Lengua Adicional Al Espanol III Colegio

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Guía de Actividades del Alumno para el Desarrollo de Competencias

Tercer Semestre
Gobernador del Estado de Baja California
Secretario de Educación y Bienestar Social del Estado de Baja California
Subsecretario de Educación Media Superior, Superior, Formación Docente y Evaluación
Directora General del CBBC
Director de Planeación Académica del CBBC


Primera edición versión en español, febrero de 2011

Diseñado por: Lic. Elizabeth Rosas Mata

Lic. Ofelia Yáñez Navarro
Lic. Miriam Rodríguez Garayzar
Lic. Sara León Soto

Segunda edición versión en inglés, agosto de 2014

Traducción y actualización: C.P. Alba Rosario Marrón Canseco

Revisado por: Lic. Elizabeth Rosas Mata
Lic. Ofelia Yáñez Navarro
Lic. Gabriela Rosales Gutiérrez
Mtra. Eva Luz Villavicencio Gallardo
Lic. Jorge Esteban Núñez

Tercera edición versión en inglés, agosto de 2016

Actualizado por: Lic. Sara Ninochkat Ávalos Alonso

Lic. Yoana Elvira Conde
Lic. Landy Zumeika Gámez Gámez
Lic. Lucía Saucedo Aviña

En la realización del presente material, participaron:


Lic. Teresa López Pérez

Lic. Gerardo Enríquez Niebla
Ing. Diana Castillo Ceceña

La presente edición es propiedad del

Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Baja California.
Prohibida la reproducción total o parcial de esta obra.

Este material fue elaborado bajo la coordinación y supervisión de la

Dirección de Planeación Académica del Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Baja California.
Blvd. Anáhuac #936, Centro Cívico, Mexicali, B.C., México.






SOCIAL SITUATIONS...............................................................................................................20


BLOCK IV: TO REQUEST AND GIVE INSTRUCTIONS ..........................................................60


En el Marco de la Reforma Integral de la Educación Media Superior, Colegio de Bachilleres

del Estado de Baja California (CBBC), se ha propuesto la meta de formar y consolidar el perfil
de egreso en el bachiller, poniendo a disposición del alumno los elementos necesarios que le
permitan crecer y desarrollar conocimientos, habilidades, actitudes y valores para poder enfrentar
los retos de un mundo globalizado, vertiginoso, competitivo y complejo. Por tanto, es importante
que el proceso educativo implemente estrategias que contemplen actividades de aprendizaje en
diversos contextos y escenarios reales, donde el estudiante con creatividad, habilidad y destreza
sepa desarrollar, movilizar y transferir las competencias adquiridas.

En virtud de lograr lo anterior y consciente de la dificultad para que el alumnado tenga acceso a una
bibliografía adecuada, pertinente y eficaz con el entorno socio-económico actual, el CBBC brinda
la oportunidad a los estudiantes de contar con materiales didácticos para el óptimo desarrollo de
los programas de estudio de las asignaturas que comprende el Plan de Estudios Vigente. Cabe
subrayar que, dichos materiales son producto de la participación de docentes de la Institución, en
los cuales han manifestado su experiencia, conocimientos y compromiso en pro de la formación
de los jóvenes bachilleres.

Cabe señalar que, los materiales se encuentran en un proceso permanente de revisión y

actualización por parte de los diferentes equipos docentes así como del equipo editorial. Las guías
se pueden consultar en la página Web del CBBC: www.cobachbc.edu.mx en la sección alumnos
/ material didáctico.

Es necesario, hacer énfasis que esta guía no debe ser tomada como la única herramienta de trabajo
y fuente de investigación, ya que es imprescindible que los estudiantes lleven a cabo investigaciones
de consulta en otras fuentes bibliográficas impresas y electrónicas, material audiovisual, páginas
Web, bases de datos, entre otros recursos didácticos que apoyen su formación y aprendizaje.

La guía de actividades en la presente edición, está organizado con la intención de desarrollar

las cuatro habilidades necesarias para el dominio de un idioma. Primero busca fortalecer las
habilidades de lectura y escritura para después desarrollar las auditivas y orales. Cabe señalar
que este proceso es indispensable para lograr la producción oral. El alumno produce únicamente
cuando ha integrado a sus procesos cognitivos nuevas formas estructurales, de manera sistemática
y cíclica así como vocabulario de nuevo uso.

Así mismo, esta edición pretende integrar las explicaciones de las formas gramaticales para facilitar
al docente su trabajo dentro del aula. Cuenta con ejercicios suficientes que buscan integrar de
manera progresiva las formas gramaticales. La repetición en distintos esquemas permite aprender
de una manera más efectiva (Bob Bjork y John Dunlosky; The Science of Daily Thinking, 2014).
El contar con la edición impresa te ahorrará tiempo y te permitirá enfocarte en la explicación y
monitoreo del profesor así como la coordinación de las actividades sugeridas que deberás realizar
y para ello, debes usar el idioma en contextos comunicativos y así mejorarás tu dominio de manera

Se autodetermina y cuida de sí:

1. Se conoce y valora a sí mismo y aborda problemas y retos teniendo en cuenta los
objetivos que persigue
2. Es sensible al arte y participa en la apreciación e interpretación de sus expresiones
en distintos géneros
3. Elige y practica estilos de vida saludables

Se expresa y se comunica
4. Escucha, interpreta y emite mensajes pertinentes en distintos contextos mediante la
utilización de medios, códigos y herramientas apropiados

Piensa crítica y reflexivamente

5. Desarrolla innovaciones y propone soluciones a problemas a partir de métodos
6. Sustenta una postura personal sobre temas de interés y relevancia general,
considerando otros puntos de vista de manera crítica y reflexiva

Aprende de forma autónoma

7. Aprende por iniciativa e interés propio a lo largo de la vida

Trabaja en forma colaborativa

8. Participa y colabora de manera efectiva en equipos diversos

Participa con responsabilidad en la sociedad

9. Participa con una conciencia cívica y ética en la vida de su comunidad, región,
México y el mundo
10. Mantiene una actitud respetuosa hacia la interculturalidad y la diversidad de
creencias, valores, ideas y prácticas sociales
11. Contribuye al desarrollo sustentable de manera crítica, con
acciones responsables.

Nota: Al final del material didáctico encontrarás las Competencias Genéricas con
sus respectivos atributos, los cuales desarrollarás durante el bachillerato.

1. Identifica, ordena e interpreta las ideas, datos y conceptos explícitos e implícitos en un

texto, considerando el contexto en el que se generó y en el que se recibe.
2. Evalúa un texto mediante la comparación de un contenido con el de otros, en función de
sus conocimientos previos y nuevos.Interpreta su realidad social a partir de los procesos
históricos locales, nacionales e internacionales que la han configurado.
3. Plantea supuestos sobre los fenómenos naturales y culturales de su entorno con base
en la consulta de diversas fuentes.Establece la relación entre las dimensiones políticas,
económicas, culturales y geográficas de un acontecimiento.
4. Produce textos con base en el uso normativo de la lengua, considerando la intención y
situación comunicativa.
5. Expresa ideas y conceptos en composiciones coherentes y creativas, con introducciones,
desarrollo y conclusiones claras.Compara las características democráticas y autoritarias
de diversos sistemas sociopolíticos.
6. Argumenta un punto de vista en público de manera precisa, coherente y creativa.
7. Valora y describe el papel del arte, la literatura y los medios de comunicación en la
recreación o la transformación de una cultura, teniendo en cuenta los propósitos
comunicativos de distintos géneros.
8. Valora el pensamiento lógico en el proceso comunicativo en su vida cotidiana y académica.
9. Analiza y compara el origen, desarrollo y diversidad de los sistemas y medios de
10. Identifica e interpreta la idea general y posible desarrollo de un mensaje oral o escrito
en una segunda lengua, recurriendo a conocimientos previos, elementos no verbales y
contexto cultural.
11. Se comunica en una lengua extranjera mediante un discurso lógico, oral o escrito,
congruente con la situación comunicativa.
12. Utiliza las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación para investigar, resolver
problemas, producir materiales y transmitir información.
Block I

Block I

Block I

Student´s performances to be demonstrated upon completion:

The student must:

• Be able to identify the differences between zero and first conditional in an oral or
written text.

Generic Competences:
CG4 Listen, interpret and develop proper messages in different contexts using appropriate tools,
codes, and media.
CG8 Participate and collaborate in an effective way in different teams.

Disciplinary Competences:
CD1 Identify and interpret the general idea and possible development of an oral or written message
in a foreign language, about causes and effects in situations.
CD2 Be able to evaluate a text comparing its content against others, using their previous knowledge.
CD4 Produce texts based on the normative use of language, considering the situation and
communicative intention and formal language elements such as punctuation, spelling, syntax,
coherence and cohesion.
CD11 Communicate in a foreign language using a logical, oral or written form, identifying in oral and
writing communicates the causes and effects of environmental events.

Learning objects:

• Zero Conditional
• IF + present simple
• First Conditional
• IF + will
• IF + Manners possibility
• Manners
• Chance (may, might, would)
• Advice (should)

To describe situations that involve cause-effect

Learning Activity
This is your third semester in high school; you’re now with new classmates. Do you already know
them? Recalling what you learned last semester: do you remember the topics from the previous
semester? Do you remember the test at the beginning? Discuss with your classmates and teacher
the different kinds of evaluations that you remember.


One.Ice breaker dynamic:

Two.Introduce yourself with a partner and then to the group.
Three.Your teacher must describe the main contents of the subject and then you have to establish
the classroom rules.
Four.Answer the diagnostic exam.
Five.Calculate your test results and analyze them according with the group average results.

Skills to demonstrate:

• The student must identify the main ideas of an oral or written text.
• The student must identify in oral and writing communicates the causes and effects of events.
• The student must use the grammatical structures of first conditional and zero conditional to
exchange information about cause and effect.

Learning Activities:
Perhaps you’ve already heard about the cause- effect; what do you think it means? This relationship
means that everything we do sets in motion a cause and it brings a positive or negative result that
will depend on the cause set in motion; what would happen if you eat too much junk food? What are
the consequences, if you stay up late every night?

1. Think about the cause-effect relationship: Every or each act do we make, it has consequences:
what do you think would happen if you overeat, or you drop your studies, or waste too much time in
front of the TV or in Facebook?

Zero Conditional

The 0 (zero) conditional is the easiest to understand! It is also called the real or factual conditional
because it is used to talk about facts, or something that is always true.
If I eat too much, I get sick.


Block I


If I go to a friend’s house for dinner, I usually take a bottle of wine or some flowers.
When I have a day off from work, I often go to the beach.
If the weather is nice, she walks to work.
Jerry helps me with my homework when he has time.
I read if there is nothing on TV.
What do you do when it rains? I stay at home.
Where do you stay if you go to Sydney?


Both “if” and “when” are used in the Present Real Conditional. Using “if” suggests that something
happens less frequently. Using “when” suggests that something happens regularly.

When can be used instead of if:
When I cook fish, the house always smells.
I always smoke when I drink.
When I go to the movies, I eat a bag of popcorn.

Zero Conditional

-- Skill: To apply time expressions use in present trough different situations.

-- Informative objective: Zero conditional form
-- Formative: Every even in our life is conditioned

ACTIVITY 1: Complete the sentences with cause or action. Each sentence is conditioned by
the first one.

1) If you _____________ (press) this button the machine ___________ (start).

2) If he _____________ (press) this button the machine ___________ (stop).
3) If I _______________ (not practice) the piano every evening I ___________ (forget) how
to play it.
4) If we _____________ (take) our dog to the park she ___________ (run) away.
5) If you _____________ (heat) ice it ___________ (melt).
6) If/When I ___________ (miss) the 8 o’clock train I ________ (be) late for work.
7) If/When I ___________ (be) late for work my boss ________ (get) angry.
8) If/When people ___________ (not eat) they ________ (get) hungry.
9) When you ___________(fly) budget airline you ___________(have to) pay for your drinks
and snacks.
10) When you ___________(go) on holiday ___________(take) plenty of sun cream.
It’ll be very hot.

To describe situations that involve cause-effect

ACTIVITY 2: Rewrite each pair of sentences to make one sentence with the zero conditional.

1) You heat water to 100 degrees. It boils.

2) You cross an international date line.
The time changes.
3) It rains. The grass gets wet.
4) Wood doesn't burn. There is no air.
5) Ice floats. You drop it in water.
6) There is no rain. The grass doesn’t grow.
7) Iron rusts. It gets wet.
8) People eat too much. They get fat.
9) Babies are hungry. They cry.
10) The river freezes. It’s very cold.

ACTIVITY 3: Write the sentence with the zero conditional.

(I / wake up late / I / be late (people / eat / too many sweets /
for school) they / get fat)

(my husband / cook / he / (I / feel good the next day / I / go

burn the food) to bed early)

(you / mix water and (she / buy expensive clothes / she

electricity / you / get a shock) / go shopping)

(I / cycle to work / the (I / study hard / I / pass my

weather / be fine) exams)

MissTN. (2012). Zero Conditional. Abril 5, de SLCOLLECTIVE Sitio web:



DD If you don’t work hard, you won’t be a leader.
DD If you don’t work, you won’t have money or success.
DD If you don’t have money, you won’t buy clothes.
DD If you don’t have money, you won’t risk asking out a girl.
DD If you are a bad person, you won’t get loved.
DD If you are a good person, you’ll get goodness in life.
DD If you do wrong, you’ll receive wrong in return.
DD If you buy a lottery ticket, you may get lucky

Block I

DD If you win the lottery, you might make your dreams true
DD If you make your dreams true, you might forget me

Do you agree with the sentences or the clauses?

Are all of them real? Are they always true?
Do you have you own principles or rules to believe?

Write them:

1.- _________________________________________________
2.- _________________________________________________

The first Conditional

It’s used to talk about things which might happen in the future. Of course, we can’t know what will
happen in the future, but this describes possible things, which could easily come true.


• If I study, I will pass the test.

• If I don’t study I won’t pass the test.
• If my sister studies, she will pass the test,
• If she doesn’t study, she won’t pass
• If you don’t work hard, you won’t get what you desire most.
• You won’t get what you desire most if you don’t work hard.
• If we, Mexicans don’t care about our culture, it will disappear.

◊ Notice that when the consequence appears at the beginning, the comma is not added.
Solve the exercises in pairs of conditional zero and one.


ACTIVITY 4: Work with a classmate and complete the following sentences using the first

To describe situations that involve cause-effect

If he gives her a present, she ______________ (thank) him with a kiss.

If you lend me some money, I _____________ (buy) us food.
If we ____________ (go) the show, we _____________ (have) a lot of fun!
You _____________ (love) this sing, if you ___________ (listen) to it again.
I ________________ (be) mad at you, if you _____________ (lie) to me.
If she ______________ (talk) about him one more time, I _______________ (have) to make her
They _______________ (travel) to Europe, if they ________________ (win) that contest.

Complete the sentences with your own ideas. Be creative:

1. Our teacher will be happy ______________________________________________________

2. I´ll be very sad _______________________________________________________________
3. If I get good grades ___________________________________________________________
4. I´ll feel very tired______________________________________________________________
5. If I learn to speak English well ___________________________________________________
6. I won´t have any money ________________________________________________________
7. I go to college ________________________________________________________________
8. My parents will be angry _______________________________________________________

Write about a member of your family.

1. If my sister wakes up early, she will be in a bad mood.

2. If my father____________________________________________________________________
3. If my brother__________________________________________________________________
4. My mom will be very mad if______________________________________________________
5. My best friend will feel very disappointed if__________________________________________
6. My best friend will feel very happy if _______________________________________________

Match the two parts of the sentences.

1._______If I stay at home,

a) He will ask her to marry him
2._______If I don’t go to the party
b) He will ask Irma to dance with him
3._______If I don’t dance with Stuart. c) I won’t go to the party
4._______If he asks Irma to dance with him d) I’ll be very unhappy
5._______If he falls in love with her. e) He will fall in love with her
6._______If they get married. f) I won’t dance with Stuart

Block I


1. Didactic situation: What kind of parents do you have? Are they strict or flexible?
What would happen if you asked permission to go to a party, would they let you
go? What conditions would they establish?
2. Guess and discuss your parent’s conditions that they would negotiate to let you
go to a party.
3. Read the following conversation, then answer the questions.
4. Discuss the answers with your class.
5. Practice the conversation


A: Good afternoon.
B: Good afternoon. May I help you?
A: It’s my wedding anniversary next month. I want to surprise my husband with a wonderful vacation plan.
Would you recommend some interesting places?
B: Of course. If you go to Europe, you’ll have a wonderful time for your wedding anniversary. If you go to
London, you can go to Buckingham Palace and you might even see the Queen’s guards there. If you go to
France, you can go to the sidewalk I and drink a margarita with your husband. And...
A: Well, it’s outside the U. S.
B: Oh. You want to stay in the U. S. If you go to California, you might go to Yosemite National Park or
A: Yosemite National Park? What will I see if I go to Yosemite Park?
B: If you go to Yosemite Park, you’ll see giant trees, mountains, bears ...
A: But, I don’t like bears.
B: If you go to Disneyland, you won’t see any bears. You’ll see Mickey Mouse. Isn’t that interesting? Well, if
you have children...
A: Well, it’s interesting, but....
B: O.K. What do you like to do in your free time?
A: Well, I like skiing.
B: If you like skiing, you can go to Colorado.
A: But my husband doesn’t like skiing.
B: If your husband doesn’t like skiing, probably he won’t like to go there. What does he like?
A: He likes fishing.
B: Oh, you can still enjoy fishing at many beautiful lakes if you go to Colorado.
A: But I don’t like fishing. And if it rains, we can’t go fishing.
B: Then, how about Hawaii? Hawaii is really great. If you go to Hawaii, you can go to Waikiki Beach, you can
take a romantic cruise for two, you can see beautiful sunset at the beach, you can see palm trees, beautiful
flowers, and pretty girls wearing leis.
A: It’s gorgeous. But we went there on our honeymoon just after we got married.
B: Well, this is your wedding anniversary. You can relive your romantic honeymoon if you go there again.
A: Oh, that sounds good. I just love hula dancers, and we can go surfing. We’ll go to Hawaii!

To describe situations that involve cause-effect


1. What kind of trip will it be?

2. If you go to London, what places can you go to?
3. If you go to California, what famous places might you go to?
4. If you go to Disneyland, what will you see?
5. What would you enjoy if you go to Colorado?
6. If you go to Hawaii, which place can you go to?
7. What places would you see, if you go to Hawaii?
8. Which place finally did the woman decide for her wedding anniversary?
Jungok Bae. (2000). The Travel Agency. 09 de abril, de Grammar Teaching Plan Sitio web:

First Conditional

-- Skill: To apply the first conditional form use in different situations.

-- Informative Objective: First conditional form
-- Formative: Everything in our life is conditioned

LBP (Learning base in projects)

In teams: You will do a research on internet about superstitions in Britain to

complete the activities.

TASK ONE: In teams, decide whether the following statements bring GOOD or
BAD luck in Britain.
Friday thirteen – Touch wood – Spill salt – Find a cover plant with four leaves – A black cat –
Walk underneath a ladder - See a magpie – Put new shoes on the table - Break a mirror – A
horseshoe – Open an umbrella indoors – Catch falling leaves in autumn



TASK TWO: Put the beginnings and the ends together, using the expressions from the box.

Block I

the sky – angry - left hand - get married – good luck – at the corner – seven years – a black cat
– nose – some money – a mirror – the weather

1. If you see___________, a. ____________ will be fine tomorrow.

2. If you are _________ of a table, b. you’ll get ________________ soon.
3. If ________ is red this evening, c. you’ll have _______________.
4. If your _________ itches, d. you’ll not ________________.
5. If you break _____________, e. you’ll get _________________.
6. If your _______________ itches, f. you’ll have ______________ of bad luck.

TASK THREE: Discuss the following questions.

1. Which British superstitions are similar to those in your country? Which are different?
2. Can you give a definition of ‘superstition’?
3. Do you believe that they can influence our lives?

ElisendaAf . (2013). What do you know about Superstitions in Britain?. 16 de marzo, de SLCOLLECTIVE
Sitio web: https://en.islcollective.com/


◊ The word modal comes from the word mood, (disposition, humor). The use of the modal next to
a verb gives certain sense or intention; it changes the meaning of the verb. The modals that are we
going to learn are: MUST, SHOULD, MAY, HAVE TO, COULD, WOULD

◊ You will never see a modal next to a verb that has a –ing termination, or in past tense, or in 3rd.
person form (-s,-es,-ies). The verb has to be in the main, simple or basic form.


• You must remember this.

• You should practice them whenever you can.
• You have to use this information.
• You may need it someday.


Basic meanings
CAN Ability Pat CAN ride a horse
Permission CAN I come tomorrow?
Possibility It CAN be possible
Request CAN I have a coke, please?
COULD Past Ability Pat COULD come yesterday
Permission COULD I open the door?
Possibility It COULD be Peter
Polite Request COULD I borrow you car?

To describe situations that involve cause-effect

MUST Obligation You MUST be here at 7

MUSTN´T Prohibition You MUSTN´T play with fire
SHOULD Advice or You SHOULD eat more fruit
MAY Permission MAY I come in?
Possibility She MAY come with us
MIGHT Permission MIGHT I talk to you?
Little Possibility I MIGHT go
HAVE TO Obligation You HAVE TO finish it now
DO NOT HAVE TO Lack of obligation You DON´T HAVE TO do it
Taken from: https://es.pinterest.com/pin/258112622369979146/

◊ We can use modals other than will in the main clause of a sentence in the first conditional:

If you ask George, he may/might be able to help you. (Possibility)

You can/may leave the room if you’ve finished the test. (Permission)
If he doesn’t come soon, we must / will have to leave without him. (Obligation)
If you ever go to Chicago, you should take a boat trip on the river. (Suggestion)
If you don’t watch your steps, you are going to fall over. (Prediction)

Writing Activity:
• Imagine that you are going to go on a long holiday. Write sentences with must/ mustn’t or
should / shouldn’t.
• Use the following expressions:

-write to my parents every week

-lose my passport
-look after my money
-phone every day
-talk to strangers
-go out alone when it is dark
-drink too much alcoholic drinks
-have a bath/ shower every day
-go dangerous place
-swim far into the sea
Playing a game to practice modals
Speaking Activity: In pairs take turns to give advice to your classmate

How to play Moving

- Players give advice using appropriate - Players go from top to bottom choosing
language. their own path starting from Go. They
can roll a die and follow the numbered
- The number of pieces of advice needed squares, losing a turn on the Danger
to continue until they read all of them. squares.

Block I

To describe situations that involve cause-effect

Reading Activity

Join us for next year’s spring break. A week at Wellington

Beach: March 17-21.
When the sun goes down, the neon lights go on and
Wellington Beach heats up! You’ll have wild nights in all
the hottest clubs, discos, pool parties, and bars on the
island! (check out the night life in our site)
We’re cutting costs by camping. Tents provided, but you
will need your own sleeping bag.

Cost: $ 80 per person (plus 20 insurance)

Activities will include golf tournaments, sightseeing tours
and more. Motocross and windsurfing also available ($30
extra for each activity)

Reading Comprehension Activity: Find this information in the ad as fast as you can.

1. What type of accommodations will there be?

2. What outdoor activities are available?

3. How much will the trip cost if you want to do motocross?

4. What can you do at night?

5. Where can you ask for more information?

Listening Activity: Listen to a conversation. What are Michelle’s plans for spring break? What are
Keith’s plans?

1. Michelle knows exactly what she is going to do for spring break. T F

2. Keith has enough money to go to the beach. T F
3. Michelle’s parents don’t give her money when she needs it. T F
4. Keith is going to ask his parents to lend him some money. T F
5. Michelle really wants Keith to go to the Wellington Beach with her. T F
6. Keith wants to save money to buy a car. T F
7. He says he always achieves his objectives. T F

Block I


1.- Make a power point presentation, a poster or any other material that you prefer in which
you describe your future plans, using conditionals sentences.

How is your future life shaped for the decisions that you take today?
Are small decisions important? What big decisions you have to confront in order to have your
dreamt life?
How would you get your dreamt house? Car? Wife? Husband? Children? Travel? Job? Degree?
Would you believe that doing sacrifices would get you what you want?
For example: Exercising regularly, not drinking, and saying no when is necessary? Avoiding
conflicts? Working late doing homework, etc.
Do you know what is to procrastinate? Do you do it? Does it help you or cost you important things?

Using the prior questions and reflecting about them, make your presentation, you can use a time
line format: your future’s time line.
What steps or events are conditioned to get what is important to you in life?

Write a brief essay or script. Read the rubric in order to improve it. Practice in front of a classmate.
Then Present it to the class.
You should be ready for your classmate’s questions


1.- Make 3-4 people teams. You would research about one environmental problem that affects your
2.- Research and choose one of the many problems that your community has to face or solve.
3.- Discuss with your classmates the solutions that you could propose, using conditional sentences.
4.- Make a power point presentation or a poster in which you describe the situation and the possible
solutions. Urge your classmates to change some habits or propose actions to improve our planet’s
5.- Include photos and describe the problem enough.
6.- Make sure of writing several conditional sentences that urge to act or change a behavior.

Write abrief essay or script. Read the rubric before in order to improve the presentation.
Practice it in front of your classmates.
Then Present it to the class.
You should be ready for your classmate’s questions
Please visit the following articles:

Choose an issue and tell your teacher. Each team has to present a different environmental concern.

To describe situations that involve cause-effect

Team Work Self and Peer Assessment Sheet

Group projects are sometimes looked upon as being “unfair”. Through the use of this self and peer
assessment sheet your perception of quantity of work that you performed and that of your partners
is analyzed against the perceptions of your partner. Through this process, hopefully equity is
achieved. In order for this process to work effectively there is the need for you to be honest and

Reflection questions

1. What problems did you encounter and how where they solved?

2. What would you do differently next time?


3. What skill would you like to improve next time?


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
None of the work fair share of the work All of the work

PARTNER 1’s NAME: _________________________________

This partner performed:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
None of the work fair share of the work All of the work

PARTNER 2’s NAME: _________________________________

This partner performed:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
None of the work fair share of the work All of the work

PARTNER 3’s NAME: _________________________________

This partner performed:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
None of the work fair share of the work All of the work

PARTNER 4’s NAME: _________________________________

This partner performed:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
None of the work fair share of the work All of the work

Block I


NAME __________________________________________ DATE _________ GROUP________


VISUAL Visual aids support Visual aids Visual aids are Visual aids Non Included
AIDS the theme and have little little related to are hard to
have proper size support for the the theme, have understand and/
and color for the theme. Have no proper size or are not related
audience. proper size and and color for the to the theme;
color for the audience. size and color
audience. have difficult
GRAMMAR Uses appropriate Uses His or her The mistakes and Speaks Spa-
vocabulary without appropriate grammar grammar errors nish
any grammar vocabulary with presents are evident and
mistakes. His or few grammar mistakes but communication is
her sentences are mistakes. he or she not accomplished.
according to the communicates.
learning objects.
PRONUNCIATION Excellent Pronounces Pronounces with The pronunciation Only Read/
pronunciation. fairly well. errors or is not is poor and Speaks Spa-
understandable unclear. nish
from time to time.
FLUENCY Is able to Is able to Is able to Is not able to Only Read/
communicate communicate express ideas, communicate Speaks Spa-
ideas in an fluently, with stopping to recall ideas, mixing both nish
excellent manner, just some words. languages.
without hesitation. hesitations.
PROJECT. ESSAY Turns in on Turns in on Turn in but Poor quality, Not Delivered
OR WRITTEN TEXT time, with an time, according missing some missing most of
excellent quality to the requirements. the requirements.
according to the requirements.

CG 4: Escucha, interpreta y emite mensajes pertinentes en distintos contextos, mediante la

utilización de medios, códigos y herramientas apropiados.
4 3 2 1

CG 8: Participa y colabora de manera efectiva en equipos diversos.

4 3 2 1

To describe situations that involve cause-effect


Decide honestly according to each affirmative sentence, the description and evaluation of your
own learning process.

Student’s name:
Date: 1st. block
If you answer is No,
Competences performance indicators Always Sometimes Never
analyze the reasons.
I attend on time to all my classes.
I follow the instructions to do the
I Participate with a constructive and
collaborative attitude asking when the
topic is not understood.
I answer the exercises provided in the
I Contribute with ideas in oral and written
I am able to evaluate honestly my own
I read the lessons and texts searching
for new meanings and words.
I am able to establish links between new
and old grammatical forms and integrate
new words.
I have an interest in learning by my own
using the internet.
I work collaboratively with my
I feel I have improved my English with
this block.
I can communicate better and more

Block I

Decide honestly according to each affirmative sentence, the description and evaluation of one of
your classmates learning process.

Peer evaluation
Student’s name: Evaluator:
Date: 1st. block
If you answer is No,
Competences performance indicators Always Sometimes Never discuss the reasons
with him or her.
He or she attends on time to all the
He or she follows the instructions in the
He or she participates with a constructive
and collaborative attitude asking when
the topic is not understood.
He or she answers the book exercises.
He or she contributes with ideas.
He or she is able to evaluate honestly
him or her.
He or she reads the lessons and texts
searching for new meanings and words.
He or she is able to establish links
between new and old grammatical forms
and to learn new words.
He or she has interest in learning by his
own or her instance using internet.
He or she works collaboratively with
He has improved his or her English with
this block.
He or she can communicate better and
more confidently.

Block II
Block II



The block consist on drawing the students’ knowledge of the given topic while viewing the new
items of vocabulary and grammar to be learnt in the block, it presents new vocabulary and grammar
items, and practice them in a balanced variety of tasks.

Student´s performances to be demonstrated upon completion:

The student must:

• Locate specific information in an oral or written text, about habits and customs in Past
• Understand the expression Used to in the Past Tense in oral or written texts as well as the
grammatical structure to describe practices and customs in the past.
• Describe and express past events, past vacations or past school days, etcetera with the
correct form or the Past Tense

Generic Competences:
CG4 Listens, interprets and develops proper messages in different contexts using appropriate
means, codes, and tools.
CG9 Participates with a civic and ethic consciousness in the community, region, Mexico and the
whole world’s life.

Disciplinary Competences:
CD1 Identify and interpret the general idea and possible development of an oral or written message
in a foreign language, using their previous knowledge about recreational activities, school and
sports in the past.
CD4 Produce texts based on the normative use of language, considering the situation and
communicative intention and formal language elements such as punctuation, spelling, syntax,
coherence and cohesion.
CD11 Communicate in a foreign language using a logical, oral or written form, to describe and
compare the habits and customs of people in their community and other cultures as well.

Learning objects:

• Vocabulary: Clothing, Transportation, Food, Leisure activities,

School activities and Sports
• Simple Past Tense in affirmative, negative and interrogative form.
• Past time expressions.
• Questions words: how, when, where, what, why and who.
• The expression Used to to describe their habits in affirmative,
interrogative, and negative form.

To compare habits and customs made in different social situacions

Grammar Review: Simple Past Tense of regular and irregular verbs.

◊ Regular verbs in past tense are formed with the ending ̶ ed

Walk → Walked Love → Loved Try → Tried Stop → Stopped

Spelling note:
If the verb ends in two consonants, add ̶ ed Walk → Walked
If the verb ends in ̶ e, add ̶ d Love → Loved
If the verb ends in consonant + ̶ y, remove the ̶ y and add ̶ ied Try → Tried
If the verb ends in consonant + vowel + consonant, double the last consonant and add ̶ ed
Stop → Stopped

Pronunciation note: The ̶ ed ending for regular verbs can produce three different sounds. It
depends on the final sound of the base verb:
Final Sound of base verb Pronunciation Example
P, K, S, Ch, Sh, F, X /t/ Stopped Asked
L, V, N, M, R, B, G, W, Y, Z /d/ Called Happened
and vowel sounds.
T, D /Id/ Provided Wanted

◊ Irregular verbs don’t take ̶ ed in the Past Simple Tense.

Learning activities:

Writing Skills:
• Complete the sentences with the correct verbs from the box in the Simple Past.
like Play study work clean dance stop

1. He _________________ soccer all day yesterday.

2. She _________________ the green bag and the purple one.
3. The police car ___________________ when they saw the accident.
4. We ___________________ on the project all weekend.
5. In my vacations I _______________ with Alberto.
6. They _______________ the house for the birthday party.
7. We _________________ for the English test and we past.

• Write the Simple Past of the following irregular verbs.

1. Do _______________ 5. Think _______________ 9. Feel _______________
2. Go _______________ 6. Have _______________ 10. Tell _______________
3. Meet ______________ 7. Drink _______________ 11. Make ______________
4. Eat _______________ 8. Leave _______________ 12. Wear _______________

Angela Llanas Libby Williams. (2012, p. 33). Oxygen New Edition. México, D.F.: MACMILLAN.

Block II

• Put the Past Tense regular verbs in the correct column according to their pronunciation.

Jumped Divided Started Talked Mixed Looked Started Played

Worked Cleaned Ended Waited Walked Opened Missed Loved
/t/ /d/ /Id/

Recognize and use the Past Simple

-- Skill: To analyze and to scan for specific information.

-- Informative objective: To recall Past Simple Tense

Learning activities:

Reading Skills:
• Read the title of the articles and look at the pictures, what do you think it’s about? Compare your
answers with your classmates.

How embarrassing!

After school my friends and I went to the movies.

While we were deciding what movie we wanted to see, next to us a couple of
girls arrived, and there she was, the girl I liked. So, I decided to invite them to
see the movie with us. I didn’t have change to pay for my ticket so she paid for
it, and I offered to buy the popcorn.
I was carrying the popcorn and I didn’t see that the floor was wet. Suddenly, I fell
on the floor with all the popcorn. Luckily she saw the funny side of it. Now I have
an excuse to invite her to the movies.

I went to the gym a couple of days ago. I started with the treadmill but I soon
got tired. You see, I’m not in good shape. Then, some teenagers came in, and I
didn’t want to look bad. So, I started running. Suddenly, the lights went out and
the treadmill stopped. I went flying into the window and they all started laughing.
Let’s just say, I didn’t look good.

• After reading the articles: Have you ever had an embarrassing moment? Share with the class.

• Read again and complete the sentences.

To compare habits and customs made in different social situacions

1. Peter invited the girls because he saw __________________________.

2. Peter didn’t have _____________________ so he paid for the __________________.
3. The floor was wet and he ________________________.
4. Nancy started running on _____________________ when she saw some ____________________.
5. The treadmill stopped when __________________ went out.
6. When the teenagers saw Nancy fly into the window, they _____________________.

H. Q. Mitchell. (2010, p. 64). Traveler Elementary A1.2. U.S.A: mmpublications.

Recognize and use the Past Simple

-- Skill: To analyze and to scan for specific information.

-- Informative objective: To recall Past Simple Tense
-- Formative value: To realize how Mexican heritage was formed.

Learning activities:

Reading Skills:
• Read the text and underline all the verbs in paste tense that you don’t know.

Colonial Mexico
Spaniards built magnificent cathedrals and Missions. In Baja California we can find some in San
Ignacio, Loreto, Mulegé and San Borja. Catholic missionaries entered the country with the Spanish
conquerors and immediately began working to convert Native Americans to Christianity. The church
became enormously wealthy. They helped Spanish control over the indigenous peoples of colonial
México, introducing Spanish culture and language to the Native Americans as trying to convert
them to Christianity.

Race and Social Class

A multiracial society made up of people of mixed Native American, European, African, and Asian
heritage. Mestizos, or people of mixed European and Native American descent, were the biological
and cultural bridge between Spaniards and Native Americans.
An estimated 200,000 African slaves were brought. Racial mixing and intermarriage produced
mulattos; Race was a sure indicator of social class immediately after the conquest. The highest
social class was the peninsulares, the criollos, people of European descent born in the Americas;
the resentment of the criollos against the more privileged peninsulares became an influential force
in Mexican independence. Below the criollos were the mestizos, followed by the Native Americans
and the blacks.

An important aspect of the early colonial economy of México was the exploitation of Native
Americans. They performed much of the farming, mining, and ranching work in the colony. Free
blacks (African slaves) worked in the ports of cities such as Veracruz and Acapulco, and labored in
mines, factories, plantations, and sugar mills.

Block II

Writing Skills:
• Make a list with the Verbs in Paste Tense that are new to you and look for them in your dictionary,
then mark with R if they are regular and with I if they are irregular verbs.

Past Tense Spanish I/R

1. - _________________ _________________ __________
2. - _________________ _________________ __________
3. - _________________ _________________ __________
4. - _________________ _________________ __________
5. - _________________ _________________ __________
6. - _________________ _________________ __________
7. - _________________ _________________ __________
8. - _________________ _________________ __________
9. - _________________ _________________ __________
10. - _________________ _________________ __________

• Answer with True or False.

1. Spaniards, named Peninsulares the most powerful people in New Spain. _______
2. Native people and slaves performed the farming and mining work. _______
3. The Church wasn’t powerful and wealthy. _______
4. The mulattos lived in the north of the country: Chihuahua, Sonora, etc. _______
5. The society was composed by native, Asian, European, African descendants. _______

Recognize and use of the Past Simple

-- Skill: Reading comprehension

-- Informative objective: To recall Past Tense
-- Formative value: To imagine and recreate their own stories

Learning activities:

Reading Skills:
• Read the text and underline all the verbs in paste tense that you don’t know.

Who am I?
Suddenly, I woke up. My head really hurt but there was something else
wrong. Where was I? I looked around the bedroom. Was it mine? I couldn’t
remember a thing. But why? How did I lose my memory? I looked in the
mirror and I was shocked. Who was that man? I had a huge bump on my
head. Who am I? I wondered.
Suddenly the phone rang. I picked it up slowly and heard an excited voice:
“Oscar! Good morning! Are you ready? I’m downstairs. Come on!”

To compare habits and customs made in different social situacions

I looked outside. There was a man in the driveway next to a sports car. He waved at me and I waved
back. Suddenly, four men dressed in black ran out from behind the trees. “Look out!” I shouted, but
they grabbed him and pointed a gun at him.
One of the four men ran into the house. I heard him coming up the stairs. I panicked and looked for
a place to hide, but he entered the room in no time. “It’s OK, Mr. Minter. You’re safe now. It was a
trap. He wanted to kill you, but, luckily, we caught him.” All I could say was “Thanks.” Then he left
the room.
What’s happened to me? I said, Why can’t I remember? I need to find out more…

H. Q. Mitchell. (2010, p. 72). Traveler Elementary A1.2. U.S.A: mmpublications.

• Finish the story using the words in the box. What do you think happened to Mr. Minter?

Can I ask you you still don’t so you are a poli- now I remem- you didn’t do an-
something? remember… ce officer… ber… ything wrong…
a painting… he hit you in the What did I do? there was a bur- 8 million dollars..
head… glary…

Grammar: Identify the different Question words and the auxiliary did.

◊ Analyze the following table and draw conclusions. Is any combination acceptable? What do
you notice about the verbs?
Question Auxiliary did Subject Verb Complement Question
Word mark
How I do the exam
Where You travel to
it (the wedding, celebrate it
the party, the visit
flight, etc.)
She (the girl, decide
my mother, etc) make

Block II

He (Robert, my tell
friend) watch
Why We leave the party
What They want
Who (no subject?) improve the project
◊ Remember that the auxiliary in past is DID.
◊ When did is in a sentence, the verb next to it changes to present.

Past Simple Yes/No Question Wh question in Past

I played Did I play yesterday? What did I play yesterday?

Recognize and use the Question words in Past Tense

-- Skill: Understand the correct usage of Question words in Past Tense

-- Informative objective: To recall Past Tense
-- Formative value: To distinguish the different question words.

Learning activities:

Writing Skills:

• Write Wh questions, ask them to your classmates and write the answers.
1. _____________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________________________________
6. _____________________________________________________________________
7. _____________________________________________________________________
8. _____________________________________________________________________
9. _____________________________________________________________________
10. _____________________________________________________________________

• Complete the question with the correct Wh word.

1. _______________ did you celebrate yesterday? Because I had a birthday party.

2. _______________ were you last week? I was fine, thank you.
3. _______________ buy your coat? I bought in the Outlets Mall.
4. _______________ you meet her? I met her at school.
5. _______________ did you travel to Cancun? We traveled in September.
6. _______________ old was when he died? He was 75 years old.
7. _______________ position did she have? She was our sport teacher.

To compare habits and customs made in different social situacions

8. _______________ did they work? They worked at the book shop.

9. _______________ books did you lose? I lost three.
10. _______________ did you fail the test? Because I didn’t study.

Grammar: Understand the expression Used to in the Past Tense

◊ We use Used to, to talk about something that happened regularly in the past, but no longer does.
◊ Used to is always followed by the base form of the verb. There is no change for singular or plural.

Example: We used to go skateboarding every afternoon when we were young.

Affirmative Question
I/He/She/It Did I/he/she/it use to play?
We/You/They used to play we/you/they
Negative Answers
I/He/She/It Yes, I/he/she/it used to play
We/You/They didn’t use to play we/you/they

No, I/he/she/it didn’t use to play

Learning activity:

Writing Skills:
• Complete the sentences with the correct form of Used to and the verbs in the box.

be not drink sleep play call send

1. I _______________ computer games when I was a teenager, but I’m bored of them now.
2. _____________ you _______________ a lot of e-mails when you were in college?
3. I _______________ water at all, but now I try to have eight glasses a day.
4. Harry _______________ for ten hours a night, but now he doesn’t.
5. Maya’s hair _______________dark brown, but now it’s blond.
6. When I was seven, my teacher _______________ me Superman.

Angela Llanas Libby Williams. (2012, p. 34, 35). Oxygen New Edition. México, D.F.: MACMILLAN.

To describe practices and customs in the past, using Used to.

-- Skill: Understand the correct forms of the expression Used to.

-- Informative objective: To recall past activities, customs, etc.
-- Formative value: To realize what people did in the past.

Block II

Learning activities:

Reading Skills:
• Read the title of the text. What do you think is about? Give you answer to the class, then read
the text and find out.

Young Martin’s Promise

Martin Luther King Jr., grew up in Atlanta, Georgia, in the 1930s. When
he was a boy, Martin played tag and catch with his friends. His best
friends lived across the street from him. Like Martin they were good ball
players. But most of all, they were good friends.
Things became to change when Martin and his friends started school.
Martin hoped that he and his friends would go to school together. But in
1935 there were places where black children could not go to the same
school as white children.
When the buss came to pick up Martin on the first day of school, his friends were not on it. All the
children on the buss were black. All the children at Martin’s school were too.
When Martin got home from school that day, he was very excited. He couldn’t wait to tell his
friends about his first day of school. As he jumped off the school bus, he saw that some of his
friends were already playing ball.
Martin ran over to them. He wanted to join the game, as he always did but this time, the other
children stopped playing.
“Our parents say we can’t play with you anymore,” his friend told Martin.
Martin asked why not.
His friends said that it was because they were white and Martin was black.
“That’s why we don’t go to the same school,” another boy told Martin. Martin had to go to the
black school.
Martin did not know what to say. He swallowed hard and went back across the street slowly. He
was very upset. Martin knew he had not done anything wrong. That night, he told his parents what
happened. Martin’s mother felt sorry for her son. In a calm voice, she told him that the law said that
black people and white people could not be together in some places, such as school.
When Martin became a man, he worked hard to change the laws that kept people apart. He
spoke about bringing people together. He described his dream that all children would one day play
and study together.
Because of Martin and others like him, the laws changed. Now all children can go to the same
school. Because of Marti Luther King Jr., kids of all colors can just be friends.

Diane Sharpe, Amanda Johnson Sperry, et al. (1997, 36, 37). Vocabulary Connections Level B. United States of

Reading Comprehension Skill:

• Write sentences that describe what Martin used to do before his first day of school. Look at the
example bellow.

1. Martin and his neighbors used to be good friends.

2. ___________________________________________________________________________

To compare habits and customs made in different social situacions

3. ___________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________

Writing Skills:
• Can you think of more things people used to do in the 1930s and they don’t do now?
• Write them using the affirmative and negative of Used to.

1. _______________________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________________________________
6. _______________________________________________________________________

Speaking and Writing Skills:

• Ask about what people did in the old days? Write questions and interview an older relative.

1. _______________________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________________________________

To describe practices and customs in the past, using Used to.

-- Skill: Understand the correct forms of the expression Used to.

-- Informative objective: To recall past activities, customs, etc.
-- Formative value: To realize what people did in the past.

Learning activities:

Writing Skills:
• Complete the dialogues below. Using the correct form of Used to and the words given.

1. A: I am making a salad. Would you like some?
B: Yes, please. _I didn’t use to eat salads____________ (I / not eat / salads), but now I
love them.

2. A: Hi Dylan. Where’s Daisy?

B: She’s working. _________________________________ (she / not work /
Saturdays), but now she does.
3. A: ______________________________________ (I / be / in very good shape) in the past.
B: _________________________________ (you / go / gym)?
A: Yes, four times a week.

Block II

4. A: Your cousin lives in Barcelona, right?

B: No. _____________________________ (he / live / Spain). He lives in Canada now.

5. A: How’s Ted?
B: I’m not sure. _____________________________________________ (we / meet / for
lunch / every day), but now we are both very busy.

Writing Skills:
• Complete the following exercises using Used to plus a suitable verb.
• Pay attention to each sentences is it an affirmative, negative or interrogative sentences.
• Check your classmate’s exercise.

1. What ____________ you ___________ ___________ when you were five years old?
Answer: I used to watch teletubbies and Barney’s show.

2. What ___________ your mother ____________ _____________ when she was at home?
Answer: She used to cook lasagna.

3. What games ___________ you ____________ ____________ when you were at

kinder garden school?
Answer: I used to play hide and seek or tag with my friends.

4. What ___________ your father _____________ _____________ with you for having fun?
Answer: He used to play soccer with me all the time.

5. Where ___________ your family _____________ ____________ on weekends?

Answer: We used to visit my grandparents. We used to travel to Ensenada or Rosarito.

Writing Skills:

1. Did you use to go to the mountains on summer vacations?

No, we _________________________________________.We used to go to the beach.

2. Did you use to watch The Scooby Doo Show?

No, I_________________________________________________. I used to watch Goku.

3. Did you use to eat mangoes with chile?

No, I ________________________________________________. I used to eat churritos.

4. Did your parents use to go to visit relatives?

No, they ___________________________________________. They used to visit friends.

5. When you were a kid, did your best friend use to go to your house to play with you?
No, he ______________________________________________ in my house, their parents did
not allow him to go out.

To compare habits and customs made in different social situacions

Identifying the Past

-- Skill: Understand and identify the proper word used in the Past.
-- Informative objective: To distinguish the correct time expressions.
-- Formative value: To identify the proper time expression in Past.

Grammar: Understand the correct use of the time expressions in past.

◊ In order to show when an action or situation happened in the past, particular words and phrases
(time adverbials) are often used. Here are some of the most common ones:

1. Yesterday: This refers to the day before today, but not at any specific time. The day before
yesterday. This time adverbial has the same meaning as two days ago.

Example: Omar and I went to the movies yesterday.

I played in the baseball yesterday.
Yesterday I ate pizza in the party.

2. Last + noun: This time adverbial is similar to yesterday, but it can be used with many different
time references.

Example: My parents visited me last night.

Last week I went to the dentist.
My wedding anniversary was last month.

3. a / an / one + noun + ago: A singular noun phrase showing a period of time.

Example: I saw Larry a / one minute ago.

My English exam was an / one hour ago.
A / One week ago we went to San Francisco.

4. Plural number or expression + ago: A plural noun phrase showing a period of time is used
before ago.

Example: I saw Larry two minutes ago.

My English exam was three hours ago.
Several days ago we went to San Francisco.

5. the + noun + before last: This common time adverbial is similar to the day before yesterday, but
it can be used for many more time references.

Example: The night before last my sister’s car was stolen.

I finished all my work the week before last.
My boyfriend’s birthday was the month before last.

Block II

◊ We can also use prepositions to mention a specific point in past.

Examples: My brother was born in 1998.

I graduated on June 21st, 2013.
During 2010, I got my first job.
In the 19th Century women can’t go alone anywhere.
I got an xbox last Christmas.
When my grandfather was a young he drove a motorcycle.

Learning activities:

Writing Skills:
• Form sentences with the time expressions mentioned in the last page. Don’t use the examples,
invent you own sentences.
1. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________
6. ___________________________________________________________________________
7. ___________________________________________________________________________
8. ___________________________________________________________________________
9. ___________________________________________________________________________
10. ___________________________________________________________________________
Dennis Oliver. (2007). Simple Past Tense. 29 de marzo, de Dave´s ESL Cafe Sitio web:

Writing and Speaking Skills:

• Have you ever gone to the circus? Do you think they have change in the past 200 years?
Chare you answer with the class.
• Read the following text that describes how one of the most famous circuses was created.
• As homework they have to ask an older relative (older than 40 years) How was the circus when
he/she was your age? Write the answer:

The Ringling Brothers

The Ringling brothers woke up early in the morning on circus day. They ran down to
the river to see the circus boat come in.
Al was the oldest. He was eighteen years old. Then came Gus, sixteen; Otto, twelve;
Alfred Theodore, called Alf T., eight; Charlie, six; and John, who was only four. At home was
Henry the baby.
They ran after the circus band and followed along behind it. They marched in time to
the music of the circus parade. Together they crowded into the tent put up for the big circus

To compare habits and customs made in different social situacions

All of them held their breath as a man walked a rope stretched tight above their heads. They blinked as a
juggler made plates spin. They gasped at riders who stood on galloping horses. When the acrobat turned
somersaults in the air, they whistled and clapped. They laughed at the clown who tried to do it too.
For a long time after the circus had left McGregor, the sounds of the wonderful calliope rang in their ears.
“What’s the matter with them?” Papa Ringling wondered.
Mama Ringling rolled her eyes towards the ceiling as if it were easy to tell. “The circus is what is the matter
with them,” she said.
“Someday we’re going to have a circus of our own,” Al said. He stretched a rope over the hay in his father
barn. He began to practice tightrope walking.
They’d soon forget about the circus, their father though. They’d all be harness makers one day, as he
“It’s something they’ll grow out of,” Mama Ringling said hopefully.
One by one, the Ringling brothers grew into strong young men with cheerful round faces and glossy black
hair. But they didn’t outgrow their love for the circus.
They began to plan for the show in a ring under a Big Top. They started with the help of a real circus clown.
His name was Yankee Robinson. Yankee was an old man with white whiskers. He had worked in circuses for
forty years and he knew all about the circus business. The Ringling made him their partner.
They followed his advice and bought canvas for one Big Top and one little top. They built benches for
seats under the Big Top. They bought old farm wagons, painted and decorated them, and hired big farm
horses to pull the wagons. For a side show, they got a farmer who had taught his pig to do tricks. The pig was
their only trained animal.
The new Ringling Circus opened in the town of Baraboo in May 1884.
Reading Comprehension Skills:
• Read again the Ringling Brothers story and complete the sentences with the words in bold that
are in the text.

1. The brothers went into ______________________________ to start a circus.

2. A man who knew about the circus became their ________________________.
3. A tent was made out of ___________________________.
4. The benches looked shiny and ____________________________.
5. A friend gave them help and ____________________________.
6. They _______________________________ people to do tricks.
7. One ____________________________ could fly in the air.
8. The audience _________________________ when they saw tricks performed.
9. Do you think people _______________________________ their love for the circus?
10. The ____________________________ of the circuses answer, “No!”
Diane Sharpe, Amanda Johnson Sperry, et al. (1997, 36, 37, 38). Vocabulary Connections Level C.
United States of America: STWCK-VAUGHN.

• Answer True or False

1. Some of them held their breath as a man walked a rope stretched tight above their heads.
2. The Ringling Brothers were five. _________________
3. “What’s the matter with them?” Mama Ringling wondered. _______________
4. Al stretched a rope over the hay in his father barn. __________________
5. When the Ringling Brothers grew they didn’t love the circus. _________________
6. Yankee was a circus clown he had worked in circuses for forty years. ______________
7. The Ringling Brothers had 25 trained animals. ________________

Block II

Team Work Self and Peer Assessment Sheet

Group projects are sometimes looked upon as being “unfair”. Through the use of this self and peer assessment
sheet your perception of quantity of work that you performed and that of your partners is analyzed against the
perceptions of your partner. Through this process, hopefully equity is achieved. In order for this process to
work effectively there is the need for you to be honest and objective.

Reflection questions
1.What problems did you encounter and how where they solved?
2.What would you do differently next time?
3.What skill would you like to improve next time?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
None of the work fair share of the work All of the work

PARTNER 1’s NAME: _________________________________

This partner performed:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
None of the work fair share of the work All of the work

PARTNER 2’s NAME: _________________________________

This partner performed:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
None of the work fair share of the work All of the work

PARTNER 3’s NAME: _________________________________

This partner performed:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
None of the work fair share of the work All of the work

PARTNER 4’s NAME: _________________________________

This partner performed:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
None of the work fair share of the work All of the work

Note: If you have any comments concerning this project or suggestions on how to improve the class, please
write them here: ________________________________________________________________________

CG4 Listens, interprets and develops proper messages in different contexts using appropriate means, codes,
and tools.
4 3 2 1
CG9 Participates with a civic and ethic consciousness in the community, region, Mexico and the whole
world’s life.
4 3 2 1

To compare habits and customs made in different social situacions



VISUAL Visual aids support Visual aids Visual aids are Visual aids Non Included
AIDS the theme and have little little related to are hard to
have proper size support for the the theme, have understand and/
and color for the theme. Have no proper size or are not related
audience. proper size and and color for the to the theme;
color for the audience. size and color
audience. have difficult
GRAMMAR Uses appropriate Uses His or her The mistakes and Speaks Spa-
vocabulary without appropriate grammar grammar errors nish
any grammar vocabulary with presents are evident and
mistakes. His or few grammar mistakes but communication is
her sentences are mistakes. he or she not accomplished.
according to the communicates.
learning objects.
PRONUNCIATION Excellent Pronounces Pronounces with The pronunciation Only Read/
pronunciation. fairly well. errors or is not is poor and Speaks Spa-
understandable unclear. nish
from time to time.
FLUENCY Is able to Is able to Is able to Is not able to Only Read/
communicate communicate express ideas, communicate Speaks Spa-
ideas in an fluently, with stopping to recall ideas, mixing both nish
excellent manner, just some words. languages.
without hesitation. hesitations.
PROJECT. ESSAY Turns in on Turns in on Turn in but Poor quality, Not Delivered
OR WRITTEN TEXT time, with an time, according missing some missing most of
excellent quality to the requirements. the requirements.
according to the requirements.

Block II


Decide honestly according to each affirmative sentence, the description and evaluation of your own learning
Student’s name:
Date: 2nd. Block Observations
If you answer is No,
Competences performance indicators Always Sometimes Never
analyze the reasons.
I attend on time to all my classes.
I follow the instructions to do the exercises.
I Participate with a constructive and collaborative attitude
asking when the topic is not understood.
I answer the exercises provided in the book.
I Contribute with ideas in oral and written forms.
I am able to evaluate honestly my own performance.
I read the lessons and texts searching for new
meanings and words.
I am able to establish links between new and old
grammatical forms and integrate new words.
I have an interest in learning by my own using the internet.
I work collaboratively with my classmates.
I feel I have improved my English with this block.
I can communicate better and more confidently.

Decide honestly according to each affirmative sentence, the description and evaluation of one of your
classmates learning process.
Peer evaluation
Student’s name: Evaluator:
Date: 2nd. Block Observations
If you answer is No,
Competences performance indicators Always Sometimes Never discuss the reasons
with him or her.
He or she attends on time to all the classes.
He or she follows the instructions to do the exercises.
He or she participates with a constructive and collaborative
attitude asking when the topic is not understood.
He or she answers the exercises provided in the book.
He or she contributes with ideas in oral and written forms.
He or she is able to evaluate honestly him or her own
He or she reads the lessons and texts searching for new
meanings and words.
He or she is able to establish links between new and old
grammatical forms and to learn new words.
He or she has interest in learning by his own or her
instance using internet.
He or she works collaboratively with classmates.
He or she has improved her or his English.
He or she can communicate better and more confidently.

Block III


Block III



Student´s performances to be demonstrated upon completion:

The student must:

• The student is able to explain, in an oral and written form, the activities that took place on
several contexts.
• The student identifies specific information in an oral and written text about activities that took
place in his or her city, state, country, or around the world.
• The student uses the simple past and the past progressive grammatical forms to describe the
activities that took place at a specific time in the past.

Generic Competences:
CG4 Listens, interprets and develops proper messages in different contexts using appropriate
means, codes, and tools.
CG9 Participates with a civic and ethic consciousness in the community, region, Mexico and the
whole world’s life.

Disciplinary Competences:
CD4. Produce texts based on the normative use of language, considering the intention,
communicative situation, and formal language elements such as punctuation, spelling, syntax,
coherence and cohesion.
CD10. Identify and interpret the main idea and the continuum of a text, in an oral and written form,
using his or her prior knowledge.
CD11. Communicate in a foreign language using a logical speech, oral or written form, to describe
events that are common to his or her age and compare them to the other social group’s activities.
CD12. Use independent learning strategies, through information technologies researching
information about grammatical forms.

Learning objects:

• Vocabulary relating to clothing, food, music.

• Past continuous to describe actions that were in progress at any
given time.
• Simple Past to describe activities that interrupt an action that was
in progress in the past.
• Relative pronouns “when” and “while” to describe actions in the
• Connectors: First, then, after, later, after a while.

To describe activities that took place in the past

Past Progressive

-- Skill: Understand and identify the Past Progressive.

-- Informative objective: To distinguish the Past Progressive from Past Simple.
-- Formative value: To identify the correct ending of the verb.

Grammar: Reviewing the Past Progressive rules (-ing).

Do you remember the rules to add the –ing ending? Let’s review them again!

◊ The letters -ing are added to verbs to show the present tense.

I am writing a letter.

◊ Basic Rules
Rule 1: add -ing to most words

mail + ing = mailing carry + ing =carrying

always keep the y before adding the ing ending

Rule 2: if the word ends in -e, drop the -e and add -ing
ride + ing = riding take + ing = taking

Rule 3: if the word is short and ends with a vowel/consonant, double the consonant and add -ing
stop + ing = stopping
wrap + ing = wrapping

if a word has a double -e, do not drop the second -e
See + ing = seeing
change -ie to -y before adding -ing
die + ing = dying
note: the word die means to pass away and the word dye means to color

dye + ing = dyeing

SPELLING A Key to Good Communication (2015). “ing” ending. 27 de abril, Sitio web:

◊ Form of the Past Progressive

Subject+ was / were + verb+ ing

You were studying when she called.
Were you studying when she called?

Block III

You were not studying when she called.

Grammar: Past Progressive Uses.

USE 1 Interrupted Action in the Past

Use the Past Continuous to indicate that a longer action in the past was interrupted. The interruption
is usually a shorter action in the Simple Past. Remember this can be a real interruption or just an
interruption in time.

I was watching TV when she called.
When the phone rang, she was writing a letter?
While we were having a picnic, it started to rain.
You were not listening to me when I told you to turn the oven off.

USE 2 Specific Time as an Interruption

In USE 1, described above, the Past Continuous is interrupted by a shorter action in the Simple
Past. However, you can also use a specific time as an interruption.

Last night at 6 PM, I was eating dinner.
At midnight, we were still driving through the desert.
Yesterday at this time, I was sitting at my desk at work.

In the Simple Past, a specific time is used to show when an action began or finished. In the Past
Continuous, a specific time only interrupts the action.

Last night at 6 PM, I ate dinner.
I started eating at 6 PM.
Last night at 6 PM, I was eating dinner.
I started earlier; and at 6 PM, I was in the process of eating dinner.

USE 3 Parallel Actions

When you use the Past Continuous with two actions in the same sentence, it expresses the idea
that both actions were happening at the same time. The actions are parallel.

I was studying while he was making dinner.
Were you listening while he was talking?
Thomas wasn’t working, and I wasn’t working either.
They were eating dinner, discussing their plans, and having a good time.

To describe activities that took place in the past

Past Progressive: While / When

While: We use it when we do two actions at the same time.

I was studying while I was listening to music.

When: We use it when an action is interrupted by another action.

I was studying when she called.

◊ Open Activity:
What was happening at home today while you were having breakfast?
1. Through brainstorming (guided by teacher), please try to remember what was going on this
morning at home, while you were getting ready to leave to school.
2. Mark with  and the activities that apply to your experience (look for the examples).

Do you agree?
Check (  ) the statements about what was happening at home today while you were having

Situation Yes No
1. Your mom was listening to the news.
2. Your sister was taking a shower
3. Your dad was reading the newspaper.
4. Your brother was having breakfast with you.
5. Your dad was sleeping.
6. Your mom was talking to you.
7. Your dad was getting ready for work.
8. Your sister was making a phone call.
9. (Add your own)
The faster you work, the sooner you will finish and the better you will learn!

Exercise 1:

My friend’s mother wants to verify what he/she did yesterday, how can I explain what he did?

A) Describe what you did yesterday at 5 different times. (5:00 am 8:00 am, 11:00 am, 4:00 pm,
9:00 pm). Write it in sentences in past progressive.

Example: At 5:00 in the morning, I was sleeping at my house.

B) When you have finished, check with a classmate and ask questions.
What were you doing at 11:00 o’clock yesterday?

C) Practice asking and answering orally. (In groups of two or three)

Block III

D) Complete the following table to register the information:

Yesterday Pedro Susana

Activity He was sleeping.
Where At his house.
When At 5:00 am

-- Skill: To identify verbs in simple past and past progressive

-- Informative objective: To be able to distinguish different tenses
-- Formative: Following rules

Exercise 2. Writing Skills

Apply the rules to the following regular verbs, and Fill all the blanks: It is worth the effort!!

Infinitive Past Tense Verb + ing

1.Study estudiar 1.Studied estudié, estudiaste 1.Studying estudiando
2.Analyze analizar 2.Analyzed analicé, analizaste 2. Analyzing analizando
3.Rent rentar 3.Rented renté, rentó 3. Renting rentando
4.Discuss discutir 4.Discussed discutí, discutimos 4.Discussing discutiendo

Simple Present -ing ending Past Simple Spanish
Regular verbs
1. Apply Applying
2. Argue
3. Ask Asked
4. Bake Baked
5. Belong
6. Call
7. Carry
8. Change
9. Chop Chopped
10. Clean
11. Close
12. Dance
13. Discuss
14. Dry
15. Enjoy
16. Entertain
17. Finish
18. Help
19. Hesitate Hesitated
20. Hope
21. Join

To describe activities that took place in the past

22. Knit
23. Learn
24. Like
25. Love
Simple Present -ing ending Past Simple Spanish
Irregular verbs
1. Drive Driving Drove
2. Dealing
3. Eating
4. Falling
5. Feeding
6. Feeling
7. Fighting
8. Finding
9. Fit
10. Fleeing
11. Flinging
12. Flew
13. Forbidding
14. Dig Dug
15. drawing
16. forgetting
17. Forgiving
18. Blow
19. Freezing
20. buying
21. Getting
22. Giving
23. Going
24. Ground
25. Growing


Noun/ subject Auxiliary Verb + ing Complement
You Were Making a huge difference
We Were Participating very actively.
They Were Improving Enormously
My friends Were Coming to the party
Many writers Were Publishing best sellers
Beyonce and Rihana Were Fighting for the attention.
◊ It changes when you describe a person or a thing, it is called 3rd. person. Remember that the
pronoun IT could be anything, but it must be a singular noun.

Block III

Noun/ subject Auxiliary Verb + ing Complement

I Was Understanding Everything
She Was Being very nice with me
He Was Changing very fast these weeks.
My mother Was always helping me unconditionally
My father Was Working In the hospital
The computer Was Failing Yesterday

Exercise 3: Writing Skills

A) Complete the sentences with the past progressive tense.

1. I ______________________ all day (work)

2. She __________________ problems (have)
3. We _________________ to Las Vegas by bus (travel)
4. They ______________ to lunch a few minutes ago (go)
5. My father _______________ a new car this morning.(look for)

B) Make your own negative sentences with the past progressive tense.

Example: We weren’t taking swimming classes last summer.

a. _____________________________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________________________________
c. _____________________________________________________________________
d. _____________________________________________________________________
e. _____________________________________________________________________
f. _____________________________________________________________________
g. _____________________________________________________________________

Do you remember how to ask questions in progressive tenses?

Yes, that’s right. You have to invert the verb to be at the beginning of the question

C) Make ten questions: Choose from the above sentences.

Example: Were we taking swimming classes last summer?


To describe activities that took place in the past


-- Skill: Analyze different tenses and use them in sentences.

-- Informative objective: To be able to distinguish different tenses.
-- Formative: To analyze about our learning.

Exercise 4:
Complete with information according to the indicated tense as the example does.

1. Paul was watching a movie. He wasn´t watching the movie. Was he watching the movie?
2. I was swimming in a pool. I wasn’t swimming in the pool. _______________________?
3. Carlos _________________. Carlos wasn´t finishing his degree. ___Carlos_________?
4. Dora___________________. Dora_____________________. Was Dora getting married?
5. Lee ___________________. Lee wasn´t eating lunch. _____Lee _________?
6. Jim was going to clean. Jim_____________________. _____Jim______________
8. John __________________. John wasn´t reading the email ____John _________?
9. I was cooking. I _______________________. _____ I ______________?
10.You ________________ You weren´t winning the prize. _____you _______ the prize?
11.They _______________ They weren´t debating abortion _____they_____________?
12.We were traveling We_____________________. ____ We______________?
13.My sister was having a baby. My sister___________ ____my sister _____ a baby?

Grammar: Connectors to introduce the second of two actions

1. AFTER: It is used to refer to an action that took place in the past.

After the bomb exploded, everything was quiet.
I went out after work.

2. THEN: It is used to refer to an action that is followed by another one in the past.
I ran then I jumped.
I studied then I passed the exam.

3. NEXT: It is used to express that an action is closer to another one.

We are going to take the next plane.
I am going to help the next person in line.

4. FIRST: Often used with “then” or also with “second”, “third”, etc.
First, go into the house, then, go upstairs and wait for me
First, switch it on. Second, search for the channel, and last, adjust the volume.

5. FINALLY: It is used to end and activity or action.

I was playing all day long, finally I went to bed.
Block III

Exercise 5:
A) Use the Connectors: First, Next, Finally, Then, After That, to write short paragraphs.

He walks in… First he walked in into the classroom, then he sat
He sits down… down on the chair, after that he took his book, next
He takes his book…. he read aloud, finally he left the classroom.
He reads aloud…
He leaves the classroom.

He called the doctor.

He opened the window.
He got a cold.

Eat salad and fish.

Sit down.
Wash your hands

Go to the cinema.
Buy tickets.
Watch a movie.
Invite a friend.

Take a shower.
Get up.
Go to school.
Wear my uniform.
Have breakfast.

B) Choose the correct answers.

Hello, I’m Bart and I had a great birthday yesterday. First / Next, I met my friends at
the shopping centre and they bought me a present. Then /Finally, we had pizza at a
café. Finally / Next, we went to the cinema and saw a very funny comedy. Then / First
suddenly, my parents arrived. They took me to an amazing restaurant for dinner. Next
/Finally, we went home and I went to bed, tired but happy.

C) Use the following words to help you write the process for a banana milkshake.

Add ice and yogurt

Peel and slice the banana
Pour the banana shake Into a glass
Blend until it’s smooth
Put the banana slices in the blender

To describe activities that took place in the past

Use the following words to help you write the process

First, then, next, after that, finally, Or First, second, third……………

1 First, peel and slice the banana. or First, the banana is peeled and sliced.

2 ________________________________________________________________________

3 ________________________________________________________________________

4 ________________________________________________________________________

5 _________________________________________________________________________

Exercise 6: Reading Skills

Nurse in Iconic Times Square Kiss Photo Dies at 91


“Edith Shain, the woman depicted in an iconic photograph kissing a sailor in
Times Square at the end of World War II, has died. She was 91.
The famed photo, snapped by Life photographer Alfred Eisenstaedt, shows
a young woman in a nurse’s uniform at the mercy of a particularly excited
young sailor. The pair’s lips are locked in a vehement kiss — a scene that
would become one of the most iconic images of the war.
As Eisenstaedt describes it in his autobiography: “I was walking through the crowds on V-J Day,
looking for pictures. I noticed a sailor coming my way. He was grabbing every female he could find
and kissing them all — young girls and old ladies alike. Then I noticed the nurse, standing in that
enormous crowd. I focused on her, and just as I’d hoped, the sailor came along, grabbed the nurse,
and bent down to kiss her.”
For decades the woman’s identity was unknown, until finally in the ’70s Shain contacted Life
magazine. She went on to reveal that she had been working at Doctor’s Hospital in New York
when on August 14, 1945 she decided to take the subway to join a V-J Day (Victory over Japan)
celebration in Times Square.
“This guy grabbed me and we kissed,” Shain said in 2008 of the sheer spontaneity of the kiss.
“And then I turned one way and he turned the other. There was no way to know who he was, but I
didn’t mind because he was someone who had fought for me.”
“As for the picture,” she said, “it says so many things — hope, love, peace and tomorrow. The
end of the war was a wonderful experience, and that photo represents all those feelings.”
Over the years Shain would lead numerous memorial parades honoring World War 2 veterans,
and she spent much of her later years educating others about the sacrifices made during the war.
As for the sailor in the photograph, his identity is still unconfirmed. Note we are now running a
contest about this photo.”


28 de abril, de Today In HIstory Sitio web:

Block III

Reading Comprehension Skills:

A) Discuss with a partner the following questions:

1. What was the sailor doing?


2. Did you know that they were strangers kissing by the first time?

3. Why do you think this photo became iconic?


4. Why is the date so important to American history? What were they celebrating?

5. Was the photographer ready to take the photo?


6. Where was the nurse working?


7. Where were they celebrating?


8. How can you tell what were other people doing at a certain time in the past?

Exercise 7:
◊ Read this extract from a novel. What type of story do you think it is?

1. Read the following text

2. Underline the past progressive sentences.
3. Using comprehension skills, answer the question below.


Dr. Ismael Misra arrived at the morgue. He wasn’t feeling well and
wanted to go home quickly. He looked at his notebook and saw
the name of his next autopsy, Mr. Holmes. He put on his white
coat and entered the mortuary. It was strange because it was
only 4 o’clock. He called their names out, but no one answered.
Ismael felt a little angry. He looked at the body. It wasn’t lying on
the table in the middle of the room where it used to be. It was
on the floor, but it was still covered with a white sheet. He walked towards it when he suddenly got
very cold. Then, he was a silver mist coming out from under the sheet. Ismael was trembling. The
sheet was moving and now the body was sitting up, but it wasn’t Mr. Holmes. It was a body without
a head or skin. The body was walking towards him. Ismael couldn’t move.

To describe activities that took place in the past

1. What is Ismael Misra’s occupation? _______________________________________________

2. Why was Dr. Misra angry? ______________________________________________________
3. Why was Dr. Misra trembling? ___________________________________________________
4. Find five sentences that show that something wrong.

Angela Llanas Libby Williams. (2012, p. 38). Oxygen New Edition.

México, D.F.: MACMILLAN.

Exercise 8: Writing Skills

What funny story do you remember that happened to you recently?

1. Try to remember an anecdote and recall the details about it.

2. Use the grammatical structure of “past progressive” to write your story.
3. Use some of these phrases to start your story:

a. I was walking down the street, when ...

b. It started out as a regular day, but ...
c. We were on our way to a party, when ...

4. Listen to the stories from your classmates .

5. Write sentences to describe the pictures. Use the past continuous tense.

Exercise 9:

A. Complete the text with the verbs in parentheses in the past progressive.

The phone rang. Detective Banks ______________________ (write) a

report at the time, and he was not happy about with the interruption. He
answered the phone. “Detective Banks here,” he said. Less than a minute
later, Banks ___________________ (drive) his car through the rainy
streets of the city. It ____________________ (get) dark and the streets
were busy. People __________________ (do) Christmas shopping. It
was 7 p.m. when he finally arrived. The pathologist __________________ (wait) for him. Two police
officers ___________________ (inspect) the scene and others ________________ ( take) pictures.
Sergeant Mullins ____________________ (sit) in the patrol car. He ___________________
(have) a cup of coffee. When he saw Banks, he got out and followed him down the alley. The body
___________________ (lie) on the ground cause of death unknown…..

B. Write three things you weren’t doing ten minutes before you started doing this exercise.

1) I wasn’t _____________________________________________________________________
2) ___________________________________________________________________________
3) ___________________________________________________________________________

Angela Llanas Libby Williams. (2012, p. 49). Oxygen New Edition. México, D.F.: MACMILLAN.

Block III

Writing Activity:


We often use the past progressive together with the simple past. The past progressive refers to
a longer “background” action or situation. The simple past refers to a shorter action or event that
happened in the middle of the longer action, or interrupted it.

Exercise 10:
A. Complete the text with the correct form of the verb in parentheses.

While I ________________ (eat) my sandwich, Vanessa ___________ (call) me. She

____________ (be) in her chemistry class. The professor _________________ (teach) while she
________________ (talk) to me. She said her chemistry class was so boring that several of the
students _______________ (sleep) in class. While we _______________ (have) our conversation,
I __________ (her) her professor shout, “ Vanessa, are you making a phone call”? Suddenly, the
line __________ (go) dead.

B. Complete the sentences with pairs of verbs from the box in the correct form.
Start/ have Write/ get Eat/ watch Do/ decide Wait/ check

1. While I ___________________ an email, I _____________________ a text message.

2. While he __________________ his homework, she ____________ to play the drums.
3. It ____________ to rain while they ____________ a picnic.
4. I ____________ a sandwich while he __________ the soccer game.
5. While we ___________ for the computer to boot up, I ______________my text messages.

C. Complete the conversation with the verbs in parentheses in the simple past or past
progressive and short answers.

Reporter: Excuse me. Can you tell me about the accident? _______ you _______ (see) it.
Witness: Yes, I ____________ (walk) along the street when I ________ (see) the bus crash into
the car.
Reporter: Where _______ you ________ (stand) when it ___________ (happen)?
Witness: Right here. I could see everything very clearly.
Reporter: ________ the bus __________ (go) fast?
Witness: Yes, it ______. And the car _________ (stop) suddenly.

Angela Llanas Libby Williams. (2012, 51 (ex. A-B), pg. 53 (ex. C)). Oxygen New Edition.
México, D.F.: MACMILLAN.

To describe activities that took place in the past

Exercise 11:
A) Past Simple or Past Continuous? Write the correct form of the verb.

1. Christine ______________ (eat) dinner last night when you _____________ (knock) on
the door.
2. _______________ (begin) to study at nine last night and I _______________ (still/study)
at eleven.
3. When Jack ______________ (drop by) to visit me, I ______________ (have) dinner.
4. Did your parents call you last night while you _______________ (watch) TV?
5. When Sam _______________ (finish) his assignment I ________________ (talk) to
my friend on the phone.
6. Yesterday Alicia and Gaby __________ (go) to the cinema; yet I stayed at home to finish
my project.
7. As we _____________ (travel) from Paris to Brussels we ______________ (stop) at a
small restaurant to get something to eat.
8. While I ________________ (try) to repair the leaking roof, I _____________ (fall) down.
9. My brother __________________ (be born) in Lisbon in 1986.
10. I __________________ (graduate) from Oxford in 1997.

B) Look at the words WHEN and WHILE, following the rules complete the sentences using
simple past or past continuous.

1. Chris ______________ (fall) off the ladder while he __________________ (paint)

the ceiling.
2. You _______________ (study) when I _________________ (call) you last night?
3. They ______________ (drive) very fast when the policeman _______________(stop) them.
4. While I _____________ (drive) to work yesterday, I __________ (see) an accident.
5. I ________________ (read) a great book last week.
6. My friends ______________ (drop in) for a visit while I ______________ (watch) TV
last night.
7. I ___________ (see) Andrea at the party last night. She ______________ (wear) a
beautiful dress.
8. The children __________ (go) to bed at 9:00 last night. At 10:00, they _______ (sleep).
9. We _________ (have) dinner at a new restaurant last night. While we ______________
(eat), one of the waiters ___________ (drop) a tray on the floor.
10. Monty _______________ (work) in his garage last night when he _________ (hear) a loud
noise. He _________ (put) down his tools and _________ (go) outside into the yard. While
he ______________ (look) around, someone _________ (run) out of his front door. Monty
__________ (call) the police. He _________ (tell) the police that the robber ______________
(wear) a black ski jacket and jeans.

Taken on April 12, 2016 from English exercises-online

Exercise 12

How has Monique’s life changed in five years?

Block III

A) Read the text.

B) Identify and underline the past progressive sentences
C) Answer the comprehension questions.
D) Compare answers with your classmate

Then and now

Five years ago, Monique was living with some relatives in a small apartment in Miami. They were
all working then. Together, they paid the bills for the rent, telephone, and electricity. Monique was
working as a dishwasher in the kitchen of Mercy Hospital. It was a hard job, but she liked the
hospital. She was also attending English classes. She was learning a lot of new things. She was
always busy and tired then. But she was happy, and she was excited about her future.

Now Monique is working as a nurse’s assistant at Mercy Hospital. Sometimes she visits the kitchen.
She remembers when she was washing dishes there. Monique continues to think about her future.

1. When did Monique come to Miami? _______________________________________________

2. What was Monique’s first job?____________________________________________________
3. Where was it?________________________________________________________________
4. What else was she doing at the same time?_________________________________________
5. Where is she working now?_____________________________________________________

II.- Change the present progressive tense to the past progressive tense in the following
sentences. Change now to five years ago.

6. She’s living in a small apartment in Miami now.

7. Her relatives are all working and paying the bills together now.
8. She’s improving her life now.
9. Now she’s learning a lot of new things.
10. Now she’s thinking about her future.


Can I confirm that I’ve learned to express myself correctly using the time “Past Progressive”?
Are you able to describe what you were doing in certain or specific moment? Are you able to
describe what others were o not doing in past events?
Do you distinguish between past simple and past progressive?
Is very clear to you, how to make questions about an action that has already ended?
If you are still unsure answer the following quizzes:

To describe activities that took place in the past



1) Suzanne ____ to school when it began to rain. She got very wet.
a) walked b) was walking
2) Ferris ____ English for two hours last night because he had a test today.
a) studied b) was studying
3) My friend lives in Korea, but he ____ California when I met him.
a) visited b) was visiting
4) Lee ____ from Korea. His hometown is Seoul.
a) came b) was coming
5) ____ you ___ a new notebook?
a) Did...buy b) Were...buying
6) ____ you ___ to the store when the accident happened?
a) Did...go b) Were...going
7) Sylvia and Mary ___ friends. They liked to go shopping at the mall together.
a) were b) were being
8) One day, they ___ lunch at the mall when they saw a thief.
a) were eating b) ate
9) The thief ____ into a woman’s purse when Sylvia screamed and pointed at him.
a) was reaching b) reached
10) When Sylvia screamed, the thief ____away. Fortunately, the police caught him outside the mall.
a) was running b) ran

Write in the line below, completing the sentence with the information provided. Using simple
past and past continuous.

1. A : - What (you / do)__________ when these people arrived ? Watching television?

2. B : - No, we (play)____________ cards with Mr Wilson, the neighbor

3. A : - But the woman (tell)___________ me you were watching television !

4. B : That’s a lie ! We (not watch)__________ television ! Ask Mr Wilson !

5. He (leave)__________ when they came in.

6. A : What (these people / say)_____________ when they saw Mr Wilson ?

7. B : We (walk)___________ past your house when we saw the light, they said, but we (not
believe)____________ them.

Block III

8. A : What do you think (they / want)____________?

9. B : We don’t know. First they (sit) _________ and watched us play but

10. suddenly the woman (begin) ______________ to cry.

11. A : What about the man ? (he / do)___________ anything to comfort his wife ?

12. B : Nothing. He didn’t even notice. He (watch)_____________ us play.

13. A : Do you think these people (wait for)_____________ some help ?

14. B: Sorry, but we (not ask)____________ them anything... so they left.




Past Simple Vs. Continuous Tenses

Scary Stories

1. Look at these sentences. Can you put them together and make the beginnings of three different

a. Which parts of each story give the background, and which give the main events?

b. Imagine what happened next.

Mary was alone She stopped the Anna was driving She sat up, She was lying in
in the dark car and got out along an empty frozen with fear. bed trying to get
house. to have a look. forest road. to sleep.
She saw a Suddenly It was stormy It was a dark and As she was
strange blue she heard night, and the rainy night, and passing the
light flashing the sound of wind was howling she was soaked church, the clock
the road ahead.. breaking glass through the trees to the skin. struck midnight.
downstairs. outside.
Suddenly she A full moon was Martha was
heard a scream shining through walking home
coming from the the trees. through the
churchyard. village square.

To describe activities that took place in the past

2. Work in groups. Choose one of the pictures, and write the beginnings of a scary story.
a. Think about these questions.

What time was it?

What was the weather like?
Where were the people?
What were they doing?
What did the see/hear/feel?
What happened?
How did they react?
What happened next?

Learning activities

Listen to the presentation of videos and / or drama to the group.

1. Listen carefully to the presentations of the other teams.

2. Noticed the used grammatical form.
3. Choose your favorite video or presentation through a vote.


1.- Organize teams of 3 to 4 students. You will choose one festival, carnival, and annual celebration,
exposition show that is important in your community or state.
2.- Research about it and describe its origins, historical facts, elements, people who participate in it.
3.- Discuss with your classmates the importance of this festivity and how to present it to the group.
4.- Make a power point presentation or a poster in which you describe the festivity and how to
preserve it.
5.- Include photos in order to describe how was before and how it is celebrated now.
6.- Include several past progressive sentences to describe what was happening at that moment.
7.- Make sure you add several sentences in the simple past tense.

Write an essay or script. Read the rubric before in order to improve it.
Practice in front of your classmates.
Then Present it to the class.

Table 1
• Subject: The student is able to describe, in an oral or written form, the activities that were in
progress at any given time on several contexts.

Activity: Oral Presentation

Students Name: _____________________________________________________
Activity time: _______________________ Date: _____________________

Block III

Team Work Self and Peer Assessment Sheet

Group projects are sometimes looked upon as being “unfair”. Through the use of this self and
peer assessment sheet your perception of quantity of work that you performed and that of your
partners is analyzed against the perceptions of your partner. Through this process, hopefully equity
is achieved. In order for this process to work effectively there is the need for you to be honest and
Reflection questions
1.What problems did you encounter and how where they solved?
2.What would you do differently next time?
3.What skill would you like to improve next time?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
None of the work fair share of the work All of the work

PARTNER 1’s NAME: _________________________________

This partner performed:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
None of the work fair share of the work All of the work

PARTNER 2’s NAME: _________________________________

This partner performed:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
None of the work fair share of the work All of the work

PARTNER 3’s NAME: _________________________________

This partner performed:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
None of the work fair share of the work All of the work

PARTNER 4’s NAME: _________________________________

This partner performed:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
None of the work fair share of the work All of the work

Note: If you have any comments concerning this project or suggestions on how to improve the
class, please write them here: ______________________________________________________

To describe activities that took place in the past


NAME __________________________________________ DATE _________ GROUP________


VISUAL Visual aids support Visual aids Visual aids are Visual aids Non Included
AIDS the theme and have little little related to are hard to
have proper size support for the the theme, have understand and/
and color for the theme. Have no proper size or are not related
audience. proper size and and color for the to the theme;
color for the audience. size and color
audience. have difficult
GRAMMAR Uses appropriate Uses His or her The mistakes and Speaks
vocabulary without appropriate grammar grammar errors Spanish
any grammar vocabulary with presents are evident and
mistakes. His or few grammar mistakes but communication is
her sentences are mistakes. he or she not accomplished.
according to the communicates.
learning objects.
PRONUNCIATION Excellent Pronounces Pronounces with The pronunciation Only Read/
pronunciation. fairly well. errors or is not is poor and Speaks
understandable unclear. Spanish
from time to time.
FLUENCY Is able to Is able to Is able to Is not able to Only Read/
communicate communicate express ideas, communicate Speaks
ideas in an fluently, with stopping to recall ideas, mixing both Spanish
excellent manner, just some words. languages.
without hesitation. hesitations.
PROJECT. ESSAY OR Turns in on Turns in on Turn in but Poor quality, Not Delivered
WRITTEN TEXT time, with an time, according missing some missing most of
excellent quality to the requirements. the requirements.
according to the requirements.

CG 4: Listens, interprets and develops proper messages in different contexts using appropriate
means, codes, and tools.
4 3 2 1

CG 9: Participates with a civic and ethic consciousness in the community, region, Mexico and the
whole world’s life.
4 3 2 1

Block III


Decide honestly according to each affirmative sentence, the description and evaluation of your own learning
Student’s name:
Date: 3rd. Block Observations
If you answer is No,
Competences performance indicators Always Sometimes Never
analyze the reasons.
I attend on time to all my classes.
I follow the instructions to do the exercises.
I Participate with a constructive and collaborative attitude
asking when the topic is not understood.
I answer the exercises provided in the book.
I Contribute with ideas in oral and written forms.
I am able to evaluate honestly my own performance.
I read the lessons and texts searching for new
meanings and words.
I am able to establish links between new and old
grammatical forms and integrate new words.
I have an interest in learning by my own using the internet.
I work collaboratively with my classmates.
I feel I have improved my English with this block.
I can communicate better and more confidently.

Decide honestly according to each affirmative sentence, the description and evaluation of one of your
classmates learning process.
Peer evaluation
Student’s name: Evaluator:
Date: 3rd. Block Observations
If you answer is No,
Competences performance indicators Always Sometimes Never discuss the reasons
with him or her.
He or she attends on time to all the classes.
He or she follows the instructions to do the exercises.
He or she participates with a constructive and collaborative
attitude asking when the topic is not understood.
He or she answers the book exercises
He or she contributes with ideas in oral and written forms.
He or she is able to evaluate honestly his or her own
He or she reads the lessons and texts searching for new
meanings and words.
He or she is able to establish links between new and old
grammatical forms and to learn new words.
He or she has interest in learning by his own or her
instance using internet.
He or she works with classmates collaboratively
He or she has improved her or his English.
He or she can communicate better and more confidently.

Block IV

Block IV

Block IV

Student´s performances to be demonstrated upon completion:

The student must:

• Ask and answer in an oral and written form, about the home and school duties inherent to
his or her own age.
• Ask and give instructions in familiar contexts and is able to distinguish between a formal
request and an informal one.
• Identify and understand specific information in an oral and written form, about the different
home duties or activities that similar youngsters do in different cultural settings.
• Use phrasal verbs and modals to make requests and give instructions.

Generic Competences:
CG4 Listen, interpret and develop proper messages in different contexts using appropriate tools,
codes, and media.
CG8 Participate and collaborate in a effective way in different teams.
CG10 Maintain a respectful attitude towards multiculturalism and diversity of beliefs, values, ideas
and social practices, when describing his or her classmates´ activities.

Disciplinary Competences:
CD1 Identify and interpret the general idea and possible development of an oral and written message
in a foreign language, using their previous knowledge with the new one about domestic duties, and
school activities, in different social environments with people of his or her own age.
CD4 Produce texts based on the normative use of language, considering the situation, communicative
intention, and formal language elements such as punctuation, spelling, syntax, coherence, and
CD11 Communicate in a foreign language using a logical speech, oral and written form, according
to the communicative situation.
CD12 Use self-learning strategies, through information technologies and communication to acquire
and identify proper ways of command and the use of modals according to the social, communicative
situation, and the status of the receiver.

Learning objects:

• Phrasal verbs
• Modals in requesting or asking : may, can, could

To request and give instructions

Learning activities:

Alex has found some dialogues in a novel in English in which some sentences contain some verbs
consisting of two words, but Alex cannot figure out the meaning. Some of them are commands,
requests and instructions that he does not understand very well, so he asks his sister about them.
Susana explains to his brother Alex the difference between common verbs and two words verbs
and some of their different meanings.

How can you distinguish a regular verb of one of this type, called two-word verbs? How can you tell
a verb from regulating an idiomatic expression (also called a two-word verb)?

1. Carefully read the list of verbs that appear in the box.

A combination of verb and preposition is called a PHRASAL VERB:


Apologize for give up prepare for
ask about grow up study for
ask for look for talk about
belong to look forward to think about
bring up look up trust in
care for make up work for
find out pay for worry about

1. With the vocabulary that you already know, try to interpret each word in the list and give it a
meaning in your own language.
2. Compare and share with your classmate until you have the meaning of the list of two-word verbs.
3. Write some sentences with the phrasal verbs of the previous chart in which you give an order,
ask directions, or request for something and write them down in your notebook.
4. Read your sentences to a classmate, and try to interpret them.

Clarify your doubts with your teacher and discuss in class if the meanings are the real ones.


Phrasal verbs are mainly used in spoken English and informal texts. (The more formal a conversation
or text, the less phrasal verbs are found.)

Phrasal verbs consist of a verb and a particle (preposition, adverb). The particle can change the
meaning of the verb completely. For example:

• look up – consult a reference book (look a word up in a dictionary)

• look for – seek (look for her ring)
• look forward – anticipate with pleasure (look forward to meeting someone)

There are no rules that might explain the meaning of phrasal verbs. All you can do is look them up
in a good dictionary and study their meanings.

Block IV

Position of the Particle:

In some cases the particle is placed either after the verb or after the object. Example:

• Write down the word

• Write the word down

If the object is a pronoun, however, the particle has to be placed after the pronoun (object). Example:

• Write it down.
• Your photo album. Put it down
• Your jacket. Take it off
Mohammed Rhalmi. (2006).Phrasal Verbs 6 de junio, de myenglishpages Sitio web:

single-word verb look direct your eyes in You must look before
a certain direction you leap.
multi-word phrasal verb look up search for and find You can look up my
verbs information in a number in the
reference book telephone directory.
prepositional verb look after take care of Who is looking after
the baby?
phrasal-prepositional look forward to anticipate with I look forward to
verb pleasure meeting you.

The two most important things to remember about Phrasal verbs are;
1.- Each one has a different meaning according to the context. You have to analyze and use them
carefully. The preposition or adverb changes completely the meaning of each one.

2.- English speakers use them in almost any sentence. You will hear them constantly; you have
to be able to distinguish them in order to communicate.


Ask the students to bring magazines, scissors, glue, and white paper or carton paper. This will
be necessary for the next activity. OPTIONAL do a power point presentation and share it to your

Work team and writing skills:

Ask them to work in groups of 3-4 per team. They are going to review and analyze the 16- pages
list that alphabetically enlists and describes 200 two word verbs.

The teacher explains that they have to choose an image that represents one phrasal verb. They are

To request and give instructions

going to represent a minimum of 15 phrasal verbs per team.

They have to write down the sentence next to the image.

Ask them to not choose the easiest ones. Motivate them to be curious and learn new vocabulary.
Tell them to sociabilize the meaning in order to represent them correctly


Phrasal Verb Meaning
Back away! move backwards, away from something frightening or dangerous
Back off! (slang – rude) stop bothering or threatening someone
Back up! move backwards; step backwards; drive backwards
Bear down! push or press down hard
Bend down! lean over and forward; lean down
Bend over! lean forward from the waist
Breathe in! take a breath in; take air into the lungs
Breathe out! take a breath out; push air out of the lungs
Brighten up! be cheerful; be happier
Buckle down! start working, studying, or doing something else seriously
Buddy up! find a partner
Bugger off! (slang – rude) Go away!
Butt out! (slang -- rude) don’t interfere
Buzz off! (slang – rude) Go away!
Calm down! relax, don’t be angry, don’t be upset, don’t be worried
Carry on! keep doing what you were doing
Cheer up! be happier; don’t be sad
Chill out! relax; don’t be upset or angry
Clean up! clean yourself or your surroundings
Close down! close a shop or business so it is not operating
Come back! return to where you were
Come down! move down off something high come south
Come on! (encouraging someone) do what I am telling you to do
(not believing someone) I don’t believe you
(rushing someone) move faster
Come in! enter a closed space
Come out! leave a closed space
Come over! come to my house; come to where I am
Come up! move to a higher place
Cool down! Relax; don’t be upset or angry
Cover up! put on more clothes
Double up! form pairs because space or resources are limited
Dream on! (slang) I don’t think what you have just said will happen
Drink up! finish your drink

Block IV

Eat up! finish your food

Fess up! (slang) confess / admit what you did; tell the truth about what you did
Finish up! finish what you have been doing
Fuck off! (slang – very, very rude) Go away!
Gather around! make a group and come together in one place
Gear up! get ready to do something
Get away! move away; run away; escape
Get down! come down from a high place
Get in! go inside something, like a car or bus
Get off! go out of something, like a bus or train
Get on! climb on board something moving or about to start moving, like a train
Get out! (slang – rude) Leave this place! (used when angry at someone)
Get up! become awake; don’t sleep
Give up! stop doing what you’re doing
give yourself to the police or authorities
Go around! move to where you need to go by passing some obstacle instead of going
Go away! leave the place where you are
Go back! return to where you were
Go on! continue what you were saying
Grow up! behave in a mature way; don’t act like a child
Hang on! wait
hold tight
Hang up! end the phone call
Hold on! waithold this tight or you might fall
Hurry up! do whatever you are doing quickly, whether it’s physical or mental
Keep away! stay away; do not go near
Keep out! stay outside; do not enter
Lace up! tie your shoelaces; put on your shoes
Lay off! (slang – rude) stop doing something that bothers someone
Lie down! put your body in a horizontal position; relax on a bed or sofa
Lighten up! cheer up; don’t be so serious or worried
Line up! make or form a line
Listen up! listen carefully
Loosen up! (slang) relax; don’t be so stressed
Move along! keep moving; don’t stop in this spot
Move back! move to a place in the back
Move forward! move to a place in the front
Move on! continue your life; go on with your life
Open up! Open the door!
Perk up! cheer up; don’t be sad
Press on! keep doing what you need to do; don’t give up
Pull back! move backward

To request and give instructions

Quieten down! stop being noisy

Queue up! Make or form a line
Saddle up! Get ready to ride a horse by putting the saddle on the horse
Scoot over! (slang) move to make space for someone else
Stand up! stand
Shut up! (slang – rude) be quiet; stop talking
Sit down! sit; be seated
Sit up! sit straight in your chair, bed, etc.
Smarten up! become more intelligent and aware of what’s happening around you
Speak up! talk louder
Speed up! move faster
Stand up! stand
Stay away! don’t go near
Straighten up! stand straight; do not bend
Stretch out! lie down comfortably
Sum up! summarize
Take off! leave fast
Tidy up! clean the place; put things in the right places
Turn back! go backwards
Turn over! move your body so that the other side faces up
Wait up! wait for me to catch up with you
Wake up! don’t sleep anymore; become awake
Walk away! leave a difficult situation
Walk out! leave a situation because you do not approve of something
leave someone (leave a relationship)
Watch out! be very careful
Work away! continue working
Write back! reply to a letter or email
Rebecca (2008). Phrasal Verbs. 9 de marzo, de engvid english-resourse Sitio web


Choose the right preposition or adverbial particle.

1. She tried ________ her new dress 2. Be sure to get ________ the bus in
and found it all right. front of the hospital.
a) up a) in
b) on b) to
c) in c) off
d) off d) up

Block IV

3. The plane takes ________ very late 4. I was looking ________ my neighbor’s
at night. dogs when I found some money.
a) up a) for
b) out b) after
c) over c) between
d) off d) at

5. Don’t take ________ your coat. 6. He’s looking ________ his little sister.
it’s too cold. We are putting ours. a) on
a) on b) after
b) over c) about
c) off d) towards
d) out

7. Put your hat ________ and 8. I’m calling him ________ this evening.
come with us for a walk. a) up
a) over b) to
b) up c) on
c) on d) at
d) down

9. I’m looking these words ________ in 10. Will you be in if I call you ________ at
a dictionary. I don’t know what they mean. dinner time?
a) through a) in
b) up b) on
c) after c) at
d) about d) up

11. She should look ________ the baby 12. Someone turned the water ________
better, even if she doesn’t care. while I was having a shower.
a) after a) up
b) through b) over
c) for c) off
d) over d) on

13. You can sit ________ for a while. 14. I can look ________ myself. I don’t
I know you are tired. need any help.
a) in a) about
b) on b) after
c) back c) for
d) over d) of

15. They got ________ the bus and walked away.

a) on
b) out
c) off
d) outside

To request and give instructions

A- Complete the sentences with the verbs bellow.
look go turn break take get
1. I have invited all my friends to the party but I don’t know who will _______ up.
2. We usually _______ up early to go jogging in the morning.
3. Many bands _______ up even though they are successful.
4. George decided to _______ up golf.
5. _______ up the company’s phone number in the yellow pages.
6. The cost of living will continue to _______ up.

B- Fill in the blanks with the suitable particle.

After on over up(x3) into along Down by
1. She stopped working to look _______ the kids.
2. He took _______ jogging after his doctor told him to get some exercise.
3. We are best friends because we get _______ very well.
4. he applied for the job but he was turned _______.
5. I was in the neighbourhood, so I decided to come _______ to see how you were doing.
6. I ran _______ my English teacher at the cinema last night.
7. He didn’t turn _______ for class today.
8. They had been going out for a couple of years before they broke _______.
9. His real intention was to take _______ the company.
10. He has put _______ a lot of weight sine he quit smoking.

C .Replace the underlined expressions by a phrasal verb.

Took off looking forward get along took in came across

gets up ran after come up go away looking for

1. The flight to Paris departed on time.

2. I’m anticipating my holiday with pleasure.
3. The policeman chased the thief who had stolen my phone.
4. We are trying to find a good place to eat.
5. They are trying to think of a solution.
6. This medicine should make the pain disappear.
7. He usually oversleeps and gets out of bed late.
8. She deceived me with her story.

Block IV

9. I have a good relationship with my parents.

10. John found his ex-girlfriend by change in the park.

D. Complete each sentences with a suitable form of the phrasal verbs

in the box.

1. I know things seem bad, but life must _____________.

2. I _____________ a pair of jeans and a green t-shirt yesterday. check out
3. Guests must _____________ by 12:00 p.m. go on
4. I’m _____________ seeing John and Janet again, aren’t you? call back
5. All passengers tried to _____________ at the same time. have on
6. I’m afraid Mr Thompson isn’t here. Can you _____________ later? settle down
7. I’m going to travel to America before _____________ and starting look for
a family. slow down
8. The tree growth _____________ by the lack of rain. look forward to
9. Before I began writing, I _____________ my ideas. write down
10. Where have you been? We’ve been _____________ for check in
you everywhere.


A. You are going to listen to Juanita White reading her instructions on how to avoid internet
addiction. What advice do you think she will give?

B. Now listen again and answer these questions:

1. What’s the average time for a person to be on the internet every day?
2. What percentage of people are addicted?
3. Firstly, what should you check?
4. What should you look for to get you away from your computer?
5. What should you do if your internet use is affecting your normal daily life?
6. How can a friend help?
7. What software does she recommend?

C. In pairs answer the following questions:

1. Did you guess Juanita’s advice correctly?
2. Do you have any better advice?
3. Do you or your partner have a problem with internet addiction?
4. Do you think is a national problem?

• Reading Activity 4
A. Read the article. Find phrasal verbs that mean the following:
1. developed, invented ___________________________________________________________
2. complete the missing information _________________________________________________
3. try to discover the location of ____________________________________________________

To request and give instructions

4. appears _____________________________________________________________________
5. assume control _______________________________________________________________
6. collect ______________________________________________________________________

Stop Thief!!

A group of students from the University of Saskatchewan in Canada have come up with a remote
control device for protecting your car from theft. It will make all the difference.

Now, you have to go to the nearest police station, report the theft, fill in a whole lot of forms, and
then wait for the police to look for your stolen vehicle. It takes a long time and sometimes the
car never turns up again.

With this new device, all that can change. The device combines cell phones technology and the
electric system in your car. When a thief steals your car all you have to do is send a SMS from
your cell phone to your stolen vehicle. Just a few moments after receiving the message, the car
will stop automatically. It all happens in 30 seconds!! The integrated GPS system locates your
car, and sends a message to you, giving you the exact location. You then call the police and they
take over. They go and pick up your car and with luck, arrest the thief! It’s simply and only cost
700 USD you’ll probably have your car back in just an hour or two!

B. Read the article again and answer these questions:

1. What does the new device do?

2. In the past, what did people have to do before the police help them?
3. What are the disadvantages of the old procedure?
4. How does the new device connect you to your stolen vehicle?
5. How long does the thief have to make his escape?
6. Why does the device need a GPS system?

C. With a partner answer the following questions:

1. Is car theft a problem in your country?

2. What happens when someone steals your car?
3. Can you buy a system like the one described in the article?
4. What is the best way to protect a car?

Adapted from: OXYGEN for DGB, Student’s book 3 MACMILLAN (listening page 57 / reading: 54-55)

Block IV

• Listening Activity 5



Wake up in the ________ feeling like P I’m talking about everybody getting crunk, crunk
Diddy (Hey, what up girl?) Boy’s tryin’ to touch my junk, junk
Grab my glasses, I’m out the door; Gonna smack him if he getting too
I’m gonna hit this _____ (Let’s go) ______________
Before I leave, brush my ______ with
a bottle of Jack Now, now, we goin’ till they kick us out, out
‘Cause when I leave for the night, Or the police shut us down, down
I ain’t coming back Police shut us down, down
Po-po shut us - down
I’m talking pedicure on our toes, toes
Trying on all our _________ (Chorus x2)
Boys blowing up our _________
Drop-topping, playing our favorite CD’s DJ, you build me up
Rollin’ up to the ________ You ______________ me down
Trying to get a little bit tipsy My heart it pounds
Yeah, you got me
Don’t __________, make it pop With my _____________
DJ, blow my speakers up You got me now
Tonight, I’m-a fight You got that sound
Till we see the ____________ Yeah, you got me
Tick-tock on the ___________ DJ, you build me up
But the __________ don’t stop, no (x2) You ____________ me down
My heart it pounds
Ain’t got a care in the world, but got Yeah, you got me
plenty of beer With my ______________
Ain’t got no money in my _________, Put your hands up
but I’m ___________ here Put your hands up
And now the dudes are lining up Now, the party don’t ____________ till I walk in
‘cause they _________ we got swagger
But we kick ‘em to the curb unless (Chorus)
they look like Mick Jagger


Can & Could

Can and could are modal verbs used to make requests. Can is less polite than could. Can is used
to make basic request from a friend or coworker. It is often used for small things.

To request and give instructions


• Can you pass the salt please?

• Could you bring your book tomorrow?
• Can you pass the juice?
• Can you turn off the air conditioner?
• Could you help me with my homework Mr. Johnston?


Would is used to make polite requests in English. The structure is as follows:


• Would you mind closing the door?

• I would like another drink please.
• I would like some help with my math homework please.

Mary Anne. (2003). Modal Verbs.4 de febrero, de learnenglish-online sitio web


Listening Activity 6

A. Listen to a conversation 1 and circle t (true) or f (false). Correct the false sentences.

1. Brenda has a new dress. T F

2. Her friend, Cheryl, wants to put the dress on. T F
3. Brenda has a date on Saturday. T F
4. Cheryl is planning to wear her green leather jacket for her date with Clive. T F
5. Brenda is going to borrow her friend’s silver shoes. T F

B. Listen to conversation then answer the questions.

1. Where is Owen going?

2. Why does he need a car?
3. What’s Owen mom planning to do?
3. What two suggestions does she have for Owen?
4. What promise does Owen make to his father?

Block IV

• Grammar Activity 7

A. Look at these sentences, which two are more formal way to make a request? Underline

A: Can you help me with my zipper at the back please?

B: Sure, of course
A: Could you lend me your dress?
B: Well, OK.
A: Can I borrow your car?
B: Sorry. I’m going out shopping.
A: Could you drive m e to the training session?
B: I’m sorry, I can’t
A: Would you call my wife?
B: I’ll do it right away
A. Could you type out this document?
B: Sure, I can

B. Rewrite these sentences as a request with Can, Could or Would and use affirmative or
negative answers.

1. Lend me your cell phone. ______________________________________________________

2. Pick me up at six. _____________________________________________________________
3. Turn down the music _________________________________________________________
4. Get up early tomorrow. _________________________________________________________
5. Call Jack. ___________________________________________________________________
6. Make an appointment with my dentist. _____________________________________________
7. Book a table for two. ___________________________________________________________
8. Look up the phone number. ______________________________________________________

Adapted from: OXYGEN for DGB, Student’s book 3 MACMILLAN (pages 63-65)

ACTIVITY 8: Choose the correct sentence for these modal verbs for requests.

1. 7.
a) Could you please send me the money? a) Can you pass me my pen?
b) Could you to please send me the money? b) You can pass me my pen?
2. c) Can you pass my pen me?
a) Could you help me? d) Can pass you my pen?
b) Could you to help me? 8.
3. a) She could please email me later?
a) I would liking a drink. b) Could she please email me later?
b) I would like a drink. c) Could please she email me later?
4. d) Could please email me she later?
a) She would like a drink. 9.
b) She would likes a drink. a) I would like go the beach.

To request and give instructions

5. b) I would like to go to the beach.

a) Could you please bring my keys? c) I would like to go the beach.
b) Could you please brought my keys? d) I would to like go to the beach.
6. 10.
a) I can to have another drink? a) Could please you call me tomorrow?
b) I can have another drink? b) Could you call please me tomorrow?
c) Can I have to another drink? c) Could you call me please tomorrow?
d) Can I have another drink? d) Could you call me tomorrow please?

David Ross. (2004).Modal Verbs.17 de mayo, De learnenglish-online sitio web



Subjects are what the sentence is about.

Objects are what is affected by the action of the subject.

• I like orange juice. (I is the subject).

• I read books. (Books is the object as it is receiving the action).

◊ Object pronouns are used instead of nouns, usually because we already know what the
object is. It makes the sentence easier to read and understand and avoids repetition.
We normally use object pronouns after a verb or a preposition.

I like horses. Subject Pronoun
Horses don’t like me. Object Pronoun
We talk to our neighbor. Subject Pronoun
She talks to us. Object Pronoun
They listen to the teacher. Subject Pronoun
We watch them on TV. Object Pronoun

Block IV



1. I can’t see Mary. I can’t see ________ 8. The cat is under the chair.
him she her Can you see __________?
he she it
2. Karen is next to Peter.
Karen is next to ________
he him he 9. Dave can’t swim. Help ________!
him her he
3. Can you help Peter and Ann?
Can you help _______? 10. It’s Kate’s birthday today. This is a
they you them present for ________
she her it
4. Drink your apple juice! Drink ________!
it its your 11. Where are you? I can’t see ________
your you us
5. We are going to the cinema.
Come with ________! 12. The windows are opened. Close
we them us ________
it they them
6. These are my bananas.
You can’t eat ________ 13. I can’t ride a horse. Help ________!
I me it
they them it

7. Carol is at school.
She can’t come with ________
we us they

Steve. (2005) Object Pronouns. 23 de enero, De englishexercises sitio web



A. Chose the correct phrasal verb

1. The teacher’s voice ………………………her thoughts.

a. broke out b. broke down c. broke into d. broke to
2. She has just………………….with her boyfriend.
a. broken up b. broken through c. broken down d. been down
3. Hurry up! The movie starts at 6 and we have to ……………… john on the way.
a. pick in b. pick up c. turn in d. broken to

To request and give instructions

4. My grandpa is a little deaf so he has to ………………the TV volume really loud.

a. turn up b. turn on c. turn in d turn off
5. They ………………………. Their dog everywhere, but they couldn’t find it.
a. look after b. look in c. look for d. look out
6. He is in Miami right now. He ‘ll …………………. On the 17th.
a. come in b. come on c. come into d. come back
7. I’ll find you that address now. ……………………… a minute.
a. hold on b. hold in c. hold off d. hold up
8. Is she writing to Leonardo di Caprio?” “Yes, she is in love with ___!”
a. her b. him c. his d. it
9. John is making a lot of noise!” “I’ll ask ___ to be quiet.”
a. him b. it c. its d. them
10. “Please tell Mrs. Smith to come in.” “Sorry, I don’t know ___.”
a. she b. him c. he d. her
11. “I can’t find my glasses!” “You are wearing ___!”
a. them b. there c. they d. these
12. Why is he always talking about Pamela Anderson?” “He obviously likes ___ !”
a. his b. her c. him d. she
13. “Where is my book? Oh, dear! I’ve lost ___ !”
a. him b. its c. it d. them
14. “Is that Mary’s new boyfriend?” “Don’t ask me, ask ___!”
a. her b. his c. it d. she
15. Teacher, ______________ explain this grammar to me again, please?
a. you may b. could you c. you will d. may you
16. A: _______ you show me how to use this computer software? B: __________. How can I help?
a. Can / I be glad to b. Could / I would happy to c. Can / I’d be glad to
17. Charlotte, ______________ send me the document by email?
a. Would please you b. Would you please c. You could d. she could
18. Student: ________ help me with my homework, please? Teacher: Of course!
a. may you b. Might you c. you please d. Could you
19. Teacher: Marco, ________ erase the blackboard for me? Marco: _________, teacher.
a. you will / Yes, certainly b. Would you please / Yes, of course c. you can / Of course
20. Sandy, ________________ photocopy these letters right away?
a. may you b. do you can c. can you d. Might you

Block IV


OPTION A (power point)

1. Make a power point presentation or a poster in which you describe how other teenagers live,
what are their normal duties, school duties, and daily situations like at what age they get married,
or how do they decide what to study.

2. Make your own collage about what you do daily. Use as many phrasal verbs as you can.

3. Write a brief essay or script. Use as many phrasal verbs as you can. Read the rubric in order to
improve it. Practice in front of a classmate.

4. Then present it to the class.

Please search for any information in particular that you may find about teenagers.

OPTION B (role play)

1. In small groups discuss the different jobs a director might ask a school secretary to do as part
of her job. Make a list of your ideas.

2. Write a conversation one of you is the director and the other the secretary.

3. Act out a formal conversation in which the director is telling the secretary what jobs to do.

4. Then act out the conversation make sure you switch roles so that same person is not the se-
cretary this time.

5. Don’t forget to use modals and object pronouns as well as phrasal verbs.

6. Hand in a report to your teacher.

OPTION C (role play)

1. You are going to write a short dialogue between someone explaining how an electronic
appliance Works and someone who knows nothing about it.

2. In pairs decide on the situation and figure out the details of the conversation.

3. You need to write down your dialogue and give it to your teacher.

4. Act out the conversation in class.

5. make sure to use all the vocabulary previously seen in this unit.

To request and give instructions


NAME __________________________________________ DATE _________ GROUP________

CATEGORY (0.4) (0.3) GOOD (0.2) FAIR (0.1) NEEDS (0) NON
VISUAL Visual aids support Visual aids Visual aids are Visual aids Non Included
AIDS the theme and have little little related to are hard to
have proper size support for the the theme, have understand and/
and color for the theme. Have no proper size or are not related
audience. proper size and and color for the to the theme;
color for the audience. size and color
audience. have difficult
GRAMMAR Uses appropriate Uses His or her The mistakes and Speaks
vocabulary without appropriate grammar grammar errors Spanish
any grammar vocabulary with presents are evident and
mistakes. His or few grammar mistakes but communication is
her sentences are mistakes. he or she not accomplished.
according to the communicates.
learning objects.
PRONUNCIATION Excellent Pronounces Pronounces with The pronunciation Only Read/
pronunciation. fairly well. errors or is not is poor and Speaks
understandable unclear. Spanish
from time to time.
FLUENCY Is able to Is able to Is able to Is not able to Only Read/
communicate communicate express ideas, communicate Speaks
ideas in an fluently, with stopping to recall ideas, mixing both Spanish
excellent manner, just some words. languages.
without hesitation. hesitations.
PROJECT. ESSAY OR Turns in on Turns in on Turn in but Poor quality, Not Delivered
WRITTEN TEXT time, with an time, according missing some missing most of
excellent quality to the requirements. the requirements.
according to the requirements.

CG 4: Escucha, interpreta y emite mensajes pertinentes en distintos contextos, mediante la

utilización de medios, códigos y herramientas apropiados.
4 3 2 1

CG 8: Participa y colabora de manera efectiva en equipos diversos.

4 3 2 1

Block IV


Decide honestly according to each affirmative sentence, the description and evaluation of your own
learning process.
Student’s name:
Date: 4th. Block Observations
If you answer is No,
Competences performance indicators Always Sometimes Never
analyze the reasons.
I attend on time to all my classes.
I follow the instructions to do the exercises.
I Participate with a constructive and collaborative attitude
asking when the topic is not understood.
I answer the exercises provided in the book.
I Contribute with ideas in oral and written forms.
I am able to evaluate honestly my own performance.
I read the lessons and texts searching for new
meanings and words.
I am able to establish links between new and old
grammatical forms and integrate new words.
I have an interest in learning by my own using the internet.
I work with my classmates collaboratively
I feel I have improved my English with this block.
I can communicate better and more confidently.

Decide honestly according to each affirmative sentence, the description and evaluation of one of your
classmates learning process.
Peer evaluation
Student’s name: Evaluator:
Date: 4th. Block Observations
If you answer is No,
Competences performance indicators Always Sometimes Never discuss the reasons
with him or her.
He or she attends on time to all the classes.
He or she follows the instructions to do the exercises.
He or she participates with a constructive and collaborative
attitude asking when the topic is not understood.
He or she answers the book exercises
He or she contributes with ideas in oral and written forms.
He or she is able to evaluate honestly his or her own
He or she reads the lessons and texts searching for new
meanings and words.
He or she is able to establish links between new and old
grammatical forms and to learn new words.
He or she has interest in learning by his own or her
instance using internet.
He or she works with classmates collaboratively
He or she has improved her or his English.
He or she can communicate better and more confidently.

To request and give instructions


Kirn, E. & Jack, D. (1996) A communicative Grammar. Interactions one. Tercera Edición. México,
D. F. Editorial: McGraw-Hill.
Marjorie Fuchs. (1996) Focus in Grammar. Level 3. Pearson Education, USA. Editorial Pearson
Spratt, M. & Pulverness, A. & Williams, M. (2011) The TKT course. Segunda edición. New York,
USA. Editorial: Cambridge English.
MissTN. (2012). Zero Conditional. 05 abril, de SLCOLLECTIVE Sitio web: https://en.islcollective.
Jungok Bae. (2000). The Travel Agency. 09 de abril, de Grammar Teaching Plan Sitio web: http://
ElisendaAf . (2013). What do you know about Superstitions in Britain?. 16 de marzo, de SLCO-
LLECTIVE Sitio web: https://en.islcollective.com/
Angela Llanas Libby Williams. (2012). Oxygen New Edition. México, D.F.: MACMILLAN.
H. Q. Mitchell. (2010). Traveler Elementary A1.2. U.S.A: mmpublications.
Diane Sharpe, Amanda Johnson Sperry, et al. (1997). Vocabulary Connections Level B. United
States of America: STWCK-VAUGHN.
Dennis Oliver. (2007). Simple Past Tense. 29 de marzo, de Dave´s ESL Cafe Sitio web: http://www.
SPELLING A Key to Good Communication (2015). “ing” ending. 27 de abril, Sitio web: http://litera-
Today In HIstory Sitio web: http://www.silberstudios.tv/blog/2014/06/nurse-in-iconic-times-square-
Mohammed Rhalmi. (2006).Phrasal Verbs 6 de junio, de myenglishpages Sitio web:http://www.
Rebecca (2008). Phrasal Verbs. 9 de marzo, de engvid english-resourse Sitio web http://www.eng-
Mary Anne. (2003). Modal Verbs.4 de febrero, de learnenglish-online sitio web
David Ross. (2004).Modal Verbs.17 de mayo, De learnenglish-online sitio web http://www.lear-
Steve. (2005) Object Pronouns. 23 de enero, De englishexercises sitio web


Se autodetermina y cuida de sí

1. Se conoce y valora a sí mismo y aborda problemas y retos teniendo en cuenta los

que persigue.
• Enfrenta las dificultades que se le presentan y es consciente de sus valores, fortalezas
y debilidades.
• Identifica sus emociones, las maneja de manera constructiva y reconoce la necesidad
de solicitar apoyo ante una situación que lo rebase.
• Elige alternativas y cursos de acción con base en criterios sustentados y en el marco
de un proyecto de vida.
• Analiza críticamente los factores que influyen en su toma de decisiones.
• Asume las consecuencias de sus comportamientos y decisiones.
• Administra los recursos disponibles teniendo en cuenta las restricciones para el logro
de sus metas.

2. Es sensible al arte y participa en la apreciación e interpretación de sus expresiones

distintos géneros.
• Valora el arte como manifestación de la belleza y expresión de ideas, sensaciones y
• Experimenta el arte como un hecho histórico compartido que permite la comunicación
entre individuos y culturas en el tiempo y el espacio, a la vez que desarrolla un sentido
de identidad.
• Participa en prácticas relacionadas con el arte.

3. Elige y practica estilos de vida saludables.

• Reconoce la actividad física como un medio para su desarrollo físico, mental y social.
• Toma decisiones a partir de la valoración de las consecuencias de distintos hábitos de
consumo y conductas de riesgo.
• Cultiva relaciones interpersonales que contribuyen a su desarrollo humano y el de
quienes lo rodean.

Se expresa y se comunica

4. Escucha, interpreta y emite mensajes pertinentes en distintos contextos mediante la

utilización de medios, códigos y herramientas apropiados.
• Expresa ideas y conceptos mediante representaciones lingüísticas, matemáticas o
• Aplica distintas estrategias comunicativas según quienes sean sus interlocutores, el
• en el que se encuentra y los objetivos que persigue.
• Identifica las ideas clave en un texto o discurso oral e infiere conclusiones a partir de
• Se comunica en una segunda lengua en situaciones cotidianas.
• Maneja las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación para obtener información
y expresar ideas.

Piensa crítica y reflexivamente

5. Desarrolla innovaciones y propone soluciones a problemas a partir de métodos

• Sigue instrucciones y procedimientos de manera reflexiva, comprendiendo como cada
uno de sus pasos contribuye al alcance de un objetivo.
• Ordena información de acuerdo a categorías, jerarquías y relaciones.
• Identifica los sistemas y reglas o principios medulares que subyacen a una serie de
• Construye hipótesis y diseña y aplica modelos para probar su validez.
• Sintetiza evidencias obtenidas mediante la experimentación para producir conclusiones
y formular nuevas preguntas.
• Utiliza las tecnologías de la información y comunicación para procesar e interpretar

6. Sustenta una postura personal sobre temas de interés y relevancia general, considerando
otros puntos de vista de manera crítica y reflexiva.
• Elige las fuentes de información más relevantes para un propósito específico y
discrimina entre ellas de acuerdo a su relevancia y confiabilidad.
• Evalúa argumentos y opiniones e identifica prejuicios y falacias.
• Reconoce los propios prejuicios, modifica sus puntos de vista al conocer nuevas
evidencias, e integra nuevos conocimientos y perspectivas al acervo con el que cuenta.
• Estructura ideas y argumentos de manera clara, coherente y sintética.

Aprende de forma autónoma

7. Aprende por iniciativa e interés propio a lo largo de la vida.

• Define metas y da seguimiento a sus procesos de construcción de conocimiento.
• Identifica las actividades que le resultan de menor y mayor interés y dificultad,
reconociendo y controlando sus reacciones frente a retos y obstáculos.
• Articula saberes de diversos campos y establece relaciones entre ellos y su vida
• Trabaja en forma colaborativa
8. Participa y colabora de manera efectiva en equipos diversos.
• Propone maneras de solucionar un problema o desarrollar un proyecto en equipo,
definiendo un curso de acción con pasos específicos.
• Aporta puntos de vista con apertura y considera los de otras personas de manera
• Asume una actitud constructiva, congruente con los conocimientos y habilidades con
los que cuenta dentro de distintos equipos de trabajo.

Participa con responsabilidad en la sociedad

9. Participa con una conciencia cívica y ética en la vida de su comunidad, región,

México y el mundo.
• Privilegia el diálogo como mecanismo para la solución de conflictos.
• Toma decisiones a fin de contribuir a la equidad, bienestar y desarrollo democrático
de la
• sociedad.
• Conoce sus derechos y obligaciones como mexicano y miembro de distintas
comunidades e instituciones, y reconoce el valor de la participación como herramienta
para ejercerlos.
• Contribuye a alcanzar un equilibrio entre el interés y bienestar individual y el interés
general de la sociedad.
• Actúa de manera propositiva frente a fenómenos de la sociedad y se mantiene
• Advierte que los fenómenos que se desarrollan en los ámbitos local, nacional e
internacional ocurren dentro de un contexto global interdependiente.

10. Mantiene una actitud respetuosa hacia la interculturalidad y la diversidad de

valores, ideas y prácticas sociales.
• Reconoce que la diversidad tiene lugar en un espacio democrático de igualdad de
dignidad y derechos de todas las personas, y rechaza toda forma de discriminación.
• Dialoga y aprende de personas con distintos puntos de vista y tradiciones culturales
mediante la ubicación de sus propias circunstancias en un contexto más amplio.
• Asume que el respeto de las diferencias es el principio de integración y convivencia en
los contextos local, nacional e internacional.

11. Contribuye al desarrollo sustentable de manera crítica, con acciones responsables.

• Asume una actitud que favorece la solución de problemas ambientales en los ámbitos
local, nacional e internacional.
• Reconoce y comprende las implicaciones biológicas, económicas, políticas y sociales
del daño ambiental en un contexto global interdependiente.
• Contribuye al alcance de un equilibrio entre los intereses de corto y largo plazo con
relación al ambiente.

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