Informe 5 Fisica 2
Informe 5 Fisica 2
Informe 5 Fisica 2
Fisica 2
Universidad de La Salle
ABSTRACT: Introduction: An electrical circuit is the interconnection of two or more components that
contains a closed path. In this practice the behavior of electric currents was analyzed depending on their
disposition, that is, the type of circuit and the elements present. Theoretical framework: The electrical
circuit is the pre-established path through which electric charges move. The circuits in series and parallel
depends on the arrangement of the power source and the resistors used in this case. On the other hand
Kirchhoff's laws allow us to solve the circuits using the set of equations to which they respond. Assembly
and procedure: The practice was divided into four main procedures; First of all what was done was to build
a circuit with resistors in series by varying the amount of resistors (2,3 and 4) to which the value was
determined by measuring them with the ohmmeter, for the second part of the laboratory what was done was to
make a circuit with the same resistances in parallel to determine the equivalent resistance of the circuit, in the
fourth procedure of the practice the same assembly of the first procedure was performed, unlike in this case it
Porcentaje de error:
%Σ = || 8840Ω−8850Ω
| 100
%Σ = 0.11%
Valor Teórico:
Req = R1 + R2 + R3
Req = 3820 Ω + 5020 Ω + 1470 Ω
Req = 10310 Ω
Valor Experimental:
Req = 10330 Ω
Porcentaje de error:
Valor Experimental:
Req = 12330 Ω
Fuente: Laura Cristancho[1], Daniel
Rosero[2],Jefferson marin[3], Jhon Aguilar [4]
Porcentaje de error:
%Σ = || 876.23Ω−878Ω
| 100
%Σ = 0.20%
Valor Teórico:
R1 R2 R1 R2 R3 R4
Req = R1 +R2 Req = R3 R4 (R2 +R1 )+R1 R2 (R3 +R4 )
3820 Ω(5020 Ω)
Req = 3820 Ω+5020 Ω
Req = 2169.27 Ω Req = 3820Ω*5020Ω*1470Ω*1997Ω
Valor Experimental:
Req = 609.011 Ω
Req = 2170 Ω
Valor Experimental:
Porcentaje de error:
Req= 611 Ω
%Σ = || 2169.27Ω−2170Ω
| * 100
%Σ = 0.03% Porcentaje de error:
%Σ = || 609.011Ω−611Ω |
609.011Ω | * 100
%Σ = 0.33%
3 878 0.20
Valor Experimental del voltaje:
4 611 0.33 V = 13v
%Σ = || 12.96v−13v | 100
12.96v | *
Leyes de Kirchhoff:
%Σ = 0.31%
Valor Teórico de la corriente: ● Con 4 resistencias en serie:
i = 1mA
Valor Teórico de voltajes:
Valor Experimental de la corriente: V =V1+V2+V3+V4
i = 0.9mA V = 4.02v + 5.28v + 1.55v + 2.10v
%Σ = || 1mA_−0.9mA
| 100
V = 12.95v
%Σ =0.1%
Valor Experimental de voltajes:
V = 13v
● Con 2 resistencias en serie:
Porcentaje de error:
Valor Teórico del voltaje:
V =V1+V2
%Σ = || 12.95v−13v | 100
12.95v | *
V = 5.60v + 7.37v
V = 12.97v %Σ = 0.39%
%Σ = 0.23%
i = i1 + i2 + i3
i = 14.42mA