Ley de Coulomb

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Ley de Coulomb

23-1. dos bolas cada uno con una carga de 3 mC están separados por 20 mm. ¿Cuál es la fuerza
de repulsión entre ellas?

; F = 202 N

23-2. dos cargas de -3 y + 4 del punto mC son 12 mm. en el vacío. ¿Cuál es la fuerza
electrostática entre ellos?

; F = 750 N, atracción

23-3. una partícula alfa consiste de dos protones (qe = 1.6 x 10-19 C) y dos neutrones (sin
carga). ¿Cuál es la fuerza repulsiva entre dos partículas alfa separadas por 2 nm?

q un = 2 (1.6 x 10-19 C) = 3.2 x 10-19 C

; F = 2.30 x 10-

23-4. asume que el radio de la órbita del electrón alrededor del protón en un átomo de
hidrógeno es aproximadamente 5.2 x 10-11 m. ¿Cuál es la fuerza electrostática de atracción?

; F = 8.52 x
10 N

23-5. ¿Qué es la separación de dos -4 mC cobra si la fuerza de repulsión entre ellas es de 200

; r = 26,8 mm

23-6. dos cargas idénticas separadas 30 mm experimentan una fuerza repulsiva de 980
N. ¿Cuál es la magnitud de cada carga?

; q = 9.90 m C
* 23-7. 10 mC cargo y un -6 mC carga están separadas por 40 mm. Cuál es la fuerza entre
ellos. Las esferas se colocan en contacto durante unos instantes y luego separadas otra vez por
40 mm. ¿Qué es la nueva fuerza? ¿Es atractivo o repulsivo?

; F = 338 N, atracción

Cuando las esferas tocan, 6 mC cargo se neutralizan,

dejando 4 mC para ser compartido por dos esferas, o

+ 2 mC en cada esfera. Ahora que se separan otra vez.

F = N, 5,62 repulsión

* 23-8. Punto dos cargos inicialmente atraen con una fuerza de 600 N. Si su separación se
reduce a un tercio de su distancia original, ¿qué es la nueva fuerza de la atracción?

; r1 = r 3 2

F2 = 5400 N
La fuerza electrostática resultante

23-9. un + 60 mC cargo se coloca a 60 mm a la izquierda

de un + 20 mC carga. ¿Cuál es la fuerza resultante en un -35 mC carga colocada a mitad de
camino entre las dos cargas?

F13 = 2.10 x 104 N, directed to the left

; F13 = 2.10 x 104 N, directed to right.

FR = F13 + F23 = (-2.10 x 104 N) + (0.700 x 104 N); FR = -1.40 x 104 N, left.

23-10. A point charge of +36 mC is placed 80 mm to the

left of a second point charge of -22 mC. What force is exerted on third charge of +10 mC
located at the midpoint?

F13 = 2025 N, directed to the right

; F13 = 1238
N, directed to right.
FR = F13 + F23 = 2025 N + 1238 N; FR = 3260 N, left.

23-11. For Problem 23-10, what is the resultant force

on a third charge of +12 mC placed between the other charges and located 60 mm from the
+36 mC charge?

Both to right, so FR = F13 + F23 = 1080 N + 5940 N; F = 7020 N, rightward.

23-12. A +6 mC charge is 44 mm to the right of a -

8 mC charge. What is the resultant force on a -2 mC charge that is 20 mm to the right of the -
8 mC charge?

Both to right, so FR = F13 + F23 = 360 N + 187.5 N; F = 548 N, rightward

*23-13. A 64-mC charge is locate 30 cm to the left of a
16-mC charge. What is the resultant force on a -12 mC charge positioned exactly 50 mm below
the 16 mC charge?

F13 = 2033 N, 59.00 N of W

= 691 N, upward.

Fx = 0 – F13 cos 59.00 = -(2033 N) cos 590 ; Fx = -1047 N

Fy = F23 + F13 sin 59.00 = 691 N + (2033 N) sin 590; Fy = 2434 N

; q = 66.70 N of W.

Resultant force: FR = 2650 N, 66.70 N of W (or 113.30)

*23-14. A charge of +60 nC is located 80 mm above a -
40-nC charge. What is the resultant force on a -50-nC charge located 45 mm horizontally to the
right of the -40-nC charge?

F13 = 2564 N, 60.640 N of W

= 8889 N, rightward.

Fx = – F13 cos 60.640 + F23 = - (2564 N) cos 60.640 + 8889 N ; Fx = 7632 N

Fy = +F13 sin 60.640 + 0 = (2564 N) sin 60.640 ; Fy = 2235 N

; FR = 7950 N, q = 16.30 N of E.
*23-15. Three point charges q1 = + 8 mC, q2 = -
4 mC, and q3 = +2 mC are placed at the corners of an equilateral triangle, 80 mm on each side
as described by Fig. 23-15. What are the magnitude and direction of the resultant force on the
+8 mC charge?

F21 = 45.0 N, 600 S of E

F31 = 22.5 N, 600 N of E; Fx = (22.5 N) cos 600 + (45 N) cos 600 = 33.8 N

Fy = (22.5 N) sin 600 - (45 N) sin 600 = -19.5 N



Resultant electric force: FR = 39.0 N, q = 330.00

Challenge Problems

23-16. What should be the separation of two +5-uC charges so that the force of repulsion is 4

; r = 23.7 cm
23-17. The repulsive force between two pith balls is found to be 60 mN. If each pith ball carries
a charge of 8 nC, what is their separation?

; r = 98.0 mm

23-18. Two identical unknown charges experience a mutual repulsive force of 48 N when
separated by 60 mm. What is the magnitude of each charge?

; q = 4.38 mC

23-19. One object contains an excess of 5 x 1014 electrons and another has a deficiency of 4 x
1014 electrons. What is the force each exerts on the other if the objects are 30 mm apart? Is it
attraction or repulsion? ( 1e = 1.6 x 10-19 C, excess = -, deficiency = +. )

q1 = (5 x 1014 e)(1.6 x 10-19 C/e) = -80 mC; q2 = (4 x 1014 e)(1.6 x 10-19 C/e) = +64 mC

; F
= 5.12 x 104 N, attraction

23-20. If it were possible to put 1 C of charge on each of two spheres separated by a distance
of 1 m, what would be the repulsive force in newtons.

; F = 9 x 109 N !

The coulomb is a very large unit for electrostatics applications.

23-21. How many electrons must be placed on each of two spheres separated by 4 mm in
order to produce a repulsive force of one 400 N?
; q = 843 nC

; q = 5.27 x 1012 electrons

23-22. A –40-nC charge is placed 40 mm to the left

of a +6-nC charge. What is the resultant force on a –12-nC charge place 8 mm to the right of
the +6-nC charge?

Both to right, so FR = F1 + F2 = 1.88 mN – 10.1 mN; F = -8.25 mN, leftward

23-23. A 5-mC charge is placed 6 cm to the right of a 2-

mC charge. What is the resultant force on a –9 nC charge placed 2 cm to the left of the 2-mC
F1 = +405 mN, to right

; F2 = +63.3 mN, to right

Resultant force: FR = 405 mN + 63.3 mN; FR = 468 mN

23-24. An equal number of electrons is placed on two metal spheres 3.0 cm apart in air. How
many electrons are on each sphere if the resultant force is 4500 N?

; q = 21.2 mC

; q = 1.33 x 1014 electrons

23-25. A 4-nC charge is placed on a 4-g sphere that is free to move. A fixed 10-mC point charge
is 4 cm away. What is the initial acceleration of the 4-mC charge?

; F2 = 225 mN

a = 56.2 m/s2
*23-26. What is the resultant force on a +2 mC charge an
equal distance of 60 mm from each of two –4-mC charges that are 80 mm apart in air?

F2 = 20.0 N, 48.20 S of E

; F1 = 20.0 N, 48.20 S of W

*23-26. (Cont.) Fx = (20 N) cos 48.20 + (20 N) cos 48.20 = 13.33 N - 13.33 N; Fx = 0

Fy = (20 N) sin 48.20 + (20 N) sin 48.20 = 14.9

N + 14.9 N; Fy = -29.8 N

Resultant force: FR = 29.8 N, downward

*23-27. Two charges of +25 and +16 mC are 80 mm

apart. A third charge of +60 mC is placed between the other charges 30 mm from the +25 mC
charge. Find the resultant force on the third charge?
F1 = 15 kN, directed to the right

; F13 = 3.46
kN, directed to left.

FR = F1 + F2 = 15 kN + 3.46 kN); FR = 11.5 kN, right.

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