Asme b31.4 Parrafos de Inspeccion Visual
Asme b31.4 Parrafos de Inspeccion Visual
Asme b31.4 Parrafos de Inspeccion Visual
(B) El espesor de pared de los tubos a unir, más allá del área de
diseño de la junta, deberá cumplir con los requisitos de diseño de este
(C) Para tensiones de deformación de más del 20% del límite elástico
mínimo especificado de la tubería, donde el desplazamiento interno
nominal es de más de 3/32 pulg. (2.5 mm), pero no superior a la mitad
del espesor de la pared de la tubería más delgada, y no hay acceso al
interior de la tubería para la soldadura, la transición puede hacerse wih
una soldadura cónica. Vea la ilustración (c). El terreno sobre el tubo
más grueso será igual para el desplazamiento más la tierra en la
tubería a tope.
> 1/64 pulg. (0,4 mm), pero ≤ 1/32 pulg. (0,8 mm) o> 6% pero ≤ 12,5%
del espesor de pared del tubo, lo que sea menor
9.3.10 Cracks
Cracks shall be considered a defect should any of the following conditions exists:
a) the crack, of any size or location in the weld, is not a shallow crater crack or star crack;
b) the crack is a shallow crater crack or star crack with a length that exceeds 5/32 in. (4 mm).
NOTE Shallow crater cracks or star cracks are located at the stopping point of weld beads and are the result of
weld metal
contractions during solidification.
the crack is a shallow crater crack or star crack with a length that exceeds 5/32 in. (4 mm).
Cuando la fisura de cualquier tamaño o localización dentro de la soldadura, no es una fisura de cráter (shallow
crater crack) o una fisura estrella (star crack).
Cuando la fisura es una fisura de cráter o fisura de estrella con una longitud superior a 5/32” (4
(a) The illustrations in Fig. 434.8.6-2 illustrate acceptable preparations for joining pipe ends having
unequal wall thicknesses and/or materials of unequal specified minimum yield strength by butt
(b) The wall thickness of the pipes to be joined, beyond the joint design area, shall comply with the
design requirements of this Code.
(c) When the specified minimum yield strengths of the pipes to be joined are unequal, the deposited
weld metal shall have mechanical properties at least equal to those of the pipe having the higher
(d) The transition between ends of unequal thickness may be accomplished by taper or welding as
illustrated or by means of a prefabricated transition nipple not less than one-half pipe diameter in
(e) Sharp notches or grooves at the edge of the weld where it joins a slanted surface shall be
(f) For joining pipes of unequal wall thicknesses and equal specified minimum yield strengths, the
rules given herein apply, except there is no minimum angle limit to the taper.
(g) The effective weld throat, tW, shall be used for determining postweld heat treatment
(1) No minimum when materials joined have equal yield strength [see General Note (f)].
(2) Maximum thickness tD for design purposes shall not be greater than 1.5t.
(3) Internal Diameters Unequal
(a) If the nominal wall thicknesses of the adjoining pipe ends do not vary more than 3⁄32 in. (2.5
mm), no special treatment is necessary provided full penetration and bond is accomplished in
welding. See illustration (a).
(b) Where the nominal internal offset is more than 3⁄32 in. (2.5 mm) and there is no access to the
inside of the pipe for welding, the transition shall be made by a taper cut on the inside end of the
thicker pipe. See illustration (b). The taper angle shall not be steeper than 30 deg nor less that 14
(c) For hoop stresses of more than 20% of the specified minimum yield strength of the pipe, where
the nominal internal offset is more than 3⁄32 in. (2.5 mm), but does not exceed one-half the wall
thickness of the thinner pipe, and there is access to the inside of the pipe for welding, the transition
may be made wih a tapered weld. See illustration (c). The land on the thicker pipe shall be equal
to the offset plus the land on abutting pipe.
(d) Where the nominal internal offset is more than one-half the wall thickness of the thinner pipe,
and there is access to the inside of the pipe for welding, the transition may be made with a taper cut
on the inside end of the thicker pipe [see illustration (b)], or by a combination taper weld to one-half
the wall thickness of the thinner pipe and a taper cut from that point [see illustration (d)].
(4) External Diameters Unequal
(a) Where the external offset does not exceed one-half the wall thickness of the thinner pipe, the
transition may be made by welding [see illustration (e)], provided the angle of rise of the weld
surface does not exceed 30 deg and both bevel edges are properly fused.
(b) Where there is an external offset exceeding one-half the wall thickness of the thinner pipe, that
portion of the offset over one half the wall thickness of the thinner pipe shall be tapered. See
illustration (f).
(5) Internal and External Diameters Unequal. Where there is both an internal and an external offset,
the joint design shall be a combination of illustrations (a) through (f). See illustration (g). Particular
attention shall be paid to proper alignment under these conditions.