Simple Present
Simple Present
Simple Present
Does Samuel study English? Yes, (He, she, it) studies English. No, (He, she, it) does not study
Cuando va a trabajar en singular; usamos (long answer) si, El estudia inglés. English. En negativo las 3ras personas no
DOES (HE,SHE,IT) Does you study? Estos 2 auxiliares Colocamos sufijos (es,ies,s) tan solo con estos lleva sufijos en el verbo. (He doesn´t studies
siempre irán de primeras al iniciar las preguntas. pronombres: he, she, it ,en oración afirmativa. English)
PERSONAL PRONOUNS: I (yo) you (usted) He ( Andres=él) She (Andrea=ella) it (El o ella es o esta (para cosas o
animales en singular en singular-- the door) we (Laura and I= nosotros -as) you( you and Sofia=ustedes, en plural)
they (Andrés and Sofia= ellos-ellas) Para no volver a utilizar los nombre propios, usamos los pronombres: Does David play soccer? Yes, He plays soccer.
Q.w.= Questions words= palabras interrogativas; estas van antes de los auxiliares do (I, you, we, they) y does (he, she, it).
What day? what bus? what animal?......
What time do you get up? I usually get up at 6:00 o’clock. THIRD PERSON OF SINGULAR: (he, she, it)
(¿A qué horas se levanta?) Normalmente me levanto a las 6:00. 1. I study …She studies.
Who brings the dictionary to class? Sofia always brings it. Sofía siempre lo trae. 2. we play……He plays
¿Quién trae el diccionario a clase? 3. They go … She goes /I fish ….. She fishes
Where does Sandra read the rules class? She reads the rules on the wall. We fix…. He fixes /I 1iss =He kisses /
¿Dónde Sandra lee las reglas de clase? Ella lee las reglas en la pared. We watch= She watches. / He buzzes
Why do you study English? Because I want to learn this language. 4. I stop =She stops /we walk= she walks
¿Por qué usted no trae la tarea de inglés? Porque quiero aprender este idioma. I dream. = She dreams.
Es importante que observe las terminaciones de los
when does the student go to the zoo? She goes on saturday. Ella va el sábado. verbos para poder usar los sufijos. (hacer cambios en
¿Cuándo la estudiante va al zoológico?
She sings “I love you” Ella canta “te quiero” los verbos)
Conjugación del verbo lavar en inglés y en
What song does Daniela sing in the party?
¿Qué canción Daniela canta en la fiesta? I go on foot/ by car/ by bike. español: ¿Cuál es más difícil de los dos?
Yo voy a pie/ en carro /en cicla. I wash Yo lavo
How do you go to the school? How does Andrea dance Joropo? Usted lava (s)
You wash
¿Cómo usted va al colegio? She dances very well. Ella baila muy bien. El lava
He washes
Ella lava
(I want to know the quantity or amount) How many + plural (countble nouns) She washes
El o ella lava
How much + uncountable noun Sustantivos que se puedan contar: una It washes Nosotros lavamos
(Education, intelligence ,clothing, soap, puerta,2 puertas….(agregar el plural: s) We wash Ustedes lavan (p)
air, cheese, grass, literatura, money,rice, número de manzanas You wash Nosotros lavamos
They wash Ellos lavan o Ellas
work,wind) How many glasses of water do you drink
How much water do you drink a day? a day? I drink 3 glasse of water. ¿Cuántos
I drink much water. ¿Cuánta agua bebes vasos de agua bebes al día? Bebo 3 vasos de
al día? Yo bebo mucha agua. agua. For regular habits or repeated actions:
How much milk is there? There isn´t any How many eggs are there? There are 4 I brush my teeth three times a week.
eggs. ¿Cuántos huevos hay? Hay 4 Me cepillo los dientes tres veces a la
milk. / there is some milk. ¿Cuánta leche
huevos. semana.
hay? No hay leche. / hay un poco de
(a, an, this, that, many, a lot of, these, those) Daily routine: Javier works in a
Are there many people in France? restaurant. Javier trabaja en un
PRICE: How much is this dress?
Many: negative interrogative restaurante. Scientific facts: The moon
How much are these shoes?
A few: when the quantity is enough orbits the earth. Directions and
Much: negative interrogative
Instructions: First, you put the batteries.
+A Little: when the quantity is enough but not big.
Express timetable, events or schedule:
but not big. Few: when the quantity is not enough.
The plane to Bogota takes off at 6:30
-Little: when the quantity is not A lot of / lots of: affirmative a.m. El avión a Bogotá despega a las
enough. sentences (countable and uncountable) 6:30 a.m.
There´s a Little juice.You can have a -There are a lot of/ lots of tomatoes. Express general truths: It rarely rains in
glass. -Do you have many Friends? yes, I have the desert. Rara vez llueve en el
Too much: demasiado. so,as,very a lot of Friends./ yes, I have a lot. Not,I desierto.
have a lot of.
Too many: demasiados. Too, so, as, so
many: tantos
Frequency words : to express how often things happen; 100%, Always : siempre. 90%, Usually:
usualmente,normalmente, 70%, Often: a menudo, con frecuencia, seguido, 0%, ever (-) , never (+): alguna vez, nunca.
Do you always play x-box in your Yes, I always play in my neighborhood. No, I don´t always play in my neighborhood
neighborhood? ¿Usted siempre juega x-box en (Sí, siempre juego en mi barrio) (No, no siempre juego en mi barrio.)
su vecindario?
No, I don´t never bring my dictionary
3.Do you ever bring your dictionary to Yes, I never bring my dictionary to
class?¿Usted nunca trae su diccionario a
to class.
What do you usually do on the I usually play in the park. Suelo jugar en Expressions: Every day ,every week, year,
weekend? Que sueles /usualmente/ el parque. once a day, in the morning, in the afternoon,
normalmente hacer los fines de semana? I usually go once a month/ I never go at night ,at noon, on Saturday,
How often do you go to the church? to the church. Normalmente voy una
¿Con qué frecuencia vas a la iglesia? vez al mes.
Habits: Wake up late /early, use the internet to do your homework, listen to music on your mobile phone, play sport at school,
check my email, talk to my family, study for my exams, watch discovery channel, go to school by bus, take a shower at 6:00
a.m. / o´clock /a cold shower, do my homework on time, stay at home, make the bed / the breakfast / a sandwich, have
breakfast with my mom, drink an orange juice every day, wash my uniform, spend time with my family, eat health food, play in
the ground, dance with friends, play the guitar in my band, sing a song in English, kiss my grandparents, fix the bike, travel on the
weekend, dance merengue, sing popular music.
UNHEALTHY OR HEALTHY HABITS: play video games all day, at fruits, clean the house, practice a sport, visit
the doctor regularly, brush my teeth, watch lot of TV, bite my nails, wash my hands, drink lot of soda, wear a helmet
when I ride a bike, drink water / much alcohol, cough others, do exercise, spread germs, get enough sleep, eat lots of
sweet, smoke, go to bed late, wash my hands before every day, cover my mouth when I sneeze or cough, use dental
floss, read a good book, eat fast food.
Prepositions of place:
At + a specific position,when are thinking about the activity,events, address with number,(corner, bus stop,
school, work, office, home,a football match, concert, party,
On+ a horizontal or vertical surface with 2 dimensional surfaces like,address only name, (wall,
floor,page,televisión,the right,a ship,plate, page,menú,road,motorbike,)means of transport,communictions,
In+ enclosed or surrounded space,when we think about the place itself,3 dimensional spaces,parts of house
(Cali,garden, box,a newspaper, the sea,a lift, line, in the Street, world, taxi, bus,pool,hand,sky,mirror,cities,)
Events: school party, math class, soccer game/ match,school events, soccer tournament, birthday party,english
class,school band, science exhibition,welcome party, recess, job interview,free time activities, dancer / airplane show,
adventure trip, eco tours, catholic wedding, car competition /race, cultural festival, soccer training Schedule, action
movie, cleanliness campaing, bullying / healthy food project, anual music festival, family tree Project, myths /
environmental projects,solving problems Project, unhealthy habits Project.