, [_a1].
- Toothache with headache, [a11].
- Twitching toothache in the left upper back teeth, [a24].
- Jumping pain in the left upper molar teeth, [a5].
- Toothache in the upper jaw, right side, during which she feels the biting together of her
teeth in her head;with chilliness, evenings(second day), [a11].
- Violent pain in the first left upper molar;seems connected with the headache (after five
hours), [a9].
- Heat, with toothache, [a9, a11].
- easybleeding of the gums(sixth day), [a11].
- Very troublesome pains in the gums, [a15].
- Violent pains spreading through the gums, [a21].
- Swelling of the tongue, then of the whole body, after a sting in the vertex; he could
neither speak, nor move his tongue, nor swallow the least morsel, [_a1].
- * Swelling of the tongue and lips(after a sting in the temples), [_a1].
- Burning from the tongue down the whole throat into the stomach, and eructation every
four to five minutes, with gathering of tasteless water in the mouth;the eructations increased
very much after drinking water, it almost suffocated her, [a10].
- Burning stinging on the tongue, [_a2].
- Prickling heat on the tongue, [_a3].
- Tongue very painful, after seven hours;the burning rawness increases; vesicles rise along
the edge;stings with the pain, (~), [_a2].
- Rawness, burning, and blisters, along the edge of the tongue, which are very painful, with
stinging(after eight hours), (~), [_a2].
- Extreme sensation of rawness and scalding, all around the margin of the tongue; little
pimples on the edge(~ after four hours), [_a2].
- * The whole margin of the tongue feels as if scalded, as if quite raw; little papular
elevations appear along the edge of the tongue(after two hours), [_a2].
- Tongue as if burnt, [_a3].
- Mouth very dry, [_a1].
- Dryness in the mouth and throat;the tongue feels as if burnt(second day), [_a3].
- Dryness under the tongue, disappears after moving the tongue a great deal (6 o'clock,
evenings, after ten hours), [a9].
- * Dryness of the tongue;red, fiery appearance of the buccal cavity, with painful
tenderness, [a4].
- Tongue and palate sore, [_a2].
- Sore pain of the palate and tongue, [_a2].
- * On the tip of the tongue, somewhat to the left, a row of small vesicles, painfully sore
and raw, [a10].
- A number of vesicles and redder spots on the tip of the tongue, and on the left edge of the
tongue, [a15].
- * In the mouth, on the inner cheeks, fiery redness, [a4].
- * Dryness in the mouth and fauces, [a13].
- Sensation of dryness in the mouth and throat(second day), [_a3].
- Burning in the mouth, as if the whole mouth were hot inside on the lips and palate; she
has more thirst during this than usual, and drinks frequently(forenoons in the fourth week),
- * Scalding in the mouth and throat(for two days), [_a2].
- * Painful sensitiveness of buccal cavity, [a4].
- Inflammation and swelling of the palate, that obstructed breathing, so that he died(wasp),
- Dryness of the palate, which, when touched by the tongue, feels rough and scratchy (early
the second day), [a12].
- Flow of saliva(Swammerdam).
- Copious accumulation of soapy saliva, in the mouth and throat, mornings(second day),
- Tough, frothy saliva, [a13].
- Stringy saliva adhering to the tongue, [a13].
- Thick, tough, adhesive mucus in the mouth and fauces, [a13].
- Bitter taste in fauces, [a9].
- Took the poison of the queen bee;first, I had a bitterish taste, which afterwards became
more sharp and pungent, spreading over the whole fauces to the jaws, forcing the saliva
from its channels. The tongue was affected as after chewing the Spanish Bertram root, but
in a less degree. There was at the same time great activity in every part of the mouth, as if I
had taken ten to twelve drops of the strongest alcohol. Emboldened by this, I tasted the
poison of the common working bees, and that of wasps. It was the same, only that of the
working bees was milder and less than that of the wasps(Swammerdam).
- Bitterish taste at the back of the tongue and in the fauces(after two minutes), [a9].
- Lost his taste, [_a1].
- The glands of the throat swollen on the injured side, [_a1].
- Great accumulation of viscid mucus deep in the throat, compelling frequent hawking
(mornings, eleventh day), [_a2].
- * Dryness in the throat without thirst, [a19].
- Dryness in the throat, [_a3];in the fauces, [a13];of the palate, [a12].
- * Dryness and heat in the throat(first day), [_a3].
- * Burning in the throat, extending to the stomach, [a10].
- Sensation of rawness in the throat, with viscid saliva, that adheres to the hard palate,
velum, and tongue, [a13].
- Sensation of rawness in the throat, with inclination to frequent hawking, [a15].
- Frequent inclination to clear the throat, [a15].
- Sore throat, accompanied by a hoarse, hard, spasmodic, and somewhat hollow cough,
caused by a sensation of filling up in the throat, as though he needed to raise something.
Does not recollect, however, raising anything, [_a1], (E.U. J.).
- Sensation of soreness in the fauces and throat, extending downward through the chest to
the pit of the stomach. He described this feeling of soreness as one of erosion, excoriation,
or rawness, and supposed it to be such as a consumptive might feel, who had a violent and
hard cough for a long time(in a few minutes), [_a1], (E.U. J.).
- * Sensation of fulness, contraction, and suffocation in the throat, [a22].
- * Throat felt constricted, and as if a foreign body was lodged in it;deglutition was painful,
- * Sensation of constriction and erosion in the throat, in the mornings, after fifteen
minutes;increases to such a degree, in eight hours, that swallowing becomes difficult, [_a2].
- Disagreeable oppression in the throat(in one hour), [_a1], (Deane).
- An aching pressure, as if from a hard body, back in the upper part of the throat and
fauces; continuing for some hours(at half an hour), (occurred in two provings), [_a2].
- * Stinging itching deep in the throat, at the lower part of the neck, accompanied with a
sensation of constriction, [_a2].
- Pressure in the fauces as of a foreign body, [_a2].
- * Roughness and sensitiveness of the pharynx(every time after smelling the poison),
- * Difficult swallowing, [_a1].
- * Inability to swallow a single drop, with swelling of the tongue, [_a1].
- Not until some hours after the sting, the throat swelled inwardly, then outwardly;voice
grew hoarse;breathing and swallowing very difficult; difficulty of swallowing not caused by
the swelling in the throat, but by the irritation of the epiglottis, for every drop of liquid put
upon the tongue nearly suffocates him. Small white spot, about half an inch to the left of the
glottis.(Death after twenty-seven hours, after a sting in the throat), [_a1].
- Entire loss of appetite, [a13].
- No appetite, nor desire for food, though it was not repulsive to him, [_a1], (E.U. J.).
- Lessening appetite, for several days, although the coated tongue grows cleaner, [a9].
- The first mouthful of food he took"seemed to drive the soreness downward, and each
succeeding mouthful to drive it further down", and he continued eating, until the soreness
and cough quite left him, and did not return, [_a1], (E.U. J.).
- Thirst, with burning in the mouth, [a11].
- Burning thirst, seems to rise from the stomach, with dryness in the throat; without
thirst;burning cheeks and cold feet, without increased pulse, [a10].
- Great thirst, when working at night, after diarrhoea, [a13].
- Asks for a drink of water, [_a1].
- Asked for water, and drank some, [_a1].
- * No thirst, with dryness of the throat, [a10].
- No thirst with the dryness in the throat, but she drinks very often, although it relieves her
but little, [a10].
- * No thirst, with heat, [a9].
- Violent eructation, [a5].
- Eructation tasting like yolk of eggs, [_a2].
- Eructation tasting of the ingesta, [a13].
- Eructation, with copious accumulation of tasteless water, [a9].
- Increased eructation after drinking water, [a9].
- Violent eructation of wind during headache, [a13].
- Eructation relieves the pain over the left hip, [_a2].
- Aversion, with chilliness and cold limbs, [_a1].
- Gagging, after a sting in the temples, [_a1].
- Nausea, apparently from the throat, [a5].
- Nausea seems to come from the throat, [a5].
- Sickness at the stomach, and pain over the whole body so severe as to cause crying,
[_a1], (C.C. C.).
- Was obliged to go home and lie down, on account of nausea, [_a1].
- Nausea and inclination to vomit in the night, with a disagreeable rumbling in the
abdomen, as if diarrhoea would set in, mornings;loose, urgent stool, [a5].
- Nausea to vomiting, with fainting, [a12].
- Nausea, followed by yellow and bitter vomiting(after forty-five minutes), [_a1], (A. R.M.
- Some nausea and vertigo, [a12].
- Nausea and vomiting, [a13].
- Nausea and vomiting, [_a1].
- Nausea and vomiting, with swelling of the head, [_a1].
- Nausea and vomiting of food, with diarrhoea, after repeated vomiting;first, bile,
afterwards a thin, very bitter-tasting liquid, with violent pains across the lower abdomen,
- Vomiting(wasp), [_a1].
- Vomiting of ingesta, [a13].
- * Vomiting of bile, [a13].
- * Vomiting and diarrhoea, [_a1].
- * Severe vomiting and profuse diarrhoea, [_a1], (E.E. M.).
- For several days, he was troubled with a morbid excitement of the digestive apparatus,
[_a1], (E.E. M.).
- Most terrible pains in the stomach appeared immediately after taking the second attend.;
the following day, coldness in the middle of the sternum, which, after it gradually subsided,
was followed by a burning heat in the stomach, [a20].
- * Burning heat in the stomach, [a20].
- Heartburn, [_a1], (C.C. C.).
- * Heat and burning in the stomach(first day), [_a3].
- Burning in the stomach, and eructations, [a10].
- * Sensation of soreness in the stomach and abdomen, [a13].
- Crawling, drawing and gnawing in the stomach;later, a violent compression in the
abdomen, [a24].
- Prickling pain in the stomach, as from needles, [a5].
- Pressure in the stomach, [a24].
- Pressure in the pit of the stomach, [_a1].
- Pressure in the region of the orifice of the stomach, [a13].
- Violent burning pain under the short ribs, on both sides, worse and lasting longest on the
left, where it prevented sleep for weeks, [a17].
- Under the right ribs, sensation as if gone to sleep, [a19].
- Pain, left side, under the last ribs, [a5].
- Pain in the abdomen, in the umbilical region, and chilliness, [a11].
- Fulness and evident enlargement of the abdomen.(In a woman, after several large doses),
- Rumbling in the abdomen, [a13].
- Rumbling in the abdomen, with a sensation of fulness, [a13].
- Rumbling in the abdomen, as if diarrhoea would ensue, [a5].
- Rumbling in the abdomen, with violent urging to stool, [a13].
- Restlessness in the intestines, and death, [_a1].
- Faintness and nausea, from the short ribs across the whole abdomen(soon after a sting in
the scrotum), lasting three hours), [_a1].
- Nausea in the abdomen, is obliged to lie down, [_a1].
- Sickly feeling in the abdomen, which inclines him to continue in a quiet, sitting posture,
- Pain in the abdomen from the hips towards the umbilical region(forenoons), (second day),
- Violent pain in the abdomen, relieved when sitting up, [a13].
- Slight pain in the abdomen, with urging to pass flatus(after fifteen minutes), [a9].
- Pain in the abdomen, mornings, and urging to stool, [a12].
- Pain in the abdomen, with urging to stool, and pain when straining(mornings, after rising,
after dreaming it at night, second day), [a12].
- Sometimes pain in the abdomen, again with a feverish, trembling feeling(second day),
- Disagreeable sensation and growling in the abdomen, as if diarrhoea were setting in, [a5].
- Frequently, pain in the abdomen, mornings, and very hard scanty stool;as formerly often
(in third week), [a12].
- Sore feeling in the abdomen, in the morning, [a5].
- As if sore in the abdomen, [a13].
- * Soreness of the bowels felt when sneezing, or pressing upon them, [a5].
- Deep within, below, and beside the right hip, sensation of soreness, burning, and
numbness, [a10].
- * Sensitiveness of the walls of the abdomen, worse from pressure, even when touched,
- * Fulness and sensation of bloatedness in the abdomen, as if she were inflated, [_a2].
- * Sensation of fulness in the abdomen, [a13].
- Contractive, painful sensation in the abdomen, when walking, [a11].
- No redness or pain in the part stung, but severe griping pains all over the abdomen, [_a1],
(E.E. M.).
- Violent griping in the abdomen, [a24].
- Dull pains in the bowels, [a5].
- Heaviness in the abdomen, [_a1].
- As if the intestines had been crushed, with stools and tenesmus, [a13].
- Violent cutting pains in the abdomen, [_a1].
- Violent pains across the lower abdomen, with bitter vomiting and diarrhoea, [a13].
- Sensation as if diarrhoea were coming on, [a5].
- Aching and pressive pain in the hypogastrium, with bearing down in the uterus, as if the
menses were coming on(in two persons), [_a2].
- Aching and pressure in the lower abdomen, [_a2].
- Pressure in the region of the lower abdomen, [a13].
- Bearing down, [a11].
- Slow, throbbing, boring pain over the left crest of ilium, relieved by eructations(second
day), [_a2].
Urinary organs
- For several days he was troubled with a morbid excitement of the urinary organs, [_a1],
(E.E. M.).
- A very disagreeable sensation in the bladder, with a bearing-down in the region of the
sphincter, and so frequent a desire to urinate that he not only did so by day, but was
compelled to rise ten or twelve times during the night;soreness and burning when passing
urine, [a15].
- Burning in the urethra, [a5].
- Burning in the urethra before and after urination(third day), [_a3].
- Burning before and after passing, [_a3, a8].
- * Burning and soreness when urinating, [_a1, a15].
- As if scalded when urinating, [a17].
- * Soreness when urinating, as if scalded, [a4].
- Stitchlike pain in the urethra, [a5].
- When beginning to urinate, the swelling of the labia minora obstructs, [a11].
- Frequent desire to urinate, [a22].
- Frequent desire to urinate, attended with burning in the urethra, with uneasiness in the
spermatic cord(sixth day, from large doses), [a8].
- * Frequent desire to urinate, with some burning before and after emission(second day),
- Frequent desire to urinate, with a disagreeable sensation in the bladder; a bearing down in
the region of the sphincter, [a15].
- Almost incessant desire to pass urine;in passing, the urine seems to him to be unusually
warm, even to burning, with sensation as if the flow were obstructed by a contraction in the
bulbus;the quantity of urine is quite as usual, [a13].
- After taking the 6th dilution in the evening, he was obliged to pass urine every five
minutes the following days, [_a2], (and others).
- * Repeated urination every few minutes all day(in a person never subject to such attacks;
day after taking one drop of the 2d dilution, at night), [_a2].
- Day and night, very frequent passage of colorless urine, [a18].
- * Frequent and excessively profuse discharge of natural urine, [_a2].
- Frequent and extraordinarily copious discharge of urine, otherwise as usual, day and
night, in a dropsical, pregnant woman(after three doses of the 30th dilution), [a23].
- Enormous secretion of urine(four to six pounds daily), greatest when at some outdoor
exercise, with flatulence and some looseness of the bowels(bee-bread), (Whitemore).
- Decidedly increased passage of urine(first and second days), [a9].
- Copious passage of pale, straw-colored urine, with brickdust sediment, [a22].
- * The previously very scanty urine diminished to one-half, with a violent burning
sensation when urinating, as if scalded, [a17].
- * Urine highly colored, [_a2, _a3].
- * Urine high-colored, and more frequent emission of small quantities(third day), [_a3].
- Pale-yellow, with brickdust sediment, [a22].
Sexual organs
- A pustule, sore as a boil, surrounded by a red areola, and maturated in the centre, arises in
the hair of the pubes, remaining sore and painful some days(eleventh day), [_a2].
- Sensation of weakness in the genitals, [a24].
- uneasyensation in the spermatic cord, [a8].
- Frequent and long-lasting erections, [_a1].
- The testicle swelled to such a size"that it scarcely had room in the scrotum", with tension,
and the most violent itching(after a sting in the scrotum), [_a1].
- Desire to cohabit during the day, while sitting at home and when driving (after five, six,
and eight hours), [a9].
- Very much increased sexual desire, in a hysterical woman, [a19].
- Hemorrhage from the uterus, occurring in a lady who was always regular and healthy;
coming on one week after the cessation of the usual menstrual period, and three days after
taking the medicine, [_a2].
- She feels as she does in the beginning of pregnancy, [a4].
- * Bearing-down pains in the uterus, as if menstruation were coming on, with aching and
pressure in the hypogastrium, [_a3].
- Bearing-down pains, as in the early stages of parturition(in several cases), [a4].
- * Metrorrhagia at the second month, with profuse flow of blood, heaviness of the
abdomen, great uneasiness, restlessness, and yawning, [_a2].
- * Miscarriage at the second month(from drop doses of the 2d dilution), [_a2].
- * Miscarriage at the third month, [_a2].
- Abortion in the fourth month, with very copious hemorrhage, in a young, perfectly
healthy, recently married woman, during a mild attack of fever, for which Apis[a6] was
given, [_a2].
- Should be given to pregnant females with the utmost caution, [_a2].
- The numbness and dulness, beginning in the right abdominal region(from the ovaries) to
the hip, now extends to the ribs, and down over the whole thigh;better when lying upon it,
- When stretching in bed, a fine cutting pain in the left side of the abdomen, in the ovarian
region, across to the right;first very faint, then stronger and stronger, increased at every
repeated stretching;four or five times the same, then ceasing (evening, seventh day), [a11].
- Great increase of pain and tenderness in the ovarian region, in two cases; one, of large
induration, the other, in a supposed incipient stage of development, [a17].
- In the region of the diseased right ovary, soreness, hardness, and burning heat, [a19].
- * Pain in right ovarian region during menstruation, [a20].
- * The right ovarian region very sensitive during the period, [a20].
- Drawings in right ovarian region(twentieth day), [a11].
- Drawing in the right ovarian region(twentieth day), [a11].
- In the region of the left ovary, pain as if strained, more when walking, evenings at 6
o'clock;after several hours, also, a bearing down on right side, and a lame feeling in the
shoulder-blades;towards 11 o'clock, when walking, she is compelled to bend forward, on
account of a contractive, painful sensation in the abdomen; still felt the following morning,
somewhat to the left(first day), [a11].
- A deep, penetrating pain begins in the clitoris, and extends down into the vagina; the labia
minora are swollen, and feel dry, hard, and covered with a crust; hindered passing urine at
first all day until it ceases, late in the evening, after the application of cold-water
compresses, [a10].
- Much flow of mucus from the uterus and the vagina, with cessation of internal burning in
the abdomen, [a19].
- Pressure in the abdomen, in the back, and sacrum, as if the periods were coming on; she
distinctly feels it running downward, [a19].
- She feels, for several days, as if her periods were coming near the right time; but they
remain away, and pregnancy has taken place(twentieth and following days), [a11].
- Bearing-down pains, and sensation as if the menses would come on(in several cases),
- As if the periods were coming on, [a11].
- The period flows two to three days, then stops one day, and returns, and so on for ten days
(in two cases), [a20].
Respiratory apparatus
- Sensation as of a rapid swelling of the lining membrane of the air-passages, [_a1], (B.).
- Feeling of rawness, with inclination to hawk, [a15].
- Speaking is painful;she feels as if it wearied the pharynx, in which there is drawing and
pain, [a19].
- He grows hoarse, [_a1].
- Hoarseness and difficulty of breathing, [_a1].
- Hoarseness and rough voice through the day and night(second day), [_a2, a5], (and
- * Hoarseness, mornings, with dryness in the throat and no thirst, and drinking is of no
use;at the same time, soreness in the suprasternal fossa, and sensitiveness to pressure,
likewise, in the region above both clavicles;later, violent stitches through the lungs, here
and there, through the hips and sides of the chest, with aching all over, but especially in the
left breast; constantly, a peculiar sensation as if cords were being pulled from the
suprasternal fossa, downwards and sideways, in different directions, [a19].
- * Irritation to cough in the suprasternal fossa, [a9].
- * Severe cough, especially after lying and sleeping; the tickling that causes it, in a little
spot, very distinctly deep down on the posterior wall of the windpipe(second day, before
midnight);would like something to reach it with and brush over it;his head aches while
coughing;he must bend it back, and hold it so that the shock cannot act with such
violence;as soon as the least bit of mucus loosens, he is better, [a9].
- Hoarse cough, with evening heat, [_a1].
- Cough prevents sleep, after lying down, and wakens him towards midnight, with the same
distinct clicking down back, which irresistibly irritates to violent shocks that are felt in the
head;ceases directly after the loosening of a small lump of mucus, which is swallowed(third
to fourth days);cough the fourth and fifth days, only evenings, not at night, [a9].
- Cough, preventing sleep, [a9].
- When coughing, pain through the chest, from the clavicle, [a19].
- Cough, more in warmth, and in repose, and rousing from first sleep, for several evenings,
- Cough, when starting in sleep, [a12].
- Violent shocks of cough, from a crawling irritation down in the windpipe, , near the
suprasternal fossa;and, at every shock of cough, increased headache in the left side and
upper part. After half an hour, something loosens and is swallowed, when the cough ceases
directly (first day, when roused from sleep before midnight), [a9].
- * Expectoration of a great quantity of transparent, somewhat frothy, bloody mucus (after
an emetic), [_a1], (B.).
- * Dyspnoea;it seemed impossible to breathe; had to fan him to keep him alive, [_a1], (A.
R.M. ).
- Sensation as though he should not be able to breathe again, [_a3].
- Sensation as if he would not be able to breathe, [a6].
- * Great feeling of suffocation;it seems as if she could not long survive, for want of air,
[_a1], (B.).
- * Intense sensation of suffocation;threw the collar wide open;could bear nothing about
the throat; with dusky hue to the face, and bluish lips, [_a1], (C.W. B.).
- Can scarcely breathe from swelling of the tongue, so that the laborious inspiration can be
heard all over the house, [_a1].
- Difficulty of breathing, inclination to sleep, and increasing shortness of breath when
walking, [_a1].
- Breathing very difficult, and every drop of liquid nearly chokes him, [_a1].
- * Hurried and difficult respiration, with fever and headache(second day), [a5].
- Difficult, anxious breathing, with constriction in the throat;worse when lying, [a22].
- Sensation of fulness, constriction, or suffocation in the throat, with difficult, anxious
breathing;worse in a horizontal position, [a22].
- Labored inspiration, as in croup, [_a1].
- Breathing oppressed in pressure of chest, [a12].
- Breathing oppressed by pressure in the back, [a11].
- Short breath, [_a1, _a3].
- Short, quick breathing, nights, [a6].
- Breathing very slow, [_a1].
- Closed rooms, especially if overheated, are insupportable to him, [a15].
- Pain in the heart that interrupts breathing, [_a3].
- At every pressure, when holding the breath, pain through the chest, [a19].
- Heat in the chest, [_a3].
- Sensation of burning heat in the chest and stomach, early in the morning(second day),
- Sensation of warmth or burning in the chest(first day), [_a3].
- Fulness, tension, and pressure in the chest(first day), [_a3].
- Sensation of fulness in the chest, [_a3].
- When coughing, and at every pressure, pain above the clavicle, and from there down
through the chest, [a19].
- Sharp pains in the chest, at nights(fifth day), [_a2].
- Sometimes, sharp pains and stitches through the chest, [a15].
- Stitches through the chest and back, at night(sixth day), [_a2].
- Stitches through the chest and back, at night, [a5].
- Pressure in the chest, [_a3].
- Pressure in the chest(soon), [_a2].
- Pressure in the chest, after pains in the shoulders and upper arms, [_a2].
- Slight oppression of the chest, with frequent desire to draw a deep inspiration, [a5].
- Like a pressive pain in the upper part of the chest, [a15].
- As if the chest, near the last ribs, were crushed, pressed, or beaten, [a17].
- Sensation of heaviness, [_a2].
- Pain, as of a bruise, and sensation of weight in the chest(for several days), [a4].
- Trembling and pressure in the chest, with oppressed breathing(forenoon, second day),
- * Sensation of soreness, lame, bruised feeling, as if from recent injury, from being
jammed, bruised, or beaten(confirmed in many provers), [a4].
- Pain in the chest, stinging, first left, then right, where the cartilages of the ribs bend
toward the hypochondria;at the same time, everything grew dark before her eyes, in which
she felt pain(forenoon, third day), [a12].
- Trembling in the chest, [a12].
- Stitches in the side, [_a1].
- Sticking through the sides of the chest and through the lungs, [a19].
- Pain in the chest, only on the left side, near the last ribs, in or below the region of the
heart (second week), [a12].
- Slight pain in the left side of the chest, under the short ribs, [a5].
- Sense of constriction or lacing from the pit of the throat downwards and sideways, [a19].
- * Dull, aching pains in the left side of the chest, near the middle of the sternum, several
times during the day, with sensation of fulness in the chest and short breath (first day),
- Suprasternal fossa sensitive to touch, as if sore, [a4].
- Sticking under the left arm, near the fourth or fifth rib, when breathing and when not
(fourth week), [a11].
- Tearing drawing from below on the left side, arising next to the sternum; drawing back
and forth in the chest upward, and finally in the lower jaw; at the same time, pain in the
back, and sensation as if the menses were coming on (at the monthly period, twenty-first
day), [a11].
- Sensation as if cords were drawn along through the chest, [a10].
- * Stitches in the left side of the chest, [a5].
- Coldness in the middle of the sternum, [a20].
- Suddenly, a pain in a little spot to the left, on the lower part of the sternum(fourteenth
day), [a11].
Extremities in general
- Trembling of the hands and feet, [a24].
- He first swelled about the joints, where bunches were forming that looked somewhat
inflamed and itched very much, [_a1].
- Blood settled under the toe and finger-nails, [_a1], (A. R.M. ).
- Cold limbs, with chilliness, [_a1].
- His extremities grew cold, [_a1], (E.E. M.).
- A cutting instrument seemed to penetrate all his limbs at the same time, like an electric
discharge(wasp), [_a1].
Upper extremities
- Red and white spots on the arms, [_a1].
- Burning and heat, like"prickly heat", on the arms and hands, [_a1], (B.).
- Swelling of the whole arm, so that he could not take off his coat without an effort, in the
evening, and was only able to put it on next morning with the greatest difficulty.
- The arm remained very sensitive for some days(after a sting in the hand), [_a1].
- Unpleasant sensation in the inner side of both arms, reaching from near the elbow to the
axilla;also, a similar sensation in the anterior and inner part of each thigh, reaching from
near the knee to the inguinal region, which ceased in the course of half an hour, [_a1], (S.D.
- Drawing pains in the arm, that begin in the shoulders and extend to the end of the fingers,
- Itching, and appearance of blotches, in arms and hands, like nettlerash, on scratching,
[_a1], (B.).
- Drawing pain through the arm, beginning in the shoulders, [a13].
- Hand and arm swollen and painful for several days, [_a1].
- Crawling, as if going to sleep, in both arms, especially in the left, [a10].
- Itching stitching in the back of the arm, [a11].
- Left arm affected(after fifteen minutes), [a9].
- Burning stinging on the left arm, [a9].
- The upper part of the arm is painful, [_a2].
- Aching in the right shoulder and upper portion of the arm(soon), [_a2].
- Dull pains, apparently in the bones of the arms and fingers, [a5].
- Aching in right shoulder and upper arm, and pressure on the chest(first day), [_a2].
- Great increase and intensity of the odor from the axillary glands(fourth day), [a8].
- Stinging pains in the left elbow, sudden, but not lasting(third day), [a8].
- * Oedema of the hands, [a9].
- The hand becomes purple, [_a1], (B.).
- Nettlerash on the back of the hand, [_a3].
- Hands tremble, [a24].
- Hands as if dead, during chill, [a10].
- Hot hands, [a10].
- Burning, as of fire, in small circumscribed spots on the hands(lasting some minutes,
second day;first dilution), [_a2].
- Hot hands, during chilliness, [a11].
- Burning and stinging in the hands, especially the palms, that became very red; half an
hour after a sting in the neck. Cold water relieves, [_a1].
- Prickling in the hands, palms, and back of the hands, [_a2].
- The back of the hand swollen to the finger-tips(after a sting upon it), [_a1].
- Sore and red spots in the palms, [_a1].
- Itching in the palms, mostly left, in little burning spots, [a9].
- Itching and burning on the back of the hands, and on the knuckles, also on the first joints
of the fingers, especially of the right hand;the skin begins to chap finally, here and there, as
if from cold, to which she had not been exposed(evenings 9 o'clock, fifth day), [a11].
- The right hand swells as if puffed up, and is slightly bluish-red;pressure of the fingers
makes white spots, that disappear slowly and leave no indentation, without heat and without
pain, except some tension;with nettlerash(sixth dilution), [a19].
- Itching and chapping of the right hand(still felt on the seventh day), [a11].
- Itching and chapping of the right hand;the lower lip also begins to chap (evenings, eighth
day), [a11].
- The fingers swell and remain very sensitive for several days(after a sting), [_a1].
- The stung finger was swollen little, or not at all, [_a1].
- The bones of the fingers are painful, [a5].
- * Very distinct sensation of numbness in the fingers, especially in their tips, about the
roots of the nails, with a sensation as if the nails were very loose, and he could shake them
off, [a13].
- Cold fingers, [a11].
- Cold hands, [_a1].
- Drawing pains extending to the ends of the fingers, [a13].
- Itching in the fingers, [a11].
- Tingling of the fingers of the left hand(soon), [_a2].
- Burning twitching, like a pricking contraction, in the right thumb, from without inwardly;
- After many stings, the index-finger felt numb, but was neither sensitive nor swollen; in
several days black spots appear in the skin, [_a1].
- Inward burning about a hang-nail, on the outside of the right fourth finger; no redness
where it pains, inside, and not aggravated by pressure;continued burning in the tip (fourth
and fifth days), [a9].
- Burning, like fire, in the finger-tips, [_a2].
- Fine burning pricking in the finger-tips, [_a2].
- Sensation as if the finger-nails were quite loose, and as if he could shake them off, [a13].
Lower extremities
- Lower limbs feel paralyzed, [a24].
- Dull pains, as if in the bones of the lower extremities, [a5].
- Sore feeling of the flesh of the lower extremities, disappearing on walking, and returning
again while sitting, [a5].
- Itching and pricking in the lower limbs, [_a3].
- Sore pain in left hip-joint(immediately after every dose of the second dilution); later a
weakness, unsteadiness, trembling in this joint, [a20].
- Drawing through the thighs to the tips of the toes, with numb sensation in the latter, [a13].
- An itching stitch posteriorly on the thigh, [a11].
- Burning itching, especially posteriorly, on the left thigh(after four hours), [a9].
- Violent pain in the left knee, outside, over, and under the knee, mostly half in front (after
two and a half hours);violent, short pains in front, below(after six hours);now and then
violent on outside(second day), [a9].
- Fine burning stinging on the knee(first day), [_a2].
- Crawling, as if from an insect, on the inner side of the right knee(mornings, fourth day),
- From the left knee to the foot, crawling as if going to sleep, [a10].
- Darting, transient pains in the external malleolus of the left ankle(for four days), [a8].
- After the sting of bees, the former gouty concretions appeared again, and then
disappeared, [_a1].
- Red and white spots on the feet, [_a1].
- * When taking off the foot-gear, evenings, frequent swelling of the feet, [a15].
- * At night, on removing the boots and socks, he found that his feet were swollen full, with
a sensation of heaviness and stiffness; the upper parts of the feet felt bungling and itched,
and were of a bright red color; on the soles of the feet and balls of the toes painful fulness,
and as if he stepped on cushions when he walked(sixth day, from many large doses), [a8].
- Feet trembled, [a24].
- Burning of the feet(first day), [_a3].
- Burning and pricking in the feet(after a sting on the neck), [_a1].
- Cold feet, with burning cheeks, [a10].
- * Sensation in the toes, and the whole foot, as if too large, swollen, and stiff, [_a1].
- Heaviness and stiffness of the feet, [a8].
- Crawling and itching of the feet, as if she had frozen them(sixth day), [a12].
- Sensation of numbness in the toes, [a13].
- Burning of the toes, with erysipelatous redness and heat of a circumscribed patch on the
foot, while the rest of the foot is cold(lasting half an hour), [_a2].
- Burning of the toes, with redness and heat in them, while the feet are cold(for half and
hour), [a5].
- Drawing pains, extending into the toes, [a13].
- Pricking in both little toes(first day, second dilution), [_a2].
- Actual swelling, or"puffing up", of the whole body, without any noticeable change of
color, except in the face, [_a1], (E.U. J.).
- (No blood, when venesection is attempted), [_a1].
- The blood let from a young, healthy woman, five minutes after she was stung, was
colorless, and only red in the centre of the vessel, [_a1].
- Twitching of the muscles, [_a1], (A. R.M. ).
- Jactitation of the muscles, [_a1], (A. R.M. ).
- Trembling, [_a1].
- Stretching, [a12].
- She was found to be in a spasm, generally tonic, but in a measure clonic; her knees were
drawn up to her breast, and her hands and arms moved convulsively, [_a1], (J.P. D).
- Convulsions, [_a1].
- The whole nervous system seemed most violently affected, [_a1].
- Terrified starting during evening sleep, [a12].
- Excessive irritability of the nerves, [a18].
- The sting instantly strikes through his whole frame, like an electric shock, thrilling both
ends of his fingers and toes, [_a1], (A. R.M. ).
- Restlessness;would constantly like to go from one place to another, [a18].
- An extraordinary restlessness overcomes him in the afternoon, with as much exhaustion
as if he had done very hard manual labor.(After smelling the bee poison, when gathering a
swarm), [a13].
- Nervous restlessness, [_a1].
- Nervous restlessness, during the latter half of the night, [_a2].
- Nervous restlessness;she did not know what to do with herself, so that tears came to her
eyes, [_a1].
- Bodily unrest, as if after hard work, [a13].
- General lameness, especially in the lower limbs(humble-bee), [a24].
- * Tired, as if bruised in every limb, especially in the back, as one feels in the morning,
after exertion;especially perceptible on rising after sitting, must stretch himself even in the
street(after six hours), [a9].
- * General feeling of lassitude(second day), [_a3].
- * General feeling of lassitude, with trembling, [_a3].
- For several days, totally unfitted for labor of any kind, [_a1], (E.U. J.).
- * Frequent loss of all strength with a trembling sensation, [a15].
- * Great weakness at intervals, [a9].
- Attack of weakness, during which she grows dizzy(evenings, third day), [a12].
- So weak directly, that he was obliged to lie down, and lost his consciousness (after a sting
in the middle finger), [_a1].
- During continual diarrhoea, weakness increases, and headache diminishes, [a13].
- Scarcely able to walk staggering, [_a1], (A. R.M. ).
- Truly distressing prostration and lassitude, [_a1].
- * With all the rest of the symptoms, a constant feeling of lassitude and great prostration,
- * Much prostration, [_a1], (A. R.M. ).
- * Sudden prostration, with coldness, [_a1], (A. R.M. ).
- * Great prostration for several days, [_a1].
- Sudden prostration of the vital forces(shortly after), [_a1], (E.E. M.).
- Sudden prostration of the vital forces;severe vomiting;profuse diarrhoea;cold extremities;
pale face;severe griping pains in the abdomen;pulse weak, scarcely perceptible at the wrist.
(From a sting on the eyebrow), [_a1].
- * Prostration and depression(soon), [a13].
- * Heavy and prostrate in fever, [a10].
- Was obliged to be led into the house;threw himself on the bed;unable to hold himself up,
- Without feeling either weakness or faintness, she is yet suddenly compelled to lie down
on the ground, [_a1].
- Sinks quite exhausted at stool, [_a1].
- Felt as if dying, nor could he describe the feeling in any other language, [_a1], (E.U. J.).
- Must lie down, he feels so unwell, [_a1].
- Must lie down, [_a1].
- Lies down, but rises again to go to the neighboring brook;after a few steps, dies, [_a1].
- Goes home and lies down;wants his red face bathed;wants to be raised up; asks for
water;lips are cold;he dies, ten minutes after the sting of an humble-bee, in the temple,
- Faintness, [_a1, _a2].
- Fainting;trembling, [_a1].
- Faintness(wasp), [_a1].
- Faintness, with nausea, [_a1].
- He felt very strangely in an instant;it seemed to him as if he were going to faint. He asked
for water just before death(after a sting in septum of nose), [_a1].
- A faint and deathly feeling came over him, [_a1], (E.U. J.).
- Faintness, deathlike prostration, which continued half an hour, accompanied with intense
anxiety and distress at the stomach, oppression of the chest, dyspnoea, short, rapid
breathing, pulse accelerated, [_a1], (A. R.M. ).
- Fainting and twitchings, when the pains are violent, [_a1].
- She falls down, [_a1], (B.).
- She staggered and fell, [_a1], (J.P. D.).
- Fell to the ground and died in a few minutes, [_a1].
- My flesh was as sensitive as if cut with many lancets(next day, after many stings), [_a1].
- Sensitive to steel points that are directed towards her;it seems to her as if the skin in the
glabella were being drawn up towards the forehead, [a18].
- * The whole surface of the body becomes exceedingly sensitive to the touch; every hair is
painful when touched(6th dil.), [_a2].
- * Skin extremely sensitive to contact; painful to the slightest touch;could not bear the
sheet upon him, [_a1], (A. R.M. ).
- Numbness over the whole body, at once, [_a1].
- A very strange feeling, which she could not define(in the minutes), [_a1], (J.P. D.).
- Violent pain, [_a1];for days, [_a1].
- Screamed aloud at great pain, that increased with intense rapidity(directly after the sting
of a wasp), [_a1].
- Sensation in whole body, as if everything were too large, [_a1].
- Sensation as if crushed over the whole body, on the sides, hips, back, in short,
everywhere;with restlessness all night, and loose, urgent stool, mornings.(From several
pellets of the 6th, taken evenings, on account of great warmth; the same symptoms are
repeated in the same order, three times, after similar doses), [_a2].
- Felt very sore from head to foot(after first day), [_a1], (J.P. D.).
- Bruised sensation all over;sides, hips, back, in fact, he ached everywhere (after reaction),
[_a1], (E.E. M.).
- Trembling sensation, with heat, [a11].
- Desquamation of the whole surface of the skin(wasp), [_a1].
- Inflammatory swelling of the whole body;the right eye entirely, the left almost closed;
cheek and nose level;the lower cheek hung down upon the breast;the breast was like a great
loaf, [_a1].
- * Rapid, considerable swelling, [_a1].
- * Swelling of the whole body, [_a1].
- Spreading, inflammatory swelling(humble-bee), [a24].
- Inflammatory swelling till death, [_a1].
- Painful, red swelling, [_a1].
- * Diffuse inflammation of the cellular tissues, ending in their destruction, [_a1].
- * Swelling and an erysipelatous redness, [_a1].
- * Sharp pain and erysipelatous swelling, very hard and white in the middle, [_a1].
- From 1 to 4, mornings, tension and swelling in the face and lips, [a18].
- Hand, arm, face, and head, swell considerably(after a sting in the middle finger), (wasp),
- Face, neck, breast, and limbs considerably swollen, [_a1].
- Swelling of the whole left side of the body(side of the sting, in the testicle), first in the
joints, [_a1].
- Blotches on the body, and on the back of the hand, with stinging as of nettles, [_a3].
- * Body covered with large wales, size of a silver half dollar, slightly elevated and white
(C.C. C.), [_a1].
- The whole body covered with red spots, as if scalded, with burning and sticking (after a
sting in the neck), [_a1].
- * Red and white blotches over the body and extremities like nettlerash, [_a1], (A. R.M. ).
- Red place near the sting, with swelling on the stung spot, and red stripes along the fingers
and the arms, [_a1].
- Erysipelatous redness of the toes, [_a2];and the feet, [a15].
- Redness of the stung spot;not till later, when the attacks were improving, [_a1].
- Red lines along the lymphatic vessels, from a sting in the middle finger and the
arm(wasp), [_a1].
- Over the whole body, the most violent inflammation and excessive pressure when
rubbing; covered with small white spots, resembling mosquito-bites, [_a1].
- Large, florid blotches appeared upon the skin, resembling erysipelas. This lasted for
something over an hour, but was essentially relieved by a solution of borax, [_a1], (S.D. ).
- Rash;red blotches, with great sensitiveness of the skin to contact. This sensitiveness
extended all over the body, [_a1], (A. R.M. ).
- Spots of the size of a dollar swell up, without changing the color of the skin, and become
uncommonly sensitive to the touch, as if sore(~ and 1st), [_a2].
- Sudden, indescribable sensation over the whole body, with a stinging feeling; red and
white spots on the palms, on the arms and feet, [_a1].
- Her whole body was covered with thickly swelled wales, without itching or burning;
whereupon other symptoms disappeared, [_a1].
- Light-red, raised, hard swelling of the sting, and a chilly sensation around it(wasp), [_a1].
- * Elevations on the skin, as after the bite of insects, painfully sore, sensitive to touch,
- Small elevations on the skin, as after the bites of ants, appear at the extreme end, over the
left eyebrow, pain as if sore, and are very sensitive to pressure(third day), [_a2].
- In a few minutes after the cessation of the spasms, there appeared all over her body and
limbs, and even on her ears, a red eruption;some of the elevations in circumference the size
of a pea, but generally like millet-seed. This eruption continued visible for an hour, and was
very itchy while passing away, [_a1], (J.P. D.).
- With swelling of the face, and the whole body, he is covered with a kind of urticaria, that
is somewhat paler than the usual color of the skin, [_a1].
- * Itching and appearance of blotches, like nettlerash, after scratching, [_a1], (B.).
- * Eruption, like nettlerash, over the whole body, with burning and itching (second day,
after 30th dil.), [_a3].
- * Nettlerash over the whole body, and lessening of the previous symptoms, [_a1].
- * Nettlerash after fever, [_a1].
- Very soon, a dense nettlerash over the whole body, that itched very much, and
disappeared after a good sleep, [_a1].
- Nettlerash(appeared a week after the sting;the symptoms had disappeared), [_a1], (C.C.
- Sensitive pimples, (B.).
- Red pimply eruption, covering the entire body, but more evident and thicker upon his
chest and back than upon his face and limbs, [_a1], (E.U. J.).
- Tetter on the lobe of the ear, [a12].
- Eruption around the lips, [_a2].
- Inflammation, violent pains, and gangrene, [_a1].
- Pain of the sting seemed to penetrate deeply, and as if a hook were being drawn out
there(wasp), [_a1].
- Violent sensation of burning like fire, in the seat of the sting(wasp), [_a1].
- * Sensation of burning heat and stinging, in various portions of the surface of the body, at
the same time, [a4].
- Vivid, stinging pain, swelling and inflammation, [_a1].
- Over the whole body, from head to foot, as if he were being stung by insects, so that it
prevented him from sleeping all night, [a20].
- Stinging, prickling, burning, smarting, itching sensation, all over the skin, [_a1], (E.E.
- Stitch, as from an insect, and then swelling, [a18].
- Throbbing in the swelling, [_a1].
- * Prickling over the whole body, externally and internally, [_a1].
- * Prickling all over the body, most on the back and palms of the hands, the face, forehead,
and under the eyes; chiefly in circumscribed points(directly after taking the 6th dil.), [_a2,
- Prickling over the whole body, as after the sting(lasting one to two weeks, returning after
every exertion), [_a1].
- * Intense burning itching all over his body, so severe that he retired to his room, and
rubbed himself vigorously with his flesh brush (almost immediately), [_a1], (E.U. J.).
- * Burning itching in several places, [a9].
- Burning itching places, here and there, especially on the back(second day), [a9].
- * Itching pricking in the skin in different parts of the body, more on the lower extremities,
and continued through the day(first day), [_a3].
- * In evening, an intolerable itching, attended with a burning, fiery sensation, commencing
in the arms, and finally spreading over the whole surface of the body, reaching to the feet,
[_a1], (S.D. ).
- Itching over the whole body(humble-bee), [a24].
- The most violent itching, like pricking with needles, so that his whole body had to be
rubbed with cloths, [_a1].
- Itching over various parts, especially on head and fingers(humble-bee), [a24].
- Itching on the head, [a11];on the forehead and face, [_a2];about the eye, [_a2]; and about
the eyebrows, [a15];the lids, [_a2, _a3, a6, a15].
- In the canthi, [_a2, a15];in the eye, [_a2];on the nose, [a12];on the back, [_a2]; on the
hands, [_a1, _a2, a11]; the palms, [a11];fingers, [a24];on the thighs, [a11];the knees,
[a9];the lower limbs, [_a3].
- Violent itching of the tensively swelled scrotum, [_a1].
- Itching of eruptions, [_a2];the bunches on the joints, [_a1].
- Stinging itching on the posterior surface of the right thigh, like flea-bites; directly after,
the same on the right arm;better after scratching, afternoon, [a11].
- Itching of the feet, [a12].
- The itching is relieved by friction, [_a1], (E.U. J).
- Strange, inward trembling feeling, as after a sickness, with a kind of shudder, without
coldness or shivering;down the back, morning;more in the upper half, afternoons, 3 to 5
o'clock(after seven to nine hours), [a9].
- When she was put to bed at noon she was seized by a violent chill, and the body covered
with large, red spots, [_a1].
- Chill, with shivering, accompanied by a terrible, racking pain all through the head, with
increased prostration, [_a1], (A. R.M. ).
- Chilliness all over;unwell feeling, so that he is obliged to lie down, [_a1].
- Chilliness while sitting still, caused previously by a slight movement, with heat in the
face, and headache, evenings(second day), [a11].
- Occasional feeling of chilliness, [a6].
- Slight chilliness, soon passing off, followed by fever at night, [a6].
- Frequent chilliness, and hot hands in the fourth week, [a11].
- Chilliness evenings, with yawning and headache, and tip of nose cold(fourth week),
- Chilliness, cold limbs, and nausea, [_a1].
- Chilliness, with toothache, [_a1].
- General creeping, chills, repeated at short intervals;something moved over him, rolling
like waves(wasp), [_a1].
- Sudden chills, then heat and perspiration, [_a1].
- Shaking chills after thirty-six hours of heat, [a17].
- Chill, with cold fingers, especially those of the left hand(evenings, third day), [a11].
- * Chilly every afternoon at 3 o'clock;she shudders, worse in warmth;the chills run down
the back;hands feel as if dead;feverishly hot after about an hour, with a hoarse cough; heat
of the cheeks and hands, without thirst;ceases gradually, but she feels heavy and prostrate,
- Sensation of cold, without coldness of the skin, with ague, [a17].
- Shudders, and diarrhoea, [_a1].
- Coldness of the limbs, [_a1].
- Shuddering, and then nettlerash, [_a1].
- Cold feet and burning cheeks, [a10].
- Cold feet, with burning toes, [a5].
- Fever, [_a1].
- Violent fever, [_a1].
- Hot and burning sensation, and oppressive feeling all over;for several days, [_a1], (E.E.
- Sensation of heat and stinging over whole body(C.C. C.), [_a1].
- Sensation of heat through the whole body, without external sensation of heat;the
trembling feeling, as formerly; pulse 88;after several minutes she grows dizzy while
standing, and as if about to faint; is compelled to sit;turns very pale, and feels nausea to
vomiting;after lying down on the sofa she fell asleep;anxious starting in sleep, with some
cough;turns on the other side, and sleeps quietly(evenings, soon after repeated doses,
second day), [a12].
- Feverish, trembling, with pain in the abdomen, [a12].
- Fever and nettlerash after a sting in the hand, [_a1].
- General sensation of heat, worse in the chest and stomach(first day), [_a3].
- Heat, with headache, [a6].
- Heat when breathing rapidly, [a5].
- Heat at night, with agitation(first night), [_a3].
- Hot flushes, [_a1], (A. R.M. ).
- Heat, [a6].
- Heat in the face and chilliness, evenings, [a11].
- Heat and difficult breathing, [a5].
- Burning of the skin of the hands, [_a2].
- Heat on circumscribed spots on the foot, [_a2].
- The heat of the room is intolerable, [a15].
- Burning of the feet, [_a3].
- Heat after chilliness, evenings, [a10].
- Heat at night, after chilliness, [a6].
- Flushes of heat mixed with chills, [_a1], (A. R.M. ).
- Fever-heat increasing for thirty-six hours, then a violent shivering chill, at 5 o'clock in the
morning, during which she felt very cold herself, but not so to others, [a17].
- As if perspiration would break out, [a4].
- Perspiration breaks out occasionally, [a6].
- Perspiration broke out, so that it penetrated the clothing, [_a1].
- Perspiration now and then, with headache and heat, [a6].
- * Perspiration after trembling and fainting, then a nettlerash, [_a1].
- Dry skin alternating with perspiration, [a6].
- (Morning), 5 o'clock, ague;boring in temples, when awaking;pressive pain; headache,
when rising;pain in forehead;lachrymation;adhering lids;sticking in the right lower lid;
swelling of the eyes;blowing blood from the nose;dry palate; mucus in the mouth; hawking
mucus;accumulation of mucus and hawking;pain in the throat; burning in chest and
stomach;sensation of soreness in the abdomen;pain in the abdomen; after rising, pain in the
abdomen and urging to stool;urging to stool and pain; stool;soft stool; diarrhoea;
hoarse;when rising, pain in nape of neck;crawling on the knee;drowsy;yawning;heat.
- (Forenoon), Sad;increased headache;dark before eyes;pains in the eyes; burning in mouth
and thirst;pain from the hip toward the navel;piercing in the chest; pressure on the chest.
- (From morning till 3 P.M. ), Headache.
- (Afternoon), When stooping, dark before eyes;increased headache;4 o'clock, sudden
coryza; kind of chill in the back; * 3 to 4 o'clock, chilly; itching;itching of the head.
- (Evening), Vertigo, when standing; dizzy and weak;vertigo and headache;
headache;piercing in the temples;piercing in the eyes and weakness; pain in the eyes, when
sewing; lachrymation;cold nose;coryza worse;chapping of the lower lip; toothache;dry
under the tongue;pain in the abdomen;pain in the ovaries; hoarseness, beginning; cough;
chapping of the hands;feet swollen;faint;sleepy;sleepy and startled; increased aversion to
cold; chilliness; chilliness and cold fingers;sensation of heat.
- (Night), Quivering and twitching of the eyes, worse left;adhesion of the eyes; secretion of
mucus from the eyes in bed;aversion and nausea;disgust, inclination to vomit and feeling of
diarrhoea;short breath;sharp pains in chest;stitches through chest and back; stitches in the
chest and back;heat.
- (Before midnight), Cough, that awakes.
- (Latter part of night), Restless.
- (During day), Frequent urinating.
- (Day and night), Frequent urinating.
- (Bending head on painful side), Increased pain in nape of neck.
- (Cold weather), Weakness and chest troubles.
- (Coughing), Headache.
- (Closing eyes), Vertigo.
- (After every exertion and much exercise), The prickling returns all over the body, the
same as after the sting.
- (Leaning back, when sitting), Feeling of suffocation.
- (Lying), Weakness in back;increased difficulty in breathing;wishes to be raised up; cannot
lie horizontally;increased vertigo.
- (Motion), Chilliness;increased headache;pain in shoulder and upper arm.
- (Moving head toward right), Stitches in right side of nape of neck.
- (Pressure), Sensitive to outward pressure;pain in abdomen;abdomen painful on exterior
pressure; little bunches sensitive.
- (Reading), Headache.
- (Rising, after sitting), Back as if beaten.
- (Shaking head), Pain in occiput.
- (Sitting), Increased vertigo;pain as if beaten in lower limbs.
- (Sneezing), Sore feeling in abdomen.
- (Speaking), Pain, caused by fatigue in the larynx.
- (Going upstairs), Difficulty in breathing.
- (After long standing), Faint and dizzy;renewed swelling of sprained knee.
- (Stooping), Headache;darkness before eyes;sensation of fulness in the face.
- (Stretching in bed), Pain in ovaries.
- (Touch), Pain in swollen cheeks;scalp sensitive.
- (Walking), Soles of feet feel like cushions;pain in ovaries.
- (Warmth), Closed rooms, especially if overheated, are perfectly * intolerable to him, with
fulness and heaviness in the head, and rush of blood; * headache in warm room;cough
worse;chilliness grows worse; * makes him worse, especially in evening, with some coryza
and cough.
- (Cold water), Burning in palms;wanted his red face bathed; pain and burning in clitoris
and labia;best means of relief after a sting.
- (Continued diarrhoea), Headache.
- (Exercise), Seemed to bring him to himself.
- (Eating), Soreness and cough.
- (Eructations), Pain over left hip.
- (Lying on the parts), Going to sleep of the thighs, etc.
- * (Pressure), Headache.
- (Rubbing), Itching of skin.
- (Sitting up), Pain in abdomen.
- (Sleep), Symptoms of the sting.
- (Walking), Bruised feeling of the lower limbs;vertigo.
- Loss of consciousness.
- Lost all consciousness of things around him, and sank into a state of insensibility.
- Loss of consciousness in eruptive disease.
- Loss of consciousness and delirium. Meningitis infantum. Scarlatina.
- Unconsciousness, stupor, with muttering delirium. Typhus.
- Sopor. Scarlatina.
- Sopor, interrupted by piercing shrieks. Tubercular meningitis.
- Child lies in torpor.
- Impaired memory. Prosopalgia.
- Absent-mindedness.
- Lets everything fall out of her hand, or breaks things and laughs over it.
- Very busy; restless, changing kind of work, with awkwardness, breaking things; lets
everything fall out of his hands.
- Dulness of mind.
- Difficulty of thinking.
- Could not bring his thoughts to bear upon anything definite. Diarrhoea.
- || Cannot bring his thoughts to bear on any subject continuously.
- Imbecility, more frequent than insanity.
- Thinks he will die. Organic disease of heart.
- A strange boy lying in bed with him prevents sleep. Typhus.
- || Anticipation of death.
- After midnight, slightly delirious. Typhus.
- || Delirium : with congestion; eruptions; heat; during sleep.
- Slightly delirious. Diphtheria.
- Muttering delirium. Measles.
- Delirium. After suppressed scarlet eruption. Amenorrhoea.
- Muttering delirium alternating with stupor. Cancer of mamma.
- Violent delirium, amounting to phrenzy. Paralysis.
- Manias, especially proceeding from a sexual cause in women.
- Insanity, particularly nymphomania and apathy depending on or alternating with sore
throat, indigestion or bladder affections.
- Loquacity.
- Happy expression.
- Acts foolishly or with a good deal of frivolous levity. Hysteria.
- || Busy, frivolous, disposed to laugh, excessively cheerful.
- Muttering. Gastro-enteritis.
- Continual moaning and screaming. Diarrhoea.
- Sudden thrilling cries. Hydrocephalus.
- Shrill screaming "oh my baby." Pneumonia.
- Crying out and screaming loudly as from stabbing pain. Cerebro-spinal meningitis.
- Screaming spells. Dysentery of infants.
- Sudden sharp outcry during sleep. Scarlatina.
- Children scream out suddenly and sharply during sleep, most at night; if asked what
hurt them, they reply "nothing." Dentition.
- Single sharp shrill screams while sleeping or waking. Incipient meningitis.
- Shrill, sudden piercing screams. Hydrocephalus, pneumonia, and many other
- Scream out very sharply and shrilly during sleep or when awake, "crie cerebrale."
- Shrieking. Eclampsia.
- Violent shrieking and screaming spells at longer or shorter intervals. Infantile
- Great tearfulness, cannot help crying.
- Constantly busily engaged doing this or that, but do nothing right; young girls.
- Cannot bear to be left alone. Organic disease of heart.
- Dreamy and indolent. Acute Bright's disease.
- Feels too lazy to get water, but thirsty. Catarrh of chest.
- Exaggerated merriment; less frequently despondency.
- Eccentric cheerfulness, despondency, or hopelessness.
- || Mental depression.
- Lachrymose disposition, discouraged, desponding mood. Tonsillitis. Angina.
- Sensitiveness of disposition.
- Anxious feeling in head.
- Premonition of death arose after a few minutes; "he believes he is going."
- Dread of death or sensation as if he should not be able to breathe again.
- Dread of apoplexy.
- Will not take spirits of camphor, fears she will be poisoned. Nymphomania.
- || Anxiety.
- Indifference.
- Apathy, unconsciousness, lying in a soporous condition, with delirious muttering, hard
hearing, inability to protrude tongue. Typhus.
- Languid and listless. Diarrhoea.
- When asked if sick, he says : "Nothing is the matter." Typhus.
- Fickle and inconsistent behavior.
- Discouraged, desponding humor. Angina.
- || Irritable, contradictory humor, nothing pleases him.
- Irritable.
- Irritable and irascible mood; more rarely dejection.
- Irritable disposition. Cerebro-spinal meningitis.
- Is irritable; hard to please; nervous; fidgety.
- Very irritable and fidgety about the varices in anus. Hemorrhoids.
- Violence, amounting to frenzy.
- Jealousy (in women).
- All her ideas turn around jealousy, very talkative, sometimes disgusting salacitas.
- || Uneasiness; physical and mental.
- Agitated, impatient, apprehensive. Organic disease of heart.
- || Mental excitement.
- Ailments from fright, rage, vexation, jealousy, or hearing bad news.
- After a severe mental shock, paralyzed on whole right side, with a swelling of right half
of body, closing up right eye.
- Vertigo on closing eyes, disappearing on opening them.
- || Vertigo when standing, sitting, lying down, shutting eyes, with obscuration of vision,
nausea, headache and sneezing.
- Spells of vertigo in Spring, after least effort.
- Confused vertigo, agg when sitting than when walking, extreme when lying and on
closing eyes; nausea and headache.
- Frequently vertigo, as if she would fall, with obscuration of sight, nausea and disgust
for food. Erysipelas.
- Head confused and dizzy, with constant pressive pain above and around eyes;
somewhat amel by pressure of hands.
- || Dull confusion of head, especially over eyes.
- Dulness of head; dull, stupid state during day. Tubercular meningitis. Incipient
hydrocephalus. Pannus.
- Loss of consciousness.
Inner head
- Heat in head.
- Anxious feeling in head.
- Threatened effusion in cerebral diseases.
- Congestion to head and face; fulness in head, pressure. Suppressed menses.
Albuminuria during pregnancy.
- || Head as if too full, it seems too large.
- Head dull and so heavy that she could not move it on pillow. Typhus.
- General aching through head. Ascites.
- Sudden stabbing pain in head. Dysmenorrhoea.
- || Jerking headache. Catarrh of chest.
- Periodical headaches.
- || Brain feels tired; as if "gone to sleep, " tingling.
- Pain from gums into head.
- Pain in head and eyeballs.
- Dull, heavy, tensive headache over eyes, with pain through orbits.
- || Pains in head, through eyes, above and around eyes.
- Dull, heavy headache; slight erysipelatous inflammation about left orbit and down left
side of nose.
- Frontal headache. Tonsillitis.
- Pressing, sometimes stinging pain in forehead. Typhus.
- Sense of weight and fulness in forepart of head.
- Dull aching in forehead.
- Violent pressive pain in forehead and temples.
- Violent headache, stitching in temples, throbbing in forehead. Typhus.
- || Sharp shooting pain in temples.
- Violent pain in temples. Tonsillitis.
- Severe attack of neuralgia in and about left temple, with pain as if a bee had stung her,
with frequent vomiting. During pregnancy.
- Violent drawing from back of neck, extending behind left ear, spreading over left half of
- Headache mostly on right side. Ovarian tumor.
- Heaviness and fulness in vertex.
- Pressure, fulness and heaviness in occiput.
- Great pain in occiput. Cerebro-spinal meningitis.
- Burning and throbbing in head, agg by motion and stooping, temporarily amel by
pressing head firmly with hands; occasional sweat.
- || Heaviness, aching and pressure in head, especially on rising from sitting or lying
posture, increased in warm room, relieved by compression with hands.
- Headaches are amel by exercise out of doors; by looking up and bending head backward;
pressing head between hands; agg when reading, in a warm room, from motion, stooping.
- Dull pain over whole head is relieved by pressure.
- Forehead aches from exertion of coughing (oil). Catarrh.
- Dull pain in occiput agg from shaking head.
- Child lies in torpor; delirium, sudden, shrilling cries, squinting, grinding teeth, boring
head in pillow; one side twitching, the other paralyzed; head wet from sweating; urine
scanty, milky; big toe turns up; nausea while lying; breath offensive; tongue sore. Acute
hydrocephalus. After erysipelatous eruptions.
- Pain in occiput, with occasional sharp shrieks. Hydrocephalus.
- Violent headache and rush of blood to head with delirium. Amenorrhoea.
- Headache with vertigo.
- Particularly disagreeable pain in forehead, with dulness and confusion.
- Chronic headache, violent pain in forehead and temples, at times involving eyes,
attended by vertigo, nausea and vomiting, must hold head and eyes down.
- Nervous headaches with indigestion.
- Chronic sick headache.
- Severe attacks of neuralgia in and about left temple, with pain as if a bee had stung her;
with frequent vomiting. During pregnancy.
- || Pain over left eye, over whole left side of head, with nausea and vomiting.
- Her whole brain feels as if tired, gone to sleep and crawling; she feels it at the same time
in both arms, especially in left, and from left knee down to foot.
- Threatening cerebral symptoms after scarlatina; if it was fairly out and recedes.
Arachnitis. Meningitis.
- Cerebro-spinal meningitis in earlier stages.
- Meningitis; after fully developed effusion.
- Chronic meningitis with considerable cephalic disturbance and symptoms indicating
threatening if not actual effusion of serum into cavity of arachnoid.
- Apoplexia sanguinea and serosa.
- Apoplexy in old persons.
- Hydrocephalus; child screams out very sharply in its sleep.
- Hydrocephaloid symptoms. Scarlatina.
- Hydrocephalus of children; meningitis infantum.
- Hydrocephalus occurring suddenly after erysipelatous eruptions; prostration;
unconscious; one side lame or jerking; big toe turning up; squinting; nausea while lying;
breath offensive; tongue sore.
- Hydrocephalus acutus; before stage of exudation.
- Hydrocephalic condition following summer complaint of children.
- Hydrocephaloid; stupor; eyes red, head hot, shrill shrieks; tongue dry, skin dry, hands
cold and blue; urine suppressed; abdomen tender; diarrhoea mucous, offensive, involuntary,
containing flakes of pus.
- Inflammation of brain; they run head furiously against wall (horses).
- Horses kick, and show inclination to run off.
Outer head
- Hydrocephalic enlargement of head.
- Large head and large prominent eyes. Incipient hydrocephalus.
- Fontanelles reopen at from six to ten months, with great restlessness and putting hand to
- Bores head into pillow. Incipient hydrocephalus. Eclampsia. Meningitis
- Bending back and rolling of head. Hydrocephalus.
- Inability to hold head erect. Meningitis infantum.
- Scalp very sensitive. Erysipelas traumatica.
- || Drawing and tension in scalp.
- || Acute burning shooting in scalp.
- Burning in back of head and neck, once or twice a week with nausea.
- Head and whole surface of body hot and dry. Typhus.
- Copious sweat of head, of musklike odor. Hydrocephalus.
- || Itching prickling in scalp.
- Itching on scalp (oil). Catarrh.
- Whitish violently itching swelling on head, sometimes on neck. Paralysis.
- Sensation as if head was too large.
- Head feels swollen; integuments feel swollen and stiff.
- Puffiness of scalp, forehead, and around eyes.
- Innumerable spots on his head. Paralysis.
- Erysipelas of scalp spreading to face; sphacelous spots.
- Erysipelas in head followed by staphyloma.
- || Hair falls out;
- bald places.
- Hair had to be cut short as pediculi increased too much (oil). Spinal disease.
Sight and eyes
- | Photophobia. Ophthalmia. Keratitis. Ophthalmia arthritica. Catarrh of chest.
- Sensitiveness to light, with headache and redness of eyes.
- || Light gives pain during headache.
- Shunning light, constant winking. Ophthalmia.
- Keeps his eyes closed, light intolerable. Ophthalmia.
- Severe pain in eyeballs, increased by exposure to light.
- Could see better at night than in daytime (oil). Pannus.
- Objects appear too large.
- Diplopia. After meningitis.
- || Whirling before eyes.
- || Indistinct vision. Ophthalmia.
- Vision very indistinct, as if a skin was drawn over eye.
- Obscuration of sight. Cerebro-spinal meningitis.
- She could only observe light coming in at window when she turned herself towards it.
- || Did not see finger thrust towards eye. Hydrocephalus.
- Whitish grey mist before eyes. Staphyloma.
- Blindness from obscuration of cornea.
- Cataract.
- Eyes much inflamed; after maltreatment stone blind.
- Dilated pupils. Meningitis infantum.
- Pupil in left eye somewhat drawn towards outer side.
- Pupil not discoverable through opaque cornea. Ophthalmia.
- Pupil cannot be distinctly seen, but appears to be drawn laterally into an oblong shape.
- Weakness of eyes, with dread of straining sight.
- Weakness of sight, with feeling of fulness in eyes.
- Eyes weak, not inclined to exert them; they tire easily; sensitive to light.
- Eyes painful, feel sore or irritated when using them.
- After reading for an hour or two by lamplight, eyes became irritated with a pricking
feeling; they filled with water; conjunctival vessels slightly injected, and sight
correspondingly indistinct.
- Worse when looking fixedly at any object.
- Asthenopic troubles, especially affections from using eyes at night, causing redness of
eyes, with lachrymation and stinging pains.
- Worse when looking at something white.
- || Heaviness of eyes, fulness and pressure.
- Feeling of heaviness in eyelids and eyes.
- Aching, sore pressing, tensive, shooting, boring, stinging, burning pains in and around
eyes and in forehead.
- In eyes from time to time, stitches and pressing (oil). Pannus.
- Aching pressure in left eyeball, mostly in lower part, for several hours; repeated twice.
- Eyes feel as if they had sand in them.
- Pain in eyeballs and across forehead; agg right side. Diarrhoea.
- Acute pain in eyeballs.
- Rheumatic affections of eye.
- Violent stitches in eye and around it; agg at night. Arthritic ophthalmia.
- Dreadful darting pain through eyes. Ophthalmia.
- Severe darting, lancinating pain in eyes.
- Burning, stinging, shooting pains. Keratitis.
- || Violent shooting pains through eyeball; tearing, shooting.
- Violent shooting over right eye, extending down to eyeball.
- Piercing in eyes; was obliged to remove spectacles while reading and writing
(nearsighted woman).
- Burning and stinging in eyes. Blepharitis.
- Smarting and burning sensation in eyeballs and lids. Ophthalmia.
- Pains throbbing and burning.
- Smarting and sensation of burning in eyes, with bright redness of conjunctiva; very
sensitive to light.
- Pains aggravated by moving eyes.
- Squinting of one or both eyes. Hydrocephalus. Meningitis infantum. Scarlatina.
- Trembling of eyeball, agg at night.
- Twitching of left eyeball, or of both.
- || Quivering and twitching of left eyeball agg at night.
- Twitching and jerking of eyelids. Scrofulous ophthalmia.
- Rolling of eyeballs, in sleep without waking. Hydrocephalus.
- Conjunctiva reddened, full of dark bloodvessels, which gradually lose themselves in
cornea. Ophthalmia.
- Puffy chemosed congested condition of conjunctiva and bright red appearance.
Keratitis. Ophthalmia scrofulosa.
- Keratitis and blepharitis, with tumefaction of lids.
- Scrofulous keratitis (parenchymatous), with dim vascular cornea, hot lachrymation,
contracted pupils, etc.
- Pustular keratitis, with dark red chemosed conjunctiva and swollen lids.
- Keratitis, with dreadful pains shooting through eye, with swollen lids and conjunctiva;
with hot lachrymation gushing out on opening eyes; with photophobia.
- Cornea thick, having dark, smoky spots; greyish, smoky, opaque. Keratitis.
- Leukoma.
- Each cornea full of nebulous spots. Scrofulous ophthalmia.
- Entire cornea scattered over with dark, smoky clouds; thickened and covered with a
film. Ophthalmia.
- Smoky opacity of cornea. Cerebro-spinal meningitis.
- Pupil could not be seen through smoky discolored cornea. Ophthalmia.
- Opacity of upper half of cornea; opaque and white.
- The disease went from left to right. Ophthalmia.
- Opacity of almost whole cornea; only inferiorly and towards right about a sixth part is
- Ugly looking conical tumor, occupying place of former pupil, preventing use of a glass
- Staphylomatous projection in right eye, with inflammation of both eyes.
- Staphyloma corneae.
- On edge of right cornea, ulcer size of a lentil, with dirty fundus. Scrofulous
- Ulceration of cornea, vascular, with photophobia, lachrymation and burning pain; lids
everted and often ulcerated on margins.
- Ulcers and maculae on cornea. Ophthalmia.
- Cicatrices of cornea.
- Eyes brilliant. Thrombosis.
- Iritis.
- Pressing pain in lower part of eyeball. Hydrops retinae.
- Stinging in ball and pain across forehead; aching pressing in lower part of left ball;
fulness inside ball, with flushed head and face.
- Stinging, itching in left eye; in lids and around eye.
- Smarting and sensation of burning in eyes, with bright redness of conjunctiva; very
sensitive to light.
- || Cutting, burning, with redness of eyes.
- Congestion to eyes : bloodvessels injected.
- Eyes red and itching.
- Sclerotic vessels injected; from inner corner many vessels and loose fibres running
towards cornea, as if a pterygium would be formed. Scrofulous ophthalmia.
- The whole conjunctiva of sclerotica, as well as cornea, thickened, full of new
bloodvessels; cannot perceive slightest light; could not point where windows were; pupils
could not be detected (oil). Pannus.
- Sudden and violent inflammation of right eye. Ophthalmia.
- Greatly inflamed eyes. Measles.
- Inflamed eyes, with eruptive diseases.
- Left eye inflamed; pustule on cornea, and general diffuse inflammation over whole eye;
lid swollen and red.
- Inflammation; photophobia, but cannot bear eyes covered.
- Often remedy for acute catarrhal conjunctivitis, in which there are bright redness and
chemosis of conjunctiva, with stinging pains.
- Inflammation of eyes, intense photophobia, increased secretions.
- Ophthalmia, rheumatic, arthritic, catarrhal, strumous, erysipelatous, or oedematous, no
matter what part of eye may be the seat of the disease.
- Inflammations, with severe shooting pains, heat of head, red face, cold feet, etc.
- First stage of catarrhal ophthalmia, especially in scrofulous children.
- It is especially applicable to inflammations, with burning biting pains; inflammations
following eruptive diseases.
- Violent cases of Egyptian ophthalmia and ophthalmia neonatorum, with great swelling
of lids and adjacent cellular tissue.
- Ophthalmia; photophobia, but can bear no covering on account of soreness.
- Left eye swollen, wholly shut, and mouth so swollen that he can scarcely open lips.
- Erysipelatous inflammations of lids, with adjacent smooth swelling of face, especially
with chemosed conjunctiva, etc.
- Oedema of eyeball.
- Puffy, chemosed congested condition of conjunctiva. Keratitis.
- Chemosis of conjunctiva, with light discharge.
- Hypopion.
- Copious mucous secretion and lachrymation. Pannus.
- || Flow of tears, with headache.
- Profuse lachrymation. Ophthalmia.
- || Flow of tears, with sensitiveness to light. Catarrh of chest.
- Eyes water and are painful when she looks at anything light.
- || Flow of tears, with redness and burning of eyes.
- Hot tears gushed from eyes. Ophthalmia.
- Scalding tears; profuse lachrymation, with burning, great sensitiveness to light.
- Burning stinging in right eye, beginning with a dull heaviness, and causing flow of water.
- Lachrymation, with burning in eyes and with photophobia; with pains in eyes on
sewing evenings, with pain on looking at bright objects; with severe burning and sensation
of a foreign body in eyes.
- Slight inflammation of lachrymal sac.
- Fistula lachrymalis.
- Eyes wide open. Hydrocephalus.
- Eyelids half open, pupils turned up. Incipient hydrocephalus.
- Everted lids. Ophthalmia scrofulosa.
- || Heaviness of lids.
- Right eye closed with paralysis of right side.
- Headache on right side, extending into eye, must keep it closed. Hemicrania.
- || Shooting, itching in eyes and lids.
- Redness and smarting of lids.
- Blepharitis.
- Inflammation of eyes and eyelids, with pressing, itching, burning pains, with redness of
- Conjunctiva of lids, thickened and ragged (oil). Pannus.
- Erysipelatous inflammation of lids.
- Chronic blepharitis, with thickening of conjunctival layer, so that the lower lid is
everted. Chronic catarrh.
- Various forms of blepharitis, with thickening or swelling, such as incipient phlegmon,
with great puffiness and stinging pains.
- Pseudo-ophthalmia of old people. Witches' sore eyes.
- Lids dark red, everted and swollen, with inflamed conjunctiva. Blepharitis.
- Lids dark bluish-red, and so swollen as to close the eye, following severe pains; the
swelling extends around eyes and down over cheek; conjunctiva becomes congested, puffy,
chemosed, full of dark red vessels.
- Swelling of upper lids. Sequel to scarlatina.
- Eyelids swollen, inflamed. Ophthalmia scrofulosa.
- Swelling of eyelids in eruptive stage. Variola.
- Both eyes closed with a purplish-white swelling, marked by intense pain in right eye.
- Lids and skin over orbits swollen, with redness, heat and great sensitiveness of outer
surface; cold water applied gives relief.
- Inflammation of lids; lids much swollen, red and blue, cannot open them; lachrymation,
much pain, restlessness at night; cold water gives great relief.
- Lower lids very much swollen, edges red, full of little knots, as if several styes would
form, but had been checked. Scrofulous ophthalmia.
- Lids oedematous;
- baglike swelling under eyes; lids feel stiff.
- Upper lids hang like little sacs on face.
- Lids much swollen, red and oedematous; often everted; upper lid hangs like a sac over
eye. Erysipelas of lids.
- Lids swollen; lower lids forming little sacs; edges red and puffy (oil). Pannus.
- Soreness of canthi.
- Smarting on margin of lids and in canthi.
- Excoriation of canthi and edges of lids.
- Stinging itching in inner angle of left eye.
- Stinging itching in internal canthi, or smarting of edges of lids.
- || Itching in and around eyes, on lids, and in canthi; with soreness.
- Redness of eyelids.
- Both lids of left eye inflamed, red and thickened; lining membrane same, eye suffused
with tears; conjunctiva pale red; photophobia, margin of lids sore and scabby, some pimples
on upper part of cheek.
- Burning in margin of lids, causing lachrymation.
- Soreness of lids and canthi, with agglutination.
- Secretion of mucus during night agglutinating lids, causing much pain when attempting
to open them. Ophthalmia.
- Sticking together of lids. Ophthalmia.
- Granulations on edges of lids. Blepharitis.
- Hordeola, or styes. See 43.
- Ulceration of margin of lids and canthi, with stinging pains.
- Lupus of lower lid, which had gone on to ulceration.
- Syndesmitis.
- Lashes pressed inward by excessive swelling. Ophthalmia.
- Ciliae very long, sticking together in little bundles. Scrofulous ophthalmia.
- Falling out of eyelashes. Blepharitis.
- Eyelids swollen, dark red, everted, destitute of lashes, granulations along their borders.
- Pain over and in left eye, and over whole left side of head, with nausea and vomiting.
- Violent shooting pains over right eye, extending down to ball.
- Burning, stinging and sensation of swelling around left eye and in superciliary ridge.
- Shooting, itching, round about eye.
- || Swelling and redness about eyes. Ophthalmia.
- || Watery, erysipelatous swelling around eyes.
- Puffy swellings of lids and eyes, with a feeling of burning and tightness of skin.
- Puffiness around eyes. Diphtheria.
- Piercing itching around eyes, in brows, lids, and eyes themselves, more in left, especially
in inner canthi, with a desire to rub eyes, while pressing them hard; with this, soreness and
smarting on margins of lids, in canthi, and in eye itself; quivering of eyeball, and a feeling
in eyes all day as if there was mucus in them, especially in left
- Swelling under eyes, just as after a bee-sting. Erysipelas.
- Baglike swelling under eyes. Erysipelas. Uterine diseases.
Upper face
- Peculiar, happy, pleasant expression. Typhus.
- Expression of terror; or, of apathy. Typhus.
- Expression of face pitiful. Typhus.
- Anxious expression. Ascites. Ovarian dropsy.
- Appears as if in an apoplectic fit; features distorted, face dark and much swollen.
- Pale face. Incipient hydrocephalus. Sopor. Acute Bright's disease.
- Countenance pale, sunken, sickly. Ascites.
- Face pale or yellowish. Ascites. Albuminuria.
- Face pale, waxen. Oedema.
- Paleness of face and very suspicious puffiness of eyelids with swelling of face, limbs and
abdomen, external swelling oedematous, with water in abdomen. Post scarlatinal
- Sallow countenance. Bilious diarrhoea.
- Face and lips livid. Dropsy after scarlatina.
- || Livid, bluish-red colored face.
- Countenance red, with increasing livid hue. Bronchitis.
- Flushed face and head. Hydrops retinae.
- Pale redness of face. Erysipelas.
- Redness and puffiness of left cheek. Hemicrania.
- Peculiar burning, leaving a livid, bluish-red color of face.
- Face swollen, red and hot, with burning and piercing, more right side.
- Burning stinging heat in face which is purple.
- Burning cheeks, with cold feet.
- Face glowing, hot and red. Thrombosis.
- || Desire for washing face with cold water.
- || Stinging pain, pricking in face; puffiness below eyes. Erysipelas.
- || Burning, shooting, with fulness, heat and redness in face.
- Stinging pain in left malar bone.
- Prosopalgia with or followed by impaired memory.
- Oedematous swelling of face. Albuminuria. Meningitis. Diphtheria.
- Oedema of face; eyelids puffed; sometimes feel stiff.
- Oedema of face and hands. After scarlatina.
- Lying on his back with puffed face, slightly flushed face and ears; breathing with some
difficulty. See 26.
- Face puffy with a feeling of stiffness.
- Puffiness of forehead of eyes. Albuminuria during pregnancy.
- Face puffed and dark red. Typhus.
- Face full and puffed, most about eyes, had an anxious expression. Dropsy after
- Whole face swollen, dark red; tensive pain; delirium in sleep. Erysipelas.
- Face swollen; skin waxy pale, translucent. Cholerine. Dropsy.
- Hard purplish spots on face, forehead, neck and lower limbs; remaining hard and
painful ten or twelve days.
- Some red, inflamed, sore patches of inflammation on forehead like erysipelas; with
general cold, shivering, headache, etc.
- Eyelids and bridge of nose puffy.
- Itching smarting blotches of urticaria coming and going upon face.
- Hives with burning, stinging and itching; particularly in Fall.
- Erysipelas of face.
- Erysipelas of one side of face and nose, with swelling under eye resembling that from a
- Erysipelas of face, most the pale, livid kind, only on half of face, of chin, lower jaw and
cervical region.
- Phlegmonous erysipelas, right cheek, creeping across nose and attacking left cheek.
- Erysipelas : usually begins at one eye, goes right to left; face intensely hot and red, or
only pink; puffy, shining; rarely pale, livid; either severe soreness to touch, or burning,
stinging pains; dry, coated tongue, thirst; fulness of head; delirium in sleep, with nervous,
fidgety restlessness.
- Phlegmonous, facial erysipelas.
- Erysipelas faciei; pinkish, sometimes livid; sphacelous spots; comes periodically; right
side mostly; delirious in sleep.
- Chronic erysipelas, recurring periodically.
- Face and limbs cold. Dropsy after scarlatina.
- Phagedenic ulcerative eruption on face, spreading over left half of face and head; when
it has healed white scars remain; eruption spreads only by one edge; the skin in front of it
becomes red, swelled and painful, then small pustules appear, which spread rapidly and
ulcerate into one another, the pus in meantime accumulating and forming a thick yellowish
brown scab; had gonorrhoea twelve years ago.
- || Formication and prickling in face.
- Running as of an insect over cheek.
- Desquamation of skin on face.
Lower face
- || Spasmodic snapping of lower jaw.
- || Raging, violent pains in lips, extending to gums and head, finally to whole body.
- Neuralgia of lips.
- Lips livid and cold.
- Lips dry, covered with a brown crust. Typhus.
- Lips dry, with a black streak in red portion.
- Burning in lips.
- Lips oedematous; upper lip and nose swollen, hot and red.
- Lips swollen; stiff and slightly tender; everted, hanging.
- || Prickling in lips; they feel as if they had received a contusion.
- Roughness and tension in lips, especially upper.
- Lower lip chapped. Gastric catarrh.
- Burning on chin.
Inner mouth
- || Salivation.
- Viscid, tough, frothy saliva.
- Dryness of mouth, fauces and throat. Tonsillitis.
- Scalded feeling in mouth and throat.
- Inflammation of mouth.
- Buccal cavity painfully sensitive.
- Fetor of breath. Albuminuria. Headache. Gastro-enteritis. Diphtheria.
- Diphtheritis; characterized by great debility from beginning.
- Diphtheria coming on quite unperceived, and progressing so insidiously as to offer but
little hope of relief. Diphtheria.
- Mouth, throat, pharynx bright red, glossy as if varnished; in places coated white, like
scales; mucous membrane covered sometimes with dirty greyish tough membrane; not
much pain, except in ears when swallowing. Diphtheria.
- Puffy, glossy varnished appearance of highly inflamed parts. Diphtheria.
- Diphtheritis, accompanying scarlatina.
- Morning and evening secretion of tenacious mucus from throat. Chronic catarrh.
- Tenacious mucus in throat; very troublesome. Typhus.
- Hawking and clearing throat every morning.
- Inflammation of palate, mouth, fauces and throat.
- Very long palate; looked as if filled with water. Diphtheria.
- Slight redness of velum palati; fauces rosy red; small blisters filled with clear lymph in
clusters on back part of throat. Stomatitis. Ascites.
- Fauces bright red. Diphtheria.
- || Posteriorly and superiorly in fauces and throat; pressive pain, as from a hard body.
- Soreness of throat and fauces; constant soreness. Organic disease of heart.
- Fauces violet red; both tonsils enlarged, dark, with a throbbing pain. Angina
- || Tonsils red, swelled, painfully smarting.
- Red, highly inflamed tonsils.
- Tonsillitis, with cutaneous eruptions.
- Left tonsil much inflamed. Scarlatina.
- Tonsils and fauces erysipelatous.
- Redness and swelling of tonsils, uvula and fauces. Angina. Tonsillitis.
- Very greatly enlarged tonsils, with redness and swelling.
- Tonsils swollen, bright red, stinging when swallowing.
- Tonsils swollen, hard; swallowing difficult. Scarlatina.
- The right hypertrophic tonsil swollen since two years, is two-thirds lessened within four
weeks. Scrofulous ophthalmia.
- Dry ulcers on tonsils and palate; sloughing abrasions on tonsils. Scarlatina.
- Deep ulcers on tonsils or palate; erysipelatous and oedematous appearance around ulcers.
- Effusion of fluid into tonsils. Scarlatina.
- || Dryness in throat without thirst.
- Dryness in throat. Catarrh. Scarlatina.
- Dryness and heat in throat.
- Dryness, with burning stinging in throat. Chronic catarrh.
- Stinging burning pain in throat. Variola.
- Stinging itching, deep in throat, at lower part of neck, accompanied by a sensation of
- Violent stitches and throbbing in throat. Chronic inflammation.
- Stinging pain in throat. Scarlatina.
- Smarting pain in throat. Angina. Tonsillitis.
- Heat and smarting in throat, with occasional hacking cough.
- || Sensation as if raw in throat, with tough saliva and hawking.
- Roughness and sensitiveness of pharynx.
- | Hot and inflamed throat, much phlegmonous inflammation diffused over fauces and
- Inflammation of throat.
- Swelling of submucous tissue in throat.
- Diphtheritic angina.
- Vivid redness in throat, without much swelling, and a very clean tongue.
- Throat painful, pharynx and whole mouth bright red, in some places as if covered with
wine-dregs, in others three large whitish patches formed by lumps of matter, forming a kind
of soft scab, seeming to incline to invade whole back of throat; after 3 in water every two
hours, the throat was stripped of all clogged matter. Scarlatina, fifth day.
- Catarrhal or habitual angina (with abdominal complaints) with tendency to ulceration.
- Ulcers in throat; in scarlatina, when eruption does not come out.
- Eruption of scarlatina just subsiding, throat intensely red, dry and glazed looking;
numerous small grey ulcers on columns of arch of palate; feverish, headache, weak,
exhausted, skin dry, pulse quick.
- Erysipelatous and oedematous appearance around ulcers.
- Ulcers in throat, erysipelatous or urticarious.
- Deep ulcers on tonsils, palate, etc.
- Three open ulcers, with callous edges in throat, discharging an ichorous fluid (oil).
Spinal disease.
- Swelling in oesophagus.
- Between intervals of swallowing, often a stinging pain in throat.
- Swelling and sensation of narrowing in throat.
- Throat felt constricted, and as if a foreign body was lodged in it; deglutition was
- Sensation of constriction and erosion in throat, in mornings; increases to such a degree
in eight hours that swallowing becomes difficult.
- Throat sore, swallowing painful, especially solids and sour or hot substances, right side
worse; would wake at night with a strangling sensation; stringy phlegm in throat.
- Stinging pains on attempting to swallow. Quinsy.
- Talking painful, and a feeling when swallowing as if a large fish-bone was in throat.
- || Stinging, burning, smarting, shooting, especially on swallowing.
- Pain in ears when swallowing. Diphtheria.
- Unable to swallow except with extreme pain. Scarlatina.
- || Throat swollen, inside and outside; hoarse; breathing and swallowing difficult.
- || Shooting, itching, and contraction in throat, rendering deglutition difficult.
- Often inclined to swallow, but there being no power in the muscles it is difficult.
- Difficult swallowing, from absence of power in muscles. Scarlatina. Typhus. After
- Difficulty in swallowing. Typhus. Angina.
- From north wind took cold; shivered, throat inflamed, uvula, arch of pharynx and
tonsils being very red and swollen; constant pricking pain, shooting up both sides towards
ears; almost entire loss of voice and difficulty in swallowing; feverish, and has a quick
- Can swallow only a single drop, with swollen tongue.
- Could not swallow solid food. Angina tonsillaris.
- Shivering fit, ushering in an attack of cynanche tonsillaris; throat intensely red and
swollen, left side worse; cannot swallow a drop of liquid; much fever, headache, pain in
- Can swallow nothing; fauces and right tonsil red and swollen, and affected with sharp,
pricking pain; has headache, is thirsty, pain in limbs and back.
- No effort to swallow water which is put into his mouth. Typhus. Hydrocephalus.
Appetite, thirst
- Desires, Aversions.
- Appetite good. Amenorrhoea.
- Appetite and thirst normal (oil). Spinal disease.
- || Anorexia.
- No appetite or desire for food. Tonsillitis. Angina. Diarrhoea. Infantile
marasmus. Ascites. Acute Bright's disease. Menstrual derangements. Typhus.
- Appetite previously voracious, now deficient. Albuminuria.
- Appetite lessened, thirst not increased (oil). Catarrh.
- Neither eats nor drinks. Typhus.
- Four weeks without eating and without sleep. Mania.
- No appetite, but much thirst. Typhus.
- Thirst. Bilious diarrhoea. Scarlatina.
- Constant thirst; before Arsen. Hydrothorax.
- Drinks often, but little at a time. Catarrh of chest. Diarrhoea. Diphtheria. Cancer
of breast.
- Insatiable thirst. Abscess after vaccination.
- So violent thirst that she would like to drink all the time. Typhus.
- Disturbed by great thirst. Thrombosis.
- || Desire for a draught of water, with sinking of forces.
- Thirst in some cases, in other none. Diphtheria.
- Thirstless. Cerebro-spinal meningitis. Ovarian and other dropsies. Ascites.
Pregnancy. Hydrothorax. Keratitis.
- No thirst, with dryness of throat and heat.
- Absence of thirst and scanty urination. Dropsy.
- Thirstlessness in dropsical disease, and many other complaints.
- No thirst with the heat; mouth dry.
- No thirst during sweat.
- Craves milk, which relieves.
- Child nurses by day, refuses at night. Abscess after vaccination.
- Appetite for sour things.
- Pure water does not taste good, wants vinegar mixed with it. Typhus.
- Pressure against diaphragm renders respiration laborious. Ascites.
- Soreness at insertion of diaphragm and in back. Cholerine.
- Inflammation of diaphragm.
- Under right ribs, sensation as if "gone to sleep."
- Hyperaemic state of liver. Organic disease of heart.
- Inflammation of spleen.
- Considerable swelling of spleen, abdomen sunken in. Typhus.
- Pain left side, under short ribs and in mediastinum. Chest complaint.
- Pain under short ribs; agg left side. Intermittent, apyrexia.
- Soreness and bruised feeling, as after a contusion, most about last ribs, left side.
- Severe burning pain under short ribs, on both sides; most severe on left, continuing there
for weeks, depriving her of sleep.
- Pains from below ribs, spreading upward.
- Obliged to bend forward from a painful contractive feeling in hypochondria.
- Tension over hypochondria, with pricking sensation.
- Clothes could no longer be made to meet around his waist. Ascites.
- || Sensation of soreness or burning under ribs.
- Abdomen contracted.
- || Heavy painful pressure, violent contraction, compression and urging in belly.
- Collapse of abdominal walls. Meningitis infantum.
- Heaviness in abdomen. Menorrhagia. Metrorrhagia.
- Bearing down pain, with tenderness of ovarian region. Prolapsus uteri.
- Numbness in right side of abdomen.
- || Sick feeling in abdomen, inclining to sit quiet.
- Burning, stinging in abdomen; sore to touch. Peritonitis.
- Soreness of bowels felt when sneezing or pressing on them.
- Feeling as if intestines were bruised. Dysentery. Ascites.
- Feeling in belly as if something tight would break if too much effort were made at stool.
- Erysipelas from contusions in stomach and bowels.
- Sore pains in bowels. Enteritis.
- Soreness and burning pain in abdomen. Bilious diarrhoea.
- Great pain in abdomen. Acute Bright's disease.
- Aching at umbilicus, agg in morning. Albuminuria.
- Violent cutting pains in abdomen. Morbus Brightii.
- Severe griping pains in bowels.
- || Violent pains in belly when lying; amel sitting up.
- || Pains in abdomen when walking.
- || Bellyache with call to stool in morning.
- Inflammation of bowels. Ascites.
- Peritonitis with exudation; often with metritis; urine scanty, dark.
- Soreness of bowels, felt when pressing upon them, or sneezing. Ascites.
- General soreness of abdomen. Chronic dysentery.
- Abdomen sore to touch. Eruptive disease. Scarlatina.
- Burning in abdomen and tenderness to least pressure.
- Fulness and tenderness of abdomen. Ascites.
- Abdomen very tender to touch, even to pressure of bedclothes. Ascites.
- Tenderness of entire peritoneum on pressure or on turning in bed.
- When pressed on right side of abdomen she makes a wry face. Typhus.
- Tenderness of abdomen on pressure. Enteritis. Diarrhoea. Dysentery. Typhus.
- || Burning, internal soreness, with external tenderness, even to pressure of bedclothes.
- Great soreness of abdominal walls. Ascites.
- Cutting pain in abdominal walls.
- On pressing on ileo-caecal region a gurgling like from a fluid is heard. Typhus.
- || Rolling and rumbling of wind in bowels, with diarrhoea. Typhus.
- Rumbling in abdomen. Flatulency. Typhus. Enteritis. Chronic dysentery.
- Great soreness and bloatedness in abdomen, as if she was inflated.
- Meteoritic distension. Typhus.
- Fulness and enlargement of abdomen. Ascites.
- Sensation of fulness in abdomen, with dull pains, agg on motion and from pressure.
- Sense of fulness in bowels. Bilious diarrhoea.
- || Abdomen full, swollen and tender, with swollen feet and scanty secretion of urine.
- Sense of fulness and tightness of bowels. Enteritis.
- Belly feels full and hard. Dropsy after scarlatina.
- || Swelling of abdomen without thirst. Ascites.
- Swelling of abdomen and limbs. Organic disease of heart.
- Abdomen very much distended by fluid. Ascites. Albuminuria. Dropsy after
- Circumference of abdomen increased in one day by three-fourths of an inch. Ascites.
- Abdomen begins to swell, with much difficulty, of breathing, especially after going up-
stairs quickly. Amenorrhoea.
- Walls of abdomen tense. Typhus.
- Ascites and anasarca.
- Enlargement of abdomen. Intermittent, apyrexia.
- Ascites with vomiting and diarrhoea; can't get breath except when sitting; even leaning
backward causes suffocation; urine scant, dark, like coffee-grounds.
- || Ascites : from albuminuria; post-scarlatinal or with uterine tumors; after peritonitis.
- Pain extending into thigh or upward to ribs. Ovaritis.
- Aching, pressive pain in hypogastrium, with bearing down in uterus.
- || Slow throbbing boring pain over left iliac crest, relieved by eructations.
- Sensitiveness of ileo-caecal region. Typhus.
- Severe aching in loins. Ovarian tumor.
- Neuralgia in groins.
- Swelling in right groin oblong, hard, large as a cucumber.
- Hard swelling in right groin.
- A large swelling in left inguinal region. Syphilis.
- Long-standing inguinal hernia.
Urinary organs
- Pain in region of both kidneys. Acute Bright's disease.
- Swelling in region of left kidney, with a dull percussion sound. Acute Bright's disease.
- Hyperaemic state of kidneys. Organic disease of heart.
- Renal pains, soreness on pressure or when stooping. Morbus Brightii.
- In albuminuria during desquamation in scarlatina.
- Irritation of mucous membrane of bladder and kidneys.
- Frequent sudden attacks of pain along ureters, lasting some minutes. Albuminuria.
- || A very disagreeable sensation in bladder with a bearing down in region of sphincter.
- Excessive pain in vesical region. Affection of prostate gland.
- Vesical tenesmus with frequent slight discharges of red urine.
- Tenesmus vesicae during and after urination.
- Inflammation of bladder.
- Irritable bladder, must urinate every half hour, day and night.
- Frequent desire to urinate, so frequent that not only passing urine very often during day,
but necessary to rise ten or twelve times during night. Affection of prostate gland.
- Discharge of urine very slow, with all the pressure it lasts often from ten to fifteen
minutes; color normal. Spinal disease.
- Difficulty in voiding urine, must press a long while before he can commence.
Affection of prostate gland.
- Burning and scalding in urethra, especially near neck of bladder during and after
- Great irritation at neck of bladder, with frequent and burning urination.
- Inflammation of neck of bladder.
- Frequent desire to urinate and pressing down in region of sphincter vesicae. Enlarged
- Morbid irritability of urinary organs.
- Flow of urine unconscious. Typhus.
- Incontinence of urine, with great irritation of parts, agg night and from coughing.
- Stitching pain in urethra with enuresis.
- Burning and smarting in urethra, as if it was scalded.
- Burning and stinging in urethra.
- Before urination, burning in urethra, as if scalded.
- After urination, burning smarting in urethra; sharp cutting along ureters towards kidneys;
pain in neck of bladder; mucus.
- Micturition sometimes painful. Scarlatina. Diphtheria.
- During urination : burning, smarting, soreness, constriction of urethra; agony; uneasy
feeling in cords.
- With enuresis, itching in urethra.
- | Difficult urination with children.
- || Can pass little or no water with great pains.
- Burning during emission of urine. Ovarian dropsy.
- After urinating, pain in neck of bladder with shooting pains along ureters towards
- Sharp cutting pains in ovarian region, with scanty urine and constipation. Ovarian
- Strangury. Affection of prostate. Metritis. After parturition.
- Agony in voiding urine. Affection of prostate.
- Stricture of urethra and strangury.
- Strangury caused by mechanical injury.
- Diuresis, dysuria.
- Strangury, stricture, retained urine or inflamed bladder after abuse of cantharides.
- Frequent desire to pass water. Cystitis.
- || Continued desire to urinate. Affection of prostate.
- Constant urging to make water, passing but little at a time; has to get out of bed about a
dozen times in night. Ovaritis.
- Frequent desire with passage of only a few drops; much pain. Dysmenorrhoea.
- Frequent, painful, scanty, bloody urination.
- Urine scanty, catheter used every day. Organic disease of heart.
- Scanty urination. Meningitis. Cerebro-spinal meningitis. Incipient hydrocephalus.
Hydrocephalus. Diphtheria. Hemorrhoids. Acute Bright's disease. Ovaritis.
Ovarian dropsy. Pregnancy. Sopor. Anasarca. Ascites.
- Dropsy after catarrh. Scarlatina.
- Urine scanty and high-colored. Ascites. Scarlatina.
- Urine scanty and dark. Peritonitis. Dysmenorrhoea. Scirrhus mammae.
- Scanty urine, with thirstlessness. Anasarca. Dropsy after scarlatina, etc.
- Retention of urine; bladder but slightly distended. Cystitis. Hydrocephalus.
Typhus, etc., etc.
- Retention of urine in nursing infants.
- Suppression of urine.
- Urine suppressed, with diarrhoea. Typhus.
- Almost entire suppression of urine. Ascites.
- Urine scanty, or quite profuse. Hydrocephalus. Dentition.
- Repeated urination every few minutes, all day.
- || Increased micturition day and night.
- Urine sometimes too profuse. Prolapsus uteri.
- Great secretion of urine, of pale or straw color, depositing a reddish or brickdust
- Frequent urging to urinate, with copious discharges of straw-colored urine.
- || Frequent and excessively profuse discharge of normal urine.
- Copious, straw-colored urine. Diarrhoea. Typhus.
- Passed great quantities of urine frequently in night. Dropsy.
- Enormous secretion of urine (four to six pounds daily), greatest when at some out-door
exercise, with flatulence and some looseness of bowels (bee-bread).
- || Discharges of clear, colorless urine during dentition. Diarrhoea.
- Very scanty, high-colored and often scalding urine. Amenorrhoea.
- Urine : scanty, high-colored; red, bloody, hot and scanty; scanty and fetid; scanty,
reddish-brown; after standing, turbid; scanty, milky, albuminous; dark, with sediment like
coffee-grounds; containing uriniferous tubules and epithelium.
- || Urine violet color. After albuminuria.
- || Urine of a greenish hue. Hydrothorax.
- Urine scanty, of a dirty red color. Scarlatina.
- Urine scanty, reddish-brown; after standing, turbid. Ascites.
- Reddish, has a brown-colored sediment. Dropsy after scarlatina.
- Urine scanty, flows thick from catheter. Angina pectoris.
- Urine scanty and dark, often burns or smarts. Prolapsus uteri.
- Urine dark, like coffee. Hydrothorax.
- Urine of a peculiar dark color, resembling an infusion of black tea or water with dark
molasses. Dropsy after scarlatina.
- Urine scanty, dark, sediment like coffee-grounds. Ascites.
- Red urine. Bilious diarrhoea.
- Frequent urging to urinate, passed small piece of black blood with urine, which was
very scanty. Sequel of scarlatina.
- Urine bloody; blood corpuscles in rings. Ascites.
- Frequent but scanty emission of a milky urine. Hydrocephalus. Meningitis
- Clouded appearance of urine. Dropsy after scarlatina.
- Urine scanty, dark colored and frothy. Post-scarlatinal dropsy.
- Urine scanty and fetid. Albuminuria.
- A peculiar light red sediment or color of urine, not so much in urine as separating from it
and adhering to sides as well as to bottom of vessel; color approaching more that of arterial
blood than anything else.
- Half the bulk of urine is albumen; girl, aet. 5. Albuminuria.
- Discharge of mucus after urination.
- Urine contains largely albumen and blood corpuscles. Acute Bright's disease.
- Urine contains uriniferous tubes and epithelium. Morbus Brightii.
- Fetor of breath. Albuminuria. Gastro-enteritis.
- A deep inhalation excites cough (oil). Catarrh.
- Breathing very frequent. Thrombosis.
- Respiration prevalently quick.
- Breathing hurried and difficult, with fever and headache.
- || Breathing accelerated, especially on moving, going upstairs or walking.
- Rapid, painful, spasmodic respiration; agg lying down, amel in fresh air, and in an upright
- Breathing, gasping and excessively rapid. Dropsy after scarlatina.
- Shortness of breath, particularly on exercising.
- Shortness of breath, oppression of chest on taking an inspiration. Asthma.
- Shortness of breath. Hydrothorax. Intermittent.
- Breathing feeble, interrupted; pale; lies stretched on a mattress. After a sting.
- Arthritic symptoms, cough, choking pain in chest, agg in cold weather.
- Asthma after hives.
- Oppression of chest, shortness of breath, especially when ascending; inability to remain
in a warm room. Ascites.
- Attacks of oppressed breathing, worse at night in bed, or in warm room. Chronic
- Oppression over chest and epigastrium.
- Breathing oppressive, can scarcely walk. Dropsy.
- Respiration oppressed. Hydrothorax.
- Respiration torpid, oppressed. Scarlatina.
- Breathing accelerated and labored. Scarlatina. Catarrh.
- Breathing labored; must forcibly exert abdominal muscles.
- Labored breathing, as in croup. Bronchitis.
- Respiration exceedingly laborious and difficult. Ascites.
- || Breathing slow, difficult with contraction in throat.
- Difficult and anxious respiration.
- Breathing heavily and with difficulty, and gasping. Incipient hydrocephalus.
- Coughed and breathed with great difficulty, as if he had croup, with muttering,
delirium, etc. Chronic diarrhoea.
- Difficult, heavy breathing, gasping. Incipient hydrocephalus. Hydrothorax.
Ascites, etc.
- After sleep, difficulty in breathing.
- Difficult breathing, agg bending forward or backward; cannot breathe except when
sitting. Ascites.
- Breathing difficult when lying on left side. Ascites.
- Awakens at night with a strangling sensation.
- Sense of fulness, constriction, or suffocation in thorax.
- Dyspnoea, with eruptive diseases.
- Dyspnoea; it seemed impossible to breathe; had to fan him to keep him alive.
- || Feels as if breathing would stop.
- Great feeling of suffocation; it seems as if she could not long survive for want of air.
- Feels as if each breath would be the last; great distress, anguish and restlessness.
Pregnancy. Hydrothorax. Heart disease. Pericarditis. Cerebro-spinal meningitis.
Hepatic peritonitis. Dropsy after scarlatina.
- Great feeling of suffocation; cannot bear anything about throat.
- Intense sensation of suffocation; threw collar wide open; could bear nothing about
throat; with dusky hue of face and bluish lips; he could hardly breathe, and said, "I am
- Can't get breath, except when sitting. Ascites.
- Stupefaction and stertorous breathing, with an occasional start as from sharp pain.
Cerebro-spinal meningitis.
- Cough, with that threatening resonance which denotes implication of upper parts of
windpipe or bronchia. Bronchitis.
- Cough : croupy; with ringing sound; dry, with gagging; with soreness of upper part of
chest; with painful concussion of head; with labored breathing, as in croup.
- Croupy cough. Measles.
- Violent cough, like whooping cough. Measles.
- Cough very dry, spasmodic, morning and evening, but most at night (oil). Catarrh.
- Dry cough. Typhus.
- Frequent fits of coughing, readily produced by slightest pressure on larynx. Horses.
- || Irritation to cough, in suprasternal fossa.
- Short irritating cough. Chronic laryngitis.
- Cough and tickling behind pit of throat; in morning; before midnight; after lying and
sleeping; with painful concussions in head; ceases when least quantity is detached.
- Cough dry, with gagging, agg lying on left side. Typhus.
- Cough which loosens with difficulty, rouses from sleep before midnight, and ceases as
soon as least particle is loosened, which is swallowed; expectoration seldom.
- Obstinate, night cough, incessant from 9 P.M. to 4 A.M. ; woman, aet. 72, after acute
- Cough, which ceases when least quantity is detached. Albuminuria.
- Cough pains chest and shakes head. Ascites.
- With violent attack of cough, blue in face, and puffed (oil). Catarrh.
- Coughing until it seemed as if she would vomit.
- Cough pains in abdomen. Ascites.
- Cough, with soreness in upper part of left chest. Ovaritis.
- Cough, with soreness of chest. Catarrh.
- Heat, with cough. Albuminuria.
- Expectoration seldom.
- Expectoration sweetish or tasteless. Ascites.
- Expectoration of a great quantity of transparent, somewhat frothy, bloody mucus.
- Can raise sputa only to tongue, whence it has to be removed by wiping. Typhus.
- Cough in morning; expectoration sweetish and tasteless. Albuminuria.
- Short, dry cough, with expectoration in morning. Ovarian tumor.
- Laryngo-pharyngeal cough of horses.
- Cough suffocative, painful, not so hard as Bellad. cough, but with more dyspnoea,
leading to diagnose a thickening of membrane, probably from effusion. With horses.
- Painful hoarse cough, with a clear, ropy discharge from mouth, similar to Mercur.
With horses.
Outer chest
- Sticking in right side of chest at fifth rib, agg moving arm or body, extending to upper
part of xyphoid, somewhat impeding respiration. Rheumatism.
- Stitches in left side of chest.
- Sudden attacks of acute pain just below heart, soon extending diagonally towards right
- Dull aching pain in left side of chest, near middle of sternum, several times during day,
with sensation of fulness in chest and short breath.
- Chest feels as if beaten or bruised.
- Sensation of soreness; lame, bruised feeling, as if from recent injury, from being jammed,
bruised or beaten.
Upper limbs
- Violent rheumatism in right, later in left shoulder.
- Tensive pain in left shoulder extends to nape.
- Pain in right shoulder and forearm with pressure upon chest.
- Pain of a sticking character fixed itself in right deltoid muscle, radiating to scapula and
elbow joint by lifting and by motion. Chronic rheumatism.
- Lame feeling in scapulae.
- Pressure under scapulae, painful when moving.
- Arm and shoulder swollen and sensitive to touch. Abscess after vaccination.
- Several very red spots with painful red streaks to axillary glands. Abscess after
- || Drawing pain in arms, beginning in shoulders and extending to ends of fingers.
- Pain in arm increasing, darting, no longer able to raise r. arm to head. Chronic
- || Left arm as if gone to sleep.
- Numbness and tingling in both arms; agg in left.
- Perfectly powerless, she could not take hold of anything, had to be fed and nursed (oil).
Spinal disease.
- Right arm much swollen.
- Red and white spots on arms.
- Right arm red, hot, swollen, erysipelatous, with stinging burning pain. Right
mammary cancer.
- Right arm swollen and bent in elbow joint, cannot be stretched, as tendons are
shortened (oil). Spinal disease.
- Sticking pains in right forearm, with a paralyzed feeling. Chronic rheumatism.
- Wrist and finger joints swollen, stiff in right hand, contracted to a fist, extension
impossible; in left hand other persons could stretch fingers, but they bent again immediately
if let loose (oil). Spinal disease.
- On inner side of right wrist a circular tetter, size of a dollar (oil). Catarrh.
- Both hands turned inward (in pronation), thumbs flexed on palms; both hands cold (oil).
Spinal disease.
- Arm paralyzed; arm and hand swollen, white as putty.
- Pricking and smarting sensation in hands and arms, afterwards affecting entire body
- || Itching, burning and chapping of hands.
- || Burning and shooting in hands.
- || Bluish and cold hands. Diarrhoea.
- Hands and arm blue. Cholera infantum.
- Hand swollen, slightly bluish-red; pressure makes white spots, which disappear slowly,
and leave no indentation.
- || Redness, heat and swelling of hands.
- Oedema of hands.
- Marked redness of hands and wrists, also feet and ankles.
- Sore and red spots in palms.
- Sensation of numbness in fingers, especially tips, about roots of nails, which latter feel
as if loose.
- Vesicles between fingers, itching after much scratching, inclined to ulcerate. Prairie
- A good deal of tumefaction on right forefinger. Panaritium.
- Inflammation of fingers.
- Throbbing pain occasionally extending from finger up to arm. Panaritium.
- Panaritium, with burning, stinging and throbbing; very sensitive to touch; especially in
run-arounds, after abuse of Sulphur.
- Pain violently stinging, burning; whole finger much swollen, red as fire; after a few hours
pain became tensive, tearing, while swelling continually increased and extended to forearm;
finger very tense, burning hot, very red and numb; gradually pain duller, with feeling in
neighboring fingers as of foreign bodies covered with velvet; in first moments after sting
and swelling of place, a feeling of prickling heat spread over whole arm up to armpit,
gradually changed into a painful itching and biting, especially along course of vessels.
- Dissecting wound on hand.
Lower limbs
- || Sore pain about left hip joint; later weakness, unsteadiness, trembling in joint.
- Feeling of numbness and obtusion in right iliac fossa, extending to hip, almost to short
ribs, down whole right thigh, amel by lying upon it. Ovaritis.
- Relaxation in hip joints.
- Inflammation of hip joint.
- At first only dull, gradually shooting and boring pain from middle of Poupart's
ligament, extending along inner side of thigh down to lower leg and into toes.
- Thrombosis.
- Complaints predominate on inner side of thigh.
- || Drawing through thighs to end of toes.
- Burning pains in both lower limbs, from thigh to ankles, could not move feet. Chronic
- Pain in left lower limbs all the time increasing, most stitching, burning, shooting.
- Burning pains in both lower limbs, from thighs to ankles, could not move feet.
- || Bruised feeling in flesh of lower limbs.
- Limb immovable, covered with reddish and bluish streaks and spots; hard, elastic, hot,
exceedingly painful, especially along crural vessels and nerves. Thrombosis.
- Left lower limb, in evening, after unusual muscular exertion, as heavy as lead.
- Both lower limbs emaciated, most right; could not be moved, had to remain where they
had been laid, for several days; both very cold to touch (oil). Spinal disease.
- The whole left lower extremity numb and heavy as lead. Thrombosis.
- || In morning feet heavy, stiff, full so that it pains, swollen.
- Cold legs.
- Coldness and deadness of extremities, agg in cold weather.
- Feet and legs up to middle of thighs always cold as ice, without sweat; even when he
walked in Summer he did not perspire. Staphyloma.
- Whitish clear appearance of broken limb. Phlegmone.
- Legs and feet waxy, pale and oedematous. Dropsy.
- Swelling of limb of a whitish, transparent look. Phlegmon.
- Oedematous swelling of feet, ankles and legs. Ascites. Amenorrhoea.
- Legs oedematous. Albuminuria. During pregnancy. Amenorrhoea. Puerperal
convulsions. Infantile marasmus. Scirrhus mammae.
- Dropsy of limbs. Angina pectoris.
- Left lower limb monstrously swollen; stretched out.
- Oedema of feet and legs in a man affected with chronic rheumatism and partial
paralysis so that he could not move about.
- Violent pain in left knee, more outside and to the front. Synovitis.
- || Pains about knee, swelling, burning and shooting.
- Complaints predominant in hollow of knee.
- Swelling from metatarsus up to knee, very painful. After hemorrhage from uterus.
- Joints of knee, feet and big toes swollen, painful when pressed or lifted (oil). Spinal
- Left knee badly sprained by being thrown from a horse.
- Acute synovitis of knee.
- Swelling of knee.
- Swelling of left leg from metatarsus to knee and accompanied by great tenderness;
some of lymphatics near hip also affected, feeling like hard cords under skin and being
extremely tender. Fibrous tumor of uterus, repeated and violent hemorrhages.
- Numbness of limbs.
- Numbness of lower limb same side on which ovary is affected. Ovarian dropsy.
- Lower limbs feel paralyzed.
- On both lower limbs dirty blue spots, remnants from suppurations caused by blisters
(oil). Spinal disease.
- Tetterlike eruption on both legs; terrible itching as soon as crusts have formed; eruption
oozes a sickly moisture.
- Eczema of legs.
- Eruption came out plentifully on calves. Paralysis.
- Phlegmasia alba dolens.
- || Shooting in left outer ankle.
- Ankles and feet very oedematous and clumsy. Ascites.
- Boring from thighs to ankles; could not move feet. Rheumatism.
- Pain in feet. Acute Bright's disease.
- Podagra.
- || Burning of feet and toes.
- Suppressed foot sweat.
- Foot sweat checked by cold. Staphyloma.
- Swelling of feet and ankles of transparent whiteness.
- Swelling of feet and ankles. Hydrothorax.
- Swelling of left foot over instep to such a degree that he could not put on his foot.
- At night, on removing boots, feet swollen, heavy and stiff.
- Large painful swelling of foot.
- Swollen feet. Ascites.
- Swollen feet and scanty urine during apyrexia. Intermittent.
- Painful turning up of big toe. Tubercular meningitis.
- Painful turning inward of big toes, extorting cries from child. Meningitis infantum.
- || Shooting in toes.
- Burning in toes, with redness; feet cold. Erysipelas.
- Sensation in toes and feet, as if too large, swollen and stiff; also at night on removing
- Drawing through thighs to tip of toes; the latter feel numb.
- || Nails as if loose.
- Pain in limbs, with fever. Catarrh of chest.
- || Burning of hands and feet.
- Heavy in all limbs, every motion causes pain. Typhus.
- Great soreness of all limbs and joints. Intermittent, apyrexia.
- Trembling of hands and feet.
- Trembling of limbs. Meningitis infantum. Scarlatina.
- Occasional twitching of limbs on one side of body, and apparent paralysis of that of the
other side. Meningitis infantum.
- Limbs cold, numb and bluish.
- Limbs numb and cold. Diphtheria.
- Rheumatic lameness of limbs, and effusion in joints, with affections of spinal marrow
(oil). Spinal disease.
- Numbness of feet and hands, even paralysis. Diphtheria.
- General paralytic feeling, especially in limbs.
- Cold limbs; blood settled under finger and toe nails.
- Phlegmasia alba dolens.
- || Bright red swelling, with red stripes along limbs.
- Oedema of limbs. Albuminuria.
- Dropsy of limbs. Organic disease of heart.
- Position. Motion. Motion : headaches agg; pain in eyes agg; in diarrhoea, followed by
stool; pain under scapulae; dull pain in abdomen agg; causes stool.
- Exertion increases vertigo and prostration; shortness of breath.
- Dull pains in region of tumors, most on commencing to walk and on stooping.
Swollen ovaries.
- Stooping : increases headache; renal pains; pains in ovarian tumors.
- Rising after sitting : pain in head agg; bruised pain in back and limbs agg.
- Bending backward or forward : suffocation in ascites agg.
- Obliged to bend forward in contractive pain in hypochondria. Ovaritis.
- Bending head backward relieves headaches.
- Bores head back into pillow in hydrocephalus.
- Must hold head and eyes down in chronic headaches.
- Ascending increases oppressed breathing in ascites.
- Raising arms increases tightness in ovarian region.
- Moves right arm now and then in tubercular meningitis.
- On removing boots, feet feel swollen and stiff.
- Lying : vertigo, extreme; nausea in hydrocephalus; pain violent in belly; breathing agg;
cough agg.
- Lying on back : puffed, flushed face, difficult breathing.
- || Lying on left side : difficult breathing in ascites; cough worse.
- || Recumbent posture aggravates many of the sufferings, which are amel when sitting.
- Lying : on right side; pain in ovaries agg.
- Must lie down from weakness.
- Sitting : vertigo agg; shortness of breath in ascites amel.
- Sitting in bed, head on hands, elbows on knee, cannot lie down, cough forces him up
(oil). Catarrh.
- Obliged to remain in his chair nearly all night. Ascites.
- Attempting to sit down : pain in coccygeal region agg.
- Inclined to sit quiet with sickly feeling in abdomen.
- Standing : causes more pain in ovarian tumor; vertigo.
- Relief in no position in heart disease.
- Least movement, even that of hands, agg pains in lower limbs. Chronic rheumatism.
- Chewing : pains in ears.
- Moving head to right side : rheumatic stitches in neck agg.
- || Walking and movement in general ameliorate many of the worst sufferings and attacks.
- Walks with inconvenience. Ascites.
- Going up and down-stairs quickly : difficulty of breathing with swelling of abdomen.
- After unusual walking and climbing up-stairs. Thrombosis.
- Walking : soreness of left ovary agg; pains in abdomen.
- Dyspnoea, especially after exercise. Chest complaint.
- After overexertions dropsical symptoms returned.
- After carrying a child during sleepless nights. Rheumatism of arm.
- Very stiff, could with difficulty stoop and rise up again on account of great hardness and
swelling of legs. Dropsy.
- Lies like a skeleton in bed, and on back (oil). Spinal disease.
- Lies all the time on her back. Typhus.
- || He must lie down flat on ground.
- Unable to lie down without panting. Dropsy.
- Inability to lie in a horizontal position. Hydrothorax.
- Unable to lie down. Organic disease of heart.
- She could not lie down. Dropsy after scarlatina.
- Had not been able to lie down for months for fear of suffocating. Anasarca.
- Nervous irritability; restless, agitated. Hydrocephalus. Diphtheria. Scarlatina.
- || Irritability and uneasiness.
- Nervous excitability. Apyrexia in intermittent.
- Hysteria.
- Nervous erethism.
- Nervous restlessness at night, cannot remain in one place.
- Restless, with cutaneous diseases.
- Great restlessness and uneasiness. Scarlatina.
- Great uneasiness and yawning. Intermittent.
- Trembling and jerking of limbs. Hydrocephalus. Typhus.
- || Trembling, with lassitude.
- || Weakness, with trembling.
- A single involuntary jerk frequently repeated.
- || Sudden jerks through joints and other parts.
- One-half of body twitching, the other lame. Tubercular meningitis. Hydrocephalus.
- Sudden convulsions, followed by general fever. Meningitis infantum.
- Convulsions. Hydrocephalus. Scarlatina. Tubercular meningitis.
- Eclampsia, with inflammatory affection of brain.
- Hysteric convulsions.
- || Faint, pale and cold, with vomiting and diarrhoea.
- Faint, uneasy, restless, yawning. Uterine hemorrhage.
- Sudden weakness, compelling him to lie down; he loses all recollection.
- Frequent loss of all strength, with a trembling sensation.
- || Very weak, must lie down.
- Great weakness of all limbs. Trichinosa.
- So weak that she could only with difficulty stand on her feet. Ovarian dropsy.
- Greatest weakness on sliding down in bed. Typhus.
- Weak and pale. Scarlatina. Ascites.
- || Amazing weariness.
- Tired, as if bruised in every limb.
- Weariness, with debility in Spring, after least effort, with paroxysm of vertigo, paleness
and chilliness.
- Great debility as if he had worked hard; he is obliged to lie down.
- Great debility from the beginning. Diphtheria.
- Great debility. Chronic dysentery. Intermittent, apyrexia. Ascites.
- General feeling of lassitude and depression.
- Lassitude; indisposition to mental or physical exertion. Bilious diarrhoea.
- Languid, listless, unaccountable feeling. Diarrhoea.
- || General feeling of lassitude, with trembling.
- Greatest lassitude and languor. Incipient hydrocephalus.
- Great prostration. Peritonitis. Eruptive diseases.
- Prostration : peculiar; as from within; great, for several days; general, particularly in cold
weather; sudden, with coldness.
- Tendency to chilliness, and a quite peculiar prostration of vital force of nerve centres.
Chest complaints.
- Prostration and lassitude. Dropsy.
- Great exhaustion, after all symptoms pass away.
- Fell down and declared he was dying. After stings.
- Anticipation of sudden death. Peritonitis.
- Paralysis generally one-sided, often painful.
- After excessive grief the whole right side paralyzed.
- White puffy swelling of paralyzed arm and hand.
- Whole nervous system under a paralyzing influence. Scarlatina.
- Sudden, right-sided paralysis.
- Partial paralysis of right side, with numbness. Cancer of breast.
- Left side motionless; now and then moves right arm and leg. Tubercular meningitis.
- || Yawning.
- Yawning and great uneasiness. Uterine hemorrhage.
- || Yawning and great desire to sleep.
- Sleepiness more after meals.
- Great inclination to sleep; still he walks a tenth of a German mile.
- Inclined to sleep. Acute Bright's disease. Incipient hydrocephalus. Keratitis.
Intermittent, etc.
- Great inclination to sleep, but inability to do so from great nervous restlessness.
- In daytime always sleepy, in a dull, stupid state; at night talking in her sleep, which was
full of dreams; towards morning sleep so profound that she had to be shaken to awake her.
- Great desire to sleep, he felt extremely drowsy.
- Very sleepy early in evening.
- Sleepiness, prostration and vomiting of bile.
- Continuous deep sleep. Hot stage of intermittent fever.
- Somnolence.
- Sopor, with eruptive diseases.
- Stupor; when shaken, looking about strangely. Typhus.
- Lies flat down in a stupor; even shaking does not bring him to consciousness. Typhus.
- Sleepless, mostly latter part of night.
- Restless sleep; child restless, fretful, sleepless, hot. Abscess after vaccination.
- Cough prevents sleep. Typhus.
- Restless nights. Hydrocephalus. Bilious diarrhoea.
- Restless, sleepless. Erysipelas. Ovarian tumor.
- || Tension in face, shooting in skin, burning pain under l. ribs, or other ailments prevent
- || Frequent waking.
- Disturbed sleep. Scarlatina.
- Wakefulness. Hydrocephalus. Intermittent.
- Sleeplessness, with eruptive diseases.
- No sleep for days.
- Restless sleep and incessant dreaming.
- Night sleep full of dreams; mostly of traveling.
- || Sleep restless, frequent waking, incoherent dreaming.
- Anxious dreams.
- Sleep disturbed by oppressed respiration and disagreeable dreams.
- Disturbed sleep at night; dreams. Gastro-enteritis.
- Dreams : of journeying; of flying; walking on a hot floor; of assembled people; full of
care and trouble.
- Sleep disturbed by oppression of breathing; by incoherent muttering.
- Sleep disturbed at night by muttering and dreams. Gastro-enteritis.
- Disturbed sleep, with muttering and incoherent talking. Bronchitis.
- Nights restless, without sleep, constantly delirious. Typhus.
- At night talking in sleep, dreamy state. Incipient hydrocephalus.
- || Starting out of sleep.
- Anxious starting in sleep. With cough.
- Suddenly starts from sleep with great anxiety and agitation.
- All night delirious, furibund. Typhus.
- Trembling, convulsive starting during sleep, as if in affright.
- Frequent waking at night with violent screams.
- Awakens from sleep with a shrill shriek. Meningitis infantum.
- Screaming in sleep; "cri encephalique."
- Sopor while lying in bed interrupted by sudden cries. Meningitis infantum.
- The child is restless, screams out in sleep. Constipation of sucklings.
- Agitation latter part of night. Incipient hydrocephalus.
- Short sleep.
- || Long morning sleep.
- Sleep in morning profound, cannot be waked without being taken out of bed, shaken
and forced about for a time; girl, aet. 8. Incipient hydrocephalus.
- || Wakes from sleep in morning weary and unrefreshed.
- Night : nursing child refuses milk, not so in daytime; squinting, trembling of eyeball;
stitches in and around eye; difficult breathing in laryngitis; cough; strangling; feet swollen
and stiff; restless, dreaming; sleepless in erysipelas, can see better than in daytime; irritation
of urinary organs agg; frequent urination.
- || Nocturnal sufferings, besides those dependent on sleep, are most in eye and chest.
- 9 P.M. to 4 A.M. : incessant cough.
- Latter part of night : sleepless.
- Towards night : increase of weariness, copious nosebleed, rigor, headache, mucus in
mouth, bellyache, urging to stool and heartburn.
- Always agg towards morning. Dropsy.
- 5 A.M. : heat and fever followed by shaking chill.
- Morning : aching at umbilicus; diarrhoea agg; hoarseness; sleeps till late; dry coryza,
bellyache with call to stool.
- In morning less disturbed; weakened consciousness. Typhus.
- Day : stupid state in tubercular meningitis; vomiting.
- Day and night : must urinate every half hour.
- 3 to 4 P.M. : chill.
- 4 P.M. : sudden coryza.
- Afternoon : fever, intermittent.
- Evening : tip of nose cold, with chilliness; pain in coccygeal region agg; chill agg; fluent
coryza; very sleepy.
- || Evening; suffering and vertigo, headache, pain in eyes, toothache; bellyache;
hoarseness, but most cough, shivering and heat.
- Before midnight : cough awakens.
- Before going to bed in evening a hard shivering fit. Chronic rheumatism.
- Spring : spells of vertigo.
- Fall : hives agg.
- Disposed to chilliness.
- Chilliness. Acute Bright's disease.
- Felt very cold, but was not cold to touch.
- Chill on suffering part.
- Chill increased by motion.
- Chill, 3 to 4 P.M. , agg in warm room or near stove; begins in front of chest; thirst
during chill, burning and oppression of chest as if he would smother. Intermittent.
- Chill, mostly towards evening, 3 to 4 P.M.
- Chill increased in warm room.
- Evening before going to bed a hard shivering fit. Rheumatism.
- Always thirst during chill.
- || Shivering on slightest movement when sitting in evening, with headache, heat of face,
hot hands.
- Chilly every P.M. at 3 o'clock; she shudders, agg in warmth; chills run down back; hands
feel as if dead; feverishly hot after about an hour, with a hoarse cough; heat of cheeks and
hands, without thirst; ceases gradually, but she feels heavy and prostrate.
- Shivering followed by heat. Tonsillitis.
- Slight rigors followed by flushes of heat over entire body, with headache, weariness in
back and legs.
- Severe chill, evening, following an operation lasting three hours; followed by high fever
with great vascular excitement; the wound erysipelatous. Erysipelas traumatica.
- A shaking chill followed by great heat, during which whole lower limb swelled more
and more, and pains in it became insupportable. Thrombosis.
- Pungent heat of body while feet and hands are cold.
- Hot head, cold feet. Ophthalmia.
- || After heat, rigor with an eruption of nettlerash.
- With general heat, feeling of chilliness in feet and legs up to knee. Typhus.
- Increasing heat and fever for thirty-six hours, followed by severe shaking chill, 5 A.M.
- Skin burning hot all over, or gradually grows cool in some places, hot in others.
- Heat in some parts, coldness in others.
- Febrile excitement. Heart disease.
- Flushes of heat over whole surface of body.
- Great fever heat. Hydrocephalus.
- High fever. Phlegmasia.
- Fever rises continually. Scarlatina.
- Burning heat of skin with a stinging sensation. Ovarian dropsy.
- Dry burning skin. Typhus.
- Little febrile excitement or other constitutional symptoms, only in a few instances
considerable. Erysipelas.
- Burning heat all over.
- Dry skin, no sweat. Mania.
- Dry heat towards evening, with sleepiness.
- Feverish heat during night, other times pale. Chronic diarrhoea.
- Heat most about chest, belly and hands. Intermittent.
- Heat most in chest, pit of stomach, bowels, female organs and hands, with muttering
and unconsciousness. Intermittent.
- Hot feeling all over body, especially on chest and in region of stomach.
- During heat : delirium, muttering unconsciousness; diarrhoea; short-breathed; drowsy
or sleepless.
- During hot stage more or less violent headache, generally a continuous deep sleep.
- || Got hot all over, red in face as if he had scarlet fever, with an eruption like measles
(after overdoses). Chronic diarrhoea.
- Most violent fever, with a puffed, darkened face, eyes shooting, shining, with a wild,
obstinate expression and unbearable headache. Typhus.
- Thirst wanting during sweat; may or may not be present during heat.
- Fever without thirst.
- Heat, with (or without) thirst and inclination to uncover.
- Fever constantly rising; dry hot skin. Scarlatina.
- Violent fever, with dry skin, full pulse. Bronchitis.
- High fever, full pulse. Incipient hydrocephalus.
- Fever, with rapid, hard pulse; exacerbation during evening.
- Heat, inclined to uncover, which is agreeable; rapid, hard pulse; after fever spell, sleep.
- Heavy and prostrate in fever.
- Whole surface glowing, hot, skin dry, brittle. Typhus.
- Heat, redness and extreme soreness. Erysipelas.
- Heat, with redness of skin; in evening and night; with excitement, headache,
accompanying diarrhoea, swellings, coughs.
- Dry hot skin, or alternate dry and moist skin.
- Skin hot, moist. Diphtheria. Catarrh of chest.
- High fever, moist skin. Diphtheria.
- || Sweat alternating with dryness of skin.
- Alternate moisture and dryness of skin. Intermittent.
- Dryness of skin, very little sweat. Intermittent.
- Sweating stage either absent or of a very light grade. Intermittent.
- Sweats easily.
- Cold sweat. Dropsy after scarlatina.
- General warm sweat during recovery from effects of an indescribably bad odor, causing
physician a dull ache in forehead lasting several hours, until Apis[6] removed it. Typhus.
- Partial clammy sweats. Typhus.
- Profuse sweat relieves rheumatism.
- Thirst wanting during sweat; may or may not be present during heat; always thirst during
- Sweat after trembling and fainting, then nettlerash.
- Better after sweating; sweat increased in-doors.
- Headache and sleeplessness; skin warm; profuse sweat on the fourth day and relief.
- Chills and fever in seasons when flies sting with unusual vigor.
- Low, muttering delirium; sometimes a happy expression; apathy; stupor; cannot put
tongue out; tongue trembles, catches in teeth, or is cracked, sore and covered with blisters;
abdomen sore, bloated, stool frequent, painful, foul, bloody, often involuntary. Typhus.
- Typhoid forms of fever, especially enteric, cerebral, exanthematic forms; febris
nervosa putrida.
- Typhoid character of fever in scarlatina.
- Intermittent. A very important antipyretic (in one of the most malarial countries) given
according to Wolf in the third centesimal, but for two years the one hundredth centesimal
potency; they have seen results, such as they had not for many years witnessed from any
other homoeopathic remedy against intermittent fever, at least as regards the rapidity of the
result. (Drs. Stern and Miskolez).
- Tertian intermittent.
- Since a year, sixty-five intermittent cases of various age and sex; nineteen among
these had been suppressed by large doses of quinine, etc. No relapse.
- Apyrexia : pain under short ribs, left side; feet swollen; urine scanty; limbs and joints
sore; restless; urticaria.
Attacks, periodicity
- Periodically : sick headache; erysipelas; pains in ovary; pains in diphtheria.
- Suddenly : hydrocephalus after erysipelatous eruptions; coryza; pain along ureters.
- Sharp sudden paroxysms of pain in belly. Peritonitis.
- Gradually : cold and hot places on skin.
- Increasing more and more : stinging, burning in ovary.
- Increasing for thirty-six hours : heat and fever.
- Every half hour : must urinate.
- For several hours : aching in left eyeball.
- Every few minutes : repeated urination.
- Every 3 P.M. : chill.
- Every morning : hawking.
- Every day : six or eight diarrhoeic discharges.
- At same hour morning or forenoon : diarrhoea.
- For three or four weeks : diarrhoea in morning.
- In eight or ten days : one stool.
- Every evening : erysipelas in face.
- Every fifteen or twenty minutes : pain in right ovary; swelling of labium pudendi.
- Lasts a day or two : catamenia, with ovarian tumor.
- Alternately : dry and moist skin.
- Pains suddenly migrate from one part and extend to another.
- Distress in paroxysms lasting half an hour or more, generally taking place in morning.
Organic disease of heart.
- Once or twice a week : burning in head and neck.
Location and direction
- Right side : headache agg; pain in eyeball; shooting over and down into eyeball; eye
closed in paralysis; staphylomatous projection of eye; ulcer on edge of cornea; sudden
inflammation of eye; sensation in ribs as if "gone to sleep;" pain in side of abdomen; hard
swelling in groin; swelled testicle; ovarian tumor; dropsy of ovary; rheumatic stitches in
neck; arm erysipelatous; paralysis.
- The right eye from the beginning more affected (oil). Pannus.
- Left side : neuralgia in head; drawing over half of head; pain in eyeball; swelling around
eye; pupil drawn to outer side; inflammation of eye; both lids inflamed; itching in inner
angle of eye; pain in ear; redness and puffiness of cheek; pain in malar bone and upper
molar teeth; sore throat; pain in hypochondrium; swelling about kidney; pain over iliac
crest; pain in pectoral region, with enlargement of right ovary; aching stitches in chest;
tension in shoulder; bruised sensation in dorsal region; swelling of leg; hip joint inflamed;
knee, synovitis; side motionless; pain under short ribs.
- The left eye being the last attacked improved first (oil). Pannus.
- Both sides : burning under short ribs; weakness along spine; tetter on legs; one half
twitching, the other half lame.
- Right to left : erysipelas of face; erysipelas across back; rheumatism in shoulders.
- Left to right : ophthalmia; pain in ovarian region.
- Descending : pains in ovary; drawing through thighs to toes; chill down back.
- Descending, then ascending : pains in male sexual organs.
- Descending and sideways : sensation as of cords pulling from suprasternal fossa.
- Ascending : pains in left hypochondrium.
- Diagonally : sudden acute pain from below heart to right chest.
- Sensation as if head was too large; as of a small foreign body in eye; as if eyes had sand
in them; running as of an insect over cheek; wooden feeling in tongue; as of a fish bone in
throat; as if something tight would break in abdomen when making an effort at stool; as if
bowels were squeezed to pieces; as of sideways, as if something was breaking away about
cords pulling from suprasternal fossa downward and heart; trachea as if stopped up; nails
feel loose; chest as if raw; as if each breath was the last; left arm as if gone to sleep;
screams as from stabbing pains; as if he should not be able to breathe again; vertigo as if
she should fall; as if brain had gone to sleep; as if a bee had stung her temple; as if a skin
had been drawn over eyes; as if several styes would form; as if there was mucus in eyes; as
if lips would chap; as if in an apoplectic fit; as if lips had a contusion; tongue as if
varnished; tongue as if scalded; palate as if filled with water; throat as if raw; throat as if
covered with wine-dregs; as if throat was narrowing; under ribs as if gone to sleep; as if
intestines were bruised; as if she was inflated; as if anus was constantly open; anus as if
stuffed full; urethra as if scalded; ovarian region as if sprained; feeling in neighboring
fingers as of foreign bodies covered with velvet; toes and feet as if too large; tired as if
bruised in every limb; oppression of chest as if he would smother; hands as if dead; as if his
vitals were melting; itching as if from gnats.
- Pain : from gums into head; in head and eyeballs; through orbits; around eyes; in
forehead; in temples; in occiput; in lips, to gums and head; in ears; in stomach and
abdomen; in left hypochonder to chest; in kidneys; along ureters; in bladder; in testicles; in
ovaries; in spleen during catamenia; in chest and head from cough; just below heart; under
scapulae; in sacrum; in left knee; in feet; in limbs, with fever; in shoulder or forearm.
- Acute pain : in eyeballs; below heart.
- Sharp pains : in chest.
- Violent pain : in temples; in forehead; in right eye; in left ear; in lips; in region of
stomach and abdomen; in vesical region; in sacrum; in left knee.
- Great pain : in occiput.
- Cutting : burning in eyes; in abdomen; along ureters; in ovaries; in abdominal walls.
- Lancinating : through eyes; in ovaries.
- Darting : through eyes; in chest.
- Thrusting pains : in region of uterus.
- Plunging stabbing : in uterus.
- Stabbing : in head; in uterus.
- Stitches : in temples; across forehead; in eyes; in throat; through lungs and sides of chest;
in urethra; through hips; rheumatic stitches in right side of neck; in lower limbs.
- Stitching : in temples; in urethra.
- Sticking pain : in right side of chest; in right deltoid muscle; in right forearm.
- Pricking : in scalp; in eyes; in face; in lips; in tongue; in fauces; in throat; in stomach; in
arms and hands.
- Stinging : in forehead; in left temple; in eyes; in eyeball; in left eye; in lids; eruption on
nose; in ears; in face; in left malar bone; in teeth; in lips; in tongue; in tonsils; in throat; in
abdomen; in rectum; in anus; in hemorrhoids; in testicles; in urethra; in chancre; in ovaries;
in uterus; in mammae; in chest; in panaritium; of hives; in fingers; of skin.
- Shooting : in temples; in scalp; in eyes; over right eye into ball; of ears; in face; in
tongue; from throat to ears; in ovaries; in hands; from Poupart's ligament down leg; in
lower limbs; in knee; in left outer ankle; along ureters to kidneys; in toes; in skin.
- Boring : in eyes; from thighs to ankles; over left iliac crest; from Poupart's ligament down
- Piercing pain : in eyes; in lids; in face.
- Griping : in bowels.
- Burning : in head; in scalp; in back of head and neck; in eyes; in lids; of ears; of lips; in
nostrils; eruption on nose; of face; of cheeks; of chin; in tongue; in throat; in epigastrium; in
pit of stomach; under ribs; in abdomen; in anus and rectum; in testicles; in urethra; in
chancre; in ovaries; in mammae; in larynx; in chest; on back; in coccygeal region; in hands;
in panaritium; in lower limbs; in knee; of feet and toes; in mucous membranes; in skin; of
hives; in stomach.
- Scalded feeling; on tongue; in mouth and throat; in urethra.
- Smarting : in eyeballs; of lids; in tonsils; in throat; at anus; in arms and hands; in urethra.
- Sore pain : in several teeth; about left hip joint.
- Soreness : of canthi; of eyes; of nose; in teeth; in throat and fauces; in pit of stomach;
under ribs; in stomach; in abdomen; in ovarian region; in suprasternal fossa and above
clavicles; of chest with cough; under upper part of sternum; about left hip joint; of bowels;
of limbs and joints.
- Bruised feeling : under ribs; in intestines; in lower part of back; in limbs.
- Drawing : from neck over left half of head; in scalp; in ovaries; in pharynx; in arms, from
shoulders to fingers; through thigh to toes.
- Tensive pain : over and in eyes; in scalp; in face; from l. shoulder to back of neck; in left
- Sharp, crampy pain : in stomach and abdomen.
- Stretching pain : in nape of neck to shoulder and head.
- Tearing pain : in eyes.
- Pressing : in head; in forehead and temples; in occiput; in eyes; in lower part of eyeball;
in sinciput; in fauces and throat; in pit of stomach; in stomach; in abdomen; in
hypogastrium, with bearing down; at os uteri; in chest; in coccygeal region; upon chest;
under scapulae.
- Aching : through head; in forehead; in eyes; pressure in left eyeball; in stomach; at
umbilicus; in hypogastrium; in loins; in left breast; dull aching in chest.
- Disagreeable pain : in forehead.
- Strained pain : in left ovarian region.
- Bearing down : in uterus; in bladder; in small of back; in ovarian region; in region of
- Scraping : in larynx and trachea.
- Rawness : in throat; in anus.
- Throbbing : in forehead; in head; in eyes; in molars; in tonsils; in throat; over left iliac
crest; in rectum; from finger to arm; in panaritium; in nape to left shoulder.
- Twitching : in molars; of left eyeball; of eyelid.
- Jerking : headache; of eyelids; in molars.
- Jumping pain; in left upper molars.
- Neuralgic pain : in left temple; in lips; in gums; in tongue; in stomach; in groins.
- Rheumatic pain : in eyes.
- Constriction : in throat; in thorax; of urethra.
- Contractive feeling : in hypochondria; in abdomen.
- Roughness : of lips; in pharynx.
- Anxious feeling : in head.
- Uneasiness : in spermatic cords.
- Quivering : of left eyeball.
- Twitching : of eyeballs; of lids.
- Trembling : of eyeball; in left hip joint; of hands and feet.
- Sensitiveness : of scalp; of pharynx; of pit of stomach.
- Fulness : in head; in forehead; in vertex; in occiput; in eyes; in anus; in thorax; in face; in
abdomen; in chest.
- Heaviness : over eyes; in vertex; in occiput; of eyes and lids; in abdomen; in ovarian
region; in uterine region; in left leg, like lead; in feet.
- Weight : in forepart of head; in ovarian region; in uterine region.
- Pressure : in occiput in eyes.
- Tension : about ears; in lips; over hypochondria; in face.
- Tightness : in ovarian region.
- Stiff feeling : in eyelids; in face, with puffiness; in lips; in neck and back; between
shoulders; in sacrum; in feet; in muscles.
- Lame feeling : in scapulae; paralyzed feeling in right forearm.
- Formication : in face.
- Prickling : in scalp; in face; in lips; in tongue; on back; palms; forehead.
- Tingling : in brain; in arms.
- "Gone to sleep" feeling : in brain; in left arm; under right ribs.
- Dryness : of tongue; in throat.
- Numbness : in gums; in right side of abdomen; in side and limb; in arms; of fingers; in
right iliac fossa, extending up and down; of left leg; of lower limbs; of right side of
- Electric shock : in rectum.
- Tickling : in throat pit.
- Itching : in scalp; in swellings on head and neck; in eyes; around eyes; in lids; of nose;
eruption on nose; in throat; in anus; of scrotum; of hands; of vesicles between fingers; of
tetter on legs; of hives; in urethra; all over body.
- Affections of circulatory apparatus and fluid, dropsies, phlebitis, varicose veins,
ecchymosed spots, gangrene, unhealthy suppuration.
- Hemorrhages dark; blood incoagulable or coagulates slowly.
- Blood taken from veins is black, viscous, does not coagulate.
- Phlebitis.
- Varicose veins; burning, stinging.
- Hyperaemic condition of liver, lungs and kidneys. Organic disease of heart.
- Ecchymosed spots. Fevers.
- Skin dry, with a general anaemic appearance.
- A thick, very sensitive string from middle of bend of thighs all along inner side of
thighs. Thrombosis.
- Bodies of the poisoned decompose rapidly.
- Blood poisoning by virus of scarlatina.
- Glands enlarged, inflamed.
- Painful swelling of glands.
- Lymphatic vessels affected, felt like hard cords under skin, and were very painful.
After hemorrhage from uterus.
- Serous membranes inflamed; effusions in serous membranes; synovitis.
- Acts specifically upon serous membranes.
- Serous membranes inflamed, painful, hot, burning, sore.
- Serous membranes, muscular tissues, especially in region of diaphragm, a peculiar
sensation of heat and like after a violent run when sitting down, "as if his vitals were
- Tumors.
- Indurations; scirrhus, or open cancers, with stinging, burning pains.
- Unhealthy suppuration of ligatures. Traumatic erysipelas.
- Suppuration rare; parenchyma seldom involved; sometimes dark, thick, fetid pus from
- Centre of erysipelas burst, discharging a great deal of pus. Abscess after vaccination.
- Gangrene.
- Mortified cellular tissue in opening of vaccinal scab, easily extracted at each daily
dressing. Abscess after vaccination.
- Mucous membranes inflamed and catarrhal.
- Irritation of mucous membranes.
- Mucous membranes red, with burning, fulness, dryness; erysipelas (as in throat, etc.).
- Periosteum inflamed; red about joints. Synovitis.
- Pains felt mostly in joints and ligamentous tissue or in attachment of muscles.
- Hydrops articuli.
- Muscles stiff, tender on pressure, somewhat swollen; rigid; rheumatic inflammation.
- Rheumatism and gout.
- Gout;
- gouty nodes.
- Skin and muscles rigid.
- Redness and swelling, with stinging and burning pain in eyes, eyelids, face, lips,
tongue, throat, anus, ears.
- Redness of dermoid tissue, with pains of a burning or stinging character.
- || Burning and shooting in flat swellings, with redness or whiteness, or both.
- Oedematous and erysipelatous swellings.
- Sharp pain and an erysipelatous swelling very hard and white in middle.
- Diffuse inflammation of cellular tissues, ending in their destruction.
- Furuncular diathesis.
- Carbuncles.
- Rapid considerable swelling.
- Swelling over entire side, closing right eye. Paralysis.
- Swelling of diseased parts.
- Hands, arms and face swollen. Dropsy.
- || Watery swelling in body, in limbs, hands and feet.
- Swollen throughout body, from face to feet; urine highly charged with albumen.
- Swelling of whole body.
- Oedematous swellings.
- Oedema of lips and upper eyelids.
- Oedema of face or larynx, with bloody urine, without increased thirst.
- Oedematous swelling of face and hands. Sequelae of scarlatina.
- Oedema of different parts of body. Prolapsus uteri.
- Oedematous swelling of skin.
- Oedematous form of erysipelas.
- General oedema. Acute Bright's disease.
- Oedema, or dropsy without thirst.
- Anasarca : swelled from crown of head to soles of feet; several fissures on legs.
- Whole body anasarcous. After scarlatina.
- Renal anasarca following scarlatina; albumen in urine; waxy appearance of skin.
Ovarian dropsy.
- General anasarca. Amenorrhoea. Ascites.
- Dropsical effusions.
- Dropsical swelling of chest, abdomen, legs and feet, unable to lie down without
panting. Ascites.
- Dropsical affections, especially oedema and ascites, with albuminuria.
- Dropsical swelling of chest, abdomen, feet and legs. After influenza.
- Dropsy with oedematous lips and upper eyelids; albuminous, white, scanty urine;
generally no thirst; skin pale, transparent, waxy.
- General dropsy, skin burst on legs in several places, could not lie down, could hardly
- Dropsical symptoms during desquamation. Scarlatina.
- Dropsy without thirst.
- Dropsy with scanty urine; sleepless and thirstless.
- Acute febrile dropsy following a chill.
- Dropsy after scarlet fever; scanty urine, waxy paleness of feet and legs, which are much
- Hydrops after scarlatina, even with uraemic symptoms.
- After three weeks he weighed twenty-one pounds lighter. Dropsy.
- Emaciation. Mania. Ascites. Chronic diarrhoea. Dysentery. Infantile
masasmus. Hydrothorax. Dropsy. Menstrual derangement.
Touch, passive motion, injuries
- || Pressure : relieves headache; pain about eyes; aggravates soreness of eyes, pains in
stomach, soreness of bowels, renal pains, tenderness of stiff muscles; pit of stomach
sensitive; against diaphragm in ascites increases difficult breathing; in swelling in cardiac
region increases sensitiveness; makes white spots appear on swollen surfaces; produces
- || Excessive sensitiveness to touch and to external pressure, most in abdomen.
- Touch increases soreness of erysipelas, pains in stomach and abdomen, soreness of
scrotum, sensitiveness of panaritium, sensitiveness of skin.
- Whole surface of body becomes exceedingly sensitive to touch; every hair is painful
when touched.
- Skin extremely sensitive to contact; painful to slightest touch; could not bear sheet
upon him.
- Children stiffen when touched or moved. Inflammation of brain.
- Very sensitive to touch or pressure, with debility, exhaustion.
- Scratching causes itching of vesicles between fingers.
- Pains in ovaries from sexual intercourse.
- Dissecting wound on hand.
- Wounds and injuries, especially caused by stabbing instruments.
- After tapping, ascites continually returned.
- Erysipelas after wounds or operations.
- Wound much tumefied with blush of erysipelas extending for two inches around it.
Erysipelas traumaticum.
- Sting of bees, wasps, and perhaps stings of other insects.
- Punctured and other wounds.
- Heat, redness and form of swellings, as well as peculiar character of pain with it,
resembling bee-stings. Erysipelas.
- Ophthalmia from unslaked lime.
- Hyperaesthesia of skin.
- Eruptions sting and burn like bee-stings.
- Stinging, burning, prickling, smarting, or itching of skin; sensitiveness to slightest
- Prickling over whole body, most on back, palms of hands, face, forehead and under eyes,
chiefly in circumscribed points.
- When child screams out suddenly, as if from stinging pains; sleepless nights; eruption
inclines to spread all over child, or to become gangrenous. Erysipelas.
- || Sensation of burning heat and stinging in various portions of surface of body, at same
- || Burning, shooting, irritating, intolerable itching.
- Intense burning itching all over his body, so severe that he retired to his room, and rubbed
himself vigorously with his flesh brush.
- Itching and burning eruption upon back, arms and legs.
- || Eruption itches and stings. Diphtheria.
- Troublesome itching or stinging on face, ears, lips, nose, under eyes, brows, throat,
hands, feet, wrists and ankles.
- || Violent itching, like needle pricks, recurring after motion, as if from gnats.
- Itching, relieved by scratching.
- || Itching, on small, circumscribed spots, preventing sleep at night.
- || Itching pricking in skin in different parts of body, more on lower extremities and
continued through day.
- In evening an intolerable itching attended with a burning fiery sensation, commencing in
arms and finally spreading over whole surface of body, reaching to feet.
- Skin either hot or cold, has a bloated, swollen appearance. Scarlatina.
- || Feels burning heat with actual heat of skin, followed by a livid purplish hue.
- Skin very hot, red and irritated. Scarlatina.
- Skin harsh and dry. Dropsy after scarlatina.
- Dryness of skin.
- Skin all the time dirty in spite of frequent washing (oil). Spinal disease.
- Skin of whole body dry, dirty, withered; pulse 66 (oil). Spinal disease.
- Skin and muscles rigid.
- Pale skin. Hydrops ovarii.
- Waxy paleness of skin. Prolapsus uteri. Dropsies.
- Skin wax-colored. Menstrual derangement.
- White, waxlike skin. Infantile marasmus.
- Skin unusually white, almost transparent. Ovarian dropsy.
- Skin pale, waxy, almost transparent or dark blue, almost black.
- Patch of skin on arm remaining white amidst surrounding redness. Scarlatina.
- Skin turning a dark blue, almost black; sphacelus. Erysipelas.
- Skin very hot and red.
- Eruption over whole body of red spots, which on close inspection revealed numerous
small vesicles, which at times exuded a moisture, forming thin or yellowish scales and
crusts; this eruption was attended with intolerable stinging, burning and itching, so severe
as to cause patient to scratch her skin till it bled; eruption agg. by slightest breath of air, but
was equally sensitive to warmth of room and bed. Ovarian tumor.
- An eruption appears upon skin, which itches and stings. Diphtheria.
- || Elevations on skin, as after bite of insects, painfully sore, sensitive to touch.
- Red spots like bee-stings upon skin and sensation as if stung by bees, in abdomen and
different parts of body.
- Red spots like bee-stings. Uterine hemorrhage.
- Red blotches on chest and limbs, which itch violently on exposure to air or by scratching
- Red spots scatter here and there over skin, often causing itching and restlessness, agg at
night. Teething children. Remittent fever.
- Numerous spots or little elevations all over body, red or purplish. Cerebro-spinal
- Intensely deep red rash. Scarlatina.
- Bright red pimples on skin. Constipation of sucklings.
- Covered with a dry, red, raised eruption, uncomfortably itching. Prairie-itch.
- || Bluish-red, painful, hard spots.
- Hard, purplish spots on face, forehead, neck and lower limbs, lasting twelve days, hard
and painful.
- Eruptions, with painless yellow stools.
- Eruption general, with exception of feet.
- Receding eruptions.
- || Pale blotches.
- White miliary eruption on chest and abdomen. Typhus.
- Sudamina, miliary eruption.
- Body covered with large, white wheals, deep scarlet interspaces.
- Hives; red and inflamed patches.
- Itching and burning eruption upon lips, skin, nose and under eyebrows; spots like hives
upon chin and cheeks.
- Hives and their sequelae, especially if it be asthma.
- Rash, with violent itching; agg from warmth of bed, and in cold or changing weather;
amel in open air.
- Red, inflamed, raised patches, with burning stinging pains. Urticaria.
- Urticaria, like bee-stings, or stings from other insects, with intolerable itching at night.
- Urticaria; isolated elevations painful and tender to touch, assuming a purplish or livid
- || Nettlerash, red spots, small white spots, with red areolas, itching violently.
- Urticaria, with heat of skin, slight fever.
- Itching and appearance of blotches like nettlerash, after scratching.
- Red and white blotches over body, like nettlerash.
- || Nettlerash after fever.
- Nettlerash about a week after wheals.
- Urticaria. Apyrexia of intermittent.
- Faintly visible spots of urticaria upon neck and forehead. Incipient hydrocephalus.
- Spots of nettlerash tender to touch, with a purplish livid hue on the neck and forehead.
- Receding urticaria.
- || Swelling of skin, pale red, as if puffed, extending gradually further on the surface.
- Acute subcutaneous oedema. Erysipelas.
- Swelling (oedematous, erysipelatous) with red stripes.
- Erysipelas : redness, with bruised sore feeling, frequently only a pale pink; later
purplish, threatening gangrene; oedematous swellings, especially under eyes, about glottis,
scrotum, etc.; sleepless nights, suddenly screaming out with shrill shrieks.
- Erysipelas at times appearing upon lower limbs and other parts of body, dark purplish
and painful tumefaction.
- Erysipelas, with burning, stinging pains.
- Erysipelas, with bruised sore pain and much swelling.
- Erysipelatous redness : of variola eruption; of wounds; of ulcers; after vaccination.
- In from two to six days spots become livid, and swelling, heat and pain subside, but
new ones continue to appear. Erysipelas.
- Metastasis of erysipelas from lower limbs. Gastralgia.
- Erysipelatous redness and swelling, with stinging, burning pains. Variola.
- Erysipelatous inflammation, extending from boil further and further. Carbuncle.
- Smooth erysipelas; similar to that of Belladonna.
- General heat and redness of skin, with eruption like measles.
- Measles confluent, oedematous, with much prostration; or, imperfectly developing,
with weakness and drowsiness.
- Measles did not come out properly, had fever and cough, and emaciating diarrhoea.
- Measles, with diphtheritis.
- Roseola exanthem. Typhus.
- Sequelae of measles. Chronic diarrhoea.
- Scarlatina, skin intensely hot, rash very red; or, skin hot and cold in places; rash tardy,
typhoid symptoms; throat erysipelatous, tonsils large; stinging when swallowing; eyes
sensitive; or, ulcers in throat, with repelled or delayed eruption; stinging itching of skin,
with fidgetiness.
- Scarlet fever, with sore throat, tonsils enlarged, very red, with stinging pains when
swallowing; stinging itching of skin, causing restlessness, with weeping and lamenting,
scanty secretion of urine, or complete supnot so marked as with Bellad.; Apis 40m in water,
in pression. Eyes somewhat sensitive to bright light, but repeated doses, the intervals being
lengthened as the patient improved.
- Rash in red spots and points diffused over body. Scarlatina.
- During eruptive stage of scarlatina; not when glands began to swell or larynx was
much affected.
- Oedematous swelling of skin during desquamation.
- Rash disappears suddenly, leaving scattered red spots or points. Scarlatina.
- Scarlet fever, with ascites.
- Bad effects from scarlet fever, and suppressed scarlet eruptions.
- Consequences of acute exanthemata that have been repercussed, suppressed, or never
properly developed, such as nettlerash, scarlatina, measles, urticaria, etc.
- After suppressed eruptions : inflammation of brain;
- hydrocephalus; sleepless; restless; scanty urine; great thirst, or none at all;
- short of breath; erysipelas leaves legs, and gastralgia develops;
- dropsy.
- Eruption receding, short of breath, sleepless, restless, scanty urine, great thirst, or none
at all. Confluent variola.
- Herpes.
- Eruption upon inner thighs, below knees, upon hands, face, back of neck, still more on
central portions of body; small pustules, with burning, smarting, stinging, forming dry scabs
of laminated form, scaly, brownish, sometimes light straw color.
- Small pustules arose under skin, with burning, smarting and stinging; when ripe, small
scales on them, dry, brownish, or straw-colored; on inside of thighs, under knees, or hands,
in face or neck, most towards middle of body; tincture in water.
- || Pustules on a bluish-red, hard, hot base.
- || Itching pimples on joints.
- Hard, red, somewhat conical swellings, occurring usually on lower limbs, below knees,
sometimes on arms, rarely on other parts of body, varying in number and size, from a half
dime to an inch or two in diameter. Erysipelas.
- || Body covered with large wheals, size of a silver half dollar, slightly elevated and white.
- || Large boils, burning and stinging.
- Ulcers.
- Furunculi and carbuncles; to lessen pain.
- Furunculi, with manifold scores of dead connective tissue.
- Chronic furunculi, could not sit or lie.
- Carbuncles, burning, stinging, or erysipelas far around; bluish-black.
- Syphilitic-mercurial-scrofulous dyscrasia.
- Antidotes to massive doses and in poisonings : Natr. mur., the substance, the solution, the
potencies; sweet oil, as it contains table salt; onions; bleeding is decidedly a bad palliative
and in most cases injurious.
- Antidotes to potencies : after overdosing, Ipec., low, relieved much; to drink coffee,
seems indifferent; some have given Apis, high, Laches. and Lact. ac.
- (Has been given in ailments from stings, from anthrax infection).
- It is an antidote to Canthar. (ischuria, inflammation of bladder, acute Bright's disease);
abuse of Iodium, Cinchon., Digit.
- It follows well after vaccination (erysipelas, painless diarrhoea); after Sulphur, in
- After it follows well : Graphit. (tetter on ear lobe); Arsen.
- (hydrothorax); Phosphor. (absorption of false membrane in diphtheria); Stramon. after
Apis had removed jealousy in mania; Lycop. (in staphyloma); Sulphur (in hydrothorax,
pleuritic effusion, hydrocephalus); Iodium (in puffy, swollen knee).
- Complementary : Natr. mur.
- Has been given in alternation in cases when change of symptoms indicated it with :
Iodium in swelling of knee; Sulphur in swollen eyes; Hepar in urticaria; Mercur. in ascites
with peritonitis; Lycop. in staphyloma.
- It often disagrees after Rhus tox. in eruptive diseases; and Rhus tox. given after Apis has
often disagreed.
- Collateral relation (belonging to same family); Bombus, Crabo, Vespa.
- It has cured where Bellad. failed in cough of horses; where Bryon., Canthar., Digit.,
Helleb., etc., had failed in albuminuria after scarlatina; cases in which Pulsat.
- seemingly indicated, failed, especially uterine complaints; when Thuja, Phosphor.,
Canthar., etc., had failed in affections of the prostate gland.
- Concordances : Acet. ac. (dropsy); Acon.; Anac. (urticaria); Apocyn. cannab. (dropsy);
Arnic. (bruised, sore); Arsen.
- (typhoid forms; gangrene; dropsies; scarlatina; urticaria; chills); Bellad. (meningites,
especially of cerebral meninges; faucitis; erysipelas; scarlatina; glandular organs, etc.);
Bromin. (swelling of ovary during menses); Bryon.; Cantharides (erysipelas; urinary
symptoms); Cinchona; Colchic. (rheumatism, etc.); Crot. tig. (urticaria); Euphras.
(conjunctiva); Ferrum; Graphit.; Hepar; Iodium (swollen knee); Laches. (typhoid states;
gangrene; Lycop.; Mercur.; Natr. ars.; Natr. mur. (chills; urticaria; tension in ovarian region,
etc.); Pulsat.; Rhus tox. (eyes, but Apis has less suppuration); vesicular erysipelas, but
darker than in Apis, and spreading left to right; typhoid states; restlessness, but in Apis
more fidgetiness, etc.); Rum. crisp. (painless, greenish-yellow diarrhoea); Sabin.
- (ovarian and uterine symptoms); Sepia; Silic. (ovary and inverted nipple); Sulphur
(tubercular meningitis; checked eruptions, especially urticaria; asthma; hydrothorax); Tereb.
(urinary symptoms); Therid. (vertigo); Thuya (sycosis, evils of vaccination); Urt. ur.;
(Camo del Canad)
1- Deprimido, siente como si no pudiera hacer otra cosa que llorar. Torpeza, estupor.
*** 3- Gran sed con los edemas (lo opuesto de Apis), peor al despertar.
** 4- Peor por el fro (lo contrario de Apis), por bebidas fras y al destaparse.
* 5- Bradicardia.
8- Alcoholismo agudo.
9- Relajacin de esfnteres.
10- Hidrocefalia aguda en su etapa de exudacin, con fontanelas abiertas, estupor, frente
saliente. Cefaleas en sien derecha, con vrtigo que aparece y desaparece de golpe. Se
desmaya al mover la cabeza.
11- Ojos inflamados con sensacin de tener arena. Prdida de visin en un ojo (hidrocefalia).
13- Cara ciantica; plida con sudores fros (en diarreas). Labios secos.
*** 15- Intensa sed, pero apenas toma el agua, le cae mal o la vomita. Vmitos apenas come
o bebe. Nuseas con somnolencia. Sentimiento de malestar o vaco en el epigastrio, peor
al despertar, con desfallecimiento y opresin que casi le impide respirar. Gastralgia
despus de beber.
* 16- Ascitis, a menudo con diarrea crnica. Congestin heptica y del sistema porta, seguida
de ascitis; cirrosis heptica. Diarrea explosiva e involuntaria inmediatamente despus de
comer, seguida de gran postracin. Hemorroides con sensacin de tapn en el ano. Heces
acuosas con muchos gases, sudores fros y pulso dbil.
** 17- Orina escasa, emitida de a muy pequeas cantidades por vez, o goteando. Oliguria;
anuria. Ausencia de dolor en riones y vejiga. Vejiga distendida. Orina caliente, turbia,
con mucus y ardor uretral despus de orinar. Enuresis. Diabetes inspida con vaco
** 20- Tos seca, corta, peor de noche; o profunda y floja, durante el embarazo (Con.).
Respiracin corta e insatisfactoria (no puede respirar profundamente) o jadeante, a
boqueadas, peor despus de comer; no puede estar acostado; mejor sentado con la
cabeza hacia adelante. Casi no puede hablar por la disnea. Suspira. Hemoptisis.
** 21- Dolor precordial con palpitaciones. Pulso lento, irregular, intermitente, a veces dbil.
Hidropericardio. Insuficiencia mitral o tricuspdea, con pulso dbil, arrtmico,
hipotensin arterial, yugulares pulstiles, cianosis y edema generalizado.
* 22- Movimiento involuntario constante de las extremidades de un slo lado (con estupor,
en hidrocefalias). Articulaciones rgidas al moverse a la maana. Cianosis en las uas.
Edemas en pies, tobillos y piernas. Parlisis del lado izquierdo; un ojo no se mueve, el
otro gira, da vueltas.
* 23- Somnoliento en la siesta; inquieto de noche. Se acuesta con sueo pero no puede
dormir. Somnolencia antes y despus de nuseas y vmitos. Se despierta agitado a las 5
a.m., despus de un sueo poco reparador.
24- El cuerpo est cubierto con gruesas gotas de sudor fro. O casi no suda.
Apocynum Cannabium o Camo Indio es una planta de la familia de las Apocneas, propia
de la Amrica Septentrional. No debe confundirse con cannabis indica o camo de la
India, de donde se extrae el "haschis".
Bajo su influencia DISMINUYEN LAS SECRECIONES; "Orina escasa, piel seca, falta de
transpiracin sea cual fuere la enfermedad; el paciente siente que si pudiese transpirar
mejorara; bebe mucho, pero todo lo absorben sus tejidos, no elimina nada; orina poco,
casi nada; piel seca, tosca, no compensa por transpiracin la merma de orina; por eso el
tejido celular se infiltra y sobreviene la hidropesa" (Kent).
Derrame hidrpico en meninges, pericardio, pleura, peritoneo, con gran sufrimiento y
prolongado malestar; derrame hidrpico en sacos serosos articulares; esto recuerda
mucho a APIS, pero en este remedio no hay sed y el paciente est caliente, mientras que
en APOC. CANN. el enfermo tiene sed, y quiere estar abrigado pues tiene fro.
A) Agravacin
POR EL FRO; paciente friolento, muy sensible al aire, las bebidas fras le hacen mal al
estmago, y le causan vmitos, las bebidas fras le hacen sentir malestares en todo el
cuerpo; todo sntoma es agravado destapndose y por aplicaciones fras.
Sntomas mentales
Expresin de angustia; cara hinchada, hinchazn sobre los ojos; deja la marca donde se
apoya el dedo (Kent).
Aparato digestivo
Boca y lengua secas, SED EXTREMA; SED ARDIENTE aunque EL AGUA LE CAE MAL.
El agua fra le produce dolor estomacal y vmitos antes de que pueda haberse calentado
en el estmago; el agua puede dar lugar a distensin, a un cierto malestar brusco que
termina por hacerle temer al agua fra, en cuyo caso bebidas calientes le reconfortarn, le
producirn calor, en fin le harn bien" (Kent).
Los pacientes de APOCYN. al llegar al estado de anasarca parecen tener todos sus tejidos
infiltrados de agua, y que todo el lquido ingerido se incrusta en sus clulas, las cuales,
sobre saturadas, no necesitan suero sanguneo. Los vasos sanguneos estn rebosantes de
sangre acuosa, los tejidos en general saturados, el estmago distendido, dilatado,
rechazando todo lo que recibe.
Vomita cuanto bebe; hay sensacin de presin epigstrica, pectoral; an cuando siente
hambre, el menor bocado le suscita una penosa impresin de distensin capaz de
entorpecer la respiracin misma. El estmago, repleto de agua, vomita agua, bilis y
cualquier alimento que haya recibido; finalmente el estmago se vuelve irritable, los
intestinos se paralizan, los riones se cierran. El vientre est notablemente distendido.
"APOCYN. se ha revelado como excelente remedio en estados diarreicos alternantes con
hidropesa; diarrea abundante, acuosa, amarilla, involuntaria y a menudo su aparicin
hace calmar los otros sntomas". (Kent).
Aparato urinario
Orina POCO; pese a tener la vejiga llena, el paciente no puede expeler la orina; retencin con
continua necesidad urgente de orinar; miccin dolorosa.
A veces la hidropesa mejora con secreciones abundantes de orina la que luego se vuelve
escasa y reaparece la hidropesa.
Orina turbia, caliente, con espeso sedimento mucoso, ardor en la uretra despus de orinar.
APOCYN. ha dado resultados excelentes en el mal de Bright en que la orina es escasa, hay
hidropesa, nuseas, vmitos, sopor y respiracin difcil.
rganos genitales
APOCYN. es un buen remedio para la hidropesa que sigue a una hemorragia uterina grave.
Aparato respiratorio
Aparato circulatorio
Insuficiencia tricuspidiana o mitral con arritmia. Latidos cardacos rpidos, dbiles, tensin
arterial muy baja, pulsaciones en las yugulares, cianosis e hidropesa generalizada.
APOCYN. est muy cerca de APIS, pero ste no es sediento y se calma por el fro, lo
contrario de APOCYN. ARS. ALB. es otro medicamento muy cercano a los anteriores,
especialmente a APOCYN. por su sed y por calmarse por el calor; pero tiene una
postracin y una ansiedad "mortal" que no tienen APIS ni APOCYN. Tiene adems un
olor cadavrico que se percibe al entrar en su habitacin, sntoma que no existe en los
otros remedios.
Este remedio es bueno para mostrarlo como antdoto de Apis. Lo encontrar anlogo en sus
sntomas y muy parecido en las molestias curadas por Apis. Se quedar pasmado al
aparecer la afeccin hidrpsica, dolencia reumtica, la tumefaccin de los tejidos
celulares, la escasez de orina; los edemas, y si furamos a comenzar con dos casos y
trabajar con ellos, en muchos casos no se podra distinguir entre Apis y Apocynum, tan
parecidas son sus hinchazones, sus salidas de sangre, sus distensiones, y sus trastornos.
Ambos son remedios para hidropesa; los rutinarios ensayarn primero con Apis, y luego
con Apocynum, y ms tarde con algo ms que sea bueno para la hidropesa.
Pero todo a travs de esta medicina se agrava con el fro, el paciente mismo se agrava con
la baja temperatura. Sus dolores son peores con aplicaciones fras. En su estado
hidrpsico, est resfriado, sensible al aire, a las bebidas fras. Tiene dolores en el
estmago, y an vmitos, debido a las bebidas heladas. Dolores en el abdomen debido
a las mismas. Malestar aqu y all en el cuerpo cuando hay cosas fras en el estmago;
ve enseguida cun diferente es a Apis. Cualquiera que est tratando de seguir los
sntomas y no distingue entre circunstancias relacionadas con el paciente y las
modalidades relacionadas a los sntomas no puede apreciar estas dos grandes
diferencias, donde un paciente se agrava por el calor y el otro es aliviado por el calor,
en todas sus molestias.
Todas las excreciones disminuyen. La orina es escasa. La piel es seca. No importa cuales
son sus molestias, el paciente no puede transpirar. Siente que si tan solo pudiera sudar
se sentira mejor. No hay salida de agua hacia afuera. Bebe mucho, y este lquido
penetra en los tejidos celulares para distenderlos, y se torna hidrpsico. Tiene una
constitucin de agua, en la que bebe agua y no sale nada hacia afuera. Emite poca agua,
y transpira escasamente o nada; su piel es seca, a veces caliente, an estando resfriado.
Los sufrimientos de Apis son terribles debido a la piel seca, debido a la escasez de
orina; Apis se agrava con el calor y se alivia con el fro. Esta es la gran caracterstica
que los distingue en las hidropesas y reumatismos y muchas afecciones internas.
"Hidropesa de las serosas". Hidropesa del cerebro, pericardio, pleura, peritoneo; todos
estos se distienden con el suero, y producen grandes sufrimientos y malestares. El
reumatismo inflamatorio puede parecerse al de Apis, cuando se produce hidropesa con
l. Inflamacin de las articulaciones, de la rodilla, de los dedos de los pies, y de las
manos, inflamacin de las articulaciones en todo el cuerpo. La hinchazn en la
articulacin deja hoyos cuando se la presiona como en Apis. Pero con escasa orina,
falta de transpiracin y estado febril, el paciente est todo el tiempo resfriado, y desea
estar bien tapado mientras que con Apis desea estar descubierto. Uno podra decir:
"Porque, eso es solamente un sntoma". Todo aqul que no percibe la diferencia entre
los sntomas enunciados por el paciente y los observados en los rganos lo ver como un
solo sntoma, y lo usar como tal. Aunque esa caracterstica domine a veces todo el
resto, porvenir del paciente y no solamente de las partes.
Poseemos muchos remedios con los cuales el paciente se alivia con calor. Desea estar
clido, y an as quiere que se le aplique fro en la zona o lugar. Debemos distinguir las
cosas que pertenecen al paciente mismo de las cosas que pertenecen al lugar o parte.
"Hidropesa con mucha sed".
Es una gran medicina para formas graves de enfermedad, tales como tifoidea y escarlatina,
y es til luego de afecciones prolongadas. Los pacientes quedan postrados, resfriados,
muy anmicos, tienen mucha sed, la orina se torna escasa, la piel seca. Sufre una mala
convalescencia; no se recobra. Se establece la hidropesa luego de escarlatina, de
tifoidea. Una enfermedad grave, como tifoidea, lo mantendr en cama durante cuatro o
cinco semanas, y permanece extenuado y postrado, y ahora no engorda, no tiene
apetito, pero bebe copiosamente; parecera que no quisiera nada ms que agua. Su piel
comienza a distenderse, se llena, y aparece hidropesa. Esto es como en Apis, y ste ser
indicado an cuando siempre tiene calor, y desea permanecer destapado, y desea cosas
Los sntomas mentales de este medicamento son poco conocidos. Solamente sabemos de
unos pocos sntomas clnicos de este remedio, y son de escasa importancia. Ha curado
aquel estupor peculiar al que pertenece la hidrocefalia, pero no sabemos a qu clase de
caso primario de enfermedad del cerebro se adeca, debido a la carencia de pruebas
finales. Conocemos solamente las dolencias posteriores a la que ha existido por un
largo tiempo, esto es, durante semanas; girando la cabeza y sacudindola, y el paciente
est extenuado. El pequeo tiene resfros y fiebre durante todo esto, y su crneo
comienza a distenderse, las fontanelas se ensanchan, entonces comenzamos a pensar en
aquellos remedios capaces de curar hidropesa en las cavidades cerradas, y ste es uno
de ellos. Conocemos el comienzo de Apis, pero no sobre este remedio. Las
comprobaciones de Hahnemann estn llenas de particularidades. El examin a sus
pacientes de acuerdo a sus modalidades, el momento que sus sntomas comenzaban, y
cuando terminaban. Muchos de los sntomas los sinti sobre si mismo, porque l
probaba muchos medicamentos. Hahnemann tuvo un temperamento sensible, y
profunda percepcin, y sus ensayos le dieron una visin interior de las medicinas que
no podra haber obtenido de otro modo. Aquellos que prueban medicinas
apropiadamente, conscientemente, prudentemente, aprenden mucho ms de Materia
Mdica que cualquier otra persona. Adquieren resistencia y por eso su vida es ms
prolongada. Son ms fuertes a su medio ambiente, a su atmsfera, a sus relaciones, y a
sus alrededores. Ellos estn mejor preparados, y pueden ser capaces de percibir algo de
lo que Hahnemann advirti. Pero hoy en da se han hecho comprobaciones y nada est
registrado excepto sntomas comunes, como ser, dolores de estmago, nusea, dolor de
cabeza, dolores en la espalda, pies fros. Muchos de nuestros remedios no han obtenido
mayores xitos debido a esto. Las sensaciones ms sutiles no son descritas, porque son
consideradas emocionales. "Espritu deprimido y aturdimiento. Siente que no puede
hacer nada ms que gritar". No conocemos las afecciones ni masculinas ni femeninas.
No conocemos los deseos o aversiones, mentales o fsicas; y aqu debe decirse que
constituye un resultado parcial y adecuado solamente para aquellas afecciones que se
muestran en la superficie.
"Hidrocefalia, con gran estupor". Esta constituye la ltima etapa donde hay gran postracin,
prdida de peso, rigidez de todos los miembros, con hinchazn, hidropesa. Muchas
veces en los dolores de hidrocefalia ataca tambin a todos los nervios y a las
articulaciones. Es entonces cuando remedios tales como Apis y Calc. carb. y ste actan
con maravillosa profundidad. La primera indicacin permanente y substancial que este
medicamento est actuando en un caso de hidrocefalia es que aumenta el flujo de orina,
el cual ha sido escaso todo el tiempo. Para hidrocefalia estudie Tuberculinum.
Se produce otra fase. Parecera que uno a uno cada rgano cesa de realizar su trabajo. Los
ovarios y el tero fallan en realizar sus funciones, y viene la amenorrea con estado de
hidropesa. Muchas veces ello parece ser el comienzo de tales trastornos.
Una mujer cae en un estado de debilidad y excitacin, no hay flujo menstrual, sensibilidad
y distensin del abdomen, y entonces tambin de los miembros.
Todas las funciones empeoran, en la piel, en los riones, en los intestinos, tero, tienden a la
hidropesa. Los trastornos urinarios son muy intensos. Escasez de orina acompaa a
muchos dolores entre los sntomas. Retencin de orina, miccin dolorosa, tratando de
pasar orina constantemente. La vejiga est a veces parcialmente llena, pero no puede
orinar. "Retencin con gran incitacin". "Parlisis de las extremidades".
Entumecimiento, picazn en las extremidades, y finalmente prdida total de fuerza.
Algunos pacientes se mantienen as por algn tiempo, y finalmente se establece
hidropesa. Tiene estados alternados, como he mencionado; hidropesa, alternada con
copiosas secreciones. La hidropesa puede ser aliviada por salida de agua de los
intestinos o por copiosas acciones espasmdicas de los riones, la orina es muy
profusa, tanto, que el paciente no sabe de donde proviene tal cantidad. Todo cesa de una
vez. La orina se torna escasa, y luego los tejidos se llenan de suero, y la enfermedad de
hidropesa progresa. Estas afecciones cesan luego de un tiempo, y sigue un ataque al
corazn. "La orina disminuye a un tercio de su verdadera cantidad, sin dolor en los
riones o vejiga. La orina se suprime. No hay orina en afecciones del cerebro". Alguna
vez fue una medicina de rutina, dada a los nios que mojaban la cama, y como ha
curado a muchos, debe tener esos sntomas, pero se es un sntoma clnico. No es una
sorpresa ver que su accin es muy marcada sobre la vejiga, que haya curado
involuntarios pasajes de orina. Hidropesia de los rganos genitales.
He mencionado la supresin del flujo menstrual, la amenorrea, pero tiene una marcada
tendencia a la hemorragia. Produce hemorragias, especialmente en el tero. El flujo
menstrual se torna copioso, muy frecuente, dura mucho tiempo; hasta que la paciente se
torna anmica debido a la hemorragia uterina; y luego le seguir hidropesia. Los
antiguos practicantes posean el hbito de suministrar China en la mayora de las
instancias en que hidropesia segua a una hemorragia. Era generalmente muy til, y
muy comnmente aliviaba, por lo que usaban raramente otro remedio. Pero Apocynum
es tambin un medicamento para hidropesa que sigue a una hemorragia. "Menorragia
prolongada, o hemorragias del tero durante seis semanas. La sangre es expelida en
grandes cogulos, a veces en un estado fluido". Flujo moderado durante uno o dos das;
de pronto aparece con tanta violencia que la paciente no puede permanecer fuera de la
cama. La impulsa a permanecer quieta. "Fragmentos, o pedazos de membrana con el
fluido de sangre. Menorragia continua, o paroxismal", esto es, un flujo continuo hasta
que la paciente queda agotada. Esto se parece a Phos. e Ipecac. y Secale. En muchas
ocasiones, una hemorragia uterina cesar luego de haberse perdido mucha sangre. En
medicinas donde el flujo es muy lquido como sucede en sta, la tendencia a cesar no
aparece hasta que no se produce un estado de profundo agotamiento. Luego la disnea,
como ha sido descrita, no permite que el paciente quede en cama. Esto es comn
debido a hidrotrax. Posee tambin una congestin hiposttica de los pulmones en
pacientes que han permanecido sentados durante largo tiempo, se llenan desde abajo, se
acercan gradualmente as que una gran parte del espacio de respiracin es destruido.
"Gran opresin alrededor del epigastrio. Dificultad para respirar. Abre la boca, jadea y
tose. Posee todos los ruidos que aparecen en Tartar emetic, y tiene una plenitud similar
de pecho, no puede acostarse .
Pulso dbil e irregular; filiforme. Desfallece siempre que intenta levantar su cabeza de la
almohada. Pulso lento y dbil. Hidropesa del pericardio. Palpitaciones muy molestas.
APOCYNACEA (Farrington)
Plinio deca que Apocynum era fatal para los perros y de esta circunstancia se deriv su
nombre. Tiene una fibra resistente, como el camo y se ha usado para hacer cordeles.
Cuando est indicado Apocynum, es necesario que los sntomas siguientes estn
presentes : aturdimiento y pesantez de la cabeza; somnolencia y debilidad o sueo
perturbado e inquieto. Las funciones son lentas, el pulso tambin lento y los intestinos estn
constipados, aunque las materias fecales sean semiduras; los riones estn trpidos, o bien
la orina es copiosa y la miccin casi involuntaria debido al relajamiento de los esfnteres. Al
despertar, la nariz y la garganta estn llenas de un moco espeso y amarillento. El paciente
experimenta una sensacin de opresin en el epigastrio y pecho. Difcilmente puede tomar
respiracin para hablar aun despus de las ms ligeras comidas ordinarias; tiene necesidad
frecuentemente de hacer inspiraciones profundas. Hay batimientos desordenados del
corazn y sensacin de cansancio en la regin precordial. El pulso es irregular, intermitente
y por momentos dbil o lento, laborioso y de vez en cuando se pierde un latido. Lo anterior
constituye el grupo de sntomas caractersticos de la hidropesa cardiaca e indica la afinidad
que el medicamento tiene por el corazn. Frecuentemente ser un buen paliativo en la
degeneracin grasosa del mismo con hidropesa, en los ancianos.
En esto puede ser comparado con varios remedios: primero Arsenicum; ste tiene la
misma sed y la misma sensacin de hundimiento en el epigastrio, como la tiene Apocynum,
nada ms que est indicado en los casos ms avanzados y el enfermo presenta siempre ms
irritabilidad de sus tejidos.
Ya he hablado de la distincin entre Apis, Aceticum ac., y Apocynum en la conferencia
que sustent acerca de Apis.
Apocynum tiene tambin alguna accin sobre las articulaciones, produciendo un estado
reumtico; las articulaciones se sienten rgidas por la maana, al efectuar cualquier
Hay una diarrea que puede exigir el uso de Apocynum; las evacuaciones son copiosas,
amarillentas o tirando a caf; acuosas y algunas veces contienen alimentos no digeridos;
son arrojadas con una fuerza explosiva, como un tapn de botella. El esfnter del ano est
dbil y las evacuaciones escapan involuntariamente cuando el paciente expulsa los gases.
Despus de la evacuacin se siente debilitado; tiene una sensacin general de vaco en el
abdomen; la cara est plida y cubierta de un sudor fro.
Aloe tiene un efecto parecido en el debilitamiento del esfnter del ano y en la gran
postracin despus de defecar; pero las evacuaciones de este medicamento contienen un
moco gelatinoso, generalmente se empeoran por la maana; hay clico que se mejora por
Apocynum est indicado tambin en las hemorrodies que van asociadas a una sensacin
de como si un ngulo saliente fuera introducido en el ano.
Clnica.- Ascitis. Catarro. Corazn, afecciones. Corazn del tabaco. Coriza. Diabetes
inspida. Diarrea. Edemas. Enuresis. Hidrocefalia. Menorragia. Metrorragia. Nusea.
Neuralgia. Obstruccin nasal. Urinario, dificultades. Vmito.
Relaciones.- Comparar: Apoc. andr., Alstonia const., Strophanth., Acet. ac., Apis (sin sed
en edemas), Ars., Bell., Bry., Chi., Colch., Dig. (edemas; pulso lento), Elat., Helleb.,
(hidrocfalo; ascitis); Alo., Gamb., y Trombid. (diarrea), K. ca., Lyc., Merc., Merc. sul.,
la Loganiaceae Nux Av., Ignat., Curare; Spig., Scill., Sul., Verat.
-Es semejante a Acetic ac., (Apis sin sed), Ars., China, Dig., para las afecciones hidrpicas.
Blatta orientalis ha curado casos graves de hidropesa general, despus de que Apis,
Apocinum y Digitales han fallado. Haynes.
Aumenta las secreciones de las mucosas y serosas y acta en el tejido celular, produciendo
edema y derrames y en la piel causando diaforesis
Hidrocefalia aguda
Una indicacin principal es una frecuente disminucin del pulso
Este es uno de nuestros remedios ms eficaces en derrames, ascitis, anasarca e hidrotrax,
y trastornos urinarios, especialmente supresin y estranguria
En los trastornos digestivos de la enfermedad de Bright, con la nusea, vmito, mareo,
dificultad para respirar, se encontrar de uso frecuente
Los derrames estn caracterizados por una gran sed e irritabilidad gstrica
Regurgitacin mitral y tricuspdea
Alcoholismo agudo.
Relajacin de esfnteres.
Estornudos continuos prolongados
Obstruccin en nios. [Sambucus]
Catarro nasal crnico con tendencia a la obstruccin aguda, con memoria lenta, embotada
Cefalea sorda
Se resfra fcilmente, los orificios nasales se congestionan y bloquean fcilmente.
Nusea, con somnolencia
Sed al caminar
Vmito excesivo
El alimento o el agua es inmediatamente expulsado
Sensacin enfermiza, pesada, embotada
Opresin en el epigastrio y en el trax, respiracin dificultada. [Lobelia infl.]
Sensacin de hundimiento en el estmago
Abdomen distendido
Acuosas, flatulentas, con adolorimiento en el ano; peor despus de comer
Sensacin como si el esfnter estuviera abierto y las heces corrieran libremente.
Vejiga muy distendida
Orina caliente, turbia, con mucosidad espesa y ardor en la uretra, despus de orinar
Poco poder expulsivo
Edema renal.
Amenorrea, con distensin; metrorragia con nusea; desmayo, depresin vital
Hemorragias en el climaterio
Sangre expulsada en grandes cogulos
Tos seca, corta
Respiracin corta e insatisfactoria
Opresin en el epigastrio y trax.
Regurgitacin tricuspdea; accin cardaca irregular, rpida y dbil, presin arterial baja,
yugulares pulstiles, cianosis general y edema general.
Gran inquietud y poco sueo.
Peor por tiempo fro, bebidas fras; por destaparse.
Cymarin es el principio activo de Apocynum, disminuye la frecuencia del pulso y aumenta
la presin sangunea
Strophantus (depresin cardaca extrema con trastornos gstricos intensos; derrames)
Aralia hispida -Wild Elder- un diurtico valioso, til en los derrames de las cavidades, ya
sea debido a enfermedades hepticas o renales con estreimiento
Trastornos urinarios, especialmente con edemas
Scudder recomienda dosis de cinco a treinta gotas en una solucin de cremor trtaro
(bitartrato de potasio) endulzado
Apis., Arsen., Digit., Helleb.
Tintura (diez gotas tres veces al da) y en alcoholismo agudo 1 dracma de decoccin en 4
onzas de agua.
Apocin ceas.
Hidropesa de origen cardaco o renal con trastornos gstricos e insuficiencia urinaria.
AGRAVACIoN: Despus de haber comido o bebido; despus de dormir y por la maana al
Al aire libre.
Adormecimiento durante el da con entorpecimiento del espritu y cefalea violenta.
Insomnio con deseo de dormir y pesantez de la cabeza. Agitacin, despertando a las cinco
de la maana despus de un sueo poco reparador.
Sed intensa particularmente al despertar, con nuseas y vmitos inmediatamente despus
de haber comido o bebido.
Diarrea despus de haber comido. Evacuaciones acuosas con mucho gas, seguidas de
sudores fros y debilidad del pulso.
Debilidad cardaca con pulso dbil y lento. Opresin.
Orina poco abundante, expulsada cada vez en pequea cantidad. Oliguria y anuria.
Ausencia de dolores en los riones y vejiga.
Hemorragia uterina abundante con pulso dbil. Tendencia al sncope, vmitos.
Edemas localizados o generalizados. Ascitis.
Ascitis. Bradicardia. Disentera. Debilidad cardaca con edemas. Endocarditis.
Insuficiencias mitral y tricspide. Nefritis. Trastornos de origen cardiorrenal. Uremia.
Restablece la diuresis y desaparecen los edemas.
Strophantus (corazn dbil y rpido). Apis, Arsenicum alb. (hidropesas) . Digitalis
1a, 3a y 6a.
Apocynum cannabinum (Allen)
A. cannabinum, L.
Nat order, Apocynaceae.
Common name, Indian hemp.
(No. 1, from Lond. Med. Gaz., 1833 (A. H. Z., 4, 370); 2, N. A. J., 4, 529; 3, "Peters's
Elements;" 4 An Inaugural Dissertation on Indian Hemp, etc., to the Jefferson Med. Coll.,
by M. L. Knapp, 1825.)
[_a1]: Black;
[_a2]: Peters;
[_a3]: Marcy;
[a4]: Knapp (took infusion of the powdered root in warm water (15 grains to cupful), two
tablespoonfuls every fifteen minutes).
- * Bewildered, [a4].
- Unusual heaviness of the head, with aching pains in the small of the back and limbs
(evening, eighth day), [a8].
- Headache, [a4].
- Woke early in the morning, with severe irritation of the left eye, as if several sharp grains
of sand were in it, attended with much heat, irritation, and redness; after lasting several
hours, this disappeared as suddenly as it came on, [_a2].
- Without any other sign of having taken cold, he would wake up in the morning with the
nostrils and throat filled with thick, well-concocted yellow mucus, as if he had a severe
catarrh for at least seven or ten days, and which had skipped its first stage and commenced
in the second, [_a2].
- Dryness of mouth on waking (fifth morning), [_a3].
- Increased secretion of mucus and saliva from the mouth and fauces, which kept me
constantly spitting, [a4].
- The bitter subacrid taste was persistent in the fauces, [a4].
- * Thirst on waking, [_a3].
- Slight nausea (fifteen minutes), [a4].
- Nausea, [_a3].
- Efforts to vomit (thirty minutes), [a4].
- Nausea, and even vomiting, [_a1].
- After sleeping an hour, woke with extreme sickness, followed by two
- Vomited slightly (one and a quarter hours), [a4].
- On waking, felt a sinking at the stomach, [_a3].
- Occasionally, a sense of sinking at the pit of the stomach, [_a2].
- * Decided distension of the abdomen, especially after a moderate dinner; all the sense of
fulness seemed about the stomach, liver, and spleen, while the lower bowels did not appear
more flatulent than common, [_a2].
- Occasionally, some flatulence and slightly uneasyensations in the bowels, [_a2].
Urinary organs
- There seemed to be but little expulsive power about the bladder, [_a2].
- The little water that was passed flowed as easily as if it were oil, [_a2].
- Copious secretion of urine, [_a1].
- * Urine augmented, [a4].
- Urinary secretion increased in quantity, and much lighter in color than in health (eighth
day), [_a3].
- * Diminished urine (sixth day), [_a3].
- * Decided scantiness of the urine, [_a2].
- * Urine diminished to one-third the usual amount, without pain or uneasiness about the
kidneys or bladder; on the contrary, these organs seemed remarkably comfortable; they
seemed simply torpid, [_a2].
- Urine generally of a light, golden, sherry-yellow color, not depositing any sediment from
exposure to cold, [_a2].
Respiratory apparatus
- * Short dry cough, [_a3].
- Once during the evening, and twice upon different nights, sudden and violent attacks of
hard and frequent coughing, annoying him for at least one or two hours, then disappearing
without leaving a trace of cold behind, [_a2].
- Scanty expectoration of white mucus, [_a3].
- Irresistible disposition to sigh, [_a3].
- * Short and unsatisfactory respiration, [_a3].
- * Sense of oppression about the epigastrium and chest, several times so great that there
was the greatest difficulty in getting breath enough to smoke a cigar or to speak with any
comfort, and this happened after lighter meals than ordinary, [_a2].
Lower extremities
- Hard aching several times in both knees, sufficiently severe to make him fear that an
attack of inflammatory rheumatism was coming on, [_a2].
- General restlessness on going to bed, [_a3].
- Weak and sleepy, and went to bed (one and a quarter hours), [a4].
- Sense of general but transient debility, [_a2].
- Though it diminished the pulse, it produced no deathlike prostration, [a4];
- On going to bed, unusual heat of the skin, [_a3].
- Sweat, [_a1].
- (Morning), Early, on waking, irritation of left eye, etc.; on waking, nostrils and throat
filled with mucus; on waking, dryness of mouth; thirst; nausea; sinking at stomach.
- (Evening), Heaviness of head, etc.; attack of cough.
- (Night), Attack of cough.
- (Going to bed), General restlessness; desire to sleep, etc.; heat of skin.
- (After dinner), Distension of abdomen.
- (Exerting muscles of the part), Soreness in region of kidneys.
- Bewildered.
- Feels as if she could do nothing but cry; don't want to speak, very low spirited.
- Low-spirited and nervous. Ascites and chronic diarrhoea.
- Stupor. Hydrocephalus.
- Dizzy in head.
Inner head
- Pain in forehead in morning. Ophthalmia.
- Frontal headache, sick at stomach, restless at night.
- Heaviness of head, evenings; aching in small of back and limbs.
- Hydrocephalus; stupor, sight of one eye totally lost, the other slightly sensible; constant
involuntary motion of one arm and leg; forehead projecting; sutures open. Stage of
- Hydrocephalus acutus.
- Dizzy headache.
Outer head
- Forehead projecting, sutures open. Hydrocephalus.
Upper face
- Face expressive of much anguish. Dropsy.
- Face bloated after lying down; passes off after sitting up.
- Face bloated; of a bluish lead color, also lips. Heart disease.
- Face much swollen. Hydrothorax.
Lower face
- || Dry lips; if taken in evening this is the first symptom the next morning.
Taste and tongue
- Taste bitter, subacrid, in fauces.
- Tongue greatly coated, brownish-white.
- Tongue dry, immoderate thirst. Hydrothorax.
Inner mouth
- Dryness of mouth on awaking; thirst.
- Constantly spitting; increased secretion of mucus and saliva in mouth and fauces.
- Thick yellow mucus in throat in morning; unpleasant degree of heat.
- Pressure on right side of throat.
Appetite, thirst
- Desires, Aversions.
- Great thirst. Hydrothorax.
- Great thirst, but water disagrees, causing pain, or is immediately thrown off. Dropsy.
- Thirst on waking.
- Abdomen very much distended and painful. Ascites.
- Bloated abdomen and limbs. Amenorrhoea.
- Ascites.
- Ascites with chronic diarrhoea.
- Decided distension of abdomen, especially after a moderate dinner; all the sense of
fulness seemed about stomach, liver and spleen, while lower bowels did not appear more
flatulent than common.
Stool and rectum
- Evacuations very scanty.
- Bilious stools; loose, but not very copious.
- Bowels sluggish, but feces not hard or costive.
Urinary organs
- Dull aching pain in kidneys, with increased secretion of straw-colored urine, sinking at
stomach, dry mouth, sighing.
- Very peculiar torpid action of kidneys.
- Decided scantiness of urine.
- Scanty urine. Hydrothorax.
- Urinary difficulties. Dysuria. Strangury.
- Urine diminished to one-third of usual quantity.
- Retention of urine, with paralysis of lower extremities.
- Urine light, or sherry-colored, no sediment on cooling.
- Very profuse light-colored urine, several gallons a day.
- Urine high-colored and very scanty. After scarlet fever.
- Urine high-colored, diminished in quantity, and voided with difficulty. Ascites.
- Urine diminished to one-third the usual amount, without pain or uneasiness about
kidneys or bladder; on contrary, chest organs seemed remarkably comfortable; they seemed
simply torpid.
- The little water that was passed flowed as easily as if it were oil.
- Urine suppressed. Meningitis infantum.
- A most inveterate case of wetting the bed at night, in a girl.
- Sighing.
- Short respiration.
- Could scarcely speak for want of breath. Heart disease.
- Could only breathe in a sitting posture, with head thrown forward. Hydrothorax.
- Panting for breath. Heart disease.
- || Oppression of chest on awaking.
- Oppression about epigastrium and chest, difficulty in getting breath enough to speak;
after a light meal. Hydrothorax.
- Irresistible disposition to sigh.
- Agonizing difficulty of breathing. Dropsy.
- Short and unsatisfactory respiration.
- Gasping for breath. Hydrothorax.
- Difficult breathing, entirely unable to remain in a recumbent position.
- Dropsy.
- Great dyspnoea, wheezing breathing and cough; could walk with great difficulty.
Dropsy of pericardium.
- Dry cough, with scanty expectoration.
- Short, dry cough.
- Cough dry, hacking, suffocative, and incessant. Hydrothorax.
- Cough agg at night.
- Violent attack of a hoarse cough at night, with vomiting.
- Short cough, alternating with a deep cough.
- Loose rattling, with oppression of chest.
- Scanty expectoration of white mucus.
- Hemorrhage from lungs.
Upper limbs
- Finger nails of bluish lead color. Heart disease.
Lower limbs
- Stiff knees.
- Hard aching in both knees; fears inflammatory rheumatism.
- Oedema of feet and ankles, general dropsy; also after typhus.
- Lower extremities, penis, scrotum and abdomen swollen. Heart disease.
- The whole left leg is contracted.
- Pain in ball of right big toe.
Limbs in general
- Constant involuntary motion of one leg and one arm. Hydrocephalus.
- General stiffness of legs and body, can scarcely bend.
- Weakness of limbs.
- Itching on limbs.
- Pains in arms and legs.
- General restlessness.
- Involuntary motions of one arm and leg. Hydrocephalus.
- Greatly debilitated, pulse feeble and quick. Menorrhagia.
- Disposition to faint; vital powers much depressed. Menorrhagia.
- Drowsy in afternoon, restless in night.
- On going to bed desire for sleep; with inability to sleep.
- Drowsiness; vomiting, weak.
- Stupor.
- Restlessness; little sleep.
- After sleep : nausea; thirst; dry mouth and lips; sinking at stomach; oppression of chest.
- Morning : pains in forehead; heat, redness, feeling of sand in eye; yellow mucus in
nostrils and throat; dry lips and mouth.
- Evening : heaviness of head; aching in back and limbs; eyes more inflamed; going to bed,
skin hot.
- Night : restless; wetting the bed; violent attack of cough.
- Heat of skin on going to bed.
- Sweat; when skin moistens, dropsy improves.
- Clammy sweat. Hydrothorax.
- Body covered with large drops of cold sweat. Heart disease.
Attacks, periodicity
- Paroxysmal menorrhagia.
- Feels as if she could do nothing but cry; as if right eye was pressed outward; feeling as of
sand in eye.
- Stitches : fine, in right eye; in right chest.
- Aching : in small of back and limbs; in kidneys; in both knees.
- Soreness : in region of kidneys.
- Pressure : as if right eye was pressed outward; on right side of throat.
- Undefined pain : in forehead; caused by drinking water; in distended abdomen; in
stomach, from deep cough; in ball of right big toe; in arms and legs.
- Fulness : about stomach.
- Heaviness : in head.
- Oppression : about epigastrium and chest.
- Dryness : of lips; of mouth; of skin.
- Heat : of left eye; in fauces and larynx; of skin.
- Itching : on limbs.
- Weakness : of limbs.
- Excretions diminished, especially urine and sweat.
- Dropsy of serous membranes.
- Acute inflammatory dropsy.
- Dropsy : with great thirst, but water causes pain or is vomited; after typhus, scarlatina,
cirrhosis; mostly uncomplicated with organic disease.
- General dropsy after scarlet fever.
- Rheumatic stiffness.
- || Skin dry and harsh. Ascites.
- Skin cold, with vomiting.
- Skin hot, evening going to bed.
- Concordances : Acet. ac.;
- Apis (which has no thirst in dropsies);
- Arsen.; Bellad.; Bryon.; Cinchon.; Colchic.; Digit. (dropsy; slow pulse); Elat.;
- Helleb.
- (hydrocephalus, ascites, etc.); Kali carb.; Lycop.; Mercur.; Merc. sulph.; Scilla; Sulphur;
Veratr. alb.
- Dropsy after abuse of quinine.
* 1- Dolores errticos, con mucha rigidez y tironeos, que van de arriba abajo y se agravan al
respirar o darse vuelta hacia el lado izquierdo.
7- Odontalgias en la mandbula.
9- Gran diuresis de orina clara. Puede expulsar clculos y arenillas. Menstruacin copiosa y
prolongada, con dolores presivos violentos.
** 10- Hinchazn de manos y pies. Reumatismo agudo con gran rigidez. Dolores articulares
agudos, violentos, con clicos, heces biliosas y odontalgias errticas. Dolores en la
rodilla y hombro derechos. Dolor severo en las articulaciones del dedo gordo izquierdo.
Calambres y calor o ardor en las plantas de los pies; con sudores. Dolor cosquilleante en
los dedos de los pies.
Relaciones.- Comparar: Bry., Iris, Colch., Benz. ac., Tambin Apoc. can., Alston., Stroph.
Apocynum androsaemifolium (Boericke)
(Apocino; Dogbane)
Los sntomas reumticos de este remedio prometen los ms curativos resultados
Sus dolores son de una naturaleza errtica, con mucha rigidez y tironeos
Todo huele y sabe como miel
Temblores y postracin
Sensaciones de hinchazn.
Dolor en todas las articulaciones
Dolor plantar y en ortejos
Hinchazn de manos y pies
Sudor profuso, con mucho calor en las plantas
Dolor cosquilleante en los ortejos
Calambres plantares
Calor violento plantar. [Sulph.]
Tintura y primera potencia.
- Much pain all over the head (400 drops).
- Heat of head and neck (500 drops).
- Great fulness and pain in the head, of an indescribable character (100 drops).
- Pains and stiffness in the back of the head and neck (200 drops).
- Pulsating pain in back of the head
- Great sneezing (450 drops).
- Great itching and irritation in left nostril (450 drops).
- Everything smelled like honey (150 drops).
- Twitching of the face (450 drops).
- Itching and burning of the face (400 drops).
- Violent pain in left zygomatic process (500 drops).
- * Pain of all the teeth of the lower jaw, left side (150 drops).
- Most delightful taste in the mouth (150 drops).
- Some effort to vomit (650 drops).
- Pain in the left groin, of a shooting character (500 drops).
- Vomiting, purging (1800 drops).
Urinary organs
- Frequent passing of clear urine (400 drops).
- Profuse flow of clear urine (350 drops).
Sexual organs
- * Profuse menstruation, lasting eight days, with violent pressing pain (550 drops).
Respiratory apparatus
- Dull, heavy pain when breathing, seeming to go from above downward (200 drops).
Extremities in general
- Swelling of hands and feet (from fumes of the juice of the plant), (Attomyr, N. Archiv., 1,
1, 181).
- Much pain in knee and right shoulder (450 drops).
Upper extremities
- Pains severe above each wrist (650 drops).
Lower extremities
- * Cramps in the bottoms of the feet (50 drops).
- * Cramps and burning in the bottoms of the feet, most severely in the right foot, with
severe pain in the joint of the left big toe, and heat in the right leg and knee (100 drops).
- * Violent heat in the bottoms of the feet (50 drops).
- * Tingling pain in his toes; sharp pains in middle toe (150 drops).
[_a2]: Trembling of the body (150 drops).
- Great prostration and trembling of the body (1800 drops).
- Lassitude (500 drops).
- Much lassitude (400 drops).
- Swollen sensations of the face and body (300 drops).
- Heaviness of the body, with great desire to sleep (300 drops).
- Pains in different parts of the body (150 drops).
- Flying pains in different parts of the system (300 drops).
- Pain on turning to the left side (400 drops).
- Violent itching of body and face (300 drops).
- Chilliness (500 drops).
- Profuse sweating of the whole body (50 drops).
- (When breathing), Pains from above downward.
- (On turning to left side), Pain.
*** 4- Vmitos violentos instantneos, bruscos, fciles, sin nuseas previas ni dolores, y
completos, totales, a veces con nuseas, sudores, sialorrea, lagrimeo y postracin.
Vmitos reflejos: en el embarazo, por mal de mar. Un caso de vmitos por hipertensin
endocraneana en un tumor cerebral. Ardor gstrico con dolor entre los omplatos.
Clnica.- Alcoholismo. Embarazo, vmito de. Mareo. Opio, hbito. Vmito cerebral; reflejo.
Caractersticas.- Apomorfina contiene las propiedades emticas del Opio . Causa vmito
muy rpido, ms rpido que cuando se inyecta subcutneamente. Vmito sin previa
nusea. Somnolencia. Desmayo. La peculiaridad del vmito es lo sbito, completo, y la
ausencia de dolor o nusea continua. Se ha usado con xito en casos de vmito
simptico y por presin o tumor en el cerebro. Halbert ha dado Apomorh. 3x con xito
en casos desesperados de una combinacin de alcoholismo y opismo. Los sntomas
eran constante nusea; constipacin; insomnio; cefalea delirante; extrema emaciacin;
histeria pronunciada.
El poder principal de este medicamento est en la rapidez y efectividad del vmito que
produce, que se vuelve un sntoma gua fuerte para su uso homeoptico
El vmito est precedido por nusea, lasitud y aumento en la secrecin del sudor, saliva,
mucosidad y lgrimas
Neumona con vmito
Alcoholismo combinado con nusea constante, estreimiento e insomnio.
Cabeza y estmago
Pupilas dilatadas
Nusea y vmito.
Tendencia violenta al vmito
Sensacin de calor en todo el cuerpo, especialmente en la cabeza
Arcadas en vaco y cefalea; agruras; dolor entre las escpulas
Vmito reflejo-embarazo
Usos no homeopticos
La inyeccin hipodrmica de un dieciseisavo de un grano, causar un vmito completo en
cinco a quince minutos en el adulto, sin desarrollar aparentemente ninguna otra accin
No usar en la intoxicacin por opio
Apomorph. hipodrmicamente, un treintavo de grano o menos, acta como hipntico
seguro y eficaz
Acta bien incluso en el delirio
El sueo aparece en media a una hora.
Potencias de la tercera a la sexta.
A substance obtained from morphine (differing only from morphine in having one less
equivalent of water).
Formula, C17H17NO2. (Morphine is C17H19NO3.)
Authority. J.B. Victor Bourgeois, de L'Apomorphine, un nouvel emetique, monograph,
Paris, 1874.
Case i
- * Injection of three milligrammes of Apomorphine; no result.
- October 26, 9.20 A. M. M. Lachize injected into the outer portion of my left arm three
milligrammes of Apomorphine. I placed a thermometer in the axilla.
- 9.20. Pulse 60, respiration 16, thermometer 36.80).
- 9.23. No especial sensation; pulse 72, thermometer 36.8 ), respiration 16.
- 9.25. * Violent inclination to vomit; feeling of heat all over, but especially in the head;
face congested; pulse 92, thermometer 36.9), respiration 20.
- 9.28 No change; pulse 96, thermometer 36.9 ), respiration 22.
- 9.30. Pulse slightly irregular; less nausea; pulse 80, thermometer 36.9 , respiration 20.
- 9.33. Pulse 84, thermometer 36.9 ), respiration 20.
- 9.35. Pulse still irregular; nausea entirely ceased; no particular symptom; drowsiness;
respiration calm and regular; pulse 80, thermometer 36.8 ), respiration 16.
- 9.40. Sleep.
- 10.15. Awoke; no more nausea; no headache; no fatigue; pulse 64, thermometer 36.8 ),
respiration 14; breakfasted at 11 o'clock without feeling anything abnormal.
Case ii
- * Injection of six milligrammes Apomorphine; vomiting.
- November 6. M. Lachize made another injection of six milligrammes subsequent
observations as carefully as before.
- 9.40 A. M. Pulse 76, thermometer 36.9, respiration 15.
- 9.43. Pulse 80, thermometer 36.9 ), respiration 15.
- 9.45. Violent inclination to vomit; full, regular pulse; pandiculations; pulse 100,
thermometer 36.9 ), respiration 18.
- 9.48. Retching; pulse and breathing irregular; pulse 104, thermometer 36.8 , respiration
- 9.50. easyvomiting; same irregular pulse; pulse 94, thermometer 36.8 ), respiration 20.
- 9.53. Pulse 96, thermometer 36.8 ), respiration 21; more vomiting; condition the same.
- 9.55. Vomiting ceased; still some nausea; continued irregularity of pulse and respiration;
pulse 94, thermometer 36.7 ), respiration 18.
- 10 o'clock, quite; drowsiness; pulse 76, thermometer 36.7 , respiration 12; quiet sleep
for one hour; on awaking, pulse 68, thermometer 36.8 ), respiration 8; ate my next meal
without any uneasiness.
- Next day, and several times afterward, I took a subcutaneous injection of one
centigramme Apomorphine; it caused no pain, and no local symptoms; the resulting
phenomena were the same as before, only after injecting ten or twelve milligrammes the
vomiting came on in four or five minutes; it was more violent.
Case iii
- Encouraged by the experiments upon animals, I took an injection Dec. 10, 1873, of three
centigrammes Apomorphine, in presence of Drs. Zuber and Grandjax, on the outer portion
of the right arm, the left arm being bandaged.
- 2.20 P.M. Pulse 66, thermometer 36.8 ), respiration 14.
- 2.22. Pulse 104, thermometer 36.8 , respiration 19; vomiting, without previous nausea,
took place two minutes after the injection; sudden sensation of heat running all over the
body, and lasting about a minute, followed by vomiting; this vomiting lasted three minutes;
during this time, pulse 100 to 102, thermometer 36.8 ), respiration 20 to 24.
- 2.26. Extreme fatigue; tried to get up, but could not; pulse 84, thermometer 36.8 ),
respiration 16.
- 2.27. No change; pulse 78, thermometer 36.8 ), respiration 15.
- 2.28. Nausea; pulse 96, thermometer 36.8 ), respiration 18.
- 2.29. Some attacks of vomiting; violent headache.
- 2.32. Quiet; drowsiness; pulse 98, thermometer 37 ), respiration 17.
- 2.33. Pulse 98, thermometer 37 ), respiration 17; so much fatigued that the eyes closed
- 2.36. Nausea; pulse 104, thermometer 37 ), respiration 16.
- 2.38. Less copious vomiting than before; invincible need of repose.
- 2.40. Slept in a chair.
- 4 o'clock. Ached with fatigue; no other bad feeling; no headache; pulse 80, thermometer
37 ), respiration 15; at dinner, less appetite than usual. The symptoms observed in these
cases resemble those which follow the use of all emetics in nauseating doses; there was an
unpleasant feeling at the praecordia; congestion of the face and headache; then the
conjunctiva became injected; there was copious salivation, and after a certain interval a
sense of considerable fatigue. After emetics the symptoms were the same, but more intense.
The stage of nausea, in my own case, was always very brief, yet recognizable. The others,
to whom the drug was administered, had, in general, the same symptoms. Dr. Zuber, aide-
major at Val-de-Grace, after two subcutaneous injections, felt each time an intense
headache; he was dizzy, and his limbs much fatigued. The feeling of weakness was very
well marked in one of our friends, an exceedingly robust individual, aged 30; a copious
sweat covered his face, which was pale instead of florid as usual; after each of several trials
he had a violent attack of dyspnoea, perhaps due to a long-established organic affection of
the heart. Complete recovery generally took place in an hour or two after the injection;
usually, also, the vomiting was succeeded by invincible drowsiness.
Case iv
- * Injection of one centigramme Apomorphine. Vomiting in ten minutes.
- Man, 72 years old, entered the Rothschild Hospital December 24; he had long labored
under chronic bronchial catarrh, with pulmonary emphysema; at present there is
considerable dyspnoea and difficult expectoration; the patient is obliged to sleep sitting up.
The Apomorphine was prescribed with the view of affording relief by removing the violent
contractions of the diaphragm and thoracic walls, and promoting discharge from the lungs;
at 11 o'clock he received an injection of one centigramme Chlorohydrate of Apomorphine
into the arm at its dorsal aspect. Solution fresh, limpid, colorless; pulse 80, respiration 28;
(the temperature was not taken, our previous observations having convinced us of the
uselessness of doing so).
- 11.5. Pulse 92, respiration 28; patient made no complaint; yawning.
- 11.10. Pulse 108, rather irregular; respiration 32; the patient, without previous nausea,
was attacked by vomiting, which lasted about two minutes; it consisted of mucus, and was
quite scanty; no facial congestion; no sweat.
- 11.13. Pulse 70, respiration 24.
- 11.15. Pulse 88, respiration 24; renewed but ineffectual efforts to vomit.
- 11.20. Pulse 76, respiration 20; the patient complained of great fatigue; he breathed more
easily, and said he felt quite sleepy; in a few minutes he sank back on his pillow and went to
sleep; while asleep, 11.45, pulse 76, regular; respiration 18 to 20.
- 1 o'clock. The patient is awake, pulse and respiration the same. Having so far confirmed
the beneficial effects of the medicine, we intended to administer it again next day,
increasing the dose to fifteen milligrammes, but the patient seemed so much depressed that
we thought it best not to risk the experiment; the injection caused no pain, and no
subsequent irritation.
Case v
- * Injection of one centigramme Apomorphine; vomiting in six minutes.
- Young man, aged 24, under treatment for a febrile, gastric difficulty, which had lasted
three days; robust constitution; general health excellent; tongue thickly coated; headache;
no diarrhoea; no gurgling, or abdominal tenderness.
- 10.20 A. M. One centigramme Apomorphine injected into left arm; same solution as in
preceding case; pulse 92, respiration 14, morning temperature 38.2 ).
- 10.22 Pulse 108, respiration 15.
- 10.25. Pulse 120, small, regular; respiration 15; nausea; face congested and moist;
- 10.26. Pulse 120, respiration 20; copious, slimy vomiting now set in and lasted one and a
half minutes.
- 10.28. Pulse 88, respiration 15; the patient was quiet for three or four minutes; he
complained of weakness; then nausea returned; the hiccough ceased.
- 10.32. Pulse 104, respiration 22; renewed vomiting, almost as copious as at first, but
more painful; it lasted two or three minutes.
- 10.38. A third vomiting; scanty; patient's face covered with sweat; much prostrated, and
complains of great fatigue; after this he lies quiet, and soon falls asleep.
- 10.40. Pulse 84, strong and regular; respiration 10.
- 1 o'clock. Patient awake; no further effects from the medicine; says he feels much
relieved; his headache, he asserts, has quite ceased; pulse 96, thermometer 38.6 ),
respiration 14. No local symptom. Next morning, patient much the same; fever less;
scarcely any headache; tongue still coated; some diarrhoeic stools in the evening are rather
attributable to his complaint than to the Apomorphine.
Case vi
- * Woman with gastric trouble. 1st. Dose of fifteen milligrammes given by the mouth; no
effect. 2d. Administration of two centigrammes; vomiting in eight minutes.
- Woman, aged 23 years; has a child three years old; sound constitution; usual health good;
a patient since the day before we saw her at 9 A. M.; the tongue is thickly coated, and
shows the marks of the teeth; intense headache; blue circles around eyes; skin hot and
moist; constipation for three days; pulse 100, thermometer 38.6 ), respiration 16.
- At 9.30 we gave her fifteen milligrammes of Chlorohydrate of Apomorphine in thirty
grammes of water (an extemporaneous preparation).
- 9.35. Pulse 108, respiration 16.
- 9.40. Pulse 116, respiration 16; some nausea.
- 9.45. No change.
- 9.50. Pulse 108, respiration 14 to 16; nausea ceased.
- 10 o'clock. Pulse 100, respiration 14. From this time patient felt as before; no inclination
to vomit. The medicine seemed without effect.
- Next day, no change; fever quite considerable; evening temperature 39.2 ), morning
temperature 38.4 ); no stool; tongue coated; inclination to vomit.
- 9 A. M. Pulse 96, respiration 14; twenty milligrammes Apomorphine taken by the mouth;
same preparation as yesterday.
- 9.5. Pulse 112, respiration 16; nausea.
- 9.8. Pulse 120, respiration 22; copious bilious vomiting.
- 9.10. Pulse 92, quiet; respiration 20.
- 9.15. Renewed vomiting, less copious than at first.
- 9.20. Pulse 92, quiet; respiration 16.
- 9.30. Quite quiet, but no sleep; patient feels relieved; headache, which before the first
vomiting was most intense, has now almost entirely ceased.
- 11 o'clock. Pulse 92, thermometer 38.6 ), respiration 14; no movement of the bowels
during the day; at night one very difficult stool.
- Next morning, although the tongue was less coated and the headache better, a saline
purgative was prescribed. Perhaps we should have obtained better results from a dose of
three centigrammes Apomorphine.
Case vii
- (Communicated by Dr. Zuber.)
- * Haemoptysis from tubercle. Injection of three centigrammes Apomorphine; copious
committing in four minutes.
- Leon S., second-class trooper in the second regiment of artillery, 23 years old, of mean
appearance, was attacked, on the 22d December last, with a troublesome haemoptysis.
When I saw him it had lasted four hours; the blood raised was bright red, frothy, almost
pure, and quite abundant (four hundred or five hundred grammes); cold fomentations had
been applied to his chest, and he had taken two tablespoonfuls of salt; pulse frequent, 104.
It was necessary to arrest the bleeding as soon as possible. I thought of resorting to the use
of emetics, so highly recommended in such cases, and I selected Apomorphine, whose
properties as a speedy emetic made it particularly applicable.
- At 5 P.M. I injected under the skin quite a large dose of Apomorphine, three
centigrammes of slightly altered solution (colored light-green); the patient went on
coughing, and at each paroxysm he brought up blood having the same appearance as before.
- 5.4. Abundant vomiting of food, without previous nausea; this lasted about two minutes;
then came a period of quiet, when the cough no longer racked the patient; in half an hour
the vomiting ceased; the patient was extremely feeble, but the means employed appeared to
have done good service; he coughed only at long intervals, and the expectorated blood
became less and less.
- Next day, there was hardly a trace of blood in the sputa; haemoptysis was probably owing
to a tuberculous induration at the apex of the right lung; no local effect.
Case viii
- (Communicated by Dr. Zuber.) Angina tonsillaris. Injection of two centigrammes
Apomorphine; vomiting in three or four minutes.
- M.T. , sculptor; sick for three or four days with acute tonsillitis; he was very subject to
angina. At Rome, where he was an art student, he had several attacks, one of which, of a
phlegmonous nature, caused him much suffering. Moreover, during a residence in the
Campagna, he contracted an obstinate intermittent, which still lingered, and imparted to the
fever accompanying his angina a decidedly remittent type; the tonsils are entirely swollen,
they greatly impede respiration, and deglutition is almost impossible. I made two free
incisions into each tonsil, with a view of depleting them; and, at last, to aid this effect, I
thought of administering Apomorphine, since it was exceedingly, difficult of the patient to
get down a dose of emetic. I injected, accordingly, two centigrammes of a recent solution;
nausea came on in three minutes, followed by vomiting, which the condition of the pharynx
rendered very difficult and painful. The vomitings, which were quite frequent, ceased in
half an hour. As I anticipated, the muscular contractions strongly favored the escape of
blood from the engorged tonsils, through the previous scarifications, and the patient soon
felt comparatively easy I prescribed emollient gargles, and a draught containing seventy-
five centigrammes of quinine.
- Next day, there was considerable improvement; fever less intense; the tonsils though still
much enlarged, now allowed air and warm drinks to pass easily.M. T. considered himself
cured, and could not sufficiently praise the new emetic. "At Rome, " he said, "they vomited
me a great deal, for they used to precede quinine by an emetic, but the effect was never so
speedy. Here the business is over before ordinary emetics would begin to operate."
* 1- Ansiedad con gran inquietud: no puede estar sentado en un solo lugar; debe moverse
para calmarse (Ars. Alb.); mejor movindose rpido y viajando en un vehculo, en
compaa, caminando, con el viento hacia su cabeza; peor de 2 a 4 horas.
* 2- Deseo de compaa.
* 3- Indolente, no quiere hacer nada, desea estar acostado; aturdido en clase; no quiere leer.
Entiende lo que lee, pero no lo recuerda, cuando quiere anotarlo. Olvidadizo. Los
esfuerzos mentales terminan en prdida brusca de la memoria. Le cuesta concentrarse.
Mezcla una oracin con otra.
* 4- Ideas de suicidio.
5- Miedo de volverse loco por persistentes pensamientos lascivos que lo fuerzan a ser
religioso. Miedo de que otros lo observen o lo vean trabajando o haciendo sus cosas.
6- Sensacin: de que es observado o vigilado; como si todos los rganos se los hubieran
tragado; de bienestar.
7- Preocupado; deprimido.
* 8- Mejor: por el movimiento, por bebidas heladas, por el aire libre fresco, hablando, por
sudar. Peor: a orillas del mar (Natrum Muriat.).
9- Aversin al bao.
* 11- Cefalea frontal, mejor por la presin y apretando los dientes. Cefalea en la regin
temporal. Cefalea por pensar en ella, mejor comiendo, por dormir, por presin y por
aplicaciones fras. Pesadez ceflica, mejor por calor, presin y paseando al aire libre.
Vrtigo con cefalea. Cefalea occipital. Erupcin pustulosa frontal. Sensacin de vaco al
12- Pesadez de prpados despus de almorzar. Ardor en los ojos de 16 a 20, mejor por
aplicaciones fras.
13- Grietas en el medio del labio inferior (Natrum Muriat.). Ardor en la cara, peor al abrir la
boca o rerse. Erupciones en la mejilla o mentn, dolorosas por el menor contacto.
** 14- Estornudos al despertar. Coriza con descarga acuosa. Obstruccin del lado derecho
de la nariz, luego del izquierdo. Dolor en los ngulos de las narinas. Olor ofensivo. Caen
mucosidades espesas, blancas, hacia atrs. Se siente taponado. Secrecin mucosa, mejor
despus de comer o dormir. Secrecin acuosa quemante.
* 15- Mal aliento, con ardor en la boca; escupe sangre. Dolor en el paladar izquierdo a la
maana al levantarse, mejor por bebidas fras, peor al tragar. Labios secos. Gusto salado,
16- Dolor en la amgdala derecha, peor por presin y de noche. Deseo de carraspear. Duele la
garganta izquierda, de 18 a 20 horas; est congestionada. Dolor de garganta despus de
comer. Bocio.
* 17- Apetito aumentado, ms a las 11 horas. Sed marcada. Epigastralgia al despertar a la
maana, mejor por la presin, por aplicaciones calientes y por el reposo; peor por
esfuerzos y por el movimiento.
18- Flatulencia; msculos abdominales sensibles. Dolor difuso en todo el vientre, a las 23
horas, con inquietud, mejor por la presin.
* 19- Dolor rectal antes y durante la defecacin, an con heces blandas. Pesadez rectal antes
de defecar, ardor despus. Heces grandes que lastiman el ano, y sangra. Hemorragia
rectal. Heces primero duras, luego blandas. Constipacin, heces escasas. Parsitos
21- Debilidad sexual; se excita con dificultad, aunque tiene intensos deseos. Eyaculaciones
nocturnas con debilidad posterior, dolores musculares y deseos de estar acostado.
22- Expectoracin acuosa. Dolores torcicos en los tres ltimos espacios intercostales, al
levantarse de maana, mejor por la presin. Dolor en el lado derecho del esternn.
23- Dolor en el lado derecho del cuello, debajo de la mandbula. Dolor debajo del ngulo
inferior del omplato izquierdo, al anochecer.
* 24- Extremidades fras, sobre todo en el brazo. Dolorimiento en palmas y plantas, y tobillos
por andar mucho. Dolor en la rodilla derecha. Dolor desde el codo a la punta de los
dedos en la palma de la mano, desde la eminencia tenar al codo, peor en reposo y de
noche, peor por aire fro; mejor por la presin y por aplicaciones calientes. Dolores como
relmpagos de noche. Temblor en ambas manos, especialmente la derecha. Prurito entre
los muslos y en los huecos poplteos; en los dedos de pie y mano izquierdos.
Bromhidrosis en plantas de pies y palmas. Los msculos duelen al presionarlos. Se
duermen las piernas, sobre todo en las pantorrillas, peor de maana, mejor caminando.
Erupcin con pus en la pierna derecha.
Caractersticas.- Aq. mar. ha sido usado principalmente (en altas potencias) para los
efectos de residir cerca del mar (como la billiosidad, constipacin, cefalea, etc.). Ha
sido usado en dosis de un vaso completo y tambin en potencias como un medicamento
para el mareo. Ha sido experimentado por C. Wesselhoeft. Entre los sntomas estn:
Dolores neurlgicos bajan de la sien derecha y la frente. Dolor facial izquierdo; agua
fra intolerable. Sensacin de un cabello o espina de pescado en la garganta, cosquilleo
y deseo de deglutir, causan tos, que no lo mejora. Dolor al deglutir, se extiende a odos
y sienes. Nusea; y sensacin nauseosa en el estmago y abdomen. Este sntoma parece
peculiar: "Constante carraspeo y expulsin de flemas, tenaces y blancas como
algodn." La principal indicacin para esto es: < en la costa; o en el mar.
Relaciones.- Comparar: Nat. mur., Chlorum (pero agregado a sus principales ingredientes,
el agua de mar contiene en solucin cada sustancia orgnica del mundo); tambin Silica
- Acute, paroxysmal, neuralgic pain in right anterior portion of head all the afternoon and
evening (from inhalation by atomizer), [_a1].
- Acute, tensive, neuralgic pain above right frontal portion of head (from inhalation by an
atomizer), [_a1].
- Severe neuralgic pains down right temple, and above right frontal protuberance, very
acute, and vanishing without a trace; appearing after ten or thirty minutes in left side of
neck (near edge of trapezius muscle), (immediately from inhalation by an atomizer), [_a1].
- Stinging pain (transient stitches), in right ear in the evening, [a8].
- Faceache on left side of upper and lower jaw, extending under lower jaw to right side.
The pain was acute, like toothache.
- Cold water was intolerable (4th dil.), [_a2].
- Sore throat, with sensation of foreign substance in throat (5th dil.)[a4].
- Sensation as if a small substance were in the throat, not unlike a hair or fishbone, tickling
and urging to swallow, and causing a desire to cough, but not benefited by coughing (5th
dil.), [a4].
- Pain on swallowing, extending into ear and temples (4th dil.), [_a2].
- Nausea, and nauseous sensation in stomach and abdomen, with eructation of wind for two
hours. (From a glassful of sea-water), [_a1].
- (Afternoon and evening), Neuralgic pain in anterior portion of head.
- (Evening), Pain in right ear.
- (Cold water), Faceache.
- Headache, with fever in the afternoon (fourth day).
- Itching and scaliness of the scalp.
- Itching and scaliness of the scalp, afternoons and evenings.
- Mucous discharge from the eyes.
- Burning, smarting of the eyes, especially the margins of the lids.
- Aching pain through the eyes and orbits, increased by motion and the open air, or
sunlight; relieved by quietude.
- Photophobia.
- Itching in the ears.
- Snapping in the right ear, when chewing.
- Blood in the nose, frequently.
- Dryness of the nostrils.
- Itching and scaliness of the face.
- Sensation of something remaining in the throat, like particles of food.
- Roughness and adhesive mucus in the throat, which it is difficult to remove.
- Scraping and roughness in the throat.
- Irritation of the fauces, larynx, trachea, and upper half of the lungs very great; sensation
of roughness and scraping in them (sixth day).
- Increased secretion of the alimentary canal.
- Much flatus passed toward morning.
- Aching in the abdomen, and through the whole length of the alimentary canal, even to the
throat (by it continuance some time).
- Aching in the viscera and lower abdomen.
- Aching and faint sensation in the abdomen, extending even through the oesophagus to the
throat, and in the throat, with diminished appetite.
- Pressing or bearing-down sensation in the abdomen.
Urinary organs
- Burning in the urethra, remaining after an evacuation.
- Urine increased and scalding.
- Considerable scalding on micturition, scalding continuing several days.
- Frequent micturition.
- Increased secretion of urine and cutaneous transpiration.
- Urine pale, watery, and with but little smell.
Respiratory apparatus
- Somewhat tenacious mucus in the larynx and trachea.
- Continued disposition to cough, with rough, scraping sensation in the throat.
- Cough, frequent paroxysms.
- Paroxysms of continued cough.
- Coughing nearly all night (fourth day).
- Cough rather dry, with occasional expectoration of mucus, affording but little relief.
- Cough fatiguing, exhausting, suffocative, and the sputa difficult to raise, or if raised,
immediately replaced by other.
- Paroxysms of coughing, about 10 A. M., and 1 or 2 o'clock P.M. , lasting from an hour to
an hour and a half, each time, with watery, frothy, transparent mucus at first, but later
becoming tinged yellow, as from saffron, seeming to come from the upper portion of lungs
(sixth day).
- Coughing apparently worse on lying down or exercising to the lungs (sixth day).
- Sputa consist of tenacious and watery mucus, without color, the first days; now, watery
and frothy, quite yellow (sixth day).
- Sputa contains, now and then, some few particles, thick, opaque and muco-purulent, of a
dark color (seventh day).
- Substances brought up by coughing from the throat, like that which collects round the
teeth where the brush is not often used, smelling much the same, rather soft, like cheese
(sixth day).
- Pain, congestion, and stricture of the chest (several times).
- Congestion, pain, and stricture in chest, more especially the upper half.
- Afternoon, faint, oppressed, asthmatic sensation in the chest, lasting over an hour in its
worst form, and a trace of it remaining all the afternoon.
- Afternoon and evening, aching in the upper portion of the lungs, extending to the throat
(seventh day).
- General weakness.
- Lassitude in the afternoon.
- In the afternoon and evening, chills and violent fever, with headache, aching of the bones
and limbs, and restlessness (fifth day).
- (Morning), Disposition to sleep.
- (Afternoon), All symptoms; faint, etc., sensation in chest; aching in upper portion of
lungs, etc.; weakness, etc., in lumbar region; lassitude; chills, etc.
- (Evening), Aching in upper portion of lungs, etc.; weakness, etc., in lumbar region; chills,
- (Towards morning), Much flatus passed.
- (10 A. M.), Paroxysm of cough.
- (1 or 2 P.M. ), Paroxysm of cough.
- (Open air), Aching pain through eyes and orbits.
- (When chewing), Snapping in right ear.
- (Exercising lungs), Cough.
- (Lying down), Cough.
- (Micturition), Scalding in urethra.
- (Motion), Aching pain through eyes, etc.
- (Sunlight), Aching pain through eyes and orbits.
- (Evening), All symptoms, except the cough, and those of the back.
- (Quietude), Aching pain through the eyes and orbits.
(Aguilea; Columbine)
Un remedio para la histeria
Clavo y globo histrico
Mujeres en el climaterio con vmito de una sustancia verde, especialmente por la maana
Temblores nerviosos del cuerpo; sensible a la luz y al ruido
Dismenorrea en chicas jvenes.
Menstruacin escasa, con presin creciente dolorosa sorda nocturna en la regin lumbar
Primera potencia.
** 1- Aturdido, confuso, aptico; ausente, tiene dificultades para concentrarse; no puede
estudiar. Se expresa defectuosamente al escribir. Debe concentrar su mente al caminar.
6- Dolor de garganta con nuseas; sensacin de plenitud. Faringe oscura, hinchada, como
Acta principalmente en el sistema nervioso, produciendo un estado de aturdimiento,
Sntomas de incoordinacin y parlisis
Ataxia locomotriz
Cansado por la maana.
Gran depresin; peor por la maana o al anochecer
No puede estudiar
Malhumorado, irritable, inquieto
Confusin mental y apata
Deseo de estar solo
Dificultad para concentrarse, mente ausente
Falta de ambicin
Expresin defectuosa al escribir
Inquieto, distrado y errtico sin objeto
Debe concentrar su mente al caminar.
Ardor en los ojos
Fisura en el labio inferior.
La siente llena
Adolorida con nusea
Faringe oscura, hinchada, satinada.
Peso en el pecho en la regin del cartlago xifoides
Constriccin como por una banda ancha
Dolorimiento del pecho debajo del esternn
Debilidad de extremidades
Dolor en el nervio citico izquierdo
Calambres de los msculos de la cara anterior de la pierna mientras camina.
Comparar: Astragallus y Oxytropis, dos variedades de Loco Weed; tambin Baryta.
Potencias de la sexta a la doscientos.
** 4- La menor corriente de aire provoca frecuentes estornudos, con descarga nasal copiosa,
acuosa, excoriante. Fiebre de heno. Dolor en coanas, con sensacin de fisuras en las
aletas nasales. Obstruccin, peor en Primavera.
5- Diarrea con prolapso rectal. Dolor en recto despus de defecar, extendido hacia arriba a la
6- Flujo acre, ftido, con dolores de tironeo hacia abajo. Supresin de la menstruacin o de
loquios, con timpanismo.
*** 7- El rbol respiratorio es el punto de mxima accin de Aralia, con caractersticas
especialmente horarias, bien definidas. Tos seca en accesos que sobrevienen antes de
medianoche o a las 23 horas, ya sea enseguida de acostarse (peor acostado) o ms
comnmente despus del primer sueo o de un corto sueo (Burnett). Asma al acostarse
a la noche o despus del primer sueo, preferentemente antes de la medianoche o a las 23
horas, con cosquilleo larngeo; debe sentarse y toser violentamente; la inspiracin es ms
ruidosa y difcil que la espiracin; respiracin silbante, con sensacin de inminente
sofocacin y disnea rpidamente creciente. Parece ms afectado el pulmn derecho, pero
al acostarse del lado izquierdo, siente peor ese pulmn y ms libre el derecho. Al espirar
el aire, dolor y ardor retroesternal. Constriccin en el trax; siente como un cuerpo
extrao en la garganta. Al terminar el ataque, saca flemas saladas y calientes.
Nardo americano. Espino cardo. Spikenard (Nombre americano). Crece en tierras ricas en
bosques a travs de U.S.A. O.N. Araliaceae. Tintura de raz fresca.
Caractersticas.- Aralia fue usado por viejos herbolarios y por eclcticos como un remedio
para la tisis y tos, y tambin para leucorrea y otros trastornos de las mujeres cuyas
secreciones son acres o suprimidas. El uso homeoptico ha sido principalmente basado
en una experimentacin por el Dr. S. A. Jones, en quien desarroll un ataque de asma.
Los sntomas fueron: Respiracin sibilante fuerte que aparece inmediatamente acostado
a media noche; y el not particularmente que la inspiracin era ms fuerte y ms difcil
que la expiracin. El pulmn derecho parece ms afectado que el izquierdo. Al
voltearse sobre el lado izquierdo, el lado izquierdo parece afectado y el derecho se
vuelve libre. As como el ataque va pasando, las flemas se vuelven ms libres, tienen un
gusto salado y se sienten calientes en la boca. La tos caracterstica de acuerdo con
Burnett, es "un ataque de tos que se presenta antes de medianoche, ya sea
inmediatamente al acostarse o ms comnmente despus de un corto sueo." Tos se
presenta a las 11 p.m, despus de un corto sueo. Sudoracin profusa mientras duerme.
El Dr. Jones tambin experiment diarrea y prolapso rectal; heces blandas amarillas;
despus de obrar un dolor adolorido en el recto, se extiende hacia arriba del lado
Relaciones.- Comparar: Relaciones botnicas, Ginseng, Hedera helix; Calc. (al voltearse
sobre un lado, sntomas van a ese lado, mejorando el lado opuesto); Rumex c. (tos a las
11 p.m.); Chlorum (opuesto de Aralia. Inspiracin fcil, expiracin difcil).
Este es un remedio para estados asmatiformes, con tos agravada al acostarse
Sudor que empapa durante el sueo
Extrema sensibilidad a las corrientes
Diarrea, prolapso del recto
Dolor en el recto que se extiende hacia arriba; peor acostado sobre el lado que descansa.
Tos seca que aparece despus del primer sueo, cerca de medianoche
Asma al acostarse por la noche con tos espasmdica; peor despus del primer sueo, con
cosquilleo en la garganta
Constriccin del pecho; siente como un cuerpo extrao en la garganta.
Obstruccin peor en primavera
Fiebre del heno, estornudos frecuentes
Aspereza y ardor detrs del esternn.
La menor corriente de aire causa el estornudo, con secrecin nasal acuosa, copiosa,
excoriante, de sabor salado acre.
Menstruacin suprimida; leucorrea maloliente, acre, con dolor de prolapso
Loquios suprimidos, con timpanismo.
Peor a las 11 p.m. (tos).
Comparar: Pecten-Scallop (asma hmedo, respiracin difcil y rpida
Constriccin del trax, especialmente del lado derecho
Asma precedida por coriza y ardor en la garganta y el trax
El ataque termina con expectoracin copiosa de mucosidad espumosa, tenaz
Peor por la noche.)
Ars. iod., Naphtaline, Cepa, Rosa, Sabad., Sinapis.
Desde la tintura, hasta la tercera potencia.
Aralia racemosa, L.
Natural Order, Araliaceae.
Common name, Spikenard (American name).
S.A. Jones, M.D. , Hales's New Remedies, third edition, p. 471. At 3 P.M. , I took 10 drops
of the mother tincture in 2 ounces of water.
On retiring at 12 P.M. , felt as well as I ever did. Had no sooner laid down than I was
seized with a fit of asthma. I had laid upon my back when the following symptoms had
supervened : Dry wheezing respiration, sense of impending suffocation, and rapidly
increasing dyspnoea. Very loud musical whistlings during both inspiration and expiration,
but louder during inspiration. The attack soon reached its acme, and phlegm began to come
up. It was scanty, but each expectoration was attended with a sensation that more would
soon follow. My wife now observed that my wheezing was so labored as to make the whole
bed vibrate. Could not possibly lie down ; felt that I would suffocate if I did not sit up.
Phlegm began to come freer and more abundantly ; had a markedly salty taste, and felt
quite warm in the mouth. Right lung appeared to be more oppressed than the left.
- When the worst of the attack was over I lay on my right side, and then it seemed as if all
the oppression and discomfort was in the right lung. Shortly after I turned over, and soon it
felt as if my left lung was affected, While the right was entirely relieved.
- It took a long time for me to "come to". Had a constant desire to clear the chest of
something, so that I could inspire better.
- * All the obstruction seemed to be in inspiration.
- On making a forcible expiration, in the attempt to clear the chest, had a raw, burning, sore
feeling behind the whole length of the sternum, and in each lung, most intense behind the
sternum. Slept well all night. After rising in the morning, raised some loose phlegm easily.
- I am inclined to asthma, and at first though this one of its attacks ; but as the phenomena
were evolved, the programme was so different that my drink of Aralia flashed into memory.
- On the night of the 28th, I was literally drenched with perspiration while asleep. Was
wakened by a patient, when it passed off and did not recur.
- 29th. I have been annoyed all day by a dread that my right lung is seriously diseased.
Could not shake off the fear. Cough now and then, raising a little phlegm, which is
involuntarily swallowed. Took 10 drops of the tincture at 1.30 A. M. No symptoms that
night. On rising at 8.30, bowels felt as they have done after a large-sized "spree". Faintly
defined nausea in throat and stomach, and sensation in intestines as if diarrhoea would set
in. At 3.15 P.M. , went to closet, expecting from my feelings a loose stool. Evacuation was
soft, yellow, about a teaspoonful in quantity, and expelled with great difficulty. Mucous
membrane of rectum came down like a tumor (Have had haemorrhoids). After stools, and
while sitting on the "throne", an aching pain in the rectum, extending upward, and on the
left side.
* 1- Derrames en cavidades (por problemas hepticos o renales), con constipacin. Dar dosis
de 5 a 30 gotas de la tintura (Scudder). ARANEA DIADEMA (Vijnovsky)
(Araa de la Cruz Papal)
*** 2- Es uno de los principales remedios, junto con Thuja y Natrum Sulphuricum, de la
denominada constitucin hidrogenoide (Grauvogl), caracterizada por una gran
hipersensibilidad y susceptibilidad a la humedad y el fro, en cualquiera de sus formas:
tiempo hmedo, o lluvioso y fro, habitaciones o lugares o stanos hmedos y fros
(durmiendo o viviendo en ellos), regiones hmedas (lo enferma vivir cerca o a orillas de
ros y lagos), baarse, etctera.
*** 3- El fro es predominante en Aranea: muy sensible al aire fro, al fro hmedo. Casi
todos sus sntomas son acompaados por sensaciones de fro. Fro que no se alivia con
nada. Sensacin como si tuviera los huesos hechos de hielo. Sensacin de fro continuo.
* 6- Mejor al aire libre, fumando o por el humo del tabaco. Peor al anochecer y a
* 7- Dolores terebrantes y neuralgias como corrientes elctricas, peor del lado derecho,
premenstrual, a medianoche (intolerables, lo sacan de la cama), de 15 a 18 horas, mejor
por presin fuerte; reaparecen a la misma hora, y casi siempre van acompaados de
sensacin de hinchazn, con pesadez, hormigueos y adormecimiento.
* 8- Agotamiento, como si fuera a caerse, con gran deseo de estar acostado. Deseos de estar
constantemente en movimiento cuando est sentado. Catalepsia.
9- Lateralidad derecha.
10- Hemorragias.
11- Cabeza caliente con cefalea frontal y confusin, con dolores irradiados al maxilar
inferior, peor por humedad y mejor al aire libre, paseando y fumando. Vrtigo al
levantarse de estar acostado.
* 12- Odontalgias que aparecen bruscamente apenas se acuesta a la noche; dolores violentos
en ambos maxilares. Neuralgia del trigmino derecho que va de la periferia adentro, a
veces como una descarga elctrica. Aguda sensacin de fro en los dientes, que reaparece
cada da a la misma hora. Dolores en la raz de la lengua y en el maxilar inferior, sobre
todo en la articulacin temporomaxilar. Gusto amargo que mejora fumando.
13- Cara plida con ojeras; siente las mejillas hinchadas. Labios descoloridos.
14- Sed casi con cualquier trastorno. Calambres en el estmago por comer un bocado;
epigastrio doloroso a la presin o con sensacin de vaco. Anorexia.
16- Dismenorrea con ojeras. Menstruaciones muy frecuentes, copiosas y prolongadas. Flujo
17- Neuralgia intercostal hasta la columna. Hemoptisis (Mill., Ferr. Phos.). Opresin intensa
en el trax. Taquipnea.
** 18- Dolores profundos, terebrantes, en brazos y tibias, peor del lado derecho, a la maana
en cama, reapareciendo a intervalos regulares. De noche o al despertar, tiene la
sensacin de que las manos y los antebrazos estn ms hinchados y pesados; se despierta
a menudo de noche con la idea de que una parte de su cuerpo est muy hinchada, y debe
tocar la regin para hacer desaparecer esa sensacin o prende la luz para ver si es cierto.
Dolores profundos y terebrantes en los talones. Dolor en los huesos, sobre todo en
hmero, cbito, radio y tibia. Ulcera en el taln izquierdo. Reumatismo con fiebre
despus de exponerse a la humedad. Se duermen los dedos de las manos, brazos y
** 20- Al estar acostado en cama y tocar las cobijas, tiene un escalofro. Fro con dolor en
los huesos largos e insomnio, que reaparece diariamente o da por medio a la misma
hora. Achuchado da y noche, siempre peor por la lluvia. Escalofro prolongado y
constante, que no mejora por el calor externo, peor en das fros y hmedos. Fiebre con
periodicidad regular, a la misma hora, a diario o da por medio; con bazo algo
aumentado, an en la apirexia. Jams suda. Secuelas de paludismo, con adelgazamiento
y piel amarillenta.
Otro veneno de araa al que von Grauvogl clasific entre sus llamados remedios
hidrogenoides, es decir, que se adaptan a pacientes que siempre sufren ms en tiempo
hmedo, cualquiera sea su dolencia.
La Aranea fu propuesta por Grauvogl, como uno de los medicamentos para lo que l llama
"constitucin hidrogenoidea" es decir, un estado en el que no se puede tolerar la
humedad. Bajo la accin de esta substancia todos los sntomas se agravan durante el
tiempo hmedo o por habitar en regiones hmedas. Especialmente es eficaz en lo que
podemos llamar fiebre intermitente crnica, para que la Aranea es el remedio eficaz
cuando los sntomas se agravan durante los das hmedos. El paciente puede sentirse
muy bien en los das calurosos, pero tan pronto como se pone el tiempo hmedo, se
agrava. Durante esta agravacin, se queja de frialdad, como si tuviera helados los
huesos; dolores esteocopos seguidos de poca o ninguna elevacin de temperatura. El
escalofro tiende a ser tpico, presentndose a la misma hora cada tercer da, cada
semana o por perodos regulares. Tambin se encontrar que el bazo est aumentando
de volumen y que el paciente es propenso a las hemorragias, ya sea que previamente se
haya tratado o no con quinina.
Se dice que obra mejor sobre las personas nerviosas, excitables y aun sobre los pacientes
voluptuosos, especialmente del sexo femenino. Los sntomas febriles y neurlgcos se
repiten con regularidad cronomtrica.
Se usa en las fiebres intermitentes contradas en los pases clidos o en los lugares bajos y
pantanosos; en lo que respecta a este ltimo detalle, tiene similitud con Aranea
Pero Cedron se ha encontrado ms eficaz en los climas clidos, mientras que Aranea
diadema obra mejor en los fiebres intermitentes adquiridas en los lugares fros y
hmedos. El escalofro predomina y la fiebre es ligera o falta del todo. En cedron al
contrario, hay congestin ceflica y fugaz en la cara, alternando con frialdad, con pulso
lleno y frecuente.
Esta demostrado que Aranea diadema no desarrolla la extremada excitacin que los otros
tres venenos antes mencionados; sin embargo, es evidente que afectan el sistema
nervioso. Hay connfusin mental y cefalalgia despus de comer, mejorandose por
fumar; el dolor de cabeza mejora al aire libre. Durante la noche, hay repentinos y
violentos dolores de ambos maxilares, inmediatamente despues de acostarse; sueo
intranquilo en el que el enfermo despierta frecuentemente; tiene un sntoma que es
comn a todos los medicamentos que afectan los nervios cerebroespinales y que
consiste en una sensacin, de como si alguna parte del cuerpo estuviese crecida; por
ejemplo : cuando despierta siente los brazos y las manos sumamente grandes, mucho
ms grandes de lo que son normalmente.
Aranea diadema es til en las odontalgias que se agravan particularmente por el tiempo
hmedo y tambin tan pronto como el paciente se acuesta, recordndonos esto a
Aranea diadema ataca tambin al sistema seo y est indicada especialmente para las
enfermedades del calcneo, cuando el enfermo se queja de un violento dolor en este
hueso, pudiendo esto ser debido a una simple periostitis o estar asociado a una caries
del mismo hueso. Algunas veces hay la sensacin de como si el hueso estuviera en el
hielo, lo que es puramente subjectivo.
Relaciones.- Comparar: Mygale, Theridion, Tarentula, Ipec., Nux v., Ars. (periodicidad y
afecciones de huesos); Cedron (periodicidad de climas calurosos; Aran., de climas fros
principalmente). Antdota a: Chin., Quinina, Merc. Antdotado por: Fumando tabaco.
Todos los venenos de araas tienen un efecto poderoso sobre el sistema nervioso.
(Ver Tarentula, Mygale, etc.)
Todos los sntomas de Aranea estn caracaterizados por periodicidad y frialdad, y gran
susceptibilidad a la humedad
Es el remedio para las constituciones favorables al paludismo, donde cada da o lugar
hmedo favorece el escalofro
El paciente siente el fro hasta los huesos
Fro que no mejora con nada
Siente unas partes como si estuvieran agrandadas y pesadas.
Despierta por la noche con la sensacin de que las manos tienen el doble de su tamao
Bazo hipertrofiado
Constitucin hidrogenoide, es decir, sensibilidad anormal a la humedad y al fro, incapaz
de vivir cerca de agua fresca, lagos, ros, etc., o en lugares hmedos, fros. [Nat.sulph.,
Dolor en el nervio trigmino derecho de la periferia al centro
Confusin; mejor por fumar al aire libre.
Calor y manchas en los ojos; peor en tiempo hmedo
Dolor sbito violento en los dientes por la noche inmediatamente despus de acostarse.
Menstruacin demasiado pronto, demasiado copiosa. Distensin abdominal
Neuralgia lumboabdominal.
Dolor en nervios intercostales desde la terminacin nerviosa a la columna
Hemorragia roja brillante de los pulmones. [Millefol., Ferr.phos.]
Bazo hipertrofiado
El clico se presenta a la misma hora
Pesadez en el bajo abdomen, como una piedra
Siente dormidos los brazos y piernas.
Dolores de huesos en las extremidades
Dolor en el calcneo
Sensacin de hinchazn, y de partes al ir a dormir.
Inquieto y se despierta, como si las manos y antebrazos estuvieran hinchadas y pesadas.
Frialdad, con dolor en huesos largos, y sensacin de una piedra en el abdomen a la misma
hora, diariamente
Siente fro da y noche; siempre peor durante la lluvia.
Peor por tiempo hmedo; al atardecer, y a medianoche
Mejor fumando tabaco.
Tela aranearum -telaraa-
(Insomnio cardaco, energa muscular aumentada
Excitacin y agitacin nerviosa en estados febriles
Asma seca, tos fatigante; cefaleas peridicas con extremo eretismo nervioso
Fiebres intermitentes obstinadas
Acta inmediatamente en el sistema arterial, pulso lleno, duro, compresible.
Baja la frecuencia del pulso
Enfermedades peridicas enmascaradas, hcticas, agotan al paciente
Los sntomas aparecen sbitamente con piel fra, pegajosa
Entumecimiento de manos y piernas cuando descansa
Fro continuo.
Aranea Scinencia -Araa gris- (constantes fasciculaciones debajo de los prpados
Peor en una habitacin caliente.)
Heloderma, Cedron, Arsenic..
Desde la tintura hasta la trigsima potencia.
Aranea diadema (Vannier MM)
Por el tiempo lluvioso y fro; por la permanencia en habitaciones hmedas; dormir en una
pieza hmeda; los baos fros y por estar acostado.
MEJoRA: Al aire libre y por fumar tabaco.
Agotamiento con gran deseo de estar acostado. Sensacin de fro glacial en los huesos, el
enfermo no puede calentarse.
Sueo agitado despertando frecuentemente. Al despertar, sensacin como si las manos y
los antebrazos estuvieran HINCHADOS Y PESADOS. El enfermo se despierta
frecuentemente durante la noche con la idea de que una parte de su cuerpo est hinchada de
una manera considerable y entonces tiene que tocarse para que le desaparezca esta
sensacin .
Cabeza caliente, cefalea frontal con dolores que irradian a la mandbula inferior, que
empeoran por el tiempo hmedo y mejoran al aire libre, por fumar y por pasear.
Dolores intensos punzantes en los brazos y en las tibias, particularmente del lato derecho
que se agravan por la maana, en la cama y SE PRESENTAN A INTERVALOS
REGULARES. Dolores profundos y taladrantes en los talones (calcneo) . * Los dolores
siempre son acompaados de sensacin de hinchazn con pesantez, hormigueo y
Reumatismo con fiebre despus de haber permanecido en la humedad.
Fiebre con periodicidad regular, despierta siempre a la misma hora, todos los das o cada
dos das. Escalofro prolongado y constante que se agrava por los das hmedos y fros.
Escalofro desde que entra en contacto con las sabanas fras. Jams hay sudores. Bazo
ligeramente aumentado de volumen, igualmente en los intervalos apirticos.
Aranea diadema corresponde a los estados hidrogenoides. Secuelas de} paludismo.
Neuralgias del trigmino. Estado reumatismal.
Arsenicum alb., Cedron (periodicidad regular). Cistus can., Silisea (fro). Natrum sulph.,
Nux vom., Ipeca (estado hidrogenoide).
6a y 30a.
- Confusion of the head after eating (first day), [_a1].
- Confusion of the head, with lassitude, [_a1].
- Evenings on studying, confusion of the head and pressive pain, as if on the bones of the
right temple, and the upper part of the forehead, which is relieved by resting the head on the
hand, but reappears on taking the hand away, [a27];
- * Headache and confusion of the head, both relieved by smoking, but they return and
continue nearly all day, [_a1].
- Continued headache (immediately), [_a1].
- Headache continues till evening, becomes, however, milder after a few hours, and *
ceases entirely in the open air, [_a1].
- Headache, with burning in the eyes and heat in the face. Headache less severe on walking
than while sitting. Smoking relieves, but does not entirely remove it (immediately), [_a1].
- Headache relieved by smoking, and disappears entirely on smoking in the
- Drawing in the head down the lower jaw (soon after taking), [_a1].
- Headache, especially in forehead, goes off after smoking (two hours), [_a1].
- Heat in the forehead and eyes; an unpleasant flickering sensation in them on reading or
writing, from which also the headache is more severe (two hours), [_a1].
- Twinging, pinching pains in the right ear and parotid gland; as it disappeared from this
side, it passed into the left ear (second afternoon), [_a2].
- Coryza for three days, [_a1].
- Coryza with thirst, [_a1].
- Burning in the face, [_a1].
- Heat in the face, especially in the eyes (disappears after four hours), [_a1].
- Sensitive, cold sensation, in the right lower incisors, especially on drawing in air; came
on again the next day, at the same hour, intermittent fever like (sixteen hours), [_a2].
- * Sudden violent pains in the teeth of the whole upper and lower jaw, at night,
immediately after lying down, [_a3].
- Sticking in the palate and larynx (for twenty-four hours), [_a1].
- After drinking milk, an unpleasant taste of it remains, [_a1].
- Nauseous, bitter taste in the mouth, with coated tongue (one hour), [_a1].
- Bitter taste relieved by smoking (after half an hour), [_a1].
- Thirst, [_a1].
- Sensation of heaviness and fulness in the lower bowels; it seems as if a stone lay there,
while in the pit of the stomach is an unpleasant feeling of faintness, together with griping in
abdomen; sensation of heaviness in the thighs, so that they can hardly be carried forward,
with confusion of the head; returns the next day, intermittent fever like, at the same time;
lasts half an hour (5 P.M. , second day), [_a2].
Sexual organs
- * Periods eight days too early, too strong, and too copious, [_a3].
- * Hemorrhage from the lungs, [_a3].
Extremities in general
- At times dull, burrowing bone-pains in the limbs, [_a2].
- Morning, in bed, dull, burrowing bone-pains in the right upper and forearm bones, and in
the right tibia; it also appears at intervals through the day (third day), [_a2].
Upper extremities
- Quivering, twitching in the muscles of the left upper arm, lasts half an hour, afternoon
(second day), [_a2];
- * In both ring and little fingers, of both hands, a feeling as if they had gone to sleep, and
of formication, [_a3].
Lower extremities
- Violent, dull, burrowing bone-pains in the right os calcis, for several days, constantly if
the foot is moved from a quiet position; on continued motion, however, it gradually
disappeared (first days after second dose), [_a2].
- Lassitude, thirst, [_a1].
- Lassitude without heaviness in the feet, weariness, [_a2].
- (Bone-pains for four weeks; feverish attacks mostly consisting of coldness. Troubles in
the abdomen, which are usually accompanied by a chill, and mostly come on toward
evening; eruption on the skin; pimples here and there), [_a2].
- (Toward evening), Troubles in abdomen, etc.
- (Evening), On studying, confusion of the head, etc.
- (Night), Immediately after lying down, pain in all the teeth.
- (Drawing in air), Cold sensation in right lower incisors.
- (After eating), Confusion of head.
- (After drinking milk), Unpleasant taste of it remains.
- (Moving foot from quiet position), Pains in right os calcis.
- (Reading), Flickering sensation in forehead; headache.
- (Periodical at same hour, .)
- (In open air), Headache ceases entirely.
- (Continual motion of foot), Pain in right os calcis.
- (Resting head on hands), Confusion of head, etc.
- (Rubbing with the hand), Pain in abdomen.
- (Smoking), Headache, etc.: bitter taste.
- (Walking), Headache.
Aranea diadema (Hering)
- Dejected, pale face; dark circles under eyes; melancholy, will not leave the bed.
- || Deep melancholy. Dysmenorrhoea.
- Morose and despondent, longing for death. Intermittent.
- Vertigo before headache; when sitting up; must lie down; with weakness before eyes.
- Confusion of head; after eating; with relaxation (lassitude).
- Dulness and pressure in head, amel when pillowing head.
Inner head
- Confusion of head; with lassitude; after eating; evening, when studying, with pressive
pains, as if on bones of right temple; while resting head on hand.
- Headache and confusion of head, both amel by smoking and by going into open air.
- Long-lasting confusion of head, with pressing pain in forehead and temples, amel by
pressure of hand, amel in evening, after eating.
- Headache in forehead, amel by smoking.
- Heat in forehead and eyes.
- Headache, with burning in eyes and heat in head.
- Pressing in temples; vertigo on rising from a recumbent position; head and hands feel
- Continued headache spreading from forehead on vertex and occiput, only at times agg on
top of head; cannot receive company because talking or listening produces vomiting; she
must lie quietly in bed for three or four days.
- Chronic headache, preceded by flickering before eyes and vertigo, which forces her to
lie down; headache attended with dulness, cannot think well, great heat in forehead and
face, weariness, loss of strength; lasts one day.
- Headache coming on at regular hours; agg by speaking, or when others speak; amel by
less smoking, or going out into open air.
- Stitching and shooting pains in head with chill. Intermittent.
- Nervous headache; periodical.
Outer head
- Unpleasant sensation as if head and hands were greatly swollen. Headache.
- Dulness of head : with tightness; after a meal; during evening studies; with pressure on
right temporal bone, upper part of forehead, amel on leaning head.
- Drawing in head to lower jaw.
Upper face
- Dejected countenance and pale face; dark circles under eyes; lips blanched; dull
expression of eyes; confusion of head; deep melancholy; malaise, with constant desire to lie
down. Spasmodic pains in stomach.
- Face pale and sunken. Dysmenorrhoea.
- Cheeks feel as if swollen. Toothache.
- Heat in forehead and face. Headache.
- Burning heat in face, forehead and eyes, with headache.
Lower face
- Lips colorless. Dysmenorrhoea.
- Stitches in palate and larynx.
- Epigastrium painful to pressure. Ague.
- Swelling of spleen, after checked intermittent fever with quinine; agg in damp weather
and exposure to damp walls.
- Enlarged spleen, in man subject to ague, constantly chilly, agg when it rained.
- Sensation of heaviness and fulness in lower bowels as if a stone was lying there, with an
unpleasant feeling of faintness in pit of stomach; gnawing and griping in abdomen; returns
daily at the same hour.
- Abdominal complaints with shuddering, towards evening; sensation of heaviness,
snapping in belly, with unpleasant squeamishness in pit of stomach.
- Colic, griping pains, sensation of heaviness in lower abdomen and feeling of faintness
in epigastrium.
- Colic recurs daily at same hour, with feeling as if arms and legs were asleep.
- Every morning about 4 o'clock severe abdominal pains with loud borborygmi, followed
by two or three small liquid stools, with sensation of numbness in upper and lower
extremities, after that sleeps quietly until about 8 A.M. , but feels tired and used up all day;
no appetite, and fear of eating on account of pains during digestion. Colic after a cold.
- Intermitting colic; flatulency.
- Violent pain in abdomen with great rumbling.
- Flatulency, with heaviness in thighs, each day at same hour.
Urinary organs
- Waits long to urinate; no energy; sore on either side of bladder.
- Awakens with desire to urinate, but nothing passes; no burning or urging, but sometimes
severe pain from perineum to glans penis.
- Constant desire to pass water, but cannot; fearful pain along urethra from glans.
- Urine dark colored.
- Cough with bloody sputa.
- Cough. Intermittent.
Upper limbs
- Every night for several years, distressing sensation as if hands and arms were
enormously swollen, in very nervous woman; apprehension so strong that she often struck a
light to ascertain whether it was so or not.
- Forearms and hands so heavy that he imagines he cannot lift them.
- Pains in bones, dull, digging in all parts of body, more in humerus, forearm and fingers.
- Ring and little fingers of both hands feel as if they had gone to sleep; formication.
- Fibrillar twitching in muscles of left upper arm.
- Quivering, twitching in muscles of left upper arm, afternoon.
Lower limbs
- Heavy feeling in thighs, they can hardly be carried forward; confusion of head; heaviness
in abdomen.
- Stitches through knee with the chill, coming and going suddenly. Ague.
- Feet feel heavy, with weariness.
- Boring in right os calcis when first moving foot; disappears from continued motion.
- Ulcer on left heel.
- Caries or gangrene; pains agg and amel periodically.
Limbs in general
- Arms and legs feel as if asleep. Diarrhoea.
- At times dull, digging bone-pains.
- Early in morning and at intervals during day, dull digging pains in right humerus, radius,
ulna and tibia.
- Pains in limbs, great inward soreness with chill; pain from right side up into shoulder-
blade. Intermittent fever.
- Position. Motion. Lying down : desire to lie down; vertigo amel; dullness and pressure in
head amel; toothache agg.; pain in stomach amel; aversion to leaving bed; must lie down;
lies as if dead.
- Rising from recumbent position, vertigo; pain in stomach amel.
- Rests head on hand : confusion in head.
- Leaning head : amel pressure in forehead.
- Shaking head : in dogs till ears are bloody.
- Walking across room; puts him out of breath.
- Moving : desire to keep constantly moving when sitting; first moving foot agg boring in
right os calcis, amel from continued motion; obliged to move on her feet during colic.
- Great exhaustion, lassitude. Intermittent fever.
- Weary and thirsty.
- Weariness, with headache; with heavy arms and feet; thirst.
- Languor and lassitude.
- Must lie down; weak as if dead, after heat. Intermittent.
- Feels as if she would drop.
- Numb feeling in periphery of ulnar nerve, also in ring and small finger of both hands.
- Trembling, lameness, spasm; subsultus tendinum.
- || Menses irregular, too often and too profuse, with colic three times every day;
melancholy; will not leave bed; creeping as of ants all over body; about noon with first
spoonful of soup, cramp pains in abdomen; great anguish in chest and yawning; soon
afterwards general spasms.
- Spasms in abdomen changing into general convulsions.
- of whole body, during which she was obliged to move to and fro on her feet continuously,
while the pain in belly continued and her consciousness was slightly depressed.
- Catalepsy; periodical headache; agg from damp weather, or the use of baths; constantly
chilly, cold hands and feet, even in a warm room.
- Sleeplessness. Intermittent.
- || As soon as she lies down at night, a sudden violent pain in all the teeth, lasting one hour.
- Sleep unquiet, with frequent awaking.
- Sleep restless; on awaking, hands and forearms feel as if greatly swollen and as strong
and large again as natural; they feel so heavy he imagines he can hardly lift them.
- Deep sleep during heat. Intermittent fever.
- Frightful dreams, screams out and cannot sleep again.
- Early morning : dull pain in right arm.
- Noon : violent convulsive pains in stomach.
- All day : tired feeling.
- 9 A.M. to 7 P. M : pain in upper incisors; 9 A.M. chill.
- Evening : confusion of head; pressing pain in head amel; abdominal complaints amel;
- Night : pain in teeth; complaints agg.
- Before chill : cutting cramp in stomach; backache.
- Cold all the time, cannot get warm; chilly as if bones were made of ice, even during
summer; agg during rain.
- Chill returns daily at same hour or every other day with sleeplessness, but neither heat
nor sweat.
- Chill returns after each cold or in rough weather.
- Constant chilliness from being on the water.
- Chilly day and night. T Enlargement of spleen.
- Felt stiff in limbs, tired and sick; chill began at 7 A.M.
- and lasted till precisely 8 in morning, every day at same hour, without heat or sweat, with
cough, loss of appetite sleeplessness, and great exhaustion.
- Sudden violent attacks of chills at 9 A.M. , in March.
- During chill : stinging in head; stitches in knees.
- Chill, no heat; sweat with thirst; headache; hemorrhages from uterus or lungs.
- Chill at regular hours; thirst during attack.
- The paroxysm often unattended by either heat or sweat, consisting only of coldness,
which is persistent and severe, and not amel by anything; it is usually without thirst in any
stage; if any, usually during the heat.
- Quotidian fevers of paludal origin; chill occurs precisely at same hour daily; lasting chill,
either without any heat or sweat, or with little or short heat, not followed by sweat; great
lassitude and disinclination to work; liver and especially spleen enlarged; urine dark
colored; after a while ascites, loss of strength, lassitude, irritability, or more often apathy;
great thirst during chill.
- Fever coming twice a day; at sunrise, and about 5 P.M.
- Chill lasts from an hour and a half to three hours.
- Before chill : cramp-like pain in stomach and vomiting.
- During chill : stinging and shooting pains in head; stitches through knees, coming and
going suddenly; pain in limbs and great soreness; pain going from right side into right
shoulder-blade; burning in stomach.
- After chill : vomiting.
- Heat lasts two hours.
- Before heat : vomiting.
- During heat : headache, but not so violent as during chill, with great drowsiness.
- After heat : vomiting and great prostration; lies as if dead; stinging in eyes.
- No sweat.
- Chill, preceded by stretching and yawning.
- Backache before and after chill.
- Very little heat and no sweat.
- Poor appetite and great weakness.
- Emaciation, yellow skin; malaise, moroseness, anorexia, epigastrium painful to
pressure, slight redness of tip of tongue, despondent, longs for death. Intermittent.
- Chill and other symptoms are agg every other day, at precisely same hour.
- Great regularity of paroxysm.
- Violent shaking chill, lasting uninterruptedly for 24 hours, without being followed by
heat or sweat, or anything else.
- Continuing chill, not alleviated by external warmth.
- Fever from sleeping on a cold floor. Intermittent.
- Heat in evening, with heaviness in hypogastrium, as from a stone; qualmishness;
rumbling; thighs heavy; can scarely drag limbs along.
- Sweat absent; or sweat without thirst.
Attacks, periodicity
- Coming and going suddenly : stitches through knees.
- Attacks of chills : 7 to 8 A.M. ; at 9 A.M.
- At times : headache on top of head; dull digging bone-pains.
- At intervals : dull digging pains in right humerus, radius and ulna.
- Repeated : gaping.
- Frequent : awakening.
- Periodical : nervous headache.
- Regular hours : headache; sensitiveness of right incisors; gnawing and griping in
abdomen; flatulency; chills.
- Three times every day : colic.
- Twice a day : fever at sunrise and 5 P.M.
- Every morning 4 A.M. , severe abdominal pains; 2 A.M. , diarrhoea; colicky pains;
rumbling; chill at 7 A.M. until 8 A.M. ; chill at 9 A.M. lasting one hour, followed by heat
lasting two hours.
- Daily : movement of bowels which were bound for four or five days; chill at same hour.
- Every night for several years : sensation as if hands and arm were swollen; chilly.
- Every other day : at same hour, chill; attacks of pain in ulcerated foot.
- One hour to three hours : chill lasts.
- One hour : toothache lasts.
- Two hours : heat lasts.
- Afternoon : twitching in muscles of left upper arm.
- One day : headache lasts.
- Two days : no urine.
- Three or four days : headache amel by lying in bed.
- In midsummer : chilly day and night.
- As if in bone of temple, headache; as if head and hands were greatly swollen; cheeks and
gums as if swollen; as if a stone was lying in lower bowels; as if arms and legs were asleep;
as if arms were greatly swollen; as if he could not lift forearms and hands; ring and little
fingers feel as if they had gone to sleep; feels as if she would drop; hands and forearms feel
as strong and large again as natural; as if bones were made of ice.
- Pain : in bowels; in back; in bones; in limbs; from right side up into shoulder-blade; in
- Excruciating neuralgia : along spinal nerves.
- Fearful pain : along urethra from glans.
- Sudden violent pain : of teeth in upper and lower jaw; in abdomen.
- Severe pain : in abdomen; from perineum to glans penis.
- Cutting : in stomach.
- Anguish : in chest.
- Shooting pain : in head; in eyes.
- Stitching pains : in head.
- Stitches : in palate; in larynx; through knee.
- Cramps : in stomach.
- Gnawing : in abdomen.
- Griping : in abdomen.
- Boring : in right os calcis.
- Spasmodic pains : in stomach; in whole body; in abdomen.
- Convulsive pain : in stomach.
- Burning : in eyes; in face; in forehead; in stomach.
- Ache : in head, spreading from forehead to vertex and occiput; in back.
- Pinching pressure : in right ear; in parotid gland; in right side; in upper incisors.
- Pressive pain : in head; in forehead; in temples.
- Pressure : in head; in temples; on right temporal bone; in chest.
- Stinging : in eyes; in head.
- Soreness : either side of bladder; in limbs.
- Digging : in all parts of body; in humerus; in forearms; in fingers; in limbs; right
humerus; radius; in ulna; in tibia.
- Sensitiveness : of incisors.
- Distressing sensation : in hands and arms.
- Confusion : of head.
- Oppression : of chest.
- Drawing : in head to lower jaw.
- Tightness : in head.
- Heaviness : in lower bowels; in thighs; in forearm; in hands; in feet.
- Dulness : in head; in all parts of body; humerus; forearms; fingers.
- Faintness : in pit of stomach; in epigastrium.
- Jerking : in back and left arm.
- Twitching : in muscles of left upper arm.
- Stiff feeling : in limbs.
- Crawling sensation : over whole body.
- Formication : all over body.
- Snapping : in belly.
- Heat : in forehead; in eyes; in head; in face.
- Fulness : in lower-bowels.
- Weariness : in head; in feet.
- Tired feeling.
- Numbness : in extremities; in periphery of ulnar nerve; in ring finger; in little finger.
- Cold feeling : of right lower incisors; in upper incisors.
- Hemorrhages; hemorrhagic disposition; bleeders; bleedings from all the orifices of body.
- Scorbutic dyscrasia.
- Pains in bones and joints.
- Dull digging bone-pains.
- Emaciation. Intermittent.
- Insufficient calorification, great sensibility to cold; symptoms agg. by damp or cold
weather, as well as by cold or warm baths.
- Yellow skin. Intermittent fever.
- Eruption of pimples, nodes and tubercles; ulcers on heel.
- Antidoted by smoking tobacco; relieves headache.
- It antidotes : Cinchona, Mercur.
- Compatible : after Ipec., Nux vom., Rhus tox., and Sambuc., in intermittent fevers; after
Silica, Calc. ostr. and Arsen., in caries of os calcis (Grauvogl's case); with Nux vom.
- in pneumonia.
- Compare : Arnica, Arsen., Cedron, Cinchona, Dulcam., Lycop., Mercur., Mygale, Nux
vom., Pulsat., Rhus tox., Tarantula, Theridion.
1- Estado de euforia, como si hubiera bebido vino, con tendencia a bromear; necesita hablar;
seguido de melancola, cansancio de la vida e irritabilidad. Tiene que hacer un gran
esfuerzo para no ser descorts o rudo.
2- No puede concentrarse ni prestar atencin no quiere hacer nada, tiene que hacer un
esfuerzo para ponerse a trabajar.
4- Peor: por el reposo, por el fro, por el alcohol de maana. Mejor: por moverse; por el aire
fresco; inclinndose hacia atrs o desperezndose; por eructos o flatos; por beber caf;
por fumar cigarrillos.
*7- Sensacin de calor en la cabeza y vrtigo. Cefalea punzante, especialmente del lado
derecho peor al inclinarse hacia adelante o por alcohol, o despus de esfuerzos mentales;
mejor por el aire fresco o fumando. La cefalea desaparece despus de una miccin
10- Boca y faringe secas, a veces de un solo lado. Gingivitis sangrante, labios agrietados;
aftas. Boca pegajosa; lengua con saburra blanca.
11- Prurito en la garganta con disfagia, como inflamada; mejor por bebidas calientes.
Constante necesidad de rascarse la garganta, con esputos blancogrisceos. Hinchazn
visible en el cuello, como bocio, con enrojecimiento y sudor, con palpitaciones que
siente en el cuello.
12- Trastornos gstricos que mejoran comiendo. Vmitos por beber alcohol.
**13- Dolores agudos en la vescula biliar, especialmente estando acostado sobre el lado
derecho, al agacharse, por la presin de la ropa, sentado, por movimientos del cuerpo o al
mover el brazo derecho; por comer alimentos grasosos (sobre todo cerdo) o beber
alcohol, o despus de comer (con nuseas, plenitud y pesadez heptica); mejor
frotndose esa zona, o por la presin de un puo cerrado; levantndose, caminando,
inclinado hacia atrs o acostado y estirndose totalmente, expulsando flatos o moviendo
el vientre. Pesadez heptica mejor comiendo. Flatulencia acentuada, el vientre parece un
tambor, mejor movindose o estirndose.
*16- Deseos sexuales disminuidos en el hombre, con genitales fros. Deseos aumentados con
ereccin insuficiente.
*18- Tos persistente, irritativa, con sensacin de dolorimiento en las vas respiratorias; cada
respiracin es dolorosa. Sensacin de sequedad en la trquea.
*20- Rigidez en la nuca, repentina, y extendida a los msculos trapecios y a los hombros.
Dolor agudo en la regin lumbar.
*22- Tarda en dormirse, con muchos pensamientos e inquietud interior. Sueo perturbado
por sueos que lo preocupan o lo asustan (peleas con un amigo, o la muerte del esposo o
de alguien muy cercano, etc.). Insomnio durante varias horas de noche.
*23- Escalofros constantes an en una habitacin templada; pies fros. Oleadas bruscas de
calor, con cefaleas y sudores frontales. Sudores en todo el cuerpo, sobre todo despus de
comer sopa. Sudores nocturnos que lo despiertan.
*24- Acn en el borde del cuero cabelludo. Labios agrietados. Dedos de las manos paspados.
Descamacin de la nariz y las manos. Prurito generalizado, peor al rascarse o por la
presin. Eritema como por picaduras de pulgas.
(Araa gris)
5- Somnolencia.
Araa gris. Una araa gris encontrada en Kentucky en paredes antiguas. No hila telaraa.
O.N. Arachnida. Tintura.
Relaciones.- Comparar: Araas en general. Agar., Carv. v. (< en cuarto caluroso, tambin
Puls., Apis, Sul., etc.).
A gray spider found in Kentucky on old walls. "Does not spin a web."
Authority. Dr. Wm. Rowley, N. Am. Journ. of Hom., 7, 64; two provings (1, "N. S." 2, "E.
P.") with the 1st and 2d dilutions.
- Could not collect his thoughts (with slight pain in head), (second day), [_a1].
- Vertigo worse when stooping (third day), [_a1].
- Vertigo, with nausea (after two hours), [_a2].
- Severe pain in head, affecting the eyes (immediately), [_a1].
- Slight pains in head (after fifteen minutes), [_a1].
- Dull, heavy pain in head all day (second day), [_a1].
- Dull, sluggish pain, but quite intense, all over the head (after one and a half hours), [_a1].
- After dinner, dull pain in head, rather increased till after supper, when it was relieved
(first day), [_a2].
- Head dull, with heavy, painful fulness (fourth day), [_a1].
- Dull, stupid feeling in head, with feeling of fulness and dull, aching pain (after two
hours), [_a2].
- Dull, heavy pain in postero-superior part of head (after twenty minutes), [_a1].
- Could not rest on account of pain in head, [_a1].
- Eyes feel weak and inflamed (second day), [_a1].
- Eyes felt heavy, with a blur over them (after one and a half hours), [_a1].
- * Constant twitching of the under lids (second day), [_a1].
- Eyelids swollen (third day), [_a1].
- Eyes run a good deal (second day), [_a1].
- There seems to be a blur constantly collecting over the eyes (second day), [_a1].
- Glimmering before the eyes (immediately), [_a2].
- Rather profuse flow of saliva (immediately), [_a2].
- Dryness and prickling in throat (immediately), [_a2].
- Foul stomach (second day), [_a1].
- Slight pain in stomach (after two hours), [_a2].
- Sour eructations (after two hours), [_a2].
- Slight nausea (after one and a half hours), [_a1].
- Strange feeling in stomach, as if he had not eaten for a long time, continuing for about an
hour (after half an hour), [_a1].
- Very unpleasant dull rumbling pains in bowels (second day), [_a1].
- Colic increased by bending forward (immediately), [_a2].
Urinary organs
- Increased secretion of urine, so that he had to get up twice during the night, [_a1].
- Urine cloudy, [_a1].
- Felt fatigued, physically and mentally, as though he had labored hard (had felt
uncommonly well in the morning), (after two hours), [_a2].
- Felt uncommonly well in the morning, with good appetite for breakfast (second day),
- The whole system appears deranged (second day), [_a1].
- Felt as if he had been drinking (immediately), [_a1].
- (Bending forward), Vertigo; colic.
- (After dinner), Dull pain in head.
- (On walking), Slight palpitation of the heart.
- (Warm room), All symptoms.
- (Morning), Felt uncommonly well.
- (Open air) Symptoms rather relieved.
- (After supper), Pain in head.
* 2- Artritis de las grandes articulaciones, con dolores de tipo reumtico o gotoso, peor por el
menor movimiento.
Frutilla de Levanto. Strawberry Tree of the Levant. O.N. Ericaceae. Tintura de retoos
Caractersticas.- Es uno de los medicamentos del Dr. Cooper. Ha curado casos de eczema
severo con l, y observ que produca dolores en las articulaciones de carcter gotoso o
reumtico. Por lo tanto lo llev a darlo en ciertos casos inveterados de artritis. En un
caso el paciente not que "aclaraba la orina". Arbutin tiene una reputacin entre los
alpatas como un remedio urinario. Arbutus es compaero de Uva ursi, que pertenece a
las Ericaceae . Un paciente que se benefici por el medicamento tena < en vientos del
nor-este. Las articulaciones grandes son afectadas principalmente y el menor
movimiento causa inflamacin. La corteza del rbol se desprende anualmente, que da la
indicacin de su uso en casos de la piel.
Un remedio para el eczema asociado con gota y sntomas reumticos
Artritis; especialmente de grandes articulaciones
La orina se vuelve ms clara
Los sntomas cambian de la piel a las articulaciones
Sntomas vesicales.
Arbutin, Ledum, Bryonia, Kalmia.
Desde la tintura, hasta la tercera potencia.
*1- Reumatismo de las grandes articulaciones; alternando con eczema, o coincidiendo. Gota
con eczema. ARECA CATECHU (Vijnovsky)
(Nuez de areca o Betel)
ARECA (Clarke)
Nuez de areca o betel. Areca catechu. Fruta: Areca nuez, Betel nuez. O.N. Palmeae.
Trituracin de la nuez, y trituracin y solucin de los alcaloides, Arecoline y Tenaline.
De uso en helmintiasis
Su alcaloide, Areolin hydrobrom contrae la pupila, accin ms rpida y enrgica, pero de
ms corta duracin que la Eserina
Util en glaucoma
Acta tambin aumentando la saliva como la Pilocarpina
Tambin aumenta la amplitud de los latidos del corazn y promueve la contraccin de los
3- Respiracin difcil y corta. Tos seca constante, espasmdica, que casi no lo deja hablar.
Clicos calambroides y espasmos del intestino
Estados neuro-musculares dolorosos, que impiden el sueo
Enfermedad reumtica asociada a enfermedad de Bright.(D. MacFarlan.)
Cefalea pulstil en ojos y sienes
Cabeza caliente
Garganta muy seca, dolor al tragar.
Lo siente enfermo, como vomitando
Clico en la boca del estmago
Sin apetito
Eructos y flatos.
Orina menos
Cambia de color.
Menstruacin suprimida
Disminucin del deseo sexual con debilidad.
Rodilla izquierda rgida y dolorosa
Pies hinchados.
Peor a medioda (debilidad).
Sexta potencia
El jugo fresco se aplica a lceras y verrugas.
Argemone Mexicana, L.
Natural Order, Papaveraceae.
Common Name, Prickly poppy.
- Barham, Hurt. Amer., p. 152 (Pharm. Journ., vol IV, p. 167), a negro smoked a quantity of
the seeds.
*1- En la faringitis crnica ulcerativa, cuando las mucosidades, espesas y adherentes, son
muy irritantes, o cuando hay adenopatas cervicales induradas.
*** 6- Su gran caracterstica es de orden patolgico: afecta de modo especial todos los
cartlagos. Est indicado en las enfermedades del tejido cartilaginoso, especialmente
hipertrofias, en las articulaciones (donde abarca cartlago, huesos y ligamentos),
cartlagos costales, prpados, nariz, orejas, trompa de Eustaquio, etc. En necrosis de
cartlagos. En operados del tabique nasal. Lesiones y tejidos infiltrados e indurados, de
consistencia cartilaginosa.
** 9- Peor en reposo (por eso tiene tendencia a moverse mucho), peor por el contacto o la
presin (no los tolera), despus de dormir o durante el sueo, por el fro, por exponerse al
sol (para efectos de una insolacin), entrando a una habitacin calurosa, por hablar o
cantar o leer en voz alta (en sntomas larngeos), viajando en un vehculo, acostado de
espaldas, al agacharse. Mejor al aire libre (y lo desea).
** 11- Otra particularidad tisural es que afecta las vainas mielnicas de los nervios.
* 12- Los dolores aparecen gradualmente y desaparecen bruscamente, predominando del lado
* 13- En personas altas, delgadas, irritables, plidas, de ojos hundidos, con tendencia a la
tuberculosis o cncer. Adelgazamiento progresivo.
* 14- Diabetes: elimina enormes cantidades de orina como suero. Argentum Metallicum est
especialmente indicado en diabetes si coexisten hinchazn de tobillos y extrema
sequedad bucal, pegndose la lengua al paladar (Clarke).
* 16- Mareo repentino, con sensacin de velo frente a los ojos y a veces ptosis de prpados,
peor si mira un curso de agua o al entrar a una habitacin despus de caminar. Sensacin
de vaco en la cabeza con debilidad y vrtigos, como si estuviera intoxicado o ebrio, al
despertar o a medioda. Cefalea frontal o neuralgia izquierda en los intelectuales
agotados o en hombres de negocios, que aumenta gradualmente y desaparece
bruscamente. Cefaleas y dispepsia por agitacin o esfuerzos mentales o cuidar enfermos.
Exostosis craneanas. Cuero cabelludo muy sensible al tacto.
** 17- Prurito violento en los prpados sobre todo en los ngulos palpebrales. Blefaritis;
prpados rojos, hinchados, engrosados (ms en los bordes), indurados, aglutinados por
un mucus espeso. Ectropin. Estrechez del conducto lagrimal.
* 18- Prurito corrosivo en la oreja, lbulo y conducto auditivo, necesita rascarse hasta que
sangra, y entonces se alivia. Sensacin de odos tapados. Zumbidos.
* 19- Epistaxis despus de sonarse o precedida de prurito y cosquilleo nasal. Obstruccin con
prurito en los orificios nasales. Violento y agotador coriza con descarga lquida y
frecuentes estornudos. Secrecin nasal purulenta con cogulos sanguneos. Afecciones de
los cartlagos nasales.
* 20- Calores bruscos a la cara; prurito. Dolores desgarrantes de los huesos de la cara, peor
en el malar o maxilar inferior derechos. Hinchazn del labio superior.
* 21- Boca extremadamente seca, la lengua se pega al paladar; o solo hay sensacin de
sequedad y est hmeda. Sialorrea viscosa. Las encas estn retradas, dolorosas al tacto
y sangran con facilidad. Aliento ftido.
*** 22- Garganta dolorida, peor al toser, tragar, espirar o bostezar. Traga con dificultad los
alimentos. Acumulacin de mucosidades espesas, gelatinosas, viscosas y grises, con
expectoracin matinal profusa y fcil; faringitis crnicas con hinchazn dolorosa de la
garganta, adenopata cervical y nuca rgida. Tensin en las fauces, sobre todo del lado
derecho, peor al bostezar.
* 23- Repugnancia a la comida, an a pensar en ella, con saciedad rpida; o bien gran apetito,
y tiene hambre an despus de haber comido una comida completa. Hambre a la maana,
que le produce nuseas. Vomita al defecar.
24- Vientre dolorido, sobre todo al viajar en un vehculo o apenas empieza a comer, peor por
respirar. Dolores cortantes. Ruidos.
25- Poliuria, micciones frecuentes y abundantes, a veces con ardor. Incontinencia de orina en
nios. Orina profusa, turbia, de olor dulzn. Enuresis.
** 27- Prolapso de tero con dolor en el ovario izquierdo y en el sacro. Siente los ovarios
enormemente hinchados. Cuello de tero esponjoso y erosionado; cncer de cuello;
escirro de tero. Flujo de olor intolerable, amarillento o gris, excoriante. Hemorragias
de la menopausia con grandes cogulos y violentos dolores, peor en cada movimiento.
Metropata con dolores articulares en miembros. Dolor en el ovario izquierdo, que est
indurado e hipertrofiado, con irradiacin a la espalda y nalga izquierda.
*** 28- La laringe y trquea es uno de los puntos clave de la accin de Argentum
Metallicum en el organismo. Ronquera o afona total en profesionales de la palabra
(oradores, "speakers", actores, maestros, profesores) y cantantes, dolorosa, y que se
agrava por hablar o cantar; ronquera despus de haber cantado o hablado. Dolor en
laringe y trquea, peor al toser y al hablar. Dolor de excoriacin como en carne viva, en
un punto en la bifurcacin de la trquea o en la fosa supraesternal, peor al hablar o
cantar. Tuberculosis larngea en oradores, cantantes, etc. (Ant. Cr.). Acumulaciones de
mucosidades en la trquea, que se desprenden al agacharse, rer o subir escaleras, que
son expulsadas fcilmente (Stann.), y que parecen almidn cocido. Alteraciones del
timbre en profesionales de la voz (Arum T.).
*** 29- Tos por rerse (Chin.), por cosquilleo constante en la garganta o por dolor agudo en
la trquea o por leer en voz alta (necesita carraspear), con expectoracin gris viscosa o
de mucus transparente, como almidn cocido. Gran debilidad en el pecho (Stann.), sobre
todo del lado izquierdo; no puede hablar ni respirar (a menudo es un sntoma
concomitante de otros sntomas). Dolor en los cartlagos costales inferiores del lado
izquierdo. Sensacin como si el corazn se hubiera detenido (Cic., Dig.), seguido de
temblor en el corazn y latidos irregulares. Palpitaciones: de noche, en el embarazo (Lil.
T.), con debilidad temblorosa en todo el cuerpo. Trax dolorido al tacto. Sudores
aceitosos en el pecho.
* 31- Piernas dbiles, peor a la maana al despertar; al descender; le chocan las rodillas.
Siente los pies como ulcerados al caminar, edematosos. Dolores reumticos que mejoran
caminando. Reumatismo sin hinchazn articular. Dolores como golpes, paralizantes, en
la articulacin de la cadera, cuando camina. Sensacin de dormido en los talones y
tendn de Aquiles.
* 32- Fiebre de 11 a 13 horas; hctica.
Todos los cartlagos en el cuerpo son afectados por el. Produce una hipertrofia, un
espesamiento de las porciones cartilaginosas de las articulaciones, de las orejas, y de
los de la nariz. Produce tumores e infiltraciones cartilaginosas. Afecta la sustancia
nerviosa, es un remedio orgnico profundo. Es ms que un medicamento comn porque
afecta todo lo que es del hombre. En especial aquellas fibras nerviosas transmisoras de
sensaciones. Afecta al cerebro profundamente, produciendo cambios y un gradual
ablandamiento. Una de sus extraas caractersticas en su accin general sobre el
hombre, es que se singulariza sobre las facultades intelectuales, pero poco perturba sus
afecciones; solamente produce desatencin y cambios ligeros en su sistema voluntario.
Pero la memoria y la parte intelectual se trastorna crecientemente hasta la imbecilidad.
Perturba su habilidad para pensar y su memoria, y aparece en personas que tienen el
hbito de trabajar con sus facultades intelectuales. Hombres de negocios, estudiantes,
lectores, y pensadores, llegan a un punto en que no pueden razonar ms, y el esfuerzo
por el trabajo mental les produce vrtigo. Est fatigado. Todos los sntomas empeoran
luego del sueo. En vez de estar descansado para el da, se despierta por la maana con
fatiga mental y debilidad, as es que apenas puede llevar a cabo un esfuerzo mental o
fsico al da siguiente. Si intenta realizar algn otro trabajo mental, le trae dolor de
cabeza, en la frente o en el occipucio.
Otra extraa caracterstica, es que se producen dolores que provocan lgrimas a lo largo de
los nervios, especialmente en las extremidades inferiores, como si los nervios se
rompieran en pedazos durante el descanso. El fro, clima hmedo, tiempo tormentoso
traer reumatismo no con mucha hinchazn, aunque la tiene, pero dolores en los
cartlagos, y a lo largo de los nervios. Y estos dolores son tan intensos que no se pueden
soportar. Aqu tiene un estado reumtico producido por el fro, clima hmedo, por
haberse resfriado, en las articulaciones y en los nervios, as que camina y camina.
Muchos sntomas mejoran por el movimiento y por caminar. Estos dolores muchas
veces se alivian bebiendo caf? Lo cual suprimir la enfermedad pero le traer
dificultades, ya que est amenazado de decaer y con el tiempo se torna casi intil.
"Debilidad mental. Postracin fsica". Desgarramientos, dolores que llegan a las lgrimas.
Afecciones de los cartlagos de las articulaciones. Dolores en los huesos que provocan
Cartlagos inflamados e infiltrados que forman ndulos. Alrededor de las articulaciones los
cartlagos se espesan, lo mismo en la oreja y la nariz. Para la infiltracin que pertenece
a epitelioma y a escirro ha constituido un maravilloso paliativo y tambin de
sorprendente curacin de epitelioma del cuello del tero.
Ulceraciones en todas partes; pero lceras que tienen sus comienzos en los tejidos
cartilaginosos, y aparecen a travs del tejido celular, y secreciones copiosas. Las lceras
se infiltran en su base, y se endurecen.
Otra caracterstica notable es que afecta a los dos testculos, pero tiene su accin
predominante sobre el derecho. El ovario izquierdo y el testculo derecho. Tales cosas
son peculiares, ya que en un sexo produce sntomas en un lado del cuerpo y en el otro
en el lado opuesto.
Ha curado toda clase de tumores, hipertrofia del ovario, e infiltraciones en los tejidos. Este
es un remedio fro. Desea que se lo mantenga caliente, y sus dolores son aliviados por
el calor. Sus cefaleas se mejoran con calor, con presin, o con vendaje. He curado
muchas veces estos sntomas de cefaleas cuando el paciente tuvo la cabeza vendada.
Ahora, en este medicamento incluimos al paciente como carente de calor vital. Desea estar
abrigado. Probablemente es delgado, aumentando su nerviosismo, su sensibilidad, es
caprichoso. Las mujeres que necesitan Plata muy a menudo tienen actitudes extraas e
inexplicables en (comparar con Argentum nitricum) sus estados nerviosos que pierden
toda la simpata de sus amigos, y son llamadas histricas. Trastornos nerviosos,
profundos aumentan la sensibilidad por lo que los rodea.
Ahora, el estado mental de Argentum met. es justo como si se despertara confuso, por las
emociones, como si perdiera el equilibrio por temor, por ira, por susto, debido a
trastornos de la mente. Porque este paciente es muy sensible a todo lo que lo rodea y
muy perturbado por sus molestias. Con sus dolores se torna delirante, y no es el delirio
involuntario que observamos en los casos de fiebres graves, pero se hace salvaje y lleno
de clera. Se produce excitacin mental, clera y un estado en el cual habla disparates
atropelladamente. Por un momento parece estar muy intenso y activo de mente, y
olvida todo lo que estaba hablando.
"En sociedad indisposicin para hablar". Est mentalmente cansado y se olvida de lo que
est diciendo. Pierde el hilo de su discurso; y teme hablar porque tiene dolores mientras
lo hace. Si se ve obligado a contestar, se aturde, y se siente extrao, y tiene
estremecimientos nerviosos. Y los shocks le aparecen cuando est cansado y se dispone
a ir a dormir. El piensa ahora estar fuera de todos los problemas del da y poder
descansar, y se duerme enseguida pero se despierta varias veces durante la noche con
estremecimientos desde la cabeza hasta los pies. Sus miembros se sacuden, sus
miembros inferiores se crispan y sacuden, entonces camina y trata de irse. Esto aparece
en las pruebas como consecuencia de Argentum nitricum, pero pertenece mucho a
Argentum met., y este medicamento ha curado todo esto. En los estudios de
Hahnemann sobre el remedio estableci la importancia del shock al ir a dormir, en los
miembros. Pero es como una descarga elctrica que hace sacudir a todo el cuerpo.
"Ansiedad acerca de su salud. Piensa que ciertamente se est agravando" por lo que
aumenta su debilidad. No puede ejercitarse mental o fsicamente sin angustiarse. Por
meditar o tan pronto como entra a una habitacin clida se aturde y sta es una
excepcin que pertenece a unos pocos trastornos de la cabeza y de la sensibilidad; es
usualmente sensible al fro. Constituye una caracterstica asombrosa en este remedio
que precisamente aparezcan por la noche muchos trastornos, molestias y dolores.
Resfros. Cefaleas. Dolores en el ovario al medioda. Aturdimiento con vrtigo como si
estuviera intoxicado. Los dolores de cabeza en el frontal y en el occipital. Afecciones
del cerebro de un solo lado. Neuralgia violenta ceflica de un solo lado por vez, como
si comprendiera una sola mitad del cerebro, por lo regular a la derecha. Esos pacientes
desmejorados, postrados y agitados debido a una exposicin al sol. Sobre el pericrneo,
las orejas, aqu y all sobre el cuerpo, pruritos. Tiene picazn y ardor como en
Agaricus, en los dedos de los pies, en las orejas, y se rasca el lugar afectado, sin
aliviarse hasta que la piel sale, y sangra. Ndulos en las orejas y cartlagos nasales
Otra extraa caracterstica se produce en los ojos. La Plata afecta a los prpados ms que al
globo ocular. Produce oscuridad y prdida de la visin; pero sobre todo infiltraciones en
los prpados, hasta que aparecen tan duros como un cartlago. La mucosa est
endurecida, y los prpados no se pueden abrir, excepto con violencia. Estn
espasmdicamente cerrados. Blefaritis. Copiosas secreciones. Ahora, como
consideramos esta una regin catarral, djenme decir que, a travs de todo el remedio,
encontraremos secreciones catarrales pasivas, espesas y amarillas. Pero lo principal de
la secrecin de Argentum met. es el color gris, espeso, tenaz del mucus. Expectora por
los pulmones -y desde la trquea, la laringe, mucosidad gris, y del mismo color desde la
vagina, uretra, y ojos. Solamente pocas veces aparecen secreciones amarillas. Cuando
sobrevienen ulceraciones como en la laringe o sobre los prpados, tenemos secrecin
amarilla, pero desde la superficie de la mucosa ulcerada se la encontrar gris, excepto en
la uretra. Ha curado antiguos casos de gonorrea crnica. Si conocemos el carcter
general del remedio sabremos a qu atenernos cuando acta sobre cada regin. Pero
primero debemos delinear que es general, que puede esperarse, que pertenece a la
naturaleza del remedio, as cuando encontramos el opuesto lo podemos reconocer y
saber que es un opuesto, y como una excepcin. Aqu est una de las caractersticas del
prurito de Argentum. "Rascarse hasta sangrar, en la oreja". Ahora, esta picazn se
produce en toda la parte exterior del lbulo, y se extiende dentro del odo, as se rasca
el rgano hasta que se pone colorado, hinchado, y sangra. El cartlago de la oreja forma
un bulto y es noduloso; est infiltrado. Los cartlagos de la nariz tambin estn
infiltrados. Argentum met. cura muchos de estos casos que son operados cuando tienen
una porcin en la parte interior de la nariz que es eliminada por el cirujano, as el
paciente puede respirar mejor. "Espesamiento de los huesos de la nariz, y la formacin
de mucosa y de tejido celular en las cavidades nasales". Argentum met. es indicado a
menudo en tales casos. Este remedio tiene una accin muy decidida. Las infiltraciones
continan espesando y endureciendo, y entonces tenemos suero en las articulaciones.
Este es uno de los ms importantes medicamentos a conocer en la necrosis de cartlagos
en cualquier parte del cuerpo. Pero ello debe ir acompaado de sntomas nerviosos y
mentales que tiene el remedio, tal como he descrito. El paciente est enfermo, plido,
ansioso, cansado, desmejorado. Un paciente de Argentum met. es un enfermo que
debera haber tenido un doctor homepata aos atrs. Y se podra beneficiar ahora si no
hubiera llegado tan lejos.
Los nios pierden orina mientras duermen. Constituciones nerviosas, decadas, pierden
orina durante el sueo.
Posee una accin decidida sobre los genitales tanto femeninos como masculinos. En el
hombre afecta especialmente los testculos y la mucosa de los conductos. Infiltra los
testculos produciendo dureza. En el texto se lee, "dolor aplastante en el testculo
derecho". "La ropa aumenta la molestia al caminar". Inflamacin con infiltracin.
Orquitis crnica. Ha curado muchos testculos sospechosos de tener una afeccin
cancerosa, la cual comienza en el epiddimo, que sigue a una gonorrea. Inflamacin,
gran dureza, dolor, hinchazn, ardor y prurito.
Otra gran caracterstica de este remedio es la debilidad y relajacin de los msculos en todo
el cuerpo; si tal caracterstica del medicamento se observa en los rganos plvicos se
ver que aquellos msculos que sostienen el tero, los ligamentos anchos, etc., estn
relajados y el tero se afloja. En otras palabras, se tiene prolapso. Se asombrar de saber
que los remedios homeopticos son maravillosos en su capacidad para crear tonicidad,
y por lo tanto restaurar el rgano a su posicin normal, y eliminar la sensacin de
arrastre hacia abajo que sienten las mujeres en esa afeccin. Argentum es una de las
Es una medicina de gran uso en leucorreas horribles y ofensivas, (Kali ars., Kali p. ).
"El cuello del tero muy inflamado, de aspecto esponjoso, profundamente corrodo con
lceras en diferentes direcciones". Donde es proporcionado en caso de escirro se dice:
"En menos de tres das el olor detestable desaparece completamente". Cuando un
remedio acta de esa manera, realmente detiene el crecimiento. De hecho, un estado
canceroso que llega a su culminacin en catorce a diecisis meses durar dos o tres aos
y el paciente se sentir mejor. El medicamento que es indicado detiene la ulceracin,
modera la destruccin, y mantiene al paciente confortable y con sus amigos durante
aos. En afecciones cancerosas el promedio de vida es muy bajo, ms all de la
En las afecciones larngeas, es un remedio maravilloso. Prdida de voz con inflamacin, por
uso vocal excesivo, tal como sucede en cantantes y oradores, por debilidad paraltica de
las cuerdas vocales. Tuberculosis de laringe. Cantantes, oradores pblicos quienes
desmejoran, nerviosos, de mala digestin, dbiles por herencia, adquieren tuberculosis
de laringe, y pierden la voz. Siguen ulceraciones. Y este trastorno finalmente aparece en
los pulmones. Se extenan y transpiran por la noche. "Prdida de la voz". Generalmente
de carcter doloroso.
Otra vez, el resfro se establece en la laringe. "No puede hablar una palabra en voz alta;
constante cosquilleo en la laringe, provocando tos". Crudeza y dolor en la parte
superior de la laringe. La risa agrava la tos la risa le causar cosquilleo en la laringe, y
despedir cantidades de mucosidad gris. Si la irritacin est localizada en los conductos
de aire pequeos, en los pulmones, la risa lo har toser, y el paciente despedir
mucosidad gris. "Sobre la bifurcacin de la trquea, una sensacin spera al hablar, rer,
o cantar". En medio del pecho una sensacin desgarradora. "Aspereza y ronquera de la
voz. Tisis de laringe"; en aquellos jvenes consumidos; un hombre joven cuando tiene
veinticinco aos parece de cincuenta. Muchas arrugas como si hubiera tenido exceso de
preocupaciones. Tiene una tos seca; se levanta una pequea mucosidad gris. Aunque
est algo nervioso, se siente bastante bien. Posee tisis hereditaria. La tos es una tos
profunda, se agrava por la risa, al hablar y en una habitacin clida. La risa le causa tos
y mucosidad en la laringe. Este remedio dejar a un lado esta amenazante tisis, esta seca
y fastidiosa tos. Un poco seca, aparece especialmente bajo los efectos de este remedio.
En ningn otro remedio, excepto Bryonia encontramos una tos tan violenta y
espasmdica. Cuando se tose duele la laringe. "La tos es acompaada con una
expectoracin fcil". Usualmente no tose mucho para que no aparezca la mucosidad y
para aliviar una pequea irritacin; pero cuando hay mucosidad generalmente sube
fcilmente. No es muy difcil de separar como sucede en muchos remedios. "Es
fcilmente separable. La mucosidad en la laringe". El paciente simplemente lo expulsa
por un esfuerzo de la laringe. Tos y expulsin de la laringe durante el da y la noche,
empeoran en una habitacin calurosa y mejoran al aire libre y con el movimiento.
Tiene una sensacin de debilidad en el pecho. Hay dos remedios que tienen esta debilidad y
no se los puede separar muy fcilmente. Voz dbil, pecho dbil; siente que es muy
difcil respirar, y muy difcil hablar, y toser, porque los msculos del pecho estn muy
dbiles. Estas dos medicinas son Argentum met. y Stannum. Gran debilidad que el
paciente vive intensamente, y es una muy diferente a la que aparece en tuberculosis.
Por supuesto, esto es completamente diferente a Antimonium tar., el cual posee una
terrible debilidad pectoral, pero en este remedio, recordar , es en las afecciones agudas.
El remedio es apropiado para las enfermedades prolongadas, por lo tanto "gran
debilidad de pecho" significa lo que he tratado de describir y es en esto que los
pacientes fallan en sus esfuerzos por describir. "Doctor, siento una debilidad en el
Ahora, este remedio est lleno de trastornos cardacos. Palpitaciones cuando se acuestan
sobre la espalda. "Una sensacin de temblor en el pecho". Una sensacin de
palpitacin, agitacin, o temblor, como ser descrito por los diferentes pacientes,
temblor en el pecho. Esa temblorosa debilidad de todo el cuerpo, manos y pies.
"Palpitaciones frecuentes. Durante el embarazo, de noche. Palpitaciones relacionadas
con dolores de cabeza". Con debilidad general.
La debilidad aumenta gradualmente. Debido a esta debilidad general las rodillas chocan al
caminar. Los miembros se vuelven tiesos. "Entumecimiento de los miembros, como si
estuvieran dormidos". Prdida de poder. Muchas de las molestias aumentan durante el
descanso. Dolores de espalda y en los miembros mientras estn sentados, mejor cuando
caminan. Todas las excitaciones nerviosas que son posibles en los remedios aparecen
con ste.
Argentum metallicum produce espasmos que simulan a la epilepsia; los ataques son
seguidos de ira delirante. El enfermo brinca y trata de pegar a quienes estn cerca de l.
Produce dolor espasmdico en diferentes regiones del cuerpo; tambin da origen a una
cefalalgia que aumenta gradualmente y cuando alcanza su punto mximo, cesa de modo
repentino. Este dolor generalmente se localiza en el lado izquierdo y muchas veces va
acompaado de vrtigo; el enfermo es extremadamente olvidadizo. El miocardio participa
de estos dolores neurlgicos, por lo que habr subsaltos espasmdicos de este msculo
sobre todo cuando el enfermo se acuesta en decbito dorsal.
Ahora, la debilidad que naturalmente sigue es fcilmente explicable si se recuerda una
cualidad de su accin sobre las articulaciones. Tiene especial afinidad por los cartlagos
articulares. De este modo encontraremos debilidad general con sensacin de magulladura
en la parte baja del dorso, por la debilidad del raquis, cansancio general que obliga al
enfermo a acostarse para poder descansar, sobre todo las rodillas estn dbiles. Habr no
un verdadero reumatismo articular, sino una artralgia con dolores del mismo carcter que
la cefalalgia. Todos estos sntomas son bastante comunes. Nos los encontramos en las
mujeres nerviosas, histricas, y en los hombres despus de la prdida de fluidos,
particularmente de semen.
Plata. Silver Leaf and precipitated silver. Ag (Peso atmico 107.66). Trituracin.
Caractersticas.- Argentum afecta a todos los cartlagos y por lo tanto todas las
articulaciones y huesos, con dolores desgarrantes y de golpeados, sensibles y dbiles;
articulaciones dolorosas las llamadas "histricas", reumatismo articular sin hinchazn;
dolor en los cartlagos de las costillas, especialmente izquierdas. Exostosis en crneo.
El sistema muscular tambin est afectado con calambres en las extremidades;
pantorrillas se sienten cortas al bajar escaleras; rigidez; entumecimiento; sacudidas
como elctricas en articulaciones y extremidades; contracciones sin dolor. El corazn
est especialmente afectado; contracciones frecuentes, espasmdicas, aunque sin dolor,
en todo el msculo del corazn, < acostado sobre la espalda; temor de apopleja.
Sensacin como si el corazn se detuviera seguido por temblor, despus latidos
violentos irregulares. Palpitaciones en la noche; durante el embarazo. Convulsiones
sistmicas. Ataques epilpticos seguidos de delirio colrico, salta, golpea a los que
estn cerca. En la sociedad no le agrada hablar; desanimado. (Reaccin para esto: gran
deseo de hablar, mente muy clara). Vrtigo al entrar a un cuarto despus de caminar.
Vrtigo al mirar agua corriente. Como borracho. Cefalea frontal de hombres de
negocios. Cefalea aumenta gradualmente y cesa sbitamente, y en el acm como si un
nervio se desgarrara, usualmente del lado izquierdo. Viscosidad de la saliva y
expectoracin mucosa que es fcil. De las membranas mucosas, generalmente hay una
secrecin como almidn hervido; o puede ser delgado y al mismo tiempo secrecin
espesa amarilla o verdosa. Mucha hambre despus de una alimentacin completa.
Extrema sequedad de la boca, lengua se pega al paladar. (Estos sntomas con poliuria
sealan la diabetes, en que Arg. est particularmente indicado si hay hinchazn de los
tobillos). Enuresis nocturna espasmdica. Efectos de onanismo: impotencia; atrofia del
pene; dolores como golpeados en los testculos. Dolores en ovario izquierdo; se siente
enormemente hinchado; con sto, prolapso del tero (escirro). Metrorragia, grandes
cogulos con dolores violentos, < por cada movimiento. Arg. met. acta ms en el lado
izquierdo que en el derecho; ovario izquierdo est afectado: "Prolapso uterino con
dolores en ovario izquierdo." Corresponde a enfermedades insidiosas profundamente
asentadas. En la esfera mental afecta ms al intelecto que a las afecciones. Cefalea en
los hombres de negocios. Cefalea del lado izquierdo como si fuera en la sustancia
cerebral. Cefalea y dispepsia producida por agitacin mental, nutren a la enfermedad el
esfuerzo mental. Se adapta a pacientes delgados con ojos hundidos, piel plida,
tendencia a tuberculosis, caries, cncer, lceras profundas, imbecilidad. Entre ms
profundos estn asentados los problemas, ms sern indoloros. Sensibilidad es
prominente en Arg. met . Presin desgarrante y dolores en los huesos. Reumatismo
articular sin hinchazn. Los lugares se sienten como golpeados cuando hay presin en
ellos. Ronquera de cantantes y oradores, < al hablar o cantar. Risa causa tos. Sueo
inquieto; sacudidas elctricas a travs del cuerpo la despiertan. Sntomas < en el sueo;
nusea en sueos; emisiones seminales. Al despertar, extremidades sin poder. Debilidad
paraltica. < por el tacto; presin; andar en carruaje; acostado sobre la espalda; sentado;
pararse. A medioda; en la noche (orina profusa). Descubrirse (escalofro antes de
medianoche. Al entrar a cuarto caluroso. Sol.
Relaciones.- Zinc (prurito en el canto del ojo). Zinc ms en el canto interno y acta ms en
el sistema muscular y la piel). Pallad. (ovarios; Pall., derecho, Arg. izquierdo). Stan.
(tos excitada por rerse). Sigue bien a: Alum., Plat. Es seguido bien por: Calc., Puls.,
Sep. Antdotado por: Merc., Puls. (una dosis ocasional de Puls. favorece la accin de
Arg. nit. en oftalma). Teste clasifica a Arg. met. con Merc., y con Ars.
-sigue bien despus de Almina.
Semejante a Stannum en la tos excitada por la risa
- Caminando en carruaje (Coc.), por el contacto o la presin; hablando, cantando o leyendo
en voz alta.
(Plata; Silver)
Son caractersticos la emaciacin, un adelgazamiento gradual, deseo de aire fresco, disnea,
sensacin de expansin y dolores del lado izquierdo
La accin principal se centra en las articulaciones y en los elementos que las componen:
huesos, cartlagos y ligamentos
Aqu los vasos sanguneos pequeos se cierran o se secan y aparecen afecciones de caries
Aparecen insidiosamente, lentamente, pero progresan
La laringe tambin es un centro especial de accin de este medicamento.
Sensacin de apresuramiento; el tiempo pasa lentamente; melancola.
Neuralgia paroxstica sorda del lado izquierdo, aumenta gradualmente y cesa sbitamente
Cuero cabelludo muy sensible al tacto
Vrtigo, con sensacin de borrachera, al mirar agua que corre
La cabeza la siente vaca, hueca
Prpados rojos y gruesos
Coriza agotante, con estornudos
Dolor en huesos faciales
Dolor entre el ojo izquierdo y la eminencia frontal.
Aspera, carraspea, mucosidad como gelatina, gris, y garganta adolorida al toser
Expectoracin por la maana, profusa y fcil.
Sensacin de adolorido, aspereza al toser
Prdida total de la voz en cantantes profesionales
La laringe se siente adolorida y spera
Expectoracin fcil, parece como almidn cocido
Sensacin de una zona spera cerca de la fosa supraesternal
Peor por el uso de la voz
Tos por rer.
Fiebre hctica a medioda
Al leer en voz alta, debe toser y carraspear
Gran debilidad del trax; peor del lado izquierdo
Alteracin del timbre de la voz
Dolor en las costillas izquierdas inferiores.
Dolor severo de espalda; debe caminar inclinado, con opresin en el trax.
Orina profusa, turbia, olor dulce
Miccin frecuente
Afecciones reumticas de las articulaciones, especialmente codos y rodillas
Piernas dbiles y temblorosas, peor al bajar escaleras
Contracciones involuntarias de los dedos, parlisis parcial del antebrazo; calambre del
Hinchazn de tobillos.
Dolores aplastantes en testculos
Emisiones seminales, sin excitacin sexual.
Miccin frecuente con ardor
Femenino.- Siente los ovarios demasiado grandes
Dolor como de prolapso
Prolapso del tero
Cervix esponjoso erosionado
Leucorrea excoriante y maloliente
Paliativo en el escirro del tero
Dolor en el ovario izquierdo.
Hemorragia en el climaterio
Sensacin de adolorimiento en todo el abdomen; peor por sacudidas
Enfermedad uterina con dolor en articulaciones y extremidades.
Peor por el tacto, hacia medioda
Mejor al aire libre; tos por la noche cuando se acuesta (opuesto a Hyosc.)
Antdotos: Merc., Puls..
Selen., Alum., Platina, Stannum, Ampelopsis. (Ronquera crnica en pacientes
Sexta trituracin y ms altas
Repeticin no demasiado frecuente.
Los pocos sntomas que han sido observados con este polvo (obtenido por la trituracin de
la plata durante una hora, con cien partes de azcar de leche), prueban ya suficientemente
que, as tratada la plata metlica, proporciona al mdico homepata un recurso eficaz en
gran nmero de estados morbosos, que ningn otro medicamento podra curar.
Sin embargo, con el tiempo he conocido, que una segunda dilucin del mismo grado, es
decir tal como un grano de polvo que contuviese 1, 000 de plata, es todava demasiado
fuerte para los usos de la homeopata.
La plata parece que est indicada homeopticamente contra algunas especies de diabetes,
es decir, que tiene el poder de curarla de un modo durable, si los otros sntomas de la
enfermedad coinciden tambin con los dems efectos primitivos que determina.
Argentum metallicum (Vannier MM)
Accin electiva sobre los cartlagos (hipertrofia) y sobre ciertos tejidos (inflamacin e
induracin) con trastornos nerviosos.
Despus del sueo, a medio da, por el tacto o la presin, por caminar en carruaje y por
Al aire libre.
Debilidad mental. Aversin a hablar, mal humor, ansiedad por su salud, cree que est
profundamente enfermo. Agitacin e irritabilidad.
Reacciones vivas: cualquier disgusto lo monta en clera: el menor placer lo colma de
Debilidad muscular con temblores, calambres en los miembros, rigidez y entorpecimiento,
dolores articulares sin hinchazn.
Sensacin de vaco en la cabeza con debilidad y vrtigos como si estuviera intoxicado, por
la maana al despertarse o si ve correr agua. Cefalea frontal en los fatigados intelectuales,
aumentando gradualmente y desapareciendo bruscamente.
Inflamacin de los prpados, que estn gruesos, aglutinados por una mucosidad espesa.
Prurito en el interior del odo y se rasca hasta sangrar.
Faringitis crnica con hinchazn dolorosa de la garganta, adenopata cervical, rigidez de la
nuca y arroja todas las maanas MUCOSIDADES GRISACEAS, VISCOSAS, como
gelatina. Dolor al toser pero no al deglutir.
Resequedad de la boca, la lengua se hace bola al paladar. Hambre aun despus de una
comida abundante (Lyc.).
Afona despus de haber cantado o hablado. Alteracin de la voz en los cantores y en los
actores (Arum.).
Dolor y sensacin de ulceracin en la laringe al toser, hablar y deglutir (Brom.).
Tos seca, quebrada, excitada por la risa, con expectoracin fcil de mucosidades espesas,
GRISACEAS Y VISCOSAS como de engrudo cocido.
Mucha debilidad en el pecho (Stan.). Tan dbil que no puede hablar ni respirar.
Poliuria, micciones frecuentes y abundantes. Incontinencia de orina en los nios.
DOLOR PRESIVO EN EL TESTICULO DERECHO, al caminar y que se agrava por la
presin de los vestidos (Rhod., Zinc.). Prdidas seminales sin excitacin. Impotencia.
Metritis crnica (Alum. Sulph.).
Cuello del tero esponjoso y ulcerado. Leucorrea amarillenta e irritante de olor intolerable.
Dolor en el ovario izquierdo que est aumentado de volumen e indurado con irradiacin a
la espalda y a la cadera izquierda. Prolapso del tero con dolor en el ovario izquierdo.
Blefaritis. Cncer del tero. Diabetes. Laringitis. Trastornos por el onanismo. Tumores del
ovario y del testculo (ovario izquierdo, testculo derecho). Tuberculosis.
Argentum nitricum (signos generales). Caladium (impotencia). Arum triph., Psorinum
(afona). Stannum (debilidad del pecho).
6a y 30a.
This metal in its pure state, as leaf-silver (argentum foliatum), from the supposed
impossibility of its being dissolved in our juices-an impossibility that has no better basis
than theoretical speculation-is said by the teachers of materia medica to be just as powerless
as gold (which see).
At first I allowed myself to be deterred by these confident assertions from using it
medicinally, and therefore employed only the solution of nitrate of silver (in the dose of a
drop of the quintillionth dilution), when I had the opportunity of observing the few
subjoined symptoms caused by it.
But, in spite of all the denials of theorists without experience, who always persist in
regarding the stomach as a cooking or digesting machine, containing gastric juice which,
judging by their trials in the vessels of their laboratory, they found to be incapable of
dissolving either metallic gold or metallic silver, and therefore considered these medicines
to be incapable of exciting any action upon us such as they do when chemically dissolved
lege artis in the stomach, when they are methodice absorbed and introduced into the
circulation of the blood; influenced by the reasons I have adduced respecting gold, I could
not refrain from employing pure silver in the metallic state.
I therefore made experiments on the healthy body with leaf-silver, after triturating it for an
hour to the finest powder, with a hundred parts of milk-sugar.
The few symptoms observed from it and set forth in the following pages furnish the
homoeopathic physician, in silver under this form, with a curative instrument in many
similar morbid states, which cannot be cured by any other medicinal agent, and for which
the ordinary physician fails to find a remedy in all his therapeutics, clinical experience and
voluminous prescription-books.
But I subsequently found that for homoeopathic use another hundred-fold attenuation, that
is to say, a grain of powder containing 1/10000th of silver, may be a still too large dose.
The empirical reputation of nitrate of silver in the ordinary forms of epilepsy is not well
founded, and seems to have arisen from the circumstance that in some varieties of
convulsions, where copper is indicated, a salt of silver containing copper has been used.
But that pure silver, such as leaf-silver is, should be efficacious in the worst and
commonest form of epilepsy, is not borne out by the primary symptoms as yet revealed
from its administration.
R.BOYLE'S so-called diuretic pills, which contain nitrate of silver, and which are so much
praised by BOERHAVE, are quite unsuitable for their purpose, not only on account of the
perilous size of the doses, but also because silver, as the subjoined symptoms produced by it
show, only increases the urinary secretion in its primary action (consequently the opposite
of the diminished urinary secretion in dropsical diseases), whereupon, by means of the
ensuing reaction of the vital force, the opposite of the end aimed at must take place, which
is its permanent secondary action, to wit, a still greater diminution of the urinary secretion;
a true antipathic and, for this case, injurious procedure.
Such hurtful mistakes must have hitherto been committed by the ordinary physicians,
because they were unacquainted with the primary effects of the medicines, and knew of no
way whereby they could learn them, and took no pains to discover the right way.
Indeed, for five- and-twenty centuries they have had no notion of primary and secondary
actions, and knew not that the human organism develops as secondary action of medicines,
as a permanent condition, the exact opposite of their primary action, and that, consequently,
in order to effect any permanent cure, medicines to be really curative must be able to
produce in their primary action the simile of the morbid state actually present, to allow us to
expect from the reaction of the organism the opposite of the medicinal primary action (and
of the disease similar to it), that is to say, the destruction and alteration into health of the
deranged sensations and functions.
On the other hand, silver can cure permanently some kinds of diabetes when the other
symptoms of the disease correspond in similarity to the other primary symptoms of the
disease. [HAHNEMANN was assisted in this proving by - FRANZ, GROSS, HAYNEL,
old-school authorities were consulted for the effects of nitrate of silver : HALL, THOM.,
Phys. Med. Journal, 1800, July, also in Duncan's Annals of Med., v, 1801. KINGLAKE,
London Medical and Physical Journal, 1801. MOODIE, Med. and Phys. Journal, 1804. No
old-school writers are quoted for effects of metallic silver. The 1st edit.gave 200 symptoms
to silver, to this 2nd edit. 23 have been added.]
- He became suddenly dizzy, and as if a mist were before the eyes.
- Vertiginous, sleepy intoxication; his eyes closed.
- Attacks of vertigo; he cannot think properly; also when sitting and reflecting (aft. 1/2 h.).
- Stupid in the head. [Gss.]
- His head began to creep and crawl, as from intoxication.
- He is always in a kind of intoxication; he knows not what is the matter with him. [Fz.]
- Feeling of gloominess in the head, as if smoke were in the brain. [Myr.]
- As if stupid and hollow in the head, the whole brain is painful, with chilliness.
- Shooting burning pain in the head.
- Severe shooting and tearing pain in the head.
- (In the morning shooting headache, with redness of one eye.)
- When standing and reading he had a sudden burning sensation in the scrobiculus cordis, a
sensation of dull contraction of the brain from all sides, and like a threatening of vertigo,
with sick nausea in the region of the sternum, such as is apt to occur after rapid violent
turning round in a circle; at the same time a sudden heat all over the body, but more in the
face, and momentary perspiration on the chest and face.
- A sensation compounded of pressure and drawing in the head, above the right ear towards
the back (aft. 4 h.). [Gss.]
- In the left temple horrible pain compounded of aching and tearing (aft. 5 h.). [Gss.]
- Tearing in the left temple. [Gss.]
- Tearing as if in the bone of the left temple and above the left mastoid process. [Hnl.]
- Drawing pain from the occipital bone to the middle of the frontal bone, in a curved
direction over the right temporal bone, externally. [Hrr.]
- Aching tearing pain on the left and right temporal bones, increased by touch. [Hrr.]
- Squeezing pressure on the right temple, with intermittent sharp stitches inwards (aft. 5
d.). [Ws.]
- Cutting stitches, as if in the bone or on the surface of the brain, just in front of the left ear,
going forwards. [Hnl.]
- Aching pain on the temporal bones, externally. [Hrr. ]
- Aching pain on both parietal bones, externally. [Hrr.]
- Aching pain on the left parietal bone, externally. [Hrr.]
- A slight pressure on the head causes sore pain. [Fz.]
- Slight rippling shudder over the right side of the hairy scalp. [Hnl.]
- Aching pain with stupefaction in the sinciput, and drawing aching in the occiput.
- Aching headache in the forehead above the eyebrows (aft. 2 h.). [Ws.]
- Aching tearing headache in the left frontal protuberance (aft. 6 h.). [Gss.]
- Aching tearing headache under the left frontal protuberance, during which the eyeball
also seems to be compressed. [Gss.]
- Intermittent boring pains, anteriorly on the left side of the forehead all day, aggravated
after lying down in the evening (aft. 7 h.). [Lr.]
- The nape feels stiff, and there is a strange feeling in the occiput; a kind of drawing and
aching therein.
- In the right temporal muscles, the right frontal muscles, the lateral cervical muscles near
the thyroid cartilage, and posteriorly towards the nape, a spasmodic twitching and jumping
of the muscles that pushed away the hand, with twitching pain.
- A pimple on the left temple, that when touched pains like a boil.
- (The borders of the upper and lower eyelids are very red and swelled, but the eyes do not
- Great itching in the canthi of the eyes.
- Painful gnawing aching in the facial bones of the right side, worst on the malar bone (aft.
1 h.). [Ws.]
- Tearing on the left zygoma. [Hrr.]
- Fine drawing pain in the facial muscles, especially on the malar bones. [Ws.]
- Fine painful stitches on the right malar bone. [Ws.]
- Cutting stitches from the interior of the left ear, extending into the brain.
- Sensation in the right ear as if it was stopped up.
- Above the left ear, on a small spot, aching tearing (aft. 12 h.). [Gss.]
- Great itching on the external ear, causing scratching till blood comes.
- Gnawing itching on the lobes of both ears, in the morning, after rising (aft. 24 h.). [Gss.]
- From the depression under the lobe of the right ear to the skin of the cheek, a drawing
pain, that extends to the lower jaw, as if it were in the periosteum. [Fz.]
- On chewing, cutting sensation, as if he had taken some acrid acid, in the Eustachian tube
towards the parotid gland. [Fz.]
- Profuse epistaxis from blowing the nose (immediately after dinner), and again three hours
- Epistaxis came on after creeping and tickling in the nose.
- Swelling of the upper lip, close below the nose.
- The gums are painful per se, but more when touched.
- (An incisor tooth pained when it was pressed forwards) (aft. 5 h.). [Ws.]
- On the outside of the neck, left side, aching while walking in the open air. [Fz.]
- Cutting stitches inwards under the right lower jaw, as if in a gland. [Hnl.]
- The neck is the neighbourhood of the sub-maxillary glands is swollen, and in
consequence the neck is stiff and tense when moving; at the same time swallowing is
rendered difficult by internal swelling of the throat, and he must force every mouthful with
an effort through the gullet (aft. 48 h.). [Ws.]
- Dry feeling of the tongue, which, however, is moist. [Fz.]
- A small vesicle on the tongue with burning sore pain.
- In the throat he has a raw and sore pain.
- Boring and digging pain in the throat.
- Soreness and rawness in the throat when expiring and swallowing. [Fz.]
- Rough and scraping in the throat, lasting all day. [Hnl.]
- On the velum palati a scraping sensation, as if a rough body were adherent there, not
exactly painful but disagreeable, more felt during empty deglutition than when swallowing
a morsel, but constantly felt and compelling him to swallow his saliva; after several hours
this secretion goes deeper down in the fauces. [Fz.]
- When yawning, a painful tension in the fauces, as from a swelling. [Gss.]
- The collection of viscid saliva in the mouth renders speaking difficult. [Fz.]
- Collection of saliva in the mouth, with shivering shaking. [Fz.]
- Viscid, grey, gelatinous mucus in the fauces, which can be easily expectorated by
hawking, in the morning. [Gss.]
- (Great longing for wine.)
- Appetite quite gone; he feels a loathing at food, when he merely thinks about it.
- Indifference to all food, and he is easily satiated. [Fz.]
- The morning hunger disappears. [Fz.]
- Very great appetite (aft. 40 h.). [Gss.]
- Though the stomach is full, the appetite still continues great. [Gss.]
- Excessive gnawing hunger all day, not extinguished by eating. Afterwards, for several
days, it could only be allayed for a short time by eating. [Hnl.]
- In the morning, in the abdomen, stomach, and chest, a burning sensation as from
- Sensation similar to heartburn (aft. 1 1/2 h.). [Myr.]
- Hiccup during (accustomed) tobacco smoking (aft. 1 1/4 h.) [Lr.]
- Almost uninterrupted qualmishness and nausea. [Fz.]
- Sick feeling in the throat, and immediately afterwards heat all over, but chiefly on the
head, with redness of face, without thirst (aft. 1/2 h.). [Myr.]
- Retching, whereby a bitter, pungent, ill-tasting fluid is brought up from the stomach into
the mouth, after which a scraping, scratching, very burning sensation remains permanently
in the fauces (heartburn) (aft. 8 h.). [Gss.]
- Aching in the scrobiculus cordis. [Fz.]
- Pinching over the stomach and in the left hypochondrium. [Fz.]
- After he has commenced to eat, there occurs a severe aching from the abdomen towards
the pubic region, which is aggravated by inspiration, and is relieved by rising from his seat.
- At night an aching painful distension in the abdomen, which went off without discharge
of flatulence.
- Rumbling in the abdomen at night and discharge of flatus.
- Loud noises in the abdomen, on the left side, like the croaking of young frogs (aft. 3/4 h.).
- After the morning stool, contractive bellyache, as from a chill, when sitting.
- Bellyache, as in diarrhoea. [Fz.]
- Cutting internally, transversely through the abdomen.
- Contraction of the abdominal muscles when walking, with tension in them, so that he
must walk bent forwards. [Fz.]
- In the abdominal muscles, near the last two ribs, sharp stitches from within outwards,
which end in a fine pinching, and are somewhat allayed by rubbing (aft. 60 h.). [Ws.]
- A boring pain in the right hypogastrium, just above the groin (aft. 34 h.). [Lr.]
- Shooting cutting on both sides in the region of the inguinal ring (aft.3 1/2 h.). [Hnl.]
- In the bend of the left groin, sensation of straining of the tendon (of the lumbar muscle)
which pains as if bruised when pressed on. [Fz.]
- Pressing in the hypogastrium during the stool, which is moderately soft, and also
thereafter (aft. 72 h.). [Ws.]
- Frequent (never ineffectual) urging to stool in the lower part of the rectum, and
evacuation of a scanty soft stool (aft. 2 1/2 h.), lasting several days.
- During the evacuation of a soft stool, a painful urging in the hypogastrium.
- During the evacuation, in the afternoon, he vomited twice.
- After dinner, a stool which is very dry and sandy, but is passed without difficult (aft. 8 h.).
- Very frequent micturition (aft 6 h.). [Gss.]
- Frequent urging to urinate and copious flow of urine for several hours (aft. 2 h.). [Lr.]
- Almost every night an emission of semen.
- At night pollutions, without lascivious dreams. [Lr.]
- A pain in the left testicle, as after a contusion (aft. 49 h.). [Lr.]
- Irritation in the nose, as if coryza were about to come (aft. 1 h.). [Myr.]
- The nose is as if stopped up anteriorly in both nostrils, and there is smarting in the left
nostril. [Fz.]
- Fluent coryza; the nose is always full of mucus. [Gss.]
- Excessive fluent coryza, with frequent sneezing, for two days. [Hnl.]
- Severe fluent coryza, without sneezing (aft. 10 h.). [Lr.]
- Raw and sore pain superiorly in the larynx, when coughing, not when swallowing.
- By day (not at night and not in the open air), several attacks of short rattling cough, with
white, thick, easily detached expectoration, like boiled starch, but opaque, without taste or
- (In the morning, cough.)
- By laughing mucus is produced in the trachea, and cough excited. [Fz.]
- Mucus in the chest and cough with expectoration (aft. 26 h.). [Lr.]
- On going upstairs and stooping mucus comes in the windpipe, which is expectorated by a
single impulse of cough. [Fz.]
- On stooping mucus comes into the windpipe, which is expectorated by a single impulse
of cough. [Fz.]
- In the morning after rising from bed, an irritating tussiculation without expectoration (aft.
48 h.). [Lr.]
- Obtuse cutting, passing into shooting, rises up into the windpipe, and compels him to
cough two or three times, and thereafter continues for some time; the cough brings watery
expectoration, which does not remove the irritation to cough (aft. 24 h.). [Fz.]
- In the right side of the chest, from within outwards, such a violent stitch, lasting about a
minute, that he can neither inspire nor expire (when sitting) (aft. 28 h.). [Lr.]
- Fine stitches in the interior of the upper part of the sternum, from within outwards (aft. 48
h.). [Ws.]
- Sharp stitches on the right side, near the nipple. [Hrr.]
- Under the right nipple, a shooting, not connected with inspiration or expiration. [Gss.]
- Tearing under the right nipple. [Gss.]
- Gnawing scraping on the left side of the chest when at rest. [Ws.]
- Cramp pain on the left side of the chest, and when it is gone the part still pains when
touched (aft. 9 h.). [Ws.]
- (Oppressive burning in the region of the heart.) [Hnl.]
- Feeling of pressure and oppression in the left side of the chest above the heart (aft. 78 h.).
- A shooting, squeezing pain on the left side of the sternum, most severe when sitting bent
forwards, unconnected with expiration or inspiration (aft. 8 h.). [Ws.]
- Aching shooting on the right side of the chest and sternum, only slightly increased by
inspiring deeply (aft. some m.). [Ws.]
- On inspiring deeply an out-pressing pain on a spot the size of a florin under the second
and third right ribs. [Hnl.]
- On the right side of the chest, a spot with aching pain, as if something hard was pressed
against the ribs [Fz.]
- Violent aching in the middle of the sternum, internally, very much increased by every
movement, especially by stooping forwards and then rising up. [Hnl.]
- Aching pain on the sternum, externally. [Hrr.]
- Needle-pricks under the ensiform cartilage of the sternum. [Hrr.]
- Sharp stitch on the right near the manubrium sterni (aft. 3 h.). [Hrr.]
- On some ribs, a spasmodic aching tensive pain.
- Sharp stitches between the sixth and seventh true ribs of the right side, which are
aggravated by inspiring deeply. [Hrr.]
- Under the last left rib a cutting stitch transversely across, on leaning over to the side and
on supporting himself with his arm.
- Obtuse stitches on the left side, under the last false ribs. [Hrr.]
- Obtuse stitches under the third true rib of the left side, equally felt when inspiring and
expiring. [Hrr.]
- Slowly intermittent obtuse stitches under the cartilages of the last true ribs, on the left
above the scrobiculus cordis (in the evening in bed) (aft. 31 h.). [Gss.]
- Severe cutting from within outwards, in both sides at the lowest ribs, when inspiring
deeply, only slight at other times'; if he moves the trunk without inspiring he experiences no
increase, but he does so immediately on drawing in the breath (aft. 10 h.). [Ws.]
- Cutting stitches at the end of the ribs on the right side near the spine, especially on
bending the back. [Hnl.]
- In the side of the back, opposite the abdomen, first an aching, afterwards when standing,
on the slightest movement and when breathing, a frightfully severe aching shooting, almost
as if he should die; he must walk in a bent posture; it felt like the grasping pain of a
malignant ulcer when he lay still; in the chest itself there was oppression, so that he could
not get his breath, as if a great weight lay on the chest.
- Burning shooting in the right side of the sacrum when sitting; when he rises up and when
he presses on it the spot has only a burning pain, and does not shoot any more. [Fz.]
- Drawing on the right side of the posterior portion of the pelvis and in the sacrum (aft. 1/4
h.). [Gss.]
- Sensation as if the sacrum were beaten (aft. 24 h.). [Gss.]
- His sacrum is very painful, as if bruised (aft. 36 h.). [Gss.]
- Obtuse stitches in the second lumbar vertebra. [Hrr.]
- A tickling, itching shooting betwixt the scapulae, as from a severe flea- or gnat-bite; he
cannot scratch enough.
- Sharp aching inside the scapulae (aft. 1 h.). [Ws.]
- On the upper part of the left scapula excessive tearing, when sitting, which went off on
rising from the seat. [Gss.]
- Formication, as if asleep, in the left scapula. [Fz.]
- Tearing on the top of the shoulder and on the head of the humerus. [Hrr.]
- Tearing in the glenoid cavity of the shoulder-joint, extending into the clavicle. [Hrr.]
- Boring stitches in the right axilla, which did not go off by touching (aft. 30 h.). [Lr.]
- Aching tearing beneath the shoulder-joint. [Gss.]
- Continued pinching on the right upper arm (aft. 1 h.). [Ws.]
- Tearing in the left upper arm. [Hrr.]
- A burning, very transient stitch anteriorly in the middle of the left upper arm. [Hnl.]
- Aching pain in the flesh of the upper arm, which is increased by touching. [Hrr.]
- Cramp in the middle of the upper arm on raising it; otherwise little felt (aft. 10 h.). [Ws.]
- Tensive drawing, resembling shooting, in various parts of the arms.
- In the bend of the right elbow a spasmodic, aching, drawing pain, as if the arm had been
strained by violent exertion, only when moving it, but more when extending than when
flexing it.
- In the bend of the right and left elbow and in both knees an aching, drawing, tensive pain
(under all circumstances), which only goes off for a moment by pressing strongly on it, but
then returns immediately.
- Paralytic sensation in the arms on moving them, especially at the elbow-joint (aft. 32 h.).
- A kind of paralysis of the right arm and hand; it sinks down, and he can hardly write even
with much effort (aft. 3 h.). [Hrr.]
- On flexing the arm a tension externally on the point of the elbow (aft. 1 h.). [Ws.]
- Burning in the point of the right elbow (aft. 6 h.). [Gss.]
- On the inside of the left forearm a spasmodic, aching, drawing pain.
- In the muscles betwixt the ulna and the radius of the left forearm, on the back thereof, not
far from the wrist bone, a very severe, aching tearing (aft. 31 h.). [Gss.]
- A not long continued jerking tearing, as if in the middle of the radius, first of the right
then of the left forearm, and lastly in the proximal phalanx of the right middle finger,
recurring from time to time. [Hnl.]
- Sharp, intermittent stitches on the right radius, rather in the muscles. [Hrr.]
- Sharp, continued stitch behind the wrist-joint, at the commencement of the radius (aft. 6
h.). [Ws.]
- Shooting, itching burning under the skin on the inside of the left wrist-joint (aft. 32 h.).
- A tickling in the right palm that compels scratching (aft. 33 h.). [Lr.]
- Cramp-like drawing in the dorsum of the right hand and foot. [Fz.]
- Aching tearing in the wrist bones of both hands. [Gss.]
- Tearing aching pain in the metacarpal bone of the thumb and in the metatarsal bone and
proximal phalanx of the big toe of the right and left foot, increased by touching. [Hrr.]
- Tearing in the proximal phalanx of the fourth finger of the left hand and in its metacarpal
bone, with spasmodic drawing inwards of the finger, particularly when grasping anything.
- Drawing in the joints of the three middle fingers of the left hand, when moving and when
at rest. [Hrr.]
- Tension and drawing in the groin below the inguinal ring, in the left thigh. [Fz.]
- In the hip and thigh a paralytic weakness.
- On a spot behind the left hip, a violent pain, as if he had fallen hard upon it, only when
moving; standing did not cause it (aft. 32 h.). [Lr.]
- When running, when he treads upon the projected left-foot, a painful, sharp aching in the
right hip-joint. [Gss.]
- When walking, paralytic weakness in the right hip-joint, especially when drawing
forward the foot, and stitches in it when treading which makes him limp in his gait, soon
going off. [Hnl.]
- Formicating humming in the left thigh, and drawing in its anterior muscles. [Fz.]
- Twitching and palpitation in several muscular parts, especially on the right thigh. [Gss.]
- Slight twitching on the outside of the left knee, together with a sensation like gurgling,
when sitting (immediately). [Ws.]
- Above the left knee cramp-like cutting inwards on both sides when he is not moving (aft.
8 h.). [Ws.]
- Tearing, obtuse stitches above the left patella, in all positions. [Hnl.]
- In the left knee-joint a tearing when sitting (aft. 72 h.). [Gss.]
- The knee pains as if bruised, more severe when sitting than when walking (aft. 1 1/4 h.).
- The knees often bend below him when walking. [Hnl.]
- Pressing pain in the knee-joint and pressing outwards in the muscles of the left lower
extremity when sitting. [Hrr.]
- (Several papules on the tibia causing burning pain.)
- In the evening, in bed, burning, corroding stitches in the left tibia, not far from the knee,
so that his foot twitched involuntarily (aft. 17 h.). [Hnl.]
- Cramp in the left calf, worst when at rest (aft. 4 h.). [Ws.]
- On going down stairs the muscles of the calves pain as if they were too short. [Hnl.]
- Bruised pain in the ankle-joints and throbbing in them, worst when sitting (aft. 3 h.).
- In the ankle-joints and in the lower parts of the legs a strong beating and dull throbbing,
as from being over-tired, with crawling and stitches on the skin of the leg, worst when at
rest, less when moving (aft. 14 h.). [Ws.]
- In the left ankle-joint a sensation as if the foot were detached there, and as if the
cartilages of the joint did not touch one another, when walking. [Fz.]
- Shooting cutting in the outer ankles, from within outwards, when sitting, scarcely at all
when walking; it is most severe when the foot is resting on a narrow ledge (aft. some h.).
- Tearing in the feet, at one time on the sole, at another on the dorsum of the foot, then in
the heel, then in the toes (especially in their proximal joints), then in the bones of the feet,
then in the metatarsal bones, which pains do not extend beyond the ankles; only
occasionally a flying, tearing pain extends farther up. [Hrr.]
- Pain in the heel when treading, as if numb (continued).
- In the right heel and tendo Achillis a (somewhat burning) sensation of gone-to-sleep.
- Intermittent violent burning in a corn, also when not pressed from without, for 24 hours.
- On the ends of the hollow bones, near, above, or beneath their joints, on several parts of
the body, an aching tearing (aft. 48 h.). [Gss.]
- Great exhaustion of the body, especially of the thighs, when sitting and walking, with
drowsiness (aft. 4 h.). [Myr.]
- Discomfort, lassitude in all the limbs. [Gss.]
- Chill in the back and from below to above the ankles, where it continued for two hours,
and was very sensitive; walking did not allay it (aft. 6 1/2 h.). [Hnl.]
- In the afternoon chilliness, until he went to sleep; he could not get warm even in bed;
after midnight, perspiration.
- At night, in bed, on the least raising of the bed-clothes, or letting in the air under them,
febrile rigor on the upper part of the body; but when he was properly covered he had only
normal warmth (aft. 4 h.).
- Shivering through the whole body (aft. 1 1/2 h.). [Lr.]
- When walking in the open air exhaustion and heat all over, without perspiration, and
anxiety as if his clothes were too tight.
- In the forenoon heat and hot feeling all over the body, but less in the head, without thirst,
with perspiration only on the abdomen and slightly on the chest.
- In the evening, in bed, quick pulse, with thirst (aft. 11 h.). [Myr.]
- The attacks recur every day at noon.
- Intolerable itching, like a flea or a louse running over the head and all the body.
- A burning itching here and there on the skin, e.g. of the face, the hands, c., which,
however, does not compel him to scratch.
- Dreams of what occurred during the day.
- Anxious dreams; after waking he was still so anxious that he imagined it had really
happened as he had dreamt (aft. 65 h.).
- (In her contentment she is extravagantly merry, but a trifle immediately sets her off
weeping for a long time.)
- Greater cheerfulness of disposition and inclination to speak all day (aft. 3 h. ). [Lr.]
- Ill-humoured.
Argentum metallicum (Allen)
Metallic silver.
Preparation, The pure precipitated metal for trituration(Hahnemann used the leaf silver).
[_a1]: Hahnemann(R.A. M.L. , 4, 337);
[_a2]: Gross, ibid.;
[_a3]: Franz, ibid.;
[a4]: Meyer, ibid.;
[a5]: Haynel, ibid.;
[a6]: Herrmann, ibid.;
[a7]: Wislicenus, ibid.;
[a8]: Langhammer, ibid.;
[a9]: Hering, Archive, 15, and N. Archiv., 3;
[a10]: Huber, Oest. Zeit., 2, six provings with repeated doses, with 1st, 2d, and 3d trits.,
and 4th, 5th, and 6th dils.
- He is all the time in a kind of intoxication;he knows not how to define it, [_a3].
- * Increased cheerfulness and disposition to talk the whole day(after three hours),
(reaction), [a8].
- When pleased, excessively merry, but cries a long time about a trifle, [_a1].
- Discouraged, [_a1].
- Confusion of the head at 10 A. M.(3d trit.), [a10].
- Head cloudy, as if benumbed(1st trit.), [a10].
- Sense of obscuration in the head, as if there were smoke in the brain, [a4].
- Dulness in the head, [_a2].
- The head feels dull and hollow;his whole brain aches, accompanied by chilliness, [_a1].
- Dizzy stupefaction of the head(1st trit.), [a10].
- He began to feel a tingling and turning in his head, as if he were tipsy, [_a1].
- * He felt suddenly giddy, and as if a mist were before his eyes, [_a1].
- * Attacks of vertigo;he cannot well control his senses; also, when sitting or
reflecting(after half an hour), [_a2].
- Very dizzy on coming in from a walk with slight shivering through the skin(1st trit.),
- Stinging burning pain in the head, [_a1].
- Slight pressure on the head causes a feeling of soreness, [_a3].
- Violent shooting and tearing pain in the head, [_a1].
- (Early in the morning, stitching headache, with redness of one eye), [_a1].
- Pressive headache in the forehead, over the eyebrows(after two hours), [a7].
- * Pressing pain in the forehead, with stupor, and drawing pressure in the occiput, [_a1].
- Intermittent boring pain in the left side of the forehead the whole day; the pain increases
in the evening, after lying down(after seven hours), [a8].
- A transient pain deep in the right frontal eminence, extending obliquely to the right
temporal region(5th dil.), [a10].
- Drawing pains in right frontal eminence, (1st trit.), [a10].
- A transient tearing pain deep in the right frontal eminence, extending toward the right
temple (5th dil.), [a10].
- Drawing pain in the left frontal eminence(3d. trit.), [a10].
- A short painful drawing in the left frontal eminence(6th dil.), [a10].
- Pressive tearing in the left frontal eminence(after six hours), [_a2].
- Pressive tearing under the left frontal eminence;the globe of the eye feeling, at the same
time, compressed, [_a2].
- Pressive pain in the temporal bones, externally, [a6].
- * Pressive tearing pain in the region of the right and left temporal bone, increased by
contact, [a6].
- Spasmodic twitching and subsultus of the right temporal muscle, the occipito-frontalis
muscle of the right side, the muscles on the side of the neck near the cricoid cartilage, and
towards the nape of the neck;this subsultus repelled the hand, and was accompanied by a
quivering pain, [_a1].
- Pinching pressure in the right temple, with sharp rhythmical stitches from without
inwards (after five days), [a7].
- * Painful drawing in the left temple(4th dil.), [a10].
- A short drawing pain in the left temple(3d trit.), [a10].
- Painful drawing in the left temple when sitting(3d trit.), [a10].
- Excessive pain in the left temple, both pressive and drawing(after five hours), [_a2].
- Tearing in the left temple, [_a2].
- Tearing, apparently in the left temporal bone and over the left mastoid process, [a5].
- Pressive pain in the parietal bones, externally, [a6].
- Drawing throbbing headache deep in the right half of the brain, during rest(2d trit.), [a10].
- Drawings deep in the right half of the brain, which gradually increased to violent tearings,
and extended toward the forehead and occiput;evenings, in bed(4th dil.), [a10].
- Sensation in the head both of pressure and trembling, over the right ear, extends
backward(after four hours), [_a2].
- Drawing pain from the occipital bone as far as the middle of the frontal bone, obliquely
across the right temporal bone, externally, [a6].
- * A left-sided headache, as if in the brain-substance, at first only slight drawing, but
gradually becoming more violent and tearing, and at its culmination was raging as though a
nerve were being torn into;this lasted twenty-five to thirty seconds, and ended suddenly at
its greatest severity, at 8 P.M. , when going across the room(5th dil.), [a10].
- Pressive pain in the left parietal bone, externally, [a6].
- Cutting stitches, apparently in the skull or on the surface of the brain,
- Painful drawing in the left occipital region, between the protuberance and the mastoid
process(2d trit.), [a10].
- Slight thrill of shivering over the right side of the scalp, [a5].
- * (The upper and lower eyelids are very red and thick; the eyes, however, do not
suppurate), [_a1].
- A single violent vertical stitch through the skin and cartilage of the left upper lid
(afternoon), (5th dil.), [a10].
- Frequent fine stitches, with itching, which provokes scratching, in the left canthi, and the
itching also often in the skin of the left ear(6th dil.), [a10].
- Frequent sticking in the canthi(3d trit.), [a10].
- A short but severe sticking in the left internal canthus, as if with a coarse needle, at 3 P.M.
(5th dil.), [a10].
- Violent itching in the corners of the eyes, [_a1].
- Increased warmth in the concha of the left ear, and itching, which provokes scratching
(6th dil.), [a10].
- In the folds of the external ear, a sensation as if a many-footed insect were crawling,
without itching(4th dil.), [a10].
- Violent itching of the external ear;he scratches until the parts bleed, [_a1].
- A pressive tearing over the left ear, in a small place(after twelve hours), [_a2].
- Repeated violent stitches in the fossa behind the right lobule, penetrating into the head(3d
trit.), [a10].
- A drawing pain from the fossa behind the right lobule as far as the skin of the cheek,
extending down to the lower jaw, as if the pain were in the periosteum, [_a3].
- Two successive unusually severe stitches in the fossa behind the lobule of the left ear,
from without inward(4th dil.), [a10].
- Frequent itching in the folds of the concha;it causes scratching, which was always
followed by a burning sore pain, afternoons till evenings(6th dil.), [a10].
- A corroding itching in the fossa of the right auricle, causes scratching(3d trit.), [a10].
- A painful drawing in the fossa behind the right lobule, close to the cartilage, extending
downward in a crescent form, during rest(2d trit.), [a10].
- A sensitive drawing in the fossa, just behind the lobule of the left ear, recurring at short
intervals(6th d.), [a10], (repeated the next day).
- * Corrosive itching of the lobules of both ears, early in the morning, after rising (after
twelve hours), [_a2].
- Itching on the inner surface of the lobule of the left ear, causes scratching(1st trit.), [a10].
- Sensation in the right ear as if it were stopped up, [_a1].
- Painful drawing within the left ear(3d trit.), [a10].
- Cutting stitches from the left internal ear as far as the brain, [_a1].
- The nose is obstructed, in the forepart of both nostrils;sensation as of biting in the left
nostril, [_a3].
- Fluent coryza;the nose is constantly full of mucus, [_a2].
- * Violent fluent coryza, without sneezing(after ten hours), [a8].
- * Excessive fluent coryza, with frequent sneezing, for two days, [a5].
- When blowing the nose, violent bleeding(immediately after dinner, and again in three
hours), [_a1].
- Irritation in the nose, as if a cold would come on(after one hour), [a4].
- A throbbing in the left nostril(fore part), tension in the external skin of the nose as though
the nasal bones were compressed, with tickling pricking in the left nostril, that occasioned
several violent sneezings(4th dil.), [a10].
- * Tingling and itching in the nose, followed by bleeding, [_a1].
- Sensation of heat, without redness in the face(1st trit.), [a10].
- Fine drawing pain in the muscles of the face, especially in the region of the cheek-bones,
- Perceptible throbbing over the whole of the left cheek, as though the muscles would be
raised from the mucous membrane, with a feeling as though the left cheek were larger, with
a slight chilly burning in the skin, and redness of both cheeks; lasts six to eight minutes(4th
dil.), [a10].
- Painful, gnawing pressure on the bones of the right side of the face; most severe on the
zygoma(after one hour), [a7].
- Fine, painful stitches in the right malar bone, [a7].
- * Drawing tearing in the right zygoma, [a10].
- Tearing in the left zygoma, [a6].
- * Swelling of the upper lip, close under the nose, [_a1].
- Cutting stitches under the right half of the lower jaw, apparently in the gland, from
without inwards, [a5].
- The lower row of teeth sticks to the upper, as though the enamel were covered with a
sticky cement(3d trit.), [a10].
- A sensitive aching in the last hollow lower left molars(3d trit.), [a10].
- A feeling as though the enamel of the teeth was covered with a sticky cement(2d trit.),
- An incisor tooth being pressed forward was painful(after five hours), [a7].
- The gums are painful, especially when touched, [_a1].
- A little blister on the tongue, sore and burning, [_a1].
- Feeling of dryness of the tongue, which, however, is moist, [_a3].
- Dryness of the tongue, and hard palate(6th dil.), [a10].
- Dryness of the middle of the tongue and hard palate(5th dil.), [a10].
- A burning on the tip of the tongue, as though he had chewed some aromatic substance,
afternoons(3d trit.), [a10].
- Dryness of the mouth and tongue(quarter of an hour), (4th dil.), [a10].
- Great dryness of the mouth(quarter of an hour), (4th dil.), [a10].
- * Dryness in the mouth(1st trit. and 4th dil.), [a10].
- Dry sensation in the mouth(quarter of an hour), (5th dil.), [a10].
- Sticky, tough saliva on the palate(causes scratching), [a9].
- The saliva accumulates in his mouth, with a shaking chill, [_a1].
- Much flow of saliva during the afternoon nap, causing spitting;with so much dryness of
the mouth that the tongue stuck to the palate(for ten minutes), (4th dil.), [a10].
- His speech is impeded on account of much viscid saliva accumulating in his mouth,
- * The region of the submaxillary gland is swollen;this makes the neck stiff, and produces
a tension in the parts when moved;deglutition at the same time is difficult, as if there were
internal swelling of the throat;he is obliged to force every mouthful of food down his
throat(after forty-eight hours), [a7].
- Violent pulsation of the carotids, especially on the left side(4th dil.), [a10].
- * Viscid, gray, jelly-like mucus in the throat, which can be easily hawked up; early in the
morning, [_a2].
- Slight drawing, hardly sensitive, pains in the left parotid gland(4th dil.), [a10].
- Drawing pain in the right submaxillary and parotid glands(1st trit.), [a10].
- When masticating, sense of cutting towards the parotid gland, as after taking something
very acid;it seems to be felt in the Eustachian tube, [_a3].
- Boring and grinding pain in the throat, [_a1].
- Roughness and rawness of the throat, continuing the whole day, [a5].
- * His throat feels raw and sore, [_a1].
- Soreness and rawness in the throat, during expiration and deglutition, [_a3].
- * When coughing, raw and sore in the throat, not in the windpipe;nor when swallowing,
- * Sense as of scraping in the velum pendulum palati, as if a rough body were glued to it;it
was not a painful, but a disagreeable sensation, and was more felt during empty deglutition
than when swallowing a morsel, but it was felt constantly, and forced him to swallow the
saliva;in a few hours this feeling descends deeper into the throat, [_a3].
- * When yawning, painful tension in the fauces, as from swelling, [_a2].
- Itching crawling in the pharyngeal orifice of the right Eustachian tube, which extends to
the tympanum, followed by the same in the left ear(2d trit.), [a10].
- Feeling of nausea in the throat, followed immediately by heat all over, mostly about the
head, with redness of the face, without thirst(after half an hour), [a4].
- * Very great appetite(after forty hours), [_a2].
- * Excessive appetite, continues even when the stomach feels full, [_a2].
- Sensation of hunger(4th dil.), [a10].
- Excessive, almost painful sensation of hunger in the stomach, recurring in paroxysms(5th
dil.), [a10].
- * Excessive, gnawing hunger the whole day, which cannot be satisfied by eating;
afterwards, for several days, this hunger could only be allayed for a short time by eating,
- Sensation of hunger, as from great emptiness in the stomach, mornings, (4th dil.), [a10].
- Hunger, mornings after waking(1st trit.), [a10].
- During the afternoon nap, a sensation of hunger, with attacks of nausea(3d trit.), [a10].
- Sensation of hunger in the stomach(an hour after taking it), with slight nausea(6th dil.),
- Sense of hunger, with drawing-in of the pit of the stomach, through the day(3d trit.),
- Sensation of hunger with nausea, (painless)contraction of the pharynx, and inclination to
swallow the saliva(lasts several minutes), (3d trit.), [a10].
- Sensation of hunger, forenoons, with nausea as from emptiness in the stomach, and
scraping irritation in the bronchial tubes, causing a dry cough(2d trit.), [a10].
- Appetite entirely gone;he loathes food when merely thinking of it, [_a1].
- Woke at 7.30 A. M., with hunger and great weakness in the shoulders(6th dil.), [a10].
- Indifference to food;he is satiated immediately, [_a3].
- No appetite, early in the morning, [_a3].
- (Great desire for wine), [_a1].
- Sensation like heartburn(after one and a half hours), [a4].
- Hiccough, when smoking tobacco as usual(after one and a quarter hours), [a8].
- Almost continual qualmishness and nausea, [_a3].
- Retching, by which a bitter, acrid, badly smelling liquid is brought up from the stomach
into the mouth, leaving behind a continual sense of rawness, roughness, and burning in the
throat(heartburn), (after eight hours), [_a2].
- Two vomitings in the afternoon, during stool, [_a1].
- Pinching, transversely, across the stomach, and in the left hypochondrium, [_a3].
- When standing or reading, he suddenly felt a burning sensation in the pit of the stomach,
a sense as of a dull compression of the brain from all sides, and an approaching vertigo,
with nausea, and inclination to vomit, in the region of the sternum, as after turning quickly
round in a circle;at the same time, a sudden heat in the whole body, but more in the face,
and momentary sweat on the chest and in the face, [_a1].
- Pressure at the pit of the stomach, [_a3].
- A transient stitch within the abdomen, between the right hypochondrium and the
epigastrium, followed by hunger and loud rumbling in the bowels(3d trit.), [a10].
- Sharp stitches, from within outwards, in the abdominal muscles, near the last true rib;
they terminate in a fine pinching, and abate a little by rubbing(after sixty hours), [a7].
- * Bruised pain in the flank, over the left hip, and on the whole left side of the pelvis(2d
trit.), [a10].
- * (With uterine weakness), .
- Distension and fulness in the upper abdomen, with a hungry feeling(5th dil.), [a10].
- At night, a pressive, painful distension of the abdomen;it passed off without emission of
flatulence, [_a1].
- Tympanic distension of the whole right side of the bowels, with bruised pain on hard
pressure;slowly disappears after passage of wind(4th dil.), [a10].
- Rumbling and fermenting in the bowels, as though fluid were poured from one intestine
into another(4th dil.), [a10].
- Rumbling in the abdomen during the night, and emission of flatulence, [_a1].
- * Loud rumbling in the left side of the abdomen, like the croaking of frogs (after three-
quarters of an hour), [a8].
- In the morning, sense of burning, like heartburn, in the abdomen, stomach, and as far as
the chest, [_a1].
- Contractive pain in the belly, after the morning stool;it seems owing to a cold, when
sitting, [_a1].
- Contraction and tension of the abdominal muscles, when walking, so that he has to walk
stooping, [_a3].
- Bellyache, as in diarrhoea, [_a3].
- Cutting, internally, transversely across the abdomen, [_a3].
- A painful drawing, frequently through the day, on the posterior portion of the pelvis, left
side, externally during rest(4th dil.), [a10].
- Pain, as if sprained, on the posterior surface of the outer rim, left side of the pelvis(at the
insertion of the gluteus maximus), renewed at every step, afternoons, after a long walk
(second day), (4th dil.), [a10].
- Drawing stinging pain in the right side of the pelvis, toward the back part, during rest(2d
trit.), [a10].
- Boring pain on the right side of the hypogastrium, just over the groin (after thirty-four
hours), [a8].
- After beginning to eat, an excessive pressure extending from the hypogastrium
downwards, towards the public region;worse during an inspiration, and alleviated by rising
from one's seat, [_a2].
- Painful urging in the hypogastrium, during a soft evacuation, [_a1].
- A momentary, violent stitch from before backward, in the hypogastrium(4th dil.), [a10].
- Cutting stitches on both sides, in the region of the abdominal ring (after three and a half
hours), [a5].
- A painful, though transient tension in the left iliac region, along the course of the psoas
muscle, noticed when walking, and at rest(6th dil.), [a10].
- A drawing tensive pain, in the right inguinal region, along the psoas muscle, disappeared
in rest(5th dil.), [a10].
- Sensation in the bend of the left groin as if the tendon of the psoas muscle were
strained;on pressure, it feels painful, as if bruised, [_a3].
- Tension and drawing in the groin, below the abdominal ring, extending to the left high,
Urinary organs
- Slight burning when urinating, as though the urine were acrid(though it was normal), (3d
trit.), [a10].
- A transient stitch in the urethra from behind forwards(4th dil.), [a10].
- * Frequent desire to urinate, and copious emission of urine, for several hours (after two
hours), [a8].
- Frequent micturition(after six hours), [_a2].
Sexual organs
- A painful, transient drawing through the right inguinal ring down to the testicles, at 4 P.M.
during rest, with a pasty stool(4th dil.), [a10].
- Repeated tearing pains along the course of the spermatic cord, extending into the
testicles, during rest at 4 P.M. after a short walk ( 2d trit.), [a10].
- * Crushed pain in the testicles, evenings in bed(2d trit.), [a10].
- * Crushed pain in the right testicle, even the pressure of the clothes increases the pain, on
walking(2d trit.), [a10].
- A repeated, grabbing pain deep in the substance of the right testicle, when at rest, with a
certain fear and anxiety(3d trit.), [a10].
- * Pain in the left testicle, as after a contusion(after forty-nine hours), [a8].
- Sexual desire somewhat diminished(6th dil.), [a10].
- Emission of semen almost every night, [_a1].
- Emission at night(3d trit.), [a10].
- Pollutions at night, without lewd dreams, [a8].
- An incomplete emission during sleep(4th dil.), [a10], (See S. 148).
Respiratory apparatus
- * Laughing produces mucus in larynx, and excites cough, [_a3].
- * When going upstairs, or stooping, mucus gets into the air-passages, which is expelled
by a single fit of coughing, [_a3].
- On quietly inspiring, two tones(as from a bassoon, a low and a high) sounded at the same
time from low down in the throat(just before going to sleep evening), (4th dil.), [a10].
- When eating fruit, it seemed to him repeatedly as if a little piece stuck in the larynx; it
feels as if in the upper part and in front something lay in a little spot almost as if chilling,
and somewhat pressing, which sensation constantly irritates him to cough, without being
removed by doing so(1st trit.), [a9].
- In the throat(larynx), a remarkable shattering kind of a crack or crash, with almost a
metallic reverberation(like that heard from the ice breaking up in the spring), (3d trit.),
- * Rawness and soreness in the upper part of the larynx, when coughing, not when
swallowing, [_a1].
- * A dull cutting, which becomes a stitch, in the air-passages, from below upwards,
occasioning two or three fits of cough; it continues even after the cough;the cough produces
a kind of watery expectoration, which, however, does not relieve the irritation to
cough(after twenty-four hours), [_a3].
- It seems like a raw spot in the windpipe, in the region of the suprasternal fossa; worse
when speaking, talking, or singing, [a9].
- Pain in the cricoid cartilage, caused by a draught of air, with a feeling of a stopper in the
throat, and on pressing on it a bruised pain, [a10].
- * Cough from laughing, [a9].
- (Cough in the morning), [_a1].
- Irritation, hacking cough, without expectoration;early in the morning after rising (after
forty-eight hours), [a8].
- * Several attacks of a short, rattling cough by day, not in the night, nor in the open air,
with white, thickish, easyexpectoration, looking like boiled starch, but not transparent,
without taste or smell, [_a1].
- Mucus in the chest, and cough, with expectoration(after twenty-six hours), [a8].
- Spasmodic aching and tension in some of the ribs, [_a1].
- Drawing, stinging pain, as if an ulcer, in the lowest rib near the spine (2d trit.), [a10].
- Violent cutting in both sides, in the region of the lowest ribs, from within outwards; the
pain is severe only during a deep inspiration;when moving the trunk without taking an
inspiration, he feels no aggravation of the pain, but feels it as soon as he inspires(after ten
hours), [a7].
- A pinching, pressive pain in a place, as large as a half dollar, in the right side of the chest
below the axilla;at noon, while at rest, on pressing on it a bruised pain remains(4th dil.),
- On the right side of the chest, a place affected with a pain, as if something hard were
pressing upon the ribs, [_a3].
- A painful drawing in the right side of the thorax, about one and one-half inches below the
axilla, paining, on strong pressure, as if bruised;while at rest after a meal (6th dil.), [a10].
- During a deep inspiration, under the second or third rib of the right side, in a place of the
size of half a dollar, a pain pressing from within outwards, [a5].
- Sharp stitches on the right side, near the handle of the sternum(after eight hours), [a6].
- Sharp stitches on the right side, near the nipple, [a6].
- * In the right side of the chest, for a minute, such a violent stitch from within outwards
that he can neither expire nor inspire(when sitting), (after twenty-eight hours), [a8].
- Cramplike pain in the left side of the chest;after the pain has subsided the place is still
painful to the touch(after nine hours), [a7].
- Gnawing irritation on the left side of the chest, when at rest, [a7].
- Sensation of oppression in the left side of the chest, over the heart (after seventy-eight
hours), [a7].
- Cutting, as with a fine knife, across the cartilages of the false ribs on the left
side;mornings in bed after waking, the spot pains on pressure as if bruised (4th dil.), [a10].
- A horizontal cutting, as with a knife, on the left side near the pit of the stomach, in the
cartilage of the false ribs, after breakfast when quiet(5th dil.), [a10].
- Pain, as if sprained, in the cartilage of the left false ribs, horizontally across the rib near
the pit of the stomach, [a10].
- Mornings, in bed after waking, transient cutting, as with a fine knife, on the left side near
the pit of the stomach, in the cartilages of the false ribs;returns several times, and after
awhile alternates with a pain in the same place on the right side, which last is more like a
circumscribed pressure(5th dil.), [a10].
- Dull stitches on the left side under the last false ribs, [a6].
- Dull stitches under the third true rib of the left side, remaining the same during both
expiration and inspiration, [a6].
- Slowly intermittent, dull stitches under the cartilages of the last true ribs on the left side,
over the pit of the stomach(in the evening in bed), (after thirty-one hours), [_a2].
- Sharp stitches between the sixth and seventh true ribs of the right side, increased during
an inspiration, [a6].
- Pressing stitches on the right side of the chest and in the sternum, increased only by deep
inspirations(after a few minutes), [a7].
- Cutting stitch transversely across below the last rib of the left side, when stooping
sideways and leaning on the arm, [_a1].
- Pressive pain in the sternum externally, [a6].
- Prickings under the xiphoid cartilage of the sternum, [a6].
- Violent pressure on the sternum internally, increased by every motion, especially by
stooping and then rising again, [a5].
- A sticking pinching pain in the left side of the sternum;most violent when sitting bent, and
is uninfluenced either by expiration or inspiration (after eight hours), [a7].
- Fine stitches inside of the upper part of the sternum, from within outwards (after forty-
eight hours), [a7].
- A momentary but frightful stitch in the left side of the chest(praecordial region), as if in
the diaphragm(2d trit.), [a10].
Heart and pulse
- * Frequent spasmodic, though painless twitchings of the whole cardiac muscle, especially
on lying on the back, with a constantly recurring, though not anxious thought, that he would
have apoplexy and never complete the proving(2d trit.), [a10].
- (Oppressive burning in the region of the heart), [a5].
- In the evening, in bed, quick pulse, with thirst(after eleven hours), [a4].
Extremities in general
- Loss of power in the limbs(1st trit.), [a10].
- Great loss of power of the limbs, especially of the upper arm, about the shoulder,
mornings, after waking(4th dil.), [a10].
- Mornings, in bed, after waking, unusual fatigue of the limbs, especially of the upper
arms, as far as the shoulder, as after a long walk with slight chilliness under the whole skin,
and feeling of hunger, which disappeared after a short attack of nausea(6th dil.), [a10].
- Discomfort, heaviness, in all the limbs, [_a2].
- A sort of pressive tearing in the extremities of the long bones, just above or below their
joints, in different parts of the body(after forty-eight hours), [_a2].
- Cramplike drawing in the back of the right hand and foot, [_a3].
- Pressive, drawing and tensive pain in the bends of both elbows and knees (in every
position);when pressing upon the parts, the pain disappears for a moment, but returns
immediately, [_a1].
- Tearing and pressive pain in the metacarpal bone of the thumb, and in the two posterior
joints of the big toes;worse by contact, [a6].
- Pain, as if sprained, in the right shoulder and left inner malleolus of the ankle, on
walking(1st trit.), [a10].
Upper extremities
- Twitching of muscles from the right anterior clavicular region toward the shoulder-
joint(in a fasciculus of the pectoralis major), during rest(4th dil.), [a10].
- Tearing on the top of the shoulder, and in the region of the head of the humerus, [a6].
- A momentary tearing on the articular eminence of the right shoulder, at 5 P.M. , while at
rest(6th dil.), [a10].
- Tearing pain from the articular eminence of the right shoulder to the neck, during rest(4th
dil.), [a10].
- Pain, as if sprained, in the uppermost muscles of the right shoulder-blade, on exerting the
outstretched arm(4th dil.), [a10].
- Frequent painless, muscular twitchings around the right shoulder-joint, at one time in the
posterior margin of the axilla, at another in front of the clavicle extending to the top of the
shoulder(4th dil.), [a10].
- Boring scratching pain in right shoulder-joint, mornings, when walking(3d trit.), [a10].
- A short, painful tearing in the right shoulder-joint, and then in the right frontal region (6th
dil.), [a10].
- Tearing drawing(afterward, beating, throbbing)pains in the right shoulder-joint in rest,
with marked paralytic weakness of the joint(5th dil.), [a10].
- Pressive, bruised pain on the top of the left shoulder-joint, on walking (one hour), (2d
trit.), [a10].
- Pain, as if sprained, in the left shoulder-joint, at rest(4th dil.), [a10].at rest(4th dil.), [a10].
- Pressive tearing below the shoulder-joint, [_a2].
- A sharp, painful drawing in the right deltoid muscle(4th dil.), [a10].
- Drawing, digging pain under the right deltoid muscle, [a10].
- Drawing pains in left deltoid muscle, which pains on pressure, as if beaten, at rest;lasts
ten to fifteen seconds(4th dil.), [a10].
- Boring stitches in the right axilla, which did not cease when touched(after thirty hours),
- Pain, as if sprained, in the posterior wall of the right axilla, on muscular exertion,
disappears in rest(3d trit.), [a10].
- The arm is inclined to go to sleep, when lying on it, mornings, with increased flow of
saliva(2d trit.), [a10].
- Paralytic feeling in the arms during motion, especially in the elbow-joint (after thirty-two
hours), [a7].
- Tensive drawing in different places on the arms, like stitches, [_a1].
- A transient drawing tearing in the lower end of the left arm, near the condyles of the
elbow, at 3 P.M. , while at rest(6th dil.), [a10].
- Violent electric shocks in the left arm, starting from the shoulder;when lying with the
hands under the head, during a nap(3d trit.), [a10].
- Fatigue and loss of power, especially of the upper arm, after waking(3d trit.), [a10].
- Great fatigue and loss of power, especially of the upper arms, with inclination to lie down
and sleep, 11 A. M.(3d trit.), [a10].
- Powerlessness in the upper arm, as after very severe labor(3d trit.), [a10].
- Great weakness of the upper arm, and stiffness of the neck, mornings, after waking,
disappears after rising(5th dil.), [a10].
- Fatigue of the upper arm, and a drawing pain in the radius, beginning above the wrist,
followed by a similar pain in the right shoulder(3d trit.), [a10].
- Cramp in the middle of the upper arm, when lifting it;otherwise the cramp is scarcely
felt(after ten hours), [a7].
- Pressive pain in the flesh of the upper arm, which increases by contact, [a6].
- Burning, quickly passing stitch in front, in the middle of the left upper arm, [a5].
- Continued pinching in the right upper arm(after one hour), [a7].
- Drawing pains in the muscles of the right upper arm near the elbow, with paralytic
weakness of them, during rest(5th dil.), [a10].
- A drawing pain with paralytic weakness in the anterior surface of the right upper arm, in
rest, with inclination to stretch the arm;lasts several minutes(5th dil.), [a10].
- A short paralytic drawing on the outside of the left upper arm; on pressure it pains as if
beaten(3d trit.), [a10].
- Tearing in the left upper arm, [a6].
- Muscular twitchings in the bend of the right elbow, and bruised pain on the top of the
right shoulder, during rest(2d trit.), [a10].
- Painless twitching in the left elbow-joint, in rest, at 3 P.M. (2d trit.), [a10].
- A burning pain in a circumscribed spot on the elbow, at 6 P.M. (3d trit.), [a10].
- When bending the arm, a tension, externally, at the point of the elbow(after six hours),
- A painful drawing through the radial joint of the right elbow, at noon, lasting ten or fifteen
seconds, followed by a similar pain in the left hip, during rest(5th dil.), [a10].
- A biting itching on the right elbow(5th dil.), [a10].
- Violent stitch in the tip of each elbow(2d trit.), [a10].
- A very violent stitch in the tip of the left elbow, when at rest(3d trit.), [a10].
- Spasmodic, pressive drawing pain in the bend of the right elbow, as if the arm had been
sprained by violent motion;only felt during motion;more when extending than when
bending the arm, [_a1].
- Short, lasting, jerking tearings, apparently in the shaft of the radius, first of the right, then
of the left forearm, finally in the lowest joint of the right middle finger;returning from time
to time, [a5].
- A very sensitive, paralytic drawing in the right radius, beginning above the anterior
condyle;lasts eight to ten seconds, evenings(4th dil.), [a10].
- A sort of paralysis of the right arm and hand;it drops, and with great effort he can scarcely
write(after three hours), [a6].
- Violent, pressive tearing in the posterior muscles between the bones of the elbow and the
radius, as far as the wrist(after thirty-one hours), [_a2].
- Spasmodic pressure and drawing pain in the internal side of the left forearm, [_a1].
- A frightful stitch, as from an angry wasp, in the skin, at the middle of the extensor side of
the left forearm, followed in a short time by a similar, but less severe stitch in the skin of
the right side of the chest, at 11 A. M.(3d trit.), [a10].
- Intermittent pointed stitches in the radius of the right side, more in the muscles, [a6].
- Frequent paralytic painful drawings from the middle of the flexor side of the radius of the
left forearm up to the elbow, at rest(4th dil.), [a10].
- Drawing tearing pains above the wrist, at 2 P.M. (4th dil.), [a10].
- Painful paralytic drawings above the wrist, from the condyles at the elbow down along
the ulnar side of the right forearm, afterward the same pain in the left forearm, evenings, in
bed(4th dil.), [a10].
- Drawing pain in the radial part of the left wrist-joint, while at rest, disappears on moving
the hand, and on pressure pains as if beaten(3d trit.), [a10].
- Sharp continued stitch behind the wrist-joint, at the beginning of the radius (after six
hours), [a8].
- Pressive tearing in the bones of either wrist, [_a2].
- Titillation in the palm of the right hand, forcing him to scratch(after thirty-three hours),
- Paralytic pains in almost every joint of the right fingers, lasting ten to fifteen seconds (4th
dil.), [a10].
- Painless twitchings of the whole right thumb, afternoons, on writing(ten to twelve times),
so that it is abducted from the fingers(1st trit.), [a10].
- A short painful drawing in the ball of the left thumb, alternating with a similar sensation
in the left occiput, at rest(5th dil.), [a10].
- A drawing pain in the middle joint of the right index finger, with sudden paralytic loss of
power of it, at 1 P.M. , when at rest;lasts thirty seconds(4th dil.), [a10].
- Drawing in the joints of the three left midmost fingers, both when in motion and at rest,
- A drawing tearing pain in the middle joint of the left index finger, attacks him while in
bed;it becomes, after a short duration, throbbing(3d trit.), [a10].
- A sensitive, drawing, penetrating pain in the bone of the metacarpal joint of the ring
finger, when at rest at noon(second day), (4th dil.), [a10].
- Tearing in the lowest joint and the metacarpal bone of the left fourth finger, with
spasmodic clenching of the fingers, especially when seizing something, [a5].
- Violent tearing in the middle joint of the right little finger(3d trit.), [a10].
Lower extremities
- Powerlessness of the lower extremities after waking;the knees knock together when
walking(3d trit.), [a10].
- After rising from bed, great weariness of the lower extremities, most marked in the region
of the trochanters;it seemed as though the ligaments and muscles had given way, with
painful tension in the muscles about the trochanter and buttocks, as if sprained; especially
sensitive on walking;on hard pressure, they pain as if bruised(6th dil.), [a10].
- Stiffness of the lower extremities, evening(6th dil.), [a10].
- Shivering-like creepings through the whole outer side of the left lower extremity on
standing in a room(1st trit.), [a10].
- Paralytic weakness in the hip and thigh, [_a1].
- Paralytic weakness in the right hip-joint when walking, especially when moving the leg
forward, and stitches when setting down the foot;this caused him to limp, but soon went off,
- Painful stiffness in the muscles about the hip-joint on dressing(6th dil.), [a10].
- Paralytic drawing in the bones of the right hip(3d trit.), [a10].
- On running, when he steps on the left foot, which is stretched forward, a painful pricking
pressure in the right hip-joint, [_a2].
- Violent pain at a place behind the left hip, as if he had had a violent fall upon it;only felt
during motion;not excited by standing(after thirty-two hours), [a8].
- Pain, as if sprained, in the right hip-joint(1st trit.), [a10].
- A pain, as if sprained, in the left hip, caused by sneezing(4th dil.), [a10].
- A pain, as if sprained, in the hip-joint on every step, so severe that it caused him to
limp(2d trit.), [a10].
- A violent electric shock, starting first from the left;then from the right hip-joint, and
disturbing his after-dinner nap(3d trit.), [a10].
- Burning sore feeling between the nates after a short walk ( 1st trit.), [a10].
- The glutei muscles pain as if bruised on walking, stooping, adduction of the thigh, or by
lying on the parts(6th dil.), [a10].
- Throbbing stitches, synchronous with the pulse, from the left trochanter, was always
accompanied with a fine stitch;mornings, after waking, in bed(4th dil.), [a10].
- Loss of power in the thighs on walking in the street(3d trit.), [a10].
- Sense of a tingling humming(vibration)in the left thigh, and drawing in the anterior
muscles, [_a3].
- Bruised pain in the anterior surface of the left thigh and knee(1st trit.), [a10].
- The knees often knock together when walking, [a5].
- A transient drawing from the right popliteal space through the knee to the outer margin of
the patella, at 10 P.M. , in bed(6th dil.), [a10].
- The knees knock together when ascending stairs(1st trit.), [a10].
- Pressive pain in the knee-joint, and from within outwards, in the muscles of the left
extremity, when sitting, [a6].
- Muscle twitchings above the left patella(1st trit.), [a10].
- Tearing dull stitches over the left patella, in any position, [a5].
- Bruised pain on the left side of the right patella;this increased so much when walking that
he limped, and could step with difficulty;disappeared in twenty-five seconds, while sitting,
with weakness and loss of power in the extremities (3d trit.), [a10].
- Bruised pain in the left patella and around the back of the left side of the pelvis; on
motion, it pains as if sprained(3d trit.), [a10].
- The knee is painful, as if bruised;worse when sitting than when walking (after one and a
quarter hours), [a7].
- A bruised and dislocated pain in the right knee, on motion(5th dil.), [a10].
- Bruised pain on the inside of the right knee, followed by biting itching on the inside of
the left knee(5th dil.), [a10].
- Pain, as if sprained, on the inner side of the right knee;disappears during rest (3d trit.),
- Pain, as if sprained, in the right knee, and cramp in the calf on walking; mornings, after
rising(2d trit.), [a10].
- A throbbing bruised pain on the anterior and inner surface of the right knee, on
standing(4th dil.), [a10].
- Electric shocks through the right knee-joint, followed by two similar shocks through the
upper part of the body, which seemed to explode close to the foramen magnum; prevented
falling asleep in the forenoon(3d trit.), [a10].
- Slight twitchings in the external side of the left knee, with a sensation of clucking, when
sitting(immediately), [a7].
- Tearing in the left knee-joint when sitting(after seventy-two hours), [_a2].
- A cramplike incisive pain over the left knee, on both sides, when he does not move (after
eight hours), [a7].
- Tearing in the left knee-joint when sitting(after seventy-two hours), [_a2].
- A short drawing pain in the condyles of the left knee(a quarter of an hour), (3d trit.),
- In the evening, when in bed, burning corrosive stitches in the left tibia, not far from the
knee, which caused an involuntary twitching of the foot (after seventeen hours), [a5].
- A short but repeated drawing paralytic pain through the marrow of the right tibia on
walking across the room, at 6 P.M. (3d trit.), [a10].
- Repeated drawing throbbing pain in the middle of the left tibia, when at rest (a quarter of
an hour), (3d trit.), [a10].
- Pain, as if sprained, in the inner condyle of the right tibia, on walking in the open air (3d
trit.), [a10].
- Throbbing tearing in the middle of the right tibia(1st trit.), [a10].
- An extremely violent, almost unendurable, pain through the whole fibula, with loss of
power, at 3 P.M. , when walking(3d trit.), [a10].
- Paralytic drawing in the middle of the left tibia, as if in the periosteum, at rest(3d trit.),
- Frequent tearing pains, now in the left, now in the right head of the fibula, and below in
the bone(3d trit.), [a10].
- A paralytic aching in the periosteum(or bone)of the left fibula while at rest (3d trit.),
- Cutting pain in the left fibula, as with a fine knife, on standing(1st trit.), [a10].
- When going downstairs, the calf muscles are painful, as if too short, [a5].
- Cramp in the left calf;worse when at rest(after four hours), [a7].
- A frequent cramplike drawing in the lowest portion of the right calf at 11 1/2 A. M., both
in rest and on motion;lasts but a few seconds (6th dil.), [a10].
- Sensation in the left ankle as if the foot had become detached, and the cartilage of the
joints did not touch when walking, [_a3].
- A paralytic drawing pain in the left ankle, near the external malleolus; lasts some minutes,
when at rest(3d trit.), [a10].
- A transient tearing pain in the inner malleolus of the left ankle, extending upward, in
rest(5th dil.), [a10].
- Cutting stitches in the external malleoli, from within outwards, when sitting, (after some
hours), [a7].
- A pain, as if sprained, in the external malleolus of the left foot, when walking (4th dil.),
- * Bruised pain on the left inner malleolus(4th dil.), [a10].
- Pain, as if bruised, and throbbing, in the joints of the feet;worse when sitting (after three
hours), [a7].
- In the joints of the feet, and in the lower parts of the legs, a great turmoil and dull beating,
as from great fatigue, with tingling and stinging of the skin of the tibiae;worse when at rest,
but less during motion(after fourteen hours), [a7].
- A drawing pressive, then throbbing, pain on the dorsum of the right foot, in the metatarsal
bones, while sitting(3d trit.), [a10].
- Drawing pain in the left metatarsal bones and ankle, with burning in the corn of the left
toe(2d trit.), [a10].
- * Tearing in the feet, at times in the soles, at times in the dorsa, or in the heels,
toes(especially in their lowest joints), in the tarsal or metatarsal bones;the pain does not
extend beyond the malleoli; very seldom a shooting pain extended beyond the malleoli,
- Pain in the heel, when stepping upon the foot, feeling as if it were pithy (continued),
- A somewhat burning sensation in the right heel and tendo Achillis, as if they had gone to
sleep, [_a3].
- Tearing on the back of the middle toes of the left foot at 6 P.M. (3d trit.), [a10].
- Pain in a corn makes it difficult to go to sleep(1st trit.), [a10].
- Violent burning in the corn, in paroxysms, even without external pressure, for twenty-four
hours, [a7].
- Twitchings and palpitation of several muscles, especially of the right thigh, [_a2].
- Woke in the morning weak and depressed(4th dil.), [a10].
- Paralytic weakness on motion(1st trit.), [a10].
- Great weakness of the body, especially of the thighs, when sitting or walking, with
sleepiness(after four hours), [a4].
- Lassitude and heat all over when walking in the open air;he has no sweat, and feels a sort
of anguish, as if his clothes were too tight, [_a1].
- Great weakness in the limbs, and tensive bruised pain in the neck, mornings, after
waking;better after rising(5th dil.), [a10].
- Frequent drawing pains, now in one, now in another joint, now in the upper arm, in the
calf, forehead, always short and alternating, in rest(2d trit.), [a10].
- Drawing pains, now in the left forehead, now in the occiput, now in the left
- Painful pressive tension, alternating between the tendon of the right psoas and the triceps
humeris;on pressing on it, pain as if bruised(1st trit.), [a10].
- Pain, as if sprained, on the external posterior rim of the pelvis and on the right inner
malleolus, on motion, after rising(3d trit.), [a10].
- Slight soreness between the nates, around the anus, and in the groin, on moderate
walking(2d trit.), [a10].
- Seems to be beset with pressive, burrowing, tensive, stiff, bruised, and broken feelings (of
the bones), (3d trit.), [a10].
- Burning itching, here and there, on the skin;for instance, upon the skin of the face, the
hands, etc., not, however, making scratching necessary, [_a1].
- Frequent sticking in the skin, as from fleas(6th dil.), [a10].
- Intolerable itching, as from a flea creeping over the head and the whole body, [_a1].
- Stitches here and there in the skin, as from electric sparks, through the day(3d trit.), [a10].
- Itching biting, causing scratching on the skin of the forehead(5th dil.), [a10].
- Pimple on the left temple, painful when touched, [_a1].
- A little blister on the tongue, sore and burning, [_a1].
- A furuncle formed on the lowest left rib, not painful, but sensitive to touch; it discharged
after six days, but the hardness under the skin remained fourteen days (6th dil.), [a10].
- Stinging and itching burning under the skin, in the inner side of the wrist-joint (after
thirty-two hours), [a7].
- (Several pimples on the tibia, with a burning pain), [_a1].
- Shivering through the whole body(after one and a half hours), [a8].
- Slight chilliness under the whole skin, mornings, in bed, after waking, etc.(6th dil.),
- In the afternoon, chilliness until he went to sleep;even in bed, he could not get warm;
sweat after midnight, [_a1].
- Chilliness on the back and on the feet, extending beyond the malleoli; it continued for
two hours, and was very painful;walking did him no good (after six and a half hours), [a5].
- Chills over the upper portion of the body, at night, when lifting the cover ever so
little;when properly covered, he felt naturally warm(after four hours), [_a1].
- Slight creeping chills in the skin, on uncovering the upper part of the body (4th dil.),
- In the forenoon, heat and feeling of heat over the whole body, less, however, about the
head, without any thirst, with a little sweat on the abdomen and some on the chest, [_a1].
- Hectic fever every day from 11 to 12 or 1 o'clock, [a9].
- Sweats very easily, especially during and after eating(1st trit.), [a10].
- (Morning), Early, stitching headache, early, after rising, itching of lobules of ears; early, *
mucus in throat; sensation of hunger;after waking, hunger;early, no appetite;burning in
abdomen, etc.; cough;early, after rising, hacking cough;in bed, after waking, cutting across
cartilages of false ribs;in bed, after waking, cutting in the cartilages of the false ribs; after
waking, pain in back and loins;after waking, loss of power of limbs, when waking,
muscular twitchings around right shoulder-joint;when walking, boring scratching in right
shoulder-joint;after waking, in bed, stitches from left trochanter to socket; after waking,
great weakness in the limbs, etc.
- (Forenoon), Sensation of hunger, etc.;heat, etc., over whole body.
- * (Noon), The symptoms reappear; at rest, pain in right side of chest.
- (Afternoon), Stitch through skin, etc., of left upper lid;itching in the folds of the concha,
etc.;burning on tip of tongue;two vomitings;after long walk, pain, as if sprained, on left side
of pelvis;on writing, twitches in right thumb;chilliness.
- (Evening), After lying down, boring pain in left side of forehead;in bed, drawing in right
half of brain, etc.; * in bed, crushed pain in testicles; in bed, stitches under ribs;in bed,
quick pulse, etc.;paralytic drawing in right radius; in bed, drawing above the wrist, etc.;in
bed, burning stitches in left tibia.
- (Night), Distension of the abdomen;rumbling in abdomen, etc.;when lifting the cover,
ever so little, chills over upper part of body.
- (After midnight), Sweat.
- (10 A. M.), Confusion of head.
- (11 A. M.), Stitching in the side of left forearm, etc.;great fatigue, etc.
- (2 P.M. ), Drawing pains above the wrist.
- (3 P.M. ), At rest, tearings in lower end of left arm.
- (6 P.M. ), Burning pain on elbow;tearing in back of left middle toes.
- (7 P.M. ), At rest, after moderate walk, pain in left lumbar region.
- (Adduction of thigh), Pain in lumbo-sacral region.
- (Draught of air), Pain in cricoid cartilage.
- (Walking in open air), Pressure on side of neck;pain in condyle of tibia; lassitude, etc., all
- (Bending arm), Tension at point of elbow.
- (Sitting bent), Pain in left side of sternum.
- (Breathing), Pressive stitches in side of back.
- (On coming in from a walk) , Very dizzy, etc.
- (Contact), Pain in region of temporal bones;pain in metacarpal bone of thumb, etc.; pain
in flesh of upper arm.
- * (Coughing), Raw, etc., in throat;rawness, etc., in upper part of larynx.
- (Curving the back), Stitches at the termination of the ribs.
- (During deglutition), Soreness, etc., in throat; * (empty), scraping in velum pendulum.
- (After dinner), Immediately, when blowing nose, violent bleeding.
- (After beginning to eat), Pressure from hypogastrium downwards.
- (After eating), Coldness in right side of pelvis.
- (During and after eating), Sweats very easily.
- (During expiration), Soreness, etc., in throat.
- (Extending arm), Pain in bend of right elbow.
- (Muscular exertion), Pain in right axilla.
- (Inspiration), Pressure from hypogastrium downwards;cutting in region of lowest ribs;
pain under second and third ribs;stitches between ribs;stitches in chest, etc.
- * (Laughing), Produces mucus in larynx; * excites cough.
- (Lifting the part), Cramp in upper arm.
- * (Lying on back), Twitchings of the cardiac muscle.
- (Masticating), Sense of cutting toward the parotid gland.
- (Motion), Pressure on the sternum;after waking, in the morning, tension on both sides of
the foramen magnum;stitches in the side of back;morning, after waking, paralytic feeling in
arms;pain in bend of right elbow;pain behind left hip; bruised, etc., pain in right knee;
paralytic weakness.
- (Motion after rising), Pain, as if sprained in rim of pelvis.
- (After a meal), While sitting and standing, sensation as of a living worm boring through
the anus.
- (During afternoon nap), Sensation of hunger, etc.
- (Pressure), Tendon of psoas muscle painful as if bruised;drawing on outside of left upper
arm; pains in left wrist.
- (Reading), Burning sensation at pit of stomach.
- (Reflecting), Attacks of vertigo.
- (Rest), Headache in right half of brain;drawing in fossa behind right lobule; drawing in
pelvis;pain on right side of pelvis;at 4 P.M. , drawing through right inguinal ring;4 P.M. ,
after short walk, pain along course of spermatic cord;pain deep in right testicle;irritation on
left side of chest;twitching of muscles from clavicular region towards shoulder-joint;pain
from shoulder to neck;pains in right shoulder-joint; pains in left shoulder-joint;pains in left
deltoid muscle;pains in muscles of right upper arm; pains, etc., in surface of right upper
arm;muscular twitchings in bend of right elbow, etc.;3 P.M. , twitchings in left elbow-
joint;at noon, drawing through the radial joint of right elbow;stitch in tip of elbow;drawing
from radius up to elbow;pain in radial part of left wrist;drawing in ball of left thumb, etc.;1
P.M. , pain in right index finger, etc.;at noon, pain in bone of ring finger;cramp-like pain
over the left knee; repeated pain in left tibia;drawing in left tibia;paralytic aching in
periosteum of left fibula; cramp in left calf;drawing pain in left ankle;tearing pain in inner
malleolus of left ankle; great turmoil, etc., in joints of the feet, etc.;drawing pain in the
joints, etc.; drawing pains in left forehead, etc.
- (Rising from seat), Burning in the side of small of back.
- (Rising after stooping), Pressure on the sternum.
- (Resting foot on small support), Stitches in the external malleolus.
- (Seizing something), Tearing in left fourth finger, etc.
- (Setting down the foot), Stitches in hip-joint.
- (Singing), Raw spot in windpipe.
- (Sitting), Attacks of vertigo;drawing in right temple;pain in belly; * stitch in the side of
chest; tearing in left scapula;stitch in side of small of back;coldness on right side of
pelvis;pain in knee-joint;knee painful;twitchings in outer side of left knee; tearings in left
knee-joint;stitches in the external malleolus.
- (Sneezing), Pain, as if sprained in left hip.
- (Speaking), Raw spot in windpipe.
- (Standing), Burning at pit of stomach, etc.;pain on surface of right knee; cutting pain in
left fibula.
- (Standing in a room), Shivering through outer side of left lower limb.
- (Stepping), Pain in heel;pain, as if sprained in hip-joint.
- (Stepping on left foot, when running), Pressure in right hip-joint.
- (During stool), Two vomitings.
- (After morning stool), Pain in belly.
- * (Stooping), Mucus gets into air-passages.
- (Stooping sideways and leaning on arm), Stitch below rib.
- (Touch), Gums painful.
- (Turning head to opposite side, and putting sterno-cleido-mastoid muscle on stretch), On
sitting in open air, pain on each side of neck.
- (Uncovering upper part of body), Slight creeping chills in the skin.
- (Urinating), Slight burning.
- (After waking), Fatigue, etc.;weakness of upper arm, etc.;powerlessness of lower
- (Walking), Contraction, etc., of the abdominal muscles; * crushing pain in right testicle;
pain in right shoulder, etc.;pain in top of left shoulder-joint;loss of power in thighs;knees
knock together;pain in patella;weakness in right hip-joint; morning, after rising, pain in
right knee, etc.;3 P.M. , pain through whole fibula, etc.; pain in left malleolus;great
weakness of body.
- * (Walking across room), Leftsided headache;6 P.M. , paralytic pain through marrow of
right tibia.
- * (Walking upstairs), Mucus gets into the air-passages;knees knock together.
- (After short walk), Sore feeling between nates.
- * (Yawning), Tension in fauces.
- (Night), Attacks of short cough.
- (Open air), Attacks of short cough.
- (Exerting outstretched arm), Pain in muscles of right shoulder-blade.
- (Moving hand), Pain in radial part of left wrist.
- (Passage of wind), Distension of right side of abdomen.
- (Pressure), Drawing pain downward from mastoid process disappears;pain in bends of
elbows and knees.
- (Rest), Pain in right inguinal region;pain in right axilla;pain in inner side of right knee.
- (After rising), Weakness of upper arm, etc.;weakness in the limbs, etc.
- (Rising from seat), Pressure from hypogastrium downwards, etc.;pain in left scapula.
- (While sitting), Bruised pain in left side of right patella.
- (Walking), Stitches in external malleoli.
- All the time as if drunken.
- Without anxiety, again and again the idea comes as if he might have an apoplectic stroke,
and could not finish this proving; with spasmodic contraction of heart.
- Cannot occupy his mind regularly, as imagination reproduces former exciting events; all
- Imagines things about the military which he never liked; long-forgotten old songs come
into his mind.
- Mania.
- Delirious rage, after epileptic attacks.
- Great inclination to talk; his mind is very clear, and he argues with great facility.
- Inclined to laughter and joking.
- Inclined to play tenpins, which he never liked.
- || In society indisposed to talk; he complains of rush of blood to head and cheeks, singing
in ears; itching in reddened eyes.
- Increased cheerfulness and disposition to talk.
- When contented, very merry; but any trifle sets her to cry a long while.
- Great serenity, a heavenly sensation of peace.
- He feels unpleasant and is lazy.
- Depressed and very sleepy.
- Anxious about her health; full of care. Laryngitis.
- In forenoon inclined to melancholy, in afternoon to great merriment.
- Anxious, as if his clothing got too tight, with feverish heat and languor, when walking out
- Fear of concussion, as if he might run against something, with pain in testicles.
- || Displeased, aversion to talk. Exostosis of skull.
- | Mental agitation induces headache and indigestion.
- || Dizziness on entering a room after a walk; before midnight, while slumbering in bed, it
seemed as if head was falling out of bed; followed by a violent convulsive starting of body.
- Felt suddenly giddy, and as if a mist was before eyes.
- Attacks of vertigo; he cannot think rightly.
- When looking at running water, giddy.
- A crawling and whirling in head, as if drunken.
- Vertigo when reading.
- || Complete dizziness on entering room after a walk.
Inner head
- Frontal headache of business men.
- Congestion to head, followed by redness of cheeks.
- Cutting stitches from left ear into brain.
- Pressing pain, with dulness in forehead, and drawing pressure in occiput.
- Dull pain in right temple and right side of head, lasting one hour.
- Painful sensation of emptiness in head, feeling as if it was hollow, with aching of whole
brain. Exostosis of skull.
- Left-sided headache, as if in brain substance; at first only slight drawing, but gradually
becoming more violent; at its culmination raging as though a nerve was being torn, ceasing
- || Dull, pressive, persistent headache, encircles the calvarium like a wreath.
- Bad effects of sunstroke.
- Headache and dyspepsias induced by mental agitation, nursing sick, etc.
Outer head
- Tenderness on top of head, painful to touch.
- Pressing, tearing pain in skull, principally in temporal bones, renewed every day at
noon, agg by pressure and touch, amel in open air.
- Aching of external parts of head.
- Pityriasis.
Upper face
- Face red.
- || Great redness of face. Exostosis on skull.
- Pale and earthy face. Diabetes mellitus.
- Face straw-colored, down to lips inclusive. Scirrhus of os uteri.
- Pressing and tearing of facial bones; drawing, tearing in r. zygoma.
- Perceptible throbbing over whole left cheek, as if muscles would be raised from mucous
membrane, with a feeling as if cheek was larger; cheeks both red; chilly burning in skin.
- Sudden heat in face. Palpitation of heart.
- Burning itching of face.
Lower face
- Swelling of upper lip, close under nose.
- A violent horrible pain in bone of right lower jaw.
Inner mouth
- Dryness in mouth.
- Fetid breath. Scirrhous uteri.
- Saliva sticky.
- || Sore throat as from swelling of pharynx. Exostosis on skull.
- Region of submaxillary glands swollen; neck stiff; swallowing difficult, as from
internal swelling; has to force every mouthful down oesophagus.
- Scratching sensation in soft palate, as from something rough sticking there; felt most
during empty swallowing, forcing him to swallow saliva.
- Painful tension in fauces, as from swelling, when yawning.
- Throat feels raw and sore during expiration, or when swallowing or coughing.
- Viscid, grey, jellylike mucus in pharynx, easily hawked up; early morning.
- || Anaesthesia of fauces. Diphtheria.
- || Throat aches more with coughing than with swallowing, notwithstanding that food goes
down with difficulty. Exostosis on skull.
- Itching crawling in pharyngeal orifice of eustachian tube, extending to tympanum.
- A thick, viscous saliva sticks to hard palate, causes a scratching.
- Mercurial angina.
- Tension in fauces on right side, felt only when gaping. Aphonia.
Appetite, thirst
- Desires, Aversions. Appetite very much increased; hungry after eating a full meal.
- Great hunger. Exostosis on skull.
- Hungry in morning, giving her nausea. Palpitation.
- || Appetite pretty good. Scirrhous uteri.
- || At times loss of appetite, with aversion to smoking, for a long time.
- || Aversion to all food, even when thinking of it.
- || Want of thirst, even during hot stage of fever.
- Desire for wine.
- Cutting stitches under last left ribs.
- Tympanitic puffing of right side of abdomen.
- Abdomen sore to hard pressure; slowly lessened after wind passes.
- || Expansion and sensation of fulness in epigastrium, with hunger.
- Loud croaking in abdomen, with hunger.
- || Wind colic.
- Every moment lancinating pain in hypogastrium, like pin-pricks. Scirrhous uteri.
- Distension of hypogastrium; which was exceedingly sensitive to contact. Scirrhous
- Contraction and tension of abdominal muscles; has to walk bent forward.
- Bruised pain over left hip, and on whole left side of pelvis, with uterine weakness.
- Painful soreness in whole abdomen, agg when riding in a carriage. With uterine
- Tendency to crampy pains in groins. Scirrhus uteri.
- Sweat only on abdomen and on chest.
- || Sweat on abdomen. Exostosis on skull.
Urinary organs
- Passed five or six pints of urine in one night. Diabetes mellitus.
- Urine turbid, sweetish, profuse at night. Diabetes.
- Profuse urine.
- Urination copious. Diphtheria; scirrhous uteri, etc.
- Polyuria.
- Urine like whey, slightly turbid, of a sweet taste. Diabetes mellitus.
- Urine pale, fetid, profuse, especially at night. Scirrhous uteri.
- Enuresis nocturna, spasmodic form.
- Albuminuria.
- Foul breath. Scirrhus of os uteri.
- When reading aloud in evening, he has to hem and hawk.
- Stitches between sixth and seventh rib, agg when inhaling.
- With a deep inhalation, pressing-out pain below second and third rib.
- With every deep breath cutting on both sides on last ribs.
- Violent stitches in chest impede both in and exhalation.
- Want of breath.
- Diabetes.
- Deep sighing inhalations relieve the palpitation.
- Laughing causes cough; mucus in larynx. Laryngitis.
- Voice fails in singing.
- Attacks of cough from laughing.
- Complains about a constant tickling in throat setting her to coughing. Laryngitis.
- Dull cutting, becoming a shooting, rising up in trachea and forcing him to single
- Cough dry, caused by irritation in bronchia, with a sore pain; drawing stitches in lowest
rib, near spine.
- Cough in attacks, rattling by day and in room, not at night nor in open air.
- Cough with easy expectoration, white, thickish, looking like boiled starch.
- || Expectoration almost constant, day and evening.
- When coughing, a raw sore feeling in throat, not in windpipe, also not when
- Dry cough and easy expectoration.
- Sputa like gelatine and grey.
- Much grey, gelatinous phlegm in trachea, easily expectorated. Exostosis on skull.
- Sputa easy, white, thick, like boiled starch. Laryngitis.
- The cough is accompanied with an easy expectoration of white, thick, starchlike
mucus, without taste or smell.
Outer chest
- Cutting, left side, in cartilages of false ribs.
- Chest feels sore to touch.
- Boil near last rib.
- Sweat on chest. Exostosis on skull.
- Affections of cartilages of ribs.
Upper limbs
- Upper arms feel powerless, as after severe labor.
- Tension and tearing of arms, especially in bones of hands and fingers.
- A short paralytic drawing on outside of left upper arm; on pressure it pains as if beaten;
same in left wrist-joint.
- || Inflammation of arms.
- Burning of hands, itching.
Lower limbs
- Stitches in hip when walking.
- || Crampy pains in thighs from time to time. Scirrhus of os uteri.
- Inside of thighs pain as if ulcerated.
- Weariness after rising, mostly in region of great trochanters, ligaments and muscles feel
as if they had given way, with painful tension in muscles about trochanters and buttocks as
if sprained; agg walking; on hard pressure after using, feel bruised.
- From time to time crampy pains in thighs. Scirrhous os uteri.
- Stiffness in hips in morning.
- Knee pains as if bruised, while sitting.
- Knees knock together when walking.
- Calves feel as if too short on going down-stairs.
- When stepping, feet feel sore, as if ulcerated.
- Feet oedematous, swollen. Diabetes mellitus.
- Tearing in feet, at times in soles, dorsum, heels or toes, in tarsal or metatarsal bones.
- Numbness in heels.
- Lower limbs sometimes, especially in morning after rising, become so weak and
trembling that knees knock together. Palpitation.
- In left knee, when moving it, a pain as if beaten and as if out of joint, like after much
walking. Palpitation.
- Left lower limb gets stiff and immovable, as if asleep. Palpitation.
Limbs in general
- Numbness in limbs, as if asleep.
- All limbs feel stiff.
- Loss of power; after walking unusual fatigue; heaviness.
- Joints of hands and feel sore; drawing in joints.
- Rheumatic pains in extremities.
- Burning, lancinating pain, like sting of a wasp at knee and elbow, agg at the latter.
- After dinner, during siesta, a violent electric shock, first proceeds from left afterwards
from right hip joint, disturbing sleep; having fallen asleep again (ten minutes), with hands
above head, another shock, much more violent in left arm, proceeds from arm joint.
- Painless twitching : around right shoulder and right thigh; of right thumb, abducting it
while writing.
- Spasmodic, painful twitching of muscles on temple, forehead, and throat, near thyroid
- Convulsive shocks of whole body; after previous vertigo; mostly when dropping off to
sleep, preventing sleep.
- Epileptic attacks, followed by delirious rage, jumping about, striking those near.
- Weary, forced to lie down and sleep.
- Paralytic weakness on motion; bruised feeling.
- Paralytic weakness, with all pains.
- Legs weak and trembling, mostly in morning after rising; knees give way. Palpitation
of heart.
- Sudden weakness, as if he should break down. Palpitation of heart.
- Very much prostrated. Diabetes mellitus.
- || In bed, while slumbering, seized with a dizziness, as if head fell out of bed; followed by
a violent, convulsive starting of body; vertigo and desire to sleep had disappeared.
- Cannot fall asleep easily, and her sleep is very restless; as soon as she sinks into a doze,
an electric shock of whole body or single limbs occurs and interrupts sleep. Palpitation.
- Gaping, drowsy, depressed in mind.
- Restless sleep; anxious, frightful dreams, on awaking believes them true; also in cases
of palpitation of heart.
- || Nausea in dreams;
- seminal emissions.
- On awaking :
- fatigue;
- || upper arm weak;
- || legs powerless.
- Many anxious dreams with screaming. Palpitation.
- No rest at night, has to urinate so often. Diabetes mellitus.
- Many complaints agg at noon.
- Chill at 12, noon.
- Day : cough rattling.
- In morning : weary in all limbs; sneezing;
- mucus in throat; pulse slower; hips stiff; nausea.
- In forenoon : out of humor; heat.
- 1 P.M. : pain from larynx through head.
- Afternoon : nosebleed; gastric symptoms; vomiting with stool; pains in joints; chill.
- Evening : mind depressed, sad; pains in limbs;
- crushed pain in testes; two tones in larynx while inspiring; hoarse reading; pulse
- Night; profuse urine; palpitation.
- Day and evening : expectoration.
- Before midnight : vertigo, seems as if head was falling out of bed; chill.
- After midnight : sweat.
- | Remission of complaints evening and night.
- Night half and day half like 3 to 4.
- Evening half and morning half like 5 to 3.
- Chill before midnight, every time bedclothes are raised.
- Coldness on small spots.
- Chill : in afternoon and evening, until sleep; before midnight.
- Chilly, stupid; chill spreads from back.
- Heat in forenoon without thirst.
- Heat all over, but less on head.
- Heat of body, except head, with thirst. Exostoses on skull.
- Heat in forenoon, over whole body, but less on head.
- Hectic, 11 A.M. to 12, or 1 P.M. In laryngeal and bronchial troubles.
- || Sweats easily; during and after eating; upper part of body, or only front of body.
- Sweat after midnight.
- || Sweat on abdomen, chest.
- Oily sweat on abdomen or chest.
Attacks, periodicity
- || Paroxysms of burning in corns.
- Pains increase gradually, disappear suddenly.
- Sudden, momentary pains; belly, back, right shoulder, etc.
- Cough in attacks.
- Symptoms reappear at noon.
- Attacks brought on by lying on back. Palpitation.
- Every day at noon : pains in skull renewed; chill.
- Every Winter; pain in chest and shoulders.
- As if clothing were too tight; painful emptiness, or hollow feeling in head; as if left cheek
was larger; sensation of something rough sticking in soft palate; feeling in larynx as if filled
up with a foreign body; as if small of back had been knocked away; as if heart suddenly
stood still, followed by trembling at heart; as if drunken; as if he ran against something; as
if head was falling out of bed; as if mist was before eyes; as if nasal bones were
compressed; as if muscles would be raised from mucous membrane; abdomen as if
ulcerated; as if sprained in lumbo-sacral region; left arm pains as if beaten; knees as if
bruised; as if she should break down; joints as if beaten; itching as if from fleas; left knee as
if beaten and out of joint.
- Pain as if ulcerated : inside of thighs; in feet, when stepping.
- Raging pain : as if a nerve were being torn in left side of brain.
- Violent horrible pain : in bone of right lower jaw.
- Violent pain : in chest and shoulders; in left lumbo-sacral region.
- Lancinating : in hypogastrium like pin-pricks; and burning, like sting of a wasp, knee and
- Stitches : from left ear into brain; under last left rib; in air passages; between sixth and
seventh rib; in chest; drawing on lowest rib, near spine; in right chest, from within outward;
dull in second lumbar vertebra; in hip.
- Cutting : in eustachian tube toward parotid; on last ribs; rises in trachea, becomes a
shooting; left side in cartilages of false ribs.
- Tearing pain : in skull; in facial bones; in arms, bones of hands and fingers; in feet; in
long bones.
- Drawing : in left side of brain; from fossa under right ear to cheek and lower maxilla; and
tearing in right zygoma; paralytic on outside of left upper arm and in left wrist joint; in
maxillary and parotid gland; in bones.
- Pressing pains : in forehead; and drawing in occiput; and tearing in skull; in facial bones;
inward, in chest and shoulders; in bones.
- Dull pressive pain : encircles calvarium.
- Pressing out pain : below second and third rib.
- Pressure : in pit of stomach.
- Aching : of whole brain; of external head; of eyes; in left molar.
- Scratching : in soft palate.
- Rawness : in throat; in larynx; above bifurcation of trachea.
- Burning : and itching in face; blisters on tongue; in scrobiculum; in stomach, to chest;
itching of hands; lancing, knee and elbows; in corns; in region of heart.
- Painful soreness : in abdomen.
- Soreness : in joints of hands and feet; of the eruptions; in throat; at bottom of windpipe;
between nates; around anus; in groin.
- Rheumatic pain : in extremities.
- Dull pain : in right temple and right side of head.
- Undefined pain : in forehead; in right lower jaw, very violent; in left side of stomach,
with diarrhoea; in left ovary and back, with prolapsus; in loins; in cricoid cartilage; in
- Sudden transient pain : in larynx; through back of head into vertex and right ear.
- Contusive or crushed pains : in testicles.
- Bruised pain : over left hip; left side of pelvis; in buttocks; in knee; in small of back, loins
and neck; in cricoid cartilage; in groin.
- Sprained feeling; in lumbo-sacral region; see 31;in buttocks.
- Crampy pains : in groins; in thighs.
- Contraction : of abdominal muscles.
- Constriction : in larynx.
- Oppression : in scrobiculum.
- Tension : in skin of nose; in fauces; of abdominal muscles; in arms; in muscles about
- Calves feel too short on going down-stairs.
- Ligaments and muscles in region of great trochanter feel as if they had given way.
- Fulness : in epigastrium, with hunger; in region of heart.
- Throbbing : in left nostril; over left cheek; at heart.
- Stiffness : of neck; in left leg; in all limbs.
- Numbness : in heels; in left leg; in limbs.
- Crawling and whirling : in head.
- Electric shock : from left then right hip joint, then in left arm, disturbing siesta; of whole
- Spasmodic painless twitchings : of cardiac muscle; around r. shoulder and thigh; of right
thumb; of muscles on temple, forehead and throat, near thyroid cartilage.
- Dryness : in mouth; on tongue.
- Heat : in face; of body except head.
- Chilly, burning : in skin.
- Cold spot : in larynx; on right of pelvis near sacrum; in hips.
- Tickling : in throat.
- Tickling and crawling : in nose.
- Tickling and prickling : in left nostril.
- Itching : in canthi; of lids; of corners of eyes; of eyes; of ears; and crawling in pharyngeal
orifice of eustachian tube; of scrotum; between shoulder blades; burning of hands; and
crawling on head and body; in pharyngeal orifice of eustachian tube; here and there as from
- Formication and itching in concha.
- Weakness : upper arms; in legs, in knees; general; in joints.
- Drawing pains in maxillary and parotid glands.
- Acts on all cartilages.
- Joints feel weak, sore; especially on descending.
- Joints feel as if beaten. Exostosis on skull.
- Emaciation. Diabetes mellitus.
- || Drawing pressure or tearing in bones, especially long bones.
- Articular rheumatism without swelling.
- Caries.
- || Tearing pain in bones. Exostosis on skull.
- Tenderness, tearing pressure and pain in bones.
- Copious discharge of mucus;
- || of pus;
- of urine.
- Intolerable itching, like from crawling on head and body.
- A sore burning itching here and there as from fleas.
- Itching, unchanged by scratching.
- Sore exanthemata, cannot bear to have them touched, even motion of skin is almost
- A pimple on left temple sore to touch.
- || Eruptions feel sore as if excoriated.
- Greyish ulcers with shaggy borders; on prepuce and in throat.
- Purulent, ichorous, sometimes bloody matter flowing from ulcers, constantly filled the
vagina, from which proceeded a horrible stench, driving all from room. Scirrhus of os
Stages of life, constitution
- Man, aet. 26, robust, active, intelligent; red hair, white skin, marked rheumatic diathesis.
- Woman, aet. 28, choleric, black eyes and hair; pregnant in fourth mouth. Palpitation.
- Affections from onanism.
- Girl, aet. 1, after measles, inflammation of left eye.
- Woman, aet. 50, tall, thin, emaciated, very irritable temperament. Scirrhus of neck of
- To be compared with Zincum in itching in outer canthi. (Zincum more the inner, and acts
more on the muscular system and on the skin).
- Cured gonorrhoea, after Cannab., Copaiva and Mercur.
- failed.
- Cured scirrhus of os tincae, after Conium, Cicuta, Sepia and Lycop. failed.
- Uterine and ovarian symptoms, similar to Pallad., latter on right side; Argent. met. on
- Ailments from abuse of mercury.
- Antidotes to Argent. met. : Mercur., Pulsat.
- After Argent. met. follow well : Calc. ostr., Pulsat., Sepia.
- Argent. met. follows well after Alum and Platin.
- A return of trembling palpitation four months after delivery, after being cured in third
month of pregnancy by Argent. met., was relieved by Rhus tox.
- Compare Stannum in cough excited by laughing.
- After 4 P.M. , frontal headache again, especially on stooping (second day).
- Awoke with pressing in the forehead, which lasted till 4 P.M. ; increased on stooping,
relieved by coughing; once, in the open air ache, which, in general, was not, always equally
severe in a given time, but sometimes decreased remarkably, then again, without cause,
became suddenly very violent (second day).
- Heaviness and pressure in the frontal bone, with heat in the forehead; increased on
stooping; more violent at times, and lasting till he went to sleep.
- 9.30 A. M., tearing in the frontal bone; again at 4 P.M. (first day).
- Drawing in the skin of the left temple, as if it were contracted (after one hour).
- Tearing in the left temple.
- Tearing in the vertex and in the occiput (after one and a half hours).
- Tearing on both sides of the occiput (after one hour).
- Pain on the right lower orbital border (after two and a half hours).
- Tearing below the right eye (after one and a half hours).
- Violent stitching in the right lids (after nine hours).
- Violent stitches in the skin of the right lid (after one hour).
- Tearing in the upper jaw (after one and a half hours).
- Tearing in the right upper jaw (after six hours).
- Taste slightly metallic, inclining to bitter (first day).
- Convulsive contraction in the pharynx (after eleven and three-quarters hours).
Urinary organs
- Very frequent and violent urging to urinate; much urine (first day).
- Violent urging to urinate, with dark yellow, and very acrid urine (after one and a half
- Remarkably violent urging to urinate, which had to be obeyed speedily; much clear urine
passed; again in an hour, and several times afterwards, until 4 P.M. (in two hours).
- In the night, very frequent urination; urine as usual in quality and quantity.
- Frequent and copious urination, but with less urging (first day).
Extremity in general
- On walking, drawing in the skin on the external side of the left thigh; drawing in the skin
above the inner condyle of the left elbow-joint (after four hours).
Upper extremities
- Tearing in the left shoulder (after one hour).
- Drawing in the skin above the inner condyle of the right elbow (after si hours).
Lower extremities
- In the evening, boring on the sides of the right foot.
- Boring outside of the right ankle (first day).
- Pressing deep in the right leg, on sitting, lasting several minutes, and often returning.
- Tearing on the left side of the head and in the left thumb.
*** 1- Es uno de los medicamentos con ms temores de la Materia Mdica. Tiene miedo de
estar solo, hasta el extremo de despertar a su esposa o a los suyos para tener con quien
hablar; a menudo el miedo de estar solo es, sobre todo, porque tiene miedo a morir, a que
le pase algo grave y no haya nadie para auxiliarlo. Miedo a morir (lo siente ms cuando
est solo), a las enfermedades, en lugares pblicos, a las aglomeraciones o multitudes, a
la locura, a los ladrones, a tener un ataque o a desmayarse, a sitios estrechos o cerrados
(claustrofobia): necesita sentarse o estar cerca de la salida; de perder el control, de
emprender cualquier cosa por temor a fallar o fracasar (ver 6).
*** 2- Anticipa todos los acontecimientos, importantes o no, y los anticipa en horas, das o
meses. Piensa constantemente en ese acontecimiento o compromiso en el que
habitualmente es actor, principal o secundario, y vive, generalmente con ansiedad y
miedo, cada detalle del suceso que su imaginacin y sus fantasas le hacen vivir, casi
siempre en forma negativa o de fracaso. Tambin est a la expectativa de que suceda
algo. Est muy ansioso cuando hace una cita; tiene miedo cuando est listo para ir a la
iglesia o a un concierto o cine o teatro, o a cualquier espectculo pblico, cuando va a
una cita con el mdico o dentista; tambin antes de viajar, piensa en las posibles
alternativas del viaje y no puede dormir. Es, adems, uno de los principales
medicamentos del miedo al examen, sobre todo si hay mucho miedo de fracasar en el
mismo, y su utilizacin en estos casos alivia extraordinariamente la situacin. Es bastante
frecuente que esta anticipacin se acompae de sntomas somticos, de los que los ms
notables, en anticipaciones de pocas horas, son la diarrea (ver 43), palpitaciones,
trastornos gstricos (nios que se resisten a ir a la escuela y vomitan), temblores,
*** 4- Lo asaltan raras ideas con respecto a las casas o lugares al caminar por la calle o en
una habitacin: le parece que los ngulos de las casas sobresalen tanto, que teme irse
contra ellas; que no puede pasar por determinados lugares, teme pasar por ciertas
esquinas (se calma cambiando su camino); tiene miedo que las paredes de las casas y los
edificios altos le caigan encima si camina cerca de ellas o simplemente si las mira, le
parece que se van a aproximar o juntar y lo van a aplastar, y se marea o vacila al
caminar; o que las paredes de la habitacin lo van a aplastar.
* 10- Ansiedad a las 11 horas, con debilidad en las piernas; despus de comer. Inquieto de
noche, da vueltas en la cama o salta de ella, pero especialmente antes de las
convulsiones o en los intervalos.
* 11- Trastornos emocionales, por mortificacin, por sustos (es asustadizo), por ira.
* 12- Es falso.
15- Habla en forma incoherente o lentamente, casi siempre de un solo tema (tiene ideas
fijas), especialmente de sus sufrimientos.
16- Tiene visiones o ve caras al cerrar los ojos.
*** 17- Peor por comer dulces o azcar (y los desea [ver 30]).
** 19- Enfermos macilentos, mustios, secos, con aspecto de viejos; con adelgazamiento, que
progresa cada ao, ms marcado en miembros inferiores. Marasmo. Gente delgada.
** 20- Peor por calor: del ambiente, en Verano, o de la estufa, de la habitacin, de la cama,
etc. Mejor por aplicaciones fras o bandose con agua fra, pero peor por alimentos fros
o por helados. Hay un gran deseo de aire libre, fresco, que lo mejora; necesita sentir el
aire o el viento soplndole en la cara. Mejor caminando al aire libre.
* 26- No tolera la ropa ceida, ajustada; pero algunas molestias mejoran por una presin
* 27- Epilepsia precedida de una sensacin de expansin del cuerpo o de gran nerviosidad e
inquietud, con midriasis previa durante horas o das; por susto o durante la menstruacin.
Despus del ataque, est muy inquieto y con temblores en las manos.
*** 30- Deseo de dulces; irresistible deseo de azcar o caramelos (que lo agravan).
** 33- Vrtigo en la oscuridad o al cerrar los ojos o al agacharse; al ver casas altas o en
lugares altos; como si diera vuelta en crculos, con cefaleas y zumbidos.
*** 35- Los ojos representan una de las partes del organismo en las que Argentum Nitricum
tiene accin preferente. Conjuntivitis granulosa aguda, con conjuntivas muy rojas,
escarlatas, como carne cruda o sangre, especialmente en los ngulos de los ojos y en la
carncula lagrimal, que sobresale como un trocito de carne cruda; peor por leer y coser,
mejor al aire libre; con abundante secrecin mucopurulenta, amanece con los prpados
pegados. Constantemente debe quitarse las mucosidades que le obstruyen la visin.
Oftalma del recin nacido, con profusa secrecin purulenta y opacidad y ulceracin de
la crnea (a la 200a. o a la 1000a., por boca y localmente; despus de fallar Pulsatilla y
Mercurius). Blefaritis con prpados rojos, hinchados, gruesos, doloridos, con bordes
ulcerados, costrosos, y pegados a la maana. Quemosis; queratitis; iritis sifiltica; en toda
clase de oftalmas purulentas peor por el calor del fuego y mejor por el fro o por aire
fro y aplicaciones locales fras. Fotofobia despus de esforzar la vista, peor en una
habitacin calurosa y por la luz artificial. Dolor en los ojos, peor en una habitacin
calurosa, mejor al aire libre. Vista cansada por esfuerzos oculares, astenopas, peor por
leer y coser, por abusos de la vista, trabajos finos (Nat. M., Ruta); enfermedades por
defectuosa acomodacin. Miopa, presbicia, hipermetropa. Visin temblorosa. Ve
manchas o como cuerpos grises de serpientes que se mueven. No puede mantener la
vista fija. Pterigium rosado. Ojos cerrados en los estados depresivos. Eversin y
excoriacin de prpados. Midriasis antes de una convulsin (ver 27). Miosis del lado
* 37- Prurito nasal, se rasca la nariz constantemente. Secrecin nasal como almidn cocido.
Olor a pus o anosmia. Ulceras en el tabique. Coriza con escalofros, lagrimeo y cefalea.
** 38- Cara avejentada o de viejo, hundida, de aspecto sucio; de color plomizo, cetrino o
amarillento; la piel est estirada sobre los huesos. La comida se le escapa de la boca
mientras mastica. Le tiemblan los labios mientras habla. Labios cianticos.
** 39- La punta de la lengua est roja y dolorida; papilas erectas, prominentes. Lengua
negra o con una franja roja en el centro; seca. Las encas sangran fcilmente y estn
sensibles. Dientes negros. Siente dolor en dientes sanos. Gusto a tinta o a cobre.
** 40- Garganta roja o rojo-oscura, vula roja; con carraspeo, mucosidades espesas
adherentes; se atraganta al aclarar la garganta. Duele la garganta como si tuviera una
astilla de madera clavada, peor al tragar (Hep. S.) o como en carne viva. Sensacin de
estrangulamiento. Catarro de los fumadores, con cosquilleo como si tuviera un pelo en la
*** 41- Los trastornos gstricos siempre estn acompaados de eructos muy difciles,
ruidosos y de grandes cantidades de aire, que se expulsan violentamente despus de
repetidos e ineficaces intentos y precedidos de sensacin de estallido y gran distensin
gstrica dolorosa; se producen preferentemente despus de comer y lo alivian
extraordinariamente. A veces le provocan desmayos y en general son sin gusto alguno.
Nuseas despus de cada comida, con esfuerzos infructuosos para vomitar.
Regurgitaciones. Gastralgias royentes, ulcerativas, despus de comer o al respirar
hondo, peor por el menor contacto se ubican sobre todo en el hipocondrio izquierdo; por
comer helados. Ulcera gstrica. Arcadas y vmitos durante la diarrea (Ars.),
simultneos; arcadas al arrancar flemas de la garganta. Vmitos negros, como borra de
caf; mucosos; estriados de materias negruzcas; hematemesis.
** 42- Gran flatulencia en el vientre, incarcerada u obstruida, peor despus de comer (Lyc.,
Nux V.), de maana al despertar, con el abdomen distendido y timpnico e intolerancia a
la ropa ceida. "Uno de los medicamentos ms flatulentos" (Kent). Sensacin de vaco y
debilidad en el vientre. Dolores a medianoche y antes de defecar. Dolorido en los
hipocondrios durante la diarrea.
** 43- Diarrea: por tomar agua, apenas la toma (los lquidos, literalmente, "pasan a travs
de l"; toxicosis); por excitacin o antes o anticipando algn acontecimiento no habitual
o muy angustiante (examen, reunin, etc.) (ver 2); por azcar o caramelos; por susto; por
agotamiento mental; diarrea explosiva, ruidosa. Heces verdes, como espinaca picada en
pedacitos; o se vuelven verdes despus de quedar un tiempo en los paales; acuosas de
noche; marrones; ofensivas; con flatos. Flatos ruidosos despus de comer azcar o
dulces; lo alivian. Prurito anal. Teniasis; ascaridiasis.
** 46- Dolor en la vagina durante el coito, con hemorragia o metrorragia despus, dolor
como una astilla clavada en el tero cuando camina. Prolapso de tero. Menopausia. La
menstruacin dura un solo da (Sep.). Flujo blanco, amarillento, ftido, sanguinolento;
copioso, con erosin y tumefaccin cervical. Metrorragia intermenstrual. Orgasmos
nocturnos. Afecciones dolorosas del ovario izquierdo.
** 47- Ronquera y afona por hablar o en cantantes; peor de maana. Laringitis crnicas en
cantantes y oradores; condilomas en cuerdas vocales.
* 49- Siente como una banda o faja apretada alrededor del trax. Dolores en el trax como
por astillas. Palpitaciones tumultuosas, violentas, por esfuerzos o despus de una
excitacin, peor acostado del lado derecho (Lil. T., Plat.), mejor por la presin de la
mano o caminando al aire libre. Angina de pecho, peor de noche.
* 50- Dolor lumbar, peor al levantarse de estar sentado, mejor parado o caminando.
Sensacin de pesadez en el sacro. Dolores nocturnos en la columna. Esclerosis medular.
** 51- Sensacin como si sus miembros fueran de madera. Marcha vacilante, con
inestabilidad y temblores, o est parado y vacila, sobre todo si piensa que no lo observan;
peor con los ojos cerrados, no puede caminar; tabes. Parapleja de miembros inferiores;
hemipleja. Se le duermen los pies. Temblores en los miembros inferiores. Calambres en
las pantorrillas. Se duermen los brazos. Parlisis postdiftricas.
52- Sueo comatoso o insomnio. Suea con vboras; que tiene hambre; con muertos; con
gratificacin sexual.
Angulos oculares tan rojos como la sangre, tumefactos y haciendo saliencia como un
trozo de carne roja.
Guernsey dice: "Pensamos en este remedio al ver a una persona arrugada y seca, que
se ha vuelto as por la enfermedad." Esto se encuentra especialmente en los nios. "Tiene el
aspecto de un viejo pequeo y arrugado." (Fluoric acidum: jvenes con aspecto de viejos.)
Argentum, como el oro, afecta profundamente el psiquismo y tambin como el oro es
uno de los mejores remedios para la hipocondra. En esta afeccin los sntomas son tantos
que slo podemos remitir al lector a los "Guiding Symptoms" donde los encontrar.
nicamente mencionaremos unos pocos entre los ms prominentes y peculiares de los que
han sido frecuentemente verificados.
Algunos de los sntomas muy curiosos que figuran en ste y en otros remedios no se
presentan todos los das en la prctica, pero cuando se los encuentra son tanto ms valiosos
porque los casos que los exhiben son raros y no son fcilmente interpretados ni tampoco
curados por los remedios ordinarios. Algunas de nuestras ms brillantes curaciones han sido
efectuadas precisamente en tales casos y dan una gran satisfaccin tanto al mdico como al
En mi propia prctica como clnico general he tenido frecuentemente mejor xito con
Mercurius solubilis en la conjuntivitis blenorrgica del recin nacido, sobre todo cuando hay
derrame de mucha materia purulenta al abrir los ojos. En las blefaritis Graphites y
Staphisagria me han sido de utilidad ms a menudo que Argentum nitricum, pero esto puede
no coincidir con la experiencia de otros, porque en los trastornos oculares, como en todos los
dems, deben ser estudiadas y cuidadosamente reconocidas las indicaciones en su totalidad.
(Borax no debe ser olvidado en las blefaritis.) Los especialistas tienden a perder de vista
aquel hecho y a inclinarse al tratamiento local, cuando un tratamiento general sera
infinitamente mejor. As, el sntoma "punta de la lengua roja y dolorosa, con papilas erectas y
prominentes" ha servido de gua para la curacin de muchas especies de diferentes
-En el aparato digestivo tambin existen algunos sntomas de valor. Por ejemplo:
"Deseo irresistible de azcar; los lquidos parecen atravesar directamente el tubo digestivo;
la mayora de las afecciones gstricas estn acompaadas de eructos, eructos despus de cada
comida, estmago distendido por el aire, como si fuera a estallar; dificultad para eructar, pero
finalmente el aire escapa con gran ruido y violencia." (*)Este prrafo fue tomado de los
"Keynotes" de Allen por el autor, incurriendo en numerosos errores de puntuacin, que he
corregido. (Nota del Traductor.) Todas estas manifestaciones son caractersticas y no cabe
duda de que algunas veces es ste el remedio indicada cuando se dan Carbo vegetabilis,
China o Lycopodium por el hecho de que stos son remedios mucho mejor conocidos. La
dispepsia, las gastralgias y an la lcera gstrica han hallado a veces en Argentum nitricum
un poderoso remedio.
Debe tenerse en cuenta que existen otros remedios que poseen algunos de esos
sntomas en un alto grado, en especial Calcarea phosphorica, que tiene esa deposicin
chisporroteante con muchos gases ruidosos; es tambin un hecho que ambos remedios son de
gran valor en el estado hidrocefaloide consecutivo a la deplecin prolongada producida por
los casos rebeldes de enterocolitis. Si comprobramos un retardo del desarrollo seo, con
fontanelas abiertas y transpiracin de la cabeza, por supuesto que daramos la preferencia a
Calcarea phosphorica. Pero en Calcarea phosphorica el nio apetece carnes ahumadas,
tocino ahumado, etc., en tanto que en Argentum nitricum desea azcar o dulces. De todos
modos los dos remedios tienen una gran emaciacin, el nio muestra un aspecto de viejo,
arrugado, y en algunas oportunidades ser necesaria una cuidadosa individualizacin para
poder elegir entre ellos.
Digamos finalmente que Natrum muriaticum es el mejor antdoto para los efectos del
empleo abusivo de Argentum nitricum, especialmente sobre las superficies mucosas.
El nitrato de plata no existe en estado natural; se obtiene por disolucin de la plata en cido
azoico. Sal soluble cuya frmula qumica es AzO3 Ag y se presenta en estado puro en
hojas transparentes, incoloras, anhidras, perfectamente neutras, de sabor tpico y
metlico, desagradable. Muy custico, se disuelve en cantidad igual de agua fra; se
descompone con facilidad al aire libre y a la luz del sol.
El azcar de leche ejerce accin reductora sobre el nitrato de plata no debindose hacer
nunca por trituracin las dinamizaciones de este medicamento. Por otra parte a la accin
del alcohol en exceso se produce el fulminato de plata, materia blanca y cristalina que
deflagra al menor choque. Por ello es necesario proceder a las preparaciones del modo
siguiente: la primera dinamizacin se hace totalmente en agua destilada; la segunda en
mitad agua y mitad alcohol, y la tercera y subsiguientes, en alcohol.
Accin profunda especial sobre el SISTEMA NERVIOSO CEREBRO ESPINAL que bajo su
influencia, produce una serie de sntomas que van de la simple debilidad a la parlisis.
Causa tambin SENSACIONES ANORMALES particulares y por otra parte, un
medicamento lugar preponderante en el tratamiento de la ataxia.
Tiene una accin no menos marcada sobre las mucosas, en las que produce"atona e
inflamacin destructiva" (Espanet).
En una palabra, dice Chiron: "Se puede esquematizar el tipo de ARG. NITR. como persona
delgada, abatida, fatigada, de aspecto envejecido y ajado; los nios mismos parecen
viejos; cara consumida, color blanco sucio, ojos legaosos y labios azulados y secos;
tales individuos estn agitados y deprimidos espiritualmente"
Sntomas mentales
La plata, como el oro, afecta la moral, y en ARG. NITR. predominan las caractersticas
intelectuales en forma muy marcada, igual que en ARG. METAL
Es tan DBIL DE ESPRITU que no puede librarse de toda clase de IMPULSOS, afluencia
de pensamientos extraos; al pasar por un sitio elevado se le ocurre que podra caerse y
matarse, y a veces le viene la idea de saltar un parapeto o lanzarse al vaco. Si mira a
travs de una ventana piensa qu ocurrira si se lanzase por ella ya veces llega a concretar
tales ideas. TEME
"Las patogenesias acusan que el individuo da razones extraas para justificar su conducta,
buscando esconder su locura, de la que llega a darse perfecta cuenta. Es TRISTE,
Sensacin de expansin
"Ulceracin particularmente de mucosas; garganta, prpados, crnea, vejiga, tero, vagina y
labios. Estas ulceraciones parecen extraas, ya que la escuela oficial lo emplea para curar
y cicatrizar; nosotros los homepatas sabemos bien que es por ello que las cura" (Kent).
A) Lateralidad
Ms bien izquierda.
B) Mejora
b) Por la presin.
C) Agravacin
b) Por la noche.
La particularidad de hacer las cosas rpido la tienen: AUR. MET. (impaciencia, deseo de
hacer varias cosas a la vez); LIL. TIGR. (adems de prisa para hacer todo, necesidad de
estar ocupado constantemente; sobre todo en la mujer angustiada por su salvacin, ganas
de llorar y perturbaciones uterinas caractersticas); MEDORR. (siempre atareado; siente
que el tiempo pasa lentamente; temor de enloquecer); NATR. MUR. y NUX VOM.
(siempre impaciente, apurado, pero con otras caractersticas fundamentales que evitan su
confusin) SULF. AC. (hace todo apurada y precipitadamente; impaciente, malhumorado
y dbil). ALUM., MERC. etc.
Pesadillas agotadoras, sueos extraos y viciosos con serpientes, que se va a enojar con
amigos; despierta sobresaltado, y se agita enseguida, atormentado por preocupaciones
que persiguen su cerebro; de noche apenas duerme a causa de su excesiva nerviosidad;
por la maana tiene las piernas molidas, est cansado, tiene dolores en el pecho, etc.
Cefalea con sensacin de fro y temblores. Le parece que los huesos del crneo fueran a
separarse, sobre todo despus de un trabajo intelectual prolongado.
Hemicrnea con dolor desgarrante principalmente en la jiba frontal, que mejora por la
presin fuerte; como dato contradictorio a las modalidades del remedio, empeora al aire
libre. Es ms frecuente del lado derecho, se extiende al ojo derecho, y como sntoma
distintivo, se acompaa de lasitud y temblor en todo el cuerpo por la violencia de los
dolores y termina en vmitos biliosos.
"Siendo los sntomas restantes iguales - dice Nash - yo dara GELS. en casos agudos y ARG.
NITR. en crnicos". ALUM. tambin tiene vrtigos al cerrar los ojos.
Sntomas muy numerosos, que encontramos en los estados catarrales del remedio;
ulceraciones y mejora por el fro (Kent).
Aparato digestivo
DE LA LENGUA ROJA Y DOLOROSA; (no confundir con el tringulo rojo de la punta
de la lengua de RHUS TOX.).
Encas sensibles, sangran fcilmente. (PHOSPH). Puede haber dolor en dientes sanos,
(CAUST). A menudo la boca tiene olor ftido y mucha saliva, viscosa.
Sensacin de tener una astilla clavada en la faringe. Faringitis comn con HEP. SULF.,
NITR. AC., DOLICH. Y SILICEA. Quiere estar en ambiente fro, al aire fro, bebidas
fras. HEP. SULF. CALC., con modalidades opuestas, quiere habitacin caliente y
bebidas calientes. NITR. AC. por el aspecto particular de su garganta y el olor de las
fosas nasales, no puede confundirse. DOLICH. tiene localizacin en ngulo derecho del
maxilar inferior, y la sensacin es solamente perceptible en la deglucin. El prurito
interno peor de noche, el estado heptico, lo distinguen muy bien. El diagnstico de
SILIC. es ms difcil; tiene sensacin de pinche como de un alfiler, acompaada de
induracin ganglionar, y generalmente es el resultado de amigdalitis supurada peridica.
ALUM. y NATR. MUR. tienen catarro crnico seco de garganta, igual sensacin
dolorosa como de aguja clavada en la garganta; pero si se trata de garganta roja con
tumefaccin y dolor, estos dos remedios no calman, son ms eficaces ARG. NITR. Y
HEP. SULF. CALC. (Kent).
Es cosa sabida que ARG. NITR. se prescribe muy comnmente despus de haberse recetado
errneamente CARBO. VEG., CHINA O LYCOP. (Nash).
ARG. NITR. figura entre LOS REMEDIOS MAS FLATULENTOS, en que el paciente est
distendido a punto de creer estallar, y slo obtiene alguna calma expulsando viento y
eructos (Kent). La flatulencia puede llegar a causar disnea por compresin, los esfuerzos
por eructar se ven impedidos por un espasmo de esfago
Aparato urinario
Incontinencia da y noche; orina muy abundante que corre casi sin interrupcin; orina
inconsciente e ininterrumpidamente (Kent). Uretra inflamada con dolor ardiente y
sensacin de algo clavado en la mucosa. ORINA ESCASA Y OSCURA, A VECES
TERMINADO DE ORINAR. CANN. IND. tiene este sntoma con micciones frecuentes,
pero muy poco abundantes; CONIINUM, micciones involuntarias, y pierde algunas gotas
despus de haber terminado de orinar; KALI CARB. tiene deseos imperiosos de orinar,
pero el chorro tarda un instante en aparecer; la miccin es lenta y despus de terminar
pierde tambin gotas. SELEN. adems de perder gotas, tiene sensacin de que le qued
en el meato una gota irritante. BROMIUM tiene un sntoma semejante.
GONORREA con secrecin amarilla espesa y purulenta; dolores violentos en la uretra,
erecciones que atormentan y a veces secreciones sanguinolentas. (ver CANN. SAT.).
rganos genitales
Aparato respiratorio
2) PULMONES: Disnea con angustia; sensacin de pecho oprimido por una cuerda.
Puntos dolorosos en el pecho.Hemoptisis.
Aparato circulatorio
Palpitaciones, pulso irregular intermitente; las palpitaciones se agravan acostado del lado
derecho. (ALUM). Ansiedad con palpitaciones y sensacin de latidos en todo el cuerpo.
Palpitaciones violentas al menor ejercicio muscular improvisado o a la menor emocin;
el paciente se siente movido a llevarse las manos sobre el corazn para calmarse (Kent).
Sensacin de una barra a travs del pecho y dolores violentos que le impiden respirar. Angina
de pecho.
La presencia de muchas personas en su cuarto le parece que le roba parte del aire que
necesita para respirar.
Espalda y extremidades
El dolor en la regin lumbar se produce estando sentado pero mejora parado y caminando.
Dolor dorsal por gran flatulencia. Dolor agudo en columna vertebral. Dolor de espaldas a
la noche. Gran sensacin de peso en la regin lumbar (Kent).
Erupciones pustulosas con prurito, particularmente de noche, por el calor del lecho.
Rash prpura tal como aparece en las formas muy graves de la fiebre tifoidea y enfermedades
Llagas erisipelosas en las partes que apoyan sobre el lecho en decbitodorsal.
NATR. MUR. es el mejor antdoto de las consecuencias del abuso de la aplicacin de Nitrato
de Plata en las mucosas. ARS. ALB.
Tambin es til en las enfermedades de los nios que han fumado. (ARS. VERATR.) (Allen).
Est posedo por ideas desastrosas de que todas sus empresas fallarn. Cuando camina se
siente acobardado, con ansiedad la cual lo hace caminar ms rpido. En cualquier parte
encontrar predominantes los sntomas intelectuales.
Las cefaleas son de un carcter congestivo; considerables palpitaciones, aliviadas por el fro
y hermticos vendajes. Dolor de cabeza por esfuerzo mental, por excitacin con
vrtigo, nusea y vmitos. Dolores en el lado derecho de la cabeza, rasgados, cortantes,
punzantes. Siente la cabeza muy agrandada.
Los sntomas en los ojos son muy numerosos de mencionar. Son de carcter general tales
como los que encontramos en afecciones catarrales con ulceracin, aliviados por el fro.
Todos los sntomas de los ojos empeoran en habitaciones, al sentarse cerca del fuego.
El paciente desea aplicaciones fras, baarse con agua fra. Fotofobia intensa; aversin
por la luz, y esto es peor en una habitacin calurosa; el paciente desea la habitacin fra,
oscura. Existe mucha hinchazn y tumefaccin de los vasos del ojo, y enrojecimiento, y
posee una apariencia escoriada y descarnada. "Equimosis con vasos estrangulados".
"Crnea opaca". "Ulceracin de crnea en recin nacidos; secrecin profusa y purulenta
de los prpados", y esto es lo que los "Regulares", antiguamente y hasta ahora han
estado usando para los ojos, tratndolos con Argentum nitricum. Fotofobia: luego de
mirar prolongadamente una linda costura, una, bella pintura. Para alguno que ha estado
mirando repentinamente un paisaje lejano, aparece con un estado congestivo: no algo
anticuado pero si alguna cosa que podra ser curada. De una sola mirada no puede ver
impresos a una distancia normal sino que los debe alejar; si esto ocurre en pacientes de
veinticinco aos de edad o en nios. A distancias cercanas es indistinguible. Tales
perturbaciones de acomodacin en vistas lejanas han sido inducidas y curadas. "Edema
de prpados", etc.
"Edema" constituye una palabra que aparece con el remedio. Quiere decir, el remedio posee
un estado de hidropesa siempre que haya tendencia.
"Sensacin de tener astillas en la garganta cuando ingiere algo". Esto se relaciona con
Hepar. En afecciones inflamatorias de la garganta con ulceracin. Con Argentum
nitricum el paciente desea estar en una habitacin fra, desea aire fresco, e ingiere cosas
fras. En Hepar desea cosas calientes para beber, ropas abrigadas, habitacin calurosa, y
no puede sacar las manos fuera de la cama o tendr dolor en su garganta. Las cosas
como se vieron, son opuestas, pero en ambos casos sienten como astillas en la garganta.
En catarros crnicos secos Alumina y Natrum muriaticum poseen o sienten astillas en
la garganta; pero cuando la garganta est colorada con tumefaccin y dolor estos dos
remedios no alivian, los dos anteriores son mejores. Astillas en la garganta como
espinas de pescado. Nitric acid. Hepar y Argentum nitricum son los ms notables
remedios para la sensacin de espinas en la garganta. Muchos remedios traen punzadas
en la garganta, pero estos son los ms prominentes. Sabemos como Argentum nitricum
ha sido utilizado para ulceracin en la garganta, y aqu aparece como uno de los ms
tiles remedios en congestin de garganta de larga duracin. Catarro con prdida de
voz. Crecimiento de verrugas, condiloma, etc. Prdida de voz, tumefaccin de las
mucosas alrededor de las cuerdas vocales y paresia de las cuerdas vocales. Condiloma
de las cuerdas vocales.
"Prdida de apetito" y rehusa beber. Esta es otra caracterstica. Desea azcar. Siente que lo
debe tener y lo enferma, eructa, aumenta la flatulencia, acidez gstrica. No lo puede
digerir; acta como purgante y aparece diarrea. Tan mareada es la agravacin producida
por el azcar que el infante tendr diarrea verde si su madre come caramelos. Es
asombroso que el beb pueda tener una dosis dinamizada de su madre, cuando la dosis
dinamizada puede viajar como un rayo, y el azcar lleva todo un da ser digerida y
dinamizada y es como una comida venenosa para el beb? Recuerdo un caso que se
produjo, y continuaba. El beb defeca mercuriales efectivamente de color verde pasto.
Chamomilla trae materia fecal verde pasto y Arsenicum y Mercurius y muchos
remedios producen materia fecal verde pasto. Rutinario como era en aquellos das, no
pude conseguir otra cosa, sino Mercurius, y aunque el beb ingiri Merc., Ars. y Cham.
no se produjo alivio, hasta que descubr que su madre haba estado comiendo
caramelos. Cuando se le pregunt si ingera cosas dulces, azcar, etc., contest "Oh,
no". Su marido dijo: "por qu, si lo haces". Yo te llevo una libra de caramelos todos los
das. Qu haces con ellos? "Oh, eso no es nada", contest la seora. Pero el beb no
mejor hasta que ingiri Argentum nitricum y la madre dej de comer azcar.
"Irresistible deseo de ingerir azcar" Una buena cantidad de medicinas traen el ansia
por las cosas dulces, pero muchas de ellas tienen impunidad por ingerirlas. Constituye
siempre algo peculiar cuando un artculo de la dieta, tales como leche, azcar, sal,
fcula, etc., y las cosas de la mesa lo enferman. Cuando se dice "no puedo comer una
cucharada (de t) de cualquier cosa con fcula, huevo o azcar, sin enfermarme, esto es
siempre extrao y peculiar, porque esto no es algo que viene solamente como ansia o
afeccin del estmago, afecta a todo el paciente. El paciente dice: "Me enfermo", y aqu
esto es general. Cuando el paciente tiene diarrea por haber ingerido azcar, no es un
sntoma meramente local o particular, porque el paciente est enfermo antes que la
diarrea comience; la diarrea es un sntoma exterior. Ya que es un sntoma general es
necesario que se lo examine completamente, pues indudablemente es una anafilaxia por
el medicamento y la diarrea es una consecuencia de ese estado.
"Las substancias vomitadas tien la ropa de cama". Incesantes vmitos de comida. Algunas
veces escupe comida de la boca antes de que el estmago est lleno. Eructos de aire
acompaados de una porcin de comida no digerida, como en Phosphorus y Ferrum.
Escupe, escupe con la boca llena.
"Los eructos lo alivian". "La flatulencia pasa por.arriba, en cantidades". Frecuentes eructos,
que no siempre lo alivian. Es ms parecido a China en sus eructos. Los que provienen
de Carbo veg. lo alivian por algn tiempo y se siente mejor. Esta es la manera, con
Carbo veg. est distendido por los gases abdominales que no puede emitir, pero
finalmente luego de mucho penar y distensin el paciente eructa y siente alivio. Con
China est distendido, y a cada momento emite el gas, pero sin alivia. El remedio
parece no ayudarlo, y algunas veces el paciente dir que le parece sentirse peor despus
de haberlo tomado. As pasa con Argentum nitricum por momentos. El remedio
evidentemente posee ambos. "La mayora de las dolencias gstricas van acompaadas
con vmitos". "Dificultades de vmitos, finalmente el aire sale afuera con gran
violencia". "Nuseas luego de cada comida; con esfuerzos y dificultad para vomitar"
He visto estos pacientes de Argentum nitricum vomitar y diarrea al mismo momento,
no vomitan un segundo y tienen diarrea el prximo, pero derraman de ambas maneras
con gran agotamiento como en el clera mrbido, muy relajados, postrados y dbiles.
"Vmitos, fluido marrn, floculento, como granos de caf".
El estmago, hgado y abdomen tienen muchos dolores. El abdomen distendido con todo
este trastorno de flatulencia. Inflamacin y ulceracin del estmago y mucha diarrea,
con copiosa flatulencia. Heces en nios pequeos, con materia fecal viscosa,
sanguinolenta y tenesmo. "Diarrea de nios despus del destete". Seudomembranas en
heces disentricas o depsitos; moldes como el recto, fibras de membrana, vienen con
la materia fecal. Materia fecal verde, mucosidad ftida con ruidos flatulentos por la
noche". "La orina pasa inconscientemente e ininterrumpidamente". "Urgencia de
orinar; la orina pasa menos fcilmente y libre". "Sangra la uretra; erecciones dolorosas;
gonorrea; Tiene gonorreas dolorososas con erecciones dolorosas en el sexo masculino.
En el sexo femenino la vagina es extremadamente dolorosa, y las partes externas estn
hinchadas; tumefaccin. La vagina se siente dolorida al orinar; secreciones
sanguinolentas. En el sexo masculino, aparece orquitis por supresin de descarga. En la
mujer ovaritis, inflamacin de todos los rganos plvicos. Gran dolor sobre toda la
pelvis. Sangre de la vagina. Ulceracin del tero. El coito es doloroso o imposible.
"Dolores como palos o tajos adentro o alrededor del tero", etc. Esta sensacin
prevalece siempre que hay lceras. "Prolapso con ulceracin del cuello". Hemorragias
de corta duracin; dolores fulminantes a travs del abdomen y del estmago.
Metrorragia. Molestias de mujeres nerviosas y durante el perodo menstrual.
Menstruaciones suprimidas o escasas. Dolores durante el embarazo.
Bajo los sntomas del corazn y el pulso: "Ansiedad con palpitacin y pulsaciones a travs
de todo el cuerpo". "Violentas palpitaciones debidas a las ms leves emociones
mentales o repentinos esfuerzos musculares. Las palpitaciones obligan a la paciente a
presionar fuertemente su mano contra el corazn para aliviarse. El trabajo del corazn
es irregular, intermitente," etc.
Dolores en la regin lumbar aparecen cuando est sentada, pero mejora cuando se levanta y
camina. Dolor en la espalda debido a flatulencia. Dolor intenso en la columna vertebral
y en la espalda durante la noche. Gran peso en la regin lumbar. Constituye un gran
remedio para ataxia locomotriz. Desasosiego.
Los sntomas nerviosos son muy numerosos. Temblor peridico del cuerpo. Corea, con
desgarramientos en las piernas. Convulsiones precedidas por gran desasosiego.
Nerviosismo, desfallecimiento, sensacin de temblor, etc.
Los sntomas del sueo son generales. Pesadillas angustiosas. Los sueos son horribles. Se
despierta con excitacin. Toda clase de extraos, horribles cosas durante el sueo.
Sueos de vicios y sucesos violentos, y todo le va a suceder a l. Sueos sobre amigos
que se van, etc.
Este concepto de unidad por correlacin ha sido superado por la moderna biologa que,
corroborando el vitalismo hahnemanniano, establece que la unidad funcional, o mejor dicho
la unidad vital, del organismo es anterior a la diferenciacin en rganos y funciones. Cada
estructura fisicoqumica diferenciada que constituye un rgano tiene una funcin especfica
imbuida de un sentido biolgico de totalidad. La reaccin de cada rgano o de cada sector
local de la economa expresa una intencin vital del individuo como totalidad. No existe una
correlacin que implica una cierta autonoma de cada funcin, sino una coordinacin que
seala una directiva previa, lo que en biologa se designa como entelequia o direccin. Esto
nos lleva a considerar los componentes somtico, anmico y espiritual del hombre.
Esta instancia o substrato biolgico existe en todos los animales superiores, con diferencia de
grado o cantidad en lo que se refiere al hombre. Pero una tercera capa es privativa de ste: el
espritu o entidad espiritual. En este nivel de organizacin compleja del ser humano se da un
fenmeno que la medicina ha debido afrontar sin postergar la dilacin impuesta por la ciencia
atomstica ya definitivamente superada, en el campo de la fsica, con la energa nuclear. Este
fenmeno es el del yo del individuo o conciencia de s mismo que con sus facultades de
razn y lgica se interpone entre el alma, con su contenido de afectos, sentimientos y
pasiones, y el mundo circundante. Es en esta capa espiritual donde el hombre toma
decisiones, ejercita su voluntad y realiza el desideralum humano por excelencia, el de la
libertad, meta suprema del espritu.
El alma y el espritu forman en conjunto la psique o el psiquismo del hombre, pero sin que se
separen del soma en el cual estn infundidas y del que reciben su energa.
Es a nivel del yo donde se producen los conflictos entre los impulsos, instintos, afectos y
sentimientos del alma, es decir, las tendencias temperamentales reducidas al erotismo y
agresividad y la realidad exterior del mundo circundante que detiene, impide, limita o
prohibe tales manifestaciones. Desde muy temprano, y sumando a cierto aporte congnito, se
desarrolla en el yo la llamada conciencia moral o supery, como resultado de la introyeccin
de la realidad en su forma de normas educativas, censura, interdiccin moral o dictados
Entre esta autoridad representativa de la realidad ambiente y los instintos, afectos y
sentimientos que integran el alma se produce, a nivel del yo, la dura lucha de la adaptacin
emocional a la vida. Todo el drama humano de la enfermedad y la angustia se desarrolla en
ese campo de batalla sin tregua que es el yo, lmite intermediario entre el alma animal con
sus exigencias ertico-agresivas amorales y el espritu, capaz de trascendencia, que nos
seala desde nuestra mayor o menor conciencia moral, el inexorable camino hacia la
superacin espiritual. El resultado de esta puja es el desarrollo del carcter, que configura en
el individuo una frmula personal de conciliacin o resolucin del conflicto. Si el
temperamento es la forma de ser del hombre, de acuerdo con su modalidad afectiva
constitucional, el carcter es su forma de hacer o de actuar o conducirse, en el contacto con
el ambiente.
El estudio psquico del enfermo consiste en la escrutacin del carcter, frmula personal y
peculiar de resolver la actitud que el yo asume como actividad integradora, reguladora y
controladora entre las tendencias temperamentales y los estmulos externos.
Hemos dicho que todo medicamento que es capaz de dar manifestaciones de carcter, es
decir, alteraciones de la psicodinamia de la personalidad, es un remedio profundo, es el
llamado policresto porque toca el centro del individuo desde el cual se desgrana hacia el
soma la dinmica mrbida.
En este sentido presenta semejanza con Mercurius, quien hallndose a merced de sus
instintos, que lo urgen a matar o suicidarse ante la vista de un instrumento cortante, no sabe
qu hacer, se mueve constantemente como si quisiera huir de s mismo, trata de irse lejos, de
huir, como si fuera culpable de un crimen.
Pero aunque el carcter bien comprendido de cada medicamento nos d la mejor pauta para
identificarlo, debemos coordinarlo con las caractersticas somticas en su cenestesia
general, determinadas por las manifestaciones neurovegetativas:
Mercurius se empeora por las temperaturas extremas -el calor de la cama-. Empeora por la
transpiracin. Tiene el olor ftido -mercurial caracterstico-, la boca nauseabunda.
Aurum es friolento en invierno, con tendencia congestiva, sanguneo aparente. Con eretismo
del aparato circulatorio. Palpitaciones violentas, llamaradas.
Lachesis: es caluroso, agravado en primavera por el sol, por el encierro. Agravado por toda
supresin de secreciones. Despus del sueo, a la maana. Por la constriccin, el contacto.
Nitricum acidum: es friolento, agravado por los cambios de tiempo. Con los excreta
irritantes, excoriantes y ftidos, inflamacin electiva de los orificios mucosos con sensacin
de espina enclavada y orina con olor a orina de caballo.
Argentum nitricum es un caluroso con necesidad de aire libre, empeorado en cmara caliente
y cerrada, agravado por los alimentos azucarados, con inflamacin electiva de las mucosas
del aparato digestivo.
Las manifestaciones somticas, que expresan la reaccin general del organismo junto a la
alteracin funcional electivamente determinada por una particular estigmatizacin vegetativa,
se hallan coordinadas a una especial reaccin caracterolgica.
Argentum nitricum, tiene relacin con Nitricum acidum y Arsenicum. Con Plumbum y
Cuprum. Con Zincum. Su antdoto es Natrum muriaticum.
Desde luego veremos las semejanzas entre Argentum nitricum, Kali bromatum y
Hay adems sntomas menos graves que indican a Argentum nitricum, y uno de ellos
es lo que podemos llamar parlisis funcional, tal como la que sigue a las enfermedades
agotantes, la parlisis post-diftrica, por ejemplo. Gelsemium es aqu un medicamento
concordante de Argentum nitricum.
Otras afecciones nerviosas para las que podemos hacer uso de Argentum nitricum, son
las siguientes: es uno de nuestros mejores medicamentos para la hemicrnea; sta no es
una simple neuralga; es una afeccin neurtica arraigada y por algn motivo se le supone
ser de naturaleza epilptica; se presenta perodicamente; para curala, el medicamento que
estudiamos es uno de los mejores. Con frecuencia hay una cefalalgia terebrante, peor en la
eminencia frontal izquierda. Esta sensacin perforante es mejorada por un vendaje
apretado, por lo que se alivia por usar una gorra ajustada. El dolor es despertado por
cualquier emocin mental desagradable o cualquiera circunstancia que deprima el sistema
nervioso, como la prdida de fludo, la privacin del sueo o un esfurezo mental. Algunas
veces los dolores llegan a ser tan intensos, que el enfermo pierde la conciencia. Los
parxismos, en su grado culminante, con frecuencia producen vmitos biliosos o de
substancias slidas.
Hay otra forma de cefalalgia que es principalmente neurlgica y para la que Argentum
nitricum es el medicamento. Los huesos de la cabeza se sienten como si estuvieran
separndose y la cabeza se siente como agrandada notablemente. Los dolores aumentan a
tal grado, que el paciente pierde el conocimiento. Estos accesos terminan por vmito,
probablemente para presentarse una vez ms despus de algunos minutos o una hora.
Tambin puede usarse en la oftalma purulenta de los adultos, cuando el pus es del
carcter ya indicado; como en Pulsatilla, los sntomas se mejoran al aire libre y llegan a
hacerse intolerables en una habitacin caliente. En la oftalma purulenta, Pulstatilla es un
ntimo aliado de Argentum nitricum; notaremos que tanto uno como otro producen
descarga abundante, gruesa, blanda y purulenta; ambos tiene mejora por el aire fresco. Se
ha determinado clnicamente que cuando Argentum nitricum, deja de obrar, una dosis de
Pulsatilla intercalada activa la curacin.
Podemos hacer uso de Argentum nitricum en la blefaritis, cuando hay costras gruesas
sobre los prpados y supuracin e induracin de los tejidos; la crnea misma llega a
afectarse por la inflamacin. El calor del fuego empeora notablemente al enfermo. Estos
sntomas los encontraremos en Mercurius.
Argentum nitricum puede ser usado en las ulceraciones del cuello del tero, cuando
est engrosado e indurado, con flujo amarillo, abundante, excoriante, sangrando con
frecuencia los puntos ulcerados.
Ahora deseo referirme a la accin de Argentum nitricum sobre los riones, pues vale la
pena dar inters a este medicamento en su accin. Creo que fu el Dr. Preston, de
Norristown, quien emple la droga en estos casos. La daba con frecuencia en la nefralgia
por congestin de los riones o por el paso de los clculos. La cara toma un tinte bastante
obscuro y tiene un aspecto enjuto; hay un dolor sordo que cruza la parte baja del dorso y
tambin sobre la regin de la vijiga. La orina arde al parsar y la uretra se siente como
hinchada; hay deseo repentino de orinar; la orina es obscura y contiene sangre o epitelios
renales y un sedimento de cido rico. Es de utilidad sobre todo, cuando Cantharis, que
pareca indicado, falla.
Deberemos pensar en Nitricum acidum para los clculos urinarios, cuando la orina
contiene cido oxlico y cuando esta substancia es el principal ingrediente de la piedra.
Finalmente tengo que hablar de la accin de Argentum nitricum sobre los intestinos.
Aqu es muy semejante a Arsenicum; las evacuaciones son verdes, con pequeos jirones y
contienen sangre, flemas y epitelios. A menudo va asociada a descarga de muchos gases y
con frecuencia es provocada por el uso del azcar. Est indicado especialmente cuando la
diarrea sigue a cualquiera excitacin, tal como un susto o cuando la imaginacin se pone
en juego. Hay tendencia a las evacuaciones por la menor cantidad de alimento o bebida.
En el clera infantil est indicado en los nios delgados que se agotan rpidamente, de
aspecto desecado y casi como momias. Las piernas se ven como si estuvieran constitudas
por el slo hueso y la piel. Las evacuaciones son verdes y glerosas; hay gases ruidosos y
empeoran por la noche.
Entre los principales sntomas de Arg. nit. estn: Gran temblor. Sensacin nerviosa;
sensacin que estuviera apretado por una prensa. Sensacin de constriccin en varias
partes, como si una banda de acero rodeara el pecho o la cintura. Una sensacin como
si el cuerpo o alguna parte del cuerpo estuviera expandida. Migraa con sensacin
como si la cabeza estuviera enormemente crecida; > vendada apretada. Defectos en la
coordinacin. Parlisis del movimiento y sensaciones; un entumecimiento peculiar
acompaado de hiperestesia. Sensacin de una astilla que se encaja en varias partes.
Sensacin de ardor. Gowers ha registrado un caso en que el uso de Arg. nit. en
trastornos del estmago causaron (como el plomo) mano pndula, gota y albuminuria.
En la prctica aloptica la dispepsia para la que se da es < antes de alimentos, cuando el
estmago est vaco. El estado opuesto es la indicacin principal en la prctica
homeoptica. E. P. Brewer (Hahn. Monthly, July, 1883) registr una experimentacin,
(el experimentador, un hombre joven, tom por tres das consecutivos un grano al da
de Arg. nit. triturado en azcar de leche), en que un nmero de sntomas motores y
sensoriales fueron producidos, recordando al Dr. Brewer la ataxia locomotriz, en que se
haba usado con xito por los mdicos de la antigua escuela. Este uso tambin lo llev
en muchos de argiria. Entre los sntomas de los experimentadores estuvieron:
"Operaciones mentales lentas; pensamientos continuos requeran esfuerzo especial,
pero el esfuerzo de la mente no agravaba la pesadez y llenura de la cabeza.
Extremidades inferiores (lumbar, sacro y particularmente el gastronemio) fatigados;
como si ellos sbitamente le fallaran. Prdida de ambicin. Construye castillos en el
aire en el da: sueos monstruosos en la noche." Otro sntoma peculiar fue: escalofro
que bajaba en la espalda, empezando cerca del occipucio, extendindose a la punta del
cccix, a medioda todos los das; > por el calor; a las 5 p.m. escalofro se calma, sin
sudor, pero somnolencia profunda, sin sueo pero encantado con imgenes vvidas:
sigue calor ardiente. Hay ardor en un lugar enfrente del recto, probablemente en la
prstata. Miccin ms frecuente, ardor en la uretra. La cefalea era > por Act. r . En una
experimentacin por m mismo, uno de los sntomas ms marcados fue una clase de
sensacin de entumecimiento de la piel de los brazos un estado de hiperestesia y
anestesia, aumenta la sensibilidad al contacto, pero disminuye el poder de distinguir
sensaciones. Otros sntomas fueron garganta inflamada con placas blancas, dolores
reumticos en mueca izquierda (que desde entonces lo he confirmado) y articulaciones
de los dedos, con sensibilidad externa de prominencias seas, dolor al levantarse en la
unin sacro-iliaca derecha. Adolorimiento de los msculos del cuello y espalda.
Lugares de urticaria en varias partes. En casos de envenenamiento, prdida completa de
la conciencia, insensibilidad y convulsiones, se han presentado. Algunos de los
sntomas digestivos notables son: "Irresistible deseo de azcar." "Lquidos pasan a
travs de l." Eructos acompaan la mayor parte de las afecciones gstricas. Heces
verdes son muy marcadas. "Mucosidad verde como espinacas picadas, en pedacitos."
"Heces se vuelven verdes despus de un tiempo en el paal." "Heces expelidas en
chorro." "Heces desmenuzadas, rojas, linfo-mucosa verde o sustancia epitelial." Hay un
dolor lumbar, > al pararse, o caminar, pero severo cuando se levanta de un asiento.
(Sulphur, Caust. ) Arg. nit. tiene un deseo irresistible por azcar, que al mismo tiempo
lo agrava. Kent relata un caso que lo ilustra. Un infante en lactancia, tena diarrea verde
como pasto que no ceda a Merc., Ars., Cham. Al final Kent descubri que la madre
coma una libra de dulces al da. Se le dio Arg. nit. y se le suspendi el dulce y el nio
pronto estuvo bien. Catarro intestinal con secreciones membranosas desmenuzadas,
frecuentemente se curan con Arg. nit.
Una peculiaridad mental es la aprensin y el temor: cuando est listo para ir a la iglesia,
etc., aparece diarrea. Temor que se caigan las esquinas de los edificios y construcciones
altas. Ver edificios altos lo marea y le causa tambaleo; parece que las casas de ambos
lados de la calle se aproximaran y aplastaran. Imagina que no puede pasar de cierto
punto (Kali brom ). Cuando cruza un puente, tiene el ms irresistible deseo de saltar.
Impulsos de caminar muy rpido (Lil. t. ). Membranas mucosas afectadas, secrecin
purulenta y sanguinolenta; diarrea membranosa con dolores agonizantes. Epitelio
afectado (cnceres). La mayor parte de los sntomas < en la noche; muy nervioso en la
noche. < en la noche o en la maana al levantarse (ataques epilpticos). En el da mitad
ms de tos, en la noche mitad ms de diarrea. < al despertar. A las 11 a.m. ataques de
nervios > por estimulantes. Escalofro que baja en la espalda todos los das a medioda.
< en cuarto caluroso; en un fuego; en verano; calor de la cama; > por bebidas calientes.
> en aire abierto fro, > lavarse con agua fra; < por alimento fro; < por helados, nieve.
El movimiento generalmente agrava; pero caminando al aire libre > dolores de espalda,
que son agravados al sentarse. Acostado sobre el lado derecho causa dolores en el
abdomen; palpitaciones. Calor agrava, pero tambin por descubrirse; aversin a
descubrirse. < levantarse de un asiento. < inspiracin. < al tacto de las partes. > al
doblarse. < pensando intensamente. < manejando. > por vendaje apretado (cabeza). Se
adapta a : personas nerviosas histricas; cefaleas por causa mental caracterizadas por
embotamiento de la cabeza. Mujeres con trastornos mentales. Estado caquctico.
Mujeres huesudas, dbiles, de apariencia seca. Guernsey lo describe como, "marchitas
y secas por la enfermedad." Un nio parece un hombre viejo marchito." Corresponde en
bajas potencias a la constitucin carbo-nitrogenoide de Gravogl (Sul., Cup. ); en altas a
la constitucin hidrogenoide o syctico. Un gran nmero de sntomas aparecen del lado
Relaciones.- Antdotado por: Nat. mur. (qumica y dinmicamente), Ars., Leche. Antdota a
Nit. ac. y Arg. nit: Puls., Calc., Sep.; lo siguen en importancia, Lyc., Sil., Rhus, Phos.,
Sul. Antidota a : Am. caust., efectos del tabaco. Incompatible: Coff. c. (aumenta la
cefalea nerviosa. Sigue bien a : Bry., Spig. (dispepsia); Caust. (afecciones de la uretra);
Spongia (bocio); Verat. (flatus). Es seguido bien por : Lyc. (flatus). Similar a : Arg.
met. (Arg. met. acta en cartlagos, Arg. nit. ms en membranas mucosas, piel, hueso y
periostio, y se adapta a pacientes herpticos); al Aur., Cup., K. Bich., Lach., Merc.,
Merc. cor., Merc. iod., Nat. m., Nit. ac., Thuja. En trastornos por presin de la ropa,
como Calc., Bry., Caust., Lyc., Sarsap., Stan. En cefaleas congestivas, como Glon. y
otros compuestos de Nit. ac. En la sensacin de espina de pescado en la garganta, Nit.
ac., Hep. (Hep. < por el fro; Arg. nit. < en cuarto caluroso). Puls. es el anlogo ms
Causa.- Aprensin, susto o temor. Comiendo hielos. Excesos en hbitos. Esfuerzo mental y
preocupaciones. Onanismo y venreas. Azcar. Tabaco (muchachos).
-Nat. mur., para los malos resultados de cauterizar con nitrato de plata.
Coffea aumenta el dolor de cabeza nervioso.
Trastornos de los nios despus de usar tabaco (Ars., Ver.).
Es semejante a Natr. mur., Nitric ac. Lach., Aur., Cupr.
Despus de Ver., y Lyc., sigue bien para la dispepsia flatulenta.
- Por los alimentos fros; por el aire fro, por comer azcar; por tomar helados; por el
ejercicio mental no acostumbrado.
-Al aire libre; apetece sentir el viento en la cara; bandose en agua fra.
Esta medicina a la 200 o la 1000 potencia en solucin acuosa, como aplicacin tpica para
la oftalmia neonatorum, ha producido alivio en casos en que el Nitrato de Plata en bruto ha
En este medicamento los efectos nerviosos son muy marcados, se presentan muchos
sntomas cerebrales y medulares, que dan indicaciones seguras para su uso homeoptico
Sntomas de incordinacin, prdida de control y falta de balance donde quiera, fsica y
mentalmente; temblores en zonas afectadas
Es un irritante de las membranas mucosas, produciendo inflamacin violenta de la
garganta, y una gastroenteritis marcada
Muy caracterstico es el gran deseo de dulces, los dolores como astillas, y secrecin
mucopurulenta abundante en las mucosas inflamadas y ulceradas
Es caracterstica una sensacin como si una zona se expandiera y otros errores de
Constituciones enjutas, marchitas, presentan un campo favorable para su accin,
especialmente cuando estn asociadas a un esfuerzo mental continuo de larga duracin o
Los sntomas de la cabeza frecuentemente determinan la eleccin de este medicamento
Los dolores aumentan y disminuyen gradualmente
Estado de flatulencia y apariencia de vejez prematura
Eructos explosivos, especialmente en sujetos nerviosos
Afecciones abdominales superiores por esfuerzo mental indebido
Mielitis y esclerosis diseminada del cerebro y mdula
Intolerancia al calor
Sensacin de un pinchazo sbito. (Dudgeon)
Destruye los glbulos rojos, produciendo anemia.
Piensa que su entendimiento fallar y debe fallar
Temeroso y nervioso; impulso de saltar por la ventana
Desfalleciente y tembloroso
Melanclico; aprensivo de una enfermedad seria
El tiempo pasa lentamente. [Cann.ind.]
Memoria dbil
Errores de percepcin
Impulsivo; quiere hacer las cosas apresurado. [Lilium]
Impulsos mentales peculiares
Temores y ansiedades y motivos irracionales ocultos para sus acciones.
Cefalea con frialdad y temblores.
Los trastornos emocionales causan la aparicin de ataques de hemicrnea
Sensacin de expansin
Fatiga cerebral, con debilidad general y temblores
Cefalea por esfuerzo mental, por bailar
Vrtigo, con zumbidos en los odos y con afecciones nerviosas
Adolorimiento en la eminencia frontal, con sensacin de ensanchamiento en el ojo
Dolor taladrante; mejor con un vendaje apretado y la presin
Prurito en cuero cabelludo
Hemicrnea: los huesos de la cabeza los siente como separados.
Angulos internos hinchados y rojos
Manchas delante de la visin
Visin borrosa
Fotofobia en una habitacin caliente
Oftalma purulenta
Gran hinchazn de la conjuntiva; secrecin purulenta abundante. Ulceracin crnica de los
bordes de los prpados; adoloridos, gruesos, hinchados
Incapaz de mantener los ojos fijos
Esfuerzo de los ojos por coser; peor en una habitacin caliente
Ojos adoloridos, los siente cansados, mejor al cerrarlos o presionarlos
Util para recuperar la fuerza de los msculos ciliares debilitados
Estados particos de los msculos ciliares
Conjuntivitis granular aguda
Crnea opaca
Ulcera en la crnea
Prdida del olfato
Ulceras en el tabique
Coriza con sensacin de fro, lagrimeo y cefalea.
Hundida, avejentada, plida y azulada
Se ve avejentado; piel tirante, ajustada sobre los huesos.
Encas sensibles y sangran fcilmente
La lengua tiene papilas prominentes; la punta est roja y dolorosa
Dolor en dientes sanos
Sabor a cobre, como tinta
Ulceras gangrenosas.
Abundante mucosidad espesa en la garganta y la boca, que causa carraspeo
Desollada, spera y adolorida
Sensacin de una astilla en la garganta al tragar
Enrojecimiento oscuro de la garganta
Catarro en fumadores, con cosquilleo como de un cabello en la garganta
Sensacin de estrangulamiento.
Eructos que acompaa a casi todos los trastornos gstricos
Nusea, arcada, vmito de mucosidad viscosa
Flatulencia; hinchazn dolorosa de la boca del estmago
Zona dolorosa sobre el estmago que irradia por todo el abdomen
Dolor de lcera, roente; ardor y constriccin
Esfuerzos ineficaces de eructar
Gran deseo de dulces
Gastritis en bebedores
Dolor ulcerativo en el lado izquierdo debajo de las costillas
Temblores y latidos en el estmago
Distensin enorme
Ulceracin del estmago, con dolores radiantes
Deseo de queso y sal.
Clico, con mucha distensin flatulenta
Dolores ulcerativos punzantes en el lado izquierdo del estmago, debajo de las costillas
Acuosas, ruidosas, flatulentas; verdes, como espinacas picadas, con pedacitos de
mucosidad y enorme distensin del abdomen; muy ofensivas
Diarrea inmediatamente despus de comer o beber
Trnsito directo de los lquidos; despus de dulces
Despus de cualquier emocin con flatulencia
Prurito en el ano.
La orina pasa inconscientemente, da y noche
Uretra inflamada, con dolor, ardor, prurito; dolor como de una astilla
Orina escasa y oscura
Emisin de unas gotas despus de haber terminado
Chorro dividido
Etapa temprana de la gonorrea; secrecin abundante y dolores cortantes terribles; orina
Falla la ereccin cuando intenta el coito
Ulceras como cncer
Falta de deseo
Genitales arrugados
Coito doloroso.
Gastralgia al comenzar la menstruacin
Espasmo intenso de los msculos del trax
Orgasmos por la noche
Eretismo nervioso durante el climaterio
Leucorrea profusa, con erosin del cervix, que sangra fcilmente
Hemorragia uterina, dos semanas despus de la menstruacin
Afecciones dolorosas del ovario izquierdo.
Las notas altas le provocan tos
Ronquera crnica
Tos sofocante, como por un cabello en la garganta
Siente como una barra alrededor del trax
Palpitaciones, pulso irregular e intermitente; peor acostado del lado derecho. [Alumen]
Zonas dolorosas en el trax
Angina de pecho, con agravacin nocturna
Mucha gente en la habitacin le parece que le quitan el aire.
Mucho dolor
Columna sensible con dolores nocturnos, [Oxalic acid.]; parapleja; esclerosis medular
No puede caminar con los ojos cerrados
Temblor, con debilidad general
Parlisis, con sntomas mentales y abdominales
Rigidez de las pantorrillas
Debilidad especialmente en las pantorrillas
Camina y se para con inestabilidad, especialmente cuando no le miran
Entumecimiento de los brazos
Parlisis postdiftrica (despus de Gelsemium).
Marrn, tensa y dura
Tirantez en la piel, como por una tela de araa, o sustancia albuminosa seca, marchita y
Placas irregulares.
Insomnio, por fantasas de su imaginacin; sueos horribles de serpientes, y de
gratificacin sexual
Estupor sooliento.
Escalofros con nusea
Sensacin de fro cuando lo descubren, pero se siente sofocado si se arropa.
Peor por el calor en cualquier forma; por la noche: por alimentos fros; dulces; despus de
comer; durante la menstruacin; por emociones; del lado izquierdo
Mejor por eructos; aire fresco; fro; presin.
Antdoto: Nat. mur..
Comparar: Ars., Merc., Phosp., Puls., Argentum cyanatum (angina de pecho, asma,
espasmo del esfago); Argent. iod. (trastornos de la garganta, ronquera, afecciones de
ganglios.) Protargol (gonorrea despus de etapa aguda, solucin al 2 por ciento; placas
mucosas sifilticas, chancros y chancroides, solucin al 10 por ciento aplicada dos veces al
da; oftalma neonatorum, 2 gotas de solucin al 10 por ciento).
Argent. phosp. (Un excelente diurtico en hidropesa.)
Argent. oxyd. (Clorosis con menorragia y diarrea.)
Potencias de la tercera a la trigsima.
La mejor forma, una solucin acuosa de 1 a 9, 2 a 3 gotas por dosis
Esta solucin en agua es preferible a las bajas trituraciones; de no ser fresca, se
descompone rpidamente por oxidacin.
Por el calor, en una habitacin caliente, en un local cerrado, por la noche, por alimentos
fros (crema helada); por el azcar y dulces, durante las reglas, por un ejercicio mental
inusitado y estando acostado sobre el lado derecho.
Al aire libre. por el aire fro (desea que el aire sople sobre su cara); por baarse en aqua fra
y por una presin fuerte.
Lado derecho.
Desequilibrio fsico y mental. Agitacin ansiosa. El tiempo pasa veloz para el enfermo (lo
contrario: Cann. ind. ), se queja siempre que el tiempo no le alcanza para hacer sus cosas y
siempre est inquieto y precipitado, quiere tener ya terminado lo que apenas ha
Impulsin irresistible a marchar apresuradamente entre la muchedumbre. La vista de los
edificios altos le produce vrtigo y parece que las casas de ambos lados de la calle se
aproximan y lo prensan.
Vrtigo con zumbido de odos. vrtigo al cerrar los ojos (Lach. ) .
Debilidad de las piernas con temblores. Inestabilidad, no puede sostenerse de pie, marcha
vacilante y precipitada. Convulsiones precedidas de un corto perodo de agitacin.
Pesadillas: serpientes, sueos bruscos con sobresaltos y ansiedad.
Cefalalgia congestiva despus de un trabajo prolongado o una excitacin cerebral de larga
duracin con sensacin de expansin del cerebro como si el crneo fuera a estallar. mejora
por el aire fro y por apretarse fuertemente la cabeza, ya sea con las manos o con una venda
que la comprima intensamente.
Conjuntivitis granulosa aguda con escurrimiento mucopurulento abundante, fotofobia
intensa que se agrava en una habitacin caliente.
Lengua con papilas prominentes (Ptel.), punta roja y dolorosa. Enrojecimiento de la faringe
y de la vula con expulsin matutina de mucosidades espesas y tenaces que provienen de
las fosas nasales posteriores, obligando al enfermo a carraspear y a gargajear. Sensacin de
deglutir como si la garganta estuviera llena Y COMO Sl UNA ASTILLA DE MADERA
Deseo irresistible de cosas dulces (Sulph.y. Nuseas despus de cada comida con
esfuerzos infructuosos por vomitar. Regurgitaciones. Vmitos estriados de substancia negra
Flatulencia excesiva. Eructaciones ruidosas inmediatamente despus de las comidas que
mejoran momentneamente. Dolor vivo bajo las falsas costillas izquierdas.
(Acon. ), evacuaciones salpicantes con gas, ruidos y ftidas. Diarrea verde de los nios.
Diarrea emotiva en el momento de pasar un examen o de asistir a una reunin.
Afona crnica en los cantores: las notas elevadas producen la tos. AFONIA CON
AGRAVACION POR LA MAANA con mucosidades que obligan al enfermo a carraspear
y a toser. Tos que empeora por fumar tabaco.
Palpitaciones violentas que empeoran estando acostado sobre el lado derecho (Alum.,
Lilium tigr.) o por la menor emocin, mejorando por caminar al aire libre.
Incontinencia de orina durante el da y por la noche. Escurrimiento uretral con dolores
ardorosos durante la miccin.
Reglas irregulares, sangre negra o en cogulos con pesantez en el vientre, dolor ms
marcado a nivel del ovario izquierdo.
Cuello uterino tumefacto, ulcerado; sensacin como si una astilla de madera se encajara en
el tero. Coito doloroso seguido de escurrimiento sanguinolento.
Prdidas blancas, amarillentas, ftidas, sanguinolentas.
Ataxia locomotriz. Blenorragia. Cefaleas. Diarrea. Epilepsia. Flatulencia. Gastralgia.
Laringitis. Metritis. Hemicrania. Oftalma de los recin nacidos. Parlisis. Parlisis
diftrica. Prostatitis. Estomatitis. Temblores. Ulcera del estmago. Vrtigos. El uso habitual
del nitrato de plata puede hacer aparecer los sntomas descritos que sern atenuados por
Natrum muriaticum, antdoto de Argentum nitricum.
Thuja (trastornos nerviosos y genitourinarios) y Lycopodium (trastornos digestivos) son
frecuentemente los complementarios ms favorables de Argentum nitricum, no olvidando
los beneficios exactos de la mentalidad con aquellos de la Constitucin Flurica
(heredosfilis) .
30a y 200a.
- Vertigo, with complete but transient blindness. [THOMAS HALL, in the Phys. Med.
Journal, 1800, p.518, also in Duncan's Annals of Med., 1799. ]
- (It affected the head, as if the fit of epilepsy would come on.)
- (Premonitory feeling of the impending fit.)
- Dimness of vision with anxiety, heat of face, and weeping eyes.
- Spongy, easily bleeding gums, which, however were not painful nor swollen. [MOODIE,
in Med. and Phys. Journal, 1804. ]
- Sensation as if the velum palati were swollen, not per se, but on moving the tongue and
when swallowing.
- Sickness, weight, and pressure in the stomach. [HALL, l.c.]
- Burning heat in the stomach. [KINGLAKE, in London Medical and Physical Journal,
1801. ]
- Burning in the stomach and on the chest. [MOODIE, l.c.]
- The urinary organs are at first greatly irritated. [l.c.]
- Disagreeable stoppage in the upper part of the nose for three days. [HALL, l.c.]
- Discharge from the nose like white pus mixed with blood-clots. [HALL, l.c.]
- Feeling in all the limbs as if they would go to sleep and stiffen.
- Exhaustion, in the afternoon.
- Profuse night sweat.
- Anxiety that compels him to walk quickly.
- Imbecile appearance;he looks at people with a foolish expression of countenance, even
while conversing with them on some serious subject;he behaves shyly and sillily, and talks
in a childish manner. On lying down for the purpose of relieving his head, visions and
distorted faces hover before his imagination, although his eyes are closed, even in
daylight(30th potency, second day), [a7].
- Apathy, with great debility, and tremulous weakness(1st potency), [_a2].
- Hypochondriac and gloomy mood;drawing pain in the forehead;yellowish complexion;
sweetish-bitter taste in the mouth;dry, viscid lips;feebleness and febrile sensation; debility
and weariness of the lower limbs(in the forenoon, at 11 o'clock, for one hour), (30th
potency, third day), [a4].
- Hypochondriac taciturnity, accompanied with dulness of the head, and beating in the
whole day(30th potency), [a4].
- Anxiety, which makes him walk rapidly, [_a1].
- * He feels very much affected bodily and mentally;he does not undertake anything lest he
should not succeed(6th potency), [a4].
- Irritated and anxious mood, in the morning after rising, accompanied with great
nervousness, feeling of weakness and tremulousness(6th potency), [a4].
- Alternation of clear consciousness, lightness of sense, and indifference(6th potency), [a4].
- Dulness of sense, absence of thought, inability to think;he is unable to find suitable words
for his ideas;hence he falters in his speech(2d potency, second day), [a4].
- Difficulty to collect his senses;he found it extremely difficult to conceive and idea, with
heat and fulness in the head(2d potency, third day), [a4].
- He feels dull, as if he would do nothing, [a52].
- Stupid feeling in the head when writing(30th potency, first day), [a4].
- Weakness of memory;he is unable to think connectedly, and falters in his speech (30th
potency, second day), [a4].
- Stupefaction, with suffering look(30th potency, second day), [a5].
- Total loss of consciousness, [a59].
- Coma, [a14].
- Coma, difficult to describe, [a59].
- Confusion of the head(2d potency, first day), [a4].
- The whole day his head feels confused, especially the occiput, the left region of the
vertex, and the forehead(2d potency, second day), [a4].
- On waking in the morning from a sleep full of dreams, his head aches and feels
confused(2d potency, first day), [a4].
- The head feels confused, accompanied with whizzing in the ears, and hard hearing (30th
potency, sixth day), [a6].
- Confusion of the head, with feeling of stupidity, over night;in the morning, when waking,
it is changed to fulness in the forehead, with stinging, digging in the same, increasing after
rising(1st potency, fifth day), [a4].
- Dull and confused state of the head, with beating in the whole body, and hypochondriac
taciturnity, after dinner(30th potency, second day), [a4].
- The head feels confused after drinking coffee.
- Vertigo, [a60].
- Vertigo in the morning(30th potency, fourth day), [a7].
- Vertigo with headache, [a9].
- * In the morning she was attacked with vertigo, as if she were turning in a circle,
inducing her to squat down;lest she should fall;accompanied with headache(30th potency,
second day), [a6].
- Vertigo, more before the eyes(1st potency, first day), [a4].
- Vertigo, with complete though transient blindness, [a10].
- * Vertigo, and buzzing in the ears, and general debility of the limbs and trembling, [a11].
- Vertigo and staggering gait, [a12].
- Attack of fleeting vertigo, as if intoxicated(1st potency, first day), [a4].
- * Giddiness, as if intoxicated, accompanied with lassitude and debility of the lower limbs
(30th potency, first day), [a4].
- Vertigo, with nausea and confusion of the senses(30th potency, second day), [a7].
- Giddiness in the head, as if he would faint, the body feeling tired, but not disagreeably
so(30th potency, first day), [a4].
- Giddy, dulness of sense, and as if he had lost all sensations;accompanied with drowsiness
(30th potency, first day), [a4].
- Dizziness before falling asleep(1st potency, first day), [_a2].
- * There is no region in the head which was not painfully affected by the drug.
- Headache all the time(2d potency, second day), [a4].
- Sensation in the head, as if the epileptic fit were approaching, [_a1].
- When waking in the morning, he has a terrible headache, obliging him to gnash his
teeth(1st potency, third day), [a8].
- Strong and agreeable odors appear to increase the headache remarkably (second day),
- * The headache is worse in the open air.
- Headache and toothache(30th potency, third day), [a6].
- * The headache is relieved by binding something tightly around the head.(Aust.
- Headache, with eructations and chilliness.
- * Generally the headache is accompanied by chilliness, and sometimes by a general
increase of the temperature of the body.(Aust. provings).
- The whole night his head feels heavy and dull, with heat in the head, inducing him to lay
his head on cool places, in order to obtain relief(30th potency, second day), [a4].
- Painful fulness in the brain(30th potency, first day), [a4].
- * Painful fulness and heaviness in the head, with inability to recollect, and glowing heat
of the head and cheeks, in the afternoon(2d potency, third day), [a4].
- He wakes with a headache in the morning;the head feels full, heavy, and stupid; the
headache becomes intolerable when making the least movement, and continues the whole
day(2d potency, second day), [a4].
- Fulness and heaviness of the head(2d potency, second day), [a4].
- Fulness and heat in the head, at night, with great excitement(30th potency, fourth day),
- Fulness, pushing, and heat in the head, relieved by pressing upon the head(30th potency,
third day), [a4].
- * Excessive congestion of blood to the head, with throbbing of the carotid arteries,
obliging him to loosen his cravat, accompanied with heaviness, stupefying dulness of the
head, great melancholy, weakness of mind, inability to express himself suitably and
coherently(30th potency, second day), [a7].
- * Pain in the head;the head seems enlarged(30th potency, third day), [a5].
- * If the pain is felt all over the head, it appears to him enlarged; if the pain is felt only on
one side of the head, the eye of the affected side appears enlarged(30th potency, second
day), [a4].
- Pain in the head, as if it would burst, occasioned by mental labor(2d potency, second
day), [a4].
- Slight digging-up moving about in the parenchyma of the brain(6th potency, fourth day),
- * Drawing, in streaks or bands, over the surface of the brain, apparently in the membranes
or the sinuses(6th potency, fourth day), [a4].
- Headache dull, tormenting, especially in the forehead, with dejection and restlessness (1
grain), [a56].
- Since waking, his forehead feels painful and dull, which abates after dinner (1st trit.,
second day), [_a2].
- * She wakes with a headache, pressure deep in the brain, accompanied with chilliness, the
whole forenoon (30th potency, first day), [a5].
- Pressing, digging headache, with chilliness, and great bruised feeling in the limbs, [a54].
- Nocturnal pressing, stupefying pain about in the head, especially extending to the temples
and forehead, with heaviness in the whole body, restless dreams and nausea (in a woman of
thirty), [a54].
- * Pressing pains in the whole head, occasioned by mental exertion(30th potency, second
day), [a4].
- Sensation as if a cool current were blowing from the right frontal eminence into the right
eye(30th potency, first day), [a4].
- Pain in the forehead and vertex, as if grasped together(30th potency, first day), [a5].
- Aching pain in the forehead, in the daytime, increasing considerably in the evening (30th
potency, fourth day), [a7].
- Aching pain, extending to the eyes, with sneezing(30th potency, third day), [a5].
- * Violent boring in the left forehead, when walking(after six and a half hours), [_a3].
- * Boring in the left frontal eminence(immediately), [a53].
- Drawing in the forehead, [a53].
- Drawing over the whole forehead, lasting only a short time(after two and a half hours),
- * Constant drawing and digging in the left frontal eminence, afterwards accompanied
with a drawing tearing, extending along the whole left arm(6th potency), [a4].
- Almost all day, pressure and heaviness in the forehead, [a53].
- Heaviness and pressure in forehead, lasting the whole day(after one hour), [a53].
- Heaviness and pressure in the forehead, the whole day, worse on walking in the open air,
ceasing toward evening;not increased by eating(after one hour), [a53].
- All day, pressure and heaviness in forehead, increased by stooping, [a53].
- Pressure in the forehead(30th potency, first day), [a7].
- * Pressing in the frontal bone, to the left, especially on the frontal eminence, at times
more violent; it is constant, and appears at times like a band over the forehead;worse on
walking, [a53].
- Pressure in the upper right forehead;and outward from the right nipple(immediately),
- Pressing and drawing over the forehead and below the left eye, [a53].
- Pressure in the right half of the forehead, especially in the eyebrows, in the morning,
when waking(30th potency, third day), [a4].
- Pushing in the right side of the forehead, as of a load(30th potency, second day), [a4].
- Tearing in the left side of the forehead(immediately), [a53].
- Wandering tearing in the skin of the left upper forehead(after one and a half hours), [a53].
- * Sticking and afterwards digging pain in the left frontal and vertex region, extending as
far as the malar bone(2d potency), [a4].
- * Stitches and digging in the left frontal eminence, every day, at different periods, but
more frequently in the afternoon(6d potency), [_a1].
- Undulating throbbing in the whole forehead(6th potency, third day), [a4].
- * Pulsations in the left side of the forehead(30th potency, first day), [a4].
- At 12 o'clock, * violent boring in the left temple(first day), [a53].
- Pressure in right temple(second day), [a53].
- Tearing, extending down the right temple as far as the face (30th potency, second day),
- Cutting, as with knives, in the left temple(30th potency), [a4].
- At 8 A. M., tearing on the top of the head, more violent diagonally over the vertex (third
day), [a53].
- Tearing on the right of the vertex(immediately), [a53].
- Pain in the right side of the head, consisting in heaviness, fulness, and pressure, for
several evenings(2d potency), [a4].
- 8 A. M., boring on the upper right side of the head(third day), [a53].
- 1 P.M. , violent boring, increasing by jerks and shocks, on the upper right side of the
head, when walking;10 P.M. , the same in the left temple, on sitting; 10.30 P.M. , in the
right temple(second day), [a53].
- Digging headache, in the right side(2d potency), [a4].
- * Digging and tumultuous raging in the right hemisphere of the brain, until he lost his
senses; if the pain abates in the forehead, it increases in the side of the head and toward the
occiput, where it extends down to the nape of the neck;the pain increases during motion,
when vertigo accompanies it, to such an extent that he walks to the left, instead of walking
straight(30th potency, second day), [a4].
- * Digging, cutting motion through the left hemisphere of the brain, extending from the
occiput to the frontal protuberance, recurring frequently, and increasing and decreasing
rapidly(30th potency), [a4].
- 10.30 P.M. , on sitting, suddenly, on the right parietal bone, a violent drawing, as if
upward;immediately after, pressing on the left side of the forehead; then deep in the right
wrist, [a53].
- Drawing, with pressure and heaviness in the right side of the head, abating in rest, but
increasing by the least motion(2d potency), [a4].
- On waking in the night, tearing on one side of the head(first day), [a53].
- Dragging, beating pain in the right side of the head, accompanied with a general
uncomfortable feeling(30th potency, second day), [a4].
- Troublesome stinging and digging pain, alternately anteriorly and posteriorly in the left
half of the brain(30th potency, third day), [a4].
- Violent boring in the right side of the occiput(first day), [a53].
- Narrow traction extending from the occiput into the middle of the brain (6th potency,
fourth day), [a4].
- Tumorlike, itching elevations on the scalp and in the nape of the neck (2d potency, third
day), [a4].
- On the border of the nape of the neck and the scalp, irregularly shaped after scratching
them for some time, they become inflamed and moist (1st potency, sixth day), [a4].
- Creeping in the scalp, as of vermin, towards morning(30th potency, third day), [a5].
- Much itching of the scalp(2d potency, second day), [a4, a8].
- Much itching and biting near the nape of the neck(2d potency, fifth day), [a4].
- Intolerable nightly itching of the boundary of the neck and scalp (1st potency, fifth day),
- * Extremely troublesome itching, creeping and crawling of the scalp, as of vermin, with
sensation as if the roots of the hairs were pulled upward; she had to scratch all the time(30th
potency, fourth day), [a5].
- Holloweyedness(30th potency, fifth day), [a4].
- Bleareyedness(2d potency, third day), [a4].
- Wild rolling of the eyes, the pupils being dilated and insensible to light, [a14].
- After violent itching the evening before, dryness and blearedness of the eyes,
circumscribed congestion, bundles of red vessels spread here and there, ecchymoses into
the conjunctiva bulbi, [a54].
- * Ophthalmia, abating in the cool and open air, intolerable in the warm room, .
- * Ophthalmia, with intense pains, [a15].
- Burning and dryness of the eyes, early in the morning when waking;he had great trouble
in opening them(2d potency), [a4].
- Aching pain deep in the eye, early in the morning(30th potency, second day), [a4].
- Pressure in the eyes, as if too full;heat and pain in the ball of the eye when moving or
touching it;mucous flocks impeding the sight, and obliging him to wipe the eyes, in the
daytime;a scarlet redness, which had appeared in the morning in the inner canthus of the
right eye, extended considerably in the evening, looked very much heightened, and spread
as far as the cornea;the conjunctiva, bulbi, and palpebrarum looked inflamed and
infiltrated;the eye was affected with a stinging itching pain, as if occasioned by a grain of
sand which had become lodged in the eye; * gray spots and bodies in the shape of serpents
moved before vision; he saw as through mist;even the light of the candle, which was not
tinged white, was enveloped in mist;the aperture between the edges of the lids became
narrower, and he had to wink frequently(with general debility and increased temperature of
the skin, 2d potency), [a4].
- Heaviness over the eyes, which open with difficulty;increased by stooping; decreased
toward evening, [a53].
- Tearing, extending from the forehead into the left eye and side of the face; lachrymation
of the eye, which looks red and glistening(30th potency, third day), [a5].
- Violent stitches in the inner angle of the right eye(after two hours), [a53].
- Itching and biting of the left eye(2d potency, second day), [a4].
- * Neuralgic pain in left infraorbital region(lasted, with more or less severity,
- * Infraorbital neuralgia(left side), at first only now and then, but it became constant
during the following winter, [a55].
- Boring deep in the right lower orbital ridge(after one hour), [a53].
- Drawing in the centre of the lower right orbital ridge, [a53].
- Tearing and pressing in the centre of the right lower orbital ridge, in several attacks, while
sitting;unaffected by touch or pressure;with much thin saliva in mouth, and bitter taste like
soapsuds(second day), [a53].
- * Boring above the left eye(after two hours and a half), [a53].
- Pressure in left eyebrow(after two hours and a half), [a53].
- * The canthi are red as blood;the caruncula lachrymalis is swollen;it stands out of the
corner of the eye like a lump of red flesh;clusters of intensely red vessels extend from the
inner canthus to the cornea; the conjunctiva is puckered and interstitially distended,
increased secretion of tears and gum(2d potency, second day), [a4].
- Biting of the right outer canthus(2d potency, second day), [a4].
- * Itching of the canthi(30th potency, fourth day), [a4].
- Nightly agglutination of the right eye;in the morning the eye was closed with crusts of
dry gum, which had to be soaked before they could be removed, and the eye could be
opened;when opened it looked redder than the day before; pressure and heat in the eye were
more intense;the aperture between the lids was swollen, accompanied with photophobia,
dimness of sight(2d potency), [a4].
- Moisture of the eyes and slight agglutination, in the morning(30th potency, fifth day),
- * The eyes are filled with mucus; reading is difficult(2d potency), [a4].
- * Mucus in the eyes, drying up in the lashes and forming scurfs(30th potency, third day),
- In the morning when waking, the eyes are filled with mucus;at the same time the head
feels slightly confused, especially in the forehead and root of the nose(30th potency, second
day), [a4].
- * The conjunctiva of the eyes and lids is red as blood(2d potency, second day), [a4].
- * Around the cornea, towards the inner canthus, the conjunctiva exhibits a red congested
swelling(2d potency, second day), [a4].
- 6 A. M., on rising, much stitching in the left eyeball, more in its lower part (third day),
- Frequent stitches in the inner angles of both eyeballs(first day), [a53].
- Opacity of the cornea;a large portion of the cornea is covered with a white,
- Contraction of the pupil, [a17].
- She is only able to read by holding the page which she is reading at a distance from her
eyes(30th potency, third day), [a5].
- * Vanishing of sight;he is constantly obliged to wipe off the mucus which obstructs the
axis of vision(2d potency, third day), [a4].
- Weakness of sight, with moist eyes, impeding writing(30th potency, fourth day), [a4].
- In the evening at twilight, she felt as if she would become blind;her sight became so
suddenly weak that she broke forth into loud complaints;she had to open her eyes widely to
recognize the things around her, with dilatation of the pupils;she had not yet recovered her
full power of vision at candlelight, although there was an improvement(30th potency, first
day), [a5].
- The letters become blurred before the eyes;her sight vanishes when reading or
writing(30th potency, fourth day), [a4].
- Obscuration of sight, with anxiety, heat in the face, and lachrymation, [_a1].
- Transient blindness, [a60].
- Fiery bodies and flashes before her eyes, in the morning in the dark(30th potency, third
day), [a4].
- She thought a board had been placed before the left ear(30th potency, sixth day), [a6].
- Tearing behind right ear(after one hour and a half), [a53].
- Frequent stitches deep in the left ear(first day), [a53].
- Twinging pain in the ears(30th potency, fourth day), [a4].
- Tearing and twinging in the right ear(2d potency), [a4].
- Painful stoppage of the ears, with headache(30th potency, fourth day), [a4].
- * Whizzing, feeling of obstruction, and hard hearing in the left ear (30th potency, fifth
day), [a5].
- Whizzing before the ears, with dulness of the head(30th potency, sixth day), [a6].
- * Ringing in the ears and deafness(1st potency, fourth day), [a4].
- Clear ringing in the ears, in the morning in bed(30th potency, third day), [a4].
- Clear ringing in the ears, confusing the senses;she imagines it is at a distance (30th
potency, first day), [a5].
- Clear ringing before the ears, passing into momentary deafness, with dull roaring (1st
potency, first day), [a4].
- Readily bleeding pimple near the septum of the nose(2d potency), [a4].
- Scurfs in the nose excessively painful when becoming detached, and occasioning
- Ulcers in the nose becoming covered with yellow crusts, [a4].
- * Coryza; sneezing after tingling in the nose and the posterior nares(30th potency, first
day), [a4].
- * Much sneezing(several days), [a8].
- * Coryza, with constant chilliness, sickly look, lachrymation, sneezing, and such a violent
stupefying headache that she had to lie down (30th potency, third day), [a5].
- Disagreeable stoppage of the upper part of the nose, for three days, [a10].
- * Discharge from the nose resembling white pus, with clots of blood, [a10].
- When sneezing he discharges a purulent mucus from the nose, mixed with little spots of
blood(2d potency, fifth day), [a8].
- Discharge from the nose like white pus mixed with lumps, [a10].
(After the three days of S.T. the pus is said to have been like brain-substance.)
- 8 A. M., several drops of blood from the right nostril, without previous blowing of the
nose, touch, or motion(fourth day), [a53].
- Blows blood from the right nostril(30th potency, fifth day), [a4].
- He blows blood and puriform mucus from the nose, [a8].
- The nose is obstructed, [a8].
- Unpleasant stoppage in the upper part of the nose for three days, [a10].
- At night, the nose is stopped, with much itching(2d potency, fifth day), [a4].
- In the room the nose is obstructed;in the open air a thin mucus flows from it (30th
potency, fourth day), [a4].
- Pain and swelling of the right nasal wing(3d potency, sixth day), [a4, a8].
- Sore pain in the nose when compressing the wings, [a4].
- The left nasal bones are painful, as if bruised(1st potency, first day), [a4].
- Rigidity and clawing in the nasal cavity(1st potency, first day), [a4].
- Twitching and creeping under the skin, close to the left side of the nose (1st potency, first
day), [a4].
- Smarting and itching in the nose(1st potency, fifth day)[a5].
- * Itching in the nose(2d potency, third day), [a4].
- * Violent itching in the nose, obliging him to rub it constantly until it is raw (2d potency,
for several days), [a8].
- * Dulness of the sense of smell(30th potency, several days), [a6].
- At night she has a smell as of pus before the nose(3th potency, fourth day), [a6].
- * Sickly appearance(1st potency), [_a2].
- * Sunken, pale, bluish countenance(2d potency), [a4].
- Leaden-colored countenance, with nausea(30th potency, second day), [a6].
- Appearance of old age;the skin in the face is more tightly drawn over the bones, hence the
muscles are more distinctly delineated(2d potency, second day), [a4].
- Convulsions of the facial muscles, the mouth being almost locked, [a14].
- Pressure on the left side of the forehead, and drawing in the left cheek (first day), [a53].
- Dull, drawing, tearing pains from the right temple to the upper jaw and to part of the
teeth(30th potency), [a4].
- In the left cheek, a wandering pain like a crawling(after six hours), [a53].
- Drawing in the skin of both cheeks(immediately), [a53].
- 4 P.M. , burning stitching on the left zygoma, then on the right(first day), [a53].
- The lips and soft parts of the mouth have a bluish appearance(1st potency), [a5].
- On the margins of the lips and about the chin are purple-red spots, and the interior of the
mouth is covered with a whitish-gray crust(Beont.), [a52].
- The lips are dry and viscid, without thirst(6th potency), [a4].
- Boring deep in both sides of the chin(third day), [a53].
- Drawing above the chin, under the skin(first day), [a53].
- Drawing in the lower jaw, [a53].
- Pain, as if beaten to pieces, in the body of the left lower jaw(30th potency, fourth day),
- Exfoliation of a molar tooth, in the right lower jaw, impeding mastication, and causing an
ulcerative pain and a vacillating sensation(30th potency, third day), [a7].
- * The teeth become affected and spoiled;whereas he formerly never suffered with
toothache, and had perfectly sound teeth, he now suffered constantly with some pain in the
teeth ever since he commenced the proving, which was felt especially when chewing, when
eating sour things, and when introducing cold things into his mouth; besides this there is a
grumbling and digging perceived in the teeth, especially those of the lower jaw, on the left
side, as if they would become carious, [a4].
- Raging in the carious molar tooth of the left side(30th potency), [a6].
- Drawing through all the teeth of the lower jaw(second day), [a53].
- 9 P.M. , drawing through the lower incisors(first day), [a53].
- Drawing in the molars, [a53].
- In the morning, when washing his mouth, the cold water causes a sudden tearing pain in
his teeth(30th potency, second day), [a4].
- * The teeth are very sensitive to cold water(30th potency, second day), [a4].
- * After a time tenderness of the gums with a disposition to bleed;they were, however,
neither painful nor swollen, [a18].
- The gums are inflamed and stand off from the teeth in the shape of white indentations,
especially painful when touched, [a8].
- * Loose, readily bleeding gums, which, however, were neither painful nor swollen, [a18].
- * White tongue(1st potency, second day), [a8].
- White, slimy tongue(1st potency), [_a2].
- Yellowish-gray tongue(30th potency, second day), [a7].
- * Red, painful tip of the tongue; the papillae are erect and prominent(2d potency, second
day), [a4].
- Tongue dark-bluish in spots(1/2 grain), [a56].
- Tongue smutty-brown(1 grain), [a56].
- The tongue is swollen and painful, as if ulcerated(1st potency, fifth day), [a5].
- The papillae are prominent and erect, and feel sore(1st potency), [_a2].
- The papillae of the left side are erect and prominent(1st potency, fifth day), [a5].
- Towards the left margin of the tongue the papillae become erect and form reddish painful
pimples;the tongue is painful as if burnt(1st potency, first day), [a8].
- Rough tongue(2d potency, second day), [a4].
- Dry tongue in the morning(2d potency, fifth day), [a4].
- Dry tongue in the evening(2d potency, second day), [a4].
- In the morning, when waking, the tongue feels dry as a crust;even after washing the
mouth with water, the dryness abates only a little and for a little while (1st potency, fourth
day), [a4].
- The tongue and mouth are dry and parched(2d potency, third day), [a4].
- * The tongue is remarkably dry, with violent thirst, [a11].
- Dry tongue, with slimy mouth(2d potency, fifth day), [a4].
- Burning in the tongue;of a small spot on one or the other hand;on the inner condyle of the
knee(first day), [a53].
- 10 P.M. , burning in the tip of the tongue, with a peculiar bitter taste (not the bitterness
characteristic of Arg. nit.), (second day), [a53].
- Feeling of warmth at the tip of the tongue and then in the oesophagus(1/4 grain), [a55].
- Troublesome tension and prickling of the palate;a few days after this a swelling with a
wart-shaped excrescence showed itself, impeding deglutition(30th potency, seventh, ninth
day), [a5].
- Ulcerated crusts on the mucous membrane of the mouth, especially that of the left cheek
(1st potency, fifth day), [a5].
- * Fetor from the mouth, in the morning(2d potency, third day), [a4].
- Parched condition of the lips, mouth, tongue, and fauces, night and morning (2d potency),
- Slight astringent sensation in the region of the lips, in the buccal cavity and in the
tongue(6th potency), [a4].
- Watery mucus in the mouth and in the posterior nares, day and night(1st potency), [a8].
- Accumulation of watery saliva in the mouth(1st potency), [a8].
- Watery mucus in the mouth and posterior nares, day and night(1st potency), [a8].
- * Ptyalism(30th potency, fifth day), [a4].
- Astringent taste in the mouth, with accumulation of watery saliva(6th potency), [a4].
- Metallic taste(from caustic), [a52].
- She has a taste as of ink in the mouth, [a6].
- Inklike metallic taste, with styptic astringency of the mouth(1st potency, first day), [a4].
- Metallicostyptic taste in the mouth, like ink, immediately(1st potency), [_a2].
- In the morning, after rising, he has a clayish taste in his mouth, the tip of the tongue being
white, the root yellow, with viscid lips and no thirst(6th potency, second day), [a4].
- Pappy, chalklike taste in the mouth, viscid lips, thin mucous coating on the reddish-white
tongue(30th potency), [a4].
- Pappy, bitter taste, with viscid mouth(30th potency, fourth day), [a7].
- Bitter taste(1/4 grain), [a55].
- Very bitter taste, and sensation of warmth on tip of tongue, and afterward in pharynx,
- Bitter, astringent, stinging, coppery taste in the mouth, with nausea and inclination to
vomit, immediately after taking the drug(1st potency), [a5].
- Bitter, astringent, metallic taste, as of verdigris, exciting nausea and inclination to
vomit(1st potency), [a8].
- Sweetish taste(1/4 grain), [a55].
- Sweetish bitter taste, with hypochondriac mood(30th potency, third day), [a4].
- The palate and fauces were so dry that he was merely able to mutter instead of talking
(1st potency, fourth day), [a8].
- * Accumulation of mucus in the posterior nares, obliging him to hawk, in the forenoon
(2d potency), [a4].
- * Frequent accumulation of a tenacious, thick mucus in the throat, obliging one to hawk,
and causing slight hoarseness(1st potency, first day), [a4].
- * Thick, tenacious mucus in the throat obliges him to hawk all the time, the whole day(1st
potency, first day), [a4].
- * Accumulation of mucus in the mouth and fauces;he has to hawk and spit all the time, in
the morning(1st potency), [a8].
- * Burning in throat very severe(1 grain), [a56].
- * Rawness and soreness in the throat, [a52].
- * Scraping sensation in the throat caused hawking and cough(1/2 grain), [a55].
- * Scraping in the throat(2d potency), [a4].
- Roughness in the throat, occasioning a short hawking(6th potency), [a4].
- Roughness and scraping of the throat, as if raw and sore(6th potency, first day), [a4].
- Roughness and dryness of the throat, with ulcerative pain, at night(2d potency), [a4].
- Dryness and strangulation in the throat, with shortness of breath, at night (30th potency,
fifth day), [a6].
- * Pain in the right side of the throat, as of an ulcer drawing and tension upward and
downward; sensation as if a splinter were lodged in the throat when swallowing, eructating,
breathing, stretching, and moving the neck, sometimes and undulating jerking and pulsating
was felt in the throat, continuing for several days(2d potency), [a4].
- Titillation in the throat, as if caused by a little feather, obliging one to hawk (6th potency),
- * Redness of the velum palati, posterior nares, and isthmus(6th potency), [a4].
- * Dark redness of the uvula and fauces(2d potency), [a4].
- Burning pain in the region of the velum palati and the posterior nates, as if sore or as if
corroded by pepper(fourth day), [a4].
- Sensation as if the velum pendulum palati were swollen, not per se, but when moving the
tongue and during deglutition, [_a1].
- Ulcerative pain of a small spot in the velum pendulum palati(6th potency), [a4].
- * Burning and dryness in the fauces and pharynx(1st potency), [a8].
- Very unpleasant metallic taste and slight burning in pharynx(1/8 grain), [a56].
- Burning in pharynx lasted longer(1/2 grain), [a56].
- Burning in pharynx became severe(1/2 grain, three times in third day), [a56].
- Spasm and strangulation in the pharynx, (30th potency, fourth day), [a4].
- Troublesome strangulation in the pharynx, [a11].
- Sore feeling in the pharynx when drinking cold water or during empty deglutition (2d
potency), [a4].
- Seated ulcerative pain in the pharynx, apparently in the posterior wall; changed to an
aching pain when yawning and taking a deep inspiration(2d potency, third day), [a4].
- Intense titillation of the palate and pharynx, causing the eyes to water, and occasioning a
fatiguing, short, hacking cough, at noon(2d potency), [a4].
- * Paroxysm of cramp in the oesophagus(in the forenoon, at 10 1/2 o'clock).
- Sore throat when swallowing, as if swollen, or as if a splinter were sticking in the
throat(1st potency, fifth day), [a5].
- Strong appetite, [a4, a6].
- Unusual appetite(6th potency), [a4].
- In morning, violent, insatiable hunger(second day), [a53].
- In the evening, uncommonly violent, insatiable hunger(first day), [a53].
- Urging desire for acrid cheese, [a5].
- * Irresistible desire for sugar, in the evening, [a4].
- Appetite rather poor(fifth, sixth, and seventh days), [a53].
- Diminished appetite(2d potency), [a4].
- No appetite;many eructations(1st potency), [_a2].
- No appetite;food tastes to him like straw(1st potency), [_a2].
- Sleepy repletion(2d potency), [a4].
- No appetite at breakfast(1st potency), [_a2].
- Loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting, [a57].
- Eructations insipid(1/2 grain), [a55].
- * Violent belchings(1st potency), [a8].
- * Belching immediately(30th potency), [a6].
- Much belching in the morning(30th potency, third day), [a5].
- * (Most of the gastric derangements are accompanied by belching).
- Continuous repulsive sensation in the stomach and pharynx, [a11].
- Nausea, [a13, a27].
- Nausea transient(1 grain), [a55].
- Slight nausea, which disappears after eating(1/2 grain), [a56].
- Nausea and gagging without real vomiting(1 grain), [a56].
- Nausea arising from the stomach and the praecordia, with desire to vomit (30th potency,
third day), [a5].
- Slight nausea in the stomach, with chilliness and shuddering, and accompanied with a
peculiar sensation of rigor in the lower limbs(1st potency, first day), [a4].
- Nausea, resembling hunger(6th potency), [a4].
- Nausea, with gurgling in the abdomen(1st potency, first day), [a4].
- Faintish nausea, with violent palpitation of the heart, of which she had three paroxysms
on the same day(1st potency, third day), [a5].
- Nausea, heaviness and pressure in the stomach, [a10].
- Nausea, heaviness, and pressure in the stomach(three hours after), [a10].
- * Nausea after each meal, for a long time, especially after and during dinner; in the
evening, very severe for an hour(thirty), [a52].
- Gagging, [a13].
- * Constant nausea, and frequent and extremely troublesome efforts to vomit, [a20].
- Vomiting, [a21].
- Frequent vomiting, [a66].
- Violent vomiting, [a22].
- * Vomiting, the substances which were thrown up tinging the bedclothes black, [a14].
- Great irritation of the stomach, anxiety in the praecordial region, and vomiting, [a32].
- * Vomiting and diarrhoea, with violent colicky pains, [a13].
- Retching and vomiting of mucus accompanying the diarrhoea stools(30th potency, fourth
day), [a6].
- * She wakes about midnight from the oppressive sensation of having a heavy lump in the
region of the stomach, inducing vomiting; not till morning does she throw up glairy mucus,
which can be drawn into threads; she had two paroxysms of that kind of vomiting, after
which she felt the whole afternoon a desire to vomit, a tremulous weakness, and a sensation
in the head as if it were in a vice(30th potency, sixth day), [a6].
- * Vomiting which stains the bedclothes black, [a59].
- Attacks the stomach, [a24].
- Excites the nerves of the stomach, [a33].
- Oppresses, cools, and injures the stomach, [a25].
- Contraction of the stomach;it is less spacious, [a27].
- * Inflammation of the stomach, [a35].
- Gastro-enteritis, [a11].
- Slight spasm of the stomach before breakfast(30th potency, fourth day), [a4].
- Slight spasm of the stomach at 5 o'clock in the morning(30th potency, fourth day), [a4].
- Shifting of wind, and twisting in the stomach, with frequent empty eructations (30th
potency, first day), [a6].
- Pains in the stomach, [a14].
- Pain in the stomach, transient, [a57].
- Some pains in the stomach, [a61].
- Stomach;the patient experiences very severe epigastric pains, [a59].
- * Violent cardialgia, [a35].
- Cardialgia and nausea before breakfast, early(30th potency, third day), [a4].
- Cardialgia and internal chilliness, early in the morning, before breakfast, accompanied
with a very bad appearance(30th potency, second day), [a4].
- Warmth in stomach(1 grain), [a56].
- * Abdomen swollen and distended(thirtieth), [a52].
- He wakes in the morning, from shifting of flatulence, rumbling, and a sensation in the
intestines as if he had to go to stool(1st potency, first day), [_a2].
- * Emission of flatulence immediately(2d potency), [a8].
- * Emission of much flatulence, after dinner(30th potency, first day), [a4].
- * Flatulence(30th potency, second day), [a4].
- Coldness in the abdomen, which is painfully irritated(30th potency, fourth day), [a6].
- Uneasiness in the abdomen, several time a day(1st potency), [a5].
- Peculiar uncomfortableness and emptiness in the abdomen, with nausea(6th potency),
- * Fulness, heaviness, and distension of the abdomen, with anxiety, impeding respiration,
after supper(30th potency), [a4].
- Painful tension and pressure in the abdomen, as if sore and ulcerated(30th potency), [a4].
- Troublesome colic, like cramp, after a slight catarrh(30th potency), [a4].
- Colic previous to the diarrhoea, [a4].
- Oppressive drawing pain in the whole abdomen, down to the groin, with tension, as in
ascites(6th potency), [a4].
- Sensation as of a ball ascending from the abdomen into the throat(30th potency, third
day), [a6].
- Extremely disagreeable drawing down the whole left side of the abdomen, when
standing(1st potency, first day), [a4].
- * Stitches dart through the abdomen like electric sparks, especially during a sudden
transition from rest to motion, on the left side(6th potency), [a4].
- Pain in the abdomen, as if sore, accompanied with great hunger, abating after eating, but a
trembling setting in in the place(1st potency, second day), [a5].
- * Pain in the hypochondria(1st potency), [a8].
- Hard pressure in the left hypochondrium(30th potency, first day), [a4].
- Stinging in the liver(2d potency, second day), [a8].
- Stitches in the liver, coming on with a jerk(1st potency, first day), [a4].
- Cutting and stinging in the liver(1st potency), [a8].
- Peculiar fulness in the liver, painful, with occasional drawing and stinging, especially
when walking, often reaching into the chest(1st potency, first day), [a4].
- Periodical dull stitches in the anterior surface of the liver(30th potency, first day), [a4].
- (Affection of the liver, ending in fatal dropsy, [a36]).
- Stitches in the spleen, recurring several evenings(1st potency, fifth day), [a5].
- Fine stitches in the spleen, coming on at intervals(1st potency, first day), [a4].
- Colic around the umbilicus, for several days(1st potency), [a8].
- Intermittent dull pressure in the transversalis muscle of the abdomen, near the crest of the
ilium, as if made with a foreign body(6th potency), [a4].
- Pressing pain in the groins, more violent when touching them(6th potency), [a4].
Stool and anus
- Stitches in the rectum(third day), [a53].
- Creeping and burning in the anus(1st potency), [a8].
- A good deal of frequently repeated itching of the anus, inducing him to rub until he
became sore(30th potency), [a4].
- Discharge of a quantity of ascarides, [a30].
- Discharge of taenia, [a31].
- Discharge of several yards of taenia, [a40].
- A good deal of urging during the diarrhoea, [a4].
- * Stool copious, fluid, followed by vomiting, [a66].
- Two or three stools daily, softer than usual, [a53].
- Liquid stools, dark-colored, and quite frequent, [a61].
- * Frequent stools, with slight pains in the hypogastrium, [a65].
- Daily, two or three liquid stools, with much mucus, [a53].
- Three diarrhoeic stools at short intervals, the first being papescent and copious, the next
scanty and of a watery mucus of dark color(1st potency, first night), [_a2].
- * Six liquid, brown evacuations of a fetid smell(first and second nights), [_a2].
- * A slight colic wakes him from his uneasylumber, and he had sixteen evacuations of a
greenish, very fetid mucus, accompanied with emission of a quantity of noisy flatulence, in
one night(1st potency), [a8].
- * 6 A. M., awakened by sudden urging to stool;the discharge copious, half-liquid, and
bright yellow, without pain or straining;soon after, the same urging again;besides this two
stools daily (fifth, sixth, and seventh days), [a53].
- Diarrhoea, [a61].
- Diarrhoea(1 grain), [a56].
- Diarrhoea, transient, [a57].
- Shifting of flatulence in the abdomen, in the morning, followed by two diarrhoeic stools
(1st potency), [a8].
- Two diarrhoeic stools in the evening(1st potency), [a8].
- * Four evacuations of green mucus, with retching, vomiting of mucus, pain in the
stomach, and drawing pain in the abdomen;during all this time she could not bear being
laced around the hypochondria(30th potency, fourth day), [a6].
- * After having eaten sugar greedily in the evening, he was attacked with scanty, watery
diarrhoea about midnight, accompanied with flatulent colic, and much of noisy flatulence
during the evacuation(6th potency), [a4].
- Diarrhoeic stool after breakfast(2d potency, second day), [a4].
- Acts powerfully upon the intestinal canal, occasioning from four to five stools a day,
- Frequent evacuations, with slight pains in the abdomen, [a28].
- Diarrhoea, with colic, [a38].
- Violent diarrhoea, [a39]; * (like spinach in flakes, .Lippe).
- * Bloody evacuations, [a34].
- Bloody stools, with great debility, [a29].
- * Several evacuations of bloody mucus, without any particular pain, towards morning(1st
potency, first day), [a5].
- Small stool, with copious discharge of mucus from the rectum, [a53].
- Constipation, [a57].
- Sometimes constipation, [a62].
- Violent constipation, [a11].
- * Constipation:the substances evacuated were dry and of a firm consistence, whereas his
bowels were generally loose(after taking small doses, and on the last days of the proving),
- Slowness and diminution of the fecal and urinary discharges, [a4].
- Dry, firm, alvine evacuation(30th potency, on the last days), [a7].
- Diarrhoea or constipation, [a34].
Urinary organs
- Stricture of the urethra(from cauterizing), [a45].
- Oozing of mucus from the urethra(1st potency), [a8].
- In the night, quite an abundant secretion of thick, white mucus;in about ten hours
discharge of thinner mucus;micturition is free and no longer painful;at noon the mucous
membrane is dry, [a67].
- The urinary apparatus was at first greatly irritated, [a18].
(Not mentioned by this author. Hughes.)
- Inflammation and violent pains of the urethra, with increased gonorrhoea, priapism,
dysuria, bloody urine fever, [a43].
- Heat, itching, and titillation, in the morning, when urinating for the first time (2d potency,
fifth day), [a4].
- * Burning during micturition, and sensation as if the anterior portion of the urethra were
constricted (2d potency), [a4].
- * Burning, micturition and feeling in the urethra as if swollen; the last portion of the urine
passed off with difficulty(2d potency, second day), [a4].
- * Burning after micturition(2d potency), [a4].
- Slight burning in the whole course of the urethra increased gonorrhoea, burning during
micturition, painful tension during erections, chordee, bleeding from the urethra, shootings
in the same from behind forward, [a44].
- The urethra feels swollen, hard, and knotty(2d potency, third day), [a4].
- * The urethra is painful, as if closed up by swelling, and ulcerated(2d potency), [a4].
- Drawing through the end of the urethra(after one hour), [a53].
- * Sore feeling in the urethra, even after micturition(2d potency, third day), [a4].
- After urinating, a burning drop ran along the urethra(2d potency, second day), [a4].
- Sensation as if something fluid were running along the urethra from behind forward(2d
potency), [a4].
- When emitting the last drop of urine, a cutting from the posterior portion of the urethra as
far as the anus(2d potency), [a4].
- Dragging pains during micturition(2d potency, third day), [a4].
- Painful pushing in the urethra(3d potency), [a4].
- The urethra is painful between the acts of micturition, as if ulcerated (6th potency), [a4].
- * Ulcerative pain in the middle of the urethra, as if a splinter had been pushed in (6th
potency), [a4].
- As a diuretic and diaphoretic, [a42].
- The urine is passed with an ease as never before, and which was almost pleasant; the
stream seemed to be more voluminous(1st potency, third day), [a4].
- Pressure to urinate early(after an hour and a quarter), [a53].
- 4 and 6 A. M., hurried urging to urinate, with very little urine, which was dark-yellow
(second day), [a53].
- In the night, woke, with urging to urinate(second day), [a53].
- * Quick urging to urinate;urine copious and clear-yellow(after one hour), [a53].
- Frequent urging to urinate, with much yellow urine, followed by cutting in the end of the
urethra(first day), [a53].
- Frequent micturition(1st potency), [a8].
- Frequent urination(second day), [a53].
- All day, frequent and increased urination(first day), [a53].
- In forenoon, more frequent and copious urination in proportion to the amount of liquid
taken(first day), [a53].
- Frequent and copious urination in the daytime, the stream being sometimes divided (1st
potency), [a8].
- A good deal of urination at night(1st potency), [a8].
- Copious urination at night(2d potency, first day), [a8].
- * Urine does not pass so easily or freely, [a52].
- * In emitting the urine it was longer before it made its appearance(2d potency, second
day), [a4].
- In the night, urinated three times, with much urgency to do so, but little urine passed
(second day), [a53].
- After urinating, during which an ulcerative pain was felt in the urethra, a second but
ineffectual urging to urinate was experienced(2d potency), [a4].
- Emission of a few drops of urine after he had done, with a sensation as if the interior of
the urethra were swollen(1st potency), [_a2].
- * Inability to pass the urine in a projecting stream(2d potency, fifth day), [a4].
- At 7 A. M., difficult urination, with severe burning, and discharge of white pellicles,
shreds of epithelium from the mucous membrane, [a63].
- In evening, decidedly less urine than usual(first day), [a53].
- The urine passed at 5 P.M. is clear and yellow(second day), [a53].
- Frequent an d copious emission of pale urine(2d potency), [a4].
- Frequent emission of a pale, strong-smelling urine(1st potency), [_a2].
- Accelerated and increased emission of pale yellow urine(1st potency, first day), [a4].
- * Scanty and rare emission of a dark-yellow urine(after taking the higher potencies and
on the last days of the proving), [a4, a7].
- Urine dark-yellow(first day), [a53].
- Urine dark-yellow and acid, [a53].
- * The urine passed at noon becomes clouded from mucus, and the vessel, as far as the
urine reaches, is lined with a thin, light-red sediment(second day), [a53].
- * Urine diminished, but concentrated, and no diminution of the salts, except uric acid;
which after a time entirely disappeared from urine, [a56].
- The inorganic salts increase in urine, [a56].
Sexual organs
- Chancre-like ulcers on the prepuce;at first their tips were covered with pus, but
afterwards the ulcers became diffused through a pretty spacious depression, exhibiting the
tallow-like coating of chancres (1st potency, on the ninth day), [a8].
- * Sensitiveness near the orifice of the urethra, [a52].
- Painful coition;the urethra felt as if put upon the stretch;absence of pleasure (6th
potency), [a4].
- In from twenty-five to thirty seconds, terrible pains, continuing at the same intensity for
five minutes, then gradually diminishing and becoming very endurable at the end of an
hour, extending even into and along the course of the spermatic cords, [a63].
- The right testicle is enlarged and hard(2d potency, third day), [a4].
- * Want of sexual desire, the genital organs having shrivelled(30th potency, fourth day),
- Frequent nightly emissions, sometimes accompanied with lascivious dreams, [a4].
- Three copious emissions in one night(1st potency), [_a3].
- Hemorrhages from the uterus, [a41].
- Hemorrhages from the uterus(a fortnight before the menses), only a few hours (1st
potency, fourth day), [a5].
- Excites the capillaries of the uterus, [a46].
- Congestions to the uterus, [a41].
- Pain during coition and violent bleeding afterward(from injection of a weak solution for a
profuse leucorrhoea), [a52].
- She had two seminal emissions at night, which she had never had before (30th potency,
fourth day), [a5].
- Suppression of the mucous leucorrhoea;it reappears in a few weeks, but less and milder,
- Suppression of the menses, miscarriage, and metrorrhagia, [a47].
- The menses appear at the usual period, but they are much more copious than usual, and
are accompanied with cutting pains in the small of the back and groin, and contractive
sensation in the latter(30th potency, sixth day), [a6].
Respiratory apparatus
- When lying down, after dinner, he perceives a whizzing and whistling in the larynx (in
the throat and the bronchial tubes), occurring regularly as the pulse; the noise did not seem
to be occasioned by accumulation of mucus, but by the movement of the blood;it was heard
only when lying on the left ear(30th potency, second day), [a4].
- Balls of soaplike mucus accumulate in the larynx, occasioning slight turns of cough, by
means of which they are expelled(6th potency), [a4].
- * Internal soreness of the larynx and pit of the throat;worse in the morning, [a52].
- 2 P.M. , much tickling in the larynx, without cough(second day), [a53].
- Scratchy sensation in larynx provokes hawking and cough, [a56].
- Irritation and titillation in the larynx, followed by accumulation of mucus in the larynx,
occasioning a slight rattling and whizzing breathing, until the mucus is thrown off in small
lumps(30th potency, fourth day), [a7].
- Dry tickling in the larynx, occasioning a cough, in the daytime(1st potency), [a8].
- 3 P.M. , continued tickling in larynx, rather lessened on inspiration, followed by short,
dry, shaking cough, almost wholly ceasing on sitting(first day), [a53].
- Hoarseness, with roughness in the throat(2d potency), [a4].
- Nightly hoarseness, with turns of dry cough, after which she throws off blood-tinged
mucus mixed with saliva(30th potency, seventh day), [a6].
- Suddenly, while lying quietly in bed, at night, sense of pressure in throat, and violent,
short, dry cough, without tickling in larynx(second day), [a53].
- Night-cough, occasioned by a titillation in the larynx(2d potency), [a4].
- Cough, occasioned by a titillation in the throat(2d potency), [a4].
- Violent titillation in the throat, obliging him to cough, before dinner, recurring at the same
hour for several days(2d potency), [a4].
- Dry, fatiguing cough, occasioned by a violent, almost burning, titillation in the throat,
before retiring in the evening(2d potency), [a4].
- Dry and hacking cough, several times a day(1st potency), [a8].
- Occasional cough in bed, at night(30th potency, third day), [a5].
- Paroxysms of dry cough at night, sometimes so violent as to induce vomiting (1st
potency), [a8].
- Nightly cough and sweat (1st potency), [a8].
- * Evening, cough, which makes the accustomed tobacco-smoke intolerable to him (2d
potency, fifth day), [a4].
- Cough after dinner, impeding speech, [a4].
- * Suffocative cough, for several days, at noon, [a4].
- Catarrh, which is at first slight and dry, and afterwards loose, changing in a few days to a
rattling cough, with yellow expectoration, profuse sweat breaking out readily, bad look,
hollow eyes, and disturbed nightly sleep;as the cough improved, the boy blew from his nose
purulent mucus mixed with blood(30th potency, second to fourth day).
- Dyspnoea, [a58].
- Difficulty of breathing, [a13].
- Excessive suffocative oppression of breathing, [a12].
- Accumulation of mucus in the chest(1st potency), [a8].
- Nightly pain in the chest(2d potency, first day), [a8].
- Burning in the chest, [a18].
- Sensation of warmth between the scapulae and the sternum, which, after awhile, changed
to a pressure in the epigastric region(1/2 grain), [a55].
- Warmth between shoulder-blades and sternum, afterward changing to a slight pressure in
epigastric region, with frequent tasteless eructations, [a56].
- A violent pain in the middle of the upper part of the chest, as if it would burst, after going
upstairs;she must hold the chest with both hands, [a52].
- * Aching tensive pain in the chest, in various places of the chest, of the size of half a
dollar(2d potency), [a4].
- Sense of pressure on the chest, without palpitation of the heart, with need of deep
inspiration, lasting half an hour;disappears on walking;returns in an hour, also when
walking, but lasts only a short time(after six and a half hours), [a53].
- Sighing, owing to oppression of the chest(30th potency, first day), [a4].
- Fulness and anxiousness in the chest, with disposition to sigh(1st potency, first day), [a4].
- Heaviness in the cavity of the chest, with desire to sigh, [a11].
- Oppression of the chest, accompanied with a clawing sensation moving through the
chest(6th potency), [a4].
- Stitches in the chest(2d potency), [a4].
- Stitches in the breasts(1st potency, fifth day), [a5].
- The outer chest is painful to the touch(1st potency), [a8].
- Itching of the chest and axillae(30th potency, third day), [a4].
- A violent pain in the left external breast(in the evening, when drawing on the boots),
followed by a persistent severe sore pain in both pectoral muscles which are very sensitive
if the arms are stretched to draw on to the chest;worse near the left nipple, [a52].
- Sticking in the left side of the chest(1st potency, fifth day), [a5].
- The mammary glands of the right side are painful, as if ulcerated, towards the axilla,
especially when touching the part;when stretching the arm and turning the trunk speedily to
one side, and oblong rounded protrusion is distinctly felt(30th potency, fifth day), [a5].
- Pressure and weight, as of a stone, in the middle of the sternum, in a spot of the size of a
hand(30th potency, fifth day), [a6].
- Anxiety in the praecordia, after dinner(30th potency, second day), [a4].
- Pain in the praecordia(30th potency, second day), [a7].
- Constant sensation of fulness in the praecordial region, [a55].
Extremities in general
- * Chorea-like convulsive motion of the upper and lower extremities, [a54].
- * Lassitude and heaviness of all the limbs (third day), [a53].
- * Paralysis of the extremities, [a13].
- Sensation in all the limbs as if they would go to sleep or become rigid, [_a1].
- 5.30 A. M., in bed, violent boring in the left outer malleolus and in the left shoulder
(fourth day), [a53].
- After rising, internal drawing in centre of right upper arm, then in the flesh of the right
thigh, below and internally(fourth day), [a53].
- 10 P.M. , while sitting, violent pressure in the soft part above the bend of the right knee,
in the left little finger, and on the back of the left foot(first day), [a53].
- Stitching in the bone of the right third finger, and on the dorsum of the foot (first day),
Upper extremities
- Paralytic drawing pain in the whole of the upper right extremities(2d potency), [a4].
- Drawing, pressing pain through the whole right arm, at times more violent on the back of
the hand, or in the upper arm(after one and a half hours), [a53].
- 6 P.M. , while walking, violent pain in the muscles of the left side of the arm, toward the
lower part of the thorax, into the muscles of the loins, increased by each inspiration, also by
walking;lasts five minutes(first day), [a53].
- 4 P.M. , violent boring in the right shoulder(first day), [a53].
- Pressing in the left shoulder-joint(after seven hours), [a53].
- Violent pressure on the top of the left shoulder, while resting the arm, [a53].
- Tension in the right axillary glands(1st potency), [a8].
- Pain in the right axilla, as if strained or torn;upon raising the shoulder, the pain extended
along the arm as far as the hand, where a prickling sensation was experienced(2d potency),
- Tearing internally on the right elbow(second day), [a53].
- Stitching about the right olecranon, rather violent and long-lasting; unaffected by motion
of the elbow-joint, but somewhat aggravated while resting the joint, [a53].
- Paralytic drawing in the bones of the forearm(6th potency), [a4].
- Nightly bone pain of the ulna(30th potency, second day), [a4].
- He wakes in the night owing to an acute pain in the left wrist-joint, as if sprained,
accompanied with heat of the whole hand, and uneasiness in the hand, obliging him to
change the position of the hand all the time;in the morning, a pimple is seen not far from
the joint, the tip of which is filled with pus, and in which a stinging pain is experienced, as
of a splinter which had been stuck in; the tip is raised upon a red, hard base of considerable
extent(1st potency, first day), [a4].
- Tension and stiffness in the left wrist on bending it, with a deepseated pain; disappeared
toward evening(first day), [a53].
- Violent pressure in the left wrist(after one hour), [a53].
- Pressing in the left wrist(always at 10.30 P.M. ), [a53].
- Drawing in left hand(after one hour), [a53].
- Spasmodic contraction of the adductors of the fingers;she can scarcely separate the
closely compressed finger, [a54].
- Spasmodic contraction of the fingers, so that she cannot open the hand, which is kept half
clenched(in a matron of sixty), [a54].
- Drawing in the fingers of the right hand(first day), [a53].
- Rheumatic tearing in the region where the phalanx of the thumb joints the metacarpus
(6th potency), [a4].
- Cramp of the ring finger, when seizing anything(30th potency, third day), [a4].
- 9 P.M. , pain through the joints of the left index finger, increased on bending the finger,
when a stiffness as from swelling is experienced in the joints, and lasts till the following
morning(first day), [a53].
- Sticking in the tip of the left little finger(after two hours), [a53].
Lower extremities
- Legs drawn up to abdomen by muscular contraction, [a56].
- * In the night his lower limbs, especially his knees, start up; the starting awoke him(1st
potency), [a8].
- He vacillates when walking, feeling moreover extremely uncomfortable in the whole
body, and unsteady in his limbs(30th potency, second day), [a4].
- Staggering gait in the open air(30th potency, second day), [a4].
- Weariness of the legs(30th potency, second day), [a7].
- * Paralytic heaviness and debility of the lower limbs, so that she did not know where to
put them(1st potency, third day), [a5].
- * Lassitude and weariness of the lower limbs, accompanied with dizziness, as from
intoxication(30th potency, first day), [a4].
- * Great debility and weariness in the lower limbs, the whole afternoon, as after a long
journey on foot, accompanied with sick feeling, dread of labor, drowsiness, chilliness, and
sickly appearance(1st potency, second day), [_a2].
- When walking, compressive sensation in the whole left leg(after six hours), [a53].
- Drawing through the whole right leg, on sitting (second day), [a53].
- Sticking drawing pain in the hip down to the tarsal joint(1st potency), [a5].
- Paralytic weakness of the lower limbs, and emaciation of the same(2d potency, second
day), [a4].
- When walking, pressive pain below and in front of the left trochanter, which, on stepping,
causes him to bend over;very frequent, but not at every step(first day), [a53].
- Periodical nervous("cramplike")drawing, from the hip down to the knees, in paroxysms,
sometimes so violent that it caused her to exclaim;the drawing descended along the anterior
surface of the thigh(ischias antica), (30th potency, third day), [a5].
- Drawing in the left knee(first day), [a53].
- Pressure in the right knee(after one hour), [a53].
- Pressing in the right knee, when sitting and walking, and on the dorsum of the left
foot(immediately), [a53].
- Violent pressing in the right knee, also when walking, lasting a quarter of an hour; then,
stitching pain deep in the tongue, lasting nearly an hour(second day), [a53].
- When walking, pressure in the knee, worse on stepping(first day), [a53].
- Internal tearing in left knee;afterward, in the right, [a53].
- Paralytic, painful drawing, as if bruised, one handbreadth above the left patella, in the
rectus cruris muscle(6th potency), [a4].
- Tumult in the knees, with weariness(1st potency, first day), [a4].
- Violent tearing, raging, digging-up pain under the patellae, first the left, then the right(1st
potency, second day), [a4].
- Drawing tearing from the knees into the legs(1st potency, second day), [a4].
- Drawing tearing on the left side of and near the patella(6th potency), [a4].
- Drawing, anteriorly, on the left leg, [a53].
- Drawing and scraping in the lower half of the tibia, anteriorly(30th potency, fourth day),
- Tearing on right tibia(after half an hour), [a53].
- * Rigidity in the calves, with great debility and exhaustion, as from fatigue, scarcely
permitting her to walk across the room(1st potency, third day), [a5].
- * Excessive weariness of the calves, as from fatigue(1st potency, first day), [a4].
- * Great debility and weariness in the calves, as after a long journey(6th potency), [a4].
- When walking, on a small spot, to the outside, on the left calf, a violent pain, causing him
to bend over, also on standing, the same pain lasts several minutes, and then disappears
completely(first day), [a53].
- For several nights, cramps in the calves, [a53].
- When walking, pain in the left calf, such as if usual in cramp of the calves (first day),
- Violent drawing in the calves when going upstairs, so that he was scarcely able to drag
himself along(2d potency), [a4].
- When walking, peculiar sensation in left calf, like a stitching, or like hot fluid running
over the skin(second day), [a53].
- The tarsal joint bends easily of itself(30th potency, fourth day), [a4].
- Pressure in the left ankle(second day), [a53].
- Dull pressure in the right ankle, and above the right patella, when sitting (after half an
hour), [a53].
- Stinging in the outer ankle of the right foot(2d potency, second day), [a8].
- 1 P.M. , when sitting, violent stitching and tearing below the left internal malleolus,
forcing him to rise, and walk about rapidly, when the pain gradually disappeared (second
day), [a53].
- Arthritic drawing in the right foot(30th potency, fourth day), [a4].
- 7 A. M., when sitting, drawing in the left instep(third day), [a53].
- 11 P.M. , drawing on the right toes, [a53].
- 11 P.M. , drawing in the left toes, shifting about to other parts, [a53].
- Violent stitching and drawing in the right toes(fourth day), [a53].
- Prickling in the right sole, when sitting(after one and a half hours), [a53].
- Cachexia, emaciation, affection of the liver, dropsy, [a50].
- Great emaciation, [a58].
- Weight of body decreased, [a56].
- OEdema of legs and ascites, [a58].
- * Convulsions and twitchings, [a66].
- Powerful excitation of the muscles and nerves, and consensual excitation of the nerves of
the stomach, [a33].
- Her nerves are so much affected, that she apprehends she will lose her senses,
accompanied with constant chilliness(30th potency, third day), [a5].
- Nightly nervousness(1st potency), [a8].
- * Nightly nervousness, with heat and fulness in the head(30th potency, fourth day), [a6].
- Convulsions, [a33].
- Convulsive contraction of this or that portion of muscles, [a13].
- Presentiment of the approaching epileptic fit, [_a1].
- Weakness, [a58].
- Peculiar debility, [a27].
- * She feels so debilitated that she is scarcely able to walk across the room, complaining a
good deal about rigidity in the calves(1st potency, third day), [a5].
- In the afternoon, he felt so weak, that he had to lie down, accompanied with an increase
of warmth in the whole body, and heat in the palms of the hands(2d potency), [a4].
- In the morning, after rising, he feels very much debilitated, tremulous, irritated, and
apprehensive(6th potency), [a4].
- * Tremulous weakness, accompanied with general debility, as after great physical
exertions, and apathy(1st potency), [_a2].
- Great debility and despondency, [a13].
- After breakfast, he feels extremely debilitated, nervous, tremulous afraid to undertake
anything, lest he should not succeed(6th potency), [a4].
- * Nervous, faintish, tremulous sensation, as if a severe disease were going to attack
him(30th potency, first day), [a4].
- Excessive debility, wretched appearance, and emaciation, [a49].
- Debility in the afternoon, [_a1].
- * Trembling and tremulous sensation, [a4].
- Feeble, weary, and without appetite(1st potency), [_a2].
- Lazy and debilitated(2d potency), [a4].
- He is almost exhausted, having had sixteen diarrhoeic stools in the night previous (1st
potency), [a8].
- * Tremor of the limbs, general debility, as from a physical exertion, [a11].
- Very weary and sleepy(after two and a half hours), [a53].
- He is unconscious, insensible, and convulsed;pulse 70;(a druggist, after 8 grains of this
salt), [a64].
- Complete insensibility of the body, [a14].
- Disagreeable sensation moving about in the body, now in the limbs, now in the head (6th
potency), [a4].
- Orgasms in the whole body, with increased temperature(30th potency, first day), [a4].
- Anxiety in the praecordial region, sighing, intense feeling of disease, after dinner (30th
potency, second day), [a4].
- Eructations and a sensation as in catarrh of the fauces and larynx(after drinking), (1/4
grain), [a55].
- Burning in the stomach, and on the chest, [a18].
- * Sensation as if the body, and especially the face and head, expanded; he feels as if the
bones of the skull separated, with increase of temperature (30th potency, first day), [a4].
- 8 A. M., violent boring in the right side of the head, and left wrist(fourth day), [a53].
- Drawing in the right lower jaw, and in the right knee, [a53].
- Pressure on the left lower orbital border, and also several times in the right wrist
(immediately), [a53].
- 6 A. M., in bed, tearing in the head, in the temples, and in the first phalanx of the left
index finger(third day), [a53].
- * Peculiar discoloration of the skin(argyria)from the blue-gray, violet, or bronze-colored
tinges to the real black(after large and repeated doses), (numerous authors).
- * Skin brown, tense, and hard, [a58].
- Slight brown spots on upper part of chest, and on hands, [a58].
- Brownish color of skin of lower extremities, [a58].
- Repeated drawing in the skin of the left forehead and of the left cheek, as if a spider's web
lay there(immediately), [a53].
- Tumor-like, itching elevations on the scalp, etc.(2d potency, third day), [a4].
- Scurfs in the nose(30th potency, sixth day), [a4].
- Pimple near septum of nose(2d potency), [a4].
- Ulcers in the nose, etc., [a4].
- In the left corner of the mouth, a painful, inflamed pimple, forming, on the day following,
a pock-shaped pustule, which, after a few days of efflorescence, passed into a hard pimple
of a few day's duration(2d potency), [a4].
- Pustule on the derma of the upper lip, arising from a painful, red, shining pimple (2d
potency, second day), [a4].
- Hard pimples in the vermilion border of the upper lip, paler than the lip, and sore to the
touch(30th potency, third day), [a7].
- Pimples on the chin and cheek, which rapidly fill with pus(6th potency), [a4].
- On border of nape of neck, etc., irregularly shaped blotches, etc.(1st potency, sixth day),
- Itching pimples on the back, the itching being especially felt in the evening, and obliging
him to scratch(1st potency, fifth day), [a4].
- Itch-like eruption, especially on the back(1st potency, sixth day), [a4].
- The dorsum of the right hand and that of the index finger is covered with red blotches,
which become transformed to yellow blisters upon a red base(2d potency, second day), [a8].
- Itching blotch-shaped pimples make their appearance upon the lower limbs in the night
(30th potency, second day), [a4].
- Fatal dropsy, [a51].
- Itching of various parts of the body, making him uneasyn the night(1st potency, sixth
day), [a4].
- A good deal of prickling itching in various parts of the skin, at night (2d potency, fifth
day), [a4].
- When getting warm in the night, she felt an itching smarting over the whole skin,
especially the thighs and axillae(30th potency, third day), [a5].
- Small itching pimples, here and there, resembling itch stigmata, especially on the chest
and back, towards the shoulders(1st potency, fifth day), [a4].
- Itch-like eruption(especially on the back), (1st potency, fifth day), [a4].
- Small itch pimples, bleeding when scratched, and becoming in that case covered with
bleeding scurfs(30th potency, third day), [a5].
- Pustulous ecthyma, coming on subsequently to itching, and pain in the affected portion of
skin(from applying the nitrate externally), [a14].
- At night, in bed, he experiences a torturing itching of the hard blotches on the lower
limbs, and in the bend of the knee;he had to scratch all the time, and was then as if in
flames until morning(30th potency, third day), [a4].
- Stinging itching of various parts of the body, most violent around the left nipple (6th
potency, second day), [a4].
- For four days, every evening, at 6 o'clock, attack of fever, [a54].
- Feverish sick feeling, the whole afternoon;constant weakness and exhaustion (2d
potency), [a4].
- Febrile condition;during the whole of the forenoon she suffered with headache and
chilliness, ate little at noon, and without any appetite;complained a good deal of nausea; in
the afternoon, about 4 o'clock, she was seized with violent tumult and beating in the head,
with heat of the head, creeping chills, the skin being dry and hot, accompanied with nausea,
and inclination to vomit, and with great desire for something salt; she felt likewise so
debilitated, that she was no longer able to remain out of bed; the desire for something acrid
and sour having increased, she took, at 7 o'clock in the evening, some pot-cheese, which
she devoured greedily;after this the symptoms improved, but the febrile sensation continued
the whole night(30th potency, sixth day), [a5].
- Shuddering over the whole body, which passed into a febrile chill, with goose-flesh and
coldness, the head being hot and the hands cold, with nausea, the whole forenoon, recurring
at the same period on other days(30th potency, second days), [a8].
- General chill, followed after a short interval, by general heat;the former lasting longer,
and returning quickly on uncovering, even during the heat, the latter with perceptible
pulsation of the temporal artery;both stages without thirst, [a54].
- Fever, after a meal;he feels chilly, goes to bed, feels extremely nervous and weak; the
head feeling obtuse(2d potency), [a4].
- Coldness all over, in the warm room, in the evening(1st potency), [_a2].
- Chilliness and headache, in forenoon(30th potency), [a8].
- Chilliness and nausea after rising(30th potency, seventh day), [a6].
- Constant chilliness, extends up the back and across both shoulders, worse after eating,
and when he comes in from the open air, [a52].
- The chilliness was accompanied with a pale, almost yellowish countenance, nausea, and
empty risings(30th potency, third day), [a8].
- * Night-sweats, [a4].
- Profuse night-sweat, [_a1].
- A good deal of night-sweat(30th potency, fifth day), [a6].
- Sweat on the chest, at night(30th potency, first day), [a6].
- * Morning sweat(1st potency), [_a2];(30th potency, seventh day), [a6].
- Slight sweat in the morning(1st potency, sixth day), [a4].
- Morning sweat(from 4 until 6), after a restless sleep, which had been disturbed by many
fits of cough(2d potency), [a4].
- Sweat accompanied with chilliness, as soon as he got warm in bed(1st potency), [_a2].
- (Morning), Vertigo;aching pain deep in the eye;mucus fills the eyes;ringing in the ears;
tongue dry;taste clayey;hunger excessive;belching;heat and itching on urinating; urging to
urinate;internal soreness in the larynx;sweat.
- (At 6 A. M.), Sticking in left ball;sudden stool;tearing in head and fingers.
- (At 8 A. M.), Violent boring in side of head and wrist.
- (Morning, after rising), Very debilitated.
- (Morning, on waking), Dulness of head;headache, and confused pressure between
- (Morning, when walking), Burning and dryness of the eyes.
- (Forenoon), Urination more frequent.
- (Noon), Violent boring in left temple;suffocative cough.
- (Afternoon), Violent boring in right side of head;stitches and digging in the frontal
eminence; palpitation;great debility and weariness in the lower limbs;weakness.
- (At 6 P.M. ), Fever daily.
- (Evening), Pain in right side of head;frontal headache;tongue dry;excessive hunger;
desire for sugar;stitches in the spleen;diarrhoeic stools;less urine;cough dry, fatiguing;
itching pimples.
- (At 10 P.M. ), Sticking in the right ball.
- (Night), Smell of pus;sore throat wakes him; * colic and diarrhoea;much urinating;
cough; * cough and pressure in throat; hoarseness;pain in chest;palpitation;pain in
back;acute pain in left wrist;cramps in calves; * nervousness; itching of skin, of border of
neck, and scalp;sweat.
- * (Midnight), Scanty watery diarrhoea.
- (Night, on waking), Tearing in one side of head.
- (Open air), Headache.
- (Bending wrist), Tension and stiffness.
- (After breakfast), Very debilitated.
- (Chewing), Toothache.
- (After coffee), Head confused.
- (Cold things), Toothache.
- (Cold water), Sudden pain in teeth.
- (Before dinner), Tickling in throat, causes cough.
- (After dinner), Emission of flatus.
- (Drawing on boots), Violent pain in breast.
- (After eating), Nausea.
- * (Excitement), Palpitation.
- (Inspiration), Pain in stomach;pressure near pit of stomach.
- (Lying), Visions, etc., generally aggravated;whizzing in air-passages(after dinner).
- (Mental exertion), Pressing pain in head.
- (Moving eye), Heat and pain in ball.
- (Motion), Drawing and heaviness in right side of head;palpitation.
- (Sudden motion), Stitches dart through the abdomen.
- (Odors), Headache.
- * (Sitting), Pain in small of back;weight in small of back;heavy paralytic sensation in
sacrum; drawing through right leg;dull pressure in right ankle;violent sticking in left
malleolus; pricking in right sole;sleepy.
- (Sour things), Toothache.
- (Going upstairs), Drawing in calves.
- (Stooping), Heaviness in forehead and over eyes.
- (Stretching arm), Mammary glands painful.
- (Swallowing), Soreness in pharynx.
- * (Thinking of it), Irregular heart's action.
- * (Tobacco smoke), Intolerable on account of cough.
- (Touching the part), Pressing pain in groins; * pain in stomach.
- (Twilight), Slight suddenly weak.
- (Warm in bed), Sweat and chilliness(in the night);itching(room); * ophthalmia.
- (Walking), Violent boring in left side of forehead;painful fulness in the liver; pressure in
praecordial region;pressive pain in left trochanter;pressive pain in knees; violent pain on
outside of left calf;sticking in left calf;cramp in calves;compressive sensation in left leg.
- (Walking in open air), Heaviness in forehead.
- (Walking erect), Pain in small of back.
- (After yawning), Bursting sensation in stomach.
- (Evening), Heaviness over eyes;pressure in stomach.
- * (Cool air), Ophthalmia.
- (Motion in open air), Irregular beating of heart.
- (Binding head tight), Headache.
- (Eating), Pain in abdomen, as if sore.
- (Emitting flatulence), General relief.
- (Pressing on head), Headache.
- (Rest), Drawing and heaviness in right side of head.
- (Standing), Pain in small of back.
- (Walking), Pain in small of back.
- Loss of consciousness; faint feeling.
- Loss of memory. Headache from dancing.
- Loss of memory; lies with closed eyes, shunning light and conversation. Melancholia.
- Weakness of memory, which frequently did not allow him to find the right word, hence
falters in speech. Melancholia.
- In conversation, forgetting what he wanted to say, he looked around as if expecting
some one to help him out. Hypochondriasis.
- Time seems to pass very slowly.
- Dulness of head, mental confusion; dizziness; tendency to fall sideways.
- To fix his thoughts on anything, or to give his business any consideration, was
impossible for him; on attempting it, it immediately got dark before his eyes and headache
increased. Malarial ataxy.
- Great weakness of mind. Headache.
- General appearance imbecile; talk very childish; does not work because he thinks it will
do him harm, or that he is not able to stand it. Hypochondriasis.
- Awful faces appear on shutting eyes.
- || The sight of high houses always made him dizzy and caused him to stagger; it seemed
as if houses on both sides would approach and crush him.
- Frequently settled upon time he should die. Hypochondriasis.
- Thinks he has softening of brain, or some other incurable affection, which almost drives
him to despair. Hypochondriasis.
- When walking gets nervous, thinks he will have a fit or die suddenly, which makes him
walk faster, but soon has to stop, because he gets tired. Hypochondriasis.
- Possessed of distressing idea that all his undertakings will and must fail. Melancholia.
- Refused food, saying one who does not work should not eat; but driven by hunger he
tried to secretly procure it. Melancholia.
- Feels as if everything at home had changed and that his mind is weak.
- He wept and assured every one that he was lost beyond hope for this world; that no one
could delude him in that respect, and no one could reason him out of it. Melancholia.
- Thoughts about suicide.
- Thinks about killing himself. Cholera.
- On crossing a bridge, almost irresistible desire to jump into river; meeting some one
prevented it. Hypochondriasis.
- Often awakes his wife or child to have some one to talk to. Hypochondriasis.
- Constantly talking about his sufferings. Hypochondriasis.
- Impulsive, must walk very fast; frequent turns of anxiety.
- Always hurried. Prolapsus uteri.
- If a time is set, becomes uneasy the day before; is worried and ready long before the
time. Chronic diarrhoea. Epilepsy.
- Reserved, sad, taciturn, with dulness of head and throbbing in whole body.
- Frequently remains in bed on slightest pretext of being "indisposed".
- No real inclination to work. Asthma.
- Does not work, thinking it will do him harm or that he is not able to stand it.
- Easily wearied. Headache from dancing.
- Great weariness and depression. Melancholia.
- Gloomy, dull; wishes to do nothing.
- Sad; fear of apoplexy (no apoplexy).
- Sad and taciturn, with dulness of head and throbbing in whole body.
- Weeping mood.
- Melancholic, constantly complains of vertigo.
- Great melancholy and weakness of mind with congestion to head.
- Melancholy since an undeserved slight; fixed idea that he was neglected and despised
by his family; his calling became indifferent to him.
- Despaired of help from himself or others. Melancholia.
- Fits of despondency and all kinds of fanciful notions; for example, that whilst walking
along street he could not pass a given point without falling; frequently settled on the time he
was to die. Hypochondriasis.
- Alarmed by vertigo and weakness of left side.
- Apprehension of some serious disease. Hypochondriasis.
- Apprehension when ready to go to church or to opera; diarrhoea sets in.
- Easily frightened; fears disease may result seriously; weeping mood.
- Fear or thinking brings on diarrhoea.
- Great nervousness and prostration; fears to be alone, because he thinks he will die; is
apprehensive of some serious disease, which almost drives him to despair.
- Fears if passing a certain corner or building that he will drop down and create a
sensation; is relieved by going in another direction. Hypochondriasis.
- Incessant mental distress, respiration 28, pulsations 88. Melancholia.
- Tormented with anxiety. Asthma.
- Frequent attacks of anxiety with weakness in legs, coming on about 11 A.M. ; amel
after drinking a little whiskey. Hypochondriasis.
- When walking, becomes faint with anxiety, which makes him walk faster.
- Became insensible to all social pleasures and lost all desire for labor. Melancholia.
- Apathy.
- Was utterly bereft of all power of will. Melancholia.
- Very irritable when nervous.
- So much unstrung and irritated that, without the knowledge of his physician, he sprang
up to get into the open air. Malarial ataxy.
- Against whatever was proposed he had the queerest objections. Melancholia.
- She became angry very easily, whereupon she always had to endure for many days
stitching pains in chest and cough.
- At night very much excited and murmured constantly. Typhus.
- Sometimes nerves go so unstrung that he was in a frenzy of excitement; when seized
with these attacks did not desire to move or talk, but always sought a chair and stubbornly
stuck to it.
- Thinking intently increases headache and causes dimness of vision.
- Dulness of head, mental confusion, dizziness, with tendency to fall sideways.
- Confusion of head during indigestion. Gastralgia.
- Confusion of head and constipation.
- Perversion of senses. Iritis.
- Vertigo, with cerebral congestion.
- The sight of high houses makes him dizzy, he feels as if they would fall on him.
- Vertigo when walking with eyes closed, which alarms him; staggers when walking in
dark, has to seize hold of things.
- On stooping while walking he staggers.
- Buzzing in ears; general debility of limbs and trembling.
- Vertigo in morning, as if turning in a circle, has to sit or would fall. With headache.
- Vertigo, dim sight, ringing in ears; stomach feels relaxed; >> after dinner and from wine;
agg from coffee.
- Vertigo in morning with headache. Prolapsus uteri.
- Once during attack of vertigo, left arm became paralyzed, remaining so for several
days. Hypochondriasis.
- Alarmed by vertigo and weakness of whole left side. Asthma.
- In morning, pain in left side of head, followed by vertigo and on several occasions by
momentary blindness. Hypochondriasis.
- Cerebral complication. Iritis.
- Loss of consciousness, faint feeling.
- Heaviness, especially in occiput. Asthma.
- Giddiness as if drunk, with lassitude and weakness of lower limbs.
Inner head
- Painful fulness and heaviness in head, with inability to recollect, glowing red cheeks.
- Excessive congestion of blood to head, with throbbing of carotids, obliging him to
loosen his cravat; heaviness, stupefying dulness of head, great melancholy and weakness of
- Spells of rush of blood to head, since which objects are misty or seem double.
- Pulsations in left side of forehead.
- Congestion to head and face, head feels much enlarged.
- Pain in head, it seems enlarged.
- Woke up with dull headache over eyes. Hypochondriasis.
- Boring in left frontal eminence, agg at night in warm bed.
- Constant clawing digging in left frontal eminence, with drawing tearing along left arm.
- Frontal headache during indigestion. Gastralgia.
- Complains of a constrictive pain in forehead, as if a small spot, size of a dime, was
daily contracting and getting smaller, and thinks as soon as it is drawn together he will be
crazy. Hypochondriasis.
- At 12 o'clock, violent boring in left temple.
- Has left-sided headache in morning for several hours. Hypochondriasis.
- Constantly complains of headache, chiefly confined to right side, although it is left eye
that is most dim; girl, aet. 10. Myopia.
- Digging pains in right hemisphere of brain.
- Digging, cutting motion through left hemisphere, from occiput to frontal protuberance,
recurs frequently, increases and decreases rapidly.
- Dull, pressive, persistent headache encircles calvarium like a wreath.
- Stitches from right to left ear, as from a knife.
- || Constant pains in all parts of head, especially in occiput, which deprived him of sleep.
Malarial ataxy.
- Pressing pains in whole head, from mental exertion or from dancing; better from firm
- Tendency to headache, especially bad whenever she rose early in morning. Myopia.
- Headache agg in open air, in warmth, at night, from light, mental labor, and amel from
bandaging head tightly.
- Congestive hysterical headache.
- Headaches of hysterical young women.
- Headaches, particularly habitual gastric headaches, to which delicate or literary men are
- Head symptoms are concomitants of all other diseases.
- Violent pressure in forehead commencing over eyes, spreading upward to coronal
suture; in morning; reeling.
- In morning pain in left side of head, followed by vertigo, on several occasions by
momentary blindness. Hypochondriasis.
- Headache from dancing, with attacks of vertigo.
- Pains in head, finally extended to eyes and lower jaw.
- Hemicrania; pressive, screwing, throbbing pain in one frontal protuberance, temple or
into bones of face; at its height, trembling of whole body, intense nausea, which ends in
watery, bilious vomit; lies senseless, eyes closed, shuns light and conversation. Jaundice
before attack.
- Sick headache followed by debility; profuse menses.
- Headache, with chilliness and trembling of body.
- Awakes with headache, pressure deep in brain, with chilliness whole forenoon.
- Headache mostly with chilliness, sometimes with increased temperature.
- Cerebral dyspepsia.
Outer head
- Head feels much enlarged, or eye on affected side.
- Feels as if bones of skull separated, with increase of temperature.
- Almost constant boring cutting in bones of forehead, vertex, temples and face.
- Pressing pains sometimes on vertex, sometimes left frontal bone, amel by pressure or
tight bandaging; agg from any exhaustive mental labor; letters then run together.
- Frequent sensation of constriction of scalp, as if something were tightly drawn down
over skull. Hypochondriasis.
- Itching, creeping, crawling, as from vermin; roots of hairs feel as if pulled upward; she
had to scratch all the time.
- Herpetic eruption on occiput.
- Burning in scalp, which feels as if drawn tight; cold feeling in eyes.
Upper face
- Stupid weary look. Hypochondriasis.
- Complexion sallow. Hypochondriasis.
- Face blue, heavy breathing, pulseless.
- Looks prematurely old; also in cholera infantum.
- Face : sunken, pale bluish;
- || leaden colored, with nausea;
- yellow, dirty looking.
- Circumscribed red cheeks.
- || Left side swollen, with great heat and burning; lips much swollen and burning.
- Prosopalgia.
- Neuralgia of head and face, which almost takes away her eyesight. Dyspepsia.
- During attack of prosopalgia, sour taste.
- Infraorbital neuralgia, left side.
- Sweat stood in drops on his face. Typhus.
- Lupus.
Lower face
- Hard, pale blotches in vermilion border of upper lip, sore to touch.
- Tetter on chin.
- Could not separate his jaws, can only swallow liquids.
- Food escapes from mouth during chewing.
- Lips : trembled when he spoke; and finger nails blue. Typhus.
- Lips dry and viscid, without thirst.
Inner mouth
- Fetor from mouth; morning.
- Ptyalism.
- Inner mouth covered with a whitish-grey coat.
- Tough phlegm in mouth.
- Chronic angina.
- Uvula and fauces dark red.
- { Chronic induration of tonsils.
- Thick tenacious mucus in throat, obliging him to hawk; causing slight hoarseness.
- Rawness, soreness; scraping in throat, causes hawking and cough.
- Sensation as if a splinter was lodged in throat, when swallowing, eructating, breathing,
stretching or moving neck.
- Wartlike excrescences feel like pointed bodies when swallowing.
- Felt as if he had a stick in throat when swallowing.
- Sense as if throat was contracted, swallows with pain. Dyspepsia.
- Swallowing difficult. Typhus.
- Food feels as if lodged in throat. Dyspepsia.
- Burning and dryness in fauces and pharynx.
- Paroxysms of cramp in oesophagus.
Appetite, thirst
- Desires, Aversions.
- Appetite fair. Hypochondriasis.
- Appetite sometimes fair enough, is generally very bad. Myopia.
- Appetite good, but nearly all kinds of food distressed, whether abstemious or eating
heartily. Hypochondriasis.
- Appetite dulled by pain. Gastric ulcer.
- Loss of appetite; much thirst, or no thirst.
- Refuses drink unless it is sweetened, yet thirsty.
- Diminished appetite, frequent eructations, nausea with humming in ears. Locomotor
- Want of appetite. Melancholia.
- Most fond of plum sauce, though swallowing was difficult. Typhus.
- Irresistible desire for sugar.
- || Desire for strong cheese.
- Well marked spasm of diaphragm. Cholera asiatica.
- Cutting like knives in hypochondria, chiefly in left and at epigastrium. Gastralgia.
- Great pain in epigastrium, extending around to cardiac region and left shoulder blade.
- Pain at epigastrium and under left ribs immediately after eating, with flatulence, loud
rumbling. Dyspepsia.
- Region of liver sensitive to pressure; periodical attacks of pain about liver and navel,
with nausea, retching and vomiting of tough phlegm.
- Tension as from a band around hypochondria. Asthma.
- Griping in bowels. Cholera.
- Shooting pains through abdomen and stomach. Prolapsus uteri.
- Pain in left side of abdomen. Dyspepsia.
- Abdomen swollen and distended.
- Fulness and heaviness of abdomen, with anxiety, impeding respiration; after supper.
- Rumbling, gurgling; wind cannot pass.
- Tension of abdomen, cannot bear to be touched.
- Constriction in bowels, as if tightly tied with a band.
- Stitches dart through abdomen like electric shocks, especially when suddenly changing
from rest to motion; left side.
- Bearing down in hypogastrium.
- Hemorrhoidal colic, mornings, during cold, misty weather; >> after stool.
- Periodical abdominal pains. Asthma.
- Loud rumbling with cutting pain. Dyspepsia.
- Flatulence. Dyspepsia.
- Distension of abdomen and stomach. Prolapsus uteri.
- Swells and becomes tympanitic; then it passes away suddenly. Dyspepsia.
- { Vermifuge.
Urinary organs
- Touching region of kidneys increases pain to highest degree.
- Paralytic debility of lumbar region and kidneys.
- Acute pain about kidneys, extending down ureters to bladder; agg from slightest touch or
motion, even deep inspiration.
- Ulcerative pain in middle of urethra, as from a splinter.
- { Chronic induration of urethra.
- No triple phosphates but epithelium in urine. Albuminuria.
- Urine highly colored and scanty, passes gravel. Subacute pleuritis.
- Urine dark red, without albumen; deposits red crystals of uric acid.
- urine passed unconsciously and uninterruptedly.
- Incontinence of urine at night, also by day.
- Urging to urinate; urine passes less easily and freely.
- Urine burns while passing, urethra feels as if swollen, with feeling as if last drops
remained behind.
- Stream of urine spreads asunder.
- Bleeding of urethra; painful erections. Gonorrhoea.
- Urging to urinate, agg from obstruction of bowels. Asthma.
- Scanty and rare emission of a dark yellow urine.
- When going to have a stool, urine passes first, then feces involuntarily.
- Retention of urine; bladder distended; dribbling of urine. Locomotor ataxia.
- Discharge of urine in drops. Prolapsus uteri.
- Urine contained blood, was passed often and little at a time, in drops. Nephritic colic.
- Quick urging to urinate; flow copious and clear.
- Sensitiveness near orifice of urethra.
- Breath very offensive. Myopia.
- Many people in room seem to take away his breath.
- Motion, going up-stairs or bodily exertion cause asthmatic attacks; face congested;
palpitation. Chronic asthma.
- Short breathed, with deep sighs; much oppression; violent attacks of dry, spasmodic
asthma, forcing him to rise and walk about.
- Respiratio abdominalis.
- Upper abdominal walls are drawn in during inspiration; expand during expiration; effort
to breathe deeply takes away breath at once. Paralysis of diaphragm.
- Spasms of respiratory muscles; great constriction and stitches in epigastrium; cannot
talk; drinking suffocates; even a handkerchief before nose impedes breathing; agony, thinks
of killing himself. Cholera.
- Respiration short. Typhus.
- Respiration oppressed, sometimes interrupted by cough. Typhus.
- Awakes with attacks of suffocation. Asthma.
- Can breathe deeply, but cannot retain breath long. Headache from dancing.
- Panting, quick, sibilant breathing.
- The effort to breathe deeply at once took away his breath. Locomotor ataxia.
- Very much cough for two months, with pain and sense of soreness in left side,
preventing lying on it, thus interfering with sleep. Subacute pleuritis.
- Evening cough, tobacco smoke becomes intolerable.
- Irritating, tormenting cough, evening and night.
- Suffocative cough at noon.
- Paroxysms of cough are brought on by : phlegm in larynx; irritation under sternum; a fit
of passion; laughing; stooping; smoking; ascending stairs; when lying down, and on
- { Acute period of whooping cough, during convulsive stage.
- Whooping cough.
- Gets out of breath with cough.
- Bloody sputa. Typhus.
- Expectoration purulent, mixed with light blood.
- Suddenly coughed up blood. During catamenia; Catarrh at first dry, later loose, with
rattling cough, profuse sweat, sickly look, hollow eyes, restless sleep; expectoration yellow.
- Belching, or straining to vomit, during attack of cough.
- Often during nights, fits of coughing with gagging and vomiting. Aphonia.
- Nocturnal aggravation, with a dry cough and flow of saliva, with some expectoration of
mucus striped with blood. Aphonia.
- Cough with occasional bloody sputa. Dyspepsia.
- Occasionally spat blood; sputa are always more or less streaked with it. Subacute
Outer chest
- Violent pain in muscles of chest.
- Chest hurts when lying on it.
Upper limbs
- Drawing in shoulders. Melancholia.
- Pain in left shoulder and arm. Dyspepsia.
- Paralytic drawing pain in right arm.
- Nightly boring pain in ulna.
- Left arm heavy.
- Pimple on hand near wrist, feels as if a splinter was in it.
- Spasmodic contraction of adductors of fingers, can hardly separate them; fingers half
- Hands tremble. Typhus. Asthma.
- || Pain extending down into middle finger of left hand. Dyspepsia.
- Left ring and little fingers insensible; hand trembles.
- Numbness of finger tips.
- Nails blue. Typhus.
Lower limbs
- Sciatica.
- Lassitude of lower limbs, with dizziness as from intoxication.
- Paralytic heaviness and weakness of legs, she does not know where to put them.
- Staggering gait.
- Debility and weakness of lower limbs the whole afternoon; with sick feeling, dread of
work, drowsiness, chilliness and sickly appearance.
- Limbs, especially his knees, start up at night awaking him.
- Legs, especially left, often stiff and rigid, as if "gone to sleep."
- Legs feel as if made of wood, or padded, with insensibility to touch, diminished
warmth, jerks in toes, tottering, irresolute gait; cannot walk with eyes shut. Locomotor
- Calves weary, as after a long journey.
- Pains in calves torment him all night.
- Emaciation, particularly of legs; also with paralytic weakness.
- Itching pustules on left shin bone, one of which developed into an ulcer.
- Oedema of feet. Pneumonia.
Limbs in general
- Lassitude, weariness of forearms and legs.
- Trembling.
- Paralysis of extremities.
- Rheumatic tendency in right arm and thigh. Asthma.
- During day, tormented with formication of arms and legs.
- Chorealike convulsive motion of limbs; legs drawn up; arms jerked outward and
- Says his legs are "shaky" and his hands tremble. Hypochondriasis.
- Position. Motion. Rest : headache.
- She felt much agg in rest, than when walking in open air.
- Is obliged to lean forward in order to get breath. Asthma.
- Unable to walk or even stand. After a fall.
- She was lying motionless on her back, since every motion of her body caused her
inexpressible pain; touching region of kidneys increased these pains at once to highest
- Unable to sleep on her right side from its bringing on palpitation of heart. Gastric
- Must lie down : coryza with frontal headache.
- Lying down after dinner : noise in larynx.
- Lying on abdomen : stitches in back.
- Lying on right side : pain in stomach; palpitation.
- Uncomfortable lying on left side.
- When sitting : heaviness in sacrum; pain in small of back; gets very sleepy.
- Cannot sit on account of pain in sacrum.
- While standing : drawing in side of abdomen; pain in small of back better.
- Stooping : causes pain; cough; digging in sacrum.
- Chewing : agg toothache.
- Moving neck : agg sore throat.
- Lifting arms high : agg stomachache.
- Worse from opening or spreading out hands.
- Rising from seat : backache.
- Bending arms : chest muscles pain.
- Putting boots on : agg pain in chest.
- Worse when moving part and lifting diseased limb.
- Quick turning of upper part of body : hurts in mammae.
- Changing quickly from rest to motion : stitches through abdomen.
- Inclination for motion.
- Worse from moving : headache; eyeball, heat, fulness; sensation of splinter in throat when
moving neck; pain about kidneys; sudden muscular exertion causes palpitation; confusion,
dulness and pain, with hemorrhage.
- The slightest motion after having been in rest increases headache.
- Curious feeling makes him walk very quickly.
- During walking : stitches from liver into chest; pain in small of back; tottering; afraid to
walk, giddy.
- Must rise and walk about : short-breathed with deep sighs.
- After a long walk : ebullitions at night.
- After a short walk : dyspnoea.
- Walking or standing : relieves pain in small of back.
- Worse from walking fast. Asthma.
- Goes to left side instead of straight forward.
- Going up-stairs : dyspnoea; cough; bursting pain in chest; palpitation; pain in calves.
- Ascending : agg heart symptoms.
- On exposure to any exhausting labor, he always had a pain which affected whole head,
and which made the letters when reading run into one another.
- Bodily exertion : dyspnoea; strong beating of heart.
- After bodily exertion during day, attacks of suffocation at night.
- Walks and stands unsteadily, after hard mental labor, especially when he thinks himself
- Restless, in continual motion. Headache.
- Very restless. Dyspepsia.
- Great nervousness and prostration. Hypochondriasis.
- Nightly nervousness with heat and fulness in head.
- Nerves so unstrung that he got into a frenzy of excitement. Hypochondriasis.
- Hysteria.
- Nervous, faintish, tremulous sensation, as if a severe disease was going to attack him.
- Tremulous weakness, accompanied with general debility, as after great physical
exertions and apathy.
- Trembling and tremulous sensation.
- Trembling of whole body, with headache. Eye diseases.
- Periodical trembling of body.
- Chorea, with tearing in legs.
- Creeping and jerking in various parts, more in paralyzed parts.
- Every succeeding spasm is announced by a very marked degree of restlessness.
Meningitis. Hydrocephalus.
- Convulsions preceded by great restlessness.
- Convulsions with great restlessness and tossing about, preceding each convulsion.
- Epileptiform convulsions. Meningitis.
- Epilepsy from fright, during menstruation; at night; pupils always dilated for a day or
two before.
- Very weak and feeble. Prolapsus uteri.
- So weak, must lie down; then becomes apathetic, with yawning; cold shuddering.
- She feels so debilitated she is scarcely able to walk across room, complaining a good
deal about rigidity in calves.
- Debility for several days after sick headache.
- Prostrated state in yellow fever.
- Paralysis generally one-sided.
- After a severe illness, most after diphtheria. Want of accommodation of ciliary
- Incipient paralysis.
- Any voluntary motion of body was for a long time impossible for him. Typhus.
- Voluntary motion impossible; left side indescribably weak.
- Paraplegia from debilitating causes.
- Paralysis after diphtheria.
- Completely apathetic. Headache.
- || Such a weakness in all her limbs that she was obliged to go to bed, where she frequently
fell into a soporous condition with yawning, and a cold shudder over whole body, and lost
all her appetite.
- Sleepless at night, during day drowsy. Hypochondriasis.
- Is prevented from falling asleep by fancies and images before his imagination.
- After long wearisome fatiguing night watching.
- Much excited at night; murmured constantly; nothing but shaking would arouse him;
his eyes are scarcely open before he closes them again. Typhus.
- Ebullitions at night after a long walk.
- At night troubled with throbbing in head, must get out of bed; when he does sleep he is
annoyed with horrid dreams. Hypochondriasis.
- Drowsy by day, sleepless all night.
- Sleep is short; awakened often by attacks of suffocation;
- || must rise and open window.
- Restless sleep, awakes almost every hour, disturbed with many dreams.
- Sleep much broken, especially forepart of night, with horrible dreams.
- Sees departed friends, the dead, ghosts at night; dreams of putrid water,
- of serpents, which fill him with horror.
- In the morning, dreams he is hungry; this awakens him, and he finds he has a violent
spasm of stomach, with hunger, nausea and flatulence.
- Not refreshed by a night's rest. Subacute pleuritis.
- On awaking : headache in morning, limbs feel bruised, aching in side of chest;
- from a good sleep, dull headache over eyes; spasms return.
- Cannot sleep at night because he is "so nervous." Hypochondriasis.
- Palpitation at night in bed; must get up and go out of house to get relief.
- Worse at night : heat in head, headache; nose stopped up; throat dry; gastralgia;
- colic; diarrhoea;
- much urine; cough; hoarseness; beating of heart; epileptic attacks; pains in chest,
- spasms; nervous; itching of skin.
- After midnight : chorea amel, stools agg.
- || Waking at 2 1/2 A.M. several mornings. Diarrhoea.
- Morning : vertigo.
- Worse in morning : eyes; fetor from mouth; gastralgia; hunger; colic; nervousness;
sweat; soreness in larynx.
- Very languid, agg early part of day. Myopia.
- Forenoon : chill and fever.
- Nervous attacks about 11 o'clock A.M. , relieved by stimulating drinks.
- Noon : tickling, suffocative cough.
- Afternoon : headache amel; stitches in left forehead; exhausted, faint.
- Feels faint towards evening. Gastric ulcer.
- Evening : cough.
- The day half is to the night half as 3 : 2.
- Day half, more cough; night, diarrhoea.
- Chilliness, with nausea.
- Chilly : with many complaints; with cold hands and feet.
- Constant chilliness up back and over shoulders; agg after meals; agg coming into room
from open air.
- General chill followed after a short interval by general heat; the former lasting longer, and
returning quickly on uncovering, even during heat; the latter with perceptible pulsation of
left temporal artery; both stages without thirst.
- Night sweats.
- Morning sweat.
- Evening chill followed by sweat. Typhus.
- Skin dry, but not very hot.
- Temperature sunken.
- Intermittent fever, with pulmonary hemorrhage; generally no thirst.
- Malarial fever in a lady, aet. 75; constant retching, most intensely bitter taste, with a
desire for fresh air (followed by Rhus tox.).
- Profuse sweat : it stands out on face in beads; stitches in side, cough during attack.
- Sweat and chilliness, as soon as he gets warm in bed.
- Gastric intermittent.
- { Typhus abdominalis.
Attacks, periodicity
- Attacks increasing and decreasing quickly, or gradually increasing and decreasing.
- Periodical pains in abdomen.
- Pains in skull sometimes remit, and are followed by more violent hemicrania.
- Asthmatic attacks at night, with rapid pulse.
- Moral and nervous disturbances come on in quite regular paroxysms. Prolapsus uteri.
- Head feels enlarged with congestion; eye feels enlarged; as if bones of skull separated; as
if a splinter was lodged in throat, or as if he had a stick in it; or as if food had lodged there;
like sticks or slivers in and about womb; as of a splinter in pimple near wrist; as if houses
on both sides would approach and crush him; as if everything at home had changed; as if
turning in circle; as if drunk; as if a small spot in forehead was contracting and getting
smaller, thinks as soon as it has drawn together he will be crazy; as if something was tightly
drawn over skull; itching as from vermin on head; roots of hair as if pulled upward; nasal
bones as if bruised; as if teeth were becoming carious; stomach as if it would burst with
wind; oppression as from a heavy lump in stomach; as if stomach and oesophagus were
filled with food; as of a band around hypochondria; pain in urethra as from a splinter;
urethra as if swollen; as if last drops remained in urethra; urethra as if put on stretch; as if
ligated with cords around chest; as if sacral bones were loose; legs as if made of wood.
- Stitches : in chest, after anger; from right to left ear like a knife; in scrobiculum and
stomach; like electric shocks through abdomen; in epigastrium; in region of fifth rib, left
- Darting pains : in eyes.
- Piercing pains : in chest with cramp.
- Cutting : like knives in hypochondria and epigastrium; in abdomen; in right ovarian
region and back; in small of back and groin.
- Stinging : in left side of stomach.
- Shooting, itching, biting in right eye; through abdomen and stomach.
- Boring : in left frontal eminence; in left temple; and cutting in bones of forehead, vertex,
temples and face; above left eye; in ulna at night.
- Digging : in right hemisphere of brain; and cutting through l. hemisphere of brain; in
- Clawing digging : in left frontal eminence.
- Grumbling digging : in teeth.
- Griping : in bowels.
- Gnawing : at stomach.
- Bursting pain : in abdomen and chest.
- Burning : in scalp; heat in eyes; in left side of face and lips; in left side of abdomen; in
urethra; in larynx; in region of heart.
- Rawness, soreness and scraping : in throat; in trachea.
- Soreness : of larynx and pit of throat; in trachea; in left side.
- Tearing pains : in ears; in legs.
- Drawing tearing : along left arm.
- Neuralgic pains : in head and face; in stomach, gastralgia.
- Spasms : in lower part of chest and in stomach.
- Crampy pain : in back and lower limbs.
- Cramp : in oesophagus.
- Constriction : in bowels as if ligated; in epigastrium; around chest or waist.
- Constrictive pains : in forehead; in scalp; in throat; in stomach.
- Feels like a bar of iron around her chest.
- Squeezing pains : in back.
- Bruised pain : in nasal bones; in right testicle; in limbs; on awaking.
- Paralytic pain : from sacrum down along pelvis and hips; in right arm.
- Drawing : in shoulders; in right arm.
- Pressing, screwing throbbing pain in frontal protuberance, temple, or into bones of face.
- Pressure : in forehead; pressive headache encircling calvarium; pressing pains in whole
head; deep in brain; in outer head; in praecordia; in epigastric region.
- Bearing down : in hypogastrium.
- Ulcerative pain : in stomach; in middle of urethra.
- Dead pain : in lower left chest.
- Undefined pain : in left side of head; in head, which seems enlarged; in all parts of head,
especially in occiput, preventing sleep; in head, extends to eyes and lower jaw; in eyes and
head from using eyes; from brain to eyes; terrific, from vertex into eye; in nose; in stomach;
under manubrium sterni; about liver; in abdomen; in region of kidneys; horrible in abdomen
and hips, with metrorrhagia; in ovarian region, into sacrum and hips; in chest and between
shoulders; fearful pains about heart; violent in muscles of chest; in left shoulder and arm; in
calves; middle finger of left hand.
- Throbbing : in whole body; of carotids; in left side of forehead; in head, at night.
- Heat in head : and dryness of eyeballs and lids; in left side of face and lips; warmth,
between scapulae and sternum; in eyeball.
- Dulness : of head, forehead and root of nose.
- Warmth : between scapulae and sternum.
- Heaviness : in occiput; in head; in abdomen; on chest; and drawing in loins; from sacrum
down along pelvis and hips; of left arm; of legs, paralytic.
- Fulness : in head; in eyeball; in lids; in ears; in abdomen.
- Sense of weight in lower part of sacrum and os coccygis.
- Faintness when walking.
- Weakness : in legs, with anxiety; at pit of stomach; in legs, with backache; of legs,
- Tension : around hypochondria; of abdomen; tensive pains in back.
- Jerks : in toes.
- Chilliness : and trembling with headache; with pressure in brain; up the back and over
- Cold feeling : in eyes.
- Tickling : in larynx.
- Formication : of arms and legs.
- Numbness : of finger tips; of legs.
- Itching : creeping, crawling on scalp; in eyes; of nose; of skin during climaxis; in larynx;
pustules on left shin bone; of thighs and axillae.
- Melaena.
- Acts on red corpuscles, causing their coloring matter to escape into plasma, causing
ecchymosis and effusions, and later interference with oxidation and ultimate chlorosis.
- Withered, dried up, look old. Children, etc.
- Emaciation, most marked in legs; progressive from year to year.
- Oedema of legs; ascites. Affection of liver.
- Muscles rigid.
- Septic forms of scarlet fever.
- { Impetigo (as a caustic).
- Excrescence on skin. Iritis.
- Prevents excessive granulations in ulcers.
- Chronic syphilis, with papulae and osteocopic pains.
- Bone affections.
- Getting gradually thinner for twelve months. Subacute pleuritis.
- Infant loses flesh, get marasmus; looks as if it would die early.
- { Dropsies.
- Cyanosis. Cholera.
- Skin from a blue grey, violet or bronze color, to real black.
- Skin brown, tense, hard.
- Itching, smarting, mostly of thighs and axillae, when warm at night.
- Bluish-black eruption. In scarlet fever.
- Erysipelatous bed-sores, centre covered with dry, bloody incrustations; black, hard, on
- Pustulous ecthyma.
- Syphilitic papulae. Iritis.
- Wart-shaped excrescences.
- { Impetigo.
- { Zona.
- { Smallpox.
- Antidotes to Arg. nit. :
- Natr. mur. (chemical and dynamic), Arsen. and milk.
- Arg. nit. antidotes : Amm. caust.
- Boys' complaints after tobacco.
- According to Boenninghausen, as antidotes to Arg. nit., and also Nitr. ac., are prominent
Pulsat., Calcar., Sepia, and next to these three, Lycop., Mercur., Silic., Rhus tox., Phosphor.
and Sulphur.
- Coffea cruda increases nervous headache.
- After Arg. nitr. had failed in flatulent indigestion, Lycop.
- cured.
- It has been given with success : after Bryon. and Spigel., in dyspepsia; after Spongia was
given for goitre, and myopia followed; after Veratr. for wind passing upward in great
quantities, inducing faintness.
- Similar to : Aurum; Cuprum; Kali bichr.; Laches.; Mercur.; Merc. corr.; Merc. iod.; Natr.
mur; Nitr. ac.
- The main difference between the metal and the nitrate is, that the latter acts more on
mucous membrane, the skin, and especially on bones and periosteum, and must be
beneficial to herpetic patients, and the former acts especially on cartilages.
- Complaints from pressure of clothes; also in Calcar., Bryon., Caustic., Lycop., Sarsap.,
and Stannum.
1- Clorosis con menstruaciones copiosas y diarrea.
*1- Extrema sensibilidad nerviosa, con llanto fcil. Sensacin de soledad, pero rechaza la
compaa. Depresin, que mejora al aire libre y durante la menstruacin. Miedo al
*2- Peor: antes y despus de las menstruaciones; por supresin de secreciones. Mejor:
durante las menstruaciones; por el aire fresco; por el movimiento; por descargas de
*3- Agotamiento, con vrtigo, fro (que mejora poco por el calor), hambre dolorosa con
necesidad de comer a pesar de sentir nuseas. Estado de fatiga o, por el contrario, de
manifiesto bienestar.
4- Tendencia a la obesidad.
5- Vrtigo con cefalea de maana, peor al inclinarse hacia adelante. Cefaleas difusas, mejor
al aire libre y por compresas hmedas y fras.
6- Lagrimeo con ardor y prurito en los ojos, peor por la luz y al leer.
*8- Boca dolorida, con grietas en las comisuras labiales. Odontalgias, peor por alimentos
fros y mejor por calientes.
12- Diarrea mucosa, con hemorroides sangrantes entre las deposiciones. Prolapso rectal
despus de comer. Inercia rectal.
*13- Dolor en los riones y la vejiga, con micciones frecuentes. Cistitis crnica con
micciones frecuentes, urgentes y abundantes. Incontinencia de orina. Albuminuria.
**14- Menstruaciones ausentes; o atrasadas, cortas y escasas, con sangre negra y cogulos;
o marrones y acuosas. Prurito vulvar voluptuoso, peor antes y despus de la
menstruacin, mejor durante. Eczema vulvar. Entuertos concomitantes con laringitis.
Dolor y sensacin de dureza en el seno izquierdo.
15- Laringitis. Ronquera. Tos matinal. Trax doloroso en su mitad izquierda. Siente el pecho
*16- Extremidades fras; con sabaones. Dolores articulares, peor cuando cose o sentado,
mejor por el movimiento. Piernas pesadas antes de la menstruacin. Dedos de manos y
pies hinchados antes de la menstruacin. Vrices hinchadas y distendidas antes de la
Aristolochia colombiana (Allen)
- So called by Higgins in his "Ophidians", is
- * an unknown plant ; it is not possible to identify it ; hence the symptoms given by Dr.
Higgins have no place in this work.
- The same remark applies to "a proving" of Ampelopsis trifoliata, published recently in the
2- Cabeza caliente.
3- Labios y encas excoriados. Gusto amargo con sed intensa. oca pastosa de maana.
5- Diabetes.
7- Dolores como calambres en el tendn de Aquiles y los talones. Piernas rgidas. Prurito
y edema en los maleolos. Dolor en la espalda y extremidades. Toda la pierna est cubierta
por manchas irregulares de sangre extravasada.
Clnica.- Corazn, dolor en. Diabetes. Extravasaciones. Tendn de Aquiles, dolor en.
Dolores punzantes en varias partes
Dolor en los talones, ardor en el ano y frecuentes irritaciones
Flatulencia en el estmago y abdomen
Dolor en la espalda y extremidades
Rigidez de las piernas
Dolor en el tendn de Aquiles
Prurito e hinchazn alrededor de los malolos.
Comparar: Aristolochia Serpentaria -Virginia Snake Root-(Sntomas del tracto intestinal;
diarrea acuosa excesiva, meteorismo
Dispepsia flatulenta
Congestin cerebral
Distensin y dolores cortantes en el abdomen
Sntomas como los del zumaque.
Potencias bajas
- The head is burning hot.
- Head heavy.
- Acute lancination in the head.
- Throbbing in the right frontal eminence for a minute.
- His temples are very sensitive to touch during the whole day.
- Sensation of torpor at the vertex.
- Acute lancination in the left side of the head.
- Severe lancination behind the head.
- Shooting in the cerebellum.
- Sensation of torpor in the cerebellum.
- Excoriations of the lips and gums.
- Excoriations of the lips and gums, as on the second day.
- Mouth pasty through the whole morning.
- Anorexia.
- Complete anorexia.
- Want of appetite.
- Thirst.
- Great thirst, with bitterness of the mouth.
- Continual thirst and bitter mouth.
- Borborygmus in the stomach and intestines.
- Fulness of the stomach.
- Pain at the scrobiculus.
- Pain in the right groin.
Urinary organs
- He makes water more frequently than usual.
Sexual organs
- Itching on the skin of the prepuce.
- Pricking in the right testicle.
- Bruised pain over the left pectoral muscle, which is sensitive to the touch at night.
- Pain in the right side.
Upper extremities
- The upper and lower parts of the left arm are painful to the touch.
- Itching above the bend of the right arm.
- Pain in the hypothenar eminence of the right hand.
- Stinging in the hypothenar eminence of the left hand.
- Pain in the dorsal portion of the left index.
- Pricking in the joint of the first phalanx of the little finger.
Lower extremities
- The leg is swollen and violet-colored in the morning; it becomes inflamed by fatigue, and
turns blackish-red towards evening.
- The whole leg is covered by large, irregular patches, formed by extravasated
- The pains in the legs continue.
- Stiffness of the leg, with impossibility of standing up for a few minutes.
- Swelling of the left leg.
- The left leg is red and inflamed.
- Lancinations through the whole extent of the left inferior extremity.
- Pricking on the internal surface of the right leg.
- Itching on the anterior part of the right leg.
- Uneasiness, then pricking, in the thighs.
- Malaise, as if something were collected in the internal part of the right leg above the
- Acute pain in the right thigh.
- Smarting on the internal superior part of the right thigh.
- Pricking in the right thigh.
- Itching on the right thigh.
- Itching on the internal surface of the left thigh.
- Bruised pain in the left knee.
- Bruised pain under the left patella.
- Painful lancinations in the internal part of the left knee.
- The upper part of the left leg is painful to the touch.
- Prick as from a pin in the lower part of the left leg.
- Swelling of the lower part of the calf.
- Cramplike pains in the left tendo-Achillis.
- Uneasiness in the lower part of the tendo-Achillis.
- Prick under the heel.
- The malleoli appear swollen.
- Partial swellings around the malleoli.
- Malaise after waking in the morning; he cannot go to sleep again; he feels as if something
incommoded him about the malleoli for several hours; this pain increases, becoming a
bruised pain.
- Feeling as if the lower part of the right leg had a tendency to fall down upon the malleoli,
as a stocking might do; he often carries his hand there as if to raise it up.
- Pain above the right internal malleolus.
- Cramplike pain in the right internal malleolus.
- Lancinations in the lower part of the right leg and internal malleolus.
- Persistent pain above the left internal malleolus.
- Disagreeable sensation behind the left internal malleolus.
- Lancinations in the anterior part of the left external malleolus.
- The left leg is painful as if excoriated; the pain passes to the right internal malleolus and
becomes more acute.
- Itching on the left external malleolus.
- Itching on the left internal malleolus.
- Prickings in different parts of the body.
ARNICA (Vijnovsky)
(Arnica Montana)
*** 1- Afirma obstinadamente que se siente muy bien, aunque en realidad est muy enfermo
o grave; no tiene clara conciencia de su verdadero estado y dice que no le pasa nada, que
est bien, que l no est enfermo y que, por ese motivo, el mdico no tiene nada que
hacer all, y lo manda de nuevo a su casa. Todo esto lo declara entre un algo delirante y
un poco irritado.
*** 2- Temor a que se le acerquen, por temor a que lo toquen. Llegan a tal extremo esos
temores que prefiere que lo dejen solo, por una razn mental (no quiere entablar
conversacin) y por una razn fsica (no quiere ser tocado, teme al contacto, por sus
grandes sufrimientos) (Kent).
*** 3- Estado estuporoso (en estados febriles infecciosos, tifoideos o de origen traumtico)
que puede llegar a la inconsciencia, especialmente durante la fiebre o al erguirse de estar
acostado; a menudo con incontinencia de materias fecales y orina; est ausente, absorto,
sentado sin moverse. Si le hacen una pregunta, sale de su sopor y contesta bien, pero el
estupor reaparece de inmediato despus de contestar o antes de terminar; o se duerme
cuando contesta (Kent). Delirio murmurante, peor durante el escalofro; delirium
tremens. Carfologa, pellizca las cobijas.
** 5- Temor a los lugares pblicos; de que las paredes y edificios altos le caigan encima
(Arg. N.). Sueo agitado, se despierta bruscamente, con gran terror, y se lleva la mano al
corazn: lo despierta el miedo a morir bruscamente, con sensaciones precordiales que le
hacen pensar que tiene una enfermedad en el corazn, sin tener realmente nada.
* 6- El nio llora o grita antes de toser (y en la coqueluche); el llanto lo agrava; peor por
*** 13- Cualquier cosa sobre la que est acostado, o la cama, la siente o le parece muy
dura, por ms blanda que sea; se queja constantemente de eso y se mantiene en
movimiento de un lado a otro buscando un sitio blando. Se queja tambin durmiendo.
** 14- Hemorragias en los tejidos o en la piel o por los orificios; hematomas; equimosis.
Estasis venoso; vrices. Inflamacin de vasos sanguneos. Trombosis.
** 15- Peor por el menor contacto, en tiempo hmedo y fro, durmiendo, al anochecer o de
noche, por el reposo, por el movimiento de las partes afectadas, por sacudidas, acostado
del lado izquierdo, por el vino, por viajar, con la luna en cuarto creciente. Mejor por el
movimiento en general, acostado con la cabeza baja, por bao fro. Desea aire libre.
* 22- Vrtigo al cerrar los ojos; al levantarse de estar agachado o acostado; moviendo la
cabeza; los objetos dan vueltas al caminar.
** 24- Traumatismos oculares, con dolor en los ojos, diplopa, parlisis oculares, hemorragia
retiniana. Equimosis subconjuntival o en los prpados, peor por tos. Acelera la
reabsorcin de las hemorragias retinianas. Inflamacin ocular por cuerpos extraos;
lagrimeo ardiente. Iritis. Ve negro; oscurecimiento de la vista. Pupilas insensibles a la
luz; miosis. Ojos doloridos por esfuerzos visuales; prominentes o semiabiertos.
* 25- Ruidos en los odos por una oleada de sangre a la cabeza. Sangran los odos.
Hipoacusia por golpes o por tifoidea. Dolor como golpeado en las orejas.
** 26- Epistaxis: por golpes; al sonarse; por esfuerzos; al lavarse la cara; durante la
coqueluche y la tifoidea; sangre negra fluida. La nariz est fra en la punta, y dolorida; o
hinchada, con equimosis. Cosquilleo dentro de la nariz.
** 27- Cara caliente con manos fras. Cara roja cuando tiene estremecimientos, con calor
durante los escalofros, calor en los labios. Una sola mejilla roja con hinchazn dura.
Cara muy roja, hundida. Herpes en la cara. Parlisis facial derecha. Los carrillos, muy
rojos, se hinchan al respirar y la boca est desviada (hemorragia cerebral). Trismus con
boca cerrada. Ulceras en las comisuras labiales; fisuras en los labios. Erupcin pustulosa
en la cara, sobre todo periocular. Empiema del seno maxilar. Glndulas submaxilares y
ganglios del cuello hinchados y dolorosos.
*** 28- Huevos podridos es un comn denominador que siente en el gusto (peor de
maana), en los eructos con ese olor o gusto (sobre todo de maana al levantarse) y en
el olor de los flatos.
** 29- Aliento ftido, ptrido. Gusto amargo, a podrido, durante la fiebre. Lengua blanca o
con el centro marrn. Saliva sanguinolenta. Dolor en los dientes por golpes o
postoperatorios, despus de curar o emplomar una carie, o dolor en las encas despus de
una extraccin. Sensacin de algo duro en la garganta; ruido al tragar.
* 30- Sed durante el escalofro. Eructos amargos o sin gusto o con gusto u olor a huevos
podridos (ver 28). Vmitos ftidos. Hematemesis; vmitos de sangre coagulada oscura.
Gastralgias comiendo; sensacin de piedra. Siente como si el estmago estuviera contra
la columna.
** 31- Dolorimiento en las ingles o pelvis, debe caminar doblado. Dolor heptico, peor
acostado del lado izquierdo. Puntadas debajo de las falsas costillas. Esplenitis. Flatos
ofensivos con olor a huevos podridos (ver 28). Gases que oprimen hacia arriba y abajo.
Heces involuntarias, sobre todo durmiendo, a menudo con incontinencia de orina (en
febriles); purulentas, sanguinolentas. Abdomen duro e hinchado, peor a la derecha.
Diarrea en la tuberculosis, peor acostado del lado izquierdo. Disentera con oliguria y
urgencia ineficaz para mover el vientre; largo intervalo (entre 4 y 6 horas) entre las
deposiciones. Debe acostarse despus de cada deposicin. Constipacin: recto repleto,
las heces no salen; heces como acintadas por retroversin de tero o hipertrofia de
prstata. Hemorroides; prolapso rectal alternando con hemorroides.
** 32- Micciones con chorro dbil, tiene que hacer fuerza y espera hasta que salga la orina o,
por el contrario, debe apurarse al sentir el deseo de orinar porque, si no, se orina; pierde
orina al correr. Miccin muy dolorosa. La orina gotea involuntariamente, peor despus
del parto. Enuresis; se orina durmiendo. Afecciones vesicales postraumticas o
postoperatorias. Espasmo del cuello vesical; retencin de orina por esfuerzos o en la
disentera. Clico renal con dolores agnicos en dorso y caderas como si pasara un
clculo. Hematuria de origen traumtico. Orina de densidad elevada; espesa, con pus;
sedimento color ladrillo oscuro.
* 33- Fimosis por friccin, partes doloridas e hinchadas. Pene y testculos hinchados y de
color rojo-prpura, postraumticos. Orquitis por contusin. Hidrocele. Deseos sexuales
aumentados, peor por la menor excitacin; impotencia por excesos.
* 35- Tos violenta con herpes facial. Tos con epistaxis. Tos: por bostezar; por ira; por gritar
o llorar en exceso; o grita y llora antes de toser. Coqueluche: el nio llora antes del
ataque y despus. Tos de origen cardaco, peor de noche, durmiendo o por ejercicios.
Expectoracin sanguinolenta; hemoptisis por golpes o violentos esfuerzos musculares o
respiratorios. Ronquera por hablar mucho.
** 36- El trax est dolorido al toser, debe agarrrselo o sostenerlo con ambas manos;
duele al presionar o tocar; pleurodinia (Ran. B.); dolor precordial y en los pezones.
Todas las articulaciones y huesos del trax, costillas, duelen, peor al moverse, respirar o
toser. Pleuresa traumtica; neumotrax. Angina de pecho con dolor severo en el codo
izquierdo. Degeneracin grasosa o hipertrofia del corazn. Agotamiento cardaco o
hipertrofia cardiaca pasajera por esfuerzo violento o desusado (Caust., Rhus T.), con
palpitaciones al moverse. Edemas de origen cardaco con disnea muy molesta. Mastitis
por golpes o erisipelatosa.
* 37- Espalda dolorida durante los chuchos. Dolor lumbar como dislocado. Msculos de la
nuca dbiles: la cabeza cae hacia atrs.
** 38- Gota y reumatismo, con gran miedo de ser tocado o golpeado por las personas que
estn cerca. Dolores antes del escalofro. Dolorimiento en los miembros cuando tocan la
cama, o durante la fiebre en los miembros sobre los que est acostado. Dolores
articulares como dislocados o golpeados. Dolor de astillas en los dedos de las manos.
Fro en las manos o en las puntas de los dedos, con cara o cabeza calientes; antebrazos
fros en nios. Pies cansados o inflamados por caminar mucho. Debilidad en tendones y
articulaciones, sobre todo siguiendo a un golpe o torcedura; en las manos al agarrar algo.
Hemipleja izquierda. Vrices; lceras varicosas. Venas de las manos hinchadas. Ttano.
39- El mismo sueo se repite: de muerte, con cuerpos mutilados, de indecisin. Insomne e
inquieto cuando est muy cansado.
** 40- Paludismo pernicioso, con violenta congestin ceflica, cuerpo fro, sed, escalofro
especialmente sentido en el hueco epigstrico y sensacin de cuerpo magullado.
Escalofros violentos al destaparse, al despertar o por el ms mnimo movimiento de las
cobijas; con calor en la cabeza; donde apoya; a las 4 a.m.
** 41- Fiebre traumtica. Fiebre petequial con aliento ftido, dice que no le pasa nada.
Fiebres spticas; septicemias, formas tficas. Previene la supuracin. Intensa fiebre o
calor de cabeza y cara o mitad superior del cuerpo con la mitad inferior fra. Sudores
ofensivos o nocturnos y cidos.
Baptisia tiene la "sensacin de que estuviera acostado sobre una tabla; cambia de
posicin porque la cama le parece tan dura que lo hace sentir dolorido y magullado."
Phytolacca tiene la "sensacin de dolor en todo el cuerpo, desde la cabeza hasta los
pies; los msculos estn dolorosos y rgidos, apenas puede moverse sin gemir."
Rhus toxicodendron tiene "dolor en todos los msculos que desaparece durante el
movimiento; se siente rgido y dolorido al comenzar a moverse."
Ruta tiene la sensacin de que "todas las partes del cuerpo sobre las que descansa se
hallan doloridas, como si estuvieran magulladas."
He aqu cinco remedios que parecen asemejarse mucho entre s y podramos agregar
todava otros, como Staphisagria, que tiene la sensacin de que "todos sus miembros estn
doloridos como si se hallaran magullados y como si estuvieran sin fuerzas", y tambin
China, que est "toda dolorida lo mismo las articulaciones que los huesos y el periostio,
como si hubiera sufrido esguinces, con dolor como de tironeamiento y de desgarradura,
especialmente en la columna vertebral, en el sacro en las rodillas y en los muslos."
El conocimiento hasta este punto de esos remedios no tendra mayor utilidad para los
fines teraputicos, porque sera insensato prescribir todos esos medicamentos juntos, como
igualmente lo sera el prescribir uno de ellos con exclusin de todos los restantes sin una
buena razn para hacerlo. Afortunadamente siempre existe la posibilidad de efectuar una
eleccin entre ellos, pero no siempre es fcil. Tomemos, por ejemplo, a Arnica y Baptisia.
Ambos tienen el sntoma de sensacin dolorosa de magulladura. En ambos existe la
sensacin de que la cama fuera demasiado dura. Ambos presentan estupor del cual puede
sacarse al enfermo, pero rpidamente vuelve a caer en l. Ambos tienen una raya oscura que
se extiende a todo lo largo de la lengua. Ambos ofrecen la cara rojo sombra, y todas esas
similitudes a menudo se presentan en el curso de una fiebre tifoidea.
-Adems de todo lo que hemos dicho acerca del gran valor de la sensacin de dolor
como si estuviera magullado, se debe pensar siempre en Arnica para las afecciones agudas o
crnicas que son consecuencias de traumas. Entre stas mencionaremos la conmocin, la
fractura del crneo con compresin cerebral, las cefaleas de antigua data, la meningitis, la
apopleja, la inflamacin ocular con extravasaciones y an hemorragias retinianas en las que
favorece la resorcin de los cogulos sanguneos, la sordera, la epistaxis, los dientes
recientemente obturados y las afecciones resultantes de golpes sobre el estmago u otras
En cierta ocasin cur a un hombre que estaba sufriendo desde haca varios aos de lo
que l y su mdico haban denominado dispepsia. Se haba visto precisado a abandonar su
trabajo porque no poda comer lo suficiente como para mantener sus fuerzas. Su mdico le
haba dicho que jams podra estar de nuevo sano e incluso l haba perdido toda esperanza.
Esta afeccin haba sido causada por la coz de un caballo sobre la regin epigstrica. Unas
pocas dosis de Arnica 200 lo curaron en poco tiempo y pudo reintegrarse a sus ocupaciones.
"Dolor de los rganos genitales despus del parto; previene las hemorragias y la
"Slo la cabeza o solo la cara, estn calientes; el resto del cuerpo, fresco."
Individuos pletricos, de cara roja, ojos inyectados, labios secos, hinchados y agrietados
hipersensibles y que temen ser golpeados.
Produce bajo la piel equimosis como las de una contusin; favorece la resorcin de sangre
extravasada, evitando la supuracin. Es til para cualquier dolencia causada por
traumatismos lejanos. Si no hay contraindicacin, arnica deber emplearse para el
surmenage muscular, esguinces, torceduras, contusiones. Pero para la debilidad de
tendones que puede seguir a cualquiera de los estados anteriores, no es suficiente,
debindose recurrir a RHUS TOX, su complemento natural. Si la debilidad y sensibilidad
dolorosa persisten en las articulaciones, a RHUS deber seguir calcrea, cuidando de no
suministrar todos estos remedios el mismo da, sino despus de esperar la accin que
cada uno de ellos debe ejercer. Puede ocurrir que tengamos que recurrir tambin a
CAUST., STAPH., etc., los cuales estn ms o menos relacionados con ARNICA, RHUS
ARNICA SANGRA FCILMENTE :La tonicidad de sus vasos sanguneos parece relajada y
facilita la extravasacin. Se forman manchas equimticas en a piel; las mucosas y
regiones inflamadas sangran fcilmente. Proclive a estados catarrales, y si se resfra
A) Lateralidad
B) Agravacin
C) Mejora
Sntomas mentales
misantropa sino por fatiga). ANSIOSO HIPOCONDRIACO, en los momentos de mayor
aprensin se espanta o se desespera imaginando toda clase de cosas angustiantes,
especialmente si sufre del corazn o tiene alguna perturbacin orgnica profunda (Kent).
Mientras responde a una pregunta, cae en profundo estupor y antes determinar, cae en
somnolencia. Si el mdico lo taca o lo sacude para despertarlo, responde a una primera
pregunta, pero enseguida cae en estupor y le dice al mdico : "Yo no le he llamado, no lo
necesito". Luego volver a dormirse, encogido, gruendo cada vez que se le hable; tal
estado reclama ARNICA. Estupor con prdida involuntaria de orina o materia fecal, en
enfermedades infecciosas de formas graves: tifoidea con delirio, delirium tremens
CABEZA CALIENTE, RESTO DEL CUERPO FRO; slo la cabeza o la cara estn
calientes. Es una caracterstica de los ataques congestivos repentinos, y a veces es el
comienzo de una crisis seria. En los nios con cabeza caliente y extremidades fras puede
pensarse en BELL., pero hay que tener cuidado en la diferenciacin, pues si los pacientes
no quieren que se les toque, si gritan si uno se acerca a ellos, si estudiamos bien el caso
constataremos que se debe a la sensacin de magulladura y al dolor que padecen; por
ltimo desvistiendo al enfermo, encontraremos las manchas equimticas que reforzarn
la indicacin de ARNICA (Kent).
Sensacin de tener un clavo clavado en el crneo, o como si aplicaran algo fro sobre la
cabeza. VRTIGO, principalmente al enderezarse, al mover la cabeza y al caminar.
APOPLEJA, con pulso pleno y fuerte, respiracin estertorosa paralizada. Por la rigidez
tetnica del cuerpo y la facies violcea, puede inducir a pensaren OPIUM.
Aparato digestivo
CON OLOR A HUEVO PODRIDO (Nash). El olor repugnante es un indicio de
ARNICA. Las deposiciones tienen un olor extremadamente repugnante. (Kent).
BOCA SECA CON SED; lengua seca, cubierta de una capa blanca.
Aparato urinario
rganos genitales
Entre reglas, puede haber prdidas de sangre con sensacin de magulladura en la regin
Dolores en las vas genitales despus del parto; dando ARNICA en tales circunstancias
previene hemorragias y complicaciones puerperales; tambin es conveniente para
hemorragias uterinas de origen traumtico
Aparato respiratorio
Aparato circulatorio
El paciente de ARNICA sufre del corazn; puede sentir puntos dolorosos en regin
precordial o sensacin de magulladura acompaada de fatiga intensa y gran debilidad.
Sensacin como si el corazn estuviese oprimido por un hilo o por una mano. (CACTUS).
Puede indicarse en hemorragias acompaadas de dolor en todo el cuerpo que est fro
mientras la cara est roja y caliente.
Espalda y extremidades
Dolores musculares en la espalda como si hubiese sido golpeado. (EN ACON., y BERB. el
dolor se relaciona con litiasis renal; RHUS TOX; RUTA).
Rigidez en todos los miembros, con sensacin de magulladura como si lo hubiesen golpeado.
Dolor que puede sobrevenir por esfuerzo prolongado o por exceso de ejercicio fsico. Es
interesante sealar la localizacin dolorosa en el dedo gordo del pie, acompaada de
tumefaccin brillante roja y caliente, hipersensible al menor contacto; el dolor es
intolerable como en un acceso de gota (Kent).
ARNICA es til en la fiebre cuando la cabeza est roja y caliente y el resto del cuerpo fro,
particularmente al atardecer y por la noche.
Por la noche hay mucha transpiracin agria, cida. Puede presentarse la sensacin como si el
cuerpo fuese regado con agua fra.
El paciente de Arnica es triste, desea estar solo, que no se le hable, que no se le acerquen,
no quiere entablar conversacin, un estado mental, y tambin por estar dolorido. Estos
son los dos sntomas ms notables en esta medicina. Irritabilidad, mal humor, triste,
tmido, temeroso, fcilmente asustado, imagina toda clase de cosas, especialmente que
posee una afeccin al corazn, o que se gangrenar ; o que algn profundo problema
aparece en l. Tiene pesadillas, sueos espantosos, sueos de aguas turbias, ladrones,
etc. Horror durante la noche. Frecuentemente se levanta por la noche, con opresin del
corazn., tiene la apariencia de gran horror, teme que algo espantoso pudiera pasar. Un
repentino temor a la muerte aparece en este momento, levantndolo del lecho; siente
opresin en el corazn, y piensa que morir repentinamente. Aquejado de una terrible
angustia, pero finalmente se recobra, yace sobre la cama y entra en un sueo de terror,
salta otra vez con el temor de una muerte repentina y dice: "Llamen a un doctor
enseguida". Esto se repite noche tras noche en personas que estn bien durante el da,
las cuales no despiertan compasin debido a que no parece existir realidad en su
enfermedad, slo un estado mental. Esto tambin se nota en personas que han tenido un
accidente de tren, o algn shock, los que estn doloridos y daados por algn incidente.
Se levantan durante la noche con el temor a una repentina muerte, con expresin de
terror; los horrores que realmente pasan se repiten. Esto es similar a Opium, solamente
el miedo de Opium permanece, an durante el da. Con Arnica suea con esto.
Cuando esta en cama enfermo con una enfermedad cimtica, con fiebre violenta, o con
fiebre luego de un accidente o herida, se torna muy postrado, estpido e inconsciente.
El paciente puede ser despertado y contestar una pregunta correctamente, pero le
aparece estupor, o se excita por una palabra y es incapaz de encontrar las respuestas
correctas cuando est tratando de contestar y vuelve a entrar en coma. Cuando se
despierta mira al doctor y dice: "No lo quiero a Ud.; no lo mand llamar; no estoy
enfermo; no necesito un doctor". Dir esto an estando seriamente enfermo. He visto a
un paciente de Arnica yacer sobre su espalda y sobre su almohada luego de llenarse su
estmago de un fluido negro como sangre, seriamente enfermo, con la cara moteada,
con enfermedad cimtica o como si trataran un resfro maligno, que uno podra pensar
que se estara por morir, mira y dice: "No estoy enfermo; no lo mand llamar; vyase a
su casa". Cuando gozaba de buena salud era amigable, de buen corazn, me conoca
bien, complacido de estrechar manos conmigo; pero ahora est irritado al verme all e
insiste que no le pasa nada. Ese es el estado de shock, casi un delirio. Luego de
terminar tal frase yacer en un estado de estupor, yacer sobre la cama encogido, y
meramente gruir cuando hable. Desea que lo dejen solo, desea no ser molestado, desea
que no le hablen. Ese estado se anuncia con dolores luego de un shock que ha sacudido
todo el sistema, que ha perturbado la circulacin. Cuando aparece un sntoma de
tifoidea, cuando aparece un sntoma intermitente o remitente, el cual es de carcter
tifoideo, cuando la lengua aparece untuosa, y los dientes y labios pastosos, cuando hay
dolores en todo el cuerpo, hay momentos en que aparece este estado mental y el
paciente debe tener Arnica. Arnica interrumpir el progreso y prevenir un estado
tifoideo. Es adecuado tambin para escarlatina, cuando la erupcin todava. no ha
salido, en aquellas formas graves en que el cuerpo est oscuro, moteado y cubierto con
manchas rojas; el paciente est constantemente dando vueltas y en ese estado mental
aparece con mal humor, y estupidez. Este es un maravilloso remedio, aunque mal
entendido, mal empleado, porque est casi siempre limitado a contusiones. Constituye
una esperanza en ciertas pocas del ao, en los valles de malaria del Oeste, para fiebre
intermitente. En resfros congestivos, en aquellos espantosos ataques con postracin,
estupor, piel moteada, con congestin que aparece repentinamente, con ansiedad. Los
doctores conocen estas fiebres, le temen a ellas, y solamente pueden lidiar con ellas
usando remedios tales como Arnica y Lachesis y otra medicina de accin profunda. No
es cierto que estos pacientes deben tener Quinine. Durante muchos aos he practicado
con estos casos, y he visto muchos resfros congestivos y no necesit Quinine. Prefiero
tener mi repertorio y algunas potencias que toda la Quinine que hay en las farmacias.
Las pldoras de azcar curan con seguridad, permanente y dulcemente mientras que la
Quinine nunca lo hace, suprime el efecto y no hay nada en la historia posterior de este
paciente drogado con Quinine y Arsenic, sino congestin y violencia prolongada
durante toda su vida.
"Horror a la muerte instantnea, con irregularidades cardacas durante la noche". Ese horror
a una muerte instantnea es una caracterstica sorprendente y aparece en atencin a la
enfermedad del corazn. Un horror durante la noche cuando no hay nada que pueda
sorprenderlo; una congestin horrible, la cual afecta especialmente el cerebelo y la
parte superior de la mdula espinal.
Ahora, entendiendo este estado mental, estamos preparados para tomar en cuenta el estado
fsico general, el cual posee, en todas sus molestias, en todo el cuerpo un sentimiento
como si estuviera magullado. No es extrao que Arnica sea utilizado para moretones,
pero es muy tonto ponerlo en la parte exterior y frotarlo como una tintura. Esto produce
en su patognesis manchas moteadas, como magullones. Si se usa Arnica internamente,
en grandes dosis, se observarn manchas moteadas, manchas azulinas, las cuales se
tornan amarillentas, debido a equimosis, a la extravasacin de los capilares ms
pequeos. Esto es, en el ms amplio sentido, lo que ocurre con los moretones. Es una
extravasacin de la sangre desde los capilares, y a veces desde las venas ms grandes.
Pero en todo el cuerpo el paciente est dolorido y magullado, como si hubiera sido
golpeado. Si se observa un paciente de Arnica, para conseguir las manifestaciones
externas de su estado, se lo ver movindose y dando vueltas. Se preguntar Ud. en
seguida, por qu est sin descansar: y si Ud. compara remedios mentalmente, ver que es
como Rhus tox.; el paciente est en un lugar un momento y luego se mueve. No
importa que est semi-consciente, se lo ver hacer o dar vueltas, avanzar un poco, luego
otro poco, y as hasta que se encuentra del otro lado. Luego comienza de nuevo, se
cambiar un poquito, y ms tarde algo ms, y as se vuelve de un lugar a otro. La
pregunta es, por qu se mueve as, por qu no descansa? Es un importante problema
para resolver. Notamos la terrible ansiedad del paciente de Arsenicum que lo mantiene
en movimiento todo el tiempo. Notamos dolor difcil que siente en todo el cuerpo en el
paciente de Rhus, por lo tanto no puede mantenerse quieto. El paciente de Arnica est
tan dolorido que solo puede yacer sobre un lado un momento, y debe permanecer sobre
el otro lado o levantarse. Por lo tanto si se le pregunta: "Por qu se mueve as?", l
contestar que la cama est dura. Esa es una manera de decir que el cuerpo est dolorido.
Un individuo ms inteligente dir que es a causa de su dolor y siente magullones y
golpes y desea ir a otro lado. Este estado de dolor, est presente si hay una tifoidea
sintomtica, fiebre intermitente, fiebre remitente, o luego. de una herida cuando est
todo magullado realmente. Se observa la misma continua dificultad y movimiento,
movindose a cada minuto. El paciente se mueve y piensa que ahora estar confortable,
pero est confortable slo por un segundo. El dolor aumenta cuanto ms quieto est, y
el dolor aumenta en tal forma, que se ve obligado a moverse. Con Rhus tox. cunto ms
quieto el paciente est ms cansado se siente y ms dolorido, hasta que siente que volar
si no se mueve. Con Rhus tox. las dificultades desaparecen con el movimiento, y con
Arnica los dolores desaparecen si cambia de lugar. Con Arsenicum se ve al paciente
movindose y aparece como salvaje, y est ansioso, y esta ansiedad lo obliga a
moverse, y no consigue descansar, porque se mantiene movindose. Los pacientes de
Rhus tox. y Arnica se alivian con pequeos movimientos.
En todo el cuerpo aparece cojera, dolores, y se siente como magullado; una cojera
reumtica; las articulaciones estn hinchadas, con dolor y con cojera. Si una
enfermedad ms aguda se torna ms grave, encontraremos los sntomas mentales que
hemos descrito, y existir un aumento de dolor en los msculos. Arnica es muy
conveniente para ese dolor, afeccin de magulladura en todo el cuerpo, por lo tanto
Arnica es un remedio muy importante en heridas, magulladuras y shocks, heridas de las
articulaciones, heridas de la espalda con cojera y dolor. En tales afecciones Arnica
aparece como uno de los primeros remedios, a menos que existan otros sntomas
generales que indiquen otro medicamento, ste ser el primero. Arnica muy a menudo
hace desaparecer todos los dolores de una torcedura de tobillos y le permite al paciente,
caminar en unos pocos das, con la consiguiente sorpresa de todos. La apariencia negra
y azul de torcedura de las articulaciones desaparecern en un breve lapso. y el dolor
tambin, y el paciente podr manipular esa articulacin con sorprendente facilidad. He
visto un tobillo dislocado cuando estaba negro y azul, tan hinchado que el zapato no se
poda calzar, pero luego de una dosis de Arnica, la hinchazn desapareci de un modo
asombroso, y el paciente pudo pararse sobre su pie. Tal alivio no puede obtenerse con
una locin de Arnica por fuera. Una potencia alta de Arnica es ms satisfactoria en
cojeras, y cuando no existe una contraindicacin Arnica es el primer remedio; pero por
la debilidad de los tendones que le sigue, tal estado de Arnica no es siempre suficiente;
y luego Rhus tox. es su seguidor natural. Si la debilidad y sensibilidad permanecen en
las articulaciones, siga a Rhus con Calcarea. Uno, por supuesto, no dar todos estos
remedios el mismo da, y en el mismo vaso, pero esperar que todas las influencias de
Arnica hayan desaparecido para suministrar Rhus. Es un caso muy comn en dolores y
falta de descanso y debilidad, tomar en cuenta las zonas heridas y Rhus se convierte en.
un remedio adecuado; y es muy comn en articulaciones que han sido mal tratadas
permanecen doloridas y dbiles, y Calcarea constituye el continuador natural de Rhus.
Ahora y luego debemos recurrir a Causticum, Staphisagria, y a otros remedios, debido a
las caractersticas peculiares del caso, pero todos estos medicamentos estn
relacionadas ms o menos con Arnica, Rhus y Calcarea. Para otros casos de heridas se
puede comparar Ledum e Hypericum.
Arnica es til en casos crnicos, en especial en casos viejos de gota. Ver al abuelo sentado
en un rincn de la habitacin, y si el pequeo Johnnie va corriendo hacia l, le dir ,
"Oh, vete, vete". Denle una dosis de Arnica y permitir que se acerque Johnnie. No
desea ser tocado; siente que todo lo que se le aproxima lo lastimara. Es
extremadamente sensible, sus articulaciones estn doloridas y delicadas, y el abuelo
tiene miedo que puedan ser lastimadas.
Esta medicina tiene inflamacin erisipelatosa. Si tiene una erisipela en la cara con el estado
mental descrito, sintiendo magulladura en todo el cuerpo, no debe esperar mucho para
prescribir Arnica. En inflamacin de riones, vejiga, hgado, y an en neumona, el
estado mental le permitir realizar asombrosos trabajos en aquellas afecciones, aunque
Arnica no haya producido neumona. Posee todo lo que puede decirse de una ruda
expectoracin, con todos los dolores en el pecho y estado catarral, la tos y el asco, y
dolor, magullones en todo el cuerpo, y luego agregue a todo esto el estado de estupor y
la afeccin mental que pertenece a la dolencia inflamatoria de cualquier rgano, y es
especialmente fuerte en esta medicina. No debemos atormentarnos acerca de cualquier
perfeccin de diagnosis a fijar sobre Arnica.
Arnica aborrece la carne, el pan y la leche. Existe mucha sed en determinados momentos;
por ejemplo, durante el escalofro de la fiebre intermitente; el enfermo tiene sed, a
veces. "Vomita cogulos colorado-oscuros, boca amarga; dolores generales". Vmitos
de substancias negras, como tinta.
Una caracterstica general del remedio es tambin la permanencia del cuerpo fro y la
cabeza caliente; todo el cuerpo y las extremidades estn fras, pero la cabeza se siente
caliente. Esta es una marcada dolencia en ataques congestivos repentinos, en resfros y
en fiebres intermitentes congestivas. Esto, es a veces, el comienzo de un ataque grave
cuando no ha habido ninguna advertencia expuesta excepto una o dos noches de mal
sueo y angustia, temor y estupefaccin, con dolores en el cuerpo. Nios que estn con
ataques graves de fiebre infantil les pueden aparecer convulsiones, la cabeza est
caliente y el cuerpo est fro. La mayora de los mdicos pensarn en Belladona, el cual
produce tal fro en las extremidades y tal calor en la cabeza. No se olvide de Arnica,
especialmente en aquellos nios que parecen tener aversin a ser tocados, y chillan
cada vez que su madre los toma de los brazos o piernas. Introdzcase en la historia un
poco y ver que esto es dolor, y si se desnuda al nio se observan manchas oscuras, lo
cual da una indicacin adicional de Arnica.
Este es un medicamento para tos convulsa; fcilmente se pueden conjeturar cules son las
indicaciones para este caso; se agrava cuando se lo toca, dolor de magulladura, tos
espasmdica con expectoracin de sangre, o mucus con estrias de sangre oscura, o
pequeos puntitos en la mucosidad. Vmitos de la comida con mucosidad negra. El
estado mental del nio se lo puede imaginar fcilmente. El nio est colrico. "Tos
excitada por gritos en los nios cuando est acompaada de enojo y sacudidas".
"Paroxismo de tos durante la noche". "Tos convulsa, el nio grita antes del paroxismo
como lo hara al temer a los dolores". Puede aplicar fcilmente lo que hemos visto en el
remedio a las varias enfermedades que aparecen. Dolores punzantes en tos convulsa,
dolores pleurales con catarro de pecho, con neumona o pleuresa, enfermedades
inflamatorias. Tiene tambin ms dolores prolongados. "Degeneracin grasosa del
corazn". Punzadas en la regin cardiaca, especialmente de izquierda a derecha.
"Fatigado, magullado, dolores, gran debilidad, debe recostarse, aunque la cama la siente
muy dura".
Tambin es llamada comunmente veneno del leopardo. La tintura debe prepararse con
las races de la planta, ms bien que con las flores; pues estas son infestadas por un insecto
cuyo cuerpo y huevos, al ser includos en la tintura, modifican considerablemente la
accin de la droga pura, y naturalmente le agregan sntomas ajenos a la accin genuina de
Arnica. Tambin se encuentra un aceite esencial en las flores de esta planta que difiere ms
o menos del aceite que se obtiene de sus races. No me explico por qu se le ha dado a esta
planta tan poco venenosa, el nombre de veneno del leopardo. Si es cierto que se han dado
algunos casos de defuncin debidos a su uso excesivo, casi todos se han referido a las
preparaciones obtenidas con las flores; por tanto, no es difcil que a esto hayan obedecido
los resultados fatales.
La especie de Arnica, que es oficinal en nuestra Materia Mdica, o sea la Arnica
montana, no se da en Amrica pues es indgena de Europa; tiene un aceite esencial que
contiene un alcaloide no bien conocido, llamado Arnicina y una substancia amilcea,
conocida con el nombre de Inulina. Para comprender debidamente los efectos de Arnica en
su totalidad, debemos saber cmo afecta a los vasos sanguneos Cmo obra exactamente?
me es difcil decirlo, porque no est claramente definido en mi mente; pero puedo
hablarles de sus efectos y explicarlos. Afecta de tal manera los vasos sanguneos, con
particularidad los capilares, que hace posible la dilatacin de estos pequeos vasos y la
extravasacin de la sangre. Este debilitamiento de las paredes capilares que permite la
extravasacin, explica el uso de Arnica en las afecciones traumticas; as como tambin en
los estados tifoideos. Ahora bien, teniendo en cuenta que Arnica altera los capilares en esta
forma, de tal manera que la sangre puede escaparse a travs de sus paredes, podremos
comprender sus sntomas. Parece producir un estasis venenoso que de lugar a
extravasacin. Esta extravasacin o escurrimiento de sangre, no puede verificarse en un
vaso sano.
Arnica est indicado en los efectos agudos y crnicos de las constituciones. Los casos
a los que se adapta Arnica, son : contusiones simples en las que las equmosis estn bien
marcadas ; confusiones cerebrales y espinales o cerebro-espinales. En estos ltimos casos
Arnica es un medicamento sin igual. Incluso la compresin cerebral est comprendida en
la accin curativa de Arnica, ya sea resultado del desplazamiento de un fragmento seo,
consecuencia de una fractura craneana o de un derrame sanguineo en la cavidad. En el
primero de estos casos, claro esta, Arnica no podra curar, pues habra necesidad de recurrir
a medios quirurgicos para conseguir la curacin permanente. Puede hacerse uso de Arnica
en las contusiones musculares producidas por un esfuerzo violento o por una torcedura
repentina, como cuando se levantan grandes fardos y en las hemorragias de origen
mecnico. Las fracturas seas pueden reclamar el uso de Arnica, tanto al exterior como al
interior, para aliviar la tumefaccin de las partes afectadas, asi como los subsaltos
musculares que aparecen como sntomas reflejos de las fracturas. En los efectos cronicos
de las contusiones se puede usar Arnica, en las enfermedades que, siendo aparentemente
extraas a la sintomatologa del medicamento, reconocen, sin embargo, un orgen
traumtico. No importa qu enfermedad sea, del cerebro, de los ojos, del los pulmones, de
los nervios, si la causa productora ha sido una contusin la indicacin de Arnica ser
Adems, como Arnica obra indudablemente sobre el tejido muscular mismo, puede ser
de utilidad en las enfermedades de los mismos msculos; por ejemplo, cuando se ha estado
trabajando afanosamente, resultando de esto un adolorimiento o magullamiento de todo el
cuerpo, dando una sensacin de como si estuviera golpeado, o tambin, cuando el trabajo
rudo ha producido una hipertrofia cardaca. Esto ltimo. estrictamente hablando, no es una
enfermedad, pero sus consecuencias ltimas, si conducen a ella. El corazn es un musculo
que puede, bajo el estmulo del ejercicio desarrollarse tanto como sucede por ejemplo con
el biceps. Como resultado de la hipertrofia cardaca, el enfermo se queja de hinchazon en
las manos, con cualquier ejercicio. La mano toma un tinte ms rojo de lo natural y se
hincha cuando el brazo es suspendido. Se ver que el pulso es lleno y fuerte. Cuando ha
llegado a este punto la hipertrofia cardaca, se presentan sntomas locales adems de los ya
mencionados. El corazn se siente como si fuera comprimido con fuerza por una mano; el
pecho todo, est dolorido y magullado y el enfermo no tolera el roce de la ropa.
La sensacin de opresin cardiaca como por una mano, nos recuerda desde luego a
Cactus. Sin embargo, en Cactus, estos sntomas no son de origen traumtico.
La sensibilidad del pecho nos recuerda a Lachesis, pero Arnica se distingue en que no
hay, como en aquel la sensibilidad de los nervios perifricos, sino una verdadera sensacin
de magullamiento, producida por la plenitud de los vasos sanguneos.
Otros medicamentos que deben ser comparados con Arnica en la hipertrofia cardaca,
son :
Voy a mencionar ahora los sntomas tifoideos de Arnica, que, aunque muy diferentes a
los que acabo de sealar, dependen, sin embargo, del mismo estado de los vasos
Los cambios verificados en estos por las toxinas de la tifoidea, favorecen la formacin
de equimosis en diferentes partes del cuerpo. Hay tambin una congestin cerebral pasiva;
que se manifiesta por la somnolencia y la indiferencia a todos los que le rodean y an a su
misma enfermedad. El enfermo se queda dormido al contestar las preguntas que se le
hacen, justamente como sucede en Baptisia. Con estos sntomas encontramos, casi
siempre, que "la cabeza est caliente y el cuerpo fro, o al menos, no est caliente",
traduciendo esto una gran diferencia entre la temperatura de la cabeza y la del resto del
cuerpo. Este sntoma ha sido confirmado muchas veces y es bueno tenerlo siempre
presente. El paciente se queja de una sensacin de magullamiento en todo el cuerpo, al
grado de que la cama la siente demasiado dura. Est inquieto y cambia de sitio en su
propia cama, buscando un ugar blando para descansar; sin embargo, la causa no radica en
la cama sino en l mismo. Aparecen equimosis en el dorso, debidos a la congestin
hiposttica. Los pulmones se afectan revelndose tambin en esto, la naturaleza de la
accin de Arnica.. Hay una tos con expectoracin de moco y sangre. Si conserva el
conocimiento, se queja de una sensacin de adolorimiento y magulladura en las paredes
torcicas. A medida que la enfermedad avanza, Arnica puede estar indicado cuando la
presin sangunea en el cerebro, es suficientemente fuerte para producir sntomas
apoplticos. La respiracin se vuelve difcil y an estertorosa. La mandbula inferior est
colgante. Aparecen petequias en la piel y las materias fecales y orina, escapan
involuntariamente; el enfermo, como es natural, yace en estado de estupor. Los sntomas
tifoideos precedentes, son los que corresponden a Arnica.
Ahora veremos su accin muscular: Arnica produce una verdadera mialgia,
presentndose dolores musculares en cualquier parte del cuerpo; son de origen traumtico
o pueden venir por el ejercicio exagerado; las partes afectadas se sienten doloridas y
magulladas, detalle tan importante para la eleccin del medicamento.
Debe pensarse en Calendula para las heridas con desgarro y posiblemente con prdida
de substancia. Calendula, combatiendo la inflamacin de las partes afectadas, favorece la
formacin de granulaciones cicatriciales.
Hypericum debe sstituir a Arnica cuando han sido lesionados los nervios a la vez que
las dems partes blandas. Hyperiucm no tiene rival en las machacaduras de los dedos, pues
alivia el dolor y promueve la cicatrizacin; frecuentemente sigue bien a Arnica en las
conmociones medulares. El Dr. Ludlam, de Chicago, es partidario de Hypericum en estos
accidentes medulares. Ha aliviado algunos casos graves con l.
Arnica tiene accin sobre la piel produciendo furnculos en todo el cuerpo. Se inician
por dolor y llegan hasta la supuracin, siendo seguidos de otros brotes. Puede usarse
tambin en los abscesos y diviesos que han supurado parcialmente, pero que en vez de
evacuar el contenido, se retraen por la absorcin del pus. Arnica aplicado interior y
exteriormente corrige este defecto, llevndolos a su maduracin.
Siguiendo el estudio de Arnica, deseo llamar la atencin acerca de los efectos que
produce en el canal alimenticio. Est indicado en la dispepsia, cuando despus de las
comidas hay amenaza de apopleja con cefalalga pulstil y somnolencia; tambin cuando
hay cierta dificultad en la digestin; el aliento es ftido; hay sarro viscoso y amarillento en
la lengua; eructos que tienen sabor de huevos pudridos; distensin timpnica del abdomen
y deyecciones ftidas.
Clnica.- Aborto. Absceso. Agotamiento. Aliento ftido. Apoplejia. Bazo, dolor. Bostezos.
Bronquitis. Callos. Calvicie. Carbunco. Cefalea. Cerebro, afecciones de. Calambre.
Corazn, afecciones de. Corea. Diabetes. Diarrea. Disentera. Equimosis. Espalda,
dolores en. Excoriaciones. Fiebre traumtica. Furnculos. Golpes (contusiones). Gusto,
trastornos de. Hematemesis. Hematocele plvico. Hematuria. Heridas. Impotencia.
Lumbago. Meningitis. Mentales trastornos. Nariz afecciones de. Ojo morado. Ojos,
afecciones de. Parlisis. Parto. Pezones inflamados. Pies, inflamados. Pecho, afecciones
de. Pioemia. Piquetes de insectos. Pleurodinia. Prpura. Reumatismo. Sed. Supuracin.
Torceduras. Tos ferina. Tumores. Ulcera de decbito. Voz, afecciones de.
Caractersticas.- Crece en las montaas. Arnica se dice que posee una afinidad nativa a los
efectos de las cadas. Como su nombre en alemn Falkraut, atestigua su valor como un
vulnerario (cura heridas) que se ha conocido desde remotos tiempos. Se puede decir
que es el traumtico por excelencia. Traumatismos en todas sus variedades y efectos,
recientes o remotos, se encuentran en Arnica como en ningn otro medicamento, y las
experimentaciones nos dan lo apropiado del medicamento en los sntomas que causa.
Tumores en muchos lugares que siguen a traumatismos, se han curado con Arnica,
incluyendo tumores cirrosos de mama. Afecciones nerviosas como corea despus de
cadas. Se adapta a personas pletricas con cara roja; "Arnica se adapta particularmente
a personas sanguneas, pletricas, con tez vvida y tendencia a la congestin cerebral.
Acta dbilmente en personas que son positivamente debilitadas con empobrecimiento
de la sangre y tejidos blandos. Esto puede ser la razn por la que es comido con
impunidad por animales herbvoros como lo seala Linneus" (Teste). Se adapta a
personas que son extremadamente sensibles a lesiones mecnicas, y quienes sienten los
efectos de ellos por largo tiempo despus; personas que fcilmente se marean en barco
o tren. Pacientes que se quejan que la cama est dura, no importa que tan blanda pueda
estar. Arnica corresponde a los efectos de tos violenta o estornudo; el nio llora antes
de toser (o con la tos) en tos ferina. Bronquitis crnica cuando el paciente se ha
lastimado, dolor dbil en el pecho o gran sensibilidad en el pecho al esfuerzo o caminar.
Relacionado a las heridas y hemorragias, y Arnica causa y cura muchas clases de
hemorragias; dilatacin y ruptura de pequeos vasos sanguneos. Vmito, tos, diarrea
se acompaan de estras de sangre en sus eliminaciones; extravasacin de sangre en la
conjuntiva como en tos ferina. Hemorragias en los tejidos de rganos internos o en la
piel. Un sntoma impar de Arnica es "frialdad en la nariz"." Un caso de neuralgia facial
izquierda, cara hinchada, roja obscura, muy sensible al tacto, fue curada con Arnica
(radix), el sntoma gua fue "Nariz fra". Paciente tena gusto amargo; muy excitable, y
< en la noche. Ussher nota que el uso local de Arnica produce un extraordinario
crecimiento de cabello en una extremidad. Esto sugiere el uso de un aceite mezclado
con Arnica 1x en caso de calvicie, que fue seguido con xito marcado. Arnica afecta la
extremidad superior izquierda y el pecho derecho. Hay putridez en relacin con las
excreciones de Arnica como en Baptisia, que se parece en estados tifodicos: aliento
ptrido, sudor ptrido. Con Arnica es capaz de aumentar el paso de heces y orina en
estos estados. Nash da lo siguiente como indicaciones: "Estupor, con eliminacin
involuntaria de heces y orina." "Temor de ser tocado o golpeado por aquellos que se le
acercan." "Olor ptrido de la boca." "Golpeado, sensacin de adolorido en la regin
uterina; no puede caminar erecta." "Mientras contesta cae en un estupor profundo antes
de terminar." " Cabeza sola o cara sola, calientes; resto del cuerpo fro." "Muchos
pequeos furnculos, dolorosos, uno tras de otro, extremadamente adoloridos."
"Sbito", es un aspecto de los dolores de Arnica y de sus acciones. P.P. Wells relata una
cura de pleuro-neumona doble en un nio con dolores encajantes sbitos en ambos
lados del pecho casi le evitaban respirar. Arnica instantneamente causa una violenta
agravacin, al siguiente instante la mejora es perfecta, y el nio se duerme respirando
naturalmente. Una vez atraves con una pieza de alambre, la punta de uno de mis
dedos, causando dolor paralizante. Apliqu Arnica 1x al momento, y el dolor se mejor
instantneamente- parece que limpia el punto de la lesin hasta el brazo. Hay < en
humedad, tiempo fro con Arnica, que est incluido por Grauvogl entre los
medicamentos que se adaptan a constituciones hidrogenoides (comparar Baryt. c. ).
Movimiento y esfuerzo <. (Golpeado, sensacin de adolorido en el pecho al caminar). >
acostado y acostado con la cabeza baja; pero < acostado sobre el lado izquierdo. Arnica
no debe ser usado externamente cuando la piel est rota. Por desgarros y heridas
lacerantes, Calendula debe ser usada localmente.