San Fermín
San Fermín
San Fermín
Mostly known for its Running of the Bulls, this festival is held in Pamplona, Spain
every year from july the sixth to july the fourteenth. Its purpose is to honour Saint
Fermin, the patron of the city. The origins of this celebration date back to the
medieval era when it started as a religious event, which is observable today when
Pamplonenses do their processions that consist of a general parade to show
religious symbols.
The festival has evolved overtime, nowadays it starts with the Chupinazo that is the
launching of a massive firework from the balcony of the Town Hall, secondly the big
procession begins accompanied by dancers of traditional music, and then, most
importantly, The Encierro or Running of Bulls happens; the running goes from Santo
Domingo Street to Plaza de los Toros where the bulls participate in a fight.
Something very interesting is that masses of people always chant or pray about San
Fermín, and their traditional costume has colors honoring Saint Fermín, white and
red represent his suffering the day of his death by decapitation.
If you want to enjoy this festival for sure try to get a view from a high place or
balcony, the streets are always full of people, bulls and joy.
El festival ha ido evolucionando con el paso del tiempo, hoy en día comienza con el
Chupinazo que es el lanzamiento de una masiva pirotecnia desde el balcón del
Ayuntamiento, en segundo lugar comienza la gran procesión acompañada de
bailarines de música tradicional, y luego, lo más importante, El Encierro o Corrida.
de Toros pasa; el encierro va desde la calle Santo Domingo hasta la Plaza de los
Toros donde los toros participan en una pelea.
Algo muy interesante es que masas de gente siempre cantan o rezan por San
Fermín, y su traje tradicional tiene colores en honor a San Fermín, blanco y el rojo
representa su sufrimiento el día de su muerte por decapitación.
Si quieres disfrutar de esta fiesta, procura tener una vista desde un lugar alto o
balcón, las calles siempre están llenas de gente, toros y alegría.