Calculo Bomba Pulpa

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Tonalaje solidos (tph) 10.626

Concentracion en peso % 25.3
Densidad líquido (kg/m3) 1000
Densidad solidos (kg/m3) 2923
Temperatura (°C) 20
Diametro d50 micron 50
Diametro d85 micron 120
Material cañeria CS STD
Revestimiento mm 2.73
Rugosidad Darcy k mm 0.015

Valores a ingresar
Valores calculados

Diametro Nominal D interno D interno con revestimiento
Pulgadas mm mm
3 77.92 72.46
3½ 90.12 84.66
4 102.26 96.8
5 128.2 122.74
6 154.08 148.62
8 202.74 197.28
10 254.46 249
12 304.74 299.28
14 336.54 331.08
16 387.34 381.88
18 437.94 432.48
20 488.94 483.48
22 539.94 534.48
24 590.94 585.48
26 640.94 635.48
28 691.94 686.48
30 742.94 737.48
32 793.94 788.48
34 844.94 839.48
36 894.94 889.48
42 1047.96 1042.5

Caudal Mínimo
Tramo a-b
Diámetro Seleccionado ( " ) 4
Revestimiento (mm) 2.73
Diám etro Interior (mm ) 96.8
Reynold R e m 103703.100940146
Coeficiente de friccion f #VALUE!
Caudal tramo (m 3/h) 35.0093061923
Largo Tramo de Cañería (m) 1

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Tee 0.6 0
Curva 90° 1.3 0
Curva 45° 0.9 1
Codo 90° 0.4 0
Codo 45° 1 0
Reducción 0.124 1
Ampliación 0.327 0
Valvula de Compuerta 0.3 0
Válvula de Cuchilla 0.3 0
Válvula Pinch 0.4 0
Salida de Cajón 1 1
Entrada de Cajón 1 1
Muestrador 1.5 0
Flujómetro 1.5 0
Total Singularidades 3.024
Velocidad 1.321418575
Altura de velocidad V²/2g 0.0889983206
Perdida de Fricción #VALUE!
Otras Perdidas 0
Perdidas por singularidades 0.2691309215
Suma de perdidas #VALUE!
Total Perdidas m #VALUE!

Condicion de Operación Notas

Cantidad de Bombas 1
Elevacion (m.s.n.m) 1731.9
Presion barométrica (m.c.a) 8.376187761 Eq 11 referencia 2
Presion de vapor (m.c.a) 0.239162226 Ref. 3
Elevación 1 (m.s.n.m) 0 Para calculo TDH
Elevación 2 (m.s.n.m) 11 Para calculo TDH
Elevación Succión (m.s.n.m) 0 Centerline succion bomba
Nivel máximo Pulpa (m.s.n.m) 4.3 Sobre centerline succion bomba
Nivel Minimo Pulpa (m.s.n.m) 2.5 Sobre centerline succion bomba
Elevación toma de flujo 0 Elevacion para sumergencia
Diametro Rodete bomba Referencia o Actual calculo cabeza bomba en base a agua

Q min Q max


Potencia Hidraulica Kw #VALUE! #VALUE!

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Eficiencia bomba 0.5 0.5

Potencia Eje Kw #VALUE! #VALUE!
Potencia Eje x 1.1 Kw #VALUE! #VALUE!

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Caudal calculado (m³/h) 35.0093061923

Densidad mezcla (kg/m3) 1199.681015366
Flujo de solido (m³/h) 3.6353061923
Concentracion volumen % 10.3838281522
Factor de espuma 1
Factor diseño caudal máximo 1
Factor diseño caudal minimo 1
Caudal maximo (m³/h) 35.0093061923
Caudal nominal (m³/h) 35.0093061923
Caudal minimo (m³/h) 35.0093061923

Velocidad limite (m/s)

Durand/Schiller Wasp Durand/Miedema (Referencial)
0.8402941521 1.0246840158 1.2664824143
0.9082832565 1.0792364543 1.3689548698
0.9712250046 1.1285365717 1.4638200035
1.0936421394 1.2214786808 1.6483258078
1.2034299199 1.3019159193 1.8137967836
1.3865122339 1.4308195697 2.0897365013
1.557692934 1.5462876982 2.3477382329
1.7077371412 1.6440552821 2.5738832672
1.796175009 1.7003363288 2.7071758816
1.9290595444 1.783197677 2.9074580408
2.0528876899 1.8587138192 3.0940905055
2.1705581889 1.9290790425 3.2714422309
2.2821695458 1.9946544551 3.4396616817
2.3885712927 2.0561803594 3.6000292636
2.48847407 2.113121558 3.7506016676
2.586402556 2.1682023696 3.8981984407
2.680756081 2.2206184001 4.0404070708
2.7718997367 2.2706702975 4.1777778198
2.8601404047 2.318607856 4.3107732167
2.9440844946 2.3637556551 4.4372928567
3.1872799307 2.4921979797 4.803834433

Caudal Mínimo Caudal Maximo

Descarga Succion Descarga
Tramo A-B Tramo a-b Tramo A-B
3 4 3
0 2.73 0
77.92 96.8 77.92
128830.341003673 103703.100940146 128830.341003673
35.0093061923 35.0093061923 35.0093061923
14 1 14

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1 0 1
0 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
1 1 1
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
1 1 1
1 1 1
0 0 0
0 0 0
2.724 3.024 2.724
2.0393568886 1.321418575 2.0393568886
0.2119763771 0.0889983206 0.2119763771
0 0 0
0.5774236513 0.2691309215 0.5774236513

NPSH disponible
Q min
Velocidad succión m/s 1.321418575
Perdidas de carga (m.c.p) #VALUE!
Presion de vapor (m.c.p) 0.1993548477
Presion atmosferica (m.c.p) 6.9820124299
Altura estatica de aspiración m 2.5
NPSH disponible m #VALUE!
Sumergencia necesaria m 0.3987057735

(m.c.p) = metro columna de pulpa

alculo cabeza bomba en base a agua


Mas desfavorable nivel minimo pulpa

densidad y caudal con factor de espuma

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Viscocidad dinámica agua (Pa s) 0.001005414

Viscocidad dinámica mezcla (Pa s) 0.001375365 Thomas
Viscocidad dinámica mezcla (Pa s) 0.001479755 Wellman
Viscocidad cinemática mezcla (m²/s) 1.23346E-06 Elegir celda Thomas o Wellman (mas desfa

Velocidad (m/s) Con factor de espuma

Oroskar and Turian 1980 Q Nominal Q maximo Q mínimo
1.16872678 2.358275084 2.358275084 2.358275084
1.2570148398 1.7275657832 1.727565783 1.7275657832
1.3383713905 1.321418575 1.321418575 1.321418575
1.4956586288 0.8218998176 0.821899818 0.8218998176
1.6357583032 0.5605787206 0.560578721 0.5605787206
1.8676085305 0.3181449277 0.318144928 0.3181449277
2.0826115453 0.1997066045 0.199706605 0.1997066045
2.2698195828 0.1382406387 0.138240639 0.1382406387
2.3796637568 0.1129601418 0.112960142 0.1129601418
2.5440683374 0.0849057875 0.084905787 0.0849057875
2.6966158228 0.066200164 0.066200164 0.066200164
2.8410319743 0.0529705028 0.052970503 0.0529705028
2.9775488816 0.0433439218 0.043343922 0.0433439218
3.1072959804 0.0361216012 0.036121601 0.0361216012
3.2287815304 0.0306610729 0.030661073 0.0306610729
3.3475635412 0.0262745535 0.026274553 0.0262745535
3.4617371822 0.0227662043 0.022766204 0.0227662043
3.571782592 0.0199163504 0.01991635 0.0199163504
3.6781024575 0.0175699455 0.017569945 0.0175699455
3.7790506515 0.0156501587 0.015650159 0.0156501587
4.070488902 0.0113930235 0.011393024 0.0113930235

Caudal Nominal
Succion Descarga
Tramo a-b Tramo A-B

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Q max
0.3987057735 Ref 4

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r celda Thomas o Wellman (mas desfavorable)

Razon V/VL
Durand/Schiller Wasp
Q minimo Q maximo Q minimo Q maximo Re Q Maximo
2.8064875593 2.8064875593 2.301465669 2.3014656691 138537.95433351
1.9020121431 1.9020121431 1.600729642 1.6007296421 118573.82673053
1.36056894 1.36056894 1.170913383 1.170913383 103703.10094015
0.7515253738 0.7515253738 0.672872831 0.6728728307 81786.379102218
0.4658175032 0.4658175032 0.430579819 0.4305798188 67544.476995063
0.2294569928 0.2294569928 0.222351535 0.222351535 50884.327711913
0.1282066575 0.1282066575 0.129152295 0.1291522947 40315.101088378
0.0809496001 0.0809496001 0.084085152 0.0840851522 33542.034786842
0.0628892737 0.0628892737 0.066433999 0.0664339989 30320.346052332
0.0440140833 0.0440140833 0.047614344 0.0476143439 26286.949227522
0.0322473384 0.0322473384 0.035616114 0.0356161144 23211.385893004
0.0244040925 0.0244040925 0.027458959 0.0274589592 20762.927465472
0.0189924197 0.0189924197 0.02173004 0.0217300404 18781.732096629
0.0151226808 0.0151226808 0.017567331 0.0175673311 17145.692715389
0.0123212346 0.0123212346 0.014509848 0.0145098482 15796.657913713
0.0101587255 0.0101587255 0.012118128 0.0121181278 14623.091963358
0.0084924564 0.0084924564 0.010252191 0.0102521911 13611.840552973
0.0071850905 0.0071850905 0.008771133 0.0087711327 12731.407481491
0.006143036 0.006143036 0.0075778 0.0075777995 11957.950363328
0.0053157981 0.0053157981 0.006620887 0.0066208869 11285.762660213
0.0035745287 0.0035745287 0.004571476 0.0045714761 9629.2183894544

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Calculos auxiliares
Velocidad limite Miedema/durand
phi 3.107161963 Eq Aalto University School
Cd 152.9527469
Re particle 0.142529022
vt 0.002866015
betha 4.611817976 para 0.1< Re <400
1/sqrt(Cx) 0.129473345
Flm 0,742299 Eq 18

Factor de Friccion Perdida m/m


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Eq Aalto University School

ara 0.1< Re <400

Velocidad desposicion VS diametro



Durand/Miedema (Referencial)
Oroskar and Turian 1980
2 (Referencial)

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Diametro interno

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an 1980

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CS 1/8 STD 10.3 1.73 6.84
CS ¼ STD 13.7 2.24 9.22
CS 0.375 STD 17.1 2.31 12.48
CS ½ STD 21.3 2.77 15.76
CS ¾ STD 26.7 2.87 20.96
CS 1 STD 33.4 3.38 26.64
CS 1¼ STD 42.2 3.56 35.08
CS 1½ STD 48.3 3.68 40.94
CS 2 STD 60.3 3.91 52.48
CS 2½ STD 73.0 5.16 62.68
CS 3 STD 88.9 5.49 77.92
CS 3½ STD 101.6 5.74 90.12
CS 4 STD 114.3 6.02 102.26
CS 5 STD 141.3 6.55 128.2
CS 6 STD 168.3 7.11 154.08
CS 8 STD 219.1 8.18 202.74
CS 10 STD 273.0 9.27 254.46
CS 12 STD 323.8 9.53 304.74
CS 14 STD 355.6 9.53 336.54
CS 16 STD 406.4 9.53 387.34
CS 18 STD 457.0 9.53 437.94
CS 20 STD 508.0 9.53 488.94
CS 22 STD 559.0 9.53 539.94
CS 24 STD 610.0 9.53 590.94
CS 26 STD 660.0 9.53 640.94
CS 28 STD 711.0 9.53 691.94
CS 30 STD 762.0 9.53 742.94
CS 32 STD 813.0 9.53 793.94
CS 34 STD 864.0 9.53 844.94
CS 36 STD 914.0 9.53 894.94
CS 42 STD 1067.0 9.52 1047.96
CS 0.125 XS 10.3 2.41 5.48
CS 0.25 XS 13.7 3.02 7.66
CS 0.375 XS 17.1 3.2 10.7
CS 0.5 XS 21.3 3.73 13.84
CS 0.75 XS 26.7 3.91 18.88
CS 1 XS 33.4 4.55 24.3
CS 1.25 XS 42.2 4.85 32.5
CS 1.5 XS 48.3 5.08 38.14
CS 2 XS 60.3 5.54 49.22
CS 2.5 XS 73.0 7.01 58.98
CS 3 XS 88.9 7.62 73.66
CS 3.5 XS 101.6 8.08 85.44
CS 4 XS 114.3 8.56 97.18
CS 5 XS 141.3 9.53 122.24
CS 6 XS 168.3 10.97 146.36
CS 8 XS 219.1 12.7 193.7
CS 10 XS 273.0 12.7 247.6
CS 12 XS 323.8 12.7 298.4
CS 14 XS 355.6 12.7 330.2
CS 16 XS 406.4 12.7 381

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CS 18 XS 457.0 12.7 431.6

CS 20 XS 508.0 12.7 482.6
CS 22 XS 559.0 12.7 533.6
CS 24 XS 610.0 12.7 584.6
CS 26 XS 660.0 12.7 634.6
CS 28 XS 711.0 12.7 685.6
CS 30 XS 762.0 12.7 736.6
CS 32 XS 813.0 12.7 787.6
CS 34 XS 864.0 12.7 838.6
CS 36 XS 914.0 12.7 888.6

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