Renzo - Grammar
Renzo - Grammar
Renzo - Grammar
I am /ai æm/ (Yo soy/estoy) We are /wi: á:r/ (Nosotros/as somos o estamos)
You are /iú á:r/ (Tú eres/estás) You are /iú á:r/ (Uds. son/están)
He is /hi: íz/ (El es/está)
She is /shi: íz/ (Ella es/está) They are /!éi á:r/ (Ellos/as son/están)
It is /it íz/ (Es/está)
En conversación, normalmente se usan las contracciones I’m. You´re, He´s, She´s, It´s, We´re, They´re.
What is this? /wót iz !is/ ¿Qué es esto? It is a pen. /its a pén/ Es un lápiz
What´s that? /wots !æt/ ¿Qué es eso? It´s an ambulance. /its an æmbiulans/ Es una ambulancia
What are these? /wót a:r !í:z/, ¿Qué son éstos? They are books. /!ei a:r búks/ Son libros
What are those? /wót a:r !óuz/, ¿Qué son esos? They´re cars. /!eir ká:rz/ Son autos
Is this a pen? /iz !is a pén/ Yes, it is. It´s a pen /iés,it iz. its a pén/
Is that a house? /is !æt a háus/ Yes, It is. It´s a house. /iés it iz its e háus/
Are these books? /a:r !í:z búks/ Yes, they are. They´re books. /iés, !ei á:r. !eir búks/
Are those cars? /á:r !óuz ká:rz/ Yes, they are.They´re cars. /iés, !ei á:r.!eir ká:rz/
Who is that man? /hú iz !æt mæn/ He´s Mr. Jones, the new instructor. /hi:z !e niú: instráktor/
Who´s that woman? /hú:z !æt wúman/ . She´s Miss Black, the secretary. /shi:z !e sékretri/
Who are those men? /hú: a:r !óuz mén/ They´re Bob, Jim and Tom, the students. /!eir !e stiú:dents/
How are you? /háu á:r iu:/ I´m fine, thanks. /áim fáin, "æ#ks/
How´s John? /háuz dllón/ He´s much better, thanks. /hí:z mátch béter, "æ#ks/
How are the children? /háu a:r !e tchíldrn/ They´re very well, thank you. /!eir véri wél "æ#k iu/
2. La forma negativa se expresa usando la palabra NOT, normalmente formando las contracciones ISN´ T /íznt/
o AREN´ T /á:rent/
Is this a pen? /pén/ No, it isn´t. (It´s not a pen.) It´s a pencil. /pénsl/
Is that a tank? /tæ#k/ No, it isn´t. (It´s not a tank.) It´s a truck. /trák/
Are these books? /búks/ No, they aren´t. (They´re not books.) They´re magazines. /mægazinz/
Are those chairs? /tchéarz/ No, they aren´t. (They´re not chairs). They´re tables /téiblz/.
3. La forma interrogativa se expresa mediante simple inversión de orden con el sujeto de la oración.
Am I? /am ai/ Aren´t I? * /á:rent ai / Are we? /á:r wí:/ Aren´t we? /á:rent wi:/
Are you? /á:r iú:/ Aren´t you? /á:rent iu:/ Are you? /á:r iú:/ Aren´t you? /á:rent iú:/
Is he? /íz hí:/ Isn´t he? /íznt hi:/
Is she? /íz shí:/ Isn´t she? /íznt shi:/ Are they? /á:r !ei/ Aren´t they? /á.rent !ei/
Is it? /íz it/ Isn´t it? /íznt it/
* Debido a que no existe una contracción para AM NOT, habitualmente se usa AREN¨T en este caso. En
conversación coloquial se usa la contracción AIN¨T /éint/ Ejemplo: Aren´t I your friend? Ain´t I your friend?
Am I right? /ám ái ráit/ ¿Estoy correcto? Aren´t I right? /á:rent ai ráit/ ¿No estoy en lo cierto?
Are you all right? /á.r iu: ó:l ráit/ ¿Estás bien? Aren´t you tired? /á:rent iu táiard/ ¿No estás cansado?
Is he a captain? /íz hi: a kæptin/ Es él un capitán? Isn´t she a nurse? /íznt shi. a ne:rs/ ¿No es ella una enfermera?
Are they busy? /á:r !ei bízi/ ¿Están ellos ocupados? Aren´t they happy? /á:rent !ei hæpi/ ¿No están ellos felices?
Is my answer correct? /íz mai á:nser korékt/¿Está correcta mi respuesta? Isn´t this question correct? /íznt !is kwéstchion korékt/
1. The teacher ______ in the classroom now. 6. Doctor Smith _____ busy right now.
2. John and Mary _____ good friends. 7. The train _____ ten minutes late.
3. The men ______ tired. 8. I ______ an undergraduate student.
4. Those vehicles______ slow-moving.(vehículos lentos) 9. The instructor´s name _____ John Doe.
5. Those weapons ______ powerful. (armas-poderosas) 10. The instructors _____ in the staff-room. (sala de profs.)
Are they instructors? (students) No, they are not. (They aren´t instructors)
They ´re students
1. Are the boys angry? enojados (hungry) hambrientos No, _________________ ( _________________________ )
2. Are you thirsty? sediento (hungry) ____________________ ( _________________________ )
3. Is Bob at home? en casa (at work) en el trabajo ____________________ ( _________________________ )
4. Are the children happy? felices (sad) tristes ____________________ ( _________________________ )
5. Is your brother a doctor? (an engineer) ____________________ ( _________________________ )
6. Are your friends American? (British) ____________________ ( _________________________ )
7. Are you a navy officer?(an army officer) ____________________ ( _________________________ )
8. Is the table clean? limpia (dirty) sucia ____________________ ( _________________________ )
9. Are the men old? viejos (young) jóvenes ____________________ ( _________________________ )
10.Is Cpt. Bowman on duty? de servicio (off duty) de franco ____________________ ( _________________________ )
Ex. 5. Ask questions using the wh-words What?, Who?, Where?, How?, as in the example:
1. El verbo TO BE tiene las siguientes formas en el tiempo pasado: WAS /woz/ - WERE /we:r/
When? /wén/ ¿Cuándo?; Why? /wái/ ¿Por qué?; How old? /háu óuld/ ¿Qué edad?
Last week /lá:st wí:k/ la semana pasada; Two days ago /tú: déiz agóu/ Hace dos días; Yesterday /iésterdi/ ayer;
The day before yesterday /!e déi bifó:r iésterdi/ anteayer; Last night /la:st náit/ anoche
I was very busy yesterday. /ai woz véri bízi iésterdei/ (Yo estuve muy ocupado ayer)
John was at home all day today. /dllón woz at hóum ó:l déi tudéi/ (John estuvo en casa todo el día hoy)
We were in Paris last year /wi wé:r in páris la:st íar/ (Nosotros estuvimos en Paris el año pasado)
Mary was the best student in my class. / méri woz !e bést stiú:dent in mai klás/ (Mary era la mejor alumna de mi curso)
They were very good friends. /!ei wé:r véri gud fréndz/ (Ellos eran / fueron muy buenos amigos)
Mr. Jackson was here three weeks ago. /míster djækson woz híar "rí: wí:ks agóu/ (Mr Jackson estuvo aquí hace 3 semanas).
I was not very busy last week. /ai woz nót véri bízi lá:st wí:k/ (Yo no estuve muy ocupado la semana pasada)
John wasn´t at home this morning. /dllón wóznt at hóum !is mórni#/ (John no estuvo en casa esta mañana)
We weren´t in New York last year. /wi wé:rent in niú: iórk lá:st íar/ (Nosotros no estuvimos en N.Y. el año pasado)
Mary wasn´t a good student at high school. /méri wóznt a gúd stiú:dent at hái skú:l/ (Mary no era una buena alumna en el liceo)
They weren´t very hardworking. /!ei wé:rnt véri há:rdwérki#/ (Ellos no eran muy trabajadores)
Were you in class this morning? /we:r iú: in klás !is mórnin/ (¿Estuviste en clase esta mañana?)
Was John sick yesterday? /woz dllón sík iésterdi/ (¿Estuvo John enfermo ayer?)
Was Mary a good student at school? /woz méri a gúd stiú:dent at skú:l/ (¿Era Mary una buena alumna en el colegio?)
Where were you at this time yesterday? /wéar wé:r iú at !is táim iésterdi/ (¿Dónde estabas a esta hora ayer?)
Why was Jim absent from work? /wái woz dllím æbsent from wé:rk/ (¿Por qué estuvo Jim ausente del trabajo?)
Ex. 1. Complete these sentences with the proper form of the verb TO BE, present or past:
1. John ______ in New York the day before yesterday but he ______ in Chicago today.
2. They ______ free today, but they ______ at work yesterday.
3. Today ______ Monday. Yesterday ______ Sunday.
4. Where ______ the Johnsons last weekend? Where ______ they today?
5. The elevator ______ out of order last night, but it ______ working well now.
6. John ______n´t in the office at ten this morning because he ______ at a meeting.
7. Bob ______ very sick yesterday, but he ______ much better today.
Ex. 3. Ask questions using wh-words like What?, Where?, When?,Why?, How?, How old, Who?
En la forma afirmativa, el SUJETO (I, You, The students, You and I, etc.) va seguido por el INFINITIVO de un verbo
Es importante destacar aquí que en el Presente Simple afirmativo no se usa el verbo modal DO/DOES (está tácito).
Cuando decimos “I speak Spanish every day” estamos diciendo “I do speak Spanish every day”. Cuando decimos, “ The
secretary answers the telephone” estamos diciendo “The secretary does answer the telephone”. Esto se comprueba
cuando queremos expresar oraciones negativas o interrogativas: I do not speak Spanish every day/Do I speak Spanish
every day?; The secretary does not answer the telephone/Does the secretary answer the telephone?
I speak Spanish every day. /ai spí:k spǽnish évri déi/ (Yo hablo español todos los días)
We go to the beach every summer. /wi: góu tu !e bí:tch évri sámer/ (Nos.vamos a la playa todos los veranos)
I often see Mary at the club. /ai ófn sí: méri at !e kláb/ (Yo a menudo veo a Mary en el club)
They always come here on Saturday. /!éi ólwiz kám híar on sæ´terdi/ (Ellos siempre vienen acá los sábados)
The students play soccer once a week. /!e stiúdents pléi sóker wáns e wi:k/ (Los alumnos juegan fútbol una vez a la
Cuando el sujeto es tercera persona del singular (he, she, it, the boy, the telephone,etc.), se debe agregar una -s o
-es al verbo principal.
He speaks Spanish and English well. /hi: spí:ks spæ´nish and í#glish wel/ (El habla español e inglés bien)
The secretary answers the telephone. /!e sékretri ánserz !e télifoun/ (La secretaria contesta el teléfono)
The bus stops here. /!e bás stóps híar/ (El bus para aquí)
Bob washes the car on saturday. /bób wóshiz !e ka:r on sæ´terdi/ (Bob lava el auto los sábados) *
My wife watches TV in the evening. /mai wáif wótchiz tí: ví: in !i í:vni#/ (Mi mujer mira TV en las tardes) *
John plays tennis every Friday afternoon. /dllón pléiz téniz évri fráidi a:fternú:n/ (John juega tenis todos los viernes en las tardes)**
John studies French on Friday morning. /dllón stádiz fréntch on fráidi mó:ni#/ John estudia francés los viernes en la
The sun rises in the east. /!e sán ráiziz in !i í:st/ (El sol aparece en el este) ***
John changes the batteries once a month. /dllón tchéidlliz !e bátriz wáns e mán"/ (John cambia las baterías una vez al mes) ***
Notas: En la 3ra. persona del singular (he, she, it), se deben considerar las siguientes reglas:
* Los verbos terminados en -s, -sh, -ch-, -x, o -z deben agregar -es al verbo. Este sufijo plural se pronuncia /iz/ y es una sílaba más:
washes /wóshiz/, watches /wótshiz/.
** Los verbos terminados en -y precedida de consonante transforman dicha letra en -ies : study - studies. Si la -y está precedida
de vocal se agrega -s: play /plei/, plays /pléiz/.
*** Los verbos regulares terminados en -se, -ce, -ge sólo agregan -s en la tercera persona del singular, pero ese sufijo se pronuncia
/iz/ y pasa a ser una sílaba más: rise /ráiz/ - rises /ráiziz/, change /tchéindll/ - changes /tchéindlliz/.
Los verbos have, do, y go tienen las siguientes formas en la 3ra. Persona del singular: has /hæz/, does /daz/, goes /góuz/.
I speak Spanish every day. I do not speak /du: nót spí:k/ Spanish every day.
We go to the beach every summer. We don´t go /dóunt góu/ to the beach every summer.
The students play soccer every day. The students don´t play /dóunt pléi/ soccer every day.
He speaks English well. He does not speak /daz nót spí:k/ English well.
The bus stops here. The bus doesn´t stop /dáznt stóp/ here.
My wife watches TV in the morning. My wife doesn´t watch /dáznt wótch/ TV in the morning.
Bob changes the batteries once a month Bob doesn´t change /dáznt tchéindll/ the batteries once a month.
My friends have a new car. My friends don´t have /dóunt hæv/ a new car.
Mary has many friends in Canada. Mary doesn´t have /dáznt hæv/ many friends in Canada.
We have lunch at school every day. We don´t have lunch /dóunt hæv lántch/ at school every day.
Para expresar interrogaciones debemos anteponer los verbos modales DO/DOES al sujeto. En las preguntas negativas
se deben anteponer las contracciones DON´ T / DOESN´ T.
Nota: El verbo to have (tener) es un verbo principal, por lo tanto necesita el verbo modal do / does en las negaciones e interrogaciones. Recuerde
que en inglés británico genertalmente se prefiere usar la expresión have got / has got (Ver Unit 3). Cuando se usa el verbo to have para
expresar la idea de servirse, comer, beber, o experimentar, como en to have breakfast (desayunar), o to have a good time (pasarlo
bien, divertirse), se debe usar do / does en las negaciones e interrogaciones).
Cuando deseamos formular preguntas introducidas por palabras interrogativas como WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, HOW,
HOW MUCH, etc., debemos mantener el mismo orden usado en las interrogaciones simples.
What language do you speak at home? /wót læ#guidll diú spí:k at hóum/
When do they go to the beach? /wén du !ei góu tu !e bí:tch/
Where does the bus stop? /wéar daz !e bás stóp/
Why does John change the batteries every month? /wái daz dllón tchéindll !e bæteriz évri mán"/
Ex. 1. Study the following expressions of time:
b. I watch TV after dinner I don´t watch TV after dinner Do I watch TV after dinner?
You __________________________ ____________________________ __________________________ ?
Bill ___________________________ ____________________________ __________________________ ?
Ann __________________________ ____________________________ __________________________ ?
We __________________________ ____________________________ __________________________ ?
They _________________________ ____________________________ __________________________ ?
Ex. 3. Complete the following sentences using the Simple Present Tense of the verbs given in parentheses.
Then translate them into Spanish. (optional)
Ex. 4. Change the following sentences into a) negative, b) interrogative, and c) Wh-questions:
Ex. 5. Ask questions using wh-words like WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, HOW, etc.
Ex. 9. Use one of the following verbs to complete these sentences. Sometimes you need the negative:
believe eat go flow make rise grow tell translate
Ex. 10. (Review) Use the Present Continuous or the Simple Present, of the verb given in parentheses:
1. Shhh!! The little boy (sleep) _____________________ . He (sleep) __________________ for ten hours every night.
2. Right now I´m in class and I (sit) _______________________ at my desk. I usually (sit) _______________________at
the same desk in class every day.
3. Mustafa comes from Saudi Arabia .He (speak) _________________________ Arabic. Arabic is his native language,
but right now he (speak) _____________________English.
4. Our teacher (stand, not) _____________________up right now. He (sit)_______________on the corner of his desk.
5. It´s 7 o´clock now. Mrs. Black´s at home. She (eat) _________________________________ dinner. She always (eat)
______________________ dinner with her family around six o´clock.
6. It (rain, not) __________________right now. The sun (shine) ________________ and the sky (be) ___________blue.
7. (Rain, it), _________________much in the South in the winter?
8. Look out of the window. (Rain, it) ______________________ now? Should I take my umbrella?
9. It´s 7:30 a.m. now and the Wilsons are in their kitchen. Mrs. Wilson (sit) ______________________ at the breakfast
table. She (read) ________________________ the morning paper. She (read) ____________________________ the
newspaper every morning. Mr Wilson (pour) ____________________________________ a cup of coffee. He (drink)
_________________________ two cups of coffee every morning before he (go) to work.
There´s a cartoon on TV now, but the children (watch, not) ___________________________________ it. They (play)
____________________________ with their toys instead. They usually (watch) _____________________ cartoons
in the morning, but this morning they (pay, not) ____________________________ any attention to the TV. Mr and
Mrs Wilson (watch, not) __________________________ TV either. They (like, not ) __________________________
to watch cartoons.
10. Alice (take, not) ____________________________ the bus to work every day. She usually (walk)
_______________________________instead. (Take, you) _______________________ the bus to get to work every
day, or (walk, you) __________________________________ sometimes?
Como ud. pudo advertir a través de los ejemplos anteriores, el Tiempo Pasado Simple se expresa con el SUJETO
más el PASADO de un verbo principal. Al igual que en el tiempo Presente Simple, aquí el pasado del verbo modal Do
(DID) no se usa en la forma afirmativa (está tácito) Cuando decimos “I bought the car last year”, estamos diciendo “I
did buy the car last year”, como comprobaremos al expresar las negaciones e interrogaciones: I did not buy the car
last year; Did I buy the car last year?
Importante: Es necesario aquí aprender el pasado, tanto de los Verbos Regulares (aquellos que agregan -ed/-d para formar el Pasado y el Pasado
Participio) como de los Verbos Irregulares (aquellos verbos que no siguen dicha regla). En los Ejemplos 1,2,3 los tres pasados corresponden a
Verbos Irrregulares, mientras que los de los ejemplos 4, 5 y 6 son de Verbos Regulares : 1.To buy - bought - bought; 2. To come - came - come;
3. To see - saw - seen; 4. To clean - cleaned - cleaned; 5. To work - worked - worked 6. To stop - stopped - stopped
La pronunciación del sufijo -d/-ed es /d/ o /t/ (nunca /ed/ !!). Los verbos terminados en -t, -te, -d,-de, como To want, To complete, To need, To decide
también agregan -ed/-d, pero este sufijo debe ser pronunciado /id/ como en wanted /wóntid/, completed /komplí:tid/, needed /ní:did/, decided /disáidid/.
Los infinitivos que tienen cons+vocal+cons o cons+cons+voc+cons deben duplicar la última consonante: To stop - stopped (ver formación de
gerundios UNIT 4).
La forma negativa se expresa usando DID NOT /did nót/ seguido del INFINITIVO (no el pasado) de un verbo principal.
A menudo, en la conversación diaria, se usa la contracción DIDN´T /dídnt/.
La forma interrogativa se expresa anteponiendo el verbo modal DID o DIDN´T al sujeto y el verbo principal, al igual
que en la forma negativa, va en INFINITIVO.
Cuando se formula una pregunta introducida por una palabra interrogativa como WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, HOW, etc.,
se debe mantener el mismo orden de palabras de las interrogaciones simples:
WHAT DID YOU DO? /wót did iú dú:/ (¿Qué hizo ud.?)
Ex. 1. Study the Past Tense form of the following regular verbs which are most frequently used.
Ex. 2. Study the Past Tense form of the following irregular verbs which are most frequently used :
Ex. 3. Change the following sentences into the Simple Past Tense. Remember that you have to use the word
LAST instead of EVERY in the expressions of time
Ex. 4. Change the following sentences into a) negative, b) interrogative and c) Wh-questions:
Ex. 7. Answer these questions using the information given in parentheses, as in the example:
Did you go by bus? (taxi) No, I didn´t (go by bus). I went by taxi.