Resumen de Tesis
Resumen de Tesis
Resumen de Tesis
Alejandro Enrique Lainez Sotomayor
Jose Luis Silva Martinez
Facultad de Economía y Negocios (FEN)
Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL)
Campus Gustavo Galindo, Km 30.5 Vía Perimetral
Apartado 09-01-5863. Guayaquil, Ecuador.
Director de Tesis, ESPOL, Ing. Patricia Valdiviezo
The project is based on the investment of a company that will dedicate to distribute consumer products
whose production is made by the company Pronaca S.A. who is in charge of the entire process of
production of different products which we will mention later to their general knowledge. Highly sought
by households, such as chicken, sausages, packaged goods such as smoked pork chops and ribs,
various pork products, seafood of all types, processed products such as breaded chicken, chicken
nuggets, beef and chicken burgers, these are some examples in relation to meat products. Our other line
is the dry goods such as rice, canned foods like beans, sweet corn and our last line is eggs.
These are some of the products that our company plans to distribute in an already established sector with
a fixed demand, sector to which only our company has the rights to make this commercial transaction
upon prior agreement with Pronaca S.A. From this we want to have a business opportunity that will
allow us to fulfill a dream of young entrepreneurs and improve our lifestyle, our collaborators will
generate employment, production and encourage and support the food industry.
Keywords: The project is based on the investment of a company that will dedicate to distribute consumer
Perspectiva de la Investigación
Las posibles amenazas son el ingreso de nuevos Se puede considerar como sustituto de los productos
participantes como Pollos Oro, Avícola Fernández y la que venderemos como el pollo a las carnes de res o
Española que introducirá al mercado de productos de mariscos, productos enlatados tales como el atún y la
similares características a los nuestros. sardina, que se encuentran disponibles en el mercado.
Capital de trabajo
TIR 15.86%