Problema SNES Kernel

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Buenos d�as y gracias de antemano.

Perd�n por mi ingl�s si cometo fallos, que soy

de Espa�a. Os cuento mi caso. Al usar el P-uae Extrem (Amiga) y el PPSSPP extreme
(PSP) tuve alg�n problema de configuraci�n (override), as� que al ir a hacer un
Factory reset yo creo que le d� sin querer a dumpear la consola antes del Factory
reset por lo que entiendo que en la �ltima versi�n del hakchi ce 3.5.3 te la guarda
en alg�n lugar para poder reinstalarla despu�s. El problema que tengo es que a
partir de entonces, al hacer un Factory Reset o formatear el kernel de la consola y
tener que "instalar/reparar" nuevamente dicho kernel para que puedas meter nuevos
juegos y cores me lo vuelca mal. Al instalarme el kernel que dumpe� (volqu�) con
unos cores y juegos en concreto (usaba el retroarch 1.7.7 extreme), siempre me
lleva a ese punto, por lo que no puedo actualizar nada, aunque aparentemente me
instale lo nuevo. Prob� a meter un kernel original dentro de una carpeta "dump" del
hakchi, pero en la �ltima versi�n no funciona...sencillamente no s� donde est�
guardado mi kernel "malo" para cambiarlo por otro original. Tendr� que probar a
desinstalar todo y meter una versi�n anterior del hakchi a ver si me deja cargar un
kernel original, pero no s� si tendr� el mismo problema. Ahora mismo me mezcla
todas las versiones y me salen los mismos overrides que ten�a en su d�a. De hecho,
al desinstalar el kernel y hacer un factory reset me da que la consola s�lo tiene
218,8 mg de espacio. �Hay alguna manera de limpiar completamente la �ltima versi�n
de hakchi para poder instalar todo (kernel original incluido) desde 0? Gracias y
enhorabuena por tu trabajo.

Good morning and thank you in advance. I'm sorry for my English if I make mistakes
because I'm from Spain. This is my trouble: While i was using the P-uae Extrem
(Friend) and PPSSPP extreme (PSP) I had some problems in my configuration
(overrides), so when I go to do a Factory reset I think I inadvertently dumped my
console before the Factory reset so I understand that in the latest version of the
hakchi ce 3.5.3 saves it somewhere so you can reinstall it later. The problem I
have is that since that momet, when i try doing a Factory Reset or formatting the
console kernel and having to "install/repair" again the kernel so you can put new
games and cores the machine have a mistake. When I install the kernel I dumped
(dumped) with some cores and games in particular (I used the retroarch 1.7.7
extreme), always takes me to that point, so I can't update anything, though
apparently I installed the new ones. I have tried to put an original kernel inside
a folder "dump" inside the hakchi, but in the latest version it does not work... I
just don't know where my "wrong kernel" is to change it to an original one. I'll
have to try uninstalling everything and install a previous version of the hakchi to
see if it lets me load an original kernel, but I don't know if I'll have the same
problem. Right now, I have mixed all the versions and I get the same overrides. In
fact, uninstalling the kernel and doing a factory reset gives me that the console
only has 218.8 mg of space. Is there any way to completely clean up the latest
version of hakchi to be able to install everything (original kernel included) from
the begining? Thank you and congratulations for your work.

If you want to start over and be sure you're using correct kernel:
�Search and download a proper kernel, you can find the filenames here:
(since you're Spanish I'm assuming you have a EUR console? If so, search for one
of the file, the version doesn't matter).
You'll have to find it yourself, we're not allowed to share those :(
�Open hakchi CE and click "Kernel" menu.
�HOLD Shift key on your keyboard and click "Uninstall".
�Wait a few seconds for the process to start and you can release Shift key.
�If done correctly hakchi CE will ask you for a kernel file when it's almost
finished, select the one you downloaded from the first step.
�Now you should be back to stock, you can now click "Kernel > Install/Repair" to
reinstall the hack with a proper kernel!

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