39 - Bakery Dictionary
39 - Bakery Dictionary
39 - Bakery Dictionary
English Spanish
a [before a feminine noun] una
a [before a masculine noun] un
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Más vale pájaro en mano que cien volando.
A different life from this one. Una vida diferente de esta.
a few unos
a film of oil una película {f} de aceite
a finely tuned engine una máquina {f} bien ajustada
a glass of water un vaso de agua
a hole five meters deep [Am.] un agujero {m} de cinco metros de profundidad
a long time ago hace mucho tiempo
a lot un montón
a quarter past y cuarto
a quarter to menos cuarto
a week today de hoy en ocho días
aardvark cerdo {m} hormiguero [Orycteropus afer]
aardvark oricteropo {m} [Orycteropus afer]
to abandon sb./sth. abandonar a-algn/algo
abbey abadía {f} [convento]
abbot abad {m}
abbreviation abreviatura {f}
to abdicate (sth.) abdicar (algo)
abdomen abdomen {m}
abdomen vientre {m} [cavidad]
abdominal abdominal
abdominal pain {sg} dolores {m.pl} abdominales
abduction secuestro {m}
aberrant aberrante
ability facultad {f} [talento]
ability habilidad {f}
ability [aptitude] aptitud {f}
ability [capacity] capacidad {f}
ability {sg} dotes {f.pl}
to abjure sth. abjurar algo
aboard a bordo
to abolish sth. abolir algo
abolition abolición {f}
abortion aborto {m}
abortion aborto {m} intencionado
abortive abortivo
about acerca de
about aproximadamente
about de
about en torno a
about sobre
about [surrounding] alrededor de
about a ten minute walk a unos diez minutos a pie
about forty times una cuarentena de veces
about ten days unos diez días
above por encima de
above sobre
above all por encima de todo
above all sobre todo
abroad en el extranjero
to abrogate sth. abrogar algo
abruptly súbito
abscess absceso {m}
to absorb sth. absorber algo
to abstract sth. abstraer algo
abstraction abstracción {f}
abundant abundante
to abuse sb./sth. abusar de algn/algo
abused abusado
abyss abismo {m}
abyssal abisal
to accelerate (sth.) acelerar (algo)
accent acento {m}
accent [of voice] tonada {f} [tonillo]
accent [of voice] tonillo {m}
to accent sth. acentuar algo
to accentuate sth. acentuar algo
to accept sth. aceptar algo
to accept sth. reconocer algo [admitir]
acceptable aceptable
acceptance aceptación {f}
accident accidente {m}
to acclaim sb./sth. aclamar a-algn/algo
to accommodate sb. albergar a algn
accommodation alojamiento {m}
accompaniment acompañamiento {m}
to accompany sb./sth. acompañar a-algn/algo
to accomplish sth. realizar algo
according to según
accordion acordeón {m}
accordion filarmónica {f} [mex.] [acordeón]
account cuenta {f}
accountant contable {m}
accountant contador {m}
accountant [female] contable {f}
accounting contabilidad {f}
accredited acreditado
to accumulate sth. acaudalar algo
acetate acetato {m}
to ache doler
ache dolor {m}
to achieve sth. conseguir algo
to achieve sth. [goal, aim] alcanzar algo
to achieve sth. [goal, aim] hacer algo realidad
to achieve sth. [goal, aim] lograr algo
to achieve sth. [goal, aim] obtener algo
acid ácido {m}
English Spanish
baby bebé {m}
baby-sitter niñera {f}
to babysit hacer de baby sitter
to babysit hacer de canguro [esp.]
back espalda {f}
back [of a seat] respaldo {m} [de asiento]
back then a la sazón
back then en aquel entonces
back then en aquel tiempo
back then en aquella época
back then por aquel entonces
back tooth muela {f}
to back up [data] hacer copias de respaldo
backbone [spine] espina {f} [espina dorsal]
backbone [spine] espinazo {m}
backpack mochila {f}
backstage de bastidores
backstage entre bastidores
backstage tras bambalinas
backstreet abortion aborto {m} clandestino
backstroke [swimming] espalda {f} [natación]
backwards hacia atrás
bacon bacon {m}
bacteria bacteria {f}
bacterial bacteriano
bacterium bacteria {f}
bad mal
bad malo
bad deed, misdemeanour fechoría
bad manners malas maneras {f.pl}
bad manners malos modales {m.pl}
bad manners malos modos {m.pl}
bad weather intemperie {f} [mal tiempo]
bad-mannered maleducado
badger tejón {m}
badly mal
bagel rosquilla {f}
baggage bagaje {m}
baguette baguette {f}
Bahamas Bahamas {f.pl}
Bahrain Bahréin {m}
to bake sth. cocer algo al horno
to bake sth. hornear algo
baked cocido en el horno
baked fish pescado {m} al horno
baker panadero {m}
bakery panadería {f}
baking [of cakes, desserts] repostería {f}
baking tray bandeja {f} de horno
balance [account statement] estado {m} de (la) cuenta
balance [equilibrium] equilibrio {m}
balcony balcón {m}
bald calvo
bald man calvo {m}
bald-headed calvo
Balearic Islands Islas {f.pl} Baleares
ball [large] balón {m}
ball [small] pelota {f}
ballerina bailarina {f}
ballet ballet {m}
balsamic vinegar vinagre {m} balsámico
balustrade barandilla {f}
bamboo bambú {m}
banana banana {f}
banana guineo {m} [cent.] [carib.]
banana plátano {m}
banana tree banano {m}
band banda {f}
bandage venda {f}
bandage [for a wound or injury] vendaje {m}
bang estallido {m}
Bangladesh Bangladesh {m}
to banish sb./sth. desterrar a-algn/algo
banister barandilla {f}
bank banco {m}
bank entidad {f} bancaria
banner estandarte {m}
banner [flag] bandera {f}
bap [Br.] bollo {m}
to baptize sb. bautizar a algn [acristianar, denominar]
bar counter barra {f}
bar mitzvah bar mitzvah {m}
bar stool taburete {m}
Barbados Barbados {m}
barbecue barbacoa {f}
barbecue parrilla {f}
barbecue [grill] barbacoa {f}
barbecue sauce salsa {f} de barbacoa
barber barbero {m}
barefoot descalzo
barium bario {m}
bark corteza {f}
to bark ladrar
barley cebada {f}
barman camarero {m}
barn granero {m}
barn hórreo {m}
barter trueque {m} [cambio]
basalt basalto {m}
base base {f}
English Spanish
cab taxi {m}
caballero caballero {m}
cabbage col {f}
cabbage repollo {m}
cabin cabaña {f}
cable cable {m}
cactus cactus {m}
cadaver cadáver {m}
cadmium cadmio {m}
caesarean section cesárea {f}
café cafetería {f}
cafetière cafetera {f} de émbolo
caffeine cafeína {f}
cage [container] jaula {f}
cake dulce {m}
cake pastel {m}
cake torta {f}
cake shop pastelería {f}
cake tin molde {m} para bizcocho
calamitous calamitoso
calamity calamidad {f}
calcareous calcáreo
calcified calcificado
calcite calcita {f}
calcium calcio {m}
calcium tablet supplements suplemento {m} de calcio en tabletas
to calculate sth. calcular algo
calculator calculadora {f}
calendar almanaque {m}
calendar calendario {m}
calf ternero {m}
calf [Sura] pantorrilla {f}
calf bone [fibula] peroné {m}
californium californio {m}
call llamada {f}
to call (sb.) [telephone] llamar (a algn) [por teléfono]
to call (sb.) [telephone] telefonear (a algn) [col.]
to call sb. llamar a algn
Call them! ¡Llámalos!
calm tranquilidad {f}
calm tranquilo
to calm down tranquilizarse
calmly tranquilamente
Cambodia Camboya {f}
camel camello {m}
camembert queso {m} camembert
camera cámara {f}
Cameroon Camerún {m}
camisole camisola {f}
camomile tea manzanilla {f} [infusión]
camouflage camuflaje {m}
to camp acampar
camp campamento {m}
campaign campaña {f}
campari campari {m}
camping site camping {m}
camping; camp site acampada {f}
can [Am.] lata {f} [envase]
can opener [Am.] abrelatas {m}
Can we agree on a date for the next meeting? ¿Podemos acordar una fecha para la próxima reunión?
Can you help me? ¿Me puede ayudar?
Can you help me? [informal] ¿Puedes ayudarme?
Canada Canadá {m}
Canadian canadiense
Canadian canadiense {m}
Canadian [female] canadiense {f}
canapé canapé {m}
canary canario {m}
to cancel sth. anular algo
to cancel sth. cancelar algo
cancellation anulación {f}
cancellation contrapartida {f}
cancer cáncer {m}
cancerous canceroso
candelabra candelabro {m}
candidate candidato {m}
candidate [female] candidata {f}
candied fruit fruta {f} escarchada
candies dulces {m.pl}
candle bujía {f}
candle candela {f}
candle vela {f}
candy [Am.] caramelo {m} [esp.]
candy [Am.] golosina {f}
canine colmillo {m}
cannon cañón {m}
canoe cayuco {m}
canoe piragua {f} [embarcación]
canoeing piragüismo {m}
cantaloupe melón {m} de cáscara rasposa
canteen comedor {m}
canyon cañón {m}
cap gorra {f} [am.]
cap gorro {m}
capability capacidad {f} [habilidad]
Cape Town Ciudad {f} del Cabo
Cape Verde Cabo {m} Verde
caper alcaparra {f}
capital [principal city] capital {f}
capital {sg} fondos {m.pl}
English Spanish
dad [coll.] papá {m} [col.]
daffodil narciso {m}
dagger daga {f}
dagger puñal {m}
daily a diario
daily diariamente
daily [each day] diario
dairy lechería {f}
dairy [food group] lácteos {m.pl}
daisy margarita {f}
damage daño {m}
to damage sth. dañar algo
damn [blasted] maldito
Damn it! ¡Maldita sea!
Damn! ¡Demonios!
damp húmedo
dance baile {m}
dance danza {f}
to dance (sth.) bailar (algo)
dancer bailador {m}
dancer [female] bailadora {f}
dancer [female] bailarina {f}
dancer [masculine] bailarín {m}
dandelion diente {m} de léon
dandelion diente {m} de león
dandruff caspa {f}
danger peligro {m}
dangerous peligroso
dangerousness peligrosidad {f}
Danish danés
to dare to do sth. atreverse a hacer algo
dark oscuro
dark [skin, hair] moreno [piel, pelo]
dark blue azul oscuro
dark-haired moreno
dark-skinned negro
darkroom cuarto {m} oscuro
darmstadtium darmstadtio {m}
to darn sth. zurcir algo
darnel cizaña {f}
database base {f} de datos
date dátil {m}
date [calendar] fecha {f}
date of birth fecha {f} de nacimiento
date palm datilera {f}
daughter hija {f}
daughter-in-law nuera {f}
dawn amanecer {m}
day día {m}
day after day día tras día
day laborer [Am.] jornalero {m}
day labourer [Br.] jornalero {m}
day of the week día {m} de la semana
day off asueto {m}
day off día {m} libre
daydream ensueño {m}
to daydream soñar despierto
to dazzle sb./sth. deslumbrar a-algn/algo
dead muerto
dead man muerto {m}
dead woman muerta {f}
deadline fecha {f} límite
deadly mortal
deaf sordo
deal negocio {m}
to deal with sb./sth. tratar a-algn/algo
dearth carestía {f} [escasez]
death muerte {f}
death certificate partida {f} de defunción
death sentence pena {f} de muerte
deathbed lecho {m} de muerte
debate debate {m}
to debate sth. discutir algo
debris desecho {m}
debt deuda {f}
decade década {f}
deceased difunto
to deceive sb. engañar a algn
deceiver [liar] embustero {m}
deceiver [liar] [female] embustera {f}
December diciembre {m}
to decide (sth.) decidir (algo)
deciduous tree árbol {m} de hoja caduca
to decipher sth. descifrar algo
decision decisión {f}
decision resolución {f} [decisión]
deck [ship] cubierta {f}
deckchair tumbona {f}
declaration declaración {f}
to decline decaer
to decline deteriorar
to decline [decrease] decrecer
to decline [diminish] disminuir
decorated cupcakes panquecitos {m.pl} decorados
decoration decoración {f}
decorous decoroso
to decrease decrecer
to decrease venir a menos
to decrease [decline] declinar
to decrease (sth.) disminuir (algo)
English Spanish
e-commerce comercio {m} electrónico
each cada
each other el uno al otro
eager entusiasmado
eagle águila {f}
ear oreja {f}
ear lobe lóbulo {m}
ear of sweet corn mazorca de maíz {m} dulce
ear, nose and throat department otorrinolaringología {f}
eardrum tímpano {m}
earflap [of a hat] orejera {f}
early temprano
early morning [after midnight, before dawn] madrugada {f} [después de medianoche]
early morning [dawn] madrugada {f} [amanecer]
to earn sth. ganar algo [sueldo]
to earn sth. valer algo [ganar]
earring arete {m} [am.]
earring aro {m} [sur.]
earring caravana {f} [uru.]
earring pendiente {m} [esp.]
earring zarcillo {m}
earth almond [Cyperus esculentus] chufa {f}
earth orbit órbita {f} terrestre
earthalmond chufa {f} [Cyperus esculentus]
earthenware dish cazuela {f} de barro
earthing [Br.] toma {f} de tierra
earwax cerilla {f}
earwax cerumen {m}
ease comodidad {f}
ease facilidad {f}
ease [comfort] confort {m}
easily fácilmente
east este {m}
East Germany Alemania {f} Oriental
East Timor Timor {m} Oriental
Easter Pascua {f}
Easter Semana {f} Santa
eastern del este
easy fácil
easy cook de fácil cocción
to eat (sth.) comer (algo)
to eat dinner cenar
eau de cologne agua {f} de colonia
eaves {pl} alero {m}
ecologic [ecological] ecológico
ecological ecológico
economic económico
economical económico
ecstasy [also illegal drug] éxtasis {m} [tambien droga ilícita]
ectoplasm ectoplasma {m}
Ecuador Ecuador {m}
eczema eccema {m}
edam queso {m} de bola
edge borde {m}
edge canto {m}
edge margen {m}
edible mushroom seta {f} comestible
to edifiy sth. edificar algo
Edinburgh Edimburgo {m}
edition edición {f} [conjunto de ejemplares]
editor redactor {m} [en periódico]
editor [female] redactora {f} [en periódico]
to educate sb. dar clases a algn
to educate sb. educar a algn
to educate sb. maestrar a algn
educated [learned] culto
educational didáctico
educational educativo
educational pedagógico
eerie espeluznante
effect efecto {m}
effect [consequence] consecuencia {f}
effect [impression] impresión {f}
to effect sth. efectuar algo
effervescence efervescencia {f}
effervescent efervescente
effervescent tablet comprimido {m} efervescente
efficiency eficacia {f}
effort esfuerzo {m}
egg huevo {m}
egg cup huevera {f}
egg-cup huevera {f}
Egypt <.eg> Egipto {m}
Egyptian egipcio
Egyptian vulture alimoche {m} [Neophron percnopterus]
eight ocho
eight hundred ochocientos
eighteen dieciocho
eighty ochenta
einsteinium einstenio {m}
either ... or o ... o
ejaculatory duct conducto {m} seminal
El Salvador El Salvador {m}
elaborate elaborado
elaboration elaboración {f}
elbow codo {m}
to elect sb. elegir a algn [por votación]
election {sg} elecciones {f.pl} [evento]
electric eléctrico
electric heater estufa {f} eléctrica
English Spanish
fable fábula {f}
fabric tela {f}
to fabricate sth. fabricar algo [fig.]
fabulous fabuloso
face cara {f}
face pack mascarilla {f}
face powder {sg} polvos {m.pl} compactos
facial limpieza {f} de cutis
to facilitate sth. facilitar algo
fact hecho {m} [realidad, verdad]
factious sedicioso
factiously sediciosamente
faded; worn marchito
to fail fracasar
to fail perder [Col., rpl.]
to fail salir mal
to fail (sth.) no pasar (algo)
to fail (sth.) suspender (algo)
to fail sb./sth. reprobar a-algn/algo [mex.]
to fail sth. jalar algo [col.] [Perú]
to fail sth. ser reprobado en algo
to fail; to break down; to die before one's time malograrse
failure fracaso {m}
to faint desmayarse
fair justo
fair [hair, skin] claro [pelo, piel]
fair-skinned blanco
fairy hada {f} [takes m. article in sg.]
fairy godmother hada {f} madrina
fairy tale cuento {m} de hadas
faith fe {f}
faithful [to] fiel
falcon falcón {m}
falcon halcón {m}
Falkland Islands Islas {f.pl} Malvinas
Falklands Islas {f.pl} Malvinas
to fall caer
to fall caerse
fall caída {f}
fall [Am.] otoño {m}
to fall asleep dormirse
to fall asleep quedarse dormido
to fall in love enamorarse
to fall in love with sb. enamorarse de algn
Fallopian tube trompa {f} de Falopio
false falso
false note [when singing] gallo {m}
to falsify sth. falsificar algo
fame fama {f}
family familia {f}
family line [lineage] linaje {m} familiar
famous célebre
fan [male] hincha {m}
fan [to move air] abanico {m}
to fan (sb./sth.) abanicar (a-algn/algo)
fantastic chevere [col.] [carib.]
fantastic fantástico
far lejano
far (away) lejos
far from lejos de
faraway alejado
farewell despedida {f}
farm chacra {f} [Cono Sur, Perú]
farm estancia {m} [RPl]
farm granja {f}
farm rancho {m} [Méx]
farm [country estate] cortijo {m} [Esp]
farm [large] fundo {m} [Chile]
farm [ranch] hacienda {f}
farmer agricultor {m}
farmyard corral {m}
Faroe Islands Islas {f.pl} Feroe
fart [vulg.] pedo {m} [vulg.]
to fascinate sb. fascinar a algn
fascist fascista {m} {f}
fashion moda {f}
to fast ayunar
fast rápido
fast asleep completamente dormido
fast, quick veloz
to fasten sth. [tie / button up] abrochar algo
fat grasa {f}
fat [thick] gordo
fat free sin grasa
fatal mortal
fate destino {m}
fate signo {m} [destino]
fate suerte {f}
fateful funesto
father padre {m}
father-in-law suegro {m}
fatigue cansancio {m}
fatty grasiento
faucet [Am.] grifo {m}
fault culpa {f}
fault falla {f}
fault falta {f}
faulty defectuoso
faulty [workmanship] imperfecto
fauna fauna {f}
English Spanish
Gabon Gabón {m}
gadolinium gadolinio {m}
gain aumento {m}
gain beneficio {m}
gain lucro {m}
gain [profit] ganancia {f}
gain [profit] interés {m}
to gain access to sth. acceder a algo [lugar]
to gain sth. ganar algo
to gain weight aumentar de peso
to gain weight engordar
gale vendaval {m}
galena galena {f}
Galician gallego
gall bladder vesícula {f} biliar
galleon galeón {m}
gallery galería {f}
gallium galio {m}
Gambia Gambia {f}
game carne {f} de caza
game juego {m}
gander ganso {m}
gang mara {f} [cent.] [pandilla]
gang pandilla {f}
gaping boquiabierta
garage garaje {m}
garbage [Am.] basura {f}
garbage [Am.] residuo {m}
garbage bin [Am.] cubo {m} de la basura
garden jardín {m}
garden flower flor {f} cultivada
garden hose manguera {f} [de riego]
garden path camino {m} del jardín
garden pea guisante {m}
gardener jardinero {m}
gardening [flowers] trabajo {m} en el jardín
garlic [Allium sativum] ajo {m}
garlic press prensaajos {m}
garter liga {f}
gas pipeline gasoducto {m}
gas station [Am.] estación {f} de servicio
gas station [Am.] gasolinera {f}
gasket junta {f}
to gasp gañir
to gasp jadear
gastronomy gastronomía {f}
gatekeeper cancerbero {m} [fig.]
Gaul [male] galo {m}
gauze gasa {f}
gay [coll.] [homosexual] marica {m} [col.]
gazelle gacela {f}
gazpacho [cold soup from tomatoes, cucumber and peppers etc.] gazpacho {m}
gel gel {m}
gem joya {f}
general strike huelga {f} general
generalism generalismo {m}
generally generalmente
generation [begetting act] generación {f}
generation [progeny] generación {f}
generator generador {m}
generous [liberal, lavish] generoso
Geneva Ginebra {f}
genitals genitales {m.pl}
gentleman caballero {m}
genuine genuino
Georgia Georgia {f}
geranium geranio {m}
German alemán
German alemán {m}
German [female] alemana {f}
German [male] alemán {m}
germanium germanio {m}
Germany Alemania {f}
gesture ademán {m}
gesture gesto {m}
to get a divorce divorciarse
to get angry enfadarse
to get angry enojarse
to get away from sb./sth. zafarse de algn/algo
to get dirty mancharse
to get divorced divorciarse
to get dressed vestirse
to get excited alborotarse
to get flustered atolondrarse
to get high [coll.] [take drugs] colocarse [col.] [drogarse]
to get ill enfermarse
to get involved in sth. enzarzarse en algo
to get married casarse
to get on / onto / in / into sth. [bus, train etc.] subir a algo [autobús, tren etc.]
to get over sth. superar algo
to get sb. out of bed levantar a algn
to get sick enfermarse
to get sth. conseguir algo
to get sth. recibir algo
to get sth. [obtain] obtener algo
to get sth. down [from upstairs, shelf] bajar algo
to get tiresome cansar [aburrir, hartar]
to get undressed desnudarse
to get up levantarse
to get up early madrugar
English Spanish
habitual habitual
hacksaw sierra {f} para metales
haddock abadejo {m}
haematology [Br.] hematología {f}
haemorrhage [Br.] hemorragia {f}
hafnium hafnio {m}
hair cabello {m}
hair pelo {m}
hair dryer secador {m}
hair dye tinte {m} para el pelo
hair sieve colador {m} extrafino
hairband diadema {f}
hairbrush cepillo
hairdresser peluquero {m}
hairdresser [female] peluquera {f}
hairdresser's shop peluquería {f}
hairpin horquilla {f} [pelo]
hairspray laca {f} (para el pelo)
hairtie goma {f} de pelo
Haiti Haití {m}
hake merluza {f}
half mitad {f}
half step semitono {m}
half-sister hermanastra {f}
halibut mero {m}
hall sala {f}
hall [Am.] pasillo {m}
Halloween día {m} de Halloween
hallucination alucinación {f}
hallway vestíbulo {m}
halogen halógeno {m}
halter [animal's headgear] cabestro {m}
halter-neck con los hombros al aire
ham jamón {m}
hamburger hamburguesa {f}
hamburger rolls panecillos {m.pl} para hamburguesas
hammer martillo {m}
hamster hámster {m}
hand mano {f}
hand rail pasamanos {m}
to hand sth. over / in entregar algo
handbag bolso {m}
handball balonmano {m}
handbrake freno {m} de mano
handcuffs esposas {f.pl}
handicraft artesanía {f}
handkerchief pañuelo {m} [de mano]
handle asa {f}
handle mango {m} [de cuchillo, escoba]
handle puño {m} [mango de pala]
handle [door] manilla {f} [de puerta]
to handle with kid gloves tener entre algodones
handrail pasamanos {m}
handsome guapo [personas]
handsome [usually male] buen mozo [col.]
handwork mano {f} de obra
handy [useful] práctico
to hang (sth.) colgar (algo)
hangar hangar {m}
hanger [clothes hanger] percha {f}
hangover [aftereffects of drunkenness] resaca {f}
hangover [coll.] ratón {m} [ven.] [col.]
to happen acaecer
to happen ocurrir
to happen pasar [ocurrir]
to happen producirse
to happen suceder
to happen tener lugar
happily alegremente
happily dichosamente
happily felizmente
happy feliz
Happy Birthday! ¡Feliz Cumpleaños!
harbinger [fig.] [indicator of things to come] presagio {m}
harbor [Am.] puerto {m}
harbour [Br.] puerto {m}
hard duro
hard cheese queso {m} curado
hard cider [Am.] sidra {f}
hardware store [Am.] ferretería {f}
hardworking laborioso [trabajador]
hare liebre {f}
haricot bean alubia {f} blanca pequeña
harm daño {m}
harm perjuicio {m}
harmful nocivo
harmless inocuo
harmonica armónica {f}
harmonica rondín {m} [Bol.] [Ecu.] [Peru] [armónica]
harness arnés {m}
harp arpa {f}
harpoon arpón {m}
harsh duro
harvest cosecha {f}
hashish chocolate {m} [col.] [hachís]
hashish hachís {m}
hassium hassio {m}
hastily precipitadamente
hat sombrero {m}
hatch compuerta {f}
English Spanish
I yo
I agree with you. Estoy de acuerdo contigo.
I agree. Estoy de acuerdo.
I almost think you are right. Casi pienso que (tú) tienes razón. [fam.sing.]
I almost think you're right. Casi pienso que (ustedes) tienen razón.
I almost think you're right. Casi pienso que teneis razón. [esp.]
I also saw him. Yo lo vi también.
I also want some coffee. También quiero algo de café.
I always believed he / she was innocent. Siempre creí que era inocente.
I am yo soy
I am concerned about ... Me importa ...
I am from Austria. Soy de Austria.
I am looking forward to seeing you. Estoy deseando veros.
I am OK. Estoy bien.
I am sorry! ¡Perdón!
I am sorry. Lo siento.
I angrily walked out of the room. Salí de la habitación enfadado.
I beg your pardon? ¿Cómo dice?
I bet you don't! ¡A que no lo haces!
I can't see clearly without my glasses. No puedo ver con claridad sin mis gafas.
I can't stand him. No puedo lo sufrir.
I certainly do not agree. Ciertamente no estoy de acuerdo.
I come from ... (Yo) vengo de ...
I couldn't care less me importa un higo (familiar)
I couldn't care less. Me importa un bledo. [col.]
I don't care. No me importa.
I don't envy other people. No envidio a nadie.
I don't know. (Yo) no sé.
I don't like him either. A mi tampoco me gusta él.
I don't like him either. Tampoco me gusta él.
I don't like you either. (Tú) tampoco me gustas. [fam.sing.]
I don't like you either. (Usted) tampoco me gusta. [formal, sing.]
I don't like you either. (Ustedes) tampoco me gustan. [formal, plu.]
I don't like you either. (Vosotros) tampoco me gustais. [fam.pl.] [esp.]
I don't think so. No lo creo.
I don't think so. Pienso que no.
I don't understand. No comprendo.
I don't understand. No entiendo.
I get it. [coll.] Entiendo.
I hate arriving late. Me molesta mucho llegar tarde.
I have a family to feed and clothe tengo una familia que vestir y alimentar
I have nothing against them. No tengo queja de él.
I haven't been to the theatre much lately. [Br.] Últimamente no he estado mucho por el teatro.
I haven't got a clue. No tengo ni idea.
I like ... Me agrada ...
I like classical music, but I also like jazz. Me gusta la música clásica, pero también me gusta el jazz.
I like skiing very much. Esquiar me gusta mucho.
I like this apple. Me gusta esta manzana.
I like this red apple. Me gusta esta manzana roja.
I live in ... Vivo en ...
i live in a village vivo en un pueblo
I love beer. Me encanta la cerveza.
I love you! ¡Te amo!
I miss you. Te estraño.
I nearly fell off my bike. Casi me caí de la bicicleta.
I need to see a doctor. Necesito ver a un médico.
I need water. (Yo) necesito agua.
I often get headaches. A menudo tengo dolores de cabeza.
I often go to the theater. Voy a menudo al teatro.
I probably will not be there. Probablemente no estaré allí.
I really hope they come tengo grandes deseos de que vengan
I saw her running along the road. La vi corriendo por la carretera.
I saw him too / as well. Yo lo vi también.
I sent them all presents. Les envié regalos a todos.
I shudder to think what may happen tiemblo de pensar en lo que pueda ocurrir
I stopped believing in all (of) that years ago. Dejé de creer en todo eso hace años.
I tried to calm everyone down intenté aplacar los ánimos de todos
I usually travel in summer. Suelo viajar en verano.
I very much like skiing. Me gusta mucho esquiar.
I walked across the square to the café. Crucé la plaza caminando hasta el café.
I want it. (Yo) lo quiero.
I was looking in the cupboards and I couldn't find it estuve rebuscando en los armarios y no lo encontré
I wasn't allowed to pay for the drinks. No me dejaron pagar las bebidas.
I went there at once. Fuí allí al momento.
I will like it. Me gustará.
I will never understand this. Nunca entenderé eso.
I will see you tomorrow. Le veré mañana.
I worked hard yesterday. Trabajé muy duro ayer.
I wouldn't bet on it. Yo no estaría tan seguro.
I, too, know where he is to be found. (Yo) también sé donde se le ha de encontrar (a él).
I'd like three dozen altogether. Me gustaría tres docenas en total.
I'd like to live somewhere where the sun shines all year long. Me gustaría vivir en algún sitio donde el sol brille todo el año.
I'll see you tomorrow. Te veo mañana. [Te veré mañana.]
I'm a stranger here. No soy de aquí.
I'm absolutely exhausted estoy que me caigo a pedazos inf
I'm afraid that ... Me temo que ...
I'm bad. Soy mal.
I'm bad. Soy malo. [col.]
I'm concerned about sth. me importa / importan algo
I'm hopeful about the future veo el futuro con esperanza
I'm just kidding. Sólo estoy bromeando.
I'm just kidding. Sólo estoy de broma.
I'm nearly as clever as you. Soy casi tan listo como usted. [formal, sing.]
I'm nearly as clever as you. Soy casi tan listo como ustedes.
I'm nearly as clever as you. Soy casi tan listo como vosotros. [esp.]
I'm on my way! ¡Voy para allá!
I'm on my way! ¡Ya voy!
I'm responsible for the corrections estoy a cargo de las correcciones
I'm sick. Estoy mal.
I'm sick. Estoy malo. [col.]
English Spanish
jacket chaqueta {f}
jaguar jaguar {m}
jailer alcaide {m} [carcelero]
jam mermelada {f}
Jamaica Jamaica {f}
January enero {m}
Japan <.jp> Japón
Japanese japonés
jasmine jazmín {m}
jaw maxilar {m}
jaw quijada {f}
jawbone carretilla {f} [con sur]
jaws fauces {f.pl}
jazz jazz {m}
jealous celoso
jealous [of] celoso [de]
jeans pantalones {m.pl} vaqueros
jellyfish medusa {f}
Jersey Jersey {m}
Jerusalem artichoke aguaturma {f}
Jerusalem artichoke alcachofa {f} de Jerusalén
Jerusalem artichoke pataca {f}
Jerusalem artichoke topinambur {m}
Jerusalem artichoke tupinambo {m}
Jew judío {m}
jewel joya {f}
jeweler joyero {m}
jeweler [female] joyera {f}
jewellery [Br.] joya {f}
jewellery [Br.] joyería {f}
jewellery {sg} [Br.] joyas {f.pl}
jewellery box [Br.] joyero {m} [estuche]
jewellery shop [Br.] joyería {f}
jewellery store [Br.] joyería {f}
jewelry [Am.] joya {f}
jewelry [Am.] joyería {f}
jewelry shop [Am.] joyería {f}
jewelry store [Am.] joyería {f}
jigsaw (puzzle) puzle {m}
job empleo {m}
job [task] tarea {f}
jockey jockey {m} [jinete profesional]
jockey yoquey {m} [jinete profesional]
jogging footing {m}
John arrived late. Juan llegó tarde.
John is afraid. Juan tiene miedo.
to join in sth. unirse a algo
to join sth. [put together] juntar algo [unir]
to join together articular
joint articulación {f}
joint asado {m}
joke broma {f} [acción para divertir]
joke chiste {m}
Jordan Jordania {f}
journalism periodismo {m}
journey viaje {m}
joy alegría {f}
joyous alegre
judge juez {m}
judge [female] juez {f}
judge [female] jueza {f}
to judge sb./sth. juzgar a-algn/algo
judgement fallo {m}
judicial judicial
judo judo {m}
jug cántaro {m}
jug jarra {f}
jug jarro {m}
juice jugo {m}
juice zumo {m} [esp.]
juicy jugoso
jukebox gramola {f} [jukebox]
July julio {m}
to jump [up and down] brincar
to jump (over) (sth.) saltar (algo)
junction cruce {m}
junction empalme {m}
junction ramal {m}
June junio {m}
jungle jungla {f}
jungle selva {f}
jurisprudence jurisprudencia {f}
jurist jurista {m}
jurist [female] jurista {f}
jury jurado {m}
just simplemente
just solamente
just solo
just tan solo
just [fair] justo
just (now) justo ahora
Just as you like. Como (tú) quieras.
just in time (justo) a tiempo
just like that así nada más
justice justicia {f}
to justify sth. justificar algo
juvenile delinquency delincuencia {f} juvenil
English Spanish
kale col {f} rizada
kangaroo canguro {m}
karate kárate {m}
kayak cayuco {m}
Kazakhstan Kazajstán {m}
kazoo kazoo {m}
kazoo mirlitón {m}
kebab pincho {m}
to keep in step [dancing] acompasar el paso [bailar]
Keep off the grass! ¡Prohibido pisar el césped!
to keep on doing sth. seguir haciendo algo
to keep sb. warm [with clothes] abrigar a algn [con ropa]
to keep sth. guardar algo
to keep sth. mantener algo
to keep sth. [retain possession] quedarse con algo
to keep watch (on sb./sth.) vigilar (a-algn/algo)
kennel perrera {f}
Kenya Kenia {f}
kernel almendra {f} [semilla]
ketchup ketchup {m}
ketchup salsa {f}
ketone cetona {f}
key clave {f} [fig.]
key llave {f}
key tecla {f}
key tono {m}
Key lime pie pastel {f} relleno de Key lime
key ring llavero {m}
keyboard teclado
keyring llavero {m}
kid [coll.] chico {m}
kid [coll.] crío {m} [col.]
kid [coll.] niño {m}
kidnapping secuestro {m}
kidney riñón {m}
to kill sb. with multiple gunshots matar a balazos a algn
to kill sb./sth. matar a-algn/algo
kilogram kilogramo {m}
kilometer [Am.] kilómetro {m}
kilowatt kilovatio {m}
kilowatt hour kilovatio-hora {m}
kind amable
kinder más amable
kindergarten guardería {f}
kindly amablemente
king rey {m}
king prawn langostino {m}
kingdom reino {m}
kipper arenque {m} ahumado
Kiribati Kiribati {m}
kiss beso {m}
to kiss each other besarse
to kiss sb./sth. besar a-algn/algo
kitchen cocina {f}
kitchen garden huerto {m} [en / para la cocina]
kitchen garden vergel {m} [para verduras]
kitchen knife cuchillo {m} de cocina
kitchen scales {pl} báscula {f} de cocina
kitchenware utensilios {m.pl} de cocina
kiwifruit kiwi {m}
to knead amasar
knee rodilla {f}
to kneel (down) hincarse de rodillas
to kneel down ponerse de rodillas
knickers {pl} bragas {f.pl} [esp.]
knife arma {f} blanca
knife cuchilla {f}
knife cuchillo {m}
knife sharpener afilador {m}
knight [chess] caballo {m} [ajedrez]
knight [Middle Ages warrior] caballero {m}
knob perilla {f} [botón]
to knock golpear [am.]
to knock [at the door] llamar
to knock sth. down [demolish] abatir algo [derribar]
knot nudo {m}
to know saber
to know sb./sth. conocer a-algn/algo
knuckle nudillo {m}
koala koala {m}
kohlrabi colinabo {m}
Koran Corán {m}
krypton kriptón {m}
kumquat kumquat {m}
Kuwait Kuwait {m}
Kyrgyzstan Kirguistán {m}
English Spanish
label etiqueta {f}
labia {pl} labios {m.pl} [de la vagina]
labial labial
laboratory laboratorio {m}
laborer [Am.] obrero {m}
laborer [Am.] trabajador {m}
laborious [Am.] trabajoso
labourer [Br.] obrero {m}
labourer [Br.] trabajador {m}
labourious [Br.] trabajoso
lace encaje {m}
lack carencia {f}
lack carestía {f} [escasez]
lack defecto {m}
lack escasez {f}
lack falta {f}
lack penuria {f}
lack of understanding falta {f} de entendimiento
to lack sth. carecer algo
lacking falto
lactose lactosa {f}
ladder escalera {f}
ladle cucharón {m}
lady dama {f}
ladybird [Br.] mariquita {f}
ladybug [Am.] mariquita {f}
lake lago {m}
lamb cordero {m}
lame cojo
to laminate sth. laminar algo
lamp lámpara {f}
to land aterrizar
to land on the moon alunizar
landing aterrizaje {m}
landing descansillo {m}
landing gear tren {m} de aterrizaje
landing strip pista {f} de aterrizaje
landlady propietaria {f}
landlord propietario {m}
landowner (of a large estate) latifundista {m} {f}
landscape paisaje {m}
language lenguaje {m}
language idioma {m}
language lengua {f}
lanthanum lantano {m}
Laos Laos {m}
lapel solapa {f}
laptop portátil {m}
laptop computer ordenador {m} portátil
large grande
large intestine intestino {m} grueso
large shrimp skewers brochetas de camarones {m.pl} grandes
lark alondra {f}
larynx laringe {f}
laser láser {m}
to lash sb./sth. azotar a-algn/algo
to last durar
last último
last night anoche
last week la semana pasada
lasting [enduring] subsistente
lastly por último
late tarde
lately ultimadamente [mex.]
lately últimamente
later después
later luego
later más tarde
later posteriormente
later ulteriormente
laterally lateralmente
Latin latín {m}
Latin America América {f} Latina
Latin America Latinoamérica {f}
Latin America in Solidary Action América Latina en Acción Solidaria
Latvia Letonia {f}
to laugh reír
to laugh reírse
laugh risa {f}
to launch sth. lanzar algo
laundry [washing] ropa {f} para lavar
laundry [washing] ropa {f} sucia
laurel laurel {m}
lavatory poceta {f}
lavatory retrete {m}
law ley {f}
law firm bufete {m} [negocio]
lawn césped {m}
lawn pasto {m} [am.]
lawnmower podadora {f} [mex.]
lawnmower segadora {f}
lawrencium laurencio {m}
lawyer abogado {m}
lawyer letrado {m}
lawyer [female] jurista {f}
lawyer [female] letrada {f}
lawyer [jurist] jurista {m}
lawyer's office bufete {m} [despacho]
lawyers abogados {m.pl}
lay laico
English Spanish
macabre macabro
macadamia macadamia {f}
Macao Macao {m}
macaroni {sg} macarrones {m.pl}
mace macis {f}
Macedonia Macedonia {f}
machine aparato {m}
machine-gun ametralladora {f}
mackerel caballa {f}
mad [insane] loco
Madagascar Madagascar {m}
madman loco {m}
Madrid Madrid {m}
magazine revista {f}
Maghreb Magreb {m}
magic magia {f}
magic mágico
magic mágico {m}
magic [fig.] [in a performance] [heightened state of emotion and expression
duende {m}
when performing something, often connected with flamenco]
magic wand varita {f} mágica
magician mago {m}
magma magma {f}
magmatic magmático
magnesium magnesio {m}
magnet imán {m}
magnetic magnético
magnetism magnetismo {m}
magnificent magnífico
magnitude magnitud {f}
mail correo {m}
mailbox [esp. Am.] buzón {m} [de correo]
main principal
main road arteria {f} (principal) [carretera]
main road avenida {f} principal
main road calle {f} principal
main road carretera {f} (general)
mains supply suministro {m} de electricidad
to maintain sth. [assert] sostener algo
to maintain sth. [keep a machine in good condition] mantener algo [una máquina]
to maintain sth. [keep a machine in good condition] revisar algo [una máquina]
maintenance mantenimiento {m}
maize maíz {m}
maize [Br.] abatí {m} [am.]
maize [Br.] capi {m} [am.]
maize [Br.] choclo {m} [sur.]
maize [Br.] elote {m} [mex.]
maize field [Br.] milpa {f} [am.]
major [Am.] especialización {f}
major key tono {m} mayor
majority of shares mayoría {f} de acciones
to make a great show of being upset rasgarse las vestiduras
to make a metallic sound hacer un ruido metálico
to make a mistake equivocarse
to make a will hacer testamento
to make an appointment with sb. citar a algn [convocar]
to make blush sonrojar
to make friends hacer amigos
to make fun of sb. burlarse de algn
to make one's fortune in the Americas [usually refers to Spaniards who
emigrated to Latin America in the 19th and early 20th centuries; also used hacerse las Américas
ironically about companies breaking into Latin market]
to make progress adelantar
to make sth. fabricar algo
to make sth. hacer algo
to make sth. cheaper abaratar algo
to make sth. easy facilitar algo
to make sth. more expensive encarecer algo
to make the most of sth. aprovechar algo
to make use of sth. hacer uso de algo
make-up [cosmetics] maquillaje {m}
malaria malaria {f}
malaria paludismo {m}
Malawi Malawi {m}
Malaysia Malasia {f}
male macho
male varonil
male [adult] varón
male [masculine] masculino
Mali Malí {m}
malice aforethought alevosía {f} [premeditacion]
malt vinegar vinagre {m} de malta
malted drink bebida {f} malteada
malted milk shake malteada {f}
to maltreat sb./sth. maltratar a-algn/algo
maltreatment maltrato {m}
mambo mambo {m}
mammal mamífero {m}
man hombre {m}
Man! ¡Che! [rpl.]
to manage sth. [company] gobernar algo [empresa]
to manage sth. [direct] manejar algo [dirigir]
management [act of managing sth.] gestión {f}
manager encargado {m}
manager gerente {m}
manager jefe {m} [de empresa]
manatee manatí {m}
manchego manchego {m}
mandatory obligatorio
mandible [jaw] mandíbula {f}
mandible [jawbone] mandíbula {f}
mandrill mandril {m}
mane [of animal] melena {f} [de animal]
English Spanish
naan (bread) naan {m}
to nag matraquear [col.]
to nag sb. matraquear a algn [col.] [fig.]
nail clavo {m}
nail uña {f}
nail clippers {pl} cortaúñas {m}
nail file lima {f} de uñas
nail polish esmalte {m} de uñas
nail scissors tijeras {f.pl} de uñas
nail scissors tijeras {f.pl} para uñas
nail varnish esmalte {m} de uñas
nail varnish remover quitaesmalte {m}
name nombre {m}
to name sb. llamar a algn
Namibia Namibia {f}
nanny niñera {f}
nanny goat cabra {f} (hembra)
nape nuca {f}
naphthalene naftalina {f}
napkin servilleta {f}
napkin holder servilletero {m}
napkin ring servilletero {m}
nappy [Br.] pañal {m}
narrow angosto
narrow estrecho [calle, pasillo]
nasal ñato [col.]
nasty mal
nasty malandrín
nasty malo
nasty malvado
nation nación {f}
national anthem himno {m} nacional
nationalist nacionalista {m}
nationality nacionalidad {f}
native [indigenous] indígena
native [place of origin] natural
Nativity scene portal {m} de Belén
Natterer's bat murciélago {m} ratonero gris [Myotis nattereri]
natural natural
natural mineral water [el] agua {f} mineral natural
to naturalize sb./sth. naturalizar a-algn/algo
naturopathy naturopatia {f}
naughty malcriado
Nauru Nauru {f}
nausea náusea {f}
nautical náutico
naval engineering ingeniería {f} naval
navel ombligo {m}
to navigate navegar
navigator navegante {m}
navy blue azul marino
Neapolitan napolitano
Neapolitan napolitano {m}
Neapolitan [female] napolitana {f}
near cerca
near cerca de
near cercano
nearby [near, close] cerca
nearest (el) más cercano
neat pulcro
necessary necesario
neck cuello {m}
neck escote {m}
neck brace collarín {m}
necklace collar {m}
neckline escote {m}
nectarine nectarina {f}
nectarines nectarinas {f.pl}
to need sb./sth. necesitar a-algn/algo
to need sth. precisar de algo [necesitar]
needle aguja {f}
needy desvalido
negligence negligencia {f}
negligent negligente
negligible inapreciable [insignificante]
to negociate (sth.) negociar (algo)
negotiation negociación {f}
neighbor [Am.] vecino {m}
neighbor [Am.] [female] vecina {f}
neighborhood vecindario {m}
neighborhood [Am.] barrio {m}
neighbour [Br.] vecino {m}
neighbour [Br.] [female] vecina {f}
neither ninguno
neither tampoco
neither ... nor ni ... ni
neodymium neodimio {m}
neon neón {m}
Nepal Nepal {m}
nephew sobrino {m}
Neptune Neptuno {m}
neptunium neptunio {m}
nerve nervio {m}
nervous nervioso
nervous system sistema {m} nervioso
net red {f}
net balance volume balance {m} neto
net curtain visillo {m}
Netherlands Países Bajos {m.pl}
Netherlands Antilles Antillas {f.pl} Holandesas
English Spanish
oak roble {m}
oath juramento {m}
oats {pl} avena {f}
obedient dócil [sumiso]
obedient obediente
obedient sumiso
obese obeso
to obey sb. obedecer a algn
obituary obituario {m}
object objeto {m}
objective objetivo {m}
obligation obligación {f}
obligations obligaciones {f.pl}
to oblige sb. [compel] obligar a algn
oblique oblicuo
oblong alargado
oboe oboe {m}
observation observación {f}
to observe sb./sth. observar a-algn/algo
obstacle obstáculo {m}
obstetrician tocólogo {m}
obstetrician [female] tocóloga {f}
to obstruct sb./sth. impedir a-algn/algo
to obtain sth. adquirir algo
to obtain sth. obtener algo
to obtain sth. procurar algo
to obtain sth. recibir algo
obtuse obtuso
obverse anverso {m}
obvious claro
obvious obvio
obvious [evident] notorio [evidente]
obviously evidentemente
Occasionally I try to write poems. A veces intento escribir poemas.
Occasionally I try to write poems. En ocasiones intento escribir poemas.
occupation empleo {m}
occupation negocio {m}
occupation ocupación {f}
occupation oficio {m}
occupation pasatiempo {m}
occupation profesión {f}
occupation trabajo {m}
occupied completo
occupied lleno
occupied ocupado
to occur acaecer
to occur ocurrir
to occur suceder
ocean océano {m}
octave octava {f}
October octubre {m}
octopus pulpo {m}
octopus in red sauce pulpo {m} a la gallega
odd raro
odorless [Am.] inodoro
odourless [Br.] inodoro
oenological enológico
oesophagus [Br.] esófago {m}
of de
of age major de edad
of course desde luego
of course por supuesto
of equal size de la misma medida
Off we go! ¡En marcha!
offal asaduras {f.pl}
offence [Br.] infracción {f}
to offend sb. [hurt emotionally] herir a algn [espiritualmente]
to offend sb. [insult] ofender a algn
to offend sb. [insult] ultrajar a algn
offender ofensor {m}
offender [female] ofensora {f}
offense [Am.] infracción {f}
offense [Am.] ofensa {f}
offense [insult] ultraje {m}
offensive duro
offer oferta {f}
to offer sth. ofrecer algo
office oficina {f}
official funcionario {m}
official [female] funcionaria {f}
often a menudo
oil aceite {m}
oil refinery refinería {f} de petróleo
oil slick marea {f} negra
oil spill marea {f} negra
oily graso
ointment pomada {f}
okay pues bien
Oklahoma [U.S. state] Oklahoma {f}
okra quingombó {m}
old antiguo
old viejo
old age vejez {f}
old man anciano {m}
Old Testament Antiguo Testamento {m}
old town casco {m} antiguo
old town casco {m} histórico
old town casco {m} viejo
old woman anciana {f}
older mayor [edad]
English Spanish
pace [speed] velocidad {f}
Pacific Ocean Océano {m} Pacífico
package paquete {m}
pad [of an aquatic plant] hoja {f}
paddy field arrozal {m}
padlock candado {m} [cerradura]
paediatrics [Br.] pediatría {f}
paella paella {f}
paella pan paellera {f}
page página {f}
paid pagado
pain dolor {m}
painkiller analgésico {m}
to paint (sth.) pintar (algo)
painter pintor {m}
painting [picture] cuadro {m} [pintura]
pair par {m}
pair pareja {f}
pairing apareamiento {m}
pak-choi acelga {f} china
Pakistan Paquistán {m}
palace palacio {m}
palate paladar {m}
Palau Palaos
pale pálido
pale-skinned blanco
Palestine Palestina {f}
palladium paladio {m}
palm (of the hand) palma {f} (de la mano)
palm (tree) palmera {f}
palm heart palmito {m}
pamphlet folleto {m}
pan cacerola {f}
pan paila {f} [sur.]
pan sartén {f}
pan-fried frito con poco aceite
Panama Panamá {m}
Panamanian panameño
Panamanian panameño {m}
Panamanian [female] panameña {f}
pancake crep {m}
pancake crepe {m}
pancreas páncreas {m}
pane [of glass] hoja {f}
pantheon panteón {m}
panther pantera {f}
panties {pl} bragas {f.pl} [esp.]
pants [esp. Am.] pantalón {m}
pants [esp. Am.] pantalones {m.pl}
pants {pl} pantalón {m}
pantyhose [Am.] medias {f.pl}
papal papal
papaya papaya {f}
paper [material] papel {m}
paper [newspaper] rotativo {m}
paper towels papel toallas {f.pl}
paprika pimentón {m}
Papua New Guinea Papúa Nueva Guinea {f}
parachute paracaídas {m}
parachuting paracaidismo {m}
paradox paradoja {f}
paragraph párrafo {m}
Paraguay Paraguay {m}
Paraguayan paraguayo
parakeet perico {m}
parallel [also fig.] paralelo [también fig.]
parallel bars barras {f.pl} paralelas
to paralyse sb./sth. [mostly Br.] paralizar a-algn/algo
paramedic paramédico {m}
paramilitry paramilitar {m}
parcel paquete {m}
pardon indulto {m}
to pardon sb. perdonar a algn
Pardon? ¿Cómo dice?
parenthesis paréntesis {m}
parents padres {m} {pl}
parents-in-law suegros {m.pl}
Paris París {m}
parish church iglesia {f} parroquial
to park aparcar [vehículo] [esp.]
park parque {m}
parmesan queso {m} parmesano
parole libertad {f} condicional
parole board junta {f} de libertad condicional
parolee liberado {m} condicional
parrot loro {m}
parsley perejil {m}
parsnip chirivía {f}
part parte {f} [porción, elemento]
part pieza {f} [parte]
part [component] componente {m}
part [element] elemento {m}
part [piece] trozo {m}
to partake in sth. tomar parte en algo
to participate participar
participation participación {f}
particular particular
particularly más [especialmente]
particularly particularmente
partisan partidista
English Spanish
Q-tip ® [Am.] bastoncillo {m} de algodón
quack [coll.] [pej.] [unqualified person who pretends to have medical expertise] curandero {m}
quail codorniz {f}
qualified [competent] competente
qualifying heat prueba {f} de clasificación
quality calidad {f}
quantity cantidad {f}
quantized quantizado
quarrel disputa {f} [pelea]
quarrel pelea {f}
quarrelsomeness pugnacidad {f}
quarter barrio {m}
quarter [fourth] cuarta {f}
queen reina {f}
queen [chess] dama {f} [ajedrez]
question pregunta {f}
questionable cuestionable
queue [Br.] [line] cola {f} [fila]
quick rápido
quickly rápidamente
quiet quieto
quiet tranquilo
quiet [silent] silencioso
quiet [taciturn] taciturno
quietly calmadamente
quietly silenciosamente
quinoa quinoa {f}
quite [fairly] bastante
quiver aljaba {f}
quota cuota {f} [porción]
to quote sb./sth. citar a-algn/algo [repetir textualmente]
English Spanish
rabbit conejo {m}
race carrera {f}
race [breed] raza {f}
racing bicycle bicicleta {f} de carreras
racing bike bicicleta {f} de carreras
racism racismo {m}
to rack, to loot, to ransack saquear
racoon mapache {m}
radar radar {m}
radiation radiación {f}
radiation field campo {m} de radiación
radiation resistance resistencia {f} de radiación
radiator radiador {m}
radicalization radicalización {f}
radicchio radicchio {m}
radio radio {f}
radioactive radiactivo
radioactive radioactivo
radioactivity radiactividad {f}
radiography radiografía {f}
radiology radiología {f}
radish rabanito {m}
radish rábano {m}
radium radio {m}
radon radón {m}
rage furia {f}
raid [police] redada {f} [policía]
rail carril {m}
railroad [Am.] ferrocarril {m}
railway [Br.] [system] ferrocarril {m}
railway bridge [Br.] puente {m} ferroviario
railway crossing [Br.] paso {m} a nivel
railway engine [Br.] locomotora {f}
to rain llover
rain lluvia {f}
to rain buckets [coll.] llover a cántaros
to rain cats and dogs llover a cántaros
rain forest selva {f} tropical
rainbow arco {m} iris
rainbow trout trucha {f} arco iris
raincoat gabardina {f} [prenda]
raincoat impermeable {m}
rainfall precipitación {f}
Rainier cherries cerezas {f.pl} Rainier
rainy lluvioso
to raise sb./sth. [children, animals] criar a-algn/algo
to raise sth. alzar algo
to raise sth. aumentar algo
to raise sth. elevar algo
to raise sth. incrementar algo
to raise sth. levantar algo
to raise sth. [to boost] potenciar algo
to raise sth. [prices] subir algo [precios]
raisin pasa {f}
raisin cake torta {f} de pasas
rally rallye {m}
ram carnero {m}
Ramadan Ramadán {m}
ramekin molde {m} individual
random aleatorio
range [diversity] diversidad {f}
to rap sth. golpear algo
rape violación {f}
to rape sb. violar a algn
rapeseed oil aceite {m} de colza
rapid rápido
rapist violador {m} [agresor sexual]
rapt extasiado
rapturous extasiado
rare raro
rash sarpullido {m}
rasher [bacon] loncha {f} [bacon]
raspberries frambuesas {f.pl}
raspberry frambuesa {f}
rat rata {f}
rat poison raticida {m}
ratatouille [vegetables cooked in oil] pisto {m}
rate [index] tasa {f} [índice]
rather antes
rather más bien
rather ... than más ... que
to ratify sth. ratificar algo
ration ración {f}
to rattle matraquear
to rattle repiquetear
rattlesnake serpiente {f} de cascabel
ravine barranco {m} [quebrada]
raw crudo
rawness (of language) crudeza (del lenguaje)
razor blade cuchilla {f} de afeitar
razor blade hoja {f} de afeitar
razor-shell navaja {f}
to reach sth. [decision, object, destination] llegar algo [alcanzar]
to reach sth. [get to] alcanzar algo [llegar a]
to reach the end of the line [fig.] tocar fondo
to react reaccionar
to reactivate sth. reactivar algo
to read (sth.) leer (algo)
ready listo
real verdadero
English Spanish
to sabotage sabotear
sacred sacro
sacred sagrado
sacrifice sacrificio {m}
sad penoso [triste]
sad triste
saddle [on horse] silla {f} de montar
sadness tristeza {f}
safe caja {f} fuerte
safe seguro
safe and sound sano y salvo
safety pin imperdible {m}
saffron azafrán {m}
saga saga {f}
sage salvia {f}
Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic {noun} República Árabe Saharaui Democrática
said dicho
to sail (sth.) navegar (algo)
sailboard tabla {f} de vela
sailboat [Am.] velero {m}
sailing náutica {f}
sailing vela {f}
sailing boat [Br.] velero {m} [barco de vela]
salad ensalada {f}
salad dressing aderezo {m} para ensalada
salade [sallet] [hist.] celada {f}
salami salami {m}
salary salario {m}
sale venta {f}
salesman vendedor {m}
saleswoman vendedora {f}
sallet [hist.] celada {f}
salmon salmón {m}
salt sal {f}
salt water agua {f} salada
salted salado
salty salado
salute saludo {m}
samarium samario {m}
same mismo
sand arena {f}
sandal sandalia {f}
sandshoe [Aus.] zapatilla {f}
sandstone arenisca {f}
sandwich bocadillo {m}
sandwich emparedado {m}
sandwich cookies galletas {f.pl} dulces rellenas
sanitary sanitario
São Paulo fever [caused by Rickettsia rickettsii] fiebre {f} de las Montañas Rocosas
sapper zapador {m}
sardine sardina {f}
satisfaction satisfacción {f}
satisfactory satisfactorio
satisfied satisfecho
to satisfy sb./sth. satisfacer a-algn/algo
satsuma mandarina {f} satsuma
Saturday sábado {m}
Saturn Saturno {m}
sauce salsa {f}
saucepan cazo {m}
saucer platillo {m}
Saudi Arabia Arabia {f} Saudí
sauerkraut chucrut {m}
sausage embutido {m} [salchicha]
sausage salchicha {f}
sausages salchichas {f.pl}
to sauté sth. saltear algo
to save (sth. up) ahorrar (algo)
to save a seat for sb. guardar a algn una silla
saw sierra {f}
saxophone saxofón {m}
to say goodbye despedirse [decir adiós]
to say nothing but foolish things no decir más que sandeces
to say sth. decir algo
to say sth. in German decir algo en alemán
sb. became algn se hizo
sb. bought algn compró
sb. can algn puede
sb. could [used to be able to] algn podía
sb. could [was able to] algn pudo
sb. could [would be able to] algn podría
sb. did hizo
sb. has / had been able to algn ha / había podido
sb. may [is permitted] algn puede
sb. might podría
sb. ought to do sth. algn debería hacer algo
sb. provides algn aprovisiona
sb. provides algn proporciona
sb. provides algn provee
sb. should algn debería
sb. would like algn quería
sb./sth. came algn/algo vino
sb./sth. is algn/algo es
to sb./sth. make bitter amargar a-algn/algo
scabbard vaina {f} [de espada]
scale [fish] escama {f}
scales [for weighing] báscula {f}
scales [for weighing] peso {m} [balanza]
scallop vieira {f}
scallop [Am.] [boneless meat] escalope {m}
English Spanish
T-Shirt camiseta {f}
T-shirt polera {f}
T-shirt remera {f} [sur.]
table mesa {f}
table football [Br.] futbolín {m}
table football [Br.] futbolito {m} [uru.]
table football [Br.] metegol {m} [arg.]
table football [Br.] taca-taca {m} [Chile]
table setting cubierto {m}
table tennis ping-pong {m}
tablecloth mantel {m}
tablet comprimido {m}
tablet píldora {f}
tablet tableta {f}
tabloid tabloide {m}
taciturn taciturno
taciturnity taciturnidad {f}
to tackle sth. [a problem etc.] abordar algo [un problema etc.]
tail cola {f}
tail rabo {m}
tailor sastre {m}
tailored sastre
to take a bath [Am.] bañarse [lavarse]
to take a dip [swim] darse un chapuzón
to take a long time [of things and people] tardar
to take a photograph fotografiar
to take a photograph tomar una fotografía
to take a ride [Am.] pasearse [en coche etc]
to take a shower [Am.] ducharse
to take a walk [Am.] pasearse
to take advantage of sth. aprovechar de algo
to take an oath jurar
to take care of sb. cuidar a algn
to take care of sb. cuidar de algn
Take care! ¡Cuídate!
to take for granted dar por hecho
to take off [aeroplane] despegar
to take off sth. [clothes] quitarse a algo [ropa]
to take one's medicine tomarse su medicina
to take part [in] tomar parte [en]
to take place acaecer
to take place producirse
to take place tener lugar
to take revenge for sth. vengar algo
to take revenge for sth. vengarse de / por algo
to take revenge on sb. vengarse de / en algn
to take sb. in [orphan etc.] acoger a algn [huérfano etc.]
to take sb.'s side apostar por alguien
to take sb.'s side ponerse del lado de algn
to take shelter resguardarse
to take steps dar pasos
to take sth. coger algo
to take sth. llevar algo
to take sth. tomar algo
to take sth. (along) llevarse algo
to take sth. away quitar algo
to take sth. away [subtract] restar algo [sustraer]
to take sth. into account tener algo en cuenta
to take sth. off [to remove] quitar algo
to take sth. out of sth. sacar algo de algo
to take three hours longer than expected tardar tres horas más de lo previsto
take-off despegue {m}
takeoff despegue {m}
taking [conquest] toma {f} [conquista]
talent talento {m}
to talk charlar
to talk hablar
to talk shite [Br.] [pej.] [vulg.] [sl.] vender humo [pey.]
tall alto [personas]
to tame sb./sth. amansar a-algn/algo
tameness insipidez {f}
tan moreno
tan [by the sun, wind] bronceado {m}
tangerine mandarina {f}
tank tanque {m}
tantalum tantalio {m}
tantrum berrinche {m}
tap grifo {m}
to tap (sth.) [hit lightly] dar golpecitos (en algo)
tap water agua {f} de grifo
tapestry tapiz {m}
tapioca mandioca {f}
target blanco {m}
tariff arancel {m}
taro root raíz {f} del taro
tarot tarot {m}
tarragon estragón {m}
tart tarta {f}
task quehacer {m}
task tarea {f}
taste gusto {m}
taste sabor {m}
to taste of sth. gustar a algo
to taste sth. gustar algo
to taste sth. saborear algo
tasteless [insipid] insípido
tastelessness [lack of flavour] insipidez {f}
tattoo tatuaje {m}
tauromachy tauromaquia {f}
tax impuesto {m}
English Spanish
U-boat [submarine used by the Germans in WWII] submarino {m} alemán
udder ubre {f}
ugli fruit ugli {m}
ugliness fealdad {f}
ugly feo
Ukrainian ucranio
ulcer ñácara {f} [Chile]
ultimately en última instancia
ultrasound ultrasonido {m}
umbilical cord cordón {m} umbilical [Funiculus umbilicalis]
umbrella paraguas {m}
umbrella [used on the beach and at cafés against the sun] sombrilla {f}
UN Security Council Consejo {m} de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas
unacceptable inaceptable
unadulterated [pure, of substance] puro
unambiguously sin medias tintas
unanimous unánime
unau [southern two-toes sloth] perezoso {m} de dos dedos (de Linnaeus) [Choloepus didactylus]
unaware ignorante
unbalanced desequilibrado
unbearable inaguantable
unbearable [offensive] duro
uncle tío {m}
uncomplaining sumiso
unconscious inconsciente
uncooked meat carne {f} cruda
uncouth duro
to uncover sth. descubrir algo
under debajo de
undercarriage tren {m} de aterrizaje
underground [Br.] metro {m}
underground [Br.] metropolitano {m}
underground railway ferrocarril {m} subterráneo
to underline sth. subrayar algo
underpants calzoncillos {m.pl}
underpants {pl} slip {m}
to underscore sth. [underline] subrayar algo
to understand sb./sth. comprender a-algn/algo
to understand sth. entender algo
to undertake sth. [project etc.] emprender algo
to undervalue sb./sth. infravalorar a-algn/algo
underwater fishing pesca {f} submarina
underwear ropa {f} interior
undeterred [fearless] impertérrito
to undo sth. soltar algo
uneasiness [disquietude] desazón {f}
uneasy desazonado [inquieto]
unemployed desempleado
unemployed en paro
unemployed parado
unexpectedly inopinadamente
unfair injusto
unfavorably desventajosamente
to unfold desplegar
unforeseen imprevisto
unfortunate azaroso
unfortunately desafortunadamente
unfriendly desagradable
ungenerous duro
unhappy infeliz
unharmed ileso
unhurt ileso
unicorn unicornio {m}
uniform uniforme {m}
uniformity uniformidad {f}
to unify sth. unificar algo
unilateral unilateral
unilaterally unilateralmente
unison unisono {m}
unit [brigade] brigada {f}
unit [technically, also military] unidad {f}
to unite sb./sth. unir a-algn/algo
to unite sth. juntar algo
United Kingdom Reino {m} Unido
United Nations Naciones {f} Unidas
United Nations Organización {f} de las Naciones Unidas
United States Secretary of State Secretario {m} de Estado de los Estados Unidos
universal universal
Universal Declaration of Human Rights Declaración {f} Universal de Derechos del Hombre
Universal Declaration of Human Rights Declaración {f} Universal de los Derechos Humanos
universally universalmente
universe universo {m}
university universidad {f}
unknown desconocido
unless a menos que
unlike al contrario que
unlike no como
unlucky [of a person] azaroso [persona]
unmarked ballot (paper) voto {m} blanco
unpasteurized sin pasteurizar [postpos.]
unpleasant desagradable
unprecedented sin precedente
unprofitable desventajoso
unprofitably [disadvantageously] desventajosamente
unpunctual impuntual
unreachable inalcanzable
unsalted sin sal
unsociable esquivo [huraño]
unswerving firme
English Spanish
v-neck cuello {m} de pico
vacancy vacante {f} [rar. {m}]
vacant vacante
to vaccinate sb./sth. vacunar a-algn/algo
vaccine vacuna {f}
vacuole vacuola {f}
vacuum cleaner aspirador {m}
vacuum cleaner aspiradora {f}
vagina vagina {f}
vague poco claro
vague vago
vague [confusing] confuso
valid válido
valuable valioso
valuable [precious] precioso
value valor {m}
to value sth. apreciar algo [bien inmueble]
value-added tax impuesto {m} sobre el valor añadido
valve válvula {f}
vampire vampiro {m}
vanadium vanadio {m}
vanilla vainilla {f}
to vanish desvanecerse
to vanish esfumarse
vanity vanidad {f}
vantage point atalaya
vapidity insipidez {f}
vapor [Am.] bruma {f}
vapor [Am.] neblina {f}
vapor [Am.] vaho {m}
vapor [Am.] vapor {m}
to vaporize sth. vaporizar algo
variety diversidad {f}
variety variedad {f}
various variado [diverso]
to vary (sth.) variar (algo)
vas deferens conducto {m} deferente
vase florero {m}
vase jarrón {m}
vast inabarcable
VAT included IVA incluido
veal carne {f} de ternera
veal ternera {f}
vegetable hortaliza {f}
vegetable verdura {f}
vegetable garden huerta {f} [para verduras]
vegetable garden huerto {m} [para verduras]
vegetable shop verdulería {f}
vegetarian vegetariano
vegetarian vegetariano {m}
vegetarian [female] vegetariana {f}
vehemently acaloradamente
vehicle vehículo {m}
veil velo {m}
vein vena {f}
velocity velocidad {f}
velvet terciopelo {m}
vendor [male] vendedor {m}
veneer enchapado
venetian blind estor {m} de láminas
vengeance venganza {f}
venison venado {m}
venom veneno {m}
venomous venenoso
ventilation ventilación {f}
ventouse cup ventosa {f}
ventricle ventrículo {m}
Venus Venus {m}
verb verbo {m}
verbose verboso
veredict veredicto {m}
verifiability verificabilidad {f}
to verify sb./sth. verificar a-algn/algo
to verify sth. averiguar algo
versatile versátil
very muy
very carefully con esmero
very dry reseco
very important muy importante
very little poquísimo
very old vetusto
very pretentious de grandes pretensiones
very slightly un poquitito
very well muy bien
very well done muy bien hecho
vessel recipiente {m}
vessel vasija
vest [Am.] chaleco {m}
vest [Br.] camiseta {f} de tirantes
vest [Br.] [a piece of underwear worn under a shirt] camiseta {f}
veteran veterano
vice [bad habit] vicio {m}
viciously corruptamente
viciousness encarnizamiento {m}
victim [male and female] víctima {f}
victim of a reprisal represaliado {m}
victory victoria {f}
video vídeo {m} [esp.]
vigilance vigilancia {f}
village pueblo {m}
English Spanish
waffle gofre {m} [esp.]
wage [salary] salario {m}
waist cintura {f}
waistband cinturilla {f}
waistcoat [Br.] chaleco {m}
to wait for sb./sth. aguardar a-algn/algo
to wait for sb./sth. esperar a-algn/algo
waiter camarero {m}
waiter mesero {m}
waiter mozo {m} [sur.] [col.]
waiting room sala {f} de espera
waitress camarera {f}
to wake sb. despertar a algn
to wake sb. up despertar a algn
to wake up despertarse
to walk caminar
to walk ir (a pie)
walk paseo {m}
to walk (sth.) andar (algo)
to walk away irse
walking boot bota {f} de trekking
walking stick [cane] bastón {m} [para caminar]
walkway acera {f} [am.]
wall muro {m}
wall pared {f}
wall light aplique {m} [lámpara]
wall socket enchufe {m} [hembra]
to wall sth. in amurallar algo
to wall sth. up amurallar algo
wallet billetera {f}
wallet cartera {f}
wallet [Br.] billetero {m}
wallpaper papel {m} tapiz
walnut nuez {f}
walnut tree nogal {m}
to wank [Br.] [vulg.] hacerse una paja [esp.] [vulg.]
wanker [Br.] [vulg.] gilipollas [esp.] [vulg.]
to want a woman querer una mujer
to want sb./sth. desear a-algn/algo
to want sb./sth. querer a-algn/algo
wanted requerido
war guerra {f}
war cry grito {m} de guerra
ward planta {f}
ward [in a hospital] sala {f} de hospital
wardress celadora {f}
wardrobe armario {m}
wardrobe ropero {m}
warehouse almacén {m} [deposito]
warfare guerra
warm cálido
warm caliente
warm templado
to warm sth. (up) calentar algo
to warn sb. advertir a algn
to warn sb. avisar a algn [advertir]
to warn sb. prevenir a algn
to warn that reconocer que [advertir]
warranty garantía {f}
warrior guerrero {m}
to wash lavarse
to wash oneself lavarse
to wash sth. lavar algo
washbasin [Br.] lavabo {m}
washing machine lavadora {f}
washing-up (of kitchenware) fregado {m} de la vajilla
washing-up liquid lavavajillas {m} [detergente]
wasp avispa {f}
waste desecho {m}
waste desperdicio {m}
waste disposal eliminación {f} de desechos
waste disposal unit triturador {m} de basuras
waste of time pérdida {f} de tiempo
to waste sth. desaprovechar algo
to waste sth. gastar algo [desperdiciar]
to waste sth. malgastar algo
to waste time perder (el) tiempo
wasteful derrochador
watch [wristwatch] reloj {m} [de pulsera]
to watch sb./sth. observar a-algn/algo
to watch television ver la televisión
watchdog perro {m} guardián
watchman celador {m}
watchman rondín {m} [Bol.] [Chile] [vigilante]
water [el] agua {f}
water chestnut castaña {f} de agua
water closet excusado {m} [sur.]
water closet retrete {m}
water vapor [Am.] vapor {m} de agua
water-skiing esquí {m} acuático
watercolor [Am.] acuarela {f}
watercolour [Br.] acuarela {f}
watercress berro {m}
watering riego {m}
watermelon sandía {f}
watt vatio {m}
wave ola {f}
to wave to sb. saludar a algn
wax cera {f}
wax depilación {f} a la cera
English Spanish
X-ray radiografía {f}
X-ray television system aparato {m} de televisión de rayos X
x-ray viewer lector {m} de rayos X
xanthate xantato {m}
xanthic xántico
xenon xenón {m}
xylophone xilófono {m}
English Spanish
yam ñame {m}
to yawn bostezar
year año {m}
yearbook anuario {m}
yeast levadura {f}
to yell gritar
yellow amarillo
yellow crowned euphonia Eufonia coroniamarilla
yellow nutsedge [Cyperus esculentus] chufa {f}
yellowish amarillento
yesterday ayer
yesterday afternoon / evening ayer por la tarde
Yesterday I got up late. Ayer me levanté tarde.
Yesterday I had a bad headache. Ayer tuve un dolor de cabeza terrible.
yesterday morning ayer por la mañana
yet aún
yet todavía
Yo! [Am.] ¡Che! [rpl.]
yoga yoga {m}
yoghurt yogurt {m}
you tú
you Usted [formal]
you [plural direct and indirect object, informal] a vosotros
you {pl} Ustedes {pl} [formal]
You are welcome! ¡De nada!
You are welcome. No hay de qué.
You can eat for free in my restaurant whenever you like. (Tú) puedes comer gratis en mi restaurante siempre que quieras.
You can speak freely in front of George — he knows everything. Puedes hablar sin problema delante de Jorge — él lo sabe todo.
You must be joking! ¡No hablarás en serio!
you should get some netting for those windows deberías comprar un visillo para esas ventanas
You've always been my closest friend. (Usted) siempre ha sido mi mejor amigo. [formal, sing.]
You've always been my closest friend. Siempre has sido mi mejor amigo. [fam.sing.]
young joven
Your father looks angry. Tu/su/vuestro padre parece enfadado.
your words were no more than empty promises tus palabras fueron papel mojado
yours [formal] (el) suyo
yours [informal ,pl.) (el) vuestro
yours [informal] (el) tuyo
yours sincerely / faithfully [letter] lo saluda atentamente [correspondencia]
yourself tú mismo
youth joven {m}
youth juventud {f}
youth [female] joven {f}
youthful juvenil
ytterbium iterbio {m}
yttrium itrio {m}
yukky [coll.] asqueroso
English Spanish
zebra cebra {m}
zebra crossing paso {m} (de) cebra
zero cero
zest corteza {f}
zinc zinc {m}
zirconium circonio {m}
zoo zoo {m}