Think Ahead 1 Speaking Glossary
Think Ahead 1 Speaking Glossary
Think Ahead 1 Speaking Glossary
i,Podemos dar de comer a los animales? There's a ... in the first picture, but in the second picture,
No, I'm sorry, you can't. /nau ann sori ju: 1ko:nt/ No, lo siento there's a .... /aeaz a .• . m aa 1fa:st p:dctJa bAt m 6a
(, no podeis). sekand p:dctJa 6eaz a/ Hay un/a.•. en la primera foto, pero
en la segunda foto hay un/a ••••
--~- - - ~ -------------
Explaining rules
What's the competition? /wots 6a kompa 1tIJn/ i,De que es
Asking for information (2)
la competici6n?, ;,Que competici6n es? Excuse me. /Iks 1kju:s mi:/ Disculpe.
How do you register? /hau du: ju: 1red31sta/ i,Como te Are there any ... on this floor? /a: oea eni 1••• on ors tb:/
inscribes / apuntas? i,Hay algun/una •.• en esta planta?
What do you do in the competition? /wot du: ju: 'du: m oo Can you recommend ... ? /1.cren ju: reka 1mend/
kompatIJn/ i,Oue se hace en la competici6n? ;,Recomienda•.. ?, lPuede recomendar ••. ?
First, you ... .l'fa:st ju:/ Primera, se .•.. How do I get there? /hau du: ar. 'get 6ea/ lC6mo llego /
Then, you ... ./'oen ju:/ Luego, se .... voy alli?
What happens after that? /wot hrepanz a:fu •oret/ ;,Que pasa Where's the ... ? lweaz oa/ i,D6nde esta el / la•••?
despues (de eso)? It's on the ... floor, next to the .... /rts on 6a 1• •• fb: nekst
Is there a prize? /rz oea a 1prar.z/ i,Hay premio / trofeo? ta oo/ Esta en ta ••• pl~ al lado def / de la••..
It's !E!~sure. /rts a 1ple:,a/_Es
_ u_
n .:....
pl_ ac_er._. _ _ _ _ __
Talking about plans
What's the occasion? /wots 6i ;) 1ke}311/ l,Que se celebra?
Where are you having ... ? /'we;) a: jll! hrevrg/ lD6nde
haces I celebras ... ?
Who are you inviting? /hU! a: jll! m'vartIIJ/ ;,A quien vas
a invitar?
What food are you having? /wot 'fu:d a: jll! hrevrg/ l,Que vais
a comer?
What about drinks? /wot ;)baut 'drnJks/ lOUe hay de la
When is it? /wen 1
12 rt/ lCuando es?
Making suggestions
Let's go to .... /lets 'g;)u tU!/Vamos /Vayamos a••..
I don't think so. /ru ci;)unt '0qJk S;)U/ Creo I Me parece que no.
Would you like to ... ? /wud ju: 'lruk tU!/;, Te gustaria ••. ?
Good idea. /'gud ardr;)/ Buena idea
Why don't we ... ? /wa1 'oount wi:/ ;,Por que no •.• ?
I prefer to .... /a1 pri'f.3: tU!/ Prefiero ..••
How about ... ? /'hau ;)baut/ ;,Que te parece..• ?
Sounds great. /saundz 'grert/ Me parece estupendo / genial.