Burnout Process An HIV - AIDS
Burnout Process An HIV - AIDS
Burnout Process An HIV - AIDS
Bernardo Moreno Jiménez / Raquel Rodríguez Carvajal / Lilian Velasco Furlong / Eva
Garrosa Hernández / Ma. Eugenia Morante Benadero
Revista Colombiana de Psicología, número 015
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Bogotá, Colombia
pp. 67-80
Burnout process and hiv/aids: main implications for health care workers
Abstract RESUMEN
Burnout has been identified as a significant problem in El síndrome de desgaste se ha identificado como un pro-
health care professions, particularly for those working in blema significativo en las profesiones asociadas con el cuida-
chronic care. Occupational burnout is conceptualised as a do de la salud; en particular, para quienes trabajan en cuidado
particular type of stress occurring principally in professional crónico. El desgaste por el trabajo está conceptualizado como
contexts where work overload demands, especially those of un tipo particular de estrés que ocurre primordiamente en
an interpersonal nature, lead to chronic emotional exhaus- contextos profesionales donde las demandas excesivas de
tion, depersonalization and reduced sense of personal ac- trabajo, en especial las de naturaleza interpersonal, producen
complishment explaining most of the physical and psycho- cansancio emocional crónico, despersonalización y reducen
logical problems at work. The issue of burnout in health care el sentido de logro personal explicando la mayoría de los
workers in the area of HIV disease has become increasingly problemas físicos y psicológicos en el trabajo. El tema de la
important in the past decade. However, there has been little quema en el trabajo en el área de las enfermedades asociadas
systematic research in this area. The present article is a selec- con el SIDA se ha hecho cada vez más importante en la pa-
ted review of the literature, through more than 200 articles sada década. Sin embargo, ha habido poca investigación sis-
on burnout in health care workers treating HIV/AIDS pa- temática en este campo. Este artículo es una revisión selecta
tients published since 1988. The main purpose is to provide de la literatura en más de 200 artículos sobre el síndrome en
a framework and a global paradigm of the burnout process trabajadores de la salud que tratan pacientes con VIH/SIDA
in different health workers looking after patients with AIDS. y que fueron publicados desde 1988. El propósito principal
Among the aspects evaluated are the process, stressors, bu- es proporcionar un marco teórico y un paradigma global del
ffers and consequences of burnout. The analysis shows the proceso de desgaste. Entre los procesos evaluados están los
presence of methodological inconsistencies that have hinde- procesos, estresares, amortiguadores y las consecuencias del
red the development of a coherent view in this specific field, desgaste. El análisis muestra la presencia de inconsistencias
and the establishment of effective prevention and interven- metodológicas que han dificultado el desarrollo coherente
tion programmes. en este campo específico y el establecimiento de programas
efectivos de intervención.
Keywords: revision, burnout, physicians, nurses, volun-
teers, HIV/AIDS. Palabras clave: estudio teórico, burnout, médicos, enfer-
meras, voluntarios, VIH/SIDA
Correo electrónico:
E- Mail: bernardo.moreno@uam.es
Dirección: Departamento de Psicología Biológica y de la Salud
Facultad de Psicología, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Ctra. Colmenar, km. 15, 28049 Madrid, Spain Artículo recibido: 28 de febrero de 2006
Teléfono: Fax: Artículo aceptado: 26 de abril de 2006
Note: The N column (subjects) shows in brackets the number of individuals who began the longitudinal study.
Prevalence in
Authors Correlation ANOVA MANOVA Regression
Miller and Gillies, 1996 Yes - Yes Yes Yes
Nesbitt and Ross, 1996 - Yes - - Yes
Bennett, Ross and Sunderland, 1996 - Yes Yes - Yes
Visintini and Campanini, 1996 Yes - Yes - Yes
Bellani and Furlani, 1996 - Yes Yes - Yes
Claxton, Catalan and Burgess, 1998 - Yes Yes - Yes
Hayter, 1999 Yes Yes Yes - -
Ross, Greenfield and Bennett, 1999 - Yes - - Yes
Gueritault-Chalvin et al., 2000 - Yes - - Yes
Lert, Chastangand Castano, 2001 - - Yes Yes Yes
Brown et al ., 2002 Yes - Yes - Yes
such as age, gender and professional experience, are tervention programmes, especially in volunteers, even
quite inconsistent. One explanation for this variance though there are intervention guidelines drawn up by
in the data would be the heterogeneity of the sample UNICEF, the WHO and the World Bank.
(nurses, physicians, and volunteers), organizational Bennett (1995) pointed out that AIDS-related care
group of reference, specialities considered, work status requires important work on communication with pa-
and gender. Another possible explanation is the diver- tients and relatives and the service provided to them,
sity of methodologies. Methodological variability for and she made various intervention programmes to
some relevant studies with a high citation index from help the development of adaptative coping styles in
the period 1996-2003 is shown in Table 1. health workers and consequently decreased burnout
Furthermore, the psychometric problems of the levels related to individual motivation. In professio-
MBI (Maslach & Jackson, 1981, 1986) (the main ques- nal health workers, emotional exhaustion feelings can
tionnaire used in all the reviewed studies) must be be associated with time pressure, lack of authority/au-
considered with respect to construct validity (Burke, tonomy, interaction problems with patients and con-
1989; Koeske & Koeske, 1989; Schaufeli & Van Die- frontation with death.
rendonck, 1995), boundary points used for defining Some issues for the prevention and treatment of
burnout levels (Schaufeli & Van Dierendonck, 1995), burnout are related to nurses’ opportunities to discuss
and the implications of the three dimensions for defi- their professional worries. Phone lines were even set
ning burnout (Golembiewski & Munzenrider, 1983; up in an attempt to decrease their anxiety. Alternative
Van Dierendonck, Schaufeli & Sixma, 1994). therapies have also been used, including meditation,
Another complementary problem is that the me- aromatherapy, acupuncture and massage techniques
thodological procedure used is not always the appro- (Van Dierendonck et al., 1994). Reilly (1994) poin-
priate one. In some cases, studies using transversal ted out that nurses must be trained to recognize and
methodology employ causal reasoning (Gueritault- cope with stress, and proposed that hospitals should
Chalvin et al., 2000; Nesbitt & Ross, 1996). The di- develop social support programmes, time-manage-
fficulties of comparing data increase when the analysis ment techniques for training nurses to manage their
processes are qualitatively different, even when con- time and organize their tasks, and stress-management
ceptual foci or hypotheses are similar. (see Table 2). technique programmes. As regards co-workers, it is
Some research on intervention programmes for proposed that several strategies should be used to de-
preventing burnout consequences has been develo- crease organizational stress, through staff team work,
ped (Eakin & Taylor, 1990; Ross, Alteimer & Russell, meetings and conferences, paving the way for emo-
1989), but there are currently hardly any scientific pu- tional expression, social support, humour, spirituality
blications that experimentally validate training and in- and organization (Lloyd, 1995).