42 2013 Machaca Vargas VA FCAG Agronomia 2012 Resumen PDF
42 2013 Machaca Vargas VA FCAG Agronomia 2012 Resumen PDF
42 2013 Machaca Vargas VA FCAG Agronomia 2012 Resumen PDF
La mayor efectividad para el número del thrips tabaci vivos/planta en cultivar Sivan, en las siete aplicaciones, se
obtuvieron con los tratamientos T 2: PROVADO COMBI y T 3: REGENT, sin embargo T 1: EPINGLE 10 EC y T 4:
FURIA no tuvieron una efectividad significativa.Los rendimientos (t/ha) más altos se obtuvieron con los
tratamientos T 3: REGENT y el T 2: PROVADO COMBI con 55,22 t/ha y 54,84 t/ha, respectivamente en el
tercer lugar se ubicó el T 4: FURIA con 53,06 t/ha.
Palabras-clave: Allium cepa L., cebolla, Thrips tabaci L., trips, insecticidas.
This thesis was conducted in the tech IRRIGATION PROJECT - SAMA (PROTER - SAMA), during the period
February to August 2011, located in the district of Sama - Inclan, was performed in order to evaluate the
effectiveness of different insecticides control of thrips (thrips tabaci) in onion crop cultivar Sivan. Cultivar was
used insecticides Sivan and 4 T1: Elusive 10 EC; T2: COMBI proven; T3: REGENT, T4: T0 fury and a witness:
Not applicable. The experimental area was 50.00 mx 15 m having a total area of 750 m2, the planting was done at
a distance of 0.10 m between plants and 1.00 m between lines. We employed randomized complete block design
with 5 treatments and 4 replicates for statistical analysis was used for analysis of variance and the mean
difference was used to test for significance and Tukey Duncan.
The greater effectiveness for the number of live thrips tabaci / plant cultivar Sivan, in the seven applications were
obtained with treatments T2: COMBI proven and T3: REGENT, however T1: Elusive 10 EC and T4: FURY not
had an ERA significativa.Los yields (t / ha) were obtained with higher T3 treatments: REGENT and T2: COMBI
proven to 55.22 t / ha and 54.84 t / ha, respectively, in the third place was the T4: FURY with 53.06 t / ha.
Key words: Allium cepa L. onion Thrips tabaci L., thrips insecticides.