Notes of The Week
Notes of The Week
Notes of The Week
Cognates are a great way to learn english and spanish. cognates are words in
spanish and English that share the same latín and/ or greek root, are very similar in
spelling and have the same meaning in english. This similarity provides a built- in
vocabulary base that transfers over when learning spanish vocabulary. In a technical
sense, two words that have a common origin are cognates. most often,cognates are
words in two lenguages that have a common etymology and thus are similar or
Simply identifying the cognates that transfer from english to spanish gives you the
only applicable to the specific word from(i,e,verb,noun, adjective,etc) indicated in the
description of the rule.
There are many more words-too numerous to list in this document. We encourage
you too add to this document as you find cognates that follow a particular rule.
Have fun learning more and more english/ spanish words day by day!
1. Regla: Palabras en Inglés que terminan en “al” suelen ser idénticas a
su equivalente en español.
Inglés Español
abdominal abdominal
abnormal anormal
abysmal abismal
accidental accidental
actual actual
additional adicional
casual casual
3. Regla: A las siguientes palabras en inglés, en español se les añade “ar”
o “ir”
Inglés Español
abandon adandonar
adapt adaptar
adjust ajustar
admit admitir
adopt adoptar
affect afectar
affirm afirmar
4. Regla: Palabras en inglés que terminan en “ar” suelen ser las mismas
en inglés y en español.
Inglés Español
altar altar
angular angular
circular circular
familiar familiar
lunar lunar
muscular muscular
particular particular
10. Regla: Palabras en inglés que terminan en “ify”, en español, quitar “ify”
y añadir “ificar” (en algunos verbos infinitivos).
Inglés Español
certify certificar
clarify clarificar
classify clasificar
codify codificar
crucify crucificar
dignify dignificar
falsify falsificar
Modern English has been spreading around the word since 17th century by the
worldwide influence of the British Empire and the United States. Trought all types
of printed and electronic media of these countries. english has become the
loading lenguage of international discourse and the lingue franca in many regions
and professional contexts such and science,navigation and law. Modern English
grammar is the result of a gradual change from a typical Indio-Europan
dependent-marking pattern,with a rich inflectional morphology and relatively free
word order, to a mostly analytic pattern with little inflection, a fairly fixod subject-
verb- object word order and a complex syntax. Modern English relies more on
auxiliary verbs and Word order for the expression of complex tenses, aspect and
mood, as well as passive constructions, interrogatives and some negation.
English is the most spoken language in the world and the third-most spoken
native language in the world, after Standard Chinese and Spanish. it is the most
widely learned second language and is either the official language or one of
official languages in almost 60 sobereign states. there are more people who
have learned English as a second language than there are native speakers. As
of 2005,it was estimated that there were over 2 billion speakers of English.
English is the majority native language in the United States, the United Kingdom,
Canada, Australia, New Zeeland and Ireland, an official language and the main
language of Singapore and it is widely spoken in some areas of the Carribbean,
Africa, South Asia, Southeast Asia and Oceania. It is a co-official language of the
United Nations, the Europan Union and many other world and regional
internarional is the most widely spoken Germanic
language,accouting for a loast 70% of speakers of this Indo-European branch
English speakers are called “Anglophones”. There is much variability among the
many accents and dialects of English used in diferent countries and regions in
terms of phonetics and phonology and sometimes also vocabulary,idioms,
grammar and spelling ,but its does not typically prevent understanding by
speakers of other dialects and accents,although mutual unintelligibility can occur
at extreme ends of dialect continuum.