Supergene Oxidation of Copper Deposits PDF
Supergene Oxidation of Copper Deposits PDF
Supergene Oxidation of Copper Deposits PDF
Copper oxides represent an attractive exploration target Oxidos de cobre comprenden una fuente importante del metal rojo,
because even low-grade prospects have the potential to especialmente en yacimientos aptos para tratamiento del tipo lixiviacin
produce low-cost copper in an environmentally friendly recuperacin por solventeselectrowinning. Este artculo describe la zonacin
fashion. Derived from hypogene and/or supergene sulfides, y ocurrencia de los xidos de cobre derivados por procesos suprgenos
copper oxides comprise a series of distinct assemblages that afectando a un protolito con sulfuros de cobre y fierro, hospedado por varias
characterize a variable pH, oxidizing geochemical asociaciones mineralgicas de alteracin. Los yacimientos considerados son
environment known as the oxide zone. Development of principalmente prfidos de cobre y molibdeno, y sistemas tipo skarn.
oxide copper minerals is a function of source-rock and Geoquimcamente, el mineral ms importante que influye la distribucin de
host-rock mineralogy, pyrite and other (copper) sulfide los productos de meteorizacin de un yacimiento metalfero del tipo prfido de
abundance and distribution, fracture density and cobre es la pirita. Este mineral genera, en cantidades importantes, cido
distribution, phreatic and/or vadose zone occurrence and sulfrico (SO4= y H+) y fierro (Fe+++ y Fe++). Estos componentes de soluciones
stability, and maturity of the weathering profile. metericas (suprgenas) funcionan como lixiviantes, produciendo mobilizacin
The paragenesis of copper oxide mineral formation de cobre y otros metales bsicos desde el volumen de la roca lixiviada y
reflects local, dynamic changes in supergene solution resultando en la formacin de la capa lixiviada (leached capping; vase Figura
composition attributable to reaction between host-rock 1). Estos componentes acumulan, influido por la geoqumica de la roca husped
mineral components and dissolved species. Especially y de las soluciones que transportan estos componentes, en forma de xidos y/o
important are the concentrations of Fe+++ (vs. Fe++), SO4=, sulfuros, formando un volumen de roca enriquecida en metales y azufre.
H+, and Cu++ (vs. Cu+). Because mineral assemblages, even En la zona de xidos, minerales que contienen cobre oxidado (Cu++, con
those that are metastable, represent the geochemical menor Cu + y cobre nativo) comprenden la fuente principal de cobre. La
environment in which they formed, identification and paragnesis de los xidos refleja los cambios geoqumicos en las soluciones que
mapping of copper oxides is useful in interpreting the proveen el cobre con respeto al tiempo. As, la precipitacin de los xidos
geochemical history of an oxide zone. Furthermore, sigue, por lo general, la secuencia detallada en las figuras 3 y 4. Desarrollo de la
practical application of oxide zone geochemistry is secuencia vertical y/o lateral de xidos de cobre es una funcin de (1) el tiempo
significant in the recognition and solution of problems disponible para meteorizacin e acumulacin (maturity of supply and storage)
associated with weathering-engendered metals oxidation de metales derivados de los sulfuros (madurz del perfil de meteorizacin), (2)
and transport from mine wastes. composicin y reactividad de la roca(s) fuente y de la roca(s) husped (3) pH de
soluciones transportadores de metales, (4) distribucin y densidad de estructuras
SPECIAL NOTE: Readers will find more information about the (fracturas, zonas de fracturamiento), y (5) estabilidd tectnico y fluctuacin
copper oxide minerals mentioned in this article by referring to the vertical del nivel fretico. Aplicaciones de la geoqumica de la zona de xidos es
SEG web site []. Photographs showing
mineral relationships and paragenetic associations allow readers importante en la solucin de problemas ambientales asociados con desechos de
minas, especialmente oxidacin y lixiviacin desde relaves,
to page 10 . . .
to further understand the nature of copper oxide assemblages
and their geochemical and physical settings. desmontes, y pilas de lixiviacin abandonadas.
... from 1 SUPERGENE OXIDATION OF deposits are characterized by minerals containing base metals and
COPPER SULFIDE DEPOSITS, CONT. reduced Fe and S. Figure 1 shows a schematic model of the
components of an oxidizing rock volume containing sulfides and the
INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND location of the oxide zone. In examples considered in this article,
Despite low metal prices, mining and exploration for copper the pre-oxidation sulfide assemblage (protore) consists of pyrite and
continue at a significant pace. Recovery of copper by leaching chalcopyrite, and contains sufficient pyrite to overcome at least
methods is economically more attractive than by conventional ore some neutralizing capacity of host-rock minerals. The oxide zone
milling, so many companies are concentrating their mining and consists of the rock volume in which copper oxide minerals are
exploration efforts on copper oxide minerals. This article describes stable and are the dominant copper minerals.
the nature and distribution of copper minerals occurring in oxide THE WEATHERING ENVIRONMENT
accumulations associated with weathering of copper sulfide
The weathering environment may be considered to have three
deposits, with emphasis on minerals that occur in the supergene
principal geochemical domains. Although the contacts between
oxide zones of porphyry copper and skarn ore deposits. Copper
these domains are gradational, each is characterized by distinct
oxides are defined as those copper minerals containing oxidized
conditions of oxidation state and pH. These three domains are (1) a
anions, especially copper oxides, sensu strictu, sulfates, phosphates,
source region, comprising the volume of rock undergoing oxidation
carbonates, and arsenates.
and mass loss; (2) a sink region(s), where mass from the source
The oxidation of sulfide minerals, especially pyrite, is critical in region accumulates and which includes residual (unreacted)
determining the geochemical environment that characterizes a hypogene minerals the oxide zone discussed in this paper
weathering sulfide-bearing rock volume. Sulfide destruction creates comprises part of this geochemical sink; and (3) protolith, the
solutions containing hydrogen ions, metal ions, and sulfate; these essentially unreacted material comprising pre-oxidation mineral
solutions must be at least partially neutralized if the metals of assemblages. In some cases, if warranted by the metal
economic significance are to be redeposited. One of the most concentrations, the protolith is termed protore or quasiprotore
important factors influencing the generation of the acid sulfate- (Alpers and Brimhall, 1989). The mineralogy of the source, sink, and
bearing solutions is the ratio of reduced sulfur to metal in sulfide protolith rock volumes varies according to whether mass transport
minerals before oxidation. from the source region to the sink region is geochemically
Weathering results in significant geochemical changes in the significant or minor. These geochemical domains are summarized in
oxidation state of a sulfide-bearing mineral deposit because most ore Table 1.
Figure 1: Schematic diagram showing the weathering environment of a sulfide-bearing mineral occurrence. Three component zones comprising the
simplified weathering profile are shown, with mineral assemblages characteristic of the oxide zone displayed to the right of the diagram. See Table 2 for
ranges of copper values in the zone of leaching.
... from 11 SUPERGENE OXIDATION OF sulfides; Locke, 1926) or gossan (developed from massive sulfide
COPPER SULFIDE DEPOSITS, CONT. bodies, including skarn-hosted sulfides).
The extent to which the leached capping, oxide volume, and
Other sources of acidic solutions, albeit generally minor
sulfide enrichment volume are developed depends on the amount of
compared to sulfides, include magnetite and Fe-bearing silicates.
Silicate minerals that contain Fe++ are susceptible to oxidation, and acid-producing sulfides in the rock volume, the neutralizing capacity
minerals such as biotite, Fe amphiboles, Fe pyroxenes, and Fe- of the minerals in the host rocks, the density and extent of host-rock
bearing garnets (e.g., the La Democrata skarn system in the Cananea fracturing, and the nature and duration of local and regional
district, Mxico) may contribute to the generation of acid solutions weathering conditions (Lpez and Titley, 1995). Although removal
during weathering. This is because ferric iron, produced during of metals from the leached capping may be very efficient, residual
mafic mineral oxidation, generates goethite plus hydrogen ions via copper and iron are always present in detectable quantities and
reactions such as: comprise the geochemical anomaliesboth positive and negative
important to minerals exploration and to environmental
Fe+++ + 3H2O = Fe(OH)3(s) + 3H+ (aq) (1) considerations of waste-rock disposal.
The same type of reaction explains why magnetite, a common Table 2 provides examples of the residual copper values reported
component of ore deposits, is capable of producing acid solutions from leached rock volumes over porphyry copper deposits. Copper
even from mineralized rocks having scant or no sulfide minerals. contributed from rock masses undergoing oxidation and removal of
metals and sulfate is transported by acid solutions, dominantly as
LEACHED CAPPINGS: cupric copper. Figure 3 shows the general parageneses for copper
SOURCES OF METALS phases related to different protolith sulfide assemblages for relatively
The metals that ultimately accumulate in the oxide or sulfide reactive protoliths.
enrichment zone are derived from the volume of rock that has Copper is mobile at low pH, so copper occurrence in some
undergone oxidation and metal removal, referred to as the leached environments may be represented by cupric ion as well as by
capping (developed from disseminated and fracture-controlled minerals. Although copper oxide minerals display a wide range of
Figure 3: Oxidation path diagram showing paragenesis of copper oxides derived from low to moderate total pyrite protoliths. Note that the ending
paragenesis, developed in geochemically mature copper oxide zones, comprises a series of Cu + Fe Mn oxides, dominated by hematite (rather than
goethite or jarosite).
... from 13 SUPERGENE OXIDATION OF mineralogically distinct because the geochemical conditions that
COPPER SULFIDE DEPOSITS, CONT. form the various assemblages are dictated by specific combinations
of sulfide and host-rock mineralogy, structural setting of the
oxidation generally leads to the development of local hematite
weathering rock mass, and lithologic variations.
goethite halos adjacent to the replaced mineral grain, accompanied
by copper oxides that are stable in the near-neutral to moderately These geochemical conditions produce the mappable mineral
low pH range. assemblages characteristic of the oxide zone. Interpretation of the
Figure 4 shows reaction paths for copper oxide minerals formed environment of formation of the mineral assemblages is an
within (1) reactive host rock and (2) relatively non-reactive host important part of the economic evaluation of copper oxide (and
rock, starting with a protolith containing pyrite, chalcopyrite, and sulfide) prospects. For example, chalcocite oxidation and leaching
minor bornite. The geochemical reactivity of host rocks is significant produces an assemblage of Fe oxides referred to as live limonites;
(Marozas, 1982; Pinson, 1992) because the quantity of silicate this term really refers to red hematite-dominant Fe oxide
minerals available for acid neutralization directly influences the local assemblages, generated as a result of copper removal by supergene
leaching and oxide zone geochemical environment. Although the solutions derived from residual acid production. Thus, the
abundance of reactive minerals is important in determining how a generation of red hematite during oxidation of supergene sulfides
rock mass will react to acidic solutions, reaction kinetics may inhibit having very minor iron may be explained by the oxidation of
the ability of a reactive protolith to neutralize acid, sulfate-bearing chalcocite in low-pyrite or high-pyrite environments, as in the
solutions. The relatively slow reaction of most silicates with acidic following reactions.
solutions generated via pyritic
sulfide oxidation is especially
notable in mine environmental
remediation studies in which
reactive silicates comprise part of
the acid-buffering component of a
mine waste (Walder and Chvez,
The mineralogy of the host rock
plays a very significant geochem-
ical role in the development of the
gangue and ore mineral assem-
blages occurring in the copper
oxide zone. This is because host-
rock silicates and oxides, compris-
ing the volumetrically dominant
minerals in the weathering environ-
ment, offer exchangeable cations
and thus are capable of consuming
hydrogen ions via hydrolysis. The
greater the quantity of reactive sili-
cates and oxides such as feldspars,
mafic minerals, and carbonates, the
greater the ability of a wall rock to
neutralize acid, sulfate-bearing
solutions. This buffering capacity is
limited in rock that has already
been subjected to phyllic, argillic,
and advanced argillic alteration,
because phyllosilicates and clays
characteristic of these assemblages
have only limited capacity to
exchange cations for H+.
In Figure 4, arrows show the
sequential development of copper
oxide and associated sulfides, with Figure 4: Paragenesis of copper oxides starting with a pyrite-dominant protolith. Copper oxide assemblages
are a function of successive oxidation-mobilization-accumulation cycles, with paths shown for geochemically
paths determined by protolith
reactive and nonreactive host rocks. Lower tier shows mineral assemblages resulting from various oxidation
sulfide ratios and the completeness scenarios, beginning with a supergene sulfide assemblage. The oxidation of sulfidic mine wastes mimics that
of weathering reactions. The paths shown here for natural systems, with corresponding applications for environmental remediation of abandoned
lead to oxide assemblages that are minesites.
A low total residual pyrite environment results in the formation of discusses copper mineral paragenesis and spatial zoning in the
substantial ferrous sulfate, which participates in oxidation reactions context of mineralogic associations, protolith compositions, and
as follows: host-rock alteration assemblages.
Copper deposits in which pyrite is a volumetrically significant
Cu2S(s) + 2Fe++SO4(aq) + H2O + 3O2 component are characterized by copper oxide assemblages reflecting
chalcocite + ferrous sulfate =
low pH environments. Pyrite rarely shows direct replacement by
Fe2O3(s) + 2CuSO4(aq) + H2SO4 copper oxides because the microenvironment developed by pyrite
red hematite + cupric sulfate (2) oxidation is usually so acidic that only copper sulfates and an
attendant series of iron sulfates, such as jarosite, coquimbite,
If residual pyrite content of an oxidizing protore is relatively copiapite, melanterite, and voltaite, are stable. For example, if pyrite
high, this results in generation of ferric sulfate, which participates in contents are such that the neutralizing capacity of host rock is
oxidation reactions as follows: exceeded and pH of <2 solutions are generated, the copper sulfate
minerals bonattite, chalcanthite, krhnkite and wroewulfite are
Cu2S(s) + Fe+++2(SO4)3(aq) + 2H2O + 2.5O2 stable (Table 3). These minerals form in the uppermost parts of the
chalcocite + ferric sulfate =
oxidation system, topographically above near-neutral pH-stable
Fe2O3(s) + 2CuSO4(aq) + 2H2SO4 sulfates such as brochantite, posnajkite, and antlerite. Evidence of
red hematite + cupric sulfate (3) such low pH conditions and the mineralogy produced in the oxide
zone is present at Chuquicamata (Jarrell, 1944), Fortuna de Cobre (R.
In each environment, copper is liberated and hematite takes the Nordin and R. Chavarra, pers. comm., 1999), Lomas Bayas, and
place of the now oxidized and dissolved copper sulfide. At least Cerro Alcaparosa, Chile. A similar environment is generated during
traces of copper remain associated with the newly generated red the post-mining oxidation of pyritic sulfide ore deposits and mine
hematite. This copper may occur as geochemical copper adsorbed wastes.
onto the surface of iron oxides or as minute grains of distinct copper If sufficient copper is available in an oxidized solution, and if
minerals admixed with the red hematite. The association of reduced sulfur is present, the minerals chalcocite, djurleite, and
abundant hematitic Fe oxides with trace copper is common in digenite replace pyrite. Covellite, idaite, and covellite-like sulfides
leached environments, which otherwise show no obvious copper replace chalcopyrite and bornite, and rarely, pyrite. Chalcocite and
oxide occurrence. These oxides are termed almagre or sangre de digenite are the most common replacement products in the upper
toro in Central and South America, and may contain economically portions of a sulfide enrichment zone, with covellite at greater
important quantities of copper. In some cases, the copper may depths (Flores, 1985); djurleite is the most abundant supergene
occur as cuprite or native metal, rendering copper recovery difficult copper sulfide in some ore deposits, e.g., Michilla (Soto and Dreyer,
(e.g., portions of the Ray, Arizona, oxide zone). In cases where 1985) and San Bartolo (Flint, 1986), Chile. However, successive
pyrite was present in stoichiometric excess (usually greater than 57 replacement of chalcocite and digenite is common when the
vol % pyrite), its oxidation may produce enough acid to remove composition of an oxidized supergene solution changes as pyrite is
essentially all iron and copper, such that supergene iron oxide consumed in the source region(s). Hence, moderate pH stable oxide
abundance and copper content may each be minor. minerals are favored, resulting in copper sulfide replacement by
With the descent of metal-bearing, acid sulfate-rich fluids, geochemically appropriate copper oxides.
hypogene sulfides may be replaced initially by chalcocite, djurleite Copper oxide mineral associations generally are consistent
(Cu1.96S) or digenite (Cu1.8S), with subsequent replacement of these because oxidizing sulfide systems experience a consistent series of
sulfides by copper oxides as availability of reduced sulfur diminishes chemical reactions that permit only the development of characteristic
as sulfides are consumed. Covellite develops in environments that mineral paragenetic relationships. Brochantite replaces chalcocite in
lack abundant dissolved Cu++, usually by in situ oxidation and weathering systems in which moderately low to near-neutral pH
replacement of chalcopyrite or bornite, rarely pyrite. Hence, the values are maintained, such as in portions of the orebodies at
paragenesis of sulfide replacement may involve several copper Quebrada M, Cerro Colorado, and Quebrada Blanca, Chile, and
sulfides prior to ultimate copper oxide development. Replacement Morenci, Arizona. If chloride activity is high in a near-neutral pH
of sulfide assemblages having low S/Me ratios or high copper weathering environment (Rose, 1976), the copper hydroxychloride
contents (covellite, chalcocite, digenite, bornite) may result in the atacamite [Cu2Cl(OH)3] replaces chalcocite (Mantos Blancos, Michilla,
direct precipitation of copper oxides e.g., at Radomiro Tomic Santo Domingo, and Buena Esperanza, Chile; Florence Junction,
(Arcuri and Brimhall, 1998); Quebrada M in the El Salvador district, Arizona). Antlerite replaces chalcocite in environments having lower
Chile, and Morenci, Arizona because the local geochemical pH than characterizes brochantite (Anderson, 1982); e.g., La
environment is moderately low to near-neutral pH, which is Escondida and Chuquicamata, Chile. Ore petrography studies
favorable for copper oxides that are stable in the range of pH 4 to 9 (Chvez, 1983; Arcuri and Brimhall, 1998) suggest that most of the
(Fig. 3; see also Anderson, 1982). brochantite-antlerite-atacamite formed through chalcocite
replacement represents in situ oxidative replacement of chalcocite
COPPER OXIDE PARAGENESIS rather than copper addition as a sulfate or chloride. Indeed, these
AND ZONING green copper oxides contain less copper than chalcocite, so
The paragenetic sequence of copper oxide minerals observed destruction of chalcocite via simple replacement usually represents
from many oxidized copper-bearing orebodies reveals that a specific copper loss (leaching) rather than enhancement. In some systems,
series of progresive mineralogic changes takes place during these copper sulfates replace cuprite (for
to page 16 . . .
supergene oxidation, transport, and precipitation. This section example, at Collahuasi and El Abra, Chile),
... from 15 SUPERGENE OXIDATION OF distance from the former erosional surface. The observed
COPPER SULFIDE DEPOSITS, CONT. paragenesis, in which black copper oxides replace the assemblage
cuprite +native copper brochantite, supports the argument that the
representing an in situ replacement assemblage with little or no occurrence of tenorite paramelaconite neotocite indicates the
significant copper addition or transport. most oxidized zones of a weathering, low total sulfide protolith.
In systems characterized by near-neutral or slightly alkaline pH The paragenetic paths shown in Figures 3 and 4 summarize the
environments, cuprite replaces chalcocite (e.g., Cerro Colorado, observations above. Oxidation products for arsenic-bearing ores,
Copucha (Sierra Gorda), and El Abra, Chile; locally at Ray, Arizona, common components of hydrothermal ore deposits, are summarized
and Santa Rita, New Mexico). Cuprite represents an intermediate in Figure 3. Arsenopyrite, when oxidized in an environment
replacement product in many oxide zones, and is almost always containing pyrite, yields the iron arsenate scorodite characteristic of
replaced by other copper oxide minerals. Native copper usually the upper portions of an oxide zone. Similarly, enargite oxidation in
occurs with cupriteEl Abra, Chile; Santa Rita, New Mexico; Ray, the presence of pyrite produces scorodite (Summitville, Colorado; La
Arizona; Piedras Verdes, Mexico (Dreier and Braun, 1995); San Candelaria breccia at Morenci, Arizona; La Grande, Collahuasi
Jorge, Argentina (Williams et al., 1999)but rarely directly replaces district, Chile). In a low pyrite environment, enargite is replaced by
chalcocite. Native copper occurs generally at greater depth than a series of apple green to pastel blue copper arsenates such as
cuprite (Anderson, 1982). chenevixite, ceruleite, and lavendulan (e.g., in the weathered
Malachite and azurite are common constituents of copper oxide epithermal Cu-Au-As systems at El Guanaco and La Grande, Chile,
zones in which carbonate is available from sedimentary sources and in the oxide zone at Chuquicamata, Chile).
(notably in oxidized skarn systems, e.g., Christmas, Koski and Cook,
1982; Morenci, Arizona, and Cananea, Mexico, Velasco, 1966), EXAMPLES OF COPPER OXIDE
atmospheric sources, and/or indigenous bacteria cells (Enders, DEPOSITS
2000). Carbonates, along with the mineraloid chrysocolla, generally The following examples of settings in which copper oxides of
comprise paragenetically late minerals, replacing earlier oxides and economic importance have developed demonstrate that both the
sulfides and occurring as transported constituents occupying mineralogy and amount of copper oxides vary significantly.
otherwise clean fractures, including fractures showing no evidence
Systems Displaying Limited Copper Mobility
of prior mineralization (e.g., southern Per coastal batholith).
El Abra. The El Abra porphyry copper deposit of northern Chile
In geochemically mature copper oxide systems developed under
is an example of supergene oxidation generated within a reactive
near-neutral to alkaline pH conditions, malachite and chrysocolla are
host-rock environment (Fig. 5). This world-class ore deposit
typically the most important copper minerals, with tenorite, comprises a well-developed, fracture-controlled copper oxide
paramelaconite, and neotocite are volumetrically minor. This is orebody derived from essentially in situ oxidation of a low-pyrite,
probably because carbonates and silicates are most stable in a well- chalcopyrite + bornite + chalcocite protolith assemblage hosted by
developed oxidation environment in which sources of low pH dioritic intrusions. Host-rock alteration consists of ubiquitous biotite
solutions have been consumed, and because indigenous and with subordinate K feldspar replacement and veining. Incipient
atmospheric sources of silica and carbonate, respectively, are readily white phyllosilicate overprint of the K silicate assemblage occurs
available. Incipient and generally subeconomic fracture-controlled locally and distal to the K silicate assemblages.
copper carbonates and chrysocolla occur paragenetically late in Copper oxides at El Abra comprise assemblages characteristic of
oxidized copper deposits at Cerro Colorado and Cerro Chorcha, moderate-pH weathering environments because insufficient pyrite
Panam; along the southern Per coastal batholith and in adjacent was available for production of low-pH supergene solutions. The
northern Chile, and in late-stage oxidation assemblages in the oxide orebody outcrops, with surface and near-surface oxides
southwest United States. Exotic copper deposits (Newberg, 1967; comprising chrysocolla, paramelaconite (Cu 4 O 3 , similar in
Angita, 1997; Mote and Brimhall, 1997; Mnchmeyer, 1997) are occurrence to tenorite, CuO), and neotocite, shown by X-ray
almost exclusively chrysocolla dominant, with minor atacamite, diffraction studies to be a physical mixture of Fe and Cu oxides,
copper wad, tenorite, and/or Fe-Mn-Cu oxides (including neotocite). notably tenorite. This assemblage gives way at depth to brochantite
Tenorite and paramelaconite, the black copper oxides, occur in and copper phosphates, such as pseudomalachite. Suprajacent to
the upper zones of copper systems in which high host-rock and within the weakly developed chalcocite enrichment volume and
reactivity and low pyrite content produce alkaline to neutral pH in the upper portions of the hypogene sulfide zone, cuprite, native
environments. If carbonate is available to buffer low pH solutions copper, brochantite, and chrysocolla are developed. This latter
produced through sulfide oxidation, tenorite and paramelaconite assemblage displays a typical paragenetic sequence in which
may occur in local environments characterizing oxidized pyritic chalcocite is replaced by the sequence:
sulfide systems, especially skarns (e.g., Morenci, Arizona). At El
Abra, Chile, tenorite and paramelaconite comprise the constituent Chalcocite cupritenative copper brochantite chrysocolla
minerals in neotocite; along with chrysocolla, neotocite occurs in Because copper grades in the oxide zone are essentially the same
surface outcrops and at shallow depths of the El Abra oxide orebody as those in the hypogene protolith, it is interpreted that the El Abra
within reactive host rock comprising biotite-stable diorite porphyry. copper oxide-copper sulfide orebody represents in situ oxidation of
The tenorite and paramelaconite association grades with increasing the hypogene sulfide assemblage, with copper transport limited to
depth to the assemblage cuprite native copper (A. Moraga, pers. perhaps several tens of meters. The development of copper oxides
comm., 1999); this assemblage is replaced by and grades with depth from oxidation of a low-pyrite, reactive protolith containing low
to brochantite. This change with depth is consistent with a gradual S/Me ratio minerals at El Abra is similar to that observed at
change in copper oxidation state, decreasing with increasing Radomiro Tomc (Acuri and Brimhall, 1998, 1999), and other
Figure 5: Generalized vertical cross section through the El Abra porphyry system, II Region, northern Chile. In situ development of copper
oxides from a low pyrite, K silicate stable, (bn + cp + cc)-bearing protolith engendered near-neutral pH stable minerals and no significant
copper grade enhancement in the oxide zone. The copper oxide zone consists of up to approximately 200 m of mineralized host rock,
beginning at the present topographic surface. Upper and lower portions of the El Abra oxide zone may be defined on the basis of dominant
copper mineralogy, as shown; the lower oxide zone displays a gradational contact with underlying and erratically-developed chalcocite
enrichment. Simplified from Hawley, Moraga, and Molina (pers. comm., 1999)
the alluvial gravels developed on hill slopes adjacent to the eroding Within the K silicate assemblage, weathering has produced only
skarn-breccia system. Paragenetically latest anhydrite occurs as limited oxidation, with an assemblage of hematite > goethite,
millimeter-scale patinas covering copper oxides, probably the result atacamite, and local turquoise-chalcosiderite typical of near-neutral
of gypsum dehydration. The maximum copper transport distance at pH conditions. However, the depth of enrichment is greatly
Quetena is on the order of 200 m. enhanced in the phyllic alteration assemblage, with oxidation on the
order of nearly 1 km deep, resulting in a well-developed low pH,
Systems with Evidence for Enhanced Copper Mobility stable assemblage of natrojarosite, goethite, chalcanthite, krhnkite,
One of the best-developed leached cappingcopper oxide zone
and antlerite. Below this deeply oxidized rock column is a well-
copper sulfide enrichment zone sequences is shown by the giant
developed supergene chalcocite covellite enrichment zone that
Chuquicamata porphyry system, northern Chile (Little, 1926; G.
displays an apparently gradual and poorly defined contact with
Ossandn et al., unpub. data). Jarrell (1944) described the
hypogene pyrite + enargite + covellite tennantite.
occurrence of copper oxides in the near-surface environment,
Because the host-rock phyllic alteration assemblage has only
suggesting that in-place oxidation of supergene sulfides produced
minor capacity to neutralize acidity, solutions generated from the
the thick and well-developed copper oxide zones in the original
Chuquicamata orebody. Because the Chuquicamata orebody oxidation of protolith with very high pyrite content produced a very
comprises two mineralogically distinct ore types, supergene low pH, stable copper and iron oxide assemblage, dominated by
oxidation and consequent development of copper oxide mineral sulfates. These solutions were also able to transport copper away
assemblages are also spatially and mineralogically distinct. Figure 9 from the near-surface environment until they reacted with reduced
is a schematic west-east vertical cross section through the sulfur, producing the exceptionally well developed chalcocite
Chuquicamata mine area, showing the general distribution of oxide covellite enrichment volume at Chuquicamata. Lateral transport of
minerals in the upper parts of the orebody. copper at the southern margin of the Chuquicamata orebody
Detailed mapping (J. Rojas de la Rivera, pers. comm., 1999) produced the economically important Mina Sur (Extica) exotic
shows that two general alteration zones can be defined, comprising copper deposit (Angita, 1997; Mnchmeyer, 1997), which is a
K silicates (with chalcopyrite + bornite + digenite) and phyllic with paleodrainage system containing copper transported at least 6 km
incipient advanced argillic alteration (with pyrite + enargite + away from the Chuquicamata mine area. This scale of copper
covellite). These alteration assemblages appear to have developed transport is similar to that noted in the mineralized gravels of
within a single intrusive rock unit. The Domeyko fault zone (West the Huinquintipa Este sector of the Collahuasi district north
Fissure in Figure 9), has faulted the Chuquicamata orebody along of Chuquicamata and the Damiana copper resource within
its western margin, forming an abrupt contact against the phyllic the El Salvador district, Chile (Mote and
to page 20 . . .
alteration assemblage. Brimhall, 1997).
Figure 9: Simplified east-west vertical profile of the Chuquicamata, Chile ore deposit, modified slightly from Jos Rojas (pers. comm., 1999). As with the
Piedras Verdes system, alteration mineral assemblages control copper and iron oxide distribution and zoning. Protolith at Chuquicamata appears to have
been a single, large-scale intrusive unit of intermediate composition (Ossandn et al., unpub. data), so copper and iron oxide distributions are a function
of fracture density and alteration mineralogy, including sulfide types and abundance, rather than protolith composition. Although the contact between
supergene and hypogene mineral assemblages is difficult to define, the vertical column of preserved leaching-oxidation-enrichment at Chuquicamata
approaches 1 km.
... from 19 SUPERGENE OXIDATION OF The lateral mineral zoning at the margins of a weathered sulfide
COPPER SULFIDE DEPOSITS, CONT. ore deposit, including exotic mineral occurrences, can be used to
assess the geochemical maturity of the oxidation environment and
EXPLORATION IMPLICATIONS the direction(s) from which supergene solutions deposited copper
Copper oxide zones are the product of sulfide destruction minerals. Integration of geochronologic results with studies of
produced by weathering under oxidizing conditions. Supergene landform development, geomorphology, and the distribution of
sulfides produced by the same process are not preserved unless copper oxides and sulfides (e.g., Clark, 1967; Sillitoe and McKee,
development of an oxide profile is limited by water table ascent or 1996) provides complementary information useful in assessing the
the onset of an arid climate (Alpers and Brimhall, 1989), lack of geologic history of an exploration target, and the consequent
acid-generating sulfides in a source region, and/or presence of economic potential of copper oxide ore deposit occurrence.
reactive silicates and oxides. Current exploration for copper ore Metallurgical studies will dictate which portions of a copper oxide
deposits favors oxide targets because the leaching technologies assemblage, if any, are economically extractable if host-rock
developed for metal recovery permit mining of relatively low grade reactivity is recognized to be high. At the termination of mining,
materials. Consequently, knowledge of the mineral zoning and understanding copper oxide mineral genesis is useful in directing
mineralogic composition of copper oxide deposits is important in efforts at mine remediation and ultimate recovery of copper from
exploration and economic evaluation of these systems. mine wastes.
Copper oxide occurrences display consistent vertical and lateral ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
zoning patterns that mimic the hand specimen-scale paragenesis
shown by individual copper oxide minerals. Weathering-derived It is a pleasure to acknowledge thoughtful and constructive
reviews of the initial draft of this manuscript by Jeff W. Hedenquist,
copper mineral distribution is characterized by a supergene
Pepe Perell, and David Hopper. Continued study of supergene
geochemical stratigraphy comprising copper oxides, iron
copper ore deposits by the author has benefited by the contributions
manganese oxides, and copper sulfides. This stratigraphy begins at
of New Mexico School of Mines graduate students J.A. Amarante, D.
the surface with a leached rock volume typified by the occurrence
Djikine, W. Jonas, A. Mioduchowski, P. Pinson, W. Seibert III, and C.
of iron oxides and residual copper and manganese minerals.
Spencer. Discussions with D. S. Andrews, W. Glvez, A. Moraga, A.
Depending on the distribution of fractures in the host-rock mass,
Molina, W. Orquera, J. Pizarro C., J. Rojas de la Rivera, F. Ramrez
leached zones may occur within and below both copper oxide and
and J. Vega E. were instrumental in developing ideas concerning the
copper sulfide horizons. Indigenous copper oxide zones, generated
paragenesis of weathering copper deposits. Roger Nordin and Rafael
via in situ oxidation of a sulfide-bearing rock, are usually developed Chavarra of Compaa Minera Boliden and Fernando Len P. of
so that the most reduced copper oxides (native copper and cuprite) Minera Lomas Bayas provided useful commentary on copper
are formed in the lower portions of the oxide column, suprajacent to mineralogy and the depths of oxidation in some areas of northern
and replacing supergene copper sulfides. Chile. Field observations by R. Ayala F., S. Enders, J.W. Hawley,
As oxidation continues, hydroxy-sulfates are developed at the R.M. North, R. Stegen, and S.R. Titley were especially useful in
expense of native copper and cupite, so brochantite, antlerite, and interpreting southwest North America oxidized orebodies.
related sulfates comprise minerals in the topographic middle of an Erich U. Petersen suggested the idea of using the SEG web page
oxide column. As oxidation matures and acid-generating minerals to include additional information and photographic documentation
are consumed, supergene solution pH becomes more moderate, and of copper oxide mineralogy; his savvy and skill are muy agradecido.
the upper parts of the geochemical stratigraphy develop chlorides, The patience and support of Noel C. White during the development
silicates, and phosphates. Contacts between mineral sub-zones and review of this article are appreciated and gratefully
within the copper oxide zone are gradational, and may be erratic if acknowledged.
tectonic and/or structural settings allow the phreatic zone and
capillary fringe to vary vertically and/or laterally. Very soluble iron REFERENCES
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