Guia-Uac-1 Temas Selectos de Ingles
Guia-Uac-1 Temas Selectos de Ingles
Guia-Uac-1 Temas Selectos de Ingles
Al terminar el Bloque I de Temas Selectos de Inglés I, el alumnado valorará el uso de los tiempos presente
simple, presente progresivo, adjetivos, preposiciones y condicionales por medio de la redacción y
presentación colaborativa de un texto expositivo sobre un invento simple de su propia autoría para dar
solución a áreas de oportunidad identificadas en su contexto social.
a. Present Simple.
b. Present Progressive.
c. Conditional Zero.
a. Conditional One.
b. Expository texts.
Describing Pictures.
a. Adjectives.
b. Prepositions of time and place.
c. Consolidation of Module 1.
Libro de texto
Redes sociales
Correo electrónico
Celular (WhatsApp)
Presentación de la materia.
ACTIVIDAD 1. Revise la forma y estructura de los tiempos presente simple y presente progresivo, mediante el
siguiente video a modo de repaso.
Después de haber observado los videos pon a prueba tus conocimientos y elige el verbo en presente simple o
continuo, según corresponda.
a) Watches
b) is watching
a) doesn't close
b) isn't closing
a) is often playing
b) often plays
a) Is he moving
b) Does he move
a) Is / is looking
b) Is being / looks
a) aren't coming
b) don't come
a) Works
b) is working
a) Love
b) is loving
a) Do you like
b) Are you liking
a) is organizing
b) gives
ACTIVIDAD 2. Compruebe del mismo modo, su nivel de dominio y consolidación en los tiempos presente
simple y presente progresivo, resolviendo el siguiente ejercicio:
Complementa las frases propuestas con la forma adecuada de presente simple o continuo del verbo
entre paréntesis
3) The milk _____ (boil) already. Can you turn off the stove?
8) My mother _____ (say) she’s 55, but nobody _____ (believe) her.
10) Listen! They are _____(play) that song you really like.
Actividad 1. Distinga las emociones presentadas en el fragmento de la película “inside out: guessing the
feelings” (intensamente) y escríbalas.
Posteriormente, utilice cada una de las emociones que escribió, en base a la siguiente estructura para formar
If I am sad, I _______________.
If I am ______, I _______________.
ACTIVIDAD 2. Atienda la explicación del docente sobre el uso del condicional 0 en la toma de decisiones en
la vida cotidiana, usando un recurso digital o bibliográfico (PowerPoint, libro de texto, etc.)
6. What will happen if the traveller gets on the bus? Put the words in order:
If you ever 1__________ yourself stuck in the middle of the sea 2__________ 3__________ the world to find
you If you ever 4__________ yourself lost in the dark and you can't see 5__________ 6__________ the light to
guide you
Find out what we’re made of, when we are called to help our friends in need. You can count on me, like 1, 2, 3,
I'll be there, and I know when I need it, I can count on you, like 4, 3, 2, you'll be there, 'cause that's what friends
If 7__________ tossin' and you're turnin. And you just can't fall asleep8__________ 9__________ a song
beside you And if you ever 10__________ how much you really mean to me Every day I 11__________
__________ you.
Look carefully at the completed lyrics and analyze the grammar. Complete the table.
Use: For talking about possibilities in the past and present / present and future / future
Pronunciation: contraction: will = ’ll e.g. I___, you___, we___, he___, she___, it___, they___
stuck -find out- -mean to- -in need- -toss and turn- -count
1. If you _________________, you keep moving around in bed and cannot sleep properly, for example
because you are ill or worried.
2. If you_________________ something _________________, you learn something that you did not
already know, especially by making a deliberate effort to do so.
3. If you _________________, someone you rely on them to support your or help you.
ACTIVIDAD 1. Describa qué es un texto expositivo, cuáles son sus características y algunos ejemplos más
representativos. Después, realice ejercicios de ordenación de las partes de un texto expositivo como un
rompecabezas o una actividad lúdica, a partir del uso de fragmentos de lecturas de su preferencia.
ACTIVIDAD 2. Analice un texto expositivo sobre inventos, mediante ejercicios de comprensión lectora:
a) escriba la definición del vocabulario desconocido en la lectura.
b) observe videos informativos sobre cada uno de los inventos (abrir los hipervínculos que vienen en la
lectura), y
c) conteste las preguntas sobre tipos de texto. (ANEXO 1.5).
Key Vocabulary
Do you know these words? Look up the words in your dictionary and write their meaning below:
Sleekest _________________________________________________________________
Streams _________________________________________________________________
Keen _________________________________________________________________
Suit _________________________________________________________________
Soar _________________________________________________________________
The Mirror
The Mirror is one of the sleekest looking inventions on this list. Perfect for those with fitness goals in 2019, the
interactive mirror helps take your home fitness regime to the next level.
The device streams live workouts and even offers an interactive fitness coach.
A common New Year’s resolution centers around the idea of kicking some sort of bad habit. HabitAware is
here to make your life a little easier.
As a friendly reminder, the fashionable Keen band vibrates anytime it catches you doing the bad habit you are
trying to shake.
Solar Charged Jacket
If you are a night runner, then this one's for you. Created by U.K.-based sports-gear startup, Vollebak, the
Deutch word for full house, the Solar Charged Jacket phosphorescent membrane absorbs light during the day
and releases its “kryptonite green energy” for those who need to be safe after dark.
Gravity Jet Suit
If you are planning to join the Avengers in their fight against Thanos, you are going to want to get your hands
on this suit.
Created by Gravity industries, the 1,050 horsepower system uses five mini-jet engines to help users soar
through the sky at 80 kph.
d) The mirror, HabitAware and Gravity Jet Suit are modern technology gadgets.
This reading is
a) A newspaper
b) A book
c) A web article
d) An interview
ACTIVIDAD 3. Construya para concluir, un texto expositivo breve en tiempo presente, en el que muestre un
invento de su propia creación, atendiendo a las características de la lista de cotejo provista. (ANEXO 1.6)
Grupo: Calificación:
1. Planificación SÍ NO OBSERVACIONES
3. Revisión
ACTIVIDAD 1. Compare el uso de adjetivos, preposiciones de tiempo y lugar y presente progresivo, a través
de ejercicios en las cuatro habilidades del idioma inglés: a) Complete las oraciones con la preposición
correcta, así como los verbos en presente continuo. (ANEXO 1.7) b) Describa oralmente una imagen usando
preposiciones y Presente Continuo. (ANEXO 1.8).
Where are they? Insert: a, on, under, beside, Put the verbs into present continuous tense:
between, behind, in front of, near
(am, is, are,.......... ing).
1) The picnic basket is _________ the rug. The Smiths _________ (have) a picnic out in the
countryside. Mom and Sue,_________ (sit) on the
2) The bananas are _________ Mom and Susie.
picnic rug and they _________ (watch) Rex the dog.
3) The horse is _________ the hill. He _________ (run) towards them. He _________
(hope) for a little treat, maybe a small sausage or a
4) The football is _________ Dad and Jack. biscuit! Dad and Jack _________ (play) football.
5) The bird´s nest is _________ the tree. Jack _________ (kick) the ball. There is a horse on
the hill and it _________ (run)around. There is a
duck on the pond and it _________ (swim) towards a
6) The dog is _________ Dad and Jack. ball. The frog _________ (sit) beside the pond and it
_________ (croak). To the right, you can see a goat
7) The goat is _________ the hill. It is _________
and he _________ (walk) fast! He can see another
Dad and Jack. goat! Two baby birds _________ (sit) in their nest.
They _________ wait for their mother. It´s a lovely
8) The frog is _________ the reeds. day and the sun _________ (shine) And me? I
9) The reeds are _________ the frog. _________ (stand) in front of the pond and I
_________ (take) a photo of my family!
10) The duck is _________ the pond.
11) Mum and Sue are _________ the rug.
12) The blue ball is _________ the white flower.
13) The apple is _________ the tree.
14) The jug is _________ two cups.
15) The blue ball is _________ the duck.
Some crazy things are going on in this picture!!! Match up the sentence parts.
Producto Integrador: Elaboración escrita y presentación oral de un texto expositivo sobre un invento simple
de su propia autoría, mediante el uso de los tiempos presente simple, presente progresivo, adjetivos,
preposiciones y condicionales en lengua inglesa.
Activity 1
a. In pairs, discuss the following scheme about the feasibility of alternatives and review the examples presented in each
characteristic: The possibility that it can be
The possibility that it Having the resources to do The possibility of it being
so maintained in the medium
can be realized modifiable and adaptable
and long term
Daniel decides not to
go to the movies with
Esther wins a two- his friends because he
Paty wants to know the
Juan wants to be in the month scholarship to has a football game.
sea so she's saving study computer science,
football team because When he goes out, it
money to go on is trying to keep a A+
he has experience and starts raining so he
vacations with his average to have her
is fit. goes back for a
family. scholarship extended for
a year. raincoat and sticks to
his plan.
b. Follow the examples and comment on some personal experience in which you have chosen a feasible alternative to a
Activity 2
a. In pairs, discuss the following cases and identify two possible alternatives to what each young person can decide on.
Write them in your notebook.
Paulina really likes singing and wants to enter a Ernesto wants to study architecture but he has
talent contest organized by a television set up in been told that it is an expensive career and his
her state's capital. She knows her parents won't parents do not have any extra resources because
give her the permission to leave town for casting they must also support Ernesto’s brothers. He
because they also believe that being a singer can has thought he can work and study but he knows
be a hobby but they don't see it as a professional that it is difficult because of the assignments and
choice. practices of the major.
A. A.
B. B.
b. Meet with another partner and discuss the feasibility of the alternatives considering the criteria of the previous
c. Discuss the importance of being creative when identifying and opting for an alternative to a decision-making process.