Plan Anual Uera BS Inglés 2020-21
Plan Anual Uera BS Inglés 2020-21
Plan Anual Uera BS Inglés 2020-21
N.º 1 EFL 4.1.10. Recognize and appreciate − A weekly journal entry W rite the numbers 1, 2, 3 in the Learners can appreciate and Adapted file.
RESOLVING individual and group similarities and about a cross-cultural circles next to each section show respect for individual and Materials you
CONFLICTS ALLOWS differences by establishing and experience. ………… To conclude, group differences by establishing have.
ME TO LIVE IN PEACE maintaining healthy and rewarding − Reading a text and ………… In addition, and maintaining healthy and
AND HARMONY. online and face-to face relationships answering information ……….... First, rewarding online and face-to-
based on communication and questions. face interactions REF
cooperation. − Reading for skimming and Write a paragraph correctly, use like (I.EFL.4.5.1.). (J.3, S.1,
EFL 4.2.3. Follow and understand short, for scanning. Short news a tick the colors. S.4)
straightforward audio messages and/or article and completing an Learners can follow and
the main idea/dialogue of a movie or outline. Making a poster Record yourself saying the understand short straight
cartoon (or other age-appropriate for a school campaign to descriptions you wrote in the forward spoken audio texts set in
audio-visual presentations) if delivered increase awareness exercise #1. Then send it to your familiar contexts when the
slowly and visuals provide contextual about animal cruelty. teacher by WhatsApp or e-mail. message is delivered slowly and
support. (Example: an announcement of − Present Simple (Review) there is other contextual
a bus delay, an intercom announcement support. (Example: rules for a
at school, a dialogue supported by facial − yes/no questions Wh- Write 2 sentences about it using the game, classroom instructions, a
expressions/gestures and appropriate questions adjectives that you found in the text dialogue in a scene from a
intonation, etc.) EFL 4.2.6. Use other − Present Continuous in the exercises. cartoon or movie, etc.) Learners
students’ contributions in class as − Past Continuous can use other classmate’s
models for their own. − Determiners and Write questions for the answers contributions in class as models
EFL 4.3.1. Understand main points in Gerunds: ing forms given below. Write a WH-question for their own. REF (I.EFL.4.7.1.)
short simple texts on familiar subjects. − Strong Adjectives and for each answer. Use the charts to (I.2, I.3, S.4)
(Example: news about sports or famous Adverbs guide you. I.EFL.4.11.1. Learners can
people, descriptions, etc.) − Simple present and understand main ideas and some
EFL 4.3.2. Make use of clues such as continuous Express you feeling details in short simple online or
titles, illustrations, organization, text − Verbs + infinitive / ing print texts on familiar subjects,
outline and layout, etc. to identify and − Past Tense-Regular and using contextual clues to help
understand relevant information in Irregular identify the most relevant
written level-appropriate text types. information. (Example: title,
− Question forms
EFL 4.4.1. Convey information and ideas illustrations, organization, etc.)
− Phrasal verbs
through simple transactional or (I.2, I.4)
expository texts on familiar subjects I.EFL.4.15.1. Learners can convey
using ICT tools and conventions and information and ideas and
features of English appropriate to describe feelings and opinions in
audience and purpose. simple transactional or
EFL 4.4.4. Write to describe feelings/ expository texts on familiar
opinions in order to effectively influence subjects in order to influence an
an audience. (Example: persuade, audience, while recognizing that
negotiate, argue, etc.) different texts have different
EFL 4.4.5. Recognize that various types features and showing the ability
of writing require different language, to use these features
formatting and special vocabulary. appropriately in one’s own
(Example: a recipe, a letter, etc.) writing. (I.3, I.4, S.3, J.2)
N.º 2 EFL 4.2.1. Understand phrases and − Possessive adjectives. Write three sentences comparing a Learners can grasp the general Adapted file.
FOR A HEALTHY expressions related to areas of most − Future: be going to and big city with a small town in the meaning of spoken texts set in Materials you
ENVIRONMENT, AN immediate priority within the personal present continuous. countryside. familiar everyday contexts and have.
AWARENESS OF LIFE and educational domains, provided Modals: have to and infer changes in the topic of
AND THE speech is clearly and slowly articulated. must. Analyze the next questions: Do you discussion. REF. (I.EFL.4.6.1.) (I.3,
ENVIRONMENT (Example: daily life, free time, school − Quantifiers; Some/any; a remember some stories you heard S.1, J.4)
activities, etc.) few/many; as a child? Can you tell one? Learners can communicate
EFL 4.2.5. Understand most changes in − A lot of, a few/a little. personal information and basic
the topic of discussion if people speak − Do vs. Make immediate needs in simple terms
slowly. − Past Simple and using grammatical structures
continuous. and vocabulary seen in class
EFL 4.2.2. Use a series of phrases and − Relative clauses Read the blog post about a teen (although there may and /
sentences to describe aspects of − Present perfect who tells us an interesting story. frequent basic errors) REF.
personal background, immediate − Simple past vs.present (I.EFL.4.8.1.) (I.1, I.2, I.3, S.1)
environment and matters of immediate perfect Observe the use of simple past (-ed) Learners can employ a range of
need in simple terms using grammatical − Listening for general and and past continuous (was/were reference materials and sources,
structures learnt in class (although there specific information +ing). both online and in print, in order
may be frequent errors with tenses, − Communicate needs and to select ideas, answer inquiries,
personal pronouns, prepositions, etc.) information clearly in Answer the questions from the find relationships and relate
EFL 4.3.5. Use everyday reference simple terms. story about Rosie ideas between different subject
material in order to select information − Reading a text in a areas. REF. (I.EFL.4.12.1.) (I.1, I.2,
appropriate to the purpose of an inquiry familiar content area J.2)
Write a sequence of activities you
and relate ideas from one written subject. Learners can use and make
did this morning. Use the simple
source to another. − Compare and contrast simple learning resources, both
past, past continuous, and
EFL 4.3.7. Read, gather, view and listen information. online and in print, in order to
sequence connectors to tell your
to information from various sources in − Researching and writing a compare and contrast
order to organize and discuss short paragraph about a information. REF. ( I.EFL.4.16.1.)
relationships between academic new topic and using (I.1, I.3, I.4, J.2, J.4)
Observe the use of simple past (-ed)
content areas. (Example: nonfiction appropriate references to and past continuous (was/were
books for young adults, the Internet, support your ideas. +ing).
audio and media presentations, oral
interviews, maps, diagrams, reference
books, magazines, etc.) Write a sequence of activities you
EFL 4.4.2. Make and use a simple print did this morning. Use the simple
or digital learning resource to compare past, past continuous, and
and contrast information in order to sequence connectors to tell your
demonstrate understanding and story.
command of a topic.
N.º 3 EFL 4.1.2. Recognize and demonstrate − Creating a poster about Scan the text quickly and answer I.EFL.4.2.1. Learners can name Adapted file.
an appreciation of some commonalities environment the questions: Where can people similarities and differences Materials you
RESPONSIBLE and distinctions across cultures and − Clothing enjoy time with family? When you between different aspects of have.
DECISIONS TAKE CARE groups (differentiated by gender, − Grocery shopping are sick, where can you go? cultural groups. Learners can
OF MY PLANET ability, generations, etc.) including the − Modals (would like, demonstrate socially responsible
students own. would rather) Analyze tips about quantifier behaviors at school, online, at
EFL 4.1.9. Recognize the consequences − Preposition of time home and in the community, and
of one’s actions by demonstrating − Wh questions (How Write an advertisement for evaluate their actions by ethical,
responsible decision-making at school, much-how many) hometown, use some quantifiers safety and social standards. (J.3,
online, at home and in the community, − Comparatives and listed above (50-60 words). S.1, I.1)
while considering ethical standards, superlatives Learners can communicate
personal information and basic
safety concerns, social norms and − Weather report (simple Read the story again and complete immediate needs in simple terms
mutual respect." past/present perfect) the following ideas from the text. using grammatical structures
EFL 4.2.2. Use a series of phrases and − Advice on recycling Use connectors to explain the and vocabulary seen in class
sentences to describe aspects of − Prepositional phrases sequence of the ideas. (although there may and /
personal background, immediate − Predictions about future frequent basic errors) REF.
environment and matters of immediate − Travel Plans Write a paragraph about your (I.EFL.4.8.1.) (I.1, I.2, I.3, S.1)
need in simple terms using grammatical − Studying careers dream vacation. Don’t forget to I.EFL.4.9.1. Learners can use
structures learnt in − Professions include an introduction, a body, and simple language to describe,
class (although there may be frequent a conclusion. (20-40 words) compare and state facts about
errors with tenses, personal pronouns, familiar everyday topics such as
prepositions, etc.) possessions, classroom objects
EFL 4.2.11. Give short, basic descriptions and routines in short, structured
of everyday activities and events within situations, interacting with
familiar contexts and use simple relative ease. (I.3, I.4, S.4)
descriptive language to compare and Learners can use and make
make brief statements about objects simple learning resources, both
and possessions. (Example: family, online and in print, in order to
school, living conditions, personal compare and contrast
belongings, etc.) information. REF. (I.EFL.4.16.1.)
EFL 4.4.2. Make and use a simple print (I.1, I.3, I.4, J.2, J.4)
or digital learning resource to compare Learners can create short,
and contrast information in order to original texts in different genres,
demonstrate understanding and including those that reflect
command of a topic. Ecuadorian cultures, using a
EFL 4.5.4. Create personal stories by range of digital tools, writing
adding imaginative details to real-life styles and appropriate
stories and situations, using appropriate vocabulary. (I.EFL.4.20.1. ) (I.1,
vocabulary and elements of the I.3)
literature learners have read or heard.
N.º 4 Seek and provide information and − Give and ask for Color the digital devices on which Learners can demonstrate an Adapted file.
assistance, orally or in writing and in information Facebook is available ability to give and ask for Materials you
WEAVING TOGETHER online interactions, for personal, social − Phrases and expression information and assistance using have.
KNOWLEDGE TO and academic purposes. REF EFL 4.1.6. related to history, List two positive and two negative level-appropriate language and
BUILD A BETTER EFL 4.2.1. Understand phrases and technology, science and effects of technology interaction styles in online. REF
WORLD expressions related to areas of most art. I.EFL.4.4.1. (J.2, J.3, J.4, I.3)
immediate priority within the personal − Countries and cities. Write three sentences about things Learners can grasp the general
and educational domains, provided − Means of transportation that you and other people you know meaning of spoken texts set in
speech is clearly and slowly articulated. − Technological and familiar everyday contexts and
electronic devices infer changes in the topic of
(Example: daily life, free time, school − Creator, creations/ have done during the pandemic. discussion.REF. (I.EFL.4.6.1.) (I.3,
activities, etc.) inventions / inventors Use the present perfect. S.1, J.4)
EFL 4.3.6. Apply learning strategies to − Historical facts Learners can apply learning
examine and interpret a variety of − Present perfect Read carefully about Grammar Tips strategies such as using prior
written materials using prior − Conditionals from Present Perfect and Time knowledge and graphic
knowledge, graphic organizers, context − Use of some and any. adverbs: Just / Yet / already. organizers to interpret new
clues, note taking and finding words in a − How much and how many information in a text. REF.
dictionary. (countable and Make many exercises (I.EFL.4.13.1) (I.2, I.4, J.4)
EFL 4.4.7. Use the process of prewriting, uncountable Learners can convey and
drafting, revising, peer editing and − Writing texts. organize information through
Answer the questions based on the
proofreading (i.e., “the writing the use of facts and details and
letter above
process”) to produce well-constructed by employing various stages of
informational texts. the writing process. REF. (
Talk about the advantages and
EFL 4.5.4. Create personal stories by I.EFL.4.17.1.) (I.1, I.3, S.4, J.2, J.4)
disadvantages about reading in the
adding imaginative details to real-life Learners can create short,
digital age using the chart from
stories and situations, using appropriate original texts, including those
question #1. Send an audio
vocabulary and elements of the that reflect Ecuadorian cultures,
recording to your teacher.
literature learners have read or heard. using a range of digital tools,
writing styles, appropriate
vocabulary and other concepts.
REF I.EFL.4.20.1. (I.1, I.3)
N.º 5 − Health care Read the text and answer the Learners can demonstrate an Adapted file.
ACT, ACTIVATE AND Use suitable vocabulary, expressions, − Healthy habits question: What tense is used in ability to give and ask for Materials you
BE PART OF language and interaction styles for − Medicine each sentence? information and assistance using have.
PERSONAL CHANGE formal and informal social situations in − Diseases/ illness level-appropriate language and
order to communicate specific − Modals (could, might, Read and analyze the following interaction styles in online or
intentions in online or virtual may, should, must) grammar tip: When you express a virtual social and classroom
interactions. (Example: thanking, − Professions and general condition and the result of interactions.REF I.EFL.4.4.1. (J.2,
making promises, apologizing, asking occupational places that condition, you use: J.3, J.4, I.3)
permission, chatting with friends, − Adjectives -Synonyms / Learners can use simple
answering in class, greeting an authority antonyms If + presente tense (conditional), language to describe, compare
figure, etc.) REF EFL 4.1.8. − Second and third present tense (result) and state facts about familiar
EFL 4.2.12. Describe habits, routines, conditional everyday topics in short,
past activities and experiences within − There is / There are structured situations, interacting
Example: If I am tired, I sleep.
the personal and educational domains. review with relative ease.REF
EFL 4.3.7. Read, gather, view and listen I.EFL.4.9.1. (I.3, I.4, S.4)
− Prepositions of place The position of the clauses does not
to information from various sources in Learners can employ a range of
− Regular /irregular plural change the meaning.
order to organize and discuss reference materials and sources,
relationships between academic both online and in print, in order
content areas. (Example: nonfiction − Reading: Skimming and Example: I sleep if I am tired to select ideas, answer inquiries,
books for young adults, the Internet, scanning (mystery and find relationships and relate
audio and media presentations, oral Superstitions) Do not use comma to separate the ideas between different subject
interviews, maps, diagrams, reference − Ghosts/ paranormal two clauses if the result clause is areas. REF. ( I.EFL.4.12.1.) (I.1,
books, magazines, etc.) activities/ witches first as in the last example. I.2, J.2)"
EFL 4.4.4. Write to describe feelings/ − Unreal world Learners can convey information
opinions in order to effectively influence − Relative clauses (Which Answer questions: What is the and ideas and describe feelings
an audience. (Example: persuade, and that) Mafalda cartoon about? Have you and opinions in simple
negotiate, argue, etc.) − Articles: a / an, the, and seen it? transactional or expository texts
Make use of main points in texts zero article. on familiar subjects in order to
(authentic and semi-authentic, oral and − Accidents and influence an audience. REF
written) to understand short simple emergencies e.g. bump I.EFL.4.15.1. (I.3, I.4, S.3, J.2)
everyday stories, especially if there is your head, pass out. Learners can understand literal
visual support. REF EFL 4.5.1. − Future tense predictions meanings in short, simple,
and intentions with “will” everyday literary texts (online,
and plans with “going to. oral or in print), especially when
− Reported questions and visual support is provided. REF.
requests. (I.EFL.4.18.1.) (I.2, I.3, I.4)
− Modals of deduction:
N.º 6 − Adjectives, adverbs, Identify similarities and differences Learners can compare and Adapted file.
ECUADOR MY EFL 4.1.1. Compare and contrast oral vocabulary and fill in the Venn diagram. contrast oral traditions, myths, Materials you
GREATEST WEALTH traditions, myths, folktales and − Imperatives folktales and literature from have.
literature from Ecuador and − National celebrations Interview your friend online or Ecuador and other cultures. Ref
international regions and cultures and − Food, Music and Clothing through WhatsApp. (I.EFL.4.1.1.)(I.2, S.1, S.2, J.1)
identify similarities and differences and − Local festivities I.EFL.4.10.1. Learners can
universal cultural themes. − Feelings Record it and send it to your effectively participate in familiar
EFL 4.2.14. Ask and answer − Infinitives and gerunds teacher. and predictable everyday
straightforward follow-up questions − Expressions of time conversational exchanges in
within familiar contexts, such as school − Adverbs of degree order to complete a task, satisfy
Write an email to a friend describing
and family life, provided there are a need or handle a simple
− Using also to give your favorite video game. If you
opportunities to ask for clarification, transaction, using a range of
additional information. don’t play video games, describe
reformulation or repetition of key repair strategies. (Example:
− Using so to describe a your favorite game
points. asking for clarification, etc.) (I.3,
EFL 4.3.1. Understand main points in J.3, J.4)
− Places and feelings, e.g. Read the text about Jefferson
short simple texts on familiar subjects. I.EFL.4.11.1. Learners can
breathtaking, shelter. Leonardo Pérez Quezada. understand main ideas and some
(Example: news about sports or famous − Fiction/ nonfiction Answer the questions based on the details in short simple online or
people, descriptions, etc.) characters reading print texts on familiar subjects,
EFL 4.4.7. Use the process of prewriting, − Modals of deduction: using contextual clues to help
drafting, revising, peer editing and past -ing forms. Read about Otavalo. identify the most relevant
proofreading (i.e., “the writing − Participle clauses. information. (Example: title,
process”) to produce well-constructed − Phrasal verbs with get, Choose the correct option. There illustrations, organization, etc.)
informational texts. e.g. get back, get through. may be more than one (I.2, I.4)
EFL 4.5.6. Create an effective voice using − Negative prefixes. Learners can convey and
a variety of ICT tools, writing styles and − Compound adjectives organize information through
typical features of a genre to create ending in -ing, e.g. eye- the use of facts and details and
stories, poems, sketches, songs and catching, record-breaking by employing various stages of
plays, including those that reflect the writing process. REF.
traditional and popular Ecuadorian (I.EFL.4.17.1.) (I.1, I.3, S.4, J.2,
cultures. J.4)
Learners can create short,
original texts in different genres,
including those that reflect
Ecuadorian cultures, using a
range of digital tools, writing
styles, appropriate vocabulary.
REF I.EFL.4.20.1. (I.1, I.3)
N.º 7 EFL 4.1.10. Recognize and appreciate − Life events Write one advantage and one Learners can appreciate and Adapted file.
individual and group similarities and − Simple present disadvantage for each age show respect for individual and Materials you
I LIVE IN SOCIETY, differences by establishing and − Short news article and according to the text about life group differences by have.
DIVERSITY AND maintaining healthy and rewarding completing an outline. stages. establishing and maintaining
EQUALITY online and face-to face relationships − Describing a place healthy and rewarding online
based on communication and − Advertising city Write a short description of your life and face-to-face interactions
cooperation. as a teenager using the adjectives (Ref. Ref. I.EFL.4.5.1.).
and SIMPLE PRESENT to describe
EFL 4.4.4. Write to describe feelings/ how you feel and how challenging it
opinions in order to effectively is.
influence an audience. (Example:
persuade, negotiate, argue, etc.) Make a list of five popular tourist
places that you have heard of.
EFL 4.3.2. Make use of clues such as
titles, illustrations, organization, text
outline and layout, etc. to identify and
understand relevant information in write a slogan such as “All you need
written level-appropriate text types is Ecuador.”