Bilingual Confirmation Handbook 2017-2018 PDF
Bilingual Confirmation Handbook 2017-2018 PDF
Bilingual Confirmation Handbook 2017-2018 PDF
Page 3-4…………………………… WHAT IS CONFIRMATION?
Pagina 3-4…………………………. ¿QUE ES LA CONFIRMACIÓN?
Page 5….………………………….. REQUIREMENTS
Pagina 5…………………………… REQUISITOS
Page 6……………………………... CALENDAR
Pagina 6…………………………… CALENDARIO
Page 7+……………………………. FORMS & EXAMPLES
Pagina7+………………………….. FORMAS Y EJEMPLOS
Brenda Gaona
Asistente de Formación de Fe-Español Lita Mesta Mixaida Vanderwerf
(972) 712-2645 x364 Asistente Líder de Sesión Líder de Sesión 469.219.0683 214.585.6692
Entregar documentos solamente a tu catequista asigna-
da. Incluir tu nombre completo en tu documento.
What are the sacraments? “The sacraments are efficacious signs of grace,
instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which divine life is dis-
pensed to us.” CCC no. 1131
This means that the sacraments were given to us by Christ. By participating
in the sacraments we cooperate with God’s grace by which we are trans-
formed and are being perfected as Children of God. Just as all children are
nurtured by their parents, God nurtures his children through the sacraments.
¿Que es un sacramento?
“Los Sacramentos son signos eficaces de la gracia, instituidos por Cristo
y confiados a la Iglesia por los cuales nos es dispensada la vida divina.”
CIC no. 1131.
Esto significa que Cristo mismo nos dio los sacramentos. Al participar
de los sacramentos, compartimos en la gra-
cia de Dios, por la cual somos transforma-
dos en el proceso de ser perfeccionados co-
mo Hijos de Dios. Así como todos los pa-
dres cuidan de sus hijos, también Dios nu-
tre a sus hijos a través de los sacramentos.
Where are references to Confirmation in the Bible?
It is important to note that it is not explicitly named “Confirmation” in the
Bible but the actual process of the sacrament is found in…
¿Donde hay referencias a la Confirmación en la Biblia?
No se menciona específicamente la palabra “Confirmación en la Bi-
blia,” pero el proceso del sacramento se encuentra en...
Acts 8:14-17 / Hechos 8: 14-17
Acts 19:5-6 / Hechos 19: 5-6
Promised by Christ in John 16:7 ; 7:39 / Prometido por Cristo en Juan
16:7, 7:39 /Laying on of Hands listed separate from baptism Hebrews 6:2
Imposición de las manos como algo distinto al Bautismo en Hebreos 6:2
Due Date: Check List — Leer con atención:
***Importante: guardar con una copia de cada documento que entregan a su catequista***
NOTA: Estudiantes que no cumplan con todos los requisitos, no recibirán el Sacramento.
Catequistas encargadas de recibir documentos de Confirmación:
Secundaria Confirmación Sábado: Mixaida Vanderwerf
Preparatoria Confirmación Sábado: Mixaida Vanderwerf
Secundaria Confirmación Viernes: Sandra Perusquia
Preparatoria Confirmación Viernes: Nathacha Aragon
Fecha Límite de entrega de documentos:
Octubre 13 y 14, 2017 __Promesa de Padres (p.13)
Noviembre 3 y 4, 2017 __Forma del Padrino o Madrina (p.17)
Noviembre 17 y 18, 2017 __Reflexión sobre el santo escogido (p.20-22)
__ Carta al Obispo (p.24)
Diciembre 8 y 9, 2017 __15 horas de Servicio Comunitario (p.26-30)
___ Retreat Fee/Retiro en inglés: $180 por candidato (sólo en caso de no asistir al retiro en español)
___ Couta de Retiro/Retiro en español/bilingüe $25 por candidato, incluido en la forma de inscripción de Formación de Fe
___ Interview MANDATORY (Feb. 16 y 17)/Entrevista MANDATORIA (febrero 16 y 17, 2018 durante las clases)
___ Rehearsal MANDATORY/Ensayo MANDATORIO TODOS LOS GRUPOS—martes 17 de abril, 2018 a las 6:45PM—todas las clases en la Iglesia
The ONLY date for Confirmation is April 21, 2018/La ÚNICA fecha para la Misa de Confirmación es el 21 de abril, 2018 a las 10AM
R e t i ro d e C o n f i rm ac i ó n
Soy Joven
***Firmar Asistencia***
St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church
8000 El Dorado Parkway, Frisco, TX 75033 (972) 712-2645
Fax: (972) 712-1087
***FECHA DE ENTREGA OCTUBRE 13 y 14, 2017***
Importante: guardar una copia de cada documento que entreguen a su catequista
Por favor escribir claramente con letra de molde
A sponsor is an adult who will help the candidate grow in and live their faith,
both in preparation for Confirmation and throughout their life.
The sponsor should strive to witness Christ by word and deed, to spread and defend the Catholic faith,
and be involved in parish life.
El Padrino o la Madrina debe intentar ser testigo de Cristo por obra y palabra, compar-
tiendo la fe Católica, y debe estar involucrado a la vida de la Iglesia.
The sponsor should be someone who will help the candidate grow into full Christian maturity.
They should have the opportunity to cultivate a relationship with natural and supernatural dimen-
Preference should be given to a baptismal godparent.
Only one person (not two) may be selected as a Confirmation sponsor.
A child’s parent may not be the Confirmation sponsor. As a parent, he/she already has the role
of sponsoring. The sponsor should support and help the parent in this role.
The sponsor report should be a typed essay explaining who the sponsor is and why you have
chosen him/her. You should also discuss how your sponsor will help you along the journey towards
Confirmation and beyond as well. It would be great to include a picture of your sponsor in the report.
Don’t forget to include the sponsor’s name, address, phone number, email, and your relationship with
him/her (uncle, cousin, friend of family, etc.) as part of the heading. Please see the included model re-
port. 15
Talk to the sponsor about how he/she daily lives out his/her participation in the Church.
El padrino o la madrina debe ser alguien que le ayudara al candidato a
crecer en la madurez cristiana.
Deben ser capaces de cultivar una relación con una dimensión espiritual.
Se debe dar preferencia al padrino de bautismo si es posible.
Solo una persona (no dos) pueden servir como padrinos para la Confirmación.
El padre/la madre del joven NO PUEDE ser el padrino/la madrina.
El Reporte sobre el Padrino/la Madrina debe ser un ensayo que explica quien es su
padrino/madrina y porque le elegiste a esta persona. Se debe hablar que como esta
persona te va a ayudar en tu camino hacia la Confirmación, y después. Seria bueno
incluir una foto de la persona en su reporte. Hay que incluir su nombre, dirección,
teléfono, email, y su relación contigo (si es pariente).
St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church
8000 Eldorado Parkway
Frisco, Texas 75033
Importante: guardar una copia de cada documento que entreguen a su catequista
Each confirmation candidate chooses a saint as a patron and is confirmed under that patron saint’s name.—
Cada candidato elige a un santo como patrono se confirme bajo el nombre de tal santo.
A patron saint is someone already in heaven with whom we feel a connection, want to imitate, and
from whom we request intercession throughout life.
The tradition of taking on a new name reflects a new role in life. This is evident throughout
the Scriptures, e.g. “Abram” was changed to “Abraham” which means “Father of Many
Nations,” and Simon was changed to “Peter” which means “Rock” because Jesus foun-
ded His Church upon him as the first pope.
When you choose a new name for your Confirmation, it should be the name of a saint you
have read and learned about, admire, and want to imitate, you shouldn’t choose a Saint
because you like his/her name. You should choose a saint that you want to be like.
No se debe escoger los siguientes nombres que nos indica el Padre Larry no pueden ser usa-
dos en la Confirmación. Personas llamadas Servidores de Cristo, apariciones de Jesús
(ejemplo: Santo Niño de Atocha), y santos retirados (ejemplos: Philomena, Barbara y
Cristobal). Si tiene duda sobre un nombre, favor de llamar al Ministerio Hispano, 972-
712-2645, extensión 227, o Tammy Weber o Kathy Deschaw.
Practical Guidelines in Selecting a Saint
Guía Practica para Elegir su Santo
Deberías conocer la vida del santo. Se espera que ves similitudes entre tu y
este santo, o que quieres ser como el o ella. El Santo debe ser como tu héroe.
Deberías desarrollar una devoción personal a este santo, buscar una relación
con el o ella a través de la oración. Deberías tratar de aprender sobre mu-
chos santos.
You should be familiar with this saint’s life. Hopefully you see similarities between you and this
saint and/or want to aspire to be like this saint. The saint you select should be
someone you look up to as a hero. You should develop a personal devotion to
this saint and build a relationship with him/her through regular and constant
prayer. You should try to learn about a lot of saints. That way you will make a
better decision choosing your patron saint. Moreover, the more saints you are
familiar with the easier it becomes for you to request their intercession (even
from the ones that are not your special confirmation patron); the saints are
always eager and happy to help us.
El reporte sobre el santo debería ser un ensayo escrito de un mí-
nimo de tres párrafos: (1) una biografía breve que ESCRIBES EN
TUS PROPIAS PALABRAS, (2) una explicación de tus razones por
elegirle a esta santo, (3) ideas para desarrollar tu devoción y relación
con este santo. Trata de incluir una foto y datos interesantes sobre su
vida: donde vivía, como vivía, cuando fue canonizado. El reporte debe-
ría ser de una a 2 paginas con la foto. Mira al ejemplo.
The saint report should be a typed essay with at least three paragraphs: (1) a brief biography of
the saint written in your own words, (2) an explanation of the reasons why you have selected
this saint, (3) and ideas of how you will develop your devotion and relationship with this
saint. Try to include a picture of the saint in your report as well as cool facts about the saint,
what he/she is a patron of, when they lived, and when they were canonized. The report should
be 1 and ½ pages long (not including the picture) Please see the included model report.
296 AD – 373 AD
***FECHA DE ENTREGA NOVIEMBRE 17 y 18, 2017***
others so people will love Jesus more. I want to be a hero like St Athanasius. I want to stand up
for the truth even when people pull me in the wrong direction. I want to have a strength like
Athanasius. I want a strength to resist temptation and stand up to all the attacks of the devil.
Lastly I want to be holy and virtuous like St Athanasius. We live in a world where virtue is al-
most looked down on, and being holy is something not too many people strive for. Our world
is desperately in need of heroes and I want to be a hero like St Athanasius, and grow in holi-
ness. I know it will be difficult, so hopefully St. Athanasius will help me.
I will develop my relationship with St. Athanasius by praying to him and asking for his
help. I have found several holy cards of him and use them. I also have a picture of him in a
frame in my room so I can always remember to talk to him. Maybe I can even read some of the
things that he wrote. I also try to share the story of his life with people I know. One time my
family was in Chicago and we found a church with his name. They had a novena prayer card
there and now I can pray that too.
***FECHA DE ENTREGA NOVIEMBRE 17 y 18, 2017***
Importante: recomendamos quedarse con una copia de cada documento que entreguen a su
January 1, 2012
I, (your name)___________, a member of St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Frisco, Texas, ask you,
Bishop Edward J. Burns, to confirm me as a member of the Roman Catholic Church.
I have chosen (sponsor’s name) to present me to you on the day of my Confirmation and to witness my com-
mitment. I made this choice because _________________________________________________________
You will seal my commitment to Jesus and his Church by anointing me with oil and by calling me by name.
The name I wish to be called at my Confirmation is (your saint’s name)___________. I have chosen that name
because (name qualities that you would like to imitate that your saint lived out in his/her life) ____________
I understand that the gifts of the Holy Spirit will help me build up the Church, and I wish to share in building
up the Church by _________________________________________________________________________
Service Hours
“To whom much has been given, much will be expected.” (Luke 12:48)
Service: is work done by the candidate without monetary compensation and without
promise of a reward, award, or some other type of rank, status, or recognition achieved in an
organizations. It should be serving others for the ultimate glory of God. Service hours will not
be counted when for immediate family (such as doing dishes, laundry, or baby sitting your sib-
As we prepare for confirmation, our Christian service should be about more than just
doing good. We must aim at developing virtues (or holy habits) of faith. As Christians, we
should seek Christ in all of our neighbors especially those who are considered “the least”.
Moreover, we must willingly and energetically work towards doing God’s will on earth every
day of our lives and striving towards the transformation of this world into the Kingdom of God.
We recommend that the candidate seeks to run their own service projects, or picks a
kind of service within which they are able to share their talents with the community. The fol-
lowing are a few of examples.
St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Community
Community Service for Confirmation
Importante: guardar una copia de cada documento que entreguen a su catequista
Name: _____________________
Name: _____________________
The Catechism of our Catholic faith, says that a candidate that comes forward is one “who has
attained the age of reason [7yrs old], must profess the faith, be in a state of grace, have the
intention of receiving the sacrament, and be prepared to assume the role of a disciple and wit-
ness to Christ, both within the ecclesial community [parish] and in temporal affairs [life out-
side of the parish – school, home, civic community].” - CCC#1319
As the Catechism speaks about above, our preparation process should include an opportunity
for our candidates to really indicate to us their desire to receive the sacrament of Confirma-
tion. One thing that is very important for our Confirmation preparation is the Discernment
interview. The discernment interview is a crucial part of our process where the youth prepar-
ing for Confirmation has the opportunity to talk about their faith and their readiness to receive
the sacrament. They will also be able to talk about their experiences during their Confirma-
tion prep and have an opportunity to dialog with their interviewer if they have questions about
Confirmation or the faith. Sometimes during this process, the candidate may decide they are
not ready to receive the sacrament of Confirmation. In those cases, we will work with them to
figure out what might be an appropriate plan for them as they take some more time to discern
their readiness to receive the sacrament of Confirmation.
Las entrevistas en español serán el 15 febrero y conducidas por Greysi Bargas y otro adulto.
Interviews will be schedule for Feb. 23rd and 26th during Faith Formation class times. These
interviews might extend longer than the class time period due to the length of each interview.
The interviews will be conducted by Jenny and other adult volunteers during those times.
Service Hour Reflections are to be turned in at the interview. A sample for your reflection is
included in the Appendix.
Estimado Joven,
Muchas felicidades porque el 21 de abril, 2018, día de tu
Confirmación, recibirás el Espíritu Santo y sus dones.