Cheesecake Sin Cocción de Chocolate

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El fin de semana
pasado fuimos a cenar a la casa de Julia y Augusto. Y no bien me
dijeron de la invitación yo dije ¡yo llevo el postre! No me voy a perder
la oportunidad de probar y compartir algo rico. A la noche mientras
estabamos allí se desató una tormenta impresionante, a mi me
encantan las tormentas y la lluvia , así que todo fue mucho más lindo
porque comíamos mientras veíamos la lluvia correr. Los cheesecakes
son de esas tortas que a todos le gustan y para mí es uno de mis
preferidos, así que no se asombren si ven que publico alguna variante
de vez en cuando. Este es sin cocción así que a las que mucho no se
animan al horneado , éste es ideal y queda muy suave.
200 gs galletitas de vainilla molidas
50 gs manteca (mantequilla)

Moler bien las galletitas y colocarle por encima la manteca derretida.

Mezclar bien hasta que todo esté empapado en la manteca y forrar la
base del molde que vamos a usar. Lo llevamos a la heladera por lo
menos una hora antes de poner el relleno para que se solidifique bien.

350 gs crema (nata)
5 cucharadas azúcar impalpable
120gs chocolate blanco
10 gs gelatina
50 cc agua
340 gs queso crema

Batir la crema con el azúcar pero sin que llegue a chantilly. Reservar
en la heladera. Poner a baño maría el chocolate en trozos hasta que se
derrita. Hidratar la gelatina con el agua y llevarla a baño María hasta
que se disuelva. Poner el queso blanco en un bowl y mezclarlo bien
par que tome consistencia de crema. En esta torta a la crema batida yo
la usé de “Celestina” o sea era la que invitaba a todos a la
“fiesta”,entonces daban vueltas ,charlaban un poco y juntos iban a la
reunión. Es por eso que como al chocolate blanco le costaba
derretirse, le agregué un poco de la crema batida, la mezclé, la seguí
dejando en baño María y Santo remedio! Al queso crema también le
agregué en tres veces pequeñas porciones de la crema porque si no lo
hacemos después nos quedan los grumos de queso solo y no está tan
bueno. Luego puse la gelatina sobre el chocolate blanco y la crema
mezclé y dejé que entibiara. Después lo volqué sobre el queso que ya
tenía crema y mezclé todo. Por último le agregué el resto de la crema
que me quedaba y lo volqué sobre la base de galletitas que ya estaba

100 gs mermelada de arándanos
2 cucharadas de agua

Para la decoración usé mermelada de arándanos a la que le puse un

poco de agua para diluirla y que corra fácil. En realidad le podemos
poner cualquier mermelada roja o de color fuerte así contrasta lindo
con el color blanco de la tarta. Lo bueno de usar mermelada diluida es
que al cortar cae levemente por los costados de la porción y queda
muy bien presentado.
Como esta torta no lleva cocción, lo que hice es armarla sobre el plato
de presentación. Entonces puse el aro de una tortera sin la base y en el
interior también le coloqué un aro de acetato así resultaba más fácil
desmoldarla. Recién se quita todo esto cuando la vamos a servir.
Quizás también le interese:
Oreo galletas y crema de queso sin hornear

Hace 16 mini pasteles de queso 2pulgadas o uno de8 pulgadas de pastel de queso.
1 1 / 2 taza de galletatriturada
1 / 4 taza deazúcar morena ligera
7 cucharadas demantequilla sin sal (derretida)
1. Combine lasmigas de galletas graham conel azúcar.
2. Añadir lamantequilla derretida y mezclehasta que se mezclen.
3. Pulse en elmolde. Ponga a un lado.
Tarta de queso
2 ¼ tazas de cremaespesa
1 libra de queso crema,ablandado
2 / 3 taza deazúcar
½ cucharadita de sal
1 cucharada de jugode limón
2 cucharadita de vainillaen polvo
¾ tazas de galletasOreo, aplastado
1. Batir crema deleche hasta formar picos medio. Ponga a un lado.
2. Agregue elqueso crema, azúcar, sal, vainilla en polvo, jugo de limón a un tazón y batircon
una pala hastaque esté suave (aproximadamente 3-5 minutos). Si usted notiene una
batidorao una palaun batidor de manofunciona tan bien, pero tendrá el doble de tiempopara
lograr unaconsistencia suave.
3. Agregue lamezcla de queso crema con crema de leche y batirhasta que se incorpore.
4. Doble con cuidado las galletas Oreo.
5. Rellene elegidosartén con unpequeño montículo en el centro,como el pastel dequeso se
convertirá en pocohundida en el centro.
6. Refrigere porlo menos 6 horaspara establecer odurante la noche para obtener
7. Retire delrefrigerador y suave arriba a nivel de los bordes. Servircon crema batida
yadorne con Oreos Mini.
version en ingles
OreoCookies and Cream No-Bake Cheesecake

Makes 16 mini 2 inch cheesecakes orone 8 inch cheesecake.

1 1/2 cup crushed grahamcracker
1/4 cup packed light brown sugar
7 tablespoon unsalted butter(melted)

1. Combine graham cracker crumbswith sugar.

2. Add melted butter and blend until combined.
3. Press into pan. Set aside.


2 ¼ cups heavy cream

1 pound cream cheese, softened

2/3 cup sugar

½ teaspoon salt

1 tablespoon lemon juice

2 teaspoon vanilla powder

¾ cups Oreo Cookies, crushed


1. Beat heavy cream until mediumpeaks form. Set aside.

2. Add cream cheese, sugar, salt,vanilla powder, lemon juice

to a bowl and beat with a paddle attachment untilsmooth
(approximately 3-5 mins). If you do not have a stand mixer or
a paddleattachment a hand beater will work as well, but will
take twice as long toachieve a smooth consistency.

3. Add cream cheese mixture to heavycream and beat until


4. Gently fold in Oreo cookies.

5. Fill chosen pan with a slightmound at the center, as the

cheesecake will become slightly sunken at thecenter.

6. Refrigerate for at least 6 hoursto set or overnight for best


7. Remove from refrigerator andsmooth top to level with

edges. Serve with whipping cream and garnish with

Peanut Butter Snickers Mini Cheesecakes



I got some snickers on sale the day after Halloween and
it was an act of Congress to keep Adam out of them long
enough for me to bake with them! Since he loves
cheesecake I decided I would put the beloved snickers in
cheesecake!! Plus I realized I only have like 2 cheesecake
recipes on here and that just won’t do, since its half of
the blog name.:) I adapted these from a butterfinger
cheesecake recipe but you really could use any of your
favorite chocolate candies in this (I’m thinking my fave-
twix is next!). The cheesecake was simply divine! One of
those desserts that immediately evoke an “mmmm”
from anyone that takes a bite. The peanut butter really
adds depth and the texture of the cheesecake was
creamy and smooth. I love the carmely/crunchy bite you
get from the snickers. I’m sure I will be making this
quite a bit if Adam has anything to do with it! I used
regular snickers for this, but I bet it would be great with
the new pb snickers too! I did use 1/3 less fat cream
cheese & fat free half & half to lighten it up just a
smidge, but feel free to use the full fat ingredients.

Oh and just a few notes of business: I’ve added a

printable link at the bottom of each post. Click on that
link and then you can choose what you would like to
print, either the entire post, just the recipe, or the recipe
with picture. You just click on the area you would like to
remove and then print! I’ve also added some buttons for
you to share each post with your friends on several
different social media sites if you would like. Now on to
the cheesecake!
Peanut Butter Snickers Mini Cheesecakes
Source: adapted from Picky Palate
Makes 12 mini cheesecakes
For the Crust:
1 cup graham crackers crumbs
2 tbsp. sugar
1/8 tsp. salt
3 tbsp. unsalted butter, melted
For the Filling:
8 oz. cream cheese, softened (can use 1/3 less fat if
1/4 cup creamy peanut butter
1/2 cup sugar
1 egg
2 tbsp. heavy cream (or fat free half & half)
1/8 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. vanilla
6 Fun Size Snickers Candy Bars, chopped
For Topping:
1/2 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 tbsp. heavy cream (or fat free half & half)
3 Fun Size Snickers, chopped
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray a muffin tin with
cooking spray, set aside.
Crush the graham crackers in a food processor or by
hand. In a medium sized bowl, add graham cracker
crumbs, sugar & salt. Stir to combine. Pour in melted
butter and stir until all crumbs look slightly moist. Press
crumb mixture into the bottom of the muffin tin,
distributing evenly. Bake crust for 10 minutes. Remove
from oven and reduce oven temperature to 300 degrees.

Meanwhile, in the bowl of a stand mixer beat together

the cream cheese and peanut butter on medium speed
until smooth. Scrape down the sides to ensure it is all
incorporated. Turn speed to low and add in egg, cream,
sugar & salt. Mix until fully incorporated. Remove bowl
from stand mixer and stir in chopped snickers. Spoon
the cheesecake batter over the crust, distributing evenly
(each will be about 2/3 full).
Bake for approximately 20 minutes, until cheesecakes
are set in the middle. Let cool in the pan on the counter
for 2 hours. Once cooled, run a butter knife around the
outside edge of each cheesecake and pop it out.

For the topping, melt chocolate chips in a microwave

safe container in 30 second intervals, until melted &
smooth. Stir in cream and continually stir until smooth
& glossy. Spoon the ganache over the cheesecakes and
top with additional chopped snickers. Place cheesecakes
in refrigerator for approximately 30 minutes until
ganache has set. Serve & enjoy! Store in an airtight
container in the refrigerator.

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Mini Peanut Butter and Snickers
17 days until Christmas!!!!
December is a crazy month!!

I haven't posted in a week AND I realize this recipe is very similar to my last post.

With Christmas approaching at rapid speed, it's hard to slow down and enjoy all of the
wonderful aspects that accompany it. My Christmas baking list is multiplying and
expanding exponentially. I only wish I could add more hours in the day to juggle school,
internships, exercising, cooking and blogging.

Speaking of exercising, I ran in my 3rd 5k of the year this past weekend in Charlotte, NC
for the ACC Football Championship. I am very proud to say that I got my best time yet at
24:57! Not to mention 2nd place in my age division! I have only a week to recover, in
preparation for my next 5k which just so happens to be in two days.
Oh, and don't worry, the highest the temperature is supposed to reach that day is 38! Yay
for cold weather!

Okay, that was a little sarcastic, but I really am excited to run The Jingle Bell Run, not only
to get into the Christmas spirit, but also to remember what Christmas is all about. And that's
helping others and giving to people who need it the most. I love running 5k's because I'm
able to push my endurance and strength, train for soccer season, and ultimately donate to
great causes all across the country.

On another note, I would like to make a quick shoutout to my Mom on her 48th birthday!
Happy Birthday Mom! You have helped me discover my love of cooking and baking. You
always support anything I do, and have taught me to follow my dreams and do what I love.

I sent my mom various dessert recipes and asked her to choose one for me to bake on her
birthday, and she chose this one!

And what an awesome choice that was!

These are bite-sized, peanut butter, chocolate, cheesecake heaven.

Mini Peanut Butter and Snickers Cheesecakes

Recipe from Macaroni and Cheesecake

Yields: 20 mini cheesecakes


For the crust:

 1 cup graham crackers crumbs

 2 tbsp. sugar
 1/8 tsp. salt
 3 tbsp. unsalted butter, melted
For the Filling:
 8 oz. cream cheese, softened (can use 1/3 less fat if desired)
 1/4 cup creamy peanut butter
 1/2 cup sugar
 1 egg
 2 tbsp. heavy cream (or fat free half & half)
 1/8 tsp. salt
 1/4 tsp. vanilla
 6 Fun Size Snickers Candy Bars, chopped
For the Topping:
 1/2 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
 1 tbsp. heavy cream (or fat free half & half)
 3 Fun Size Snickers, chopped
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray a muffin tin with cooking spray, set
2. Crush the graham crackers in a food processor or by hand. In a medium
sized bowl, add graham cracker crumbs, sugar & salt. Stir to combine. Pour in
melted butter and stir until all crumbs look slightly moist. Place 1 tablespoon
of crumbs into each muffin tin, and press down until compacted. Bake crust for 10
minutes. Remove from oven and reduce oven temperature to 300 degrees.
3. Meanwhile, in the bowl of a stand mixer beat together the cream cheese and
peanut butter on medium speed until smooth. Scrape down the sides to ensure it is
all incorporated. Turn speed to low and add in egg, cream, vanilla, sugar & salt.
Mix until fully incorporated. Remove bowl from stand mixer and stir in chopped
snickers. Spoon the cheesecake batter over the crust, distributing evenly (each will
be about 2/3 full).
4. Bake for approximately 20 minutes, until cheesecakes are set in the middle.
Let cool in the pan on the counter for 30 minutes to an hour.
5. Once cooled, run a butter knife around the outside edge of each cheesecake
and pop it out.
6. For the topping, melt chocolate chips in a microwave safe container in 30
second intervals, until melted & smooth. Stir in cream and continually stir until
smooth & glossy. Spoon the ganache over the cheesecakes and top with additional
chopped snickers.
7. Place cheesecakes in refrigerator for approximately 30 minutes until
ganache has set. Serve & enjoy! Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator.
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Oreo Cookies and Cream No-Bake Cheesecake

JUNE 27TH, 2010 § 40
Oreo Cookies and Cream No-Bake Cheesecake ~ An adult dessert gets some kid lov’n with
an Oreo crush.
Oreo Cookie and Cream No-Bake Cheesecake

What kid doesn’t love Oreos, right? But not every kid likes cheesecake. Please tell me I am
not the only one that acquired a taste for cheesecake through the years.

In fact, I think my first bite of cheesecake was at a Cheesecake Factory when I was in high
school. But maybe that had more to do with my parents being very strict, old world Asians.
They convinced my siblings and me that American restaurants were for Americans, along
with other weird ideas like makeup was to be worn when I was 30-something and
boyfriends were had after college graduation. And by that I mean after I became a doctor.

Yeah, so much for parental influence. Eventually we westernized my dad but never my
mom. She’s still wondering which cult abducted me every night and returned me to my bed
before the sun rose.

My sweet tooth and baking obsession as attributed by her is an American influence that she
hopes to wash away with fish sauce.

Uh, good luck! I’ve entered Willy Wonka’s world and I never want to leave.
I love this latest creation to come out of my Wonka factory: Oreo Cookies and Cream No-
Bake Cheesecake. Seriously, one of my easiest desserts ever—ten minute prep, throw it in
the fridge to set, and enjoy childhood bliss with every Oreo filled cheesecake bite.

A few notes:

 I made these as Mini Oreo Cookies and Cream Cheesecake, but the recipe will work just as
well in a 9 inch cheesecake pan or springform.
 If you do not have vanilla powder you can omit it. I don’t recommend vanilla extract or it
will end up coloring your cheesecake with a slight brownish color.
 For best results refrigerate overnight.
 Keep refrigerated up until 20 minutes before serving.
 Other no-bake cheesecakes you may like White Chocolate Tuxedo Cheesecake and SoNo’s
No-Bake Cheesecake.
Oreo Cookies and Cream No-Bake Cheesecake
{Printer Version}

Makes 16 mini 2 inch cheesecakes or one 8 inch cheesecake.

1 1/2 cup crushed graham cracker
1/4 cup packed light brown sugar
7 tablespoon unsalted butter(melted)

2 ¼ cups heavy cream

1 pound cream cheese, softened

2/3 cup sugar

½ teaspoon salt

1 tablespoon lemon juice

2 teaspoon vanilla powder

¾ cups Oreo Cookies, crushed

1. Combine graham cracker crumbs with sugar.
2. Add melted butter and blend until combined.
3. Press into pan. Set aside.

1. Beat heavy cream until medium peaks form. Set aside.

2. Add cream cheese, sugar, salt, vanilla powder, lemon juice to a bowl and beat with a
paddle attachment until smooth (approximately 3-5 mins). If you do not have a stand mixer
or a paddle attachment a hand beater will work as well, but will take twice as long to
achieve a smooth consistency.

3. Add cream cheese mixture to heavy cream and beat until incorporated.

4. Gently fold in Oreo cookies.

5. Fill chosen pan with a slight mound at the center, as the cheesecake will become slightly
sunken at the center.

6. Refrigerate for at least 6 hours to set or overnight for best results.

7. Remove from refrigerator and smooth top to level with edges. Serve with whipping cream
and garnish with mini Oreos.

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