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Ingles Portafolio Entrevista

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A continuación contaré una anécdota ocurrida en una entrevista de trabajo en Manizales

Caldas, hace siete años:

I will tell a story about a job interview in Manizales, 7 years ago:

Me presente a una entrevista creyendo que me interrogarían para cierto trabajo de mesera y
esto fue lo que me preguntaron:

I was in an interview thinking that I was applying for a job as waitress and this is what I was

Yo: buenos días, esta es la oficina dónde harán la entrevista?

Me: Good morning, is this the office for the interview?

Carlos: Buenos días, si señora, siga y puedes cerrar la puerta por favor?

Carlos: Good morning, yes miss, please come in and close the door, please

Yo: sí señor con gusto.

Me: Yes, sir

C: siéntate. Bueno cuéntame

C: Please sit down and tell me about yourself

Yo: Mi nombre es Maura Ramírez, esta es mi hoja de vida

Me: My name is Maura Ramirez, and this is my curriculum

C: veamos. Puedes decirme de dónde eres?

C: ok, can you tell me where are you from?

Yo: soy del Huila

Me: I am from Huila

C: que tan seguido vas al Huila?

C: How often do you go to Huila?

Yo: realmente hace tres años que no voy. Estoy pensando en quedarme acá por un largo

Me: Last time I was there it was three years ago. I am thinking about staying here for a long

C:te gusta Manizales? porqué te gusta?

C: do you like Manizales. Why do you like?

Yo: sí me gusta. me parece una ciudad excelente para vivir. Además me brinda muchas
oportunidades, como esta.

Me: yes, I do. I think it is an excellent city to live. Also, it offers me many opportunities, like this

C: y qué oportunidad crees que es esta?

C: What kind of opportunity do you think this is?

Yo: pienso que puedo recibir ciertos beneficios, como conocer compañeros de trabajo y dinero
para poder sustentarme en la ciudad. Además es una excelente oportunidad para demostrar
mi habilidad como mesera.

Me: I think I can get some benefits, like knowing some work colleagues, and to geet some
money to pay my expenses in this city. Also, this is a very good opportunity to show my skills as

C: mesera? No señorita, esta no es una entrevista para mesera

C: Waitress? No miss, this is not an interview for waitress

Yo: NO? Entonces para qué?

Me: No? What is this interview for?

C: esta es una entrevista para modelaje, las entrevistas para meseras es por el siguiente pasillo
a la izquierda, donde la señora Nhora

C: This is a job interview for a model, waitress interviews are taking place in the next corridor,
you need to ask for Mrs. Nhora

Yo: que pena. Claramente no tengo lo que buscan y ustedes no tienen lo que yo busco.
Muchas gracias.

Me: I am so sorry, clearly I do not have the skills you are looking for and you do not have what I
am looking for. Thank you very much

C: tranquila, pero no te vayas. El pago es muy bueno, de verdad no te interesa?

C: Don’t worry, please don’t go, the payment is really good, are you interested?

Yo: no señor muchas gracias. Hasta luego.

Me: No sir, thank you. Good bye.


Qué hago? Que hago exactamente?

Soy estudiante de adm. Empresas en la universidad

Soy estudiante de gestión empresarial en el sena

Soy madre de dos niños

Soy esposa

Yo tomo clases dela universidad de lunes a viernes de 6pm a 9pm y los sábados de 7am a 10

Yo tomo clases de lunes a viernes de 7am a 12m en el sena

Yo cocino para mi familia y hago los quehaceres de la casa.

well, we travel a lot so we don´t have much free time. but when i have some, i love going to
clubs and dancing all nigth long.

i enjoy going to the cinema. in fact, i watch a film every week. i love action films and my
favourite film is gangs of new york. martin is a great director.oh and of course i love listening
to music.

bueno, viajamos mucho, así que no tenemos mucho tiempo libre. pero cuando tengo algo, me
encanta ir a las discotecas y bailar toda la noche.

me gusta ir al cine. de hecho, veo una película cada semana. me encantan las películas de
acción y mi película favorita es gangs of new york. martin es un gran director. oh y por
supuesto me encanta escuchar música.

Una semana antes del día de mi boda, me dediqué a comer mucho por la ansiedad

was anxiously walking through the park. Then, I sat down under a tree
these flowers are beautiful! but i can't eat flowers. oh! i want some food.
I saw a store that was in front of the park, between the library and the bus stop.
(I thought to myself) look there! there's food in that store.
who's the store owner talking to?
Whose car is that next to the store?
after so much thinking I headed for the store
mmm..., there's cheese, bread, chicken... and there are also arequipe ice cream!
i was happy
arequipe ice cream is my favorite!
that day I ate a lot. i was wait my turn with the seamstress. she lived next to the library.
i am wait and it's so hot in here. i can wait outside, under the tree
then, i had a problem.
oh, no! i can't putme the dress. this dress is very small and i'm fat.
i putme very sad.
what can i do?
I called the seamstress.
Can you help me?
How often does this happen?
i am fat and i can't putme the dress.
i like him very much.
my wedding is on sunday and i want to have a special party. but the dress looks bad because i
am fat.
O’Brochta, D.A. (1999). Ingeniería Genética Contra las Plagas de Insectos. Investigación y
Ciencia, (269), 64-74

Clifton, H.D. & Sutcliffe, A.G. (2006). Business: Information Systems. New York:
Prentice Hall.

good morning teacher.

my name is Maura Ramirez.
this is my portfolio.
it conteins my personal presentation. In it ay menech to expots part of my personal life.
For this I make use of the topics seen in the semester.
i hope to meet the expectations.
in the portfolio I show some personal anecdocs my deily rutin and I make the
presentation of my family.
This portfolio is an advenchuor. It breing memories of my past: "To remember is to
You can find it with some freises. People make a collection of stamps or butterflies, I
like to collect phrases.
I hope you like it teacher. this presentation is made with a lot of dedication.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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