Evidencia 7 Compliance With Foreign Law
Evidencia 7 Compliance With Foreign Law
Evidencia 7 Compliance With Foreign Law
Ficha: 2104856
Tariff Rate: Un arancel es el tributo que se aplica a todos los bienes que son
objeto de importación.
El más frecuente es el impuesto que se cobra sobre las importaciones, mientras
los aranceles sobre las exportaciones son menos corrientes; también pueden
existir aranceles de tránsito que gravan los productos que entran en un país con
destino a otro.
Mixtas: cuando las licitaciones sean de las llamadas mixtas los licitantes a su
elección podrán participar de manera presencial o electrónica en todos los actos
de la licitación.
Perfomance bonds: bonos de desempeño.
To be able to export, every American company must know the laws that may
influence its export. For this reason, it is the duty of the exporter not only to rely on
the information that can be obtained from the client but to know the foreign law
The wrong information obtained by an exporter may have the consequence of not
importing your product or that the resale is not profitable for this reason it is
necessary to have clear requirements such as
Foreign customs laws: some countries have rules such as quantity of products
entering their country, customs duties according to the tariff classification,
antidumping confirmation. If these rules are violated, fines such as twice the
value of the merchandise, five times the value of this or confiscantions as in
china may occur.
Declarative sentence
Every american company must know the laws that can influence its export
Imperative sentence
Conditional sentence
PDFCOFFEE. (s.f.). Obtenido de https://pdfcoffee.com/evidencia-7-compliance-