Guía de Estudio Tercer Parcial Inglés III PDF
Guía de Estudio Tercer Parcial Inglés III PDF
Guía de Estudio Tercer Parcial Inglés III PDF
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Web 26/11/18
2.1.3 Pasado Simple Interrogativo (Yes/ No Questions) 4.2.2 “Phrasal Verbs” en obligaciones
Web 26/11/18
1. Ejemplos de preguntas para que visualices y comprendas la forma en que se te puede cuestionar en el examen del tercer
2. Contesta esta autoevaluación que te servirá como reforzamiento del conocimiento que adquiriste durante el semestre.
3. Califica tu autoevaluación formando equipos con tus compañeros para que se dé una coevaluación. Ver nota.
4. Verifica las respuestas con la ayuda de tu profesor.
5. En aquellos contenidos donde no hayas logrado el éxito acude con tu profesor para que te apoye y puedas lograr ese
Coevaluación: Esta es una forma de evaluación en donde todos participan a diferencia de la autoevaluación que es uno
mismo el que evalúa sus conocimientos y reflexiona sobre ellos. Mientras en este proceso pueden participar todos los
alumnos que conforman un equipo.
En el aprendizaje colaborativo es muy importante este tipo de evaluación ya que entre todos evalúan el comportamiento y
participación que tuvieron entre ellos, de esa manera el alumno puede comparar el nivel de aprendizaje que cree tener y el
que consideran sus compañeros que tiene, para de esta forma reflexionar sobre su aprendizaje.
1. I _____ play soccer when I was 10 years old, 4. My friend’s ______ use to ______ me on my
but now I prefer volleyball. birthday.
Web 26/11/18
6. 11.
A) Did Robert use to play the guitar in a band A) Most people drank soft drank as a sign of
when he was a teenager? No, he didn’t. wealthy.
B) Robert did use to play the guitar in a band B) Most people drank soft drinked as a sign of
when he was a teenager. No, he did. wealthy.
C) Did use to Robert play the guitar in a band C) Most people drank soft drinks as a sign of
when he was a teenager? No, he didn’t. wealthy.
D) Robert use to did play the guitar in a band D) Most people drank soft drinking as a sign of
when he was a teenager? No, he did. wealthy.
Web 26/11/18
17. Look the text and complete the sentences with the
A) My classmates was cleaning the classroom missing connectors.
the last week.
It was exactly 10:00 o´clock. Outside it was
B) My classmates were clean the classroom the raining. We were watching television in the
last week. living room and our 9 years old twins were
sleeping quietly in their bedroom. My husband
C) My classmates cleaning the classroom last
was drinking a cup of tea and I was chatting with
a friend. Our dog was barking. 22. _________ we
D) My classmates were cleaning the classroom were going to sleep a strange noise came from
the last week. the street. 23. ___________ investigating the
cause, we realized that there was a thief trying
18. My best friend ___________ __________ well to get in a neighbor home. We called the police
lately. and 24. _________ they got the robber in to jail.
A) who B) where
C) that D) when
Web 26/11/18
28. The stadium, _____ “Los Águilas” team play 36. For your next homework you may _______ up
baseball, is in Mexicali. the information on page 36 of your book.
A) There is B) There be 39. I can’t open the window, help ____ please!
C) There isn`t D) There are
A) me B) him C) you D) us
31. _____ a noisy person in this class. 40. We are going to the zoo, come with ____!
A) for B) In C) Up D) down
34. Can you please turn _____ the dish washer Diseño y elaboración:
before you go out? Dirección de Planeación Académica
Departamento de Evaluación del Aprendizaje
A) on B) Down C) Up D) for
Programa de Evaluación del Aprendizaje
35. Maria applied for a job, but she was turned
A) In B) Down C) Up D) for
Web 26/11/18