Informe de Laboratorio Ftir
Informe de Laboratorio Ftir
Informe de Laboratorio Ftir
ÁÁ lvarez Gonzaá lez, Ándreá s Steven; Reyes Álba, Diana Marcela; Rojas Rojas, Maríáa Álejandra.
Universidad pedagoá gica y tecnoloá gica de Colombia, Escuela de Quíámica, Tunja, Boyacaá .
Abstract The infrared spectrometry is based on the fact that the linkages of the substances have specific
frequencies of vibration, which correspond at the levels of energy of the molecule. The infrared
spectrometry for transformed of Fourier (FTIV) allows us to obtain the infrared bogey with major rapidity.
For this practice there decides the bogey of three different compounds (ascorbic acid, ibuprofen, Acid
acetylsalicylic) with end of identifying the bands of every of one of these, and this way of realizing a brief
description and comparison between the same. This was realized submitting a small sample that is placed
in an infrared cell (ATR), where he surrenders to an infrared source of light, which does a sweep of the
wavelengths of 4000 cm-1 up to 500 cm-1.
Keywords: spectroscopy FTIR, spectrometry, bogey, analysis.