Business Vocabulary in Spanish
Business Vocabulary in Spanish
Business Vocabulary in Spanish
The list below is fairly comprehensive and should be enough to get you
started or to help you understand an article from the business section of
a newspaper.
Click on a button to the right of the business vocabulary list to find some
Spanish expressions or learn some basic greetings in Spanish.
Accounting - Contabilidad
Asset Activo
Liability Pasivo
Equity Capital
Account payable Cuenta por pagar
Account receivable Cuenta por cobrar
Expense Gasto
Financial statement Estado financiero
Furniture and fixtures Mobiliario y equipo
Inventory Inventario
Ledger Libro mayor
Managerial accounting Contabilidad de gestión
Net income Ingreso neto
Net profit Utilidad neto
Operating cost Gasto de operación
Operating profit Utilidad de operación
Straight-line depreciation Depreciación lineal
Trail balance Balance de comprobación
Unfinished goods Bienes semiacabados