Ingles Duolingo Mio PDF

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Maestro: Mario bros.

MARIO, dice; el propósito del aprendizaje del INGLES; es desarrollar un

conocimiento practico de una lengua extranjera en el menor tiempo posible. Por eso
hice estos ejercicios para que familiarices con el Ingles.

Hace poco el conocimiento del ingles solo había estado al alcance de aquellos
estudiantes que tenían la manera económica de gastar grandes sumas de dinero en ir a
escuelas de ingles para titularse de INGLES.

Por eso me siento obligado a crear un curso sencillo, pero a la vez clave para el uso del
ingles, y mas por existen personas que quieren aprender el ingles, pero no están cerca
de mi, o de las escuelas de ingles, o puede ser que eres una persona con mucho trabajo
y piensas que es casi imposible que estés en una escuelas de ingles, y bien prefieres
estudiar por tu cuenta.

Después de un extenso esfuerzo de preparación, tengo por fin el orgullo de darles un

curso que cumple con el objetivo de enseñar ingles en poco tiempo, con un enfoque
autodidáctico para que aprendas por tu cuenta, sin que yo este cerca de ti. Cuya
eficiencia ha sido confirmada mediante años de experiencia y que han convertido el
nombre de nuestra escuela (Universidad) sinónimo mundial de excelencia en la
enseñanza del idioma (INGLES).

Al preparar este curso he respetado cuidadosamente las reglas esenciales de

gramática de INGLES, y al mismo tiempo he aprovechado de la forma mas completa
la capacidad del estudiante para instruirse por si mismo.

Y por eso les dejo mi esfuerzo de varios años de estudio, en esta área espero que esta
información la imprimas (esto que sigue a continuación y lo contestes, y lo estudies
por que al final de los 10 capítulos te hice un examen para ver que tanto aprendiste
del curso. Te deseo suerte. Estudia mucho (sin prisas) el curso es fácil de entender y de
resolver, pero nunca olvides lo que aprendas te ayudara mucho en tu vida.

Empezaremos como si tu fueras un niño que empieza a conocer el idioma y conocerás

los colores, números, el uso de (A / AN), los pronombres personales, posesivos, poner
la hora del día, convertir a plural, y reglas gramaticales, etc.

El curso más completo y fácil de inglés, incluso más que los que proporcionan las
grandes y famosas instituciones, fue creado especialmente para que las personas
aprendan a su propio paso.

Recuerde en todo momento que todas las lecciones tienen una secuencia, por ejemplo;
por lo que si no aprende bien el primer capitulo, no le podrá entender a los siguientes,
así que estudie en orden y no subestime absolutamente nada, porque todo es
importante, recuerde que de usted dependerá su progreso, por lo que usted será el
único responsable en su aprendizaje.

En cada capitulo usted encontrara todo especificado claramente, no tendrá necesidad

de andar investigando, ya que todo esta dirigido y listo solo para que usted lo aprenda,
es decir, en cada capitulo encontrara: la escritura, y el significado en español, por
favor, realice todas las indicaciones y déjese llevar paso a paso hacia su meta
"aprender inglés", nunca se desanime, ¡aprenda pero sin complicaciones!

Aproveche este curso porque le puedo asegurar que no vera otro igual de completo,
claro y mejor explicado.

¿Cuál es la diferencia con otros cursos de inglés?

R = En la mayoría de cursos, a las personas se les enseña a memorizar frases y
diálogos "pre-hechos", es decir, se les dice: aprendan que la frase "where are you
from?" Quiere decir: "¿de donde es usted?" O "¿de donde eres?"; Se memorizan
esta frase, de manera que cuando ellos quieran hacer esa pregunta, ya saben como
hacerlo, pero que pasa si quieren preguntar: "¿de donde son ellos?", Lógicamente no
sabrán hacerlo, porque solo están aprendiendo de memoria determinadas frases, y así
no se debe de aprender, se necesita, aparte de aprender frases y palabras, aprender
también cada elemento y todas las reglas o normas que rigen a las oraciones y a cada
palabra o frase del inglés, entender el por qué de cada cosa y así, aprender a hacer o a
armar oraciones a nuestro gusto y antojo, es decir, dominar completamente el idioma
inglés. En este curso de inglés; desarrollamos la teoría, y la practica de los ejercicios, y
la creatividad, etc.


• El Curso de Inglés está dirigido a toda aquella persona interesada en aprender inglés pero
que disponga de un tiempo muy limitado para su aprendizaje.

• Este Curso permite al alumno aprender inglés de una manera fácil y divertida, visual,
autodidacta. Estudiando tan sólo 1 hora de cada día será suficiente para ir progresando
paulatinamente y llegar a alcanzar un sólido conocimiento de esta lengua.

• El Curso de Inglés consta de 10 capítulos, aquí si aprendes ingles con muchos prácticos
ejercicios, al ser ésta la mejor manera de ir asimilando la teoría.

• Asimismo, este Curso permite al alumno ir aprendiendo, de una manera gradual.


Se te ponen ejemplos y con esos ejemplos podrás contestar las preguntas.

Algunas preguntas están contestadas, y otras están solo medio contestadas, por eso las

debes contestar.


Capitulo-1 de INGLES.

ELLOS ___ A) I


*(ESTO) se refiere a cosas, y

Animales. ___ C) HE

EL ___ D) SHE

ELLA ___ E) IT


YO ___ G) THEY


1- ONE





6- SIX




10- TEN

BLUE = azul

RED = rojo

GREEN = verde

YELLOW = amarillo "LOS COLORES".

GREY = gris.

BLACK = negro.

WHITE = blanco.

BROWN = cafe.

PURPLE = púrpura.

PINK = rosa

ORANGE = anaranjado

LILAC = lila

* A diferencia del español, en ingles los días de la semana se escriben con mayúsculas.

SUNDAY = Domingo

MONDAY = lunes


WEDNESDAY = miercoles the day is week = los dias de la semana.

THURSDAY = jueves WEEK = semana

FRIDAY = viernes WEEKS = semanas

SATURDAY = sábado.



MARCH = marzo

APRIL = abril

MAY = mayo

JUNE = junio

JULY = julio

AUGUST = agosto

SEPTEMBER = septiembre

OCTOBER = octubre

NOVEMBER = noviembre

DICEMBER = diciembre

"La pronunciación del abecedario".


ei bi ci di i ef lli eich ay yei kei


el em en ou pi quiu ar es ti iu vi


daboliu ECS guay zzi


11- eleven

12- twelve

13- thirteen LOS NUMEROS DEL 11 AL 20

14- fourteen

15- fifteen

16- sixteen

17- seventeen

18- eighteen

19- nineteen

20- twenty.


HE _____ A) ARE

SHE _____ B) IS

IT _____ C) AM

WE _____ D) IS

THEY _____ E) ARE

YOU _____ F) IS

I _____ G) ARE

20- twenty

30- thirty.

40- forty LOS NUMEROS DEL 20 al 100

50- fifty

60- sixty

70- seventy

80- eighty

90- ninety.

100- A hundred


I AM ___ A) THEy’ RE

YOU ARE ___ B) We’RE

HE IS ___ C) It’S

SHE IS ___ D) SHe’S

IT IS ___ E) He’S

WE ARE ___ F) YOu’RE

THEY ARE ___ G) i’M


100- A hundred

200- two hundred

300- three hundred LOS NUMEROS DEL 100 al 1000

400- four hundred

500- five hundred

600- six hundred

700- seven hundred

800- eight hundred

900- nine hundred

1000- A Thousand


I ___ A) Their

YOU ___ B) Our

HE ___ C) ITS

SHE ___ D) Her

IT ___ E) His

WE ___ F) Your

THEY ___ G) My


21- twenty-one.

22- twenty- two.

29- twenty-nine.

39- thirty-nine.

101- a hundred and one.


109- a hundred and nine.

140- a hundred and forty.

901- nine hundred and one.

905- nine hundred and five.

910- nine hundred and ten.

950- nine hundred and fifty.

990- nine hundred and ninenty.

997- nine hundred and ninenty-seven.

998- nine hundred and ninenty-eight.

999- nine hundred and ninenty-nine.

.PRONOMBRE PERSONAL pronombres objetivos

I ___ A) Them

YOU ___ B) Us

HE ___ C) It

SHE ___ D) Her

IT ___ E) Him

WE ___ F) You

THEY ___ G) Me


MR. = se refiere a el (he)

MRS. = se refiere a ella (she)

MISS. = se refiere a ella (she). y Soltera

MS. = se refiere a el (he) y solero

* American: se usa en ingles para indicar nacionalidad o procedencia de los Estados

Unidos, ya que no hay un adjetivo correspondiente a estados unidos.

MISS. = se emplea para dirigirse a una joven cuyo nombre no se sabe; y también si se

ignora su estado civil, es mas correcto suponerla soltera.

* Recuerda en ingles se acostumbra dar respuestas cortas.

ejemplo; yes it is. no it’s not

* tenga en cuenta que el ingles nunca se usan los signos de interrogación o admiración

al principio de una oración. Pero si van al final de la oración.

ejemplo: who is it?

* Recuerda que a diferencia del español, en ingles debe usarse siempre el articulo al

referirse al que ejerce una profesión o actividad:

por ejemplo: (She’s A secretary). = ella es una secretaria.

Pero solo cuando se refiere a la nacionalidad de una persona no se usa (A / AN)

Por ejemplo: (she’s american), (she’s french),

(he’s american), (he’s french), etc

(A / AN) significa; (un, una). Y no tiene diferencia de género como en español.

A = un, una

AN = un, una


A boy

AN apple

Se usa A cuando una palabra empieza con una letra (sonido consonante). Excepto con H.

por ejemplo; (AN Hour)


"poner lo que falta”.

-- A boy

--_____ man.

-- _____ Girl.

-- ______ Pen.

--_____ Péncil.

-- _____ Book.

-- _____ Notebook.

-- _____ Duck.

-- _____ Ruler.

--_____ Table.

-- _____ Chair.

-- _____ Desk.

-- _____ Car.

-- _____ Bus.

-- _____ Bicycle.

-- _____ Cup.

Se usa AN cuando una palabra empieza con una vocal (a, e, i, o) (sonido vocal),

Excepto con U. Por ejemplo; (A University). (A Uniform).


. AN apple.

-- _____ Insect.

-- _____ Orange.

-- _____ Eraser.

-- _____ Ashtray.

-- _____Automobile.

-- _____ Army.

-- _____ Airplane.

-- _____ Egg.

-- _____ Island.

-- _____ Airport.

-- _____ Association.

-- _____ Oil.

-- _____ Aunt.

-- _____ Ocean.

-- _____ Eagle.

"Relaciones lo siguiente".

WHAT ____ A) Cuanto cuenta? (se utiliza para preguntar sobre cosas
. que no se pueden contar. por ejemplo; dinero, tiempo etc

WHERE ____ B) Cuanto es? ( se utiliza para cosas que se pueden contar.
. por ejemplo; personas, carros, camiones, etc.

WHO ____ C) Cual?

WHY ____ D) Cuando?

WHEN ____ E) Por que?

WHICH ____ F) Quien?

HOW MANY _____ G) Donde?

HOW MUCH _____ H) Que?

HOW ______ I) Como?

WHAT KIND OF_____ J) Que tipo de?


SPRING_____ W) invierno

WINTER _____ S) primavera

SUMMER _____ F) otoño

FALL_____ U) verano

Ejemplo: aprender a poner la: HORA

* this is a clock. 1:00 o’clock

(es la una en punto). it’s one o’clock.

* this is two clock 2:00 o’clock

(dos en punto) it’s two o’clock.

2:00 o’clock

*(dos) what time is it? it’s two o’clock.

* (si) is it two o’clock? yes it is.

* (no) is it six o’clock now? no it’s not

(2:30) it’s_two-thirty

(6:00) it’s six o’clock.

(6:10) it’s six-ten.

(2:35) it’s two-thirty and five.


1- (7:10) it’s seven-______

2- (7:35) it’s seven-thirty and _____

3- (4:00) it’s _____ o’clock

4:00 o’clock

4- What time is it? it’s ____ o’clock.

5- Is it four o’clock? ____it is.

6- Is it six o’clock now? ____it’s not.


it’s MR.carranza’S desk = es el escritorio del señor carranza.

* Para indicar la posesión de algo, en ingles se usa ’S después del nombre.

MR.carranza’S desk, se refiere a un escritorio que pertenece al sr. carranza.

* Hasta ahora hemos visto únicamente el articulo indefinido (A / AN).

Ahora veremos el articulo definido THE = el, la, los, las.

THE. Por lo general se pone al principio de cada oracion.

Por ejemplo: The Atlantic is big (el)

The girl is small (la)

The United States (los)

The houses is in rome. (las)

plane = avion.

Car = carro, automóvil, coche.

bus = autobús, camion.


This is a plane. The plane is in new york.

This is a bus The bus is in rome.


Country = pais

SHIP = barco.

train = tren

bicycle = bicicleta.

BIG = grande

SMALL = pequeño

this is a ship. 7- the ship is _____ (small / big)

this is a car 8- the car is ______ (small / big)


"haga oraciones"

* the united states is a country. the united states is a very big country.

* japan is a country. japan is a small country.

9- cuba is a ________. cuba is a_____ country.

10- rusia is a ________. rusia is a ____ country



Observe que en el ingles se sigue un orden específico con los siguiente;

1- tamaño (big, small,etc.).

2- color (red, blue, etc.).

3- origen (american, japanese, etc).

4- objeto, etc. (plane, car, bicycle, etc.)



(japonese) it’s a japanese car

(japonese/ yellow) it’s a yellow japanese car.

(japonese/yellow/small) it’s a small, yellow , japonese CAR


(german) it’s a german bus

(german/blue) it’s a blue german bus.

(blue/german/small) it’s a _____________________ __BUS


(brazilian/red/big) it’s a _______________________ PLANE


(small/black/american) it’s a ________________________ BICYCLE


(french/big/blue) it’s a __________________________ SHIP


the ONE = se refiere a una sola cosa. ejemplo: Car

the ONES = se refiere a varias cosas. ejemplo: Cars


"siga el ejemplo" utilice el (ONE / ONES)".

* which car is from united states? (in the garage).

THE ONE in the garage is.

* which cars are from italy? (in the steet).

THE ONES in the street are.

11- which papers are which? (on the floor).

THE ______ on the floor are.

12- which maps are green? (on the wall).

THE ______ on the wall are.

13- which waiter is french? (behind the table).

THE ______ behind the table is.

14- which cars are yellow? (in the garage).

THE ______ in the garage are.

15- which bicycles are from england? ( next to the car).

THE ______ next to the car are.

16- which bus is from united states? (in the garage)

THE ______ in the garage is.


Capitulo-2 ingles
* Generalmente, en ingles el plural del sustantivo se forma añadiendo una (S) al singular,

por ejemplo: cup - cups cigar - cigars bottle - bottles

* sin embargo, en palabras terminadas en S, Z, X, CH, SH, O, se añade la terminación ES

bus – buses
fizz - fizzes
box - boxes
watch - watches
Finish – finishes
tomato – tomatoes

* En las terminadas en Y precedidas de consonante se cambia la Y por I, y se agraga ES.

city - cities
country - countries
battery - batteries
nationality - nationalities
diary – diaries

*Pero se omite esta regla solo con palabras que terminadas en Y precedidas de una vocal.

Por ejemplo; boy- boys key-keys day-days

* Las palabras que terminan en FE, F, se cambian por VES.

Por ejemplo; wife – wives leaf - leaves

El plural de IS: ARE

El plural de ISN’T : AREN’T

* Aquí tenemos cinco nombres con plural irregular;

policeman – policemen
child -children
man - men
woman - women.
person - people.

La negación de IS: ISN’T

La negación de ARE: AREN’T

"llena los espacios en blanco": hablando en plural

* a cup of tea is five cents.

two cups of tea are ten cents.

* a bicycle is five dollars.

two bicicles are ten dollars

1- a mug of beer is a dollar.

two ______ of beer ___ two dollars

2- a window is five dollars.

two _________ ____ten dollars.


"convierta la palabra del cuadro en plural.

* this is a match.

and this is a box of matches

4- this is a cigar

and this is box of _______


"cambie estas frases siguiendo el ejemplo de singular a plural".

* the match is in the box. the matches are in the box

5- the bottle is on the table. the _____________ on the table.

6- the cigar is next to the ashtray. the __________ next to the ashtray.

7- the bus is in the street. the ___________ in the street.

8- the city is in japan. the ____________ in japan.


* Plural = es hablar de muchas cosas o personas.

* Singular = es hablar de una cosa o una persona.

this is = este. cercano -------- el plural es (these); estos. cercano

that is = ese. lejano --------- el plural es (those); esos. lejano


"convertir al plural". utilice el (these / those).

9- this BOY is sitting.

_______ boys are sitting.

10- that PAPER is on the table.

_______ papers are on the table.


"transforme en plural las oraciones". (these / those)

11- this MAN is sitting in the car.

these ______________ sitting in the car.

12- this PLANE is at the airport.

________ planes are at the airport.

13- that CHILD is’t american.

those ________ aren’t american

14- The SECRETARY is’t at the office.

the __________ aren’t at the office.




15- is this MAN from france?

are __________ from france?

16- is this CAR japanese?

_____ these ____ japapeses?

17- is that WOMAN standing?

_____ ________ women standing?

18- is that CITY in italy?

are ____________ in italy?

19- is this CHILD sitting at the table?

are _______________ sitting at the table?


"practique con los adjetivos demostrativos". (these / those).

* this GLASS is on the table.

these glasses are on the table.

20- that CITY is in france.

______________________ in france.

21- this BOTTLE is brown.

______________________ brown.

22- this GIRL is sitting on the floor.

___________________ sitting on the floor.

23- that CUP is small.

___________________________ small


"hacer preguntas en plural".

* where’s carranza’s book?

where are carranza’s books?

24- where’s the teacher?

where ___ the _________?

25- who’s THAT woman?

who are Those____________?

26- which bus is THAT?

which __________________________?

27- who’s THIS child?

who are These____________________?

28- is THIS woman from toronto?

_________________________ from toronto?

29- where’s THAT person from?

where ______________________ from?


"poner en plural las siguientes negaciones".

* there isn’t any glass

there aren’t any glasses

30- there isn’t any cup.

there ________ any ________

31- there isn’t any bottle.

there _________ any ________


32- there isn’t any pitcher

there _________ any ________

33-there isn’t any mug

there _________ any ________

34-there isn’t any pot

there _________ any _______

35- there isn’t any box.

there _________ any _______

"Hacer frases negativas". (is : isn’t) (are : aren’t)

* the man is at the station. the man isn’t at the station.

36- the dog is at the airport. the dog ______ at the airport.

37-the cat is back and white. the cat back and white.

38- the car is brown. the car ______ brown.

* you’re sitting. you aren’t sitting.

39- you are standing. you ______ standing.

40-you are speaking. You ______ speaking.



* "poner las negaciones que falten":


yes i am . NO i’m not .

yes he is . no he’s not . NO HE isn’t .

yes she is . NO She’s not . no she isn’t .

yes they are . no they’re not . NO they aren’t .

yes we are . NO we’re not . no we aren’t .

yes you are . no you’re not . NO you aren’t .

yes it is . NO it’s not . no it isn’t .

yes he can . NO he can’t .

* "Acomplete el cuadro".


I AM . I’m . AM I?

YOU ARE . You’re . ARE YOU?

HE IS . He’s . IS HE?

SHE IS . She’s . IS SHE?

IT IS . It’S . IS IT?

WE ARE . we’re . ARE WE?

THEY ARE . they’re . ARE THEY?


"poner la pregunta correcta del insiso": A, B, C, D, E.

1-it’s mr. lopez.__C__ A) what country is berlin in?

2-he’s french.__D__ B) who’s from new york?

3-paris is a city.__E___ C) who’s is it?

4-berlin is in germany.__A___ D) what’s nacionality is he?

5-mr. lopez is from new york._B__ E) what’s paris?


"poner la respuesta correcta del insiso": K, M, N, X, Y, Z

6-he’s american.__N__ Z) what nationality is she?

7-caracas is in venezuela._M__ N) what nationality is he?

8-venezuela is a country.__X__ M) what country is caracas in?

9-miss lopez is from caracas._Y__ X) what’s venezuela?

10-she’s venezuelan.__Z__ Y) what city is miss lopez from?

MORE THAN = mas que

LESS THAN = menos que


"utilice el (MORE THAN / LESS THAN)".

* A car cost MORE THAN a bicycle.

* ten dresses cost MORE THAN one dress.

11- A plane costs ______________ a car.

12- a cup of coffe costs ______________ a plane.

13- a glass of wine costs _____________ a bottle of wine.

14- one cigar costs _______________ a box of cigars.



* she DOES * he DOES * it DOES






"utilizar el (DO / DOES)

15- _______ mr. lopez have a big desk in his office?

16- _______ you have any coffee?

17- _______ mrs. carraza have a small table in her office?

18- _______ I have any children?


* the big book is on table? yes it is / no it’s not

* is mr. santos american? yes he is / no he’s not

* is mrs. santos american? yes she is / no she’s not

* are you from american? yes i Am / no i’m not

* are you from japan? (Se refiere a nosotros) yes we are / no we’re not

19- the big apple is on table? yes_____________ / no ______________

20- is mr. santos japanese? yes_____________ / no______________

21- is mrs. santos japanese? yes_____________ / no______________

22- are you from japan? yes____________ / no______________

23- are you from japan? (Se refiere a nosotros) yes____________ / no_________

NEVER = nunca

ALWAYS = siempre

USUALLY = usualmente, generalmente

SOMETIMES = algunas veces

ever = algun vez

"regla del (WAS / WERE)". (Se usa cuando hablamos del pasado)

I (se acompaña de) (o bien lleva el) WAS / Wasn’t

he lleva el WAS / Wasn’t

she lleva el WAS / Wasn’t

it lleva el WAS / Wasn’t

you lleva el WERE

they lleva el WERE

we lleva el WERE

there lleva el WAS / Wasn’t o puede llevar el WERE / WEREn’t

DID = abarca todos los (I, he, she, you, we, they, it etc.)

(DID) es el pasado de (DO)

CAN = poder (puede tener varios significados, pero el principal es el de capacidad)

"conteste las preguntas correctamente". utilice el (CAN / CAn’t).

* CAN mr. lopez speak french? yes he can

* CAN mr. lopez speak french? no he can’t

24- CAN mrs. carranza speak german? _____________

25- CAN mrs. carranza speak german? ____________


La negacion de has: hasn’t.

La negacion de have: haven’t.


* Cuando se afirma (he, she, it): Se pone (HAS)

* Cuando se pregunta ? (he, she, it?): Se pone (HAVE)

* Cuando se afirma o pregunta ? (you, we, they, I) : Se pone (HAVE)


"utilizar (HAVE / HAS)." ; HAVE Y HAS = TENER.

26- mr. lopez ___has____ an english newspaper.

27- mrs. lopez __has_____ a frech magazine in her hand.

28- DOES mr. lopez ___have____ a big dek in his office ? (he : es una pregunta)

29- DOES mrs lopez ___have____ a small table her office ? (she : es una pregunta)

30- DO the morgans __have_____ any children? (they)

31- the secretaries ___have____ black cars. (they)

32- DO l ___have____ a book in my left hand?

33- DO you __have_____ any coffee?

34- we __have_____ a small car.

WILL = se refire a algo que pasara en el futuro.

yes she will = si durara

no she won’t = no durara

ejemplo y ejercicio:

* WILL eva beat at the office tomorrow?

yes she will / no she won’t

35- WILL alicia beat at office tomorrow?

________________ / _______________

ARE YOU? se puede referir la pregunta; a una persona o varias personas, depende

de la lectura. (Ponga atención).

* el gran libro esta encima de la mesa. = the big book is on the table

* el pequeño libro esta debajo del escritorio. = the small book is under the desk

* la silla esta al lado de la puerta. = the chair is next to the door.

ON = encima

UNDER = debajo

NEXT TO = al lado

BETWEET = entre

Behind = atras

In front of = en frente de

BEFORE = antes

AFTER = después

TOMORROW = mañana.


today = hoy

to = para.

sitting = sentado

standing = parado


"conteste las preguntas".

36- the big book is on the table? Yes it is

37- and small book is on the table? No it’s not



"llenar los espacios en blanco con (NEXT TO, UNDER, ON)."

(encima) 38- the big book is ___________ the table

(abajo) 39- the small book is ___________ the desk

(al lado) 40- the chair is ____________ the door.


"escribe lo contrario de lo siguiente".

41- sitting --------------_____________.

42- big------------------_____________.

43- boy-----------------_____girl_______.

44- in front-------------____________.

45- on-------------------____________.

* "acomplete el cuadro".


HE . HIS .



I . MY .

WE . OUR .

IT . ITS .



"De los adjetivos POSESIVOS:.

* Mrs. carranza is sitting nex to a table.

it’s _HER_ table.

46- I’m standing next to a tipewriter.

it’s _______ tipewriter.

47- you’re standig next to a picture

it’s _______ picture.

48- Mrs. carranza is standig next to a chair.

it’s _______ chair.

49- Maria is standing next to a car.

it’s_______ car

50- you’re sitting next to a teacher.

it’s ______ teacher.

51- Mr. lopez is sitting next to a desk.

it’s ______ desk

52- I’m sitting next to a television.

it’s ______ television.

53- Cesar is standing next to a bicycle.

it’s ______ bicycle.

54- the girl is standing next to a dog.

it’s ______ dog.


* en este cuadro presenta los pronombres personales ya estudiados con sus

correspondientes complementos.

observe que YOU, e IT no cambian, en tanto que I, HE, SHE, tienen formas diferentes

cuando se usan como Pronombres objetivos;

I’M standing in front of you.

you’re standing behind ME

* "acomplete el cuadro".(pronombres objetivos).

HE . HIM .


IT . IT .

WE . US .


I . ME .



"utilice los pronombres objetivos.

* I’m sitting next tomy wife.

and she’s sitting next to ME.

55- I'm standing next to Mr. lopez.

and he’s standing next to _____

56- Juan sitting next to Mr.maria.

and she’s siting next to _____


57- You’re standing next to my son.

and he's standing next to _____

58- Miss lopes is standing next to Mr. carranza.

and he’s standing next to _____


"poner: pronombres objetivos."

* Mrs. lopez is standing in front of Cesar.

he’s standing behind HER.

59- the paper isn’t under the book.

it’s on ______.

60- I’m looking at my son.

he’s is looking at ______.

61- Venustiano is standing next to Maria.

she’s is standing next to ______.

62- you’re standing in front of the car.

it’s is behind ______.


they’re listening to her

she’s speaking to them

we’re speaking to the children.

they’re listening to us


"poner los pronombres objetivos.

63- Mr. lopez is speaking to Mr. carranza.

he’s listening to ______

64- I’m speaking to you.

you’re listening to ______

65- they’re listening to her

she’s speaking to ______

66- we’re speaking to the children.

they’re listening to ______

LISTENING = escuchando

SPEAKING = hablando

READING = leyendo

WRITING = escribiendo

SITTING = sentado

GOING = va

DRINKING = bebiendo

LOOKING = viendo

COMING = viene

EATING = comiendo


"poner la respuesta correcta". opciones de repuesta:

67- Miss santos is _____________ to the radio...............................(listening / writing)

68- the pilot is _____________ to the passengers...........................(writing / speaking)

69- who’s _____________ that newspaper?....................................(reading / listening)

70- Mrs. lopez is _____________ the name on the postcard...........(writing / going)

71- who’s _____________ in mrs. lopez’s chair?...........................(looking / sitting)

72- is this bus ____________ to boston?.........................................(looking / going)

73- the passengers are _____________ coffee....................... ......(drinking / writing)

74- the teacher is _____________ at the map........................... ......(looking / sitting)

75- the english plane is ____________ from london.......................(speaking / coming)

76- Mr. carranza is _____________ a sandwich..............................(eating / listening)

THIS IS = (este), se refiere a algo que esta cerca HERE = aquí = over here

THAT IS = (ese), se refiere a algo que esta lejos THERE = allí = over there

* observe que HERE se refieren a lugares cercanos.

THERE se refiere a lugares lejanos de lo que se habla.


"conteste las preguntas correctamente".

this is a big ship. the big ship is over here.

that is a small ship. the small ship is over there.


77- is this the small ship? no it’s_____

78- is that the small ship? Yes it_____

79- which is the small ship? ____________ (this is / that is)

80- and which is the big ship? _____________(this is / that is)

81- where is the small ship? ________________.(it’s over here / it’s over there)

82- and what about the big ship? ________________ (it’s over here / it’s over there)

capitulo-4 de INGLES.


Conteste las preguntas.

"this is MRS. Lopez".

1- is this mr. carranza? __No_it’s not

2- is it mrs. carranza? __yes_ it’s not

3- who is it? it’s MRS. lopez_

4- is this MRS. Lopez? __yed_it is.

this is a map.

5- is this a map? __yes it is

it’s a PEN (esto es una pluma)

6- is this a map too? __no it’s not.

7- what is it? it’s a pen

8- is this a map or a pen? it’s a pen

A HOUSE (casa)

9- and what’s this? it’s A house


*france is a country = francia es un pais

*paris is a city = paris es una ciudad.

*the mississipi is a river = el mississipi es un rio.


"forme palabras".

* this is france. __france is a country.

10- this is paris. ___paris is a city.

11- this is the seine. the seine is a river.

12- this is canada. _canada_is a country.

13- this is toronto. ___toronto is a city.

14- this is the st. lawrence. the st. Lawrence is a river


"conteste las preguntas correctamente".

(it’s a COUNTRY) is france.

15- is france a city? __No it’s not.

16- is it a river? ___no it’s not

17- what is it? it’s a country

the seine it’s a RIVER

18- is the seine a country? __no it’s not

19- is it a city? ___no it’s not.

20- what is it? it’s a river .


(it’s MÉXICO) . (it’s jalisco)

21- is this a country? ___yes it is

22- is it germany? ___no it’s not.

23-what country is it? ___it’s MEXICO

24- is it a country or a city? it’s a country

25- is it berlin? __no it’s not

26- what city is it? ___it’s jalisco.

* paris is in france = paris esta en francia

* is paris in france? = esta paris en francia.

* la abreviacion de united states of america = es U.S.A..

27- is paris in france? __yes it is

28- is tokio in france, too? __no it’s not

29- is it spain or in japan? it’s in japan

30- and where’s berlin? _ it’s in germany

31- what city is in spain? ___madrid is

32- is roma in spain? __no it’s not

33- where is it? it’s in italy


* Berlin is a city IN germany = berlin es una ciudad en de alemania.

(note que en ingles se usa siempre la preposicion IN para indicar la la ubicacion


* note que en ingles los adjetivos no cambian de genero, asi Amercian se usa tanto en

masculino como en femenino.

* recuerda que a diferencia del español, en ingles siempre debe indicarse el sujeto. por

ejemplo; he’s Amercican.

* Notese que los adjetivos se escriben siempre con mayúsculas.

Como por ejemplo; French

* Nationality = nacionalidad

* French = frances

* Brazilian =brasileño.

* Japanese = japones.

* German = aleman

* IT = se utiliza para cosas, animales, lugares etc.

HE = el

SHE = ella

* HE, SHE = se utiliza para solamente personas

*pero atención recuerda que el pronombre IT se usa también refiriéndose a personas

Cuando remplaza la palabra THIS: por ejemplo;

Is this MR.Lopez? yes it is. / no it’s not.



"conteste las preguntas correctamente".

MR. millagi and MRS. millagi = son japaneses (de tokio)

"this is MR. lopez"

MR. lopez is American............. he’s American

34- is MR.lopez American? ____yes he is

35- is MR.millagi American, too? ___no he’s not

36- is he German? ___no he's not.

37- what Nationality is mr. millagi? he’s Japanese

"this is MRS. lopez"

MRS. lopez is american, too............. she’s American

38- is MRS. lopez American? ___Yes she is

39- is MRS.millagi American, too? __no she’s not.

40- is she German? __no she’s not.

41- what Nationality is mrs. millagi? she’s Japanese.

it’s a french city. = esta en una ciudad de francia


mr. lopez is from new york = el señor lopez es de new york

* a diferencia del español en ingles es indispensable indicar siempre el sujeto de la oración.

por ejemplo; he’s from new yok = el es de nueva york.


"conteste las preguntas correctamente".

MR. lopez is Amercian............ he’s from New York.

42- is MR. lopez from chicago? ___No he’s not.

43- is he from Washington or New York? he’s from New York

44-what Nationality is he? __he’s American

45- what City is mr. millagi? he’s from tokio


This is a Plane. the Plane is in New York.

This is a Bus the Bus is in Rome.

46- is this a plane, too? ___no it’s not.

47- what is it? it’s a bus

48- is the bus in new york? ___no it’s not.

49- where is the bus? it’s in Rome.

50- and what's in new york? __the plane is.


the Car (in tokio).

51- is this a Plane, too? __no it’s not. It’s a Car

52- is the Car in rome? ___no it’s not.

53- is it in rome or in tokio? it’s in tokio

54- and what’s in Rome? the bus is.

* this is red.

* this is blue

* this is green

55- is this red? __yes it is

56- is this red, too? ___no it’s not.

57- what color is this? it’s blue

it’s a PLANE

58- what’s this? it’s a Plane

59- is the plane red, too? ___no it’s not

60- what color is the plane? it’s white


* what color is the car? = de que color es el coche

* Note que los adjetivos no cambian ni en género ni en numero.

Por ejemplo; the car is red

* No olvide que además del uso de And al iniciar una oración o pregunta por ejemplo;

(And what’s this?), también se emplea para unir las partes de una frase por ejemplo;

(red and black).

* Big y Small son adjetivos, por tanto, invariables en genero y numero, independientes de

donde se coloquen.

The ship is big = el barco es grande.

the bicycle is small = la bicicleta es pequeña.

this is a ship. the ship is big

this is a car the car is small

61- is the ship big? ___yes it is

62- is the car big, too? ___no it’s not

63- is it big or small? it’s small

64- and what’s big? __the ship is.



"conteste las preguntas correctamente".

* this is a small red car. (it’s from France). The red car is.

* this is a small green car. (it’s from Japan) The green car is.

* this is a big blue car. (it’s from the United States) .The blues car is.

65- is the red car from the United States, too? __no it’s not.

66- is the green car from the United States? __no it’s not.

67- Which car is from the United States? The blue car is.

68-and Which car is from France? _The red car is_

69-and Which car is from Japan? _The green car is

* which ? = cual?, que?.


"conteste las preguntas".

70- (si) the big book is on the table? ___yes it is

71- (no) and small book is on the table? ____no it’s not

72- where is the big book? it’s on the table



"conteste las preguntas correctamente"

MR. lopez.

this is a picture of a Man.

MR. lopez is standing. he’s standing next to the map

73- who is this Man? it’s MR lopez. .

MRS. lopez

this is a picture, too, but it’s not a picture a Man. it’s a picture of a Woman.

it’s a picture of MRS. lopez. MRS. lopez isn’t standing.

she’s sitting. she’s sitting in a big chair next to the radio.

74- who is this Woman? it’s MRS. Lopez



"conteste las preguntas correctamente".

(Como si le preguntaran a usted)

usted es; MR.carranza (americano, de chicago, es profesor)

75- and is you a man? ___yes i am i’m a man. (i’m standing)

76- and is you sitting or standing? (i’m standing)

77- and is you french? ___no i’m not. i’m not French. i’m american.

78- And is you from Chicago? Yes I am .And is you a student? ___no i’m not.

i’m a teacher.

79- is you a teacher? _____Yes i am.

* verbo BE equivale a los dos verbos del español ser y estar.

afirmaciones. contraccion. preguntas.

He is ---------------he’s--------------is he?

She is--------------she’s--------------is she?

It is-----------------it’s----------------is it?

You are-----------you’re-------------are you?

We are------------we’re--------------are we?

They are----------they’re------------are they?

I am---------------I’m----------------am I?

it’s MR.Carranza’S desk = es el escritorio del señor carranza.

* para indicar la posesión de algo, en ingles se usa ’S después del nombre.

asi, MR.Carranza’S desk = se refiere a un escritorio que pertenece al Sr. Carranza.

* MR.carranza’S desk is small his desk is small, his table is small, too.

Señor carranza. Esta parado.

this is a desk.

it’s MR.carranza’S desk.

and that’s MR.carranza’S table

* MRS.carranza’S chair is brown. her chair is brown, her radio is black.

Señora Carranza

this is a chair.

it’s mrs. carranza’S chair

and that’s mrs.carranza’S radio.

El escritorio de el señor carranza

80- is this mr. Duval’S desk? ___no it’s not.

81- whose desk is it? it’s MR. carranza'S desk_

82- and whose radio is that? it’s MRS. carranza’S radio


Capitulo 5 ingles "acomplete el cuadro".


HE . HIS .



I . MY .

WE . OUR .

IT . ITS .


the family carranza = la familia carranza

wife = esposa

son = hijo

brother =hermano

sister = hermana

father = padre (papa).

mother = madre (mama).

husband = esposo (marido)

daughter = hija


"hacer oraciones con los datos siguientes": utilice los posesivos.

* juan y maria son hermanos y son hijos de el señor y la señora carranza.

* VENUSTIANO Y SUSANA carranza son papas de juan y maria.

* MRS.morgan is mr. morgan’s WIFE.

she’s HIS wife.


1- susana is maria’s MOTHER.

she’s _____ mother.

2- juan is susana morgan’s SON

he’s _____ son.

3- mr. morgan is maria’s FATHER.

he’s father.
it’s a cup of coffe = esta es una taza de cafe.

cigarretes = cigarrillos

cigars = puros

matches = cerillas

pack of cigarettes = paquete de cigarrillos

box = caja

box of cigar = caja de puros

cup = taza

bottle = botella.

wine = vino.

glass = vaso

water = agua

pitcher = jarra.

milk = leche.

mug = tarro

beer = cerveza

pot = tetera

tea = te

"formación de palabras".

Ejemplo: Forme más palabras:

4- a cup of tea .__a cup of_________________________

5- a pot of cofee .__a pot of__________________________

6- a glass of wine .__a glass of_________________________

7- a pitcher of water .__a pitcher of________________________

8- a bottle of milk .__a bottle of ________________________

9- a mug of beer .__a mug of__________________________

* (esto es un cigarro)

10- what’s this? It’s a _______.

* un paquete de cigarrettes.

11- and what’s that? it’s a pack of____________________

the cigarettes are in the ashtray = los cigarrillos estan en el cenicero.

the cigarette is in the ashtray = el cigarrillo esta en el cenicero

they = ellos / ellas

* El pronombre de they se usa tanto para personas como para cosas.


"utilice el (they)".

* mr. and mrs. carranza are standing.

they’re standing

12- the pictures are on the wall.

__________on the wall.

13- are mr. and mrs. lopez sitting?



Convertir en negación.

* the boys are sitting on the flor.

they’re not sitting on the flor.

14- maria and juan are from chicago.

__________ from chicago.

15- the cigars are in the box.

________ in the box.

16- mr. and mrs. carranza are sitting over here.

___________ sitting over here.

17- the pencil and telephone are on the table.

_________ on the table.

these = estos. ------ es el plural de (this); esto

those = esos ------ es el plural de (that); eso

we’re from toronto = somos de toronto.

* we’re es la contracion de we are.

you = usted.

your name, plase? = su nombre por favor.

* are you from México? observe que se emplea el mismo pronombre YOU tanto si se refire

a una o varias personas.



"conteste las preguntas correctamente"(como si fueras el señor carranza con tu esposa)

* El señor y la señora carranza son de Canadá, de la ciudad de Toronto.

18- Are you Canadian, MR.carranza? Yes i am.

19- Are you from japan? no we’re not.

20- what city are you from? we’re from toronto.

there are = hay

* there aren’t (es la contracionde there are not)

yes, there are = si, las hay.

no, there aren’t = no, no los hay.

* there is se usa para referirse a una sola persona o cosa.

* there are se usa para referirse a varias personas o cosas.

* how much is it = cuanto cuesta esto.

cents = centavos.

it’s a dollar twenty-five = cuesta un dolar veinticinco.

it’s a hundred and sixty-eight dollars and fifty-nine cents = son ciento sesenta y ocho

-dolares cincuenta y nueve centavos.

* En el ingles es posible usar la palabra cents cuando se refiere a pequeñas

cantidades de dinero (generalmente menos de cien dolares), por ejemplo; .99 centavos.


21- 2+2 = 4 two and two is FOUR.

how much is two and two? = cuanto es dos mas dos?

* is two and two FIVE? = es dos mas dos igual a cinco?

22- is two and two FIVE? no it’s not.


23- is two and two SIX? ____________.

24- how much is four and four? four and four is________.

25- (40+40) = forty and forty is ___________.

26- (41+41) = forty-one and forty-one is ____________-two

27- is a cup of coffe ten cents? ____ it’s not.

28- is it twenty cents? _____ it’s not.

(un dolar .25 centavos)

29- And how much is a glass of wine? it’s a dollar twenty-_ cents.

($ 160.50)

30- how much is radio? it’s a hundred and ______ dollars and fifty cents.

($ 160.59)

31- how much is radio? it’s a hundred and sixty dollars and fifty-______ cents.

($ 168.59)

32- how much is radio?it’s a hundred and sixty-___ dollars and fifty-nine cents


"haga preguntas".

* cassette player (.20centavos)

how much is the cassete player?

33- calculator (.50 centavos)

how much is the____________?

34- chair (.60 centavos)

how much is the __________?

35- desk (.90 centavos)

how much is the __________?


how much are two bottles of wine? = cuanto cuestan dos botellas de vino?

how much is a bottle of wine? = cuanto cuesta una botella de vino?

two bottles of wine are ten dollars. = dos botellas de vino cuestan diez dolares.


"conteste correctamente las preguntas".

.Cinco dolares.

36- how much is a bottle of wine? it’s _____ _dollars

.diez dolares

37- how much are two bottles of wine? it’s ______ dollars

38- is a bottle of wine two dollars? _____ it’s not

39- is a cup coffe ten dollars? ____, it is

.diez dolares

40- is a cup of coffe ten dollars or fifty cents? it’s _____ dollars.

.cinco centavos

41- is a cup of coffe ten dollars or five cents? it’s ______ cents.


"conteste las preguntas". (yes there are / no there aren’t)

42- are there three woman in the picture? __yes______________________

43- are there three boys in the picture, too? __no_____________________


"conteste lo siguiente".utilice el (yes they are / no they’re not)

44- are the pictures on the wall? ___yes__________________

45- are they on the planes? ___no__________________



"conteste las preguntas".(yes there are / no there aren’t ) (yes there is / no there isn’t)

46- are there any glasses on the table? ___yes____________________

47- are there any boxes on the table? ____no___________________

48- IS there any milk in the cup? ___yes______________ there’s some milk in the cup.

49- IS there any milk in the bottle? ___no_______________any milk in the bottle.


"conteste las preguntas". (yes there is / no there isn’t)

50- is there any wine in the glass? ___yes_______________

51- is there any coffee in the cup? __no___________________

52- is there any tea in the cup? ____yes__________________

53- is there any beer in the glass? ___no__________________


"conteste las preguntas". utilice: (yes there are / no there aren’t).

54- are there any glasses in the picture? ___yes__________________

55- are there three bottles of milk on the desk? ___no_____________

56- are there any cups in the picture? ___yes___________________

57- are there two cups of beer on the table? No_________________


"hacer preguntas con": (is there ANY / are there ANY).


* there are some people at the station

are there ANY people at the station?


* there’s some milk in that bottle.

is there ANY milk in that bottle?

58- there are some cars in the street.

_____________ cars in the steet?

59- there’s some tea in the maria’s cup.

________________ tea in the maria’s cup?

* there isn’t any milk in the bottle. = no hay nada de leche en la botella.

there aren’t any glasses = no hay vasos.

some glasses = algunos vasos.

any mik = nada de leche.

any men = nada de hombres

* some = se usa generalmente en las afirmaciones.

* any = se emplea con mayor frecuencia al negar y al preguntar.

ejemplos: * there’s some......... there are some...........

* there isn’t any.......there aren’t any............

* estas dos palabras (some / any) se usan tanto en singular como en plural.


"utilice el; SOME (en afimacion). / ANY(en negacion, o para preguntar)."

60- look at the bottle! is there ________ wine in it ? yes, there is.

61- there’s ________ wine in the big bottle.

62- and what about the small bottle? there isn’t _________ wine in the small one.

63- .look at the glasses! there’s _________ wine in the glasses in front of the women.

64- but there isn’t __________ wine in the glass in front of the man.

65-are there __________people in this restaurant ? yes, there are.



"adjetivos de frecuencia"

USUALLY = usualmente

NEVER = nunca

ALWAYS = siempre

ever = algun vez

SOMETIMES = algunas veces

*por lo general los adjetivos de frecuencia se colocan entre el SUJETO y el VERBO.

SUJETO el adjetivo VERBO

de frecuencia

* the Santos NEVER STAY at home on sunday.



"utilice los adjetivos de frecuencia.


1- Luis GOES to work by train.

Luis ____never____________ goes to work by train

Luis _____always___________ goes to work by train

Luis _____sometimes___________ goes to work by train

Luis _____usually___________ goes to work by train

Luis ______ever__________ goes to work by train


2- Carlos DRIVES a small car.

Carlos _______________ drives a small car

Carlos _______________ drives a small car

Carlos _______________ drives a small car

Carlos _______________ drives a small car

Carlos _______________ drives a small car

3- I EAT dinner a at that restauran.

I _________________ eat dinner a at that restauran

I _________________ eat dinner a at that restauran

I _________________ eat dinner a at that restauran

I _________________ eat dinner a at that restauran

I _________________ eat dinner a at that restauran


* "el adjetivo de frecuencia en oraciones con el verbo BE (ARE, IS). "

El adjetivo de frecuencia va después del verbo BE (ARE, IS).

SUJETO verbo BE el adjetivo
de frecuencia

* the Santos ARE NEVER at home on sunday.


SUJETO verbo BE el adjetivo

de frecuencia

* mr. lopez IS NEVER at the office during the week.



"utilice los adjetivos de frecuencia.


4- the lopez ARE at home on monday.

the lopez are_______________ at home on monday

the lopez are_______________ at home on monday

the lopez are_______________ at home on monday

the lopez are_______________ at home on monday

the lopez are_______________ at home on monday

5- the movie IS over at nine o’clock.

the movie is _______________ over at nine o’clock

the movie is _______________ over at nine o’clock

the movie is _______________ over at nine o’clock

the movie is _______________ over at nine o’clock

the movie is _______________ over at nine o’clock

6- jose IS in bed at ten o’clock.

jose is ________________ in bed at ten o’clock

jose is ________________ in bed at ten o’clock

jose is ________________ in bed at ten o’clock

jose is ________________ in bed at ten o’clock

jose is ________________ in bed at ten o’clock



* WERE you at home?

yes I was. .no I wasn’t

* WAS I here?

yes you were. .no you weren’t

7- WERE you at home?

yes_______________ no_______________

8- WAS I here?

yes _______________ no_______________

ejercicio: "LA HORA".

(6:20) It’s twenty minutes PAST six

(6:15) It’s a quarter PAST six

(11:30) It’s HALF PAST eleven

(2:30) It’s HALF PAST two.

(6:50) ten TO seven (son 10 para las 7)

9- (7:20) ______________________________

10- (7:15) ______________________________

11- (12:30) _____________________________

12- (3:30) ______________________________

13- (5:50) ___________ TO _______________



"poner la respuesta correcta" opciones de respuesta:

14-we’re coming FROM london. (FROM / OF)

15-mr. lopez is drinking a cup OF coffe. (BY / OF)

16-are you going BY train. (BY / OF)

17-the plane is AT the airport. (FROM / AT)

18-maria and cesar are TO new york. (TO / FROM)

.la tercera persona lo integran: “HE, SHE, IT”.

.primera persona lo integra “I”


"utilice el ( yes it WAS / no it WASn’t)".

1- was yesterday saturday? __yes_________________

2- was the day before yesterday monday? ___no________________.


* are there a lot of cats on the car? yes there are.

* are there a lot of cats on the bus? no there aren’t.


"contesta las preguntas correctamente" utilice el (yes there ARE / no there AREn’t).

3- are there a lot of dogs on the car? Yes____________________

4- are there a lot of dogs on the bus? No____________________

"reglas del (DO DOES)"

* she DOES * he DOES * it DOES






"conteste las preguntas con (DO / DOES).

* DOES he have a car? __yes he does

* DOES he have a bus? __no he doesn’t he DOEsn’t have a bus

5- DOES she have a bus? yes she _____.

6- DOES she have a dog? no she _____. she DOEsn’t have a dog

7- DO you have a car? yes i DO

8- DO you have a bus? no i DOn’t i DOn’t have a bus

9- DO I have a red car? yes you do

10- DO I have a blue bus? no you don’t


"utilizar el (DO / DOES)

11- _______ mr. lopez have a big desk in his office?

12-________ you have any coffee?

13- _______ mrs. carraza have a small table in her office?

14- ______ I have any children?

"reglas del (HAS / HAVE)".

* Cuando es afirmación (he, she, it): es (HAS)

* Cuando se pregunta ? (he, she, it): es (HAVE)

* Cuando se afirma o pregunta ? (you, we, they, i’m) : es HAVE


"siga el ejemplo (construya frases negativas)". (doesn’t / don’t)

* maria work as a secretary.

she doesn’t work as a secretary.

15- juana work as a waitres.

she ________ work as a waitres.

* cesar work as an american.

he doesn’t work as an american.

16- luis work as a police.

he ________ work as a police


* they speak spanish in spain.

they don’t speak spanish in spain

17- they speak japanese in tokio

they ____ speak japanese in tokio.


"conteste las preguntas correctamente, utilice (they)"

18- Do they have coffee at the store? __yes they do

19- Do they have brazilin coffee? __no they don’t

20- are the lopez going out this evening? __yes they are.

21- are the lopez going home? _no they’re not

22- are they speaking english? __yes__ ________


"contesta las preguntas correctamente". (DO / DOES) (DOn’t / DOESn’t)

23- DOES it cost $50.00? ___yes it does

24- DOES it cost $80.00? ____no it doesn’t

25- DO they cost $50.00? __yes they ____

26- DO they drink a lot of tea in england? __yes_they___.

27- DO they speak italian in germany? __no they don’t

mr. lopez WAS alway last wek = el sr. lopez estuvo fuera la semana pasada

WAS mr. lopez at the office yesterday? = estuvo ayer el señor lopez en la oficina

The carranzas WERE at home togerher yesterday? = ayer los carranza estuvieron juntos en


yes they WERE = si estuvieron ellos .no I Wast’n = no estaba yo



"contesta las preguntas correctamente". utilice el (WAS / WASn’t).

* WAS mr. lopez sick on friday? __yes he was

* WAS mr. lopez sick on monday? __no he wasn’t

28- WAS mrs lopez sick on monday? yes she ______

29- WAS mrs lopez sick on friday? no she ________

30- WAS yesterday monday? __yes it____


"conteste las preguntas correctamente". utilice el (WERE / WEREn’t).

* WERE mr. and mrs. carranza out of the country last week? ___yes they were

* WERE mr. and mrs. carranza out of the country last week? __no they weren’t

31- WERE they in france? yes they ________

32- WERE they in garmany? no they _______


"conteste las preguntas correctamente".utilice (WAS / WASn’t).

* WAS he is paris? ___yes he was

* WAS he is france? __no he wasn’t

33- WAS mrs. lopez busy in paris? yes she ______

34- WAS she at the hotel during the day? no she ______


"conteste las preguntas correctamente". utilice el (yes there WERE / no thereWEREn’t).

35- WERE there a lot of people in paris last week? ___yes there______

36- WERE there a lot of people in tokio last week? __no there _______


"conteste las preguntas correctamente". utilice el (yes there WAS / no there WASn’t).

37- WAS there a lot of traffic, too? ____yes_______________

38- WAS there a lot of traffic, too? ____no_______________

"reglas del (WAS / WERE)".

i’m lleva el WAS / Wasn’t

he lleva el WAS / Wasn’t

she lleva el WAS / Wasn’t

it lleva el WAS / Wasn’t

there lleva el WAS / Wasn’t o puede llevar el WERE / WEREn’t

you lleva el WERE

they lleva el WERE


"poner el (WAS / WERE) (WASn’t / WEREn’t).

* today is monday.

yesteday WAS sunday.

39- is mr. lopez in new york today?.

_________ he in paris on friday?

40- I’m at home today.

yesterday I _________ at work.

41- maria isn’t here today.

she WAsn’t here yesterday, either.

42- are you at home now?

_________ you at home this morning?


DID mrs. lopez work? = trabajo la señora lopez

work? no she DIDn’t = no, no trabajo.

DID = abarca todos los (I, he, she, you, we, they, it, etc.)


"conteste las preguntas correctamente" utilice el (DID / DIDn’t).

* DID he work hard last web? __yes he did

* DID he work in the evening? ___no he didn’t

43- DID mrs. lopez work in paris? yes she _______

44- DID mrs. lopez work in france? no she _______


"conteste correctamente" utilice el (DID / DIDn’t).

45- DID he work? ___yes_____________

46- DID he work? ___no____________

47- DID they get to the theater by bus? ___yes they____

48- DID they get to the theater by car? ___no they_____

49- DID it feel too tight? ___yes it ____

50- DID it feel too tight? ___no it _____

51- DID the tour begin at seven o’clock? ___yes it_____

52- DID the tour begin at nine o’clock? ____no it_____

53- DID you work? yes, i ____

54- DID you work? no, i ____

DID = es el pasado de; do y does.

WERE = es el pasado de; are

WAS = es el pasado de; IS


CAN = poder (puede tener varios significados, pero el principal es el de capacidad)


"conteste las preguntas correctamente". utilice el (CAN / CAn’t).

55- CAN mr. lopez speak french? __ye he can

56- CAN mr. lopez speak french? ___no he can’t

57- CAN mrs. carranza speak german? yes she ______

58- CAN mrs. carranza speak german? no she ______

59- CAN you speak french? yes i can

60- CAN you speak french? no i can’t

61- CAN you bere by six-thirty? ____ i can

62- CAN you bere by six-thirty? ____ i can’t

63- CAN i see the clock from your desk? yes you _____

64- CAN i see the clock from your desk? no you ______

yes she will = si durara .no she won’t = no durara

ejemplo: *WILL = se refiere al futuro. *WAS / WERE = se refiere al pasado

* WILL eva beat at the office tomorrow?

yes she will / no she won’t


"poner la respuesta correcta". utilice el (WILL / WOn’t).

65-WILL maria be at the office tomorrow? ___ _she will

66- WILL maria be at the office tomorrow? ____ she won’t

67- WILL cesar be at the office tomorrow? yes he ______

68- WILL cesar be at the office tomorrow? no he ______


. Capitulo-7 INGLES

*utilice ANY 0 SOME

this is a restaurant. Look at the table. There are two bottles on the table. Look at the big
bottle. Is there ANY wine in it?. Yes there is.
there ’s SOME wine in the big bottle. And what about the small bottle? there’s isn’t ANY
wine in the small one.

Look at the glasses. there’s SOME wine in the glasses in front of the woman, but there
isn’t ANY wine in the glass in front of the man.

There are SOME cups on the table. There are three cups on the table. Is there ANY coffe
in the cups? No there isn’t.

Are there ANY people in this restaurant? Yes there are. There are SOME customers sitting
at the table, and there are SOME customers standing next to the door. Is there a waiter,
too?Yes there is. Is he sitting or standing? he’s standing. Look. Three people are sitting,
and four people are standing. There are seven people in this picture in all. Are there ANY
children in this picture? no there aren’t. there aren’t ANY children in this restaurant.

*Utilce (there are some) o (there’s some).

1-There are some books on the desk

2-there’s some book on the desk
3-There are some notebooks on the table
4-there’s some notebok on the table
5-There are some people in that car
6-there’s some person in this car

*haga preguntas (are there any) o (is there any).

7-.Are There any books on the desk?

8-Is there any book on the desk?
9-Are There any notebooks on the table?
10-Is there any notebok on the table?
11-Are There any people in that car?
12-Is there any person in this car?

I CAN: poder, saber

El pasado de I CAN: I COULD
I MAY; puede (tiene permiso).
El pasado de I MAY: I MIGHT
I MUST; puede (tengo la obligación).
El pasado de I MUST: no tiene, solo esta en presente.

There is- hay

There are- hay (en plural).

*Ejercicio.(there is) o (there are)

13-There is one student in the classrom.
14-There are two student in the classrom.

En tiempo presente es (There is). en tiempo pasado es (there was)

En tiempo presente es (there are). en tiempo pasado es (there were)

There was- hubo

There were- habian (en plural).

*Ejercicio.(there was) o (there were)

15-There was one student in the classrom.
16-There were two student in the classrom.

Have= tener, haber.

*Ejercicio- acomplete el cuadro utilizando (have) o (has)

contracion negacion el tiempo contracción negacion
pasado pasado pasado
I-------I have-----------i´ve------------haven´t--------I had---------I´d----------- I had not
He-----he has----------he´s------------hasn´t---------he had--------he´d----------he had not
She----shehas----------she´s-----------hasn´t--------she had-------she´d---------she had not
It-------it has-----------it´s-------------hasn´t---------it had---------it´d-----------it had not
You---you have-------you´ve---------haven´t-------you had------you´d---------you had not
We----we have--------we´ve----------haven´t-------we had--------we´d---------we had not
They--they have-------they´ve-------haven´t------- they had------they´d-------they had not

A los días de la semana siempre se le coloca delante ON ,

A las fechas siempre se les coloca la preposición ON.

*Cuando se escribe MR. MRS. MISS. MS.;
Siempre después de cada uno de ellos va el apellido y nombre de la persona.
*Cuando una mujer esta casada; adquiere el apellido del marido y deja de usar el
apellido paterno. Ejemplo. MR.lopez, y su esposa es; MRS.lopez.
*La palabra SIR y MADAM; solo se usan como formas de cortesía, o en los títulos
nobleza. Son poco nombrados, se usan muy poco.

I have----------have I? *Ejercicio- acomplete lo que falta.

He has----------have he?
She has---------have she?
It has-----------have it?
You have------have you?
We have-------have we?
They have-----have they?

I am------------am I?
He is-----------is he?
She is----------is she?
It is-------------is it?
You are--------are you?
We are---------are we?
They are-------are they?

I was----------was I?
He was-------was he?
She was------was she?
It was---------was it?
You were-----were you?
We were------were we?
They were----were they?

I Do----------Do I?
He Does------Does he?
She Does-----Does she? DO, DOES : es en tiempo presente
It Does--------Does it?
You Do------Do you?
We Do-------Do we?
They Do-----Do they?

I Did---------------Did I?
He Did------------Did he?
She Did-----------Did she? DID: es en tiempo pasado de DO, DOES.
It Did--------------Did it?
You Did----------Did you?
We Did------------Did we?
They Did---------Did they?

I shall-------------shall I?
he will--------------will he?
she will-------------will she? will, shall: son en tiempo futuro.
it will----------------will it?
you will--------------will you?
we will---------------will we?
they will-------------will they?

I Speak---------yo hablo
you speak--------usted habla
he speakS---------el habla. a la tercera persona ( he, she, it) ; se le agrega la S
she speakS-------ella habla en los verbos solamente por costumbre
we speak---------nosotros hablamos
they speak-------ellos hablan

*poner en tiempo presente los siguientes verbos.

play--------playing (jugando)
work-------working (trabajando)

*poner en presente las oraciones.

17-I go out in morning
I am going out in mornig
18-you repeat many lessons
you are repeating many lessons
19-they listen to you
they are listening to you
20-we walk one hour every morning
we are walking one hour every morning
21-he speaks english
he is speaking english

*poner verbos en pasado;


*poner verbos en pasado:


*poner en pasado lo siguiente:

he is----------he was
she is---------she was
it is-----------it was
I am----------I was
you are------you were
we are-------we were
they are-----they were
.you have----you had
.he has-------he had
I do-----------I did
He does------he did
There is-----there was
There are----there were

*poner en negativo las siguientes oraciones del tiempo presente: (use el DO, DOES).
22-I work
I don’t work
23-I learn
I don’t learn
24-I study
I don’t study
25-They speak japanese in Tokio
They don’t speak japanese in tokio
26-She work is a secretary
She doesn’t work is a secretary
27-He work is an american
He doesn’t work is an american

*poner en negativo las siguientes oraciones del tiempo pasado: (use el DID).
28-We played
We didn’t play
29-You opened
You didn’t open
30-I worked
I didn’t work
31-We corrected our exercises
We didn’t correct our exercises
32-They opened their books
They didn’t open their books

Wrote; es el pasado de write.

33-they wrote a dictation
They didn’t write a dictation
34-They wrote
They didn’t write
35-I wrote
I didn’t write

*Convertir en femeninos.

*Covertir a plural de modo irregular:

Wife--------wives Foot--------feet ox-------oxen
Knife-------knives Tooth------teeth
Mouse-----mice Goose-----geese
Man--------men Sheep-----sheep

*Llene los espacios que faltan:

I shall eat--------------shall I eat? ------------no I shall not
he will eat--------------will he eat?-------------no he won’t
she wil eat-------------will she eat?------------no she won’t
it will eat---------------will it eat?--------------no it won’t
you will eat------------will you eat?-----------no you won’t
we will eat-------------will we eat?------------no we won’t
they will eat------------will they eat?----------no they won’t

*poner en posesivo: ’s
36-the book of my teacher
my teacher’s book
37-the lesson of this boy
this boy’s lesson.
38-The father of the small girl
the small girl’s father

*poner en Posesivo plural: s’

39-the books of the boys
the boys’ books
40-the children of the parents
the parents’ children
41-the books of these girs
these girs’ books

*Combierta en negacion las oraciones.

I’m American----------------------------I’m not American.
*The man is at the station----------------he’s not at the station.
*The woman is at the house-------------she’s not at the house.
*The car is black--------------------------it’s not black
*The dog is black-------------------------it’s not black
*you’re sitting----------------------------you’re not sitting.
*They are standing-----------------------they’re not standing
*We are speaking-------------------------we’re not speaking.
*I’m from new york----------------------I’m not from new york

*poner en pasado lo siguiente.

*I’m at home today.
Yesterday I WAS at work
*Today is Monday.
Yesterday WAS Sunday
*is MR.lopez in new york today?
WAS he in paris on Friday?
*janet isn’t here today.
She WASN’T here yesterday, either.
*Are you at home now!?
WERE you at home this morning?
*we’re at the office now.
At noon we WERE in a restaurant

*Combierta al pasado la leccion.

*Today Monday MR.lopez isn’t at home. Yesterday MR.lopez WASN’T at home.
*He isn’t at the office, Either. He WASN’T at the office, Either.
*Where is he? He’s in paris where WAS he? He WAS in paris
*He’s there on busines. Paris he WAS there on busines. Paris
*Is very crowded during the day. WAS very crowded during the day.
there’s a lot of traffic, and there are there WAS a lot of traffic, and there WERE
*a lot of people. MR.lopez is very a lot of people. MR.lopez WAS very
*busy. He’s at the office all day. Busy. He WAS at the office all day.
*There are meeting all day. There WERE meeting all day.

Who:quien Whose; de quien Whom; a quien for Whom; para quien

I AM = el plural es WE ARE
MY =el plural es OUR

*Poner en plural.
*I AM speaking.
WE ARE speaking.
*MY table is black.
OUR table is black

Capitulo-8 INGLES .

*Palabras que terminan -cion -tion

Las palabras que terminan con -CION en español terminan con -TION en inglés.

reservación – reservation.

Ejemplo; investigación -Investigation.

pronunciación -pronunciation

tradición- tradition





Palabras que empiezan con (sp) .(st)

Las palabras que empiezan con esp- en español generalmente empiezan con sp- en inglés.

Especial- Special

Las palabras que empiezan con est- en español generalmente empiezan con st- en inglés.








*Normalmente las fechas se escriben en el siguiente orden:


EN Estados Unidos es; mes/día/año. En MExico es; día/mes/año

May/1/2013 1/May-2013

Ejercicio: poner en orden (al estilo norteamericano).

1-MAY-2013--------- May/1/2013

2-JULY-2013 -------- July/2/2013

3-JUNE-2013 -------- June/3/2013

*Poner el pasado de los siguientes verbos;

begin- began

have- had

ride- rode


go- went

come- came


lose- lost

eat- ate

drive- drove

*expresiones de tiempo;

Se usa con horas; at 5:00 PM

Se usa con días; on Tuesday
Se usa con fechas; on May 21, 1955
Se usa con el día junto con la parte del día; on Tuesday morning

Se usa con meses; in May

Se usa con años; in 1990

Se usa con períodos de tiempo; in five minutes, months, years

Se usa con partes del día; in the morning

Se usa con las estaciones; in the winter


I go to the movies ON Friday evenings.

My class starts AT 9:00 AM.

I go to church ON Tuesdays.

It's very cold in Chicago IN the winter.

I need to leave IN twenty minutes.

I was born IN 1967I play basketball with my friends ON Sunday afternoons.

I go to bed AT 10:00 PM.

My family goes on vacation IN the summer.

I moved to Georgia IN 1998.

The television program starts IN ten minutes.

I start my new English class ON Monday.

The wedding is IN two months.

Se usa la palabra "FOR" (por) con períodos de tiempo.


I've lived here for two years.

She's worked at that company for seven months.
They've been here for 10 minutes.

Se usa la palabra "SINCE" (desde) con el tiempo específico que empezó una actividad.

I've lived here since 1998.

She's worked at that company since she moved to California.
They've been here since 8:30.

Práctica; Selecciona (FOR / SINCE) en cada oración.

She has studied at that school FOR three months

He's worked at the ABC Company SINCE 1987.

They've been in the restaurant SINCE 7:00.

Billy and Tommy have been friends SINCE they met.

She's worked on that project FOR three hours.

He's attended that university SINCE he graduated from high school.

They've been married FOR twenty years.

We've stayed at the hotel SINCE Tuesday.

We've lived in this house FOR a long time.

She's been in the classroom FOR twenty minutes.


La manera de hablar del futuro es con el verbo auxiliar "will".


he will swim. = el nadara.

he'll swim. = el nadara (contracción)

En oraciones negativas usamos "will not" o la contracción "won't".

he will not swim. = el no nadara.

he won't swim. = el no nadara. (contracción)

Para formar una pregunta, ponemos "will" primero, luego el sujeto, y luego el verbo.

Will he swim? = el nadara

Escribe oraciones de lo que estas personas harán usando la información dada. Escribe las
oraciones sin contracción como el ejemplo.

*Bob/exercise. bob will exercice

They/go to the party. They will go to the party.

Mr. and Mrs. Wilson/watch TV. Mr. And Mrs Wilson. Will match TV.

The children/study English. The children will study English

She/cook dinner. She will cook dinner

The dog/run. The dog will run

Susan está estudiando para ser maestra. Haz oraciones de lo que hará o no hará ella en su
futura carrera. Escribe las oraciones afirmativas sin contracción y las negativas con
contracción como en los ejemplos abajo.

she correct tests. she will correct tests.

she build houses. she won’t build houses

she teach classes. she will teach classes

she work at a school. she will work at a school

she drive a truck. she won’t drive a truck

she work with students. she will work with students

she work in a hospital. she won’t work in a hospital

Escribe las siguientes oraciones con contracciones.

he will ski. He’ll ski

she will ski. she’ll ski

It will finish at 3:00. it’ll finísh at 3:00

You will learn English. you’ll learn English

we will study. we’ll study

They will study. they’ll study

She will not sleep. she won’t sleep

Fred will not work. fred won’t work

The children will not go to bed early. the children won’t go to bed early

Capitulo-9 INGLES

Comparativos se usan para comparar dos cosas,etc.

Chicago is smaller than New York.

Chicago es más pequeño que Nueva York.

Generalmente formamos el comparativo añadiendo -er al adjetivo.

small (pequeño) - smaller (más pequeño)

.large - larger

easy - easier

big - bigger

Cambia las palabras a comparativos.






Karen is younger than Alice


Tea is cheaper than champagne



Los superlativos se usan para indicar un extremo en un grupo de cosas.

Bob is the tallest student in the class.

Bob es el estudiante más alto de la clase.

Generalmente formamos el superlativo añadiendo el sufijo -est al adjetivo.

small (pequeño) - the smallest (el más pequeño)

large - the largest

easy - the easiest

big - the biggest

Cambia las palabras a superlativos.
tall –the tallest

nice-the nicest

Dry-the driest

Hot-the hottest


Bob/is/tall student/in the class

Bob is the tallest student in the class.

That/is/small car/in the parking lot

that is the smallest car in the parking lot

-la terminacion-er
Hay verbos a los que podemos agregar la terminación -er para indicar una persona que
hace esta actividad.

*play (jugar) - player (jugador)

Si el verbo termina con la letra e, solo añadimos la r.

*skate (patinar) - skater (patinador)

Si una palabra termina en consonante, vocal, consonante y el estrés de la palabra está en

esa sílaba, repetimos la última consonante.

* swim (nadar)-swimmer (nadador)

ejemplo; *indicar la persona que hace esta actividad;

ride -rider


*Como describir el Precio en Inglés

Cuando describimos el precio de algo generalmente usamos el verbo "to be" (ser).

Singular Plural
How much is the _____? How much are the _____?
It's ____ dollar. They're ____ dollars.

Escribe la pregunta y la respuesta como en los ejemplos mostrados.


Book 1 dollar (singular) Books 50 dollars (plural)

How much is the book? How much are the books?

It's 1 dollar They're 50 dollars

*Ejercicio de conocimientos:
___________ is that bicicle? A) how much B) how
___________ is that bus? A) how much B) how
what nationality is MR.lopez? A) he is american B)American
what nationality is MRS.lopez? A) she is ameican B)America

what city is in france? A) paris is B) japan is

what city is in japan? A) tokio is B) paris is
______ her name? A) what’s B) when
______ his name? A) what’s B) when
MR.lopez isn’t French; ____ american A) he’s B) she’s
MRS.lopez isn’t French; ____ American. A) he’s B) she’s
the mississipi is a_____ A) city B) river
what’s miss lopez? A) he’s a secretary B) she’s a secretary
what’s MR.lopez? A) he’s a policeman B) she’s policeman
who’s sitting, MRS.lopez or MR.lopez? A) MRS. lopez is B) MR. lopez
I’m looking at her;_____ looking at me. A) she’s B) he’s
I’m looking at his;______ looking at me. A) she’s B) he’s
there_____ ANY milk in glass? A) isn’t B) aren’t
there_____ ANY milk in glasses? A) isn’t B) aren’t
what country is tokio in? A) it’s in japan B) it’s in france
what country is paris in? A) it’s in japan B) it’s in france
where’s paris? A) it’s in japan B) it’s in france
where’s tokio? A) it’s in japan B) it’s in france
where’s she from? _____from new york. A) she’s B) he’s
is he from Washington or new york? _____ from new york. A) she’s B) he’s
what city is MR.lopez from? ____from new york. A) she’s B) he’s
what city is he from? ____from new york. . A) she’s B) he’s
what city is miss lopez from? _____from new york. A) she’s B) he’s
is MR.lopez from new york or tokio? _____ from new york. A) she’s B) he’s
what’s paris? Paris is a_____ A) city .B) river
what’s Venezuela? Venezuela is a_______ A) city B) country
what country is berlin in? berlin ___in germany. A) is B) are
what country is caracas in? caracas ___ in Venezuela. A) is B) are
what nationality is he? ____ American A) she’s B) he’s
what nationality is she? ____ American A) she’s B) he’s
it’s not over there, it’s over_____ A) here B) there
the table is next ____ the chair A) to B) on
MR.lopez’s first______ is bill. A) name B) on
is London a city? Yes ___ is A) it B) he
MR.lopez isn’t French _____ American A) she’s B) he’s
_____and two is three. A) two B) one
the people aren’t sitting______ standing. A) they’re B) he’s
I’m standing in front of you; you’re standing behind___ A) me B) he
the car isn’t small; it’s___ A) big B) city
this is____ American car A) a B) an
three and ___ is thirteen A) two B) ten
new york is a_____ A) city B) country
is the united states a city? No ____not A) it’s B) he’s
Ten past six. A) 6:10 B) 10:6
A quarter past six. A) 6:15 B) 15:6
Ten to seven. A) 6:50 B) 7:10
today ___ Wednesday. A) is B) was

tomorrow ___ Thursday. A) is B) was

yesterday ____ Tuesday. A) is B) was
the day before yesterday____ monday. A) is B) was
the day after tomorrow ____ Friday. A) is B) was
what day is between Sunday and Tuesday? A) Monday is B) Saturday is
____much is this car? A) how B) what
it isn’t a quarter to five, it’s a quarter ____ five A) past B) and
____one o’clock A) it’s B) he’s
the bank isn’t open ____ Sunday. A) on B) he’s
what time is___? A) it B) he
the mississipi is a ______ A) river B) city
today is Monday. Saturday was the day _______ yesterday. A) before B)after
do you have a small office? Yes ___do A) I B) you
____MR.lopez have a car? Yes he does A) does B) do
today is Monday. Wednesday is the day_____ tomorrow. A) before B) after
Did you see janet? Yes ___ did A) I B) you
Do you smoke? No I ______ A) don’t B) doesn’t
Are you American? Yes____ am A) I B) you
is miss. Lopez from brazil ___ from Venezuela? A) or B) what
did MR.lopez speak german in paris? No ___ didn’t A) he B) she
what nationality is MRS. Lopez? ___ American. A) he’s B) she’s
is this MR.lopez? yes ___is A) it B) she
yanet is MR.lopez’s secretary.
She’s _____ secretay. A) his B) her
jose is MRS.lopez’s son
he’s _____ son. A) his B) her
____Sunday A) on B) it
are you going to take a trip ___ Sunday A) on B) it
are they from new york? No____ not A) they’re B) he’s
are they from berlin or from caracas?______ from caracas A) they’re B) he’s
are two bottles of milk five dollars? No ____ not. A) they’re B) he’s
Are you and your wife American? No ___not A) we’re B) I’m
.Will you be at six o’clock? No we_____ A) he’s B) won’t
Will you be at six o’clock? No I_____ A) he’s B) shall not
is mary MR. lopez’s son? No ___ not A) she’s B) they’re
is peter MR. lopez’s husband? No ___not A) he’s B) they’re
is MR. Lopez’s bus in the garage? Yes __ is A) it B) she
is fisher a english name? no __ not A) it’s B) he’s
is her english name, too? no __ not A) it’s B) he’s
is that MR. lopez’s son? no __ not A) it’s B) he’s
Is this MR. lopez’s son? no __ not A) it’s B) he’s

*Los planetas:


*Numeros ordinales
1-First (primero) 11-eleventh
2-second (segundo) 12-twelfth
3-third (tercero) 13-thirteenth
4-fourth 14-fourteenth
5-fifth 15-fifteenth
6-sixth 16-sixteenth
7-Seventh 17-seventeenth
8-eighth 18-eighteenth
9-ninth 19-nineteenth
10-tenth 20-twentieth

*Utilizar el (BY/IN/ON) en los medios de transporte

Utilizamos BY; cuando hablamos de medios de transporte en general.
Por ejemplo;
BY plane BY car BY bus

Utilizamos IN cuando hablamos de medios de transporte específicos.

IN red car IN his car IN a van
IN blue bus IN her bus IN a taxi
IN yellow taxi IN his plane IN an ambulance

Utilizamos ON cuando hablamos de medios de transporte (ir a pie, my bike, motorbike

ON motor bike ON my Bike ON foot

Utilizar TO/FROM
EJEMPLO; COMES FROM (se utiliza cuando vienes de algún lado)
GOING TO (se utiliza cuando vas a algun lado)

*Ejercicio: Utilizar (TO/FROM)


He comes FROM Japan

You are going TO Germany
They come FROM Japan
We are going TO Germany
You come FROM Japan


I ___ A) Theirs (sus de ellos)

YOU ___ B) Ours (sus de nosotros)

HE ___ C) ITS (sus de esto)

SHE ___ D) Hers (sus de ella)

IT ___ E) His (sus de el)

WE ___ F) Yours (sus de usted)

THEY ___ G) Mine (sus de mi)

* Ejercicio; utilice los pronombres posesivos

He has two cars. They are HIS

She has two cars. They are HERS
We have two cars.They are OURS
You have two cars. They are YOURS
They have two cars. They are THEIRS
I have two cars. They are MINE

Verbo (to be)

I Am From mexico
He is From mexico
She is From mexico
It is From mexico
We Are From mexico
You Are From mexico
They Are From mexico


I Am Not From mexico I’m not from mexico

He Is Not From mexico he’s not from mexico
She Is Not From mexico she’s not from mexico
It Is Not From mexico It’s not from mexico
We Are Not From mexico We’re not from mexico
You Are Not From mexico you’re not from mexico
They Are Not From mexico They’re not from mexico

*Hacer negaciones de lo siguiente:

I Am a student. I’m not a student
He is chínese. he’s not chinese
They are from USA. They’re not from USA
I AM at the store. I’m not at the store
She is in the school. She’s not the school
They are at the bank. They’re not at the bank

Preguntas: (con estas comienzan para indagar en diversos asuntos específicos,

ya sea de lugar, tiempo o motivo, entre otros.
What, Where, When, Who, Why, How.

*Preguntas del verbo (To Be):

Am I From mexico? Yes you are. No you aren’t

Is He From mexico? Yes he is. No he isn’t
Is She From mexico? Yes she is. No she isn’t
Is It From mexico? Yes it is. No it isn’t
Are We From mexico? Yes we are. No we aren’t
Are You From mexico? Yes I am. No I am not
Are They From mexico? Yes they are. No theyaren’t

*hacer preguntas:
You are a student. Are you a student?
He is chínese. Is he chínese?
They are from china. Are they from china?
You are at the store. Are you at the store?
She is in the school. Is She in the school?
They are at the bank. Are they at the bank?

*ejemplo de preguntas especificas en ingles “WT”, y “H”.

What is your name? My name is John.
Where are you from? I’m from Brasil.
How old are you? I’m 24 years old.
How are you? I’m fine
Where is he from? He is from spain.
How old is She? She is 19 years old
Why you Here? I’m Here to study.
When are they domingo? They are coming tomorrow.

*Si sabes los posesivos traduce lo siguiente:

.Hi. My name is Alberto, I am an English teacher and I’m from Reynosa, México.
.this is my friend. Her name is Lucy and she’s from Colombia.
.her boyfriend’s name is Peter. He’s from Colombia too.
.we are living in México. Our brothers are in the country.


*Si sabes los posesivos traduce lo siguiente:

.Hi, my name is Alberto. I’m 24 years old.
.this is my friend Omar. He is from mexico but his parents are from USA.
.their names are Jack and Kate.


*Presente simple:
.Para hablar de información personal, ejemplos; de trabajos, de personas y donde
.Lo usamos para hablar de hechos, (acontecimientos) costumbres, estados de
animo. Ejemplos;
.Hecho. I live in mexico.
.Costumbres. She plays soccer on Fridays.
.Estados de animo. We feel tired (nos sentimos cansados).

*A las terceras personas que son (he, she, it); se les agrega en en el verbo un “S”
o “es”.

Oraciones afirmativas en presente simple:

I Play football on weekend
We Play football on weekend
You Play football on weekend
They Play football on weekend
He Plays football on weekend
She Plays football on weekend
It Plays football on weekend

Oraciones afirmativas en presente simple:

I watch football on weekend
We watch football on weekend
You watch football on weekend
They watch football on weekend
He watches football on weekend
She watches football on weekend
It watches football on weekend

*Existen 4 reglas en presente simple en los verbos:

1-por lo general se le agrega una “S” al verbo.

Work-Works. (trabajar)
Know-knows. (saber)
Speak-speaks. (hablar)

2-los verbos terminados en (ch, sh, x, ss). Se les agrega “es”

Catch-catches. (atrapar)
Wash-washes. (lavar)
Mix-mixes. (mezclar)
Miss-misses. (extrañar, perder)

3-los verbos terminados en “y” se cambia por “i”, además se le agrega “es”
Study-studies. (estudiar)
Try-Tries. (intentar)
Fly-Flies. (volar)

4-verbos en forma especial.

Go-Goes. (Ir)
Do-Does. (haber)
Have-has. (tener)

*Y para hacer oraciones negativas usamos los auxiliar “Do”mas (Not),

y solo en terceras personas usamos el auxiliar “Does” mas (Not).

*oraciones negativas del presente simple:

I Do not Play football on weekend
We Do not Play football on weekend
You Do not Play football on weekend
They Do not Play football on weekend
He Does not Play football on weekend
She Does not Play football on weekend
It Does not Play football on weekend

*oraciones negativas del presente simple:

I Don’t Play football on weekend
We Don’t Play football on weekend
You Don’t Play football on weekend
They Don’t Play football on weekend
He Doesn’t Play football on weekend
She Doesn’t Play football on weekend
It Doesn’t Play football on weekend

*como pudo ver con oraciones negativas no hay cambio en el verbo, aunque estén
en terceras personas, esto es únicamente para las oraciones afirmativas.

Oraciones interrogativas (preguntas del presente simple), de “si” o “no”.

Do I work today? Yes you do. No you don’t

Do we work today? Yes we do. No we don’t
Do you work today? Yes I do. No I don’t
Do they work today? Yes they do. No they don’t
Does he work today? Yes he does. No he doesn’t
Does she work today? Yes She does. No She doesn’t
Does it work today? Yes it does. No it doesn’t

*oraciones interrogativas (preguntas específicas del presente simple).

Where Do I work? You work in a school
Where Do we work? We work in a school
where Do you work? I work in a school
where Do they work? They work in a school
where Does he work? He Works in a school
where Does she work? She Works in a school
where Does it work? It Works in a school

*observo; solo en las respuestas se sigue la regla de cambiar el verbo de

terceras personas.

*ejemplo de preguntas en presente simple:

Do you Like the pizza? Yes I do. No I Don’t
Does She watch Tv on weekends? Yes She Does. No She Doesn’t

*ejemplo de preguntas especificas en presente simple:

Where Does Oscar live? He live in spain.
What Do you do? I am a doctor.

“El presente continuo (o progresivo)”.

Reglas estos verbos:
Su terminación debe ser en (ing); en español significa ando.
*se utiliza básicamente para las dos siguientes situaciones;

I-expresar que algo esta ocurriendo en este instante.

II-decir que algo esta pasando por un tiempo limitado.

I am watching a Movie
Mario studing in this school

1-se le agrega ing al verbo.

2-los verbos terminados en (e) se les quita y se les agrega (ing).

Have-having. (terminando)
Smile-smiling. (sonrriendo)

3-en casos específicos;

Verbos en donde se dobla la consonante final, y se le agrega la terminación ing.
Run-running. (corriendo)
Swim-swimming. (nadando)
Stop-stopping. (deteniendo)
Plan-planning. (planeando)

*oraciones afirmativas del presente continuo.

I am doing homework
He is doing homework
She is doing homework
It is doing homework
We are doing homework
You are doing homework
They are doing homework
they are eating pizza
I am studing English
He is swimming in the pool (nadando en la alberca)

*oraciones negativas en presente continuo.

I am Not doing homework
He is Not doing homework
She is Not doing homework
It is Not doing homework
We are Not doing homework
You are Not doing homework
They are Not doing homework

*oraciones negativas en presente continuo.

I’m Not doing homework
He isN’t doing homework
She isN’t doing homework
It isN’t doing homework
We areN’t doing homework
You areN’t doing homework
They areN’t doing homework
Ejemplos en preguntas del presente continuo.
What is he doing? he is doing homework
What is she doing? she is doing homework
What is it doing? it is doing homework
What are we doing? we are doing homework
What are you doing? I am doing homework
What are they doing? they are doing homework

.Ejemplos de negaciones;
He isN’t running at the street
We areN’t driving home
I’m Not watching a Movie. (esta viendo una película).

*preguntas de “si” o “no” en el presente continuo.

Is Ana reading a book? Yes she is
Is the computer working? No it’s not

*preguntas especificas.
What is She doing? she’s listening to music.
Where is Iván doing? he’s studing in México.

*Pasado simple:

Del verbo “Be” es (was/were).

I Was at the store this morning.
He Was at the store this morning.
She Was at the store this morning.
It Was at the store this morning.
We Were at the store this morning.
You Were at the store this morning.
They Were at the store this morning.

Was = se usa con los pronombres singulares (es decir que hacen referencia a una
sola persona).
Were = es usado con pronombres en plural.

I was a student of this school. (era)
She was a modem. (era)
They were Good children. (eran)
He was at the beach this morning. (estaba)
We were married. (estábamos)
You were married. (estabas)

*hacer oraciones negativas de lo anterior.

I was not a student of this school.
She was not a modem
They were not Good children.
He was not at the beach this morning.
We were not married.
You were not married.

*oraciones negativas del pasado simple.

I Was not at the store this morning.
He Was not at the store this morning.
She Was not at the store this morning.
It Was not at the store this morning.
We Were not at the store this morning.
You Were not at the store this morning.
They Were not at the store this morning.

*oraciones interrogativas especificas del pasado simple.

Where Was He at the store this morning? He was at the store.
Where Was She at the store this morning? She was at the store.
Where Was It at the store this morning? It was at the store.
Where Were We at the store this morning? We were at the store.
Where Were You at the store this morning? I was at the store.
Where Were They at the store this mornin? They were at the store.

*ejemplos de preguntas de “si” o “no”.

.Were you a football player at the school? Yes I was / No I wasn’t
.Was she a model? Yes she was / No She wasn’t
.Were they your Friends? Yes they were / No they weren’t
.Was Richard your boyfriend? Yes he was / No he wasn’t
.Were we on a text? Yes we were / No we weren’t

*Cambia a pasado las siguientes oraciones:

I am a teacher. I was a teacher.
She is at the movies. She was at the movies.
They are not professionals. They were not professionals.
Internet is important. Internet was important.
Computers aren’t fast. Computers weren’t fast.

*oraciones afirmativas en el pasado simple.

.por lo general solo se le pone la terminación (ed) al verbo, para que este en
I arrived on time
He arrived on time
She arrived on time
It arrived on time
We arrived on time
You arrived on time
They arrived on time

he closed the Windows.
She drank all the juice. (ella bebió toto el jugo).

Drink= beber.
Drank= bebió ( este es un verbo irregular en tiempo pasado).

*(el verbo no cambia para terceras personas en oraciones afirmativas).


*en el caso de oraciones negativas y interrogativas nos ayuda el auxiliar Did + not
para hacer oraciones.

I Did + not arrive on time

He Did + not arrive on time
She Did + not arrive on time
It Did + not arrive on time
We Did + not arrive on time
You Did + not arrive on time
They Did + not arrive on time

Did + not = Didn’t

(Did) es el pasado de (Do).
She didn’t drink all the juice.
He didn’t watch that movie.
He didn’t close the Windows.
They didn’t lose the keys.

ejemplos de oraciones interrogativas de (si) o (no) en el pasado simple.

Did I arrive on time?
Did He arrive on time?
Did She arrive on time?
Did It arrive on time?
Did We arrive on time?
Did You arrive on time?
Did They arrive on time?

*ejemplos de oraciones interrogativas de (si) o (no) en el pasado simple.

Did he arrive on time? Yes he did. No he didn’t
Did the plane arrive on time? Yes it did. No it didn’t
Did he close he window? Yes he did. No he didn’t
Did they lose the keys? Yes they did. No they didn’t
Did Mike drink all the juice? Yes he did. No he didn’t
Did Ernesto watch that movie? Yes he did. No he didn’t
*ejemplos de preguntas específicas.
When did they arrive? They arrived two hours ago.
When did She arrive? She arrived lask week.
What did you prepare for dinner? I prepared a pizza.

Can’t= no puede

Se utiliza para:
1-posibilidad de ciertos sucesos.
We can visit Christian next week.

2-la habilidad o capacidad de personas/ cosas.

Laura can swim very good.
It can run the computer.

3.1-para pedir/ 3.2-para dar permiso.

3.1-para pedir;
Can She come with me? (puede ella venir con migo?).
3.2-para dar permiso;
You can stay. (usted se puede quedar)

4.1-para pedir/ 4.2-para ofrecer cosas.

4.1-para pedir;
Can you help me, please?
4.2-para ofrecer cosas;
Can I help you? (puedo yo ayudarte a usted?)

*oraciones afirmativas con (CAN):

I CAN work today
He CAN work today
She CAN work today
It CAN work today
We CAN work today
You CAN work today
They CAN work today

Los verbos de terceras personas en (tiempo presente) no cambian.

He can work today.
She can wash the disher.
It can play videos.

*oraciones negativas con CAN’T.

I CAN’T work today
He CAN’T work today
She CAN’T work today
It CAN’T work today
We CAN’T work today
You CAN’T work today
They CAN’T work today

Los verbos no cambian en terceras personas en oraciones negativas,

Y los verbos no cambian en terceras personas en oraciones afirmativas.
CAN’T: Es más usual esta contracción que CANNOT

*oraciones interrogativas de (si) o (no).

CAN I work today? Yes you can. No you can’t

CAN He work today? Yes he can. No he can’t
CAN She work today? Yes she can. No She can’t
CAN It work today? Yes it can. No it can’t
CAN We work today? Yes we can. No we can’t
CAN You work today? Yes I can. No I can’t
CAN They work today? Yes they can. No they can’t

*Ejemplos de preguntas específicas.

Where can I go in Texas?
What can I do there?

*(there is) and (there are);

Se usan para indicar que cierto lugar o cosa se encuentra en determinado
espacio. Se usan para declarar que algo existe (hay), o que no existe (no hay).

There is= Hay (Se usa para sustantivos en singular).

There are= Hay (Se usa para sustantivos en plural).

Ejemplos; en singular. Con Contracción; preguntas:

There is a bank Here. There’s a bank Here. Is There a bank Here?
There is a park there. There’s a park there. Is There a park there?

Ejemplos con negación; Con Contracción en negativo

There is Not a bank Here. There isN’t a bank Here.
There is Not a park there. There isN’t a park there.

Ejemplos; en plural. preguntas;

There are two books in my home. Are There two books in my home?
There are twelve children here. Are There twelve children here?
There are some pencils on the table. Are There some pencils on the table?

Ejemplos con negación; Con Contracción en negativo

There are Not two books in my home. There areN’t two books in my home.
There are Not twelve children here. There areN’t twelve children here.
There are Not Any pencils on the table. There areN’t Any pencils on the table.

Some= algunos. (se usa para nombrar un poca cantidad de cosas o personas).
Solo se usa con oraciones afirmativas con sustantivo en plurales.
Any= nada. (se usa en negaciones o preguntas).

Futuro simple se usa el (Will) y (going to)

Oraciones en futuro simple Will.
I Will accept credit card.
He Will accept credit card.
She Will accept credit card.
It Will accept credit card.
We Will accept credit card.
You Will accept credit card.
They Will accept credit card.

La Negación de oraciones en futuro simple Will.

I Will Not accept credit card.
He Will Not accept credit card.
She Will Not accept credit card.
It Will Not accept credit card.
We Will Not accept credit card.
You Will Not accept credit card.
They Will Not accept credit card.

La Negación con contracción de oraciones en futuro simple Will.

I WonN’t accept credit card.
He WonN’t accept credit card.
She WonN’t accept credit card.
It WonN’t accept credit card.
We WonN’t accept credit card.
You WonN’t accept credit card.
They WonN’t accept credit card.

he Will be an excelente doctor
Con contracion; he’ll
She Will be an excelente doctor
Con contracion; she’ll
I Will help you with your homework
Con contracción; I’ll
We Will go on vacation this summer
Con contracion; We’ll
This book Will Good
Con contracion; It’ll
They Will good
Con contracion; They’ll

Preguntas en futuro simple Will.

Will I accept credit card?
Will He accept credit card?
Will She accept credit card?
Will It accept credit card?
Will We accept credit card?
Will You accept credit card?
Will They accept credit card?

Ejemplos de preguntas especificas;

Where Will we go on vacation this summer? We Will go to Europe.

Uso de (goin to).

Se usa para expresar el tiempo futuro. Pero basándonos en evidencias.
“Oraciones afirmativas”.
I am going to clean the computer.
He is going to clean the computer
She is going to clean the computer
It is going to clean the computer
We are going to clean the computer
You are going to clean the computer
They are going to clean the computer

Oraciones negativas.
I am Not going to clean the computer.
He is Not going to clean the computer
She is Not going to clean the computer
It is Not going to clean the computer
We are Not going to clean the computer
You are Not going to clean the computer
They are Not going to clean the computer

Oraciones con contracción negativas.

I am Not going to clean the computer.
He isN’t going to clean the computer
She isN’t going to clean the computer
It isN’t going to clean the computer
We areN’t going to clean the computer
You areN’t going to clean the computer
They areN’t going to clean the computer

*Ejemplos de oraciones;
I am going to study for the text.
She is going to arrive late. (Ella estará llegando tarde)
We are going to buy a car. (buy= comprar)
She is going to play videogames.

*Ejemplos de preguntas con (going to) de “si” o “no”

Is he going to visit his family? Yes he is. No he isn’t
Am I going to study for the text? Yes I am. No I am Not

*Ejemplos de preguntas específicas.

Where is he going to travel Next Year?
: he going to travel to china.

going to = gonna
gonna (se usa mucho en las canciones en inglés)

going to + verbo
(es para expresar planes previstos)

Will + verbo
(Es para hablar predicciones personales)

Información para los ejercicios de entrenamiento: (

-presente simple,
-pasado simple,
-presente continuo,
-y la predicion; (goint to)

Presente simple
Siempre en Like lo acompaña to va en presente, si es que se utiliza una
I Like to play games

Pero en terceras personas (he, She,it) agregamos una “S” después de like.
He likes to play tennis
She likes to dance
It likes to play with toys

Presente simple: “Habla de acciones habituales que no necesariamente están

ocurriendo en este momento”.
I play videogames
You study english

Pero en tercera persona se le agrega la “S” al final del verbo.

She eats pizza
He plays tennis

Pasado simple
“Cuando estamos hablando del pasado”.
Hay verbos regulares y verbos irregulares.
Lo verbos regulares: Su terminación es “ed”.

Es muy sencillo solo necesitamos que el verbo que estemos utilizando en la

oración este en pasado, utilizando la terminación “ed”

I played videogames yesterday

I used the computer yesterday
She played tennis last week. (lask week= la semana pasada)
He played soccer last weekend. (last weekend= el fin de semana pasado)
She played soccer well last night. (well last night= bien anoche).

Los verbos irregulares exiten varios y no llevan terminación ed.

Eat su pasado es ate
Slep su pasado es slept
See su pasado es saw

The ate pizza last weeked

He slept well last night
I saw a Movie last night

Presente continuo o progresivo

“Cuando hablamos de una acción que esta ocurriendo en este momento”.
Solo necesitamos al verbo agregarle la terminación “ing”
I am eating pizza
They are playing tennis
She is using the computer
We are cleaning the house

El verbo; going to
“Cuando hacemos predicciones de lo que sabemos (o podemos) que va a pasar”
(o cuando expresamos ideas sobre el futuro que ya está 100⁒ decidido).
Se pone going to después (I am, he is, She is, it is, you are , we are, they are).

I am going to eat pizza

They are going to play videogames
She is going to use the computer

ejercicios de entrenamiento:
Robert likes to Cook (a Roberto le gusta cocinar).
He cooks every day. (el cocina todos los días). (presente simple)
He cooked yesterday. (el cocino ayer). (pasado simple)
He’s cooking right now. (él está cocinando ahora mismo). (presente continuo)
He’s going to Cook tomorrow. (es una predicción del futuro)

Irene likes to play the piano. (a Irene le gusta tocar el piano).
She plays the piano every day. (presente simple)
She played the piano yesterday. (pasado simple)
She’s playing the piano right now. (presente continuo)
She’s going to play the piano tomorrow. (es una predicción del futuro)

Jimmy and Patty Like to swim. (a Jimmy y Patty les gusta nadar).
They swim every day. (presente simple)
They swam yesterday. (pasado simple)
They’re swimming right now. (presente continuo)
They’re going to swim tomorrow. (es una predicción del futuro)

Jhonatan likes to write.
He writes every day. (presente simple)
He wrote yesterday. (pasado simple)
He’s writting right now. (presente continuo)
He’s going to write tomorrow. (es una predicción del futuro)

(How many) y (How much)= cuanto, cuantos. (es dependiendo si es contable o

*Hay cosas que se pueden contar (cebollas, manzanas), en estos casos se usa;
How many?
Cups of coffee do you drink? (cuantas tazas de café tomas?)

*Hay cosas que no se pueden contar (sal, leche, agua), en este caso se usa;
How much?
Coffee do you drink? (cuanto café tomas?)

(en sustantivos contables e incontables, pero en oraciones o preguntas

(en sustantivos contables e incontables, pero en oraciones negativas o preguntas

Little= poco.
(Cuando hablamos de cosas no contables).
There is a little salt. (hay un poco de sal)
Few= poco.
(cuando hablamos de cosas contables).
There are a few apples. (hay pocos manzanas).

Son palabras o frases que indican que son parte o cantidad de algo.
Sin partitivo. Con partitivo
kétchup (Capsup). A bottle of kétchup (una botella de capsup)
cereal (Cereal). A box of cereal (una caja de cereal)
flúor (Harina). A bag of flúor. (una bolsa de harina)
milk (Leche). A galpón of milk (un galón de leche)
eggs (Huevos). A dozen eggs. (una docena de huevos)
lettuce (Lechuga). A head of lettuce. (una cabeza de lechuga)
bananas (Plátanos) A bunch of bananas (un bonche de plátanos)


Solamente es juntar un verbo + un complemento.

Verbo + un complemento

Walk + up = subir

Walk + down = bajar

Next + to = al lado de

Across + from

Ejemplo; verbo (Dell) = decir. + Su complemento es (Me)

Dell + Me = dime


*Verbo modal (Might).

Might= quizás, podrian

I Might to go mexico this summer.
(yo quizás valla a México este verano)

He Might eat pizza today.

(el quizás hoy coma pizza)

They Might win the soccer tournament.

(ellos podrían ganar el torneo de fútbol)

*verbo modal (Should)

Should= deberias (normalmente la utilizamos como una especie de

You should study English.
(tu deberías estudiar ingles)

I should do my homework.
(yo debería hacer mi tarea)

She should clean her aparment.

(ella debería limpiar su departamento)


Have to= tienes que (es como una orden educadamente). Es para expresar
cualquier obligación.

I have to work
I have to do my homework
He has to study
She has to practice her English

Ejemplo de una orden:

You have to study

Want to= querer

(La utilizamos cuando queremos expresar que queremos hacer algo).

I Want to dance. (yo quiero bailar)
I Want to play soccer. (yo quiero jugar fútbol)
I Want to eat pizza. (yo quiero comer pizza)

Pero en tercera persona se les agrega un “S”

She wants to dance
He wants to play soccer


Am I happy? Yes you are. No you’re not

Is he happy? Yes he is. No he’s not
Is She happy? Yes She is. No She’s not
Is it happy? Yes it is. No it’s not
Are you happy? Yes I am. No I’m not
Are they happy? Yes they are. No they’re not
Are we happy? Yes we are. No we’re not

Preguntas en presente continuo

What am I doing? I Am eating pizza
What is he doing? he is eating pizza
What is she doing? she is eating pizza
What is it doing? it is eating pizza
What are you doing? you are eating pizza
What are they doing? they are eating pizza
What are we doing? we are eating pizza

I Am cleaning my car
He is cleaning his car
She is cleaning her car
It is cleaning its car
You are cleaning your car
They are cleaning their car
We are cleaning our car

Selecciona el pronombre personal para estos sustantivos.

Ejemplo: Maria (she)

1. Francisco

2. Carmen

3. the book

4. Pablo and I

5. Miguel and Sara

6. Rosa

7. the pencil

8. David and Monica

9. Helen and I

Selecciona la respuesta correcta.

I (am) a student.
2. They (. ) from Spain.
3. She ( )from China.
4. We (. ) students.
5. He (. ) a teacher.
6. You (. ) a student.
7. Maria (. ) from Argentina.
8. The students (. ) from Cuba.
9. Bob (. ) from New York.
10. Susan and Frank (. ) from London.
11. The children (. ) students.
12. You and I (. )students.
13. The teacher (. )from Chicago.
14. The teacher and the students (. )from San Francisco.
15. Samuel and I (. ) from Washington.


He is a teacher. → He's a teacher.

I am a student. → I'm a student.

1. They are students. → (. ) students.

2. We are teachers. → (. ) teachers.

3. She is from Mexico. → ( ) from Mexico.

4. He is from China. → (. ) from China.

5. I am from Chicago. → (. ) from Chicago.

6. You are a teacher. → (. ) a teacher.

7. It is from China. → (. ) from China.

*Hacer negaciones

I am a teacher. → I'm not a teacher.

He is a student. → He isn't a student.

1-She is from France. ( ) from France.

2-They are teachers. (. ) teachers.

3. I am a student. (. ) a student.

4. We are from Colombia. (. ) from Colombia.

5. You are students. ( ) students.

6. He is a teacher. ( ) a teacher.

7. George is a teacher. (. ) a teacher.

8. Connie is a student. ( ) a student.

9. Bill and Sue are from Chicago. (. ) from Chicago.

10. Maria and I are from Spain. ( ) from Spain.


*Hacer preguntas

He is a student. → Is he a student?

You are from Mexico. → Are you from Mexico?

She is a teacher. → Is she a teacher?

1. They are from London. __________ from London

2. You are a teacher. ____________ a teacher

3. She is a housewife. ___________ a housewife

4. He is from New York. _________ from New York

5. Rosa and Mario are from Italy. ___________ from Italy

6. Fred is from New York. ___________ from New York

7. The children are from Canada. _________ from Canada

*Selecciona el posesivo que concuerda con el sujeto de la oración.

I read (my) book.

1. He reads (. ) book.

2. She reads (. ) book.

3. They read (. ) books.

4. We read (. ) books.

5. You read (. ) book.

6. I read (. ) book.

7. Marco reads (. ) book.

8. Rosa and I read (. ) books.

9. Monica reads (. ) book.

10. Lucia and Vanessa read (. ) books.


”to have”.

Pregunta negacion

I have A car Do I have A car? I don't have A car

You have A car Do They have A car? You don't have A car

They have A car Do They have A car? They don't have A car

We have A car Do We have A car? We don't have A car

He has A car Does He have A car? He doesn't have A car

She has A car Does She have A car? She doesn't have A car

It has A car Does It have A car? It doesn't have A car

Los 16 verbos mas importantes en el ingles

1.To come (tu cám) ................. Venir

2.To let (let) ..................... Dejar

3.To go (tu góU) ................... Ir

4.To put (tu put) .................. Poner

5.To take (tu téik) ................ Tomar

6.To give (tu guív) (1) ............ Dar

7.To get (tu guét) (2) ............. Conseguir

8.To keep (tu kíip) ................ Mantener

9.To make (tu méik) (3) .......... Hacer

10.To do (tu dúu) (3)................ Hacer

11.To seem (tu síim) ................ Parecer

12.To say (tu séi) ................. . Decir

13.To see (tu síi) .................. Ver

14.To send (tu sénd) ................ Enviar

15.To be (tu bíi) ................... Ser o estar

16.To have (tu jáv) ................. Haber o tener


Diccionario de ingles
Memoriza todo lo que puedas.





Mario-mario bros
























Lorry-camion de correos


pushBike-andar en bicicleta

























ice cream-nieve, helado























traffic warden-transito


hair dresser-peluquero,estilista

greengrocer-verdurero, comerciante






























mother (mum)-mama

father (dad)-padre


grand father (grandad)-abuelo

grand mother (grandma)-abuela

grand parents-abuelos








get up-levantase

go to bed-irse a acostar

go to school-ir a la escuela

watch tv-ver television

do the homework-trabajar en casa

have dinner-cenando

have breakfast- desayunando


look at the blackboar-ver (pizarrón)

raise your hand-levantar la mano

sit brown-sentarse

play the piano-tocar el piano





alarm-clock-reloj despertador

to ride-montando

to look-mirando

























fingers-dedos de mano

toes-dedos de pies

have a shower-bañarse

brush your teeth-cepillarse(dientes

be quiet-quedarse en silencio

horse riding-corriendo en caballo



archery-tiro con arco


weight lifting-levantando pesas









film crew-equipo de filmacion

ice skating-patinaje artistico













drums-bateria, tambor








police station-estacion de policia

supermarker-super mercado

Snack bar-cafeteria

book shop-tienda de libros

fish mongers-tienda de pescado

shoe shop-tienda de zapatos

dry cleaners-tintoreria

post office-oficina de correos
railway station-stac. de ferrocarril
clothes shop-tienda de ropa
hardware store-ferreteria
town hall-casa del ayuntamiento
be late-llego tarde

gamble-jugar apostando dinero

dungarees-overol de mezclilla

beak-pico de ave
vacuum cleaner-aspiradora
washing machina-lavadora

dining room-comedor

sitting room-sala
bathroom-cuarto de baño

bookcase-armario para libros

study-despacho,cuarto de estudio
shop assistant-empleado de tienda
i.t. technician-tecnico
road worker-trabajador de carretera

sewing-coser, costura
go shopping-hacer compras
to iron-planchar
courier-mensajero de correo
farmer-campesino, granjero
to garden-jardinero
putting-tirar al hoyo
to saw-usar la cierra, cerruchar
blowing-soplar, inflar
to skip-saltar la cuerda
waving-hacer gestos con la mano
to shake-agitando la mano
rub it out-borrando














Scorpion-escorpion, alacran


monkey-mono, chango


Sheep-oveja, borrego















Typewriter-maquina de escribir



Pencil sharpener-sacapuntas


















Corn-elote (maiz)




Gas station-gasolineria



Examen: de INGLES para titulacion de la Universidad

Alumno:_______________________________________________________ CaI:_____

1- two and two is ______. a) five b) four c) six

2- one dog, two _______. a) person b) dogs c) house
3- this is _____ english car. a) A b) AN c) cat
4- it’s a__________________ a) big, red, german, car b) german, big, red, car c) red, german, big, car
5- are you student? a) yes, wet are b) yes I am c) yes, you are
6- mr. lopez is french. a) where is she? b) what city is he from? c) what nationality is he?
7- twenty-six and fifty is__________ a) seventy-six b) seven-three c) theree and seventy.
8- a car cost _____________ a plane. a) less than b) more than c) cheapperr than
9- a plane cost ______________a car. a) less than b) more than c) cheapperr than
10-____ one o’clok. a) it’s b) do c) does
11- this is quarter after eleven? a) 11:15 b) 10:45 c) 12:00
12- this is six (minutes) after eleven? a) 11:06 b) 10:54 c) 12:00
13- this is eleven o’clock? a) 11:00 b) 12:00 c) 10:00
14- this is quarter to eleven? a) 11:15 b) 10:45 c) 12:15
15- this is six (minutes) to eleven? a) 10:54 b) 11:06 c) 12:06
16- this is six-forty. (six and forty)? a) 4:06 b) 14:06 c) 6:40
17- this is quarter before eleven? a) 11:15 b) 11:45 c) 10:45
18- this is six (minutes) before eight? a) 6:08 b) 7:54 c) 8:06
19- is monday before tuesday? a) yes it is b) no it’s not c) no we’re not
20- is monday after tuesday? a) yes it is b) no it’s not c) no we’re not
21- is tuesday between monday and wednesday? a) yes it is b) no it’s not c) no i’m not
22- is friday between monday and wednesday? a) yes it is b) no it’s not c) no i’m not
23- what day is after monday? a) sunday is b) tuesday is c) wednesday is
24- what day is before tuesday? a) monday is b) wednesday is c) sunday is
25- is tuesday before or after monday? a) it’s before Monday b) it’s after Monday c) it’s before and after monday
26- is monday before or after tuesday? a) it’s before Tuesday b) it’s after Tuesday c) it’s before and after tuesday
27- (today is tuesday). what day is before yesterday? a) monday is b) sunday is c) wednesday is
28- (today is sunday). what day is after tomorrow? a) saturday is b) monday is c) tuesday is
29- miss santos is_________to the radio. a) listening b) writing c) looking
30- who’s ___________ that newspaper? a) reading b) listening c) week
31- mrs. lopez is___________ the name on the postcard. a) writing b) going c) week
32- who’s____________ in mrs. lopez’s chair? a) weeks b) sitting c) week
33- the passengers are___________coffe. a) drinking b) writing c) week
34- the teacher is__________ at the map. a) looking b) sitting c) week
35- mr. lopez is____________ a sandwich. a) eating b) listening c) week

* "poner (AN / A).": 36- _____BOY 37- _____APPLE

* utilice el (DOES / DO) 38- ______ mr. lopez have a big desk in his office? 39- _______you any cofee?

* "utilizar (HAVE / HAS)."

40- mr. lopez ______an english newpaper.
41- DOES mr. lopez ______a big dek in his office?
42- DO the morgans _______any children?

* haga oraciones, con su respectivo seguimiento.

43- THIS IS A BICYCLE (small/black/american) it’s a___________________________________.
44- THIS IS A SHIP (french/big/blue) it’s a big, ________________________________.

* "construir frases negativas".

45- the cat is brown. the cat _______ brown. 46- you’re standing. you _______standing.

* "llena los espacios en blanco": hablando en plural

47- a cup of tea is five cents. two ______of tea ____ ten cents. 48- a window is five dollars. two _______ _____ ten dollars

* "cambie estas frases de singular a plural".

49- the bottle is on the table. the ______________on the table. 50- the city is in japan. the _________________in japan.

* "convertir al plural".
51- this BOY is sitting. __________________sitting. 52- that PAPER is on the table. _______________________on the table.

* poner en plural.
53- this GLASS is on the table. ________________________________on the table.
54- that CITY is in france. __________________________________in france.

* "hacer preguntas en plural".

55- which bus is THAT? which ____________________________________?
56- who’s THIS child? who_____________________________________?
57- is THIS woman from toronto? ___________________________________from toronto?
58 where’s THAT person from? where________________________________from?

* "poner en plural las siguientes negaciones".

59- there isn’t any glass there ______any glasses 60- there isn’t any bottle. there ______any bottles
61- there isn’t any box. there ______any boxes

* haga oraciones."utilice el (SMALL / BIG).

62- the united states is a country. the united states is a very _____country. 63- cuba is a country. cuba is ______country.

* "utilice el (MORE THAN / LESS THAN)". 64- A car cost ___________A bicycle. 65- A Péncil cost ___________a plane.

* " utilice el ( ONE / ONES )".ponga atención en la lección.

66- which car is from united states? (in the garage). THE______ in the garage IS
67- which bicycles are from england? ( next to the car). THE_______ next to the car ARE

* "llenar los espacios en blanco con (NEXT TO, UNDER, ON)."

(encima) 68- the big book is ______________the table
(abajo) 69- the small book is _____________the desk
(al lado) 70- the chair is ________________the door.

* poner la hora correcta.

71- (7:10) it’s _____________. 72- (7:35) it’s _______________________. 73- (4:00) it’s _____________o’clock.

* "utilice los pronombres objetivos..

* Juan sitting next to mr.maria. and she’s siting next to HIM.

74- i’m speaking to you. you’re listening to _____
75- they’re listening to her she’s speaking to ______
76- we’re speaking to the children. they’re listening to ______
77- you’re standing in front of the car. the car is behind _____
78- the paper isn’t under the book. it’s on ______

* "poner la pregunta correcta del insiso":

79- it’s mr. lopez.____ A) what country is berlin in?
80- he’s french.____ B) who’s from new york?
81- paris is a city._____ C) who’s is it?
82- berlin is in germany._____ D) what’s nacionality is he?
83- mr. lopez is from new york.____ E) what’s paris?

* "poner la respuesta correcta del insiso":

84- he’s american.____ Z) what nationality is she?
85- caracas is in venezuela.____ N) what nationality is he?
86- venezuela is a country.____ M) what country is caracas in?
87- miss lopez is from caracas.____ X) what’s venezuela?
88- she’s venezuelan.____ Y) what city is miss lopez from?

* "Acomplete el cuadro".
I AM . ________ . AM I?
YOU ARE . You’re . ________.
HE IS . _________ . IS HE?
SHE IS . She’s . ________
IT IS ._________ . IS IT
WE ARE ._________ . ARE WE
THEY ARE ._________ . ARE THEY

* "poner las negaciones que falten":

yes i am _____________ .
yes he is . no he’s not . ____________ .
yes she is ._____________ . no she isn’t .
yes they are . no they’re not . ____________.
yes we are .______________ . no we aren’t .
yes you are . no you’re not . _____________ .
yes it is .______________ . no it isn’t .
yes he can . _____________ .
yes he will . _____________ .

* "Acomplete el cuadro :
PRONOMBRE POSESIVO pronombre objetivo
I AM __________ ___ME___
YOU ARE __YOUR__ ________
HE IS ________ ____HIM___
SHE IS ___HER__ _______
IT IS _________ ___IT____
WE ARE __OUR__ ________
THEY ARE _________ __THEM_

the big book is on table? _YES___________________, NO___________________

is mr. santos american? _YES____________________NO___________________
is mrs. santos american? _YES_______________________NO___________________
are you from american? _YES________________________NO________________
are from japan? . YES WE ARE NO WE’RE NOT
CAN mr. lopez speak french? _yes__________________NO_________________
WILL cesar be at the office tomorrow? _YES_____________NO________________

*Poner en plural.
Boy_____ key______ day_______
Fizz______ tomato______
Wife______ leaf______

*poner (A / AN).
____Hour ____University _____Uniform

1- what nationality is mrs. lopez?_______________ a) she’s american b) she american c) it’s american
2- is this mr. carranza?________________ a) yes, he is b) yes is him c) yes it is
3- is this maria’s first trip to california?___________________ a) yes she is b) yes she is c) yes it is
4- is california big?_____________________ a) yes she is b) yes he is c) yes it is
5- maria is mr. lopez’s secretary.____________________ a) she’s her secretary b) she’s his secretary c) he’s does secretary.
6- luis is mrs. carranza’s police.__________________ a) he’s her police b) he’s his police c) he’s does police
7- mr. lopez ________ a book on the plane last night. a) too b) read c) and
8- are you student? a) yes, wet are b) yes I am c) yes, you are
9- We usually eat_____ 8 o’clock a) there somet b) at c) what’s
10- is mr. santos american? a) yes he is b) yes she is c) yes it is
11- are you from american? a) yes i Am b) yes he is c) yes she is
12- are you from japan? a) yes we are b) yes he is c) yes she is
13- DO you have a bus? a) yes i do b) yes i does c) yes it do
14- DID you work? a) yes it did b) yes i did c) yes i does
15- CAN you speak french? a) yes i does b) yes it can c) yes i can
16- DO i have a red car? a) yes you do b) yes i do c) yes i does
17- CAN i see the clock from your desk? a) yes i can b) yes you can c) yes i do
18- DID the tour begin at seven o’clock? a) yes i do b) yes i did c) yes it did
19- Am i french? a) yes you are b) yes i am c) yes it is
20- DID you work? a) yes i didn’t b) yes we did c) yes it did

* "poner la respuesta correcta" opciones de respuesta:

21- we’re coming _______ london.....................(FROM / OF)
22- mr. lopez is drinking a cup ____ coffe.........(BY / OF)
23- are you going_____ train.............................(BY / FROM)
24- maria and cesar are _____ new york............(TO / FROM)

* "hacer oraciones con los datos siguientes": (HER / HIS)

25- mrs.morgan is mr. morgan’s WIFE.
she’s _____ wife.
26- juan is susana morgan’s SON
he’s _____ son.

* "haga preguntas".
27- desk (.90 centavos) .how much is the _________?

*utilice los adjetivos de frecuencia. (NEVER / USUALLY)

28- Carlos driver a small car. ___________________________________________________________________________
29- I eat dinner a at that restauran. _______________________________________________________________________

*"utilice los adjetivos de frecuencia.

30- the lopez are at home on monday. ______________________________________________________________________
31-jose is in bed at ten o’clock. ___________________________________________________________________________

"conteste las siguientes preguntas".

32- WERE you at home? yes_______________ no_______________
33- WAS I here? yes _______________ no_______________

"poner la hora correctamente"

34- ( : ) It’s twenty minutes PAST six
35- ( : ) It’s a quarter PAST six
36- ( : ) It’s HALF PAST eleven
37- ( : ) It’s HALF PAST two

* contesta las preguntas correctamente.

38- is two and two SIX? ____________
39- how much is two and two? two and two is _________.
40- (41+41) = forty-one and forty-one is ___________
($ 168.59) 41- how much is radio? it’s a hundred and __________ dollars and fifty-nine cents.

42- DID he work? YES__________________________ NO_____________________________

43- DOES he have a car? YES_____________________NO____________________________
44- Do they have coffee at the store? YES___________________NO_____________________
45- WAS mr. lopez sick on fridred? YES__________________NO_______________________
46- WERE they in france? YES______________________NO___________________________
47- WERE there a lot of people in paris last week? YES_______________NO________________
48- WAS there a lot of traffic, too? YES___________________NO________________________
49- is there a man in the bus? YES____________________NO___________________________
50- are there a lot of dogs on the car? YES___________________NO______________________

* "poner las negaciones que falten":

yes he did . .
yes he does . .
yes they do . .
yes he was . .
yes they were . .
yes there were . .
yes there was . .
yes there is . .
yes there are . .

*utilice ANY 0 SOME

this is a restaurant. Look at the table. There are two bottles on the table. Look at the big bottle. Is there _____ wine in it?. Yes there is.
there ’s _____ wine in the big bottle. And what about the small bottle? there’s isn’t _____ wine in the small one.

Look at the glasses. there’s ______ wine in the glasses in front of the woman, but there isn’t ______ wine in the glass in front of the

There are ______ cups on the table. There are three cups on the table. Is there _____ coffe in the cups? No there isn’t.

Are there _____ people in this restaurant? Yes there are. There are ______customers sitting at the table, and there are _____ customers
standing next to the door. Is there a waiter, too?
Yes there is. Is he sitting or standing? he’s standing. Look. Three people are sitting, and four people are standing. There are seven people
in this picture in all. Are there ______ children in this picture? no there aren’t. there aren’t _____ children in this restaurant.

*Utilce (there are some) o (there’s some).

____________ people in that car

_____________ person in this car

*haga preguntas (are there any) o (is there any).

____________ people in that car?

____________ person in this car?

*Ejercicio.(there is) o (there are)

____________ one student in the classrom.
____________ two student in the classrom.

*Ejercicio.(there was) o (there were)

___________ one student in the classrom.
___________ two student in the classrom.

*Ejercicio- acomplete el cuadro utilizando (have) o (has)

contracion negacion el tiempo contracción negacion
pasado pasado pasado
I-------I ____---------_____----------_____-----______---------________-------_______
He-----he ____------_____-----------_____-----______---------_______---------______
It-------it ____-------_____----------_____-----______----------_______--------______
You---you ____------_____---------_____-----______----------_______--------______
We----we ____-------_____---------_____-----______----------_______--------______
They--they ____------_____---------_____-----______---------_______--------______

I Speak
you speak
he speak__
she speak__
we speak
they speak

*poner en tiempo presente los siguientes verbos.


*poner en presente las oraciones.

*they listen to you
they are _______ to you.
*he speaks english
he is _______ English.

*poner verbos en pasado;


*poner verbos en pasado:


*poner en pasado lo siguiente:

he is----------he ____
she is---------she ____
it is-----------it ____
I am----------I ____
you are------you ____
we are-------we ____
they are-----they ____
.you have----you ____
.he has-------he ____
I do-----------I ____
He does------he ____
There is-----there ____
There are----there ____

*poner en negativo las siguientes oraciones del tiempo presente: (use el DO, DOES).
They speak japanese in Tokio.
They _____ speak Japanese in tokio.
She work is a secretary.
She _____ work is a secretary.

*poner en negativo las siguientes oraciones del tiempo pasado: (use el DID).
We corrected our exercises.
We _____ correct our exercises.
They wrote a dictation.
They _____ write a dictation.

*Convertir en femeninos.

*Covertir a plural de modo irregular:

Wife--------_____ Foot--------_____ ox-------_____
Knife-------_____ Tooth------_____
Mouse-----_____ Goose-----_____
Man--------_____ Sheep-----_____

*poner en posesivo: s
the book of my teacher
my teacher__book.
the lesson of this boy
this boy__lesson.

*poner en Posesivo plural: s

The books of the boys.
the boys_books.
The children of the parents
the parents_children.

*Combierta en negacion las oraciones.

I’m American----------------------------I’m ___ American.
The man is at the station----------------he’s ___ at the station.
The woman is at the house-------------she’s ___ at the house.
The car is black--------------------------it’s ___ black.
The dog is black-------------------------it’s ___ black.
you’re sitting----------------------------you’re ___ sitting
They are standing-----------------------they’re ___ standing.
We are speaking-------------------------we’re ___ speaking.
I’m from new york----------------------I’m ___ from new york.

*poner en pasado lo siguiente.

I’m at home today.
Yesterday I ____ at work.
Today is Monday.
Yesterday ____ Sunday.
is MR.lopez in new york today?
____ He in paris on Friday?
janet isn’t here today.
She _____ here yesterday, either.
Are you at home now!?
_____ you at home this morning?
we’re at the office now.
At noon we ____ in a restaurant.

*Combierta al pasado la leccion.

Today Monday MR.lopez isn’t at home. Yesterday MR.lopez _____ at home.
He isn’t at the office, Either He ______ at the office, either
Where is he? He’s in paris where ____ he? He ____ in paris
He’s there on busines. Paris he ____ there on business. paris
Is very crowded during the day. ____ very crowded during the day.
there’s a lot of traffic, and there are there _____ a lot of traffic, and there____
a lot of people. MR.lopez is very a lot of people. MR.lopez _____ very
busy. He’s at the office all day Busy. He ____ at the office all day
There are meeting all day. There ____ meeting all day.

*Poner en plural.
.I AM speaking.
______ speaking.
.MY table is black.
______ tables are blacks.

*Acomplete en ingles las siguientes palabras ;

reservación – reserva___
investigación –Investiga___

*Acomplete en ingles las siguientes palabras ;

especial- __ecial

*Poner en orden la fecha (al estilo norteamericano).

2-JULY-2013 ------___________

*Poner la expresión de tiempoa decuada (AT / ON / IN)

My class starts __ 9:00 AM.
I was born __ 1967.
I start my new English class __ Monday.

*Poner (FOR / SINCE) en cada oración.

She has studied at that school ____three months.
He's worked at the ABC Company ____ 1987.

*Susan está estudiando para ser maestra. Haz oraciones de lo que hará o no hará ella en su futura carrera. Escribe las oraciones
afirmativas sin contracción y las negativas con contracción como en los ejemplos abajo.utilice el (will / won’t)
she correct tests. she ____ correct tests.
she build houses. she ____ build houses

*Escribe las siguientes oraciones con contracciones.

he will ski. He___ ski
She will ski. She___ski
It will finish at 3:00. it___ finísh at 3:00
You will learn English. You___ learn English
They will study. They___ study
We will study. We___study
She will not sleep. she ___sleep

*Cambia las palabras a comparativos.


*ejercico de comparativo:
Karen is younger ____ Alice

*Cambia las palabras a superlativos.

tall –the tall___
nice-the nic___
Dry-the dri___
Hot-the hott___

*Ejercico de superlativo;
Bob/is/tall student/in the class
Bob is ___ tallest student in the class.

*indicar la persona que hace esta actividad;

ride –rid__

*describe el precio en ingles;

Book 10 dollars (singular)
How much ___ the book?
______ 50 dollars

Books 50 dollars (plural)

How much ___ the books?
______ 50 dollars

*Poner el pasado de los siguientes verbos;

ride- ______
lose- _____

*Conteste con A o B:
___________ is that bus? A) how much B) how
what nationality is MRS.lopez? A) she is ameican B) American
what city is in japan? A) tokio is B) paris is
______ his name? A) what’s B) when
MR.lopez isn’t French; ____ american A) he’s B) she’s
the mississipi is a_____ A) city B) river
what’s miss lopez? A) he’s a secretary B) she’s a secretary
who’s sitting, MRS.lopez or MR.lopez? A) MRS. lopez is B) MR. lopez
I’m looking at her;_____ looking at me. A) she’s B) he’s
there_____ ANY milk in glass? A) isn’t B) aren’t
there_____ ANY milk in glasses? A) isn’t B) aren’t
what country is paris in? A) it’s in japan B) it’s in france
where’s tokio? A) it’s in japan B) it’s in france
what city is he from? ____from new york. . A) she’s B) he’s
what’s paris? Paris is a_____ A) city .B) river
what’s Venezuela? Venezuela is a_______ A) city B) country
what country is berlin in? berlin ___in germany. A) is B) are
it’s not over there, it’s over_____ A) here B) there
the table is next ____ the chair A) to B) on
MR.lopez’s first______ is bill. A) name B) on
is London a city? Yes ___ is A) it B) he
the people aren’t sitting______ standing. A) they’re B) he’s
I’m standing in front of you; you’re standing behind___ A) me B) he
the car isn’t small; it’s___ A) big B) city
is the united states a city? No ____not A) it’s B) he’s
Ten past six. A) 6:10 B) 10:6
A quarter past six. A) 6:15 B) 15:6
Ten to seven. A) 6:50 B) 7:10
today ___ Wednesday. A) is B) was
tomorrow ___ Thursday. A) is B) was
yesterday ____ Tuesday. A) is B) was
the day before yesterday____ monday. A) is B) was
the day after tomorrow ____ Friday. A) is B) was
what day is between Sunday and Tuesday? A) Monday is B) Saturday is
____much is this car? A) how B) what
it isn’t a quarter to five, it’s a quarter ____ five A) past B) and
____one o’clock A) it’s B) he’s
the bank isn’t open ____ Sunday. A) on B) he’s
what time is___? A) it B) he
today is Monday. Saturday was the day _______ yesterday. A) before B)after
today is Monday. Wednesday is the day_____ tomorrow. A) before B) after
is miss. Lopez from brazil ___ from Venezuela? A) or B) what
are they from berlin or from caracas?______ from caracas A) they’re B) he’s
are two bottles of milk five dollars? No ____ not. A) they’re B) he’s
Are you and your wife American? No ___not A) we’re B) I’m
Will you be at six o’clock? No we_____ A) he’s B) won’t
Will you be at six o’clock? No I_____ A) he’s B) shall not
is mary MR. lopez’s son? No ___ not A) she’s B) they’re
is peter MR. lopez’s husband? No ___not A) he’s B) they’re
is MR. Lopez’s bus in the garage? Yes __ is A) it B) she
is fisher a english name? no __ not A) it’s B) he’s
is her english name, too? no __ not A) it’s B) he’s
is that MR. lopez’s son? no __ not A) it’s B) he’s
Is this MR. lopez’s son? no __ not A) it’s B) he’s

I have----------have I? *Ejercicio- acomplete lo que falta.

He has----------_____he?
She has---------____she?
It has-----------______it?
You have------have you?
We have-------have we?
They have-----have they?

I am------------am I?
He is-----------is he?
She is----------is she?
It is-------------is it?
You are--------are you?
We are---------are we?
They are-------are they?

I was----------was I?
He was-------was he?
She was------was she?
It was---------was it?
You were-----were you?
We were------were we?
They were----were they?

I Do----------Do I?
He Does------Does he?
She Does-----Does she?
It Does--------Does it?
You Do------Do you?
We Do-------Do we?
They Do-----Do they?

I Did---------------Did I?
He Did------------Did he?
She Did-----------Did she?
It Did--------------Did it?
You Did----------Did you?
We Did------------Did we?
They Did---------Did they?

I ______-----------______I?
he will--------------will he?
she will-------------will she?
it will----------------will it?
you will--------------will you?
we will---------------will we?
they will-------------will they?

*Coloca los numeros ordinales adecuados:

Mercury( ) A)fourth
Venus( ) B)third
Earth( ) C)second
Mars( ) D)First

*Acomplete los Numeros ordinales


*Utilizar el (BY / IN / ON) en los medios de transporte

____ plane ____ car ____ bus
____ red car ____ his car ____ a van
____ motor bike ____ my Bike ____ foot

*Ejercicio: Utilizar (TO / FROM)

You are going _____ Germany
They come ______ Japan

*utilice los pronombres posesivos

He has two cars. They are _____
She has two cars. They are _____
We have two cars.They are ______
You have two cars. They are ______
They have two cars. They are ______
I have two cars. They are ______

”to have”.


I have A car Do I have A car? I don't have A car

You have A car Do They have A car? You don't have A car

They have A car Do They have A car? They don't have A car

We have A car Do We have A car? We don't have A car

He ___ A car ___ He _______ A car? He _______ have A car

She ___ A car ___ She ______ A car? She _______ have A car

It ___ A car ___ It _______ A car? It _______ have A car


verbo (To Be): (acomplete lo que falta):

______ Am From mexico

______ is From mexico

______ Are From mexico

*Negación. (hacer negaciones de las anteriores oraciones):

______ not from mexico

______ not from mexico

______ not from mexico

*Preguntas del verbo (To Be): (conteste las preguntas):

Am I From mexico? Yes ______________. No__________________

Is He From mexico? Yes_______________. No___________________

Are They From mexico? Yes_______________ No____________________

*Presente simple:

Oraciones afirmativas en presente simple:

I Play football on weekend

He _______ football on weekend

Oraciones afirmativas en presente simple:

I watch football on weekend

He ________ football on weekend

*oraciones negativas del presente simple:

I Don’t Play football on weekend

He _________ Play football on weekend

Oraciones interrogativas (preguntas del presente simple), de “si” o “no”.

Do I work today? Yes_______________ No__________________

Does he work today? Yes_______________ No__________________

*oraciones interrogativas (preguntas específicas del presente simple).

where Do they work? They work in a school

where Does he work? He Work___ in a school

“El presente continuo (o progresivo)”.

*oraciones afirmativas del presente continuo.

I am doing homework

He is _________homework

*oraciones negativas en presente continuo.

I’m Not doing homework

He _______ doing homework


*Pasado simple:

Del verbo “Be” es (was/were).

I ______ at the store this morning.

He ______ at the store this morning.

They ______ at the store this morning.

*oraciones negativas del pasado simple.

I Was _______ at the store this morning.

He Was _______ at the store this morning.

They Were _______ at the store this morning.

*oraciones interrogativas especificas del pasado simple.

Where _______ He at the store this morning? He was at the store.

Where _______ She at the store this morning? She was at the store.

Where _______ It at the store this morning? It was at the store.

Where _______ We at the store this morning? We were at the store.

Where _______ You at the store this morning? I was at the store.

Where _______ They at the store this mornin? They were at the store.

*oraciones afirmativas en el pasado simple.

I arriv____ on time

He arriv____ on time

They arriv____ on time

*oraciones negativas en el pasado simple.

I Did + _____ arrive on time

He Did + _____ arrive on time

They Did + _____ arrive on time

*oraciones interrogativas de (si) o (no) en el pasado simple.

______ I arrive on time?

______He arrive on time?

______They arrive on time?


Futuro simple se usa el (Will)

Oraciones en futuro simple (Will).

I Will accept credit card.

La Negación del futuro simple (Will).

I ________ accept credit card.

Preguntas en futuro simple (Will).

_______ I accept credit card?

Uso de (goin to).

Oraciones afirmativas.

I am going to clean the computer.

Oraciones con contracción negativas.

I am ______ going to clean the computer.

He is. ______ going to clean the computer

They are ______ going to clean the computer

ejercicios de entrenamiento:

*Robert likes to Cook

He ___________ every day.

He ___________ yesterday.

He’s ______________ right now.

He’s going to ____________ tomorrow.

*Jhonatan likes to write.

He ___________ every day

He ___________ yesterday.

He’s ___________ right now

He’s going to ___________ tomorrow.

*(there is) and (there are);

______________ a bank Here. _______________ a bank Here?

___________________Not a bank Here.

______________ two books in my home. ______________ two books in my home? ______________

Not two books in my home.

______________ some pencils on the table. ______________ some pencils on the table? ______________
Not Any pencils on the table.

Mencione si es (partitivo o imperativo)

A bottle of kétchup___________

Walk + up___________.

Want to.

I Want to dance.

She want___ to dance

He want___ to play soccer

*oraciones afirmativas con (CAN):

I CAN work today

He CAN wor__ today

She CAN wor__ today

It CAN wor__ today

We CAN work today

You CAN work today

They CAN work today

*oraciones negativas del CAN’T.

I CAN’T work today

He CAN’T wor__ today

She CAN’T wor__ today

It CAN’T wor__ today

We CAN’T work today

You CAN’T work today

They CAN’T work today

*oraciones interrogativas de (si) o (no).

CAN I work today? Yes you can. No you can’t

CAN He wor__ today? Yes he can. No he can’t

CAN She wor__ today? Yes she can. No She can’t

CAN It wor__ today? Yes it can. No it can’t

CAN We work today? Yes we can. No we can’t

CAN You work today? Yes I can. No I can’t

CAN They work today? Yes they can. No they can’t


A continuación te dejo ejercicios básicos para que los resuelvas en ingles


Si te gusto, intereso y fue de utilidad mi curso pon un comentario, y

recomienda este curso de ingles.

Pon atención; Por lo general lo que hay en Internet no es muy interesante

respecto al ingles, *te recomiendo una aplicación para que la descargues a tu
celular desde play store, se llama English LinDuo HD;

es para aprender mas diccionario de ingles

jugando, y es visual, y ganas puntos, es divertido, y hay exámenes. Hay 29
examenes y 116 lecciones de diferentes cosas, por ejemplo, la primera lección
son 20 frutas, la segunda lección son familiares. Después de cada 4 lecciones
hay 1examen. Pero en el examen te hacen 20 preguntas y si fallas en algúna
cosa; tendrás que repetir el examen. Hasta que pases el primer examen podrás
entrar a las siguientes 4 lecciones.
Recuerda cuando tengas esta aplicación en tu celular debes seleccionar
siempre la gorrita de graduación que vez al comienzo en la pantalla es para
que sea más sencillo todo; te pondrán foto y nombre en español y tu solo
debes seleccionar de la pantalla en tu celular la posible respuesta en ingles.

*también te recomiendo una aplicación para que la descargues a tu celular

desde play store, se llama; Simpler, hay tu formas

palabras, pero usando toda la gramática de ingles que te enseñe, ahí tienes
opciones interactivas, se parece a Duolingo pero más breve y muy directo para
que aprendas.

También podría gustarte