Evidencia 11 Pro y Contras Del Proceso de Globalización V1

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Evidencia 11: Párrafo explicativo sobre los pro y los contra del proceso

de globalización

Siguiendo con el proceso de aprendizaje del idioma inglés, específicamente

con la construcción de formas gramaticales, elaborar un párrafo explicativo
sobre los pro y los contra del proceso de globalización a nivel político, social,
cultural y económica. Luego de consultar los artículos “Globalization and
cultural choice Consumption, human needs, and Global environmental change”,
“Chapter_Paragraph Structure”.

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Evidencia 11: Párrafo explicativo sobre los pro y los contra del proceso
de globalización

Globalization has effects both good and bad, so, controversies rage over
the environmental, economic and social consequences of globalization.
As a positive aspect, we have to Globalization has increased contacts
between people and their values, ideas and ways of life in
unprecedented ways; People are travelling more frequently and more
widely; while some people fear that their country is becoming
fragmented, their values lost as growing numbers of immigrants bring
new customs and international trade and modern communications media
invade every corner of the world, displacing local culture.

The policies that regulate the advance of economic globalization must

promote cultural freedoms. Indigenous people, extractive industries and
traditional knowledge, Trade in cultural goods and Immigration are three
policy challenges that are among the most divisive in today’s public
debates. The challenge for countries around the world is to design
country specific policies that widen choices rather than narrow them by
supporting and protecting national identities while also keeping borders
open. Multicultural policies are needed to manage trade, immigration and
investments in ways that recognize cultural differences and identities.

Global culture should be based on universal human rights and respect

for the freedom, equality and dignity of all individuals. There is no
objective evidence for claiming that some cultures are “inferior” or
“superior” for human progress and the expansion of human freedoms.

Globalization is not only bringing cultural groups together. It is altering

the rules of engagement. Democratization and a growing respect for
human rights are bringing increasing political freedom and a sense of
entitlement to fair treatment and are legitimizing protest.


 Some view cultural products as assets conveying values, ideas

and meaning and therefore deserving of special treatment.

 Free flows of foreign products widen cultural choices and do not

necessarily weaken commitment to the national culture.
 Immigration supports economic growth and development,
immigrants’ contributions to innovation, enterprise and skill are
daily reminders of their value to society.


 The unequal economic and political powers of countries, industries and

corporations cause some cultures to spread, others to wither.

 Indigenous people fear that the cultural significance of their territories

and knowledge will go unrecognized— or that they will receive
inadequate compensation for these cultural assets. When mineral
extraction leads to the widespread displacement of communities and loss
of their farmlands, it affects both their sense of cultural identity and their
source of sustainable livelihood. When their physical resources are
misappropriated without adequate compensation.

 Smaller and less well financed producers are penalized in these markets
because they cannot enjoy the economies of scale that characterize
many cultural industries, especially films and other audiovisual products.

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