Demanda de Rosas - Table 7 - 6 de Gujarati

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Estadísticas de la regresión
Coeficiente de 0.91361881
Coeficiente d 0.83469933
R^2 ajustad 0.77459
Error típico 969.874387
Observacione 16

Grados de libertad
Suma de cuadrados
Promedio de los cuadradosF Valor crítico de F
Regresión 4 52249136.4 13062284.1 13.8863512 0.00028054
Residuos 11 10347219.6 940656.327
Total 15 62596356

Coeficientes Error típico Estadístico t Probabilidad Inferior 95% Superior 95%

Intercepción 10,816.04 5988.34844 1.80618135 0.0982963 -2364.22279 23996.3093
Variable X 1 (2,227.70) 920.465717 -2.42019265 0.03399528 -4253.63574 -201.772977
Variable X 2 1,251.14 1157.02064 1.08134734 0.30267935 -1295.44407 3797.72647
Variable X 3 6.28 30.621656 0.20518114 0.84117813 -61.1148242 73.6807967
Variable X 4 (197.40) 101.561228 -1.94365452 0.07795526 -420.934695 26.1348162
Inferior 95.0%
Superior 95.0%
-2364.22279 23996.3093
-4253.63574 -201.772977
-1295.44407 3797.72647
-61.1148242 73.6807967
-420.934695 26.1348162
Table 7.6
Demand for Roses
YEAR = Year and Quarter
Y = Quantity of RosesSold, Dozens
X2 = Average WholesalePrice ofRoses, $Per Dozen
X3 = Average WholesalePrice ofCarnations, $ Per Dozen 14.452
X4 = Average Weekly Family Disposable Income, $ Per Week 15.816
X5 = Trend Variable Taking Values of 1, 2, and so on, for the Period
1971.3 to1975.3in the Detroit Metropolitan Area

YEAR Y X2 X3 X4 X5
1971.3 11484 2.26 3.49 158.11 1
1971.4 9348 2.54 2.85 173.36 2
1972.1 8429 3.07 4.06 165.26 3
1972.2 10079 2.91 3.64 172.92 4
1972.3 9240 2.73 3.21 178.46 5
1972.4 8862 2.77 3.66 198.62 6
1973.1 6216 3.59 3.76 186.28 7
1973.2 8253 3.23 3.49 188.98 8
1973.3 8038 2.6 3.13 180.49 9
1973.4 7476 2.89 3.2 183.33 10
1974.1 5911 3.77 3.65 181.87 11
1974.2 7950 3.64 3.6 185 12
1974.3 6134 2.82 2.94 184 13
1974.4 5868 2.96 3.12 188.2 14
1975.1 3160 4.24 3.58 175.67 15
1975.2 5872 3.69 3.53 188 16

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